#it kept showing up in the candice tag
unintentionaloracle · 5 months
Okay decided to do another "rounding up my quick fire thoughts on stuff from Raw having seen it on Hulu" thing (I think I actually got like, most of the matches this time and Sami's segment, but missed whatever thing occurred with Liv and Dom/any other backstage segments that might've happened that didn't make YouTube [though I did see Becky's awesome pre-match promo on YouTube but they cut what came before she started talking], and I think they cut the middle chunk of the Women's Battle Royal out which is boo.)
-Jey and Damian's segment was great, we're gonna eat with that. Also Jey telling Damian to tell Rhea he said hi was for me and I love it.
-JD, my least favorite Judgey Boy tbh, y'all are on the thinnest of ice with the screwups, Damian in charge, and Finn MIA this week. You aren't even on the merch after all these months, man, you're expendable.
-Darn it I don't want DIY drama I want my boy Johnny to thrive. (Their match with Awesome Truth was really good though I'm happy with it)
-Also it was just tag team/faction drama/breakups(?) season Monday, dang with The Imperium stuff.
-Although rip to Vinci but Alpha Academy hurts me more ESPECIALLY CHAD BEING MEAN TO OTIS HE'S YOUR NUMBER ONE GUY!😭 I could excuse suplexing Sami out of his wife's arms in his hometown but I draw the line at insulting your former co-tag champ and your other teammates.
-Also I like their explanation for why Gunther isn't going for the title for a while/focusing on King of the Ring first. It's nice that he's not falling into the old "This Random Guy Was Slightly Mean To Me, Forget Any Title Ambitions I Need To Beat Him Up" trap.
-Drew was on fire as usual but yeah I agree the burger line was a no from me. Did like Sheamus's comeback and their "longtime friends" convo. I'm down to see what The Once And Future Banger Bros Bring Baby.
-And The King of the Ring bracket is looking stacked already. I do also want Xavier to get a proper reign after the last one he deserves it but my heart still belongs to the hypothetical Jimmysweep.
-Not too surprised they focused mainly on Sami's title woes but I do admit I was hoping for a "yeah, Chad sucks, Cathy. Listen, I'm kinda stuck on my boy Kev nearly getting MURDERED three days ago..."
-I found it a little funny Ricochet and Santos matched despite being on opposite teams. (Also oooh Damian you wanna turn face or tweener so bad oooh.)
-I did see Becky's promo on YouTube (love her getting a walk and talk like Sami and Kevin. That's squad goals). Thought it was cool and I loved her encouraging Maxxine. Lord knows that girl needs it between the Chad stuff and Candice's bullying.
-Hulu didn't show me Chelsea getting eliminated but slipping back in because officials didn't see. Heaven forbid women do anything.
-Really thought Liv was gonna take it (her gear was cute too). But I think this might be the last straw before she super officially snaps for realsies.
-I'm definitely in the camp of "Becky doesn't really need another title reign, she's almost done it all and what she hasn't (like Queen or Ms. MITB) she doesn't really need at this point either" (love her though)...
...but I also felt her last two solo title reigns managed to show some love to some of the women who don't usually get shots at the gold (Pre-beating Ronda!Liv and Doudrop!Piper getting shots on PPV against her while Bianca was kept from the title, using the NXT Women's Title like it was Raw's unofficial women's midcard belt), so who knows? Heck, we don't even know if she's gonna have a long reign, so... *Shrug*
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omegawhiskers · 11 months
RAW 20/11/23
Good guy, Drew
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Raw beings Drew McIntyre is in the ring as he explains his actions from last week when he cost Jey Uso and Cody Rhodes the Unified Tag Team Titles. Drew’s reasoning is sound. Anyone in his boots would have done the same. He also said that he wasn’t a part of Judgement Day but was given a chance to step into Wargames to fight Jey in a cage. Jey eventually comes out and not one word of sympathy from this man’s mouth. The Judgement Day arrive to back Drew up, as does Cody, Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn for Jey.  Things were about to kick off before Adam Pearce stops everyone. He says that the main event will be one member from each team in a singles match. It came down to Drew and Jey. This was a no brainer. Cody says he has an old friend in mind as the fifth member of WarGames. It’s obviously, Ted Dibiase JR.
The first match was Nia Jax vs. Raquel Rodriguez. They had a short but decent match. A few times, Rodriguez tried to lift Jax, but her back kept giving out. More deadlifts are required, I say! Nia eventually wins with the Annihilator.
Becky Lynch faced off against Xia Li. This one was a bit disappointing story wise. Li has been setting her devastating kick, that caused stoppage for both her last matches. Li did catch Lynch with her kick, but Lynch came back to win the match. It would of be great to see the kick at the very start, and then Lynch has to fight her way back. I don’t like Li’s chances tomorrow night when she faces Lyra Valkyria for the NXT Women’s title *UPDATE* Li lost.
Things got frosty post-match when Damage CTRL made a surprise appearance. Charlotte, Bianca Belair and Shotzi also came from Smackdown. A brawl broke out. Michael Cole wanted everyone to fight because Cole is a mad bastard. This was another nice build to WarGames.
Ludwig Kaiser and Johnny Gargano had a solid match. The tilt-a-whirl faceplant from and death valley driver from Kaiser were two fantastic looking moves. Unfortunately, Giovanni Vinci came to the ring to try and help Kaiser, but caused a distraction. This gave Gargano the advantage to win. Later Kaiser to get a verbal whipping from Gunther. I hope to see a Kaiser and Vinci match down the line.
We had a match to find out who will become the number one contender for the Women’s Tag Team Titles. It was Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell vs. Tegan Nox and Natalya vs. Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile vs. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. This was short but fun match. Carter and Chance had some sweet moves, while Dupri showed the most charisma. I didn’t like Natalya and Nox winning. I just have no interesting in them.
The Miz and Gunther had a battle of words in the ring. Miz says he is an entertainer and is proud because he grew up wanting to be like his heroes; Macho Man, Bret Hart, Rick Rude and Shawn Michaels. Gunther said the Miz is a weirdo who was bullied in school and was bullied by his heroes when he arrived in WWE. I don’t think anyone mentioned bullied the Miz. Gunther tells the Miz that he has no respect for him and that he deserves to be bullied. Gunther shoved Miz a few times, until Miz attacked, but was quickly put down. Miz came back when he resorted to a low blow. I hope the Miz loses at Survivor Series, and then goes on a journey to get his mojo back.
Chad Gable and Shinsuke Nakamura and an alright TV match. This is the second loss for Alpha Academy tonight. This stable need some wins. Like Dupri, I would have liked to have seen Gable getting the victory. He could have won. then you could do a second match where Nakamura gets the victory, followed the rubber match.
The main even was advertised as an advantage match that has gone to Judgement Day and Drew. This match felt non-aggressive for two people that hate each other. Post match had another brawl with everyone. This time the babyfaces left with an announcement that Randy Orton is the fifth member of their team. They didn't mention him by name, but Cody dropped some major hints.
This was a decent episode. Some solid matches and progression for the WarGames matches. My nitpick is that there were too many backstage segments. I hope Raw goes down to two hours so all this backstage nonsense can be shortened or dropped.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
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Y/N has a very specific preference for unavailable/inappropriate people and Harry is her therapist who is supposed to help her work through this.
WC: 12.8K
WARNINGS: 18+ (I beg of you minors, DNI), DARK HARRY, therapist x client, inappropriate relationships, attraction to unavailable people, manipulation, aggressive sexual advances (dubccon kink), pain kink, degradation.
Tagged: @victoria-styles @gurugirl @janelikemaryyy
Y/N wasn’t sure why…but she had a streak. A pattern if you will for going after unavailable men. Something about being noticed by someone who was supposedly so committed to another, it was gratifying to watch their eyes lust over at the sight of her. But then on the other side of that she was constantly riddled with guilt over her trysts. Y/N was only 19 the first time she gave into to her temptation; that was also when her mother discovered Y/N’s inappropriate preference in romantic partners because Y/N’s co-worker’s girlfriend showed up at their house one night in hysterics because her boyfriend admitted to her that he’d been hooking up with Y/N. She went off and rightfully so, Y/N had burning red cheeks and a bloody nose to show for her mistakes. She didn’t fight back because she deserved it.
After that, her mom kept a close eye on her. But obviously, the things she did were done in private. Her latest lover was her mom’s best friend’s husband, Christopher. Christopher was a lawyer, he was in his early 50’s, and he was the kind of man that she grew up calling “uncle”, always was fun and caring, kind, and protective of her. She wasn’t sure what flipped the switch for her to notice and want him, but she got involved with him because she could and it made her feel good about herself, or at least that’s what she would tell herself in the heat of the moment.
She remembers the first time they hooked up. He had been so hesitant and declining her flirtations when she pushed him back into the bathroom after he’d just stepped out if it. He was so nervous, but she sweet-talked him as her hand trailed down his body and groped at his cock until he was hard as a rock. Chris soon found that he couldn’t resist a 22-year old girl who was just desperate and eager to make him come. And after that they started seeing each other and they’d been hooking up for nearly four months, that was the longest she’d ever actually been with someone. Her conquests were not typically long term and few and far between - five actually, she’d only slept with five guys since she was 19. Either way, when Y/N’s mom caught them fucking in his car she dragged Y/N out by her hair, gave her a few slaps and told Chris that if he ever laid eyes on Y/N again that she would tell Candice - her best friend, his wife.
Y/N’s mom didn’t understand what was wrong with Y/N and the next morning she told her that if she wanted to remain a part of their family that she needed to get help. Y/N agreed, thinking that maybe she could see a therapist or something to figure out why she had this inherent need to seek out unavailable people, but then Y/N’s mom pulled out a packet of printed pages and told her that she was going to an in-patient facility for addicts. She was convinced that Y/N was a sex addict and probably a drug addict because “no normal, respectable person behaves the way you do” and a week later she had been shipped off.
That’s how she had ended up at New Beginnings: In-Patient Treatment Center. And much to her pleasure, how she ended up in front of the hottest man she had ever seen. Sure, she didn’t know if he was single or taken, but the fact that this man standing before her was her therapist made him a temptation. What could be more dangerous than seducing your therapist? It was wrong and inappropriate and that made in unavailable enough to pique her interest. 
“Y/N, right?” He smiled at her calmly and she nodded, “Come in, take a seat, anywhere you’d like.” He greeted before closing his office door, he was British. Fun.The decor in his office was homey and inviting, she opted for sitting on the couch so that she could bring her legs up and lay one of the many throw pillows on it into her lap. He then proceeded to sit across from her and took her in for a moment before introducing himself. “I’m Dr. Harry Styles. You can call me Harry or Dr. Styles, whatever you feel most comfortable with.” He said and she glanced up at him, mesmerized by his pretty green eyes and his kind smile was comforting. How could someone be hot and adorable at the same time? It baffled her.
“Hi.” She said.
“Hi, again.” He responded with a smile before looking down at the chart he had in his hands, “I will begin by stating that I’m the therapist assigned to you during your stay at New Beginnings. Of course if we have… irreconcilable differences,” he grinned, “I have no problem referring you to another clinician if that’s what you choose. I have over 10 years of experience in the mental health field, four years specifically treating addictions…” he then went on to talk to her about all of the ethical duties, confidentiality policies, and whatnot. She just nodded along when he’d ask if she understood, which she fully did, “So now that we’ve got that out of a the way, tell me a little bit about yourself.”
“Ummm… I’m 22. I…like dogs?” She shrugged awkwardly, “And music? I ummm… I don’t know, what do you want to know?” She sniggered uncomfortably and his neutral expression didn’t change when her eyes met his.
“What’s your favorite dog breed?” He asked and she smiled at that. Choosing to start somewhere comfortable for her.
“I have a top 3 actually, in no particular order-” she said looking at him to make sure he understood that, “Dachshunds, Borzois, and Scottish terriers.” She said and he smiled.
“I like dachshunds and scotties, what’s a borzoi?” He asked with a confused smile and she reciprocated the friendly gesture.
“Those dogs with ridiculously long snouts, look a little like the squirrel from Ice Age?” She said and he chuckled.
“Oh! Those guys, yeah I can see the appeal.” He said and she nodded with a smile, “Apart from your distinguished taste in dog breeds,” he said and she rolled her eyes playfully, “What more is there to you?”
“Ummm, like what?”
“Like, how would you describe yourself?” He asked and she shrugged before looking down at her fingers that scratched at the pillow in her lap, “Throw out a few words for me.” He encouraged. Well, when he said it like that she would definitely cooperate.
“Ummm…Independent. Smart. Tenacious. Incorrigible, or so I’ve been told.” She smiled to herself before looking up at him and he grinned as well before his smile dropped and he looked deep into her eyes, almost as if he was trying to figure her out just through the eye contact they held. It made her nervous so she looked away. She wasn’t easily intimidated by people, but he did the trick.
“And why are you here, Y/N?” He asked her more seriously.
“Well, it was on my schedule for today so…”
“Don’t be a smart ass with me.” He said and she looked up at him right away, the serious look on his face morphed into a smirk and she scoffed, annoyed that she fell for his trick, “So tell me, honestly, why do you think you’re here, Y/N?”
“I don’t know.” She said honestly with a shrug.
“So you being admitted here has nothing to do with your sex addiction then?” He asked and she laughed softly and shook her head. Here we go.
“I’m not a sex addict.” She said with a sigh, her eyes not daring to meet his and he glanced down at his file of her.
“That’s what your file says as the reason that you were admitted.” He challenged her.
“My file probably also says that my family believes I have a drug addiction but they made me pee in a cup and drew my blood yesterday when I got here and you’ll find that I’m perfectly clean so whatever is in that file is bullshit.” She said defensively, finally looking in his eyes with irritation and he sighed.
“I’m going to ask you some questions, they may be uncomfortable but I will need you to answer as honestly and accurately as possible.” He said and she frowned. Just as she was starting to like him…
“You don’t believe me?” She asked with creased in brows and a frown on her face.
“It’s not a matter of what I believe, Y/N. It’s a matter of confirming the diagnosis so that I know how to treat you from this point forward.” He explained, “It’s nothing personal, we just need to get through this bit today, alright?” He asked and she sighed.
“Fine.” Y/N huffed.
He then proceeded to ask her questions about her thoughts about sex, her behaviors, how often and how many times she masturbated in a day, in a week. How many people she had slept with and how often she had sex or engaged in sexual behaviors with a partner. Did she feel that her sexual impulses were too great for her to control. Did she only seek sex for orgasm/physical pleasure or did she also enjoy intimacy with partners. Had she ever gone out of her way or done something risky and extreme just to have sex or to obtain sexual gratification. How did she feel before and after she had sex. Did she feel that her sexual impulses, preferences, and behaviors were normal. She wasn’t sure what to make of her responses because the whole time his brows were knitted together as he nodded at her response before writing it down in his fucking notebook. He then asked her similar questions but having to do with drugs. These questions went on for about 15 minutes after he wrote the last thing down in the notebook she sighed.
“So what’s the diagnosis, doc?” She asked, feeling a bit nervous to hear his response. Maybe she was a perverted freak and this whole time she thought she was normal. It made her feel nervous and insecure as he glanced up at her from his notebook.
“Well you’re certainly not a drug addict.” He said and she rolled her eyes, of course not, “But the sex addict part, that’s also not a real psychological disorder, by the way. We would categorize it under an impulse control type of disorder or behavioral. But just from what I’ve heard now, I think it’s worth taking a little bit of a deeper look at. I’m not saying that you have these sexual impulse control issues, but there are somethings that I would like to unpack before labeling your sexual behaviors as deviant.” He explained thoroughly.
“Deviant?” She frowned, feeling completely disgusted with herself the second he said the word. Harry saw the way she completely deflated and recoiled once he said that.
“Deviant is just the psychological term we use to describe anything other than baseline or “normal”,” he signaled with air quotations, “There’s like an unspoken principle in psychology that we call the 4 D’s, they’re the things we look at to assess whether psychological intervention is necessary. They’re deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger. Typically, if we assess that the behavior of concern breaches into any of these categories we would then recommend getting professional help.” He explained and that disarmed her a bit, he watched the tension slightly leave her frame, “That’s what a lot of the questions I asked you help me figure out. I know that, that was intense and intrusive, so I apologize if you feel uncomfortable or-”
“It’s cool, thank you for explaining. And I mean, I don’t mind talking about sex.” She said just to reassure him that she was OK, she had just never been asked for so much detail before. When he quickly jotted that down in his notebook she felt a tidal wave of insecurity drown her all over again. After a moment of silence as he finished writing he cleared his throat.
“Y/N, I’d like to see you three times a week to start and have you attend two groups a week.” He informed her. “I will look over your schedule and find some free times and add our appointments to your schedule. Do you prefer mornings or evenings?” He asked.
“Evenings. You won’t get much more than an attitude from me in the mornings.” She huffed out a little chuckle and he grinned, the tension breaking.
“I’m sure I can help you work on that.” He said with a chuckle and she smiled. He wasn’t so bad, but also, the therapy hadn’t really started yet, so maybe she’d grow to hate him. Or maybe she’d end up liking him, he didn’t seem so bad. And maybe, just maybe, he’d end up liking her too. “Well, that’s it for today. You’re free to go.” He smiled up at her and she nodded and got off the couch and left his office.
Y/N had been a challenge for Harry to say the least. She was charismatic and talkative up until he’d get into the nitty-gritty stuff in session. Suddenly it was like she forgot how to speak and she would just shut down. The first time it happened Harry informed her that he didn’t mind silence, he could sit there in the silence for the remainder of their session if she so chose. They practically did that first time up until the last ten minutes of the session when she then asked him a question. He was surprised by her resolve. Sure, the whole time she didn’t make any eye contact with him, but she was a headstrong little thing. She had described herself as tenacious if he recalled correctly. 
After that first week he decided that he needed to change his approach, he needed to regain control of the relationship. Going into that second week he adopted a more professional and direct approach to her and then the insecurities started bleeding through. The moment he no longer seemed approachable and friendly she became more cooperative. She had an innate tendency to be in good favor with him, and he was sure with others too. He wasn’t cold or mean, but he cut out the filler chit-chat he normally engaged in with his patients. His extent of “ice-breaking” was asking how her day had been and then he’d jump into the session. 
He could see by their third session that week that his change to their interactions was causing her distress. Distress wasn’t always a bad thing, but as a psychologist it’s within the code of ethics that they should not cause harm to a patient, whether that be physical, psychological, or emotional harm, it could ruin a person. So he needed to tread carefully with this. During their third and final appointment during that second week he added in a little bit more of a personal touch; after she confirmed that she had a good day he asked her what about it made it good and he watched her light up at the tiniest morsel of extra attention he gave her and she was even more cooperative this time around. She finally talked about her home life when he asked.
“So you would say that you and your mother don’t get along?”
“It’s not that we don’t get along…” she sighed, “I don’t think she gets me. All my life I was this perfect little princess up until I-” she stopped herself and his eyebrows creased, “until suddenly I wasn’t and she just… never trusted me again. She just saw me as someone disappointing and dirty.” She frowned.
“Does that have to do with why you were admitted here?” He asked and she swallowed hard but nodded shamefully, “It’s something to do with why she believes you have a sex addiction.”
“Yes.” She confirmed.
“Do you want to tell me what it is?” He asked and she sighed. She felt conflicted because on one hand if she admitted this and was able to stop carrying around the weight of the guilt on her chest it could feel great. But what if her admitting what she had done made him all weird and distant again? She didn’t like feeling like she had done something to make him upset at her.
“I…I want to but I can’t.” She accepted, eyes training on a little out of place string at the edge of the pillow in her lap. She started picking at it to distract herself from the discomfort she felt in the moment.
“Why not?”
“Because people clearly don’t react well to this so I… would rather not.” She huffed, irritated that the little string was not blending with the seam of the pillow and she pulled at it.
“But that’s my job, isn’t it? To hear you out and help with what you’ve got going on?” She continued pulling and then frowned when she realized that, that one little string was what had been holding the pillow together and she watched in horror as it split open and she immediately looked up to Harry.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” She said lowly and Harry watched her become so small at this little mistake. Like she was waiting for him to blow up on her and chew her up and spit her out. She was genuinely afraid and it completely broke the act he had put up for her that whole week.
“It’s OK.” He assured her.
“It’s not OK, I completely destroyed your pillow. I-I can see if someone has a sowing kit that I can borrow or-”
“A sowing kit in an in-patient psychiatric facility? Good luck.” He chuckled and she bit on her lip as her worry faded into a smile at his little joke. “I promise you, it’s alright. I didn’t really like that pillow anyway. Just got it because it went with the color scheme.” He reassured her and she nodded, still a bit unsure. “Now, if you’re not ready to talk about what happened to land you in here can you at least tell me why are you hesitant to share that with me?” He asked and she breathed out before she started picking at the sides of her thumbs, a nervous habit he had observed she had. 
“I’m nervous.”
“About making you angry.” She said and swallowed the lump forming in her throat, “If I tell you what happened I’m scared that you’ll confirm that I’m some sex deviant or freak and that you’ll treat me differently. That you won’t want to work with me anymore, that you’ll be disgusted and not want anything to do with me like everyone else.” She explained with a frown,  avoiding his eyes. There was a fuck ton of shame and anxiety weighing her down in this moment, it was tangible in the air right now. He wanted to make that go away, he wanted to make her feel safe with him, give her confidence that he wasn’t going to abandon her - it was his job to do that.
“Hey, Y/N-” he said.
“Hmmm?” She asked and he frowned as she looked back down at the pillow she had destroyed.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He encouraged and after a few seconds her eyes flickered up to his, “I would never judge you or abandon you over a mistake you’ve made. I’m here to help you and being a prick about anything you tell me doesn’t help you. Now, I will be honest with you and call you out on your shit. But if you feel that I’m making it personal or attacking you in some way you can also call me out on it. We’re a team, you and I, we’re here working together to help you heal. And I can’t help you or give you the tools you need to heal if you can’t be honest with me.” He explained. As he told her this she felt that her attraction towards him morphed from just a physical one to a deeper one. This wasn’t good. “If you’re not ready to share it yet, that’s OK. But I just need you to know that at some point we’ll need to cross that bridge.” He explained and she bit her lip nervously and nodded in understanding, a tense silence taking over them as she thought about what he’d just said to her. She looked away from him again and he could see the cogs in her mind turning. Time was almost up, he briefly glanced to the clock behind her, it actually was up. He was about to tell her that they could pick up on this during their next session when she just…
“My mom found out that I was fucking my uncle.” She said suddenly and he was frozen, not expecting her to just come out with that then and there, “Well, he’s not actually my uncle, he’s my mom’s best friend’s husband, just a family friend that we just call uncle because he’s always been around. I would never actually fuck-“ she paused, looking concerned at his silence, “I’m not into my family in a sexual way, OK?” She clarified through a ramble and he nodded as her eyes met his, clearly terrified at how she phrased what she’d just admitted, “But I…I tend to only pursue unavailable or inappropriate men. Somehow this preference translated as a sex addiction to my mom. I just… like what I can’t have I suppose.” She said a bit sadly and he wasn’t sure what to say. 
He couldn’t really unpack this with her now, time was up and he needed to get home. On the other hand, she was his last patient of the day and he could go over a bit, but this needed more time than just ten minutes over their time, he really needed to sit down and unpack this with her. He was processing, deciding what he should say.
“Are you angry at me?” She asked nervously and his eyes met hers again, she looked so afraid and ready for him to confirm what she feared most and his eyes softened as he continued looking at her.
“No Y/N, I’m not angry with you.” He said tenderly and she bit her lip nervously, “Thank you for telling me and for trusting me with that.” He continued and she nodded, “I ummm, I was actually about to tell you that our time was up before you dropped that bomb.” He smiled and she chuckled and brought her hands up to her face as she chuckled nervously into them, shielding her face in embarrassment.
“Oh god. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know we were at the end of our time.” She said, sounding a bit muffled as her hands obstructed her face.
“it’s alright.” He chuckled, “It’s a bit past 8:30, so we can’t possibly unpack all of this now it’s a bit late.”
“No, yeah. We can talk about it next week.” She reassured him and he shook his head.
“No, we’re definitely going to meet tomorrow. I’ll let Betsy know on my way out that we’ll need to meet tomorrow at our regular time.” He said and she nodded, “But I’m glad we ended on this note, it gives you tonight to really process how it feels to have shared this with me. And well, I’ll also take advantage of the time to do my own processing. You’ve given me a lot to think about.” He said, his eye contact with her not wavering and he watched as her lips eventually turned up in a smirk, “Not like that.” He warned through a nervous chuckle and shook his head as his cheeks started staining pink, “Jesus, Y/N. Be a little serious yeah?” He grinned and she rolled her eyes playfully.
“Yeah, alright. M’sorry.” She hummed half-heartedly.
“No you’re not.” He mumbled lowly with a timid smile as he scribbled something down in his notebook. She looked at his pretty and warm smile and then down at his big, veiny hand as he gripped his pen dragging it across the page as he jotted down whatever thought was on his mind. He was absolutely and undeniably breathtaking. Time felt as if it stood still as she watched him; her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, a physical expression of her intent to refrain herself from letting her mind go to where it wanted to go so desperately. After what was actually just a few seconds he closed his notebook and then looked back up at her. His eyes immediately fell on her mouth, noticing just how hard she was biting her lip and he cleared his throat, effectively snapping her out of her inner battle.
“Well, again thank you for opening up to me. I’m sorry that we aren’t able to go through all this now and I hope you don’t feel regretful about it, but if you start to feel bad about telling me what you did and it gets to be distressing just let one of the nurses know, OK? They can call me and we can talk on the phone or if necessary, I can come in and talk you down if things get scary or overwhelming, OK?”
“Yeah, OK. Thank you, Harry.” He responded and he nodded with a smile.
“Perfect, you’re all good to go. I’ll uh- I’ll see you tomorrow, OK?” She nodded and stood from the couch and quietly made her way out.
As soon as his office door shut after her he exhaled a shaky breath. Harry felt nervous about this. Just the way she had looked at him just now. The way that she had reacted when he had pulled away from her a bit this past week… initially he thought that maybe she just really needed validation from others or attention, but after what she’d just disclosed to him he was starting to think that maybe she was attracted to him. He wasn’t trying to flatter himself or anything like that, he knew that he was attractive and had good and desirable qualities, but as he looked back at their interactions and as the pieces of the puzzle that were Y/N started falling into place he couldn’t help but feel slight concern. 
Y/N was beautiful, she was smart, as she had described herself, and she was charismatic, and nice. But considering what she had just shared with him he knew that part of her had to be alluring and cunning; how else does one get a committed person to stray from their partner? There was a nagging feeling deep inside of him that beckoned him to just talk to one of his fellow clinicians about this, to get some insight about how he should go about this with her. But it worried him that they might tell him that the ethical thing to do would be to cede her case to someone else. There were a of couple reasons for why he wouldn’t want to give up her case. Not only had he promised her that he wouldn’t abandon her, but he had put in great thought and work into building rapport with her and gaining her trust. He silenced that nagging little voice in his head and decided that he could do this. He was more than capable of helping her on his own.
Y/N was extremely proud of herself. After the time she told Harry what her real issue was he was so gracious about it and every part of her was screaming, begging for her to make a move on him and she resisted. Also, he could probably see it coming from a mile away, she was sure of it, because whenever she could say something a little suggestive or talk about things in a certain way he tended to just smirk down at his notebook as he jotted things down. Things got really tempting on a few occasions when she saw that he had checked her out, but still she resisted. She had been at this facility for a month and boy, had she actually enjoyed it. Harry had helped her untangle the very twisted web that she was. He helped her understand why she was stuck in the pattern she had been in for so long. Most of it had to do with her upbringing, her view of herself, and her self worth. She would be leaving the following day and it was her last session with Harry. She was going to miss him, genuinely, and as she sat before him for the final time she felt a little sad. He had just notified her that he would be giving her some referrals for a clinician before she left the following day and then he got right down to it.
“So, it’s your last day. How are you feeling?” He asked her, trying not to dwell on the fact that he was upset that this was her last day in the facility. He would probably never see her again and it made him feel…sad.
“I’m excited to get to shower with a curtain and be able to open a window.” She said and he chuckled, “But it’s bittersweet.” She admitted and then looked around his office, she felt safe with him. She liked that he was the last person she got to see during her days here. Her eyes then fixated on the single lamp on his desk giving the space a warm and inviting glow. The same kind of glow he seemed to emanate on his own.
“Why bittersweet?” He asked her, crossing his arms pensively. She then realized that he didn’t have a notebook on his lap today. Harry was waiting for her response but he was hoping that she’d say something along the lines of missing him. Truth was, that in this past month with Y/N he started to understand why these men she set her sight on gave in to her seductions. He thought that she would cave at some point, even flirted a bit at times hoping that she’d be pushed to make a move on him, one that he had mentally decided he’d take advantage of if it came, but it never did. She excited him, kept him on his toes. And as he watched her lick over her plush and pretty lips before speaking he felt jealous of whoever she would soon find to kiss and lick over her lips. He never got his chance.
“Well I have made some friends here that I’m not entirely sure I’ll be able to keep in touch with.” She explained, “I know at first I was resistant and a pain in the ass, but the staff have all been great as well…” she said and then sighed, “And well, I’m really going to miss seeing you too, Harry.” She finally said it and he smiled, he tried not to look excited as she said this.
“What do you think you’ll miss most?” He asked, “About me.” He then clarified and she smiled, “I’m not fishing for compliments, by the way.” He grinned and she giggled. He most definitely was fishing for compliments.
“I’m going to miss talking to you for sure. I know that we’re not supposed to be friends with our therapists or whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes, “But if I’ve ever had a best friend in my life it would be you, I think.” She explained, “I like how you make me feel about myself. And how you helped me see myself. I understand myself more because of you. And I’m sure you already know this Harry, but you’re smart and kind and not intrusive even when you’re asking me awkward questions like how many times I masturbate in a week.” She said with grin and he chuckled.
“That was one time.” He interrupted with a smirk and she giggled.
“Yeah, but I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that or will ever be asked that again, so it was memorable.” She stated and he chuckled.
“Yeah, it certainly was. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that some people masturbate almost every single day.” He said in a teasing tone and she scoffed.
“OK, like you don’t?” She said with an incredulous look and then caught herself and shook her head, “Sorry, what I was trying to infer is that guys get themselves off far more frequently than girls do. I wasn’t like thinking about you jerking off!” She said quickly and he smirked, his eyes not leaving hers, “Or at least I wasn’t.” She stated shaking her head and laughed awkwardly, “Sorry. Anyway…” she said looking down at her lap, avoiding eye contact with him because of her fumble and Harry bit his lip as he watched her nerves consume her. Everything about her body language indicated to him that she was into him and it was a real temptation.
“I do. By the way.” He added in after a moment of silence took over and she looked into his eyes.
“Do what?” Y/N asked suddenly a bit confused.
“Get myself off everyday. Or almost everyday.” He admitted nonchalantly and she felt her insides start to fire up at his confession, “At least once. I’ve got a really high sex drive.” He disclosed and she bit on her lip, her eyes darkening a bit as her mind started going places it shouldn’t and she swallowed the lump in her throat.
“Yet you’re not committed here.” She joked to try and dissipate the tension brewing between them and Harry smirked at her comment. Maybe this was a test of some sort? If it was about mental strength then she’d failed, she had already pictured him stroking his cock and squirting his cum all over her face. But physically, she wouldn’t give in. She could fantasize all she wanted, but she was not going to bend her will, so she looked away from him.
“Are you nervous?” He asked her and Y/N nodded, still not looking back in his eyes.
“Yeah, of course. What if I fuck up the second I’m out of here? Like if Chris wants to talk one-on-one and I completely throw out everything we’ve worked on together.” She shook her head with a frown and then finally looked back at him for some sort of guidance and reassurance now that she had been vulnerable about her concerns with leaving. He didn’t want to think about her with another man the second she walked out of here, it made him jealous.
“I wasn’t referring to you being nervous when you leave. I wanted to know if you felt nervous here, with me.” He clarified and she swallowed thickly, but shook her head.
“Ummm…no, I wouldn’t say I feel nervous with you.” She stated and he licked over his lips as he took her in for a moment. It made her heart pound in a way that she hadn’t felt in a while now. Then he stood up and approached the couch she was occupying one side of. He then sat down on the other end of it, his eyes still locked on hers.
“What about now?” He asked and she shook her head. He then moved to middle seat, beside her, “And now?” He asked again, her heart was beating wildly. From here she could smell his cologne and see his handsome face up close. Her pupils dilated, her body’s way of communicating that she was excited and captivated by the man before her, it didn’t go unnoticed by him, nevertheless, she shook her head, “Be honest.” He challenged her and she exhaled shakily.
“Yeah, it makes me a little nervous.” She confessed. He hummed and reached his hand towards her and settled it at her waist as his face came in close to hers. So much so that the tips of their noses brushed and she could smell the fresh mint on his breath from the fucking gum he was always chewing.
“And now?” He asked and she bit down on her lip, her eyes focused on how close his body was to hers, “Hey, be a good girl and look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you.” He demanded and her entire body fluttered when he said that and she had to obey him, “Are you nervous now?” He asked again and she nodded, “Use you words.”
“Yes.” She breathed out.
“Why?” He asked her, leaning in closer so that their lips almost touched.
“Because this is…wrong. We’re not supposed to be doing something like this.” She said.
“Am I to believe that if I were to reach into your panties and feel over your pussy it wouldn’t be all hot and sticky for me?” He asked, his lips skimming against her own and she wasn’t sure what to say, “Answer me.” He demanded and she shook her head.
“I can’t do this. We can’t. We shouldn’t.” She said shakily.
“Obviously. But do you want to?” He asked her and she bit down on her lip to suppress her moan. She was turned on beyond belief, “What if I told you that I have a wife and kid waiting for me at home? Would you want to then?” He asked and she shook her head, “You’re a liar.” He stated and she was feeling conflicted and unsure about what was happening but it was so fucking hot, she wanted to know how far he was willing to take this.
“M’not lying.” She defended herself.
“Yeah, you are. I just know that if I told you that my wife neglected me you’d be halfway there. What would really get you there would be if I told you that from the moment I saw you I was just captivated by you. That I’ve never seen someone so fucking beautiful. That she doesn’t compare to you. That I would never cheat, but you’re the exception.” He said and she whimpered.
“Th-that’s not fair, Harry.” She said with a frown and he felt a little guilty for a moment. She was right, he was being a manipulative piece of shit, but he wanted her so fucking bad 
“Yeah, you're right, Y/N. S’not fair, so I’ll be straight with you. I meant every word I said except I’m not married and I don’t have a kid. And I know that makes me…not your type, but let me tell you something. Who needs some used up old guy to make you feel good when you could have someone to keep up with your needy little cunt? Who can fuck you and make you cum whenever you want. Or maybe you just like being a dirty little secret, is that it?” He asked and she was panting now, suddenly feeling his other hand settling over her hand that was firmly planted on the couch.
“That’s what you get off on, isn’t it? Being the side piece.” He said and she pouted, “Am I hurting your feelings?” He asked and she nodded, “I’m sorry, baby.” He cooed, “How should I make it up to you? Hmmm?” He asked her and then she realized he had pressed her  hand against his erection, it was straining against his trousers, and she bit her lip and looked up into his eyes as he guided her hand over the outline of his cock. “You’re so fucking perfect, you know that?” He hummed, “Just thinking about you gets me all worked up, baby. Come so fucking hard when I think about holding you down and fucking your face until you’re choking for air.” He said and she moaned.
“You really think about doing that to me?” She asked and he’d done it, her resolve had crumbled. 
“That and so much more.” He hummed.
“What else?” She asked as she started reaching further between his legs to let her fingers graze over his balls and he moaned when she did.
“The last few weeks I’ve thought of just making my move and having my way with you. Your body language, the way you look at me, the things you say, it’s all been screaming at me that you want me to fuck you. I wouldn’t even bother with stretching you out for me or waiting to get you wet for me, just force my cock into you dry if I had to, just wanted to fuck you.” Her eyes closed and she moaned again, squeezing her thighs together to feel some relief from the now constant throb of the hot and sopping mess that was her pussy.
“Please,” She panted, “do something, anything, just want to make you come.” She whimpered and his brows furrowed as he heard that.
“You want to make me come, baby?” She nodded, “And what about you, huh?” He asked her and he watched her eyes, almost tearing with desperation.
“Who cares? I just want to be good for you and make you come. As many times as you want, wherever you want. Just wanna make you feel good.” She keened and he wasted no time in pressing his lips to hers in a deep and needy kiss. After a moment he pulled back from her.
“I don’t know who the hell you’ve been with but in my book good girls get to come as many times as they want. And you, Y/N, are such a good girl.” He spoke before kissing her again, “You were so good before, saying no, rejecting my advances. You’re right, I didn’t play fair in the end there, but life’s not fair, baby. Next time you know that you need to be ready to face your ultimate temptation and beat it.” He said and she nodded before he kissed her again, “I’m really proud of you though.” He praised her and it made her feel like she was walking on air.
“Thank you, Harry.” She responded and he hummed before kissing her again. This time it deepened even more as their tongues met desperately. Licking into each other, sucking, nibbling, biting…Y/N felt like she was on fire as his heavier body weighed hers down.
“What do you want, baby? Tell me and I’ll do it.” He said and she looked into his eyes.
“Please fuck me.” She said softly and he nodded and dipped down to kiss her a little more intentionally. Slower and deeper and it made her feel strange. The only time she’s ever been kissed this way was when she had her first kiss. It was foreign to her to feel a tender touch coming from a man. Especially as his hands smoothed under her shirt, caressing her sides cautiously before covering her breasts, kneading and squeezing before pinching at her nipples. She whined as he did it again, but harder.
“Fuck, again!” She begged and this time he pulled back and pulled off her shirt before dragging the cups of her bra down before taking one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking hard making her hiss. His hands slid behind her to unclasp her bra and he just tossed it somewhere to the side before squeezing her breasts hard and moving to the next one and sucking against her already hardened nipple. He pulled back and looked at her bare chest, nipples taut and sensitive from his harsh sucks and nibbles. She wasn’t expecting it when he brought his right hand up and slapped at her her breast making her hiss. Her eyes met his with a darkened look and he grinned before doing the same to the other one and then reaching down to pinch her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers and she let out a choked cry at the pain mixing with pleasure.
“Harder?” He asked and she looked into his eyes and nodded with her lip bitten hard beneath her teeth, “You sure?” She nodded again and he pinched with more force making her mouth fall open and he watched as her body became covered in goosebumps and after a few seconds he let go and she moaned as his warm palms came over her breasts and held them tightly, reliving the sharp stinging feeling she felt shooting to her sensitive little buds, “Fuck. Are you OK?” He asked softly and she nodded, “Use your words for me, baby. Want to hear your voice.”
“Yes. I’m OK.”
“You liked it, right?” He wanted to confirm; with her tendencies he didn’t want her doing things she didn’t like just because she thought it would please him. He wanted to make that clear to her.
“Yeah. I like a little pain.” She said and he hummed before smiling.
“I do too.” He assured and she bit her lip upon hearing him say this. Her eyes glanced down to the very evident bulge in his pants, there was already a faint little wet patch where the tip of his leaking cock was pressed against. She reached forward to skim her index finger along the outline of his cock, she saw it twitch in its confines as she tickled over the tip and then back down towards his balls.
“So if I were to…” she suddenly squeezed hard at his balls and he lunged forward with a hiss at the sting that shot through his body before his eyes rolled back and he moaned.
“Oh fuck, baby.” He grunted as she loosened her grip and gently rubbed over them.
“That’s OK?” She asked and he nodded at her. Truth be told he always liked to fuck hard because there was nothing like the jolt he felt from that little sting he’d get when his balls would swing up and smack harshly into whoever he was fucking. It was the cherry on top for him, especially if the person he was fucking wasn’t comfortable to giving him a little bite of pain with his pleasure. She smirked up at him.
“What’re you smirking at?” 
“Nothing, you’re just as much of a kinky freak as I am.” She grinned and he hummed and leaned down to kiss her lips tenderly and just as she was losing herself in the kiss her bit down hard on her lip and she yelped before he pulled away with a grin.
“S’nothing wrong with being a little kinky.” He hummed and she smiled, “Now, how would you like me to fuck you, baby?” He asked and she melted internally at the way the words sounded and felt like thick, warm honey coming from his lips.
“Hard and rough. Please.” 
“Fuck,” he breathed out with a smile, “You’re such a good girl with those manners.” He hummed, “Now, go on, baby. Get my cock out.” He said and she immediately moved her hands to his trousers, working at his belt and tugging it out before tossing it aside and popping open the button, looking up at his eyes as she blindly pulled down his zipper and tugged down to reveal his muscular and tattooed thighs, “Good girl. My briefs too though, baby.” She nodded and tugged them down his thighs as well. 
Y/N literally felt her saliva start to pool beneath her tongue as his thick, heavy cock fell forward between their bodies, the dark pink, leaky tip lightly grazing at her stomach a few times as it bobbed up and down a few times before it was still. 
“Holy shit.” She whispered, completely mesmerized by his penis and his lips twitched up to the side in a smug smirk. 
She liked that his pubic hair was there and well maintained. She let her eyes wander up to the laurels he had tattooed right above where his hair grew thicker. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed nervously, but she found that her mouth had again produced an ungodly amount of saliva, so instead she glanced up at him as she slightly parter her lips and then brought up her hand to spit some on it and he bit hard on his lip, nodding at her. She took this as the go-ahead to wrap her wet palm around his hot and hard cock. She dragged her fist up, letting out a small whimper as she watched his foreskin hide the tip of his cock for a moment, collecting his pre-cum, and then she stroked down and rubbed her thumb right under the head of his penis and then up and until she was rubbing against where he was leaking for her.
“Shit…” he huffed, watching her hand playing with his cock. It was better than he had imagined it would be. She looked up at him as her other hand went to his balls and squeezed gently at first and he moaned quietly. Then she added a bit more pressure and his brows knitted together as he frowned but still emitted a pleasured moan as she gently stroked his shaft, “Harder.” He groaned and a tingle of excitement shot through her body at his request as she added even more pressure to her grip around his balls and focused her strokes right over his tip. Harry’s eyes squeezed shut as he let out a strangled moan, “Fuck yeah.” He hissed as his eyes opened and met hers. They were dark and overcome with lust. Lust for her. She wanted him to come, she started stroking faster and kissed his lips quickly.
“Want them in my mouth.” She said and he nodded standing and rearing back, letting her get on her knees. The second his balls were within reach she opened up her mouth and sucked one into her mouth, knowing he didn’t mind some pain she sucked a bit harder, loving how his fingers raked into her hair and gripped it forcefully. She continued working her fist over his shaft quickly. As for her hand that was unoccupied, she ran her index finger under lips, lubricating it with the spit that was dripping out of her mouth. Without any warning she rubbed it against his asshole and he moaned, but relaxed himself so that she could press her finger past the tight ring of muscles. He was so tight and hot, and finally she felt the slightly raised bump inside and rubbed her finger into it. Harry felt his knees buckle as she rubbed into his prostate.
“Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me come!” He panted in a deep and gruff voice. His abs started tightening and his balls drawing up, slightly aching as she sucked at them just right. He was getting there so quickly, faster than he expected but this with her was far more pleasurable than he had dreamed. “Fuck, Y/N fuck!” He grunted as he started tipping over the edge, “Wanna come in your mouth, want you to taste my sperm, baby.” He panted, losing his resolve to hold out any longer as she moaned against him. She quickly brought her mouth over his tip and he starting bucking into her mouth shallowly. He glanced down to watch as half of his cock disappeared between her perfectly delicious lips.
The sight alone was more than enough to push him over the edge. Harry’s eyes clenched shut as the pleasure started to take over, his thrusts becoming inconsistent and sloppy as he burst in her mouth. He pulled her hair harder as her finger prodded hard into his prostate, effectively milking him for all he had to give her. He hissed as she started to suck around his tip, drawing as much of his cum out of his cock as possible. After a few seconds the sensitivity started to take over, but he didn’t want her to stop. He felt like his mind had completely spiraled and that he had shifted into a completely different plane of existence as she slowly started to slow down but not enough to interrupt the stimulation. His whole body was buzzing deliciously.
“Fuck baby, don’t stop. Don’t stop.” He found himself breathing out and she moaned around his cock, “Please don’t stop. Make me come again. Have so much more for you, baby girl.” He moaned. The truth was that Harry had been training himself for this exact situation. He was always training to last for ages, to come multiple times in short periods, to shorten his refractory period - he didn’t want to waste time when it came to sex. This is why the overstimulation he was feeling now was enough to keep him going. It was the perfect mix of pain and pleasure. His free hand was planted on the couch’s armrest, his arm was completely tense and his legs were quivering, barely holding him up as he felt himself just seconds away from his next orgasm. His breathing had hitched and the lack of proper oxygen intake from his shallow breathing made his throat and chest start to burn. And harder than the first one, this orgasm really did him in. He didn’t even have time to warn her, he just completely lost control as he bucked his cock desperately into her mouth, so much so that her hands instantly moved  to grip the the backs of his thighs, nails digging into his skin with a delicious bite as he filled her mouth with his warm and generous load once again.
Y/N was struggling to breathe, he’d come so much this time, she could feel it and her spit leaking down her chin. Her throat was burning because she was so desperate for air, but the tip of his cock was forcing itself down the opening of her throat and despite her hands squeezing hard at his thighs, begging for him to draw back he wasn’t pulling back. It was making her eyes water and for her to start to feel a little lightheaded. Finally, after a few second he started drawing back and she took in a deep breath before coughing as she leaned her face against the tiger inked into his thigh. 
“Shit…” He panted with a shaky voice as his fingers raked through her hair tenderly, “Sorry, didn’t-” he gulped down the air he was taking, “Didn’t even give you a warning, baby.” He apologized and she shook her head and smiled, her eyes still closed as she tried to catch her breath.
“It’s OK, that was so good.” She got out with a scratchy voice and he bit his lip. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a sexual partner, what a shame that he’d probably never see her after this. It just felt wrong to lose her, he didn’t want to think about it right now. Not as he felt her nuzzle closer to his thigh before kissing it gently. She then glanced up to him and he smiled down at her and she grinned before pushing herself to stand. She then glanced around and went to pick up her bra and shirt and he frowned.
“What’re you doing?”
“Getting dressed.” She smiled at him.
“We’re not done yet.” He said and she glanced down at his cock. It wasn’t soft, but it wasn’t hard either, she then looked up at his face again, “Gimme like five minutes, yeah?” He grinned as he walked over to his desk and took a drink from his water bottle and she narrowed her eyes.
“Five minutes?”
“I’ve been practicing a long time just in case I was ever in a situation like this.” He shrugged with a grin and she giggled. Harry stayed by his desk and toed off his shoes and then pulled off his socks before completely tearing off his pants and briefs. “Now, c’mere.” He hummed and she made her way over to his desk. He grabbed her face before kissing her slowly, but the way he was using his tongue and lips against hers were making her stomach flutter with butterflies. Suddenly he let her go to make space for her on his desk. She heard as a few things scraped against the surface of the wood while a few others fell to the ground. His hands landed on her ips and then slid back to grab at her ass. He lightly smacked at her a couple times before telling her to jump. He caught her and seated her on his desk, spreading her legs apart by her knees to settle in closer to her. 
As they continued kissing Y/N turned her head away before letting her lips wander down his jaw and then his neck, sucking lightly but not enough to leave marks. Her nimble fingers started unfastening the buttons holding his shirt closed, fingers tickling at his skin every now and again and it made him smile as her lips kissed at every inch of newly exposed skin on his chest.
“Your tattoos are pretty.” She spoke absentmindedly before she sunk her teeth into his clavicle, making his hands dig into her thighs at the sting from the surprising action. As his pecs came into sight she felt even more dizzy. She kissed down his sternum, smiling at the tickles on her lips and the tip of her nose from the smattering of hair on his chest. She had finished unbuttoning his shirt and her hands slid up his tummy and over his pecs before she turned and bit down gently on one of his nipples. Just from that his cock started getting stiff again. She then did the same to the other, she smiled smugly against his warm and soft skin as she felt his grip tighten around her thighs. She pulled back to get a good look at him and smiled again upon seeing the butterfly tattooed right over his stomach, it was so pretty. Harry’s heart started thumping hard and his tummy fluttering with more than just anticipation and lust, as he watched her take in the tattoo inked into his stomach. The smile that spread on her face brought a warmth to him that he didn’t know he was missing until it came.
“Did it hurt?” She suddenly asked and he smiled and nodded.
“But as you know, I don’t really mind that.” He grinned and she sniggered as her finger traced the outline of it, making his abs flex with the slight tickles. He was a fucking masterpiece, “Do you have tattoos?” He asked and she shook her head.
“My mom thinks they’re vulgar, always said she’d kick me out if I got one.” She said and he hummed, “I do want one though. I’ll just get it when I’m out of there.” She hummed. She could now feel his fully hard penis against her thigh as her finger absentmindedly followed the dips of his abs and she smiled up at him, “Impressive.” He chuckled lowly.
“Told you. It also helps when you’re really into the person you’re with.” He added and she glanced down as she felt her face becoming hot at his compliment.
Harry smiled as he watched her break eye contact timidly and after a few moments he gripped her chin between his fingers and coaxed her to look back up at him. His eyes scanned over hers for a few seconds before he leaned down to connect their lips in a much slower and sultry kiss. Y/N was not really one to allow for tenderness to seep into her sexual encounters, but this kiss was something different. It made a warm feeling glaze over her heart and slowly spread through her entire body, like a thick syrup. 
Their kiss started inching away from tender and towards the territory of hungry and desperate. His hands spread her legs for him and wrapped them around his hips. He pressed his body flush to hers and moaned into their kiss as his big, thick cock snuggled into the hot and sopping folds of her pussy, his tip nudged against her clit every now and again, making both of them shudder. He shifted his hips until he felt his tip catch against the dip of her entrance and he pushed forward but not hard enough to push past her opening. She was getting so desperate for him; hungry to feel him slowly push into her and spread her. She was just about to protest his teasing when out of nowhere he forcefully shoved his cock all the way into her without warning. His darkened eyes watched as her delicate features creased with what was evidently discomfort. Her lips turned down as a surprised groan spilled past them. She was fucking tight. Her cunt’s vice-like grip even caused some pain to his cock as he se settled deep into her. He didn’t give her time to adjust, she’d get used to it in just a bit. She winced as he dragged his cock out almost to the tip and then rammed back into her hard.
“Shit!” She whimpered feebly, fingers gripping hard into his biceps for some form of grounding and he groaned from deep in his chest as her clenching walls did the absolute most to try and get him to stop and give her a second to adjust, her body resisting his thrusts from the shock of it all, “It hurts a little, you’re too big!” She gasped and his lips met hers sloppily as he opted for grinding into her instead, trying to get his cock in deeper, as deep as he could get it.
“It’s alright, baby. It’ll start to feel good soon.” He promised her, his lips skimming and smearing against her own as he spoke. She wiggled her hips a bit and just then she gasped and curled into his body; her arms hugged around his back and squeezed him tight. Harry smirked as he started to pulse his hips, feeling her legs start to quiver as his cock stimulated her g-spot. “Fuuuuuck.” He moaned. It felt so good against the tip of his penis, so spongey and warm, the texture and ridges of her cunt were absolutely perfect for him and he started going a bit harder. 
“Oh my god!” She gasped into his chest and he hummed in delight before he bit down hard on his lip as her nails raked down his back. Hard.
“Told you it’d feel good soon.” He hummed knowingly.
“Yeah. Fuck yeah!” She confirmed, “You’re fucking me so good!” She whimpered, “Harder, please. Fuck me harder!” She mewled. 
Harry grunted loudly and pushed her further back on his desk until she was laying on her back and he climbed on the desk and kneeled, pulling her hips into him. He shoved his cock back into her pulsing and sore little hole and immediately started to pick up the pace and force of his thrusts. Her breath had suspended for a moment as he pounded away at her without mercy. All that could be heard for those few seconds were his labored breaths and the sound of his balls thwacking wetly against her ass. He pressed his hands to her inner thighs, spreading her even more open for him, allowing him to get closer to get in deeper, this is what made her gasp for air as a strangle moan left her throat. Harry watched with a nearly pained look as her little pussy took his entire cock, right up to his balls over and over and over again. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand as a delicious and familiar tingle shot through his whole body. He then lowered himself down, his nose skimming hers and his lips hovering right above hers as he continued his thrusts.
“Oh my god, you’re so good, Harry! So fucking good!” She praised through a moan, “I’m gonna come soon!”
“Would love to keep giving you my cock to get you there, but only good girls get to come.” He said and she pouted.
“So good for you!” She whimpered, her teary eyes met his own darkened and stern eyes.
“Are you really?” He asked and she nodded, “Don’t think so, Y/N.” He said and she frowned even more, her chest stirring with hurt and offense at his words. A total contrast to the warm and delicious feelings swirling and brewing in her tummy.
“I am good. I am.” She fought back, trying not to get too upset over this.
“No you’re not, Y/N.” He huffed, “You’re an insatiable, manipulative, little whore.” He said and the moment the words left his mouth she felt a tingle shoot up her spine. He felt her walls clench down hard around him as he said this and he hummed, “Is that being good?” He asked and she shook her head with a frowned and then he gave a really rough thrust and it completely opened her up for him so that he sunk deeper and his tip collided with her cervix. She gasped, body taught as a bow at the feeling of pain and pleasure blending beautifully and chaotically, making her brain feel like mush as the only thing she could feel now was him, “Holy fucking shit.” He grunted out and started pulsing his hips gently, his tip kissing her cervix with every movement, it had his toes curling. Y/N felt like she was going to combust, more so because with the way he was thrusting she was getting just enough contact against her clit and holding back her orgasm was getting harder. Hot tears started to streak down her face from the desperation
“Please, Harry! Please, let me come!” She sobbed and he grinned wickedly.
“No. You’re a selfish and disgusting home-wrecker.” He berated her, he didn’t stop because he felt her start to pulse around his cock at this, “And you like it, you can’t lie to be about that. Makes you feel good, huh? And special? As if that’s the only thing you’re good for.” He said and she frowned again “Don’t pout and feel sorry for yourself, baby. It’s the truth and if that’s who you’re gonna be you better fucking own it.” He said and she moaned, her back starting to arch. “Tell me what you are. Wanna hear you say it.” He egged her on.
“Admit it and I’ll let you come.” He said and she whimpered and looked into his eyes.
“I’m…” she frowned, “I’m selfish and disgusting.” She confessed, “I’m a home-wrecker and I like it.” She confessed, “I do like how it makes me feel, it is what I’m good for.” She whimpered in a feeble voice and he groaned and shook his head, a little too fucked out to say anything else.
“Come for me, Y/N. Come for me so I can fill your little pussy with my cum.” He said and she gasped and started to tremble as a tidal wave of pleasure just took her out. He started pounding faster into her cunt and started to rub at her clit until she was moaning until he felt her cum gushing from her entrance, splashing against his tummy and thighs from the force of his thrusts, “Oh fuck, even have you squirting on my cock, baby. Fuck!” He mewled and after a few sloppy thrusts he was groaning as his orgasm almost felt like it punched him in the gut. He felt as his balls pulsed hard against her, pumping all of his cum into her needy little cunt.
“Oh my god!” She whispered as she hugged him tight, “Can feel you filling me up.” It made her feel some kind of way. She’d never fucked anyone bare, no one had ever actually came inside of her before and it was incredible.
“S’my little pussy now, isn’t it?” He asked her as he slightly pushed himself up to look at her face. She was all fucked out, mascara smeared, eyes heavy and skin blotchy, and looking like she wasn’t all there. Nevertheless she nodded at his question, “Filled you with my come so now you’re all mine.” He repeated and kissed her lips tenderly, completely opposite to the way in which he had just fucked her. Already, she could feel her inner thighs and pubic bone were sore from his aggressive maneuvers, she’s sure that her pussy would hurt too in a little bit once she regained feeling there. They made out languidly for a little bit and he had started to soften up a bit more. “M’gonna pull out, OK? S’gonna feel uncomfortable.” He warned her and she nodded, biting on her lip to muffle the whimper that bubbled in her throat. He too hissed a bit and then moved off of the desk. Now she started to feel the thrum between her legs, still it was a bit dull and would likely get worse in the next hour. She had never been fucked like this, she was unsure of what to make of everything that happened, all she knew was that she didn’t regret it one bit. Everything had been so good because he seemed to know what buttons to push and how and when to do it. Like he had been given a manual on her and memorized it. The fact that he was her therapist probably helped a bit, but he also understood her on a deeper level, they were in a way the same.
Y/N couldn’t bring herself to move yet, she just stared at his ceiling as she heard him shuffling around. She started getting drowsy and let her eyes flutter closed for just a few minutes.
“Y/N, hey.” He squeezed at her calf and she groaned tiredly, “Bend your legs f’me, baby.” He said and she did so with his help, still drowsy as hell, “M’gonna clean you up, OK? Sorry, s’a bit cold.” He said and she frowned and hissed as she felt a soft damp texture against her center, but soon the cold soothed her swollen and beat up pussy, “Push, just a little.” He said and presumably wiped up his sperm leaking from her entrance, “Good girl.” He hummed and pressed a kiss to each of her knees before pulling away. “Grab my hand.” He said and she did and he pulled her up to a sitting position. Suddenly she felt really cold and exposed. Her blurry eyes adjusted and saw that he was now in his briefs, “Here, have a little water.” He said extending his water bottle to her and she took it with shaky fingers and glued some down as he rubbed over her thighs gently until she was done. Her eyes met his and he looked a little worried, “Are you o-” he stopped himself, “D-do you regret it?” He asked and she frowned and shook her head.
“No.” She assured softly and he looked more at ease. “Do you?” She asked and he shook his head with a timid smile.
“But I ummm, obviously didn’t use a condom, didn’t even ask you if it was OK t-to come inside of you. I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I got really lost in the moment.” He rambled, “Are you on something or can I bring you an emergency contraceptive early tomorrow?” He asked and she smiled at him. Is this what sex is like for everyone or is Harry just thoughtful and caring like this? She asked herself, “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just really sweet.” She said as he hands came over his and rubbed over them, “And I’ve got the implant so we should be OK. Also I’ve always used condoms, given my…regular preferences, so I’m also aware that I’m clean.” She assured him and he nodded.
“OK. Me too. Sorry, we’re doing this all wrong, but ummm, I’m not usually this impulsive.” He explained and she giggled.
“It’s alright.” She assured and he smiled.
“Alright, let’s get you dressed.” He said and he collected her clothes and helped her get her bra and top on. Even slid her panties up her legs and helped her with her pants, “There you are.” He smiled.
“Thank you.” She hummed and he gabbed her face gently and leaned in to kiss her once more. Just a soft and sweet kiss that made her breathing suspend for just a moment before he pulled back, the space between them was still minimal as he pressed his fore head against hers.
“I want you to know that the things I said about you, being a whore and selfish and I don’t even know what else…”
“A disgusting home-wrecker is what you said, I think?” She responded and he frowned upon hearing it.
“I hope you know in your heart that you’re not those things. It was just a sex thing and-”
“I know. Kinda into the degradation thing too, don’t worry. S’rather tame to what I’ve heard in the past.” She said and that made his stomach twist with hurt for her.
“But you know that it’s not true right?” He asked her again and she stayed quiet, “Baby, s’not true. This past month you’ve worked so hard on the root causes of what was leading you to make those choices. You’re so much more than your mistakes and regrets. Remember who you are. But I know it's hard sometimes, so if you ever find yourself doubting or forgetting that please call me. I’ll always make time for you.” He assured her and she bit her lip as her eyes watered, she was trying not to cry but when he kissed her forehead the tears started to fall and he hugged her into his chest as she started to sob, “Shhh, shhhh, s’alright.” He comforted her with a soft and comforting whisper, “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” He reassured her. It was time for her to get back to her room, it was a little past 8:30 now and he drew back from her once her crying had calmed and he helped wipe at her tears.
“Thank you, Harry.” She said and he smiled at her once more.
“Try getting down?” He requested and as soon as she landed on the ground her legs trembled and her knees gave. He caught her almost immediately and they both giggled at that, “OK, just lean here for a little until you’re good enough to walk. I’ll walk with you you to your room, OK?” She nodded with a smile. He finished getting dressed and gathered his belongings before they made their way down the halls and finally they got to her room and he stepped just a bit past the threshold, they both glanced out into the hallway before he dipped down and kissed her deeply for a few seconds before he pulled back.
“Let me leave my card with you now and I’ll jot down my cell on the back, OK?” She nodded and he pulled a pen from his backpack and a business card from his wallet before scribbling his number on it and leaving her with one final kiss goodnight.
Harry and the nurses that mainly worked with her had a little farewell surprised for her on her way out. A card and some flowers, nothing over the top, but still sweet. Y/N’s mom saw the genuine sadness that Y/N’s team had for seeing her go, but also heard how proud of her they were and that she would be just fine. Then the time came for Y/N to actually go and she hugged her care team members, leaving Harry for last, maybe he stood on the end on purpose  because he wanted to be her final goodbye. She smiled as she went up to him and hugged him tight around his stomach, discreetly breathing in his scent.
“M’gonna miss you. But I promise you, you’re ready and you’re gonna be just fine. I’m so, so proud of you.” He said as she squeezed her tight before letting go and she sighed shakily as a fresh wave of tears streaked her cheeks and she giggled and rolled her eyes.
“Sorry guys.” She sniffled and everyone giggled away the tension. She was still gripping Harry’s hand tight, not quite ready to let go yet.
“Ready, sweetheart?” Her mother asked and Y/N looked to her nurses and then at Harry who squeezed her hand tight.
“Remember who you are.” He mouthed to her and she nodded and took in a deep breath and let him go. She had no idea what would come of this or if she would ever even need to call him at any point in time, but as she walked out the doors with a final wave goodbye and her eyes met his one last time she was just filled with happiness to have crossed paths with him.
If you like this ending you don’t have to continue to parts 2 & 3, they are a bit more serious. No smut until part 3 & it’s more romantic than kinky.
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shaykotastories · 2 years
I just want you,I want to kiss you, and hold your hand //shaykota
Dakota would always find ways to sneak glances at Shayna during their matches together or in the locker rooms, even if they weren't tag partners. To Dakota, Shayna was a perfect sculpture, it never mattered what Shayna looked like whether it was her gear or just some sweatpants. It was all perfect to Dakota.
Dakota missed being able to walk up to Shayna during shows, she missed talking to her, she missed her presence, Shayna training with her, she missed the hugs, the laughs they'd share in the middle of the night in hotel rooms, the car rides.
Most importantly she just missed Shayna. Not having Shayna by her side drove Dakota crazy. She wasn't sure what her sexuality was but she was attracted to Shayna and loved everything about her, and that was enough for her.
"Dakota? you ready?" Iyo’s voice interrupted Dakota’s thoughts. Dakota looked up, tearing her eyes away from watching Shayna through the mirror in the locker room.
she wasn't sure how long she'd been staring or if it was noticeable. Shayna seemed like she was too busy having a conversation with Natalya to notice.
"Not yet Iyo, give me a few seconds," Dakota rolled her eyes, shaking the thoughts of Shayna away from her mind and went back to finishing her makeup.
Dakota, Iyo, Shayna, Natalya, Candice, Tegan and a bunch more were all going out for drinks, Dakota didn't necessarily care about going out especially with Shayna tagging along as well. fuck it, she thought. It's been a while since she had been out and she certainly wasn't letting Shayna stop that. She wanted to get drunk and nothing was going to stop her.
thank god it's monday night, Dakota thought. no shows tomorrow, she can sleep in and nurse the hard hangover she was anticipating.
Soon Dakota was done with her makeup and was quickly out of the arena, Iyo had her arm around Dakota walking towards the cars.
Dakota kept looking behind her seeing if Shayna was behind her, Shayna indeed was, Shayna was talking to Natalya, she paused for a moment, feeling Dakota’s eyes on her, she looked up. their eyes met quickly. Shayna gave Dakota a cocky smirk and went back to the conversation still watching Dakota. Dakota blushed hard and darted away from her gaze and focused back on walking.
"Why do you keep looking behind us?" Iyo asks, looking behind her as well. she smiled at Shayna, then looked back at her shorter friend.
Before Iyo could speak they approached the car. Shayna, Natalya, and Bayley all agreed to take the same car, while Dakota and Iyo took a separate car.
Dakota got into the car quickly, not wanting Iyo to question Dakota about anything Shayna related, Iyo knew about Dakota’s feelings towards Shayna. After the pretty brutal split Iyo spent multiple nights with Dakota eating ice cream and listening to Dakota cry. It hurt Iyo to see how both Dakota and Shayna had reacted. Dakota was a mess and Shayna.. well, she cut everyone off and didn't speak to anyone besides doing heel promos and matches.
As Iyo got in the car she put a hand on Dakota’s arm.
"You can talk to me Dakota." Iyo gave Dakota a sympathetic smile and started the car. Dakota nodded and sighed.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Dakota just looked out the car window as the city lights passed them. Shayna watched Dakota from afar leaning on a wall, swirling her water. She wasn't drinking tonight, she offered to be the designated driver. she didn't feel like drinking either, on the other hand Dakota was completely hammered. Natalya & Bayley had just ordered their third tray of shots and Dakota instantly downed two.
Dakota was bouncing up and down dancing to music, all of those feelings from earlier were gone, every once in a while Dakota’s eyes would meet Shayna’s which would cause Dakota to blush and stumble.
Shayna smirked and took a drink. Iyo walked over to Shayna, she smiled softly at the taller woman. Iyo and Shayna were the only ones sober. Shayna appreciated Iyo’s company and gave her a small glance and a smile and returned her eyes back to watching Dakota.
"You should talk to her," Iyo said, she didn't have to gesture to Dakota but Shayna knew exactly what she was talking about.
"while she's drunk? no way." Shayna shook her head. "I don't want to see her cry again," Shayna said, she took another drink and her eyes moved to the floor.
"Shayna," Iyo said with a sigh. "It's been months since you guys split and she's not over it yet. You haven't spoken to her like a normal person, why won't you?" Iyo knew Shayna wouldn't give any answers but it was worth a shot.
She just wanted her best friend to be okay.
"Why do we have to do this here?" Shayna chuckled with a tiny smile.Iyo laughed softly.
"You don't have to but, just think about it." Iyo put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. Iyo walked away to get a refill, Shayna knew she needed to talk to Dakota eventually. But feelings were not her strong suit. She hated admitting feelings to people. She wanted Dakota but was terrified of rejection.
Shayna looked around, Natalya and Tegan were dancing together. Dakota had walked over to Iyo babbling about something Shayna couldn't hear.
After talking to Iyo, Dakota walked over to Shayna. not really sure what to do, she just wanted to be next to her.
"hiiiiii Shaynaaa....." Dakota’s words slurred, that made Shayna chuckle. "Hi Dakota," Shayna said as her feelings shifted nervously.
Shayna looked at Dakota, her stomach flipped as their eyes met. Those feelings from many months ago are still 100% there. Shayna knew they never went away but when she was around Dakota, those feelings amplified. It was like Dakota was the only person that existed.
"i missss..ed you," Dakota slurred out again, her voice was quiet like she was telling a secret, but just loud enough for the both of them to hear.
"Dakota, you're drunk." Shayna sighed, she didn't want to do this now, not here, not when Dakota is drunk.
"well... s..ober words..... are drunk.. truths...? is that what the saying is?" Dakota laughed softly, getting closer to Shayna.
"something like that." Shayna was short with her words, not trying to show any signs of emotion.
Dakota got closer, "can i kiss you," she whispered.
That made Shayna’s heart jump. she wanted it so fucking bad but she wasn't giving in. not while Dakota was drunk.
"Dakota, I can't answer that, you know that." Shayna breathed. they were inches apart, she could almost taste the tequila on Dakota’s lips.
"I just want you, I want to kiss you and hold your hand, please Shayna." Dakota’s voice pleaded. She had tears in her eyes, everything about this situation drove Shayna crazy, the building felt like it was collapsing in on Shayna, all she wanted was to kiss Dakota, but she knew it couldn't happen.
All of a sudden Iyo interrupts them, Shayna lets out a lengthy breath. Thank god for Iyo, Shayna thought, pulling away from Dakota’s gaze.
"what's up Iyoooo..?" Dakota stuttered, she was all of a sudden sweaty and out of breath.
"Natalya is puking in the bathroom, do you think you can get Tegan and Bayley home. I got Natalya, and I can take Dakota too." Iyo looked at Shayna.
"damn you're leaving me with all the drunk women?" Shayna laughed. Iyo frowned, "relax Iyo, i'll take Tegan and Dakota," Shayna spoke with a slight smile.
Iyp was surprised that Shayna wanted to take Dakota but she didn't say anything.
"That works, thank you Shayna, let's go get the other 3 and meet outside." Iyo said with a sly smile.
Dakota attached herself to Shayna. It was unexpected but Shayna didn't mind. Drunk Dakota was always losing her balance so Shayna would always carry her. Dakota missed Shayna.
When they got everyone by the parking lot, Natalya looked very drunk and very sick, and Bayley was dancing around with Tegan. Dakota laughed at them making a fool of themselves. Shayna’s grip on Dakota was extremely tight. It felt weird being so close to Dakota like that again but neither one of them wanted to let go.
Once Iyo was ready, Shayna and her split their ways with their group, Tegan ended up not wanting to go with Shayna and Dakota, so she ended up riding with Iyo.
rest in peace Iyo, Shayna thought.
Shayna looked down at the smaller woman. she smiled, Dakota’s eyes were almost closed. if it wasn't for Shayna holding her upright she would be passed out sleeping on the cement parking lot.
Once they got to Shayna’s rental, she picked up dakota and softly put her in the car,she made a soft noise and then curled up in the passenger seat.
Shayna shut the door quietly and ran to the driver seat and started the car.
She looked at Dakota, sighed, and lightly rubbed her forehead before she started driving.
Once they arrived at the hotel dakota was asleep, shayna loved the way she looked when she was sleeping, dakota just looked so cute and perfect.
"hey dakota," shayna whispered softly, slightly nudging dakota, dakota groaned softly and sat up, she was confused on where she was but then she saw shayna.
``Am I dreaming?" Dakota said softly, her head was already starting to pound. The next morning will be hell for her.
Shayna chuckled, "no you're not. Now come on, it's almost 4 am, let's get you to bed." Shayna smiles and turns the car off.
She got out of the car and looked at Dakota, her sleepy eyes were looking around, shayna opened the passenger door.
"Am I going to have to carry you?" Shayna said with a small laugh.
Dakota nodded, "please," her voice was soft, Shayna smiled at Dakota and picked her up, She carried Dakota multiple times so it wasn't a struggle.
The only struggle was holding back from kissing dakota.
Dakota wrapped her arms around shaynas neck and put her head on her shoulder, shayna couldn't get rid of the small smile she had, she didn't realize how much she missed being close to dakota like this.
Shayna didn't know where Dakota's hotel room was so she just decided to let her sleep in her own room, luckily the room had two beds.
Dakota didn't let go when Shayna put her down, "stay..... please,”Dakota spoke, she sounded so frail, shayna sighed. "Just for tonight," Dakota said again. she didn't want this night to be over. she didn't want to wake up and shayna to be gone.
"Okay, but just for tonight," Shayna sighed again. She looked down at Dakota, she looked so peaceful, minus the alcohol breath, but Shayna didn't mind.
"thank you shayna," Dakota said softly, her eyes hadn't opened since shayna picked her up, when they did open, those piercing brown eyes met with Shayna’s.
It made Dakota's heart flutter, she didn't expect Shayna to be peering down at her.
Shayna looked between Dakota's lips and her eyes, as did dakota. Since they were still very close together, Shayna's skin was on fire. It was dark but she could still see all of Dakota's features, Dakota's makeup was smeared a bit so Shayna could see the little specks of freckles that appeared across her nose.
"You can kiss me, it's okay," Dakota said looking right at shayna. she didn't care about anything anymore, she just wanted shayna back.
"dakota... but," shayna went to speak.
"if you give the stupid excuse that I’m drunk, we're gonna have problems." dakota smiled. "Just kiss me, please." Dakota bit her lip, sure she was drunk but she wouldn't forget this moment, even if she tried.
Shayna licked her lips and swallowed hard, "are you sure?" shayna asked, she was nervous, she didn't want to fuck up whatever this was about to turn into.
Dakota didn't speak, she just nodded and licked her lips and brought her hands to cup Shayna's jaw.
she closed her eyes and pressed a soft kiss onto shayna's lips. everything seemed to slow down. Neither of them could believe this was happening.
Shayna melted into the kiss, quickly flipping Dakota over so Dakota was on top. their lips never breaking apart. Dakota tasted like mint and alcohol, it didn't matter to shayna, she was just happy they were finally kissing. shayna stroked Dakota's thigh, Dakota whimpered softly, that set shayna on fire, she swore she was sweating.
Both of them started to get lightheaded but didn't want to be apart from each other, shayna's hands had moved up towards the hem of dakotas shirt, soft moans were the only sounds they could hear.
soon shayna broke the kiss, panting as she pressed her forehead to dakotas.
"wow..." Shayna said first, she was partly speechless. sure she had kissed many men and multiple women, but nothing would ever come close to the way dakota had kissed her, it was filled with so much passion and longing.
Dakota giggled  at Shayna's reaction. Dakota was out of breath as well.
"That was the best kiss i've ever had, why didn't i do that sooner?" dakota laughed and grabbed Shayna’s hand placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand.
"right?" Shayna laughed and took a breath.
"i love you shayna," dakota whispered, she was nervous about saying it but it didn't mean it was untrue, she just hoped shayna felt the same.
"I love you dakota." Shayna smiled and kissed Dakota again. The kiss didn't last long but still had the same effect on both of them.
"I could kiss you all the time," Dakota said softly after breaking the kiss.
"please do." Shayna smirked and kissed her again.
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
not gonna lie I would love to hear more about the drama and infighting that went on in The Vampire Diaries fandom if you have the time (and also want to use that time to give your experience with the fandom, which from the snippets you've told sounds Not Fun so I get it if you don't want to lol)
oh god, there was like, SO MUCH, i just
i really feel like tvd is one of those fandoms that is so hard to describe without a lot of ‘you’d have to have been there’, but it really felt like this huge and all-consuming beast for about five years until the show finally imploded and the fandom basically turned on it en masse. (you ever see that post going around that’s like ‘if you ever want to know what true regret feels like, ask someone who once called tvd their favorite show’? still a mood, all these years later. basically the entire fandom thought the show should have just bowed out with whatever shreds of dignity it had left at the end of season 6, and became more of a hatedom than a fandom for the last two seasons. when you have an entire fandom cheering news of your show’s cancellation, i think that’s a sign you done fucked up, julie.)
first and most infamous, of course, are the ship wars. which are pretty much inevitable in any teen-centered drama, and i really think the CW fucking thrives on them, but it was particularly egregious in TVD’s case because not only was the base premise of the show a love triangle, but the two main romantic leads were brothers that the show constantly pit against one another--in pursuit of elena’s affections, but also because it kept up this insistence on the ‘good brother/bad brother’ dichotomy which stopped making sense after about season 2 (by which time we have found out that the good brother was never as good as he appeared, and the bad brother has been growing and isn’t nearly as bad as he pretends to be)--and the question of which brother ‘deserved’ elena (and no, what elena wanted very rarely factored into these discussions, especially in the team stefan camp because they turned on her when what she wanted was no longer The Good Brother, but i’ll get to that in a bit) was hotly contested.
i’m not kidding when i say the shipping wars were vicious. i started watching tvd shortly after it began to air, which was late 2009, and kept up with it fairly sporadically over the years. i didn’t come onto tumblr until 2011/2012, and by then, the fandom was already pretty much a garbagefire. there were anti ship and anti character blogs, any time something bad happened for one ship the rival ship would invade the tags to gloat about it (seasons 3 and 4 were especially rough, and i’m not gonna pretend delena fans weren’t just as bad about tag invasion and shit, but as that was my side of the road i saw a lot more of the stelena shippers being assholes, which soured my opinion on the ship a long time before i started rewatching and realized the red flags were there from the start), confessions blogs were popular also toxic as fuck (so much fighting happened in the notes of those posts, good gods), and this was right around when twitter’s popularity was on the rise and the line between Celebrity and Fan was thinning, so the fandom was absolutely atrocious to much of the tvd cast and crew.
(some of them deserved a lot of the later backlash, but in the early years a lot of it was ‘how dare you write the story in a way i dont like, you terrible fucking person’, and gods don’t get me started on the dobsley vs nian Thing)
i think what really encapsulates my feelings on the tvd fandom as a whole, though, is the way they (to this DAY) treated elena gilbert, which can be summed up in one meme that gained a lot of traction around season 3 if i remember right: that gif of pam from true blood, with the text altered to read “i’m so OVER elena and her precious doppelganger vagina!”
i swear at one time i had over half the active tvd fan accounts on tumblr blocked, because i got to a point where i would no longer tolerate elena hate, and she was (and still is, in what remains of the fandom; you’ll see a lot of ‘elena was one of the worst things about the show’ takes from ex-fans, too) one of the most widely despised characters in the entire fandom. because she -checks smudged writing on hand- was a traumatized teenage girl who -reads off a crumpled notecard- couldn’t always perfectly sort out her own feelings and -squints at the ceiling- sometimes made mistakes or bad decisions. (except a lot of the fandom also insisted that she was a mary sue who had no character traits or flaws or faults and it was like....make up your fucking minds???? is she a calculating conniving bitch whose somehow manipulating these centuries old vampires to tie them around her little finger or is she a boring flat character with no depth and no flaws??? jfc)
there was this massive double standard, too--like, stefan and damon could fuck whoever they wanted and that was fine, but elena was constantly raked over the coals for the crime of developing romantic feelings for the two men who had become constants in her life and whom she cared for deeply, and oh my GOD the slut shaming that happened when elena slept with damon was fucking wild. (and also happened in canon lmfao. like the show had one of elena’s best friends basically call her diseased on screen for falling in love with someone other than stefan. it was gross and ridiculous and the friend in question was also being a giant hypocrite at the time since she was happily flirting with someone who was directly responsible for the deaths of like four of elena’s loved ones and her own boyfriend’s mother but that’s beside the point) but like elena was called a slut and a bitch and a whore for ‘cheating’ on stefan (she hadn’t, and she had in fact broken up with him on screen the episode earlier) and ‘immediately’ jumping into bed with damon, even though none of them said fucking boo when stefan had one night stands or damon had fuckbuddies or whatever.
shit, caroline didn’t get any of this treatment when she started falling for tyler while dating matt! which isn’t to say i think she should have, just that i think it’s fucking ridiculous that elena was absolutely demonized by the fandom for daring to have feelings for two guys at once and eventually acting on them--despite the fact that the entire premise of the show was a love triangle. it’s not a love triangle if both sides don’t eventually get explored, and the crew had been pretty explicit about the fact that delena was going to happen at some point--but when it did, a huge chunk of the fandom absolutely threw a fit.
and a lot of these elena haters were alleged stelena stans, and i say alleged because they hated her so much for not wanting stefan’s dick anymore that it was clear they were really stefan stans and only wanted stelena to be endgame because they wanted stefan to ‘win’ at the end of the day, because ‘he’s the good brother’ so he deserved elena more.
it was all very gross and very misogynistic and very sex shaming (apparently delena was a ‘shallow’ and ‘superficial’ relationship because they had sex after two years of unrequited feelings slowly becoming requited and then pining for ages on both sides, and because they had a lot of on screen chemistry that the show capitalized on for years so of course they did a lot of making out and shit but it’s not like stelena didn’t have its fair share of making out and sex scenes, stefan was just too much of a coward to let elena top i’d apologize for that joke but i’m really not sorry because it’s true), and when i say it was egged on by the crew, that’s because they refused to let the love triangle die back in season 4 when it should have.
they insisted on stringing stelena fans along, dropping little bread crumbs to keep them invested, like dreams of a future where they were married and revealing that stefan was also a doppelganger and he and elena were descended from a pair of star-crossed lovers (a plot that ultimately went nowhere, to no one’s great surprise), and then fucking like. julie plec turned around and threw nina under the bus after she chose not to extend her contract and pretended that stelena might have happened again if she hadn’t left the show, which....i mean frankly i wouldn’t put it past her, but it would have been shitty writing. then again, she thought having a vampire pregnancy where a uterus was magically transplanted from a witch into a vampire that could somehow......carry the babies to term.... made sense and was a good way to accomodate candice’s RL pregnancy rather than like literally ANYTHING else, soooooo. but anyway julie saying that around like, end of s6 sparked off a new wave of nina hate and elena hate and ship wars bc they SEers took it as ‘confirmation’ that stelena was REALLY meant to be endgame and it was all just a hot fucking mess
another thing is that, while tvd was in its prime before the anti/purity culture shit started picking up any real steam, there was still this pervasive attitude throughout the fandom that if you liked Damon, you were A Bad Person. liking damon was apparently grounds for insults and harassment, and apparently he was The Worst Person on the Show even though literally nothing he does on screen is any worse than shit we know stefan has done (and frankly every other vampire too, but i mention stefan specifically because he was always held up--in the show but especially in the fandom--as the Good Brother while damon was the Bad One, and if you liked damon more then that had to mean your morals were dodgy and you clearly couldn’t appreciate what a heroic and saintly figure dear stefan was and....oops, i’m sorry, my salt keeps leaking -cough-).
meanwhile klaus quickly became a fandom darling despite not even really having much of a redemption arc (on tvd anyway, he just became more ‘affably evil’ as the show went on and more inclined to work with the main characters rather than try to kill them; i have no idea what went on over on his show, though), and like i can 100% appreciate liking villains and not caring that they do dodgy villainous shit, even just liking them bc they’re hot and wanting them to kiss a main character bc they have insanely good chemistry (yes i ship klaroline, no i won’t apologize for it, they could have been Really Great), it’s just really the double standard that gets me.
and all of this, incidentally, required ignoring some truly gross shit stefan was responsible for wrt his relationship with elena, that frankly it has always bothered me never really got addressed in the show. i get why elena herself would never be able to actually call him on it, but the fact is that he stalked her for months after he first saw her and thought she was katherine (meanwhile it only took damon .5 seconds to realize she was someone else entirely, but that’s another topic entirely), and then he deliberately inserted himself into her life because, in his words, ‘i have to know her’. he never gave a thought to how his presence in her life might affect her (or rather, he did, and tormented himself about it in his internal monologue, but never let this actually dissuade him from disrupting her life), and elena would wind up blaming herself for every tragedy that befell her friends and loved ones as a result of getting mixed up in vampire bullshit even though none of it was her fault--she literally blamed herself for existing but most of the fandom didn’t give a fuck about that lmfao--and stefan did shit like find out that she was adopted and then withhold this information from her until she got pissed about another secret he was keeping (her resemblence to katherine) and drop it on her to try and distract her from her very reasonable anger, and like... i should stop before this becomes a whole rant about how much i hate stefan fucking salvatore, but the point is, he did a lot of really sketchy shit he never answered for and elena never really took him to task for, and the fandom just kept eating up his insistence that he was the Good Brother and therefore he deserved to have elena, and if she didn’t want him anymore it was because she was a heinous bitch who didn’t deserve him.
uh.....i think i got off track there. and there’s probably a lot of shit i missed, like i think i was incandescent with rage for most of seasons 5 and 6 so i missed a lot of the interfandom shit cause i was too busy being increasingly pissed off at the show itself, but if nothing else this should give you an idea of how much of a goddamn cesspit the fandom was while the show as in its prime. there’s a reason both the show and the fandom have such a lousy reputation lmfao.
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jphbk1982 · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE NXT - Fandom, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Indi Hartwell/Dexter Lumis | Samuel Shaw Characters: Indi Hartwell, Dexter Lumis | Samuel Shaw Summary:
What happened when Dexter took Indi to medical after she faked being unconscious in the 8 person tag? Why was she so happy when she showed up to the interview with The Way later?
Had this idea floating around in my brain for a while, decided to get it out. Hope you like it. More InDex stories to come later. Link above or read below:
Indi half-opened her eyes as she bounced slightly with the rhythmic footsteps of the man who was holding her. He was staring straight ahead with a purpose. He turned them effortlessly through a doorway and past the gym. A slight repositioning of her body as their respective sweat caused her skin to be slippery in his arms.
She watched him and fought hard the urge to give up her ruse right now and attempt another kiss. Instead, she became transfixed on his profile. She was struck by how handsome he actually was. Not scary at all like so many people would lead you to believe. She saw warmth and a softness in his blue eyes as they began to dart around in search of something.
A quick spin to allow him to push a door open with his backside and Dexter had carried her all the way to the office of the trainer and medical team. He stood holding her and Indi heard people approaching them. As they got closer for a moment Dexter stepped back slightly.
"Just... um... put her down over here," Indi recognized the voice of the head of the medical team. She cringed a little realizing her ruse had led her to this point. She was being walked over to an open table now. Just as Dexter started to hover her over the table to release her she clenched her grip around his neck tightly.
The action prompted Dexter to look down at her for the first time since he had taken her into his arms. She started to open her mouth to speak and explain but something about his eyes. It rendered her as momentarily mute as he was.
He was cocking his head slightly at her now and she felt she should probably speak. So she cleared her throat a little and stole a glance over at the still awaiting medical staff. She knew she was blushing she could feel it in her face.
"I... um... I'm fine," Indi cringed slightly as the words left her mouth. She watched Dexter's face for a reaction. She didn't get much, just a slight raise of his eyebrows. He took his eyes off her and immediately she craved his gaze. He was looking up at the others in the room with a blank look on his face.
After just a moment he managed to slightly shrug with her still firmly in his arms. The motion making her involuntarily giggle. This got his attention again. His eyes were scanning all over her face. She was sure to most this would be uncomfortable but she was finding herself welcoming it.
She suddenly felt his grip on her loosen and she was being lowered to her feet. She wanted to protest but couldn't bring herself to. He sat her down and stood directly in front of her to make eye contact with her. She snuck a peek down his bare chest and noticed his breathing, she found it to be completely in sync with her own as she moved a hand up to touch his chest.
Before skin could touch skin he backed away from her. Slowly at first, seemingly unsure of her. She inched closer and this only prompted to him withdraw and turn to walk out of the room, leaving her standing there with an outstretched hand and a wounded heart.
"Are you okay?" A voice from behind her barely registered as she purposefully jogged from the room and into the hall.
"Wait," Indi's voice was not loud. No one outside of the immediate area would have heard it. He did though. She watched as Dexter stopped just at the door leading out into the large training area of the Performance Center.
He kept his back to her but turned his head to acknowledge he had heard her. He was denying her the eye contact she craved so she inched closer to him. She could feel her heart racing. If it went any faster she might end up actually needing a medic.
"Don't go..." Indi echoed her earlier sentiment. The sound of her voice causing him to turn more in her direction. Still not fully facing her but his eyes were on her now.
She smiled upon seeing this. She didn't expect him to smile in return of course. She had never seen that. However, he did finish doing the turn and faced her fully now. That was enough. She opened her mouth to speak and his eyes moved down to her lips, effectively derailing her train of thought for a moment.
"I... um..." Indi stammered. She gestured behind her at the room they had just exited. "Thanks... for... you know... bringing me to get checked out..."
His eyes darted past her momentarily and then settled back onto her face.
"Even if you know... I didn't really need it," Indi shrugged. His body language changed again and he started to turn from her.
"Wait..." She took a chance and reached for his hand. This gesture seemed to truly shock him as his eyes widened and he raised their respective hands into his line of sight.
Indi gave his hand a soft squeeze in hopes of getting him to look at her again. It worked.
"Are you upset... I'm sorry that I was pretending to be hurt..." Indi stated. She watched his face for signs of recognition of his words. His expression didn't really change but his head dipped just a little, she took that as a sign he understood what she was saying.
Indi was suddenly keenly aware they were still holding hands and she felt her face flushing again. She ducked her head slightly. She was completely gobsmacked by what happened next.
Dexter's hand was so gently on her chin as it coaxed her to look back up to him. She smiled in response to his action and his demeanor changed. His posture loosened and his own face seemed to be on the verge of a smile.
"I did it because..." Indi took in a big breath in an attempt to spit the next words all out without taking another. "I really like you and I just wanted you to hold me and I thought... hoped maybe you could like me too."
She was searching his face desperately now for even the slightest hint of something. Anything.
He stepped closer to her and Indi genuinely felt like she might faint. She had never felt an adrenaline rush like this moment. Something about Dexter was dangerous, but in every way, you could possibly crave it. He was inches from her face now and his eyes were locked into hers, unmoving.
"Do... do... you?" Indi whispered.
A slight nod and curl in the corner of his mouth might as well have been an outright declaration of undying love for how it made Indi feel. She was beaming now.
"You mean it?" Indi asked, her voice still a whisper.
Another nod.
"What do we do now?" Indi's voice was back to its usual register.
His eyes moved back down to her lips and she understood exactly. She leaned in and their lips made the lightest of touches before the door to the hallway behind them opened, and Dexter stiffened and released her hand.
"Hey Indi... Johnny and Candice are flipping out trying to find you... I think McKenzie is trying to calm them down and talk to them," NXT ring announcer Alicia Taylor spoke from her position in the doorway. She eyed the two for a moment before grinning.
Indi nodded and then glanced up at Dexter. She started to move past him and he gave her hand the gentlest of squeezes prompting her to smile widely as she followed Alicia out.
It didn't take her long to find her family. She just followed the sound of their frantic ranting to McKenzie as she attempted to get a word with them. She composed herself as best she could and made her way up to them. It didn't take long for them to start asking questions, she attempted to answer all of them, but it was all just noise. In her mind, she was still in the hallway waiting for that kiss from Dexter Lumis. One day... one day she would get it.
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deathtriangles · 3 years
What is one thing you think WWE can learn from AEW?
my answer for this is consistency with storytelling! one thing i absolutely love about aew is that everything, for the most part, happens for a reason and story beats are carried through in a consistent manner. for example, this hangman and kenny storyline has basically been brewing since aew's inception nearly 2 years ago! this also helps in seemingly random matchups, such as the triple threat from double or nothing! the company really smartly used pac's history with both omega (since all out 2019) and cassidy (since revolution 2020) to not only elevate the matchup using existing feuds, but also to bring attention to the first-time matchup circumstances between omega and cassidy! when britt broke her nose vs shida in april 2020 as well as her leg injury a while later, both were used to further her heel character and later enforced her future matchups agains the "conspirators" shida and nyla, and likely including statlander in the future! I also love how tag teams and stables for the most part are kept together and are not broken up unless there is a specific storyline reason to do so (i.e. hangman and omega).
because wwe is such a large company with three brands and also separate writing teams, they have a problem when it comes to consistency. just as early as yesterday, mandy rose, who has been feuding with tamina and natalya with dana brooke, showed up on nxt in an almost manager like capacity for an unknown reason. she even confirmed she was "back" in a twitter post, leading this to possibly be a permanent decision. tegan nox was also called up to smackdown right after teasing a pay off storyline with candice lerae, which will now likely not happen. they also are obsessed with breaking up tag teams for no reason, leading to both a mens and womens tag division without much depth at all. meanwhile some of wwe's longer term stories, such as the roman reigns storyline, have been really good because they've taken their time with it and kept the consistency there! if they applied that same storytelling logic with other storylines in their product, the shows would honestly be a whole lot better.
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Side blog to @somexofusxarexhuman < Canon Stiles RP
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Rule one
Please be patient with me. I’m either stupid fast at replying or I take a few days. If it seems I’ve forgotten you, though, send me an IM
Rule Two
That being said I will reply when I feel like. I will always tell you if I need to drop a thread, if I take long it doesn’t mean I’ve dropped it. If you need to drop it because I’m taking too long, let me know. I promise not to be mad.
Rule Three
I will not RP with anyone under the age of 18, even if the thread has no smut. I’m sorry, but no. This is an adult oriented blog. Heavy themes, along with smut, will be regularly posted in rp formal and/or in images.
Rule Four
I will not RP with anime/cartoon/game FC’s (There are exceptions like RE8 chars). I will also not RP with any deceased FC’s
Rule Five
As awesome as it would be to be bilingual, I only speak and know English.  Anything you see me post that is not English was brought to you by Google Translate.
Rule Six
I do not have a verse page, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to AU’s. I LOVE AU’s. I’m a multi-ship multi-post blog and am trash for any and all AU’s. Just ask!
Rule Seven
I can write a lot in my replies (And a lot of it can be unnecessary detail) but don't feel pressured to match my length! Just, please, try to give me something more than two sentences to work with. I don't typically enjoy writing short replies, but I understand muses can be fickle things.
Rule Eight
I don't enjoy pregnancy threads or writing children so I, typically, will steer clear of those types of threads. If our muses have been in a long relationship (and we have been writing partners for a while as well) I may make an exception, but don't come in expecting babies. My girls all have IUD's unless stated otherwise. That being said I am 100% down with the breeding kink.
Rule Nine
If a muse has (unknown) somewhere in their age it means they are old old. Like 100+, so age can be changed if you are uncomfortable with age gap.
Rule Ten
I have a handful of chronic issues that effect my sleep and my mood so I'm up all hours of the day. I live in EST time zone, but I'm often up at 4AM so.....it's a gamble lol!
Rule Eleven
I have SEVERE ANXIETY and struggle messaging new people. IF I FOLLOWED YOU I WANT TO RP WITH YOU! I'm probably just figuring out how to message you without puking lol. I would appreciate the help, if you want, or you can wait until I gather the enrve.
Rule Twelve
My grammar isn't the best in the galaxy, ok? I over use comma's and never really figured out the semi-colon. If something is horribly wrong or you can't understand what I've written, just ask please.
Rule Thirteen
I will tag major triggers (ie; Snakes, Spiders etc) but I won't tag smut or NSFW unless it really needs it.
Rule Fourteen
If I have ever posted a meme please feel free to send one in even if it was a year ago! With that in mind, I do prefer introduction threads with new muns/characters if I am not familiar with them.
Rule Fifteen
Don't like my starters
Rule Sixteen
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Inessa Morea
Nicknames: Nessy, Nessa, Ness Age: Unknwon (25) DoB: May 11th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Forest) Sexual Orientation: Bi-Curious Position: Sub (Potentially verse) Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Flourist Personality: Sweet, Curious, Oblivious, Playful, Innocent, Devious Face Claim: Candice King ○
Cassia Poole-
Nicknames: Cass, Cassy Age: Unknown (19-24) DoB: November 3rd Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Water(mermaid)) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Sub Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Student (Robotics and Marine bio-tech)/ Swim coach Personality:Innocent, Nerdy, Hyperactive, Bratty, Playful, Lame Face Claim: Jane Levy ○
 Amara Nyx
Nicknames: Marr Age: Unknown (32) DoB: Oct 13th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Underworld) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: None/ Sugar baby Personality: Smart ass, Rude, Bitchy, Judgmental, Hateful, Possessive, Affectionate Face Claim: Elizabeth Gillies ○
Laleh Narvaez
Nicknames: Lala Age: 25(600) DoB: Sept 4th Pronouns: She/Her Species:Lamia/Naga Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Argentina Occupation: Dancer/Jack of all Trades for Freak Show/Snake Charmer(Circus) Personality:Sharp, Sultry, Flirtatious, Seductive, Venomous Face Claim: Eiza Gonzalez ○
Samira Eve
Nickname: Sam, Sammy, Mira Age: (Unknown) 20-23 DoB: June 2nd Pronouns: She/Her Species: Air Nymph Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Verse Romantic Orientation: Panromantic Hometown: Boston Occupation: Thief/Courier Personality: Sarcastic, Smooth, Sassy, Flighty, Unreliable, Persuasive, troublemaker FC: Elisha Applebaum
Maybelline New-York
Nicknames: May Age: 28 DoB:Sep 17 Pronouns: She/Her Species: Zombie Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Sub Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New Orleans Occupation: None Personality: Shy, Angry, Mute, Hungry, Sassy" Bio: Maybelline has no memory of her life before she had been murdered at the age of 23. Hell, she's not even certain that's her age. Her name came from reading a magazine ad when asked who she was after walking into morgue. Zombies had been a small pest problem for a while now, usually obvious in their appearance and traits, but something inside of May kept her from fully succumbing to the sickness. All she felt was hunger and, after begging the mortician to, promptly sewed her mouth shut and clipped her nails. Now she speaks in sign or with a chalkboard she carries around to communicate. After weeks of study, it was discovered that Maybelline had a tumor that had taken over the majority of her brain, blocking the strain from traveling and taking her over. Face Claim: Camila Mendes ○
Juniper Lee
Nicknames: June, Junie Age:29 DoB: Feb 16th Pronouns: She/Her Species:Witch Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Submissive Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: Seoul until 5 then Massachusetts Occupation:Herbalist/Illusionist Personality:Soft spoken, Kind, Intelligent, Playful, Self Concious, Delicate, unsure Face Claim: Jamie Chung ○
 Barabelle Gunn
Nicknames: Belle, Belly, Bara Age:27 DoB: May 28th Pronouns: She/Her Species: Human Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: Killin Scottland Occupation: Hunter (supernatural) / Mercenary Personality: Brash, Rude, Sarcastic, Bull Headed, Loyal, Protective Face Claim: Karen Gillan AU Verses-  Resident Evil 8 Verse ○ Leora Brandr Nicknames: Leo Age: Unknown (26) DoB: Dec 21st Pronouns: She/Her Species: Nymph (Fire) Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Versatile Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Queens Occupation: Pilot/ Glass Blower Personality: Gentle, Kind, Shy, Short-Fused, Fiery, Passionate Face Claim: Daisy Ridley
Carlyle Abrams
Nicknames: Lyle Age:32 DoB: April 16th Pronouns: He/Him Species:Human Sexual Orientation: Straight Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Straight Hometown: London Occupation: Private Investigator Personality: Charming,Calm, Kind, Playful, Posessive, Warm Face Claim: Adam Driver ○
Maxwell Ardeleane Nicknames: Max Age: Unknown (31) DoB: January 8th Pronouns: He/Him Species: Elder Vampire Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: Bucharest Romania Occupation: Mob Boss Personality: Charming, Polite, Sarcastic,Dark, Cruel, Posessive." Face Claim: Tyler Hoechlin ○ Syrian Nyx
Nicknames: Syrian Age: Unknown(34) DoB: Oct 13th Pronouns: He/Him Species: Nymph (Underworld) (Alpha) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Top/Dominant Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic Hometown: New York Occupation: Bank CEO Personality:Charming, Egotistical, Posessive, Rude, Dark Humor Face Claim: Oliver Jackson-Cohen ○ Esben Hvit
Nicknames: Esben, Ben, Es Age: 27 DoB: Oct 20 Pronouns: He/Him Species: Were-Raven (Albino) Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Vesatile Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Hometown:Seattle Occupation: Famous Writer(Penned under Raven White) Personality:Cocky, Quiet, Shy, Rude, Snarky, Intelligent Face Claim: Lucky Blue Smith ○
Carter Higgins
Nicknames: Carter, Car Age: 24 DoB: June 12 Pronouns: He/Him Species: Human Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Vesatile Romantic Orientation: Biromantic Hometown: Nashville Tenn Occupation: Street/Bar Musician Personality:Sweet, Friendly, Romantic, Goofy, Playful Face Claim: Cody Christian
Canon characters:
Peter Hale: Teen Wolf
Chris Argent: Teen Wolf
#selfie;(name) - Photo’s of characters
(name)Starter- Starter for specific character
#wanted opposite - Wanted partner or character to rp with
more TBA
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Witch Hunters Chapter One
Notes: So this is the new fic I posted a prologue for a while ago. Little fun fact for this fic, the name of the town (Storybrooke) came from the TV show ‘Once Upon a Time’ but changed from Maine to Connecticut since the WWE headquarters are in Connecticut. 
Tag Squad: @riottstheory​ @thirst-n-bullshit​
From the outside; Storybrooke, Connecticut looked like a normal small town with normal small town people. However, the town was actually holding a deep secret: they were anything but normal. The town founder, a man named Vincent James McMahon, had ties to the supernatural world and had founded Storybrooke to help those who were more than just human. But as time passed, things changed and as mayors of the town changed, so did the town itself. The current mayor, Chris Jericho, stood in the middle of the town square. No one in the town particularly liked Mayor Jericho, but they put up with him since he was the mayor. 
“We have a witch in our midst, but now it is time for her to die,” Jericho said, motioning widely to the young woman kneeling in front of him.
“Fuck off, asshole,” the woman, who had dark brown hair in a pixie cut, spat at him. Jericho reached down, looping a length of rope tightly around her wrists. The woman glared up at him as Jericho yanked her over to a pyre of wood.
“Time to burn the witch,” he said as he tied the woman to the pyre. Jericho turned, picking up a lit torch when the barrel of a shotgun appeared in his face.
“Let her go, she’s not a witch,” the owner of the shotgun, a young woman with light strawberry blonde hair, said. Jericho turned to her.
“Who the hell are you?” he demanded. 
“Who I am is unimportant, all that is important to you is that she is not a witch,” the woman said. 
“I’ve told you, I was sent here by Outworld,” the pixie cut woman said. Jericho snorted at that.
“Yeah right, I doubt that. Outworld told me they were sending the princess, and you are obviously not her,” he said. 
“And as I’ve told you, she sent me in her place because of some family issues going on right now in Outworld,” the woman said. Jericho snorted and glanced at some of the guards, nodding them towards the blonde woman. As they approached her, another figure stepped out of the woods. This time it was a young man with dark blond hair holding a crossbow. 
“You better all step back now,” he said in a threatening voice. 
“Who the hell are you now?” Jericho asked, his tone exasperated. The young man turned to face him, aiming the crossbow right at him.
“Step away from my sister or else I swear, I will put an arrow through your skull,” he threatened. Jericho snorted, looking unimpressed. 
“I doubt that,” he said. The young man placed his finger on the trigger of the crossbow, “Try me.” Jericho looked at his men. 
“I would do what my brother says, because he ain’t jokin. He’ll put an arrow through your skull or your chest if you try anything to harm me. So you damn well better listen to him,” the blonde young woman said. Jericho looked at his men before jerking his head back, the men stepping away. The unknown young man walked to the young woman, both of them looking at the pixie cut girl.
“What’s your name?” The young woman asked.
“Kate. Kate Kane,” the pixie cut hair woman, Kate Kane, answered.
“I’m Austin Flynn, this is my brother, Austin Theory,” the blonde young woman, Austin F, said. 
“Your parents named you both Austin?” Kate joked. Austin F chuckled while Austin T cracked a small smile.
“Yes and no. Technically we’re step siblings, his mom married my dad, but we consider each other siblings not step siblings,” Austin F explained. 
“How do we know we can trust you two, we have never seen you two around at all,” Jericho interrupted. 
“Mayor Jericho is right, you claim this Kate woman is not a witch, but how do you know that for certain?” a townsman named Montel Vontavious Porter, but more commonly known as MVP, agreed. Austin T turned to him, swinging his crossbow so it rested on his shoulder.
“My sister and I know who is and is not a witch,” he answered cryptically. 
“Right, like that’s even a real thing,” MVP snorted. Austin F stepped up next to her brother, her stance tense.
“It is when your parents abandon you in the forest when you are thirteen and your brother is ten and the two of you are nearly killed by a witch,” Austin F shot back. 
‘Sis, relax. It’s okay,’ the mental ‘voice’ of Austin T rang through Austin F’s mind. The blonde young woman looked at her brother before sighing and taking a step back. 
“You two are the inspiration behind Hansel and Gretel?” A female voice asked. The crowd parted to reveal a young woman with silvery-pink hair, a dark haired young man standing next to her.
“Technically we are Hansel and Gretel, they just aren’t our real names,” Austin T said. The young woman nodded, “I’m Candice LeRae….This is my husband, Johnny Gargano.” 
“Why are you talking to them?” Jericho barked at Candice and Johnny. Johnny’s expression darkened and he stepped up to Jericho.
“Back off,” he said dangerously, hand twitching towards the sword on his hip. Jericho’s jaw tightened but he backed off of Candice, instead turning to glare at the two Austins. Austin T stepped forward in front of his sister, glaring right back.
“Jericho, back off,” a deep voice said. The crowd parted one more as three men walked into the area. All three men were dressed in suits, the one in the middle was dressed in a golden colored suit while the two on his sides were dressed in black suits. 
The man in the middle was taller than the other two, dark hair pulled back into a man bun while bearding covering his chin. His tan skin stood out against the golden suit, a smirk on his lips. It was obvious he was in charge of the others, and he was well built and muscular.
To his right stood another tan young man. He too had dark hair, shaved on the sides and styled up on top, along with bearding covering his chin and jaw. Though he was shorter than the first, he was still well built and somewhat burly. 
To the left of the man in the middle stood a man with shorter hair and a smile on his face. He was leaner than the other two, and his face was clean shaven. 
“Legado del Fantasma, I thought you were not going to be around today,” Jericho said. The leader ignored him and looked at the two Austins.
“I am Santos Escobar, these are mi hermanos (my brothers) Raul Mendoza (Santos motioned to the man at his right) and Joaquin Wilde (he motioned to the man at his left),” Santos said. 
“Who the hell are you guys exactly?” Austin T asked. 
“Santos, Raul, and Joaquin are part of a group called Legado del Fantasma, they are kind of like the protectors here,” Johnny explained. Santos turned to Kate, extending his hand to help her up. With a wary expression, Kate allowed him to help her up. Kate turned to Austin T and Austin F, looking at them.
“Why? Why did you help me?” she asked. 
“We don’t like witches, but we also don’t want non-witches to be accused of things they didn’t do,” Austin F replied with a shrug. 
“Thank you,” Kate said as a dark purple portal opened up behind her. Santos, Raul, and Joaquin stiffened as Kate turned around, a smile ghosting on her lips. From the portal emerged a young woman with black hair styled up in a bun, two blue colored chopsticks stuck in it. Her green eyes were startlingly bright, her skin pale and smooth. 
“Jade, wasn’t expecting to see you,” Kate said with a warm smile at the woman. Jade Okaia, Princess of Outworld, smiled at Kate.
“My mom told me to come find you, since I was getting a bit uh….angry at, well, you-know-who,” she said before turning to Jericho, “So you are the fucking mayor of this town?” 
“I am, and who the fuck are you?” Jericho spat back. Jade straightened up, her aura taking on a more regal tone.
“I am Jade Okaia, Princess of Outworld. And I demand to know why you are harassing my best friend and one of the members of our royal court,” she said. Jericho swallowed hard, realizing the mistake he had made.
“I….I didn’t….I didn’t know….” Jericho stuttered. Kate snorted at that.
“I told him that you sent me here, but the asshole didn’t listen,” she muttered. Jade glared at Jericho, who shrunk back slightly. 
“I was told the Princess of Outworld would be coming here, not that she was sending someone in her steed,” Jericho tried defending himself. 
“As I am sure Kate has mentioned, some family issues arose that I had to help with,” Jade narrowed her eyes at Jericho. 
“Is he always this much of an asshole?” Austin T muttered to Johnny, who laughed.
“Yeah, he is. At least he always has been ever since Candice and I arrived here,” he whispered back. 
“How long have you guys been here?” Austin F asked curiously. Candice and Johnny exchanged a look for a long moment.
“Couple of years,” Johnny said, “We’ve been traveling for a while though.” 
“I was asleep for a hundred years,” Candice explained, “Johnny woke me and we’ve been traveling ever since. Some fairies put a spell on my family and townspeople, though, and that kept them asleep while I was.”
“You’re Sleeping Beauty, aren’t you? The ‘Truth Behind Sleeping Beauty’?” Austin T asked. Candice nodded, “Yeah….I am. And Johnny’s my prince, he really is my prince.” Johnny smiled at his wife, kissing her cheek. 
“Jericho, you should show our new citizens the housing,” Santos interrupted the situation, staring down at the mayor. Jericho sighed, rolling his eyes. 
“Gargano, LeRae, show them our public housing,” he commanded. Johnny sheathed his sword, slipping his hand into Candice’s.
“Come on! We’ll show you where to go!” Candice said with a grin. She and Johnny led the two witch hunters off.
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everly-kindred · 4 years
Eve’s Diary - Entry #91
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Date: 14th of February, 2028
Dear Diary, 
Well! It has been a very eventful couple of weeks leading to Valentines, and most of it is good! Honestly, I’m so excited for spring. I’m ready for the snow and ice to go away, and I’ve come to realise that aside from Halloween, Valentines might be my favourite holiday. I mean, I love all of them but, yeah. 
So I tried this potion called essence of euphoria for the first time, with Ruby. I bought some last Hogsmeade Weekend. Ruby and I played some question games, and it was really silly. It made me feel very… light and soft. Like I had sunshine in my belly, which, the potion is all sunshine yellow, so that makes sense. And Ruby kept saying all these things, calling me pretty and stuff. It was a good memory, I think. I want to buy more from Hogsmeade, but I have to save my allowance a little. 
I got to talk to Aures a little, and I met some other Gryffindors - one named Andie, the other named Candice. Candice seems nice, and I offered to help her with herbology homework because she was struggling with aconite. Andie is… lively. And energetic, but… I’ve heard her say some mean things to Jamie, so I’m not sure how to feel about her. Ressy likes her though, so… I dunno. 
In Potions Theory, we got to talk about Love Potions which I guess is something we do every year around this time of year. Not that I’m complaining, I have that subject matter practically memorised. I love the idea of love potions! Or maybe I just love love. Anyways, we got to smell amortentia again. I smelled chocolate chip cookies, and firewood like the smoke from campfires and fireplaces, and honeysuckle, which made me really wish it was spring again. I wish I could wear amortentia as a perfume. I wonder if you could actually do that? And then you’d smell like whatever attracts other people. I wouldn’t want that kind of attention, though, I’d want to just smell it for myself, you know? 
Jamie found me in the art room when I was painting some stuff I had seen from the vision. We talked about it for a long time. I learned some things about the vision I hadn’t known, and so did they, because we both focused on different things when we were seeing it. It’s so strange to share that exact memory with someone else, but, it’s also kind of cool, and comforting. Jamie told me that they’re dating Ressy now, and I thought I’d be jealous, but… I think it’s sort of good? I know Ressy has always wanted other friends, and I do too, so it sort of feels like even though we’re kind of growing in different directions right now, it means it’ll be better to grow together later. Like, become our own people rather than being isolated together, I guess. 
Cupid’s Corner and the rose grams came back again. I got one rose from Jamie, and it was a new friend rose. I’m going to hang it from the poster frame of my bed so that it dries in a good shape, and then I’ll keep it forever. And then I put in Cupid’s Corner messages for a few people, but not as much as I did last year or that I would’ve liked to, and I didn’t send any roses at all. I guess I felt really tired and lazy. Maybe a bit sad and homesick? Like, I’m all pent up, and I keep dreaming of just getting on my broom and flying away for a little bit, having an adventure. 
In Divinations, we did divination with cats! I was very glad to not have brought Puck to this lesson, because he doesn’t really get along with other cats. Like, he doesn’t mind them, but if he gets frustrated or wants to go outside, he’ll bother them. Anyways, I got to divine with this orange cat, the tag said Sir Pounce de Leon, but if he were my cat, I’d have named him Goose or Cashmere. I love his name, anyways. And I ended up staying in the room way after everyone else had left, because he fell asleep in my lap and it seemed like it was against the law to move. 
We did the flutterby bush class again, which I always love, and then it was time to prepare for the Hearty Party. Mum sent me this dress I had from a few years ago, but she’d used magic to colour it, and my granny tailored it to fit me better since I’ve grown a little. And then she gave me this sparkly undershirt thingy to wear with it, and a big pink ribbon. Oh, and this piece of costume jewelry that’s like a big opal to wear as a necklace. Honestly, this was probably my favourite outfit I’ve ever worn, and I didn’t really wanna take it off. I just love love! And love themes! And for the party, I coloured the ends of my hair red and then braided it and tied it up.
The Hearty Party this year was pretty cool. The theme was Medusa and Athena, which I thought was interesting. I heard they’ve done greek themes for years now. They apparently did Poseidon at one point, and there was sushi and stuff and it was all underwater themed, and I wish I could have seen it! I ate berry flavoured cheesecake and fruit lemonade, and then I ended up leaving early because there was so many people in there and so much going on, that I got a little overwhelmed. 
I ran into Casey, also. He’d gotten into some sort of fight with Peach and she stormed off, and Andie and this Slytherin girl Alexandra teased him. He seemed really upset, so I stopped him and told him if he needed to talk to a friend, or anything like that, I’m here. He went to the common rooms and I haven’t seen him since, but it’s only been a day so… I just hope he’s okay and has friends to talk to if he needs it. 
And then this is where it gets… interesting? Weird? Bobby found me in the clocktower. I was playing exploding snap by myself, so we started talking and were gonna play some games, but then a bunch of older students showed up, so he picked me up and carried me to this secret room behind a painting! I don’t think I’ve been carried since I was little, and even then it was by my parents! 
Anyways, we started to play the game. We talked about favourite holidays, worst things we’ve ever done. We talked about what we thought about marriage and family, like, when we’re older. He says he wants to have a yacht which is like a big fancy rich people boat, and I told him I want to travel in a van or even a caravan and sometimes by broom, like, see the world? 
But then we started talking about crushes, and he told me that Talula had talked to him about me and that she thought I might like him, which, she’s not wrong. And I told Bobby that I did like him, and Ruby, too, and he told me he liked me back! And he kissed me on the cheek! But then, he asked if we were supposed to kiss or something, and… And I got so nervous that I just kissed him on the cheek and ran away! 
I had told him I didn’t want to make things weird with out friendship, but, I also kind of don’t want to let this go. I don’t really know what to do. Bobby is one of my closest friends, it’d wreck me if I lost him for some reason or another, but, maybe I’m overthinking it? I need to ask Marigold or Talula or someone for their thoughts. Someone older, with some experience. Though, Talula did talk about Chadwick apparently being a knob, so… I dunno. 
My brain is all kinds of confused, now. But, we’ll figure it out. I’m sure it’ll all be okay. So! Until then.
Much love, Everly
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Triple Threat (Rhea Ripley x Toni Storm x Reader)
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Last minute changes to matches were never fun. You hated it whenever you were told about them, so you were certain that Toni and Rhea would hate you once they found out that you’d be entering their match for the NXT Women’s Championship. It would have been one thing if there had been an email or memo sent out, but you had to tell both women yourself, literal minutes before the match. You weren’t set to win the championship, but this would what would put you over so that you could go up to the main roster.
“Hey, Toni,” you said softly, deciding that she would probably take the news better. There was a chance that neither of them would actually care since you weren’t really changing the outcome of their match, but Rhea wasn’t overly happy about losing the title a month into getting it.
“Hi Y/n, what’s up?” Toni asked you. She could tell that you were off. The two of you went way back and had wrestled quite a bit together before you were signed to NXT. You met both Toni before she’d gone to Japan, where both of you had first really encountered Rhea.
“So, um, I got some news about the match. Regal wanted me to tell you that I’m going to be in it. It’s not a triple threat,” you said and Toni nodded. “The outcome is still the same, but it’s for my story.”
“What about your story?” Toni asked, leaning forward a little.
“I’m going up to the main roster within the next couple of weeks,” you said and Toni launched herself over to hug you.
“This calls for some celebration,” Toni said with a big smile. “When the match is over, I think we should go out and do something.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You were surprised that she was taking this so well. It was only very recently that you had been reunited with Toni at NXT. “I should go tell Rhea.”
“Oh yeah,” Toni agreed. She stayed back while you went over to tell Rhea that you were in the match and going up to the main roster.
“Y/n,” Rhea greeted you happily. She had a sort of dorky grin on her face, the one she always had when you were around and the cameras were off. Despite your close off-screen relationship, creative and the fans loved your on-screen rivalry. She hugged you and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “What’s up babe?”
“I got some news today,” you said and Rhea pulled a chair back for you to sit in. You sat down and Rhea leaned forward on her elbows, her head resting on the palms of her hands. “Regal expanded your match to a triple threat and I’m the surprise entry. Oh, and I had my meeting with Hunter and Stephanie was there.”
“And?” Rhea asked, hopeful that your contract was renewed at NXT.
“There was a contract for Smackdown waiting for me,” you said and Rhea looked a little sad, but only for a moment. “I don’t know a lot about what my part there will be, but I’m looking forward to it. I’ll still come to as many of your shows as I can make it to.”
“Hey, relax, that’s great news babe. I think we should celebrate after the match, we can go out or stay in if you want,” Rhea said and you bit your lip. “What?”
“Toni has plans,” you said and Rhea nodded.
“Wait here, I think I know a fix to this,” Rhea said. She left you there and before you could go look for her, it was time for your match. Rhea and Toni were already in the ring and ready to go when your music hit. They pretended to be surprised about your entry into their match. There was a bit of banter between Rhea and yourself before you turned your attention to Toni, who was cocky as ever. You loved seeing her like that, even though both of them were sweethearts, watching them act like arrogant assholes made you feel a little fuzzy.
The bell rang and immediately, you speared Rhea onto the ground. Toni pulled you off of her and the two of them focused on you. You got your comeback and kicked Rhea in the head before getting Toni into a submission hold. Rhea broke it and “knocked you out” before she went for Toni. Toni was ready for her though and after a series of strikes between the two of them, Toni German Suplexed Rhea and got the pin. Toni was celebrating her win whenever Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walked out from the gorilla.
“Congratulations Toni,” Hunter said and Toni was beaming as she held the title.
“Yes, that was well earned Ms. Storm,” Stephanie said and Toni nodded her thanks to Stephanie. “However, it is not you that we are here for tonight. A new signing has been teased and I am happy to announce that Smackdown Live will be adding Y/r/n to their roster. Next Wednesday, Y/n will face off against Tegan Nox, Candice Lerae, and Rhea Ripley in a six woman tag match with two teammates of her choosing. That will be her last NXT match, so choose wisely.”
The crowd had a mixed reaction to the news and Toni walked over to you and held your arm up. Rhea stood up, clutching her side, and held your other arm up. The crowd cheered at that and both women hugged you before all three of you exited the ring. You got a quick shower in and changed out of your ring gear. You waited for Toni in the parking lot, where you ran into a few fans who congratulated you on your big move up.
“Ready to go?” Toni asked, putting her arm around your waist. You nodded and walked you over to Rhea’s car. She put your things in the trunk and then opened the door for you to get in. Toni pulled it up to where Rhea was waiting for you and then got into the backseat.
“I was thinking we go home tonight and then Wednesday after that match, there’s gonna be a party,” Rhea said and that sounded good to you. The ride to the hotel was pretty short and Rhea decided to just keep all your bags in the trunk. Toni got the room keys while Rhea went to the little store that they had in the lobby to get some snacks and stuff in case anyone got hungry after whatever celebration they had in mind. Rhea kept her hand on Toni’s ass during the entire elevator ride up to your room and Toni had her arm draped across your chest. She held you against her and would press a small kiss to the tattoo behind your ear. “You did good during that match.”
“I felt useless,” you said and Rhea grabbed your hips. She moved you away from Toni and pressed a solid kiss to your lips. Contrary to what you had originally thought whenever you had first started hooking up with Rhea and Toni, Rhea was the gentle one.
“You weren’t useless love,” Rhea said softly. You smiled and walked over to the bed. Toni climbed onto the bed behind you and started kissing your neck. Rhea stood in front of you and leaned down to kiss you that way. Toni moved up your neck and tugged on Rhea’s sweatshirt to get her attention. Rhea stopped kissing you to leaned past you and kiss Toni. Toni broke the kiss and pulled you so that you were laying down against the bed. Rhea started on removing your pants while Toni slowly unzipped your jacket. You were left in a sports bra and the Dragon Ball underwear that Rhea had bought you as a Christmas gift. They were a litlte more for her than you, but you didn’t mind wearing them for her. Especially since you knew they made her happy.
“Nerds,” Toni said with an eye roll. Rhea lightly shoved her back against the pillows and then hopped over you. She landed with her knees on either side of Toni. You watched as Rhea nearly ripped her sweatshirt as she hastily took it off. Rhea knew what you liked doing, so she would leave Toni’s clothes for you to take off. You sat up and crawled over so that you were sitting near Toni’s head. Rhea pulled you forward for a kiss. Toni moved your legs so that you were straddling her head. She pulled your underwear down and then lowered you down so that she could eat you out.
“Fuck,” you gasped against Rhea’s neck. You bit your lip as Rhea leaned her head down and pushed your bra up. She took a nipple into her mouth and teased you. All of the stimulation was a lot, especially as early into the night as it was. You were so used to Toni and Rhea starting off with each other if the three of you were altogether, but now they were focusing their attention on you. “Ah, shit. That’s so good.”
“I think she’s close Toni,” Rhea said with a smirk. She pulled you off of Toni’s face and then laid you against the bed. She sank down in between your legs and finished the job for Toni. Toni made out with you while Rhea ate you out. You could taste yourself on Toni’s tongue and once Rhea had made you cum, you got to taste yourself on Rhea’s as well. You sat up and pulled Toni’s shirt off of her body. You pressed kisses to the newly exposed skin as Rhea rubbed Toni through her leggings. You started to pull Toni’s leggings off and Rhea bent Toni over so that her face was in between your legs.
Rhea kneeled behind Toni and made sure that she was wet enough to take the strap that you hadn’t known she was wearing. Toni’s tongue teased your entrance, barely testing the waters. Rhea stood back up and slid into Toni, pushing her tongue into you. Rhea’s thrusts controlled the way that Toni’s moved inside of you. It never took long for Rhea to make someone cum, and since you were already a little sensitive, it didn’t take long for Toni to make you cum. Rhea moved Toni from in between the two of you to the bed next to you before she slid into you. Toni straddled your face and you traced patterns on her clit while you fingered her. Rhea wrapped your legs around her waist to get a better angle and slowly thrust in and out of you.
“Keep going,” Toni chanted over and over again. She grabbed the sheets with her fists and leaned forward so that her head was almost hitting Rhea. Toni’s arms shook as she came, but you kept going with your tongue. Rhea stopped as soon as you came and you released your grip on Toni’s legs. She fell backwards against the pillows and neither of you had noticed that Rhea was really gone until she came back from the bathroom.
“I ran a bath,” Rhea said and Toni sat up. She walked into the bathroom and got into the bathtub. Rhea carried you there and let you sit in between Toni and herself. You realized that once you were on the main roster, you wouldn’t really be getting to have moments like this one, but it meant the ones you would get were so much more special.
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 11/09 NXT 11/11 NXT UK 11/12 Smackdown 11/13
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Shayna vs Lana?? God poor Lana. Preemptive “rip”
Lmfao Lana is so damn extra.
Okay but WHY is Asuka facing Nia later? And where has Asuka even been the past few weeks?
Yikes. Lana is so friggin useless in kf.
Rofl Nia mocking Dana’s voice, I cannot with her.
Did Dana and Mandy actually save Lana from #8?? They got half a point. I get why they’re reluctant to help Lana, but they’re nearly coming off as the mean, popular girls, and I know that’s not their personas. I get she fucked them over, but it was inadvertent. Buy some goodwill guys.
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Are they the Gucci girls now? Honestly flashforward to current times, Charlotte fits right in with them. If you were gonna have Charlotte head a stable, Dana and Mandy are the perfect people to put with her.
“We totally saved your butts... Lana.” :/ Dana. Dana plz. With all the work you put into your craft, HOW are you still the weakest promo in the division?
“Okay listen, thank you, you’re welcome,” just let Mandy and Dana practice wrestling cuz their promos are fucking painful.
Lana No-Friends.
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Why is Alexa happily destroying flowers??
Lol has no memory of seeing Nikki the week prior. Yikes. Are we still sure it’s not drugs???
“Lexi I’m not playing.” “That’s too bad, Nikki.” What she means, Nikki, is there are 2 options: play or pain. You should just play. Actually side note; wasn’t that Nikki’s whole damn character when she debuted? ‘Nikki wants to play’? ‘Play with Nikki’??
Omfg Alexa is god damn stellar. Nikki tells her to choose either Fiend/Bray or [Nikki]. Alexa thinks about it for a moment, “okay. I choose... *blows the flower petals in Nikki’s face* him!” Then fucking claps, giggles and walks away. Imagine if you had a whole damn roster that could be this entertaining.
Also Nikki is really talented in her own right. Working with Alexa did wonders as far as promos and acting go.
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Survivor Series team is supposedly at ringside because Asuka is about to go one on one with Nia. I’m not seeing the correlation.
Shayna officially playing the role of henchman now, I see. That’s interesting.
Asuka does a lot of things worth praising. Her Octopus is not one of them.
It’s always nice seeing Nia bump like she does for Asuka.
Oh that kickout into an armbar by Asuka was BEAUTIFUL.
Asuka said “fuck all y’all we’re busy rn”
I hate Shayna’s hammerfists SO much.
This Survivor Series team is a fucking disaster in kf.
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aaaaand there’s number 8. Jeeeeze. “You don’t belong here, you’re gonna drag us down. Just quit.” This is a bullying story done right tbh. No personal petty bs insults, no body shaming. Just straight up physically assaulting the weakest link that has zero friends. It’s a good story. I feel sympathy for sure.
Highlight: Alexa & Nikki backstage segment
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See I don’t mind Shotzi’s backstage promos at all. She exudes passion. I can feel her emotions. But 9 times out of 10 she ends it in a howl and I want to scream.
Weak final thought though. There was really nothing better you could end it on? Okay.
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So Xia calls out Raquel and then doesn’t show. Not sure if it’s for kf or meta reasons.
I like Raquel speaking Spanish while brawling. She should incorporate that more, especially with Zelina gone. We need more Latina talent (no disrespect to Bayley or Sasha, if they wanna start speaking Spanish then good on them)
“Everybody better take their-- my name out of their mouth.” SIGH can I get a non-awkward speaker that isn’t Nia? Anyone? Anywhere? Hello??
What the hell does any of this Xia stuff mean? Fine I’ll be patient.
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So is Toni a face? I thought she was a heel. Did I misinterpret the heel turn pre-covid era? That’s even worse, she’s even more the same now.
Ugh rough day when I’m here cheering for Toni. God I hate Candice.
Do you really have the right to call anyone a ‘punk rock poser’ Candice? I mean... REALLY?
It’s not that I hate Toni’s headbutt, I just hate it when people take themselves out delivering a headbutt.
Anticlimactic sequence. Toni says fuck your second rope neckbreaker to Candice, then Candice says fuck your second rope leg drop to Toni, just to follow up with a mere kick to the jaw and a pinfall attempt. Missed opportunity to really get something going.
Sad attempt at putting her feet on the ropes by Candice.
Good let Toni be a “sore loser” fuck Candice.
So the masked figure is Indi, right? Why are they keeping her masked? What’s the purpose? Yeahhh that’s really not a surprise. Anyway.
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It’s a damn shame what happened in 2020, the whole world has felt it. And it’s a damn shame that you didn’t get to show out in front of 80k people. I truly feel for you. Your loss, however? In kf I can’t feel bad because you sought HER out on HER show. In a meta sense? She did you a favor taking that title. You were 5 seconds from being called Charlotte 2.0, and you deserve better. You deserve the opportunity to grow and make a name for yourself without being handed everything before the age of 25, and you’re SO much better off for it.
The downfall of “nxt’s hottest new act” was a great story. It sucks to be her, but it was a great story. Rhea’s gonna be a fucking STAR on the main roster. She will thrive. She will exceed expectations. She will make a name for herself. She had to eat that humble pie first, though. Obviously I know how this match ends already, and rightfully so. 
Highlight: I guess the Io/Rhea Prime Target
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Kind of a bummer that there’s only ever one women’s match/segment every week on UK. I want to ponder whether it’d be different sans a pandemic, but I’m not certain it would be.
Xia Brookside is too animated in her moves, and her moves are always too slow for it to mesh well.
They compliment Xia’s “technical work” but she just comes off as someone who has learned the absolute basics and has no idea how to utilize them in a match.
Interesting to note that they seem to be building up 2 heels in Nina and Jinny, yet the champ herself is a heel. Not quite making me believe either of them have a chance at defeating her in the future.
Nice I always love a good codebreaker. Points to Xia.
That was a nice cartwheel off the turnbuckle using the ropes. One would assume the tweak to the knee was a farce.
Stupid small package. Stupid result. At least Nina got some heat back, but she should’ve won, lesbireal.
Side note: I see UK does in fact have a pc. No excuse for these women to get gassed so quickly then, get it together.
Highlight: The network exclusive video package for KLR vs Piper
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What a racy outfit. I don’t hate it, Sasha wears it well.
There’s like a million things you can do with Sasha that doesn’t involve a live promo in the middle of the ring. Explore them plz.
Carmella’s not a technical master by any means, but having her superkick and then finish with a facebuster is super weak.
What’s also weak: where the fuck did Bayley go?
What’s even weaker than that: Carmella had like the best theme music and now it’s gone. Tragic.
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Lol why is Nattie stomping her feet like she’s throwing a tantrum? She’s hilarious tbh.
“If team Smackdown is going to win,” lmao let me cut you off right there. Imagine the SD women actually winning at SvS. Good joke.
Omg Chelsea is alive? We gave her a tag match in nxt with the women’s champion Charlotte Flair... Charlotte fucking Flair... and then kept her off tv for like 6 months for this? Is this her grand debut?? Is she even ready for the main roster???
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Wait hold on. Back up. So Chelsea touched Adam’s shoulder and had some off camera conversation to make her way into this triple threat match? *sigh* okay.
I don’t quite remember who this team consisted of, but if I had to guess, I’d assume Liv wins this match since Ruby is already on the team.
Love Chelsea’s theme music, love that a giant picture of herself is no longer her titantron... HATE the flowy wedding dress veil that she wears on the bottom half of her outfit.
Should stick Chelsea with Nattie tbh.
What the hell was that by Liv? A fake out standing crucifix turned into a ddt? Fucking beautiful.
Nattie and Liv work together nicely ngl. Liv really does have a lot of potential, but she’s god awful on the mic. Tag team wrestling is best for her for the foreseeable future.
“This is a fatal 4way,” Cole reminds us, because Chelsea and Tamina have seemingly died.
Should’ve just made this a singles match between Liv and Nattie, jesus.
Lmfao Liv pinned Tamina. What took Chelsea out? A dropkick off the apron. A dropkick off the apron took Chelsea out for 3 minutes, and she got maybe 3 moves of offense. Yikes, what a debut.
So when does Bayley get added as captain?
Highlight: The match that totally wasn’t a singles match between Liv & Nattie
*Bad week in wrestling, but yet again, Raw shines the brightest because as small as their roster may be, they’re being utilized decently well.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years
Trick Or Treat | Adam Cole
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— I was thinking Reader x Adam Cole take their daughter out for her Halloween and they post on social media of their costumes later on they have a Halloween party with their friends and co worker // May I request one for Adam cole? I don’t really have any ideas besides a Halloween themed paper view or a Halloween party -Ambrollins123 & Xxmlizz
Pairings: Adam Cole x Reader
Featuring: D/n {daughters name}, your neighbours, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, Roderick Strong, your mom {m/n}, Candice LeRae, Johnny Gargano {Mentioned}
Summary: Adam & you go trick or treating with yours and his daughter. Then go to a Halloween party, but you can’t help but worry about leaving d/n with your mom.
WARNINGS: fluff, halloween themes, parties, worried!reader, kissing, my writing & grammar (idk, I’m writing on my tablet/iPad atm )
Word Count: 3380
D/n let out a giggle as she waddled her way over towards Adam. Who has leaning on the doorframe of d/n room. The white with red spots hat on her head, nearly falling off.
“Hey, cutie.” Adam cooed. Crouching down to her level.
“Dada.” D/n babbled.
Reaching her chubby arms out in front of her. Once she reached him, she wrapped them around his neck. Letting out inaudible babbles. Adam just smiled at her lovingly. His eyes crinkling. A gleam in his eyes.
Adam heard the sound of a camera shutter, making him lookup.
“What? The both of you looked so adorable, I couldn’t resist.” You spoke, shrugging your shoulders.
“Well, you look adorable to babe, in your princess peach costume.” Adam smirked. Biting his lower lip. Making you flustered. You tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear, all the while d/n tried to grab Adam’s cap.
Adam picked up d/n. Walking over to you. His breath fanning your face.
“Let’s go trick or treating, bay bay.” Adam hummed. His fingers twirling a strand of your hair. Your breath hitched, as you stared into his blue eyes.
“But first a family selfie.” You gasped out.
“Oh, right.” Adam responded. Taking your phone from you. Then switched it to face mode.
Adam held it in front of him. Adam took a couple of selfies, including some selfies of him kissing your cheek cheekily. Which got you all flustered.
After a few more, he was done taking selfies. Adam quickly sent the pictures to himself. Then handed you your phone. Adam quickly took out his phone going into the messenger app and saving the pictures. Then going into Instagram, AND making an IG post with some of the pictures he saved. He then posted it. Adam then shared the post to his story, tagging you in, while adding a few more selfies to his story. D/n clung onto him, while he held her with one arm. In the midst of that, you posted some of them on your story, and the rest in an IG post., with a cute caption. Screenshotting Adams story post he tagged you in and posting it onto your story with hearts.
Your headshot up as Adam spoke.
“So, are we just doing the street, or are we going around the whole neighbourhood?” Adam asked. Raising his head to look at you, waiting for your response. Adam out his phone in his back pocket, swaying his body.
“Just the street.” You answered, putting your phone away.
Adam looked at d/n in fake surprise.
“You hear that munchkin, mommy is game, isn’t she, the whole street. Wow.” Adam teased, winking at d/n, which made the one year old giggle.
You rolled your eyes playfully before replying.
“But, oh, so clever. Don’t want creeps taking our bub away from us.” You replied, walking closer to them.
“They wouldn’t even think of doing that shit, with me around, I will knock em’ out.” Adam responded, flexing his muscles. Your eyes widen at the word shit.
“Adam, you cant say that word in front of her.” You scolded him. Making Adam roll his eyes.
“She doesn’t mind, besides come on lets get trick or treating, before you change your mind about trick or treating altogether.” Adam spoke, taking your hand with his free hand, and pulling you out of d/n room. You quickly grabbed d/n trick or treat bag, on the way out.
Adam pulled you down the hallway, and to the front door. Adam let go of your hand to grab the house keys from the bowl on the side table near the door and shoves them in his pocket. You quickly set the house alarm, making Adam raise his eyebrow. While d/n babbled to herself.
“What? Don’t give me that look. It’s better safe than sorry.” You defended yourself.
“We’ll only be gone for like thirty minutes top or an hour. No need to set the alarms.” Adam spoke, opening the door for you.
“You can never be too careful.” You spoke, grabbing d/n off of Adam, and walking out the door. Adam followed close behind locking the door and shutting it behind you.
Adam wrapped his arm around you.
“You overthink, and worry too much.” Adam spoke.
“Come on babe, let’s go trick or treating.” He beamed, pulling you along with him, towards the house besides yours and his.
“When they open the door, do you know what we say?” Adam asked d/n. Making d/n look at him curiously. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.
“Trick or treat. Can you say that cutie trick-or-treat.” He cooed. D/n titled her head to the side. Looking at Adam confusion lay, then at you.
“Tri-tre.” She giggled. Clapping her hands together excitedly. You just shrugged your shoulders, while Adam looked completely baffled.
“Close enough, you will be saying it right by the end of the night.” Adam spoke. Not that d/n was even paying attention. She kept repeating her version of trick or treat which was “tri-tre.” Over and over again, while clapping her hands.
Both of you stopped in front of the neighbour's door.
Adam knocked on the door, hopping from one foot to another.
The door opened quickly. Revealing a middle-aged woman. Her smile light up as her eyes landed on Adam, d/n and you.
“Trick or treat.” Both of you spoke excitedly.
“Tri-tre.” D/n giggled. Clapping her hands together, then leaned forward slightly.
“Aren’t you three just the cutest family ever.” She cooed. Grabbing a bowl from the side table near the front door. She grabbed a handful of candy. Then put it in the candy bag you held out. All the while d/n reached her hand out towards the bowl. Sneakily grabbing some more.
A flash made you turn your head to the source of where the flash comes from. Only to see Adam lowering his phone, giving a slight shrug.
“What? I wanted to take a picture of d/n getting her first candy on halloween.” Adam spoke. Stuffing his phone in his back pocket you smiled at him, and turned your attention back toward d/n and the women in front of you, as she continued to praise both of you.
“The both of you make an adorable couple…And family with this little one. She is so adorable. The costumes are adorable too.” The woman cooed.
Turning her attention towards d/n. Who was holding a fistful of candy. Bringing it up to her mouth. Adam quickly stopped her. Catching her wrist, and pulling it towards the candy bag. Then empty it in there.
That action caused d/n’s lower lip to quiver. Tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Before she could start crying, the woman at the door, pinched d/n’s cheeks. Making d/n look at the woman through tear-filled eyes.
“You are so adorable.” The woman cooed. Making a smile grace d/n mouth. She let out a tiny giggle/ making you and Adam smile proudly.
“You are going to break hearts.” The woman spoke, to d/n. Pinching her cheeks lightly.
“And bones.” Adam interjected. The woman’s head snapped up towards Adam. Her eyes were wide. Adam just smirked at her.
“He is just kidding. Anyways we best be off.” You spoke. Taking a step back.
“Okay… Bye, be careful.” She spoke. Eyeing Adam suspiciously.
Both of you turned around after bidding the woman farewell.
You raised your eyebrow up at Adam as you looked at him. Adams attention snapped towards you.
“What?” He asked. Giving you a cheeky grin.
“And bones? Adam, not everyone in our neighbourhood likes or knows what wrestling is. She probably thinks you are a psychopath. Or a serial killer.” You rambled. Making Adam roll his eyes playfully.
“But it’s true, our little munchkin is gonna break bones, and hearts, and win all the gold in the wrestling company. Oh, and crush other wrestlers dreams.” Adam exclaimed. Pinching d/n’s cheeks softly.
D/n reached out towards Adam. Wanting him to hold her. Adam took her. D/n wrapped her arms around Adam's neck. Nuzzling her face into his neck.
“What if she wants to do another profession?” You replied.
“Nah, she loves wrestling. I can see it when she watches my matches. She showed so much enthusiasm and happiness… She is going to be a wrestler, I know it.” Adam responded, swaying d/n.
“That’s because she is watching her daddy, and he is showing off. Besides she has that same enthusiasm and happiness when a butterfly flys in front of her, or a leaf falls in front of her.” You chuckled. Adam turned to look at you with a hurt/shocked look.
“Don’t crush her dreams of becoming a wrestler.” Adam scoffed. Making you chuckle.
Yo put a hand on your chest. Faking hurt.
“That would break my heart if I crushed her dreams of becoming a wrestler.” You sighed. Making your voice waver a bit.
Adam shook his head letting out a chuckle before he smiled.
“You are such a heel.” He joked. Making you laugh.
“A good one, anyways, let's continue on trick or treating.” You spoke. Looping your arm through his crossed ones. Slightly leaning on him, as the both of you walked to the next house…
After about sixty minutes of trick or treating, d/n started to get tired and restless, also, moody. So you and Adam decided to go home…
Adam took the house keys out of his pocket, opening the door, while you swayed d/n back and forth, trying to smooth her.
You slowly walked into the house, as Adam held the door open for you, following close behind. Adam closed the door, then locked it.
“So, I will bathe d/n, and change her, then put her to bed, while you get ready.” Adam insisted. You gave him a confused look. Adams face dropped into worry.
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” Adam asked. You gave him another confused look. Making Adam sigh.
“The party, the Halloween party. We were invited to the NXT Halloween party.” Adam spoke. Making you let out an ‘oh’. Your eyes widen with realisation.
“Right, um, I think it’s best if I stay here with d/n. You can go.” You responded. Walking into the kitchen. You held d/n with one arm, as you opened the fridge door. Taking out d/n's milk bottle, that was filled with milk.
Adam followed you.
“Not so fast, y/n/n. You cant just flake on me. You don’t even have to dress up. You can't just be anti-social just cause you are worried about d/n’s well being. When was the last time you have been out without d/n?” Adam rambled. You turned around to face him, shaking the milk bottle.
You stayed silent. Proving Adam’s point. You gave Adam a pleading look.
“Your mom said she was going to look after d/n, your not a bad mom for having a night off of mom life.” Adam spoke.
“Fine… But, she has to text me every second with updates on d/n.” You reluctantly agreed. Making Adam look at you with a are you serious look. He smiled slightly.
“Deal, now go get ready. I will take care of d/n.” Adam spoke, taking d/n and the bottle off of you.
You were about to talk when Adam ushered you out of the kitchen.
“Go get ready.” He whined while pushing you towards the staircase.
“Okay, relax." you huffed. Walking up the stairs, and towards yours and Adam’s bedroom…
After about ten minutes of getting ready, you walked down the stairs. Then walked to the sound of the tv that’s was on.
You raised your eyebrow, as you saw Adam sitting on the couch in his jeans and one of his merch shirts, with the NXT championship around his waist. You rolled your eyes. Muttering an, of course, he would go as himself.
“So, you going as yourself.” You asked, walking up to the back of the couch. Adam jumped in fright. He turned his body in your direction way too quickly.
His eyes wandering up and down your figure. His tongue darted out of his mouth, swiping across his lower lip before he bit his lower lip.
“Yep, and you decided to dress up as a kitty cat.” Adam purred, eyeing you hungrily. His blue eyes darkening with lust.
A brilliant idea popped into your head. You walked sexily walked over towards him. Biting your lower lip, as you sat on his lap, straddling him. Batting your eyelashes. You looked at Adam seductively. Your hand trailed down his chest, towards the waistline of his jeans. Your fingers loop in the belt loop.
“I was thinking, maybe we should skip the party, and stay here, have our own party, you can rip my costume off of me, and well take me any way you desire.” You purred, against the shell of his ear. Making Adam let out a moan. Licking his lips.
Adam suddenly snapped out if his horny daze. Pushing you off of him, and standing up abruptly.
“Nice try, y/n, but we are still going to that party. Besides your mom is on her way.” Adam spoke. Just as he said that the doorbell rang. Adam smirked at you.
“And here she is.” Adam spoke again. Grabbing your wrist, and pulling you towards the front door. Grabbing the car keys from the bowl on the hallway side table by the front door.
Adam opened the door. Smiling brightly at your mom. While you gave her a forced smile. You really didn’t want to leave d/n.
“Hello, m/n, take good care of d/n. We will be back by twelve am.” Adam greeted your mom. Ushering her inside, while pulling you and him out of the house.
“Ten or eleven the latest.” You pipped up.
“Oh, and she has three bottles of milk in the fridge, If she wakes up. Also, text me every second on updates, also, her baby food is in the cupboard, and-” you spoke, only for your mother to cut you off.
“Y/n, I did have kids you know, I know what to do, and I know where you keep everything for d/n. We will be fine, now go enjoy the party, have fun.” Your mother spoke. Shutting the door on your face.
Adam pulled you towards the car, opening the passenger door for you. You got in reluctantly, letting out a huff as Adam shut the door, then went over towards the driver's side, opening it, and hopping in. He shut the door behind him, while you put the seatbelt on, pouting like a toddler who didn’t get their way.
“Time to party.” Adam singed. Turning the car on, and driving out of the driveway, then driving towards the destination that the party was being held at, while you just pouted…
About an hour later, both of you arrived at the place where the party was being held at. Which happened to be at a pub.
“Brighten up, babe.” Adam spoke. Pinching your cheeks softly, as he got out, and went over to the passenger side. Opening the door for you. Helping you out, then shutting the car door behind you. He then locked the car.
Both of you walked into the pub. Though you still couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt and worry off.
“Hey, Adam, hey, y/n.” Bobby spoke. Walking over towards the both of you. Bobby hugged you first. Hugging you tightly, as he swayed his body with yours. Almost crushing you in the process.
“Hey, bobby.” Both you greeted him.
“Y/n’s here.” He spoke. Pulling away from you, to face Roddy and Kyle, as they made their way over.
“We missed you, y/n/n.” Kyle spoke, hugging you just as tightly as Bobby did.
“Yeah, when are you coming back?” Roddy asked, waiting for his turn to hug you.
“Um… maybe next year.” You answered. As Kyle finally stopped hugging you. Roddy swooped in, and hugged you just as tightly as Bobby and Kyle did. You were sure your ribs would be bruised by the end of the night.
“Meaning, when d/n is in college.” Adam joked, making you roll your eyes.
“Hey.” You huffed, as Roddy pulled away.
“Does anyone want anything to drink?” You asked them.
“Nah.” Bobby replied.
“I’m good.” Kyle responded.
“A beer.” Adam answered.
“I’ll have a beer as well.” Roddy replied.
“Okay,  I’ll be back.” You spoke. Making them all laugh at the word ‘I’ll be back.’. You rolled your eyes. You really were hoping they would say Nah, so you could escape to the bar and pretend to order them a drink, then text your mom about d/n for any updates. But now you had to order.
You walked over to the bar counter. You signalled the bartender, ordering three beers, then giving him the money. You pulled out your phone, as you waited for them, quickly texting your mom. The bartender put the beers in front of you, you quickly thanked him, before looking at your phone. You felt a hand on your shoulder, making you jump. Fearing the worst you turned around, only to be faced with Candice. Your face lit up with happiness.
“Candice.” You beamed. Getting up, and wrapping your arms around her. Pulling her into a tight hug.
“There’s my girl. I missed you so much, and, oh my gosh, look at you in that costume, such a hot momma.” She spoke, pulling away from you to check your outfit out.
“Hot damn.” She whistled out, making you giggle.
“Oh, shush, you are hotter than me.” You spoke.
“Nah.” She replied, shaking her head.
Just as she was about to speak again, your phone let out a ding. Making your attention quickly snap towards your phone. Your nerves grew stronger, as you saw it was your mom. You quickly unlocked it biting your nails nervously. Sitting back down on the barstool.
All good, she is still sleeping. Don’t worry about her, have some fun.
“Everything okay?” Candice asked. Taking a seat next to you. Ordering a drink while she waited for you to answer.
“Yeah, I just- I’m worried about leaving d/n alone.” You answered, stilling looking at your phone.
“I understand.” Candice spoke. As you replied to your mother's text.
Before your thumb could press the send button, it got taken off of you. You looked to your side to see Adam holding your phone. Looking at you with an annoyed look.
“Tsk, tsk, y/n, you should be having fun, not worrying about d/n. Your mother is looking after her. She’s in the best care.” Adam grunted out.
“I know, I just… it doesn’t make me stop worrying about the worst-case scenario.” You sighed. Making Adam sigh. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
He grabbed your hands, sitting next to you.
“I’ll leave the both of you to it, gotta find the hubby.” Candice spoke. Getting up and leaving. You gave her a small smile. Adam just ignored her, looking at you.
“Y/n, I get that you feel guilty, and worry about all the bad things that could possibly happen to d/n if you aren’t with her… but, it will drain you, it is unhealthy, and it stresses you out.” Adam spoke softly.
“I just feel guilty about leaving her and being here. I feel like a bad mother.” You mumbled, looking down at yours and Adams intertwined hands.
“She’s with your mom, and you aren’t a bad mother. You are an amazing mother, and if anyone says otherwise, then I will beat them up.” Adam spoke seriously. You smiled at the last past, making Adam smile brightly.
“You deserve to have some fun, and let loose.” Adam spoke softly. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
“Okay, I won't text her so much, and I will have some fun.” You spoke. Making Adam smile. Crinkles showing in the corner of his eyes.
“That’s my girl.” He beamed. Pressing a soft kiss against your lips.
He pulled away, smirking at you.
“Now go have some fun, I’ll keep your phone.” Adam ordered. Making you smile, as you got up. Grabbing your beer, and walking over towards Candice and Johnny. All the while Adam stared at your ass…
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
General Discussions: All Elite Wrestling (AEW)
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So with All Out happening tonight (or well, tomorrow morning for me) I’m in the mood to get a lot of AEW talk off my chest. The difference between this and previous talks ‘In (Slight) Defense of AEW’s Women’s Division’ and ‘Are AEW Planning a Second Show?’ - the latter of which seems to have been confirmed - I don’t want to talk about one sole thing, I have multiple things I wanna talk about: Criticisms, Hindsight, Signing Suggestions, Predictions and whatnot. I’m also gonna split this into two at least, we’re gonna start with some critiques (positive and negative criticism) and some hindsight talk.
Critiques So AEW has been running officially since May 2019. Meaning that half of their lifespan has happened during COVID 19′s pandemic, before I go into positive and negative criticisms I’d like this point to at least commend AEW on their action and sustainability during this time; several other brands have had to sadly close or cease programming for a long time, with ROH only just returning. AEW has done a stellar job being safe as well, only one confirmed case in QT Marshall (Moxley quarantining because of Renee’s positive case), frequent tests and having small amount of fans in the arena, this is on top of the fact that Jacksonville is also a hotspot, so currently well done on that. But AEW is far from a perfect company, no company can be. However, not all criticism is fair and I wanna vent some of that. Fair Criticism towards AEW First I wanna point out that there are things even I don’t like about AEW, because I know people will paint me as an apologist, I’d also wanna preface that there are parts of WWE I like too, and parts I don’t like. On AEW’s part though I think the fairest criticism for it is that a lot of talent slip through the cracks, COVID doesn’t help of course but talent had been kept away from the main show or not getting their due; Santana and Ortiz and the Lucha Bros should be tag champions by now, Scorpio Sky would’ve been a great TNT champion, Jurassic Express despite their popularity often seem to be on the losing end of feuds, Private Party have fell into the undercard of the tag division, Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss are sadly purposeless and Lance Archer is just floating around, Nyla and Vickie’s partnership hasn’t really gone anywhere either as of yet and Abadon has been kept from the title picture. There’s also the flip-flop booking of Shawn Spears, Jake Hager, Mel, Luther, Penelope Ford, TH2 and others. While I am gonna track back on the Women’s Division complaint it would bode better for AEW if they had more storylines, and their title was better. I mean the design is fine, it just needs to be bigger. The Picture with Shida and Cody swapping belts really sells that. Belt designs have been very up and down too, the TNT title is not good, the FTW title is a bit iffy but even that is a better design. So far only ‘Big Platinum’ and the Tag Titles are original designs without complaints. Unfair Criticism towards AEW Since a lot of people compare AEW to WWE, there will be times where people will treat them as the same, and that’s not really too fair. Case in point, big one out of the way, The Women’s Division. Wanting more from the women is fair but as I detailed they are pretty handicapped right now since many of their wrestlers are overseas, but when they make moves in a positive light they’re still criticised. Thunder Rosa (fka Kobra Moon of Lucha Underground) is great and we have a much hyped match for that. The criticisms reared its head more with the Deadly Draw and the Tooth and Nail match being in the Buy In. I’ve already discussed the benefits of the Deadly Draw in a prior post so I’m gonna focus on Swole/Baker. Now on the Main Card anyway thanks to fan response, it shouldn’t have been treated like AEW pre-shows are like WWE’s, there’s a Number 1 Contendership Battle Royale on that same Buy In, Khan has been clear that he wants people invested enough to ‘Buy in to the PPV’ so it shouldn’t be treated as a disservice.
I’d also like to segue this into a WWE comparison, because whenever AEW is on you have people tracking how many women’s segments there are. So let me run down WWE for a bit
Smackdown had 3 Women’s Bits last night (4th Sept): the Tag Match that led to FINALLY the Banks/Bayley schism, a cryptic hint towards a woman returning (rumors of Eva Marie I hope are false, maybe it’s Carmella?) and a small backstage segment between Bliss and Bayley
NXT on ‘Super Tuesday Part 1′ had 1 very short match building to the Candice/Tegan feud and a package for Ripley vs Mercedes
Raw had 2 matches and 3 segments which included a Payback rematch
Payback had 2 matches, one on the Pre-Show, both of these matches would later be rematched in the following week
Summerslam had 3 matches, only one of them not a title match and one of them being rematched on the following Raw
NXT TakeOver 30 had 1 match, a title match, including the Pre-Show
For all the criticism AEW gets for having 2-3 bits on Dynamite (which is an hour less than Raw might I add and Dark hosts consistently 3 women’s bits that nobody acknowledges simply because the matches are squashes) I never see WWE criticised in that same vein, and that’s unfair, criticise both. The main difference is that AEW do not have the ‘seasoned big star’ because they’re not that old, Mickie James, Asuka, Bliss and the Four Horsewomen didn’t just get this popular overnight, they spent years honing this craft to this audience. Would it be great for AEW to have a megastar type? Sure but business is not all that easy, who do you take? Tessa’s attitude isn’t exactly positive for business, time is what they need and it’s something people are not giving. Of the other unfair criticisms the quick and easy one is the ‘AEW is TNA 2.0′ - newsflash, most wrestlers will go through the WWE machine in some shape or form, if you complain that AEW lacks female stars because nobody is well known but criticise the men’s division for using well-known ex-WWE talent then you have to see the contradiction. Moxley has been great, Jericho has been great, Brodie has been great, it’s not like AEW aren’t promoting others either. And also the ‘VP is becoming like the McMahons’ - people think that because a wrestler is a booker that they’ll only book themselves strong, but Cody let himself get squashed by Brodie, Kenny passed out to PAC and lost to Moxley, the Bucks haven’t been tag champions and Brandi hasn’t inserted herself in any title match. Just because we’re burned by WWE doesn’t mean that AEW are the same. I am all for constructive criticism with the brand because there are certainly places where it can improve, but it keeps circling around to the fact that we put WWE as the negative standard we compare AEW to, as if WWE are literally the Simpsons of Wrestling, there’s not gonna be much they haven’t done. Hindsight Talk So with the critiques out of the way now we can talk about some missed opportunities, since it kinda pairs together with that. Nearly a year and a half and AEW is still quite different to how it started, there are some things though we could still look back in regret. The easy one is doing a more thorough background check. The SpeakingOut movement affected all of wrestling and led to the departure of Jimmy Havoc, likewise it also led to the Elite cutting ties with Joey Ryan and distancing from Marty Scurll, of course until people spoke out it would’ve been impossible to know but knowing now does make parts of All In and AEW’s history come with a sense of bitterness. A further stressing of variety would’ve helped AEW, there’s a lot of criticism when people don’t understand that things are different for a reason, comedy has a place in Wrestling, we just need a reminder. The ranking system and tag rules could still be clearer. There’s also the sooner dropping of aspects like the Nightmare Family faction with Mel and Luther with Brandi, as well as some other dropped plots like Brandi’s mental break, Allie’s affiliation with the Butcher and Blade (the latter being her irl husband) as ‘the Bunny’, Christopher Daniels’ feuds with Pentagon and the Dark Order, the initial presentation of the Dark Order, not debuting Sadie Gibbs earlier and maybe pushing Intergender wrestling a bit sooner. AEW were reluctant and a Kip/Penelope vs Kenny/Riho feud was in the works to some solid appeal, but it sadly went nowhere. The Deadly Draw could’ve been longer, but I stand by the decision to put it on Youtube. I think the TNT title tournament could’ve been longer too. The bigger regrets I personally wished from AEW are that the Lucha Bros didn’t win the tag titles first, SCU are great but Lucha Bros are next level wrestlers who are monstrously talented, given Hangman and Kenny’s blockbuster match with the Lucha Bros, it’s a shame that we didn’t have a bigger feud where the Lucha Bros took their Young Bucks feud momentum to win the whole tournament. Not signing Mercedes Martinez, Deonna Purrazo or pushing a Kong vs Kong match would also be a missed opportunity too. Hindsight is of course 2020 so we can’t be too hard on AEW, as we’ll move onto in Part 2, when we’ll talk about All Out Predictions and positive hopes for AEW’s future
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redclaysoliloquy · 5 years
2019 Year in Review
Rules: answer some questions about 2019 and tag some people!
top 5 books you read in 2019: I read 68 books last year so this is hard... 
1. “Cruel Acts” by Jane Casey. I read it in less than 24 hours and had to go to the eye doctor to get glasses. WORTH IT. If you like character driven crime fiction, beautifully written, plus enemies to friends/slow burn romance READ THIS SERIES!
2. “Conversations with Friends” by Sally Rooney. I really loved this book, even though hardly any of the characters were likable, I couldn’t put it down. Honorable mention: Normal People, also by Sally Rooney. Sort of made me want to drown myself, but equally as good as CwF.  3.  “Raising Demons” by Shirley Jackson I loved this book. It was comforting to know that an immensely talented, deep woman also raised children and had to deal with the same every day drudgery that I do, 70 years later. The stories were so funny and relatable, but quirky and very Shirley Jackson. I guess it was nice to be reminded that you can be a mom and an artist. 
4. “The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne  I read a lot of dark, depressing things so I like to lighten it up with romance chick or whatever you want to call it. This book was HILARIOUS and cute and sweet and quirky and different from what you’d expect. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that made me laugh out loud so much, but also hold it to my chest from time to time and go “aww” 5. Crimson Lake by Candice Fox  Crime fiction set in Australia! So funny and well written. There’s 3 books in this series so far and I’ve only been able to solve the mystery part once before the end. Very good, read it!
Honorable mention: This falls under cozy mystery, I think, but Julia Spencer Fleming’s Fergusson/Van Alstyne series. I’d have died of stress during the move from Hawaii if I hadn’t found these books. They’re off beat and unexpected and just... really good. I love them. 
top 5 films you watched in 2019. 
I barely saw any movies this past year... 1. Endgame Aw but also ugh. It was a satisfying conclusion, I guess. I laughed, I cried, I cringed a little. I’m still mad about how they did Natasha. 
2. The Rise of Skywalker I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. 3. Captain Marvel A shameless girl power movie and I LOVED IT. I’m wearing my Captain Marvel hoodie right now. Fight me,.  4. Jane Eyre (2006) I’m going to say mini series count as films...  I’ve never seen a hornier version of Jane Eyre in my life and I LOVED IT. 5. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood It was weird, but I liked it okay. It made my heart ache to think how easily some things could have turned out differently. 
top 5 tv shows in 2019:
1. The End of the F****ing World (season 2) Perfection. Beautiful. Amazing. 
2. Strike I’ve read the Robert Galbraith series and found that the show was made up of the very best parts of all the books. The mysteries! The chemistry! The pining! And the casting... hello Tom Burke. 
3. Dublin Murders I’m currently on episode 5. Not since the Star Wars prequels have I so intensely had my high hopes dashed. That’s saying a lot.  I was a very nerdy 14 year old.  That casting is A+ though. I will say, I love that it’s brought the book fans out of the woodwork. When I read the books I desperately wanted to talk to others about them. Now there’s all these people making posts with great insights and understanding my IG name.  4. The Mandalorian This came out of nowhere and stole my heart. My husband kept hassling me to watch it, insisting I’d like it. I guess he knows me pretty well after almost 12 years together. 
5. Fleabag (season 2)  Beautiful writing as usual. Also Andrew Scott!
Honorable Mentions: 
 The Killing It was dark and depressing, but so so good. I laughed, I cried, I hated Sarah’s knitwear. That last season was crazy, but in a good way. 
Mindhunter.  I love it, but the second season was lacking for me.  Sherlock Unexpectedly loved it. 
Broadchurch  Oh, my heart.
You’re the Worst (final season) PERFECTION. Dishonorable mentions:  Game of Thrones How dare you? 
5 good/positive things that happened to you in 2019:
1. We moved an entire household, 3 children and 3 dogs from Oahu to Colorado. We didn’t lose anyone, no one died. Hooray! We even had fun and got to do a family road trip and see the Grand Canyon.  2. My husband was accepted to SFAB (a selective army unit) and he was also selected for promotion. He hasn’t even been in 10 years yet. I’m so proud of him!  3. I met David Sedaris! He was so kind and nice and his reading was hilarious. 4. We bought our first house. It is big and old and I love it. Also, so far it doesn’t seem to be haunted. 
5. My husband gave me my sweet Almanzo kitten! I’ve wanted a ragdoll for a long time and so Almanzo was the best surprise. The little guy is so loved and he makes everyone laugh.  Babies are so delightful.  Also, shout out to our extremely long summer road trip to North Carolina. 
Thanks @cosetteferaud for the tag!
Tagged: @thewalkingnerdx @trueloveisinfinite444
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 5 years
Nancy Drew 1x15
Okay I will start with my three disappointments. First, I was hoping when they were going down the “you don’t have first-hand exp with the Aglaeca spirit” path they would bring in Victoria. They did not. WRITERS. WHERE IS MY DYSFUNCTIONAL CLAIRVOYANT. Two, they went to the historical society. They MENTIONED HANNAH GRUEN. And then she just wasn’t there, and I was Let Down. Three, Owen and Nancy had sex.
No further comment.
Alright to break this down, I thought this episode was fantastic. Nancy coughing up teeth was so metal (the seaweed was a little gross) and they brought back fan favorite Ace’s dad. Side note, I really love what this show does for sign language, just how it is so casually interwoven. And also Ace and his dad’s shock to see Nick knew it, pointing out how uncommon it is which is kind of sad when you consider it’s one of deaf people’s only means of communication. Maybe now that Karen is you know ARRESTED Ace’s dad whose name I do not know will be our point person on the police since the writers have apparently become allergic to Chief McGinnis.
Speaking of Ace, him and Nick being all dude detective duo this episode was fantastic and I loved it. Pair them up more often. And even though I have no idea if they’ll ever be written romantically or not, Nancy has exponentially more chemistry with Ace than with Owen and I would much rather see them explored. I also want to know if anything has even really changed since the last time Owen and Nancy kissed. He asked her out and she said no, and we didn't see what happened the morning after this time around but she clearly spent the night. Bess is bound to bring it up since she spent the night at Nancy’s house and Nancy wasn’t there, and also Owen is her cousin.
I love the bond between Nancy and her dad, it has grown so much and is so beautiful. Her absolute faith and conviction in his innocence and belief that she will get him out of this, especially when he seems to have given up. *chef’s kiss*
I will say going back to Ace and Nick’s detective work, why didn’t they just go ask Claire in prison? “Hey you know how you murdered a bunch of people? We’ll knock like five years off your I presume lifelong sentence if you tell us if you sold this guy poison.” Like admittedly she didn’t, but they didn’t know that at the time. And CAN WE TALK ABOUT KAREN? As soon as it was revealed it was her, I knew she must have known about Ryan and Lucy’s fight before Nancy gave her the emails. Lucy started drawing away after the Velvet Masque but she and Ryan were already dating when he took her, which is probably something Lucy would have told her best friend. And honestly I feel the poison was a little justified? Like at this point Ryan obviously didn’t kill Lucy because the writers know that’s what we’re expecting, but he was involved somehow and if my best friend had been murdered twenty years ago, the case was still unsolved, and her billionaire ex boyfriend was involved and untouchable? I may have also slipped the friend’s brother an untraceable poison. On that note, I love how the writers brought back the Claire episode. At the time we were like, oh it’s just a fun little killer of the week one-off episode, and now a few weeks later here they are like “PSYCHE. What, you thought everything we did wouldn’t have a meaning? Fools.” And honestly, more power to them. I support this kind of intricate planning it speaks to my obsessive perfectionism.
Everything except the Mr. Drew x Karen romance apparently 😂. Like they really did just include that in the pilot to create more drama between Nancy and her dad didn’t they?
Since it turns out Bess is a founder’s descendant, maybe she will be more interested in Marvin family history, get involved in the historical society and we will see Hannah Gruen more often. Make it happen writers. On the topic of Bess, please tell me someone gets that girl a therapist for her kleptomania before she breaks into a museum. Or a bank. Or a mausoleum. Or something high profile.
I did really want to see the Aglaeca, I was looking forward to seeing how costume and makeup pulled it off, but the blackness spreading through the water was really cool too. And considering this episode ended with Nancy like coughing up seaweed for not paying the toll, maybe we will see the spirit next episode as the gang tries to appease it? Let’s talk about the toll for a minute. Did the Aglaeca want to kill Owen or just like want a blood donation? Why? And if it demands a victim for every favor it grants, I can see why the ritual was not handed down through the generations.
NANCY AND NICK. Oh the moments were sparse but they were quality. At the beginning, watching the fight footage when Nick tensed up and Nancy looked away, and she almost rested her head on his shoulder. His continued concern for her. Nancy’s immediately going to the police station when he texted, compare and contrast with episode 7 when Nick kept calling and she kept ignoring. Nick’s reaction when Nancy was about to drink the “poison”.
George had a very small role this episode which is not exceedingly unusual, but she was funny to watch, falling for Nick, and a great friend to Nancy. All good things. I just hope she doesn’t fall too hard for Nick, since he and Nancy will most likely eventually find their way back to each other. Maybe she can get together with Ace since I ship him with literally everyone apparently. I also like how they brought back that blood bucket she kicked I was beginning to wonder if they’d forgotten about it.
One last thing guys where tf is Josh? Like he walked into a cabinet thing and vanished, maybe Karen is storing him somewhere. Also HOW DID HE SURVIVE GETTING FUCKING ELECTROCUTED. HOW.
Could we really be solving Lucy’s murder next week in The Haunting of Nancy Drew? We will now discuss possible suspects and where the show could go after this.
The episode summary reads “blah blah using forensics and spn stuff Nancy unravels what happened the night Lucy died.” I am going to discount the Hudsons as suspects since we already know they’re involved via the seance.
Owen Marvin. We know the Marvins have family secrets and shady pasts, he is about the same age as Lucy/Ryan and if there was some sort of love triangle
Holy fuck.
Hear me out.
Okay what if Owen was in love with Lucy, and he somehow broke them up (there was a fight and Lucy broke up with Ryan, but in the emails Ryan calls Lucy the whore, so I’m thinking there was definitely some sort of misunderstanding) and he went to profess his love and she turned him down and he killed her? AND NOW, assuming Nancy is Lucy (and Ryan’s) daughter that’s why Owen is so determinedly romancing her? I have absolutely no proof for this theory and it probably didn’t happen since he is helping them out with the investigation but I like it anyway.
There is Lucy’s mother, who I am now convinced was involved because of her trance thing last episode. You can read my last review for more detail (it’ll be under my Nancy Drew tag) but basically upon seeing crime scene photos of Lucy she started singing the Lucy Sable song and was very focused on how Lucy is in the water. And sure parents go crazy over their children dying, but this feels like a little bit more than that? In the transcripts Lucy said if anything happened to her it would be her mother’s doing, and we know they had some kind of falling out before she died over her dating Ryan.
Katherine Drew 😈. Again no evidence but I like to speculate. She was Lucy’s guidance counselor, it gives Mr. Drew a reason to not try very hard to defend himself, to spare Nancy the pain of her mom being a killer. It would make such great drama. That’s it those are the reasons.
Let’s take a moment to examine some untied threads that could be pulled upon in the solving of this murder. Lucy and Josh are only half-siblings, but we don’t know via which parent. So maybe Lucy’s biological mom/dad could have somehow been involved. There are the emails between her and Ryan following the unknown betrayal (you’re a whore like everyone says). I think this one could be tied to what Candice Weaver (sea queen runner up) mentioned, about how there were rumors Lucy slept with the judges to win the title. Maybe Ryan’s parents, especially his mother, were trying to discredit Lucy or frighten her off? Ryan was scheduled to meet with Lucy the night of her death, maybe he saw something he hasn’t come clean about. Back to Josh, right after Lucy died some developers offered Josh and his mom a LOT of money for their house. We know the Marvins deal in real estate, maybe they were trying to get them out of town to cover up for Owen? We also still don’t know for sure how Lucy died, maybe she wasn’t even stabbed at all. And finally, the crown Nancy’s forensic chemist friend examined proves that a woman was up there on those cliffs (KATHERINE DREW) with Lucy because the hair that wasn’t Lucy’s came from a female.
Assuming we do indeed find out who killed Lucy next episode, here are some things the writers could fill the last six episodes with or use to set up season two/things I really want to happen. The episode where Nancy broke into the morgue Ace mentioned Lucy haunts it, looking for her body. Three kids broke in a few years ago, one died, one went missing, one went insane. It was mentioned once and never picked up again. Since Lucy apparently knew where her body was this whole time, maybe a different spirit haunts the morgue and Lucy just gets the blame cause she’s famous. There is George’s blood bucket, which I admit was brought up this episode, but aside from that has not been touched since episode 4. George and Nick’s relationship, Nancy and Owen’s relationship, the Bess/Lisbeth/Amaya love triangle. Whatever sort of closure Mr. Drew needs from Karen or something idk. George could start to become psychic like her mother. There’s the trial of Mr. Hudson for the sinking of the Bonny Scot, along with the haunted dude who survived giving testimony. Maybe he will be killed and Nancy and Co will have to find another piece of evidence really fast like the urn from the Bonny Scot that Ryan is still hanging on to. MAKE BESS AND GEORGE COUSINS WRITERS. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Even after Nancy solves Lucy’s murder, I want Lucy to stick around. She is my favorite character on the show. She and Nancy can be roommates, she’d be a really great security system. Some guy tries to break into the house only to be greeted by a drowned girl screaming her head off? I’d drop dead. And from next week’s trailer, towards the end when she says “I am trying to solve your murder!” Is it just me or does she sound a little exasperated? Maybe because Nancy is working her ass off here and all Lucy does is scream at her and make her cough up teeth 😂. Yes I want Lucy to find peace, but I also just really really want her to stick around.
Last thing before I wrap up. I know the show is astronomically different from the books but Nancy traveled in the books. She went to different cities, states, countries. As much as I love the creepy superstition loving town of Horseshoe Bay, I am hoping maybe in the later seasons the show’s location branches out a bit? It probably won't because it’s the CW and they use sets and yada yada yada but a girl can dream. See you next week!
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