#it is always me and my dad. with a broom. mid december.
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princehendir · 2 months ago
It's really cool how someone from My family is the sole reason the parking lot at work didn't completely flood for the 4th year in a row
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braveclementine · 10 months ago
Chapter 9
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕴 𝖜𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝖆 letter to dad the next morning:
Dear Dad, I was wondering with the Christmas holidays coming up, if you want me to come back home. I know full moon is December 21, but I would hate for you to be alone during the holidays. I won't come back if you would rather I stay here. Totally up to you, I don't mind either option. Also, I've been trying to find out who Nicholas Flamel is. I know I've heard the name before but I can't remember who he is. I know he is famous for something. . . a little help please! Oh yeah, Harry's the seeker for the Gryffindor team. They made an exception for him and he's really good. He probably got the ability from James. Anyways, his broom was acting up in mid-air during the game, like it was trying to buck him off. Both Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell looked like they were trying to jinx him, but I think one was muttering a counter-jinx or else I believe he wouldn't have stay on the broom as long as he did if both of them had been trying to curse him, right? Hermione, Ron, and Harry all think that Snape was trying to kill Harry. None of them saw Quirrell. I don't think it was Snape, because I think it's Quirrell. What do you think? Lots of love, Elizabeth
I stopped by the Great Hall and picked up some bacon in a napkin for Sadie, and made my way up to the Owlery. Fred Weasley joined me mid-way there, twirling a letter between two of his fingers.
"Sup Liz." He said, falling in stride with me.
"Hey Fred, where's George?" They were almost always together.
"Still sleeping. Lazy ass." Fred said, making an exaggerated face. "Why, did you want to see him rather than me?"
I laughed, feeling lighter than I had since the game yesterday. "No, you two are just never apart. Also, good game yesterday. I'm glad you and George were trying to save Harry too."
Fred nodded, distant for a moment. Then he came back to the present. "Wonder how his broom did that anyways." Then he smirked and said, "We're a bunch of heroes, aren't we?"
I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm, not commenting on the possible why's or possible how's on Harry's broom.
We started climbing the steps to the owlery. Fred was making jokes and I laughed at all of them. In the owlery, he went over to another owl and sent off a letter, while I tied Dad's letter to Sadie's leg. I fed her a piece of bacon, letting her eat out of my hand. "Safe flight." I murmured softly and she flew out into the early dawn.
I turned to face Fred and noticed, at that moment, a large snowy owl sitting up in the rafters. Peering at her a little closer, I realized that it was the same snowy owl that I had seen in Diagon Alley. The one that I had wanted but felt I should leave for someone else to get. Hedwig, Harry's owl. I smiled, reaching up, and fed her my last piece of bacon. She hooted softly in thanks. Maybe she remembered me, maybe she just liked the bacon. Either way, I knew she had been meant for a good home. I was suddenly glad I hadn't bought her.
Fred and I walked back down and went out separate ways. I found myself wandering, since it was a free period, and I found myself back near the corridor with the Mirror of Erised. I hesitated, looking at the closed door, and then found myself walking towards it.
I said I would never come back here again, I thought, trying to make myself turn around. My feet continued towards the door and I opened it, slipped inside, and closed it again. I dropped my bag down by the door, turned, and froze
Professor Snape had been standing in front of the mirror. At my noisy entrance, he'd turned to face me, a guarded look on his face.
"S-sorry." I stuttered, reaching down to pick up my bag and leave. "I didn't know anyone would be in here."
"Come here." Professor Snape commanded in a soft voice. I didn't dare disobey.
I left my bag where it was and trailed over to where he was standing, apprehensive. He didn't look angry. He looked away from me and back in the mirror. His eyes were sad and full of longing.
"You see Lily Potter." I blurted out before I could stop myself. "With James and Harry. All of them alive."
Professor Snape looked at me quickly, angrily, and possibly a little frightened. "How did you know that?" He asked, sharply. He'd probably never told a single person what he saw in the mirror.
I hesitated. I decided on the truth. Dad had always said that the truth was the best option. "I see a lot of things, in my head, I mean." I started out hesitantly and then realized that I probably sounded crazy and tried to clarify. "Mostly things of the future, but sometimes random things of the past." I blushed red, adding, "I see a lot of things about you."
"Like what?" Snape asked, no longer looking at me, nor at the mirror.
I thought about it carefully. "Before Lily died, you used to see yourself getting married to her, at least in the Mirror." As I spoke it, I saw the vision again. The one where Lily had brown eyes. That was the thing though. . . mum didn't have brown eyes- she had green eyes. "Or. . ." I voiced aloud.
"Or what?" Snape asked.
"Or maybe it wasn't mum after all." I whispered under my breath. I had brown eyes. I looked like mum. But it wasn't possible. No one knew I existed, he couldn't possibly have seen me in the mirror. He had to have seen Lily.
"What did you say?" Snape asked, looking down. He didn't appear confused, but he didn't seem to have heard me anyways.
"Nothing." I said quickly. There was no way I was voicing that option aloud. After all, it had been a slightly hazy vision and I couldn't marry a Professor. It had to be mum. "But I know that you're trying to stop Quirrell from getting past the three-headed dog. That's how you got bitten on Halloween night. The dogs guarding the stone."
The stone? Of course, the Sorcerer's stone. That was what Nicholas Flamel was famous for. He had created the one and only Sorcerer's stone. Looking into the future quickly, I saw that Hermione would figure it out and tell Harry and Ron anyways.
"You shouldn't know about that." Snape said sharply. "Just like-" He cut off, turning away.
I shrugged though now I felt as though I was in trouble. "There's a lot of stuff I shouldn't know. I know what Dumbledore sees when he looks in the mirror, what Harry sees, that Quirrell was the one trying to curse Harry off his broom, that next year will be a dangerous year though I'm sure of the exact danger. I can't help it. I don't know why I have these visions." I hesitated again. "you're the only one I've told." Dad had told me not to tell anyone. I hadn't even told Hermione. Why was I spilling all my secrets to Professor Snape?
We stood in silence for a moment and then he moved over. Putting a hand on my shoulder he asked, "What do you see when you look into the mirror?"
I stood in front of the mirror, but it was different from the last time. Now, in addition to mum, dad, Lupin, Sirius, and Harry- there was also Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Lavender Brown, a small boy with a camera, Uncle Moody, Fred, Cedric Diggory, another Professor- I think the one who taught Muggle studies- a woman with bright pink hair, and a small house-elf with green eyes. It was the strangest thing ever and I didn't know why they were there. I didn't even know half the people in the mirror.
I noticed that Professor Snape was closest to me, besides Lupin, and that our hands were just touching briefly, by our fingers. The mirror unsettled me. These were the most random people ever. I wasn't even friends with Lavender, what was she doing in here? Surely, not all of these people were people I wanted to know.
So I lied. "I see myself creating a cure for werewolves." I whispered softly. "I see myself curing my dad." Then I slipped out from under his hand and ran back towards the door, grabbing my bag.
He said nothing as I left the room, standing where I had stood, and looking into the eyes of my dead mum.
Or so I thought.
𝕯𝖆𝖉'𝖘 𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊 back four days later.
Dear Elizabeth, I would love if you came back for the holidays. That is, if you don't mind me being gone on the 21st. Your grandfather is going to come over and visit with us from the 20th to New Years so you won't have to worry about being alone on the 21st. I don't know what to make of Harry's broom acting like that. It could've been either Professor though I'm inclined to say it most likely wasn't Severus. I can't believe that he would harm Lily's son, even with his hatred for James. I can't believe either Professor would have attempted that. Was Dumbledore in the crowd? It was a risky move, whichever Professor (if it was a Professor) did it. Nicholas Flamel is the famous alchemist who created the sorcerers' stone. That's the stone that creates base metals into gold and also the Elixir of life. I'd love to have that stone (mostly joking). Write back soon if you do plan on coming home for Christmas. All my love, Dad
Writing back, I said I would be coming home for Christmas, which made me start wondering about what to get Dad, Trang, Hermione, Ron, Fred, Hagrid and Harry for Christmas. I might as well throw George in there so there was no bias.
In the end, the gifts were quite simple. I got Fred and George fireworks from the joke shop in Hogsmeade. I also gave Fred an extra gift of Fizzing Wizzbees. I got Ron a box of sugar quills. I got Hagrid a book on Dragon care, a knowing smile on my face when I bought that one.
For Harry, I bought a large plastic container of sherbet levitation balls. For Hermione, I bought a bunch of children wizarding books for her. I decided I would wait until I was back home to buy Dad and Trang's gifts.
𝕺𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉 to last day before break, I walked towards the Great Hall, and saw Hagrid carrying a large Christmas tree, still slightly snow-frosted. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were walking behind him. I ran to catch up, my bag banging against my hip.
"I hate them both. Malfoy and Snape." Harry was saying, scowling. Reaching into my visions I saw that moments before, Snape had taken house points from Gryffindor because of Malfoy. Past-event visions were much easier to twist and shape now that I had a rough hang on them.
"Come on, cheer up, it's nearly Christmas." Hagrid was saying, "Oh hello there Elizabeth."
"Hi Hagrid." I said, looking around.
The hall looked wonderful. Holly and mistletoe were plastered to the walls and hung from the ceiling. There were twelve large Christmas trees, so big I was surprised that even Hagrid had been able to carry them in. They were decorated with baubles, candles, holly, candy canes, and icicles. Magic and decorating truly went together.
"How many days you got left until yer holidays?" Hagrid asked, setting the last tree down in the corner.
"Just one." Hermione replied, "And that reminds me- Harry, Elizabeth, Ron, we've got half an hour before lunch, we should be in the library."
I discretely rolled my eyes while Ron said slowly, "Oh yeah, you're right."
"The library?" Hagrid asked, following us out of Great hall into the bustling corridor. "Just before the holidays? Bit keen, aren't yeh?"
If I'd been alone, I would've said yes. I used the Christmas, Easter, and Summer holidays as time to catch up on my Muggle school studies in addition to my magical studies. But I wasn't alone and I was still a little self-conscious about the fact that I was doing Muggle homework.
"Oh, we're not working." Harry said in a bright voice. I grinned, and then hid my smile, feeling just a little bad for Hagrid cause he probably felt terrible for spilling the name. "Ever since you mentioned Nicolas Flamel we've been trying to find out who he is."
"Yer what?" Hagrid sounded appalled and ashamed, and my sympathy increased tenfold. "Listen here- I've told yeh- drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardin'".
"We just want to know who Nicolas Flamel is, that's all." Hermione said innocently.
I know, I know, I could've told them. But I'd gotten good at this futuristic vision thing by now. They could figure it out on their own without me, and there was a specific timeline of when they needed to figure out certain things. I could tell them, just not at this exact moment. After Christmas break I could. Harry needed to try out the invisibility cloak first.
"Unless you'd like to tell us and save us the trouble?" Harry asked innocently. He was very good at the innocent look. "We must've been through hundreds of books already and we can't find him anywhere- just give us a hint- I know I've read his name somewhere."
"I'm sayin' nothin'" said Hagrid flatly.
"Just have to find out for ourselves then." Ron said. They left for the library, but I stayed behind with Hagrid, telling Hermione I'd catch up with them in a moment. Hagrid looked after them, disgruntled and anxious.
"Hagrid, it's going to be okay. They're not going to find anything until way after Christmas." I said. I shifted the books in my arms. I wanted to get out to the greenhouse before lunch and check up on my plant before leaving for the holidays. I needed a good grade on this project.
"You seem sure about that," Hagrid grunted, walking through the castle with me. I wrapped myself in my jacket and scarf as we exited the castle.
"I am." I said firmly, putting my books into my side bag. "You shouldn't worry about them, they-we- can handle ourselves."
Hagrid stroked his beard and was quiet for a moment, the only sound was our boots tramping on the freshly fallen snow. "Perhaps, but Harry has already had enough trouble, he doesn't need ter get mixed up in this."
"The stone will be safe whether or not Harry and them find out about it." I said, reassuring Hagrid.
Hagrid gave a start. "You know?"
"Hagrid, I know quite a bit." I said, exasperated, but felt my insides squirming guiltily. "I knew who Nicolas Flamel was a long time ago. I just haven't told them yet because now isn't the right time for them to know, if you get what I mean. There's a time for everything, and now isn't it."
Hagrid looked troubled when I left him. I felt relieved. Professor Sprout was the only other person in the greenhouse, checking out everyone else's plants. She beamed at me as I shrugged out of my robes, setting them on a hook near the entrance with my bookbag.
"Miss Kane! Come to check up on your plant, have you?" She asked, making another note on her clipboard.
I nodded, walking over to where my dandelions were growing. "I just hope they're doing well."
"It's one of the best plants in here." She said. "Along with Miss Grangers and Mr Longbottoms."
"Neville's doing well." I grinned.
She nodded. "It's his best subject, or so I'm told."
I checked out my plant, having to grab a step-stool to reach the counter. It did seem to be blossoming beautifully. I checked the drainage and the roots, feeling the soil with my bare finger. Everything seemed to be in perfect condition and there really was nothing else left for me to do to the plant.
"What are you going to be doing for Christmas?" Professor Sprout asked, stopping over a flower that was doing quite poorly and frowning at it, scribbling furiously on the clipboard. I wondered who's plant it was and hoped it was Dracos'.
"I'm going home to my dad's." I said, pulling off a stray, somewhat dead leaf from my plant. "It'll be just us for Christmas, although he mentioned that his dad may come over. I hope so, I haven't seen my grandfather in a couple of years."
She smiled, noting a dead leaf on someone's plant. She tsked, and wrote something down on her clipboard.
"Professor, is there anything else I can do to learn more?" I asked cautiously. I'd asked McGonagall and Snape for extra lessons of course but they'd both turned me down and I didn't want to be turned down by a third teacher.
She looked up at me, slightly amused, slightly confused. "You know you're doing much more than anyone else is doing. Not just in this class I've heard. Professor Flitwick says that you've been getting private lessons from him, and Professor McGonagall said that you asked the same of her. If anything, I'd concentrate on that Astronomy grade of yours from what I hear."
I sighed, disappointed. "Astronomy, Autonomy."
Professor Sprout looked only amused now. "Every magical class is just as important as the other."
I sighed again, knowing that the information was important whether or not I liked it. "I know. I just wish I could find it as interesting as my other classes." I hesitated and then asked, "There really isn't anything else I can do?"
Professor Sprout looked at me for a long moment, a rare, serious look on her face. Then, she handed me the clipboard she'd been using to grade the students. "Here, you can help me grade other students. . . as long as you're fair, of course. Perhaps you could be a PA."
I was pleased. Most students couldn't become Professor Assistants until fifth year.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖞 I left with Hermione to board the Hogwarts Express. We sat in a compartment with Susan Bones and talked about what we were going to do over the holiday. Both of them voiced opinions on what I should get my Dad and Muggle girlfriend for Christmas.
When the Trolley witch came along, I realized that I could send Trang candy. Of course, I'd have to be careful to send her something that wasn't magical. Sugar quills that looked like real quills and she could suck on them all day in class. Of course, in America, they probably used ballpoint pens but still, she was a Brit.
Dad was waiting for me at the station, looking a bit ill. There were about a week or so left before the 21st so I wasn't all that surprised. He almost always looked ill, just in different degrees.
He hugged me tightly. "Ah, I've missed you a lot Elizabeth."
"Me too dad." I said, squeezing him tightly. I felt like I was ten again, just a kid, and not someone who seemed to have the fate of the world on her shoulders. Cause after all, if Quirrell got that stone. . . well who knew what would happen. . .but probably nothing good. I couldn't imagine him taking it for himself, he was to much of a coward. So he must be stealing it for someone more important than him, more powerful, someone who could protect him, right? I just hoped it wasn't Voldemort. . .
Dad decided on side-along apparition to get home quickly. I found it a bit nauseating, but was pleased to be home. Sadie was already here, waiting in my bedroom. I'd told her to stay at the house when she delivered my message to dad.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning up my bedroom. Having not lived in it for a few months, everything had collected dust.
The day after that, I got up early and wrote a note to dad telling him that I had gone to Diagon Alley to look for Christmas presents. I took the floo network and was in Diagon Alley in no time. I searched the shops, looking for anything that stood out for dad and even for Trang- sometimes there were innocent things that were fascinating, but also simple.
Finally, for dad, I found a handsome locket. It wasn't a girly necklace in the shape of a heart or anything like that. It was made of old bronze, but had lost value because of the tarnish- it wasn't goblin made. It was circular shaped and hollow on the inside, tines in place for pictures. It was as big as an American Half-dollar. I paid 37 Galleons and pocketed it.
I had no idea what to get Trang. Sending her just candy seemed to be a bit of a horrible thing to do. I wanted to give her something that she could keep. I went to Flourish and Blotts to see if they had any interesting books that didn't have moving pictures in it.
A majority of books did, but finally I decided to send her a copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Considering even in the Muggle world, fantastic beasts were something of the known, though mystical. And the drawings in here were watercolor and they rarely moved. Hopefully, Trang didn't look to closely and if she did. . .well I was sure I could explain it. After all, technology advanced all the time, right?
I visited the broom shop, looking through brooms again. I hesitated at the Nimbus 2000. It was 300 Galleons, more money than I had ever spent in my life. I had the money, I had nearly 10,000 Galleons in my vault yet. . .
I turned away and walked out of the shop. I restated my deal in my head. If I made Hufflepuff Quidditch team next year, then I would buy the broom. Plus, by that time, the price would drop to 220 Galleons and save me money. (That wasn't a futuristic vision- that was just economical math).
Back home, I wrapped Trang's gifts and set them aside. I would send Sadie off with them later today. Or could I? Maybe I'd have to send them through Muggle packages. Could Sadie make a trip over the sea?
I got a moving photo of me from Dad's study, duplicated it, and transfigured it so that it would fit the circular shape of the locket. I fitted it in and stuck it with a permanent sticking charm on the back because I wasn't sure the tines would be strong enough to hold it. On the other side, I placed a lock of my hair. It was something signature in the Wizarding world. I put a thin wrap of plastic over it, using the sticking charm again. I closed the locket, placing it in an ornate box and wrapping it.
I felt my own locket bouncing against my chest and I pulled it out and opened it. Mum and dad smiled up at me, and baby Harry waved his small fist, looking up into mum's face. I smiled and stared at the pictures for a long time until I heard dad come in the room. I snapped it closed and stood up quickly. I shoved the wrapped box into the closet.
Grandfather came a day early and dad left the house the afternoon of the 20th for the forest.
𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝖈𝖆𝖒𝖊 and I woke up early. I crept down the stairs so I didn't wake dad or grandfather.
There were more presents under the tree than I was used to, and there was also a large something with a blanket over it. Noises were coming from it- moving noises- and I was quite tempted to look under it. I refrained myself from looking in case it was a magical creature. I'd much rather have dad around if something went wrong.
I cooked breakfast instead- for the adults at least. I was quite content with eating only candy, cookies, and sweets today. I made cheesy scrambled eggs (because that was how Grandfather liked them) and then two separate sunny side up eggs for Dad (his favorite). Then there was bacon and sausage links. I put a pot of water on the stove to boil for tea.
Dad and grandfather woke up around nine. Well, actually, I got impatient and woke them up. Most of the presents were for me, though Dad did like his locket. (Or at least he said he did but he was a horrible liar, so I was quite content he was telling the truth). I didn't expect him to wear it either because it wasn't that great of a gift, but he slipped it around his neck when I wasn't looking and tucked it under his robes. Grandfather had gotten him new work robes and also some books, though I wasn't entirely sure what they were on.
Hermione had given me some of her favorite Muggle history books along with a couple of fiction ones too. She'd given me a new book called The Awakening: Volume I. It was about a girl named Elena Gilbert and two brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore. It had vampires, witches, and werewolves in it and I couldn't wait to read it. Plus, looking at the characters on the cover. . . Damon was hot.
Ron and George had both gotten me Chocolate Frogs. Unfortunately, I didn't get any new cards to add to my collection. However, it did put my number of Helga Hufflepuff cards to an even 46.
From Hagrid, I got a carved statuette in the shape of a rabbit. It was standing on its hind legs, both ears pointed upwards. It was adorable and I was incredibly happy that Hagrid had taken the time to make it for me. I put it up on a partly empty shelf in my bedroom above my dresser.
Fred had sent me a box of sour gummies from Honey Dukes, along with a small woven bracelet with small bands on it that were meant for separate charms. It came with a broom charm. I put it on right away.
Trang had sent me a rather large box with a divider down the middle. On one side, she had sent me a bunch of books that she had found in America, including the same copy of the Vampire Diary book that Hermione had sent me. Luckily, that was the only duplicate. On the other side was a bunch of different American sweets that I had never heard before. Zotz, Mega Warheads, Tear Jerkers, Sour jacks, pop rocks, a container with a singular mega jawbreaker, DinoSour Eggs, and something called an astro pop. I could only assume that they weren't dangerous because they were Muggle candy.
Harry had also given me a book and also different patterned bookmarks, which I hadn't expected but rather liked. Most of them were Quidditch designed and all in Hufflepuff colors except for one which was in Gryffindor colors. The book was also on Quidditch.
I finally set those aside, leaving two presents from dad, and one present from grandfather. Neither of those included whatever was under the blanket.
The first thing from dad was a small box. Undoing the wrapping paper, I opened it and saw that it was a small bracelet. It was made of small linked chains, possibly of silver. There was a small moon charm on it and I grinned. My fingers fumbled with the clasp but I managed to get it on my wrist right next to Fred's bracelet.
"Thanks Dad." I said, grinning up at him.
He chuckled. "You haven't even opened the better present."
I reached under the tree and pulled out a longer package. I felt it in my hands and looked up at dad in shock. "A broomstick?"
He simply smiled.
I tore off the wrapping paper and there was the Nimbus 2000 that I had been looking at in the store only six days ago. "But-why- how- I mean- this" I stuttered over my words, trying to express my gratitude, while also expressing my worry over the money.
"I thought it was about time that you had a proper broom." Dad said. "I know you're worried about the money, but don't worry about it, okay?"
I jumped up, ran over, and hugged him tightly, unable to express my thanks in words properly.
"You will make the team next year, right?" Grandfather joked. "Would be a shame if you didn't make it."
I nodded multiple times, still speechless.
Grandfather's gift was a necklace. It had been grandmother's at one point and he wanted me to have it. Since I was already wearing everyone's jewelry, I slipped it on as well. It came to rest a couple of inches above my belly button, but it had been designed to be longer. There was a sapphire at the bottom of it and the chain was silver.
I pointed to the blanket apprehensively. "What's under there?"
Both Lupin and Lyall laughed. "Go ahead and take a look." Grandfather said with a grin.
I approached it slowly, unsure what sort of creature was going to leap up at me. There were multiple different magical creatures that could be kept as pets, but I already had Sadie. Oh, perhaps it was a crup puppy? Those were incredibly cute. Or a Kneazle kit?
I pulled the blanket off and it took me a moment to realize what I was seeing. I fell to my knees, opened the cage door, and pulled out the adorable little bunny that was sitting in it. I squealed with delight as I held it on my shoulder ,and it licked my ear, pushing its soft tiny nose against my cheek. I nearly fainted with happiness, joy, and enthusiasm. As it was, I squealed.
"Thank you Grandfather, thank you so much." I said. I ran back over to the couch and sat between them.
"Well you're very welcome sweetheart." He said, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"And thank you dad." I said, unable to stop smiling. "This has really been one of the best Christmas I've ever had." I beamed up at him.
The rest of the day went well. The bunny ran around as I cooked Christmas dinner which was ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, pickled beets, black olives, banana peppers, pumpkin pie, apple cider, and grape cider. Grandfather was impressed by how well I was doing in the kitchen, even though I was only eleven. I overheard them talking in the breakfast room.
"She's taught herself to cook ever since she was seven." Lupin said quietly. I obviously wasn't supposed overhear. "She would bring home cookbooks and look for ingredients, or ask me to take her to the store so she could get them and then she'd make it. I'm ashamed to admit that I thought she was going to burn the house down, at first, but she's really gotten excellent at it. She's the smartest girl I know. I actually got a complimentary letter from Professor Sprout saying she's one of her most dedicated students. I don't know what Elizabeth's doing up at Hogwarts, but I'd say she's excelling indeed."
Professor Sprout had actually done that? I wondered if Professor McGonagall had sent one to Hermione's parents. Then again, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout were very different. Professor Sprout had probably sent out several letters to student's parents.
At that moment, a vision came out of nowhere. Harry had gotten Dad's invisibility cloak. I dived deeper into the vision, in order to see what dad's cloak had looked like. Harry was trying it on in front of Ron. Everything but his head disappeared. I wished, at that moment, that I had something of dad's or mum's.
Then, I immediately felt ashamed of myself, and wrenched out of the vision. How could I think like that? After everything Lupin had done for me! After the incredibly expensive gift that he'd given me today. And he was willing to do everything for me. How could I be so ungrateful?
I carefully placed the wooden spoon that I was using to mix the mashed potatoes down on the counter. I quickly turned everything off on the stove and put lids over the food so the heat would stay in. I hurried past dad and grandfather so that I could get upstairs to the bathroom.
"Elizabeth?" Dad asked, concerned as I passed.
I didn't turn around and just said, "bathroom" as normally as possible. I raced up the stairs and hurried into the bathroom.
I stared at myself in the mirror as though the word selfish would be printed across my forehead in capital letters. I observed myself. I no longer wore my glasses, and I could now see the resemblance I had to mum. My brown hair had more red tints and my face was starting to shape like hers. The brown eyes were the only difference, the difference between the two of us looking nearly identical.
"I'm selfish." I whispered aloud. I sounded much younger than I wanted to. "I can't be selfish anymore." Never again, would I wish for anything. I would make the most out of everything. That stupid mirror!
There was a knock at the door. "Elizabeth?" Dad asked in concern. "Are you alright?"
I opened the door. "Yeah, I just had a vision." I said.
His brow creased in concern. "About what?"
I hesitated and then said, "Well I saw what Harry had gotten for Christmas. Dumbledore gave him James's old invisibility cloak. I had a momentary fleeting wish that I had something of mums' or James' and immediately felt horrible because you've already given me so much that I shouldn't be wishing for anything else. Especially the broom! I love the broom! How could I be so selfish and want more?"
Dad stared at me for a second and then, to my shock and slight horror, he burst out laughing. "Elizabeth, you're young! You're supposed to be selfish and want more than you have. It's natural. Especially those who grow up without a lot of money, it's natural to want something every once in a while."
I shook my head, feeling frustrated and slightly abashed. Was Dad saying it was alright to be selfish? "I don't want to be selfish. I really am satisfied with what I have. I swear, it was just a fleeting thought."
Dad laughed aloud again and that was the end of the conversation. I felt much better as I went downstairs to finish off dinner. If he was laughing, then there really wasn't anything to worry about.
It was dark and cold after dinner, but I still took the broomstick out with dad to a nearby clearing in the woods nearby that was empty and had good tree coverage. I took off on the broomstick, feeling the wind on the my face, stinging my eyes. It was freezing, but I was exhilarated. We didn't stay long though, and we headed back to the house for dessert and I played with the bunny rabbit.
He was a lion-lop (lionhead x English lop mix) rabbit with white and gray coloring. He had lots of baby fur around his face and on his butt, covering his tail. I called him Sushi which was an adorable name. Eventually, I thought, I'm going to get him a girl rabbit so they could mate and play. And I'll name her. . . well what color would she be? If she's brown it'll be cinnamon. If she's black she'll be. . . chocolate. No? What good food is black cause chocolates brown. . .Licorice? Coffee? Ink Pasta? Hmm. . . I just won't get a black rabbit. A white rabbit's easy though- Marshmallow, rice, cracker, or vanilla. Probably Rice. Rice and Sushi.'
Grandfather left for his home on New Year's Day and I spent quality time with Daddy and Sushi. Sadie came back with a letter from Trang, asking how I had managed to get such a wonderfully trained owl, and also thank you for the presents. I had forgotten to send the presents by Muggle post, but Trang's letter didn't seem to care much, only finding the situation amusing, and her host parents thought it was amazing and asked if all Brits did that for Christmas.
Dad and I talked about my visions and what we thought some of them might mean. I confessed that I knew Harry, Ron, and Hermione were going to go after the stone if Dumbledore left Hogwarts, and I knew that he would eventually, though I didn't know when. I also confessed that I was torn between going with them and telling an adult.
Dad didn't say much on it, only saying that James would've gone, and Lily would've told a teacher.
"Either way, you'll be doing as your parents would've done and I know that matters a lot to you." He said kindly but I wondered if he felt sad on a deeper level.
"What would you have done?" I asked. "Or really, what would you do?"
"Does my opinion matter that much to you?" He asked lightly. I climbed up off the floor where I was playing with Sushi and curled up next to him on the couch, resting my head on his shoulder. His arm went around my shoulder.
"Your opinion means the world to me." I whispered.
"Follow your heart, I think. I'm not entirely sure what I would do if I was in your position. I suppose I would've gone, I think, James definitely could've gotten me to go. But ultimately, the choice is up to you. If there's a bad outcome, you need to tell a teacher. Only you know how the situation is going to play out."
"Hagrid's going to get a dragon." I said, changing the subject. "That ought to be interesting, he'll want us to help raise it."
Dad shuddered with horror so we didn't talk about my visions any more after that. Then eventually it was time to go back to Hogwarts and I went, leaving my broomstick and Sushi behind. I brought nearly everything else with me except for a couple books that I couldn't fit into my trunk.
"I'll see you when school ends." Dad said, kissing my cheek good-bye. I returned the kiss. "But please, stay safe, and stay hidden in the crowds. I'd hate to think about any other alternatives where you're not safe."
I think that was his way of saying what he thought. He was telling me not to go on that adventure with Harry.
But would I listen when the time came?
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today-we-will-survive · 6 years ago
04. Run
A story based on the fictional HYYH world about six boys with unimaginable problems and their friend that can’t do anything to help.
Member: Taehyung
Genre: Angst
Warning: warnings are posted in the masterlist
Word Count: 3.4K
Parts can be found on my Masterlist under “The Most Beautiful Moment In Life”
A/N: New parts every Tuesday and Friday
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Life began to get to each of us.
December came like a quick intake of breath and went like a heavy sigh. Once the cozy feeling of the holidays was over, winter became harsh and merciless. An icy fist that squeezed and squeezed until there was no warmth left. Taehyung was used to it though. He’d never liked winter. Not since his mom had died just after Christmas his fifth year. Mina had been too young to remember her, being only three years old, but Taehyung could remember her perfectly still, as if he’d talked to her just the day before.
He and his sister used to stay up late a lot—at least whenever they were both home—curled up on their shared bed, facing each other, covered in two layers of clothes and three blankets because their father turned the heat way down whenever he wasn’t home, which was often. Not often enough though in Taehyung’s opinion. But they would lay like that for hours and Taehyung would tell Mina stories about their mother. He didn’t have many spectacular ones—being he really could only remember a few from such a young age—but once those ran out, she started asking him simpler things. What did mom look like? What did she smell like? What did she sound like? Feel like?
“She looked like spring, smelled like flowers, sounded like rain and felt like sunshine.” How else could he describe her? Maybe his memories were clouded by the happier life he’d lived with her in it but he’d rather have this version of her in his mind. He needed it. Needed something good to cling to.
The first time his father had hit him, he’d apologized profusely afterward, and made Taehyung promise he’d never tell a soul. He didn’t. And he didn’t the second and third time either or any time after that. He’d never told anyone, other than his friends and only because they grew suspicious of the bruises and the injuries and his unexpected late night calls asking if he could sleep over.
Over the years, he became good at reading the signs and predicting when his dad was going to have an outburst. If he got home from work and slammed the door behind him, it was time to retreat to the bedroom and bolt the door. If he came with a freshly bought bottle of alcohol, it was time to leave. Taehyung’s only reason for not moving out was Mina. He’d made a promise to her and himself that he’d always be there to protect her, even if that meant taking the brunt of the abuse himself. Which it always did.
He’d ended up in the hospital a few times keeping his dad away from his sister, stepping in the way of the punches, even tackling the man to the floor to give her a chance to run. It always ended badly but he never complained. Not when it would be so much worse for her. She didn’t deserve to live in fear like this. He didn’t either but especially not her. He at least had good memories of their mother. She only had the nightmares that came with having a monster for a father.
When things got too hard, his friends were his escape. Five of them had their own problems. And five of them had families that would get suspicious if he came around too often and he couldn’t risk anyone going to the police and tearing him away from his sister. The one person he could always count on to help and be his safe place was Namjoon.
The boy was an orphan living secretly at the gas station where he worked. Taehyung didn’t have to hide anything from him. In fact, there were countless times in the past where he’d show up at the gas station pounding on the door at two in the morning, broken and bleeding and Namjoon wouldn’t say anything. He would just let him inside and make room for him on the small twin blow-up mattress he dragged out of the broom closet every night. And if he was too worked up to sleep, the two would go out into the city and find something to do. This usually involved spray paint and a concrete wall. More than once the two found themselves running from police sirens, having been caught mid-tag. Namjoon wasn’t the best influence but he was what Taehyung needed.
“Take this,” the older boy said holding out a pint of ice cream to him.
Taehyung looked down at it. “I don’t feel like eating ice cream right now, hyung,” he uttered and swiped his tongue across the fresh cut on his lower lip. The taste of salt and iron grated against his tastebuds. His whole head hurt from the evening’s beating. He was ninety percent sure he had a concussion.
“For your lip,” Namjoon replied dropping it into his hand.
Taehyung winced when he touched the cold container to his wound but immediately started to feel the pain fade as his lip began to go numb.
“So, I overslept this morning,” Namjoon said as he grabbed a lollipop from the rack on the counter beside where Taehyung sat and unwrapped it.
“And Mr. Bang-nim found me this morning.”
“Did he say anything about all this?” Taehyung asked gesturing toward the mattress on the linoleum floor.
“He said if he finds me sleeping here again, I’m fired.” Then he stuck the candy in his mouth and twirled the stick between his fingers.
Taehyung’s stomach dropped when he saw the unease written across his hyung’s face. The boy had nowhere to go. Taehyung would have invited Namjoon to stay with him but of course he’d never want to subject one of his friends to the hell he had to deal with every day. Though it didn’t matter either way. Namjoon didn’t like asking for help. He wanted to be the one his friends came to, not the other way around. The boy was independent and stubborn to a fault.
“I’ll just have to be more careful,” Namjoon said with a shrug. Of course he was only acting like it wasn’t a big deal. Taehyung knew better.
Light flooded the dim store as a vehicle pulled into the parking lot and Taehyung felt his heart skip at the idea they were going to be caught. But when he looked out through the storefront window, relief flooded his chest. Jin’s 4x4 truck sat idling in front of the gas pumps.
“How’d they—”
“I texted him a bit ago,” Namjoon interrupted, a gentle smile lifting his mouth and causing his cheeks to dimple.
Taehyung hopped off the counter and set the pint of ice cream down before making his way outside. Jin rolled the driver’s side window down, music pouring from inside the cab. The other boys’ voices rose above the singer’s vocals as they screamed along to the song.
“Long time no see,” Taehyung said slapping the oldest boy’s hand when he stuck it out the window.
Jin smiled. “It’s only been a week, Tae,” he said.
Taehyung shrugged. “A week is an eternity in this town.”
The smile on Jin’s face faltered for a second and Taehyung noticed his eyes trail down to the younger’s wounded lip. He quickly swiped his tongue across it to catch the remaining blood. “How’s Mina?”
“She’s fine,” Taehyung said. “At a sleepover.”
The oldest boy’s eyes lingered on his for several moments before he finally gave a small nod. “Hop in,” he said and motioned with his head toward the back of the truck.
Taehyung scrambled over the side and dropped into the bed beside Jimin, who sat with his back against the cab, happily cramming chips into his mouth from a bag. “Want some?” he asked as he offered the bag to him.
“No thanks,” Taehyung said and barely got settled beside his friend when the truck lurched forward and they pulled back out of the gas station.
It was pretty late and almost every food place was closed save for the all-night diner they frequented. There was nothing quality or good about the food there but it was cheap, and greasy and filled their bellies. The waitresses had come to grow fond of them over the years, knowing each of them by name and favorite flavor of milkshake.
The seven of them were the only ones there, which was a good thing since they tended to get a bit rowdy. Their plates had just barely been delivered when Yoongi decided he was going to try and cheer Taehyung up by throwing a handful of french fries at Jungkook. A food fight quickly broke out between the two and the poor waitress had to dodge away to keep from getting hit by a rogue fry.
They spent hours there, stuffing their faces and drowning their problems in ketchup and grease until finally, none of them could bring themselves to take one more bite. Then they made their way sleepily back to the truck, Taehyung flopping into the bed again, this time with Namjoon, and letting his head fall onto the older boy’s lap. The gentle rock of the truck as it made its way down the road and the streetlights that passed intermittently overhead made his eyelids droop dangerously low. He probably shouldn’t fall asleep if he really did have a concussion, but the sound of the engine, the warmth of Namjoon’s thigh pressed against his cheek and the comfortable weight of food in his belly made it impossible for him to keep his eyes open and soon he drifted off completely.
Taehyung woke to the strong smell of coffee wafting into his nostrils and he opened his eyes to a chipped ceramic mug inches from his face. Jimin smiled warmly from the other side. It took Taehyung a few seconds to figure out where he was and why his body was aching so bad until he shifted and realized he’d slept all night in Yoongi’s bathtub.
“You know I don’t like coffee,” he uttered, batting his friend’s hand away.
“It woke you up, though, didn’t it?” Jimin asked. His voice was much too cheerful for this time of morning. What time was it anyway?
Taehyung raked his hand through his greasy hair. “How long have I been out?”
“It’s almost noon. You should eat something, Tae,” Jimin said and offered his hand to help the boy climb out of the tub.
Panic rushed through him like ice water. “Noon?” he asked. “I need to get home. I need to be there when Mina gets back from her sleepover.” He tripped out of the bathroom and through the living room, past the other boys crowded around a table as Jin tried to build a house with a deck of cards.
“You’re up!” Jungkook exclaimed throwing his arms up.
“JK!” Jin yelled, his hands frozen in midair. “Stop with the sudden movements!”
“I gotta go,” Taehyung said as he rushed past. The gust of wind he created caused Jin’s card house to collapse and he let out a heavy sigh.
Taehyung didn’t stop though. As soon as he was out of Yoongi’s home, he broke into a run and kept running until he burst through the front door of his apartment. His eyes scanned the empty front room. Liquor and beer bottles littered the kitchen counters, junk mail piled high on the table and scattered on the floor around it. The place was a dump but that wasn’t out of the ordinary. The quiet, however, was. He barely took a step when a whimper cut through the silence and then suddenly he was running again. He paused in the hallway, eyes on the shadows moving in the room at the end. The door was barely cracked open so he couldn’t see who was in there. But then he heard a choked cry. Mina.
Taehyung flew back out of the hall and wrapped a fist around the first thing he could grab, a beer bottle, then charged back down the hall, bursting into the bedroom just as his father’s hand connected with his sister’s cheek.
“Don’t touch her!” Taehyung roared shoving him back hard.
His dad stumbled back more in surprise than pain and he stared at the boy with wild, glazed over eyes. The man reeked of alcohol even at this early hour of the day. He bared his teeth and looked like he was about to lunge. But Taehyung didn’t give him the chance. He rushed forward instead, swinging the beer bottle back and sending it crashing down on his dad’s skull. The man staggered again, this time stunned by the blow. The bottle had broken when it came in contact with his head.
Taehyung could have stopped there. He could have grabbed his sister and turned and ran, maybe taken her back to Yoongi’s. The other boys would be able to help them. But no, the sight of his dad striking her had caused the time bomb within him to finally detonate and now he knew nothing but rage. With a scream that sounded too far away to be coming from his own lungs, Taehyung surged forward again, jabbing the broken bottle into the soft flesh of his father’s stomach. He felt it lodge deep in the man’s belly and a sickening groan fell from his father’s lips but it did nothing to keep Taehyung from stabbing him again and again until blood soaked the front of the man’s t-shirt and coated his own hands and clothes.
In the chaos, he couldn’t hear anything but his own gasping breath and the cries that continued to tumble from the man in front of him until his dad finally collapsed to the floor. Then his sister’s screams reached his ears, her voice already going hoarse from yelling for so long. With a violent shudder, Taehyung staggered back, letting the broken and bloodied bottle fall from his hand and clatter to the floor. His mouth fell open in a silent scream and his knees gave out. As he fell to the floor, his sister caught him, sobbing into his ear.
“What have I done?” Taehyung uttered. “What have I done, Mina? What have I done?”
“You saved me, Tae,” she cried into his neck. “You saved us.”
Their father lay motionless in front of them, the red spreading across his shirt until you could no longer tell what color it had been originally. It seeped down into the carpet, a dark stain that would never fully go away.
“You have to leave, Mina,” Taehyung said, his voice shaking so hard it came out as barely a whisper.
“No, Tae,” she cracked. “I’m not leaving you.”
“You have to.” He grabbed her hard by the shoulders and pulled her down in front of him. His eyes drilled into hers. She had their mother’s eyes. “You have to get somewhere safe. I can’t come with you.”
“But you have—”
“Our dad is dead!” Taehyung screamed. “Our dad is dead and I killed him!”
A whimper fell from Mina’s mouth and for the first time, Taehyung noticed the bruises welling up under he skin. There were so many. How long had their dad been hitting her before he’d gotten there?
“Please, Mina,” he said more gently. “Please, go to a friend’s house. Tell them dad isn’t here and neither am I and you don’t know where either of us are. Please. I’ll come for you when it’s safe. But until then, you have to go.”
Mina nodded, her head jerking up and down erratically as she tried and failed to keep whatever last bit of composure she had. Then suddenly, she fell against him, a wail tearing from her throat and he clutched her to his chest, tears streaming down his own cheeks. His hands were coated still in his father’s blood and he raked his fingers through his sister’s hair, holding onto her, pulling her closer, smelling her, feeling her against him. Who knew if he’d ever see her again?
Mina changed her clothes and washed the blood out of her hair from when Taehyung had held her, before rushing out of the apartment. He didn’t go outside but watched her from the front window. She’d texted a friend and asked them to pick her up and now he watched as she got into their car, her head lifting, her eyes locking on his one last time before she climbed into the the backseat and then she was gone.
He didn’t know what to do. That moment of clarity when he’d needed to get his sister away was gone and now all he could do was stare at the messy living room in shock. With his back pressed against the door, he sank down onto the carpet, his hands catching him as he fell. His hands. Covered in sticky, drying blood. His father’s blood. He killed his father. He was a murderer.
A murderer.
His head began to pound as the thoughts swirled in his brain. It was all too much. Everything was too much. The coppery smell of blood filled his nose, filled his head, filled the room and it overwhelmed him. His hands shook and his breath hitched and he couldn’t inhale deep enough. Too much. He killed his father. He was a murderer.
His eyes watered and his nerves were shot and he was numb but could feel everything at the same time and it was overwhelming. His skin crawled and his heart hammered and his lungs were on fire and he couldn’t breathe and he squeezed his eyes shut as if he could shut out the world and it was all too much. He killed his father. He was a murderer.
A murderer.
When he opened his eyes again, it was dark. He didn’t know if he’d fallen asleep or passed out but when his gaze fell on the digital clock on the microwave, he saw that he’d been out for nearly nine hours.
It was silent in the apartment. Silent as the dead. His head slumped to the side and he looked at the entrance to the hallway. His father was back there. Or rather, his body. If he crawled just six feet to his left, he’d be able to peer down the hall and see his dad’s body slumped against the wall in the back bedroom. Immediately, Taehyung felt like he was going to be sick. He made his way clumsily to his feet and tripped into the kitchen, barely making it to the sink before he heaved and the contents of his stomach emptied into the basin. He spit a few times before sitting up again, a sheen of sweat coating his skin. When he brought his arm up to wipe his forehead, his eyes locked on the brown, dried blood that crusted on his skin. Then he looked down again at his white t-shirt. Well, it used to be white.
He rushed out of the kitchen, turning his head away as he passed the hall so he wouldn’t accidentally catch a glimpse of what was at the other end, then slipped out the front door, locking it behind him. He zipped his jacket up to his chin, glad that at least the dark sweatshirt hid the stains, and pulled the hood up over his hair and his sleeves down over his hands. He kept his head down to conceal any blood spatters on his face as he made his way through the dark streets and to the gas station.
To his relief, there were no cars there, but then another thought occurred to him. What if Namjoon wasn’t there either? What if he’d been caught again by his boss? He had to be there. Taehyung didn’t have anyone else to turn to.
He jogged up to the front door and peered in. The place was dark. It looked deserted. As the panic started to set in, he raised his fist and beat it against the glass. At last, he caught movement from within. And then Namjoon appeared in one of the aisles toward the back. He seemed to recognize who it was immediately and hurried over. A lollipop stick stuck out of his mouth and he switched it from one corner to the other in a nervous habit as he unlocked the door and opened it. Only then did he notice that Taehyung was covered in blood. Slowly, he lifted a hand and pulled the candy out of his mouth.
Taehyung’s breath quivered as he met the older boy’s eyes. “I did something really bad, hyung.”
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lycanguts · 7 years ago
So this is definitely not my usual type of content, I don’t like causing unnecessary drama but this is inexcusable. It's probably weird seeing this in a fandom tag but these are his main interests and if it could be boosted in this communities it might save some people.
Tumblr user @yucee is a terrible person both in how he acts and how he treats other people, he’s manipulative, quick to deflect blame and never takes responsibility for his actions. As if that wasn’t bad enough he's also a pedophile.
This post will not only contain my testimonial but the testimonials of two others who also met him.
This one is a doozy but I recommend reading it, I want as many people as possible to see his true nature (especially anyone >22 years old).
I would like make it known that he loves to play the victim in any scenario regardless of whose fault it actually is (most of the time it’s his however, he has a real hard time accepting blame for anything).
While my trauma is not as severe as others who have come in contact with him he ruined what was supposed to be a fun weekend with my friends as well as our first meeting which should’ve been something amazing.
Unfortunately I deleted our conversations on Discord as I didn’t think when I did I would be making this type of post, thankfully his tumblr messenger is still open to me as well as a few text messages post-meetup. Most things that revealed his true nature were said during voice chat so most of these messages are only a small glimpse at what an awful person he is.
My Testimonial:
Hello my name is Anthony, I'm 22 years old and I had met yucee three years back when we had a mutual friend. While we didn’t have much in common he seemed like a nice enough guy and someone I’d like to befriend. We had similar tastes in pokemon as well as similar music tastes, and while we had known each other for three years we hadn’t really talked consistently until mid 2017. It was around the latter half of this year that I had developed feelings for him and after a few weeks of hesitation I asked him out and was excited when he said “yes”. Had third been months ago I’d say our relationship was a good one, he accepted me for who I was and I was just happy to find another trans guy with no interest in anything sexual.
However looking back now I realize not only was Yucee extremely self centered but he made sure to link me to his “coping” fic every other day expecting me to read he one sentence he had added while when I would send him my art it was a 50/50 chance I would ever receive good feedback if any at all (his comments were either “cute” or “gay”, sometimes he would just ignore it altogether).
Did I mention he also invited himself to the convention I attended this summer? Around mid March I had planned on asking him as I was going to test the waters and see if by describing my con experiences it would be something he would be interested in attending possibly next year, however as soon as I brought up I was going to a convention he chirped in with “I want to go too!”. He was excited, I was too, and we soon began to make plans to meet each other. During this time let me point out how he would say things like “are we going to be around your friends the entire convention?” and “since you always get to see your friends can I have you to myself?” And “next year, if you still like me then, I want to go to MTAC, just you and me I don’t want your friends there.” And other things of this nature. At first I thought he was just joking around but it became evident to me after the fact that he was becoming extremely possessive of me to the point he was already picking out what costume I would wear for MTAC. Not only this but when he learned me and my friends had already planned a cosplay group he became upset because we were dating so we should’ve had matching costumes. Again this was mid March and the convention was early in early June, I had been working on what costumes I had since December. He was dead set on cosplaying persona characters and while I liked persona I didn’t think I’d have enough time to throw a costume together. Eventually he seemed pleased enough I’d be cosplaying Akira Fudo while he cosplayed Akira from persona, but he still complained that me and my friend were acting more like a couple than he and I were because I had a matching cosplay with her, “we’re boyfriends we should be matching he’d say”. Again, my friends plan our convention going experience well in advance, Yucee had pushed himself into our plans and was upset that nothing was going his way 100%, and that reflected in his behavior at the convention (we’ll get to that shitshow soon enough).
So it’s planning time, we have a few months, I tell him what kinds of things he can buy in the vendor hall and he starts buying his costumes and he estimates he’ll be able to save at least $800 of his SSI checks up to the point, but him being the impulsive man he is he had barely $300. He didn’t even buy his own ticket, he had spent all of his check from May on even more akeshu prints and costume stuff so he didn’t have enough to pay for a preregistration ticket (these closed on may 31st), so I offered to buy his ticket if he paid me back when I came to get him.
When it came to the issue of how he was going to get to my home I of course offered to drive him as long as he helped with gas and such.
Many, many times I assured him I would come and get him, I even had my car worked on just so I could be confident it would make the trip, but every so often he would say things like “I shouldn’t even be planning this, none of my plans ever work out.”
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Every time this came up I assured him that it wouldn’t be an issue, while I had never made a trip this long by myself before I was more than willing.
Whenever I picked him up he gave me $50 for gas when he should’ve given me $150 ($100 for gas there and back, $50 for the ticket). But if we wanna get technical he also owed me an extra $50 on top of this, money he said he’d pay me during the convention (he didn’t). I had bought him a pair of shoes for a costume he didn’t wear (because he was too busy wearing my Guzma shoes) and two face products he used twice but stopped using after it didn’t work fast enough for his liking.
The $50 he had given me however was money he had guilted his dad into giving him, his dad couldn’t meet me halfway because he had stomach issues and was worried he wouldn’t be able to make the trip, which I was fine with, but he had told me he would ask his dad for more money from his monthly check because it was “his [dad’s] fault” I would have to drive the whole way. Also when I first was introduced to his father he introduced me as his boyfriend when I had made it VERY clear that I wanted to be introduced as only a friend, so he outted me without even considering my feelings.
For most of the car ride back he complained constantly about the heat, I had warned him my A/C was on the fritz but he continuously brought t up ever few minutes that he was hot. It was a four hour car ride.
As for the convention itself I will condense it to bullets because there’s a LOT to dive into.
June 7th (Day Before Con)
-I had warned him that he would have to come to work with me when he stayed at my house, since he was unaccustomed to waking up early I offered to wake him twenty minutes before I left (8:00 AM). The moment he woke up he didn’t wish me a happy birthday, the first words out of his mouth were “what are we doing for breakfast?” When I offered him one of my protein bars he made he comment how that wouldn’t fill him up and how he needed something with sodium, he then proceeded to try to get me to cook him a can of soup. This was five minutes before I was supposed to leave to pick up my friend/coworker. I made him a peanut butter sandwich because peanut butter is filling and added a bit of salt because salty peanut butter is good. He didn’t even finish the sandwich, handed it back to me with two bites out of it and continued to complain about being hungry until lunch time.
-When my friend was talking about how shitty her parent was Yucee responded with ��if that was my dad I would just stand up to him” without realizing that my friend’s parent is verbally and emotionally abusive to her, unlike his dad who I assume just doesn’t coddle him like his mom did. He would say often how his dad was a terrible person and then turn around and say he couldn't wait for his dad to get a settlement (which he intended to give Yucee a good part of). His dad is also accepting of him and supportive of him to the point he even is helping fund his T shots/top surgery. When I told him that my friend's parent was not his father he immediately fired back with "Oh well you can't compare suffering."
You're probably wondering why I referred to my friend's parent as her parent as opposed to her "mother", well about that...
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This is in his about. We’ll get into this later.
-We’re short staffed at work, he offered to help. He refused to do litterboxes because of the smell, it took three times of asking him to sweep for me to eventually hand him the broom to sweep, he proceeded to wildly rock the broom back and fourth saying he didn’t know how to sweep, I then asked him to do dishes since he didn’t know how to sweep (he didn’t do the dishes).
-Asked me if he could wear my new pair of shoes because he didn’t have the foresight to pack a comfortable pair of shoes that weren’t for a costume ; whined when I said no because as I said these were my new shoes and a birthday present, continued to complain about how much his feet hurt in my old pair of work shoes I lent him.
-Did I mention he constantly stated that the government pays him to not know anything, and that was one of his many excuses on how he didn’t know how to do even simple tasks like sweep? Other excuses were “I didn’t know that” or “I’m autistic I can’t help it” or “I’ve never done this before.”
-Went into a frenzy when my friends went over a couple of aisles in a very small dollar store, “you guys were going to leave me!” he growled. We assured him we wouldn’t do that countless times after this, this would not be the first occurrence.
-we arrive at my Dad’s house where we would be staying for the convention. Yucee’s frantic squeaking of a toy he had caught the attention of my sister’s lab puppy, thinking Yucee wanted to play he grabbed the toy with his mouth earning a scream followed by a backhand from Yucee. He never apologized. While on the topic of animal abuse: Yucee is extremely neglectful of the three cats he owns. One is covered so badly in flea bites and scabs chunks of his fur are missing and the table on which they eat was covered in vomit and old food, plus they don’t have a litter box so they have to go outside to use the bathroom despite him living near a busy road. Yet he continuously says he wants more cats.
-Whined that his wig didn’t look -exactly- like the picture and proceeded to throw it on the ground, no one noticed him do this as we were busy with our own things. He came out after about a minute and shouted at us “Did no one see me throw my wig down?!” When my friend Seth apologized and pointed out we were all busy he verbally said “sigh”.
June 8th (Day 1 of the con)
-morning time, we’re all getting dressed in our cosplays, Yucee takes the longest despite having the simplest costume and demands that we show him how to apply makeup/put on a wig, after showing him a few times already the night before. he also asks us to do the tasks for him, including putting on his makeup and even partially dressing him (made someone put on his suspenders for him without him even trying beforehand) “I’ve never cosplayed before.” he would say. His outfit was a shirt, pants and a pair of suspenders, he wasn’t even wearing his wig.
-as for my birthday present from him: in the vendor hall he buys me three tiny buttons, $1 each, two buttons that have lgbt+ pride things on them, both of which I can’t wear in my daily life. He also buys me s hat that he didn’t ask if I wanted, especially since the only kind of hats I wear are baseball hats. You might think I’m just mad that I didn’t get presents I wanted, I’m usually the thought that counts type of guy, but he made it quite clear what he wanted for his birthday that was a month away while we were in the vendor hall, he kept making remarks how he wanted a commission done of his favorite persona character, he wanted multiple commissions, and he made it clear he wanted me to buy them. He still hasn’t wished me a happy birthday.
-me and my two friends have had a few pictures of us requested at this point , Yucee gets angry that no one recognizes his Ryuji cosplay and how no one had asked for a picture. Thirty minutes after this exchange someone asks for his picture, he declines saying he’s a “disgusting gross frog man”. Soon after he again complains about this issue.
-complained, constantly, every five minutes it was either asking me when we were going home or how there were no persona cosplayers (there were, plenty) or how he was so nasty and had to go home and shower/wash his clothes (he showered at least three times a day).
-pulled me away from activities with my friends because he wanted me to take him home to shower/wash his clothes (where we were staying was roughly 20 minutes from the convention center and it took him thirty minutes each time).
-straight up insulted cosplayers because they didn’t pick the outfit he liked for the character they were portraying or said he didn’t like the costume because they were acting “too straight”.
-got jealous because me and my friend were “acting more like a couple” than me and him were. My friend and I were Pipimi and Popuko from popteamepic, canonically they are girlfriends and the most my friend and I did was hold hands while skipping and playfully call each other “darling”. I didn’t want to hold hands with Yucee, I didn’t even want to touch him.
-reason I wouldn’t hold hands or even touch Yucee? He had broken many of my boundaries in a short span of time, while it was was wrong of me to not communicate this to him he still continued to push when I was visibly uncomfortable. A ten year friendship had lot less boundaries than a three year friendship/seven month relationship (that I had just met in person two days earlier). Yucee would constantly rub his hands over the back of my neck, he would constantly slap my arm and eventually did it in for me was when he snuck up behind me and angrily slammed his hand on my shoulder because me and my friends had “left” him. I nearly had a panic attack before I realized it was him. He never apologized.
-would go into a frenzy if my group travelled ahead without him, even if we were in sight and only a few feet away he would cry about how we were leaving him behind. Every time I assured him we wouldn’t leave him and he could call me should we get separated.
June 9th (Day 2 of the con)
-Morning routine similar to day one, complete with him still making someone else do his makeup for him
-Said “not all of us having living mothers” rather annoyingly when someone was complaining about their mom. This person didn’t know Yucee had “ptsd” and wasn’t even talking to him but rather to my friend. He sounded more annoyed than about to have a panic attack, he even said what was supposed to be his trigger word.
-Did have a “breakdown” however because we walked a few feet away from him, we were still in eyesight, he didn’t even attempt to keep up with us. Went to the nearest booth where he knew he’d get sympathy, a booth that he knew was run by someone’s MOTHER. Made the comment afterwards that he wished she would adopt him.
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-Tried to guilt me should I be thinking about breaking up with him.
-Constantly says that he should’ve never of come and how he just wants to go home, even asks if I or my grandma can drive him home on day three.
So the convention dance party rolls around, which is basically just a clean rave, I’m hyped because this is the first time I’m actually going to break out of my comfort zone and attend it. Yucee wanted to go to as he said he had always wanted to see what a rave was like, the moment we step in he goes to sit in the corner by himself. I told him I’ll come check on him every few minutes, I left my phone with him to prove that would come back for him. A few minutes pass and I go to check on him, he says he’s going outside the door for a second to get some air, so I think nothing of it. I see that they’re selling light up face masks so I had to run to my car to get cash, a trip that’ll take me about ten minutes. I tell my friends where I’m going and that Yucee said he’d be right outside. Halfway on my trip back from the car I’m alerted that my friends can’t find Yucee. I start to panic and practically run back to where the dance party is, I meet up with my friends and we split up to look for him. It doesn’t take me long to find him because I look in the area where he said he was going: outside on the balcony. I look around and there’s a lot of people out there, none Yucee, but upon further inspection I see he’s all the way on the other end of the balcony where no one else is. I lose it because he didn’t tell anyone he was going over there, we all assumed outside on the balcony meant with the rest of the people taking a break, not wedged in a corner out of anyone’s sight line. That’s when I decide it’s time someone has a talking to with him. I ask my friend to tell him why what he did wasn’t okay while I go grab a cup of water, when I return to them my friend makes it clear it’s my turn to talk to him. That’s when I decide to break up with him, not because of his “break down” but because of his disregard of anyone else’s feelings that weekend. While I was considering it I was going to think it over after the convention and make my decision in the future, he twisted my arm for the last time though. 
-Yucee blames my friend Boo for the reason we broke up despite me clarifying that it was 100% my decision
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-Also blamed her for being the reason he had a breakdown, because she didn’t coddle him like everyone else. Didn't even bother to apologize for the two breakdowns he had caused her, when I brought it up he would always go through me to do it.
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-so after I gave him my two cents I let him stew in a safe space while I tried to enjoy the remainder of the day with my friends (it was 12 am at this point and the con center closed at 1 am). We went to the game room (which I told him about) and not ten minutes go by he’s spamming me with texts and calls to tell me this is why he has “trust issues”.
-We get home and he goes immediately to bed without a word to any of us
June 10th (Final day of the con)
-Stayed in my dad’s basement all day by request, barely paid me half of the convention ticket money he owed me because he had spent it all on merch
I didn't hear from him all day, didn't even acknowledge us when we returned to start packing up.
-when we arrived at my home after leaving my dad’s he locked himself away all night, I didn’t see him until the next morning when I drove him home. (which he didn't provide me gas for, didn't even say one word to me).
I was lucky that my friend Boo tagged along when I took him home because she is one of the best friends I have had or will ever have and despite Yucee's hatred of her he could actually learn a LOT from her about being a good person.
I did have some contact with him post convention which is outlined in most of these messages, but for about the past month I have not contacted him out of one anon (see end of this post).
So just keep in mind that when he says his convention experience was awful that he’s the reason for a good portion of it going bad, he didn’t even bother apologizing to my friends once for ruining their convention, a convention that we all look forward to a year in advance.
Now I believe my friend's deserve to have their voices heard.
Boo’s Testimonial:
(This one’s a bit messy thanks to tumblr’s image limit)
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Seth’s Testimonial:
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In summary: yucee aka Jamie/Mike McCarver is a lazy, manipulative, self centered man. He’s a 27 year old who acts like he’s a child and plays up his problems for sympathy, he refuses to ever take blame or apologize for anything because how could he do wrong when he’s autistic/disabled. If he ever does apologize he never says it directly to the person, rather he goes for a general apology. He also says he’s learned from his mistakes but it’s obvious that he’s just saying that in an attempt to placate those he’s wronged or save face.
He’s also known to twist words to garner sympathy, what a shocker:
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I sent him an anon as bait because I knew he’d twist the words. But I never said he didn’t deserve testosterone, and he knows that’s not what I meant, by not publishing the ask he can twist the words how he likes, which he likes to do a lot.
The anon read “If you paint a piece of shit gold it’s still a piece of shit. I’m not sure what you think you learned from your experience but it doesn’t change that you’re a pedophile. You were old enough to know what you were doing was wrong, in the end you hurt someone and if your not man enough to just issue an apology to them you’re a coward and no amount of testosterone will make you a real man. Your mother and father would be ashamed.”
Oh, and don’t forget about him being a pedophile.
Yucee was/is a sexually aggressive pedophile who refuses to acknowledge that he’s mentally messed up someone so bad that it’s still affecting them to this day and doesn’t even bother to apologize to them because he thinks they’ve traumatized him too. They were 14 years old, he was 22. He seems to have made it his mission to demonize his victim when his victim has not even made contact with him in three years. He says he’s changed but continues to befriend people at least five years younger than him, while they still are legal adults it’s still creepy considering the past he’s had with younger individuals.
And Yucee if you’re reading this: Your victim has not sent you any anons, you know exactly who has because you’ve told me before you know it’s her. 
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Please boost this, do NOT interact with this user to send hate, and PLEASE stay safe.
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