#it hasn't failed me yet tho!!!!!!!
skellagirl · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
oh, I DO love talking about myself, though this is gonna be kinda weird bc I haven't made a lot of art that I actually like lately lol, and I'm not committed enough to go back super far in my timeline
in no particular order:
1) The extremely self-indulgent Jack/Maddie/Vlad comic I did last year, which was my second most popular post. I had sooo much fun doing it and made myself laugh a lot, idk, it was just such a joy to make and I'm glad other people like it too (I've LOVED reading through the tags on it)
this is my favorite 'panel', I think lol
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2) The big memey sketchdump from last year that was my FIRST most popular post lol, OF WHICH this is my favorite doodle.
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3) This one I haven't actually posted anywhere yet bc it's still VERY early and I'm not sure I'll ever finish, but I've been fucking around with making a comic out of one of my favorite Stardew oneshots, Practical Demonstration (which is VERY ummm......... citrusy, as one might have said in 2006) and I've actually been kinda sorta enjoying that, despite Art Block From Hell and the fact that I'm Not Good at backgrounds lol
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4) idk, I've had a lot of fun doing all my Potion Permit shit! The fandom is small but very funny and friendly, and idk it's just been another thing that's been fun to indulge in while Art Block From Hell continues
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5) and speaking of Potion Permit, I've been writing a chemist/matheo enemies-to-lovers longfic called flew like a moth to you (sunlight) that is SO self-indulgent, but I've actually really been liking how it's turning out! It's kinda silly to say, maybe? but I've been proud of my writing with this fic. I think I have an Okay ability to string words into nice-ish-sounding sentences 🥴👌
and since I posted pics for my art, here's one of my favorite bits of the fic's first chapter (also the 'summary' lol)
"Forty years. Raised in the thick of six generations’ worth of collective knowledge, lived tradition, so intimately familiar with medicine and healing that it’s like an additional sense, something woven into the very fibers of him, his entire life’s work -- all of it cast aside in favor of an upstart, fresh-faced chemist whose sole legacy of any significance to Moonbury is one of reckless endangerment and massive ecological collapse. He stares at Myer’s hands, clasped around his wife’s, his child’s. Doesn’t understand what sort of desperation would drive a man to this. Feels a sick twist in his gut at the inconceivability of ever doing the same."
I don't really send these to anyone but like. do it if you want? toot your own horn!!! or spread it to others ig, that works too 👍
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byanyan · 7 months
posted tonight: byan bitching about kitty going behind the counter at the coffee shop sol works at
in the queue: byan going behind the counter of another coffee shop to hide from the trouble they've gotten themself into
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ozzgin · 1 month
wtf HOW WAS ROMULUS OZZIE Hello??????? I CANT WAIT TO WATCH ITRTR i miss david 8 tho 😓😓 “you finger and i blow” ok gorgeous whatever you say
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Ok ok, I let it sit overnight so I could formulate a less feral opinion. I'll do my best to be objective, though you should keep in mind that I'm very biased when it comes to the Alien franchise.
Alien: Romulus First Impressions
Plot. The movie takes place between Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986). If you've seen the old Alien movies, you will notice it follows the same formula: somewhat slow beginning, a grand reveal, a lot of high-stake escape attempts, shady android behavior, and the classic, speedy succession of plot twists where you think you're safe, only to be surprised the very next moment.
While this movie is meant to behave more like the pre-2000 releases, it does bring some novel elements, which, in my opinion, helped build its own authenticity. Additionally - and without spoiling you - it will involve its own Xenomorph variation. Fantastic idea, and I cannot believe it hasn't been done earlier.
The cast is a group of orphaned youngsters who want to escape their space mining colony. You're introduced to a dystopian, grimy world of overworked humans who've never seen the light of the sun. The main character, Rain, is accompanied by her "brother", Andy, an android programmed to take care of her after the death of her parents. Here's another aspect I enjoyed: an anxious, imperfect android who seems to display an emotional bond with his human.
Rain's friends discover a shipwreck which may contain enough sleeping pods to take them away from these unbearable conditions. Their plan is to sneak in, take the pods, and speed away to a more humane station while in cryosleep. The twist? It's not just any regular ship. They have stepped into the Romulus and Remus research station, operated by Weyland-Yutani, and haunted by yet another failed attempt to contain the Xenomorph horrors.
Characters. Let me tell you, this was a breath of fresh air. Prometheus and Covenant have left me rather skeptical when it comes to a competent cast, yet from the ashes of pathetic military personnel rose a bunch of kids who are built for survival. Rain reminded me so much of Ripley - extremely intelligent, efficient, and strong. Her friends are equally brave in the face of disaster. This was a 10/10 cast, and I'm so glad they finally found the balance between being terrified and still navigating the situation without catastrophic mistakes.
Visuals. The imagery was an absolute treat. They seamlessly combined modern special effects with throwback, retro detailing. The futuristic equipment and locations reminded me a lot of Alien: Isolation. Upon further research, it seems that the director was indeed inspired by the game! It made everything so nostalgic and immersive. The Xenomorph design was flawless as usual, involving a lot of body horror.
Audio. I am desperately waiting for the album to be released on Spotify, because the soundtracks were amazing. The music was composed by Benjamin Wallfisch, who seems to have rather big movie titles under his belt, such as It, and It: Chapter Two. Safe to say this man knows how to instil terror in you. They made sure to incorporate some of the classic pieces, then expanded on that. The alert beats reminded me of Covenant, while other tracks provided their own take on the story. The intro of the movie is aided by dissonant chanting in the background, hinting at the ancient, religious imagery used for the Xenomorphs.
Conclusion. Overall, I'd say this is a must-watch for any Alien fan. It is a tribute to the classic movies, but it still offers a brand-new take to the Alien Universe. The movie had some moments of complete silence - staying true to the "In space, no one can hear you scream" quote - and everyone in the cinema held their breaths. It will keep you on your toes.
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ticklinglady · 1 year
The Guild's actions during the story are so insane, when you think about them properly, you know? When I first read the arc with them, this moment hasn't really occurred to me, as I was too busy going nuts over finally seeing the names of the familiar writers, but now when I think of that... I am not sure, I comprehend how they managed to achieve such a ferocious reputation. I have already made a little post about how extremely dysfunctional the DOA members are, but at least those guys have a plan, which actually makes sense more or less, even despite the gang using cheatcodes/the Book. The same cannot be said of the Guild however archghhjkn. Like, what the hell were these guys even doing??? XD
So here are just some moments, which weirded me out the most
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At first I'd like to address the entire story with everyone's favorite tsundere, Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her introduction leaves quuuuite an impression in the best way and nothing makes me happier than the fact, that she gets a chance to find happiness in the following chapters and actually becomes a reoccurring character! HOWEVER, her entire involvement with the Guild is super odd... I still can't wrap my head around her getting fired. She is a girl with a hella powerful ability, who got taken to the Guild from a terrible, terrible orphanage in order to fight for them in the war for the Book, so not only is she very strong, but she's also immensely dependant on the organisation and wouldn't do anything outside of its interests. Yet Lucy is also put under extreme pressure. As she herself puts it, the Guild doesn't tolerate failures and will kick her out the moment she screws something up.
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Later we see that this is exactly what happens, when she messes up her first mission. Fitzgerald himself confirms that, since she failed and revealed her ability to the enemies, she's no longer useful, so now a powerful esper, like Lucy works for free as a... laundress?
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Let's be real, these dudes were successful like only once or twice...
This fact not only makes Fitzgerald look like an idiot for wasting such a talented and useful worker, because of one mistake, but also as one hell of a hypocrite, cause he is more than fine with everyone else fucking up. And in case of Lovecraft and Steinbeck: fucking up twice. To add to the oddity, we later learn, that Louisa genuinely cares for Lucy and despite her social anxiety actually stood up for her during the entire story, but even that wasn't enough to change Fitzgerald's mind on the issue, though Louisa is one of the few people, whose opinion he respects. Honestly, this is such a waste of a truly useful subordinate. And speaking of which....
The Guild has never even tried to implement Edgar Allan Poe during the war...
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This man is actually rather op when you think of it. He can capture and neutralise literally any ability user in Yokohama (besides Dazai, Mori and Ranpo ofc) just by throwing a book at them. Seriously, as we see with Chuuya, they don't even have to read it, they just need to see the pages. Plus the book can be actually sent via email!!! So why has there been an absolute zero amount of strategies with the use of this ability??? They could actually try to catch Atsushi by sending him such email containing any of Poe's mystery stories and then safely carry him back to their base. And it doesn't have to be just Atsushi, it could be literally any of their enemies. Non-combatant, like Ranpo could use this pretty damn well to his advantage and it doesn't take a genius to understand the potential of the "Black Cat in Rue Morgue". But nooooo, it seems like everyone has just forgotten of Poe!!! (Tho to be honest, I can actually see this situation in a funny extra awfgbfggfjj. Not the main story however) The agency would never even learn of his existence, if he didn't personally decide to try to fuck Ranpo's life up. Like, what does Poe even do in the Guild? He's the master architect and, according to him, the third ranking man in the organization, but we never see him be of any use, so Idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lucy at least got to do something, unlike this poor man.
Then there's the entire drama with the Guild's decision to destroy Yokohama. Where do I even begin...
First of all, Fitzgerald has no way of knowing that Atsushi is going to come to Moby-Dick to fight him. Poor guy is the Guild's primary goal and has already gotten himself captured once, so it would have been safe to assume that the ADA decided to hide him somewhere and not send him on any dangerous missions for the time being. That basically means Fitzgerald could have burned down not just Yokohama, but also the only person, who could actually help him find his precious Book.
But if we're to ignore this, let's also go with Wikipedia then~
"Yokohama is the second-largest city in Japan by population and the most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city and the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefecture, with a 2020 population of 3.8 million. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshu. Yokohama is also the major economic, cultural, and commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area along the Keihin Industrial Zone."
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Good luck making up for the destruction of THIS, Fitzgerald 🖕
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And if this in itself wasn't bad enough, most people, including me, tend to forget that all Guild members are actually big shots in the American government, which I think is very sad. Because first of all, can you imagine any of the Guild members actually working as politicians?!! The sheer idea makes me hysterical avshbgj. Like, just consider Lovecraft working as a senator or something. This eldritch horror of a man leaves the ocean once in three years at best LMAO. Second of all, I have a feeling, that the destruction of Yokohama at the hands of influential politicians from a foreign country would have resulted in an international conflict or two~ Like as if random deranged rich Americans arriving in Japan, wreaking havoc over there and destroying the second largest city in the country wasn't bad enough, these Americans just HAD to be super influential businessmen and politicians. Louisa, my dear, I understand that it wasn't your intention, but it's as close to a declaration of war as it can get, you know? Fitzgerald may be ready to do anything to resurrect his dead daughter, but I'm not sure, that the execution of himself and the rest of the Guild at the hands of the Hunting Dogs is something he'd like.
(And here's another funny thing that stems from them being politicians 🤭 As @originalartblog wittily pointed out, Fitzgerald wasting all his money fighting sskk has probably resulted in a market crash and recession over in the USA)
I also have some other questions in regards to this entire plan, such as why did they have to waste Moby-Dick just to destroy Yokohama? Yes, it works in the short term, but in the long term they loose a super powerful fortress with the stealth mode and as the practice shows, you better have a safe base, unless you want another lemon freak to blow it all up. I mean, you could just ask Lovecraft to destroy everything for free. Or, if the device is the only way to stop the giant whale from crashing, why didn't Fitzgerald just take it to a far away bunker or something and waited things out there without the need to spend millions of dollars just to survive the explosion? (And it would have been extremely funny, if during the fight with sskk he just threw the device overboard) But I think I have already rambled for long enough already atxhghbgv XD
The Guild is an even bigger mess than the DOA and I think that's glorious 🙌
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dropthedemiurge · 5 months
Boys Be Brave [EP.3] // Translation notes
Alright, I got prompted by @turndon100-blog @okiedokie2216 @lurkingshan and the ending of Ep.3 gave me hype boost so I'll try to write some clarification and translation for the scenes from my phone while I still remember everything xD Sorry if this is not going to be as well formatted as my other language posts tho...
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Kiseob wants to prove to Jinwoo that he perfectly fits his entire "My ideal type" checklist and he lists all the things he nails. This might've been confusing to many in subs, but the thing is - 첫눈 (chot nun) in Korean can both mean "first sight" and "first snow". So Jinwoo immediately argues that Kiseob failed to achieve being perfect in all to-do points because Jinwoo hasn't fallen in love with him at first sight (as he mentions it in the beginning of the episode). But Kiseob confidently argues that no, there was no first snow this winter yet and shows the December article that says first snow is late this year and might only fall in January.
So technically Jinwoo can still fall in love with Kiseob at first snow and achieve perfect 10/10, therefore no failure yet! Poor Jinwoo can't argue with that logic... (That frustrated little jiggly stomping lmao)
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This message also said that he better pay that credit back until Friday, otherwise there will be extra fee.
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He said "Choi BalgEum. Look at me" (or focus on me) 🥺
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눈치 없어 (nunchi opseo) is a phrase that literally means "have no sense" (it also was formed from 눈 - eyes, as I can guess), but it's used in the context of being perceptive (눈치 있어/nunchi isseo, having sense), feeling the subtext or nonverbal clues - and, well, the lack of it on the opposite, like being clueless.
So Balgeum actually means "Can't you see? Don't you understand the implications?"(of him holding Kiseob's hand) "I asked, don't you realize?" Stop following me around like a clueless fool" (he said that "having no sense" phrase 3 times in a row, who are you trying to fool here yourself, my guy lol)
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Balgeum also curses twice at his piano not-friend-situationship. Here he says after asking to stop following him: "It's fucking embarrassing". Probably, the fact that he keeps showing up and asking to talk to him, but can also mean doing this while he obviously "has a boyfriend".
When they meet in evening, he also curses again "why the fuck do you keep appearing?" Balgeum is just definitely trying to hurt him as much as possible :(
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This translation works but just to clarify - Kiseob says "Why do you often hide?". So he doesn't just ask why Jinwoo were still hiding under bed while he was talking to him, he was asking why Jinwoo was running away and hiding from him all the time (while he likes him).
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"I hated you back then and I hate you now, that's why I run away."
And I just love the phrase 아니잖아... (anijanha) that he gets in response. Because it means "That's not true... (and you know it too)". There's literally a grammar point in Korean that lets you insist on something you know that the other person also should be aware of. So Balgeum angrily claims he ran away in the past and he runs away now because he hates Inho (I hope that's his name, forgive me if anything), and Inho counter argues that no, he doesn't hate him. And implies they both know it. That's why Balgeum resorts to less angry "Think whatever you want".
And the fact that even after this, Balgeum kept playing up his masquarade and saying he wants to vomit even thinking about that they had something, that he regrets it every day - no wonder Inho finally snaps and calls him an asshole/scum when he didn't use cursing before, unlike Balgeum, and so the i-dont-wanna-hurt-you-but-i-am-emotional "fight" begins.
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But here we have a silver lining!
"- Meet me only three times... - I got it (what you want), so... (let go of me)"
알겠다 (al'getta) literally means "I know/I understand" but (going with my intuition) it's used naturally in cases that you understood the information you were given, received instructions and will follow them.
I'm not sure what Ep.4 will bring, but I won't be surprised if Balgeum and Inho actually will go to 3 dates because Balgeum sounded like he was giving in, after letting out his anger/fear/frustration/etc through wrestling with Inho. His final verdict for Inho pleading him to go on 3 dates with him is: "Let me go. I told you, I understand (your request and I will consider it most likely in a positive way)"
Here you go! These guys grow on me more and more with every episode. I am fascinated to see Jinwoo ditching his perfectly planned schedule, Kiseob finally refusing to follow where other people drag him, Inho fighting to make his love exist despite brutal rejections and punches, and Balgeum's carefully crafted defense walls breaking as he lets a glimmer of hope and love return to his life.
This show isn't deep at all, it's foolish and yet I'm starting to see layers and development and I'm intrigued where they all will go.
If you've got any other questions about this or previous episodes, let me know! (With timecodes preferrable)
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
So, today's episodes....
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Creator is on some Joker levels of psychological torture now. Thankfully, Moon was able to pull Sun out of that nightmare, but DANG! That episode was horrifying yet amazing! Davis and Reed did an amazing job acting in this episode. 👏 🎩 hats off to them. This episode makes me very concerned, though. Creator is capable of a lot of things. He won't stop hunting Sun unless he either dies or gets distracted by something else, maybe the Astrals. Sun isn't safe. I was never one to believe in the "Sun will take his own life" theory, but after this episode, I'm starting to believe it. Sun will (if he hasn't already) start thinking of himself as a liability to his family and everyone around him. He has Creator after him. He has Nexus and Dark Sun after him, and maybe also the Astrals too. Sun is not safe, and anyone who is around won't be either. I can see Sun taking his own life if it means protecting his family. (Cough! And to stop his suffering. Cough!) Gosh, that's gonna be a tear-jerker of an episode. Sun's sacrifice in vrchat.
Creator deserves to get stinkin' lobotomized after this! Also, does anyone else like to imagine that after one of Creator's plans fails, he has a stinkin' temper tantrum. I love the idea of after getting so close this time and that one time with Goliath, he just loses it and destroys stuff around his lab and screams like a madman.
Now onto Eclipse and Puppet...
Haha. Now, Puppet's trauma is kicking in. Ha... it's not funny. But I feel it is the universe getting back at Puppet for all the poo she's pulled.
So, in this universe, Lefte is the star (Kinda, face of the restaurant, not the main singer tho.) Lefty seems better chill (He seems a little egotistical to me though, I don't know why?) So, this universe's fazgang consis of Lefty, Foxy, Monty, and someone else (It was suppose to be Chica but apparently Henry lost her in the lawsuit) in this universe they aren't an 80's theme band...
They're metal! They're a heavy metal band!
I love it! Kinda reminds me of
Ec Universal's Fnaf Punkrocks series! And I love that.
Also, calling Lefte a goth Freddy is so funny to me. 🤣
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streaminn · 1 year
I am so down for that!
Just Enid being all fluffy and wolfed out nudging Wednesday softly when she hasn't ate yet, and when all fails she just grabs her from her seat and carries her with her teeth to the kitchen to eat.
ESA Enid does the following for her human;
• cook
• clean
• smells for illness
• and good for cuddling
Full package deal, but Weds loathed Enid at first because her parents got Enid for her. After all, they were worried about her health.
I was thinking of them being friends and it slowly building, not Enid doing this as a job 😭
The image of this giant wolf carefully nudging into Wednesday's side to get her to not sleep in is adorable tho
Wednesday shoves that muzzle away as much as she can but sometimes, when she says she's too tired, she holds the face of her wolf and simply stares
"you're insufferable," she says. Enid whines at that, her ears folding back. "you intrude my space like a fungus, Enid."
A sorrowful yet quiet howl leaves Enid's lips and her head sinks deeper into Wednesday's palm. She has always known that Wednesday wouldn't like her but to hear such harsh words.. It makes Enid feel bad.
She knows not to take it too heart, her charge tends to have her days after all but it does make her heart dip sometimes.
But Wednesday is still staring and she hasn't shoved Enid away like usual so they're left like this.
"but.." Wednesday starts and Enid makes sure to listen. "just like mold, you've grown on me." her hands pull and before Enid knows it, something smooth presses against her nose.
A kiss.
"stay growing with me."
In reply to such devotion, Wednesday hears something heavy thump against her wooden floors. Her eye strays from blue to peer at the whipping blur that one can call a tail.
(Enid ended up yelping, not expecting to sprain it just a few second afterwards)
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rainofthetwilight · 6 months
In addition to Evil Arin, another thing that is potentially the saddest of all is if you compare his situation with the rest of the kids.
He always wanted to be a ninja, Sora and Wyldfyre didn't, and yet they're still "better" than him. They manage to contribute to the team more easily because they have powers while he has to work twice as hard to feel useful with a skill that he hasn't even mastered yet.
Sora finally found a real family on the team, Wyldfyre still has Heatwave (and she has begun to get closer to the team), but Arin can't allow himself to feel happy there because his parents are STILL missing.
The others can allow themselves to be happy with their new family, but for him, the guilt is overwhelming because his other family is still missing and he feels like he is failing to find them and be useful to both sides. And it's unfair because the one thing everyone keeps telling him that makes him a valuable member of the team (being a spinjitzu prodigy) is no longer enough to keep up with everyone else.
I want you to know that all your posts has inspired me to make a short comic of the poor boy because I love the potential angst of this so much
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like. Oh my gosh. do you see how much happier and playful sora is in s2? she's so more animated, more cheerful, more like herself, as she finally let go of the past. so when you compare her to arin this season, who's grief has been attacking him in every waking moment, who everytime he speaks he's full of nothing but hopelessness and denial, still having his past haunt him more than it ever did. he still cannot find his other family, he still can't adjust, while sora already did, letting go of the other...
and wyldfyre, she still has her own family while adjusting to the new one, and she's happy! she's so happy, she has good dynamics with them (especially with kai), and is even told by rontu how much potential she has!!!
while arin, who's whole dream was to be a ninja, to be useful and worthy, was immediately crushed. the skill he was once praised for is now suddenly not enough, it's suddenly too weak and sloppy and unmastered. while sora and wyldfyre easily fit in, despite them not wanting to do anything w/ the ninja at first, he's still off in the corner, the jealousy consuming him even tho he doesn't want it to
they easily adjusted to their new families, while he still can't, because just like you said the guilt is overwhelming him so so much because he still can't find his other family and it hurts. he feels useless to both families, literally the first thing he said when he thought he saw his parents was that he wasn't good enough dude...
and all of these? these are all motives for him to snap, to crack his facade and become someone no one knew before, his self doubt absolutely eating him up and he succumbs to ras's words about the ninja holding him back....
ALSO I'M GLAD I INSPIRED YOU!! :D you better thank everyone that sent the asks for that, you are all feeding me with all this angst bro 😭 also would you mind tagging me when you finish that comic? 👉👈 👀 I need more arin angst despite the fact I'm about to explode rn OUDHDHS
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (050) I’m alright, I promise
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WARNINGS. none just fluff, a lot skinship tho!
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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And in San and Mingi’s cases, apparently, affection too. They immediately throw their arms around you the moment they see you, showering you in praises and compliments while the leader tries to get them off you in a protective fashion.
“Please let her breath!” Hongjoong yells, holding both of the men by their collars. Chuckles echo trough the large space. San looks embarrassed while Mingi looks mildly displeased, at most. It never fails to surprise you that someone of Hongjoong's stature could control the seven individuals just like that. It’s honestly impressive.
He walks up to you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“It’s nice to see you again Yn.” He nods with a polite smile.
Rolling your eyes, you push his hand off your shoulder, only to engulf him in a tight hug. He groans like it’s a chore but he returns it almost right away.
“Why do you sound so formal, Joong? Are we strangers?”
“So much attitude. I feel Seulgi’s pain.” Hongjoong moves away from you and flicks your forehead.
You stick your tongue out at the older boy, rubbing your forehead as you turn to the others.
Jongho is the first to come into sight, and you greet him.
“Took you long enough!” He replies, not meeting your eyes.
You completely ignore the youngest's words, only focusing on their underlying meaning.
“I was right you are pretty cute!” You laugh, ruffling his hair. He begrudgingly accepts, much to the others shock (and maybe a little bit of envy).
“Our Maknae is adorable, isn’t he?”
You hadn’t even noticed Wooyoung creeping up next to you. His voice gets louder as his head moves to rest on your shoulder, startling you.
“He never lets us do that though.”
Yunho joins your other side. “This feels like favoritism.”
You look up to him. While he’s about the same height as Mingi, he has a more innocent face. Which definitely doesn’t translate to his body.
The two of you share a quick side hug before you go over to meet the reserved boy who hasn't said much, thus far.
He’s a lot more timid in person compared to over text. You offer your hand to him which he gladly shakes as you two exchange pleasantries.
“Did you find any blackmail content yet?”
A unique giggle erupts from Yeosang's lips as he shakes his head.
“Nah, you deleted all the good stuff.”
His deep voice compared to that angelic face surprises you, but at the same time, it also makes a lot of sense.
Not even a minute later, you walk with determination to the eldest. He kept his distance the most, mainly just watching you interact with his younger brothers. The first thing that you note is that his hair grew quite a bit. You had your suspicions during the call a month ago, but it was more noticeable now.
“Your hair never fails to take my breath away.” You said, still eyeing the hair. Pink truly suits him.
His brown eyes met your own, a glimmer in them as you connected your hands in excitement.
“Only my hair?” He jokes shyly, making you laugh.
“I lied! All of you does actually!”
He wants to laugh at your comment but his breath gets stuck in his throat the moment he realized the close proximity you two were in. If only you knew what you did to him. While you were busy giving him the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, he worried his heart was going to beat out of his chest.
Sadly, he didn’t have enough time to respond in a cool way like he wanted to as Mingi interrupted.
Mingi is someone with a lot of natural confidence. Not in a cocky way, but rather in a way that he radiates it to those around him.
That same confidence seems to disappear the moment you turn to him.
“Hi.” Is all he could muster, the wide smile on his face growing even wider as you cup his cheeks with adoration.
“Did you forget about me?” The voice behind you that you recognize as San asks. You turn to him to meet his pouting face.
“Of course, I didn’t, Sannie!” He nearly tackles you with the hug when he hears his nickname leave your lips.
His cheeks turn a warm color when you whisper some encouragement about his crush in his ear before he can even respond. The guilt of lying to you hits him but he also knows that now isn’t the time to come clean. Instead of saying anything, San opts to hide his face in the crook of your neck, leaving you to stroke his hair as you laugh.
You aren’t laughing at him, the opposite actually. The fact that you feel so carefree with these guys makes you laugh. Suddenly, happiness doesn’t feel that far away anymore.
As you part, you shoot a smile at everyone. “So, you guys wanted to show me something?”
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And they did. You reminisce about the intricate dance moves and impressive facial expressions they just showed you as you’re sandwiched in between Mingi and Seonghwa in the booth everyone has settled down in.
You expected them to be good but not to this extent, you bet that they would make it big if they chose the idol career instead of the dance crew route.
You let the phone fall on the table after watching the dance video for the nth time with a loud sigh in admiration causing you to get some weird stares from the patrons of HanuelSan on accident.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you guys are this good!” You whine, looking at Hongjoong specifically.
Yunho, Yeosang, and Jongho, who sit in front of you chuckle at your enthusiasm. Seonghwa and Mingi exchange a look that you can’t really decipher.
“Did you ever ask?” Hongjoong says simply as he reaches over the table to retrieve his phone.
An offend look replaces the previous emotions on your facial features.
“I did! Many times! You just refused to show me anything!” You quip back.
You let your head fall on Mingi’s shoulder dramatically as you slump back in your seat. You feel his shoulder tense up at your action. Just as you’re about to lift your head back up his hand pushes you gently back to your previous place.
Your pouting doesn’t last long when San returns from behind the counter with your drinks. 'Thank you's are thrown to the dark-haired man in response.
A silence falls over the group as everyone enjoys their drinks without a word, clearly tired from the dancing. It’s not awkward though, not at all! It’s strangely comforting. Just as you push your mask down and lean forward to sip at your own drink, a familiar voice reaches your ears.
Only it’s not actually speaking to you, instead Taegyu’s warm voice fills the cafe. The group exchange worried glances as you search for the speaker that the song is coming from.
“I’m so sorry, my sister must’ve added this song to the automated playlist.” San stands up quickly, apologies spilling from his mouth. “I’ll change the song, don’t worry, Yn!”
You reach for his hand, making him stop in his tracks.
“No, let it play please! It’s alright.” You insist, your other hand also wrapping around his as reassurance.
San still looks unsure, regardless of your words. Judging by the looks he shares with the others, they seem to share the sentiment.
Seonghwa places a consoling hand on your shoulder lightly. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
You nod. For the first time since you’ve met Taegyu, your heartbeat doesn’t speed up when you hear his voice. The idea of him doesn’t make you want to throw up with sadness. And when you picture him, you feel positive feelings but none of them heartbreaking or romantic in any way.
You’re finally over Park Taegyu.
“I’m alright, I promise.” You smile.
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NOTES. i’m a terrible writer and writing this was really fucking draining but im glad i did! 10 more chapters hehe
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @legohwas @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @sunshine1438 @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @tubatu-wari-wari @not2daym8 @jaehunnyy @brrrkdslek @whippedforbeomgyu @amara-mars @crvzy-fujoshi @hyuk4ngel @atinyinateezverse @nickiminajleftasscheek
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piipaw · 2 months
I would love to hear about your modern au <3
Okay so my modern AU is very loose (there's still magic, vampires, fantasy races, etc.) but with real world locations and references at times. It has been titled "bass pro shop pyramid meet cute AU"
The gist is- Gale is on the edge of getting divorced and is at a work conference out of state with some colleges and Mystra and he absolutely beefs finding a place to eat. He thinks he's pulling up a nice interesting restaurant on google maps and fails to realize it's at the top of the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid until he's in the parking lot.
So after they arrive Mystra basically laughs him out of the car and her and his collages leave him there in favor to find somewhere else, but he's adamant that he's gonna get a good meal. Only issue is- restaurant doesn't allow for single seating patrons- you need a party of 2 or more.
Awkwardly he circles the shop asking multiple people if they'd help him out and eat a meal with him, on him of course, but the idea of some stranger approaching most of these people is super off putting. He's wearing a conference lanyard, he's sweaty and unorganized. When he spots this super tall, ambiguously gendered githyanki watching the live bass in one of the tanks.
Rehearsing to himself a few times, Gale decides this is his last shot and approaches the gith. "Hello, I'm one Gale Dekarios, you don't know me but I'm out of town and I've found myself in a bit of a predicament- might you lend a hand?" Gum hears him out and agrees to eat with him.
They have a surprising dinner. Gale finds out that Gum is also not from the area, he's on a trip and works at a hospice back in his home state. They share a bottle of wine, eat some expensive steaks, and it leaves Gale sweaty and exhilarated. They exchange social media contacts and just like Cinderella, Gum has to go because he's flying out tomorrow and leaves Gale one of his keychains to remember him by.
Gale returns to his daily life back in his home state, and everything feels so pale, so empty. He's chasing the high of this ambiguous stranger and he's determined to see them again. With a little detective work Gale's able to cross reference a general idea of which hospice Gum works for and sees that it's fairly close to a near by campus that's owned by the same umbrella as the one he's working for now. Myatra's already finalized the divorce, she's taken her belongings, and he no longer feels welcome at his own work due to the shunning gaze of his peers.
So in a VERY impulsive decision Gale travels across the country to move to Gum's state, finding a nice place to live that will accommodate him and his cat's needs, and gets the job transfer. He's trying not to get his hopes up, this mysterious stranger barely posts online and might not remember him, but Gale HAS to try. It's suffocating him.
Once he's moved in he reaches out to Gum and lets him know he's in the gith's neck of the woods. Wants to know if they'd like to meet for a meal 'for old times sake'. The reality that he divorced his wife and moved across country to meet a stranger is hitting him hard, but he's ecstatic when Gum answers and they exchange phone numbers to work out the logistics. Gale insists on meeting Gum at his place, even tho Gum tries to convince Gale to meet him at the restaurant.
Gale arrives and Gum doesn't answer the door to the run down apartment, instead he's met with a shorter female gith he comes to know is Lae'zel. She informs Gale that Gum's not home from his shift yet, but he can come inside. This is where Gale sees that Astarion, an elven vampire, is also living here. He makes small talk, immediately hit with jabbing comments from the two of them but he takes it in jest. He absolutely understands how crazy this all seems and he hasn't even told Gum he's moved to the area- just that he was visiting.
Before Astarion can make some scalding comments about Gale's tan where the ghost of a wedding ring once sat, Gum comes home and is shocked to find Gale and the others talking. He asks a moment if he can shower before the leave, feeling ripe from working with the soon to be deceased. Before Gum leaves the room he gives Astarion and Lae'zel a warning look, one they both completely ignore and continue playing twenty questions with their new prey.
Gale offers to take Gum to a fancy restaurant but instead Gum insists on taking him to a B rated hole in the wall place instead. It's crowded, it's loud, but the food is nothing like Gale's ever had before. He's eating skewers of meat with his hands, they have lively conversation, and finally it gets to the point where Gale wants to start probing on what Gum's situation really is.
He finds out that Gum is in an open situationship with Astarion, as he's his primary source of blood, but they haven't been intimate in several years. Lae'zel is another ex of his, but they've realized that while they but heads they work great as friends. Since rent is so expensive, the three decided to go in together on a larger apartment even if it's leaky and they're just barely scraping by. Gale tells Gum about his ex wife, leaving out her name, and comes to find out that Gum is actually familiar with the school Gale and Mystra both worked at. He's been taking online night classes there on a scholarship to try and get out of his dead end job.
After a few dates they decide to take things slow. Gale starts inviting him over more, Gum also inviting Gale to his apartment as well. They have conflicting work schedules but they make time for one another. It brings Gale such joy to cook and care for Gum and his roommates when he visits. Soon lae'zel and Astarion start becoming Gale's acquaintances and friends as well, introducing him into their circle: Shadowheart, Karlach and Wyll. Eventually Gale makes two friends at his job: Halsin and Minthara, but also a rivalry with another colleague Loroakan.
One day while Gale is at Gum's place cooking him breakfast, he happens to peak over and see that Gum's in an online lesson with who else but Mystra running the class. Immediately he burns his hand, breaks something, drawing attention both from Gum and the professor on the screen. Mystra, ever cold and professional, simply tells Gum to mute his mic and turn off his camera and that he can review the lesson from the recording later but not to distract the class. Afterwards, Gum is very much like "what the fuck is wrong with you" to Gale while patching up his hand and it comes out that, oh, this is your ex. The one that you have a shitty tattoo for.
Gale takes it upon himself to reach out to Mystra and ask that Gum not be penalized or docked points bc of his distraction, to which she simply states she had no such intention unless it happens again. Relieved that Gum isn't getting negative treatment on his account, Gale feels a little lighter even if it is weird that his new partner is studying under his ex wife.
Astarion delights in this news TERRIBLY and has found new hobby in reading Gale relentlessly for it. Lae'zel could care less but jokingly offers that she "knows a guy" if he "needs to hide a body."
I got really really excited to discuss this so sorry for the length- but I think about this silly bass pro shop meet cute AU every few months. Very much a "me and the baddie I pulled by being autistic" only they're both autistic.
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the-phantom-otaku · 11 months
My Astarion Origin run may prove to be the thing that finally gets me to finish the little oneshot I've been trying desperately to write for weeks now.
The issue I ran into is that I wasn't entirely sure how the others would react upon learning he's a vampire, so I've been stuck on that for a while. The option to just tell them and see their in game reactions really helps.
Gale - Surprised but relatively chill about it. Reasons his way through by saying he hasn't been bitten yet and he sees that as a sign that he can trust Astarion. A little surprised he didn't have his suspicions considering how well-read he is, but idk I guess he hasn't read up much on vampires. Honestly, he didn't seem very worried about the news.
Wyll - Actually knew immediately bc he's a monster hunter and has dealt with spawn before. Laughed at me when I told him bc, in his words, "It could only be more obvious if you painted a red V on your forehead." Was still willing to trust tho bc he doesn't easily abandon allies once he's made them. He also noted how charming Astarion was. Then offered a deal: Don't bite any innocents and he won't kill me. Overall, also pretty chill w it probably bc he's sure he can just stake Astarion if the need arises.
Karlach - Suspected but wasn't sure. She liked it when I told her bc she liked the honesty. Took it pretty well, didn't seem all that concerned. Probably wasn't worried bc a vampire isn't much compared to the devils she's killed. Her engine also protects her from being bitten, so there's that. Overall, she seemed very quick to accept and trust. Oh, she also said she'd break Cazador if he came to camp.
Shadowheart - Was surprised, didn't even suspect anything. Seemed more... annoyed(?) than anything. Said she "just wanted normal companions for once" and then asked if her neck was safe. Overall, she didn't seem terribly worried or against the idea of him staying, but she did still seem to want some reassurance that she wouldn't get bit.
Lae'zel - Exactly what you'd expect. Had no idea (to my surprise) and jumped to threats (tho I did fail a charisma check so she might not be so aggressive if you don't fail that). Not exactly trusting in him but trusting in her own ability to eliminate him if he were to glance at her neck. She also noted that he was useful, so she wouldn't kill him unless he gave her reason. I thought it was interesting that she had no idea until I remembered she's likely only been around githyanki her entire life. Humans, elves, tieflings, and so much more are a strange and new sight for her. As a result, she might not recognize the signs of vampirism in these species bc for all she knows, elves can have red eyes and long canines and be that pale naturally.
Anyway, that's their reactions summed up for anyone curious or also struggling to write their reactions.
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prisoner-000 · 1 year
Here's my Trial 3 MILGRAM Cover predictions! The MILGRAM cover songs are usually picked from DECO*27's popular lineup, so I tried to limit my picks to songs from his catalogue that are a little more well-known! They also tend to me more from his modern era (post-2016) so forgive me :(
Haruka: Honestly: I have no idea. Haruka's been pretty random with his covers. Just to have guessed something, maybe 118 due to its instrumental. If you've got any better guesses feel free to add onto my post!
Yuno: I feel like Yuno will likely cover more love songs/songs about relationships - My guess right now is Love Words III (any of the Love Words songs could do tbh, but this is the one I think might fit her the most) Rabbit Hole (for the more sexual relationship theme) or Heart a la mode (just because).
Fuuta: Fuuta's covers tend to be kind of random tbh aside from them all being hugely popular deco songs LOL. My current guesses go to Chimera (for the like-share thing. social media.. yknow...) and considering its popularity, maybe even Dilemma. doubt it tho so dont take my word for it
Muu: Muu's cover theme is kind of hard to pin down, so I just went with a song I think might fit her voice. Theory of Negativity would fit her vibe tbh. It's kind of self-depreciative, kind of very much not self-depreciative.
Shidou: Okay, here's a super basic pick: Ghost Rule. A lot of characters get assigned GR as a future cover because it's probably the most well-known deco song that hasn't been covered yet. I think Shidou's covers would fit its theme of lying and the energy that he brought to Liar Dance and Delusion Tax.
Mahiru: Wouldn't you know it, her cover songs are all based around unhealthy relationships... My current guess goes to Zombies. I personally think Mahiru's VA and a more sickly sweet synthpoppy sound could really fit this song!! Another option would be Pseudo-Hope Syndrome which is a little less upbeat than Zombies and more mellow, but who knows what T3 Mahiru might look like. TONS of DECO songs are about unhealthy relationships, it could really be anything.
Kazui: I know a lot of people would like him to cover songs about the topic of lies but that's already Shidou's thing... Neo-Neon and Coward Montblanc are both breakup songs, so it's either another breakup song for him like Fakery Tale or maybe a song about failed relationships like Relationship Scramble (which i feel fits him very well)!
Amane: Another character I find extremely hard to have a guess at. If we're going with the more innocent theme, I can imagine Yume Yume... is it because of the MV? Yes. I feel like however Amane develops will really influence her covers like we saw with her covering Animal in T2.
Mikoto: Kind of also at a loss here, so here's a shot in the dark: (Not A) Devil with Mikoto's duality motif seems fitting. I'd love to hear his voice on this track!
Kotoko: Since Kotoko's second trial song hasn't been announced yet, I have no clear lineup to go off of :-(. Probably something more energetic like HIBANA. I think it'd be super cool if she covered Undercover, actually! Though that's probably not happening.. one can dream
hope u enjoyed heart emoji if you have any alternate guesses feel free to share them! would love to discuss :-)
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samfromthewoodsbeyond · 4 months
What if... (supernatural)
(I was listening to Friends on the Other Side by Keith David, btw(Just saying: this is also based off of my supernatural character a little bit only the appearance tho(sorry that it's so long and if there are any grammatical errors just comment the correct word(s) please, english is not my first language)))
So, what if there was like a gambling/betting demon in season 16 (I'm not sure if it has or hasn't been confirmed yet so bear with me) so in the earlier seasons it's shown that they got there money by betting on things to get there money.
So, they don't need lots of money anymore (I think) because they live(d) in the bunker, what if Dean wanted to gamble/ bet on something again (or they were on a hunt and had to go somewhere to get information) but didn't know/ hadn't been told that there was a gambling/betting demon.
He sits down at the table he finds most interesting and starts to play, after a while (two to three rounds) he had gotten a bit of money and lost a little bit (way) more (since it's Dean) when a(n) (unusual) player joins his party (the person they needed if on hunt (the gambling/betting demon)) and started to play with him.
He keeps playing but realizes something about this mistery person and starts focussing on their (preferably a dude that looks like he's in his late 30s/early 40s, and like Kurt (Hummel is his last name in glee, if you want to find a picture of him or something) gay) face to guess if their bluffing or not, but fails to do so.
Then after a while the person starts opening up a little bit more he finds out their name and what they do here and how many times they visit(ed) this place and then he lets something slip that's a hint for people to try and figure out who they are.
If he's there for information on a case/hunt:
when it cuts back to Dean (after it went to Sam/Jack/Castiel(who's been saved from The Empty) who knows maybe all of them) Dean realizes it and when he starts to point a finger at them the person(demon) stands up and walks away from the table before the next round begins. Dean stands up and follows them two seconds after since he's still getting his brain together and pins him to the wall when they're outside. Then he proceeds to get his 'special' knife out and holds it at the demon's throat and starts questioning them.(let me know if i need to finsish this one, 'cause I'm not having the best thinking processes right now)
If he's gambling/ betting on things for fun(since he misses it a little):
when it cuts back to Dean, (after it went to Sam/Jack/Castiel(who's been saved from The Empty) who knows maybe all of them) he's still in the blind of what this person is and theey smirk a little before getting good cards and switches them (with his powers) with Dean's shitty ones before going all in and flopping at the last moment to make sure Dean wins(since he means no harm and has been thrown out of Hell since forever) and smiles a little before winking at Dean (who looks like a kid on Christmas morning) before winking and standing up to say good game. Before they leave the person straightens his clothes and flashes his eyes black for a quick second before leaving just to show Dean (since he knows who he is) that he meant no harm.
(Let me no if I should finish these since it was just a small 'What if..")
Have a nice day!
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kappanaiiscrossage · 8 months
Random assortment of headcanons (special NPCs)
((Remember, these are my personal hcs of the AC characters, some might be somewhat based on canon, some are completely made by me and not meant to be taken as canon.))
-Tom and Sable actually have a very dark sense of humor, they just hide it.
-Leila (Kapp'n's daughter) has a speech impediment, she's an older kid, the "baby speech" shown in the game, is because of that.
-Timmy and Tommy have a speech impediment too, the repeating after its sibling thing it's a way to cope and improve their speech.
-Mabel suffered from frostbite at some point of her childhood, now her fingertips and completely numb.
-Isabelle's teeth are slightly crooked and shaped weird, due to her tendency to open everything with her mouth.
-Sounds like a joke, but Dr. Shrunk has a real psychology degree.
-Lloyd has a whole team of contractors made and run entirely by gyroids, and yes, you guessed it, all of them are named after him.
-Jack can shift sizes and appearence, but to not intimidate mortals he sizes around the height of the villager.
-Brewster is not awkward, he's just silent, however, depending on the person, he can cause awkwardness on them.
-Also, just like Shrunk, Pascal has an actual degree on marine biology, he just wasted in on pot and a boathouse.
-Lottie wears a lot of makeup because she's very baby faced and wants to look of her age.
-Celeste hasn't graduated yet, she'll graduate soon tho.
-Considering his shanties, Kapp'n is a HUGE momma's boy, but not in an unhealthy way.
-With adequate sleep and outside of her job, while still pretty snappy, Phyllis becomes easier to approach.
-As much as Harvey hates technology, he had to get a phone because harriet basically forced him to, of course its all because if there's an emergency, she gets to know. She got him a flip phone, no complicated technology bs for Harvey.
-Rover went to college with Nook before quitting college.
-As I mentioned before, Gulliver is pretty much dead, probably died between ACCF and ACNL, pretty recently.
-Resetti has two children (that are already adults), he hasn't seen them is quite a while, often leaving him thinking all he could've done wrong.
-Harriet's hair has an odd shape because of a failed diy perm.
-Blathers is an actual insomniac, Celeste on the other hand is a night owl with no insomnia.
-As I mentioned before, there are two faceless fellows, Blanco and Blanca, I decided to make them twins since 1. They had their sexes changed on their release (male in Japan, female on the rest of the world) 2. They seem to be in charge of different roles.
-Talking about Blanco and Blanca again, they seem to have favorite victims subjects, Rover seems to be Blanco's favorite, while Blanca only appears if she's interested enough in you.
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creationofacentury · 9 months
ahem care for some moss etho arctic bdubs :>
YES OF COURSE *rolls up sleeves*
Etho has been living in the Jungle Temple for quite some time now, that's why he feels like it's time to go. Moss Boss, Moss King, Muse...people call him all sorts of things, because he can transform landscapes with just one single touch; yet despite having so many titles, no one really knows his name.
He likes to travel, but usually people don't want him to leave, so he stays until he feels like he isn't needed anymore. The time period can stretch from a year to several decades, depends on the biome. In Savannas, he stays longer, in Swamps, he basically just passes them by, since the moss grow weird there.
There are two places he hasn't explored much: The Desert Biome, since there's literally nothing for moss to grow on (he could try, but that's probably pointless), the other is the Snow Biome, because it's a bit too cold for him.
So why did he think it's a good idea to take the shortcut through this ice hell in the blizzard with only a tunic and his moss cloak? It's too cold, he couldn't even start to remember the reason for this glorious decision.
"Hey! You! Yes you! What are you doing here?!"
With his whole body now ice-cold and stiff, Etho looks up with difficulty. There's a person. He's warped in white; in the blizzard it's hard to make out what he's wearing, but it looks warm. And Fluffy.
"Oh no, this is not good. How long have you been out here?!"
Etho tries to shrug. When that fails, he shakes his head.
"Shoot. Here, come with me."
A hand appears on Etho's shoulder and starts to guide him. With a direction to head to and a person to lean on, Etho feels the dread that had been cumulating slowly dissipates, and his eyes flutter closed...
"Hey hey hey, don't pass out on me. What's your name?"
"Speak up for me, if you're able to?"
Etho nods.
"Nice to meet you, Etho. My name's Bdubs."
"...great first meet scenario, 'm sure..."
Bdubs laughs. He sounds surprised. He adjusts Etho's cloak to wrap him up tightly, "Save the energy until we get you somewhere warm, alright?"
(Bdubs has a tiny little igloo. It's very cozy though, with cute pine cones stringed together as decorations, and somehow the igloo has a fireplace in it.
"Are those fur, Bdubs?"
Sitting by the fire, wrapped in a brown fur blanket, with a cup of hot cocoa in hands, Etho utters the question.
"The coat I'm wearing? Yeah. The blanket you are holding is also fur."
"How do you get so much fur?"
"..." Bdubs looks embarrassed, "...well it's mine, of course!")
Okay so that's all from me ajfsdcfnjhdebh Did I do it?????
I should probably explain, they are both some kind of deity here. I got carried away, sorry!
Thank you for sending this request, I had fun picturing and writing this!!!!! <3
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crazybutgood · 10 months
20 fic writer questions~
I'm procrastinating and feverish and in pain, so I figured I'd distract myself and finally do this,, thanks for the tag lovelies @the-francakes (x) @lumosatnight (x) and @orange-peony (x)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
44 including origami, fics, a mixture of those (all mine and also collabs), and podfics
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Noo this would be a bitch to calculate
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write for the HP fandom
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Light Me Up
I Just Want You to Know (collab with @sugareey-makes-stuff)
Language of Love
[FIC & ART] Heart on Your Sleeve
Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try!! But I often fail. Reasons: Partially sometimes I get overwhelmed and/or am too shy and dk what to say, but mostly it's because I am so so incredibly burned out
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Damn,, idt I have one. I do HEAs! At least in fics, and so far
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All are happy I think,, and omg how does one quantify and compare happiness?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! Like reading it, actually incapable of writing it
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't! Idk if I will! There is one published novel one that I want to read tho omg ;-; ok sorry going off track
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sure hope not :') But to my knowledge no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah with Krissy! Linked in question 4. We didn't even know it was each other haha cos it was an anonymous epistolary exchange but ye it was fun
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Don't ask me that!! There's lots of ships to love, and idh the same ride or die (or any, tbh) feeling for my previously main one anymore. Goes to show that it just changes with time (maybe this current answer will too!)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SIKE I don't start things I know I won't finish (involves an elaborate planning procedure, ask @getawayfox ) and once I start them I push through it even if I have to drag myself crying (I'm insane I know)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love writing dialogue, and some people have told me it's nice, so I shall go with that!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ohh loads I reckon,, I'm going to stick to sharing run on sentences and can't write long plots. Cos I have to do lots of academic writing and copywriting, and that's going pretty steady, so idw to break that and spiral by thinking too much about this :') esp cos idh much time and energy to write fiction rn
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Yes if done right! Like you do things to make sure you don't throw off those who don't know that language and like make it part of the flow. And/Or footnotes! I've done dialogue in Hindi in my fics, and I've written an entire one in a script play format in Hindi too for @curlyy-hair-dont-care
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Listen :') I have mixed feelings about my writing, so I genuinely can't answer this
Tagging @andithiel @curlyy-hair-dont-care if you wanna do this, and anyone else who hasn't and wants to as well!!
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