#it is actually a big fish and not a whale
roxyandelsewhere · 2 years
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In honor of the two year anniversary of Nov 5, here's Dean and Cas in Purgatory.
inprnt | society6 | redbubble | ko-fi
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bunjywunjy · 5 months
how do manatees even survive as a species if they're way too peaceful. somehow nothing wants to eat them. not gators or sharks or whales
it's quite simple, they're their ecosystem's version of a megafauna grazing mammal! they're simply too large for most predators to bother. they are, in fact, fucking huge.
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see, manatees don't actually live out in the open ocean. they live in rivers, estuaries, and shallow seagrass bays like this:
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so the thing is, large macropredator sharks and superpredators like killer whales don't go here! they stay out in open deep water, so they never really cross paths with manatees in the first place.
there ARE sharks here, but they're small! adult manatees are completely out of their prey size range, and they're more interested in fish anyway.
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alligators do live here also, but even a very large alligator can't really dream of preying on an adult manatee! again, they're simply too big.
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so, yeah. this is just another case of "this mammal is able to get away with being a gentle giant by simply growing too large for any predator in its area to touch" and I think that's beautiful.
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bogleech · 8 months
Simple lifeform facts I take for granted that I've now seen blowing people's minds on here:
That sea urchins walk around and have mouths with teeth on their undersides
That corals are related to jellyfish
Barnacles being related to crabs and shrimp
Ants being an offshoot of wasps
Termites being totally unrelated to ants and all similarities just being convergent evolution (they're actually a group of cockroaches, but even science didn't know that part until a few years ago)
Starfish having an eye at the end of each arm
That the bodies of ticks and mites are also their heads, essentially big heads with legs (they even frequently have eyes way up on "the body")
Sperm whales have no upper teeth, and also their bodies are flat from the front
Goats also having no upper (front) teeth
Tapeworms having no mouth at all and just absorbing nutrients over their entire body surface
That flies are bigger pollinators than bees
That moths are bigger pollinators than bees
That wasps are just as important pollinators as bees (more important to many groups of plants) and when we say they're "less efficient" at it we just mean individually they get a little less pollen stuck to them.
That honeybees are nonnative to most of the world and not good for the local ecosystem, just good for human agriculture
That earthworms are also nonnative and destructive to more habitats than the reverse
There being no hard biological line between slugs and snails; all slugs aren't necessarily related to each other and there are gastropod groups where some have shells and some don't
That ALL octopuses (not just the blue ring) have a venomous bite
Most jellyfish and sea anemones being predators that eat fish
"Krill" being shrimp up to a few inches long and not some kind of microbe
Blue whales therefore being the deadliest predators to ever evolve as they eat up to several million individual animals per day
That krill are still "plankton" because plankton refers to whatever animals, algae and other organisms are carried around by the sea's currents, not to any particular group of life or a size category
Fungi being no more related to plants than we are, and in fact more like a sibling to the animal kingdom if anything
Venus fly traps being native to only one small area of North America in all the world
Parasites being essential to all ecosystems
Leeches not having a circular ring of teeth anywhere
That algae is not a type of plant
That most seaweed is just very big algae
That enough wood ends up in the ocean that plenty of sea life evolved to eat only wood
Speaking of which the fact that the "ship worms" that make tunnels in wood are just long noodly clams
Butterflies technically just being a small weird group of moths we gave a different name to
That insects only get wings once they reach maximum size and therefore there can never be a younger smaller bee or fly that's not a larva
Spiders not being any more likely to kill their own mates/young than just a cat or dog might, for most species maybe a lot less often?
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dycefic · 2 years
Tom Saves The World
Everyone knows that it’s super-heroes who save the world. They fight the aliens, or the monsters, or the bad guys. And mostly, that’s true.
But not always.
I’m a psychic. The thing is, my range isn’t that great. I don’t have much detail more than about 36 hours out, 48 for something really big. I’d had a nebulous sort of bad feeling for about a week before this one finally hit, and it was big. Something very tough and very supernatural was going to come up out of the harbor of Nova Roma, and the death-toll was going to be high. Crazy high.
I did all I could. I told the Unaligned Supers Job Placement Agency, and they put the word out to everyone on both sides of the Line. The Henchman’s Union don’t like natural disasters any more than anyone else, and they’re often quite helpful against eldritch horrors and stuff like that. Things that don’t hire henchmen and ruin the property values.
The trouble was, nobody big was around. The only really big team of heavy hitters on the West Coast were away dealing with some sort of doomsday cult - I never was clear on what that was about - and Guarde and Dog Fox were out of touch and even Mx Frantique was out of town at someone’s wedding. It was going to happen in less than two days and we couldn’t find anyone to help and I was seriously considering calling in some kind of bomb threat or something to get people away from the docks, at least.
And then, about eighteen hours out, it just… went away.
Which never, ever happens.
My powers might be short range, but they’re reliable. I don’t get stuff wrong, and I hadn’t been able to find any way to prevent what was going to happen, or even been able to identify anyone who could. But someone did. Someone had done something to stop the threat, something that happened literally while I was opening my car door. When I reached for the handle, thousands of people were going to die. By the time the door was open, there was no threat at all.
At first I thought it must have been a ranged thing. Like, whatever I’d been seeing (all those teeth, I saw them in nightmares for months after) had been distracted by something tasty on its way here and gotten off track, that it’d come up somewhere up or down the coast. My range isn’t that big, either. Anything outside about thirty miles might as well be on Mars for all I know about it. So we kept a watch out, and warned the chapters of the Union and the Agency in other cities.
But nothing happened. Nothing at all. I couldn’t explain it, and I was really unpopular for a while. Supers do NOT like people who cry wolf. There’s enough freaky shit we have to deal with without someone panicking everyone with a dire prophecy that fizzles out.
Thank all the gods that Tunny showed up. Nobody’s really sure what Tunny actually is - sentient fish creature, some kind of really mutated human, an alien, or what. She changes her story a lot. But she’s pretty friendly, especially for a twenty-foot-long horror-movie-mermaid-thing with four arms, so when she came into harbor to pick up some supplies a guy from the Agency went out to tell her what I’d seen. I’d gotten a wharf and dock number, so she went down to check.
I don’t think anyone had ever seen Tunny scared before. Her English wasn’t good enough to really explain what she’d found hibernating down there, but it was something very old and very powerful and very dangerous, and if it’d been woken up my vision would just have been the start of the crisis.
She rounded up a bunch of whales to help her move it, once she was sure it hadn’t been agitated and wasn’t likely to rouse if moved carefully. They towed it out before dawn, not wanting to scare the civilians, and when I saw the footage from the helicopter the Union sent up, when I saw how big the swell was, how many whales were pulling, I swear I nearly crapped myself. No wonder I’d been getting hints a week in advance. Somehow we dumbass humans had built a whole fucking city almost on top of some kind of Ancient Old… THING, and eroded the sea-bottom until it was exposed, and if someone hadn’t done whatever it was we’d all have been dead long before Tunny arrived. And not just all as in ‘all of Nova Roma’, it could have taken out half of the continent... or all of it.
It took me years to find out what happened. YEARS. It turned into a kind of hobby, tracking everything that might possibly have come into contact with Wharf 38 on that particular day.  
And what I found, eventually, was a city employee named Thomas Briggs.
I’d found out early on that 38 wasn’t in good repair. Not that bad, but not great. It was old, things were getting a bit saggy in a few places, but there’d been no sign that anything was likely to fall off on the day. It had sat there for a couple of years after the crisis that never happened,, doing its job without problems then been rebuilt without any drama at all.
Entirely, completely, and totally because of Thomas Briggs.
The story, when I finally pieced it together, went like this.
There’d been some project or other to build some sort of high-budget science project over on the other side of the harbor, hanging it off’ve Pier 8, the furthest out on that side. Something about tracking sea-life or ships or something. My conversational English is near perfect, I’ve been here for years, but I don’t speak science nerd in ANY language. It’d all been approved, some university was covering most of the cost, it was all gonna be fine. And it was gonna be over on 8 because that side of the harbor is the shallow end. It’s where the sailboats go. All the big stuff that would block visual sensors and deafen the thing with engine noise was over in the thirties, in the real deep water.
They were almost ready to install the thing when a bunch of rich dudes suddenly got their panties in a bunch over having a big sciency tower thing ruining the view from their yachts, and tried to get it moved.
To, and I’m sure you guessed this, Wharf 38.
Which was completely insane. It wouldn’t be able to do its job over there, it’d be way more in the way, and (although they couldn’t have known it) the installation would definitely have woken up the Thing sleeping by the wharf and we all would have died. But rich dudes with yachts don’t care about that stuff. They’d bitched out and bribed up their friends on the city council, and those friends had done their thing, and the scientists had been left in the dark, and it’d almost gone through. They’d figured to install it right away, so that when the science guys found out it’d be too late and they’d either have to pay a lot to move it or just use it where it was.
Enter Thomas Briggs.
Mr Briggs, Tom to his friends, didn’t give a crap about the yachts or the science. He was a senior money guy for the commercial wharfs, the one who figured out things like how much money they’d take in in a quarter, and what the repair budget should be, stuff like that. He found out about this thing two days before the disaster would have happened, and sat down and did the math.
Then he sent out an email to the guys trying to push this through, and he ripped into them like they’d threatened to knife his mother. I got my hands on that email, and I didn’t understand a lot of it any more than the council guys would have. It was ALL numbers. But at the top he wrote it out in plain English. Pier 8 was new, and rated to handle the weight of the thingy. Wharf 38 was going to be scrapped in a few years, and it was NOT rated for that kind of structure. Pier 8 had plenty of room around it. Wharf 38 was already a tight fit for the big commercial ships, and adding a structure sticking out on one side would block off at least half of the wharf to those ships completely.
Bottom line, putting the thing on Wharf 38 would cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars more per year than putting it on 8, AND the city would have to eat the cost if 38 collapsed under it which it could easily do, AND the city would have to pay to move it in a couple of years anyway when 38 was due to be rebuilt.
And he cc-ed every important person he had an email address for, including the mayor, the anti-corruption people, and several reporters.
He must have sent that email right when I was opening my car door.
The whole plan collapsed right there, and some people got fired. There was no news story because the whole plan got killed before the reporters even got to the right office. The installation was started on Wharf 8 a few weeks later and I never connected it to a commercial wharf on the other side of the harbor.
One email, and a man who I never could have located in time, a man who had no powers at all, a man who was just conscientiously doing his job looking after the city’s money saved the city, and the continent, and maybe even the world.
Who could have predicted that? Not me, that’s for damn sure.
I can’t deny that I went home and got drunk off my ass that night. Just thinking about how close that had been made my hands shake. One man. One honest man who’d done the math.
I put the word out, once the hangover wore off. What had happened. That Thomas Briggs was the reason we were all alive and everyone better make his life real nice from now on, because he’d done what none of us could do and nobody but the supers would ever even know it.
He’s got a lot of luck coming to him, I can tell you. We don’t forget debts like that.
And I knew that’d freak him out, because honest men don’t like it when people start doing them a lot of favors for no apparent reason, so I tracked him down at the little bar where he likes to have a quiet beer on Friday nights before he goes home. Hell, I was the one who’d gone through it all, back then. I should get to tell him.
I sat down beside him at the bar and looked at him. I saw a thin, small, balding man who looked like he worried too much and didn’t get enough sleep, with lines around his eyes. Yeah, he looked like a man who’d do the math. “Thomas Briggs?”
He blinked at me through his glasses. “Yes? Do I know you?”
“No, you don’t. My name’s Barkhado Omar, and I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I offered him my hand and he shook it, still looking confused. Which was fair, ‘cause I doubt a lot of seven foot tall Somali women came up to him in bars even when he was young. He’s got to be close to retirement now.
He frowned. “Looking for me? Why?”
I smiled at him. “Tom, let me buy you a drink and tell you about the day you saved the world.”
It’s usually us who save the city, or the world. We have all the intel, all the advantages, all the powers.
But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s someone like Tom Briggs, doing the right thing at the right time and never knowing that he changed the course of history.
Wild, huh?
This story is a direct result of me and my ex chatting about how different the entire Marvel Universe would have been if Jean’s first ‘resurrection’ - being found in a life pod under a wharf, IIRC - had happened at like... any other time. Earlier. Later. It would have changed SO MUCH.
And we speculated about how it could happen, how someone just puttering around in middle management might have unknowingly saved countless lives, prevented Madelyne’s corruption, the legacy virus, all of it, just by postponing that particular set of repairs a bit longer.... and I couldn’t resist writing a version of the story in which Tom does, in fact, save the world.
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Okay hear me out!
(I haven't done this in a while or posted at all in a while but I missed it here and work is sucking my soul out so I'm gonna try to be here more regularly🤞🏻)
The animals in the aquariam event can all be somewhat connected to the characters they were partnered with right?
1.) Lucifer - Orca
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Majestic af - Sadistic bastards
2.) Mammon - Shark
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Dangerous but also not as much of an asshole as they're made out to be
3.) Levi - Jellyfish
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Jellyfish - remind me of LED lights
LED lights - remind me of gamer rooms
Gamer rooms- remind me of Levi
4.) Satan - Catshark
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I mean....it's in the name.....
5.) Asmo - Dolphin
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Cute but not as sweet as they're made out to be
6.) Beel - Octopus
7.) Belphie - Squid
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• Looks kinda mean but actually pretty friendly & adorable to the people they become close with
• I don't know.... as a kid though I always thought of squids as the evil twin of the octopus? even though their generally bigger/rounder eyes make them look cuter
8.) Diavolo - Whale
9.) Barbatos- Oarfish
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• Gentle Giants (any actual harm caused is less because of genuine malicious intent and more because they're just that powerful)
• Weird & Mysterious. Gives the vibe of being ancient. Possibly witnessed the birth of the universe. Probably recites prophecies in tongues.
9.) Simeon - Manta Ray
10.) Luke - Penguin
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• Do other fish look at manta rays and think they're angels?
• Cute & Cuddly (boys. cute & cuddly.)
11.) Solomon - Polar Bear
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The only mammal on the list that can actually live on land = the only human. White colour scheme. Looks friendly & approachable, can brutally murder you.
And here's the "Hear Me Out!" part:
12.) MC - Spotted Seal
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• Mammal that can live on land but is most suited for swimming in the water = can live in the human world but functions at their highest potential in the Devildom
• MC canonically has big, puppy dog eyes
• MC canonically is objectively cute
• Kinda dopey on land = passes as an overall average human being in the human world.
• Hunts great in the sea = actually fucking built to survive in the Devildom and thrive there
• Additionally = the myth of selkies - creatures that can shapeshift between a seal & a human. There's been lot of canon evidence that MC is not fully human
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
Laios superfan and Monster ultrafran anon back again! I am now curious about all the dragons that appear. They're summoned by Thistle rather than ocurring "naturally" in the dungeon, but I'm left wondering if all the dragons have a common ancestor....
Actually, do any monsters have an evolutionary line? Are they just spawned as-is into the world, and can only exist in the dungeon? Are they products of The Demon or are they actual creatures?
Because Laios does mention Doppelgangers existing in his homeplace, but also mentions that the dungeon is a giant pool of mana that without which some monsters couldn't survive (i.e. Falin Chimera, which he considers making smaller or into a different type of dragon with Those mushrooms). And then in one of the tidbits, Thistel spawns in a Giant Mega Monster, but it has to be fed a whale every 30 minutes, which just doesn't seem like a sustainable metabolism for a creature to have.
I understand why Miss Kui didn't give us the phylogenetic tree of every monster ever, but I do have a paleontology degree and I can't help but wonder about these things.
Hello! That's such a cool degree!!
There's definitely monsters living in the surface, I was wondering about that too because of the Chimera Falin thing, here's the pages about dragons from the Adventurer's Bible, it includes what level of the dungeon they can be found in but some of them don't actually live within the dungeon.
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I can only imagine they had some ancestor that's the same since something like a nightmare is still considered a dragon even thought they don't look like one, monsters in dungeon meshi seem to be animals that have been influenced by magic/mana.
There are monsters who are magical creatures tho, in the sense they're created using magic instead of something naturally occuring, perhaps Thistles ultimate monster is one of those? Since he feeds on spirits and not meat
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Mana is everywhere in the world but more condensed inside the dungeons, so my guess would be that the bigger monsters live in places where they can absorb the most mana? Or in places where there aren't many other big monsters to out compete them in mana consumption? Perhaps Falin in the first floor of the dungeon is more akin to trying to keep a deep sea fish alive in the surface? or wait, perhaps like someone that lives on sea level and goes abruptly to a higher altitude without time to adapt.
But a creature like her would be better off away from other monsters that consuming the low mana reserve? Lots of assumptions.
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sourkilko · 4 months
@archie-sunshine your remora Minimus spoke 2 my soul
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Merformers Minimus immediately had me thinking how the Magnus armor would work and the only answer was whale fall loot
Not a whale though, Ultra Magnus is/was a thresher shark, Minimus is actually just wearing a corpse now. Least it'll scare off the big fish
This is nowhere near accurate to robot, mermaid, human, or shark anatomy but it's fine we're having fun it's fine and also
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He's a lot to get used to, get over it Rodimus
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mirlo · 7 months
The Alternative Universe
The Good Omens book drunk Aziraphale and Crowley bookshop scene, but David Tennant plays Aziraphale, and Michael Sheen plays Crowley. Narrated by Rebecca Front (audiobook). The alternative universe we needed. https://youtu.be/5bqwovc00Aw
Scene from: Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, by Terry Pratchett and @neil-gaiman.
Audio extracted and stiched from:
- The Full Cast Audiobook with David Tennant and Michael Sheen 2021
- David Tennant reading the scene at the Playing in the Dark event 2019
- Part of Michael Sheen reading the scene at the The Town Hall Good Omens event with Neil and Nick Offerman 2019
Thank you to @fuckyeahgoodomens for the compilation.    • The Good Omens drunk Aziraphale and C...  
Thumbnail by @moreofaman_ on Twitter
The table in front of the two of them was covered with bottles. "The point is," said Crowley, "the point is. The point is." He tried to focus on Aziraphale. "The point is," he said, and tried to think of a point. "The point I'm trying to make," he said, brightening, "is the dolphins. That's my point." "Kind of fish," said Aziraphale. "Nononono," said Crowley, shaking a finger. "'S mammal. Your actual mammal. Difference is-" Crowley waded through the swamp of his mind and tried to remember the difference. "Difference is, they-" "Mate out of water?" volunteered Aziraphale. Crowley's brow furrowed. "Don't think so. Pretty sure that's not it. Something about their young. Whatever." He pulled himself together. "The point is. The point is. Their brains." He reached for a bottle. "What about their brains?" said the angel. "Big brains. That's my point. Size of. Size of. Size of damn big brains. And then there's the whales. Brain city, take it from me. Whole damn sea full of brains." "Kraken," said Aziraphale, staring moodily into his glass.
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thetxtdevil · 19 days
Underwater Adventure
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Shark!Taehyun x Marine Biologist!Reader *repost*
summary: You work at a marine life hybrid shelter and was assigned to take care of the sharks. One shark is one to look out for as he appears aggressive.
content: hybrid au, hybrid taehyun, human.fem reader, hybrid Kai and Beomgyu make a brief appearance, blood is mentioned, SMUT (minors dni), water sex, manhandling, underwater oral (f.rec), slight choking & gag, mating/breeding, biting, refers to reader as prey
word count: 2.2k
You love the beach and studying the sea life. Something about the cool breeze of the ocean, the taste of salty sand, and fish jumping out of the water makes you happy. Going through years of school, many hours of internships, and a lot of tears to become a Marine Biologist.
Once graduated you got yourself a job at Hybrid SeaLife Shelter. Not a job that you were hoping for, you wanted to work strictly with just animals not animals that were part humans but it pays the bills. It was fascinating actually, animal instincts clashed with human tendencies.
"You're assigned to the shark hybrids, Ms y/n." Your coworkers shivered, wide eyed at you when hearing your assignment as the manager looks without a care in the world. The shark hybrids weren't bad, you liked that they got their own pool with a nice view of the beach, plus two of the shark hybrids are less scary in nature except for one.
You looked at the folder with information about the hybrids. One paper titled "Kang Taehyun" accessorized with bold red statement, "agressive." You breathe deep, mentally going over a list of what to do with the great white shark hybrid. Don't go into his pool that’s his territory, cover any cuts you will have to get the scent of blood out of his sight, feed him plenty, remember to hide toys in the pool so he can hunt. This is not so bad right?
The other sharks were very cute and calm. One was a tall whale shark hybrid, she slowly swam throughout the pool, next pool was the nurse shark hybrid who spent most of her time on the pool floor reading a waterproof book about well... nursing. In a good mood, it was time to go to Taehyun's pool, it was big, dark, and full of rocks that stacked to let him hide. You look around not able to find him, you don't know if you should be worried or not.
Turning around to get the supplies ready you miss the sight of a dorsal fin above water gliding closer and closer to your way. You gasp at the feel of what seems like buckets of water being splashed on you. Whipping around to get a quick glance of the great white hybrid, his sharp toothy grin, paired with a few scars on his lips, his hair was wet shining the silvery color, water dripping down his neck accessorized with gills, his build was strong as you see his muscular arms flex as he dives into the water swimming away. You learned your first lesson, never turn you back on Taehyun.
It was feeding time, the great white was picky he needed certain size fish of certain quantities. This made it a little difficult as you had to crouch at the end of the pool opening without a table or any other supplies so that you weren't getting a surprise shower.
The penguin hybrids were out playing, familiar with them they all said their "hi's" and waddled away until one of them, Kai, was playing with a polar bear hybrid, Beomgyu. You tell them to stop running along the pool but they don't and proceed to accidentally knocking you off balance cutting yourself while falling into the shark's pool.
Taehyun hiding behind the rocks waiting for his food catches scent of you. You're in his pool, your sweet blood is infecting his pool, his chest fills like it was burning, if he doesn't do anything now you're going to be his next meal.
You're mind is in shock, you have excellent swimming techniques, but the fact that you were pushed in a predator's pool, and the pain of your hand increases you don't know what to do with yourself.
Taehyun swims so fast the water makes a wave helping your drowning body come up. His arms wrap around you lifting you out of the water placing you gently on the surface. He stares at you waiting for any sign of breathing. He stares at your peaceful body glancing at the bloody hand although close to death you looked beautiful to him. He leans closer to get a better look but you choke back up water in exchange for air making Tae quickly reach for his bag of fish food and swim away.
The next day you were cautious about your surroundings especially when it came to feeding time again. While getting supplies in your peripheral vision you see the dorsal fin. "Don't you dare splash me" to your surprise the shark's head pops up with a frown.
"How’s your hand?" your eyes widen at the voice this would be the first time the shark has every spoken to you. You look to see the shark studying your bandaged palm. "It could be worse."
The man's big sparkling eyes look up into yours. Was that concern in those eyes? Is this big scary predator caring? "Come here" you without hesitation you walk towards him at the end of the pool. Taehyun stares at you not saying anything, you then lower yourself on your knees to get somewhat eye level. You’re stunned when quick movements were made, Taehyun's toned torso splashes out of the water as his arm reaches for your neck. He pulls you down close to his face, "Don't ever go into my territory again unless you want me to split you in half."
Your eyes begin to water in fear, looking into his eyes you notice the pure joy of having dominance over you. Taking a deep breath as best as you could with the webbed hand on your throat, you raise your bandaged palm out. Taehyun looks at it confused until your fingers press down on his sensitive nose leading him back down to the water. Both of you hold intense eye contact this son of a bitch liked that the squint in his boba eyes and small smirk sitting at the water's surface had your head spinning you couldn't react fast enough before he splashes your face with water.
Interestingly, after that encounter Taehyun hasn't been hiding every time you come along his pool. He tends to show off his swimming, and every time you got dizzy with his sharp turns and overly exposed muscles. He still playfully splashes you, he could never admit this but he likes how your wet clothes cling to your body. More and more you got to admire the pointy teeth as the great white shark hybrid smiled during his time with you.
Today was physical assessment for the hybrids, when you had to check their basics such as height, weight, temperature, and more. An addition to having water hybrids they needed to be tested on their abilities inside water. You were thrilled when you found out that the facility set up a private pool, a rocky crater along the beach. It is nice to have the hybrids leave their boring home and see something new.
The crater was big, a hole in a cliff next to the ocean clear water filled the hole making a deep blue pool perfect to swim in. A wooden bridge built above the water easy for visitors to get in and out of the water. The place had the assessment tools towels, water, measure tape, timer, paper and pen.
You did the assessments separately for privacy. The whale shark and nurse shark giggle and share results of their swimming time they left to join the other hybrids leaving you and Taehyun.
Your hands were shaking while assessing the great white shark. Wrapping the measuring tape around his naked slim waist, he smirks as you bite your lip in concentration. You ask him to turn around to check his dorsal fin, your soft fingers lightly graze over the silky flesh making the man shiver. You tap his shoulder as a sign to turn and as he does his body get a close to yours.
Your face becomes red by the intimate presence of the shark. You can feel his eyes burning into you. "y/n" you quickly look up getting a closer look of his dark eyes above his cute sharp nose "aren't you supposed to test my swimming?" Torn away from your heated fit you quickly get the watch timer set, "whenever you're ready." Taehyun smirks at your flustered state diving into the water. There you got to watch his effortless swimming techniques leaving you in awe.
He passed with flying colors, you seemed more excited about it than he was. Looking at his perfect numbers you realize he was in the water staring at you, "Aren't you going to get out?"
"I need help doing so," he reaches his hand out for yours. You were confused knowing that he was more than capable to get out by himself but you helped anyways. Grabbing his webbed hand you see his infamous smirk instantly telling you that this was one of his tricks again. You were pulled into the sapphire water quickly swimming up for air. Wiping the water off your eyelashes you smack the man, "What was that for?"
All Taehyun does is giggle "you're just too easy to mess with." You grunt rolling your eyes as you swim to the ladder. Reaching for the metal pole you suddenly felt his body against yours. Turning around you see a different look in his eyes, something dark, something to fear. "Why are you running away?"
"I'm not I-i'm just-" his face was close to yours, nose brushing against yours. Whole body looming over yours, you feel his hands grabbing your waist trapping you in the water. "You shouldn't turn your back on a shark, they'll think you're prey."
You let out a pathetic whimper making Tae smirk. Lips so close to yours, "You think I can have a little taste?" Before you could nod he already pressed into a deep hungry kiss. You're stunned by state of events you have yourself in but you couldn't stop. Humming into his sweet kiss told Taehyun that you were getting too comfortable. The tender moment becomes animalistic as his sharp teeth scrape your lips making you cry out so that Tae could dart his tongue in.
It wasn't long until you were clawing at Tae's shoulders pleading for a gasp of air. "You humans and your need for air" he says backing away. Still catching your breath you watch as his body disappears into the water, the calm before the storm.
You gasp as you feel his face shoved in between your legs, nose rubbing against your swimming bottoms. He rids the garment shoving it into your mouth. You cough out the water running down your throat but inhale more as you feel Taehyun's tongue lap up your wetness underwater. His pointy nose puts friction on your clit resulting in your loud muffled moans and hands gripping tightly to the bars of the pool ladder.
You ride the shark's face his tongue deep inside you he looks up watching small bubbles of air floating around your squirming body so pretty in all the blue hues. Giving more attention to your clit, sucking it and occasionally lightly scraping his sharp teeth on your sensitive flesh to eventually have your release disappearing within the water, your legs were shaking not able to swim.
Taehyun swims up to surface, hands brushing his silver hair out of his face exposing his beautiful forehead, "Damn you're loud I can hear you underwater.” You glare at him not so intimidating from the exhaustion and your panties in your mouth. The shark's lips curl up looking at your state, removing the bottoms from your lips his hands then travel down to your legs guiding them to wrap around his waist. "So pretty" Taehyun says as his lips graze your jaw lightly kissing down your neck, "does the pretty prey mind if I breed her?"
Your eyes widen at the question but nothing but a groan slips from your lips. Taehyun could tell you weren't opposed to the idea. Sounds echo through out the crater as Tae's kisses become bites and his aching hard cock slides between your folds.
The shark widens his mouth on the crook of your neck biting down to pierce the skin. You then knew there was no running away as his instincts locks you into place and the tip of his dick enters your weeping hole.
Water ripples as Taehyun pounds into you hard. He is thick so much so that you actually think he may split you a part. When you ask him to slow down he does the opposite. Thrusting fast, he knows his mate can handle it and you do. Tae groans against your neck focusing on every sound you make in his ear. Your voice pitch becomes high and whiny telling the shark your about to come undone. Your pussy clenches milking Tae as he releases his load into you.
Unlatching from you neck, the shark licks the small droplets of blood. He had blood in between the scars of his lips smiling to reveal his sharp canines. Anyone looking at the hybrid would shy away in fear but you didn't, that was your little great white shark.
"Can you help me out of the water?" you plead, Taehyuns dark eyes light up to its usual boba pearls. With his immense strength he holds you out of the water quickly wrapping you in a warm towel and then kisses the his mark on you.
A nuisance,
TxT’s Devil 🦈
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
P.S. this was supposed to be a short though NOT A WHOLE ASS 2K FIC and I didn't put much detail but there you have it. 🫤
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: basking shark
I'm not feeling too motivated today, so, I'm going to discuss another animal that likes to take it easy: the basking shark. This shark decided it's not into that whole "hunt down prey and fight to live" thing and decided to become a filter feeder instead. It seems to have worked out too, as basking sharks can be found worldwide and are the second largest fish, surpassed only by the whale shark. There is only one extant species of basking shark, but a few extinct species have been discovered.
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(image id: a basking shark seen from the side. It is a large, brown shark with a large head and pointed snout. Its mouth is closed)
Cetorhinus maximus is one of only 3 species of filter-feeding shark, the others being the whale shark and the awesomely-named megamouth shark. Basking sharks average 8 meters (26 ft) in length, but can reach up to 11 meters (36 ft). An average adult weighs around 4650 kg (5 tons). They have a typical shark body shape (which has led to them being mistaken for great white sharks), but the mouth anatomy is different. The mouth can open up to a meter wide and appears toothless, though it is actually filled with tiny, conical teeth that appear to serve no purpose in adults. The gill slits are longer than in most shark species and almost completely encircle the head. Like other filter-feeding fish, the basking shark's gills are also used to catch its food. It swims forward with its mouth open and as water passed over the gills, zooplankton and small invertebrates and fish will get caught in the gill rakers, from where they can be swallowed. The basking shark's favorite food is copepods of the order Calanoida, though they will also target other copepods. They can detect their prey with electroreception like other sharks. Because plankton is not known for being fast and adult basking sharks have no natural predators, they aren't known for being particularly speedy. A basking shark on the hunt moves at a blistering 3 km/hr (1.9mph). They can move in fast bursts of speed and occasionally can jump clear out of the water. It's not 100% clear why they breach, but it seems to have a few benefits. It can help dislodge parasites (which is a big issue for basking sharks. They are often covered with scars from lampreys and cookie-cutter sharks) and notably they breach more during mating season, so it may also be used for sexual display. Breaching and the resulting splash may also be used for long-distance communication and threat displays. I remember being a kid watching Shark Week and being told by the TV that great whites are the only shark species that breach and that was just not even remotely true. The basking shark has the lowest brain to body weight ratio of any shark.
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(image id: a basing shark seen from the front with its mouth open. The mouth is very large and white on the inside. Its gill slits can be seen from the inside, looking like large slits in the side of the mouth)
(video: a basking shark leaping out of the water multiple times)
The name basking shark comes from their typical behavior. They swim slowly at the surface of the water while feeding, leading to sailors thinking they were basking in the sun. They were commonly called sunfish, but the name is no longer commonly used to avoid confusion with the ocean sunfish. While swimming at the surface, they sometimes spin around or swim belly-up. Basking sharks are migratory, traveling toward the poles in summer and toward the equator in winter. It was formerly believed that they hibernated over the winter, but it is now known that they spend their time in deep water. While migrating and in summer, basking sharks display social behavior. They will shoal in groups hundreds strong and can often be found in small groups of similarly-sized fish, usually of the same sex. Not much is known about basking shark mating. They are ovoviviparous, with eggs hatching internally and developing further inside the mother before the pups are born. Gestation is believed to take between 1 and 3 years and a few large pups are born at a time. Pregnant females are very rarely seen and they may spend their time in deep water. There is only a single reported example of a pregnant female being caught and it has 6 pups. The seemingly useless teeth may actually be used in utero, as the unborn pups likely feed on unfertilized eggs after their yolk sacs are consumed. This adaptation has been observed in other ovoviviparous sharks. While females have two ova, only the right one actually functions. The lifespan of basking sharks is estimated to be around 50 years.
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(image id: a group of 14 basking sharks swimming in a circle, seed form above. It is believed that this is a mating display)
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(image id: a juvenile basking shark seen from above. It can be distringuished from an adult by the snout, which is sharp and hooked)
Basking sharks are classified as endangered by the IUCN. They has historically been hunted for their meat, hides, fatty livers, and fins. While there is currently no commercial fishery of basking sharks, they are poached for their fins and have not recovered from overexploitation. Bycatch is an ongoing problem for the sharks. Multiple countries have enacted conservation efforts including legal protection and the enactment of protected areas where fishing is prohibited. Basking sharks pose no threat to humans. They also do not fear humans and have even been known to approach and swim around divers. Basking sharks also appear a lot in the pseudoscience of cryptozoology. I can go into why cryptozoology is a pseudoscience in more detail in another post, but its the study of alleged animals not recognized by science. Basking sharks show up a lot as globsters, unidentified corpses that wash up on beaches or are caught in fishing nets. Basking sharks are responsible for a lot of globsters due to the way their corpses decay. Large amounts of decay happen around the head, which can lead to the mandible bones hanging loose or detaching and the snout decaying to look like a small head on a neck. In addition, the claspers (reproductive organs) of male basking sharks are very large and can be mistaken for limbs. One likely example of this is the Stronsay beast of 1808. Described as a six-legged decaying sea serpent, it is likely that the legs were actually the jaw bones, fins, and claspers of a male basing shark. A more recent example is the Zuiyo-Maru plesiosaur (warning: picture below and it's gross). This carcass was pulled up by the Japanese fishing boat Zuiyō-Maru in 1977 and based on the pictures taken and the word of two Japanese scientists, was thought by some to be an example of a recently-deceased plesiosaur. While the carcass itself was thrown back overboard, some samples were taken for analysis and based on them and anatomical detains from the pictures, it was concluded that the carcass is actually a heavily-decayed basking shark. The "neck" of the carcass is the spine and brain case with the jaws having decayed and fallen off. Further anatomical details such as the presence of cartilage in the fins and body proportions support the carcass being a fin and do not support it being a plesiosaur.
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(Image id: top: the Zuiyo-Maru carcass, a large, decomposed carcass hanging rom a hook. It appears to have a long neck and fins. Bottom: a diagram comparing the anatomical features of the carcass and a fresh basking shark)
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luxudus · 9 months
The Six Lords of Ko-ve-dor, and an introduction to my friend's project Star Odyssey
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One last art piece to end the year on a high note. It's an entry @jennywolfgal's sophont in her sci-fi / spec-evo / worldbuilding project Star odyssey. A far future where humanity and a few other advanced species help to found a Galactic Coalition of Worlds spanning half the galaxy. Everyone go follow her and check out her project!
I genuinley consider this atm my magnum opus in every aspect, Linework, Texturing, Coloring, Composition, and ESPECIALLY rendering.
    The Commonality of Ko-ve-dor is an alliance between multiple sophont species evolving side by side on the same planet. All working together towards the prosperity for all denizens of the known galaxy.
     Planet Ko-ve-dor, also known as Kepler-442 B, is a super earth in a 3 planet star system all orbiting a K-Type main sequence star known as O-uosa. Ko-Ve-Dor’s higher mass, larger magnetosphere, denser atmosphere, 3 moons, larger continents and O-uosa’s longer lifespan make Ko-ve-dor a superhabitable world. Capable of hosting more biodiversity than our own earth for a far longer time.
    Plantlife on Ko-Ve-Dor is just as complex as it’s animal life and it shows. Most terrestrial flora possess a segmented exoskeleton that vary in shape and size akin to an insect. Most forms of plantlife exhibit both radial and bilateral symmetry in their overall body plan. Some species of Ko-ve-dor plantlife can even take in their surroundings with special segments that act as one big sensory organ.     And aside from some greenish phytoplankton, most flora on this world take on a red pigmentation to make the most out of its star’s dimmer light.
Not only is Ko-ve-dor more biodiverse than earth. But it’s greater abundance of life and more surface area means there's far more consumable biomass too. Allowing it’s animal life to reach greater heights and the option for greater brainpower. This paired with evolution’s trend towards more socialization. Means that sapient life has developed not once, or twice. But six times, all within a similar enough time frame for them to all interact with one another.      As each sophont species is a good representative of Ko-ve-dor’s kingdom of life. We will be skipping over the planet’s animal life to discuss their biology.     The Dor-Eø are the largest of the six sophonts and represent the planet’s many soft-bodied invertebrates. They take on a body plan very similar to earth’s flatworms. And being filter-feeders, they fill a niche not too different from whales. Their large carpet-like fins are actually enlarged partially external gills to aid in respiration. And they manipulate their environment with their two mitten shaped mandibles and opposable tusk thumbs.     They live in tight-knit nomadic pods where they ride the waves in search of plankton. They hunt said plankton like dolphins, continuously switching roles to either shepard the plankton and strike the condensed schools. And as they achieved sapience they’ve built nets to catch more plankton and dorsal fin flags to distinguish which pod they’re apart of.     The Dor-Ssri’ii represent a sapient species of aquatic, radially symmetrical fish analogs. They possess twelve eyes, with three on each side, a four sided jaw, and eight fins, four anterior fins and four posterior fins. Their intricate color palette helps them blend in with the yellow and red reefs.      They live in borderline eusocial schools where they manipulate their environment through their mouth like a tuskfish
    The Ko-Ka’Kta are terrestrial relatives of the Dor-Ssri’cai, these are a sapient species of para-reptilian pack hunters native to the deserts and shrublands of Ko-ve-dor. They retain their radial symmetry and are quite basal compared to their relatives. Their forearms have atrophied into small rudders used by females to attract mates and live in matriarchal packs.     And they manipulate their environment with four highly specialized tongues. Their lack of claws or fangs pushed them to crafting an array of weapons to hunt. That and their hierarchical pack structure paved way for sapience    The Ko-A’atur represent the most derived group of Ko-ve-dor’s Vertebrates. Descending from a group that forgone their radial symmetry and became secondarily bilateral. Their heads hyper-elongated to the point where it’s now two separate body parts all together. Their lips have pulled back and became large flaps to cool off and express emotions.     Of all the sophonts they live the least socially, They forage and occasionally hunt in groups of 3-5 individuals. But the social bonds formed are so tight and complex that it managed to bring them up to sapience.     Onto life in the sky. The Ve-Huik are one of two representatives of Ko-ve-dor’s aerial invertebrates. They are a species of hexapodal invertebrate flyers protected by a sturdy exoskeleton. They fill a niche similar to parrots,  capable of crushing nuts and fruits with their large mandibles that clench together like a fist. They live in small flocks and communicate by short whistles and hums. And they manipulate their environment with their remarkably dexterous six legs.    
    And lastly the Ve-Z’qi, a Is a seafaring relative to the Ve-huik, they are a sapient species of flying arthropod analogs native to the many coastlines of Dorveko. They live in nomadic flocks, hopping from island to island. They hunt their aquatic prey by looking for disturbances in the water before diving in to catch their target     Their history is one defined by sheer first contact and a long road to equality. The Dor-Eø and the Ve-Z'qi,a were the pioneers of exploration due in part of their nomadic lifestyles giving them a global range to freely explore. Slowly each species would suddenly learn the existence of their contemporaries and how to work with them.     Their society is egalitarian and very xenophilic, each species is born with full citizenship and everyone regardless of origin and identity are treated truly equally. yet their government is surprisingly autocratic. Each planet is ruled by a handfull of philosopher kings and queens who come from all walks of life. And are chosen by the state based on their view of life and understanding of the humanities. All to improve the lives of their people. They are also very welcoming towards outsiders, and have made themselves a beacon of liberty and safety for the galaxy's downtrodded.     With so many different sapient minds at work in a society that promotes harmony and teamwork. The Ko-ve-dor Commonality has advanced rapidly, being able to become a spacefaring civilization a thousand years before mankind. Their architecture and spaceships are large and bulbous, containing vast aquariums and spacious domes to accommodate all the different lifestyles. And have become one of the Galactic Coalition of Worlds' most important members.     Depicted here is a human diplomat posing with a friend group eager to take a photo with an unfamiliar face.
I'm happy i managed to get this out before 2024, though there still maybe work to be done, mainly to expand on their worldbuilding, and i hope everyone else has a happy new year!
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Ghouls at the Aquarium
Headcanons about the ghouls at the aquarium. Inspired by a trip to the Shed Aquarium in Chicago. Had to shout it out because it was so frickin amazing. No one ask me my favorite exhibit because I will say all of them. But also definitely the belugas and the jellyfish.
Cirrus: She loves the dolphins. As serious and strict as she sometimes is, she’s like a kid at Christmas when the group reaches the dolphin enclosure. She admires how smart they are as well as how sleek they look darting through the water. And yes she knows what little shits they can be and she doesn't care. She still thinks they’re neat. She plans the day around making sure to catch the dolphin show at least twice. Cumulus buys her a dolphin plushie and she just about melts into a happy puddle.
Cumulus: As much as Cirrus loves dolphins, Cumulus loves beluga whales. She thinks they look majestic. And huggable. She would hug one if she could. The rest of the girls booked a behind the scenes beluga experience for her and they got to see them up close, feed them, and even pet them. By the end of it they’re all giggling at how cute the beluga’s are.
Sunshine: She thinks the lionfish are neat and likes how their spines look like sunbursts. Kinda sad that they’re an invasive species but understands why work to remove them from the wrong areas is important for the marine ecosystem. Gets a postcard from the gift shop with a picture of one to put in her room.
Aurora: She spent a solid half an hour sitting in front of the moon jellyfish tank watching them. It was one of those circular tanks that have a slight current to gently cause the jellies to drift in a circle. That and the color changing light had her mesmerized. She would have spent longer watching them but the others literally pulled her away so she could see the rest of the aquarium.
Dewdrop: He wasn't too sure about it at first. The aquarium kind of dredged up some melancholy and yearning for his water ghoul days. He's happy as a fire ghoul for sure, it suits him better. He definitely misses his water though. Fortunately he warms up to it; seeing how excited Rain and Phantom are playing a big part. He can’t help but crack a smile when Phantom starts mimicking the penguins. He ends up loving the eels and the caimans. Joins Rain in naming all this fish, offering increasingly unhinged suggestions.
Rain: His unglamoured form is pretty sharklike so it's not surprising that Rain has a fondness for sharks. The pile of shark plushies on his bed definitely isn’t a tip off either. Besides the sharks, Rain likes pretty much every exhibit. He gives silly names to every fish that catches his eye with help from Dew and discusses which fish would taste the best with Swiss much to the horror of the other patrons.
Mountain: He really likes the sea dragons because they look like plants. He didn’t know they were a thing until seeing them at the aquarium for the first time. Also really interested in the aquatic plants (of course) and the frogs and turtles.
Aether: He really likes the manta rays. He thinks they’re so cute. Loves how it looks like they’re flying through the water. Way too excited about getting to pet them but it's endearing.
Swiss: Phantom actually saw the piranhas before Swiss did, took one look between the two of them and dubbed them cousins. Swiss did not help his case by immediately baring his teeth in a grin. He then proceeded to chase Phantom around the room threatening to nibble on him while Phantom giggled. That is until Cirrus put a stop to that so they didn’t get kicked out.
Phantom: Loves absolutely everything but also the penguins and starfish. He asks the staff a million questions and they’re happy to answer every one. Leaves the gift shop with a stack of books on ocean facts that he and Rain end up reading aloud the whole ride home.
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th3tism · 1 month
Alright, hear me out. The mercs with a SO that is a siren and their first meeting. About the SO trying to "entice" the mercs but their powers are too weak so it doesnt work :))
Mercs: medic, scout, demo
Mercs with a siren who failed to entice them
When he first saw you, he was fascinated
Not because of your song (obviously) but because of what you were
When you tried (and failed) to hypnotize him, he just tied you up in a net and brought you back to his operating room/lab
After awhile, he weirdly got attached to you
And you the same honestly
You both had conversations that lasted until midnight, he taught you how to play chess, he introduced you to his birds... It was almost like... Oh no
As soon as he realized he might've gained feelings, he feels like an idiot
He didn't even know if you felt the same (spoiler alert, you did)
Your powers may not have worked on him, but your charm certainly did
Today was supposed to be relaxing god damnit!
He wasn't supposed to have any supernatural encounters of any kind!
But nooo, he just had to stumble upon a mermaid or whatever
But, once he actually saw you he didn't really mind
Your hair, your scales... You were actually really hot
And then you started singing? For him? (Technically yes, but you were hungry not horny)
Sure, your powers were weak, but somehow it still worked on him
As soon as he got close enough to get a good view of you, he (tried) turned up the charm
"Hey hot stuff. You wanna get outta here?"
"Excuse me?"
"I-I mean... You uh- um..."
"Ok then... I'm just gonna eat you now."
He embarrassed himself, and confused you
Once he managed to get out of there alive (barely)
He couldn't stop thinking about you
He needed to come back
Even if you were gonna eat him, he wanted to see you
So ofc, he came back.
This time with fish sticks he stole from the base freezer, and a rose
As soon as you saw him again, you rolled your eyes. But then you saw the fish sticks
Now you were interested
Once you swam up to him to steal them, he kneeled down and presented the rose with a sheepish grin
"... What's this?"
"Um... An offering?"
"For... What?"
"For you."
You were so confused by this guy
But... He was intriguing.
So, instead of threatening him this time, you took the rose (and the box of fish sticks), and swam away
At this point, it was routine for him to come over and give you things
Roses, jewelry that he DEFINITELY didn't steal from Spy, and even a can of BONK! if he felt like it
He was madly in love with you
And honestly... You were kinda starting to warm up to him
When he first saw you, he thought he was drunk
He was, but that's besides the point
He's had his fair share of weird encounters with mythical creatures like you... But you were different
You were beautiful, stunning, handsome, dazzling, all of it
You didn't even have to start singing for him to approach you
You were confused by this to say the least
Most men ran off in terror... But him? He approached you
"Hey there lass/lad. Ya got a name?"
"Um... It's y/n..."
"Well... Ain't that a pretty lil name."
This man was intriguing
Charming even
He was different.
From then on, the two of you would talk, and hang out
Sometimes he'd even join you in the water if he wanted to
One night, the both of you were star gazing
Just casual activities between the two of you honestly
But the romantic tension between y'all was BIG
Like bigger than a sperm whale
He didn't wanna push anything
So he just slowly reached his hand out to gently grab yours
You looked over at him, and did the same
He smiled as your fingers intertwined
This was nice. This was real nice.
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sokodraws · 3 months
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Aquatic Snegle Fury is a Night Fury subspecies that evolved to live almost 100% of their life in the ocean.
This species evolved from Night Furies that lived at ocean shores and ate huge amounts of sea slugs that infested that part of the ocean.
They started mutating and incorporating some of the sea slug attributes into their bodies.
Aquatic Snegle Furies cannot breath underwater, but (similarly to sperm whales) can hold their breath up to 90 minutes.
They live their entire lives under water, only coming to shore to lay and look after their eggs. As soon as the eggs hatch they follow their mother to the ocean.
Aquatic Snegle Furies have quite a big variation in body shape, color, and size. While their main body shape resembles that of a typical Night Fury, their wings, tails and fins can have any shape. Some of their body parts can be partially translucent.
The often bright colors of these reef-dwelling species imply that these animals are under constant threat of predators. Because of their small size they are subject to getting eaten by bigger dragons. Still, the color can warn other animals of the fury's toxic stinging cells (nematocysts) or offensive taste.
All Aquatic Snegle Furies have razor-sharp teeth, and a pair of rhinophores—sensory primary antennas used mostly for the sense of smell — on their head. They can have any number of secondary antennas, but those only help with the feeling of ocean currents and the movement around them.
Their main source of food is small species of fish, jellyfish, bryozoans, and sea anemones.
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Many specimen can have the same mutation but there will never be two AS Furies with identical markings/attributes, even if they mutated from the same sea slug.
These furies are almost completely covered in scales, since they did mutate from Night Furies. Though, their bellies, throats, and the under side of their tail (closest to the belly) are only covered in thin slimy skin (similar to a frog in texture). That skin is made of toxic stinging cells.
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Aquatic Snegle Fury saliva contains a batrachotoxin, which can cause reactions like swelling, nausea, and muscle paralysis, when exposed to in big quantities.
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The paw pad trait will appear in all 4 limbs. The pads are sticky and help the Fury grab onto the environment when the ocean current is too strong.
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Aquatic Snegle Furies don't use plasma blasts often. For one, it uses precious oxygen, but they usually don't have a need for it. They're quite a docile species.
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There's no size difference based on gender. Actually — similarly to sea slugs — Aquatic Snegle Furies don't have any traits specific to gender, since the vast majority of them are hermaphrodites. Some AF Furies will be born as one specific sex (either male or female), but are capable of changing it later in their life.
(if you need a resource to look for sea slug species, i highly recommend en.seaslug.world for inspo)
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kojitheopossum · 4 months
ur sirensong au is so cool dude i would love to know more about bdubs and etho if u have the chance. like is etho a mammal. is he so big because because of polar gigantism
Hehe tysm !!! You have no idea how excited I am to answer this one, i’m going to be majoring in biology lmao. Etho is not a mammal although that is an interesting idea. He belongs to a family of sea serpents, which evolved from a common eel like ancestors millions of years ago. These creatures all tend to be somewhat similar, varying in size, color, and hunting styles. His species is the newest evolved, but the other genus members/transitional forms died out from competition as the oceans climate warmer and pushed them further together in the north for food. This was also influenced by their solitary and very territorial behavior, which is also why they originally started attacking large boats, mistaking them for other leviathan. Quickly they learned that the creatures on these structures were a good food source. Although most sea serpents still stuck to eating either lots of small fish at a time like whale shark or hunting larger prey like whales, humans soon became a reliable food source and thus the species etho evolved quickly to become specialized at hunting them. The more human like the fish appeared, the more likely it would live to reproduce. Like I mentioned in a different ask, he mainly uses aggressive mimicry. Siren are typically depicted in this worlds media as more human sized purely because of how young they are when they are encountered by humans. Ethos size is absolutely influenced by polar/deep sea gigantism like you mentioned, but his species is also one that more or less doesn’t stop growing. That being said, his growth has become exponentially less over time, so he’s practically hit the limit.
The fact he’s stayed alive so long is competely due to him staying put in an area with few visitors. Although he is specialized to hunt humans, sirens still hunt other fish, typically sharks and tuna, and that’s what he mainly relied on. Etho is also very cautious when it comes to members of his own species. He was attacked when he was very young by a much older siren, and since then he stayed mostly hidden from fear. The only time siren are seen near each other is to mate, but etho couldn’t care less. He isn’t sure if other siren are also conscious like him, but he’s sure that there’s a large chance he’s not alone. Also, in one of my concept sketches I think I claimed etho was Wellll over 1000 years old but i’ve since retracted that, he’s actually around 800. He spent more than half of that time asleep though, spending months drifting along the bottom of the ocean half awake after hunting. If i get around to it, this is a plot point in the story, so spoilers ig, but etho while in captivity is much more awake because he is fed much much Much less, thus relying on being fed daily instead of being able to go for months without food.
Etho’s long sharp teeth resemble fangtooth moray eels, and similar to the moray uses these teeth to puncture and hold prey in place rather than actually kill. However, unlike the moray, he doesn’t have multiple sets of jaws. The one he does have splits open at the bottom, so he can open his mouth much wider when hunting then a regular human like mouth would normally allow. His jaw is also very strong, being able to crush prey once it’s captured. The spiky fins lining his dorsal and ventral region are not to aid in hunting, but as protection from other siren. He is also able to wrap around larger prey to either strangle or just hold them in place.
Sorry i just ranted about etho and didn’t mentions bdubs, he’s just a normal dude. If you are curious about him, he grew up in the country working in his family’s building business before getting bored and moving to the city to figure out what he really wants to do. The reason he’s working for the aquarium is entirely because he needs a job since getting booted from his last one at a cafe, and his friend scar knows a lot of people. That’s it lmao.
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brrypiiix · 5 months
what was trollex and clays reaction when they found out they were having the triplets?
Sorry for the late response! Finals week is coming up.
This is actually a big one to answer for me, because I got a whole scenario planned out and I’m so glad you asked this.
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My HCs That Help to Make This Make Sense
Pop Trolls naturally only have one egg at a time
Techno Trolls naturally can have more than one at a time(bc fish)
The mixing of genres cause different effects to a certain troll when they have an egg or more due to each type of genre needing specific resources. For example, a Rock Troll egg would require a large amount of calcium in order to naturally have the harder shell they usually do and a Pop Troll may not be able to provide that amount unless they’re aware of this, in which they just have to put more calcium into their diet, but its still a rare case for a Pop Troll to have a Rock Troll egg without any soft spots due to the lacking requirements. So in this case, a Pop Troll, who is naturally adapted to making only one egg at a time, having more than one is asking for extra resources from the Pop Troll that they may not have due to the resources needs being so different
Pop Trolls are more adapted to being overprotective of their eggs, due to their major history with the Bergens and being extra vulnerable as prey animals compared to the other genres
Techno Trolls are more adapted to carrying around other Techno Trolls eggs. Babysitting is a huge norm to them
Claylex Reactions and Experience of Having The Triplets
Pure shock.
First off, they did not even know they were having eggs. It was, in a way, an unexpected. Not that they didn’t want kids, Trollex especially wanted kids with Clay by this time. Clay was more focused on work and his workaholic tendencies, so he didn’t think much of it.
The thing is, Clay definitely was not aware enough to know what to expect if he were to have an egg from Trollex, and turns out it actually was a scary moment.
He definitely curses himself for not doing any research on it, but then again genres were still just beginning to mix in this period so not much knowledge was known for Trolls all across the kingdom. Plus, he wasn’t expecting to have eggs anytime soon
When it happened, he got up one morning. He was especially exhausted and his body ached, but not as much as his head. Pure migraine and him groaning from it. He made it to the kitchen just enough time to basically start having the worst pain to experience in his head. So imagine Guy Diamonds experience having Tiny Diamonds egg, and then crank it up by a ton and then multiply it by 3. Since Clay had three eggs. All with needs that his Pop Troll body isnt adapted to meet. They were draining a lot more resources than he was ready to provide.
Luckily, his brothers were there to help him through it. All through panic and John Dory passing out at one point, whom which Clay was cursing out like crazy
Clay was a cursing demon too during this, btw. He was absolutely terrifying and saying the most outlandish things, but bro had every right
Trollex also wasn’t there, because he wasn’t visiting at the time. He was all the way at the Reef when this was happening, because they weren’t expecting this to happen at all
So as soon as Clay’s hair popped out the three eggs finally, he was so physically exhausted that bro ended up passing out for three whole days straight
Absolutely terrified his brothers, who all worked to keep watch over him and relying on Dr. Moonbloom to ensure he truly was alright.
The moment Trollex found out Clay had eggs, was like hours after Clay had passed out. Trollex was so crazy happy to hear he has eggs now, that he swam out, did a whole “whoop” noise and got all his Techno Trolls to chant it back to him before he booked it so quick on his whale all the way to Trollstopia to be with Clay. He extended his stay for three whole weeks to be with him and help take care of him and the eggs.
Trollex was completely speechless the moment he got to see the eggs. He knew he loved them before he even saw them, but he didnt think it’d come so strong when he actually got to be around them. They havent even hatched and already he’s imagining all the fun stuff they can do together, all the raves he can take them too and to teach them all kinds of things from Techno culture
Despite the absolute scare it was, Trollex doesnt really understand why exactly it happened either, and is more ecstatic at the fact that they have eggs now. Because again, having more than one egg was normal to Techno Trolls.
So the moment Trollex found out about the way Pop Trolls naturally have eggs and what that put Clay through, he was extra clingy to him and apologizing over and over, feeling absolutely guilty to put him through that. He was already super loving and caring over Clay, but this increased it after that.
Clay, on the other hand, was still processing from it all and was exhausted. He thought it was so insane that he had three eggs and was never told of the possibility nor how it would go down(to be fair, no one knew of it happening like this).
Clay went through some major mood swings and the moment he saw Trollex he went from cursing him out for putting him through this situation, to crying to him about how much it hurt, to clinging to him for extra comfort from his husband
They definitely had to help him get his nourishment and energy back up too since it was drained to give to the eggs
Clay struggled a lot with contemplating if being a father was who he was now, if it erases all his work and accomplishments. Basically struggled more with his identity issues. He didn’t want being a father to override everything he’s ever accomplished.
Then he worried if he could love or protect them enough, and proceeded to cry many nights over it while holding them, afraid of being a bad parent already
Despite this though, the moment Clay was first awake and able to hold his eggs, he was so extremely protective of them that bro threatened to bite the hand off of anyone who tried to touch them. His brothers, and other pop trolls, were already aware enough to not try him. Because one, they know he’s naturally gonna be over protective and two it’s Clay so the aggression is gonna be cranked up.
Clay definitely at one point had a huge mood swing that caused him to break down in tears, fearing for his future and his eggs. Fearing that his identity of being a hard, serious worker and everything he’s done being overlooked because he’s now a father. It got so bad that bro started crying in bed, with all his family there trying to console him, and he starts irrationally freaking out and going “I can’t do this, man!! I’ll never make it as a father!!! Take them!! TAKE THEM!! RIGHT NOW- NO DONT TOUCH MY BABIES!!!” Next thing they all know, JD has a new bite scar on his arm.
John definitely had to walk into Clay’s room every time in fully homemade armor like a person wears when giving a cat a bath. He was the main target to Clay’s hostility whenever he was in his area during this time
Trollex wanted so badly to take the eggs to their first rave, but Clay shut that idea down so quick because it’d be way too dangerous, he did not want to go to some rave while busy caring for eggs, and he refuses to separate from them
Trollex had to learn very quickly that he had to be careful not to overstep Clay’s boundary when it came to the eggs, but was able to calm him down mostly enough that he could relax and let Trollex get up close to his hair to talk to, caress and be near the eggs
Trollex absolutely sung to the eggs every time him and Clay cuddled
He also talked to them and kept saying how amazing they will be out in the world one day and always says that he’ll always be there for them to love them
Makes Clay tear up and cry every time, because thats the love he wants to give his babies. Something him and his brothers never received from either of their parents
Clay is super strict when it comes to not taking his eggs out of his hair, but sometimes when he’s alone he will and set them on his criss crossed lap to hug and love on. He also uses this time to promise that he’ll do his best for them and love them with all his heart.
Clay is scared all throughout the incubating period with the eggs in wondering if he’s a bad parent, if he can truly love them, if being a parent erases who he is as a troll, but spoiler alert, the very moment they hatch he’s so overwhelmed with parent love for them
And there ya go! Thanks for the ask!
If you’d like to know more on my hcs related to anything Trolls just shoot me an ask or request. I love doing these
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