#it has been way too long since I've written anything tho
i-am-beckyu · 5 months
In the Hands of my Tormentor
Yelloooooo! Been a lil bit since I've posted any writing! Been a bit hard getting much written with life and work at the moment but I had this random g/t thought and ran with it to get this lil fic. So enjoy another random oc created for the purpose of this fic lol.
Premise: You've been transported to another world where giants see humans as lesser and have ended up the pet of a Count.
cw: Fear, fear of death, fatal scenes mentioned, panic, mentions of being eaten alive, death mentions (no one dies tho), anxiety, torture, manipulation. Just the opposite of what I usually post lol. wc: 2318
That’s all I could feel as I watched in horror as the giant noble scarfed down their meal. Giant fangs tearing through meat 100x my size, as if it was sliced bread. I forced myself to not react as I heard them swallow, knowing full well should they tire of me- their pet, I may very well be the next one sliding down that wretch’s throat. 
In this world, Giants didn’t see anything smaller than them as intelligent. If you were found, the lucky ones either died or were crushed between teeth as big as boulders like food. And if you think ‘How’s that lucky?! That’s horrid!’ Be glad you’re not the one being digested alive.
But even that was a mercy compared to my fate. 
Every day I tread the thin line of a tightrope; a timer hanging over my head. Forced to live life as a performance, every step perfect in order to please my Master.
“TWIRL!” He’d demand.
“JUMP!” He’d spit.
“SING!” He’d sneer- and I’d do it without hesitation or face death itself.
For as humiliating as it was, being ‘keep’ worthy; even for a derogatory laugh, it was better than being deemed useless and ready for brutal discarding. And with how little manic glee he’d been having with me lately, that may be sooner than not. For if I have no worth, what’s stopping them from doing away with me?
Tonight I was on display at another one of their dinner parties. Parties they threw more to show their class standing and possessions than for company. Sometimes I’d be in a cage forced to sing like a songbird, other times I’d be kept on the table with a ribbon clamped around my ankle to perform tricks or be petted by gloved fingers.
The guests would often have varying responses at my presence.
“Such a rare delicacy humans are and you're wasting it as a pet?”
“What a wretched little thing it is. Why not just eat it and be done?”
“As amusing as it is, why keep it around when it’s a better snack?”
After a while, you learn to tune out the loud voices. It’s just a reminder I’m only seen as food, insignificant, a pest. I only listen to the Master's voice. He’s the only one that matters. I sit just to his right today. The ribbon on my ankle is too tight, and I can feel the way my foot has started to go numb from the lack of blood flow. I look at it absentmindedly, the phantom pain of a blade forced against an angry scar, throbs against the ribbon. Strange I can’t feel my foot and yet still feel the pain of past escapes. I stopped trying a long time ago. Better to submit then endure his sick pleasures again.
I try not to think about the will I’ve given up; the life I’ve submitted to and try to listen to the giants conversing overhead.
Had it not been for the size difference and ignorance to the obvious, the giants were just like us. Take away all the power-hungry madness and torture of the little guy and the giants were just like humans if they were living in a medieval fantasy. Perhaps in another world, I would have been one of the guests…
“Dance, Human.” Master demands, and I stand and let my body move the way I know it pleases the giant. I don’t even think about the steps anymore, I just let myself move as if I were a robot programmed with the steps.
The giants above me laugh, clap and snicker. I know I’ve done my dance right. They’re all talking around the table, some whispering to each other with cruel gazes locked on my form. Others are spitting profanities at me and joking to my Master about making me do more tricks. 
There was only one giant that didn’t seem interested in my suffering. They sat at the opposite end of the table silently, and hadn’t moved much beyond drinking from their cup. I didn’t pay them much mind. One less giant drooling over me was a blessing. 
I let their voices blend together as I continued to move, the only voice I was listening for was my Masters, and I knew he was grinning ear to ear with all the attention on his greatest possession. 
His rare and desirable human.
“Now sing.” He says sickeningly sweet and my mouth obeys as I sing old scales used to warm up my voice whilst I continue to dance.
He never said I could stop.
I don’t know how long this continued for, the time always blurred together with every order and step at these events. All I know is the giants are enjoying it for the time being and all hungry eyes are on me. I will do as they want till I’m so desirable, that Master snatches me away- just teasing the lessers with what they can’t have. I can see the manic glee in their eyes at being so close to myself. I know what they want, and I scold my expression to not let the fear show on my face. 
My legs ached, but I pushed on; my voice wasting away from overuse. Everything was starting to burn from the effort it took to do both. I sang a long high note and began to spin, a bad combo but my brain was on autopilot. How much longer till I collapse?
“Stop.” Master demanded; my saving grace but not by much. I stopped immediately, finishing the pirouette and ceasing my song. I didn’t dare move despite my labored breathing, fully aware that the command wasn’t just for me, for in the corner of my eye I saw it. 
An outstretched white, gloved hand reached for me- and it was not my Masters.
That was all that was said before the ribbon around my ankle yanked me back, sending me tumbling forward as I was reeled in. I kept my head down, biting my tongue to stop myself from screaming as I felt the glazed wooden table burn against my hands and knees as I was dragged. My performance was done. And so was the fool of a giant that had tried to take me. 
Or so I thought.
Giants had tried to take me from Master before that was a given, but I was his snack (as he liked to remind me) and those that had tried to take what was his, had been dragged out shrieking. But this one had the room silent. Someone with a demanding presence other than my Master had the room freeze.
“So Ed,” 
“That’s Count Edwin, to you.” Master spat at the other Giant.
“May I remind you who the Duke is here, Count Edwin.” the Duke replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink. I saw the way the Master's hand tensed at the notion. 
He was irritated. 
Very few had the nerve to undermine him and make it out unscathed. So far nothing had happened to this Duke, which made him a threat.
“I understand you invited me here tonight to make a deal.” The Duke asked.
“Yes, that’s correct.” The grit in the Master's voice confirmed my suspicions. He’d interrupted his showing off. They were treading on thin ice. 
“I wish to put a natural water irrigation system to my crops from the south river. The river in question however, borders the edge of your land and in order for me to utilize it, would require access to your land.”
“And you want me to allow your filthy hands access to my river.” The Duke remarked.
Master's hand tightened on his utensils. Whoever this man was really had the Giant getting into a tizzy, which was never good for me. For all the time that I’d been here, it was very rare that anyone dared to go up against Master, let alone insult him. I felt a slight sense of justice from the thought. Even if it would never be me to do it, at least someone would knock them off their high horse.
I couldn’t help but glance up to see what such a person looked like and was surprised by what I saw. It was the uninterested giant from before.
Just like their attitude, the Giants' features matched their blunt, cold attitude. Jet black, side swept hair and dressed in a navy blue velvet coat, adorned with gold trims and fine sapphires bigger than my head, the Duke- the most regal man I’d ever seen in all my life, was listening to my Master with an icy cold stone stare. 
The man seemed bored of this tedious exchange and I could tell their patience was beginning to run thin as my Master blabbered on and on about the Giants river.
I wondered how long the fire would build behind the Duke’s eyes before their tolerance met its peak, and would put my Master in their place. For once I was glad they paid me no mind.
“I have much gold to offer in return for the river and with the greater yields we would produce, I’m happy to offer 5% of the total harvest.” Master’s smile curled into a grin as they folded their hands. They did that whenever something they wanted was about to go their way.
I averted my gaze back to my feet at this. They always got mad when they caught me staring. How sad I knew what his tells were.
“While your offer is good Edwin, as a Duke with the amount of land I have, your offer is insignificant to me. Why give you access to my river when I produce five times the amount you yield in a year?”
Master lost his composure at that, clearly not expecting such a response. Unsurprising when he acts like a toddler who has never been told no. “Well yes but-” 
“If you expect me to share such a precious resource, I expect a greater sum.” The Duke cut him off. “Or an offer with something of rarity to actually compensate for the price. Something like…” 
No. No, he can’t mean…
The duke took a sip from his cup as if contemplating, but only a fool didn’t know he’d already made up his mind the second he set eyes on me.
“That human.”
The Duke slammed the cup down, hitting the table with a clink as my head shot up and snapped straight to the Duke, my worst fears confirmed reality. The Duke’s ice blue eyes bore into my small figure. If I thought my grubby Master was scary then the Duke was sheer terror. 
His eyes pierced my very soul pinning me in place, and I stared straight back, unable to hide the terror on my face despite the consequences. Though it could have just been adrenaline, I swear I saw their eyes soften when they noticed my expression change, though it did little to put me at ease. His presence was terrifying and it hit me then why the room was so quiet. Why Master was so mad he had no control over this Giant.
This was a man with power.
I knew if I was what it wanted, then no one would be stupid enough to say no twice. Everyone in the room knew what his eyes were locked on. 
“You want me to trade my human, for access to the river?” The Count replied as he dragged me closer, pulling me away from my terror. “That hardly seems fair seeing how incredibly rare and delightful they are. It’s just about bored me enough that I'm peckish. I love to break their spirits just enough that they’re kicking and screaming to the end.” 
At this, I was flung into the air with a yelp before the Count caught me in a harsh grip. I cried out in pain as he squeezed my ribs tight to the point I was sure they’d break.
“It would be a waste to let all this time go to not enjoy them myself.”
“It’s the human or nothing.” The Duke insisted. “You have nothing more that I want.”
I risked looking up at the Duke again, the fire in his eyes seemed to have tripled. “It’s as you said, humans are incredibly rare. Are they truly worth a yearly supply of better income?”
My Masters hand began to squeeze tighter around me and I’m only lucky that the air had been forced out of my lungs enough before I could scream. His anger being directed on the only thing he could control in the moment, only for the pressure to leave as quickly as it came and I found myself falling.
And that was the only warning I had before everything flashed a violent white. My whole body was in complete and utter agony and yet I couldn’t even scream. I could feel silent tears dripping down my face as my vision began to dance with black blurry spots. This is where I died.
Everything felt cold, until it wasn’t. 
I felt myself engulfed in pure warmth as careful hands moved and cradled my broken body. I could hear muffled voices shouting and moving before the slamming of a door ceased all else. Dark blobs broke in between the black and I knew deep down I was in the Duke’s hands, but the soft warmth they provided blurred all other judgment. I hadn’t been warm- truly warm since I’d been brought here, and yet somehow I was now at ease. 
Perhaps it was just my mind twisting the truth as a last mercy to let me die peacefully.
“Rest now,” A voice whispered over head as the world faded to black. “I’ve got you now.” 
Funny how my mind could create such a promise after so much pain…
✩₊˚.⋆⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆⋆⁺₊✧
Don't worry, the Duke's actually the good guy in this lol. I have it head cannoned that he fixes them all up and helps them get home.
I may write onto this, I might not who knows! The fact I've written in a different pov to me is wild though! Thank you to squishy, xyz and especially munchkin for beta reading this. (Seriously savior on my grammar qwp) Thank you if you read this far and I hope you enjoyed!!!!
Tag List Link here: @local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker @colossal-red @nobodywritingao3 @nata2343 @bad-author777 @crazyfoxgirl10 @guppybubbles
(also side note: other wips are still being written. I am aware JORNOS has not updated in months but it's not been forgotten <3)
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(I don't know if someone has already written this idea yet. If someone has tho please give me the info/link so I can read it. 👀
This might be the only prompt I do, because my brain likes to keep my creativity behind bars a majority of the time. That and anxiety. I've never done a post like this before. Also, most of my knowledge is from DP not DC. Please forgive me if I get something wrong.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
short prompt #1 →
short prompt #2 →
Lair of Mystery
The House of Mystery is Danny's lair or vacation lair(1) and ever since he outlived his friends and family(2), he's been coming to the House of Mystery whenever he needs a break from his kingly duties. Since it's the Infinite Realms, the HoM exists in every universe, but due to it not always being in the form of a literal house and difficult for outsiders to enter, it's never found. At least until now.
One day when he goes to the lair after (insert amount of time) he finds that the Justice League Dark have set up in his home. Initially, the JLD attack him but Danny puts a stop to that fast. It's his house, he can control anything inside it which includes anyone he deems an intruder. An interrogation more or less takes place, both parties are confused by the others presence, both sides get answers and are shocked by them. Danny because the JLD are a subdivision of a superhero agency that specializes in magic/the occult and the JLD because they've literally been using the house of a very powerful monarch without even knowing it.
Danny isn't angry the JLD are inside his house once he gets over the surprise. In fact, he's rather happy to have company of the non-ghost variety and is curious about their world full of superheroes and aliens. He comes to a decision. He will let the JLD continue to use his house as a base of operations if they are willing to agree to a few terms.
1. No one is to touch or use any artifacts they may find inside the HoM without his explicit permission. Some things are too dangerous for human hands to hold.
2. They seek him out of there is anything of the dead/occult variety threatening their world that they are unable to handle by themselves. (The JLD are shocked to learn of the King's past as a young hero as his explanation for this term. He misses those times and helping the JLD will also be another way to fulfill his obsession besides him being King.)
3. They spend time with him. Being the ruler of an infinitely expanding dimension gets pretty overwhelming and lonely at times. Even he needs a break. On top of missing his hero days, he misses the simpler times of being just a regular guy.
The JLD easily agree to his terms. From then on, they peacefully coexist in the HoM for many years to come. Danny is happier than he's been in a long time and so are the JLD because he's a wonderful host and has actually helped them with a few of their personal issues. Danny, having seen straight through his Captain Marvel form, gave Billy a fully furnished bedroom fit for a growing teenager and hidden from the others in the house. Danny and Billy hang out and play video games whenever they need to unwind with someone their age(3) with no secrets between them.
Danny helps Constantine with his soul contracts, seeing how they are fraying his soul and aging him prematurely. They have an easy camaraderie and sometimes share a bottle of whiskey together(4). Etc.
All is good.
Until some world ending threat of the dead/occult variety really does happen and the JLD call for Danny's help. He goes to them in full regalia with chainmail, breastplate with his hero symbol emblazoned on it, billowing, fur-collared purple cape with the cosmos displayed on the interior, a black crown incased in ice above his head with a sword of ghost ice in the hand that wears the newly dubbed Ring of (Peace?)(5). He doesn't even have to do anything. His presence alone is enough to intimidate the world ending threat into complete submission and is easily sent back into the Infinite Realms to face judgement for attacking the Living Realm.
This is how he's introduced to the rest of the Justice League. It's your choice on how they react and what happens beyond this point if you decide to take it further.
This is entirely up for grabs and I wanna read whatever's written.
(1) Your choice if it's his original lair or a vacation one depending on if you count Pariah's old castle as Danny's lair or not.
(2) Your choice if any of his friends or family members turn into ghosts.
(3) Danny is able to change the age of his form to an extent, an ability he inherited from his mentor, Clockwork. He uses it when he feels it would make it easier for other people to relate to him. He also has an eldritch form that he doesn't like to use in front of others unless he absolutely has to. You can leave any part of this detail out if you want to. I just thought it would be kinda cool and also a more subtle way of showing how powerful he is now.
(4) He is technically an adult (read several hundred years old) so he can partake if he wants to. Refer to note above this one.
(5) Should the function and name of the Ring of Rage change due to Danny being King or not? Your choice!
(*) Also, I read the House of Mystery is in a place called the Dreaming, a realm ruled by Morpheus the god of sleep and dreams. If this is truly the case, would it be plausible to say that Nocturne is just another one of Morpheus' forms? Would that mean the House of Mystery is in Nocturne's territory? If so, are Danny and Nocturne friends now? 👀
(*) the Dreaming is part of the Infinite Realms.
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dlyansworld · 7 months
Why do you hate me?
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Pairing:Y/n and Matt Sturniolo
Summary: Matt and you are enemies, but for some reason he’s been a little more tolerant to you lately. He’s in his room, and you’re hanging out with Nick and Chris in the living room. They go out, and you get bored.
Warnings:None just fluff
Hi my name is Nikki this is my first story i’ve ever written so i don’t even know if this is good or not but if anyone reads this and thinks it’s shit please tell me but don’t be rude.I hope y’all like this💕
I’ve been hanging out with Nick and Chris for a while and they decided they were gonna go out. It was weird though because I don't talk to Matt and they kinda just left me here.
I got bored so why not go to Matt’s room. I knocked on his door 3 times before entering, I finally opened the door after no answer then I was met with.
“Get out,” he says with an attitude and looks back down at his phone. “Why am I bored Matt, your brothers left and I'm all alone now?” I say with a smile.
“I don't care if my problem gets out,” she doesn’t even look back at me. “oh ok” I was kinda hurt but I'm used to it. When is he ever nice I laugh at myself. but what I didn’t know was that he noticed that I was upset by his words.
He pauses for a moment and notices you’re upset. “Are you upset?..” “No it’s whatever” he sighs “Now I feel bad you don’t have to leave” he has a look in his eyes but I can’t quite read it.
“Can I ask you something tho” “What is it?” he looks confused because I’ve never asked him something. I mean we haven’t had a conversation this long and this civil before.
“Why do you hate me? I mean I've tried to be nice. '' I just flat out said that I didn’t think I was gonna ask it. “I don’t hate you you’re just annoying”
“bruh” but that’s not what I said because that would be odd but that’s what I just felt after he said that you know sometimes we just have that moment when we just wanna say that.
“ok I mean I can be but why do I make you annoyed” he sighs and puts his phone down “I don’t know I just get irritated when you’re around"
“stop avoiding my question” I get confused why can't he just answer the damn question. “I’m not avoiding it, you just “annoy” me, your voice is irritating, the way you act, everything” he responds, that word again annoying I can't be that annoying, but I'm quite hurt I don't know why I just am so I say this. “wow ok fuck you im out” 
he sighs and lays his head on the table “I’m an idiot” “yea I know” I say still standing at the doorway he pauses “Wait, are you still there?” “I was waiting for you to stop me. He asked why I was waiting.” He doesn't say anything for a bit, and I start getting nervous.
“Can we start over? I don’t think you’re that annoying, I think I’m just irritated in general” I finally decided to spit out the truth since he still didn't get it “Matt can I tell you something” *welp I get go back to* a whisper I heard. Ok he's not responding, spit it out, stop being a baby.
“I’ve liked you for a very long time and it made me so upset when you never saw, I mean I was giving you a hint after I hit and you never saw it and I’ve tried to be so nice and all I’ve ever got was you being rude so that's the truth. but I think I should just gonna go now”
he becomes silent after I say all of that “Are you serious? You like me?” he stops me from leaving with his words “yes Matt I always have” he’s speechless for a moment “Well I feel like an idiot right now Sorry for being a jerk to you” he becomes more quiet but.
“it’s ok I should go now” As I'm walking out the door he stops me and grabs my hand, and if I'm being real right now it feels like a movie. “Can I ask you something real quick?” “Yeah?”
He pauses for a moment and looks at her “I Well” he pauses for a second, alright can he just spit it out now I think? “I like you too But I never thought you would like me” 
I was very surprised by his answer and didn't believe him so I said “You have?” he hesitated for a moment before he leaned forward and held her hands. He’s so close, only an inch from her lips
He kisses her, their lips touching. The kiss is gentle and soft. He pulls back a few seconds later. “Does that answer your question?” I lean back in for more. And with that, the brothers burst through the door. “What the fuck” Nick and Chris say at the same time.
Ok that was my first story ever and I really hope you guys like it, if you think its bad please don't be rude but gives me tips I would love to hear on how I can improve, Love Nikki
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blood-teeth · 1 year
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howdy everyone! it's been a long time since i've done one of these. also this is going to be a long post, so if you're like "i'm not reading allthat but stay safe tho" im sorry in advance.
i was going to wait until the two year anniversary of TMITAWH to post this, but i've been getting more and more asks about the status of this game, why it's on lockdown, when it's coming back, etc. largely, i've been dodging these questions or answering them with a vague "oh, i'm working on it!" which is very much the truth. just, not the entirety of it.
the truth is this: the story is done.
the real truth is this:
actually, before i get into that, i wanted to mention something else. i know i've waxed poetry over and over again and maybe it's getting annoying to hear it - so i'm very sorry - but it really is important to me to mention this because it's the motivation and the life-force behind everything that i do on this blog. i wanted to say thank you. i remember typing up the intro post to TMITAWH after getting the second COVID shot, delirious, but bolstered by a fever that had rendered me brave. i've been writing this story since 2019, i had the vision, the characters, the aesthetics and the understanding and i wanted to desperately to share. i never expected the level of support and love from so many of you. i've never had people genuinely vested in my worlds or characters. i remember getting the first comment about the prologue and slamming my computer shut and freaking out. i cried when i got my first ask telling me how much they'd love it, despite the small amount of content. the fever may have given me the courage to post it, but y'all gave me the courage to continue. and that means more to me than anything means to me in this world. for two whole years!! you've dealt with my wildly out of pocket thoughts, long absences, and have continued to show your willingness to continue the exercise in patience. i dont have people in real life that would do that for me. so thank you, thank you for being here, thank you for caring, thank you for the sweet comments. i wasn't lying when i said that i keep most asks unanswered because i go back and read them, hold the words close to my chest, and convince myself that i can do what i want to do when it comes to storytelling. thank you. forever and always. i know this feels maybe so much like im baring my soul, but i think it's important. TMITAWH saved my life. I mean that in every understanding, with the breadths and depths of my soul. I mean that with all the fibers and cells and atoms that make up me. This story saved my life. it's important to me that you know that in so many ways you all did, too.
so much of the reason i've been sitting on this is honestly mostly fear. it's choking me now as i write this. i'm scared of y'alls reaction, i'm scared of potentially disappointing anyone, and i'm scared of people just being overall pissed off. which i would get! this is not why the majority of you are following me. i'm asking for grace, for understanding, for mercy.
so, the real truth is this:
Tell Me If There's A Way Home is complete. there's a beginning, of sort, a middle, an end. but, it is not complete in the way you might expect an IF to be complete.
this is, simply, because Tell Me If There's A Way Home has been re-written and re-formatted into a novel.
over this past year, i was struggling with the story. things had along the way stopped making sense. this WAS the story i wanted to tell, i knew what had to happen in order to get the whole point of it across. is it better to get back what you've lost, what does it look like when you do get it back? but there was something that wasn't working. i could force the scenes, have The Traveler spend time with Cain in his little house talking about his past, or provide the option to explore the peaks of a mountain looking for a legend of old. i could do all this. but it was all wrong. the story had become corrupted along the way and the vision of it that i held onto so desperately was fading into obscurity.
so i opened a new word document and just wrote. i wrote for a whole year, and the story unveiled itself to be in the way i believe it was always supposed to. i understand so much more of this story than i did two years ago. sitting at 90k words, book 1 is officially done. it's essentially the same story you all had read, but different somehow. more than it ever could have been in an IF format. there are the characters you love. there's cain. there's silas. alice of course. there's the traveler as *her* own character. and there's the reverie. but the reverie is no longer Ezio/Elena. it's just elena now. its beautiful, gorgeous elena with her quick smile and hemlock eyes and her memories.
what happens now?
i'll be spending the next few months making the book as perfect as i can make it. i've been working through the rough draft - or alpha draft- and then i will ask some people to see if they want to read draft 2, draft 3 , draft 4. however many drafts it takes until i feel as though i can do no more. after this, i'll query agents and pray to god that in the hellscape publishing is in right now that im offered representation. after this, i'll pray to god that an editor likes the book enough to want to work with me on it. after this, i'll pray to god that a publishing house likes the book enough to buy it, put in on shelves. there's going to be a lot of praying to god. a lot of luck. so i think it'll be a while before anybody gets to hold the book in their hands, but god i hope y'all get to. i really hope you get to. more than that. i hope you want to.
after all of this, i'll be working on book 2. i already have the title. i already have the first chapter. i know exactly what happens and how.
i know there's maybe some confusion, so please feel free to send me asks about it. i will happily and gladly answer what i can and discuss it.
i'm so so sorry for the long post. this all felt important to mention and it felt important to be transparent with y'all. this was becoming a secret too hard to keep and i'm glad that i dont have to anymore. i hope you're not mad, disappointed, etc. that would really suck ass. i hope you're excited, maybe. i hope you're curious.
anyway. thank you for getting this far, if you did. thank you. i love you. i'll talk to you soon <3
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samuraiondo-mace-1177 · 2 months
Yakuza/Lost Judgement Headcanons: Sexuality, Gender, and ASD/ADHD
Strap in boys, this is a long ass post (some spoilerish stuff)
(I may not mention certain things since it's side content, and that's written by a separate team of people. However, some things are character accurate, but that's rare)
These are personal views so if you don't HC them aswell, I'm chill w/ that
Kiryu Kazuma - Biromantic Asexual with ASD
Yeah, he's quite gay with Majima, but I feel like a lot of people forget the fact that he's had 3 female love interests in the main story and rizzes up entire cabaret clubs in every game. So, he should probably be called bi instead of gay. As usual, asexual since he shows no interest in sex, seems to be repulsed, and sexual thoughts don't appear easily in this man's head. For ASD, he has some processing issues (socially, not physically), a hyperfixation on Pocket Circuit (knowing everything abt it), barely understands social conventions and how people act, and seems to have some sort of selective mutism.
Little note abt the whole Transmasc Kiryu thing: I'm pretty sure people are confusing the signs of autism with the signs of a transmasc character. Ya see, a lot of trans people are autistic and the signs I've seen people mention have just been signs of autism, not him being trans.
Goro Majima - Bisexual Genderfluid with ASD
The first two speak for themselves. Kiryu and Makoto. Then Goromi. Simple. The ASD tho. I'm aware a lot of people say he has ADHD but I don't think that's the case. See, he shows traits of Autism throughout Yakuza 0 and, at the end, basically says to Sagawa, "nah I'ma be insane for fun." He appears to be masking the ADHD traits. Due to him being able to focus well and remain sitting still in Y0 and not doing that in the mainline titles. There's a lot of stuff I could say, but then this would be a three hour read, lol.
Daigo Dojima - ASD
Literally nothing else other than he's way too much like me and one of my friends (we're both autistic woooooo)
Shun Akiyama - ADHD
(Someone on here told me abt the signs, and I got to Y4. So, I can wholeheartedly say that I agree)
Excessive tiredness is a sign of ADHD, and so is a terrible sleep schedule. He struggles with keeping track of time (a.k.a. time blindness). And obviously, issues with balancing general chores and work.
Ichiban Kasuga - AuDHD (possibly Demisexual or Ace)
He struggles to focus, jumps from a new idea to another, struggles with chores and remembering stuff. He's hyperfixated with Dragon's quest to the point where the first game is just him pretending he's in it. Ichiban also has a lack of personal public perception. Resulting in him not focusing on his own behaviour in public and acting in ways others may see as childish. Other members are shown to play along but may then feel a bit embarrassed after or during. He also doesn't seem to immediately think of sexual thoughts when it comes to things (like when you meet that fortune teller dating app woman in Infinite Wealth). Although, Ichiban appears to think that those sorts of things should only be done with a partner you have a strong bond with (tho, this is from memory. I need to rewatch cutscenes)
Joon Gi Han - ASD
(also information that someone told me)
He lacks an understanding of jokes and sarcasm. Typically speaks out of turn in conversation. Joon Gi is also naturally isolated from the group, showing his disappointment and sadness when this happens.
Takayuki Yagami - Biromantic Bigender Demi/asexual with ASD
The only reasons for the Biromantic and Bigender HCs is just because I've seen way too many clips of Kimura being Flirtatious with men and women, and dressing as both masc and fem, that I can't unsee Yagami as anything else. Demisexuality tho comes from the cutscene in Judge eyes/Judgement where he mentions that he takes relationships slow, and doesn't jump to having sex as soon as possible. Plus, I'm pretty sure there's scenes where he gets incredibly grossed out and sexual related things or doesn't immediately see something as sexual. Alright, this man stims, has issues processing info, hyperfixates, has issues expressing himself, large emotion meltdowns, confused by social behaviour, doesn't know how to comfort others, comfort clothes, repetitive behaviour, lack of sympathy/empathy, MASKS ALL THE TIME.
Makoto Tsukumo - ASD
He is a Hikikomori (a full time shut in basically) and a large amount of those are autistic. He has severe social anxiety, hyperfixations, finds it hard to communicate socially, avoids eye contact, and acts strangely.
Kazuki Soma - AroAce with diagnosed ASD
He follows the same stereotype as me, high intelligence and lack of empathy (I'm getting better at it though!) Soma has a low immune system, having an IgE allergy (prevelant in those with Autism). He blames his failed plans on the execution from the others, and not the plan itself. The AroAce bit tho. Idk, it just felt right for the character. He kinda reminds me of an aroace friend of mine in a sense so uhhhhhh
Note for Soma: You may be aware of the meme I posted of "Can Opener and then Leg Opener" w/ a picture of Soma. That was made out of a joke with the aroace friend that I previously mentioned. It was kinda making fun of the fact that I've seen people drool over that psychopath and there was a level of satireness making the meme. Idk dude, we made it at like 3am or smt, anything is funny at that time
(if you want me to give evidence or elaborate on something, just send me an ask lol)
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authoralexharvey · 4 months
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INTERVIEW WITH A WRITEBLR — @vsnotresponding
Who You Are:
V || They/she
Born and raised in a town in Catalonia, Spain. I always had an interest for stories and storytelling, and art in general, as well as math. I wrote my first book at 17 as my project to graduate high school. I'm currently majoring in math, translating said book, and plotting another one.
What You Write:
What genres do you write in? What age ranges do you write for?
Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Tragedy. Young and New Adult
What genre would you write in for the rest of your life, if you could? What about that genre appeals to you?
fantasy, mainly because i love worldbuilding and i often focus on religions or magic systems
What genre/s will you not write unless you HAVE to? What about that genre turns you off?
i don't think i could ever write a purely romance book. my aroaceness makes it very hard for me to write romance in general.
Who is your target audience? Do you think anyone outside of that would get anything out of your works?
i'm not really sure. i write mostly for me. probably just soft fantasy readers? i think people that enjoy worldbuilding and lore might enjoy my stories too. i think anyone could get something out of my books. the setting is just an excuse to write about other things at the end of the day
What kind of themes do you tend to focus on? What kinds of tropes? What about them appeals to you?
grief and circular time appeal the most to me, also main characters struggling with mental health, feeling displaced and out of place. as for tropes, found family and people who dislike each other forced to work together. i don't know why grief comes up that much in my stories. i am obsessed with thinking about circular time, tho. and the mental health issues of my main characters is mostly projecting. as for the tropes, it's all about finding your people whom you feel like yourself with.
What themes or tropes can you not stand? What about them turn you off?
i can deal with pretty much any trope as long as it's entertaining. certain styles of writing is what ultimately turn me off when reading.
What are you currently working on? How long have you been working on it?
i'm currently translating and posting púlsar, i book i wrote when i was 17. i've been translating for three months, and posting for one. i'm also working on untitled project (that's the actual name for the wip), figuring out plot details and that kinda things. i've been doing that since 2019, when UP was born
Why do you write? What keeps you writing?
i write because i am my own target audience, and because i want to tell my ocs' stories. that's what keeps me going too. i can't just be rid of them, they live rent free in my brain
How long have you been writing? What do you think first drew you to it?
since forever, i guess. i remember writing stories as a kid. i was also an avid reader, and a lonely only child that was left alone to their own devices too often, so i found ways to entertain myself
Where do you get your inspiration from? Is that how you got your inspiration for your current project? If not, where did the inspiration come from?
from my daily life, i guess. púlsar doesn't have that many sources of inspiration that i'm aware of, but UP has lots of influences from my philosophy classes from back in high school. in general, music helps a lot with how i approach my writing.
What work of yours are you most proud of? Why?
some short stories i wrote in high school. they are all writing assignments, but i went so hard on them they are still one of the bests things i've ever written. also my answer to a question in my philosophy final, which i later turned into a short story. circular time, man, i told you
Have you published anything? Do you want to?
i haven't, but i'd like to. i just want to share my worlds and characters with other people
What part of the publishing process most appeals to you? What part least appeals to you?
the sharing, but i also think it's very stressful
What part of the writing process most appeals to you? What part is least appealing?
putting it all together. i love finding out how i've unintentionally set up scenes i hadn't even thought about, or how unimportant details turn vital when i add a new scene
Do you have a writing process? Do you have an ideal setup? Do you write in pure chaos? Talk about your process a bit.
oh boy. my writing process is a mess. it's mostly non linear, and i sit with my stories for a long long time before ever starting to write. i also pull from my drawings. sometimes i'll randomly draw one oc doing something completely arbitrary, and then see that it actually fits with the plot so why not add it. generally, i have a very rough direction of where i want to go, 2 or 3 key scenes i know for sure have to happen, then i put the characters in A Situation and let them take the reins from there. because i've sit with them for so long before actually writing, i'm confident enough in my knowledge of them so i never doubt where they are going, they just go. usually i plan ahead for two or three chapters, mostly a bullet point summary or an explanation of events for UP it's been way more complicated because of the nature of the story and its non linearity
Your Thoughts on Writeblr:
How long have you been a writeblr? What inspired you to join the community?
i joined four months ago. i just wanted to share my work with other like minded people, and i'm honestly glad i did. i've met so many wonderful people in such a short amount of time, and the community is wonderful
Shout out some of your favorite writeblrs. How did you find them and what made you want to follow them?
i recently started following @mjjune. i simply fell in love with their now betaing twtr and their general vibes @moondust-bard has also created a bunch of writblr initiatives like a tag game list, and other ongoing projects and i have to mention @my-cursed-prince. she asked me a lot of questions about circular time, and then i checked out her wips and adopted her ocs on the spot
What is your favorite part about writeblr?
tag/asks games, and in general the community. i like sharing, sure, but it's also nice to be able to talk about worlbuilding and lore and how annoying ocs sometimes are with people that get it
What do you think writeblr could improve on? How do you think we can go about doing so?
huh, i'm not sure. more interaction with actual written stuff would be great, but everyone's busy with their lives outside of here so we can't ask of everyone to read everything that comes across their dashboards every day. it'd be great to have an easy to access place to check old and new writing without having to go to an individual blog every time, but that's also a time consuming project to manage
How do you contribute to the writeblr community? Do you think you could be doing more?
if i see someone asking for asks i always send one. i also try to be encouraging of others as much as i can. i do think i could be doing much more. for starters, i'd like to engage more with written content from other writblrs more, but i can't due to time constraints
What kinds of posts do you most like to interact with?
anything that strikes my fancy. i enjoy posts about the writing process struggles people have, or little thoughts they have as they write or plot
What kind of posts do you most like to make?
i love rambling when someone asks me a question. and also posting púlsar
Finally, anywhere else online we may be able to find you?
i have a half abandoned instagram art account with the same handle (vsnotresponding), and my main tumblr blog @iwrotemyowndeliverancesblog (i talk about maths and complain about life)
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sophaeros · 4 months
I think I'm hf in the exact same thing as you rn I just found your blog I am also obsessed with band rpf and Casablanca's/hammond jr do u have a kind of manifesto or anything I can read
dude did one of my irls send this or smth..i was literally Just talking about putting together a masterdoc and they were egging me on BSJFJWBS. i mean i'm kinda working on one but no promises bc im terrible w long term projects and also theyre very difficult to figure out
BUT i Will say (and i've seen other random people online agree w me) i think the general timeline is that during the seven years they lived together from 1998 to 2005 jules was down bad for albert but albert didn't realise his own feelings, so the most that might've happened is some fooling around physically. (this is mainly going off of this page from the meet me in the bathroom book where jules says "albert, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, baby!" insane quote. i could talk a little more about their full quotes but that's another post)
sometime between 2005 and 2013 (possibly 2011 tbh, comedown machine is The gay situationship album but angles touches on it a lot too) they dated twice and broke up both times. im not sure who broke up w who but tentatively i would say the first breakup was more acrimonious while the second breakup might've been mutual.
it's difficult to say anything for sure because most of their songs have songwriting credits shared with other people, so looking at lyrics for clues has a pretty big margin of error since a line might've been written by someone else and not them, yknow? i mean rpf is never a "for sure" kind of deal i could be entirely wrong and that would be fine but. you get what i mean
also one way trigger is the lynchpin for me. i physically cannot imagine a platonic explanation for this poster that uses a screenshot from thelma and louise of all films. not to mention the lyrics like even my Mom raised an eyebrow at "get dressed in your bed while she's asleep." and also it's one of two strokes songs albert has ever played solo with the other being elephant song (at least according to setlistfm, im still trying to find a video of it) (edit 12/08/2034: setlistfm lied to me he did not play elephant song 💔💔💔💔) which was written, surprise surprise, by albert and julian in 1999.
i mean i guess the poster could be them fucking around and having a little laugh but come on what an insane ass joke to make man. i'm gonna make a post later about one way trigger being their specialest little song because it really is
soo like..theres still more i could talk about like one way trigger being written by the albert julian nick trio (which makes me laugh imagining nick mediating their lovers quarrel) [EDIT: ACTUALLY WAIT NO ok it's hard to find definitive information on who wrote what bc different databases have information of varying precision but the canadian site socan which is the most precise so far says only albert and jules wrote the lyrics for one way trigger i'd misremembered. albert julian nick trio Did do call it fate tho which is still kinda crazy !! also jules and albert being the only ones to do one way trigger makes me crazier jesus christ why is this depressing ass song Their Song !!!!] which is the same trio as games from angles. theres a lot i've been thinking about them nonstop for like, what, a month? give or take? my poor friends have to deal w me sending dozens of messages at a time much love and light to them if they read this muah
and thank you for the excuse to be insane on main anon 🥰
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thuganomxcs · 2 months
If we're speaking in the canon sense like in his universe I really do like the idea of yusuke x botan because I like the aspects of him with death...not to mention he's a devil now too soo. I still love Yusuke x Keiko tho just so the peeps know there's no hatred for our girl.
Anything like a muse being a fucking minor and the other almost hitting their 40's. There's ONE particular verse that does this shit but this ain't about them. As long as you don't ship your literal grown man/woman with a literal definition of a child then I wouldn't have to be disturbed.
The minute a hand touches a boob or the clothes begin to fly off I'm guessing it's considered NSFW.
LOL I'd say I am..but people have known to just show up, write with me and in a day of our muses vibing we're already shipping them. I MEAN if I have to be selective I'd say..as long as she's a woman XD
Where do I even begin?? First of all I gotta go with the one that started this and that's @belovedblossoms Hiyori. She was the first person I've ever shipped Yusuke with and that relationship has started from not so disney friendly beginnings but entertaining as shit. Then there's @lady-llewellyn El who just ruins the guy, I swear in this ship Yusuke is the innocent one in the relationship no cap. We got @itmeanspeace Shiloh, this one started off just plain physical until she became attached, lol look at me talk as if Yusuke didn't catch feelings too..probably first since he's still kinda technically a human. Give it up for @swordsxandxsakuras Nezuko, the first one to actually go the full nine yards with him to dating all the way down to married with kids. Then there's my homie @fatexbound Chie I wouldn't CALL it a relationship yet but they're definitely in that phase in getting to know one another. You know I gotta put my home girl @adversitybloomed Mulan, who's probably seen everything there is to who Yusuke is as a character, she's been with him as a pervert all the way to him being nice and doing stuff for people. She's also helped him with his family life might have bribed him to go to college but in the end Yusuke proposed to her and it's actually the first REAL proposal I've written as him. I also can't use the term ship without mentioning @bravesung old OC Alyssa, she was definitely a special one who refused to buy into what people said about him, and after discovering he was supernatural (to a degree) just like her it got them to bonding. She's probably believed in him more than he did in himself when it came down to school because she NEVER let him quit HELL she brought his ass TO school whilst he was still sleeping in bed, picture that in your minds if you will. I got good ships and there's even this unhealthy one right here with my girl @acoldsovereign Maiz, tons of ships starts with curiosity, cute moments and even love at first sight and this one is just violence, one devil often tries to get the other devil to dig into those natural urges and forsake his human heart (that literally isn't even working anymore) and just behave like a demon, there's also acts of public terrorism but he'd punch her right..and she'd kick him wrong, it's a tug and pull with 'em. Bruh this segment is getting long since belovedblossom also has other muses that are shipped with Yusuke too and i have a feelin we'd be here ALL day and I've still got a few to talk about. Just know I love all y'alls muses.
Nah, I mean if we write and there's a connection then I'd say let 'em go for it. EVEN IF you came to me writing Keiko and you're worried about shipping with me cause you'd think it's forced and i'm obligated to because of the canon then don't. It'd still be cool in my book.
I'm not ship obsessed but I would say it's a fun thing to have cause when you're talkin' to your homies and the muses come u you can talk about the ship, or how a song reminds you of them. Shipping whether it's romantically, platonically or familial, they bring us together as writers and we because better pals cause of it. Cause there's always something to talk about when we wanna forget about that bill we can't pay.
Let me tell you something about my fandom on tumblr: It hardly exists XDD there's really only a handful of us.
Simple, we write. If there's chemistry between the muses well then your muse has got themselves a partner. He's by no means an easy person to love but once you've got him you've got someone that'll be there for your muse indefinitely. And if ya wanna discuss the possibility then my DMs are always open..even if i'm terribly slow with 'em.
tagged: @vartouhix
tagging: Y'all gonna have to steal this one homies. Tag me when ya do cause imma read it.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 10 months
Dear Astra,
This is two part anon. Hope you are doing okay. I've come back from hell (lol just kidding, I got a heavy fever for like a week, and then spent the next 2 weeks catching up with my homework). How are you? I've learned it the hard way that you should always drink enough fluids, so remember your daily water!
During my time in bed, I thought of a cute fic idea that I'd love to tell you (not that I'm urging you to write, I just wanna talk). Reader and Sabo are both serious workers in the RA. However, whenever they have time alone, Sabo'll turn into a huge size golden retriever, with the puppy eyes yearning for reader's touch and praise. (Aizzzzz I melted while fantasizing about this, like imagine Sabo goes "Y/N~ pat my head, please" while kneeling down hugging reader's waist. OH GOD I'M DYING). Oh I also have a fantasy for Ace, which is nsfw :^) (can't help it ig, I'm not telling it if you're not curious tho, since I know sharing these +18 thoughts can be a bit 'meh' to some people)
Also I've spent a huge amount of time gaming while being sick and found myself a new husbando alongside Ace ehehe it's Roland from Punishing Gray Raven if you wanna check it out.
I'm curious if you like listening to music or not? I've been into a Japanese band recently, which is a surprise because I've rarely heard any Japanese song. But I love them and I hope they'll get more love (just like the way I love you *wink wink* lol)
I think it's because I've done everything that I'm so hyped now. I feel like this message is too long and full of random bs. But yeahhhh boiiiii, I finished everything today, I'm so happy.
Oh yeah, recently you posted a delete announcement that freaks the loving Ace out of me. I'm sorry for what you had to go through but half of me was like "not the Ace fics, not the Ace fics, please please anything but the Ace fics"
Sorry if these topics are so random, I'm just sharing my 'highlights in life' with you. Idk maybe because it makes me happy I hope it makes you happy too. Aight my hype has calmed down, Imma take my leave. Have a great day/night. Best wishes to whatever you're doing and PLEASE REMEMBER TO STAY HYDRATED (sorry if it's too aggressive, I'll stop if you don't like it. It's just that I've been through the worst because of it so I don't want you to experience that) Aight, this is already longer than my project essay, see you!
I finally got around to writing something!!! So it's not as long as some of my others things and definately not as long as I would have liked, however, considering I'm sleep deprived, can't sleep, and haven't written in months, I'm not displeased with it!
Warnings: FLUFF!!!
Word Count: 980
     Smiling, you ran your hands through Sabo’s wavy blond locks as he snuggled his head into your stomach. While the two of you both worked hard, highly dedicated to the Army’s cause, you both sometimes wished to spend more time together like this. In the privacy of your room, you could both relax, let down your guards, and be vulnerable. Sabo never hid who he was, he was always true to himself, to his dreams and aspirations, to his desires, hobbies, and interests; that being said, this was a side only you ever saw. Here, in the safety of your room, he allowed himself to melt into your embrace, to yearn for your praise, and to nuzzle into your touch; as if he was a touch starved child and not the strong, independent, second-in-command of the RA. A blond haired, lovesick, human puppy. 
     “Did I do alright on the last mission?” he asked softly, nuzzling against you even more, arms tightening around your waist, making you laugh slightly. You knew exactly what he was after. It wasn’t like you minded and it wasn’t like he was purposefully seeking your attention and praise in an annoying manner, but hearing you say it always made his heart skip a beat and his stomach flutter.
     “You did more than alright, you did spectacularly. A perfect 10/10 like always.” you said, caressing his cheek as he let out a pleased, content noise as he attempted to snuggle further into your stomach.
     “You know I always try my best for you.” he said softly, his words muffled by your stomach.
     “Oh? So you don’t give your all simply for the RA?” you teased, making him whine. He knew you were teasing, but part of him felt a lump form in his throat, as if he’d disappointed you for only giving his 100% for you.
     “No, I promise, I give my all for the Army, I promise, I just-” “Shhh, I know, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I know you’ll always do your best, for me or for our cause.” You said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. Sabo sighed happily at the feeling of your lips against his skin, relaxing once more into your touch. You’d pull him closer and wrap your arms around him, comforting him if he hadn’t been cuddled up to you like he was at the moment, the both of you laying on the bed, his tall form curled up so he could fit on the bed while laying his head on your stomach. He reminded you so much of a golden retriever at moments like these. A sweet puppy curled up with their loved one, tail wagging softly as they snuggled up to them, eyes begging for praise and pets. Sometimes you liked to joke that he should have found a canine zoan devil fruit instead so that he could have a real tail to wag back and forth. Not that you weren’t happy that he’d found his brother’s devil fruit. In fact, you loved that he’d eaten the Mera Mera fruit, enjoying the warmth that radiated from his body on cold nights as you held each other close. 
     He’d loved how you’d spent the entire night telling him how amazing his new abilities were and how happy you were that he’d succeeded in tracking down and eating something that meant so much to him.
     “Thank you for always working so hard, for doing so much for everyone. You’re always doing everything you can and you deserve so much for what you do.” you said, making him grin like a mad man as he attempted to nuzzle his face further into you again, as if trying to hide how giddy your words made him. 
     “Can… can I ask you for something then?” he asked, looking up at you once more with those large, pleading, puppy eyes of his. You giggled and nodded, brushing his hair out of his face, “can we go out to my favorite restaurant later? I know it’s pretty far away, but they make the best ramen.” he requested, making you chuckle as you shook your head at his request.
     “Of course we can. We’ll get you as much ramen as you want and even something for dessert if you’d like. Afterwards, we can spend the rest of the day snuggled up in bed, or I can spend the rest of the day just running my fingers through your hair while you sleep.” you offered, drawing more happy noises mixed with excitement from his throat. 
     “Thank you, you’re so amazing.” he said, his large grin plastered across his face. At this rate, you were pretty sure his smile wouldn’t die down until morning, fairly certain that he’d fall asleep with that insanely large grin. 
     “Pretty sure you’re the amazing one, sweetheart. So strong, brave, and kind. Nobody could possibly be as astounding as you.” you praised, making him wiggle around on the bed in delight. You could practically see the non-existent tail thumping against the mattress. Pulling him away from your abdomen, you began to pepper his face in sweet kisses, bringing a loopy, delighted, love drunk look to his face before pulling him into your chest, resting his head just above your heart, its gentle beating easily relaxing him further as he began to doze off, too content to keep his eyes open. As much as he was enjoying the attention, thriving on your love and adoration, he was tired, comfortable, and at ease, “Get some sleep, you’ve earned it.” you said, arms holding him tightly, hand still running through his hair as he nodded sleepily, quickly falling asleep. He was the RA’s hardest worker, one of its strongest fighters, and one of its best soldiers, and he was your sweet little golden retriever, an adorable puppy of a man, and as soft and cuddly as the fluffy canine he resembled.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Ryker's 19th birthday celebration
woooo I turned 19 today! I wanted to do something fun for my birthday, so here we have a question and answer interview like the birthday interviews in TWST. If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask and I'll happily answer! If you want the link for the picrew that made that image, you can find it here
NRC School Newspaper: A Birthday Interview with Ryker Crowley
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Happy birthday!
Thank you! I gotta say that this has been one of my best birthdays so far! I love how NRC celebrates birthdays, and since we had one yesterday, it's like one very long party.
That's right, we celebrated Riddle's birthday yesterday.
Yup! Me and Riddle are pretty similar in a lot of ways. Aside from our birthday's being one day apart, we're also the same height, and even some of our personality. I'm a big rule follower and pretty strict when it comes to my school work and grades too.
Are you two close?
Well I'm a Heartslabyul student and he's my dorm leader, so we see each other often. I'd say we get along pretty well, but I wouldn't consider us close.
Who are you close with?
I get along really well with Ruggie, Silver, and Idia. I'd consider them pretty close friends. Ruggie is always fun to do practically anything with, even if it's working jobs, he can make it fun. Silver is really easy to talk to and fun to hang around with. He's the kind of friend I know I can always count on. Idia is the one that I spend most of my time with tho. It's not intentional, but when you're playing your favorite game or watching your favorite anime, you tend to lose track of time.
What are your favorite games and animes?
Some of my favorite games are Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Pokemon, and Stardew Valley. As for anime...my favorite has to be One Piece. It's a very long one, and I'm not done yet, but I love it. I also like Black Butler, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Death Note.
Do you have any dreams for the future?
I want to become an author. I love writing so much, and I'm even taking writing college classes right now. I have a bunch of short stories that I've written and debated creating a separate blog for, but I'm unsure if anyone would even care about it. But I also have an idea for a book I want to write, so completing and publishing that would be my ultimate goal.
Speaking of your writing, how is your blog doing?
It's doing great! I say it often, but I never imagined I'd get as much support as I did. I'm really grateful to all of my followers who give me feedback and requests. I really love seeing their comments and responding. Hearing their thoughts, what they want more of, and interacting with them always makes me happy!
What's your most popular series?
Definitely my broken sibling relationship series. I'm honestly surprised how much everyone loves the angst. It started with Vil after a slight mention that I had an idea for how it could go wrong, but people keep wanting more. Those take a little bit longer to write than most requests, but I always love doing it.
Considering you've written so much sibling angst, if you had to choose someone at NRC to be your sibling, who would it be?
Oh man. That's a pretty tough decision, but I think I would have to say Malleus. He's pretty lonely most of the time, but I think if he had a sibling, he would be a bit happier. I firmly believe that Malleus would treat his sibling very well. Plus, I think growing up with him would've been very fun. I would've loved to be a part of Malleus' family.
Do you consider anyone in Twisted Wonderland your family?
I've accepted Crowley as my bird dad. I know most people wouldn't, but I do.
How are you enjoying Twisted Wonderland?
I love it! I've been playing for a little over a year now. I originally came to Twisted Wonderland through Obey Me, but I play more Twisted Wonderland now. I'm a proud owner of 25 SSR cards, and love the story. My favorite characters have to be Sebek, Leona, and Silver.
What are you talking about?
Don't worry about it.
Uh, okay. Can you tell us about your clothing style?
Sure! It varies from day to day depending of if I'm feeling more feminine or masculine, but lately I've been wearing a lot of Hawaiian shirts. My friend @l1ttleclouds actually made me an aesthetic board for my normal style. Take a look!
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Nice! Are there any fun facts about you that most people don't know?
I always have trouble coming up with fun facts, especially ones that most people don't know. So I decided to come up with a few that people may or may not know; I love horror, I have a few succulents, and my eyes have two different colors. To clarify that last one, my eyes aren't two different colors, but each eye has two colors in it. Not mixed together, but separated. So about half of each iris is green, and half is brown. Fun!
Thank you so much for your time, and happy birthday again!
Of course! If anyone else has questions, don't be afraid to ask <3
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viveela · 1 year
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
I feel like an interesting thing about remus and sirius dynamic in the wfrau is that they're not really that different, it just is kind of convenient that the cause remus works for happens to be the moral highground, bc rlly what other choice does he have when he was forced into prostitution before them. like the order, despite the sacrifices he has to make, is literally the best place for him: he gets a purpose, friends, food and shelter, and a life beyond anything he could have on his own. idk this could be a TOTAL misread of his character, and since we've been looking through sirius' eyes its natural to want to sympathise with him more, but it would be a lot more of a cost for sirius to abandon his life and join some (in the shadows)(LARGELY unsuccessful) rebellion where he could easily be found out and killed/tortured gruesomely. Remus admits himself that he's prideful ("But his pride—that’s the one thing that’s always remained his own.") and he obviously looks down on sirius a lot for the life he lives, but I feel like at the end of the day they both just want to a) avoid suffering/protect themselves and b) protect the people they care about, and they both only have one place to turn to to do both of those things, and remus' just happens to be morally superior to sirius'.
correct me on this if you think I've misread remus (cause hes v complex obviously) or the worldbuilding, and not to understate that sirius is doing bad things and remus is (trying) to do good things, and that it is possible to escape the life sirius has (regulus did, apparently), but idk I just wanted to try and tell what makes their dynamic so interesting.
oooh such a fun analysis for me 2 read!! v interesting 2 see how other people interpret the things i write etc. before i respond tho i feel like i need 2 put a little disclaimer that like, i believe in death of the author etc such that i don't think my interpretation/intent should necessarily be taken as inherently more valuable, bc once a work like this is shared ik there are going 2 be varied ways of reading + interpreting it, and i don't want 2 encourage anyone 2 approach stories like this as if there is one Ultimate Correct Interpretation drawn from the writer's intent that u need 2 find, etc.
that being said, i'm happy 2 share my own interpretations + the thinking + intent behind what i've written thus far! think this is gonna get long so i'm gonna put a cut tho lol
so i definitely see the parallels ur drawing between remus + sirius both joining the organizations they joined due in part to coercive conditions outside their control as well as seemingly sharing some core motivations. however i'm not sure i would go as far as you have in saying that their situations are essentially the same and remus just ended up on the "right side" (to paraphrase)
first off - while i see where your take on remus is coming from, keep in mind that at this point in the fic we don't actually know anything about how or why he joined the order. i do have a backstory in mind regarding how exactly he started working with them, and it might not necessarily align with ur interpretation here. don't want to spoil too much, but i will say that remus's choice to join the order was a choice. it wasn't just a matter of having no other options.
something i specifically wanna put pressure on with ur reading is the idea that he was "forced into prostitution" before joining--it seems like ur interpretation of why remus joined the order is that he did it to escape sex work. but keep in mind that remus joining the order resulted in him "selling himself" in a much more dangerous and violent way--he joined the fighting rings + began risking his life every month as well as killing and maiming his fellow werewolves. we know, from his pov, that this is not something he would have done were it not for the order mission; it's reasonable to conclude that remus himself would have preferred sex work to becoming a fighter in the rings, but did so anyway for a larger goal. i'd encourage you to reflect, here, on whether you have a more visceral emotional reaction to the thought of remus "selling himself" as a sex worker versus "selling himself" as a ring fighter--whether the former strikes you as inherently more debasing, more abject, more likely to warrant a desire to "escape." if so, i'd encourage you to reflect on why that might be, and how it affects the way you think of sex work and sex workers. additionally, we know that his involvement with the order did eventually require him to engage in sex work again--so the idea that he joined the order to escape sex work isn't really something that i'm trying to get at in my writing.
also, getting back to the idea that remus was "forced into prostituion"--again, i wanna step back here and ask u 2 reflect a bit on what your choice of phrasing there might say about the underlying associations you have with sex work that might be influencing your reading. my intent in writing remus's backstory with sex work was not to give the impression that he was an abject victim forced by powers beyond his control into sex work as his only option. rather, it was to portray him as a character who is constrained, yes, by the forces that oppress him--specifically, the government that bars him from using magic, accessing stable work, accessing accommodations for his condition, fails to provide any social safety nets, operates + sustains itself on unfair labor conditions which require an exploited class of laborers, etc. but within those constraints i specifically wrote in that remus does have other options; he has, in the past, found other types of work, and there are, of course, the fighting rings or any other number of illegal methods by which he could try to obtain money. remus weighs those other options and chooses to turn to sex work because it seems like his best choice; whether that's because he thinks it will offer him the most control, or the most money, or the most security--it doesn't matter. what matters is that all his options are equally constrained by his oppression, all come with their own pitfalls and humiliations and degrees of exploitation. mysticizing sex work as somehow inherently more abject than the others is...not really what i was going for. that's part of why i wrote about his experiences with it--including experiences that might be viewed by some as grave violations--in a purposefully casual way. for remus, his body has always been an exploited object; sex work is not something he would have felt the need to "escape," from, because he chose to do it, and it's at least a way to make use of his marginalization by exploiting the fact that his condition is made into a fetish. it doesn't mean he's not aware of the coercion involved in his choice--maybe if his father hadn't been so sick and he hadn't needed cash fast for medicine he would have made a different decision, but there likely would have always come a point where he needed money fast and his dad wasn't able to act as the breadwinner anymore. remus has always been very aware that his options in life are limited.
all this is to say, remus's decision to join the order is not something done out of desperation because he thinks his life will be better with them--it's done specifically with a broader political goal in mind. and this is a significant reason for his disdain for sirius. because remus isn't just trying to survive, to protect himself and his loved ones--he and his loved ones are risking their lives every day in service of their ideals, to fight for change. the fact that sirius, who is so much more privileged than remus has ever been, only joined the death eaters because he was forced to is not something that really wins points with remus. it shifts his view of sirius, sure, to know that he doesn't like...delight in serving voldemort and has enough of a conscience to feel guilty about what he does. but remus still disdains a person who would harm others to save their own skin--it's just that sirius is a coward, not a sadist.
and remus doesn't really know or understand how the drive to protect regulus was bound up with sirius rising through the death eater ranks. he's only had glimpses into sirius's home life and his relationship with his brother, and he honestly isn't going around trying to dig up explanations about any of it--he would much rather continue viewing sirius as a contemptible, cowardly death eater than change his perspective, because sirius literally embodies the forces of oppression that have been hurting remus since he was a child, along with his loved ones.
and then the last major difference i'd point out between their joining of their respective organizations is that sirius does benefit, in many tangible ways, from joining the death eaters. like--remus joining the order is mostly just putting his neck on the line and a target on his back, though he does of course benefit from obtaining a community and friends and support in many ways. but in the larger systems of power at play here, remus joining the order only marginalizes him further, when he was already marginalized.
sirius, on the other hand, gains power from becoming a feared and respected death eater. obviously, he suffers many personal injuries and hardships and would not choose to join them had he been given a choice. but he does, in some ways, enjoy the power he obtains from his status. he enjoys his wealth and the comfort it brings. he enjoys it when he's able to accrue enough power to go off and play rebel in small ways that allow him to grasp onto the illusion that he's not given in totally to these people who he knows are corrupt, when he's able to make himself virtually untouchable by the vast majority of people. for sirius, most of his hardship and struggle is internal, emotional, and though he, too, has suffered and been marginalized in some ways by larger systems of power, when offered an avenue to take advantage of those systems of power it's not as if he hated every part of the ride to the top. yeah, he was forced to join the death eaters because he was a kid whose parents wanted to make sure their heir didn't end up a faggot. and that was incredibly traumatic. but his joining the death eaters did not actually marginalize him--it granted him access to a lot of power. and this is something remus is acutely aware of, and another reason that, from his perspective, it's difficult to just feel sorry for sirius.
anyway, you're not wrong that there are definitely parallels between them, but i'd say when it comes to the organizations they're each working for an important difference is that remus actually believes in what his organization is fighting for, while sirius sort of knows that what voldemort's doing is wrong but ignores it and remains complicit.
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well um, hello hello! I was scrounging around the fic recs for fnaf and I stumbled upon your post back in 2022 where you had recommended a bunch of older fnaf fics with mike Schmidt and that inspired me to read some of them (current rereading the upon series)
Y’know I read the upon series in 2021 for the first time and revisited it a few times through the last wow, it’s almost three years now? It wasn’t until you stress that there was a character named Mark Pliers when I realized dhbdbdjajs that was golden
I’m planning on revisiting k(night) guard and start reading good as gold + unexpected attachments
my memory is rather poor so I feel like i already read good as gold/unexpected attachment but I can’t quite put a finger on it and I can’t really remember much of anything of k(night) guard but I try to see it as an opportunity to re-experience these guys
If you have recommendations for some more older fnaf fics (or Sb fics!! I haven’t touch that side of fnaf ever since DeeplyJuniper’s and Glitched_And_Unnamed’s Visions (or lack thereof) fic)
that is all !! Bye bye!!
Hello hello, friend! I'm glad my fic recs vibed with you! I have an extremely deep fondness for old fnaf fanon (if that rec list didn't make that obvious) and I'm happy to share some more with you!
Disclaimer once again: these are old and canon has changed massively since these were written, meaning these all feature fanon Mike Schmidt. Secondly, it's been a long time since I've read these, so I may not be remembering them completely accurately, lol.
• After Hours — A classic, and it's been long enough that I barely remember it other than I enjoyed it and I think it made me cry at the end?
• In the Flesh — A fascinating take on what being stuffed in a suit does to a person. Interesting relationships across the fnaf 1 and 2 animatronics, iirc. Angsty too, but in a fun way. (Features Mike/Bonnie)
• Metal Guardians — An actually pretty sweet, uncomplicated story. The animatronics don't really talk in this one, and it's pretty tame for fnaf. There is a past child death (via cancer) that's brought up a few times, tho.
• Overheated — This is a cute two-shot about the animatronics mistaking Mike as just a different sort of animatronic, and he's like *sweating nervously* "yeah... that's right." This author has a few other similar fnaf fics, wherein Mike needs a hug and for better or worse gets one from the animatronics.
It's not a long list, partially because I'm a picky reader, lol, and partially because a few really good ones I remember seem to have been deleted. And unfortunately, I can't really offer any SB fics because I don't really read SB fics.
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zukkacore · 6 days
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
Thanks for the tag @billdenbrough this was fun to do!!!
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
To my surprise! T and E are like. Evenly tied with 7 each.... Genuinely was expecting E to eek out the others bc nearly EVERYTHING i've been writing these days is kind explicit lol (except for Tell Me How) and i've been writing a LOT more than i used to. But i guess in the past i have more like tame stuff, makes sense, some of it is Reddie some of it is DR so...
What are your top three fandoms?
Dimension 20 (7) (wow!! lol!)
IT - Stephen King / It (movies) (3) (i'm lumping them in together)
DanganRonpa (2) (i'm lumping together DR series total and DR: trigger happy havoc)....
there's another thing i've written for that also is tied w two works but... i shan't say
What is the top character you write about?
Jace Stardiamond (7)!
Hysterical, considering how nothing he is, but also. Completely unsurprising considering how much i've been gripped by that piece of sopping wet cardboard of a man and his "I can't, I tried" that has compelled me all summer long..... But also, some of the times im tagging Jace its actually in the place of his clones who are technically canon but do not have personalities or names and therefore do not have ao3 tags.... Porter is second at (6), which does make sense bc.... like.... Jace has superceded him... who is porter... my new hyperfixation LJ3 has practically nothing to do with Porter, no i will not elaborate
What are your top three pairings?
Porter Cliffbreaker / Jace Stardiamond (6), Ben/Hanscom/Beverly Marsh (3) (????? surprising??? i've never written anything that is JUST them but they have taken SOME precedence in a way that isn't completely sidepairing coded in my reddie phase, im thinking specifically in Sky High AU), and Eddie Kaspbrak / Richie Tozier (3)
Unsurprising i guess. Starbreaker has ruined my life (positive). and i did have a good reddie kick. the Benverly feels wrong tho.
Since Benverly feels like a copout i will add. After that we have Kuwata Leon / Sayaka Maizono at 2 bc i love mess, i love the way they love (trying to kill each other with kitchen knives) and.... Jace Stardiamond/Jace Stardiamond at 2. Which is a cypher for LJ3
What are the top three additional tags?
Campaign 01 Season 3: Fantasy High Junior Year (7)
Alternate Universe (6)
Anal Sex (5)
THE LAST ONE.... Anyway. Ok so. The dimension 20 tagging system is weird b/c all the campaigns are lumped together so the additional tags if how you differentiate which campaign. I guess not surprising? I did a sky high AU, i've written a Talent Swap, and i have smaller AUs with smaller divergences... Tbh the whole Porter/cloneverse thing is ALSO an AU so like... those should probably count too but i guess i didn't tag them
If you want an additional Gimme, I have Power Imbalance (4)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not really? Idk i don't think i write enough to have many surprises on my ao3, like i knew Starbreaker was the most i'd written for in a long time and i was right. I was surprised i have the same amount of T and E fics.... but to be fair before this summer most of the things i wrote were like. Ambitious multichap stuff that were full on AUs or sometimes took place in high school so i guess that makes sense.... Its just, in my mind my stupid hornyposting has eclipsed everything else. I WAS surprised abt the benverly thing, that's a total fluke. It feels wrong that I technically have more benverly than LJ3
I really shouldn't be surprised by how Jace Stardiamond is my favorite sopping wet beast. And yet.
TAGGING: hmmm.... @iaus, @hauntedwizardmoment, @delinquentbookworm, @jadeandquartzes @toziers (@ everyone feel free to answer this on main or not.. or not at all!!)
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optimizim · 11 months
tell me abt your ocz?? (>_<)//
(first of all woah my first ask! yippee!) (second of all. this got long. i'm so very sorry.)
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skutz, skee and poot are their names! i don't have them developed as much as i want to; i've just broken back into the oc-o-sphere after a couple of years of succumbing to cringe culture.
skee is a, hm, xenoecologist? 🤔 it's a really cushy job, even though it sounds scientific. he's tall, impressively so, but flunked out of invader training and sucks at anything that requires a lot of long-term commitment. essentially, his job is to explore planets with No Sentient Lifeforms and log anything interesting he finds; anything that could be useful for the empire. he's kind of bitter about sucking at every job he's ever tried but he's also not self-aware enough to make any sort of genuine improvement in his life B^)
poot is the irken equivalent of a NEET. yeah TECHNICALLY he has a job. he's skee's """"assistant"""". skee is fond of him and since poot livens up the base on whatever planet they're on, he gets to loiter doing barely anything. he's loyal, upbeat, generous, and also INCREDIBLY stupid. he's less xenophobic than most of his fellow irkens but also genuinely not any threat to the empire whatsoever by virtue of his sheer stupidity. talking to him would probably be pretty grating (and you'd feel bad for not liking him because has good intentions 😬)
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(there is NO way they'd have a SIR unit. why did i draw that!!!)
skutz doesn't even really know those two even tho i drew them together. he's the one i like to think about in bed before i go to sleep :,) he's yer standard irken piece of shit. short, but "pulled himself up by the bootstraps" and got a job overlooking drones and laborers, where he got to ego trip around people who couldn't really do anything about it. way too cocky and ambitious, he took a "great opportunity!!!" to test out the interdimensional tech that was being developed in his universe. he thought he'd get famous but he ended up getting catapulted into a dimension where irkens don't exist and had to kinda rawdog existing in a universe where he has absolutely 0 influence.
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i've been thinking about what aliens he might encounter in this dimension and i like the idea that they'd be VERY nature heavy but not in a way that's disconnected from technology; maybe irkens even used to exist in this dimension but their tech was absorbed into this other empire instead of em achieving dominance. but! that universe is secondary to most of my thoughts about my ocs, and i just like to think about the possibilities there before i go to bed. skee and poot have a muuuch more canon adherent sort of deal, and skutz is easy to adapt for that too.
WOW and that ended up being a lot but i'm glad its written down somewhere now 👍
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kuvvydraws · 1 year
Hi! I just came across your old Gabriel x reader fic and i just wanted to tell you i really loved it! This is in no way an ask about "if you will ever finish it" because i know that sometimes art just stays unfinished and thats okay! I just wanted you to know how great i thought it was (finished in a day oops) and am having a great time imagining how it ends myself :) i hope you have a great day and hope that you can enjoy good omens season two without any pressure. Bye!!
Oh that's very nice of you to say! I love seeing people still leave kudos on it despite how long it was since I last updated it 💕
You did read quite a lot and lost a bit much sleep didn't you XD it's quite long even if unfinished! Go nap!
It's true for now it's stuck in a (semi) permanent hiatus and with work I don't have much time to art lately... And it's been years since I've written anything! But who knows, maybe S2 will do something for me, I've seen Gabriel has a huge role tho I've tried to avoid as many trailers as possible 👀
I hope you have a nice day too!
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