#it is his birthday in a way. like it's his creation day
sitp-recs · 14 hours
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Wield Me by @tackytigerfic (E, 10k)
Drarry, pre-Tedrarry
Draco Malfoy, blacksmith, is renowned through the magical world for his skill and exquisite creations. He could quite easily spend the rest of his days making pretty trinkets for the fae court, and being handsomely rewarded for the privilege. But why take the easy route when instead he could get involved in a dangerous mission with Unspeakable Harry Potter (who also happens to be Draco's... well, he's something, isn't he?). A little story about learning to strike while the iron is hot.
“It’s deep magic, you know. It doesn’t recognize anything quite so specific as a particular location. It’s more conceptual, I suppose. You remember.” He knew they did, the long night of casting, Teddy carelessly throwing azaleas and yellow roses into the quench pool along with all the others; azaleas for homesickness and the desire to return to a place of safety, yellow roses for family. Not to mention all the runework they spent hours working on. Draco rolled his eyes at them. Othala. Harry had traced it over and over in the water, and then Draco had hammered the essence of it into the metal with his sweat and his fire. Homecoming. It would be enough.
Because one birthday rec wasn’t enough I am back, this time reccing the fic Tacky gifted me on my last birthday so we’re coming full circle with the love show :D it’s hard to put into words all the feelings this fic inspired in me. I could not believe my sneaky friend (who’s pretty monogamic about their Drarry btw) had crafted something so special bringing together my two OTPs! I remember reading this in a haze, too eager to unravel that delicious summary and get to the promised Teddy kissing, but also not ready for it to be over after 10k and dreading the emotional devastation that was sure to follow. I realize that Harry/Teddy is not everyone’s jam (yet 😏) and might discourage some people to check this out, so I thought I’d follow my previous rec format and list a few reasons why I loved this so much:
1. The world: I kid you not, 10k feels like 30k once you get introduced to this magical world Tacky so masterfully crafted - vibrant, intriguing, creative, a main character in itself. I was already losing my mind over buff blacksmith Draco in a leather tunic (🥵) but then his stance against weaponry and the magical theory behind his forgery?? What an unexpected (but very much welcome) turn on. I am fascinated by this verse and wanna learn all about Draco’s backstory, about this society, its power structure, about Harry and Teddy’s job and the gritty dangers that Teddy is about to face, and whether or not he’ll find his way back home - back to Harry - safe and sound. So many questions left unanswered and this thrill, an adventurous feeling about their quest that kept me engaged until the end. What a masterclass in world building!
2. The tenderness: as per their trademark, Tacky gives this fic a lot of emotional depth and nuance, showing how easily love can multiply when Harry is the recipient (seeing how wanted he is here makes me feral) while keeping this unmistakably a Drarry romance. 40yo fuck buddies who are so obviously into each other they make me giggle and kick my feet, plus a careful balance between all dynamics in play - Teddy’s crush on Harry and respect for Draco, Draco’s longing for Harry and understanding of Teddy, Harry’s trust in Draco and tenderness for Teddy, the overall affection and sexual tension fueling all those relationships making it impossible not to cheer for them. If you’re a Teddy fan like me you’re in for a treat: I adore his edgy personality, bold, brave, painfully young and so damn lovely, a perfect fit for Harry and Draco’s mellow and steady love.
3. The symbolism: this plays into the exquisite lore created within such elegant and contained writing, I just keep thinking about the possibilities, metaphors, the way recurrent themes like family and homecoming show up in Draco’s forgery work intertwining his, Harry’s and Teddy’s lives in such a definitive way you find yourself thinking “well it must be fate so it can’t be avoided, they gotta bang” 🤷🏻‍♀️ okay so maybe not everyone is horny for this triad as I am, but the implications behind the symbology go beyond lust, diving into something deeper and more meaningful like familial love. And because I’ve read everything else from Tacky’s (“Harry deserves roots” / “I’d be your mate” / “I like my choyse” / “Is tú mo Rogha” / “Queen Anne’s lace, it means sanctuary, home.”) and so on, I can’t help but get emotional here. Harry’s longing for a family is such a quintessential Tacky theme and seeing it expand to include my beloved Teddy in their sacred Drarry kingdom makes my heart sing.
TL;DR: I feel like I could spend days talking about this fic but then nobody would read it and I really, really want more people to fall in love with these clever, competent, brave and lovable characters and with the rich, fascinating world that makes you wish you could live inside it forever and see what happens next. So run don’t walk and go treat yourself today!
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clownprince · 1 year
new hc: joker doesn't remember his actual birthday so he celebrates on the day that he was dropped into acid and jokerfied
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Is Kagerou Project discontinued, or will Mekakucity Reload ever see the light of day?
ermmm. answer is maybe to both questions.
jin doesnt WANT to stop kagerou project. its more like he was forced to. i dont know all that much about it, but he's basically in copyright jail -> cant do anything abt kagepro until he clears out legal stuff with it. i think rn kagepro belongs to a mobile game company or something LOLLLL i knew of this back in 2019 or something but i really had thought it had cleared out... it didnt. apparently it's been a problem ever since the anime released and rly sealed off in 2018 with the release of the last album. that's all i know
so for mekakucity reload, same answer. this anime and the no9 novel he announced (and he also mentioned a manga actually) wont see light of day til that whole thing blows over and jin gets the copyright sorted out.
personally im split. i kinda just want him to leave it alone... like its fine as is just stop adding stuff stop touching the characters just Stop. remember all the insane stuff he was saying... how he thinks kano would be a cop, takane would be a mom, shintaro would be a teacher and his students would become the new main characters... girl just STOP TALKING FOREVER
But also huh..no9 novel protag haruka... takane birthday reveal tease...?!?!?! GIMME. but also then i come to my senses and i still think its for the best it doesnt see light of day lol. The idea of jin ruining haruka and takane for me of all characters terrifies me. do not touch them (i KNOW theyre his characters but eugh theyre so sidelined and shit all the time and my brain is plagued with them 24/7 i know its kinda obnoxious to be possessive of someone elses characters and i dont wanna be like Theyre mine cuz theyre not but also i understand them better than anyone else in the world thank u. like no one even has the tiniest grasp over how insane i am about them. i hold my insanity back. what i show here is me with a filter. just imagine.
and like takane as a mom+novel would be set 3 years in the future.... ARE U MAKING HER A MOM AT 22/23😭😭😭LEAVE HER ALONEEEE!!!!!! i like mom takane thats cute but AT 23??? GIRL GO TO THERAPY FIRST. COP KANO? ILL KILL YOU. TEACHER SHINTARO IS FINE BUT I DONT WANT NEW CHARACTERS AT ALL EUGH STOP IT. JUST... LET IT GO JIN♥️ THANK U FOR EVERYTHING BUT♥️ NO♥️
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sectumsempraaa · 2 months
Flames on Thin Ice
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Pairing: jealous!Theo Nott x fem!Ravenclaw!reader
Word count: 2.9k
TW: cursing, jealousy, ridiculous amounts of yearning and fluff
Based on this request! Thank you :)
Summary: You and Theo Nott are something much more than friends, but just less than lovers. He would very much like to change that, as he’s no longer able to control his rapidly intensifying feelings for you. But when Slughorn’s exclusive Christmas party approaches and Draco Malfoy asks you to be his date, the limits of Theo’s jealousy are tested like never before.
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“Come here, bella,” Theo smiles and gestures towards you as he strides over to where you stand, surrounded by holiday decor. He approaches you from the side, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you gently. A blush spreads across your cheeks as you hook an arm around his shoulders, placing the star on top of the Slytherin common room holiday tree.
Decorating the common room tree is one of your favorite parts of winter at Hogwarts. This year, the Slytherins asked for your help after hearing how amazing you did with the Ravenclaw tree for your own house.
Theo can’t say the same, but he’d do just about anything at this point to spend time with you. His crush on you has blossomed the last couple of months, your pull on him amplifying each day. Any opportunity he sees to touch you, help you, or make you laugh, he takes. No question.
“Grazie, cara mio.” You respond, looking down into his heavy, perfect blue eyes. You always try to speak to him in Italian whenever you can, picking up on his more common phrases. You’re the only one that goes to that kind of effort for him and he notices it. God, does it notice it.
He spins you around, earning a series of giggles from you before he lets you back down on your feet. Your hand lingers on his for a few seconds, which feels like an eternity to him. If only he could kiss you right here, right now. But the graze of your fingertips on his palm is enough for him, for now. He’ll take what he can get.
You step back, turning towards the fully decorated tree, ready to show off your hard work. He wants to watch with you but he can’t bear to when you’re looking this beautiful, this stunning. His eyes obsess over your every perfect feature, his eyes drinking in your essence. 
This might be my favorite outfit of hers. The plaid skirt, the knee-high socks, the cream colored sweater. No- the one from my birthday, when she wore my necklace…
Oblivious to his longing stare, you take out your wand, tucked into the waistline of your skirt.
“Lumos,” you say, a look of wonder and awe blossoming on your face as the tree lights up. The warm glow makes you gasp, the sudden joy jolting through you.
Your hands quickly grab his bicep, pulling yourself towards him. A squeal of happiness escapes you, prompting a laugh from Theo. His smile, your favorite smile, triggers your heart to flutter. The way you’re looking at him sends his mind spiraling.
Gods, she is perfect.
It takes him a second to recover from the profound effect your touch has on him. His skin burns like fire, his heart aching for you. 
I’ll win her. I’ll win her so she can spin around in my arms again next year.
Your soft voice brings him out of his thoughts. “What do you think? Is it good enough?” you ask, your eyes contemplating your creation.
He reluctantly removes his arm from your hands, wrapping it around your shoulders and pulling you close to his side, your head resting gently on his shoulder. In a moment of risk, he drops it to your waist, his fingers fiddling with your sweater. Your face quickly turns to his in surprise. 
His pulse stops, his breath with it as your hand slowly makes its way to his chest, resting above his heart. Your head tilts up to meet his dark stare, your eyes locking in on each other.
“It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He says, his voice barely above a whisper. It is glaringly apparent he isn’t talking about the tree anymore. 
You swore his head leaned down, his lips parted slightly, his hand pressed your whole chest against his, before-
“Y/L/N! Where is that pretty little Ravenclaw?” You hear a familiar, yet obnoxious, distant voice crawling its way into the common room from the dungeon corridor. A disgruntled Theo shuts his eyes in defeat.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding.
He notices the look of disappointment etched in your features, it’s enough to send a pang of longing and frustration slamming into him. His heart drops as your body detaches from his, putting a space between you. His side feels colder without your warmth against it.
I had her.
Draco rounds the corner, a skip in his step as he confidently strides over to you. His eyes light up with glee as Theo’s darken, seeing red. Draco takes your hands in his, kissing each one before speaking.
“My lovely little Y/L/N, just the girl I was looking for. I’ve got something to ask you,” he starts, your eyes widen as he gets down on one knee, keeping your hands clasped with his. A quick glance at Theo shows you the tension in his jaw, the dagger-like stare he casts on Draco.
Why’s she looking at him like that? That look was for me not even a minute ago.
“I have been personally invited to Slughorn’s holiday party and I couldn’t think of a more perfect date to bring. Will you be my plus one?”
The look of hesitancy on your face prompts him to continue. “Consider it the best Christmas present you could give me.”
Normally, Draco wouldn’t even entertain the idea of taking anyone outside his own house. But the Slytherin crew has a soft spot for you, so much so that the common room door doesn’t argue when you say their password anymore.
You giggle, taking a step closer to Draco. “Well, I do love a Christmas party.”
His bright, smug smile draws you in as he stands up and pulls you in for a hug, resting his head on top of yours. “I know you do.” He smirks.
He shares the time and dress code details with you before heading off to meet up with Blaise for dinner. You look around, only to find you’re alone in the common room. Theo left, admittedly, before he blew a fuse.
The next couple of weeks are interesting to say the least. Theo has been pining for your attention, trying to distract you from the other boys as much as he can. But mostly, he’s been keeping an eye on Malfoy.
In one instance, Draco came to Theo’s dorm, where he knew you were hanging out, to ask what you were going to wear to the party. “Hmm, we should match, I think.” He suggested. 
Nope. Not today, mate. And certainly not in my fucking bedroom.
Theo suddenly picked you up off his bed bridal style, physically removing you from Draco’s presence before either of you could agree on an accent color.
“Theo!” You yelp, wrapping your arms around his neck and peeking back at Draco. “Where are we going?”
“Anywhere that prat isn’t.” He responds with haste.
In another instance, Draco sat across from you in the Great Hall during breakfast and gifted you a pair of earrings for the event. “They sparkle almost as much as you, love.”
The gesture brought a heat to your cheeks that had Theo making fists under the table. He can’t stand to see you flustered over Draco’s pathetic attempts to buy your affection.
Thin ice, Malfoy. Thin. Fucking. Ice.
Draco continues. “My mother picked them out special. She was beside herself when I told her I was taking you.”
At this, Theo happened to “accidently” spill his tea directly into Draco’s lap, earning him a public scolding. But the words go through one ear and out the other. He remains unscathed, because Draco left, and you’re all his again. And really, that’s all he cares about.
The day of the party arrives, one Theo has been absolutely dreading. No amount of self-soothing could keep his mind from imagining the shit Malfoy would pull without him there to interfere.
In your dorm, Theo watches as you fix your hair and apply your makeup. He observes your every move, trying to etch each one into his memory, noting all the things you do that drive him crazy.
The way she bites her lip while putting on mascara.
How she hums Christmas carols while pinning up her hair.
When she asks me what shade of eyeshadow she should wear.
When you finish dolling yourself up, you change into your dress in the bathroom. A pout of frustration escapes you as you realize your hands can’t reach the zipper. You decide to ask for Theo’s assistance.
When you walk back into your dorm, you’re met with a completely awe-struck Theo, his tired eyes grow wider than you thought they could even go. The boy is seemingly paralyzed by you. 
Holy bloody hell.
His trance-like gaze runs over the lace neckline, down the curves of your bodice, and over the shimmering gown. He’s never seen you dressed up before, and you have him wondering why it took so long to.
“Spin.” He demands, begs. “Please.”
You slowly turn for him, a small smile adorning your face. The gown flows like water, splaying out as it twirls around you. You have to admit, both the dress and his reaction are feeding your confidence.
Nothing matters in the whole world except for her.
He stands, having noticed the undone zipper in the back. He saunters towards you, jumping at the opportunity, his eyes unwavering from your body. He places his hands on your hips, turning your back towards him.
Can I just marry her now? Can she wear this to our wedding? 
You feel his soft breath grace your neck, a whisper of affection envelopes you. “Mia bella ragazza,” he says, each word dripping with pure adoration. He zips you up with the utmost delicacy and care.
He wraps his left arm around you, pulling your back to his chest. He sways you both back and forth, imitating a slow dance.
“Y/N.” Theo says, ready to pour his heart out for you. Right here, right now. As your eyes meet his, you share a moment of yearning, his lips dead set on meeting yours…
Until an abrasive knock that could only belong to Draco breaks your stare from his.
Please don’t take her away from me now.
He, of course, opens the door without being granted entry. You slide away from Theo’s embrace, slipping on your heels and grabbing your cover-up. Draco beckons you to him, grabbing a hand and twirling you around.
The sound of your laughter plagues Theo. You link an arm with Draco, tucking into his side. Theo’s mind silently explodes with jealousy, trying to identify everything wrong with the sight in front of him.
He looks like dirt compared to her.
Draco reaches to fix one of the earrings he gave you, setting it just right. Heat begins to course through Theo’s very being.
I’d rather eat slugs than see my Y/N on his arm.
Draco leads them out, nodding a silent goodbye to Theo on the way towards the door. “I think we look rather dashing together, don’t you agree?” he asks, his ego caking each word.
Theo takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure as he’s left in silence. He vowed to himself that he would behave for you, for this one night. For your sake. 
But just before you leave his line of sight, you steal one last, desperate glance at Theo. And that’s enough to break his vow.
I can’t believe she makes me this stupid.
Theo thinks as he peers into Slughorn’s party from a tiny window. His feet perched on the ledge, several feet above the ground. His knuckles go white as his fingers grip the wall tightly. 
He spots you next to Draco at the table, noticing his hand covering yours. The students engage in lively conversation, mostly Malfoy telling boring stories about his father.
Though Theo tries hard to keep his focus on Malfoy, he can’t help but obsess over your breathtaking beauty.
His ears recognize the first few notes of the song you were humming earlier coming over the speakers. 
You gasp and whip your head towards Draco, your eyes lit up with excitement, your hands tugging his suit jacket. “This is my favorite song!! Can we dance?” You ask him.
He stands and offers you his hand, which you take immediately. “All night, if you’d like, love.” 
He doesn’t deserve this. He can barely carry a tune, let alone dance. 
Theo hops down from the window, using the moving picture frames as leverage. Once he lands, he finds the back entrance to the party, peering through the sheer curtains.
Good luck pulling this off, Malfoy. I hope she laughs in your face.
But that’s not what happens. In fact, it is hard to deny how absolutely gorgeous you two look together, each step perfectly placed, each twirl calculated. Everyone watches you both sweep across the dance floor with ease, like you’ve rehearsed this a thousand times. 
And even worse, it looks like you’re enjoying it. Theo’s hand drags down his face in agony.
Fuck… he’s killing it.
Theo’s inner fire intensifies as Draco’s hand moves to rest on your lower back. Too low for his liking. And the way you’re eating it up drives him mad. Draco leans in near your ear, sharing smirks and whispers with you. 
The bloody fool is talking during her favorite song instead of letting her sing.
An idea sparks in Theo’s head, one that would probably disappoint you. But he doesn’t care anymore. Especially as he watches Draco cross the final line by dipping you backwards, his eyes obviously lingering on your chest. When he lifts you back up to him, you hear a faint, boyish voice call from behind you.
Suddenly, Draco stumbles over, tripping over his own feet and falling on the floor, bringing you down with him. Slughorn swiftly strides over and accuses Draco of drinking too much champagne, despite your efforts to defend him. When he’s asked to leave, you follow him.
“Are you okay?” You ask, patting down the front of his suit jacket and fixing his hair. He rolls his eyes, shrugging you off and mumbling something to himself about how “Slughorn will pay for this.”
As he sulks away, you find yourself alone in the corridor, sighing and stepping out of your heels. A humming sound emanates from behind you, the familiar tone easily identifiable to your ears. You can’t help but smile as the pieces fall into place.
“Really? Confundus?” You joke, turning your head to the side with a smirk. Theo’s arm wraps itself around your front once again, swaying you in his slow-dance way. What you didn’t expect was the feeling of his lips on your cheek, kissing you ever so softly.
“Si, bella.” He responds, switching to kiss your other cheek. “With the way he drooled on you all night, he’s lucky it wasn’t a Crucio.”
You remove his hand, letting yourself turn to face him. He kicks your heels to the side, allowing you to step closer. Your hand reaches up to caress his cheek, your finger tracing the edge of his jaw.
“Mio bel ragazzo,” you say, lifting yourself up on your tippy toes. He pulls away, catching you off guard, grounding yourself to the floor again.
“I’ve waited forever to kiss you, Y/N. Dreamed of it, even.” He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, his finger twirling around one of your stray curls. “Let me.”
The blush on your face hits a crimson peak, nodding a silent grant of permission. Your heart races as both his hands firmly cup your face, pulling you gently until you feel his lips join yours, melding into each other.
The kiss is long and earned, his lips moving against yours with intention. When he finally breaks for a breath, you tug on his collar, quickly crashing your lips back onto his. A low moan travels its way from his mouth to yours, his hands now wrapped securely around your waist. Good luck getting this boy to let go.
You pull away, letting Theo rest his forehead on yours, a stupid smile adorning his face as he processes the moment.
“For what it’s worth, I told Narcissa I wanted those earrings. I think she almost felt bad that I had to go with him.” You laughed, playing with the jewelry on your ears.
“He’s not allowed near you- no, he’s not even allowed in the same room as you from now on,” Theo says, a shadow of the tension in his jaw lingers. “Or it’s lights out for him.”
You both break into a fit of laughter at the threat, leaning on each other for balance.
You pause for a second, his eyes brimming with unspeakable joy. Your hand finds the back of his neck, grazing it with your fingertips, feeling the resulting chills it sparks on his skin.
“There’s only one room I want to be in right now, and I’d like you to take me to it.” You whisper, Theo’s expression becoming eager as he immediately lifts you up, swiftly carrying out your order. You could tell him to burn down a city and he’d do it for you.
“Am I dreaming this, bella? Am I really taking the most extraordinary person who’s ever lived back to my dorm?” He asks, relishing the feel of your arms around his neck and the scent of your vanilla perfume encompassing him.
“Wow, the most extraordinary person? Ever?!” You giggle, your voice coated with exaggeration. “What does that make you?” You ask him.
“The luckiest.”
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sukunas-wife · 9 months
Sealed 2
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“Year after year after year the hours pass and it never ends, I’ve been here for millennia is Ryomen even trying?” You sat down onto the pile of bones, skeletons supporting you the best they could. The Prison Realm had become your domain, you’d molded every bone and skeleton to do your work. Your elbow resting on the spine of skeleton your cheek pressing against your fist as you stared bored.
Looking down the pile of bones and skeletons holding up your throne that you had formed to match Sukuna’s you saw two Skeletons battling for your amusement. Sighing you slouched back in your throne, watching the two headed four armed skeleton using sharpened bones as spears, fighting a towering 6 armed Skelton. His arms like vices ready to grab and shove whatever into its gaping rib cage to crush it. “This needs more!” The two skeletons looked up at you, before the rumbling of the skeletal centaur could be heard, a centaur of bone, his torso with 4 arms, it held an extended spine as if it were a chain. Lower two arms ready to grab at anything, more specifically rip off the head and spine of its opponents.
“YES! THIS IS what we need!” You smacked the skeleton who stood near you on the back. His bones shaking as you leaned forward, you’d find out soon which of your creations was truly the strongest. “Let’s get this show started-“ it was quick blur of red and black before you were standing head tilted to the side as you stared irked at the man in front of you. “Do YOU KNOW WHAT YOU JUST DID.”
“PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I BEG FOR MERCY I SPENT MUCH OF MY LIFE LOOKING FOR THIS TREASURE THATS BEEN hidden away heating the tales of how the sourcerer’s of old time had wrongly imprisoned a Diety of Fertility separating her from her son. I just come to beg and ask you give my wife your blessing to have a child were old in age but she’s always prayed and begged. I’ve run out of hope until i heard you tale, i beg and hoped you’d have mercy- Sit up” was all you said. The man went from groveling to sitting back on his heels. Sighing the conflict inside of you was great. You looked around tucking your arms into the sleeves of your worn Kimono. “Bring me your wife,” you looked up through the canopy of the trees you see the sun at mid day, “you have two sunsets and then I leave.” The man quickly bowed again at your feet thanking you before running off. You kicked the prison realm box “Damnit who won!” You snatched it up, the air was familiar, you started to look around. The reason it was so familiar was because it wasn’t to far from where you had been sealed. The skeletal remains of the sourcerers made you seethe. You found the remains of the man who sealed you grabbing his skull with your free hand making it look at you, “my child my husband,” you crushed it without fail, “you took it all from me and now everyone will pay.” Th tears falling down were hot. Dropping the remains you started your first technique “Reanimate.” A wave of purple radiated from you, hitting every border of the palace. Skeletal remains shaking and coming together to stand, “Get this place back into shape.” They started moving, you made your way inside the palace the inside help had been reanimated also, your ladies in waiting now remains, standing beside you as you enter “Find fabric I need new robes.” They rushed off and you made it to your old room, the massive bed your son had fallen off many times when he would try to sleep with you and his dad. The wardrobe filled with your husband’s old robes. The room was dusty and smelt humid, shoving the window open you tried not to cry, on the window sill was a talisman Sukuna had created for Yuji. Sniffling you turned your head, finding a small blanket and stuffed Tiger doll Yuji carried around that morning. A gift for his 2nd birthday that he loved and it showed on the tigers rugged appearance.
“My Yuji..” your faint whisper sounding so loud in the silence as you ran your fingers of the stuffed doll holding it close to your chest as you made your way around the room planning your moves. Your plans had always been to follow in similar steps to Sukuna. Except that you’d be known for good to balance out the evil perspective they had of your husband. First, fix your palace. Second, create miracles in the closest town or village to make profit and move into a bigger city to improve profits. Find wherever Sukuna had been sealed away, and break him free. Find Yuji and take him back from this cruel world.
It’s been over 100 more years and you’d grown accustomed to the changing in technology and times, passing the crowds into your shrine you smiled ruffling the heads of kids who smiled up at you, rubbing the plump bellies of pregnant women you passed and “blessing” the sick with instant health with simply laying a hand on them and smiling kindly.
Entering your shrine for the last time your Gentlemen in waiting was packing up what was left. The last thing left was the main room where your wide throne sat, you’d be leaving it being to your followers, the cushions you provided for your followers during your sessions. “Morí.” You called out and he came from the room he was in bowing and holding his hands out in front of him. “Yes Lady Y/n?”
“Morinozuka, we’re leaving tonight to Sendai City. The mark of my binding vow is burning more, but are you sure that’s where we need to go?”
“Yes Lady Y/n.” He spoke not looking up from his bow. You nodded, “then it’s final.”
“So this is the place?” You turned to Morí and he nodded. “It’s not as lavish but this is the closest we can get… Your excellency.. I strongly recommend you continue to hide your cursed energy until I suggest otherwise.” You nodded getting out of the car “Very well, I will.”
It was morning when you had arrived, standing in front of the door to the house you looked over an elder man was walking out of his house he looked over and you smiled at him and he had a very faint twitch of his lip. Until a man with pink hair came out, follows by a woman with black hair and you felt it. The pulse of cursed energy and instinctively you grabbed Mori by his robes and pulled him towards you, “That woman, she’s no woman that- is the carrier of your child.” You head snapped instantly to him, “The father of my child, that’s the sorcerer who knew Sukuna, and he is going to mother my child?” Your face showing your exact emotions Mori placing a hand over yours, “Lady Y/n, please recollect your thoughts. I can assure you he will NOT be mothering your child, and her husband will not be fathering him either.” Letting go of his robes you nodded. Looking over your shoulder you watched the couple get into a car the elder man scowling when they started to drive away.
Turning to look at you he tucked his arms behind his back walking over, “Good Morning I’m L/n Y/n.” You greeted bowing after you moved closer, he dismissed you with a wave of your hand. “Morning, Wasuke Itadori.” He cocked a brow and looked over at your house, “It’s been up for sale for a long time. Almost 3 years before someone has moved in.” You looked back at your house, “I moved in to get closer to work. I thought it was just a blessing for everything to line up so perfectly.”
He nodded, “Well, blessings only go so far here. My son’s wife is something I’d consider to be a curse.” You nodded, “oddly enough I wouldn’t disagree. I know a snake when I see one and from a brief glance I wouldn’t trust her at all.”
He nodded, “Have a good day moving in, if you need help my son and his wife will be returning soon. I’m sure either of them would be willing to help with any problems.”
“Have a good day Mr.Itadori.” You bowed your head slightly and you both went separate ways.
“Mori,” you sighed entering your house “count these days.”
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megalony · 2 months
Heated Discussion
This is a new Evan Buckley imagine I had been wanting to write for a while now, and finally got the inspiration for it.
I hope you will all like it, let me know what you think.
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Evan Buckley Masterlist
Summary: A strange conversation with an old friend leads to an argument which stresses out Evan's pregnant wife.
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Apprehension and surprise flooded Evan's stomach when he opened the front door. He already knew who would be on the doorstep before he opened it, but it was still a shock to see him stood there.
He almost didn't believe the text he got the other day, asking if they could meet up after what had been months of simply texts and the odd phone call.
"Come in," He took a step back and motioned his arm to let Connor walk past him into the hallway.
In all the time they had been friends and for however long it had been that he and (Y/n) lived here, Evan couldn't think of a time when Connor had ever been inside the house or had even clapped eyes on it. They always met up at bars or restaurants with other friends tagging along or at parties.
He led the way through the hall, noticing that Connor was looking at all the photos decorating the walls and the ornaments scattered around. There were the odd canvas pictures on the walls which (Y/n) had beautifully decorated. Photos on the walls that Evan had taken himself when he found a new obsession with photography. And a lot of little clay crafts and pompom creations and random things the boys had made over the years.
Evan headed into the kitchen, bypassed the island in the middle and moved towards the fridge.
"Want a drink?"
"Sure." Connor walked into the pastel blue kitchen and folded his arms on the kitchen island, arching his lower back out.
He nodded when Evan placed a bottle of beer in front of him and watched Evan lean on the opposite end of the counter. Evan pressed his left hand down on the edge and propped one hip against the cupboard while his other hand drew patterns along the edge of his glass that was already starting to drip with condensation.
"Nice place, don't think I've been inside before."
"Thanks. So uh, I haven't seen you in a while. Last time we hung out was at Dan's birthday, right?" Evan took a sip of his drink while his eyes studied Connor closely.
He had been shocked, to say the least, when Connor messed out of the blue three days ago and after a bit of catching up, he asked if they could meet up. There had to be a reason, there always was these days. None of the gang- which consisted mainly of six of them who had been friends in college- ever just messaged or hung out for the sake of being with friends.
There was always a reason, whether that was to celebrate a birthday, to get drunk after someone had lost a job or had a fight or made some kind of achievement. And Evan knew this was no different, there would be a reason Connor had asked for a catch up.
And with Evan working a lot of odd shifts recently and wanting to spend time with (Y/n) and the boys, he said it would be easier for Connor to come over for a chat. Rather than meeting up for a drink somewhere. It meant Evan could relax at home too while they talked.
"Yeah, I think so. God, I still feel hungover from that."
A calmer, more playful smile came over Evan's lips and he nodded. He felt much the same.
Dan had insisted they all go to a club for his birthday and it had been the first time in a long while that Evan had gone out with people other than the team and got drunk with them. Dan kept buying the shots and Evan was the last man standing, the last one able to keep up with Dan for taking shots. Evan was a fun drunk, so (Y/n) was always telling him.
He became sweeter and dopey when he was drunk, and (Y/n) had been delighted when- after he called and politely asked her to pick him up- she got there and he happily slurred 'there's my lady' and attached himself to her like a monkey.
Evan had been very glad the next morning that the boys had spent the night with (Y/n)'s parents because Evan had suffered a bad hangover from that night.
"Great night," Connor mused with a smile and took a swig of his drink before he took a glance around. "Where's (Y/n)?"
"Gone for a lie down with Luke, he's got a cold and (Y/n) didn't feel well."
Evan nodded his head in the direction of the hallway. Carter was at school, but Luke wasn't at nursery because he was coughing and croaking and hadn't had a good nights sleep. About an hour ago he had finally started to become sleepy, and (Y/n) felt under the weather so she took him upstairs to have a power nap together.
The only times Evan knew his wife to take a nap was when she was really ill, or when she was pregnant. And she was eight months along now.
"I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Okay…" Evan tried to smile, but that sounded omnibus and rather worrying. Those words didn't always bode well.
"You know I got married two years ago," Connor lifted his head but he leaned down further against the counter with his arms stretched out in front of him like he was going to reach out for Evan at any moment. He was trying to steady his hands that were messing with his beer bottle much the same as Evan was.
"Yeah, things still good between you two?" He remembered the wedding, it had been a good day. Evan and (Y/n) had been invited to the ceremony and the evening party but they didn't manage to stay into the evening because Carter hadn't been well.
He would admit he and (Y/n) didn't know Connor's wife Laura very well, the four of them never hung out very often and Laura didn't go on nights out when the group did. They had met her twice before the wedding.
It was different with (Y/n), she and Evan had been together since college so she had naturally gotten to know all of Evan's friends very well. She had been on lots of their nights out and all the boys thought she was loving and caring and funny. She was well and truly one of their own.
"Things are great- well, they were great. We wanted to start a family after we got married, so we tried, but nothing happened. We went to a doctor… and it turns out to be my fault."
"Your fault?"
"I can't have kids, Buck."
Evan rolled his lips together and leaned back off the counter. He scratched the back of his neck while his other hand started to drum against the counter out of nervous, ADHD habit.
He didn't know any of his friends to have that problem. Most of his close friends already had kids, Hen, Eddie, Bobby, even Chimney and Maddie now had Jee together. And a few of the guys from college had started settling down. Admittedly Evan had been the first one of them all to have kids, he barely scraped nineteen when he and (Y/n) had Carter.
"Oh, hey I'm sorry, that must be rough." Evan wasn't sure what the appropriate response to that was.
He couldn't say he understood because he didn't know what that was like. He didn't know what it felt like to be desperate to start a family only to find out there was something wrong with him that meant it wasn't going to be a reality. Kids had always been something Evan wanted in his life and he had been lucky enough to find (Y/n) and have Carter early on. They never had a problem starting a family. Carter was ten, they had Luke who was four and now they were about to have another baby.
Evan couldn't relate to Connor's problem and he didn't know how he could help or what he could say to try and take the sting out of it.
He realised a moment too late that maybe asking Connor round wasn't the best idea, now he knew what kind of problem he was going through.
Coming here meant Connor was witnessing the house scattered with trucks and toys and crayons and arts and crafts.
Evan could see Connor was already staring ahead at the fridge and Evan didn't have to turn round to know why. There were at least two new scan photos on the fridge because it made Evan giddy every time he opened the fridge to think about his impending arrival. His little girl.
And there was Carter's latest painting stuck up on the fridge which happened to be of a fire truck with Evan painted beside it in his bright yellow helmet. It was a picture Evan was immensely proud of and he would frame it soon once they took it off the fridge. There also happened to be a picture of all four of them on a day out at the beach pinned up there, and a picture of Luke sat in the fire truck with such a cheesy smile.
All of that wasn't going to make Connor feel much better with his current situation, being here was going to make him feel worse. And it made Evan feel bad for inviting him round without knowing the circumstances first.
"Connor, what does this have to do with me? Why did you want to talk to me?"
What use would talking to Evan do? Granted, he could be a listener when he put his mind to it and he liked to help people. He was always chatting and trying to talk people through situations and do what he could to help them. But he couldn't do very much.
Evan couldn't talk this situation into a better state. He couldn't come up with solutions, he couldn't do anything, it was nothing to do with him and it wasn't his speciality.
"We're thinking about other options, but adoption takes time and Laura wants to have a baby, she wants that experience, you know? So another option is getting a sperm donor."
A shiver crawled down Evan's spine and his expression went slack when realisation hit him like a train.
They wanted him to be a donor? Why him? Why would they think of getting a sperm donor and have Evan be the first person they thought of? Was he even the first person they came to about this? Had they been to anyone else in their friend group, had they considered going to a donor bank?
The thought of being a donor had never crossed Evan's mind before. He was a blood donor, sure. He donated every month along with the rest of the team, like clockwork on the last Monday of every month. But blood was different to sperm. Blood saved lives, it didn't create them.
Evan thought the only lives he would ever create were the kids he had with his wife. He didn't consider donating and having other kids out there in the world that he would never get to see or know or bring up and raise as his own. The thought of someone else raising his kids made the hairs on his arms spike up and had his throat tightening in apprehension.
"I… Connor, that's-"
"I know, I know it's a lot to ask and a lot to take in. All I'm asking is for you to think about it, take some time, talk to (Y/n)." His expression was sincere and sorrowful.
He didn't mean to spring this on Evan and he didn't want an answer right away because of course an immediate response would be a no. He was just asking for Evan to think it over and consider what he was asking. That's all.
"Why me?"
"Because you're you. You're the guy who livens up a party, the one who does anything to help a stranger for no reward or praise. And you're a great dad, you're boys are sweet and they take after you."
"Well I- I'm flattered, truly." His lips quirked into a lopsided smile and he continued to rake his nails along the back of his neck causing deep red gashes to appear on his skin. "I'll think about it."
Dragging her feet, (Y/n) trudged through the hall and slowly made her way into the kitchen. Her head was spinning, her back was aching and her lower stomach felt heavy each time the baby twisted around.
She wanted to go back to bed, desperately, but she knew sleeping the afternoon away meant she wasn't going to sleep well tonight. Her fingers dragged through her hair and a smile pulled at her lips when she looked over at the kitchen table and saw Evan sat there.
He had his back to her, his head resting on his hand and he looked to be scrolling through his phone.
"Hi baby… did Connor come round?" Her fingertips trailed across his shoulder and she leaned over to kiss his curls which were running wild over his head.
She felt him lean back into her touch and he grinned when she kissed his temple. Her and Luke's power nap had extended a bit longer than (Y/n) first intended and she felt awful that Connor seemed to have come and gone and she hadn't even popped down to say hello to him. The last time she saw him was when she had picked Evan up from Dan's birthday party and she was sure Connor wouldn't remember that as he had been one drink away from collapsing on the floor.
"Yeah, left about half hour ago. How's Luke?"
"Fast asleep in our bed, thought I'd leave him a bit longer since he's settled. Was Connor okay?"
She kissed his cheek before she slowly moved towards the kettle and flicked it on. She could do with a drink to see if it would perk her up and ward off her headache.
Once she'd made a drink, (Y/n) twisted round and backed up into the corner of the counter. She leaned her back against the smooth edge, hoping that leaning against it would click her spine into place and rid her of the ache in her back. She slouched back and cradled her scolding cup between her palms while she looked across at her husband.
He spun round in his chair and folded one arm over the back while his other hand tapped against the table. That was a sign that he was thinking about something, that he might be worked up over something and it made (Y/n) curious.
She had been wondering what Connor wanted to come over and talk about and now it seemed he hadn't just come for a catch up or to ask about having another night out.
"He asked me to be a sperm donor for him."
"I beg your pardon?" (Y/n) set her cup down and moved both hands to grip the counter behind her. She could feel herself turning rigid as shockwaves coursed through her blood.
What had she missed?
What had they been talking about while she had been for a nap? Had she gone to sleep and woke up in a different time? Had she slept for a week instead of a few hours?
This was something strange and out of the blue. Connor had never asked something like this before, he had never really asked them for anything. But this was strange. What kind of friend came round and asked someone to be a sperm donor for them? It didn't matter how close they were, this wasn't the kind of thing friends asked of friends, it wasn't something friends willingly did for others.
Evan kept his hand gripping the table while his foot started to tap against the tiled floor. His other hand moved to the back of his neck again and his nails scratched into the skin until he was pinching himself and on the brink of drawing blood beneath his thin but relatively sharp nails.
Maybe he should have started the conversation off better than that rather than jumping straight to the point like that.
But he had been stunned. He was still stunned at what he had been asked and he wasn't sure how to process this or how to think and contemplate it. What was he supposed to think? Was he supposed to be flattered, angry, uneasy, happy? What was he meant to do?
"Him and Laura wanted to start a family, but he found out he can't have kids… so he asked me to be a donor for them."
Evan pushed up from the table and walked across the kitchen until he was in front of (Y/n). He leaned his right hand out against the kitchen island and his other hand found his hip. He could feel this conversation wasn't going to go down very well.
"And you're actually considering this?" Her nails began to tap out a frantic rhythm against the counter as she tried to stay calm, but this conversation was making it very hard. Just the thought of this was unnerving. If she disagreed with this, then (Y/n) was going to be made out to be the bad guy. She might be seen as being in the wrong for not wanting Evan to do this.
But was she in the wrong? Surely it was fair for (Y/n) to be concerned and uneasy about her husband potentially donating and having a child out there in the world that their friends were going to raise. They would know anytime that they saw Connor's child that it was Evan's biological kid.
Biology didn't mean everything, (Y/n) knew that. But she knew Evan like the back of her hand. He wouldn't be able to stay away. He would want to see his child, to know if they were okay and what they were up to and how they were doing. He wouldn't want to have a baby and then just hand it away, never to be involved again.
She lifted her chin to look up at her husband who took a step closer like he was trying to close the distance between them and close the argument that was now inevitable.
"I don't know, I at least need to think about it."
"Baby, that's not a normal thing to ask a friend. And why now? Evan, we're having a baby, we're gonna have three kids. I don't think now is the time to think about you having a fourth kid out there that you're never going to be able to see or talk to or tell them that they're truly yours."
(Y/n) ran her hand over her face and slouched back into the counter that was starting to hold more and more of her weight up.
Was she being unreasonable? Was (Y/n) being horrible for not wanting to consider this? But surely, she had some sort of say in this. She knew it was Evan's body and at the end of the day it would always be his choice, but this didn't concern just him. This concerned their family too.
This meant that there would be a piece of Evan out there that they couldn't talk to or connect with. A child they would never get to know.
They were married, they had three kids together and they were happy. Was Evan really going to be okay having a fourth child that he would never get to hold or cuddle or talk to? Would he be okay seeing them at parties or passing in the street, knowing they were his but never being able to stake that claim to them?
If it were (Y/n), she wouldn't be able to give up a child like that. And she had seen the way Evan was when the boys were born, he had that instant connection and love and adoration. He never wanted to put them down. This wasn't going to be the same.
"Connor can't have kids, (Y/n)."
The way Evan spoke made (Y/n) narrow her eyes and scoff. He spoke as if they had some part in this or some responsibility to Connor, but they didn't. That wasn't their fault and there was nothing they needed to do in this dilemma because Connor wasn't family or their partner. He was a friend.
"That's not your fault or your obligation to help, Evan."
"He wants a family."
His voice was so passive and calm that it made (Y/n) boil over with rage. How could Evan be so calm and easy going about this? How could he be contemplating this? If he went through with this there would be no turning back. There would be no way for Evan to stake his claim on that child because they wouldn't truly be his and he wouldn't have any rights to them.
Her temper was flaring and rising inside of her like a volcano starting to bubble over and it made her body shake with an overflow of adrenaline.
"Why you? There are donation banks out there Evan, so people don't get picky or try to find their donor and so there's no involvement and complications." If it were (Y/n) going through this, she wouldn't want a friend to donate, it would complicate things. She wouldn't want to know anything about the donor, as long as they were healthy that would be enough.
They shouldn't of asked Evan. It wasn't right, it was far too much to ask.
Did Connor and Laura not think this through? They shouldn't of asked Evan because they were friends. In the future if they went out together and people asked Connor how his child was, that was going to sting for Evan. That was going to bring up emotions he wouldn't be able to voice because of Connor.
When he talked about his child, Connor would be talking about Evan's child, that would change things in their friendship group. Evan wouldn't be able to ask about the child, he wouldn't be able to pay too much interest and what would happen if he were around the child?
Evan wouldn't be able to tell them the truth, he would have to stay at arm's length. He would be another one of their father's friends, nothing more.
"They want someone they trust and know."
"That doesn't make a difference, you won't be raising the child!"
A twinge tore through (Y/n)'s abdomen and she cringed, gripping the counter tighter until it was cutting into her palms and leaving lagged indents in her skin. Her back clicked in place when she pushed up straighter and shifted her weight onto her heels that were scraping against the floor.
This whole mess was stressing her and the baby out but (Y/n) couldn't just walk away and leave everything unanswered and sit in a panic. They had to talk about this and she had to know whether Evan was actually going to go through with this or not.
"Think about it, if you did this, they wouldn't let you be involved. You wouldn't be able to be around them much, you'd see everything from afar. They wouldn't tell the kid you're their dad. Could you honestly let a child go like that, Evan? Because seeing you with Carter and Luke, I don't think you could hand a baby over and cut all ties like that."
"I don't know."
"And when you go out with him and people ask about his kid, you can't pipe up and say anything. You'd have to sit there listening to all the achievements, the milestones, the illnesses and videos and pictures, and you couldn't share any of those moments."
Her tone was firm and her lips pressed into a thin line which made Evan sigh and tilt his head forward. He clamped one hand down on the counter and dragged the other down his face as he bowed his head and closed his eyes.
"(Y/n), it's not that simple and you know that." He lifted his head, trying to take a deep breath to calm down the argument that was evolving. "This is Connor we're talking about-"
"Oh yes, I know Evan. This is the guy that laughed and asked you why you were tying yourself down to me when I got pregnant. Or have you forgotten the way he joked with you and taunted me for having Carter? He told you it would be a mistake, and now he thinks that because he is doing things in 'the right order' he has every right to come here and ask something that big of you, of us."
Evan may have been able to forgive and forget on that front, but (Y/n) couldn't. She could let things be, but she wouldn't forget the way Connor had acted when they hard Carter.
She wouldn't forget how he had clapped Evan on the back while everyone else congratulated him and asked why he wanted to make this kind of mistake? He told Evan that having a kid at nineteen, before he finished college or had a steady job was a mistake and he didn't need to 'settle down' with (Y/n) so early. He could still wait a while and see if she was truly the one for him.
"He thinks he has the right to judge us for having Carter and then suddenly ask something so big, something no one has the right to ask. And all because, what? He's done the social order of things only to realise he's lacking in one area. That doesn't give him the right to pretend he's righteous and ask you to donate for him."
(Y/n) had always been weary of Connor after hearing what he'd said when he thought she wasn't around.
She had seen the way it upset Evan and how angry he had been because there were only a few of his friends who understood that a family, a proper, loving family, was all he'd ever wanted.
(Y/n) dragged her hand up and down her lower stomach while she looked the other way so she didn't have to focus on Evan's conflicted expression.
She felt sick. Her stomach was weighing her down to the floor, her back felt like it was snapping in two and her head was spinning so hard and fast she worried she might faint. This conversation was getting them nowhere, it was only creating an argument that was going to wake Luke and send them all into a state of distress.
"But the fact is that he's asked me, and the least I can do is consider it properly. I can't imagine a world without our boys or the pain it would cause to know I was the reason we couldn't have kids. And whether or not I donate or someone else does, I can see the reasoning of asking someone you know. It's comforting. If there are any problems, you can ask for medical history, you know they're a good person."
"Do what you want. It's your choice, but you have to think it through."
She wasn't going to be able to dissuade Evan no matter what he chose to do. He wasn't listening to her, he wasn't seeing this from the other angle. All he could see was his chance to help someone because that was what he was like, he wanted to help people and if he had the chance, he took it. Damn the consequences for himself.
Well if Evan wanted to do this, it was his choice. (Y/n) had no say because it wasn't her body, she could tell Evan she didn't agree and make sure he knew her thoughts and views, but she couldn't say yes or no because this was nothing to do with her body.
If Evan wanted to watch a fourth child from a distance, knowing he could most likely never talk to them or see their achievements or be in their life, then he could do that. He could do that and possibly make the biggest mistake of his life when that baby was here and he realised he wanted them, badly, but could never take them back.
And (Y/n) had a feeling that if he did this, it would be the last they saw of Connor and Laura. They wouldn't want to be around her or Evan too much in case their children got too friendly and their child realised Connor wasn't their actual dad. They wouldn't want Evan getting close to his true kin or getting attached or wanting to be involved in any way.
They would be selfish and push Evan out, once the baby was born, (Y/n) could see them not telling him anything. No pictures, no calls, no updates, nothing. He would be cut off just like every other donor out there.
Evan might be under the impression that because they were all friends, he would get more out of this. He would get to see this child grow up, but he wouldn't. He would be demoted from friend to donor.
"Baby don't do that-"
"I'm done with this argument." (Y/n) pressed her lips together to stop herself from crying, but she could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes creating a sting in her nose.
She turned on her heels, pushing her weight off the counter and back onto her legs that were close to buckling beneath her. She wasn't going to stand here and argue. He was going to make up his mind either way, this argument wasn't going to persuade or dissuade him in any direction. He didn't need her for these decisions and (Y/n) wasn't arguing when it was making her feel ill.
Her left hand trailed along the counter while her right hand pushed into the lower side of her abdomen like she was trying to give the baby a nudge to make them shift. They were pressing down on her hips and it was painful.
She kept her head tilted down, staring at the floor as she tried to pass Evan but she had to pause when his hand curled around her upper arm. But a deep growl left his lips when (Y/n) yanked her arm out of his grip and carried on walking.
"Get off."
She wasn't sure where she was trying to go. She was too wound up to try and go back to sleep with Luke and he didn't want to go upstairs in case she disturbed him. He didn't sleep at all last night and he had no nap yesterday, he needed his rest.
She passed the dining room and aimed for the living room, praying Evan wouldn't follow and drag this argument with him because (Y/n) knew if she sat down, she wasn't likely to be able to get up without a struggle.
"Baby, please don't walk away, this isn't just my decision."
He wanted to talk and he wanted to be close, he didn't want (Y/n) pulling away from him and not accepting his touch like this.
"Yes it is. If I told you not to and you regretted it, that would always be my fault. If I told you to go ahead and then you got shut out of that child's life for good, I would be to blame. My opinion is I don't think this is a good idea, but it's up to you. Help them, tell them to find someone else, whatever."
(Y/n) flung her hand out behind her to reflect that she was tossing this argument out the window and she couldn't hide the venom that seeped into her tone.
If she pushed Evan to do this and he couldn't be part of that child's life, he might regret it for the rest of his life. He might wallow about the child he could never see, never hug, never talk to. He might think about them for years to come and never come to terms with giving them up. But if he didn't do it, he might regret it later in life, he might think he missed out on a chance to do good, to give life and purpose to someone. Evan was always searching for ways to make a difference in the world.
(Y/n) couldn't make this choice for him, it had to be his own decision. But she feared if he went through with this, she herself might resent him for it.
She swallowed down a groan and aimed for the sofa that was calling out to her shaking legs. Her hand slid down to cradle the side of her stomach and both legs twinged and shook when a searing spasm pulsed through her abdomen.
Tears welled up in her eyes and she couldn't stop them from spilling down her face when she heard Evan groan and storm back into the kitchen.
Her hand reached out and clenched down around the back of the armchair while her other hand cradled her stomach that suddenly felt like it had dropped down towards her feet. She couldn't help but close her eyes as tears streamed down her face and her body doubled forward like she was a spring coiling back down.
Suddenly sitting down didn't feel like the right option even though her legs were close to buckling beneath her.
She twisted to the right, trying to gather enough strength to stand up properly again and aim for the stairs. She couldn't just stand here like a statue all afternoon. She needed to go calm down and the bedroom seemed the best place to do that, or maybe she could take a bath and see if that would relax her. (Y/n) didn't feel well, she needed to go calm down.
It took all the strength she had left to push off the armchair and try to shuffle towards the stairs and (Y/n) found she couldn't stand upright without leaning against something. Standing up straight hurt her stomach and her lower back too much. Her body slumped to the left, reaching out for the bannister to hold her up as her fingers dug deep into her stomach and her knees trembled.
She reached the stairs, but more tears were pouring down her face and curse words flew past her lips when her knees crashed down on the stairs.
"Fuck… oow, Evan."
Confusion tore through Evan and unease rattled through his blood as he spun on his heels and moved into a brazen walk down the hall. He didn't like the pain he could hear laced into (Y/n)'s voice or the guttural cry that followed.
His brows furrowed and he looked around, expecting to find her in the living room but he didn't like the sight he was faced with when he looked over at the stairs.
(Y/n) was knelt down on the stairs, one arm slumped on the step with her forehead pressed into her arm. And her other arm was cradling her lower stomach, a very bad sign indeed. Each breath was shallow and barely there at all and she was trembling enough to make thumps and taps rattle against the stairs.
"Baby, hey, baby what's the matter?"
He skidded across the floor to be beside her. His arms were stretched out before he was even within reaching distance of her and once he was close enough, Evan crouched down behind her with his hands on her waist. He waited a few seconds to see if (Y/n) would move or even turn his way, but she seemed too caught up in her pain to move or talk to him.
He looped his left arm around her waist across her bump with his hand flush against her stomach. And his right hand slid up beneath her arm to cup her shoulder so he could gently ease her back off the stairs. He pulled her as carefully as he could until her back was flush against his chest and her head flopped back against his shoulder.
"Talk to me. What happened, did you fall?"
(Y/n) managed to open her eyes to stare up at Evan and take in his panic-stricken expression. Her hand reached down to clench around his wrist that was resting over her stomach and she shakily grabbed his other hand while her eyes cast downwards.
"Fuck- oh, my water broke."
Panic took over Evan's system and had him on red alert. He glanced down over her shoulder, leaning his chest forward into her back to get a better view and he realised she was right. Her waters had broken. She was in enough pain that it had to be contractions she was feeling.
They were at thirty-six weeks now, labour could technically happen anytime now, although they would have hoped for another two weeks or more before having the baby.
"Oh oh… sweetheart I- I'm sorry. Come on, sitting on the stairs isn't gonna help either of you."
Evan kept her leaning back against his chest and he slowly shuffled off the lower step so he could get back on his feet. He eased (Y/n) back with him, moving both arms so they were around her waist, cupping her stomach to take her weight for her. He held her up with ease when her knees trembled and buckled and he carefully turned them to the side and started walking towards the armchair.
Once they were at the chair, Evan turned to the side so he could ease (Y/n) down into the chair. She sat on the edge, moving her hand to grip the armrest as she balanced her weight on her heels and sat forward, pushing her stomach down into her thighs.
As much as she felt angry towards Evan for this argument, she couldn't help but reach out for his hand and pull him closer as if she thought he would actually walk away from her right now.
"I'm b-blaming you for this." She whispered, following Evan through watering eyes as he crouched down next to her thigh and moved his free hand to grip her knee tightly. His puppy dog eyes stayed locked with hers while he leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss against her stomach.
There was nothing but love and sorrow hiding within his eyes that were close to tears. He hadn't meant to upset her this much or stress her out and push her into labour. He shouldn't have argued. He should have walked away or tried to simmer down the conversation when he noticed (Y/n) becoming uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I am. Are you okay?" It seemed like a silly question but it tumbled past his lips before he could think better of it.
This wasn't how they were supposed to have their third baby. This wasn't part of the plan. They were supposed to have another week or two so they could get everything ready. Maddie was going to have the boys and they would be prepared and not in the middle of a heated argument when this happened.
(Y/n) didn't think she had the will power to use her voice yet, so she settled for nodding while she gingerly moved his hand towards her stomach. His touch always soothed and calmed her down and it would do the same for the baby too.
"I'll ring Maddie and check if she's off work, see if she can have the boys and get Carter from school."
With her teeth sinking into her lower lip, (Y/n) leaned forward a little more so she could nuzzle her face into the top of Evan's hair. She felt his fingers softly gliding over her stomach and when she kissed the top of his head, Evan tilted his head back to look up at her. His free hand moved to cup her chin between his thumb and finger and he searched her eyes for a few seconds, making sure she was calm and no longer panicking.
His eyes softened and he dived up to steal a kiss, feeling like he had been starved of her lips for weeks rather than just a few hours while she had been upstairs with Luke.
He kissed her like he was trying to pour all of his thoughts into her mind and kiss an apology into her lips. His tongue swiped across her lips and delved against hers, taking any air she had and breathing it back to her. And his lips curved into a burning hot grin when he felt (Y/n)'s hand move from his wrist to secure at the nape of his neck to pull him closer.
"I think you're right."
His breathless words, spoken against her lips, had (Y/n) frowning. What was she right about? Being in labour?
She nudged her nose against his, the confusion in her eyes begging him to explain what he was referring to. If she weren't so flustered and ravaged with pain, (Y/n) might have given him a sarcastic response before knowing what he meant. She would of said 'of course I'm right' or 'what else did you expect?' but she wasn't in the frame of mind to strike up sarcasm right now.
"If I was a donor, they wouldn't want me involved… I couldn't be there for any of it, not like this. I don't think I could do that." His hands moved forward so both palms were grazing across her stomach and he leaned over to press his lips against her bump over the top of her shirt.
If he went through with it, then it would be Connor in Evan's place. He would know his child was being loved and raised by someone else, and maybe that would be okay for a while. Maybe he could get in the mindset that it wouldn't really be his kid, he was offering up a bit of himself to help others. He would be giving an offering and that was it, Connor would be the one putting the time and effort in to raise the baby.
And Evan believed being a donor was such a good thing, it helped so many people. But one had to be detached to be a sperm donor. They had to be uncaring and ready to cut ties and not know anything about any kids they may have out there.
Evan wasn't that kind of person. The marines had tried to drill the love and compassion out of him, mould him into a machine and he left specifically because that wasn't who he was or who he wanted to be.
If he was the donor, he couldn't be there like this. He couldn't be at the scans or revel in the scan photos or the heartbeat, and he couldn't be at the birth like he was with his three children.
Being here right now, with (Y/n) in his arms and their baby between them, this was the kind of way Evan wanted to bring life into the world. He wanted to be involved.
"That's not a bad thing." (Y/n) wove her fingers into Evan's wild curls and nuzzled her cheek against the top of his head, leaning further into his embrace.
If Evan was going to bring life into the world, he wanted to be involved, in every aspect of it.
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leaderwon · 6 months
hi! could you please do a part 2 to enha forgets ur birthday? pls part 1 was so good🫵🏼🫶🏻 i just wanna see them grovel lol
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non!idol enhypen x non!idol reader
forgetting your birthday pt. 2 !
pt. 1
warnings : she/her pronouns used, cursing, crying, mentions of grief.
luna's diary : this one kinda sucks ugh. HELLA RUSHED because I went to a trip (Singapore + Malaysia) AND THE CELL SERVICE WAS terrible I'm so so so sorry anons this is very dissapointing but I felt bad making yall wait for so long. Promise to edit this as soon as I reach home!
After the realisation that your boyfriend, had indeed forgotten your birthday, the birthday spirits you had in the starting of the day had blown away. As promised he appeared to your door step with flowers in his hands as he murmured a set of apologies for forgetting your special day. Saying you were mad at your boyfriend would be a huge understatement. You were furious with a hint of disappointment. "baby I'm sorry please" he said as you closed your eyes felt a few tears threatening to fall. Noticing this heeseung hugged you tight and ran his hands in your head wondering how he could make it up to you. He knew he messed up and this couldn't be mended easily. Like a broken dam, your tears started flowing uncontrollably. "How could you forget hee?" you questioned him finally using your voice for the first time since he arrived. "I know pretty girl im so sorry" he said as his voice hitched and eyes swelling up with tears, his mind running on a marathon trying to find ways to make it up to you. Like a bulb lighting above his head, he left you on the spot and rushed to the living room.
A few minutes later he rushed back ushering you to follow him. Upon reaching the living room you saw a beautifully decorated living room with fairy lights, your favourite blankets with your snacks and your favorite movie ready to play. A smiled adorned your features as you heard him say "i know what I did was terrible but let me try to make it up to you".
He was at a party with the boys when you made him realised that he had messed up the date. He couldn't believe it. This man was shocked, mind blank wtf type shock. By the time he reached home he was already in tears. But when he saw how dark your house was with sadness evident on your face as you slept in your bed he broke down right in front of your sleeping figure.
How could he mess up the date that marks your creation? He was more dissapointed in him than you were tbh. You were soon awaken by the sounds of your boyfriend's cries. "Baby what's wrong?" You questioned him cradling his face. "I'm sorry princess I'm so sorry i can't believe I forgot your birthday"
He was more heartbroken than you were, his emotions all over the place. "Baby it's okay i promise" Cuddles and kisses you the whole night and clears his schedule for the next day.
The whole day you patiently waited for Jake to show his existence to you. It was your birthday and you were excited to spend the day with him. But to no avail, he didn't show up. Deciding to occupy yourself with your phone, you saw a notification indicating that Jake had uploaded a story. The light in your eyes faded away as you took in Jake with Iseul, a junior, on your birthday.
Having done with this, you decided to finally text him. Upon realising what he had done, he rushed home to see you on the couch with a dark cloud above your head. "Hey baby" Jake started slowly. "I'm really sorr-" "Save it Jake I don't want to hear it" You responded cutting him off. "But baby you know Iseul is like a younger sister to me" He started again. He was walking on eggshells right now knowing that if he said anything wrong you would crack. "I get that she's a younger sister to you, but Jake it's my birthday, you could have comforted her tomorrow, but my birthday wont be tomorrow" You replied. "I waited for you so long, try and look at this in my point of view Jake" as you said that his eyes softened. "I'm so sorry, i get why you're mad at me baby please let me try and make it up to you" He said trying to mend things. "Just give me time Jake, i don't think I'll get over this easily" You said as you left the house.
You were back 3 hours later, with jake in the same spot you left him. He expression blanked as he looked at you. You were spooked out by him as you stared back at him for a moment. "Are you just gonna stand there for the rest of your life?" You asked giggling. Hearing your precious laughter he looked at you with a slight smile on his face. "Baby, I'm sorry i really am. I don't know how it managed to slip out of my mind. I swear i remembered it I'm so sorry" He said starting to ramble as you looked at him. His words barely registered in your mind due to how fast he was speaking. "Jake it's okay" "and i get it if you're still mad at me and don- wait what?" He asked confused. "You accept my apology?" He continued as you nodded. Finally moving after hours he engulfed you in a hug. "Thank you Thank you, I'll make sure this never happens again" he said gratefully. "You better not do this shit again" You said.
"Now tell me the Iseul tea"
When you asked him if he checked his calendar out of the blue he was confused. Why would you suddenly want him to check his calendar?
Upon actually checking his calendar he went pale realising he forgot your birthday, an occasion that shouldn't be remembered through a calendar. This guy was going through five stages of grief.
"no way i forgot my princess' birthday"
"how the fuck did I manage to forget her birthday?"
"God please let this be a dream"
"i forgot her birthday"
"okay i forgot her birthday, let's make it up to her" He said finally reaching the last stage of grief, acceptance. He rushed to your house to see you not there. He called your name multiple times hoping to get an answer from you finally seeing you sitting in the balcony.
"Hey baby, whatcha doin'?" your boyfriend asked you slowly walking towards you. "Nothing just sitting" You replied slowly, sadness evident in your voice. "Baby" Sunghoon starts again sitting next to you this time. He passed you a chocolate eyeing you to open it.
Upon opening it you noticed a small peice of paper with "I love you" and "I'm sorry" written on it. "I don't know how it slipped my mind, princess. But I will make it up to you, I promise". You understood his point of view, it was common to forget stuff. Though you were still hurt by this, you laid your head on his shoulder and the both of you silently enjoyed the scenery your balcony offered in silence.
The day had ended by the time your boyfriend had finally remembered your existence and decided to text you. You had held a party to celebrate your special day with your friends and family hoping to see a sign of sunoo. When sunoo had first texted you, you were shocked to find out that he had absolutely no idea what party or what special occasion you were talking about. You were devastated to find out that not only did he not know what day it was, but he expected you to tell him.
What kind of boyfriend doesn't remember his girlfriend's birthday and then expect her to tell him? You were mad at him with alot of hurt lingering inside you.
The clock read 1:30 am the moment he stepped inside the house. Looking around he saw leftover confetti, balloons and alocholic beverages yet to be picked up. All of this indicating that there was infact a party held. Sunoo knew that what he had done would not take a good turn and that it would take alot of fighting and apologizing to make it up to you. Spotting you with tears in your eyes, he made his way to you slowly pulling you into a hug and started apologizing.
He was sorry and guilty, you knew he was. But him expecting you to tell him that it was your birthday was where you drew the line.
You were unsure on whether you could forgive him at all. He promised to take you out tomorrow and attempt to make it up to you. You knew that wouldn't heal the hurt this had caused you, but you appreciated his efforts and agreed as you hugged him back.
Out of all the people you liked in your life, you never expected Yang Jungwon to forget your birthday. If someone told you he would, you would laugh your ass off. But now, you were in tears as you held your phone finally deciding to text him.
You were in disbelief as you found out that he thought your birthday was next weekend. Thoughts like "How can someone mess up their lover's birthday?" "does he care less to not know which day" were running through your head.
He rushed into your home apologizing immediately mentioning how much he had planned and got a date wrong. He was on the verge of tears as you looked up at him rambling.
"Baby i promise i remembered, look I even had some gifts prepared" He said as he sped walk towards your shared dresser in the bedroom opening up a random compartment you had no idea existed. "What the fuck? Since when was that there?" You asked him in utter shock.
"It's always been there baby, you never noticed it" Jungwon said taking out a huge amount of gifts for you. "You weren't kidding when you said you were prepared huh?" You spoke as you scanned the bags. "Since last month" He winked at you as he led you to your living room.
"I'm so sorry, i can't believe I forgot your birthday I'm such a bad boyfriend" Jungwon apologized to you as guilt and shamed swirled in his orbs ( is this even right wtf - leaderwon ).l
"Won it's fine, don't worry" You said as a smile finally made its way on your face. "Now let's see what you got me I'm so excited" you said again as you smiled wider in happiness.
You were raging as you watched him play his video games for the entire day. You weren't an anti of games for you were also into playing. But it was your birthday today, a day he was supposed to spend with you instead of the ps5 Jay had gotten him on his birthday last year.
You were heartbroken as you tried to knock some sense into your boyfriend. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Finally giving up, you took your wallet and coat and left the house to get fresh air.
You could feel your phone vibrate as Ni-ki spammed your phone asking where you were. You decided against on replying and just walked ahead. Soon, you heard your boyfriend call your name from behind as he ran towards you. You tried walking faster since you didn't want to be with him at the moment. But your luck was unfortunate as he had legs long asf and caught up to you within moments.
"baby stop, come back home it's late" he begged. "Go back to your game, it's never too late for that" You said in a monotonous tone. "I'm sorry" "Sorry won't fix the day I lost waiting for you to fucking realise and rejecting all my friends who cared enough to want to spend the day with me" You said almost tearing up and walking again.
"I'm sorry" You heard him say as he stopped following you. You never heard his voice be so gentle in the 2 years you have been dating him. His voice sounded like he was on the brink of having a mental breakdown. "I really am" He said again and your heart dropped. You wondered if you were being too harsh on him.
Frozen in place, you could feel the tension in the air as the cool air blew through your hair. You were trying really hard to stay strong and hard but when you turned back to look at him, you could feel your heart drop to your stomach. You knew you were soft for this man, but the moment you looked at him you could feel emotions that you weren't aware yu could feel.
"Please" You heard him say. His eyes were pitiful with a tear threatening to fall. "I know i fucked up but please please let me try and make it up to you". You couldn't bare to see him like this anymore. "Fine" You sighed and walked towards him again.
You were hurt he missed your birthday, yes. But seeing him like that hurt you more. You knew you were deep as you held his hand and walked to the house the both of you resided in.
© @leaderwon 2024. Do not copy, translate, alter, repost or plagarize in any platform
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perfectlyoongi · 4 months
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ㅤ↬┊synopsis ... it was yoongi's birthday and, since you missed being with him and wanted to celebrate his day, you decided to surprise yoongi at his studio.
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ㅤ⚘.fandom ... bts. ㅤㅤಇ.ft. ... yoongi x gn!reader. ㅤ⚘.genre ... one-shot. ㅤㅤಇ.content ... fluff, shy yoongi, best friends to ???. ㅤㅤಇ.word count ... 1.4k. ㅤ⚘.cole's note ... let us imagine it's march again, shall we? :3 i hope u like it ♡ eng is not my 1st language xx
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Standing at the door of Yoongi's studio, you considered your next action. Should you knock? Or was it better to just go in and surprise him? I mean, you hadn't seen him in a week due to your classes, so any of your actions would surprise Yoongi. But you wanted it to be perfect – it had to be perfect for your best friend.
As such, after taking a deep breath once, twice, three times, you decided to put on the studio code and take off your shoes before slowly entering that room.
Yoongi had his back to the door. With his attention focused on the screens in front of him, Yoongi didn't notice the strip of light you let in when you opened the door. With headphones on, hand on the mouse and eyes glued to his creation, Yoongi was completely lost in his world, not even imagining your presence in his studio.
You smiled when you realized that your arrival had not been announced and, with slow and calculated steps, you approached Yoongi.
The silence in the studio was your accomplice, muffling your steps, hiding your presence while you thought about the best way to show yourself to your best friend. But you just smiled and decided to opt for the most basic choise and, leaning your face close to Yoongi's face, you gave him a small kiss on the cheek that made him jump a little from his chair.
“You scared me!” Yoongi, after turning his chair to see you, took his hands to his headphones and quickly took them off. “What are you doing here?”
You couldn't contain the small laugh that escaped your lips when you saw Yoongi moving away from you after the kiss, his scared look bringing you a little fun.
“I just wanted to see you.”
“You could have told me you were coming,” Yoongi placed his headphones on his desk and looked at you a little irritated, nervous because you saw him behaving so cowardly.
“And ruin the surprise?” you smiled as you extended your right hand and showed him a bag of McDonald’s. “Happy birthday, Yoonie.”
There was a moment of pause in which Yoongi tried to assimilate what was happening and, as soon as he realized that your visit was a consequence of his birthday, Yoongi just smiled – suddenly, he started to love that special day.
For minutes on end, your company was the only light that shone in Yoongi's studio.
Sitting on your black sofa, you and Yoongi enjoyed a late dinner, talking warmly about the last few days, repeating the words that were exchanged through messages. But none of you cared about this repetition. Finally you were together. At the end of a long week of work and school, you were once again in the company of the most important person in your life – and that was all that mattered.
Time floated around the studio, lingering on your words, enjoying the conversation that you and Yoongi didn't want to end. In a short time the food had been eaten, the news had been reported and there was nothing left to do but enjoy the small silence that appeared between you.
Yoongi looked at you.
Sitting on the couch, his arm resting on the back of it, Yoongi looked at you with a small smile. There was a certain sparkle in his shy gaze, a bit of admiration flecking the sweet brown of Yoongi's eyes. His smile was genuine, almost automatic when he looked at you, and Yoongi didn't even realize he was smiling – for him, the expression of happiness was instantaneous when it came to you.
“It’s late,” you stretched your back and looked around for the coat you had put down, you didn’t remember where. “I better get going.”
“If you give me five minutes I can take you home.”
“Thank you, Yoonie,” you smiled as you looked back at him, one of your hands gently resting on your best friend’s leg. “But I don’t want to bother you.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Yoongi got up and sat back down in his chair, staring at the screens once again. “I just need to finish something. It doesn’t take long at all.”
You sighed between a smile and decided to sit in the chair next to Yoongi, curious about what he was doing. However, your eyes didn't rest on the screens.
There was a certain magnetism about Yoongi. You couldn't explain it, but there was something about him that attracted you. Maybe it was Yoongi's intriguing soul, painted by the stars with dust of dazzle and fascination. Maybe it was Yoongi's magical essence, sprinkled with the hope and adoration left by the constellations. Or maybe it was because he was your best friend. You didn’t know. You only knew that it was stronger than you and, as such, you were admiring Yoongi.
And Yoongi was beautiful.
Engulfed in his art, focused on what he loved most, Yoongi was simply beautiful with his face slightly illuminated by the bright light of the screens. His lips were slightly open, eyes focused on lines and numbers on the screen, his hand on the mouse moving frantically as he tried to figure out what was left to do.
And you couldn't look away from him. You couldn't stop looking at his face. It was as if he had cast a spell that trapped you within his charms. Yoongi was mesmerizing.
Yoongi didn't look at you, his response even seemed to have been released without any idea of ​​words. And you smiled. He really loved his work.
“Can I kiss you?”
The movements of Yoongi's hand stopped abruptly as soon as your question settled in Yoongi's lap and your words reached his ears.
He didn't react.
Had he heard right? Was he too tired to already imagine words? Yes. That was the only explanation. Yoongi's tiredness was deluding him with hopes and dreams that he didn't want to confess. Yes. Yoongi was sure of that.
“Sorry. I don't know what came over me…”
You gave a small, wilted laugh when the abstention from a response tightened your chest. How foolish. What a ridiculous idea. Yoongi was your best friend. Only that. Don't try to ruin what is already beautiful. Stop dreaming about fantasy stories.
Yoongi's confirmation echoed through the studio, hovering in the dim light of the room, spreading out in that cubicle and making itself big enough to be noticed by you.
Yoongi turned his chair and stared at you, hand still stuck on the mouse, not knowing what to do with it. Slightly illuminated by the screen, Yoongi's face was dyed with the faintest shade of pink, his eyes shining with more emotion.
You stared at Yoongi, lips slightly open as if trying to swallow that confirmation to make sure it was reality. This was really going to happen. Finally.
You got a little closer to Yoongi, a little nervous about what you wanted to do. Yoongi came closer too, eyes jumping from your gaze to your lips, the anxiety of feeling you moving every muscle of his.
There was a moment of hesitation on both sides. But you took a deep breath and, as if driven by days and weeks of desire, you touched Yoongi's lips.
There was no thought in Yoongi's mind other than kissing you back, his soft lips worshiping your lips, passion and nervousness settling between your mouths.
It was brief. Something small. Shy but still intense. But you didn't know if you should continue, if you could continue. So, you moved away from Yoongi, foreheads coming together in a pause of controlled euphoria. Smiles painted your faces, Yoongi's face becoming even pinker with the action you just did – but oh!, how accomplished he felt.
“Can I kiss you again?”
Yoongi's smile ran over his words, making them sound more cheerful than intended. But he didn't care. At that moment, he didn't care if he showed his true colors. He only wanted you.
Your smile was stopped by Yoongi's lips, who, now more thirsty for you and confident in himself, kissed you once again; Yoongi's hand resting on the mouse quickly moved to your face, holding you gently.
And Yoongi's studio was silent, retaining within itself all the truth of your hearts; preventing the outside world from interrupting the testimony of your love, Yoongi's studio seemed small at that moment, forcing you to join Yoongi in order to feel alive.
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ㅤㅤ♡ feedback is appreciated ♡
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fukcnoplease · 6 months
Things always go wrong
Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Danny paced the halls of pariah dark’s castle, well his castle but even after a few years he wasn't used to that, as Frostbite watched in silence. His king isn't usually this restless before a council meeting but his distress was understandable. As his eighteenth birthday approached the council was getting more and more pushy for Danny to take up his role as king. Frostbite had used his leeway to allow the young king time to grow up and in the four years since his first transformation he had only been called to council a handful of times. It was an impressive feat less because they needed a king and more because the observers were anxious to keep the young king on a leash. 
This council meeting was called hastily as the anti-ecto laws had been passed recently and the GIW as well as the Fenton parents had become bolder in their pursuit of ghosts. The Fentons had almost captured one of Danny's rogues and it was too close of a call for the council to overlook. 
On top of that Dani was supposed to be coming home today. The young clone had taken to traveling the world as soon as she was free to. Her unstable nature had forced her home only a month after departing and it had taken months to convince Danny to let her go off alone again. Her destabilization had been easy to explain, as a clone she had been created without a ghost core and with continual use of her powers and no way to replenish her energy she had used her own body's ectoplasm to feed her powers. Frostbite was unsure if she would ever form her own core as her creation was unique but Danny had pushed. The idea Danny had come up with was to take a piece of his own core and give it to Dani, maybe jump-starting her own core cultivation in the process.
After defeating pariah dark Danny had begun absorbing his core, a way of proving his claim to the throne Frostbite had explained, and with it his own core had almost doubled in power. While unstable itself as it was still settling into its new power, it was possible to take a sliver and still keep the core at a healthy level. If Danny pushed for a bigger piece than strictly necessary, well no one but Frostbite would ever know that.
The council had rioted at another ghost having a piece of the king's core, it was usual for families to share cores in times of need but a king having a royal family was unheard of. Some of the council was against it all together and some were quick to try and coronate Dani a princess. Danny did his best to shield her from the council and made her promise to visit at least once every few months and call weekly. It had been a battle but Dani had accepted conditions as well as a phone Tucker had made for her. Then she was off, traveling the world and bringing back souvenirs and stories. 
A couple years had passed like that and they had finally settled into a comfortable rhythm. A rhythm rudely interrupted by Danny’s looming birthday and his parents lack of self control. He was supposed to be at Sam’s house, ready to hug Dani when she arrived and with a whole day of movie marathons and nachos planned. Instead he was stuck pacing his entrance hall as Sam kept him updated on the happenings in the living realm. 
“Your majesty,” Frostbite rumbled, “perhaps it is time you enter the council’s chamber. An intermission can only last so long.”
The monarch hummed but didnt stop pacing. Every turn caused his layered cape to billow behind him in a strange way, as if it was floating underwater rather than being manipulated by wind. The king's crown had dulled from a fiery bonfire into a thin misty glow that wrapped in a circle over his head. Jazz would tease him for it, ‘It looks like the aurora borealis, your love of the sky bleeds into everything doesn't it?’ and she was right, though he would never admit it. Even as he combed his hand through his hair and the crown, the misty fire dissipating around his hand before gathering again, it still twinkled as if far away stars were shining in the crowns light. 
Danny spared little thought to his regalia as he paced. A wave of dread had come over him midway through the arguing and he had called a pause so they could recollect themselves. He had tried to check in with Sam but she wasn't responding. He had heard nothing from Dani either and something deep within him was screaming something was wrong. He couldn't abandon a council meeting on a hunch and honestly it was one of the few times he didn't want to have to abandon the council meeting. If only because it would mean nothing was wrong.
Dani had had some close calls over the years and while she had really come into her powers she wasn't as strong as Danny and the one time she had been hit by Maddie Fenton still held fresh in Danny’s mind.
His phone buzzed.
Sam had replied.
Eco-Terrorist: We cant find Dani
It was the only message Danny needed before he was off. Ripping a hole in the dimension himself as he crossed back to his preferred plane. He barely noticed Frostbites thoughtful hum as he moved to bring the news of the king's departure to the council.
The precious seconds Danny took to arrive at Sam’s house were spent spiraling as to all the worst things that could have happened. The fear doubled as he stepped through Sam’s wall to find her holding Dani’s phone and pacing herself. Tucker sat at the desk scouring what looked like security cameras on his laptop as Danny popped back into view.
If Sam yelped it was only because she was too stressed to try and cover it up.
“We found her phone in Amity Park, she hadn't been responding and it had been almost an hour since she was supposed to show up.” Sam stressed, she was flexing her hands around the phone. 
“Since she usually messages us if she is going to be late we decided to check if everything was alright. When we saw she was in the park and hadnt move in a while. We left immediately.” Tucker added. He had a wobble to his voice and a shine to his eyes. Danny gritted his teeth. “All we found was this.” Sam said as she threw Dani’s phone on the bed as if it had personally been the thing to commit the crime and went back to pacing, flexing her hands in and out of fists.
“Do we have any security footage that might help?” Danny asked. 
“Ive been looking but the park doesnt have much cctv except around the perimeter or playground. Its been useless. All Ive seen is the Fenton-mobile.” Tucker paused, Danny could hear him swallow as the same thought passed through all their heads. “You… you dont think…” 
“Ill go check the lab.” Danny said before he vanished. Already making his way through town as Sam and Tucker raced to follow him. 
It didnt take long for Danny to make it to his house, the ghost shields were down but the Fenton-mobile was nowhere to be seen. It gave Danny little hope but he made his way down to the basement, transforming into his human form just in case. He made his way through his kitchen and down the stairs where he looked into the lab and into his worst fear.
Dani lay still on a metal table, restraints on her arms and legs and waist as a trickle of ectoplasm dripped from her left arm onto the floor. She wasnt even in her ghost form. He jumped the stairs and made it to her in two strides. 
“Dani? Can you hear me?” Her head was lolled to the side but her eyes were open, if only barely. She blinked and squirmed slightly, making a grumbling sound before going still again. She was alive, likely drugged, definitely bleeding out. Her arm had a gash in it and two tubes attached to needles lay on the floor beside her. The tubes were tangled and thrown about, as if someone had tripped on them and then let them be. Rage bubbled within Danny but he forced himself to focus. He would not let Dani bleed out because he was too busy seething at his parents. He grabbed whatever he could use as medical supplies and wrapped Dani’s arm before trying to break her restraint.
Electricity coursed through him and he cursed. Refusing to let panic take over he turned to his parents computer instead. There had to be something that could undo the restraints and regardless he had to wipe whatever information they had on Dani. What he found was a conversation log of Maddie Fenton and an Agent W discussing payment and proper handover specifications for a ‘perfect specimen’ Maddie had found. The money was staggering and Danny’s rage almost made him crush the mouse he was holding. 
At one point, Sam had offered up the idea of destroying the lab and joining Jazz at Gotham U where she had chosen to go for college. They had toyed with the idea, saying it was for the future or it was a last resort, but ultimately never gone through with it. It was a bad idea to drag a meta equivalent to Gotham and in all honesty, Danny wasnt comfortable leaving Amity. He hated leaving the town limits even if necessary, he couldnt imagine choosing to live somewhere else. But right now, staring at his bleary, injured, unstable sister, he decided he would have to. 
His rogues would be pissed and he didnt really have a solid plan but he refused to let this happen again. To anyone.
It was little hassle to find the unlock to the restraints and erase the computer completely. His parents didn't trust the cloud and the physical copies they had would be lost in the fire. Tucker had copies of everything anyway. Dani moved to sit up but really only managed to roll off the table. Danny caught and he shared some of his ectoplasm to try and help her heal. It wasnt much but she started to regain lucidity.
“Danny?” she whispered and Danny hummed in response. Their cores hummed at each other, the harmony encouraging her healing. A boom rattled the building, it was far away but it snapped Danny back to the present. They didnt have time to sit there, he didnt know when his parents would be back and he needed to leave. 
He laid Dani on the floor as he went around and dismantled as many things as he could, leaving the vulnerable pieces in the open. Finally he turned to take the ectoplasm filter that powered the entire house. When he ripped it off its mantle alarms started blaring and he turned and grabbed Dani, hauling her up into his arms as he ran up the stairs. He heard her giggle something about bumpy rides and he was out the door and barrelling towards his beat up car parked across the street. 
Jazz had given it to him for his sixteenth birthday. Apparently she had originally planned to buy it for herself for her move to Gotham but Sam had managed to convince her parents to buy Jazz a brand new car. Something about the public transportation system being dangerous and it being the first thing Sam had asked for that had been manageable. It was beat up and an old red but Danny loved the car and used it often. He worried he would have had to keep his parents away from it, in case they try and ghost proof it but they never even noticed it. He parked it across the street and they just assumed it was the neighbors. No one had lived in the houses around them for years.
He shoved Dani into the passenger side before hoping the hood and sliding into the drivers seat. He didnt know he could do that.
Shoving his key into the ignition the engine roared to life. He managed to get down the street before his house exploded. The shockwave sent the car forward and he managed to catch Dani’s head before it met the dash. His windows rattled but none of them broke, a small victory he thought. 
His mind flashed to all the things he had had in his room, his home. His memories, his souvenirs from Dani, all his space and nasa memorabilia, all his clothes and any pictures he thought were important. His family, his friends, his school, his only solid portal to the Infinite Realm. 
His emergency supplies.
“Fuck.” he whispered as he kept driving. Dani giggled and said something like ‘language’ but Danny was too busy swerving through traffic to hear her. His phone buzzed and he jolted, he maneuvered to pull it from his pocket as he tried to check it only to barely miss an oncoming car and drop it into the footwell of Dani’s seat. He cursed again and kept driving. He wasnt going to stop until he was well and out of Amity. He focused on driving and harmonizing with Dani as he drove. 
As they raced across Amity his core began to pulse with panic. The lingering pain from losing his home exploding into waves of fear.
He wasnt stopping. The pulsing grew more intense and Dani whimpered in her sleep. He tried to calm down but something felt so intrinsically wrong with leaving and his core felt like it was going to burst.
The pressure grew as they got closer and closer to Amity’s border and as they crossed it something in Danny popped. 
He almost blacked out from the pain. The car swerving as he tried to regain control of himself. Something had broken and it felt like he was tilted on an axis. He could barely see and was forced to pull over. His breathes came in short painful gasps and he bit back a scream. He was trying to ride through the pain when his phone rang. Grasping for it he picked up and brought it to his ear.
“Danny? We saw the explosion, are you ok? Did you find Dani?” Sam said, crackling over the phone.
“Mhm. Dani is with me. We are going to Gotham.” Pain cracked his voice as he struggled to breathe. “ ‘s not safe. Need Jazz.” Was all he could manage before he was heaving.
“Danny! Stay where you are. We have ectoshots with us and we can-” Sam was cut off by an explosion behind Danny’s car. He whipped around to see a white van crashing through traffic. Danny slammed his foot on the gas and turned back to the road. The pain in his chest dulled as his desperation to protect Dani slammed back in full force. 
“Meet. In. Gotham.” Was all he could growl before he hung up the phone and drove in what he hoped was the direction north east. 
currently obsessing over dpxdc shenanigans
I just love seeing danny act like a cornered animal
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peachsukii · 5 months
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⭑˚. ⇢ you make a gift for katsuki's 18th birthday.
-`☆ day one of the explosive birthday celebration ! ☆´-
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It's the week of Bakugo's 18th birthday - you and all of class A have plenty of plans arranged to make it special for him! You know he's going to feign ignorance, like he doesn't care about all of the love and support, but deep down is a sucker for it. Midoriya and Kirishima had all of the party supplies ready to go, stored secretly in their dorm rooms. Sato bought all the ingredients he'd need to make snacks and a cake for the party while the girls stashed away a bunch of party favors, splitting up everything between their rooms. Everyone was ready to celebrate their favorite explosive hero!
There's was just one thing left for you to do - find him a present.
What exactly did Bakugo want? He never vocalized desiring anything material in nature, not even All Might memorabilia. Getting him a gift card felt a little flat for such a milestone birthday, you wanted him to feel appreciated. With everything the class has gone through in the last three years, especially him and Midoriya, he deserved to be spoiled and shown how important he is to everyone.
In your mind, you went through the things Bakugo liked: hiking, cooking, All Might, spicy foods...maybe novels? You'd heard from Midoriya that he loves to read, but you didn't press him on what exactly his favorite genre was. Scribbling a bunch of ideas into a notebook, you brainstormed for awhile before the perfect inspiration struck - you can make him something!
Immediately, you call Midoriya to run your idea by him.
"Hey! What's up?" he answers cheerfully.
"Hi Izuku! I'm prepping a present for Katsuki's birthday and wanted to get your input. You got a few minutes?"
"Of course! What did you have in mind?" Midoriya seemed pleased that you chose him to help with your little creation for his best friend.
"Here's what I'm thinking..."
Later in the day, you return from the craft store with Midoriya, a couple of bags in hand with supplies for your gift. He helps you carry everything back to your dorm room and unloads it all onto your desk.
"Do you want any help making the book?" he offers.
"I think I'll be alright, but if you could get that recipe from Shoto, that would be a huge help!" You dump the supplies out onto your desk, spreading everything out neatly to begin working.
"Sure! I'll go ask him for it now. I'll be back soon!"
Midoriya exits your room quietly as you take a seat at your desk, prepping to start working on Bakugo's present. It wasn't anything fancy or flashy, but thought the sentiment was worth more than any lame gift card. You'd decided to make him a custom recipe booklet! It would be blank, with the exception of one recipe, for him to fill in as time goes on. You know how much he loves to cook and thought it would be handy to keep his favorite meals in one place. The first recipe would be a surprise - Fuyumi's mapo tofu recipe. Bakugo wouldn't shut up about it for weeks after going to Todoroki's house for dinner back in their first year. He more than likely had it, but having it be the first in the book sounds like a decent surprise.
A few hours and paper cuts later, you've crafted a cute little recipe booklet, bound with black rings and packed with subtly decorated pages. You chose not to theme the entire thing, more so just adding in areas for him to fill in instructions, ingredients and cooking time to the pages for reference. The cover was a burnt orange with a blank label on the front, plastered with a bunch of bright stickers of various styles - smiley faces, leaves, stars, food and other accenting themes. You didn't want to assume what Bakugo would want to label it, so you left it blank with some letter sticker sheets inside the cover. The rings are able to be opened, that way he can add additional pages in the future and expand the collection.
Your phone buzzes on the corner of your desk, a text notification from Midoriya appearing on screen.
[Izuku] stopping by with the recipe! [You] great! doors open, just come in when you're here
Midoriya knocks on your door a few minutes later, slipping inside your room and waltzing over to your desk. He looks down at the book you've crafted, eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Awww! This is so cool, he's going to absolutely love this. Don't be offended if he doesn't say it though," he jokes, shaking his head with a smile on his face. "You know he's still not great at expressing that kinda thing."
He hands you the recipe on a piece of paper. "Here, I wrote it down for you. Fuyumi's ecstatic you asked for it!"
"Thank you!" you gleam, studying the page's contents. "This'll work perfectly."
Midoriya leaves you to finish your present in peace. You copy over the recipe information onto the first page, organizing it neatly by the sections you created. It's finally finished! At least, that's what you thought until one last detail popped into your head.
Grabbing a black marker, you add in a short and sweet message to the inside cover of the book: "Happy 18th birthday Kats! Looking forward to years of your cooking. - ♡ (Y/N)"
Your heart flutters in your chest as you stare at the words, hoping he'll smile seeing it anytime he opens his recipe book. You grab the muted orange wrapping paper and neatly fold and tuck the book into it, tying it together with a black bow.
Waiting until the end of the week to see his reaction is going to be torture, but worth the wait to see him smile.
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extremely flattered to be included in kae's bakugo birthday celebration series! be sure to check out each story this week leading up to his birthday on 4/20 ♡
⇢ master post
-`☆ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏɴᴇ: Coming April 14th - @zanarkandskylines
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛᴡᴏ: Coming April 15th - @xbabyd0lli3x
ᴅᴀʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: Coming April 16th - @angels-fantasy
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Coming April 17th - @starieq
ᴅᴀʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ: Coming April 18th - @lowkeyremi
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱɪx: Coming April 19th - @queenpiranhadon
ᴅᴀʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: Coming April 20th - @cashmoneyyysstuff
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((inspo for the recipe book! it would obvi not be as aesthetic when he'd use it lol but it would have a little decorative templates for him to fill in)) 💥🎁 tags; @gina239 - @mystic60 - @meowze4r - @icedemon1314 - @bigsimpo343 - @ah-mya - @whezdostuff - @berry-vioo - @seonne - @slayfics
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harunovella · 6 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ love language (verse vi); s.g.
synopsis: you and gojo share your"first" kiss... and maybe, you become something more? content: canon divergence (teen!gojo era), fem!reader, hopeless romantic gojo, first kisses, absolute softness!!! not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: another one shot for my gojo anthology series! thank u all for the love on this series!! wanna be tagged? lmk in the replies!
There was no lie in saying Gojo Satoru had consumed your thoughts. It was quite the recent development, seeing as he was an enigma that sort of manifested into your life. One day, you were living your apprentice life, exploring your technique, honing and developing it... then the next, this myth of a (young) man appeared before your eyes. Like an angel that fell from the sky and right into your palm. You just had no idea that he was wrapped around your finger. 
Maybe it was because you were oblivious, unaware of the subtle (but were they really subtle?) messages he sent your way. If you had known Gojo Satoru well enough, you would've known that this was very unlike him. Sparing his time for someone else? Giving them his all? Focusing on them more than himself? Practically going brain dead around them unlike the usual cocky persona he carried around. Surely it scared him, falling deeply for someone just at the simple sight of them... but, for you? You just thought it was the universe working its magic. Bringing someone new into your life to develop a bond with. That was it, right?
Just another somebody to call your friend. 
However, Gojo Satoru wasn't just any somebody. He was the honored one, the strongest (he'd eventually learn this). He was the Gojo Satoru. The once in a life time (well, thousand years) creation formed by the gods themselves. 
He was the man who fell head over heels for you when he laid his eyes on you for the very first time. Stumbled over his words before you. Unable to process a single thought when he gazed into your eyes. Rescued a cat you found in a tree that you named after his favorite treat (and the nickname he had for you), Mochi. Kissed you at Utahime's birthday party during a game of spin the bottle where both of you were tipsy—a moment he would never forget, but you sadly had. A moment that slipped through the cracks of your brain, a moment that would eventually get replaced by a memorable moment.
It had become routine for you, spending your mornings in lessons with Nanami and Haibara. Then, you'd spend mid day with Shoko, following her like a shadow as her junior. Go on the occasional mission, take down curses, squeeze in snack breaks with your dear classmates, go out in the evening for dinner... and somehow, along your schedule, Gojo would make his appearance. You could never foresee it, he would pop up out of nowhere. If it wasn't teasing Kento, or bugging Shoko for her secret snack stash, he'd show up to your favorite dinner spot you shared with the girls (this almost always irritating Utahime because he ruined girls night). Gojo never cared, at this point he showed up wherever knowing (hoping) you'd be there. Always settling himself next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, sneaking a milk box onto your lap or even sharing his treat of the hour. He never shared his sweets with anyone. You were the exception. 
"I got these lil gummies next to that arcade you frequent with Yu," Satoru said as the two of you sat under your (now his, too) favorite tree. The gorgeous cherry blossom in full bloom as spring had made its way around. You almost always had a blanket set, one of your books settled to the side, bookmark slipped into the part you last read. Your iPod nestled between you and Satoru, sharing each earbud as you listened to the current track that came on. Gojo, in his infamous wisdom, was the one who found programs to download music for free, an endless catalogue filling the memory of the rectangular device. Unlike it being yours, it was now his, too. You didn't mind. You liked sharing. You liked having these gentle moments with the overly energetic Gojo Satoru. These were the only moments he sat still, only with you. Just for you. 
Always for you. 
It was the little things that started adding up. It took you a minute to realize, longer than Satoru had hoped—but he was patient. He was obvious, made it clear that his feelings for you were there, he just hoped you'd piece the puzzle together. He had hoped you'd feel the same. How couldn't you when you looked so happy around him? When you said things reminded you of him. When you bought him little sweets you knew he'd love. When certain songs he loved, you'd learn the lyrics to. Just as you started noticing the (obvious) little things he did for you, he started noticing the same for you. Except, for you, it was coming out naturally. Nothing planned, nothing decided in advance, it just happened. It always just happens and it makes Satoru's heart beat faster and faster. Faster than it did before. 
"You like 'em?" He asked, popping another gummy in his mouth as you chewed, nodding happily with the cutest smile of pure content. "I'm glad! Take some more!" He offered, waving the decorative bag of bright colors and little cartoons. 
Letting out a small laugh, you took a couple more, waving your free hand, gesturing for him to take the rest as you popped them in your mouth. The fruity flavors filling your senses with pure bliss as you looked off to the open grounds of the school before you. The gentle breeze pushing through, strands of your hair fluttering against your face as they slipped from your ponytail. Gojo leaned against the tree, a knee propped as he rested his wrist against it, holding the baggie while his other tossed more gummies into his mouth. It was quiet. It was peaceful. Nothing but the music in one ear and the soft sounds of nature in the other. 
"Oh, I love this song!" You perked up as a song ended and another started, looking at Satoru with a bright grin. 
"Didn't I show you this one?" He asked, pushing his round glasses atop his head, smiling with you as you stood up. 
"Mhm! I've been listening to it on repeat!" Grabbing the bag of gummies from his hand and settling it down, you took his hands and pulled him to his feet with a faint grunt. Sometimes you'd forget just how giant Satoru was since he loved to make himself seem so small when he was with you. "The music video is so cute! I kinda learned the dance."
"Really?" He chuckled as you guided him. 
"Yes, remember you said you learned it after a few watches?" You asked as he nodded. "Let's dance it together!"
"Okay!" The white haired young man blushed, though a wide grin still was plastered on his face. He may have been a goofball, but Satoru did not have two left feet. He actually was quite skilled, and having him sing along with you made your heart flutter as you so casually danced around your shared tree. 
It felt as if it was just the two of you, singing, dancing and entangling yourselves with the earphones, laughing and gazing at one another. As if there was nobody else in the world. As if it was just Mother Nature gazing upon two souls intertwining. All in what felt like slow motion, a scene right out of a movie. Your hand in his, his other on your lower back as your free one settled on his shoulder. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his, and neither could he from yours.
Maybe it was a moment of vulnerability—or, rather courage—but your hand gently found its way to the back of his neck, fingers gently carding through his soft locks. The gentle feel of his undercut tickling underneath your palm, sending shivers down either of your spines. The softness in Gojo's eyes faded as you gently tugged him towards you. Growing in shock as your own fluttered closed. Gentle lips meeting in the middle as his plump ones met your lightly tinted own. 
His heart was racing, faster than it had that night of Utahime's birthday. Maybe it was because both of you were 100% aware, or maybe it was because it was happening again but away from others, in your own shared comfort zone. 
Feeling you pull away, Gojo instantly placed his hands on your hips, engulfing you in his arms as he kept you close. Kissing you, once sweetly turning deep. He didn't want this to end, didn't want it to be forgotten. His lips moved against your own, testing the waters. Nerves fading away, anxieties melting at how right this felt. You were his first, and he was going to make sure you were going to be his only. He didn't want anyone else. No one but you. 
And you, after months of being oblivious and unaware, to months of development and realization, wanted him the same. Only him and no one else. Just Gojo Satoru. 
Gently pulling back and resting his forehead against yours, a sigh of relief left his lips. "You beat me to it."
"It felt like the right moment," you softly spoke. 
"Then I guess this is the right moment..." Gojo trailed. 
"For what?" You curiously asked. 
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
tag list: @bakananya @strangehuman101 @thirtykiwis @sillygoosegoose @mandysfanfics @pinksaiyans @peqch-pie @pinksaiyans @silentmajesticfox @r0ckst4rjk @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @stinkysposts @lupitalove (some of u I sadly couldn't tag!)
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lqveharrington · 3 months
Feelings Mutual | C.G.
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summary: Your forced to hangout with Cardan at the High King’s birthday celebration. Turns out, you both make stupid decisions when drunk. And what’s the fine line between hatred and love between two being who can’t lie anyway?
pairing: Cardan Greenbriar x half fae!fem!reader
includes: drunk Cardan, drunk reader, cursing, making out, suggestiveness, no use of Y/N, barely proofread (i think that’s it)
a/n: i’m on a reading spree, and working on my projects, so this should help get me out of a huge writing slump.
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In Faerie, it was uncommon for a half fae, half human being to be a princess in the court. Your father — the King of one of the many lands — wed a human woman, causing you to become the land’s princess. Of course many of the court thought that you were lesser than them; For such a creation should never hold that high of a status.
Ever since you were younger, you often attended lessons with the High King’s youngest child. At first, you sought out to befriend him and his group of friends. But you soon found out that they loathed you. Because how could a halfling ever be a worthy princess?
So you gave up trying to befriend them. You let the group taunt you for not being full fae, but what was the worst thing they could do? You still were a daughter of a very powerful king. The very king that was the closest with the High King himself.
You and your family were constantly invited to all their gatherings, and this one wasn’t an exception. It was the High King’s birthday, which meant all of Faerie was invited to Elfhame palace to celebrate such a day. The only issue with that meant your father and mother urged you to talk to Cardan and his group.
“Mother, they don’t like me.” You wring your hands together, fidgeting with your silver jewelry.
She clicked her tongue, “Nonsense. Prince Balekin spoke of how much Cardan talks about you when he comes home from your lessons.”
“Wait what?” Your eyes widen at her in disbelief. “Mother, I’m sure they’re words of hate.”
“Is it because you don’t like your dress? Are you afraid they’ll hate it?” She tugged you to stand in front of herself. “You look gorgeous, angel.”
You purse your lips at her compliment. You truly loved the dress. It was a beautiful sage color that complimented your skin tone completely, and the corset really did wonders. There were gorgeous lace details of butterflies that were a shade darker, with a slit running down one side of the dress. It was beautiful, but you feared that it was much too modern for Faerie, causing your thoughts to wander to how Cardan’s friends would insult it.
“No, I love the dress, mother.” You give her a tight lipped smile, squeeze her hands. “If you truly wish for me to find Cardan, I’ll go and be friendly so you and father can enjoy your time here.”
“Thank you.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead and a real smile etched its way onto your face.
“Be safe, alright?” Your father squeezed your shoulder before leaning down to whisper words your mother couldn’t hear. “If trouble comes, you know what I’ve taught you. You have your dagger?”
Your lips twitch in excitement, “Of course.”
“Then you’re all set then, kiddo.” He gave you one last look before resting an arm around your mother’s waist. “I’ll come find you when it’s time for us to depart.”
You nod before taking a small bow. You watched them leave and make their way to the throne, immediately engaging with the High King and Queen. They seemed happy, which made you glad that they accepted your mother as their own. Shaking your head, you took a deep breath and blew out the air in one go. Carefully, you made your way over to Cardan. Luckily, he was on his own for once.
“Cardan.” You nod in his direction, watching his dark eyes with flecks of gold suddenly gazing into yours. Without fail, his eyes roam over your body, tail whipping behind himself after gaining someone’s attention.
“Princess! Don’t you look absolutely captivating tonight.” He slurred, red wine dripping out of his glass. “Welcome to my humble abode.”
You raised a brow at the prince. From what you could recall, he didn’t live inside the palace walls. And there wasn’t a chance he could lie either. “You don’t live here.”
“I used to.” He tipped his glass up to his wine stained lips, taking in the drink whilst taking in the sight of you.
“Where are your—“ You use your hand to gesture in the air as you grab your own glass of wine from a server passing buy. Unsure of how to word your question, you sip on the wine, immediately hit by its strength. “Where are your friends, I should say.”
“Off to bother some mortal or do something stupid.” He smiles in your direction as you down your drink and reach for another. “What’s upsetting you, princess?”
“Nothing.” You tilt your head toward him, eyes flicking down from his strange stare to his stained lips. “Just want time to move faster.”
“How drunk do you want to get?” He leans closer to you, fingers itching to pull you into him.
You place a hand to his mouth and push him further away from yourself. He hums as he traces his finger over his empty wine glass.
“How many glasses have you had, Cardan?” You tip back your third drink, missing his smirk while he watches.
“Enough to forget?” You turn toward the table and grab the strongest drink, carefully downing the drink.
His shadow towers over you as his breath tickles your neck, “Forget what exactly, love?”
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“I hate you.” You say against Cardan’s lips, arms loosely hanging around his neck. “I hate you so much.”
He continues to push you backwards as he slams the door behind him, hands finding their place around your waist. “Feelings mutual, princess.”
Letting your hand thread through his hair, you pull him in for a more heated kiss, tugging ever so slightly at his roots. Cardan groans against your lips, pulling your body closer to his.
“This is such a stupid idea.” You unwillingly part as he drops you down on a bed — hopefully one that used to be his. You let out a small gasp as he litters soft kisses on your throat and down to your exposed collar bone. Your hands find his shoulders, pulling him impossibly closer. “Cardan—“
“Yes, love?” He slowly makes his way back up to your lips, pressing short kisses as you try to make sense of the situation. He stops attacking you with his lips, staring and waiting for you to continue.
You shake your head, eyes glassy with drunkenness as you meet his gaze. “Kiss me.”
“You’re too perfect for me.” He groans again, tasting the red wine from your lips as he kisses you harder. “God, I hate you.” Cardan mumbles as he lets his hands wander over your body, refraining from the more private areas at the moment.
Cardan allows you to wander over his own body, feeling you fidget with the hem of his shirt. Letting your hands slip underneath his shirt, you let out a small sigh before flipping the both of you over. You quickly toss your dagger onto the floor before meeting his lips again, the kiss heightening all your profound feelings.
As minutes turned into an hour more, you both fell into a pit of no return. The shared kisses were intensified, and without either party having a clear mind or being sober, neither could stop the motions that lulled them both to sleep very late into night.
It wasn’t until early afternoon that the pair awoke to the sounds of pounding at the door and a splitting headache.
“Your highness, your father is looking for you.” The voice called from outside the wooden doors, causing you to groan and bury your head into the warmth emitting from your bed.
A beat passed before the pounding occurred once more.
“Your highness—!”
“In a minute!” Cardan shouted, eyes shut from the dizziness and hangover. “For fucks sake…”
Your eyes widen at the voice, head rushing up before falling back down at the impact of a jaw. “Shit, that hurt.” You mutter, wincing when you felt the hangover hit you. Slowly, you remove yourself from Cardan’s arm, slightly frowning when you saw him rubbing his jaw. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to slam into you…”
“I think that’s the least of our concerns.” He grumbled, glaring at the door again.
He pushed himself up from the bed, eyes raking over your appearance. He smirked over at you before leaning against the headboard. You crease your brows before looking down and realizing whose clothes you were in — crossing your arms over the loose shirt.
“Princess, I think your father will be a little disappointed in you.”
“Why is that?” You roll your eyes at him, keeping one arm over Cardan’s shirt while running your free hand through your hair.
Your bored gaze meet his amused one, watching him tilt his head. You look away as you weren’t necessarily hiding the fact that you were eyeing his bare chest either.
He pulled you into his chest, despite your halfhearted protests. “Because you have hickeys all over your skin.” Cardan presses a kiss to your cheek, causing your breath to hitch.
All the memories from last name came rushing in, warmth filling your body at the thoughts. Your eyes flit to your dress and dagger scattered across his floor, still thinking of the punishment to come.
However, you did not regret him.
“I don’t think we drank enough last night.” You twist in his arms, lips barely touching his.
“I don’t think so.” He lands a soft kiss to your lips. “I still hate you, love.”
“Feelings mutual.” You straddle over his hips and rest your forehead on his, both your heads still pounding from last night’s activities.
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©lqveharrington - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms
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beomiracles · 1 month
maybe something like lingerie kink with hyuka? you surprised him with a new set of pretty white lacy lingerie and he just can't keep his hands away from his pretty angel:(( (his words not mine) really soft fluffy sex since with Kai, it's always making love and never fucking 🥹
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DREAM RECALL “So please”, you say, your hands on his chest, urging him back against the cushions as you flip your positions, “let me do something for you.”
wc -> 2.3k
PAIRINGS hueningkai x fem!reader WARNINGS really soft sex (like it's almost sickening), love confessions, reader and kai are very hopelessly in love (did I mention that), blowjob/handjob, unprotected sex + creampie, implied marking, brief nipple stimulation (let me know if I missed something!)
#serene adds ✎ birthday fic for the birthday boy !! this super sweet request just aligned so well I couldn't not do it. this lacks a lot of plot, it's basically sex all the way through. writing soft sex is not my strong suit, so any feedback is appreciated, KISSES FROM SERENE <3
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The minutes ticked by, rapidly turning into hours, and when the clock struck eleven you began to lose hope. With a small sigh you let your finger trace the outer layer of frosting, neatly decorating the cake you’d made just for him, just for today. — But the man in question was nowhere to be seen. Making him work on a day like this? It was absolutely immoral. You pop an icing coated finger into your mouth as your gaze drops to the beautiful creation before you, feeling almost melancholic as you glance over the neat, 22, written in the center of it. 
Just a little longer, you’d wait just a little longer. With a determined huff, you pull on the silk robe around your body, making sure it remains intact. And so you waited, just like you had been all evening. — You think half an hour might’ve passed, maybe even more, but then you hear it, the faint jiggle of keys in a lock, and your front door opens. Any other day you would’ve ran to greet him, but today you linger by the kitchen island, a small grin threatening to spread across your lips. 
“Shit angel, are you still awake?” Kai wonders as he emerges from the hallway, a most tired look plastered onto his face. Though his groggy eyes quickly widen as they land on the cake in front of you. “Baby what’s..” — “Happy Birthday!” You chirp before quickly beckoning him over. Picking his jaw up from the floor, Kai practically stumbles into your arms as he envelops you in a tender kiss. You smile against his lips, the longing and the wait suddenly seeming minimal when his hands find your waist as he tugs you to his chest. 
“S’that for me?” He wonders, breath hot against your skin and you eagerly nod. “Made it myself”, you proudly state, grinning from ear to ear as he pulls away to peer over at the cake. Color rises on your cheeks as his gaze falls on the small piece of missing frosting, “sorry, I got hungry”, you sheepishly admit, watching as a faint smile creeps onto his face. “I don’t blame you”, he muses, gathering icing on his thumb before bringing it to his lips, tongue darting out to lick at the sugary mixture and you swallow a gulp. 
Too caught up in the way your boyfriend stole small samples from his cake, you fail to notice your robe slipping, the silky material falling down one of your shoulders quietly. But Kai notices, his eyes immediately clinging to your body as his thumb freezes against his mouth. “What’s this?” He wonders as he reaches for your robe. Finally snapped out of your trance, you swat his hand away. “That’s your birthday surprise!” You scold as you meekly cover yourself. But Kai is much faster, easily hoisting you up on the kitchen island, ignoring your shrieks as you warn him about knocking the cake over. 
“Won’t be my birthday for much longer”, he murmurs, fingers hooking around the lining of your dress robe as he pulls it down your shoulder once more. “So I want my surprise now.” — You roll your eyes at the statement yet you let him undress you, leaving you in nothing but the white lace set you’d bought earlier that week, just for today, just for him. The faint blush dusting his cheek is unmistakable and you find yourself smiling, your heart thumping a little faster at the endearing sight. 
“Fuck. You’re beautiful.” The words are nothing but a faint whisper on his rosy lips, his large hands caressing your chest as if it was made out of glass, a creation too perfect for him to taint. His eyes flicker up to meet yours, an unspoken question swirling behind them, “can I touch you?”, his tongue drags across his bottom lip, his gaze unwavering. You nod, because there was no universe in which you’d deny him. You think you might be unable to, your body craves his presence, his caress, his warm breath on your skin, his lips on yours. 
You manage to catch the smile on his face before his mouth is back on yours. It’s soft, slow, because with Kai there was no such thing as time, everything was now and everything was later, you had forever. He often made you feel as if you were the only people left on earth, the only ones left to bask in each other’s embraces. The thought didn’t scare you, as long as you had him, there was nothing that could. 
It was almost like floating, and perhaps you were, because you feel weightless in his arms as he lifts you from the counter, large hands caressing the back of your thighs as he carries you. You never cared much for where he took you, it didn’t matter, all you could think about was him, all you could feel was him. 
The mattress is soft under your back, enveloping you in a warm hug as Kai places you down on the large bed, his body hovering above yours as his lips trail down your neck. — “So pretty, and gorgeous..” He exhales against your skin, the warm puff of air feels nice and you smile. Kai liked telling you how pretty you were, and each compliment made your heart ache even more for him. 
Reddish hues adorn your collarbone, you liked to think of them as flowers, each one carefully planted by your boyfriend as his teeth gently graze your body. You arch into his touch, letting his hands wander as they pleased, the feel of him against you was more than enough. — “Wait.” The soft word, so rarely spoken, catches him off guard and his fingers still by the lining of your panties. His lips part, an apology already waiting on his tongue but you only shake your head. 
“It’s your birthday.” Your small acknowledgement earns a chuckle from Kai as he raises a brow. “So?” He wonders, gently tracing the plush skin of your stomach. — “So please”, you say, your hands on his chest, urging him back against the cushions as you flip your positions, “let me do something for you.” 
At first he seems taken aback by your request, but as your hand slides down his stomach, his expression suddenly eases up and he slowly nods. There was something so special about him trusting you completely, you think. A special kind of intimacy. And as your fingers wrap around his cock, eyes lighting up as he groans somewhere above you, you can’t help but feel your stomach flutter. 
You go slow, letting the palm of your hand caress the familiar shape of him. Already knowing how and where to touch, you take your time, intently watching his every reaction. Focusing on the way his brows come together as your thumb slides across his tip, the way his defined jaw slacks as you squeeze around his shaft. The beads of sweat sliding down his forehead and between the small crease of his frown once you finally give in to his mewls of pleasure and go faster. 
Making Kai feel good, watching him feel good, it was something you would never be able to get enough of. If you could, you would photograph his current expression and treasure it in your mind forever. — His hips jerk forward when you kiss the head of his cock, gripping it firmly as it twitches in your hand before your lips envelop his tip, gently sucking him into your warm mouth. 
“F-Fuck angel”, he gasps, swallowing a gulp as his adam’s apple bobs. You glance up at him, your eyes locking with his and he lets out a strangled whine. As much as you loved pleasing him, did Kai love seeing you like this, so full of love and adoration for him. — Your tongue is flat against his cock, feeling the veins against its surface as you drag it along his throbbing erection. His rough hands are on your face, but his touch is soft as he brushes his thumbs over cheeks; quiet whispers of praise leaving his parted lips as his chest heaves. 
You let your nails drag across the skin of his thighs, making him squirm as he gasps out into the hot air. Every little noise he made was sacred, and you wanted him to feel nothing but important on this day, on his day. “Fuck I love you so much”, he groans, letting his fingers part your hair as he brushes them through your strands. Unable to form a coherent sentence, you hum against him, your eyes fluttering at the confession. 
The way he twitches inside of your mouth gives his approaching orgasm away and you take him deeper, determined to have him finish in your mouth, wanting to be as close to him as possible. But Kai won’t have it, his big hands gently guiding your face from his cock with slight reluctance. — “Need to be inside of you angel.” 
“Please.” Is all you can muster, the word coming out as a mere whine. His strong arms feel safe as he embraces you, gaze roaming the white lace adorning your body. “Look like a real angel in this”, he murmurs, fingers tracing your covered nipples and you sigh against his chest. “But I need to see you.” With that, he slips the garment from your body, letting the warm air caress your now bare chest. Kai had seen your body more than he could remember, he’d studied your every curve, every mole, every freckle. Yet his heart stilled, if only for a brief moment, whenever he laid his eyes on you. 
“My pretty angel”, he says, and you know he means it. His hands glide under your thighs, raising you from his lap as he slides the lace covering your perfect cunt to the side, his breath immediately catching in his throat at the sight of you so soaked for him. — “Missed you all day”, he whispers, his head tilted down to press a kiss to your forehead and you glance up at him, eyes filled with love. 
He finds your clit, index and middle finger gently prodding at your fluttering hole as his thumb rubs the throbbing bud. You whine, nails clawing at his arms as you plead for him to give you more, a lot more. “Please, love you so much.” You don’t think you could ever utter those exact words enough, it never seemed to even come close in representing the feelings your heart harbored for him. 
The tip of his cock slips past your glistening folds and he lets out a small moan, letting your arousals mix with one another. Your second plea has him placing a finger to your lips, effectively quieting you. “It’s my birthday surprise, is it not?” He grins, and you immediately nod. He hums, his hand shifting to cup your face, catching the whimper that rips from your throat as he gently pushes inside, thick cock stretching your aching cunt. 
Sex with Kai didn’t feel like sex, it felt like love. Two people sharing their most intimate and vulnerable feelings with one another. And as you sit perched on his lap, softly grinding against him as your eyes flutter at the pleasure, you can’t think of anywhere else you’d ever want to be. — His mouth is on your neck, then your shoulder, then your collarbone, lastly your perfect breasts, tongue flicking over your hardened nipples. 
It’s slow, tender, the way your bodies move together, nearly becoming one as his arms wrap around you. “My angel”, he breathes, so lost in the way you feel that he can’t possibly fathom another thought, let alone direct a single sentence if not to how much he loved you. — Your head threatens to tip back as his cock twitches inside of you, but Kai was there to catch you, he always was. His hand is tangled in the back of your hair, safely securing you in his grasp as his hips gently raise to meet yours, making you cry out in ecstasy. 
You wanted to say that you loved Kai, that you loved being with him, but it was so much more than that. He made you feel like a completely different person, a person you loved, a person you wanted to be. Your heart ached when he was away, but even more so when he was close, but it wasn’t a bad ache, it was the one that flared on your face when laughing for too long, when grinning too hard. Your heart was smiling. Whenever he was around your heart smiled and you don’t think you could ever describe the feeling as anything else. 
When you finish around him, all you can think is, “I love him.” The consistent throb of your cunt draws beautiful moans from him as Kai brushes through your hair soothingly, living through the moment with you, placing tender kisses to your cheek. — “So beautiful.” It’s almost as if his lips move on their own, the praises spilling from him like second nature, like they had been meant to all his life. 
“Can I..?” He wonders, hand sliding down to rest on your abdomen. You sigh as you nod, “please.” The need to feel him even closer was near excruciating. — With a final snap of his hips, he stills as his warm cum fills your core, the feeling unlike anything in this world and you wished to keep him like this forever, so you do. “Stay.” Your quiet whisper makes him halt as he begins to pull away, arms immediately securing you in his grasp as he retakes his initial position. 
“What about the cake?” He mumbles, though the flicker of amusement in his voice is palpable. “Later, please”, you protest as you cling to him, needing to feel him like this for just a moment longer. — “It’s only your birthday once a year”, you remind him with a small pout. His chuckle, rumbles deep within his chest, vibrating against your cheek as he nuzzles his face in your disheveled hair. 
“But together we have two.”
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lando norris x female reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: it’s your favourite boy’s birthday, and of course he gets all the love in the world
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none just very fluffy!
𝐚/𝐧: happy birthday to our scorpio king!!! lando is 24 which is my age and it’s kinda of weird to think im one year older than him, anyway here’s a lil birthday blurb
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Lando wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he got home from a brand meeting, but it wasn’t the hundreds of balloons that filled the lower level of your home, accompanied by his favourite song playing through your speakers and confetti lining the hardwood floor. Needless to say he was stunned but he should expect nothing less from you
You yelled as you jumped out behind the kitchen counter, a cute little birthday hat on your head, a sparkler in your hand as you giggled excitedly
“I think you love my birthday more than me angel”
“Of course I do!! On this day twenty four years ago my favourite sassy scorpio was born!”
Lando couldn’t help but smile even more seeing tire excitement, walking over to you and pressing a kiss to your lips as he pulled you in for a hug
“Thank you angel, I love it so much..you went all out for me”
Happy with his reaction you brought over the cake you made, two candles in the shape of the twenty four numbers and of course it said ‘scorpio baby’ on the top of it, you were quite proud of your creation.
“Did you make this yourself?”
“Mhm, your favourite flavour too!”
In this moment Lando couldn’t have been happier, he had the woman of his dreams, a birthday surprise that would leave him grinning like a cheshire cat for the rest of the day and of course the hundreds of balloons that would no doubt take hours to clean up.
“Make a wish baby!”
Lando thought for a few seconds before blowing out the candles and watching as you set the cake down, moving to put a hat on his head gently
“So what did you wish for this year..?”
Even though some say it was bad luck to tell your wishes, you and Lando often told one another each birthday what you wished for, but his smirk right now told you otherwise
“This wish, is secret angel…you’ll just have to wait to find out”
Before you could protest he brought you back in for another kiss, holding you to him as his hands slid under your sweater to hold your hips, effectively halting your questions and inquiries about his mystery wish.
It might have been his birthday, but the engagement ring in the top drawer hidden beneath the socks, held a wish that both of you had been hoping for together. Lando pulled away from you gently, admiring the way your face was flushed and your chest rose from the cut off of oxygen
“Happy birthday baby”
Lando kissed your cheek before picking up some icing and smearing it on your nose
“Happy Birthday indeed”
Soon the quiet celebrations would turn into a dinner with friends and family followed by more partying into the late hours of the night, and right now Lando enjoyed every second he got to enjoy with just you, because tonight he wouldn’t only be celebrating his birthday with his girlfriend, but he’d be celebrating it with his fiancée.
And what could be better than that?
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
You the oneshot where the reader didn't have a choice until batfam rescued him . I kinda want to see the batfam reactions to the thighs he didn't get to experience like chocolate, cartoons and a birthday that shocked them the most and what's even worse is that readers handler just sends him to a very difficult mission like a deserted island to fend for himself on his birthday which reader didn't know about
Aww, some family fluff... You got it my dear anon. Also, the request season has started.
Summary: (Y/N) told his family about his lack of experience with usual stuff. Even more with his birthday. Absolutely no one is having it.
Batfamily & male!reader, PART 2, PART 3,
Warnings: Fluff, family wants to kill someone, mentions of missions from (Y/N)'s past.
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After saving (Y/N) from his handler, it was obvious that he didn't... Indulge in certain things as any normal kids would. Sure, Damian didn't too, considering his upbringing, but (Y/N) was on a whole another level of not knowing anything.
It started with chocolate. Alfred has made some chocolate cake out of nowhere and he called the others down to eat if they wanted too. Of course, everyone would do so. I mean, who wouldn't want to try Alfred's delicious creations?
Everyone jumped at the news, basically pushing each others out of the way. (Y/N) didn't understand why they would do it. It's just food. He walked in confused, sitting down. He frowned at the sight of a chocolate cake.
" What's wrong (Y/N)? " Bruce asked, digging into the sugary delight.
" I never had anything with chocolate before. I wasn't allowed to have sugar. " (Y/N) confessed and Jason nearly choked on his piece.
" No. " Jason said, in complete and utter disbelief. Everyone glanced at (Y/N), also shocked that he has never had sugar. Of any kind probably.
" How about you try it? " Bruce prompted and Alfred put a chocolate cake in front of (Y/N). He took a fork and put it in his mouth and everyone saw how gingerly he tried it.
It seemed he liked it by the way his eyes widened and the way he relaxed.
" Do you like it? " Bruce asked, clearly already knowing the answer.
" I think I would like a second slice. " (Y/N) admitted and Alfred smiled widely. It's a win and progress. (Y/N) is never the one to voice what he wants and making him explicitly say what he wants is like pulling teeth.
" Of course master (Y/N), but I'm afraid you can't have more than two per day. " Alfred said, already putting some rules down.
" Okay. " (Y/N) said. Bruce decided to put some rules down because rules are all he knows. But they were very relaxed rules. Such as at least 8 hours of sleep, some exercise and a healthy amount of vegetables.
(Y/N) is kind of afraid of Alfred. He saw that Alfred is the one to not mess with and he respected it.
(Y/N) stayed silent as he ate. Bruce already a mental note to buy more sweets for (Y/N) to try.
After the whole cake fiasco, everyone decided to help (Y/N) experience some actual fragments of childhood. So what do they decide to do?
Cartoon marathon.
Jason wanted to watch South Park because he knows (Y/N) will love it. It's pure satire and Jason loved it. Whenever he could catch some free time, he would watch it and it would take a national emergency to stop.
And that's why Jason is leading (Y/N) to the living room.
" What is South Park even? " (Y/N) asked as he entered the living room, quickly moving to his spot.
" One of the best cartoons ever made. " Jason simply said and (Y/N) shook his head.
" It's pure satire. " Dick elaborated and (Y/N) nodded in understanding. (Y/N) liked satire. He considered himself to be a sarcastic person, more so now when he lived with the Waynes. Damian and (Y/N) just communicated via sarcasm and it was fun.
They started from the first episode and (Y/N) chuckled quietly. Everyone turned their heads. Holy shit. It's a beautiful sound too, coming from (Y/N). When they make him laugh properly, they are going to commemorate it once it happens.
" What? " (Y/N) asked, looking at the all.
" You have an adorable laugh. " Jason explained and (Y/N) turned his head away. He didn't want them to see his blush. Nobody has ever told him that. There was never any type of affection from his handler. If he got a 'good job', he could consider it the best praise.
After months of digging, Bruce found (Y/N)'s birthday. Bruce is definitely going to brag about this for the years to come. And he found out just in time. It's going to be in a few days and they wanted to surprise (Y/N).
(Y/N) is observant by nature and keeping this surprise as a secret is not an easy feat. Bruce could see that (Y/N) was already suspicious, especially with the way everyone brushes him off with the exact same excuses and some times they distract him with sparring, cases and all in all just stupid things.
Alfred made a chocolate cake, now (Y/N)'s favorite and the others got him some things that they thought that (Y/N) would like. Jason had a major task of bringing (Y/N) to the dining room.
They all waited with the stuff, knowing that (Y/N) wouldn't like sudden surprise and sudden noise. (Y/N) stopped as he took in the sight of a cake with candles on them.
" Happy birthday. " Bruce said, with a smile on his face.
" What? " (Y/N) asked quietly and their faces fell.
" You never had a birthday before? " Dick asked, feeling sad for (Y/N).
" Not really. I was usually sent on missions during that time. The last one was spent on a deserted island. " (Y/N) said, shuddering at the mere memory of the mission. Bruce walked towards (Y/N) and brought him into his own embrace.
" From now on, we are going to replace all of those memories with some more precious ones. Okay? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) felt something warm in his core. Something that he has never felt before.
Everyone agreed with Bruce, joining in on the hug. (Y/N) never liked to be touched, but he has grown to like it with the others. They weren't abrasive with it and Dick was the most touchy one, he understood his boundaries.
" Can I eat the cake now? " (Y/N) asked, squished in between all of them. Everyone chuckled at the suggestion and let go of (Y/N). The celebration went by without a hitch and it was filled with smiles, even from members who don't smile to much.
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aloesarchives · 5 months
Birthday Special(JJK Oneshot)
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TW/Warnings: Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Slight self-coded Fem!Reader
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her, Mom/Mama (Though no physical description, reader had some self-coded elements)
Word count: 1.5k words
Decided to write something because today is my birthday(May 3rd)! And I'm officially 21! Thank you all for you love and support for the past 7 months of me writing for JJK! Also, this is the Valentine's day I referred to.
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“Papa, you’re thinking too hard about this. You know Mama doesn’t ask for much.”
“Yeah, Dad. It shouldn’t be hard to get mom a present. Remember that full-size green tea hand and body lotion you got her? She was way too happy about it and was on the verge of crying happy tears.”
Toji sighs as his kids are behind him trying to ease his stress. Once again, like Valentine’s day, he was struggling to get a present for you. But this time, the stakes are higher because today is your birthday. Not some holiday Toji remembers because it’s one of the many times of the year capitalism does a complete take over for the sake of consumerism, which he can never avoid every time he goes out.
Though his kids have a point, he always wanted to do or get something for you. While you do the occasional mall shopping, it wasn’t often. Maybe once a month if lucky. This always posses a problem for the three because you were the best gifter in the family. Knowing what to give to anyone but only hinting at minute items. Thus having to think outside of the box or really watch your eyes latch onto anything longer than seven seconds. 
Megumi and Tsumiki don’t blame Toji for struggling since your demands weren’t demands but rather promises. You have been nothing but good to Toji for almost two decades. Something Toji knows many people take something like that for granted. Unfortunately, becomes terrifying to know how easily many fall under a dark spell. And Toji fears himself on certain days for not giving what you deserved.
“I know, Megumi. But your mother deserves nice things for herself. She still wears the necklace I gave her when you two were young. That’s almost ten years. Now, you both do some scooping while watching the time. We have to get the cake at 3:45pm.”
The siblings looked at each other before shaking their heads in helping their father’s hunt for a perfect present. They looked around the vast sea of stores to give themselves for any ideas. They were overthinking this whole process because every idea was shot down at the reality that you did have everything you ever wanted.
You have everything you ever wanted is what you always said to them.
Perhaps there’s something else they can give you that reminds of that. The lightbulb above Tsumiki’s head went off as she asked Toji the jewelry store he got the necklace from. He becomes curious as she scans the windows for something until stopping and pointing. Toji and Megumi look over to a display of multiple charm bracelets. 
“If Mama has the necklace with us in it, why can’t she get a matching bracelet to go along with it? She doesn’t have one that does.”
Now, Toji and Megumi were seeing Tsumiki’s vision.
“Good eye, kiddo. Shame on me for not thinking about that sooner.”
Toji lets Tsumiki handle the bracelet creation, occasionally having him and Megumi to be on the same page. Once finalized, Toji goes to fish his wallet for his card to give to Tsumiki to pay. After printing the receipt, the lady gives the card back but it ends up dropping onto the marble counter. Megumi cringes at the metallic clanging it made so he grabs it for Tsumiki to give back to his dad. Everyone in the store glances over at them as Toji puts the card away. Megumi raises a brow at his father because Toji had a smirk plastered on his lips.
“Why are you smirking?”
Toji pockets his hands as he looks at him.
“Don’t worry about it, Megs. Just know there aren't a lot of people with metal credit cards. Anyway, we gotta get movin’ because we need to pick up your Mama’s birthday cake and food for dinner.”
Tsumiki joins them as they head off to finish birthday shopping. Once getting home, they set up everything for you to come home to. By the time you come home, they’re done. Making your presence known, you relax into your humble abode. You walked yourself into the kitchen to see what your family has set up for you.
“Happy Birthday, Mom!”
You're greeted by a hug from each of your kids. Chuckling at the surprise they always seem to do when the day is about you. You hold them close and kiss their foreheads as their hugs re-energize you. Once parting, they made way for their father as your husband stands over you. Holding that dumb grin that you fell in love with over these years.
“Happy Birthday, Doll~.”
Giving a forehead kiss of his own, he holds you ever so softly but with the affectionate firmness. You giggled at how Toji is when it comes to physical touch. He can’t seem to get enough of it. Before eating dinner, you wanted to blow out the candles so they could eat the cake afterwards. The kids say their part and end with “We love you, Mom. Always.” Toji cracks a joke that always makes Megumi roll his eyes before getting into his own sentimental speech.
“Thank you for spending almost 20 years of your life with me. Happy Birthday, (Y/N).”
Ugh, and that softness he had at the end. Made you want to kiss him with all the love and warmth. You thought it’s time to eat dinner when Toji pulls out a small pink bag and places it in front of you. Surprised, you looked around at your family.
“What’s this, guys?”
“It’s for you, Mama. From us.”
Though curious, you smiled as you looked into the bag and pulled out a small box. Upon opening it, you couldn’t stop the smile that took over. There, in the box, was a silver charm snake chain bracelet with a small (F/C) gem at the center of a beautiful silver heart charm. But that’s not make you smile. It came from when your eyes landed on the other three charms attached to the bracelet. Two of those were dangling charms, one of an elegant flower and the other of a small silver puppy. The other charm was a clip-on with the colors of dark blue and black. You recognized them to represent the three that ultimately fulfilled the word “family” for you. 
The flower is Tsumiki as it was her favorite color, the puppy was obviously Megumi, and the last one is Toji for sure. Your smile began to painfully pull at your lips because you realized Toji’s charm closely resembles his wedding ring. Clasping the bracelet on your wrist, you admired how it looked on you.
“It was the kids’ idea to do this. I just paid for it, Hon.”
You knew Toji’s lying but didn't have it in you to call him out. This gift was just too perfect. You go over to give your motherly affection to thank Megumi and Tsumiki, your two children that gave meaning to your motherhood. Once having enough, you go over to Toji. The man you undoubtedly cherish and completely devote yourself to, your husband and your other half. You hug Toji lovingly, taking in his warmth and presence. Nothing in this world brings you comfort and ease than the man you choose to love never made you regret giving your heart and soul to.
Toji just chuckles with his signature grin, returning the hug with the same amount of affection. Yet your children can see the adoration and tenderness in his eyes, knowing full well he never looked at anyone that way because you’re the only one to bring it out of him. Looking up at your Toji, your gaze softens but your smile still holds its homeyness. He stares down at you before he leans in for a kiss you gladly accept. Even Megumi smiles with his sister while watching their parents express their love for one another, seeing them pull away from the kiss.
“They’re truly your kids since they always knew how to give me gifts. It goes with my necklace now. Thank you for this.” Saying as you smile up at him.
“Ah~, they knew because they have  good eyes. Just like their mama. Happy Birthday, (Y/N). Thank you for your love…and thank you for being you.”
The absolute tender affirmation was unlike any other. Though your birthday was a reminder of how many years you’ve been on here, it also serves as a reminder of your milestones over the years. Looking at your life, you got the best out of it. A family of your own and the love from someone who’s been with you through it all. As you tell Megumi and Tsumiki to go ahead and eat, you lock eyes with Toji. Both filled with a love no one can feel except the two of you. Toji hugs you close from behind as you interlace your hands into his, feeling your bracelet pressed up against him. Gazing upon Megumi and Tsumiki, both of your creations born out of each other’s unmatched love for one another.
This will be added into one of your many best birthdays you had.
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