anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Final Project by Anamika Bose and Shubh Keshri
A link to the shareable presentation created with Canva for the final project for CEID100 by Anamika Bose and Shubh Keshri:
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 11
This manifesto will outline three ways the upcoming technologies covered within Module 11 can be utilized to impact our future positively. 
Firstly, using 5G, also known as fifth-generation networks, allows information through networks to be transferred quickly, without disruptions. Which allows more items of technology to be connected at once. 
Consequently, information collected from sensors within roads can be transmitted quicker with 5G to alert users regarding issues on the road, such as crashes. Implementing 5G in this way could reduce traffic congestion, especially with a growing population and improve the safety of others. 
Secondly, the technology of 3D printing can be utilized in the health industry. This can be seen to be used within the United States, where a children's hospital utilized 3D printing to create an accurate anatomical model for a complex case (Kiwo, 2021). Consequently,using this technology in more hospitals could not only improves patient outcomes but also allows the ability to better plan complex procedures beforehand.
Thirdly, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be utilized to connect more devices together through the internet in the future. Such as using IoT to collect data across various health monitors used by workers who utilize heavy machinery in a workplace such as a factory (What is, 2022). This can allow the ability to ensure that all the workers are in good health to operate heavy machinery. Additionally, through the monitors being connected with each other, if one worker is feeling ill it will alert a nearby worker through their monitor to go and view how they are feeling. This could be possible with IoT if all health monitors have sensors to collect and transmit the data collected through the internet. 
It is important to note that a positive digital future with these emerging technology is only possible if privacy and security issues are addressed. Such as, the data collected with the sensors that the emerging technology could use must be kept securely to protect the privacy of users and mitigate risks of hackers who may steal the data. 
Kiwo, L. (2021, October 25). Contributed: Top 8 healthcare uses for 3D printing. MobiHealthNews. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/contributed-top-8-healthcare-uses-3d-printing 
2. What is the internet of things (IOT)?. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from https://www.oracle.com/ca-en/internet-of-things/what-is-iot/ 
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 10
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 9
As chief technology officer of a new startup called Eyevest, I would like to outline the goals of this startup and how this original vision will be accomplished. Eyevest, utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) software with a combination of ultrasonic sensors placed on a vest to enable those who are visually impaired the ability to know what objects are surrounding them from all directions. This start-up is important as current technology offered for those who are visually impaired, which combines AI, are found within glasses, which does not allow visualization from all directions. While vests that have ultrasonic sensors, lack the incorporation of the AI technology. As a result, Eyevest hopes to bring AI to solve the social and technological challenge surrounding a lack of AI visualization vests for those who are visually impaired. In terms of how this will be accomplished Eyevest will utilize three concepts outlined within module 9 of CEID100. Firstly, since Eyevest utilizes AI, it uses computer vision through the sensors to understand what objects are within the physical world of the user. Then with the utilization of speakers, the user will be alerted about what exactly is an object that is approaching them, such as if it is a car or a person. Additionally, the Eyevest, uses Big Data, to ensure that the user is notified when the vest requires repair. This is because through using Big Data, the data from the sensors on the vest, as well as the manufacturing date of the vest, will be collected and analyzed to let the user know when the vest needs repair or maintenance before issues occur. Lastly, Eyevest has the implementation of deep learning to ensure that various patterns of data are analyzed to provide precise information to the user about the objects near them. This is important, especially when analyzing patterns of faces, such as letting the user know if it is an animal or a human approaching.
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 8
Link to my infographic created through the Venngage site for tutorial assignment 8:
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 7
The first concept covered in the game was protecting yourself online with a strong password and recognizing phishing. Firstly, in the password-cracking challenge, you had to make strong long passwords with special characters and then try to guess the password of the other character. This is related to the module content of creating a different password for every site. Meanwhile, in the social engineering challenge, you had to spot phishing tactics in fake emails, websites and messages. This is related to module content of checking if the URL of a site has https://. 
The second concept covered was cyberattacks since, within the game, you launch an app and experience cyberattacks in the form of viruses. Additionally, the negative impact of cyberattacks, including loss of important documents. Viruses were also covered within the module as malware that spreads and takes data in your device. 
The third concept covered was having cybersecurity in the form of training staff to detect phishing, antivirus software, and backing up files to protect users of your app. And when you do not use these, this resulted in a loss of users'. Cybersecurity measures, such as utilizing antivirus software, were also covered in the module.
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial assignment 6
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 5
Disinformation example:
Based on Module 5, the news article below is an example of disinformation as the author knowingly spreads false information to scare those who believe it, causing harm. The real story is the man in the article was sent to prison for killing his two-month son. Consequently, this disinformation is disrespectful to the family of the victim, which causes them emotional harm. Readers can identify disinformation through false facts being shared, such as claiming there is an act against sorcery and witchcraft, similarly viewing if the title is too shocking to be accurate. 
Misinformation example:
This news article below is misinformation as this author is trying to warn others about ingredients within chocolate Reese peanut butter cups that may cause them harm. Still, the correlations he made are not accurate. For example, the author claimed soy lecithin causes negative impacts on fertilization. But the article linked shared more science needs to be conducted and that you need to consume high amounts for negative impacts. Consequently, this article shares misinformation, and readers can identify misinformation through the lack of sources for the facts provided and doing research with credible sources for the facts given. 
Mal-information example:
Based on Module 5, the article below is an example of mal-information as it provides factual information to spread hate against these celebrities. This is indicated by the author sharing why they hate these celebrities based on the times they had affairs, how their appearances look like and the scandals they have been in. Readers can identify mal-information through viewing if it is intentionally hating and is biased towards a situation or person, for example, not sharing the good things these celebrities have done.  
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 tutorial assignment 4
This is the link for tutorial assignment 4 talking about our proposed topic for the final project:
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anamikabose · 2 years
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CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 3
For this week's tutorial assignment, I utilized disconnect to view which tracking websites are connected to the 6+ websites I visited. The websites I visited included youtube, H and M, Reddit, Shein, Hollister  Aritzia and more. The screenshot of the page with the highest amount of trackers was from Hollister, which was very alarming as this is the website I mainly shop from. According to disconnect, the red circles are known tracking sites, and although many were blocked, there were some that were not blocked. This concerned me as I did not realize how many sites were able to track me when I was on this website shopping for clothes. 
Furthermore, I started to think about how when I do look at clothes, for example, on Hollister, I find ads for those same clothes on different applications such as Instagram. The reason was explained in Module 3, which stated that there are ad spaces on a platform such as Instagram; therefore, the ad server for these publishers, such as Hollister, utilizes the cookies stored on my computer. These cookies track websites that I go on; for example, if I went on Hollister to view the clothes, those cookies would store that information. Then the ad server would send this information to the ad exchange, which exchanges information with ad-stacks of the ad networks to know when to place the ads. As a result, those Hollister ads show up on the Instagram ad space usually after I went on the Hollister website, as the businesses know this is when I would be most likely to click the ad. This made me realize that my information is just utilized to increase the business of these stores. 
With this said, I utilize an ad blocker on google chrome to browse websites. Ironically, the ad blocker I use is the one mentioned in Module 3, which is AdBlock Plus. The most shocking part of the module for me was when it was mentioned that Ads could be placed if the publishers pay the company of AdBlock Plus 30% of the total amount the publishers make through the ads. This made me realize that again this application blocking ads is just a business model. Overall this tutorial further showed me how public our internet use is. 
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 2
In tutorial 2 for CEID100, I went over a kids help phone website article to view how accessible the website is. I added annotations for 5 example of good and poor website accessible features I found. The link to my annotations on the website are below.
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anamikabose · 2 years
CEID100 Tutorial Assignment 1
It is difficult to stand out amidst the billions of others who utilize social media platforms; thus, following proper social media practices is important. Utilizing the content in Module 1, two public social media posts will be analyzed to view if they followed proper social media practices. 
Example 1:
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This tweet does not follow good social media practices covered in Module 1. This is because one of the big ideas from Module 1 was to create a social media plan to make yourself stand out to generate more engagement. An example was given of a good social media plan for Twitter, which included avoiding too many hashtags as it can be distracting from your message. 
In this example, the user utilized multiple hashtags to share his message, which worked against him as it distracts the user from taking the tweet seriously. As a result, the tweet lacked any engagement shown through the lack of retweets, likes or replies. Secondly, Module 1 highlighted that utilizing images could increase engagement, which this user did not use, which could have also added to the lack of engagement. 
Example 2:
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In Module 1, a second topic covered was proper online netiquette, which both users in this example did not utilize. Thus, this tweet thread does not follow good social media practices highlighted in Module 1. Tips were provided in Module 1 under online netiquette, with tip number 8 being not to communicate with those being rude to you. In this example, the first user tweeted to another in order to anger them through asking if they brush their teeth. According to Module 1, the user who was asked the question should have ignored it, but they did not, resulting in this back-and-forth disagreement. Tip number 9 in the module was also not followed to avoid positing passive aggressively publically online. This is problematic for their engagement, and any potential employer could link their accounts with who they are. Finally, tip number 10 was to remember what you post can be permanent. This tip was not followed, because if they had been mindful, they would have talked privately in a chat instead of posting publicly.
Overall, it is important to follow the social media best practices in Module 1 to increase your engagement and to be mindful of what you post to avoid negative consequences. 
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