#it looks like Arlathan and/or The Black City
ma-salath · 10 months
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The Dragon Age collection has grown with this incredible box set! Thank you SpaceLab9 ^.^
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slecnaztemnot · 1 month
Interesting tidbits I noticed in the new trailer!
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This image is likely the fade version of the ritual site we disrupt. Could it be the Black city? Its certainly dark enough and one of the theories is that it was originally Arlathan (ancient elven main city).
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This could be Ghilian'nain but my mind went to Cetorax first - a horribly "sea smelling" creature mentioned in Tevinter nights, which lived under Minrathous and had tentacles. (also ate people). Location seems to fit.
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Notice the dragon flying in the down right corner. Also, the snow + wood roads remind me of beginning of Inquisition and Haven. Possibly Frostback mountains?
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This could be a random victim, but the man bun makes me think Felassan - the dreamer agent who worked for Solas in the book Masked Empire. https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Felassan
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Notice the shields in the corner - the group approaching the gods likely isn't our group but Grey Wardens, based on the griffon symbol. Also, there seems to be a figure holding Ghilain'nain's thighs. Is it part of her?
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This dragon doesn't seem blighted. It could be just an "ordinary" one, but what if its the dragon form of Morrigan or Guardian of Mythal?
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I am pretty sure this is our first look at Anderfells.
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Davrin is accompanied by a child/teen (?). I don't think the dimensions work for it to be a dwarf. Considering her skin color and the fact we don't see her ears, could this be his daughter? (or another relative?)
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Lucanis with a mage (?). I think this is from Lucanis' story quest and its the Tevinter magister planning to kill him, the one mentioned in Tevinter Nights as his next target.
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Neve's personal quest? At first I thought it was some corrupted version of Rook, but he is standing behind her. A new dude then (and his beard is different), seems corrupted by Red Lyrium.
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This is not Neve, since she has a vallasin. I am fairly sure its Irelin, member of the Veil Jumpers who appeared in Tevinter Nights. https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Irelin
What do you think? Did you also catch anything interesting?
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felassan · 20 days
Thoughts on the IGN DA:TV 22 min gameplay - Crossroads portion
this post is under a cut due to what some peeps may consider spoilers, and length.
[Lighthouse portion link]
I began writing this post today before the progression video released, I wanna clear out the draft. don't look at me HH.
Coming into the Crossroads, again I'm curious to know if elf lineage Rooks will perceive it differently than the other Rooks, as in DA:I.
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Left: The Lighthouse eluvian leads out to Solas' pocket area of the Crossroads. The area around the eluvian is called Beacon Island. It makes sense; lighthouses in the mundane world are often on islands, and they are beacons. in the Fade, the island floats in the 'air', and the Fade is often referred to with watery language & symbolism. Center: I've decided that I think these golden posts are the 'change party' points. You see them at multiple points throughout the video. The icon has three helmets (and parties are Rook+2). I feel like if we click on this it will take you to the party selection screen. Also, the gold-and-cyan coloring of the post reminds me of the color scheme of the lyrium dagger. We know that Rook can use the dagger to channel companions' special abilities in their absence. it makes sense that the [essentially] 'summon party member themselves button' is themed in the same way. Right x2: These blue lamps are all over Beacon Island. I wondered if they were also part of what gave Beacon Island its name (lamp - light - beacon), but then I remembered that we have also seen these elsewhere, like in this screenshot. what if that scene and the final battle (or whenever this key event takes place) isn't actually set in the Black City like we thought? what if that's the ruins of Beacon Island and the Lighthouse, under attack from the gods and their darkspawn army? if they can assault the Crossroads, why not the Lighthouse? Corypheus attacks your base at two key points in DA:I. what trips me up a bit is in the background of the dragon shot are the Evanuris head-shape statues like a Fade reflection of the Arlathan Forest ritual site, not this island. but the Fade is a changeable realm and the 'landscape' of Skyhold also changes when Corypheus attacks due to his influence. they could just like, appear.
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The ancient elven tree asset from DA:I. It has an icon on the mini-map, so it's either a landmark or has some sort of interactable function. Among the branches it glows with magical energy, as a device it's active. What's it for? A power source? A defense thing? I could see an argument for it basically being a magical defense turret. At the base are two frozen figures, reminding of Solas' Trespasser power to petrify people. I feel like on one of them at least I can see a pointed elven ear. Were these people attacking the base (and are left there as a warning), or were they fleeing? Did the device freeze them? Or a person?
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Left: big dog 👍 Center top: DA:I Falon'Din owl statue asset on Beacon Island, to the right as you exit the Lighthouse eluvian. There are at least two of these. Owls are also associated with Andruil. Center bottom: This is a tile thing on the ground that Rook walks over on Beacon Island. I turned it upside down here because I think if you flip it and squint it kind of looks like the shape of a wolf's head. Right: There are multiple points from which to take the Caretaker's transport boat. I'm so curious about how big and extensive the Crossroads are.
At this point Rook has some very interesting dialogue concerning the lyrium dagger.
Rook: "Wait. The lyrium dagger's... vibrating. Like a song in a wine glass. Are those voices?"
Why is it vibrating, what does it sense? this trope (not using the term in a negative way) is usually like 'it senses something bad coming' or 'it's near something that calls to it'. The song part reminded me of the red lyrium idol, as described in Tevinter Nights. some people who go near it in one of the short stories hear music in the wind, like a old song they used to know as kids. the song later stops when they stash the idol in a special chest. blue lyrium itself is said to sing, or be described in that kind of imagery. for example, dwarven miners who find it in rock by ear claim they can hear the Stone singing, and Justice says that lyrium doesn't sing in the Fade. In Asunder Rhys hears a song when someone gets a lyrium potion. etc
"Wine glass" also interested me :) Wine is a liquid and the Fade is frequently described in watery imagery. and back to the red lyrium idol for a second, the narrator in TN tells us "When I hefted it in my hand, it was like it wanted to keep moving, like it was liquid inside." Same with the voices. When Bartrand had possession of the idol, he began hearing voices. when the camera pans over the idol in the 2018 DA4 teaser trailer, there is audio that arguably sounds like ominous whispering. I'm not sure if I think the blue lyrium knife has anything to do with the red lyrium idol or if it's simply a case of lyrium things in general have singing, voices etc, but it's what came to mind. If there are two daggers, one red and one blue, like we saw in the DA:TV bonus card pack.. well, a ritual-blade sprang from the base of the red lyrium idol in TN. what if the blue lyrium dagger is from the base of a blue lyrium idol, or if it's the one from the red lyrium idol only Solas was somehow able to cleanse it?
There are some familiar assets and repeating assets in this area, some of differing sizes, like griffon statues, Warden statues etc. this makes sense as the Crossroads reflects the waking world. :)
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The Caretaker from the side with their glowing blue oar. their 'body' is like the redesigned spirits/demons as being of emotion, with veins like this giving the impression of a nervous system.
Our hero is confronted by a Pride demon, imposing and armored as in previous games, yet accented by exposed, bright lines that seem to burst from its ribcage. “They are a creature of raw negative emotion,” Busche says. “So we wanted to actually incorporate that into their visual design with this glowing nervous system.” -- Edge magazine article on DA:TV -- “demons in general got a bit of a revamp to more closely align their look you. see it with shades and the pride demon as well. they’re creatures of emotion so they have a spectral nervous system look” [source].
The Caretaker piloting the boat like this is giving Charon the ferryman from Greek mythology.
In the post on the Lighthouse area, I wrote about the top center image here,
this symbol was on the minimap, in front of the Fen'Harel statue. I think it’s this one (left), which we saw in the high-level warrior combat gameplay video. it’s some sort of collectable in the sort of way that gold/coin is. I guess this is where we go to use or spend this thing perhaps, whatever they are? maybe it’s for Lighthouse upgrades? maybe it’s what we spend at or trade to the mysterious “enchanter” who helps us with crafting at the Lighthouse?
When I saw the Caretaker's helmet-shape from the front when Rook took ship, I realized that it reminded me of the symbol on the minimap in the Courtyard and the symbol for that collectable/resource.
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When the dev commentary then called the Caretaker a "mysterious spirit" I thought this might be the mysterious "enchanter who helps us with crafting at the Lighthouse", and wondered if the Courtyard helmet symbol on the map near the blue fire in front of the Fen'Harel statue would be where we could summon 'shop version' of them to do that. (remember this post was in the middle of being written out today when a new video dropped hh). we learned today that they have their Workshop there and you spend Mementos (represented by the helmet shape near gold coins) at it. :)
The prow of the ship looks like a carved mabari head and the ship reminds me of a DA:I asset.
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When the boat 'lands', this new area of the Crossroads is called the Heights of Athim. This caught my eye because isn't there a mysterious elf introduced in The Wigmaker Job called Athima? Lucanis takes Illario on a shortcut on their way to work. They go through an archway to a courtyard where a statue of a vhenadahl stands. Lucanis touches a groove that opens a secret passage in the statue. They go in and down a winding set of stairs. Torches of green Veilfire are nailed to the walls. At the bottom an elf in a scarlet coat called Athima guards a big door. They tell her they want to go up, she claps her hands together, the Veilfire goes out, the room spins. The Veilfire comes back on and when she opens the door it takes them to a different spiral staircase. Illario asks Lucanis wtf that was and he tells him it was a perk given by their mysterious benefactor. What was this? :D idk, doesn't it sound a bit pocket dimension, Crossroady? Veilfire? And here are "Heights of Athim".
When Harding says "Neve! She always gets the job done", it reminded me of the previous info that Harding and Neve have wholesome interactions, and the descriptors of Neve as capable, competent etc. it's nice to see them supporting one another :)
In this video we have our first proper look at mage gameplay. :D
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This moment was so randomly cute because it looks like Rook has protectively put their arm around Harding's shoulders while telling off the darkspawn like DON'T TALK TO ME OR MY SON EVER AGAIN hhh.
At this point there's a gold chest off to one side. I liked hearing examples of combat barks, comments and banter. Neve explains a bit about how templars work in Tevinter to southern Harding. Their banter here is as follows:
Harding: Do templars really not have authority over mages in Tevinter? What happens if there’s blood magic? What do they do? Neve: Depends on the templar. Depends on who’s bought their loyalty Harding: What do you do when the authorities can’t be trusted to do the right thing? Neve: That’s how I keep busy.
This reminded me soo much of a promotional video for DA4 once upon a time where the devs said that "We want to tell a story of what happens when you don't have power; when the people in charge aren't willing to address the issues" ! Here Neve is saying, when that happens, that's where people like us can and should step in. :)
Rook then goes to a new area called "Mountainside Eluvians". the name of the area implies to me that there are other batches of eluvians grouped together in different locations elsewhere in the Crossroads which would have different names, not simply these 4.
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The map here tells us that in the Mountainside alone, there are four different eluvians. The one lit up with the blue quest marker goes to Hossberg Wetlands. Dev commentary here says,
“You’ll see as we move towards these eluvians the architecture very clearly reflects what’s on the other side.”
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The one on the right is flanked by griffon statues. The eluvian is shattered! This video was set after the storybeat of the siege of Weisshaupt. Maybe this was the eluvian that went to Weisshaupt fortress? now that Weisshaupt has fallen, we cannot go back there, and the fate of the place is reflected in the broken mirror. :( in fact, this eluvian no longer even has a quest marker for it. it's unusable. (see yellow dot annotated on minimap where I think its marker used to be).
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This one next to it is also flanked with griffons and has these giant rings on sticks. maybe this one leads to this location from the release date reveal trailer (which seems Anderfelsy to me)?
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For the eluvian to the left of the Hossberg Wetlands one, like I said here, based on the dwarf statue and the way Kal-Sharok was highlighted on that new map, I wonder if that one goes to Kal-Sharok. (pls pls :D) Lastly, for the one to the left of that, it's hard to tell as the camera doesn't really pan round to it.
General thoughts/speculation on commentary & such:
The Crossroads is such a fun method of 'explaining' fast-traveling.
To think that we would get to explore Solas’ former base of operations and training grounds during the ancient days of the rebellion, view fragments of the past to get insight into his character, ancient Elvhenan and the gods and their motivations.. to actually get to re-live his memories, to take part in the ancient rebellion.. [Flemeth voice] and she came to me. A wisp of an ancient being. And she granted all I ever wanted and more.
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It's like a dream come true!! It's peoples' decade-old headcanons, it's our fanfic dreams. I can't wait to see Elvhenan as it was. I hope we get insight into and see Elgar and Ghil before they became Blighted. I hope we get to see some of the other Evanuris too, and Mythal in her fullness before she was murdered. Mythal and Solas interacting. Young Solas, when he was prideful, hot-headed and foolish. his friend Felassan, who is also an ancient elf (it's the perfect opportunity, it makes so much sense). the moment when Solas created the Veil. the betrayal he suffered that he alludes to. Solas removing vallaslin of people who came to his side to join him. Solas with hair, like Matt Rhodes implied during the first dev Q&A? Solas creating a safe haven for freed elves and spirits. maybe even the Forgotten Ones?? and find out how they fit into it all? maybe they were Solas' "party members" in the time of his rebellion? things that we have only seen in mosaics and murals or read about in notes or heard about indirectly in oblique dialogue lines.. ON OUR SCREENS IN A GAME, TO PLAY. OUUGUGHHH. thank you devs
I'm also really curious about the Caretaker. "mysterious" implies that we can learn more about what/who they are. them being there before Solas was tells you how extremely ancient they are. rebuilding the area into a safe haven for spirits sounds so cool too. :)
The Risen Gods having an army of augmented darkspawn.. we in danger. :)
I wanna find every single deep Crossroads secret. :D
On Ghilan'nain's experiments, use of the Blight, etc: some old posts. it's so metal to see Horror of Hormak paying off ingame. :D
[Lighthouse portion link]
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lark-of-mirkwood · 2 months
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What if this is the final (or one of the final) fights in Veilguard ... And it's happening in the ruins of Arlathan/The Golden/Black City?? Like look, the dragon?? The vines?? The bell roofs/onion domes, the columns in both pics?? THE SOLAR ECLIPSE?? IT MATCHES 🤯
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dreadfutures · 1 month
Blue's DA4 Screenshot Binge Pt. 2
We see several dragons appear *repeatedly* throughout the trailer, as in the same dragons appear over and over again in different locations and different states of decay.
Wide Horns from the Vinyl (Golden City)
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We see this dragon pretty clearly on the album cover. - it has grooves on its horns, red tinge to its body, and it first appears in the trailer in this place that has a tower whose top dome is of an architectural style i can't place - it doesn't exactly match the spires and domes we see in Arlathan Forest, Tevinter, Antiva....
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It ambushes our heroes outside of a Blight-ridden cave, and next to the cart that it squashes, there is a wriggling tentacle mass that is holding a struggling person. It doesn't look particularly unhealthy here!
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We also see it later, same horns, same grooves, same red tinge, but now it appears to have been corrupted. It looks furry, it looks like tentacles, tendrils, or flayed skin are falling from its throat and ribs, and red glow - similar to what we might think of as this very organic looking red lyriumy stuff throughout the trailers and concept art - covers its body.
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We also see the reddish dragon with (maybe?) the same grooves on its horn, same general horn shape, cheek spikes, and it does not show the corruption on its nose, throat, or body.
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Poor girl.
Hornless Blue Dead (?) Dragon
Then there is the hornless, almost petrified-looking, corrupted pustular blue-glowy dragon.
We see it facing off against some Wardens in their fancy winged helms and coordinated movements. It looks hairy, decayed, petrified, as if it's been dead and eaten up by something on the ocean floor idk.
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It appears later with the later-corrupted red dragon.
During a Darkspawn siege. Literally. Look at those guys, so militant and efficient.
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Halo Head - Headplate Dragon (Black City)
First seen on the vinyl. Halo Head at first seemed like just a halo, and mandibles.
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After the last trailer we all felt certain that it is a representation of or connected to Elgar'nan, Halo Head, since it perfectly resembles his crown.
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Interestingly, this dragon ALSO appears uncorrupted in a brightly lit place - this one clearly Arlathan, or elven ruins related to Arlathan:
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Where we see that not only does it have a halo, and mandible horns, it also has another set of curling horns - and a headplate. You can see the headplate more clearly in silhouette.
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This dragon doesn't have any other glowy bits, pustules, or other signs of corruption - and also, it DOESN'T have tentacles. what we thought was TENTACLE DRAGON in the last trailer is actually tentacles in the environment responding to it.
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mon-the-lemur · 1 month
Thoughts on the new DA:The Veilguard trailer
Here are some thoughts that my friends @hug4tim and @slecnaztemnot and I had watching the trailer in detail.
Black City
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I believe this is Rook inside the Black city. It is a ruined version of the Arlathan place from the gameplay reveal trailer. And while that place was golden and relatively untouched, this place is obviously ruined, completely devoid of colour and there are vines growing through it, which look like lyrium veins, presumably blighted.
Teleportation magic
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Here we see Elghar'nan jumping out from a void bubble and appearing out of nowhere in front of Ghilan'nain. There was no teleportation magic in the previous games for lore reasons. I believe that now when the veil is torn, we will be seing more previously impossible feats of magic.
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Underwater level(s?)
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This place is obviously an elven ruin that is now underwater. Most probably the sea and I expect it perhaps off shore from Rivain. Maybe we will also get to swim?
Lyrium mines + Titan eathshaping magic
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Here we see an entrance to the inside of a mountain. Based on the doors and the architecture around, it was originally dwarven, but perhaps now used by other peoples (ie dwarven pully systems tend to use way less wood).
Just after this we see the inside of the mine, with lyrium veins running through the cavern.
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Following that we get to see Harding petrifying darkspawn.
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In my opinion this will be one of Harding's major quests. As far as I know, Harding hasn't really been in the deep roads much. Perhaps when she goes to the lyrium mine, a titan once again stirs due to the torn veil and connects with Harding, giving her stone creating and shaping abilities. She can petrify creatures and it seems also create rock formations:
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Our with girl finally changed her wardrobe :D
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The crown is obviously the same design as Flemeths. I believe that Morrigan has indeed inherrited Mythal's soul from Flemeth, as was theorized.
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Also, as you can see her magic is now much stronger and visually very similar to the elvhen gods' that we have seen.
I also think, that from Morrigan's side it does not matter who drank from the Well, she will have those abilities either way through Mythal herself. In my opinion it will only have consequences for the Inquisitor, who could have some bonuses and issues depending on either choice with the Well in DA:I.
Manfred the walking backpack
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Adding this just cause... I mean look at him, he's adorable.
Multiple elvhen gods
This image follows the screenshot with Manfred in the trailer.
It seems to be set in Nevarra's necropolis. And it also looks like there might be a little bit of a cult situation going on.
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This image is accompanied by Bellara saying "Our gods are back". That and the "cult" lead me to believe we may be looking at Falon'din.
The armor design looks very similar to Solas' from the prologue. The skeleton has horns on it head, and as per Solas' words on Falon'din, he was vain and loved gaining followers. That to me tracks with what we seem to be shown in the image above.
Also what is up with Ghilan'nain here????
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The person lying down in the sand (?) seems to have horns, one of them made from green crystal. That screams to me that it is Taash. Perhaps this is how we get to meet her. If so, the poor baby always has bad angles in trailers :D
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Lucanis' personal quest?
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Neve's personal quest?
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The man with red lyrium looks like he is wearing similar outfit to Neve, so perhaps a shadow dragon, or maybe even family member.
Irellin and Strife (?)
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bearlytolerant · 1 month
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairing: Solas x fCadash
Chapter Rating: T
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The evening is still and the sparkling blue lights of the city synchronize with the stars in the sky. Solas gazes out of the high paned circular window, drifting for a time, imagining being up there and not where he is. Here, he is Solas, elected official of Arlathan, and a man with hands full of all these responsibilities that make him ache inwardly for something different. Ache outwardly for what he used to have. Used to be. If only he had wings to stretch and to soar. But wanting and wishing were for those who weren’t—well—him. When had he become such a serious sort? When had he let his wings be clipped, only to settle for the dog whistle of his betters claiming to be equals? The answers are all but lost in the sigh of his withdrawal from the window. After all, it is a night of celebration.
“Why—aren’t you a sight?” Mythal says as she stands before him, smoothing her hand along his shoulder and brushing off some invisible dust. Silk and leather in the darkest blue embroidered with silver and gold. When the moonlight hits the silver just so, it is like a moon reflected on still water. He is proud of his design and he appreciates that she noticed. “You always clean up so nicely.”
“Not quite as nicely as you,” Solas says with charm. A smile.
Mythal beams at him and spins once, the white stitches on the black and purple marbled fabric shimmering as she twirls. She is her own pocketful of stars as the constellations he could map out slowly shift out of sight like they do in the changing seasons. Her dress glimmers and sparkles, swirls in an endless expansive space while simultaneously clinging to every curve of her body. She stops and laughs with a hand over her mouth, fingers gilded with glittering gems inlaid in obsidian.
“I do look rather lovely tonight.”
Indeed. Together, they pair perfectly. Just as she wants.
“Elgar’nan is sure to be pleased when he sees you,” Solas says.
“I do hope so. He has been rather—hmm,” she taps a finger to her chin twice, “distant, as of late.”
“You miss his affections.”
She smirks. “More his undivided attention.
“Ah, I see.” Solas says.
Mythal trails her fingers down her bodice, tapping them against the fabric as she goes. “No, Solas, I can’t imagine you can see.” She rolls her shoulders and straightens her back, smile gone. “Have you yet to feel the way love can consume you whole? Make you into an utter fool?”
The question is a rhetorical one of course.
He has not.
Not like she means.
He’d spent his youth on fights and passions. Adrenaline rushes, once his lifeblood, pumped through his veins and ignited every impulse. He recalls a fling with Ghilan’nain in his late twenties but it came and went like a caterpillar to chrysalis, never morphing into a butterfly. They were both just young and needed to fly. Eventually, he’d turned his attention to the love of music and the thrill of creation, painting frescoes and composing magical ensembles and making friends with the most delightful and interesting spirits. Nothing quite moved him the way imagining did. So he hadn’t made room for the love of another in a romantic sense. Not then. Not now. Perhaps, not ever. His loyal duty to Mythal makes sure of that.
And love? Well love is something to be given, not just taken and what he gives, it’s offered to her. Mythal knows this. Down to the last detail. It is why he’d been chosen to be her closest advisor and confidante. He chose duty over romantic love. Continues to choose it.
“No, Mythal,” he answers. “I have not.”
“Consider yourself fortunate.” The tiniest of smirks. “Love is a complicated little thing. You know like a little hummingbird. Fast, fast, fast it steals the sweetness from you and flits away, leaving you left feeling utterly empty and drained.”
“That is a—fascinating perspective you have,” he replies.
Bites back his opinion on her cynicism. It will only earn him that lecture he’s heard ten times over about living eons and a little cynicism in life is like salt on your meat. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to bring out the flavor.
She wasn’t always like this. Isn’t always like this. But it’s more lately than there was before and even though she confides her marital squabbles in him, he’s noticed the blank look in her gaze and the excess flirting. It isn’t unusual. Elgar’nan and Mythal are moons and tides. He just hopes he and the people will not be dragged into the deepest depths of their discourse.
She sighs and throws herself over the crushed velvet settee with her hand on her forehead. “Oh, I would never wish love on my worst enemy.”
The bell tolls on the clock next to her fireplace, an immaculate gift given recently from the dwarven nobles of House Cadash. A clock made of stone and lyrium, washing the room in a subtle but beautiful blue hue every hour.
A final time—
Solas towers over Mythal and offers his hand. “Come. The others will be expecting you. We can ponder over your musings after.”
Without another word, she places her hand in his and he hauls her to her feet, guiding her from the room, her arm linked with his. They gracefully traverse the high vaulted, curved corridor, covered in moving murals, moonlight shining eerily through stained glass. The clack of heels echoes all around them. Painted figures smile and wave at them as they pass by, twirling inside the scenery. Mythal waves back.
“Ah I do so enjoy these murals. So lovely. Almost as lovely as the spirits who reside in them.” She blows a kiss at the murals before they round the corner.
He opts for silence, though her small chuckle signifies she does not need his words to know his disapproval. A subject he’d broached once before and now knows is not up for debate.
Solas opens the great, heavy stained glass doors before them. Music, light, a mixture of scents, and laughter spill out, an instant overstimulation of the senses. The spiraling spired ceiling is decorated much like the corridors. Elaborate paintings and pearlescent filigree provide an enchanting scene above the party guest’s heads. Magical banners drape across the expanse of the ballroom in coordinated color palettes that reflect the night’s sky, dotted with lights that spark from one end to the other like shooting stars.
“Fashionably late,” Solas says, “just as you prefer.”
She pats his hand and says, “you know me far too well, old friend.” Releases him and wanders off to garner attention from someone else for the evening.
Solas ambles amongst the shadows of the dance floor, sipping at a glass of gooseberry wine he’d accepted along the way until he spots the perfect perch in a comfortable corner to lounge in. Mingling would be of greater value once the guests had at least one more drink in their veins. So he waits.
Solas focuses on the closest pair of elves twirling to the crescendoed notes. Spies the glittering jeweled cuffs on their ears. Dwarven make. It must be becoming popular now and he wonders who might have influenced such a bold fashion statement. He would place coin on Sylaise if he had to take a guess.
“I heard Elgar’nan is only signing the treaty to conquer the dwarves and take their lyrium.”
“You always think the worst of him. Did Andruil plant the idea in your head?
“No. Why would you think that?”
“You have been spending a great deal of time in her chambers as of late. Is her bed as big as the rumors claim?”
“You are changing the subject. And I wouldn’t know. She wants maps from me. Nothing else. If that answer satisfies you, can we get back to the subject matter I presented?”
A sigh and the elves dance just a smidge closer to Solas. Though they whisper, their words are clear and crisp in his ears. “Why do you concern yourself with such things? Can you not just enjoy this moment?”
“It is not so easy for me to turn a blind eye to unwarranted war. We were promised peace.”
The shorter elf scoffs. “What war? There will be no war.”
“Mark my words,” the other says before they dance further out onto the dance floor, their words getting lost among all the other voices.
A few more songs played and a second glass of wine downed, Solas weaves in and around the ballroom. He dances with Ghil. She is far too pretty in an emerald green dress lined with a colorful array of blooming night florals, moths flitting about on her shoulders, to be wasting away as a wallflower. Her dress whirls upon the floor like wind in tall grass, nearly stealing his lead all on its own.
“You look lovely, Solas,” she tells him with a smile that doesn’t meet her eyes. She keeps peering past his shoulder to scan the room.
“Thank you. And you look as stunning as ever.”
She doesn’t acknowledge his compliment, eyes still searching for something or someone else. “Might I help you with your search?”
“Oh, no,” she says. “I’m not searching for anyone.” She misses her cue and steps on his foot. “Apologies. Excuse me.” She bunches up her dress and skitters off the dance floor and Solas takes up an offer to dance from a new partner.
A few more dances with the party attendees and then he sees her—Lady Cadash. The woman of the night, ambassador of the dwarven people, with a trail of endless rumors circulating the halls for weeks and yet he’d discovered nothing of her for himself. Nothing true anyway. She stands out, even amidst all the elves. Or perhaps, despite all the elves.
A clamp on his shoulder and his eyes are averted.
“Striking, is she not?”
To Solas’ tower, Elgar’nan is a mountainous refuge. A massive bulk of a man that almost doubles him in height. Shoulders twice as broad. His deep purple robes flecked with gold swish about his feet and appear to swirl in hungering blackness. Like some great expanse of the universe that could swallow all of them whole. His billowing sleeves are lined in glowing white light and his long black hair is pulled back into a single braid, brightened by the glow of his lyrium infused circlet. All of him awe and beauty.
“Indeed. For a dwarf.”
Elgar’nan’s burst of laughter rumbles in an echo around the room.
“Speaking of striking,” Solas says, ”I believe Mythal was looking for you.”
Elgar’nan inhales sharply, forming not a single reply about Mythal. He makes no attempt at searching her out either.
“Perhaps you should offer our new friend a dance?” Elgar’nan’s sunburst painted nails dig deep into his shoulder.
“Introduce us?” Solas suggests, unfazed by his grip.
“It would be my absolute pleasure.”
Solas follows Elgar’nan’s lead. Hands clasped behind his back, and head held high, he catches wind of some of the whispers around him. If Elgar’nan does not gain some control over the rumors, his negotiations could actually spill into war before he gets what he wants.
“Pay no mind to what they say,” Elgar’nan says, as if knowing Solas’ thoughts.
“These rumors—”
“Will be taken care of.” Elgar’nan’s voice pitches lower, like a rumble in the belly of a volcano. A warning. A threat.
“How?” His question remains unanswered as they approach Lady Cadash. A sinking feeling warns him that he knows exactly how such rumors will be eliminated. He just hopes he will not be the one elected for the job.
“Good evening, my lady,” Elgar’nan says. His demeanor shifts as he greets her with a smile like morning’s sun filtered through the window. Happy and bright.
“Good evening,” Lady Cadash allows a courteous smile as she bows her head.
“I thought I would introduce you to my oldest and most beloved friend—Solas.”
Oldest and most beloved is certainly news to him. He holds out his hand. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
Lady Cadash simply bows her head.
“Solas was mentioning to me how he would love to share a dance with you,” Elgar’nan says. “Give you a delightful and enchanting welcome.”
“Yes, indeed. May I have this dance?” He offers his hand again.
She wordlessly takes it. The top of her head just barely reaches his shoulder (tall for a dwarf), but she bears herself much the same as Elgar’nan. It’s obvious she could command all the attention of room if she wanted to. A small part of him feels intimidated but only for a moment. After all, he’s earned his place here the same as everyone else.
“Do try to keep up,” she says as the music changes to a tune he does not recognize.
Though the lilt is unknown, his love of music makes it easily familiar as he leads her across the floor. She keeps in step, performing perfectly.
“You are positively radiant,” he comments as he twirls her once and she places her hand back on his shoulder.
“For a dwarf that is.”
It has been quite some time since anyone has made him flush. “Ah, you overheard.”
“You elves think you are the only ones with decent hearing. So lofty in comparison to my people. What is so often mistaken as pride, is your unchecked arrogance.” There is no disdain in her voice but a matter-of-factness that makes the comment sting more sharply.
“An astute, if not harsh observation. I meant no offense.”
“Of course not. And your intention supersedes any impact it might have. For it would be uncouth if I were to experience a negative feeling on the subject matter. I must remain composed and unbothered, lest I commit a social faux pas against the delicate and fragile nature of the rules governing your high society over mine. One negative feeling and the tension between dwarves and elves might blow their diplomatic house of cards down, and I would shoulder the blame for any and all paper cuts obtained from the debris. So, no offense taken.”
“Clearly. I see you prefer to take defensive measures.”
She laughs at that, hearty and full. It brings a smile to his face. “Clever and charming. I see why your charge paired you up with me. You do not trip so easily over your ego.”
“My charge?” He twirls her once and dips her low.
“Is my assumption wrong?”
“A great deal of your assumptions have been wrong. As have mine.” He continues to lead her across the dance floor, avoiding the others' bodies brushing up close to him in the expansive room. “I have no charge. The most powerful mages naturally lead and take on roles but the power is shared. Much like you children of the stone.”
“Oh, no. Whatever you’ve heard of that is a bit more complicated. There are many who move pieces in the shadows, coveting a checkmate.”
“I imagine that must be difficult.”
“Not at all.”
“Are you not in danger? And what of your father? Doesn’t that worry you?”
“My father will either be alive tomorrow or dead. Same as you or I—well perhaps not you if the rumors about the Elvhen are true. But at the end of the day, are we all not pieces on the world’s board, being moved toward some unforeseen but predestined end? Worrying and fretting over my father will save him from neither fate. But partaking in the pleasantries of this evening will guarantee my happiness in this present moment.”
He supposes her approach is rather optimistic, even if he can’t quite grasp it himself. “And are you?” He continues, “happy, that is?”
The song comes to an end and Lady Cadash takes a step back and curtsies. She meets his gaze, expression unreadable. “It remains to be seen,” she replies.
She slips away into the crowd before he can question her further. His eyes trail after her until she disappears amongst the twirling figures, almost tempted to follow after her. It has been some time since anyone has piqued his interest as she has.
12 notes · View notes
Speculations about the Vinyl Art
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Recently, we had some bits of art that heated up the speculations about the Black City. I write here a detailed set of observations, interpretations and lore speculations. 
Most of the images were taken from the source posts of @felassan​ [here, here, here and here] and andarateia, and I copy-pasted a lot from my draft here. Of course, many of these interpretations are shared with the original authors too since it’s obvious and natural to do these interpretations [specially if one tries to work under the principle of the Occam’s razor]. In others, I may differ, of course.
The vinyls
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They are named “Golden City Merge” [blue-teal one] and “Black City Splatter” [Yellowish one].
Golden City Merge
It has a blue-teal colour around a yellow centre that may be golden.
One of these colours coincides with the codex Vir Dirthara: Homecoming, which claims that a “city home” is made of blue glass with spiralling up towers, so only through this detail in colour, and the shape of the city we see in the cover of the vinyl, we can assume that Elvhenan “homes/cities” may have been of this style too. Here, it’s all the lore we can link to these colours.
The only piece of [unreliable] lore we have to blandly link the Golden City with Arlathan is Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path. In it, the man who wanted Trydda’s hand in marriage wanted to lead an army to the North, in order to reach the Golden City.  From an Alamarri’s point of view, Arlathan was also in the north, crossing the Boeric Ocean [if we assume, too, that Arlathan was inside the Forest of Arlathan, which is a reasonable speculation given the peculiarities of the place, read The Missing for more details]. This information had been shared to him via dreams by a demon. It is a bland piece of lore because this is a tale that was transmitted through generations, orally, and we know how sensitive to change and modification this process is.
If we keep all these bland speculations, we can play with the idea of assuming that the Golden City may have been Arlathan. If Arlathan was surrounded by Arlathan Forest, the tree theme in the art of the vinyl would add more consistency to this speculation.
Black City Splatter
It has a black splatter over a worn-out, pale yellow colour. It may be considered a “sick” yellow even.
What we speculated from Corypheus’ design is that, due to the way his face was deformed and pieces of metal [or maybe red lyrium] were incrusted in him, it always looked like “something hot exploded” on his left side face [which, coincidental, it was the side which eye was, apparently, blind in his taror card, however, the unmatched eyes is completely inconsistent along art and games]. I talked about this long ago in the end of the post DLC: Legacy and in DA2:  Eyes. My point in bringing this desing detail is to say that, when the Magister stepped into the Black City, something “exploded” and melted them, and no matter the Andrastian Myth, we can see it clearly in the design of Corypheus and The Architect. That this vinyl has this colour design and name reinforces the idea that the Magisters unbalanced something when they entered, and it exploded, catching them in the explosion.
The Architect also has a design in his face that tells us that he was melted, and some things were incrusted in his body [I was always curious how a “dragon horn” seems to protrude from his neck]
Although they are focused on the Andrastian Myth, the Tevinter Mosaics seem to reinforce the idea that, when the Magister entered the Black City, they were burnt as well [again, the Myth claims it was the Maker, I suspect the truth is different, but the repetition of melting design in the only two Sidereal Magisters we saw can’t be overlooked].
As a speculation we can assume that the Black City was containing and working properly in the way that Solas had left it when he sealed the Evanuris, until the Sidereal Magisters entered and caused a “burning explosion”. It’s not clear if they caused it with their entering to the City, or  touched something that caused it.
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the middle of the vinyls show the map of Fade we had in DAO
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Curious thing, an extraction of this map from the DAO game files, shows that it was surrounded by thorny vines, or something that inspires the idea of thorny vines. And it covers a ring made out of mosaics, very similar to the style of the Golden Ring.
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It is also interesting that each of the apexis in the vinyl shows a circle that, according to what my eye can distinguish in that small image, may represent another Golden Ring. These golden rings have been appearing all over the game, specially in DAI.
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The back of the vinyl shows an eluvian floating on an isle, and two Elven Tree Statue. There is a series of detail we can notice here:
The eluvian is shattered. This gives us the idea that the system protecting the Black City, according to what we have concluded along the posts Murals in DAI: Basics and “The Creation of the Veil”, was broken and whatever kept inside is now free. 
Behind it, we see the shape of 6 more eluvians, in a pattern that looks like a flower. The flower may be a mere aesthetic for the vinyl, or could be a representation of the Elvhenan [since the elvhenan banner has a lot of flowers in it, check Elven Ruins to see it], or it may be related to the last bloom of a flower related to the codex “A Flowering Imago” [explanation attempted in the post Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara]
The Chant of Light, if it’s to be trusted with some grains of elvhenan knowledge that was leaked into its text, claims that the Black City has seven gates that, one shattered, will allow the pass of Darkness [Read exaltations in Chant of Light - Part 2]. Darkness has always been associated with the Blight, so I think this piece of info may have been part of elvhenan knowledge that made it into the religious text in ways I explained in “The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light“. If the Eluvians are gates to the Black City, the seven ones are represented in this vinyl illustration.
The Elven Tree Statues have been seen in many opportunities along the DAI game, and its symbolism is not clear. In the Shattered Library it appears as a source of Fade power, crackling with green energy until the Inquisitor approaches and absorbs it. In the Elven Mountain Ruins, appears as central along the corridor of the Forgotten Sanctuary, and as the main symbol of the Smoking Tower. In Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins I made a deep analysis of potential relationships of this tree with a source of power to create “in-between” spaces, as well as related to lyrium, the power of the Titans, a Titan’s heart, or Fade itself. It also appears as central in the puzzle of the Dead Hand, where energy is gathered in it, while being surrounded by Golden Rings.
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What seems to have in common in all these analysis is that these trees are related to power, and potentially a power to create worlds that may be associated with Titans. Maybe they represent the power that Mythal found when she killed the Titan, according the mural “The Death of a Titan”, and this was the reason why the Evanuris killed her in order to acquire this power. What’s curious is that in this illustration of the vinyl, we see, for the first time, their roots. Which are quite similar to the design of the Mythal’s Vallaslin. 
What is this eluvian representing for the Golden/Black City?
The shape of the eluvian is not something to read too much in my opinion. We find these frames in many elvhenan buildings, with other gods too. Even with Andruil in the Shattered Library; Inverted Ward. I think that we have to read it simply as “Elvhenan style for frames” which is deeply related to the shape of door and window frames too, which also carries similar function in the Eluvians: they are “doors” or “windows” to other places in between. I think it’s the typical elvhenan style for frames in general [details in Patterns and Styles: Elvhenan]. There are tons of these tri-style eluvians without flanked beasts spread all over the Elven Ruins. The Crossroads or The Crossroad [Base Game] also show a lot of these eluvians, sometimes flanked by statues, sometimes don’t. A quintuple-style shape is also the shape of the big gates into the Temple of Mythal [check  Temple of Mythal, What pride had Wrought: Part 1]. The idea of this shape is that it’s an eluvian with smaller and broader eluvians at the side, overlapped behind, so the final outline looks like it.
The Eluvians are related to the Elvhenan, but also to the Titans in a design point of view: they glow in a similar way as lyrium does or have a similar colour to it. In DAO, we lost Tamlen because an Eluvian was infected by the Blight [and we can justify DAO eluvian as corrupted ones since all of them were non-working or blighted]. So far we know, objects can’t be infected by the Blight, only living things, hence the idea that Eluvian are made of “something alive”. It’s not clear how alive it has to be, since we also know a creepy set of objects that exude “life” in a weird way: The Taken Shape set.
The Eluvians we found in DAO were “Tevinter Eluvians”. It’s not clear if the Tevinter took elvhenan eluvians and modified them to make them work like “communication devices” [as Finn and Dorian explain], or they developed the technology itself. That would also explain why these Eluvians are mostly purple instead of blue [and decorated with human statues that tend to be associated with Tevinter, details in Merril’s Eluvian]. Unaltered elvhenan eluvians have been shown to glow in silvery blue [all of them present in DAI].
Red Lyrium is the product of lyrium being infected with Blight because lyrium is “alive”. So far, this info is what Bianca told us, who at the same time, was told from an unknown source, according to what she speaks about with the Tranquil Researcher in the Emprise du Lion [last part of the post Emprise du Lion: Suledin keep ]. Since we know that Lyrium is Titan’s blood, it makes sense for it to be able to be infected with Blight because Titans are living yet vegetative creatures. On the other hand, there is enough hints to suspect Titans are immune to the Blight, so the lore seems a bit inconsistent on that. More details about this in posts such as Songs and elements that sing and whisper in DA Lore and  “The Death of a Titan”.
We also know that the Elvhenan exploited Titan’s bodies in unknown ways, according to all the info we can obtain in the mural from Trespasser: “The Death of a Titan”. Maybe they created Eluvians after they discovered the powers of Titan’s blood. This is a mere speculation about why the eluvian look like made out of lyrium.
Eluvians, then, allowed Elvhenan to do something that, so far, we were told since DAO that magic could not do, according to The Cardinal Rules of Magic:  “No one has found any means of travelling—either over great distances or small ones—beyond putting one foot in front of the other.“
There is also a potential interpretation that some Eluvian, somehow, are Gates to the Black City, implied in the mural “The Creation of the Veil”. This information may have survived the ages while being altered into what the Chant of Light claims in Exaltations [Chant of Light - Part 2] as “the Black City has seven Gates”, which is the same amount of “weird bubbles” we see in the mural. It was never clear what’s the reason for having 7 gates to a city you want to seal completely. I have no speculation why Solas could not sealed them completely, and, as it seems, put dragons in them to keep them closed instead.
Eluvians have been used in different ways, as portals to access tombs where elves were slumbering or in Uthenera, but also as “doors to cells”. We have two examples of this: Merril’s eluvian, which, according to Marethari, was a means to keep its Pride demon trapped [details in Merril and the Eluvian ] or as the door to a place inside a pocket dimension called “The ancient Jail” that seems to be a place where slaves or maybe dwarves were taken prisoner by Elvhenan [details in The Crossroads [DLC Trespasser]: Ancient Jail] which entrance has an unmistakable statue of Mythal in Dragon Shape. and inside of it, there are many broken eluvians.
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The shattering Eluvian surrounded by two Elven Tree Statue is a similar image to the loadscreen related to Merril that I analysed in the post Merril’s Eluvian, which shows a symbol on the background that I’ve related to Flemeth/Mythal and potentially to Andraste too. Since Merril’s eluvian is related to a prison, maybe in the vinyls we are talking about the same: The Golden/Black city had become a prison for the Evanuris. We know this because Solas himself told us in Elven Ruins that he had banished them.
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Therefore, a shattered eluvian seems to represent the destruction of a prison, in the same fashion it represented the escape of the Pride Demon in Merril’s quest [see that in the loadscreen gif above]
What the vinyl is telling me with the Shattered Eluvian and seven of them forming a flower, is that we are going to see the release of the Evanuris from their magical prison.
What have to do those trees in the illustration? It could represent the forest of Arlathan where Solas sealed the Evanuris in the city deep inside it. Another option is, that somehow, this prison is sustained/supported by Mythal, or was motivated by Mythal [probably with her death], since these trees seem to represent power, Titans, and Mythal at the same time. Trees are also related to the vhenadahl, which seem to hide a darker meaning that has nothing to do with what the Dalish or city elves believe about [more details in the section vhenadahl in the post “Red Lyrium Idol”].
Mythal as a motivator: If we take Solas’ words in the Elven Ruins, he sealed the Evanuris because they killed Mythal, but we also know in the Dev’s note from the mural “The Death of a Titan” that he really wanted to hide everything they were doing to no tempt anyone else to use this power.
Mythal as the last Guardian: We also know, according to Flemeth’s words in DA2, that Myhtal can exists in different places, as long as there is a “small piece” of her somewhere. 
Flemeth in DA2 says:
“I’m a fly in the ointment. I am a whisper in the shadows. I am also and old, old woman. More than that you need not know”
“Must I be in only one place? Bodies are such limiting things. I am but a fragment cast adrift from the whole. A bit of flotsam to cling to in the storm”.
In DAI she says
“Once I was but a woman, crying out in the lonely darkness for justice. And she came to me, a wisp of an ancient being, and she granted me all I wanted and more. I have carried Mythal throuh the ages ever since, seeking the justice denied to her. [...] But what was Mythal? A legend given name and called a god, or something more? Truth is not the end, but a beginning.”
“I nudge history, when it’s requiered. Other times, a shove is needed.”  [chuckles]
[Mythal came to me] “for a reckoning that will shake the very heavens.”
Morrigan: And you follow her whims? Do you even know what she truly is? Flemeth: You seek to preserve the powers that were, but to what end? It is because I taught you, girl, because things happened that were never meant to happen. She was betrayed as I was betrayed - as the world was betrayed! Mythal clawed and crawled her way through the ages to me, and I will see her avenged! Alas, so long as the music plays, we dance.
When elven inquisitor asks her
Inquisitor: Why haven’t you [Mythal] helped us? We’ve called to you, prayed to you. Flemeth: What was could not be changed. Inquisitor: What about now? You know so much.... Flemeth: You know not what you ask, child.
Flemeth, about Kieran:
“He carried a piece of what once was, snatched from the jaws of darkness.”
So I think this also may show that Mythal’s retribution is coming. Flemeth has been doing a lot of mastermind work along the ages to give Mythal her deserving revenge associated with the destruction of the Evanuris that, it seems, Solas will perform [since he absorbed Mythal’s powers]. These words were always present in any path you pick, so they are key. Flemeth says that she will stay in this path as long as the “music plays”. This seems to refer to the music of the Darkspwan and the Archdemons that, thanks to Avernus, we know it’s linked, at the end, to something calling from the Black City too [read Songs and elements that sing and whisper in DA Lore and the last part of DLC: Soldier’s Peak]. What I understand is that Flemeth will not be in peace until the Evanuris are destroyed completelly. Which seems to have been Solas’ goal since forever, but lacked power to do it in that moment and he only managed to seal them and borrow some time [and power, since the orb was gathering Fade energy for a millenia]. This plan, of course, was ruined by Corypheus. 
In short, considering Flemeth’s words about how shape is limiting, I wonder if there is a chance for Mythal to be in some shape or form, linked to the Golden City, in her Dragon Form, sealing the Evanuris. This hypothesis seems unlikely because Solas told us that Mythal died in some way. You can’t die and be a guardian at the same time. 
However, here comes the last hypothesis I can muster:  Mythal as the thing that was sealed in the Golden City, fused with the Evanuris. I think there is little to mistrust about the fact that the Evanuris indeed are trapped in the Black City, however, this illustration may imply that Mythal, in her dragon shape, is sealed there too. Considering Flemeth’s words, that sugest she is just a small fragment from the whole, cast adrift, and that can exist in different places at the same time, I wonder if Mythal, in a corrupted, draconic shape, belongs to the creatures that were sealed in the Black City. Maybe she is the ultimate danger, fused with the other evanuris, corrupted and mad by the Blight that “killed” her [when the Evanuris are hard to kill, according to Solas’ words in Somewhere[DLC Trespasser]: Elven Ruins]. This is a bit weird concept, to be fair, but I think that it tastes to “Bioware plot twist”.
The cover and the back
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Let’s analyse the illustrations while constrasting these three hypothesis. They show two different versions of the same illustration, a non-corrupted and a corrupted one.
The front cover [details can be seen in this webpage ]: We see, in general, the Golden City with a Dragon behind, extending its wings onto the city, as if they were protecting it. I will call this image the “non-corrupted” version. Now, let’s go to the details. 
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Facts that can be seen in a better quality image:
The dragon is black or dark coloured with a blue accent. It has slightly curved horns and red glowing eyes [image 1].  From their wings, a dense golden-like canopy raises. In some parts of the drawing it looks like a golden vine spread all over the dragon’s wings [image 2]. Despite being in front of the source of light, the dragon does not cast shadows onto the city. The illustration seems to inspire the idea of “guardian” or “protection”.
The lower parts of the Dragon’s wings show branches that have no leaves, but look like single insect wings pending from branches [image 2, arrows]. Could this be related to the codex “Flowering Imago” from Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara? I don’t know.
The area of the wings without branches shows a texture of red veins which can be perceived as veins of an animal as well as veins of a leaf [image 5].
Behind the dragon there is an Eclipse almost happening.
The cupule of the building shows small typical details of Elvhenan design that I talked and pointed out in the post Patterns and Styles: Elvhenan.  The windows look the same design that the elvhenan ones [image 3].
The four spires that can be seen in the city are repeated upside-down, in shadows, implying this place may be similar to the Inverted Ward [image 4, arrows].
The gates of the building resemble strongly the gate of the Temple of Mythal, displaying a draconic image, similar to the statue of the dragon shape of Mythal [image 7].
The trees that rise and entangle with the building seem to be one with the structure, giving it more stability. This gives me the idea that the Dragon, related to these trees through its wings, keeps giving protection and stability to the city.
The whole city lays on a small floating isle.
In front of the isle, there is a tiny humanoid figure with a staff that  displays the shape of one of the symbols of the Archdemons [image 6]. I talked a lot about this symbol in the post  “The Destruction of the Veil“, linking it to Darkspawn and The Architect. 
Around this figure, several birds or winged insects fly around [image 6, arrow].
The space around the city is bright and colourful, reinforcing the idea of a vivid city.
The back cover [details can be seen in this bigger image]. We see, in general, the Black City with a Dragon behind, extending their wings onto the corrupted city, as several faces with symbolic helms are fused in its wings. I’ll call this version the “corrupted” one.
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Facts that can be seen:
The dragon is black or dark coloured with red accents. It has curved horns, and a second pair of horns protrudes from its jaw. It’s not clear for me if it has yellow glowing eyes or red ones [image 8]. These horns seem to have a resemblance with the Dragon version of Flemeth in DA2, but not in DAO [ but we know DAO engine was always poor for environmental telling and design details].  Flemeth’s hairstyle doesn’t resemble to any of these horns [image 8]. However, the strange tiara that Flemeth wears seems to coincide a lot with the horn structure of her Dragon shape in DA2 [the tiara has some curves on her temple that resembles the smaller horns in her dragon shape - blue and orange arrow-]. There is, of course, the meaningful yet mysterious central spike too. This spike, which relates Mythal with Andraste and other figures in DA lore, is not present in the corrupted dragon’s head. Considering how important this main spike is for lore, I believe that thinking in this dragon as Mythal may be a mistake [but then again, this is a corrupted dragon that may have suffered a transformation due to the Blight].
From its wings, a dense withered-like canopy dies. The corruption is deeper and more blackened the closer to the extreme of its wings. This corruption looks like black vines, but lacks of thorns. We know that thorny vines are related to the Blight since DAO games. We spoke about this in posts such as Murals in DAI: Basics.
Fused with the corruption of its wings, we see six heads, many of them with clear elven ears. All of them are wearing a helm with the symbols that we identified with the Old Gods / Archdemons in the post of the mural of “Red Lyrium Idol” and  “The Creation of the Veil” [image 9].
The area of the wings without branches shows a texture of white veins, and in some parts of this darkened area, bits of orange that seem to imply something is burning inside this corrupted body. Looks like small peeks of Red Lyrium [image 11] or lava. 
Behind the dragon there is an Eclipse happening, so the shadows projected by the dragon fall all onto the city. The Design of this Eclipse looks the same like the design of the (alternative) logo of Bioware for Dragon Age Dreadwolf [image 10].
The building is completely overtaken by these black vines, which destroy the infrastructure. It even destroys part of the isle where the city was built upon. We can see that these vines spread deep into it. The corrupted trees are not sustaining and reinforcing the structure of the building but attacking it. The Dragon “lost” its protective nature.
All these black vines remind me a lot of the strange Tentacles we find in the Fade of DAO [image 12]. They protrude from structures or the ground, and some of them even from statues. Maybe it was a concept related to the Old Gods when their design was more related to a Cthulhu creature with tentacles for feet. Check DAO screenshots in the posts The Fade - DAO  and The Fade: The Undying Blackmarsh – DA Awakening 
There is no tiny humanoid figure in front of the city anymore. However, the symbol that this figure had in their staff is the symbol we don’t see among the faces fused in the dragon’s wings [Image “?”]. This would mean that one of these creatures “escaped” this fate. 
The colour of the space around the city is darkened, desaturated, and with “smoke” vein in the air, reinforcing the idea that this space has been corrupted deeply. 
The Dragon
The dragon and the dense vine rising along its wings, making it look like trees in the non-corrupted version suggests several potential representations:
1) This strong presence of the Forest theme in the dragon may relate this city to Arlathan, which was located in a deep, dense Forest entangled with the Fade, according to the comic The Missing. This would help us link Arlathan and the Golden City as the same place, since it has been very obscure in DA lore the whereabouts of the city of Arlathan. The only hints we have are the Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path, in which the man who wants to force Trydda in a marriage with him claims that  whispers told him to conquer the Golden City at the North of their lands, which is a location where the Forest of Arlathan, and potentially the gone city, fit. The unreliable Dalish tales also claim that Alathan was sunk into the underground by Tevinter [details in Arlathan codices from Ancient Elven codices; Din'an Hanin– Elgar’nan Bastion]. There is no more pieces of lore or hints that explain the whereabouts of Arlathan.
2) The dragon seems to be a symbol that may represent Mythal. Another speculation is that this Dragon was Mythal, and the Golden City [maybe Arlathan], may have been her city or the city where her fate was sealed.
According to the unreliable codex [The Temple of Mythal], it seems to be an archeological fact that the Elvhenan used to have a main Temple surrounded by a city developed around it. We know the Temple of Mythal lays in the Arbor Wilds, and we can see some ruins that may fit the idea of a “city/town” before reaching the central part of it [see Temple of Myhtal - Part 1], so the hypothesis that the Golden City was Mythal’s main city seems discarded. However, we also know that Mythal may have had many cities and the biggest ones among the Evanuris thanks to the codex "Song to Sylaise” from  Ancient Elven codices, Temple of Mythal.This city can be one of the many that belonged to Myhtal as well as the place where her fate was sealed.
3) This dragon may represent one of the ancient gods that the Elvhenan worshipped before becoming gods themselves. This city also may have been the temple of an ancient dragon that the Evanuris worshipped in the begining [according my interpretation of the Elvhenan lore, explained here], but it is hard to speculate further. There is no much lore but some visual hints on this matter.
4) If it is the city where Mythal’s fate was sealed, we can imagine that the Evanuris, desiring Mythal’s natural Dragon shape, may have invited her here and may have made experiments with her [as we know some Ghilan’nair’s experiments were performed in Tevinter Nights: The Horror of Hormak, that may include some fusion of animals in order to modify their shape]. Let’s remember that the Evanuris were related to winged shapes, “a shape reserved for the Divine and their Chosen” [from the codex Ancient Elven Writing]. If this is the case, the corrupted version of this dragon may represent Mythal, corrupted, and also, displaying her recknoning upon the city, where the other Evanuris were sealed by Solas. She and the others are fused in the corruption itself released by this hypothetical experiment. 
There is also a chance that Mythal, in her dragon shape, is still protecting the city, trying to contain the spread of the Blight thanks to the natural Blight-resistance that Dragons have. This concept is only inspired by Flemeth’s words about hinting the fact that she can be in many places at the same time, and bodies are limiting things [there is also a strange hint in the old quest of the Blackmarsh, where a demon in human shape could be in the Fade while a dragon-like shape related to it could be in the Waking World, details in The Blackmarsh and the High Dragon]. Maybe some pieces of Mythal were spread in the world to preserve a bit of her, while her [corrupted] Dragon form remained sealed with the evanuris or maybe she is a guardian of the corupted city. Flemeth also claims to an elven inquisitor that Mythal “changed”, and according to the corruption version of this illustation, Mythal may have changed, and acquired a more menacing looking, as her horns changed too and lost her central spike, such an iconic element in her design.
The inner side of its wings are consumed by the Blight, but the top external side is still resisting. So, the dragon resists the Blight, protecting or isolating the city even though the dragon’s horns changed, and it is “a different/corrupted” dragon. To me this double image represents what the mural “The Creation of the Veil” implies: the Black city, for an unknown reason, has 7 gates that could not be closed and were protected by creatures that could resist this corruption as long as possible: 7 dragons. This idea is a bit supported by the fact that Flemeth always tried to protect Urthemiel’s soul by teaching to Morrigan to protect “what was once” and telling her to have the baby. Urthemiel cannot be an Evanuris that killed Mythal [remember that Mythal wants revenge for that betrayal]. And Urthemiel is a dragon, as we saw him in his Archdemon form, and Mythal/Flemeth is also a dragon, so maybe she is part of the group of these dragons that were powerful “ancient gods”, potentially worshipped by the Elvhenan in the beginning until they got their own divinity. From that moment on, these dragons became the Forgotten Ones, chased by Andruil to the Abyss, and later, worshipped by the Tevinter as “Old Gods” that reside underground. I explained a bit this idea in the post Attempt to rebuild Ancient Elvhenan History. 
5) This dragon maybe is not Mythal, but another archdemon, or maybe the mysterious 8th Old God. I never know what to do with that bit of information: the codices of the astrarium imply the presence of an 8th old god dragon that makes no sense to introduce in the lore so late [Constellation: Draconis]. Is this dragon related to this illustration? I don’t know.
As a detail, the wing veins in the non-corrupted version are red, and I am not sure we should understand them as veins of red lyrium. Because, first, it makes no sense to have red lyrium inside a dragon's body in a version which is not the corrupted one, and second, if it were the case, it would imply that Dragons, [these ancient dragons] used to have lyrium instead of blood, which would relate dragons to Titans as the same creatures. And despite the fact that the lore seems to show some similarities between these creatures when it comes to their powers of manipulating Reality or being underground, sleeping, it seems extremely odd. It’s too big of a concept inside the lore of Dragon Age to take it lightly, because it would imply that dwarves are “dragon children”, and things will get more confused when thinking in the “crafted race” of the Qunari.
The two versions of the dragon indeed look like different ones. I’ve been speculating long ago that, so far we can gather from comics and codices, the Elvhenan, in particular the Evanuris, were looking for means to obtain Divinity. The Dragons seem to be extremely old, and ruled the skies when “everything sang the same song” [Yavana’s words]. We can also suspect that the Great Dragons had somniari powers, meaning that they could change reality through the alteration of the Fade [The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, Until We Sleep] and mortals could attain some degree of this power via their blood. On the other hand, we find in the last comic [The Missing] a mural of potential Evanuris wearing dragon-like outfits. This fits with the old codices of the Elvhenan we found in game, where “divinity was related to the shape of something with wings” that we can assume it’s a dragon. We have several hints pointing to us that maybe, the Evanuris, when they were generals and mages, worshipped “ancient gods” that were Great Dragons, until they found a way to manipulate their own shape to become dragons themselves. Maybe here the Titans appeared as the means for this transformation [in The Horror of Hormak we see that this process of fusing shapes include crystals that seems to be made out of lyrium, maybe these are the Titan’s heart?]
We know that Evanuris did something terrible with Titan’s power that forced Solas to hide all that monstrosity, collapsing the Deep Roads in order to avoid anyone attempting to reach that power again. The codex associated with this event may transpire hints that can be related to a terrible thing being unleashed that may have killed Mythal [or maybe corrupted her? Details in “The Death of a Titan”]. That could be the Blight, or the red lyrium, or something worse that originated these two diseases.
We also suspect that the Forgotten Ones and the Evanuris had been at war for a long time before the Titan War, so how did the Forgotten Ones fit in the reconstruction of this past? It’s hard to say with precision, but some bland and weak hints may imply that the Dragons that have been leading Blights are, in fact, the Forgotten Ones [the only weak proof we have about this connection is through Hakkon/Geldauran in Elvhen Tomb]. This means that the Forgotten Ones may have been dragons [or more likely Great Dragons] and not elvhenan, and, when the Evanuris released the evilness that they created [probably The Blight], it was the Forgotten Ones [naturally resistant to the Blight, read Josephine’s result in Learn More about Dragons] who became the protectors and the means to isolate that disease from the rest of the world until finding a solution.
The Eclipse
Eclipses are associated with Fen’Harel and the events to come, according the codex The Emergent Compendium: an ancient magical tome that produces images and text on its own [DA2]. One of the pictures it manifested was described as "Two shadowed spheres among stars", and it was accompanied by a subtitle that could be deciphered into the phrase "An eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred." [I talked a while ago about how "stir” seems to be used mostly to describe the movement of Titans in DA lore, so the word choice is quite peculiar here, details in “The Destruction of the Veil“].
Eclipses are also related to the dynamics of sun-moon hidding each other or projecting shadows over the other, which may relate Mythal [unreliably related to the moon, according the Dalish Tales/codex Mythal: the Great Protector] and Elgar’nan, who has several unreliable Dalish tales in which he “hides” or “shoves” the sun down into the earth. The concept that the Sun is hidden somehow is repeated in small details along the lore of these gods, even though all of these tales are extremelly unreliable in my opinion. It’s hard to appraise the grain of truth they must have.
If the Sun is related to Elgar’nan, and if the moon may be, somehow, related to Mythal, then, a [solar] eclipse is the moon [Mythal] overtaking the figure of Sun [Elgar’nan?]. The fact that Elgar’nan is associated with vengeance, while Mythal to justice but also revenge, seems to weakly push us in this direction when we remember that Mythal took the place of Elgar’nan as judge of the People. 
Let’s open a parenthesis here and refresh details before we continue further:
Mythal has always been a goddess of the Revenge as well, according to Solas in the scene of Altar of Mythal, which places Elgar’nan in a curious and questionable role. Elgar’nan was always related to fury, vengeance, and brutality. And we also know through the codex of The Judgment of Mythal, that she took the place of Elgar’nan as a judge of The People to avoid his fury which destroyed everything it touched. Considering this, it seems that Mythal has been shifting into a more “Elgar’nan”-like shape.
I can’t say Elgar'nan and Mythal are both the same entity, since the old codices of the Elvhenan present in the Temple of Mythal show two different Evanuris. However, the many aspects where Elgar’nan and Mythal overlap, the lack of much more iconography for Elgar’nan as the big “father” of the Elvhenan pantheon [which makes us suspect he was a really powerful Evanuris, probably compared to Mythal], and the repetitive concept of split personalities that some Evanuris seemed to have, make me play with the idea that Mythal and Elgar’nan are the same. After all, Mythral has different representations on statues: as a dragon, as a humanoid, and as an elf in mosaics [check Evanuris]. This is not a peculiarity of hers alone; Fen’harel also has 2 shapes: the elf and the wolf. And we also have the very vague case of Dirthamen and Falon’Din who seem to have different shapes but sometimes one takes over the other and it’s very unclear what’s the true nature of their situation: a lot of this has been speculated in Humanoid Dirthamen and in The Lost Temple of Dirthamen - Part 1-Part 2. Besides, Solas always warned us that the nature of Mythal was more complex than we can truly understand [read Temple of Mythal, Part 1, Part 2, and Solas sharing Lore: Part 1 - Part 2].
I’m not saying Elgar’nan and Mythal are the same [I don’t truly believe it yet], but sometimes I play with the idea, considering how little ancient art we have about Elgar’nan and how much of it is related to Mythal. If we think in Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, the place is called “Elgar’nan’s Bastion”, and even though the place has been altered by ancient Dalish, and there are plenty of statues that seem odd to be there [like the many Andrastes spread in the main hall], we still find many of Mythal’s presence in a central display. Now, this may be consequence of the ancient Dalish or may have been there long time ago before them; that we don’t know. We also have the mysterious Strange Idol [analysis] deep down in the tomb of this Bastion, surrounded by Mythal’s dragon shaped statues. It’s also true that these dragon-statues seem to be defensive devices as the scene with Corypheus entering the Temple showed us.
Another detail that always got my attention was that the mosaic of Elgar’nan, which I spoke about in Evanuris, shows a non-elven limb. His arm has the shape of a wolf’s or a “dragon’s” arm, with big claws, shoving down the Sun. We also know, thanks to Flemeth’s words, that bodies are “limiting things”, so Mythal maybe has been adopting different forms along her life or depending on the role she had to perform. This idea is very weak, supported barely by details that, I personally, don’t consider super strong, but still yet I think it’s worth commenting that maybe there is something going on about these Evanuris. Maybe we have, at the end of the day, less Evanuris [maybe four plus Fen’Harel?] than the ones we thought [eight plus Fen’Harel] simply because many of them were split in the Tales due to their different roles along their lives?: Falon’Din and Dirthamen as one, Ghilan’nain and Andruil as one, Elgar’nan and Mythal as one, and by discarding enumeration, June and Sylaise as one. Geldauran speaks only about Andruil and June [check Elvhen Tomb]. Solas speaks dismissingly about Falon’Din and Andruil [Temple of Mythal, Part 2]. How is it possible that Elgar’nan, as the “father” of the pantheon, and therefore probably one of the most important/powerful Evanuris originally, ended up being such a forgetteable figure in the art and places we found? It’s another mystery to me.
Anyways, this whole paragraph is an idea that has been flying around my head for a long while, and to be honest, I’m not super convinced about it. It seems very weak and baseless, even though there are some details that keep making it annoying to discard completely, specially if we take into account how fluid shape was among the elvhenan.
So, with all these details in mind, the eclipse as a concept of moon taking over the Sun could represent mythal changing or taking over Elgar’nan’s figure? Or it’s Mythal all along, but Elgar’nan is the corrupted or angry version of her, while Mythal is the gentle mother and what was left of her? Mythal, after all, changed; and could not help The People anymore. Something happened that was never meant to happen [Flemeth’s words]. However, I doubt this because the split is previous to her assasination.
Closing the Parenthesis and returning to the Eclipses: It is also true that eclipses are associated with darkness because they tend to block [the solar eclipses] the light of the sun. So the constant reiterative comment of the darkness in the Chant of Light or in Elvhenan codices may have a double interpretation: as the darkness=Blight but also as an allegory to the darkness that comes with an eclipse. To this point in the lore, and considering the last videos/trailers we were given, it’s clear for us that Eclipses are omens of something big that will happen.
If we allow the interpretation of an Eclipse to be a bit more laxed, we can also see it as an overlap of different spheres, and there is a common yet vague symbolism in these games and recent trailers about  “spheres” that may be related to eclipses too. Let’s numerate them just to have all of them in one place:
Mythal: the Great Protector: Unreliable Dalish tale, where we read that Mythal created a “pale sphere in the sky” which is one of the two moons of Thedas. This seems irrelevant but for completion’s sake I add it to this list.
The Emergent Compendium: I’ve refered to this codex in the begining of this section. It’s an ancient magical tome that produces images and text on its own, presented to us in DA2. One of the pictures it manifested was described as "Two shadowed spheres among stars", and it was accompanied by a subtitle that could be deciphered into the phrase "An eclipse as Fen'Harel stirred." It seems to relate Fen’Harel with an eclipse or the overlapping of spheres.
Veilfire Runes in the Deep Roads, requeires Veilfire to read:  There is smell of blood followed by the image of green vines growing and enveloping a sphere of fire. A sphere of fire can be interpreted as a Sun too. The “original fire/sun” was sealed in a sphere, protected with vines. I spoke a lot about this “sphere of fire” in Murals in DAI: Red Lyrium Idol and The Death of a Titan. A lot of more speculation in Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara, and how the “sphere of fire” also leaked into the Andrastian faith in Andrastian Design: Stained Glasses. This particular sphere of fire seems to be important now, specially with the visual design of red lyrium and trailers of creatures or trees burning from the inside that Bioware shared with us lately. This sphere seems to be a container of something furious and destructive.
Raising the Sonallium tells us that there were thousand of elves maintaining a spell to pull raw essence from the Fade into a sphere in order to create pocket worlds, “planes in-between”, like the Crossroad. The sphere in this codex has a temple, in rust-red jungles with waterfalls. Spheres here are presented as we saw them in the mosaics of Fen’Harel, in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins.  This sphere seems to be a container of a world or another plane of existence.
Old Elven Writing gives us the image of two overlapping spheres; “unknown flowers bloom inside their centres”.  We know that these spheres can be representations of pocket worlds, according to the previous codex in this list. Overlaping spheres can be also interpreted as an Eclipse. Flowers blooming inside is a bit odd. We didn’t see lore related to this image. If we see the banner of the Elvhenan [the brown banner I showed in Somewhere[DLC Trespasser]: Elven Ruins], they have a pattern of flowers, but this seems to help little. However, flowers may be related to the reiterative symbol of the vines. In a laxed way, this image brings to me a distant relationship with Vir Dirthara: A Flowering Imago, which is a codex that always got my attention due to its oddity and rebel nature to find a proper interpretation within the context of DA lore. I talked about it extensively in Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara.
Murals: In Solas’ murals, we see the representation of the Fade and the several barriers crafted to isolate the Black City as [sometimes red] spheres too [details in Murals in DAI: Basics and in “The actions of the Inquisitor”]. The Red sphere is always the one related to or encapsuling the Black City. In the mural  “Red Lyrium Idol” we see Solas figure walking inside or on the sphere that may be on fire. In this last mural, it feels like he will face and deal with the danger that was contained in the “fire sphere” long ago. 
As a final note related to Eclipses, I think it’s worth noting that the DA lore also has some details about the stars and the historical meaning of astronomy in few codices. Eclipses are events related to celestial bodies, so stars and skies must also have some significance in this lore. Trying to find this link, I found two codices that give us a bit of more context related to the inminent Eclipse that will happen and that will bring a deep, chaotic change. 
Notes on the Stars: is a codex found in Fallow Mire. It seems to imply that the sky has been shifting and changing slowly [”Looks like different sky“]  Although its interpretation may be left open, considering the fact that the sky is different in different hemispheres. However, I’m not sure Thedas is spread along different hemispheres but extended all just in one: the south hemisphere [Even though we don’t know the planet where Thedas exists, I suspect it is located on the South Hemisphere of the said planet: warmer and tropical to the north, and colder and icy to the south; which is how climate works, in broad lines, in the south hemisphere of a planet with a day-night cycle like Thedas]. So, in theory, that the sky is changing is not a comment to take as irrelevant, but as a piece of enviromental information which is telling us that the sky is changing and therefore, something big is going to happen at a global scale.
Astrariums: This codex gives us the unvaluable information that cults previous to the Andrastian conversion of Tevinter were deeply against the Magisterium system and wanted to be ruled by Dreamers. We also learn that the Sidereal Magister were related to astronomy thanks to this codex, since all of them were Dreamers too. Also, the word Sidereal makes sense now; “of or relating to the stars or constellations”. Maybe this is associated with the idea that “the dragons ruled the sky” [The Silent Grove], so Tevinter tried to approach their dragon divinities by studying the constellations.
These two codices give us a bit more of information about the importance of the sky within DA lore, and how the incoming Eclipse may be changing things already. 
The Tiny Figure
The figure with the staff is a mystery to me. I can link its staff’s shape with several things: 
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from The Architect [items sold by the Nexus Golem in DA2] and a broad faction of mindless Darkspawn [darkspawn decorations in DAO], to a Great Dragon/Forgotten One used during the creation of the Veil [details in the mural “The Destruction of the Veil“ and in “The Creation of the Veil”]. This symbol is also present in one of the Fen’Harel’s mosaics, in Ancient Elven codices; Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins, from which drops of lyrium fall and a lot of speculation has been done around it. These small details keep telling me of the potentiality of relating the Titans to the ancient Great Dragons that slumber underground. We know that both creatures have the power to change reality through different means, although both have totally different kind of blood [dragon blood vs lyrium]. However, we also know that Evanuris exploited Titans, and Mythal [a dragon] may have learnt “something else” from them.
First speculation: The figure is Solas, and the symbol is Fen’Harel’s
The tiny humanoid figure is in front of the city in the non-corrupted version, while it is not there anymore in the corrupted one. Curiously, the symbol of their staff is the symbol we don’t see among the faces fused with the dragon’s wings, so I suspect it means it was the “Evanuris” that "made it", an Evanuris that escaped Fen’Harel’s banishment. Hence my suspicion that the figure could be Solas himself and that symbol Fen’Harel’s or Mythal’s. However, I think it’s impossible for this symbol to represent Fen’Harel: Solas is not a Dragon, he never was one, and his rejection to Divinity is present in most codices we explored. He did not take the divine shape of a “winged thing” [his shape, actually, has always been of a wolf, recently made “draconic-like” due to the absortion of Mythal/Flemeth’s powers], and he also was always Solas in the way he is now [Solas’ own words], so he was always a creature related to a wolf of six eyes that, probably, took the shape of an elvhen due to Mythal’s request [read details in “Solas’ Nature” in Solas sharing Lore: Part 1 ].
The most logical concept to explain that figure should be Solas, appreciating the city and the magnificent dragon [Mythal] he has praised in game a couple of times, before isolating it when the Evanuris went too far and corrupted it. But it’s a speculation without any proof, to be honest. And the fact that all these symbols in the helms of the elvhen fused with the dragon’s wings were dragons [read “The Creation of the Veil”], makes this hypothesis less likely. Solas was never related to a dragon shape, so these C horns could not represent Fen’Harel [we have suspected that all these symbols are related to Archdemons/Great Dragons thanks to the unmistakable symbol of Urthemiel, check “The Creation of the Veil”]. We also have to remember that this C-symbol is also used by Darkspawns, and Solas is even less related to them. With this idea, the mosaic of the creature bleeding lyrium is also nonsense: Solas has not lyrium blood, although his wolf shape has been painted once with eyes that may represent lyrium [I explained this detail in “The Destruction of the Veil“].
Second speculation: The figure is Solas, and the symbol is Mythal’s
The other speculation I can make is that this C symbol represents Mythal herself. Part of this symbol appears in the horns of the corrupted dragon. We know that Evanuris killed Mythal [but we suspect they did something worse to her since “Evanuris do not die easily”], and that may be represented in the mosaic of Fen’Harel with that figure bleeding lyrium [this, again, puts us in the uncomfortable position of making a comparison of a titan with a dragon; however, we know Mythal got something powerful from the Titan she killed in “The Death of a Titan”, and maybe this power is represented with the lyrium drops in such mosaic]. We know that Solas respects her enough to, probably, carry a staff with her symbol, and allow a representation of her assasination in the series of mosaics in his pocket world [Fen’Harel’s mountain ruins] to keep memory of what the Evanuris did to her. 
How does this interpretation explain the symbol carried by the Darkspawn? It’s true that the darkspawn keep hearing a song in their heads that, thanks to Avernus [ Soldier’s Peak], we know it comes from the Black City, even though it feels like it’s from the Archdemons. If we still try to stick to this interpretation, we are getting close to assume that Mythal, in her dragon shape, is still in the Black City, corrupted, maybe even fused with the rest of the Evanuris. So these symbols carried by the Darkspawn have always been representation of Mythal, who keeps singing a song with the other Evanuris from the Black City through the Archdemons to the Darkspawn. This idea seem to resound a bit when we remember Flemeth’s words: she is a fragment adrift in the storm, and she keeps doing whatever she is doing [we dance] “as long as the music plays”.
We also have the curious and forgeteable long quest of The Blackmarsh and the High Dragon in DAO which, despite being cryptic, can have an interpretation that makes us aware that in Thedas, there are means to have doble shape, and one of them, as a dragon. Of course, this is a mere obscure hint that shows a potentiality. It’s far away from being a clear canon concept still.
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But returning to the interpretation of seeing this dragon as Mythal, there is more than one flaw in this interpretation: We have enough art of Flemeth to suspect her symbol is not this C-Symbol [read details in “The Destruction of the Veil“]. However, I noticed again that the corrupted dragon seems to have a similar shape of “horns” than the ones we saw in Flemeth’s art in the cutscenes of DA2, but still missing the iconic central spike. So, as we can see, the interpretation of this C-symbol, and the tiny figure is very, very obscure. None of the interpretations seem to fit every detail.
What we can link with some degree of certantity is that, now, this C-symbol makes sense to be present among the Darkspawn, since it seems to imply that this is the corrupted dragon/creature that has been "singing” throuhg the Blight and archdemons into the head of all blighted creatures. This corrupted dragon, whoever it is, resides in the Black City, maybe even fused with the Evanuris, probably victim of a process similar to what we saw in The Horror of Hormak [read the process explained by Jovis]. After all, Avernus [Soldier’s Peak] always told us that the Archdemons were not the true source of the song, but something inside the Black City itself. 
Art pieces in the vinyl book
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These vinyls come within a “book” where each of them is placed in a double-sheet/envelop page. Each of these pages shows a very stylised image. We proceed to analyse each of them.
Update on Dec 2023: Here, someone compiled all the images, and can be seen a lot better.
First Image: The Gray Warden Image
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This seems to represent a griffon. It’s an uncommon Grey Warden’s symbol, since I didn’t see it anywhere before. However, the presence of the chalice with a symbol of a drop of “black” blood makes it unmistakable. 
The sword that pierces the griffon’s neck also has a drop of blood, but it seems to be a white drop. Maybe this is related to the concept we learnt in the book Last Flight: as a last resource during the Fourth Blight, the Grey Warden started to force their griffons to a process similar to the Joining, but they didn’t handle the corruption well. Madness spread among the Griffons and most of them had to be sacrificed. This was the reason why the griffons went extinct.
The dagger that the griffon carries in its talons seems to pierce or be surrounded by something long and white that looks like tendrils or a snake with small branches, or a vine [which usually represents The Blight]. It’s not clear. 
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On the background, there is a symbol that looks similar to the ones we saw for glyphs or for mage organizations such as the Circle. So far, I could not find the one matching this.
I think it’s clear that this vinyl will contain the music related to the game DAO due to its strong relationship with the Gray Warden symbols.
Second Image: The Hawk and Kirkwall logo
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Twitter user Kiranox (@/veranox) was able to do some photo manipulation and have a better image of the second and third one despite the perspective.
As @felassan​ has pointed out, this symbol displays two unmistakable old ones:
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The Hawke falling onto its prey, and the Symbol of Kirkwall on the background. 
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 It’s curious that, in this vinyl illustration, both images are overlaped, as if they were trying to tell us that this geometrical symbol is a Hawk, when we know that, historically speaking, it was a rising dragon, from the time Kirkwall was called Emerius [more details in the post Kirkwall history and design].
When we have this image in high quality we will see it better, but the white figure also looks to me like a hawk falling free, and I can’t stop thinking in relating this to Flemeth’s words: "A word of advice, we stand upon the precipice of change. The world fears the inevitable plummet into the abyss. Watch for that moment… and when it comes, do not hesitate to leap.” Her cryptic words were always interpreted by me that the world needs Hawke to stay in the Fade. Soon, Fade and Waking World will join again, and maybe what Hawke did in the Fade until their death will be extremelly useful and key in the world that we are going to face in DA4. 
This symbol also has what looks like a rope in a messy way, maybe even falling free too, with a knot in one side. The only symbol similar to this that I can relate to is Sylaise’s vallaslin, which looks like snakes or ropes in messy ways, but I don’t think there is any link between these. Is this image telling us that this is Hawke leaping into the abyss with a cut rope, and therefore, no way to return?
What I think it’s clear is that the vinyl placed in here will be related to DA2′s music due to its strong relationship with the hawk and Kirkwall symbology.
Third Image: The diagram and the hexagonal shape
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If we continue this logic, this image should be a symbol representative of DAI.
What I see repeated several times here is a pattern of 6 circles, 3 of different colour and alternated. Inside of the central circle we have another set of three filled circles. This repetition of 3-circles is not something I can say I’ve seen in DAI. In fact, I’m nor really sure to what associate it with.  If these were a Quincunx, we would have a lot of speculation to make since it’s a symbol present in Thedas since DAO.
These six circles are inside an hexagonal shape, which is deeply related to Tevinter, as I described in details in Patterns and Styles: Tevinter. It has a potential to be related to focis, that potentiated the power of the dreamers or priests to communicate with their dragon gods. 
This design also looks similar to the diagrams that faintly appear in the background or on the body of some creatures that I talked about in Nation Art: Elvhen. However, none of them fits perfectly.
It is likely that this vinyl will countain all the music related to DAI due to the symboly of magical diagram and the presence of the Tevinter hexagonal shape. 
Fourth Image: The diagram and the spheres
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This is probably a mixture of all previous games with some pieces related to the incoming game of DA4.
This figure, in general, shows a Quincunx, where the central part are the three overlaped circles with a sun or a star inside.
I don’t think it can be related too much to Solas’ tarot Card [which is related to Orlesian decoration of the Winter Palace, as we can see a rug with the same kind of Quincunx symbology on it in the book of Art of Inquisition [below]. 
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Again, as I said in Patterns and Styles: Orlais, a lot of Orlesian design and art seems to be strongly influenced by the elvhenan, so maybe this symbol has a particular meaning to the Elvhenan, but so far, I can’t think much of it beyond the fact that it is a Quincunx.
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If Anything, that tarot card is showing the Quincunx symbol in itself, with Solas being the central, and therefore, the important thing. Just because these symbols have a clear Quincunx in them, one could relate the three spheres and the star in the vinyl illustration to Solas. These three spheres look like overlaping one that has a “sun”, so the meaning of an eclipse seems to be implied. And we know that Solas, in his Fen’Harel representation, is related to an ominous Eclipse, according the The Emergent Compendium I spoke about in the section “The Eclipse”.
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Let’s talk about these three spheres and the star present in the vinyl: The star has the same shape to the central star we see in Solas’ mural when he draws the Temple of Mythal in “The actions of the Inquisitor”. This strengthens the hypothesis that the dragon we see in these illustations may be related to Mythal in her dragon shape.
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I’m not sure if this symbology of three spheres overlapping has something to do with the mysterious symbol found at Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin. In it, we see three golden ring of the same size, aligned. The central one is surrounded by a bigger ring, which seems to be similar to the image we see in this black-and-golden illustration: Three spheres [blue and orange ones] with a bigger ring [yellow line]. In fact, it looks like a progression: The first stage is the one shown in Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, where the two orange sphere approach and try to overlap the blue one, which is inside a bigger ring. The second stage is the orange circles overlaping half of the blue one [this is seen in the trailer too], and the last one is this vinyl illustration, where we see that the three spheres are inside the bigger ring and we see the middle of the blue sphere: a sun or a star, or maybe a “sphere of fire”. I talked a lot about the concept of the “sphere of fire” in Murals in DAI: Red Lyrium Idol and The Death of a Titan. A lot of more speculation in Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara, and how the “sphere of fire” also leaked into the Andrastian faith in Andrastian Design: Stained Glasses. 
This Star [made of eight points] is the same one that we see in the mural of Temple of Mythal, but it’s also very similar to the yellow mosaic I talked about a lot in posts such as: “The Death of a Titan” and in the tag asterisk symbol. This links Mythal with this star, which can potentially be related to the heart of the titans and this mysterious power the Evanuris discovered aside Lyrium.
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Why I don’t give to much thoughts to Solas’ tarot card? Because it’s a general  Quincunx which central important element is Soals himself. Similar Quincunx symbol appears in this vinyl illustration. In fact the circles that compound this Quincunx are very similar, but those in Solas’ tarot card’s present a series of small icons: a moon, a sun, undulating lines, and four dots.
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We can assume that they may be related to magic, but so far we saw in DAO, DA2, and DAI, all these symbols come from the Circle, and therefore most of them keep recreating the Chantry icon, or are inspired in it: all of them are very close to the design of the sunburst. The Orlesian carpet has a small flower in it, which is a very typical icon present in all orlesian design.
But Solas’ tarot card has four clear symbols:
We can agree that Sun/Moon may have some relationship with Mythal/Elgar’nan, since there is information that relates them, but sadly the only source we have for that is the Unreliable Dalish Tales, so it’s hard to be sure. These both symbols are also related to the Eclipse symbology that, at this point, we can’t deny as related to Fen’Harel. 
The undulating lines have been associated with “shape and control” according to the info I gathered in “Murals in DAI: Basics” in the section “Undulating lines associated with Vallaslin or/and bound-slavery”. 
The dots, so far I remember, were never seen in any game. I can only relate them to these four-petal flowers in the Orlesian design, but since we are talking about Elvhenan, it must have come from an older symbol. Maybe it’s something related to the Forgotten Ones or the Titans indeed, both groups quite unknown in the lore still. The other posibility to understand these four dots is to represent a Quincunx symbol without the middle dot.
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the-rebel-archivist · 3 months
11, 16, and 18 for the da4 hype <3
Thank you so much for the ask <3
11. What's one think you'd really like to see in this next game?
Honestly, I feel like they looked at my wishlist and told me "Wish granted" with so many of the reveals we've gotten! I wanted Lucanis? There he is. I wanted mobile, snappy combat? It's there. I wanted to know what happened with the griffons and if Last Flight would have impact and we'll learn and it does! So many bits of lore that have been hinted at heavily seem like they'd come into play and we'll learn a lot about some of the more mysteriously shrounded parts of them (though I do hope they keep some secrets for themselves!). And of course there's the CC and its focus on not just functionality and creativity but inclusivity.
If I slightly rephrase to the thing I'm most looking forward to seeing, I think it's how all the companions will interact. They keep calling them their most engaging crew of companions yet and I can't wait to see how we're able to influence them. I'd like to know if there's any friction between them to solve and who gets closest to whom. I'm excited to handle difficult conversations and choices with them!
16. What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
I've got a lot of theories but most are pretty well supported, here's one that I went down the rabbit hole with that has little to no connective tissue at all:
The ancient elves were particularly unkind to dwarves, we know this from Trespasser and the implication that they drove them underground. The dwarves allied with Tevinter. Though there was hostility between the elves and the dwarves, after the fall of Arlathan Cad-halash (later Cadash thaig) tried to take in the escaping elves only to be destroyed by the dwarves of Kal-Sharok, ostensibly to protect their alliance.
Paragon Fairel founded Kal Repartha, the surface thaig in the Hissing Wastes, as "A place where we may meet in peace" sometime at least 100 years before the First Blight (possibly much older, they never give an upper bound for age) after the weapons Fairel crafted were used by the dwarves to war against each other. The entrance to the Deep Roads was closed off; the dwarves mentioned to be either fleeing or preventing a war could never return.
Somehow, the dwarves managed to bind demons into the pillars of the Tomb of Fairel, creating the sort of corrupted stone they call "The Gangue" - "Stone waste" or "Impure spirit of the stone." Long before the Blight, the Stone was already corrupted and the dwarves were already working to cut it from the healthy body. Containing the Gangue is one of the primary goals of the Legion of the Dead, not killing darkspawn.
The demons in the pillars are released by the use of veilfire, an ancient art perfected by the elves and only usable by mages. Cole says that the demons were dwarves once and believe they still are. Note that because this is before the First Blight, golems also don't exist yet.
Theory: Fairel founded Kal Repartha after the destruction of Cad'halash and perhaps even housed some elves as well who set up the veilfire. But we aren't finished yet.
The Gangue. It's described like a blight on the stone long before it makes sense to be blighted. When you talk to Solas about the Blight, he knows more than he lets on but also less than he would like. "The fools who first unleashed the Blight upon this world thought they were unlocking ultimate power," he says, and it sounds like he means the magisters in the black city... but what if in fact he means the evanuris. Their experiments and tampering, especially those of Ghilan'nain, began the process of blighting the stone and only later led to the outward signs of darkspawn, red lyrium, and the rise of corrupted archdemons.
And for another crack theory, Lucanis isn't possessed because that's such a straightforward explanation, but maybe pacted in some way to a demon? If not that, has some form of relationship to one without losing his sense of self. This one is pure wish fulfillment.
18. Which aspect of fandom are you most looking forward to?
Seeing all the new characters people create! It's going to be so fun to see everyone's take on the same material and watch what parts of it they hone in on as touchpoints for their Rooks and existing characters. Sometimes completely innocuous lines can take on so much profound meaning based on how the character you're roleplaying interprets it and relates to it.
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rosella-writes · 2 years
hello happy friday, for dadwc I bring a poem for fettered Pride and her loves:
When Love with unconfinèd wings Hovers within my Gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the Grates; When I lie tangled in her hair, And fettered to her eye, The Gods that wanton in the Air, Know no such Liberty.
From Richard Lovelace - To Althea, from Prison
I think this only answers this one in a sideways fashion, Blue lol. But it made for a wonderful excuse to try out this idea for @dadrunkwriting — Solas tells us raising the Veil was his best option, because every alternative was worse. What if he’d chosen one of the worse solutions?
Pairing: Pride & Wisdom Rating: T for Themes Summary: Wisdom witnesses the fall of Arlathan (after the Plagues)
Wisdom looks to the sky. 
She has been warned. She is ready. Her blood writing even now lays dormant as mere tattoos on her face. When it begins — if it begins — she is free to forsake her body and plunge into the Beyond, far away from what is to come. For the gods have gone too far. Mythal lies dead, and Pride has been missing for days — weeks — and Hope along with her. The Allmother’s blood calls out from the ground for justice… and only Elgar’nan’s vengeance stands to answer her.
It begins at night, in her dreams. It is so quiet that she is sure it is her own thought, her own soul, calling the words out into the darkness. 
I send a pestilence and plague.
Her skin crawls, itching and burning in the wake of those words whispered across it. 
Into your house, into your bed.
She wakes, the remnants of her dream ringing in her ears. She sees it still, scorched into the insides of her eyelids — the beauty of Justice, their Mother, plucking Elgar’nan’s Pride from him in the wake of the destruction he wrought. With each blink, she sees the sun’s return from where Elgar’nan had banished it. With each glimpse of the light out her window, she remembers Pride’s birth from the defeat of Elgar’nan’s rage. 
Into your dreams, into your sleep.
She casts her blanket aside and stumbles to the window. Her fingers grip the sill until it creaks.
Until you break, until you yield.
Wisdom pushes back from the window and nearly falls — stumbles — runs towards the door. She does not pause for her weapon, nor her armour, nor even shoes. She climbs the crystal stairs. Her hands run along the carven bannisters and feel the scrolling patterns that were painstakingly carved into them by slaves after generations of slaves. There are no slaves in these halls, on these stairs, now. 
Only she is awake. 
She emerges onto the landing that broadens its curved walls into an exposed balcony atop this, Elgar’nan’s favoured holiday home. It is the tallest building outside the walls of Arlathan, and stands alone in these fields outside Elvhenan’s greatest city. She turns her eyes towards the sky — she gazes at the far away spires of the Golden City, the spires that glow upon the rising of each day’s sun. 
I send the swarm, I send the horde.
Wisdom muffles a low groan of horror behind her raised hand. The voice still echoes between her ears, as near as her own thoughts — she wonders if all who wake now can hear it. She stares, unblinking, as the sky pollutes its softly flowing blues and greens and violets against the glossy black darkness with red. Nothing but red, sickly red that glows with the power of the Void. 
I send the thunder from the sky.
The sky cracks. Its luminous light snaps into nothing — all that remains is its red as vivid and deep as blood, twisting and swirling against the blackness like poison within wine. Wisdom watches through rising tears in her eyes as the forms of spirits grow clearer against every spire. They weave between them, as fish through seaweed. 
I send the fire raining down.
Arlathan’s wards flare then, bright and fiery, and blast apart the forms of what spirits linger too close to the spires. But more come, and more, and more, until their bodies are smoke swirling between the rising towers. Arlathan’s topmost points disappear into blackness. 
Wisdom knows now is the time. She knows where to go, what to do, how to do it — but she cannot wrench her eyes away. Her heart thuds in her ears, but the voice drowns out her every other thought. She finally recognises it for what it is, as the source comes into view. 
In the gnarled blackness shines a light. 
This light is not like the familiar ones of the Dreaming. It is not vivid with colour. It is sharp, blinding, whiter even than pure sunlight, and Wisdom knows if she were nearer what she would see at its heart — Pride, terrible in her rage, girded with armour and holding her weapon that sends forth that fearsome light. It glows brighter as the voice comes again, and Wisdom aches with the agony of its might. 
I send the locusts on a wind.
The scarlet magic that so sickens Wisdom to even behold begins to wind around each spire, following the darkness towards Arlathan’s core. Wisdom hears the first of what becomes many screams — she clamps her hands over her ears but hears them still. 
On every leaf, on every stalk.
Blackness seeps as poison from Arlathan’s heart. The gold and crystal become dull darkness — the scarlet joins this darkness and flows from the city’s roots, rushing with terrible certainty to swallow roads, trees, grass. It is inevitable, as magma from an erupting volcano is inevitable.
Until there's nothing left of green.
Wisdom backs away, eyes fixed on the oncoming wave of Pride’s fearsome power. She wishes to scream, just as those dying in the Golden City must scream still, but not a sound passes her clenched teeth. She can only turn and run, hands outstretched, back down the stairs. Wisdom knows, as only the wise do, that the only person she can save now is herself. 
In the moments before Wisdom throws open the doors to Elgar’nan’s home — his empty home, since the god himself is within the bowels of Arlathan — and lets the husk of her body drop to the ground, she hears a final booming cry. A final exultation, cast into the minds of all those who behold Pride and witness her bearing the weapon that allows for such terrible justice to be meted out. 
I send my scourge, I send my sword.
Wisdom tastes the blighted magic that rushes over the land, just as she crosses into the Beyond. It lingers, bitter as blood magic, cloying as poison, cold as death, at the back of her throat. 
She then feels no more.
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cumbiazevran · 2 years
WIP I-Missed-Wednesday-By-A-Snap
Thanks @aria-i-adagio for tagging me! I haven’t advanced in any of my DA wips as of late, but I was editing The Song of Dirthalath recently, so once again, have the ancient bastard.
CW for abusive family dynamics.
I’m tagging @nightgnome, @transfenris-truther, @gaysebastianvael and @atypicalacademic
The Imperial Hall of Their Magnificences, Lord Elgar’nan and Lady Mythal, Firsts among their own, All-father and All-mother, rulers of the Elvhen. City of Arlathan, Imperial Capital of Elvhenan. 
15 years prior.
“Quenath,” his mother called, barging into the room he had been offered as a guest in the Imperial Hall, without waiting for his approval to enter. 
He ignored her. 
“Quenath— Oh, for Elgar’nan’s sake, are you wearing all black again? Can’t you wear a little more colour? You look like a crow.”
Despite he barely even looked at her she continued to talk, trying to get her son’s attention.
“Quenath, da’len, You take scholar thing too seriously. One thing is being a scholar or whatever it is that you are, and another is trying to resemble his Serenity’s crows.
“Speaking of whom, your father would appreciate it if you at least pretended to be eligible. And so would I. You could, at least— Quenath’enal, I’m talking to you.”
He gritted his teeth, opting to look at his own reflection in the mirror, trying to swallow down the vitriolic answer threatening to block his throat. He wanted to say that of course he knew she was talking to him. She was rather hard to ignore. But this was his mother and at his adult age he knew better than trying to snap at her.
It never ended well, the ways she always had to punish him were never worth it.
Instead, gathering as much will as he could, he kept his eyes on his own reflection, on his own hair, meeting his mother’s eyes through the mirror rather than directly. She was dressed to the nines, as elegant as ever but modest enough that when someone praised her good taste or her good looks, she could just say thank you with an ascetic, pearl-clutching whisper of a smile. 
He also knew he couldn’t ignore her forever, or else she’d leave aside all pretences of decency and moderation. He knew better than most people his mother wasn’t a moderate woman. 
“Mother, not only I am busy but I also have no idea how to reply to any of that, nor I think there is anything wrong with my outfit.”
“You wear too much black.”
“We both know I’m not going to change that.”
“You being a scholar is enough, but people mistaking you for an acolyte of Falon’din is another.”
“You have a problem with Falon’din now? Mom, who even has a problem with Falon’din?”
“Do you have to be such a brat at your age? You’re nothing but a humiliation when you get like this, don’t put words in my mouth. And do not dare to bring that attitude into the ballroom.”
“So it’s not him, it’s just the life of sacrifice.”
“I told you to stop being a brat. We sacrifice a lot.”
He scoffed. “Whatever you say, Mama.”
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felassan · 3 months
Just poring over some of the new images. ◕‿◕ DA:TV spoilers under cut.
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in what seems to be an in-gameplay version of the more cinematic[?] group-fight scene we saw at the end of the character trailer, Rogue Rook stands ready to fight with Harding and Taash (toll...). Red lyrium mutated darkspawn that remind me of these guys from concept art, with red lyrium claws (! dangerous. and new I think?), run towards them. the structures around them are Blighted, covered by Tainted pustules and horrible growths. red lighting enhances the impression/threat of red lyrium spread and in general. also, I am really curious what these blue lamp things are? something to do with blue lyrium, or objects we can break to refresh our potion supply in the boss battle with this dragon and its darkspawn adds that is clearly about to go down, perhaps? the backdrop looks like a starry sky, and in the middle it reminds me of an eclipse 👀 (which is a prominent motif in DA:TV promo material and some previous lore. e.g. one, two, three), like the moon is blocking out the sun.
the scene compositionally reminds me of this key art, though it seems to be a different dragon, as this one's horns curl down and that one's horns curl up.
behind the dragon are the Evanuris head statues. maybe this fight occurs near the end of the game, and the team return to where it all began (Solas' ritual site in Arlathan Forest) to take down the final boss? maybe in that time red lyrium/Taint corruption overtook the area. or maybe this is taking place in the Gold/Black City in the Fade [it could be both, the Fade reflects the waking world sometimes]. as it also reminds me compositionally of the vinyl covers, Gold and Black. the dragon, the outspread wings, a figure/s in the foreground, the sun/moon/eclipse imagery in the background, corruption, the city surrounds. though this dragon's horns match neither of the dragons below hh.
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the spire-like structures with their points remind me of the spire-like structures of the City here on the vinyl art - namely, the timepoint on the right, when everything is corrupted and Blighted, like it is in the image above with Rook.
I wanna say that maybe the dragon in the image above with Rook is Elgar'nan in dragon form. The Evanuris Were [all] Dragons[haped sometimes], "Elgar'nan, Wrath and Thunder, strike the usurpers with your lightning, burn the ground under your gaze, bring Winged Death against those who throw down our work", "Light radiates from the eidolon’s narrowed eyes and its open, snarling mouth", "Elgar'nan, Sun's death, burn the ground under your gaze, grant the fire blessing, your people call out, for all things to end in flame." he's back now, and Ghilan'nain is also back but she wouldn't need to take dragon form maybe, she's already in a kinda monstrous form in the gameplay reveal video and for variety her boss battle could have her in the massive centipede-monster form instead, two.
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spainkitty · 2 years
How Much Symbolic and How Much Real?
Part 1 of 5
Tags: Arranged Marriage AU, also 'what if Arlathan never fell and the Evanuris were defeated' AU, Cullavellan, slow(ish) burn, mentions of past (like really really past) Sola vellan, basic DA fantasy setting with a lore-twist
There was something amazing about it. A whole world had sprung up while she had slept.
So many nations and races and peoples. So many stories and songs and legends. There were cities that could compare with her home, perhaps not in magic or depth, but in sheer scope and ingenuity. There had been heroes come and gone, wars fought and won. So many that it dizzied the mind trying to keep them all in order.
And something even more amazing was how little her own world had changed despite everything.
Arlathan was home. It was beauty and light and everything she'd ever loved about her People showcased in one place. Spirits taught in grand halls and Elvhen walked boulevards made of magic and crystal. With the Evanuris long defeated and the end of slavery an "embarrassing blight" safely millennia in the past, Arlathan was even more glorious than her earliest years of existence.
But Lanil Surana strode the paths and corridors and parks like one caged. Whether on the outskirts of the Arlathan Forest where her clan resided or deep in the heart of Arlathan itself, Lanil felt the same.
Desperately and absolutely bored.
She snorted quietly to herself. She knew exactly what that sounded like. Like a whining child not past their hundredth year. Bored. Bored. What would others say if they heard that?
You're a mage and warrior, Surana. Surely you can think of something interesting to do.
Bored? When the Fade is at your fingertips, when magic and life has no bounds?
Do you want another rebellion, Surana? Do you miss the glory of fighting at the Fen'Harel's side?
Lanil rolled her eyes and barely kept a snarl from her face. It always came back to Solas in the end, didn't it?
She stopped mid-stride with a slight smile on her face and an uptick in her mood. Only one voice was so young and bright. She turned to see the young, dark-haired Elvhen running through the shimmering corridor of the Grand Hall.
Once, this had been called the Way of Elgar'nan. There had been a lot more ostentatious gold around, too. She liked the look of it now, with its living decorations of trees and flowers and dainty halla running riot and beautiful among the glassy white stone and gleaming blue Veilfire. The Elvhen woman running towards her matched this new look much better; her bare feet all but silent, her clothing of green and brown and black melding with her surroundings.
"Merrill. Or should I say First Alerion?" Lanil said, bowing with a flourish as her friend approached.
Merrill's fair skin flushed cherry-red as she laughed. The twining and complex branches of Mythal's vallaslin on Merrill's face was new, but not shocking. Many Elvhen continued to honor Mythal after her betrayal. Especially mages. It probably helped there was no actual slave binding in the action of it with Mythal long dead; the spark that lit the rebellion.
There had been talk at one point of creating a Fen'Harel vallaslin. Lanil still grinned when she remembered Solas' utter fury and disgust. It had shaken all of Arlathan's beautiful crystal towers.
"Just Merrill, don't be a twit," Merrill retorted, elbowing Lanil's ribs.
"Twit? Sounds like somebody's been in Kirkwall recently," Lanil noted with eyebrows rising, careful to keep her voice low. Merrill smiled happily.
"I have! I tried to invite you, but Keeper Lavellan said you were on one of your 'wanderings'," Merrill said. Her smile, usually brighter than sunshine, dimmed. Ah. Concern. From someone who was actually a youth. "You've been wandering the Fade a lot recently. You're not... you're going to leave again?"
"Not anytime soon," Lanil said, though she wasn't sure how honest she was being. "Maybe whatever the Council has called us for will be interesting enough to keep me awake for another century or two."
"Don't joke. We've barely started becoming friends. I never would've been brave enough to--"
"Not here, Merrill."
"Oh. Right."
Merrill glanced around warily and obviously. Lanil wasn't exactly subtle herself, but Merrill was a stampeding herd of gurgut in comparison.
"So you don't know what the Council wants?" Merrill asked as they continued onward. Owls were perched on the trees, their wide knowing eyes glinting with blue fire as they watched the two Elvhen. The boulevard branched in several directions and Lanil led Merril to the widest branch that twined on and on in a lazy spiral upward.
"No. Neither did my Keeper. She would've told me."
"If even the infamous Stormrider doesn't know, perhaps I should become concerned?" a voice remarked, dry and hoarse. And instantly familiar to Lanil.
A figure somehow appeared in front of them as if from shadow, although this section of the Upper Walkway was much too bright for a sliver of shadow to exist. Like Lanil, her skin was dark tan, but there were no other similarities (that other Elvhen didn't also have). Her nose was strong and hawk-like, her eyes like pitch and slanted at the corners, her hair thick and straight and as black as her eyes and cut at chin-length. A scar cut all along leftside jawline, as if someone had tried to slice her throat and barely missed. Which was exactly what had happened; Lanil had been there to see it happen and helped heal it. Long, deadly daggers were sheathed at each hip, but there were definitely more daggers hidden out of sight. Despite her suspicious glare and stone-like expression, she and Lanil clasped hands warmly, tightly.
It only takes one time for someone to rescue your life to consider them a friend, in Lanil's opinion. And they'd saved each other countless times throughout the many horrific years of the rebellion.
"Mahariel was also summoned. She went on ahead," Danae Tabris said as their hands released.
"Mahariel? The Rynira Mahariel? The one who--" Merrill exclaimed breathlessly. She broke off. All three of them frowned at the same time, gazes catching.
"That's four of the youngest Elvhen currently alive, and only women," Lanil stated the obvious out loud.
"You think... that's on purpose?" Merrill asked, voice a little squeaky.
"Nothing else connects the four of us. Two mages, but also a dagger-wielder and an archer? Mahariel and I fought in the rebellion, but you and Danae weren't born yet. We both have sworn to Mythal, but Danae and Mahariel never retook vallaslin."
Danae snorted and barely kept from spitting in distaste. "I can't believe you kept yours," she muttered.
"I was a sworn initiate of the Well--" Lanil started hotly.
"Yeah, yeah." Danae rolled her eyes and cut the air with her hand sharply. "The Council is known for patience and all, but I want to suck out the venom and get it over with. Let's move on."
Without waiting, Danae turned on her heel. Merrill and Lanil followed quickly, the younger Elvhen sidling closer to Lanil.
"You don't think they know about Kirkwall, do you?" she whispered to Lanil.
Lanil hesitated, worry and its usual accompaniment of anger wormed its way into her head. She didn't need permission to do whatever she damn well pleased. After a moment of stewing, Lanil shook her head.
"Tabris wouldn't be caught dead sneaking out to play with the quicklings. I don't think Mahariel is fond of anything outside her clan, either. So that can't be the reason why we've been summoned."
Merrill pressed a hand to her chest and let out a relieved sigh. The rest of the walk was in silence, which scratched at Lanil's vaneer of calm. She wasn't good at silence. Or waiting. Or wondering.
Stepping in the huge, circular Assembly Hall and seeing every single Eldest in attendance shattered her calm more. Even honored Spirits of Command and Justice and Law hovered among the Elvhen. Was that a Spirit of Wisdom, too? Yes, in fact she knew that Spirit personally, the distinctly feminine-presenting Spirit was one of Solas' dearest friends. The four young Elvhen that had been summoned walked side by side into the middle of the room. Most of the gathered stood or sat along the benches in front of them and rising above their heads, although some were arrayed on either side or behind their backs.
"I'm sure you four have noticed the commonality among you already," stated one of the Eldest with an infuriating serenity and slowness. Halleon had been an Elder during the Evanuris' reign, and it made Lanil want to snap her fingers in his face every time they spoke. "Today we ask you to consider, with all the due weight and severity that it entails, a proposal from the quickling kingdom of Ferelden."
The four woman glanced at each other in confusion. But Halleon did not continue, just steepled his long, elegant fingers and examined them closely.
"Well? What proposal?" Lanil demanded, hands on her hips. Don't snap your fingers at him. Don't snap your fingers at him.
"A proposal of marriage, little one," said Rhona, one of the youngest on the Council and one of the few who was more warrior than mage.
"Oh," Merrill said on a confused laugh. Then, broke off abruptly. "OH!"
Danae, however, started laughing and didn’t stop, head tipped back and shoulders shaking. Not a single note of it sounded truly amused. Mahariel's blonde eyebrows were so far up her forehead, they'd disappeared behind the loose sweep of her bangs. Merrill had both hands over her mouth, her eyes wide enough to pop.
Lanil was stone. Completely and utterly stone.
A proposal of what?!
"Just so I understand the facts," Mahariel began. Her voice was always so lilting and musical, as if she were more bird than woman. It didn't help that her armor had feathered pauldrons and she wore feathers in her long, pretty, golden hair. For a woman so dainty and pretty, she was one of the most dangerous archers in Arlathan and had a kill count that rivaled Lanil's, probably surpassed it, since she'd once been a disciple of Andruil. "You want one of us to marry one of the quickling?"
"I knew the Ambassador of Ferelden had come, but I didn't know this was why," Merrill whispered.
"The Ferelden ambassador came with an offer of an alliance. A very... persuasive offer," Rhona explained.
"Quicklings are nothing, and we've never needed alliances before." Danae spat on the ground. Several of the Eldest sighed in resignation, although a few nodded in agreement.
"Before we were not surrounded on all sides by powerful nations and empires. Before the quicklings lived in the mud and barely patched together furs for clothing. Before they had no mages that could compare to ours, nor universities in which to flourish their talents. Most importantly, before there was no Tevinter and there was no Qun," Halleon pointed out mildly.
"As long as they continue to fight each other--" Danae started.
"No, listen to them. You live in the heart of the Elvhenan. Many clans do not. For the past few millennia, we have lost border territories while they've chipped away at us like rats nibbling cheese," Mahariel interrupted with her hand in front of Danae. "I've been in skirmishes and lost many good hunters and friends to these quicklings. Especially those that name themselves qunari."
"An alliance with one quickling nation would make the others hesitate," Rhona said. "Or perhaps seek to do the same."
"But why Ferelden?" Lanil heard her voice ask it, but hadn't felt her own mouth move.
"True, it is a young nation..." another voice said. Lanil's eyes darted over to see Tislain. Tislain had once been of Clan Lavellan, and her grey eyes mirrored Lanil's. Lanil wasn't sure it was calming, but she also wasn't sure what emotions were darting wildly in her head. "But it has managed to regain its independence twice despite its... shall we say, underdog position?"
More than several groaned and rolled their eyes at Tislain's horrible pun. Merrill looked at Lanil, who hadn't been able to help her snort of amusement.
"They have a thing for dogs there," Lanil muttered. Merrill groaned in disgust once the pun registered.
"More importantly," Rhona said with a warning look at Tislain, "the newest king has strong ties to Orzammar. The Ambassador has insinuated that a trade for lyrium could be made with their intervention."
Merrill and Lanil gaped.
Orzammar. Willing to trade lyrium. With Arlathan.
Elvhenan didn't need lyrium. They interacted with the Fade and with magic like other races interacted with... with air. It was incomprehensible to be without magic, even if one weren't a mage.
But long ago, so long ago it made the rebellion feel like yesterday's news, they had access to lyrium. The artifacts they'd created, the spells they'd woven, there were traces of them all over Arlathan. Precious and few traces. Those bits and pieces were hoarded like dragons hoarded treasures and bones. Clans had fallen apart in schisms and blood oaths to never reconcile over debated ownership over lyrium-infused artifacts.
But dwarves despised Arlathan with a hatred as deep as their hidden roads. The Titans might have been lost to their Memories, but the Stone remembered anyway. To think that a quickling--a human kingdom barely out of its infancy could offer even a trickle of lyrium...
Offer a starving person a feast and they will gorge. Lanil herself felt the pang of hunger at the idea.
"But marriage?" Danae asked harshly.
"That's how those quicklings do it," Halleon explained with a negligent wave of his hand. "Their concept of alliances rely on marriage and progeniture--"
"Progen--No. I won't breed with them. I refuse," Danae snapped. She tightened her hands around her dagger hilts reflexively. "You slavering mages can get your lyrium without me."
"That is your right," Halleon agreed.
"Elvhen don't just... leave Arlathan, and elf-blooded quicklings aren't allowed in Elvhenan," Mahariel said. She cocked her hip to the side and crossed her arms over her chest. "How about you explain what exactly you expect from us? Excepting Tabris."
"Consider it more... symbolic. It'll be a human marriage and it'll last as long as the life of the quickling. Any..." Halleon's mouth twisted in distaste, "progeny will remain in Ferelden with no rights or allowances within Arlathan." Halleon paused and sighed. "As long as this marriage lasts, whomsoever agrees to it will not be allowed back in Arlathan. You are exiled as long as you're bound by their marriage contract."
"Exiled?" Merrill whispered.
Danae scoffed loudly. Mahariel frowned and shifted on her feet. Lanil, however, felt her heart beat for the first time since the word 'marriage' was said.
No more sneaking out of the boundaries like a naughty child just to see somewhere, something, new? No more of the same days over and over with the same faces? No more passing like a wraith from eluvian to eluvian to glimpse a world she wasn't allowed to experience and that despised her? No more walking purposeless in Solas' shadow? No more facing the awkward guilt for something that happened centuries ago?
"Me," Lanil said. Every eye turned to her. She squared her shoulders, tipped up her chin, and stepped forward. "It'll be me. I'll do it."
"I told you," Tislain said with a wide grin and glinting eyes. "Surana was the most obvious choice."
"There had to be choice, Tislain," Rhona said, as if she'd repeated it several times.
"You haven't even asked who you have to marry!" Merrill hissed from behind her hand. Uselessly, because everyone could hear.
Lanil raised an eyebrow. "Does it matter?"
"Fortunately, the alliance will be with the commander of their army. You'll have much in common," Tislain said. "Ferelden seems to give their commanders the proper amount of respect."
Several Eldest nodded sagely. Many of them had been leaders in past wars themselves. It was expected of Eldest to have known true combat, to have faced death in a way most Elvhen never would.
Lanil cocked her head to the side. "So we'll spend the few years of this human's life swapping war stories?"
Lanil snorted quietly and shook her head. But it didn't sound so bad. She hadn't picked up a sword in centuries, but maybe she could learn something new.
Learn something new.
A grin tugged at her lips.
Arlathan was more Fade than material world, but many of the clans were settled firmly on the earth. Elvhenan spread across what the quicklings called 'Thedas' like a splatter of inkblots on the map. Perhaps their adversaries would say their borders were like a stain seeping between the lines of all those mostly human nations. While a few clans, and Arlathan itself, had control of a few port cities, Lavellan did not. Lavellan's lands were south of Arlathan, so south most of the quicklings they met were simple Free Marchers who'd accidentally crossed an invisible line into the clan territory without even realizing it. Until they were surrounded on all sides by silent hunters who led them back into their lands like naughty chickens loose from the coop. The Fade made permanent borders tricky or downright impossible, so it happened often.
Merrill had hoped that leaving from Lavellan would mean their journey would lead them down to Kirkwall, but Rialto in Antiva was the closer port. Lanil had been a little disappointed herself. However, the entourage Arlathan had appointed probably would've been impossible to escape for a last night of revels with Merrill's strange friends.
Lanil glanced at the suspiciously glaring Danae and Mahariel's eagle eyes taking in everything around them.
No "probably" about it.
Although they'd denied being the sacrificial pawn in this newfangled alliance, the three other women were assigned to escort her to Ferelden and stay through the confirmation of treaty talks.
Which would end with Lanil's marriage.
She scowled as her stomach turned in knots and it wasn't the unfamiliar smell of the sea. She raised her face to breathe in deep the salty air. Lanil couldn't remember the last time she'd been on the open sea. These past few weeks on the ship had been... wonderful. The first shaking off of the cobwebs on her life. Had the sea air always been so warm and pleasant? The sea so alive? Not even the port city of Highever, greyer and muddier than Rialto had been, dampened her opinion. The gangplank was being set and she wanted to race off the ship, leap through the air and take off through those narrow, jumbled-looking streets. She curled her hands tightly around the railing to hold herself in place. Next to her, Merrill was jumping up and down on her toes. Danae and Mahariel stood like silent and disapproving statues on each side of them.
Lanil's eyes snapped in every direction, nothing too small or beneath her notice. So many humans! And look, dwarves! She didn't know dwarves could leave the Stone! Or sail? There weren't enough to sail an entire ship, so perhaps they lived in Highever or were surface-dwelling merchants? Great white gulls cried and swooped overhead. Ropes and sails creaked and cracked in the wind. A dog as big as a wolf ran down an alleyway, barking and hopping like an eager puppy before racing back the way it had come. The buildings were low, made of stone with wooden roofs and windows were made of foggy glass. The clothing was a mix of rough and undyed, and garishly overdyed with weird puffy sleeves. And everyone wore... shoes? Or were they called boots? Which were boots and which were shoes?
Antiva had been more lively and not so... brown. But even here, languages Lanil had never heard swelled up from the busy crowds. She didn't understand everything! Whole words and sentences that meant nothing! Her eyes widened as Elvhen walked by--No.
Elves. Bor'len
Lost Children.
She couldn't help but crane over the railing to watch them walk by. One of them caught her staring, a look of bewilderment quickly followed by a grimace, and then the Lost Child made an obscene gesture with their hand. Lanil reared back in surprise and scowled at Danae who laughed in her face.
"Look, look! There they are!" Merrill somehow began to bounce even faster. She grabbed Lanil's arm with a suddenness that almost had Lanil recoiling. "Which one is your husband?"
"You are too eager about this, Alerion. It's just a quickling marriage," Mahariel said.
"To a male one," Danae added with a grimace.
"Yes, yes, we all know why you said no, but Lanil likes men, don't you?" Merrill asked, shaking Lanil's arm. Lanil raised an eyebrow at her. "If you're going to have children, aren't you at least interested in what he looks like?"
"You mean she has to breed with it, because everything these quicklings do is about breeding," Danae muttered. Lanil and Merrill both ignored her.
"I planned on lying back and thinking of Arlathan, but I suppose a pretty face in the middle of that wouldn't be too bad," Lanil said dryly, and Merrill laughed. Lanil cared more about the horses and the return of that massive black hound. Everything about Ferelden was so... sturdy and big, not exactly tall or massive, but built on bigger lines. Lanil had never seen a hound so large it could probably snap her spine, not unless it were actually a shapechanger. Merrill barely smothered her laughter as the Ambassador approached them.
"I do hope everything is ready," the woman fretted, watching as the sailors unloaded cargo (most of it not from Arlathan). Strangely, the woman was Antivan rather than Ferelden, but she'd been kind and, no better word for it, efficient during the entire journey. She was also beautiful, sweet, and suffered fools with a cutting sort of grace. A few times, Danae hadn't been able to help the lingering glances she gave Ambassador Montilyet. When she thought no one was looking.
"I don't know how we'd be anymore ready," Lanil said with a shrug.
In Elvish, Danae muttered, "Let's take you to your jailer, then."
Mahariel rolled her eyes and Merrill frowned, obviously about to argue. Lanil shook her head and put her hand on Merrill's arm. Then, the four of them followed Ambassador Montilyet down the gangplank.
Cullen tried not to grimace as Cassandra hissed a steady stream of well-intentioned advice beside him. He was pretty sure she hadn't stopped giving advice since Arlathan approved of the alliance Ferelden had proposed with very little hope of success. Queen Aleandria had been sure the alliance relying on the symbolic marriage to a commander rather than a noble or royal would immediately be seen as the insult the council pretended it wasn’t, and King Alistair had been sure immortal beings of magic and mystery would want nothing to do with "that muddy dog country". When Cullen had been told he'd be married off like a pawn in a game of chess after all, Cassandra had been even more offended than him.
And then she somehow channeled his older sister's nosiness and followed him around for weeks to "prepare him" for it.
"Make sure you smile when you meet her. You don't look half bad when you smile--"
"Cassandra, please be quiet," Cullen begged, rubbing at his face.
"Don't do that." Cassandra grabbed his arm and tugged it back down. "What if she saw that? She'll think it's about her."
"Maker preserve me," he whispered.
By his horse's side, his mabari whined and shuffled, ready to run off half-cocked again. Cassandra had said to leave him in Denerim, he wasn't well-trained and barely more than a pup despite his size, but... Cullen had just adopted him. He couldn't let him feel abandoned.
A few sailors came down the gangplank from the ship--The Bodice Ripper? What kind of name was The Bodice Ripper for a ship?--and with them a woman who sauntered and rolled with each step as if she was still at sea. Her high boots and long tunic almost disguised the fact she wasn't wearing trousers. Where in the Void were her trousers? Cullen quickly looked over at the more familiar and more dressed woman speaking with her. Josephine always stuck out in a crowd, but in a good way. All bright silks and smiles and too many ruffles.
And then four elves--No, Elvhen, don't forget everything Josephine and Leliana drilled into your head--came down. He heard Carroll let out a quiet whistle and barely held back a grimace. He'd have to remember to reprimand Carroll later; even if he understood. There was something almost unearthly beautiful about the blonde woman who was all legs and a dancer's sort of grace. But she had a bow and quiver on her back.
Not Lavellan.
Hopefully the darker-haired and darker-complexioned woman next to her wasn't Lavellan either. Not because of the daggers she gripped at her belt. Cullen was more intimi--concerned about the curl of distaste on her mouth and the utter disdain on her face as her dark eyes scanned the crowd of horses.
The next two came down side by the side. The shorter, fairer one with an almost tree-like facial tattoo was tugging at the fourth's arm, grinning wide and pointing every which way. It was nice one of them looked excited... but she reminded Cullen uncomfortably of his little sister despite them looking nothing alike and the Elvhen probably being several decades older than she looked.
The last one, though. She was scowling like the dagger-wielder, but she was looking everywhere her friend was pointing. She was darker, but her short-cropped hair was the color of ivory, spiky and windblown around her face. There was something there, along her cheekbones that glinted, but Cullen couldn't quite make it out. More facial tattoos? He thought Elvhen no longer had them... She was almost as short as her friend and just as slender.
Both wore leather armor, one in green and one in blue. Both carried staves on their backs, one made entirely of wood and crystal, one of smoky grey metal carved into a dragon's likeness at the head.
Cullen couldn't take his eyes off the woman in blue. He wouldn't even let the words form in his head. What would it matter starting a thought like 'please be--'... Nope.
He was trying so hard not to make a fool's wish in his head that he forgot about the mabari.
With a series of loud excited barking, the dumb dog raced towards the women at the bottom of the gangplank. He'd probably caught scent of Josephine, or maybe the scent of a new creature suffused with magic. Cullen bit back an oath and threw himself out of his saddle, Cassandra right after him and not holding her own cursing back.
"Fetch! No!" Cullen shouted as they chased after the damn dog who, of course, didn't even slow down.
Josephine sighed and quickly held up her hands, begging the Elvhen to please not worry. The blonde Elvhen raised a single eyebrow, the angry one loosened her daggers, the smallest one clapped her hands together in delight, and the one in blue stepped forward and knelt. For a woman so small, Cullen winced and expected Fetch to bowl her over. Maybe knock her right into the bay.
Instead, the Elvhen barely moved an inch, gripping Fetch to hold him in place and  talked to him in rapidfire Elvish. The mabari actually sat, wriggling in place, stump of a tail going wild, and let both the woman in blue and her happy-go-lucky friend coo and stroke him.
"Fetch, is it? What a perfect name for such a fiercesome beast," she was saying in a softly accented Common. Cullen skidded to a stop as Fetch licked right across her face. Her friend burst into laughter as she grinned widely.
This close, Cullen could see the subtle gold tattoos along her high cheekbones, the scar that cut down the right side of her face from under her eye, forking towards her jaw and down to her mouth, another smaller scar just under her bottom lip, and her obviously broken nose. It made her... look real. Like a real person, not some ethereally perfect elf goddess. When she looked up, her eyes gleamed silver as the early afternoon's light struck them.
"I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome," she told him, her grin becoming more like a smirk.
It's her. It has to be her.
"What's a Ferelden greeting without a mabari," Josephine said with yet another sigh, although Cullen could see the beginnings of a smile. "Enchanter Lanil Lavellan, this Commander Cullen Stanton Rutherford. And his dog, Fetch."
"I should've left him in Denerim, I know," Cullen muttered. He tried grabbing at Fetch's ruff, but it was a bit hard to do when neither he nor Lavellan had looked away from each other.
"No. This is better," Lanil Lavellan said. She was the first to break the eye contact. So she could smile at his dog and scratch Fetch's ears. "It would've been all grand and stuffy otherwise."
"You mean it would've been a whole lot of etiquette while you tried to pretend like you cared," the blonde Elvhen retorted. She looked a bit like that ethereal goddess idea that had gotten into Cullen's head, even her ears were longer and higher, like in an artist's painting of the Evanuris War, compared to Lavellan's wider and lower ears.
Lanil Lavellan shrugged. She got to her feet and stepped around Fetch to hold out her hand. Cullen stared at her, then gratefully clasped his hand around her wrist and she returned it. His hand basically encircled the entirety of her wrist, but her grip was tight and firm belying her much smaller, thinner hand. He wasn't used to a mage displacing that much strength.
"That's a lot of names," she said, her head tilting to the side.
"Cullen. Cullen is fine."
She nodded. "Lanil is fine."
"What about us?" Her friend with the tattoos nudged Lanil Lavellan away. She went with a grunt, her hand dropping from his. "I'm Merrill, I'm an Enchanter, too. You can tell from the staff, right. Anyway. The other scowly one is Danae Tabris and she's Rynira Mahariel."
"This really isn't how it's supposed to be done," Josephine said, utterly mortified.
"It's too late now, precious," the ship's captain teased. There was a quiet thwap and Josephine startled in place and eeped.
"I'm Cassandra Pentaghast. I'm a Seeker of Truth working in the Ferelden court for a time," Cassandra said. She held out her hand and each Elvhen clasped it respectfully.
"Seeker of Truth? Isn't that the same thing as a Templar?" Lanil Lavellan asked with a frown.
"No, their little Chantry split into Seekers and Templars a few hundred years back," Tabris said dismissively.
"You know nothing, Tabris. It was an Inquisition that split into Templars and Seekers," Mahariel corrected with an eyeroll.
"Oh. That. With the bor'len," she said using a word in Elvish that sounded like an insult. Lanil Lavellan said something equally sharp and cutting, and Tabris crossed her arms over her chest and glared off to the side.
Cassandra and Cullen exchanged a look.
"We're not here to talk about the past!" Merrill clapped her hands together and then shoved Lanil Lavellan forward. Lanil Lavellan glared over her shoulder, but let Merrill push her past Cullen and Cassandra towards the end of the docks. Fetch jumped and hopped and ran in circles around them.
"Wait! We need to get your things!" Josephine called after them.
"We trust you to get it sorted," Mahariel said as she followed her compatriots.
"I'll stay to make sure it's done," Tabris muttered, still glaring at nothing. Mahariel trilled a few words in Elvish and Tabris snapped back. Mahariel only laughed.
"Well, this has been something," Cassandra muttered.
"Yeah..." Cullen agreed, watching Lanil Lavellan get shoved towards the squad of mounted soldiers. He startled slightly and rushed after them. "Your horse!"
Lanil Lavellan glanced over her shoulder at him. And she was still frowning. How is it that Fetch got her to smile and he hadn't yet?
He was not going to compete with his dog.
"I have, um, actually you have a horse. This one." Cullen held up a hand and Captain Rylen tossed him the reins to a Green Dales Feral. Cullen caught them to hand them off to Lavellan.
She took them awkwardly, eyebrows rising, only to immediately drop them. Cullen lurched to grab them while she stepped up to the horse. She stroked down the mare's nose, muttering in a mix of Common and Elvish. Like Fetch, the horse made her smile. Cullen dug in his pocket and cleared his throat. Lavellan turned those eyes on him, now a darker, stormier grey out of the sunlight. He held out his fist and dropped a lump of sugar onto her palm when she offered it. She turned back to the mare and grinned when it lipped the sugar right out of her hand.
"Does she have a name?"
"No, Dennet doesn't bother naming the ones he sells. It's up to the new owners. That's you," Cullen explained quickly.
Finally, she smiled at him. A closed lipped, slight thing, but it lightened her entire face.
She looked beautiful.
Cullen cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, quickly looking away.
"I can't ride."
He startled and stared at her. She was smirking at him now. "You... can't?"
She shook her head. "We travel by eluvian. They can cover long distances in seconds. There's no need to ride horses."
"I thought... the halla?"
"We don't ride halla. They were sacred to Ghilan'nain before... you know, all of that, and now they roam wild," Merrill explained, hands waving around.
Lavellan cocked her head to side, sizing up the horse silently. She walked around, stroking her hand along the mare's neck, then gripped the saddle horn and hoisted herself up in an easy, fluid motion. As if she'd done it a thousand times.
"She's well trained," she said, patted the mare's neck again. "We'll figure it out together."
"These will help," Cullen said as he handed her the reins again. Lavellan grimaced, but shrugged and took them.
"And us?" Merrill asked, bouncing up and down on her toes as her eyes lit up cheerfully. Cullen realized all four Elvhen were barefoot, their leggings that ended wrapped around the arches of their feet the only covering.
"Uh, right. Everyone has their own horse while visiting in Ferelden. It's a long road to Denerim." He motioned at the soldiers leading the other mounts, including Josephine's.
"How far?" Lavellan asked.
"A week at best."
She frowned and leaned towards her mare's ear. "You're beautiful, my friend, but you're not as convenient as an eluvian." The mare snorted and shook her head making Lavellan and the other Elvhen laugh.
Cullen stared at Lavellan, wondering what he was supposed to say or do next. The blonde one, Mahariel, caught him staring. The look of amusement on her face had Cullen's mouth thinning. He nodded his head once and turned away without a word. The Elvhen began to talk in their own language among themselves, sparing no other soldier their attention, while Cullen stood with Josephine, Cassandra, and the stone-faced Tabris to watch his soldiers packing all their supplies. Fetch darted back and forth between the Elvhen and Cullen, barking and leaping excitedly.
The last of the supplies were packed, Tabris was with her Elvhen comrades, and a few soldiers were assigned to stay back to guard the caravan with cargo from several ports. Not quite allies, but not enemies, willing to trade with Ferelden while they had their own sovereignty. As he walked away from the caravan and Captain Rylen, Cullen rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. Josephine touched his arm and he glanced towards her, an eyebrow rising.
"Give it time, Commander. I've been travelling with them for weeks and this is the most Common I've heard them speak," she assured, squeezing lightly and briefly. Cullen huffed a laugh.
"Couldn't have been fun for you."
Josephine tsked and waved it away. "Their language is fascinating, honestly. But you must understand, Elvhen don't just leave Elvhenan. Enchanter Lavellan has agreed to become an exile for this alliance and it'll be decades before she'll be able to return home. She'll need time to adjust."
Cullen leaned in close, voice low and heated. "What? No one told me that! This was already a bad idea, and now she probably hates me, too." He scrubbed a hand over his face and braced a hand on his hip. Cassandra smacked his back hard enough to make him grunt. And he was wearing armor.
"She'll have decades to get over it," she said.
Josephine giggled and quickly stifled it at Cullen's look. She skirted away, her face carefully angled down to hide her expression. Cullen ran a hand through his hair, grimacing when his gauntlets caught. When he looked over at the Elvhen, Lavellan was already gazing at him. She didn't need to hide her face, her expression was already unreadable.
Fetch threw himself against Cullen's legs. Cullen let out an involuntary grunt and his stare-off with Lavellan ended. Shaking his head, he lowered to a knee and ruffled Fetch's ears.
"Yeah, I know. I'll get it together," Cullen promised. Fetch barked and proceeded to slobber all over Cullen's face. Because even his own dog laughed at him. Cullen laughed and shoved Fetch's head away, standing to walk over to his mount.
0 notes
virlath · 4 years
The elven figures in Solas’ new mural
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I have so many thoughts about the elven figures in Solas’ new mural. so so soooo many thoughts.
I was originally going to write off Corypheus and Meredith as filler, but the more I look at the painting, the more I wonder if Corypheus and Meredith unwittingly repeated history with the corresponding figures above them.
I’ve already written about how eerily similar the symbolism is between Mythal and Meredith. If Meredith’s actions echoed what happened to Mythal, perhaps Corypheus is a figure who embodied what Elgar’nan was all about - retribution and arrogance. 
After all, Corypheus challenged his god Dumat and sought to claim his own divinity, even walking physically in the fade to do so. In Dalish legend, Elgar’nan challenged the sun who is also described as his father, and threw the sun in the abyss.
I think a lot of people think the left figure in the painting is Ghilan’nain because of the concept art from the Bioware book. 
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It’s a fair point and honestly I can see the left figure being Ghilan’nain and the right figure being Falon’Din, to echo the two old gods yet to rise (Razikale and Lusacan). 
For the sake of theory crafting purposes however, let’s just imagine a different scenario where the left figure is Mythal, and the right figure is Elgar’nan. 
We know that Mythal is known for her cities, and according to Solas, Arlathan was Elvhenan’s greatest capital. Therefore, we can assume Arlathan was Mythal’s grand design. 
If the Dread Wolf is indeed breaking into the Black City in DA4 like what the painting seems to depict, surely Mythal/Elgar’nan must be involved somehow. (this is of course assuming that the Black City is Arlathan, but by now I am pretty certain this is the case).
In the new mural, the elven figures look almost like gatekeepers. Notice they aren’t inside the Black City at all, but imprisoned outside of it, just like his DAI mural below. The spheres behind each figure correspond to the spheres above the eluvians in the painting below too.
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If Arlathan was Elvhenan’s great capital and Mythal’s greatest city, it would make a lot of sense that you would need something of Mythal/Elgar’nan to enter Arlathan’s inner sanctum. If they truly wanted to be seen as gods, surely they had safeguards in place to ensure only the “divine” could enter certain parts of it. And what better place to imprison the evanuris than behind an almost impossible to unlock eluvian?
In DAI, the Qunari were looking for artifacts to unlock eluvians in the network. This included anything from Solas’ self portrait to elven artifacts and even Varric’s book.
So, it would make sense that to unlock an eluvian into the inner part of the Black City, you would need a personal artifact of Mythal/Elgar’nan as they are a pair and the ruling leaders of the pantheon. 
We have already seen in Tevinter Nights a Fen’Harel ‘cultist’ was after a piece of Dumat’s Folly, aka a piece of the Black City. What if this was something Solas could use or imbue with magic to unlock an eluvian into the Black City to get to the imprisoned evanuris?
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The right figure
The figure on the right looks pretty manly to me with their broad shoulders and neck. The headdress also looks a lot like a sun or moon (an eclipse maybe?), and their robes looks like crab claws, which reminds me of a mosaic in Trespasser.
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This is one of the mosaics in Fen’Harel’s sanctuary flipped upside down, where the rune describes the lies of the evanuris. 
"The gods, our Evanuris, claim divinity, yet they are naught but mortals powerful in magic who can die as you can. In this place, we teach those who join us to unravel their lies."
I honestly have no idea what this mosaic is trying to depict, but from the way the rune is worded it seems like the elven gods figured out ‘effective immortality’.
We know Elgar’nan had numerous slaves so it wouldn’t be a surprise to learn he was the one using them to fuel his effective immortality (body hopping).
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The left figure
The figure on the left looks female due to the slimmer torso and neck, and interestingly, no noticeable elven ears. Notice also the wavy lines. These wavy lines are echoed in many of Solas’ paintings and forms a part of the executor’s symbol.
The connection to the bronze statues in Trespasser is pretty obvious. 
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So, a few things strike me. These bronze statues seem to be a pair or diptych, depicting the sun in the crossroads, and the moon underground. The statues  look female because of the bust/torso, and they also both feature very prominent wings.
We’ve already seen Mythal depicted as a dragon in her statues, and wings are always a prominent feature of that. This is why it makes a lot of sense to me that these statues are for Mythal, who represents the sun and moon because Elgar’nan was a bit of a loose cannon.
Wings are simply a part of Mythal’s aesthetic. She was after all the leader of the pantheon and the divine form of the elven gods was supposedly the dragon. All of Mythal’s statues depict her as a dragon, with wings.
Ghilan’nain on the other hand is known as the mother of the Halla. Her mosaics depict her with swirly horns and when Ghilan’nain urged the Sinner to take wings, it was considered so treasonous Mythal let Elgar’nans wrath upon him instead of judging him.
So if these statues are supposed to be Ghilan’nain, who used to be one of the People and made youngest of the gods, would Ghilan’nain’s winged statues be placed right next to Mythal?
I mean, it just seems like an odd choice.
This is why the imagery and symbolism around Mythal and Ghilan’nain are so confusing. It almost seems like the devs are trying to misdirect us, and why I’ve been saying it seems like the mythos of Mythal and Ghilan’nain has been muddied throughout history.
It’s not just the wings that confuse me. It is the theme of the ocean. It is said Mythal walked out of the sea and onto land in Dalish legend. In the concept art, the monster is clearly a humungous sea serpent, wielding thunder and lightning (which Elgar’nan is said to have wielded).
Then we have Ghilan’nain, who created deep sea creatures and experimented with brine pool horrors deep underground.
The best explanation for all this confusion is that perhaps Ghilan’nain attempted to usurp Mythal’s power and built those statues after killing Mythal. In DAO, the elven artifact found by the humans says this:
A small stone statue of a woman with antlers like a halla, with the moon under her right foot, and two hares beside her. The base of the statue is covered in strange writing.
The moon is representative of Mythal because it’s said she first created the moon as a reflection of the sun.
So, going back to Solas’ painting....I think the elven figures fit with Mythal and Elgar’nan, however I could see them also being Ghilan’nain and Falon’Din purely because they fit with the old gods yet to rise. Yay we’re back to square one! 
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sinsbymanka · 3 years
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A very quick little Solavellan gift starring @noire-pandora​‘s Elluin Lavellan <3 
Title: Find You in the Ashes Chapters: 1/1 Words: 2,362 Ship: Female Lavellan/Solas, Female Inquisitor/Solas Rating: E Additional Tags: 
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Summary: Solas knows he should stay away. Elluin Lavellan has suffered at his hands and will suffer more before he is done. The last thing she needs is his presence stalking the precious hours of rest she has. Yet the moment he feels her enter the Fade, he’s drawn to her like a moth to flame. 
Read on AO3
Solas knows he should stay away.
Elluin has suffered at his hands and will suffer more before he is done. The last thing she needs is his presence stalking the precious hours of rest she has. Yet the moment he feels her enter the Fade, he’s drawn to her like a moth to flame.
She looks well, at least. Red curls float lazily in the soft breeze. Her eyes are fixed on some distant point on the horizon, perhaps the ruined remnants of Arlathan that she knows as the Black City.
She hardly seems to notice the Fade coming alive around her. The way wisps form into colorful butterflies, the blooms they pull from the ground at her feet. Spirits of compassion hastily move to craft this place into something beautiful, something to make her smile. Whether they do it because they know he is watching, that she is more important to Fen’harel than any other, or because they know that she needs their precious kindness… Solas does not know.
He forces himself to trace her silhouette, down the slope of her shoulder, to the sleeve rolled to her elbow and the empty space below it. Something sour settles in his stomach and he closes his eyes while he forces himself to breathe through it.
She is alive. That is most important.
The fingers on her remaining hand lift to her cheek, brush over her own jaw before she tucks a curl behind the point of her ear. Then she turns, green eyes finding him in the shadows of the trees immediately.
“I know you’ve been watching me,” she accuses. There’s a thread of anger laced through the pain. “I’ve been waiting for you to say something. Anything.”
Solas steps forward into the field, holding her gaze steadily. She does not back down, only lifts her chin defiantly at his approach.
“There is nothing left to say, vhenan.”
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The Strange Idol [analysis]
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A compilation of what we know and what we can speculate about the old “Strange Idol”.
[This post belongs to the series “Analysis and speculation of Statues”]
This is a mysterious statue that has appeared in DA2 and DAI in different contexts. In DA2, we find it in three places:  The Harimann’s house basement, atop of the Sundermount, and inside Dumat’s Temple. Its resemblance in style  [shape of limbs, decoration, lines, material] to the Red Idol is worth noting. I already wrote an extensive post about “DA2: The Strange Idol” but I wanted to make a summary here with brief speculations supported by the knowledge of the recent published comics. To understand the context of the idol in DA2 in detail, I suggest reading that post. As I always repeat, DA lore adds a lot when you have the context in which it appears [and also helps you not to go deep into wild theories].
Where do we find this statue in DA games?
It appears for the first time in Merril’s Quest [read Merril and the Eluvian], inside a cave atop of the Sundermount.
In Sebastian’s Quest, placed in the Basement of Harimann’s mansion which turned out to be an ancient Tevinter Ruin. Thanks to Tevinter Nights book we know that having buildings undergrounf was/is a Tevinter costume that keeps existing in Mintharous.  We also know that Kirkwall, historically, has a lot of ruins and chambers below the city itself. This allowed Tevinter mages to do forbidden research or unsafe magic or have cult activities without the authorities’ knowledge.
In a humble temple deep into the Deep Roads, at the base of the tower-prison where Corypheus is held.
It also appears several times in the Black Emporium of DA2, behind and over the mirror of transformation. 
It appears in a cave that you have access by following the Old Chantry Trail Sign, in Western Approach. In there, we learn it’s warm to the touch and has a pulse.
His face appears in some walls along Din'an Hanin, and it’s the central statue in the Elandrin’s Tomb.
Its face appears in the mural the “Removal of the Vallaslin”, located in Elven Mountain Ruins ,  Forgotten Sanctuary
The raw information
So far, details that are worth noticing about this idol:
It has many limbs: two legs and four arms. Other multi-limbered creatures in DA universe are Varterrals [ read DLC: Witch Hunt and The Missing for more varterral’s information], some demons like the envy one, Xenon [ owner of the Black Emporium], and some creatures related to elvhenan paintings [read Nation Art: Elvhen] which in some instance may or may not be related to The Horror of Hormak [Personal Speculation].
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Its face is monkey-like or a bit toad-like. Its mouth is open, its eyes a bit squinted. For this reason, it can be related to Elgar’nan through the codex  Vir Dirthara: Signs of Victory, [“narrowed eyes and its open, snarling mouth”] which was analysed in the post Ancient Elven codices; Vir Dirthara.
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Its chest and stomach have swirls. One can associate swirls all over the games with lyrium or, in DAI, with Veilfire/Fade and elvhenan gods [the dragon statue that represents Myhtal as well as the howling wolf statue that represents Fen’harel both have swirls along their body]. For more details on this aspect, read the section “Spirals and branching lines as Fade, magic, and lyrium” in the post Murals in DAI: Basics
Its limbs have long carvings, like canals, from which something red can be seen. Given the context of being perceived as Dumat, or as Elgar’nan who may have accepted blood from his defeated enemies [as his codices imply a ruthless, violent, dominant behaviour], one can suspect it is dried blood drips. It’s very subtle, but the red lines in them have been present in both designs [in DA2 and DAI, in DAI it looks even more like blood]. We also know that the Elvhenan performed blood magic and it’s highly likely that blood magic was originally from Arlathan [hints of this info in Tarohne, the Fell Grimoire, and Xebenkeck]. So, there are several hints that show that elvhenan know how to bind spirits and how to use blood magic.
In Sebastian’s quest, this idol appears in an underground Tevinter ruin, and has a [desire] demon bind to it.
In Merril’s quest, this idol appears inside Elvhen ruins and has a pride demon bind to it. However, given the context, the statue can be Elven or Tevinter, since the battle of Sundermount caused that both sides would “unleash horrors” in the Waking World [the codex is not too reliable, though, since it speaks of a legend, and it’s “recent history” related to Arlathan; details in Sundermount as an elven graveyard]. We also know that a lot of knowledge about Arlathan has been lost or modified due to time and elven mortality, but we also know that these elves were deeply related to blood magic. If we add the binding culture that Elvhenan had according to DAI [for example, read Ancient Elven codices; The Lost Temple of Dirthamen, and The Lost Temple of Dirthamen - Part 2] we can suspect that this demon was bind to this statue for either faction [with defensive purposes if elven or as a gesture of dominance if Tevinter]. Not necessarily it has to be Tevinter-made. What I mean is that we have enough context to know that this may have been Tevinter or Elvhenan doing. In fact, one can speculate that maybe the original knowledge was Elvhenan and Tevinter just took it as its own as it has always done with elvhenan magical knowledge.
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In Merril’s quest, Felandaris appears close to this statue, suggesting that the Veil is very thin in the area [this plant only grows around places where the veil is thin and demon presence is expected].
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In DA2, this idol is usually close to strange dragon-skull totems  that, due to the lack of codex, is impossible to associate with Tevinter or Elvhenan. In DAI they are used in the ramparts of Exalted Plains, seen as structures that hold barriers around pits where dead arise. So they seem to be related to [demon/undead] summoning rituals that, so far we know in lore, may be Tevinter or Elvhenan alike.
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In DA2:DLC Legacy, we find this idol too, but deep into the Deep Roads, at the bottom of Corypheus’ tower-prison in a small structure that has an “altar of Dumat”. Four plates are placed there, where you have to put four items found along the DLC: a sacrificial dagger, a crown, a ritual scroll, and a sacred Urn. If you give the items, a reward is given [chain of the penitent].  If you defile the altar instead, you will fight some shades, which gives us the idea that this idol is related to demons and/or blood magic, thinning the Veil around it [shades are usually the standard shape that demons take when enter the waking world without possessing living creatures].
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In DAI, it appears in a cave of Western Approach where you can place your landmark, and it’s called “The Thing in the Dark” [details in  Western Approach: Old Chantry Trail Signs]. The small message we get in it is “This statue is oddly warm to the touch and shivers slightly, as though it might have a pulse”.  In DA2, Merril could feel something in the statue when the demon was bind to it, so this warm shivering effect may be the concept that some spirit/demon is bind to it. Let’s remember that in DAI we found a lot of things that are warm to the touch and have some pulse/shiver/angry feeling to it that may imply a spirit attached to it [read The Taken Shape set for a list of details about warm, pulsing objects]
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In DAI, curiously, his face appears in some walls along Din'an Hanin, which is expected since his main tomb is underground of that ruin, but it also appears in the lower section of the mural “Removal of the Vallaslin” in the ancient elven ruins of Fen’Harel. One of these faces appears as the source of Veilfire.
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Design-wise may have some distant similarities with Korth, the Father-mountain of the Avvar, which has [dragon?] horns. 
Speculation section
Similarities with the red lyrium idol
When we find similarities between this statue and the red lyrium idol, I’m not saying they are the same, but they may have similar functions in ancient rituals. Among the similarities, we can notice that figures have carvings along the body.
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May the red lines inside the carvings of the Strange Idol not be blood but inactivated red lyrium? 
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Why would I say this? The Red lyrium idol has shown, specially in the comic Dark Fortress, to look like a piece of wood [as if it were inactivated red lyrium] unless I’ve been understading it too wrongly [the scholar even suspects that the idol, once consumed into the creation of a sword for the Red Wraith, has been rendered useless, and its drawing looks more like a piece of wood/metal than a “red glowing crystal”]. Only in some places we see it red. This visual fact always confused me in DA series. We clearly see that the object is not entirely made of red lyrium, only some parts [specially the roots] look like it. Why so many characters insist in saying it’s completely made of red lyrium?
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If we remember, the cinematics in Dragon Age Official Teaser Trailer - 2018 Game Awards shows that the idol glows only along some lines, as if the red lyrium is activating from within its metal/wood material. Which is similar to the red lines we see in the Strange Idol, but in a dormant way. We also know that Red Lyrium sounds angry and feels warm [check the red lyrium section in Songs and elements that sing and whisper in DA Lore]. Since the Strange Idol is warm to the touch too [according to DAI in Western Approach: Old Chantry Trail Signs] and has these red lines barely seen, could it be related to inactivated red lyrium? I really don’t know what to think about it since we know so little about the red lyrium idol [and I suspect it has been retconned a couple of times even along DA2].
Design wise, the red lyrium idol always looked to me like wood+metal, and only its lower part is made of red lyrium, as if it were roots, implying from a design-point-of-view the metaphor that the horror represented in the figure is “fed” on red lyrium [details and speculations in  Red Lyrium Idol ].
Pros and cons of certain speculations related to the Strange Idol:
Speculation 1: “This statue is Elgar’nan”
Its face coincides with the codex Vir Dirthara: Signs of Victory, which describes Elgar’nan with “ narrowed eyes and its open, snarling mouth”. The general shape of the Strange Idol may look like a mountain, as it is said in the codex that Elgar’nan statue was made of stone as big as a mountain [metaphorically implying how he defeated Titans and created monuments of himself on or with the corpse of his enemies].
It makes sense for it to appear in the Bastion of Elgar’nan in Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, Elandrin’s Tomb as central icon of the tomb of knights that defended elvhen, considering that Elgar’nan is perceived along the codices as a big leader during the Titan war.
It makes sense for it to be in the Sundermount cave, since we can speculate it was a statue used to bind a demon by the elvhen resisting the war against Tevinter. Let’s remember that Elgar’nan was always related to victory and wars against the Titans in the oldest codices we find about him [read Elgar’nan section in Evanuris].
If this is an elvhen god/Evanuris, I hardly see it worshipped by Tevinter, who allways had an ancient, deep rejection to elves. It would make no sense to use Elgar’nan as a representation of Dumat either [not consciously, at least]. So it makes no sense for this statue to appear in the Altar of Dumat close to the Corypheus’ prison as well as in Sebastian’s quest, in an underground Tevinter ruin.
It doesn’t have any visual similarity to Elgar’nan mosaic, which displays a bestial arm with claws. There is no similar hint of bestiality in the case of the Strange Idol [read Elgar’nan section in Evanuris]. However, this is not a strong counterargument: we can say the same of Mythal, who has two representations, one as an elf in a mosaic, and another as a dragon [in mosaic and statues too]. Read Mythal section in Evanuris for further details.
Neither con not pro: I can’t speculate why Elgar’nan would appear in the mural of “Removal of the Vallaslin” at the Elven Mountain Ruins, Forgotten Sanctuary. Specially if we think that the previous corridor towards this mural doesn’t have any mosaic of Elgar’nan either. I also can’t explain or speculate why the Forgotten Sanctuary, a place to give shelter to slaves, would have images of the Evanuris on its walls, the ones supporting the slavery system of the moment.  
This face, if it is truly Elgar’nan’s, is also presented as a source of Veilfire which can be related to Titans through the mural “The Death of a Titan”, where the source of Veilfire is presented in the heart of the Titan. Linking both symbols, one can suspect that maybe Elgar’nan’s victory over the Titans granted him the power of exceptional magic [divinity?], represented in these murals as the source of this particular green fire.
Speculation 2: “This statue is Dumat”
It makes sense to appear close to Corypheus’ prison in an altar to Dumat or in the underground Tevinter ruins from Sebastian’s quest.
It makes sense to appear in Sundermount, so we can assume it was a symbol of dominance from Tevinter when they attacked the resisting elves in this place. They bind a demon there too, and this brings no conflict with the lore; we know Tevinter always had a deep knowledge of binding and using demons in their favour.
It makes no sense for Dumat to appear in the Bastion of Elgar’nan in Emerald Graves: Din'an Hanin, Elandrin’s Tomb. If it would have appeared in the first part of the zone, where we find statues of Andraste as the codex of Emerald Knights upgrades, it would have been considered an assimilation from former slaves, but this statue appears in a central position in a tomb that has been sealed long ago, surrounded by many statues of Mythal in her dragon shape.
Besides, why would Dumat appear in the mural of “Removal of the Vallaslin” at the Elven Mountain Ruins, Forgotten Sanctuary? So far we know the “Tevinter” perspective of the Old Gods appeared long time after the Elvhen and the Evanuris, so it’s hardly a contemporaneous concept to the ancient Elvhenan Gods. 
Dumat, understood as the Old God perceived by Tevinter, is a Dragon in shape. Its will may be something else, though, that may be represented in this toad-like figure?.
Speculation 3: “This statue is an ancient god [maybe a Forgotten One?] worshipped by the Evanuris before claiming divinity, and Tevinter adopted it later, believing them as Dragons or The Old Gods”.
This concept makes sense in both scenarios, Tevinter and Elvhenan. Like I said in the lore sections of the posts related to the comics The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, Until We Sleep, Magekiller, and The Missing; there are some hints that make us speculate that Evanuris worshipped great dragons originally [that may or may not result in the Forgotten Ones]. Mythal should have been one of them as she is a dragon herself, but they stopped worshipping these ancient gods when they took the “divine winged shape” for themselves, claiming divinity. From that moment on, the Evanuris [at least Andruil] hunt these dragon-gods/Forgotten-Ones down, chasing them to the Void [which is more related to the underground lyrium than to a dimensional pocket ala Crossroads]. Mythal stopped her [ and intentionally or not, we don’t know, she protected these entities] by fighting against Andruil and removing her knowledge of how to reach the Void because in the Void there was “Darkness” and madness that Andruil infected with [for a whole detailed analysis of this, check the codex explanation of “Elven God Andruil” in the post Ancient Elven codices, Temple of Mythal].
In this way, it makes sense for Tevinter to end up using similar iconography, ignoring it was the same god that the Elvhenan venerated originally. Tevinter knows that the Old Gods take the shape of Dragons, but they may be something else entirely.
Under this idea, it makes sense for this idol to appear in Tevinter or Elvhenan environments.
There are too few hints to support this hypothesis of Forgotten Ones as the original gods that the Evanuris worshipped until they claimed divinity for themselves, and later Tevinter took them in their dragon shape and established the cult of the Old Gods. Most of the hints pointing out this relationship are recent [in the late comics].
We also have a strange potential relationship between the Forgotten Ones and the Forbidden Ones via the Seekers. It may be a red herring done by the devs or a consequence of “unreliable narrators”. Details in “Tarohne, the Fell Grimoire, and Xebenkeck”.
Another con is that this idol has no shape of a dragon when we know that the Old Gods are always represented as Dragons, and we also suspected from the comics that the Forgotten Ones may be dragons instead of elvhen . We also have another potential link with Hakkon as Geldauran, who may be one of them; for more details, read Elvhen Tomb and Ancient Tevinter presence, Speculation.
Neither con not pro but a detail worth noting: this entity has a shape with a distant resemblance to Korth, the Avvar Mountain-Father god [the mouth shape are alike, and the nostrils of the Strange Idol are similar to the Korth’s nose-eyes]. Korth is the oldest and strongest god of the Avvar pantheon. We know the Avvar have always had a much better understanding of the world due to their deep conection with the spirits, whose wisdom is always shared to the Augur of the tribe. With this I mean that this Strange Idol seems to be a very old entity that even the Avvar perceived, reflected later in the shape of Korth. Korth is related to the Mountain, as Elgar’nan is related to it in a dominant way in the codex  Vir Dirthara: Signs of Victory. Elgar’nan’s fury [which destroys everything it touches, according to the codex The Judgment of Mythal or read Elgar’nan section in Evanuris for more details] has some distant similarity to Korth’s cruelty when he lost his heart [read codex The Frostback Mountains] and became a force of anger and destruction. According to the relationships I’ve been trying to connect along this blog, these details seem to me that the same entity has been perceived by Avvar, Tevinters, and Elvhenan, but represented with some differences in order to fit their own purposes [as all DA lore has been showing so far].
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