#heath bsts x reader
suvidrache · 21 days
Hi! Its my frist request so I hope that I will write it so that it can be understood
Can I request male/gender neutral reader who sings in a rock/metal band x Heath, Akira and Kei or Kokuyou? I dont really know what to write more and I hope its enought
Anyway, have a good night/day!
How To Sing
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 231 | Read it on AO3 | Tag List
Featuring: Heath, Akira, Kei, and Kokuyou
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Heath loves that you are also a singer. He, unfortunately, can't exactly sing. He can, however, rap. Health reasons. He wouldn't mind rapping in one of your songs - if you let him. If not, that's totally okay and understandable.
Akira is also a singer. The fact that you sing is pretty cool. He'll listen to your songs and may make a few songs about you. Only you would know about, like one of those songs that others would think “oh that's a sweet song,” not realizing who it's about or who it's directed towards. A sort of inside “joke.” (Not a joke, but if you get what I mean). He wouldn't mind singing in one of your songs if you let him.
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Kokuyou likes listening to you sing. He's not much of a singer, but he could sing a song or two if you really wanted him to. He's there to support you and offer you advice if you ever need it.
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Kei listens to the songs that you sing. He helps you out if you need anything. He wouldn't mind singing in one of your songs, and he would be slightly hurt if you rejected him. He is also understanding if you don't want him to be in it. Your safety is his priority. (Assuming your relationship is a secret and you don't want to be attacked by his fans).
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris
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blackstarmylove · 3 years
Sleeping Habits (HC)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: All x gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Potato
Prompt: BSTS sleeping habits? XD I.e: who snores, who talks, walks, tosses and turns, etc? - P
A/N: I swear I’m not trying to get all your requests done one after another. XD
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Sleepwalks for a midnight snack, takes the snack back to bed, and falls asleep while eating it. If you sleep over, be prepared to wake up to half-eaten food littering the bed.
Clingy sleeper. Will hold you close and NOT let go. When you are not around, he starfishes and takes covers the entire bed.
Has nightmares sometimes and wakes up crying.
May or may not kick you once in a while, depending on what type of a day he had. If Mizuki was angry for most of the day, you are better off sleeping on the couch.
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Tosses and turns a lot. If you share a bed with him, expect to get kicked or punched, and you may wake up on the floor. Even Sabu knows not to sleep on Ran’s bed at night.
Sleep talks a lot, especially when he is in a violent mood. His favorite phrases are: ‘Fire. Set it on fire’, ‘I wanna burn it’, and ‘Fight fight fight’.
Usually grins in his sleep, so you may wake up to Ran flashing his shark teeth.
Another starfish sleeper, but unlike Mizuki, Ran starfishes even when you share a bed with him.
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Side sleeper since it’s the most comfortable position for him due to his illness.
Silent and doesn’t move around much, but sometimes he has difficulty breathing and wakes up coughing. He also suffers from nightmares very often, so Heath usually doesn’t get proper sleep.
If you sleep over, he prefers you not share the same room as him. Heath is worried that his coughing/nightmares might wake you up. Whether you sleep in his room or not, whenever he has nightmares, he comes to you for comfort. If you are asleep, Heath won’t wake you up; instead, he will hold your hand and keep his eyes fixed on you.
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Kongou sleeps on his back with one hand behind his head. If you share a bed with him, he will wrap his free arm around your waist.
A peaceful sleeper and can sleep through the entire night unless he hears something odd or senses danger.
Very rarely, you can hear Kongou mumbling recipes in his sleep. Starless wants so many recipes from him that he is forced to prepare new recipes in his sleep.
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Sleep talk A LOT. 70% of the talk is compliments to himself or you, 20% is him talking poorly about other cast members.
Likes to sleep on his side with his arm stretched out, so when you are sharing a bed with him, expect him to wrap his arms around you and not let go until morning. 
Has quite a few nightmares about his past, so he may wake up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and panting. A hug from you is enough to calm him down, but if you are not around, Rico stares at a photo of you smiling to help him relax. 
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Kei doesn’t move or talk and is a very light sleeper. One little sound and his eyes are open, especially if the sound comes from you. 
Sleeps on his back when alone, but when you’re with him, he sleeps on his side while holding you close to his chest. Also, likes to be the big spoon and will sleep like that if you are comfortable with it. 
If he wakes up in the middle of the night, he never forgets to look over at you and make sure you are sleeping comfortably. Will adjust your neck, pillow, or blankets if needed.
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Heavy but a light sleeper. If Sotetsu knows he’s in a safe environment, he can sleep the entire night without waking up once, but if he hears an unfamiliar sound, he will wake up in a heartbeat. 
Sleeps on his back in a running position when you are not around. With you next to him, Sotetsu sleeps on his side with one arm around your waist or hips. 
Doesn’t snore or talk in his sleep, but if you do, he’s making videos to “blackmail” you. Not really, but he likes to keep them around to tease you. 
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Likes to sleep in a soldier position. He’s even tense when he sleeps, especially if you share the bed with him. 
Ginsei talks often in his sleep, and during the stressful days at Starless, he sometimes recites entire lines from his script. Even in his sleep, he is thinking about perfecting his performances. 
When he can’t sleep, though, Ginsei likes to stare at your face. It’s the one time where he can truly look at you lovingly without feeling nervous. 
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When he’s sleeping alone, he likes to sleep on his side. When sharing a bed, Gui has a habit of snuggling close to you, so you might just wake up and find his face a few millimeters away from your face. 
He is a light sleeper and will wake up whenever you move, toss around, or change sides. If you have a habit of tossing and turning, Gui will get worried. He thinks you are having a nightmare and is upset because he can’t help you.
Sometimes, you wake up with Gui’s head on your chest. If he has a hard time sleeping, he listens to your heartbeats to calm down. 
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Sleeps on his back with his hands resting on his stomach, when you are around and even when you aren’t. It’s the most comfortable position for him, but if you want to use his chest as a pillow, he will adjust his hand accordingly.
Sometimes mumbles apologies and even sings in his sleep. Well, more like mumble words from his songs. Other than that, he is a pretty quiet sleeper. 
Tends to have nightmares here and there. If you are with him, he won’t mind going back to sleep, but if he’s alone, Yoshino prefers not to go back to sleep. 
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Pretty heavy sleeper but not to the point where he can sleep through anything. 
Likes to sleep on his back when he’s relaxed, but during the days he’s stressed/overworked, Yakou sleeps on his side curled up. If you are with him, this is your chance to be the big spoon. 
He is a pretty quiet sleeper, but there are times when he has nightmares from his trainee days. Though, thanks to you and his new jobs, Yakou doesn’t have those nightmares that often. 
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Falls asleep on his back with his hands behind his head and sometimes one knee up. If you like to rest your head on his chest, he will keep that position, but if you want, Kokuyou can either sleep on the side or let you use one of his arms as a pillow. 
Likes to sleep shirtless and without any or minimal blankets covering him. Will gladly let you hog all the blankets without caring. 
Silent sleeper, but if he goes to bed angry, you might hear him growl in his sleep. Has nightmares now and then but doesn’t wake up in a shock. Kokuyou doesn’t want you to know he has nightmares, and besides, he has been having these bad dreams for years now, so he’s used to it. 
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Sin is a light and quiet sleeper who sleeps on his back with one arm behind his pillow and the other arm parallel to his body...assuming that he actually sleeps.
Most nights, he has a hard time going to sleep and prefers to read or play chess alone. If you are with him, he tries to get some sleep or ends up staring at you or the ceiling for most of the night. 
Sometimes has nightmares but doesn’t pay much mind.
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The second heaviest sleeper on this list and can even sleep through a storm or an earthquake, especially when he’s tired or drunk.
Akira mostly sleeps on his side with one arm under the pillow and one knee bent at a 90-degree angle. If you sleep next to him, expect to be trapped under Akira’s leg. When you are with him, he doesn’t put a pillow between his legs, but when he’s alone, he rests his “running” leg on the pillow. 
Most of the time, Akira talks in his sleep but is not very loud. If you are awake, you will hear him flirting...yes, he even flirts in his sleep. Want to freak him out? Ask him first thing in the morning who he was flirting with in his dreams. 
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Sleeps with his head on the pillow but ends up with his face under the pillow. Heavily snores because he can’t breathe and sometimes talks about gameplay in his sleep.
Some nights, specifically when Kokuyou over-rehearses Team W, Taiga kicks in legs around, but his kicks are usually powerless. You might wake up to feeling his leg touch you, but that’s about it. 
Has moments when he sleepwalks, but in reality, he is half awake and wants to play games instead of going to sleep. Taiga gets out of the bed, finds his phone or handheld console, but ends up falling asleep before he can start playing. 
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Another light and quiet sleeper who prefers to stay awake and think about the day rather than sleep. 
Prefers to sleep on his back with one hand under his head, the other resting on his abdomen. If you share a bed with him, Takami will adjust his position to your liking but will still sleep on his back. 
There are times when he spends the entire night thinking whether it was a good idea to involve you in his life. Takami can’t share with you much he worries about you and can only hope you don’t end up getting involved in his matters. 
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Doesn’t have a fixed sleeping position but tends to either sleep on their side or starfish. Their sleeping poses change throughout the night. 
Practices dancing in their sleep, so if you are next to them, they will kick you. 90% chance that you will wake up on the floor and probably with a bruise the next day. 
Sometimes talks in their sleep, mostly ordering Team C to practice harder or getting mad at people for stealing their food. 
Every so often, Mokuren gets hungry at night and enjoys midnight snacks. You might wake up and not find them next to you, but if you get out of bed and go to the kitchen, you will see Moku asleep on the sofa or with their head on the island. 
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A very proper and quiet sleeper. Qu changes his sleeping positions to accommodate you, but when he’s alone, he sleeps on his side with one hand under the pillow, the slightly stretched out. 
Goes to bed with a cooling sleep mask, hot/cold humidifier depending on the weather, and calming white noise. 
He is not a heavier sleeper, but Qu had trained his mind to get proper sleep for health and beauty reasons. 
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Likes to sleep in either the side log or the side running position. If you are next to him, Kasumi likes to spoon or at least hold onto you in one way or another. 
Pretends to be a heavy sleeper but is actually a very light sleeper. Even the creaking of wood during the cold weather wakes him up. 
The most silent sleeper ever. Doesn't move an inch and doesn't snore or say a word - it's almost like he isn't sleep at all. 
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Likes to sleep in a cold and dark room and is a silent sleeper. There are times when he can’t sleep, and during those nights, he likes listening to the sound of rain.
Hari likes to sleep on his side but sometimes finds it more comfortable to sleep on his back, especially when Mokuren makes him rehearse to the point where his muscles are sore. 
Quiet sleeper but sometimes mumbles things in his sleep, mostly related to how Mokuren needs to go easy on him and Team C.
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Start out sleeping under the blankets, but as the night progresses, he ends up rolling himself in the blanket and turns into a burrito. If you share a bed with him, he will snatch all the blankets and leave you in the cold. 
Sometimes snores due to the blankets covering his face. If you want him to stop snoring, just move the blankets out of his face. 
There are times when Zakuro randomly ara ara/oya oya-ing at night. Also, make sure not to watch any horror movies before going to bed with him. He has a habit of snickering in his sleep, so you might just wake up thinking the room is haunted. 
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Very quiet sleeper, no talking, tossing or walking. But Rindou has nightmares frequently, so expect him to wake up multiple times during the night. For this reason, he prefers that you don’t share a bed with him as he doesn’t want to disturb you. 
During the less stressful days, he sleeps on his back with his hands next to his face and one knee slightly bent. When he’s stressed, he ends up in a fetus position. 
If you share a bed with him, Rindou likes to fall asleep with his face in your neck or chest. That usually helps him calm down and have fewer nightmares. 
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Very light sleeper and very flexible to sleeping in any position, especially if you share a bed with him. 
He is also a light sleeper and will wake up at the drop of a pin, so when you have nightmares, Nekome generally wakes you up before the dark dreams can take a twisted turn. 
Another quiet sleeper who doesn’t talk or move around much, but if you do either of those things, he will have a hard time getting to sleep. Though, he won’t complain to you. 
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Whether you share a bed with him or not, Maica sleeps on his side with his knees slightly bent and hands close to his face. 
Wears a silk sleep mask and prefers to keep his room dark and slightly cold. 
Maica likes to sleep with a source of white noise as he gets disturbed very easily. If you have a habit of snoring, talking, or tossing/turning, it’s going to take him a while to get used to it. 
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Usually, sleep on his stomach, and if you are with him, he will wrap one arm around you. Doesn’t move around a lot in his sleep and generally wakes up in the same pose he fell asleep in.
Sometimes, you wake up and find Sinju holding on to your hand. He does this whenever he has nightmares - it’s the best way to stay close to you without waking you up. 
When he is stressed, he has a habit of mumbling random words or making incoherent sounds while sleeping. 
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Literally the heaviest sleeper on this list. Can and will sleep through anything, and the only thing that can wake him up is you saying his name. 
Menou can fall asleep in any position, so he doesn’t have a favorite sleeping position. Also, he goes to sleep in a few seconds, so once his head hits the pillow, he is out cold. 
50% chance of him sleeping quietly, the other 50%, he recites his dialogues in his sleep. 
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When you are not around, he sleeps in a starfish position, but with you around, Unei sleeps on his side in a log position. He is just that tense and nervous. 
Mumbles cute things in his sleep but mostly random sounds. Those, there are times when he compliments you - things he wanted to say to your face but was too shy to do it. 
Unei sleepwalks from time to time, but only when he is extremely stressed out. He feels the need to work in his sleep.
➣ BlackStar Theater Starless Masterlists [1][2][3]
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lancermylove · 3 years
Whisper 2 (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Akira x fem!Reader, Menou x fem!Reader, Taiga x fem!Reader, Takami x fem!Reader, Sinju x fem!Reader, Heath x fem!Reader, 
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can I request a part 2 of Whisper with Akira Menou Taiga Takami Sinju and Heath? Also I hope you’re doing well ❤️
Original Prompt: Can I request Sin, Ginsei, Kei, Kokuyou and Kasumi x fem headcanons with them reacting at y/n falling asleep in their place, and murmuring their names, after watching a movie?
A/N: I injured my toes and am on heavy painkillers, and yes, I’m writing this while I’m on a painkiller/half dizzy/sleepy. Forgive my mistakes. 😂 Other than that, I’m good lol. Hope you’re doing well!
Series: [1]
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Akira was excited to watch his favorite movie with you, but much to his disappointment, you fell asleep halfway through the movie. 
Though he wanted to wake you up, your sleeping face was too cute to resist. He continued to stare at you for a while, completely forgetting about the movie. 
Right as he turned his head back to the screen, after hearing a series of gunshots coming from the TV screen, he felt you snuggle closer to him and mumble, “Akira is so warm..” 
His cheeks turned slightly red as he pressed his lips on the top of your head. “You are too cute for your own good.” 
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Takami invited you to his house for a movie date, not knowing that you were exhausted. Only when you fell asleep midway through the movie, did he realize your condition.
“If I knew you were tired, I wouldn’t have called you over. Forgive me, (y/n),” he whispered and pulled the blanket on your legs over your body. 
“I like sleeping with Takami...” 
Did you just reply to his apology in your sleep? Your words also startled him. Takami wondered what your reactions would be if he told about the statement you made. 
He chuckled and shook his head, “Don’t say such statements...you could give any man the wrong idea.” 
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Taiga was playing an RPG video game while you watched him. Though you would much rather play the game than watch, you didn’t want to ask him for the controller and potentially make him sad. 
Not being able to handle the sleep-inducing music, you slumped against the back of the sofa. He didn’t realize you were asleep until your head ended up in his lap. 
Taiga got so freaked out that he nearly dropped the controller on your face. For a moment, he stared at you, trying to calm down his racing heart. The more he looked at your resting face, the hotter his cheeks got. 
You were sleeping with your head on his lap...Taiga had to command his mind from not wandering into “bad” places. 
Though he couldn’t make out the entire sentence, the two words he heard were enough to send his heart and mind into overdrive. For the rest of the night, Taiga mumbled to himself, “She is just sleeping...there is nothing more. No bad thought, mind....”
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Heath realized you were asleep when he heard you softly snoring. He got up off the sofa and carefully lied your body down, making sure not to wake you up. 
He fetched a blanket from his room and when he was covering your body with the soft fleece, he thought he heard you say his name. 
“Hm? What did you say?” 
As if you heard him in your sleep, you repeated your words. “I love Heath.” 
His heart jumped with joy as he kneeled next to the sofa. The rapper softly pressed his lips against yours and whispered, “I love you too.”
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Sinju was excited to have you over at his apartment for a movie night. As the two of you watched the movie, you tried your best to prevent your heavy eyelids from closing. 
Soon, the cute boy felt your head lean against his shoulder. Sinju glanced at you and smiled softly, thinking your sleeping face was the cutest thing he has ever seen.
The blue-haired boy returned his gaze to the TV when he heard you say, “Sinju’s smile I love...” 
His cheeks glowed red but the corners of his lips stretched widely. For the rest of the night, Sinju sat as straight as he could, not moving a muscle. He wanted you to rest without any sort of disturbances. 
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Menou chuckled when he saw you sleeping next to him. As soon as you had started the movie, you made him promise that he wouldn’t fall asleep, but here you were, fast asleep. 
“And I thought I was going to break the promise...” 
He knew you were asleep but wondered why you were calling out his name. Were you having a dream about him? He smiled and brushed aside a few strands of loose hair from your face. “You look like an angel...” 
When you woke up around midnight, you saw Menou’s face a few inches from you. You shifted a little closer to him and rested your hand on his chest before returning to dreamland once again. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist 1 ➣ BSTS Masterlist 2
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lancermylove · 4 years
For You (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Hi! How do you think BSTS boys and Unei would react if their s/o (fem) give them flowers without a specific occasion and just because?
A/N: Hi~! Hope you like it. ^^
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Kei was surprised to see you handing him a red rose, but he graciously accepted the gift. 
"Thank you, my princess," he smiled softly, "what is the occasion?" 
"Nothing," you chuckled. 
Your reply made him smile again, and he leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
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"F-For me? Thank you..." Ginsei nervously accepted the flower and tilted his head, "why...um...?" 
"You deserve a flower." 
Your answer made him blush. Ginsei averted his eyes, but the corners of his lips curled up. "Thank you...I will use this as my strength to rehearse harder for our upcoming show." 
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Gui blinked and slowly took the flower from your hand. "Thank you..." 
He continued to look at you, waiting for an explanation for the unexpected gift. 
"I felt like giving a flower to you," you giggled. 
Gui smiled and looked at the flower in hand, "It smells nice...like you." 
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Yoshino rested his hand on his chest and looked at you with wide eyes. "U-Uh, I..t-thank you." 
You nodded and smiled sweetly, "This flower reminds me of you." 
Your words made the singer's heart leap, and he couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. Not even when Mizuki accidentally kicked him. 
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Sotetsu raised an eyebrow and smirked, "And what is this for?" 
"Nothing...I just wanted to give you a flower," you chuckled and handed the neatly tied bunch to him. 
"Forget me not, huh?" Sotetsu grinned, "I would never forget the woman I love." 
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"A...flower?" Kokuyou asked slightly irritated. "Why give me a flower?" 
"Why not?" 
He stared at you blankly for a moment before bursting out in laughter. Kokuyou took the flower for your hand, "Next time surprise me with a kiss." 
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Akira flashed a wide grin and took the flower from your hand, "The flower is pretty but not as pretty as you." 
You giggled and playfully slapped his chest, "Flirt." 
"You started it," the singer laughed. 
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Sin smiled and gently took a hold of the stem. "Thank you. Would you like some tea?" 
"Sure. Hm?" You looked at him surprised, "No Singo today?" 
"I will speak in a manner you can understand as a thank you for the beautiful flower." He gave you a glimpse of his rare soft expression. 
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"What's this for?" Taiga asked, surprised by the flower in front of his face. 
"Just felt like it," you grinned. 
"O-Oh...," Taiga took the rose from your hand, "thanks."
"Hey, Taiga, do you know what giving a red rose means?" 
"It means 'I love you'," you giggled teasingly and watched as the gamer's face turned different shades of red. 
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"Ah, thank you, but what is the occasion?" Takami asked as he examined the flower in his hand. 
"Nothing special." 
"I see...," he smiled, "have you heard the phrase there is no rose without a thorn?" 
You nodded and tilted your head, "Why do you ask?" 
"What would you do if I said I also have unremovable thorns? Would you still love me?" 
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Rindou smiled and graciously accepted your present, "These are beautiful, thank you." 
"I hope you like them." 
"I love everything you give...because you are the one giving it to me," he whispered and delicately brushed his fingers against your cheek. 
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Sinju smiled and took the flower from your hand, "Thank you! What is this for?" 
"When I saw this sunflower, I thought of you..."
Sinju flashed a toothy grin and wrapped his arms around you, “You always know how to make me happy.” 
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Maica furrowed his brows together while taking the flower in his hand. "Thanks...but what are you giving me this?" 
"No reason." 
"I see...," Maica mumbled and took a quick selfie with the flower. 
"Maica, what are you doing?" 
"Taking a selfie so I upload the photo to my social media. After all, I have to let my followers know how cute my girlfriend is," he smiled teasingly.
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Menou tilted his head slightly and blinked, "What is this flower for?" 
"No reason in particular." 
He chuckled and accepted your gift, "Would you like to join me for a hot spring date later? It will just be the two of us all alone..." 
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Yakou examined the flower and asked, "Is today a special day? Am I forgetting something?"  
"No, I felt like giving you this...for your versus," you smiled. 
"This is...a gladiolus flower, right?" Yakou's lips curled upwards, "This is your way of giving me the strength to fight, isn't it?" 
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"Thank you," Mokuren smiled, "Is this an edible flower?" 
"W-What? Mokuren!"
Team C's leader chuckled, "S-Sorry, I am hungry..." 
You shook your head and motioned towards the kitchen, "Let's see if there's any food in the kitchen. Just don't eat the flower..." 
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"This flower is beautiful," Qu smiled gently, "thank you."
"Iris's are beautiful, aren't they?" You asked, admiring the blue flower in his hand. 
"They are, but not as beautiful as you," he whispered before kissing the tip of your nose. 
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Kasumi appeared behind you out of nowhere and whispered, "Oh, that flower is pretty." 
You yelped and jumped. "K-Kasumi...stop doing that!" 
"S-Sorry," he chuckled, "is that flower for me?" 
"It was, but now since you sacred me, I won't give it to you." 
Kasumi pouted and pushed his bangs aside, showing you his puppy eyes. "I'm sorry, (y/n), please give me the flower." 
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"Thank you for the flowers," he smiled, "are you free tomorrow?" 
"I always have time for you," you giggled and winked. 
Hari blushed, cleared his throat, and muttered, "I feel like the luckiest man alive."
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"Oya Oya," Zakuro smirked as he studied the bloom in his hand, "are you attempting to flirt with me?" 
"Hm? Why do you say that?" You asked, genuinely confused. 
"By giving me a ranunculus, you're telling me that you cannot resist my charm," he chuckled teasingly, "so, (y/n), are you unable to resist my charm?" 
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Mizuki accepted the flower but seemed a bit disappointed as he mumbled, "Thanks..."
"Mizuki, you don't like flowers?" 
"I want food...so next time gimme food, 'kay? But...the flower is okay too," he said, averting his eyes, "since it's for you." 
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Kongou was surprised but graciously accepted the bloom. "Um, thank you. Is today a special day?"
"I felt like giving a flower,” you giggled shyly, “but every day is special when I’m with you.” 
Kongou’s cheek turned crimson hearing your sweet words. “I love you too...” 
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"Thank you, but why did you give me two flowers?" He asked, tilting his head.
"One is for you, the other is for Sabu." 
"For...Sabu? You're the best!" Ran beamed and hugged you, "Thank you for always remembering him. He loves you just as much as I do." 
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A wide smile danced of Heath's lips as he took the flower. "Do you know the meaning behind this flower?" 
You shook your head, "What does this flower mean?" 
"Blue Salvia's mean thinking of you," Heath flashed a soft smile, "thank you for always thinking about me." 
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Rico thanked you for the flower and carefully placed it in his hair. "How do I look?" 
You stared at him in awe before taking out your phone and snapping a photo of him, much to his shock. 
You set the photo as your phone wallpaper and showed it to him. "See, you look amazing." 
Rico blushed and gave you a genuine smile, “You’re too cute for your own good.”  
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"T-Thank y-you," Unei stuttered while taking the flower from your hand, "I-I'll be right back." 
He quickly walked to the office and came out with a box in hand. "I have nothing to give you in return, so...so..."
Unei bowed and held the box in front of you, "I will be happy if you share my lunch with me." 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 3 years
Kiss (GIF HC) [2]
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Team C x fem!Reader, Team B x fem!Reader, Unei x fem!Reader
Warning: N.SFW(ish)
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Hi! May i request gif hc for btst? Kiss gif maybe little bit nsfwish? Thank you!
A/N: 26 banners, 26 gifs, and 26 hcs in one post = tumblr can’t handle the hotness lol. 
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Mokuren hadn't been giving you enough attention as the team leader was too focused on dancing. 
"Mokuren, can you stop dancing and please give me attention?" You sighed and said over the music, knowing your lover wouldn't be able to hear you, or so you thought. 
As you were about to turn around and leave, Mokuren grabbed your arms, turned you around, and smashed their lips against yours. 
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You and Qu were lounging around on his bed when you took your top off and straddled him. 
Leaning down, you captured his lips in a deep kiss. After a while, you broke off the kiss and gaze into his captivating eyes for a moment. 
"I love you," he whispered and ran his up and down your back. 
You smiled and leaned down for another kiss. 
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You made a bet with Kasumi, saying that your favorite team was going to win the versus.
Kasumi disagreed with you and said, if he loses, then he will do whatever you want, but if he wins, you will stay at his apartment for the night.
Unfortunately, your favorite team lost, but as Kasumi picked you up while kissing you passionately and pressed your back to the wall, you couldn't have been happier.
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You and Hari were on a vacation, in the resort's pool. The entire day you were debating whether or not to kiss Hari in a public place.
Not being able to resist any longer, you tied your arms around his neck and gently pressed your lips against his. 
To your surprise, Hari returned your kiss and whispered, "Took you long enough." 
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Zakuro teased you all day long, and now it was your turn to tease him. You laid on his bed and waited for him to walk out of the bathroom, preparing yourself for seducing him. 
As soon as he walked out, he froze for a second before crawling on top of you and biting your neck deeply. 
"Ara Ara, did you really believe you could tease me?" He whispered against your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin, "You will have to try a lot harder than this." 
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You were upset with Mizuki, and he knew it all too well. He walked up behind you and tugged your dress. "I'm...sorry...don't i-ignore me." 
He brought his face next to your, closed his eyes, and pursed his lips, waiting for you to kiss him. 
Smiling to yourself, you turned around and captured his lips into a deep kiss. 
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You and Kongou started dating exactly one year ago, and to celebrate, he took you on a little vacation.
You wanted to give him a return gift, so as a surprise you told him, "Kongou, I am ready...to be one with you."
Though he was shocked, he rolled over and planted a peck on your lips. Kongou noticed the apprehension in your eyes and whispered, "I promise to be gentle."
Your lover pulled you into a passionate kiss as he held your body close to him.
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Heath finished rapping his new song for you and asked, "How was it?" 
"It was perfect! You deserve a reward for it," you giggled and pressed your lips on his. Though the rapper was surprised, he returned your kiss. 
"Heath, your song was so perfect I think you deserve a better reward."
You tightly wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your tongue along his. Heath groaned against your lips before trailing kisses along your neck, pulling your body closer to his. 
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You were enjoying a quiet afternoon out with Ran, when he asked, "Who is your favorite member in Starless?"
"Hm...let's see," you said, teasingly.
He eagerly waited for your reply, but to his shock, you replied, "Mizuki."
Frowning, Ran leaned in and started kissing your neck, tickling you in the process. "No, it's me!"
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As Rico watched you getting dressed all he wanted to do was hold you in his arms. "Let's not go out to dinner tonight." 
"What?" You asked surprised to hear him say that. 
Rico pulled closer by the waist and pressed his lips against yours. 
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As Unei walked into the office, you pulled him by the tie and kissed him deeply. 
His cheeks turned red, but instead of shy away, he pressed your back to the wall and kissed your neck. 
"U-Unei," you gasped and reached over to grab the doorframe for support. 
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➣ BSTS Masterlist 1 ➣ BSTS Masterlist 2
53 notes · View notes
lancermylove · 4 years
From His Heart (White Day HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x gn!Reader
Warning: None
A/N: Happy White Day~!
Out of curiosity, he asked you what you wanted on White Day. You answered, “I want you to put your heart into the gift.” 
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“So, Kei,” you wrapped your arms around him, “what gift did you decide to get me?”
He chuckled and handed you a mirror and said, “Look into the mirror.”
When you glanced at your reflection, he whispered, “Every time you look into the mirror, you will be able to see my heart.”
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"Hey there. What are you looking for?" Sotetsu asked, following your eyes. 
"My gift! Don't tell me you forgot." You pouted and crossed your arms. He shook his head and handed you your present. 
"Is this...an x-ray?" 
A playful smirk danced on his lips. "You wanted my heart, and what better way to show you my heart than a chest x-ray? Next time, choose your words carefully." 
His laughter filled the room. 
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Ginsei nervously handed you a silver box and waited for you to open the present. 
Inside the box was a misshaped heart pendant on a thin chain link necklace. Ginsei cleared his throat and spoke in a shaky voice. 
"I know the pendant is disfigured, but this is the first accessory I made," he smiled, "I hope you like it." 
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Gui smiled when he saw you and said, “I have contacted a doctor.”
“Why did you need to contact the doctor, Gui?” You asked, shocked, “Are you not feeling well?” 
“You want my heart, right? The doctor first needs to remove it from my body...” 
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Yoshino smiled and handed you a pink gift box. "This is for you." 
You opened the gift to find a cute picture of you and Yoshino making victory signs. "This photo...we took on your first date?" 
He nodded, "You said you wanted a gift from the heart, right? That was the happiest day of my life." 
A light blush spread across his cheeks as Yoshino looked away shyly, "T-Thank you for being in my life." 
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“Kokuyou, where is my gift from the heart? I am curious to see what you got me,” you giggled, knowing he wasn’t happy about your sappy reply to his gift question a few days back.
“The hell would you ask for something like that,” he mumbled irritated.
Without warning, he smashed his lips against yours, but to your surprise, his kiss was on the softer side. 
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"I couldn't really think of what to getcha, so I wrote you this," Akira grinned and handed you a decorated piece of paper. 
"A song?" You scanned the paper and looked at him, surprised. 
"Not just any song...a song I wrote for you. Your song," he beamed, "the title of the song is '(Y/N)'." 
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"So Sin, what gift did you finally decide you?" You asked, clapping your hands together.
"A gift you wish for on a daily basis," he said monotonously and handed you a thick book.
"A book?" You asked, taking it into your hands and examining it, "A...dictionary? SIN! This is an English/Japanese to Singo dictionary?"
He watched your excited reactions with a soft smile.
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Takami handed you a small box and wished you, "Happy White Day."
When you opened the box, you found a Hawk-Eye gemstone inside. "Wow, this is beautiful...but how did..."
"I put my heart into the gift?" Takami completed your question and chuckled, "Takami means Hawk-Eye gem. By giving that gem to you, I'm giving myself to you."
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“I wasn’t sure what to get you, so I got you this.” Taiga rubbed the back of his head and handed you a card.
“A gift card?”
“I was saving money for some of my games, but I put it in a gift card,  so you can use it for your gatcha games...and get your favorite characters. I would hack the games for you, but the developers would suspend your accounts.” 
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“Where is my present, Rin?” You asked looking at his empty hands.
He chuckled, took out a green gift bow from his pocket, and placed the bow on your head, “There. You said you wanted me to put my heart into the gift, right? Since I can’t gift wrap you, this gift bow will have to suffice.” 
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Sinju handed you a flat white box with a red hand-drawn heart on it, “My gift from the heart.” 
When you opened the box, you saw a photo of a group of people, each flashing a bright smile. “Sinju, this is...”
“My family!” He grinned, “My family means the most to me, and I want you to have this photo...maybe someday you will be in the photo...” 
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"M-Maica, I can't accept this!" You gasped when you looked down at the necklace he placed around your neck from behind. 
"This gift is from my heart...," he mumbled and stepped in front of you, "it's my grandmother's necklace. She gave it to me and told me..." 
He stopped talking, but you pushed him to finish his sentence, "told you what?"
"To gift...this necklace to the person I hold closest to my heart," he whispered, turning his face to prevent you from seeing his red cheeks. 
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"Here," Menou said in a monotonous voice, "Happy White Day." 
"Menou...this is a piece of paper with an orange heart on it," you stared at him blankly. 
"Orange is my color, and I drew my heart on it." One corner of Menou's lip tugged up.
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"Woah, Yakou, is this you?" You asked looking at the album in your hand, "Hm, there is no CD inside." 
"Y-Yeah," Yakou sighed and forced a smile, "I told you about the idol group I was supposed to debut in, right? If we would've debuted, this album would've been our first. I held onto it as a precious memory...and it's close to my heart." 
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“Moku, you wanted to see me?” You asked, walking into the rehearsal room. 
Team C’s leader nodded, “Take a seat. I want to show you your gift.”
Mokuren showed you a graceful dance step and asked, “How was it?” 
“Beautiful, but...,”
Your confused expression made Moku chuckled, “Beautiful, just like your heart. I created a new dance step and gave it your name. Now, your name will forever remain in the world of dance.” 
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A sweet smiled appeared on Qu’s shimmering lips, “I am sorry if you were expecting a physical gift, but you mentioned you wished a gift from the heart, so the most meaningful gift I can give you are these words.”
He stepped closer to you and softly touched your cheek, “I love you.” 
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"This gift is for you. Logically, I couldn't think of a gift that I could place my heart into, so I decided to gift you this," he smiled and fixed his glasses. 
"Oh, this is a helmet and a jacket?" 
"My current hobby is riding my motorcycle, and I was hoping you would join me. This helmet and jacket match mine, so um," he cleared his throat and blushed, "we will be dressed as a couple." 
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“Hi, (Y/N),” Kasumi appeared behind you out of thin air. 
“EEK!” You jumped and rested your hand on your chest, “Kasumi, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” 
“S-Sorry...” he chuckled nervously, “so, I have your gift. You asked me to put my heart into it, so here.”
Kasumi gave you the warmest and most heartfelt smile he could give. 
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“Zakuro, what is this?” You asked, staring at the pieces of paper in your hand. 
“Ara Ara, you said to put my heart into the gift, did you not? So, I went to the doctor and got a copy of my ECG report,” the singer grinned devilishly. 
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When Mizuki handed you a heart-shaped bento box, you blinked rapidly. “Mizuki, why are you giving me a bento box?” 
“You said to put my heart into the gift, didn’t ya?” He mumbled and puffed his cheeks.
“Um...so food is your heart?” 
“Yup...,” he grew quiet for a few seconds before speaking again, “I...didn’t have food to eat growin’ up and starved a lot. I don’t want ya to starve, so eat properly, ‘kay?” 
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Kongou smiled when he saw you, “So, your gift...” 
He took a deep breath, got on one knee, and took hold of your hand, “You asked me to give a gift to you, but I want to be selfish and ask you to give me a gift. I have always helped other people and thought of their happiness, but when I needed help, no one stood by my side...that is until I met you. At every turn in my life, you have stood beside me and acted as my light. You are my reason to smile, the reason for my heart to beat, the reason for me to live...so, (Y/N), will you please be with mine and make me the happiest man alive?”
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When you arrived at the location Heath texted you, you saw him surrounded by children. “Heath?”
“There you are. Kids, this is (Y/N).” 
As soon as the singer said your name, the children flocked around you, yelling  “thank you”, “you’re the best”, “we love you”.
You glanced at Heath puzzled, but he waited for the kids to calm down before speaking with a soft smile, “You asked me to give a gift from me heart, so I chose to donate to an orphanage under your name.” 
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"Happy White Day!" The blue-haired boy ran up to you and threw his arms around you. "Here's your gift!"
"Hm? What is this? Omg, is this you and puppy Sabu?" You flashed an ear-to-ear grin.
"That was Sabu's first day with us. You wanted me to put my heart in the gift, right? This photo is my most prized possession." Ran pecked your cheek, "If you ever get sad, then look at this photo. It'll make you smile!"  
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"Rico, I asked you to put your heart into the gift," you looked down at his gift and frowned, "why did you give me money?" 
"Uh, well...this yen, is the first yen I earned," Rico gave a small smile, "I was in dire need of money at that time, but I couldn't bring myself to spend this yen. This was the closest thing to my heart until you came along." 
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When you open Unei’s present, you find a red heart-shaped toy inside.
“I’m s-sorry, but I can’t give you my real heart. If you ever need it though, I will happily donate it to you...even if it means giving up my life.” 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
101 notes · View notes
lancermylove · 4 years
Hidden Message (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: @weebslawyer
Prompt: So.. This idea popped up in my head last night so I want to request HC with bsts guys and Unei with a fem s/o. But the thing is.. What if she can make silver jewelries? And it doesn't matter if they are rings, necklaces, bracelets or earrings. And at some point in their relationship she give them something made by her, they can be even matching rings or something, but somewhere they can see something like. "-. - -   - - -  . . - / . -   . - .  . / - -   -. - - / - -  - - - - - -  -." who means "you are my moon" in morse code and for everyone is a different meaning but never straight "I love you".This, sounds so complicated. I am so sooorry😭
A/N: Ooo this is such a sweet request! X3 It’s not complicate at all~ I like unique request!
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Your message to him: “-.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... --- ..- .-.. -- .- - .”
Mokuren finds the symbols to be unusual and asks, "What do these marks mean?" 
You are too nervous to reply, so you mumble, "Look up Morse Code." 
Moku watches you walk away quickly before pulling out the phone and searching for the meaning. 
The next day you receive a text: "If you think of me as your soulmate, then I would like to be by your side forever." 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / - .- -.- . / -- -.-- / -... .-. . .- - .... / .- .-- .- -.--”
Qu finds the designs to be unique and questions, "Why did you choose this particular pattern?"
"O-Oh..that's Morse Code for...you take my b-breath away," you whispered nervously with your eyes on your feet. 
A light blush spreads on his cheek as he leans down to kiss your forehead, "You take my breath away as well." 
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Your message to him: “.. .-..-. -.. / -... . / .-.. --- ... - / .-- .. - .... --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..-”
Kasumi squints and tries to make out the message but chooses to leave it for a later time. "Thank you for this beautiful gift." 
Before he closes Starless, he looks up the meaning, and a wide smile dances on his lips when he reads the words on the translator: "I'd be lost without you".
He sends you a text message: "Thank you for loving me as much as you do. I love you, too." 
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Your message to him: “.. .-..-. -- / - .... .- -. -.- ..-. ..- .-.. / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..-”
As Hari examines the necklace, he recognizes the patterns on them right away. "Thank you for this thoughtful gift. You put quite a bit of effort into it...it shows."  
He waits until he returns home to translate the message. Hari is pleasantly surprised when he sees the words: “I’m thankful for you”.
He smiles to himself and sends you a text: “Your gift is lovelier than I initially thought.”
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Your message to him: " -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- . / -... .-.. ..- ... ....”
Zakuro sees the code and chuckles, “Ara Ara, I know you well enough to know these dots and dashes are not there for show. What do they mean?” 
"Look it up,” you chuckle and walk away. The singer raises an eyebrow and takes out his phone. 
Within a few minutes, your back is pressed against a wall and his face is only a few centimeters away from you. “Oya Oya, do I make you blush? Then it will be my honor to turn your cheeks the color of a tomato.”
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .-. . .- ... --- -. / - --- / .-.. .. ...- .”
"Thank you," he smiled softly, "I will cherish this gift forever." 
 As he studied the bracelet, Kei recognizes the Morse Code. He doesn’t tell you right away, but he checks the meaning a little later. 
When he sees the translators displaying: "you are my reason to live", the gentlest smile appears on his lips, and he finds you quickly. 
Kei pulls you in a deep kiss and whispers against your lips, “and you are my reason to live.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / .-. .- -.-. .”
Sotetsu runs his thumb over the message on the bracelet and asks, "What does the Morse Code translate to?" 
You blush and mumble, “You make my heart race.” 
His signature smirk finds its way on his lips as he tilts your chin up. Sotetsu stares into your eyes and whispers, “Is that so? Let’s see how fast I can make your heart beat.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... .... .. -. .. -. --. / ... - .- .-. ” 
Ginsei is surprised to learn that you make jewelry as well. "This is the first time someone has made me a gift by hand. I will guard it with my life."
One day during Team K's rehearsal break, he asks Kei what the dots and dashes mean. Kei takes out his phone, types the message, and shows it to Ginsei: “You are my shining star”.
Ginsei's cheeks turn vermilion when he sees the message, and they only get darker when Sotetsu teases him.
A few days later, Ginsei gifts you a matching handmade necklace with the words “you are my sun” on it. 
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Your message to him: “ - .... .- -. -.- / ..- / ..-. --- .-. / -.-. --- -- .. -. --. / .. -. - --- / -- -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. .”   
"Thank you," he smiled, but his smile was soon replaced with a slight frown, "what are these symbols?"
 "That is Morse Code for 'thank you for coming into my life'," you explain to him.
"You like that I am in your life?" Gui asks with an innocent smile.
When you nod, he wraps his arms around you and whispers, "Thank you for coming into my life."  
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Your message to him: “ .. / .- -- / -.-- --- ..- .-. ... / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-.”  
Yoshino sees the ring and is happy but nervous at the same time. In this apprehensive state, he doesn’t register the Morse Code. 
A few days later, he studies the ring carefully and approaches you, "Do these marking means something?" 
You chuckle and nod, "Yes, they mean 'I am yours forever’."
Yoshino turns bright red and mumbles with averted eyes, “I...want to be yours forever too.” 
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Your message to him: “-- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / -... . .- - ... / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..-”   
He sees the Morse Code and frowns, “The hell did you choose dots and dashes for the pattern?” 
“It’s not just dots and dashes!” You pout and stomp away, leaving a stunned Kokuyou behind. He finds Takami and asks him what the patterns on the bracelet say. 
“This is Morse Code for ‘my heart beats for you'. Did a fan give it to you?” Takami asked out of curiosity. 
“Yeah...something like that,” Kokuyou mumbles and takes the bracelet from his teammate’s hand. 
He takes out his cellphone and sends you a quick text message: "you are even sappier than I thought. Thanks, I like the gift."
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .-. . .- ... --- -. / - --- / ... -- .. .-.. .” 
"You made this? It looks great!" He grinned, "Maybe I should ask you to make all my accessories."
He held the gift in front of his face and stares blankly at the message for a moment, “Um...what are these symbols on the necklace?” 
"Oh, it means,” you avert your eyes and whisper, “you are my reason to smile.” 
The singer flashes an ear-to-ear grin before pecking your lips, “And I will continue to be your reason to smile.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- -.-- / .-.. .. ..-. . / .-- --- .-. - .... .-- .... .. .-.. .”  
"Thank you," Sin smiles and glances at the Morse Code for a bit. 
When he returns home, he looks at the translation: ‘you make my life worthwhile'.
Sin immediately sends you a message: “water cannot form without cloud as clouds cannot form without water.”  
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .---- ..- .--.”  
 As soon as Taiga gets his gift, he hugs you tightly. "Thanks! I'll wear it." 
He looks at the ring again and examines it carefully. He runs his index finger over the markings and says out loud, “You...are..m-my...1 UP.” 
“Wait, you know Morse Code by heart?” 
Taiga chuckles and nods, “If I am your 1Up, then you are my super mushroom...you give me the strength to break through any block standing in my way.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... - .-. . -. --. - ....”  
"Such a beautiful gift. Thank you," he returns his gaze to the bracelet, “do you see me as your strength? If so, then I will continue to be your strength forever.” 
He kisses your forehead and walks away chuckling, leaving you in shock.
You spend the rest of the day wondering how Takami has Morse Code memorized, and for what reason. 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- .- -.- . / -- . / .... .- .--. .--. -.--”  
Mizuki is happy about receiving a handmade gift from you but misses the message completely. 
Only when Ran asks what the symbols on the necklace mean does he notice them. 
Mizuki finds you and asks, "What are these dots and dashes?"
"It's Morse Code for ‘you make me happy’," you smile. 
He rubbed the back of his neck and averted his eyes, “Why don't ya just tell this to my face? Um...you make me happy too." 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -- . .- -. / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / - --- / -- .”  
Kongou sees the message but doesn’t want to ask you directly, so after he thanks you for the hard work you put into the beautiful gift, he finds Sotetsu. "Do you know what this means?" 
Sotetsu examines the bracelet and looks up the translation on his phone. “Seems like this fan of yours is in love with you. It’s Morse Code for ‘you mean the world to me’.”
Kongou turns red, thanks Sotetsu, and comes to find you. He quietly pulls you into an embrace. “I love you too.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .- -. --. . .-..”  
Heath stares at the message but doesn’t say anything. You pick up on his confusion and say, “That's Morse Code for ‘you are my angel’.”
He is startled but shakes his head, “You are my angel. You give me the strength to push on and make me happy.” 
Heath wraps his arms around you and buries his face on the top of your head. “Please always stay with me.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / -... .-. .. --. .... - . -. / -- -.-- / .-- --- .-. .-.. -..”  
“Woah, you made this? It’s pretty! Hm?” Ran traced out the code with his thumb and tilted his head slightly, “What are these symbols?” 
“T-That’s Morse Code,” you reply with a smile, “it means ‘you brighten my world’.” 
Ran’s eyes start to twinkle and a grin dances on his lips. He throws his arms around you and holds you close to him. “I love you too!”
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- Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / ... - --- .-.. . / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. -”
Rico sees the Morse Code and wonders why you would choose such a design. Though he doesn’t want to ask you, thinking that it might break your heart. 
When he’s sitting in the break room staring at the bracelet, Sotetsu sits next to him and asks, "Do you know what that means?"
“Why do you care, and why should I care? They’re just some dot and dashes.” 
“It’s called Morse Code, go look it up.” Team K's member laughs and walks away. 
When Rico checks the translation, he is shocked to see the words: "you stole my heart".
He lowers his head to prevent anyone from seeing the tears in his eyes.
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / - .... . / .-. . .- ... --- -. / .-- .... -.-- / -- -.-- / .... . .- .-. - / -... . .- - ...”  
“Thank you for this precious gift. I promise to wear it in all my performances,” he says softly while smiling sweetly, “but these marking...I feel as though I’ve seen them before.” 
“Are you familiar with Morse Code?” 
“Ah, that’s it. I have heard of it. What does this message mean?” He asked and patiently waited as his heart nervously pounded against his chest.
“You are the reason why my heart beats,” you replied. 
Rindou’s eye grew wide momentarily. He took your hand and pressed it to his chest, “I can say the same.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / ... ..- -. ... .... .. -. .”  
“This is the best gift I’ve ever received. Thank you so much,” Sinju flashes one of his bright smiles and presses his lips to your forehead. 
“There is a special message for you on the gift...please look it up,” you whisper and walk away, blushing. 
He examines the code, takes out his phone, and searches it online. Sinju’s lips stretch widely when he sees the words “you are my sunshine” appear on the translator. 
He touches the bracelet to his chest and blinks away the tears. “I l-love you, (y/n).” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / .--. .-. .. -. -.-. . / -.-. .... .- .-. -- .. -. --.”
"Thank you for the gif-", Maica stops speaking when he sees the dots and dashes. Without looking at you, he takes out his phone and looks it up.
You see a playful smile on his lips, “I am your prince charming? Then, my princess, would you give this prince the honors of taking your out on a date?” 
Maica slightly bows and holds out one hand in front of you. “I promise to make this date memorable.”
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Your message to him: “ .-.. . - .-..-. ... / -... . / - --- --. . - .... . .-. / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-.”  
Menou, being meticulous, notices the message right away and shifts his eyes to you. “What does this mean?” 
You translate the message for him in a shaky voice, “Let’s...b-be together for-forever.” 
Menou chuckles, “Seems like we will have a lot of hot spring dates.”
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Your message to him: “ .. .-..-. -.. / -.-. .... --- --- ... . / -.-- --- ..- --..-- / . ...- . .-. -.-- / - .. -- .”  
Yakou stares at the necklace pendant for a moment before whispering, "Thank you for working so hard on his gift."
When you walk away, he quickly looks up the meaning of the Morse Code. 
His eyes scan the words over and over to make sure he is not misreading it. “I’d choose you every time...”
Your words make Yakou happy to the point where his eyes get a bit moist. “Thank you for not rejecting me like everyone else.” 
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Your message to him: “ -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- -.-- / -- --- --- -.”  
"T-This is for me? T-Thank you so much!" He bows and gives you a genuine smile.
Unei is very happy to get a ring from you and thinks the symbols look familiar. He is too nervous to ask you directly, so he tries hard to think what it could mean. 
While he is browsing his blog, he decides to type the symbols exactly into the search bar and is shocked to see "you are my moon".
The next day he brings a special lunch for you with a note that says "thank you for the beautiful gift. I will treasure it."
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 3 years
Not My Favorite (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All Singers x fem!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: im so in love with ur work !!! ❤️❤️❤️ my request would be~~ what happens when the singers find out their gf's favorite singer in starless isn't them/their gf is a fan of someone else? uwaaa i cant wait for what you do but take your time and i will support you no matter what~
A/N: Thank you, Anon!!! 😊 Ah sorry for being so late with the request and tysm for your patience and support! ❤️❤️
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“I’m not your favorite singer? That’s not done. I won’t take that as an answer," he frowned playfully. "Now let’s try again. Who is your favorite singer?
"My fav singer is Maica," you repeated your words.
“No! You’re supposed to say Akira,” he pouted and pinched your cheeks. 
“I’m not saying I don’t like your voice, I just like Maica’s style.” 
“Then maybe I should sing in this style,” Akira laughed. “But it’s fine, cutie, you can like Maica as long as you remember I’m your boyfriend.” 
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"Rindou...is your favorite singer?" He asked as his eyes grew wide, but a moment later, Kei smiled at you, "I see. I'm sure he will be happy to hear that." 
"You're not mad?" 
You were not expecting him to be so calm and couldn't help but be surprised. 
"I would be lying if I said I'm not upset, but Rindou is talented. All that matters to me is that you chose to be with me, but I hope you continue to support Team K," he softly said, tousling your hair. 
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Yoshino stared at you in shock when he heard you say, "My favorite singer is Sinju."
“W-Why?” He asked, averting his eyes to a nearby table. 
“I like his sweet and pure voice."
“O-Okay,” he mumbled and forced a smile. The pink-haired man didn’t know how you would react if he told you his true feelings, so Yoshino didn’t tell you that he was upset to hear your reply. 
Yoshino knew he had gained confidence and wasn’t lacking in anything anymore, so why didn’t you like him? He spent the entire day pondering over this but still couldn't see why he wasn't your favorite. All the singer could do was pushed himself to work harder. Maybe if he brought sweetness and purity in his voice, he would become your favorite.
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“Kei? He’s your favorite?” Rindou asked stunned. It didn’t take long for his smile to return to his lips, “I see. I can see why you would like him. He has great control over his vocals, and his voice is powerful.” 
You nodded in agreement, “Yes, he is amazing! But you’re okay with him being my favorite singer?"
Rindou chuckled and rested his hand on the top of your head, “I don’t mind as long as you come to my performances and support me as well.” 
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“What?” Maica asked in a voice louder than he meant to, taken back by your response. 
“My fav singer is Zakuro. A-Are you upset?” 
Maica moved his eyes away from you and frowned, “How can you not expect me to be upset? Why would he be your favorite singer?” 
“His voice is too great not to like, especially when he sings low notes.” 
Maica exhaled loudly, “I disapprove of this, so change the topic before I get even more upset.” 
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"Akira is your favorite singer?” He asked with a smile, “I really like his vocals and power! He also good at interacting with the crowd.” 
“Sinju, you’re too sweet.” 
“Thanks...but why do you say that?” He asked with arched eyebrows. 
“You are not only praising Akira, but you didn’t get upset when I said he’s my favorite.” 
Sinju flashed an ear-to-ear grin, “I wouldn’t be upset at you for picking someone as talented as Akira. I also like watching him on stage.” 
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“H-Heath?” Yakou asked and forced the corners of his lips up, “I see.” 
His voice sounded a bit lackluster to you, making you wonder if you should have answered his question. “Are you upset?” 
He flashed a small smile, “I wish I was given more chances to show my abilities to you, but it’s alright. Heath is a good rapper, so I can see why you would like him. I hope someday I can change your mind though." 
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"Ara Ara, and here I thought I was your favorite,” he spoke dramatically, “Yakou is surely lucky. You’re his fan even though you’ve only heard one song from him.” 
"Zakuro, you’re such a drama queen,” you chuckled, “but you don’t mind?”
"I do, but that won’t change your mind, will it? Looks like I might have to do a versus against Yakou,” he teased. 
Your mouth parted slightly, not knowing if he was serious or not. “What? No! Zakuro!” 
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“Y-Yoshino?” He averted his eyes and stared at a few people walking past him. “I see.” 
“Heath? Are...you okay?"
“Oh, s-sorry,” he glanced at you, smiling, “Yoshino has changed quite a bit since I met him. He is more confident and can face challenges head-on. I’m sure he would be happy to know you’re supporting him.” 
“You think so?” You giggled, “You know I support you too, right?” 
“Yeah, I know,” he replied with a gentle smile. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist 1 ➣ BSTS Masterlist 2
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lancermylove · 4 years
Swimsuit [GIF]
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x fem!Reader
Warning: Taiga’s gif contains anime blood
Requested by: Potato
Prompt: I was just looking through my screen shots and got to the Summer Affair pictures from last year (?). Can I make a reaction gif request for the guys and how they react to MC coming out of a changing room in a cute/sexy/revealing two-piece swimsuit? All the guys and SFW if possible, but whoever and however many you want! -Potato
A/N: Lol this one was fun to do. XD Let’s hope since it’s SFW, tumblr won’t decide that a kabedon gif is too much for the viewers to handle. -_-
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(I had to XD)
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(replace damn with ara ara/oya oya)
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➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 3 years
General N.SFW HC
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Ginsei x fem!Reader, Takami x fem!Reader, Taiga x fem!Reader, Heath x fem!Reader
Warning: N.SFW
Requested by: Anon​ & Anon
Prompt: Hi. Can I request general nsfw for the rest of team k, Takami, Taiga, Maica and Heath?
Prompt 2: Ahem- I love all your nsfw hc for bsts~ and can i request for nsfw hc for ginsei and heath please? owo thank you so much in advance!
A/N: Hi! Ginsei is the only one left from Team K~! You can find Maica’s hcs here. ^^ Thank you, Anon 2! ❤️
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It takes Ginsei a while to get into a relationship with you and even longer to get intimate with you. 
His insecurities get the better of him, and it takes him time to work through them. What if you don't want to get close to him? What if he moves too fast and makes you uncomfortable? What if you don't like what he's doing?
At first, Ginsei prefers to keep the light off, but as your relationship develops more, he won't care if the lights are on. 
He's always worried about hurting you, so he asks often if you're doing okay. In case it's your first time, Ginsei will hesitate a lot, knowing that you'll be in pain. You'll have to reassure him a few times before he agrees to enter you. 
He will NEVER do anything in public; just the thought makes him uncomfortable. 
Anything you do drives him insane - wearing lingerie, dancing, striptease...
If you take charge, Ginsei will gladly give in but will be a blushing mess every time he sees you riding him. 
He worships your body and thinks you're perfect in every way, even if you disagree with him. 
Ginsei will not agree to BDSM no matter what...even if it makes you happy. 
He likes giving oral but can be a bit on the shy side when he's on the receiving end. 
Being a performer, Ginsei is used to roleplaying, so if you're into it, he will gladly comply. His favorites are prince/princess, bodyguard/prince, and idol/fan. 
He is open to trying any position and doesn't really have a favorite. As long as you're happy, he's willing to try any position. 
Aftercare is important to him, and he will tend to your every need. 
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Takami refuses to get into a relationship with you, but if you keep pursuing him, he will eventually give in. Though there will a warning following his yes. "I am a shady man, and yes, I am involved in a certain matter that I wish for you to stay away from." 
He only asks one thing from you, "Refrain from poking your nose into my matters nor try to ask questions about them. Please."
After you get into a relationship with him, Takami tests the waters before he tries to get close to you. He doesn't want to push you into anything you're not ready for.  
Once you're ready for him, Takami will pick up the hint and will readily show you a good time. Being the observant man he is, he knows your body very well. 
One of his favorites is massaging you and letting the massage lead into intimacy. While massaging your shoulder, he will bite your neck; while massaging your back, he will squeeze your butt. 
He usually stays on the "light" side, but if you're willing to let him, Takami won't hesitate to step on the dark side. If pain is your pleasure, then he will gladly deliver to your needs; if you like BDSM, he will be more than happy to try everything you want. 
Takami's favorites are sensory deprivation and bondage. He likes testing your limits and will actively try to cross your limits, but before he starts, Taka will remind you to use your safe word if push comes to shove. 
He is also a fan of master/servant but will not push you into it. He will never force you, especially if you think of it as demeaning. He may have a dark side to him, but Takami has no intention of hurting you. 
He LOVES it when you beg and will not let you hit your climax until you cry his name in desperation. 
In the end, Takami always tends to your injuries and properly cleans you up before carrying you back to bed. He usually talks to you while stroking our hair and showers you with praises. 
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Taiga will never make the first move, so when you're ready, you will have to step up. Be prepared for him to panic the first time you try to make a move on him. 
 He isn’t comfortable getting close to you in public, mainly due to his fears of getting caught. Imagine Kokuyou finding out and giving him exercising as a punishment! That would be equivalent to death for him. 
 If you want to drive this man crazy, then walk in front of him wearing anything revealing, be it lingerie or even a short low-cut dress. 
Taiga is too lazy and thinking eating you is too much work, so if you want to feel his tongue on your womanhood, then "sit" on his face. 
If you ever to divert Taiga’s attention from his video games, then give him a blow or handjob. He will be all yours. In case you want to drive him insane, then try handcuffing his hands to the bed before going down on him. 
His absolute favorite is roleplaying. Roleplay any game character for him, and Taiga will be all over you. He will even take charge and be the top. 
The gamer’s favorite positions are the ones where he doesn’t need to do any work. He prefers sitting back while you pleasure yourself on his manhood. 
Taiga will help you clean up and will cuddle with you after, while going back to playing his games, of course. He likes to sit you between his legs while he plays, and if you’re shorter than him, he’ll rest his chin on top of your head. 
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Heath will get into a relationship with you as soon as he’s comfortable with you but getting to the intimacy point will take time. Be patient with him!
Due to his health, there are things that Heath cannot do and hopes you don’t push him to do. This is one reason why he will avoid getting close to you for as long as he can; he knows he cannot deliver like other men, and it's one of his hidden insecurities.
Heath enjoys getting a handjob from you and will gladly finger you in return, but he cannot eat you out. It usually results in him coughing and feeling suffocated.
No matter how hard you push him, he cannot get rough; as soon as he exerts his strength, he starts to cough, and if he pushes his limits, he’ll cough blood and faint. 
 For this reason, Heath prefers you take charge and ride him. Besides, he enjoys seeing your beautiful nude form. 
Heath will always help with foreplay though. His favorite is rubbing your clit, but he won't only admit to it as he finds it embarrassing.
Like some of the other men, Heath will avoid anything BDSM-related, unless it’s something on the very light side, like temperature play with ice. 
One of his favorites is to grind against you, be it naked or clothed. 
Heath likes positions where you top him and where he can see your face. 
Aftercare usually involves cuddling naked, giving you soft kisses, helping him create rap songs, and falling asleep while talking. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist ➣ BSTS Masterlist 2
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lancermylove · 4 years
Pampering (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Kei x gn!Reader, Kokuyou x gn!Reader, Heath x gn!Reader, Unei x gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: (my neighborhood’s friendly) Potato~
Prompt: Another ask/hc (when available of course!)! 4 guys reaction to their mc running their fingers through their hair? Being the obsessed Potato that I am, I'd prefer BSTS, but I don't want to bug you too much, so any fandom you are comfortable with! GN, too, of you are also comfortable ^_^
A/N: You know I’ll going to pick BSTS whenever I can, especially Kei and Kokuyou. :P And you never bother me~.❤️
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Kokuyou was smoking in the back alley when you walked out and sat on the step behind him to avoid the cigarette smoke.
You stared at the back of his head, prompting him to ask, "What are you starin' at? Is the back of my head that attractive?"
Quietly, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. His muscles tensed a bit, but he stayed quiet. 
After he finished smoking, Kokuyou pulled you in front of him, sat you on his lap, and buried his face in your neck. 
You got a strong whiff of the cigarette smoke and crinkled your nose. "Why do you smoke?"
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Kei was busy the entire day, getting a routine ready for his team’s next event, picking out outfits for the upcoming versus event, instructing Unei to design flyers, and sorting out the constant arguments among the members. 
When you went to meet him, you could immediately tell he was exhausted. 
Without saying anything, you encircled your arms around him. Kei smiled and rested his forehead on your shoulder.
You ran your fingers gently through his hair.
His muscles started to relax as he embraced you closer. 
"What would I do without you?" Kei whispered.
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You stood behind Unei's chair and watched him work, but your focus was on his hair. 
Not being able to resist, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair. 
Unei squeaked and jumped out of his seat, nearly pushing his chair into you. 
"Relax, Unei," You chuckled and sat him down in the chair again. "You take too much stress and need to be pampered once in a while." 
At first, Unei remained frozen, but as you worked your fingers through his hair, he started to melt. 
"This is a little gift from me as a thank you for your dedication to Starless." You smiled. 
Your words made Unei emotional as a soft smile graced his lips and tears clouded his vision. 
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Heath was practicing without his team, and you watched him in awe. He started coughing and winced. 
You helped him towards a chair and handed him a bottle of water. As he caught his breath, you began to run your fingers through his hair. 
"Heath, you really need to rest once in a while. I'm worried about you." 
Heath gave a small smile and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your abdomen. 
He softly purred as you massaged his scalp. 
➣  BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 4 years
Pet Names (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All cast members x Reader, Unei x Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: What kind of pet names do you think the BSTS guys would call their s/o?
A/N: Since GN or fem!s/o was not specified, I picked fem!s/o. ><
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You are his one and only true love, and he holds you in high regards. So Kei would call you:
Princess, My love/Mon amour
Even before the two of you start dating, Sotetsu will call you:
Babe, Baby/Baby girl
He also likes to call you names that you don’t like. Sotetsu likes to tease you even more than he likes to tease the people around him. 
Too shy to use a nickname, so he calls you by your name or a shorter version of your name. 
You are Ginsie’s everything, and he puts you on a pedestal, so:
Princess, My queen
Will ask you what a nickname is. 
Once you explain, Gui will ask what you want him to call you.
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He isn’t the type to call you some sugary name, so he use your name or a shorter version of your name.
Think of you as the cutest person in the universe, so:
Cutie, Cutie pie
If you’re short, he will call you:
Prefers to use your name but if you’ve a special request, then by all means tell him, and Sin will call you by that name.
Doesn’t think using a sugary name for you suits him, so prefers to use a mature nickname, so:
My dear, Darling
Generally, Taiga calls you:
But when he’s tired, he refers to you as:
My cleric
After all, you’re the one who heals him and gives him the strength to continue fighting. 
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You are the beautiful light from heaven that brightens his dark world, so: 
Angel, Beautiful
Every time he uses a nickname, Sinju turns a million shades of red. 
You are the joy in his life, the one he cherishes the most, so:
Rainbow, My treasure
Is a prince in every way, so you are his:
Princess, Belle
Since Yakou can’t spend much time with you, he has a nickname for you that reminds you that you’re his number 1:
Likes to keep his nicknames simple, so:
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Doesn’t want to call you by a nickname at first; thinks using a nickname is too sappy. 
If you convince him enough or get upset with him, Mizuki will eventually start calling you:
Baby girl
If you’re short, then every once in a while he will call you:
Is a bit shy to use a nickname, but gives it some thought. 
He loves you dearly, and he loves cooking, so Kongou lovingly calls you: 
Honey, Cupcake
After Sabu, his favorite thing is arson, so he’s going to call you:
Fireball/My fireball
Loves to tease you at every moment, so:
My little bird, Hottie
He loves seeing you blush every time he calls you hottie. 
First asks what you want him to call you. 
If you tell him that you want him to pick, then he would choose something related to the other most important thing in his life: music.
Tune, Melody, Harmony
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Holds you in high regards, so:
Mokuren also loves food, even more than you, so they are going to pick a food related nickname for you based on your personality. 
You are Qu’s sweetheart and the person he treasures the most, so:
Sweetie, precious
Usually calls you by your name, but when you two are alone, he calls you:
Mon cheri
This man LOVES sugar, and think of you as his sugar, so:
Donut, Sweets
Thinks of you as the light in his life, so:
When he’s in a teasing mood, he will call you:
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Gets a nosebleed just thinking about calling you by a nickname. For the time being he is going to stick to your name. 
Maybe after the two of you are married, then he will consider calling you by a nickname. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 4 years
Resolution (New Year’s HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Kei x Reader, Sotetsu x Reader, Ginsei x Reader, Yakou x Reader, Kasumi x Reader, Kongou x Reader, Heath x Reader. No pairing for the rest.
Warning: None
A/N: Happy New Year! Hope 2021 is a good year for everyone.❤️
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Kokuyou doesn’t want to waste his time answering a worthless question. 
When Unie tells him it is for a Starless New Year's interview, Kokuyou says the first resolution that comes to mind:
“Team W is going to reign as champions with me as their top.”
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Akira decides to skip the traditional resolutions and picks a unique one:
“Learn Singo.”
Though Akira wishes that Sin would speak like a normal person, he is determined to understand his teammate. 
One can never be too cautious, especially when they're in a team with suspicious people. 
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Sin finds the resolution question to be interesting. He hasn’t thought about resolutions, but he comes up with an answer on the spot:
Darkness brings about a sense of peace, but within that tranquility lurks danger. 
Unei never looked so confused in his life. 
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The cast members were getting on his back about his video game addiction. 
Just for a second, Taiga considers a "what-if" scenario. What if his New Year resolution is to stop playing video games?
Even thinking that is enough to make his heart fail. 
He knows that is not going to happen this year or anytime soon, so he chooses a safe resolution: 
“Work harder to find his brother.” 
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Takami doesn’t believe in making resolutions, but he takes this as another opportunity to agitate his opponents. 
“Get answers to all my questions using any means necessary.” 
He knows his enemies are going to be on edge after reading his reply.
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Kei doesn’t feel the need to make a New Year's resolution, but Unei informs him that he needs to pick one for Starless's New Year's interview. 
Kei immediately answers:
“Protect her and her smile at any cost.” 
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Knowing that his response is going to get printed, Sotetsu wants to give an entertaining answer:
“To tease her more.”
He can't wait for you to read his answer. Sotetsu knows he's going to get some great reactions from you. 
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Ginsei has one and only one resolution. 
He knows it'll take everything he has, but he's determined to make it come true. 
"To win her heart and make her mine."
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Gui had no idea what a New Year's resolution was, so he asked Ginsei. 
Once Gui understood, Ginsei asked what Gui would pick as his resolution, and he answered: 
Find master. 
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Yoshino didn't even need to think for a second. He already knew what his resolution was going to be:
Become a better singer. 
This time around, he was going to take as many chances as he got to sing. 
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Rindou has one resolution, but he doesn't want his fans or teammates to think poorly of him. 
Instead of picking his top resolution, "Take less stress", he chooses:
"Work harder for my sisters." 
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Sinju has many resolutions he wants to make for the new year. 
In light of the recent event, Sinju chooses: 
"Win a versus event for his team with him in the center." 
Sinju hopes that his fans will support him and make his resolution a reality. 
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Maica's life revolves around singing, as does his resolution:
"Be the best singer I can be." 
He also wants to help bring Team P together, but he doesn't want his teammates to know that resolution. 
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Menou doesn't care for the resolution, especially since Unei disturbed his nap. 
As a joke, Menou says: 
"Sleep less."
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Yakou still hasn't had free time, and he fears that his relationship with you may suffer. 
When Unei calls him, Yakou answers: 
"Make time for her." 
He hopes his message reaches you. 
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Mokuren had one resolution, has one resolution, and will always have one resolution:
"To improve their dancing." 
They know they are a dancing god, but Mokuren knows they can become better. 
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Out of all the cast members, Qu takes the longest to pick his resolution. 
After thinking for a while, Qu says:
"Improve my makeup skills and get recognized internationally." 
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Hari doesn't need to make any resolutions, but for the sake of the interview, he attempts to think of one. 
As he files through the events in his life, he remembers one moment the most. 
"Get praised by Mokuren for my dancing skills." 
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Before Unei came to interview Kasumi, you were talking to him about your resolution.
Kasumi wasn't sure what to pick for his resolution, and you jokingly said he should eat as many donuts as he possibly can.
Unei is shocked when he hears Kasumi say: 
"Eat as many donuts as I possibly can." 
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Zakuro's entire life revolves around two things: Starless and finding his memories. 
He wants his resolution to be "find a blackcard", but he knows he can't say that without consequences. 
So Zakuro settles for:
“Get my memories back."
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Like a few other members, Mizuki doesn't care for making resolutions, so he ignores Unei. 
Even after Unei chases him around, Mizuki doesn't answer; instead, he nearly roundhouse kicks Unei. 
As a last resort, management asks Kokuyou, irritating him even more. 
Kokuyou's resolution for Mizuki is:
"Ask Kokuyou Nii-chan before taking his wallet." 
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Lately, Kongou has had one thought on his mind, but he's too nervous to tell you. 
He doesn't want you to push you away or scare you, so Kongou uses this opportunity to share his thought with you:
"Get married." 
The ex-wrestler hopes that you get the hint. 
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Ran chooses: 
"Spend more time with Sabu."
As Unei takes notes, Ran stops him and says he changes his mind:
"Become an arson king."
After 30 minutes of listing out various resolutions, he finally picks: 
"Become an idol!"
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Heath is happy to know that his resolution is going to be printed in the interview. 
He has a message for you but is too shy to tell you in person:
"Continue fighting no matter what...for her."
After hearing that, Heath's fans can't stop wondering who "her" is referring to, and what Heath means by “fighting”. 
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Rico's resolution is simple and straight: 
"Clear his debt." 
He has another resolution that has to do with teaching certain cast members a lesson or two, but he keeps that to himself. 
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Though he started working at Starless for experience, Unei considers the cast members as his family. 
To his surprise, Kei tells Unei to add his resolution in the interview.
Unei can hardly contain his excitement and adds: 
"Work harder for Starless and stand by the cast." 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 4 years
Secret Santa (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Cast members x Reader, Unei x Reader
Warning: None
A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Starless was planning a Christmas party, and Akira suggested a secret Santa gift exchange. Everyone was on board, and luckily for you, your boyfriend drew your name. 
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Kokuyou isn’t sure what to get you and almost texts you asking what you want, but he wants to keep his gift a surprise.
Since you go on motorcycle rides with him, he gets you a personalized helmet and jacket. 
He truly hopes that you weren’t expecting a romantic gift from him.
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Since Sin likes reading a lot, he wants to get you a book. 
He picks out a novel that he knows will pique your interest. 
Even if you don't like reading, he hopes that you will give the book a chance. 
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As soon as he draws your name, Takami devices a plan.
He takes you out on a date a few days later and cleverly asks a series of questions to learn what gift you've been yearning for this year.
It doesn't take him to get the answer, and you never realize that you literally told him what you want until you open the gift. 
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Akira is tempted to get you a prank gift just to see your reaction, but he decides to save that for April Fools.
He buys you the best pair of headphones he can find. 
After all, he wants you to listen to his voice and his songs in high def. 
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Taiga knows that you like gatcha games, so he immediately purchases a gift card for your phone account. 
If he has access to your game account, then he makes an excuse to see your phone right before the gift exchange and reloads your in-game currency.
Being a gamer, he knows you’ll be happy to see that you’ve more than enough in-game currency to spin for the next gatcha.
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Kei can't decide what to buy for you, so he nearly purchases an entire mall. 
He settles for a mixed platinum cluster diamond necklace. 
Kei wants his gift to stay close to your heart. 
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Rather than getting you a physical gift, Sotetsu writes a card. 
"You're a curious person, so today, I will answer any ONE question you have about anyone, anything, or even me. Ask wisely." 
He can't wait to see your reaction and hear your question. 
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Ginsei can’t think of which gift to buy, so he decides to make one (some) for you instead.
He asks you which one of his performance looks is your favorite. Based on your answer, he handmakes all the accessories from that look. 
Ginsei can’t wait to wear matching accessories with you.
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Gui always noticed that you made remarks about how he reminds you of a puppy. 
So when he draws your name, he goes straight to a toy shop and purchases a grey puppy plushie.
Gui hopes that when you see the puppy, you will think of him. 
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Yoshino isn’t sure what to get you, especially since his income is not topnotch.
So, he starts to pen a song for you. A song that opens his heart to you - the heart that beats for you, and you only. 
He is nervous performing in front of so many people, but his only wish is to impress you. And to let the men of Starless know that you are his.
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Rindou prefers to give a meaningful gift as opposed to a store-bought item. 
He recalls your favorite memory with him, finds a photo of that memory and gets it framed.
Rin wants you to remember that moment for the rest of your life.
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Sinju is happy to draw your name, but that happiness is soon replaced with nervousness. 
He wants to get you a perfect gift, so he spends countless hours trying to find one.
In the end, he gets you a teddy bear holding the heart with the words I Love You.
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Menou can’t think of a better gift to give than bath bombs and hot spring vouchers. 
Everyone needs to relax, so what's better than taking long baths and going to the hot spring? 
If he's lucky, then one day you will go to the hot spring with him or even take a bath with him. 
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Maica thought he knew what he would get you, but as soon as he draws your name, his mind goes blank.
He wanders through the mall for hours in vain. 
Finally, he decides on a luxurious Eau de Parfum gift set. Everyone likes smelling good, right?
He hopes that you don't have any allergies or an overly sensitive nose. 
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Yakou is so busy with his studies and job interviews that he doesn't have time to look for a gift. 
He buys a gift card to your favorite store. 
He knows you will not be happy with the simple gift, but he hopes you forgive him.
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Mizuki is ecstatic when he pulls your name. He has been saving up money for a long time to get you a good Christmas present. 
He wants to get you a skateboard so that you could join him at the skatepark. 
He ends up getting you a custom made skateboard that matches his but with your favorite color(s). 
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Kongou tries to think of a gift that would appeal to you, but one way or another, the idea ends up relating to cooking.
So, he writes a card to you saying that he will cook for you for an entire month. 
For 30 days, three meals per day, he designs a menu suited to your taste. 
You will not have to worry about cooking for the next 30 days, and on top of that, you'll get to eat his delicious food!
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Since the beginning of the year, Heath has been growing a plant for you. The flowering plant, Chocolate Cosmos, is not only beautiful but also rare. 
He wants to gift the plant to you on Christmas, so being your secret santa is convenient for him.
Heath only hopes that you love his gift and will cherish it.
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Ran had already bought a life-size Doberman toy for you and planned to give it to you as a Christmas gift even before he became your secret santa.
He wants you to have a "Sabu" of your own.*
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Rico thinks of buying apparel for you but thinks of clothes as a boring gift. 
Instead, he decides to dress up as a gift with a bow on his head.
He gifts himself to you, and for Christmas day, he will do as you say.
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Like some of the other cast members, Mokuren isn't sure what to get you, so they settle for a fail-safe gift. 
They pick out a candle set with your favorite scents. 
Mokuren hopes that they can get away with this fail-safe gift. 
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Qu's first thought is to gift you a high-end makeup kit. 
If you like makeup, then he will order a set from his favorite overseas company. 
If you dislike makeup, then Qu plans to buy a cleansing kit for your skin and hair.
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He isn't sure what you want for Christmas, so he buys you the first gift that comes to his mind.
Kasumi buys you a year's worth of donut supplies in the form of a gift card. 
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Nearly buys an entire mall (2).
He only wants to give you the best of the best, but Hari doesn't want to show off or make you uncomfortable. 
He ends up getting you a high-end designer gold and diamond bracelet watch. That way, every time you look at the watch, you can think of him. 
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Zakuro likes to see your smile the most, so your lips are one feature that he adores. 
To adorn your lips, he gets you a lipstick/lip-gloss set with your favorite lip colors. 
He makes sure to add a note on the gift-box saying to smile more. 
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Unei gets very dizzy when he sees your name on the paper slip. He is even more of a nervous mess than usual. 
He second-guesses every gift idea, but seeing that he's up against the cast members, he wants to do his best to impress you. 
Unei gets you a simple promise ring.
He wants to promise you that he will always be there for you and love you no matter what.
* Sabu is Ran’s Doberman. He considers Sabu to be his younger brother. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 3 years
The Dark Side (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: All x fem!Reader
Warning: N.SFW
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Umm.. This might gonna sound a little bit weird but I can request hc for bsts boys, nsfw, but… them finding out that their s/o (fem) is into bdsm stuff? That sounds crazy but I’m also so curious.
A/N: It’s not crazy at all. I think I’ve included whether or not they would like bdsm for almost all the general n.sfw hcs. I’m not comfortable writing out a full-blown hc for the BDSM plays, so fingers crossed that’s not what you were hoping for. ><
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Kokuyou was a bit stunned that you enjoyed BSDM, “That’s unexpected.” 
He doesn’t mind as long as the plays are not too dark or too violent. Though he may be rough around the edges, he still doesn’t want to get too intense with you. 
His favorite plays are sub/dom with him being the dom and light bondage.
In the sub/dom, he likes to pull some of your strings and set a bunch of rules for which he can punish you if you break them. 
For bondage, he likes to tie your arms to the bed and tease you until you beg for him to take you. 
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“Oh, someone likes to get very naughty,” he smirked when he learned that you are found of the darker arts of lovemaking. 
Though he’s pretty open to experimenting, Akira isn’t that comfortable with BDSM. He will try pegging once just to see how he likes it; if he does, he will gladly let you peg him, but if he doesn’t, he will never try it again.
He doesn’t mind plays like roleplaying as long as it doesn’t involve something like master/slave or too high of dominance in general, be it him dominating or you dominating him.
His favorite with roleplaying is idol/fan or any outfit that involves you looking cute, short-frilly skirts are his favorite. 
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Taiga's cheeks glowed red when you told him that you were into BDSM as he never expected it. 
He isn't that comfortable with it, but he loves roleplaying. Roleplay any game character for him, and Taiga will be all over you, but he doesn't care for normal roleplaying, like doctor/nurse (unless you're an anime or game nurse).
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A smirk danced on his lips when he learned that you like BDSM. "Then, what would you like to try first?"
If pain is your pleasure, then he will deliver to your needs. Tell him what you want, and this man will make even your darkest dreams come true. 
Takami's favorites are sensory deprivation and bondage. He likes testing your limits and will actively try to cross your limits, but not to the point where he puts you in the uncomfortable zone. 
He is also a fan of master/servant but will not push you into it. He will never force you, especially if you think of it as demeaning. He may have a dark side to him, but Takami has no intention of hurting you. 
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"I see..." That all he says when he learns about your desires. 
Sin isn’t really fond of BDSM and prefers to stay away from it. He’s more of a romantic who will put on music and light candles to create the atmosphere. 
Though if you push him a little, he may try some of the lighter plays, but don't expect him to try anything deemed dark. 
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“I am sorry...” Kei averted his eye and mumbled. 
He will never agree to do anything that will cause you pain or will require him to dominate or demean you, so no BDSM. Though, he may be willing to try the lightest BDSM plays - keyword: may. 
Kei cannot understand the world of BDSM and prefers to stay away, but he does ask you why you enjoy it and adds that he respects your choices. 
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Sotetsu is pretty open to trying some of the BDSM plays but will refuse to give in to anything too dark, so when he learns you’re into it, he flashes one of his signature devilish smirks. 
He wouldn’t mind experiment with dom/sub (him being the dom), bondage, biting, hair pulling while taking you doggy style, ice play, and a light version of humiliation play. 
If you ask him to hit you with anything or strangle you or play with dangerous toys, then he will straight up refuse. 
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“What is BDSM?” He asked, and when you explained, Gui felt uncomfortable. 
He refuses, especially if pain is your pleasure, so no BDSM. If he hurts you, he would never forgive himself. The concept of pain can bring pleasure eludes him.
Gui doesn’t understand roleplaying either, but you’re welcome to try to make him understand. 
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“Uh...o-okay,” he whispered in a shaking voice, “I...c-can’t.” 
Ginsei will not agree to BDSM no matter what...even if it makes you happy. Just the thought of it makes him nervous. 
He will always apologize to you for not fulfilling all your desires and also thank you for understanding. 
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"Is that so...," he asked with wide eyes, "um...then would you try out things I like?" 
Yoshino is big into age play, namely being called daddy, as it makes him feel powerful. 
He can also resort to dirty talk/name-calling when he gets rough, and his softer expressions are replaced by darker ones.
He doesn’t mind roleplaying and is rather fond of sub/dom. Whether he wants to be a sub or dom depends on his and your mood. 
Hidden behind his sweet face is another face that is only reserved for you when you're in the bedroom alone with him. 
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"I don't...sorry." He touched the back of his head and flashed an apologetic smile.
Anything that could cause you pain or injuries or requires him to use or listen to demeaning language is a no.
His heart is too gentle to even consider taking the light plays into account. 
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"What is...BDSM?" Sinju asked. 
This boy is too pure to even think about doing anything beyond vanilla. Actually, he even has a hard time thinking about doing anything intimate. 
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"Interesting," Menou smiled and glanced at you with unreadable eyes.
Menou is a fan of roleplaying. He’s an actor, and acting is the most important thing in his life (next to you, of course). Roleplaying means getting to act, so he will be willing to roleplay as anyone.
But if you like anything darker, which doesn’t require Menou to put in too much effort, he will be a little less willing. Though, he does have a dark side, so he may turn all your dreams into reality.
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"I see, but unfortunately, I am not interested, especially not in the heavier plays," he frowned slightly.
Maica is a picky man and would be very choosy about what he likes, especially with BDSM. He wouldn’t mind trying some of the lighter plays once, but nothing too heavy. 
He wouldn’t go out of his way to try anything BDSM-related though. If you like it, then he will think about trying out the less pain-giving plays. 
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"You do?" His eyes widen for a second before he flashes a smile, "As do I." 
Yakou likes BDSM, namely restraints, temperature play, and sensory deprivation. 
His absolute favorite is eating you out with your hands cuffed to the bed and running an ice cube over your body. He's a bit wary of hot temperature play though, so he will choose to avoid that. 
Anything that involves torture, whips, choking, or causing too many injuries is a no for him. 
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He stared at you for a while, wordlessly. "Good for you, but I dislike it." 
Mokuren isn't a fan of BDSM and would not be willing to try. If you try to force him, then he will take that as you don’t care about his feelings or opinion. 
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“Hm? Is that so?” He raised an eyebrow and tapped his chin.
Hari prefers to stay away from BDSM and will not be willing to give into it even if you ask him to, especially if pain is your pleasure. 
That concept eludes Hari, but he will be interested to learn why you think that way.  
Rather than having s*x with him, you will be stuck trying to explain the way your mind works when it comes to BDSM. 
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"B...DSM? Oh." Though he chuckled, there was something hidden behind his reaction.
Kasumi is intrigued with BDSM but would not be too willing to try it himself. If you push him a little, then he would open up to the lighter players that don’t require him to unleash his dark side.
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“Sorry, my dear. I simply cannot...,” Qu sighed and touched your cheek, “I hope you can understand.” 
Qu is not a big fan of BDSM, especially if there is a high chance of leaving mark on the skin. Taking care of the skin is important to him, be it his skin or yours. 
He also is uncomfortable with trying out anything that could be considered demeaning, physically or verbally. 
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A never-before-seen twisted smile appeared on his lips, "Then, we are the same." 
Zakuro loves BDSM, especially sub/dom play and discipline. If you're uncomfortable with this, he won't push you but will ask you to try it once.
He has a decent collection of BDSM toys and will want to try everything if you agree. Yes, he has a BDSM dungeon.
If you like the darker plays, no matter how painful they may be, Zakuro will consider accepting your requests.
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"Huh? What's that?" Mizuki asked loudly, tilting his head.
He isn’t all too familiar with BDSM, but Mizuki is open-minded to trying almost anything at least once. If you like it, he will give it a try. 
Due to his past, he will refuse to do anything that involves hitting you with an item, drawing blood, or injuring you beyond giving bruises. 
His favorite is hair pulling, be it you pulling his hair or him pulling your hair. 
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Kongou quickly averted his eyes and bit his lower lip, "Please don't ask me to do anything..." 
Anything BDSM is a big no. Kongou's main fear is that he may hurt you due to his size and strength.
Aside from that, he is too much of a gentle soul to consider taking part in the darker side of lovemaking. 
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"Oh? Then let's try something you like!" Ran flashed his shark teeth and got an almost crazy look in his eyes. 
Ran doesn’t mind roleplaying, and his favorite is idol/fan roleplay. He likes being an idol while you act as the lustful fan, but he also enjoys you pretending to be an idol and performing for him.
Biting…he will not bite you unless you want him to draw blood. If you do like him drawing your blood, then he will gladly leave bite marks all over your body.
Anything darker, he will be curious to try out and will agree to it at least once. 
Due to his love for fire, he is interested in trying out hot temperature play. 
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"I...see..." Heath mumbled and shook his head, indicating that he is not too willing. 
Like some of the other men, Heath will avoid anything BDSM-related, unless it’s something on the very light side, like temperature play with ice.
Even then, he is going to worry about possibly giving you ice burns. 
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"Then what are we waiting for?" Rico whispered, twirling a few strands of your hair on his index finger, "Where would you like to go? My home or yours?" 
Rico enjoys BDSM quite a bit and will try anything to a limit, the super heavy stuffy he will avoid though. He needs to make sure his skin is in perfect condition, so he doesn’t want to get injured either.
His favorite is dom/sub, with him being the dom, and humiliation play.
Whether you want him to humiliate you verbally or not, he will end up using that language while he fcks you into the bed. 
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"What is that?" He asked, looking perplexed. 
Just like Sinju, Unei is too pure to even think about BDSM. He doesn’t know what that is and would be permanently scarred if he looked it up. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist
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lancermylove · 4 years
Love Letters (HC)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Heath x gn!Reader, Mizuki x gn!Reader, Taiga x gn!Reader, Ran x gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: id like to request hc for heath taiga ran and mizuki finding the mcs love letters drafts that are for them?
A/N: Hope you like it~. 
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As Taiga waited for you to return from running an errand, he looked around management's desk and found a colorful paper jutting out from under a stack of white papers. Out of curiosity, he pulled the paper out and immediately recognized your writing. 
Though he saw the words "Dear Taiga" at the top of the paper, he wasn't sure if he should continue reading or not. 
"What if they get mad?" He mumbled to himself, but his curiosity got the better of him. 
Dear Taiga,  I am writing this 7th letter even though I most likely won't give it to you. Thank you for coming into life and adding light to my dull world. I wish I could tell you verbally how much you mean to me. I cherish every moment I spend with you, even if we are quietly sitting in a room, playing games on our phones. Just being around you is enough for me. I hope we can continue to be together for years to come. With lots of love, (Y/N).
Taiga scanned over the letter a few times. "7th letter? Wait...they...like me? Since when?" 
He read through the love letter one more time, grabbed a blue pen, and quickly scribbled something before placing the paper in its original place. 
When you returned home that evening, you took out the letter and saw unfamiliar blue marks on the paper. 
Dear (y/n),  I cherish every moment I spend with you as well. I should be the one thanking you for coming into my life...you are my strength in Starless. Also, can I see the first 6 letters you wrote...or can you tell me in person what you wrote? I will be waiting for you tomorrow at noon in the park near your home. Love, Taiga. 
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Heath was spending the evening at your home, and while you showered, he sat in the living room, watching TV.
When he heard a certain series of words on the news, the rapper suddenly got an idea for a new song. He sorted through a pile of papers on your desk in an attempt to find a blank sheet. 
"Hm? These..are letters to me?" Heath blinked and scanned the papers all starting with the line "Dear Heath". 
When you walked out of your bedroom, Heath looked at you with a tender smile. "I...please don't worry about me this much. I promise to take care of myself..."
You tilted your head in confusion but soon noticed the papers in his hands. A bright shade of red spread across your cheeks. "H-Heath, you weren't supposed to read those!" 
"I am sorry...but I saw my name and couldn't help myself," he chuckled. “(Y/N), thank you for thinking of me as an inspiration and always standing by my side. You...are very special to me...um...is it okay for me to say that I like you too?" 
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Mizuki was in your kitchen looking for something to eat when he saw a stack of papers on your island. He shrugged and went to turn around but shot his eyes back to the paper when he thought he saw the words "I love you, Mizuki". 
Team B's leader grabbed the paper and began to read it. 
Dear Mizuki, You are so full of life and give me the energy to push through my day. I need to tell you something, but I am not sure how you will react to it. You are the best thing that has happened to me. Whenever I come to Starless, my eyes search for you. When I'm sad, all I want to do is see your smile. When you're sad, I want to hold you in my arms and tell you I'm here for you. When I see you on stage, my heart forgets how to beat. What I am trying to say is...I love you, Mizuki. 
He blushed and set the letter back on the island before returning to the living room. 
"Mizuki, didn't you get something to eat?" You asked, looking at his empty hand. 
He shook his head and took a seat next to you. "(Y/N)..."
“I like ya too,” Mizuki mumbled shyly, avoiding meeting your gaze.  
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Having nothing better to do, Ran was going through Unei's work desk. He found a folder hidden in the back of the bottom drawer and grinned, "What is this?" 
Ran thought he came across secret information and began reading the “documents”. 
Dear Ran, I am jealous of your fans for being able to get so close to you. I wish you would give me the same attention you give them. Do I sound too jealous? Sorry, I can't help it...but, I can't bring myself to tell you since I don't know how you feel about me. I think I'm in love with you. No...I am definitely in love with you. 
Ran stared at the letter with wide eyes and looked for a name in vain. 
"R-Ran, what are you doing?" Unei asked as soon as he walked into the office. 
"Unei, this folder...who does it belong to?" The blue-haired boy asked waving it in the air. 
"Uh...I think (y/n)."
"Thanks!" Ran quickly ran out of the office and flung open the door to the rehearsal room.
"(Y/N)," he yelled over the music, much to Team P's shock, "I LOVE YOU TOO!"
➣ BSTS Masterlist 1 ➣ BSTS Masterlist 2
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