#it keeos happening
mino2aur · 1 year
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demigods-posts · 8 months
i like to think that percy keeps being part of relationships he doesn't know he's a part of until he randomly gets dumped. like, similar to what rachel did toward the end of the last olympian. percy will just get a call from his good friend andrew, who he met at an aquarium and bonded over turtles with, that things just won't work out between them. or a call from his good friend jessica, who he met at a coffee shop after bonding over whether or not unicorns should replace the logistics of giraffes, that she thinks he's an amazing guy but she found another partner and doesn't want to be unfaithful. and percy is just forever skeptical of every mortal friend he makes because he keeps unknowingly becoming somebody else's boyfriend.
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fanficlibrary82 · 14 days
Literal Hurt/Comfort
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AN: I saw this post and had to write it or I'd go insane, so have my first attempt at writing the Merc with a Mouth; Soft Boyfriend Edition
Word Count: 912
CW: Mild language, night terror, hurt/comfort, this is a Worst!Wolverine x Deadpool, Rogue is the way she is in the movies
He was too late. Logan had finally managed to out drink his healing factor and stumbled back to the X-Mansion, only to find it littered with the bodies of his friends, his family. He walked the entire campus, trying, hoping to find a single living soul, but as the faces of Charles, Ororo, Hank, Scott, and Jean were found among the carnage, his flicker of hope began to fade. It wasn’t until he half heartedly pushed the door to Rogue’s room opened that his heart lept into his throat. He heard blood pumping, faintly, but it was there. Without a second thought he began to tear the room apart, looking for the girl, and he finally found her curled under the bed.
“Kid,” he slurred, tugging her out from under the bed and cradling her head in his lap. She was covered in blood, her body riddled with bullet wounds that oozed slowly, but she was alive. “K-kid, hey, ‘s gonna be alright, okay? You…you’re gonna be fine, we’ll get you to the city and-”
“You…left…us…” She rasped, eyes slowly finding his.
“I…I tried, kid, as soon as I heard the Professor, I-”
She took a gasping breath, the rattle in her voice an all too familiar sound to Logan. “You…you promised th-that you’d…take c-care of m…” 
Logan felt her body fall limp in his arms, but he didn’t let go, he couldn’t let her go. He pulled Rogue up against his chest, letting his forehead fall to hers. Her still-warm skin pulled a broken sob from his throat. He held her until her body grew stiff and cold. And that’s when the rage set in. He laid Rogue on top of the bed and made it a few steps into the hallway before his claws slid smoothly out of his knuckles. 
Logan let out an animalistic roar, foreign to even his own ears. He slashed everything in his path, from doors to portraits to tables, until he found himself in the Professor’s office. He stalked around the room, breath coming in short, heavy huffs that caused his chest to ache. He paused in front of a portrait of the first graduating class, their smiles wide, completely oblivious to the fate that awaits them. He snarls, slashing his claws through the canvas. If the humans think we’re just violent killers, then I’ll show them just how violent we can be.
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Wade shot straight up as Logan screamed in his sleep and smacked him in the face. “Me H. Christ, Peanut, don’t scare me like that!” He gripped Logan’s arm and shook him roughly. Logan continued to cry out in his sleep, his arms beginning to flail wildly, as if fighting. Wade sat up on his knees, gently nudging Mary Puppins off of the bed. “Hey, big guy, watch that arm, you might hit-mother FUCKER!”
With a roar that was definitely more animal than man, Logan was sitting straight up, arms out, claws extended. He took a few heaving breaths as he whipped his head around the room in a panic. His eyes landed on his claws, knuckle deep into soft flesh and his expression fell. “N-no!”
Wade looks between the claws in his chest and the haunted expression on Logan's face before gently placing his hand over his unwilling attackers’. “You know, if you wanted to get inside me, all y'had to do was ask nice,” Wade teases.
Logan yanks his hand away from Wade's touch, retracting his claws and instantly covering the wounds with his hands. “No no no, fuck, no! Not again!” He exclaims.
Wade falls back against the bed and Logan follows, burying his face against the scarred skin. The older mutant’s shoulders shake and Wade tenses.
“Hey, hey, hey! Logan!” Wade pushes himself up onto his elbows and grabs at the other man’s shoulder. “Honey Badger, wake up, wake up, it's me!”
“I'm so fuckin’ sorry, I'm so sorry, god dammit,” Logan mutters, and Wade is hit with the awful realization that the Wolverine was lying across his chest and sobbing.
“Lo-James, look at me,” Wade manages to get his hands on either side of Logan's face and roughly yanks him up to meet his eye. “It's me, it's Wade, I'm okay, Peanut, look, look.” He slowly moves his hand over Logan's, gently guiding him to feel the skin that's already healed over. Logan's frantic gaze falls to Wade's chest and he smooths his hand across the surface, almost in a trance. “You're…you're not…?”
Wade shakes his head, gently rubbing his thumb across Logan's cheek. “Gonna take a lot more than that to kill me, Wolvie. You were in the Odyssey,” he replies with a soft chuckle.
Logan slowly comes out of his trance-like state, watery eyes finally meeting Wade's with clarity. “Wilson?”
Wade nods, relief flooding through his body when Logan looks at him rather than through him. “Hey, big guy, had me going for a minute there,” he nervously laughs.
“You're not…I didn't hurt you,” Logan breathes out shakily.
“Well…you didn't kill me,” Wade corrects, making Logan crack a smile. “Hurts like a bitch and a half, but at least I had you in me.”
Logan rolls his eyes and lets his head drop to Wade's chest. For a long while, the only sound is their combined breathing, so Wade dares to curl his fingers through Logan’s hair. When he hears no protest, Wade settles in, gently hugging him closer. “Don't worry, Lo. You're safe here.”
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AN: Hey, I hope y'all liked it!!! Like I said, the idea came from the lovely @catgrandpa and the divider I used was made by @sweetmelodygraphics
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weebsinstash · 1 year
so with a platonic yandere (or yanderes) how does it work, do you just never get the chance to have a romantic relationship, do they force/encourage you into one with someone 'approved' like a family friend or someone 'in the know' sort of thing, or do their feelings change or border on the romantic side as well?
Well, I find for me personally it often depends on the character themselves for like, what kind of relationship im looking for, or, yeah sometimes i just switch it up based on concept, sometimes i get a real specific idea that stays in my brain and I can go back and forth depending on, I guess, preference. It's kind of a recent-ish development for me to think of platonic yandere AT ALL since like 99% of the time my brain goes "well if they don't love you romantically or want to fuck you what is THE POINT"
And it kind of took me a while to realize that sometimes "the point" of platonic yandere can be that they technically "don't get anything back". If they scoop you up and force therapy on you, it's because they want to legitimately help you, not to say a romantic/sexual yandere wouldn't, but for a platonic one it's more I guess "selfless" because they aren't like, getting a spouse or a fuck buddy out of it. With a platonic yandere, they don't want you to hook up with that guy because, yeah they're jealous you're not spending time with THEM but its like, spending time watching movies or going to the park or playing video games, spending time with you as you, doing potentially anything, but also they have you up on this pedestal and the guy is just an insignificant little worm to them. He thinks he can date THEIR sister? Creep creep go to jail eat dirt go six feet under here's a shovel start digging
I can be so moody and contextual about the whole thing, like for example, I've been making a lotta posts about a purely platonic yandere Batfamily with Bruce as you know the patriarch and all that, basically becoming a father figure to you even if you're already an adult, where he is like emphatically "no, Reader is your sibling, S I B L I N G" and getting out the batbottle and spraying them like cats any time he may notice anyone in his house catching feelings for you, but i also thought about, (this is kind of an AFAB specific idea sorry) what if Damian specifically developed one of those weird "big sister when i grow up im gonna marry you" complexes and Bruce is NOT having it when suddenly Damian hits him with "but FATHER, if I'M Reader's husband when I come of age, then our offspring will be YOUR biological grandchildren" and Bruce finds himself sitting there suddenly vividly picturing you holding a fat little newborn with a big head of black hair and smiling up at him "dad come hold your grandson 🥰" and he's. He's gone, like, suddenly he can't see it any other way. OBVIOUSLY Damian is the perfect husband for you, Bruce is helping raise him? Who would make a better spouse for his adopted daughter than his ACTUAL son? Talk about keeping it in the family
In his eyes, his son would make a more than competent husband once he comes of age, especially considering not only is Damian his son but, extremely similar to Bruce himself; broody angsty genius with superhuman skills, intelligence, athleticism, etc. And if not Damian, isn't Dick lowkey his favorite child, and also, you know. Already an adult and not nearly as emotionally constipated 😅 Bruce can trust either one of them to take care of you, building off of a paranoia that any place outside his family and his home is fraught with danger and anyone who hasn't been explicitly vetted by him suddenly cannot be trusted in your presence
I keep finding myself drifting back to platonic yandere but only in like, almost extremely specific circumstances, like for real those age regression ideas i realized are coming from like DEEP places of trauma and rejection for me and feeling like I'm so permanantly damaged i literally need a do over and need to be all but remade from scratch, being helped when i was younger and at my lowest points in childhood, and I'll admit I've noticed most of these platonic yandere ideas usually revolves around aspects of family, fatherhood, childhood, etc. Like literally right off the top of my head, two characters who kind of got the platonic yan ball rolling were Stolas from Helluva Boss and Nolan Grayson from Invincible, both of them fathers. Of course I would absolutely let Nolan tear this ass up too though as you guys have seen, like i find the Viltrumite Reader concepts kind of keep fluctuating between "he wants to mentor you and then catches feelings" to "no he just wants to be your dad and Viltrum mentor and after your real family dies during some kind of monster attack he just straight up adopts you and moves you into his house and the government lets him bc, i mean, they need to keep an eye on you as a Viltrumite"
Of course I also like the idea of sort of a middle ground. You know, like, the yandere begins purely platonic without any sort of intentions but it develops into something deeper after they've already come to know you and you trust them, or even, they're actually totally 100% "a normal person" and something happens to you or them where they suddenly become yandere. Like imagine you know someone for like a couple years and then all of a sudden, they're acting differently. So I've also thought about, Bruce and Reader are work friends in the Justice League and his feelings begin as purely protective and platonic and he knows you for a decent chunk of time but when he starts getting to know you more personally, more details about you the person under the costume, maybe he eventually realizes he's getting extremely jealous watching you interact with other men and, maybe in the process of taking care of you his feelings change. You get wounded on the job and you don't have any family to help provide any care while you're still extremely weak and recovering and he's helping you and that's when he suddenly realizes "oh shit this line of work is so dangerous, he doesn't want you to die, he doesn't want anyone to die but like you most specifically, he doesnt want you doing this anymore" and maybe he brings you to the manor for recovery and you never wind up leaving
But typically yes, as you suggested, usually when I've picked a character to be a platonic yandere it's because I can see them being overly protective to the point they won't let you date at all, even if the specific reasons for WHY may change. Like hypothetically for some of the ideas I've had, Stolas doesn't want you to date or have sex period because he's kind of Goin Through Some Shit and this is kind of like his second go around of being a dad and him expressing some sort of trauma or guilt over Octavia and he sees you as His Extra Special Little Girl and you don't get so much as a kiss on the cheek with another person until like, he's had enough years with you to be satisfied with "your childhood" kwim. Or a yandere who declares themselves as your sibling not completely against you dating or all that but they just have EXTREMELY high standards. like lmao imagine, like, someone like Deku basically inserting himself in your life as your brother and you're like "ok fuck dude, who do you think WOULD be worthy of dating me" and he's just like "I guess someone like All Might!" Like bro that platonic obsessive little twink is NEVER letting you get laid, you suck off ONE dick and he's holing up in his room CRYING because "someone's defiled his baby sister and made her dirty" not in the sense that he like doesn't like you anymore or he's judging YOU but in his mind your "purity" has been tainted by someone else and the only solution is to like, kill/get rid of that person and "atone" by never letting it happen again, cause obviously by letting you suck that guy off Izuku FAILED YOU, and maybe at some point he snaps and you wake up from one of your mandatory sibling cuddle sessions and he's pressed way too closely to you as he declares he's the only one worthy of you and he's sorry he didn't realize HE'S the husband you needed
Really I'm just a creepy little freak and it can depend on how I'm needing or craving to feel accepted in that particular moment in time 😅
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yutamayo · 1 year
You know it's bad when every time you hear the word 'hide' you instinctively pronounce it like Tokyo Ghoul's Hide in your head...
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
I would literally be so much more okay with the finale if we just had Ted present during the whole little montage at some point. Shown visiting his friends in Richmond again or even showing up at Beards wedding. I'm aware that we can assume that he kept up those connections, but I'm so tired of having to fill in the gaps myself with headcanons or fanfiction. Why is it always up to us to make an ending fulfilling?
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tittyinfinity · 10 months
I don't even use reddit but I'm about to make an account simply based on the fact that it's the only fucking place on the internet I can find answers to anything anymore
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
I was so mentally done yesterday I fell asleep at 10pm and proceeded to have the worse sleep ever. It's now 6am and I am exhausted.
F/O please comfort me 💔 everything sucks rn
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itsbrucey · 9 months
I should make a list of all my fav fictional characters but the 2 categories would be Big Man and Red Hair
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mirmidones · 14 days
you can really tell im in my period
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It would be utterly horrifying.
Especially if part of the AU was Pharma is found by the DJD instead of Tyrest first. So, instead of being experimented on by Tyrest and around Star Saber, who just screams Danger, he is instead now under Tarn's control and put in the position of bartering for his life.
And you know what he has to offer? The location of the Autobot Drift formally known as Deadlock.
Like we already know, Delphi just utterly destroyed Pharma but being found by Tarn and under his pwrsonal attention, kind of like a cat playing with a mouse before he kills it would only make it worse. And at this point, Pharma really doesn't have anything to cling to. He lost his hands, his position, the subordinates, and the patients he was attempting to protect by sacrificing his own morals and lives of others and his beloved Ratchet. Very vulnerable and very willing to adapt to survive under someone as dangerous as Tyrest, he could do something similar with Tarn.
It would be especially interesting if this is post alternate Lost Light's destruction, but pre they find Nickel because then you've got Nickel's rescue by the DJD including a traumatized Pharma who is "being converted" while they are on the way to the Lost Light which Pharma shows proof of still being in existence.
It would be a whole mess of pain and angst. From both sides.
I think I've read that in a few fics but also I've considered that idea so much and it would make absolute sense
Imagine the DJD went back to Messatine only to find the place absolutely trashed and Pharma slowly bleeding out in the snow
And tbh that is one hell of an important bargaining chip for Pharma to fess up considering how much of a Big Deal Deadlock is.
You're so right on Delphi's effect on Pharma, especially if you dive into the wiki and learn this deal has been going on for so so so fucking long.
At this point, Pharma has nothing to lose but his life. And by fucking Primus is that the one thing he wants to keep because last I checked most people want to live and all that jazz
He absolutely would do the same with Tarn as he did with Tyrest, Tyrest caught Pharma in an incredibly vulnerable state and went "i can use this" and proceeded to make him worse.
Yes yes we absolutely have to include Nickel because we've gotta consider how soon the DJD found her after the destruction of Prion, she too was in a rather vulnerable state and the DJD went about things in such a different way with Nickel than they typically do
Exactly yes it would be it would be, thus why I've been thinking about it so much. Hell, I've thought about that one "post Decepticon victory the DJD acquires Ratchet and twists him into a member of the DJD", but for Pharma.
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running-in-the-dark · 10 months
oh no no no
I just had a shower, and when I got out I started feeling. really dizzy. but not my normal lightheaded kind of dizzy. the kind that I had for a week last year, that feels like I'm on a boat and everything is going up and down
no. I refuse. it's gonna end in a minute. it has to.
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I'm about halfway done with the list but wow its big
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layzeal · 1 year
the fe3h to danmei pipeline is insane
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years
tiktok user joshkiszka I am going to hack u and delete ur account if u do not stop posting videos of GVF that go viral!!!!!
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nogchompa · 1 year
Great day gr8 start fbi raided 3 of my familys houses and my cousins are going to prison
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