#it is not my favorite but wanted to pull it out of my drafts and try
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Hello I'm on my knees for spoilers, your favorite moments, and thoughts on Victor's route🙏 Did it meet your expectations?👀
Hello! Sure, I'd be happy to give my thoughts! But please keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and first impressions, based solely on the Blind Love ending, and I may have some different thoughts after some time to think and finishing the Mad Love too.
Big spoiler alert!
To be very blunt, I was quite disappointed with Victor's route. Part of it may be that I had set my expectations rather high, but I do think that the pacing and storytelling of the route itself felt subpar. Some parts felt shoehorned and didn't flow together very well as a cohesive story. There were definitely parts that I liked, though! Just, as an entire package it doesn't work for me and I'm very sad about that.
For things that I liked:
I think early on in the route, there were some good moments between Victor and Kate. There is that initial line-drawing and hesitation between Kate and Victor that comes across in their pre-route event stories that I do like.
Kate is shown to have PTSD (or at least a similar trauma response) to the explosions that occurred at the church in the past, as shown in the LINE campaign episode 0. I think that's a pretty neat touch.
Nice angst in chapter 14 when the first kiss occurs. Kate has already come to her feelings realization in chapter 10 and was about to confess to Victor, but Victor cuts her off with a kiss. After that, he pulls back and asks her quite coldly, "Is that enough to satisfy you?" Then he reminds her that there's only a week left before her 1 month period as the Fairytale Keeper is up, and she will go back to her normal life then. It's a rather harsh moment of Victor drawing another line between them and I did like the angst and the drama of it, haha.
As for what I felt was lacking...
William!!! William is such a gem. He is merciless towards Victor's patheticness and it is so funny. There's one conversation ("conversation") at one point that goes something like this:
Victor, brooding because he is pining and miserable about the consequences of his own actions upsetting Kate: .............
William, sitting next to him, drinking wine and having the time of his life: So you messed up, huh.
Vogel has essentially no role whatsoever in the story. Ring, Nica, and Darius each get 1 scene where they maybe have like 10 boxes of dialogue max, and then they never show up again. It's chapter 10 for Ring and Nica, and chapter 13 for Darius. They didn't do anything before this. They don't do anything after.
The emotional conflict/relationship development between Victor and Kate felt really repetitive for a while. Kate gets closer to Victor > Kate discovers one of Victor's secrets > Kate gets uncertain as she sorts out her thoughts and Victor pulls away > Kate makes up her mind and confronts Victor and tells him that she wants to stick with him > Kate gets closer to Victor > Kate discovers one of Victor's secrets > Kate gets uncertain as she sorts out her thoughts and Victor pulls away... I think this happens like 2 or 3 times. It just felt so dragged out.
BEN BROWN. OH MY GOD BEN BROWN. So one of the antagonists/masterminds in the Blind Love route is Ben Brown, a secret cousin of Victor's that is never referred to anywhere else in the story and ONLY appears in chapter 24, where he is introduced, goes on his evil motivation rant, we get his tragic backstory infodumped on us, and then he dies. All in one chapter. Like, what is that pacing???
The part where William explains Victor's past to Kate feels like it was cut and paste from a different draft. Although everything is William telling Kate what happened, it's narrated in first person. So it goes like "I was born in the royal family" even though this is William speaking. William does say something like "this is how he told the story to me" but idk, that still felt weird and disjointed to me.
Victor comes off as quite unsympathetic in some parts of his backstory to me, specifically in the part where he discovers and confirms his curse. So the royal family was having a succession crisis, and Victor thought he wouldn't have anything to do with it because he was so far down the line. However, all his relatives began dying one after another. After some research, Victor discovers that he has manifested a curse, and all the deaths seem to have been because of him as all the family members who died did so after Victor had spoken with them. To confirm this, Victor arranges to meet with his uncle, whom he later describes as being like a brother figure to him, and confirms that he can use his curse to make his uncle commit suicide. The nursemaid who helped Victor research the curse seems to have gone insane because of it and started basically worshipping Victor's powers letting him become the king, so Victor used his abilities to kill her too so that no one would know that he killed his uncle. I totally get that Victor would have been very traumatized by realizing that he killed everyone in his family and not in his right mind (he had attempted to kill himself after first theorizing this too) but this was just. Not a good look.
I'm really sorry, I don't mean to be so negative. I was really happy with Azel's route in Ikepri so I think I set my expectations quite high for Victor, as I do like the relationship development he and Kate have in their events. But what we got (and what I experienced so far) was just disappointing to me. I really do hope his Mad Love route is better.
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hello!! i'm a big fan of your fic "Bleed the Poison Out" (and i'm definitely putting it on multiple fic rec lists). it has such a good portrayal of bruce and dick's relationship <3
so for the ask game: ✰ NEW SHAPES ☹ EVIL TWIN ♡ SMALL THINGS
Thank you so much!!! That is one of my favorite fics I’ve written, and probably in my top three of Bruce & Dick fics to write, so I’m really glad you enjoyed it. Sorry for taking so long :(
Bleed the Poison Out | Ask Game
♡ SMALL THINGS: pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite minor detail from it!
Hmm. This fic means a lot to me, so it’s difficult to find something that feels minor, but…I think I’d go with the soft rug that has the pizza sauce and blood stains. The fic can feel very isolating (to me, at least), like Bruce and Dick are the only two people in the world—even when other people come up, they’re a distraction tactic. But the rug is just there, and a sign of Dick’s connections beyond just Bruce. Even if he never talked to Bruce again (although he will talk to Bruce again), he would still have a family.
✰ NEW SHAPES: send me a fic and I’ll give you an alternate direction the fic could have gone!
Well, when I first started planning this fic (for last year's Dick Grayson Anniversary Week), I was trying to make it an actual heartwarming, complete apology that, while not fixing everything, left a very solid foundation. But every single fully sincere apology I could think of felt utterly ridiculous. I genuinely could not suspend my disbelief enough to believe that Bruce could apologize in a way that doesn’t make things worse. So, I ended up pulling out a draft that was permanently consigned to my notes. It was a personal thing, not fit for posting, but I figured I could try to fix it up.
After that, I think the main thing that nearly went differently was that I almost cut it off because I couldn’t think of an ending. Instead of getting through to Bruce, Dick would have forced down his feelings in the end, accepted Bruce’s apology (and lack of apology for the incidents they disagree on) and then Bruce would leave. And Dick would be alone.
But then I found a turning point, where Dick voices something that's just so out of place that it forces Bruce to confront how his actions are so messed up that they've created these really messed-up (but realistic, I think) thought processes. That, despite not meaning to, he hurt his son.
☹ EVIL TWIN: send me a fic or scene and I’ll give you the unhappy ending version of it!
This was really fun. My first thought was that the conversation escalated and Bruce got violent again, but I figured that's boring, and I could do better. So I challenged myself to imagine the actual worst dumpster fire of an ending possible. And then I worked back from there to light that fire.
That turning point I mentioned in the previous question? It could very easily have sent the conversation careening in the opposite direction. So I’ve started the story from there. Enjoy your dumpster fire ending!
“I want you to hit me again,” Dick admits. For a moment, there’s silence. And then—
“What.” Bruce’s voice is flat and cold. Dick flinches at the sound of it.
He—it made sense in his head. If Bruce just…just hit him. Now. After Spyral. Not under mind control. No Court of Owls, or dead sons, or dead friends, or justification. If Bruce just hit him, Dick would know. He would know that this is what Bruce does, that Bruce hits him, that it’s a thing, and Dick can be angry all he wants and it won’t be just stupid, childish resentment.
But sitting in the silence and listening to the words echo in his ears, Dick knows there has to be something wrong with him, something that makes him push and poke and prod and provoke until Bruce loses his patience. After all, what kind of kid—not that Dick is a kid, but he sure feels like one right now—what kind of kid wants his father to hit him? What kind of kid says that out loud?
When Bruce speaks again, his words dig their claws into Dick’s heart and scoop out the rot hiding inside. Because, as much as Dick wishes he wasn’t, Bruce is right. “If you’re looking for whatever villain you’ve built up in your head, Dick, you’re not going to get it.”
“Villain,” Dick echoes. Everything is cold, not just Bruce’s voice. The air in his apartment. The air in his lungs. The cavity Bruce has carved into his chest where his heart is supposed to beat.
“That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” Bruce asks. “I fired you. I’m to blame for Jason’s death. I’m to blame for everything, aren’t I?” Dick’s fists clench, thumbs trapped against the wood of the table. “I made mistakes. I’ll be the first to admit that. But—”
“Mistakes?” Dick can’t keep the hysteria out of his tone. He was trying to be calm. Reasonable. He alwaystries. But something about arguing with Bruce turns him into a timebomb. And sooner or later, he explodes. And even if he calms down, even if he tries to reel himself in, he just explodes again. And again. And again. Until one of them leaves. “You want to talk about Jason’s death? Because you blamed me for that too, and then you hit me, and the first time you even thought to apologize is half a decade later! You beat me until I agreed to leave my family behind and go on that godforsaken mission and even now, you can’t even acknowledge what you did! All you can say is that you made mistakes!”
“What do you even want me to say, then?” Bruce asks. His face is contorted with something that Dick has only seen a few times before. In the cave, after Jason’s death. As Batman pulled him from Blüdhaven’s wreckage. In the cave again, after the Crime Syndicate. It’s a face Dick has only ever seen on Batman in their worst moments together. But now, Bruce is wearing it, and Dick can’t force his lungs to breathe. “You’re acting like a child, right now.”
“Maybe stop treating me like one then!” Dick screams.
He doesn’t mean it in the way he meant it at twelve, at sixteen, at nineteen. He doesn’t mean that Bruce isn’t giving him enough responsibility or independence, or that Bruce doesn’t trust him.
Dick means that he will never be able to say anything to convince Bruce that he did more than just make a mistake. No matter what, Dick’s words will always be less trustworthy, less valid, less real. Bruce will hold a court session in his head and Dick’s thoughts will never be anything other than an unreliable eyewitness testimony.
That’s unfair to Bruce. Dick has no way of proving that he’s right—about Bruce hitting him after Gordon’s supposed death, about the events before Spyral being more than just a brutal spar, about Bruce’s actions being a step above mistake and crossing over into something he doesn’t want to name. Why should Bruce trust him, when he accidentally lied about not agreeing to spar? Why should Bruce trust him, when he took the most thorough apology Bruce has ever given and pushed and prodded until he made it another argument, just like he always does?
But it still stings.
Bruce’s response stings even more.
“I tried to apologize,” Bruce says. “I sat here while you accused me of one terrible thing after the next. But—”
Dick can’t help but interrupt. (That’s wrong. He needs to take responsibility; he can help it. He just doesn’t.)“It’s not an apology if—”
“—playing the victim—”
“—you’re arguing with me—”
“—own up to my flaws but—”
“—every other second!”
“I won’t apologize for something I never did!” Bruce roars, hands slamming into the table as he stands. The surface trembles, and Dick wonders if this will be it, and the kitchen table will finally crack. He’ll get a bigger one, this time. One with room for enough chairs for everyone.
His mind, Dick realizes, is not totally there. He can hear everything Bruce is saying. He can see the kitchen around them. But right now, the world doesn’t feel entirely real. “I didn’t ask you to!” Dick yells back. He thinks at least. He can’t really tell. His voice sounds too-loud and too-quiet at the same time. “I didn’t ask you to break into my apartment when I just wanted to sleep and try to talk about it, okay? Nothing’s stopping you from leaving!”
“I was trying to make things right!” Bruce screams, stepping forwards. Dick scrambles out of his chair and takes a step back, towards the corner of the kitchen. Away from the door. Not that Dick could reach the door anyway—Bruce is blocking the exits.
Dick remembers noticing that, when Bruce sat down. That Bruce put himself between Dick and the exits. Because he both of them appreciate being able to watch all the entrances, but he doesn’t know that right now, Dick feels like a cornered animal. Bruce would never have thought that Dick needed an exit to feel safe. “This?” Dick sweeps an arm out. “This is not making things right! This is making things worse, like you always do!”
Bruce takes another step forward. This time, Dick refuses to give any more ground. There’s not much further he can retreat in the corner anyway. Bruce opens his mouth, presumably to scream something else, before he abruptly pauses. When he speaks again, his voice is cutting, but no longer a scream. A knife, instead of a club. A knife that buries itself in Dick’s chest and twists. “That’s what this is, isn’t it? You said you want me to hit you. And so you do this.” Bruce shakes his head. “This isn’t you, Dick. There’s something wrong with you, right now, making you act like this. Have you been exposed to any—”
Bruce says more, but Dick can’t hear it over the blood rushing in his ears. All he knows is that he needs to get out. He needs to get out. He needs to get out.
He can’t get out. The exits are blocked.
He needs to—
Over the next few weeks, Dick will look back on this moment and replay it over and over again in his head. He will try to tell himself that he was just acting instinctively, that he wasn’t thinking, that his vigilante brain perceived a threat and lashed out. But he’ll know better.
Dick hand forms a practiced fist and strikes Bruce in the face.
No. Dick needs to take responsibility. Dick strikes Bruce in the face.
And for a moment, the world freezes. Bruce, with his head thrown to the side. Dick, with a fist raised, blood beginning to well from where one of his knuckles scraped against a tooth. And the room, empty, with no one to bear witness. Just like always.
Except it’s entirely different.
Dick sucks a breath of air into the vacuum of his lungs. Bruce slowly lifts his head. For a moment, they both stare at each other.
And then Dick collapses against the wall, barely remaining upright. His mind is filled with a cacophony of voices, all screaming the same thing. “I’m sorry,” Dick says. “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I swear, I’m sorry.”
Dick hit him. Not to fight him while he was making a mistake. He just hit him. During an argument.
Bruce has never hit Dick outside costume. Even during the spar, they wore their cowl and mask.
Dick didn’t just hit Bruce, didn’t just make a horrible—a horrible mistake. He crossed a line.
“I’m sorry,” Dick repeats. It’s all he can do. He knows how it sounds. ‘I didn’t mean to’s and ‘I’m sorry’s. “I’m sorry, I’m—”
“Are you done?” Bruce asks, wiping away the blood from a cut on his lower lip. His voice isn’t warm, but it isn’t cold either. It just is. Are you done? Are you done being a problem? Are you done escalating every fucking argument you get into? Are you done playing the victim, when you just struck someone you love and made him bleed?
“Please,” Dick says. He doesn’t know what he’s pleading for. Forgiveness? That would make it worse. If Bruce forgave him. What he did— “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Bruce says quietly. “I’m sorry too.” Bruce shouldn’t be apologizing. Dick hit him. This is all wrong.
Bruce was right. Dick keeps playing the victim, when all he’s done is create the problems.
Bruce helps Dick into his chair at the table and steps back. Dick’s skin crawls the whole time, but he can’t think of anything except the impact of Bruce’s skin beneath his fist. “I’ll see you next week,” Bruce says. “There’s a case that could use another pair of hands.”
Dick looks down. When he looks back up, Bruce is gone. He doesn’t know quite how long it was between.
All this time, Dick held grievances against Bruce for, what? Treating him like an equal? Like someone he could speak to honestly? Like someone who could stand up for himself if he didn’t want to spar?
Bruce wanted to apologize. And Dick responded by hitting him.
It’s clear, now, where the poison lies. Seeping into Dick’s blood. Dripping from the cut on his knuckle. Pulsing within his very veins.
#not sure if I'll post this somewhere on AO3#it's 1.7k words but it's definitely not a complete fic on its own#and I don't want to taint the original fic by adding this as a separate chapter#dc#tw: abuse#batman#dc comics#dcu#batfamily#batfam#dick grayson#bruce wayne#ficlet#fanfic meta#asks#I love rambling#dc fanfiction#dc fanfic#batman fanfiction#batman fanfic
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a mother is a very special thing. . .
my take on Lady Alyrie Florent, mother of Queen Alicent Hightower and Ser Gwayne Hightower, wife to Ser Otto Hightower, Hand of the King.
In F&B, we don't get enough knowledge about many (any) of the female characters and I was pleased that hotd gave a name to Alicent's mother. However, I wanted to mix Alyrie's depiction of what we know about House Florent from the books (which is big ears), their house colors, and my own thoughts on a woman left from the narrative but must have made an impact. <3
#house of the dragon#hotd art#asoiaf#asoiaf art#dance of the dragons#alyrie florent#fanart#fire & blood#alicent hightower#otto hightower#house hightower#house florent#the lost mothers of asoiaf haunt me personally#i had fun mixing book and show lore with this one#it is not my favorite but wanted to pull it out of my drafts and try#<3#my art
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andy speaks: a very self-indulgent fic 😞 as a humanities girlie, I just rlly want my silly nerdy stem bf ☹️ hot nerdy stem bf pls pls pls come my way 🙏 zayne will have his version of this too!! bcuz muehehe why have one stem bf when u can have two. TWO?! 😻 n poseidon raf is in the drafts 🙂↕��
stem bf!caleb who’s such a nerd trapped in a hot guy’s body, it drives you insane. he could be standing in front of you looking all hot with that pilot uniform of his but the moment he opens his mouth? you just wanna jump him there and then.
“how much do you love me?” caleb hums in response to your question. he has his arms around you, swaying the both of you ever so slightly from side to side.
“honestly? like about 9.8 meters per second squared. in other words, gravity is pulling me towards you.” he grins before leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“could’ve just said you love me to the moon and back.”
“flowery words are your thing, sweets. not mine.”
stem!bf caleb who invites you for a date night at his dorm.
you show up with snacks and a list of movies you want to watch with him, such as barbie because you are going to sit him down and explain how barbie is one of the best movies of the century and the message it conveys to women and little girls around the world— wait.. why is he surrounded with legos?
“what’s with the legos?”
“it’s not just legos, pip. it’s the 7,500 pieces millenium falcon. come on, help me with it.” he pulled you down beside him on the carpet, your legs deposited on top of his lap and an arm enclosing you to his chest.
“so, you invited me here to make me do labor.” you grumbled seemingly annoyed yet the hand reaching out for the building manual says otherwise. caleb merely chuckles at your faux demise, pecking your temple. “don’t worry. we can watch barbie as we build. and.. we’ll do a powerpoint night tomorrow. deal?”
“deal.” and so you spent the entire night wrestling with tiny building blocks to help complete his beloved spaceship.
stem bf!caleb who keeps every paper plane you give him. when unfolded, the paper is filled with your words of love dedicated to him.
stem!bf caleb who is your very own human calculator. you always bring him with you during grocery runs so you can easily keep track of the total as you shop.
“caleb, add this.”
“bread is $2.49.. your current total is now $11.27.”
“thanks, babe. now, let’s go get chips.”
stem!bf caleb who watches all your favorite films or shows in his free times. he remembers all the times you mentioned them in passing.
“since when did you watch girl, interrupted?”
“last night. you were talking about it the other day and i didn’t really know how to respond so i watched it. now, tell me all about lisa again. her character was really something— ah!” he got cut off by you throwing your arms around him and peppering his face with kisses.
stem bf! caleb who yaps about science theories during cuddle time. your head is on his chest, his arms tight around you.
“time slows down when the gravity increases. that’s what you call gravitational time dilation. like, imagine you’re on top of a very high mountain. time would pass faster for you than for someone at sea level because the gravity is weaker the farther you are from the center— babe?” caleb looks down, lips quirked upon seeing you dozed off. he pinches your nose, earning a sleepy whine from you. “stop.”
“you promised to listen to me talk. are you breaking promises now, pip?” caleb leans closer to bite at your cheek, grinning widely when you push his face away. “i’ll let you yap later. nap comes first.”
“is that a promise?”
“okay. i love you.”
“.. love you too.”
“good night.”
“you know, einstein’s theory of relativity—”
“sleep, caleb.”
#stardust writings ᯓ★#love and deepspace#lads#lnds#lnds x reader#lnds x you#love and deepspace x mc#love and deepspace x reader#love and deepspace x you#caleb x reader#lads x reader#love and deepspace caleb#caleb x mc#caleb x you#caleb#lads caleb#lads x you#lads fluff#lnds caleb#lads x mc#caleb xia#caleb fluff#caleb fic
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Trash Novel Chronicles Masterlist
1. Please Let Me Live || Vil Schoenheit
You get isekai'd into the worst novel you've had the misfortune of reading because apparently your life is a cosmic joke. Now all you have to do is not act like the character you've possessed and it'll be fine, you think?
Your fiancé being Vil Schoenheit makes it a little harder to behave like a human being with functional braincells, but hey, atleast he likes you, you think?
2. Villain System vs World || Riddle Rosehearts
You have a guilty pleasure: trashy villainess stories. So when you die a frankly, humiliating death, and end up in one of the worst ones you've had the pleasure of reading as the villainess, you're in denial. Then the villain system shows up. Well, there goes your second chance at life So what do you do now? Do villainous things and cause as much chaos as you can, of course. And maybe, just maybe, bag the male lead, Riddle Rosehearts while you're at it.
3. I'd Rather Date the Male Lead's Dad || Lilia Vanrouge
When you end up in your best friend's favourite but absurd novel about breaking a fae prince's curse as the heroine, you didn't expect to get attached to his little family too. Even more unexpected? You fell for the male lead's dad, but hey it looks like he likes you too.
4. Accidentally Falling for a Fae Prince || Malleus Draconia
When you get dragged into a novel which ends with the heroine in a polycule with the most annoying men in literature, as the heroine herself, you decide that you're gonna skip town. ...Only to trip over the fae prince, Malleus Draconia.
5. Not Another Royal Mess || Azul Ashengrotto
As a proofreader who gets isekai’d into a cringeworthy novel as the villainess, you decide to take revenge on the heroine and male lead for their awful story. With Azul—who just wanted to sell you a magic rock—pulled into your chaos.
6. Love Triangles and Royal Rumbles || Leona Kingscholar
When you get isekai'd as the male lead in the novel where your favorite character, Leona Kingscholar is the second male lead, all that's left to do is rewrite the romance!
7. I Want To Retire! || Idia Shroud
You write a novel that reads like a dumpster fire and while trying to delete the draft, you accidentally get isekai’d into it.
Now, as the villainess, you have to get Idia Shroud on your side as well as survive high society. You have your work cut out for you.
8. Stealing the Plot for Drama || Jamil Viper
The book you've been looking forward to turns out to be a piece of crap, and you have the bad luck of getting pulled into it as the villainess.
So you decide to steal the main character's show, just for sport with the help of your fiancé, Jamil Viper.
9. Falling for the Sun in a Cold Empire || Kalim Al-Asim
You lose everything you've worked for after a freak accident and end up getting transported to the novel that you read when you were a teenager.
As the villainess. It's time to rebuild yourself, one step at a time with a little help from Kalim Al-Asim, your betrothed.
10. My Consort Calls Me Shrimpy || Floyd Leech
You get isekai'd into a novel where the perfect Empress got absolutely wrecked by the plot, and now you have to juggle a bland heroine, 15 weird consorts, a traitor and a delightfully unhinged eel who’s oddly good at solving your problems.
11. Get Me Out of Here || Rook Hunt
You’re isekai’d into a trashy novel and stuck as a tragic side knight character. All you want is survival, but your boss is Rook Hunt—a poetic, eccentric duke.
Now you’re caught in his chaos and, worse, you kinda don’t mind.
12. How to Ruin a Plot || Jade Leech
When you end up as the villainess in a story that's hellbent on making her suffer for no reason, you decide to make the main characters suffer just for catharsis. Good thing that your fiancé, Jade Leech seems to like chaos as much as you.
13. I Want a Refund || Trey Clover
When the universe dunks you into a dumpster fire of a novel as the villainess, survival is key. Except your husband, Trey Clover, turns out to be such a green flag that it gets a little harder to function.
14. I Don't Want the Heroine || Ruggie Bucchi
You get isekai’d into what could only be described as an affront to literature, as the second male lead. So you decide to cut all ties with the heroine and live a peaceful (wealthy) life with your secretary, Ruggie Bucchi. Except life doesn't go as planned as you get more chaos than you signed up for.
15. My Knight is Too Loyal || Sebek Zigvolt
You wake up as the villainess in a novel that had to be written as a joke. The heroine is trying to ruin your life, but if you refuse to acknowledge her, then it’s not happening. Right? …Right??
It doesn't help that your knight, Sebek, is annoyingly endearing.
16. How to Escape a Kingdom || Silver
You get isekai’d as the heroine in a bad novel. The prince is awful. The villainess is worse. The only thing keeping you going is your gorgeous, tired fiancé, Silver.
17. Speedrunning Marriage Fraud || Ace Trappola
You get isekai’d as the heroine in a romance novel, but instead of dreamy suitors, you’re stuck with a yandere cryptid, a billionaire with no impulse control, and a knight who thinks he's in a Shakespearean tragedy (and more).
Your solution? Commit marriage fraud with your best friend, Ace Trappola, and hope no one asks for a marriage certificate.
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when i get to heaven, please let me bring my man

cw: kinktober prompt (creampie), unprotected sex & playing fast and loose with it’s possible consequences, yandere behavior, age gap (reader 20’s, capitano & zhongli 50s, baizhu 40s), power imabalance, non con somno (childe), dub con, innocence kink & lowkey medical malpractice (baizhu), reader has a pussy, implied kidnapping (capitano), if you squint childe & capitano’s sections are connected, frequent breeding kink type talk, manipulation & coercion, implied baby trapping, dead dove do not eat
please do not repost, translate, or feed this work to ai
kinktober 2024
“Do be quiet, darling.” Zhongli grits, cupping your head with both of his palms and tugging you upwards. “I have no intentions of being an exhibitionist today.”
You arch off his grand wooden desk and gasp at the spark of pain in your neck, but you’d take that over drowning yourself in paperwork any day. Your boss’s cock is ramming into your ass at a porn star’s speed, the wet smacks of flesh slapping against flesh bounce off the one way glass walls.
This situation is the most cliché porn plot in the book though, the distant slightly emotionally unavailable boss bending his secretary over his desk and zipping down their pants. You had been running late that day, you forgot to set your alarm for Mr. Zhongli’s breakfast tea run and you had less cat food than you thought so you had to make a break for the grocery store.
By the time you scrambled in with a steaming cup of your boss’s favorite tea and his stack of reports to review and meeting requests to schedule, the older man was tapping his foot and crossing his arms. He didn’t look disappointed, not quite, but the gentle warmth in his eyes was gone and his small smile was flat.
In your desperation not to lose your job, this was your first and you’re only in your junior year of college, you follow him into his office and set down your things. Your cherry Marc Jacobs tote bag (bought by him, his papers and tea (bought by you with his money), your SINOCULTURAL orchid leather handbag (also bought by him, for variety).
Zhongli wasn’t the kind of pervy boss who’s hit on you before, you guess now that he was just lying in wait. You were the one that draped yourself over his desk with tears in your eyes, desperate and naive and relying on the principle of ‘sex sells’.
He’ll draft up a different beginning to your love story at your wedding.
“You take cock so well, perhaps we’ll have to have a discussion about adding this to your list of duties, hm?”
The condom sliding in and out of your walls makes you want to pout, but you know he has to have one. How he was able to pull a pack from his desk drawer on the spot is beyond you, you’re not quite willing to admit that you’d be so willing to keep your job you’d risk a baby and/or STDs.
“A-ah! Y-yes, sir, whenever you’re available, i-i’ll do anything.” You whisper over your shoulder and push your ass up, wanting the sight of his long cock disappearing under the thick cheeks to be as enticing as possible.
You clutch onto the golden plague bearing his esteemed name for dear life, muffling your sounds into the furniture’s lacquer, and let your boss pour all his stress into your holes. You tried to goad him into taking your ass but he gave you an amused chuckle and a firm pat to each cheek, chiding at you that he’d do it properly another time. He’s a gentleman under his silvered tongue and all his golden scales.
Zhongli seems to get fed up with the condom the closer he gets to his roaring orgasm, and all you’re able to let out in a punched squeal as he sharply pulls out and rips the condom off.
“This damn thing,” He huffs, snarling as he tosses the shredded scraps of plastic to the side, sinking back into your pussy in one go. “There, much better.”
You’re discovering that Mr. Zhongli is not the kind of man who groans unabashedly in the heat of the moment, he's prone to contented sighs and easy laughs. The closest you get to anything animalistic is the guttural grunt he lets slip as you clench around him near the end of his deep thrusts, milking him for all the cum this HR nightmare of a quickie can get you.
“One more thing before you go, be a dear and clean that up for me.” He points a black nail down at the puddle of cum expectantly, somehow having pulled his cock free with a wet flopping noise when you were too dizzy to notice, sinking back into his swiveling chair.
Sugar Daddy!Capitano
Your back hits the hotel wall, softened by Capitano’s hands coming to slide in between you and the surface.
“Mmfh- I’ve never… I’ve never done this before.” You shyly admit as your sighs fade into whimpers, the man’s stubble rubbing on your neck during his rain of kisses.
He laughs and his hot breath hits your pulse point, your heart skips a beat. “So you’ve told me. Don’t worry, you’re nothing but safe with me. I’ve already wired the initial 50,000 for our first meeting to your account, we don’t have to do anything that you are not comfortable with.”
You nod and run your fingers through his black hair, offering up more of your unmarked neck. Of course you’re comfortable, you were so nervous you could die hours earlier, but your first sugar daddy experience has turned out to be the ideal. Capitano made sure you were happy and pliant, offering ten times the amount of what most other men would just for this one dinner. What wouldn’t you be down with doing now?
He nips at your bottom lip, wrapping his burly arms around your chubby thighs and hoisting you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and giggle as you fall onto the bed of the hotel’s presidential suite. You trade sloppy and clumsy kisses for less and less articles of clothing, he places your jewelry and your accessories neatly on the nightstand.
“So you don’t prick yourself or worry about losing them, bambi.” He explains and pulls you into another syrupy kiss.
You lose yourself to fit of giggles as he reverently kisses down your body. The next hour is spent with your new sugar daddy licking your pussy, eating you out like a man would gulp down an oasis after a lifetime of being stranded in the desert. You couldn’t say how many times you flood his awaiting mouth with your juices and seed, but you’ll always remember how his Adam's Apple bobs on every swallow. As if it nourishes him, replenishes his soul from inside and out, warms like a good hearty soup.
Capitano slithers up your body to stroke a finger down your face, “Are you ready for me, honey? You’re spewing like a fountain but we can always just cuddle.”
“No, I'm ready, I want this, want you. Please, Daddy, need your cock.” And your money, but mostly your cock right now.
You settle into your position on your back and spread your legs, you grab the back of your ankles and keep them that way. Bearing yourself for the hungry gaze of a man twice your age.
“Alright, needy love, aren’t you? Here you go.” He coos, lining up his fat dick with your slick entrance and sinking in.
You almost wish you had turned the lights off. The way his massive looks hovering above yours, muscles tense and waiting to be exercised. You don’t have to look down at where his cock feeds your pussy, it’s like you can feel what every nerve and vein is doing and touching in your guts. You’re so glad the conversation about being tested was had on the sugaring app, you’re both clean and on the pill so you thought why not indulge in another first.
“Gorgeous cunt. Worth so much fucking more than 50,000. You like France, bambi? I’ll get you a castle in the countryside, this pussy would look divine getting pounded in one of their foyer’s and over their balconies.” He groans, husky and scratchy, kissing you and grinding his cock deep in your quivering pussy like you just got married.
You have to show him how to take a video of his goopy cum dripping out of your puffy folds, spreading them with your fingers and pushing it back inside.
The next morning, you wake up to a bundle of fresh roses and a calligraphy note on the pillow next to your head. You smile and take it all in, but eventually you tug on last night’s clothes and grab your bag. You grin down at your phone, feeling the butterflies play war drums in your stomach, this going somewhere good. There are times when you can just tell.
The suite door is locked, a man’s voice outside asks if you’re ready to be taken back to the boss’s home. On the way there you look through your bag, a message from your intuition, and your birth control is gone. But there are listings for several foreign properties, with a sticky note attached to the first.
‘Tell me which ones you like when you get home. I have my broker on the phone.”
It’s a routine for him, slip in under your window, sink onto your bed and straddle your sleeping body, and fill you up with his cum until your belly bloats. You’ve never noticed, he’s good at cleaning up. And if you have, you’re docile enough to let him keep at it. Let the rabid wolf keep pawing at your door with bloody paws, leaving a carcass at your feet and doing it all over again the next day.
You know it’s just your boyfriend loving on you in private until you’re ready to go public. He understands you’re shy, a lot of the partners he’s had in the past haven’t exactly been social butterflies, but baby it’s just little ol’ Ajax! He wouldn’t hurt a fly let alone his precious significant other, don’t be silly. He has these kinds of conversations with you through hushed whispers against your ear and trembling fingers slipping under the straps of your tank top.
Ajax always preps you, save for a couple of times in the beginning because he was too excited. He prefers doing it with his tongue, but he does love a good fingerbanging session. He’d never cause any pain that wasn’t fun for the both of you, cross his heart and hope to die. He even brings a back up inhaler that he stole from your pharmacist in case you lose your current one.
He grins as he shimmies you out of your sleepwear, you never much, another sign that you’re meant to be “Shh, lovebug, I hope you’re having the sweetest dreams right now. I’m just stopping by to say hi. I have to be quicker this time, I'm real sorry, bub.”
Some as-gentle-as-possible rough fingerbanging it is.
Ajax keeps his eyes peeled so wide they burn a little as he crooks and curls his fingers in your tight pussy, marveling at your groggy whimpers that sooner than later snowball into light moans.
“You looked stunning in your outfit today, I like looser tops on you. I can see your titties bounce, swear to god. The leggings were a nice touch too, wanted to jog over during your walk and smack the shit out of it. But that’s not the meet cute you deserve, is it cutie?” He grips your face in one hand, the free one that’s not knuckles deep in pussy juice, shaking your head for ‘no’ for you.
“I promise we’re gonna meet soon, it breaks my heart to see you look so lonely, bub.” He’s not fazed when you seem like you’re waking up, he just ‘aw’s and strokes his thumb on your clit until you’ve fallen back asleep. “I can’t wait. I’ve gone over everything a million times, what I’m gonna wear, what I’m gonna say, our first date, our “first” time, I'm so ready for it all with you.”
You’re adorable, your brow is pinching and you’re tossing and turning. Your soft moans become louder and since you’re a heavy sleeper that doesn’t live in an apartment (not that he’d stop anyway, he’s seen how your next door neighbors check you out when you’re not looking), he scissors his fingers and speeds up the thrusts of his hand.
After months of this and vigorous hours at the gym, his wrist has stopped cramping entirely. He slips his free hand under his jeans and clasps it around his leaking dick, jerking himself off as he finger fucks your perfect pussy.
“Oh, there it is, honey.” Ajax gasps, tightening his grip around his painfully hard cock just as your walls tighten around his fingers. “It’s okay, keep going for me, you can do it.”
He times his strokes to the thrusts of his fingers, his breathing in sync with every rise and fall of your chest. You’re so wet, you’re leaking around his digits, your pussy making a sick squelching sound
“Oh fuck! I’m gonna cum baby, just from fingering your pretty pussy.” He pants, circling his thumb over the head of his weep dick and smearing his precum all over his length.
He’s moving so fast his hand is a blur, and he really doesn’t even register the sensation of fucking himself with his fist. Instead what he feels is the way your thighs seize up and your breath hitches, you arch your back off the bed in your sleep and that’s when he knows it’s time.
“Fuck, okay. Lemme get a little closer, lovebug, don’t want any of it to go to waste, right?” He keeps stroking his throbbing cock and blasting his fingers into your pussy, awkwardly trying to find his footing so he can get a good position.
He takes his fingers out of you and his heart squeezes in his chest when your hips buck after them and you whine.
“Here it comes, baby.” Ajax laughs at his own joke, positioning the tip of his dick right against your hole. With a shaky breath and an even shakier smile, he breaches your hole with only that part of himself, loving the way your cunt welcomes it in.
He laughs again when he floods your insides, crossing his fingers behind his back for this one to take. Don’t worry, it’s only a fantasy for now, you should at least have your first date before he knocks you up.
“Just lie back on the exam chair for me and we can begin.” Dr. Baizhu smiles warmly at you as you nervously play with your hands in the clinical room.
You nod, wanting to speak at little as possible. The chair’s paper covering crinkles and creases as you climb onto it, shuffling around before settling into a somewhat comfortable positon lying on your back. You look to Dr. Baizhu on your right, he’s available on your insurance and he has stellar reviews on any site worth trusting you could find. You’re just anxious anyway, and this is something you have to do, it won’t do you any good to get paranoid about all the things that could go wrong in a doctor’s office.
Baizhu’s eyes crinkle in the corners and he takes a seat on one of those rolling black stools. “So I take it that this is your first pelvic exam? Well, then be assured that you’re in good hands. It’s nothing scary, but I need to make sure your vulva and reproductive organs are in perfect working order.”
You laugh awkwardly and mutter back a “I know, I'm fine. Just a little tired, traffic was a nightmare.”
Your nerves already feel like they’re fading away, Dr. Baizhu’s voice is so pleasant and he has such a kind demeanor, you understand why this clinic was so eager to have him. The woman who signed you in was raving that it was his first day after leaving a major hospital, that they were so lucky and you were too.
“Now I'll have you slide down to the end of the table and put your knees in these stirrups, it’s perfectly safe and if you need to take a breather, please let me know.” He croons, allowing you the freedom and comfort to act on your own. He’d never want to make you feel panicked, as if he were forcibly restraining you.
The exams aren’t really a big deal when you’ve gotten over that hump, but Baizhu knows that first times of any variety can be scary. Especially for skittish patients such as yourself, with as much prey drive as a barn bunny being chased by a sheepdog.
You lie there and endure every probe and thoughtful hum. Your vulva is fine and Dr. Baizhu ends that part of the inspection with a quick pat to your mound, his lips twitching as if trying to resist the urge to kiss.
“Okay, now I'm just going to check out your cervix, keep still.” The man hums, smoothing a hand down your right calf from the stirrup to your knee. “You’ll feel some pressure, but nothing painful.”
“Really?” You bite your lip and eye the instruments on the little table by the sink.
Dr. Baizhu chuckles, “Of course. Some patients do experience pain, but it’s not a definite thing, everybody’s different. At most, you’ll feel a tad uncomfortable and exposed.”
So you brace yourself and expect to feel the cold metal of what looks like some kind of forceps. Instead you look down to see your doctor unbuttoning his pants.
He catches your eye and waves off your concern, “Cold metal just seems so abrasive for your first time. You might do better with a more… human approach, something to test how well you can stretch. Don’t worry, I'll put protection on, I'd be a horrible doctor if I didn't.”
Sure enough he slides a latex condom on, covered in tiny holes but you brush it off as being a part of the design. Baizhu’s cock twitches, feeling a sick thrill at how easy you are, at how he can whip his dick out and you’ll believe it’s in your best interest.
He doesn’t release you from the stirrups, and they rattle as he plunges inside inch by inch. Slowly and mind numbingly, to properly gauge your cunt’s ability to expand around the intrusion. You gape up at him, feeling far more than just a tad uncomfortable and exposed. His lips twitch again, torn between maintaining the facade and stuffing your cervix with his cock or breaking character and dipping down to kiss your adorably parted lips.
“I’d give you a piece of candy if that wouldn’t embarrass you. You’re doing great, just relax and the pressure will ease up.”
“Ngh- hah- O-okay, doctor. Thank you for helping me.” You don’t know why you say it, who thanks their doctors for doing a basic exam? But he groans and his hips rush forward all the same.
Your cunt is impossibly tight, which is to be expected but it’s not any less delightful to experience.
The paper underneath you makes you want to claw your eyes out as his thrusts force your back to slide back and forth on it. That, the stirrup straps clacking, and your shared soft pants are the only sounds in the locked room. It’s not as anxiety inducing as you’d expect, the planets in the office orbit around the doctor and as long as they think he’s in an appointment (and isn’t he?) they won’t interrupt. His eyes crease, he promises to give you a home visit when you’re done here, just to be thorough and make good on that promise of candy.
Something sweet for the embodiment of the cavities is in his soul, cunny strangles him tighter than a noose.
Dr. Baizhu shudders as you reflexively clench around his pulsing cock and attempt to kick out your legs only to be held back by the stirrups, “Don’t mind the mess, ‘s all par for the c-course, my dear.”
You squirt on his next thrust, and your tangy juices drip down onto the cold gray floor. The gooey cum that escapes the holes in the condom follow suit and form a little pool. Dr. Baizhu takes several pictures of your seed heavy pussy with his flip phone for medical reference.
#kinktober#kinktober 2024#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact smut#genshin x reader#genshin smut#zhongli#capitano#baizhu#childe#tartaglia#ajax#zhongli x reader#zhongli smut#capitano x reader#capitano smut#baizhu x reader#baizhu smut#childe x reader#childe smut#tartaglia x reader#tartaglia smut#ajax x reader#ajax smut#yandere#yandere smut#male yandere x reader#yandere x reader#⚰️.deaddove
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Jason todd who...
Who calls your office with a dying voice, sneezing and whining about how he's sick but can "try" to be fine alone at home. Your boss dismisses you because Jason's voice certainly sounds like someone who needs to be hospitalized.
So when you get home, Jason is comfortably lying on the bed in the shared room, reading one of his favorite books.
"Jay!" You say, running over to him and placing your hand on his forehead. He's at his normal temperature, not even at his normal temperature, the well changed things that should be normal for a human being. The thing is… your boyfriend is a normal color, tanned even, his eyes bright blue, his nose without any sign of redness. You've seen Jason sick, and he doesn't look like this at all.
"Baby, hi," he says, having the audacity to fake a cough.
"Are you sick?"
When he opens his mouth, you can see the hint of a smile and you know what kind of illness he's going to say he's suffering from.
"Don't you dare say that."
He lets out a hoarse, loud laugh that hits right at your heart and gets in the way of your mission to stay angry. His large hands abandon the book and hold your waist, as he buries his face in your stomach, lightly lifting the hem of your shirt. blouse, his breath against your skin doesn't help your mission to stay irritated either.
"Sorry, honey. But it's not a crime to pretend to be sick, is it?" He says, a smile on his face that makes him look younger, even like a naughty boy who did something hidden from his parents. It makes him adorable, it softens his scars and makes his blue eyes sparkle. "What are you going to do? Call Red Hood to punish me?
It's a hard task to stay mad at your boyfriend.
"Jason Todd…" You start, but you can feel the smile appearing on the corner of your lips. Because months ago Jason would never do this, would never have the stupid courage to do whatever it took to stay by your side. And he looks so ridiculously happy with his ideia that it makes you equally happy, Jason looks alive when he smiles like that, his dimples appearing and you use all your strength not to kiss him.
He pulls you to the bed, curling up against you as if he physically depended on it, peppering kisses on your face.
"I got a break from Gotham today and I needed my favorite person by my side."
You let out a moan, he knows very well how to make you break. Adorable idiot with puppy dog eyes. You let him wrap you in his arms, letting out a sigh of relief. giving up. It was too good to be hugged and kissed by Jason to be mad.
"When you're on Patrol, I'll call and say the house is on fire."
"I'll come running right away."
It was good to be loved.
I have a lot of drafts about Jason Todd lol, finally having the courage to post. I'm opening a box if you want to make requests, I just love Jason Todd so much
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Dreams of You
Pairing: dom!Felix x afab!reader
Genre: fluff?? + Smut MDNI
Summary: A quiet night of gaming between best friends takes a heated turn when Felix overhears your mumbling his name in your sleep.

Content Warning: sexual content, smut, oral ( f receiving) , mutual pining, bestfriends to lovers, sleep talking
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: this was a request that I got and wrote it half asleep a few days ago, it has been sitting in my drafts since.
The warm glow of LED lights flickered dimly around Felix’s room, casting a soft golden hue over the familiar space. Posters of his favorite games lined the walls, shelves stacked neatly with figurines, and an open bag of chips sat forgotten beside his monitor. The hum of his console filled the quiet, accompanied only by the rhythmic clicking of his controller.
You were curled up on his bed, wrapped in one of his oversized hoodies, your body nestled into the thick blankets. The scent of his detergent—vanilla and fresh cotton—clung to the fabric, mixing with the faint aroma of the hot cocoa you had both been drinking earlier.
This was routine for you and Felix—late-night gaming, snacks, and laughter until exhaustion pulled you under. You had been best friends since childhood, practically inseparable, and yet, recently, something felt… different.
The way his fingers would linger a little longer when he passed you a controller, how his gaze softened whenever he looked at you, or the way his voice dropped an octave when he murmured your name.
Felix was clueless about your feelings, or so you thought. What you didn’t realize was that he had spent countless nights like this, sneaking glances at you between games, swallowing down the urge to reach out and take what he had been craving for so long.
He had memorized the way you curled up in his bed like you belonged there. The way his hoodie looked on you, how the sleeves covered your hands, how the hem rode up just enough to tease his imagination.
Tonight was no different.
Or at least, it wasn’t—until you started talking in your sleep.
Felix had been mid-match, fingers moving instinctively over the controls, deep in concentration. The tension of the boss fight had him on edge, jaw set, every nerve focused. And then—
His fingers stilled. His breath caught.
He turned, gaze snapping to you, heart hammering against his ribs.
You shifted slightly, still lost in sleep, lashes fluttering against your cheeks as you mumbled again.
"Mm… so pretty… wanna kiss you…"
Felix felt heat pool low in his stomach, spreading through his veins like wildfire.
Did he hear that right? His grip on the controller tightened, muscles tensing. But then—
"Wish you’d just… touch me already…"
Felix inhaled sharply, the room suddenly feeling too small, too warm. His sweet, innocent best friend—murmuring those words, about him?
The controller slipped from his hands, landing with a soft thud against the desk. The game was forgotten, his entire world narrowing down to you—your body curled in his bed, his hoodie swallowing you up, your lips parted just so.
A slow, dangerous smirk curled at the corner of his mouth. So, you did want him.
Leaning in, he hovered just above you, his breath ghosting over your skin. His fingers brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, tucking it gently behind your ear. You looked so peaceful, so utterly his, even if you didn’t know it yet.
"Angel," he murmured, voice deep, laced with something darker, something possessive.You didn’t stir.
Felix exhaled, restraint hanging by a thread. He could wake you, pretend he never heard anything… or he could give you exactly what you wanted. And fuck, he wanted you too badly to stop now.
His lips barely grazed the shell of your ear as he whispered, voice like silk wrapping around you. "Is that what you dream about, hmm?" His tone was teasing, seductive. "Me touching you?"
A small whimper escaped your lips, and Felix’s restraint snapped.His fingers ghosted down your arm, deliberate, slow—testing, taunting. "You have no idea what you just started, angel."
His lips brushed over your jaw, featherlight at first, savoring the way your skin reacted to his touch. Then, finally—
A kiss. Soft, fleeting. Barely there. But it was enough. Because the moment his lips met your skin, your eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep.
"Lix…?" Your voice was barely above a whisper, confusion laced in its drowsy undertone.
His face hovered inches from yours, eyes dark and unreadable, burning with something you had never seen before. The warmth in his gaze was still there, but beneath it simmered something else—something electric, consuming.
"You talk in your sleep, angel," he murmured, thumb brushing against your cheek, voice dripping with amusement. "You said something interesting just now."
Your stomach dropped. Oh God.
Felix chuckled at your expression, the sound deep, sending a shiver down your spine. "Y’know, if you wanted me to touch you," he leaned in, lips barely ghosting over yours, teasing, tempting, "all you had to do was ask."
Your breath hitched. And then, Felix kissed you.
This time, it wasn’t soft. It was raw, desperate—weeks, months, years of suppressed longing crashing down all at once. His hands found your waist, fingers digging in just enough to make you gasp. He swallowed the sound eagerly, tongue sliding against yours as he deepened the kiss, leaving no room for hesitation.
"Shh, angel." His grip tightened, pulling you against him as if he could mold you into him completely. His voice was husky, thick with need. "Let me make your dreams come true, yeah?"
And who were you to deny your pretty best friend?
Felix’s lips moved against yours with a slow, deliberate hunger—one that sent warmth pooling deep in your belly. His hands, firm but gentle, gripped your waist, keeping you flush against him as he deepened the kiss. The room was still wrapped in the golden glow of fairy lights, the quiet hum of his console a distant sound beneath the soft sighs escaping your lips.
You could barely think, barely breathe with how he was kissing you—like he had been waiting forever, like he needed this as much as you did.
His tongue flicked teasingly against yours before he pulled away slightly, his breath warm against your lips. "You’re so cute when you’re flustered," Felix murmured, chuckling as he pressed a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth. "Did you mean it?"
Your heart pounded. "Mean what?"
His fingers traced slow, lazy circles along your thigh. "What you said in your sleep," he mused, tilting his head. "That you wanted me to touch you."
You swallowed hard. How the hell were you supposed to answer that when he was looking at you like that—his dark lashes fluttering, his plush lips slightly swollen from kissing you?
Felix smirked, sensing your hesitation. "It’s okay, angel," he whispered, fingers skimming under the hem of his hoodie that you were wearing. "I already know the answer."
He leaned in, pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin beneath your ear. "You want me," he murmured, voice low and teasing. "And if I’m being honest, I want you too. So, so badly."
Your breath hitched as his hands traveled higher, palms warm against your skin. His hoodie, which had once felt cozy and oversized, suddenly felt too much—like a barrier between you and his touch.
"Lix…" you whispered, hands fisting his shirt.
"Hm?" He hummed, placing a soft kiss on your jaw, his fingers slipping under the hoodie, tracing featherlight touches up your bare waist.
"I want you," you finally admitted, cheeks burning.
Felix groaned softly, pressing his forehead against yours. "Say it again," he murmured, his grip on your waist tightening.
"I want you," you repeated, voice barely above a whisper.
"That’s my girl," he murmured before tilting your chin up and kissing you deeply. His hands pushed the hoodie up, his fingertips grazing over your bare skin, making you shiver. He pulled back just enough to tug it over your head, tossing it aside. His eyes darkened as he took in the sight of you, lips parting slightly.
Felix’s kisses slowed, filled with something deeper than just hunger. His hands roamed your back, fingertips tracing lazy patterns against your skin as if memorizing every inch of you. The warmth of his body pressed against yours, comforting and electrifying all at once.
"You feel so perfect," he murmured, resting his forehead against yours for a moment, breath mingling. "Like you were made just for me."
Your heart swelled at the tenderness in his voice. You reached up, cupping his face, thumbs brushing over his sharp cheekbones. "I was always yours, Lix."
And in that instant, he melted. He kissed you again, but this time, it was sweet—unhurried, lingering. His hands caressed your sides, squeezing gently before he pulled you into his lap, arms wrapping securely around you.
He nuzzled into your neck, placing soft kisses along your pulse, his voice barely above a whisper. "Then let me show you just how much that means to me, angel."
And as he held you close, hands warm and loving, Felix made good on his promise, worshiping you with every kiss, every touch.
"God, you’re beautiful," he whispered, his fingers tracing along your spine before pressing you against him. The warmth of his body, the way his hands molded against your curves—it sent a shiver down your spine.
You whimpered as he trailed kisses down your neck, his lips soft but needy, each press of his mouth igniting something deeper within you.
"Tell me if it’s too much, okay?" he murmured, his voice laced with tenderness as he cupped your cheek.
You nodded, heart swelling at how gentle he was despite the hunger in his gaze. "I trust you."
Felix’s pupils dilated at your words. "Good girl," he whispered before laying you down on the bed, his body hovering over yours.
You could barely think, barely breathe with how he was kissing you—like he had been waiting forever, like he needed this as much as you did.
Felix pulled away just enough to brush his lips against your jaw, his voice laced with warmth and teasing. "I’m gonna take my time with you, angel," he whispered, his hands trailing lower, gripping your thighs. "Make sure you never have to dream about this again."
The air between you was charged, electric, yet the way he touched you was so soft, so loving—like he wanted to worship every inch of you.
And that’s exactly what he did.
Felix’s hands traced slow, deliberate patterns over your bare skin, his fingertips featherlight as they explored every inch of you.
His touch sent shivers dancing down your spine, setting your nerve endings ablaze with anticipation. His gaze, dark yet filled with adoration, raked over your form as if committing every detail to memory.
“You’re so perfect,” he murmured, his voice husky with restrained desire. His lips found the sensitive skin of your neck, pressing soft, lingering kisses down to your collarbone, taking his time savoring the taste of you. Each kiss was slow, filled with tender, like he wanted to worship you with every touch.
Your breath hitched when he slid his hands up your sides, fingers grazing your ribcage before slipping under your back to unclasp your bra. He pulled back slightly, watching you through half-lidded eyes as he peeled the fabric away, baring you to him completely.
A deep groan rumbled in his chest as he took you in, his fingers tracing the curves of your body with awe. “So beautiful,” he whispered, his thumb brushing over your hardened nipple in a slow, teasing motion. The sensation sent a wave of pleasure straight to your core, and you gasped softly, arching into his touch.
Felix’s lips found yours again, this time with more urgency, more need. His kisses were deep and intoxicating, his tongue teasing yours as he pressed his body flush against you. The warmth of his skin against yours sent a delicious heat pooling between your thighs, and you couldn’t stop the soft moan that slipped from your lips.
He swallowed the sound eagerly, tilting his head to deepen the kiss as his hands traveled lower, fingers skimming the waistband of your shorts. “May I?” he asked, voice thick with desire, yet still laced with that ever-present tenderness.
You nodded breathlessly, but he tsked softly, smirking against your lips. “Words, angel.”
“Yes, Lix,” you murmured, your voice trembling with need. “Please.”
A satisfied hum vibrated against your lips as he slid your shorts and panties down, leaving you bare beneath him. His gaze darkened as he pulled back to admire you, his fingertips tracing the insides of your thighs, sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body.
“So soft,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your hipbone before settling between your legs. His hands gripped your thighs gently, spreading them apart as he looked up at you, his eyes smoldering with something deeper than just lust.
The first brush of his lips against your core was featherlight, almost teasing, but the sensation made you gasp, your fingers threading into his soft hair. Felix chuckled against your skin, his warm breath sending tingles up your spine. “Patience, angel. Let me take my time with you.”
And he did.
His tongue flicked against your clit in slow, deliberate strokes, his hands holding your hips firmly in place as he devoured you. Each movement was precise, calculated to pull the sweetest sounds from your lips. He alternated between soft, teasing licks and deep, languid strokes that had you writhing beneath him, completely at his mercy.
The pleasure built steadily, heat coiling tighter and tighter in your core. Felix could feel it, could hear it in the breathy moans spilling from your lips, and he groaned against you, the vibrations sending a jolt of ecstasy through your body.
“Lix—” You whimpered, your thighs trembling around his head.
He hummed in response, his tongue working you over with practiced ease, never once breaking his slow, sensual pace. His fingers joined in, slipping inside you with a careful, deliberate push, stretching you open as his tongue continued its assault on your clit. Your back arched, pleasure surging through you like wildfire.
“Let go for me, angel,” he murmured against your skin, his voice sinfully smooth. “I want to feel you come apart.”
The combination of his fingers curling inside you and the expert flick of his tongue sent you over the edge. A cry of his name tore from your lips as your orgasm crashed over you, your body trembling beneath him. Felix groaned, lapping up every drop of your release, prolonging your pleasure until you were gasping for breath.
He pulled back slowly, licking his lips as he crawled back up your body, capturing your lips in a deep, languid kiss. “You taste like heaven,” he whispered against your lips, his voice thick with satisfaction.
You were still catching your breath when you felt him pressing against your entrance, his cock hard and heavy confined inside his sweats, teasing your soaked folds. Felix groaned softly, resting his forehead against yours as he rolled his hips, coating himself in your arousal.
“You sure, baby?” he murmured, searching your eyes for any hesitation.
You cupped his face, brushing your thumb over his cheek. “I want this, Felix. I want you.”
A low growl escaped him as he kissed you deeply, his body trembling with restraint as he gave in, freeing his cock out—it’s beautifully swollen tip already leaking with precum before he pushed inside you, inch by inch.
The stretch was delicious, toeing the line between pleasure and pain, but the way Felix held you—his hands cradling your face, his lips pressing soothing kisses against your temple—made you feel nothing but safe and cherished.
“You’re so tight, angel,” he groaned, his voice a deep rasp as he bottomed out inside you. He stilled for a moment, allowing you to adjust, his forehead pressed against yours as he peppered your face with kisses. “Feel so good around me.”
You moaned softly, wrapping your legs around his waist, urging him to move. “Please, Lix… I need you.”
That was all he needed.
Felix pulled back slowly before thrusting in again, setting a steady, sensual rhythm that had you both gasping. His movements were deliberate, each roll of his hips deep and unhurried, savoring the way your bodies fit together perfectly.
His hands roamed your body, tracing every curve, every dip, as if trying to memorize the way you felt beneath him. “You’re mine,” he murmured, voice thick with emotion. “Made for me.”
You nodded, meeting his thrusts with equal fervor, your fingers clawing at his back as pleasure coiled tightly in your belly once more. “Yours, Felix,” you breathed. “Always.”
Felix groaned, his pace faltering slightly at your words. He captured your lips in a bruising kiss, swallowing your moans as he quickened his pace, chasing both your releases. His hand slipped between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit, rubbing slow, lazy circles that sent you hurtling toward the edge.
“Come for me, angel,” he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. “Wanna feel you.”
His words sent you spiraling, pleasure crashing over you in waves as you clenched around him, your orgasm ripping through you with an intensity that left you breathless.
Felix followed moments later, his hips stuttering before pulling out—giving himself a few strokes before spilling onto your drenched cunt with a deep, guttural moan, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he rode out his high.
For a moment, neither of you moved, the only sound in the room being your ragged breaths and the distant hum of his console. Felix lifted his head, brushing his lips over yours in a soft, tender kiss.
“You okay, angel?” he murmured, his voice laced with concern.
You smiled, threading your fingers through his hair. “Never better.”
Felix chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead before wrapping you in his arms, holding you close. “Good,” he whispered, nuzzling into your neck. “Because I’m never letting you go now that you’re mine.”
#skz#skz x reader#stray kids#imagine#straykids x reader#lee felix#felix x reader#skz smut#straykids felix
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Heart Of Texas - J.Seresin
Synopsis: While in Texas for your best friends bachelorette trip, the last thing you expect to find is the green eyed cowboy in the bar. Or to find him again months later.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader.
Warnings: 18+, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of the deed, soft jake(warning in himself really) , uh drunk marriage? not sure what to label that.
Authors Note: hi! i'm alive! I have had this draft for... MONTHS! I have not had much motiviation but upon it being hot glen summer. I'm here with my favorite green eyed boo.

The sun was shining bright through the soft gray curtains, causing you to squint. The silk sheets were soft against your skin. Rolling over in the King sized bed, you groan.
A night of bar hopping in the heart of Austin was probably not the smartest idea but the bride to be got what she wanted for her bachelorette party, her words playing on loop,
“I want to go to Austin and have a good time before I’m a married woman” .
The groan beside you pulls you from your thoughts, looking over beside you, gasping. You pull the sheet to cover your body, pulling yourself away from him and against the wall. “Oh my god” you whisper with a shake of your head.
Moving further against the wall and away from the man as he slowly woke up. Looking him up and down you take him in, he was tall, his feet hung off the bed slightly. His tanned skin and the small freckles adorned his chest, soft blonde hairs residing there. Once he opens his eyes, you note the soft green of his irises.
“What the hell?” he groans, hand falling to his forehead.
Then he looks over at you. You look like a deer in the headlights looking at him. Under his gaze, you can’t help but to pull the sheet tighter against your chest, less of his body being covered.
“Who are you?!” you whisper-yell. “Uh- My name's Jake” he chuckles, sitting up to push his body against the headboard. “Okay but why are you in my hotel room?” you ask.
He looks around the room, noticing the clothes scattered on the floor. "I think um” he rubs the back of his neck.
“I think we may have slept together Sugar” his drawl was soft, his voice deep and still riddled with sleep.
“I think I can gather that '' you mumble, rubbing your eyes. The coldness of metal against your face pulls your hand away. “Oh-” looking down at your hand, then back at the man in front of you, who you now know is Jake. “what is it?” he asks from the end of the bed, looking back at you over his shoulder.
Holding your left hand up to him, you wiggle the small dainty band on your ring finger.
“Oh shit” his face pales, looking down at his own left hand, a simple band adored his own ring finger. “We’re fucking married” you mumble, pushing the sheet off your body to stand.
Grabbing your panties, you begin to pace the hotel room. “Dude, how the hell did we get married?!” you ask, looking at Jake. He chuckles with a shake of his head, hands on his knees. “FIrst of all, please put your tits away” rolling your eyes, you grab the first shirt in sight, buttoning it to look at him. “Please explain! What do you remember?” with your hands on your hips, he sighs. “Not more than you do,” he admits. “Just fuckin dandy” you mumble, pushing a hand through your hair.
“I must say, I do remember alot of shots, '' he admits, it causes you to chuckle. “I can’t believe this is happening right now” pacing infront of Jake, he sighs. “It’s okay, those marriages are never even legit, not legally” he admits, pulling his boxers on, standing infront of you. Stopping your pacing, he grabs your shoulders. “It’s alright Sugar” he smirks.
Rolling your eyes you push his hand off you. “It’s alright to you..” trailing off, you look at the floor infront of you, “Jake” he hums in response. You pick up the piece of paper infront of you.
“Certficate of Marriage'' you hold it out to him.
“Legally, I am now your wife” he rips the paper out of your hands, looking it over. “Oh shit” he looks back up at you then down to the paper. He goes to speak, knocking on the other side of the door stopping him.
Widening your eyes, looking around the room, you sigh. “Okay big guy” he goes to protest as you shove him into the bathroom quickly shutting the door before he can protest.
As the bathroom door shuts, your hotel room door opens. “Why did I think you should have a key?” you sigh. Your best friends are all making their way into the hotel room.
“Safety, I have all the room keys” Laura, bride to be smirks. She sits down on the bed, looking around the room.
“Are you okay?” she asks, looking at you with a smile. “I’m fine” you are lying through your teeth. “Are you okay?” you look at your best friend Wanda as she has a small smile.
“She texted Bradley at least 200 times last night, they’ve talked twice this morning” Laura says, looking between you and her friend with a deadpan look in her eyes.
“She’s in love” you admit with a grin. “I’m the one getting married!” Laura defends with a laugh. Wanda turns her gaze to you, “How are you standing?” she asks, you raise a brow. “What do you mean?” you ask, “You had a wild night” Allison says from beside you.
“What do you mean?” she chuckles, “you were all over that guy, he was so into you” Jake smirks from behind the door, listening to the conversation between you girls.
"oh really?” you ask as she nods. “I don’t remember his name but you guys hit it off..” she smirks looking around the hotel room. “You slept with him!” Wanda stands, pointing at you. “Okay” holding your hands up in surrender, you look between your group of friends.
“I remember nothing, um” you blush, knowing he had to be listening. “The sex was phenomenal okay?” The room cheers, Jake's smirk grows behind the bathroom door.
“You guys really were all over each other '' Laura nods, grinning. “Here, look'' she's pulling her phone out, showing you the photos. The night coming back to you, one photo at a time.
The music pounded through the speakers of the club. “I can’t believe that in two weeks I’ll be married!” Laura yells beside you, dancing with her own drink in hand. You smirk, sipping from your glass.
“In two weeks time we’ll be looking at Mrs.Machado!” you yell, the rest of the group cheering. “Oh! I love this song! C’mon!” You are pushed out onto the dance floor with your best friends. “Get Low” by lil John played through the speakers, singing loudly as you swayed your hips.
“Ohhhh (Y/N)! He is totally eye-fucking you!” looking over at Wanda, who sends a nod to the tall blonde at the bar. The same blonde who bought the drink you were currently nursing. He winks. Being the only single friend in the group made this a common occurrence.
You smirk, pointing to him as he smirks. Pointing to himself, you nod, motioning him over. Pushing your drink into the hands of poor Allison who was just trying to nurse her own hands.
You take his hand, pulling him away from the group of girls. “You know it’s rude to stare” you smirk, he shrugs, hands on your hips as he pulls you into his chest. Back to his chest, you didn't hesitate to grind your hips against his.
You feel his chest rumble, his chuckle against your ear. “Not that I see you complaining Sugar'' resting your hands on top of his, you continuing to grind against him.
“Neither is he!” you smirk, he couldn’t even be embarrassed as he knew you referring to his hard length that continued to poke your ass.
Laura stopped on the last photo of the two of you, it looked like it was straight from a prono. “Oh” you nod, looking at her with a blush.
“I’m gonna assume that” Allison points at your shirt with a smirk, “is not yours”. The blush now made its way up your cheeks to your ears. “No,” shaking your head, you bite your lip.
“Allison owes me $20” Laura smirks, sitting down on the bed beside your best friends. You gasp, “You placed bets?!” the girls laugh. “I knew you’d go home with him, he couldn’t keep his hands off you” the night was coming back to Jake as he continued to sober up.
“Anyways” Wanda grins, “Get cleaned up and we’ll see you downstairs for brunch in an hour” you nod, smiling. “Okay, I’ll see you guys then” they all send you a wink on their way out of the door, you sigh as the door closes behind them.
“You can come out now” Jake makes his way from the bathroom. “They’re fun,” he smirks. You send him a glare, running a hand through your hair. “Sorry” he smiles. “What are we gonna do?” looking up at him, he can’t help but look you over.
You were gorgeous. The whole reason the night ended the way it did. “Well I have to head back to California in about 4 hours,” he admits, hand on his hips.
“California?” you ask as he nods, looking at you. “We’re from California” he chuckles, a weird coincidence. “Here” he picks his phone up from the floor, holding it out to you.
“Sounds like you will be busy so” he smirks, looking at the deadpand look on your face. “Give me your number and when we both have the time, we can see a lawyer” nodding slowly, you take the phone from his hands. Putting your number in, holding it back out to him.
“I did have a good time, from what I remember” he admits, sending you a quick text so you could save his own phone number. “It was also your idea to get married” gasping, you snap your head up to look at him.
“It was not!” you defend as he shakes his head, pulling his pants on. “It was Sugar” he smirks, hand on his hips.
He stood in just his pants, shirtless in your hotel room. He had a small tattoo on his pec, you just now noticed. “It’s my niece's handwriting,” he admits. You can’t help the smile that makes its way on your lips.
It was the only tattoo Jake Seresin put on his tanned skin.
You are getting yourself dressed, feeling him stare at you. “Can I help you?” he chuckles, “can I have my shirt?” he asks. You blush, unbuttoning the shirt to hold back out to him. “Thanks” you nod, turning back to him as you finish pulling the clothes from the night before back on.
“I’ll give you a call in like, a week or so?” he asks as you nod. “Uh, give me like a month, my best friend get’s married here in a few weeks” he nods, smiling. “No problem, I have a wedding myself” you smile, your own mind drifting to see him in a black tux.
“Okay” he makes his way to the door, “Jake” he stops, looking over his shoulder to you.
“Have a safe flight” he smiles, sending you another wink. “You too”
A week later, you received a text from Jake. You never expected to hear from him until he was ready for a lawyer.
UNKOWN: Hey, You make it back okay?
You had to admit, you originally didn’t want to save his phone number, but you decided then, it was best to save it. You had nicknames for everyone, it was a love language for you, Jake getting his own.
You smirk as you save the nickname “Hungman”, for obvious reasons.
YOU: I made it okay, how about you?
He smiled, he didn’t truly expect a response. He also saved a nickname for you in his phone, “Sugar” because you were just so sweet.
“Does it fit?!” Laura is knocking on the door, pushing it open to see you in the Lavendar dress she chose for you. “Oh, (Y/N) you look stunning!” smiling at her in the mirror, turning to face her. “Are you sure?” she nods, helping you out of the room. “I love it” you smile, spinning on the small platform.
The week was leading to wedding preparations for the soon to be Mrs.Machado.
Including dress fittings to be sure the dresses from two months ago still were perfect. “Why are you so smiley?” Allison asks, smirking. You shrug, looking at yourself in the mirror. “I bet she was texting Mr.Texas” Wanda smirks.
The group had given Jake his own nickname. “Jake just texted to make sure we all made it back okay” she coos, “how sweet,he was concerned about you” you smile. Maybe he was, you werent sure.
You didn’t want to look into it too much. The way you didn’t want to just yet take the delicate gold band off your left ring finger. They had yet to notice it, you found no harm in keeping it on for the next week.
“The man, the myth , the legend!” Coyote shouts, standing from the chair at The Hard Deck. Jake smirks, holding his hands out in pride. “I’ve arrived” he chuckles, hugging his best friend. “Did you have a good trip home?” Fanboy asks beside him as he sits down. He thinks back, the gold band sitting against his chest. He didn’t want to destory it with work, opting to put it with his dog tags.
“Of course I did,” he smirks. “Back just in time for the wedding” Javy sits across from him, handing him the beer. “Did you get laid?” Payback lets curiosity get the best of him. “Of course he did” his best friend answers for him, Jake smirks. “Bradshaw!” Jake looks up at the mention of Bradley, smiling at him and then his girlfriend, Wanda. “Sorry guys, I had to go pick her up” he smiles at the redhead beside him. She waves, sitting down beside Javy.
“Hey guys” her smile is warm. Jake knew that her and Bradley were made for the other. “I’ll go get drinks baby, I’ll be back” he kisses her head, walking to the bar. “How was the trip?” Coyote asks, she smirks. “So good! I will be going back to Texas again” she smiles, “I missed Brad though so” Payback gags from his seat.
“Stop” Fanboy slaps him. The group all have significant others except Hangman. Javy had his fiance Laura, Bradley had Wanda and Mickey had Allison. Payback had a girlfriend but it was far from being serious.
Phoenix and Bob both had already been married before even coming back to Top Gun. The group had yet to meet their spouses. “Here baby” Rooster sits back down, looking at the group.
“Cap” he nods to Jake, a smirk on his face as he sips his beer. Captain Jake “Hangman” Seresin. He smirks behind his own beer. “Rooster” Wanda smiles at Hangman and the rest of the aviators.
She’s leaning over beside Javy, showing him pictures of his soon to be wife and her friends. He feels his phone buzz in his pocket. Pulling it out, he can’t help but smile.
Sugar: I found this on my phone, thought you may like it.
Attached was a photo of the two of you, a selfie of cake frosting smeared on both of your faces. He smiles, hearting the photo and saving it to his camera roll.
He didn’t want to admit his “wife” was becoming just that to him.
His wife.
“What’s got you smiling?” Mickey asks, he shrugs. “Is it the girl you slept with?!” Jake sighs, looking at his group of friends. “You slept with somebody?” Rooster asks, as he nods. “I can’t say I’m surprised” he mumbles, Jake sending him a look.
“I did,” he nods, looking at his friends. “And you kept in contact with her?” Javy smirks, looking at his best friend. Well of course I did, we’re married is what he wanted to say, instead he smiles.
“I did,” the group cheers.
“Maybe the hangman is finally getting himself a lady!” he can’t help the blush that makes its way to his ears. The bar began filing in with the rest of the group's spouses, Laura first. “Gentleman” she smiles, sitting down beside Javy. Laura was also a pilot, just now an instructor at Top Gun. Then filed in Allison who sat beside Mickey.
Payback leaving to go pick up his new girlfriend Lily. “I think this is my que to go” Jake sighs, pulling cash from his pocket as he tosses it onto the table. “Oh Hangman” Laura shakes her head, frowning.
“You don’t have to go,” he shakes his head, standing from his seat. “I have some much needed sleep to catch up on” he lies through his teeth. He hated being the odd man out of the group.
He waved goodbye, making his way out of the hard deck, his mind drifting back to you. Pulling the phone from his pocket, he sighs at the text from Javy.
Javy: Don’t let it beat you up man, you will find that someone soon, maybe at the wedding!
The continuous buzzing of your phone causes you to groan.
You knew the minute that group chat was created it was gonna be nothing more than a headache.
Ally: I think (Y/N) should go on a date with Hangman.
Wanz: I agree! The poor guy left because he was the only single one.
Lars: He’s a really down to earth man (Y/N)! Once you get past the cocky exterior.
Y/N: Can you guys not play matchmakers right now? I did really hit it off with Jake, remember?
Ally: He's in Texas ! You never know, your soulmate is right there, in Hangster.
Wanz: Bradley said he really is nice and you guys would be so cute together.
You give up then, muting the notifications and tossing the phone back on the counter beside you. They meant well, knowing you just wanted to get back out there after your break up.
You groan at the buzzing of your phone again, picking it up ready to block whoever's number for the night.
Stopping short at the message, the ellipses follow.
Hungman: Goodnight, Is it weird to text you goodnight?
Another message following
Hungman: Thought that's what married couples do so why not?
You smile. Jake felt his chest tighten, he was thanking whoever above that you had read receipts on.
Sugar: Goodnight Jake, We did drunkenly get married remember? My idea apparently.
A smile on his lips, he replies quickly.
Hungman: I mean, I didn’t have to agree to it. You clearly wanted to marry me though. I mean look at me.
The ellipses follow a few times, going in and out before one final message.
Sugar: I remember now you felt that way about me Mr. ;). Goodnight.
The week was over before you could blink. Wedding prep was extremely stressful, in ways that made you happy to just be a bridesmaid.
“(Y/N)!” you fix the skirt on your body as you walk to the table, smiling at the group. “Bradley Bradshaw '' you smirk, kissing his cheek and making it around the table. Hugging the group as you sit down beside Allison and Mickey.
You loved the group of Aviators. Bradley was originally your friend first, then the group followed. “What is that?” Mickey asks, pointing to your hand. You look to where he was pointing, your heart dropped.
In the weeks you had been home from Texas, you did the very most to hide the wedding band. “(Y/N)” Javy’s voice is stern, looking at you with curious eyes. “What?” you say, pulling your hand off the table quickly. He’s faster, reaching over the table to stop you.
“Oh my god!” Wanda sits up in her seat. “You married Mr.Texas didnt you?!” she points, looking between the group. Slouching back in the seat, you pull your hand away from Javy.
“Mr.Texas?” Mickey asks, chuckling. “She met a guy in Texas, they left. I just assumed they slept together but-” Allison smirks, looking at you. “That's where you snuck off to! You guys got married!” She's laughing. “This is not about me” you speak up, looking at Laura. She smiles, winking at you.
“This is about in less than a week, these two” you point to Laura and Javy “will be married!”.
The conversation now shifted to the wedding. You felt your blood pressure finally even out. You knew you should’ve taken the ring off.
In the last two weeks you shared lots of photos and texts with your husband, well Jake. He shared his own photos, asking you about your day. It was all things you were not used to.
Dating in a place so full of Naval Pilots was hard, it was not your type as it was your friends.
Having enough Navy friends, you were shunned off piolts. The group continued mumbling between themselves as you sipped your wine. Your phone then rang, furrowing your brows as you pulled it out.
Why was he calling you? Standing, Bradley notices first. He takes the hand closest to him as you pass. “Where you goin?” he asks, a gentle smile on his face.
“Uh, Jake is calling me, I just want to make sure he’s okay” his brain calculated what you said, before he put together Mr.Texas was Jake. “Okay” he smiles, giving your hand a squeeze.
“I’ll be back” you smile, walking outside quickly. “Hello?” he sighs, “thank god”. You frown, “Jake are you alright?” he smiles.
“Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice” he admits, you can’t help the smile that grows on your lips.
“You know I am having dinner with my friends tonight” he chuckles. “I know I got the photos you sent, I just- I don’t know I wanted to say hi” he smiles.
He didn’t want to admit that he was starting to feel things for you. “Jake” you chuckle, looking in the window at your friends, none the wiser.
“I just wanted to talk to my wife” your heart starts beating harder in your chest. “You wanted to talk to your wife huh?” he smirks, it sounded even better when it came from your lips. “Yeah, I just want to say” he clears his throat.
“Have a fun evening, please text me once you make it home” you chuckle. “That's very Husband-y of you” he smirks. “I am a husband, your husband” you blush.
“Okay Mr.Seresin, I will text you when I get home” he smirks, “I also sent you some money if you need, Mrs.Seresin” it felt odd, but in a good way as legally, you were Mrs.Seresin.
“Jake,” he scoffs. “Nope, as a husband I am taking care of my wife, now go have fun” he blows a kiss over the speaker, hanging up before you can protest. You sigh with a smile. Typing out a quick text.
Sugar: Thank you, Husband. I appreciate you <3.
He can’t help the grin on his lips, looking over the text. He wouldn’t hate the idea of actually being a husband. The lawyer was the last thing on his mind. Making your way back inside, smiling at the text.
Hungman: No problem, Wife. Have a fun evening, talk later <3.
Wedding day had finally arrived, looking around the room, you sigh. “Where the hell is Laura?” you ask, standing in the suite with Allison and Wanda.
“I have no idea” you sigh, shaking your head. You knew she was not getting cold feet. “I’ll be right back” shutting the door behind you, you walk down the hallway with the bottom of your dress in hand.
Turning the corner you stop. Javy and Laura, both standing on the patio together. You clear your throat, both looking like deer in the headlights.
“This is not tradition” you say, arms crossed and brow raised. “I’m sorry” Laura smiles, hand locking with her now soon to be husband.
“Get back in the room, you have to get ready” she nods, kissing Javy one last time before she’s pushing past you.
Following her down the hallway as she got steps ahead of you. “Can’t believe you pulled me away from my husband” she gruffs, jokingly of course as you smile behind her. “I’m sorry miss, “I want a traditional wedding’” you throw the air quotes out to her.
She shakes her head, pushing into the room accompanied by the rest of your friend group and parents.
“I’ll be right back” you send her a reassuring smile, walking away from the room. It was hitting you a lot harder today that you were again only a bridesmaid and never a bride.
You tried hard not to mess up the makeup the lovely artist did trying to avoid the tears rolling down your cheeks. In the process, you don't notice the person in front of you, running into a hard chest. Soft hands catching you from falling, “woah there”.
Your whole body tenses, you knew that voice.
You look up to meet the same green eyes you had been thinking about for weeks. “Jake?” his hands remain on your shoulders. “(Y/N)?” his voice going up an octave in surprise.
“What are you doing here?” you ask as he looks you over, the lavender dress looks beautiful on you, “why are you crying?”.
You sniffle, shaking your head, “no answer my question first” he chuckles at your stubbornness. "My best friend is getting married today to his fiance, Laura” you gasp.
“Oh my god” you move from his arms, chuckling. “You are Hangman!” you point as his smirk grows wider.
“Javy’s best friend from top gun, oh my god” he nods sucking his teeth as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his suit. “You are Laura’s best friend” you nod, looking at him.
“What the fuck” you whisper, more to yourself than him. “I did not put this together” he nods, walking closer to you.
“Wanda and Allison tried setting me up with you” the words flow faster than you can process you are saying them as he laughs, a full belly laugh.
“Did you tell them that I am already your husband?” he asks as he then notices the ring on your left hand as it's brushing your cheeks. “No, I didn’t because I had no idea you were the same person” you chuckle, shaking your head again.
“I’m happy to see you,” he admits, looking at you. Looking back at him, you finally take him in, the black suit against the lavender shirt he wore under, bowtie tied neatly.
He looked as good as he did the last time you saw him in person. He smiles under your gaze, “I’m happy to see you too” . It's soft but in the large corridor it wasn’t hard to miss.
“Hey (Y/N)-” Bradley stops short at the end of the hallway, looking between you and Hangman. “Hangman, what did you do?” he starts making his way down the hall to get closer to you. Moving to stand in front of Jake, you stop Bradley.
“Bradley” he stops, looking between the two of you.
“Hangman is Jake” Bradley nods, looking between the two of you, “yes his name is Jake, what does that have to do with what is going on?” you shake your head, chuckling.
“Mr.Texas?” you ask, Bradley stops for a few seconds before he is chuckling. Jake slips a hand to rest on your hip, looking between you and his now friend. “She was the girl you slept with in Texas?!” He points to you, looking at Hangman.
Jake nods, looking at him with a sheepish smile, “Yes”.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe out of all the people in Austin Texas you married Hangman!” he laughs with a shake of his head. “Can I just say something?” you ask, between both aviators.
“One, I had no idea he was in the Navy until about five minutes ago. Second, he was just Jake in Texas, a southern gentleman” you look at Jake over your shoulder, he smiles down at you.
“Did he get me in his bed and marry him? I mean yes but I am also a grown woman, I had no idea he was the Hangman that you all talk about” Bradley nods slowly.
“I’m still in shock,” you admit, looking between them. “You have to tell the girls,” Bradley smirks, looking at you. “I vouched for you and everything Hangman!” he laughs at his friend, who furrows his brows.
“The text said, and I quote “Bradley says he really is nice and you guys would be so cute together” so I mean he did” you say, nodding between the two of them. “Had I known you already went out and put a ring on it” Bradley mumbles with a grin.
“How did I not recognize the girls' voices when they were in the hotel room?” he asks as you shrug. “We were hungover and barely remembered how we ended up there,” he nodded with a laugh.
“Okay point taken” you smile, looking between your two friends. “Well anyways, Hangman we are being summoned by the groom” Bradley smiles, “I’ll see you two later” he smirks, laughing as he makes his way back down the hall.
You turn to face Jake with a smile. “Mr.Texas?” he asks, hands resting on your waist. You laugh, nodding, “The girls all nicknamed you Mr.Texas, I reminded them time and time again you were Jake”.
He smiles, looking at you. “Go” you whisper, resting your hand on his arm. “I will see you later okay?” he nods, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
“I’ll see you later, Mrs.Seresin” he winks, walking back down the hallway the same way Bradley did.
He doesn’t miss the blush on your cheek. With a deep breath, you make your way back to the bride's suite.
“There you are!” Laura is grinning, holding a hand out to you. “Sorry, I’m here” you make your way to her, taking her hand.
“I want to tell you something” she’s whispering, looking at you.
“What is it?” you ask, squeezing her hand. “I never thought I would be here, marrying such an amazing man” she’s holding back tears as she continues, “I never thought I’d have such amazing friends like I do you and the group, I want you to know first” she’s grinning.
You nod, reaching out to wipe a tear from her face, “I’m having a baby”.
You grin, tears making their way to your eyes. “And I want you to be their god mother, Javy has already decided to ask Hangman to be godfather” you grin, both at the mention of Hangman and of the baby. “I’m honored” you smile, pulling her into a tight hug.
The wedding kicked off smoothly. You stood beside your best friend, watching as she married the love of her life. Doing your best to avoid crying, failing as they shared vows. You look up from the bouquet in your hand, Jake winks at you from his spot beside Javy. You blush, looking back at the couple.
“I now pronounce you, Mr and Mrs Machado!” the priest cheers as everyone follows suit. Jake waited so he could walk the aisle with you.
Following his best friend as he held an arm out to you. You move beside him and you link your arm through his, following the train of Laura’s dress.
Bradley smirks from his spot at the altar watching the scene in front of him as he was the only one to know.
He’s then looking at his own girlfriend as if she held the world. Following them outside, standing beside the rest of your best friends as you are throwing flower petals at the couple with cheers.
“See you all at the reception!” Javy grins, helping his now wife into the car, following after her.
“Wanna ride with us?” Mickey asks from beside you, smiling. Jake’s hands make their way back to your waist, shaking his head. “I got her” you smile at the look on Mickey's face, looking between the two of you.
“I’ll ride with Jake” you take his hand off your waist, lacing your fingers together. “Okay” He trails off, following Allison as she paid none the wiser of what was happening behind her.
“I now welcome you, Mr. and Mrs. Javy Machado!” you grin, cheering beside your friends as Laura and Javy make their way into the reception.
Laura looked gorgeous in the dress she chose. Jake beside you as he grins at his best friend. He was happy for them, even more happy having you beside him. You look up at the feeling of a hand on your arm, smiling at Wanda. “We need to talk” you frown, looking at her.
“Are you okay?” you ask, now turning to your best friend. She nods, smiling. “Hi Hangman” he nods, sending her a smile.
“Wanda” he nods and makes his way from the two of you to join his group of friends. You watch as he congratulates his friends, not missing the smile he shared with Laura.
“It’s Hangman?!” she’s whisper-yelling. “Huh?” you look back at Wanda, Allison on her way to join you. “Mr. Texas was Jake Seresin?!” she whispers a grin on her face. You blush, looking at your friends.
“What?!” Allison asks from beside Wanda, looking at you. “Yes, Jake is Mr.Texas aka Hangman” you look at them with a blush. “I can not believe this” Allison is laughing, watching you. “I can’t believe we tried setting you up and he already put a ring on it!” you laugh.
“Don’t be mad, Bradley told me” Wanda says, hand on your arm. Shaking your head, you smile. “I planned on telling you, I just haven’t told Laura because well it’s her day” you say, cutting short at the mention of your friend.
“What haven’t you told me?” she asks, glass in her hand.
“(Y/N) married Hangman!” you gasp, looking at Wanda.
“What?!” Laura is looking between you and back over at Jake, who stood with her husband. “Mr.Texas?!” she asks as you nod. “It all makes sense now, I mean sure Jake is a common name but in Austin Texas” she grins. “How did we not recognize him?” Laura asks the group, they shrug, “We were drunk and it was dark” Wanda says, they all laugh.
Making it through the crowd, you approach the group of Aviators. “Gentleman” you smile, looking between them, looking at Javy. “Javy, Congratulations” you smile as he pulls you into a tight hug.
You had grown close to Javy as he was like your big brother. “Thank you (Y/N/N)” you smile, moving back to stand beside Jake who doesn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around you.
“Am I missing something?” Javy asks, looking between the two of you. “They’re married!” Bradley yells from behind him with a smirk.
“What?!” he looks at his best friend, who grins. “I am indeed Mr.Texas” Jake laughs at the nickname, looking at his friend. “And I am the mystery texas girl” you are also laughing.
"Oh my god!" Javy is laughing, hand on his stomach as he looks between the two of you. "And all this time Laura has been trying to set the two of you up!" he points out as his wife joins his side with a grin. "I mean I did if you think about it" the two Machado's grin.
“Are you gonna stay married?” the question was loaded, in the weeks since you returned to San Diego neither you or jake thought about divorce.
“I don’t know” you say, looking up at the man beside you. “We'll see” you wink, moving from his grip and making your way back over to your friends. “I can not believe you two are married and I-” Javy furrows his brows.
“I never saw your ring! None of us did” Jake grins, holding his left hand up, “I wore it on my tags, didn’t want to ruin it, but I whipped it out for today” he shrugs as he sips the beer in his hand.
The reception continued on with drinks, laughs and speeches. The group all found out slowly you were indeed married to the captain of the squad.
Standing on the balcony of the venue, you close your eyes and take in the breeze.
“You know the party is not out here” you smile, the southern drawl making itself known now that he was a few drinks in. “I know” standing from the railing, you turn to face him.
He smiles, his suit jacket now discarded, now just the lavender button up. “I needed a few minutes,” you admit, looking at him.
He nods, moving to stand beside you. “Can I ask you something?” he asks, looking over at you.
Nodding, he continues. “Do you want to get divorced?” biting your lip, you shrug. “I don’t know,” you admit.
“I don’t” he admits sipping from the beer in his hands.
“What?” you look over at him, looking over his face. “I think I'd like to see where we can go,” he admits. You blush, looking away from him, “Oh” your voice is soft.
“I don’t know, something feels right, it has for the last few weeks” he’s spilling now, he realizes.
“In the nights that we talked, the texting, the photos” he shrugs, looking down at you. “I can’t help but think maybe we could make this marriage work,” he smiles. You bite your lip, nodding slowly.
You had the same feelings, but in the group of your friends you knew the reputation Hangman held.
“Are you ready to be tied down to someone, let alone me?” you ask, he chuckles.
“I haven’t looked another woman's way since you” he admits, looking at you.
“Really?” you ask as he nods. “I realize now what you’ve heard about me, how I sleep around and all but” he shrugs, moving closer to you.
“I am a simple man. I want a wife and a life with someone I love” you look up at him as he continues. “Now, did our marriage start traditionally? Of course not. I want to build it” he smiles, hand reaching out to cup your cheeks. “I want to take you on dates and woo you, be the husband you deserve” leaning into his hand, you kiss his palm.
“I won't lie I didn’t expect you to lay it on so thick” you grin. He chuckles, looking at you.
“What do you say Sugar?” he asks, his voice now deeper and accent thicker.
You nod, leaning up to connect your lips to his. Taking him by surprise as he doesn't kiss back at first but within seconds, kissing you again.
He’s pulling you against his body, hand on the back of your head to pull you and your lips closer. As you kissed him, you realized two things.
Laura was so smart for picking Austin for her bachelorette party. And when you left Texas, you left half your heart there.
The smooth talking green eyed pilot taking a piece of your heart and holding it with him. Traveling back to California with him, and holding it close as he himself was close.
“Can I take you out officially?” he asks softly, "soberly, of course" he nudges your nose. “I think that can be arranged,” he smirks, kissing you again.
God did you love Texas.
Authors Note part II: I must admit I don't think this is my best work but I think the story is good and kind of hallmark-y? But lawd! did anyone see this fic going where it did? let me know your thoughts! of course, likes, reblogs and comments are always welcomed!
and of course, if you liked this fic you can find more of my work in the library here
⇾ The Library
#glen powell#jake seresin#top gun maverick#jake seresin x reader#jake hangman seresin x reader#jake seresin fanfiction#jake seresin fic#jake seresin imagine#hangman fluff#hangman x reader#hangman fic
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Come A Long, Long Way

SYNOPSIS: His days are long and his nights are longer. He comes to you during those hours when the rest of the world stills, lured in by something almost like fate.
PAIRING: Old Man Logan x fem!reader
WC: 12.2k
WARNINGS: smut 18+, mdni; angst; swearing; non-explicit mentions of wounds, scars and healing; gratuitous sexual tension; mentions of alcohol/alcohol consumption; dirty talk; frottage; nipple play; surprise appearance by Charles; oral (f receiving); fingering; unprotected p in v; sex with feelings; cowgirl; mating press; creampie; brief mentions of Laura; happy ending because I said so
A/N: The idea for this story came to me through a song--My Fair Lady by Kaleo. I was struck by this verse: I'm weary from my travels // I've come a long, long way // I haven't felt a woman // Since last that I was here // Oh, won't you bring me whisky // And run your fingers through my hair? // Oh, won't you whisper sweet words // Oh, so softly in my ear? I thought, "Wow, that's so Old Man Logan" and this is what I birthed from that. This may be one of my favorite things I've ever written, and I sincerely hope you think so too. Huge, huge thank you to @yxtkiwiyxt for betaing this for me and making the final draft what it is; you helped end this in such a beautiful way. Thank you to @saradika for the use of her graphics. And as always, I hope you enjoy this and any likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
He shouldn’t care about the car pulled over on the side of the road, hazard lights blinking as the rain pours down.
For three days, Logan’s entertained a rowdy bachelorette party, chauffeuring them from bar to bar, dinner to dinner. The scent of cheap perfume and desperation still linger inside the limo, the drunken, whispered advances still burn against his skin.
He’s tired. Exhausted down to his very marrow and he wants nothing more than to crawl onto his sagging mattress and steal whatever amount of sleep his shattered mind will give him.
So, no. He shouldn’t care about the car.
But he finds himself easing off the gas, the limo starting to slow as he nears. He feels drawn, like a month to a flame, as if some unseen force has wound itself around his sternum and is pulling him forward.
Pulling him to you.
As the limo approaches, he spots you crouched down by the front left tire, struggling with a lug wrench, the tool slipping in your rain-soaked fingers. He can almost hear the curses spilling from your lips as you glance up and look towards where he’s sitting.
Logan knows you can’t see him, not well anyway with the headlights shining directly upon you and the rain pouring down in sheets, but he swears you find his gaze, your eyes seeming to pierce down directly to his soul. He feels the flutter of something deep in his chest and he feels exposed, like a raw wound that hasn’t quite healed.
For a moment, he hesitates, and wonders if you’re a siren, out here in your element to lure him to his death. Then your gaze drops and the thought dissolves but only just. Before he can talk himself out of it, Logan’s throwing the car in park and opening the door.
The rain is frigid, the cold biting at his skin as the downpour soaks him down to the bone. You glance up at him as he approaches, your fingers loosening around the wench but still keeping it firmly in your grasp. Straightening up, you push wet strands of hair out of your face, your fingers trembling from the cold.
“Need a lift?”
He doesn’t know why he asks. What he should do is swap out the old tire for the spare and let you go on your way. But those eyes of yours are piercing him again, the hook you’ve sunk deep in his sinew pulling taut once more and Logan feels compelled to take you home.
For a few moments, you continue to silently assess him, your gaze flitting between your car, the limo behind him and back to his now soaked frame. Then, you stand and open the driver’s side door, tossing in the wrench and pulling your purse close to your chest. You follow him to the limo and climb into the backseat as Logan slips back in behind the wheel.
He glances back at you through the rearview mirror, watching as you lean back into the seat, your wet clothes clinging to every curve of your body. Which is another thing he shouldn’t care about and yet…
Clearing his throat, he turns up the heat. “Where you headed?”
“North. About twenty miles or so.”
Logan nods and shifts the car into drive, heading back down the road as the rain continues to come down. Several minutes pass in silence, save for the rhythmic thump of the windshield wipers. Finally, your voice breaks through the silence, soft and lilting.
“Got a name?”
“Who’s asking?”
A half smile tugs at your lips as you slide from the seat and slip into the row directly behind the partition. Logan can feel the damp of your skin as you lean into his space, the scent of rain flooding his nostrils almost intoxicating. You say your name and wait for him to respond in kind.
“Logan,” he answers, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
“Life hasn’t been kind to you, has it, Logan?” you ask, his name dripping from your lips like honey and just as sweet.
Logan stiffens, his grip tightening on the wheel as your words cut through the night. There’s no pity in your tone, which he’s silently grateful for, but an unsettling mixture of curiosity and understanding.
At the best of times, he doesn’t like anyone trying to scratch below the surface, to worm themselves into all the soft and vulnerable bits he tries so desperately to hide away. Now that he’s older and feeling every bit of his age, the weight of his bones threatening to drag him down with each step, he likes it even less.
“It’s not kind to anyone,” he answers, turning his head just enough to glance sideways at you.
You tilt your head slightly, a wordless noise humming in your throat. “Maybe,” you concede, voice soft, like you’re mulling over his words. “Except your life has carved itself into you a little more than most.”
He wants to be annoyed, to slam his foot on the brake and send the limo careening into reverse back towards your broken down car. But something stirs in him, thrumming in time with the pulse beating in his veins—a spark of irritation mixed with that pull that’s been gnawing at him since he first saw you.
“You a therapist or somethin’?”
You chuckle softly, the sound low and intimate, as you lean back into the seat, finally putting some space between you. “No. Just intuitive.”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you through the rearview mirror with a scowl. “Intuit less. Just tell me where I’m goin’.”
A soft, chiding “tsk” falls from your lips and you shake your head, but Logan doesn’t miss the smile playing on your lips. You give him directions to your house and for moment you both sit in silence but the air remains heavy with unspoken tension.
Logan pulls off the highway, beginning to wind through the smaller streets of the town as he gets closer to your place. The thought of this ride ending, of you leaving this car, both thrill and disappoint him.
“You believe in fate?”
The question cuts through the silence, pulling Logan’s focus back to you. He glances at you briefly, your expression thoughtful as you wait for him to answer.
“No,” he finally says, voice flat.
A soft hum escapes your throat. “Unsurprising. But don’t you think, Logan,” you begin, leaning back into his space, “that maybe fate is what brought us together?���
You have that knowing look in your eye again, a sly smile tugging at your lips. As if you’re in on some cosmic secret he’s not privy to. It unnerves him.
But it intrigues him, too.
“I think a broken down car brought us together.”
“Or maybe life decided to be kind to you,” you challenge. “To bring me to you.”
Logan turns into a quiet subdivision as your words rattle around in his brain. The rain has mostly subsided, but is still falling in a gentle drizzle as he pulls up in front of your house, a single porch light illuminated in welcome. It looks small, yet homey, the kind of place he could have seen himself in once if life had been kinder to him.
“You should come in,” you say as you gather your belongings. “Get out of those wet clothes.”
Your eyes meet his again through the review mirror, a mischievous glint in your gaze and an even more sinful smile on your lips.
It’s been a while since he’s been with anyone. The thrill of finding a partner for the night having lost its luster around the time his bones started to ache. More often than not, his sexual escapades involve his own calloused hands and memories from when he was a younger man.
“Think about it,” you offer as you open the door and slip out of the limo. “Door’ll be open.”
Logan sits, hands gripping the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not to follow you into the house.
Your offer is tantalizing, ripe for the picking, and the baser part of himself wants to accept—follow you into sin. You’ve already injected yourself into his veins, he might as well see the high through.
The rational part of his brain knows he should leave, throw the limo in reverse and tail it back to the life he’s carved out for himself in the desert. Experience has hardened him, left him unable to, or maybe unwilling to, open himself to others. He doesn’t need whatever it is you think you can offer him, no matter how alluring and sweet your words may be.
The weight of his wet clothes against his skin begins to feel almost suffocating and with a low curse under his breath, Logan steps from the limo and follows the path you took up the porch and into the house.
A trail of water leads from the front door to a small laundry room just off the foyer and then damp footprints lead deeper into the house. He can hear the low rumble of a dryer as he steps further into the space, the squeak of his shoes against the hardwood doing nothing to hide his approach.
Logan finds you in the kitchen, lights dimmed low, standing in only a pair of mismatched underwear, the damp fabric barely concealing what’s underneath as you gently swirl a glass of whiskey. A second, untouched glass sits next to your hip on the counter.
“You seem like a whiskey man,” you say, your smile curving around the glass as you take a slow sip. “Did I get it right?”
Stopping in the doorway, he flexes his hands at his sides, and wills himself to move—forward, backward, he’s not quite sure. The muted light catches along your curves, the damp sheen of your skin enticing, the dark outline of your nipples and curls between your thighs acting like a beacon. Logan can feel himself hardening against his slacks.
He can smell you—bright and earthy and wholly intoxicating. Your heartbeat echoes in his ears, quick, but steady, betraying no fear.
“If you wanted to hurt me, you would have done it by now,” you say and he has half a thought to wonder if you can read his mind.
A sly smile spreads across your face as his eyes finally meet yours, a knowing edge to your expression that further sets him off balance.
“What’s happenin’ here?” Logan finally rasps, his voice low and rough.
You give a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders as you grab the glass next to you and take a step towards him, your movements slow yet deliberate. He doesn’t move, rooted to the spot as you approach him.
“That’s up to you,” you reply, handing him the glass. “You can get out of those wet clothes and enjoy this whiskey with me, or,” you pause to step closer, “you can walk back out that door and pretend like you weren’t curious about what’s waiting for you here.”
Logan’s fingers grip the glass in his hands just a little too tight as you stare up at him, holding his gaze a beat longer than necessary. You’re challenging him, daring him to act, and he knows the minute he breaks, he’s done for. He won’t be able to stop.
You risk another step closer, leaving barely a breadth of space between you. He can feel the heat radiating off your body, can smell the rain on your skin, as your closeness overwhelms his senses. He wants to drown in you.
“What’s it gonna be?” you ask in a whisper, your fingers trailing along the edge of his belt buckle.
Your touch and proximity ignites something primal in him, something he thought long extinguished. Logan can feel pure want, need, surge through his veins and lick flames along his skin. His free hand moves on instinct, wrapping around your wrist, halting your teasing fingers before they venture any further. His restraint is hanging by a thread, fraying and threatening to snap.
“You sure this is what you want?” His voice is low, all gravel and grit as he stares down at you, his eyes darkened by a hunger begging to be fed.
Your lips curve into a slow, knowing smile as you press yourself fully against him, soft and warm. Rising up onto the balls of your feet, you drop your gaze to his lips before flicking your eyes back up to his and ghosting your mouth along his jawline. “Stay with me,” you whisper, sliding your hand up his chest. “Just this once.”
Logan’s restraint snaps. The glass tumbles from his hand, shattering against the floor, but neither of you seem to notice. His hand moves to the small of your back, wanting to press you impossibly closer as his lips crash into yours, hot and demanding.
You respond in kind, a whimper dying in your throat as your fingers tangle in his damp hair, urging him closer. A growl tumbles from his lips as he trails his mouth down your neck, nipping and tasting as he goes, his tongue finding your pulse point and sucking. His hands roam freely, his calloused fingers sliding over your smooth flesh, palming your hips and gripping you as if you’re the only thing grounding him to earth.
He feels alive. Every cell in his body hums beneath your touch, the constant aches and pains temporarily erased. You’re a balm to his very soul, smoothing the ever deepening cracks and making him feel whole.
You gasp as he nips at a spot just below your ear and he smirks against your skin, the sound spurring him on. “Tell me where your room is, or I’m fuckin’ you right here on the table,” he husks, his voice thick with desire, breath fanning over the shell of your ear.
Pulling back just enough to meet his gaze, your lips swollen and eyes dark, you reach for his hand and wordlessly lead him past the living room and down the small hallway to your room. Once inside, he pulls you back towards him, mouth slanting back over yours, stealing the very air from your lungs.
His cock is almost painfully hard as he walks you towards the bed, only pulling his mouth away from yours as your knees hit the edge of the mattress. Instead of sitting back on the bed, you reach for the buttons on his shirt, easing them open before sliding the fabric from his shoulders. There’s an eagerness to your movements, your fingers fumbling with his belt buckle as he sheds his undershirt and tosses it somewhere behind him.
Logan watches with a hooded gaze, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, as you shove his pants down his legs, barely getting them past his knees before you’re reaching for the waistband of his boxers.
His fingers curl around your wrist, halting your movements and you gaze up at him, licking your lips. “Slow down, sweetheart,” he murmurs, a smirk tugging at his lips. “We have all night.”
A shiver runs through you and then his mouth is on you again, hungry and all-consuming. He drinks you in like a man parched, lips and teeth mapping the curve of your jaw, the solid edge of your collarbone as your pretty little moans and gasps fill the air. You tilt your head back and offer yourself to him, your hands grasping at his shoulders, fingers digging into the muscle to keep him close.
His hands are rough against your skin as he slides them up your sides, tracing the soft, damp skin below the band of your bra. Unfastening the clasps, he trails the fabric down your arms, his eyes darkening as he finally takes in your bare breasts.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his voice dripping with raw want.
Any final restraint he has evaporates and he kicks the last of his clothes off before tightening his hands around your waist and setting you down on the bed. Logan steals the gasp from your mouth as his body covers yours, easing himself between your thighs and thrusting once against your clothed cunt.
He cups your jaw, thumb stroking over your bottom lip, pulling it down just enough to wet the skin. “Last chance,” he husks, his breath fanning across your lips. “Last chance to stop before I ruin you.”
Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging just hard enough to elicit a growl, his teeth bared. A sinful smile spreads across your face. “Oh, Logan,” you coo, “who says I’m not going to ruin you?”
Logan lets out a deep, guttural sound, something between a growl and a groan before he slots his mouth back over yours and follows you into temptation.
“Figured you’d try and sneak out.”
Logan whirls around at the sound of your voice, claws slowly unsheathing from between his knuckles. Blood wells up from the wounds, dripping between his fingers as he finds you dressed in an oversized shirt, the hem just concealing the edge of your panties. Your expression belies no fear as you take in the metal jutting out between his skin, your eyes alight with an acceptance he’s not use to.
Fear, disgust, repulsion, but rarely acceptance.
Slowly, he retracts his claws as you move further into the kitchen, stopping at the sink to grab and moisten a washcloth before coming to stand in front of him. Logan instinctively pulls away from your touch, but you’re undeterred, taking his hands in yours and wiping the blood away from his skin. Your movements are gentle, taking care to avoid the still healing slits.
Washed of blood, you finally glance up at him. “You can stay, you know.”
“I’m not the stayin’ kind, sweetheart,” he mutters.
One of those slow, knowing smiles tugs at your lips as you release his hands and Logan actually mourns the loss. “We’ll see,” you say with a shrug, stepping back just enough to put space between you. “I don’t think fate is done with us yet.”
Your words hang in the air like smoke, curling around him and pressing into his skin. He wants to argue, the words burning on his tongue, but he doesn’t. Because despite his earlier claims that he didn’t believe in fate, he can’t deny the unnatural pull you have on him. A pull Logan doesn’t necessarily dislike.
At his silence, you lean up and press the faintest of kisses to the corner of his jaw. “I’ll leave the light on for you,” you whisper into his skin.
It’s then he knows—he won’t be able to stay away.
Logan shows up at your door again two weeks later.
He’s been driving around some bigwig CEO, chauffeuring him from conference to conference during the day and dropping him off at random hotels during the night. When he gives Logan the address to tonight’s hotel, Logan knows instantly he’s in trouble. Just his luck the hotel is in your town.
Pulling off the freeway, he feels that familiar tug behind his ribs. His hands itch with the want, the need, to turn the wheel towards you instead of the address on his GPS. Since that night, you’ve haunted him, your face showing up in his dreams, waking with the sensation of your softness burning into his skin.
Logan knows he could stay at the hotel or sleep in the back of the limo like he’s done so many times before. But as he slowly inhales at his cigar and waits for Mr. CEO to stop fingering his mistress in the back seat and get the fuck out, the need to be near you only grows stronger.
And damned if he knows why.
He doesn’t need a relationship, or whatever the hell this is. Enough of him has been spread to others, for better or worse, and he’s already worn thin. The last remnants of any family he has are hanging off a very precarious ledge and he can’t bear the heartache of more loss if he opens himself to you.
But as much as Logan keeps telling himself he’s closed off, fortified against anything new, he can feel himself bleeding through the cracks.
By the time he finally turns down your street, it’s well past a respectable visiting hour. Most houses are dark for the night, but not yours. The front porch light illuminates just like it did two weeks ago and the dim lights of the kitchen shine through the pulled blinds. You’re up and a frisson of anticipation shoots through him.
He parks the limo and stamps out the cigar before walking up your driveway. As he approaches the door, he hesitates. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. While your final words to him were open ended, did that give him the right to just show up in the middle of the night?
You open the door as he contemplates and when his gaze finally focuses on you, he relaxes. A well worn robe is tied around your waist, your hair tied up in a messy bun, your face cleaned of makeup and yet you’re more alluring to him than you were that night in the rain.
“I don’t know why I’m here,” he confesses, stepping just a bit closer towards you.
A slow, soft smile spreads across your face. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out eventually,” you reply. You open the door to allow him entrance and he steps in after you.
Logan follows you into the kitchen, where you already have a glass of whiskey ready for him. Handing him the glass, you nod your head towards the living room. “Come. Relax for a bit.”
He follows you into he living room, the single lamp casting a soft glow within the space. You settle onto the sectional, tucking your legs beneath you and turning yourself towards him as he joins you. For a moment, neither of you speak, but the silence isn’t awkward—it’s comfortable, like it always is around you.
“You look tired,” you say, finally breaking the quiet. Your voice is soft, a sense of familiarity laced in with your words, as if you understand the magnitude of his fatigue.
Logan huffs as he swirls the whiskey in his glass, watching the amber liquid catch the light. “Honey, I’m always tired,” he replies. “Comes with the territory.”
You give a small hum, your head tilting to the side as you assess him. “You’re in pain, too.”
Logan freezes at your words, his eyes flicking up to your face. His gaze locks with yours, sharp and guarded, like you’ve peeled back a layer he wasn’t ready to expose. And yet, you’ve been doing this since the beginning. Finding the cracks in his facade and wedging yourself in until the gap widens, uncovering the raw nerves underneath.
“What makes you say that?” he asks, his tone challenging.
You gaze remains steady and calm, holding a softness that unnerves him more than the question itself. “Because it’s written all over you,” you say simply. “I see it in your scars, in the way your hands are always clenched, as if steeling yourself against a blow that’ll never come.”
Logan exhales a low, humorless laugh before taking a long sip of whiskey, relishing the burn as it slides down his throat. “Don’t even notice it anymore,” he lies, shifting in his seat.
Your mouth tugs into a gentle frown as you shift, crawling closer to where he sits. You pluck the glass from his fingers, swallowing down the rest of the whiskey before setting it on the coffee table. Logan watches as you swing your legs over his lap, your robe riding up to reveal the smooth expanse of your thighs.
The weight of you against his lap sends a rush of arousal down his spine and he can feel his cock stir in his slacks. If you notice, you ignore it, instead reaching for a small bottle of lotion on the end table and squeezing a dollop into your palm. You rub your hands together twice before reaching for his right hand.
Your thumbs dig into the meat of his palm, a low groan slipping from his throat before he can stop himself. You bite your lip, but Logan can see the sly smile beneath.
“You help take care of everyone else,” you begin, rubbing the lotion further into his calloused palms. “Who helps care for you?”
Logan feels flayed open, that pull that spins him into your orbit only growing stronger as you see down to his very soul. Caliban swore you weren’t a mutant but Logan still couldn’t shake the idea that you were something more.
“What are you?” he asks, his eyes tracing the lines of your face, watching you concentrate on his hand.
You slide your fingers along the pink, puffy lines between his knuckles, a slow hiss escaping between his teeth as you massage the tender flesh. He wonders if you know how sensitive his skin is now, how each time his claws come out it hurts just a little bit more than the last time.
“I’m human,” you reply, positioning his hand to focus on the back, tracing the fine scars there. “Same as you.”
“I ain’t human.”
Your eyes flick to his as you drop his right hand and reach for his left. “You’re human where it counts,” you say, beginning to massage his hand.
Logan scoffs. “Yeah? And where’s that?”
You release his hand and place your palm in the center of his chest, your fingers splayed over his heart. “In here.”
He swallows hard, his gaze dropping to where your fingers are resting against him. You touch him like you’re unafraid, undeterred by the metal in his bones and the sometimes primal rage that courses through his blood. His killed—for the sake of war, self preservation, and for reasons not so innocent—but you can somehow still see past that, to some soft part of him that still lingers.
Logan itches to touch you, to pull you closer and—
“You can touch me,” you say, as if pulling the thought from his head. “I like when you touch me.”
Logan slides his palms up your thighs and around your hips, pulling you flush against his lap, your clothed center pressing against the fly of his slacks. He doesn’t miss the gasp that falls from your lips or the shift of your hips as you try and press closer.
That thrum of aliveness begins to churn in his veins as he slowly unties the sash of your robe, allowing the fabric to fall to the side. You’re bare underneath and Logan can’t help but lean forward and press a kiss to the center of your chest.
“You dress like this jus’ for me?” he asks, dragging his lips towards your breast and pulling a nipple into his mouth, working into a taut peak beneath his tongue.
Your fingers wind themselves into his hair, holding him close. “Yes,” you breathe, a whimper falling from your lips as he moves to your other breast. “Only for you.”
A surge of possessiveness rushes through his veins and Logan can feel the prickle between his knuckles, his claws threatening to unsheathe at the thought of you with another man. Instead, he doubles his focus onto you, his beard scraping against your skin as he licks a hot stripe across your nipple. “Damn right, only for me,” he growls.
You shift your hips in response, seeking more friction against the hard length of his cock pressing against you. Logan groans, his fingers digging deeper into the flesh of your hips, urging you to move against him. The soft, wet heat of your cunt through the thin fabric of your panties and his slacks sets his control on a razors edge.
Logan leans back slightly to lock eyes with you, your pupils blown wide with want, your skin flushed with desire. You find his gaze, hazy with pleasure, but focused and then you smile at him, bottom lip pinned between your teeth.
“And you, Logan,” you whisper, your hands sliding down the column of his neck, “you’re only for me.”
That hook you’ve lodged in him sinks deeper and he’s too far gone to care. The mystery behind your presence in his life is one he’s willing to spend the rest of his days unraveling so long as you stay right here, continuing to bewitch him with the beauty of your soul.
Your allure was more potent than any pheromone, more intoxicating than any aphrodisiac. In his waking moments, Logan found his thoughts drifting to you more often than not and the frequency between his visits grew shorter and shorter until he found himself lured into your embrace almost every night.
He was good at lying to himself, writing off these visits as nothing more than comfort—the need to find warmth in a world that so seldom offered him that luxury. But that lie grew bitter, warped in the liminal space between midnight and dawn where you stripped him down to his very bones, saw through the gruff and grit he wrapped himself in. Saw him as something more than the sum of his sins.
Logan couldn’t hide from you and he didn’t know if he wanted to. Those carefully crafted walls that surrounded him cracked and crumbled, turning to dust at his feet. In that mysterious way of yours, you always knew what he needed—a warm meal; your tender, healing touch as you helped him stitch the worst of his wounds; the soft, pliant feel of your skin on his as you kissed him deep, the kind of kiss that burned like wildfire and whiskey.
God help him as your gravity pulled him in closer, your orbits circling tighter and tighter, destined for an inevitable crash.
“What am I to you?”
Those five words root him where he stands, flaying him down to his very marrow. Logan should have expected this question, should have known that eventually you’d ask.
He wants to tell you the truth, speak those words that burn against his tongue, begging to be said.
He wants to tell you of his need to find you when the days are long and the nights are longer. When the weariness he feels in his bones aches more than usual and seems to bleed into his very soul.
When he needs to feel something more than the hollowness that seems to grow inside his chest. The slow carving away of his humanity that’s been scraping closer and closer to emptiness for years.
When he needs to be wrapped in warmth and set afire by something almost like love. Like home.
But he says none of this as he gazes over at you sitting at the kitchen table, one knee pulled up to your chest. You look small sitting there, vulnerable in a way he hasn’t seen before.
And instead, he remains silent, praying you’ll let the conversation slide. But he knows better.
You glance up at him, your gaze piercing straight through the heart of him and then you devastate him with three simple words.
“I love you.”
The air punches from his lungs and for a moment it feels like he’s forgotten how to breathe. Your words tear through him, cutting deeper than any knife, and his hands curl into fists as you slice him open.
“Don’t,” Logan rasps, his voice rough, barely more than whisper. He avoids your eyes, knowing that if he looks and sees the sincerity in your gaze, it’ll be his undoing. “Don’t say that.”
“Why not?” Your voice cracks with emotion as you push away from the table, your arms wrapping around yourself. “What about those words can’t you hear?”
His jaw clenches and for every step you take closer him, he takes a half step back, as if he’s trying to distance himself from the truth beginning to swirl between you. You can’t love him. Loving someone has brought him nothing but misery and pain, loss and suffering and he’ll be damned if he drags you down that road.
So, instead he lies, the words bitter in his mouth.
“This ain’t love, sweatheart,” he says, gesturing between the two of you, “This is fuckin’.”
You inhale sharply between your teeth and your expression twists into disbelief, the beginning of tears welling in your eyes. “Fucking?” you bite back, your voice trembling but still firm. “You think after all these months that this is just fucking?”
Logan doesn’t answer. And he doesn’t move. He simply stands there, jaw clenched so tightly he could shatter bones. He can’t say yes. If he does that, if he voices that lie into existence, he’ll have to spend the rest of his days remembering the look in your eyes right now—destroyed.
Your breath starts to shudder as you continue to step closer towards him. And he can feel you, warm and comforting, even though you shake with barely contained anger. “Look me in the eye and tell me that’s all this is,” you demand, your voice thick with emotion. “Tell me that when you come to me in the middle of the night, broken down, bloody and bruised, it’s just fucking. Tell me that when I touch you, hold you, love you, that it means nothing.”
He remain silent.
You let out a sharp, bitter laugh. “God, for someone with heightened senses, you’re blind to what’s right in front of you.” Your trembling voice matches the shake to your hands, your fury pouring off you in waves. “You really are a coward, aren’t you?”
Logan nostrils flare at the insult and he can feel the prickle of his claws between his knuckles. He knows his rage isn’t with you, but himself. And yet he can still feel his lips curl into a snarl. “You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” he growls.
“Oh, fuck you, Logan,” you seethe, your voice now raw, pain bleeding through every syllable. “You can’t even look me in the eye when you lie.”
His jaw clenches impossibly harder and he swears he can taste bone. Then, he finally meets your gaze head on, eyes flashing. “You think this ends well between us? You think I get to have somethin’ like this? Like you?” Logan’s voice cracks in a way that he loathes. “I can’t—”
The crack of your palm against his face is deafening. He barely moves from the impact, but emotionally you’ve landed him on his ass. Your eyes are wide as you stare up at him, unblinking.
Logan stands there, immobile, as he processes the sting of your slap. It doesn’t hurt, not physically. It’s the fact that you did it, the fact that you’re standing in front of him, chest heaving from the effort of your breathing as if you just ripped yourself open for him.
“Get out of my house,” you seethe, your voice softer than before, deflated.
Your words shouldn’t sting as much as they do. They shouldn’t wreck him and make him feel like he’s been ripped apart limb from limb. He should relish them, the push, the shove. He should revel in the confirmation that you’re finally seeing him for what he truly is—something undeserving of all the warmth and love you’ve given him. A stray animal that never should have been fed.
Logan swallows, his throat tight as he gives you a small nod. And then he does the only thing he knows how to do.
He turns. And he walks.
His legs feel like lead, each step a feat and his brain is screaming at him to turn around. To fight. To beg. To plead. To say something, anything.
But he doesn’t.
Logan exits the house, the front door slamming shut behind him. As he steps off the front step, the porch light above him clicks off, plunging the house into darkness. Your guiding light is gone, lost in the storm of his destruction.
Of all the wounds he’s ever taken, of all the scars that mar his skin, nothing has ever bled quite like this.
Charles watches with sharp eyes as Logan enters the old water tank and shuts the door behind him. The older man is in his wheelchair, tending to his plants as Logan walks around the place, picking up random bits of trash and the tray from breakfast.
A soft “tsk” falls from Charles’ lips and echos in the small space. “Will you ever learn, Logan?” Charles’ voice seems tired, weary.
Logan pauses and looks over at him, irritation already prickling along his skin. “Stay outta my head,” he snaps, slamming the tray down on a nearby table.
He doesn’t need this, doesn’t want Charles sifting through his mind, seeing those pieces of you he so deeply cherishes. Pieces he doesn’t deserve. Pieces he doesn’t know if he’ll ever have within his grasp again.
“She loves you,” Charles continues, seeming to ignore his request.
Logan strides over to where Charles is sitting, unable to keep the ire from boiling over. He wants to sweep all the plants to the floor, destroy the one creative outlet Charles has, retaliate for the way he presses into the fresh bruises on his mind. “I’m begging you, just—”
Charles lifts the spray bottle beside him and directs the spray in Logan’s face, showering him in a fine mist of water. Logan freezes, water dripping from his face as his lips tighten in a thin line. He grits his teeth, an ache already blooming in his jaw.
“What the fuck was that for?” he growls.
“Are you a cat?” Charles asks, lowering the bottle. “No? Then stop being such a pussy.”
Logan stares at Charles, the vulgarity of the of man’s words leaving him temporarily speechless. He scrubs a hand down his face, wiping the rest of the water off with the sleeve of his shirt, scowl deepening.
“You’re pushin’ it,” Logan warns.
Charles simply smirks, finally setting the bottle down on the table. “Someone should. God knows you won’t push yourself. Not when it comes to matters of the heart.”
Logan sucks in a sharp breath and steps back from Charles, sitting down on the bed across from him. The old metal springs groan beneath his weight. He wants a bottle of whiskey, to quiet the thoughts in his head, at least temporarily, and fall into a drunken stupor. Anything but flaying open his feelings, especially his feelings about you.
“What are you so afraid of?” Charles asks gently. “That she’ll see all your broken pieces?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Charles raises his eyebrow. “No? Logan, she’s already seen them. She knows what you are and she’s still here.”
“That’s not the point!” Logan roars, his voice echoing off the metal walls. His breathing comes out in short gasps and he knows he needs to rein himself in. Not only for himself but for Charles. It doesn’t take much to trigger a seizure these days and he doesn’t need the stress of this conversation to become a catalyst.
Charles remains quiet, expression calm and Logan hangs his head, his voice softening into something raw. “It’s not about what she knows. It’s about who, about what, I am. I don’t deserve her.”
Bracing his elbows on his legs, Charles leans forward, a sympathetic smile tugging at his lips. “She knows all that, Logan. And she chooses you. Every night you come to her, she chooses you. How can you not see that?”
Logan doesn’t respond, but the weight of Charles’ words hang heavy against his shoulders. He looks down at his hands, seeing the callouses and crisscrossing scars. His body is a physical map of violence, each faded pink line a story of pain, regret and death.
But you’ve never seen them that way. You’ve only ever looked at them with reverence, traced your fingertips along each one and wondered about their stories. Made him feel whole instead of broken and used.
“You have a choice to make, Logan,” Charles says, interrupting the silence. “Let her in…or keep running. Don’t make her choose for you.”
For days, Logan’s mind is plagued by replays of his last moments with you and his conversation with Charles. His already sleepless nights are further tormented by dreams of you, the devastated expression on your face haunting him.
The memory of your face, the crack in your usually steadfast voice, the tremor in your hand after you struck him. They all play in a nauseating loop in his brain, punishing him in a way he’s never felt before.
His life reverts to autopilot—drink, fight, drive, but nothing quells the gnawing ache in his chest. He couldn’t stay in the smelting plant with both Caliban and Charles staring at him, watching his every move as if he were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Charles was running out of medications, a few days supply left at most, and Logan knew he was better off leaving Charles in Caliban’s care than his own.
Now, he sits on the edge of a dingy motel bed, the scent of cheap whiskey and cigar smoke clinging to his clothes. His eyes are dry and heavy with exhaustion and his skin is itching with that familiar want to be near you. It started as an annoying tug, but has now grown into a maddening want.
He knows he should ignore it. But he was never that strong.
Before he can talk himself out of it, convince himself that this is an astronomically stupid fucking idea, he’s on his feet, keys in hand and driving down those lonely roads towards you.
It’s late when he reaches your house, like it usually is, and he half expects the porch light to remain dark, a cold, bleak reminder of how badly he’s fucked up. Instead, he finds that single porch light illuminated, shining like a beacon of hope. Logan walks up onto the porch, but you don’t open the door like you’ve done so many times before.
He contemplates leaving, turning around and getting back in the car and drinking himself into a semblance of sleep. But then he hears you, your heartbeat echoing beyond the wooden frame, as steady and as comforting as it’s always been. Logan pauses, wondering if he should try the knob and come inside—if you’ll even let him.
If you even should.
With a sigh, he lowers himself to the ground, his joints aching in protest as he rests his back against the door. “I’m not good at this,” he finally says, hoping you’re listening. “I’ve been alive for too long. Seen too much shit.” Logan pauses, his words burning in his throat. “I’ve lost too many people.”
He hears you shift behind him, your head thudding softly against the door as you listen. His relief is almost palpable knowing you’re there, that you’re at least willing to listen to him. Leaning back, Logan closes his eyes and exhales a heavy breath. “The only way I know how to keep people safe is to push ‘em away. And I need to keep you safe.”
The words feel foreign leaving his mouth, as if they’re uncovering a truth he’s long kept secret. He feels exposed in a way he’s not used to, raw and honest, and the truth of his words burns. Logan can still hear you on the other side of the door, your breathing slow and steady, yet laced with something—hesitation, maybe, or hurt. It makes his chest ache in a new and unfamiliar way.
“I’m tired,” he continues, his voice softer. “I’m so fuckin’ tired, sweetheart. Tired of fightin’ when all I want—” Logan swallows hard. “All I want is you.”
The porch light hums above him, the night is alive with the chirping of crickets, but the silence that follows is almost deafening.
Logan doesn’t deserve you, he knows that. You should turn him away, tell him to leave, to kick him back to the desert to lick his wounds alone. He doesn’t know how to be someone’s partner, their lover. He’s not sure if he ever has, really, too hung up on all the ways he paints himself as a bad man. Someone unworthy.
Except with you, he finds himself wanting to fight. To prove he’s not as hard and unyielding as the metal bones inside him. That somewhere deep inside him there still lingers warmth and affection and the capacity to love.
He’s bracing himself for the worst when he hears the faint sounds of the lock turning. The door creaks open and he shifts to look up at you. One of your well used blankets is wrapped around your shoulders, your hair tousled from sleep and your eyes are red and wet with unshed tears. Logan’s heart thuds heavily in his chest as you stand there and he turns to face you, pushing up onto his knees. Your expression is carefully masked, betraying little of your underlying emotions, and he carefully crawls forward, testing the waters of how close you’ll let him get.
His knees ache as he kneels on the hard concrete, but he’d crawl through glass if you asked him to. Slowly, he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to him as he nuzzles his face into the softness and warmth of your belly. Your comforting scent floods his senses as he waits for your anger, your rejection.
Instead, you sigh, a long pent up breath released in a steady exhale and your fingers sink into the disheveled hair at the nape of his neck, holding him close to you. “You’re an asshole,” you finally say, though your tone lacks any venom or spite.
Logan feels it then, the tension slowly easing from your body as you allow him to sink further into your frame. His heart lurches his chest, the faintest flicker of hope fluttering against his ribs.
“Yes,” he mumbles into your shirt.
“You hurt me.”
He pulls back as you gently push at his shoulders and sink down to the ground in front of him. But you don’t push him away any further and instead, lace your fingers through his. “I should tell you to fuck off,” you continue, your eyes focused on where you’re touching him. “But I can’t.”
His voice comes out in a whisper. “Why?”
Your eyes meet his and your gaze pierces straight through his soul. “You know why.”
And he does. In truth, he thinks he’s always known, long before you ever spoke those three little words out loud. Words so simple, yet so profound. Words he rarely speaks, while others casually toss them around. Words he has rarely felt, but with you feel as natural as breathing, as the sun rising in east.
Words he’s still afraid to say, despite everything, despite every cell in his body screaming at him.
You look at him like you know, because of course you do. You’ve always known him, in that uncanny way of yours since he first saw you standing in the rain. So instead of ire or disappointment at his lack of response, you simply squeeze his hand, grounding him to your reality.
“You don’t have to say it,” you whisper, your voice soft and steady. “Not yet.”
Logan looks at you, his brows furrowed. He can’t fathom what he’s done in this life to deserve you, your patience, your unwavering belief in him. “You make it hard not to,” he finally rasps, his voice rough and uneven. “Love you, I mean.”
The admission hangs heavy in the air, raw and jagged, much like him. It’s close to what you want to hear, but not quite. And yet he sees something warm and bright blossom on your face.
You lean in, raising your free hand to lightly trace the curve of his jaw, scratching at the scruff there. “You’re a man of action, Logan,” you say, pressing in closer, your breath mingling with his. “Wanna show me instead?”
This—this is a language he’s fluent in.
Using his lips, tongue, hands and cock to write on your body all the words he cannot say. He’s mastered your shape, the way your hips curve beneath his palm, the softness of your belly and breasts, the heat between your thighs stoked hotter only by him. He knows exactly where to press, where to nip and suck and tease to elicit all those pretty little moans and gasps of pleasure.
Logan’s already drawn one orgasm out of you, his fingers still thrusting against you as you ride out your high, your thighs shuddering against his forearm. You’re flushed and breathy as you reach for him, urging him up from between your thighs.
You pull him close, fingers sinking into his hair as you lick into his mouth, not caring that your slick still stains his beard and lingers against his tongue. He swallows your gasp as he knocks your knees apart and slots himself between your legs, his cock heavy against your belly.
He wants you. In all the ways he can think of and not just like this, naked and pliant beneath him. He wants your sleepily whispered hellos each morning and your softly murmured goodnights each evening. He wants the warm, weighty press of your body against his as you sit on the couch beside him sipping whiskey.
He wants, he wants, he wants.
As his kisses grow more fervent, you grow impatient and push at his chest, urging him back. “Lie back,” you command softly, your breath damp against his lips, “Let me take care of you.”
He wants to protest, deny you this request. This is supposed to be about you, about using his body to show you all the things his words can’t say. He’d spend the whole night between your thighs, using his mouth, tongue and fingers to worship if you’d let him. But there’s something in your gaze that forces him to comply and he gives in, rolling onto his back.
You straddle his thighs, your slick cunt sliding along the length of his cock. Logan groans and his hands reach for your hips, fingertips digging into your flesh as he encourages you to move. “This is s’pose to be about you,” he husks as you slowly begin to rock your hips back and forth.
“Oh, it is,” you answer, licking your lips as you brace your hands on his chest. “Who else can get you hard and needy beneath them?”
A low growl escapes from his throat. “No one.”
A wicked smile curls at your lips as you drag your heat along him, the blunt head of his cock nudging your clit with every slow, deliberate rock of your hips. The sensation has his control unraveling and he slides his hands along your thighs to palm the curve of your ass.
You press into his touch, continuing to roll your hips as you lean forward to press an open mouthed kiss to the corner of his jaw. “You see,” you murmur, “this is for me.”
Reaching between your bodies, you grasp him in your hand and line him up. Slowly, almost tortuously slow, you sink down on his cock, taking him inch by inch until he’s fully sheathed inside of you. A sharp inhale escapes him as your warm, tight walls surround him and Logan knows this feels different.
This isn’t merely fucking anymore, the melding of flesh for the pure sake of pleasure, of briefly escaping the nightmare of his life, of finding solace in sin. You’ve somehow managed to bleed yourself into him, to wrap yourself around his heart.
You feel as if you’re a part of him, lodged deep between his ribs and that if he were to try to remove you, he’d kill himself in the process. A part of him knows this feeling has always been there, back when you first entered his limo. The feeling threatens to choke him, to fill his love soaked lungs until all he can breathe is you.
He loves you.
Pure and unfiltered and it terrifies him.
“I—fuck, I,” he chokes out, the words caught in his throat. “I feel—”
Your hands run over his chest, up along his collarbones, your fingers blazing a trail over his skin. “I know, Logan,” you whisper, your hips rocking languidly against his.
He grips your thighs, almost tight enough to bruise, helping guide your movements, but also prove to himself you’re real. Logan’s chest heaves as he watches you ride him, your hips rocking harder, faster, dragging moans out of both of you. You lean back just enough to change the angle, driving him deeper and he bucks his hips, meeting your thrusts with a force that has you crying out his name.
And yet it’s not enough. He needs to wrap himself around you, twine his fingers through your hair and hold your mouth to his until he’s completely consumed you. His hands slide up your back towards your waist and he pulls you down against him, mouth hot and insistent against your neck as he continues to fuck up into you.
In one fluid motion, Logan grips your thighs and flips you onto your back, pinning you beneath him, cock still sheathed deep within your cunt. You arch beneath him as he sets a brutal, devastating pace, the raw intensity of his movements stealing short, gasps breaths from your lips with each thrust. A shiver ripples through you as he draws a nipple into his mouth, his name tumbling from you like a prayer.
“Fuck, there it is,” he growls. “I love all those little sounds you make.”
His choice of word isn’t lost on either of you and your eyes meet his as your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving faint red crescents as you cling to him. “Logan,” you gasp, your voice trembling as he hits that soft spot deep inside you. “More.”
“You want more?” he rasps, gripping your thighs and pulling them higher around his waist. The new angle has you crying out, the sound echoing in the room as he continues to slam into you with a force that has the bed creaking beneath you.
“Ah, fuck, yes,” you moan, your head tipping back.
Logan takes advantage of your offering, his lips and teeth marking a path down your neck, his beard scraping against your skin in a way that’s sure to leave a burn come the morning. There’s a possessiveness to his touch, a need to claim you, to prove to you that this is all he needs—your embrace, your warmth, your love.
“You’re so fuckin’ good to me,” he growls against your skin, his hand sliding down between your bodies and finding where you’re joined. He can feel himself pounding into you, your combined arousal coating his fingers as he finds your clit and begins to rub in tight circles. “So goddamn perfect. You were made for me, sweetheart, you know that?”
Your cunt flutters around him and he knows you’re close, your thrusts against him growing erratic. He feels his own impending release, but he needs you to come first, needs to feel you shatter against him. His fingers press more firmly against your clit and with a breathy moan, your body tenses, back arching off the bed as your orgasm crashes into you.
“That’s it,” Logan groans, his own thrusts faltering as he feels you tighten around him, pulling him in deeper. “Look at you, comin’ so pretty for me.” He slows just enough to prolong your release, his thrusts deliberate as he draws out every ounces of pleasure until you’re trembling beneath him.
It’s overwhelming—the sensation of you beneath him, around him; the cling of your fingers to his shoulders; the warm, damp breath against his neck; the absolute perfection of this moment right now. In all his years on this earth, he’s never experienced anything like this. The desire to completely consume someone, body and soul, and be consumed return. He wants his dying breath to be your name.
Something inside of Logan snaps, and as you try and catch your breath as you come down from your high, he presses your legs higher, folding you beneath him in a way that has his cock pressing deeper than before. The change has you whimpering and he looks down to find your expression as wrecked as he feels. He pauses his thrusts just long enough to grasp both your wrists and pin them above your head before he picks up his pace again, fucking into you with an almost ruthless intensity.
“I love you,” he growls, his thrusts growing erratic, his control quickly unraveling with every whimper and cry of his name. “God, I fucking love you.”
For a few moments, he doesn’t even realized what he’s said. Then he looks down at you, your gaze trained on his face and that soft, knowing smile of yours on your lips. “Logan,” you gasp, “I know. I’ve always known.”
Logan lets out a rough, shuddering breath, his entire body trembling with the weight of his confession. Any response he has dies in his throat as he presses his forehead to yours, his entire body wound tight. He’s so fucking close, can feel his orgasm coiling hot and tight in his gut, but it’s more than your warm heat drawing him in—it’s everything.
“Tell me,” he grits out, his hips chasing, chasing, chasing that release.
You lean up as much as you can with your hands still pinned above you and lick an open mouthed kiss against his lips. “I love you, Logan.”
And that’s all it takes. He groans into your mouth as he finally lets go, his body tensing as his release crashes into him. He spills himself deep inside you, shallowly thrusting into your cunt as his rhythm slows.
Logan releases your hands, and for a long moment, there’s only the sound of heavy breathing, of heartbeats slowing, the two of you tangled in the aftermath.
Logan’s restless and unable to sleep despite your smaller frame tucked alongside him, the weight of your head resting against his chest. From his periphery, he can see his phone illuminating with unread texts, no doubt from Caliban urging his return. Charles has been deteriorating faster than Logan cares to admit, his mind gone more often than not, raving about new mutants. He needs drugs faster than Logan can procure them.
His mind churns, the reality of the outside world looming closer and he contemplates slipping from your grasp when you shift, curling yourself further into him. You don’t speak, not yet, but he can tell you’re alert, floating somewhere in that space between sleep and full wakefulness. Your fingers start to move of their own accord, the gentle pressure of your fingertips tracing over an old scar along his ribs, mapping out an old battle he no longer remembers.
Beside him, his phone buzzes again and Logan sighs.
“Sounds important,” you murmur, voice thick with sleep.
He wants to keep ignoring it, stay wrapped in the quiet cocoon you’ve thrown around him, but Logan knows he can’t. It’s a cruel reminder of the chaos that plagues him beyond the sanctuary of your embrace.
“You can go to him, Logan,” you continue, fingers never stopping their slow path along his skin. “I know you’ll be back.”
“How,” he starts, licking his dry lips, “how do you always know?”
Logan’s asked versions of this question before. You’ve always brushed him off, given a coy answer and steered the conversation towards something else. For a moment, he thinks tonight will be the same.
But then you answer.
“I can feel you,” you answer softly, your breath warm and damp against his skin. “I just—” You pause and turn to look up at him and then disentangle yourself from his embrace. “Stand up,” you urge, nudging at his side until he complies.
He blinks at you in confusion, but you just smile at him, soft and sleepy, and gently cup the side of his face. “Now, close your eyes.”
Logan does as he’s told, chasing after your touch as you step back from him, settling somewhere beyond him on the bed. “I’m going to move and you tell me where I am.”
The soft rustle of bedsheets follows and then, stillness. You’re quiet, but he can sense you, just off to his right, but too far away to touch. “My right, but farther back in the room.”
You move again, keeping your movements light. Again, he pinpoints you, this time towards his left, closer, but still too far away to grasp. “Left.”
A final movement, this time even closer, your proximity flooding his senses, sending a rush of warmth down his spine. Logan reaches out, finding the curve of your hips, hands tucking underneath the shirt you had slipped on earlier in the night, splaying his palms against your back. He opens his eyes and meets your gaze, alive in the predawn glow.
“How did you know?” you ask, looping your arms around his neck.
Understanding dawns on him, the answer so simple, yet so profound. Pinpointing where you were had nothing to do with his heightened senses and everything to do with just you—the way you’ve molded yourself to him like a second skin. “I could feel you,” he answers. “I could—I just knew.”
You lean forward, pressing the lightest of kisses against the corner of his mouth. Logan sighs into your mouth, his eyes fluttering close as you press your forehead to his. “It’s like that,” you whisper. “This undeniable pull, an invisible string that connects me to you and it tug, tug, tugs, until…there you are.”
His phone continues to buzz, growing more insistent as the soft blues and grays of the morning bleed into more golden hues. With a reluctance you both feel, Logan peels himself away, finally answering the phone with an irritation he doesn’t bother hiding.
You watch him go, standing on the porch with the light casting a halo around your head. Your smile is gentle, but stained with worry and yet you remain stoic, the steady pillar holding up the fractured remains of his life.
As he drives away, he catches one last look at you in the rearview mirror and he’ll spend the next few months wishing he told you—he feels you too.
The last one hundred miles have dragged on for eons, the road before him stretching into an almost infinite distance. Logan finds himself darting his eyes towards the dashboard clock, growing increasingly frustrated when the numbers move only a few minutes at a time, the slow passage of time seeming to taunt him.
It’s been months since he saw you last, though no fault of his own. His memories are hazy—a swirling fog of confusion, pain and burning fever. He’s not even sure how he survived, whether it was modern medicine or sheer stubbornness. Or something more.
You believe in fate?
Your words echo in his mind, soft and sweet, and he feels a familiar pang of longing in his chest.
Fate or not, something kept a spark alive in him, pulsing through his veins with each sluggish beat as he slowly and painfully healed. His wounds are still pink and tender to the touch, more of his skin marred by death and destruction.
As he turns into your subdivision, the night quiet, a cold, creeping anxiety snakes along his spine. What if you’ve given up on him? Figured this last absence was the real deal, all his idle promises of staying away finally coming to fruition.
But as Logan drives down your street, he sees it—the single porch light illuminating in the night. Acting like the beacon it’s always been, leading him safely to land.
To you.
Logan pulls into the driveway and shifts the truck into park. Turning in his seat, he glances back towards the young girl curled up on the backseat. Laura’s face is relaxed in sleep, her hands tucked protectively under her chin. She fell asleep several hours ago, the soft rhythm of the tires against pavement lulling her to sleep.
Logan’s been many things in his life. Son, brother, fighter, friend. Lover. He never thought he’d add father to that list. While he can’t quite find it in him to call himself that just yet—even though Laura readily and easily calls him dad—he no longer denies the protectiveness he feels towards her.
Easing the door to the truck open, Logan steps out and gently shuts it behind him, loathe to disturb her just yet.
Here he is showing up at your door like he always has—late, quiet, and carrying a heavy weight he feels only he can shoulder. His hand is poised to knock, knuckles clenched, but he pauses, unsure if he even has the right to be here.
But then there you are, the front door opening to reveal your tired but relieved face, months of worry etched into your skin, your eyes already brimming with unshed tears.
“Logan,” you breathe, pulling him gently by the wrist and leading him inside. You don’t ask why he’s there. He suspects you already know.
The air inside the house is just as he remembers. Warm and inviting and laced with the faint, comforting smell of you. Logan inhales deeply, letting the scent settle somewhere in the parts of him that still feel alive, that thrum with the memory of your touch.
Your fingers still linger against his wrist and he can feel the heat radiating from your body, but you’re not close enough. And yet, he’s afraid to reach out, pull you into his arms. Afraid of the pity or obligation you’ll feel to comfort him, to allay all his fears.
As if reading his thoughts, you gently cup the side of his face, your nails scratching along his jaw. Logan flinches slightly, his body so used to pain these past months he’s almost forgotten the tenderness of your touch. But he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he closes his eyes, a ragged breath falling from his lips and his head dips forward.
“C’mere,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around his waist.
For a moment, he doesn’t move, but then he slides his arms along your back, pulling you against him. You feel real and solid and alive pressed this close. Never one for overt physical touch, Logan’s surprised by how much he missed this—the simple act of just holding you. Burying his face in the crook of your neck, he inhales deeply, his breath warm and damp against your skin.
He doesn’t say anything, unsure where to even begin. The weight of his grief, his weariness, feels heavier than any burden he’s ever shouldered before and it’s almost desperate the way he clings to you. Like you’re the only thing tethering him to the earth. If you were to let go, he’d fall apart.
Logan doesn’t even realize he’s crying until he feels the hot trail of tears against his cheeks. You run your fingers through his hair, murmuring soft reassurances as you hold him.
“I couldn’t feel you, Logan,” you whisper into his neck. “Several days of just…nothing. I thought that—”
The words lodge themselves in your throat, but he knows what they are just the same.
He pulls back just enough to look at you, your eyes glistening with tears that match the ones rolling down his weathered face. Your expression is marred with pain, raw and unfiltered, but also with a bright flicker of relief.
“I’m sorry,” he rasps, voice rough with emotion. “I got dragged into some bad fuckin’ shit. I almost…we—”
You quiet him with a soft brush of your fingers against his lips. “It’s okay, Logan,” you whisper. “Tell me about it later. I’m just happy you’re home.”
Logan gaze softens at your words, but guilt gnaws at him. He doesn’t deserve this—your unwavering faith in him, the patience you’ve shown him, the light you’ve been in his dark, endless nights. But here you are, giving him everything he’s never asked for but so desperately craved.
“C’mon,” you murmur, dragging him from his thoughts, “Let’s get you settled.”
It’s well past two in the morning by the time Logan finally carries Laura into the house, tucking her comfortably into the guest bedroom. Turning from the bed, he finds you there, leaning against the doorframe. You reach for him, in that soft, gentle way you always do, and lead him into your bedroom.
He doesn’t protest when you sit him down at the edge of the bed and begin undressing him. Kneeling before him, you unlace his boots and peel off his socks, setting them aside. With a slight press to his knees, you force his legs wider, slotting yourself between them.
Despite the late hour, the weariness and fatigue tugging at his bones, Logan feels his cock twitch as your fingers brush underneath the hem of his shirt.
It’s been so long since he’s felt you.
He dreamt of you, in those fevered moments where he didn’t know where one part of his body began or ended. When his entire existence had been boiled down to raw nerves and sluggishly knitting flesh. Through the haze of pain, he wondered if he’d ever feel your kiss again, feel the frantic press of your fingers into his shoulders, feel the warm, wet heat of your cunt stretching around him.
You toss the shirt aside and he can feel your gaze lingering over the new scars, the pink, raised lines of flesh that are still healing. With a reverence he’s not worthy of, you trace your fingertips along the three jagged scars from where X-24 had ripped into him.
“What happened to you?” you ask, voice barely above a whisper as you move to trace more of his scars.
Logan tells you then about Pierce and the Reavers, about Laura and the other mutant children. His throat grows tight as he continues, relaying the loss of Caliban, Charles and the Munsons, and the final confrontation between himself and his clone.
He tells you how Laura saved him. How her and the other children brought him to safety over the Canadian border. How he spent the next months fighting with every fiber of his being to knit himself whole.
For you.
You lean into him as he looks away, jaw tightening as he tries to shove down the memories of everything he’s lost. Your touch is light against his face as you trace the angle of his jaw, and reach up to press the lightest of kisses against his lips.
Logan exhales into your mouth as you kiss him again, soft and tender and warm. You seem to breathe him in, imbue life into his weary flesh and reignite the spark he’s kept alive for you.
He wants to do more—to pull you into his arms, to taste you, to fuck into you until he can’t breathe. But exhaustion pulls heavily on his bones, threatening to sink him.
Logan knows you can feel his hesitancy because you keep kissing him softly, punctuating each press of your lips with whispered reassurance. Your fingers card through his hair as you lean back. “Just let me hold you?”
Your voice cracks at your request and Logan can only nod, unable to deny you. You help him shuffle out of his pants before coaxing him further into the bed. He moves slowly and he knows you don’t miss the creaking of his joints, the soft groan of discomfort.
Coming to rest on his side, you tuck into him, throwing a leg over his hips and pulling him close. He sighs into your touch, the weight of the last few months pressing just a little bit less as you press a kiss to the hollow of his throat.
“Don’t leave me,” you whisper into his skin, soft and damp.
Logan feels his heart clench at your words. He’s hurt you. He knows that. Not just inadvertently with his most recent disappearance, but all the other times, too. Those times when he ran, afraid of what your words and touch meant. Afraid to accept what you’ve always so freely given.
His hand slips under the hem of your shirt, fingers splaying across your back. “You kept the light on,” he husks, unable to keep the break out of his voice.”
Your lips quirk into a soft smile. “I always will, Logan.”
#logan howlett#logan howlett x you#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett fic#logan howlett fanfiction#wolverine#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#logan x reader#logan howlett smut#logan howlett x fem!reader#wolverine smut#wolverine x men#wolverine fanfiction#old man logan#old man logan x reader#old man logan x you#old man logan smut
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Yay! I’m so glad you take requests. Feel free to decide if you want to write this or not, it’s fine either way :)
So, I was thinking about Jason dating civilian!reader, and her coming home all disheveled and horrified. Since she knows about him being Red Hood, she can confide in him. She had just killed someone for the first time, whether it was an accident, self defense or whatever, you decide.
I was just wondering how Jason would handle this situation since usually he’s the one doing the killing.
Thank you <3
oh, this is amazing food for thought. I actually think he’d be the very best person to come to in such a situation because he has experience with killing. who’s gonna understand you better than him? literally nobody. had something similar to this in my drafts but now my mind is whirling in a whole host of directions. excellent prompt, nonnie!
jason todd x f!reader. warnings include graphic depictions of violence and killing (in self defense), attempted and failed sexual assault, the aftermath of both events (reader’s in shock), hurt/comfort. this one’s got heavier subject matter so please do mind the warnings, folks. i did way too much research of the Gotham Knights map for this, but it’s my favorite depiction of the city so so be it. also reader and Jason live in the Belfry bc i said so (personal hc that i may or may not elaborate on some time). and one last thing! the romanized Arabic at the end is “حياتي ” which translates to “my life”. I love the idea that Jason picked up Arabic terms of endearment from Talia calling Bruce just about every one she could.
Jason wakes up to soft afternoon sunlight shining on his face. He grumbles out a gravelly hum and scrunches up his face in protest against being awakened when he was sleeping so nicely. He reaches out to find the comforting warmth of his beloved beside him, to pull you in and bury his face into your hair so he can hide from the morning for a bit longer.
All he finds are cold sheets and an empty pillow.
He bolts upright. Something’s wrong. You never, never wake up before him. He doesn’t even register the way that the sudden abundance of light stings his eyes. He takes stock of his surroundings, his training executing on autopilot. The open layout of the Belfry lets him get his bearings in seconds. He doesn’t see you anywhere from the bird’s eye view of your loft bedroom. There’s no smell of food in the kitchen nor any mess that would indicate you’d been working in there. The living room space, fully visible below, is empty too. The only enclosed space in your home, the bathroom that’s just around the corner from your bedroom, is dead quiet. No running water, no sweet singing, no familiar coughing from swallowed toothpaste. And without so much as leaving your bed, Jason’s already come to a conclusion that sends his heart pounding and dries his throat. You’re not here.
He’s up and grabbing the 9mm taped under your bedside table in the span of a few breaths. He moves through your home methodically, like he’s clearing one of Gotham’s criminal hideouts. There’s no sign of a struggle. Nothing’s been disturbed. He’s not surprised by this—barring Wayne Manor, the Belfry is the most secure building in Gotham. That’s precisely why Jason had moved you both here once you decided to live together. He checks the coffee table and sees that your phone and wallet are gone. A different type of fear takes over now. One that makes his heart ache. What if you’ve finally had enough, finally seen that he’s not good enough for you, not worth sticking around for? It makes him sick. He swallows hard and tries to clear the blistering thought from his head. No, that’s not you. You’re not cruel. You’re kind and gentle and loving. You wouldn’t hurt a fly. And you wouldn’t hurt him.
The sight of gears turning in his periphery catches his attention. He sees the cables pulling and the security panel go green, and he’s running to the elevator doors damn near ready to pry them open. He hastily tucks the 9mm into the waistband of his pajama pants, easily within reach if he needs it. Relief floods him when the huge metal doors grind open and he sees your pretty face on the other side. Then his heart drops when he realizes that that pretty face is scraped and splattered with blood.
Your hair is tangled and wet, dripping dirty water down your neck and staining the bright red of his your favorite hoodie. Your hands, which shake as they reach blindly towards him, are stained crimson and battered too. But it’s your eyes that haunt him. You look broken.
“Jay,” you croak out, unable to summon anything but a plea for the one person who can keep you safe.
The tears fall from your eyes at the same time that you collapse into Jason’s arms. He drags you inside and locks down the Belfry. Jason wants to panic but feels a strange sense of calm about himself. As loathe as he’d be to admit it, he finds himself falling into Bruce’s habit of assessment and action.
“Baby, what happened?” he asks, voice steady and assured.
You don’t even hear him. You’re digging your hands into his shirt, clinging on to him like he’s the only thing keeping you tethered to Earth. He may very well be. He feels you going rigid and cold and he knows he has to get you stable before you descend further into shock.
“Listen to me,” he says firmly, adding on and enunciating your name for emphasis.
That sparks some semblance of lucidity. Jason hasn’t called you by your name in months, much preferring you be his baby or his sweetheart or his doll, or simply his. If it jars you back to reality, so be it.
“I need you to tell me what happened,” he demands gently.
It all pours out of you like a flood.
You’d woken up early by chance this afternoon. Normally you’d just close your eyes and snuggle closer to Jason to catch a couple more hours of sleep, but you wanted to do something nice for him. So you’d gotten up and gone to Lemay’s Flower Emporium in Gotham Heights. You’d bought him the prettiest bouquet of red and pink roses, so big that you had to hold on to it with both arms. The taxi ride from the Heights back to Coventry Station went fine. You were almost home. So close that you could see the clock tower where your heart was sleeping peacefully.
Then you stopped at Commerce Avenue Station. You just wanted to get him some pastries from the little bakery tucked away on 3rd Street that you both love. It was a decent walk; you knew that. You also knew that Jason wouldn’t want you to go out of your way by yourself. But it was morning and you were a grown woman and you could handle yourself, right? Well, that’s what you thought until a pair of hands clamped down on your shoulders and yanked you violently into a side alley.
Jason had prepared you for something like this. You’d spent countless evenings with him teaching you self defense techniques in the training area of your home. None of it mattered because the man that had you by the shoulders slammed you so hard into the brick wall that all your thoughts went hazy. Before you could regain your footing, you were shoved to the ground. The bitter sting of your palms scraping open pierced through the fog, as did the crushing weight of the vile man on top of you. Fear shot through you as the man started tugging at his belt and you realized that this wasn’t intended to be a mugging. You tried to scream but a grimy hand clamped over your mouth, hitting your head against the ground and soaking your hair in dirty rain water and blood.
Your eyes darted around in search of someone—anyone. But no one was coming. You felt fingernails scratch against your stomach as clammy hands curled into the waistband of your sweatpants and suddenly you saw your savior. A brick from the damaged alleyway laid within reach. You didn’t even think when you grabbed it, when you swung it as hard as you could into the side of the man’s head. The corner hit his temple and he crumbled to the side. You rose to your knees and hit the man again. And again. All you could remember were Jason’s firm instructions: if someone makes it a choice of you or them, you make sure that it’s you no matter what it takes.
“I don’t r-remember anything else,” you sob into his chest. “There was so much blood, Jason. And his head—oh, God.”
Jason shushes you gently. He holds you tight in his arms like he’s terrified that if he loosens his grip even slightly, you’ll fade away on him.
“Don’t think about it, baby. You did what you needed to do. You protected yourself. I’m so proud of you.”
“I killed someone, Jason. I killed someone.”
You look at him wide eyed—afraid, horrified, guilty. No. Jason won’t have that. You will not feel guilty over some lowlife scumbag who wanted to hurt you, who probably would have killed you. Jason can’t even stomach the thought. He wants to put a bullet into whatever’s left of that predator’s head. No, the only shame in you killing that man is that you got to him before Jason could.
“I need you to listen to me,” he says, repeats your name again for emphasis. “You. Did. Nothing. Wrong.”
“Someone’s dead because of me, Jay,” you argue, gripping him tighter as your panic rises.
“Baby, do you know how many people are dead because of me?” he asks. “Far, far more than I’d ever want you to know. Do you think I’m a monster, honey? That I did something wrong?”
He knows it’s an apples to oranges comparison. But you’ve used this same tactic on him so many times that he also knows it’s effective. Every time he demeans himself for something, you ask if he’d treat you the way he treats himself for the same thing. The answer is always no.
“No!” you reply emphatically. “You protect people. You do it to keep people safe.”
“You did it to keep yourself safe.”
“No buts. Or ifs. No ands, either, just in case you get any ideas,” he says lightly, brushing a speck of blood off your cheekbone.
You smile at his stupid little comment and he feels the tension in his body release just slightly. As long as there’s light back in your eyes for even a moment, he knows that you’ll be okay. He picks you up, lets you cling your arms around his neck and bury your face in his chest as he carries you to the bathroom upstairs. He runs you a bath and, after asking repeatedly if you were okay with it, undresses you and washes the blood and grime from your body. He wraps you in a big fluffy towel, dries and brushes your hair, and tends to your injuries before he bundles you up in his comfiest hoodie and pajama pants. He soothes you when your tears make their return and never leaves your line of sight because he knows he makes you feel safe.
The thought gnaws at him throughout the day. It outright scalds him as he lies in bed with you after deciding to skip patrol. He’s failed you. Failed to protect you, failed to ensure nothing harms a hair on your head. He’s failed at taking care of you, the one thing that matters more to him than anything else. He’s seconds away from spiraling into self hatred when your sweet voice comes calling, soft and pleading.
“Jay…please stay with me,” you say softly.
Your eyes are clear and focused again. You squeeze his waist tight where your arms are wrapped around him, like you’re physically trying to anchor him in place in your bed. The look on your face says that you know exactly where his mind was headed. You see right through him. It makes him feel more vulnerable than anything else, and it surprises him how much he loves the feeling. And Jason, as always and for eternity, can’t bring himself to deny you. So he pulls himself together and shoves all his self loathing down. He can deal with it later—you need him more right now.
“I’m right here, hayati. Not goin’ anywhere, I promise.”
He kisses you gently and feels some of that self hatred wash away when you chase after him for more goodnight kisses. He feels it dissipate even more when you fall asleep in his arms with a soft smile on your face. It’s all but forgotten as he drifts off too, safe in the knowledge that you’re here with him, that he can feel your heart beating pressed tight against his own.
#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#red hood x reader#red hood x you#remy writes 🖋️#answered asks#anon I love this prompt so much#thank you for giving me such good inspo bc it broke my writer’s block
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rambling about loser!puppyvi who adores eating pussy. what else is new?
a/n: just a lil something from my drafts to hold the masses over. i swear i'm not ignoring any requests, i see them all and plan on getting to them. but assuming we're all college-aged and older yall can probably understand that classes have been beating. my. ass. 😭 but i'm getting back on track so don't fret
could be seen as a part ll to this
if you were to look up the definition of "pussydrunk", chances are you'd find vi's face there. she's always been weak for some cunt, her self-control levels close to 0 and her appreciation for women always up to 100, but this was just....another level.
it's gotten to a point where her face felt foreign if it wasn't coated in copious amounts of your cum, to a point where she would find her middle and ring fingers curling unconsciously, imagining them snuggled deep inside of you. every waking thought was clouded by the prize between your legs.
with literally anything else, vi's usually quite the smart cookie. quick on her feet, adaptable, showing a level of emotional awareness and understanding that's very uncommon for a girl her age. but as soon as you enter the picture, she's morphing into your dumb little puppy, ready at your beck and call to make you leak in any every way possible.
this was a position she held with nothing but immense pride, truly.
whether she was neatly on her knees in front of you, your legs dangling over her shoulders, or hovering on top of her face before she slams you onto her mouth and forces you to break her neck, she's made it her mission to always be tongue-deep inside of you. she worshiped your pussy like it was her god (and the church has always scared her), and she was your most devoted priest. reverent, devoted, completely braindead.
and you just let her, hand gently curled around her leash as she feasts upon you. you're still in control, you always are, but it's easy to get swept up in her eagerness, easy to give in when she'll beg for a taste of you. there's a certain edge to her pleading, a method to her madness. she knows exactly what makes you tick, knows all the right buttons to press to get what she wants. so she'll ham it up as much as possible. she'll crawl, she'll cry, hell, she'll bark. and sooner or later, you'll cave. allll according to schedule.
and when she goes in, she goes in. sucks on your clit until it's stiff and raw, licks at you until you're dehydrated with the amount of slick that's pouring out of you. in these sweet, sweet moments, you're just as stupid as her. so out of it, so lost in that sweet little head of yours.
and vi will have.... thoughts. thoughts about subtly pulling away from your heat, creeping up your body to kiss gently on your neck. you wouldn't even be able to see it coming, her sliding into you. she would turn you out, balls deep, her thrusts so thorough and urgent that your knees would buckle for the next 2 weeks.
but if that were to happen, then she knows they'll be hell to pay. you would keep your legs glued shut for ages, depriving her of everything she's worked so hard to get. so for now, she'll keep her fantasies to herself, not wanting to possibly rock the boat.
besides, what's a puppy without her favorite toy?
#vi smut#vi x reader#arcane vi#arcane vi x reader#arcane smut#vi x fem reader#vi arcane#sevika smut#lesbian#vi league of legends#arcane jinx smut
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Eating up your Harumasa content about him and cockwarming, May I request more of that pls🙏🏻Maybe some (consensual) somno as well👉🏻👈🏻
🍓I kept this in the drafts until baby girl came out! Happy Haru release day my loves <3 I hope you all enjoy him as much as I do!!! I fleshed out the original post into a full piece, so I hope you don't mind too much my love. Didn't do the somno unfortunately, just couldn't fit it in naturally.
Minors DNI!!
TW: NSFW; Grammar errors; Written pre-story quest so inaccuracies are bound to appear <3
Info: Harumasa x Reader; Fem bodied reader; They/them pronouns/ you/yours
Harumasa had a long day. You can hear it from the kitchen, the way his feet drag against the floor and the grunts he lets out as he fights off his shoes. You hear him cuss them out after they thump against the hardwood of your shared entrance. Then his feet drag their way all the way to you, finally slumping over your shoulder with the most relieved sigh.
The way he acts, it seems like he just came back from an unending war. That wasn't the case, of course, it was more likely that Yanagi asked him to do his portion of paperwork and he just didn't want to do it. (Then he would proceed to do not only his but also finish Yanagi's and Miyabi's if he saw fit.) His arms wrap around your waist, and he hums happily. It's cute enough that you set down the knife you were using to run your fingers through his pretty silky black hair, turning and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Hello, my love," you coo, "How was work."
It takes him a moment to respond as if he was soaking in the words fully before yellow eyes peered up at you, "Mmm, long... and hard."
You're too late to catch the innuendo, and his hands have already slid up from your stomach to give your chest a squeeze. Simultaneously, he pulls you back into him, and you feel that he is in fact long and hard. It draws a gasp from your lips, which satisfies him into sighing against your skin.
"Harumasa," you deadpan, pulling at his hands which won't budge for anything, as always.
He doesn't humor you with a response, pressing heated kisses up and down your neck. It's a tactic he loves to use, buttering you up just so he can get what he wants. It was infuriatingly effective. Still, you were in the middle of making dinner for him. Certainly, he could let you finish doing that.
You manage to push his head away from your neck, which has him whining like a child, but you don't relent and he finally pulls back enough so you can look at him. "We need to eat, Haru."
"I was getting to it," he quips back, smirking that annoyingly cute smirk.
"We need to eat food," You insist, gesturing to the half-made meal on the countertop.
He pouts at it like it was personally offending him just by existing. Then you see him go over the ingredients, and his face lights up just a little. You were making his favorite, figuring it would be a nice treat after a long week at work. Spoiling him was one of your favorite pastimes, after all.
Conflict arises in his pretty yellow eyes, and you watch him debate whether he'd prefer eating you out or eating your homemade cooking more. He comes to his decision by pulling away from you, a deceptively innocent smile on his face.
"Alright, I'll let you finish up," he hums, leaning against the countertop next to you.
You raise an unimpressed eyebrow at him, "But...?"
"Mmm," he taps his chin, feigning consideration and you already know what he's going to ask, "You have to cockwarm me while we watch a movie!"
Of course. It was his favorite thing in the world, especially after a long workday and a good meal. Most weeks ended like this, but it didn't bother you too much. It wasn't a bad deal for you, as annoying as he was about it.
You don't give him a direct answer, simply sighing and turning back to working on the food, "What movie did you have in mind...?"
✦ ⎯⎯ㅤִㅤ୭ ୨♡୧ ৎㅤִ ⎯⎯ ✦
Dinner isn't as relaxed as you wanted, not with Harumasa practically squirming in excitement across from you. You do your best to pretend it's not happening, eating the food you prepared and mentally preparing yourself for the night you have ahead of you. He practically bounds to the living room when you finish, and you know once you finish cleaning up he won't have the patience to wait any longer.
It was childish, but you couldn't help but find it cute. He rarely allowed himself to be this carefree, so indulging him was the least you could do. So you set the last of the dishes in the sink and make your way to the living room, sighing at the sight of him already palming his hard-on through his work pants.
When he notices you there he gives you a lopsided grin, patting his thigh with his free hand. He works his belt and pants open, and it gives you the idea that maybe you should mess around with him too. It was supposed to be fun for both of you after all, right?
He pouts at you when you don't immediately swing your legs over his lap like an obedient dog, jerking his neglected member in his hands a few times for emphasis. You snort at the sight, patting his thigh reassuringly before turning around to face the TV. You hear him let out an annoyed grunt that catches in his throat when you slowly slide your pants over your hips, around the fat of your ass, and finally down the meat of your thighs until it hits the floor.
He grabs at one of the cheeks, humming appreciatively to himself as the digits sink into the fat, "Maybe we should cut the movie altogether..."
You tut at him, swatting his hands away to give him the same show with your underwear. He inhales deeply at the sight of your glistening pussy, exactly the reaction you wanted. With a playful smirk, you turn and slide your legs on either side of him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"You're being a brat~" He sings in your ear, lining himself up with your entrance.
You pout innocently, "You didn't like the show?"
He doesn't humor you with an answer, instead guiding your hips down until you are fully seated on his dick. It stung a little not being properly prepped, but you had all the time in the world to adjust. Harumasa loved taking his time with things like these, after all.
He leans over to grab the remote to the DVD player and starts the movie. It's some stupid family film from over a decade ago about mutant rodents saving the world or something like that. You were never too interested in stuff like that, but Harumasa always brought those kinds of films home for cockwarming. Why, you had no clue, but they were delightful distractions.
The beginning is always the easiest for you. It's all nice and pleasant as you adjust to the stretch. You're able to rest your head on his chest and peer over your shoulder at the movie. He's surprisingly cold, which soothes the raging heat that builds in your core. His hands rest against your sides patiently, lying in wait for whenever he decides he's grown bored of the movie.
Perhaps that's why it's so easy because the start is mostly skinship. Harumasa may be a tease, but he does love having you close like this. It's almost innocent if only his cock wasn't buried inside you as deep as it would go.
It starts getting hard when his hands start moving around, which is where you're at right now. They slide from their place on your waist down to your ass, rubbing and squeezing the skin like a stress ball. Then they'll find their way to your thighs, dancing along the meat of them and running his thumbs over the tops before falling back to your ass and repeating the process.
You shiver, stiffening up in his lap as he repeats the motion for the millionth time. An unexpected sharp pain erupts from your ass, and it takes your brain a second to process that he has smacked you. You pull back to glare at him, and he returns the look with an innocent smile, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"I can't pay attention to the movie with you squirming like that," he scolds lightly, pressing you back into his shoulder.
You fight the urge to grumble back a 'neither can I', and instead try not to focus on the ever-increasing heat in your groin. It's much easier said than done, as each little twitch from either of you gives you a painful reminder that he's balls deep inside you and you can't do anything about it. He laughs at something in the movie and it travels from his chest right through his dick and into your weeping cunt.
You give up on paying attention to the movie at that point, deciding trembling into his shoulder was a better alternative than pretending you were fine. You nose the column of his throat with shaky breaths, burrowing yourself into his shoulder with a pathetic sigh.
He coos at you, running his fingers through your hair in what's meant to be comfort. You know he's just doing it to annoy you, though. Your spine tingles as his fingers tug a little at the hair, your pussy clenching around him in favor. He groans, pulling a little harder to get you to look at him.
Again, you see something like contemplation behind his eyes, then he smiles at you. His hand comes down from your hair to press your neck forward, and he locks lips with you. You sigh happily into the kiss, not realizing how desperately you'd wanted the attention until now. It seems he knows that, with the way he smirks into the kiss before gliding his tongue across your lip.
You happily give him the access he craves, humming as his tongue slips in and pressing against yours. He tastes bitter, like the medicine he takes every day, but the taste is welcome from your neglected body. You graze your fingers against his collarbone and he finally reacts, pressing his hips up into yours before correcting himself.
As if knowing you'd try it, his hands firmly pressed you to him, not allowing you to move. You whine into his mouth, and he pulls away to smile at you, head leaning against the back of the couch. His face is red, but he looks so satisfied which almost makes the torture worth it.
Deciding you can't handle how pretty he is, you lean down to litter warm kisses against his neck. He sighs, lulling his head to the side to give you better access. You suck at the pretty skin, nibbling on whatever your lips can find. You feel the effect it has on him, dick twitching inside you with each new mark you leave. He continues to run his fingers through your hair, humming contentedly as you service him.
It's when you get to his collarbones that he pauses you, pulling your face up to his. He presses a sweet little kiss to your nose, causing you to giggle. He tilts his head to the side, running a finger along your cheek, "How was your day, baby?"
You respond softly to his musing, answering all his questions about your day. Then, in the middle of telling him about what your boss made you do that day, you feel it. His hands very slowly ease your hips into a short, circular movement. You choke on the words, shuddering at the sensation. It felt... so good, you forgot how to think for a moment as your neglected pussy throbs at the attention.
Harumasa tilts his head at you, though he's smirking, "What was that?"
You stutter out the rest of your response, hardly coherent, but it satisfies him nonetheless. He continues to work you against him at the same slow and easy pace, a master of making things long and drawn out.
Those fingers that had been steadily controlling the pace, slide under your shirt to rake against your ribs. Bunching the fabric up along with your bra and tugging it off your body. Your skin pebbles in the cold air of your apartment, and his hands are quick to glide over it to heat it up. He lets out a low whistle at the sight of your tits, hands immediately cupping them like they belonged there.
Your hips stutter at the new sensation, earning you a look from him that makes you return to the previously set rhythm. Without breaking eye contact, he leans forward to kiss over your chest. Even at the awkward angle, he manages to rub every sensitive spot deep inside you, all while sucking pretty red marks into your hot flesh.
He keeps that up for a long while, ensuring that neither of you can cum until he wants you to. It's sweet sweet torture. The pleasure curls up in your gut, unable to release but somehow forever building up.
All at once his head lulls back and his oh-so-steady rhythm suddenly becomes unreliable. His hips stutter against his beat, but he keeps up that slow pace as best as he can. His hand comes down to roll your clit under his thumb, and you finally feel yourself building to your orgasm. He's close too.
"Baby," he whines, gripping your hip tightly, "lemme stuff you, please? I'll getcha plan b in the morning, jus' lemme this once."
He always says that. Not that you're coherent enough to remind him of that fact. All you can think of is how badly you wanna cum, and how you'll say yes to anything to reach that high. So you awkwardly bob your head in a 'yes' motion.
His eyes roll back and he groans, picking up his pace finally. Your hips rut into his with a fervor you didn't know you were capable of. You slump forward, moaning into his shoulder unabashedly. The coil in your stomach twists and twists until it finally snaps.
At the same time, you feel his warm hot cum flood your insides. His cock twitches with each release, and your walls tighten around it almost encouraging the action. His chest rises and falls in succession with yours, fingers curling in your hair soothing both of you.
Your eyes slowly drift closed at the gentle sensation, sighing happily into his shoulder. He presses kisses to your temple, but you know he's just as spent as you are. Neither of you would be leaving the couch, not that it was a problem when he tugged one of your throw blankets across your back, pulling you down into a much more comfortable sideways position.
You drift off with his dick still inside you, the warm sensation of his cum inside you calling you to rest. You always sleep well on nights like these, wrapped up in one another.
#bunni's treats 🧁#zzz x reader#zenless zone zero#zzz#zzz harumasa#asaba harumasa#harumasa x reader#asaba harumasa x reader#asaba x reader#x reader
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𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
⋆˚࿔Paige Bueckers x reader ❀˖°
Summary: You and Paige keep your promise to Azzi, steering clear of each other. What happens when you both fuck up?
Warnings: semi-sexual content ahead.
part 1
Your heavy breathing could be heard from miles outside your dorm while your hands rubbed down your forehead, clearing off the sweat. Your chest heaved and your legs flexed, spreading open the slightest bit as the girl beneath you rolled upwards, taking her own gasp of air and resting her hand on your thighs.
Things hadn’t been the same since that day in the locker room since you and Paige got caught by Azzi. You had spent the last month trying to make it up to the curly-haired girl as you kept your promise that you wouldn’t hang out with Paige alone. And fuck, it was harder than you thought it would be. And it seemed like to Paige, it was natural and the easiest thing she could ever do. She took ignoring you to a whole other level. First, she would only talk to you when Azzi or someone else was in the room. Then it progressed to fewer words exchanged between the two of you to her ignoring you completely. Always leaving the room when you entered, turning around and walking in the other direction when you passed in the halls. She even went so far as to block you on social media which in your opinion, was completely unnecessary.
“Same time tomorrow?” The girl in front of you asked, drawing you out from your thoughts. You met her in your communications class, bonding over your favorite shoe brands which ended up turning into a heated make out session in your dorm room.
You take your hands off your face, leaning up to meet her eyes. “Yeah, yeah same time tomorrow.”
She flashed you a smirk, standing up and putting her jeans on. You watched her as she slipped her shirt on after, covering the exposed skin that you marked up just minutes before and the thought of Paige shot through your mind.
You turn your head away. No. Stop thinking about her.
After getting dressed, the girl picks up her phone and heads for the door. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you…” you barely mutter out, to distracted to even try and remember her name.
Not even remembering to put your clothes back on, you pick up your phone from your nightstand, checking to see what the time was. 10:20 p.m.
Against your best judgement, you open up Paige’s text thread, practically a ghost town now that she wasn’t making an effort to talk to you anymore. But who were you kidding, the text thread had always been a ghost town since senior year. Releasing a sigh, you hit her contact photo, pulling up her contact information. You scroll all the way to the bottom until your thumb hovers over the block button.
God, this is so pathetic, you think to yourself. I’m over here doing this shit everyday just to get over my ex who probably hasn’t given me a single thought for over a month.
And that’s all it takes for you to hit the block button. Because you’d be damned if you let someone like Paige Bueckers get you in your feels, thinking about wanting her back in your bed. You’re not going to give her that satisfaction.
You text Azzi right after. I’m coming over, that ok?
You get a response in less than thirty seconds. Yeah, I’ll leave my door unlocked.
Since you and Paige got caught, things between you and Azzi were…not as good as it was before. But Azzi being Azzi, she was able to get mostly over it and things were mostly back to normal. Sleepovers every few days, always going out to eat when she wasn’t away for a game, random Target runs, and lots of tiktok drafts being made. The only times when things didn’t feel normal between you and Azzi were when Paige would walk into the room. Azzi would go from being the loudest in the room to being the most quiet. Not because she was uncomfortable but because she was watching the two of you, trying to see if there were any longing glances, or words mouthed between you. And she was definitely checking to see if either of you were on your phones for a bit too long at the same time. Obviously with Paige ignoring you, she didn’t have to worry about that.
You get up from bed, grabbing a fresh new pair of sweatpants and some other clothes to change into before you leave. You head into your bathroom, taking a quick shower before changing into the outfit you picked out. You opted for some sweats and an oversized shirt that you found at the bottom of your closet. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you fix your hair and brush your teeth before walking out of your bathroom to grab your phone and wallet.
When you walked out of your dorm, you were half expecting Paige to meet you on the other side as she would walk out from her own hook up. But that hasn’t happened at all since she stopped talking to you. It was better this way, anyway, because the last thing you wanted to see was her all disheveled and her hair a mess just like how yours was a few minutes ago, looking at you like she just got fucked. By someone else.
You make it to Azzi’s place in ten minutes, opening the door to see the curly-haired girl packing her bag for another away game.
“Where you going to this time?” you ask her as you plop down on her bed, messing up the organized pile of clothes she had sitting there.
Azzi shoots you a glare, swatting at your leg as she moves the now messy pile away from you. “Indiana to play Notre Dame.”
You scrunch your face. “Ew.”
“Let’s not talk about it,” Azzi tells you as she continues to pack.
You lean back on her bed, wrapping yourself up in her fuzzy pink blanket. The same blanket that Paige had a matching one in purple. “Right, sorry.”
Azzi holds one of her shirts in her hands when she looks up at you, tilting her head. “Hey, you still seeing that one girl?”
“Which one?”
Azzi pauses, looking at you with disbelief. “That’s actually nasty.”
“Hey, everyone deserves to have a little fun.”
Azzi laughs. “So, I was talking about the one I accidentally walked in on. The blonde one,” she pauses, “which by the way, I’m still traumatized.”
“The blonde one…” you trail off. Paige was the first blonde to pop into your head even though the only blonde girl that you have been hooking up with regularly was no where close to Paige. “Uh, Rachel?”
Azzi rolls her eyes at you. “Her name is Kathrine, dumbass. She’s in my accounting class.”
“Damn, I could have sworn it was Rachel.” You don’t dare to make eye contact with her because you knew she was giving you a look of disappointment, which from Azzi Fudd, was not a look anyone wanted to receive.
“Well for future reference,” she says, “it’s Kathrine.”
You don’t say anything for a couple minutes after that, debating on asking Azzi a very specific question. Curiosity got the better of you on this one. “Azzi, can I ask how Paige is doing?”
Azzi stops folding her clothes, turning to look at you and letting her shoulders relax. “Yeah,” she pauses. “She’s okay, Y/n. She’s in the gym a lot preparing for March.”
“That’s good.”
“Look,” Azzi sits down on the bed. “I appreciate you both keeping your promises and not seeing each other. It’s not that I don’t want you guys to interact at all, it’s just that I know you both. And I know how you both get with this stuff.”
“Ri–” you say as she cuts you off.
“And seeing you in the locker room…I could just tell that it was going to end badly. I mean, I love you both so much and I would hate to see either of you get hurt. Besides, with Paige being in her weird situation thing with that one girl she’s into, I don’t want to see you get caught up in that.”
The look that Azzi gave you was so sincere that you could tell she meant every word she said. Azzi wasn’t in the wrong for keeping you both apart. She just wanted the best for both of you. You look up at Azzi, “I know. And I don’t blame you for anything at all. I agree, it would have ended badly.” As much as you wanted to disagree.
“Why did you break up with her in the first place?” The question shouldn’t have caught you as off guard as it did.
You shrug. “At the time, I thought it was the best decision considering we were both going to different schools. Long distance in high school is already hard enough. Long distance with a college basketball player would be even harder.”
“That’s understandable.” Azzi had to have been the most understanding person you have ever met. And you loved her for it. “Well when I said I hated the girl who broke her heart, I didn’t mean it.”
You tirelessly laugh. “I know Azzi.”
You wake up the next morning, still tired and craving coffee. After putting your shoes, you grab your phone and head for the door. The girl whose name Azzi reminded you was Kathrine, had left about a few hours prior, allowing you to get a few extra hours of sleep in. You open the door, not looking in front of you as you close it behind you. You walk into a tall body, making you stumble backwards.
“Paige,” you whisper, eyes wide as you flash her a shocked expression. Paige is standing in front you, walking out of the dorm that you haven’t seen her walk out of in over a month. She looked the same as she always did, blonde hair a mess, and the UConn patch over her clothing. She looks down at you, making eye contact for the first time in what felt like a decade.
She didn’t say anything because she too was frozen in her place. You didn’t know what to say either because not only would you be breaking Azzi’s promise, but Paige was a stranger to you just like she had been for the past four years.
“Hi.” Was the only thing you could say because in a situation like this, what could you even say?
Paige eyes you up and down, drawing your body with her eyes until she met yours again. It didn’t even look like she was admiring you or missing you. Just complete shock. If you could even call whatever her expression is shocked.
It felt like a matter of fours years had gone by between the two of you, either one not wanting to say anything. That was when you had to remind yourself that you’re both seniors in college not high school. “How are you?” you asked her, waiting to be met with no response yet again.
“Do I know you?” Her words shocked you more than seeing her out here in the hallway. And that is when you realized that you knew exactly how Paige felt that one time you had said the same words to her in the same spot. Paige shoves her hand in her pockets, turning to walk away.
You couldn’t even say anything as you watched her get further away and that’s when she turned back towards you, “you smell like sex by the way, I suggest you shower that off.”
Your dropped jaw turns into a grimace as you silently her off in your head. Paige Bueckers isn’t allowed to be pissed at you, not after she turned you into a memory and forgot you. And you were going to make her remember that.
Four days later and the team is back from Indiana as you find yourself standing in front of the door across the hall, preparing yourself to make what could quite possibly be the dumbest decision you have ever made. You sigh, knocking three times as you take a step back, part of you hoping she won’t answer the door.
About ten seconds later, a slightly shorter, brunette girl with brown eyes opens the door. “Hello?”
There was a part of you that flared with anger as you remember that this was the girl Paige had been seeing, sleeping with while you were right across the hall.
You fake a smile. “Hi, is Paige here?”
The girl in front of you raises her eyebrows, cocking her head to the side. “No, she’s not,” she pauses, “sorry, who are you?”
“Oh, sorry I’m Y/n. I’m supposed to be meeting Paige here? God, I hope I didn’t get the dorm number wrong,” you say as you fish your phone out of your pocket, pretending to look confused as you scroll on it.
“What? Why did Paige tell you to meet her here?”
By the look on her face, you could tell you were getting to her and that was exactly what you needed. “Paige and I have been…that’s not important. But she said that I should meet her here.”
She was sending you daggers with her eyes now. “What the fuck do you mean? Are you hooking up with Paige?”
You look at her, slightly shifting your footing. “Yeah…yeah we have.”
“How fucking long?”
“I mean I’m not counting but if I had to guess,” you say, making your voice a bit higher. “I’d say about a month maybe?”
“That fucking liar,” she whispers, rubbing a hand on her forehead. She looks at you again. “Well she’s not here and you can fuck off.” She slams the door in your face.
You turn back around and walk into your own dorm, the biggest fucking smile on your face.
It was another night out that Azzi had forced you to go to, although this time you had opted to meet her at Ted’s, needing to finish the last bit of your homework for the week. You didn’t know if Azzi had told Paige you were going, but if she did, then you needed to look your absolute best. The thought that ran through your head was if Paige found out you had ruined her relationship with whoever the bitch was across the hall, she’d say something about it. And that meant you needed to look drop dead fucking gorgeous because she couldn’t stay that mad at you and ignore you anymore, right?
Even with Azzi not letting you both speak to each other alone, she never said anything about in a group setting and you were determined to get more words out of Paige that weren’t ‘who are you?’.
You walked into Ted’s wearing a short black dress with your favorite sneakers because you never learned how to walk in heels and today did not feel like the day to start trying. Azzi glanced up from the group, eyeing you and waving you over. “Y/n, over here,” she said and waited for you to approach. “Wow, you look so hot.”
You laugh as she eyes you up and down, giving you an encouraging smile. “Not so bad yourself, Azzi Fudd.”
“Damn girl, who you tryna look this good for? It ain’t me right?” Aubrey joked, appearing beside you and handing you a drink. You gladly took it and downed about half of it right then and there. “Woah, easy you just got here.”
You turn to Aubrey, “I’m okay, trust.”
“Alright then,” Aubrey says, going back to converse with Ice and KK who waved at you before turning back to their TikTok live.
Azzi nudges you, eyeing the two girls on their phones. “You should go tell KK to do karaoke on live.”
“Is she any good?” you ask, turning to her.
“It’s definitely something,” she whispers, making sure that KK didn’t hear. Although that didn’t really work when you both heard a “girl boo, like you can do any better Miss Fudd.”
You let out a laugh as Azzi glared at KK. “I can be a professional singer if I wanted to. Can you say the same?”
Before they argued anymore, you hold up your glass. “I’m going to get another drink. Anyone want anything?”
Aubrey and Azzi both shake their heads, already having drinks in their hands as you nod and walk over to the bar. The bartender meets you at the counter, taking your order while you sit on one of the barstools, waiting. Someone sits next you although you don’t really pay attention because you’re too focused on Paige. Too focused on Paige to realize that she had come to sit right next to you.
“Tell me, do you usually get this jealous over someone? Or is it because I’m your ex?” Paige asks beside you, making you almost jump out of your seat. You turn to her, seeing her stool already swiveled towards you and she’s leaning her hand on her palm that rested on the bar counter.
Damn, did she look good.
You turn your own stool towards her, realizing that your plan had worked and you got her right where you wanted her. “I’m not jealous.”
Paige raises her eyebrow. “Really? So you just told the girl I’m seeing that we have been hooking up because what? Because you’re bored?”
You shrug. “Oh don’t worry, I’m sure you can find another girl.” The bartender hands you your drink which you gladly take a sip of, not looking away from her eyes once. “Maybe text one of the girls you fucked freshman year. From what I heard, you got around quite a bit didn’t you?”
“So you’re concerned about my sex life now? Do you–” she paused, looking over at the group to see if Azzi was looking, which she wasn’t. “Do you not remember that you broke up with me?”
You lean closer to her. “And did that kiss in the locker room not tell you that I made a mistake?”
Paige scoffs. “What changed your mind? Because senior year, I’m not good enough for you to stay, and now I’m good enough to fuck around with. What changed, huh?”
Your slight smirks drops when you realize that the look on her face wasn’t amusement, it was pain that she was trying to hide. That maybe she had been thinking about you this past month. Missing you like she had been the past four years. “It wasn’t like that.”
“I’m not talking about this anymore,” she said. “We made a promise to Azzi and we damn well are going to keep it. So stay out of my fucking love life Y/n because for once, it doesn’t revolve around you.”
And then she stands up swiftly, leaving you at the bar as she walks over to the team. You contemplated going back over to the group but didn’t want to raise any suspicion with Azzi. What were you doing? Were you wasting your time trying to get her attention? Probably. And what did this say about you? That you crave attention? That you want what you can’t have? Maybe it was all true.
How do you fix this? How do you make it right so that you both aren’t hurting anymore?
You slowly walk back over to the group, forgetting your drink at the bar but nobody even noticed as you approached. Paige looked up at you, sitting beside Azzi and turning her head, not trying to make eye contact.
Azzi notices you, waving you over to her. “Come sit between Paige and I.”
Both you and Paige widen your eyes. Azzi wanting you to sit next to Paige. That’s…odd. Paige looks from Azzi to you and slightly shifts over, allowing you space to sit between them, which you reluctantly do.
Your right leg immediately presses up against Paige’s and even more memories flood back to you. All those times your body slumped against hers, when she’d spoon you in your bed; it was all coming back. You try to move more towards Azzi, not wanting to relive those moments all over again. But Paige, she knew you. Even after all these years, she still knew you.
So you weren’t as surprised as you should have been when she let her pinky finger graze your knee, rubbing it as a source of comfort because she knew you were in your head. You try not to look at her but even at that you fail and it makes you feel stupid. It makes you feel even more stupid when she doesn’t even turn her head your way, pretending you’re not even there yet her finger was still on your knee. And it was comforting for a while because it reminded you of the old Paige. The one you fell in love with in high school. It also reminded you of her and that girl across the hall. Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?
You use your hand to shove her finger off of you, causing Paige to look at you for the first time since she touched you. You were over doing this to yourself. You were better than this. Nobody else noticed the movement you just made besides Paige and that was all that really mattered, right?
“I’m getting a drink,” Paige muttered to the rest of the group before getting up abruptly from the table and walking over to the bar. It was clear you had struck a nerve but had she not been doing that since the first time you saw her outside the bar?
It made you sick to your stomach, thinking about this whole situation over and over in your head for the past month. And ten minutes later, Paige wasn’t back from the bar and damn did you really need to take a piss. So you excused yourself, getting up and trying to find your way to the bathroom.
You turn down a hallway, the loud music growing quieter as you pushed the door open. Your breathing stopped and you felt your heart physically drop when you saw Paige pushing a girl against the bathroom wall by the sink, shoving her tongue down her throat. And it wasn’t just any girl. It was Kathrine, the girl who was just in your bed that morning.
“Leave me the fuck alone, Paige,” you say as she follows you out of the bar and into the street. And of course to your luck, it was raining. Hard. The sudden cold droplets against your skin made you shiver. But not nearly as bad as you felt when you saw Paige and Kathrine in that bathroom.
“Can you give me a damn second please?” Paige shouts after you. She catches up to you and grabs your arm, yanking you back around to face her. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“Let me go.” You said sternly, trying to loosen yourself from her grip but it was no use.
Paige shook her head. “You fuck up my relationship, you shove my hand away, you won’t leave me alone, and now you get mad because I was making out with someone else? When will you realize that I’m not the problem here?”
“I’ve been hooking up with that girl for the past month, dumbass.”
Paige’s jaw drops slightly and her grip on you slowly loosens. “First, I didn’t know. Second, why are you so pissed about it?”
“You just go and fuck anything with a heartbeat, don’t you?” You ask her, wiggling your arm free from her hand.
“Fuck you,” she grits through her teeth. “This would have never happened if you didn’t do what you did senior year.”
“Why did it hurt you that fucking badly? We were kids, Paige.”
Paige glared at you, reaching for your waist to steady you. “Because I was fucking in love with you, Y/n.”
You stop, the only movement coming from the shivers as a result of the rain. She was in love with you and she never told you. And you never told her. “What the fuck.”
“So yes, I hooked up with girls to get over you. And now that I finally am, you come walking back into my life for no goddamn reason and it makes me feel like shit. And I’m done trying to tiptoe around you like your some fragile thing that can’t be broken because the truth is, you’re a fucking bitch. You’re rude and you’re selfish and you’re ignorant.”
You couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Did she really think all those things about you? “Do you really think that?”
“Yes,” she said with no hesitation and that hurt you anymore. “And I’m sorry to myself that I let myself fall in love with you. Because that was a form of torture on myself.”
And what could you even say to that? Paige Bueckers just admitted that she regretted falling in love with you. What more was there to that?
“You want me out of your life? Fine.” You turn around and begin walking in the opposite direction of the bar, just wanting nothing more than to go home. “For the record, I never regretted falling in love with you.”
You didn’t wait to see her reaction and she never called out to say anything else. You were done.
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Sweet Tooth
A/N: Well let me say first and foremost. My bad guys. Lol I didn't mean to keep this rotting in my drafts for almost a year, but life got crazy. I hope you guys enjoy this
Warnings: Explicit. Oral(fem receiving) Body worship. Finger sucking. Squirting. Multiple orgasms. Willy being down bad.
Summary: You’re sweeter than any chocolate he could cook up, and Willy is all too eager to show you just how much he craves you. Your smiles, your attention…your taste.
The last few weeks of your life have been vibrant.
Filled with technicolor so unlike the dreary years you’ve spent in this town. Between the weather and the chipped cobblestone, England was so gray this time of year. Frigid and frozen over with winter winds and a constant flurry of snow.
It was on a particularly cold night that you’d found him.
Saved him, he’d argue whenever he told the story. Saved him from Bleacher and his mangy mutt.
“Don't you ever get tired of harassing people?” you'd sighed as you'd stumbled upon the scene. A familiar one- another poor soul about to get roped into Bleacher and Scrubbit’s barely concealed hoodwink. Everyone who’d grown up in this city knew better.
“Why don't you mind your business, Y/N. And leave us be. Both me and mister-” Bleacher looks to the man. The one with the sharp cheekbones and the ostentatious velvet trench coat.
“Wonka. Willy Wonka” And he’d said it with such innocence gleaming in those bright eyes that in that moment, you knew you couldn't let him fall victim to the cruel scam.
That’s how you’d ended up with an unexpected housemate.
The home you’d grown up in is nothing special and far from fancy, but you do happen to have a spare room. One with an old fold-out bed that’s more comfortable than it looks. It may have been stupid, but you couldn't help but trust him. Want to help him, feel this pull to him…
That was weeks ago. Almost a month now.
Willy living with you, under your roof, feels oddly natural. Like it had been years that the two of you had been co-existing, he fits into your space like he was destined to come to you. Like he belongs there; the two of you working together like a well oiled machine.
You cook dinner, he washes the dishes and wipes down the counters. The house has never been neater. Even though you try to deny them, every day when he returns from the Gallery Gourmet, he leaves silver shillings in the key bowl on the kitchen table.
“It’s not much…but I want to make sure I’m paying my way. I’m real appreciative of all you’ve done for me” he tells you so earnestly it makes you blush. You sneakily slip his sovereigns in the pockets of his trousers when you do his laundry.
He doesn't know it but he’s helped you too. And not just by scrubbing dishes.
You truly hadnt realized how lonely you were until he came along, and you were terrified of losing your found companion. You’d hold on to him for as long as he’d allow.
Your new favorite time of the day is the evenings; quiet ones. With a fire burning in the hearth and the radio playing softly. You and Willy curl up on the couch, warm in your respective quilts. And read. Well, you read to him. At his persistent insistence.
“Aren't you tired of me blabbing yet?” you tease as you pick up the dog eared copy of The Hobbit that the two of you had been working your way through.
Willy gives you a grin, all boyish and crooked “Never that. I adore the way you tell stories”
That makes your stomach swoop dangerously and you shake your head “You’re a flatter, Mr. Wonka”
“No, no. Your voice is more melodic than the bells of Notre Dame” and when he says things like that to you, how are you not supposed to swoon? From any other man it would make you scoff, but from Willy his compliments always feel different.
Like maybe he’s telling the truth…
You ignore it and change the subject to something that feels safer “One day i'm gonna put you in front of a map and make you show me all the places you’ve been”
“Honestly, It would probably be easier to mark off the few places I haven't been-”
“Oh ho ho ho. How modest of you, great explorer” You tease around a laugh and his ears redden a bit at your ribbing.
“It's not like that and you know it” Willy defends “It was a lot less glamorous than it sounds. I spent seven years under the deck scrubbing pots and then collecting ingredients for my chocolate whenever we made port”
“And wooing girls on every continent?” I ask and that blush on his ears spreads to the high apples of his cheeks.
He’s a pretty one and you know even though he pretends to be demure, might come off as innocent, he’s anything but.
You’d gotten a small taste of it, and hadn't thought of anything else since. But neither of you had quite mustered the bravery to talk about that yet.
The two of you settle in on the old worn couch with mugs of steaming hot chocolate, courtesy of Willy. He’d spoiled you rotten, made you develop a terrible sweet tooth. Any cavities you develop, you’re completely blaming on him.
“Willy” you whine.
“Just try it, please. I made this recipe especially for you”
You take a sip.
The first rush of flavor over your taste buds has your eyes fluttering.
“Mmm, oh my god” you can't help but moan. It’s the most complex thing you’ve ever tasted. Truly. He’s outdone himself- cinnamon and warmth.The kind that feels like a a lovers embrace. Sweet milk chocolate. Is that a hit of rose? “This is insane, what’s in this?”
At your praise Willy smiles like the cat that caught the canary “Cinnamon bark from Sri Lanka, Wild roses from China. Coconut milk”
You look over at him, appraising. Trying to figure out why his voice has taken on that husk. Why his eyes are boring into so intensely.
“What a peculiar combination of flavors” you whisper and Willy bites his lip.
“Its become my favorite combination lately” he admits “but I can't seem to get it quite right. You see, I was allowed to taste it only once, and its tormented me since”
Your breath hitches. Flashes of tangling tongues tongues and his lips pressed against yours. It had only been one kiss but it had wreaked havoc on you since.
You eyeball the mug in your hands. Maybe you weren't the only one suffering with the after effects after all.
“Is this chocolate supposed to taste like?...”
“You. Yes. Your kiss. Your tongue and your lips” Willy nods. “I don't know if anything can come close to the real thing, but I tried”
Your heart thunders behind your ribcage. The longing in his voice matches the one within your gut, the need that had been brewing.
“I’ve spent hours. Thinking of you, trying to imitate your taste so that I could have it one more time. Spicy, but not quite. More warm. Sweet…the floral note from your lipstick. I’ve been nearly everywhere and i’ve never sampled anything quite like it”
With his confession, the thin thread of control snaps.
You’d been trying, so hard. Trying not to scare him away. Trying to keep the intensity of your feelings at bay so that he’d stay, even after he secured his shop. That he wouldnt leave you when he found success-
You place the mug down on the old wood of the side table-
“Please” Willy’s pathetic as he grabs at your arm “Don't go, I understand if this was too much but I- I didn't know how else to show you”
You lean into his touch, not away and that seems to calm him if only just.
Of course this sweet silly man couldn't just tell you that he cared for you. That was not his style. He was bad with words, so much better with his hands. To him, he’d shown you the most sincere form of devotion, crafted your portrait with his most loved medium.
“I feel the same” you say, voice quivering just the tiniest bit. His eyes melt and he comes in close, forehead knocking against yours.
When you kiss him its hot from the start. It’s wet and electric, charged with emotion. With desperation. Willy’s sinewy hands are all over you, cupping your chin, squeezing your waist, so much more bold this time. The waiting had lowered any inhibitions he might have had.
It’s frantic, him unbuttoning your blouse and you tugging at his trousers.
You need more. Need to feel his dark silky hair between your fingers, his pale skin under your palms.
Nothing feels like enough. Not when he mouths at your garment covered breasts or when you wiggle out of your skirt.
You reach into his boxers, wanting to palm at the blood hot hardness you’ll find there-
He groans and pulls his mouth away from your neck, where he’d been suckling marks into the delicate skin. “Wait, don’t”
“Why?” you’re confused, you can feel him. Firm and needy under the cloth.
“Because I want to take care of you first. With my mouth. If you’ll let me”
And oh. Oh.
All you can do is nod. Lay back and let him take what he needs, you feel more vulnerable than ever before. When he blankets you with his body, you realize that you also feel safer. Adored by this man, by this odd beautiful man.
Willy is a tactile person. He wants to touch and taste. And so that is what he does.
There’s so much to feel. Your heavy breasts, peaked with hard little nipples that he swirls his tongue round. Your belly and wide hips, so soft, so much give, he watches his fingers dig in and indent. Your thighs, so plush.
He buries his head between them. And inhales, deeply.
“Willy!” you exclaim, scandalized, trying to close your legs, but he shoulders his way deeper.
“You smell so good” Willy reassures you, his nose pressed against the wet patch on your knickers. Groaning like it’s the best scent in the world.
He takes his time, savors the moment as he peels the damp fabric away. His eyes locked on how the strings of slick stretch and shine in the low fire light. You’re so wet, the puffy lips of your cunt sopping already. And when he takes his first tentative lap, he knows that he could do this for hours and there's no way he’d ever be able to replicate it.
Nectar from the gods. Earthy and sour sweet.
You whimper as he feasts, as he gorges greedily. The sight of his dark head bobbing between your thighs makes you shudder. It’s almost unreal. That he’s doing this, that he wants you. His arms are wrapped around the back of your thighs, holding them up, holding you open.
You come for the first time with your fingers buried in his hair, pressing his face deep into you. Riding his nose and tongue.
For the second time you’re arching away from the sharp pleasure.
“Willy” you choke on your whines as his fingers reach deep into you, hitting that sensitive place inside over and over. You’re shaking with overstimulation, but hes groaning like he’s the one being brought to orgasm over and over.
He pulls his wet mouth away every so often. To tell you how beautiful you are. How good you taste.
“I can’t” you whisper, warningly.
“Please” Willy insists, his breath against your clit “One more, one more for me”
You can't deny him anything, can you?
You arch right up from the couch cushions, squealing as you hit that peak again. But this time is different, this time something inside you bursts, pushing wetness out in a flood.
Willy lets out a gutted sound from where he’s smothered by your thighs, that have tightened vice like around his head during your orgasm.
Coming down from it is almost painful and you’ve never sobbed from pleasure but well. There’s a first time for everything. While you shake and shiver Willy’s gentle, petting your thighs and tummy in soothing circles. Pulling away from your over sensitive flesh.
He stares up at you, his gaze heavy and his tongue poking out every few seconds. Swiping at his wet lips. Like he can't stop tasting you. It’s debauched. Beautiful.
“You are the best thing i’ve ever tasted” Willy pants out the vow, raw with honesty. Drunk on the flavor of you.
Wryly, you wonder if he’ll try to manufacture it into a truffle. A fancy bon bon.
You smile as he climbs back fully on top of you, your arms wrapping around him and holding him close. You kiss the shell of his ear before whispering-
“My turn to taste you”
I never thought I’d be writing Willy Wonka smut but well. Here I am lol
#willy wonka x reader smut#willy wonka x reader#willy wonka smut#wonka x reader smut#wonka x reader#timothee chalamet smut
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⛧° sleepy nights - hoo boys

⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: percy jackson, jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang, luke castellan, charles beckendorf x reader - hcs on how they’d sleep with you
warnings: luke and charlie are 19
a/n: SHE’S BAAAACKK!! i’m finally not sick anymore (very questionable, but i’m definitely better) so i’m back to writing! at least i hope so. you can send your requests, preferably of not so long stuff cause i already have 5 super long drafts lol
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
now playing… sweater weather - the neighborhood
Percy Jackson
i honestly believe that he’s an awesome cuddler.
like, i just know that he likes to be the big spoon and wrap his arms around your waist and never EVER let go.
he’d totally lay his head on your shoulder and drool on it.
he plants a lot of tiny little kisses in your neck before you fall asleep.
i like to believe that he snores
but not like super loud snores and they’re not even annoying
its just super cute
and you feel so safe
he’s not super ripped, but he still has abs
so just leaning against them, warm in the night is just so soothing
he sleeps in two positions only, cuddling with you or as a starfish, with legs and arms thrown all over you and the bed
his body is naturally warm
not an uncommon warm, just normal warm
so sleeping with him is always good
whenever you sleep with him, he doesn’t want to get up to school/college the next day
he’s just too comfy to want to let go of you
and, subconsciously, he likes to trace patterns all over the exposed skin of your stomach
overall, a great person to sleep with
Jason Grace
my personal favorite for, uh, unrelated reasons
totally not because he’s literally my dream man no no
but hear me out, you won’t regret it
he’s canonically tall and muscular right
so just imagine resting against his delicious muscular chest and abs-
sorry i trailed off
he’s also a cuddler
but he’s kind of stiff in the beginning
like he’s completely touch starved
so he doesn’t really know how to act in situations like this
but the more you’re together the more he feels comfortable to cuddle and squeeze you
he loves to just pull you as close to himself as he can and bury his nose on your hair
because you just smell to good to not do that
he’s also a sweet talker
he just LOVES to whisper cute words in your ear as you’re about to fall asleep
and the first time he told you he loved you was one of these times
you were almost falling asleep in his arms and he just whispered “i love you”
you couldn’t even understand what happened until the next morning
he is the best person to sleep with
he absolutely loves when you just curl up in a ball beside him while he’s reading
he gets all fuzzy inside
he’s literally melting
he just loves you too much
Leo Valdez
look, don’t get me wrong, i love leo
but i don’t think he’d be the best cuddler in the world
for the simple reason that i think so
if u don’t like it just sush
BUT he absolutely loves to sleep on top of you with his head in your chest
i just know it
this is like super Leo Valdez of him
and you can’t tell me he doesn’t purr when you caress his hair
cause OF COURSE he does that
he’s the best person to sleep with in winter and fall, cause he keeps you warm and happy
but in the summer… not as good, i’ll have to admit
like, he’s too hot
in both senses of the word
so you just get overheated
not that you’re really complaining tho
it’s worth it
oh, and he LOVES to whisper words in spanish in your ear before sleep
if you can’t speak spanish, he’ll say… not so innocent things
our latino king fr fr
and if you can speak spanish he’ll just say how much you smell good or how pretty you are or how much he loves you-
not a cuddler, but a very good person to sleep with anyways
Frank Zhang
he’s tall and muscular
what more can i ask for my personal pillow?
oh, being a lowkey GENTLEMAN with every living being he interacts with
ok maybe that was a little bit out of context
but whatever
back to sleeping with him
if you want a best human pillow, you won’t find it
especially cause charlie died so-
i’m deeply sorry for that. not really.
he loves loves LOVES when you lay on top of him
it’s his favorite position ever
and he also loves when he can hold you
but not literally cuddle
just you laying with him, curled up against his chest but with your face to him, y’know?
i don’t know if it makes much sense
he likes to braid your hair while you’re falling asleep for you to sleep better
hazel taught him and he absolutely loves to do it in you
in the beginning of the relationship, you usually went to sleep with a dog or a cat
he was too nervous, okay? leave him alone
well, he got over it, thanks to you obviously
but sometimes he still sleeps as a dog
especially if you ask him to do it
he’ll be like “sure, if you want if” but deep down he loves it
it’s just too sooting for him when you curl up against him as a dog and pet his fur
its one of his favorite ways to sleep with you
Luke Castellan
oh, luke
i’ll never admit the uncommonly enormous crush i have on you
he’s just too hot
also i have a thing for blondes (hey jason and annabeth and a lot of other peopleee)
well, enough of me, let’s talk about this walking piece of MEAT
he love love loves to sleep cuddled up with you
like, it’s his favorite thing in the world
the only problem (if you consider it a problem. i personally don’t) it’s because he has to sleep holding at least one of your tits
he says it makes him sleep better
technically it does, because his hands are cold and your boobs are warm
but it’s mostly because he really likes ‘em
he’s not gonna tell you that, tho
he loves when you lay on top of him and lets him caress your hair
bros seriously whipped
he’d be damned if you told him you want to sleep alone
he’ll literally become a whiny baby until you surrender
and if you don’t, the next morning he’ll be so grumpy
but that’s obviously until you give him a kiss
if the kiss doesn’t fix, another thing will
cuddles, duh
dirty mind
if you like to wake up early for morning walks, he’ll wake up and watch you get ready
but most likely never join you
Charles Beckendorf
best human pillow EVER
only god knows how much envy i felt from silena for real
he loves cuddling ofc
but it’s not his favorite way of sleeping
he’d rather much more hold you against his chest, arms and legs interlocked
because in that way he can hug, admire and kiss you anytime he wants to
i don’t know if this position makes sense help-
he loves to caress your hair and kiss your head in the process
it’s soothing for him and he knows it’s soothing for you
whenever he comes back from bunker nine super exhausted he just lays down and you hop beside him
and it’s heaven in his eyes
sometimes when things go wrong in a project he's working on he goes straight to your cabin and just stares at you
biggest puppy eyes in the world by the way
he just stares in a way like "please let me sleep here"
and who are you to say no am i right
he LOVES to snuzzle his face in your neck and breath in your scent
he just loves the way you smell
it's just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you
sorry i love 10 things i hate about you too much
your smell is one of his favorite things in the whole world
he's just so in love is sickening to anyone who's watching
anyways, cutie pie
a/n pt2: i'm sorry if charlie is short, but im too annoyed right now. i had to rewrite this shit five times because TUMBLR COULDNT SAVE THE FUCKING DRAFT HOLY SHIT- anyways hope u liked
#postcards from leah#pjo hoo toa#pjo#heroes of olympus#heroes of olympus x reader#jason grace#jason grace x reader#percy jackson#percy jackson x reader#leo valdez#leo valdez x reader#frank zhang#frank zhang x reader#luke castellan#luke castellan x reader#charles beckendorf#charles beckendorf x reader#percy jackson and the olympians
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