#it is implied that there will be a shark in this event
akkivee · 2 years
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prayer circle to ensure that gentaro doesn’t wind up almost drowning again lol 😭
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coralinnii · 11 months
Congratulations for 2.7k followers!!! For my request, I would like if you could write some sibling scenarios for the octatrio with a younger sibling who absolutely adores and looks up to them. They manage to visit NRC for some kind of event and the younger sibling just follows them around like a little puppy. Copying some of their mannerisms since they want to be just like their cool older brother. I just want to see some silly and fluffy platonic family moments with them, please. 〔´∇`〕
❋ Big Brother! ❋
�� Younger sibling!reader visiting him (+ extra Leech brothers birthday special)
feat: Azul ⭑ Floyd ⭑ Jade
genre: platonic fluff, humour
note: no pronouns used with the reader, younger sibling!reader but age is unspecified, established filial relationships, reader is heavily implied to be merfolk, nicknames are used (little octopus, little one, little eel, kiddo)
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Since Azul’s mother divorced fairly early in Azul’s life, I would imagine that you would be Azul’s half-sibling born from his mother and stepfather. That doesn’t mean that Azul loves you any less.
He worked hard not only for himself, but for his younger sibling. Azul wanted to be someone who you can look up to. Someone strong, smart, successful, and most of all, admirable.
And he did a great job, because you can’t imagine anyone more amazing than your big brother Zuzu.
You managed to convince your parents to let you join their visit to NRC during their VDC festival. Even if Azul wasn’t involved with the competition itself, you always wanted to visit your big brother’s restaurant.
Imagine the merman’s surprise when he felt a pair of small hands pull on the edges of his coat. Your bright smile was brimming with joy seeing your brother get frazzled over your visit.
As much Azul wanted to entertain you, this time of year was an opportune time for business. He offered to let you stay in his big comfy office until he could find time for you.
However you refused, choosing to follow him around. Something you learned from Azul was unrelenting stubbornness, after all. You were content with grabbing hold of Azul's large coat as he walked suspiciously slower than usual. Another thing you learned from your dear brother? An itching desire for a good deal.
Your lovable charm was a hit with the customers who watched as you waddled after Azul, not quite used to feet yet. Nearby customers held in squeals as you wrapped yourself in your brother’s coat, watching Azul and mimicking the smiles and hand gestures that your brother was fond of, even pushing up the glasses you begged your parents to buy you, regardless if you needed them or not.
Enchanted, some of the customers requested a commemorative picture with you, which is where you took Azul’s skills for your practice.
“Hmm…if you buy Zuzu’s yummy drink, then I’ll take a picture. With a contract!”
With a poorly-made contract with messy ink splotches, you wore the biggest smile you could muster as you sent a thumbs-up to your brother, who couldn’t figure out if he should be absolutely flabbergasted or immensely proud.
“Naturally, I knew how adorable my baby octopus is. What kind of blind fool do you take me for?”
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Floyd is the kind of brother where he loves you and protective of you but he’s still his mischievous self. Rather than being careful or responsible, Floyd is always happy to bring you to every shenanigan and adventure if you ask him nice enough. This made for some unforgettable memories (for better or for worse)
You learn so much from the spontaneous eel. For example, you learned that sharks can swim really fast when angry, but your big bro Floyd is faster, even when carrying you in his arms.
As teasing as he can be, you admired how strong and cool Floyd was, and was excited to hear stories about his life on land with Jade, especially about the stories of his new friends. You even have a notebook with pictures of specific sea creatures to keep track of the friends he made, because if your brother doesn’t bother with names, why should you? (terrible influence, he is)
Imagine your excitement when you had the chance to visit Floyd during one of his basketball games. You practiced all week walking with feet just so you could run like Floyd does across the court.
Unfortunately, the tall merman was in his less-cheerful moods during this particular game. Boredom quickly struck him mid-way into the game which caused confusion for the opposing team and great distress amongst the NRC Basketball players. Jamil was quick to call for a timeout as soon as he could as the team whispered and panicked over this predicament.
But the timeout gave you a perfect chance get your brother’s attention, waving your hands as you called out to the tall merman as Jade stood by you with a genuine smile. Your other brother was quite aware of the bond his two siblings have so he took the liberty of escorting you as you were sure to get lost on Sage’s Island.
“Floyd! Over here!” You yelled out in joy, wearing a jersey similar to your brother to show off your clear bias. But that wasn’t the only similarity you shared with the teal-haired menace.
Shimmering under the gymnasium’s lights, your earring clipped onto your right ear caught Floyd’s eyes immediately.
The day Floyd and Jade made their earrings from the scales of the sturgeon they fought, you cried when there wasn’t enough to make one for you to wear as well. You pouted and glared every time Floyd flaunted his accessory to you, but when you stopped reacting, he assumed that you'd gotten over it.
But holding onto your ear, the sturgeon scales of your earring was as dazzling as your proud grin.
“Look, Floyd! We all match!” Your smile rejuvenated Floyd’s mood, making the once-moody eel grin back. When did you get that? And how did you get it? Floyd’s mind was flooded with curious questions so he soon turned to his teammates with a sadistic smile.
“I’m gonna crush the competition today. I wanna wrap this up quick, so let’s get serious~”
And Floyd started to have fun again, at the expense of the poor visiting team. How unfortunate for them, but Floyd needed to finish the game so he could hang out with his precious family after all.
“Little eel, come with me. Your big bro is gonna show you something fun!”
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As seen with his approach with Floyd, Jade is type to spoil his siblings. No matter how tall you get or how old you are, you are Jade’s precious little one, and Jade loves nothing more than to watch his cherished family have fun, regardless if nobody else is having fun in the process.
Jade is the cool older brother, someone who is calm and dependable. You always admired the way he could charm the masses with his suave words and gestures. In the sea or on land, no one is better than your brother (tied with Floyd)
No matter what anyone says, Jade is the kindest eel in the entire world. To the dismay of others, you started picking up little habits and hobbies of your idol. Your classmates were baffled by the odd terrarium filled with odd marine fungi and rocks you stole from the shores of the beach.
When the NRC’s annual Halloween event opened to the public, you were all too excited to see your brothers, especially Jade, to show off your small terrarium bowl. Once you and your family made it to the last day of the Halloween festival, you rushed to the room that your brothers were managing to greet them.
Unfortunately, you were unaware of the concerning issue of Magicam monsters the students were facing.
These rambunctious visitors, who cared little for anything, accidentally knocked you to the ground with your terrarium along with it. The glass bowl was broken into pieces, your hardwork spilling onto the once clean floor. The Magicam monsters offered nothing more than an insincere apology before immediately walking away, adding it wasn’t their fault they didn’t notice you.
Jade was passing by as he immediately recognized you at first glance. He was quick to scoop you up into his arms, a rare look of distress on his face as he tried to dry your teary face. “Little one, what’s the matter?”
You sniffled as you tried to explain what transpired, how you excitedly rushed to find him to show him your terrarium you worked hard on, which was currently a mess on the alchemy room floor.
Oh my, the merman thought. This won’t do. As an older brother, Jade felt a responsibility to teach you a very important lesson. One’s deeds does not go unrepaid in turn
Floyd and Azul had to shush you as you, a true Leech, giggled watching the looks of fear painted on the poor unfortunate souls as they ran for their lives out from the alchemy room, away from Jade’s especially frightening surprise appearance.
All for the fun of Halloween, of course. Not because they dared to do wrong to Jade’s dear little eel.
“You would like to play with me today? Of course, I cannot think of a better way to spend the day.”
BONUS Floyd and Jade’s Birthday Special
“Happy birthday, big brothers!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, throwing handfuls of confetti as high as you could to cover the pillars you call your siblings. The twins chuckled over your silliness, respectively giving their thanks.
“Thanks, kiddo!”
“Thank you, little one”
Smiling, you brought out another surprise. In your hidden hands, you held two small boxes, wrapped in ribbons matching the colors of your brothers’ dorm.
“Open them, quick!” Handing it over, your brothers obeyed your wishes. Afterall, you were the few in the world that the eels would willingly listen to.
Cradled carefully in cushioned cloth, a small keychain sat comfortably in the box. One for each brother, there was a glass sculpture of a moray eel attached to the keychain, one with a basketball by its side and the other with a cute mushroom.
Floyd and Jade stood in silence as they admired the gift, clearly made with them in mind. For the final surprise, you took out your phone where a matching keychain dangled from its case. However, your moray eel sculpture was decorated with two hearts, representing your brothers, next to it.
“I made it near the lava flows on the sea floors” you smiled brightly, hoping your brothers liked them. It was hard enough to try glass blowing but you had to find glass materials that work well underwater. But it was worth it. “I wanted to give you something to remind you of home. Where I’ll always be waiting for you two”
Needless to say, Floyd and Jade were satisfied with your gift. Even after you went home, Floyd was bragging about how adorable you were as he showed it off to everybody while Jade was suddenly pulling out his phone more than usual throughout the day, just to see your present every single time.
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lirational · 4 months
What about yandere angell, obsessed with reader being her housewife?
Angell x Chief!Reader
Warnings: Blood Allusions, Obsessive Behavior, Dubiously Consensual (Slight?) Marking, Violence and Implied Murder.
A/N: of course, slight event spoilers below~
Short dark content drabble (no explicit content) under the cut~
After so long, so long, only barely taking care of herself enough to keep her Sinner-power fueled body going for the next job, next thing on an endless to-do list that just kept going, all to survive in a carved safety, it would be no wonder that she fell hard for your ability to make her feel at home, a semblance of calm within a sanctuary that once used to be just another place to drift into a restless sleep for her.
It is hard to let go of such a comfort, and as much as she dreaded to admit it, as much as she fancied herself a shark in the dark, untamed sea, the idea of having a safe, warm nest, along with the company of such a gentle, bright soul was nothing short of tantalizing. There was no way she did not notice that you were just biding your time for a chance to escape, but such a small detail is far too easy to be wilfully ignored, and the way you hide how you try to shy away at her touch, faintly smelling of blood, was downright adorable.
The more she thought of it, the more her heart sunk at the thought of you leaving.
An assassin was not supposed to leave tracks, or hold affection to someone that belongs in the light, yet she couldn’t help but indulge, marking you with faint red scratches as her fingernails glide on your body. You would yelp and almost jump away, and she would simply smile.
It was your last day here, was it not? She just wanted to commit you to memory, before she has to return you to the world you belong to—
That night, as you slept, her arms wrap around your waist and chest. Your calm, rhythmic breaths fill the room, all too unaware of the corpses of your rescuer, piled into the trash chute at the corner of the room.
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veeagainsttheday · 9 months
Two lines from OFMD s2 have been rotating around in my head for the last few weeks. 
The first is from s2e3, when Ed is speaking with Hornigold about his sandals, and Hornigold tells him that he always has to have an angle. Ed responds by saying, ‘Nah, mate, I’m actually just a very simple man’ before sharing his thoughts about opening an inn. 
The second is in s2e7, after Ed left Stede, when Stede and Izzy are in Jackie’z. Izzy says to Stede, ‘You know what he did when I told him I loved him? He shot me,’ as Stede says, ‘He shot you. I know.’ Izzy continues, ‘He’s a complicated man.’ Stede doesn’t respond; they look at each other for a moment and then the scene ends. 
First of all - that line of Izzy’s about Ed shooting him when Izzy told Ed he loved him makes me want to start ripping my hair out in frustration. Ed shot Izzy when Izzy announced in front of the crew that vibes were bad because of Ed’s feelings for Stede Bonnet. Ed responded to Izzy saying he loved Ed by making a noise of disgust and walking out of the conversation. So it’s fascinating that Izzy has reframed the event in this way (and not the first time we hear him reframe it - as he tells Lucius a shark took his leg). Stede obviously heard that Ed shot Izzy (he says, ‘shooting people’s legs off’ in the list of reasons why Ed’s in the sackcloth at the start of s2e5), but we have no idea where he heard it from or who told him why. The way he says, ‘I know,’ to Izzy in s2e7 gives me the impression that he’s heard Izzy say it a number of times - he sounds weary. I’m guessing Ed’s never told Stede what really happened, nor any of the crew who witnessed it. But if I could ask the writers about one line from s2, I really think this would be it - I just don’t know how to interpret it (and if anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them below!). 
Anyway. Back to those two lines. Ed says he’s ‘actually just a very simple man’ in response to being misunderstood by Hornigold (actually his own self-consciousness). For two seasons, Ed’s been attempting to communicate that he’s got a simple, reasonable desire to retire from a dangerous, violent career and be with the man he loves. Izzy’s response has been to deny Ed that, to call Ed insane, try to keep him in piracy by whatever means he can, and of course try to get Stede killed. By the time Ed’s in the gravy basket, he’s arguing even in his own head that he’s a simple man, with a simple desire for the future. 
Then we come to s2e7, and Izzy still doesn’t get it. He still thinks Ed is a complicated man, he still thinks Ed is acting in a way that doesn’t make sense or requires some convoluted explanation. It’s notable to me that Stede doesn’t agree - we know from s2e3 (and, ya know, the rest of the show) that Stede understands Ed deeply.  Then I think about Ed talking to the ‘wolf’ in s2e4 - ‘It’s a very rare thing to find someone who understands you,’ he says, tears in his eyes, obviously missing Stede but also - fuck, man, that scene with the rabbit is so funny but makes me so sad for Ed, because he really does have a pretty simple desire and he’s spent months - implied years - being told that he’s crazy for having it.
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fishenjoyer1 · 4 months
Fish of the Day
Today's fish of the day is the pajama shark!
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The pajama shark, also known by scientific name Poroderma africanum, is known mostly by divers along Cape Town. These animals are a kind of catshark, a family defined by egg laying and bottom feeding. With a range along the coast of Southern Africa, they stretch from Table bay to East London, found most prominently off of the Western Cape. Historical records imply at one point there may have been a population in Madagascar, but currently there are no signs this population still exists. 
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These fish live in shallow waters, getting as deep as 16ft, although in areas with rocky shores, they have been found as deep as  150-300ft, with a strong preference for intertidal locations with nearby kelp forests.. The diet of the pajama shark is made up of bony fishes, smaller rays or sharks, crabs, lobster, cephalopods. In particular pajama sharks have been seen hiding among squid eggs, and ambushing descending parents. They have also been seen ambusing octopi in their area as well, grabbing them and twisting to tear off tentacles larger than the pajama shark's body. They can get as large as 4 ft in length, on the midrange for catsharks.
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They have no breeding season, instead having sexual events year round. one pup can be made at a time and eggs are hidden underwater, and covered in algae of kelp to remain hidden. The eggs will take 5-6 months to hatch, after which pups will measure only 14-15 inches long. They will mature sexually by the time they reach 30-35 inches in length, and can live up to 5 years. They hunt in daylight until sexual maturity, at which point they shift schedule, primarily hunting at night, finding places among kelp to rest during the day
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Have a wonderful day, everyone!
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vertumnanaturalis · 11 months
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Yknow this is another thing that I've been chipping away at for the past few months (and if you're in the LQ or Exo Creator Servers you've Definitely seen me share these before) and haven't posted on Tumblr yet; it's the current WIP of my attempt to give every named, mentioned, or heavily implied to exist character in the game that doesn’t have a canon design! Over time I wanna post them all individually (along with the lore I’ve come up with for them), but these are all the completed ones right now
(names/roles below the cut)
(note: italicized names are non-canon names/nicknames for canon roles or character with only a nickname or a full name)
Top Row (Kids younger than Sol):
Cirrus [designs for first and second halves of the game] (One of Anemone’s triplet younger brothers)
Stratus [designs for first and second halves of the game] (One of Anemone’s triplet younger brothers)
Cumulus [designs for first and second halves of the game] (One of Anemone’s triplet younger brothers)
Nimbus [designs for first and second halves of the game] (Anemone’s youngest brother, specifically mentioned to be younger and not one of the triplets in one of the tutoring events)
Nectarine “Nena” [designs for first and second halves of the game] (babysitting job kid with photosynthesis augment; designed as Chino’s older sister)
Maraschino “Chino” (named in babysitting job, has a fire starter augment)
Effervescence “Ves” [designs for first and second halves of the game] (babysitting job kid with nocturnal vision augment that gives them glowing eyes)
Mistletoe “Misu Misu” [designs for first and second halves of the game] (babysitting job kid who was trying to sneak out one of the drain pipes; One of the orphans from the wormhole crash being raised in the creche; designed as Sorrel’s baby sister)
Kelvin [designs for first and second halves of the game] (babysitting job kid who was trying to sneak out one of the drain pipes; One of the kids who still has parents but is being raised in the creche anyways)
Macaroni “Mac” (Babysitting job kid with no sense of pain augment)
Contrivance “Connie” (Babysitting job kid with shark teeth augment)
Middle Row (Stratospheric NPCs):
Cinnamon “Cinna” (Named by Utopia, presumably another member of expeditions)
Imbroglio (A surveyor who is only mentioned as being deceased alongside Geranium if the shimmer is not cured in time, although it is never specifically said to have killed him; Designed as the previous Chief Surveyor before he handed the role to Tonin)
Sorrel (A surveyor who is only mentioned after their death before Vertumnalia 18; Designed as a Strato-born teenager older than Kom but younger than Utopia; Designed as Misu Misu’s eldest brother)
Quinine “Quinni” (A surveyor who is only mentioned after their death before Vertumnalia 18; Designed as a Strato-born teenager a few months younger than Kom)
Lavendula “Tula” (Named as Tonin’s deceased partner during his funeral; Tammy is stated to have had a mother who died at some point prior to landing, presumably they were the same person)
Arabesque “Besk” (Ms. Arabesque….. The Twins mother, cause of like 20% of the issues in the colony)
Encephalon “Ceph” (One of Tirah’s partners, only mentioned by nickname)
Peppercorn “Perk” (One of Tirah’s partners, only mentioned by nickname; The newest member of the polycule)
Pappardelle “Deli” (One of Tirah’s partners; no titles or pronouns are ever used for the third one, but there is explicitly a third partner)
Bottom Row (Heliopause NPCs)
Parabola “Polly” (Vace’s mom)
Theia (Rex’s mom)
Ikebana “Bana” (Nomi’s mom)
Carnelian Carnation “Carn” (Nomi’s dad)
Ventricle “Ven” (Vace’s dad)
Marjoram “Joram” (A named steward from the Heliopause, she will become Second Steward if Tammy and Sol don’t/can’t)
Netsuke (A named scientist from the Heliopause, he will become Second Engineer if Tang and Sol don’t/can’t; specifically mentioned to be experienced)
Quaternion (A named administrator from the Heliopause, he will become Second Administrator if Marz and Sol don’t/can’t)
Peppermint “Pep” (A named soldier from the Heliopause, she will become Second Surveyor if Dys, Tonin, and Sol don’t/can’t; Utopia really did not want this person for her second in command)
Yucca (A named cultivator from the Heliopause, she will become Second Cultivator if Cal is Cheif Cultivator and Sol doesn’t/can’t get the job; Said to be experienced enough in agriculture, and unlikely to side with the other Helio’s more war favoring tendencies)
Bluebell “Belle” (The Helio born cultivator that Cal married in some endings; Designed as Yucca’s younger sister)
Verbena (A Helio soldier named in a conversation Marz; It’s implied that they’ve slept together, so it’s likely that they’re very close in age)
Pelagic “Pelk” (A soldier named in one of the nurse events; Designed as a Helio soldier about Utopia’s age)
The people left to do include: Captain Morikawa, Defenestrate, Yarrow, Rex’s Dad, the baby from the Strato born just before coming through the wormhole, older/second half deisgns for Chino+Mac+Connie+Quinni….
Uh. Let’s just say that there are a lot of people actually named/referenced/implied in the game.
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And that’s not even getting into anyone BORN on Vertumna… hahh....
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Could I request a scenario where romantic yandere Spitfire falls in love with pegasus reader who works as a janitor for the Wonderbolts.
Sure! I'll see what I have for this plot! :) I struggled a bit so I'm sorry the story is shorter than I wanted it :(
Cleaning Duty
Yandere! Spitfire Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Employer/Employee dynamic, Unhealthy power dynamic, Manipulation, Implied talking/eavesdropping, Forced relationship, Intimidation, Abuse of power/position, Harassment, Very toxic themes.
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You'd think being so close to the Wonderbolts would be fantastic, right? They're the best aerial acrobatics group in all of Equestria according to most. Cloudsdale is known for them.
Admittedly, you did think they were cool. Although you weren't fanatic about them. To you, they were simply your employers.
You took the job of janitor for the Wonderbolts Academy specifically. However, if an event calls for it, you'd be there to clean up too. It's a bigger job than most would think.
You don't mind it... the pay is okay and you sometimes greet the Wonderbolts themselves. You mostly kept to yourself. It was better to be out of the way anyways.
The Wonderbolts didn't tend to pay you much mind. Most of them, at least. Spitfire, the popular commander and leader of the Wonderbolts, put you on edge.
Of course there's the obvious reason... she was your employer. Spitfire had hired you and expected you to do your job. A job you did well, luckily.
Then there was the staring. The fellow pegasus always looked at you with a strange intrigue in those orange eyes of hers. You tried to ignore it whenever it happened, choosing to focus on your work.
Spitfire intimidated you due to high status in your eyes. Although she always came to give you the money you were owed personally. Each time you took it you tried not to look her in the eyes.
Some of your coworkers would joke that the head pony had a crush on you. To you... it's a cruel joke. A joke that was plausible just enough that it could be true.
You tried to ignore such a thought.
Spitfire? The leader of the Wonderbolts? With a crush on you, a janitor?
Not a chance.
"Have you not seen the way she looks at you?" Another pegasus asks you. "Doesn't it SCREAM crush to you?"
"Not sure what fantasy you're trying to push... but I want nothing to do with it." You sigh, turning away.
"You can't just deny something's up...!" They say, you shake your head.
"Think about how I feel, will you? Just drop the conversation." With that, you trot off.
You never understood why ponies were so invested in you and your employer. You hated to even think of the idea. Spitfire was just... making sure you did your work... must be.
Any sense of denial was purged when Spitfire approaches you out of the blue hours later.
"You look nervous." Spitfire comments when you stop doing your cleaning to turn. You were... but tried to play it off.
"Oh, it's nothing ma'am. Just had a strange conversation with another coworker."
"Were they causing you trouble?" Spitfire asks standing beside you.
"That doesn't sound like a very confident 'no'."
You look away from her... thinking back to the conversation you had hours prior. Spitfire notices your hesitant gaze and moves in front of you.
"You know... we can drop the formalities if it's just us. You just call me Spitfire, and I'll call you (Y/N)."
Your body jolts in nervous surprise at this. Oh, Celestia...
It is true.
"Alright... Spitfire."
She grins at this, having noticed your shock before.
"May I ask what you were talking about with this coworker of yours?"
"... it was nothing."
"Come on... I'm all for a bit of gossip."
That look in her eyes told you she already knew what was up. You don't want to tell her in case you're wrong... in fact, you don't want to be involved.
"It was private, Spitfire."
"... that's fine." Spitfire hums, circling you like some shark. "I already overheard."
Your blood runs cold.
"Hearing you say my name and my name alone is euphoric..." Spitfire chuckles. "Ever wonder if the rumors are true?"
Spitfire steps closer, almost nose to nose with you.
"Ever wonder if maybe I do like you like that?"
"Please... I just want to work-" You turn away, but Spitfire just follows you.
"It's the chance of a life-time." Spitfire teases, confirming the rumors you hated to hear were true. "Not many get to date a Wonderbolt. Much less a janitor...."
"I don't want this, Spitfire-"
Spitfire's silent, coming beside you and looking you over. It's as if she's enjoying this. Spitfire's enjoying the power trip.
"I have so much to offer... I can make you a cadet who trains under me... you have such strong wings..." Spitfire purrs, brushing over your wing. "I'll keep things secret if you wish. The rumors will go away... I'll make sure of it."
You whimper when Spitfire tilts her head to see your reaction.
"I'll even give you a pay raise if you really want it."
You're shaking, slowly and nervously trying to decline her again.
"I'm not looking for anything..."
Spitfire frowns, forcing you to look at her again.
"Then what if I threaten your job... your reputation? No pony would hire you..." Spitfire threats. "I promise your life will be good if you're mine. You could have so much more if you say yes...."
You realize there's no getting out of this, not with Spitfire's persistence....
You had no choice but to give in. You knew this was wrong... yet you were scared. Spitfire could ruin you.
So you complied... you now dated in secret.
Spitfire was amused and pleased when you accepted her offer. Truthfully she was going to have you one way or another. Even if it required clipping your wings.
Luckily she didn't have to do such an act. You accepted her order... she always loved obedience. In exchange, she teaches you tricks, ups your pay...
... and gives you all the affection anypony could ever want.
You no longer had to be on cleaning duty. If anypony asked about your promotion, or even eluded to your relationship, Spitfire kicked them out of the academy.
She did promise there would be no more rumors... no matter how true.
Spitfire would give you all she has to offer and more... because she "loves" you... and you're hers.
"See? You can have everything... as long as you're with me... my newest Wonderbolt."
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soulseerzine · 8 months
Upcoming SoulSeerWeek!
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To commemorate the fanzine's preorders opening and in honor of all things Hythlodaeus, we will hold a #SoulseerWeek beginning on February 5th! Please check the prompts below and post each day with the tag for the community to see!
Here is the text version of the #SoulseerWeek prompts:
Modern Jobs
A taste of Etheirys
Old New Friends
Enjoying the Moment
New Creations
Event Guidelines:
You may use the prompt list to create any type of material, not only limited to the ones mentioned in the main post! Hythlodaeus welcomes all kinds of creations, even if they include sharks!
As the name implies, this is a week dedicated to Hythlodaeus as the main focus, and we'd like to keep it as that. However if you want to include other characters, as long as they don't take away from Hyth's protagonism, you're free to!
If you're not able to do all the event works within a week, that's fine! This is a fun time and we will be pleased to see what you come up for a few weeks!
Although we support love, we'd like to keep this event free of NSFW. Some implied things are fine, but please refrain from posting explicit works on the event hashtag.
Hythlodaeus will love to see the community we created around him! So please keep your posts polite!
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seachant-moved · 10 months
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,, ♡ ︰the little mermaid timeline﹒🪸 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
Atlantica is located in the Mediterranean Sea (which is canon as stated in 2019 in the official Disney Princess Youtube), which is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean. It was first founded thousands of years ago by the Greek God Poseidon, God of the seas, storms, earthquakes, and horses. He and Amphitrite then had Triton who was assigned to become King of the Seven Seas and ruler of the Kingdom of Atlantica.
Atlantica is one of the many peaceful underwater kingdoms where King Triton resides with his daughters: Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina and Ariel. It is the strongest underwater kingdom in existence and where mermaids seek refuge when danger lurks outside. Atlantica is protected by a magical shield created by Triton's trident, making it invisible to humans and impossible for creatures such as sharks to approach. Only mermaids and harmless animals are welcome here.
,, ♡ ︰ancient times﹒🪸 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
Poseidon is born to Cronus and Rhea.
Atlantica is formed and becomes Poseidon's domain.
Poseidon meets Amphitrite.
They have Triton and he is named King of the Seven Seas and becomes ruler of Atlantica.
Poseidon and Amphitrite mysteriously disappear.
,, ♡ ︰modern times﹒🪸 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
King Triton meets Athena in 1517 and the two wed in 1520, thus Athena becomes Queen Athena. They do not bear children until much later.
Ursula (born 1750), meets Triton in 1768 and through a series of events, ends up living at the palace. She is banned in 1782 for reasons unknown to everyone except Triton and Athena.
Attina is born 1789 (In a monarchy point of view, she is next in line to become Queen of Atlantica. However, as they are all immortals, it's hard to pinpoint how that would happen.)
Alana is born in 1790.
Adella is born in 1791.
Aquata is born in 1792.
Arista is born in 1793.
Andrina is born in 1794.
Ariel is born on December 18th, 1795.
Eric is born on July 16th, 1793.
Athena passes away in 1800, after being crushed by a pirate ship and music is then banned from Atlantica.
Music returns to Atlantica in 1810, during the events of The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning.
The events of The Little Mermaid happen during the year 1812 (in May-June, when Ariel is 16 and Eric is 18), where she meets and falls in love with Eric. She marries him the year after in June of 1813 (when she is 17 and he is 19) and becomes future Queen Consort of Italy as Eric's kingdom is located in Sardinia, Italy, making him Prince of Italy (this has been up for debate. however, in BOTH the original novel and the movie, it is HEAVILY IMPLIED that the kingdom is located in a Mediterranean country, more than likely Italy, despite the writer being Danish).
Ariel becomes pregnant with Melody in May of 1814 and Melody is born on February 27th of 1815.
The events of The Little Mermaid II are set in February-March of 1827.
,, ♡ ︰trivia﹒🪸 ୨୧ ˖˚⊹
As Ariel's family ( except Athena ) are all descendants of Poseidon, a God, they are all demigods and immortals.
The trident can only be used by Triton or any of his descendants (hence why Melody could get ahold of it).
Each sister represents a different sea: Attina - Bering Sea, Alana - Black Sea, Adella - Mediterranean Sea, Aquata - Coral Sea, Arista - White Sea, and Andrina is the Caribbean Sea, with Ariel being the Red Sea.
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bracketsoffear · 10 months
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Vast: Ghost Leviathan (Subnautica) "To me, they are pretty much the embodiment of the fear of the open ocean. Once you reach the Crater Edge the seabed drops away leaving nothing ahead but an empty void. You could fall through it forever if you let yourself. You get a message as you pass the boundary "Warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank." Keep going and an adult Ghost Leviathan will appear to kill you. Then another appears, and another. Aside from some microbes, these are the only things living out in the void. For any you manage to kill, another will take its place. As they grow, they migrate out to the void where they have enough space to keep growing. It's implied that they keep growing their whole lives."
The Eye: Vincent Price (The Price of Fear) "(To be clear, this is a fictionalised version of himself that he portrayed in a radio show, not the real life person. Although the "total strangers confess weird often disturbing and confidential things to him unprompted" aspect WAS apparently true of him in real life--I don't know that anyone ever confessed to murder but a lot of strangers who recognised him would apparently confide all kinds of secrets and strange stories to him since he was fairly nonjudgemental and wasn't the type of guy to interrupt or walk away when someone was talking to him. The "just knowing things" part…well, he did believe he had some level of psychic abilities/premonitions IRL, but I don't know what to make of that. Either way though the character being submitted for this poll is the fictionalised version, who shares a lot of traits with the real man but gets into clearly fictional situations in each episode.) Vincent discovers all kinds of Dark Secrets (TM) in the form of a different supernatural or murdery event each episode. Sometimes this involves him actively investigating mysteries to discover the truth about various strange occurrences. Other times he's more of a witness to events, often becoming the only person alive to know the truth about something horrible--for instance going on a fishing trip with a guy leads to him discovering the guy's been killing people and feeding them to sharks. Other times, people just…tell him things--in fact, people open up to him extremely quickly in most episodes, he only has to ask a couple of questions to get someone to tell him all about his experience of being possessed, but the most notable examples are the FOUR occasions where a total stranger approaches him, sits down opposite him, and confesses to murder almost totally unprompted, in an unusually coherent way (OK so one guy was a very nervous and hesitant person who takes a little bit of prompting, but his confession still forms a coherent and narratively interesting enough story to make an episode of a radio show!), while Vincent just (mostly) calmly listens to it all. Also he…knows stuff. Inexplicably. Like, maybe not concrete factual stuff so much, but like, at least to what in a different context I'd call force-sensitive levels. Any time he thinks something's wrong, or someone's in danger, or that he might never see this person again, or he claims to sense Evil, without fail he is accurate. (Also the promotional art for the show features him staring at you somewhat disturbingly.)"
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gonegrove · 1 year
OKAY SO-- Heather/Steve:
they’re not childhood friends bc that implies they hung out. they’re like childhood coworkers. Their parents are friends and they’re part of the same country club etc so they tend to end up at the same events and dinner parties their whole life. they either get shunted together because they’re “The Children” or naturally gravitate to each other as the only/2 of the few kids there. So like, they don’t necessarily really hang out unless in those kinds of need-based situations. they’re summer camp friends at best. (they’ve also probably gone to summer camp together sooo)
eventually when it comes to things like boring dinner parties they go out of a sense of duty to each other because they know if they dip the one one will be left alone to the wolves. they try to avoid everyone as much as possible and anytime some middle aged weirdo starts cracking jokes about them dating/allusions to them having sex/her looks/his prowess bc of her looks and the assumption they’re dating they’re both like “this is disgusting and also i want to die”
steve noticing unconsciously or not her getting meaner and meaner as she gets older and also how her dad gets shittier and more domineering and is like “huh. don’t like any of THAT”. tries to call her out on being a bitch sometimes but she just targets him instead and it reminds him why they don’t hang out really outside of country club and group stuff. so he just lets it be.
steve at a party after breaking up with nancy trying to act like he’s Totally Fine. even though he’s completely miserable. eventually he can’t take it and steps outside for a bit of fresh air so he can get his shit together in peace. maybe think of some excuses and head out. he’s made an appearance so he doesn’t have to stay right?
then heather comes out for some air too and his stomach drops and this dread comes over him. heather can smell blood in the water better than a shark and her idea of a  “joke” can usually just be a flat out attack. he can’t take that right now. he’s got nothing in him to protect himself from heather’s cruelty anymore. he wants to escape but doesn’t know how without making it obvious he’s fleeing her presence. so they just stand there, both leaning on the railing looking out into a darkened backyard.
and heather never says a mean thing to him. she’s almost kind even. for her at least. she’s not pitying or anything but she’s earnest in her condolences. she talks about him being worthwhile with such certainty that he can almost convince himself he believes it -- is shocked to say that he actually believes she believes it. and then it’s done and she’s gone and he’s alone again. somehow feeling more bereft but in a whole new way.
it makes him rethink everything. he can’t help it. like worrying a tooth. heather wasn’t nice-- it was just one of those facts. tommy and carol were always together, nancy was smart, jason was religious. but she wasn’t not not-nice was she? she’d proven she could be something else. and if she was so shitty why did they all still gravitate to her?
because she was charismatic, because she was magnetic. she was loud and opinionated and when she decided on something it happened. she was funny even if it was kinda mean sometimes. out of all of them she was the most authoritative, the one who seemed to have her shit together, who was going to go places. it made you want to try and live in her jet stream, ride her coattails. you just had to convince heather to do something for you or join your team and she’d power through and get it done, you barely had to do anything yourself. he wondered if she got tired of having them all drag her down like that. he knew how it felt to have everyone hanging on you and he wasn’t a tenth of her competency. people just liked him because he was rich and good looking. he couldn’t imagine how draining it had to be to actually have actual things people wanted out of you and not just a rep boost.
he thinks about how awkward she’d been. how stilted. like she didn’t know how to be genuine and wonders if that’s what her problem really is. that she just doesn’t know how to be around people normally. at school he’s been mostly sitting alone or with the team if it’s not too awkward with tommy there too. he doesn’t really have anyone anymore. he can’t go back to tommy and carol -- that bridge is burned and it’s too pathetic anyway -- and now he doesn’t have nancy so... yeah. 
he didn’t realize how small his life really was.
so after the party he decides to give sitting with heather a whirl. it’s not like it’s totally insane. they have known each other since elementary school and it’s not like it’s the first time or anything. he figures she’ll give him some shit, make fun of him for trailing after her after getting one nice word out of her but then he’ll sit and that’ll be the end of it. only she never makes that joke/put down. she just makes the usual rib about him being mr popular with the good hair harrington like any other lunch. it’s the most magnanimous thing she’s ever done and it kind of makes him want to cry.
he’s never hung out with heather more in his entire life that he has in the months after his break up with nancy. it’s still kinda weird to think about but it’s really settling in to be his new normal. and he likes it. he’s noticed when they hang out it’s like she relaxes more, like their familiarity from years of being in the boring-adult-party trenches lets her instinctively put down some of her armor. when he sees her in the halls or with other friends she’s a full on bitch as usual. it’s nice to know he has a positive effect on someone. makes him feel less useless.
it’s heather who helps him with his applications and suggests he applies for vo-tech schools. who helps him feel like he’s not a failure for doing it and helps him work through the fall out of every rejection letter. she’s so sure and determined and confident something will work out for him and he clings to it. he’s turning into another person she’s carrying and he kinda hates it but he’s also just so thankful to have someone to lean on. someone who doesn’t move away when he tries. telling heather personal shit is dangerous, she’s likely to use it as ammo against you later-- but he does anyway. in fits and starts. she never does use it against him. she tells him even less about herself but he knows the jist anyway and he’s happy to get any details she’s willing to give to flesh it out.
even when he decides to get back out there and start dating again he determinedly does not consider asking out heather. he just wants one girl in his life -- one friendship -- that doesn’t get fucked up and isn’t with a literal child. it gets harder to not think about it when he starts working at scoops ahoy and robin keeps ribbing him about it. mainly using it as a method of ragging on him. saying his game’s so bad now he’s chickening out of even a pity date and shit like that. he hates it. regrets not just working at the pool again. sure billy’s there and he likes to keep their contact to a minimum but billy would be too busy hitting on girls to give a shit about tormenting him and heather would be there to have fun with like every other summer. and she seemed to be pretty good at keeping a leash on billy so it probably would’ve been okay in the long run. then he wouldn’t have a band geek putting ideas about him and heather in his head that he can’t get out.
heather comes in a lot too and holds court in a booth when she’s not working. it’s cool to have someone there who doesn’t make him feel like a loser. he bitches about the uniform to her once and she makes a crack about his ass looking good in the shorts and he thinks he might be actually going completely insane. he knows she’s just joking with him but somehow the concept that heather even acknowledges he has an ass make him feel like he’s in alternate dimension. the fact she thinks it’s worth a second look has him sitting in his car brain dead for a solid 20 minutes after work.
the thing is steve HAD asked her out before. years ago. like freshman year and she’d completely shot him down. so he just never did it again. figured she wasn’t interested. tried not to feel stung by it. he’d asked because they’d gone to the winter formal together in 5th grade and had fun. he’d thought in highschool that maybe-- you know? in the wreckage he’d just tried to tell himself he’d over thunk it. first dance and all. he’d been a kid and he was sappy. his sentimentality had made him see things that weren’t there.
but heather thinks he’s got a hot ass? the fuck? he’s obsessing and he knows it. it’s robin’s fault. he’d put this shit to bed when he was 14 and considered it over until she started putting it back in his head. he can’t just ask her out tho. he KNOWS she’ll say no and then the vibe will be weird and he’ll be friendless again. so he tries to play it cool. like he’s not slowly starting to seriously consider this and actively catalogue things that make her attractive and dateable. it’s kinda bullshit to be stuck in this place where he’s pining after his best friend but it’s where he is.
one time he’s hanging with her, chrissy and billy (and eddie since billy can’t seem to go anywhere without him)  and chrissy starts talking about how her and heather used to talk about him all the time in middle school and had “crushes” on him as like, a hobby because they figured that’s what girls did in middle school. but her amusement and voice die out as she realizes this isn’t something she was allowed to say. heather looks like she’s about to come over the table and fucking kill her. and she’s NEVER like that with chrissy. steve knows he should step in and try to defuse this but his brain is latching on to all the wrong things. in the end it’s billy and eddie who handle it while steve sits there trying to fucking comprehend what he just heard. billy drives heather home and steve drives chrissy. she’s apologizing profusely the whole time, so obviously upset about what she’s done. he spends the whole car ride consoling her, promises if she just gives heather some time she’ll cool down and thing’s will be okay again. chrissy looks at him like she knows he’s wrong but is trying not to make him feel bad about it.
when he’s home and laying in his bed he can’t focus on her distress though or how fucked their group is now from all this shit. he can only think about how he’d apparently been a huge part of heather’s life for years and never even known it.
heather ofc is not inclined to cool down at all and he knows she can keep this going for months if she really puts her back into it. so he decides to make up for fumbling it so bad when it went to shit and puts himself in the line of fire and try to get her to cool off a bit. she’s probably the tensest she’s ever been around him which makes sense. chrissy kind of publicly embarrassed her with something that involved him, in front of him. he’s not exactly a welcome reminder. but they’re friends, he’s confident he can sort this out.
he cannot sort this out. heather pretty much abandons everyone but billy as a friend. and viciously. scorched earth. he cries about it in his car more than once. he’s not proud of it.
it’s only after billy and heather almost die because of that monster in the mall that he starts to make progress with her. it’s probably telling and honestly kind of worrying that it takes this level of horror to get heather to open up even a little but he’s not a therapist so he’s not touching that with a 10ft pole. she’s totally alone in the world with her parents dead and no else can really help her recover since billy’s in the same boat. only billy has max and eddie. heather burnt every bridge she could find. but steve’s nothing if not a slow learner and thick skulled though so he’s going to pretend he never saw her light his and try again. he helps her get home from the hospital. just straight up moves in because she still needs a lot of care and help doing normal things. he’s never seen heather look ashamed before and he knows it’s not because of what that thing made her do. it’s because she feels like she shouldn’t need anyone there to look out for her.
she hasn’t put down the stuffed bunny chrissy gave her in the hospital for a second. he can’t get over how cute it is. it’s like she thinks if she puts it down chrissy will think she hates her again. he’s also now 1000000% sure he’s in love with her. got that wake up call when he thought he was going to see her be literally murdered right before his eyes right next to billy. he’s trying to act like a friend, like he’s not secretly in love with her but he knows it’s showing up in everything he does for her. he knows from the looks she’s given him that she’s spotting it too. she doesn’t say anything though. but he thinks he knows why now. remembers how awkward she was trying to console him months ago. sees how gentle she is with chrissy’s gift. it’s not something she can really react to with words unless in the negative. and she doesn’t want to be negative.
he kisses her head one night because he’s literally insane and cannot fucking help himself any longer. can’t hold back how much he loves her and wants to hold her and just be with her. she doesn’t get mad at him or push him away or insult him or anything. she lets him do it, and lets him wrap his arms around her and hold her to him. lets him plant more kisses on her. she curls up in his lap with her bunny and he just knows this is heather doing her best to say “i love you too” back in the only way she can and his heart just fucking explodes.
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greenlikethesea · 1 year
tagged by my dearest @sparklyslug It’s WIP WednesdaySaturday Tuesday! Time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works: In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share. That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
like sparkly did, i'm gonna do a little excerpt of the big bang, hot off the presses!
Max has been getting into tarot. Steve’s a little surprised by it, that she’d be moved by divination when she has real proof of the supernatural hanging out at her trailer every other day, but she insists that it’s just to keep her mind occupied. “The pictures are nice,” she says, in that voice that means she’s trying very hard not to care.  “They are,” Steve agrees.  They’re hanging out in front of her trailer, both pretending that Steve isn’t here to wait for Eddie to get home from work. He likes to hang out with her, anyway – though he always cursed himself with being the babysitter, he’s never felt like he’s had to keep a watchful eye on her. Rather, they could exist together, like they are right now. There’s a little table between them, and Max has handed him a well-worn deck of thick cards to shuffle around, twice the size of playing cards and half as manageable. Still, he busts out the card shark shuffle, which won’t impress her, but will make her laugh.  “You’re not thinking of anything,” Max says. Her eyes are still cloudy, but her tone implies the eyeroll. It’s pretty impressive. “What? You’re not!” Steve neatly shuffles the deck together again. “I’m not known for thinking.”  “Bullshit, you think more than anyone I know. I feel like half the time when I look over you’re all cross eyed doing mental gymnastics about God knows what.” Steve chuckles. He kind of loves it when she’s mean to him. Even though this town has softened her, the presence of friends, the lack of danger, she’ll always have that mean streak, permanently ingrained in her like it’s embedded in her DNA. It’s all hers. 
tagging: @andropogonfalons @senorablack @friendship-switchblades @slothy-girl @laundrybiscuits @dreamwatch @dodger-chan @eriquin @sharpbutsoft
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who1ssheesh · 1 year
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reborn doesn’t die. ive said this. 
squalo being so disgustingly cute for his s/o here. 
Warnings: lots of swearing; fem!reader; huge OOC; lowkey character is implied: reader is an educated and smart and probably artsy? (happened accidentally): 100% wrong grammar, english is not my native; no beta we die like tyl tsuna
Note: im not sure this is such and OOC since the whole premise is “squalo is uniquely soft only for you, and no one knows about that side of his”. first time at writing, dying from shame rn, will probably delete this soon. 
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Squalo is impossible.
Such a foul-mothed, rude, loud and ill-mannered brute.
At first it seems as if he is trying his best to make you hate him. Squalo’s words usually cut deeper than his sword thrusts in inside of one’s body, but with you it feels like after that this sword also whirls in your already shaking body to hurt even more. Squalo notices your every small failure and is glad to stick your nose in those every time. He turns his head away on the days you look especially good and scoffs when you prove your intelligence.
But a fun fact you notice way too late: if Squalo hated you that much, then why the fuck has he always been around you?
Truth is simple: captain is good at everything but feeling feelings.
That is not the most important fact but the one that he is aware of it. Superbia is actually extremely self-aware.
And he knows he is hard and not going to change. Ever. You cannot run away from mafia, this is a pact made for life – and it doesn’t last long for many. He is indeed a violent brute and obviously fucked in the head at least a little bit – a bloodthirsty shark, excuse me for such an obvious comparison – and takes a huge pride in this. Because this is the reason Varia thrived when Xanxus wasn’t around, biggest people in mafia world fear him and, most importantly, he became best of the best. He is a fucking Emperor.
And not the least, Squalo hates lying. Maybe that is the reason he hated those cover-ups missions and Levi-a-Than with his brown nose. Squalo is who he is and he shows this right away in the worst way.
What I’m trying to say: if you cannot handle him at his worst, you do not deserve him at his best. And yeah, such a high-ranking person needs to be deserved.
And he hates that “some civilian bitch who grew up like a home plant”, while he made himself through blood and tears literally,   got him wrapped up so easily. Caught him like a fish, huh?
Squalo has never had a normal life and doesn’t understand that you do not have fight every rock like a caveman.
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But just show him your teeth. Squalo is a big scary man always smelling like metal, with steel eyes widely opened looking for a pray. And you dare to go against him? God damn, you poor soul. And if you make fun of him smooth and smartass-ish enough that Squalo even has to think to realize you insulted him, GOD DAMN. You are unhinged.
He likes it.
No, he does not.
He loves it.
When you show that not only you can handle him at his worst, but even be equally fierce, Squalo does not turn away. He is asking for a date right away when this happens: you say ‘yes’ now or he is leaving and never coming back.
No, he does not give much of a choice. If captain wants, captain takes. And fights if he needed.
Fun facts: fancy dates with Squalo are the worst. Yes, he knows how to look sophisticated and elegant, but it is one thing to attend black-tie events with killers around and another to go to a ‘regular’ restaurant. Everyone will think he is a pig of a man, trust me. He can impress mafia with his character, but cannot be polite at least a little bit with a waitress to save his life.
And Squalo generally hates ‘fancy’ even as a word. So he will personally organize the best date for you but will be screwing your brain for the whole duration. But appreciate that he tried, you know.
Will tell you right away that he is involved into something shady.  Will explain all the ‘cool important sword varia guy’ thing later on because showing all of his cards right away is vitally dangerous for you. Especially it could be if you rejected him. Oof.
NO Varia.
N. o.
Squalo obviously appreciates your opinion (in his dumb ways) and knows you are an adult doing whatever you want, but he is a stone wall in discussing mafia.
It’s a no. End of discussion. You do not know what mafia is. Squalo does. He does know that death is always the first thing to consider and sitting on a keg of gun powder when literally anyone can come in with a weapon is hell of a life.
He will not ever tell you but he does not want to taint you with this. Squalo is not foul-mothed, rude, loud and ill-mannered bloodthirsty douche because he has been born like that, he was made into this to adapt. And one of you has to live, you know. And Superbia will be ready to die for his partner. He also will never tell you this.
To be honest, thinks you would survive in mafia with your witty brain. Of course you will, you are his significant other.
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Squalo will be away for a long time. Months.
Fun thing: you can’t call him at all. Maybe can send him messages, I think, but only he can call you. There is actually reasoning for this. Squalo is a fucking genius and is capable to cover your existence from Varia even if (when, hehe) you marry, and that is exactly what he is doing.
He does not want to ruin his badass image in eyes of subordinates with a sweet, witty, beautiful and so perfect you. Even if he wants to tell everyone bragging about their hot chicks that the best woman has already been taken. Squalo has her and it is too obvious that she has him too.
I have a dumb headcanon: for some reason people used to think Squalo is a tech clown  still using a flip phone BUT HEAR ME OUT?? He has a humor of a god and likes to mess with Varia so he uses a flip phone for work to piss everyone and secretly has a personal newest shiniest iPhone hidden somewhere. And there is your photo on a home screen. But not on a lock screen. He does not want you to find out.
Squalo slowly learning to be ‘regular’ at home with you is a comedy gold. If you find out that he calls your cat your shared child, is actually a fucking MAMA enjoying house cleaning and binging ikea to make your apartment ‘homy’, Superbia will react worse that someone trying to assassinate him.
He does love your cozy house indeed. Probably, to be honest, he is going to live in your apartment at first…because he did not have any before you. There used to be only Varia.
He likes that he leaves his small things there. They are so small to notice but strangers will notice that someone else is in this house. And this someone is Squalo. Go away.
Squalo does not care about meeting your parents because he does not care. Will not hide from this, but you will probably be kicked out from your family because he will be his usual disgusting self lol.
No jokes now: dating someone like him can be problematic for a family, especially considering his career, so if anything happens, Squalo gotcha. Because he has pride and dignity and is overall better then ‘those shitheads’.
Will buy you the best house in the world, you just say. But! He will has a training room and a garage of sorts to mess with his swords. I mean, there are a lot of mechanics going on with his prosthetic arm and a sword, he obviously knows how to repair them or sum?
Squalo will spoil you when he is back from ‘work trips’. You can forget even about cooking, your bae is here to help. He will repair ANYTHING and to it really good. Any document and papers problem is not a problem but you better do the talking because Squalo  will try to strangle someone in 30 seconds. Your man will enjoy domestic life even more in TYL! and later in life because he will get burnt out at work.  
100% you both will have a close civilian friend group. Rare moments where Squalo can be just a person and do bullshit ha-ha stuff like ‘being drunk and throwing a chair out of a window with the bois’. Those meetings are when you notice that Squalo has a good sense of humor and actually is chatty and your friends like him. Not something he can afford in mafia.
Hey, he is actually so touchy when drunk.
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If Squalo does a shit tone of stuff for you and you do nothing in return, he will point this out.
He does not ask for much In fact. He is used being an independent loner to the point it was insulting in the beginning of your relationship.
Surprise him with a dinner, help him get ready to leave for months again, just hug him sometimes out of the blue, and he is whipped.
Squalo enjoys a good debate. An it’s funny in a way that he is educated life-wise but such a dummy in academic stuff and you can mess with it. Even if you are a medic, an engineer, he is going to study this just to kick your ass. Bitch. (Just wants to share your interest with you. And also kick your ass)
Actually, falls in love deeper when sees your passion and intelligence. The way you study all the time. Or you know several languages. Or you are such a professional in your field.
I honestly think Squalo would have some special click with someone artistic. He is so loud and hyperactive and being with someone phlegmatic and elegant with their non-standard lifestyle is something else. Squalo does not understand art. Almost. The way he can control the edge of the sharpest sword and be quieter than the silence is an art for him. People think he is a weirdo – c’mon he is using a sword in a gun era – and you both can share being weirdos in your own ways.
Imagine being an architect. (that’s not because im too i swear). Precise numbers connecting with your artistic burst? It just sounds so….Squalo Superbia.
Imagine you start taking interest in swordsmanship.
He will carry you in his arms. Only to train you lmao.
‘Babe, it is time for your sword practice again’ ‘Ok, honey’
Imagine you two being together for so long that you design him the best sword you are capable of. You fucking magnum opus – just like relationship with Superbia is.
You actually can draw him a shitty meme shark and a stickman and he will keep it. He will laugh his ass off really loud but does not matter. He obviously will not keep it with him. But you will notice that he hides those in his books or sum.
If you do something of shitty quality, Squalo will oh so much be proud if you keep getting better at this. But he will still say the work of a shitty quality. He is lethally dangerous for someone emotionally vulnerable, but we understood this at the beginning of this post.
I mean, really do not take that to heart. Squalo could say you have your hands growing from your ass now and say you are impressive in a day if you still keep doing whatcha doing.
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Later in relationship, sometimes Squalo slips at small things that tell you he thinks about you a lot. He once said “when we marry” instead of “if we marry”. He says “a favourite boy name” instead of a “favourite name”.
He knows it should not happen. Even Squalo has his insecurities because his standards are so high. A spouse and a child not seeing a father for half a year and have a possibility to get killed any moment? No.
But you stay. Knowing his worst side, how unusual and hard being with him is, but you are here.
Squalo is impossible.
Such a foul-mothed, rude, loud and ill-mannered brute.
But yours.
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utsubotm · 6 months
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a lot of people don't realize that floyd is... the better twin.
those who do? really don't realize how much worse jade is. jade plays the role he's in with an uncanny perfection. and it is a skill that will only improve as time goes on. it's not secret that the twins work for azul- and i mean more than just waiters or cooks at the lounge. floyd is willing to break bones for azul, if he asks. and jade is willing and ready to ruin lives, if it has some gain.
it's easy to forget; jade has access to connections and information others do not. the game is quite light hearted, but they slip in darker content when they can. and the comic seems to have a bit more freedom-- introducing us to the twins, as they beat a dozen classmates senseless. my point of course, is that jade is not someone you ever want to try playing with. his kindly persona is just that, a false face and a means to keep people around him complacent. and usually, there is very little to worry about if you remain complacent, and easy, and don't push his buttons. chances are, he knows nearly everything about you...
rook's nickname for jade is monsieur mastermind-- a fitting title as, though azul is the dorm lead, jade really does supervise the entirety of it. a good practice run for him honestly, as he and his brother are in line to pick up after their parents. their family is HEAVILY implied to be the equivalent of the italian mob. so he's content to give azul the seat of power, as he pulls the strings from the shadows. displaying the reach he has multiple times in twst's stories and events. especially his own dorm vignette, in which vil expresses surprise at jade's efficiency. and jade manages to get vil access to things that would of otherwise been quite difficult.
all for his own gain of course ( and the dorms ).
that aside-- jade really loves fucking with people. he gets a kick out of scaring his classmates and making them uncomfortable. and thanks to one of his vignettes, he can be quite brutal. nearly beating a group of sharks to death. but getting into jade and violence would need... it's own post tbh.
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Memories of the serpentine dumping Garmadon, and of the former generals wanting to throw him into the volcano, will something similar happen? I don't remember if you already mentioned it but how did you come up with the Ouroboros Order? And something that you can tell about royalty au, like a little forward, headcanons or something?
Memories of the serpentine dumping Garmadon, and of the former generals wanting to throw him into the volcano, will something similar happen? -> No, actually, because the Serpentine aren't nearly as involved as in the original due to the presence of the Shark Army (and therefore Garmadon doesn't even need to attempt to recruit them when he already has the numbers) + it's been implied if not outright stated that Generals die when they're "Fired" so there's no scorned group left to protest him ;P
I don't remember if you already mentioned it but how did you come up with the Ouroboros Order? -> It was another thing that wasn't initially planned but sorta became a thing as time went on and I built up on the concept. They weren't even going to be a full-on, established group so much as a spattering of assorted individuals with aligned goals, but you know how lore is—you start building in one direction and the next thing you know you've connected it to everything else. I'll call them a "Happy accident" because boy did their presence really help tie S2 together for me!
And something that you can tell about royalty au, like a little forward, headcanons or something? -> I want to lie and say another chapter is coming soon, because I actually have been working on it behind the scenes these last few weeks...except, I've been working on like every chapter EXCEPT the one I need to lmfao. It's kind of a transitional chapter and I'm trying to keep things interesting without just jumping straight into the next event akdfkgfsklgfs
But hey, if you wanna send a more specific ask about the au itself, maybe that'll help spark a thing or two *wink wink nudge nudge pls help the block is killing me this wasn't supposed to take this long lmao*
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hinasho · 1 year
guide book tidbits
Just some info from the Guidebook I found interesting!
It’s implied the language of mermaids has changed over time (as our language does). Because long ago, when humans and merpeople co-existed peacefully, they’d trade resources and “learn to speak in the others’ tongue”. (pg. 19)
Off the coast of “Nevezuela”, there are cave markings of the old relationship between merpeople and humans. There is also this old recitation. It’s a bit wordy, but the last two paragraphs are as reads:
“Guided by ancient fears, [two rulers] kept their realms divided, bordered by the same churning surf, yet worlds apart... Until a storm cast their children ashore together, mermaid and man, side by side... and love turned the tide” (pg. 20)
Sounds like a prophecy to me!
Merpeople’s customs seem to be a blend of nature + ancestral worship. They have celebrations based on moon and sun types, as each one is said to have a magical effect on merpeople. The Coral Moon brings good fortune to merfolk, so merpeople gather in groups to celebrate it in the Carinae Sea. (pg. 60) Each Sister is responsible for hosting one moon and one sun celebration. And all merpeople travel to their respective seas during these celebrations.
Merpeople have a lot of celebratory events and holidays. They celebrate birthdays and weddings, and other new customs, like the moon and sun cycles mentioned previously, but also others like a “Meal of Gratitude” where they enjoy a “feast of seagrass”. (pg. 74 + 75)
Merfolk and humans have mixed legends and myths. By this I mean, sometimes merfolk will tell folk tales that are about other merpeople, humans, or both being involved. Humans do the same, and Lashanah used to tell Eric quite a few merfolk stories when he was a child. (pgs. 174 - 188)  
Merpeople vary from “more fishy” to “more human-like” in appearance. They can look a clear cut 50% human and 50% fish (ex: the Sisters), meanwhile there are merpeople that have a higher percentage of fishy features, including fins for ears, for hair, distinct gills on their necks, etc. However the reverse, merfolk with a higher percentage of human features, are not depicted. So no, nothing like this 💀 (src: several illustrations throughout the book)
Merfolk babies are referred to as “hatchlings” by the human researcher who “wrote” the guide. I guess this is supposed to signify they come from eggs and not live births. (pg. 29)
There are two types of merpeople: regular mermaids and “singing mermaids” aka sirens. (pg. 26) Eric alternates throughout the book of being wary of Sirens vs defending them. He never takes issue with regular merpeople though.
On that same note, there seems to be a bit of a prejudice from humans’ POV. Sirens are the main ones humans are wary of and fear, while they view mermaids as ambiguous/neutral (pg. 102)
Sirens have different song types. Ranging from offensive (ex: causing a shipwreck), to defensive (ex: shark summoning), to passive (ex: creating a calm sleep), to helpful (ex: granting luck). And more. (pgs. 36 - 39)
Every merperson has a companion/familiar. Size does not matter and it can range from a small fish to a massive whale. It just depends on which type of sea creatures are commonly found in that merperson’s waters. These companions assist in the life’s journey of the merperson. (pgs. 40 & 54-57) Eric says if he were given the choice, he’d pick either an otter or a whale to be his companion.
Most merpeople live in the Twilight Layer of the ocean. (pg. 43)
It seems all merpeople can sing, but only the songs of sirens have actual abilities. I could very well be wrong, this is just my interpretation of the book. It says for merfolk, “finding one’s singing voice is a rite of passage, denoting a coming of age” (pg. 66) and I struggle to see how singing can be this important if only a chunk of the population partake in it.
Anywho, merfolk do need to practice their singing, and they have the ability to “trap musical notes” in bubbles to review later or create their own symphony. Only experienced vocalists can do this though. (pg. 67)
Merfolk diet consists mostly of shellfish and aquatic vegetation. It appears they don’t eat crab, lobsters, squids, or octopus though and see them as companionable. It’s not explained why they don’t give a fuck about shrimp, because despite those exceptions, they do eat shrimp. (pg. 75)
They have sports and athletic games. Their version of “chicken” is diving into pitch black trenches and the first to quit loses. Another is where they see if they can hitch a ride on an unknowing giant squid. (pg. 76)
The merpeople in Perla’s waters ride elephant seals for sport. With a harness, reins, saddle, the whole shebang. (pg. 150 - 151)
The ring Queen Serina passes down to Eric for his betrothed looks strangely like a “Sapphire Mermaid Ring” that’s described as a pale blue and symbolizes repairing rifts and brokering peace between humans and merfolk. There’s a legend that some humans can look into mermaid sapphires and see into mermaid life underwater. (pg. 11) I have no idea how to take this information, but it’s possible Serina also had no idea what’s been in her family for generations.
There’s a bioluminescent sea dragon that has “glowing, veined wings” that resides in the Abyss layer of the ocean. (pg. 51) I don’t know if this is referencing another disney movie, but there’s an illustration and it’s... straight up a dragon. I might post a picture because it looks cool af. (Note: I don’t believe it’s depicting Sisu’s kind as it has two horns and wings)
Water Nokks (the water horse in Frozen 2) exist in this universe! They’re said to mostly reside in the Saithe Sea/Dark Sea that Princess Karina reigns over. (pg. 123) Does that mean Frozen and TLM2023 exist in the same universe? Who knows!
Merfolk rulers are trained in combat. (pg. 79)
The royal advisor is usually a “small” sea creature. Sebastian is the current one, but its believed an octopus and/or a seahorse were his predecessors somewhere down the line. (pg. 97)
Tragedy of the Mermaid Queen (pgs. 98 - 99)
Mala used to communicate with humans using Great Crested Terns as a courier service before humans and merpeople were divided. She knows how to write and use to write messages on “scrolls of seaweed”. (pg. 104)
Tamika once wrestled a tiger shark into submission (pg. 112)
In Karina’s waters, her Palace City is underneath a massive iceberg. From our POV, it essentially hangs upside down. (pg. 124)
There’s a legend that Indira once saved her subjects from a “rampaging giant venomous sea snake”. (pg. 128)
Caspia created a river to provide merfolk with easier traveling routes to other kingdoms. Which is ironic as it’s said she’s a homebody and only travels for “all-sea gatherings”. (pg. 136)
Each Sister and their people have their own customs. For example, the way their people greet each other, what they consider rude or pleasant, what they eat, etc. (pgs. 111, 119, 126, 135, 142, 151, 158)
Ariel is already the ruler of her sea (the “Carinae Sea”). This caught my attention because I thought she was just in training for it during the movie, but no, she’s the ruler of that sea. (pg. 152)
The other Sisters all have their own palaces in their oceans. Since Triton’s Great Palace already had its home in Ariel’s sea, she just lives in one of its towers. (pg. 156) 
It’s believed that Ursula, as a half human half octopus, is either an extremely rare species or is the only one of her kind. (pg. 163)
There is a 3-part system to most if not all of Ursula’s spells/deals: The Want, the Take, and the Rule to Break. (pg. 170) So for example, for her “Transformation Spell” The Want = wanting to be human, the Take = the merperson’s voice, the Rule to Break = true love’s kiss. Ursula was not exaggerating in the movie when she said Ariel was “almost too easy” as she fit the 3 categories perfectly.
Ursula uses latin for her spells (pg. 171)
“Legend of the Dagger Shell” - basically an enemies to lovers about a “hard-bitten and unfeeling” merman and a rude as fuck fisherman. The two fall in love right as the merman is about to kill the fisherman. (pg. 182)
“The Flute of the Deep” - a mix of the Spongebob Jellyfish Jam episode and the Legend of the Pied Piper. Basically there’s believed to be an entire village who’s children went missing after they wronged a mermaid. (pg. 183)
“The Tale of the Great Briny Storm” - a merman in this tale can supposedly hear a human’s thoughts??? It’s not clarified whether all merpeople are telepathic, or if they’re only telepathic towards humans, or if only this one guy has telepathy. But he can hear a human woman’s thoughts on land and they fall in love. (pg. 184)
I have a sneaking suspicion the guy might’ve been a young Triton, given that towards the end of the tale, when the merman and the human woman are forced apart, “the sea sent a great storm to lash shutter and shake cave” and from the Sea King’s chapter, it’s said only he has the ability to summon storms via his trident. I could be wrong though! Just a theory.
“The Tale of a Thousand and One Shipwrecks” - a lot of the boats in the shipwreck graveyard are Ursula’s doing. When two continents’ navies were at war over their waters, she had had enough of their nonsense. She stole her brother’s trident and sunk both factions. (pg. 185)
“The Tale of the Great Sea Flood” - this one was intense. One of the Seven Sisters was kidnapped by humans (I suspect Mala because of the other TLM novel). Triton got big mad, so 1) he caused a tsunami, then 2) the “water took his form” (???) and he lifted roofs and building walls to locate his daughter, and 3) grabbed handfuls of land and pulled them down to the sea as retribution. And this is one of the main reasons why the ocean “steals a bit of land from the shore year after year, as payment for the humans’ treachery”. (pg. 186)
If I’m right that the kidnapped mermaid is Mala, that also means the figurehead at the front of Eric’s ships are inspired by her, since upon seeing the illustration on the page, Eric says as such in his notes. (pg. 187)
The Conch - there’s a page that explains that merpeople use conch shells to communicate. Eric takes note of this and even says the illustration present reminds him of the one in his collection. (pg. 69) I say this is questionable, because it makes his line in the movie about having no idea a conch shell could be used to make noise, a bit off.
In the illustration for Princess Mala’s ocean, her palace has stairs. (pg. 109) I don’t know why they’d need them though. Maybe just aesthetic?
Eric has already heard about Ariel! The book describes her in detail (illustration and name) and Eric says she reminds him of his mermaid figurine. (pg. 152) It begs to question how he wouldn’t recognize or suspect something was up in the movie. But I suppose it can be argued that seeing something in a book and then meeting the person in real life are two very different things.
And that’s it! This post is entirely self indulgent as I just wanted to share my thoughts on some of the info in the guidebook. If you’ve read all this, I’m glad you found it as interesting as I did!
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