#it just feels like i'm at the tail end of a days long cold
encntada · 11 months
hi cutie pies, so sorry for kinda dropping off the face of the earth —— work got busy then i got covid! (again)
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sleepy-fiction · 16 days
Little Treasure.
eleven weeks pt.2 | sebastian solace x reader SMUT
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tgs: monster fucking, overstimulation, gn sex terms for reader, two pp seb, bottom reader
an: I forgot about this whooopsiessss 🥲. A looooong time ago, ppl were asking for the smut, and I wrote it! But if you were looking for a lore expansion, this is only smut. This is not proof read or beta read. Sorry, guys
"Sebastian," you whined, humiliation blooming in your heart. You didn't know how you got here, you were just talking to him on the couch and now he has you pinned before him like an art piece. This was your first time seeing Sebastian in years since the day your contract with Urbanshade ended, since the day he was rumored to be dead, only for him to return with the military all strange and anew.
"Shh shh," the angler hushed. No longer was he that shorter, bronze tinted human you loved so much, no, he was large. His skin was a grayish blue, with three big eyes and a long slithering whale tail, two fins for ears, and three giant claws. And now, this creature, that you know ans love is sebastian, was had declothed you.
Your fancy button up that you wore to see him was hanging open, restrictive on your arms and shoulders, with your pants no where to be seen. And there was him, that large pointy tooth predator, hovering over you, with its tail wrapped in a circle around your body, trapping you to see nothing but him.
Your senses were heightened, it was like every cold touch from him was driving you mad. There was so much of him that you could hear, see, feel, taste, smell it was overwhelming. You could taste his saliva on your tongue for every pant you made, the taste foreignly fish like, and could smell so much of his slithering body. It oddly smelled like shea butter, as if he took good care to keep his tail protected and moisturized. And with so much of him, so much of his body, the smell was puguently intoxicating, a natural aphrodisiac that had you thinking of him and only of him every inhale you took. It left you shuddering.
No, no, and not to mention how large his soft bed was. It was like quick sand for your little body, for your aching boned, you were being sucked in and glued in place by bountiful white sheets. And touch. You could feel his touch as he dragged his sharp claw down your bare sternum, and to your stomach, you were whining under his touch. This was way too much for you.
You heard him giggle, and you open your eyes to see him. His giant left claw reaches to cup your face, holding all of your weight tenderly in his palm. His hair is tucked behind his ears, his razor shark teeth beaming delightfully at you, while he wore nothing but an unbuttoned shirt that too hung uselessly on his shoulders. You could see his chest from here, battered with scars but amazing blue, with his belly that mellowed out to a grey color. You could see the space where his humanoid belly met with the start of his tail, hugging at his hips like a true siren.
"F-Fuck... I'm fucking my best friend," you grunted. You couldn't take it as you shut your eyes again, bucking your hips out into the air, and succumbing into his hands. Your face was so hot in his hands, your lewd body posed so erotically, the way you were so sensitive to everything God even your words.
He clenched his teeth, as his exploration of you no longer was for gentle admiration, but for parched desire. "You say whatever you want," he growled as he rolled your nipple between his index and thumb, "you don't care about how it makes anyone feel..." His voice is hushed and teasing.
You squeak, feeling his cold fingers send waves of pleasure down your body, your nipples hardening up instantly.
"'I can't believe I'm fucking my best friend' and not, 'I can't believe I'm fucking a monster'," he chuckles, "I guess I'll take it." The circle his tail has trapped you in restricts smaller, close enough for him to lay your head down on it instead of holding it up for you. He leans down to your body, rolling out that massive tongue, your breath hitches beautifully. He can't take it, he lied, you're too bewitching.
You speak up, "I just, I think about that time back when we were just kids--" his large tongue rolls a stripe down your body, "--nnh fuck... and we were in band practice and you were showing me your teeth without those braces..." He pauses his teasing, his eyes furrowing in intrigue. You continue, "You waited all day until 6th period, when we had our first class together, to show me your teeth before anyone else... And I think-- 'wow that's the boy that's going down on me right now', a-and it's embarrassing!"
A bright hearty laugh escapes him, the sound crackled and mangled as if he had never laughed before. Your humilation worsened beneath him, watching how prettily he laughs and how pretty he smiles. Those sharp pointy teeth flash at you, and though theyre dangerous, it too handsomely silly for you to feel fear. Only worse embarrassment. "You- huh," he snorts out.
"It's not funny, Sebastian," you whine, covering your face.
"You're thinking about all that, right now?" He asks with a giggle.
"Of course I am... Who wouldn't," you pout.
Sebastian leans in to steal your lips, pressing a sweet kiss against them. You gratefully kiss back, running your hands through his silky raven locks. They were a short Bob, the way he always had it growing up. He never wanted to try anything different once you two graduated. It was sweet to feel him again like this.
Your racing heart slowed as you felt him, as his tongue nicely locked you for entrance, and as you generously opened your mouth for him. His tongue was thick and pointy, the sensation unlike anything else, but it radiated him. Your arms seemed to fit lovingly on his shoulders, and his other two hands caressed your belly romantically. There were so many possibilities, so many ways your relationship could change - it is changing. Fuck everything about him was alien now, but still, as you feel him caress you, you know deep down inside, you're so ready to face it all for him. And you're not going to face it alone either.
You shoulders drooped in the kiss, your pinched eyebrows melting in bliss.
God, when did you fall for him? Were you always in love like this?
He pulled away with a hearty smack, his hands running back to hold you sweet hips as he buried his face dear to your chest. "Now, where were we," he asked, his breath tingling against your skin. "Ah, here we are... they look so lonely," he cackles. Sebastian licks your tender nipple, his tongue warm from being in your hot mouth. You moan at the feeling, as it rudely licks and slurps up your nipple. His left claw rolls your other nipple between his index and thumb, the feeling is sharp and tight, an opposite to the sweetness of his soft tongue.
"Ooh, Sebastian," you mewl, staring down at him as he worked. You hear his whale tail rattle possessively at the sound of his name. He pulls off them with a greedy moan and slides his large tongue down your belly in a stripe. He ends it tantalizingly close to where your underwear meets your hips.
He buries his nose deep against your sex, a strong huff making your bones rattle and your legs clam his head on either side. You are viciously reminded that sebastian is still a predator. Your jaw hangs open, neck arching backwards against his tail as his tongue rolls out and licks you soaking through your underwear.
The moanjng cry thag leaves you is jittery and squeakish, a mewl filled with paralyzing erotic terror, "Ah--aa!" You buck your hips against his wet muscle, grinding down harshly against him. He grabs the hem of your underwear and tears it to nothing, his claws immediately reaching to your hole, while his tongue devours your main sex.
You whimper, and sebastian flickers his ears dangerously. He growls and pulls away, eyes lidded as he yanks his button up off his body. "I can't take this," he hisses into the air. He rises high above you, your jaw falls slack. His body is glisteningly beautiful, his reflective scales reach his belly ans create a greenish hue, and scars litter his skin.
Oddly, he didn't have a penis, just his skin and scales and a small hole no bigger than your pinkie. He dips a clawed finger into it, a blissful moan rises from him, and he pulls it straight out. Within an instant, two fleshy, slimey pink rods burst out of his body. One of them has a head of a penis, while the other is smaller, thinner, but flexible as it curls enticingly around the other. Your mouth waters at the sight.
You bark out, "I can't take that Sebastian!" You whine, feeling your sex pour out it's arousal. You sit up zealously, but he dives in to meet you.
His three hands pull you into an embrace, as his two dicks press into your belly. The stiffer, human looking one bumps your belly button, just as he promised, while the flexible, alien cock sways circles into your skin. Sebastian's breath is deep in full in your ears, you shudder at all the stimulus.
Before you could even think it any worse, he burries his lips against your ear and hums out a chasmic mantra, "Try f'me... please, guppy..."
In all of your life you've never heard Sebastian beg not once. He didn't beg for forgiveness when he crashed your sweet sixteen, neither die he when he got you in trouble in Urbanshade. But yet here he is. He licks your ear, whimpers bubbling out of his throat as he begins to buck against your sex, grinding his cocks against you mindlessly. You moan out, feeling his alien dick massage your sex intensely, sticking it up with all of its wetness.
His sharp teeth scrape gently across your earlobe, the burning feeling vibrating into your ears along with his pitiful cries. Your jaw falls slack in bliss as your feet eagerly wrap around his waist. "Ooh, F-Fuck Seb' mmore," You moan.
His face is fucked out as he rises the two of you up, you're high out from the bed, secured to him by the two hands that hold your ass and hip. The final meekly holding you just above ur elbow.
You can feel him part you, as his head presses against your hole. It's achingly slick, ans he breaches with no further hesitation. He's large, filling you with just the tip of one of his cocks alone. The second rushes in,curling in your walls sporadically.
"Oohh-- nnh- aah!" You mewl.
"Z'orry," he hisses. With no warning, Sebastian fucks your hips down onto his cocks, bottoming out with a wistful moan. Your hands shoot to grab onto him, laying your face sloppily into his chest and familiarizing your nails with his back.
His dicks are hot, much hotter than the rest of his cold body. You can feel him expand your belly, his alien cock swirling and spasming like a furious vibrator. Your ankles lock your feet en pointe, your toes curling to finish look. And for his very first official thrust, you're already spilling out cum.
His claws dip into your skin, beading out tiny beads of blood into the bed. The smell of your blood is a fragrant garish to the smell of your weeping sex and the drizzling aroma of your sweat. All of this happening in his den, with the taste of ur lips still distant on his tongue, with the sound of your mewls in his ears, all of it makes his ears twitch in masterful delight.
He pumps into you mindlessly, your walls pummeled and stretched intensely, gummy as they milk his dicks of their juices. A lewd, hearty smack puckers out the space where your bodies meet, the sound squelching wet. Your combined slick dribbles down Sebastian's scales as he hurriedly burries himself into your shoulder.
He fucks your hips down onto him as he thrusts, meeting you both in the middle, the squeaking pleasure forcing your nails to scrape at the tough skin on his back. You're unfortunate to note you can't prick him to bleed the same way he'd made your hips to suffer, but your mind is burning with sparks to intense, you fail to care.
Painfully, he pulls out of you mid thrust, thr feeling of emptiness like a sear to your weeping sex and heart. "Sebastian--" You can't even finish your shout as he cooes at you and shoved his tongue in your mouth.
He lowers back onto the bed, wrapping his tail around your body and propping you above him. Your head lays against his dorsal fin, your legs on either side of his hips and your feet touches the bed.
"T'gimme a sec'," he mumbles out, his eyes lidded, mouth agape and fucked out.
You watch precariously as his alien cock wraps around his more human one. It swirled around it like a precise torpedo, making it a thicker plunge for you to take. Before you can even register it, his tail shoves you down onto him, his absurd cocks forcing you into another orgasm.
Your mewl is airy and scratchy, drowning out the mantra of pitiful wanton "sorry"s from Sebastian's slobbering mouth. He bounces you onto him, your knees curled up on each side in a straddle. His cock adulterates your walls, the ridges from his swirling cock abuse your sweet spot, rubbing against it multiple times each thrust, and forcing you into your third orgasm.
You squeeze him tighter, and his back rises from the bed, his head shooting back into the pillows. His tail restricts tightly around your body, your airflow dimming beautifully as your hands claw at his tail. His moans spike, his tail growing weak with thrusts. Another orgasm was rising in you, but you wouldn't let it go to waist.
You take the liberty to bounce on him for him, your plunges quick and fast, energetic sloppy sounds spilling out your body. He cries out, baring his teeth, but you continue riding him, clawing at his tail with shaggy breaths. The restrictions felt so good, his tail squeezed your whole body so well, you were gonna cum you were gonna cum--
Your sex bursts it's cum perfectly in-sync with the flooding of semen invading your walls. His cum is blood hot, intense as his shots stretch you worse and spill out the gaps of his cocks. Your jaw locks, your moans drawn and loud from you. You squeeze him tightly, dropping all your weight against his tail, as you meekly use your last drop of energy to pull off his spasming cocks. It slips out of you, flowing by a waterfall of orange cum spilling out you. You can barely take notice of his semen's alien color when your head gets light.
"M'guppy, c'mere," is all you hear from him as you're lowered down onto his chest, and developed into his three arms.
You fall asleep just as instant as your cheek touches his collarbone.
That was life changing.
Your groggy eyes flutter open, doused in the moving, warm thing you lay upon. It felt rubbery against your cheek, yet had a soft pulse ebbing from it.
You didn't recall falling asleep, but when you awoke you found yourself laying on Sebastian's chest. It was rubbery against your cheek, yet warm and pusling eerily loud. With a grunt, you shifted, but was met with an intense soreness dipping from your arms and lower half.
"Awake," you heard him ask.
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smuddee-papabear · 8 months
naga partner manhandles you with their tail 🙏
Ooh I love nagas. You didn't specify gender so I'm going to make both gender neutral
gender neutral reader X gender neutral naga
Tw: rough handling, biting kink
Most mornings were easy, your partner was too busy warming up on their heating pad to complain too hard about you going into work. The day would start with you wriggling your way from their sizable tail before taking a shower. You'd get your breakfast and coffee before leaving after giving them a peck on the cheek.
Some mornings, however, they wouldn't let you go without a fight. This was one of them.
"I have to go into work." You know they won't care about that the moment their tail wraps your leg.
Your naga lets out a huffy sigh, tail trailing up. "I could provide you with everything you need without that silly job getting in the way."
"That silly job pays for your food bill." You tease, turning to look at them. It was a mistake. The way the morning light shines on their gorgeous scales is far too distracting. "And your heat pad."
Your naga partner clearly doesn't like that assessment. Their expression darkens slightly. "I can feed us both and I don't need a fancy pad to warm myself."
"Oh no?" Your raised eyebrow is another mistake.
You yelp as a strong force shoves unexpectedly on your chest. Before you know it you're wrapped in a coil and pushed into the floor right in front of them.
Your breath is knocked out of you, and not just from the force of it. Naga!Partner's eyes gleam with satisfaction as they loom above you. You're sure they can feel the jump in your heart rate. A devilish smile crosses their face.
"If you think I can't, get out of my coils and go into work."
For a moment you stare open mouthed at them. Get out of their coils? How does this prove that they can provide for you?
Finally you start wriggling against the well muscled body, trying to ignore how intently your naga watches. It doesn't take long before you're out of breath.
Unwilling to admit defeat you start kicking your legs and manage to make minor headway. Before you can be proud of that you hear tutting from Naga!Partner and another section of tail wraps your legs before you're yanked upside-down and dangled in front of the naga's eyes.
Heat flushes your face. "Hey! I was doing what you told me to!" A chaste kiss to your lips has you too flustered to splutter out more of your indignance.
"Are you just giving up?" The smug tone causes your blush to spread further.
You try to curl up and grab their tail but are stopped when they use another coil to shove up into your back, arching it almost uncomfortably. Once again the breath is knocked from your lungs.
You barely have time to get it back before Naga!Partner shifts the end of their tail to force your legs open just enough to put you in a very vulnerable position. They tease your crotch with the tip.
Despite what you should be wanting, to get free, a sharp moan escapes your mouth.
Your naga's breath tickles the back of your neck and sends shivers through your body. "I can provide for you." Their hiss is somehow so loving and so angry at the same time.
You open your mouth but are embarrassed the only thing leaving it is a breathy whine. Something cold and flat slides into your hand. Only a moment goes by before you realize what. Your phone; a clear demand to call in sick.
It takes effort but you manage to speak without another whine. "I have-...I have to work."
"No," Naga!Partner's teeth skim the skin on your neck. You can feel their fangs trail along. Goosebumps form where they do. "I can provide for you."
"Need...need t wo-work...!" You manage to choke out. To be honest you don't really care about it anymore. Your heart is racing, body throbbing with every shift of your naga's muscles, mind foggy with need.
Their fangs push into your skin. It's not enough to break it but it is enough to cause a jolt through your shaking frame. "I will provide you with what you need today."
You call in sick, and just as promised your Naga!Partner provides all you need and more.
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archangeldyke-all · 15 days
anon i hope u r recovering from ur gunshot wounds omg
men and minors dni
sevika's there when you're attacked.
in fact, the only reason sevika isn't dead is because you threw yourself between her and the wild beast roaming the streets of zaun.
she's furious at you as she drags you back to the last drop-- her anger only fading when the blood loss makes you delirious and you start sobbing in her arms, begging her not to let you die. she doesn't. she gets a good dose of shimmer in you and props you up in one of singed's hospital beds, sitting by your side as your wounds heal themselves up and four long scars take their place on your abdomen.
when you wake up the next morning, besides your pounding headache and broken ribs-- you feel fine. you feel better than fine, because sevika, your crush since forever, is cuddled up by your side, sleeping in your bed with a protective arm thrown across you.
and after that, nothing really changes except your relationship status. you and sevika become official, and you go on with your life.
it isn't until a few weeks later that you start to suspect that not everything is as fine as it seems.
"you okay?" sevika asks halfway through the day. you shrug.
"i dunno. i feel... jumpy or something. like i'm on high alert."
"c'mere, baby." sevika mumbles, reaching an arm out for you. you easily collapse in her arms, nuzzling against her neck. fuck she smells good right now. she doesn't smell any different than usual... you just notice it so much right now. "lemme go get you a drink from the bar, help you calm down, yeah?" she asks. you nod up at her.
the liquor manages to calm you down a bit, and after a few drinks you and sevika get wrapped up in a few rounds of cards that manage to take your mind off of things.
but as the day comes to an end and you and sevika start your trek home for the evening, you just can't shake the feeling that something's wrong.
"you're still feeling off?" sevika asks from where she's cooking up dinner in the kitchen.
you shrug. "i just-- ah fuck!" you growl, doubling over in pain.
sevika's by your side in a second, her hands around your shoulders as you collapse to the floor. "what's wr-- what the fuck!?"
you don't know what's happening. the pain is too intense for you to do anything other than scream.
but just as fast as it came, it's gone, and you feel fine again.
you let out a sigh and open your eyes to reassure your girlfriend that you're fine. but before you can, sevika's eyes are rolling back in her eyes and she's collapsing onto the floor.
you reach out to grab her, only to yelp when you see your arms.
those are not human arms. and those are not human hands.
you're covered in fur-- the same color as your hair but much coarser. your fingers are gone-- replaced by claws.
when you try to speak, all that comes out is a whine.
you want to nudge sevika, but you don't want to cut her on your claws. so, you bend down and start nosing at her-- vaguely aware of the fact that you can smell everything and your nose is cold and wet.
sevika grunts, blinks awake, then bursts into the most pathetic, girliest scream you've ever heard come from her.
you try to laugh, but it comes out as a bark.
"what the fuck?!" sevika shouts as she scrambles to her feet. with her standing and you still crouching, you're nose-level to her crotch. and fuck does she smell good.
"what the fuck!?" sevika shouts when you bury your nose against her clothed crotch and start sniffing.
you're vaguely aware of the fact that your butt is wiggling-- due to the giant tail on your ass happily wagging at the smell of your girlfriend-- but all you can really focus on is sevika.
sevika, who looks like she's about to pass out again.
you stop your sniffing to reach out slowly, carefully wrapping one of your hairy paws around her waist. sevika's breath is shaky and her eyes are wide as she gulps. "b-baby... is that you!?" she asks.
your tail starts wagging so hard you knock a lamp over.
sevika bursts into laughter, and you tackle her to the floor, licking her face as she cackles, happy to hear her happy.
"what the fuck!?" sevika giggles. "what the fuck happened to you, baby!?" she asks, sitting up and tentativly petting your head.
fuck that feels good. especially when she starts scratching behind your ear. sevika snorts as your leg starts thumping on the floor in time with her scratches.
"y-you're like a giant dog." sevika laughs. "i never liked dogs but... i guess you're alright." she sighs.
you would laugh if you could. instead, you just go back to licking her face.
the rest of the night is spent with sevika desperately trying to figure out what's happened to you, and you trailing after her like a lost puppy-- which you suppose you kinda are.
at dawn, the same horrible pain sneaks up on you-- transforming you back into a human.
you've never seen sevika more relieved in her life.
"oh thank fuck. i knew it was some form of werewolf-ism, and last night was a full moon, but i was worried you wouldn't transform back." she rushes out as she wraps you in a giant hug. she smells like wet dog. it makes you giggle.
"werewolf-ism?" you ask, hugging her back.
"from that wolf your dumbass decided to jump in front of a few weeks ago."
"huh." you say. you're exhausted-- your body's just been through a huge transformation twice-- so you aren't really processing her words fully right now. sevika looks so fucking pretty, all worried and fussing over you. "you smelt so good." you mumble.
sevika cackles. "yeah, babe, i gathered that when you put your whole snout between my legs."
you giggle a little guiltily. "so... what happens now?" you ask.
sevika snorts. "i dunno-- you transform on the full moon every month until you die?" she guesses. you giggle.
"no, i mean, like. shouldn't we buy a leash or something? you're a part time dog owner now, sev-- you gotta be responsible."
sevika bursts into another round of laughter, wrapping you up in an impossibly tight hug. "who says i'm responsible for you, huh?"
"uh, basically everyone since you declared i was yours in front of the entire last drop." you tease. sevika grins.
"i had to let them know i'd made it official! half the gang was betting on when we'd get together anyways-- i wanted ran to get their money."
you just snort and kiss your girlfriend. "next full moon you should take me out to the forest or something. i wanna see how fast i can run."
"janna, you're already like acting like a dog." sevika groans. you just giggle.
"oh please, you love me."
"unfortunately." sevika grunts. "fuck. i gotta get a new vacuum. fuckin' human sized dog as a girlfriend-- coverin' my place in fur."
"our place, sev." you taunt. sevika giggles.
"whatever. c'mon you mutt, i need sleep."
you giggle, trailing after your girlfriend as she leads you to bed.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
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lit3rallyll0yd · 2 months
Can you do oni!Lloyd x half-Dragon!fem!reader. Like Lloyd has always insecure getting into his oni form. So reader who already use to her dragon form, comfort him and say that she always love him no matter what form he is. Also bonus if you can do like how their tail (i think Lloyd has tail in his oni form??) wrap around each other and make a love shape.
Aodbksna im going crazy
"SCARY? MY GOD, YOUR DIVINE..." ── ninjago x reader. ft lloyd garmadon ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
warnings: lowercase writing, pretty rushed
basic info: takes place after crystallized, lloyd x reader, female reader, ft. garmadon, romantic x reader, n/n means your nickname!
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you knocked on the door to lloyd's room softly, thinking because it was already so quiet in there he could hear it. it's been hours, no, days, since you've seen lloyd come out of his room.
when he does come out, it's only to use the washroom or to grab a snack in the middle of the night when no one is around to see him.
after the defeat of the overlord, harumi, and all of the other villains── lloyd has stayed in his oni form. he hasn't learned how to transform back to his human form, so everyone has kinda been waiting to see how long it will take naturally...much to lloyds discomfort.
you went to garmadon about lloyd's state, and even he was starting to worry. he knew from the start helping lloyd achieve his oni power would be tricky and lloyd would be stubborn. however i don't think he thought this far ahead.
"your his, girlfriend, aren't you dragon girl?"
the oni asked you, who was watering his plants in one of the rooms of the newly built monestary.
you glared at the man, the nickname is gave you caused you to cringe but you kept your cool. your tail swinging back n forth from behind.
"yea. why do you think i'm coming to you for help?" you placed your hands on your hips, "he hasn't come out of his room, i haven't seen him eat or drink any water, he hasn't spoken to anyone since his changed. i don't know much about the oni form; but even you guys still need to eat...right?"
garmadon just sighed, finishing watering his plants. "oni indeed are powerful beings, although everyone needs food to live a healthy life."
you gave the oni a "so??" look and he sighed again.
"oni kids enjoy cuddling. they like to feel the warmth of they're loved one; gives them comfort knowing someone is there for them. i believe your perfect for to give that to him."
you thought for a moment.
"i want to, that's all i want to do is let him know i'm there for him! he's been cooped up in his room, crying and it breaks my heart-."
"then why are you still here talking to me?"
you looked at your father-in-law and had a frown on your face.
thats what lead you here to where you are now.
you called out your boyfriends name after knocking a few times, hoping he would open up. "i made you you're favorite?" you smiled to yourself sheepishly, not knowing what else to do in this awkward silence.
when you got no response you sighed, "c'mon baby, i haven't seen you eat in days, let alone you in general! i'm worried, your uncle's worried, our friends are worried for you!"
you frowned softly, hearing the words come out of your mouth.
"i miss you..."
as you were about to put the plate on the floor by his door, the sound of it creaking open causes you to look up to see a blonde, 6'0 tall oni boy look back at you. his ears drooped down, his eyes res and puffy, his long thick tail fell to the floor a d drag behind him as he stumbled back into the bed.
you stood back up and walked into the room. it was dark, and cold. the window been open to let out dirty smells and bring fresh air in to block out of the smell of dirty laundry, which was all in one pile in the corner of his room.
you had a small frown in your face as you placed the food on his nightstand, sitting in the end of his bed by his feet. lloyd was cuddled in on himself, hiding his body from you and on the opposite side of the bed.
it was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, "i'm ugly, aren't i?" it was almost a whisper, his grouchy voice from crying and his oni form made it harder for you to hear, another insecurity he has.
you frowned and scooted closer to him and place your hand on his knee, looking at him with a sad smile. "lloyd, your beautiful. nothing about you has changed, your still lloyd, my boyfriend!" you laughed, rubbing his knee back n forth in a comfort motion.
it was quiet once more, until lloyd spoke up again, "how do you do it?"
you raised your eyebrow at him, "do what?"
"how do you walk around in your dragon form, aren't you scared people will judge you? be scared of you?"
tears started to form in his eyes as he ranted. you felt your heart shatter into two pieces hearing his sobs, "i never wanted this, i didn't want this!!"
he shouts ans cries, huddling into his arms the best he could. however soon he felt your arms wrap around his, your large dragon body holding him tight.
"i know, lloyd, none of us knew you were going to have to achieve your oni form; to be honest i was hoping you were...me n you have more in common now. and...you look 10x hotter then before, i say that's a bright side."
you gave him a goofy grin, hearing his laughter soon later caused you to open your eyes and look at him.
there's that smile you've missed.
you quickly leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips, to which he took by surprise. "your lips are still soft." you chuckled. as you were distracted, you suddenly felt something wrap around your tail...looking down at your legs you saw lloyd's oni tail wrap with your dragon one.
you blushed slightly before looking back up at him, who had a blush redder then yours. he pulls you into his chest and holds you, his face in your hair.
"thank you, n/n...i love you..." he whispered softly.
you smiled, happily snuggling into your boyfriend more comfortably.
"i love'ya too, mints."
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ozzgin · 4 months
May I ask, what are each of the yokai harems love languages?
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Featuring the six demons and their ways of showing love! Content: gender neutral reader, fluff
[Main Story] | [Character Guide] | [More Headcanons]
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Murasaki will mostly show his love through acts of service. He may seem standoffish and cold, but he will always take care of you. If you get sick, he’ll huff and puff about humans being weak and pathetic, all while spoon feeding you some intricate soup he carefully cooked for hours to make sure you get back on your feet; then he'll adjust your pillow with a frustrated sigh, and occasionally check that you’re properly tucked in (with a frown).
In return, I think he’d greatly appreciate words of affirmation. He’d never show it, but he will absolutely blush to himself hours later because you brought up how helpful or smart he is. W-well, obviously. Who else is going to look after you as well as him? Hmph.
Kiritsubo is all about physical touch. He loves feeling your warmth and hearing your heartbeat, to the point you sometimes have to physically remove him off of you. Forget asking for a jacket if it’s cold, he’ll just attach himself to you.
Besides returning his affections, he will absolutely adore the occasional praise. Watch him power up in real time just because you told him he’s doing a good job. He’ll turn to you in the middle of the fight just to ask, “did you really mean it?”, and then continue slaying his foes with a goofy smile on his face. You really did mean it, huh.
Suma enjoys hanging out with you. In fact, it's the highlight of his day. There's nothing better than returning from his training and seeing your little human face. Even better if you happened to join him for a quick practice. Additionally, he's a very touchy demon, but he is painfully aware of the colossal difference in strength and size. Just one brief moment of him getting too comfortable, and you may end up with a broken bone. Sorry, he was really looking forward to that hug.
Unlike the other yokai, Suma doesn't care much for praise. On the other hand, he'll be extremely grateful if you're the one initiating intimacy. This way he doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting you, and - something he'd never openly admit - he finds your struggles quite endearing. Having to stand on your toes to reach for a mere hug, holding his finger with your entire hand...precious.
Yuugiri has two ways of showing he cares: physical touch and words of affirmation. He's painfully observant and thus particularly skilled at saying the right thing. If you're having a bad day, he will immediately know the cause of your troubles. Within moments, he'll have you on his lap, stroking your hair and soothing you with compliments. "Of course I'm right, (Y/N). No one knows you better than me."
When it comes to himself - you guessed it - Yuugiri will never say no to some praise. Normally he's rather indifferent to sweet words, finding them plain and boring. Anyone else complimenting his looks in ample detail, and he'll grimace in irritation. But it's enough for you to casually remark his kimono has a nice pattern, and he'll be twirling his hair like a maiden all day long. "My, you think so? Maybe I should wear this style more often, huh?"
Sekiya does his best to be useful: bringing you a cup of tea after a long day of exorcising spirits, or massaging your shoulders to release some tension. You sometimes have to remind the anxious demon that he doesn't need to be a servant to earn your affections. Ideally, there would be a lot of physical touch involved, but he often hesitates, clouded by the fear of annoying you too much.
Therefore, any kind of intimate gesture is enough to get his tail wagging. Pair it up with a little praise, and he'll be dizzy with delight. Sekiya loves being acknowledged by you. He'd probably risk his life in a heartbeat just for a headpat from his one and only Master. The poor yokai worships the ground you walk on.
Sakaki loves spending quality time with you, especially if it’s away from everyone else. Whether you’re painting together, or taking a quiet stroll through some graveyard, know he will be having a blast - despite his gloomy expression. Additionally, he enjoys bringing you little gifts that remind him of you. Although his tokens of adoration can be a little…unconventional. Last time it was a polished rodent skull he found in the forest, because it reminded him of your fragile, yet eternal bond.
One quick way to soften him up is by praising his art and poetry; he will immediately crumble into theatrical confessions, declaring that no one else truly understands him like you do. You're his forever muse, his reason to await the next coming day.
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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tsngawpay [ˈt͡sŋaw.paj] n. tears
Anonymous Request: Can I request an Aonung fic where the reader is a Sully and Aonung teases her like he does the rest of them (despite finding her cute) but she's really sweet and innocent and has the biggest puppy dog eyes so when he says anything mean she immediately looks like a kicked puppy and he ends up backtracking until finally he just gives up being mean because he may be a jerk but he's not a monster. (He even apologizes to kiri because he saw how hurt reader looked at his behavior) And somewhere in there he realizes he has feelings for her and has to man up and confess before a better man than him swoops in and steals her away?
Request from @jakesully-sbabygirl: Can we have Aonung with the trope "she fell first but he fell harder"?
"He asked," says the small, annoying man with the tight curls on his head, "if you are a freak?"
Kiri's face falls, and so does my heart. I am far enough away that the men picking on my sister haven't noticed me, but close enough to hear their conversation.
Kiri shakes her head and indignantly replies, "No."
I see Lo'ak approaching, so I jump up before things can escalate.
"Hey!" I holler, and all eyes snap to me. "Leave her alone. You're being mean."
One of the boys reaches out for Kiri's tail, and she pulls it away with a yelp.
"Look, it's the other freak," the first boy says, and I try to stop my lip from quivering, but I'm not entirely successful.
It's hard enough to be away from home, adjusting to an entirely new way of life, without being bullied. It's disappointing to see Aonung here, among these bullies, almost leading them. The first day we arrived on the beach, I'd found him to be so visually striking, with such a lovely smile... to find out he's a jerk has been a real disappointment.
Something about him still draws my eye, though. And now, he's staring back at me, his eyes narrowed and his lips pursed.
"Leave my sisters alone!" Lo'ak says, finally arriving, and Aonung raises his hands in a gesture of surrender.
"You're right," Aonung says after a long, tense pause. "We're going."
He turns on his heel, and his lackies follow him with deeply confused looks on their faces.
I reach out for Kiri's hand, and she takes it, staring at me with concern. Kiri's strength is her connection with Eywa, Lo'ak's is his boldness, Neteyam's is his fierceness in battle, and mine is crying.
Everything makes me cry. My mother says when I was born, I cried for a month straight, and have basically been crying once a day since.
I wish I was bold like Lo'ak, or strong like Neteyam, or even carefree like Tuk, but I am none of those things. I am 'sensitive', and it makes every day harder than it needs to be.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Lo'ak asks, grabbing my arm. "That was weird, wasn't it?"
"What?" I ask.
"That they just left. Aonung looked so weird."
I shrug. "I don't care how that jerk looked," I reply, but of course, I do care. I care about everything, deeply, and I'm on the verge of tears now.
"Come, sister, lets swim," Kiri says, smiling at me, and I nod and follow along, saved from tears for now.
What is it about the oldest Sully sister? Something about the look on her face made Aonung feel... something.
Shame? Guilt? Lust?
Maybe all three.
All he knows is, it wasn't funny anymore, when it looked like she was going to cry. It caused some kind of strange, visceral reaction in him, the thought of her crying. He would have done anything to stop it.
What is this feeling?
"He called you a freak?" my father says in that cold, calm tone that means he is really, really angry. It's later that same evening, and all seven of us sit in our mauri pod, eating dinner after a long day of learning.
"Don't, Lo'ak!" I hiss. "They stopped when I asked them to. They're just dumb boys."
Dad sits back, chewing his food and scowling. "You tell me if they pull that again, Y/N, you got it?"
Mom elbows him for using a harsh tone with me, and I roll my eyes.
"It was weird, the way they just... walked away," Kiri adds, passing me some fruit. "Why do you think they did that?"
"Aonung thinks Y/N is cute," Neteyam says with his mouth full, and I gasp.
"Of course he doesn't. He just didn't want you to come and kick his ass."
"Hey," Dad warns, but there's a hint of a smile on his face. He and mom share a glance and a grin, and I look back to Neteyam.
"Aonung is a jerk. I don't know how he and Tsireya could be related."
Neteyam shrugs, but he's smiling too, and I'd like to slap the smile off his face, but I know better than to start a fight with my older brother. He'd win every time.
Later that night, though, the idea of Aonung thinking I'm cute crosses my mind again. As much as I'd like to, I just can't hate the idea.
Kiri, Lo'ak and I spend most of the next day with Tsireya and Aonung, practicing the finger talk and learning all we can from them about how to be active members of the clan, and pull our weight.
Tsireya is a quiet, confident teacher, and we've learned so much from her. Especially Lo'ak, who is hopelessly in love with her.
Eventually, Tsireya and Lo'ak swim away to be in a world all their own and as usual, Kiri is nowhere to be found. This leaves Aonung and I perched on a rock alone together, and the tension is palpable.
I can't decide if I want to leave and never speak to him again, or stay with him all day.
There's no denying, I still find him very handsome, but I'm so turned off by his behavior, the way he's treated my family.
"I'm sorry," he says, interrupting my thoughts, "about yesterday."
I raise an eyebrow at him, surprised by what seems to be a very genuine apology. "You are?"
"Yeah. You looked... really hurt. I'm sorry."
"Why would it bother you if you hurt a freak?"
He reaches out, taking my hand into his, and the differences are obvious. Not just the coloring, or the wideness of his hand, or how his large hand engulfs mine, but the biggest difference of all: he has four fingers, and I have five.
"We have grown up hearing about the evil of the sky people, and what they could do to us."
I flex my fingers, but he doesn't let my hand go. "I am Na'vi, as is my mother and my father. I can't help how many fingers I have."
With his free hand, he reaches up, touching the hair above my eyes, which Na'vi don't have. Something about his hand on my face sends chills up my spine.
"I know. I am sorry, truly." He removes his hand from my face, and places it over his heart.
Though everything is screaming at me not to, I believe him, and we smile at each other.
Things are different, from that day forward. Though Aonung is still a little arrogant and teases at times, he's never mean. There is no more name calling, or fighting, and things almost feel harmonious.
This is another side of Aonung, and it's hard to reconcile with the jerk he showed himself to be before. He's patient and kind, and he laughs and smiles. I see the man I thought he was that first day on the beach.
The crush I had on him at first, that faded away, has blossomed again.
The day the Tulkun return, we all rush to the water to find them, and as I call for an Ilu outside our pod, Aonung charges up on his ilu, and extends a hand to me.
Without hesitation, swept up in the excitement all around us, I jump on and wrap my arms around his waist. We make a quick turn and dive under water, and I hold on tight. Aonung reaches back as we charge forward, gripping my thigh to keep me from falling off.
The tulkun are the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Giant, beautiful creatures decorated in the same tattoos that the Metkayina wear. They're diving, turning, and everyone is absolutely overwhelmed with joy.
We surface, and Aonung pats my thigh and points forward, to a specific beast.
"My brother," he says. "I want you to meet him."
I feel such joy and honor in my heart, to be introduced to Aonung's tulkun brother, and I try not to burst into tears on the spot. Instead, I just nod, and we weave forward through the Metkayina reuniting with their brothers and sisters, until we reach Aonung's tulkun.
He tells me his name, how they met, what they like to do together. He shows me his tattoos, and we sit on his giant fin together. It's absolutely astonishing, to be in the presence of a Tulkun. I understand why they are so important to these people.
"This is Y/N," Aonung tells his brother. "She is special to me."
I whip my head around to stare at Aonung. "I am?"
There is a grin on his face, ear to ear. "Very special. I care about you a lot, Y/N."
I furrow my brow and shake my head. "No, Aonung. I'm just... I'm just ridiculous."
He throws his head back laughing, as if he wants to prove my point. "How are you ridiculous?"
"I'm not special! I'm not brave like Lo'ak, or fierce like Neteyam, or smart like Kiri. I'm just..."
"Sensitive," Aonung replies with a shrug. "You're sensitive. You cry a lot. You feel things more deeply than anyone I've ever met. Do you think this is a bad thing?"
I feel the tears in my eyes now, and turn away from Aonung, staring his brother tulkun in the eye as we float gently on his fin.
"Yes," I whisper.
Aonung's arm is around my shoulders, and he reaches out, using two fingers on my chin, turning my face towards him.
"It is not a weakness, to feel deeply. It makes you kind and caring, two areas that I am told I'm severely lacking in. It makes you fine match for me. I've never met anyone like you. I didn't realize it at first, but every day that I spend with you, I care more deeply for you. I See you, Y/N."
There is no holding the tears back now, and I bury my face into the crook of Aonung's neck, crying freely. His tulkun rocks us gently up and down, almost as if to soothe me.
When I'm finally calmed down enough to look up, I meet Aonung's eyes. "I See you, Aonung."
And I do. He's not mean, or unfeeling, or a jerk; he's as soft as I am, under as much pressure as I am, and not sure how to express it.
As beautiful as he is outside, he's even more so inside. I feel elated, joyful, to be given the chance to be with Aonung.
"You know," I say, "we have to tell my dad. If we're going to..."
"I'm going to court you," Aonung says, matter of factly. "I'll tell him. Should we go now?" He makes to hop off the tulkun and I laugh, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him back to me.
"No, lets leave that to another day."
Unexpectedly, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug, and pressing his lips to the top of my head.
Over Aonung's shoulder, I spot my parents, riding an Ilu together through the happy crowd. My mother lifts her arm, pointing to me, and father turns his head.
His jaw drops.
Another day seems to be today.
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
Not Like I'm in Love with You
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Summary: For the longest time, it was you and Maria. A package duo. A dynamic team. Agent Hill and Gaia. But you were always just friends, nothing more. Until a mission goes wrong forces Maria to admit her feelings for you.
Warnings: jealously, angst with a happy ending, surgery, medically induced coma, bomb, eco terrorist?, reader is enhanced, mention of drinking and sexual activity, love confession
Word Count: 5.2k
“My savior,” Natasha groaned as you handed the redhead a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. She moaned, taking a sip of the coffee. “I could marry you right now.” You shook her head at her antics and passed the rest of the goodies to the team. Clint had his feet on the table and head thrown back, and a pair of sunglasses covered his eyes. He grunted out a thanks when he set his order down. The rest of the team was in different states of hungover, barely muttering a greeting. You chuckled.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have gone out on a school night,” you teased, sitting down at your desk so you could eat your own. Clint groaned.
“You aren’t my mom,” You felt like it.
“Where’s the boss?” You questioned.
“Probably untangling herself from the blonde she went home with,” May mumbled, holding a cold towel to her forehead. Why did your stomach drop when she said that? The team had the right to party after a job well done. The case had a breakthrough, and they wanted to go out. Like always, you refused, you weren’t much of a drinker, and you didn’t trust yourself drunk with your abilities. You were an Eco-empathy, allowing you to connect deeply with the environment and sense, understand, and manipulate the natural world. SHIELD nicknamed you Gaia, and your fellow agents called you various Earth-related names. You and Maria were just friends, right? When Fury picked her as Deputy Director, she prompted you alongside her. You were her second in command; while she went out in the field, you stayed behind to run point. It was how you two operated a well-oiled machine. Co-workers. Best friends at most. Like you’ve been, right? Natasha raised an eyebrow at you.
The door opened, and Maria walked in. “Ah, she emerges from her walk of shame,” Natasha teased. Maria flipped her off and thanked you with a smile for her breakfast.
“Ain’t nothing shameful what I did last night,” Natasha cringed. Thankfully, Maria’s back was to you, so she missed the frown on your face. The redhead saw it. “Alright,” she said. “What’s the plan?”
“You missed a hell of a party,” Maria said as you handed your mock battle plan for the upcoming mission. It would go through her than Fury before it was green lite; the more eyes, the better when it came to people’s lives.
“All these years you’ve known me, you know clubs aren’t my scene,” you sat on the edge of her desk. There was a picture of you and her during your SHIELD graduation. “Besides, how long were you there until an innocent woman fell under your spell?” You teased, but it didn’t feel enjoyable in your mouth.
“She wasn’t so innocent when I had my way with her,” you faked a gag. It was typical behavior between you two to talk about the woman you brought home; more times than not, Maria had the stories. But why did you feel like you could throw up right now?
“I can tell by that hickey on your neck,” you pushed the bruise, and she squatted your hand away. She was your ride-or-die. So you weren’t jealous.
“What is your schedule like today?” You sighed, looking at your nails on your left hand.
“Leading a training with May, a meeting with Phil, and I think Clint wants to go over some new trick arrows,” you rattled off. It was a typical busy day for you. Maria nodded.
“Do you want to go get lunch? We could go to that Mexican place you like.” That sounded nice, and you liked the burritos and mock tails they had. You sighed.
“How about a ring check? Nat asked if I could get lunch with her today,” Maria liked to joke that you made her soft. She rarely held up the mask to hide her emotions around you. There was no need. Now you saw the mask slowly creep up to hide her true feelings.
“Yeah, of course, she forced a smile. “Now get out of here before I write you up,” she teased. Rolling your eyes, you jumped off her desk.
“See you later, Ria.”
“Stay safe out there, Willow.” You rolled your eyes at the nickname but her office to start your day.
“You love her,” Natasha said as you took a bite of your sandwich. You choked on it, and the Black Widow smirked at your misfortune. You rubbed your chest to help the food pass and took a sip of water.
“I have no idea what the hell you are talking about,” she took a fry from your plate and popped it in her mouth.
“Please, Cherry, you’ve been in love with Maria since I’ve known you, and according to Phil, it’s been since the academy,” you gasped.
“Why is this office gossip?” You asked.
“We have to talk about something,” she shrugged. SHIELD agents were moths to a flame when it came to gossip. “Don’t worry, we won’t discuss it with Maria.” That was not reassuring.
“Look, Maria and I are friends. We have been forever; the way I feel is black and white.” You were curious to know if Natasha believed you. Hell, you barely believed yourself. It wasn’t like you stayed up at night overthinking the possibility of you and Maria has a couple. Nah, that would be dumb.
“Are you sure?” Yeah, it was fine. It was cool. It wasn’t like every time she talked about having sex with some random hookup at a bar, it made your stomach burn with jealousy because you wanted her body all to yourself. You wanted her more than anyone else. It’s not like you were in love with her.
“Shit,” you mumbled, slumping back into her hair. Natasha smiled, sipping on her chocolate milkshake.
“Glad you admitted it,” you hadn’t admitted anything. What was she talking about? “So, are you going to tell her?”
“No!” You shrieked, and you drew the attention of the other patrons. You felt your body warm up due to the extra eyes. Natasha chuckled. “God, no. I can’t. It will ruin everything. Besides, I doubt she feels the same.”
“She does.” The Black Widow glanced at the watch on her wrist. “Shit, we have to get back.” It was supposed to be a quick lunch because Fury called for an emergency meeting. You nodded, throwing your half-eaten food in the bag to take with you. “You know,” Natasha held open the door for you as you walked onto the busy DC sidewalks. “You should tell her. You both could be happy.” She said it as if it was easy and not scary. It’s not like you were losing your mind thinking about her in your bed. It started slow, but like dominoes, you started free-falling with no control. You were doing a shit job at hiding it if your friends knew the truth. It’s not like you were in love with her.
“I’m going on this mission,” you said, a little surprised.
“Yes,” Fury said, his arms behind his back and one good eye trained on you. “Your skill set is what this mission needs. Is that a problem?”
“No sir,” you said without hesitation. You kept up to date on your physical and firearm certification, and you met with SHIELD’s psychologist. You were always mission-ready when the time called for it, but it never did. You glanced at Maria, who was oddly quiet. Her face was in a permanent frown. But you couldn’t worry about her now; you had a mission to lead.
Maria found you in the locker room, tackle suit around your waist, and you were holding your dad’s dog tags in your hand. It was your good luck charm. “Want me to put it on you?” She asked. You nodded, handing her the necklace. Carefully, she placed the chain around your neck and locked it. The cold metal caused goosebumps to cover your shin. “I don’t like you going on this mission without me.” She admitted and sat down next to you on the bench. You chuckled.
“You’ll be watching my back,” you looked over your shoulder. “No, you’ll know how I feel every time you run off into danger.” You tried to make light of the situation, but there was a frown on your face. “Here,” you removed the necklace and placed it around her.
“What are you doing?” She asked. “You never go anywhere without it.”
“I don’t need it,” you said. “I got you watching my back. That’s all the luck I need.” Maria was quiet. It was unsettling for her to be quiet. “Ria, we got this. I get this. I’ve learned from the best, so I’ll be the best.” She laughed, and you were glad you could pull a sound out of her.
“Clover,” May walked in and cut Maria off. “We are all set, just waiting for you.” You told me you’d be there in 5 and turned your attention back to Maria.
“Just stay safe out there, Willow.” You wondered what she was going to say if she wasn’t interrupted.
“I’ll see you later, Ria,” you smiled. “Promise.”
You learned to listen to your gut instinct. It was your most valued tool as an agent. Even when you ran point back at headquarters, you listened to it when your stomach tightened with anxiety as you sat in the wooded area that surrounded the factory. This factory was responsible for releasing toxins into the air. Usually, this type of case wouldn’t gather attention from SHIELD, but the damage they were doing to the environment was affecting the locals: memory loss, muscle spasms, and strange hallucinations. The problem was that it was impossible to locate the idiots responsible for the mess. You could feel the environment dying in this area. May place a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay? She asked. You nodded, unable to open your mouth. You let out a few shaky breaths, trying to loosen the anxiety knot in your stomach, and tapped on the com in your ear.
“How are we looking?” You asked.
“They are about to make the guard change,” hearing Maria’s voice helped calm you down. “Are you doing okay, Willow? Your heart monitor is spiking.” You rolled your eyes and bit back a huff of annoyance. It was Phil’s idea to add pulse and heart detectors into the suit.
“Yeah, they’ve caused a lot of damage to this area. It’s making me all jittery,” you admitted.
“We’ll stop them,” this time it was Natasha’s voice through the coms. The Black Widow was recovering from a shoulder injury that left her benched until it was healed. You lead the team with Clint, May, and a handful of qualified agents.
“Shift change is in 3,” you put on your gas mask. “2 and 1. Stay safe, agents.” That feeling remained in the pit of your stomach. Anxiety, dread. You needed to figure out why. You moved through the building with ease and worked towards the control room. It was your, May’s, and two other agents’ job to turn off the factory while Clint protected the outside in case the alarm was tripped.
“We made it to the control room,” May said.
“Perfect, insert the flash drive. It should take 5 minutes to shut down the factory and copy the information they have on it.” Maria explained. May pushed the rolling chair out of the way.
“Go stand guard,” you ordered the other two agents. They obeyed and went into the hallway. The mission was almost over, so why were you so anxious? When May inserted the flash drive, an alarm went off, and metal walls trapped May and you inside the room.
“Houston,” your friend said. “We have a problem.” The room began to shake as a trap door opened, and a bomb rose from the floor. The red numbers clicked down from 10 minutes.
“Houston,” you repeated, and you took off the gas mask. “We have a bigger problem.”
“Turn on your cameras,” you turned on your body camera and heard the sharp intake of Maria’s breath.
“Guys, we have multiple heat signatures heading towards the factory,” Phil said. You walked over to the bomb, staring at the mysterious liquid.
“Barton, pull back. Gather all agents to the secondary position,” you pulled your hand back, clutching your hand against your chest—a fertilizer bomb.
“Willow, what is it?” Maria asked. You glanced at May; you knew she saw the panic in your eyes.
“It’s a fertilizer bomb,” you admitted. “Big enough to take out the factory and the surrounding bomb.”
“Fucking hell,” you heard Natasha mumble.
“Already on it,” she cut off Maria as she rapidly typed at the control panel, trying to disarm the bomb.
“All agents have made it to the secondary location. Just need you two.” Yeah, that was going to be a problem. The sound of your team frantically discussing how to disarm the bomb became white noise. You walked the room length, gliding your hand over the metal wall. To your surprise, you felt pieces of earth within the metal sheets. Of course! All you had to do was focus on the impurities within the metal. You let out a shaky breath and concentrated. The metal moved underneath your palm.
“I have an idea,” you said suddenly.
“Am I going to like this idea?” Maria questioned. Probably not. You took your normal stance, feet shoulder length apart and knees bent slightly. You put your hands together, and then your palms faced the metal walls. Slowly, you began miming as if trying to rip something apart. At first, nothing happened. Beads of sweat trickled down your neck. Finally, the metal started to crumble and pull apart. A small doorway appeared. You fell to one knee, chest heaving. May ran to your side.
“That was wild,” she said. “I don’t know you could do that.” You chuckled as she helped you to your feet.
“Neither did I.”
“Nice work. No, get out of there,” Maria said. You quickly turned off your body camera and your and May’s com.
“You’re staying, aren’t you?” She asked.
“I think I can contain the blast.”
“You think?” It wasn’t an exact science, and you weren’t sure if you were strong enough to contain it.
“Go,” you told her. You had to try. If not, so many people would die, including your team. Your friend hesitated but took off towards the exit. You faced the bomb and turned on your com again. There were four and a half minutes left.
“Why aren’t you leaving with May?” Maria questioned. You took a shaky breath and retook your stance. “Willow, it’s just me and you. What are you doing?”
“I gotta try, Ria,” your voice strained with exhaustion, arms shook at each metal wall you bent around the bomb. “If I don’t, hundreds if not thousands of people are gonna die.” You said. It was your responsibility to get your team home and protect the innocents in the area. Maria whispered your name. It was so rare that someone said your real name it took you by surprise. The bomb was fully wrapped in metal, but you were exhausted already. “You got my lucky charm, right?”
“Yeah,” she whispered. “I got it.”
“Good, good,” you mumbled, digging your feet into the metal floor. “I’ll see you later, Ria. I promised, didn’t I?” There was so much more you wanted to say. A three-word sentence danced on your lips, but you held it back. It wasn’t fair to her to say it now. Each nerve in your body was vibrating. Every breath you took burned. You sent a silent prayer to your father as the explosion rocked your body. You held the metal to contain it. A scream left your lips as it became too much, and your world went black.
Maria knew she had this aura that surrounded her. An aura that screamed authority. It told newer agents not to fuck with her. She knew she was good at what she did and wanted everyone to know that. As she walked to the med bay with Natasha close by, she was murderous. Rationally, she knew it was no one’s fault. It was par for the course when it came to this line of work, but she needed someone to blame and push guilt onto someone. May was resting in a chair with an ice pack on her head. She looked up when she heard the approaching footsteps. “She’s still in surgery,” she mumbled, and Natasha sat beside her. “Doctors are worried about the amount of blood she lost and the toxins that entered her lungs.” A heat of anger washed over Maria, but she tried to push it down.
“May, go shower and eat,” Maria ordered. Her voice strained. She saw the protest form in the agent’s eyes. “That’s an order.” You risked your life to save her and the rest of your team. It would do no one good if May stopped taking care of herself. “That’s an order.” May sighed.
“Yes, Hill.” She stood up and left. Maria took a seat in her spot, elbows resting on her knees.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Natasha asked. Maria refused to look away from the wall she was staring at.
“I need her to be okay,” Maria admitted.
“Is this why you wrote her out of every mission?” The Black Widow questioned. Maria slowly leaned back and looked at the redhead. “Come on, Hill, it was obvious. With her on the field, missions would be over in half the time, but you didn’t want to risk her getting hurt.” Maria remained silent. “Now, why would you do that?” Her eyes locked onto Natasha’s green ones; there was no judgment like she had expected to see. “We do crazy things for the people we love.”
“I-” Maria let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know, Nat.” She whispered. “I just need her to be okay.”
“She will be,” the Black Widow smiled. “She’s strong.” Of course, Maria knew you were strong. She’s seen you at your lowest point when your father passed away, but you pulled yourself out of it. Your screams right before you collapsed were repeating inside her head. It was like a bad song stuck in there. The only thing that gave her hope was the steady beat of your heart monitors within your suit. You were alive, barely but alive.
“Deputy Director Hill,” her name said, but the approaching doctor caused her to stand up.
“How she is?” She asked.
“Stable,” the doctor said. “The next 24 hours are critical. I must admit she has a few guardian angels looking out for her. There was a major piece of metal in her stomach and left thigh. She also had small pieces in her arm. We think she hit her head due to a cut on the back of her head.”
“May said you were worried about her lungs,” Natasha said. The doctor nodded.
“She inhaled a great deal of the fertilizer before she was found, so we are worried about the lasting effects.” She explained.
“Can-can I see her?” Maria asked.
“Of course, we’ve placed her in a medically induced coma to allow her body to heal.” She faintly heard Natasha say she would inform Clint and the others of your condition. Maria wasn’t sure if the doctor was talking about your prognosis, but soon she was alone.
The only noise in the room was the steady sound of the machines connected to you. It seemed unreal that you were hurt. For the longest time, you seemed untouchable. Now, you were bedridden and too pale for Maria’s liking. She took your father’s dog tags off her neck and opened your hand to put the chain in it. “Lucky charm is back where it belongs.” She formed your hands into a tight fist and placed it on your heart. “Come back to me,” she whispered, kissing your forehead. “Please.”
There was a heaviness that surrounded you. It started at your chest and then moved to your limbs. The pressure was suffocating. Catastrophic. Slowly, you opened your eyes to the bright light of med bay. You felt metal in your hand and opened your palm to see the dog tags you gave Maria. “You’re awake,” you turned to see Natasha. A deck of cards in your hands and glanced down at your chest. You interrupted a game of war.
“Why are you using me as a table?” You deadpanned. Natasha shrugged.
“Had to kill time as we waited for your dumbass to wake up,” you rolled your eyes. “How do you feel?”
“Like I got hit by a semi-truck,” you groaned and sat up slowly. The door opened to the bathroom, and Clint walked out.
“Shit,” you said. “You’re alive.” You scuffed, rubbing the bandages on your chest.
“I’m glad you had so much confidence in me, bird man,” Clint took a seat across from Natasha. “The team is okay, right? They all made it out.”
“Yeah, you saved their lives,” Natasha said. “Maria is pissed at you.” You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“I’ll deal with her later.” You closed your eyes. Now that you were a little more awake, you could take a better inventory of your body. Every small breath you took caused your chest to burn; it felt like a fire was starting. You sighed, wincing slightly, and turned to look at Natasha. “How bad?” The Black Widow sighed.
“There is potential damage to your lungs due to the fertilizer, and you had a metal that they had to remove from your stomach and thigh.” Cool, you thought, real cool.
“Just think,” Clint started. “At least you are off breakfast duty for a while.” You laughed at his poor attempt to lighten the mood but hissed. “Shit, sorry. No laughing. Got it.” You waved him off that you were okay.
“I’ll go get the doctor. Don’t move.” Natasha said, standing up. You scuffed. Yeah, you would make a grand escape with a hole in your stomach.
“You had everyone worried,” Clint said once Natasha was gone. You remained quiet, lost in your thoughts. It wasn’t your intention to scare everyone. It was your job to protect your team and bring them home. So, you completed that part of the mission. It so happened you were hurt in the process.
It was night when you woke up again, and Maria was in Natasha’s seat. Her eyes were closed, but you knew she wasn’t asleep. Even in the dim light of the room, she looked exhausted. Bags were under her eyes, and her face looked pale. Natasha told you that you were in a medically induced coma for five days. Maria barely slept, had to be forced to eat, and left her office. “I know you aren’t asleep, Ria,” you whispered. Her eyes shot open. “You look like shit.”
“Says the girl with the hole in her stomach.” You smiled.
“They stitched it up all good. Besides, I had my lucky charm,” you picked up the dog tag around your neck. To your surprise, Maria took your hand in hers. Your body felt warm at the simple act. It wasn’t like you hadn’t held her hand before this moment felt more intimate. “Ria,” you whispered. “Are you okay?”
“I thought I lost you,” she admitted. “God, Willow, you scared the shit out of me.”
“Didn’t mean to,” you said. “I needed to save the team.” She shook her head.
“It was the right call to make, but,” Maria sighed, and you felt her take her hand away, but you held her tight, not wanting to let her go. “Just don’t do it again.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” you promised.
With the surgery and injuries, your movement was limited. The most straightforward actions were impossible for you to do without pain shooting through your chest. It was deemed you would move in with someone until you fully recovered. Natasha was the first to offer but was quickly overruled by Maria. So you moved in with the Deputy Director, and it was strange. You needed help washing your hair, changing, and undressing yourself. You couldn’t understand the look in Maria’s eyes for every action you required assistance with. It wasn’t the first time you shared a living space with Maria, but now you walked on eggshells around each other. A part of you wanted to go back before the mission before everything felt complicated between you and your best friend.
The physical limitations weren’t the worst part of your recovery. It was the mental scars. Nightmares plagued your mind almost every night of that mission. It would change constantly. Sometimes, your team would die, or you would fail to save Maria. It was exhausting, waking up in a pool of sweat, your heart racing, and your lungs unable to get air into them. You wanted all to stop.
Maria was sitting at her dining room table, a bottle of whiskey opened, and she needed to work on a few case files. Her mind was a million miles away and not on her duties as Deputy Director. It wasn’t entirely her fault; a lot had happened over the past two weeks. Her best friend was almost killed; Natasha forced her to admit she was in love with said best friend, and she had to watch you piece yourself back together. It was exhausting, but she knew you would do it for her. This was how it had always been. You and Maria. Agent Hill and Gaia. A package duo that never crossed the line as friends. So Maria filled the void that was missing with one-night stands and drunken sex that meant nothing to her. All she wanted, needed, and craved was you. She could not risk the friendship; it was the most important thing in her life.
Small whimpers from your room pulled her out of her thoughts. Standing quickly, she made her way to the guest room. She carefully opened the door. You lay on the bed, mumbling something Maria couldn’t quite understand. On socked feet, she walked over to the bed and sat at the foot. “No,” you mumbled. “Take me. Not her. Please.” Maria’s heart broke.
“Sweetheart,” Maria whispered. “Wake up. Come on.”
“Maria,” you mumbled, thrashing slightly. “Maria, please, I’m sorry.”
“It’s just a nightmare. Wake up. Wake up.” You woke with a start, chest heaving and eyes frantically looking around.
“Ria,” you forced out. There was a thin layer of sweat on your body.
“It’s okay—you’re safe. I’m safe. Breath,” she gently touched the back of your neck and brought your forehead against hers. Your eyes closed as you took a few deep breaths in and out. Finally, you pulled away, and Maria hated to admit she missed you being close. You slumped back on the bed, arm across your face.
“Thanks,” you whispered.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked. She was curious to know if you heard her. With your other hand, you grabbed her hand and squeezed it.
“I’m scared,” you said. Your voice shook at every spoken word. “I feel broken and weak and-” You aggressively rubbed your eyes as tears filled them.
“You are not broken,” Maria said. “You are healing. In time, you will return to your old self that I-” Maria cut herself off. You removed your hand from your face and slowly sat up.
“You what?” You asked, crossed your legs, and tried to cover the grimace of pain that crossed your face, but you moved closer to her. “Come on, Ria, tell me,” she was looking at every decoration in the room so she wouldn’t have to look at you. Finally, you used your index finger to tilt her chin to look back at you. “Finish your sentence,” you wore a smile on your face. It was a smile that Maria learned to look for in a crowd, in a meeting, or on a video call while on a mission. Your smile filled her with a sense of peace. It warmed her body and made her feel at home.
“That I fell in love with,” Maria softly spoke as she finished her sentence. You made a surprise sound that originated in the back of your throat, but you recovered quickly.
“You love me, Maria Hill?” the agent huffed a laugh, shaking her head.
“Shut up,” she mumbled. “If you are going to make fun of me, get it over with.”
“I’d never make fun of you, not about this, at least.” You added with a smirk because you have made fun of her about other things. “Can I kiss you?” You asked, inching closer until Maria felt your breath mingling with hers.
“Please,” you connected your lips with hers. Maria hated how often she thought about this moment. She would go to her grave before admitting out loud how many times she had to bite her lip during sex to stop herself from moaning your name. Fair too soon for her liking, you pulled away and rested your head on her shoulder.
“Why have we waited so long to do that?” Maria chuckled. “Will you stay?”
“Always,” the open bottle of whiskey and mission reports could wait another day.
When you woke up the following day, you are disappointed to find an empty bed. Maria’s side was cold, but you heard a commotion in the kitchen. Carefully, you stood up. The mornings were always rough due to being in the same position for so long. You slowly made your way out of the room and into the kitchen. Maria was at the stove, her back to you, and you walked over to her. Your arms wrapped around her waist, and you buried her head in her shoulder. Her body tensed up but soon relaxed in your arms. “Morning,” you mumbled.
“Morning. Breakfast is almost done. Why don’t you go sit down?” You shook your head.
“Your arm,” you said, kissing the skin you could reach. You were happy with the goosebumps that formed on her skin. Her body shook with laughter.
“Go sit. I’ll get your medicine, too.” You pouted, walked over to the couch, and pulled a blanket over your lap. It wasn’t long before Maria joined on the sofa with two plates of food.
“I can help you know,” she said with a smile. She brought back two mugs of coffee and water with your medication. You kissed her cheek as your thanks and took the three white pills with water.
“I should probably say this,” you bite into the eggs. “I love you too,” she smirked.
“I would hope so, or this entire thing would be incredibly awkward,” she teased. You rolled your eyes and pumped your shoulder against hers.
“You are a dork,” you smiled.
“I’m your dork,” that was also true. Oh, how you liked that sound.
“Mine,” you mumbled, kissing her. “And I’m yours.”
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Cuddling w/ various HH characters 1/?
Writing this first part in a rush so if theres more typos and stuff than usual uhuhuh I apologize! Tackling a handful of characters and will do more later! Some hcs may sound familiar, due to me already writing cuddling hcs for fluff alphabet stuff! Not sure who I've already written though and even then I'm writing without rereading old stuff we are living silly
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Angel Dust, Pentious, Husk
Notes: reader is GN, can be read as either romantic or platonic. Assume reader is fem for vaggie and masc for angel if reading as romantic
CWs: none
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Shes very warm! Shes like your personal heater! If you guys are cuddling in her bed you guys are soooooo cozy and comfy, shes got the best bedding! A little shy about some forms of PDA but nuzzling up to her on the couch in the common areas is fine! Loves nestling her head against your shoulder 8/10
On the opposite end, vaggie is very cold physically.. a bit muscular due to her days as a fighter, as well as seemingly keeping up at least a bit since her fall. Tense when cuddling, and let's you take the lead and rest how you want. It's not like she doesnt want to cuddle you shes just.. inexperienced and doesnt know exactly what you want unless you two are very close 6/10 shes got the spirit though!
Average body temperature if not a little on the cooler side. Only let's you cuddle with him because you two are close and comfortable with each other. Despite this cuddling isnt a very common occurrence. While not technically cuddling, he will let you rest yourself on his back and shoulders while he sits and works on something. You better feel special, if you were anyone else you would be torn apart 4/10
Angel Dust
Warm soft and cozy thanks to his fluff! Let's you rest your head on his chest- though he ready for him to make a comment or two if you guys are a couple.. his extra arms come in handy with holding someone, so theres a bonus there! Does your hair sometimes when you two are huddled up together though it depends on the mood and the positions 7/10
Oh poor.. poor boy... doesnt know where to put his hands- if you two are just friends he doesnt want you to get any wrong ideas. But if you guys are dating he doesnt want to put his hands in the wrong place and make you uncomfortable. His nerves make him a little slimy.. not the best.. cold but does warm up from your own body heat so HOORAY! Hes not going to be freezing for long! Wraps his tail around you if you're comfortable with it, it makes you feel secure.. 6/10
Soft, thanks to his fur! Sure it's a little.. eeeuugh...in terms of feel.. but maybe you can convince him to take better care of himself. Smells strongly of alcohol so it can be a little overwhelming if you're not used to it. Not much of a cuddler, though. So he doesnt cuddle with anyone often 5.5/10
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stxrr-strxckk · 12 days
Feeling Cold?
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Flufftober day 1-Carmen Berzatto x fem! reader
Listen to: Pretty Boy; The Neighborhood
Warnings: None!
A/N:Decided to start off my flufftober with my very own name twin<3 Carmy always holds a special place in my heart!
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Summer was finally over, and no one was happier about that than Carmen Berzatto. Sure, the warm weather was nice, but there was something about fall in Chicago that was practically addicting, and after living in New York for so long he was more than happy to welcome the nostalgia of the season. Even if it meant bundling up in sweaters, scarves, and more layers than he could count.
Carmy couldn't help but smile as the fall air welcomed him home, walking down the steps of his shitty apartment. He had a thick wool coat draped over his basic white t-shirt and jeans, which really was a godsend in the 30 degree weather. He still felt the sting of the wind on his hands and face, and decided a hot cup of coffee would do him some good.
He walked into a small cafe a few blocks from the restaurant, figuring it wouldn't add too much time to his commute. He ordered and took a seat, burying his face in his phone as he waited for his name to be called.
He looked up, assuming his coffee was ready. Instead, he saw you. You had on an apron with the cafe's logo on it, and held his coffee in your hands. His eyes widened. He didn't know you worked here. If he did, then he probably wouldn't've come here.
"Fuck, chef?" you recognized him. "I didn't realize you went here-" you said, dazed.
"Yeah, uh, I don't- actually." he sniffed, avoiding eye contact. "I just- I needed some coffee, figured I'd try this place out. I didn't know you uh," he gestured to your apron. "worked here."
"Yeah, no, I do." you replied, an awkward silence falling over you too. Carmy hated running into his coworkers outside of work, always had. He felt so... Naked when it happened. Like the version of him at work was gone, and he was this vulnerable creature with no defenses. This must have been awkward for you too, he noted.
"Hey, uh, my shifts almost over, and my phone died, so I don't know how to get to the restaurant for open. Could I, maybe walk with you?" You felt weird just asking that. This was your boss. The guy who hired you a few months ago, and barely talked to you except for team meetings or if he needed you to do something. But you were desperate. (Plus, you wanted to get to know the guy better. He was so mysterious, something about it drew you in.)
Carmy was surprised by how forward you were. "Yeah, sure, that's- that's fine." He cringed at his stutter. In other circumstances, he would've most certainly said no. Ordered you an uber, written down directions, but today was... Different. And plus, it was you. Not Richie, or Fak, or Marcus. He'd never admit it, but he had a bit of a soft spot for you. So naive, the bright eyed and bushy tailed girl who was so eager to get a job at the Beef. He didn't know why, it was a second rate joint now that Michael was dead.
"Really?" Your eyes brightened, and Carmy swore he felt his cheeks flush. "Perfect, my shift ends in 5. Can you hang on a minute while I get changed?" He nodded, sitting back down as you hurried through the last few minutes of your shift and ran to the back.
He got up when he finally saw you step out from behind the counter. "Ready to go?" he asked, making note of your outfit. Graphic tee and baggy jeans. No jacket.
"Um," you patted your pockets, making sure you had your keys and wallet. "yup! Let's go, I'm not gonna be late today." As you strode out the door, Carmy couldn't help but chuckle. He followed after a second, coat bundled up tight against the wind.
"So, uh," Carmy said, breaking the silence a few minutes into your walk. "how long you been working at that cafe?"
"Pretty much my whole life," you shrugged. "I know the owners, they gave me the job in high school. It helped me pay for culinary school. I kept if even after I graduated, the job market was pretty slow anyways."
"So what made you wanna work at the beef, then?"
"Well, I don't see myself making overpriced lattes my whole life." you laughed, kicking a pebble down the street. "I wanna work in a real kitchen. And I always liked the beef, me 'n my friends used to get sandwiches there after school sometimes. What 'bout you, Carm?"
"Oh, uh, well my brother- he, he owned the place. But, he died. Killed himself a few months ago. Left me the place in his will."
"Oh." you trailed off. That got dark fast. "I'm sorry that happened."
Shit. He just ruined the conversation. "Yeah, uh, thanks." he trailed off again, not knowing what to say next. You didn't either, and suddenly the cold became a lot more noticeable. You shivered, teeth chattering as you tried to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms.
"You cold?" Carmy asked.
"No, I'm fine." you tried to shrug him off, but it took a whole lot of willpower not to reply with something snarky.
"You sure? 'Cus you look like you're fuckin' freezing."
"No really, I'm okay!" This was embarrassing. You totally forgot your coat, but there's no way you'd ask for Carmy's. That felt like overstepping.
Carmy sighed. You were stubborn, a lot like him. Clearly, you were cold. Who wouldn't be in 30 degrees? Quickly, he unbuttoned his coat and shrugged it off.
"What are you-" You started, but stopped when he draped his coat over your body, the heat of the fabric instantly melting all the cold away.
"There. Now you'll stop with all that fuckin' chattering." Carmy laughed, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
The rest of the walk was filled with lively conversation, and once you arrived at the beef you hated to admit you were disappointed. Carmen held the door for you, glad the kitchen had working heaters as he stepped inside.
"Yo, cuz! What took so damn long?" Richie poked his head around a corner.
"None of your damn business Richie." he replied, throwing his now empty coffee away.
"Hey, Carm! Why's new girl wearing your coat?" Fak yelled, and all eyes turned to you. You felt heat creeping into your cheeks, and it wasn't just because of how warm it was in there.
"And Fak's hear too. Great." Carmy groaned. "Hey, here's an idea! Why don't we all get to fucking work instead of asking stupid ass questions!" He clapped his hands twice, trying to hurry everyone up. "Chop chop people, we open in 15!"
Just like that, the kitchen was alive. Everyone doing their job, but you couldn't help but look up at Carmen every few minutes. And you swear you caught him looking back at you. You hoped he'd come into the cafe more often. Maybe these morning walks would become part of your new routine.
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A/N: Day 1 done! This isn't proofread chat, my bad. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, comment, and request! XX, Starr!
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tigergirltail · 3 months
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It took another month after my check-in, after starting the correct dosage, for my transformation to stabilize and stop hurting all the time. My bones have settled down, my tail is getting long enough to get in the way which is honestly more exciting than annoying, and I've even got little bitty claws pushing out of my fingers! The mechanisms for retracting and extending them haven't grown yet, though, so I just… am sharp now.
It's actually become kind of a bloody inconvenience, and I use the term 'bloody' very literally. The first few times I went to go scratch an itch, I'd end up drawing blood, and having to go clean myself up and put on a bandage. I thought about clipping my claws, but I have no idea if that's going to stunt their development or have consequences when I can finally retract them, and it's not something that seems worth bothering Dr. Erian about. The biggest problem is that sometimes I'll move my arms in my sleep, and there's no way of telling what'll be in the way. I've already had to conduct emergency repairs on three plushies, and my bedsheets are kind of a write-off.
I was a little afraid of the pain subsiding, if I'm being honest, because it means going back to work, which means existing in a public space with my half-human half-something-else face. It's still cold enough that I can wear a scarf and toque over the more off-putting features, but that won't last much longer and it's not something I can do indoors. I'm just going to have to face the truth…
I don't pass as human anymore.
My first day working in-person again, my supervisor walks into my office with the intention of welcoming me back, but what actually happens is he stands in the doorway dumbfounded before asking, "Now what in the world happened to your face??"
For all the time I had, I never actually managed to think of a clever lie, so I just tell him it's a side effect of some new meds I'm taking. Technically not a lie, if you ignore the word 'side'. Fortunately, he doesn't ask what's wrong with me. I'm not looking forward to having to tell someone who doesn't get it that Being Human counts as Something Wrong.
Work has been alright, though, if a bit dull. My coworkers mostly leave me to my own devices to get things done.
It's doing anything else that becomes an issue.
I get lots of stares in the grocery store or the mall. I'm not sure whether it's the inhuman face that does it, or the fact that I nearly always wear t-shirts and my fur is now growing up to my wrists. I think it's growing faster now that it's run up against peak arm hair territory. Either way, I basically don't dare set foot outside without my partner in tow. Nobody's tried anything yet, but I see them shying away from me, and just the other day a little kid called me a 'monster'. It's… still eating at me.
I never could take being the centre of attention.
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It's not all doom and gloom, though. I don't know whether the tactile senses of my hands have changed or it's something psychological, but that thing cats do where they knead something with their claws? "Making biscuits" I've heard it called?
It feels soooo niiiice.
Last weekend I went to take an afternoon nap, and ended up spending a solid half hour just squishing my blahaj with my hands (or would that be 'paws' now?) All the stress from the previous week just… melted away. It was like an ASMR video for my sense of touch.
Is it bad that I'm really enjoying being a little more cat-brained?
I've also become RAVENOUSLY hungry. As in, "destroy an entire rotisserie chicken in one sitting" hungry. The meat cravings have kicked in, HARD, and I've basically lost my appetite for bread and pasta. You really don't realize how much human food is grain-based until you stop wanting to eat it…
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All the big changes hitting at once are getting hard to withstand sometimes. There are nights when I go to bed absolutely euphoric about how it's finally happening, I'm finally embodying everything I'm supposed to be! But there are also nights when I cry myself to sleep because oh gods, what was I thinking, why am I doing this to myself, I look and feel like a godsdamned circus freak, and it really doesn't help to remember that white tigers are pretty much universally victims of inbreeding and abuse.
In a moment of weakness, I catch myself eyeing the remaining contents of the HRT bottle. I ran some numbers a little while back and figured out that at the recommended dose, this bottle is an entire 18-month treatment, give or take. Well, 12 months now, I guess, since I was accidentally taking a triple dose for the first three months. The fact that it's a diluted Fifteen Minute formula means that if I just brace myself and chug the entire rest of the bottle, that would finish out the treatment in one go, wouldn't it? It… probably wouldn't even hurt as much as doing Fifteen-Minute from the start, right?
My partner walks in on me holding it and staring at it, and asks what I'm doing, so I explain my thought process. They just silently put one hand on mine and use the other to gently remove the bottle from my grasp.
"But I -", I begin to protest.
"I keep getting stared at and -"
"That one little girl called me a monster!"
I start crying, and I can't help raising my voice. "If I just finish it all NOW then maybe -"
They set the bottle down and pull me into a tight hug, pinning my upper arms to my sides. "I love you very much, and I don't want to see you hurt yourself. You went into this knowing it was gonna suck for a while, and right now it sucks, but it's not worth risking your life over."
I don't have a counter-argument. I just lower my face onto their shoulder and sob. "I just… I don't want to keep doing this alone anymore! I need… I need help! Support, guidance, SOMETHING!!" I cling to them, digging my fingers, my claws, into their back. "I don't want to be the only one…"
"You aren't.", they reassure me quietly. "Didn't you tell me yourself that there's a bunch of people doing this? We even saw a whole crowd of them at that seafood place."
"Y-yeah, but I don't know anybody local!"
"Then find them online. It's better than nothing, isn't it?"
"It's… It's just not the same…"
They pat me on the back. "Just… try. For me."
They let me cry into their shoulder for another several minutes before I let them go.
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Back at my computer, I sit down and start searching for a humanity removal therapy support group. A Discord server, a Facebook group, a Tumblr sideblog, ANYTHING. Gods help me, I'm even looking to TWITTER for help. Even as a human I was a solitary creature, and tigers are about as solitary a creature as they come, so it takes a lot of effort to bring myself to reach out. I end up doing it right before I go to bed, just firing off a few quick messages to some figures in the community, then forcing myself not to look at social media the rest of the night. For all my growth, I'm still a bit terrified of being noticed.
By the time I wake up, some of them have gotten back to me. I… wasn't expecting it to be so fast.
It turns out there's a private group chat where a bunch of them hang out on the regular to talk about what they're going through. They sound open to the idea of bringing me in, but want to get to know me a little better first. I don't blame them for wanting to keep to themselves. I get to talking with one of them, a lamia-to-be, and through our conversations I get the distinct impression that, well, I'm not alone in feeling alone. Somehow I manage to convince her I'm worth knowing and having around, and she sends me an invite to the group chat server.
Time to face the mortifying ordeal of being known.
I go through all the typical new-to-the-server motions. I read the rules page - it's the usual "don't be a dick" type stuff, with some bonus content applicable to our unique situation, like not stereotyping based on species, and a reminder to not present your own experiences with humanity removal as universal fact. Then into the welcome channel to type up a quick introduction:
"Hey all, I'm Alexis, transfem (she/her), 38, 4 months white tiger HRT. Interests include gaming, tabletop RPGs, costuming, and witchcraft. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!"
A few people react with heart emojis and tiger emojis. Discord only has the standard orange tiger as an emoji, but, you know, close enough. One person reacts with a witch emoji, and it gives me a laugh.
There's a channel for serious questions about the transformation process, so I decide to hop in and fire off a quick one:
"Not that I mind this, but why am I so hungry for meat now? It hit around the 3 month mark and now I can eat an entire roast chicken in one go"
Over the course of the next hour or so, a few people weigh in. The consensus is that my body is entering a 'bulking up' phase, and needs a ton of protein to generate muscle. Just out of curiosity I go to do an online search to confirm something, and yeah, tigers are a lot more proportionally muscular than humans are. Someone else suggests taking calcium supplements to help with bone growth, unless I'm prepared to drink a LOT of milk. I am in fact prepared for that, but it couldn't hurt to drop by the pharmacy.
It also turns out that the server isn't just for people who have started their HRT, but for aspiring humanity-removers as well. There's even a channel specifically for advice navigating the whole process, including how to convince your medical provider that you're for real and you won't immediately regret it when the itching/soreness/bleeding kicks in.
One of the regular posters is a teenage girl with a corvid avatar who asks a lot of questions about what it's like to become nonhuman. Surprisingly, she's not trans like most of us are, but she is queer. It sounds like she's not in a stable situation, though - she asks at one point if anyone can think of a way to get the meds without her parents noticing.
The problem is, even if that's a possibility, someone would notice when she starts sprouting black feathers and a beak.
(guest cameo from @ariathelamia!)
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dullgecko · 1 month
As a archdevil fig should be able to make deals or pacts. However I highly doubt knowing how to is something that is just imparted to her.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if she accidentally devil dealed her friends and family over shit like promising to go to get ice cream later.
Fig awoke with a start, slapping her crystal alarm off quickly before she accidentally roused any of her party. They'd been out in the Red Wastes for days, searching the area for ruins that were supposed to contain an item Ayda needed for a ritual. The few clues they'd found so far seemed to be hinting they were headed in the right direction so hopefully they'd be home by the end of the week. Sleeping in shifts inside the hangvan was starting to get old.
As it stood it was Figs turn to keep watch. They hadn't been attacked by anything yet but the wastes were packed with creatures that would want to make an opportunistic meal out of them so they still had to be careful. She scrambled out of the van quietly, frowning when she noticed Kristen was asleep and not on watch like she was supposed to be. The archdevil silently closing the van door behind her as she stepped out into the freezing cold air outside.
As she expected their rogue was crouched near the dying embers of their fire. Ears perked up and pupils wide as he surveyed their surroundings for any incoming threats in the dark. He didn't acknowledge Fig until she was basically standing beside him, flapping a hand a her and gesturing back towards the van.
"Go back to bed, I'm not tired yet so I can keep watch longer." He shifted on the balls of his feet, wrapping his tail closer around his ankles to shield it from the cold. He was bundled up in one of his thick winter jackets but she could still see him shivering occasionally. Fig didn't feel the cold very much these days but judging from the steam escaping her lips with every breath it must be freezing.
"Nope. It's my turn to keep watch. I should be taking over from Kristen not you anyway." She plopped down on the opposite side of their dying fire to him, tossing a few of the dry twigs they'd scavenged into the embers and coaxing up a small flame. The extra light making Riz wince when it took a while for his vision to adjust.
"She had to use a lot of spells today so I told her to go sleep." The goblin explained, holding a had upto block the light of the fire while he waited for his pupils to contract. It always took a lot longer when he'd gone a while without sleep, which Fig clocked immediately.
"You were on watch yesterday.... and the night before. You need to sleep some time too." Fig tutted when he shook his head at her "Go to bed Riz."
"I'm good. I've gone longer without sleep and my perception is better than everyone's. It makes sense for me to be on watch."
"I gave you a chance dude, you can't be mad at me for this later." Fig flexed her hand, gathering the magic there before firing the sleep spell at their rogue. She'd been just a second too slow though, Riz dodging out of the way at the last second with an annoyed hiss and ducking behind a boulder to get out of her line of sight. "Go to BED Riz or I'll force you, three nights without sleep is too long."
"What the FUCK Fig. Stop!"
Fig crept towards the rock Riz was hiding behind, the rogue scrambling for another spot to stay hidden when she got close and ended up diving under the van.
"Nope. We've warned you before. Either go to bed yourself or it's magic nap time." The archdevil crouched to look under the van, noticing the wheels creak and the body dip because Riz was climbing the far side.
"It's fucking freezing Fig. IM freezing. You're likely to trigger hibernation with that godsdamned spell if you hit me then you'll have no rogue for a week in a PROBABLY trapped ruin."
"I'm willing to risk it. You are absoloutly whiffing your stealth right now so trap disarming will be a disaster." She stood on her tiptoes to peer onto the roof of the van, Riz hissing and baring his teeth at her as he backed further away. He was trapped up there though, so Fig threw another spell now that she could see him. The goblin scrabbling and sliding on the smooth metal as he dodged again.
"Fuck! Stop! You're just wasting spells at this point." Riz tried not to dig his claws into the van roof as he slid, tail whipping from side to side to keep his balance as his friend lined up for another shot. He didnt have the grip to dodge again so he held his hands up in surrender. "Okay FINE I'll go sleep just... stop."
Fig let the magic fizzle out on her fingertips, watching Riz clamber down off the roof of the van before landing in a cloud of dust in front of her.
"Look, I promise I won't try to sleep spell you again tonight if you actually sleep. No sitting in the van and pretending okay?"
Riz just let out a defeated sigh, rubbing at his eyes under his glasses and nodding. "Yeah. Okay. I'll sleep just... no more sleep spells."
"NO more sleep spells tonight. And a full eight hours." Fig clarified, holding her hand out for Riz to shake, the goblin rolling his eyes and taking the offered hand in his own.
"Yeah okay it's a deal."
The pair of them jumped and swore as an infernal sigil suddenly flared bright beneath their feet. The pattern burning itself into the ground before fading away with the smell of smoke and brimstone.
It all happened so quickly that Fig wasn't able to react and slow his fall, Riz hitting the ground with a thump as if he was a puppet with cut strings as sleep suddenly overtook him.
The rest of his party were awoken by Figs panicked yelling, the bard having NO idea what just happened and assuming they were under attack. None of them, save for Riz, got any sleep the rest of that night. The goblin only waking exactly eight hours later. Groggy, confused and to a group of incredibly relieved team-mates who had been trying to rouse him for hours.
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hiatuswhore · 1 year
Something For Your Mind II — p.a
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♕ A/N: Sorry for taking so long to make this, it’s been sitting in my drafts for a while I just wasn’t satisfied with it. I’m still kinda not but I hope y’all like it. Please give me feedback, thanksss.
♕ SUMMARY: Your parents offered a simple explanation- Fremen with the gift of prescience. A secret amongst the sand.
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♕ TAG LIST: @junglxqueen @reallysparklychaos @soliphilia @dontjudgeabookbythecover @melisa-reader @travelingmypassion @julietsecretdiary @hopeful-rhea @jax-the-oregonian @applepie1000 @baconkath @1950schick @coolninjavoid @kittyrob0t @nj452896 @tantan-san @james-bucky-barnackle @theday-dreamer17 @iamaslytherin0 @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @queenofarrakis @infiniteillusion @constipatedmuse
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STILGAR MADE NO ATTEMPT TO CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION OR WAIT FOR YOU. The journey back home was one of silence and brief exchanges. You would occasionally leave your thoughts to look up at your sharp-minded leader. Fools, all of us. You thought to yourself, all of the bickerings with your mother and uncomfortable dinners, for what? Stilgar knew, and you could only wonder who else smiled at you daily, feigning obliviousness.
"(Y/n)," Your mother greets you with a tight hug, her sigh in relief tickling your neck. You say nothing as she pulls away, and your father mimics her actions. Stilgar eyes you carefully, his blank expression masking whatever brews and boils beneath his surface.
"I'm going to lie down," You speak so low that you are confident your parents do not hear you. However, this fact does not stop you from walking away from the watchful eyes. You catch the tail end of your mother asking Stilgar what occurred on your travels. Will he tell them he knows?
He will not, and you know this, but still, the idea plagues your mind with an ever-present curiosity. By nightfall, you lay in the same position, painfully awake in the dead of night. Not a lick of sleep finding you. Stilgar still in your mind. If he knows of your abilities, what more does he know. How far does his knowledge really go, and what does that mean for our people, for my family?
You move from your bed, walking on the tips of your toes, the silence almost sickening. With one misstep, it seems as though your entire community will hear you. When you reach out to the sand, the night sky greets you with a cool breeze. You sit on the ground, the spice of the desert wafting up, tickling your skin. Out in the distance stretches what appears to be an endless desert, but you know out there are all your answers. The pull you feel makes your vision blur before the earth crashes, and the last tangible thing being the itch of the sand on the back of your neck.
When your eyes open again, you frown. Inside an aircraft, Paul sits with his head hanging. His hands bound behind him, cloth gagging him. Behind you, his mother holds her composure as she watches the Harkonnen men. One pilots the aircraft while the other stands idling behind him.
"Paul," You call out, glancing up. His eyes widen at the sight of you. Your eyebrows furrow at the lack of control. You did not intentionally enter this astral plane, yet all of Paul's mind now sits accessible to you. In this haze, only one thing sticks out to you, clear as day—they will die here.
The feeling of your heart in your throat makes your eyes water. Uncertain of what you can do, Paul's mother signs to him—her eyebrows pinched. After a few minutes, the aircraft comes to an idle, one Harkonnen moving to open the back while the other removes the cloth from Paul's mouth.
"You have to do something," Paul says, earning a look from the Harkonnen. He ignores it, looking directly at you. His mother follows his gaze where you stand to find an open space. You look at the Harkonnen, taking a deep breath, a sudden dizziness overtaking you. A cold feeling greets your skin before you move forward, thumb to his forehead and pointer finger to his temple.
"Sleep," You say, watching his eyes shoot open before all his mind contains floods you. A shudder shoots through your body as his crimes rip through you sharper than the edge of a sword. The sticky feeling of blood on your palms burns into your skin as if his memories are your own. A cry leaves your lips as the astral plane crumbles. Your eyes open, a loud scream leaving from the base of your chest and scratching up your windpipe. Thrashing around, you miss how your father holds you and your mother fails to ease your violent cries.
"You're okay! You're home, baby. You're home," Your mother holds a controlled tone as your father keeps your shaking to a minimum. A sob leaves you as your father plays with your hair rocking you back and forth. Grimacing, your eyes burning with a deep ferocity. You catch the slightest glimpse of Stilgar. He watches you wearing the same blank expression as before. The look you share feels like a secret, a joke of sorts that only the two of you understand.
Your mother brings you to bed, and no one dares to ask what happened. The icy moment of clarity sends a shudder rushing down your spine, so intense you flinch. Mother has been right all along. The confines of your room bring little solace, and the hours mesh together into a tireless loop.
When your mother returns in her hands, she carries hot tea and a slice of bread. You do not acknowledge her presence, so she settles on the edge of your bed instead. Her eyebrows pull as she contemplates her following words, a frown on her lips that does nothing to curb the terse silence.
"What happened?" She asks. The question's fair, but the line has blurred an unclear distinction between the Harkonnens psyche and your own. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing leaves you. How can one explain the Duke's son, his mother, or the aircraft?
It melts into nothing as the Harkonnen's memories sit in your brain, carrying them as your own. Your mother hovers her hand over your shin, and you stare at it with a downcast gaze. Looking up reveals the full scope of your tears, your head throbbing. Your mothers' eyes close for half a second as your arms wrap around her shoulders. She flinches first, her hands later snaking around you. The light squeeze she offers soothes your trembles.
"I—I have never seen such—malice, such disregard for life. Such brutality outside of self-defense," You sob into her shoulder as her hand moves up the base of your neck, supporting your head as if you were still a babe. Shifting down, you rest your head on her lap, and she rubs her hand across the top of your hair.
"I am so sorry you had to experience that, my love," She says. You do not see the confusion on her face as she tries to soothe you. Resembling the moments you would both share long before puberty arrived at your door.
"I'm sorry I did not listen to you, Mom. I just—" You pause at the crack of your voice, the burning sensation creeping up your throat with the watering of your eyes. Shaking your head, a dry chuckle leaves you in a poor attempt to mask your shakiness, "I really wanted my gift to mean something, but what I saw—Mom, I can't help anyone. Not when people like that are out there."
"Nonsense. You are special, my girl. You are destined for something amazing. No man nor Harkonnen is going to take that. Do you hear me?" She leans down by your ear with a warm tone. The small part of you nagging at your core, even in one of your most profound moments, still hiding a piece of yourself away from your mother. Closing your eyes, the room falls into a dark abyss, and your mind draws blanks for the first time in a long time.
When you wake from your dreamless slumber, silence becomes your companion. You make no attempt to move, the calm bringing a sense of solitude. Training with Chani, you silently thank her for not asking questions. The intense girl focuses solely on not allowing you to beat her. Neither of you yields, furthering the sparring match. Both your muscles ache, and you huff. You catch the faint sight of Stilgars suit. He moves so fast you barely see him. The lack of attention on Chani lands you on your back. She sweeps her leg at the floor before immediately aiming at you on the ground. You sigh before yielding. She has you.
Neither of you says a word as she offers her hand to help you from the ground. Jamis rushes by in the same direction as Stilgar, his stillsuit on—sword ready. Chani glances at you before you both rush to put on your stillsuits. You both move covertly as you find many of your people surrounding the Duke's son and his mother.
"—was there when you came to my father's council," Paul explains. Dirt marks his skin, and his mother wears deep bags beneath her eyes. Stilgar mocks Paul as though he did not immediately recognize him as Jamis grows bored of the conversation.
"Why are we waiting. Let's take their water," Jamis says, but Stilgar announces that no one can touch him. You frown at his words as whatever he refers to, you are not privy to the conversation.
"How can he be the Lisan's al-Gaib?"
"He hasn't proven himself."
"They are weaklings," Jamis unsheathes his sword disregarding the others as his eyes focus on Paul and his mother. You frown as your mother voices how she agrees with Jamis, "We cannot trust them, Stilgar."
"Enough!" Stilgar roars silencing your people before his eyes rest back on the remainder of the Atreides family. "That was a brave crossing they made in the path of Shai-Hulud. He does not speak or act like a weakling. Nor did his father."
"My thumper saved his life," Jamis points out, but Paul frowns before speaking. He keeps his tone level as his eyes scan your people, "My friend saved our lives. She is amongst your people."
"Go back to reason, Stilgar. He speaks of an impossible journey undetected by our people. He's not the one," Jamis says. Unaware of your abilities as your people doubt Paul, it eases everything that has worried your mind. Who is aware, and who is pretending? Paul's mother steps forward, voicing their alliance, if your people help them, they will help your people. A relatively simple transaction, in theory.
"What wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh?" Stilgar challenges, but you watch how Paul cannot remove his gaze from your father. You resemble him most while taking your mother's personality. "The boy is young. He may learn our ways. He may have sanctuary, but the woman is untrained and too old to learn."
Stilgar's words are clear, and your chest aches at the reality before you. Paul will not allow your people to kill his mother without a fight, and your people will give him that fight. Jamis goes for Lady Jessica; first, she maneuvers his arm away from her as she turns and reaches Stilgar, kicking out his back leg and bringing your leader to his knees. A knife at Stilgars throat, watching as Paul runs to the top of the split rock and aims down at your people. Closing your eyes, you focus on Paul before they open once more.
In the astral plane, you stand behind him as he aims down. Placing your hands on his shoulder, he flinches as you whisper, freeze.
Paul's eyes bounce frantically as he tries to catch sight of what constricts every muscle in his body at once. When you finally move into his view, he can only see your eyes as cloth hides most of your face.
"I am sorry, but my people come first," You whisper, looking down at Lady Jessica, who still holds your leader. Stilgar appears unfazed. He looks up at you without care. He eyes the blank space where no one but Paul can see. Yet Stilgar still finds a way to assert his awareness of your presence. You cannot hear what's said, but you release your hold as Stilgar cuts the top of his wrist, granting them countenance.
"(Y/n)," Paul whispers. Sheathing your knife, you stand, offering him a hand, which he takes. On his feet, Paul's hand lingers in your a second too long. You both freeze before swiftly pulling away.
"Only Stilgar and my parents know of my abilities. If you are to join my people, do know the secret of my capabilities keeps us all alive," You say, walking down the split rock without waiting for a response. Stilgar greets you both at the bottom of the rock. He commends your fast action before he turns to Paul.
"A gift. Give it to me. You will have your own maula pistol when you've earned it. Give it to me," Stilgar says as he places Chani in charge of Paul and Lady Jessica's entry of journeying with your people. You frown but say nothing as your mother joins your side. Jamis grimaces, his gaze unchanging. You take a cautious step toward him.
"Don't." You speak barely above a whisper. Your pointed stare only garners a chillingly calm glare.
Jamis speaks only for your ears. He stands rigid, "The boy clouds your judgment."
"Your anger clouds yours," You stand your ground, the air dry and thin as the attention shifts to the two of you.
"I will not have them," Jamis looks past you with a cold glare. One could mistake his stare for stoicism if not for the disdain that outlines his tone. He wants blood.
"Jamis, I have spoken. Be still," Stilgar's slow and gruff tone carries an authority you never dare to question. You look from Stilgar to Paul, uncertainty binding you both—bound by a nature beyond you.
"You talk like a leader. But the strongest leads, she bested you," Jamis speaks with a confidence you have only known Stilgar carry. You take a cautious step away from your mentor, your eyes locked on Stilgar. Stilgar does not move, his calm demeanor blanketing him, his ease clashing against the tension of Jamis's defiance. You can never grasp it, the pull that lingers around Stilgar, compelling all around him to listen. It's far more than his strength. You all know it, "I invoke the amtal."
Your eyes grow wide. Looking at Jamis, you open your mouth, but nothing leaves you. Stilgar's words do not reach you, the thumping in your chest ringing in your ears. Shifting your weight between your feet, you frown, the light trembling in your hand drawing your attention. None of it makes sense. Someone dies here today. You look down at your hand to find it still, yet a tremble still plagues you. Crossing your arms, you stand straight, wincing at the radiating pinch up your side as your body tenses.
You maintain a neutral stare, a glaze covering your eyes. A wall between your emotions and the others around you. The next few seconds blend in a disorienting haze. Paul shall be his mother's champion. You step back as he stares down at your mentor. The tremble of your hand still prevalent though your hand remains stagnant, heart beating in your ears at the speed of a sandworm though your chest reveals a steady rhythm.
"Poor thing, he looks terrified," Your father mutters, placing a hand on your shoulder. Your mother speaks with Jamis, insisting he revoke his challenge. A useless act, the challenge has been set—someone must die.
"Why do you say that?" You ask, looking at Paul, and your father speaks casually, "His eyes are glassy and cold while he keeps bouncing on the balls of his feet, heart probably racing. Then look at his hand. It's trembling."
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hoeforhao · 2 years
am back finally hehe >.< and with this i start my svt as boyfriend series where i'll be posting fluffy drabbles of svt comforting you or loving you, whenever i'll feel low or have a writer's block. so if y'all want to request anything or be added to my taglist, my asks are always open♡⠀
Taglist : @joonsytip @tommolex @tara-drabbles @meowmeowminnie @qkrcjstk @chwenott @mewheree @cinnamoroxie
ꮼ ۫ ︵ (( a walk to remember )) ࣪ ִ ꕤ ִ ׂ
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~{Pairing : boyfriend!seungcheol x g.n!reader}~
"I'm home bub" a loud thud of the front door finally pulls you out from the dark void, as you quickly get off the couch to greet your boyfriend.
Taking his coat from his hands and plunging it onto the peg, you slowly make your way to the kitchen, reminding yourself that you need to feed three hungry tummies.
"What do you wanna have cheol?" asking him 'bout his preferred meal of the night, without even bothering to look at him, you try to keep yourself occupied with the utensils on the countertop.
"Let's eat out today" seungcheol cooes, as he slowly creeps up on you from behind, snaking his thick firm arms around your waist,with head plopped onto the crook of your neck.
"Not today pls. I don't feel like it" a stiff response parts your lips, while you remain completely indifferent to his wet hair perms brushing againt your nape.
"Pwease bub? Pretty pweasee?" a set of doe sparkly balls along with the cutest plumpy pout stare at you with utmost plea and solicit.
You were about to say no to those heart wrenching puppy eyes, when your feet are brushed with a sudden flooffy coldness. Looking down to see what has swayed by, only to end up finding your daughter kkuma rubbing herself against you, with the same puppy eyes as her dad, as if convincing you to accept cheol's pleas.
"See even our princess wants to go out with you today. So pls y/n???? If not for me, then for kkuma, pls?"
Not even the strongest soldiers on this planet can resist those absolutely lovely entreating beads for more than twice and you? you literally had the softest soft for your two babies ; so it's not a surprise that you'll instantly give in to your boyfriend's sulk.
"Okay okay bubbies, let's go" you give an affirmative nod to both, earning the most aggressive yet happiest tail wag from your babygirl and excited kiddo waddles from her daddy.
The dinner was delectable. There's definitely ain't no lying about the fact that no matter how gloomy or down you're, good food will always bring the brightest smile to your face, after cheol.
"Let's walk kkuma a bit, okay? She hasn't been out for night straddles for quite long" seungcheol lauded, while bending down on his knees to fix his babygirl's hair clip.
You hmm in response while you join the two on their walk, as you slowly stride by their side, enjoying the moonlit still night.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" a soft whisper leaves cheol's lips, trying not to wake up his daughter, who is now sleeping contently on her mother's lap, tired out from the 10 mins walk.
"Thank you for existing cherry" a name that only you're allowed to call him, makes its way out from your crests as your rest your head on his shoulder, with one arm wrapped tightly around his torso and the other tucked as a pillow under your princess's head.
Letting your eyes fall back in peace, you thank the universe for the family that it has sent your way. You may have bad days when the past haunts you, or just normal gloomy days but not a single one goes unnoticed by your boyfriend. You find it a blessing that even without spending a single word about how you feel, seungcheol always manages to read your eyes and make you smile by the end of the day. Can there be anything more beautiful than this?
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libraryofloveletters · 10 months
Wrapped Up
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Fernando Alonso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fernando has old man memory, christmas getaways, forgotten gifts, the Swiss airport said too bad so sad to nando fr, almost apologies, he'd probably forget his head without you.
Word Count: 643
Author's Note: dedicated to @oconso and her love of this old man.
Yet again, Fernando has forgotten to buy his Christmas gifts but there’s only one person that he cares to get something for.
A quiet Christmas after all the hustling of the season was well needed. Fernando typically spent his off seasons at home in Spain but this year, he gave into you and your love of the cold, letting you whisk him off to Switzerland.
You had flown up ahead of Fernando, you were a bit of a control freak. It was a small cabin, big enough for the two of you just on the outskirts of the town but he knew you'd be going to make sure everything was up to your standards before he arrived.
You'd want to spend time with him and not bicker about the little things that bugged you.
From the moment he got off of the plane, he could feel the cold steep into his bones. He wondered why he was putting himself through this self inflicted torture but then he remembered the things he'd do for love.
Love, love, love, he loved you. He'd do anything to make sure you were happy, even if that meant spending the holidays in the freezing cold - "Oh crap." He mumbled to himself.
Christmas was in 2 days and Fernando knew once he arrived at the cabin, you'd be attached to his hip. He had forgotten your Christmas gift at home.
He can see it clearly; wrapped in dark green wrapping paper and resting on the coffee table. He had promised himself he'd pick it up in the morning before his flight.
There's not much he can do other than make a last ditch attempt to find something at the airport.
Off he went, suitcase clunking behind him on the tiles as he searched through the shops.
The options weren't fantastic, it was an airport after all.
Any designer brand he came across, he stopped in, hoping he'd find something. He finally settled on a perfume he knew you liked but he wasn't pleased - he could do better than that.
One last spin through the airport and he ended up leaving with his luggage and the perfume. Tail tucked between his legs, he arrived at the cabin, mentally preparing himself to apologize to you a million times over. Fernando finds himself walking up the stairs to the front door, knocking on it, and waiting for you to open.
"Hi!" You smiled at your boyfriend, hugging him. Fernando felt all his worries slip away for a moment, melting into you after a long day of traveling.
He smiles, kissing your cheek. He goes to speak but you stop him, pulling him in and out of the cold.
"What's all this?" He asks, noticing all the bags and boxes under the Christmas tree. Your brows furrow, looking at him and then back to the tree.
"What's what? The Christmas tree?"
"The stuff under it, where'd it come from?" Fernando asks.
You chuckle, "we ship all our Christmas gifts here, remember? He wanted to make sure we didn't forget any of them at home so you suggested that we shipped them all week ahead of time. I picked them up from the post office yesterday."
He walks over to the massive tree by the window, taking a survey of the gifts underneath it; a box wrapped in dark green wrapping paper - it was there.
"Why do you look so relieved?" You call, walking over to him. Your arm snakes around his waist, rubbing his stomach softly. Fernando rests his hand on yours, sighing. "I thought I forgot your gift at home, I was so worried."
You laughed, "even if you did, that's fine. Gift or no gift, I'm just happy to be here with you."
"But it's not Christmas without a gift."
"Yeah but, it would still be at home waiting for us when we got back, no?"
He nods, "I didn't think of it that way."
"You never do," you joked, kissing his shoulder.
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Hi, I'm not sure if you requests are open but I'd like to ask for a Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! fem! reader. He met her when he visited the hotel and was immediately intrigued when Charlie told him that she was a a fallen angel. Later on he decides to court her but she is oblivious to his advances. Fluff! Have a good day/night!
Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!reader Summary: Believing she's underserving of love, every intent of the king to make his affections clear go unseen, until he had enough. Warnings: Blood, child marriage, a bit of angst. Diabetes quality fluff.
Note: I kinda forgot it was a fallen angel thing and already got up to 4k of words when I realized...Sorry, but I threw in the redeemed sinner thing that choses to be in hell, does that count?
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To be put in simple words, love was a foreign term. You had seen it, but felt it? Your marriage in life was an arranged one, made by your father who forcefully had you marry one of his wealthy friends. Sure you lived with all the money in the world, but love? No, the man that was your husband lusted you a few times a week and then he was off to see the world. Leaving you behind locked doors to do the cleaning duties while he was gone.
After years of that routine, you felt disconnected, separated from your body, as if you couldn’t feel anything but coldness and loneliness. The era you were alive in wasn’t great in medical advances, so an unusual flu took over your health violently. You thanked to life and whoever who listened that your husband wasn’t there to mock your state, but from the bleeding cough to your last breath, at least four hours of suffering passed until you finally gave up.
Maybe it was the money you took from your husband without him knowing, or the times you tried to kill him in his sleep, but something sent you to hell.  
After meeting Angel, by accident in a bar, where he barely managed to escape some guy wanting to harm him, he used you as an excuse, “client” or so he said as he pushed you down the street.
After thanking you for playing along, he told you about the Hotel and invited you to spend some time with him until you could stand on your own, in an economic and literal sense, the fall was not kind to your legs, the which had adopted a reverse position, like that of a dog.
“Hey, are ya aware you look like a husky?” you opened your eyes to his comment, looking your reflection in a turned off tv screen. Your ears were pitch black on the reverse, while white and fluffy on the inside.
The signs of when you wanted to tear out your throat with your nails were printed as gray scratch marks at the level of your larynx. And speaking of colors, your hands up to the wrists were black, up to where your forearm began, from there everything was a creamy white color, with a soft layer of fuzz, just like that of a peach.
You no longer had feet, but rather paws and claws like a dog's, with everything and pads. Your hands had light blue endings, with retractable claws. Your teeth were sharp and menacing, and just to top your silly appearance, just above your lower back, a long fluffy tail occasionally wagged.
“You look so cute toots” the spider supported your weight in two of his arms as if you were a feather, while with another hand he ruffled the hair in between your ears.
Once at the hotel, comments poured in about your stuffed dog appearance. Some made you laugh, others no so much. However, the barista and the smiling demon were not very comfortable with your presence. One being a cat and the other despising dogs.
“Your tail is so soft” Pentious hissed while softly caressing your tail on the couch. Compliments, how exactly you could receive one? But was it? He was stating a fact, so you just simply agreed with him in a matter-of-fact manner.
“Alright fellas, I’m taking ‘er upstairs, her leg needs work” Angel scooped you up again, taking you into his fever pink room. After discovering you could growl and whine like a dog you and Angel laughed, you leg now bandaged and secured with two pieces of metal to keep it straight.
In the privacy of the bathroom, you were able to let out a couple of tears given the abrupt change in realities. You died, you're in hell, and you couldn't even say goodbye to anyone. Furthermore, without even knowing you, a stranger gave you more support than any person in your life. You didn't know how yet, but you were going to pay him.
Angel had to go work while you stayed with his pig, idle sat by the window, observing and reflecting. Will your husband be in mourning? Have they buried you or thrown you into the river? They probably burned your remains and scattered them in the lake near the house.
You shook your head, then made your way to the door, decided to go look around a bit, even if you had to limp all the way to the hallway. Which you did, and wasn’t the brightest decision, given that in the middle of the stairs you tripped.
Mid-air you couldn’t grab onto the railing, so you accepted your fate and closed your eyes waiting for the impact, but all you saw were white and red feathers flapping not so far up the floor. “That could’ve been a nasty fall, you okay dear?” he laughed as a prideful smile took over his face, he looked just like Charlie, could they be related?
“Uhm, I think so, thank you sir” he flew upstairs, gently lowering you so you could get on your feet, “Is your leg okay?” he pointed to the bandages, soon showing spots of blood, “A bit bruised, I’m…new” your ears pulled back, while something pulled you away from him, like a voice from within telling you to run.
“Oh! Welcome to Hell then, my name is Lucifer” he outstretched his hand, a bright and warm smile adorning his face. “Y/n” you took his hand, calloused yet soft. “Nice to meet you, Y/n” he said your name like it was the title of a song.
“That, looks a bit nasty, mind if I take a crack at it?” he pointed to your now dripping back knee, “I think I should head back, I’ll take care of it” a step back made you almost fall again, seemingly failing to remember for a second how much it hurt to step on the ground, “Yeah no, I insist” he scooped you up his arms again, one of his hands pressing your legs into him and the other rubbing circles with his thumb on your back.
His room was considerably bigger than Angel’s. There was circus and apple décor everywhere, even on his bed, but covering corners and scattered on the floor there were roughly a hundred rubber ducks or more. “I love ducks so much, it has become a hobby” he noticed your staring, very much so, that when you turned to see him, he had a bashful expression and a golden blush on his cheek.
“It’s cute” he laughed at your comment, softly seating you on his bed, “I’ll undo the bandage, we can stop whenever you like, okay?” you watched him kneel down, taking in his hands the broken and tender flesh, “Mmh, long fall, huh? What did you do?” was he trying to make a joke? You didn’t know.
“I’m not sure, I just remember an intense amount of hot air against my body and then nothing” your answer was so straight to the point it made him nervous, so after swallowing a lump of saliva, he tried again, “I’m sorry, but uhm-I mean, anything exciting?” you furrowed your brows, “Like what?” he shrugged, finally discarding the stained bandages on the floor. “There’s a lot of reasons one can wind up down here, I mean… take me as an example” you weren’t the most religious woman, so you couldn’t judge something you didn’t knew much about.
“I didn’t do church, so I can’t really judge you” could atheism be a reason why you’re in hell? That would be fucked up. “Can’t or won’t?” he eyed you up, summoning new bandages, “Both? Considering you saved me and you’re patching my leg” his touch went away for a second, but it was enough to feel cold, nonetheless, when he accidentally made a bit of pressure in your wound an animalistic whine came out your throat, and, painfully so, your body pulled back, a few inches away from him.
Realizing what had happened, you couldn’t dare to see his face, “I don’t know why- I’m sorry” you stammered, “Hey, it’s not your fault, it takes time to get used to all of this” he searched in your expression something, anything that told him he could continue, since he didn’t saw much, he tried once again.
“I used to have feet, like you, now I’m stuck with hoof cleaning at least twice a week, otherwise I’ll be shorter than I already am” he opened his hand again, just waiting. He was inviting, calm, warm, nothing like you thought the devil would be like. So you pushed yourself back to the edge of the bed, and allowed him to touch you again.
“And done! How about I make you some crutches, mmh? That way you can limp around safely” he winked, snapping his fingers to make a little glitter sparkle while doing so. “Even if you say that I shouldn’t bother I’m going to either way” he stopped you before any word could leave your mouth, so all that was left to say was, “Thank you, sir” you smiled.
He was made aware of a rhythmically fast thumping on the sheets, when he looked over to your tail his heart fluttered, he decided he wouldn’t tease you about it, but he was going to make one thing clear. “Lucifer” he said his own name as if he was making himself acknowledged, seen.
“First names basis?” he nodded with a hum, “Thank you, Lucifer” it may have been just his interpretation, but his name rolling off your lips, he felt as if you were naming a painting. It sent a shiver from the tip of his tail to the tip of his horns.
He didn’t know how long has he been staring at you, but as soon as his mind started ticking again, he cleared his throat, taking seat by your side. “It itches my mind, what were you doing on the stairs if you’re injured?” say anything, literally anything, “Wandering, I…don’t enjoy feeling useless” ‘stupid’ you scolded yourself.
He knew the feeling, that’s the same one that made him start with the ducks. “You like books?” you nodded, “Let’s see here” he whisked his hand in the air, making a golden line of light shine brightly, “I have most of everything, is there something you’re particularly interested?” he turned to see you, his eyes ever so warm and gentle.
“Uhm, what do you recommend?” you didn’t know, in the living world you just read Anne Frank, which was sad and not very hopeful. “Oh I have just the thing” he put his hands inside the light and pulled three books, leaving two on the nightstand, and the other in your lap.
“It’s about a princess, dragons and an idiot you could call a sad excuse of a knight” he chuckled, eying you pass your fingers along the ridges on the hard cover, “As soon as you finish reading that one, let’s chat about it” you nodded, your tail going up and down against the silky bed.
“Oh and here” he snaped his fingers, a pair of ducky crutches fell on his hands, “Alakazam!” he smiled, “Thank you, Lucifer”.
Maybe it was how you got along with his daughter, or your care for her and everyone at the Hotel, including grumpy old Alastor, who still kept you at an arm's length because of his dislike of dogs.
Although of course, Lucifer was doing him the favor of reminding him that you are a lady, so the poor guy had no choice but to accept your peace offerings with a kind gesture. The fact that his pride burned because of it, made the king laugh until his stomach ached.
Over time, he started to notice the little things you did for him. Like when he came down to breakfast, you already had his place on the table next to Charlie, with his plate served accompanied by a small sweet or pastry and his duck cup of coffee.
Nevertheless, ever since that afternoon in his room, he started seeking for you more often.
“That dress is looking pretty good on you” he would say, to which your first response was, “Vaggie chose it, she has great taste” immediately dismissing his compliment, and that wasn’t his first intent.
“Hey, Y/n, how about we go out today?” he was quickly drowned under the sound of a thunder, followed by acid rain, “It’s raining” you walked away, silently tethered into the book he lent you.
Lucifer didn't fully grasp the concept of frustration, until the afternoon he tried to drown himself in sweet cocktails, poor Husk falling victim to his whining and the incessant sound of the wedding ring rolling across the table.
"She's kind of dense, isn't she?" Angel tried to make conversation with the defeated king, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I tell her that she looks good, she tells me that's how she looks every day" Angel let out a comprehensive hum, “Like in a ‘I don’t look different, what do you mean’ way?” Lucifer nodded, “Maybe she just has a hard time taking a compliment?” “It’s not just that, I ask her to go out, she asks me what for! Or that she just wants to finish up the book” Angel took a side look to Husk as if asking ‘has he been like this for a while?’, the only answer was a silent nod as the king continued his rant.
“And pickup lines, you youngsters still use them right? My best material just disregarded!” his best lines and your responses were something like this:
L:“I’d like to take you to the movies, but they don’t let you bring your own snacks”
Y/n: “Oh bummer, but we can buy them there right?”
L: “Hey, how was heaven like when you left it?”
Y/n: I don’t remember being there, sorry. But Charlie recently went up, maybe she can tell you about it!”
L: “When I text you good morning tomorrow, what number should I text to?”
Y/n: “We live under the same roof… why do you need to text me?”
L: I’m not an electrician, but I can light up your day”
Y/n: You sure do Luci, and so everyone else’s…well, maybe not Alastor’s day, but Charlie lights up every time she sees you happy, and around.
L: “Want a raisin? No, perhaps I could interest you with…a date?”
Y/n: I’m sorry, I’m not a big fan of dates, the texture is just not my thing”
L: “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten-I-see”
Y/n: Nope, from California. I think I haven’t traveled to Tennessee, have you?”
And though Angel could make himself an idea of his efforts, and wanted to laugh at how sappy he could be, he needed to focus. “Look, she had told me few things about herself” Lucifer was ready to do anything for a single crumb of information, “Look, maybe she is oblivious about your advances, or she just doesn’t know what you’re doing”.
Angel was wishing you weren’t listening, because you made him promise not to tell. When he helped you into another set of clothes, while playing some sort of dress up, he could see a lot of the damage your husband did on your skin, and he could imagine the emotional damage he inflicted, seeing your eyes adapt a dead-like look while you tried to summarize years of pain into five minutes.
“How can I- how can she not know?” Angel took a deep breath, feeling guilty already, “She was married off to a fucked up man, at a VERY young age” a stab, in a metaphorical way, was placed into the king’s gut, “How young?” nine years old, you were placed in his care, then he granted you the mercy to wait until you were fifteen, then your dad signed the consent for your marriage.
“Illegal young” Lucifer felt a knot forming on his stomach, followed by nausea. To think you were alone living that sort of situation made him sick, angry and feel very much hopeless. “Maybe, you need to be more direct, say ‘hey I’d like very much to know more about you, to hold you, kiss you’ an’ shit like that” his fluffy friend was right, he needed a more direct approach, no more pick up lines.
“And ya’ definitely need to think about getting rid of that” Angel pointed to the ring Lucifer was obsessively fidgeting win between his fingers. “To be honest, it did cross my mind, let her go… it’s time don’t you think?” Angel opened his hand, asking for the ring, seeing that it was a painful process as it is and he clearly needed a hand. Lucifer took a deep breath before he slid the cold metal off his finger and leave it in the spider’s hand.
He made his way upstairs, decided he needed to be honest and forward with you, but also he was drunk out of his mind, so instead of his room he stumbled into the library he made for you to enjoy your reading.
"Y/n?" he slurred out your name, missing a few letters, still peaking your attention from the second book of the saga he lent you. "Everything okay Luci? You look a little...off" you put the book on the coffee table, looking at him with a worried face.
"I need to confess-s-s something" he did a sort of hiss while 'tripping' with his own forked tongue, and with that he also made a miss step on the carpet and proceeded to fall. Though you were quick to brace his fall, his face landing in between your neck and your chest.
"Uhm. You okay?" he looked up, breathing had been hard for him lately, it was as if a thick fog was all he had in his lungs. Around you, the fog clears up, a refreshing feeling washed over him as soon as your perfume attached itself to his clothes.
He took a second to process your voice, being that he was into a sort of drunk-trance, deeply wrapped into your warmth, better than he had ever imagined. "I-I am, better than ever" he softly sighed, taking your waist into a tight embrace, the lack of self-awareness that the alcohol provoked, gave the king enough courage to fix his posture and nuzzle into your neck, never once letting you go.
"I adore you, in more than one way. I'd like to have more than the warmth of your presence in the room. I want the freedom to have you like this every day, to caress you, to kiss you" his eyes turn red, his horns sprouted out his forehead as his wings from his back, slightly ripping his suit, "If you let me, of course, what do you say?" he made an internal prayer, not only for you to say yes, but also choose him in every way. For you to see the depth of his emotions, wearing one of his realities: the scaring that the fall printed on his body.
"If I choose you, and she comes back... will you still choose me?" you pulled him off, slowly, softly. From your jacket you took out a halo, shining bright with your full name printed. You had earned your place in heaven; redemption had worked on you.
"Holy fuck! You made it, congratulations! Now you can go enjoy paradise, dearest" he gave you a reassurance smile and a caress on your cheek, though his heart felt as if someone threatened to squeeze it out of his chest as your eyes scanned the light of the halo.
He struggled to get to a better position in the couch and to keep his tears at bay, seeing that you have an option to leave him forever. But he wasn't going to trap you in hell out of greed, you had the choice and he was going to honor whatever you went with.
"But what about you?" you took your eyes off the angelic light, to look into his sad looking eyes, "What about me? I can't go to heaven" he laughed off a bit of the pain and the urge to rip the halo to shreds.
"You look sad, what if I don't go?" he shook his head, "Oh pff, I will miss you terribly, but it will warm my heart to know that you're in a better place" he patted in between your fluffy ears, "Wait, you like-like me?" he found reason in what Angel said, you were merely a child married off to an old man who tried to corrupt you, that's why your lingo was so child-like and your mannerisms were so gentle and soft.
"I do, and more than that too, if you'd let me, I could make you happy" he took your other hand, "And if you choose Heaven, that's alright too, even better, you'll be in a place where everyone is kind to one another, the clouds are soft and fluffy and it's always warm and sunny" he recalled heaven form memory, might been an outdated version of the same, but it didn't mattered.
You spotted one of his wings that was at arm's reach. He watched your fingers slowly making contact with his feathers, your eyes scanning his for any sign of discomfort. At that he moved a little closer so you could have a better access, fully extending his wing to you.
"I am needy" you broke the silence, repeating the words from your ex-husband, "And cannot understand a lot of things" he turn his eyes off of yours, not out of negativity, but of safety, if he looked at you right now, you would see him cry his heart out.
"I'm needy too, and even being as timeless as I am, there's still things I don't comprehend" you tried to look at his face, but he hid himself in his feathers, "Like what?" you whispered, searching in between until you saw his face, "You will laugh" in response you shook your head, he took a second then answered with the brightest golden blush on his cheeks.
"What are fireworks made of? And what makes them colorful?" you took a second to think, then he watched you jump off the couch towards a shelf, took a book and then you came back to him.
"Here it is, gunpowder, potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal, that is what makes it explode. It's also combined with Barium, which produces bright greens; strontium yields deep reds; copper produces blues; and sodium yields yellow" you read from the pages, "Now we both know now" your tail wagged at the sight of his smile.
"So, what are you going to do with that?" he pointed to the disregarded halo on the couch, "What should I do?" he eyed your troubled stare, then shoved his own mind aside, "Whatever your heart desires" to comfort you, still the devil on his shoulder advising him to be selfish and beg you to stay.
"I don't want to leave" you put the halo on his lap, “Is there a way to give this to someone else?" he slowly shook his head, "Want to do the honors?" almost in command he threw the angelic halo into hellfire. "I guess you're stuck with me now" his own tail wrapped around yours. He was excited and happy for your decision, even if it meant that you would remain in hell.
Now a little more sober, he got up from the couch, with his heart in his hand, metaphorically. He took the liberty of taking your hands in his, and guiding them over his cheeks, his neck, his shoulders, chest and wings. "I'm not much, but if you were to give me the title of "Yours", happily I would stop being the king of hell".
"Just to clarify, those sappy phrases were...romantically intended?" you were suddenly hit with a flash of realization, "YES!" he exhaled a breath he had stuck in his throat for a while. You laughed, "Then why didn't you said so?" good thing you were almost his same stature, he could watch you unravel with giggles without hurting his neck.
"I should have, huh?" he pulled you into his arms again, his hand caressed the back of your head before pulling in for a kiss. Taking your lips into his with a stored up passion he hadn't used in more than seven years.
Happy, how long has it been since you felt genuinely happy? especially in the arms of another, who was nothing more and nothing less than the devil himself. Who showed you more affection and affection than any other man alive. "I think I chose well" You soon noticed that his blonde hair was silky and knotless, it just slid through your fingers as you combed it. Something that ruffled Lucifer's feathers as soon as your fingers made contact with his head.
"Please do that forever" he melted in your embrace and ministrations, "I promise" he purred in response.
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