#it reminded me of playing with the toys as a kid and i'm really excited for the new season
frankensteined · 1 year
keith david as hordak in motu revolution is another example of how much this series was always gonna be one of my beloveds 💞
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roosterforme · 8 months
The Younger Kind Part 50 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley surprises you with something at the hospital tour that leaves you smiling. And you fall asleep that night in the one place he didn't know would make him even more sure he wanted to marry you. He has the ring ready to go, excited to propose to you at the air show, but the look on your face leaves him wondering if it's too soon.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley smiled in contentment as you laced your fingers with his. The tour of the children's hospital which was affiliated with the air show was interesting to him, but as someone who worked in pediatric medicine, you were enthralled. "Daddy, look," you said, pulling him off to the side as the tour guide started to lead the group down a flight of stairs. "Noah would love this." 
Bradley was getting some looks from another man in the tour group, because you clearly had no shame when you called him that in front of other people. "Princess," he whispered, kissing your ear as you pointed out the window to the colorful courtyard filled with toys and jungle gyms. "Every time you call me Daddy, that guy smirks at me."
"Who?" you asked, turning to glance at the rest of the group headed for the stairwell. "The one in the green shirt?"
"Yeah," Bradley grunted, watching him look at you. 
You laughed softly and turned back to Bradley. "He just wishes someone would call him Daddy."
"You're probably not wrong," he replied with a smile. "The group is leaving without us."
"We can catch up," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him in his rough flight suit. You were a soft and warm presence, your cheek coming to rest on his patch that said ROOSTER. "Thanks for bringing me. I didn't want to have to call Jake and hit him up."
Bradley could tell you were trying not to laugh. "What did I tell you about acting like a brat?"
He rubbed soft circles against your back and you sighed. "Why would I stop now when you so clearly enjoy it?" 
Bradley groaned. "Let's get going. The tour is almost over, and then I can load you up with champagne and take you home."
You and he had to rush down the stairs to rejoin the group, and of course the man in the green shirt was looking at Bradley like he'd just fucked you in the middle of the hallway or something. But your fingers were laced with his again, so it didn't matter. 
You ended up asking the tour guide so many questions along the way that he learned your name and that you were a pediatric nurse, and he answered you in great detail each time. The hospital provided state of the art treatment for children, and when the group walked past an indoor play area where some kids were coloring, you paused and waved to them. They waved back, and you whispered, "Why does everything remind me of Noah?"
"Because you're his mom," Bradley replied without really thinking about it. That was the most natural response. Why did you care so much? Because you were his mom. Why did you prioritize Noah above everything else? Because you were his mom. Part of the reason Bradley let himself indulge in those early fantasies about you was because his son fell in love with you first. 
"I miss him a little bit," you whispered, nibbling on your glossy lip. Bradley brought your hand up to his lips and kissed along your purple nails. 
"I'm sure he misses you, too. But he's probably getting in bed by now. Let's enjoy the rest of the night?" Bradley asked. 
"I'm spending it with you. Of course I'm going to enjoy it."
The cocktail reception was beautiful. That colorful courtyard that caught your eye had been lit up with strings of white lights, and the tour group had been led outside into the warm evening air. After two glasses of champagne, you were still pouting over the fact that there were no berries at the bottom, but you were also feeling nice and loose.  "Maybe I should go tell the green shirt guy's wife that he'd love it if she called him Daddy," you remarked as Bradley brought over a plate of hors d'oeuvres to share with you. 
Bradley gave you a bland look in response as he dipped shrimp into cocktail sauce and set the plate down on the tall table where you stood. "If you go over there and say anything involving the word Daddy, they will probably try to get you to be their third."
Heat rushed to your cheeks immediately. "Bradley!"
He just shrugged in response and offered you the plate. You plucked up your own piece of shrimp wondering how on earth a comment like that from your boyfriend could make you want to take him home to bed immediately. But it did. And your desire for him only grew as you watched him unzip his flight suit and pull out his checkbook. 
"Please. You know what that thing does to me," you whispered, fumbling your food before you managed to get it to your mouth. 
Bradley laughed as he uncapped a pen. "My checkbook? The thing you always make fun of?"
You shook your head and took another bite of shrimp. "You know I think all of your old man stuff is sexy. But what do you need a check for?"
He examined your face before he leaned on the table, pen hovering over the check. "You said Jake was going to donate five thousand bucks if he got to fly in the air show?"
"That's what he told me."
Bradley hummed and wrote the check out to the children's hospital for six thousand dollars. "Can't have him showing us up. You wanna sign it?"
You were wiping your fingers on a cocktail napkin and admiring your nails as you said, "How am I supposed to sign your check?"
He set the pen down on the checkbook and pushed it across the table toward you before picking up the plate and eating an eggroll in two big bites, eyes firmly on you. He was acting weird now, but you dragged your gaze away from his face down to the table and gasped. The top corner of the check said BRADLEY BRADSHAW in bold font, but now your name was listed right under his along with the address of the cute, blue bungalow in Coronado where you lived. 
"Why did you do that?" you asked, staring at your name. 
"Because I trust you. And now I can drag you down into my deep, dark, embarrassing, millennial rabbit hole where I still pay for things with checks and don't know how to use my phone. And you can pay for daycare when I'm not home."
You tried to fight it, but a huge smile broke out on your face. "Casey is going to hate this."
"Casey isn't going to know what hit her when she sees you next week, Princess," he said as you signed your name on the bottom of the check and tore it free. You tucked yourself against his side and looked at the two names together while he polished off the rest of the food on the plate. 
"Thanks for letting me be your date tonight," you told him, and he laughed. 
"Who else would I have asked to come with me?"
He kissed the top of your head. "Okay. You got me there. Ready to hand in our check and go home before the guy in the green shirt and his wife get any more ideas?"
"Yeah. Let's go home."
Bradley gave you a piggyback ride in from the Bronco while also carrying your high heels and your bag. He could tell you were a little tipsy by the way you were giggling softly next to his ear and running your nose through his hair. "Daddy," you whispered as he put his key in the front door. "Are you going to fuck me on the living room floor or in bed?"
"Shh," he coaxed, pushing the door open to reveal Amelia sitting on the couch, reading a comic book. "Can you behave for like five minutes, please?"
You erupted into laughter as you held onto him, and even Amelia was laughing as Bradley asked, "How was Noah?"
"Great," she replied, tossing her comic into her backpack. "He had two slices of pizza. I put the leftovers in the fridge. I just wiped him down instead of giving him a bath, and he was asleep by 8:30."
Bradley shook his head as you kissed his ear. "This one should have also been in bed by 8:30," he mumbled, making you laugh more. He set you down so he could get his wallet out.
"Thanks, Amelia," you told her kindly before turning back to Bradley and smirking. "Please give her cash and not a check, old man. I'm going to give Noah a goodnight kiss."
Bradley shook his head and handed Amelia what was owed for the night while she laughed. "Thank you," he told her, opening the door and watching her walk to her car. He stood there until she started the engine, and he made sure she pulled away with a wave. 
Skittles was already curled up in her bed, but you were nowhere to be found when he got to the bedroom. "Princess?" he called out with a chuckle, doubling back to the bathroom. Not three minutes ago you were all smiles, and he was getting ready for you to tease him relentlessly before maybe getting that black dress off of you. But as he unzipped his flight suit a few inches and peeked inside Noah's bedroom door, he found you. 
A beam of moonlight shone in through the window, illuminating your face and Noah's as both of you slept curled up together in the twin sized bed. Bradley stood in the doorway for a long time, trying to decide what to do with you as his smile grew. This was all he wanted. Just his family. He strode the rest of the way into the room and brushed Noah's soft curls back from his forehead before kissing him there. Then he leaned over and kissed your cheek. "I love you," he whispered to you both, ultimately deciding to leave you with his son for the night. 
Bradley moved your phone charger into Noah's room along with your phone which he took out of your purse. You had given him your passcode before, but he hated using it without your permission. When he entered it, he saw a few new texts from your coworkers and one from Nat. That made him smile as he set an alarm for 8:00 to ensure you and Noah would get to the air show in time to see him fly. His plans were relying on that. 
He kissed you both once more each and left your charging phone on Noah's dresser before he went to get himself ready for bed. He groaned, remembering the ungodly early hour he had to get himself out the door in the morning. At least you could follow him to Miramar a little later. Before he climbed into bed, he made sure he had everything ready that he would need for the air show: a clean flight suit, phone, wallet, and the ring box.
You opened your eyes to find Noah giggling right in front of you. As you looked around, you realized you were in his bedroom. When you sat up, you noticed your phone alarm was going off.
"Why did you sleep in my bed?" he asked as you reached for your phone to silence it. Amongst your notifications, you saw a text from Bradley and quickly opened it.
Bradley Bradshaw: Good morning, Princess. You looked so adorable in bed with Noah, I didn't want to move you. I hope you slept well, and I can't wait to see you both after I fly at 11:00.
You tossed your phone aside and kissed Noah on the top of his head. He was wearing his favorite dinosaur pajamas, and he looked so perfectly sweet. "I guess I needed some extra cuddles last night, and I knew just where to find them."
He let you pull him against you for about twenty seconds before he started to wriggle away. "I'm hungry. I want to see where Skittles is."
You watched him take off down the hallway as you rolled onto your back. You were still in your black dress, and you could barely remember getting home last night and seeing Amelia reading a comic book. You stretched and made your way into the kitchen relieved that you had plenty of time to get you and Noah dressed in your matching outfits and on the road to the air show. You turned on the coffee maker as you watched him petting Skittles by the back door. 
"Here, let's see if she needs to go outside," you said as you slid the door open for the dog. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Cereal and probably some fruit."
"Good choice."
Once you had Noah and Skittles both settled with some food, you kissed him on the forehead. "I'm going to take a really fast shower while you eat, okay? Just stay at the table, and I'll be right back." Noah nodded as he ate one of the pieces of banana you'd cut up for him. You dashed into the bathroom, cranking the shower to hot and stripped out of your dress and the lacy underwear Bradley didn't even get to see. But there would be plenty of time for that sort of thing later. 
You started to make a mental list of everything you needed to take with you to the air show. You had some snacks already prepared, and you'd need the beach blanket from the hallway closet. Sunblock and maybe a towel or two. Earplugs for you and the noise canceling headphones for Noah. Did you need to take some tampons with you? What was today? It was Saturday. Should you take tampons?
You dropped your razor with a clatter as you spun around and got yourself rinsed off while your heart pounded. You turned off the water and stood in the middle of the bathroom, dripping water onto the mat. When you reached for a towel, you cracked the door open. "Noah? You still okay?"
"Yeah, Mommy."
You wrapped yourself up and tried to remember if you'd had your period even once since Bradley flushed your birth control down the toilet at the lake house. No. No you had not. Not even once. But the thing you had been doing was having almost nonstop unprotected sex with your boyfriend. 
"Shit." You brushed your teeth and started moving as fast as you could while your brain was in such a fog. You needed to get dressed and find your car keys. You needed to go to the pharmacy. "Noah," you called out as you ran around. "We need to run to the store as soon as you're done eating!"
Somehow you managed to get yourself dressed and somewhat presentable looking, and then you pulled the yellow shirt over Noah's head that matched the flowers on your dress. You couldn't tell if you were more nervous or more excited at the thought of buying a pregnancy test with your Princess credit card, but in that moment, you really did feel like you were Noah's mom. He reached for your hand, and you led him outside to your car. Bradley put you fully in charge of his son, and you'd do anything for this child. Even the idea of Noah as a big brother had you buckling him in faster. 
"We'll just run to the store and then come back home really quickly," you whispered in excitement. 
"I want to go to the air show and see Daddy," he whined. "You promised."
You kissed his chubby cheek. "You're right. I promised. And I will always keep my promises. We'll go to the air show right after we stop back home."
Bradley was restless. He originally thought this was a great idea, zipping the engagement ring inside one of the many pouches on his flight suit. But he kept checking relentlessly to make sure it was still there. And all he'd really done all morning was wait around after he landed his Super Hornet in Miramar. The other pilots were fine. They seemed nice. But they probably thought Bradley was a complete basketcase. Now he was pacing the tarmac, anxious to get into the air as he checked his phone again. 
My Princess: Hey, Daddy. Noah and I arrived! We have a good spot in the grass on the west end of the runway. Can't wait to see you fly!
This was good. It was good that you were already here. He should be in the air in about thirty minutes. He knew what he needed to do. The flight formation was ingrained in his mind. It would be a snap. 
But he needed to get this fucking ring on your finger. He should have just proposed the night he brought it home. He'd thought about it then and every day since. For some reason he'd convinced himself that waiting for today was his best move, but now he couldn't even remember why. God, he just wanted to hear you say yes. He wanted to know you would be his and Noah's forever. He wanted to sit up with you later and hold you on his lap while the two of you read over the adoption paperwork. 
"Fuck," he muttered, checking the time again. It was so obvious from the very beginning that you belonged with him, and he'd fought it for long enough that he had hurt you. Some of the decisions he made weren't the best, but as soon as he picked you up from that fraternity party, he knew that was never going to happen again. 
"Rooster? It's almost time to go."
"Yeah," he agreed, patting the pocket of his flight suit again. "I'm ready."
As he climbed up the ladder into his jet, he glanced toward the west end of the runway. The entire event was packed, and it was impossible to pick the two of you out, but he waved nonetheless, hoping maybe you could see him. This combination of nerves was new to him. Settling into the seat and running his fingers along the controls was always exhilarating, but now he was starting to think you'd say it was too soon to be engaged. He had been trying to make his intentions clear for weeks, getting little to no resistance from you. But there was always a chance.
"It's time!"
He closed his canopy after securing all of his harnesses and strapping his helmet into place. At least you and Noah would be able to see him fly for the first time. Then even if you said it was too soon, you'd know he was ready when you were, and that there was a ring waiting. 
The sound of his engines roaring to life brought him comfort and kept him feeling grounded even as he started to taxi. He took off past the packed end of the runway where you were surely sitting, and he knew you'd point him out to Noah. Maybe he was sitting all snuggled up on your lap with his big headphones on. The cozy idea made Bradley want to be down there as he pulled his first roll high above the ground in tandem with the other pilots. The comms crackled to life as he banked out toward the water. 
The sky was clear in every direction; the perfect day for flying. He felt calmer now as he cut graceful movements through the air past two of the others, and even though you were just a speck on the ground from this altitude, he knew you could see him. And he knew you were perfect. And he somehow knew you'd say yes.
As soon as he landed to the crowds of people along the runway cheering and waving Navy flags in the air, he taxied his jet back where it belonged and climbed out as soon as the ladder was available. When he saluted the officer in charge he asked, "Am I dismissed?" He didn't want to wait another minute as he once again checked inside that zipper pouch. 
"You're dismissed, Lieutenant. Thank you."
He started off at a bit of a brisk walk that turned into a jog. He passed through the guarded chain link fence lined with barbed wire and turned in the direction where you said you were sitting, texting as he dodged spectators in the crowd. 
I'm on my way to the two of you.
Without waiting for a response, he moved as quickly as he could past food vendors and flight simulations. All he could picture was the way you'd slept all night curled up with Noah, because when you were with him, everything that was important to Bradley was all in one place, and it made him ache. His flight suit felt restricting now, and he wished he'd taken the time to unzip the top of it. But he had his mission in mind, and nothing was going to stop him. 
Eyes searching the crowd for your floral dress pattern and Noah's yellow shirt, he finally saw you pop up from the blanket you were sitting on to wave at him. A smile found Bradley's face as his feet carried him in your direction. You were holding Noah's small hand in yours as people started wandering around the area before the next set of aircrafts took off. Bradley wiped his brow with his sleeve as he got close enough to see your purple nails as you picked Noah up to wave.
"Hi, Daddy!" his son called out, the noise canceling headphones slipping out of place as you laughed and removed them for the time being. The headphones dropped from your fingertips and landed on the blanket just as Bradley wrapped both of you in a hug.
"Hey, Bub," he said as Noah climbed into his grasp. 
"We saw you in the air!" you gushed, wrapping your arms around him. "Noah loved it so much."
His lips were on yours instantly as his fingers flexed against your back. With one hand around each of you, Bradley wished he'd taken the ring out on his jog over. Now he was out of breath and sweaty and trying to juggle Noah in one arm while the child talked a mile a minute about the airplanes. Because when Bradley broke the kiss and looked at your face, all he wanted to do was hand you that ring and his heart and his life and beg you to always be with them. 
"Princess," he rasped, leaning in to kiss your forehead as he pulled his hand back to find that zipper. He fumbled a bit with it as you bit your lip a little nervously, so he leaned in to kiss your cheek before turning his attention to Noah. "I really need your help, Bub."
"With what?" he asked, arms still wrapped around Bradley's neck. 
As his fingers closed around the ring, he whispered, "We have to ask Mommy a question."
The crowd was loud enough that Bradley thought there was a good chance you couldn't hear his words to Noah as he finally shared his plans for the day with his son. But as he sank to one knee in front of you with Noah perched in front of him, you looked more apprehensive. He handed Noah the ring and watched as his son reached his hand up to you. It was too late to stop now as you caught sight of the princess cut diamond that Bradley thought you'd love from the first time he saw it. Your eyes went wide, and you gasped loudly, eyes fixed on Bradley as you froze. His brain was screaming at him that you were going to say no.
Then Noah's sweet voice filled the space between the two of you as he held the ring up a little higher and asked, "Mommy, will you marry Daddy?"
You were looking from Noah to Bradley as you pressed your fingertips to your lips, and your response was neither a confirmation nor a rejection of his proposal, but rather something Bradley had been hoping for but thought was still a long way off. Tears filled your eyes as you said, "I'm pregnant." 
Double. Whammy. What's your move, Daddy? What are you thinking, Princess? Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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serxinns · 6 months
Hi so I have another yandere platonic class 1-a request again if that’s okay
So if Izuku has a cousin(female reader) who has pica (it’s a eating disorder which a person eats things not usually considered food) and she would eat easer shavings because her mother would just ignored her when she was a child and when she was in middle school she ran away to Izuku’s house but never really told anyone about what was happening. So here’s a scenario of Izuku and some of class 1-a walks into a her room and sees her eating some eraser shavings
How would they react? ((I hope this is okay)
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• You had this habit for as long as you remember, you always ate things that weren't food or even edible, the main reason is that your mother was always neglectful to bringing in men and just told you to go in your room and play with your toys without any food, at times you even had to sneak out the house and go to your aunty Inko house with your cousin izuku, Inko knew about your situation and took care of you like you were her child
• "Izuku dear your cousin is here!" Inko's mom called not even 3 seconds you heard little footsteps stomping and excited giggling getting louder "Y/N Y/N! YOU'RE HERE" Izuku ran up and tackled you with a hug, 2 of you were on the ground and started giggling "I bought my super cool Remote control robot with me we can pretend this is the villain and we're the heroes!" The green boy was amazed at the idea and the two of you ran off while Inko giggled to herself
•The 1st person to notice that you had pica was your auntie Inko she noticed how you were always chewing on things like scissors, dirt, or even paper at 1st she thought it was because you were just a child with a big appetite but even when you were full you still went back to this behavior so when she took you to the quirk doctor about this behavior after a few test you were diagnosed with pica so then on after your mother abandoned you with one of the playboys she started taking care of you and izuku
• one-day Bakugo was picking on you for this calling you a dirt eater and picking up worms "Come on Sissy eat it you like eating dirt so much eat it" mocking you to eat them but you used his quirk to make him fly back and the two of you gone at it punching, pulling, biting while the other kids were cheering on but izuku was worried so he tried to run over but was too scared to get hurt as well so he got into and Mitsuki, Both women ran over and broke you two apart while into was checking on ur bruises and scratches mitsuki grabbed katsuki and put him on his him while he struggled and kicked and yelled insults "Inko I am so so so sorry for my son's horrible behavior ill make sure he learns a lesson" Mitsuki bowed her head in front of inko "I'm sorry too ill make sure ill talk with this young lady here the 2 of you had a stern talk about it but you got some ice cream and izuku kiss your boo-boos and helped with putting on all might banaids
Years passed and now you were in Ua your cousin was more protective than you ever, since that incident he swore to always protect you and never leave you behind he worked extra hard when all might training him not only to become a number one hero but to protect you and to be heroes together! Whenever someone looked at you funny he gives them a deadly glare and they'll back off immediately you were there when he was down and he was gonna repay you back he always made you hold hands or be by you to remind you that he should be your only friend
While you were talking to your cousin while chewing on an eraser and your cousin ranting about all might and his notebook going to your next period. A short punk -haired girl stopped in front of the two of you she smiled at you while the both of you looked confused and Izuku looked tab annoyed "Uhh who are you-" "Hello! I'm Mina! Mina Ashido Are you two twins!?" She said observing you two looking at each other "Actually we're cousins!"
"Oh, I'm sorry! Mina sheepishly said while rubbing the back of her head "It's fine we get that a lot! It's normal for us plus we act like brother and sister!" You playfully hit Izuku in the shoulders while he playfully glared at you "Anyways! Me and my friends were talking alot about you and we wanted to invite you to hang out with us!" You were flattered and blushed at her comment "uh yeah I can join! Is that's ok izuku" Izuku wanted to protest but with the look of excitement on your face he didn't want you to hate him and see him as a bad brother cousin so he mentally rolled his eyes and said "yea plus it can be like a girls day for you!"
Time skip to lunch
• the two of you were walking into class when a short brown head girl waved her hand signaling you both to join her you both walked over and sat down "Hey izuku and you must be?" "Y/n, y/n Midoriya!" You introduce yourself making the girl brighten up "Ah how nice! You look so adorable!" You blushed embarrassingly at that comment "Ah stop it you're making me blush! You were soon introduced to iida and Tsuyu then Todoroki and all started chatting happily
•you were soon Introduce with kirishima, tokoyami, a silly goofball denki, Sero, hakagure, Aoyama and more and started to make a bond with them even amends with bakugo (kinda)
•you mostly hang out with the dekusquad but the bakusquad would always try to invite you in any way they can which starts a war
•the girls would always have slumber parties or tea parties and if you weren't interested in those chaotic board games where you mostly won
•the boys would try and team up with each other like Bakugo and Kirishima Denki and Sero would invite you to laser tag fighting over who would win the most points for you to get a prize or Izuku, shoto and iida would take you out on to the mall and spoil you
• one-day Tokoyami was looking for you because you promised you would read his poems so when he went into your room he saw you chewing on some paper you explained why you have this habit and you had it when you were 4 which he completely understood heck dark shadow started to eat paper (like cookie monster eating s cookie) you couldn't stop laughing when tokoyami tried to take the paper out his mouth
•Koda would watch you making sure you won't try to eat the grass and try to make you eat delicious berries and edible plants
•Sato pack some pastries for you whenever you felt like wanting to chew on something not edible
•bakugo would just smack whenever your chewing on telling you that's disgusting while giving you your favorite snackyou liked as kids saying "chew this shit instead of erasers dumbass!"
•Izuku would pack gum for you in case you fly in the urge to want to chew on your eraser if he runs out he lets you chew on his pencils or ask Aoyama to give you some cheese
•you and kiri literally are twins chewing your erasers is your favorite habit
•Momo would gently let you know how ite unhealthy to chew on thing and blah blah blah while your just over here chewing off your finger nail which she also has to stop you
• Ochaco will let you try and stop yourself from chewing on your hair desperately giving you one-dollar snacks to eat
It didn't matter how werid you thought you were since you will always be their "werid" little sis and if any judge you otherwise they'll be meeting with 18 angry siblings and one cousin ready to break some bones instead of his
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otakween · 6 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 1
Woohoo! New series :D And I...already don't know how to feel. No digimon partners? Yet another goggle-boy whose name starts with "Ta?" Stereotypical characters? Well...I'll give it a chance. Let's find something to like about this lol.
Beginning of the episode gave a mixture of Future Diary and isekai anime (especially with Truck-kun making an appearance!) I guess it's good that the kids had more agency than the Adventure kids in getting to the digital world, but I hope they explain all of this well later. Why are they being called to the digital world? What is the threat this time?
Speaking of Adventure, I wonder where this fits into the continuity. Is it its own thing like Tamers? They've gone back to saying "chosen children" and "digivice" so it seems to lean closer to Adventure, but the lack of partners seems to go against Adventure's definition of what it means to be chosen.
It makes sense since Digimon came from the v-pet toys, but they really like to lean into youths' fascination with technology. In this its the chunky Nokia phones. I'm pretty sure there's a digimon series where smart phones feature too.
Animation wasn't mind blowing, but it was nice and fluid. The sequence of trying to make the train was probably the most exciting/intriguing part.
Kind of already annoyed at the cast: generic rival boy who's a dick for absolutely no reason (the Sasuke, I like to call it), generic fat stereotype who is always eating, whiny little kid, and token girl who says things in Italian randomly. The girl character reminds me of Miyako with her "bingo" catchphrase -eye twitch- Let's see where the show takes them.
Visually the only character I really like is Izumi. At least she has a cute outfit. Okay, I guess Junpei's jumpsuit is kinda fun too...
Hey! Those monkey and rabbit looking mons are from the Wonderswan game I just played, D-Project. I guess they've been recycled. They're less partner digimon and more exposition characters. I like the yellow dude and his floppy feet.
Hard for me to buy that Tomoki would be such a crybaby but then be brave enough to walk out onto a train track hovering over an abyss?? Guess he's just that desperate
Why are there swarms of baby digimon everywhere? Are they continuing the weird tradition of digimon villages only being inhabited by babies?
The spirit digivolution sequence was fun but I don't really like Agnimon's design :/ It just looks like a jumbled mess of patterns and colors to me.
So a lot of the fun in the previous series was digivolution reveals. Do these spirit digivolutions have levels to them?
I have no idea what to make of this show yet. I read the comments on the site where I watched it and everyone was saying "MY CHILDHOOD!" so it at least meant something to someone out there!
Did you care about this show? I wanna hear people's thoughts! (Spoiler-free of course).
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Bambi's kinda my comfort character, she reminds me a lot of myself when i was 5 i got a little brother and i really was excited for it at first then i got pushed to the side. like they got a new excited toy to play with. my mum always loved my brother more than me and it was obvious but i didnt care cuz i had my dad, then my brother started becoming a brat and mum and dad started fighting and got divorced and moved out then was just me. i moved out at 16 and havent looked back since and ive promised i will never be like her and when i have kids i will be a great mother. your writing heals heart and gives me the affection i wish i had as a kid so thank you.
sorry for my little trauma dump 🫢👍
but your writing is PERFECTION 👌❤️❤️❤️
I'm glad you can find some comfort in Bambi ❤️
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age-of-play-i-say · 2 years
Daddy's Plush Replacement, pt. 2
I truly . . . this has gotten away from me, ummm, please blame @justpottytime, enjoy!
This is the best night of my life. My Daddy loves me so much.
I’ve been humping for forever, mesmerized and soft. Edging and plateuing and playing. Smelling Daddy’s shirt, the plushie cover on Teddie rubbing my nipples and winkie. I moan into Teddie’s neck, tangled in my own hair a little bit. I slow down my humpies, sit back on my knees and assess.
Teddie lay still, cock sprung free from beneath my belly.
Teddie was big. Bigger than Daddy. 
My walls twitch and I hear myself whine.
No one’s here to stop me or slow me down or make me be careful, I can do what I want,
I’m not a brat, but I am an opportunist.
First thing’s first. I pull back and stand up, pulling my shirt off and tossing it to the side, now only wearing socks. I snatch a sippy that looks full of a cranberry ginger ale, my favorite soda. My heart and pussy feel warm again at the most recent reminder of Daddy’s care.  
When I turn back to the bed, I find another. In another small basket on the side table is lube, a few toys, and some liberator towels. There's also a disc case, with a post-it labeled "For Tingles Only - Little or Big".
Curious, I load it into my DVD player Daddy set up for me, too little to wrangle the internet. I nearly fall back onto the daybed when Daddy's beautiful voice comes out of the speakers:
"Hi, Peanut. If you found this, you're probably still Little, which means you're indecisive but unbearably horny."
I nod to myself, trying not to get too embarrassed, overwhelmed by Daddy, despite his physical absence.
"Well, I figured I can help, since I'm so big and I know you so well!
"You have a few choices. You can use this audio, which is designed to get you off without having aaaany big thoughts whatsoever.
"First, tuck that liberator towel under Teddie's strap, just in case you get too excited."
I move to do it, feeling myself relax and drop into my body, taking instructions from Daddy with ease.
"The next two scenes you can skip to are videos for big kid tingles. One shows Daddy solo in our bed, talking about what I want to do with you, Peanut. It's very detailed.
"The other is a video at work, taken right after you told Daddy to pick up sippies with groceries after work. You called me 'Dada' during that voice memo, Peanut, and whewwww, it really made an impression."
I feel another sticky gush coat my thighs as I think of my Daddy, sweating and huffing in a stall, desperate and trying to stay quiet. 
All over me saying 'Dada'.
I get several ideas at once, but I shake them out of my head for now, staying fuzzy for Daddy.
"You can decide on videos later, Peanut, for now, grab the lube in the basket and coat Teddie's strap with it. Be generous, no matter how wet you already are."
Whining, my walls already stuttering, I apply a generous amount of lube to Teddie's thingy. I'm breathing hard, but I wait for Daddy.
"Good baby! Now take the leftovers and spread a little on your peepee. Give it an extra little tug for Daddy."
I do. Sparks fly behind my closed eyes. I'm alone, there's no need to be quiet, but I feel shy.
"Stay noisy, Little One. No need to hold in your pleasure.
"Now, crawl into Teddie's lap. . .
"Good, now sit - lightly! - on his big cock. I want your entrance pulsing around his tip. . . Does that feel sooo good baby? Teddie's gonna give you a big stretch so soon! Ohhh, baby, oh mm-"
Daddy cuts off unexpectedly, right as his instructions make me clench on Teddie's big tip. 
"Okay unh, ah, okay. Good Peanut. Daddy loves you so much. Okay. Sit up on your knees, relax all your tush and tummy muscles. Ready? Time to mount Teddie. Take your left hand to guide him in further. Your right should be attending to your hard little baby button in front. I'm gonna give you a moment to get settled. You're allowed to come whenever you feel it, okay Little one? Daddy trusts you. . .
"Now sit down on Teddie's cock. Good Baby."
I'm so tightly wound up. As soon as the rest of the strap slipped past my entrance, I started coming for the first time. Rocking my hips in tiny thrusts into my hand, two fingers barely grazing my throbbing little winkie, I see sparkles on the edge of my vision. I let my eyes cross and I stick my tongue out, right as I hear,
"I know it, Little One, I know it feels sooo good with Teddie filling you up. Come for Teddie, baby, come on–"
I explode, eyes closed and body and cunt quivering, milking Teddie's cock. He's so big and it feels so goooood, just like Daddy said. I still feel restless and I bring my hand back to my winkie.
I gasp. I'm still hard, still close somehow. I wrap my hand around my peepee and start polishing my flagpole the old-fashioned way. 
"I think you should try to come again, baby. You can grab a toy from the basket, or just rub your peepee for Dada. Keep rubbing, Little one, just rub and rub until it feels like you're gonna explode with all the tingles!
Teddie's big cock stretching me out, the plush pressing against my tush, my legs, my privates. I wriggled a bit, and the plush provided the tactile stimulation I needed to clamp down on Teddie's strap and start keening. I jerk back once, twice, before my vision whites out and I feel another, bigger gush rush out, wetness immediately drawn down into the towel. I come for so long, the keening cuts to silence because I simply run out of air.
I feel spent, happy, and wiggly. I'm satisfied. For now. Daddy's voice floats by again, more in control of himself this time. I smile thinking of Daddy getting all hard and humpy for his baby while trying to ensure my pleasure. 
"My good Peanut, I hope you had fun with this. I'm gonna wrap up here, but if you want to keep Teddie warm like you do for Daddy, by all means, please do. Love you, Peanut!" The audio scene ends and pauses automatically, screen blinking with the option to continue to the next scenes. If only I could reach the remote!
I smile and tip forward, lying on Teddie. I can really feel the stretch of his cock from this angle. Now his belly pressed in the cradle of my legs. His plush rubbed at my soft peepee, providing the perfect amount of ticklish friction. I laugh out loud, settling my head and torso on Daddy's shirt.
Feels like Dada's mustache on my baby button!
I giggle again, and the plush tickles my peepee more.
I feel so loved, happy and whole.
And relaxed. And sleepy.
Keep Teddie warm, Dada said so. My last coherent thought.
*(pee stuff after this break, some light diaper stuff, part 3 will be focused on mostly that, jsyk)*
I come to suddenly. I grab my phone to see a few hours have passed and Daddy has checked into his hotel and sent a few updates on his drive.
I think of him alone in that hotel room. Poor Daddy! At least I have Teddie and his cock to keep me company.
I roll my hips down to get some friction inside but get more than I bargained for when the plushie bear belly all around my winkie makes me squeak and gush.
I lean down to adjust the liberator towel to make sure no juices get on Teddie. He's such a clean boy. So handsome, too.
I look down to where Teddie has me speared on his cock. I grab my phone and throw out the kickstand on the bedside table. Wanna send Dada a treat, looks so tingly!
I hit record, lift Teddie's torso up to gather in my arms, and start grinding my hips back and forth and back and forth.
I'm so tight and so sensitive after my little snooze.
Sitting with Teddie's cock inside instead of riding changed his position - now his big cock head was rubbing relentlessly on my front wall.
I'm not gonna last! I realize. And reach behind the camera to pluck a small vibe out of the basket. I tuck in between my peepee and the plushie.
My eyes roll back and I start shaking immediately. My orgasm builds and builds until my eyes are closed again, orgasm building its way up my spine before my pussy clenches and I peak again, gasping and snapping my hips in Teddie’s lap.
I come down, taking note of how wet everything is underneath me. I try to catch my breath, checking the towel to make sure, and sure enough, the absorbent barrier held! I wrinkle my nose at the yucky smell, but I feel accomplished and silly.
I giggle, but it soon turns to a grimace.
Something still feels heavy in my pelvis, a bit sharp, like I need to come again. I had intended to stop the recording and keep warming Teddie, but as soon as I bounce my hips once more, I know that’s not in the cards.
My eyes fly open in recognition and I toss the vibe in the basket, knocking my phone sideways. I think of the potty corner and scrunch up my face, scrambling off Teddie with shaking legs.
The smell of my squirties wafts up from the saturated towel and my cheeks redden with a whimper. Those weren't all just cummies. I forgot I had slept a few hours and- I look around and find the empty sippy that held a full soda. No wonder my poor baby bladder is bursting! 
Using my big kid muscle, I just barely make it to the ground without leaks. 
Am I naughty? Wanna be good for Daddy.
“Am good! Am good baby! Didn’ know ‘bout potties - and Teddie’s all dry!” I reason with myself aloud, trying not to panic.
I had managed not to wet Teddie, as Daddy asked, but I could feel the pressure rising again, my poor bladder tired from the pounding it had just received. I grabbed at my baby parts, squealing when I made contact with my oversensitive little tdick.
A leak escaped, freely dribbling onto the carpet. My eyes find the basket of diapers and I press my thighs together, shuffling low and slow towards my corner in hopes I can make it to my relief.
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lacunafiction · 2 years
Loving all the dragon age refs in book one!! And I'm not sure if intentional or not but the gift definitely reminded me of bloodborne trick weapons.
I've played the book a few times already trying to find everything. Your writing is stunning I love it so much. I know book one just came out but definitely am excited for book two!! Congrats on the release♡
Hi Anon,
Learning that there are quite a few DA lovers playing TFS makes me want to add even more! 💚
That Bloodborne ref was likely unintentional, but I do like that it reminded you of that game. I was inspired by toy lightsabers I used to whip around as a kid, but more specifically, my late grandfather's old teaching indicator/pointer back when everything was still done on a board. It looks like a metal ballpoint pen until you extend out the segments, allowing each one to lengthen and then lock to create a metal rod that is thicker at the base. (I think I still have it somewhere around the house. It's neat!)
I wonder if anyone has noticed the Skyrim reference B makes? It can suggest that they do like to play video games like Skyrim, though there is also a mention of 'tanks' and 'bullet sponges' in a choice.
Oh, imagine the Fernweh gang playing video games at the B&B.
The world of TFS really can widen and open up on replays; I'm so glad that you're happy to spend some time within it. 🥰 Thank you for what you said about my writing style! I'm so excited for you to see all of the twists and turns the plot of Book two takes; it's going to be a wild ride from the Introduction to the finish. You've no idea how eager I am to share it with you all.
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
Hi, it's me Crystal! I'm wondering if I should write a Striker x Reader fanfic or not, it would be the classic childhood friends troupe. So I ask, what do you think Striker's childhood and adolescence was like?
To be honest, I've always seen him as a typical problem kid, who played rough with others and was a bullie only to become a bad boy in his teens.
- Crystal 🎀💖✨️
@crystalofmoon19 I LOVE seeing your asks and I am so sorry it takes me so long to get to them sometimes, but I would absolutely love to read something like this!!! I've never thought about his childhood that much, but I do have a couple of thoughts on how he was raised and what I think kinda made him the way that he is as an adult. I'm not sure if this is what you were thinking, but I really hope you enjoy my headcanons and hope they inspire you to write!
Young Striker
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Despite his rougher way now, Striker didn’t start out so hateful.
As a young child, he was raised by a loving single mother on her family’s farm in the Wrath ring where he was actually excited to work alongside his mother and other family members day in and day out.
He was encouraged to sing and play music by his mother and she often had him sing to the crops and animals, telling him it helped them grow and that it helped make them feel better when sickness passed through the farm. She also encouraged him to cook with her and his grandmother, telling him that food was an expression of love and that he should cook for the ones he loved.
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His grandmother gifted him Bombproof as a child and taught him how exactly to care for the horse in sickness and in health.
When he was about seven, his grandfather taught him how to hunt and shoot, skills he would later apply to his little one man assassin business, but as a child, Striker wasn’t fond of hurting other things.
Being a hybrid imp, Striker was gifted with abilities not all other imps had, one being the power of hypnosis. He used that quite a bit to get his way in early years. It started out small, like hypnotizing someone in his family to give him a second dessert after dinner or hypnotizing a shop owner in town to give him a free toy, but after his mother passed away, he didn’t care much for morals.
Striker would say that his life fell apart when he was eleven years old. His mother fell ill and passed shortly after when they were unable to afford medical treatment outside of their ring. After pouring money into trying to get his mother medical care that he still believes would have saved her life, his family could no longer afford to own their farm and he lost the only home he had ever known. 
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As his mother was essentially his moral compass, after her passing, Striker gave up most of the habits she had built, too angry and sad to do much that reminded him of her… So he did the opposite.
Smoking, stealing, picking on smaller demons, disrespecting his elders, cursing, drinking…. Anything to feel something outside of the anger and sadness he felt after losing his mother.
Unable to care for him and themselves after losing their farm, his grandparents used the little money they were able to save to send Striker to what they were convinced was a great boarding school-like program for troubled young demons. This school took lower class demons and trained them to serve and after graduation, Striker was sent to work for royals.
After graduating that boarding school program, Striker was sent to work for lower class royals outside of the Wrath ring. Still dealing with the ‘bad habits’ he picked up after his mom died, he was quickly reprimanded by his boss in ways that could be clearly classed as abuse. After not changing his way enough to please them, he was sent to a new ring with other nobles, where the cycle repeated itself until he decided he wanted to work until he could afford to buy back his family farm since it sat abandoned all this time.
By age fifteen, Striker had fixed his attitude and work ethic and became a trusted butler for a lower class noble family…. After hearing him talk about his plans to save his meager pay to buy his farm back and leave them, that family then bought it and destroyed it as a way of reminding him that he now belonged to them.
With the farm destroyed and the land bought out, Striker became extremely depressed. At first he didn’t want to live…. Then he decided the people who looked down on him and treated him the way he had been treated for years, were really the ones who didn’t deserve to live.
By sixteen, he ran from the life he lived with the nobles who abused him and lived on the streets of Wrath. Striker stole, cheated, and killed to keep himself safe in these times until he found the abandoned railroad he still lives in now.
The little money he had went to keeping his horse happy and fed while he did whatever he had to keep himself not dead and not a servant.
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Living in the conditions he lived in and doing the things he did became…. Comfortable almost. It also triggered thoughts and he realized what he wanted to do with his life because he realized that every problem in his life started with the societal rules put in place by the noble bloodline, who rigged the system so they never really suffered the way he did.At the age of eighteen, Striker knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to kill the unkillable.
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Being at that age where he was barely an adult, and having had very little people in his life to model business and work ethic in this venture for him, Striker’s plan definitely hit some bumps and he definitely screwed up a few times before he learned a few tricks of the trade, and he had to use his hypnosis powers to clean up quite a few oopsies, but the goal never changed. He wanted to end every royal and every blue blood he came across. 
His late teen years consisted of training and building up his portfolio of murder by using everyday demons to hire him as their personal murder machine so he could perfect his methods of kidnapping, torture, and murder for when he was ready for his real targets.
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Striker spent a lot of time… perfecting what he does on ordinary demons. As he took his time to learn and tweak his methods, he watched as royals and nobles seemed to continue to ‘fix’ the system in ways that only seemed to favor them and his hatred had time to blossom into something bigger than he had ever imagined his body could hold.
By the time he reached his mid 20’s, Striker had build a name for himself within the world of assassins, but his goal still remains the same. He’s found that it would be a slow process, but he’s working on it.
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hammity-hammer · 1 year
another non steddie post BUT has to do with gender shit and being a queer recognizably and existing in my skin--
i went to a friday the 13th party last night with one of my platonic partners (whom i will now call pp because shorthand is easier) and we both are very fem presenting afab people who use pronouns that don't match our outward expression. i personally use he/him exclusively, unless another trans person is referring to me in which they can use it/its because they get it in a way that cis people i don't often trust to be able to get. pp uses they/he/(it) in the same kind of way. i had my tits OUT and i am comfortable like that, because i know that the people who know me and love me and understand me know deep within themselves that i am not a woman. they see me for everything that i am and they love me. we re-met someone that we had seen the last time at the party, who was a fucking angel and so sweet! he offered us drugs to which we both declined because i was DD and pp strictly drinks, and we had good conversations! i gave him chocolates i had brought with me, we complimented each other's costumes, and overall just had a good fucking time vibing together! we started talking about gender, because i have a more androgynous sounding voice because of my testosterone, and pp referred to me using the correct pronouns. our new friend got so fucking excited that someone who was like him existed-- he tells everyone that he uses any pronouns because he doesn't want to have to repeatedly explain to people that he's not a woman, that he exists outside of the gender spectrum. he told us about the immense euphoria he gets when his partner refers to him using the correct pronouns, and i got so excited for him! it's been really fucking hard lately existing as such a feminine presenting person in spaces that aren't full of me-- and he helped re-light that spark of wanting to tell every person that tells me i'm a woman/too feminine to be a man/too xy or z to be trans and live my life peacefully to fuck right off. he was so fucking happy to meet people whose perceived genders didn't match their identities because people like us are so fucking far and few between. i have dysphoria-- i have it so fucking bad some days and didn't even realize that's what i was feeling because people that look like me/feel like me don't talk about it! transness is always seen from such a binary point of view, and even when people try to go outside the binary it just ends up like a third gender of androgyny and i personally just don't fit that! i am a guy. i am a dude. i'm a girl. i'm a person. i wear dresses and skirts and pants and proudly display my body because it's the only one i have and my mother did a very good fucking job in raising me to believe that i'm beautiful, and that anyone can be beautiful regardless of their gender identity. she taught me that people are people at their cores and that is what makes them beautiful. she also taught me that as long as i'm happy with myself and with the people i surround myself (who love me unconditionally, might i add) then it doesn't fucking matter what the world thinks of me. she let me play with whatever toys i wanted as a kid, she dressed me in the most neutral shit, in boys clothes, in girls clothes, because she thought they looked cool and they made me happy! she took the gender out of things that society and my peers and the other adults in my life kept trying to force gender into. she reminds me daily that as long as i'm happy, i'm beautiful. i know that i come from a very unconventional upbringing when it comes to gender expression and identity, and that i'm so fucking fortunate to have such a supportive family, and i am so fucking grateful for that. i spend every day at a job that i hate because i'm surrounded by people that don't respect me because they see me as a woman because of the tits on my chest and the clothes that i wear and that fucking kills me. i still fight them every day on it, because i have to. because if i don't then the next trans person that interacts with them will have to deal with this shit. and hopefully exposure therapy helps or something because jesus fuck.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Sebbie I'm so excited and happy that you loved the first two chapters of "Honey We're Shrunk!". I was honestly debating on whether or not to tag anyone else because I'm really weird and don't like to tag people without asking first, but all the same it makes me super happy whenever I see the new tags or a comment.
I was thinking about the domestic life with preacher!Rhett again on the way home from work and the cutest thought popped into the back of my head (though it's definitely clear I'm embracing the soft, lol).
You being a Sunday school teacher, you've always loved telling your students the Noah's Ark story. Rhett even had a little wooden toy version with the little figures and the animals that Royal made when Rhett was a baby and he hoped to pass it down to the grandkids someday. Seeing as you adopted Amy as a baby, she was the first one to play with it.
When you and Rhett discovered that you two were gonna have your first (that came about one sweltering day in April when you and him had snuck into his office in the back of the church during a cookout and he had you right then and there on the desk), Rhett was over the moon since you had been trying for the last two to three years and thought you weren't getting anywhere. When you found out it was a little boy, you and Rhett knew right off the bat what you were gonna do for his room. You made him the Noah's Ark quilt, painted a mural of it on the walls and Rhett even had his little wooden toy on the shelf for when baby boy was big enough to play with it.
And when the other kids started putting in appearances in the family, he'll read them a story like Cinderella, Peter Pan or Snow White (Rhett may be a man of God, but he's a firm believer that the babies need to hear a good story at night and when Amy discovers the Harry Potter books, it's a whole other deal altogether) but always, the babies ask him to tell the Noah's Ark story and won't go to sleep until he does (lol).
awh i absolutely love it, my love! i just think it’s such a neat and cool concept, and seriously, fondly, reminds me of the borrowers 🥹 i cannot wait to read more!
oh and i love this thought so much! i know you’ve mentioned noah’s ark before with domesticated preacher rhett, but i just think it makes so much sense! and it’s such a sweet image with the baby room and reading them the story 🥹
thank you so much for this sweet thought my love! 💌
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firstyok · 1 year
Zenra Meshi ( Naked Dinner ) Review on Ep 1-2
I've been quite a watcher of Japanese BL shows, especially since I'm intrigued by their language ( also an anime fan ), their soft yet appealing storylines and charming acting. Eventhough the stories don't dig deep much for their less number of episodes, I still find them quite interesting.
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This time, I've started watching Naked Dinner, especially because of Goto Yutaro, who has also played in The Man who Defies the World of BL, and Cherry Magic. But, overall, I was excited due to the plot and their first encounter snippet from the official trailer.
Below, I've addressed the things I've liked and disliked about the show so far.
1. Cinematography
So, when I watched the first episode, that one thing that significantly caught my eye was the cinematography of this show. Needless to say, you'd realize that it's beautiful and relaxing aesthetically, and the setting of the show is artistic. Starting from the scenarios of the old town of grandma's house, to the wonderful visual feast of the cooking of various recipes; it was oddly satisfying to watch, as if I've been travelling and eating like Ichijou, vicariously ( not by being naked, not thAt tho )
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The soft tone of the show is truly appealing - I'd recommend this show if you're up for a full visual sensationalism, and that's it. From the food, grocery stores, to the office and the furnishings at home - I adored the way the cinematic effects were added here, portraying the Japanese or Global cuisine, topped with Japanese culture. The house at grandma's is like nostalgia, which brings out a poignant warmth in the show, as well.
2. Familial Bond
I really adored how the relationship of Ichijou and his grandma was being portrayed. From what I've seen so far - the invisible thread that is connecting all the plot holes, is Ichijou's grandma. Eventhough she has passed away, her role is the most prominent one in the entire show, atleast till these 2 episodes. It was a creative shot to bring back memories of Ichijou's childhood, when he opened the boxes of his kid days, and saw so many stuff. It felt sweet and it hit home, reminding me of my childhood toys, books and other things.
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The character of Mahiro is okay-ish, eventhough I felt awkward and was freaking out about what was he doing in Ichijou's grandma's house. Slowly, the show cleared up that Mahiro is the grocery guy and the one who taught his grandma different international recipes, so she can travel through tasting, similar to the promise she made with Ichijou. However, I still find it quite suspicious about their development in the show, but again maybe it will get better as the show proceeds.
1. The Chemistry
The acting of the male leads is pretty decent, I agree. However, when it comes to the chemistry between those two, I find something's off. I don't know what it is, or how it is but I kind of find that they might be a little too stiff with one another. Okay, not that but eventhough we have just started on the show - the rapport between the leads are not in synchronicity. However, let's hope that this will improve more as the show progresses, because there's 12 episodes in total - so plenty of room to cover up with elegance.
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So, eventhough there's a few flaws already coming up, I'm curious about what these actors would surprise us with next, especially with such a plotline. Eventhough I'm not very impressed initially, I'd try to watch the entire thing, unless it gets worse for any reason. But, I hope the story and their chemistry would take a nice turn, because the plot and the cinematography has a lot of potential.
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Rei! I have this imagine in my head of you, Levi and Renée in the kitchen. The boys are close by in a playpen (is that what you would call it?) and you and Levi play pass the baby with Charlotte on one of your hips at all times.
Whether you and / or Levi love cooking or it's not generally your favorite (but isn't it?) Renée woke up one morning wanting to make blueberry muffins and it's become a family event as you pour and mix and laugh together and make a bit of a mess but clean as you go and make so much you put the extra in a cake pan.
While it's baking you check on the twins who have been playing with soft toys together and get excited for the upcoming sweets (I remember Léon is a blueberry fan!) and let Renée hold Charlotte, they share an unbreakable sisterly bond.
Levi takes out the muffins and cake because he doesn't want Renée to get burned but once it's cool enough lets her take them all out of the tin and you all sit around enjoying a a family made breakfast together as Renée talks about the next thing she wants to make!
Also anyone in our household like oatmeal? I kind of think that's a healthy, simple breakfast option in your household that you can add different toppings to depending on who likes what.
PS: Can I borrow Charlotte? Jeans getting baby fever again and I need to borrow a baby to hold him over LOL.
Eliza!!!!! 🥺🥺 oh man you have no idea how wide my smile was after seeing this!!! I played out this entire fluffy scenario in my head and I can't stop smiling 💖
I'm going to answer this below the cut because you know me, and my response is going to be long as heck haha XD
Self-ship assumptions!
Levi and I cook a lot at home, and Renée enjoys being our little helper in the kitchen now that she's older!! We'll let her stand on a stool and watch over her while she fries her own scrambled eggs, or makes her own sunny side ups! When I'm chopping vegetables, I'll give some of the unwanted bits or leftover to Renée and she'll chop them on a small wooden chopping board with a butter knife haha.
When we aren't cooking or preparing loads of food, we'll take turns carrying Charlotte and cook while the other watches the twins (and make sure they aren't playing rough). Otherwise, Charlotte is still too young to be in the kitchen with us hehe, so we'll leave her in the cot in our room and have Renée watch over her!
Levi and I aren't really big fans of baking, but for our princess, we got all of them baking necessities and supplies haha. Levi did remind Renée that this is real food and ingredients and not play-doh or clay, so she has to be extra careful. We even got Renée a nice pink apron to wear around the kitchen! Renée wanted to eat blueberry muffins one day after seeing it in a children's cookbook we bought her. We all have lots of fun trying to make the mix! Renée kept wanting to add more blueberries into the mix because she knows Léon loves them!
Renée loves to carry Charlotte, but she would put her down on the sofa or couch after a while and complains that her sister is too heavy haha. Renée likes to play peek-a-boo with Charlotte, and Levi and I can hear their laughter in the kitchen!
When the muffins are cooled, Levi does let Renée take them out of the tray. She would gather our plates and put a muffin on them, and decorate it with other fruits too. Levi and I put the twins on their baby chairs and the boys make a mess eating with their hands (as long as they're not throwing food at each other.... we're fine XD). Renée says she wants to try making pancakes next time, and we're all looking forward to the next family fun!!
Oh yes, we love oatmeal in the Ackerman household!! Sometimes I make overnight oats for the boys, and I love making pancakes with oatmeal too!! Levi loves eating those pancakes as well, and sometimes he brings a jar of it to work for an afternoon snack!
Of course, you and Jean can baby sit our kids whenever you want!! Levi has very kindly reminded me to tell you all to stop giving Renée so many sweets (like the last time Jean did :x). Now that Charlotte is a little older, I'm sure you and Jean will have more fun playing with her now!! The twins might still be a little chaotic, but hey, they can spend their energy running around with Murphy!!
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cryptixani · 2 years
Heyo! I'd like a romantic Sonic matchup if you don't mind ^-^
 Name: Walela Rose!
Pronouns: She/they
Sexuality and preferences: Bisexual, and my big crushes are Shadow, Sonic and Knuckles (am major Shadow simp) but I’m cool with any match. If you’re focusing on my big 3, I mostly crush on modern and Boom Sonic, movie Knuckles and any freaking iteration of Shadow (except IDW, they did him so dirty ;--;) smaller crush on movie Sonic and Blaze, but again I’m good with any matchup so no pressure!
Personality: where do I freaking start. I am more or less a huge anxious shut in. I have pretty bad anxiety and am scared to be outside by myself. I am a little socially anxious and am awkward, whether I’m confident about it or not. Whenever I try to talk to someone new, I tend to open up with a joke or meme that they end up not understanding and the convo usually ends there. Otherwise, I tend to not talk around strangers. However, when I get close to someone, they can’t shut me up. I get clingy, really affectionate and maybe annoying idk. I tend to crack myself up with puns that everyone else facepalms over. Sometimes I overshare my thoughts. I can be loud when I get excited. My sleep schedule is fricked up lol and I am a bit chubby. I also have a lot of low iq moments lmao and I need a lot of reassurance to know somebody isn’t going to leave me or replace me with someone else. I like sharing the things I obsess about with the ones close to me. I’m an age regressor, but even when I’m not regressing I tend to act a bit like a kid. I’m also lazy af and I blush easily. (Sorry if this was super long) Likes and dislikes: I like singing and playing video games and drawing too! I don’t like pickles, or coffee, and I don’t like hard thunderstorms or people angry yelling at me bc those scare me a lot. I really like Kingdom Hearts and My Little Pony and, of course, the Sonic franchise! My favorite colors are pastels and black. Although I like fireworks, I have to plug my ears when watching them bc I’m a highly sensitive person and those big loud babies hurt my ears. I like childlike things, like those stupid pretend cash register toys.
Relationship type: Something intimate, someone who likes taking care of me but tries to help me grow as a person as well. A relationship where they'll just suddenly remind me that they love me (that makes me swoon) and say sweet things in my ear first thing in the morning (more swooning). Perhaps someone just a little bit possessive, like they get a little jealous or pull me close when they feel like there's competition nearby. Someone who likes to gently brush my hair and doesn't call me cringe if I write them a super cheesy love poem. Someone who will love my body regardless of its shape, but still encourage me to be healthy. And someone who will be understanding and caring when I regress.
NSFW: My top 3 kinks are yandere, DDLG (as in calling someone Daddy and they take on a dilf-like role) and praise kink. I'm a switch, but mostly submissive.
hello lovely, thank you for submitting! i hope you like your matchup!
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i match you with...
knuckles the echidna
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• this is honestly just a gut feeling but i think knuckles would be a really good match for you!!
• he would definitely help you come out of your shell a bit, at least if you're only around him, to help you overcome your social anxiety. even if it's just baby steps.
• definitely loves taking care of you, making sure you're okay in any given situation, keeping an eye on you when you're around others in case your social battery runs dry
• his love language is acts of service so i think he'd overall just enjoy having someone that lets him convey that
• i don't think he'd be too into pda or anything like that, i headcanon him as pretty reserved, but when it's just the two of you he loves to murmur his affections by your ear while he keeps you close
• won't get most of the memes you reference but will still appreciate it anyway <3 he will enjoy your silly jokes and puns though
• knuckles is very protective over what he loves and what he considers his so rest assured you are in very safe hands, not to mention he won't hesitate to assert himself as your s/o if anyone else tries anything funny
• enjoys your affectionate, clingy nature, would never find it annoying.
• honestly if you gave him a cheesey love poem, he'd be more flustered than anything. he's not used to receiving such affection so it takes him off guard!
hope you enjoyed your matchup!!
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kanisema-blog · 3 months
Mafia Nanny
Chapter 17: Laughter in the Park
The sun hung high in the clear blue sky as Wyatt and I walked to the park, a sense of anticipation bubbling between us. The events of the previous days had cast a long shadow, but today, we were determined to find a moment of normalcy. Wyatt's hand was warm and small in mine as we approached the playground, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the swings and slides.
"Can I go play, Hannah?" Wyatt asked, his voice tinged with excitement.
"Of course," I replied, smiling down at him. "Go have fun."
He let go of my hand and ran towards the playground, his laughter echoing through the air. I found a bench nearby, settling down with a contented sigh as I watched him interact with the other children. It was heartwarming to see him so carefree, his earlier fears momentarily forgotten.
As I watched, a small group of kids gathered around Wyatt, their voices a happy jumble of introductions and laughter. Wyatt's face was alight with joy as he joined them in a game of tag, his legs pumping as he chased after his new friends.
I leaned back, letting the sun warm my face. It was a beautiful day, the park alive with the sounds of children playing and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze. For the first time in what felt like ages, I felt a sense of peace.
"You're doing great, Wyatt," I murmured to myself, my heart swelling with pride as I watched him navigate the playground with ease. His resilience was a constant source of inspiration, a reminder of why I fought so hard to keep him safe.
After a while, Wyatt came running back to me, his cheeks flushed and his eyes sparkling. "Hannah, did you see me? I made so many new friends!"
"I did," I replied, smiling up at him. "You were amazing out there."
"Can we come here more often?" he asked, his expression hopeful. "I like playing with other kids."
"We'll come as often as we can," I promised, ruffling his hair. "I'm glad you had fun."
Wyatt beamed, the weight of recent events seeming to lift from his small shoulders. "Thanks, Hannah. You're the best."
I chuckled softly, pulling him into a gentle hug. "No, Wyatt. You're the best."
He grinned and ran back to the playground, joining his friends for another round of tag. I watched him, my heart full of a quiet kind of joy. These simple moments, these fleeting glimpses of happiness, were what made everything worthwhile.
As the afternoon wore on, the park filled with families enjoying the sunny day. I exchanged polite nods and smiles with other parents, feeling a sense of camaraderie despite the different paths our lives had taken. For now, at least, Wyatt was just another kid enjoying a day at the park.
A little girl approached Wyatt with a shy smile, offering him a toy truck. He accepted it with a grin, and soon they were playing together, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the park. It was a beautiful sight, a reminder that despite the darkness that sometimes enveloped our lives, there was still light to be found.
As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the playground, I called Wyatt over. "Time to go home, buddy."
"Already?" he pouted, but there was no real resistance in his voice. He was tired from the day’s activities, his energy spent in the joyful abandon of childhood.
"Yes, it’s getting late," I said gently. "We can come back another day."
He nodded, his earlier disappointment fading as he took my hand. "Okay. Today was really fun, Hannah."
"I'm glad, Wyatt," I replied, squeezing his hand. "You did a great job making new friends."
He smiled up at me, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Thanks for bringing me here."
"Anytime," I said, my heart swelling with affection for this remarkable boy. "Let’s head home."
As we walked back to the mansion, the events of the day played over in my mind. For a few precious hours, we had escaped the weight of our reality, finding solace in the simple joy of a day at the park. It was a reminder of the strength and resilience that lay within both of us, and the hope that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together.
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alolanroy · 6 months
2024 Watch Thread-Part 3
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/alolanroy/743462089395470336/2024-watch-thread-part-2?source=share
Lensman (anime): Sometimes lost media is bad. I'm glad it was found, but it still wasn't good 3/10
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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes: It got a few sensible chuckles out of us, but I'm glad they figured out how to make comedies funny after this. 5/10
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Zombie vs Ninja (aka The Undertaker of Sohwa Provence). A South Korean parody of Chinese Kung-fu movies billed as ninjas for the US market. Imagine a turducken if every layer was racism. -5/10
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: While my PC and Unreal were fighting for their lives, this janky game blew me away. Rarely do we get sequels that truly feel iterative, let alone head and shoulders better than their predecessors. It continually fed me new toys and mechanical twists. I think I'll remember this as both a fun action game and as an outstanding metroidvania. It made me remember that I liked Star Wars, and for that I am thankful. 9/10
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Protodoid Delta: I see what they are trying to do here, but it just wasn't fun. just a lot of generic platforming and combat that didn't feel right. Weak buster shots and a three-hit melee I didn't find reliable do not a combat system make. 3/10
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Blades: Not quite funny enough for the comedic premise, but for my friends who hadn't seen jaws, it still was enough of a thriller to hold their interests -5/10
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Monster Squad: I feel like if this came out when I was a kid, this would have been my favorite movie of all time. The fun monster madness and tone was almost enough to distract me from how the horrible pan'n'scan always found a way to crop out the black buddy-cop, even when he was the one speaking. 7/10
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Star Wars The Bad Batch: In all fairness, I stopped only a few episodes in, but this just felt like Dave Filloni playing with his action figures. No real tension, just a parade of his OCs talking to each other, mostly with the same voice. I don't really care to find out if it gets better, because all I've seen is people get excited that more characters from Clone Wars show up. I want a good show, not reminders of a good show. 4/10
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Goldeneye: I'm glad Bond isn't quite as brutish with women as the franchise was historically, but while watching it with someone who had never seen a Bond movie before, it occurred to me how strange this movie is without the context it is trying to respond to. 6/10
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Battle Star Wars: There wasn't much battle or wars in this one. The stars were allright, but I would've preferred maybe some different hallways or a second hill in the California desert. Hell, I think a second jpeg of the Earth might've gone along way. Besides one of the most funny-bad costumes I've ever seen, this was utterly forgettable. -2/10
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Gundam Seed Freedom: This might actually be the most frustrating movie I have ever seen. It made me so mad that I, no joke, walked out to the lobby and stared at an arcade machine to cool off. The writing on display is insanely bad. The first half hour is a sequence of scenes where characters state their thoughts and exposit about a fanfiction-tier plot that barely makes sense. If you liked the cuck arc from Seed Destiny, you will love this movie. It doubles down on the concentric melodrama to a point where everyone has to just be cartoonishly mean-spirited and has the same ending as Destiny, down to the macguffin. 0/10
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The Intruder (1962): The day of Roger Corman's passing, this film came up a few times. I took a chance and within a minute and a half I knew this would be a winner. I've never seen a film more quickly and elegantly set up that a character might as well be the devil. Shatner is absolutely fucking evil in this role and it is GREAT. The more I read about this film the more ballsy I realize it was. allegedly this was filmed using mostly actual locals given a watered-down script. All those teens actually went through integration the year before. absolutely wild. 10/10
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The Last Man on Earth (1964): Wow, I can't belive that Will Smith Movie 'I am Legend' ripped this off. *Checks Wikipedia* Oh. 7/10
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Vikingdom: When people say that a movie feels like a videogame, Ithink this is what they should mean. I would describe it as Jason and the Argonauts by way of a ps3 action game. Cheap as hell, but willing to go hard at random intervals. Shoutout to the sequence in the land of the dead. 6/10
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The Cat Who Wore Sunglasses: I'm no expert on Czec new wave cinema, but I think that this was pretty neat. However, I'm not sure that it really fit the mood of a Costco Pizza movie night. 7/10
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Dragonball: The Magic Begins: This movie is a laugh-riot mix of good wuxia action and bursts of some laughable CG...until it slows to a crawl at Kame House for like and hour and kills all its energy. The remaster they had on Amazon was gorgeous, but uncanny since these movies aren't usually accessible in any quality. The funniest takeaway was that the production interpreted anime hair as an 80s hong kong action lady perm, so Goku ended up looking a little they/them. -7/10
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Blood of Zeus Season 2: I feel as though I can't speak for it much since this is clearly part 1 of a two part story, but it certainly is cut from the Castlevania mold. It does have better forward momentum than its predecessors, but the main party feels almost auxiliary to the other plotlines. I kinda forgot what they were supposed to be doing. 6/10
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Everyone is in LA: I don't think the first batch of guests really grabbed me. If this ever got the chance to 'get good' they might be on to something. 4/10
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Teldryn Serious: I get what they were going for, but it didn't really work for me. On the literal side, the quest objectives for the last third broke for me. Otherwise, I felt kind of confused because I guessed what was going on before I was supposed to, so I wasn't sure why the story hadn't caught up. 4/10
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The Fall of the House of Usher: I think a lot of Japanese RPGMaker and VNs owe Poe and Corman money. Entertaining, but not mind-blowing 7/10
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A.D. Police: It had some real cool energy and episodes, but its sure...uh... ended. 7/10
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Gundam Twilight Axis: This is a prime example of the cutoff point between a series of scenes and a story 3/10
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Skyrim-Mirai: I won't judge this too harshly since I really do feel teenage wish-fulfilment radiating off of this mod. When it clicked for me that Mirai has essentially the same narrative as Serana, and the romance post-game is longer than her main quest...I knew I had to meet it it's level. Not sure I like her ambiguous age, but I chalk it up to harmless fanfiction cringe. 6/10
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Jiu Jitsu: With a little editing, this could have been an all-timer martial arts vs. predator mashup movie with a cool alien costume. Nick Cage is in it for a surprising amount and the martial arts is shot pretty fun. Sadly the movie as it exists starts off poorly and gives the impression that the movie is less ambitious than it might actually be. As a result I tuned out for the first half. 4/10
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Dick Tracey: The funny makeup and production design does its best, but the awful pacing kneecaps the flow it has at the start. 4/10
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Year One: uuugh -3/10
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Wizards of the Lost Kingdom: We really had to make our own fun on this one. Except that gnomes, those were great -4/10
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Jack-Of-All-Trades!? A Day in the Life of Master Micchi: The geats cast really is at its best once the series is over. These characters are just funny to follow around without the end of the world looming. 5/10
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Kamen Rider Geats: 4 Aces and the Black Fox: This would have scored a full point higher if the main villains weren't a greasy discord mod/discord kitten pair that just did not fit the sick recolor of Geats 9. The brief pre-production view of Gotchard made me sad about what we ended up getting. 5.5/10
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Kamen Rider The Winter Movie: Gotchard & Geats Strongest Chemy★Great Gotcha Operation: I know getting turned into a marketable plushie is a meme and all, but this was hilarious. Until it turns into a generic Rider movie in the last third, the puppets are funny as hell and the Geats cast shines so well against the mildness of the chemies. 6/10
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
Big sims update with infants is out, and early access for the new pack. I didn't watch early access vids except to see the build/buy. I don't like the tables/chairs in the pack, but I love most everything else (and that matters more to me because we have plenty tables and chairs :P).
These new items are my favs as shown in MsGryphi's vid, plus a couple things from lilsimsie's update vid.
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WE HAVE A STANDING PIANO!!! I'm sooo happy. No more stacking endtables and merging them with the keyboard lol. Now we finally have an option between formal grand piano and that electronic keyboard. And look at the swatches soooo cool!
I'm also really loving the detail in the sink and bathtub. The quality has advanced a lot in recent packs. (to the point that it's actually made it difficult to even use base game/early pack items because they just look so bad by comparison.)
Also these tree wall decalls <3 I don't know how I'm gonna use them but I really want to. And the mushroom planter, the owl statue... so cute. Love this wall art because it looks like legit art! The black cat makes me think of the Le Chat Noir poster, and the one next to it makes me think of Alphonse Mucha. In another swatch there's a painting which reminds me of Hokusai's wave.
MsGryphi seemed confused by the "children's statues" (the rocketship and pirate bear). To me they definitely look like the way kids put everyday items together and use their imagination to turn them into something else. I really like these items, except for their being nonfuctioning, they really add reality to kid sims.
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Again with the detail... look at this kitchen set!! I'm so in love with the stove in particular, I've been wanting a stove like that. The couch with the throw blanket is my favorite, the other one is not my style, but I do love the colors and the swatches, and I wanted to add it because you can see again just how much more detailed sims games are now. Instead of looking washed out and old, these couches look to me like someone really decorated them.
The smaller items I adore: so happy to have a toy box which fits in a more rustic home, and a new lantern!! It looks nicer than the other lanterns so I'm sure I'll use it everywhere. Love the owl backpack too.
The final four detail items I will definitely use all the time. Love the shadows from the trellis and the gazebo. The rock-line planter will be a great shortcut instead of painstakingly lining things with rocks myself lol. And I love the little sapling growing out of the stump! What a nice touch!
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These crafts... as a pre-k teacher, I have made every single one x'D hahaha. And I want this fox lamp for my own life. No really, I NEED it.
Last but not least: look at the infants!!! I love this strawberry sweater (there's also a red-pink one that I might actually like better, even though I don't usually go for red-on-red!) And the middle haircut is THE baby haircut for me. I love the soft wispy baby hair soooo much. And the final pic is what newborns look like now. I still wish they were cuter... and smaller.... but eh. They're only newborns for a very short time so it's more important for the infants to be cute. I'm still not sure what I'll think of them, and how obviously they'll differ from toddlers. But they do look cute.
It is nice to have a more interesting childhood. In particular I'm excited that child skills now roll over into teen years. That for me was a major detractor from childhood before: why be a child if what you do as a kid has no impact later on? It does have an impact, though, at least if you have Parenthood (I'm not sure whether this is pack specific or not): you gain extra traits based on your parenting as a child. But those are extra traits - nice to have, but they're not useful like skills. If my child plays piano, they should be able to have at least one or two piano skill points as an adult, otherwise it just doesn't feel worth it. So glad that's a thing now!
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