#it never struck me until now just how much law looks like a weasel
gaytor-golf · 4 months
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Based off that one moment in sabaody when they stopped the fight to look at luffy like🤨 bc he shrank
Anyway I FUCKING HATE GEKKO MORIA I HAVE NEVERRR WANTDD TI SEE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER DIE BRUTALLY B4 HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM HES SI FUCKING UGLH when he was complaining abt doffy cutting off oars jrs foot bc he wanted his corpse whole I literally shed a tear from anger I fucking hate them both
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hime-memes · 3 years
              • ASoUE: The Bad Beginning™ - Sentence Starters • ( Part 2 ) 
These starters have been taken directly from Lemony Snicket’s, “ The Bad Beginning “ Book. This is a pretty long list of starters spanning chapters 6 - 10.  
As always: feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse ! ** Any slight wording changes made to the original text is to accommodate for RP purposes.
Trigger Warnings For: Parental Death, Child Endangerment/Child Neglect & Child Abuse.
“ If you knew ( Name ), and they suddenly served you a meal, wouldn’t you be afraid there was something terrible in it, like poison or ground glass ? “ “ Aren’t raspberries delicious ? They used to be my favorite berries when I was your age. “ “ I received a phone call yesterday from ( Name ). He/she/they told me you had been to see them. “ “  ( Name ) told me that you appeared to be having some difficulty adjusting to the life I have graciously provided for you. I’m very sorry to hear that. “ “ The word ‘standoffish’ is a wonderful one, but it does not describe ( Name )’s behavior toward ( Other name ). “ “ Perhaps if you took part in the work I do, you’d be less likely to run off complaining to ( Name ). “ “ It is about a man who is very brave and intelligent, played by me ! “ “ Build the set ? Heaven’s no ! A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be working backstage ... “ “ You don’t think those berries were poisoned, do you ? ” “ No, ( Name ) is after the fortune we will inherit. Killing us would do him/her/them no good. “ “ ( Name ) knows all those latin legal phrases ... “ “ Would somebody please wipe my face ? “ “ Surely ( Name ) would have a book on inheritance law. “ “ This is one reason why many lawyers make heaps of money. “ “ Are you sure you want to read those enormous law books ? Even I don’t like reading them, and I work in law. “ “ I’d much prefer gardening to sitting around watching my siblings struggle through law books. “ “ Well, make sure she doesn’t eat any dirt. “ “ Fifty years ago, there was a woman who who left an enormous sum of money to her pet weasel and none of her three sons. The three sons tried to prove the woman was insane so the money would go to them. “ “ What happened ? “ “ I think the weasel died, but I’m not sure. I have to look up some of the words. “ “  Around the time of your weasel lady, a group of actors put on a production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and none of them wore any clothing. The police came and shut down the production. I don’t think that’s very helpful, either. It was just pretty interesting to read about. “ “ How can you say that ?! He struck me across the face ! “ “ Now, where is your sister and that hideous baby ? “ “ Why do you think I’m reading it ? “ “ I think you should never be allowed inside this library again, at least until Friday. “ “ The only reason ( Name ) hasn’t torn you limb from limb is that they haven’t gotten hold of your ( Possession ). They allow you to live while they work out their plan. But, ask yourself this, you little bookworm: What reason will they have to keep you alive after they have your ( possession ) ? What do you think will happen to you then ? “   “ When the time comes, I believe ( Name ) might just leave you to me. So if I were you - I’d start acting a little nicer. “ “ Hello orphan, you’re up early. “ “  I know what the word means, where did you get that book ? “ “ And what is my plan, you little runt ? “ “ It shouldn’t be called The Marvelous Marriage ... it should be called The Menacing Marriage ! “ “ Your sister isn’t old enough to get married. “ “ I read that too - you can’t fool me ! “ “ Why in the world would I want to actually marry your sister ? It is true, she is very pretty - but, a man like myself can acquire any number of beautiful women. “   “ I suppose you’re right: I’ll go to prison and you and ( Name ) will go free. Now, why don’t you run and wake them ? I’m sure they’ll want to know all about your grand victory over my evil ways. “ “ But, then again - one sees strange things everyday. “ “ That’s a 30 foot tower, which is a very long way for a very little person to fall, even when they’re inside a cage. But if you insist --- “ “ Anything ? Would you for instance, consider marrying me during tomorrow night’s performance ? “ “ I consider her to be a stick behind a stubborn mule. “  “ You will do what I say to avoid the punishment of the loss of your sibling/friend, and because you want the reward of surviving this experience. Now, ( Name ), let me ask you again: Will you marry me ? “ “ You may have read more books than I have, but it didn’t help you gain the upper hand in this situation. “  “ You are the eldest child, and as the eldest - it will always be your responsibility to look after your younger siblings. Promise us/me that you will always watch out for them and make sure they don’t get into trouble. “ 
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nypmphetsbastard · 4 years
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Genre: slowburn fanfiction, college!au
Pairing: yelena x fem!reader
Summary: college becomes a whirlpool of new people and emotions once you meet a woman by the name of yelena manages to weasel her way into your once perfect life and tear down everything you ever thought to be true. From religious views to friendship, she builds something new. Now, she introduces you to new world she likes to call Paradis Island.
Warnings: angst, smut, hurt/comfort, struggles with Religion, homophobic comments/people
A/N: this story is posted on ao3 {NYMPHETSBASTARD} as well as wattpad {SUGACODED} because wattpad is acting a fool and I need another place to save this story👍
Leaving home was always a rough time for both parent and child. Anybody who grew up in a loving home tended to stick to that home like glue, not wanting to separate from it and instead choosing to go to schools and jobs closer to home, closer to family. Those without however, preferred their freedom. When the clock struck 12 and everybody went to sleep was the only time they'd have to themselves, the only time they'd ever have to feel safe and relaxed — leaving home wasn't as hard on them.
You...well you were a different story. You didn't like a lot of things, being grabbed, having things snatched out of your hands, people taking your food without permission, somebody talking to you when you're clearly trying to avoid them — the list could go on. But growing up leaving you home never seemed to cross your mind. For whatever reason you felt like things were fine at home, not perfect but not terrible either, nine year old you didn't stop to think that one day you'd have to make the decision to move away from your friends and family. The small town you were in had a lot of older people, ones that never separated from their high school popularity phase and believed that the world revolved around them and them only, the others were newly young adults seeking any way out. You hoped you'd be the ladder.
Your parents had never spoken to you about leaving the house, meaning you grew up only learning what was taught in school. World War One and two, Pearl Harbor, slavery, and other shitty thing America did and or went through throughout the course of centuries on end — all only ever learned or discussed in school. The main focus in your household was religion and religion only. It's what you grew up to be right, nothing else existed in your mind besides that.
There was nothing wrong with that. Well...until around the time high school hit. Senior year was the year stressed to you since you were a freshman, you could barley fathom the fact that you'd have to apply for colleges, work on a bunch of different essays and possibly move away when you were young and you could still barley understand it now. But it was only then, then when they had handed you that slip of paper of which colleges you were going to apply to did you realize something; you didn't want to end up in a boring old relationship with a guy from your sophomore geometry class, get married, have a couple of kids that would send you to a nursing home and never live the life you dreamed of having.
You wanted that Disney channel teenage life, teenage adventures that would give you enough memories to last a lifetime and successfully say you lived your life to the fullest. While your teenage years had been spent in a church every weekday, your nose in school books and your bedtime forever stuck at the time 8:30, you swore your adulthood would be different.
Everything would be different.
"Are you sure you're not missing anything, hun?" Your mother asked nervously watching you pack the trunk up with your suitcase and extra bags. You yawned into your hand due to the more than early hours you guys were beginning the trip in order to make it early to your destination.
"You made a list mom, I don't think there's anything I could miss." She smiled your small joke and got in the passenger seat of the car, "You know, you guys really don't have to come. It's nearly a 4 and half hour drive over there, not including the drive back." You mentioned
"We already told you we're going to stop by my mother in laws and stay for a while." Your father explained, you sighed and got into the backseat of the car.
You brought your favorite stuffy and laid your head on it against the window as you prepared yourself for the 4 hour drive from your old childhood home to a new place where new memories could be made. It felt almost nostalgic watching your entire childhood fly by from behind a window. The blue slide you loved going up and down on till you felt like throwing up. The metal pole that always terrified you trying to go down. The monkey bars you taught yourself to climb because of the lack of friends you had that could teach you. It all seemed to disappear behind flashes of trees and road as the car drifted further and further away from the place you called home.
"Morning sunshine! We're here!" Your father exclaimed, waking you out of your slumber. You groaned quietly and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, taking a moment to look out the window at the large building in front of you. Gawking at the size, you shook your head and stepped out of the car to get a closer look.
"This is much smaller than the one I went to." Mentioned your father, squinting up at the building and helping you pull your suitcase out of the trunk.
"That's because you went to community college, honey." You chuckled at your moms observation and rolled your suitcase up to the sidewalk.
"Well I'll see you guys—" you started until your words were cut off by your mother slapping her hands down on your shoulders and giving you a firm look.
"I better not come visit you in a few months and see you with a purple Mohawk, piercings and a girlfriend, you hear me?" You nodded at her dramatic remarks and felt yourself internally cringe at her words.
"Hopefully we come back to you with a kind little boyfriend and a college degree we can show off to the rest of the family." Your father said, wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders and gave you a tight lipped smile.
"Call us when you get settled and show us your roommate."
"And if they're anything we told you to not look like or if they smoke, drink or are sexually active in public, please change roommates."
They listed off, you internally rolled your eyes but still managed to give them a nod.
"Okay, I get it. Bye." You waved them off and stayed on the sidewalk till their old beat up grey car pulled away from the university.
Sighing, you rolled your shoulders back, grabbed all your things and walked the 10 minutes all the way to your side of the dorms. Personally, you had no clue who your roommate was besides their name but you knew even if you got a wild one you wouldn't change rooms. It didn't matter to you wether or not your roommate had purple hair, while your parents and nearly everyone in life tended to stick their nose in the business of others, you had no care in the world about anybody else.
From the moment you stepped into your new room, your nostrils were immediately being wrapped in by the smell of vanilla and incense. You looked around the room and noticed that only half of it was done up while the other was plain and void of any decoration.
"Hello, who are you?" A soft voice asked politely and there in front of you stood one of the prettiest girls you'd ever seen. She was a short young woman with long, disheveled shoulder-length black hair, a Greek nose and relaxed dark eyes.
"Oh sorry! I'm your new roommate, you're Pieck Finger, right?" You greeted her, shaking her surprisingly soft hands and placing your bags down on the floor next to you.
"Sorry about the smell, I'm lighting some incense to cleanse the new room. I just got here last night."
"Mhm, are you religious?" You asked, pointing to the black leather notebook in her hand. She looked down at it but smiled and shook her head.
"Ah no, I'm Agnostic. Although my childhood friend practices Hinduism and I guess I pick up on some things." She explained, you nodded at her words and made a mental note to ask her what the hell agnostic meant at a later time. Her eyes went down to the bags in your hand and reached out to grab your suitcase.
"Here I got this, I'll put this on your side of the bed and let me know if I can help with setting anything up." She offered kindly, you nodded at her offer and the two of you immediately got to work.
As you folded your clothes into a drawer and hung them up in a closet and Pieck finished wrapping your bed in it's covers and blankets, the two of you talked. Talked as if you'd been friends since birth. Pieck felt like someone you could truly se yourself being friends with in the long run of college, she was also someone your parents would most likely accept and allow you to stay with. The two of you bonded over certain interests, Pieck had a knack for writing — poems, full books, it didn't matter; you were the artistic one. Always doodling on something or recreating famous art paintings in your room, usually religious paintings as your parents always told you that if you were going to have painting as a hobby you might as well paint something useful.
"Finally, we're done." You sighed, exhaustedly throwing yourself onto the newly made bed. Pieck chuckled and stood up, grabbing her belongings and putting them into a small book bag.
"Hey, me and my friends are meeting in the library later, would you like to come?" She asked, you mulled over the idea for a quick second and nodded your head.
The walk from your dorm and the library gave you and Pieck even more time to get to know each other. She explained how most people from her old high school had come to the nearest college, it being this one which is why she never worried about not making any friends. Your eyes nearly popped out of your eye socket as you stepped up to the large library building, it being much bigger than any library your town had to offer. Pieck held the door open for you as you stepped in and took a moment to admire the large area.
"Psst, Pieck!" Whispered a voice, you looked over to see a brown haired woman in big round glasses waving the two of you over with a wide grin on her face. Pieck waved back and walked over the round table with the two other people sitting and you following behind her.
"Hey guys, this is my new roommate. This is—"
"Hange Zoë, nice to meet you!" The glasses wearing woman exclaimed excitedly taking your hand in her and shaking it vigorously. A nearby librarian glared her way and hushed her, she smiled and apologized to the old woman.
"I'm Porco." Replied the blonde boy on the other side of the table dryly.
You waved at him awkwardly and sat down next to Pieck, yet it was only after they began pulling out their books did you realize you had nothing with you. Tapping the dark haired girl on the shoulder, you motioned towards the bookshelf's and stood up to leave once Pieck nodded her head.
You walked around aimlessly with no true destination or book in mind till you came across a bookshelf, this one different than the others and tucked away in a little corner. It was old and basic but it still had integrity. The wood was straight and it hugged the wall. On closer inspection you could see scratches, the wood a little more pale where it had been dinged. You touched the roughness, not minding one bit and looked at the books inside. The fiction section had always been your favorite growing up, your parents believed books like Harry Potter were some sort of books that demonic and plaguing words hidden within them so you only ever grew up reading them in short amounts of time in the library before they could find you.
A small gasp made its way up your throat as your eyes landed across a book titled Alice in Wonderland, one of your top favorites. The ladder that usually came along with each bookshelf was currently being occupied yet this specific bookshelf seemed to take up nearly the entire wall of the library — this might've been one of the first things you couldn't successfully grab with ease. You reached your hand up to grab the book, your fingertips only slightly touching them before the book suddenly disappeared from your grasp and a warm presence creeped up behind you, towering over your frame.
Looking up, your eyes met a pair deep dark eyes staring down at you, the book now forgotten in your mind as it was now clouded with the face of the person in front of you. It was only after a couple seconds that you blinked out of your trance and stepped back, falling straight between the bookshelf and the person. You felt...intimidated. The person in front of you was more than taller than you, a height you thought was nearly impossible. They tilted their head to the side, bent down a bit and held the book out in their hand as your eyes stayed trained on theirs.
"Do you want it?" They asked, you nearly jumped in your skin at the sound of their somewhat deep voice.
"The book." You looked down and finally registered the fact that they'd picked up the book you were grabbing at and now held it out to  you.
"O-oh right, thank you." You stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for acting this way. While your eyes strayed away from theirs, they went downward to the person's appearance.
They wore a dark green turtleneck sweater paired with high waisted black pants, accentuating their long legs and black lace up Oxford shoes — their entire appearance intimidated you. The center of their nose pierced through with silver piece of jewelry.
"I..." you regretted opening your mouth the second the words came out, "gotta go," the words spilled out of your mouth as you immediately walked around them and towards your table, the interaction still replaying in your head on loop. It wasn't until you rapidly sat yourself down next to Pieck that you felt like you could breath.
You weren't the most social person in the world but you also weren't the most nervous, but they...their presence, their height, the look in their eyes, it all seemed to send you into frenzy. Ignoring the slightly worried look you got from Pieck, you open the notebook given to you and tried to let the interaction seep away into your memories. Yet it didn't work. Every word on the paper seemed to fly over your head, your mind never sticking to the sentences given to you. Hell, you could barley read about Alice's shitty life without comparing it to what had just occurred. It was all too fresh. Too new. Too...interesting.
"Mornin' Pieck." Greeted a deep voice from behind you, turning around you were faced with a tall blonde haired man with small circle glasses resting on his nose.
"Good mornin, Zeke." Pieck responded kindly, the man looked around the table greeting everyone till his eyes met yours.
"I don't think I've met you before, and who must you be?" He bowed down respectfully and held out his hand, you looked at it confused for a second before sliding your hand into his and watching as he leaned his head down to plant a kiss at the back of your hand.
Before you could protest, a different hand gripped Zeke's shoulder, he pulled away and turned around to find his female companion standing above him with a blank expression on her face — one he'd gotten used to over the course of their friendship. Meanwhile your breath was caught in your throat at the sight of the intimidating person you'd met only moments before.
"Your book, Zeke." They said plainly, Zeke pulled away from you and took the textbook of their hands, thanking them and skimming through the textbook as both of your eyes never left theirs.
"Good morning, Yelena." Pieck greeted her with a smile, finally, Yelena's eyes drifted away from yours and were now on Pieck, the sides of her lips quirking up into a smirk for a second.
"Good morning, Pieck." Your eyes went back and forth between them in confusion until another person popped up behind Zeke.
"Hey guys, hey hange, Pieck." The dark haired man bun wearing boy said, leaning his arm against Zeke's shoulder despite them being the same height.
"Guess I'm just invisible then" spoke up Porco with an offended look on his face, the dark haired boy simply looked at him and blinked.
"Oh no I knew you were there, I just don't care. Anyways, are you guys coming to my big party tonight?" He asked excitedly, Zeke scoffed and pushed his glasses further up his face.
"Tch, we're not children, Eren. Why would we go to some teenage party?" Eren scoffed at the blonde mans response.
"Yeah obviously not you, old man, you're fucking ancient. I was talking to Pieck and..." he looked at you with a confused expression before shrugging and pointing at you, "and her."
"I'm not even that old—"
"Sorry, Eren but you already know my answer." She apologized, Eren pouted and groaned.
"Oh come on, please, Pieck? The last time you went everybody loved you, please?" He begged Pieck, placing his hands on her arm that was leaned against the wooden chair she sat at.
"Aw sorry, kid. I love them all too but I gotta tutoring session today." She apologized sympathetically, patting the boys head and turning to you, "what about you?"
You jumped at the sudden spotlight on you but shook your head regardless, "If Pieck's not going then neither am I." Eren groaned again and tried puppy dog eyes on the long haired woman in front of him.
"Look Pieck, you're deriving your new friend here with the experience of a fun college party." She smiled at his explanation which apparently told Eren enough that he stopped bugging her and stood up to his full height, slamming his shoulder into Zeke's as he walked away and mumbled something under his breath. Zeke almost turned around to go after him until Yelena outstretched her arm to stop him.
"He's a child." She pointed out
"He's a little shit, is what he is." Zeke complained, you looked over at Hange for information.
"They're brothers." She stated, your mouth made an o shape as you finally came to understand why the two seemed to have so much beef between them.
"Half brothers, Hange. Don't associate me with that brat." Zeke huffed, everyone chuckling at the mans clear discomfort with him and Eren being in the same room let alone sentence. "Anyways, we've gotta go, me and Yelena have business to take care of." Zeke said.
"Jeez, you make it sound like the two of you are hooking up." Porco mentioned with a disgusted look on his face,
"What if we are?" He joked playfully until he looked up to see Yelena towering over him with a straight look on her face, Zeke cleared his throat and shook his head, "Kidding, kidding."
The two of them walked out of the library and the three other people at your table continued on their reading while your mind was racked with a bunch of questions of the new characters you just met. You tried to avoid eye contact with Yelena when she was leaving but could still feel her piercing gaze stay onto you until she couldn't anymore.
"So are they?" You inquired with a whisper, leaning over Pieck's shoulder
"Are they what?"
"Zeke and Yelena. Are they..." you raised your eyebrows as the words clicked in Pieck's mind and the other two at the table began laughing into their books.
"No, sweetie, they're not sleeping together or dating." She denied
"Pfft, the day we see Yelena with a man is the day pigs fly." Chuckled Porco, you looked at them confused at their jokes.
"Yelena's a lesbian, babe." Pieck finished your thought and your eyes slightly widened at her response, not expecting it. Embarrassment silently creeped into your mind as you groaned and tucked your head into your arms.
"Well now I feel stupid." The three of them laughed and Pieck rubbed your back.
For some reason, those words felt like a small weight lifted off your shoulders. You couldn't understand why you felt so...happy that she wasn't with Zeke in that way. Maybe you just wanted to her friend. Yeah....that had to be it....her friend.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Hey! I have a couple requests from the prompt thing but imma send them in separately. 46 for Sprace (the having to tell Jack about their relationship one) in canon era please? I love Jack as everyone's older brother it is literally the best thing ever. Maybe he realizes Race keeps going over to Brooklyn and then is super worried and overthinking what he's doing over there so they end up having to explain? Thank you!
Tentatively trying this cause I’m not sure if my writing senses are back yet so if it comes out shitty I apologize.
I’ve actually done this exact prompt twice already with 2 other angles! So here goes Jack finding out about sprace, take 3.
Tw: anxiety.
Jack wasn’t stupid, and though running a borough and a union wasn’t exactly easy, he wasn’t so busy that he didn’t notice when one of his kids went missing.
There was a reason Jack was never first in line at the distribution center, and it wasn’t (only) so that Weasel and the Delanceys were already good and annoyed, courtesy of his friends, by the time he got up there.
It was mostly because the extra time from being a few back in the line was good for taking a headcount, making sure everyone who’d left the Lodging House was still there before anyone left to go to their selling spots. Making sure the older boys that were assigned Littles to look after had those Littles with them. Checking for limps or coughs that he hadn’t had time to notice on the way out the door.
It was the same when he checked around every night, making sure everyone was in their beds and checking on anyone who’d seemed sad that day. It was taking care of his friends, because Jack was the oldest and God knew nobody else was taking care of them.
Hell, he called them friends, but they were really more like family. The only family he remembered besides a few vague memories of a mother who’d died when he was young and a father who’d never exactly been a good one. And some of them had been around longer than others, but...
The ones who’d been around the longest, who’d showed up around the same time, when Jack was 7 and they were 6 and 5, respectively, were Crutchie and Race. His brothers even more than the others were. His most trusted friends. His seconds who would one day take over Manhattan when he left.
Jack had been watching over them the longest, so of course he still paid special attention to those two, keeping them close and safe. Even if they could take care of themselves and there were others who objectively needed him more, of course Jack still noticed when they had bad days. He did know them better than practically anyone, after all.
So of course he noticed when one of them started acting weird.
Race always sold in Brooklyn. He had since they were like... 11 and 9, ever since he struck up that deal with a girl who let him sell at Sheepshead. And he always made so much that nobody could tell him to come back and sell in Manhattan.
He always came home right after selling hours ended. And even though Brooklyn was a rougher neighborhood, he always came home safe.
Which was why it was so weird how he turned 15 and a few months later he just suddenly stopped coming home right after selling time, barely making it back before dark, some nights.
And yeah, wanting to take some space and time away from home was a normal teenage thing to do, as far as Jack knew—he’d never gotten the option to do that, being in charge of keeping his kids alive since he was 14—but he was starting to worry that something was seriously wrong, with how Race came back flustered and clearly hiding something.
Then the strike happened, and...
Well, if Race came back late before, it was nothing compared to how he started coming home after dark, barely before midnight, or even staying in Brooklyn overnight, a couple times.
Jack was preoccupied with the rest of the borough, with Katherine as they got caught up in the euphoria of the action and then Sarah as he tried to rebound from getting dumped and then Davey as he finally figured out his own heart, but he still wasn’t so distracted that he didn’t notice one of his seconds staying out all night.
Race wouldn’t tell him why, no matter how much he tried to seem reassuring and supportive of whatever it was. It was like he didn’t trust Jack anymore.
And... and that was fair. Jack had let him down during the strike by making him feel abandoned and betrayed—making all his kids feel that way—but it had seemed to blow over with the others after he explained that he didn’t scab for the money, so why not with Race? What was different that would make him not trust Jack when the others did?
The fear kept creeping in that whatever it was was going to make Race switch boroughs. He was spending an awful lot of time in Brooklyn, and he was hiding something from Jack for practically the first time since they’d met.
Davey told him not to worry, told him it wasn’t as serious as that, but Jack knew Race better.
And plus, Crutchie was worried, too. He told Jack that one night on the fire escape, after they watched Race ‘sneak’ into the house late for the 5th time that month. That it was weird he was spending so much time in Brooklyn and wouldn’t tell either of them why.
What was equally weird was how Albert usually wasn’t considered trustworthy as a secret keeper and yet he wouldn’t tell this one of Race’s despite the fact that he clearly knew. That meant that Race really wanted it kept a secret. It was suspicious.
Which was why Jack was doing something he didn’t do that often; doing something after Davey specifically told him it was a bad idea and not to do it.
The thing was, when a kid who was essentially your little brother kept coming home late, acting distant, and wouldn’t tell you why, you had to take steps. Which was why Jack was following Race to Brooklyn today, from enough of a distance that he hadn’t noticed yet.
He was heading to Sheepshead like he always did, and as Jack watched him throughout the day, he was just selling like any other newsie and placing bets like... well, like Race.
It seemed like there was no reason why he would be staying out late, so why was he..?
By a few hours to the end of the day he’d sold most of his papers already, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he was heading under the stands for a break, but...
It started to get suspicious after he’d stayed down there for 20 minutes.
Naturally, Jack’s anxieties popped up again, wondering what if he’s hurt and he’s hiding it what if he’s in trouble what if he’s talking to a Brooklyn kid about switching boroughs and he snuck down to where he knew Race usually hung out, staying quiet as he could and feeling stupid but still also feeling the need to go keep following.
Given that he trusted Race despite his insecurities, Jack wasn’t sure what he was expecting to find.
But whatever he was expecting, it definitely was not Race sitting against a stable wall, holding hands and trading lazy, carefree kisses with the King of Brooklyn like they didn’t care about the law or the summer heat or... anything.
It clearly wasn’t the first time and everything made sense now.
Neither of them noticed Jack was standing there, which was partially shocking and partially just... Jack didn’t know what. He had no idea what was going on right now and shock was all he was feeling.
He cleared his throat, “So...”
Race and Spot jumped, and one of them yelped as they shoved apart, getting to their feet.
Race’s voice was an octave higher than usual. Spot had put himself between the two of them, which was... kind of odd to realize he was that protective, but good? Jack was still so confused.
But he knew Race looked scared, and as much as he was trying to hide it, so did Spot. He couldn’t have that.
“Whoa,” Jack put his hands up, “I ain’t tellin’ nobody. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, cause if ya did, I’d tell everybody ‘bout you and Mouth,” Spot shot back.
“Spot, back off,” Race muttered under his breath, and Jack tried to swallow his panic. He didn’t know how Spot had found out about him and Davey, but it didn’t seem like a good thing that he knew.
Yeah... he really should have listened when Davey told him not to follow Race.
But shockingly, it looked like Spot was backing off. Like he was relaxing under the touch of Race’s hand on his shoulder. That only made Jack feel a little better, but he guessed Spot did have a reason to be defensive. If Jack outed him, it would probably get him killed.
It was dangerous to be queer, period, and it was even more dangerous when you were running the bloodiest borough in New York. And that meant it was dangerous for Race, too, but...
This did explain why he’d been spending so much time over here.
The three of them had already been standing in silence way too long when Race sighed, moving in front of Spot and making eye contact with Jack.
“I’m almost 16, Jack,” he said firmly, “I can do what I want and I don’t care if ya don’t approve. So if you’s got a problem with—“
“No,” Jack said quickly, “No, I... can we head back to Manhattan? Talk on the way?”
Spot tensed up, and the look he and Race exchanged was clearly a question and reassurance. A ‘do you want me to fight for you?’ and ‘no, I can handle this.’
Jack knew those kinds of looks because he’d exchanged similar ones with Davey plenty of times, even before they got together officially.
It was weird to think that if Race had started staying out late because of this, that meant he’d had a fella longer than Jack had, but that was something to have a crisis over another day.
When he turned back to Jack, he nodded, squeezing Spot’s hand before walking over, leading the way back towards home.
They didn’t start talking until they were on the bridge.
“How long?”
Race shrugged, not meeting Jack’s eyes, “A couple months before the strike, we’s had a fight that ended in us makin’ out. So... dependin’ on how ya look at it, since then?”
“What do ya mean, ‘dependin’ on how ya look at it?’”
“Well, at first, it was just physical. Y’know, makin’ out and not talkin’ about it? Then we finally had a real talk right after the strike and got on the same page ‘bout what we wanted and now it’s... more than that.”
As weird as it was to think about, Jack could tell by his tone what he meant by ‘more than that.’
It hurt that Race hadn’t told him, and more that he and Spot were putting themselves in danger just by being together, but...
“You love him, don’t ya?” he asked slowly.
Race tensed up for a second, then stopped walking, leaning against the edge of the bridge and staring out at the water.
“What’d ya say if I did?”
Jack hated the traces of fear the younger boy was trying to hide. He never wanted to make one of his feel that way.
Sure, he didn’t like the idea of Race being in danger, or of anyone being in a position to hurt him, but he and Spot were... well, now that Jack was thinking about it, they made sense in an abstract kind of way. Race could destroy someone in a battle of wits as fast as Spot could in a physical fight. They were both tough and both leaders, though in different ways. Spot hadn’t joined the strike right away out of concern for Brooklyn’s kids. Race had helped start it out of concern for Manhattan’s.
Jack had to admit, even if no one could know about them, they were a hell of a power couple.
“He treats ya right, yeah?” he asked quietly, “And you’s bein’ careful—not gettin’ caught?”
Race nodded, “Yeah, of course. Hotshot knows—Brooklyn’s second—he covers for us if needed. And Spot’d never hurt me. Even when we was just friends, let alone now.”
“Albert knows, too, don’t he?”
“Uh...yeah. And Romeo figured out I was sweet on someone and wouldn’t leave me alone until I told him who it was, so he knows. And Kath walked in on us once.”
Aside from the fact that Jack could not believe Katherine didn’t tell him...
“Maybe you’s shouldn’t make out where people can walk in on ya.”
Race laughed, “That might be smart.”
He got serious again a little too quickly to be as fine as he was pretending be. Jack walking in on them before he was ready to tell had clearly shaken him.
Jack now felt pretty stupid for following him over here. He should‘ve listened to Davey.
“I thought you was thinkin’ about switchin’ boroughs.”
“What? No,” Race said quickly, a little too defensively, “Manhattan’s my home. My family. I wouldn’t just leave. I’m supposed to take over someday—with Crutchie, I mean. I’d never just abandon that.”
“I know,” Jack said, trying to reassure him, “I didn’t think it was you runnin’ from responsibility. I know you’re stronger than me, Racer. I thought... I thought it was cause... cause of me. Cause I let ya down in the strike.”
He seemed to be struggling for words, but every second where he didn’t say anything made Jack feel worse.
“It was scary,” he admitted finally, “Yeah. I was runnin’ Manhattan alone all sudden-like and that was scary. I didn’t even have Crutchie, and Davey was tryin’ to help but he didn’t know what he was doing. It wasn’t like you always told me it’d be like when I ended up in command and I didn’t understand why—you always seemed like the one who’d stand by the rest of us no matter what. You promised you wouldn’t just leave with no warnin’.”
Jack felt terrible for that. He knew, firsthand, how hard it was having to take a command he never asked for with no warning. He’d had to take over the borough when he was 14, after his mentor died.
He’d never wanted that for Race or Crutchie. He’d always told himself that if he ever actually went to Santa Fe, he wouldn’t leave them hanging like that. He’d give them at least a couple weeks to prepare, ideally transition authority gradually so he could be sure they were ready and they’d be able to take care of the others.
Jack took a deep breath, “I’m so sorry, Racer.”
“There was about to be a ‘but.’”
“Oh. Okay. Go ahead.”
“But,” Race said, “Jack, yeah, you scared me, but... ya told me that night. You did it for Davey. Why’d ya think I actually got the others to help?”
“Cause you knew we needed to win the strike quick before we all starved?” Jack asked, “And Kath’s article was the best chance?”
He shook his head, “No. It was cause blood be damned, you’re my big brother. You’s been there protectin’ me and Crutchie and the others since we was Littles. I already wanted to believe ya had a good reason. I didn’t trust you a ton just then, but I wanted to. And once you explained... I got it. I get it. Cause I’d do the same thing for Spot if I had to.”
By implying that what he and Spot had was like what Jack and Davey had...
Race knew how hard it was for Jack to let down his guard. So he knew what a big deal it was that he did with Davey. He knew they had a connection even beyond the connection Jack had with any of the others.
Jack was glad he’d found that. Someone he could understand and connect with. Even if the idea of it kind of made him uncomfortable.
“I know Spot and me don’t always get along,” he admitted, “But I trust your judgement and I know you can take care of yourself, so... I’m happy for ya, Racer.”
Race smiled a little, “Thanks.”
“Plus,” Jack bumped him gently as they started walking again, “I saw the way he looks at ya. Most people would kill to have someone they love look at them like that.”
“You mean like how Davey looks at you?” Race asked cheekily, bumping him back.
Jack smiled, mostly to himself. Davey was going to enjoy saying ‘I told you so’ when Jack told him he was right that he shouldn’t have worried.
...wait. Davey had seemed 100% sure that Race was fine. And he knew how dumb the younger boy could be, so it was unlikely it was because he trusted Race’s judgement.
“Wait, does Davey know?”
“Uh...” Race laughed awkwardly, “He mighta caught me sneakin’ back into the Lodgin’ House a couple weeks ago. And he gave me that look—y’know the one—where he looks all disappointed? He asked where I was and I panicked and said I was with Spot, so... I didn’t exactly tell him, but he probably guessed?”
“Yeah, cause he ain’t a dumbass.”
It was a little surprising that he hadn’t told Jack even if it was just a guess, but...
“I asked him not to tell ya,” Race admitted, “Or Crutchie. Cause I didn’t know how you’d react. That probably... also clued him in.”
“Oh, Crutchie’s gonna wanna scare the shit out of Spottie boy when he finds out.”
Race laughed kind of nervously, the smile fading from his face pretty quick.
“I ain’t gonna tell him if you don’t want me to,” Jack added quickly, “And he’ll be fine with it when he does find out. He knows you’s can take care of yourself, same as me. He’ll still wanna give Spot a shovel talk, though. Matter of fact, so do I.”
“Well, I knows Spot can handle a shovel talk.”
He was still hesitating, and Jack was tempted to ask what he was so afraid to say.
They were almost back to the Lodging House by the time he did.
“You’s really okay with this?” he asked, “Me and Spot? You ain’t gonna freak out?”
Jack threw an arm around his little brother, “Race, long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
34 notes · View notes
anubislover · 5 years
Welcome to the Heart Pirates, Nami-ya chapter 12: Love is the Drug
As the clock struck nine, Law escorted Nami back up the narrow stairway to the main street, gallantly helping her back into her coat as they waited outside for Ikkaku.
Leaning against the doorway, he smirked down at her. “I’m going to go ahead and assume my choice for our victory dinner was to your liking?”
“You know what they say; ‘to assume makes an ass of you and me’,” Nami quipped, guard back up. It had been a nice dinner, to be perfectly honest, but the realization of how easy it would be to get hooked on Law’s seduction had shaken her.
After their dance, he’d led them back to the booth and ordered another bottle of champagne, settling in to watch the performers until it was time for her to go. The problem was, in order to get the best view of the stage, the two of them had basically had to cuddle up in the middle of the booth. Law had refrained from wrapping his arm around her waist again, but somehow, the way he’d instead rested it along the back of her seat, his long fingers just able to absently brush against the bare skin of her shoulder, had been worse. The pinpricks of heat they left behind with every casual touch had traveled through her veins like poison, settling in her lower belly and making her hyper aware of his presence for the next half-hour.
Yellow eyes rolled in mock exasperation. “Is it really so difficult to admit you had a good time with me?”
“I’m doing you a favor; with the way that place strokes your ego, your head will swell to the point where you won’t be able to walk through the Tang’s doors.”
He snorted, pushing away from the door frame to stand up straight. “How considerate of you. And how much are you charging for this service?”
Resting her back against the side of the building, Nami peered through the foggy streets, hoping to catch sight of Ikkaku. “I’ll cut you a break and say the cost of those four bottles of champagne we drank. Of course, you still owe me 75,000 belli per day for the rest of the time I’ve been providing this service, plus 300% interest,” she stated, sticking her tongue out at him. Even though she knew their banter would quickly turn to flirting, she couldn’t help herself. It came as naturally as breathing at this point.
“What a coincidence; that happens to be the same amount I’ve been charging you for room and board, plus medical expenses.”
“Liar! That was never in our deal!”
“I never agreed to cover it, either. You also still owe me for your lovely jewelry,” he chuckled, reaching out to run his fingers over the shimmering barrettes. “I believe that was 30,000 belli for the set, plus an additional 50,000 for the diamond hairpins. Oh, and you promised to pay me back with interest, too.”
She shifted her stance so he was no longer touching her, hoping the motion was subtle enough that he wouldn’t see it as a sign of weakness. For extra measure, she glared at him, crossing her arms and jutting out her hip with more confidence than she truly felt. “Well, maybe you should have brought that up after the mission.”
“Give me some credit, Nami-ya; I’m not going to shake down an exhausted, potentially traumatized woman for money,” he drawled as he tucked a stray lock of sunset hair behind her ear. The hot tip of his fingers brushed against the sensitive shell, and Nami fought to suppress a shiver, though she was certain from the way his smirk widened that she’d given some other subtle cue that he’d sparked her arousal.
She was really going to have to watch herself now. If Law was as good at reading her body’s tells as he claimed, it was going to be so much harder to claim she wasn’t interested. For the sake of keeping things professional, the Surgeon of Death needed to be kept at arm’s length, otherwise the next nine months were going to be hell.
Abandoning subtlety and jerking away from his touch, she snapped, “Fine, I’ll pay you when I get back to the ship. But only at 0.1% interest.”
“That seems pretty low.”
“I never specified, so that’s all you’re getting.”
“Hmmm, considering how much you like to weasel your way out of things, I think I’d rather you pay me back now. And if you don’t have cash, I’m happy to take another form of payment,” he said, leaning his forearm against the wall above her head and grinning mischievously down at her. “I’ll forgive your debt for one kiss on the lips.”
Instinctively arching her back to better look up at him, she scowled defiantly. “Kisses from me are worth 800,000 belli each, so I’d be taking a loss on that. No deal.”
“Kiss or pay up, Nami-ya,” he teased as he caressed her jaw, his hot breath, which smelled deliciously of champagne and whiskey, dancing over the pale skin of her throat. “You should know nothing in life is free.”
Luckily for the redhead, out of the corner of her eye Nami spotted Ikkaku approaching, so she ducked under Law’s arm, tossing over her shoulder as she dashed off, “Everything is free if you take it without paying!”
To her surprise, Ikkaku, having heard her parting quip, laughed and grabbed her arm, leading her down a dozen winding side-streets in a dead sprint. When they finally stopped to catch their breath, she winked. “Well. I promised a rescue, but it looks like you were managing fine on your own.”
“The assist was still appreciated,” Nami said with a grin, bumping their hips together. “Ready to party?”
Slinging her arm around the redhead’s shoulder, Ikkaku replied excitedly as she led her inside, “Hell yeah! Our long-overdue Girls’ Night has come at last!”
The bar, Venus, wasn’t nearly as extravagant as Ruby 8, but it was illuminated with cool blue lights that gave the place an unearthly glow, large glass tables, cushy couches, and plenty of attractive male waiters ready to serve the lovely ladies that come through the door. It seemed that, on top of being Ladies’ Night, there was a two-for-one special drink called Hypnotique on the menu. This resulted in a fairly impressive turnout despite being a new establishment as several groups of girls, lured by cheap drinks and lack of creepy men, had flocked to the place.
Luckily, there was still room at the long marble bar, and Nami and Ikkaku quickly claimed a pair of empty stools. Before they could even open their mouths, a tall, pale-haired bartender pulled out a pair of martini glasses. He was well-built, had intense green eyes, and flashed them one of those boyish smiles that could easily make a weak-willed lass melt like butter. “First ones are on me,” he said with a wink. “It’s the least I can do for such beautiful ladies.”
Giggling and fluttering her eyelashes, Nami cooed, “How gallant! Thank you!”
“Wow. Free drinks already?” Ikkaku asked suspiciously, eyeing him up with an unimpressed frown. “Bold to assume you already know what we’d like.”
Nami elbowed her friend in the side. Free drinks were rarely something to turn down, and she certainly understood why any man would treat Ikkaku; the engineer looked absolutely stunning in the short, body-hugging silver dress. The curves her jumpsuit usually hid were on full display, proving that for all her tomboyish personality, she had a great figure. Dark, straightened locks fell enticingly around her shoulders, and her makeup was minimal but smokey, enhancing her umber brown eyes.
The bartender, who’s ID tag stated his name was Mandōreku, didn’t seem dissuaded. “Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? When a man has a chance to win a woman as beautiful as you’s attention, it’d be a crime to waste it.” He leaned across the bar towards the dark-haired beauty, whispering conspiratorially, “Besides, I’m positive you’ll like it; Hypnotique is my own recipe. If it’s a hit tonight, the boss promised me a special bonus. So yeah, first one’s free if you promise to give a good review.”
Ikkaku’s thin eyebrows furrowed a moment before finally nodding in agreement, far more accepting of his practical reason than his flattery. “I don’t give praise lightly, so it’d better be the best damn thing I’ve ever tasted,” she warned.
“If you’re not hooked after tonight, I’ll cut off my nose as penance,” he said confidently before turning to finish fixing their drinks.  
With the handsome man suitably occupied, Ikkaku turned to Nami with a teasing smirk. “Now that that’s taken care of; spill. I want to hear all about how your date with Dr. Heart Stealer went.”
“It wasn’t a dat—wait. You knew about that song?” Nami asked, gob smacked. “Why didn’t you warn me?!”
“Warn you that the boss had his own theme song or warn you about how sexy it is?”
“It wasn’t that sexy,” she grumbled unconvincingly.
“Uh huh. So, you weren’t even a little turned on?”
Pink dappled her cheeks as she recalled the suggestive lyrics and the way Law had held her close as they danced, her curves flush against him so she could feel every muscle ripple as they glided across the dance floor. “Can we change the subject? You promised me five consecutive minutes with no talk about Law tonight,” she replied with a pout, hoping the blue lighting hid her embarrassed flush.
“Fine, fine. But I’m counting the past minute.” The two martini glasses were placed in front of them, both containing a fruity, sky-blue cocktail with a drop of dark purple juice floating down towards the bottom like squid ink. Ikkaku took a sip and smacked her lips approvingly. “Ok, I’ll admit it; this is good,” she acknowledged.
Mandōreku beamed proudly. “Told ya so. Want me to bring you another once you’re done?”
“Fine. You can open a tab for us, too.”
“Sure thing, gorgeous,” he said with a wink, walking off to attend some other customers.
As she sipped on her own drink, Nami smirked. “He’s totally into you.” After all the teasing Ikkaku gave her over Law, there was no way she was going to miss the opportunity to return the favor.
Unfortunately, instead of showing even a hint of a blush, the engineer merely waved her hand dismissively. “Whatever. He’s not bad looking, but he’s only into me because of the dress. If he saw me in uniform, there’s no way I’d be getting free drinks.”
“Give yourself some credit—you make that jumpsuit look damn good.”
“Oh, I know I do, but I prefer a guy who thinks I’m irresistible in motor oil and baggy clothes as much as slinky dresses and lipstick.”
“And those are hard to come by, huh?”
“Big time.” Her full lips turned up in a smirk. “You should have seen the crew when I walked down the hall in this dress. They always seem to forget what a hot piece of ass I am, so it did my ego good to see them trip over themselves. Penguin literally walked into a wall he was so distracted.”
“I don’t blame him. I can barely keep my eyes off you,” she giggled, easily imagining the first mate’s dumb-struck face. The man might have been one of the more sensible Hearts, but he was still weak to a pretty woman. “But you should give Mandōreku a chance—maybe he is the kind of guy who would go gaga over a dirty engineer.”
“Please, he’s flirting because it’s his job—make a girl feel pretty so she’ll buy more booze. It’s no different from when you hit on a guy so you can steal his wallet.”
“Ok, ok!” Nami laughed, conceding the point. “But you don’t get to tease me about my lack of sex life if you’re just as picky as I am.”
“I’m not picky; I just know what I want. I know what you want, too. Tall, dark, scheming, dominating, dangerous…”
Rolling her eyes, the navigator slowly sipped her cocktail. It was fruity and tasted strongly of pomegranate and strawberries, but a sharp, sour note and the burn of alcohol cut through the sweetness nicely. “Couldn’t even make it five minutes, huh?”
“Technically, I didn’t bring up anyone specific. But fine, here’s a question I desperately need answered,” Ikkaku said, brow furrowing as she turned to face her, long legs crossed and drink in hand. “How the hell did a girl as gorgeous as you manage to stay a virgin on the high seas?”
Chewing on her bottom lip, Nami hesitated before replying, “It…it was partially by choice, but mostly I just never had the time to invest in a relationship. I had to earn 100 million belli if I wanted to buy back my village. Personal relationships would have been a distraction. Plus…my captain at the time would have slaughtered anyone who so much as touched me.” Even if he hadn’t been determined to keep her in his clutches, Arlong’s casual attitude towards killing humans would have ensured she’d avoid relationships to keep their blood off her hands. “Even a one-night stand wasn’t worth the risk. I mean, what if I got pregnant? That bastard wouldn’t hesitate to hold a baby hostage if it meant I’d have to work for him forever.” She shuddered at the thought. Though she often imagined children in her distant future, she’d get a hysterectomy without anesthesia before letting such a monster gain that kind of power over her.
“And your captain never decided to claim you for himself?”
The thought of Arlong bearing any amount of physical attraction towards her made her stomach lurch. “If there was one good thing about being a prisoner of Fishmen who saw humans as repulsive scum, it’s that sex with me was the last thing on their minds.”
“You’re lucky,” the engineer said softly, knocking back the rest of her drink. “A lot of girls have to suck it up and take it.”
Brown eyes widened as sick realization dawned. “Did you—”
Ikkaku shook her head. “Got groped a lot at my old engineering job. No matter how many times I complained about it, my boss always looked the other way; at least, until I’d threaten to bash someone’s face in. Then I was the one who faced docked wages.”
“Why didn’t you leave?”
“Couldn’t afford it,” she replied sadly, running her finger around the rim of her martini glass. She paused briefly as Mandōreku swooped in to replace their drinks with fresh ones. Thankfully he didn’t linger, and Ikkaku continued, “It was a shit port, but the only one with any real mechanic jobs, and I guess I was just stubborn, you know? My brothers had always told me that, yeah, I was smart and knew machines better than anyone else, but a female engineer just didn’t stand a chance. I wanted to prove them wrong, even if it meant putting up with creeps and assholes.”
“And then you got fired anyway for doing your job right.”
She smiled, eyes bright with pride. “And then I joined the Heart Pirates, where I’m respected and never groped, and the boss takes my opinions seriously. Most of the time, at least.”
Despite herself, Nami grinned as she raised her glass. “Sounds like we both got out of pretty bad situations and found captains worthy of our amazing talents and beauty.”
“That we did. Straw Hat’s a lucky man to have gotten you on his crew.”
“Damn straight.” Seeing an opportunity to gain some information, she asked innocently, “Speaking of lucky men, I hear you guys got to see Amazon Lily and live.”
A dark aura surrounded Ikkaku the moment the words left Nami’s mouth. “Yeah, the guys are lucky I didn’t kick all their asses!” she snarled, fist clenched in rage and murderous fire in her eyes.
Nami blanched. Penguin had said the crew had pissed her off, but this was a much more volatile response than she’d been expecting. “Yeesh, was it that bad?” she asked hesitantly. She was faintly reminded of her own reaction back when she’d been mocked for mentioning Skypeia but brushed it off. Surely, she hadn’t been nearly as bad, and that anger had been perfectly justified. After all, those drunken idiots had dared to laugh at her, all over an innocent question!
Caught up in her anger, the engineer ranted, “Those stupid bastards acted like they’d gone years without seeing a woman. Fucking heart-eyes and nosebleeds everywhere! Almost got themselves shot full of arrows for it, too! I don’t care that they don’t all want to bang me, but fucking hell, when I pointed out that they were acting stupid, they asked if I was jealous! I nearly walked right off the ship and joined Boa Hancock’s crew out of spite!”
Though it was probably smarter to change the subject, Nami found herself asking, “What stopped you?”
Ikkaku’s boiling fury simmered down into a scalding irritation. “Bepo. Literally the only male with sense during our stay. Well, I guess Jean Bart wasn’t so bad, either, but he didn’t really know any of us well enough to pick a side. Either way, Bepo managed to convince me to stick around, even though I still didn’t talk to the other idiots until a week after we left.”
A small smile lifted the corner of Nami’s lips as she noted the deliberate lack of mentioning the Heart Captain. “Ok, I’m curious, so I’ll let you off the hook for this; what did Law do to piss you off? Penguin said he made a stupid comment…”
Chin resting on her fist, she sighed petulantly. “I mean, I get he was stressed with Straw Hat’s surgery and trying to keep everyone alive, but the way he blew off my complaints about it reminded me too much of my old boss, you know? He even snapped at me and said if I didn’t like it, I could leave.”
“…Excuse me I need to go punch your jackass captain.”
A laugh bubbled up in Ikkaku’s throat as she caught Nami’s wrist, tugging her back onto her stool. “It’s fine! Like I said, he had a lot going on, so he was more sleep deprived and grumpier than usual. Straw Hat’s surgery took a lot out of him, and that on top of avoiding the Marines and keeping the boys from getting killed couldn’t have been easy. Once shit settled down and he realized how genuinely pissed I was, he apologized.”
Crossing her arms, Nami scowled. “You let him off with just an apology? I would have made Luffy grovel.”
“Oh, he knew I’d never let him get away with just a verbal admission of guilt, so said apology mainly consisted of a fancy new tool kit and a nice bonus to my paycheck; that’s basically groveling for him. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s part of why he put us together; figured I’d be more willing to keep putting up with his shitty attitude if I had some female companionship.”
A more cynical part of Nami’s brain wondered if that was why Law had been so eager to recruit her, but she brushed it off. He was opportunistic and probably reassured that her presence helped appease his best engineer, but he wouldn’t have taken the risk of trusting the nakama of a rival pirate for such a minor thing. “I’m surprised he wasn’t worried about you convincing me to run away with you.”
“Maybe that’s why he flirts with you so much—he knows I won’t leave if there’s decent entertainment.”
“And the subject of Law is officially back on hold again.”
Ikkaku sniggered. “Fair. But just you wait, oh blushing virgin. You can’t hide from my teasing forever.”
“I can try.”
They finished their cocktails, and before the empty glasses even touched the coasters, the bartender had already brought new ones.
“Impressive service,” Nami noted as Mandōreku darted away to attend to some other customers. She would have loved to watch him try to flirt with Ikkaku again; whether she shot him down or finally gave into his attentions, the redhead was sure it would be an amusing show. Unfortunately, it seemed that none of the men working the club had time to linger—the place was packed, so every man had their hands full, especially as the clientele got more wasted. There was a group of girls at one of the large glass tables that looked like they were having a great time ordering as many drinks as possible so they could watch the attractive waiters walk back and forth, and one black-haired beauty in particular appeared to be utterly smitten, leaning in closer every time one stopped by to drop off another Hypnotique.
“The place just opened, so they’re probably hoping to generate some good buzz,” Ikkaku replied, taking a sip of her drink. “Grimm’s full of flash-in-the-pan, pop-up bars and clubs. Everyone thinks they’ll be the ones to make it big, or it’s a front to some other illicit business, but sooner or later, the owner pisses off the wrong person and gets killed or run out.”
“Well that’s terrifying.”
“Eh, it’s an island full of brothels, black market brokers, back-alley doctors, and other scum. That’s why the crew enforces the buddy system. Which reminds me…” Reaching into her coat, she passed Nami her Clima-Tact and holster. “Better safe than sorry, right?”
Gratefully, she took her weapon, strapping the holster around her waist. “Right. Thanks for worrying about me.”
“Hey, no one’s allowed to steal you away from the crew but me, you hear?”
Laughing carelessly, Nami nodded, taking a sip of her new drink. It was stronger than what she’d expect for a two-for-one special, but maybe Mandōreku added an extra shot in hopes of impressing the duo. Or getting them drunk. She wasn’t worried, though; she’d out-drunk entire taverns with stronger booze than this, and she expected Ikkaku was no slouch, either.
Taking a glance at a nearby clock, the dark-haired engineer’s grin widened. “Anyway, it’s now been five minutes, so Law’s a viable conversation piece again. I don’t see any hickeys—Boss managed to control himself this time?” Ikkaku teased.
Nami’s face flushed slightly at the memory of the incident. Her skin tingled as she remembered the delicious way his teeth had scraped against her vulnerable throat. “Law is so lucky I didn’t slap him for that,” she groused, shaking the feeling away.
“I mean, that was his payback for the sunburn prank, right? Fair’s fair.”
“Oh, shut up; your boss is a lecherous jerk and you know it.”
“And you like the attention he gives you and you know it. I don’t get why you two don’t just fuck and get it over with. You don’t have an evil Fishman holding your life hostage anymore, so what’s the holdup?”
Finger pressed to her bottom lip, Nami sarcastically pretended to think. “Hmmm, I wonder; because we have to work together, and a one-night stand could make the next nine-months-and-change awkward? Because, despite the odds, I’ve made it this far with my virginity still intact, so it seems a waste to throw it away for some meaningless fling? Because I want my first time to be special and with someone I fully trust and not just a guy looking to get into my pants? Because we could end up being enemies in the New World and I don’t want to have to explain to my nakama that I had sex with one of Luffy’s rivals?”
“Do you really think they’d care about that?”
She sighed, absently playing with Nojiko’s bracelet. “I don’t know. I mean, they’ve forgiven me for a lot worse. But Luffy and Law might someday fight it out for the One Piece—you can’t tell me you wouldn’t feel a little guilty if you’d slept with, let’s say Drake or Kid?”
“I’d feel guilty about sleeping with Drake, but only because Law’s staked his claim. And please tell me you wouldn’t actually think I’d be crazy enough to sleep with Eustass Kid?!” she asked, nose wrinkled in disdain.
“Ok, bad examples.” Nami wracked her brain for other Supernovas. “What about Basil Hawkins?”
“If I’d actually managed seduce the world’s most stoic magician, Law would be singing my praises. But I get your point.” Taking a sip of her drink, Ikkaku smirked. “Here’s a question; would you sleep with Hawkins? I mean, imagine it’s not your first time—which, I’ll admit, is a totally legit reason for not giving into Law. But if Basil Hawkins came up to you and said, ‘the cards predict we’ll sleep together’, would you?”
The question caught her off-guard, but despite herself, she considered it. “I mean, I’d never settle for such a shitty pick-up line, but if we just went by looks…” she trailed off, thinking. “He’s got nice hair and he’s not exactly ugly, but the deadpan expression’s kind of a turn-off. Hard to imagine him as a lover.”
“Agreed. He’s from the North Blue, too, so we ran into him a couple times before we set off for the Grand Line, and I don’t think I saw his expression change once.”
“I believe it.”
The Heart Pirate’s grin turned salacious. “So, does this mean we’re going to start rating the fuckability of each Supernova?”
“I mean, what’s Ladies’ Night without arbitrarily ranking men you barely know based on how willing you are to sleep with them, right?” Nami joked, glad they’d moved the conversation away from serious topics. This was supposed to be a fun evening, after all, and she was still feeling a bit raw from spilling so much of her past to Law earlier. And while she’d often indulged in late-night girl talk with Robin, it had rarely been about men; there simply hadn’t been anyone who’d caught her attention at the time, and she’d felt awkward asking the archeologist about her love life considering what a private person she was. Ikkaku was definitely more inclined to share all the dirty details, whether Nami asked for them or not. “You already said you’d never lower yourself to sleep with Kid, but what about his first mate?”
“Bold of you to assume I haven’t already tapped that.”
The redhead’s jaw dropped to the polished bar top. “You’re kidding!”
Grinning like she’d been wanting to tell the tale for ages, Ikkaku leaned forward eagerly. “Happened the third time our crews crossed paths. Usually, we try to stay out of each other’s ways so our captains don’t try to murder each other, but we were both after the same treasure. A freak storm came out of nowhere and Killer and I got separated from the group, and since I was injured, we opted to wait for help in a cave.”
“You were hurt?”
“Just a sprained ankle. Nothing serious, but I wasn’t in any condition to traipse through the jungle like that, and with all the dangerous animals about, I wasn’t going to let Killer carry me around and not have his hands free in case we were attacked.”
“Who made the first move?”
“Well, I ripped off his mask and kissed him, but he’d been coming onto me for hours by that point. I mean, a girl can only hold back so long when a hot guy like that’s rubbing her shoulders and offering to share body heat to keep warm.”
Now that was an obvious come-on if ever she heard one. “How was he?”
To Nami’s amazement, a red blush spread across Ikkaku’s cheeks. “Surprisingly gentle, though that might have been because he didn’t want to jostle my ankle. I usually like it rough, but damn, he was such a tease I didn’t mind. Definitely a considerate lover; he even made me breakfast the next morning.”
“Nice. A guy like that at least seems worth my time, if you’re willing to share,” she joked.
“I’m not opposed,” Ikkaku replied with a wink. “Moving on, I’m going to pre-emptively assume that Apoo and Urogue are in the ‘no’ category.”
“Apoo is horrifying on at least a dozen different levels, but I heard that Urouge’s hobby is ‘making love’, so he might have some redeeming qualities.”
Ikkaku nearly spit out her drink. “Where’d you hear that?!”
Chuckling, Nami recalled her own flabbergasted reaction when she’d been informed of that surprising tidbit. “Robin. If there’s anyone who studied up on the pirates of the Grand Line more than me, it’s her. And she always seems to know the weirdest, most obscure facts.”
“Noted. So, what about Roronoa and Straw Hat? They’re Supernovas, too.”
Nami choked on her cocktail, the burn of the alcohol settling uncomfortably in her lungs. “I wouldn’t sleep with Zoro any more than you’d sleep with Law!” Shaking her head in exasperation, she continued, “Sure, aesthetically he’s good-looking, but he’s dumb as a sack of hammers and has even worse directional sense.” Wiping away some of the blue liquid that escaped her lips, she added, “Besides, he’s like my brother, you know? He and I were Luffy’s first crewmembers; if something were going to happen between us, it would have already.”
“What about Straw Hat?”
Shifting awkwardly, the navigator admitted, “Luffy…look, Luffy’s a sweetheart. He’s fought pirates for me, climbed a mountain to get me to a doctor, saved my life at least a dozen different times…I can easily imagine a girl with far more patience than me falling in love with someone as goofy, determined, and loyal as him. But I can’t imagine him having sex.”
Tapping her lower lip thoughtfully, Ikkaku replied, “Yeah, I can see your point.”
“Dare I ask your opinion on the matter?”
“I’d do Zoro, but if he’s as dumb as you say, he’d probably have no clue what to do with an amazingly sexy woman like me. Probably isn’t all the interested in girls.”
“Seeing as he’s the only guy who didn’t spy on me in the baths, I’d say that’s a fair assessment.”
She sighed dramatically. “Such a tragic waste—a guy that good looking, but so utterly clueless. As for Straw Hat, I think you’re right. He’s sweet as pie, but not the kind of guy who’d push you up against a wall and ravish you. Unlike my captain—”
“Jewelry Bonney! Would you do her?!” Nami cut in, desperate to keep the subject off Law for just a little while longer.
Ikkaku laughed. “In a heartbeat! That chick’s wild, so I can imagine she’d be up for a good time. How about you?”
“You know, I think I’m on board with that, assuming she doesn’t stop halfway through to grab a snack.”
“Yeah, the only eating I’d want her to do is eating me out!” Ikkaku cackled before her mocha eyes took on a devious gleam. “I already gave you my answer, but I’m curious about yours—would you fuck Drake?”
“Didn’t you just say Law has dibs?”
“If it’s you—and he gets to watch—I think he’d be ok with it.”
Maybe it was the chance to indulge in real girl-talk without fear of their crewmates eavesdropping, but Nami felt almost giddy. Sure, talking about sex was still embarrassing, but Ikkaku gossiped about it so easily that it was hard not to get drawn in. Or maybe she was still a little aroused from her evening with Law, and she needed to let off some steam.
Taking a deep breath, Nami admitted, “I mean, before yesterday I’d say no—too stuffy and intimidating. But now…”
“He and Law got you all hot and bothered, huh?”
“I honest to god have never been so terrified and horny at the same time. Drake looked…feral.”
Blushing, Nami gave her the details of their encounter. How he’d helped her through her panic attack and been such a shy gentleman, at least until he’d decided to abduct her. How, when Law had been egging him on with his lecherous comments and groping, Drake had gone from hostile to interested, particularly when asked to help teach the wayward Cat Thief obedience. How, despite the bloodlust in the air and the bad reaction to the birth control, she’d found her panties had been completely soaked through after the encounter.
Honestly, she’d never expected to be turned on by a man like X Drake, but now she was sure he’d be the star in at least a few fantasies. After all, it had been pretty hot imagining him with Law. In her mind, the pair went together nicely; Law was cool and collected but eager to tease, while Drake seemed like the sort who’d start off shy, but morph into a hungry beast when pushed too far. Now, put an eager, orange-haired navigator in the middle…
When Nami was finished, Ikkaku blinked owlishly. “Wow. Ok, I know I’ve been trying to get you with Law, but if you really don’t want to date the Boss, I’d be happy to play wing-woman and set you up with Drake.”
Shaken out of her daydream, Nami gaped at her. “He tried to take me hostage!”
“Which could lead to some pretty intense sexytimes. I mean, handcuffs and dominance are a classic for a reason.”
“He’s at least a decade older than me!”
“On the Grand Line, age is just a number, and older men have their charms.”
“He could barely look at me when I took off the jumpsuit!”
“And yet you just admitted that, when Law basically put you on display, that shyness practically melted away.” Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Ikkaku leaned forward until she was barely an inch from her blushing friend. “Oh, come on; indulge me! You’re supposed to be a woman who can bring a man to his knees with a smile and empty his wallet with a wink. Are you saying you couldn’t seduce X Drake?”
Nami nibbled on her lip as her thighs clenched, warmth from the alcohol and fantasizing settling low in her belly. Oh, what was the harm, right? It was way safer to talk about Drake than Law; the chances of seeing him again were slim to none.
“Fine, I’ll play your game, but this,” she pointed between them erratically, “stays between us, got it?”
“You have my solemn oath as a Heart Pirate that if I so much as whisper any of your dirty fantasies to someone else, I’ll tattoo ‘traitor’ across my forehead in bright red letters.”
Pleased with Ikkaku’s sincerity, Nami leaned forward. “So, given how shy he is, I figure he’d need a little coaxing, right? But if the way he pretty much refused to look at me when I stripped down is anything to go by, I’d have to go slowly and start off dressed pretty conservatively.” A wicked thought entered her mind. “I’d dress up as a Marine or something—maybe something like Hina’s outfit. A nice, tailored suit that still hugs me in all the right ways.”
“Oooo, nice. Be sure to accessories with some sexy high-heeled boots.”
“Damn straight. Then, I’d pull every subtle trick I can think of—suck on a popsicle, ‘accidentally’ brush up against him, engage him in conversation just full of double-entendres, offer to help him ‘relax’ if he’s been having a stressful day—basically, drive him crazy wondering if I even realize how sexual I’m being.”
The shameless engineer sniggered. “Damn, girl, playing the innocent seductress card, huh?”
“Well, yeah. A shy guy like him needs to be pushed to the breaking point until he finally just snaps and pins me to the nearest flat surface.”
“You may be just as sadistic as Law.”
Red-faced but pleased with herself, Nami giggled. She was just glad Ikkaku didn’t ask her to elaborate any further—she was feeling surprisingly turned on. She made a mental note to grab a shower before bed; either a cold one, or a long, hot one where she could indulge in her fantasies a little longer. If that dildo her evil roommate had given her was water-proof, she might settle on the latter. “Hey, you asked. So, any other sexual conquests you wanna share? Who else has seen past the motor oil and canvas and been blessed by the goddess Ikkaku?”
“Honey, my sexual conquests would put those books of yours to shame. I once made a guy cum so hard he literally blacked out.”
Impressed though she was, Nami found herself momentarily distracted. It had to be a trick of the light, but Ikkaku’s eyes looked almost blue.
“You ok?” the woman in question asked.
Nami shook her head, positive she’d just been seeing things. “Yeah, fine. The blue light’s just getting to be a little much.”
At that moment, Mandōreku stopped by, studying their half-finished drinks. “You ladies want me to freshen these up?”
“Actually, can you get my friend a glass of water?” Ikkaku asked.
“Water? You sure?”
The Heart pirate frowned at his failure to immediately comply. “Yeah. Water. You know, the stuff people drink to keep from getting dehydrated? You do have that, right?”
“Well, yeah, but it’ll have to wait until I’m done making the cocktails for those girls over there,” he replied cagily, pointing to a pair of women currently making out like they could only breath air stolen from their partner’s lungs.
“I think they can wait,” Ikkaku said blandly, eyes narrowing when he ignored her and went to check on another customer who was practically laying across the bar, clearly having had too much to drink.
Turning to Nami, she gave her a gentle nudge. “Why don’t you hit the ladies’ room and splash some water on your face? You’re looking a little flushed, girl. I’ll make sure there’s a glass of water waiting for you when you get back.”
Part of her wanted to insist she was fine, but when she shifted, her thighs rubbed together and a shocking jolt of arousal shot up her spine. Maybe a quick trip to the bathroom wasn’t such a bad idea…
As she got to her feet, Nami stumbled, ankles wobbling slightly as she made her way to the bathroom. Something seemed…off. She was having a hard time focusing. It was almost like being drunk, but that couldn’t be the case.
“Be back in a few minutes,” she told Ikkaku, though her voice sounded husky and distant to her own ears.
Her friend nodded absently, her eyes having strayed back over to their bartender, who was busy preparing another round of martinis. “Uh huh.”
High-heeled feet clumsy and numb, Nami slowly made her way across the club. It was almost disorienting to step inside the bathroom, with its regular lighting and distinct lack of blue, but she could hardly bring herself to care. At the moment, she was half-tempted to slip into one of the stalls and pull off her dress for a while—she was feeling hot and bothered, and her clingy dress rubbing against her sensitized skin wasn’t helping matters. It was different from how she’d felt in the jumpsuit, though—her warmed flesh wasn’t desperate for cold air and freedom, but for more heat and rough touches and contact with another person’s smooth skin.
For a minute, she imagined Law cornering her in the bathroom, caging her against the wall and slowly peeling off her dress, hands and mouth caressing every inch of skin he exposed, staring up at her with those piercing gold eyes. She may have been fantasizing about Drake earlier, but she knew that when it came to her own satisfaction, the Surgeon of Death was the real man for the job. When she was this ready and willing, she didn’t have time to carefully seduce a shy former Marine—she needed a hot and sexy bastard like Law who knew a golden opportunity when it fell in his lap.
Clutching the sides of the lone sink, Nami steadied herself, even though her knees felt weak and wobbly. What the hell was going on? She couldn’t be drunk! Sure, she’d had two bottles of champagne and the Sour Sunrise at Ruby 8, plus multiple Hypnotiques, but she’d drunk entire taverns dry without so much as a hiccup! And even on the rare occasion she had been more than a little tipsy, she’d never been a horny drunk! But right now, all she wanted was to slip her nimble fingers between her slick thighs and play with herself, or better yet, hunt down a certain captain and ride him like a prized stallion.
Gods, what she wouldn’t give to be back at Ruby 8 with Law. They could close those velvet curtains to the booth, she’d climb on his lap, and he could lick champagne off her cleavage while she ground her throbbing clit against his hard cock…
To her right, there was a groan and one of the women from the large group stumbled out a stall, collapsed to the floor and curled up into a fetal position, hand buried under her skirt as she twitched and spasmed. Nami stared at her, mind sluggishly processing that she didn’t seem to be in pain—her face was flushed and she was panting, but her blue eyes were rolled back in extasy.
The woman wasn’t hurt—she was in the midst of an intense orgasm.
Ikkaku’s advice popped into her head, and tearing her eyes away from the cumming burnette, Nami turned on the tap. Cold water was quickly splashed on her face, the shock allowing her to focus just a little bit more on her surroundings. Her head felt like it was stuffed with lead cotton, but despite the fuzzy weight she forced herself to look in the mirror, gasping in shock as she caught sight of her eyes.
Brown irises had been overtaken by an unnatural, bright blue.
The same blue as Hypnotique.
The sight cleared the rest of the drunken haze from her mind, and cold dread replaced the heat that had settled in her belly. She turned to the orgasming girl, and though the irises were barely visible, Nami could see they also had the same vibrant blue tint.
A horrible thought bubbled up, and she staggered back to the bar as quickly as she could, only to find that, throughout the club, more women were beginning to collapse to the floor with shuddering moans. Only Ikkaku seemed to be upright, though that was at least partially because she was currently being pinned to the edge of the bar by Mandōreku, the bartender’s large hands holding back her balled fists. There was a smoking gun on the floor, probably the tough engineer’s, but it appeared the only thing she’d managed to hit were the glass bottles.
Nami didn’t have time to think—she grabbed a half-empty martini glass and flung it at the bartender’s unsuspecting back, mentally cheering when it shattered between the shoulder blades, startling him enough that his hold on Ikkaku loosened enough for her to kick him in the stomach.
“You cowardly son of a bitch!” Ikkaku snarled, reaching behind the bar to grab the neck of one of the Vodka bottles, just barely missing Mandōreku when she tried to slam it into his face. “The fuck did you put in our drinks?”
“A lovely little drug called ‘uranos’, Miss Heart Pirate,” came a sneering voice from the door.
Nami spun on her heel, fear freezing her veins as Jinzo strolled through the door flanked by his massive bodyguards. Two of them blocked the entrance, rifles in hand and determined glares on their faces.
Taking advantage of the distraction the black market broker’s arrival granted him, Mandōreku grabbed Ikkaku’s arm and twisted it painfully around her back, wrapping his other beefy arm around her throat, panting as she struggled helplessly, “Good timing, Mr. Jinzo. As you can see, your investment is already paying off.”
Jinzo gave a pleased, yellow-toothed smile that sent a shiver down Nami’s spine as his gaze landed on the orange-haired pirate. “I must say, outrageous as your prices are, I can’t argue with your results. Seems your special drink was a real hit. And you even caught me the wretched Cat Thief.”
“Happy to be of service,” the bartender replied, nodding to the rest of the waiters. Immediately, the set aside their trays of drinks and began gathering up the barely conscious customers, carelessly tossing them onto the couches or into a heap by the bar. “Think this’ll be enough girls for your new brothel?”
“For now, but I’m sure I’ll call on you for a new batch once these expire.”
“What the fuck did you do to us?” Nami asked, grabbing a table to steady herself, the adrenaline and danger of the situation barely holding back the unwilling wave of arousal that tried to wash over her. She chanced a glance at Ikkaku, whose face was flushed with pain and pleasure even as she weakly tried to wiggle out of her captor’s arms.
Jinzo seemed amused at Nami’s determination to keep her head clear despite suffering from the effects of whatever she’d been dosed with. “Oh, just a special concoction that induces inebriation and doubles as a rather powerful aphrodisiac. You see, I’m opening up a new brothel, but renovations and paying off stupid pirates mean I’m short on the necessary funds to pay employees. So, I contracted Mandōreku here to open up this little club for a special Ladies’ Night to ‘recruit’ my first batch of whores.”
“You have the money to pay for a fake club, but not to hire legit employees?” Nami groaned, forcing herself to stay focused and not give in to the pleasant haze that was trying to creep back into her mind. Staring at the sleazy man’s terrible teeth helped—they were gross and crooked, just like his business practices.
“For what I spent on this whole façade, I’ll recoup the costs in no time. You see, once a woman succumbs to its effects, she’s completely addicted to physical pleasure. So I can cut back on unnecessary things like employee salaries because they’ll have no interest in money—just a single-minded drive for getting fucked.”
“Captain…won’t let…away with this,” Ikkaku panted, weakly clawing at her captor’s arm.
Jinzo scoffed. “Please, as if someone like Trafalgar Law gives a shit about either of you. By the time he realizes you’re gone, you’ll both be nothing but sex-addicted, mindless whores. Maybe I’ll let him buy one of you back, though I doubt you’ll be good for anything but pleasuring the crew.”
“Don’t forget our deal, Jinzo,” Mandōreku cut in. “I get to keep one chick for myself, and I’m choosing this one,” he stated, twisting Ikkaku’s arm a little tighter. “Feisty bitches like her tend to last longer, after all.”
“Yes, yes, she’s all yours. And since I’ve got the chance to make the famous Cat Thief my star attraction, well, I guess Trafalgar won’t be getting either of you back after all,” the thin man snickered, eyes locking onto Nami. “You cost me a lot of money yesterday, bitch, so it’s a good thing men will be lining up around the block for the chance say they nailed Cat Thief Nami.”
Unfortunately for the black market mogul, Ikkaku and Nami weren’t going to let that happen. The navigator quickly drew her Clima-Tact, blasting a heavy gust of wind at Jinzo and the two armed guards by the door. Meanwhile, Ikkaku bashed her head back against Mandōreku’s face; there was a sickening crack as his nose crumpled against the Heart Pirate’s skull. With her captor’s grip sufficiently loosened, she pulled away enough to slam her heel into his groin, forcing him to fully release her. Leaping forward, she grabbed her discarded gun from the floor, shooting the two thugs right between the eyes before they could recover from Nami’s attack.
“Nami, run!” she shouted, spinning around to slam the heavy hilt of the empty pistol into Mandōreku’s sternum, putting him down for the count.
“Not without you!” the thief shot back, using more wind to launch a few of the glass tables at the waiters to keep them from stepping in. The drug made her legs feel cumbersome and unsteady, taking away some of her natural agility and making real combat difficult, but her determination to not be made a sex slave at least kept her head clear.
“I’m right behind you,” Ikkaku assured, though it was undercut by the way she stumbled as a stray thug took a swing at her. Most of the men in the club weren’t armed, having not expected much of a fight from a bunch of incapacitated women, but this one had been smarter than most, grabbing a shard of glass to use as an improvised knife. He managed to get in a lucky hit and slash Ikkaku across her ribs, the deep cut immediately pouring blood down her silver dress.
“Damn it, don’t damage the merchandise,” Jinzo shouted. Nami dimly realized that was why the guards weren’t shooting at them, and why the waiters were so lightly armed—they wanted the girls alive and with minimal injuries to clean up. Wounded whores probably wouldn’t go for much, and if Jinzo was being so stingy with money, he wouldn’t want to waste his cash on medical expenses.
Using her opponent’s momentum against him, Ikkaku managed to knock the heavy thug head-first into the marble bar, putting him down for the count. “Nami, get out and find Law!”
Nami refused to leave her friend, though. Turning quickly, the navigator blasted Jinzo and his goons with another gust of wind, a storm of bottles, broken tables, and martini glasses shattering in their faces. Taking advantage of the distraction, the pair of women dashed out the door, with Ikkaku pausing just long enough to grab the two dead guards’ rifles.
Unfortunately, that burst of energy didn’t last long, especially for the injured Heart Pirate, and they were forced to duck into a dark side-alley only a block away. “Nami…” she panted, crumpling to the ground, “find Law.”
“I said—”
“Find him and bring him back,” she wheezed. “It’s not a deep cut, but aphrodisiacs stimulate blood flow, so if I keep running, I risk bleeding out.”
“Fuck,” Nami whimpered.
Forcing herself up into a kneeling position, Ikkaku rested the muzzle of one of the stolen rifles on a trashcan. “I’ll hide here; pick off any sons of bitches that try to follow you. But you need to get Law now.”
“But the drug—”
“The longer we stand around talking, the more blood I lose and the less clear your head’s going to be. Now go!”
Though she hated to leave her friend to potentially fend off a bunch of vicious thugs by herself, Nami knew she was right—they needed Law, since he could remove the drug from their systems, fix Ikkaku up, and slice Jinzo and his men to bits. Casting her Mirage Tempo to render herself invisible, the navigator sprinted through the winding alleys back towards Ruby 8, silently praying Law was still there. How long had it even been since she’d left? An hour? Two?
A helpless whimper bubbled up in her throat as Nami darted down another foggy street. Could she not go one day on Grimm without some drug fucking with her system?! What was worse was that the longer she ran, the harder it became to think. The aphrodisiac’s effects were becoming more pronounced, from the way heat pooled in her lower belly as her thighs rubbed together to the delicious way the soft material of her dress slid over her sensitive skin.
The cool air wasn’t quite as effective at clearing her head this time—if anything, it just made her nipples pebble harder, and the slight breeze against her exposed flesh reminded her far too much of the way Law would let his breath tickle her neck and ears.
She needed to find him. Law could rescue Ikkaku. Could remove the drug from her system. Could cure the ache inside her with those wicked lips and dexterous hands—
Collapsing against a brick wall, she slapped herself in hopes of knocking that thought from her head. She couldn’t let the drug distract her from her mission! She needed to get to Ruby 8 and find Law so he…
Whatever plan she’d been formulating vanished from her head the second she heard a deep, smooth voice in the distance. “It should be a couple blocks away. Haiko-ya says Jinzo’s new brothel is slated to open in a few days—let’s see if we can get a sneak peek and draw him out for a chat.”
“We aiming to kill, Captain?” Jean Bart’s voice asked.
“No. Capture him unharmed if possible. I’d hate for Drake-ya to think I have no faith in his torture abilities.”
Despite the cruel words, Nami nearly cried in relief as Law strolled around the corner, the other Heart Pirates in tow. Focus solely on the dangerous captain, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around his chest and pressing her trembling figure flush against him.
Law stumbled back a few steps, clearly unprepared for an assault from the invisible woman, and Nami felt his muscles tense as he activated his Room. “What the fuck—”
God, even though he was pissed and ready to attack her, his voice was like molten honey. “Law,” she murmured breathily, clinging to his blazer and breathing in his spicy cologne. The masculine scent made her mouth water.
“Nami-ya?” he asked, awkwardly patting where he presumed her head was. “What are you doing wandering around Grimm’s back alleys alone for? Again?” he growled.
The way his chest rumbled with every word enticed her to slip her hands inside the jacket to run her palms across the taut muscles. “I was looking for you,” she cooed breathily, mind fogged with lust. He sounded so mad. Was he going to punish her? Spank her for being a bad girl and disobeying his orders?
“Why are you invisible?”
“And where’s Ikkaku?” Penguin chimed in, brow furrowing beneath his hat in concern.
Why was she invisible? Law needed to see her to touch her, right? He’d want to see her hot and aching for him; see that she needed him so badly. Absently, she dropped the Mirage Tempo before shifting her focus to undoing the buttons of Law’s shirt. She wanted to see those tattoos up close, to trace them with her tongue—
Firm hands grabbed her wrists, yanking them away from her prize. “Nami-ya, what the fuck are you doing?” Law snapped. “Are you drunk? Where’s Ikkaku?”
Why was he asking about another woman? Did he secretly have a thing for Ikkaku?
…wait, she was planning on telling him about Ikkaku, though. Something about her being with someone…
“Ikkaku’s waiting for…a man,” she moaned, eyelids lowered as she pushed herself onto her tiptoes to brush a kiss across the exposed skin of his throat. Her mind was fuzzy, the anxiousness she’d been feeling hard to hold onto when the man she wanted was right there.
“We need more information than ‘a man’, Nami,” Penguin groused, subtly shifting closer, ready to pull her off his captain if needed. All the Heart Pirates knew Law could handle himself against one slight woman, especially since her intent was clearly more amorous than murderous, but they also knew her behavior was far from normal.
Law, for his part, softly groaned as Nami teasingly swiped her tongue across the dip of his exposed collarbone. “Nami-ya, your timing for this really couldn’t be worse.”
“Don’t you want me, Law-kun?” she mewled, pressing her soft breasts to his chest as she rolled her hips against his hardening cock. Really, he’d been teasing her for nearly three months! If it had all been some kind of joke and he left her wanting now, she was sure she’d go mad!
“Obviously, but right now—” Law cut himself off as he finally got a good look at her eyes. Releasing one of her wrists to grab her chin, he peered down into the electric blue orbs. “Fuck. She’s taken uranos.”
Shachi’s eyes widened behind his sunglasses. “Shit, Boss, you’ve gotta get it out of her!”
“Wait, did Ikkaku take it, too?” Penguin asked, grabbing Nami’s shoulder. “Nami, did she—”
Moaning, Nami leaned into the touch. His hand wasn’t as satisfyingly rough as Law’s, but it still felt so good to be touched…
Her euphoria was broken as she was unceremoniously jerked away, both of her wrists captured by one of Law’s large hands and yanked above her head. He took special care to hold her away from his body, basically dangling in front of him, leaving her nothing to rub herself against for stimulus. Needy and impatient, she jerked and writhed in his clutches, legs flailing to try and hook around his hips, but he clumsily dodged, determined to keep the thief at arm’s length.
“Nami-ya, I’m not letting you go until you tell me where my engineer is.”
“Please~” she whimpered, thrashing about, desperately trying to get any kind of stimulation. Her panties were soaked through and her breasts demanded to be touched. She imagined the hand restraining her was replaced with handcuffs—that way, he’d still have her exposed and helpless, but he’d be free to run his hot palms down her sides, caressing and squeezing her luscious curves as he got down on his knees and showed her what that wicked mouth of his could do to her dripping cunt.
“Law, we don’t have time to play around! You know that stuff’s addictive! If Ikkaku—”
A harsh glare from the captain cut off Penguin’s complaints. “I know, idiot. We’ll find her.” Turning back to the captive thief, he studied her intently, though there was an anxious edge to his normally confident tone. “Nami-ya, I know you’re stronger than this. If Ikkaku’s in trouble, I need you to tell me.”
“She’s…” she trailed off, having the hardest time concentrating on anything other than the way his gold eyes shone in the dim light of the alley.
“Focus, Nami-ya. She wouldn’t have let you wander around alone. Is Ikkaku in danger?”
Though the salacious fog encasing her brain was thick, Law’s words and the sudden memory of her friend bleeding but ready to snipe down the men who’d attacked them managed to poke the smallest holes through, allowing her enough clarity to groan, “Drugged…Jinzo.”
“I’m going to make that bastard suffer,” Law growled. “Where are they?”
But the self-control the navigator had regained was washed away by a hot wave of lust. God, Law sounded so fucking hot when he was mad. So powerful and dangerous. She wanted him to throw her down and growl like that in her ear while he took her roughly, make her beg and scream while he pinned her to the wall, telling her all the dirty things he planned to do with her.
“Tell me where she is, damn it!” he snapped, shaking her slightly.
Her only response was to bite her lip and moan shamelessly as she arched her back, thrusting out her chest in hopes of enticing him to lean in and wrap his lips around one of the straining peaks.
Realizing his orders weren’t getting him anywhere, Law changed tactics. Carefully, he pulled her in but left just enough space between their bodies so she still couldn’t get the contact she was obviously desperate for. “Nami-ya,” he purred in her ear, hot lips tauntingly brushing against the sensitive cartilage, “tell me where Ikkaku is and I’ll give you exactly what you need.”
That was an offer her aching body couldn’t refuse. “Venus…cl-club…three blocks west…please…”
“Thank you, Nami-ya,” he murmured, wrapping his arm around her waist as he finally released her wrists. Eagerly, Nami buried her fingers in his thick hair and yanked him down for an intense, desperate kiss, moaning in relief as his lips slanted across hers. The pleasure was short-lived, however, as a sharp jolt to the back of her neck made her body go limp and black creep into her vision.
As unconsciousness overwhelmed her, she felt Law’s lips part from hers just enough to whisper, “Sorry about this, Nami-ya, but it’s for your own good…”
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lbailey1234-blog · 6 years
drarry; finding out
Hermione Granger was currently stuck in detention with her two best friends in the entire world, and Malfoy. It was stupid they had to be in detention anyway. They had gotten in a bit of a conflict in care for magical creatures, and now the four were trudging through the forbidden forest, trying to find some nest, even Hermione hadn’t heard of. She could only assume Luna would now what it was, it seemed to be one of those types of creatures.
“This has to be illegal,” Draco began as he made heavy footsteps through the forest, his wand giving off a light. “I mean, it’s the bloody FORBIDDEN forest, hear that, forbidden!” “Get over it Malfoy,” Ron scoffed, his wand also held in front of him, “We’ve all been in here before,” “Yeah,” agreed Harry, he had a strange tone in his voice, like teasing, but not a trace of true hostility to be found, Hermione found it interesting. “You’re probably just throwing a fit because it’s with us three,” Draco let out a small noise of amusement. “Yes, that must be it,” his wand pointed at Harry, lighting up his face. “Especially because of you,” it was almost as if he was about to laugh, but then turned back to trudging through the forest. “What are we looking for anyway?”
“You know as much as I do,” Hermione sighed. “I don’t think it even exists.” “He does not know as much as you, he knows as much as a bloody house-elf,” Ron spat. Hermione and Draco both rolled there eyes. “For one thing,” Hermione began, “Don’t insult house-elves like that!” Draco scoffed at Hermione remark. “House-elves are intelligent! They know a lot!” Draco defended. 
“Yeah,” Ron insulted. “A lot of evil stuff!” The four 6th years both went quiet for a second when they heard a twig snap. The four Hogwarts students held there wands towards the sound. Hermione saw from the corners of her eyes that Draco and Harry scooted closer together. “What could that be?” Ron whispered. Hermione made a quiet ‘shush’ noise. “Whatever it is, it could hear us, so hold your tongue!” Hermione whispered to Ron. He looked confused. “Why would I hold my tongue right n--” “She’s politely telling you to SHUT UP!” Malfoy snapped. The other three made shushing noises. “Sorry, just saying,” The blonde said defensively. Out of the woods came another person. Hermione’s first reaction was that it was Voldemort, but that wouldn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be on school grounds.  
“Forbes? What are you doing?” Malfoy barked. Standing in front of the Gryffindors. His wand was no longer shining with the light, as he had whispered ‘nox’ and had his wand held in front of him. “Ending something for the Dark lord. Something you should be doing!” The girls called out, her wand also held high.
“Forbes,” Draco said, almost sounding worried, or as if it was a last resort. “What’s stopping you?” She said, her wand raised. “You could kill the three of them,” She seemed furios. “Yet, you haven’t,” Hermione had thought of this, of course she had, but still, maybe Malfoy wasn’t a blood-thirsty killer. “Forbes, don’t do this,” Draco said, his head shaking. “We both know you won’t be able to, you’ll get hurt,” Hermione held back a scoff. That’s what he cared about, his fellow Slytherin getting in trouble. “Sorry, Malfoy,” The girl said, Hermione seeing a smirk appear on her face. “Crucio,” She pointed her wand at Harry and he bellowed over in pain. Ron and Hermione ran to Harry’s side, Draco pulled out his wand again, pulling it behind his head. “Makenna!” He cried out. “STUPEFY!” He called, Makenna dropped her wand, and fell to the ground. Hermione felt rage, Harry had finally stopped wrenching in pain. Draco ran down by Harry’s side. “Get AWAY!” Hermione shot at Draco. “‘Forbes, you’ll get in trouble’ just--get away,” She saw Draco’s face fall, but didn’t care. “Granger, I-Please don’t. . .is he going to be okay?” “Yes, he just needs to wake up, he’ll be up in a few moments,” “‘Stupefy,’” Hermione heard a nasal voice say from behind her. “It was smart, except for the fact you missed. You really are a chicken, or maybe a ferret,” She teased. “Ferret, that suits you more, couldn’t even do something that’d hurt me, weak,” “Forbes, I swear,” Draco’s voice was trembling, Harry was just starting to get up, and Draco had a strange glint in his eye. “Walk away,” The girl, Makenna Forbes, let out a nasal laugh. “Funny.” She raised her wand and a yellow light came out. Harry fell down in pain. He was knocked out cold, but seemed to still be breathing. The location where the light hit had burned off the shirt. There seemed to be a red, vein like lines appearing on his chest. It reminded Hermione instantly of a lightning strike mark. “ABLEGO HEADMASTER!” (In latin, this means to send away, so you get the jest,) Draco called out, flicking his wand. The Slytherin girl disappeared with a scream. “What the bloody hell is Ablego?” Ron asked. Draco was still standing, looking at Harry, not coming near him due to Hermione’s angered scowl. “I-She-I sent her to wherever Dumbledore was, it’s, what’s wrong with him?” Draco asked, Hermione had never heard such sincere in the Slytherin’s voice. “I have no clue, I’ve never seen anything like this, we need to take him to Hagrid’s, can you do that spell thing?” “I can’t send to many away, it’s the law of the spell, I can send Harry and one other,” Daco rambled, clearly nervous, a bit shaky, “I-I-I don’t know why, it’s just how it works, I guess so underaged witches and wizards can’t cheat the Appariate system, I’m not sure, I can’t, I can’t seem figure everything out,” “Hermione,” Ron said, stepping away from Hermione and Harry, “You go with Harry, explain everything to Hagrid, I’ll catch up with you, it’ll take me around 15 minutes,” “Okay,” She grabbed onto Harry’s hand. “What’ll this feel like?” Hermione asked, worried. “Strange,” Draco said, his voice shaky. “Not painful, but very strange, a bit like floo powder, but way more weird,” “O-Okay,” Hermione said, gripping Harry’s hand. “Ready,” She was still mad at Draco, and didn’t want to have to see him again for the next month. How could he be worried about someone who wanted to kill Harry, more than Harry? Slytherins, she scoffed to herself. “Ablego, Hagrid,”
Ron was stuck with Malfoy now, that sucked. “Hagrid’s is that way,” Ron pointed into the direction in the forest, where a small light could be seen. He then pointed a few inches to the right. “And that’s the way to the castle,” Ron told Malfoy shortly. Malfoy’s jaw dropped. “Ron, please, I just want to make sure he’s fine,” Draco said. Ron was having a problem with telling if Malfoy was being sarcastic, if he cared, or if he didn’t care at all. Ron shook his head. “Hermione’s mad at you, not to mention, I just don’t like you, you should go make sure your little friends not in trouble,” “You can’t stop me,” Draco told Ron, Ron was baffled at how much he cared as Malfoy began to walk in the direction of Hagrid’s. “I can actually, I could Stupefy you,” Ron teased, “but, I may miss, so maybe I can’t stop you,” “Shut up, Weasel!” The Slytherin turned to face Ron. There seemed to be tears in his eyes, maybe the ferret was just stressed. People stress cry, even people with ice blocks as hearts. “I was--just shut up!” Malfoy turned back around and began to jog through the forest. Ron followed him, not seeing much other choice. “What the hell is your problem?” “Please, Weasley, leave me alone,” He said between breaths. They were already next to Hagrid’s hut. “Just, I know Hermione is probably going to kick me out, I just need to see him,” “Why?” Ron asked again, extremely confused. Why was Draco Malfoy of all people caring? Draco barged in through the door
Draco was done with the Weasel’s stupid questions. He just needed to see Harry. They’d been dating since fourth year. When everything had gone down, and Cedric had died, Hary needed someone, and he was alone on the train, everyone else staying away from him, and Hermione and Ron got pulled away into another compartment for a few moments. Draco was there to comfort him. He started to tell him that things were going to happen soon, that there were very bad people coming for him. Then, a few days later, Draco received a owl message. It was from Harry. They wrote back and forth. Then, when they saw each other again in fifth year, they made it official.
 That led to a lot more sly remarks, and teasing. Apparently though, Harry didn’t actually need help in potions. Draco had teased him about it forever, until Harry laughed and told him the truth. Draco’s eyes almost began to water again at the thought, but quickly shook the thought away and looked down at his boyfriend. His vest was ruined and on the floor, and his white undershirt was next to it, also burned through. His chest had a large red, tree shaped mark on it. The spell must have basically struck him with lightning. Draco had to do his best to hold back any tears. “What is HE doing here,” Hermione snapped, her eyes pointing towards Draco. Ron shrugged. “I told him to go back to the castle, he wouldn’t listen,” “Probably just wants to make sure his friend doesn’t get in trouble for MURDER!” Hermione yelled. Standing up away from where she was, crouching next to Harry, and looking Draco in the eyes. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN MURDER!?” Draco yelled, he kept telling himself, don’t let your eyes water, don’t put worry in your voice, whatever you do, but he could only keep it contained to an extent. “DID HE DIE? IS HE GOING TO DIE? PLEASE,” He turned to Hagrid, who was in his kitchen, mixing something. “PLEASE TELL ME HE ISN’T GOING TO FUCKING DIE!” “Wow, you really do not want your friend in trouble,” Hermione mumbled quietly. Draco snapped. “DO YOU REALLY THINK, HONESTLY, I CARE IF MAKENNA FORBES GETS IN TROUBLE?” “Yeah, I THINK YOU DO!” Hermione yelled. “‘Eh now, Yeh need ter quiet down, er yer’ll wake ‘em up,” Hagrid said, his giant hands making a quiet down motion. “Sorry,” Draco mumbled. Giving a nasty look at Hermione, than turning away, facing towards Hagrid. “I’ll leave,” He said. “Just, tell me he’ll be okay, then I’ll leave,” Draco said, much calmer, yet, he really didn’t want to leave, but if that’s what it took to know if Harry was okay, it’d be worth it. “‘e’ll live, but there's no tellin’ ‘ow long ‘e’ll be sore, or ‘e’ll be in pain, but ‘e’ll live,” Hagrid said. Draco wiped his eyes quickly, trying to keep his social standing up. “One more thing, what’s that your making, and will it help him?” “Yeh, ‘Arry ‘ere has some internal damage, he needer drink this, it’ll be painful, but only fer a little while,” Draco wiped his eyes again, cursing himself for not doing a better job of hiding his emotions enough. “Okay,” He paused, taking a shaky breath. “I’ll leave,” He made his way for the door. “No,” Someone croaked. “Don’t leave,” Draco turned around, it was Harry he was slowly sitting back up. “If it’s going to hurt, I don’t want him to leave,” He looked at Hermione and Ron, who were helping the green-eyed boy sit up. “Why would you want---” Her eyes went from Harry to Draco. Draco could practically see the light bulb shine. “You two, what?” She then took in a deep breath. “Fine,” Draco walked over next to his boyfriend, Hagrid following behind, holding the mixture in a cup. “This’ll hert ‘Arry,” He said, “But when it’s over, yer’ll just be sore,” Harry nodded then looked at Draco, fright hidden in his eyes. Draco kneeled down next to Harry, linking hands. “It’s okay,” Draco whispered. “It’ll be okay,” Harry nodded, then took the drink from Hagrid, determination on his face, then took a sip. It looked as if the mixture hadn’t taken affect, then he began to howl in pain. Draco quickly grabbed the remains of the mixture, placing it away from them. Harry was squeezing his hand extremely tight. “Hey, Harry, Harry, hey babe, hey, Harry,” Draco said quickly, leaning close to his face. “Hey, look at me, okay, just look at me, don’t think about anything else, okay?” “Mmkay,” He said, trying to calm down. Tears were brimming his bright green eyes. He was still shaking in pain, holding back the tears. Draco decided to try and tell him something. “Hey, hey, remember on the way back home from fifth year?” Draco tried to let out a small laugh. “Remember when I was turned into a-slug-like-thing?” Harry let out a tear streaked smile. “Y-Yeah, you sent me a H-Howler,” He tried to laugh, “it wasn’t completely my fault,” “Whatever,” Draco laughed. He leaned his head on Harry’s, who seemed to be feeling better, maybe the pain had passed. After him being calm for a few more moments, Draco lifted up his head and smiled down at his boyfriend. He wiped away the tears plastered on the messy-haired-boys face. “Thanks, slug,” “Shut up, Potter,” Draco smiled. He had almost forgot Hermione, Ron, and Hagrid in the room until he heard Hermione clear her throat
It’s been two weeks since the accident, and Hermione finally brought up the him and Draco talk. “The amount of tormenting, teasing, a name-calling, he has done,” She said out of the blue one night while she, Ron, and himself had been studying for there Potions test. “I know, but--” “He has said horrible things about me, Ron’s fam--” She listed. “I know! Listen,” Harry said, being as calm as possible. “He is really a nice person, you need to get to know him,” Then there was a bunch of bickering. In the end, Hermione agreed to give Draco a chance, along with Ron.
//this is an old work, so please don’t judge, heh thanks :)
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Rafael Barba / Thicker than Water (Part Two)
Part One
Note: Blood is thicker than water’s comes from: “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”
Hey guys! Back with another part! Sorry for the delay, but I’m still getting settled at college, so hopefully things quiet down this week so I can work on getting caught up on requests and finally finish the Sonny/Hotch story! Anyway, please enjoy the conclusion to Thicker than Water! 
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After meeting with Sarah, the three of you left with some hope, as Sarah agreed to testify after being promised police protection for the full duration of the proceedings of the trial. She needed a bit of convincing, but after you had showed up, bruised and battered, you could tell she was already leaning toward a yes. The car ride was spent mostly discussing next steps for the trial, including trying for remand for Collins, as he was trying to gather money for his bail right now. You followed Rafael into the courthouse after Liv dropped the two of you off. He wanted to go over your testimony one more time, along with some questions he had “You were very good with her in there,” Rafael admitted, holding the door open for you to his office, giving a brief wave to his assistant. 
You sat at one of the tables, crossing your legs. That’s what happens when you gain their trust,” A slight jab at his earlier behavior, he surprisingly frowned, sighing with a hint of remorse. He dropped his stuff on top of his desk, before moving to a chair closer to you. 
“Look, I’ve been a prosecutor for a long time, and I’ve learned you don’t get the whole truth from most victims unless you are completely straight with them,” He pursed his lips, as you looked unconvinced. “There is a higher chance a victim will tell me something they are withholding if I act the same way I did with you.”  
“Or you could get them to completely shut down,” 
He sighed again, his brow wrinkled. “I won’t apologize for my actions, I know you don’t like me, but you don’t have to, what I need from you is to tell the truth in a court of law and be credible, can you do that?” 
You weren’t going to change his mind in a day, you knew that much, but you had no choice. “Yes,” He nodded, rising from his seat, holding out his hand, but you simply stared at it, until he added: 
“And I will take your advice under consideration,” Then you shook his hand, squeezing it tighter than you needed to. He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. 
“Then let’s begin,” Thus began a several week process of waiting for trial, which including, but was not limited to, defense motions, prosecutorial motions, adding witnesses, removing witnesses, or as you liked to call it: the legal version of a thousand flaming rings to jump through. By the time trial had rolled around, you were almost relieved. Your testimony with Rafael was simple enough, all questions you had practiced, but when the defense rolled around, you weren’t exactly prepared for the mudslinging they would engage with, accusing you of being an unfit victim’s advocate who was completely biased in this situation. Rafael jumped to object, but the judge overruled it. You were forced to sit through that humiliation, your entire career called into question. 
Years of work done only for the sake of victims. You ran out of the courthouse after you were done, you could hear Liv calling after you, but you didn’t care. You spent the rest of the day, locked in your apartment, dodging everyone’s calls, especially Liv’s. You changed into your pajamas, pulled out the Bridget Jones trilogy and tried to forget the horrors of today’s trials. There was a knock at your door, but you simply chose not to answer it. However, the knocking only became more persistent, grinding on the very end of your last nerve today. So finally, you opened the door, swinging it open to reveal Rafael, arms crossed. 
His eyes flitted over your appearance with a small sense of pity, before locking eyes with you. “Can I come in?” 
You shrugged. No snarkiness for once, which was a nice change. “What do you want?” He followed you inside the apartment, as you paused the movie, and turned, expectant. 
“I wanted…to see how you were doing after the trial,” You raised a questioning eyebrow. 
“Just peachy,” You remarked sardonically, collapsing onto the couch, crossing your legs. He stood awkwardly, a fish out of water, unsure what to do. “You can sit, the furniture won’t bite,” He sat next to you, perched on the sofa, his green eyes almost seemed concerned. 
“You know not a single person on the jury bought what the defense attorney was trying to sell, right?” Rafael told you, and you frowned. 
“Maybe, but I suppose I shouldn’t let what other people think get to me, right?” You figured Rafael would offer you some sage advice, but to your surprise, he only shook his head. 
“No, you would have to be completely unaffected by everyone to not let that get to you, and barring you being a psychopath, I find that unlikely,” You snorted, rolling your eyes, but you saw his stare had softened. “Y/N, you did an excellent job defending yourself up there, and the jury saw through the theatrics, and if they didn’t, I’ll make sure they do tomorrow.” 
“I just felt so completely useless up there,” You sighed, burying your face in your hands, hiding your vulnerability.   
“Remember that the trial doesn’t hinge on just your testimony, you aren’t the only thing the jury has to decide on, and you are not the largest issue of this case. Otherwise I would have spent a lot more time with you preparing,” He added, leaning back on the couch. 
You chuckled, looking at your feet, unable to meet his eyes. “What a nightmare for you,” 
“Actually,” He sat up, trying to meet your low gaze. “I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you, outside a courthouse and trial that is,” Your head snapped up, and you searched for a hint of condescension or humor in his face and found none: only genuineness. 
“You’re not joking?” He shook his head, his turn to roll his eyes. “But I thought you hated me,” 
He shrugged, smirking as if he had a weasel in his mouth, “I said you wouldn’t like me, I never said anything about hating you,” He smiled softly, “Are you surprised? You’re highly moral, you spent your life advocating for a group that has no voice. You’re intelligent, compassionate, beautiful,” Your heart was in your throat when he suddenly broke your gaze. He rose from his seat, and you followed suit, as he began to gather his things and head toward the door. 
“Wait, wait, wait, you can’t just say that and leave!” He sighed, turning from the door. Before you could sort of your mess of emotions, the next sentence was already out of your mouth: “So, what are we going to…date?” He put his hands on your shoulder, drawing close. You felt your heart do flips as he drew closer and closer, until you could practically feel his breath on your lips.
“Not now,” He said, and you bit your lip, almost sighing. “It would be suicide for the case to get involved now, but perhaps after the case is over and done with, if you don’t despise me by then…” You leaned closer, mind taken hostage by your fickle, love-struck heart.
“I already do,” Your lips barely brushed against his, to even qualify as a kiss, and yet you thought your knees would give out in that millisecond. His lips were like alcohol and you were already addicted with one small sip. And with that, he left. 
 Before the trial began, you still were consumed with thoughts about the barely-a-kiss kiss you and Rafael had shared. The man infuriated you, but there was compassion under the layers of Armani and steel walls the man had put up to protect himself. Though you coped through different methods, you couldn’t blame him for shutting out emotion at times, with the things you both dealt with, sometimes you had no choice, but that wasn’t on your mind right now. The rest of the trial went by in a blur, as you sat in the courtroom, watching Rafael grill one of the defense’s witnesses. At the moment, you were sitting with Liv and Amanda in the gallery, your eyes occasionally flickering to Collins, who spent half the trial glaring at you or at Rafael. You ignored his looks, and saw him grow more agitated because of it. 
When Rafael started him summation, he looked about ready to burst and you saw it: the same rage he had that day he almost killed you. “Mr. Collins was not only an abusive husband, but a ruthless man who stop at no lengths to torture not only his ex-wife and all other women who stand in his way.” You saw him tense his muscles, his eyes casting a downwards glance. You had just gotten to your feet when he flipped the table over. Rafael stumbled backwards, as did his attorney, as the bailiff charged at him, but Collins grabbed his gun, bashing his head against the railing of the gallery. Mass panic broke out, as people flooded the doors, trying to escape. Liv and Amanda had their guns out, but unable to get a clear shot. He cocked the gun, pointed straight at Rafael. 
“You were wrong about one thing, I’ll kill anyone who stands in my way,” Collins said, before shooting. A body fell to the floor, but it wasn’t Rafael. It was you. 
Now, Rafael was at your bedside, still holding the same hand you had squeezed so many times in the ambulance as he recounted how the two of you became…in truth, nothing. When he was telling her about it, it felt like he had barely told her much of anything. Yet again, he let work consume his life, and now it almost took someone he had a chance at happiness with. The doctors said you would make it, you had gotten to the hospital in the nick of time. Any longer and…he didn’t like to think about that. It had barely begun when it almost ended. He sighed, looking at his feet. He shouldn’t think in what-ifs, instead he should think about what he could do now.
He glanced at you. You were shifting in your sleep, which was difficult with all of the tubes and wires on you. The nurse taking care of you mentioned you would wake up any minute now. You mumbled something in your sleep. “Raf…” He couldn’t help, but smile at you. Were you dreaming of him? Your face twisted in a scowl for a moment. He chuckled. You were definitely dreaming about him. 
Finally, your eyes began to flutter open, and you stared straight up, until Rafael moved closer. His movement caught your eye, and you looked. “Rafael?”  
“Y/N,” He felt his voice break, so he cleared it, as no words came to him. “Hi,” He said, barely audible, his voice caught in his throat.
You chuckled, a noise that made his chest swell with relief, “That’s the best thing you can think of to say to me?” He gave a shaky sigh, shaking his head. 
“I’m just so glad you’re okay. Why…why did you-” His voice broke yet again, his mind simply overwhelmed by your consciousness. He had nearly lost you. If that bullet was only a centimeter to the right, he wouldn’t be hearing your voice right now. And it would have been his fault. 
You squeezed his hand, “Why did I save your life? Because I think your life is worth saving, and worth risking my own for,” 
“I’d rather you live than me,” He pursed his lips at the thought of you sacrificing your life for his own made his blood curdle and his heart sink to the very soles of his feet. 
“Collins’ very next target was me, so it would have been both of us, or neither of us,” You shook your head, shivering at the thought of that horrid man.  “Where is he?”
“Dead,” Rafael remarked, shaking his head at the memory. “Liv got him after he shot you. Right in the chest. It was quick.”
“More than he deserved,” You growled, but you couldn’t help but feel a millimeter of sadness. Not for the man himself, but for the human life lost. “One good thing came out of this. At least, Sarah is free now, to live her life.”
“Thanks to you,” You both said simultaneously. You both laughed, but you groaned, as your body still couldn’t quite handle laughter at the moment. 
“Are you okay?” You raised an eyebrow at this very attentive Rafael. It was quite a contrast from the stringent attorney you met all those weeks ago. 
“Ah, I see you’ve learned compassion while I was asleep,” A smile played on his lips at your remark. 
“And you haven’t lost that wit of yours, though it’s quite dull compared to before,” Rafael teased, as he leaned closer to your bedside. As you watched a smile grace his features, you realized in that moment what you wanted to do. And your messy emotions suddenly became very clear. You attempted to sit up, but he stopped you, pushing you back down, gently. His face was inches from yours as he shook his head, almost reprimanding you. You rolled your eyes, still grinning. 
“I’m just getting started,” You smiled, before leaning up and capturing his lips in yours. Blood was thicker than water, but the blood you two shed in battle was stronger and bonded the two of you, together.
He squeezed your hand, as he moved closer to you. 
Hand in hand.  
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michaelmfergusonusa · 5 years
Key Player In the Growth of Amazon’s AWS Spends 80% of His Time Blogging
Jeff Barr, Chief Evangelist for Amazon’s AWS and a key player in its growth, spends 80% of his time blogging.
Not just any blog, but a blog about AWS news and answers to questions that arise internally and externally in regard to AWS. The AWS News Blog.
AWS, if you are not familiar with it, is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. AWS dominates the cloud computing market and is the fastest growing Amazon segment, representing well over half of the company’s operating income – $7.3 billion in 2018, up almost $3 billion from the year before.
Barr celebrated fifteen years on the AWS Blog with a post about why the blog, why him and the status of AWS blogging today.
Read the whole post, Barr’s story is a good one.
I found it interesting that Barr was over at Microsoft, where I first witnessed large scale corporate blogging by developers. I was trying to figure out blogging from my garage. He also had an interest in Dave Winer’s work with XML and RSS – keys to us following the blogging of others, via syndication.
Instrumental for any blogger – corporate or legal blogger – is passion for what you’re going to cover. The light bulb went on for Barr that AWS was going to big a thing for Amazon when he saw web services being made available for developers en masse. Baar’s developers relations plan included a blog from the start.
Like all of us, Barr was not a natural born blogger – nor a good writer.
“I struggled a bit with “voice” in the early days, and could not decide if I was writing as the company, the group, the service, or simply as me. After some experimentation, I found that a personal, first-person style worked best and that’s what I settled on.”
Topics came in a random way (still do for me).
“In the early days, we did not have much of a process or a blog team. Interesting topics found their way in to my inbox, and I simply wrote about them as I saw fit. I had an incredible amount of freedom to pick and choose topics, and words, and I did my best to be a strong, accurate communicator while staying afield of controversies that would simply cause more work for my colleagues in Amazon PR.”
The AWS blog has become key to AWS’ growth and developer relations. Barr’s time allocated to blogging as grown, and “now stands at about 80%.”
Blog posts are no longer done randomly.
“We now have a strong team and an equally strong production process for new blog posts. Teams request a post by creating a ticket, attaching their PRFAQ (Press Release + FAQ, another type of Amazon document) and giving the bloggers early internal access to their service. We review the materials, ask hard questions, use the service, and draft our post. We share the drafts internally, read and respond to feedback, and eagerly await the go-ahead to publish.”
Rather than press releases pushed to the media and a few bloggers, the regular practice for law firms and legal tech companies, Amazon used the blog for developer relations. It’s developers, after all, that are going to be asking the tough questions, and ultimately be influencing the purchasing of AWS services.
With over 3100 posts under his belt, and plenty more on the way, here’s what Barr focuses on when writing a post.
Learn & Be Curious – This is an Amazon Leadership Principle. Writing is easy once I understand what I want to say. I study each PRFAQ, ask hard questions, and am never afraid to admit that I don’t grok some seemingly obvious point. Time after time I am seemingly at the absolute limit of what I can understand and absorb, but that never stops me from trying.
Accuracy – I never shade the truth, and I never use weasel words that could be interpreted in more than one way to give myself an out. The Internet is the ultimate fact-checking vehicle, and I don’t want to be wrong. If I am, I am more than happy to admit it, and to fix the issue.
Readability – I have plenty of words in my vocabulary, but I don’t feel the need to use all of them. I would rather use the most appropriate word than the longest and most obscure one. I am also cautious with acronyms and enterprise jargon, and try hard to keep my terabytes and tebibytes (ugh) straight.
Frugality – This is also an Amazon Leadership Principle, and I use it in an interesting way. I know that you are busy, and that you don’t need extra words or flowery language. So I try hard (this post notwithstanding) to keep most of my posts at 700 to 800 words. I’d rather you spend the time using the service and doing something useful.
I started to publish a blog during a year long covenant not to compete with LexisNexis. I was noodling around in my garage thinking of what to do next. When I stumbled into a blog, I saw it as delivering on two fronts.
One, I wanted learn to write, something I was never very good at. Two, I needed to get passionate about something to do for work. I feared, at then 47 years old, that I would never have another good idea fueled with passion to start another company. Maybe this blog thing would take me there.
So I was struck with some of Barr’s personal thoughts on blogging.
“Writing – Although I love to write, I was definitely not a natural-born writer. In fact, my high school English teacher gave me the lowest possible passing grade and told me that my future would be better if I could only write better. I stopped trying to grasp formal English, and instead started to observe how genuine writers used words & punctuation. That (and decades of practice) made all the difference.
Career Paths – Blogging and evangelism have turned out to be a great match for my skills and interests, but I did not figure this out until I was on the far side of 40. It is perfectly OK to be 20-something, 30-something, or even 40-something before you finally figure out who you are and what you like to do. Keep that in mind, and stay open and flexible to new avenues and new opportunities throughout your career.”
So much to be learned from successful bloggers.
For lawyers and law firms, that means sticking your head up and looking at the blogging being done by corporations, professionals and businesses outside the law.
For me, I am going to revisit my blog’s focus so that at least a portion of my blogging is focused on legal blogger relations for LexBlog. Maybe get some of our developers, support and editorial people contributing.
To show you why you need to stick your head up to see who you learn from, Jeff Barr accepted my Facebook friend request a few months ago when I had no idea he was part of the AWS blog. I just knew he was the Chief Evangelist at AWS, a heck of an interesting job, and that he posted interesting items from Seattle and around the world.
I’ve picked up plenty of lessons from Barr already, and I am sure I will learn more by following the AWS News Blog from now on.
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tyronearmstrong · 5 years
Key Player In the Growth of Amazon’s AWS Spends 80% of His Time Blogging
Jeff Barr, Chief Evangelist for Amazon’s AWS and a key player in its growth, spends 80% of his time blogging.
Not just any blog, but a blog about AWS news and answers to questions that arise internally and externally in regard to AWS. The AWS News Blog.
AWS, if you are not familiar with it, is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered pay-as-you-go basis. AWS dominates the cloud computing market and is the fastest growing Amazon segment, representing well over half of the company’s operating income – $7.3 billion in 2018, up almost $3 billion from the year before.
Barr celebrated fifteen years on the AWS Blog with a post about why the blog, why him and the status of AWS blogging today.
Read the whole post, Barr’s story is a good one.
I found it interesting that Barr was over at Microsoft, where I first witnessed large scale corporate blogging by developers. I was trying to figure out blogging from my garage. He also had an interest in Dave Winer’s work with XML and RSS – keys to us following the blogging of others, via syndication.
Instrumental for any blogger – corporate or legal blogger – is passion for what you’re going to cover. The light bulb went on for Barr that AWS was going to big a thing for Amazon when he saw web services being made available for developers en masse. Baar’s developers relations plan included a blog from the start.
Like all of us, Barr was not a natural born blogger – nor a good writer.
“I struggled a bit with “voice” in the early days, and could not decide if I was writing as the company, the group, the service, or simply as me. After some experimentation, I found that a personal, first-person style worked best and that’s what I settled on.”
Topics came in a random way (still do for me).
“In the early days, we did not have much of a process or a blog team. Interesting topics found their way in to my inbox, and I simply wrote about them as I saw fit. I had an incredible amount of freedom to pick and choose topics, and words, and I did my best to be a strong, accurate communicator while staying afield of controversies that would simply cause more work for my colleagues in Amazon PR.”
The AWS blog has become key to AWS’ growth and developer relations. Barr’s time allocated to blogging as grown, and “now stands at about 80%.”
Blog posts are no longer done randomly.
“We now have a strong team and an equally strong production process for new blog posts. Teams request a post by creating a ticket, attaching their PRFAQ (Press Release + FAQ, another type of Amazon document) and giving the bloggers early internal access to their service. We review the materials, ask hard questions, use the service, and draft our post. We share the drafts internally, read and respond to feedback, and eagerly await the go-ahead to publish.”
Rather than press releases pushed to the media and a few bloggers, the regular practice for law firms and legal tech companies, Amazon used the blog for developer relations. It’s developers, after all, that are going to be asking the tough questions, and ultimately be influencing the purchasing of AWS services.
With over 3100 posts under his belt, and plenty more on the way, here’s what Barr focuses on when writing a post.
Learn & Be Curious – This is an Amazon Leadership Principle. Writing is easy once I understand what I want to say. I study each PRFAQ, ask hard questions, and am never afraid to admit that I don’t grok some seemingly obvious point. Time after time I am seemingly at the absolute limit of what I can understand and absorb, but that never stops me from trying.
Accuracy – I never shade the truth, and I never use weasel words that could be interpreted in more than one way to give myself an out. The Internet is the ultimate fact-checking vehicle, and I don’t want to be wrong. If I am, I am more than happy to admit it, and to fix the issue.
Readability – I have plenty of words in my vocabulary, but I don’t feel the need to use all of them. I would rather use the most appropriate word than the longest and most obscure one. I am also cautious with acronyms and enterprise jargon, and try hard to keep my terabytes and tebibytes (ugh) straight.
Frugality – This is also an Amazon Leadership Principle, and I use it in an interesting way. I know that you are busy, and that you don’t need extra words or flowery language. So I try hard (this post notwithstanding) to keep most of my posts at 700 to 800 words. I’d rather you spend the time using the service and doing something useful.
I started to publish a blog during a year long covenant not to compete with LexisNexis. I was noodling around in my garage thinking of what to do next. When I stumbled into a blog, I saw it as delivering on two fronts.
One, I wanted learn to write, something I was never very good at. Two, I needed to get passionate about something to do for work. I feared, at then 47 years old, that I would never have another good idea fueled with passion to start another company. Maybe this blog thing would take me there.
So I was struck with some of Barr’s personal thoughts on blogging.
“Writing – Although I love to write, I was definitely not a natural-born writer. In fact, my high school English teacher gave me the lowest possible passing grade and told me that my future would be better if I could only write better. I stopped trying to grasp formal English, and instead started to observe how genuine writers used words & punctuation. That (and decades of practice) made all the difference.
Career Paths – Blogging and evangelism have turned out to be a great match for my skills and interests, but I did not figure this out until I was on the far side of 40. It is perfectly OK to be 20-something, 30-something, or even 40-something before you finally figure out who you are and what you like to do. Keep that in mind, and stay open and flexible to new avenues and new opportunities throughout your career.”
So much to be learned from successful bloggers.
For lawyers and law firms, that means sticking your head up and looking at the blogging being done by corporations, professionals and businesses outside the law.
For me, I am going to revisit my blog’s focus so that at least a portion of my blogging is focused on legal blogger relations for LexBlog. Maybe get some of our developers, support and editorial people contributing.
To show you why you need to stick your head up to see who you learn from, Jeff Barr accepted my Facebook friend request a few months ago when I had no idea he was part of the AWS blog. I just knew he was the Chief Evangelist at AWS, a heck of an interesting job, and that he posted interesting items from Seattle and around the world.
I’ve picked up plenty of lessons from Barr already, and I am sure I will learn more by following the AWS News Blog from now on.
Key Player In the Growth of Amazon’s AWS Spends 80% of His Time Blogging published first on https://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelphiablog.wordpress.com/
0 notes
ausaplenty · 7 years
Hypocritical heroics
Kiara Scuro. Alexa Myers. Captain America. Because I can only ignore an AU for so long. “Do you understand that we will never be the same again?”
Alexa winced as she heard the unmistakable sounds of a back-alley fight and heard Kiara’s stifled grunts of pain. Her heels echoed on the cobblestone streets when she quickened her pace.
The blonde liked to get in fights that she knew she had no chance of winning and Alexa wasn’t always going to be around to save her.
She grabbed the man’s arm as he prepared to strike again, twisting it while he sank to his knees. “Why don’t you find a nice rock to crawl under, you weasel,” she growled, glancing at Kiara over his shoulder.
The jerk probably hadn’t realized that he was fighting a 18-year-old girl, with the way the blonde’s hair was tucked beneath a newsboy cap and her baggy clothes hid any curves she might have. Not that it would have mattered - He was the type to like to fight, even if it was just a punch because his wife hadn’t had dinner ready when he came home from the factory.
“The punk’s gotta have his battles fought by a dame? Pathetic.” the man laughed until Alexa’s arm wrapped around his throat and tightened.
“Funny, I didn’t seem to have a problem beating your ass,” the brunette reminded him, hauling him to his feet. She let go, shoving him against the wall.
The man spun, his fist clenched. The telepath ducked beneath his arm, driving her elbow into his gut. He grunted from pain, doubling over, and she kicked his ass toward the alley’s entrance.
“Get the hell outta here or else I might havta teach you some more manners,” she threatened, her Brooklyn accent breaking through. She eyed her friend, content that the man’s pride was too bruised too cause anymore trouble as he stumbled away. “You really thought you were going to fool the recruiting offices with that get up?”
“It was worth a shot,” Kiara snapped, picking herself up out of the garbage.She wiped blood away from her split lip, smearing it on her leather gloves. “I woulda had him, Lexie.”
“I know. You would have worn him down so that by the time he was tired of using you as a punching bag, you could knock him out wit’ a one-two punch,” Alexa drawled, sliding her arm around Kiara’s waist to support her dizzy friend. “How could you think those duds would get you anywhere? You know they strip people to their skivies and then your cover would have been blown.”
“I... hadn’t thought that far ahead,” the blonde admitted, leaning against her best friend. “They wouldn’t take me once I said that I was allergic to the sun.”
“Yeah, I can’t see them thinking that was a good condition for a soldier to have,” Alexa commented, tugging Kiara’s hat lower as they teetered out of the alley. “What did the mook do to deserve the Scuro beat down?”
“Talking during the relief films,” Kiara said, anger creeping into her voice. “He just wanted to watch the movie, not hear about the dying soldiers or the blitzkriegs in England.”
Alexa cringed as the blonde thought about her family. She’d known the Scuros for 12 years, since Kiara had caught her sliding her wallet out of the blonde’s coat jacket. Instead of calling the cops like some rich brats might have done, the 6-year-old had emptied her purse and then dragged her skinny butt back to the Scuro’s kitchen for some food.
The younger woman had lost her brother in Pearl Harbor and her parents in the British air raids last year. Alexa was the closest thing she had left.
“He deserved it then,” Alexa muttered, helping her friend down the street.
“Damn right,” Kiara mumbled, pulling away. “I got this, Lexie.”
With her clothes and youthful face, the recruiters had probably been suspicious that she was lying about her age, not her gender. Ever since the unusual disease had struck Kiara when she was 11, she’d been scrawny - almost like a stick - with no muscle definition or strength to speak of. But she made up for her lack of physical strength with the amount of heart.
They trudged back to Alexa’s apartment, the brunette sometimes subtly keeping Kiara on her feet.
“So, did you do anything interesting today?” the blonde asked, collapsing onto a kitchen chair before she lit a candle.
“Beside saving your scrawny ass?” Alexa asked, running a cloth beneath cold water. She bent over Kiara, dabbing at the drying blood. She inhaled, bracing herself for her friend’s volatile emotions “I joined the army.”
The blonde would have knocked her forehead against Alexa’s chin if the telepath hadn’t drawn back.
“Lexie, no,” Kiara pleaded, her grey eyes with wide with fear. She immediately thought of Alexa in one of the nursing positions or flying planes, things that placed her close to the suffering and pain. “You can’t go. Please.”
It was nice that her best friend thought she was sacrificing her sanity for the sake of others.
Alexa slid her key into her coat pocket as she turned, wishing that she could stay inside her apartment instead of facing what awaited her below. She glanced down the staircase, catching sight of the man in a trench coat at the base of them.
There was no way to avoid him and they both knew it. Any exit that she tried would be blocked by men who were aware of her and who would detain her. It was either face this now or have them come after her.
She forced herself to walk down the four flights of stairs, her steps calm and measured instead of breaking into a run.
Her luck changed when a gaggle of women - secretaries on their way to the office - joined her on the stairs and she hung back, mingling in with them as they passed the guard.
The telepath broke off when they stepped into the sunlight, skirting a group of people to avoid the man waiting at the alley entrance by her building. The man across the street caught sight of her and whistled.
His partner trailed after her, his stride making it easier for him to near her. With an abrupt turn, she entered a diner and froze, realizing her mistake.
“Ms. Myers, I was hoping I would see you,” The man’s cold eyes and the steel in his voice belied his jovial greeting. He was dressed in a drab, gray three-piece suit, his coat folded on the seat beside him. “Won’t you join me?”
Her shadow was behind her, discreetly pressing a gun against her side.
“I don’t seem to have much of a choice,” Alexa bit out as she sat across from him. His goony followed her, forcing her into the corner. “Would you mind telling your friend to give me a little space? I’m feeling claustrophobic.”
“Nonsense, you’re perfectly fine,” the leader said dismissively, leaning forward slightly. “Besides, we wouldn’t want you to slide through our grasp again, would we?”
Last week. Three gentlemen lingering outside the gambling parlor she frequented. She’d avoided them by flirting with a young sailor who was drunk enough not to notice when she slipped from his side.
“Harassment is a serious crime, mister … my apologies, I don’t know your name,” Alexa pointed out.
“My name is Colonel Eisman and I’m sure telepathy isn’t against the law, but I doubt many of your poker friends would appreciate knowing they’d been conned,” he said smoothly.
“So a few rich idiots lose their money because I’m lucky at cards and you believe their cries that I cheated?” The brunette covered easily, letting her body relax. Inside, her heart was racing. “The gamblers in these parts are so childish, they’ll believe anything that heals their pride.”
“Normally, I would agree, but something made me hesitate. I looked into your history, Ms. Myers - you’ve been extremely successful at cards,” Eisman replied. “Never enough to draw suspicion, but I would wager my odds against the house more than I would favor my odds against you.”
Alexa was quiet, letting him show his hand before stacking the deck to defend herself.
“You’ve built yourself a nice reputation - Good enough to keep the bets high, but not so good that nobody will play against you,” he explained.
“Colonel Eisman, if I had the money you’re suggesting I’ve got, do you really believe that I’d be living in the middle of Brooklyn?” Alexa asked, gesturing to the crowds outside the shop. “Or, for that matter, if I was a telepath, why would I be living in the biggest city in the United States?”
“It is puzzling,” Eisman admitted. He shrugged slightly. “You’re probably right. It’s just luck.”
“Sir, if I suddenly develop these outrageous abilities, that I’ll try to use them responsibly. In the meantime, I’ll try to ask Lady Luck to be kinder to those poor, rich men,” the brunette promised lightly. “Now if you and your friends would excuse me, I’ve got plans for the day.”
“Just one more question, Ms. Myers - would you happen to know a Kiaran Scuro? He tried to enlist earlier today and since you’re friends with the Scuro family, I wondered if you might be acquainted with him.”
Goddamn Kiara.
“No, I don’t think he’s related to my friend,” The woman lied easily.
“I guess that’s settled then. The recruitment office originally denied his application, due to health issues, but we’re in desperate times. With how many times he’s tried to enlist, he seems brave - We could use brave, young men at the front lines.”
There was the trump card he’d been holding so close to his chest.
“I’m not telekinetic, or whatever you think I am,” Alexa informed him tersely, not bothering to pretending she didn’t know what was going on. She didn’t need to read his mind to know that he was vindictive and more focused on winning the war than he was with how many casualties he lost. “I’ll do whatever you need, just promise that she stays out of the war.”
“Even if you aren’t, Ms. Myers, we could use someone with your kind of luck.”
Damn Kiara and her heroics.
“Why should you get to be the only hero, Kiara? I can help - more and more men are dying overseas,” Alexa said, removing the blonde’s hat so she could tend to a cut on her forehead. The soft, golden locks fell around her face and the telepath brushed it aside, her hands lingering.
“You’re always trying to tell me to do that propaganda bullshit, and I’m not the one who feels and hears everything. Please, Lexie, don’t do this,” Kiara begged, grabbing her hands and squeezing. She met the telepath’s sapphire eyes.”I can’t lose you too.”
Alexa glared, forcing herself to be angry. She was doing this for Kiara, to keep her safe. Like she had been for years.
“So it’s okay for you to go off and die, but I’m not allowed to help?” she snapped. “I’m sick of always looking out for you, Kiara. There are people - innocent people, like your parents - who are dying in Europe. If I can make a difference, then I’m sure as hell going to try.”
“Do you understand that we will never be the same again?” Kiara pressed. “You’re not going to be the Lexie that left.”
“We were never going to be the same,” the telepath murmured. “Once the war started, everything changed. We’ll adapt. Just so long as we survive.”
Kiara struggled to come up with a reason for the telepath to stay. But she realized the futility of it.
“I-I don’t want you to go,” the blonde mewled, pulling her close. “Just, promise you’ll come back to me?”
“As if I would ever willingly leave you?” Alexa said. The brunette held her friend tightly, not willing to let go. “Come on, I leave tomorrow, so we’ve only got a few more hours to enjoy ourselves.”
If she never came back from hell, she wanted her last memories of the city to be those of Kiara’s happiness.
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