Set The Night Alight
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
Thank you so much for the kind words 🥺 this is one of my favorite fics I've written so knowing others enjoy it too just makes me 🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭
As The World Burns Around Us: Masterlist
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader ft. Taehyung (and the other members)
Genre: Apocalypse!AU, Angst, Thriller, Romance
Warning: dark themes, violence, gore
Summary: You haven’t seen the sun in two years. The Virus wiped out a good three quarters of the world’s population and then the wars that followed wiped out half of that. After everything happened, it was only a matter of time before the different countries started blaming each other and emptied their nuclear arsenals. You’re still surprised Seoul survived – if you can call what it has become “surviving”.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
Murder At The Kim Estate: Act One
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Murder Mystery au!
Wordcount: 2.7k
Warning: mentions of blood, murder, guns
Summary: You've been invited to the eery Kim Estate and as a paranormal investigator, you can't wait to check the place out and find out if the rumors about the mass murder from long ago are true.
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Your Uber pulls up to the wrought iron gates, the heavy rain and fog making the place within look ominous. Instead of pulling through the gate, the driver stops the car and puts it in park.
“This is where I’m dropping you off,” he says, having to yell a bit over the sound of the rain hitting the roof of his car and the windshield wipers working like mad.
“Really?” You ask slightly annoyed. Having been invited to a really old mansion, you decided to bring all of your more expensive paranormal investigative equipment to try out. You’ve been to a few older places before but a party at such a prestigious one calls for the best.
“There’s no way I’m going in there,” the driver said with an incredulous laugh. “You can have one of the umbrellas I keep back there though.”
You shuffle yourself around, picking up your feet as you look for an umbrella but the floor is empty. “Uh, there’s nothing back here,” you say and look up to make eye contact with the driver through the rearview mirror.
He turns around in his seat and tilts his head to look at the floor. “Huh, I guess my first two rides took them.” Then he looks back up at you and shrugs. “Sorry.”
You let out a heavy sigh, muttering under your breath about how you should have splurged for plus as you push the door open and climb out into the pouring rain. It’s coming down hard, hitting your back and shoulders with what feels like marble sized droplets and you can only stand there, clutching your backpack as your Uber pulls away.
With another sigh you turn again to face the gate, staring up at it before focusing on the mansion that sits nestled in the trees. The windows glow with a warm light which makes you dread the trek even more. You’ll be soaked to the bone before you get even halfway to the mansion.
Suddenly, the rain above you ceases and you look up to see a black dome surrounding you. “You seemed to need this,” a tinkling voice says and when you turn, you meet the eyes of a kind face, a smile playing on his full lips. “I’m Jimin,” he adds and puts out the hand that isn’t holding the umbrella over both of your heads.
You take his hand and shake. “Right, you texted me the other day,” you say and then tell him your name. His eyes immediately light up with recognition.
“Right!” He exclaims with a sweet lilt. “Ugh I just felt so bad about our imbecile of a director canceling the program between our forensics lab and your investigation department.”
“Yeah I got a text from Kim Namjoon too telling me he felt bad that the program was cancelled,” you respond as the two of you head into the gate—which does creak like you figured it would—and start down the gravel driveway.
Jimin scoffs. “Of course he texted you too,” he says. “Any chance to talk to someone attractive.” Wait, did Jimin just call you attractive?
“He did ask me if I wanted to get together for drinks next week,” you say, remembering the conversation you had with the forensics investigator just earlier that week.
“Of course he did,” Jimin chuckles. “That man will try to turn any situation no matter how bad into a prospective date if he can manage it,” Then he looks at you, worry in his eyes. “He didn’t manage it, did he?”
You smile. “I told him I had a paper to write.”
Jimin laughs out loud at this, his eyes shrinking into sparkling half moons. “I bet that dropped him down a few pegs.”
You laugh too and are about to say something when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Your jeans are soaked from your short time spent in the rain before you were rescued by Jimin so it takes a bit more effort than normal to pull your phone out and when you do, you see a text from an unknown number. You swipe to open the message.
Our crime lab will never work with you or your sad excuse for a science department. Crime investigation is not something to joke around with and I’m sorry to say but your department is a joke. Ghosts aren’t real.
“Well,” you say. “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?” You show Jimin your phone and he rolls his eyes once he’s read the text.
“And that would be Jung Hoseok. I did tell you he’s an imbecile, didn’t I?” He asks as the two of you head up the steps to the grand front door. “I swear, he and Namjoon spend more time bickering than actually solving cases. It’s like they—oh,” he stops in his tracks as the door swings open seemingly on its own. “Well, I guess we just go in?” Then he takes the lead, closing his umbrella as he steps inside.
You follow, still clutching your backpack under one arm and when you get inside, you see that there’s actually someone holding the door open for you. A distinguished looking young man in a smart looking coat and tails. He stands up tall, one arm bent properly behind his back. When you make eye contact, he gives a small bow and a corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk.
“Evening miss,” he says. “Won’t you accompany our other guests in the parlor where drinks are being served?”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” you say taken aback by the polite tone of his voice. “Um, thanks,” you say quickly then start in the direction Jimin disappeared.
You were in a hurry to catch up but very quickly, your pace slows as you look up and take in the place.
The foyer is huge, it alone could fit three of your dorm rooms side by side and probably six stacked on top of each other. A grand, marble staircase leads up to the second floor balcony, branching off on either side surely into the many rooms on the top floor. Directly above your head, you see a sparkling chandelier and you find yourself wondering how the heck a broke grad student like you could have possibly ended up in a place like this.
You spin around to find the one who had opened the door for you standing near the doorway to the closest room. “Would you please join the other guests?”
“Right, sorry,” you say and start toward the parlor again.
“No need to apologize,” he says. “I understand that not many people have seen the inside of the Kim Estate. It is pretty grand if you haven’t lived here most of your life.”
“Are you one of the Kims?” You ask curiously.
The man dips his head bashfully. “No, I’m not,” he says with a chuckle. “Just the butler, miss.”
“What’s your name?” You ask stopping in the doorway.
“I’m Jungkook.”
You hold your hand out. “Nice to meet you, Jungkook,” you say.
Jungkook keeps his own hands clasped behind his back but gives a deep bow. “The pleasure is all mine, Miss,” he says then gestures into the room. “Please, have a drink and make yourself comfortable.”
You just smile back before stepping into the parlor where you find Jimin standing with a tall, attractive man who you can only assume is Namjoon. Another man stands closer to the bar, holding a drink in his hands and giving the two the side eye, though they don’t seem to notice him.
As soon as Jimin sees you, he smiles, grabbing a drink off a silver tray on the bar and holding it out for you.
“You get lost on the way in here?” He asks in a joking tone.
You smile and take the drink. “The place is really cool looking, isn’t it?” You say.
“Yeah, so mysterious,” Namjoon adds. “A bit creepy if you ask me.”
“I like creepy,” you say with a shrug.
“Don’t get to excited, Joon,” Jimin says. “She’s not into that kind of creepy.”
You about spit out your drink, clapping your hand over your mouth to keep it in.
“Hey, I was just wanting to get together to talk more about the cancelled program,” Namjoon says. “I’m actually really bummed that Hoseok cancelled it and was looking forward to learning more about paranormal investigation.”
You raise an eyebrow and glance at Jimin. He doesn’t look convinced either.
“Seriously,” Namjoon says then cocks his head. “I think I have a knack for the paranormal side. My grandma had psychic abilities. And my mom does too. She told me when I was at her house one week doing laundry.”
Jimin laughs. “You still do your laundry at your mom’s house?”
Namjoon shrugs. “Well, she does my laundry, but still,” then he looks at you again. “Do you think I could come to your lab some time and be tested?”
“Oh yeah, he definitely needs tested,” Jimin utters from behind his glass.
Just then a loud chime sounds causing the three of you to jump and search for the source of the noise. Moments later, in waltzes a man, his head held high, and by the way both Jimin and Namjoon stiffen, you can safely assume this is Jung Hoseok, director of the Bangtan Crime Lab.
You hear the man standing back by the bar—who you’d actually kind of forgotten was there—gasp and when you look at him, he’s staring at the newest guest, eyes and mouth wide.
“Ah good evening, gentlemen,” Hoseok says then looks at you and tilts his head. “And who might you be?” He asks then eyes the EMF reader peaking out of an open pocket in your backpack.
“This is the head of the paranormal investigation department at Bangtan University,” Jimin says. “You know, the department we were supposed to collaborate with.”
“Oh right,” Hoseok says, standing taller, the look on his face one of superiority. Oh yeah, this guy is a piece of work. “What are you doing here?”
You’ve never met a person that was so forward, at least not before tonight. “Um…I was invited,” you say then glance over to the doorway to find Jungkook standing there, watching the four of you curiously.
He seems like a strange character, someone who belongs in a place just as strange. You’d done a little research on the Kim Estate after you received the invite in the mail. The mansion has an intriguing history, one that made you spend most of your savings on this new equipment that currently sits in your damp backpack.
You turn to Jimin now, trying to completely ignore the forensics director who’s still lookin at you doubtfully. “Did you hear about the mass murder that took place here?” You ask.
Jimin immediately goes white, his glass frozen halfway to his mouth. “Murder?” He asks quietly.
“Yeah,” you say. “It happened about a hundred years ago.” At the sound of that, he relaxes again and takes a sip of his drink. “Someone murdered a bunch of people in the house and they never found out who did it.”
“Great,” Namjoon says. “So there’s a lunatic running around here.”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “If there was, they’d be very old right now,” he says. “Surely, even you could outrun them.” Then he turns to you once again and motions toward your bag. “So what’s in there?”
“Oh, I brought some of my investigative equipment,” you say, feeling your ears growing hot. You hear Hoseok snort and though he’s now making conversation with Namjoon, you’re pretty positive he’s laughing at you.
“Ooh so like ghost hunting stuff?” Jimin asks, his eyes widening. “Could we try it out?”
Well, that is what you brought it for, isn’t it?
“Jimin,” Hoseok says, cutting in before you can answer. “Could I talk to you for a moment?”
Jimin glances back at you then at his boss again. “Uh, I guess,” he says then follows after the scientist closer to the bar.
“Um, excuse me.”
You turn to find the guy that had been standing by the bar all night right beside you. “Did you say something about murders happening here at the estate?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I guess it was pretty tragic, but no one ever found out who did it.”
“Well, I work here at the estate and I can assure you that that’s just a rumor,” he says.
“How do you know?” Namjoon asks stepping in closer so he doesn’t have to talk so loud. “It happened way before you would have started working here.”
“That may be,” the man says, “but rumors like that aren’t good for the children to hear.”
You and Namjoon glance at each other then around the room. “Uh, there aren’t any children here,” you say carefully.
The man scoffs. “Of course not,” he says. “I’m not stupid. I just mean that if they were to catch wind of talk like that from the other staff, they’d be afraid to be in the house they’re supposed to feel safe in.”
“So you work here, then?” Namjoon asks raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I’m Yoongi,” the man says, “I was hired to take care of Master Kim’s children since he can’t seem to do it for himself.”
“Whadya mean?” You ask.
“The man child couldn’t keep those kids alive even if he tried. He just leaves his things everywhere. Dangerous things.”
“Dangerous things?” Namjoon asks almost a little too excitedly. “What kinds of dangerous things?”
Yoongi crosses his arms. “Well, Jungkook had to put his revolver away for the second time just this week before you all got here. Those kinds of dangerous things,” he spits.
The three of you look over to where Hoseok and Jimin are talking.
“What do you mean, fired?” Jimin shouts.
“Uh oh,” Namjoon utters under his breath.
“You can’t fire me,” Jimin continues. “I’ve been there longer than you’ve even wanted to be a forensic scientist!”
“Well,” Hoseok says so calmly even you feel patronized. “I just can’t work in such a hostile work environment. And if it takes getting rid of a few people that aren’t willing to be team players then, well, it’s what’s best for the whole department.”
Jimin stares at the man, eyes wide in pure astonishment. “Hostile? You thought THAT was hostile? Oh I’ll show you hostile, buddy, you just watch.”
“Okay,” Namjoon says and quickly makes his way over to the two, grabbing Jimin before he can take a swing at his now ex-boss. “Come on, Jiminie, let’s cool off a bit.”
“You’ll be sorry, Jung!” Jimin yells before he’s dragged through a doorway into another room by his coworker.
You and Yoongi only stare in silence as Hoseok pulls in a deep breath then looks your way. He raises his glass to you then turns and ducks out of the parlor and back into the foyer.
“I’ve been watching that man all night,” Yoongi says and when you turn to look at him, his narrowed eyes are glued to the doorway the director just disappeared through. “He reminds me so much of an ex-partner of mine, it’s uncanny.”
“Ex partner?” You ask curiously.
Yoongi takes the last gulp of his drink, letting out a heavy sigh and turning the now empty glass in his long fingers. “Yeah, we were best friends for all our teenage years. And we had planned to go into business together, but just before things really got going, he met someone and up and disappeared. And took all the money we’d put in together with him.”
“Wow,”you say. “Sounds like a crappy best friend to me. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” Yoongi says. “Sure does, doesn’t he? I was a bit of a wreck. Blacked out for a few days, couldn’t do my job which made me seem like a terrible caregiver and ever since then the Kims have been on my back. I really do love the kids. Really.”
You can tell the man is sincere, the way his brows furrow as he stares at the glass in his hands. When he looks up at you, you smile gently. “I can tell,” you say. “I bet you’re a great caregiver. They’ll come around.”
Yoongi chuckles. “Thanks.”
“Excuse me.”
The two of you look up to find Jungkook standing before you. “Just wanted to let you know that dinner will be served in five minutes.”
“Sounds good,” you say giving him a smile. He once again smirks then disappears back through the doorway.
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
I want jk's moodlamp so bad :( this one is gonna hurt
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
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Thank you for the beautiful flowers 🥺🥰
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
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hello, @today-we-will-survive​! you have (1) new love mail from an anonymous admirer.
today-we-will-survive makes the most gorgeous moodboards and i love her sense of aesthetic! she is supremely talented and deserves all the love in the world and more <3 an absolute QUEEN!
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
@dollwithluv I love you, friend!!!
💫💜💜💜💫 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💗🌺💗🌺💗 love, panda
Panda thank you so much. This made my day or night I guess. @tinyhope @foreverfreo @blueversaillesdreams @oreomonsterhunter (I miss you) @madseok @dollwithluv @tabsteen @btsforsusan @jung-koook @trashlord-007
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
I love you
BIG shoutout to some of my loves!
@btsismybiass you are my wife. you are my life. no one can take your place 💜
@today-we-will-survive your moodboards are always a source of inspiration for me and you are hands down one of the kindest people i have been fortunate enough to know on this platform ❤ also you write so well too and i m just afjafjafa save some for the rest of us!!
@yeojaa erin. you are my love. my insanely generous rp partner and woman extraordinaire. a million people have thought and said this before but you are gorgeous inside-out and i m so beyond lucky that i can call you my friend ❤
@moccahobi lilliaaa 🥺 from you asking me for suggestions over your asmr to your compliments and random check in's, you v made me feel cared for on this site from day one & i cannot in words express how much that means to me
@kithtaehyung ryen. darling. my queen. your graphics, your stories, your kindness, your face, your generosity, your bleeding heart, there is not an inch of you that i do not admire and adore
@jungkooksbroski you flippin cutie, u r always such a source of light and joy & its never a dull moment around you
@taegularities my fellow desi baby, the one who understands all my crazy bollywood references, who hypes me up when i dont deserve it and whose kindness knows no bounds. u are so hardworking and beautiful & just such a blessing to everyone on this platform and hell planet!
@eatjeanjin jean, my love, you are one of a kind and i cannot stop being in awe of you. just so much talent? so much beauty? so much sass? in such a tiny body? you are a wonder 💫
and gosh! there r so many more people that i wanna tag and i will eventually but for now, you guys have made my days brighter on this site and beyond. thankyou ❤ ily'alll!!!
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
Murder At The Kim Estate: Prologue
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Murder Mystery au!
Warning: mentions of blood, murder, guns
Summary: You've been invited to the eery Kim Estate and as a paranormal investigator, you can't wait to check the place out and find out if the rumors about the mass murder are true.
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Jeon Jungkook sets the silver tray carefully on the bar in front of him, turning it with the tips of his fingers so the light from the chandelier overhead can glint off its shiny surface.
“Perfect,” he whispers then grabs eight empty glasses from the shelf behind him and sets them on the counter. The sound of ice clinking against the inside of the glass is the only one in the room, a calming sound that causes Jungkook’s nerves to settle a bit. He’s fallen into a rhythm when sudden footsteps on the marble floor cause him to slosh some of the brandy from the decanter he’s holding onto the silver tray.
“Ah, Jungkook,” Kim Seokjin, says with a grand sigh. “Do we have everything ready? Aren’t our guests about to arrive?”
“They should be here anytime, sir,” Jungkook responds. “These drinks are the last thing on my list and then we should be all set.”
The master of the house frowns down at the splashed alcohol on the tray but quickly softens his expression again when he looks back up. “I do appreciate you putting this party together. I’ll admit I was worried at first to not be a part of the planning but I just checked on dinner and I think tonight will be a hit.”
Jungkook smiles. “Well, sir, I have been serving you for the past twelve years so I’d like to think I’ve come to learn what you like.” Then he holds out a drink. “Brandy?”
“Of course,” Seokjin says taking it and holding the glass up in a cheers. “To the Bangtan Historical Society,” he says and Jungkook nods though the man doesn’t see as he’s already tilting his head back.
“You been talking about me to the other staff, Jeon?”
Both Jungkook and Seokjin turn to find the younger Kim brother, Taehyung, making his way pointedly toward them. The man drops his hands down on the bar top loudly, eyes set on Jungkook in such a way that if they were daggers, they’d be digging into the butler’s throat.
Jungkook stands up taller. Having several inches on the boy and having dealt with his antics for a long time now, nothing about the stare is either new nor threatening to him. “I just said I’m getting sick of having to always pick up after you. You do realize you just left your prized revolver sitting on the coffee table in the library, right? Just out for anyone to pick up and play with?”
Taehyung leans back, cocking an eyebrow, mouth twitching into an incredulous smirk. “And who’s going to pick it up and play with it, huh? The children are with their mother at her parents’ house.”
“You never know,” Jungkook says, getting back to pouring the last drink and setting it carefully on the tray. He picks up a cloth and quickly swipes the spilled liquor off its surface. “Maybe someone else that has an eye for shiny things. Either way, I put it back in your nightstand where it belongs.”
A scoff escapes Taehyung’s throat. “Thanks,” he mutters then grabs the glass of brandy that Jungkook just put down and throws it back before slamming it empty again on the bar. “I’ll take another.”
Jungkook only glares at the younger of the two Kims, now taking his turn to throw daggers. He’s debating on whether he should just toss the liquid in the decanter he’s holding at the man or the whole bottle when chimes echo through the mansion.
“Ah, it seems our first guest has arrived!” Seokjin exclaims, clapping his hands together once before sweeping one arm out toward the grand front entry. “Jungkook, could you please let them in?”
“Right away, sir,” Jungkook says then sets the decanter on the counter for Taehyung so he can refill his own glass and slips out from behind the bar.
Jungkook clasps his hands behind his back, standing up tall and when he reaches the front door, he takes a deep breath as he grasps the knob. Tonight is going to be interesting, he thinks then pulls the door open.
To Be Continued...
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
Coming Soon: Murder At The Kim Estate
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Forensic Investigator at the Bangtan Crime Lab. Namjoon is a charismatic gentleman, ideal in every way – someone you’d love to take home to meet your parents.  But behind the scenes, he’s a lazy couch potato with an outrageous lack of etiquette.
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The handsome Kim Seokjin is the polite and genteel heir of the Kim Estate. Seokjin has a slightly mysterious quality, but is a gracious and welcoming host.
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The quiet caretaker of the Kim children. Yoongi has been a faithful and devoted guardian to the Kim family for many years, including caring for Kim Taehyung when he was a boy.
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A famous forensic scientist from Seoul, and is new to Bangtan City. Hoseok recently accepted a position as the director of the crime lab. Egotistical sums up this celebrity doc in one word.
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Forensic Lab Tech at the Bangtan Crime Lab. Jimin is the leading trace evidence technician in the field of forensic science. He is talkative and goes on wild, random tangents during conversations. His chattiness is probably caused by hanging out with microscopes more than people.
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The younger brother of Kim Seokjin.  Known as the strong and silent backbone of the Kim family, this high society gent is the one to ask if you need anything from the Kims.
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Butler of the Kim Estate. Next to sarcasm in the dictionary, Jeon Jungkook’s picture is plastered in the description. Jungkook is the self-loving butler with a notorious problem of over-exaggeration.
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The mysterious paranormal investigator. Given your field of choice, you have a rather unpredictable pattern of behavior.  You're a young and broke graduate student at Bangtan University.
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
NaNoWriMo is brutal as always 😖
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today-we-will-survive · 3 years ago
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he looks like a rockstar (cr. dwellingsouls)
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today-we-will-survive · 4 years ago
@andikayenta I’ve seen the notifs come up on my phone every time you’ve liked one of my Tae fics tonight and I just want you to know that this is seriously one of the most rewarding things for a fic writer. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my stuff 💜💜💜
Silver and Gold
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: fluff, romance
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.1K
Requested: @dimpled-gukkie
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There’s a small section of boards on the back deck of your house that looks a little different from the others. Just at the edge the wood is worn to a darker, smooth and almost shiny sheen. The sharp edges had been dulled down over the years. This was where you and Taehyung always sat at night during the summer, your legs dangling over the edge of the deck, bare feet brushing the tips of the grass below whenever your dad forgot to mow for a couple weeks. It was always so warm in the summer and the two of you would sit outside for hours, watching the sun set and moon appear, stars twinkle into existence against the darkening sky.
Keep reading
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today-we-will-survive · 4 years ago
sometimes.. i just wish there was like a word? for when youre like. Jumping and Popping? sigh.... if only...
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today-we-will-survive · 4 years ago
Decided only a few hours ago that I want to participate in camp nanowrimo and…uh…I need a plot. So I was wondering if anyone has any ideas. The setting is a cute cafe where magical creatures are regulars. It’s a short story and I’m trying to think of a cozy fantasy plot that’s still engaging enough to keep someone interested and takes place around this cafe…any and all suggestions would be appreciated 💜
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today-we-will-survive · 4 years ago
Ask game!!
If you could only choose one song to use to introduce someone to BTS, which one do you think would best represent them?
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today-we-will-survive · 4 years ago
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