#it is kinda collab with myself
kawoid · 1 year
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vhalesa · 3 months
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Guess who is actually capable of proper watercolor drawings if she really wants to?
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
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Your boyfriend is missing - but that shouldn’t be a cause for concern… right?
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pairing: Satoru Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 5.6k
warnings & tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI. dark elements. roleplay that can be read as yandere like behavior, heavy prey/predator, stalking, moment of home intrusion, fear & knife play, sexual allusions, a lot of licking and spit, finger sucking, themes of terror and fear, feral Gojo, aftercare, reader is called (doll, pretty, baby, angel) also everyone is alive & nothing hurts AU…if I missed anything please let me know
a/n: this is my second submission to Willow’s Haunted House Collab! To be honest…this is my first time writing content like this so I’m a little nervous about posting this piece so I appreciate you taking the time to read and hope you enjoy! Also big thank you to @willowser & @skeletoncowboys for being the best (and worst) little devils on my shoulder to get me to write this
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You’re still surprised Shoko knows this many people. But then again a part of you isn’t.
The Halloween party fills every inch of her nice Tokyo apartment. The array of colored lights dance against the wild costumes and you wonder if you’ve slipped into a pocket of wonderland.
Taking a sip of your drink you also now curiously wonder if your faux blood sucking boyfriend has fallen down a rabbit hole himself.
The original plan was to go in matching couples outfits. But once your slightly erratic boyfriend spotted the dracula outfit at the costume store his grabby hands immediately snagged it.
“I’ll look hotter in this one. You understand right, angel?” Satoru triumphant grin said enough.
Begrudgingly, you did. And you couldn’t deny how gorgeous he looked.
White summer cloud hair slicked back, the realistic fake vampire fangs he wore, and even borrowing your eyeliner to add shadow like depth around his piercing baby blues -
He was the dream of every dark supernatural romance novel.
Now among the blaring music and excited chatter of the party your handsome vampire has slipped through your fingers.
Your feet are starting to ache and your soft bed is calling you home. So you decide to scan the crowd for him.
From your spot in the kitchen your attention flickers out to the thick of the party in the living room. You spot Haibara laughing so bright and looking adorable in his spooky scarecrow costume. Nanami stands beside him, simple devil horns on top of his head and a slightly amused grin coloring his distinguished features.
Geto, dressed in his rather impressive phantom of the opera costume, has been attracting a small crowd. He sits on the couch telling scary stories with the others around him. The look of both a composed storyteller and eager listener paints his handsome face even with the mask covering half his face.
Your eyes continue their search among the party.
Along the stretch of the wall lined with grand windows stands an ink blot like figure.
The apartment’s dim soft lighting mixes with the fun colorful lights strung up. Strange shadows fall among the space and at times you’ve caught it playing tricks on your eyes.
Except you clearly can focus on the striking presence across from you.
The stranger wears an all black cloak that makes them stick out against the windows.
And they wear a ghost face mask that completely obstructs any hope of discovering who this is.
The mask stares out so blankly and it’s a bit unnerving.
People chat unphased. A small group even starts an impromptu dance circle at the new upbeat pop song playing. Everyone exists unaware, or possibly uncaring, at the strange presence of the ghost face.
Yet this person stands so still. The mask also seems to be staring directly at you.
It could be someone needing a small break from the party the same way you lingered in the kitchen alone.
Then ghost face lifts a gloved finger up to the mask’s lips.
A strange flutter you can’t fully describe rises in your gut. You simply brush off the action as someone being funny.
You now leave the kitchen to fully hunt for your missing boyfriend.
“Have you seen Gojo?” You ask around but the answers are all the same.
“Nope!” Haibara’s bright response comes with an unworried smile.
“No thank goodness,” the same answer comes from both Nanami and Utahime.
“Maybe he turned into a bat and flew away.” Geto, ever the teasing jokester, has you rolling your eyes.
Shoko jokingly even says “who?” when you ask her.
Now you think your boyfriend has decided to be childish and hide in the bathrooms or closet. Because who else would try to be funny and run away during a party but Gojo.
Shoko, with a carefree wave, grants you free range to explore her place.
You’ve been here plenty of times, but now with so many people in the space an annoyed edge bubbles in you. You want to go home. Now you’re having to peek around hoping to spot your ridiculous boyfriend. And there are no signs of him.
Annoyed and frustrated you snag your phone to simply message him.
[Where are you?!]
It takes a moment, but a message comes in from ‘My Bestest Most Handsome Boyfriend Ever.’
Said boyfriend simply replies with one lone emoji.
Another message rushes in. It again is nothing but emojis.
Simmering annoyance doubles, tempting to turn into frustration, and you rapidly message him back.
[Satoru I wanna go home and if you keep up this up I’m leaving you]
You’d call a ride or see if someone can take you back. You would leave him here.
A notification chime comes.
[let’s play a game baby 🤍]
[oh so me trying to find your ridiculous ass around Shoko’s apartment isn’t a game?]
[so rude!]
[but maybe it is 😜]
You call his phone. It goes straight to voicemail and you want to scream.
You angrily type out another message and hit send.
[fine whatever, you do whatever you want I’ll see you at home]
His reply rushes in surprisingly fast.
[head home angel, I’ll see you when I get there 🤍]
Now that sparks a strange curious peak in you.
But still so annoyed you angrily close your messages. You’re about to head out of the corner of the hallway you’ve been hanging out in.
So deep in your thoughts, you take one step and run into someone -
The ghost face stranger.
You thankfully don’t collide into him. However, your step falters seeing how close the person is to you.
The black robed body fully faces you, their back to the party, as they stand so direct.
“Oh, uh excuse me.” You mutter and avert your eyes worried as you slide past the stranger.
Not a sound comes, not even a reply. The chilling silence, the looming presence, the dark shadow blocking out the light, it feels like you’re trying to tiptoe past something dangerous.
Out of the hallway you check your phone again.
Still nothing from Gojo.
“Fine, stay here.” You huff out loud thinking maybe he’ll hear you.
A soft whisper of your boyfriend’s voice comes.
It cuts through the party even on the gentle breeze you heard it. Quickly you look around, but nothing. Still no sign of Satoru. You glance over your shoulder to check behind you.
Instead of being at the previous spot in the highway, ghost face now peers out from the edge of the hallway's entrance.
The plastic hollow mask continues staring so directly at you that a strange unsettled alarm twists your stomach.
It couldn’t be….
But then again…
You shake away curious and cloudy thoughts wanting to form. Turning on your heels you rush to Shoko’s side and announce you’re going to head out.
Nanami, like a true golden knight he should’ve dressed as, offers to drive you home. Haibara happily decides to tag along. Before you head out, a message alert rings from your phone.
[Come find me downstairs!]
You groan. Of course he managed to slip away from the apartment entirely.
“Sorry guys. I’ll meet you two down in the garage. I think I know where my idiot ran off too.” You sigh and thankfully Nanami understands with his saintly patience.
As you slip into the hallway, the noise of the party fades into a muted soft hum.
After navigating Shoko’s labyrinth-like apartment building you arrive at the main floor downstairs. And of course, your boyfriend again is nowhere to be found. In fact, the beautiful sleek modern lobby is vacant. Normally someone sits at the front desk that is currently empty. In the dark evening, the quiet lurks with an unsettling hollowness.
So you quickly message Gojo.
[where are you??]
No response.
You should’ve known this was going to happen.
The eerie silence, the lack of commotion in this normally occupied space, a strange anxiety swarms in your chest. It drains out the annoyance you had for your boyfriend because now, you just want to leave.
Not wanting to stay here anymore you simply head to the elevator and press the button for the garage.
Footsteps echo behind you and you turn.
Behind you is the ghost face stranger.
Standing so terrifyingly still a chill runs up your back as if you’re staring down an actual ghost, trying to process if this being is real or not. The hollowed out eyes, the deep morphed wide frown, all of it intensifies against the pristine lobby.
Then ghost face tilts their head. The small movement seems so innocent, curious even.
The elevator dings its arrival. Hesitantly you step into the lift while trying to keep your eyes on the stranger.
Once fully inside, a moment of pause comes. It again is just you and the mysterious figure staring at the other.
Suddenly, as if possessed, ghost face runs straight towards you.
Fear rips into you visceral and dizzying. You choke on a scream. Faster and faster he approaches. You shakily scramble to slam on the button to close the elevator doors.
The black robed stranger races closer.
The doors start closing. An arm outstretches hopeful to stop the elevator and terror sinks its fangs into you.
The doors however shut fast.
You’re left staring at the white masks unflinching. The doors fully shut and you watch ghost face disappear out of sight.
The elevator ride is quiet, but your loud heartbeat drums rapidly in your ears. The taste of fear in your mouth has you wondering if you unknowingly transformed into a small creature fleeing from a monster in the woods.
You exhale slowly trying to steady yourself.
The garage thankfully arrives quickly and Nanami and Haibara already wait for you there.
“Are you alright? You seem shaken up.” Nanami notices you with keen eyes.
“Yeah!” You lie as truthfully as you can, even summoning a smile to add to it. “Just feeling a little under the weather now. So I’m just ready to get home.”
That appeases Nanami and the three of you head out.
“So did you find where Gojo went!?”
“No.” You sigh, answering Haibara’s bright question.
“I’m sure he just got called away somewhere and forget to tell you!” He positively suggests.
“Or he’s just playing a trick on me thinking he’s being cute when he’s actually just being a headache.” Your dull annoyed comment has Nanami snorting amused and it warms you.
It helps as a chill air breathes into the dark evening. Softly, a distant rumble of thunder comes. A storm approaches. As you head up to the apartment you already happily think of cozy blankets to end the night.
“Satoru!” You call out.
Silence greets you. So much for meeting you at home.
You start the search again. The bathroom, the extra guest bedroom and even the guest bathroom are all once again Gojo-less. You even check underneath the bed and feel silly when you open up the laundry hamper thinking he could have squeezed himself in there as a prank.
But you realize you would’ve at least heard ridiculous giggling at this point. So, you give up.
Ready to turn in for the night you exhaustedly slip out of your costume and into cozier clothes.
You also decide to try calling your dumb boyfriend again. You left your phone charging in the kitchen and head back to grab it.
A flash of lightning comes, a bright surprise illumination dancing from the window. It draws your attention away for a split moment.
You turn and now before you the ghost face masked stranger stands in your kitchen.
Terror seizes you and you freeze in its grasp.
Ghost face’s presence in your warmly light kitchen reminds you of someone taking a sharpie and placing a solid swipe against a scenic painting. It is a terrifying distortion.
“Satoru.” You snap even though your voice wavers.
The masked stranger shakes their head.
“Sorry doll,” You don’t recognize the voice replying to you. It’s deep warped and distorted. Plus your boyfriend never once called you that - doll.
“Don’t know who this Satoru guy is, but he’s lucky gettin’ to come home to you.” The deep and static like masculine voice purrs.
Your heart drops into your stomach
Now truly staring at the cloaked intruder, you realize how large ghost face is. His broad shoulders fill out the space and he radiates an imposing looming force.
Your eyes stay focused on him but you realize if you move fast, you could maybe reach your phone charging.
So you bolt with all your might.
But the masked man is faster.
In two rapid steps he stops you. With a gloved hand the stranger yanks you into his hold. A scream almost escapes you. But it’s knocked out when ghost face curls around you from behind.
A strong sturdy arm wraps itself across your chest.
“Now now doll,” the intruder tsks light. “And here I thought we could play a lil’ game.”
The gleam of the knife comes first from the corner of your eye. Then, the pointed tip starts running up the side of your body with a delicate leisure ease.
Your eyes go wide as the large kitchen knife effortlessly tracing up a path closer to you. It drags across your clothes, slow and unbothered in its pace.
“You know,” ghost face muses. “You really are a cute one.”
A twinkling glee leaks into the distorted voice.
“Let’s play that game I mentioned, yeah?” He continues.
Your throat goes dry as the knife now drags easily up your chest closer to your face.
“I’m a big fan of hide and seek.” The masked man purrs.
The solid arm that was across your chest now slides up allowing his gloved hand to softly curl around your neck. There is no pressure, just the simple chilling sensation of his presence against your skin. It’s a reminder that at any moment he could tighten his hand on your throat.
“You’re just so cute that I wanna chase ya and keep you forever.” His voice manages to drop deeper, entrenched in something dreadfully haunting.
“I’ll give you five minutes to go run and hide,” he whispers softer and deeper. The white plastic of the mask gingerly scrapes against your face. Your body coils a tense knot of emotions you can’t even seem to sort through.
“And then, I’ll go and find you.” His voice oozes out a rich low confidence.
Then cool metal presses against your cheek. Your eyes snap down and find a knife lying flat against your face. Your heart trips over in itself.
Confused panic now clashes with something dangerously dark you dare not name. It only worsens when a gloved thumb strokes your throat soft, reverently, and a heat licks up your body.
“Get to hidin’ doll… run.” Ghost face whispers.
Then he violently rips himself away from your body and like being unleashed from a cage you bolt.
You don’t even turn around to look at the masked man. Instead you dash further into the apartment.
Your first thought is to crawl under one of the beds. But your heart pounds so fast that any true proper thoughts get scrambled.
All you can think of is the closet, the large walk-in closet you share with Satoru.
Rapidly you rush inside it. You wonder if you should hide standing up along your boyfriend's large amount of tall clothes that could possibly hide you.
Until you spot it - a wonderful carved out space you can crouch in.
Once you wiggle your way in you try settling into the space. Breathing slowly in and out you try to gather yourself together. The length of Satoru’s clothes you hope will work as a cover or even a makeshift barrier to hide you.
Safe within the smell of the cologne lingering on your boyfriend’s clothes, you close your eyes to settle yourself down even more.
You sit in the silence. Tension crawls on your skin.
Time begins feeling sticky and the minutes seem to all glue together. You don’t know how long you’ve been in here or how long you will be.
Then heavy boots slowly march into the bedroom.
Your eyes snap open. The footsteps are leisurely, imposing. Your heart jolts hearing every step.
A slow dread that has been spilling into you like an hourglass now shatters as the footsteps draw closer to the door. Out of panic you can’t help but move your hands over your nose and mouth to keep quiet.
The door creaks open and your heart stops.
Your body tenses up at the sight of the black thick boats stomping into the closet.
Then the light of the closet flickers on illuminating the space.
“You in here, pretty?” the masked man calls out.
The air in the room evaporates as you stay as quiet as you can.
From the way his boots shuffle he seems to be glancing among the hanging clothes trying to find you in the space you thought of hiding in earlier.
A sigh comes from your masked intruder, soft and defeated almost.
He starts walking out of the closet. You rationalize that he must already be bored of trying to find you here. A small dosage of relief fills your body. Your eyes even shut close again as you exhale.
You take a moment to gather yourself in your sheltered space.
Simply breathing in and out, your hands stay against your face to keep you quiet.
Wearily you open your eyes.
Ghost face now kneels before you and peeks at you through the dangling clothes.
You’re thankful your hands still clutch over your face because you let out a small squeak of a scream.
His gloved waves at you gently and teasingly.
Before you can move, before you can even stand up, firm hands dart out. Ghost face grabs your ankle and drags you out of your little hidden cave.
Your body slides out with such ease, without any hesitation. You can’t even process how fast it happens. All you can do is stare up at the looming man above you staring down with the hollowed out soulless eyes.
His entire frame, large and imposing, blocks most of the light from the closet. It bathes him in a hauntingly eerie superposition of a black stain against a sun.
“Hi there doll,” He coo’s. “Knew you couldn’t escape from me.”
His gloved hand reaches out and holds your face firm.
The knife’s sharp edge drags up your body, a slow and casual pace. Your heart crawls into your throat as you lie beneath the power of this haunting force.
It’s simply you and him.
And then the ghost face mask man suddenly giggles.
It’s a playful giggle you know so well that not even the voice distortion can hide it.
It’s the one you hear whenever you trip over your own shoes, or when your boyfriend happily steals your fries…
“Satoru.” You breathe out steadier than you expected. A range of emotions tingles all over your body.
“No.” The voice replies but there's a twinkle in the tone now. “It’s me…scary ghost face man!”
“Satoru.” You repeat firmer.
“Who’s that? Is that your boyfriend? He sounds hot.”
You roll your eyes and are about to sit up when ghost face instead sits back releasing his firm grip on you.
The hand previously on your face moves to the mask and lifts it up.
Even before the rest of his face is revealed you spy the widest toothy smile ever. The mask completely slides up and now shining blue skies stare at you.
The eyeliner he put on earlier for his vampire costume is now a smudged mess from the heat of the mask. It paints him in a grunge like appearance that unfortunately for you looks devilishly hot on him
Still, you can’t help but pout at him.
“You should’ve set a timer. I don’t think you waited a full five minutes to let me hide.” You challenge as you start taking off his gloves.
“Yes I did! I even went and took a few selfies on your phone to let the time run!” Satoru challenges back pouting.
Of course he took pictures.
You can’t help but snort. However as you slide off the thick black gloves, your eyes gloss over a bit. The high, the adrenaline, the fantasy, is fizzling away.
Before you can even say anything, Gojo cries a dramatic sob. He flops down to lie completely on top of you.
“Satoru!” You wheeze as he clutches onto you like a childish koala.
Dramatically loud, Satoru wails your name. He rubs his sweaty face against yours. Yet, his bare hands hold you so delicate.
“Are you okay?” Your boyfriend gently asks genuine, low and cautious as if someone else can hear him.
You nod on an exhale. Your body strangely enough feels comforted with the weight of your protector against you.
Your face turns to burrow against his. The scent of his skin, the soft warmth he constantly radiates, all become a lifeline guiding you back.
The sensation running through your body reminds you of walking out of a haunted house attraction or even finishing an intense scary film. Those types of experiences become a way of facing terror as something fleeting, giving you a moment of fear without truly being in actual danger. It’s why you had even jokingly suggested this play in the first place.
Satoru and you had been costume shopping when he first tried to jump out and scare you. Instead he wore a ridiculous deformed bunny mask.
You simply stared at him bored and told him how ridiculous he looked.
“Aw! Where's your Halloween spirit babe?!” He cried.
You shrugged then went back to glancing at the adorable witch costumes.
“Maybe if it was another mask I saw you chasing me in I’d get scared.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice dipped in an intrigued low purr. “You want me to chase you around?”
“Satoru!” You had hissed in embarrassment and even swatted at him.
Gojo leaned down closer making sure nobody heard him as he whispered to you.
“It’s okay, angel. I kinda wanna chase you around too.”
The true serious conversation that occurred at home after that shopping trip led to this exact moment and you still can’t believe it.
Earlier in the week Satoru had coyly suggested wearing the ghost face costume instead of his vampire one. You had playfully shrugged and didn’t think he was serious.
But of course, you shouldn’t be surprised at anything your boyfriend does any more.
“I still can’t believe you managed to change at the party without me even knowing.” You comment.
“Oh that was easy! I just used Shoko’s private bathroom. I even told her to play along if you came looking for me. She also called us sexy freaks.” Gojo happily chirps, a bit proud, and your face heats up so fast you want to claw it off.
You could never look at Shoko again for the rest of your life, but you would manage.
Satoru shifts now to slide you better into his arms as he maneuvers to rest on the floor beside you.
You and him clutch each other warm and tight.
“As fun and hot as this was…I don’t like seeing you look genuinely scared.” He mutters softly against your forehead.
“You had been doing so good and looked so brave. I felt proud. But when I got you in here, you really did look so spooked.” Gojo continues. His voice trails into a soft tone you’ve learned is reserved only for you.
You had been scared, got caught up in the atmosphere.
“You just did your job a little too well.” You joke with a dry chuckle.
“Obviously.” Gojo scoffs. “Did you expect anything less?”
He really is a terror in his own way and you playfully pinch his side.
“You’re lucky you didn’t get too scary. If you did, I would've had to call my strong sorcerer boyfriend to beat you up.” You tease.
“Oh? Your strong sorcerer boyfriend? Are you sure he isn’t the strongest?” Gojo muses bright.
“Not really.” You grin.
He scoffs.
“You might as well have just taken the knife and stabbed me with it because your words have injured me!”
“Heal yourself then mister strongest sorcerer .” You deadpan.
Playfully Gojo lightly bites your cheek.
“But are you okay… Really?” His tone holds a tenderness and undertone of worry.
“I am, I promise.” You squeeze him firm and tight, even begin rubbing your hand against his shoulder.
“Are you feeling okay?” You ask firmer now.
Gojo nods, snuggling his face closer to you.
There on the floor, you and Satoru decompress. You find it comforting. After such a high adrenaline play, simply resting with him on the floor feels as if you are easing back into your skin. It’s the solidity of reality settling.
“Wait, how did you manage to change your voice?” You perk up curious.
Satoru happily whips out a simple handheld voice changer.
“I wanted to go all out.” He proudly explains with a beaming grin.
“Please tell me you didn’t use a real knife, did you?”
“Of course not!” Gojo shrieks insulted. “I bought a real fancy prop one online when I ordered my fangs!”
For some reason the thought of him spending money on an expensive movie like type prop makes you almost squawk in horror.
Satoru even playfully stabs your side with the fake knife. The poke comes hard but does nothing and you swat at him annoyed now. He snickers gleefully, a devilish gremlin.
His large calloused hand slides up your face. It kicks you out of your thoughts and your attention flickers back to Satoru.
Your boyfriend stares down at you with an interesting gleam in his eyes. His oceanic eyes are like that of a hunter gazing at its prey with a collected composure trying not to jump and consume.
On top of his cloud hair the ghost face mask still sits.
Satoru Gojo leans above you a beautiful terror of a sight. The gleam from the closet’s light illuminates a faint halo-like glow around him. It also electrifies his bright blue eyes. The black kohl liner now even makes them stand out even more.
The dormant arousal that had simmered earlier now reawakens raw in your body as warmth trickles across your skin. Your eyes even haze over as they stare at his soft lips.
Before you can even say anything, Satoru sweeps down fast and low. A creature striking fast, he captures your lips with his.
His tongue without hesitation licks into your mouth with a devastating dizziness. You clutch onto him tight and desperate. He’s kissing you like you will fade away at any moment, or like he’s enjoying his reward.
His lips chase after yours so messily, sloppily and without any finesse. Teeth click and even spit seems to slip more and more around your mouth.
Suddenly he starts licking at the spit that’s coated your lips and corner of your cheek. He seems possessed as he simply licks at you without any care. Gojo slides his tongue down to your jaw and tastes the salt of your skin.
He nips and bites softly at every inch of you he can reach. You’re reminded of a beast trying to consume with a feral want. A prickling heat now scourches across your body.
Caught up in that same frenzy Satoru kisses down your body over your clothes until he reaches your shorts.
Wearily you open your eyes to glance down at him.
Between your legs is a sight that melts your brain. With his holy angelic eyes, electrified and blown out, along with the terrifying ghost face mask on his cloud head, Satoru is a blissful frightening sight.
He breathes out your name, a ghostly whisper.
Cerulean eyes are now bottomless oceans as he kisses your core over your shorts repeatedly. You whine breathless and desperate, wanting him closer. Glancing down, you see Satoru once more stares up at you with a devouring hunger that has your eyes closing overwhelmed.
He fucks you there in the closet. The taste of it is wild, a frantic claim.
You and him end up entangled with each other, sticky and exhausted still on the floor. The clothes hanging above create a soft canopy.
Satoru’s fingers run up your arm tender while you rest in his arms.
“Who knew the ghost face mask was gonna do that for us huh? Guess Shoko was right. This really means we’re really a pair of certified hot freaks now.”
You screech a horrified sound and want to pummel your annoying boyfriend.
“What!? This is hot as hell baby!” Gojo argues back proudly, almost smug, and it only makes you angrily wiggle away from him.
Of course he keeps you firmly captured in his strong hold and doesn’t budge an inch.
“What if we try this again but with another mask?” Satoru asks dreamily.
“You’re already a clown, you don’t need another mask.” You reply.
“BABY!?” He sobs out absolutely horrified and dramatically hurt. You laugh and curl tight against this stronghold of a man.
“You wound me! I absolutely for sure have internal bleeding right now!” He continues sobbing while he burrows his face against the top of your head.
Being on the floor for so long starts aching so you slowly sit up. Gentle warm hands begin rubbing your back while you stretch. Glancing around at all the discarded clothing littering the floor, you spot the ghost face mask. In the heat of the moment your fingers had carded through Satoru’s soft hair and the mask slipped off.
It so innocently yet hauntingly stares out with those vacant hollow void eyes. A strange urge crawls up your neck and sinks its fangs into you. Grabbing it you turn back to Satoru who stares up at you with a dreamy softness.
“Oh?” He catches the sight of the mask and sits up. His curiosity sparks awake playful and fast. “What do you have in mind?”
You softly shush him and gently slide the mask over him.
With it completely covering his face, knowing fully it’s him and not having to pretend, does break the illusion.
However, it cracks open something new that is dangerously raw and hungry.
Your thumb strokes the side of his face where the soft latex of the mask covers his cheek.
Leaning forward you kiss him over the mask. You taste the annoying synthetic fabric of the mask. Yet a wild heat comes when you feel his lips through the fabric. Satoru’s hands slowly run up to your shoulders to hold you as you kiss him through the fabric.
It ignites a delirious frustration that feels so good. His mouth desperately tries to feel you against the fabric that quickly starts to get wet.
Another raw idea flashes in your mind. Softly you pull away from his lips. You think of Gojo and how his tongue claimed you in a flurry.
So with a soft tentative kitten like attempt, you lick at his lips through the mask.
Something wild unleashes itself in Satoru. He rapidly sweeps you into his arms with his godly strength and simply lifts you up from the floor. His lips moan against yours.
“Keeping this on.” Gojo slurs as he rapidly moves you and him towards the bed.
You shake your head rapidly agreeing. The plush bed hits your back.
Above you, once again the ink stain presence of ghost face stares down at you. Your fingers do ache to run into his hair, across his delicious undercut. But those simple aches are crushed against the clear sight of your Satoru as ghost face. You vividly see Satoru’s broad shoulders, feel the touch of his bare hands caressing your thighs so intently.
“I caught you fair and square, my sweet little treat.” Now it’s his voice, unmodulated and clear as crystal, cooing triumphant underneath the mask.
“Now… I think I wanna unwrap you again.” Gojo whispers and it slices under your skin deliciously.
Beautiful debauched arousal rapidly consumes you as you claw at him wanting him closer.
“You like knowing it’s me under here, baby?” Satoru continues. His fingers begin kneading into your soft thighs, anchoring himself to your body.
His long fingers softly swipe into the slick arousal pooling between your legs and a whimper flutters out of you.
“Me too.” Gojo whispers, almost admitting with a quiet glee.
“I like knowing I'm under here getting to chase you, knowing I’ll always catch you and have you all to myself.”
Pulling his fingers out, they shine coated in your wetness. He slips them under the mask. Suddenly the sound of him sucking fills the room and your mind melts even more.
Satoru groans, drunk on pleasure. Even with the mask hiding his face it somehow heightens the moment and you claw at his arm firmer.
Taking the hint, Gojo slides fully between your legs to draw closer to you. He now takes the fingers in his mouth to slide them into yours.
Your eyes close and roll back. You suck on his wet fingers covered in his spit and the faint linger of your arousal. He begins grinding against you and you moan needed more of him all over again.
It's delicious and dark, this beautiful cobweb of desire you and Satoru are caught in.
“That’s it, angel. Let’s keep enjoying our fun little fright night, yeah?” Your ghost face lover purrs and as you sink into lust’s heavenly darkness, you find you couldn’t agree more.
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fncreature · 2 months
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so wato won the fight, huh?
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coconox · 1 year
once again talking out loud bc i like screaming into the void drawings i'll hopefully finish some time this week or next week
kye outfits (almost done w this one thankfully) + rewrite lore
shirt cut meme (for both nocti and lee)
pgr x gg
sus edenfes drawings
will i get these done in the time frame i assigned myself? probably not but i have some hopium
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pepprs · 1 year
lizzy mcalpines old instagram videos are something that can be so personal…
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vulpiximisa · 4 months
I either underestimated Yamato’s popularity or nobody is pulling him and selling him because there’s no way I’m paying 2000yen for him. I expect it from Riku, but not this guy
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airenyah · 5 months
the way i can easily write 7.5k words in a week when i'm writing manifestos on tumblr but struggle to write a single page of scene analysis for a uni assignment in a day 💀💀💀
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tgcg · 7 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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andersonfilms · 5 months
Abbys reaction to you telling her how hot she is while making out: "you're so hot I can't stand it it drives me crazy." - maybe the first time or one of the first times
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tags: eighteen+, lesbians obsessed with each other, had to post during lesbian visibilty week like c'mon???, just a big bag of fluff packaged with light steam, abby being a nervous goofball, sfw with suggestive themes.
an. sorry i kinda disappeared with posts. new collab is taking over my brain. but wanted to at least post something. can't wait for y'all to get a taste. until then, i'll be finishing the requests in my inbox (hopefully). with all the love, ray.
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the end of your first date with abby marks a colossal milestone, especially for the two of you. the moment almost seemed monumental. taking one year of abby’s pining, six months of flirting and six months of tiptoeing while you were with someone else. respectfully, waiting until a month after the breakup, she asks you out.
unimaginable expectations abby had before going into tonight, but all she had to offer it seems was her nerves. god, she was acting like a dumb, mumbling, dork tonight. saying the first thought coming to mind, but it makes you laugh. when abby nearly eats it on the sidewalk, tripping over a crack of grout in the cement. your soft angelic voice taking her out for a moment, the only thing centering her from having a meltdown. 
“baby, are you alright? be careful, honey.” there it is, angelic. “wouldn’t want you to fall.” the first pet names hurled her way by you, making her heartbeat faster than she could keep up with. you cut her off at her knees, ensuring you are the only person she could ever want.
fuck, fuck, fuck.
it’s pretty obvious who was in control the entire night. if the two of you are friends, this night has a year of expectations, hopes, goals to meet and abby felt like she was failing. deeply.
as she walks you up to the front door, she knows the only thing she accomplished was letting you down. nothing went the way she thought it was going to. everything felt off. worst of all, your silence snuffs her out, completely.
you grab her hands, pulling her up the stairs with you. the collar feels too hot, tense, off. delicate fingers playing with the collar before you unclasp the buttons, keeping down before you move to her chest, placing your hand on abby’s inconsistent heartbeat.
“can i? s’tense, need you to loosen up for me. alright?” abby nods, accepting you can read her like the back of your hand. she just doesn’t want you to stop touching her. “get out of this head of yours. s’just me and you, no one else.” your nimble fingers pop the first three buttons, revealing her freckled chest, dipping into her sternum, giving you a delicious preview. she takes a deep breath, and you believe it’s the first one she’s allowed herself since she showed up with a bouquet of flowers in hand. 
“‘m sorry, i didn’t mean to ruin tonight. i just— it’s you. y’know? i’ve never wanted someone like this. been friends for ages and this is just everything. you are everything. i’ll never live with myself if i let you slip through my fingers.” her heartbeat calms under your touch the longer abby speaks, bringing a warmness to your own. “don’t worry about all of it. you’re not going to. i won’t let you.” 
“okay.” abby says as she gets lost in the light in your eyes. the fire visible behind yours. the way she’s looking at you? fuck. unimaginable desire — all for you. it almost seems too good to be true. like you don’t deserve it. waiting for the pin to drop, all the misery drowning you with it. “did you have a good time tonight?” 
“yes baby, i did.” you smirk as she inches forward, closing you into your front door. back pressed against it, her small breasts pressed to your chest, her free hand extended, next to your head as it lays flat on the door.
“s’good. wouldn’t want to kiss you if the date was bad.” all the confidence is back. the abby who flirted with you shamelessly for months on end. knowing you’re happy is enough for her. it’s all she needs to know to let the loser in her fall to ashes. but you taking the reins for a moment, does something so visceral inside her. she nearly doesn’t know how to act until her instincts kick in. 
she’ll satisfy you — just in the way she knows how. 
“what are y—” abby pressed her body weight into you, strong hips pinning you against the door using one of her hands to pin both of yours above your head. you’re whimpering, signaling your shock but the whine omitting from your lips tells abby your pussy is shocked. soaked.
“doing what i should have done months ago.” her pink plump lips meet yours, taking complete control over you. but you welcome it with open arms. she grunts in your mouth causing you to gasp as abby’s tongue enters your mouth. massaging it with yours in a swift battle for dominance. 
it’s too much but also not enough. you’re grinding against her, your crotch kissing hers as you lift a leg, wrapping it around her waist. she continues kissing you like her entire life depends on it. not letting you feel anything but her. she’ll be your everything and you’re not leaving until you understand it just as much as her. “abs—” you mumble in her mouth, abby relinquishes the tight grip on her hands.
immediately your hands are woven in her hair. tugging at the golden hair, as you try to pull her closer to you, if it was even possible. but the two of you have to come up for air, abby the first one to break as she chuckles at both of your heaving chests. 
“fuck, you’re so hot, baby. can’t stand it.” you peck her lips softly. admiring how puffy and swollen they look from her ministrations. god, you want her to devour you once again. “‘m, drives me crazy.” you admit, taking in the intoxicating smirk on her face. you’re not made into a fumbling mess easily. the both of you know it. that’s how abby knows it in her bones, she has you. fuck, she can’t ever imagine letting go. 
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE
SUMMARY: You, a famous YouTuber, got noticed by idol crush, Bang Chan, from an "accidental" drunk tweet you made when he was in BuzzFeed. Now you are waiting in your house to make that tweet into a reality.
GENRE(S): Smut (mercy on me yall), Explicit, Fluff, comedy (cringe because I need one mentally)
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ READER:
Role(s): Submissive Bottom. You are a versatile bottom because I said so.
Genitals: I made it separate since there are people out there who do have a bottom surgery.
T-dick section: So one will have you having a t-dick (mentions of squirting).
Dick Section: While a separate one in the same post will have you having a Penis.
(I don't want y'all feeling uncomfortable/Gender Dysphoria as a TransMan myself)
Names: Pretty boy, Baby boy, Handsome, Cutie, Sweetheart
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ CHAN:
Role(s): Dominate Top. Made him Versatile too.
Genitals: He has a big dick because of the big nose theory.
Names: Chan, Chris, love, pretty boy
OTHER WARNING(S): You both are virgins, Oral (Reader receiving), Mentions of Vagina/T-Dick(Mentions of squirting) for the reader along with a separate one of you having a Dick. Nipple play (Reader receiving), Reader getting Manhandled kinda, Choking? Not breathplay. Cum licking, Mentions of your chest scars (or just chest) Fingering. Anal sex. Beggingish?. Praising. Different words for Dick and Vagina. Crying (reader)
OTHER(S): y'all, please have mercy on me! I never wrote smut before so this might make me leap over a bridge!
Please like, reblog and/or comment for my dignity.
Tags: @braveangel777 @1s3v3n1 @kodasstar @webwanderer @coralblook @ironhyacinth @bitchyzombienacho
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It was refreshing.
You lay yourself down on your bed wearing your pajamas, silk pajamas, covering your naked body. The silk only stops at your thighs.
You waited for Chan to message you as you scroll through your fans' comments; requesting collabs, games, or other content to record.
You keep on scrolling, almost forgetting about the whole sexual situation going on until you hear a knock from your front door.
You walk out from your bedroom, holding your phone out and texting him if he was the one behind the door of your front entrance.
CB97: Why don't you find out, Cutie?
You sighed, as you slowly unlocked the door then slowly opened the door to check it was actually him.
A white hand pushes the door fully, revealing the man himself, smirking at you. He was wearing a black shirt, compressing his muscles with baggy sweatpants.
He was checking you out, blushing a bit from the silk pajamas going nice with your figure and skin color.
"Don't you look lovely, pretty boy?" Chris comments, his eyes still lingering in your body.
You felt yourself getting flustered, shy even just from him staring at you. He steps closer to you while closing the door behind him.
"Can I touch you?"
You nodded and just by that Chris leans into you, kissing your soft lips while his hands roam around your waist, while one hand grips your butt.
You moaned softly around his mouth.
Your arms around his neck as your hands slowly reach to his shirt, gripping it as you push your face away from Chris.
He looks at you confused, giving you almost puppy eyes.
You thought it was cute. Yousmirked as you took him to your room.
He looks around, admiring your room until you smash your face into his lips again, catching him off guard but quickly kissed you back.
You both feel impatient, as you take off Chan's black shirt as he pushes you down on the bed, prying off the silk pajamas.
"You are already naked underneath, you were really expecting me, huh?" His accent, his voice raspy, making you want him more and more.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎WARNING: T-DICK SECTION
For the people with no bottom surgery/testosterone:
He had you trapped, both of his hands holding your waist as he leans into your chest, giving a few kisses on your chest scar (or chest)
"So handsome..." He mutters as he continues on kissing you as you feel his hands reaching up to your chest, caressing your nipples as the other hand reaches between your thighs.
You moaned, feeling his fingers playing around your folds.
"You are so wet for me, baby boy. Do I really get you this wet? I'm so flattered..." He whispers into your ear.
All you can do is moan, nodding your head as you feel your thighs parting from each other.
You look down to see Chan giving a few kisses on your left thigh then giving a few more kisses, almost getting closer to your wet folds.
"I want to taste you so bad, would you let me taste you, sweetheart?" He looks up at you, waiting for your response.
"Please, Chris! I need you.."
He smiles, leaning his head towards your t-dick, immediately licking and sucking your folds. Even getting closer to your small dick, giving a few licks.
You moaned, as you moved your bottom area getting more pleasure, almost riding his face. You even felt his nose touching your dick, sending more pleasure into your body.
Chan lets you as he continues on licking and sucking, moaning a bit, sending vibrations through your body.
You continue on moving your body, feeling yourself getting close. Your body is twitching, as Chris raises his fingers closer to your t-dick, rubbing quickly as you moan even louder.
"Chris—a~ah, I'm cumming! F-fuck!"
He sucks harder and even rubs even faster until you finally cum, squirting.
Chan licks one more time as he moves his face away slowly as he stands up, admiring your sweaty figure.
You sit up as your legs twitch a bit.
"Damn, I squirted. This kinda embarrassing..."
Chan just laughed as he leans closer to your face giving a few kisses to your forehead and cheek.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎WARNING: DICK SECTION
For the people with bottom surgery/has a dick:
He had you trapped, both of his hands holding your waist as he leans into your chest, giving a few kisses on your chest scar. (Or chest)
"So handsome..." He mutters as he continues on kissing you as you feel his hands reaching up to your chest, caressing your nipples as the other hand reaches between your thighs.
You moaned, feeling his fingers playing the tip of your dick.
"You are so hard for me, baby boy. Do I really get you this hard? I'm so flattered..." He whispers into your ear.
All you can do is moan, nodding your head as you feel your thighs parting from each other.
You look down to see Chan giving a few kisses on your left thigh then giving a few more kisses, almost getting closer to your hard cock.
"I want to taste you so bad, would you let me taste you, sweetheart?" He looks up at you, waiting for your response.
"Please, Chris! I need you.."
He smiles, leaning his head towards your dick, immediately licking and sucking the tip. Pushing his head down, giving you a good suck.
You moaned, as you moved your bottom area getting more pleasure, almost riding his face. Chan lets you as he continues on licking and sucking, moaning a bit, sending vibrations through your body.
You continue on moving your body, feeling yourself getting close. Your body is twitching, as Chris raises his hands closer to your balls, fumbling around as you moan even louder.
"Chris—a~ah, I'm cumming! F-fuck!"
He sucked harder and faster until you finally cum, some hitting his face.
Chan licks one more time as he moves his face away slowly as he stands up, admiring your sweaty figure.
You sit up as your legs twitch a bit.
"Damn, that felt weird...."
Chan just laughed as he leans closer to your face giving a few kisses to your forehead and cheek.
"But, you enjoyed it didn't you?" He questions, as he continues on kissing your face.
"I did, but let's get into the main event, shall we?" Chris chuckles as you stand back up, holding between his baggy pants, pushing it down and throwing it to the side.
He looks down at you while chuckling again, smirking from how impatient you were.
His dick flings up, standing a bit straight and even dripping with pre-cum.
You licked your lips, your mouth just watering from the sight of his dick, however, you felt yourself getting kinda scared since it looks big.
"Chan, how big is your dick? I mean I knew it was big because of the nose theory..."
"Huh, what nose theory?"
"Focus on the question and not the nose theory—I'll tell you that later."
You look up at him as he thinks, then shrug.
"I don't know, I never measured my dick before..."
"Fuck you mean you never measured your dick? You know what, wait right here. You grab the lube and the condom from the cabinet next to my bed."
Chan did exactly what you said while still looking perplexed that his dick size really bothered you that much.
You came back, holding a measuring tape.
You sat back down on the bed as you told Chris to come clover to your face. You felt his dick touching your cheek.
You licked your lips as you raised the measuring tape. Chan just chuckled on how focused you were.
"Is it really that serious...?"
You just nodded until you reached the top of the tip.
"Damn, 8 inches? I guess OT8 is for life, huh?"
Chan groans, as he smacks on top of your head softly. "Don't ever say that again..." He jokingly said, shaking his head, smiling.
"Anyways, let's continue."
"Gladly." He says as he pushes you down, putting you into a mating press.
You hear a bottle cap opened making you shivered in anticipation.
He squirts a generous amount into his fingers.
You felt his fingers circling around your rim as his other hand gripped your neck, holding you down.
You whimpered, shaking your butt for him to just insert in already.
"P-please Chris~ Fuck, hurry up!" You whined.
"Sorry baby boy, let me give you what you want~" He teases you as you feel one of his fingers inserting in.
You hiss in pain, not used to the feeling at all. Chan shushes you as he tries to calm you down, giving you a few kisses in your back.
"It will feel good, I promise..."
You calm yourself down, moving your waist side to side.
He gently plays with your rim as he slowly inserts another one. You hissed a bit but you could slowly feel the pleasure going through your body.
He continues on fucking you until he hits a certain area making you moaned along with your toes curling.
"Found it..." He whispers, hitting your prostate while inserting the third finger in.
You moaned, sending Chris's dick even harder; throbbing and aching in pain. He was getting hot and bothered—impatient—but he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable so he continued on. He adds a fourth one just in case after finding out his dick was 8 inches.
"Chan, love, just put it in already!" You whined.
You didn't need to tell him twice.
He quickly rips the plastic out with his teeth then taking the condom out and putting it on his dick.
He quickly takes his fingers off as he lines his dick up your hole, tapping it a few times until he slowly inserts the tip in.
You hissed again. Even though his fingers were thick, nothing could beat his thick cock (corny).
He apologized softly, while he hissed too from the clench.
"Fuck, so tight. I'm going to push in more, okay sweetheart?"
All you can do was whine while he slowly pushes in more. You both hissed again as you felt tears coming out of your eyes.
Chris hands both made it to your waist, going in circles.
He inserts more until finally he fills you whole.
He waits as he groans, your hole tightening around him as he tries not to cum just from it. He bites his lip as he caresses you again.
You felt warmth in your chest, loving the care from Chris and the fact he even was waiting for you to get used to his size.
You smiled softly as you shook your butt, making him grip your waist.
"You can move, love~"
Just like that, he pulls his dick out and slams back into you making you moan. He was already going rough, almost like a crazy animal.
He keeps on going, angeling himself a bit as he slams again and again, hitting your prostate.
You moaned even louder, gripping the sheets.
"F-FUCK~♡ CHRIS A~AH!" You cried out in pleasure as he continued on abusing your prostate. You felt overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure he was giving you.
You both moaned out of pleasure feeling yourself getting closer. He was getting closer as well, you feel his dick twitch inside of you.
He leans in, his chest on top of your back, whispering sweet words to your ears making you shiver.
"P-pretty boy~ I'm about to cum...Are you about to cum as well? Hmm?" He whispers.
You repeated the word 'Yes' as he continued slamming until finally you both released. Chan's cum filling the condom whole.
He steps out, taking the condom out and tying it then throwing it away into the garbage bin.
You turn your body around, laying flat, your back facing the bedsheets as you calm yourself down.
Chan walks up to you then lies down next to you. "I never did this before so I wanna know (Knaur) if I did good?"
You smiled, feeling horny all of sudden from his sweet voice. His duality from being all dominant to almost submissive—You kinda wanna ride him until he breaks.
"it's my first time as well, Chan and you did so well for me, love..." You said to him, kissing him all over his face.
He chuckles, smiling widely from your praises until he yawns, clearly drained.
"I'm tired, my body is tired. Maybe we should've had sexs not around the performance. Haha!" He laughs, not noticing your eyes staring into him like you were going to devour him.
"Yeah, but, I'm quite disappointed..." You sadly said—well pretending to be sad—using your fingers to trace around his neck.
"h-huh? Why? You said I did good?" He sits up, looking at you like a sad puppy. (There is no pet play)
"of course! You did so well, but my tweet. You remember it don't you?" You said calmly as you continued on looking at him.
He thinks for a second until his face turns red.
Oh indeed.
"B-but, aren't you tired, I'm quite tired myself..." He rambles until you shut him up by placing your hands around his mouth.
"But you promise you want to make that tweet into reality, right? I want to ride your dick until you cry. Calling my name. Plus, I'm doing all the work. You can just lay down and look pretty, my pretty boy~"
His face turns even more red, all of sudden turning shy and weak. His cock going hard again, throbbing in anticipation.
"Even your dick seems to agree with me~"
You can't wait to actually make that tweet into reality.
Ending (myself) in part three.
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juyeonszn · 10 months
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PAIRING ji changmin x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒angst ﹒fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, best friends to lovers, numerous mentions of the female orgasm, ji changmin is a bit of a manwhore, mentions of alcohol, insane tension my b, intense making out x2, oral (m! and f! receiving), multiple orgasms, couch sex but missionary, unprotected sex (wrap before u fucking tap -_-), creampie, changmin is lowkey very whipped and very pussy drunk in this, also forewarning for every fic in this collab— there is lots of foreshadowing and references to the other fics since they all fall within the same timeline/universe!
SUMMARY you know, when you told your girl friends that you’d never finished before, you were expecting it to blow over like no big deal. what you weren’t expecting was for it to spiral into a whole other mess.
MORE i hope u jichang lovers are strapped in and ready for this… kinda went crazy with it 😭😭 um anyway?? first fic of the black out or back out collab?? crazy!! this fic actually ruined me. it used up all my brain power so if every other one sucks u can’t blame me!! it’s the law!! also, i’d like to take a moment to wish my boyz a very happy 6th anniversary <3 so so proud of all they’ve accomplished these past 6 years and i can’t wait to see what they do in the next 6. in this deobi shit 4L frfr 🙏🙏
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel
TAGLIST @millksea
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“No fucking way.”
You blink at Soyeon. It wasn’t that hard to believe. In fact, it was pretty easy to believe. You set down the bowl of popcorn on your lap and nod slowly.
“Uh, yeah. Yes fucking way,” a nervous laugh escapes your lips. “I’ve had to fake it with every guy I’ve ever been with. I don’t know what it is. Maybe something’s wrong with me.”
Men were… incompetent at certain things. And apparently your pleasure was one of those. Every dude you’ve ever slept with failed to make you finish. It was at the point that you felt that you were the problem. It would be understandable if it had been a couple guys, but every single one? Your luck had to be complete ass.
The only reason the topic had been brought up was because Soyeon had mentioned something about her last fling during your movie night. She was talking about how that had been the best sex she's ever had and it spurred you into making your confession. The last guy you’d been with had probably been the worst.
“Never?” Jiwon’s jaw drops, elbows resting on her knees. “How are you still alive, girl? How do you get your fix?”
“My hand, my vibrator, my pillow sometimes,” you shrug, picking at a loose thread on your blanket. “I’ve learned to make do with my situation, I guess. If I can’t get it elsewhere, I’ll just do it myself, y’know?”
Your girl friends look at you with pouts on their lips, as if they were the ones experiencing your misfortunes. You hadn’t even expected it to be such a big deal. You’d thought this was a normal, common occurrence. Boys usually sucked at things when it came to girls. But they all took this as a personal hit, like you were a fallen soldier in battle.
Perhaps the female orgasm was far more important than you assumed it to be.
“Considering who your best friend is, you’d think you were getting good dick left and right,” Dahyun snorts into her glass of wine. “This is actually kinda insane.”
You guess she had a point, despite you both leading very different lives. Changmin, your best friend, was known as one of the many heartthrobs on campus. He was in a fraternity, played on the school’s baseball team, and he even played with other things. Namely the hearts of practically every other girl at your university.
You’d think it would bother you to be so close to a man who couldn’t give less of a fuck about those of the same sex as you. But for some reason, you couldn’t find it in you to care. It’s not like he was bragging about the bitches he bagged on a regular basis. Though you were his best friend, he understood boundaries. He knew what was appropriate to talk about with you and respected that.
Your friends laugh at her observation, but drop the conversation after that, resuming the movie you were watching. However, it’s not that easy for you.
You can’t stop wondering if something really *is wrong with you. Why was it that everyone and their mom was capable of finishing and you weren’t? It was more unlikely that every single man you’ve been with sexually was that mediocre. Were you really that unlucky?
It bothers you so much that you find yourself still thinking about it well into the following week.
With the start of the new semester, came the adjustment of new classes. Even though you were a Communications major, you made the grave mistake of taking Lifespan Growth and Development with Changmin for the extra credit. He was an Early Childhood Education major, so it was a requirement for him, but not for you. (Honestly, he only forced you to take it with him so you had at least one lecture together. He was afraid your friendship might start to fade if you didn’t see each other often.)
Imagine how horrified you felt when your professor began to talk about babies and their circadian rhythm, but the only thing in your head was the fact that you’d never orgasmed because of a man. You felt like you were going crazy at this point. Really, the thought should’ve been long forgotten by now. But you couldn’t help yourself from dwelling on it, especially after your friends made jokes at your expense.
As you’re walking out of the lecture hall side by side with Changmin, you keep your focus on the ground, your hearing going in and out. His voice is staticy, your brain only registering words here and there. You’re a little pissed off that this has become such an issue.
He notices your lack of response and stops walking, eyebrows furrowed. You pause in your tracks along with him. “Are you good? You’ve been spacing out all morning.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you shake your head as if that would rid of these stupid thoughts. “I’m just a little tired, I guess. I haven’t been getting much sleep.”
“Well, you better fix that. We’re expecting this weekend’s party to be one of the bigger ones this semester. Juyeon’s passing those fliers around like it’s his job,” Changmin purses his lips with a snort, ruffling your hair. “I need my beer pong partner to be in tip-top shape.”
You scratch the back of your neck. Half of you was kind of hesitant to go to this weekend’s TBZ party considering that was where you met the dude who started this whole downward spiral. He made an offhand comment about seeing you again, but you were actually hoping that would never happen. And with your fortune, the probability of running into him was pretty high.
“You see…“ You begin, but Changmin interrupts you with a distressed groan before you can continue.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking of flaking,” his arms fall to his sides as his head tips back dramatically. “Y/N, I really need you there. How else am I gonna smoke everyone? I need— I mean we need to keep our title.”
Sometimes you wish Ji Changmin took anything else as seriously as he takes beer pong. You suppose it came with being a fraternity brother or something. They all drank alcohol like it was fucking water. You’re still sort of surprised none of them (Sunwoo) has gotten alcohol poisoning yet.
“I’m just… trying to avoid someone. And they’ll probably be there.” You sigh, fiddling with your fingers. Your best friend gives you an unreadable look that flashes across his face only for a moment.
“Tell me who it is. I’ll make sure they’re not allowed in. I’d much rather have you there than some rando who’s bugging you.” He says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.
“That’s really unne—“
“Yo, Changmin! Aren’t you going with us to Cobie’s?”
You both turn towards the sudden intrusion, the voice belonging to Eric Sohn. He’s around 50 feet away from where you’re standing, joined by Kim Sunwoo and Ju Haknyeon. Changmin yells out his answer and spins back to you, an apologetic smile on his face. Somehow, you’re a little grateful for the interruption.
“We’ll finish this later, okay?” He nods at you, heading backwards in their direction. “You’re going, Y/N.”
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You really should’ve listened to your instincts when they told you to skip out on the party.
You’re well aware that every attendee was crucial for the TBZ boys and their stupid rivalry with the KAT girls. So maybe you understood why Changmin needed you there so badly, aside from the obvious beer pong thing. However, you were starting to regret showing up.
First of all, Ji Changmin was nowhere to be found. Second of all, Jeon Soyeon was hounding you all night about the secret you so idiotically shared with your gal pals.
She was dead set on finding you a solution. (Basically, she was scanning the crowd of partygoers for a suitable man to satisfy your overdue needs. And she was proving devastatingly unsuccessful.)
You were too anxious to drink, also. Your feet were bouncing from where you sat on the couch, and your fingers couldn’t stop fidgeting. The antsiness was getting annoying at this point and you were hoping your knight in shining armor (Ji Changmin) revealed himself soon. Lest he wanted to lose out on his beloved beer pong partner.
It appears that your years of honing in on your manifestation powers have finally come to fruition when you spot Younghoon and Juyeon hauling the beer pong table into the living room. Where one of those tables are stationed, you know you’re guaranteed to find your best friend. The shorter of the two gentle giants cups his hands around his mouth and announces the first round of tonight’s tournament.
You stand from your seat, grabbing the opportunity to break free of Soyeon’s efforts to pimp you out. You’re ready to confirm you and Changmin’s spot in the tournament, when you see that you’ve already been beaten to it. It takes absolutely everything in you not to let your jaw drop and your eyes to tear up.
Some girl who happens to be in your Lifespan Growth and Dev class (you think her name is Iseul) is draped over Changmin’s arm, signing them up for the first round. He doesn’t look like he wants to, but makes no effort to refuse her.
You don’t know why it irks you. It shouldn’t irk you.
You’ve never cared about who he spends his free time with in the past. It’s been so easy for you to let his behavior slide, brushing it under the rug like it was no biggie. But this time, you care a whole lot. You chalk it up to the fact that he was seemingly replacing you as his beer pong partner, even though that was the entire reason why he wanted you to come to the party.
Yeah. That’s why.
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips just as Hyunjae passes by, no doubtedly heading to the beer pong table. You catch the sleeve of his polo and force him to halt in his steps. You’re not even sure why the hell he’s wearing a polo in the first place, his outfit embodying the stereotypical frat boy perfectly. This looked nothing like his usual wardrobe.
“Oh, hey Y/N, what’s up?” He smiles that award-winning Hyunjae smile, the one that manages to charm every girl in the room every single time he pulls it out. He brings the brim of his red solo cup up to his lips and finishes whatever’s left in it with one swig. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Do you wanna be my beer pong partner?” Okay, well now you’ve said it so there’s no going back.
His eyebrow shoots up in a mixture of shock and pleasant surprise. “Me? You’re not gonna ask Changmin?”
“He’s…” Your eyes flitter over to where he stands with Iseul(?), Hyunjae’s following. No. You’re okay. This isn’t getting to your head at all. Everything’s cool and peachy. “He’s too preoccupied.”
Hyunjae chooses not to say anything, instead nudging you over to the opposite end of the table. Changmin’s eyes widen when he sees the two of you, even having the audacity to look scandalized. God, maybe that was his biggest fault. He was so entitled.
So, it was just fine for him to bail on you in favor of some girl he didn’t even know, but the second you talk to one of his frat brothers, it’s off the table? What a fucking hypocrite. The whole ordeal was actually beginning to get on your nerves now. All you wanted to do was win this stupid beer pong game to show him that he’ll never find a partner as good as you.
Woah. Holy shit, Y/N. You need to dial it back a bit with the possessiveness. That was a lot, especially for you.
Juyeon narrows his eyes at you and then glances over to Changmin, the cogs turning in his head slowly. You’re not sure if that’s because he’s so used to seeing you both on the same side of the beer pong table, or because his vision was so shitty. Either way, it has you cowering behind Hyunjae a little as he dips the ping pong ball into the cup of water in the center.
“Okay, you know the rules. Let’s have a healthy, friendly game,” Younghoon says, tapping the table with a smile. “No playing dirty. I’m looking at you, Hyunjae.”
The brunette raises his hands in surrender, doing a quick bout of rock, paper, scissors with Changmin to determine which team went first. He wins with a quirk of his lips, sauntering back over to you. After rolling his neck around and popping his fingers, he tosses the ball right into Changmin and Iseul’s center cup.
You hate to admit it, but Hyunjae’s actually pretty good at this. You’ve never really paid attention to anyone else’s beer pong skills considering you’ve only ever played with Changmin as your partner. Who knows, maybe you’ll switch over permanently after this. At least, you might if he keeps up whatever it is that he’s doing.
Your best friend’s jaw tightens as he grabs the red solo cup, chugging what’s inside. He huffs and takes his turn, nearly missing with the way the ball circles around the rim. He sighs in relief at the same time you grimace. You still hadn’t had anything to drink all night and starting with fucking beer was probably the worst idea.
The game probably would’ve been a bit more competitive had Iseul been decent at beer pong, but she sucked. So Hyunjae and yourself always kept your lead by one cup or more. Karma is a dish best served cold, or however the saying goes. And karma certainly presented itself in the form of Ji Changmin’s first ever TBZ beer pong tournament loss.
Hyunjae high fives you with a cheesy grin, lacing your fingers together and shaking them around. He presses a kiss to your temple and guides you away from the table as Juyeon and Younghoon clear it for the second round. It wasn’t odd for any of the TBZ boys to show you affection since you were like a sister to most of them, but this felt… kind of weird. You can’t pinpoint exactly why, but it made you feel off.
“You’re my secret weapon,” he laughs, hands burying into the pockets of his khaki shorts. “I’m gonna steal you as my partner permanently.”
As much as you joked around in your head, the truth of the matter was that you could never actually replace Changmin. In spite of him acting like a complete dumbass tonight, he was still your best friend. Not even the biggest of fights would change that fact.
Before you can dismiss him, Changmin is stalking over to you with a slight scowl. His nostrils flare a bit as he asks, “Can we talk?”
You barely nod and then he’s fisting the material of your top at the small of your back, urging you away from the living room. Your feet keep tripping over themselves while you attempt to match his pace but he’s too determined to reach his destination in mind to even notice. No one even bats an eye as you get ushered to your demise.
You’re coaxed into a nearby bathroom without a word, your best friend standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Because you hadn’t seen him a majority of the night, you hadn’t gotten the chance to get a good look at him. He was wearing a long sleeve striped polo and some baggy jeans, which probably would look basic on anyone else. But this is Ji Changmin. Girls flocked after him for a reason.
“Why would you play with Hyunjae? You know the type of guy he is. Now he thinks he has a shot with you or something.” As soon as he opens his mouth, you remember the type of guy he is.
“What does it matter to you? You were too busy giggling with your flavor of the week. Of course I wasn’t gonna wait around for you.” You bite back, mirroring his stance.
“Flavor of the—?” His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and then everything settles in. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you laugh humorlessly. “Don’t act all hypocritical with me, Changmin. I can’t believe I even came to this fucking party for you when you didn’t even bother giving me the same energy. Best friend, my ass.”
A scoff brushes past your lips and you turn to exit the bathroom, but he grabs your wrist. His grip isn’t too harsh, but it’s tight enough to stop you from going anywhere. “Wait. Don’t leave.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” Your eyes flick back and forth between his and the fingers wrapped around your forearm. And you know, you really should’ve predicted what would happen after that. The nature of your words were provocative in their own right, not to mention the tension brewing in the midst of your argument.
From one second to the next, Changmin’s mouth is on your own, your back pressed to the bathroom door. His hands are everywhere and nowhere all at once; digging into your sides, running through your hair, caressing your face. You feel insane. Your head feels empty, no coherent thoughts running through it as his lips move against yours.
They migrate along your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking wherever they feel fit. Everything is moving way too fast for you to comprehend what’s happening. His lips feel so good on your skin, you’re having trouble finding the strength in you to stop him. But you know you have to. This was your best friend, for god’s sake. And besides, you didn’t want to deal with the disappointment you’ve faced time and time again when it came to men. You couldn’t handle feeling that way toward him.
Your palm presses against his chest and you try your hardest to ignore the sensation of his heart thumping beneath it. Your eyes squeeze shut as you push him off of you gently. Not expecting the sudden disruption, he stumbles backwards slightly. He’s a little dazed, like he, too, has not a single thought in that brain of his.
“I can’t— we can’t—“ You’re breathless, heaving up and down as if you’d just ran a damn marathon. “I have to go.”
You don’t give Changmin any freedom to react, escaping the bathroom exasperated. There’s too much going through your mind to search for Soyeon, leaving the party as quickly as you can. The moment your foot steps out of the front door, it’s like you’re given some clarity. The fresh air feels cool on your warm skin while you take the walk back to your apartment, not in the mood to sit in a stuffy car with anyone else. You needed to think clearly and vulnerably, and someone being there would just hinder that.
But first, you had to figure out where to go from here.
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It’s been a couple days since the last TBZ party and you were still avoiding Ji Changmin like he was the plague.
You were definitely wishful thinking when you decided to just ignore things until you had class together. And even then, you were planning on pretending like nothing even happened. Fucking up your friendship with him was something you couldn’t stand emotionally. Or physically. It would be akin to the pain of having your heart ripped straight from your chest.
Meeting Changmin when you did was almost like a blessing in disguise. His attitude about life was exactly what you needed coming into university. You were shy and scared of your new surroundings. You had no friends, you were far from your family, and your imposter syndrome was through the roof. But then he swooped in and made everything better somehow. As much as it was a snooze fest, you’ll eternally be a little bit grateful for sharing that First Year Seminar class with him.
Deep down, a piece of you has always belonged to Changmin. From that first day of freshman year to now, you’ve always held him to a different standard than everyone else. You liked to believe it was because he was your best friend, the one person who sought you out even when it felt like no one ever would. And until very recently, you kept trying to convince yourself that was the case.
If you slept together that might be worse. What if he ended up like every other guy you’ve landed in bed with? What if he couldn’t satisfy you? It would make it even more strained. You didn’t want to end up like every other girl who’s vied for his heart and failed miserably. He wasn’t a relationship person.
Falling for him alone would complicate everything. If he didn’t feel the same, it would be weird between you and your friendship would never go back to normal. Yet as you lay here, body bundled in your comforter and drowning in one of the many sweatshirts he’s left over at your apartment, scrolling through his feed, you realize that there’s no return from this point. Now that you’ve contemplated the idea, you’re too far in.
You know, the universe had funny ways of rewarding you. (Or rather, punishing you.)
There’s a knock at your front door. You’re not entirely sure who it could be since you weren’t expecting anyone, but one glance through the peephole and it’s all over for you. You consider stepping away, running and cowering in your bedroom until he disappears so you can go back to dissimulating that your entire life wasn’t crumbling to your feet.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there. Open up, please, we need to talk.”
You curse under your breath but unlock the door anyway, maneuvering so he can come inside with ease. Changmin stares at you with an unreadable expression for a minute, vision raking over your figure. Maybe you’re imagining it, but it’s something similar to how men have looked at you before, like they were undressing you with their eyes. That’s when you remember that you were wearing his sweatshirt.
Without pants underneath…
The wind knocks out of him in an instant, something primal coming over him when his gaze lands on you in his clothing. He knows he shouldn’t think about you the way he does. He shouldn’t think of how pretty you are when your pen is caught in your teeth, attempting to make sense of whatever your professor was talking about. He shouldn’t think of the way your cheeks flush when you’ve had too much alcohol at one of the TBZ parties. He shouldn’t think of kissing you, or pressing up against you like a dog in heat. He shouldn’t be thinking of the kiss you shared Friday night.
You’re his best friend, the one person in the world who has ever understood him. The one who’s always glued to his side even when he may be in the wrong. Why would he ever want something different? How could he ask for more when he should be thankful for what he was already given?
“Why are you pushing me away? Why are you ignoring me?” Is what he finally asks after the silence has become unbearable.
“Changmin,” you swallow thickly, hesitative with what you say next. “Friends don’t kiss— we don’t kiss.”
He takes a step forward, and then another, and then another until he’s only arms’ length from you. “But, we could.”
You release a shuddery breath, reaching out to stop him from coming any closer. “P-Please. We can’t do this— I can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He pushes. He knows he’s tiptoeing the edge of something else. There’s a fine line between what you have now, and what he’s wanted for so long. It’s always been a matter of if you wanted that too. “Is it because you just don’t want to?”
You’re not even sure how to respond to him. Of course you want this. It isn’t that you don’t want him. You’re more scared than anything. You’re scared of becoming just another victim of Ji Changmin’s charms, of giving into him and it leading to another let down. Your resistance is evident on your face, and you’re not all that taken aback when he sighs.
“I’ve wanted you since that first day of First Year Seminar, Y/N. No one has ever compared to you and no one ever will,” he confesses, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I sleep with random girls to get you off my mind, to forget that I’m pretty fucking in love with my best friend.”
Then it all clicks.
It’s like you’ve come to the biggest realization of your life, an epiphany striking you suddenly with the weight of a freight train. It all trickles into place, the reason why you’ve never enjoyed yourself during sex. The reason why you’ve never finished at the hands of any man you’ve been with intimately.
None of them were Ji Changmin. None of them were the best friend that your heart has belonged to since your freshman year.
You press your lips to his without any warning, nearly colliding into him with the force of your impatience. He reciprocates immediately, fingers tangling in your hair and holding you closer than physically possible. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss, tongue dragging along his lower lip. Years of repressed longing and pining find themselves surfacing in this one kiss.
Changmin’s hands travel to your waist, burrowing into the fabric of his sweatshirt as he yanks you toward the couch. He falls to a sitting position when the backs of his knees hit the edge, your knees resting on either side of his lap. You don’t break apart once, not even to gasp for air as he grinds you down onto him. Through the material of his cargos you can feel him. He’s just as throbbing as you are, your core pulsing with a need unlike any other.
His fingers reach for the hem of the sweatshirt and that’s when you pause him, your nerves getting the best of you. He frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” admitting this a second time isn’t easier. “I’ve never— nobody’s ever made me… you know…”
The corners of his lips curl up, thumbs rubbing the backs of your thighs. “You’ve never came before, baby?”
Your breathing stutters in your chest, the smugness of his voice sending shockwaves through your body. You should’ve fully expected him to be a master at pillowtalk, what with the whole Sex-God persona and all that jazz, but it still catches you off guard. You shake your head shyly, arms hooked around his neck. His mouth attaches to the spot behind your ear, sucking the skin tenderly.
“I’ll make sure you’re ruined for anyone else,” his voice is no louder than a whisper, but sounds deafening to the cotton stuffing the place where your brain should be. “I’ll make you feel so good, you won’t think twice about who you belong to.”
A small whine emits from your throat, hips gyrating themselves onto his crotch. He bucks up into you instinctively, keeping you still on his lap. The sheer possessiveness of his tone is driving you up the wall. That seemed to be something you had in common with each other. You’re lightheaded, too many layers of clothing blocking the space between you. Changmin connects your lips again, sliding his hands beneath the sweatshirt so his fingers can hook into the waistband of your panties.
He helps you out of them and your top, baring your entire body to him. The way his cock twitches makes him feel like a goddamn teenager. You paw at the zipper of his pants as he pulls off his t-shirt, tugging the cargos down his legs so you can kneel between them. If he thought he wasn’t going to last before, he’s certain of it now. He wraps your hair around his fist in a makeshift ponytail, watching you with hooded eyes as you kiss his tip.
“You look so gorgeous like this,” his voice is wavering, his composure drifting off.
That encourages you to take him into the wet heat of your mouth, tongue twirling around the tip. You run it along his slit, tasting the precum that had formed there. His head falls back onto the sofa cushions, jerking his hand back a bit and tugging your hair just enough for it to sting. You moan around his dick, the pain providing more pleasure than its intended purpose.
He bucks up into your mouth yet again, his length gliding down your throat. Not prepared for the intrusion, you gag, pulling off of his cock with a string of saliva bridging your lips to the tip. Tears prick at your eyes for a second, and then you’re going back in.
This time you manage to relax your throat, fitting more than you could prior. Changmin’s eyes are half lidded, not once daring to look anywhere that wasn’t you. The sight of you so eager to please, so desperate to reward him in spite of you being the one who’s never orgasmed before, was clouding his thinking.
The image of you on your knees, sucking him off like your life depended on it, would be burned into his brain for the rest of his life. (Not that he minded. You lived there practically rent free, anyways.)
Your attention stays on the tip of his cock, tongue repeatedly alternating with dragging under the head and the slit on top. He could die happily, actually, the fear that he may never have you in this way finally dissipating into thin air. Want could only take a man so far.
He doesn’t stay sentimental for very long, remembering that you were currently between his legs and the inner monologue could wait for later. Though, he makes the grave mistake of making direct eye contact with you and it’s game over after that point.
Changmin finishes with a groan, his cum painting your chest with milky white ropes. He cups both sides of your face, bringing you up to kiss you messily. He doesn’t care that he can taste himself in your mouth, nipping your bottom lip to pry it open. The two of you swap spots, with him now on the floor and you on the couch. He pushes up your knees, spreading them to gain access to your cunt, glistening with your slick.
He presses a soft kiss to your clit, glancing up at you through his lashes to gauge your reaction. He not only had a reputation to defend, but he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was going to be the first man to make you cum. But it wasn’t sufficient to just fuck you, he needed to do more than that. He needed to flood your senses and show you exactly what you’ve been missing out on.
His tongue circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves, his ring and middle fingers going counter-clockwise on your entrance. He can hear the laboring of your breathing, the sharp exhale through your nostrils when he experimentally slides one of them inside of you. He starts to pump it slowly, building up the pace until he adds the other finger, curling them.
You whine when Changmin’s lips envelope your clit, suckling like a man starved. His fingers south don’t halt their assault, the palm of his other hand flattening on your lower stomach. You reach down to card through his hair, clutching the strands for support. He groans against your pussy, the vibrations contributing to the knot growing tighter in your abdomen.
He switches his tongue and fingers a moment later, lapping at your hole and swiping at your clit in a close ovular pattern with his thumb. You’re dizzy, lids fluttering shut and back arching off the cushions in a weak attempt to minimize the space between you. Changmin pins down your hips with his forearm, continuing making out with your cunt.
He flips the stimulation once more, mouth on your clit and fingers buried deep inside of you in an instant. He keeps his eyes on you, focused on every scrunch of your face and slacking of your jaw. The sudden difference in sensations has a loud moan ripping from your vocal cords, that knot coming undone almost too quickly for it being your first time in this position. You feel his lips turn up in a smile, like he’s proud of himself for doing the impossible.
Changmin pulls back slightly, his fingers still working you down from your peak. When he thinks you’ve calmed, he’s up and kissing you, petting your hair gently. “You did so well for me, baby.”
“I’ve made myself cum so many times before, but never like that— holy shit, Changmin…” You’re a little stunned and he finds it cute, despite you both being in such a compromising situation.
“I need you to give me one more, is that okay?” He lays you on your back, hovering over you. “I wanna see your pretty face when you cum on my cock.”
You pull him down for another kiss, pecking the side of his neck with a hum. “Want you to fill me up, too.”
The groan that leaves him is guttural, his forehead falling onto your collarbone. Dreams really do come true. He hikes up one of your legs, lining himself up with you. He guides his cock into you and watches you for any moves of discomfort. A whimper bubbles past as he slips in, bottoming out smoothly. Half of you still couldn’t believe this was happening. No fucking way was Ji Changmin on top of you right now, dick compressed in your cunt to the hilt.
He holds your knee to your chest as he begins to thrust his hips, driving his cock deep from the get go. Each motion jostles you further up the sofa, but you’re too gone to care. Your eyes have started to roll to the back of your head and you already feel that pressure rising in the pit of your stomach.
At this rate, you’re not sure you’ll last very long. You’re still extremely sensitive from your first orgasm and Changmin’s plowing into you like he might never get the chance to do it again.
“You’re so— fuck— you’re so tight, baby… Squeezing me in like you don’t wanna let me go,” he rasps, trailing open mouthed kisses along your jaw and carrying them down your jugular.
You moan something about how deep he is, about how you can feel him everywhere. It’s too much. It’s not enough. And despite him giving you everything he has to offer, you crave more. You’re yearning for more.
Something in you snaps and you’re cradling his face in your hands. “Love you so much, Changmin. Wanna be with you forever.”
His eyes widen at your off-kilter confession, but he doesn’t cease once. If anything, his speed increases as he kisses you passionately, noses bumping but so far on the spectrum from the others. This one is more emotional, more meaningful. It’s not long before he’s spilling into you, moaning against your lips. You follow closely behind, your second orgasm cresting like a tidal wave.
You stay like that for a minute, both of you soaking it all in. Your chests meet in the middle with each breath you take.
Changmin pulls out of you carefully, laying so you can rest comfortably on top of him. A smile inches across his feature, like he was on the inside of a joke you weren’t. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, it’s just,” he brushes some of your hair from your forehead to leave a smooch there. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you how I felt for a while now. I just wanted to assure that you wouldn’t scream in my face and run the opposite direction. But you went ahead and beat me to it.”
“You meant what you said about the other girls?” You nibble at the skin of your cheek, nervous. “You slept with them to distract yourself from me? Even Iseul?”
He nods, albeit a little shamefully. “Not my proudest moment, I’ll say. I could’ve gone about it a million other ways. But yeah, I didn’t want to ruin what we had. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you just because I couldn’t get my feelings in check.”
“You’re stupid,” you laugh, cuddling further into him. “It’s a good thing I’m kind of into that.”
“Kind of?” He quirks a brow at you. “I don’t know, you were saying something about loving me so much and wanting to be with me forever earlier…”
You smack his chest playfully. “Shut up. That was a moment of weakness or whatever.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles at you fondly, as if you were the reason that the sun shone so brightly. “I love you, too. And I wouldn’t mind being with you forever.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
hi i love ur older sister oneshots. i was wondering if you could write one of the sister and matt? like maybe it’s a flashback of when matt was like 17 or 18 or something or even in the present but he kinda becomes really protective over the sister after seeing one of his friends or maybe influencer friends like flirt with her? he starts like throwing his arm sound her and not letting her leave his sight etc and the sisters just confused because obviously she’s married but matt still can’t help but be protective or maybe this is when matt is in high school i don’t know 😭
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Big Sister PT.3- Sturniolo Triplets
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pairing: BigSister!Reader x LittleBrother!Triplets
classification: platonic fluff, sibling banter
warning: use of Y/n, slight cursing, mention of jealousy, overprotective brothers, Sam and Colby are in this ofc, short
inspiration: requests^^, Ghost Hunting at Haunted Driscoll Hotel (ft. Sturniolo Triplets)
summary: Your brothers have always been overprotective of you, and they do a good job of showing it while filming with Sam and Colby.
Big Sister PT.1, PT.2
“Okay, Y/n and I will share a bed. And you and Matt can share a bed,” Nick instructs pointing between Chris and Matt as you all entered your shared hotel room. He was always so bossy towards the rest of you, feeling no shame in directing every situation.
“Umm no, how about you three share a bed and I sleep all by myself,” you say. You’re only half-joking, this is your the first time away from your husband in a while and the last thing you wanted to do was share a bed with one of your brothers. But, seeing as there’s only two beds, you’re going to have to share with one of them whether you wanted to or not.
“Ew don’t be sassy,” Nick replies, dumping his bags on one of the beds. You roll your eyes, dumping your stuff onto the same bed.
“No, since you don’t wanna share with me get your dirty things off my bed,” Nick says, grabbing your things and throwing them onto the other bed dramatically. Chris and Matt are watching in amusement, you and Nick always managed to get into an argument no matter the situation.
“Me and Matt are sharing, you guys can sleep on the floor,” Chris comments, plopping down on the mattress and kicking his shoes off. The flight from L.A to Texas was exhausting, mostly because he had Nick yapping in his ear about the week’s itinerary. Then Matt wouldn’t stop getting up to use the restroom, the anxiety of flying hitting him like a ton of bricks.
Matt joins him on the bed, kicking his shoes off and propping his feet on your things. “Matt! Get your stinky boy feet off my stuff!” you exclaim, slapping his feet dramatically. He erupts in a fit of laughter, wiggling his toes inside his socks to taunt you. Chris laughs too, joining Matt and rubbing his feet on your bags.
“You two are disgusting,” Nick comments with a small chuckle, grabbing a few things as he heads into the restroom. You pinch Chris’s pinky toe, causing him to yelp in pain and move his feet immediately. You send a warning look towards Matt, ready to pinch him too if he doesn’t stop.
“What? My feet are clean!” Matt protests.
The long awaited day has finally arrived, your brothers were collabing with Sam and Colby. At first you were content with watching from the sidelines, only accompanying them because they invited you. But, they were successfully able to persuade you into being a main character for the video. Ever since your appearance on the Cut The Camera podcast, the fans have fallen in love with you. Every time the triplets mention you in a video, their comments are flooded with requests for them to bring you back.
You’ve been a fan of Sam and Colby for as long as you can remember, following them since their days on vine. Also, because you’re close in age with them, you can easily relate to their content. Not to mention that you had the biggest crush on Colby when you first became a fan. Your brothers knew how big of a fan you were, so of course they had to invite you along.
When Sam and Colby mentioned that the filming would be done in the Haunted Driscoll Hotel in Austin, your brothers jumped at the opportunity to invite you, it was the perfect opportunity for you to finally meet two of your favorite content creators. Plus Austin was extremely close to your small town, so the drive wasn’t too long, and you were more than happy to spend some quality time with your three brothers.
The four of you are currently meeting Sam and Colby at a barbecue restaurant near the Driscoll Hotel. First impressions are important, so you’ve dressed your best and even done your makeup. It’s not that you want to impress them, it’s just that you’ve been a fan for so long that you want them to remember you at your best. Your brothers can sense how excited you are, rolling their eyes at your fangirl-like behavior.
You pull up to the restaurant parking lot, an excited expression written all over your face. Matt, who’s sitting in the seat behind the passenger seat, is the first to notice this, “Calm down, buddy.” You couldn’t help it though, you felt like a middle schooler finally getting to meet her favorite celebrity.
“I am calm,” you reply coyly, sending him an annoyed look through the rear view mirror. Chris who’s sitting in the passenger seat speaks as he lowers the radio, “You’re literally squealing like a little girl.”
You scrunch your nose, you don’t like that word it made it sound like you were an animal, “ew don’t say that. It’s weird.”
“Don’t say what?” Nick asks, finally tuning into the conversation.
“Squeal. Chris said I’m ‘squealing,’ “ you do air quotes around the word, each time you say it it sounds more and more cursed. “Cause you literally are. Don’t forget you’re a MARRIED woman,” Matt chimes in, becoming annoyed with your behavior. In reality you weren’t even being weird, you were just excited, your brothers were just making it weird.
You roll your eyes at them, they’re overreacting. Your left hand comes up from your lap, wiggling your ring finger so they could see the diamond ring, “pretty hard to forget.”
Matt’s about to reply, but Nick notices Sam and Colby approaching your vehicle. They’re squinting their eyes, trying to see through the dark tinted windows. “Shush! They’re coming!” Nick exclaims, making a quick hand signal in front of Matt’s face to shut him up. Matt slaps his hand away, “Nick get your hand out of my fucking face.”
Another argument is about to begin, but Nick opens his car door before anything else can be said. The three of you follow suit, joining Nick as he walks towards Sam and Colby. With each step you felt the nerves bubbling up in your stomach, they were really right there! It felt so surreal, it felt like an actual dream.
As the pair walked closer they greeted you all, unafraid and without any hint of awkwardness in their tone. This made it easier to meet them and you couldn’t help but let your hug linger a little too long. Your brothers watched intently, eyes closing in on Colby’s hand’s that wandered too far south for their liking, but they didn’t say anything.
When you all finished eating, the conversation between the group came naturally. Most of the questions were directed towards your brothers, seeing as they were the famous ones, but Colby managed to create a linguistic flow between just the two of you. It was easy to talk to him; you two were close in age and had so much in common because of it.
“So you live in Texas?” Colby asks, his finger pinching his straw so he can stir his drink around. He has a big, cheeky smile on his face as he locks eyes with you, mindlessly flirting with you.
You didn’t even notice he was flirting, you were just so excited to be meeting him. Plus, you weren’t flirting, you were just fangirling. “Yeah, I moved down here not too long ago. I still travel a lot back to Boston and sometimes I’ll go visit them in L.A,” you reply, motion towards your brothers who are deeply immersed in a conversation with Sam.
Colby hums in response, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes are trained on you as he replies, “Which do you like more? Texas, Massachusetts, or California?”
You send him a look of hurt, pretending to be offended by such a difficult question. “How could I ever choose?” you reply playfully, a small laugh following. Each place held a different significance for you and was special in its own way, but you’d definitely choose Massachusetts over anything. It was your home base, the place that you and all your brothers, including Justin, called home.
“C’mon just one,” he teases. His hands inch slowly towards yours that are resting on the table, but you’re too innocent to notice that he’s actively trying to make a move on you.
“Okay, fine. Massachusetts.”
Colby hums in response as his hand finally reaches yours, squeezing it tightly in his firm grip. You look down in shock, finally realizing what he was doing. Your diamond wedding ring was on full display, but even that didn’t stop him.
As soon as Colby’s skin comes in contact with yours, your brothers notice. Their focus goes from their conversation with Sam to the horrific scene on the table. Sam notices the shift in attention and follows their gaze, mentally facepalming at his friend’s boldness. Leave it to Colby to flirt with someone they barely met, someone who is directly related to their soon to be ‘business partners.’
Sam kicks Colby from under the table, trying to signal that he needs to stop whatever he’s doing, “So, should we start heading to the hotel?”
Colby let’s go of your hand reluctantly.
“Yeah we should go,” you say, pulling your hands off the table and into the pocket of your sweater. Your mind was racing, did THE Colby Brock have a crush on you? You look towards your brothers expectantly, hoping they’d chime in so you can leave this awkward situation.
“Okay. We’ll meet you there,” Colby comments, standing from his spot across you and patting Sam on the back, leading him out the door as they briefly wave you all goodbye. He steals one last look at you, a smirk on his face. You all wave back while watching as they walk to their car, waiting until they’re fully inside to talk about what just happened.
Nick is the first to speak, “What the FUCK was that?” His finger motions erratically where your and Colby’s hands were previously intertwined. A disgusted look is etched all over his face. You didn’t even know what just happened, so you don’t respond.
“Did he fucking hold your hand?” Chris asks, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was fighting to keep professional, for some reason it really bothered him that Colby was ballsy enough to pull a move like that on you in front of them.
“I think so. He was just being friendly,” you try to reason, twirling your wedding ring on your finger from under the table. “That was NOT just a friendly interaction, Y/n. He was literally eye fucking you,” Nick comments again, gathering all the trash on the table onto his tray. Your face goes red, had he really been flirting with you?
Matt’s face scrunches in disgust, “Nick don’t say shit like that. It’s fucking weird.”
“What! It’s true!” Nick replies, getting up and tossing his tray in the trash. “Nick just shut the fuck up, you’re being weird,” Chris interjects, sending Nick a warning look. Nick was placing an image in their head that they didn’t want to imagine.
“That’s not true, Nick. He was just trying to include me,” you say, getting up from your seat and throwing your own tray away.
When your brothers had first invited you to be a part of this collaboration you were anxious to enter a hotel surrounded by paranormal activity but excited to meet two of your favorite YouTubers, now you’re just nervous to be around Colby again.
“Yeah trying to include you in his bed,” Nick jokes in a dramatic tone, leading the way back to the car.
“Nick, actually shut the fuck up. I’m going to punch you,” Matt speaks this time. He’s so uncomfortable with this conversation, mainly because you’re his sister and he hates how Nick is talking about you, but also because he doesn’t know whether to take on the roll of the overprotective brother or to let it slide for the sake of the video.
All four of your brothers have been overprotective of you for as long as you can remember. It started with Justin, he’d protect you from bullies at school, stray dogs when you were walking home, and when you got older he began chasing away any boy that got too close. That’s one of the reasons why he completely shut you out when he found out about your relationship with Jack, he felt like he failed as an older brother to protect you and the worst part was that it was with his best friend.
Eventually, when Justin moved away, Matt and Chris assumed the role of protective brothers and would do the same. At first it was cute, just your two little brothers trying to protect you from small things like a scary movie, a stormy day, or a hot pan on the stove. But eventually, as they got older, it turned into them sending dirty looks at any man who looked at you for too long. They might’ve felt this way towards Jack, your husband, if they were aware of your relationship, but because you two kept it a secret for so long it bloomed without the protective watch of your brothers. Once you got married, they felt a sense of responsibility and loyalty towards Jack, wanting to protect you from anything and everyone, especially when Jack wasn’t around to do it. It felt like their duty was to announce to the world, ‘our sister is married and we will fight any guy who comes near her!’
Nick was more laid back about these things, he knew you were fully capable of defending yourself if needed and he honestly didn’t see the big deal in mindless flirting. It’s not like you were constantly flirting with random strangers, it’s just that he knew you were fully capable of taking care of yourself. Plus, as a gay man, he was better able to distinguish between a man who was flirting and a man who was just being polite. Also, growing up you would always give Nick the best boy advice, so he knew you had a good head on your shoulders. But, in this specific case, he was able to tell that Colby was definitely flirting and for some reason he felt a little weird about it too. Sure he was cracking jokes about it, but he still couldn’t help but feel the need to sling an arm around your shoulder and pull you away from any further conversations with Colby.
The drive to the hotel was awkward and quiet, the only sound being Chris’s music over the car stereo. Matt insisted on driving, mumbling something about needing a distraction, earning you a seat in the back. They all knew that as soon as you arrived to the hotel, Colby wouldn’t cease his incessant flirting and they’d be forced to be on guard. This was meant to be a fun, safe hangout, but instead they’re on edge at the thought of a stranger putting the moves on their sister.
Finally you arrive to the hotel, Matt grumbles an almost inaudible “we’re here” before turning the car off and hopping out. You all get off, but as an older sister you can’t let them go in there in a bad mood, it would ruin the fun and definitely wouldn’t look good on camera, “wait guys, come here.” They were walking up to the hotel already, but stop in their tracks to join you in a quick group huddle.
“Let’s get rid of all this nasty, bad energy,” you instruct, pretending to dust the bad energy off and throw it away.
You always used to do this with them growing up, especially on days when you had to drive them to school and they would let their sour moods ruin their morning. Nick and Chris look at you with goofy smiles, reminiscing on childhood memories of you cheering them up before school.
“That’s so embarrassing, I’m not doing that,” Nick laughs, watching as you begin doing a small dance to get rid of even more bad energy. Chris, who’s unashamed to partake in anything, immediately copies you. He’s doing a random, silly dance that puts a smile on his face right away, washing away any previous lingering ill feelings towards Colby. “Chris you’re actually insane,” Nick laughs again, watching as Chris twirls his arms and kicks his feet.
“It’s working though, all my bad energy is gone,” Chris comments with a laugh, using his arms to figuratively push the bad energy off of him. Nick decides to join, stomping his feet loudly on the floor before hooting, “Oh yeah! Woohoo!”
At this point you, Nick and Chris are dancing around Matt like crazy people and he’s trying his hardest not to laugh. He holds a tight lipped smile, his head tilted upward and away from you all. “Come on Matt, let those bad energies go,” you tease, poking his sides. He’s pretty unrelenting, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of any wandering eyes. Chris and Nick join you in encouraging Matt and after a while he finally gives in, doing his signature double dutch move, a stank face forming on his face.
“Yeah Matt! Get in to it!” Chris exclaims, hyping his brother up.
The vibes are completely different now, going from dark and moody to light and playful. “Okay guys, let’s forget about whatever happened at the restaurant and just try to have fun,” you say, smiling at your three brothers. The last thing you wanted was to ruin their chance at an awesome collaboration.
They hum in unison, the four of you walking up to the hotel, mentally preparing for the night ahead.
The hotel was eery, if you would’ve come alone you might’ve been more scared, but your brothers are here which makes it less scary. The tour guide walks you through the most haunted areas of the hotel, explaining its backstory in great detail as you all joked around. Throughout the tour Colby kept sneaking subtle glances at you, brushing past you, leading you into rooms with a hand on the small of your back, and directing many of his questions your way. Of course your brothers noticed, but the cameras were rolling so there wasn’t much they could do.
The room you all are currently exploring is lined from wall to wall with mirrors, Sam and Colby explain how each pair of mirrors is rumored to create a vortex to an alternate dimension. The guide explains that the mirrors were a gift from a man who used to live in the hotel for his beautiful wife Carlotta. Colby is quick to comment, “If she looks anything like Y/n, she must’ve been gorgeous.” Sam, who’s holding the camera, pans it towards you to catch your reaction. All you can manage to do is smile awkwardly and mutter a small, “thanks.”
Matt, who still held some resentment from earlier, instinctively slings an arm over your shoulder and pulls you into him. Chris stands closer to you too, trying to remind Colby that even if he did find you beautiful, you were still their sister.
After a while, the tour guide leaves and lets you guys examine the mirrors in further detail. They’re so beautiful and intricate, if they weren’t so expensive you might ask for one in your own home. Matt still holds you close, the four of you walking in a group around the room.
“I love these mirrors,” you whisper to your brothers, brushing your fingers on the delicate, ornate designs of the frames.
“I bet Jack would’ve loved them too,” Nick comments slyly, raising his voice a little to ensure that Colby hears him. Sam pans the camera to him, “Who’s Jack? Is that like another one of your brothers?”
You’re so embarrassed you want to shrink into the floor, disappear into thin air, maybe even fall through the floor and into the core of the Earth. “Yeah, our brother in law,” Matt replies, pulling you in even closer to his side.
“Oh cool, so like another sister’s husband? Or… Nick, are you married?” Colby asks, completely obviously. He looks between you and your brothers, trying to decipher who Jack was to you all. Sam, who understood from the get go what Matt was getting at, wants to facepalm at his friend’s stupidity.
“What? No. Y/n’s husband,” Nick replies, pointing at you.
“Oh… Ohhhhh,” Colby’s face flushed a bright shade of red when he realizes that you’re married. You send him an apologetic smile, both for not telling him earlier and because your brothers were being so embarrassing.
For the rest of the night Colby keeps his distance and even apologizes to you off camera. He makes a comment along the lines of, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. That doesn’t make you any less beautiful though.” You accept his apology, thank him and Sam for inviting you, and gush slightly about how long you’ve been a fan. Colby makes sure to apologize to your brothers too, he didn’t mean any disrespect with his flirting, but he still feels the need to make amends. Chris and Nick are quick to forgive, but Matt takes a little more convincing.
Overall, you guys had a lot of fun despite Colby’s flirtatiousness and they’d actually love to collab with them again.
On the way back to the hotel you can’t help but comment on their behavior, “you know I didn’t need you guys to speak up for me, right?” Your eyes are trained on the road, hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.
“Mhm sure,” Chris replies from the passenger seat, scrolling on his phone and working towards tuning you out. They defended you and protected your honor, why were you getting I pset?
“Sometimes we can’t help it. We see something we don’t like and we just wanna body slam everyone to the ground,” Nick replies jokingly, looking at you through the rearview mirror. He’s hoping that you’ll laugh, or even crack a joke in return, but you just keep your eyes trained on the road. That’s when he realizes you’re actually bothered.
“Okay, but it was a bit much. Matt with his arm over my shoulder, Chris standing in front of me like some type of guard dog, and then you making snarky comments.”
Nick rolls his eyes, his comments weren’t that snarky. Chris finally looks up from his phone, “did you just call me a dog?” You side eye him, holding in your laughter.
“Should we just let a guy be creepy next time?” Matt asks, watching as you pick at the steering wheel.
“It wasn’t just some guy though, it was THE Colby Brock.”
“Doesn’t matter, he was still being creepy,” Matt’s response is quick. He was usually quiet and reserved, but when he knew he was right he didn’t back down. “Whatever,” you grumble, there’s no point in arguing with someone who thinks they’re right no matter what you say. Especially when that person is Matt.
The car goes quiet for a while, the hum of the engine being the only buffer between you and the awkward silence. Chris is still thinking long and hard though, had you really compared him to a dog? He couldn’t decide if he found it cool or if he was offended.
“Did you call me a dog?!” Chris exclaims, breaking the silence abruptly and earning a round of laughter from the rest of you. No matter what, you and your brothers always bounced back, you could never be mad at each other for too long.
A/n: Thank you for the requests! This sat in my drafts for a while because I wasn’t sure what direction to take it in, but after watching the Triplet’s collab w/ Sam and Colby, this felt fitting.
Also this was so odd to write because MY name is Sam so I kept getting tripped out lolol
I’m writing other requests and stories at the moment, but when I finish those I’ll come back and write in the whole shopping trip vlog into this ✨BIG SISTER LORE✨
Hope you enjoy. Luv youuu!! Kk bye thanksss
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU logan sargeant x fem!streamer!girlfriend
side note: the youtube profile took me forever to edit because i couldn't find a nice template so i did it myself. nearly ripped my hair out, but now i have a template to reuse!
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♡ liked by alex_albon, logansargeant, mickschumacher and 398,003 others
yourusername this is how i'm living life knowing my biggest haters are also my biggest fans <3
view all 1,739 comments
user1 an icon. a legend. she is the moment. ⤷ user2 nah she's annoying ⤷ yourusername and this is what i mean by my caption user2
alex_albon twitch collab when? ⤷ yourusername when we're in the same time zone
user3 all the hate just proves her point lmao ⤷ user4 we love to see an unbothered queen
logansargeant she a baddie, she know she a ten comment liked by yourusername ⤷ user5 LOGAN IS SO REAL FOR QUOTING ICE SPICE ⤷ user6 this is so random i love him for that
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♡ liked by logansargeant, pierregasly, yukitsunoda0511 and 401,829 others
tagged: alex_albon, logansargeant, yukitsunoda0511
yourusername miami dUmP (i was told a dump is only a good dump if yuki is included)
view all 1,927 comments
user7 bless pierre for his yuki in every dump agenda ⤷ user8 she's so real for doing it as well
user9 when will there be a new stream? ⤷ yourusername soon!
logansargeant 🦅🇺🇸 ⤷ yourusername stop
user10 so she's the one that hates men? ⤷ yourusername yes ⤷ user11 Y/N HAHA I LOVE HER ⤷ logansargeant that's the one
user12 she looks fun, but then i watch one of her streams and i get second-hand embarrassement in an instant ⤷ yourusername tomato tomato tomato, i'm throwing tomatoes
user13 the way she has to defend herself against every mean comment gives me child behaviour. can't handle hate? don't become a public figure ⤷ logansargeant someone doesn't seem to understand sarcasm.
pierregasly good one!
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♡ liked by logansargeant, dennis_hauger and 378,938 others
tagged: logansargeant
yourusername two years with this clown
view all 1,639 comments
user14 she's calling her boyfriend a clown? look in the mirror, ma'am ⤷ yourusername it's called "having a sense of humor" look it up ;)
user15 omg congrats!!!
user16 the cutest couple fr <3
logansargeant my lucky charm 🍀 ⤷ yourusername i will try and project all my luck on you in spain ⤷ williamsracing we're begging you
logansargeant i love you ⤷ yourusername say sike rn comment liked by logansargeant
user17 y/n's kinda mean to logan or is it just me ⤷ logansargeant she's wired differently
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sturniololoco · 7 months
Are you Scared? Pt 2
Colby Brock x Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS)
Warnings: Kissing, ghosts, random shit, etc.
Note: Kinda set from the collab but some events r out of order
“God damn, which one of you had to take a dump?” Chris asked, laughing while Nick smacked him lightly in the stomach.
Colby smiled at them, laughing like what just happened down the hall didn’t even happen.
I smiled and laughed too, but it was fake. The ache in my chest grew at a steady pace, making me feel slightly sick.
What did I do?
That ache was still present as we walked into the room full of old mirrors.
Colby has been ignoring me ever since we left the hallway downstairs.
I walked behind the group as they filmed the inside of the room. My head was down and I was biting on my nails, nervous, trying to figure out where I where wrong.
“SLS/N, come here real quick.” I heard Matt say, pulling me to the left of the door while everyone else walked into the room.
“What’s wrong? And don’t you bullshit me kid, I know you.” He asked, resting a hand on my shoulder.
I looked up at him, the ache in my chest moving to my eyes and throat, but I forced it back down.
“I’m good right now, I promise.” I said, hinting him in with the ‘right now’.
“okay, you will tell me later though…?” He said like a question, but I knew it was practically an order.
I nodded, taking his hand from my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
"Hey guys, we're about to start-"
I whipped my head around to look at Colby, who was poking his head out the door. But as soon as his eyes met mine, he cut himself off.
I looked down, cheeks red, but that ache in my chest, throat, and eyes was only getting stronger.
Matt and I walked past him into the room, but I could feel his gaze on me the entire time.
As we entered, Sam was talking to Chris and Nick about the possibility of portals through the mirrors of this room.
I only picked up about half the conversation though, focused on keeping my eyes to the floor in hopes of not meeting Colby's stare.
But his gaze was not breaking.
“O-Oh shit, I think I left my phone by the elevator.” I lie, excusing myself quietly from the room and walking out into tue corridor.
I break as soon as I pass the threshold.
Tears spill over my eyes and onto my cheeks, but I hold the sobs in, making my throat throb.
I get back to where were earlier, by the elevator, and sit down where nobody could see me. I brought my legs to my chest and stared at the wall in front of me.
What the fuck did you do. You always mess these things up.
My thoughts were screaming at me for being so stupid. I still don’t understand what I did but knowing me, it was something.
I whipped around looking at the voice behind me.
He walked over to me and kneeled, while I quickly ducked my head to stare at my hands in my lap.
Colby’s POV
This was all my fault.
I treaded her like shit, and now she feels like shit. So do I.
“Oh my gosh! I left the spare light out there!” I lied, quickly running out of the room before Sam could tell me we don’t need it.
After a minute of searching, I find SLS/N sitting in the corner by the elevator, staring blankly at the wall in front of her.
I say her name and her head whipped to look at me, tears in her eyes and her cheeks pink.
But this time she wasn’t blushing, she was upset.
Kneeling down, I lift her head up by her chin, using my pointer finger and thumb.
She looks deep into my eyes as I wipe a stray tear from her cheek.
“I’m sorry.” I say.
And apparently that’s all I had to say, because next thing I know, her lips are on mine and her arms are around my neck.
It doesn’t last long though, because she pulls back, saying,
“I’m so sorry-I had no idea what I did and I thought I made you upset and I-“ she started to ramble, fumbling with her fingers behind my head.
She keeps talking so I place my index finger on her lip.
She shut up immediately.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, so stop talking like you do.” I say.
She nods her head and I take my finger off her mouth, kissing her one last time before I stand, saying,
“We better get back before I get in trouble.”
She nods, grabbing my hand to pull herself up, then doesn't let go, which makes my heart flutter.
Once filming was over, we said goodbye in the hotel lobby.
My brothers headed out to the car while I lied, saying I had to use the bathroom one last time before returning to our hotel.
Technically, it wasn't a lie since I never got to go earlier.
As I stepped out of the bathroom and into the hall, I could hear familiar footsteps coming closer.
I smiled as I saw Colby's face appear around the bend.
He wasted no time at all, leaning in and kissing me, grabbing my hops to pull my body closer to his.
"Give me your phone." he breathed into the kiss, reaching for my pocket.
I instantly obeyed, pulling my phone out and unlocking it, before handing it to him.
He fiddled with it for a few seconds before handing it back. He then shot me a corny wink before turning to walk into the men's bathroom.
It was late by the time we got into the hotel, and I wasn't able to check my phone till after I showered and was tucked into bed next to Nick.
The first notification I saw made me smile at my screen,
Ft me when your brothers are asleep ;)
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
Guys, I'm actually so mad that I had to rewrite this! Thanks a lot, Tumblr for deleting ALL my shit!!!
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paranormalworm · 7 months
Hi idk if you’re taking request. But if you are, can you do a Sturniolo x sis!reader where they go with Sam and Colby to the hotel. And Sam or Colby follows her YouTube channel and has a massive crush on her and she does to. Basically just them sharing shy and cute moments before a confession when one of them get really scared/ maybe one of the ghost keep messing with reader. The triplets ship with whichever boy you choose. If it’s not asking too much, this would be awesome.
AUTHOR NOTES: Hey anon!! Yes i do take requests and i'm so glad you asked. I hope it’ll be good, just know that English is not my first language. (I also changed some details from the video so it’s more interesting) <3
I actually don’t really like what i wrote but the request was so funny i wanted to try.it is actually really different from what i usually write so i hope it's not bad. (I also gave a name to the O/C because i usually do)
𝐶𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑜𝑡 • 𝐶.𝐵.
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SUMMARY: You're the triplets sister (a year younger)you have your own ytb channel but you are also on the boys videos so when Sam and Colby invinted them for a Collab they also asked if you wanted to be there as well.
PAIRING: Colby Brock X Fem reader
WARNING: ghosts,haunted location,paranormal stuff happening to you, named O/C and bad words?
It is finally the day. 2 months ago Sam and Colby dmed The triplets to do the collab the fans been waiting for. And since Nick and I are obsesed with their videos he asked them if I could be there and Colby almost immediatly answerd saying that when they asked them for the collab i was obviously in the deal. I actually think the boys got more excited about the message than me since they know I got a crush on Colby.
Nick: "Ana! wear emo clothes, Colby is emo he would love it. " I laugh at is comment but ignore him, I really hope none of them will make comments like that tonight or it will be so embarrassing.
We just arrived at the hotel and we were welcomed by Sam and Colby who were both waiting for us, We walk to them and as i was talking with Matt he cuts me mid-sentence to say that Colby was starring at me, a comment that I couldn't answer to because of them standing in front of us. the boys shakes each others hand while I kinda stand there awardly.
Matt: "Ana say hello they don't bite. "
Colby. "Unless you ask, I actually don't. " We all laugh at his comment as i quickly apologize and walk to Sam and hug him quickly, i then do the same with Colby awkwardly. We all talk for a bit and they explain how they are organizing the night.
"What's up guys its Sam and Colby"
"today is finally the day, the Collab with the Sturniolo is here".
They turn the cam to us and try to figure out and explain who is who. And that’s when i step in to try to explain myself.
"its simple, Nick is the one with the nose piercing and the while shirts, Chris is the one with the hat on, and Matt is the other one. "
Matt looks at me acting chocked that I have nothing more to say about him and Colby turned the camera to me when I started talking and followed my explanation with the boys. Showing each boy once there name were pronounced.
Sam: "it's simple for you they're you're brother! " Chris then walked to me and huged me like a baby like he always does. "don't talk to my baby like that young man.” he said trying to acts serious when was actually laughing. And Matt started to argue playfully with him "Chris stop that how do you want her to get a boyfriend if you act like a crazy possessive older brother
we all laugh at their little argument and the tour guide starts the explanation, she explains that the most active spirit is at years old little girl named Samantha and she actually tickle people or just touch them. Funny, a little girl again, sam just have a thing with little girls, not in the weird way the
"Sam is leaving this place with a Brand new little girl in his ass.” I said laughing along with them as Matt and Chris were looking at me weirdly with a eyebrow raised sam points then the camera to me. Sam: "huge fan of the channel aren't you?” He was smirking like a creep but i just buster out laughing at his face.
"She's obsesed with your vids man. "And here it goes Nick started to say crazy things like that and now it's embarassing. I naturally turn my head to Colby to see what his face was letting out and he was already looking at me with a slight smile. Tour guide: "Ana you may stop laughing after knowing that Samantha is mostly active with woman so you may experience more things than them." my eyes opens widely and i actually starts to get scared. Colby seems to notice it because he puts his arm around my shoulder and ask, "but no evil spirit here right? "
"none of them are evil no. Samantha is playful but in the Maximillian room there is Empress Carlota and she may get jealous because she'll think you went in the room to seduce and steal her husband". Everyone look to me while I don't know what to say. We are now in front of a painting of a little girl, the painting actually looks greenish but I don't even have the time to ask why because the tour guide talks about it first explaining that they keep getting it cleaned it just go back to green every time.
While the tour guide talks about the story of Samantha i keep feeling like people are watching us so I turn around every few minutes and its when I turn back to the guide that footsteps are heard behind us, like someone is running around. We are all freaked out and suddenly I feel like someone is tugging my sleeve.
"Matt stop that right now this is not funny at all” he looks at me like I'm crazy and i explain what just happened. Colby who was standing next to me puts an arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him “i'm here don’t worry”.
We finally finished the tour and even the tour by itself was scary. We are starting the investigation by the maximillion room with all of the mirrors. And also the room where i apparently might get targeted.
"Okay guys so we are back in the maximillian room,” Colby starts his intro while Sam is holding the camera and my brothers and i are standing next to him. "This room is apparently haunted by Empress Carlota who lost her husband but also get very jealous of woman that enters this room because she's scared they want to steal her husband.” I smile at the camera to not seem mean and laugh a little when Matt starts saying that it is a good thing that they have a sister.
We then starts the investigation by standing in front of a mirror and we are just supposed to stare at ourselves for a few minutes nothings happens but later i see my face getting sad? like i was about to cry. I don't know if i can talk while doing this so i don't say anything and keep looking. after a few more seconds it's like some tears are rolling down my cheeks. And that's when a woman appears looking angry she watch me from a far before walking slowly to me appearing angrier with each step.
When she only some inches "behind me" i close my eyes and face away from the mirror. Nick who was standing next to me with Sam immediatly turn his head to me "Ana is everything alright? What did you see? "Nick ask as he hug me "I'm fine it surprised me” i say leaving his arms and walking to a bench. They all sit with me either on the bench or on the floor. Sam ask if he can record while i explain what i saw, i accept so i starts explaining everything.
Once i explained everything they all seem surprised but also worried I'll be okay after our little pause Sam and Colby install a rope who has multiple led on it while i continue to talk with my brothers.
Colby POV:
I knew something would happen and I couldn't even be near to reassure her. The tug in front of the painting and now that? I'm starting to get scared for the rest of thenight. We're installing the light rope and we are gonna use the ovulus which is super scary with what just happened
(Ana's POV)
they just finished explaining what we are about to do and it scares me a little knowing the person i saw in the mirror might be here and talk to us. As soon as Sam turned the ovulus on we heard a word. Which apparently is pretty rare to work this fast.
"What about girls? "asked Colby. "the fact that Carlota is just jealous of you when i could try to seduce her husband to.” We all look at Nick before laughing at his comment.
must..... leave.
"Who must leave? " Matt asked. “Me. It said girls and then must leave. "
"No, you're not going anywhere. They are not the one in charge here” we all turned our heads to Colby when he started to talk. We were all surprised by how annoyed he looked.
it's when a new word appeared that we stopped staring at him. "What are they talking about? "Sam looked at Chris who just said the comment. "Christopher are you stupid? Theythinks Ana and Colby are dating.” I look at Nick amused While he is arguing with Chris. I was about to deny their statement when Colby talked "Yes we are.” Colby said pulling me closer to him. I turn my head to him confused. We're not dating? Why did he said yes? My brothers looks at me even more surprised that I was after that the ovulus didn't spelled any more words and the light rope didn't lighted up at all.
We decided to leave the room after 30 min of asking question and not receiving any answers. During those 30 min Colby acted like he was my boyfriend
while I was kind of lost. Once the door was closed behind us i let go of his hand
that was holding mine. "Why did you said that you guys were dating? "asked his best friends with a smirk we could all see. I obviously to the concerned one to listen to his answer. "I thought that Carlota or whatever her name is, she won't do anything to Ana since she was in a "relationship"». He replied naturally by mimicking inverted commas with his fingers. I smiled to thank him.
We then walked back too the room where we went earlier when it smelled terrible. On the way there I was walking with Nick and Matt who mere joking about how kind Colby was to me. Once all the camera were installed they pressed the rec button and started filming. We are going to do the famous Estes method.
it is actually something that look easy beet in reality is pretty hard because you have to concentrate a lot on what you ear in the headphone and trust the peoples in the room with you. Nick and Chris wanted to starts and since Matt and I wanted to do it to we are going to do Ir right after but in the bathroom since it is actually pretty active.
Nick and Chris are now sat on a couch blind folded with headphones on and a spirit box each in there hand «hi» said Chris and Nick almost talk at the same time saying «hello» we greeted whoever was there and before we could ask for a name Chris said «gorgeous».
So Matt who was sat next to me asked «who is gorgeous?» and Nick answered «the girl» Sam, Colby and Matt turned there head to me waiting to see what would say «well thank you very much, who are we talking to right now?» the two bestfriends turned back there camera to the two siblings at the right time because they answer almost at the same time «its not important» and «you don't need to know»
This answer confused all of us how many person are in the room beside the 6 of us right now?» asked the tall emo looking guy. Nick answered «3» before Chris talked saying «mine» we were even more confused sosam asked « what do you mean mine? What is yours?» Nick then said « I heard like it growled? Like when you are annoyed? » all the boys looked at each others while I couldn't take me eyes of my brothers waiting for an answer.
«It said "she's mine” in a fucking deep voice it scared the shit out of me » I wanted to laugh but was still confused by who it was talking about. «Maybe it's Carlotta since you guys kept complimenting her earlier? Maybe it's her husband? » I said trying to explain what was happening.« can you confirm that? Are you talking about empires carlota?» asked the blond ghost hunter.
Nick quickly take the headphones off and slowly get rid of the blindfold. «What's wrong Nick?» Matt ask worried. «I heard like a malefic laugh freaking psychotic laugh » we all frown confused and Chris not knowing what just happened continue «no, not carlota...» Chris then freeze and don't continue the sentence he just started,he also take off the blind fold and the headphones and just stares at me almost like he is scared, he then look at everyone «it said "Ana, silly." like not Carlotta , Ana »
We were all getting scared so we decided to take a little pause outside. I was talking with Sam and wick a little afar from the rest of the group talking about life and our respective Chanel « Colby actually love what you post on social media,he always ask if saw your last post» he said laughing, Nick looked at me with big eyes before speaking «Ana and I are obsessed with your channel that we even made up a rule that we cannot watch the newest video without each other.obviously Ana is the one that came up with that rule ».
I slapped his chest my hand laughing « don't act so annoyed with this rule because the only timed broke that rule I had to do your chores for an entire week.»
I walk to the other little group and as i was walking away i heard nick asking « is he in love with her by any chance? » this is so embarrassing.
After 20 min of talking to take a little break we went back in the hotel room and Sam and Colby started to record again and explained to the viewers that Matt and I are going to do the Estes method in the bathroom. Matt sits on the toilets while i sits on a chair we took from the bedroom. Nick and Chris are sitting on the floor Sam is standing in front of us and Colby is standing behind me in the shower.
Matt and I put the blindfold and the headphones on. The static sound in my ears is slowly getting louder as I concentrate on what could hear.
Colby POV:
Matt and Ana are listening to the spirit box and it's time to ask some questions «Matt , Ana can you hear us?» I ask and none of them answer. « behind her» Matt says. They are all confused while I am scared it the same spirit from the bedroom who was being weird. « behind who?» asked my best friend behind the camera. « it said my name guys» Ana, who looks terrified that it said her name again.
« I thinks it's the same person from the bedroom » said one of her older brother, Ana's leg was shaking from the stress but she quickly stoped and putted her own hand on her knee smiling. «are you talking about Colby? The person behind Ana » Nick asked and almost immediately the two sibling answered « yeah.» everyone looked at me. « what about me?» I asked. I'm sure it is the same spirit from earlier. «You're not welcomed here » and «leave» came out of their mouth
« hell no. I'm not going any where. Why should I leave?» I was getting annoyed as time went by. I knew why they wanted me away it's simply because they could get to Ana way easier. And as we thought no one answered that question. After a few seconds of silence Chris came out with a great question. « why are you still here?» we looked at the two sibling waiting for an answer. « are you stuck here or can you go to multiple places?» we wait again for an answer and Ana is the one breaking the silence « great here».
«So you stay here because you like it here?» I asked « maybe they stay here because they like it but could go anywhere if they wanted to?» Sam said and after a few seconds Matt started giggling « it said "you got it blond boy" in a very happy way, almost celebrating ». We all laughed a bit but we stopped when Ana started to rub her arm like crazy like she was freezing we were all getting concerned «I'm in love.» Ana said. « who are you in love with?» I asked. « it keep saying Ana's name like "ana.ana.ana.ana" it's getting weird » Matt is right it is really getting weird « Colby could you not press yourself on my shoulder like that please».
We all looked at her and started to really get scared, since I was really close behind her took a step back my back was know against the wall.« tell her it's not Colby.». Matt took the headphones and blindfold off just like his brothers did earlier and as he was about to speak Ana did. « it whispered "it's just us now" what the fuck»
Matt looked at us surprised while we were all used to the crazy thing it keep saying « I took mine off because it screamed in my ears. It scared the fuck out of me» I listened to him but I then remembered what Ana said as soon as Matt took of the headphones « it's not only the two of you we are still here. »
I said and Ana quickly answered « wow! I heard like an annoyed growl and then it said shut it!» they all smiled surprised « did dit really told you to shut it? That's crazy » Matt said. « it been super rude to Colby the whole time,do you think the spirit is in love with Ana?»Nick asked. «I mean they could but they have to remember that Ana is 19 and as sadly as it sounds they are dead so... » we all laugh and Ana said « you'll be dead too soon » this is getting really dark, I exchange a glance with Sam that confirm my thought.
« someday she'll be mine » the three brothers looked really worried « isn't this going too dark guys?» Nick asked I obviously agree and tap on Ana's shoulder so she know we've done and when she takes off the head phones we all hear in a deep voice « I'll stay with her » which freaks us all out. « oh, hell no. Packs your shit we're leaving » I said as I rushed out of the bathroom holding Ana's hand.
Ana's POV
Colby and I left the hotel room he was holding my hand, we were in the hallway when I stopped walking forcing him to stop with me. « stop! Stop! What the hell happened? Why did we leave like that? » I asked loudly really scared « what about my brothers? And Sam?» «i was getting out of hand! It was dangerous for you Ana!»
« so it is for them, let's get-» Colby cut me off « Ana, Ana stop calm down. Sam know what to do. it was getting dangerous for you. Not for Matt not for Chris for you. The spirit wanted you.»
I was shocked, I had no idea why he was saying that but I started to remember some things that I repeated earlier during the Estes method « I'm in love » or even when it said « it's just us now »
« I have to protect you,I am the one that know that stuff. So let's get you out of here and clean you » we starts to walk toward the exit of the hotel again « look I know this seem crazy but it's very serious. » we are now in front of the hotel I just texted Matt saying we're walking a little bit.«…so that's basically it. we think their was a spirit that fell in love with you and was maybe a little too obsessive »
« do you have a name for that spirit?» I asked curiously « why? Are you interested?» he asked with a little smile, I laugh looking at him « no, not really » I said still laughing a little. « why not? Are you already seeing somebody else?» but now it was not a smile anymore more like a smirk. « no I'm not, but... Let's say I like someone» there is no way I just said that I like someone to the someone I'm talking about. I kept looking at him, I wanted to see his reaction he looked surprised? « on yeah? Some guy you know?».
No don't ask I don't wanna say that. Not to you.« well…It's something like that i guess?» thank god we're outside in the night because I know i am blushing.« what do you mean something like that? Who is it? » and here it is. He asked. « well...» I don't know how I'm supposed to say that I've been having the biggest crush on him for some month now.« if I tell you my crush would you tell me yours?» I nod to him thinking that if he say someone else I'll invent a random guy.
His hand find my cheeks to caress it gently, smiling. He gets closer to me « you. You're my crush » I look at him smiling widely more than happy, he was still staring at me, well it looked like he was more staring at my lips. I was also looking at his and after a few seconds he leaned in and our lips finally connected.« you're my crush too » was all I said before kissing him again.
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