#it really is true that some of yall just got the mentality of middle school bullies
yooniesim · 16 days
some of yall care more about ai than actual creeps and bigots in this community lol. like I get it, ai fuckin sucks, but god yall pick and choose the absolute pettiest subjects and easiest targets like crazy. every time I see something making its rounds on here it's always the most popular & inoffensive regurgitated opinions, usually with side shady comments against ppl u dislike that u think are easy to dogpile on or are going thru tough times aka are more vulnerable, bc ya always choose the path of least resistance as the only time you use ur voices. it's real easy to fight when u know ur gonna have plenty of backup, & the bad actors u inspire to spew in others' inboxes but don't have to take accountability for is just a fun bonus right? i mean god forbid yall actually say something when it aint some basic barely important take thats gonna get ya brownie points with some simblr u salviate over or a bunch of anons fluffing ya up. yall wannabe saviors wouldn't last a second with a strong opinion that don't line up with what's "safe" to say. like maybe it's the tism but I swear it's so easy to see when yall are either a) tryna make yourself feel/look good in one big circlejerk or b) shamelessly use a cause in order to attack someone ya didn't like anyway. i mean its been the same tactics since 2017 aint ya tired? like don't yall ever feel the urge to smell fresh air cos...
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localguy2 · 2 years
Hey so I made a sort of One-Shot based on this post.
I'm still confused as how the idea for this came about while studying for my midterms, literally brain Y are you like this
regardless, I hope you enjoy reading this!
Length: 1728 Words.
>Literally so ninja<
Fishybusiness, Green:D , Zappy, more…
TheelementofGreen:D : hey is everyone done with school?
Fishybusiness: yeah what's up
Green:D : was wondering if you guys wanna hang out at the "Secret Ninja Warehouse"
Zappy: (so ninja)
HotAsFire: nah sorry, parents need me and Nya at the shot
ICEychef: Shop.*
HotAsFire: >:(
Fishybusiness: what Kai said
Zappy: yeah won't make it as well, my parents also need me at the Junkyard
Rockbottom: i can make it but it might be boring without the rest
Green:D : what about you Znae
ICEychef: Zane.*
Green:D : Zane* damn it
ICEychef: Unfortunately I won't be able to make it today, I need to pick up my little brother from middle school, I also have many responsibilities at home along with school work, which would leave me with little to no time, not to mention our usual ninja duties.
HotAsFire: yeah that doesn't sound fun at all
Green:D : damn so no one? Well alright then
Rockbottom: i mean we have our ninja stuff, we'll still see each other today later in the night
Green:D : tru, but at the same I'd be nice to hang out with each other without also having to worry about ninja business
Fishybusiness: also true, we haven't been really able to do that recently
Green:D : maybe another day then, but like always, today at 11PM near BT, alright?
Rockbottom: sure, seems good to me
Zappy: yeah
HotAsFire: you got it fam
Fishybusiness: mhmm
ICEtomeetyou: That should suffice.
Green:D : okay, talk to yall later
Before slipping the phone back in his Bag, Zane checked the time to figure out if he was going to be late or not.
Yep, he was definitely going to be late at this rate, unless he got off the bus and started running to his brother's school.
He silently groaned to himself, cursing the traffic jam causing this delay, before zipping his white jacket back up so it wouldn't be an inconvenience while running.
"Getting off!" he called out from the back of the bus while slipping the bag on his right shoulder.
walking to the front of the bus, he gave a small "Thank you." to the bus driver before getting off.
The sounds of the street immediately assaulted his ears, countless drivers shouting at each other while honking their car horns, while ordinary people walked on the pavement and in between the cars, going about their usual day, weather it be talking on the phone loudly while covering their ears, or tugging at their dog and cats, silently listening to music while walking like some students, or simply just carrying the groceries.
(Which reminded him, he needs to get groceries today, but that can wait after he picks Echo up).
After a moment, he looked around him, trying to figure out his exact location and what the fastest route was.
He was currently just south of Borg Tower, or "BT" as his friends would call it, so he wasn't that far off from Echo.
He had all but memorised the southern half of Ninjago City along with the central part of it, something he had to do ever since Julien left with barely any warning.
He snapped himself out of thought, using the mental image of Ninjago in his head to figure out the best route, and taking off in the direction of Echo's school.
Zane was slightly out of breath by the time he got to the school, he put his hand against one of the support beams of the entrance so he could catch his breath
He was thankful for the high stamina and agility that came as a result of all of his ninja training, Master Wu's teachings couldn't have come at a better time for everyday things.
He noticed the swarm of children pouring out from the building, some running outside while dragging their bags on the ground, some talking to their friends enthusiastically about a character from a kids show, or a new toy they got, while others simply walked silently alone by themselves.
He carefully walked between the children, not wanting to accidentally trip over one of them as he made his way towards Mrs. Mystake's class.
Mystake is an old woman with grey hair that always wore a rice hat, and she just happened to be an art teacher at Echo's school, and the owner of a Tea Shop he frequented right on the edges of Downton Ninjago City.
She was good friends with Julien, and Master Wu as well, which meant more often than not, the task of getting tea for Master Wu and occasionally Echo fell upon him.
At first she was rather… rude towards him at firstbut, in her defence, she was also rude to every other customer that didn't frequent her shop.
But master Wu and his father always told him to be patient and polite with everyone, it would take a lot of time and visits for her to start being kinder to him.
and on one seemingly random day when he was visiting her shop to pick up tea for his master, she… didn't lash out on him, rather she spoke to him in a calm and collected voice, which left him and many other customers in a bit of a shock.
After that, things only improved, she slowly started warming up to him, and she even began occasionally giving him discounts or coupons, which yet again, always surprised any customer standing next to him near the counter.
He in return also started warming up to the old lady. sometimes using what little free time he has to talk with her or occasionally help around the shop in case she needed something.
He wasn't an employee at the shop, but he liked to help anyway now that he was on good terms with her, and because he enjoyed her company despite her cryptic and mysterious nature at times.
Zane stood at the entrance of the classroom, Mrs. Mystake sat on her desk drinking tea, seemingly unaware of his presence while she watched the over remaining children in the classroom, among whom was Echo who perked up upon noticing Zane standing at the entrance.
"Zane!" Echo excitedly exclaimed while getting up from his small desk and running towards him.
"Echoooo!" Zane picked up his little brother, tightly holding him and giving him a hug before setting him back down. "How was your day little brother?"
"It was fun! We learned about colour mixing today, and Mrs. Mystake helped me draw this today." Echo reached into his pockets and pulled up a folded piece of paper.
Upon taking the folded paper, Zane opened it.
He was looking at a messy drawing of himself with a round face and an overly large smile, with stick figure like legs and arms, the latter stretchered in the air.
Despite the quality of it, Zane couldn't help but laugh at the sight of it, his heart melting at his brother's adorable early attempt at drawing. He wondered if Echo would grow up to be an artist one day, it might be a stretch to assume that right now, but who knows what destiny held for his younger brother.
"This is wonderful Echo, very well done!" he said, handing the paper back to Echo.
"Can we hang it on the fridge when we get back?" asked Echo while jumping.
"I don't see why we can't." answered Zane, which earned a happy smile from Echo.
Zane turned to look at Mystake, who was watching the duo with a small warm smile.
"Thank you for watching over him Mrs. Mystake."
"ah, it is nothing Young Julien, it is my job after all." She put the tea cup down on the desk.
"Still, it is not an easy job to do, so truly, thank you." he argued.
Mystake looked at the young boy and his brother for a moment, they… Reminded her of a life long ago, a much simpler life then nowadays.
Yet despite the passing of time and the changes of life, it…all truly wasn't that bad at times.
"Hmmm, I suppose you're welcome, Young Julien."
Zane gave her a small nod before speaking. "Unfortunately me and my brother have to leave, as I have many things to attend to." he said, scratching the back of his head "I apologise for the abrupt leaving."
"That is perfectly alright Zane, take care."
"Very well, Goodbye Mrs. Mystake." he said, as he began walking out of the classroom, his brother's little hand in his palms.
Mystake looked on at the two as they slowly disappeared into the hallway.
She took pity on the older one, a boy forced to take such a big responsibility at a young age to ensure a comfortable life for the younger one.
And she felt a bit guilty for him after her own son, Master Wu came to visit her once.
On that visit, Wu talked about Zane after she had asked him if he was still recruiting people for his supposed new "Ninja Team".
Curiously, upon hearing the boy's name, she asked what he looked like and who his father was, as the name seemed almost familiar to her.
She was heartbroken after learning that it was the same Zane that had begun frequenting her shop recently.
And the same Zane Julien, son of her dear friend, Dr. Julian, who had mysteriously stopped visiting 3 months ago.
Ever since Wu's visit, she told herself that she would try and act better towards Julien's son, he had to put up with her usual 'not caring about what the customer thought' attitude for a full month while maintaining a kind and respectful attitude.
And despite her being sometimes mad at Julien for leaving his 2 sons behind without anything, she couldn't help but praise the man for the way he raised his older son, noticing two of Julien's special traits in the young boy.
His father's kindness, and patience.
And she could only hope that Zane takes care of Echo in a way that ensures he also becomes the same kind and patient person as his older brother.
And from what she has seen of Zane so far, she has full confidence in his ability to protect and raise Echo.
"I suppose it is like how they say…" she said to herself, taking another sip out of the tea cup. "Like Father, Like Son."
Anyway that's where I'm leaving things off, hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed.
I'll most likely make a part 2, regardless if this gets a lot attention or not, but I'm still indecisive about making it into a full AU, nut only time will tell.
Thanks for reading!
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Drunk in Love
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Summary:  Getting drunk and confessing your love for your “boy” friend and fucking him was most definitely not what you expected to go down on the usual night.
Pairing: Issei Matusukawa x Reader
Tags: Timeskip!Tattoed Mattsun, softdom!issei Hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, smut, fluff, virgin!reader, Unptrotected sex, non-penetrative sex, fingering, oral, pussy/thigh job, clit slapping, sweet dirty talk, praise, drunk sex
Word count: 7.2k
A/N: I heard pussy job and I wrote a whole ass novel
18+ Minors DNI
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You run your finger over the condensation of your empty drink, drawing shapes (or what you thought to be shapes, you couldn’t tell at this point) waiting for your dear friend, Makki to bring you a refill of your cocktail.  
“Here ya go.” Makki said as he returned with your beloved Malibu Sunset. The smooth coconut rum bringing you back to your first and favorite drink that you ever got drunk on in high school. You smiling at the memory
“Thanks.” you say. Your reply being mumbled by the liquid already in your mouth.
This all started with Iwaizumi calling Mattsun up, you and Makki hearing “You wanna get wasted?” on the other side of the phone. And with pleasure, you two were already packing your stuff up, shoving yalls “pregame” bottles back in the bag. The three of you made your happy way there climbing through the fence of the abandoned skate park you were in. Needles to say it was abandoned for a reason, but what’s life without a little danger.
You three and the rest of the third years have been friends since high school, meeting in freshman year, and now including Oikawa’s girlfriend. You actually didn’t like Oikawa at first, his “pretty boy” demeanor making you internally cringe. But his personality grew quickly on you, being the perfect target to tease you and Iwa clowning him over everything.
Now back to you on your nth drink, complaining about your previous job that fired you because u got injured, even though you know you wouldn’t have lasted long there anyways because you weren’t that academically inclined. Bright? Whatever you wanted to call it.
And as-usual it wasn’t long before your crybaby ass immediately called Makki and Issei and “tried” your best to tell them what happed with your dramatic self-induced tears running down you race, while Makki urged to you to try to calm down and Issei straight up laughing at the state your were in, snot running out of your nose. You recoiling at the thought, hoping they forgot. (Spoiler, they didn’t)
But now you nanny for a rich couple and you get payed good to play with cute babies all day, sounds good to you! Luckily, you had the week off due to them going on a vacation, you think it was France, no, the south of France. Must be nice.
Cue to now, Mattsun chuckling and leaning on you and Iwaizumi; both of you, especially Iwa, being visibly done with his shit. Him reminding you about the times you bought him some random shit, which you went out of your way for since he always payed for you, like that chopper keychain because you said it reminder you of him.
He didn’t know what compelled you to say his 6’2, tattooed built self looked like a tiny reindeer but okay. It still meant a lot to him, hooking it onto his motorcycle keys. But you knew he appreciated it, despite his appearance he’s a softie.
“You wanna try this’” He says gaining his composure offering you one of the shots he got.
You took one of the mini glasses, not being the type to back down and promptly swung the drink to the back of your mouth, quickly coughing before it even reached your throat.
“This shit is fucking gross.” You coughed out bringing the glass down from your lips.
  “Imagine being sober. Can’t relate.” He said taking another shot.
  “I guess I should do that but ive passed the point of giving a fuck” You said sending yall into a giggling fit while somehow Makki was thrown in to support yall from falling over. You two carry on laughing ignoring everyone’s stares at you thinking about how much yall fit perfectly together.  
   Makki rearranges himself to sit back in his chair, far away, from the both of you, whispering “Damn. I’m really third wheeling.” under his breath. Getting a snicker out of Oikawa sitting next to him.
   “When your best friends are ignoring you. Sad times.” He continues bringing his bottle to his mouth getting no response.
  Issei chuckles and gets up shoving his hands in his pocket reaching for the cigarettes. Pulling them out while failing to find his lighter
  “Fuck.” He muttered
  “Any’all got a light?”
  No one responds so you sacrifice yourself “Yeah” you say reaching into your pocket grabbing out your prized possession of a hot pink, bedazzled lighter that you did yourself, reaching out to hand it to him.
  “Don’t lose it” you stated seriously trying not to break a smile.
  “K’ sweet cheeks.” He said smirking into the butt between his lips as he walked away. Your face now burning up, hoping that everyone would think it was because of the alcohol.
  You mind wanders, thinking about the “dates” you two go on, from watching shows you “forcing” him to watch some romantic anime, to going to the skatepark, to playing video games with the rest of the 3rd years (which you don’t really like but you’ll play for him) and him surprising you with takeout, you bringing out candles trying your best to make it cute with him telling u everything you everything about his day.
  And you always tried to remain calm, even though sometimes he deserved to get his ass beat, like that one time he broke one of your favorite pair of heels. It honestly hurt him even more, he wanted you to get mad at him but no, you just acted like nothing happened. Making the guilt rise in him. Let’s just say didn’t have to lift a finger for the next few weeks.
You basically babied him, taking care of all his “chores”, mainly making him food when you were at his place knowing he hated doing it. Makki teasing you for acting like his housewife, leading to you slapping the shit outta him while trying to cover your now red cheeks.
You’ve never been so grateful for your attire at the moment, blessing yourself for not wearing your usual outfits of short skirts and cute tops, defending yourself saying what housewife dresses in beat up vans and baggy clothes. You definitely not imaging yourself in that position for the rest of the day.
 You expressed that you just liked to take care of people, which was true. You always looked out for them, bringing an extra umbrella, to bringing cookies you made at 2 in the morning to school, always carrying band-aids (yes, the paw patrol ones you took from the kids you babysit).
You checked the time on your phone seeing it was late since the sun at last went down, your lock screen being your dogs to their complaint since they have a group photos of you all from high school as theirs. To which you replied “They’re my babies” getting a groan and huff out of them.
  Seeing the notifications of your group chat you grinned at the contact name you and Issei gave each other; yall jokingly call each other pet names, his contact being honeybun and yours being pumpkin, even including Makki in your contacts as pudding bc then it wasn’t weird, right? no.
  “What’re you smiling at y/n?” Oikawa cheekily asks teasing you. You turn to him giving him a dirty look, not having enough energy to deal him right now.
  “Don’t listen to his bullshit.” Oikawa’s girlfriend says. You’re thankful for her. She was always on your side, being the only other girl in your friend group. To be honest you just wanted her and you to hang out most of the time, but of course to your disapproval her boyfriend and his friends had to join in.
  “Fuck this. Fuck you. I’m sleeping.” You say getting up to her objection, the only thing on your mind wanting to retire for the night.
  “You sure you’ll be fine? Let us at least walk you home.” She said already grabbing her boyfriend’s arm.
  “Nah, im good. I live right down the road.” You try to say not slurring. The last thing you want is him teasing you even more, especially in this state, knowing you, you’d probably start crying at the slightest irritation when youre this drunk.
    You started to “walk” towards your house resting  your hand against the brick walls to not lose your balance, leading you to run into Issei. You stopped to watch him lean against the alley holding a cigarette between his index and middle finger.
  “I’m hiding like a bitch” He says noticing you, resting his weight against the wall.
 “Wanna be a bitch with me? He grinned  blowing out the smoke out with his words.
You didn’t reply, just walking over to him, just being around him made you feel warm.
"Fuck its windy.” He says trying to light a new cig.
“C’you make me a house?” He asks.
You go up and put your hands around his cigarette, this not being your first time. Your hands wrap a little tighter to prevent the wind from burning out his flame. He joins you with his free hand helping, finally getting his cig to light.
 “Thanks doll” He smirks.
“No problem princess.” You reply earning a laugh out of him.
He takes his first hit with his and your hands still wrapped around it. He gets an up-close look at your hands, noticing how tiny they were, seeing all the scars that he never noticed, making a mental note to ask you how you got them later.
His head gets close to yours for the first time in a while due to his height. You glance at his face, noticing his features seeing some stubble growing on his face.
“You ain’t shave?” You ask, never seeing it in the past, while he was moving back up, blowing the smoke away from you.
“What, you don’t like my majestic beard? “He jokes. Making you giggle almost losing your balance before catching yourself on the wall.
  “s’too much work.” He starts. “You wanna shave it for me?” he says slightly leaning towards you. Handing you back your lighter knowing you didn’t need him to carry it because your pants actually had pockets in them for once.
You let out a soft laugh not responding again. He catches on, you got quiet when you were tired and he made out that you were walking towards your house.
“You going home?” he asks already knowing the answer.
“Yeah.” You respond more than happy to have him walk you back, him already moving to walk next to you.
He walks you home, you two talking about random shit, both of you forgetting about your skateboards leaving Makki to deal with them. And even though you’re drunk as fuck you’re still in the right state of mind, carrying a normal conversation with him. But just because you’ve built a tolerance doesn’t mean you can do basic tasks, like walk correctly.
When he reaches your house, he types in the keycode, your first dogs birthday, being glad that you, him and Makki have each other’s memorized.
He leads you into you house setting you on the couch, petting your dogs that ran up to him.
“Mommy’s not feeling too good” He said giving them the affection they deserved.
“Yes I am.” You slurred getting them attention on you now.
He walked over to your counter putting on the playlist that you two made together on shuffle, High fashion being the first to play. You didn’t like when it was quiet because too many thoughts would run though your head. You were in no way sad, singing the lyrics while you were laughing barely being able to hold yourself up as proof.
Remembering you were tired, he takes you off the couch and borderline carries you to your room, , setting you on your plush blankets that you had so many of because it was warm and comfy.
 “Easy, there. Try to sit up.”He said, trying to ask you what draws your pj’s were in because he didn’t want to snoop around; neither of you being bothered that you were half naked, what’s the difference between panties and a bikini, he thought remembering the times you’ve been to the beach together.  
Well it was maybe the fact that you were clinging onto him because u stumbled into him and he was closest stable thing around and you wouldn’t let go because it was cold and you couldn’t stop shaking.
 He ignores his thoughts and grabs the shirt he got out figuring you don’t need to change your bra because you told him and Makki that it was normal to keep it on for a few days after they were in awe as you were explaining how expensive they were. You calling Oikawa’s girlfriend to prove your point as she immediately agreed with you…Sometimes you might have got a little too comfortable with them.
You hear the song in the background change to Love Songs, you humming along, “Hope you smile when you listen.”
You were still holding on to him, your boobs squeezing against him, him only being able to put a t-shirt on you, while you looked up at him with your red glossy eyes making him burn up.  
You fidget timidly with your face now in his chest while gripping his sweater. Trying to build up the little courage you had. He tilts your head up making you look at him, wondering what you were thinking about.
  You try to express yourself, but you can’t get the words out him having no idea what is going on in your head at the moment.
“It’s okay to be nervous sometimes. Tell me” He gently says reading your body language. He was intuitive, so there was no way you could hide your feelings from him.
But you knew you could trust him, him having full self-control, always staying collected and following through on what he said he’d do.  He went out of his way to avoid any friction coming between you two, him never raising his voice or starting an argument.
“We need to talk.” You started. “About something important.”
“Ok…What is it?” He questioned rubbing his hands on your back. You were so nervous, were you really about to say this? Confess your feelings that you’ve pushed to the back of your heart for so long?
“I… I l… I love your face. And the stuff in it. and around it.” You spoke, being surprised you did it stutter.
He stood there, hands stopped moving trying to process what you just said.
“Just you, in general…”  You finally confess trying to state three things at once barely getting your words out.
But he understood exactly what you meant, or maybe he was warping what you said to fit what he wanted.
  "I don’t even know when I started liking you, but this shit won't go away." You restated
  Nope. He clearly just heard you say that.
  He doesn’t understand what’s so different about today. Yall have been in this scenario multiple times taking care of each other, sometimes including another into the mix.  
You didn’t understand either. You just felt like the time was right, even though you know it wasn’t the best idea to confess while you were drunk off your ass.
But you couldn’t help it, your feelings overflowing, which you never until this day let get the best of you, being vulnerable and trusting is not your usual . Youve never even had a crush on anyone, him being to only in your whole life to make you blush.
  Who you been vibin' wit and why I can't make you mine?
  You should have seen the signs that you feel for him when he helped that lady that lives down the street from him set up her Christmas lights or when he first met your dog that wasn’t fond of men, but it instantly liked him. And you loved his selflessness it was something you admired and applauded.
  “y/n” He tries talking you down, making sure you weren’t just saying this because of alcohol, deep down knowing he felt the same, you always being in the back of his mind.
You were generous with your time too, always being there for him. You knew he was softer than he appeared, he was tender, sensitive and vulnerable. He tried his hardest to not get into situations where anyone would get hurt, like breakups, arguments, and so on.
Which is why he won’t make the first move. He pushes his feelings to the back of his head. He values your friendship more than anything, but he can see what develops. If love is meant to be, it will happen.
I told you I am down for the worse or the better. But I keep sticking to you cause them four stupid letters
    “You make me so happy. And I’ll always care about you. Okay? He says breaking the silence, trying to reassure you.  
  “You mean so much to me—something I can’t even put into words because nothing can compare- I’ve wanted you since that day you tripped and bust your ass in the school hallway I still want you even though you drive me insane.”
  “Iss-“ You tried to get out only to have him continue talking over you.
  "I love that you can’t leave the house without a jacket. I love the wrinkles that appear on your forehead after you call me crazy. I love that it takes you hours to get ready. I love that you always know how to make me feel better. I love that even when you don’t agree with my decisions you always trust me to make them.  I love that when I spend a day with you, I can still smell you on my clothes; and I love that you are the last person I think of  before I go to sleep at night."
  You stood there awestruck for what feels like eternity until you mustered the bravery to speak “I didn’t expect you to feel the same way-” You said, being dumbfounded because from what you’ve seen treats everyone “nice”, were you really getting special treatment?
  He tilts your chin up, locking his dark eyes with yours. “Baby I don’t know if your notice but you and Makki are my only people that aren’t my family that call me my first name.”
He has a point. You think pushing yourself more into him, trying to fuse your bodies together to hide, not relaxing what you were doing to him. He tries to nudge your legs to the side but you won’t let go still clinging onto him.
“fuck” He groans. You pulling back wondering why until you looked down and noticed. A smirk appeared on your face as you reattached your self to him like velcro. You were feeling bold, the liquid courage still in your system driving you to slide your fingers down his chest, looking him in the eyes before stopping at his waistband.  
He knows what you’re doing, him being in this position multiple times. Does he really want to ruin your friendship like this? He hasn’t even asked you to be his girlfriend. He tries to push you off him already knowing you were gonna complain. But what he didn’t expect was for you to whimper out his name in that pretty voice of yours.
 He tried to keep his calm, blood already rushing down. “You know what you’re doing”
“yeah” You start.
“y’don’t want me?” Giving him your pouty face that you know he’s weak for, hoping that’ll work, insecurity piling up. Was it because your boobs weren’t that big or that fact that you were dressed like man? Was he not attracted to you right now, only liking you when you were dolled up?
“Fuck” You think. You should have worn something cute instead of dressing like a whole ass man even with your makeup fully done. Its not like you were supposed to know you were gonna get fucked today.
His were burning holes into you now, thinking of how to say “No, I would be more that happy to fuck you!” to his best friend, soon regaining his consciousness finally speaking.
“Fuck no doll, ive wanted you for a minute. You know me better than I know myself. How did you not notice my feelings?”
 You got me singing love songs, love songs, love songs
“You’re really hard to read” You replied trying to maintain your seductive act, resting your hands back on his chest.
“So are you.” He said lowering his head, you still looking up at him, taking in your gleaming eyes.
Sex ain't the only thing that's on my mind But you get me so excited, whoa
Your heart was beating so wildly that you could only take little sips of breath. His hands running down your waist stopping at your hips.
“Can I kiss you?" He asks "...yeah” you attempted to say as confidently as you could, nodding your head along with it.
His face bent down, hot mouth breathing over you. His lips slowly moved, brushing over yours, the liquor on his lips that you hated; only choosing fruity drinks even though you got relentlessly teased you for it.  You pushed further into the kiss desperately wanting more. Your teeth clicking his from being impatient, wanting to suck him in. Your hands sliding under his shirt subconscious desires reaching out.
Irreplaceable Tattoos from your neck that drop down to your ankles
“You’re drunk…” he says snapping you out of your trance.
“So are you.”
He dove in for another kiss much more passionate than the previous one, arguably needy, pusing you on the bed to which you more than happily comply. He tugs back not letting his mind get the best of him, disconnecting your spit trial leaving you panting. “You sure this alright?” He says deep down hoping you still say yes.
  You pull him back for your answer, your grabby little hands working their way back up his shirt. He gets the hint and pauses your lips rendezvous, taking off the turtleneck that he looked oh so good in, before seeing his unclothed body.  You’re admiring his body in a new way, before just complimenting him whenever he got a new tattoo, now up under him tracing them like a lovestruck teenager.
“When did you get this one?” You quietly ask, his ears closer to you than they’ve ever been.
“I got it that day you faked sick”
“What! You said were gonna take me!” You sulked, turning your head away from his as much as you could, crossing your arms.
He let out a slight laugh before gently taking your face in his hands, guiding you back into the kiss.
This is not really what he imagined for your first time. He’s an old-fashioned romantic who likes to take one step at a time. But then again nothing was ever normal with you. That said, when he falls in love, he falls deep.
“You’ve done this before?” You uttered.
“Hmm?” He mumbles, unmoving his lips from you kissing you, moving towards your neck.
“You still with that other girl?”
“No. I broke it off her, everything that came out of her mouth was bullshit, and no she wasn’t my girlfriend.”
“You didn’t trust her? You added. Trying to distract him until you could think of a way you could say “hey in my 21 years of life I’ve never got passed kissing a guy.”
“Our relationship was purely built on lies, I’d second guess everything she said. He replied, wondering if you were interrogating him.
“Why’d you wanna know?” He asked bringing his face up from your skin.
“…No one’s ever touched me like this, fuck.” You bashfully admitted, thoughts racing through your head that he didn’t want you anymore because you weren’t experienced.
But he knew what was running through that pretty head of yours, his fingers reaching out to with your hair trying to comfort you.
“You’re a virgin?” He curiously asked dragging his hand to your cheek, you leaning into it.
“y-yeah” you muttered trying to move your eyes away from his looking down at his body.
“I thought you had a boyfriend before” he said, softly turning your jaw to make you look at him. Your eyes diverted from his arms back to his eyes.
“We weren’t actually dating” You quickly say trying to clear up the misunderstanding. “He was my friend and seatmate that pretended to be my fake boyfriend to get me out of some trouble” you spewed out “and I guess I forgot to tell everyone that it was fake.”
“Even if we were that doesn’t mean we fucked.” You sheepishly replied.
“So… what trouble did your fake boyfriend get you out of.” He questioned knowing how much trouble it must have been for you, miss independent, to go to such lengths.
“Umm, well…this guy wouldn’t stop flirting with me even after I told him I don’t like him, even following me to my other classes.”
He wasn’t surprised, you were definitely a sight for sore eyes, in fact the prettiest thing he’s laid his eyes on, your beaming eyes, your dimple when you smiled, your pretty face, your “ugly” laugh, he could go on for days.
“Why are we talking about this” You whined, reaching your hand back out to him.
He took a hint and continued kissing you, bringing you closer to him while you attempted to take you shirt off. His hands helping you seeing as that you were struggling, being lost in his touch, finishing by moving you up more on you bed, pushing your plushies out of the way, to your protested because “they had feelings too.”
He ignored you, bending down to pull your panties off stopping once he saw the slick coming through them.
“Fuck baby you’re wet” He breathed dragging his fingers across your clothed slit earing a whimper from you, leaving his fingers drenched.
 Shawty, you wanna feel good, I wanna feel good too Don't I make you feel good?
“M’always wet.” you responded.
From what? He questions taking off your soaked cotton panties, tossing them to the side.
“From me?” He smirks bringing his hand back towards your heat. You not even comprehending what he just said, just knowing that you’re ashamed of how worked up you were getting.
You were in awe. You’ve always known his hands were big, but in this situation your mind wondered. His fingers were so much bigger than yours knowing you can barely fit two inside your with out it hurting, and not in a good way.
“Do you know how pretty you are? It’s honestly distracting.”. He says kissing down your whole body, stopping at your breasts, licking lazily around and coming back to the nub. The attention on your nipples making you squirm and he finally lets go, you grateful that he stopped or you would have almost cum, how embarrassing.
“I thought you said were gonna get them pierced” He remembered, you going on a whole rant about how cute they were.
“You said u were gnna get em with me” You looked back on, reminding yourself making him promise to get them with you because you were too scared of the pain.
“That was the same day you played sick and I got that tattoo.” He stated lightening the mood, hoping you can calm yourself down before you actually embarrass yourself.
He picks back up and continues kissing all the way down your body, you playing with his hair while biting your lip to muffle your moans and whine until he reaches your entrance.
He parted your legs, your pussy laid out before him, believing you no have reason to be shy about it either. He paused, admiring your swollen cunt and puffy clit, you were beautiful.
The feeling that he didn't want anyone else ever in his position overtook him. He let out a little breath on your clit and you thrashed around. He wasn't going to play. “I’ll take care of you.”
His lips travel over your skin, light and heated before settling himself between your legs, grabbing you by your thighs and dragging you closer. “That tickles.” you giggle, nerves making you kick your legs, almost hitting him in the face before he grabs them. He puts them down locking your legs with his arms, lowering himself until he’s on the ground facing you.
“Does it make you nervous when I stare?” he teases while your covering your face trying to hide the blush he caused.  He puts his mouth on you, quickly gripping your thighs, his hands leaving imprints in your skin dragging you even more into him, deprived kisses taking over your body. 
“yer so pretty” You purred seeing the sight of his big build between your legs, your fingers grabbing onto his curly dark locks, tugging them.
  Issei moans, his voice radiating through your body, forcing out a cry, blessing him with your pretty voice. “I-Issei!” You cry, never feeling like this before, your vibrator and hands doing it no justice.
“Shh, just look at me, doll.”
You can barely make out what he says, so drunk on pleasure. You try your best, doing anything to see the pretty man beneath you. But you get interrupted by your pleasure, your back arching not being able to control your body, grinding down to meet his lips, heat rising in you.
He kisses through your wetness playing with your bud. You choking on your spit, back arching again your body tensing up. “Issei,” You beg, grabbing him knowing what you want but not being able to express it. Luckily he can read you like an open book, knowing what you want, driving you over the edge as he makes you see stars. “Good girl,” he sighs when he feels you let go of his wrist letting him bring you your first orgasm.
“Look at your thighs shaking so much.” He teasingly cooed, wrapping his hands around them, bringing you out of your daze.
Shawty, your body is so exciting
Arching your back into the blankets, letting out a whine “Want your fingers.”.
He lets out a condescending laugh. “You need to learn to be patient. You just came and you’re already so eager for more?”
But by the time he finished your body went limp, you were totally weak, body loose-limbed and pliant. Your mind clouded by lust and deep in your own world. You gasped out a little sob, unable to comprehend anything beyond the discomfort and the need to have it gone. You can’t think straight all you can do is take action, grabbing his arm him easing his fingers into to you.
It’s not too tight, is it?” you ask clenching around his fingers.
 “Just relax… let yourself feel it” He says barely being able to move in you. Fuck so were so tight.
“I love the way you look with my fingers inside you.” He added starting to thrust them inside you, making you let out a string of moans.
“Look how good you take it.”  
“Fuck, you’re so messy.” He groaned feeling the slick running down his hands, before taking them out.
“Issei-i,” You cried when he pulled away, pleasure leaving you, tears coming back.
  He shushes you easily, his fingers wiping your tears. You were so precious to him, your moans music to his ears.  He slows down repositioning his fingers, making you let out a whimper squeezing around them. Your brains so crowded you can’t focus, can’t gather the strength to speak when he thrust them faster inside you.
  Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you fell back, fingers curling inside you, chanting his name over and over, incoherent words coming out of your mouth begging for more. 
You pussy tightens as you cum, unable to breath, letting out gasps and whines. Him still fucking you, fingers not stopping, pushing them in and out relentlessly feeling both pain and pleasure. You lay there, wet in your own cum not giving yourself a break before you went and got what you really wanted, his cock.
His eyes followed the movement of your hands as they pushed down his boxers, revealing the length of his cock, that jutted proudly from his hips. He was so pretty, so virile and handsome. Wondering how lucky you were to be in such a position with him.
You pushed away those thoughts and focused on him, pulling him forward gently, but he followed his encouragement. One of his hands tilted his cock down toward your lips. “Open your mouth for me, baby.”
You parted them instantly, tongue sliding slightly outward, and then you whimpered as the warm weight of his cock slid into your mouth. You let your eyes flutter closed and swirled your tongue around the tip of his cock not knowing exactly what you were doing, but it was working, tasting the salty tang of the precum that wept from his leaking slit. You moved your tongue as the he put his hand into your hair, gripping the strands and pushing deeper into his mouth.
“You look so good on your knees like that. “He says meeting your eyes once again, almost cumming from the picture below him.
“Slowly, baby, I’m not going anywhere.” He says slowing you down by grabbing your hair, making a pace that you follow.
“Yeah, that’s it, baby, just like that.” Seeing that sinful look in your eyes with your redden swollen lips.
You moan feeling yourself drip down your thighs, getting even wetter giving him head. Trying to ease the discomfort by closing your legs, griding them together, trying to find some friction. Your ears hearing “That’s so fucking hot.” watching the scene unfold beneath him.
Your jaw hurts, trying got make him cum faster using your hands and lips together hollowing your cheeks. “Oh fuck, oh, Jesus, fuck yes, there, just like that, fucking Christ" he groans out, his voice sounded beautiful to your ears, knowing he was about to cum.
He finally lets go cumming in your mouth, you swallowing it all, trying not to wince at the taste. “Did I do good” You ask waiting for his reply. Your doll eyes, so red and worn out looking up at him for approval. Fuck he was whipped.
“Yeah…fuck baby”
I love when you get on top and you ride it
You get back under him, his cock resting on you, drenched and clenching around nothing, resting in your cum. You working yourself up against him.
“What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?” He says to your complaint.
“You’re not ready yet.” he mumbles against your whining. Spreading your legs, slapping your clit a few times before letting his cock rest on your folds. Finally getting “seated” he picks up your legs and puts them both on one of his shoulders your thighs warming his cock, your knees touching his cheek not moving, getting a kick out of how desperate your were for him.
“s-stop being mean” You cried reaching out for him to come closer, needing affection after all you’ve been though.
“Aww, poor baby, you want me to take care of it for you? He says leaning into you, reaching your kiss, tasting the remnants of the cum in your mouth.
He plundered your mouth and slowly teased his cock over your entrance, catching it against your clit and making you whimper into the kiss, clearly wanting to be fucked. Your kiss turned you sucking on Issei’s tongue and lips, biting the swollen pout until his lips were red and puffy. He pulled back and looked down at you, a beautiful mess under him.
His fat cock head pushed between your folds. The moan escaping both of your lips was primal. You were turned on beyond imagination and the way he was thrusting forward, spreading his leaking precum on your wet clit was almost too much. He quickly picked up his pace fucking your folds, his warm head brushing against your clit with every movement, but your greedy self wanted more.
The fact that he made you cum so easily made you proud. Just because you’ve never gone this far with someone else doesn’t mean you’ve never cum, you’ve had a lot of practice over the years, being insatiable, the sheets soaked underneath you from your previous orgasms being proof.
“Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.” He moans getting your attention him.
You tried, you really tried, but the way he was stroking you, imagining what it’d be like to actually sit on his cock, the lewd sounds echoing in the background leaving you unable to focus.
He taps on your cheek eventually getting you look at him, keeping your mind on him by placing his fingers in your mouth you letting him, hazily sucking on them, not being able to close your mouth.
“Oh, baby, you’re drooling everywhere.” He grumbles. Your spit dripping onto his fingers, the friction of your thighs making him feral, moving at an even faster pace. Your body bouncing with every thrust.
“You gonna cum after I cum on your little clit? Come one more time for me, I know you’ve got it in you.” You sob feeling the puddle beneath you, time slowing, fire pooling in your tummy.  Listening to his words you let yourself go. You come with a silent scream as the pleasure ripped through your body, your nails scratching his soft skin. Your vison fading to black feeling him lose his rhythm and moaning a mixture of curse words along with your name, feeling him cum on your tummy before resting his head in your neck while letting your legs go.
“So good for me, look at how much you came.” He says breaking the static. You whining into his shoulder, emotions high, never doing this before.
“I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.” He says. You two laying in silence for an unclear amount of time, him rubbing your back while you rest in his chest almost dozing off.
“Are we still…friends?” You croak out trying to hold back your sobs already knowing the answer that you two were defiantly not friends now and never would be just friends again.
“Friends don’t do this type of shit” He maintained grabbing your shoulders to sit you and him up. You were worried, did he only do this with you because he was drunk? You were anxious that you scared him away because you just poured your heart out to him and pushed yourself on him. You left your head down, tears already coming out to your dismay. You moved your hand up to wipe them but he beat you to it.
“Look at me… I love you.” He says holding your cheeks in his palm. You in awe, hoping that you weren’t imagining it, that this was real life.
“R-really” You question making him worry too, preferring to forgive and forget rather than letting this a divide between the two of you in case you went back on your feelings. You were so overwhelmed, never feeling love until this moment, so happy that the person you longed for liked you back. Yours tears running once again.
 “Shh, shh, it’s alright...Don’t cry.”
You don’t even know why you were crying, the hangover already getting to you making you get a headache. You groaning in his arms complaining that your head and throat hurt.
“Ill be back” he says detaching himself from you, letting you know he was coming right back.
He walks to your fridge opening it to see every drink but water, having too dig through all of them, especially the absurd amount of apple juice guessing it was your “once a year craving for it”. He finally got you some cold water, putting It in a cup and waked back to your room.
  “Issei” you whined not picking your head up from the pillow.
  “Shh baby im right here.”
  He sat down beside you on your bed lifting your head up. “Here drink this” he reassured, to which you ignored not wanting anything to go in your mouth, just wanting the day, or night as it was now, to end.
  “It’s just water, honey, look.” You sat yourself up with his help seeing him in just his boxers, you remembering your still naked, not caring enough to cover yourself. He held to glass to your mouth, babying you, tilting it far back enough to where you could drink it. The water hit the back of your mouth feeling like a shot making you cough.
“I know, it hurts. I’m sorry but we have to” He stated. You continued to drink it, feeling the stinging in the back of your throat, him comforting you, calling you “good girl” which was unsurprisingly working.
  He put the cup on your dresser when you finished, climbing back into bed with you leaning your body into his. “Have you ever thought about...us? Y’know, as an...item?” he said causing you to look at him with wide eyes.
 “Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you.” He insisted making you cheeks flush. You try to think of a way to respond, not wanting to keep him waiting.
“You’re the best thing that has, and ever will, happen to me. Not only am I deeply in love with you, you’re my best friend.” You stammer out, your shaky hands somehow made there way to his neck, letting them fall slowly before he grabs them dragging you in for a kiss before you got to even see his face.
“Everybody has always thought we’re a couple.” He continued taking his time kissing you all over your face. “Then I guess we should be.” You retort, kissing him back before you could see his reaction, not wanted to be embarrassed anymore today. But he caught you, holding you still “Really “y/n? Like deadass?” He asked.
  “Yes dummy, I want to be your girlfriend” You say causing him to grin swearing you’ve never seen him smile that big, before he gives you one last kiss.
  “I always kiss you on the cheek, why are you blushing now? He teases laying back down, you following along. You just snuggle into him mumbling something along the lines of “m’tired”, he understanding and speaking to you in a soft, gentle voice while helping you to bed, so he doesn’t make it harder for you to sleep by being loud. “I’m here love, I’m not going anywhere.” He whispers into your ear mkanig your heart swoon one last time before you pass out.
  “I l-love you issei.” You sleepily mumble.
“Tell me this when you’re sober.” He says stroking your head.
“Just relax, close your eyes...”He murmurs, your heart beating slower every second. Both of you together, lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns.
  “Oh!…” He remembers. “If you really wanna get them pierced, we could get matching ones.”
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© all content belongs to spikesbimbo. do not alter or repost .
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twstheadcanons · 3 years
This is a lore question and a slightly specific one. Cater as a character and otherwise is super interesting to me but at the same time insanely confusing. While at first I thought he would end up having maybe slightly abusive family there's a possibility that's not the case. His sister's seem to enjoy dolling him up and his mother seems to go along with it and his father's a bit more absent. I think I would mainly like to know what his true self is truly reflecting and also if Trey seems to know about this 'true version'. Don't feel pressured to anwser this if you can't btw ❣️
Cater fans come get yall’s food.
S, iideally I’d go through events Cater’s prominent in (Beans Day, Halloween), but that would just make this whole post longer.  So I’ll be using Cater’s card stories for now.  What we know about Cater, on the surface level, is that he comes across as happy-go-lucky, energetic, social, trendy, superficial, flaky, and insensitive at times.  But that’s Cater on a surface level.
So for Cater, his major issues from his background are:
his family frequently moving to accommodate his father’s occupation as a banker
his sisters dragging him into their own interests that he was expected to accommodate as well
Cater repeatedly states he disliked getting dragged around by his sisters and having cutesy stuff he wasn’t genuinely interested in shoved into his face.  This would even happen on his birthday, where his sisters got him things they’re more likely to enjoy, which made Cater feel frustrated since he was supposed to be the focus on his own birthday.  But despite that annoyance, Cater understands his sisters didn’t really mean any harm.  From the sounds of it, they liked hanging out with Cater, and assumed that Cater enjoyed how they spent time together as well since Cater preferred to go with the flow, rather than rock the boat.  
In his Bday SSR, Cater mentions that his sisters became more considerate of his own interests and asked him what he wanted.  All three coming from a family where they move and lose close friends a lot, the sisters are probably close and want to stay close to their brother as well, since they’re the only consistent company in a similar age range.  His sisters are each other’s best friends, Cater didn’t have that growing up.  He also mentions his sisters and mother’s sweets-making kick, and how he eventually got over having sweets every day.  But when he protested, it’d disappoint and sadden them/they’d have dejected looks on their faces, which Cater didn’t know how to handle, so he made himself go along with their whims to keep them happy.  
This pours into his social media life, where he’s a peppy, cheery guy that posts upbeat content and responds with light, casual, carefree messages to people.  His Lab SR literally has him state that he ‘should always be happy and excited, after all’.  So, clearly, whatever dynamic the Diamond family has, while not what I’d call something as heavy as abuse, isn’t considerate of Cater’s feelings and views Cater’s ‘go with the flow’ ways as approval.  If he ‘breaks character’ of the devil-may-care person he is on the surface, it raises questions, and Cater would rather just avoid all that and enjoy himself instead of getting involved in anything heavy.
Again, Cater doesn’t like to rock the boat.  He also mentions in his Lab SR that this obsession with cutesy stuff became rather invasive, and he’d even be criticised or second-guessed if he didn’t go along with the idea.  Cater ends up accommodating that interest to prevent any debate, even if he didn’t actually care for them.  That said, with such an emphasis on aesthetics being the way he grew up, Cater has a good understanding and practical knowledge of decour and eye-catching designs, which makes him helpful and invaluable when the time calls for decour.  This is something Cater knows he’s good at, and enjoys showing off since the focus is on himself and he’s acknowledged for his skills.
With their family moving all the time, Caters gained and lost friends a lot.  Cater has an outgoing personality, at this point, it’s safe to assume he’s an extrovert, so making friends comes naturally to him.  But when you’re moving a lot, maybe sometimes in the middle of a school term, .  Cater needs engagement and social interaction, but at this point in his life, he’s tired of trying to keep up with old and new friends on deep levels, hence his interest and obsession with social media.
One thing to note about Cater: he likes cutting corners.  a lot.
In his R card “Portrait of Rosalia”, it’s understood that Cater being nice to Rosalia by throwing her a party with some lively students around is a way for him to get on her good side, because Rosalia overhears the teachers’ discussions of tests and future lessons so that he wouldn’t have to study for an upcoming history test: while Cater’s idea of a party to lift Rosalia’s spirits is in good nature, he wants something out of it that benefits him.  But while disappointed the plan didn’t work, he’s quick to brush it off, and Rosalia’s anger, by mentioning that she’s cuter when uptight anyway.
In his PE card “This betrayer!” Cater only have five laps left to do in PE.  But he hates how sweaty he is and how tedious the overall task is.  So he uses his UM to try and avoid doing all five laps himself.  Riddle catches him red-handed, and Cater tries - albeit I’m sure he knows it’s a lost cause - to flatter Riddle at the last minute.  Trey’s also involved, and despite leaving Cater in the dust, Trey also returns with Riddle, because Trey knows that Cater’s the type that tries to cut corners whenever possible, something against the rules in Heartslabyul.  Honestly, as far as Trey goes, Trey’s someone used to the way Riddle holds himself back.  Cater’s exterior personality wouldn’t be hard for Trey to recognise as Cater pushing himself or exaggerating points of his personality just to keep up an image. especially after being in the same dorm for three years.
In short, while he isn’t malicious about majority of the time, Cater will use others to get out situations and tasks he wants no part of.  This is a huge thing reflected in his UM, as it allows Cater to be in more than one place, so that he personally doesn’t have to be involved.  Growing up with two pushy older sisters, it makes he develops a UM that complements a need for escape when pure wit won’t work.  And despite being someone with a superficial interest in trends, that experience accumulates in him understanding the basics about social media and how it affects others, himself included, since it became the only way he could stay in contact with acquaintances and ‘friends’ from previous years. 
 Cater has a good understanding of how people, in general, work, especially those in his agegroup, which makes him rather crafty when he wants to string others along and get out of a situation.  This doesn’t make Cater a mean or conniving person, and in fact, he’s generally amicable and social.  Cater lives by a pretty ‘live in the moment’ credo.  He enjoys having fun and not getting overly serious about issues when he can help it.  There are instances where he doesn’t care about the situation he’s in, or thinks it’s lame/boring, but he tries to make the most of it as something to post about on MagiCam later to engage in low-effort social interaction for a mental break. 
Cater pretty much states this in his Halloween SSR:
“If I left there, they remained there. That’s why I’d rather have a casual and happy time with everyone instead of going steady. It’s like a circus troupe, you know, having fun hanging with people all over the world and then leaving. And that’s why MagiCam is the best. I suddenly got messages from acquaintances from the school I went to 3 years ago. Aren’t my casual and light relationships multiplying? It’s lovely! “
Social media helps him keep in contact with people on a low-effort level, so the risk of moving doesn’t damage his relationships online like it would physical friendships.  As for family, Cater’s feelings towards his family are difficult, tricky ones he has problems with.  He certainly doesn’t hate them, but their lifestyle, the moving and pushy personalities, don’t mesh well with Cater’s personality overall.  When Lilia tries to relate to Cater’s experiences of fleeting relationships, Cater can’t help but dismiss Lilia’s empathy as surface-level, since, to CATER’S knowledge (it’s not like he knows Lilia’s old as shit), Lilia’s always lived in the VoT with his own family and friends, which hits a sore spot with Cater:
““Cater: ….Family…huh.
Flashback Lilia: I feel like I understand you. But it is just as Cater says, it might be the truth that you should not attach yourself too much to one person in particular.
Flashback ends Cater: (That was full of lies. For a guy who grew up in the same place and never had to deal with rebuilding relations over and over… He wouldn’t understand my worthless and meaningless feelings.)
Cater: Hello, Trey. What’s up? Huh? Are we doing our rehearsal for our night show at the stamp rally now? And is Deuce from my committee lacking in hands, so Ace is helping him out? Darn, Ace is definitely going to use this to ask me for a favor later!
Cater: Argh! And is Riddle on the verge of a rampage? I’ll be back soon, Trey, please calm him! It was such a pain getting involved in the biggest crisis of this Halloween week! No, for real! I’m not lying. That’s why you don’t have to say such cold things to me, kay? URGH, TREY, YOU’RE SO CRUEL!!
Cater: Now that Diasomnia’s turmoil has settled, it’s time to change the mood. No matter how you slice it, we’ll still separate if we become 4th years… It would be different if I repeated a year though. Anyway, I should just enjoy the memories I’m making “now”! I’ll surprise everyone with this charming skeleton costume! I’ll show them my serious side!”
Cater calls his own feelings ‘worthless and meaningless’, which likely ties into how he got dragged into his mother and sisters’ own interests over his own, and sometimes even criticised if he didn’t go with their flow.  He also expects the friendships he’s made in NRC (as we see with him talking to Trey about the rest of the Heartslabyul cast), to inevitably disappear after he and Trey are fourth years with their own internships and lives to live.  Because to Cater, the future of his life and relationships appear disruptive and inconsistent, so instead of fretting about them, he wants to live in the moment and enjoy what he’s doing at all times, hence why he cuts corners to make things easier on himself.  This is why he can come across as superficial and easy to get along with, because he doesn’t want to fret over the details.
unrelated but we’re team ‘former dorm leader cater’ here because him doing it because it sounds cool and fun fits perfectly with his personality
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baecvlt · 4 years
Better Late than Never
in which the reader was set up on a blind date by Sonia Nevermind with Kazuichi Soda
• Kazuichi Soda x Reader
• fluff
• fem reader
• original idea <33
BTW YALL this might sound accidentally self insert-ish but that’s because I gave the character interests (since this is a date fic) but I dont know anything else to put for them. anyway enjoy still.
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“So, there’s no one there?”
I glared at her, death staring into her clear, blue eyes. “What the fuck is ‘there’?”. She sighed and lightly hit my arm. “I’m asking you if you have a crush, silly!,” she spat, yet her tone remained friendly. I shook my head. “I don’t find any of these people attractive, Sonia”.
“So you wouldn’t go out witj a classmate?”
“No, Sonia”
She stays silent, suddenly darting her eyes at Hajime. “How about him,” she asked,“Hagime seems like a nice guy”. I shrugged. “Not my cup of tea, really”. She then points at Teruteru,“And him?”. I looked at Teruteru, who was already gawking me. “God, no, Sonia,” I gagged,“Too perverted for my liking”. She then began listing names. Here is what I had to say for all of them.
Hajime: Boring
Nekomaru: LOUD
Fuyuhiko: Mean and short
Nagito: Psycho!
Eventually, she gave up. I didnt feel any way of them, who’s to know how I feel about anyone else at this school? “Fine,” she said, but her eyes lit up,“Oo! How about-”.
He had bumped into me, knowing me to the floor. Kazuichi Soda: the Ultimate Mechanic. “Yeah, him!,” Sonia said. I looked at Kazuichi, disgust on my face. “Not in a million years”. “Huh?” (Kazuichi was madly confused). Sonia grumbled,“What’s wrong with him?”.
“What isn’t there wrong with him? He also doesn’t bathe!”
“Ouch, I bathe,” he said. “Why were you in such a rush anyway?,” I asked. He shrugged, but eventually sighed and revealed his reason. “I got excited,” he said softly. Sonia and I were confused.
“I just got updated on my— something. I’m going to the office to see what they have to tell me about this thing I’m in the middle of”
I was confused, but I had to know now. “Anyway, I’m sorry,” he said, walking right past us. I stood there, but Sonia got my attention. “Come on, we’re gonna be late to Economics”. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to class. When we got there, everybody was huddled up. There was something they were being discreet about. “Hello, friends,” Sonia said,“What are we talking about?”. “Kazuichi,” Ibuki said without the slightest hesitation.
Okay, maybe not that discreet.
“What’s wrong with him?,” I asked,“Besides all that, I mean”. “Cut him some slack,” Hajime said, now I knew the situation was a little more sensitive than I thought. Sonia and I both got our chair to listen. Hajime sighed,“This morning, I woke up and went to get Kazuichi for class. He wasn’t in his room. Later that day, I went go check on him and he was in his room, but when I opened the door, his eyes were just read and tired. I asked him is all was well, he only nodded and smiled. It took a while, but he still told me he was okay, now adding in the detail that the board had gotten back to him on his request to be transferred elsewhere”. My mouth dropped slightly. “Transferred where?,” I asked, Hajime only shrugged.
“This is all Sonia’s fault!”
We looked at Hioyoko, Sonia quick in defending herself. “He wouldn’t transfer schools because of me, it’s probably all your fault,” she was defensive,“Maybe if you weren’t so mean to him all the time—”. Suddenly, arguing broke out. I heard many things. Hajime said he hasn’t shown interest in her lately, Sonia seeming slightly offended. Gundham was blamed, Ibuki wasn’t being blamed (she was never cold with him). Suddenly, Mikan spoke out. “Wait!”. She yelled, so we were quiet. Surprised by her tone, it made us all shut up. “What if it’s all our faults?,” she suggested,“Y-You didn’t have to be cold to him. Who else besides Ibuki or Hajime spoke to him without immediately judging character?”. It made me think, but suddenly Fuyuhiko spoke. “Fuck that!,” he said,“The dude probably wasn’t enough to be here so they dropped him. He was also probably too embarrassed to say that. And the eyes? Please! They were red because he might be some type of pothead; high out of his mind!”. “That’s a really shitty thing to say,” Hiyoko said,“Even *I* know that’s harsh”.
“I don’t give a fuck; Its true”
Hajime shook his head,“I’m gonna agree with Mikan”. “Wait isn’t it like extremely hard to transfer from this school?”. “No, not quite,” Chiaki said,“When given valid reason, the board can transfer a student elsewhere”. “If in fact the mistreatment of Kazuichi was the reason he sought transfer,” Peko added,“He probably went with ‘mental health concerns’. Since we’re all of age, he wouldn’t need to run it by a parent or guardian, making it much easier for him to transfer”. There was silence. “So what now?,” I ask. Hajime had a quick answer,“We treat him better”. “Is it not too late?”. Peko shook her head.
“If Kazuichi really went to simply be spoken about the appeal, students are given three days to make their final decision. Afterwards, there is no going back since students are allowed an appeal once”
We all still sat there. Were some of us actually cold towards him? I mean, everyone else in the academy didn’t even acknowledge him (neither did some of us, but we were around more, right?). “Alright, studebts, to your seats now!”. The professor being there had us scurrying away from Hajime’s desk. Throughout the whole class, I couldn’t focus. I kept thinking of Kazuichi, but why? Why did I care about him leaving so much?
The bell rang, Sonia waited for me. Econimics was our last class every Thrusday. The minute I was within her reach, she continued the conversation from earlier today. “So, I was thinking: you can’t talk to boys for shit,” she said. “And?”.
“What if I set you up on a blind. date.— huh? How about that?”
I sneered. Blind dates—they were such a tacky idea to me, what the fuck, but this was Sonia. She always new what was best for me when it came to, well, everything. Plus, it might be fun, or funny?
“Oh, what the hell. I’ll give it a try”
Sonia smiled so hard, her eyes shut. She squealed. “I cant wait,” she said,“I promise, this’ll be good for you. Just you wait!”. She kissed me on the cheek, leaving me behind. “Wait— we aren’t going home together?,” I asked. She shook her head. “I have some things to take care of! See you tomorrow, love”. She hurries her way. That girl. I’ll never understand her…
“Hey, how’s it going? … Nice … Well, now that you ask, I was wondering if you were open to a blind date? … Splendid! Friday, agree to meet with this girl, here’s her number … Let’s make things more interesting … Don’t tell her your name … Yes, you do know her”
I got home, setting my book bag down and practically collapsing onto my mattress. What a day. Before I got in thought about all that I was told today, as if on cue, my phone rang. It was a message, one from a number I had never seen before.
???: Hi :)
I was friendly, I didn’t have to be.
Me: Hello :)
As if a second cue went off, Sonia texts me.
Sonia: Has your blind date messaged you? btw make up a name! dont reveal anything !
Me: OH okok
I return back to the unknown sender.
Me: sonia put you up to this ?
???: yes, ma’am (or sir, or i have no clue. sonia said you were a girl. sorry)
Me: hey dont worry, sonia said she was setting me up with a guy, so i assumed too. i am a girl and being called ma’am doesn’t bother me.
???: well you assumed correctly, but thank you for letting me know, ma’am i get unsure.
???: anyway, what’s ur name?
I thought of a good, normal name, but nothing occurred to me. I looked all around my room for an object. Suddenly, my eyes landed on the family camera I had left in my room whenI used it for a project.
Me: my name is cam, hbu
???: Zero
Me: Is that really your name?
Zero: no but it makes sense to me
Me: wdym?
Zero: itd just me i guess
Me: ur gonna make me sad booo
Zero: oops, sorry !
Me: lol Its fine. but seriously, I know there is someone who cares about you. if anything Is wrong. you can talk to me, even if our date friday goes to shit :)
Zero: Yeahyesh thanks for that, Cam. its just my friends, i dont feel seen by them and it just feels like my parents have followed me.
Me: Well, they probably really love you. if it helps, I care about you :))
Zero: you’re very kind
Me: aw noooo. anyway, how was your day?
Zero: it coulda been better. yours?
Me: yeaaaa same here
Zero: what’s wrong?
Me: found something out ab a friend of mine.
Zero: is everything okay?
Me: Yea it all should be if I can fix things with him
Zero: you must really care ab him
Me: yea i really do
“Zero” decided it’d be best to change the subject since he figured it was slightly depressive (which it was). From the time I got home (4am) to 12am, we talked. I was excited because for once in my life, I was speaking to someone who liked the things I did. The same movies, the same bands. He listened to a lot of new wave and indie rock. Eventually, I got sleepy, so we called it a night. He called me cute and let me go to bed.
I actually looked forward to our date Friday. I didn’t care who he was, for he was perfect.
Morning came around and I just wanted to talk to him. In fact that’s all I did. We texted in homeroom, Theater, Calculus, etc. It was Friday today, meaning we’d have to meet today after school, thus revealing ourselves. Sonia and I were in calculus and she noticed I wouldn’t put my phone down. “God, someone’s obsessed,” she teased. “He means everything to me,” I said, breaking no eye contact with my screen. Sonia went to Kazuichi, who I have class with for Calculus, Government and Chem (which we both failed last year). I couldn’t care to break my focus on my screen, but I did head him mutter “she’s perfect”. So Kazuichi found someone else? That’s fine, but will she care enough to stop him from transferring? Could be be transferring for her?!
As the day grew the situation began getting fucking dire.
I was headed to my final class, chemistry. I had my phone in hand, texting away and very distracted. Suddenly, just like yesterday: “Oof!”. I was on the floor and above me? Kazuichi Soda. “I’m sorry, oh my god,” he said as he helped me up. I shook my head. “Nono, this time it’s my fault,” I said, dusting myself off,“I wasn’t paying attention”. 
“I was also very distracted, heh”
I smiled, picking his phone up from the ground. His screen turned on, exposing that he had been listening to music. “Cocteau Twins”. I handed him his phone. “You like them,” I asked. He nodded,“Do you?”. 
“Yeah, I do”
“Cool... where are you headed?”
“Why so early? There’s a whole hour and a half till we have to be there, plus the 5 minute tardy bell”
“I like being early. Where were you going?”
“My room,” he said,“I can’t find my chemistry journal, so I figured I should look for it before class”. “In your room?”. He nodded. For some sick and weird reason, I felt bad leaving him to do that on his own. “I can help you,” I blurted, almost instantly. His face lit up. “Really?!”. His overly joyed expression brought a smile out in me as well. “Yeah,” I answered softly. He grabbed my hand and ran with me up to his room, having me keep up with him. We got to his room as my heels skid slightly behind him. When opened the door and turned on the light, my jaw dropped.
His room was a complete and utter mess.
“Kazu- how is anything gonna get found in here?,” I asked, trying to keep my tone as calm as possible. “Its manageable,” he answered, entering and starting to look through all his junk,“I haven’t had the energy to clean my room anyway. It hasn’t really bothered me”. I shook my head as I walked in. “No, this isn’t right,” I said, an idea coming to mind,“Why don’t you lay there and rest up a little? I’ll clean your room”. His eyes lit up. “Really?”. I nodded, a warm smile creeping up on my lips. “Well, okay,” he answered,“Thank you, sweetheart”. I couldn’t even react to the pet name. His hat rested over his eyes as he quite literally fell asleep before my very eyes. 
With that, I got to work.
Cleaning out his room, taught me a few things. He also happens to like the same films as I do, but he likes more action films. I also learned he has a much bigger wardrobe than I thought. Lastly, he isn’t as mess as I thought. He had everything one would need to clean, even owned a vacuum. It took me about 1 hour and 5 minutes to clean out. I hadn’t realized it was that long, time went by me like a breeze. I approached him and sat by him. In a pattern, I shook him carefully then played with his hot pink hair, which was softer than expected. 
God, there’s something wrong with me. 
He woke up and I removed the hat from over his eyes. He lay as he looked around, seeing his room uncluttered. “Wow, it’s like a brand new room,” he said happily. “Yep”. He sat up and smiled back at me. “Thank you,” he repeated. 
“It’s nothing, really”
His voice was still groggy, I could tell he was a little dazed after his nap. He lay back and laughed to himself as we sat on his bed. “What?”. He shook his head as the lazy smile on his face grew slightly wider. “You’re really pretty”. I blushed a little, and laughed nervously. “Thanks”. He sat back up again, we both had no idea what to do now, but look at each other. It was a comfortable silence. I could forever into his oddly colored eyes. 
I wanted him to kiss me, now.
I’ve truly lost my mind. I had no idea if it was just tension or anything but that. Would I like it or would I despise it. I decided to maybe test these waters, but before I could, he beat me to it. Out of nowhere, he grabbed my chin, pulling me to his lips. Kissing me skillfully, he lay back and I followed so I wouldn’t be away from him, leaving me straddling his lap. What a day to forget to wear shorts under my skirt. With how he kiss me and I kissed him, it was no secret we wanted this for a while now. The fact that I wanted this made my stomach knot. We pulled away, slightly winded. “That was so fucking hot”. I proceeded to tell him this never happened. He agreed it didn’t. Then he added:
“I’ve never done that before”
“Neither have I-”
Then, it hit me. Kazuichi was my first kiss.
“This must be a very shitty realization,” he said, laughing a little. “Shut up, let’s get to class”. He nodded, getting up from bed, seeing that his journal was on his now clean and visible desk. He picked it up and now we were ready to go. We were still early, despite distance and how crowded the halls were. We sat at our own table, usually we both sat alone since none of our friends had this class. We all knew each other, but we wouldn’t exactly call certain people friends. Anyway, during class, I was extremely bothered. I felt sick and I couldn’t stop thinking about that fucking kiss.
At all.
I really didn’t want him to leave. I couldn’t stand the thought of him leaving. I had to stop it, but why did I want to anyway. Is this pity? It didn’t feel like it; I can tell when I pity someone and this didn’t feel like pity. Could it be that he’s always been there?
I’ve never fallen in love before, nor caught feelings. Something about him felt so familiar. What has Kazuichi done for me?
I began to think and it all came to me. The times I had no one else to talk to so he’d be there, whenever someone has bailed on me I’d go to him. I’ve taken him for granted, yet he’s smiled through it all. To think I’d hurt him made me feel worse. “God, I hate this class,” he whispered to me. I broke away from my thought. “Oh, me too,” I answered,“How are you doing, though?”. 
“In this class?”
I nodded. “Terrible”.
I mouthed an “oh”. After a second, I offered a solution. “Well, you can always ask me for help,” I said. “Seriously?,” his eyes lit up like when we were in his room. God his crooked, toothy smile had me smiling, it was intoxicating. “Yeah, come to me anytime,” I said, getting quiet. This was quite awful. On top of that, I remembered I had a date after today. I didn’t even want whoever the fuck I had to meet with. As planned by Sonia, we were to meet at the bridge in between dorms on the third floor at 7pm (mind you, I don’t have a room in this school so there really is no reason for me to stay so late). Now that I think about it, it really sounds like more of a meetup than a date. Maybe it wasn’t so important for me to meet this mystery man. I can just text him I was no longer interested.
And that’s what I chose to do.
After class, I bumped into Sonia. She smiled widely when she saw me. “Oh my god, Are you excited for tonight?!”. Here I am, bursting her bubble.
Her smile went down slowly. “Why not?,” she asked. “I’m not going”.
That was probably the loudest she’s ever spoken. “I mean, I don’t want to”. “But this was important, what the fuck,” she seemed too upset about it. “I don’t want him,” I said,“I’m into someone else”. “WHO?”. I swallowed before the name came out of my mouth,“Kazuichi...”.She slapped her hand over her mouth. “I know its emba-”.
“THAT’S NOT WHAT I’M GONNA SAY, oh my god. You have to go still, don’t leave your blind date hanging, please. I’m begging you, please!”
I scoffed.
I nodded. “Fine, but I really cannot pretend to have a good time,” I said to her. Nodding frantically, she said she knows. Ultimately, it was my choice and she knew that. Sonia walked home with me, then said she would walk back with me when it came time to meet my blind date. She wanted be there for when he was revealed. I got a message from this man when I got home.
Zero: Hey, are you sure you want to meet?
  I raised a brow and showed Sonia. She covered her mouth, but quickly told me to say yes. So that’s exactly what I did. 
Me: Yeah
Zero: ok
  “He isn’t into it,” I said, showing Sonia the messages. “He will be”. Damn, she was so dead set on this and for what? “Come on,” she said,“We should get going”. I nodded, getting up from the floor we sat on in my room. Locking up, we swiftly headed to the bridge.
It was dark by the time we got there.
No answer. “Maybe wait a little,” Sonia suggested,“He gets shy”. I turned to her. “Do you know him?,” I asked. “Of course I do”. She must’ve misunderstood what I asked. “No, but do you know him know him,” I cleared up,“like is he close to any of us”. She nodded, now I was really curious. A couple minutes passed and he still wasn’t there. “See,” I said,“Fucking no-show!”. My hands clenched into a fist. Sonia was getting closer to me, looking as if she had some consoling words to say, but she stopped. Smiling, she backed away. Then, I heard footsteps behind me. She stepped away from me, nodding towards me, but that was just a signal for me to turn around. I heard a gasp,“You?”. 
The familiarity of the voice—it all made sense now.
“You!,” I cried. My eyes watered as a smiling Kazuichi stood in front of me. I hugged him and I could tell he wasn’t expecting me. “God, I thought you’d hate me,” he sighed, relieved. I shook my head. “I’ll leave you to it,” Sonia said,“I have to go anyway; my ride’s here”. We waved her off, getting back to each other. “Wanna head into my room?”.
We headed into his room, snuck in, I’m not supposed to be here. He threw himself onto his bed as his hands made a gesture for me to get on. I straddled him like before and kissed him. “Someone’s excited,” he teased. I scoffed. “I’m not the only one”. His face turned red as he looked away. “Hey, Kazuichi? Can we talk”. He nodded, waiting for me to introduce the topic. 
“Hajime and, well, everyone else including Sonia and myself were talking and—”
“That you’re leaving?”
“Oh... yeah. I am”
I frowned, getting off him, now sitting next to him. He looked upset now that he remembered. “It isn’t too late now, is it?”. He shook his read putting his hat on his bedside drawer (me thinks this is the first time I’ve seen him without a hat). “Tomorrow, I go confirm my decision,” he said,“I feel... miserable in Hope Peak. I don’t belong here”.
“You don’t know what it feels like not having anything in common with anyone. Everyone being so fucking distant”
“I do know how the first one feels, but... we have each other to relate to”
“I just hate how this school makes me feel and I want it to go away”
He shivered as his eyes began to water. It hurt so much to see him cry. I never have. “Baby, look at me,” I said to him,“We all love you, okay? I love you. I’m sorry for being so cold towards you this whole time. You were always there”. He stuck his head into my chest and just let everything go. I played with his hair as he got rid of emotion. I lay his head down and straddled him again. Quickly, I kissed all over his tear-stained face, the taste of salt persistent on my lips. The kisses got him riled up and giggly once again, making him tackle me. I fell back on the bed as he did the same to me. He smooched me on the lips before giving me his final word.
“I’ll think about it, okay?”
I nodded, not pressuring him. I wanted him to be so sure about staying. I also wanted him to know that if he did stay, I would be there, always. “You need a ride home?”, he asked. I could have gone home, but I didn’t necessarily want to. “Aw, don’t you want me to stay?,” I pouted. The way I said it was so playful it almost felt like teasing. He blushed frantically answering,“Yeah, I do”. I then realized I didn’t have clothes to sleep in.
And no, sleeping in underwear could never be an option. (Not yet, at least)
“Damnit, I don’t have clothes”. That’s when he opened his drawer and threw some sweatpants at me. “You have a shirt under that one, correct?,” he asked. I nodded, unbuttoning my school shirt. it was a silk black undershirt, could be used as an undergarment or sleepwear. “Hey, I’m just gonna go out to the communal to wash up, okay?”.
“That’s fine, baby”
He smiled, heading off with his toothbrush and towel. Once the door shut, I with a I slid off my socks. I then stood up and took off my skirt. The clothing fit me kind of snug, but I didn’t mind. I lay back and waited for him patiently.
His shower was quick, well, in my opinion it was. His hair gave off a brisk scent, as he lay next to me. His eyes looked weak as he hug his face into my chest. It wasn’t in a weird way or anything, so I simply assumed he was tired. “Are you sleepy, yet?”. He nodded, his face in deeper. “I’m really sleepy,” he said softly. I ran my fingers through his hair like before and let him sleep. Watching how at ease he was in my embrace soothed me to rest. According to Hajime, he was usually a light sleeper. The slightest touch or noise would wake him up. He would shift around or mumble in his sleep. This time, it was different.
It was peaceful.
The next morning, I woke up and put on yesterday’s clothes. When I got to putting on my shoes, I felt him move behind me. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” I said sweetly. “Good morning, angel,” he said, his voice straining as he stretched with a grunt,“Time?”. 
He got up and threw on a pair of clothes that I have never seen him in. “You want a ride home?,” he asked,“I meet with the board today at 10. If I take you home now, I can make it back in good time”. I nodded, going hand in hand with him after he had put his shoes on.
I never knew Kazuichi drove. I recall him say he had terrible motion sickness, yet here he was driving me home in a borrowed car that had been worked on in the school’s auto shop class. I had nothing else to talk about and the silence was killing me. “So you can drive?”.
“I can drive”
“What about your motion sickness?”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, that’s always been there, always will be,” he began to explain,“but I’ve learned to ignore it”. He put his arm around me, smiling. I smiled, yet I was terrified. What if I wasn’t enough to make him stay? As he drove, I noticed he had nothing in mind. With Kazuichi, you can always tell when there’s something on his mind. Always. He’ll squint, mouth some words to himself...that’s how you know. It began to overwhelm me and I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry knowing there was possibly nothing I can say or do for him to stay. He may know I love him, but what if the timing was off?
Oh, well.
We arrived at my home, him walking me up to my doorstep. He kissed me, his smile dropping afterward. Fuck, he must’ve noticed... “Hey, is everything okay?”. I nodded. “Okay,” he said, uncertainty in his tone,“Well, text me if anything!”. I nodded, a faint smile on my face. I headed inside and lay in bed.
My memory of that Saturday and the Sunday that followed are fogged. I don’t remember leaving my room, let alone my house. Monday came around. I was nervous. I walked down the halls, Sonia standing and an expression of worry spread across her face. “Sonia,” I said,“What’s wrong?”. She gulped and I knew nothing positive would come out of this.
“Hajime hasn’t seen Kazuichi all day”
My eyes widened and I wanted to pass out. “No, that can’t be!”. I didn’t want to feel this. It was all guilt. Why, though? Everything seemed fine when we had last seen each other, it made no sense. “You haven’t talked to him?,” she asked. I shook my head. Sonia sighed. “Okay,” she began,“We have government today. Your only class with him. All we have to do is wait and then we’ll know for sure”. I nodded, trying not to let emotions get to me.
Now in government, I waited, We all did. None of us had heard a word from him. Soon enough, an hour passed: no Kazuichi. Tearful, my eyes shut as I placed my head on my table. Hajime walked up to me. “If its in any consolation at all,” he began,“Kazuichi really did like you. He loved you. I’m sure he knew you loved him”.
“Why the fuck do you make it sound like he’s dead?”
“I see how it would sound like so. I’m just gonna leave my words at that”
My eyes were burning and a headache began growing. Suddenly, there was pounding on thr door, pounding that startled the class. The teacher sighed. The knock was that of a late student, which obviously would’ve annoyed her considering this is a 65 minute class and it had been an hour or so. A student volunteered for the door and there stepped in a distressed Kazuichi.
I sniffled and my heart was beating out of my chest when I heard his voice and saw his face. “Kazuichi?!”. I ran up to him and hugged him, he was tense. “I was so worried,” he said. “That makes two of us”. I kissed him, he asked if I was okay and I nodded so frantically. “I didn’t text because I was sad!”. He hugged me tighter, kissing my forehead. I looked into his eyes, falling in love. Then I had realized one thing. “Wait”. He looked at me,“What’s up?”.
He walked to the teacher and handed her a doctor’s note. “You know I can’t mark you present right?,” she said. “You can’t mark me absent either, miss”. Yeah, he wasn’t the best student here. He walked back up to me and kissed me. “There’s like 2 minutes left,” he said,“Can we leave?”.
“Just go”
Being a nuisance paid off as we were all let out early. He grabbed my book bag and ran with me, pulling me by the hand. He took me to the back of the school, yeah, the very back behind the gym. I sat in his lap as he kissed me once more harder, now that no one was watching. I then faced him. “I thought you were leaving,” I whined. He ran his hands through my hair. “I was going to,” he said,“but I couldn’t do that to you, or to myself”. We sat in silence till I said,“Who would’ve thought?”.
“Yeah, in a million years, huh? What year we in?”
“Shut up”
I kissed him and felt him smile against my lips. “Don’t change, Kazuichi”. “Don’t plan on it,” he said,“I love you”. “I love you too”.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Pinky Promise - Chapter One
A/N: It’s currently midnight here and believe me when I tell you my brain is fried right now. I just wanted to finish this and post it. The real story starts with the next chapter and here we have a little more info dump cause yeah. Hope yall enjoy!
Fic Masterlist
Word count: 3,802
Rhysand had to stop by his house for a short break to change and take off that uncomfortable shirt he was always complaining about. Cassian had tried to tell him several times that being an elementary school teacher he could dress as he wanted and no one would ever tell him anything, but the youngest of the brothers didn't seem to get the message.
While they were waiting for him, Cassian had tried to start a conversation with the other two, but both had answered monosyllables and he had enough problems of his own without getting involved in whatever had happened between Elain and Azriel.
Despite all this, when they got to the Archeron house, the older had a lopsided smile on his face. The smile widened even more when they entered the apartment and saw his cousin gobbling a cracker with some cheese on it. Morrigan got up in a flash and went to greet them.
"Took you long enough." said the blonde, "We were waiting for you."
Cassian snorted, taking off his shoes and jacket so as not to wet every surface of the house, "I can tell."
"Don't be an asshole." he heard from the kitchen, Amren. She was also sitting at the kitchen table, where Nesta was chopping parsley and eating strangely long, fried things.
His girlfriend looked up at him and smiled. She had to be feeling better because she had a much more relaxed expression on her face than only an hour or so before.
He approached the table, followed by Rhys who was staring with a confused look at whatever that strange food was in front of their friend.
"What the hell is that?" Azriel asked once he had freed himself from Mor's hug.
Amren arched an eyebrow, taking another fried thing and eating it whole, "Frog legs."
Cassian, who was about to kiss Nesta, stopped, looking at her in shock, "Sorry, what?"
"Yeah, a new French restaurant opened on my street and I've been getting the weirdest stuff for a couple of weeks," said Amren smiling. "I even tasted the snails last Monday." the guys all seemed shocked.
Nesta made a confused grimace, "Actually they're not as bad as you'd think, they taste a lot like chicken."
"I'm not sure I want to kiss you anymore," murmured Cassian as he walked away slightly from the girl. Rhysand nodded beside him, pouring himself a glass of wine and passing one to Azriel.
"Oh, stop being a baby, it's just food." Amren muttered, casting a hard look at him.
He kissed Nesta on the cheek anyway while she finished cutting the onions and poured everything into a pot. The smell of meat that came out was enough to make Cassian fall in love a little more.
"I'm gonna go change," announced Elain, who had been particularly quiet the whole time.
Nesta lifted her head, looking in her sister's direction, who was already in the hallway, "Did you get my stuff?" she asked loudly.
Elain's reply didn't take long to come, "Yes, I'll bring it to your room."
Nesta shook her head, even though she couldn't see her, "No don't worry, I'll take care of it, just leave it in your room." a faint okay came from the other room and then the conversation resumed.
"One very important thing before I forget, next week Manon should come here," said Mor, clutching her shoulders, "I'd like to arrange a little something at my house, with everyone. If that's alright with you," she hesitantly concluded.
Mor and Manon had met that summer when the former went on vacation to the other continent alone. She'd stayed in Erilea for almost two whole months, going from city to city and stopping only when she deemed it necessary. Once she reached Orynth she immediately made friends with a large group of people there and when they introduced her to Manon it was hate at first sight.
More than hate, actually, Morrigan felt awkward.
Manon stared at her with that seductive look of hers that she couldn't really decipher and only when the other one had explicitly told her that hes was flirting with her, Mor understood that she could enjoy that vacation and have a summer fling with the white-haired goddess. One thing led to another and they ended up getting together at the end of August and after only a month of relationship no one had had the chance to meet her yet.
"Finally we get to know her." smiled Amren.
Cassian took a beer from the fridge and put two more on the table in case someone else wanted more than wine. "Where did you say she studies?" she asked for what was probably the millionth time.
"Oh, she attends the Academy of Fine Arts in Adarlan. Rifthold precisely." said proud Mor, smiling.
"Does she study art like Feyre?" Rhysand asked, taking another cracker and putting a slice of salami on it. Cassian saw Nesta shake her head in disbelief and had to hold back a laugh. It was impressive how he managed to squeeze Feyre into his every conversation.
Mor didn't give it much thought anyway, "Nono, she dances. She studies ballet. She has a- I always forget what they are called, but she has a group, with whom she always dances. They call themselves the Thirteen," she continued nodding, "They also have a channel on You Tube, if you're interested."
Elain walked into the kitchen at that moment, wearing only a pair of pajama pants and a VHS lacrosse team sweatshirt, with the name Vanserra on its back. She took a beer from the table, opened it and drained half of it in one long sip. She made a disgusted face and then took one of the fried frog's legs off Amren's plate, who was looking at her alarmed.
Nesta gave him a confused look, mentally asking him what had happened on the way here, Cassian shrugged.
"Hey Ellie everything's alright?" asked the older sister, turning off the stove.
Elain nodded, helping her set the table while everyone took their seat. "Everything's perfect."
Azriel laughed, not even looking at the girl, "As always." Elain's head snapped in his direction.
Elain gritted her teeth, "Maybe you should learn to mind your own business."
"And you should learn what self love is and stop letting others treat you like that," Azriel said to her in an equally harsh tone.
Cassian understood then, Lucien was involved.
Nesta sighed, placing both hands on the table and bowing her head, "Can we please have one dinner without arguing?" Elain sat down with abrupt gestures and nodded, apologizing. Azriel seemed to think about it for a second, looking at the middle sister, nodding in turn and sitting next to Rhysand.
They ate quietly between jokes, and the tense atmosphere that had created immediately dissolved. Elain and Azriel bickered so often that the group was used to it and they'd become good at pretending nothing had happened.
Nesta was sitting on the floor next to Cassian, practically lying on top of him, while he kept his arm around her waist. Whatever Morrigan was explaining she couldn't understand. Her brain was already clouded by alcohol. They had just finished the first game of the evening and she couldn't figure out how they were all still relatively sober after all the alcohol they had ingested. Or maybe it was just her impression and in reality they were all wasted.
She looked up at her boyfriend and put her hand on his cheek, making him turn towards her. Cassian smiled at her and gave her a peck. When she kept looking him in the eyes even after they had parted, he raised an eyebrow. What is it?
Nesta shrugged and kept following Mor's speech.
"And who draws the last king drinks the whole cup, got it?" the blonde looked around the room trying to figure out if everyone understood at least one word of what she had just said. Nesta took a sip from her glass and Mor groaned, "Come on Nesta, you don't have to drink now."
Azriel chuckled, almost as drunk as she was, "Stupid drunk."
"Fuck you, Az." she giggled, clinging closer to Cassian.
Elain nodded, raising her drink to the ceiling, "Yes, fuck you Az." she hiccupped and smiled in her best friend's direction, who gave her the middle finger. They all burst out laughing, knowing perfectly well that there was no grudge in those gestures.
She couldn't follow the game properly, but someone had just drawn a seven and Nesta knew that she had to raise her arms to the sky before the others or she would have to drink again, and although this evening was putting her in a good mood, she wasn't sure that her head would thank her in the morning. Elain ended up drinking.
When it was her turn, Nesta drew a nine and thanked every god present in that moment because if she had to find a rhyme for anything the others would say, she would surely throw up from the effort.
"I picked a nine," she said giggling, falling on Cassian, who laughed and helped her up, "and since I'm feeling rather nice tonight, I'll say orange," she slurred.
"You don't play like that," said Amren annoyed beside her, taking a sip from her soft drink. It was her turn to take everyone home that night.
Mor nodded, agreeing with the girl, "You can't take the one word that doesn't rhyme with anything."
Rhysand cleared his voice, "Sporange." he said at the same time that Elain screamed the same word. The boy brought his hand to his chest, opening his mouth wide, "I said it first."
Elain shook her head, pulling herself up and bending her legs underneath her, "No. That's not true." she said snickering, "I said it first."
Cassian burst out laughing, making Nesta's back flutter. She looked at him and winked, nothing sexy in that gesture at all and it only made the boy laugh more.
"Azriel tell him that I said it first." the girl complained, pouting. "Cassian tell him too."
"Nah ha, you have your family, they're with me." said Rhysand, getting up and staggering until he was between his two brothers. He circled both their shoulders and slapped Nesta in the face unintentionally.
"Ouch." she mumbled, pulling herself up and rubbing her nose.
Elain seemed on the verge of tears, "It's not right. I was faster than you." she practically screamed, "And I only have one sister here, it isn't fair."
Rhysand shrugged, "That's not my problem."
Their little argument went on for a few minutes before the boy surrendered and admitted that she was the one who said the word first, "But only because you don't have enough sisters for backup, otherwise we'd solve it physically," he concluded, winking at her. Elain giggled and Azriel muttered something about the physical part of the hypothetical fight that made Cassian laugh.
They all turned towards the entry of the apartment when they heard the door open.
"Speak of the devil," said Mor with a smile, "Feyruuh! Join us."
Rhysand had stood up and was smiling like an idiot, "Yes Fey-Fey join us," he repeated, approaching the small threshold.
Nesta saw the boy stiffening and immediately realized that something was wrong. She closed her eyes and sighed.
"Feyre," breathed Rhysand, "what happened?
From where she was sitting she couldn't see the hall, but even Amren, who had a perfect view of the whole room, had a hard look on her face. Perhaps she should have stood up.
The alcohol in her body did not allow her to stand up without the risk of falling. It was already much that she hadn't blacked out.
"Nothing, don't worry," said her sister, finally entering the room. Nesta could see her face and understood what Rhysand was referring to. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot. She had been crying.
"Feyre..." she said, trying to pull herself up with Cassian's help.
Her younger sister raised her hand to stop her, "I didn't want to ruin your evening, I just came to say hi." she gave everyone a faint smile. Rhysand, next to her, held his breath. He suddenly seemed much more sober, more aware of what was happening. "I'm sorry... goodnight everyone." with this she turned around and walked out of the room. Mor moved to get up, but Amren placed her hand on her leg to stop her.
Elain was the first to break the silence, "That piece of shit." Nesta gasped hearing how much anger she uttered those words with. She turned towards her sister and before she could ask her, she had already started talking again, "I can't believe it." she stood up, swaying too much and falling on her knees.
Mor was immediately beside her, "Be careful."
"It's alright." she ran her hand over her legs and then looked towards Feyre's room sighing.
"Can someone explain what the heck just happened and why no one is going to see how she's doing?" asked Amren slightly annoyed. Rhysand was out of the living room before she could finish the sentence.
They all turned to Elain, who seemed to be thinking about what to say.
"I'm too drunk for this," whispered Nesta, massaging her temples, "Ellie can you please tell me if this is a life-or-death issue?" she asked again. She felt a hand on the small of her back and turned to Cassian, who looked at her with a sad smile on his lips.
Elain laughed without amusement, "No, of course she's not dying, it's always the same old arguments with Tamlin. She should just break up with him," replied Elain surprising everyone. It was very rare that her sister said something so sincere when it came to Tamlin. The only times she had done so she had risked ruining her relationship with Lucien.
"I don't think I should tell you the details, it's her business and I'm not here to gossip," said Elain after a few minutes in which everyone had started to clean up the mess they'd made, "All you need to know is that Tamlin is a piece of shit," she whispered the last part, as if she was afraid her boyfriend might hear her.
"Nothing new." Amren said, getting up and starting to pick up the cups scattered around the room.
They heard Feyre yelling something, but Nesta couldn't understand just what she said. They waited a few seconds, to see if they needed to intervene or not, when they heard nothing more Azriel spoke.
"Do you think we should tell her something?" he asked again, still sitting on the floor, tilting his head back so that it was resting on the couch. "I mean, it's already been a few weeks since I've seen her cheerful, I'm getting worried."
Nesta was surprised. It was nice to see how much Azriel cared for the youngest of them. Of course, she knew it was true, but it was rare for the boy to express his feelings so openly.
Cassian shook his head, reducing his lips to a thin line, "Not tonight," he said as he looked down the hall, "She's probably insulting Rhys in every possible way now. I guess it's a good way to cool off," he added when they heard Feyre screaming again. Rhysand answered equally loudly.
"Maybe we should get Rhys out, he is drunk after all," Azriel said standing up. Nesta did the same, following him into the corridor.
"They know that Rhys would never lay a hand on Feyre, don't they? Even if he is drunk. And angry." whispered Elain, even though they all heard very well. Nesta giggled and Azriel shook his head smiling. She was so drunk.
Cassian answered her, "No Ellie, it's not that. It's that drunk people tend to say things they don't really mean." they heard a whisper of agreement.
Azriel was about to knock on the door, Nesta right behind him, when it opened wide and Rhysand rushed out, shoving his older brother aside. Nesta couldn't see his face, but he must have been pretty upset because Azriel followed him right out of the apartment.
Nesta blinked a couple of times and then turned to her sister, who was pacing back and forth with her hands in her hair.
"Fuck!" cried Feyre. Nesta entered the room, closing the door behind her.
Feyre looked at her and grimaced, "What? Did you also come to tell me how to live?"
Nesta shook her head, crossing her arms, "I gotta be honest with you, I'm really drunk right now, so I'm struggling a little bit to understand things, but if you want to talk to me, I'm always there. You know." she said to her, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Yes, yes. I know." Feyre murmured, "But right now I just want to sleep and be alone."
Nesta glanced at her and saw that she had mascara smeared on her cheeks. She had cried again.
They could not face this conversation now.
She sighed, "Alright, if you need anything call me, I'm sleeping at Cass's, but if you need anything I can be here in twenty minutes." she cautioned her as she got up. Before leaving, she turned to her sister and left a kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry, everything will work out. I'll be back for lunch, okay?"
Feyre frowned, "Why do you always treat me like a child?" she suddenly asked her.
Nesta was caught off guard, "What do you mean?"
"I'll be back for lunch. I can be here in twenty minutes," she said imitating her voice, "I don't need you to tell me your schedule, I can cook pasta, I can take care of myself." she pointed out, looking Nesta straight in the eye.
"I don't- Feyre, I was just letting you know that I'll eat at home, I wasn't implying anything. We live together, it seems normal to me to tell you about my movements," she replied, being defensive, "I didn't call you a child."
"Get out."
"I said get out." sobbed the sister, "Please."
Nesta tried to get closer when she saw that Feyre was crying again.
"Go away!" cried the other one. Nesta stiffened and nodded just once, saying goodnight and leaving the room.
Cassian was staring at her from down the hall with a worried look. Throwing a quick glance inside Elain's room, she saw that Amren and Mor were helping her change and would put her to bed before leaving, as often happened during these evenings.
She reached her boyfriend and when he hugged her, she let out a deep sigh, resting her head against Cassian's chest. "I'm sorry," he said, kissing her hair and holding her tight.
"Don't worry, we both know she's not mad at us. She better than anyone else." she looked up to him. Cassian moved a strand of hair from her eyes, placing it behind one ear. "Maybe we made a mistake, though, letting Rhysand talk to her."
Cassian chuckled, "Maybe." He leaned over her and brushed his lips against hers.
Nesta yawned in the kiss and they both laughed.
"Okay lovebirds, it's time to go home," announced Amren, putting on her shoes and helping Mor tie hers. The blonde was also in terrible condition.
Cassian broke the hug, but followed Nesta to her room while she changed and took things so she could change the next day, and then followed her to the bathroom, where she took extra tampons in case the ones at his house had finished. She strongly doubted it, as Cassian always worried about having an endless supply every time, but it was better to prevent.
"You're such a lost puppy." Mor laughed, looking at them, "Disgusting."
"You're just jealous cause you can't be with Manon every day," replied Azriel, walking back into the house at the right time, followed by a quiet Rhysand.
Mor poutted in a way that would make a three-year-old child look a saint and her eyes filled with tears. Amren threw her arms in the air, "Was that really necessary?" she asked exasperated, turning to Azriel, who apologized to her friend.
They all left the house, leaving the kitchen and living room relatively tidy, nothing an hungover Elain couldn't handle.
When they reached Morrigan's house, only Azriel and Amren went to escort the blonde home and make sure she went to bed.
Nesta took the opportunity to say a few words to Rhysand.
"It's not your fault if she reacted in that way," she said, placing her hand on his arm. God, the drunk Nesta was so affectionate. Rhysand looked at her with a wrinkled forehead.
"I know." he sighed, running a hand over his face and looking older than he actually was, "I just wish she understood how much she's worth. That Tamlin doesn't deserve her." he looked out the window, waiting to see the other two appear so he could get home as soon as possible and pass out in bed. "There may have been a moment in their relationship where things worked, but now it's getting too much."
"I agree." Nesta simply said. Rhysand didn't need her to comfort him, no. He needed Feyre to realize how much the situation she was in no longer benefited anyone.
Cassian slipped into bed next to Nesta and laid his arm around her waist, pushing her flat against him. She immediately relaxed and intertwined their fingers, carrying his hand on her belly. Cassian started massaging circles on her stomach, applying a little more pressure at the bottom to help her with the pain.
"Better?" he asked her, placing his head in the niche of her neck.
Nesta nodded, "Much better."
They spent a few minutes in silence like this. If he managed to tell her that he wanted to enlist, if he managed to confess to her his plans for the future and she accepted him, there would no longer be so many times when he would cuddle her. They would no longer be granted.
When Cassian was on the brink of falling asleep, with a thousand questions in his head, she asked him something.
"Tomorrow, you wanna go out for dinner with me?" she repeated, turning around so she faced him.
Cassian opened only one eye, "Like a date?" he asked, smiling tiredly.
"Sure, like a date." she answered him, tilting her chin up so that she could kiss him.
"Yes, I'll go out for dinner with you," he said returning the kiss.
"I love you." he whispered to her, hugging her.
Nesta did not answer and Cassian fell asleep shortly after, dreaming of the day when he would make Nesta his wife.
acotar taglist (send me and ask or dm me if you wanna be added/removed)
@tottenhamboys20 @sjm-things @kris10maas @awesomelena555 @sannelovesreading @queenamydien29 @ireallyshouldsleeprn @messyhairday-me @ncssian @observationanxioustheorist @my-fan-side @booksstorm @maastrash @sayosdreams @thedarkdemigod @courtofjurdan @thewayshedreamed @ladywitchling
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mikkock · 4 years
Hey hi your murder mystery art is super totally cool and amazing and I'd like to Extra! Extra! hear all about it *rattles bells*
haha wow i cant believe ud ask me THIS! unbelievable! now im gonna have to make a long post!
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all info under the cut cause im kind like that ♥
For reasons I felt like making a Fancy Ass murder mystery story, with you know, hella complex secret storylines and everyone having drama and shit, and one person died but the more the story goes the less people care about who did the murder and the more they want tHE JUICY DETAILs. X and Y had an afFAIR you say!!! well that’s thousands time more interesting than that murder that happened, who cares about the culprit its not like any of us are going anywhere anyway! tell me more about the marital issues!
The ultimate Vibes are Clue (the game, ya kno, it had a movie too, and that movie was shot with three different endings -fun fact- so that movie theatres could play one alternatively that way people wouldnt get spoiled or even if they did they would not get the ending they were spoiled or even if all three were spoiled you couldnt know which ending you were getting anyway, big dick move, cause its an old movie and film is expensive, also that movie stupid and campy, ALSO I ONLY LEARNED MAKING THIS AU THAT IN ENGLISH THE GAME’S CALLED “CLUE” wE CALL IT CLUEDO therefore my wip playlist is called cluedo. because. fuck it.)(i just have an emotional attachment to that game i even had a cd rom video game version and it was the spookiest shit for a 6 years old, trust me, i played it so much tho i didnt even understand the rULES i was just making scenarios like gathering the characters in rooms n making conversations outloud cause honestly the banter is the best part of a murder mystery) ANYWAY that sure is a whole paragraph of tangent. 
BUT YE the inspo from the Clue game. you can tell it from the Colours obviously, everyone’s colour codded.(even everyone’s name is colours as well you’ll see it’s real dang fancy! im just remaking that game but with 2932020 characters and more behind the scenes drama and also for gay people.)
Sir Belyy, the dude in white, is The Rich Powerful Respected Fancy Boss, and he throws a Fancy Reception Party with his closest friends and associates to celebrate the opening of a new branch of his business. All the lads gather in his wonderful little very isolated mansion in the middle of nowhere, like ok he got a death wish or something or he’s very trusting of his business partners, but not a good move, cause in the middle of the reception, as A Phat Storm Starts (for plot convenience, we going with a campy vibe if you couldnt tell), his body is found, it’s awful, there’s a killer on the loose! All the guests gather, and attempt to maybe contact the authorities, to not avail, since The Storm ya know, phone lines are Broken my dude. Its clear that the culprit is among them, since no one could have entered the house, or left it (cuz once again, ThE sTORm). And then it’s all about interrogating each other, distrust, alliances and betrayal, revealing one’s deepest secrets when they form an alibi and revealing someone else’s deepest secret for they could be a motive! Meanwhile there’s a dead body in the mansion just chillin there. 
So as I mentioned, I changed everyone’s name to be colour related (or ya know, food or flowers of that colour cause sometimes a colour in a language would not work as a name given the way names work in that culture all that jazz) which is the trippiest thing cause tHATS NOT YALLS USUAL NAMES but its fun (also changed so many ages hgfhs it was a trip)(still no one’s really old i guess i got boomerphobia). The “Cast” is clearly the most important part, and if ur a True “My OCs” Connaisseur (hdfghd the most useful skill to have, knowing *MY* Charactersdshgd) you may have recognised some faces and can already read some vibes and predict who will be progressing the plot and who will be yelling at people throwing accusations ghdfgd.
(god i wish i hadnt slacked off making the portraits of everyone in that AU i only have 3 tho that’s so sad so ill just make little sketches just cause <3 only text??? i got too many hoes with no attention span for that)
Sir BELYY (the one who dIEs lmao)
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(bust shot missing the fact that this man is the tallest beefiest lad around)
Intimidating, powerful, composed, wealthy, carries the name of a family who has generations of control to it’s reputation, he’s The Man that hoes who believe in the economy wishes they were. As in, the “self made” man who only just happened to benefit from having a wealthy background to uplift his plans. In his youth, he wanted to prove his worth, seperated himself from his father, started a business, that business became big, then got attached to the family’s business, bam back to square one but with Reputation now. There seemed to be VERY big tension between him and The Father, some speculate it had to do with his unknown mother, and some family drama there, and it never got resolved as old man Belyy died quite young (the jUICY speculations are that current sir Belyy mURDEREd old man sir Belyy, fucked up if true!). People love him though in general, as he has that reputation of “Cold Lad With a Gold Heart” aka he takes people under his wings, donates, doesnt treat his employees like the absolute worst garbage etc... you know, he’s rich and a half decent person, so obviously he’s an angel on earth. But does it matter though, he’s dead! that’s the concept of the story!  
Mr.GRAY (the grey guest)(who could have guessed from the name)
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He’s one of Sir Belyy’s oldest employees, and benefits from a high rank in the company. But, sadly for him, he’s been stagnating lately, as newer, youngest employees seem to have Belyy’s favours, and are his prefered associates for important tasks and positions. Therefore he has Some Bitterness, Some Salt, Some Distaste, some unbriddled but professionally muted hatred for Specific people in the company. He can be an antagonistic figure, but the amount of time he spent in Belyy’s circle grants him an immense quantity of information about the man, but mostly, about his business. Anything about the company’s history, dealings, operations, he’s aware of, either having been told of them, or having snooped around to obtain, immune to being questioned due to his legitimacy in the company.
Mr.LIM (the green guest)
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Remember when it was said that Gray had beef with some employees cause they were younger and rose to high ranks faster than him and became Belyy’s favourite over him? Yeah well here comes the one he hates the most for that (ofc he’s belyys fave cuz he’s Mine <3) Our lad caught Belyy’s attention for his Exploits in like, em fancy high school tournaments of smart people, it’s a thing its ridiculous, making kids compete on Smart stuff for the pride of their schools n shit, well homie Lim got clout when doing that, and Belyy was extremely interested cause that kid’s main thing was how “this young lad got mad strategic skills tf are u a war general or smth how fancy”, and that’s a coveted skill for ruthless business. So as soon as the kid is an adult, bam, join the company my dude. And because he’s just that Cool n Sexy ofc he met the expectations Belyy had, and old man Belyy got attached cuz it do be such a young lad, a kid, mentally i am adopting. That’s how you get a youngas employee becoming the right hand man of one the phatest CEO in a few years, and even make your way into being a Good Lad on top of a business partner. And that’s how you get Gray to hate your ass too. Now though, fine lad with mad strategic skills, rising to power that fast, and even infiltrating Belyy’s private life? If I were Gray I’d call suspicion there’s surely some shady stuff going no way we’re just dealing with a nice fella who just happens to work good and be friendly to the boss right?
Herra MUSTA (the black “guest”)
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Belyy’s newest butler, assistant, house keeper, he multitasks. His family has been tied to Belyy’s for generations, fullfilling roles of help, but also of confidents. He’s been the head butler since only a short time, after his mother passed, and as such is still “in training” you could say, despite having served the family his whole life. There are rumours going around that the contract tying his family to the Belyys may end on his generation and need to be resigned. He known the manor by heart, and carries all keys to any locked room (and mostly, The Master Key, cause in an old house, some doors may be locked beyond all still existing keys). He also knows secrets of the family that no one else knows, but good luck getting em out of him, he’s under contract not to divulge em bro.
Mr. HASSEL (the brown guest)
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Belyy’s childhood friend. They grew up together, pictured their dreams together, sworn to flourish together, worked together when starting the company, and then Hassel felt he should create his own thing instead of depending on his friend’s existing wealth, and while Belyy’s business went wild, his never took off. They still stayed very close, despite the massive difference in wealth. Belyy considers him his closest friend, the one person he can trust (fucked if hassel did the murder lemme tell u). So of course, he’s still always invited to the Prestigious meet ups where’s he’s free to feel uncomfortably out of place amongst all the rich and powerful people that he could have been a part of had he had a tiny bit of luck and a small loan from a wealthy relative...People LOVE saying he’s still hanging out with Belyy so much to leech off his wealth, cause of course they do! His bestie status means he has a whole different brand of information of Belyy than his butler does, the Most Intimate Stuff, the Childhood Stuff. The Juicy stuff ya kno...But Bro Code, its all secrets...
Sir RUZH (the red “guest”)
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Deep dive into Belyy’s personnal history, the man has many employees working at his house keeping it working, clean, ya know the vibe. They live on the premice, one has a kid who’s just a Joy to be around, all the employees just vibe with that lad, he’s just a born socialite you know? Belyy gets to meet the kid, and also hella vibes with him. And because human are influenced by their feelings, he gives the kid’s mum a bit of a preferencial treatment, in the tasks she fullfils and all, til he gives her an important-as mission, and then there’s an accident n mama dies, and now Belyy got guilt and there’s this kid who just Vibes. So naturally the move is to take the kid in, and play on how his vibes are just so clean, and raise him to be the Perfect Entertainer for guests, bam, its soft power propaganda, if everyone loves your now son’s vibes, they associate them with you too. And also that’s kind of a clean rep, the selfless man who adopted his employee’s son to not have him fall to the streets, how heartwarming. Not at all traumatising for the kid too I bet! But anyway now the lad is just the most charming young adult, mission accomplished. He’s always present at any reception, ready to work his people-pleasing magic, and then going back to a gigantic empty manor to wait for the next and curate the perfect vibes to meet the expectations of dad. On the plus side, he knows everyone, and those who don’t know him cannot wAIT to, he’s just got that aura ya know. People skills for miles, and the insider knowledge that comes with being the son of the CEO, all this hidden behind the personna of the fresh innocent bashful party lad. 
Dr.FEN (the pink guest)
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Do not get mistaken by the title, he’s no doc, he will not diagnose you with anything, he just studied long enough to get the sexy title. Study in what? Haha. Nothing shady. Just toxicology. He’s a world reknown poison expert basically, that’s his main thing. Oh but don’t worry, of course studying substances that may kill people is only for finding out how to cure them from it of course. What brings him in this circle? Simple, Belyy may or may not have started to suffer some weird illness that no doctor has been able to find the source, let alone cure, of. Him and Dr.Fen had met previously on some event, cause some rich man also love flexing how smart they are and attending sciencey shit, and he was contacted as sort of a shot in the dark. The lad does know how to treat some things, maybe he can treat The Mysterious Unwellness, since no traditional doctor was able to. He knows science, he’s trustworthy, bam, you’re hired to work on My Case Exclusively. Thanks to this, Dr.Fen has access to the whole health history of Belyy and his family, to many mANY dangerous substances, and also has The Respect of the hoes at the party. He HAS a doctorate after all. Epitome of knowledge. And he’s a kind to people and he wears pink like dang how can you nOT pour your wHOLE trust in him. 
Sir MOREVITCH (the blue guest)
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Youngest son of an affluent family, who used to be close the the Belyys. The two families fell slightly appart after the death of the previous head of the family on the Belyy side, as they do nOT vibe with the current one (well current, til the first night of the story ig). But, unbeknownst to all, one strong link had been kept, between the youngest of the Morevitch, who dislikes his family and wishes to emancipate himself from them while also assuring his depart will not throw him basically in the streets, and our beloved Sir Belyy, who also dislikes the Morevitches but loves to see the rebellious energy of the young one (and ya know, my enemy’s enemy’s my friend or however you say that). So Belyy’s basically offering tips and helping Morevitch plant himself safely out of his family’s grasp, but it’s all taking quite some time isn’t it, slow and steady is fine until your parents try to arrange a wedding to secure more political power, and suddenly it is all quite urgent that you escape that situation because No Thank You Parents I Do Not Want A Wife I’m Too Young And Also Huh <3 Stuff You Won’t Like Hearing For Sure <3. The people who know they’re working together also know that it’s a big point of argument between them, the difference in vision between “you have to go slow and steady to be safe” and “I have very limited time to get to that safety anyway so I gotta risk it” “hell no you cant i can’t follow through if we’re going that quick that’ll put me at risk and you’re family’s gonna send gunmen to take me down”. A mess, it’d be much quicker to just obtain a few million bucks out of nowhere and bolt for sure...
Mr.GANG (the orange guest)
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Morevitch’s trusted assistant. He hears the concerns, he helps the secret businesses, he lies to the parents about the whereabouts, and mostly, he’s basically a budget spy. The lad got that talent where people just don’t notice him popping behind them and catching all their dirty laundry as they confess it to someone they trust, and he always manages to break into places, get the intel he was looking for, and escape, putting everything back into place as if no one was ever there (wonder where he got all those skills from damn!). But what he’s even better at is being sneaky not only to benefit his boss, but himself as well <3. If he can catch all the info in the world, go any places, nothing’s stopping him from playing double agent and also going behind Morevitch’s back. After all the assistant life isn’t the most glamourous and rewarding, who can blame him from going and using his talents to build his own little exit route, right? Everybody sort of knows he cannot be trusted, but also no one managed to really incriminate or stop him, and as much as he has tea on many people, no has it on him, but bet once found that would be heeeella juicy.
M.MOUTARDE (the yellow guest)(this one is straight up the name of the yellow player in the french edition of clue too when i say its my main vibe)
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Moutarde was an influential celebrity. He had a big break acting in a movie that the whole country stanned so hard they basically turned the script into their national anthem (they would have if it was a true democracy where the people really decide), he was so handsome and elegant, everyone’s dream husband. And then the fame fiddled out because it’s how fame is, one moment you’re the sexiest dish on the table and the next someone brings in dessert and baam, its all about that fresh cake, and no one pays any mind to your delightful aroma anymore, you’ve gone cold, they had a bite, their interest is somewhere else. Belyy really admires his work though, and mostly finds his image fits with the brand of his company, therefore the two are working on a collaboration to make Moutarde a representative. This WOULD boost Moutarde’s reputation, for his ads would be displayed on every imaginable surface of the country, and it would also benefit the company cause being represented by thAT sexy motherfucker? clearly that’s a deal. The freshness of the partnership means Moutarde is a newcomer in the guests, a fresh face, with no reputation, no relationships, no unfair biases against him. He’s just the new handsome charismatic lad with a squeaky clean image. Emphasis on “image”. After all, no one really knows anything of his background, right?
Kun.LAWENDER (the purple guest)
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Private investigator, very useful to be around at a party it’s almost like it was expected there’d be a body to investigate, he’s a very close associate of Belyy, as there’s nothing more important to business than investigating the rivals and finding dirt on them to make them fall through infamy. He’s not exactly the PI who goes look for justice to be served, he’s just here for cash bro. He’s got intel on everyone, and will only let it out if offered the right thing in return (money, or sometimes other pieces of very secret intel, trade is good). Wouldn’t advise letting him and Gang team up tbh but they probably wouldnt, as Lawender is really more of a lone wolf player, going on his own for himself. The one thing that negates his usefulness as a PI on an accidental crime of scene is that even if he knew the whole truth of the event he would not spit it out unless he benefitted from saying it. He sure is a polarising lad, but at the same time, an untouchable one, he’s too knowledgeable to be taken down. Rather than sneaky, he’s extremely observant, noticing the tiniest details and engraving them in his memory, ready to be linked up to other details to deduct the big picture. He’s the upfront tea gathered basically (as opposed to Gang’s shadow tea gathering if you will, they are similar forces but using opposite methods)(also one of em got a licence n the other does not hAH).
Now the secrets, all of em have them. One of em at least got the secret of having KILLED Belyy that’s that. But that’s to be kept for later (for if i ever use this story for more than daydream material gfhjgh) bet you can imagine what some of em may be just out of Knowing what i do, from having seen the characters in other contexts, or just because you’re a genius and reading the character profiles immediatly lit up the bulbs in your head forming the perfect theory, props to you, mad genius.
Honestly my thoughts are just how lit of a game that would be, you get to pick one hoe (maybe sum are locked til u find their secrets for juicy purposes) and you do your invetigation using your character’s perks and disadvantages, and maybe there could even be Multiple scenarios and outcomes, to spice it up, give replay value, i just think it’d be a game id spend hours on. tryin to get the spicy details of everyone’s life. walking around n digging through a rich man’s stuff, witnessing the drAMA of people fighting cause they’re locked in with a murderer and that’s stressful ngl. That or a long ass show @ netflix wanna give me a show maybe? give me hella budget we’re making it animated cause im too cultured for live action. 
whatever i make of it though, i hope i can make this story Flourish, just so that i can lay down all those secret backstories i’ve written. i want the satisfaction of throwing out the craziest secret drama between character n seeing peeps loose their minds, it just is a tasty experience.
also i gotta say, i plug the hell out of Clue for an inspo but when i was building the basics of the story my mind immediatly went “oH MY GOD THE VIBES,, THE BACKSTABBING AND tEAMING UP and all,,, its The Genius, that one tv show where peeps have to do the wildest games that require strategy n they’re in that fancy set that looks like a rich ppl mansion oh god the vibes” so yeah, i rewatched the whole first two seasons cause they’re my faves and that had an impact if only minimal in the aesthetic.
Anyway hope that quick presentation gave you a lil taste of the story, and maybe,,,, got you curious,,, craving to learn more like you never did before (im exaggerating the only real question we all got is just “so who’s fuckin with whom then how many of yall secretly dating” this the real deal)
#doodlin every lad's face at one rly be like 'welcome to the cheekbone festival'#they got antti AND said at once like the cheekbonage is out of this world!#that's musta n gang btw#also every single time i draw cream (blue lad) im like 'i havent drawn u in ages' n it isnt#that i dont draw him much anymore#but that ive drawn only this bitch for months back in the days#him bein in this without his lover....criminal#cuz his boo wouldnt fit a murder mystery au like#hoes would find the corpse he'd just be like 'welp on that imma go to bed aight bye'#anyway u can tell which of my ocs i simp for v easely#like fr#they the ones i spend the longest drawfigfdj cuz i draw em n then go 'not hot enough do it again'#a struggle!#anyway the secret is that i prepares a motive AND an alibi for all of em#so that i can pick who murdered belyy at the last moment <3#its all abt the contextual clues on the scene of crime <3#none of the drama tells u anything its all for the treat of gossip <3#sad part of this project is how much ive planned n written yet i can barely tell anythin if i want to make it#n ive drawn nothingbhd#i hav a dari n a weiwei in their coloured clothes lookin handsome cuz ofc i do#im predictable i have faves#ask if they're in love in this one too take a fuckin guess#u rly think hoe going to his boss's house so much to see the ceo ???? HAH#the real question isnt if theyre smooshin we all kno that answer the question is if dad white suit knows thATs whats important#are yall secret lovers or is green boy climbing the ladder of the company cuz he's smashing the boss's son#who knows#i do i aint telling pay me
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holasraiboo1971 · 4 years
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is that [AVAN JOGIA]? no, that’s just [ERICH TAILOR]. [HE/HIM] is [TWENTY EIGHT] years old and is an [ENGLISH TEACHER]. rumor has it they’ve been in town for [THREE MONTHS]. on a good day, they’re [INVENTIVE & OUTGOING]. but watch out! they can also be [PRETENTIOUS & CYNICAL]. [WASTELAND, BABY BY HOZIER] plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill! [fry, 22, est, she/her]
hello all! my name is fry! cannot wait to start writing with you all! if you like what you see, go ahead and like and i’ll come to you for some plots :)
full name: erich malli tailor.
nickname: er (pronounced like the word air).
height: 5′10.
hometown: portland, oregon.
occupation: english teacher.
birthday: march 10th.
zodiac: pisces.
early childhood.
erich’s therapist said once that sometimes people imagine things so often that they cannot tell if it is a real memory or not. unfortunately, that’s all erich has of his birth parents. fake memories of happier times.
what erich does know is that his mother was a teenager. she wanted to raise him on her own but simply couldn’t. now, as an adult, he doesn’t blame her or hold any resentment. 
growing up in the foster care system was all erich knew. switching from family to family created many longterm issues for him. as a kid, he had zero hope that he would ever be fully adopted. he had hopped in and out of so many different homes that he wouldn’t even unpack. 
erich didn’t have many friends. he liked it that way. he found saying goodbye to friends was harder than making them. so he was alone for the most part. 
adoption day finally arrived at the age of ten. a nice, liberal, lesbian couple who lived in the middle of san diego. they were kind and wanted to open their home to a kid who they wanted to grow to love. lucky erich. 
after his adoption, erich’s longterm issues would begin to rise to the surface. he showed lots of behavioral issues, signs of abandonment issues, and clear commitment issues. his new parents were there for him through every step of therapy. 
things seemed to be turning around for erich. therapy was really helping him work through his issues, he was beginning to make friends, and his grades were starting to boost. 
his parents really pushed for him to get into the arts. mainly for mental health reasons, but also because they both appreciated the arts and wanted their son too as well.
it wasn’t long until erich’s hobbies and passions only consisted of artistic activities. watercolor painting helped him convey the loneliness and anxiety he felt growing up. creative writing helped him expand his imagination and patience. music was just fun for him.
he submitted short stories and poems into contests in high school and eventually won a couple. it was then that he realized writing was what he wanted to do in his adult years. 
around this time, erich was beginning to grow popular with the ladies at his high school. he had hit a growth spurt, he was beginning to grow into a self of style, and was beginning to grow into a handsome young man! however, erich was not interested in any of them.
to put things simply, it was a different time back then. this was the year lizzie’s iconic “that’s so gay” commercial had aired. there were plenty of developments that still needed to be made for the lgbtq+ community to be where it stood today. so, with this logic, why would erich want to come out as bisexual? he didn’t even know bisexual was a term.
so, erich would date girls publicly and cheat on them with guys behind their backs. things were going as smoothly as possible until one of the guys were outed. they then felt the need to out erich too. 
it was a dark time for erich. he was hated by most females, the males he had been seeing wanted nothing to do with him because of the amount of bullying he had started receiving, and all of his friends turned their backs on him. when things got really tough for him, his moms turned him to the typewriter and encouraged him to write.
erich and his moms ended up moving back to portland his junior year. a smart move and one that was definitely needed for him to grow. 
surprisingly, the culture was completely different in portland. he was able to become his true self in portland. he was surrounded by incredible friends and had an incredible support system.
erich came out as bisexual and finished a novel his senior year.
young adult life up to now.
erich never tried published his novel. he doesn’t think he ever will. it’s incredibly personal and he thinks it needs a ton of work. he’ll probably let you read the first chapter if you ask him though.
erich took a gap year to travel before attending college in oregon. he and his boyfriend from senior year roadtripped across the united states. unfortunately, the two broke up halfway back to oregon.
sadly, erich’s mother died of a car accident during his senior year of college. the two were extremely close and so it hit erich really hard. 
in college, you party. it happens. however, after erich’s mom’s death, the partying picked up for him, and that wasn’t all. erich’s drinking habits started growing to new heights. not only that, but erich had decided to do a couple party drugs in the process.
slowly but surely, erich’s grades began to drop and soon enough he was placed on academic probation. after that, he did the bare minimum to get his degree and that’s what he continued to do.
while erich desperately wants to be a well-known author, he has a feeling he never will be. so, he became an english teacher instead.
some of erich’s favorite places are when harry met jerry, cloak and stagger, and sunshine diner. he’s probably fucked up on something or working on another never-to-be-released novel. 
yes, erich teaches your high school aged children. sometimes, he shows up to class hungover. he is also an incredibly laid back teacher. there are also rumors going around the school saying erich sleeps with parents sometimes. despite all of this, he creates one of the safest spaces for his students and truly cares about them. 
erich is the sponsor for the high school GSA club.
erich has a puppy despite how much he hates dogs.
if i think of anything else, i’ll update!
*means capped / taken.
other teacher friends. please. imagine the workplace gossip.
if your muse’s kid is 14-18, they probably have some sort of opinion on erich. let’s plot that out!
in regard to that second one, maybe the two have slept together?
matched on tinder / bumble. they could have slept together or the two just met and became friends that way!
friends w/benefits.
a good ol’ bromance pls.
enemies maybe????!!
if your muse works in at when harry met jerry, cloack and stagger, or sunshine diner, there is a chance that these two are going to see each other a lot. let’s plot that out!
erich has only lived in springhill for three months so most connections are going to be present connections so please keep that in mind!
erich has also cut ties with everyone from his high school / childhood so! none of those please!
maybe our muses went to college in portland together!
i’m pretty much an open book and love plotting ! 
ALRIGHT ! that’s pretty much it ! can’t wait to write with yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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missorgana · 4 years
interrupt me
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy)
rating: teen and up
word count: 2502
warning: swearing
summary: Finn wants Poe to be his boyfriend, so badly, it's sort of unbelievable he hasn't asked him already. But he doesn't know how. (high school AU)
(finnpoe week 2020 is here yall!!! so excited for my baby event tbh. annddd here’s my first fic for it, i chose high school au bcus well im cheesy ok. if u want to enter finnpoe week with me you can check out the event blog and my post here!! hope you enjoy this fluffy mess!)
read on ao3
When Finn realises this is the only greeting he’s getting from his best friend, he gives her a semi-awkward chuckle, as he always does when he can’t quite figure out what she’s on about.
Very much not the first time.
“So… what?”
And she raises her eyebrows in an offended look.
Offended in the only way Rey can be, because she’s never seriously been mad at him, mind you.
“I can’t believe you.” she simply tells him, opening her locker in the process.
Okay, maybe Finn has an idea of what’s frustrating her. After all, she texted him about it last night. A text he was keen to avoid at that time.
“I got your text, I swear-”
“And you didn’t respond because of the reason I suspect?”
Man, Rey really should be a psychic or something. Kind of freaky how she’s always two steps ahead of him.
Her annoyance did fade slightly when Finn let his defeat show.
“I know, I promised you.” and he tells her while shoving the chemistry book down in his bag, the bell interrupting before he continues, “But, I, uh. It just wasn’t the right time, okay?”
Rey’s shoulders are still tense, she huffs, but ultimately shrugs.
“You also said that after your last three dates, you know.”
He does know. Yes, he knows too well.
Long story short, Finn’s been going out with Poe for nearly three months now. Exactly, pretty Poe, the prettiest person ever in the entire world, probably.
The boy who asked him out after many history lessons of looking at each other in secret, and talks of doing homework together that only resulted in giggling and gushing about Hozier.
Well, Rey thinks it’s about time they became official. Like, officially a couple.
She does this because she loves Finn, and she loves them, and yes, he wants Poe to be his boyfriend, so badly, it’s sort of unbelievable he hasn’t asked him already.
But see, he doesn’t know how.
Or of course, he knows the words, but it’s like, whenever he’s with Poe, his mind implodes and revels in whatever they’re doing, and at the end of the day, he’s none the wiser.
They’re on the way to class, and they’re gonna be late either way, so Finn asks his best friend, “I know. But, you know, what if… I mean, what if he doesn’t want to?”
Rey still looks at him in all her stubbornness, but rubs her shoulder, clearly sensing his worry.
His worry goes deep, because yes, they’ve been going out for three months, but, you know, Poe’s like the star of this school. Star of the student council, if anything.
Finn just can’t help doubting himself. Wondering, Poe’s too good for him, or maybe, Poe hasn’t asked him because what they have, what made him ask out Finn isn’t there for him anymore.
He hopes none of that is the case. But he’s always had a habit of overthinking.
“I love you.” she tells him, a certainty in her voice, tugging on his arm just a bit so they won’t be in real trouble with Ms. Holdo, “And he’s so lost in you. I know it’s scary, but he isn’t asking, and if you don’t ask, nothing’s gonna happen.”
She’s right. So right.
So he links their arms and runs down the hall, figuring it speaks louder than words.
Finn finds himself thinking a lot.
This isn’t exactly unusual, but, you know, sometimes he overthinks.
Seriously, he knows he needs to ask Poe already.
But his concerns aren’t crazy, okay?
He’s actually already met Poe’s mom, last month, albeit it wasn’t planned. It was maybe too fast. They’re going fast. Or what?
Rey’s assured him enough times now that three months is a perfectly healthy time to become an item, or whatever you call it.
It’s not like they’re popular. Poe’s got a bit of hype, but he’s not at the top of the food chain.
And you know, reputation isn’t all that matters.
Or he tries to tell himself that, because what if it is to Poe?
Before his best friend made him promise to make the move, as she calls it, she was visibly upset, perhaps more than himself, when the other boy hadn’t asked him first.
Maybe he’s just as nervous as Finn. Like, it’s valid, right?
But also, Poe’s been in a couple of relationships before, and yes, that might not sound like much, but Finn’s never been serious with anyone prior to this.
And he didn’t really think it would bother him until now, where Finn ponders his inexperience, and might be edging towards a mental breakdown in the middle of the history lesson, when said boy on his mind touches his hand under the table.
Yes, Rey was only bitter for a few days when the boys started sitting together, “leaving her behind”, as she called it. But she doesn’t really mind now that Rose transferred, he’s sure.
Finn always thinks Poe wants to borrow a pencil when he touches his hand, or has a question, or something mundane.
But he might be getting used to Poe reaching out just for the sake of the touch, sooner or later.
Only the other boy whispers when Ms. Holdo has her back turned, “You okay?”
Oh, so he can tell. That’s great.
No, really, it’s great, because this boy’s so empathetic, when he’s not fiercely protective, or sarcastically defensive.
Finn wonders if he’s thinking of the same thing.
He actually got started on a question last time, some form of it, anyway, but they were not so generously interrupted by some of Poe’s friends, Jess and Snap, he’s pretty sure. That scared him off. Embarrassing, he knows.
Besides, it was like, ten minutes, and Poe seemed just as embarrassed, and they more or less cheered them on. Lovebirds, they called them.
“Ignore them, please.” the other boy told him, like, a million times. He was so cute blushing like that.
If only Finn hadn’t abruptly chickened out when he tried to get the question, instead distracting Poe with whatever he saw first, which, very fitting, was ice cream.
Man, the other boy eats so much ice cream, he has to admit he’s slightly worried about his health.
He’s got a lot of things to worry about, huh.
“Of course I am.” he whispers back, and fuck, he’s just barely caught when Ms. Holdo turns around, and he’s got this feeling like Poe doesn’t believe him, but the conversation’s over like that.
The boy’s smile is a reassurance. A little bit, at least.
Is he avoiding Poe? Or is Poe avoiding him?
Finn doesn’t really know, to be honest.
They haven’t seen each other in, what, four days now, because he’s letting his head get the best of him, and he declined the boy’s offer to accompany him for the football game, instead having another nerve wracking conversation, filled with possible ways his crush could call them off.
Rey probably thinks he’s overdramatic, but she doesn’t say, and spends a good two hours calming him down, because she’s lovely.
It isn’t just a crush anymore, Finn realises.
God, he likes him, so much.
And on their last date, it started raining, like in every cheesy teen movie ever, and when he couldn’t hide that he was freezing, Poe, of course, gave him his jacket.
It’s just too much.
Not long after his phone call with Rey, his roommate returns from the game, and Rose tells him that Poe missed him.
Does that make him feel good or bad?
They text a lot.
Like, late into the night a lot, to a point where his sleep schedule might’ve gone for the worse. He’ll restore it sooner or later.
Anyway, Poe seemed like he had something on his mind yesterday. At least, he was taking a while to answer, and usually, his texts keep flying almost a second after Finn’s replied.
But whatever he felt coming never came. The other boy had to go, that is, and Finn thought, maybe this time, he’ll ask.
Or maybe he was looking for a sensitive way to break up. Shit. He wouldn’t break up with him via text, though, surely? Poe’s respectable. He’s got manners.
Or maybe the world just doesn’t want them to communicate anymore, ever, and will just continue to interrupt them, which is rude and totally unfair.
Even at the library this guy, honestly, he can’t remember the name for his life, but this guy had some issue with a suggestion of Poe’s in the council, which he apparently felt the need to bring up then.
The curly haired boy in front of him gave an, “I’m kind of busy, right now.” three times before the other student, finally, minded his own business.
Maybe Poe thinks Finn doesn’t want him around him anymore after avoiding him. Why does he do this?
He hates conflict. It can die in a pit.
Even though it isn’t a conflict, like his best friend so wisely told him, maybe he’s just a bit stupid, or maybe his worst nightmare is true and Poe doesn’t want anything serious.
His head feels like it might explode.
The girl discarding her shoes shoots him a weird look.
Of course, she can tell he’s nervous, just as much as Rey, or probably anyone else, at this point, but Rose has developed a sense of knowing when Finn needs to be left alone.
So, she brews them both tea and lays down with her headphones on, but not before handing him something cold and metal, which turns out to be a pin.
It’s a tiny yellow sun.
Finn doesn’t have to ask who it’s from, or who he’s hoping it’s from, anyway, because the boy is so utterly cheesy that he’s compared him to sunshine on more than one occasion.
Even more cheesy that Poe got him a gift relating to a stupid nickname. But also, he loves it. Loves it a little too much.
It’s ridiculous.
So he’ll opt to sleep now, tugging Poe’s jacket a bit tighter around him.
Poe’s suggested to skip school today, and Rey swears she’ll nag Finn to no end if he doesn’t go along, so here he is.
Of course this boy wants to get ice cream.
And of course he knows a perfect place, as he says, which, surprisingly, is a junkyard filled with old cars, which Finn sees little wrong with.
He’s pretty sure the rich people in this stupid town probably discard these for the newest model. Poe laughs and agrees when he voices his thought.
When they’re side by side on a blue Corvette hood, ice cream and marshmallows long gone, it’s silent, except the other boy’s humming.
Maybe this is the right time. Or the worst time. Wait, he can’t think like that, he should listen to Rey.
Finn might as well get it over with, if the worst case scenario is really gonna happen, right?
And so he decides to open his mouth with his thought along with him, only Poe does the same, and there’s a small cluster of “Hey-”s and “Oh-”s and “Sorry”s.
So maybe the boy has decided to end it on a good note, like a goodbye date.
Could be worse, right?
“I was thinking, uh…” Poe begins, but it doesn’t seem to end, and Finn nods him along, and sits up straighter, maybe it’ll be easier to bite the emotion in him like that.
The boy chuckles at himself.
It’s like he doesn’t want to look at him, cause he’s keeping his eyes on his lap, but then, gaze turning towards Finn again and biting his lip.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
And Finn’s ready to deflect, to shrug off the hurt, get up and leave, when, holy shit, what did he just say?
Exactly the thing he wants him to say? Exactly the thing he wants to say? Unbelievable.
He’s got to have a few seconds to process that. Which is probably what makes Poe freak out, because he’s suddenly, almost, taking the words back, “If you think it’s too fast I understand, I-”
“No!” he exclaims. A bit louder than he wanted, alright, good thing this yard’s practically abandoned.
“No, Poe, I really want that. Like, oh my god.”
The nods are eager, and Poe’s smiling so much brighter now. Finn can barely hold himself from copying it.
“But seriously, I thought you’d break up, or I mean, stop our dates or something.”
Now that offended look is familiar, has Poe been spending time with Rey? Could fool him, at least.
He almost gasps, which reminds Finn how truly ridiculous he is, when he’s not keeping up his status in debate.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?” he asks, and yes, is the answer, and Finn can’t help feeling bad, so he tries to make it better by touching his hand, the same way the other boy’s got the habit to in class.
“Yeah, I mean, I thought maybe I wasn’t good enough.”
Now Poe looks distraught, like Finn told him a puppy died or something, and Finn wants to shrug it off, but the boy meets his lips before he gets the chance.
Okay, he would call this a rude interruption, if he didn’t like this so much. He’ll let it slide, just this once.
“Who put that idea into your head?” Poe says, like he’s already out of breath, it’s adorable, “You’re, like, God. Too good to be true.”
And instead of answering Finn continues this cycle of kissing his boyfriend’s lips and cheek and neck, really, they’re a lot better at this than talking.
It’s so much nicer than talking too, but Poe has to finish his sentence, he assumes, “I would’ve asked sooner, you know. But I feel like everyone keeps interrupting us lately.”
It’s like their minds are one, Finn’s sure Rey’s gonna roll her eyes at them after this.
He almost can’t speak when they’re both laughing, and Poe’s touching his face, now, that’s what’ll take up his mind, “Me too.”
Honestly, Finn would let the boy say more, if he wasn’t his boyfriend now, right, so when Poe is starting on a rant of those exact problems, there’s really no other choice than direct him away from the negativity and back to kissing him again, because he loves his voice, but that’s just about enough talking now, he thinks.
“Boyfriend?” and of course, Poe laughs again at that, tipping his head back, but quick to turn his gaze back, because every quirk just makes him even more pretty.
And he replies, “Can I interrupt you, though?”, not even waiting for an answer before he’s pulling him in for the millionth kiss, it seems, cupping his neck and tugging on his hair.
It’s impossible that Poe can smile even wider, surely, but he does.
“I guess I’ll allow it.”
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years
Hallucinate - Matt Murdock x Powered! Reader Part 4
Series Summary: When members of a criminal organization start flooding precincts all over New York, turning themselves in, Daredevil must investigate to see what new player has them running for the hills.
Chapter Summary: A couple days of radio silence makes Matt worry his new partner may do something rash. His solution? A sushi dinner downtown. But an uninvited guest could turn the whole night around.
Word Count: 2597
Warnings: Major angst, cursing, kidnapping
Author’s note: I thought this chapter would be hella short but it is, in fact, hella long. Dont worry, yall will get some answers soon. 
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The third time was, in fact, not the charm. Neither was the fifth, or the seventh.
By the eighth call, (Y/n) finally answered, mumbling a simple command to leave her alone before hanging up.
Matt sighed deeply, repressing the urge to throw the burner phone out the window and start scouring the city for her heart beat.
It had been two days since the incident at the docks. She had refused to let him try to get her to��‘her place,’ insisting she didn’t trust him with that information.
When he tried convincing her to let him treat her wound she only pushed him away, eventually using what little energy she had left to fly off and leave him in the shipping container where they had taken refuge.
Both Daredevil and Matt Murdock hadn’t heard from (Y/n), which understandably put him on edge. 
Karen insisted it was because he had taken the charade too far and let himself get close to her.
He insisted it was because someone powerful enough to rip a yacht in half was on the loose in Hell’s Kitchen, unsupervised and seething. 
She had the addresses of the warehouses Mr. Mackie tipped Matt off to, she could have easily gone on her own to find Blum and kill him. Shit, he was probably dead already.
Groaning to himself, Matt ran his fingers over the case file he was supposed to be reading for a fourth time. He was too distracted to focus on anything that didn’t have to do with (Y/n) or Blum or anyone else involved with the two of them.
By the time he had forced himself to finish the case file, it was already noon.
He reached for his personal phone this time, deciding a call from Matt Murdock was the better approach. On the third ring she answered.
“Hello...?” Her voice was raspy, worn, like she had been crying or screaming, maybe a mixture of both.
“Hey stranger...” he smiled to himself, hearing her chuckle over the line, “haven’t heard from you in a while... everything okay?”
He could’ve sworn he heard her mumble something about him being mindreader before she responded. “Yeah... I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I haven’t felt like talking to anyone...”
“Well if it’ll help, I’m free tonight... Maybe venting about it will help you feel better?” He offered, his fingers tapping anxiously against his desk as he awaited her response.
“I dunno...” she sighed, “It’s a lot... and I don’t wanna bore you with the details. I’m not one to dump my problems onto other people.”
That would explain her reluctance to work with him.
“It’s not ‘dumping your problems’ if I’m offering to let you vent to me... plus as a lawyer, any and all ability to get bored was beaten out of me at law school.”
(Y/n) chuckled again, then the line went quiet. Matt didn’t break the silence, hoping she was taking that time to consider his offer.
“Where did you wanna meet...?”
Matt smiled softly, leaning back into his chair. “Theres this sushi place downtown, it’s small but the foods good... you eat sushi?”
“When it’s in my budget, yeah.” she responded.
Matt assured her he would cover it, though it took some convincing on her part to allow it. Once he gave her the address, he hung up. Now he just had to come up with a line of questioning that would be the most inconspicuous. 
Matt arrived just a couple minutes before (Y/n), worried if he showed up late even by a minute it would rub her the wrong way.
Why was he so worried? He told himself she’d open up to him more if she was in a good mood; that she’d be less likely to kill someone if he put her in a good head space.
From his moist palms he knew he was lying to himself.
He heard her walking up the block towards the restaurant, but still acted surprised when she lightly bumped him before telling him hello.
He could hear the fabric of a skirt brushing over her knees, the light click of her kitten heels, and he could smell just a hint of sweet perfume lingering on her skin.
“It’s a little more casual than I expected...” she trailed off, leaning a bit more into Matt as they entered the restaurant. 
“I’m sure you look beautiful... no one’s really going to mind if you come in a bit overdressed.” he assured her. He realized he had called her beautiful once he felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Matt Murdock sucked at playing it cool.
The two sat down in the corner of the restaurant, neither really knowing how to start the conversation once they had ordered their drinks.
“Okay... then I’ll start...” Matt cleared his throat, leaning in closer to her, “I haven’t known you very long... but you’re very sweet... I enjoy spending time with you. I just want to do what I can to make sure you’re alright... and I can’t do that if I don’t know what’s going on with you...”
The waitress interrupted them, bringing them their drinks and jotting down their orders, (Y/n)’s heart hammering in her chest the whole time.
Once she had left, (Y/n) sighed softly began fiddling with the wrapper from her straw.
“You know how I told you I went to school for photo journalism?” the nod from Matt prompted her to continue. “I never graduated... When I was working on my degree one of my professors told me I’d have to go out and take pictures for a big story if I wanted a real job... so I did...”
Matt cocked an eyebrow at this, “And what did you find?” he pressed.
“Nothing good...” She mumbled, glancing around the room, “I found out this company that had branched into the city my college was in... it was doing a lot of really shady stuff... But once they found out what I had they made my life hell.”
She stopped there, why she refused to say more, Matt didn’t know.
“And that made it harder for you to attend classes?”
(Y/n) hummed in agreement, her voice wavering for a moment.
“Part of me knows I did the right think trying to find the truth... but I also know if I hadn’t seen what I did my life would be so much easier... I wanna go back to school, I wanna finish my degree, but no one will hire me without it and I can’t pay for school without money... I ruined my own life...”
“That’s not true... Hey, it’s not true.” He reached forward, searching for her hand for a moment before gently holding it in his. 
“You did what you thought was right... you didn’t make that company do whatever it is they did, you didn’t force their hands. You only tried to expose it so people wouldn’t get hurt.”
(Y/n) was silent, save for a couple soft sniffles here and there. Matt could tell she was trying to fight back tears, had he known this was under the hard exterior he had seen during his nights with her as Daredevil, he would have opted to talk with her somewhere more private.
“You’re a lawyer... What do you do when the bad people don’t get what they deserve...? What do you do when you know they’ve hurt people, that they deserve to be punished, but they just... they’re not?”
Matt would be a hypocrite to tell her it was best to turn the other cheek. Shit, he spent his nights in a devil costume beating up people who got away with whatever crimes they had committed. People who the justice system just couldn’t stop.
But he also couldn’t tell her to keep fighting them, that could set something off inside her head, something that would give her that good old Frank Castle mentality.
“I may not look it, but I’m a praying man... sometimes you just have to pray that someone else will step in and give those people what they deserve.” That was a happy middle, right...?
(Y/n) slowly pulled her hand away, the sound of her wiping at her eyes not lost on him. “Sometimes prayers aren’t enough...”
Matt shrugged his shoulders, a soft sigh escaping his parted lips. “You’re right... but it’s still important to have hope... otherwise what they did to you will eat you up for the rest of your life and you’ll never move on.”
She seemed to be pondering what he said, all while refusing to look at him. All that pain, all that anger, Matt knew as well as anyone it wouldn’t go away in one night. But maybe this was a step in the right direction.
This time, she reached over, taking hold of his and giving it a gentle squeeze. She murmured a small thank you, to which Matt returned the intimate gesture and brushed his thumb over her knuckles.
The two frantically adjusted themselves once their food arrived, Matt was a bit ashamed that he had lost him composure the way he did.
The conversation became more lighthearted as the meal progressed, a great weight having been lifted off the two of them once they finally addressed the elephant in the room, or at least the elephant that only Matt seemed to be aware about.
This whole time Matt had been trying to figure out why (Y/n) had been after this Blum character, trying to find a way to ease her out of feeling like she had to kill him. Now he had a vague sense of what had happened, and was comfortable knowing his words had some sort of impact on her.
“So you really took Greek to impress a girl...? Guys really do that?”
Matt laughed and scratched at the back of his head, feeling bashful at the mention of Elektra and the lengths he had gone to so he could win her over.
“Yes, guys do that, Ms. (L/n). You’d be surprised just how many guys do, I bet you dated a guy back in the day who did the same thing.”
(Y/n) snorted at his assumption and washed down her last bite of fish with a gulp of her water. “God, now that you mention it I actually-”
“(L/n)? (Y/n) (L/n)?”
A voice from across the room caught their attention, and curiously sent (Y/n)’s heart beat skyrocketing. Matt didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“Little (Y/n)!” The person exclaimed with glee. He approached (Y/n), something Matt imagined would have had her up and shoving this stranger away. Instead she sat there, petrified.
“Never expected to see you in New York, why didn’t you give your old uncle a call?” 
(Y/n) remained silent as this man put his hands on her, giving her an awkward side hug before glancing Matt’s way.
“Is this your new boyfriend?”
“No, he’s not-”
“I’m Marcus, Marcus Blum, (Y/n)’s uncle.” The man introduced himself. Matt felt his blood run cold.
“Matthew Murdock.” His response was curt and to the point. He knew he should have put on a facade, pretended to not sense (Y/n)’s discomfort and played the role of the oblivious date.
But right now (Y/n) was a time bomb, and Matt would do anything to avoid lighting that fuse.
“Mr. Murdock, would you mind if I borrowed my niece for a moment? We need to catch up on family matters.”
Before Matt could even respond, Blum had his hold on (Y/n) and was leading her towards an empty corner of the restaurant.
The worst part was, she willingly stood from her chair, staring at Matt the whole way there like a fish out of water, pulled from the ocean.
“Don’t try anything,” Blum began, all traces of his cheery tone thrown to the wind, “one wrong move and you’ll be pumped full of lead in seconds.”
That meant there were people in the restaurant who worked for him, who had been watching them, probably listening in. They must had been very efficient, Matt hadn’t heard anything suspicious since their arrival.
“They’d never pull the triggers fast enough... not fast enough to save you, at least...” She murmured, pulling her arm from his grasp.
“I thought we’d agree you’d never come back to New York, (Y/n)... That your snooping days were over.”
“I don’t know what your talking about-”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” he snapped, checking his tone once the few people in the restaurant who weren’t on his payroll looked in their direction. “Who else could rip a yacht in half like that...? Who else would send my people scrambling into jail cells?”
“Maybe you pissed off the wrong person... and they’ve come for revenge... Maybe all the people I found years ago have returned as spirits... come to settle their scores.” She grumbled. Though her voice was level and her chest puffed, her heart beat was drowning everything out for Matt.
Blum leaned in close, whispering in her ear. “If you have any sense... you’ll leave New York tonight. Otherwise your boyfriend is going to learn first hand about everything you’ve lied to him about.”
(Y/n) states silent, her strong stature faltering as she looked away from him and towards Matt.
“I’m glad we could have this talk...”
With that, Blum brushed past her and sat at the table he had been occupying. It suddenly felt like all eyes in the restaurant were on Matt and (Y/n) once she returned to their table. 
To (Y/n)’s insistence, they payed the bill and hastily left the restaurant.
Roughly 30 minutes after (Y/n) left Matt at his apartment, having said their goodbyes, he received a call from her on the burner phone. The second he answered, she was rambling a mile a minute in his ear.
“If we’re going to make a move it has to be tonight, can you meet me at the warehouse on the east side?”
Her voice had lost its steely edge, it was clear she had cried during the walk to wherever she was staying since she wasn’t bothering to mask her voice at this point.
“Slow down, we need to make a proper plan of attack before we go in there-”
“There’s no time for a plan!” she interrupted, “They’re threatening innocent people, people who know me! We need to find Blum and take him out before it’s too late!”
Matt could hear keys rustling in the background, as if she was struggling with a door before bursting into her room. 
“(Y/n), let’s just think about this. If we slow down we have a better chance of catching Blum.” Matt, who was preoccupied with going to his closet for his suit, hadn’t even noticed his slip up.
The line was dead silent for a moment, Matt almost called out to her, nervous the call had dropped.
“...How do you know my name...?”
“A-are you with them? How the fuck do you know my name?!” 
Matt began to panic, trying to think up an excuse on the fly, something convincing.
“Answer me, asshole! How do you know my-!” 
The sound of the phone clattering to the floor had Matt wincing away from the speaker pressed to his ear. What followed was the sound of something heavy thumping right beside the device. His knuckles turned white from how hard he gripped the flip phone, realization dawning on him once he realized what had happened.
All he heard next was the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the phone before the line went dead.
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twtrv · 7 years
an accurate guide about red velvet
So since so many people are getting into Red Velvet recently, I decided to make a guide to help them out. You know, give yall some slack because learning five names is super hard. A guide accompanied by my half-assed jokes, interesting. 
PSA: If you’re only here to stan the girls because of their recent comebacks like Peek-A-Boo and Bad Boy and are going to drop them as soon as they release tracks similar to Dumb Dumb and Ice Cream Cake, leave because we don’t want you here.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get straight to business (TO DEFEAT THE HUNS WHY DID THEY SEND ME DAUGHTERS WHEN I ASKED FOR SONS)
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Basic Facts
Red Velvet is a South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2014.
There are five members (OT4 stans can choke).
They debuted on August 1st in 2014 with a single called “Happiness”.
Fandom name is Reveluv. Since “rêve” means “dream” in French, the meaning behind the fandom name is that us, Reveluvs, make their dreams come true and Red Velvet gives us their immense love in return, thus the “luv” part. Sometimes they also call us “Luvies”.
Official fandom colour is pastel coral and not red because l o g i c
The fact that they were formed by SM Entertainment doesn’t mean they got a free ride to the top so sit your entitled asses down, thanks.
Now, you see, they weren’t actually supposed to debut in 2014. I bet you must be confused but don’t worry, it is I, your trusty homie, that is gonna help you realize how many similarities every student has with SM lmao plus the reason for their early debut.
2014 was a rough year for our buddy Lee Soo Man. Jessica left Girl’s Generation; Sulli left f(x); Kris, Tao and Luhan left EXO... This, of course, caused a goddamn World War III amongst the fans of the respective groups. They were about to go in front of the official SM building with torches and pitchforks to demand SM to step up their game. To calm the situation down, our amigo SM must have thought: “Welp I sure fucked up. How the hell do I fix this? Wait, I have an idea! Let’s debut another girl group to cover up all the shit that has been piling up for years now!” 
And your boi gone and did it. He basically debuted another group despite the number of problems he had to deal with already. This is every student ever, just make another problem to cover up the first one.
Red Velvet debuted with four members; Irene, Seulgi, Wendy and Joy. The “Happiness” music video got 2 million views in a day and was the most viewed kpop music video for the month of August in 2014. See, the queens already breaking records.
However, the original version of “Happiness” was full of controversial topics such as 9/11 being the most prominent one. This caused such hate to the girls that everyone started calling them “flops”. Lmao Red Velvet stays unbothered as the kpop act with the most Billboard charted albums bYE.
Some of you still may be wondering what the hell happened with Yeri. Well, because their debut was rushed and due to her age, Yeri, unfortunately, couldn’t debut with them. When Red Velvet debuted, Yeri was 15 years old so basically a child. 
“bUt jiSUnG fROM ncT DreAM dEBuTed wHeN hE WAs onlY FoUrteEn”
Before, there was a law which stated that kids under the age of 16 couldn’t debut.
No need to worry fellow Yeri stans! Red Velvet only released another single called “Be Natural” before Yeri was officially added. The single featured NCT’s Taeyong on it too so if you are one of those fangirls, better go and check it out because your oppar is there + it is an underrated bop.
Yeri was added to the group during Ice Cream Cake era! Of course, many people hated her, acting as if Red Velvet released so many songs and solved world hunger without Yeri. Um, bitch they had two songs take a seat.
Discography and music in general lol
IT IS GOLD!1!!!!111!!
Okay listen, every single song of theirs makes me thot-drop in the middle of the goddamn school. Jesus Christ sunbaenim is shaking.
Albums:  Ice Cream Cake, The Red, The Velvet, Russian Roulette, Rookie, The Red Summer, Perfect Velvet, The Perfect Red Velvet.
Queens of naming their albums don’t even @ me.
Listen to every single song if you want to cure your depression, clear your skin, feed your children and harvest your crops. Seriously, all of their b-sides are so amazing and such bops they are worth a listen and you, as a person who chose to stan Red Velvet, deserve to have your ears cleansed.
Another topic that I want to bring up is “the red concept” and “the velvet concept”. It is not complicated. Basically what it means is that they split their concepts into two. The red concepts are more upbeat, catchy and poppy songs such as Dumb Dumb, Rookie, Russian Roulette etc. However, the velvet concept is where they show their mature, more serious ballads. Songs that represent the velvet side are Automatic, One of These Nights, Peek-A-Boo etc.
They filmed 13 music videos so you are going to get attacked by visuals 13 times, good luck.
The members 
The most interesting and fun part of this guide to be honest. So yeah, five members and five completely different personalities. Trust me, you’re gonna love every single one of these girls because they all have such amazing personalities and are extremely funny. Get abroad the homo express!
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- Stage name: Irene
- Real name: Bae Joohyun
- Colour: Pink
- Position: Leader, Visual, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocal
- She really is a bae tho we love a powerful woman
- Born on March 29th, 1991; the eldest
- She literally looks five what the fuck
- tiny
- Takes pictures of everyone and everything so that she can stare at them while she does the laundry because she is such a mom
- “Shut the fuck up I am not a mom”
- loves pussy
- Drinks men tears to stay hydrated
- Forgets names of her kids aka the rest of Red Velvet
- Snorts laundry detergent
- Talk shit get hit
- Silent but plotting world domination with her at the top
- Speaking of tops, she doms bYE
- She survived the World War II and was Stalin's deskmate when they were in the third grade
- xXButtLoverXx
- Likes winning. Who got to the finish line first? Her. Who travelled to space first? Her. Who found the cure for world hunger? Her.
- Actually very talented in everything she does and is a blessing to humanity
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- Stage name: Seulgi
- Real name: Kang Seulgi
- Colour: Orange
- Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocal
- Either as fluffy as a teddy bear or a fucking sex God there is no in between
- Born on February 10th, 1994; second eldest
- She, in general, makes me question my sexuality
- also tiny
- “Hello I am the 71st prettiest face in the world”
- First half of the “DD” also known as “Dumbass Duo”
- Someone help her she is lost in time and space
- The type of person to put a red sock to wash with the whites
- Is not capable of doing the splits because she dumb lmao
- How the fuck is one this confused???
- Gets bullied by her members a lot
- A sunshine in human form. You know that sun from the Teletubbies? That be Seulgi
- Her abs make me feel like Kylie Jenner, y’know... pregnant
- “If there’s no food I’m going home”
- THE number one fan of Beyonce™
- Pringles advocate
- She didn’t train for 7 years to have people shit talking her because she is multitalented and leaves people all around the world shooketh
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- Stage name: Wendy
- Real name: Son Seungwan
- Colour: Blue
- Position: Main Vocal, English speaker
- Is also a HELLA good rapper
- Born on February 21st, 1994; third eldest
- Used to live in Toronto when she was younger, her English proceeds to give everyone a boner
- the tiniest out of all
- The kpop singer with the widest vocal range (this is an actual fact)
- “S H I N E  O N  M E”
- So caring it makes me bawl. She literally cooks for everyone and is so supportive it is truly beautiful
- Is actually the one behind the iconic “PARK SOOYOUNG! WHEN YOU SMILE I SMILE TOO”
- If she ever covers your song, you can say goodbye to it because it’s hers now
- A soccer mom
- Also that famous Kris Jenner “You’re doing amazing sweetie” meme
- Rescue her scalp someone pls
- Probably used “WHOMST” once in her lifetime unironically
- The gayest out of all the gays
- She is a boob person and also has a very nice butt Irene knows
- Once stacked a gazillion hats on top of her head because why the fuck not
- Is also a sexy pornstar ... no wait, I meant a “saxophonist”
- Is so beautiful and deserves all the love in this entire world but the world doesn’t deserve her at all 
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- Stage name: Joy
- Real name: Park Sooyoung
- Colour: Green
- Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocal, Mood-maker
- + an actress
- Born on September 3rd, 1996: fourth eldest
- Invented “cute” and “sexy” don’t fight me on this
- TALL (for a Red Velvet member lmfao)
- Has the prettiest profile, God took extra time in crafting such a masterpiece
- Speaking of God... God is real and in a form of Park Sooyoung
- Likes finer things in life such as herself
- If the song “Me Too” was a human, it would be her
- Ruthless
- When she gets scared her soul deadass leaves her body and it is hilarious
- A dramatic bitch
- Can get very angery
- Probably was kinkshamed by someone once
- Is having a mental breakdown at every waking moment
- “Can you stop I’m very sensitive”
- Tom to Yeri’s Jerry
- Just the most amazing human being, an all-rounder and a happy virus
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- Stage name: Yeri
- Real name: Kim Yerim
- Colour: Purple
- Position: Maknae, Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer, Vocal, Songwriter
- Is being an absolute savage a talent?
- Born on March 5th, 1999; the youngest
- The other half of the “Dumbass Duo”
- So much sass is contained in this tiny human being
- Plans to take over SM soon one day
- Likes pineapple on pizza cancelled
- The OG Sone
- A mess
-  (ง •̀_•́)ง
- Not a big spoon nor a little spoon, she a knife
- Tries her best
- Knows everyone and everything; what a social butterfly it warms my heart
- Likes to read smut so all of you smut fanfiction writers, watch out, she is lurking
- She lowkey had a fan account that was all about Girl’s Generation
- A woman we all aspire to be
- Is an actual cinnamon roll that yes, could kill you but everyone loves her because she really improved a lot. WE WATCHED HER GROW UP INTO A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SHE IS NOW B L E S S
Popular ships, let’s play a game where you guess which two people are paired up (not like it is completely obvious)
Ending note
On a more serious note, Red Velvet is an amazing girl group that deserves so much more. I hope this at least got you to check them out. If not, your loss lol.
I could use a fuckton adjectives to describe their perfection but trust me, that ain’t enough.
Anyways, OT4 stans can fuck off, don’t comment on this post.
Just love all the girls and don’t point out their insecurities in a rude way mmkay?
This is all from me and I hope you enjoyed and that this helped you and maybe made you chuckle (maybe?)
If there is another question that you want me to answer, ask me because I would love to.
P.S. It doesn’t have to be Red Velvet related because I am trash that stans more groups than the number of bad jokes I made in this post.
Follow for more quality top-notch content.
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moldypieceoflasagna · 6 years
36 questions that nobody asked me
(except @lollipoppedchainsaw )
(the 36 questions that lead to love or whatever) https://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/11/fashion/no-37-big-wedding-or-small.html
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I hate going out to dinner so much i probably wouldnt be able to enjoy it properly
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
It would be interesting to see what it’s like for a short period of time, but i’d never be able to keep it up; i’d probably have an identity crisis
3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
yes i have to mentally prepare myself 100% of the time
4. What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
hanging out with the people i love is enough to keep me happy for a good while tbh. sitting around doing nothing literally nothing with them is endlessly entertaining to me even though sometimes i might make that hard to believe 
5. When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
i sing to myself a lot, not so much to others- although i AM a slut for karaoke
6. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
body because i feel thats probably what old people complain about most. plus like,, 90 years of life knowledge? sounds great to me
7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
probably an accident that’s almost statistically impossible
8. Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
single rn (ladies) but i usually try to find friends with similar music tastes because scream-singing in the car is the most fun one can have
9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
im most grateful for my dogs and for my friends! i love them and it means the world to me to have people that i can call family. also i would die without my dog juno, she is my rock (and my therapist)
10. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Not rly how i was raised, but i wish i had a closer relationship with my older siblings. Three of them had moved out before i was rly old enough to not be an asshole child, so most of them still see me as an asshole child and they never take me seriously. im glad i have an alright relationship with them, but that’s kinda all it is and i know i could do better
11. Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
Lived in Texas my whole life yeehaw. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters; 2 of them dont like me, and my relationship with the other 2 is,, certainly not bad. Had a lot of physical and mental illness in the past, but 20gayteen is definitely my year, yeet
12. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
either speaking a different language or playing the piano. im very jealous of good piano players, and at some point i need to be able to speak a more useful language than french because so far in texas it’s proved absolutely useless (other than talking to my mom but that doesnt count)
13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?
I’d wanna know wtf im supposed to do with my life because sweaty i still have no idea. passion? dont know her please introduce me
14. Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
i wanna go skydiving bitch, no one wants to go with me! pussies!!! the lot of you
15. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
that one time i did an entire semester’s worth of work in the last three days of the school year
16. What do you value most in a friendship?
being able to put up with my huge fucking mouth. also honesty is super important, even if it’ll make me feel shitty
17. What is your most treasured memory?
when i went camping with a bunch of friends and they were bitter i got to be in the middle of the tent because they were all cold. either that or the time i was getting really bad sleep paralysis and @lonelywaterfall & @skity stayed over so my paranoia didnt render me completely useless,,, also the paramore concert lol ive never been more vulnerable in my life.
18. What is your most terrible memory?
coming out to my mom haha
19. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
i’d go on a trip around the world to explore/to see a few people, and i’d put extra effort into my gender expression
20. What does friendship mean to you?
comfortable silence is my kink. also emotional vulnerability and SAD BOY HOURS we cant forget those
21. What roles do love and affection play in your life?
I’m such a slut for physical affection yall have no idea please hug me as much as possible and play with my hair or my hands
22. Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
i guess ill do the same with previous partners so.. i think being funny is probably the #1 thing i appreciate in someone. when you make me laugh so hard i cry, just know that’s like. peak. also stubbornness is strangely attractive to me, plus like,,, uh having an unexpected soft side? an appreciation of art is super important, too. also SPOON VERSATILITY.
23. How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?
it was probably happier than a lot of people’s but there wasnt much to it. plus being the youngest in my ENTIRE family really sucked during my childhood because everyone picked on me and i think that’s probably what started a lot of my issues lol
24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
better than it could be, but definitely not what i want it to be. we both love each other and i admire her work ethic, but she gave me a lot of anxiety problems (both genetically and not) and she isnt the most understanding person. i have hope though, people change
25. Make three true “we” statements each. For instance, “We are both in this room feeling …
I’m hungry and sitting alone in front of my computer feeling like OVERSHARING ON THIS BEAUTIFUL THURSDAY MORNING, BOYS
26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …
many, MANY animals and a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere
27. If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
I’m REALLY insecure about my body xd
28. Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you’ve just met.
LOVE feeling safe. 
29. Share an embarrassing moment in your life.
probably every time that i’ve ever worn a dress, because i really,, really dont like wearing dresses and that’s it
30. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
last cried by myself this morning and last cried in front of another person at my friend’s birthday party
31. Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
no partner but if youre reading this im rly proud of ur attention span. gj buddy
32. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
i think most things can be joked about after a certain amount of time, but like,, it has to actually be funny and it has to come from someone i know isnt serious about it. if a joke is made just for the purpose of being offensive and edgy, it’s never funny no tea just truth. 
33. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
i’d regret not spending enough time with people that i love, not traveling as much as i should have, and also i’d regret not formally coming out of the closet to my family (they probably already been done knew but like. yknow). i came out to myself & the people closest to me a LONG ass time ago, but i’ve kinda seen what it did to my immediate family so im not too excited to do that to my extended family. if i’m not too much of a pussy, ill probably do it in the summer when i see them next, bc ive been meaning to for a while.
34. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
is it bad of me to say my computer? i feel like everyone else has a much more meaningful answer lol. it would probably either be that or the papers i keep on my bulletin board, bc most of them hold a lot of sentimental value (also my prescriptions  would be a pain to get copies of)
35. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
either of my parents because i dont want them dying before i reach the point where i can expect them to be happy for me when i marry a girl
36. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.
personal problems? what’re those lmfao dont have any srry try me again later
 i’m too much of a pussy to tag certain people so if you see this and I've had any sort of conversation with you, do it coward
(also @skity  @drawinintherain )
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dadfashion · 4 years
cw: brief mentions of suicidal ideation, drug and alcohol addiction, and general oversharing. lol i have no idea how yall do these anymore
hey. no idea if anyone will read this but sometimes u just need to put things out into the universe and maybe someone will see it you know. also i will say im in a particularly fragile mental state atm - have not slept in maybe 40 hours - that probably is part of the reason i’m about to spill my guts out here, haha. have not used this blog in years, not even sure when i made it honestly, all i know is i was in such a radically different place in life than i am today. not to say i don’t stand by anything i may have said lol because the vast majority of those feelings and experiences are still here today. but i have existed in the world a little bit longer now and definitely navigate them a little differently and in a more authentic way than i was able to in the past, which is great.
idk im not really trying to talk about my gender right now im just trying to take stock of things as i enter month 6, 7 etc of quarantine. past year or two of my life has easily been the hardest thus far even before the pandemic, tbh even considering my 2015 s*ic*de attempts. lots of mental issues gone untreated for way too long u know. got diagnosed w some real fucked up adhd maybe 2 years ago, eventually had to drop out of school for a year- this is my first semester back lol this time at a much cheaper school. no idea when i’ll graduate. i got a lot of debt already. it was dumb. i live in a “leftist” cooperative house with 22 other people, mostly students. i say leftist very loosely because the vast majority of these people do not come close to holding any sort of true anti imperialist principles, and many are actively anti-communist lmao. don’t worry im not really here to talk about my politics either.
idk. im at kind of a turning point where i decide to get my shit together or not- i’ll be transferring to a new school with a new major after my initial crash and burn. i got a job i like pretty well even if its waiting tables during the global pandemic. making enough money to pay rent And have a little savings account w that and the unemployment i received combined. lol unemployment changed my life actually bc i literally am financially stable for the first time ever in my life so at least theres that.
im addicted to alcohol, w**d, and nicotine. im in the middle of a terrible e*ting d*sorder relapse. have not seen anyone other than those i live and work with since maybe april. i am deeply deeply depressed, lonely, and insecure still, even before the adhd on top of that. i feel constantly like i’m somehow on the brink of snapping and going truly “insane” for real, whatever the hell that means as if im not insane already. my mental health is in fucking shambles lol but to be fair i genuinely am very impressed at how much worse it could be but isn’t. at least im not actively suicidal and haven’t been in a hot minute. at least i have access to medication and a fucking therapist now dude. there are some things that bring me joy but i worry they won’t be enough for me to survive whatever comes next.
idk. im not gonna go back and read my older posts on here but i’d probably be a little embarrassed by them, much like im sure i will be of this one soon. not sure what im going to do or where anything goes from here. whole country and government is collapsing around me as i speak so. thanks for reading this if for some reason u came across this. hope ur doing well.
0 notes
Days Of Summer Ch 6
A/N; Hey yall sorry for the wait! With school and some personal things we kinda lost track of his fic <3<3 feel free to come and talk to @hannah-nobody or myself about this fic tho, we love ti!
Here’s the updated playlist!
Summer has arrived, and with it the start of the two month long music camp; Fairy Tail! Full of new songs, friends, and adventures, the campers learn things they never knew about themselves and one another. And just how easy it is to sneak booze and a full sized karaoke machine out into the middle of the woods.
Camp Rock!AU
Pairing: Nalu, Gajevy, Gruvia, others mentioned; Fairy Tail
Words: 5379
Rating: T
Parts: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
Chapter Six: Misery Hates Company
I don't belong to my mistakes
Tired of sleeping wide awake
It's killing me slowly
It's crowded and lonely
Natsu woke up staring at the ceiling of his bunk, unsure how he got there and surrounded by darkness.
Then he remembered.
And then he rolled over and tried to smother himself with his pillow.
“What the fuck did I do ?” Natsu wailed. The song. He sang that fucking song to Lucy. He'd made a giant fool of himself on stage. He was going to be sick, and not just from the leftover whiskey in his stomach.
“Well, you sent Lucy into a mini panic attack, then asked Cana if she could give her the trick she shared with you to calm down, then passed out when Gray here punched you in the face.” Loke drawled, unperturbed at Natsu waking up screaming past midnight. “Overall it was a hell of a first performance. Really scene stealing.”
Natsu moaned in a rather pathetic sound as he went back to trying to kill himself with his bedding. Maybe he'd just stay in the cabin for the rest of camp. His dad would probably miss the final performance anyway so no big loss.
“Oi, at least she proves the point you weren't hallucinating,” Gajeel supplied from under Natsu, like an awkward and sleep deprived troll under a bridge.
“But that's the worst possible thing that could happen!” Natsu spat. He was not feeling tears prick his eyes and he was not so pathetic to continue to have his emotions on display for his dickhead bunkmates.
“Why the fuck not?” Gajeel spat back, jostling Natsu as he probably kicked the plank under Natsu’s mattress. Loke too was confused, Natsu forcing himself not to tear apart his pillow when he spoke up as well.
“I mean, isn't it better to have everything out in the open?”
“Of course it's not, you fuckwit.” Gray finally snapped. Natsu looked over, Gray curled in his blanket and facing firmly away from him. “Lucy would have been much happier without ever knowing that her first kiss was with a fucking perverted scene wannabe like him .”
Natsu curled in on himself before throwing off the covers. He needed air. He needed to be alone.
“Fuck off already, what is your fuckin’ problem with my cousin?” Gajeel snarled. Natsu froze, caught off guard by Gajeel’s words. He never called Natsu his cousin, said he didn't want anyone to affiliate them with each other when Gajeel went big. “Ever since we got here you've been nothin’ but an ass. Not even Natsu deserves that bullshit twenty-four seven.”
Natsu blinked at his cousin’s defence.
“He took advantage of her when she was drunk-”
“Holy hell Gray. If you really believe that Natsu could take advantage of a drunk girl then come down here and look me in the eye when you say it. Natsu doesn't have a fucking malicious bone in his body and I understand that your fragile masculinity took a hit from failing to ‘protect’ Lucy or whatever but it's time you stop blaming Natsu for that shit. And yourself. Just accept that shit happens and there's nothing you can do but move on.” Loke huffed when he finished, rustling sounds of fabric indicating that he rolled over.
Natsu was pretty sure he was still drunk because nothing was making any sort of damn sense. Maybe he was having a whiskey dream.
He was still going to take that walk.
“Oi,” Gajeel grunted, freakishly good eyesight catching Natsu making his way down the ladder, “whad’ya think you’re doin’?”
“Getting some air,” Natsu said back. He grabbed his hoodie from where it had been thrown in the corner, by him or Gajeel he couldn’t remember. Happy mrawed at him as his bed was moved, jumping onto Gajeel’s bed and cuddling with Lily instead. Natsu mentally apologized to his cat, but was more thankful to feel his iPod in his pocket. Hopefully the charge wasn’t completely dead.
“You... you don’t have to go, dipshit,” Gray made more shuffling noises in his bunk, obviously uncomfortable.
“Aww, scared I’m going to get lost before you have the chance to apologize properly?” Natsu teased, unsure what to do at Gray’s olive branch and his defense swatting it away before he could stop his mouth from moving.
“On second thought I hope you drown in the lake. Bye.”
Natsu snorted, rolling his eyes as he walked around the suitcases that hadn’t made their way back under the bunks. He’d rather have this rivalry with Gray than try to unpack whatever the fuck was going on in either of their heads. He needed to focus all his energy of reliving every terrible moment and fantasizing about how much Lucy probably hated him.
God he was so fucked.
He threw in his headphones, praying as he pressed the button on his right earbud to play his music that his battery was still alive.
He left out a breath of relief as he exited the cabin before recognizing the song that was playing.  
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye.
You're just like an angel.
Your skin makes me cry.
He continued walking, debating changing the song or accepting his fate. The chorus rang in his ears as he reached the edge of where the cabins were tucked away, haunting and painful and true.
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
Natsu decided to let it play.
Loke woke up to his phone buzzing.
He frowned not remembering setting an alarm last night. He felt beside his pillow, hand splayed as he searched for the source of irritating buzzing. He finally found it, half shoved under his pillow. He squinted at the screen, bringing it so close it almost brushed his nose, blind without his contacts or glasses. Loke blinked in surprise when he saw that the vibrating was a steady stream of texts coming in from Lucy and Cana. He looked at the time. 7:13 AM.
This wouldn’t be good.
He unlocked the screen, deciding to start with Cana’s texts.
Alcoholic Princess - 6:59 AM: so Lucy’s awake
Alcoholic Princess - 6:59 AM: she’s not happy
Alcoholic Princess - 7:01 AM: Correction: She is Very Not Happy
Alcoholic Princess - 7:02 AM: Loke you’re the best at calming her she is yelling at me through text and not talking to me.
Alcoholic Princess - 7:04 AM: Loke I think I might have fucked up a little bit last night.
Alcoholic Princess - 7:04 AM: just a little
Alcoholic Princess - 7:06 AM: don’t tell her I said that
Alcoholic Princess - 7:10 AM: fuck
“Just a little bit,” Loke snorted under his breath. Hey, how were they supposed to know Natsu would be such a light weight? That wasn’t Loke’s fault, and it certainly wasn’t Natsu’s. Loke looked at the bunk diagonal to his, frowning at the unpleasant twist in his gut seeing it empty. A small meow took his attention from the phone vibrating in his hand and the empty bunk, Loke looking down to see Natsu’s blue cat sitting by the foot of his bed and staring at him with sad eyes.
“Do you know where he is?” Loke asked Happy. He sighed when the cat made a sad sound, slinking onto the bed as it took Loke speaking to it as invitation onto his bed. Loke decided it was probably best to deal with Lucy now before she stewed too long.
My Sunshine - 7:00 AM: Did you know?
My Sunshine - 7:00 AM: Loke I swear to god
My Sunshine - 7:01 AM: Get your ass up I know you’re a morning person
My Sunshine - 7:01 AM: As if you’d miss your skincare routine
My Sunshine - 7:03 AM: Answer me you coward
My Sunshine - 7:04 AM: Okay so you didn’t know but what did Natsu ever do to you that you decided it’d be funny to get him drunk?
My Sunshine - 7:06: AM Oh my god is Natsu okay
My Sunshine - 7:07 AM: Why didn’t he tell me? Loke ask him why he didn’t tell me
Loke looked at the empty bed again. How did he end up in the middle of this?
My Sunshine - 7:10 AM: Loke
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: Oh my god Loke I kissed Natsu
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: I’ve had my first kiss
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: LOKE
My Sunshine - 7:11 AM: LOKE IVE KISSED A BOY
My Sunshine - 7:13 AM: AND GRAY KNEW ABOUT IT
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: the stupid emo’s not responding to my texts
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: tell Gray to get his ass to my cabin
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: we
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: are
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: going
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: to
My Sunshine - 7:14 AM: talk
Loke rolled over, groaning into his pillow.
This was so not good. And it was all Gray’s stupid fault.
Me - 7:15 AM: Be there in a minute bae
My Sunshine - 7:15 AM: I haven’t decided if you can call me bae yet or if I’m still angry at you.
Me - 7:16 AM: My everescent and wonderful star, I promise this was entirely Gray’s fuck up
My Sunshine - 7:16 AM: You can call me bae
My Sunshine - 7:16 AM: For now
Loke grinned at his phone before lifting his leg and kicking the bottom of Gray’s bunk. Hopefully by his dumb head.
“We’re going to Lucy’s cabin and she’s pissed so if you say anything stupid that makes her cry I’m throwing you in the lake myself.” Loke called, grabbing his glasses from under his bunk. He’d deal with the contacts when the birds weren’t still asleep.
“Fuck no,” drifted from Gray’s pillow, and Loke was utterly done with his best friend’s bullshit.
“Fuck yes. You got yourself in this mess by keeping it from her and bae, it’s time you reap what you sow.” Loke said flatly, getting dressed quickly. He’d do his skincare routine later. Gray grunted, jumping from the bed in only his boxers, hair messed and glare deadly if not for Loke’s done-ness with him so early in the morning. The got ready in silence, neither giving a farewell to the lump of blanket that was Gajeel. He’d really have to get Natsu’s and his other bunkmate’s numbers, that is if Natsu hadn’t gotten eaten by a fucking wild cat.
Not that Loke was still harbouring ill wishes for the two furballs that he was being forced to live with.
Even if the blue one was adorable.
Loke contemplated if he was growing into a cat person during the otherwise painfully quiet walk to Lucy and Cana’s cabin. Soft tapping sounds made Loke’s left eye twitch, knowing the sound of Gray’s growing anxiety and how close he was to either punching something or grabbing a smoke. Loke spoke when the sound of tapping and crunching of gravel grew to be too much, already pissed at having to skip his moisturizing routine. If he even saw so much as one wrinkle or the hint of bags under his eyes he would smother Gray the first chance he got. “For someone who almost died from asthma you think filling your lungs with toxic tar smoke would be less appealing.”
“You’d think with how blind you are without your glasses you’d keep your nose out of your damn phone more. But I guess we’re both dumbasses,” Gray snapped, drumming out a quick and syncopated rhythm on his thigh. Like rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone to spite Gray. He tapped in the passcode, Freddie Mercury's birthday. There was no other bi icon that was as flamboyant and dazzling and talented, all aspects that Loke aspired to be. He scrolled through Twitter, keeping updated on all the gossip that had happened on a weeknight with the people from his school, music writing group, model agency. He was bored quickly, closing the app and flicking on Instagram. A message popped up on the top of his screen just as he double tapped a video of a pair of lion cubs playing, Loke smiling slightly when he saw who it was. He tucked the phone closer, glaring at Gray’s half used cigarette in his mouth, red glow quick as it burned down the white stick.
Fluffball - 7:36 AM: Good morning :3
Me - 7:36 AM: It is truly a good morning now that you have graced my phone with your attention. How did my heart sleep?
Fluffball - 7:37 AM: Your flirting is much less convincing when I see you hit on anything that smiles at you, love
Me - 7:38 AM: You wound me muffin.
Me - 7:38 AM: You know my eye may wander but my heart never will
Fluffball - 7:40 AM: Uh huh. We’ve been best friends since we were two. I know when you full of poo
Fluffball - 7:41 AM: But I love you anyway <3
Fluffball - 7:41 AM: I have to go, those costumes won’t fix themselves!
Me - 7:42 AM: I’ll see you at lunch?
Fluffball - 7:43 AM: When have I ever missed a date?
Loke smiled, fingers tapping along the side of his case as he read through their messages.
“God, I really don’t want to die a virgin,” Gray groaned. Loke lifted his head, brow raising as he watched his ‘friend’ twitch and grind the cigarette out with his heel, frozen in front of Lucy and Cana’s cabin. He said ‘friend’ because real friends wouldn’t drag Loke into this kind of bullshit before one PM, instead falling on his own sword gallantly and with grace.
“Shoulda taken up that red head’s offer last May then,” Loke said flatly. He knocked on the door, slipping his phone into his pocket and crossing his arms as he waited. Gray whined, and Loke sighed loudly, grabbing his collar. As if he’d let him run away.
Loke refused to face the wrath of Lucy alone.
The door flew open and revealed Lucy in all of her pajama and messy haired glory. She grabbed the front of Gray’s collar, dragging him into the cabin with a deadly glare. Gray squeaked like a five year old girl. Loke wished he had recorded it. He sighed as he step into the cabin, identical to his own aside from girls clothes strewn on the railings of the bunks and several suitcases thrown open with make-up and hair products spilling from them. He lingered as he passed a small blue one that held some of the highest quality foundation he had seen, scowling when he recognized it as Ivory rather than the Nude or Flawless Natural, much too dark to pass for such a white colour. But maybe when he found the girl with this bag he could ask about her highlighters...
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”
Oh, right, Lucy’s world rocking revelation.
“I didn’t think it was that important,” Gray shrugged off. His hands were shoved in his pockets, face turned down and away from Lucy as he glared at a bright pink and polkadotted duffel bag. Loke snorted as he leaned against the bunk that Levy was sitting on top of. He shared a tired look with the short haired girl, hey eye bags looking as exhausted as Loke felt.
This was going to be the fucking opposite of fun.  
“You didn’t think my first kiss was important?” Lucy shrieked. She paced several feet, hands switching from crossing and folding behind her back. He wondered if she’d gotten any sleep, which was a dumb thing to think about considering he knew how she got when something bothered her. Either it needed to be solved or destroyed, and Lucy would never cut of a friendship with someone. “Gray what the hell?”
“You were drunk!” He shouted, finally looking at her. “It wasn’t your first kiss if you can’t remember it, and I didn’t think you two would ever see each other again.”
“That was not your decision to make,” Lucy hissed.
“I know I ain’t exactly the queen of good decisions, but even I know that was fucked up dude,” Cana interjected from where she sat on the bunk across from Loke, holding one of Lucy’s plushies to her chest and resting her chin between the pink cat ears.
“And how would she have reacted if I’d told her she’d made out with a random stranger at a music festival while drunk off one of your special concoctions?” Gray asked sarcastically. Cana made a face at him and he growled, running both hands through his hair before fisting at the sides of it. “Lucy, you would have freaked out and been horrified. You’d have been miserable all through your exams and that would make you even more stressed to shit. It wouldn’t have been worth it.”
“But it wasn’t your decision to make.” Lucy said back, pushing each word through her teeth with emphasis. “And now he’s here, and obviously Natsu remembered our kiss.”
“He wasn’t supposed to be here!” Gray growled, tugging on his hair again before shoving his hands back into his jean pockets.
“Well he is! And so am I! And he must think I’m the worst for forgetting him! Or worse, what if he thought I was just ignoring him? What if he hates me now?” Lucy asked, voice growing smaller with each question, less yelling at Gray and more worrying out loud. She hugged herself, flannel sleep shirt pulling on the sleeves as it was stretched. Lucy buried her face in her hands, Loke pushing off his standing post in distress.
“O-oi,” Gray called, hands hovering over her shoulders and all tense defensiveness leaving him. If anyone hated it more when Lucy cried than herself it would be Gray. The poor bastard could barely handle his own emotions, much less deal with someone so close’s.
“Way to go dickface!” Cana called, glaring from her spot on Lucy’s bed and shuffling over for the blonde to cuddle with her. “You made her cry!”
“I’m n-not crying,” Lucy sniffled.
Loke shot the nastiest glare that he could at Gray, not even satisfied when he watched him pale and duck his head in shame. He returned to leaning on his post when Gray grabbed Lucy’s arms and pulled her into a tight hug, Lucy pushing back for a second before hugging him fiercely. Loke smirked at Grays sharp grunt, Lucy punching him in the gut once before returning to holding him.
“No offence, Luce, but why are you so upset about a guy you barely know?” Gray asked, petting her head in the most natural way Loke had seen Gray show affection, went meant it was still stiff as fuck and somehow both awkward and endearing to watch happen.
“I’m more upset that you didn’t tell me.” Lucy mumbled, squeezing Gray tight enough to pull a grunt of pain from him. Her head twisted on his chest, Loke feeling ice crawl through his blood at her flat glare and watery gaze as she looked at him. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you lack of response to finding out I’ve had my first kiss either.”
“Bae, it wasn’t my place to butt in.” Loke felt his smile falter the longer Lucy leveled him with her unconvinced glare.
“You mean you were waiting for it to blow up in Gray’s face.”
Loke shared a smirk with Cana, his other best friend cackling at his easy admittance.
“Thanks bae ,” Gray growled, setting his chin on top of Lucy’s head. She’d pretend to be upset for the first few weeks Gray had realized he was tall enough to do that know, but everyone saw how much she smiled when he did it. Or rested his elbow on her shoulder. Lucy got back at him by painting his nails, either a nice colourful black or if Gray was in a good enough mood a deep, deep , blue.
“He said it! Lucy, Gray said bae! Did you feel his heart thaw? Did it begin to beat like a normal human’s again? Gray, tell me, how does it feel to live ?”
Lucy snorted, burying her face in Gray’s chest as he grumbled insults into her hair. He tensed suddenly, scowling down at Lucy when she turned her face back to Loke. “Nope, he’s still our Tin Man.”
“Juvia could check for Gray’s pulse,” Juvia squeaked, burying her face back into her blanket when Gray looked at her.
“I think we’ve got it covered Juvi, though I’m sure Gray here wouldn’t mind getting a physic-”
“Cana,” Levy sighed. Loke grinned up at her, pleased to see her standing up to the other girl. While friendly and awesome, Cana had a tendency to steamroll things, and Loke was relieved that it wouldn’t just be Lucy having to keep her in check, God knew he and Gray were useless at corralling her.
Lucy sighed, tightness from her shoulders melting away as she continued to speak again, voice smaller than before and making Loke intently aware that easiness they’d brought back to the cabin was gone. “I guess I’m also upset that I forgot my first kiss. And he seems like such a nice guy too, to remember a random girl he met at a concert? I probably wasn’t even his best kiss, all drunk and gross. I can’t believe he’d even want to talk to me after I made such a fool out of myself in front of him.”
“It is alright Lucy, your’s and Natsu’s kiss was Natsu’s first kiss as well. Gajie was very concerned for his cousin that he had started to hallucinate such an event.” Juvia said, smile kind and encouraging. Lucy wailed, turning into Gray’s startled arms.
“That’s worse!”
“That’s what Natsu said,” Loke grumbled. He didn’t understand how any of this was a bad thing, they were obviously into one another, why not just get on with the fun part of dating and skip all the awkwardness?
“Lucy, it’ll be fine,” Cana soothed, staying in her spot on the bed and trusting Gray to not make things worse. “I’m sure he understands you were drunk, and didn’t mean to not recognize him. The dork doesn’t seem the to type to hold grudges.”
“I know what it’s like to be forgotten. I never thought I’d turn out like my dad.” Lucy mumbled, voice sounding tight again as she muffled it in Gray’s -miraculously- clothed chest. Cana sobered instantly, sharing a heavy look with Loke as he pushed off from his leaning post.
“You’re nothing like him, Lucy,” Gray hissed. “Absolutely nothing.”
She gave a weak laugh, and Loke’s mouth twisted sourly at her disbelief of his words. Lucy was friendly and compassionate and outgoing, nothing like her prestige focused father. While they all knew he loved her, they knew Jude loved the idea of what he could turn Lucy into more. Another business person to lead the company, his little puppet and yes-man as he made more deals and gained more power. A pretty face to show to the outside world.
“A guy like Natsu wouldn’t kiss ya if you were anything like Jude,” Loke said, forcing a grin on as he continued speaking. “Too much mustache.”
“What was he like this morning?”
Loke’s heart lept to his throat the same time Gray whimpered, his joke passed unnoticed as Lucy turned the conversation back to the present. Neither were keen on telling Lucy they had lost the pink haired boy around midnight and he hadn’t returned when they woke up. Cana had grown attached to the shy nerd, and Loke had to admit he had too, if not to the same extent as his alcoholic friend. There was just something about his bright smile and the impish glint he got in his eye when he laughed or made a snide comment, his fluffy hair reminding Loke of a duckling when he got rid of that damn beanie.
Loke didn’t feel up to dealing with the man-hunt Cana would lead looking for the idiot.
“Uh,” Loke drew out, ignoring Gray’s panicked shaking of his head over Lucy’s shoulder. “He wasn’t exactly there when we got up...”
“Does Loke or Gray know where Natsu is?” A light and musical voice asked. Loke looked up at Juvia, her hair piled in a messy bun over her head, blankets pulled her to chin and making her a giant lump of ugly-washed-out-baby-blue that was the camp supplied blanket.
“Uhhhh,” Gray said, helpfully.
“He’s on the grounds?” Loke followed up. He tried to smile at end, cowering slightly under Lucy’s loud squawk and Cana’s glower.
“How do you lose a sixteen year old boy?” Levy asked. Loke looked at her, betrayed. They were literally on the same side of the room, how dare she turn on their unagreed alliance and bonding of sharing a look while Gray was an ass.
“We ain’t his keepers,” Gray mumbled, resting his chin on Lucy’s head despite her trying to pull back to yell at them. “The bastard can walk around at midnight without us keepin’ tabs on him.”
“You let him wander around a camp in the middle of the woods at midnight while he was drunk ?” Lucy shrieked.
“Gray punched Natsu so hard he has a bruise!”
“What the fuck dude?”
Loke shrugged at Gray’s aghast look. He wasn’t going down without throwing a few friends under the bus. All was fair in love and not dying before legally going to a bar. Besides, he had a lunch date he couldn’t miss.
“Loke and Cana got him drunk, why aren’t you yelling at them?” Gray barked. Loke brought a hand to his chest, offended that Gray would would do such a thing to him. Just because Loke would use him as a scapegoat doesn’t mean Gray had to sink to the same level.
“Speaking of that,” Lucy whirled on Loke. He held his hands up, paralyzed under her sharp look. “What did Natsu ever do to you for you to be so mean?”
“I was helping him!” Loke gaped at her, looking at Cana for support. “He’s just a major light weight! Gray said he hoped Natsu drowned when he left the cabin!”
Gray whined again as Lucy pulled from his arms, hands fisted on her hips as she glared at him like a mother might glare at a five year old she had caught drawing on the walls.
“I didn’t mean it,” he defended sourly, pulling at the neck of his shirt. And then throwing it onto Lucy’s bed. “He was being a prick! He just- that scene bastard gets under my skin with his stupid questions and dye job and stupid laugh.”
“Natsu’s hair is naturally rose,” Juvia said. Loke sputtered, everyone twisting to look at Juvia in shock.
“How the fuck did that happen?” Cana asked, smiling in disbelief at the bottom of the bunk above her. Juvia shrugged, pulling the blanket up to cover her nose as all eyes remained trained on her. Loke wondered what her talent was if she was so stage shy. “I wonder if the curtain matches the drapes.”
“ Cana!”
Cana grinned and shrugged under the shouts by the rest of the room, reminding Loke of the time he had caught Gajeel’s cat eating a kiwi of all things on Loke’s bed. Pleased with themself and uncaring of Loke’s outrage.
“Juvia would appreciate not talking about Gajie’s cousin’s genitals, please,” Juvia said shyly, face bright red as she peeked above her blanket.
“I’m with Juvia,” Levy said. “It’s too early in the morning to talk about dicks.”
“We’re talking about Gray.”
Loke grinned at Gray’s offended bark, smile brightening when he saw Lucy grin and giggle into her hand at Loke’s insult of Gray. Being mean to Gray always made Lucy laugh if it wasn’t too harsh, especially because Gray always gave as good as he got. He was glad she was starting to calm down. He hated seeing her stressed.
“Does anyone have his number?” Lucy asked, hands fiddling in front of her and her gaze flicking anxiously between everyone.
“The boy’s lost and you’re trying to wheel him? Naughty naughty,” Cana cooed. She squeezed the stuffed cat pillow to her in glee, eyes sparkling as she grinned at Lucy.
Lucy sputtered, pink coating her cheeks in a way Loke had to bite his tongue to stop himself from calling cute, knowing Lucy was not above stealing his phone and deleting all his selfies in this kind of mood. Not that Loke couldn’t just take more, but sometimes the light was just right and who was he to deny a hint of divine intervention?
“I- I’m just worried about him! Shut up!”
Loke sighed and walked over to Cana, laying on Lucy’s bed and claiming her lap with his head.
“I don’t know bae, you seem pretty keen,” Loke teased.
“You seem pretty keen!” Lucy shot back, her arms crossed over her chest and her leg twitching in way it did when Lucy wanted to stomp her foot. Loke, Cana, and Gray had a running competition to see who could get Lucy to stomp her foot the most, and whoever won by the beginning of September got twenty bucks from the other two, each. And bragging rights.
“Great come back Lulu,” Levy called. She smirked as Lucy turned her glare-slash-pout on her, blowing her a kiss and wink. Loke silently forgave Levy for the earlier betrayal.
“Juvia has texted Natsu, and he says he’s fine aside from craving the sweet release of death. Or a nap. Natsu is undecided as of yet and says that it will be decided by if they’re serving pancakes for breakfast and how much Love Rival remembers about last night. Oh, Natsu said not tell you that. Forget what Juvia just said, please!”
Loke looked around, confused.
“Who’s ‘Love Rival’?”
“It’s what Juvi here calls Luce ‘cus she thinks Lucy wants to jump Gray despite clearly having a thing for natural pink-ettes or whatever the fuck his hair colour is called.” Cana pet Loke’s head as she talked, nodding sagely at his incredulous look.
“Those two are as likely to hook up as you and Bacchus.” Loke laughed, Cana grinning widely at his comparison.
“What! No! Gross! I mean, Lucy’s hot but like in a sister way where you ignore it and punch anyone who says it out loud! Not like... that! Just... I mean... no.” Gray spoke over himself, vehement in his denial while also trying not to insult Lucy. Loke wished he had got it on video, the raven haired boy’s face darkening with heat the longer he stumbled on his words.
His hands twitched at his belt, and Loke was not in the mood for an 8 AM peep show.
“C’mon, lets go get some pancakes from the mess hall before they’re all gone. And then I am heading back to my cabin to moisturize.” Loke grunted as he sat up, throwing Gray’s shirt at him. “Then we can all go and be awkwardly silent because Natsu and Lucy will refuse to make eye contact or resolve their love as we see who’s been paired on the announcements board. I hope whoever I’m paired with is cute.”
Lucy looked away, not denying Loke’s comment as she kicked at a green slipper on the floor. Gray re-dressed. Juvia watched from between her fingers. Levy looked both amused and fed up with all the yelling in her cabin.
“Juvia hopes they have blackberry.”
“You and me both sister,” Cana said, clinking her favourite flask to the side of the bed before taking a heavy sip.
Well, at least the day looked like it was going to be a lot more fun than the morning had promised.
Misery Hates Company - The Colour Morale Creep - Radiohead Hard Times - Paramore Find ‘Em, Fool ‘Em and Forget ‘Em - Anderson East With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Crocker
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lypreila · 7 years
Whoo got tagged ages ago by @jawsandbones , but I’m a lazy fuck so I took till now to get back to her!  Sorry boo!  Tagging only a few.  @fireheartedkaratepup @the-tevinter-biscuit @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @the-rxven-king but only if they want to!  If you want to and I didn’t tag you, consider yourself tagged! @(insert your name here)
1ST RULE: tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller (I THOUGHT I WAS BUT I JUST FOUND OUT I’M 5′6.5″ ANDI FEEL BETRAYED) I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (Legit)
ABILITY: I can sing well (not as good as I used to.  I used to compete) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Last drink: Coca-Cola.  Sweet, Sweet caffeine and sugar
Last phone call: Dealing with Western Union support to get a customer a refund.  I low key wanted to break something. 
Last text message: To my friend “Hey Arkham Asylum GOTY is on sale for 4 bucks on Green Man” 
Last song you listened to: Praying by Kesha
Last time I cried: A while ago.  Yall may or may not know I’ve recently been put on Prozac for the depression and I believe it’s working very well. 
Dated someone twice: Ye
Been cheated on: Yes.  Fuck him. 
Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
Lost someone special: Yes
Been depressed: :See above. 
Been drunk and thrown up: I invoke my constitutional right not to incriminate myself.  (Too many times to count.  I liked drinking when I was a teenager/young adult.  Not so much anymore though)
Made a new friend: I have, oddly enough
Fallen out of love: Nope!
Laughed until you cried: Yes! 
Met someone who changed you: I have.  It was all for the good and I love her for it.  
Found out who your true friends are: Not really.  That all happened in 2014/15.  
Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: One.  A small bean who’s a good artist and the niece of my friend.  I’ve known her since she was a wee babby.  She’s more active on deviant art though.  She cosplayed as Asriel for Hudson Valley Comic Con!!
Do you have any pets: There’s 8 cats and 3 dogs in my house please kill me.  2 cats and 1 pup are mine. 
Do you want to change your name: I wanted to add Elizabeth  after my middle name because it sounded fancy. 
What time did you wake up this morning: Morning? 
What were you doing last night: Re-certifying my Anti-Money Laundering, Western Union, and Prepaid access certifications.  Passed with flying colors, which is good considering I can go to jail if I screw up some of the record keeping requirements or allow someone into the system by accident.  
Name something you cannot wait for: @jawsandbones book to be done and out :D:D:D:D
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: OH every damn week.  Let me tell yall about Tom Bombard, aka Tom Bombadil, aka Tom the Bomb.  The man has trouble hearing but won’t admit it, hates his wife and family, is the slowest cashier i ever have the misfortune to supervise, and has more ear hair than ANYONE I’VE EVER SEEN IT’S FREAKY.  There’s like a magical forest growing and poofing out if his ears.  Plus poofy chest hair poofing out of his shirt which he leaves the top button unbuttoned.  He is old and short and this is not at all sexy.  
What’s getting on your nerves rn: The fact that I make minimum wage despite doing 3 different jobs, all of which should have a higher pay grade.  But hey.  THey pay minimum wage, they get minimum wage effort.  Except when I’m in the office.  Then they get 110% because I’m doing it for my fellow office bitches, all of whom I love dearly. 
Blood type: ?
Nickname: Shmemmy or Ly. 
Relationship status: Married.  12 years on Nov 27th.  I got married literally 6 months after I turned 21. 
Zodiac sign: Leo.
Pronouns: she/her
Favorite tv show: Right now?  Bojack Horseman, Steven Universe, Archer. I”m more of a documentary person. 
College: Going back soon hopefully. 
Hair colour: Red/orange. 
Do you have a crush on someone: I get crushes every 5 seconds.  They don’t last. 
What do you like about yourself: I am a loyal fucker, and an insanely good multi-tasker when it comes to work. 
First surgery: 0.  I are lucky. 
First piercing: Ears, followed by Labret (chin) followed by nose. 
First sport you joined: Equestrian
First vacation: Disney?  I was so young.  Went to Saratoga almost every year, a house in the catskills twice a year.  Out of state every couple of years.  
First pair of sneakers: Kiddo, I can’t remember. 
Eating: Tiddy milk. 
Drinking: I tasted beer when I was about 8?  To this day I’m not a big fan, I prefer liquor. 
I’m about to: Play Overwatch.
Listening to: Criminal Minds in the background. 
Want kids: No, I can barely care for myself. 
Get married: Been there, still doing that. 
Career:  I want to go into medical stuff. 
Lips or eyes: Both
Hugs or kisses: Hugs 
Shorter or taller: Taller…
Older or younger: Doesn’t really matter to me. 
Romantic or spontaneous: Both!
Sensitive or loud: Quiet down you kids!!!
Hook up or relationship: Relationship!
Troublemaker or hesitant: Depends.  I can be a troublemaker.  In spring I liberated a bouncy horse thing from a playground. (I say liberated - I mean stole.  It was broken off of its base and could never be fixed.  His name is Lord Mc Bumblefuck and he lives in my garage now.)
Kissed a stranger: Nope!
Drank hard liquor: Ye.
Lost glasses/contacts: NOpe
Sex on first date: Nope
Broken someone’s heart: I don’t know about that.  Maybe. 
Been arrested: Ye
Turned someone down: Yes
Fallen for a friend: Twice.  Married the second one. ;-)
In yourself: Nah
Miracles: I believe in the universe. 
Love at first sight: Hah no. 
Heaven: Sort of. 
Santa Claus: All things are real in the minds of those who believe them!. 
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amaloaf · 7 years
All of them
3 Fears3 things I love2 turns on2 turns offMy best friendSexual orientationHow tall am IWhat do I miss right nowFavourite colorDo I have a crush ^ already answered these
Favourite place
my room of the senior lounge in my school
What am I listening to right now
a davenchurch playlist (current song: Something I Need- One Republic) 
Shoe size
9-10 womens
Eye color
brown and gold
Hair color
ALSO brownish-gold
Meaning behind my URL
haha Fenton called me a walking paradox as a joke and it stuck!
Favourite song
literally dont have one but im currently loving “Waving Through a Window” from the dear evan hanson soundtrack
Favourite band
either panic! at the disco or fall out boy
How I feel right now
absolutely awful but you sending this completely boosted my mood!! 
Someone I love
oh sweet jesus, Fenton and Ellie and Pear and Cade and Vinny and Dylan and Sydney and Daffy and Simon and Nico and Jayme and Kiwi and Arily and this is going overboard but i cannot hold all my love in
My current relationship status
painfully single and desperately needing to get laid
My relationship with my parents
Favourite season
Tattoos and piercing i have
none, unfortunately 
Tattoos and piercing i want
a septum piercing, 1mm gauges, a second piercing, an outer ear ring, sleeve tats of intertwining roses and dandelions, magnus’ railsplitter somewhere (im still deciding on where..) 
The reasons I joined Tumblr
all my middle school friends had it
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not anymore
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i kissed my dad before 
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
cosmetically? five minutes max
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?
unfortunately i did yesterday  
Where am I right now?
at my desk, sitting on pile of laundry im neglecting 
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
i like it quiet
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
both, but unhappily 
Am I excited for anything?
death, also graduation i guess
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
my friends Cade and Dylan are good buddies 
How often do I wear a fake smile?
….. next question
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
the mcelroys, specifically travis 
What do I think about most?
not to be dark but death 
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
neither, but behind if i have to be
What was the last lie I told?
“no mom i totally bought this”
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i dont do either v much but i really like vids when i can get them
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes (i saw three ghosts in my life)
Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah
Do I believe in luck?
What’s the weather like right now?
clear night skies with a slight fall nip in the air
What was the last book I’ve read?
animal farm by george orwell 
Do I have any nicknames?
M.K., M, Loaf
Do I spend money or save it?
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
Favourite animal?
hgnnnnn cant choose, maybe sharks?
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Hips Dont Lie! 
What is my favorite word?
bludgeoning because im a nerd 
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Do I have any relatives in jail?
i deadass dont talk to my family but im p sure one of my cousins was arrested last week 
What is my current desktop picture?
that picture of the sloth photoshopped on a dolphin with the P!NK lyrics
Had sex?
Bought condoms?
Gotten pregnant?
oh god no
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
no but my first kiss with a boy i got sprayed on at a waterpark 
Had job?
im a partime paralegal 
Smoked weed?
Smoked cigarettes?
for a long ass time in middle school (if im bein real honest im going to pic it back up again probably)
Drank alcohol?
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
definetly not
Been overweight?
currently am
Been underweight?
when i was born
Gotten my heart broken?
plenty of times
Been to prom?
Been in airplane?
oh yeah, i love flying
Learned another language?
took spanish for 10+ years and dont know a damned word of it 
Wore make up?
Dyed my hair?
no but i really want to 
Had a surgery?
yes! some work on my ear after i fucked it up as a baby
Met someone famous?
a band called After Romeo 
Stalked someone on a social network?
i tend to go through social media when i find new accounts i like but its never stalkerish 
Been fishing?
got the license and everything
Been rejected by a crush?
yea, ive only ever had one crush where it panned out 
What do I want for birthday?
a binder 
Do I like my handwriting?
Where do I want to live when older?
idk, im praying i dont end up back in vegas
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
got caught reading awful porn once does that count
What I’m really bad at
ohh im really holding back on saying “everything” but if i had to choose wind instruments 
What my greatest achievments are
my art, my relationships, my baby handling skills
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
ill give you the second worse: “ well at least being a fattass made you bouncy”
What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy a house, get a super crazy nice computer, give some money to the friends listed up earlier on the list and draw for all eternity 
What do I like about myself
my eyes and my good heart and my ability to fake good things
My closest Tumblr friend
oh definitely Fenton or @whyldkratts
Any question you’d like?
feel free to send in your own question! 
Are you outgoing or shy?
What kind of people are you attracted to?
soft bellies, thick legs and hips, nice pecs, soft long hair, nice lips
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
idk maybe? i hope so, yall can feel free to make the first move ;3
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no, i actually like it! 
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my buddy Cade
What does the most recent text that you sent say?
What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Something I Need, Michel in the Bathroom, For Forever, Waving Through a Window, and Freeze Your Brain 
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
oh yes!! please play with my hair!!! ((and playing with OTHER peoples hair??? oh boy howdy dont even get me started!!!!))
Do you think there is life on other planets?
hell yes! 
Do you like bubble baths?
sure, no real pref either way
Do you like your neighbors?
Where would you like to travel?
Favorite part of your daily routine?
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
*sweats* yes?? (probably my boobs and stomach, also my arms)
What do you do when you wake up?
stare at the ceiling and mentally prepare myself for the day
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker, it lost a lot of melinin when i hit puberty for some reason??
Do you ever want to get married?
yes! even if its just a platonic life partner marriage! 
If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Would you rather live without TV or music?
telivision my man
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yep! one time it went to shit the other time it went fairly ok
What are your favorite stores to shop in?
target and hot topic
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
normally yes but you gotta kno when to get the hell away from certain folks
Do you smile at strangers?
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
OH yeaaah
Ever wished you were someone else?
every god damned day
Favourite makeup brand?
Last thing you ate?
mashed potatoes
Ever won a competition? For what?
won a college science fair in middle school once 
Ever been in love?
im always in love
Facebook or Twitter?
twitter always (pst mines @emiglody95
Twitter or Tumblr?
Are you watching tv right now?
What colour are your towels?
beige and brown 
Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough or coffee 
First person you talked to today?
my mother or Ellie i can remember 
Last person you talked to today?
Pear or my day, again i cant remember 
Name a person you hate?
Prestly, Kevin, Zoe, Mike
Name a person you love?
hmm ive already listed a lot of people already so lets go with: Wilson
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
remember Kevin from two asks ago? 
Do you tan a lot?
im outside a lot but my tan is mostly natural 
Have any pets?
my dog, Gus! 
Do you type fast?
yes actually!! 
Do you regret anything from your past?
im not lookin to type a paragraph so lets go with yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
every day
Is cheating ever okay?
no, but if your partner got seriously fucked up and it was a total accident and you trust them then MAYBE you can reconsider not throwing their asses out
Do you believe in true love?
to an extent 
What your zodiac sign?
Do you believe in ghosts?
id better ive seen three of ‘em
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“ Its fine”, she said primly as she turned back to the trays of jewelry. 
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