#it isn't really super long but it's long enough
toxycodone · 2 days
𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 !
𝘤𝘸. 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦
𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴. 𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘰𝘴, 𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘶, 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘤𝘩𝘶𝘤𝘬
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I genuinely think Laios is attracted to the unconventional or stereotypically attractive. Anyone with unique features, personality quirks, etc. If you don't fit in, you're more willing to catch his eye.
He finds it difficult to really like? Gain an interest in someone who doesn't really "stick out". I think it's clear with the way he treats Kabru that like! People kinda are a blur to him! So! anything that makes someone stick out will catch his interest and he'd be more willing to remember them + actually continue to think about them.
MUST. Share his interest in monsters/animals. This is very important. Like there must be a shared interest there whether its just about anatomy, behavior, etc. I just think he needs to be accepted to talk about this and share fun facts. He likes it. Cooking or an interest in food would also be another plus.
Also just? He likes really easygoing people who aren't super judgemental. Laios is really unapologetically himself and he gets chewed out for it by his friends enough. He's very self aware when it comes to his own issues (esp by the end of the manga) so. Yeah. Just someone who he doesn't feel the need to mask around.
Honestly, maybe someone childish would fit his vibe too? I mean this in a more lighthearted sense. Like someone he could play tag with or goof around in the woods with. He missed out on being a kid for a while, and he's still kinda interested in stuff like that (bug collecting, cool rocks, etc.). Even in post manga he still wants this.
Also uhhhh beastkin/monsters/whatever of any kind get bonus points. Do they have to be this way? No. But. It would definitely do some favors to be feral/wild in some way like this.
Okay I am not saying this is healthy or anything, but Kabru is ridiculously attracted to fixer-uppers. The main character/savior/hero complex kicks in and he cannot help it.
This can either be super good for him if the person is like. not terrible and is actually okay with this. but uh. that isn't always the case. Bro is often setting himself up for some sort of situationship most of the time. He cannot catch a break.
But he totally needs to be confronted about this to have a relationship work out. Hope you can be at least a little assertive!
Oh and the people pleasing. It's going so far. Please, I-....
He needs to be stopped.
Ultimately. He's gonna go after the people who show the least interest in him and this SPECIFICALLY comes from his own insecurities as a person.
But in the end he's gonna truly fall for someone who can put their foot down and confront him about these issues. He's so insightful and perceptive when it comes to others and can easily point out and help you with you're own shortcomings. But he is super blind to his own faults. Legit does not. Even realize.
He honestly needs someone to help him grow, because in my eyes I can see him like even post manga being pretty stagnant here so . Yeah. You don't need to be like some badass assertive person either. As long as you can just sit down and have a serious conversation w him about this I think it'd go well.
And he'd fall for you because I think it's the first time he genuinely sees someone who recognizes things that are bad about him + still loves him despite that + wants him to grow as a person and assert his own wishes and needs more. Yeah. I just have a lot of feelings about that.
This goes two ways.
Non Toxic Route
He'd easily see himself falling for someone mature and responsible. It would start out as just a professional admiration but it would slowly become more intimate as Chilchuck starts to enjoy their more unique personality traits (and even ones he'd consider annoying) --like being feisty, or maybe they're picky, or they can be silly sometimes. That type of thing.
It's a total slow burn with him.
But he also likes people who are more lowkey. Chilchuck is not a "falls for you immediately/puppy love" kinda guy. He's jaded and has a past and has KIDS so. He needs to be treated gently and not rushed into things. Anyone who lets him come to them and start to be more affectionate without demanding it...yeah. Handle him with care PLEASE.
And speaking of this...he wants to keep up appearances since he does value his professional life and has kids and an ex-wife. So he wants someone that can blend into this life without causing drama or more headaches (his party gives him plenty. pls.)
"Toxic"/Not Gonna Last Route
Chilchuck is easily motivated by the more basic pleasures of life, so I can definitely see him having a bootycall that becomes some weird "what are we" type of vibe.
He's like...in the back of his mind the type to enjoy a "dirty little secret". Something he thinks only him and this person know about. But as time goes on he eventually gets emotionally involved with them and is like "we need to cut this off".
It is an extremely painful breakup on his end for sure and makes him more jaded when its literally! His own fault.
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yaoienjoyerwife · 23 hours
BSD Men Jealousy HCs
My different HCs for how different BSD men are when they're jealous! This has Dazai, Atsushi, Kunikida, Ranpo, Akutagawa, Sigma, Lovecraft, and Bram!!! Also, I'm not doing colored text anymore because Tumblr doesn't have enough colors lol and also sorry if these are ooc, I just started writing for bsd
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Dazai! ♡
Dazai isn't really the jealous type, after all, he trusts you can make good decisions and not cheat!
But when he does... he is whiney.
Though he'll also be giving the other person a glare for sure.
He'll threaten to kill himself but like as a joke of course.
You still get worried though.
Deep down when he does get jealous he feels really bad inside, but he hides it well. You'd have to do something to make him like super insanely jealous for him to express that.
Though do expect to not be able to walk the next day
Dazai will want to prove that he's better
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Atsushi! ♡
Atsushi is very insecure; he genuinely believes he is nowhere near good enough to be with you.
That being said, he gets extremely jealous and his jealousy makes him sad because he THINKS you do deserve better.
You have to reassure him that he is the only one you want.
If you two live together expect cuddles that afternoon
Even if you don't live together expect to be invited over for cuddles
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Kunikida! ♡
At first, he might try to hide his jealousy because obviously, you're just talking to a friend or co-worker or something
Jealousy and overprotectiveness aren't ideal is what he thinks
He is still jealous and gets overprotective of you
Though some people (Dazai) know how to get under his skin
Will stick around you for the rest of the day
If the culprit is indeed Dazai expect him to rant about that suicidal freak
He will never be mad at you for it of course, he's just too sweet and loves you too much
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Ranpo! ♡
Whiney little baby about it
Will cling onto you
If someone is being too friendly with you and he doesn't like it (even if he can tell the person doesn't like you), he will force himself into the conversation and obnoxiously mention how your boyfriend is the worlds greatest detective
you can't tell if he's putting more emphasis on the fact he's your boyfriend or the fact he's the worlds greatest detective
Regardless expect to be made to cuddle and he will not let you leave until he's felt you've repaid him for the 'traumatic experience' he had from being jealous
He's not even really that jealous he just wants you to buy snacks for him and cuddle with him
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Akutagawa! ♡
a lot of glaring and probably a threat or two.
If he sees you talking to the weretiger Atsushi, expect to witness a fight.
He is extremely overprotective of you, he is willing to fight or even kill people over you.
You have to tell him not to kill people...
Afterward, you will get silent treatment but not for long.
Loves you too much to avoid you
He might raise his voice at you, but he'll feel bad and apologize after he calms down
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Sigma! ♡
100x more insecure than Atsushi
Won't bring it up to you but you can tell because he starts overworking more than he already does
Once you finally get him to stop overworking please do smother him with love
He wants you around him all the time afterward, just in the same room with him at the very least
He wants it to be just the two of you in his office while he works, like you can just be on your phone or sitting on his lap, just be close to him
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Lovecraft! ♡
He does not get jealous actually
Someone would have to very obviously be hitting on you but if that were the case he'd be more irritated and less jealous, you are his 'mate' after all
He actually just drags you away from the person, even if you're a guild member and it's just one of your co-workers
He isn't very clingy or anything but he doesn't like you out of his sight for too long if someone flirts with you he just doesn't let them be alone with you
You can't even go on missions with them
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Bram! ♡
Wants to duel whoever is talking to you, especially if they are flirting
You have to explain to him 1. you aren't interested in the other person, and 2. he can't just duel people
He refuses to let you talk to the person anymore and if you must he has to be there, he doesn't want them flirting
Makes it very clear to the person that he is your lover
Threatens them later on
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(Not) A Stand-Up Guy
Summary: Your boyfriend is being insulted. Naturally, you defend him. Problem is... That's kind of hard.
Characters: Azul, Jade
Azul Ashengrotto
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It was a peaceful day as you passed through the hallways to run a quick errand; delivering papers to Professor Crewel. The halls were almost completely deserted, every little sound echoing through the walls.
And one of those sounds was the sound of people insulting your boyfriend.
"Ugh," said some guy. "The damn crook. Can't believe people like him can be housewarden."
"We should beat him up." Silence. "I-I'm joking," said the other guy hastily. "Obviously, I know that wouldn't work with those goons of his. He's still annoying, though."
"His voice pisses me off."
"His voice?" Said another guy incredulously. "What about the fact that he's a terrible person?"
A terrible person was definitely an overstatement. Though he definitely had his flaws, Azul wasn't Satan incarnate or anything Iike that.
And- now that you thought about it, didn't these guys cheat off you during Alchemy? What were they doing insulting you boyfriend when they knew you could hear them? Didn't they have an ounce of respect?
...Or did they just think you were a pushover?
You were beginning to feel offended on your own behalf, too.
"Hey!" You said, turning to face them, closing the gap between you and the group of miscreants. "Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!"
"We're right," said one of the guys nonchalantly. You paused for a second.
He was a crook, and he did intentionally get on people's nerves. Curses.
"Uh, well-" You raised a finger to try and prove your point, except there was no point to prove. "He has a very lovely voice!"
"That he sweetens up to get on people's nerves," said a guy. He was right.
You paused for a second. They were right, weren't they?
No, no. You weren't going to let this slide.
"Still," you said, steeling yourself. Your voice instantly turned stony.
"Let's face it: Night Raven's a school of schemers. You're all probably up to no good yourself. Azul isn't particularly worse than any of you, nor is he the morally irredeemable prat you seem to think he is. He's insanely hardworking, and probably more talented than you could ever be, considering how often you all try to pull a fast one and look at my answers during tests."
You paused for a long breath, taking in their shock at your words—and the fact you knew about them cheating off of you.
"So," you continued. "If you're going to use me to cheat or whatever, at least don't talk shit about my boyfriend when I can clearly hear you."
That promptly shut them up.
"Sorry, sorry," one of them said. "So... You won't tell Professor Crewel about... Uh...?"
You beamed.
"We're all good!" You said, switching up your tone immediately. You had gotten what you wanted.
The guy sighed.
"T-Thanks," he said, not really caring about Azul so long as he could keept cheating off of you during Alchemy.
"No problem!"
You beamed, off on your merry way. And, afterwards, you bumped into none other than your darling himself, Azul.
"I saw your little skirmish earlier today," he said with a grin. You laughed.
"I'd stick up for you again," you said. He smiled. "Even if it is super hard to do."
The smile fell right off his face.
"You'd do well to cease this line of conversation."
"Nah," you said. "I think I'll keep talking about it some more. I'll talk about you being a crook, and how you talk like Squidward from SpongeBob sometimes, and-"
"Insolent cretin."
"I love you too, Azul."
Jade Leech
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Getting to pick Jade's mushrooms was quite the pleasant experience. They were all so pretty, and the garden itself was so well taken care of, not to mention how much glee you felt at the thought of Jade trusting you enough to ask you to pick some of his precious mushrooms for him!
As you finished storing the last of the mushrooms—Lactarius Indigo, a really pretty one; edible too—you practically skipped back to Octavinelle. Oh, how you loved mycology. The world of fungi was really quite fascinating.
So why did everyone think they were creepy? At least, they did in this school. Seriously, mushrooms weren't just not creepy, they were awesome! Mushrooms were one of the key players in the ecosystem, a great source of food, so varied in utility it was insane, gorgeous, not to mention-
"Oh, look," some guy said." It's the creepier Leech's servant, here to collect his fucking poison mushrooms."
"Don't say that! They're supposed to be together!" Said another guy with a snicker. "They're totally equals, you guys."
Your eye twitched. You could hear them. They knew that, right?
No, no. You had to be calm about this. Move on, ignore them.
"I wonder what kinda blackmail he's got on his little servant-"
"Oh, shut up!" You said before you could stop yourself. You'd lost your temper.
One of the guys scoffed.
"Your precious little boyfriend's a creep, and you know it," he said. Another guy nodded along.
"Wasn't that there thing about him finding people's private online accounts or some shit?"
You grit your teeth. That was... True, actually. He did that, and he also messed with others for his own amusement.
"It's just the truth," said one of the guys. You noticed the yellow band on his uniform. Savannaclaw.
You smirked.
"Were you or were you not in on it when your dorm orchestrated the mass accidents? What about the stampede on Diasomnia?"
His eyes widened.
"I- uh-"
"That's what I thought," you said. "Might want to shut it, then. You're not exactly a saint yourself."
With that, you walked off, making one last comment about how they'd never been in a healthy relationship before. Still, you couldn't help but sigh.
You hadn't actually won the argument. You just- deflected their point.
Then again, did those guys really have a point? This was Night Raven. What made the things Jade did any worse than the misdeeds of other students?
You were pulled from your lamentations by the sight of Jade Leech.
"Thank you for so bravely taking a stand on my behalf, dearest," he said with a teasing look that contained a vague trace of sincerity. How did he even get that information? Hell if you knew.
"No problem, my dear princess," you said with an entirely straight face. "On that note, your knight has brought the requested items."
You pulled out the bag of mushrooms, presenting them to him with a smirk.
"Please, accept this humble offering," you said. It was all too satisfying to catch the split second of frustration on Jade's face at you playing along. Turnabout was fair play, wasn't it?
But, of course, he had to keep playing along. It was actually pretty funny, to be honest.
"I accept, my darling knight," he said with a smirk. "Of course, I must reward you."
"And how exactly do you intend to go about doing that?"
Your question was promptly answered when he pulled you in for a kiss.
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gravidwithlore · 2 days
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Building a Home part 1
word count: 7,500
“Tell me again, why do we need a guide to get through the Wandering Woods?” Jiyan drawled as he picked at his nails. Rhiannon sighed in exasperation.
“Because, the woods are scary and dangerous?” She snarked.
“Yeah, but I mean, the three of us could totally handle whatever spooky whats-its and scary whose-its the forest can throw at us! Between your super cool sword skills, my charming smile, and Melian's druid nature powers, we don't need some lame village guide to tell us to keep on the path.”
Rhi snorted. “What was that middle one?”
“Your super cool sword skills.”
“No, the other one.”
“Melian's druid nature powers.”
“Yeah,” She rolled her eyes at Jiyan’s antics. “And if Melian of all people says we need a guide, then we're getting a guide, whether your cocky ass likes it or not.”
“Fine.” He huffed and poutily crossed his arms. “But don't come crying to me when-” Jiyan trailed off as he noticed Melian approaching them with an absolute mountain of a man. “You know what Rhi? You're so right, we absolutely need a guide.”
“Oh? Really? I was actually just starting to think you might have a point Ji! I should probably go let them know their services aren't needed anymore.” Rhiannon smirked at her companion.
“No, no! Rhiannon, you were absolutely so correct, we're in desperate need of this man’s services, we can't make it in the woods alone!” Jiyan hastily objected.
Before Rhiannon could tease him some more, Melian approached them and introduced them to Brone, a giant of a man. His face held the gaunt scarred look of someone who's seen (and caused) their fair share of trouble, with a perpetual looking 5 o'clock shadow to match, but the faint wrinkles and streaks of gray in his long greasy hair told a story of survival throughout all the struggle. Brone towered above them, as he grunted in begrudging acknowledgement to Rhi and Jiyan’s greetings, hand remaining tightly clutched tight on the hilt of his sword instead of meeting Jiyans handshake.
Immediately bored of the talk of the logistics of their temporary partnership and preparations for their journey, Jiyan tried to give Brone a very unsubtle once over. He was a bit dismayed by just how much his cloak managed to cover him, leaving no clues as to exactly what he was, ahem, packing. But from the size of the man's hands, Jiyan had a feeling he would not be disappointed. And oh, how Jiyan loved a challenge.
Rhiannon and Brone took off to inspect their wagon to ensure it was safe for their passage, despite her assurance it was perfectly fine. As Brone had said, in that deep gravelly voice of his, “I've heard that before.” Once they were alone, Jiyan playfully nudged Melian with his elbow.
“So, where did you find this absolute dilf Mel?” He winked.
“The tavern, where the shopkeep said he'd be.” They responded straight-faced. “And how do you know he has any children?”
“Well I don't know!” Jiyan said, a little shocked that Melian even knew what a dilf was. “Being a dilf isn't just about having kids, it's, like, a vibe. Trust me, I know a dilf when I see one!”
“And this sellsword I have found in a dirty village tavern, to take us through the Wandering Woods, gives off the vibes that he has children?” Anyone else would think Melian naive, more accustomed to being surrounded by nature than by other people, but Ji had known them long enough to catch the slight uptick of the corners of their lips and know that in their own unknowable way, Melian was teasing the shit out of him.
“Yeah. In, like, a sad and grungy sort of way, yeah.”
“And you are… attracted? …To the sad grungy dilf?” Jiyan didn't miss the faint tone of judgment in their voice.
“Mark my words Melian, I'm going to climb that man like a tree.”
Three days later, Jiyan was exhausted. The Wandering Woods had proved dangerous, not just for the wild peoples and monsters that could attack at any moment, but also for the difficult terrain and half overgrown path. He was definitely grateful Brone was with them, and not just for the grumpy eye candy. His sword, and crossbow, had come in handy more than once, whether it was shooting an attacker going straight for Rhiannon or hacking away vines that had blocked their path.
He was a skilled guide, despite having seen some combat, Brone had managed to steer them away from even more battles by sneaking around on less traveled pathways. It may have made their journey a bit longer, but everyone was grateful for it. One might think that their group would feel a bit closer to each other, but Brone still regarded them with distanced suspicion. Sure, he shared their campfire for dinner, but he slept separately from the group, often insisting on taking watch through most of the night, as if he didn't trust them capable of sharing the duty. Or to not stab him in his sleep. Always wrapped in that giant cloak, as if he didnt even trust them to know he had a body under there, in case they might know where his vital organs would be. Even that day, all day, he was grumpier than normal, eyebrows constantly furrowed in annoyance, snapping at Jiyan (even if he did deserve it most of the time), and terse with Rhiannon and Melian. Considering the man looked like the encyclopedic definition of someone who would lure them out into the woods with the promise of safety and security, then rob them and leave them for dead, the whole act felt a little rich if you asked Jiyan. Who definitely wasn't more than a little bitter that all of attempts at just simply flirting with Brone had gone completely, brutally, rebuffed.
At least that day had been quiet, at least where getting attacked was concerned. As they chose a spot to set up camp for the night, Brone grunted that they had just passed the thick of it, two more days and they would be at the next village. When Rhiannon had mentioned inheriting an old family farm and her desire to leave the adventuring life behind, Jiyan had been skeptical to say the least. But after the past few days, he was starting to see the appeal of settling down into a farm life. Well, maybe not settling, but he was definitely more open to the idea. As he thought about embracing the peace and serenity of life on a farm, Jiyan went to take care of the horses while Melian and Rhiannon started making dinner. He was just about to unhitch the horses, when he heard Brone's voice just on the other side of the wagon.
“-thought I had another week.” Brone muttered. Jiyan ducked down behind the horses and tried to be as quiet as possible. “Look, I just need two more days, alright? Just two more days and-” One of the horses softly whinied and dug their hoof into the dirt, Jiyan fought all of his instincts to shush it so he could listen. “Just one last job, and I'm yours, okay? Please, just two more days, I beg of you.”
Jiyan couldn't hear whoever Brone was talking to, but he sounded scared. He didn't even know Brone could be scared, let alone sound scared. It sounded like he'd made a deal with something, and now he'd gotten in over his head trying to keep his end of the bargain. Eyes wide, Jiyan snuck back to the campfire where his partners sat, blissfully unaware of what had just transpired.
“Guys, I think we're in danger.” He loudly whispered to them.
“What? What is it? Where's Brone?” Rhiannon practically shouted at the top of her gods-damned lungs as she stood, already unsheathing her rapier.
“Shush!” Ji desperately motioned her to sit back down. “I think Brone's who we're in danger from!”
“What, why would you think this?” Melian looked at him wide eyed and startled.
“I heard him talking to somebody behind the wagon, he was saying something about ‘one last job’ and ‘I just need 2 more days.'” Jiyan did a pretty fine impression of Brone's deep gravelly voice if you asked him, but Rhi's subtle eye roll seemed to disagree.
“Did you see who he was talking to?” She asked.
“No, I was safely hidden behind the horses, I didn't even hear them speak. I think he's going to, like, sacrifice us or something!” He whisper-shouted again.
“Look,” Melian put out their hands to motion them both to stay put. “We do not have all the facts, nor do we know exactly what we're up against. For now, just act as normal and stay with each other. Do not react yet.” Rhiannon and Jiyan looked at each other and nodded, ready to heed Melian’s word when they heard a loud slap against the side of the wagon.
“Fuck.” Brone growled, as one of his arms leaned against the side of the wagon facing them, the other clutching his stomach. Jiyan did not waste his first opportunity to catch a fleeting glimpse of what lay under that cloak, as it parted in front of them. Honestly, he was a little surprised, he hadn't expected Brone to be so… round… and… so soft looking under that leather armor. And he was dripping? Jiyan gasped as he realized a small pool had formed by Brone’s feet, his hand clutching at his stomach. Whatever he was talking to must have stabbed him, mortally wounding him, betrayed him for failing to follow their commands, now he’s bleeding out, bemoaning ever making that dark deal in the first place!
“He's in labor!” Melian gasps, as they leap up and rush towards him. Oh. OH. Yeah, that made a lot more sense actually.
Even lost in the throes of a contraction, oh gods a contraction, Brone still instinctively flinched away when Melian tried to put a comforting hand on their back. Jiyan's heart broke a little just watching it. Here he was afraid Brone was about to betray them all while they were asleep and vulnerable, yet the whole time Brone had been the most vulnerable one in the entire forest! Mel respectfully withdrew their hands, hovering in case of a sudden collapse. After a moment it seemed like the contraction ebbed away, as Brone looked up to find them all circled around him, wide eyed and staring.
“Fuck.” He groaned for the second, but probably not the last, time that night.
“You're in labor.” Melian stated, tone more purposefully neutral than usual.
“Yeah, I can bloody fucking tell.” Brone spat, and then he straightened up and sighed. “Look, we're already past the most dangerous bits of the forest, and you lot are already a lot stronger than most folks I take through here. Less than two days out, jus’ leave me here, and finish the journey. You don't even half to pay me the second half of the coin.”
“Let us get you to sit by the fire. Rhiannon, get extra buckets of water, and Jiyan, find some extra blankets. It is going to be a long night.” Melian replied.
“Didn't you just hear what I bloody fucking said?” Brone seethed, like a tomcat trapped in a corner.
“Yes. And I have decided to ignore it.” Mel calmly explained as they began to guide him towards the campfire.
“Why? You don't owe me shit!” He shouted, as if he wasn't the one being ridiculous here.
“I am trained in the arts of healing and midwifery, and it would go against my sacred duties to leave you here to birth your child alone, even if we were not in one of the most dangerous locations in the land.” Even Brone could sense the anger lurking in Melian’s usually unphased disposition, and his shoulders sagged as he relented and accepted his fate. He let Mel and Rhi help him sit as comfortably as he could by the fire, while Jiyan panicked and rushed to find the blankets.
“Here,” They reached for the ladle in the cooking pot and brought a ladle-full of softly steaming stew towards his mouth. “Eat something. You shall need to keep up your strength.” Brone glared at them as he reluctantly took a sip of the stew. Then another. Then another, as Melain watched him, until the ladle was empty.
“How far apart are the contractions?” Mel asked gently.
“I dunno, ‘bout 10 minutes I think.” He growled. They hummed in response.
“And why are you guiding groups through the Wandering Woods so close to your due date? Why are you anywhere near the Wandering Woods at all while carrying such precious cargo?” Mel’s anger returned, a rare display. Rhi decided it might be a good time to go get those buckets of water they'd requested earlier.
“I needed to save up for the kid didn't I?” Brone's jaw tensed, and he couldn't quite seem to meet Melian's eyes. “Not like anyone would hire me fer much else. Safer than staying with the mercenary companies anyway.”
“And what exactly, was your plan here?” Melian narrowed their eyes. Brone sighed.
“I thought I had more time, I thought I could do one last job, get a bit more coin before the kid came, then fuck off to some remote little cottage where I could raise them in fucking peace.”
“And where is this ‘remote little cottage’ located?”
“I, uh,” Brone shifted uncomfortably. “I hadn't quite gotten there yet.” Melian could see the quickly growing tidal wave shame and guilt swelling in his eyes, so they took a deep breath, and chose mercy. If his estimate was correct, his next contraction would be coming soon anyways, and it wouldn't do to add to his stress when he still had such a long way to go. Just then Jiyan came rushing back, arms full of blankets, shirts, pants, just about any and every piece of fabric he could find.
“Alright, I'm ready to catch this baby!” He cried, spreading his arms under all the fabric and squatting down in front of Brone. “You've got this Papa Bear!”
“What the fuck are y- augh!” The contraction hit Brone mid-protest, his eyes squeezing shut in surprise and pain, gritting his teeth while his body held him in a vice grip.
“Go on, push! You're going to meet your little one so soon!” Ji encouraged him, proud tears welling up in his eyes. Usually Rhiannon was the one to roll her eyes at his hijinks, but just this once Melian took the mantle as they put an arm out to stop his dramatics.
“Brone, do not push. Jiyan, do not give advice you are far from qualified to give.”
“What?” He gaped like a fish. “His water broke, isn't it time to push?”
“No, Jiyan.” Melian sighed. “Birth doesn't work like it does in the plays.”
“What are you talking about Mel? They can't all be wrong!”
“Jiyan.” Mel said after staring at Jiyan in disbelief for a moment. “If a play were to accurately depict a full and complete birth experience, the play would be several days long. It is simply shortened to water breaking and the baby being born immediately after to save time and heighten drama.”
“Wait, what do you mean days long? Do you mean he's going to be in labor for several more days?!” His jaw dropped as his eyes went comically wide.
“No, his child will likely be born before the dawn arrives. But, he has been in labor for the past several days, whether he had acknowledged it or not.” Mel gave a pointed look in Brone's direction, who was focused more on the intensity of the contraction without the cushion of his waters, than on educating Jiyan on the reality of childbirth.
“So this whole time Brone’s been in labor? Even through all the attacks, and hacking away at vines, and shit? Holy crap, he's even stronger than I th-”
“Would you please shut the fuck up.” Brone growled as the contraction ebbed away. “Is he going to be this annoying, the whole time?”
“You need to breathe.” Melian ignored his grumpy outburst.
“I need to wot?”
“Breathe. You are holding in your breath too much, and it is making the contraction more painful. Next contraction, try breathing like this.” They demonstrated the proper breathing technique for him.
“That's stupid. I'm not bloody doing that.” He frowned.
“Then you will regret it.” Melian stated plainly.
“Is that a fucking threat?” Anger flashed through Brone’s eyes, thinly veiling the relief of re-entering familiar social territory.
“No, I am simply stating the facts.” They replied, refusing to take Brone’s bait to rise to his anger.
“Don't knock it ‘til you try it, Papa Bear, that's what I always say!” Jiyan interjected in an attempt to be helpful. Brone rolled his eyes.
“Look, if you won't leave,” He pointed a finger at Melian. “can we at least send him on his way?” He jabbed his thumb in Jiyan’s direction.
“Ugh, fine.”
“Now, have some more soup. You will need it.”
Eventually Rhiannon returned with the extra water, which Melian then set to boil. When Brone’s contraction returned, his face scrunched up again as he braced himself for the pain. At a simple reminder from Melian to breathe, he reluctantly relented, as Jiyan ‘helpfully’ exaggerated the breathing technique Mel had showed them earlier. When the contraction ended, Jiyans supportive thumbs up and big smile was met with an exasperated eye roll, but Ji would swear he was making progress with breaking down the emotional walls of the laboring man. Even if he did look like he was going to bite Jiyan’s hand off when he tried to help Brone out of his cloak and leather armor so he could be more comfortable. After a few more contractions, and making sure everyone had gotten some dinner, Melian approached Brone again.
“I'm going to have to check you at some point you know.” They said, glancing down.
“Wha-?! Like the bloody fuck you will!” Brone objected, hackles raised again.
“Uh, check what?” Jiyan asked while Rhiannon buried her face in her hands.
“His dilation, to see how far his cervix has opened to allow his child to pass into the birth canal once active labor begins.”
“Absolutely not!” Brone cheeks started to turn a deep shade of pink.
“Look, my guy,” Rhiannon interjected. “Did you plan on just giving birth into your pants?”
“... No.” He eventually muttered, refusing to meet any of their eyes as the pink of his cheeks continued to spread.
“Good. I will try to make it as unobtrusive as possible.” Mel knelt down in front of them. Brone rolled his eyes, but complied and started to take off his boots and pants, only pausing to breath through a contraction in the middle of it.
“How do you want me?” He finally asked, the blush blooming across his cheeks now completely unhideable.
“However you will feel most comfortable.”
Brone snorted but complied, not necessarily by getting comfortable but by just spreading his legs apart and refusing to look in Mel’s direction. True to their word, Melian tried their best to be as unobtrusive as possible, gently narrating what they were about to do as if they were talking to a spooked horse. Even so, Brone flinched when he felt their fingers inside, his body rigid and tense. Jiyan thought it would be the perfect time to step in to ask some questions and sate his curious mind.
“Sooooooooo... do you know who your ‘baby daddy’ is?” He asked, innocently and with no ulterior motives at all. “Asking for a friend.” He winked.
“Why the bloody fucking hell do you wanna know?” Brone glared at him. Ji shrugged.
“Just curious… Does your ‘baby daddy’ know they're your baby daddy?” Brone snorted.
“Bloke was so sozzed he didn't even realize I don't even ‘ave a cock, so I think it's safe to say, no, he don't know he’s my ‘baby daddy.’”
“Cool, cool, cool.” Jiyan nodded, mentally taking notes. “Good to know.”
“5 centimeters.” Mel rose, their diagnostic completed.
“And is that good? Is that bad?” Ji asked.
“It is neither, it simply means that his cervix has opened 5 out of the 10 centimeters it needs to in order to be fully dilated.”
“Oooooh. Way to go! Halfway there Papa Bear!” Jiyan cheered.
“Brone, you should take off your armor. It's already constricting your breathing, and it will continue to be a detriment during the course of your birth.”
“First my bloody pants, then my bloody fucking armor…” Brone grumbled as he complied and started to uncomfortably shift to unbuckle himself from his chest armor. He couldn't resist the sigh of relief that escaped him as the tight pressure on his chest released, then immediately became red in the face again as he realized there were two very large very prominent wet patches that had soaked through his dark gray top underneath the armor.
“Wow, you must've been hot under there too!” Jiyan said, before Brone could cover himself in his embarrassment.
“It is not sweat, Jiyan, it's milk.” Mel explained, before Rhiannon could stop them, as Brone’s face grew even more red. “The tightness of the leather armor likely applied enough pressure on his breasts to force a higher expression of milk than would have occurred naturally so close to giving birth.”
“Oh, so his armor was, like, milking him?” Jiyan asked. Brone ran a hand down his beet red face.
“You lot sure we can't leave him back in the thick of the woods? It's not too late.” He growled. Rhiannon smiled and shook her head.
“No can do. With our luck, he'd end up more powerful than ever, and still end up back here to annoy the hell out of us.” She teased.
“Yes. He is unnaturally canny at stumbling into lucky situations. There's no telling what horrors he would unleash from within those woods.” Mel pondered.
“Aw, you guys! I love you too!” Jiyan drawled, his hands over his chest as if he was overcome with emotion.
“Alright, change of subject before his ego gets too big to handle.” Rhiannon laughed. Melian nodded in earnest agreement.
The night passed on, with Brone’s contractions slowly getting closer and closer together, as he kept refusing Jiyan’s requests to feel the baby kick. Melian encouraged them all to try and get a little shut eye, but no one was very successful at it, least of all Brone himself. At some point Melian had convinced him to walk around a bit, reluctantly letting Rhiannon and Mel support him whenever a contraction hit as they slowly shuffled around the campsite, Jiyan playing some gentle calming melodies on his lyre.
Melian had tried to reassure Brone to move however his body wanted to move, whatever helped to relieve the discomfort, since he still tensed and seemed to be trying to squeeze in on himself, to lock himself in place whenever a contraction grabbed him. At first he had shaken his head, as if Melian's suggestions were absolutely ridiculous, but eventually he started to loosen up, swaying his hips just a little as he began to give into his body's demands. It was while he was leaning against the side of the wagon, groaning and swaying his hips through a particularly rough contraction, that Jiyan and Rhi were helping support him so Mel could have a rest before the ‘big event,’ that he spoke.
“This feels stupid.” He said, panting from the exertion his own body was putting him through. “This probably looks bloody stupid as hell, doesn't it.”
“Stupidly hot, Papa Bear.” Jiyan winked at him before Rhiannon could respond in the way a person with some semblance of common sense and self-preservation would have responded. Brone growled, getting increasingly overstimulated from everything his own body was putting him through already and annoyed with Jiyan's ‘teasing.’
“Why the fuck do you keep calling me that?” He snapped.
“Why do I keep calling you Papa Bear? I mean look at you.” Jiyan ignored Rhi’s warning look. “You're a giant bear of a man, and well, the baby's not born yet, but you're already a papa in my heart!”
Brone's response to his encouragement and complement was underwhelming. He'd expected at least some indignation and confusion, but instead was met with soft cursing and a scrunched face.
“...Something’s… different.” He ground out after a moment.
“Mel!” Rhiannon called out, unable to hide the rising edge of concern in her voice. Melian, who was supposed to be resting, but decidedly was not resting, was at Brone’s side in a heartbeat. A quick check later and they looked into his eyes.
“Do you feel like you need to push?”
The terrified whimper seemed to come from somewhere else, because never in a million gazillion years could that sound have come from Brone of all people. But come from Brone it did, to match the wide eyed look of terror that briefly took over his face.
“See, even your baby knows you're meant to be a Papa Bear!” Jiyan smiled. Brone’s face shifted back towards a comfortable annoyed eyeroll and the sound that escaped his throat sounded less like a terrified whimper and more like his classic disgruntled groan.
“Quit joking Ji, and help get him into the cart.” Rhiannon commanded, her voice terse as if she were shouting out directions during a fight. Together they guided him towards the back of the wagon, which Mel had been preparing to be a makeshift birthing center, lamenting that they wouldn't have the usual soothing pools and hanging ropes that would have, supposedly, helped Brone feel more comfortable. At the back of the cart another contraction squeezed him in its vice grip, harder than it ever had before.
“Push if you feel the urge to push, do not fight your body Brone.” Mel said, softly but sternly.
“But-” Was all he could gasp out, barely more than a grunt.
“Your baby will not be born in one push, I assure you.”
It must have been Melian's tone, or perhaps their apparent expertise in the situation at hand, but by some miracle Brone trusted them, and bore down into a hard squat. Teeth clenched together, brows so furrowed together they almost became one, gripping the top step of the wagon, he pushed, and pushed hard. The contraction released him with a gasp, Mel's hand applying pressure on his lower back keeping him from falling backwards.
“I felt- I felt it… move down.” He whispered, both in wonder and in fear. “Fuck, it feels so heavy now.” He groaned and clutched at the low hanging base of his belly.
“Where do you feel most comfortable? Here, in this position, or within the wagon?” Mel prompted, as focused as they ever are when in their role as healer.
“Wagon, definitely inside the wagon.” Brone panted, still out of breath from the contraction and awkwardly climbing the steps into the wagon, slowly, with their legs spread wide, as if ready to squat and push again at a moment's notice. Or perhaps he was simply unable to with his baby’s head already spreading him wide from within his birth canal. The trio helped him get as comfortable as possible, his back resting against a built-in bench near the front of the wagon.
“Why inside the wagon? It's so cramped with all of us in here.” Jiyan complained.
“Safer in the wagon, covered on three sides, can see any threats coming from the fo- augh!” Brone’s head fell back as the contraction hit without warning, Melian reminding him to listen to his body, to push, to breathe. Jiyan and Rhiannon instinctively offered their hands for support, their offer hesitantly taken at the contractions peak.
“Jiyan-” Rhiannon started to warn but was cut off by a melodic voice, Melian’s voice echoing through their heads. Keep distracting him, Jiyan. He looked to his friend, preparing the supplies they needed, and gave them a brief short nod. Then, just for a little bit of fun, as a treat, turned and poked his tongue out at Rhiannon.
“Keep pushing, Papa Bear!” He made it his own little game to try and find all the different ways he could encourage Brone to push. Winning quite a few confused reactions from the rest of the wagon. It didn't take very long until Brone was plastered with sweat, hair sticking to his face, the wet sheen making it more apparent how red his face was getting with the grueling effort of bearing down through the contractions. To everyone's surprise, he even let Rhiannon put his hair into a loose bun, only flinching twice. Having his hair out of his face and off the back of his neck was even more of a relief than he thought it would be, judging from the brief moment his body untensed once she'd finished.
Jiyan continued to hold his hand through the contractions, while Rhiannon clasped his other forearm and dabbed at his forehead with a damp rag. Considering the size of him, and the man’s almost supernatural strength proven over the last few days, Ji thought he was holding his own pretty well, with his thin manicured musician's fingers tightly gripping Brone’s scarred meaty hands in response. Until during a particularly rough contraction, when Jiyan briefly felt a painful twinge run through the back of his hand, he wasn't able to catch the soft hiss of pain before the traitorous air escaped his mouth. He felt Brone’s grip release despite him being caught in the throes of a contraction, and was supposed to be putting his full concentration into pushing his baby out to meet the world. Ji felt a ball of guilt start to form in the pit of his stomach, as he realized Brone was spending his much needed baby-pushing energy on holding his strength back. He knew any encouragement to do otherwise would just be met with grumpy stubbornness, but Jiyan didn't know how to let Brone know it was okay to let go, even if it would hurt him temporarily in the process.
“Brone, you're starting to overheat. Would you feel cooler if you took your tunic off?” Mel asked, to the rescue as usual. Brone looked at them, panting and red in the face from the contraction that had just ended, eyes full of pain and uncertain emotions, but paused only a moment before giving one quick nod. Together, they all got him out of his sweat drenched tunic, quickly, before his next contraction hit. He sighed in relief again, as the cool night air hit his skin, hairy chest and the happy trail from his popped out navel down the swell of his belly now on full display. As he glanced down, Ji could see his breasts already beginning to release droplets of milk on their own, as if they knew they wouldn't have long before his baby would be feeding at his chest.
“Nice tits Papa Bear.” Jiyan leered, just as the contraction hit and quickly ramped up. Without enough time to react with a growl or with an eyeroll, Ji felt the full force of Brone’s strength, taking a note out of Mel’s quick birthing lessons and breathing through the pain searing across his hand as Brone himself screamed from behind clenched teeth, his lips curled into a snarl. He could even see Rhi wince a bit on the other side of him.
“Fuck… off…” Brone growled as the pain began to ebb away.
“Hey, I'm just sayin’, that's one lucky baby.” He winked as the pain of the next contraction quickly flowed back through Brone's body, earning himself more searing pain radiating from his hand, squeezed so tightly he could barely grip back. Brone growled in annoyance at the end of it, but with a couple more well-timed over the top inappropriate comments about how hot he looked pushing out his big beautiful baby, Brone seemed to get the message. That Jiyan, and by extension Rhiannon and even Melian, could handle whatever he could dish out if it meant it would help him. And just in time too.
“F- fuck! Something- something's wrong, it burns.” He groaned, head rolling back as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
“It is called the Ring of Fire, painful, but completely natural. It means your child will soon be here.” Melian explained. But Brone shook his head, too overcome by pain and exhaustion to listen.
“I can't- I can't bloody do this!” He sobbed helplessly, his head still lolling side to side.
“Give me your hand.” Mel gently commanded.
“I can't. I can't do it.” Brone whined, too consumed by pain to hear them.
“Brone, please give- … thank you Jiyan.” Melian said, as Jiyan held out the hand still clutched in Brone's to them. They guided the pairs hands down between Brone’s legs. Jiyan hesitated and tried to let go but Brone’s hand was still white knuckled and refusing to unclasp, barely aware of anything besides the pain wracking his body. Mel gently brushed both of their knuckles along something that felt slimy, and a little sticky, and hairy?
“Is that?” Brone’s eyes shot open, wonder and amazement momentarily overcoming the pain and panic.
“That is indeed the top of your child’s head.” They smiled.
“I was just gonna say ew, Mel,” Jiyan momentarily glared at them. “But nevermind, that's your baby’s head! Let's go Papa Bear!” He cheered. A new energy surged through Brone, his jaw tensed in determination as he steeled himself for the next contraction.
“You've got this Brone.” Rhiannon clasped his forearm in preparation and gave him a quick supportive nod. “Just a few more pushes to go.”
“Help hold his thighs back further, it will help him spread further.” Melian commanded, and Rhi and Ji were quick to comply as they watched the stomach muscles across Brone’s belly begin to tighten again. Chin pressed down into his tits, Brone shouted as if charging into battle as he bore down with all his strength into his biggest push so far. It felt like forever before the contraction subsided, Brone, red faced from the effort let his head lay back on the bench for a moment.
“Good, keep pushing! Just like that!” Melian encouraged. Now too focused on putting all his energy into pushing instead of words, they only received a brief nod in response from Brone. But as long as he was responding, that was enough for Mel. It was only a few more big pushes like that before Melian stopped him.
“Brone.” They made sure to get his attention as the most recent contraction ended. “The next contraction do not push. Don't push again until I say so.”
“Wot?!” Brone snapped up and stared at them wide eyed and panicked. “Is the baby-?” He trailed off, as if he couldn't handle finishing the sentence, finishing the thought. Jiyan and Rhiannon’s wide eyed stares mirrored him.
“No, the baby will be perfectly fine. You need to give your vagina a chance to stretch, or you will tear.” Mel said sternly.
“Who gives a shit?” Brone groaned.
“I do.” Melian snapped. Well as much as Melian of all people could snap. “And you should as well. I only have so much healing magic and I do not have the tools or supplies out here to stitch you up if I need to.” Ji shivered, as he thought about how painful it must be, to get stitches in your coochie. Brone rolled his eyes in exhausted annoyance.
“Fine.” He grunted as the next contraction quickly started. It was obvious that without pushing that pain wore down on him more quickly, sobbing whines escaping his throat as he uncomfortably writhed on the wagon floor, still clasping tightly to Jiyan and Rhiannon.
“Fuck, this- this is worse. This is so much worse.” He shakily moaned in the brief break between contractions, each one practically one on top of the other, as if his body was getting just as impatient as he was.
“I know. Just hold on to Rhiannon and Jiyan, let them support you through it. Just two more okay?” Mel laid a cooling hand on Brone’s sweat soaked belly, feeling the muscles twitch and constrict as the next contraction started. Brone huffed out an annoyed groan in response as he gripped both of their hands tighter than ever before, preparing for another tidal wave of pain without the relief of pushing. After what felt like an eternity that one ended, and a microsecond later the next one took over the exhausted man's battered body and overwhelmed mind.
“FUCK!” He screamed to the heavens, as he threw his head back, back arched as if the pain was so great it was forcing his body off of the ground as the most intense contraction yet peaked, and peaked, and kept hitting new peaks of endless pain for the poor man to endure. Jiyan, realizing Brone was too far gone to pay attention to him, briefly whimpered through his own pain, as if Brone was so overwhelmed he was subconsciously transferring some of his own into him. He yelped as he heard a muffled crack! coming from his own hand, and his personal pain increased tenfold. Panicked and his cheeks puffed out, having miraculously, and in a feat on uncharacteristic strength, stopped himself pre-scream, Jiyan looked to Melian for help.
Later. They said sympathetically, telepathically, as Melian could on occasion use their gifts to do. I do not know how much healing magics I will have left once this is over. Jiyan could see concern in their eyes, not just for him and his hand, but for the fate of Brone and his baby. Things have gone smoothly enough so far, but I do not know yet what may go wrong. Jiyan, biting his lip to continue to contain his scream, nodded. A broken hand could be reset, if something went wrong with Brone or his baby then… he didn't want to think about that. He coaxed Brone, in his discombobulated state, to take his other hand. No use causing it further damage. Especially if he might need to get a splint instead of healing magic once this was all said and done.
“Alright Brone, on this next one, push.” Melian commanded.
“Thank fuck. Finally.” He groaned, as Rhiannon reached out again and pulled back his thigh on her side, and Melian leaned forward and pushed back the thigh on Ji’s side. The relief was short lived as the next contraction gripped him, but he grit his teeth and used all his strength to bear down, determined to meet his child before the dawn's light.
“You are doing good, Brone. The baby is making good progress.” Mel encouraged him after a few more contractions. Brone's frustrated growl seemed to disagree. He seemed to get more antsy and frustrated as the contractions wore on, despite everyone's assurances that he was doing a good job.
“Fuck this.” He eventually snarled at them, letting go of his death grip on their hands and kicking away their support on his thighs. He then grabbed his thighs himself and pulled back as far as he physically could, as if trying to curl in on himself, then pushed. Ji could see the veins throbbing in his forehead, as Brone pushed so hard no noise escaped his mouth, his teeth clenched so hard it looked like they might break.
“I see the nose, you are doing well.” Melian encouraged again.
“No offense Mel, I don't think he's listening at the moment.” Jiyan said, now awkwardly sitting there while he watched Brone, so lost in labor that the only thing he was capable of listening to was the overwhelming instinct to bear down and give birth.
“Yes, I know Jiyan, but the soothing tone of encouragement never hurts does it?” They raised an eyebrow at him while they monitored the baby's progress. Ji shrugged.
“Hell yeah, let's fucking go Papa Bear!” He hollered, pumping his fist in the air. Not the one that was broken of course, the other one. Duh. He watched as Brone continued to push and push, following in the time honored tradition, passed down from generation to generation, followed as long as such a thing as creatures and people have existed, by listening solely to the instincts so deeply encoded into his being to spread his legs and give birth. Ignoring everyone and everything else, just solely focused on what his body commanded him to do in order to safely push his baby out. If Melian told Brone to stop just then, Ji didn't think he'd be able to. If he could even hear them in the first place. Suddenly relief flashed across Brone’s body and he momentarily untensed.
“The head is out! Wait one moment, let me check the babe’s neck.” Melian said, as they quickly made sure the baby wouldn't choke on the umbilical cord. “Alright, you're good to push. All that's left is the shoulders and I can safely pull them out.”
It didn't even seem like Brone was paying attention to them at that point, but even so he readjusted and prepared to push again. It only took two more powerful determined teeth gritting pushes, before he suddenly collapsed as relief flooded through his body. Gasping for air as if he'd been sprinting the entire length of the Wandering Woods, Brone closed his eyes for a moment as the sweet sweet high of relief raced through his veins. After a moment of silence, everyone expectantly looked at Melian, still moving down between Brone’s legs. One more beat of increasingly concerned silence, then the loud sharp cry of a newborn infant deafened them in the confines of the wagon.
Brone immediately held his arms out in wide-eyed wonder, eyes already wet, not from the pain anymore, but from joy and pride. Melian smiled fondly at him as they quickly but gently put the baby into a soft towel, then reverently placed them in their father's arms, umbilical cord still attached.
“This one has been born male.” Melian informed them. Brone held his newborn child and smiled. A big smile, one that would have looked so foreign and out of place on his face just hours ago, a smile so pure and full of joy. A smile that made him look 10 years younger, a smile they somehow all knew he hadn't smiled since he was a small child himself.
“So, you're the wee little thing that almost split my cunt open.” Brone sniffled and laughed proudly, in this pure blissful moment, unashamed of letting his tears of joy fall freely down his face. His baby still cried, likely upset over being forcibly ejected from its warm comfy home, but started to settle down in his father's arms, clenched little hands clumsy moving up as if reaching towards his voice.
Jiyan put his non-broken hand over his heart, practically on the verge of tears himself. Even Rhiannon, the usually stoic warrior of their little group, sniffled and wiped a tear from their eye.
“What’s their name?” She whispered, as if she was afraid she'd ruin the sanctity of the moment.
“Wulf. My little boy’s name is Wulf.”
“At least it was a clean break.”
Jiyan breathed a sigh of relief as Melian’s healing magic flooded through his hand, mending the fracture, gods, weaving back together the damaged tendons in their hand and fingers.
“Wait a moment before trying to move it, let the magic do its work.” They told him, before they turned to Rhiannon’s less injured, but still extremely bruised arm. After Melian had helped deliver the placenta, then coached Rhi on massaging Brone’s belly to help his uterus contract back towards its normal size, while they cleaned up both baby and father; the trio had left the pair to get some quality one-on-one time alone in the wagon. Back by the campfire, now down to its embers, Melian had finally asked to take a look at Jiyan’s hand.
As the first light of dawn began to peek through the forest, Ji couldn't help but smile as he thought about the events of the night, of the past few days even, of the new happy little family resting in the wagon, grateful that both of them had Melian’s official stamp of good health.
“Hey Mel.” Melian hummed in response, only looking curiously at Jiyan once they were sure their magic had taken hold on Rhiannon’s arm.
“Told you I knew a dilf when I see one.”
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miss-daisy04 · 3 days
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Although your relationship starts a little rocky, being more distant from each other, it does eventually end up being where he's comfortable enough to pass gas around you.
Speaking of farting, this mf is GASSY. He'll eat a banana before waddling over to you and releasing it in your area. After he runs away like a child playing a crucial game of tag.
Minho never has and still isn't the biggest on physical touch, especially publicly. But, he warms up to it. Small kisses, holding hands, quick hugs, and silly glances can be stolen.
When you began dating he held the door for you, but I can't say the same now. Obviously, he would find you rather childish if you acted out over him not holding the door once. Yet, he still makes the gesture if he happens to be walking in front of you and isn't distracted.
Enjoys combining his love for you, with his love for cooking. Lee Know will make any food you can think of (if he doesn't know the recipe he'll search it up). Feels super proud of himself after so don't forget to complement the chef in any way possible.
Would you think THE Lee Minho would like hiking? Because he does...and he takes it quite seriously. He's been hiking many times but refuses to go with his friends because they may or may not have gotten lost that time. If you happen to be afraid of heights, he'll make a few jokes before apologizing and comforting you.
He is the best listener, but he doesn't show it. You can come talk to him about anything and he won't judge, despite what you might think. Usually, he's doing tasks such as laundry, dishes, cleaning the floor, etc., and tells you to just continue talking. This is because he feels like if he sat down and had a face-to-face conversation, he'd tear up, show his "weakness", or would be incapable of saying anything at all. Most of the time he gets upset at himself for doing such things, but he should know deep down that it's okay to feel that way and that he just cares about people (you) too much.
Cuddle cage is what he calls it after a long day where you two relax and cuddle, but he won't let go. One time he threatened to never let you go when you needed to use the restroom, a joke clearly. He did let you go at the cost of 2 more hours of snuggles.
I'm convinced he knows all the constellations. As a child he would go outside with his parents, using a telescope to point them out such as The Big Dipper. It's truly fascinating and charming to watch him get all excited about it.
Minho still owns his baby blanket which he brought everywhere as an infant. Surprisingly, he keeps it tucked away in his part of the closet and brings it out when he needs a sense of home, ever since he can't constantly see his parents.
He's very protective, but not overbearing. As stated before somewhere in here, he cares a bunch about you, but he still has respect for your independence. Sometimes he will take matters into his own hands, though.
One drink of alcohol can turn into meaningful words shared between the two of you. He asks about starting a family, getting married, taking long vacations together, and overall, being great partners for each other.
Comes up with the stupidest and most creative nicknames. Most are cute while others stop short of being absurd.
During self-care days, he's part of all of your gossip all of a sudden. Princess face masks, painting each other's nails, and yapping about everything new in your life make up for the whole 3-hour weekly routine.
The day he finally proposed, he was sweating with nervousness. He thought he was going to puke or pass out. Luckily, you said yes—which he thought was for his sake—nonetheless, you accepted his love, the ring, and the life you would be creating from now on. Knowing that only good things are to come.
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DIVIDER BY: @strangergraphics-archive
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moonstruckme · 2 days
Hi Mae! Congrats on 6k! I just wanted to let you know that your writing is absolutely amazing <3 I can't tell you how many tough nights it's gotten me through so thank you for doing what you do <3
Could I request "Mae rambles" with Remus and a reader that's super bubbly and chatty when they're with other people in order to like "fit in" but when they're alone they're just super quiet and maybe even not that expressive? (basically just an introvert that's trying to be extroverted and they're so so tired) I feel like Remus would be a sweetheart about that and really understand the sort of performance-y behavior and would be a person that reader could be comfortable with being chatty or just being quiet with
I hope I didn't do this wrong and that it isn't too long lmao but thank you and congrats again!
I'm so glad baby, thank you <33
while I don't think remus would get it, I do think he's the sort of person who has an easier time grasping behaviors he can't relate to, so he would totally be sympathetic
he'd be sort of conflicted, because he wants you to be yourself all of the time but he also knows that exterior is how you get by
compensates by doing his best to create the most relaxing environment for you when you're alone, like when you come home from a social occaison he already has the tea on and a fuzzy blanket on the couch so you can start to recuperate
occaisionally if you start chattering at him on instinct he'll be like "you know I love to hear you talk, lovely girl, but don't feel like you have to for me"
occaisionally tries to take the heat off you in social situations by tucking you under his arm and talking more so you can have a break
before you meet his friends, gives you a whole pep talk about how sirius and james talk enough for all of you so there's really no need to be anything but yourself
generally tries to create a calm and loving environment and has not-so-secret ambitions about one day making you comfortable enough that you feel okay being your quiet self everywhere you go
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Murder Drones: Intermission (First Script vs. Final)
First Script versus Final
The first script is rough. I'm not saying that as an excuse, to put myself down, or to look for consolation. I'm saying this as a matter of fact. After surfing A03 on New Years Eve at 3 AM I decided I wanted to get back into fanfic writing. However, I realized that storyboarding a Murder Drones short would be even better!
A short.
This was originally going to be 3 minutes long I kid you not. I opened my notes app, sleep deprived as all hell, and threw so much crap at the wall for the sake of making my brain vomit out as much as it could. I made sure to not edit any of this either. This is the untouched original script from 6 months ago, dents, fissures, and all
Why am I saying all this? Because I know I have a lot of baby writers who follow me. I want to make a point to say that making something rough is the first step to making something even remotely good. I cannot stress this enough. So many of you only ever see the finished product of a project in all its polished glory. I really want you to know that making imperfect things is okay. You can't grow unless you start off super rough. Even the final product isn't perfect!! And that's okay!! It's! okay! to! not! be! perfect!!
I'm emphasizing this so much because I wish more people told me this when I was first starting out as a writer. Being bad at something isn't the evil so many people say it is.
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Let yourself be bad at the thing you want to get better at!! It's okay!!
I even had to make changes to the final script in the boards- the final animatic doesn't follow it to a T. Please let yourself grow and change. It's okay I promise you. I'm still learning too, and I hope this can offer you some comfort wherever you are in your writing journey.
Edit: I was too hard on myself in this post and an anon pointed that out 💀 God I’m my own worst critic. I changed the language a bit to not be so intense.
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sisconlover · 2 days
(sorry if this is rough I threw it together in record time)
Okay blowjob advice for the little sister? Why not sounds fun!
First off, mind your teeth! Cocks are super vulnerable to teeth. No biting the girlcock. Don't drag your teeth across it either, grazing the ridge on the head is super bad too. Sadly that one comes from personal experience. The head is super sensitive but it's not really like an erogenous zone? At least not for me.
Moving on, giving a blowjob tends to pair well with a handjob. Here, put your hand around it. Slide it around in your hand and just get a feel for it. God that feels good sis~ if they haven't gotten hard yet this is a good way to get them there, and either way it feels really nice. Alright so you see how you can get your hand all the way down and there is still cock poking out of your hand? That's why jacking someone off goes really well with this. You can suck that much dick way easier than the entire thing. Speaking of, time for the blowjob lesson proper, get between my legs.
Alright, time for the main event. Sucking cock is pretty straightforward, put it in your mouth and suck right? But you can do so much more than that and your partner will love it. Anyway a good place to start is licking it. Run your tongue up and down the entire thing. Fuck, yeah like that. Get it nice and slick with your spit. If you can, try and maintain eye contact. Seeing your little sister looking you in the eye while praying to your dick is amazing. Keep stroking it and lick around the head too. See how wet you made me? Your tongue is soft enough you can lick the head without it being too intense, swirl it around there too.
Okay, better move along while I can. Time to suck some cock sis. Open your mouth and slide it down the tip. Don't forget to keep your teeth away. Fuck fuck fuck, that's so nice already! God I needed this so much and I didn't even know. Once it's in, you have options. Suck on it gently and move your head up and down. Feel how it's twitching in your mouth now? That's a good sign, keep doing what you're doing. You can keep using your hand and jack me off, or if you think you can take more you can reach down and very gently cup your big sisters balls. Yes, that feels so nice~ some people don't like them being touched, some do, it depends. Regardless just be gentle and you should be fine.
So you think you can take more of your big sisters cock? In my experience, the more you take the better. Don't choke yourself out on it, unless that's something you are super into. If it is, you probably want to practice before you try it. Either way, don't neglect your tongue. Swirl it around whatever it's on. Wanna know a secret? There's a spot on my cock that feels super super good. And its pretty common. Here, come back up and suck on the tip. Okay, now swirl your tongue around the underside, a little bit under the head. Oh my god oh my god oh shit stop stop stop I can't hold it! I said stop! Fuck your gonna get a mouthful! 
Fuck, oh fuck I'm so sorry! I haven't in so long, I thought I could hold it in a little longer. God I came so fucking good though. I hope you didn't mind swallowing my cum, I know it isn't for everyone. If you like it or you can handle it enough to give your big sis a better orgasm it really does feel amazing to cum in someone's mouth though. Anyway, you get a passing grade in sucking cock from me. Let me know if you need any more practice okay, I'll always be here to help out my sweet little sister *kiss*
thanks big sister i feel alot more confident now :3
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Alenoah Hypnotic Hug Trigger AU: Alejandro Only Wants A Hug!
The Book-Loving Cynic relaxed as his eyes followed the swinging bull charm of the Charming Spainard's necklace. Alejandro placed a hand on Noah's face, to help him keep looking. Alejandro smirked, when Noah leaned into the charmer's hand. It seems that Noah subconsciously enjoys being around Alejandro. This will make planting the trigger easier. It won't take much to convince Noah.
"Do you like hugs, Noah?" Alejandro asked, his voice sweet as honey.
"Sometimes…" he replied, his voice barely a whisper.
Alejandro smiled gently, leaning closer to Noah. "Would you like a hug right now?"
Noah, still deeply entranced, paused for a moment before nodding and whispering, "Yes."
Alejandro grinned and pulled him closer, wrapping his strong arms around the smaller man. Noah lets out a soft sigh with a small peaceful smile, as he was enveloped in the warmth and security of the embrace.
The feeling of Alejandro's fingers through his hair, making him feel strangely more and more at ease. His heart beats slowly as he relaxed and leaned into the charmer, feeling the firm muscles of Alejandro's chest press against him.
"Uhh… isn't it a little weird to hug Noah, while he's hypnotized, Al?" Owen asked.
Alejandro forgot that Owen was here, to make sure that the charmer doesn't make Noah do anything super embarrassing while entranced.
"Actually Owen, Noah wants this. Hypnosis isn't like on TV. I can't make Noah do something that he doesn't want to do. So, a part of him wants to hug me. Look how happy he is." Alejandro explained, too amused seeing Noah's smile, to be annoyed by Owen.
"I guess, you're right…" Owen agreed, when he saw the grin on the currently mindless Noah's face.
Alejandro tilted the book-loving cynic's relaxed face to look at him. Intelligent chocolate eyes dulled by Alejandro's spell. They look at Alejandro fondly. "Noah… When you wake up, every time I open my arms for a hug, you will feel a strong urge to embrace me."
"Okay…" Noah whispered softly.
"Perfecto!~" Alejandro purred and he stepped away from Noah. "3, 2, 1 and you're back!"
Noah blinks as he wakes up from his trance.
Alejandro grins smugly and opens his arms.
Noah's eyes widen as he feels a strange, irresistible pull towards Alejandro. He tries to resist, but his body doesn't seem to want to listen to his conscious mind. With a sigh, he gives in, walking slowly, almost dreamily towards the charismatic Spaniard.
The warm hug is comforting, and the blushing Noah allows himself to enjoy it for a moment. He inhales deeply, savoring the familiar scent of Alejandro. However, Noah refuses to look at his seductive hypnotic teammate.
"Enjoying yourself?" Alejandro asked.
"…Shut up… I'll get you for this… You stupid eel…"
"You are welcome to try, mi amigo…" 💫
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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sansevierias · 7 months
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i found it a bit amusing that tav was wearing fancier clothes than astarion in the epilogue. can't help but to imagine that astarion made the outfit, but ran out of time to make his own, so he just decorated one of his old jackets with silver paint.
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
not negating that chris eccleston had a bad time on dw and rightfully wouldn't want to work with that team again for his own sake (minus billie i assume), but i have reservations about people in fandom jumping on the "yeah rtd is a dick who's incredibly hated in television actually, it's just a big secret," train when i have never heard anything to that effect outside of this working relationship that ended poorly and that as far as im aware rtd has never spoken about, so it's still a relatively private affair (of which we know a scant few details/that rtd didn't stick up for eccleston when he needed that support). i mean, he might be the worst guy ever, i've never worked with him, but i don't think the people saying this have either, and i think it's way too easy for people to assume the worst and go looking for confirmation bias, because it can justify their own dislike of rtd as a showrunner or his return as pure "nostalgia baiting" (that's another post). but yeah, if i see one more person go "oh i just have a feeling he's probably an asshole actually and the fact that we know that eccleston doesn't like him (as if that's new news) confirms that" as a roundabout way of going actually his era of the show wasn't that good or that him coming back to the show is a mistake, im simply not taking that seriously. just say you don't like the writing or whatever, don't make up a guy to personally dislike. there'll be another showrunner after him.
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salsflore · 1 year
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#oh mika there is beauty in life~ look at your future! everything will be worth it in the end~#my favorite image on this device btw ^#cw negative#cw vent#you know where this is going. apologies my mind is a mess and i really just need to get it out because i find its better than-#-writing a semi formal email to that One (1) emotional support organization and i’m afraid to make a call so#but i just genuinely believe things would be better off if i weren’t alive. a bit of a silly thing to jump to i know but#my tuition fees aren't cheap and i'm not even that great of a student or a daughter or a sister and i-#-have no talents or remarkable feats. i’m not impressive in any way. and i hate hearing shit about how ^_^ its okay! we all have something-#-special about ourselves! for example maybe you have really good hand writing and thats good enough ~ but that doesn't work for me because-#-i have nothing. my handwriting isn't good my singing isn't good i'm not artistically gifted i don't have some random affinity for puzzles-#-i'm not charming or somehow really good at calculation or super creative or a really comforting friend i really have nothing at all#i don’t want to die. i have no plans on doing that sort of thing anytime soon— don’t misunderstand me#i just wholeheartedly believe i don’t deserve to be here anymore not because i’m not loved. i just can’t stand myself and my teenage years-#-feel so long and i'm so fragile how much longer do i have to tolerate. i'm contributing nothing. why should my family have to feed and-#-clothe a burden like me who provides nothing. why should my friends care for someone like me. i’m not really that funny or sweet or great-#-with advice giving or pretty or helpful in any way. why is it that life is genuinely easier for others. what did i do? what can i do?#how much longer must i tolerate this? would you believe me if i said i really did try to change my mindset this time?#i have no one in real life to talk to. therapists are pricey and i don’t think mine was helping me in any way anyways. she was nice though#so every night i sleep hoping i wake up somewhere else. somewhere where i'm happier and i can live all my silly fantasies where i'm a fun-#-and lovely person who has everything she wants and nothing goes wrong ever!!#how much longer must i hang onto the little things. i’m in such an exruciating amount of pain that i want to kill myself without dying? lol#everyone repeats the same stuff. get bit#i can't rely on the joy of having coffee every morning or persevere for the sake of seeing cute cats on insta. nothing will ease the burden
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seltzerfordogs · 1 year
unfortunately I am deeply interested and quite knowledgeable in Canadian perceptions of the US and how that reflects on both countries so when the first week of July brings two Nationalism Days in a row I am extremely ready for discourse
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sometimes-stufful · 10 months
Hey guys. It's been um *checks watch* like 5 or 6 years since I've used this blog. How's everybody doing? Sorry for the unannounced hiatus all that time ago.
I don't know if this blog will become active again. However there is a good chance that it might! I'm starting to create a plot for the blog's characters (because I still love them dearly), so hopefully I can create that and get this show up and running again. I've also been updating everyone's refs. So even if I don't come back to posting here officially, I think I'm going to at least upload those. I also have some new characters in the works that I may post refs for if I don't go thru with returning/making this blog more plot-centric.
I really do want to return to sometimes-stufful. However I'm an adult now (I'm literally about to turn 25 in 10 days, holy shit), and the past few years have been rough as hell on my mental health. I've lost a lot, and am just starting to heal from everything that's gone down. And I work full time, and have a datemate now, so finding the chance to draw is difficult. But this blog helped me on my art journey before. And I'd love to use it as an excuse to draw more, which is the main thing that pulling me back into the pokemon ask community. Another thing that's been pulling me back is the strong af urge to create content for my characters. Because I still love them so very much. I think about them so often that I want to put them in Situations and share it all with you. Although first I wanna get better at drawing humans lol (its relevant I swear). But I could get back into the swing of drawing some 'mons if I really set myself out to.
Let's see how it all goes. I'll keep you all updated. For those of you who have stuck around waiting so long, thank you. I hope to join you in this community again soon.
In the meantime, here's where you can find me and my artwork:
Main blog Toyhouse Artfight
#daily pokemon#mun shoosh#Yeah I'm not dead I just Came Back Wrong#but I'm ok#things are getting better so hopefully that means I can return here#I moved like a year and a half back to the suburbs with my fam and am now trying to find a place to move to with my datemate#when I move with my datemate I'll have more free time I think#or at least I'll be a lot less stressed so I'll feel good enough to draw#which has been the main thing holding me back for a long time besides time restraints#although time is less of an issue. I was able to participate in artfight for instance with little issue#besides my own desire to draw (which can be affected by my mood and my job and hone life stress me out A LOT)#before I was able to be left alone for hours while visiting my dad's place so I had time and freedom to do as I pleased#but my dad isn't here anymore and I don't have a space to escape to like that anymore either#when I move I will tho. my datemate and I are both the sorts to want a long period of Me Time where we're left alone to enjoy some peace#but I think rn I could squeeze in some time to draw again#lets see how it goes#I really want to solidify the plot I've been rotating in my head tho#rn I only have some concepts ideas#and an idea for the newest sometimes-stufful post I'd make introducing the beginning of said plot#like I can see that post super clearly in my mind. but Im nit gonna make it til I have more stuff planned#so stay tuned. hopefully I'll be able to give you guys something#although I have a longterm fanfic/book series that Im working on (warrior cats related lol)#so finding the motive to manage multiple stories at once is difficult#but the way I'd tell this story is more visual vs the one I've been working on which is all written#so maybe I can motivate myself to do bith cause they're different#idk yet. lets see
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pokemonruby · 1 year
finished the demo for octopath 2... i’m going to throw up i don’t think i can wait another 2 or something weeks guys. it’s so fucking good so far 
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