#it may help your metal heath
againwhy · 11 months
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suvidrache · 21 days
Hi! Its my frist request so I hope that I will write it so that it can be understood
Can I request male/gender neutral reader who sings in a rock/metal band x Heath, Akira and Kei or Kokuyou? I dont really know what to write more and I hope its enought
Anyway, have a good night/day!
How To Sing
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 231 | Read it on AO3 | Tag List
Featuring: Heath, Akira, Kei, and Kokuyou
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Heath loves that you are also a singer. He, unfortunately, can't exactly sing. He can, however, rap. Health reasons. He wouldn't mind rapping in one of your songs - if you let him. If not, that's totally okay and understandable.
Akira is also a singer. The fact that you sing is pretty cool. He'll listen to your songs and may make a few songs about you. Only you would know about, like one of those songs that others would think “oh that's a sweet song,” not realizing who it's about or who it's directed towards. A sort of inside “joke.” (Not a joke, but if you get what I mean). He wouldn't mind singing in one of your songs if you let him.
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Kokuyou likes listening to you sing. He's not much of a singer, but he could sing a song or two if you really wanted him to. He's there to support you and offer you advice if you ever need it.
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Kei listens to the songs that you sing. He helps you out if you need anything. He wouldn't mind singing in one of your songs, and he would be slightly hurt if you rejected him. He is also understanding if you don't want him to be in it. Your safety is his priority. (Assuming your relationship is a secret and you don't want to be attacked by his fans).
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris
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We Go Down Together, Chapter 3
Relationship(s): Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker, Ben Perez & Cassie Perez
Tags/Warnings: Captivity, Fighting, Escape, Trauma, Aftermath of Trauma, Poor Mental Heath, Flashbacks, Triggers
Summary: Cassie and Cordell escape captivity. At least, physically they do. Mentally is another story entirely.
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
After what happened yesterday, Cordell wasn’t going to wait around for a rescue anymore. Seeing what they did to Cassie only proved to him that these guys weren’t playing around. They were going to break him or kill Cassie trying and he couldn’t let that happen.
“We’re getting out of here today,” he said quietly after their breakfast was delivered.
Cassie paused in her struggle to reach her MRE without agitating her broken ribs. “We are? How?”
Cordell got it for her, opening it as he handed it to her. “I’ve got a plan. I’m gonna need you to play along with me on this one.”
Cassie nodded and nibbled on her “meal”. “What’s the plan, partner?”
Cordell sighed. “You’re not gonna like it but… I’m gonna need you to play damsel in distress.”
She rolled her eyes. “If it gets us out of here, I think I’ll manage. What do you need me to do?”
At least she wasn’t complaining about it. “I need you to act like you’re really hurt. I”ll call the guards in and tell them they need to help you or I’ll never comply. Once they’re in, I think we can overpower them and get the keys and rescue ourselves and Julia.”
Cassie nodded. “Gotcha. I think I can handle that. Did I ever tell you I was a theater kid?”
Cordell chuckled. “No, but I’m sure that’ll come in handy.”
He waited until after they’d both eaten. He’d started to lose track of time during their captivity, but he knew they had a little time to prepare themselves before the guards would show up for their “fun”.
“Alright, just lay still and act really pitiful,” he said once they were both ready.
She rolled her eyes but complied. “Ready when you are, Walker.”
He winked at her and started yelling for help, hoping someone was wandering around close enough to hear it. As soon as someone answered his calls, he launched into the play. “She’s not breathing right! I don’t know what the hell you did to her but if she dies, you may as well kill me too because I’m not joining your little anarchy LARP.” He tried not to think too hard about how easy that rolled off his tongue. He also tried not to think too hard about how Cassie’s exaggerated coughs tugged at his heart.
With the men distracted by Cassie, Cordell made his move, tackling the one closest to the door and knocking him out against the metal bars. Cassie then kicked up, knocking back one of the other two guys. Cordell stopped the third from grabbing her and held him in a chokehold. “Where’s Julia?” he hissed. “The woman that was above us, where did you move her?”
“First floor, cell 3,” he wheezed as he ran out of air.
Cordell didn’t let him go until he was completely out and he looked up to see Cassie unlocking herself from her leash. “Got the keys,” she said, brandishing the key ring as she stood up. “Let’s go.”
Cordell nodded and grabbed a spare pistol and a phone off of one of the unconscious men. “Let’s do this.”
They moved through the labyrinth of halls quickly. Almost too quickly. There was no one around the halls to slow them down. Normally Cordell would be suspicious but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
They made it to Julia’s new cell and he quickly unlocked the door, almost getting a fist to the face for his trouble. Luckily, Julia recognized their voices and they were back in business. They stealthily made their way to an exit and were about to leave- until an alarm sounded for their escape.
They hid behind some boxes while guards ran back to their abandoned cell. Once it was clear, Cordell was ready to lead the charge out of there- until he saw the symbol on the boxes he was crouching behind. He’d seen that symbol before in his Marine days- he couldn’t let these maniacs use what was inside them.
“Cassie, you’ve gotta get Julia out of here,” he said once they reached the door.
Cassie stared at him with wide, confused eyes. “What? What about you?”
“I’ve gotta take care of what’s in those boxes. I know what it is, it’s nasty stuff.”
“I’ll help-”
“No, Cass. You need to go.” He handed her the phone. “Call James once you’re a safe distance away. I’ll catch up.”
Cassie took the phone. “Good luck. We’ll be back for you, partner.”
Cordell nodded. “I know.”
With that, they parted ways.
Running into Sean on his way to hide the dangerous chemicals in the radiation wing was unexpected. So was the grenade Sean pulled out after Cordell shot him in the shoulder.
Cordell didn’t really remember how he made it out. He just remembered that it didn’t really matter once he had his eyes on Cassie again.
They were alive. They were okay.
Everything was gonna be okay.
They were free. The nightmare was over.
She fidgeted in her loose hoodie while she waited in the atrium. She’d already given her statement and was waiting for Ben to pick her up and take her home. But first, she wanted to talk to Walker.
She didn’t even know where to begin on recovering from this. Her injuries would heal, the bruises would fade, but she wasn’t sure when she’d stop seeing that cage every time she closed her eyes.
If anyone would have answers, it would be Walker. He’d been through things like this before. Or, at least, similar things. He’d know how to answer questions she wasn’t sure she could bring herself to ask her new mandated therapist.
“Hey, Cassie.” Speak of the devil, Walker stepped in and walked up to her table. “You need a ride?”
“Uh, no. Ben’s coming to pick me up. But actually, I wanted to talk to you.”
“Uh, sure. About what?”
Cassie took a deep breath and tried to get her thoughts in order. “I…. You’ve dealt with stuff like this before. I mean, probably not exactly this but given your history…. You know how to deal with it, right?”
Walker nodded. “Yeah. Why?”
“....How do you deal with it? Because I’m not really sure what to do. It’s like every time I close my eyes-”
“Cass- Cassie.” Walker pet her shoulder and smiled tightly. “We- We don’t need to unload all that right now. We’re out, there’s arrests being made across the state. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but we’re okay. And after some time… you’ll feel okay. We just gotta keep going, alright? The only way out is through.”
That was…underwhelming advice. She’d been hoping for something a little more actionable. “I… If you say so….”
“Cassie!” Ben’s sudden arrival and crushing hug stopped her from pushing the issue further. She returned the hug just as tight. Part of her wanted to make a joke about missing Ben too but it got caught in her throat. “Thank god you’re back,” he murmured.
“Yeah,” was all she could say.
Ben pulled back just enough to Help her out of her chair. “Thanks for waiting with her,” he told Walker. “I’m just gonna take Cassie home now.”
“Actually, I wanted to ask y’all if you wanted to come to the ranch. Mama’s making a roast and I know the rest of the family would be happy to see you.”
Ben looked at her and Cassie tried not to look back. “I don’t know,” he said. “It’s late and I think Cassie just needs some rest. Maybe we can come over tomorrow?”
Walker smiled the way he usually smiled at members of the DPS brass he didn’t like “What? And waste a perfectly good welcome home party? Come on, it’ll be fun. Why wait to start things off on a good note?”
“That’s a kind offer, really,” Ben said, smiling the same smile he gave to demanding customers. “But I think-”
“I think it sounds great,” Cassie interjected. “I love a good roast.”
Walker smiled a little more genuinely. “Great! I’ll let everyone know. It’ll be great having you there.”
To his credit, Ben stayed quiet about his disagreement until they were in his car. But then….
“You know you don’t have to go if you don’t want to, right? We can just let them have their little family thing and I’ll just take you back to my place. I can just text Liam-”
“It’s fine, Ben.” Cassie tried to smile. “He’s right. Why wait to take things in the right direction? I’m sure I’ll feel better once I’ve eaten real food.”
“I have real food at my place.”
“But they’re expecting-”
“Cas, stop.” Ben sighed. “I know you don’t actually want to go to this thing, okay? I knew as soon as he brought it up. You’re gonna be miserable the whole time because people are going to be asking you how you are and you’re going to worry about slipping up and telling the truth and you’re probably not even going to be able to eat whatever they put on your plate. Just let me make an excuse for you and take you home? You’ll feel better, I promise.”
She shook her head. “Ben, I- It’s not about me pretending and failing. I know I’m not fine and they won’t expect me to be. I just…. I don’t know how to deal with this except to just push through it. It’s not like I’ll feel any better in the morning if I don’t go.”
Ben sighed. “Fine. But we’re leaving as soon as it’s over. Because you are tired and they have no excuse to keep us there longer.”
“Fine,” she agreed. “Just try not to be too ‘overprotective brother’ about it, okay? They’re not the bad guys here.”
That was as good as she was going to get out of him and she wasn’t going to push it.
Though, as soon as they arrived, Cassie wondered if maybe she should’ve. It would’ve given her an excuse not to go in.
Even though she’d accepted the invitation and really did need a distraction from everything, she wasn’t sure she was ready for something like this. The Walker family had a tendency to be intense on a good day and it only got worse when emotions were high. It was only the thought of having to deal with Walker’s worried texts for the rest of the night if she didn’t show that made her walk through the front door.
In all honesty, it could’ve gone worse. There was too much worried hovering and Walker’s disaster of a “graduation speech” didn’t exactly set things off on a good note. But Abeline’s food was as good as ever and no one seemed to want to talk about the elephant in the room.
All in all, she’d had worse family dinners.
After they left, Ben drove her back to his apartment because it was closer. “I’ll take you back to your place in the morning,” he said. “Why don’t you grab a shower and I’ll make some sleepytime tea?”
Cassie smiled. “Sounds like a plan,” she said as she headed toward the bathroom. With the door closed behind her, Cassie got undressed after she started the water. Once she was ready, she put her hand in to test the temperature.
The cold water beat down on her arm and she jerked back, hitting the wall with a cry.
Cold. Cold. Waves and waves of cold. Choking. I can't breathe. They’re laughing. They’re enjoying this.
I’m going to die here.
“-ssie? Cassie?!”
Cassie flinched away from the voice, throwing off the hands that were shaking her shoulders. It took her a few moments to calm down and remember where she was, who she was with.
“You okay?” Ben asked softly.
Cassie shook her head. “I can’t- The shower, I can’t-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay….” Ben rubbed her back and turned off the water. “How about I just run you a bath, hm? I think I have bubbles somewhere if you want them.”
Cassie nodded, not moving from her spot on the floor until he finished.
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jackiequick · 2 years
A Character Study 📖 on our Original Characters ✍🏼 (Part 1)
Amelia Parker 🍕
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Full Name: Amelia Rachel Mary Parker-Morris
Date of birth: July 14, 1995
Nationally: Italian-American
Place of Origin: Queens, New York
Age depending on the year: 14–24
Gender: Female
Height: 5’2
Sexuality if anyone cares: Straight (until she meets Agent Piper) realizes she might be Bi with a male preference??
Specie: Human with a genetic mutation
Genetic mutation: Classified as an empath. As in she can sense, change, manipulate and control others emotions. If she senses your emotions, she’ll embrace them and use them to press on others. Her eyes tend to glow shade of orange when she does uses her powers.
Jobs: Agent, Bartender & Seamstress
Rank: Level 4 Agent. Field & Tech.
Any Heath Conditions & such: Amelia had anxiety, insomnia, not the best eye sight, low levels of vertigo and a tendency to stay quiet to herself during any episodes. She also has a lot of scars, bumps and bruises from missions. Plus a bit of traumatized and stressed from some of the experience she seen happened before her very eyes.
Relationship status: Has gone a few dates and had a few relationships back then. Currently she’s in a pretty nice stable relationship (2015- now 2018)
The Family ~
Mother: May Parker 🧸
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Father: Arron Morris 🧳
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Aunt: Bobbi Morris 🐦
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Step Father/Uncle: Ben Parker 🧩
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Little Cousin: Peter Benjamin Parker 🕸
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Early Years 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🪁🪀
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Amelia Parker grew up in New York City, traveling between Queens and Manhattan. Her family members mainly involved her, Ben Parker, May Parker and Peter Parker. Her father Arron Morris wasn’t around much due to work and travel but he always had family like his sister Bobbi Morris nearby.
Mia was always a creative child and very sweet, as much she seemed very strong, sassy and stubborn—in reality she was a big softie at heart! A big softie who always had big dreams and was never one to stay in one place. The girl wants to do it all!
From a young age she was always into designing clothes (little did she know that skills comes to help her later in life) and shaping her views on the world. She would dance and perform with baby cousin Peter in her small 2 bedroom apartment making Aunt May & Uncle Ben laugh.
The small family didn’t grow up with much, to society standards they were considered poor or middle class people. A small apartment in Queens, children having to bunk together for warmth in the colder months, crime nearby the area, always making sure to not waste food and making sure to get enough money to pay off the bills. However they were happy people and always trying to help out others who need it most.
However one day Uncle Ben surprised the family with tickets for vacation to Miami! Arron was against the idea due to his job working in SHIELD and guessing something might happen. May agreed with her husband Ben, instead of her Ex-boyfriend Arron taking the family to that nice vacation. It was greatly enjoyed and surprisingly since they were able to visit The Stark Expo (2010)! Peter being a huge fan of Iron Man was super excited about it and Mia enjoyed the whole idea of traveling to the Expo to experience the new things.
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Until a week later, The Stark Expo backfire and a fight broke up causing people to go running. Arron was off doing a mini Mission for Fury during the week before so he wasn’t there to protect them from the danger.
Uncle Ben and Aunt May lost the kids in the rush of everyone running. Peter and Mia were searching for shelter, when a Justin Hammer Iron Suit was ready to attack both of the children.
Mia was protecting the boy, when she toss a few feet across from Peter onto the ground as he tried to stand protectively in his Iron Man mask, pretending to the hero. Suddenly Iron Man swooped in front of the kids blasting the Metal Suit away from both children. “Good job, kid!” Said Iron Man checking on the both of them, before flying away. Soon enough Aunt May and Uncle Ben found both children bringing them to safety of the hotel.
After the fight with at The Stark Expo was over and the family was spending their last days in Miami everything was fine. Until Arron had argument with Ben and May about the incident, how SHIELD could’ve been careful about the situation and the safety of the children. Peter was playing video games on his Nintendo so he wasn’t listening but Mia was. She heard the word of SHIELD being tossed around from the adults plenty of times, along with the tales of Iron Man & The Hulk on the news.
As the years went on the young girl was stilled bruised up from the accident and every conversation between the adults in her life but grew up curious about SHIELD. Finally confirming the identification of SHIELD with her aunt Bobbi, who she assumed worked at The Bank, but actually worked for SHIELD herself as a spy. From that moment onwards, Amelia wanted to become an agent to protect and provide for her family, especially after that scared accident that happened in the 2010 Stark Expo. She didn’t care if she was too young, she would still try…
The SHIELD Years 🛡🥊💡
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Amelia has been Agent Of SHIELD since 2012–2018. Studying from a young girl in Queens New York to reach the chance to be accepted into The Academy. It took plenty of failed attempts, angrily reports to Aunt Bobbi Morris and regret applications, causing her one night after work to go street racing and ending up in behind bars. When suddenly Agent Grant Ward and Agent Phil Coulson appeared on the other side of the bars to recruit the young girl.
Amelia stayed in the beginning of working in the back of SHIELD ends Level 1-2, eventually working her way in 2014 to become more involved with SHIELD’s work. Getting to meet The Avengers and the future Young Avengers, who would become her friends later on. They were friendly to say the least, some not so much..
First television appearance in Agents Of SHIELD season 2 episode 5, as just a simple agent tasked for Coulson’s crew and family members. Discusses the possibility of Mutants and Inhuman living among them, finding out that she’s actually one herself while on a mission with Daisy Johnson to find out more about the people who they’re investigating.
Amelia is smart, sweet and caring. Definitely a goofball a times! However she can also be snarky, curious, weirdly cunning depending on the mission and very stubborn. Often leads her to situations and end up with making calls she wasn’t willing to take.
She went on a few dates here and there with a few agents, such as Agent Piper, Daisy Johnson, Commander Darren, Baker and etc. However Amelia fell in love with Agent Grant Ward’s friend and fellow agent, Nick Wilder. She spend months living in cloud 9 training with him, going on dates, happily in love and eventually having him met her family.
Little did she know, Nick was actually a Hydra and later turned HIVE Agent undercover. He was sent to use her information and get close to SHIELD, use her powerset for their own dirty work figuring out who they’re really working with. However Nick really fell in love with Amelia, wanting to protect her but his cover was blown by Jemma Simmons. The couple broke it off soon enough.
Amelia goes on mission with the crew and they eventually all become family though the pain, discovery and suffering. Stays on the show from season 2-4. When the Sokovia Accords and The slow fall of HYDRA hits SHIELD deeply, it meant they no longer needed to operate under the shadows, causing the team to have different tasks taken places.
This meant Amelia moved up ranks and was able to explore her landscape. Building suits, remodeling the offices, going on more research and rescue mission, discovering older cases and become more efficient in recruitment center of SHIELD.
Eventually and sadly meant she taken being part of the beginning of Agent Leonard Fitz little project. The FrameWork. Everything turned out fine in the end but it was a rocky escape from it all. On the bright side, the effects of the experiment cause her powers to develop a bit more.
The New York Spider Years 🕷🗄🍟
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Then she leaves shortly afterwards midway later in 2016 for family business. As in, she really missed her mother May Parker and cousin Peter Parker! They welcomed the Amelia back into the small apartment with open arms. Mia stayed closer than never to her family, spending plenty of days with her mother and Peter. Even meeting Ned Lees who had a crush on the older girl and Mia found it funny.
The trio would spend night needing out watching Action movies and Sci-Fi movies as well. Star Wars fans for sure, having a lightsaber and a few themed shirts and socks as well. Mia tends to watch Rom Coms and dramas with her mother instead.
She didn’t have many friends, Mia never tended to have friends in the first place in general. But she did make friends like Melissa, Cole, Meira, Stark, Rick, and a few more.
Her mother encouraged her to go dating and go see New York City. So she did, meeting a nice guy name Quinten Beck for a while. But it was a bit hard for her though. Specifically if she’s gets a bit of heavy anxiety and nerves may rise up around people, especially when she has her full guard down and she’s just normal Amelia Parker.
Speaking on normal Amelia Parker, with her life spending it in Queens New York, Mia took up multitasking. Working at her father’s bar once again with her old pal Jeremy, sewing fabric pieces in actual pieces of clothes and jumping off to smaller missions for SHIELD. It was tiring and caused a lot of sleepless nights, raising her anxiety levels a bit and her senses rising back up. However with her years of training for SHIELD, she’s able to hide all that from her friends and family. Even if, they can see the cracks shining though.
During those years, Amelia grew near The Avengers, Young Avengers and saw her own little cousin want to become a hero himself. SpiderMan. He didn’t tell her or Aunt May at first due to reasons and stuff of his own work, even though Mia suspect something was clearly up. Especially when Peter grew closely to The Stark Family. She waited a extremely long time until Peter finally told her one night on the rooftop of a building, after they both spotted each other during a robbery accident in The City.
To say it was a long night teary was a understatement. Amelia was heartbroken that Peter didn’t trust her with this secret, instead telling Ned and his friends. Especially since his job meant he skipped class, stayed up late nights and risking his life for the greater good. But she couldn’t be too mad exactly, because she took a similar very job as well and the fact that she tends to a bit nosey sometimes.
They talked about Peter’s next steps and his job with Tony Stark and the rest of the Stark Family, Amelia’s position in all of this and how she might help. Soon enough they helped each other out. Mia took it upon herself to become a seamstress for the heroes. As she designed and sewed Peter a few new suits, keeping tabs on him and their family.
It was very long and busy time for The Parker family. Aunt May even joined in on the mini team they had going on with The Young Avengers. Even though Amelia didn’t become a mother hen type of role for Peter’s role as SpiderMan and let him live his life. She watched Peter and let him fall, knowing he will rise up again.
Amelia’s life came a bit crazy and busier with The Young Avengers (+The Original Avengers) as she recruited more heroes and pulled back the layers to SHIELD’s secrets, as she took it upon herself and the crew to rise up and grow the next generation of heroes. It became tricky but they did it.
But she remembered a simple phase from a song and said it every time, “So take it all, the city’s yours. It’s worth fighting for, it’s all mine. It’s all yours.” She even tend to tells this to Peter and his friends, plus a few family members.
As of the year 2018, Amelia Parker-Morris is in a stable position and feels very loved. Yes she is still stressed, has anxiety and acts overwhelmed with work due to her being a woman who wants to do it all. But she’s working on it slowly! Running her small fashion company with friends, assistant manager in SHIELD Academics and part-time owner of the family bar. Now she watches in the wings of her office over the Young Avengers and having new discoveries everyday to build a better world.
Hope you loved it! I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts on this. Keep the chain going if you like 👍
Tags: @meirafireshield @sherlkore @gaminggirlsstuff @drspencereidhotch @blueboirick @mandylove1000 @t-nd-rfoot @msrochelleromanofffelton @yetanotherwells @gcthvile @eliohasmyheart @halesfavoriteharlot @rooster-84 and etc
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oswomsmoke · 1 year
How to Choose the Different Types of Smoking Pipes
 Smoking Pipes Manufacturers in America have been around for centuries and continue to be a popular way of consuming tobacco. From classic wooden pipes to modern glass designs, there are many types of smoking pipes available to choose from. In this blog,  we will discuss the different types of smoking pipes and provide some tips on how to choose the right one for you.
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Briar Pipes
Briar pipes are perhaps the most popular type of smoking pipe. These pipes are made from the roots of the white heath tree, and they are known for their durability and heat resistance. Briar pipes are available in a range of styles and sizes, and they offer a natural wood grain pattern that can add to their aesthetic appeal. They are a great choice for both beginner and experienced smokers.
Glass Pipes
Glass Pipes are a more modern option for smokers. They are typically made from borosilicate glass and offer a clean and pure smoking experience. Glass Pipes Manufacturers in Delhi are available in a range of styles and designs and can be a beautiful addition to any collection. They are fragile, however, and require careful handling to avoid breakage.
Bongs Exporters in India also known as water pipes, are smoking devices that have been used for centuries to consume tobacco and other herbs. They typically consist of a water-filled chamber, a bowl for the tobacco or herbs, and a stem or tube that leads to the mouthpiece. When the tobacco or herbs are heated, smoke is drawn through the water, which cools and filters it before it is inhaled
Meerschaum Pipes
Meerschaum pipes are made from a soft white mineral that is found in Turkey. These pipes are known for their ability to provide a cool and dry smoke, making them a popular choice for many smokers. Meerschaum pipes are also valued for their unique and intricate carvings. They are more fragile than briar pipes, however, and require a bit more care.
Clay Pipes
Clay pipes have been around for centuries and were once a popular choice for smokers due to their affordability. While they are less commonly used today, they still offer a unique smoking experience. Clay pipes are very porous and allow for a cool smoke. However, they are also very fragile and can crack easily. They are best suited for occasional use rather than frequent smoking.
Corn Cob Pipes
Corn cob pipes are a classic American style of smoking pipe. They are made from the cobs of corn and are known for their affordability and light weight. Corn cob pipes offer a mild and cool smoke and are ideal for beginners or those on a tight budget. They are less durable than other types of pipes, however, and may not last as long.
Metal Pipes
Metal pipes are a durable and portable option for smokers. They are typically made from aluminum or brass and are easy to clean. However, metal pipes can get very hot during use and may not offer the same smoking experience as traditional wooden pipes. They are a good choice for outdoor use or when traveling.
Tips for Choosing the Right Smoking Pipe
Now that you know about the different types of Smoking Pipes Manufacturers in USA available, how do you choose the right one for you? Here are some tips to help you make the right decision:
1.      Consider your smoking habits. Do you prefer a mild or strong smoke? Do you smoke frequently or occasionally? These factors can help you determine the right type of pipe for you. For example, if you smoke frequently, you may want to choose a durable and heat-resistant pipe like a briar pipe.
2.      Think about your budget. Smoking pipes can range in price from very affordable to very expensive. Consider your budget when choosing a pipe. Corn cob pipes and clay pipes are typically the most affordable options, while meerschaum and briar pipes can be more expensive.
3.      Consider the size and weight of the pipe. Smoking pipes come in a range of sizes and weights. Consider how portable you need your pipe to be and whether you prefer a heavier or lighter pipe. Corn cob pipes are typically very light, while metal pipes can be heavier.
 4.      Think about the aesthetic appeal. While the smoking experience is the most important factor, the aesthetic appeal of a pipe can also be important. Consider the style.
In conclusion, choosing the right type of smoking pipe is a personal decision that depends on your smoking habits, budget, and personal preferences.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Guns, Neglect, etc.
Word Count: 2,400
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Sister 
I’ve wanted to try my hand at OC’s for a while so her name is Evelyn Shelby lol.
Request: “Hey! Maybe one with Thomas were he kind of forgets that his little sister actually has feelings. He keeps on using her as bait for the business and one day she snaps, pointing a gun to her head. Just an angst fic. Love your writing so much. xx”
Requested by: Anon
Summary: Years after returning from London and agreeing to help out her family, Evelyn Shelby soon comes to terms with the horrors of her job and hopes someone can help her see the good she’s done for the family, even if it means talking to her ever-distant brother Thomas.
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“That’ll be 3 pounds Mr.” The third youngest Shelby said quietly, grabbing her hand gun from her purse while the man looked away, giving her enough time to slip her coat on over her bare body, and hiding the gun in her pocket.
“I’ll give you 5 if you tell Mr. Shelby I’m coming for him tomorrow, I know you’ve seen him around here.” The man said, his breath reeking of whiskey as he whispered in her ear.
Shivers went down her spine as the man touched her face. He caressed her cheek roughly before moving away from her, placing two extra bills on the bed before heading to the door.
“Wait, I forgot to tell you something...” She said as he stopped to turn around. He smirked, eyeing her up and down as she walked towards him.
“You won’t be seeing anyone.” She said, giving him a wicked smile as she quickly pulled the gun out and shot the man point blank. As he fell to the floor with a loud thud, blood dripped down her face and bare chest as she looked at the mess of the bedroom.
Tommy saved this area of the Garrison for when anyone in the family needed a place to stay or a place to fuck, and tonight was her night to use the room as she pleased, all in the name of blinder business.
She walked over to the en-suite bathroom, looking at her haggard reflection in the mirror. Blood glinted off her face and chest in the dimly lit room, her makeup was smeared in some areas, and her hair was in a messy bun of sorts.
As she glanced silently in the mirror, she lit a cigarette, letting the smoke escape through her lips before curling it back through her nose, desperately needing to calm her nerves as she thought about the past couple years.
After her brothers left for war, she left for London, leaving Ada and Polly to care for Finn in order to start her life on her own terms for once, knowing she couldn’t stay out in Small Heath like the others as it held too many memories. But when she eventually got news of her brothers coming home, she knew she couldn’t leave them, especially after their mother’s death and their fathers sudden departure.
As the memories came flooding back, she remembered that she took this job to help them and to spend more time with them, but it only took a toll on her as time went on.
On the outside, she remained calm much like her older brother Tommy, but on the inside she was drowning. Drowning in the darkness that consumed her thoughts when she was near her brothers, thinking that if she’d succumb to the waves, that no one would be there to pull her out, not unless they were forced to. The only ones who paid her any mind these days were Polly and Finn, as Ada was out with her son most days and the boys were out wreaking almost as much havoc as she was.
As she finished her cigarette, she dabbed some of the blood off her face and chest, realizing there weren’t many wash cloths to use.
“Fuck it.” She mumbled under her breath as she quickly got dressed and put her bloodstained coat back on. Her dress was wrinkled and torn where the man had roughly gone for her chest, not having any sense in his drunken state.
With light footsteps she padded over to the bed to strap on her heels, and grabbed the money as she headed for the door, avoiding the puddle of blood and stepping over the mans body.
Her heels clicked down the stairs as she made her way through the back hall of the Garrison, the bar seemingly empty except for her brother Tommy.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, almost no emotion in her voice as she spoke from tired lips, a cut from a few hours before making itself known as she remembered the man slapping her for being too “bossy” when explaining her rates like rehearsed.
“I’m here to drink, Evelyn. I’m also here to collect that mans body so I don’t have to deal with it tomorrow.”
“Tommy Shelby, getting his hands dirty? I thought that was for Arthur these days. What about uncle Charlie? You seem to have enough blood on your hands already.” She remarked, sitting down across from him at the booth and looking at his bloodied knuckles. He scoffed as he took a swig of his whiskey, the smell of it making her stomach churn slightly.
“Did he do that?” Tommy said, an angry look filling his eyes as he looked at the cut on her lip.
“What do you think?” She said putting out her cigarette as she blew out a final puff of smoke.
“It’s a good thing he’s already dead.” He said, looking out the window and avoiding his sisters tired gaze.
“How was the family meeting? I wasn’t invited apparently.” She remarked, ripping him out of his thoughts.
“I’m not doing this, Ev we talked about this.” He said rolling his eyes at her as he sat back in the seat, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I just want to know why in the hell you include everyone except me in the meetings. I want to know why you make time for everyone except me...Tell me. Now.” She demanded, her heart racing and face flushing with anger as her temper flared. Her eyes eerily mimicked her brothers as she looked at him.
Tommy sighed as he spoke, choosing his words carefully.
“We think that limiting your attendance at meetings can be good for you. We’re just wanting to protect our sister.” He said.
Evelyn scoffed as she took the bottle of whiskey in her hand, drinking straight from the bottle.
“You think you’re protecting me but you’re not. One day Tommy...one fucking day you’ll realize that I’m valuable to this god forsaken family as more than a whore. You can pull that shit with the others about what’s best for us but you’re not pulling that with me.” She said taking another cigarette out of her coat and lighting it herself as she continued.
“I want to be here, believe me I do, but not being let in on what’s happening doesn’t help as much as you think it does. I barely know what’s going on unless you come to me personally...If you cared about me, you wouldn’t cast me out as the fucking bait of the family and then leave me hanging.” She said, tears threatening to fall down her blood stained cheeks.
“You’re helping with the business because it’s in your blood, Evelyn. We’re family, and we’re paying you more than you could back in London. Would you want to abandon us?” He asked, getting defensive.
“What difference would it make Tommy? I’m no more valuable to you dead or alive. I just lure the men you can’t kill right away and I don’t get any recognition for that. I’ve killed 20 men since I’ve moved back to help the family and I can remember each of their faces.” She said, looking away from him annoyed.
“Don’t you get tired of seeing their faces haunting you?” She asked, taking another swig from the bottle, the alcohol burning her cut lip as she swallowed.
“I stopped seeing their faces a long time ago Ev, and you need to as well. This is why we’ve been keeping you out of the business most days.” He said taking the bottle from her grasp.
“I’m sitting here still covered in his blood, I’m sitting here after another night with a drunken evil man and I’m disgusted Thomas...I feIt nothing when I shot him.” She said, her fingers grazing the metal of the hand gun in her pocket.
“You know how you said you felt like you were drowning when you came home from France?” She asked.
“Well I feel like that too, but no ones dared to ask how I've been. I’ve always been the last in command. Hell, fucking Finn has more say in this family than I do.” She said, putting the gun to her head shakily. Tommy froze inside, barely being able to speak at first.
“Evelyn...listen to me...your work has helped us, we’ve just been too busy to stop and fucking think about anything else. Who was the person that cheered me up when Arthur and John and I got home aye? It was you. Not Ada, not Finn, just you. If you’re drowning...I’d like to help, if you’ll let me...” He said, looking into his sisters eyes that were almost a reflection of his.
With a sigh she set the gun on the table, sliding it to Tommy. He immediately put it in his coat and stood up.
“What are you doing?” She asked, running her hands over the dried blood down her cheek.
“We’re going to talk about this and I’m going to clean you up.” He said, lighting a cigarette before heading over to the bar.
“What’s eating at you aye? You may not think I can tell that you’ve been off but I can. You know Polly sent me here for you...” He said, pouring her a glass of water and drenching a cloth in alcohol.
He handed the cloth to her and got to work on the other one as she wiped off the blood on her chest, looking at the tear in her dress and pulling her coat tightly to her as she tried to cover the large rip.
“Polly will kill me herself if she sees the dress is torn. Fucking bastard.” She said taking a sip of water.
Tommy sat near her and dabbed the cloth on her face and inspected the cut on her lip, causing her to wince as he cleaned it.
“I’m not talking about the dress Evelyn, that can be fixed. What’s going on up here?” He asked, pointing to his head.
“Everything and...nothing...” She said, looking down at her hands that were clenched together in her lap.
“I guess it’s in our blood because I like this business...getting rid of bad men that keep fucking us over, but...killing them takes a toll. I see their faces when I try to sleep some nights, and other nights I sleep as if nothing happened...” She said as Tommy sat back in his chair, he nodded for her to continue.
“I just get so scared that one day I’m going to lay with a man and not come back, some of them are vile people.” She said, wincing at the memory of a past painful business deal.
“If I put you on regular business in the shops, would that help you?” He asked.
Evelyn scoffed at his offer.
“You know me Tommy, I have to keep moving. I have to do something more than sitting at a desk crunching numbers. I’m too wild for that.” She said smirking, her features resembling her aunt Polly at times.
Tommy smiled at the memory of her chasing rats with Ada, shooting at them with a revolver as they played in the streets near their house.
“I know. That’s why I’m planning on changing your job.” He said giving her his signature smile. Not many people saw it after the war, but when she’d returned from London when the boys had gotten back from France, it was the one thing he reserved for her, the one thing that made her realize she didn’t completely lose her brother.
“What are you planning? I can practically see your brain flipping over in that ugly head of yours.” She joked, lightly punching his arm.
“I’m wanting to hire some lighter muscle. Someone who can get info on the inside but still be able to hold their own. Ada’s been working on getting some inside information about her contacts she had with Freddie, and I think you could help me when we go on more blinder business.” He said.
“Do I look like I could hold my fucking own? Are you mad?” She asked.
“I’ve seen you shoot my enemies plenty of times, and you wrestled Arthur and I to the ground years ago. I’d hate to see what you could do now.” He said smirking.
“I’m sure with enough training I could still take you down.” She said looking up at her brother. His eyes tired and wrinkling at the edges.
“I wouldn’t doubt it. You’ve never liked being in one place and never liked people picking on us. If anything you’re the only one of us whose really held on to our gypsy roots aye?” He said, adjusting his coat as he stood up.
“You have a point.” She said, smirking as she got up as well.
“Are you drowning now?” He asked quietly, his eyes scanning hers.
She sighed and looked down, trying to think about all that’s upset her over the years since she’s been home.
“Not anymore.” She said, giving her brother a hug, taking him off guard at the sudden contact.
He gently placed his hands around her in a warm embrace as she kept herself there, not remembering when the last time was that she’d given one of her siblings a hug.
“Tell Polly thank you. And I guess since I still love you guys, thank you for checking in too. I accept the offer as well by the way.” She said releasing herself from him.
“Isn’t that what big brothers are for?” He asked as she walked towards the door.
“I guess.” She said chuckling as they both walked out of the Garrison.
“Aren’t you going to take care of the bastard upstairs?” She asked.
“I will once I take you back home. He’ll be gone before the morning.” He said, lighting a cigarette and driving off towards her apartment.
“I’m counting on that. Can’t have the coppers after me.” She said, looking back behind her as the Garrison shrunk in the distance.
“I’ve told you this before, you don’t have to worry about the cops. They’ll leave ya alone if they want to keep their eyes.” He said, driving as the sun set around them, the plans for the future of his business rolling around in his head the whole way there.
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Tag List:
(If you’d like to be added/removed, just send in an ask/message!) :)
@msbzowy, @nofckingfighting, @aranoburns, @sighonahurricane, @ugly-crying-over-bucky-barnes, @gaytommyshelby, @wowjeena, @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby, @inglourious-imagines, @thebloodyshelbys, @tsolomons, @blinder-secrets, @reveparade, @shelby-fanatic, @ta-ka-shi-ma, @psychkunox, @peakyxtommy, @captivatedbycillianmurphy,@dreamwastakenx, @lovemissyhoneybee @thomashelbyswhore​
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner [Part 1 of 2]
Summary: Imagine being the “baby” of the group.
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Words: 2.8K Warnings: Language. I tried my best, anon. I hope you like it either way. Requested by Anonymous who said: hi! i’ve had this idea in my mind of being younger than everyone else in the VS (maybe like 19/20?) and literally everyone calls you Baby like it started as a joke but it’s gotten to the point they’re introducing you to others as “Baby” and they’re all super protective of you and yeah just a cute thought i’ve been having hehe
While you've heard of the Vlog Squad and watched David Dobrik's videos to pass time, you didn't think nothing much of the group who were living their best lives and posting for everyone to see. They seemed like they'd be fun to hang out with, and though you lived quite close to where David apparently lived, you never once rushed to the random pop-ups or ran into any of them when they were out and about.
But that all changed one day when you were playing with your puppy in the park, and you were surprised when David, Natalie, and Jason walked up to you. Natalie had fallen in love at first sight of your Beagle puppy and David chanced walking up to you in hopes of getting his friend some play time with the dog. You were surprised to see them and then quickly explained your surprise, and they were pleased to learn you watched their videos. You had then happily let Natalie play with Milo, the four of you sitting on the ground as you teased Milo with doggie treats. It was then David, Natalie, and Jason learned some about you, the three of them surprised to learn you were not yet twenty-one when David had jokingly invited you out for drinks. Jason grumbled about hanging out with toddlers, and David had giggled as he recorded Natalie and the puppy.
You figured running into them was a once in a lifetime type of deal, so you were surprised to run into David and Natalie again about a week later. While waiting for some food for yourself and your parents, the two of them had walked in to order an outrageous amount of food. They had spotted you first and you were shocked they remembered your name. Then as the three of you had chatted while waiting for your food, David invited you back to his place to eat when he realized you didn't live that far. You had politely declined because you had to get the food back home, but David urged you to join them. He suggested that you could eat with them and their friends, and Natalie suggested she go with you to your house so you could drop off the food, pick up Milo, and then she'd direct you to David's. They were eager to have you join them, and to pick up Milo, that you couldn't say no.
It was a bit surreal to meet Zane, Heath, Mariah, and Todd, but the group welcomed you without even batting an eye. Jason, upon spotting you when he arrived, jokingly referred to you as Baby. Everyone seemed confused, but when they found out why the baby jokes were soon to start. And from that day forward, you were introduced as Baby to everyone else you had yet to meet and the name just stuck.
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You're sitting on the floor of David's living room, a bowl of sliced cucumber in hand and a smaller bowl of Ranch dressing balancing on your knee. David's editing not far from you and Natalie is playing with Milo in the backyard.
The front door opens, someone shouts to see if anyone's home, and you shout back to confirm that there is.
Erin, Carly, and Jeff walk around the corner, the three of them laughing at what they were previously talking about. "Hey, Baby." They all greet.
"Hey, guys." You see Carly glancing around the floor and you grin. "Milo's out back with Nat." She chuckles before walking to the door, Erin walks into the kitchen, and Jeff plops down on the sofa right behind you. "Snack?" You ask, holding the bowl out for him over your shoulder.
"What'd you put on it?"
"Just lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt. There's also Ranch."
Jeff huffs a laugh at your bowl of Ranch, but does accept a couple slices of cucumber. Erin soon joins Jeff on the sofa, and the girls come in from outside with an excited Milo in tow. As Jeff and Erin then attempt to grab your dog's attention, your phone rings with the telltale sound of a Facetime call.
Erin takes the two bowls when you answer the call, you quickly thanking her before one of your other friend's excited face fills the screen and her voice spills out of the speaker. "Happy birthday, bitch!" You cringe and smile in thanks, avoiding the gazes of those around you as they suddenly go still. "We're getting fucked up tonight! You're finally legal!" She squeals.
You sigh. "I don't know, Em. I don't drink much and I'm not too fond of having strangers grind on me."
"Come on, girl!" She groans. "We're in the prime of our lives! You need to let loose at least once in your life."
"Yeah, Baby," Jeff lays out behind you, his face just visible behind your shoulder. "You're in the prime of your life. Go out and have fun."
Your friend's eyes widen on screen and you faintly grin. But before she can question you, David's piping up. "It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because I don't care for celebrations," you shrug.
"But it's your twenty first!" Natalie says. "You're supposed to let go once you turn legal."
"Oh my god. Our Baby is no longer a baby," Erin realizes. Carly laughs, she busy playing with Milo again. These people really loved dogs.
When you meet your friend's gaze on the phone, you sigh yet again. "Em, this is Jeff. Don't even think about it. I forbid it."
"Nope. Now if you want me to go out tonight, you'll forget all about the hot person behind me and text me where I'm supposed to meet you guys tonight. Okay? Love you. Bye."
As soon as you drop your phone beside you, your friends are on you.
"It's your birthday!? Oh my god," Natalie says. "I can't believe you hid it from us."
You laugh sheepishly. "I didn't exactly hide it. I just- I didn't tell you. I didn't want you guys to feel obligated to get me anything or do something."
"But you're twenty-one," Carly says. "That's huge!"
"Not really. It's rare that I'll have a drink. I'm not too eager to get shit-faced and wake up regretting my life's choices."
"Well tonight you are," Natalie says. "Come on. We'll raid my closet for an outfit and get you ready."
"No buts," David muses. "You have this night with your friends and then next week you'll celebrate with us."
"But Milo," you say, picking up your Beagle and holding his face to your cheek. "I can't leave him all alone."
"On it." Jeff takes Milo from you and you pout at him. "What? The sitter's got Nerf for the night. I'm not doing anything."
Chuckling lightly, you let Natalie and Erin pull you up to your feet. Carly follows behind you and you readily start picking through a drawer of your stuff in Natalie's room for underwear you kept there for emergencies. She hands you a towel and a robe, and instructs you to not wash your hair. You oblige her, taking extra care to pamper yourself in the shower before making your way back to her room.
Mariah has now joined them, she surprising you with a cupcake and a singular candle. They quietly sing happy birthday to you as to not attract all the boys, and snap several pictures to post later. Carly then does your hair and Natalie your makeup. Once they're done, you get to choose between four outfits they had put together and laid out on the bed.
One outfit in particular catches your attention- anything that sparkled was a weakness of yours- and you spend a little too long staring at the metallic sequined crop top with a plunging v-neck.
"Why don't you try it on?" Carly asks.
You huff. "And risk flashing my tits? No thanks."
"That's what the tape is for." Mariah laughs.
Natalie and Mariah then help you into the crop top, taping it down so you don't flash anyone when you no doubt let go at the club later that night. The top pairs with high waisted, faux leather shorts that fit almost like a second skin and a pair of chunky heeled boots that stop just above your knee. You have to endure a mini-photoshoot for your friends before they let you out of the room where they then direct you to the kitchen without even addressing the boys.
"A round of shots for the birthday girl," Natalie says, immediately seeking out a bottle of liquor and shot glasses. Carly, Erin, and Mariah cheer. Shots are poured and then passed out, you grabbing it and raising it in front of you so Natalie could finish her toast. "May you let loose, have fun, and call us from a jail cell so one of us can go bail you out."
"Don't jinx me!" The girls all laugh and then you down your shot, grimacing.
There's a sudden commotion as others arrive and you make small talk with Erin and Carly as more people enter the kitchen.
"Oh hey, when did we get a new hot gi- oh my god, it's Baby!" You whirl around at the sound of your name, slowly grinning at Todd's gobsmacked expression. You wink.
"Damn, babygirl," Zane whistles, "who is you trying to impress?"
"Alright, alright!" David shouts, camera recording. "Everyone gather 'round." Zane, Todd, Heath, and Jeff enter the kitchen, everyone gathering the kitchen island. "So today is Baby's twenty-first birthday-"
"Shut up, Zane, and let me finish." Everyone laughs. "As I said before I was rudely interrupted, today is Baby's twenty-first birthday. She didn't tell us because she didn't want presents or a party-"
"-so tonight she's going out with a few friends-"
"Not dressed like that, she's not!" Heath then interrupts.
You and the girls all cackle, even more so when the other boys are seen vaguely nodding along.
"But next week she's all ours. So, Baby," David says, coming in closer so the camera is practically in your face, "any last words before you're too drunk to make good choices?"
"Yeah. If my tits pop out of this shirt, I'm throat punching Natalie for encouraging me to wear it."
More laughter rings out and you can't help but laugh as Zane, Todd, and David struggle to not look at your chest.
"Jesus, Baby," Heath mumbles. "Will you please change?"
"If you don't change, we're following you to the club," Jeff says.
You grin. "Well then I guess you're following me to the club."
Thirty minutes later, you're sitting on Todd's lap on one of the middle seats in David's Tesla. He and Jason are in the front, you, Todd, Jeff, and Zane in the middle, and Heath and Ilya in the back.
"You know, I didn't think you were actually serious that you'd accompany me to the club," you say. "Or pick up Jason and Ilya."
Ilya laughs from the back seat. "Todd sent me a pic of your.. chest. I was torn between wanting to put a shirt on you and ogling the picture some more."
"Todd!" David laughs. "You didn't?!"
"I'm sorry!" He laughs.
"She's like our baby sister, man," Jeff chuckles. "What is wrong with you?"
Todd laughs, his arms lazily wrapped around your waist. "I was so confused! I mean, I know it's Baby, but.."
"We ain't never really seen Baby's boobs on display like this. It's confusing. And upsetting," Zane says.
"Now you boys know how it feels for us girls when you walk around in nothing but your boxer briefs. I mean, you guys are like family. Sort of. But you're all still so pretty. It's confusing."
The rest of the drive doesn't take very long and soon enough David's pulling up to the club your girl friends are all waiting outside of. And before you can open the door, Todd's holding on tighter as Jason turns around in his seat. David records what comes next.
"Ground rules," Jason says, putting on a mock serious expression. "Very little alcohol, no drugs, no boys, no hook-ups, no-"
"Yes, dad, I get it. Have fun, but not too much fun." You sigh. "Can I go now?"
"Listen here, young lady." You snort and all the boys snicker at Jason's tone. "You are only just barely legal-legal. You're lucky I'm even considering letting you out of this car!"
"I love you guys, but you're all idiots. I'm going now." You tap on Toddy's arm to let go, which he does, and you make your escape soon after.
Then making sure the tape has done its job and kept you covered, you pull down on your shorts from where they'd ridden up. You wave to the boys as soon as the door closes, but you only make it a few feet before Jason's voice is ringing out.
"Call us if you run into any trouble! We mean it, Baby!"
You stumble and glare over your shoulder when people start to stare, you flipping off all the boys now laughing. Your girl friends then walk up to you, staring between you and the car of boys in amusement. "Don't ask," you grumble. "I need a drink asap."
          - X - X - X - X - X -
By the time you're stumbling out of the club, every one of your girls are completely smashed. Makeup is smudged, shoes are in their hands, and one of your girls is a crying mess. Your mind is a little fuzzy and some things look like they're in slow motion when you move a little too fast. Thankfully, however, you had enough of your wits about to order an Uber for the girls and call David to come pick you up just because.
The Uber gets there before David, so you quickly wrangle up the girls and get them in the van. Then left alone, you take a seat on the curb and mess about on your phone to keep yourself occupied. Your Instagram has blown up with notifications from all the sloppy pictures your girls had posted and tagged you in, and all the comments your other group of friends had left on them.
There's whistling behind you, followed by some catcalls that make you slightly uncomfortable, but you do your best to ignore it.
Finally the familiar white Tesla pulls up and you sigh in relief. The front passenger window rolls down and Todd's beaming smile greets you. "Someone doesn't look like they've had fun."
"I was until some idiots ruined it."
"Aw, Baby, whose asses do we have to kick?"
You huff a laugh as you attempt to get up, only to trip and bump into the side of David's car. You can hear him cackling from the inside. The back passenger door opens, and Zane and Jeff are recording you with their phones.
"Seriously, Baby, who pissed you off?"
"Just some-"
"Yeah, sweetheart, flash us those tits!"
The shouting startles you and you grimace, looking towards the source of crude remark. The guy who shouted, plus all his friends, laugh as they shove each other around and continue staring at you. Todd leans his head further out the window and Zane halfway exits the car.
"Flash us your tits! Flash us your tits!"
"Suck my dick!" You suddenly bark back, your anger spiking. The catcalling morons seem startled you spoke back, they still laughing but no longer chanting. "What? You think it's cute to act like jackasses? You wanna see tits so bad, go home and jerk off to PornHub."
"You tell 'em, girl!" A random group of girls cheer you on.
"Fuck, Zane, get her in the car!" Jeff says.
"You wanna go, you little bitch? Lets go, motherfucker!"
"Zane, grab Baby!"
You start to walk off, but arms wrap around your waist and pull you back.
"Yo, man, come get your girl! She's fuckin' crazy."
"What the hell did you just say?" Zane stills and suddenly you're the one nudging Zane back to prevent him from marching up and starting a fight.
Suddenly David's in your face, the light on his camera blinding as he laughs in your and Zane's face. Todd and Jeff do their best to calm the situation, and then you're being herded into the Tesla. And even though there's two perfectly empty seats in the back, you're seated on Zane's lap in the middle seat with Jeff beside you.
"Are you kidding me right now?" Jeff suddenly muses, chuckling the further David gets from the club. "You went from 0 to 100 in a blink."
You frown. "They started it. I ignored it at first, but the chanting really got under my skin."
"You're a mean drunk," Todd giggles. "You went off on those guys. I seriously can't wait until next week."
"I can. Everything feels super slow right now. It's almost making me dizzy." Since you're sitting sideways in Zane's lap, you place your head on his shoulder and snuggle in. "This sucks."
"No, no, no. Don't you dare puke in my car."
You burp. "No promises."
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Holding Hands
Request: can i request smth for finn shelby with the prompts for humor 7 & 12 fluff 7 & 10 ?? Maybe theyre childhood buddies everyone knows they like each other except themselves😳👉👈 tysm
Requested by @asianbuttcheek
Finn Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Blood
A/n: I have been struggling with this one for over a week and I’m so happy to have it done. If the ending seems kinda rushed, I’d like you guys to know that it is. I was inspired to write the beginning and knew exactly what I wanted to write but then halfway through I was lost. So, yeah. I also want to say happy birthday to Kendall! I know it’s a little late, but I hope you enjoy this! 
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Her breathes came in ragged intervals, feet bounding against the cobblestone as she raced to Polly Shelby’s house. Minutes before, Y/n had been peacefully helping her mother with the wash when the phone by the kitchen stove rang. Lucky enough to be the one to pick it up, unlucky enough to be the one the caller was looking for. Her mother was barely able to catch sight of her daughter before the door shut behind her. And now, she was navigating the streets of Small Heath, trying not to get caught on a loose stone and fall on her face.
Y/n slowed her pace to keep from hitting the front door and wiped her palms along the skirt of her dress. Without hesitation, she twisted the knob and entered the house. Shouts rang through the hall as blood slithered through the air. Quietly, Y/n made her way to the parlor, where all the chaos was seeping out of. Freezing in the doorway, careful eyes watched Tommy enter from the kitchen with a bottle of whiskey and Isaiah hold Finn against the sofa by the shoulders. The rest of the boy’s family were littered around him, trying to keep him still before his older brother knelt in front of him, Arthur force-feeding Finn the whiskey, and began to search for what could only be a bullet in his shoulder. 
Screams filled the room, whiskey doing nothing to numb the pain. Y/n wanted to turn away, shield her eyes from the pain in Finn’s own, but that couldn’t be done once she locked eyes with his aunt. 
Rushing from his side, Polly gently reached out for Y/n, rubbing her arm as she pulled her close. “He needs you, dear.” A lump formed in her throat at the older woman’s words. Catching the fear in her eyes, Polly flashed her a soft smile, “Hold his hand, Y/n, he needs you there.”
She nodded, trying to find the confidence to be his strength. 
The two had been friends for years, doing everything together. If this were a few years prior, Y/n would have no issue right beside him, but they weren’t kids anymore. Maturing and finding their place in the world, somewhere along the line, Y/n had developed feelings for her friend. It was dumb, unfair to both of them. To keep from trying to mend a broken heart, Y/n had never said anything, there was no chance Finn would feel the same. 
So, standing there, she didn’t want her actions to mimic her feelings. But hearing his screams of pain, Y/n knew she couldn’t just stand there.
Sitting by his side, Y/n grabbed his hand and tried not to think too much about how he’d gotten himself shot. “Hey, hey, Finn, look at me.” Bringing a finger to his chin, she guided his eyes to her. “There ya go,” Y/n cooed. “Just focus on me.”
“It hurts,” he muttered between gritted teeth, a few strands of hair falling in front of his eyes. 
“I know, I know.” Witha gentle touch, she brushed the hair out of his eyes. At his brother’s words, John shoved a new bottle of whiskey into her hands. Words didn’t to be exchanged for her to know what she was to do with it. “Here, Finn-” Y/n brought the bottle to his lips, tilting it to allow the liquid to run into his mouth. “-you need to drink this.” Finn didn’t hesitate to drink up as much of the alcohol as he could. 
After a while, Finn was drunk and Tommy had retrieved the bullet. Everyone was finally able to breathe once the blood-covered metal glistened in the light. 
“Let him rest,” Polly said, coming to stand behind her nephew. “He needs it.”
Tommy nodded as John and Arthur were already making their way into the kitchen. As much as it hurt them to see their little brother in pain, they knew their aunt was right. All Finn needed now was time and rest. Y/n stood to join them in the next room when a hand landed on her shoulder. “Not you,” Tommy gently pushed her back into the cushions. “Finn needs you.”
Opening her mouth to protest, Polly quickly added, “It’s alright, dear, just sit with him.”
She nodded, watching the pair disappear into the kitchen. Glancing at the man sitting next to her, Y/n couldn’t believe he had been stupid enough to get shot.
“You’re staring,” he grumbled, half-closed eyes looking back at her. “It’s because I’m so attractive, isn’t it?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. “I say this, and I cannot stress this enough, I find you completely repulsive,” she answered with a grin.
He raised a brow, “Repulsive… I’m not- maybe I am.” Finn stared straight ahead, deep in thought. Tilting his head back and forth, Y/n smiled in amusement at what might have been going through his head. “You’re being extra sweet today,” he muttered after a while.
“That’s because you were shot,” she lied. Now wasn’t the time to expose herself. “Try not to say everything that pops into your head.” With that, Y/n pulled him close, allowing her friend to rest his head on her shoulder.
There would never be a right time to tell Finn, not with all the fear that came with it. It was like stepping into a dark cave, you never knew what you would come upon. Y/n didn’t want to step into the unknown and risk a broken heart and a destroyed friendship. Even if Finn didn’t feel the same but wanted to remain friends, she knew it wouldn’t be the same. So, silence was the best option. 
After a while, the pair fell asleep. Y/n had shifted, resting against the armrest with Finn’s head in her lap. Polly went to check on them once no one could hear even the faintest whisper. A smile spread across her lips at the sight in front of her. It was obvious to see that the pair were in love, but neither seemed to know it. One day they would, she hoped. One day they would and her nephew would finally have the steady structure that his family struggled to give him. The older woman went back to the kitchen, closing the parlor doors behind her so no one could disturb them.
With a few hours of sleep and the alcohol slowly draining from his system, Finn woke up. He couldn’t remember much that had happened after being shot, the adrenaline and alcohol acting as a wonder drug. Lifting his head, Finn glanced up at Y/n, who was still asleep. He couldn’t help but smile at her. Even though he was still in some pain, he couldn’t deny that she was beautiful. 
The shoulder he was shot in ached and Finn knew better than to try and sit up. Without assistance, it would be a nightmare. So, he laid his head back down and traced the veins in the hand that was resting against his chest. It didn’t take long for Y/n to stir from the action, slowly blinking her eyes open.
“Look who’s finally awake?” Finn teased, taking her hand in his.
Grumbling, she said, “Shouldn’t you still be asleep? You got shot, ya know?” She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with her free hand before she froze, realizing her other hand was held tightly in Finn’s grasp. 
Don’t read into it. Don’t read into it. Like a chant Y/n said those four words, trying to keep the heat from rising to her cheeks. It was nothing. Perhaps it had happened while they slept. It couldn’t be anything more than that, right? No matter what it meant, her skin quickly turned a shake of red and there was no way for her to tell if it was noticeable or not. It clearly was, though, when Finn asked, “Are you… blushing?”
She wanted to laugh it off, get up and walk out of sight, but there was no way she could do that with his weight against her. “Um… no,” she answered.
Unconvinced, her friend raised a brow. “Okay,” he drawled. “I don’t believe you, but okay.”
“Just drop it, Finn,” Y/n sighed, not wanting this to be the moment when everything fell apart.
Pushing himself up with one hand, he turned to look at her, eyes full of concern. If Y/n didn’t want to talk about it, he knew it was best to drop it as she asked, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking, “Why?”
Avoiding eye contact, her eyes bounced around the room. Maybe if they didn’t lock eyes, if she didn’t see his concern filled eyes, then she wouldn’t have to say a thing. But even that didn’t work as she could feel his gaze drilling into her. “It doesn’t matter, really.”
“I don’t believe that. It must matter if you’re this focused on not talking about it.”
Breaking her gaze from a vase at the far end of the room, she met his eyes. Whether to keep her feelings quiet or not no longer matter. If nothing was said, Finn wouldn’t stop bothering her about it in the days to come. But, if she said something, he may never speak to her again. “I...I,” she wrung her hands together, glancing at the rug below. It was now or never, wasn’t it? Taking a deep breath, she started over. “I liked you. I really like you as more than a friend.” Y/n nodded, agreeing with herself that this is what she wanted to say. “It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, I’ve never expected y-” The sentence was cut off when Finn tugged her arm.
Turning her attention to him, the smile present on his face made her blush even harder. That wasn’t what she was expecting to see. “I like you, too.” A chuckle vibrated his chest as her mouth hung open, unsure of what to say. “When I’m all healed up, perhaps I can take you on a date.”
Finally, Y/n nodded, “Yes, yes, I would love that and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of until then.”
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Peaky Blinders: @simonsbluee
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
In The End - Shelby!Sister
Request - Shelby sis prompt(s): Included a few in case they are pretty awful lol but just maybe they might inspire you a bit - your creativity would make them good! 1. She gets kidnapped by sabini / changretta and it follows her brothers going absolutely insane trying to get her back between her trying to survive
Okay, so this is kinda a sequel to Good Grief, but you don’t really need to read it, I’ll just be using a bit of the storyline.
John’s still alive. I refuse to accept his death.
Warnings - blood, swearing, kidnapping
10:38 // 3rd May
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- - - - Bonnie - - - -
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The boys footsteps were quick, an almost run, a tell of the frantic thoughts he was having, whilst trying to reassure himself at the same time. His face was slightly sweaty - he’d ran over a few miles to get here - by the time he reached the door of the house he knew well.
He usually would have hesitated, slightly nervous, before knocking, but there wasn’t time for that. He needed the reassurance, the smile of the girl he loved, to calm his fast beating heart, and the feeling in his stomach, that something was so very desperately wrong.
His knuckles were still sore off the last bare knuckle fight he had, but he didn’t care, rapping on the door loud enough so that the residents inside could hear above the chaos that usually reigned inside the house at 6, Watery Lane, Small Heath.
The door swung open quicker than he thought it would, and so he jumped a little, pulling his cap off his head, holding it in his hands, playing with the soft fabric, trying to calm that damn feeling in his stomach. His thumb accidentally brushed over the blade sewn in there - the crown of a king, one of the Blinders had once told him - and blood appeared on the skin. He didn’t even look at it, instead paying his attention to the woman in front of him.
“Miss Shelby - Gray.” He quickly corrected himself. “Is she here?”
The woman’s forehead creased a little, her previously soft eyes hardening a little. Polly Gray, of all people, would be able to share the feeling he had right now.
“Who?” Her voice sounded as though she wished for a different answer to what he would give her.
“Y/N? Is she here?”
She paused. “No. Bonnie, why would she be here?”
“She..” Bonnie’s heart thrummed faster than before, his mind spinning with thoughts of what could have happened, none of them good. He swallowed. “She said she was coming to the market, to get something ... she said she would make dinner tonight, she’s really excited-“
“Bonnie.” Her voice was harsher now, the anxiety he felt now visible in her eyes. “When did you last see her?”
“Three hours ago. I thought - I thought she got distracted, thought she came here, maybe, to resolve everything , but I just - I had a bad feeling. I had to come check on her.”
The sickening feeling he had had for hours was worse now. The smell of blood from his thumb reached his nose, and he couldn’t help but think about who else could be bleeding right now. Guilt filled him - why didn’t he come and check on her sooner?
Polly turned round, quickly, leaving the door open behind her, which he guessed was a sign to follow her deeper into the house, walking fast towards the kitchen, then to the curtains, pulling them open fast, to reveal what looked like a family meeting.
“Bonnie Gold.” Tommy’s stony blue eyes regarded him, not filling him with the usual feeling of intimidation, but with anger. If anything had happened to her, it was because of the family that was sat in front of him.
“Mr Shelby, I-“ He hated that he still felt the need to address the man in front of him formally after everything he had done to ruin his and Y/N’s relationship.
“Y/N’s missing.” Polly interrupted him, standing slightly in front of him, her shoulders rising and falling quicker than usual, becoming panicked. “She’s missing , Thomas.”
“What the fuck do you mean?” John’s voice was louder than the rest of the family’s in the chaos, his eyes very firmly fixed onto Bonnie with a look of such intense anger, Bonnie was surprised he didn’t launch himself across the room and hit him in the face.
“She’s fucking missing?” Esme’s voice was loud too, her usual strong voice permeated with panic. She had cared for you like a parent - and you had lived with her and John until you moved out four months ago - and Bonnie knew how much you would hate seeing her in distress right now, no matter if you weren’t particularly talking to any of them.
Bonnie’s fingers were still picking at his cap, his foot tapping on the ground with the anxiety he was feeling - not because of the Shelby family, no, he didn’t give a fuck about them right now. He cared about you, where the hell you could possibly be.
You didn’t have any close friends - being a Shelby didn’t exactly invite a lot of people to want to be close to you, and apart from the family in front of you, he had no clue where you would be. You had been nervy for months, not really liking being alone, a product of how you had grown up, in constant danger, really, and so he couldn’t imagine you deciding to go anywhere new. He hated himself, now, for his gentle insistence over the past months, trying to get you to be more independent - if he hadn’t, perhaps you wouldn’t ever have left him this morning.
It seemed so eerily coincidental that at exactly the moment the family found out about you going missing, the phone started to ring.
- - - - Y/N - - - -
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You were only supposed to be gone an hour or so, at most, just a quick trip to the market in Small Heath, for some of the food you had been craving for weeks, for dinner. Perhaps if you hadn’t taken the detour you had, you wouldn’t have been in the situation you now were, or perhaps you would.
You had been desperate to see your family, though you hadn’t told anyone that, still keeping up your stubborn facade that Bonnie had been trying to break down for months. You were still angry, of course you were, at your brothers, which extended to the rest of the family, who, of course, took their side. You didn’t want to speak to them, per say, just see them, just to see that they were okay. You hadn’t talked to any of them, aside from Ada in London, since you had stormed out of John’s house months ago, after finding out what they had said to Bonnie, not even to Finn, which was killing you. You hadn’t ever even spent a full day away from your twin brother before, and so it half felt like you were missing a limb, but you knew out of them all, it would be Finn that would be able to convince you to talk to them again, and so, you stayed distant. And so did they.
There was a small alley, just a few metres away from where the market was held, and it was well known to you - it was a shortcut home, if you and Finn ever stayed out just too late, and needed to get back home before Aunt Polly stormed the streets of Small Heath trying to find you. None of the Shelby’s still lived in the house on Watery Lane, but it was still their main point for business, and you had no doubt that the majority of them would be there. You didn’t think that it was stupid to go into that alley - didn’t think that you, for once, didn’t have the safety of your brother with you - but you should have.
Because as soon as you were only a few feet into the dark alley, you felt cold metal being struck into the back of your head with so much force that you crumpled to the ground, blacked out, before you could even comprehend what had happened.
- - - - Bonnie - - - -
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It was Thomas that took the phone call, of course. He didn’t show any emotion, simply listening to it, though his stony facade was betrayed by the whites of his knuckles showing through his skin, with how tightly he was gripping the telephone. The room was silent, no one even breathing, waiting for the news that they were sure was in that phone call.
Tommy placed the phone down on the reciever with a slam, one of his hands rubbing his face, in stress.
“Fuck.” He exclaimed, his voice gruff and angry.
“What the fuck’s happened?” John was the first to speak, the brother that was arguably the most protective over you, getting up from the table.
“Some fucking gang has her-“
“What?” Bonnies voice was louder than the others, his tone furious and terrified. “What the fuck do you mean?”
Finn was the only one sat in silence, his hands gripping the wooden table, knuckles white, head bowed as if in prayer.
“Oh god.” Polly whispered.
Tommy regarded him again, but this time there was visible worry in his face. This was his little sister, after all, the one who he had helped raise when their mother died when the twins - Y/N and Finn - were only toddlers. This was the sister who he’d held when she was terrified to go to school on her first day, and later, when she’d been pushed over and laughed at, because of her parents - her drunk father, and ‘crazy’ mother - and ripped her new dress that Polly had spent hours making. It had been him who had taught her how to tie her laces, him who taught her how to climb trees, to kick and punch at the kids who made fun of her.
Yes. It had been Thomas who had protected her , her whole life. And now he was her downfall, the reason she was gone. Him, and his stupid razor gang, that Bonnie now regretted ever being a part of. He dropped the cap from his hands, letting it drop onto the dirty ground.
“We’ll get her back. They want money.”
“Well, fucking give them it!” Polly exclaimed.
Tommy exhaled. “They won’t give her back, even if we do. We have to find her.”
“How do you know that?” Bonnie spat. “Just give them the money!”
“Because these people, they’re greedy. They will just want more and more.”
“How are you going to find her? She could be fucking anywhere.” Bonnie’s voice cracked, and he didn’t try to hide it like he usually would in front of the older men.
“I’ll send my men out. To get information, to look in all the abandoned-“
“And you think that’s going to get her back?”
“Yes. These people - they’re amateurs, I can tell. Someone will have seen something. And they’ll tell us. We’ll get her back.”
“How can you be so fucking sure?”
“Because I know my sister. Do you?”
Part two should be up tomorrow, if people want it!!
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ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: paragliding
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han jisung
genre: angst
word count: 2.1k
warnings: location spots are in north and south korea, language, mentions of mines, weapons, death, cliffhanger, if i missed anything plz lmk :)
A/N: first part of landing in my heart series! changsik is y/n’s helper for la vie en rose
landing in my heart information
LIMH chapters
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“tomorrow, the story about you and actor sangu will be posted”
“itll say how you two were just pranking fans that you two are together. as you see, the picture just shows that you were just holding his wrist. plus your face is blurred so there shouldnt be a problem” changsik says.
you turn off your phone and start paying attention to changsik. “okay but can we do something about the blur effect?” you asked. “oh, do you want me to ask them to blur your face more?” “no, its just that they put the effect on my earrings. you know those earrings are rare to get in the collection”
everyone in the meeting takes a big sigh. “ah, purchasing manager. what are you going to do?” you asked as he slams his note taking book close. “pardon?” “the earrings, purse, shoes. you need to make sure theyre in stock at all times” nodding his head, he goes to restock the items you told him to.
exiting your office, everyone talks about you. “is that her?” “she looks ugly in person” “hes probably with her for her money”. continuing walking behind your bodyguards, you get a call from an unknown number.
“look at you. you look like a celebrity or something”
“who is this?”
“i- you dont even have my number saved? its your eldest brother, sejun.  anyways since you dont keep up with the news, dad is coming back home from probation. you should probably come by the house and greet him”
pausing your tracks, “is this your number?” “yes, please just save it” “dont get another number or blocking it for two times will be annoying” you said and blocked sejun.
hesitating to enter your family’s house as you heard sejun and sehyeong argue about who will be deserves to inherit the family company during diner and your dad yelling out where were you. stepping into the house, the house was quiet.
“hello dad. congratulations on getting out on probation. i heard you wanted me to be here. is there anything you need to speak to me about?”
“you should move back in” “is that all? i was wondering why. you look great by the way. please take care of your heath. i just came here to say hello so ill be leaving now” you waved goodbye and walked towards the exit.
“i want you to take my position” you dad tells you before you could exit the room. “dad!” your brothers yell out. turning around, you see everyone looking at you as your mom shakes her head towards you. “you left home and started your own company for 10 years, i think you deserve it”
hesitating to answer, you agreed to take the position which annoyed the brothers. finally exiting the room, you left the house with fear in you.
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“shall we start?” you asked as everyone gets your parachute ready for paragliding. running off the cliff, you begin floating in the sky with a huge smile on your face. “miss yoon, please be careful!”
peacefully enjoying the scenery, you take notes on how beautiful it was. you then see a floating tractor. worry takes place as you realize theres a tornado happening. trying to not get in it, the wind forcefully takes you to the tornado, making you scream out for help.
north korean boarder
jisung heads to the northern side of demilitarized zone to patrol with company five and a few other soldiers and hears shooting going on. quietly walking into the direction of everything going on as a group, jisung stops as soon as he hears what type of guns theyre using.
“captain han, theyre heading into this direction, judging by the sound of the gunshots” hyunjin pauses, “maybe its a deserter from the south-” “the combat site is 400m away from our current location. going in at 11 o’clock, total count is 10. k2 automatic title, six in total. and tokarev tt-33, three are in use” jisung tells them.
“whats tt-33?” seungmin asked. “theyre our camrades” jisung answered and started walking with his group behind him. seeing whats going on as he saw three men on the ground and the military of the south, he gave him group a signal to continue walking. lifting their guns up, the southern sees them and puts their guns up as well.
“step back. take one more step and youll enter our garrison” jisung shouts out. “hand these three over and well be gone” one of the soldiers said. “theyre our camrades” jisung answers. “captain! we got the state security departments approval and came here to hunt deers but we got lost by the tornado” one of the men on the ground said.
“they crossed the southern limit line and caught digging cultural artifacts” the same soldier said and shows proof. “is anyone injured?” jisung asked as the southern military puts their guns towards him more. “the problem is solved. put your guns down and we will too. i swear on my countrys honor and will stictly punish them. when it comes to punishments, we, the north will certainly outdo the south. well drop our weapons on the count of three.”
by the count of three, everyone puts their weapons down. the three men on their knees sees a gun in front of them and grabs it. trying to shoot the soldiers, jisung quickly grabs them. everyone puts their guns up till- “just return, dont get into conflict with the north” “do you hear me? dont conflict with the south” the radios from both sides said.
after gathering the three men and tying them, company five got them as jisung stayed behind. making sure the south was gone.
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back at the gate, jisung is in front of the car that the three men are in as he waits from cheolgang to arrive. seeing him arrive, he stands up straight and salutes him, as well as hyunjin and seungmin. cheolgang sees the three men in the car and turns to jisung.
“greetings sir. company five is is on standby to transfer the grave robbers, who we arrested in the northen demilitarized zone” jisung tells cheolgang. “good work. anything else?” jisung relaxes and tells him how some of the fences were down due to the tornado. “we should tighten security for the area thats damanged until everything is fixed”
cheolgang nods his head. “they probably crossed the southern line due to misunderstanding so let their punishment be lenient” “it happened in our patrol zone. this cannot be taken lightly” “you are well aware that the state security department gave them permission for them to be here” cheolgang says.
“are you saying that they gave them permission to pass the demilitarized zone just to collect artifacts?” jisung asked, feeling annoyed with cheolgang. “of course not, captain han” he chuckles, making company five tensed. “i told the south that they will be taken for punishment, and i shall keep that promise” “do whatever you want, but i do have a promise. i, jo cheolgang, never go easy on anyone. no matter what their ranks are. if you create any act that may threaten our army security, youll be finished right on the spot. but of course, youll never do that” cheolgang finishes. jisung salutes him as he leaves.
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south korea
“but i need to get there, i need to see miss yoon” changsik says as he heard people said that youre nowhere to be found. as he sees someone on the stretcher, he starts tearing up as he thinks youre dead. the police comforts him and sees the cameraman that was supposed to take videos of you in the sky. “hey! wheres my boss?” changsik yells at him. “i dont know” he cries out in pain. “didnt you have a camera? why didnt you take a video of everything?” “in that situation, i couldnt. i nearly died!”
changsik was left alone as the rest of the rescue crew tried to find you. “gosh why did you have to make yourself do this y/n”
north korean boarder
you wake up, high up in a tree. as you yell out for help. as jisung and seungmin is around the area, he stops walking and asks seungmin if he heard anything. shaking his head, seungmin gets a call from the other company five members, asking for him to come back and help with the fence. jisung gives him a signal to go and looks around the area.
as jisung sees you in the trees, you look down. “excuse me, can you help me get out of here” seeing his metal and gun pointing at you, you quickly unbuckle everything and falls onto jisung. realizing, you quickly get off of him.
“ah, did you come here from the north? are you a defector? welcome to the republic of korea” you said. “r-republic of korea? i think youre mistaken. i didnt go to the south. you came to the north” not believing what he said, you looked around and saw his serious face. “since you came here, youll be taken for investigation” jisung says. “huh?! wait i didnt mean to come here at all-” “then explain everything to them like that.
after arguing, you ran but was stopped by jisung yelling you to stop since theyre mines in the area. “dont move or else youll loose an ankle-” jisung pause as he accidentally steps on a mine. “are you okay” you asked. “im fine” “are you sure because you dont look fine-” “i said im fine!”
jisung grabs his walkie talkie to call seungmin for help when his grip failed and the device fell into the river. walking to the walkie talkie, you picked it up. “thank you for picking it up-” “who said i was gonna give it to you?” jisung sighs. “tell me which way i need to go first” “follow the path and when you meet with two paths, take the right one”
after telling you the directions, seungmin calls out jisungs name. “im here!’’ jisung yells out. fear taking over you, you quickly ran.
seungmin finds jisung on a mine and quickly sets him free. “captain han, is there anything wrong?” seungmin asks. “let the crew know that someone is in the zone by accident” “huh? is it a spy?” “no, a south korean girl who accidentally came here” seungmin nods his head and lets the crew know what happened by radio.
as you ran, you took the left path instead, not trusting jisung. you came across of a field that had a sign saying ‘mine field’. turning around to a safer route, you see the soldiers looking for you. headed to the minefield instead, you ran through it and the soldiers made a detour to get you.
as seungmin and hyunjin are trying to get you, you saw a broken tree on the fence, thinking it will lead you to the south again. as youre on the top, you see the two men giving you signals to not go there. not listening, you jumped over the fence as you saw hyunjin raise his gun at you and fired.
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as you kept running, you passed jeongin who was reading a letter from his mother in the fields. as you were running still, you ran into a forest and tripped on a rock. “mom-” you said quietly. trying to pull yourself up, you go back into the past. everytime you fell, you would always cry out for your moms name. but realizing how weak you relationship with her was weak and she was not here with you.
regaining your strength, you got up and walked.
back in south korea, your mom gets a call saying that you were lost and tells the rest of the family. sejun and sehyeong and their wives are pleased, knowing that one of them will get their dads position.
“honey, you need to make sure you get this position” sanga tells sehyeong. “but you still need to find minseok” sehyeong nods. “dont worry sanga”
“hyung. do you think sehyeong will find me?” minseok asks mr oh. “i think we should go somewhere else, i dont think its safe here anymore” minseok nods his head and packs up to go somewhere else.
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as an old lady asks for a ride as she sees military trucks, she was rejected. she then sees three men in one of the trucks. as they hit the end of the road, she sees another truck hitting them and another one, making the truck that the three men are in fall into a ravine and explode. she gathers her stuff and tries to run away when another truck runs into her.
after walking for miles in the dark, you ran into a village. feeling relieved, you smiled. until you saw the lights shut on, you were met with music going on. seeing everyone getting ready for their morning routine, she now believes shes deeper into north korea,
just as the leader enters the village, jisung quickly grabbed you and hid you in his chest from getting caught.
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merakiaes · 5 years
Try Again - Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested: Yes.
Prompts: None.
Warnings/notes: A bit of angst and mentions of a miscarriage. Not proofread so sorry for any possible mistakes. I hope you like it xx
Wordcount: 3171
Summary: Following a tragic turn of events, you end up comforting Tommy as he mourns. 
There’s a unique pain that comes from preparing a place in your heart for a child that never comes.
When you’re pregnant, you are either talking to your baby constantly in your mind or thinking about things related to the baby. That’s why it’s like falling through a trap door if they die. One moment you are in this avid, dialogue, the next moment just… silence.
If anyone ever asked, you would with a one hundred percent certainty be able to say that it was the loneliest feeling in the entire world and the most painful thing you had ever felt, both mentally and physically. The second the doctor told you that your child was gone, it was like your entire world went silent.
You had only found out that you were pregnant a few weeks before but in just those few precious weeks, the life growing inside of you had changed your life forever. And Tommy’s, too.
It had been an unusually sunny afternoon in Small Heath when you had rushed out of the hospital and down Watery Lane, barging into the betting shop to tell Tommy the good news.
The panic he had shown when you barged in in the middle of the business meeting on such short notice was indescribable, and your brothers-in-law were no different, everyone wasting no time in getting out of their chairs to ask you what was wrong.
Not being able to form any coherent words as you were so out of breath, you had simply marched right across the room, grabbed Tommy’s arm and dragged him out of there and back into the house, where you had proceeded to tell him the news you had just gotten.
And it was safe to say that you had never seen him so happy before. 
His face lit up in the widest smile you had seen him smile since before the war, and he had then proceeded to pick you up and spin you around, all while kissing your face repeatedly and successfully having everyone else running into the room when you accidentally knocked over a pot on the stove.
Tommy had yelled the news at the top of his lungs, already then bragging about the fact that he was going to be a father, and everyone else had been just as overjoyed as he had been. Partly because of the good news, but majorly because this was truly the happiest they had ever seen him, and it brought hope to their hearts.
He didn’t leave your side for as much as a second after that, making you follow him around on business and everything, but of course never in a way that put you in harm’s way.
Every night, he would talk to your stomach, insisting to do so no matter how much you tried telling him that the baby was barely even big enough to be considered an actual human being yet. 
He held you close every night as you slept, took care of you like never before, and his mental issues were really starting to take a turn for the better.
But then, for the first time in eight weeks, he was forced to leave you alone when going on business to London with his brothers, leaving you solely in the company of Polly.
She had always tried to convince her nephew to give you some space to breathe, that he was far too clingy and protective, so as he left, despite having promised him she wouldn’t let you out of her sight, she let you wander off to the market on your own, like you had wanted for the past weeks but hadn’t been able to because of your husband or brothers-in-law following you around.
It had gone fine to a start. You had gotten some nice vegetables and bread for the dinner you would be preparing with Polly until the others came home, and was halfway home when a car had suddenly swerved to a stop before you.
Your body had instantly filled with panic and you turned around to run the other way, but before you had much time to react, four men jumped out of the car and came your way, and the next thing you knew, you were knocked out cold.
Tommy and his brothers came home later that evening to a frantic Polly and Ada, and when they proceeded to tell him you had been gone for hours and that someone had dropped off a rather worrying letter at their doorstep, Tommy felt as if his entire world came crashing down on him.
Not only had he lost you, but he had also lost your unborn baby.
The rest of the night was a blur of blood, fighting, and killing. Stupid as your captors had been, they hadn’t realized that Tommy was far more of a brainiac than they had thought, and he managed to track them down within the next four hours with the clues they had unintentionally left in the note.
They found you passed out in a pool of your own blood, and to a start, him and Arthur, who had been the ones to first find you, worried that you had been stabbed or shot. But then John arrived and shot down their conspiracies, having enough experience with childbirth to know that that was not the case.
You had been rushed to the hospital. Tommy hadn’t been allowed inside your room when the doctors first took you from his arms, resulting in the entire lobby of the building being trashed, until John and Arthur finally managed to calm him down.
They waited and waited, for another four hours, until the doctor who had taken care of you finally appeared from your room.
Polly was the first one to get the news, a hand coming to her mouth and tears stinging her eyes the second the words had left the doctor’s lips. And then, she had been the one to tell Tommy, and from that moment on, it was if something died inside of him, rather than you.
When you woke up and got told you had lost your baby, you had cried. Harder than you had ever cried before. You had known from the start that there was always a risk of you not being able to reproduce, miscarriages and infertility having existed in your family for many generations back.
Your parents had to go through a total of four miscarriages before they finally had you, and your mother had told you early in life that there would always be a possibility of you inheriting the troubles. 
It broke your heart, of course, but still, because of this, you knew there was no actual reason in particular as to why it happened.
The first days, you hated yourself. No one had prepared you for the hate you felt for yourself because your body couldn’t do the only thing it was supposed to do. 
But then you had remembered your mother’s words, and you realized that you can do everything right, but sometimes things don’t go the way you want, and that’s not your fault.
And it eased your pain to know that your baby had never been touched by fear. They were never cold, never hungry, never alone and most importantly, always loved.
But Tommy didn’t see it that way, despite also having been aware of the possibility of infertility since when you first met. No one knew how much he cried that day. No one but you. He tried to hide it, but you knew. You always knew.
He didn’t just grieve for the child you had lost. He grieved the entire life he had planned and envisioned with them. You had always made him a better person, always provided him with comfort and love since he came back from the war, and long before that.
But that baby… That baby had been the first time in a long time that he actually saw a chance to make something good of himself, and the fact that it was now gone, it took hard on him.
He blamed himself, for not protecting you and for putting you in the line of danger by doing what he did for a living. Despite the fact that your miscarriage had nothing to do with being taken by his enemies, that’s all that he could think off.
You had been manhandled when first being grabbed off the street, hit in the head with a metal pipe, and then locked into a dark, moldy room, and that’s all the reason he saw.
Despite the fact that you had been the one to physically lose the baby, he had been the one who took it the absolute worst. 
He couldn’t stand to look at you, much less be in the same room as you, as every time his eyes would meet yours, he would be reminded of how he hurt you, how everything was his fault and how he couldn’t fulfill his sole duty in life and protect you.
The experience wasn’t only heartbreaking for him, however. You were mourning too, and everything you wanted was to be comforted by the man you loved.
But he couldn’t be near you, instead starting to distance himself. And just like that, the positive changes he had made for himself after finding out you were pregnant were tossed in the cut, the old him quickly returning.
He started going out, drinking his sorrows away and smiling through the pain. He fought, a lot. All it took was for someone to look at him the wrong way and he would hit them upside the head with a bottle and put a bullet between their eyes. And if someone ever brought up the subject of you or your baby, may God bless them.
Five weeks had passed since the miscarriage and despite the two of you being married and sharing a house, you had barely even seen Tommy since the day you were released from the hospital.
You slept alone every night, woke up in an empty house every morning, and he avoided you to his best ability throughout the days.
Everything had led to you holing yourself up in your house with your depression growing more and more for every passing day. 
You didn’t visit Polly during the days anymore, didn’t go by the betting shop to check in on your family-in-law and didn’t come with them to the Garrison, the latter mostly being because you didn’t want to torture Tommy by forcing him to be in your presence when he clearly wanted to be alone.
The only time you only ever left the house was when you went over to John’s house during the evenings to help him get his kids into bed, like you had ever since Martha passed away. 
You found comfort in being around his kids, and as he knew this, he would sometimes bring them around for a quick visit whenever he had a day off from the whole Peaky Blinder business, knowing how his older brother was barely home to keep you company anymore, leaving you in your lonesome.
Arthur came by every once in a while, too, and Polly came by with food every day, both of them apologizing on behalf of Tommy every time.
But you couldn’t bring yourself to be angry at him. You had known him long enough to know that he would come to you when he felt ready to openly mourn in your presence. You wouldn’t pressure him until then.
Tonight was the first night in a long time that you had actually left the house for another purpose than visiting John and his children.
Your cousin had knocked on your door earlier that day, being in Small Heath for the day while she and her husband traveled back to Ireland from having been on vacation.
You hadn’t seen her in a long, long time, but she had been made aware of your unfortunate miscarriage through the phone only a few days after it had happened. 
She was one of the many unfortunate women in your family to live with infertility, and you had felt great comfort in knowing that you had someone who understood what it was like.
Her and her husband had invited you out for dinner and a night on the town in an attempt to cheer you up, and despite the fact that you to a start had rather stayed at home and slept the rest of the day away, you accepted, and hadn’t come to regret it.
The clock was almost one in the middle of the night when you finally got back home, stumbling over the threshold and kicking the mud off your boots.
The house was dark and eerily silent, and you instantly let out a sigh, realizing Tommy hadn’t come home tonight either. 
Without as much of a sound, you got out of your coat and hanged it on the coat rack, unlacing your shoes before grabbing your handbag and venturing further into the house.
And once you reached the doorway of your bedroom, you had to keep yourself from yelling out in fright at the sight of Tommy sitting at the edge of your bed, not having expected to see him.
You brought a hand up to your chest in a desperate attempt to calm your racing heart. “Thomas?” You asked quietly, almost scared that he would disappear again if you spoke to loudly.
He didn’t move a muscle at the sound of your voice, simply staring into the fire at the other side of the room. “It’s past midnight, where were you?” He asked without looking up.
“I was with my cousin and her husband.” You told him honestly, taking a slow step into the room and putting your handbag down on the chair near the doorway. “You remember Lisa and James, right?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going out?” He asked, causing you to frown slightly.
“I haven’t seen you in days.” You admitted silently.
“You could have left a note.”
You shook your head, fiddling with the rings on your fingers. “I didn’t think I had to. You haven’t set foot in here for a week, either.”
He released a shaky sigh, his eyes falling closed and his head falling down slightly. “I thought you left me.”
“What?” You asked, your frown deepening and your feet instantly starting to steer you in his direction. “I would never leave you.” You told him.
As you came to a stop before him, you carefully reached your hands out and cradled his jaw, bringing his head back up so that he could look at you. 
He opened his eyes and met yours and your heart instantly broke at the sight. They were bloodshot and slightly swollen and you could see clearly that he had been crying.
“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. If I had just…” He started, his hands moving up to grip at your hips and his eyes never wavering from yours as a fresh set of tears rolled down his cheeks. “It’s all my fault. I should have been there more for you. For both of you. And now…” He cut himself off with a dry, breathy chuckle, shaking his head.
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, before looking back up at you again. “Will you ever be able to forgive me?”
You sniffled, tears now falling freely down your face too, your heart breaking from seeing him in such a state. The only other time you had seen him this broken was the first night after he had come back from France and you had never thought you would have to see him like that again. 
“It wasn’t your fault. There’s nothing to forgive.” You said, shaking your head while wiping a tear from his face.
He swallowed and squeezed his eyes shut again, and you softly brought his head into your stomach, his arms automatically wrapping around your torso and the fabric of your dress instantly getting wet with his tears.
You brought your hands up to his hair, running them through his soft, black locks soothingly, fighting back your own tears as he trembled under your touch.
Taking a shaky breath, you continued quietly. “We knew this was a possibility from the start. My parents had to try many times before they had me. I…” You hesitated, your lip wobbling at the thoughts going through your head.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to have children, Tommy.” You shook your head. “And I understand if you would want to move on with someone who can give you what you want.”
Your body gave a tremble of its own as those words left your lips, your eyes squeezing shut tightly and your grip on his hair hardening slightly as anxiety filled your ever muscle. 
Your biggest fear in life was to live a life without him by your side, but the last thing you wanted was to hold him back by possibly not being able to have children. After seeing how positively he reacted to the thought of becoming a dad, you couldn’t do that to him.
But he just pulled you closer, slowly bringing his head out of your dress to look up at you with wet eyes. “You’re everything I want.” He said, slowly bringing you down onto his lap. “I would never want anyone else. Children or no children.”
You smiled a wobbly smile but the tears still kept coming as you pressed your forehead to his, taking his face in your hands while his stayed at your waist.
“I can’t promise you it’ll work, but I-“ You took a breath, closing your eyes for a moment and brushing at his cheek with your thumb, before looking into his eyes again with a frown settled on your face. “I want to try again. I want to start a family with you. There’s nothing I want more.” You admitted in a whisper.
“Are you sure?” He asked. “What if you get another miscarriage?”
“Then we keep trying.” You quickly answered, bringing his face even closer to yours. “As long as you understand that, whatever happens, it’s not your fault, then we keep trying.”
Silence fell over you for a moment, his eyes moving away from your eyes to settle on your lips. 
Both of you kept breathing heavily and you kept quiet, giving him the time he needed to think. 
After twenty seconds worth of silence, he finally swallowed, nodding his head and bringing one of his hands up to take your chin in between his fingers.
“Okay.” He whispered, nodding his head.
A sad smile rose to your lips, taking in his conflicted expression, and you slowly leaned in and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
It started out slow, but soon, the emotions you had been bottling up for the past few weeks took over you, and you fell back on the bed together to try again.
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The Blood On Our Hands Is A Bond [Corpse x Reader SHORT]
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Warnings: Blood, murder, decapitation, dissembling  Summary: Y/N joined Corpse on his wicked quest in murdering innocent lives. But what Corpse doesn’t understand is why... Request: No  A/N: Ha we need something spooky for Halloween, don’t we? Sorry for those of you who aren’t getting what you requested! I have a lack of confidence and need time to get it back. Thanks for your patience!  Tag list:  @save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20 @fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland @loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @hairbrush-anon @babyhoneystvles @dannydevitowo
Corpse watched Y/N from the other side of the cold metal table. A dim yellow light shined down on a gruesome scene of an adult male covered in his own blood and multiple stab wounds. He was naked, but the two killers didn’t do any Jeffery Dahmer shit to the body. The purple rabbit mask he wore when he killed people was off to the side, and so was Y/Ns. He looked at her with worry, watching as she focused on cutting off the limbs of the corpse. His mind wandered, playing in the dark rainy heaths of his brain. When Y/N caught him red handed down her in the chamber in the process of slaughtering someone, he expected to instantly hear a scream and the sound of foot steps against steps and he would have to grab the closest weapon to him and kill her on the spot. But what he wasn’t was expecting was a devilish smile to lay across her face and her joining in on the fun. He never understood why Y/N wanted to join him- she seemed so pure and innocent.. but I guess he was wrong. You never know who people really are deep deep in their souls, thats a place no mind could ever wish to reach. 
The sounds of sharp butcher knifes cutting the flesh of human is a sound that could send shivers down any sane persons spine. But for Y/N, it seemed to just be another sound in her ear vocab. It disturbed Corpse- not the sound, but how easily and professional looking Y/N was at... dissembling corpses. He wanted to know why Y/N was like this. People could understand why Corpse turned to the thrill and escape of torture and murder. He was outcasted by those he so desperately wanted to be apart of, he was left alone to fend for himself in the cold battle field of life. He was agoraphobic.. he was not okay. But Y/N seemed to pure and innocent. She seemed like the cute girl with so many friends and happiness, he never expected for her to be a psychopath murderer who enjoyed the cries of innocent people being tortured, the screams of agony of burning someone alive, and the sound of flesh being torn apart. Corpse sighed, being handing the bodies limp leg. You never know how heavy body parts are until you gotta carry them. He brought them into another room which had a black bags. He threw the leg in and went back to Y/N. 
After a minute, Corpse finally decided to speak. “Hey Y/N? Why do you do this for me?” 
He question was a little vague but Y/N understood the question perfectly. “Well...” She looked up to look into Corpses eyes, “We share the same thoughts but have different friends.” she then beckoned for Corpse to held her lift the last part of the body- the torso. Corpse helped lifting the torso up, feeling the blood stain his hoodie. They walked the body to the room and threw it into one of the bags. They then grabbed the bags one by one and put them in the back of a pick up trunk they had. It was late at night, at least 3am. The air was damp and tasted still, the only sound that could be heard was the crickets. They 2 of them hopped in the car and drove the short away to the middle of nowhere. They already lived by the forest, but they liked disposing of bodies in fields. It was less sketchy and scary, and they feared getting their asses murdered out there. They got to the field, taking the bags of limps of body parts to the middle of the field near the forest. They dumped the parts on the grass, the only light was the pale silver moonlight. They piled the parts together and poured gasoline on them, throwing a lit match and watching it engulf in flames. 
They watched with devilish smirks. They made a good team, Corpse and Y/N. Killing and doing whatever they want with people. It was easy being a murderer when the other person in your house is too. While watching the flames rage around the limbs, Corpse felt a slightly wet hand on his. He looked down, seeing the dimly lit hand of Y/N wrapped around his. Both of their hands were covered in blood from playing with limbs. Corpse looked at Y/N, seeing a smile on her face. 
“The blood on our hands is a bond, keep this.” He brought his hand up to kiss it, tasting the metallic flavour of blood on her glossy lips. “I love you, freak.” 
Corpse smiled, surprised by hearing the words ‘I love you’ come out of the girls mouth, but happy otherwise. “I love you too, crazy.” 
~The End~
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 32
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If you haven’t heeded my warnings by now you have done it to yourself.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 32: A Morning Exercise
Your alarm woke you up at the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM. You rolled out of bed and started to get ready. At 5:45 you were finished and left your room. The lieutenant was waiting for you in the living room like usual, as was Kylo who was wearing a similar outfit as the morning before except this time he was wearing a white tank instead of a black one.
“Good morning, are you ready to head to the training room? It is halfway across the ship, so we should get going,” asked Kylo.
“Yes,” you replied excitedly.
He took your arm and you left. You made your ways through the halls and you were surprised to see that there were little to know officers and ‘troopers roaming about. You supposed that the ship really only wakes up at around 6:00 AM, as it was still Alpha shift. You made your way to a room with a larger than a normal door.
Entering the room you notice a large number of generals and other high-level officers on the outside of a large training area. Many of the high-ranking officers had lower-level officers by their sides, much like your own Lieutenant Mitaka.
Kylo released you next to Allegiant General Hux, who greeted you kindly. “Good morning m’lady, my suggestion to you this time around would be to place credits on the Supreme Leader.”
You laughed at his suggestion, and then promptly yawned as you had yet to have any coffee.
“Shall I order you stimcaf m’lady,” asked the redheaded general.
“Stimcaf? Is that like coffee?”
“Yes, m’lady but with a much higher caffeine count.”
“Yes, please” you groaned out. Which earned a hearty chuckle from the general who turned to his aide.
Within a few minutes, a junior officer appeared with a steaming cup of dark liquid in their hand. You thanked them and proceeded to wait for the sparring to begin. Kylo was discussing something with an officer and then turned to the knights to begin.
If you thought watching Captain Phasma and Commander Pyre was amazing, it had nothing on what you were witnessing now.
Kylo was monstrously strong.
They were sparing like the captain and the commander with metal staffs and dull swords. It was six against one at the moment, Kylo was showing his strength and dominance by easily maneuvering out of the way of any oncoming hits. Something about the way he was moving and dodging was magical. You couldn’t have paid the best ballerinas in Paris to move more gracefully than the knights and him. They put The Nutcracker to shame.
All while they were fighting various officers were giving Kylo updates on things around the First Order and he was responding in time. He was truly a marvel to watch.
Even though you thought it might be impossible seeing as the knights were all really strong, somehow Kylo was even stronger. He was broader and taller than his knights, but the strength comes mainly from his chest, shoulders, and thighs. You wondered how his massive hands might help his overall strength.
Although they were all graceful Kylo seemed more refined in the way he fought, but very ferociously. His whole body was an extension of the weapon in his hand, his sword. He was deadly, you wondered how many people have faced him on the battle and lived, you doubted if there were very many if at all.
You watched as they all tried to attack him at once he took them down with calculated efficiency without any obvious use of the Force. Cardo and Ushar were sent down to the floor, Ap’lek and Trudgen flew back to the wall, Kuruk and Vicrul were sent stumbling back into a group of officers who thought they were a safe distance away.
You failed to notice General Pryde come up alongside you, opposite to Hux. “Magnificent to watch isn’t he,” asked Pryde.
You were startled before you agreed.
“Unlike many in the First Order now, I had the glorious opportunity to watch his grandfather, Lord Vader, fight. They have many similarities. It was truly an honor to watch,” said Pryde. There was something disturbing in the way he was watching the training. Somehow he had an air of lust for the power that Kylo held, it rather disturbed you.
“Now Pryde her history lessons are with me after lunch. There is no need to plague her with your useless ideals of the past,” said Hux sneering toward the man.
You could tell that Pryde was holding his tongue, probably as to not get in trouble so soon after the last time. He bowed and stepped away from you joining the Admiral Griss in a discussion with another officer.
“It would do you best to avoid him for now, I don’t believe he has truly learned his lesson yet,” said Hux who then gave some sort of order to his aide. A female officer who appeared to be a general gave out the debrief of, “Yesterday was the last day of registration on earth. Currently, we still have less than 1 percent of the population that needs to register. The unregistered seemed to be mostly from populations that are normally inaccessible from earth’s records. Might I suggest that we send in a company of ‘troopers to each location.”
“You said they were typically inaccessible? These are mostly people who have little to no contact with the outside world. Sending in stormtroopers would only lead them to panic and possibly attacking them. You should consult with an anthropologist before proceeding to make contact,” you responded to the general.
Kylo paused in his sparring and the other officers paused in what they were doing. All eyes were on you. There was a look of confusion on his face, but before he spoke General Hux spoke upcoming to your aid. “Why do you suggest this m’lady?”
“I am assuming some of the people you have yet to come into contact are various tribes from around the world. They still might be using bows and arrows and have no idea what electricity is. They may even still worship the sun as a god. They also do not tend to have any papers of any kind or they may not even have any sort of writing system. Our governments leave them alone for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is they do not have the same inherent immunity to some diseases so unless you vaccinate them immediately they may all die soon. They are an important part of history on this planet and should be disturbed as little as possible,” you said.
“But these people will have to follow the will of the First Order,” said the female general pleading to the Supreme Leader.
Kylo took what you said into consideration before saying, “You heard Lady Ren. Unless I dispute her, what she says goes.”
“And what of the people who are not in these tribes? There is a large portion of people out in the state of Utah who refuse to register and some many others across your planet. What are we to do with them,” asked the general still seemingly indignant.
“Well by the way you are describing it, I believe you are discussing a cult. I personally have no problem with sending in stormtroopers unannounced to them. In my opinion, they have it coming to them. If there are any small groups or families that have failed to register I would do the same thing by sending ‘troopers to them,” you said.
This seemed to pacify the female general sufficiently and Kylo resumed his sparring with the knights after a head-nod to you. You were happy with your minor victory.
“Well done m’lady, not many are able to stand their ground with General Parnadee,”  said Hux quietly with approval. Everyone seemed to turn back to what they were doing before your interruption.
“Thank you general. I will take that as a compliment.”
“As you should m’lady. You have done better than anyone has expected you to do,” said Hux with a slight bounce of pride.
You gave him a smile and a nod. At this time the knights and Kylo had ceased sparing. Each of the knights seemed to try to catch their collective breaths while Kylo seamed already collected. He approached you and you could now see the nice sheen that his sweat had created on his skin. He was glowing.
“Shall we return for breakfast,” asked Kylo holding out his arm to you.
You nodded, words failing you as you marveled in his glow. He guided you through the halls which were now filling with people but unlike when he wears his mask, people were giving him a much wider berth. You wondered if there was a rule against seeing him without his mask or if it was just a faux pas.
You were back at your chambers and went immediately to the dining room to order breakfast and coffee for the lieutenant. Your breakfasts came and you enjoyed them before the lieutenant gave you your morning schedule update.
“Today you have a long heath committee meeting that starts earlier today at 9:00 hours. The Supreme Leader will be in attendance. This meeting will also be a luncheon. After the meeting, you are to return to the ship to receive an extra hour of tutoring to make up for yesterday. Then you have dinner with the Supreme Leader as normal. Is there anything you would like to add m’lady,” asked Mitaka.
“The only thing I would like to add to that schedule is several orders of stimcaf.” This received a shy chuckle from the lieutenant and a smirk from Kylo who got up and headed to his room to shower away his morning sweat.
Kylo was in and out of the shower in a matter of a few minutes. You were both ready to go at 8:30 for your shuttle descent to the surface. You were joined by Ap’lek and Kuruk as your guards and Hux was still the general escorting you to your meeting.
You knew that this meeting would be worlds different from the others for the simple fact that Kylo had decided to join you. You were worried about what it would mean and the outcome. As he had said earlier, what you say goes unless he disputes it. But what if he disputes everything you say? You were not ready for that. You held out hope that you would still be able to fight for your planet. Even if that meant fighting Kylo for it.
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Mending Hearts:
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Blood, Mentions/Descriptions of War and PTSD, Lil bit of Fluff and stuff.
Word Count: 3,296
Characters: Arthur Shelby x Reader
+ Ada, John, Finn, and Polly.
Request: (I got this super detailed request on my Wattpad: @jetblackheartsx but I loved it so much I wanted to post it on here :) For the sake of this one, it’s taking place around the first season-ish where Billy Kimber has become the Peaky Blinders’ current headache.
Paraphrased: “...Reader is new to Small Heath and makes friends with Ada. One day she invites reader to come to one of her brothers mansions. As they drive out there she tells reader about her family, and upon arrival they find blood and two men around the corner. They check to see if they’re alive and Ada calls an ambulance while reader figures out how to save them. After she manages to save them, the ambulance crew arrives and takes them to the hospital and the reader brings Ada home. The next day Ada and Arthur come to thank her and bring her flowers. Then Arthur asks the reader if she’d like to come for dinner one night to meet the rest of the Shelby family. Reader blushes and agrees to meet them after a couple days in order for them to recuperate. When there, she meets Finn who is sweet and charming, and then she’s led to the drawing room of the mansion where she meets Polly and John. And as typical Shelby’s they are a bit flirtatious and so as she sits down with them she wonders what on earth the future could hold.” 
Requested by: Wattpad Reader
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Y/n walked out of her apartment ready to meet her new friend Ada and her family. She had just moved to Small Heath a week prior and it wasn’t long before she’d gotten herself in a rut. She had just been rejected from a seamstress job, roaming the dark colored town and heading towards the Garrison to drink away her current feelings. When she arrived, she saw a brunette standing at the bar with a disgruntled look on her face. She smiled and walked towards her, not paying any mind to the ogling stares from the groups of men drunkenly hanging around during the day.
“What will you have miss?” The bartender asked.
“Oh, just a bottle of whiskey....thank you.” She said as he handed her a shot glass and a bottle. She slipped him the cash and he smiled as he went to tend to the other customers.
“You don’t sound like you’re from here...what’s your name?” Ada asked, staring at her glass of wine as Y/n took a seat.
“Y/n...and you’re right...I’m not from here. Just moved from London.” She said.
“Well...welcome to Small Heath then, Y/n. I’m Ada...Ada Shelby.” She said hesitantly.
“What brings you here?” She asked.
“Planning to drink away my sadness for the night, it’s lonely here. Job rejections and such...” Y/n said before taking a shot.
“I see...well I may be able to help you out with that if you’d like. I have some pull in this town.” Ada said winking.
“Really? You’d help me out? You barely know me.” She said taking another shot.
“I know...I just want to help for a change. You seem nice so I’m willing to take the chance. And....let’s just say my family is always looking for ways to expand their business. What do you do exactly?” She asked.
“Well I was a nurse back in London for a couple years, but then I got sent out to help in the war, stitching soldiers, mending wounds, repairing uniforms, things like that.” She said nonchalantly. She never opened up much about her experience, seeing wounded soldiers everyday, but she managed to integrate back into civilian life just fine, but it was the nights when she’d sit at home alone that worried her the most.
“Oh really? All of my brothers except for my youngest got sent to France...I’m glad they and you got back. It’s changed them though...” She said sipping her wine.
“War does that, yeah.” Y/n said looking down at her third shot. Remembering all the men she saw and helped mend.
“Are you wanting to drink that whole thing?” Ada asked smirking.
“Only if you‘d want to help me.” She said, pushing the bottle towards Ada.
They continued on like that for the day, becoming best friends by the end of the night.
“You...you’d like my brothers. Maybe I’ll let you meet them tomorrow?” She asked, slurring her words a bit. Y/n could see the poor woman was desperate for some kind of human interaction that wasn’t with her family, so she smiled, agreeing to meet them and looking forward to hanging out with her again.
“I’ll pick you up at noon tomorrow. What’s your address?” Ada asked.
Y/n wrote it down quickly, hoping it was legible in her current state.
“I’ll have my driver take you back, here come with me.” She said taking her arm as they both hobbled out. She paid no mind to the men whistling at them as they walked to the car.
Once in, Y/n looked around hazily and drunkenly talked with Ada as they both watched the dreary night blow by them as the driver made his way to her apartment, Ada only slightly more sober than her, helping her to her door.
“Noon tomorrow alright? Thanks for keeping me company tonight. You’re a good friend Y/n.” She said before giving Y/n a hug. Y/n smiled and waved her off, quickly going inside and heading for her scarcely furnished bedroom.
During the war she learned to live with next to nothing, as she constantly had to share stuff with her nurse mates and only had a few clothing items She could bring. Necessities were pretty much it for her, keeping her style in both clothing and furnishings to a minimum.
The next day, Y/n awoke with an all-too-familiar headache and so she took a quick shower and put on a white dress-shirt and beige skirt. Tying her hair up into a tight bun with a ribbon and some pins, just as she did years ago. It had to be done so often that she did it out of habit now.
Grabbing her coat, she walked out, seeing Ada parked outside.
“Hey Y/n! Nice to see you! How are you feeling?” She asked, her sunglasses hiding her own tired look.
“Hungover, but I’ve been through worse.” She said smirking. Ada laughed and continued on, driving down the road.
“So tell me about this family of yours? They have a business I may be of use to you said?” Y/n asked.
Ada gulped and smiled, trying to hide the uneasiness in her voice as she spoke.
“Well, they’re pretty well known here as am I. The Shelbys that is....my brothers mainly...are known as the Peaky Blinders...rigging the books, going to horse races, taking bets, smuggling drugs, weapons, the lot...” Ada paused, waiting for y/n’s reaction.
“Oh my...You know I think I’ve heard of them before, they got in quite the scuffle in London about a year ago.” Y/n said.
“Does that scare you? What my family does?” She asked, knowing many of her friends left her due to her status.
“Not really. They sound quite interesting. That or I’m insane...” Y/n said jokingly.
“Well Y/n you might be. But in that case I think you’ll fit right in.” She said.
“I don’t mean to barge in or anything though, to their business that is, I don’t want to seem desperate for a job...” Y/n said, fiddling nervously with her hands as they pulled into her brother Thomas’ driveway.
“They don’t mind. I’ve already talked with them. Tommy needs a new nurse and a seamstress if I’m honest. The bastard gets in dangerous fights and rips holes in almost all his suits at some point. Not to mention, the old nurse almost gave him an overdose of morphine once because she couldn’t see the dosage markers.” She said chuckling.
“Oh my. Well I’d be glad to help, thanks for putting a word in for me.” Y/n said before getting out of Ada’s car.
“No problem.” She said smiling and leading her into Thomas’ estate.
As they walked along the hallway, Y/n saw a trail of blood and Ada gasped.
“Walk to the side of it.” Y/n said sternly, walking down the long hall and towards the kitchen. The blood was fresh and a dark crimson, the light glinting off it as it led down into the cellar.
Groaning was heard from two dark haired men. Ada suddenly screamed and ran away from her to call an ambulance.
“Hello! Yes come to Thomas Shelby’s estate quickly. He’s been hurt again and so has Arthur.” Y/n heard her say urgently from upstairs.
Without thinking, Y/n carefully dodged the blood and ran towards them, seeing the man with blue eyes drifting in and out.
“Hey, stay with me. Focus on my voice. I’m going to put pressure on your abdomen okay?” He nodded and looked at her from bloodied eyes, he’d been beaten and stabbed badly.
“What’s your name aye?” Y/n asked as he winced.
“Thomas...Thomas Shelby.” He said quietly.
“Ada get me a first aid kit! Now!” She yelled from the cellar loudly, causing the other man to cover his ears as he bled from his arm profusely.
Ada came running down, a look of fear and disgust as she got blood on her heels.
“Here, I found some whiskey, a needle and thread, and some pliers. Oh and the former nurses morphine.” She said handing her the box with all of it and the bottle of whiskey.
“Ada I know you don’t want to do this but I’m going to need you to wrap your brothers arm in gauze and squeeze it. Talk to him. Don’t let him fade out.” Y/n ordered. Ada shakily went over to her brother Arthur and did as instructed.
“Oi! Ada who’s that?” He asked, panting as he held his hand over his stomach which was also bleeding.
“Sh-she’s my new friend, the one I told you about. I figured she’d be able to be of some use.” She said sloppily wrapping the gauze and squeezing his arm as he yelled out.
“Thomas? Hey. Hey! No don’t look up look at me.” Y/n said shaking her head a bit as she looked on the syringe and loaded the correct amount of morphine into it, administering it carefully into his arm. She could feel his eyes on her as she poured whiskey in the wound. His eyes opened wide and he bit his lip trying not to scream as she worked.
“A piece of the knife broke off and I have to extract it, bite down on this.” She said, putting his loose tie in his mouth.
She cleaned her hands with whiskey and then carefully extracted the piece of metal from his wound, causing it to bleed more. Then she quickly threaded the needle and put pressure on him to stop the bleeding before stitching him up just as she was instructed in the medical ward.
It seemed as if it took her forever but really it only took her about 10 minutes.
Ada gagged as she held the now saturated gauze, watching Y/n put the final touches on Tommy’s gauze before wiping the blood from his face and putting ointment on the cuts near his eye.
Thomas watched her as she ran towards Arthur who was losing blood more quickly. She didn’t think, just acted, as she undid Arthur’s belt causing Ada to give her a questioning look.
“Tourniquet.” She said sharply before yanking the remainder of it from under him.
“You did great Ada. Put his tie in his mouth now please.“ Y/n said, and Ada did as instructed.
“So I hear your names Arthur. Keep your eyes on me. I’m going to tie this alright? Bite down.” Y/n said as he weakly bit down.
He groaned and she saw tears escape his eyes as he looked at her, frantic and nervous as he was losing blood rapidly.
Y/n averted her gaze and pulled the belt as tight as she could, getting the bleeding under control gradually as she assessed his wounds.
He was stabbed like Tommy but not as deeply and not with a piece of metal embedded in his side, as his arm was what took the brunt of it.
Y/n unwrapped the gauze and flushed both wounds out as he yelled through the tie. Ada walked over to Tommy after she saw Y/n had Arthur under control and asked him about what happened, Y/n listening in as she worked.
“Kimber’s men...they came in here after we got back from the races. It was just me and Arthur here as we were going to go to the shop. They came here to get me Ada. They came here to kill me after what went down.” He said weakly.
“Well they failed miserably.” Ada said half smiling. Tommy took his sisters hand and held it as she watched Y/n work, waiting for the ambulance.
Y/n got the bleeding in his arm to fully stop for now and so she administered another correct dose of morphine and then stitched Arthur’s arm up and wrapped it, doing the same to the wound on his stomach, blushing a bit as his eyes caught hers as she shyly checked him out, his abs prominent as he tensed up from the pain.
As Y/n finished cleaning him up, he looked up at her and smiled weakly.
“Where did you learn all this? You’re a way better nurse than that old hag... isn’t she Tommy?” He said looking over at him. Tommy’s blue eyes darted over to him as he nodded, he itched to get back to business, to hunt down Kimber’s men, but he knew he couldn’t right now, no matter how much he wanted to.
“I uh...was sent off to France during the war. I helped take care of the soldiers.” She said hesitantly, remembering one of the nights when she had to rush into the field and help one of the men near the tunnels. He had the shakes and was doubled over in pain from the heat and an injury he had came into the infirmary for a few days prior.
Her heart raced as she remembered trying to help him out of the tunnel as a bomb went off near one of the trenches they were stumbling towards, killing the other soldiers near them instantly. The dirt, debris, and blood of her fellow nurses and soldiers raining down on her as she hit the ground, her ears ringing for what felt like forever as the man helped her hide despite his shaky and weakened state. He had brought her down near a dirt hole that was much less deep compared to the other trenches, urging her to hide as he looked around for more bombs. She tried her best to help him when he came back, giving him her canteen and helping him cool off as they hid. But he later died in front of her as he succumbed to the shock and from sepsis due to the injury he had gotten.
She sat there with tears in her eyes, snapping back to reality at Arthur’s voice as she remembered hiding with the mans corpse until sunrise.
“Y/n are you alright?” He asked. He must’ve said something before but she hadn’t heard him due to her flashing back to that night.
“Oh! Right, sorry. I just have memories...I’m sure you both know what that’s like...” She said, as he nodded and took her hand. She wiped her tears away as she heard the ambulance blaring in the distance and immediately went to help Tommy and Arthur up and out of the cellar, desperately shoving the memories away to focus.
After they’re swept off to the hospital, Y/n looked as Ada watched them leave, leaving her to clean up the mess scattered through Tommy’s house.
“Here I can help Ada. I’m great with washing blood out of things.” Y/n said smirking.
“You have a morbid sense of humor, truly.” Ada said as they both worked their way down to the cellar, cleaning every inch of the flooring with mops, soap, a pail of water, and some bleach.
When all was done, it was around 5pm, and Y/n could tell Ada was tired. Y/n was used to the stress and violence keeping her going, but Ada on the other hand was worried and exhausted.
“Here I’ll take you home. I’ll drive and then walk home.” She said.
“Oh no I’ll have a driver come pick you up, no friend of mine will be walking alone.” She said.
“Alright, well I’ll still drive you home though, no use tiring yourself more than you already are.” She said patting Ada on the back as she grabbed the keys.
“I guess. Just don’t speed too much.” She said jokingly.
“No promises.” Y/n said and then got in the car, driving off to Ada’s lavish apartment.
By the time they got there, a car was waiting for her and so she said her goodbyes and received a million thanks from Ada, and then tiredly got in the car and headed home, watching the lavish building fade into the night.
The next day she awoke to a loud knock on her door, and so she sprung up and slipped on a robe as her hair fell down around her shoulders. She sighed as she took in her tired appearance, but nevertheless walked to the door.
She was greeted with a tall man hiding behind a bright bouquet of flowers and a smiling Ada.
“Put the flowers down you doofus. She can’t see your face.” She said before forcing him to give Y/n the flowers. Once she placed them inside, she saw it was Arthur.
“Oi, hiya Y/n. We just wanted to say thank you. You uh saved my brother and I‘s lives back there and I wanted to tell you in person.” He said as he looked at his fresh bandage on his arm.
Y/n blushed as she glanced at him and the flowers.
“It was no problem really.” She said looking at him again as she blushed slightly.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, but would you like to come over to meet the rest of the family for dinner in a couple days? They’re keeping Tommy over In the hospital for a day or two so that they can get some things sorted and make sure he doesn’t run out like he did in the past.” He said smirking to Ada who rolled her eyes at the memory.
“Sure! I’d love to meet my new colleagues and....patients...should the need arise.” She said.
“Alright I’ll see you at Thomas’ estate then.”
“Sounds like a plan. Ada will you be there?” Y/n asked.
“Of course! I’ll pick you up at noon.” She said.
“Alright, see you both very soon.” Y/n said before closing the door, blushing like a madwoman as she took in what just happened. She smelled the flowers before bringing them to her table near the window, finally having a bit of color to brighten up the place.
A few days had passed and she got ready in her long green dress, putting her hair up as she looked in the mirror. She added makeup and then heard Ada’s car as if on cue.
She quickly pulled on her coat and dashed out the door, excited to meet the rest of the notorious Shelby family.
Upon entering, Ada introduced Y/n to her youngest brother Finn, who politely greeted her and directed her to the others.
They were all in the drawing room, discussing what happened when Ada and Y/n walked in.
“There she is! The woman of the hour!” Arthur said excitedly, pointing at Y/n, causing her to blush.
Polly and their other brother John came over and hugged her. Polly telling her how grateful they are for Y/n being their new nurse, and John eyeing her up and down and winking as she walked past him, advancing towards Arthur to give him a hug. John frowned, wondering why she’d go for someone that wasn’t him, but he soon sat back down, wiping the expression off his face when Polly came near.
“How are you doing Tommy?” Y/n asked making her way over to him, patting him lightly on the shoulder.
He put his hand over hers and looked up at her smiling slightly.
“I’m doing better. Thanks to you of course.” He said and she smiled.
“Hey I was there too you know!” Ada said slumping down in her seat by John and Polly.
“You did great too, holding my arm and all Ada. But nothing beats a badass military nurse aye?” Arthur asked winking at Y/n as he raised his glass.
“I’ll drink to that.” Y/n said, smiling and raising her glass at him as she took in her new friends and colleagues.
She never thought she’d end up here but she knew it was where she was meant to be. Coming from nothing in London, to finding some semblance of a normal life in Small Heath, eager to leave some parts of the past behind but reluctant to let go of others. She knew that this was better than where she had been before. And that despite her brief flirtatious interactions with the tall, short-haired man, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he wanted something more, and that maybe it was fate that she’d moved here after all, but only time can tell.
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Tag List:
@flysafepapi, @inglourious-imagines, @peakysabrina, @blinder-secrets, @ta-ka-shi-ma
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
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Hi! I know I have other unfinished fic, but I’ve actually been writing a bit, and you can blame @the-well-rested-one! I have five chapters queued up and outline for several more, that’s a good sign! Please comment if you read, or reblog! Thank you to @nikibi6 and @emulateharry for the looksie!
The One Where Harry Styles Sneezed On Me
Day One
There's only three people out on the pavement ahead of her, and a part of Elise is tempted to tip toe because she watches too many movies.
The streets of London are quieter than Elise has seen them since she moved here. She'd basically never left her university classes and not been shoulder to shoulder with wall to wall people. Her classes were over at rush hour and there were a lot of people in London at any time of day. Had you asked her before the move, she would have said she liked big crowds. But now, the tube sometimes gave her anxiety, a brand new thing, because it was so packed.
Today, well London was like a ghost town, like the film where she'd fallen in love with the city and decided she would study abroad there. It was an odd one, but that sounded like her.
28 Days Later was a weird inspiration, but maybe because London was empty in the movie, she was able to see things about it better. It was also why she felt like she should be extra quiet on the nearly deserted streets, this was the closest approximation to her favorite movie scenes she'd probably ever see in one of the biggest cities in the world. Elise had never been to a big city, not really, the largest was maybe Phoenix. But it didn't really feel that much bigger than Tucson, where she grew up, or maybe it had just grown before her eyes so she hadn't noticed.
London was a proper big city as her roommate told her, and Elise hadn't made it for a semester abroad. She'd wound up here for her post graduate work, she couldn't afford it during undergrad. The living expenses, turns out, were too expensive, but she'd found a way later, because there was a will, a dream.
Her will for today had been to find her way after class to the next public green space on her list. She'd done Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, and Regent's Park. She went after class when she could, if there was sunlight to catch. Today was so pretty, she had decided to go even if it meant catching the tube by herself at night. And then she had stepped out into a London eerily like the one from the movie that had first infatuated her. There were people on the street though, and they didn't look like the walking dead, just the walking afraid. Those who had braved the streets wore masks. One lady had gardening gloves on. Elise wasn't sure if she was underreacting or everybody else was over the top. She hadn't really thought about it, mostly because she was under 80, and well, honestly, maybe she did feel a little bit of the invincibility youth brings.
Apparently lots of Londoners didn't feel the same way. Including those who ran her Uni. She arrived with her notebooks and excited for her day plans, resolute, to find a sign on an easel in the entryway.
"Classes Cancelled today. Online classes will resume tomorrow. All formats will be conducted via Portal for three weeks, or until further notice."
Well, shit. Had they thought to send an email? It may have saved her the trip.
Elise looked at the 100,000 emails in her gmail and discovered they had indeed emailed her. This was why she avoided online courses, she was much better, learned better, in person. Also, she was abysmal at keeping up with things via email. The next few weeks would be a trial.
She'd have to figure it out, and she knew herself; A schedule was necessary, she'd write one down, on paper, to order her life while she had to finish these courses online. But that seemed to be her only coursework for this day.
That was a bright side. She took it as a silver lining, she could head to the old London Heath right away. She considered walking, plotted out her path and realized that it was a long, long way, so long it would steal all of her energy to explore.
The tube was really ghostly, like the ghost town they visited once, Calico or something?
Regardless, she was surprised she wasn't more excited. It was just like 28 Days Later. Well not really, no bloodthirsty, spattered lurchers, but it felt eerie. Like it had the first time she watched it, before she got totally immune to the plot and could only see the sights. She was thankful when a few people got on her carriage, though they sat as far from each other as the spacing allowed. She quickly looked up more information on her phone and estimated how far away the people should be, they were all separated by much more than that.
By the time she got to her destination, she'd normally be just getting out of her first class, and Elise's stomach reminded her that this was meal time. She really was married to a schedule, or at least her biology was. She thought a picnic would be lovely, so she looked up a market and found a Whole Foods nearby. She would splash out for her lunch it looked like, could be worse, could be Waitrose, and must be cheaper than a cafe, surely.
London was pricey. Which she'd known intellectually and was now experiencing literally everyday. As such, Elsie was kinda thinking she needed a job. Was she allowed to work? Maybe on campus. She'd have to ask the question to somebody who knew; she was running through her reserves.
Elise kinda sighed at herself as she walked into Whole Foods. Maybe this was not the best idea. But it was bright and cheery inside and smelled like green juice and roasted vegetables. Her stomach growled and she decided the worst that could happen was she would wind up eating cup o' noodles and have to pack a lunch a lot towards the end of semester before her next stipend.
Elsie shrugged and sang along a little to the song playing overhead. She felt like she rarely heard One Direction here, she heard it played out more in public in the US, and wondered if that was due to public exhaustion. She understood that it had been next level crazy here. Maybe it was just time? They'd been her favorite when she was in early high school. She had decided she was gonna marry Liam in eighth grade. That opinion changed as they all aged. She got too cool for them, and well, some of them grew up nicely. "Just how fast the night changes." She tried to harmonize along. The song also meant she wasn't hurrying she was, however, wandering.
Fruit, she should grab some fruits, that was always a good place to start.
How she wound up by the hot bar she didn't know, but she grabbed a bit of roast chicken and realized the layout was backwards to the one she was used to in Tucson. The metal spoon clanked as she got some potatoes that looked deliciously crunchy and had little burned ridges like she loved. She should have some vegetables. Carrots didn't count, real green things were needed. Asparagus counted. She was looking at the cut fruit, but then thought about her budget concerns and headed over to the produce section.
It was a little emptier than what she assumed was normal, a few ladies and a tall, lanky man in a hoodie and hat were the only people about. He was broad from the back, but had a furtive set to his shoulder that made him smaller. He was also standing exactly where she wanted to be. In front of the bananas, her favorite of the economical fruits. The best bunches clustered where he didn't seem to be doing anything but loitering.
Elise's belly growled, the aroma of her roasted chicken wafted up. She'd give it another minute and if he hadn't moved, she'd try to politely shoulder her way around him, 6 feet or not.
She gave it two minutes. By the end her converse was audible tapping. He still hadn't moved at all. So help her, if he was on his phone! It was time for action. She came up to about his shoulder, and he did not seem to notice there was 5 feet of impatience at his elbow, at least he certainly didn't move. When Elise realized he was on his phone, her patience snapped. That had to break some kind of grocery store etiquette. Was there grocery store etiquette? Certainly, it would extend to standing so people couldn't access foods when you were fucking around on your phone.
She reached past him, "sorry, excuse my reach." she hoped he could hear just how not sorry she was. Elise was good at passive-aggression.
She heard his breathing change and was ready to tell him he had just been blocking the bananas for three minutes, and she knew she wasnt being socially distant, but he was being rude, when he turned towards her. He was being rude, especially by English standards and she would tell him so, even if she wasn't sure if he was exactly impolite, accusing an Englishman of that was very effective.
She realized two things when he looked at her.
One- he was not some stranger- he was HARRY. FUCKING.STYLES!
And two- as his spit splattered all over her face, he wasn't about to call her rude, his gasp had been the beginning of a sneeze.
The last hour had been an absolute blur. She had just sat down to eat. And though her 16 year old self would consider this an upgrade, her 23 year old self was really sad the heath was not the site of her lunch, even if it had been switched out for her teenage dream.
Because Harry Styles had started his litany of apologies with a "fuck!" Then a spilling ramble. "I'm so sorry, dammit, I knew I should have just sent somebody. Dammit, Jesus fuck, now you will have to be quarantined too." His hands were fumbling with the wet wipes and she could smell the disinfectant on them. She stopped him short before he was wiping that shit on her face and was redirecting his hand while he was still talking about how they could just both be holed up in his house. It distracted from the fact he was rubbing spittle off her shirt very close to her nipple.
"I mean, it's not huge. Damn, I kinda wish the new house was done. Then we wouldn't even have to see each other. Not that, I um, wouldn't want to see you, or like whatever, but um. We don't know each other and we'll be, like, living together for several weeks. I guess you could quarantine at your place. But I just feel better, cause it's my fault. Seems rude to possibly infect somebody due to negligence, and not like, help them through it. I just had to have my celery juice." That part was said under his breath, and he wasn't holding any juice.
She remembered the closed juice bar. The sign had read: Our fresh bars-juice, smoothie, and coffee are close due to Covid- 19 contagion worries. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Then it clicked, while she wiped his sputum from her face. That is what he was talking about. What the?
"Are you just wandering around whole foods infecting people? You have the virus?"
She realized she'd been talking really loud and attracting attention. Harry certainly realized.
He looked agitated and around to see if they had an audience, and she realized his face was a bit of a liability. That would be some headline for sure. "Harry Styles spreading coronavirus!" or some shit like that. He used to get press for existing, the memory made her soft for him.
"Let's get you checked out. And we can go back to my place and talk?" He made eye contact and she got confused for a second longer.
"What?" Elise found herself saying. She would normally never ever go home with some dude in a store. But, this dude was Harry Styles, and that made her feel simultaneously safer and also like this was a chance she had to take. She also wanted to yell at him a little.
He sighed, like she was a hard to open packet of chips. "Can you check out and meet me outside?" He looked around again and bit his lip because the women nearby were watching them. He handed her his basket and helped her transfer her things to it, "Can you grab my things too?" He didn't sound like she remembered him. But she supposed she'd not done more than listen to his albums once through after she'd grown out of her One Direction phase.
He sounded better. He was still growing up well.
"Huh?" She was not following him. He gave her that exasperated face and thinned his lips before he quickly got a hundred pound note out. "Check out and I'll meet you in my car. I'm near the front, all right?"
She barely remembered checking out. The girl had to prompt her twice, and she'd shoved the sanitizer at her when they'd both had to touch the change. She even considered keeping. Can you grab my things too, the audacity! But she handed it to him promptly and he put it away and sanitized his hands and gave her a squirt too. Chivalry in the time of Corona.
The drive had been quiet. Though she was sure there were things to do, to say, certainly. So the radio played and Harry sang along. It was a surreal moment, right out of her teenage dreams. Listening to Harry Styles sing in his expensive car. The missing piece that made it reality instead of fantasy was that she was not singing along, instead she was confused and hungry.
"Here, I'll warm up your lunch." Was the first thing he said to her as he ushered her into the square house she recognized from something on the internet years ago. It was a little cold inside and Elise fitted her sweater around her shoulders and sat at the wood grain kitchen table. Her food came to her steaming. Then a warm mug she immediately wrapped her hands around.
"You cold?" He asked while moving to a fancy looking blue screened rectangle on the wall. "I'm always cold, so I just wait until someone seems too cold to change anything."
She nodded.
"Right, so you know me?" He asked like it was taking out the garbage.
"Um," Elise took a drink. "Yeah, I was a huge One Direction fan in high school."
He smiled at that. "Ok, is that why you've gone silent? Freaking out?"
"Yeah, and also, I'm not really following. Honestly."
"Why don't you tell me a little about about what you think is going on. Then I'll fill in my side."
She took a breath. "Can I eat my lunch first?" She needed a minute, and she was beyond hungry, and annoyed. Definitely annoyed. And maybe just a touch of freaking out. Harry was her favorite for a lot longer than Liam, if she was honest.
"Oh! Yes, of course." He shook his head, "how rude of me."
That was why he felt rude? Not the bananas or irresponsible shopping trip. Elise widened her eyes at her carton before she dug in and didn't look up until the blender went.
A green smoothie, vibrant and lush, was placed at her elbow. It matched his eyes. "Here, to your health."
"Thank you." She took a sip and smiled. Her blood sugar was rising and she was already feeling considerably better, though her odd situation and figuring it out came to the forefront. "So, um, to my health hmmm?" She cheered the air.
Harry exhaled and nodded.
"To yours as well?"
"I suppose you could say that." He pulled his lip between his forefingers and she remembered that from interviews.
"You're not supposed to touch your face." She ah, ah, ahhed with a grin.
He laughed and it broke some of their tension. "I'm not. Neither are you."
Elise realized she had her chin in her hand. She slapped it lightly on the table and sat up. "Fair enough, so what am I doing here, Mr. Styles?"
He groaned lowly and she wondered what that was about. She didn't let it sidetrack her though, she'd wait out his response.
He took a big gulp of health and Elise watched the chunky residue slide down the glass.
"You've heard of Coronavirus, yes?"
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
He chuckled, she hoped at himself, what the fuck kind of question was that?
"Right, pretty unavoidable, yeah?" He didn't need her to agree, he kept talking. "I travel a lot."
"Duh!" she interrupted.
At that he really did laugh. "So, I travel a lot, duh, and I flew on a flight where somebody tested positive. There aren't many tests yet, they're rationing them."
"Even for you?" She was surprised.
"Even for me," he sighed. "I'm just a person. Anyway, the person in question asked for a pic for his daughter—."
"Likely story."
"Perhaps, and so, we were in close proximity and we shook hands," she nodded along with the line of his narrative. "They won't test me unless I show symptoms. But quarantine was recommended."
He finished, he'd left out a part though.
"Is Whole Foods part of the quarantine radius?"
He blushed a little, and all of the reasons she'd had some of her earliest fantasies about him surfaced. "No, not as such. But I was low on bananas."
"Nobody you could pay a euro for your bunch of bananas?" She hoped for a laugh.
He squinted. "Course, but I don't like to be a bother."
She couldn't help but laugh at that. "So, in your effort to not inconvenience anyone for a couple hours, you've exposed me by sneezing in my face, rude, and kidnapping me to your house? So, now I have to quarantine too?"
"You aren't a kid. How could I nap you?" This was not a joke, but the humor of it was not escaping either of them.
"Not what that means, though I've no idea why." She shrugged.
"Young lady napped?" He tried.
"Oh god, you are sooo English. Young lady napped." She tried on his drawl.
"That was terrible!" He shook his head like he was offended.
"I thought it was pretty good?" She popped her shoulder and her own little dimple in her left cheek appeared, though it didn't pull the weight his did. He narrowed his eyes before raising up his eyebrows.
"It was alright, I suppose. We have time to perfect it."
"Why's that?" She found herself asking.
"Well, we're pretty much stuck together. How d'ya feel about two weeks at Le Hotel Styles?"
He couldn't be serious, could he?
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allegra-writes · 5 years
Dating Peter Parker would include:
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You had met at the Stark "internship", but neither one of you had known at the beginning that your respective internships were the same kind
Tony definitely had had a lot of fun with that, insisting on demanding the most absolute secrecy from both of you
Peter and you became good friends despite not being able to tell the other exactly what the other did
He had actually had a crush on you from the very first time he saw you, but he had thought you were totally out of his league
Like, so out of his league you weren't even playing the same sport...
A lot of cute stammering and blushing from his part
And little accidents, because he got so clumsy and nervous when you were around
*A lot of crashing and a muffled curse, off camera* You raise your head from your experiment, "Peter, are you alright?"
Peter, coming into view, without noticing his foot was webbed to a metal tray, "I'm ok, nothing to worry about!"
To be honest, you probably took so long to realize he was Spider- Man because you were too consumed with the realization that He liked you
The first date was a disaster
He had ask to borrow money from Mr. Stark to take you to some fancy restaurant on the upper east side, and it had been so akward and miserable and BORING
You had ended up ditching the restaurant for burgers and beers a Vintage Arcade bar on the lower East side that you somehow had gotten you both in
He definitely didn't like beer, and had made the cutest scrunchy face at his first and only taste
He walked you to your door and kissed you goodnight
You were halfway to your room when his "I already miss you" text lit up your phone
Since that night you were inseparable
Like, literally, because he was always holding your hand
And looking for excuses to touch you, in a million little was
Like adjusting your position when holding lab instruments
Or tucking little stray strands of hair behind your ears
Little forehead kisses
And kisses on cheeks
And hand kisses
Sweet, chaste pecks on the lips in public
And deep, heathed, all consuming kisses that lasted forever when you were alone
He is always the perfect gentleman, opening doors for you, moving out chairs and helping you in, and never letting you carry anything, anywhere, always calling you his Queen.
But in private, he is dominant and passionate, his greatest pride is to make you fall apart under his fingertips, and his lips. And him.
At those times, he is your king.
He loves when you wear his hoodies
And he doesn't even pretend to be angry when you steal his t-shirts
Secretly loves the way every one at the lab looks at you with huge eyes when you show up in the morning wearing the same t-shirt he wore the night before.
He's always so protective of you, worrying day and night for your safety
Always following you home from a distance in his Spider-Man suit to make sure you get there alright
Even after New York comes under attack again, and he witnesses first hand exactly how capable you are of taking care of yourself
Your parents love him: Your mom calls him love, your dad calls him son.
Aunt May loves you, and you form an unlikely friendship were you try and teach her to cook and sometimes it even turns out edible
Speaking of friends, Ned ADORES you
And you and MJ got a weird "We banged dated the same guy, now let's be best friends" thing going on he doesn't even try to understand
Long 80's movies marathons and Nat Geo binge watching on his couch
You throwing M&Ms up in the air and him always catching them with his super fast reflexes
Long drives upstate at night to do some stargazing, but Peter always ends up staring at you instead, cause you are so much more beautiful than even the brightest of stars
Going thrift shopping together, or to old second hand book stores or record stores because you both love finding little treasures in what other people considers trash
He finds his love of photography thanks to an old Nikon FM2 you gifted him
He goes to Tony for help fixing -and improving- an old turntable for you to play your old vinyl records collection
Tony foregoes your own super hero name in favor of calling you "Spider-girl". You're not even mad
Peter always comes to you for patching up after a fight. It always ends up in sleepy cuddles and him sneaking out of your room when the sun rises.
The one time you fight, it was a stormy night, and he literally storms out, slamming the door...
Only to later knock timidly on your window, in the middle of the night, shaking from the rain.
"I couldn't sleep, I just... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I can't even remember why we were fighting, and I don't even care anymore. Just please... Please forgive me"
You let him in, because of course you couldn't sleep either, and you're just so cold without him, that when you hug him , soaked clothes and everything, all you feel is his warmth.
The next morning, he's the one that shows up to the lab in one of your hoodies: An oversized faded pink one... Luckily, the sweats you borrowed from your dad for him to wear go completely unnoticed.
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