#it means something
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regina-del-cielo · 2 years ago
Maybe it's a 'study finds water is wet' type of thought, but
considering it's an action movie whose overall plot is "immortal warriors Fuck Shit Up™️", I think it's significant that in The Old Guard the thing that makes Copley pull red strings through his Murder Conspiracy Board and say "[Merrick] doesn't care what [Andy]'s done with [her immortality]" is the people they save, not the ones they kill
Most of the Conspiracy Board is him circling random newspaper headlines and faces on old photographs to (more or less realistically) follow the immortals' treck through the world and big historical events. Which is, in-canon, not much different than putting portraits from different centuries next to a picture of Keanu Reeves and saying "they look the same, clearly Reeves is an immortal!"
But then there are the connections. A little girl holding Joe's hand in WW1 becoming the youngest (and first) woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize for Medicine (suck it, Kozak). Or the grandchild of a family that Andy saved from [something] helping people escape from the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia.
They are warriors. They have fought and been in the midst of countless wars, major or minor, throughout history. They must have killed as many people as they saved... and yet.
It's not them taking out a random warlord or dictator or rabidly hateful politician that has tangible repercussions in history. It's the children and families they get out of war zones, save from accidents, protect from natural disasters. People to whom they give a second chance at life, and grow to change the world (or even just their own world), like a mysterious stranger once changed theirs just by holding out a hand or patching a wound.
I don't know I just think it's particularly neat
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revenantghost · 2 years ago
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It fascinates me to no end that the first shot we see of Knives, he's standing and playing at the piano (and this is the only time we see him standing, not sitting on a bench, while playing), and on our last shot of Vash... he's standing at a piano and attempting to play.
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adreamfromnevermore · 11 months ago
Edwin drags himself out of hell and still chooses to sit with a dying boy so that he doesn't have to be alone in his final moments? Yes but also, Edwin brings a boy a lantern before he even knows he's dying. Edwin crawls out of hell and sees another boy being tormented by bullies in the same school he died in and can't turn a blind eye when he could do something to help. Even if that something is as simple as taking a lantern to a boy sitting in the dark.
He doesn't know Charles is dying, he chooses to help anyways and then when he realizes what's happening he chooses to stay.
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nekoxyuki · 11 months ago
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When worlds collide
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tellhulla · 9 months ago
Okay maybe I'm just dumb but I don't understand why everyone is saying Louis thinks Daniel was turned into a vampire out of spite
Louis words are "I'm sorry you were burdened out of spite"
Why are we assuming he means burdened by vampirism?
Why would the guy whose whole character arc up to this point was about accepting that being a vampire is a gift and learning to love his own vampiric nature suddenly do a 180 and go "oh yeah being a vampire sucks, I'm sorry you have to be one for eternity now"
The "burden" could very well be unwanted memories from the chase years that young Daniel explicitly asked to get rid of when he broke up with Armand back in the 80's
Or it could be the fact that he has his name attached to Louis book now instead of publishing it with a pseudonym so now vampires everywhere are talking shit about him telepathically and sending him death threats
Or it could be something completely different
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starcraftt · 2 months ago
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bite me.
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halinski · 1 year ago
i think what blue eye samurai did really fucking well is that mizu was told all her life that she's just a demon and can never be anything else so you know ofc she can't immediately accept any love her way or that shhe can be something pure or good
but then she gets to hear "you can be two things"
"you are strongest impure and imperfect"
and that's what she can accept
that maybe you have a demon inside you, okay, so alright, it's not all you are, it doesn't have to steal all the seats, take your place next to it
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smalldicksantiago · 10 months ago
i really just want armand to suck my blood and kill me
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dragondoodling · 1 year ago
So, Stan was hiding in the women’s room in the pool episode
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This means something. Idk if it’s just Stan being weird or if it got to do with his gender (I personally love trans Stan and non binary Stan), I just found this interesting
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yadelah · 1 month ago
Love to learn
Hate to relearn
Love to discover
Hate to change
Love to fuck around
Hate to find out
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melmedarda · 9 months ago
I'll be #melisalive tin hat theory for the team I think that ambessa is actually talking to mel to once again wear down her daughter into agreeing with her by saying that her other option (the council) is dead in the trailer
Lovely, it's not a theory if it's the truth. I think you are absolutely correct. Mel is alive and that is our belief and conviction on this here blog.
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skhardwarevers1 · 6 months ago
oh. So it does mean something
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justabackroundcharacter · 2 years ago
Ok question WHY is nobody talking about how Aziraphell tried to miracle Nina and Maggy in the book shop to forget and they just didn’t respond to the miracle ?? ??
Idk just saw it through like my 5th rewatch lol
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thatlittledandere · 10 months ago
Reblogging posts about the character I have as my icon is so humiliating. Like what if op sees it and thinks yeah you would like that post wouldn't you you little bitch
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waning-star · 2 years ago
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When you see something beautiful in others, tell them. It may take seconds to say, but for them, it could last a lifetime.
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