#it shows the position of the sun moon and planets relative to the zodiacs
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Archivist. His library is rumoured to have a copy of any and every book ever written. If you’re lucky, he may let you have a look.
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13lunarstar · 7 days
About Dwadashamsha (D-12 chart)
As we have entered a special period called Pitru Paksha, it is good to remember the D-12 divisional chart or Dwadashamsha, which reveals ancestral heritage and our own place in our family lineage. But first, a few words about Pitru Paksha.
Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to honouring ancestors, observed during the waning phase of the Moon in the month of Bhadrapada (September-October). During this time, Hindus perform rituals such as Shradh and Tarpan to pay respects to their passed ancestors and seek their blessings. In general, it is a good time to spend e.g., exploring your family history, making a family tree, learning about your ancestors’ lives, visiting cemeteries and paying respects at the resting places of your passed relatives. It is believed that the souls of ancestors return to earth during these days, and offerings of food, water, and prayers help ensure their peace and contentment in the afterlife. This period holds great significance for receiving ancestral blessings, resolving issues like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curses), and promoting family harmony. The final day, Mahalaya Amavasya, is considered the most important, marking the end of Pitru Paksha.
D-12 Chart
The D-12 divisional chart, a.k.a Dwadasamsa chart, is an important tool in Vedic astrology for analyzing matters related to one's family lineage, ancestors, and parental influences. The D-12 chart focuses on the influences passed down from our ancestors, especially from parents, grandparents and so on. It is derived from dividing each sign of the zodiac into 12 parts, hence the name "Dwadasamsa" (Dwadasha means "12" in Sanskrit).
Key Areas Analyzed in the D-12 Chart:
Parental Influence:
The D-12 chart is primarily used to understand the relationship with one's parents and the impact of parental upbringing on the individual's life.
It shows the karma related to one’s parents, indicating how their behaviour, health, and fortunes may influence the native.
Ancestral Lineage and Heritage:
The chart reveals ancestral patterns and influences, both positive and negative, that may be inherited from past generations.
Ancestral blessings or unresolved issues, like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curse), can be seen in this chart.
The strengths and weaknesses of the family tree, including traditions, values, and health traits, are also reflected.
Health and Longevity of Parents:
The health of parents and their longevity can be examined through the D-12 chart. It can give insights into the wellbeing of parents and any potential issues they may face.
If malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn) are prominent, it may indicate challenges or struggles related to parents.
Inheritance of Karma:
The D-12 chart provides insight into how ancestral karma (good or bad) affects the native. This karma may manifest as opportunities or challenges in the individual's life, and rituals like Shradh (ancestor worship) can help resolve or mitigate ancestral issues.
Family Fortunes and Reputation:
It reflects the status and reputation of the family as a whole. The condition of the planets in this chart reveals the level of respect and honour the family holds in society and how it will affect the native's own standing.
Spiritual Heritage:
The chart indicates the level of spiritual heritage passed down through the family. If benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon and Venus are well-placed, it shows the individual inherits spiritual wisdom, strong values, and a good moral foundation from their lineage.
How to Analyze Family and Ancestors in the D-12 Chart:
Ascendant (Lagna):
The ascendant (Lagna) and its lord in the D-12 chart represent the overall physical and psychological influence of family and ancestors on the native. It can show how much of the ancestral traits or karma the individual inherits. Also, Lagna and its lord in a certain house show which role the native has in his or her lineage (they can be positive and negative).
Sun (Father) and Moon (Mother):
Sun represents the father in a horoscope, and its placement in the D-12 chart shows the native’s connection with paternal ancestors.
Moon represents the mother, and its position indicates the maternal influence. The condition of these planets helps assess how well-supported or challenged the native’s life is due to parental and ancestral energies.
Fourth House:
The fourth house is significant for matters related to the mother, family, heritage, and property. In the D-12 chart, this house shows how the native connects emotionally with the family and the security provided by their ancestors.
Ninth House:
The ninth house represents father and ancestral wisdom. It reflects spiritual guidance and the influence of ancestors on higher learning, ethics, and fortune.
The ninth house and its lord in the D-12 chart give key indications of the native’s ancestral blessings, spiritual inheritance, and how much support the individual receives from their father and paternal lineage.
Planets and Their Conditions:
Jupiter is a significant planet in understanding ancestral blessings as it represents wisdom, tradition, and knowledge passed down from elders. Therefore, strong Jupiter gives prosperity and luck, while Jupiter in its fall is weaker and restrains from a continuous expansion and luck.
Saturn represents karmic inheritance and may indicate ancestral debts or obligations if it is afflicted.
The placement and condition of Rahu and Ketu (the lunar nodes) can show past-life karmas and the type of ancestral energies (positive or negative) carried forward.
Malefic and Benefic Influences:
If malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, or Mars are prominently placed in the D-12 chart, especially if they are affecting the Sun, Moon, or the fourth/ninth houses, it may indicate ancestral challenges (karmic debts) or Pitru Dosha. This could lead to difficulties in life such as delays, health issues, or strained family relationships.
Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus, on the other hand, show positive ancestral inheritance, such as wisdom, wealth, and spiritual support.
Remedies for Ancestral Issues:
If the D-12 chart reveals ancestral difficulties or Pitru Dosha, the following remedies can help alleviate these issues:
Performing Shradh: During Pitru Paksha, performing Shradh and offering food, water, and donations to honour the ancestors is a powerful remedy.
Tarpan: Offering water and prayers regularly to ancestors can help resolve any karmic debts inherited from them.
Donations and Charity: Performing charity in the name of ancestors can bring relief from inherited challenges and help receive blessings.
Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras like the Pitru Suktam or performing Pitru Gayatri mantra helps in pacifying the souls of ancestors.
May the power of our Ancestors come with us!
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olrastrology · 1 month
Astrology: A Detailed Exploration of Its Principles and Mechanisms
Astrology is a belief system that posits a connection between the positions and movements of celestial bodies—such as planets, stars, and the Moon—and events and characteristics on Earth. Its practitioners, known as astrologers, use celestial observations to provide insights into individual personalities, predict future events, and offer guidance on various aspects of life. Despite its long history and widespread popularity, astrology remains controversial and is often criticized by the scientific community for lacking empirical support.
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Core Principles of Astrology
Celestial Influence: At the heart of astrology is the idea that the positions and movements of celestial bodies affect human affairs and natural phenomena. This influence is thought to be exerted through gravitational, magnetic, or symbolic means.
Zodiac Signs: The zodiac is a belt of the sky divided into twelve segments, each named after a constellation that lies within its bounds. These signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign is associated with specific personality traits and tendencies.
Houses: The astrological chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different areas of life, such as career, relationships, and health. The positions of planets within these houses are believed to influence various aspects of an individual’s life.
Aspects: Aspects are angles formed between planets in the astrological chart. These angles are classified as harmonious (e.g., trines and sextiles) or challenging (e.g., squares and oppositions) and are thought to describe how different planetary energies interact and influence each other.
Horoscopes: A horoscope is a detailed chart created for a specific time and place, showing the positions of celestial bodies. It is used to interpret astrological influences and provide personalized insights. There are several types of horoscopes, including natal (birth), transits (current planetary movements), and progressions (symbolic advancement of the natal chart).
How Astrology Works
Creating an Astrological Chart: The process begins by generating an astrological chart or horoscope, which requires precise information about the individual's birth—date, time, and location. This data is used to calculate the positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets relative to the twelve zodiac signs and houses.
Interpreting the Chart: Astrologers analyze the chart by looking at the following elements:
Sun Sign: The zodiac sign where the Sun was positioned at the time of birth. It is often considered the core of one's personality.
Moon Sign: The zodiac sign where the Moon was positioned, reflecting emotional nature and inner self.
Ascendant (Rising Sign): The sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. It influences outward behavior and first impressions.
Planetary Positions: The positions of planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, etc., in relation to the zodiac signs and houses.
Aspects: The geometric angles between planets that indicate how their energies interact.
3. Personal Characteristics and Predictions: Astrologers interpret the positions and aspects to describe an individual's traits, potential strengths, challenges, and life path. They also use the chart to forecast future events, by analyzing current planetary transits and progressions in relation to the natal chart.
Astrology and Its Variations
Western Astrology: This form, rooted in Hellenistic traditions and developed in Europe, is the most commonly practiced in the Western world. It includes several branches such as psychological astrology, which focuses on personality and personal growth, and mundane astrology, which concerns world events and politics.
Vedic (Indian) Astrology: Also known as Jyotish, this system has roots in ancient Indian texts and differs from Western astrology in its use of the sidereal zodiac, which is based on the actual positions of constellations. Vedic astrology emphasizes karma and dharma and uses different techniques, such as the divisional charts, to offer insights.
Chinese Astrology: Based on a lunar calendar and the Chinese zodiac, this system divides the year into twelve animal signs (Rat, Ox, Tiger, etc.) and incorporates elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) to provide a comprehensive view of personality and fate.
Evolutionary Astrology: This modern approach combines traditional techniques with a focus on spiritual growth and evolution. It interprets planetary positions in terms of past-life experiences and soul development.
Criticism and Contemporary Relevance
Astrology has faced significant criticism, primarily due to its lack of empirical evidence and scientific validation. Critics argue that the principles of astrology are based on outdated astronomical concepts and rely on vague interpretations that lack rigorous testing.
Despite this, astrology maintains a broad following and is valued by many for its symbolic and introspective qualities. It offers a framework for self-reflection and understanding, helping individuals explore their inner lives and navigate personal challenges.
In summary, astrology is a rich and diverse system with deep historical roots and complex methodologies. While it is not scientifically validated, its enduring appeal reflects its capacity to provide meaning and insight in the context of human experience.
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supernovaa-remnant · 1 year
well, when it comes to andor, dark, and the swarm, i like literally everything lol
like, i think i'd actually count all three as some of my favorite shows because they're just so good, no matter from what point you look at it. writing??? amazing. plot??? amazing. characters??? amazing. cinematography??? amazing. acting??? amazing.
i mean, i'm in no way an actual expert, this is more personal interest and experience than anything else but by god, i just think these shows are fucking incredible and they left a lasting impact on me in multiple ways.
also omg since you mentioned it, i can't believe i forgot to list doctor who???? wonderful show, i love it so so much. do you have, like, a favorite era or doctor???
but please do go on about interconnectedness (just not to the point of crying please), i love to hear your thoughts!! :D
they sound like really interesting shows :D if I ever find the time to check them out, I'll let you know :3
omg doctor who it's such a good show. growing up, my favorite doctor was always the 11th doctor (amy was one of my favorite companions, too, and ofc I loved river and she was mostly around when the 11th doctor was around). as I've gotten older I kinda have less favorites if that makes sense lol. really like 12 and really like 10. um, unpopular opinion, but I really like 13 as well. like, I don't know, she has characteristics reminiscent of past doctors but is also very much her own doctor, y'know? I also adore yaz as a companion. in terms of the episodes themselves and the plotlines there, probably 10-11 era, but in terms of doctors my favorites are 11 and 13, I'd say. really really good show though and honestly there's so many interesting parts of it and good episodes from all the seasons.
what about you? do you have a favorite era or doctor??
as for interconnectedness.. I know people always talk about how humans are social creatures, but I feel like it expands beyond that, y'know? everything is connected. long ago stars exploded and those explosions created the elements that we're made of. something incredibly improbable happened to create the moon (because the earth-moon dynamic is very very weird and unlike any other planet-satellite dynamic in the solar system), and because of the moon life was able to form and evolve the way it did on the earth. 2000 years ago people looked up at the sky and created constellations and the zodiac system, and we still use that today despite the position of the sun relative to the constellations has shifted since then.
on a smaller scale—people have always just been people. and they were just living their lives, and yet somehow it all has lead to here and now. and, still, we're just people living our lives. and now we have the capability of being able to connect with people literally across the globe, and isn't that beautiful? that distance isn't as big of a barrier anymore?
and there's someone growing up in the house I grew up on. there's history there—my parents built that house when I was a baby, and my grandma painted my bedroom walls, and I experienced so much there. and now that house is watching another kid grow up and maybe the walls have been re-painted, but the original paint is still there, just hidden. and there are scratch marks on the wall from my now deceased childhood dog because he was just a puppy and not well trained yet when we got him.
and the child growing up there doesn't know any of that, and yet, in some way, we are connected because of it.
and I still think about the best friend I had in kindergarten and my best friend in elementary school and the friends I had in middle school. actually, speaking of doctor who, I had a middle school teacher who was doing a collage project in the ceiling of her classroom. basically it was a bunch of clouds and pictures of the sky. but, there was a little trio of sixth graders (me and two other girls) who loved doctor who. so, our teacher added a bunch of pictures of the TARDIS on the ceiling so that we could try to count them all (we never could). that ceiling is still there, even if I don't talk to those other two girls anymore.
it's just—everything is so connected. you're only a couple people away from any given person. it's crazy to me. and, another thing that's baffling. I wonder how many times I've been in the same room with the same stranger. because I don't remember all the strangers I see, but maybe I've sat in a train with the same stranger I sat on a bus with 5 years prior. maybe I passed a friend on the street years before we ever met. just, stuff like that is wild to me.
I don't want this to get too long, so I'm just going to make one more point: isn't it beautiful how, in the age of globalization, despite all the shortcomings, we've also found new ways to love?
Bare with me, but I'm going to very very briefly talk about parasocialism. Because, for example, Dream is always saying he loves his fans. Wilbur, in his last stream, said he loves his fans. and something they've both brought up is the fact that it's not like the love you feel for a friend or family member, but it's love nonetheless. and isn't that kind of beautiful? that it's possible to have love for people across the globe who you don't know? and it's not the same love as the love you have towards someone you know, but it's love all the same. and the same applies to social media. I love my mutuals. other people are always posting about how they love their mutuals. sometimes that evolves into an actual genuine friendship, and sometimes it doesn't. whatever it is, it's still love and care, and I just think it's really beautiful how deeply we can care about people we've never met and may never meet.
Okay, signing off here. I just love humanity and space and sometimes I'm just really full of love.
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theastrologertalks · 29 days
Understanding Your Birth Chart: What an Astrologer in Edmonton Can Reveal
Your birth chart, also known as your natal chart, is a powerful tool in astrology that offers profound insights into your personality, strengths, challenges, and life path. If you're seeking a comprehensive understanding of your birth chart, consulting an Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can provide valuable guidance. This article delves into what an astrologer can reveal through your birth chart and how this knowledge can enrich your life.
What Is a Birth Chart?
A birth chart is a map of the sky at the exact moment of your birth, showing the positions of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon relative to the Earth. It is based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Each celestial body occupies a specific position within the twelve zodiac signs and twelve astrological houses, each representing different areas of life.
Key Components of Your Birth Chart
To understand what an astrologer can reveal about you, it's essential to know the key components of a birth chart:
Sun Sign
The Sun sign represents your core identity, ego, and life purpose. It is the most well-known aspect of astrology and influences your overall personality and how you express yourself.
An Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can provide detailed insights into how your Sun sign affects your personal traits and life goals. They will help you understand how your Sun sign aligns with your life’s path and core motivations.
Moon Sign
The Moon sign reflects your emotional nature, subconscious mind, and inner self. It reveals how you handle emotions, your instincts, and your needs for comfort and security.
A skilled Astrologer in Edmonton can interpret your Moon sign to help you understand your emotional responses and how they influence your relationships and personal well-being. This can provide clarity on how to nurture your emotional health and build fulfilling connections.
Ascendant (Rising Sign)
The Ascendant, or rising sign, is the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth. It represents your outward personality, first impressions, and how you approach life.
Consulting an Astrologer in Edmonton can shed light on how your Ascendant influences your self-image, interactions with others, and how you tackle new experiences. This aspect of your chart helps in understanding how you are perceived by others and how you present yourself to the world.
Planetary Positions
Each planet in your birth chart represents different aspects of your life, such as communication, love, career, and health. The positions and aspects (angles) between these planets provide a detailed picture of your strengths, challenges, and potential areas of growth.
An Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can analyze these planetary positions to reveal insights into various life areas. For instance, Venus' position may offer insights into your love life and relationships, while Mars might shed light on your drive and ambition.
Astrological Houses
Your birth chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different life areas such as career, relationships, health, and personal development. The placement of planets within these houses indicates where in your life these energies are most active.
A comprehensive consultation with an Astrologer in Edmonton can help you understand how the planets’ placements in different houses affect various aspects of your life, providing a clear picture of where you may experience challenges and opportunities.
Aspects are the angles formed between planets in your birth chart. They can be harmonious (trines, sextiles) or challenging (squares, oppositions). These aspects reveal how the planets interact with each other and influence different areas of your life.
An Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can interpret these aspects to provide deeper insights into your personal dynamics, relationships, and potential areas of growth or conflict.
What an Astrologer Can Reveal Through Your Birth Chart
Consulting an Astrologer in Edmonton can offer valuable revelations about various aspects of your life. Here’s what you can expect from a detailed birth chart analysis:
Personal Strengths and Talents
Your birth chart can highlight your natural talents, strengths, and areas where you excel. By analyzing the positions of key planets and their aspects, an astrologer can help you identify your unique skills and potential.
For instance, if your chart shows a strong placement of Mercury, you might have exceptional communication skills. An Astrologer in Edmonton can provide guidance on how to leverage these strengths for personal and professional success.
Life Challenges and Opportunities
Your birth chart also reveals potential challenges and areas of growth. Understanding these aspects can help you navigate difficulties and seize opportunities effectively.
An astrologer can identify challenging aspects or planetary placements that may indicate obstacles in certain areas of life, such as career or relationships. With this knowledge, you can develop strategies to overcome these challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
Relationship Dynamics
Your birth chart provides insights into your relationship patterns and compatibility with others. An astrologer can analyze how your chart interacts with your partner’s chart to reveal strengths and potential areas of conflict.
For example, the position of Venus and Mars in your chart can indicate how you approach love and romance. An Astrologer in Edmonton can offer advice on how to enhance your relationships based on these astrological insights.
Career Path and Goals
Understanding your birth chart can provide clarity on your career path and professional aspirations. Key planetary placements can reveal your strengths and preferences related to work and career.
An Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can help you align your career choices with your astrological profile, providing guidance on suitable career paths and how to achieve your professional goals.
Health and Well-Being
Astrology can also offer insights into your health and well-being. The birth chart can indicate potential health issues or areas where you might need to focus on self-care.
An astrologer can analyze your chart to provide recommendations for maintaining good health and well-being based on your astrological profile. This can include advice on lifestyle changes or areas to pay attention to for optimal health.
Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery
Your birth chart is a tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It can help you understand your deeper motivations, life purpose, and spiritual inclinations.
An Astrologer in Edmonton can guide you in exploring your spiritual path and personal growth journey based on your astrological insights. This can lead to greater self-awareness and fulfillment.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Birth Chart Reading
To make the most of your birth chart reading with an Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro, consider the following tips:
Prepare Your Birth Information
Ensure you provide accurate birth information, including your exact date, time, and place of birth. This precision is crucial for an accurate birth chart reading.
Set Clear Intentions
Before your consultation, think about the specific areas of your life where you seek guidance. This will help your astrologer focus on the aspects that matter most to you.
Ask Questions
Don’t hesitate to ask questions during your reading. An open dialogue with your astrologer will help you gain a clearer understanding of the insights provided.
Reflect and Apply Insights
After your consultation, take time to reflect on the insights you’ve received and consider how to apply them in your life. Implementing these insights can lead to personal growth and positive changes.
Understanding your birth chart can offer profound insights into various aspects of your life, from personal strengths and challenges to relationship dynamics and career paths. Consulting an Astrologer in Edmonton from World Astro can provide you with valuable guidance and clarity, helping you navigate your life’s journey with greater awareness and purpose.
By exploring your birth chart, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, make informed decisions, and embrace opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Whether you're seeking answers to specific questions or looking for a comprehensive overview of your astrological profile, a skilled astrologer can help you unlock the secrets of your birth chart and guide you towards a more harmonious and successful life.
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aipastroshop · 1 year
The Power of Astrology: Understanding Your Life Through the Stars
Astrology has been around for thousands of years and is one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. Astrology is a tool that helps us understand the mysteries of the universe and our place in it and there are many world's top astrologer who can predict our future. It provides insight into our individual life paths and helps us understand the meaning of astrology, the lessons we need to learn and the experiences we need to have to fulfill our destiny.
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Moon and planets in the sky and how they affect human lives and events. It is a complex system that includes the study of astronomy, mythology and symbolism. An astrological chart is a map of the sky at the time of an individual's birth and reveals the position of the planets in the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each planet represents different aspects of our lives, such as our emotions, communication style, relationships and career.
 How do you find your life path in astrology?
Astrology is a belief system that states that the position of the stars and planets at the time of a person's birth has a profound effect on their life path. The term "astrology" is derived from the Greek words "astro" meaning "star" and "logia" meaning "study". It has been used for thousands of years to understand the relationship between the stars and the world we live in. The meaning of astrology is vast and complex and includes not only the study of the stars and planets, but also the human experience and how it is affected by the cosmos.
Astrology is a tool that can be used to gain insight into your life path. By looking at the positions of the stars and planets at the time of your birth, you can gain a deeper understanding of who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what your life path may be. This can help you make decisions about your future and understand why certain events happened in your life.
There are many different meaning systems of astrology, but the most commonly used is the Western meaning of astrology. This system is based on the 12 signs of the zodiac, each associated with a different planet. The zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each zodiac sign has a unique personality and combined with the influence of the planets creates a complete picture of your life path.
One of the first steps in finding your life path through the meaning of astrology is to get your birth chart calculated. This chart provides a snapshot of the positions of the stars and planets at the time of your birth. The table contains the positions of the sun, moon and planets in relation to the 12 signs of the zodiac. The chart is divided into 12 houses, each representing a different area of ​​life such as relationships, career and health.
How to calculate life path for astrology?
Once you have your birth chart, you can begin to interpret it to understand your life path. Your Sun Sign is the most recognizable aspect of your chart and is often used as a quick reference to understand your personality. Your sun sign is the sign of the zodiac that the sun was in at the time of your birth. It represents your core personality and what drives you.
Moon sign represents your emotional and intuitive side. It shows how you process and express emotions and how you react to different situations. Moon sign is an important aspect of your chart because it affects your relationships as well as your innermost feelings and needs.
The planets in your birth chart also play a role in determining your life path. Each planet represents a different aspect of life such as communication, love and money. By looking at the positions of the planets in your birth chart, you can get an idea of ​​how these aspects of life are likely to play out for you.
Another important aspect of your birth chart is the aspect pattern. Aspects are angles between planets in your chart, and the pattern of aspects shows how the planets relate to each other. Different aspects have different meanings, and the pattern of aspects can provide insight into the challenges and opportunities you may face in your life.
One of the most important parts of your birth chart is the location of the North and South Nodes. The North Node represents your destiny, while the South Node represents your past. The positions of these nodes can provide insight into the lessons you need to learn in order to grow and evolve on your life's journey. Which Life Path Number is Powerful? the meaning of astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means of divining information about human affairs and earthly events. It is believed that the position of the sun, moon and planets at the time of a person's birth has a profound impact on his personality and life path.
One of the key tools used in terms of astrology to understand a person's life path is their life path number. This number is derived from an individual's date of birth and is considered a strong indicator of their unique life path.
In terms of astrology, there are nine life path numbers, each with their own strengths and challenges.
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Which life path number is considered the most powerful?
Life path number 1:
Individuals with a life path number of 1 are often considered to be natural leaders and pioneers. They are confident, independent and driven to succeed. They have strong self-confidence and a clear vision of their goals and are not afraid to take risks to achieve them. These individuals are often born with a sense of purpose and a desire to change the world.
Life path number 2:
Individuals with a life path number 2 are often considered empathetic and sensitive. They are natural diplomats and mediators and have a strong intuition and ability to understand the emotions of others. They are usually calm, peaceful and like to work in partnerships and teams. They are often very supportive and have a strong sense of loyalty to the people in their lives.
Life path number 3:
Individuals with a life path number 3 are often considered creative, expressive and spontaneous. They have a natural talent for art and enjoy self-expression. They are typically outgoing and optimistic and have a strong ability to communicate and connect with others. They are often very charismatic and enjoy being the center of attention.
Life path number 4:
Individuals with a life path number 4 are often considered practical, reliable and hardworking. They have a strong sense of discipline and structure and are often organized and efficient. They are usually very determined and driven to succeed and have a strong work ethic. They are often seen as reliable and responsible and have a strong sense of loyalty and stability.
Life path number 5:
Individuals with a life path number 5 are often considered adventurous and free-spirited. They are naturally curious and like to discover new things and experiences. They are usually very independent and enjoy their freedom and have a strong sense of personal responsibility. They are often very adaptable and can quickly adapt to new situations.
Life path number 6:
Individuals with a life path number 6 are often considered caring and nurturing. They have a strong sense of responsibility and are often considered natural caregivers. They are usually very compassionate and empathetic and have a strong desire to help others. They are often very creative and like to use their talents to bring happiness and comfort to others.
Life path number 7:
Individuals with a life path number 7 are often considered introspective and spiritual. They have a strong connection to their inner self and often like to explore their own thoughts and feelings. They are usually very introspective and have a strong intuition and are often drawn to the mysteries of life. They are often very wise and have a strong sense of inner peace.
Life path number 8:
Individuals with a life path number 8 are often considered ambitious and determined. They are usually very energetic and have a strong desire to succeed. They are often considered natural leaders.
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instaastro1 · 2 years
Today's Horoscope: Know What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You
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Have you been wondering about your daily horoscope or horoscope by date of birth? Look no further, as InstaAstro is right here! Our professional astrologers provide you with the most accurate and precise readings of your horoscope. You can also talk to the best astrologers in India and seek advice and consultation. 
What is a Horoscope?
The word horoscope is a culmination of two Greek words, ōra meaning "time" and scopus meaning "observer". A horoscope is known as the "chart of the heavens". It shows the position and movements of the Sun, Moon and various planets, their ascendants and signs of a zodiac in specific moments or periods. And it also creates a diagram of all the relative positions of your zodiac signs and the planets that align with them.
How will a Horoscope reading help you?
Horoscopes are fascinating to read, but they also hold immense practical importance. If you're one of those who incessantly check their daily horoscope, then you must know how it will help you. This is because your horoscope is much more than a means to feed your curiosity.
A horoscope reading provides you with more clarity into the future and warns us about all the situations we will encounter in the times to come. They help manage our love life, relationship, affairs, and everything. Moreover, daily horoscopes can also inform you about your compatibility and marriage. Thus, they help you develop long-term, sustainable relationships. 
The astrology horoscope also helps you analyse your interests and choose the most suitable career option. Furthermore, it assists you in effectively dealing with all your professional relationships, especially with your boss and colleagues. Lastly, covering many facets, these horoscopes also guide your finances and warn you when is the correct period or time to invest money. 
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chell10xo · 3 years
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Well it’s been a while since I posted so I thought I’d go all out on this blog. I’m going to discuss, soul connections, astrology, inner work and the 7 chakras and a little bit of tarot.
In 2018 I began going through another spiritual awakening, I stumbled across the term twin flames and I was quite taken back by it. I always grew up thinking we all had one soul mate and it was a fairytale kind of love but the deeper I dove into spirituality my beliefs began to change.
We can have several soul mates but only one twin flame. The common theory for twin flames is that the soul splits and reincarnations into two different bodies for soul evolution. A twin flame is a mirror soul, a reflection of you , the good and the bad. Your twin will shed light on everything that you need to heal and what you try to run from and eventually they will help you to ascend. There is no other connection like it. They usually come in and out your life triggering different stages of spiritual awakenings and to ensure you continue doing the work you signed up before reincarnating on Earth.
The twin flame journey isn’t easy, there are many different stages and there is usually a runner and chaser dynamic going on. One of the main lessons is to learn that twin flames will always be connected it’s only their ego that separates them from each other.
🖤A soul mate is usually a relatively easy relationship, you grow together and are able to overcome challenges, the relationship brings stability, peace and love they are usually a life partner that you settle down with.
-🖤Karmic people are the ones you will meet through out your life, the union between karmic people can often be intense and short lived. The reason being is that they cross your path to teach you something valuable and it is up to you whether you want to learn the lesson. Sometimes we keep meeting the same people in different bodies so that we are forced  to pay attention to what they are trying to teach us.
🖤Catalyst twin flames A catalyst twin flame is a term used for someone who may be very similar to your twin flame, they may belong in the same soul group or share the same vibrational energy. They also trigger inner work
- You may find yourself meeting karmic people during retrograde seasons.
- South node in astrology represents our past lives, where we came from and where our souls last resided. I would look at personal planets, moon, mars, mercury and Venus aspecting South node to see what karma you have to unravel. I would look at harsh aspects usually squares, oppositions or conjunctions to the south node.
- Venus square south node would be a good indicator that you shared an emotional bond with this person in a previous life time.
🖤Megan fox and machine GK synastry 🖤
An article published on 22nd July 2020 - the date is definitely a synchronicity since 22 22 is considered a twin flame number, In the article Megan claims that MGK is her twin flame. She recalled feeling an instant connection with him.
“I went deep right away. I knew before I even did his chart, I said to him, he has a Pisces moon. I could tell by his energy,” she said.”
MGK also captioned a picture of them both on Instagram as
“waited for eternity to find you again... 🔪 💫❤️ 🔪 “
So let’s look into this magical connection they share.
With MF and MGK both having Taurus sun’s, they will share similar personality traits which will bring harmony. However their rising signs are quite different since Megan has Capricorn rising and MGK has Gemini, the Gemini energy and sun in his 11 denfentily gives MGK more an edgy style.
When have a soul tie with someone we are able to communicate with them telepathically but between twin flames the telepathic connection is very powerful.
Mental connection -
🌚Sun conjunct telephus - in 11th & 3rd house - telepathic connection, understanding, knowing
🌚Mercury conjunct mercury in 12th &4th house - psychic connection , mental connection, depth , understanding
🌚Both have mercury in Taurus , creating a conjunction this means similar ways of thinking / communicating
🌚Neptune in 8th trine mercury in 4th- telepathy, imagination, romance, dreamy , depth
Physical connection
⚡️Sun in 11th opposite Pluto in 5th
Electrical, life changing, obsessive, fated , magnetic , explosive
⚡️Megan’s mars falls into MGK 8th house
Sexual chemistry, exploring taboos, depth, intensity, reading the subconscious mind, sharing secrets , sexual tension
⚡️MGK Mars in Pisces is trine MF Pluto in Scorpio
Satisfying each other’s desires, intimacy, power games
⚡️Mars in 11th - squaring Pluto in 8th composite chart - experimenting, powerful emotions, bringing out each other’s shadow/ darker side, knowing what triggers one and other
connection -
🖤 Megan’s Leo moon is conjunct MGF south node - 3rd house of communication .Any personal planets aspecting the south node can indicate past life encounters. The moon represents our emotions and connections we have with others and since it’s touching his south node this can indicate an instant connection, familiarity and deep bond.
🖤 Jupiter expands and blesses everything it touches, if aspected positively. MGK Venus in Pisces is exactly conjunct MF’s Jupiter in Pisces - this aspect would give a dreamy, fairy tale kind of love and with a dash of Jupiter for sure it would be expand their love for each other.
🖤 MGK Alma which is another term for soul is conjunct MF’s Neptune in Capricorn in her 12th house. As mentioned earlier the 12th house is known as the karmic house. Capricorn’s ruler is Saturn which also known for representing karma in astrology. Now let’s switch it round. Their Neptune conjunct Alma also falls into MF’s 7th house. Now taking in both placements, I would say this is a spiritual connection.
Fate, destiny and karma
The vertex is used in astrology to identify fated events, karma and destiny. Scorpio is considered the most interned sign of the zodiac because of the powerful energy Pluto carries.
Her Pluto is conjunct his vertex in his 5th house of fun, dating and romance. This is likely to be a life changing relationship filled with passion and. They will be strongly drawn to each other and with this conjunction also falling into MF 9th house, this union would more than likely transform her beliefs and lead her to search for spirtual guidance to make sense of their connection.
-South node conjunct union in Libra (spiritual reunion)
-Venus square Chiron (deep healing)
Fixed - Taurus , Scorpio , Leo , Aquarius
Mutable - Pisces , Virgo , Sagittarius, Gemini
Cardinal - Cancer , Aquarius, libra , Aries
🌚Feminine signs - Earth + water
💥Masculine signs -Air + fire
Usually with twin flames you will notice similarities or oppositions within the chart.
Both sun signs are in a fixed sign
🌙 Megan’s moon is in her 7th house which is a cardinal house
🌙 MGK Moon falls in his 10th house which is also cardinal house
🌪MF Venus is in Pisces & MGK Venus is in Gemini both are mutable signs
💥Megan’s mars falls Into her 1st house & MGK mars falls into his 10th both cardinal houses.
💥Megan’s mars is in Capricorn MGK mars falls into his 10th house which is the house of Capricorn.
🌙Mercury in Taurus are both in water houses 12 & 4
🌙Ruler of Megan’s DC is in cancer and her moon is in her 7th house.
🌙Ruler of MGK 7 house is in Jupiter which is in his 1st house
Alma means soul in Spanish it also considered the second moon in astrology.
🌙Megan’s Alma is in her 1st house
🌙And MGK Alma is in his 7th house
It is not clear whether they are actually twin flames but they are likely to share a soul connection. It will be interesting to see how this relationship plays out in the future as no twin flame journey is a walk in the park.
Astrology can not determine who your twin is.
Every twins journey is different, some are meant to be together in this life and some are not it all depends on the soul contract, all twins will have different strengths, weaknesses and connections which will show up differently in each individual chart. I found some asteroids which seem pretty interesting. You can go over to Astro. Com (extended chart) and calculate synastry between you and whoever. Asteroids should be in conjunction, opposition or squaring personal planets.
💫 Telephus 5264 - what a magical asteroid, it represents intuition, telepathy your inner voice.
💫 Psyche 16 - the Greek translation of soul. This asteroid can also indicate shadow work that one is yet to do.
💫 Juno- your ideal mate, a soul mate, a life partner, the one you’re likely to marry.
💫 Moria 638 - associated with destiny, fate synchronicities and karma
💫 Alma 390 another term for soul, connected with the heart , it can reveal information about your recent past life.
💫Urda 167 is similar to the south node as it is connected to past lives
💫 Child 4580 , child can represent our inner child and how to nurture , heal & connect with our inner child.
💫DNA 55555 , shows genetic information
💫Memoria 1247 - this is an astroid that holds memories of your past life
💫Union 1585 , reunion , being drawn to another , fate
💫193 Ambrosia , associated with healing, Devine masculine and feminine energy , eternity
💫ALTJIRA 148780 ,Shananic journeys , visions
🪄Numerology / synchronicities / dreams
-Some are born on the same day
-same life path numbers (this isn’t always) try calculating the numbers also
-Seeing repetitive numbers what are associated with twin flames - 1111/111/1212/1221/1313/2222/
-Reunion on the 11th month or 11th day etc
-months or days calculated between birth date may be meaningful
-having visions / dreams
-astral projection
-meeting/ unions during astrological events - new moons / full moons / portals
Dealing with separation / dark night of the soul
Energy work is a vital part of your spiritual journey. For those who feel they are on a twin flame journey then it is important that you balance your chakras especially if you are hoping for a reunion after separation or going through ‘the dark night of the soul’ or if you want to ascend high enough to meet a soul mate.
Everybody has 7 energy points in the body which is known as the chakras.
💜The crown chakra is associated with the planets Jupiter and the sun (Neutral)
👁The third eye chakra is connected with the moon and and Jupiter (feminine)
💙The throat chakra is associated with mercury (masculine)
💚The heart chakra is connected to the moon and Venus (feminine)
💛The solar plexus chakra represents the sun and mars (masculine)
🧡The sacral chakra is associated with Venus and the moon (feminine)
❤️The root chakra is connected with Saturn (masculine)
Use your astrology chart to connect with your chakras and find out identify your strengths and weaknesses. A person who has Neptune positively aspecting their personal planets may have an active third eye chakra which makes them in intuitive , spiritual and psychic. But they may have harsh aspects to their moon where they may shy away from emotionally intimacy, be guarded or have conflict feelings. They will need to do more work on their heart / sacral chakra through out their life time for spiritual healing.
An example of this would be moon square Saturn as it can indicate mother wounds, if you don’t heal then over time you can create and an emotional wall , this where the heart chakra becomes unbalanced or blocked. By observing where your moon is in your chart you can find where you will find comfort in life and what makes you feel content.
Your birth chart is a guide of what you need to heal, the more healing you do the less likely you are to keep recycling your experiences as you will raise your vibrations you will attract your soul family, be able to manifest the life you desire and ascend higher.
I’ve written a list of how the planets can relate to our shadow side.
🪐Pluto - what we desire, obsessions , secrets
🪐Lilith - Lilith is the wildness that resides within all of us, she holds the key to the closet that holds all your skeletons. She appears as taboos, addictions, obsessions, lust, and desires
🪐Chiron -the teacher and also the healer
🪐Saturn - what we fear , what we resent , karmic patterns
🪐Venus- What and how we love
🪐Mars - our drive , aggression
🪐Mercury - our mind
🪐Neptune - how we escape
🪐Squares and oppositions - challenges , work that we need to do -
🪐8th / 12th house
Shadow work
Our shadow side is the darkenss that lies with in us. It’s something that karmic partners usually trigger with in us and our twin reflects our dark parts which helps us to ascend. In astrology we could look at the astroid Lilith sign and placement to understand our darkest parts and what triggers us , or we can look at Pluto or even the more harsh challenging aspects such as squares which sometimes makes it difficult for others to understand us or even for us to understand our selves and why be behave in certain ways.
Shadow work usually rocks up as
-healing childhood trauma/ wounds
-recognising toxic patterns , how we self sabotage ie
-facing our ego
-embracing our wild side
-Devine masculine / feminine work
-Taboos sexual desires
Tarot cards I Associate with twinflames/soulmates /karmic
-Queen of wands and king of wands / devil (twin flame energy )
-The emperor (Devine masculine)
-The empress (Devine feminine)
-2 of wands / 3 of cups / 10 of cups for reunion
-Judgment -karmic
-The lovers /2of cups / ace of cups - soulmate
-Dark night of the soul / the tower
-separation 8 of cups , death
Happy new moon guys, thanks for reading. Please feel free to share your experiences/ thoughts 🖤🪐⚡️.
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lamortexiii · 3 years
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Cryptic Mystic: What’s Your Sign?
Many of us are fascinated by astrology and all things outer space related. The great unknown that is beyond the stars has been a hot topic for centuries. But, how did the zodiac begin? What makes astrological signs and the alignment of planets and stars so magical? Is it truly prophetic? Does your sign define your personality, past, present, and future? Or is this simply another product of the Barnum Effect?
So I’ll start by asking the obvious: “what’s your sign?” I’m a Leo through and through. While I’m skeptical about the claims of some astrological signs and their relation to my life on a daily basis, I do believe there is some truth here - as is with most things. This topic is one that I have been wanting to write about for some time now. I have always found outer space, stars, planets, etc. to be fascinating. As a child, I remember laying in the grass and watching the stars above me. In my little valley in the forest, I could see so many stars that wouldn’t be visible if I were in the city. I am so thankful I had that childhood experience of growing up somewhere where I could truly connect with nature and the simple things around me that most take for granted on a day-to-day basis. I still stargaze to this day, but I can’t see near as many as I once did in my childhood forest valley home. I’ve seen a plethora of shooting stars throughout my lifetime, two meteor showers, two solar eclipses, and plenty of unidentified objects that were likely satellites… or were they…?
One time when I was driving home from work late one night I saw something that befuddled me. As I drove down the winding 2 lane highway in the darkness of the night I saw what appeared to be a helicopter hovering right above the trees. Now, this area I was driving through was rural. There are few houses in those woods, but there are some. The backroads leading to the site where the “helicopter” was hovering are seldom traveled, especially this late at night. I began processing the event in my mind and questioning if it was a helicopter, why would it be hovering so low and what exactly would it be doing in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. It just didn’t make sense. I thought about logical explanations and could only come up with one. There is the slim possibility that someone driving on one of the many backroads in that area may have got into an accident and was getting airlifted to a hospital. I’ve seen it happen before on backroads near there. Aside from this idea, I had nothing. By this point, I had obviously slowed down so I could get a better look. Hell, there wasn’t any traffic so it’s not like I was worried about causing an accident or anything. As I looked closer I noticed it wasn’t a helicopter at all. There were about 4-6 large bright lights shining down below the area that the craft was hovering over. The circumference of this craft was much wider than a helicopter - more circular. The lights were far too big and far too bright. Whether it was fear, shock, tiredness, or my stomach growling, I continued to drive on and leave the peculiar scene behind. Now, I know this has nothing to do with astrology or zodiac signs, but it is an interesting story nonetheless. 
In reference to zodiac signs, I find that descriptions of a Leo with my particular birthdate are genuinely pretty accurate when describing my personality and conflicts. However, the daily horoscopes are definitely not accurate in my experience. I will say that when I read/listen to them I try to apply something positive from the reading to my daily life. I engage in a deeper thought process and practice mindfulness throughout the day, keeping that positive focus within my mind on the positive message I am supposed to be implementing into my day. I have also found that compatibility readings have been somewhat inaccurate as far as certain zodiac signs getting along or not getting along with other zodiac signs. The biggest obvious red flag for me is how many different sources there are. And guess what? They all say something different on the daily. If zodiac signs and horoscopes are supposed to be accurate, then why don’t all individuals who report them online all say the same thing - or at least something similar?? To play devil's advocate here, I did say earlier that I believe there is some truth to all of this, which is why it interests me so much and also why I believe in this stuff to a degree. There is a lot of magical and wondrous history to unpack in regards to the zodiac and horoscopes. So, let’s jump right in, shall we?
Interesting fact: the word zodiac is derived from Greek terminology meaning “circle of little animals.” We’re a circle of little animals - cute visuals there, eh? Hieroglyphs in Egypt dating as early as the 14th century BC were found to contain a circle of decans (constellations) depicting something that looks a lot like the constellations and zodiac symbols that we know today. In total there were 36 decans found within the temple.
During the first half of the first millennium, Babylonian astronomers created our modern zodiac. They also mapped the previous constellations that were seen in the Egyptian hieroglyphs but continued to add more as they were discovered. In the last half of the 5th century, the Babylonian astronomers divided the many constellations into 12 equal "signs” to represent the 12 months of the year at 30 days per month. Each sign contained 30° of celestial longitude, thus creating the first known celestial coordinate system. According to calculations by modern astrophysics, the zodiac was introduced between 409 and 398 BC and probably within a very few years of 401 BC. Unlike modern astrologers, who place the beginning of the sign of Aries at the place of the Sun at the vernal equinox, Babylonian astronomers fixed the zodiac in relation to stars, placing the beginning of Cancer at the "Rear Twin Star" (β Geminorum) and the beginning of Aquarius at the "Rear Star of the Goat-Fish" (δ Capricorni). Due to the precession of the equinoxes, the time of year the Sun is in a given constellation has changed since Babylonian times, the point of vernal equinox has moved from Aries into Pisces. 
You’ll be pleasantly surprised, intrigued, or disgusted to know that all of this does have some roots within religion. The Hebrew Bible shows knowledge of the Babylonian zodiac. E. W. Bullinger noted that the drawings found in the book of Ezekiel were quite similar to the middle four quarters of the zodiac (Lion/Leo, Bull/Taurus, Man/Aquarius, Eagle/Scorpio). You read that right, Scorpio is noted as being an eagle - not a scorpion. Some say that the twelve tribes of Israel are correlated with the zodiac signs found within the Hebrew 12 month calendar. There is an argument that the position of the Israelic tribes around the Tabernacle from the book of Numbers correlates with the exact order of the zodiac, with Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, and Dan representing the middle signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio, respectively. It is shocking how I have heard religious people in modern times talk about how this is all a bunch of garbage, even though some of this is literally correlated with items from the Bible.
To explain daily horoscopes and the connection between the stars, planets, and our zodiac signs, you must engage in a bit of math (yuck). When planets and constellations of the zodiac would align, the Babylonian astronomers of that time would note the experiences that people had and found similarities. These experiences, along with the position of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and constellations and the positions relative to the zodiac signs were stored within a catalogue. This went on for several years and is essentially what began our modern-day daily horoscope. However, it is my personal opinion that a lot of these “professionals” who have their own magical websites where you can get a free daily horoscope, just make shit up to sound interesting. That is obvious by the previously mentioned differentials found within each page. I encourage you to do a quick Google search and you’ll see what I’m talking about. This ties into the belief that the Barnum Effect is in play here. You’ll remember the Barnum Effect from last month's blog. If you haven’t read the June 2021 blog The Imaginarium of Barnum, I suggest you head there next to get a deeper understanding of what I’m talking about before you continue reading. Much of what is broadcasted in daily horoscopes, zodiac sign descriptions, and even within mediumship and tarot readings is full of extremely vague generalities. Because the information is presented in such a vague and generalized way, it then becomes an instance where anyone could apply any of the information to their life in some way. So as you can see, there is some psychological manipulation at play here. Now, I am not saying this is true for all who present the information. I will say that there are A LOT of shams out there. I have seen far more fake sites/readings/etc. than I have seen legit ones. If I had to give a percentage from my personal experience, I’d say about 85% of what I’ve seen is bullshit. But you choose what you believe at the end of the day. I just ask you to keep an open mind and a wise eye about you when scanning the web for horoscopes, zodiac information, tarot, and mediumship. 
All of this information is interesting to stew on within your mind. I hope that you learned something new. I know I did when I was researching this topic for the blog. The religious ties were the most surprising thing to me. What did you find most interesting? Drop a comment under the blog on Tumblr or under the Instagram post for this month’s blog and let me know. Tonight if you are able, take a look at the stars and see if you can find the constellations. The plethora of shapes within the brightest stars are brilliant to gaze upon. Who knows, maybe you will find your zodiac constellation. Maybe you will depict a new constellation on your own by combining different combinations of stars. Or maybe you’ll see something that you can’t explain…
Cryptic Mystic Blog by PsychVVitch @psychvvitch
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the-fox-jawed-witch · 4 years
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies. Interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
The following list details sun signs (the main sign you're born under), their dates, and ruling planets.
Aries ♈ - March 20-April 18 - Mars
Taurus ♉ - April 19-May 20 - Venus
Gemini ♊ - May 21-June 20 - Mercury
Cancer ♋ - June 21-July 22 - Moon
Leo ♌ - July 23- August 22 - Sun
Virgo ♍ - August 23-September 22 - Mercury
Libra ♎ - September 23-October 22 - Venus
Scorpio ♏- October 23-November 21 - Mars
Sagittarius ♐ - November 22-December 21 - Jupiter
Capricorn ♑ - December 22-January 19 - Saturn
Aquarius ♒ - January 20- February 18 - Uranus
Pisces ♓ - February 19-March 19 - Neptune
Below are the ruling planets and their area of influences:
Sun - Self, Main, Vitality
Moon - Emotions, Instinct, Habit
Mercury - Communication, Intellect, Reason
Venus - Love, Beauty, Art
Mars - Action, Desire, Aggression
Jupiter - Expansion, Optimism, Abundance
Saturn - Restriction, Pessimism, Structure
Uranus - Rebellion, Eccentricity, Upheaval
Neptune - Imagination, Dreams, Delusions
Pluto - Transformation, Obsession, Power
Rising Sign (Ascendent) - The sign on the Eastern Horizon on the day you were born.
Setting Sign (Descendent) - 180° opposite your Rising Sign.
Midheaven - Is crucial in many applications of astrology, especially in forecasting career shifts and other life-changing events. It shows your career path, major goals, achievements, life direction, and your status or reputation in the eyes of the world.
Imum Coeli - Opposite of your Midheaven.
Now the North and South Nodes are not celestial bodies, they are points where the moon's orbit and the plane of the ecliptic converge during the time you were born. Together, they tell the story of your soul's journey through every life you've lived so far.
Chiron is known as the "wounded healer" and this affects all aspects of our wellness, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
When you are born the planets are in a specific zodiac placement and a specific house. There are twelve of these houses just as there are twelve zodiac signs. Below is a list of the houses and their area of influences.
First House - Appearance, outward personality
Second House - Money, possessions, values
Third House - Communication, immediate environment, siblings
Fourth House - Home, parents, roots, circumstances
Fifth House - Romance, children, creativity, fun
Sixth House - Work, health, service
Seventh House - Marriage and other partnerships
Eighth House - Sex, death, regeneration, other people's money
Ninth House - Higher education, travel, religion, philosophy, publishing, law
Tenth House - Career, status, reputation
Eleventh House - Friends, groups, goals and aspiration
Twelfth House - Seclusion, secrets, spirituality, self sabotage, institutions.
To get your birth chart and all it's aspects you will need your birthday (month, day, year, exact time and hometown.) Without an accurate time you'll never know your rising sign and the placements won't be trustworthy.
-If you would lime to know your chart you can download AstroMatrix (not sure if it's on Apple though) or google Cafe Astrology.-
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oconnrs · 4 years
hockey astrology (sun) signs I didn’t know that either absolutely shocked me or make absolute sense:
this post has taken me FOREVER to finally get up but it was so fun to research about considering these are 2 subjects i enjoy a lot! more than half of it is definitely just me geeking over the complexities of astrology even when all I knew were the sun sign parings and the post is slightly long but it’s all pretty interesting info so here it is!
things that just make sense:
kevin hayes is a taurus
honestly describes his whole energy and I’m not surprised whatsoever
 mikko rantanen is an october scorpio vs petey being a november scorpio
 october scorpios often are a mix of passion & compassion
think complexly but are utterly genuine and physical
are persistent
charming & intriguing in the eyes of others
 vs the early November deacon aka the PISCES DECANTE
 like super shy and reserved and attentive and mysterious yet intriguing and if that DOESN’t describe Elias Pettersson then idk what does
2nd decan has the same ruling planets as pisces
causes scorpio & pisces have a lot of common traits or get along well (cough cough Brock Boeser)
are careful in picking friends & companions, empathetic
this literally just makes so??? Much???? Sense??? To me. Like all the generic/common traits of cancers are things that I’d totally see in him
cancers are commonly loyal, dependable (often are the secret keepers), enigmatic, charming, and intuitive
 often are more into maintaining friendships (maybe through knowing and keeping their friends secrets), and being more lowkey
landy is a sagittarius & ej is an aries
an elite friendship and their zodiac pairing really shows it
often both signs are super good at understanding each other, have common traits (spontaneity, activity, curiosity) and inclinations that make them get along easily!
someone online said that the signs “complete each other”, Aries admire honesty, friendliness & open-mindedness while sag adores Aries’ optimistic & bold traits
also both signs are relatively outdoorsy signs so its common they bond over sports/activity
where did you come from because i just cant make sense of this?:
uhhh tito’s a gemini?!?!?!??!?!
 @royaltyofhockeylosers told me this and I’ve never met 2 gemini’s that get along so HOW are him and mat so attached
also it’s not just that they’re Geminis because the different deacons usually add difference (ok im getting too complicated ash shut up) but they’re like 3 days after each other meaning that they’re probably in the same deacon
jt compher is an Aries and josty is a pisces
 now this might be me projecting but I’ve just never met an Aries and pisces who get along well
like fire sign vs water sign, often have completely opposing energies but honestly good for them
matthew tkachuk is a sagitarrius
he just doesn’t really radiate sag energy to me? no i cannot explain
ok actually i did further search and i can see some of the traits
aka passionate, confident, enthusiastic and secure
i was honestly expecting him to be a leo though 
leos are often charming, loyal, slightly narcissistic, natural leaders, and protective
i’m just very ????? i would like to see the rest of his chart bc his sag energy is so unlike landeskog’s 
except i did find an online chart and it said landy had a scorpio moon which could explain their different kinda vibes
other cool things/relations:
jamie the cancer & seggy the aquarius aka opposites attract in its finest
 “Aquarius have a modern, flashy outlook of life while cancer are sensitive and emotional in nature. Aquarius are energetic and friendly (aka people people) while cancer tend to retire to themselves”
cancers are often traditional while Aquarius often rebel
aka a modern case of opposites attract
cancers often teach Aquarius hospitality while Aquarius teach them problem solving
Aquarius are defensive
cancers help break that wall while Aquarius helps to build it/be less self-conscious in cancers
aquarius often relaxed & unconventional 
social and business savvy
brock Boeser is a 1st decan pisces
ruled by Neptune & characterized by romanticism, selflessness, & intuition
usually have a positive and optimistic towards life
other common traits:
 dreamy romantic nature
pretty good and sensing others emotions and helping others’
deal with things in a calm/polite way
prefers to seek comfort 
very selfless
seriously this was stressed like 20 times in the article i read
meanwhile Tyson Jost is a 3rd decan pisces
usually spiritual in nature (i totally added this bc I saw him listening to 187 htz the other day)
passionately loves the people around them, willing to devote themselves to things they found worthwhile
other common traits: 
willing to try anything
easily adaptable
dreamer, ambitious, persevering
EXTREMELY compassionate & kind, find helping/supporting others a natural instinct
favor empathy, selfless & generous
honorable mention for things that make sense: 
anton kudobin is also a taurus and im convinced that’s where the chaotic energy comes from…seriously something about Taureans is just chaotic yet comforting at the same time
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Black holes
A black hole is a region of space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing, no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform space-time to form a black hole. Although the event horizon has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, according to general relativity it has no locally detectable features. Black holes of stellar mass are expected to form when very massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. After a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its surroundings. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses may form. There is consensus that supermassive black holes exist in the centres of most galaxies.
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The multiverse
The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information and the physical laws of constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called “parallel universes”, “other universes”, “alternate universes” and “quantum universes”. Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, music and all kind of literature, particualary in science fiction,comic books and fantasy. Around 2010 a scientist analysed data and claimed to find eveidence suggesting that are universe had collided with other parallel universes in the distant past. There are nine types of multiverses: quilted, inflationary, brane, cyclic, landscape, quantum, holographic, simulated, ultimate.
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Galaxies are vast cosmic islands of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter held together by gravity. Hubble’s keen eye has revealed intricate details of the shapes, structures and histories of galaxies whether alone, as part of small groups or within immense clusters. From supermassive black holes at galactic centres to giant bursts of star formation to titanic collisions between galaxies, these discoveries allow astronomers to probe the current properties of galaxies as well as examine how they formed and developed over time. Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories: elliptical, spiral and irregular. These galaxies span a wide range of sizes, from dwarf galaxies containing as few as 100 million stars to giant galaxies with more than a trillion stars.
Elliptical galaxies, which account for about one-third of all galaxies vary from being nearly circular to being very elongated. They possess comparatively little gas and dust, contain older stars and are not actively forming stars anymore. The largest and the rarest of these, called giant ellipticals are about 300,000 light years across.
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Spiral galaxies appear as flat, blue- white disks of stars, gas and dust with yellowish bulges in there centres. These galaxies are divided into two groups: normal spirals and barred spirals. In the barred spirals, the bar of the stars runs through the central bulge. The arms of barred spirals usually start at the end of the bar instead of form the bulge. Spirals are actively forming stars and comprise a large fraction of all the galaxies in the local universe.
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Irregular galaxies, which are have very little dust, are neither disk-like not elliptical. Astronomers often see irregular galaxies as they peer deeply into the universe, which is equivalent to looking back in time. The galaxies are abundant in the early universe, before spirals and ellipticals developed.
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Pinwheel galaxies is a face on spiral galaxy situated 21 million light years away from earth, it is a large galaxy with a diameter of 170,000 light years. It has around a trillion stars, it has a disk mass on the order of 100 billion solar masses, with a small central bulge with about 3 billion solar masses.
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A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the sun, moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a persons birth. The word horoscope is derived from the Greek words ōra and scoops meaning “time” and “observer”. It is used as a method of divination regarding events relating to the point in time it represents, and it forms the basis of the horoscopic traditions of astrology. The positions of the actual planets(including the sun and moon) are placed in the chart, along with those of purely calculated factors such as the lunar nodes, the house cusps including the midheaven and the ascendant, zodiac signs, fixed stars and the lots. How the stars were placed at the of birth for a person shows their characteristics and personality, including weakness. It is very similar to the Chinese zodiac. There are 12 zodiac signs which include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. A persons zodiac sign is determined by the date that they were born.
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Sacred geometry
Scared geometry ascribes symbolic and scared meanings to certain geometric proportions. It’s is associated with the belief that a god is a geometry of the world. The geometry used in the design and construction of religious of structures such as churches, temples, mosques,religious monuments, altars, sacred groves, holy wells and religious art. The study of sacred geometry has roots from the study of nature,many forms in nature can be related to geometry for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so it’s shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also honeybees contract hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of sacred geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms. Geometric patterns often appear in the Islamic religion, you see them on kilometres carpets, architecture, art, decorative vaulting and stained glass. They also seen in Hinduism and Christianity and are seen on various differnt things.
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ouranoshoroscopes · 4 years
𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭
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Planning your day according to the stars
Nakshatras, tithis, pakshas, yogas and karanas are some of the main elements of the panchang, the sidereal astrology based Hindu calendar. They represent the moon's current phase, position and alignment, and are useful to determine the overall auspiciousness of the day and its most favorable and unfavorable activities. If you believe in planning your day according to the stars, a panchang app is a must have. As a first look at the panchang can be a very confusing experience for someone who isn't familiarized with the vedic astrology terms, this posts seeks to be your helping hand by giving a detailed explanation of the elements mentioned in the start of this paragraph and how you can apply them to your daily life. Other than the things said here, panchang also contains lots of utilities for astrology enthusiasts like current rising sign, sun rise hour, moon rise hour and many other things. Now let's get to the point:
Pakshas are the two fortnights of the moon. Shukla Paksha is waxing/full moon, while Krishna Paksha is waning/new moon.
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Shukla Paksha is mostly auspicious while Krishna Paksha is mostly inauspicious, though the pakshas alone aren't enough to decide the auspiciousness of a day. In general terms, the farther from the full moon, the worst, and the closer, the better. If Moon is afflicted in your natal chart, Krishna Paksha can actually be more favorable to you than Shukla Paksha, as Moon will be in a weaker state and thus will have less power to generate obstacles in your life.
Tithis are lunar days, which are calculated according to the moon's relative position from the sun. There are 30 tithis:
Favorable for all activities except traveling. Means increase.
Auspicious. Good for starting things.
Means powerful. Good for taking care of body, beauty and health, and for building and undertaking projects.
Means cruelty. Is unfavorable and specially not good for traveling and starting new activities.
An excellent day for traveling, learning and obtaining wealth. Means prosperity.
A regular tithi. Good for most things except traveling and marriage. Favours effort.
Auspicious for all activities. Means friendliness.
Not good for starting new projects but good for working hard on what's been already started. Not favorable for romance due to its aggressive nature. Means conflict.
Not favorable for traveling. Good for business and for taking positions of authority. Means fierce.
Excellent for traveling. This tithi brings happiness and has a very lighthearted energy. Means gentleness.
Means bliss. Very auspicious for anything except starting new projects. Brings good reputation.
Good for study, learning, construction and undertaking new projects. Not good for traveling as it may result in financial loss.
Favorable for making friends, constructing alliances, pursuing education and starting something. Means victory.
This tithi has an aggressive energy and is mostly unfavorable.
The day of full moon. Very auspicious for anything except traveling and new projects.
The remaining tithis that lead to the new moon have the same name and meanings mentioned above.
The day of new moon. Unfavorable for most things except religious and spiritual practices. Traveling is forbidden.
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A karana is half a lunar day. There are 11 karanas:
Very auspicious. Means strength, vitality, health.
Auspicious. Represents charity and spirituality.
Favorable for social contact and any type of relationship.
A Karana associated with construction and house building. Also favors popularity.
Favorable for gardening, seeding, farming and any activities related to land and home. Propitious for undertaking new projects.
Favorable for business, exchanges, financial and public activities, all types of relationships and associations, and for starting long lasting friendships.
A very inauspicious karana and destructive karana that attracts violence.
Favorable for healing, health, taking medicine and administering herbs.
Favorable for politics and public affairs as well as animal related activities.
Another inauspicious karana that brings warlike energies.
An auspicious karana that enhances virtue and spirituality. Favorable for marriages, religious cerimonies, acts of charity and activity made with unconditional love.
Nakshatras are lunar mansions, or small sections of wider constellations like Virgo, Sagittarius, Orion etc. While not all of them belong to a zodiacal constellation, every nakshatra belongs to a zodiac sign, because even for sidereal astrology, signs and constellations are not the same thing. Though nakshatras are are of fundamental importance in natal chart interpretation, I will focus on their use in daily life. Each nakshatra has its own shakti (power) and, unlike tithis and yogas, most of them aren't necessarily good or bad. As nakshatras have a complex symbolism, their favorable and unfavorable activities are also open to much interpretation. Taking notes on their influence on our daily lives is the best way to learn about them. There are 27 nakshatras:
This is a nakshatra of healing and is presided by the gods of medicine. It has the power of quickly obtaining things. Favorable for starting anything. It has a strong energy and is favorable for traveling but unfavorable for cultivating ground. It's ruled by Ketu, the South lunar node.
Bharani is ruled by Yama, the god of the death, and has the power to take things away. It has a strong restraining energy and brings discipline and order, removing everything that has already fulfilled its roled. It's controlled by the planet Venus.
This solar nakshatra is ruled by Agni, the god of fire, and has the power of renewal. Means purification and removes negative energies. Is favorable for the daily mundane activities as well as anything related to purification.
Rohini is a nakshatra of fertility ruled by the Moon himself. It has the power of growth. It's favorable for gardening, farming, romance, traveling, beauty, creative pursuits and anything that is related to growth and fertility. It's associated with the creator god Prajapati. Days ruled by Rohini are very auspicious.
Mrigasira is presided by the Moon God and the planet Mars and has the power of bestowing fulfilment. It's mostly favorable for all activities.
Ardra means teardrop and is ruled by God Shiva and the Lunar North Node. It's a nakshatra of struggle, which enhances strength. Represents constant effort and hardships and it's not meant for the weak. If you want things to run smoothly, avoid days ruled by Ardra nakshatra. And if you're a Scorpio, that's the worst day for you - as the it means the moon is going through your eighth house, which won't make things any easier.
Punarvasu is presided by motherly goddess Aditi and ruled by Jupiter, thus a very gentle and auspicious nakshatra, favorable for all activities except the ones that demand suspiciousness and aggressiveness, like taking legal actions. It has the power of wealth.
This nakshatra has the power of mysticism. It's ruled by planet Saturn and god Jupiter (Brihaspati). It favours meditation, worship, prayer, art philosophy and higher education. Brings auspiciousness.
Ashlesha is a fierce nakshatra ruled by Mercury and the serpent gods known as Nagas. It represents removal of obstacles and victory over enemies. It has the power of poison and is associated with medicine and drugs.
Magha is ruled by the ancestor gods Pitras and the South Lunar Node. It's a nakshatra of ghosts and burial grounds. It has the power of leaving the body, granting access to the supernatural realms. It's also a nakshatra of power and status, represented by a royal throne. It favours any activity related to the past, the dead, power, career, history, museums, the positions of authority and the public life. Also good for finishing things.
Ruled by Venus, it has the power of procreation. Good for all activities related to union and fertility. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Uttara Phalguni is a nuptial nakshatra with the power of bestowing prosperity through alliances, specifically marriages. It is ruled by the Sun. Favorable for love as well as all sorts of diplomatic and contractual relationships.
Hasta is ruled by Moon and its name means "the blessing hand". It has the power of fulfilling wishes and achieving goals quickly and fully. Hasta's vibration is positive and revitalizing. It's favorable for most activities, but shows greater potential with those related to its sign, Virgo: crafts, domestic work, traveling, organizing etc.
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Chitra is the star of merit and it is ruled by Mars and the celestial architect Vishwakarma. It has a solene feel to it, as it means divine justice and dharma. Chitra bestows the fruit of our good deeds. Good for justice, spirituality and all that is related to Libra.
The star of transformation, ruled by the Lunar North Node and the god of wind, Vayu. It has the power of change and movement. Like the wind, Swati removes obstacles and spreads freedom.
The star of harvest, ruled by Jupiter along with the king of gods Indra and the fire god Agni, two of eldest vedic deities. As its name suggests, it's another nakshatra related to reaping the results of our deeds. It favours slow, long term changes. Due to its highly spiritual energy, it also favours mysticism and connection to superior realms.
Anuradha is ruled by Saturn and has the power of faithfulness, modesty and worship. It has a balanced and virtuous energy, bestowing success through a honorable conduct.
Ruled by Mercury and Indra, Jyeshta is a warrior nakshatra with the power of conquering through courage, blessing us with strength to fight our battles. Favorable for all that requires effort, discipline and responsibility.
Ruled by the South Lunar Node and has the power of destruction. It means cutting roots. Like Shiva Nataraja, Mula annihilates what is old and wasted in order to bring down a new creation.
One more fierce nakshatra, ruled by the half-demon warrior god Venus (yes, it's a he, it's a half demon and it's a warrior, might write an article about it later) and the water deity Apas. It has the power of cleansing. Like a waterfall, it brings revitalization through deep purification.
The invincible nakshatra, ruled by the Sun, with the power of victory. Extremely lucky.
Ruled by the Moon and Vishnu, Shravana has the power of connection. Like Anuradha, it has a receptive energy and brings people together. It favours solidarity and cooperation.
One more humanitarian nakshatra with the power of abundance and fame. It makes people work together through a common goal. Ruled by Mars.
Also known as Shatabishak. A healer nakshatra ruled the Lunar North Node and the ocean god Varuna. It has the power of cure but it's also related to karma. Favorable for medicine.
Ruled by Jupiter, it has the power of enlightening. It means enhancing spirituality, success through spirituality. It brings compassion.
Ruled by Saturn, it has the power of bringing rain. It favours growth, prosperity and creative power.
Finally, the last nakshatra. It's ruled by Mercury and has the power of nourishing love which results in abundance. Its presiding god is Pushan, an avatar of the Sun, who is the protector of flocks, herds and travelers. Revati means wealthy.
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Yoga is a generic name given to a wide range of planetary configurations in vedic astrology. Panchang uses 27 yogas, which are alignments between sun and moon on a specific day. They are:
Represents victory and prosperity. Means winning over the enemies. Its powerful energy may attract quarrels.
Is a mostly favorable yoga.
Very auspicious for any activity. Represents fun, love, dedication and pleasure.
Very favorable. Brings good health and success at work.
SAUBAGHYA [Shobaghya]
Also favorable for all activities.
Another auspicious yoga. Brings a sensual energy.
An inauspicious yoga that attracts many obstacles.
Auspicious. Enhances charity, magnanimity and nobility of soul.
A wealthy yoga. Activities related to material gains are favored.
Represents anger, confrontation. Attracts danger and is very inauspicious. Caution is demanded.
Another inauspicious yoga. Brings illness, frustration and loss of reputation.
Very favorable. Brings wealth and longevity and keeps the problems away.
Auspicious. Removes obstacles, favors hard work and intellectual pursuits.
A bad yoga. Brings harm, and may be dangerous to health.
Very favorable. Brings happiness and good luck.
Also favorable. Represents the fulfilment of wishes and favours reconciliation.
Very auspicious for all activities. Means accomplishment.
Very unfavorable. All traveling should be avoided. Plans will be in vain and time will be lost.
Auspicious for all activities. Means luxury.
Unfavorable. Means obstruction.
Very favorable for every accomplishment. Brings good luck, health, prosperity and spirituality.
Also favorable. Good for acquiring knowledge and pursuing any project. Represents the rewarding of efforts and favours work.
Auspicious for business and exchanges. Good for giving and receiving presents. Brings happiness.
Means auspiciousness and is good for all activities, specially ritual and religious tasks.
Auspicious. Good for traveling.
Very auspicious. Enhances joy and spirituality. Brings good health and a balanced mind.
Also known as Aubdra. A very positive yoga. Brings good luck for students and favours intellectual activities. Enhances leadership and courage.
A bad yoga, specially for relationships as it brings resentment and separation.
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In vedic astrology there's a planetary lord for each day of the week and each hour of the day, a concept that was also widely popular in medieval Western astrology. In India it's mostly used to determine the best times to worship each of the nine planetary gods, or Navagrahas, though planetary hours and days can also be useful for mundane tasks. The favorable subjects of the weekdays are the ones attributed to their ruling planets: law and religion for Jupiter, beauty and pleasure for Venus, intellect for Mercury, growth and nourishment for Moon etc.
The rulers of the weekdays (varas) are the same as in Western tradition:
Monday [Somavara] - Moon
Tuesday [Mangalavara] - Mars
Wednesday [Budhavara] - Mercury
Thursday [Guruvara] - Jupiter
Friday [Shukravara] - Venus
Saturday [Shanivara] - Saturn
Sunday [Ravivara] - Sun
The rulers of the planetary hours (hora) vary according to the day, the ruler of the first hour of the day (when the sun rises) being always the ruler of the current weekday. Every panchang app has a section that shows the current planetary hora.
The lunar nodes Ketu and Rahu don't rule any specific day or hour, but if one seeks their favor is advisable to avoid the hours and days ruled by their enemies: Sun and Moon.
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Applying panchang to your daily routine
In the app Suryalaya, one of the few astrology apps to feature the Galactic Center ayanamsa, we can have a view of today's (now yesterday's, it's past midnight as I write this) panchang.
Today is a Thursday, day of Jupiter
Tithi Chaturdashi - aggressiveness
Nakshatra Vishaka - changes, harvesting the results of our deeds
Yoga Shiva - bliss
Karana Vanija - union
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Regarding to auspiciousness, we can say that today is a regular day. Tithi chaturdashi and nakshatra Vishaka, combined with the moral straightness of Jupiter, suggests this is a highly karmic day where people will be treated according to their actions. Those who have been righteous will be rewarded and those who have been in the wrong path will go through some sort of punishment. As the day has both elements of assertiveness and empathy, we can also reach the conclusion that this is a favorable moment for solving differences through deep and honest discussion, using angry in a constructive way.
Because it's hard to find all this information reunited in a single place, I wrote this post as a cheat sheet for those who want to use panchang as a guide for their daily activities. Though the content here is very summarized and doesn't make justice to the wonderful complexity of vedic astrology, I hope it can somehow be useful to the reader.
Sources: "Tibetan Astrology" by Michael Erlewine (because Tibetan astrology also uses panchang in pretty much the same way as vedic astrology, this book has a detailed explanation on it)
"Basics of Panchangam" by S. Narasimha Rao
Shaktis of the Nakshatras
Astropedia: Nakshatras
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juvinadelgreko · 4 years
🪐share your natal chart tag game🪐
I was tagged by @beautifulcinephile and @strawberrylight. Thanks guys!
Instructions: go to cafeastrology.com and generate your natal chart. Copy the descriptions for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Bold the portions you feel apply to you.
Sun is in Libra ♎️
Libra natives are generally thought to be sociable, somewhat intellectual souls. They have an almost innocent way about them that makes them very approachable. Generally quite eager to cooperate, Librans spend a lot of their time trying not to rock the boat.
In theory, Libras are peace-loving. In practice, they can quietly stir up all sorts of trouble with their ways. Because Libra enjoys balance in their lives, they seek the middle ground. In the process, they may end up trying to be everything to everyone. This is where their reputation for untruthfulness comes from. Generally, their untruths spring from a true desire for peace and fairness--although they may not be comfortable with direct and malicious trickery, they feel totally justified when they lie in order to avoid making waves. Peace at any price! In this sense, they seem harmless. But, what can result is quite a ruckus! People involved with Libras may crib about their lack of directness and their apparent inability to take a stand. Librans are experts at avoiding being the one to blame. When confronted, they'll (calmly and reasonably) say, "What, me? No, I just want peace." "On the fence", "middle ground", "middle road" -- these are all expressions that we can safely associate with Libra. Some more powerful signs may consider Libra a little on the weak side. This is all a matter of opinion, however! Without Libra, life simply wouldn't be as fair.
Librans are known for comparing and thinking in relative terms, instead of in absolutes. This weekend is not just a good weekend, it's better than last weekend. As a Libra, you are always looking for the "best" way or the "right" way to live. Harmony is the ultimate goal, but your idealism and high expectations can amount to plenty of discontent. Since life presents all of us with an extraordinary amount of choices, if you don't learn to live in the moment at least some of the time, you'll be in a constant state of unrest.
You're extremely sensitive to imbalances around you. You aim to meet others halfway, and you definitely keep count in a relationship! As an Air sign, you live in your head more than most people, and as a Cardinal sign, you aim to take action. It's true that you can be a procrastinator, but ultimately, you are moved to get things done, but you seek to do so with tact, grace, and consideration for others.
Society needs rules, and these rules attempt to bring justice, equality, and fairness. On an individual level, Libra represents these laws of civilization. As a Libra, you are very civilized and rather refined. You are diplomatic and fair. You can be indecisive and can suffer from "paralysis by analysis," but you also see many different levels of any situation and can always see others' points of view.
Libra is associated with copper, pastel colors, opals, emeralds, pink quartz, both silver and gold jewelry, the number 6, and Fridays.
Moon is in Pisces ♓️
Those with the Moon in Pisces are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with reality. However, though you may not always show real-world savvy in day-to-day, practical affairs, you make up for this with remarkable intuition. You can put yourself in anybody's shoes with extreme ease. On the plus side, this endows you with remarkable compassion and love. The downside with this apparent ability to break down boundaries is that you can easily lose yourself in the suffering of others.
With your Moon sign Pisces, your sense of humor is delightfully silly and a bit odd. You are a perceptive soul who seems to be in touch with all the nuances and subtleties of human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of humor that is more of the receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make people the "life of the party." It's generally pretty easy to get them laughing. Crying, too!
Moon in Pisces people may get tagged as "spaced out," but there's a lot more to them than meets the eye. They feel things out and rely quite strongly on their intuition. It just doesn't feel right for them to do otherwise. Their dreaminess can mean plenty of moments of absent-mindedness. These times of oblivion can land them in all sorts of predicaments with others who can too easily misunderstand these complex souls. Without plenty of space and time to daydream, Pisces Moons easily get overloaded in life. Give them room to be alone with themselves, and they're generally able to take on the world--even if their style when they do so is not always conventional or understandable.
Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, you care about others and are easily touched by human suffering. This tendency can gain you the reputation as a sucker for a sob story. Although this may sometimes be true, you learn in your lifetime how to discern between sincerity and manipulation. Still, you definitely do have plenty of soft corners.
This is a powerfully creative and artistic Moon. It's also one of the most understanding and nuanced combinations.
There's a delightful accepting side to Moon in Pisces that is sometimes mistaken for weakness. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, and thus carries with it a little of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, Pisces sees themselves reflected in the behavior of others, giving them seemingly boundless compassion. Since the Moon represents our instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel without actual experience. They may have never experienced something but still seem to understand it -- even, or especially, the subtleties of it. The ones that aren't too shy make awesome actors. The ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both listening and making), poetry, and art --in fact, the more satisfied people with this position do just that. Nevertheless, this is a searching Moon sign that is often divinely discontent!
Though some are doormats, most Pisces Moon people instinctively know when they're due for a much-needed recharge. It's at these times that they retreat from the world (and its harsh realities) if only to gather strength to face everything and everyone again. Solitude is important to them, but they also need people, so their retreats will usually be short-lived. Pisces Moon individuals believe; and, let's face it, the world needs Piscean leaps of faith.
You are a bit of an escapist or avoider. You don't always feel equipped to face things head-on. Although your intentions are usually good, a potential weakness is your ability to "get out of" things. When you are emotionally present, though, you are a wonderfully entertaining, understanding, and kind-hearted person to be around.
Virgo Ascendant ♍️
People with Virgo rising are often a little understated in their personal mannerisms and appearance, although a lot depends on the position of Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) in the chart. There is an intelligent and reserved aura about Virgo rising individuals that is unmistakable, however.
You may come across as somewhat shy or aloof, as you need time to analyze everything around you before you warm up to both situations and people. This quality can be received exactly as that, or it can be received as a rather stand-offish, cool, and even critical manner (depending on the audience).
One of the strongest personality traits of this position is body-awareness. You can be particularly sensitive to any discomfort or other signals your body gives you. For this reason, you can be particularly concerned with physical health and might be drawn to mind-body awareness exercises such as yoga. You might also be quite particular with food! Although some people with Virgo rising have good appetites, there can be an unmistakable pickiness about what they put in--and on--their bodies.
You are likely to worry a lot, especially when confronted with new situations. It's difficult not to since you notice the tiniest details that others overlook. Your powers of observation are through the roof, but sometimes this trait adds too much to the anxiety pile.
With Virgo rising, it's definite that you have Pisces on the Descendant. This can point to a tendency to attract (or be attracted to) people who need help, which can lead to uncomfortable or confusing situations -- sometimes you feel taken advantage of. Despite the Virgo rising tendency to appear rather collected and professional, relationships can sometimes get messy simply because you don’t always see your partners and partnerships clearly. You want to see the best in a partner.
You absolutely have your own way of doing things! Some may even call your methods unusual or peculiar, but they get the job done. It's very true that Virgo is a flexible sign -- after all, it's from the Mutable mode family -- and you often make accommodations for others. However, your way is the right way, and as much as you allow others to do their own thing, you demand the right to do the same. You've put a lot of time and energy into your methods, after all.
You work hard at whatever you do. Always going the extra mile, you have a difficult time being idle. As hard as you work, however, you may not always be focused on the big prize. For one, worry and particularness can slow you down -- you can be quite the perfectionist. For another, you're not always comfortable in the spotlight. However, this trait can be modified by the position and condition of Mercury in your chart, by sign, house, and aspect. For example, if Mercury is in Aquarius, you may not mind standing out from the crowd!
You work best at projects that you can oversee and manage slowly. Starting small and expanding slowly but surely is definitely the better choice for you, as situations that seem beyond your control can overwhelm you too quickly. Your confidence builds as you move along at your own pace. Watch that you don't miss out on opportunities because of the high standards you have for yourself. You may not think you can handle something, but if you give it a try, you may very well realize that you worried about it for nothing.
You can be highly skilled at what you do. It's no surprise that there are many artisans among you with your meticulous attention to detail and your desire to perfect and hone your craft. You might also be drawn to projects and lines of work that involve a lot of research, analysis, classification, and detail work.
You can come across as a little cool or critical, often without even realizing it. In truth, you are kind and concerned. You do live in your head so much that you can end up not trusting your intuition -- something to watch for! You are not obviously demonstrative. You are an earthy and sensual being, but it doesn't show up in first impressions.
Orderliness is vital to you. Chaotic situations stress you out more than they do others. You quickly become aware of all the variables involved in a new situation, and it's important to you that you feel you can manage them. With Mercury your sign's ruler, you can be given to fretting, tension, and nervousness. You certainly aim to pay attention to the smallest details. You can be a great lover of lists, catalogs, and schedules. Feeling organized finds you at your happiest!
You possess a quiet charm, and once you have the chance to warm up to new people and situations, you have much to offer. In other words, it's worth the extra effort that people may need to put in to get to know you! You'll help people out of a jam, go out on a limb for others, and surprise them with a natural modesty hiding behind a somewhat critical and standoffish manner.
Tagging: @satans-helper @hansonobsessed @dufflesmckagan @dramaticjupiter
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blogulianatish · 5 years
Mercury in horoscope
Element: Air.  Stones: emerald, Topaz, heliotrope, Jasper, amethyst, lilac sapphire, Apatite, citrine, serpentine, malachite, chalcedony.  Metal: Lead. Day: Wednesday.  Color: Green, light green.  Direction: North.  Influence: III and VI House.  Abode: Virgo, Gemini.  Exaltation (Elevation): Aquarius.  Exile: Pisces, Sagittarius.  Fall: Leo.  Friendly planet: the Sun, Venus.  Hostile planet: Moon.  Strong mercury: Business thinking, mathematical mindset, high position.  Affected mercury: Irritability and Arrogance.  Organs: arms, shoulders, skin, peripheral nervous system.  Diseases: dizziness, nervous disorders, skin problems.  Turnover in one sign/total zodiac: 25 days / 10 months.  Symbols in the map:  ☿
The close proximity to the Sun defines the face of this small but charismatic planet. Its main functions: reason, logical thinking, cognition, communication, communication of the individual with society. 
If a person from childhood shows curiosity and a keen interest in knowledge, mercury will willingly show him how huge and amazing the world around him is. 
In essence mercury represents principles rational thinking, speech, contact, mediation, interaction, training, exchange. In the Natal chart of the horoscope mercury symbolizes the type of thinking of a person, his consciousness, curiosity, intellectual aspirations, ability to communicate and learn, liveliness, agility. 
Keywords: communication, mail, news, Dating, curiosity, reflection, openness, spontaneity, eclecticism in choice, dispersion, youth, short distance travel, brothers and sisters, relatives, transport, primary education, voice, public speaking, writing, gossip, rumors, diplomatic art, technology, tests, data processing, employees, skill, dexterity, criticism, lies, deception.
Mercury controls the signs of Virgo and Gemini associated with communication, transportation, cars, computers, diseases and work that requires attention to detail. In social terms, mercury symbolizes a teenager, a young man (both male and female); younger brother or sister, neighbors; pickpocket, swindler, sharper; merchants and sellers; scientists and teachers.
Mercury's professions: trade, publishing, mediation, librarianship, journalism and literature, secretarial work, accounting, communications, engineering, computer programming, invention, sightseeing, professions requiring dexterity and skill (eg., circus: balancing, juggling), intellectual professions. Parts of the body controlled by mercury: nervous system (motor nerves), vision and senses in General, mouth, tongue and speech organs, larynx, trachea, shoulders, arms, palms and fingers, navel, solar plexus, ligaments and tendons, small intestine.
The sphere of influence of this planet includes the third and sixth houses. 
The third house represents the self-expression of the individual in the everyday environment: the way a person expresses his thoughts in oral and written speech, communicates with the household and strangers, for example, with fellow travelers in transport. 
The sixth house is health, social duty, service relations.
In the field of physiology, mercury affects primarily the five senses, nervous and autonomic systems. 
Public duty means helping people. It can be charity or volunteer work.
In the business segment, mercury regulates relations between colleagues, superiors and subordinates. 
His favorite professions are journalists, teachers, publishers, trade and service workers. 
The principle 
The principle of Most-specific mercury feature "character" is traditionally considered the ability to establish relationships. Still myths talked about how, that mercury (Hermes) is mediator between Olympus and Earth, envoy gods, linking their the world with the world people by transfer of information (of command gods people, requests people the gods). 
In other words, it connects the systems and processes of different levels of hierarchy, for example, giving a discrete form of continuous information (expressing images with words and signs — analysis and thinking), defining the interaction of the type head-subordinate, human-organism (hygiene), organism-organs (disease), teacher-student. 
The realization of the mercury principle, the relationship between the wholes of different levels of hierarchy, requires the establishment of contacts between them. And this requires exactly those properties, a symbol which traditionally is rational thinking, the ability to create mental concepts, gather information, formulate thoughts, to separate the important from the unimportant, the desire and ability to understand the interlocutor, activity, and mediation skills. 
These qualities are realized in different ways in specific tasks — in science and business, in journalism and biology, in interaction between people, but no matter how they are realized, they are always aimed at establishing contacts and exchanging information or material values, at forming the efforts of different entities to solve such problems. 
The role 
The role of the principle of the mercury causes it to be the one to lead the search for an adequate way of expressing creative start sun gathers many diverse and equally significant facts, totally detached from their evaluation and synthesis, with a view to their subsequent integration someone in any system that seeks to share and make it public domain. 
Mercury's role most fully corresponds to that of a mediator. However, we should not forget that the mediator in this case is, as well as the definition of the principles, functions and roles of the other planets, a symbol of the role of mercury. 
Strong mercury 
Harmonious compounds enhance the activity of thought, give intellectual abilities liveliness and originality, give a brilliant wit and a great sense of humor. 
"Darling" mercury is an excellent judge of people. He clearly knows what he wants from life and how to achieve it. 
Weak mercury 
When mercury is affected, a person's life can be overshadowed by speech defects, nervous pathologies, inability to Express their thoughts in simple and understandable language. 
Traits – deceit, inconstancy in love. Sometimes there is a tendency to kleptomania. 
The most serious threat to health is schizophrenia. 
Harmonious aspects 
In school and student years there is a sincere interest in learning, which creates the preconditions for future achievements. 
The ability to clothe thoughts in beautiful words can be transformed into a bright literary talent. Successful self-realization is also possible in other creative spheres. Among the representatives of the harmonious mercury there are many diplomats and scientists. 
The good aspects represent sound judgment. Man is endowed with the ability to easily make contact, he always has a lot of friends. 
Another pleasant moment – the success of the opposite sex. But excessive attention to this side of life can seriously interfere with a career. 
The main danger is laziness. Succumbing to it, a gifted and extraordinary person can turn into a frivolous hedonist. 
Tense aspects 
They define the range of tasks that need to be addressed. It can be difficulties in communication, study or disharmonious style of speech. 
The main obstacle to happiness and success is a distorted perception of reality. Gives a lot of trouble and a penchant for sarcastic remarks. The evil language is an offense households, the alienation of friends, the hostility of his superiors and colleagues. 
See own shortcomings man often prevents a sense of superiority over other, and also skepticism. Often he uses his potential only for selfish purposes. 
But the stressful aspects mean more than problems. They point the way to overcome them. If necessary, you need to improve your speech. The audience doesn't hear "awesome", according to the author, the story? So you have to make an effort and admit that the story is not so good. And still-to raise the educational level, to read more books, to improve writing skills. 
In General, to overcome negative influences, it is necessary to leave in the past the usual life matrix and learn to listen to other people, to respect their point of view.
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astrallines · 5 years
Rulership of Time
Astrology functions as an assessment of temporal quality, but is the archetype of time ruled by any particular sign? Preface The wheel of the zodiac is often depicted with Aries on the left, thus keeping it in line with the houses: that is, Aries corresponds to the ascendant and first house, Taurus occupies the second house, and so on.
However, there are some interesting patterns that emerge under other rotations. Rotating the wheel one sign counter clockwise, so that the first house is held by Taurus, we find Cancer and Leo on either side of the nadir, the lowest point of the wheel. This emphasizes the wonderful symmetry between each pair of signs that share rulers:
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The exception being, of course, the Sun and Moon which rule one sign each. This might point to a secret identification between these forces, which are typically conceptualized as the most fundamental opposites: consciousness and the unconscious, light and dark, etc. The arcane marriage of these principles is a motif which humanity has been pondering since antiquity. Positioning this syzygy at the bottom of the wheel gives the impression that the other signs spring forth from this coupling as a series of portraits from one luminary to the other; as call and response music, or dance steps. One can say that the entire zodiac functions as a mythological alphabet that elaborates of the riddle of the Sun and Moon.
Time Under this cosmic lens, let’s examine a feature essential to our experience of the universe: time. Where does time show up in the zodiac? Can any particular sign be said to govern this concept? At the very least, we can draw the strongest general associations between time and these signs:
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If you ask astrologers which sign most corresponds to the concept of time, Gemini would be a common and reasonable answer. It is the traditional ruler of clocks and measurements of time, and is said to rule the time-dependent concepts of transit and commuting.
Capricorn is another traditional response, since it rules the schedule, the time table, the restriction of time, the inexorable march of time. Father Time, the bearded old man with the scythe and the hourglass, is one of the most well known personifications of Saturn.
Aquarius is a bit more esoteric in this regard, but perfectly valid. Aquarius is most associated with the concepts of the instant, the moment ... suddenness! Moreover, it is the traditional ruler of kairos, the ancient Greek idea of “pregnant time.” From Wikipedia:
The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos (χρόνος) and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature.
Chronos is a clear attribute of Capricorn, therefore these two notions of time are represented by the two Saturn-ruled signs. These two signs are farthest from our supposed origin-nadir, the Cancer/Leo threshold. Capricorn is opposite Cancer, and Aquarius is opposite Leo. This suits the mythological conception of Saturn as the demiurge, the architect of mundane incarnation, the mechanic of the machinery of the cosmos.
To complete this symmetry, we would hope that Virgo is also associated with time. That way, Saturn-ruled signs can roost up at the dome of time, representing its furthest limits, while Mercury ruled signs can reflect each other as attendants to the atemporal solar/lunar archetypes, initiating those forces into the game of time. Gemini does this job perfectly for the Moon, showing how time is “reflected” in the mind through the image of the clock.
So, is Virgo then one of our rulers of time? Ever humble and self-diminishing, Virgo does not jump out as readily as the others, but it does indeed complete a very crucial and unglamorous role. Any astrologer will tell you that Virgo rules punctuality. That is, the adherence to time. If Gemini is the clock at the train station, and Capricorn is the schedule, and Aquarius is the fortune of sliding through the closing door, then Virgo is the plain fact of showing up on time.
So it is clear that there are affinities between rulerships. The two mercury-ruled signs rule basic, mundane relationships to time: time measurement and time observance. The two Saturn-ruled signs rule the extremes of time: time’s bondage and time’s potentiation. There are also affinities between elements, which we explore later. But there are also delightful parallels between the pairs of signs which share no essential qualities. Consider that Gemini and Capricorn both rule structural, objective attributes of time, summarized by the clock and the schedule respectively. The other pair rules more subjective qualities of time: Virgo corresponds to the season, and Aquarius to the zeitgeist.
Elemental Purports What does it mean that all four of these time-governing signs are earth or air? At the most obvious level, we should note that in the cultural imagination water and fire are characterized by motion, while earth and air are not. Air is about potentiation; it is the closest element to pure yang. It is the breath, which corresponds esoterically to the pneuma, the coherence of spirit which vivifies matter. It is atmosphere: that which surrounds every atom, and every germ of life, from the smallest bud to the egg of the cosmos. In a sense, pure potentiation means being eternally unborn. It is actually full activity—boundless perpetual motion—or “unlimited wind” in the Vedas—the inexhaustible first word of creation which has no duration, and obviously no equivalent upon the time-dependent material plane.
That plane is brought to us in part by earth, the closest element to pure yin. It is easy to understand how “pure passivity” is not comprehensible within time—easier than the concept of “pure activity” which we looked at previously. There is only ever the appearance of stillness in our perception; never an object which is actually fully static. The signature “movements” of matter may be entropy and decay.
We should also understand the conventional elemental associations with the astrological attitudes: cardinality is “like” fire; fixidity like earth; mutability like air. Therefore these time signs are:
The airy part of air (Gemini)
The airy part of earth (Virgo)
The fiery part of earth (Capricorn)
The earthy part of air (Aquarius)
So earth is implicated in three of these, and air is implicated in three of these. The only exception to air is the fiery part of earth; earth in its cardinal aspect. This means it is the apparent, self-projecting aspect of earth; earth with its essence on display. Capricorn governs, if you’ll remember, the bondage aspect of time, and the sign that is the most common answer to the naive question of time rulership.
The only exception to earth is the airy part of air: Gemini. This is notably the second-most common response to the question of time rulership. And, as we have seen, together Gemini and Capricorn account for the objective qualities of time. Here’s a weird one: if Gemini and Capricorn are the most obvious rulers of time, perhaps that is partially due to the subjective quality of our time, which is so concerned with, and aware of, objective qualities!
Or maybe it is the fact that the subjective qualities of time are defined by contradiction, and thus more difficult to understand in any age. After all, what is the “earthy part of air” and “the airy part of earth”? There does seem to be an especially elusive mystery about Aquarius: the concept of kairos, but also of the wish, and of heaven. What are we to make of the fact that Aquarius is “familiar to the alien”? Or the fact that it is associated both with the moment and with “timelessness”? We have seen air as pure potentiation, necessitating boundless movement; how could there be a “fixed” expression of such a principle?
In contradiction to the most “alien” sign, Virgo is typically tagged as the most mundane sign. The relative anonymity of Virgo is also contrasted with the radical idiosyncrasy of Aquarius. And its tradition-mindedness would appear also to chafe against Aquarian novelty. Yet let us remember what these signs share: they given definition to the subjective attributes of time. We mentioned that Aquarius holds both the uniqueness of the moment, and the unchanging eternal, but Virgo holds this mystery too. Virgo’s anonymity comes from a deep, intuitive understand that we are all the same. That is why the goddess and the virgin go by so many names. In fact, they necessitate that many names, because the multiplicity of the expression is part of the expression. Virgo is the scattering of the atoms; matter in full possible diffusion. The secondary ruler of Virgo, besides mercury, is not one planet but an abundance of asteroids. Virgo knows both “I am a link in a chain” and also “I am this link.” What is punctuality but specificity? What is a unit of matter but a detail? Virgo knows both, “This season has come before,” and also, “This summer is this summer.”
Summary The wind of Gemini is the wind that blows in the quality of time, existing in some unknowable potentiation beyond this world. Capricorn is the slow-burn of matter upon which quality plays, and is thereby bound. Virgo rotates the wheel, perpetuating the cycle through its incremental movement. The rotations are then recognized by their quality of motion. Aquarius imagines the wheel stopped, glimpsed in gestalt, and the wheel is recognized by the quality of its stillness. Cumulatively, these four archetypes collaborate to describe the terms of the dance through which psyche extends itself into its many other guises.
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