#it gets a little cracky at the end
sleepy-writes-stuff · 5 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
Due to the high levels of ambient ectoplasm, all the citizens of Amity Park gained a permanent change in eye color. They don't glow or flare in response to rampant emotions like true ghosts or the halfas though. They're just an unnaturally bright yellow-green.
The thing is, nobody else on Earth has this eye color, and it's never been seen in the human race until the recently graduated Amity Parkers started branching out to other cities to find jobs.
Nobody paid this any mind at first, though. Many just thought the individuals liked strangely colored contacts or it was a trick of the light. It's not until Danny and Tucker are both hired for positions in Wayne Enterprises that questions start popping up.
At first, the other employees thought the two might be related. It could happen, it's not that strange. However, when both of them said they're nowhere near related, just childhood best friends, it left everyone confused. If they aren't related and they aren't wearing colored contacts, then what are the odds of too completely unrelated people having the exact same strange and unseen eye color?
After a while, everyone just stops asking questions. After all, both men are easy to get along with and are excellent at their jobs, so a strange eye color isn't really something to complain about. Their stares were just a bit more intense than most people, and honestly, they've seen stranger things.
It helps that they've started seeing other people with the same eye color popping up in celebrity, sports, and activist circles. (1)
However, It's not until the power goes out during a late meeting/presentation, and Tim Drake accidentally turns on and shines his cell phone light into Tuckers eyes, that he starts seriously digging.
Needless to say, the animal-like green shine of his pupils scared the shit out of him and got him wondering if two of his new employees were part of a previously unknown alien race that'd recently settled on Earth without anyone noticing. When he looks into the middle of nowhere town they came from, this idea is even further cemented when he sees every person he finds a photo of have the exact same shade of chartreuse eyes. Ignoring the ghost rumors and "sightings" as just a strange tourist trap for the strange little town to make extra income, he brings the info he found to the other bats and birds.
They aren't exactly welcomed when they go snooping around Amity Park, unfortunately... (2 & 3)
Now. To make this a bit more cracky, when confronted, do Danny and Tucker just come clean or do they milk the idea of them being aliens for all it's worth? (4) Add in a few strange, but perfectly normal for them, things they do that have people scratching their heads and make the assumption even worse/more irrefutable. This includes the unexplainable eye shine Tim discovered.
(1) Paulina became a supermodel and is coveted for her striking eye color and beautiful complexion. Dash became a coach for a well known college in Metropolis, while Kwan became a fitness trainer and sponsor for health related items that actually work, also partnered with the college Dash coaches at. Sam became a notorious environmental activist and is the enemy of many companys who are determined to turn the world into a toxic wasteland. With the help of Danny's parents, she's found many eco-friendly chemical compounds that dissolve many of the toxic substances damaging ecosystems around the world. Etc, etc.
(2) Ectoplasm exposure has made everyone a bit more territorial over the town, including their protectors. They don't need outside heroes/organizations interfering with their work and don't/won't take kindly to the sudden interest hero organizations gain over them and their strange little town. That hasn't worked out too well with other government sanctioned organizations in the past and they don't want a repeat, thank you.
(3) Maybe Team Phantom even established themselves right around the same time or even before the Justice League was formed and they just flew under the radar until now. Maybe Amity Parkers feel a bit superior due to their seniority in having an excellent team in the know about the supernatural/non-human side of the world/universe? Who knows? You pick! Amity Park has been through a lot by themselves, so it's no shocker if they have an extreme amount of solidarity towards those they call their own.
(3 cont'd) Also! Since Amity Park has become so rich and saturated in ectoplasm over the years, they were eventually annexed/became an outside part of the Ghost Zone. Jack and Maddy are border patrol and any ghosts coming through need a passport now. Amity Park is basically a vacation hub for ghosts? Ghosts can freely roam the streets, they just don't wreak havoc anymore. That'd basically be terrorizing their fellow citizens at this point anyway and that's a no no. That means jail time with Walker. Amity Parkers also aren't afraid anymore and in fact CAN hit back now. This does not stop the Bat Clan and eventually the Justice League from thinking they're a town full of aliens tho. Some are just more human looking than others. Or they've been on Earth and procreating long enough with humans that their hybrid offspring have also started looking more human, is the ongoing conclusion.
(4) The Anti-Ecto Acts are not an issue here! Team Phantom already dismantled and annihilated the GIW years before they even thought of leaving Amity Park on its own. Before graduating highschool even. Yes, Team Phantom is perfectly self-sufficient and able to handle their own problems and have kept the city-wide ghost infestation pretty isolated outside a few events that were handled quickly and with the world none the wiser. So the world is still pretty ignorant of the existence of ghosts/the Ghost Zone. Would Team Phantom and Amity Park prefer to keep it that way though?
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theglamorousferal · 4 months
Persephone's Binding Part 2
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(Things get a bit angsty here for a bit, but don't worry, it gets back to some of the cracky-goodness!)
After allowing himself to relax for a bit and actually letting his muscles loosen for once, Jason rose from the bath and rinsed himself off under a piping hot and strong shower. He finished the rinse off with a flash of cold water to focus back up and made his way to the vanity where there was basic hotel amenities. He attempted to style his hair and after at least drying it, pulled on the fluffiest robe he has felt since he first moved into the manor all those years ago.
Fuck. The family. The Outlaws...
Jason put his face in both his hands and took a deep breath, then allowed his shoulders to slump as he dragged his hands from his face to his sides. He marched in a lazy manor over to the end of the large bed where he flopped face down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as fluffy as he was expecting and he silently thanked whatever force there was that he wouldn't have to resort to sleeping on the floor or a chair for the familiarity. Though, he turned his head to face the windows, that little reading nook looks like I could easily fall asleep there.
No, stop it. Do I remember the Dimensional Code for home?
Jason contemplated. On one hand, it could be useful, on the other, they could have an entirely different category system here. He spent the next however long trying to remember the dimensional code for his Earth and tracing the swirls of purples and greens out the large windows. A knock startled him.
"Jason? Are you decent?" He stood quickly and pulled the robe tighter together, not quite ready to show his autopsy scars to his soul-owner? A literal goddess? He wasn't quite sure what she was yet.
"Uh, yes, come in, I'm covered." He tried to stand casually next to the bed when he had just been sitting, his hands now in his pockets.
"Hi, so one of my aides figured one thing out about the ritual that is somewhat concerning and also something I probably also should have brought up. Mind if we sit at the window?" She strode in and settled herself with a pillow against the window and waited for him to do the same. Once he was settled, she hesitated for a moment before sighing and looking out the window to the haunting site outside.
"The Infinite Realms has another name, one coined from my Earth." She licked her lips before she spoke again. "It's also known as the Ghost Zone. As the dimension between dimensions, it is also where beings known as ghosts, the Restless Dead, Neverborn, Gods, and all sorts of other beings that thrive off a substance known as ectoplasm reside. As such, I am current Queen Regent of Ghosts." She let him think for a moment before turning to him. "That means I can tell when someone is death-touched." Jason froze. "I didn't mention it before because I know it's super personal, but then my aide figured out that the ritual only worked because of the fact you are and especially since you had spent time here-" She cut herself off as his eyes just bugged out larger with every word that spilled from her lips. "Sorry, I just, I'm death-touched too. I haven't died yet, but I have been around death magic, or radiation, or whatever it is, since before conception. I don't know exactly what you went through, but I know it was deeply traumatic. I can have my healers take a look at your soul and see if it's alright because it kinda radiates a bit how traumatic it was." She bit her lip with one hand raised near her chin.
Jason closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and clenching his jaw tight and blowing the air harshly out his nose. He fell back against the window, allowing his head to knock against the glass. It was warm, as though the sunlight was gently shining upon it. "Yeah." He croaked. "Yeah, I died." He said softer. "I was dead for roughly six months." He dipped his head forward to block his face with his bangs. "Crawled outta my own grave." He laughed bitterly. "Spent a while wandering, a while more in a coma." He swallowed tickly. "Got picked up by my dad's vindictive ex and trained for a while to be an assassin." He looked up at her, making eye contact. "She dunked me in this pit of magic shit, we call it a Lazarus pit in my dimension. It cures those near death and kills the healthy. Fixed me up the rest of the way, or at least the scars and issues I had pre-death. I got to keep these." He allowed the top of the robe to fall away, showing the tops of the large y-shaped scar that ran the length of his torso. She gasped, both hands coming to cover her mouth, tears began to form in her eyes. She reached out as if to touch them and stopped herself, her face turning determined.
"I, Jazmine Nightingale, High Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms, the Mediator, the Caretaker, and all those other titles." She waved her wrist. "Declare that I will help you however you deem necessary. Whether that be helping your soul, returning you to your dimension, breaking this binding, or whatever. You are currently bound to you, and as such that makes you my responsibilities." She paused in her speech for a moment, thinking. "I mean, you're already technically one of my subjects because I think you qualify as one of the Restless Dead, but we'll figure out your classification when we take you to a healer. For now, it has been a long day. I will have one of my aides come to get your measurements for some clothes, I'm sure we have some around here somewhere that should fit you at least for dinner. The aides can get any style you like and it can be made quickly by the seamstresses we have on staff." At his hesitation she added with a smile, "They work in supernatural means, they will not overwork themselves by making an entire wardrobe in a few hours."
She patted the cushion in front of her and stood. "I will meet you at dinner, it's not formal at all, don't worry about dressing fancy, I'm just still in this getup from 'official queen stuff'" she said with air quotes looking tired. "I'll see you in a bit Jason!"
"Yes, um, your majesty." He stood to bow, the robe making it a bit difficult."
"Just Jazz please, for the love of the Ancients." She said with a pained look on her face.
"Right, sorry," he stammered, straightening, "See you later, Jazz." She smiled softly before leaving him to himself. He smacked his hand to his face groaning at himself before flopping face-first into the bed again. "She's the ruler of the dead and she's so determined and nice, what the actual hell? She's so earnest, it's so cute!" he sat up leaning his elbow on his knee. "Okay, operation Romance Plot is go. She isn't put off by the fact you died, this is good, I can work with this. Okay, so castle, let's go with that aesthetic. I'm thinking let's go with a poet shirt and some black slacks for dinner tonight." He claps his hands in front of him, decision made.
As if summoned by his words, there was another knock at the door. A man with bright sky blue skin and a deep plum butler's uniform opened the door, a measuring tape casually thrown over his shoulders.
"Yes, hello good sir. What aesthetic are we thinking for this evening?" he said in a posh accent.
Jason clasped his hands together. "What should I call you? Would you possibly have a poet's shirt and a pair of black formal slacks for this evening?"
"You may call me Jeeves. Yes that Jeeves. I am the personification of the trope of the helpful butler, and as such my power set includes anything and everything that could help me complete the duties of head butler of the High Family's home. We absolutely do have that attire on hand, it would be but a moment for someone to fetch it for us. Now did you have any ideas about future attire?" Jeeves snapped his fingers and a skeleton manifested in a swirl of dust to obey his silent command to gather the requested clothing.
Jason paused for a moment, considering. "How does the Queen usually dress casually around the castle? I know she said she was from an Earth. I don't know where in the timeline her Earth is from and she mentioned that what she was wearing earlier was mostly for special occasions, so I don't want to look like an idiot." He explained.
"Very good sir, she typically dresses in either a less formal toga if she's to be seen anywhere near the public areas of the castle, her armor whilst sparring with her knights, the High Princes and Princess, and if she is only going between her room and study then her far less formal Earth clothing which is a long sleeved blouse and lightwash jeans, typical of the late 1990's and early 2000's."
Jason thought for a moment. He didn't know how long he would be stuck here, but decided that clothes enough to last a fortnight should work. For all he knew, time flowed differently between here and his home dimension. Decision made, he told the butler what he wanted. Measurements were taken, the skeleton arrived with the requested clothes and Jason was left to change into his clothes for the evening. He still is wearing his combat boots because he forgot to ask for a pair of shoes.
Once changed, he realized that he still probably had a bit before dinner and he walked over to one of the bookshelves browsing the titles. There were several classics that he recognized, his favorite, Pride and Prejudice, was there. There were a few as well with Jane Austen's name, but not titles he recognized. He decided to come back to those later and pulled what looked like a collection of fairy tales from the shelf then settled himself lounging in the window nook to read for the next few hours.
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worriedvision · 4 days
Ajaw ruins his relationship with you - Kinich
Gender neutral reader, angst. No happy ending here, borderline crack BC Ajaw is a cracky character let's be honest. Ajaws a little shit here
Kinich had, somehow, caught your eye enough for you to successfully land a date with him. One date becomes two, and the third one ends in you inviting him over for a drink. He accepts, and before you know it your home becomes a place for him to call home as well. While Kinich wasn't very emotive, he seemed to smile just a bit around you.
However, the couple affections you would expect from him in a relationship weren't coming. Nothing like kissing or hugging, and for a while you think it's because Kinich was not a touchy person. You also knew he was very busy with his work, which was why the first few times he left and told you not to wait for him you didn't think much. At the time, in fact, you were more attracted to him because he was honest with you.
"Don't wait up." He blankly states, every morning he leaves. If you're lucky, he comes back at night time only to sleep - he doesn't make himself any food or drink from your home.
You got suspicious of him when you were hanging out with Mualani, and she brought up the fact someone called Ajaw wouldn't stop nagging at Kinich. When you ask who Ajaw was, rather if this was his boss, Mualani laughs.
"Ajaw probably thinks so, but they bickering too often to do any work together." Mualani tuts. "Do you never hear Ajaw? That voice is so... Annoying to hear!"
"No...I've never met this Ajaw." You hum out, Mualani gasping.
"Tell me your tricks!"
Once you get home from your interaction with your friend, you've had enough time to think. After some long thinking, you come to a decision. You move the stuff that's Kinich's, leaving them by the front door, and add temporary locks in addition to the one your key locks until you can change the lock.
To your surprise, Kinich sounds surprised when he notices his bags out. You refuse to open the door, having more than enough time to waste as you had a day off, and Kinich defeatedly picks up his few belongings before leaving.
"Hah! You should see your face!" Ajaw jeers, Mualani and Kinich groaning out at Ajaws harsh words. "Good thing _ wisened up and realised they can do a lot better than some mortal being that can't even get himself a group of companions!"
"Because you always ruin things." Mualani sighs.
"Hey, I can't take credit for this one! I never even once spoke around _!" Ajaw shrugs, putting some sunglasses on.
"I was hoping to finally get to spend some time with them. I've finally got enough cover for a few days." Kinich states, seeming to realise what Ajaw did. "...Mualani, you know how annoying Ajaw is. Do you know if -"
"Oddly enough no! Honestly, I'm jealous. Ajaw doesn't know when to shut up."
"...It seems they do." Kinich massages his temples, Mualani making eye contact with him.
"...Do you think they were suspicious you were seeing Ajaw? Yuck!"
"Hey, I can hear you, ya know?!"
"It makes sense though. They don't know Ajaw isn't even human, and also isn't mortal."
"Hahaha! Oh boy, even I didn't think keeping my mouth shut around your potential love interests would give this benefit!" Ajaw cackles, seeing Kinich's hand flying towards him. "Hey, what are - AHH!"
You keep getting asked if Kinich is single, each time you saying he wasn't seeing you anymore before they seem excited to pursue a taken man. It's quite concerning, really, you think theres little dignity in being the other person in the relationship.
Kinich tried to talk to you, but each time you saw him you'd make an excuse for being too busy before hearing some weird child cackling and screaming in retaliation to someone reacting to them. As much as his hurt expression spoke to you, you still knew in your mind that Kinich was in a relationship.
Even if he wasn't, you would know in your mind that you were the second choice.
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 month
Human Nature
‘Poof’ Periwinkle Fairywinkle-Cosma x Fem! Reader
Sum: Hazel and Dev were at a cozy little sleep over at your house, since Dev was avoiding his father like the plague. Lead to plenty of talks about Poofs Peri’s childhood. So while the parents are away, it’s time for Peri to play
Warnings: 18+, lots of fluff, , first time (for Peri), boob jobs, Wholesome body positivity, Dominate Reader, it’s very fluffy and wholesome with sex because I said so, nonbinary peri rights, “Woah boobs-“ fairy anatomy vs human, kinda cracky but that’s why you are here anyway, and of course Peri Loves Them Tibbies
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“Finally….” Peri gave a groan, as he would slump onto the floor. Not giving a single fairy fuck that he was laying on the cold kitchen ground. His parents can be overwhelming, and now you got to see it first hand.
Hazel, and Dev, were having a sleep over at your place. You were Dev’s neighbor, and one of the painfully few adults he can trust, so he wanted to feel like a normal kid with doing kid things. Like sleepovers.
The only friend he had was Hazel, and it’s hard to have a sleep over with out company. Has Peri’s god parent he couldn’t refuse. So the whole evening was spent with hijinx’s, and some good old parents squealing and sharing pictures a plenty.
You loved learning more about Peri, and did your best to try and give him breathing room. Being his little shield with trying to be the one to ask questions and happily look through the photo albums, while Peri was trying not to break his teeth from all the gritting.
So here you two were. Cosmo and Wanda making sure the kids were safely sleeping, and certainly knocked out themselves, as you two finally savored the peace and quiet of the rest of your home. Just away from it all.
“Say, not to still keep on topic, but I gotta ask. Your dad was the pregnant one, so um. Does that mean he’s trans?” You were curious. Could it be blamed? It would be interesting to know if such concepts like that were even existing across other beings. Curiosity is human nature, may it be for good or evil.
“Trans-? Oh! Trans! Nah-“ Given Peri was raised rather closely to humans, compared to frankly any fairy he certainly is often more aware of those concepts. There is a difference between taking care of a human, and living with a human after.
“Our genders, or is it sex-? Whatever. It’s flipped flopped. Men have the vaginas, girls have the penises. We also can shape-shift after all, so stuff like that is kinda pointless at the end of the day. Like how I was born a boy, but never really felt like a boy, so now I have a penis and go by he/they.” He explained to you, as you tossed him a soda.
“Huh….Girls have the male anatomy, boys have the female…..Woah.” Certainly fascinating to think about. It’s as if it’s a construct, who would have thought? Really was curious to you. Something new.
“And then there are different types of fairies. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter. Not unless you care, for some reason, or want to be intimate.” They would explain to you, as he drank his soda. Just enjoying the cold floor on his exhausted body. Even a fairy can get tired.
“So….Not to get weird, but like….Is your penis like….similar to a human penis?” You were to curious! Fairies were all so new to you! The only reason you were aware they exist was because Dev kinda made you aware. You were someone he trusted. He just had to have you involved. It’s a lot to handle after all. A kid is a kid.
“That’s one way to get into my pants.” He gave an eyebrow wiggle, as you hid behind your soda. A whine of protest, as he laughed at you. Just always the charmer. The one to lead the tango. Maybe you want to spin that dance around.
“Why don’t you show me what’s under the top and I’ll show you what’s under this bottom~” You knew he was just being all talk. They typically were, before suddenly ready for a panic attack. You didn’t want to give him one, but there’s joy in making someone squirm.
“What are you doing-?” He gawked, as he saw that you were following through. Off your shirt went, and you sent it flying over to his face. How it dangled off their crown, leaving just one big violet eye to stare at you. To watch as you unclasped your bra. It was a long day, and underwire is painful.
“I know they aren’t the prettiest things around-“ You started, only to be met with those big fairy eyes sparkling. Literally. Like his pupils were just big ole hearts and sparkles. Seemed to be utterly enchanted at your half bare body.
The fairy was quick to zoom over to you, with your shirt gone in a vanished, as he seemed to be enchanted by your anatomy. That you had to be the prettiest person in the whole world. The whole galaxy! Their eyes were just pure. Not just driven. Not sexually charged. Just admiring you like a sunset.
“You wanna touch them?” You asked, finding it all utterly adorable. We’re all fairies this cute? Had to. Just look at him. How his wings were fluttering like crazy, and their head nodding in eager need. Need to just swallow you whole with his touch.
They were hesitant, but his hands would soon cup them. They were so gentle. Not an ounce of green in those finger tips. Just a fairy enjoying the beauty that a human had. Made you wonder how different fairy’s breasts were compared to humans. Were they different at all? Not like you wanted to ask Wanda to flash you.
“So soft….” He whispered, as he soon just face planted into your chest. Had you laugh, as he seemed to have found heaven in them. Fluttery wings just going wild, as he snuggled into them. Enjoying how soft they were, and easy it was to hear your heartbeat like this. They were just perfect for them.
“You are precious.” You had to admit, as you soon would play with their hair. Gently running your fingers on the back of his neck. Didn’t want to mess with his curl after all. Just wanted to enjoy the gentle little affection. Seemed he was enjoying it plenty.
“So….Gonna keep your end of the deal?” A muffled ‘hm?’ Was spoken into your chest, as you swore he was ready to fall asleep there. The warmth, softness, heartbeat, breathing, they just couldn’t resist it. His kryptonite.
“Come on, it’s fair. Lemme see your magic wand~” You giggled, as you had to pretty much prey his pouting face from your chest. Poor man wanted more, and you’ll be happy to give him more. Such a pouty baby. Arms all crossed, and all huffy.
“Pretty please~? I promise you can play with my boobs more if you do it~” You offered the magical creature. That seemed to be what finally made him follow through. Slowly with sliding his suspenders off his shoulder, before working on his buckle.
“Promise?” He asked, and you nodded. As if you could ever say no to those beautiful eyes. Such a shade of purple you couldn’t quite grasp. As if it was just a color that the human eye couldn’t quite register. It made for such a need to look at them more.
With the zipper down, and some shimmying, you finally got to see what you were excited for. Deep down, you were kinda disappointed though. Not by the dick as a whole. It was a normal dick, that was the issue. Nothing really made it seem supernatural, besides the well groomed purple patch of hair above it. Shaped like a star no less. Ok, that was cute. You couldn’t argue with it. Was going to make your next idea all the easier to follow through.
“As promises, I’ll let you play with my boobs again. But, I have an idea on how you can enjoy them more.” You offered, as he rose a curious brow at you. What could that possibly mean?
“What are you doing down there?” He asked, as you were soon on your knees. Your face under his cock, with a devious smile. The fact he asked you gave into your theory he may be a virgin. You were certain to make this something he will never forget.
“Showing you the magical world of boob jobs.” You said, before you brought his soft cock between your breasts. Gentle you were, as you would slide his dick between them. Squeezing it between your soft tissue, with little kisses to the tip.
“Oh sweet fairy world-“ He moaned, as he held onto the counter for support. Truly an experience they never had before. Was making their whole world spin, as their cock was starting to harden with in your grasp. Mans was in heaven because of you.
“Like it?” You asked, as they eagerly nodded. Just an utter puddle under you. Luckily not literally. Just figuratively. How they were gripping the counter for dear life as they were panting hard. Those pretty eyes fluttered closed, as those thick eyelashes of his were sparkling with held back tears.
You couldn’t help but drink it all in. They looked so perfect like this. Just letting out moans for you to listen on repeat. How so little was to much. You didn’t even do much, and you swore they would cum already. Would their cum be purple too? You just had to know.
You would speed it up, with a devious grin, as he was aching between your breasts. Just throbbing for you. Such a mess from so little. Suppose breasts were their one way ticket to their own heaven on earth.
“Oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez-“ They kept whimpering. Teeth biting hard into their lip, as he just couldn’t stop his whimpers and moans. A harmony of sounds for you to dance to. Ever growing more eradicated in their sounds.
“Gonna cum? Cum all over my tits?” You asked, as that had his already flustered face even redder than ever. Just looking at the sight under him was too much. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He just couldn’t.
“WAIT WAIT I-! AH-!” His hips were soon bucking on their own, as the orgasm hit him. The way their head threw back as their body was on autopilot. Riding out the climax. Just listening to what the new burst of adrenaline in their system gave them.
You were a little disappointed, you couldn’t lie, that it was a normal color. Was hoping it was at least lavender. Didn’t disappoint in the amount though. Was Al over your breasts, your face, you swore it reached your hair even. That’s annoying, but it’s forgiven for Peri. Their first time after all. Can’t be mad at that.
Poor Peri was just trembling. Hardly able to keep themselves up, as you stood up. You were glad you were still in the kitchen, so you just dampened a fish towel to clean yourself up. Probably safer to not consume fairy jizz. Who knows what it could do to your insides. That’s for another day.
“You alright over there?” You asked them, as you would look over. Poor Peri was just a mess. Hair all over the place, still flushed and panting, legs bend and feet turned in. Thought they might faint. Had you worried, before he was soon back to trying to play it cool. Like nothing had happened at all.
“Yep! Totally! Cool cool cool-!” Pants zipped, hair slicked back, just in a blink and it was like he didn’t just have the best nut of his life. Had you giggling, before you returned to him. A kiss to his cheek, and a hug. Because after care is always vital.
“Say uh, um. Do you….Do you think we could do that again sometime?” They asked, as they avoided eye contact with you. Oh who could resist such a cute face? Not you. You gave his flushed little cheek another peck, as you laced both your hands together. Just all smiles.
“As you wish.”
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whoamisposts · 2 months
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LOGAN HOWLETT×FEM!READER (FLUFF ..) Part 1 from the series
ps. english isnt my first language and this is my first time writing this, sory if its not good, im open for request, enjoy...
summary:since Wade needed you to save his and yours timeline,you decided to help,after all he was one of your dearest friend, right?....But he didn't warn you about someone...and that someone was The Wolverine....just a Canadian guy, you thought...
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since Wade needed you so much, that he passed days at your window or he would plead you to come with him for a mission, you scoffed everytine, rolling your eyes, or just sipping your coffee and looking away, like he was some kind of little annoying child
After what looked like an eternity and definitely felt like one, you decided to end his plead and whiny shit and just go with even if you haven't been on duty for a long long time..however, you needed to save his and yours timeline as well, afer a psycho business man wanted to kill him and all of his friends,as he would destroy his time line...
two days later, you picked your old suit, nothing much, but it protected you after all, then at late afternoon,Wade told you to come over for at least a week to figure out what you wanted to do and maybe rest and not run to a place and another and take everything slow, for once in your life he was right,so you did as you were told
you arrived at 8 pm, you walked in the hallway of his building looking for his apartment,you were used to go there, everytime he needed some comfort or advise,and when you two where at University, you studied together at his place, but something caught you off guard, well, you knew that Wade smoked, cigarette but
you smelled the sharp odor of cigars...
"strange..." you though, thinking that he discovered something knew, so you rang the bell,after all it was a bit late and the breeze was slightly cold,after some minutes you could hear his voice shouting things like
"IM COMING,WAIT A SECOND!" but the sound was something like muffled
you didnt even had the time to think about jt that the cracky door opened, Wade was in his pijamas,with lamas? uh okay...
"hey y/n...im sorry i made you wait-" He didnt even finish talking that the foam of his thootpaste fell from him mouth while the toothbrush was on his other hand
"you know what? dont worry,its okay..." you smiled at him as you entered the appartment, Wade was a little embarrassed for his state so he didnt talk much, but you broke the silence
"by the way, you pijamas is cute..." you chukled, he smiled at you too, and took your big bag with the necessary for a week or more, you two talked about his day and he couldn't stop to thank you for coming, as you were talking he showed you the room where you should sleep
"Thank you Wade its reall-"
"Y/N!" Wade yelled,you just heard a loud tod and your shoulder hurting a few seconds later
"oh man..." a husky voice could be heard, as a large hand wrapped around your biceps to help you steady yourself, you looked agaist your shoulder, you expected to see a wall or something but no...
a large frame,not very tall but taller than you, was grabbing you from your arm, as he looked at you too he left you, and scoffed
"you need to watch were youre going..." he pointed his index finger at you in the same annoyed and raspy tone, then he shifted his finger towards Wade and continued
"...and you have some explanation to do..."
the situation ended well, all of you were sitting at Wade's table
"Logan meet y/n...and I hope you two will get along" as your friend spoke you could notice that Logan didn't care much, instead he just gave you a nod as he continued to sip his beer, you nodded too in response, then Wade whispered to your left ear
" he's not quite friendly, but we need him and after all, he's a good partner" he smiled, you smiled back, still gazing on the man, after some time passed to decide the plan or at least started to figure it out, after some time you all gone to sleep...
but the night was restless, you see, you sleeped in the room next to Wade's one, and he could not sto snoring a talking in his sleep about some werid shit,like a dog and women, as his usual, so you got up, putted on top of you t-shirt and shorts a black hoddie with a zip, and fixed your hair on your side, not wanting them to bother you, you were really tired after all, yiu dragged yourself in the living room to look at the clock and drink some cold water before returning back to sleep, or at least try
you gazed up at the clock, it would not stop making some spooky sound or something
all that you could see before cursing under your breath, you walked barefoot in the dark room to fix yourself a water glass, and you did so, as you sip you lean your back on the counter, the only light in the room was the one of the window and the balcony so you turn your head to face it, but before that, you smelled the same odor of cigars as before, so you turned
just to see Logan in some loose sweatpants and a shirt while smoking looking at the silent city at night...he stopped and after sniffing some times he turned his head to face you could he smell you?
"kiddo, its late you know?" His voice was the same as before just a little bit more lower, maybe from the smoke he just blowed out his nostrils
"I know..but-"
"That stupid asshole snored like a pig yeah" he scoffed followed by a light chukle, you laughed too, of course not too hard to woke up Wade, Logan took his last grab from his cigar before putting it away and blowing away the smoke before turning back in the appartment
"well lets get to bed mh.." He suggested, but you in a stubborn way,you sat yourself on the sofa, but Logan didn't reply,instead he leaned on the counter like you did before
"so.." He started looking out the window seeing the sunset raising,realising how late it was "what do you think about the plan mh?.."
"y/n?.." He called out for your name after a few seconds when you didnt respond
"y/n?..." He called for you again, as he turned around just to find you asleep on the couch, he chukled at the funny scene
"I'll take that as a yes..." He replied with his usual sarcasm and frowned face...
the next morning you woke up with the sun directly towards your face, you sighed and you got up to look at the clock
"oh lord.." you whined, after a few moments Wade walked in the living room with a yawn and his stylish pijama and waved to you
"hey, you sleeped on the couch?.. didnt like the room" He murmured, you nod, as you stod up and walked to him near the table as he fixed you a cup of warm coffee
"no no...just you know? collapsed...I hope i didnt catch a cold, here isnt very warm,but I might say i slept well..." you spoke to him while sipping your coffee, he chukled
"of course you did not,you idiot, you slept with a blanket" you chukled before realising the fact that last night you just collapsed on the couch without a blanket, you gazed upon the sofa just for a moment to see if he lied to you
Logan?... the first thought that came to your mind...
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jocelynscrazyideas · 4 months
Just friends? pt. 2 | Matt Rempe x Reader
pt. 1
Summary: making your way up to your dream job was difficult, but leaving it may be harder that ever.
Warnings: language, small portion of smut, eating, THE NOTEBOOK IS MENTIONED😛🥲
A:N- it’s really short but yuhh
It’s been a good month of dating my bestfriend. I’m just scared that if anything goes wrong, that we wouldn’t be the same.
I’ve understood that when or I should say, If we breakup, we of course won’t be friends, but I wnat to talk. Keep up in life. Support him.
Matt has made it clear that it’s me, and only me. I know, dating an nhl player will be hard, because there is always someone out there thinking your boyfriend is cute.
“Dumper?” Matt calls out for me. I’m getting ready in his bathroom. Today, it’s the first day in off season. The rangers had won the third round of playoffs, but we didn’t make it to the end.
You might be wondering why Matt calls me dumper. It’s a long story, taht im glad to walks down with you.
“Matt!” I groan as he thrusts into one last time. He releases into me, I feel I’m going to cum as well.
“You cum dump.” Matt laughs out. He cleans us up, and stands up to throw the tissues he used to clean up away. “I do not!” I yell out, I know I do. It makes sense to me.
Why would I cum in like five different times if I feel I’m going to release at one time?
Matt comes down onto me and kissed me from my knee up. He hits my neck and sucks down until I feel nothing.
“Nice hickey.” He chirps at me.
“Oh yeah? I wonder wher i hit it from.” I sarcastically joke with him. He gets hurts from that and lays down on my bare chest.
His brown hair all over.
It’s dark. Bedroom lights are off and the only thing lighting the house is the stars.
He cuddles into me for a few hours while I talk and yap about school, and when I should get my job.
“Where are you?” Matt yells for me.
“Bathroom! I have the interview today!” I let Matt know that I’m fully booked, and don’t have time for him.
“Well can we watch a movie tonight? Play some uno!” Matt asked me as he walks into the bathroom. His warm chest connects like a puzzle into my back. He leans into me and kissed my neck. He lays his fluffy hair into the crook of my neck. “I love you.” Matt whispers into my ear.
“Three months.” I say. I pushed him off my shoulder and cussed at him.
“Hey shithwsd?” I laugh at him.
“Hm?” Matt moans in his sleepy voice.
“Go shower. I’ll drive you down to the office.” I follow up. Matt has locker clean out today, many last minute interviews and press conferences.
I dropped Matt off at the arena and sat in my car.
Maybe he’s the one for me. The one guy that I won’t mess up with.
“Hey baby! How was the interview?” Matt asked me as I walk into the kitchen. Matt is cooking us some dinner and I set my purse down. I fall on the couch.
“That bad?” Matt questioned.
I felt my heart drop. How do I tell him, “No it was good… it’s the fact they don’t have an official employment spot for me here in New York. If I took the job, I would have to move to Wyoming.”
Yeah, no.
“Um, it went pretty well.” I replied, my high pitched cracky voice squeaked out. I think Matt knows I’m stressed. I’m sure I have actual sweat droplets swimming down in my face.
“You’re lying.” Matt looked down at me. He standing above me form the couch.
“No im not.” I laugh out. I stand up and dance with him back to the kitchen.
“Oh my love. My little baby.” I say as I rest my head into his chest. He smiles down at me and he picks me up.
“Give me.” Matt gestured to my foot as he set me down on the counter top.
I eye the stove that he left on. “What are we eating tonight?” I ask him. I try to distract myself.
God. Maybe I shouldn’t take the job.
He looks back at the side over his shoulder, and continues to take off my left shoe. My right foot is hanging and I kick him.
“Oh, uh I made some eggs, just so we could eat some toast and eggs. I was lazy, sorry.” Matt explained. He turned red in embarrassment.
“No. It’s perfect.” It’s the little things. I have to take things into consideration, not just the fact he does big gestures. He does this small thing that matters to me. Like, cooking dinner every night. Or just listening to me talk. Even if he doesn’t care, or deep down isn’t listening, he still looks like he cares.
Matt smirked and he dropped my left foot, only to un tie my right shoe. Once he finished he picked me up and kissed me. “What movie?” Matt asked me as I sit in our couch.
He plates everything into a large bowl and hands me a few slices of apples. “You’d be such a great dad.” I muttered.
“I’m sorry. A father?!” Matt exclaimed. He looks me up and down, smirking. Teeth out. His eyes look at me, I feel him leaving closer.
He grips onto a blanket as he sits down on the couch right beside me.
He turns the TV on to play the notebook.
I cried at the en of the movie. Matt holds me as he sleeps in my arms. He snores and he shakes as I weep and cry.
Matt looks up as his head rested on my breasts. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?” Matt mumbled. He rubs his eyes once he kissed my left boob.
He gets up and puts out dishes away. He cleans up the couch, and picks me up. “The movie that sad?” Matt asked me. I understand this season was hard so I let him sleep during the movie.
“You’ve never watched The Notevook?” I inferred, I look outside our window and Matt sets me down.
“I have, but I always fall asleep.” He looks at me and he pulls his clothes off. He’s left in his under set and I do the same. I unclamp my bra and lay in bed. I slide my panties off and lick them to the floor.
Matt fliers with me and he tightens his arms around me.
“I love you.” Matt reminded me, for the hundredth time.
“I have to move, if I take the job.” I let out.
Matt loosens his grip and he breaths in. “So take the job.” He said.
“It’s hard, but we can always fly out together.” Matt implied. We lay in bed. Not thinking about anything, well other than the fact I could leave.
Right when life gets good.
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pilot-boi · 8 months
god now i’m just imagining Blake suddenly realizing and saying “you knew you had to drink the poison”
And Jaune just isn’t able to meet anyone’s eyes
The five sit around a campfire scrounged together from dead brush in an alcove protected from the desert wind. Their conversation is slow, comforting, filled with hushed reassurances and rueful laughter.
With the benefit of distance, of being free, talk eventually turns to Jaune’s missing years. Simple curiousity, simple questions.
He doesn’t answer everything, but every word he says seems to draw some invisible hurt from a wound left festering for too long.
It’s Blake that brings it up.
Of course she is. She was the one to realize they were in a fairytale, the one who reminded them all how to play along with the fantasy while keeping their sanity. Their resident bookworm.
Of course she’s the one who realizes that their friend knew going in that he was probably going to die before the end of “the story.”
“Jaune?” Blake’s voice is quiet, but calm as a pool of water. “You knew, didn’t you?” Weiss can see how her amber eyes narrow, the agitated flick of her ears, but none of her distress is betrayed in her voice.
Which is just as well, because Jaune doesn’t meet any of their eyes, he just watches the fire. The white locks in his hair are stark against the rest, and not for the first time Weiss wonders if they’re a result of age or stress or something worse.
“Not right away,” he replies. And is that better or worse? That it took a little while for him to realize that he’d die before the story’s end, and he still kept to the script? “Before we reached the Red King.”
“Were you… Did you…” Weiss isn’t sure what she wants to ask, or if she even wants an answer. Were you scared? Did you know when it would happen? Were you ready? Did you want it to happen?
“I had to follow the story,” he says eventually, his voice breaking with emotion. Aged beyond his years, and yet still as young as any of them. “I had… It was my role. I couldn’t- I had to-”
“The Rusted Knight drank the poison in her stead,” Ruby says hollowly. “Would you have done it for me?” Jaune’s head shoots up, fast as a bullet, his face a mask as hard as the metal of his helmet.
Blue eyes aged beyond the years of the face they rest in meet silver eyes haunted by death and rebirth. The tension in the air is taut as a bow string, as the two leaders seem to communicate something only they understand.
A chunk of ice the size of her fallen home drops into Weiss’s stomach. The poison. The tea.
If Jaune had been there in time, would he have even hesitated to drink the tea for Ruby? Finally fulfilling his fairytale role? Finally doing something “right?”
Weiss is quite sure that would’ve only ended with BOTH leaders on the verge of ascension, instead of one. Because if Ruby had lost another friend, Weiss is certain that it would’ve pushed her over an edge she would never have returned from.
The desert wind fills the silence.
Jaune’s gaze falls back to the fire. “After the Herbalist, I was desperate to get the story back on track. I would’ve done anything to fix what I broke.”
“Even die?” Yang’s voice is steady as stone, but her hand is shaking in Blake’s grasp.
There are tears dripping down his face. He never processed this, Weiss realizes. He never processed anything, stuck as he was as the only thing changing in a world where everything stayed the same.
“I just wanted to do something right.” His voice sounds like he dropped it on the floor, it shattered, and he kept using it anyway. Cracky in that way it used to in Beacon. Too old and too young.
“I was the Rusted Knight, a paragon of virtue and glory, but I was messing it all up.” As he speaks, his voice gets more frantic, more hitched with tears. “We were at the end, there was no more story left. There was only one thing I could do to make sure they got their happy ending. And- And I-”
“I’m glad you didn’t have to,” Ruby interrupts, her voice choking with tears. I hate that it happened, that she poisoned you, but I’m glad you didn’t have to.” And again, it’s his fellow leader’s voice that draws Jaune out of himself.
But this time he looks like Jaune, all wide eyes and soft edges, not the metal of the Rusted Knight he was protecting himself with before. And Ruby looks like Ruby, older and wiser but with a spark of hope in her teary eyes that Weiss didn’t realize has been missing until they all almost lost it forever.
Ruby stands and walks around the fire, her boots making furrows in the sand, and pulls him into a hug. Jaune blinks, half afraid, half confused.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
Weiss barely hears Ruby murmur this over the crackle of the flames, and whether she’s talking about Penny or Alyx or Pyrrha or Atlas or any number of things that both leaders have blamed themselves for over the years, Weiss doesn’t know.
But what she does know is that when Jaune chokes out a sob and buries his face in Ruby’s hair, and Ruby drops to her knees clings to her best friend like he’s the only thing anchoring her to Remnant, something slots back into place in the universe. Something that fractured almost beyond repair on the shore of a razed village of paper stars.
Jaune’s hair is streaked with white, Ruby’s whole body is shaking with sobs, and Jaune is whispering apologies that Ruby is meeting with her own. But they’re both still here. It feels like healing, or the very start of it.
And maybe Jaune would have drunk the poison for Alyx, but he didn’t get to. And maybe Jaune would have drink the tea for Ruby, but he didn’t get to. The world was full of what-ifs, gods the Ever After probably used as them as damn building blocks.
But what matters is that he didn’t, and that he would never have to.
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katerina-marie · 2 months
The Tragedy of a Duality
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader and (Past) Ryomen Sukuna x Female Reader
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7 (Final)
In the present, you are a sorcerer and the cherished wife of the Honored One. In an era long gone, remembered by only one, you were ordinarily human and the beloved bride of the King of Curses. How fitting it would be, in an evening of destruction, to have your heart torn in two.
Content: JJK Universe and Canon Events (tho tweaked to incorporate reader), Fluff, Angst, Flashbacks, Ambiguous ending, Violence, Death, Female reader but left descriptively vague, No use of y/n, True Form Sukuna in the past, Itadori Yuji is Sukuna's vessel in the present but nothing inappropriate b/n reader and Itadori as the vessel, Will add more CW to each chapter if needed.
WC: 6.1k
A/N: A flashback, some cracky humor (cause it all goes downhill after this), and Sukuna's POV.
Chapter 6
You are not certain, but you think it is close to evening by the way darkness begins to creep onto the walls of your bed chamber. 
A throbbing ache feels as though it may nearly split your skull, and it slithers down behind your eyes and nose. There is a chill to your body that has persisted since the last time you fell asleep, and if you request one more blanket from the servants, you worry they might consider putting you in the fire completely as nothing else seems to suffice. You briefly entertain the idea. Anything, really, if it will get the aching of your muscles and joints to cease. The only small mercy of being struck with an illness is the way you are left relatively unbothered to burrow beneath your mountain of blankets and slip in and out of feverish slumber as you please. 
“Would you care to tell me why I had to wait until now to hear from Uraume that you have been bedridden?” 
Were unbothered, it would seem. 
“Bedridden is a bit extreme, Sukuna. It is just a fleeting sickness.” 
Still nestled under your blankets, you manage to open one eye and peek out. Your husband stands just before your bed with his upper arms crossed and his others hidden beneath his white robes. There is no humor to soften his face, and you let out a small sigh of defeat. 
“I will be alright,” you assure him. “I asked Uraume not to say anything to you before you left yesterday after our midday meal, so please do not be cross with them.” 
“And I may ask again; why?” 
You try to smile at Sukuna this time, but you suspect it might be a little lopsided or dazed—something fever induced. “Well, it is nothing overly concerning and I am being well cared for. Besides, I did not want to get in the way of whatever conquering or pillaging or other kingly duty you were whisked away for.” 
Sukuna does not reciprocate the haphazard grin on your face, nor does he bristle at the way you try to poke fun at him. “That is foolish of you.” 
You gawk at him. “Well, that is rude. If you will not be kind, go off elsewhere and I will find another to listen to my complaints.” 
You are only half-heartedly disgruntled by his brusqueness, but you go to throw a blanket back over yourself nonetheless when you feel his hand seize your wrist. He bends at the waist to hover over you, and his eyes do not let go of yours. “You will inform me immediately the next time you are ill.” 
This time, your eyes narrow and indignance sharpens your voice. “And for what purpose would that serve? You are very busy and we have perfectly adept staff who are able to answer my beck and call. You do not need to waste time tending to me, Sukuna.” 
Your vehemence drives his back upwards. His arms hang still at his sides and you can see his jaw clenching. “It would please me to do so, should you give me the opportunity.” 
The words freeze whatever curt retort you have ready on your tongue, and you blink at him, admittedly dumbfounded. 
“Do you think I would not?” Sukuna asks, and you don’t particularly like the way his voice sounds almost hurt. You open your mouth, ready to speak, but you aren’t sure if you should be apologizing or offering some kind of explanation because if you are being very honest, you are not quite sure if he would have spent the day at your side while you languish in sickness. 
“Ah,” he murmurs, and this time there is no denying that you have wounded him. “I am sorry that I have acted in a way that makes you think so.” 
If you look back on the last six months of your marriage, there is not any true example that would sway you into believing one way or another. Sukuna has his moments of tenderness with you, but they do not hide away his tendency towards terseness or foul moods, though that is mostly reserved for his communication with others. 
“It is not that,” you tell him slowly, and you finally feel ashamed when surprise makes his brows lift. “I am afraid I have hastily made an unfair assumption. I apologize.”
Sukuna does nothing for a moment but look at you, but eventually he nods and takes a step back. “No apology necessary. I will leave you to rest.” 
Your heart lurches in your chest when he turns to leave and you see something akin to disappointment on his face, so you quickly claw your way out from under your blankets to sit up and call his name. 
“Please wait,” you ask of him, and you are grateful when Sukuna does pause at your door. “I would like it if you would lay with me.” 
He hesitates, and now exposed to the cool air of the room, you shiver. 
“If that would please you,” he says quietly, and Sukuna is already slipping into bed before you can blink. You shuffle over to make room for him, but he is quick to draw you against his chest and tighten the blankets around you both. The heat that radiates off his skin is delightful, and you make a noise of contentment as you wiggle in as closely to him as you can get. You feel a pleased rumble in his chest under your cheek and it brings a smile to your face. 
“Thank you,” and you whisper it into his skin. 
The two of you remain silent and still underneath the blankets for long enough that sleep begins to steal you away, but Sukuna’s voice just happens to catch you before you drift off. 
“Being gentle,” he starts, and it sounds as though he is a little unsure of himself. “It is not in my nature. It is not something that comes obviously and easily to me.” You lean your head back so you can look at him, and you are thoroughly wrecked when you realize there is vulnerability in his eyes. You cling to him a little tighter then. “But for you, because there is nothing that will ever come before you in terms of what is important and precious to me, I will do my best and try.” 
Tears sting your eyes and something like love surges inside of you, and nothing—not even the pain in your head—would keep you from pressing your mouth against his. Sukuna allows it, returns it with equal fervor, but pulls away from you sooner than you would like. He smiles at the whine you let out and the pout that turns your lips down, and you feel his hand cup your neck as he urges your head back down against his chest. 
“Hush now and rest.” 
You scoff, a tired breathless thing, but your tone is affectionate when you tell him, “what a terrible monster you are.” 
The grand reveal of a not-dead Itadori to Fushiguro and Kugisaki takes place as planned the following day. The two take it a little better than you anticipated, though you still cringe through the entire surprise that you unsuccessfully tried to convince Satoru not to do. They stare in disbelief and shock as Satoru ushers Itadori out from the cramped storage bin he’s in. They don’t say a word as their friend waves at them with a wide grin on his face, and before you can protest, Satoru simply laughs and encourages them to have a good day in training before bounding off to who-knows-where, leaving you to gently reassure the three of them and offer a brief explanation for the whole situation.
“So, you knew the entire time?” Kugisaki questions, and skepticism is all over her face as she stands with her hand on a cocked hip. The three first years hover around you under the tree in the corner of the training field, and both Kugisaki and Fushiguro look as if they’ve aged five years. “Gojo-sensei didn’t lie or hide it from you?” 
“No,” you say with an adamant shake of your head. “I don’t think he’s capable of keeping a secret like that from me. Not that it would be in his best interest to do so.” 
It’s not speculation that has you telling her such. Many times over the years Satoru has proven his inability to lie to you, or even distort the truth in a way that could be considered deceptive. All it takes is a knowing look in his direction and Satoru is spilling his guts. 
“Yes, alright! It was me that broke Nanami’s glasses. Please don’t tell him! I already sold out Kugisaki for it.” 
“Oh…no. That is not an engagement ring I’ve been hiding under my pillow. Why would you ask that?” 
“So, I maybe, kind of told Suguru you find his technique disgusting and that’s why he won’t partner up with you for assignments anymore, but hey! Don’t be mad. Now you’re with me!”
Or even last night for instance, after each of you exchange apologies for the earlier fight, Satoru hurriedly explains that he didn’t intentionally hide the fact he fed Itadori the second finger and just simply forgot to mention it. You laugh nervously and quickly forgive him again as you try to hide the fact that you have forgotten about that particular detail. Nanami must have chastised him in some way, and you suppose you're grateful. But really, you just want Satoru to stop looking at you with that kicked puppy expression. 
You shake your head of the memories and look back at your students. “It almost never ends well for him, so it’s not something he does often.” 
Fushiguro scoffs and shoots you an exasperated look. “Does he at least learn his lesson and apologize?” 
His words exasperate the last lingering bits of guilt you still feel from yesterday’s argument, and you wince as you try to come up with a reply that would restore the image of Satoru’s character.
Kugisaki beats you to it and throws her head back in laughter. “What a sight that would make! Gojo-sensei begging your forgiveness with a bouquet of flowers in hand!”
Itadori gags and Fushiguro looks like he feels the same. 
“Pathetic and sad is exactly what that would look like,” he says, and he starts to walk away with Itadori to avoid any more talk of Satoru and grand romantic gestures.
You sigh defeatedly and use a hand to wave off Kugisaki’s suggestion. 
“There’s really no need for such extremes,” you say. “Besides, Satoru knows better than to get me flowers.” Your face puckers like you’ve smelled something rancid.
Kugisaki doesn’t have the chance to respond before Itadori is snapping his head towards you so harshly and abruptly that you would worry for the bones in his neck if there weren’t black tattoos suddenly taking over his face. You’d say Sukuna nearly looks stunned stupid if offense didn’t have him gaping at you.
“You do not care for flowers?” 
It doesn’t come out as a question so much as it does a demand for an explanation, and you are perplexed as to why such an asinine topic of conversation could possibly prompt him into coming out. Especially when he looks grumpier now than every other time you’ve seen him.
Fushiguro and Kugisaki, on the other hand, look very much like they’ve seen a ghost. 
“Uh, no,” you tell him, and Sukuna’s head recoils back like you slapped him. “I don’t like them. Something about the pollen or whatever itches my nose and makes my eyes water. I avoid them the best I can, honestly.” 
Sukuna can only blink at you, and it isn’t until you lift your hands in a tentative apology that laughter begins to build in his chest. It rises in volume exponentially until he rears his head back, and it bursts out of him in a way that is nearly hysterical. It makes the hair on your arms stand up, and you, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki take an uneasy step back from him. His laughter cuts off and when he turns his eyes back to you, they are wide in their excitement and his grin is full of teeth.
“Well, that is new!” Sukuna thunders, and you have no earthly idea as to what he could be referring to. “You did always know how to surprise me.” 
And just as quickly as they appeared, the tattoos fade, and within a moment, Itadori is shaking his head and looking to you for clarification. You shrug because it’s not like you have any to offer. 
After some gentle reassurance of their safety, you coax your students onto the training field to spar with one another while you watch from under the shade of a tree. With your thoughts scattered between all manner of things, time passes without you perceiving it, and Satoru is waltzing back onto the training field an hour later, munching on an apple and looking as though he has no care in the world.
“How are my beloved students doing?” he asks when he takes his place by your side, though he stands just a bit farther than he usually would. You give him a hesitant smile and wave a hand towards where Kugisaki has just dealt a particularly harsh blow to Itadori’s side as she cackles. Fushiguro watches from a few feet away, looking very much like he’d rather be anywhere else. When Satoru calls to them in greeting, all three turn and offer waves and ‘hellos’ in varying levels of enthusiasm. 
“Just fine,” you tell Satoru, and he bats his lashes at the pointed look on your face, “though they would probably do even better if their esteemed teacher actually showed up to teach them.” 
Satoru shrugs in a what can you do attitude, and you roll your eyes as you swipe the apple from his hand to take a large bite of it. The remaining tension between you two eases, and you’re thrilled to see the small makings of a smile on his lips.
“Fruit thief,” he complains, and you giggle around a mouthful of apple. 
Suddenly, a loud curse and an exclamation of surprise sound out from where the students are on the field. When you and Satoru spin around in that direction, Kugisaki is sprawled out on the ground face towards the sky and laying farther away from the other two than what should reasonably be possible. Fushiguro stares with a haunted look on his face. Itadori is breathing heavily and looks just as shocked. When he glances down at his hands as if they could explain what happened, you notice the slits under his eyes flicker shut and a pool of dread settles in your stomach. 
Satoru looks at you briefly before he’s striding out onto the field with hands buried in his pockets. 
“Yuji,” he calls, though there’s no discipline in voice. “Let’s not try and throw our peers halfway across the field, okay?”
All three students laugh, albeit nervously, as Satoru goes to check on them, and you are left to worry about what in the world could have set off Sukuna. 
There are a number of things you could blame your lack of reaction on, but you would probably just chalk it up to plain exhaustion if you live long enough for anyone to ask. 
While Fushiguro and Kugisaki are somewhere up above on the highway fighting two curses, you and Itadori handle one under a bridge in a shallow ravine. You manage to dodge the first blow from the curse across from you, but your limbs are already weary and the ground is slick, and you aren’t quick enough to defend against the second one. In a final moment, you throw your arms up in some meaningless way to protect your face and clench your eyes shut. You have a split second to anticipate the pain before a great force has knocked you to the ground and into the cold earth below.
“Move!” Sukuna growls in your ear, and it takes you a beat to recognize that the weight at your back is him. You think his hands might clench into your shirt and maybe it’s his nose in your hair, but you have no more time to consider it as he is up and off of you as soon as you blink. 
You push onto your hands and peer over your shoulder where the curse now sits in a pile of ash. When you sit up completely, Sukuna is standing off to your right and looks down at you, his face completely devoid of any emotion. His shirt is torn at the elbow and singed in a couple spots. He rolls his shoulder twice, loosening the muscles there, and though he makes no move to help you up, his hand clenches and unclenches rapidly. You get up on your feet then.
“You are unharmed?” he asks, and there’s a rough edge to his voice that you don’t recall being there before.
You glance up at him in the middle of sweeping dirt from your arms and hands, a fruitless attempt since you’re covered in an amount of mud that only a shower would fix, and he is clearly expecting your immediate answer. 
“I’m alright.”
Sukuna nods once and then shifts away from you to sweep his eyes along the edges of the trees and further down the ravine. You recognize the meticulous way he scans the scenery, deeming it clear of any remaining threats, and the action tugs at something in your chest. Satoru tends to do the same thing anytime the two of you go on an assignment together, and you always tease him for his over precaution. 
“Thank you,” you add quietly, because the extra protective measure certainly isn’t for himself. Sukuna doesn’t turn back or respond to your gratitude, but his lower eye takes glimpses of you out of its corner. 
“Can I ask you a question?” you blurt out. 
Sukuna doesn’t respond right away. All that fills the silence is the trickling of a nearby stream and the faint crackling rustle of the tree branches above your head as they sway slightly in the evening breeze. But then he is angling his chin to glance at you over his shoulder. “If I am not mistaken, you just did.” 
He sounds less than enthused, but curiosity has been eating you alive since the very moment Sukuna first made himself known to you, and so the words tumble forth with no hope to stop them.
“What happened?”
Surely he must know what you are referring to, and you see Sukuna’s shoulders heave with a great sigh. He splays his fingers wide, and the veins and tendons in his hands pop in a way that looks painful. With an eerie slowness, he turns toward you and levels you with a look that has you immediately regretting the question.
“Do you really wish to know?” The edge of his voice is nearly taunting, almost tempting. 
No. Yes. Maybe. It’ll keep you up at night if you don’t know, but you worry you’ll never sleep the same again if you do. 
Sukuna must see the indecision on your face, and he makes the choice for you.
“Well then,” he begins casually, but his demeanor as he starts to walk towards you is anything but. It takes all your concentration to stay rooted to your spot even though instinct tells you to flee. “To what extent will your curiosity be satiated?”
Anxiety is churning your stomach, and something about this is very wrong. His movements are predatory in their preciseness, and his eyes are narrowed, hardened by something unknown to you. He is different. Something has shifted, and you wouldn’t have called Sukuna kind, but whatever keeps the ferocity of his anger-adjacent emotions in check is long-gone. When he comes to a stop an arm’s length apart, he smirks and it is cruel.
“Would it thrill you to hear that I know how you taste?”
You feel the color bleed away from your face because surely he can’t mean—
 “And certainly in more ways than you are thinking.” 
His eyes track the bobbing of your throat when you swallow loud enough for you both to hear. At the same time, your foot slides backward in the mud to maintain distance, and his follows suit.
“Or,” Sukuna emphasizes, and his eyes flare wide. “How would you feel if I told you that the blame for your death lies at my feet?” 
It’s the first confirmation you get for something you have suspected—that if what he says is true, you died centuries ago—but the implication that it’s Sukuna’s fault is something you hadn’t considered, and the idea is terrifying and prompts more questions that you don’t have the gall to ask. 
“Nevermind,” you tell him. You look out around you and then up at the highway to see if you can spot Fushiguro and Kugisaki anywhere, eager to be done with this conversation. But Sukuna is not done with you, and he creeps just a little closer. 
“But you want to know,” he croons, and now your heart is starting to race and the fine hair on your arms stand straight. “Shall I describe to you how you used to mewl and beg when I had you under me? Or that you liked when I would sink my teeth into that spot where your neck meets your shoulder.” 
Sukuna tilts his head, and the innocence of it is such a harsh contrast to the severity of him. “Tell me, does that husband of yours do the same?” 
“Please, stop.” Normally you’d hate the weakness in your voice and the way it nearly comes out in a whimper, but you don’t care, not when your only priority is getting away from him. You take a hurried step back and your heel slips, and there is a sickening swoop in your stomach as you begin to pitch backwards.
But in a movement too quick for you to see, Sukuna catches you around your upper arms. You dangle back in his grip as he lowers his head so closely to yours that your noses almost touch. His eyes burn red, his mouth is twisted into snarl, and he must be able to feel the way your breath stutters out over his face. Sukuna bows over you, and behind his head, the midnight blue of the night sky encompasses the view of your peripherals. In the back of your mind, you take notice of the fact that you don’t feel the prick of his nails against your skin.
“Do you dream of me?” Sukuna whispers, and it is hushed and frenzied and derisive. His eyes dart down once to your lips. “Do you have nightmares about what will happen when I get a hold of that last finger? Whom do you think I will come for first—you, or your beloved?”
You wrench yourself back with a sob, and Sukuna somehow relents. His hands leave your arms as rapidly as they came, but you stand steady and upright when he appears a couple feet away. 
“Ah,” Sukuna chides, and satisfaction makes his expression haughty, though there is something mournful hiding in the lines of his face. “You remember me now; a monster—evil, if you do say so yourself.” Shame passes over you quickly as you realize he heard the tail end of your argument with Satoru. 
 “Well, I am pleased to meet your expectations.” He sneers at you as he shoves his hands into his pockets, and you hear fabric tear. If you didn’t know any better, you would say you wounded him. 
But that can’t be possible, not when he is what he claims to be and what you accuse him of. You are reminded now of what a pointless endeavor this is. Whatever it is you want to call it—a latent curiosity, a brief musing for passing boredom—is irrelevant, as is whatever tragic history that may or may not have occurred a thousand years ago. There is plenty of reasonable doubt for you to conclude that only a shred of truth might hide in between the vitriol Sukuna spits. As for the scant moments of tenderness, where his eyes bleed longing and every inch of him yearns to touch you, you dismiss them as fleeting instances of torment in the name of entertainment. Gentleness would be a facade he wears and something he couldn’t be familiar with. Monsters don’t know such things. 
“Nevermind,” you say, and this time your voice is firm and unwavering. “I don’t want to know.”
Silence follows and Sukuna is unfazed by your answer. He doesn’t try to persuade you, and you think he sees the finality in your face. The lowering of his eyes and the clenching of his jaw might betray the emotion he’s working to keep concealed—disappointment, regret, misery—but he turns and begins to walk away before you can study him any further. 
“I will leave the brat over here for you,” he calls and then slips into the darkness of the trees. There is something resigned and dismissive in the sound of his voice and the way he waves a hand over one shoulder, and it leaves you to wonder what will happen the next time you meet Ryomen Sukuna.
When you whisper “I’m sorry” into the skin between Satoru’s shoulder blades, it is hours after you return home muddy and exhausted from your assignment, and enough time has passed since the two of you went to bed that you both should already be asleep. Satoru might have been close to it with the groggy way he says your name, but he stirs nonetheless and twists under the covers so he can face you instead. 
“What for?” he asks. His eyes blink heavily, and his hair is almost long enough now to tangle in his lashes, the white of them making where one ends and the other begins nearly indistinguishable. “We already apologized to each other, remember?” 
You appreciate the softness on his face and how forgiving his voice is, but you still shake your head. “You deserve a better apology. My feelings at that moment wouldn’t have changed, but I shouldn’t have let my temper get in the way of discussing things with you.” 
Satoru’s answering smile is a little sad, but he still reaches for you so he can wrap his arms under your neck and over your shoulder. He tugs you once more so your head leaves your pillow and is cushioned by his bicep instead. His embrace is as warm and comforting as you always know it to be, and you skim your nose against his collarbone to breathe in the lingering scent of his soap and shampoo. Doing so lowers the volume level of the noise in your head. 
“Well, then I owe you one too. I am sorry. I was being childish.” You feel Satoru tighten his arms around you and his chest expands against yours as he inhales deeply. “You have to know that you are the most precious thing to me. There is nothing else. I do not mean to coddle you or doubt your capabilities in any way. And I trust you implicitly.” He leans back slightly so he can look down at you. “There is no word fitting to describe what I would feel if something happened to you. So please, forgive me when I am unbearable. It is only because I love you.” 
It strikes you then that love could take the form of overprotection and possessiveness in a man who has already lost someone dear to him to a greater evil, and you hate that you now understand the feeling so well. 
You can only nod in response, mostly because tears are pricking your eyes and you are one second away from having your breath hitch in your throat, so you quickly duck your head to hide against him. Satoru, in all his perceptiveness, would certainly not miss it if you started crying, and you don’t know how to describe to him that those tears come from so many different things: exhaustion—mental and physical, anxiety, an overwhelming love for him, and shame that you hurt someone, even if one could argue he deserves it. 
But Satoru knows you too well, and his voice is full of concern when he asks, “did something happen earlier?” 
“Whom do you think I will come for first—you, or your beloved?”
“No,” you lie, and the hypocrisy of your conversation with the first years a while back isn’t lost on you. If anything, it’s what drives a single tear to break free from your lashes and dart over the bridge of your nose. You hope Satoru doesn’t feel it when it drops onto his skin. 
“Are you sure?” 
You’re not, but you don’t have the wherewithal, the energy, the bandwidth, or any type of capability to discuss that with him. Maybe later. Maybe another day. But for now, you are determined to put away any lingering thoughts of a monster with pink hair. You refuse to give into the fear he certainly tried to strike in you, unwilling to let it needle its way any further into the marriage you have now, regardless of whether or not you were part of another in some previous lifetime. 
So, you suck in a deep breath and blink away any moisture from your eyes because you are in the arms of the man you love, and when you shift back to look at Satoru, the smile on your face is effervescent and genuine. 
“I am sure.” 
The simple mind of Itadori Yuji is utterly dull and painfully boring. There is nothing for Sukuna to do but contemplate the decisions that now find him trapped, and that—combined with the incessant chattering of the other two sorcerers beside the brat—is why he misses every sign of your approach. 
He doesn’t pay much attention when the white-haired one stands up with a moronic grin on his face, and Sukuna does not think that whatever suddenly catches the boy’s attention will be anything worth it. That is, until, the first images of you cross Itadori’s mind and Sukuna’s entire being is jolted so jarringly that he is in control and looking at you for the first time in a thousand years faster than anyone in the room can anticipate.
You are as stunning and magnificent as the day he first saw you, and your expression is nearly the same this time around; wide eyed, lips parted in a way that you probably don’t mean to be enticing, and Sukuna is lost in you all over again. Maybe it’s delerium—elation—that makes memories of the past flash in front of him as he drinks you in, and for a minuscule second, Sukuna is back under a pear tree.
But devastation is quick to follow when he realizes that recognition is not flickering in your eyes when your gaze meets his, and despite how you try to hold yourself strong and still, your limbs tremble and you lean away from him. Sukuna has spent a millennia mourning you, and regrettably, he wonders just how many lives of yours he missed while split into pieces across the land. He thinks it’s fitting penance because of what he let happen to you. However, in this moment you meet again, you seek out another, one who is not him and whose face is responsible for the smile on your lips that spurred him into movement just before. 
You belong to another, and you do not remember him.
Then, in the morgue, it’s the first time Sukuna is alone with you in centuries. He saved the brat whose body he borrows, only because he knows how your heart is soft for the lives of mortals, and once upon a time it opened up for him who is not. You thank him, and Sukuna knows he is powerless to anything you ask of him.
 You are only an arms reach away, and the combination of your scent and the way your mannerisms are familiar bring him as close to giddiness as he can allow. And then, however far-fetched, Sukuna thinks you might reach out and touch him, and he is ready to lean forward and accept your hand.
But Gojo Satoru is at the door, and when you turn to look at him, Sukuna is all but forgotten. The way you smile and preen for him is abhorrent, and in an unprecedented move of cowardice, Sukuna releases control back to Itadori Yuji, if only so he doesn’t have to watch as your husband stakes his claim on you. 
And then he hears you arguing with Gojo, and it dashes whatever pleasant emotion was building inside of him at the unexpected opportunity to see you. For once, Sukuna thinks he might be grateful for Itadori Yuji when he effectively ends the conversation. The vehement hatred in your voice and the words you spat repeat viciously inside his head, and Sukuna is demanding that Itadori flee the room so he no longer has to look at you. It pains him. You pain him. And truthfully, that has to be the underlying reason for why Sukuna lashes out at you in the middle of a ravine on a dark night. 
He relishes in the brief connection of your bodies, and allows himself the smallest inhale of your scent before he can bear it no longer and throws himself from you. Sukuna is torn between his anger at you and his need to concern himself with your wellbeing. Instead, he takes to diligently scouring the surrounding trees to ensure there isn’t hidden danger lurking. 
When you ask him in a voice that is timid and unsure to explain to you what really happened a millennium ago, fury mounts as Sukuna hears your words play back again inside his head. Did you deserve to know something so sacred to him? Would you carefully listen or trample all over the truthfulness of it, considering it as nothing more than an unfortunate story? Sukuna doesn’t know if he’s able to withstand that kind of wound from you tonight, and in a poor attempt at self protection, he does what he’s best at—what is in his nature. 
There are tears running down your cheeks that you don’t seem to notice. You look at him in fear and trembling, and something inside Sukuna despairs. You don’t know that there has never been a need for you to cower under him. That once long ago, you meet his fury and ire with bared teeth of your own, fiercely strong and unafraid. You can smooth away Sukuna’s temper with nothing more than a stroke of your skin against his, but you will not. Not with the way you’re looking at him now, and Sukuna knows he’s put you on the path of hating him. 
He does not know the point of it, or what benefit doing so serves him. Sukuna supposes it’s because he has no idea what to do with you now. There is no feasible path he can see that would bring you back to him. He knows your loyalty would never broker space for him in your heart after already dedicating yourself to Gojo Satoru. He doubts the white-haired sorcerer would share you, and Sukuna detests the idea of it even more.
To follow through with his threat and rip your lover from you would only further sway you into the camp of others who conspire against him in this age and obliterate any hope that you would willingly come to him. That aside, inflicting you with the same pain of loss that he experienced after your death is too cruel, even for a creature like him. 
In a last ditch attempt, Sukuna could surrender himself completely to the authority of today’s jujutsu (Gojo Satoru, again) and remain obediently imprisoned inside Itadori Yuji in exchange for getting to watch you from afar. He thinks he owes you that at least; a long-lived life with the person you love. 
But that idea wars with Sukuna’s very being. He would never prostrate himself so lowly and submit himself to be controlled in such humiliation. But he always swore that nothing would come before you, and there is no else worthy of his complete submission than you. Though, Sukuna worries this alternative would drive him to the edge—if not into complete—madness. Subjecting himself to a lifetime of watching you love another the same way you once loved him seems like an effective way of destroying himself. 
Thus, Sukuna remains directionless and hides in the coverage of the trees. He wants to watch you for just a moment longer before he has to give control back to the brat. It aches him to see how you wipe tears from your cheek and then roll your shoulders back to shake off any lingering emotion. The sight is so familiar, so quintessentially you, but only in a time before this, and he desperately wishes he was still there.
Ryomen Sukuna misses you, even when you are standing right in front of him.
A/N: I am sorry if this chapter felt unpolished compared to the rest. As soon as I started to feel better on Friday, my toddler got sick and has been since then. I didn't get to devote the same amount of quality time editing this chapter as I would have liked, and I don’t anticipate that changing until my little one is better. If the final chapter isn't posted on Wednesday like I originally planned, it should only be a day or to delayed (but I don't think it will be).
Thank you all <3
Taglist (open): @kalopsia-flaneur ; @kafanizdakicokiyi ; @rosso-seta ; @lululala06
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profoundbondfanfic · 3 months
Sweet Hunter Dean meets...
Sweet Hunter Dean meets... by tomatora (@calmcassiopeia) Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 6k
And the fact that this— this eldritch horror, this mass of light and energy, eyes and wings and limbs and whatever else — knowing that it's here, with Dean, that something so colossal even just acknowledges his existence, not to mention cares so deeply about him — it makes Dean feel so, so many things, but primarily (and the realisation is actually mortifying), primarily, it makes him horny. [Dean tries to have a serious conversation but constantly gets side-tracked by his dick.]
A somewhat cracky concept with a whole lot of heart, Dean is reeling post-finale trying to understand what Cas meant when he said the one thing he wanted was the thing he couldn't have. He had Dean. He has Dean. And now the angel has been avoiding him. Dean prays to Cas to try to resolve it and the angel shows up - in all his trueform glory. Now they just need to talk about things.
Unfortunately for Dean, he's finds Cas' trueform extremely distracting.
In a horny way.
This little fic is a standout fix-it for me by mixing some silly, second hand embarrassment with some really beautiful emotions. The end result packs a lot of punch. There are so many bits I love about this fic. The way Dean recognizes Cas. The way he immediately thinks he's beautiful. It's such a delightful little read.
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Ok so I have a dorky request… I loved your MM fics and especially loved Donnie’s wholesome family one, SO CUTE!! Aww my heart!
Anyway I was wondering if you could do one where the reader has been friends with the family since they were kids like toddlers. And one day at dinner Splinter makes a comment about how they are part of the family and like a sister. The boys get uncomfortable and make gagging noises and the reader is just like ‘??? I thought you liked me?’ And the reason they didn’t like the sister comment is because they have a crush on them? It can be one of them or all of them or separate I don’t care.
Anyway I LOVE YOUR WORK! I have low key been stalking your blog for content…but before anything take care of yourself!! Drink water, eat food, and get rest! Ok love ya, bye!!!
Family Friend (Fluff)
MM!Raphael x reader
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A/N: You’re an absolute cutie! Please continue your stalking as much as you want💚😭 I think you would like to know that I had a full breakfast before writing this, and a full glass of water by my side throughout😉 I decided to make this with Raph, because… well, Idk. Guess I’m a little Raph sick this morning lol. Hope you enjoy❤️
Warnings: Spelling, because my dyslexia has been bucking this morning, a little bit cracky at the end😅❤️
Splinter never really liked humans. No actually, he had always kind of hated them. Before he mutated he feared them, and after he just generally disliked them. And all four of his sons knew that very well. He had warned them several times, telling them never to get close to the humans that lived above ground, unless they wished to get hurt, or even worse, milked. Splinter used to tell his sons horrible stories about the humans, and how they hated everything that they didn’t understand. Well, that was with one exception; you.
First time you met the turtles and their rat father was by pure accident. Somehow, at the age of four years old, you had managed to get lost in the sewers, crying for your parents, unsure which way to go. Therefore you sat down, bawling your eyes out in the middle of the gross sewers of New York City, believing that this would be the last of you, and that you never would see your parents again. But to your luck, somebody heard you. Somewhere in the sewers, not far away, four turtle brothers heard crying, running to their father screaming about a ghost outside in the sewers.
Splinter, being the caring father that he was, told them he would go out and take a look for them, thinking it was probably nothing but the imagination of his sons. And that’s how Splinter ventured out in the sewer, his four year old sons following closely in his heels, before they found you crying somewhere in the corner.
Splinter’s first reaction was to run, leaving you behind while he tried to bring his sons back home safely. But his sons, being so incredibly slippery and hard to catch, with their big love for humans, had already taken a great liking to you, not leaving your side until Splinter agreed to bring you back to the lair. And that was how you spent the next few hours, safely in the lair, cuddled up with four mutant turtle toddlers, while Splinter tried to locate your family.
After that day, Splinter relaxed, thinking that his family was once again safe and hidden away from the humans. So could you imagine his shock when you stood in the doorway, asking if his sons wanted to come and play with you in the sewer. Even more shocked were he to see his sons already at your side, big puppy eyes as they waited for his permission. Splinter had already lost that battle.
Over the next eleven years, you would become a common occurrence in the brothers’ lives. Whenever you got the chance you would find yourself in the lair, hanging out with the boys that would become your closest friends. Even Splinter started to take a liking to you, even if it took a little longer than it had done with his sons. It went so far that he would invite you down to the sewers for family dinners, holidays and birthday parties, and even bring you gifts on your own birthdays.
You would become one of the few connections the boys had to the outside world, other than their few grocery runs every now and then. When the five of you weren’t playing video games, watching movies or running through the sewers or dark alleyways and rooftops, they would hang over your shoulder, watching as you did your homework, asking you all sorts of questions about human schools.
Raphael however, asked more than the others. How big was your school? Was it just like the schools in the movies you've watched together? And your teachers, were they just as horrible, and did they give you a lot of homework? The content of your homework however, didn’t interest him much. But watching you do them while telling him about your day was what he found interesting. Sitting at the kitchen table, balancing his sai between his finger and table, head resting on his other arm, stealing glances at you when you weren’t looking, deeply invested in whatever subject you were studying. He couldn’t help but hide a smile against his arm, whenever he saw you bite your lip in frustration.
Raphael’s brothers weren’t blind. They had noticed the way he would act whenever you were around, comparing it to how Leonardo would react whenever he saw a girl in a movie; awestruck. He was the first to greet you in the lair, and often the one to ask if you would come down for a visit. Once you would be in the lair, he would hover around you, unconsciously doing anything he could to stay close to you. How you still hadn’t noticed Raphael’s growing crush on you was a wonder to them. The way he would try to hug you longer than any of his brothers, and how he would poke you throughout the movie. His crush was so obvious, he might as well have been screaming it out loud in the lair. And yet you didn’t notice. But that wouldn’t last long.
It was regular Thursday evening, and you had once again been invited down to the lair for dinner with the turtles and their father. It went how it usually did, with Splinter and Michelangelo making dinner, while the three others kept you entertained. I didn’t take much, as you always found yourself having a great time in the lair.
After dinner was made, and the boys reluctantly had set the table, all of you sat down to eat. You talked about school, and that one test you had been nervous about. Splinter listened with a proud smile as you told him how it went. It did not matter to him what grade you got or how far you were in class. What mattered was how brave you had felt, making Splinter feel like a proud parent, remembering the scared little girl he and his sons found in the sewer. And it was with that feeling of proud fatherhood, that Splinter made what was meant to be a friendly comment, to who he now considered a surrogate daughter.
“It makes me happy to know you felt brave today. I think all of us feel so”, Splinter said, gesturing to the smiles on his sons’ faces. “Your growth makes me proud, but not just as a friend. (Y/N), I hope you know that we view you not just as a close friend of the family, but as a part of the family itself, like a daughter and sister”.
You smiled at Splinter, wanting to tell him how much it meant to you, and that you too felt like their family had become like a second home to you. But you couldn’t before laughter erupted from the boys, along with gagging noises, fingers pointing down their throat as they acted as if they were going to throw up. Raph however stared at his food in horror. No way his dad just said that to you!
You looked at the boys in confusion. It wasn’t uncommon for them to tease you, lightly commenting on your human looks or your smell. Nothing you couldn’t take. But that moment was different. Raphael avoided eye contact, head docked low looking displeased at his father. But his brothers looked like they were having the time of their lives, sending teasing smiles Raph’s way, making him cross his arms over his plastron, sulking even further into his chair.
“Hey!”, you said, catching their attention. “Don’t look that sad. I thought you liked me”.
“Oh, we like you, okay”, Donatello said, turning his attention towards Raphael with mischief in his eyes, nudging him with his elbow. “Some more than others”, he sang, wiggling his brows. Raph scowled at his brother, crossing his arms tighter. He now regretted sitting beside you, forcing himself to look away from you, his cheeks burning hot under his mask.
“Maybe you should quit it out, Donnie”, Leo said, a smile still plastered on his face. “You know how he gets when we tease him about that”.
“Shut it”, Raph grumbled, sliding even further down the chair, until he was almost laying on his shell.
“Teasing about what?”, you asked, still not fully understanding what was going on. “What is wrong with your dad saying I’m part of the family?”
The brothers giggled, before Mikey stood, hands cupped around his mouth as he yelled, “Raph has a crush on (Y/N)”.
“That’s it!”, Raph yelled, standing from his chair making his brothers jump in laughter. “Come here you little shits!”
You and Splinter watched as Raph chased his brothers around the lair, telling them to stop as they yelled about everything his crush on you had made him do or say.
“Okay, maybe you’re not like a sister to everyone”, Splinter said with you nodding in agreement, a small smile creeping up on your lips. Family or not, these boys meant everything to you, and you could not imagine a day without them.
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blueninjablade3 · 20 days
“Why don’t you trust me?” Part 2.
Part One here: x
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You couldn’t believe you were doing this. It was downright insane. You looked across the vast green river groaning and never-ending river. The souls in the river swim the same way. They all crawl by. To think those people once had lives. Family. Jobs. Loved ones.
You shivered at the thought. Death was a natural part of life, yes, but seeing the dead crawl about miserably in their afterlife was jarring, to say the least.
You noticed one thing. Not a single one was trying to climb back on the boat. It was strange, to say the least. On every trip with Charon across the river, someone would try to steal a ride. But the souls seemed… dead? Well, that was a given. But still…
You reached your warm (S/C) (skin color) hand out over the river. Not a single soul tried pulling your warm into the river with them. Usually, they would gladly yank you into the river the second they could grab onto you. You knew Hades had been rough on them before on a good day before. You could only imagine what he did when you had left.
Pain and Panic were chewing on their nails. A habit you had tried to break in the past. However, many years of this habit were hard to break, and you eventually had to give up. You watched as they stared uncertainty in their eyes. The po-
The sound of deafening and intimidating barks ran out and rang loudly against the seemingly never-ending underworld. Your eyes lit up. You could stop for a minute to pet your big ole puppy.
“Charon? Please let Pain, Panic, and I off at Cerberus’ den?” You asked, hopeful to see your puppy. You had missed him so much while on your break.
“I can but be advised I can’t wait for you to finish petting Cerberus. I have to go pick up other souls…” Charon rasped out. His voice was cracky and dry like an 80-year-old who smokes a pack a day.
You nodded. You could deal with that. You’d just catch a ride the next time he went by.
“Come on P&P! I wanna see Cerbbie!” You were practically bouncing with energy. Pain and Panic honestly were scared off Cerbbie. You just couldn’t bring yourself to care as your sandals touched the warm ground of the underworld.
You began sprinting toward the large-3-headed dog.
“Cerbbie!” You cheerfully called.
Cerberus with his blood-red eyes instantly recognized you and began wagging his tail so fast his entire body had the shakes. He began howling and barking in utter delight as he ran over to you.
You began scratching Cerberus's short black fur. His leg thumped against the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head from enjoyment. You missed this… just as you missed Hades.
Hopefully, you can forgive each other…
With Hades,
The lord of the dead paced around his throne room endlessly. What if Pain and Panic failed to convince you to come back? What if you now thought he was a coward and decided you deserved better?! The thoughts ran wildly through his head. It was all his fault. If he had just been upfront and honest he could have kept you safe, in his arms, he could have kept you comfy!
Of course, the underworld was a cold and lonely place but you didn’t mind! As far as Hades knew…
You were his rock, his love, the sun to his moon. His-
Hades heard Cerebus all the way across the underworld. Ever since Y/N had left Cerebus had barked at Charon every time his boat passed. The mutt couldn’t get it in his heads that you probably weren’t coming back. Hades could see how upset it made the dog to have his favorite human not come back over a long period.
Then Hades heard more barks. Were more souls making a break for it? Ugh. He was in the middle of moping!
“I swear to Zeus if more souls are making a break for it-“ Hades cut himself off and sighed. He’d clean up his appearance a bit. Make sure no one can see tear marks if he has any.
He splashed some water on his face. The cool liquid gave him a little jolt of energy that he’d need to deal with these souls.
With a quick poof, Hades disappeared in a small poof of grey smoke. Off for an unexpected but welcome surprise.
Back With Y/N and the PUPPY (And Hades now!)❤️❤️❤️
Hades’ eyes widen to the size of diner plates. You-You- You you were here! With him?! You stood there looking ever more attractive than the day he met you. He truly believed you rivaled Aphrodite in every aspect. Your body, your eyes, your personality, and even your laugh as you pet his GUARD DOG. Ugh, you spoiled Cerbbie too much.
Hades tried to think of something, ANYTHING, to say to you. Lord, he had never been so tongue-tied. Hades' heart pounded like a beating drum. His breath shaky. Say something damn it!
“Are you an Angel?” Hades asked. Oh. My. Zeus. That was the stupidest thing he’d ever said. The normal charm and fast-speaking god was reduced to a bumbling buffoon all because of you! Zeus have mercy!
You jumped slightly at the all-too-recognizable voice. How did he kn- well Cerbbie had been loud. Well, this saved you a lot of time- wait did he say you looked like an angel.
You flushed a bright red blush. You prayed that Hades didn’t see it. Oh, but he did. It gave him all the confidence he needed to explain himself. A speech he had practiced multiple times in his head began spilling from his lips in a velvety smooth fashion.
“My beloved, I’m so sorry for telling you about the plan to take over Olympus. I was just so afraid of you getting hurt, or the plan failing and you suffering because of it. I was so scared that I didn’t realize that my effort to protect you from being hurt would hurt you so badly and I’m so sorry for not letting you have any freedom. Please, forgive me, come back my love. I’ll do anything.” Hades begged laying out all his feelings and thoughts on the table. He had never been good about being vulnerable. But you could tell this came from the heart. He truly was sorry.
You smiled gently at Hades. That apology was all you needed. He may not have been the greatest or kindest god out there but he was your god. Which was more than enough.
With a slight bit of pep in your step, you walked over, got on your tippy toes, and planted the most gentle loving kiss you could give. Hades moved his lips gently against yours. His love was restored to him.
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“I forgive you Hades. But if you ever keep something like that from me again your ass is grass.” You replied in a fully serious manner. You watched as Hades gave a lopsided smirk before going in for another kiss. You were home.
Tags: @makanirock05 @yuminumi29
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scekrex · 5 months
I just had one of those weird spontaneous thoughts in my head. I don't know how or why, but suddenly I imagined a wedding scene. While taking his oath, Adam, saying that he pledge his heart and soul to the reader, suddenly blurted out "and my dick". An awkward situation arose, so the reader, while taking his oath, pledged "my love, soul and my ass" to Adam, to make it slightly better. Because he can see Adam's face and know that the first man is very embarrassed because he wanted this to be perfect...
Again I don't know how or why, it just happened, so I decided to write about this to you :)))
Oh my fucking god if ya should ever have ideas like this (slightly cracky) in the future lemme know about em bc I love writing crack fics for reader & Adam
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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The scenery was perfect, planned to the latest detail and when you watched as your fiancè walked down the aisle with Lute by his side, you found yourself unable to hold back a smile. How you had managed to get Adam to agree to this was a totally different story though, while he had been quick to agree to marrying you, he had tried to talk you into walking down the aisle until Lute had offered to be the one who would accompany Adam.
The wedding location was heaven's glorious beach, a spot you had always liked ever since you had crossed the pearly gates. And given that this was not only your favorite spot in all of heaven - right after Adam’s arms of course - but also the location you and Adam hung out the most often if you weren’t chilling at your shared house, it was very obvious to the both of you that this would also be the location where the both of you would seal the bond of loving each other ‘til the very end.
Awaiting you reached out for Adam’s hand and when the first man took yours and let you pull him close, you felt the nervousness leave your body a little, holding onto Adam had helped calming your nerves right from the start, even before the both of you had started dating, it was only natural that his presence would cause your body to relax and give into his soft touch, “Hey there, stupidly handsome,” you grinned at your soon-to-be-sprouse, that grin of yours was met by an equally cocky one as the brunette looked down at you. His gaze drifted to the crowd for a second, spotting Lute in the place that had been reserved for her. The exorcist was looking proud, she seemed to genuinely enjoy the ceremony. And so were the other guests who had already taken their place.
The angelic priest that you two had chosen stepped up to you, his hands gently rested on Adam’s whose hands were holding onto yours. “In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit,” he spoke with a voice sounding as clear as crystals. The guests rose from their seats and responded, “Amen.” The priest closed his eyes and so you looked back at Adam as the man continued his speech and the welcoming of all the divine souls, ““Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” The crowd imitated him, they closed their eyes and tilted their heads slightly upwards, speaking to the mighty father above, “And with your spirit.” When your eyes met Adam’s you spotted joy and happiness, pure, raw emotions that resembled how excited the first man was to marry you, to call you his for all of eternity, in God’s mighty and all loving name. A soft, warm smile met yours and you squeezed Adam’s hands lightly as the priest spoke up yet again, “Dearly beloved, you have come together so that in the presence of the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal.”
The crowd sat down as the priest moved his head in order to look at you and Adam and as his eyes spotted the love each of you held into your eyes for the other, he knew Adam and you had made the right choice. “Y/N and Adam,” he started with soft spoken words as he lifted his hands from the brunette’s, "Have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?” Your eyes flickered from the preacher to your soon-to-be-sprouse as the both of you responded with an assuring, “Yes, I have.” With a nod of approval the man who was about to tie the knot spoke, "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?” And without hesitation the two of you agreed, “I am.”
The preacher looked at you with softened eyes, then he turned his head towards Adam, offering the first man a reassuring smile, “Declare your consent before God.” You felt as the brunette’s hands got all sweaty and you felt them shaking a little. In comfort you spread your wings and covered the crowd and the priest’s view with them to give Adam as much privacy as you were to create. You understood why he was so nervous, who wouldn’t be after the women who had been created for his soul left him? Not you though, you were forever gonna be his husband. “Go on,” you whispered as your eyes locked onto Adam’s and the first man seemed to drown in the kindness and love they held for his soul, despite dating you for a couple thousand years, he was always surprised when he looked into your eyes and found so much love that you were feeling for him. The brunette cleared his throat as he copied you and spread his wings as well, given that his wings were way bigger than yours, they shielded both of you from curious eyes entirely, they left every little movement of yours to the imagination of the people around you.
“I, Adam, take you, Y/N, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life,” as he spoke the words he lowered the wings, you were quick to copy his movements, if the first man was ready to be seen, so were you. “I pledge to you my heart and my soul, my love and my desire,” for a moment he went silent and you thought he was done, but then Adam did the most him-coded thing in all of heaven. He squeezed your hands as he rolled his eyes and offered you a lazy grin, “Well, and of fucking course I pledge to you my dick as fucking well.”
You heard the outraged m gasps from the audience but really, you could not care any less about Adam’s choice of words, this was who he truly was after all, this was the man you were marrying, not someone who would simply repeat the words some other man wrote for him. In the corner of your eye you saw as Lute rolled her eyes, yet she had an amused smirk on her lips. The band mates of Adam seemed shocked and yet not surprised at all, they knew their lead singer and guitarist way too well to not have suspected such a thing.
And despite the audience disagreeing with your point of view, no one stepped up or actually commented on it. You yourself tried your best to hold back the laughter that was trying to bubble from your throat, now was not the right time to be amused by the first man’s choice of words. The preacher next to you seemed less amused by Adam not taking things as serious as he had hoped the brunette would, yet he also bit back a comment and let it slide. You nudged the priest with the tip of your wing as he continued to grumpily look at your soon-to-be-sprouse before you spoke up, I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.” Gently you squeezed Adam’s hands as your facial expression turned equally cocky to the brunette’s, “I pledge to you my heart and my soul, my love and my lust, my ass and my mouth” A moment of silence rolled over the ceremony, no one really knew how to deal with the subtle yet so unfitting changes you had decided to make, but that left Adam and you unbothered.
This time it was Adam who nudged the preacher with his wing, trying to get the man to continue with the ceremony, it took him a moment to understand but then he cleared his throat loudly and continued his speech, “May the Lord in his kindness strengthen the consent you have declared before Him and graciously bring to fulfillment his blessings within you. What God has joined, let no one put asunder."
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hamsterclaw · 1 year
Fic Library: Jimin
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Lost and Found by @kimvtae. An idolverse AU featuring Jimin as a problematic idol who gets sent for rehab in America, where he meets reader. Beautiful writing and reformed bad boy Jimin is characterised so well here.
Adonis by @xjoonchildx. Jimin's a hot paramedic who you meet with a little help from the little old lady next door. Funny, cute and written in Ana's incomparable style.
Put it on me by @jimilter features models Jimin and reader on a shoot and it's laugh out loud funny, snappy and smutty. So so good.
La Grande Maison by @softyoongiionly features Jimin x reader and is a mystery/thriller with great scene-setting and beautifully realised friendships.
I know a place by @augustbutwinter has Jimin and a gender-neutral reader in a sweet pining story about unrequited love.
Fall like moondrops by @madbutgloriouspond is a beautiful story set in a just-post-college AU featuring a dancer Jimin who's determined, sweet, and an all-round decent guy. It captures the end-of-summer vibe and apprehension about upcoming change perfectly.
Devil's in the backseat by @ugh-yoongi is a sexy, smutty tale with banter that's sparky and so so funny, featuring Jimin x f! reader in an established relationship.
Headrush (It's too sweet) by the uber-talented @minisugakoobies is a spiky, sexy, fun, headrush featuring stylist reader and idol Jimin.
Neon Seoul by @readyplayerhobi has a noir murder mystery set in a cyberpunk dystopia and features detectives Jimin x reader. The worldbuilding is stellar.
Make an offer by @bangtanintotheroom features an irresistibly sexy Jimin in a sugar daddy/sugar baby AU.
Of stars erased by @fantasybangtan. I'm a sucker for dystopian future AUs, and this is a story that makes me reflect on how lucky I am to be able to read stories like this, for free. Incredible storytelling by a fantastic writer.
An Ghealach by @theharrowing is sexy horror at it's best. A haunting, ambiguous, unreliable-narrator tale featuring linguist Jimin and a mysterious OC.
Like Crazy by @thatlongspringnight is a beautifully realised story about loneliness and seeking solace in transience that features Jimin x f! reader.
Blunt Rotation by @gimmethatagustd is a law school AU featuring pretty boy Jimin and weed girl reader. Funny, chaotic and razor sharp.
Weight by @augustbutwinter features Jimin x f! reader and is set in a semi-historical, royal AU, where nothing is quite as it seems.
Menace by @eoieopda features Jimin x Kim! reader in an irresistible relationship dynamic characterised by brattiness and hate sex and a Jimin who lives up to the title of the story. So so good.
The airport couple: P(ass)enger from hell by @dovechim features frequent traveller Jimin and TSA agent reader and is so good I've reread it time and again. Cracky, hilarious and Jimin is perfectly written as an outrageous little shit.
On the borderline by @jimilter is a friends to lovers AU in progress that's a super fun read - deliciously smutty, angsty and infused with Ash's signature brand of humour.
Red flag by @xjoonchildx has rich boy Jimin x reader in a witty, sparkling smutty caper that's a romp of a read.
Shadows in the graveyard by @minisugakoobies is sexy, kitschy, schlocky horror at it's best featuring reader x Jimin stranded in the woods.
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devouringbodies · 1 year
Hiiii I was wondering if you have a fic rec list 👉🏻👈🏻
Omg hi!!! I just went through my bookmarks and found some of my favorites!! Literally I had the hardest time narrowing down, I've got so many I love, also some I can't remember the Exact plot of that I'm sure I absolutely love and have just forgotten. So I definitely have more up my sleeve if anyone wants more. Head the tags for some of these.
The Enticement of Suffering by jonnimir - latest fic I just read, gory and sexy wound fucking coda to dolce. if you're into that it's SO GOOD
Not Quite Charity by @stranded-labyrinth - au first meeting between Will and Hannibal, hannibal leaves his car in a run down area of Baltimore and will, who's homeless, heckles him about it and Hannibal decides to pay him to watch it for him. I love this will sm!! It's a really interesting look at their dynamic, and is super in character and just a fun au study!!
Perda de memória by bleakmidwinter - amnesia!hannibal post fall fic. I'm actually a sucker for amnesia aus and love the angst in this. It adds an element to Will's struggle and decision making that makes his mindset post fall all the more interesting. And I love how much hannibal is still hannibal despite not remembering hardly anything.
Everything casts a shadow by @ghostforwhat - i looooove season 2 Will killing more people. I can't ever get enough of it. It's written so well and believably here, and the way it changes the course of the season is super fascinating. Currently a wip.
Wolf and I by t_pock - so so sooo fucking good. One of my favorites. It also has a Podfic as well and I love Podfics soo much and relisten to it often. Season 1 au that has more elements of horror, creepiness, symbolism and hands down the best, hottest, wildest forest chase sequence I've ever read. This fic feels more like a folk or fairy tale it's so good, especially paired with the beautiful art the podficer made, as well as the music they paired with the Podfic. Can't recommend this one enough.
A night off the record by barcharonte - season 1 au again, where on the way to Minnesota hannibal and will get snowed in and have to take shelter somewhere. Will is still losing time and hallucinating. Hannibal still tries to take advantage of course. Fun times to be had.
Between ease and foresight by devotional_doldrums - season 1 au (can you tell I like these? Lol) where wills and Hannibal's metaphorical conversations get a little too on the nose and Will finds out. SUPER good hannibal pov, I want to eat parts of this fic the writing is so good, and the author's notes are hilarious.
Sings to me nightly, sings to me brightly by serindrana - psychic connection phone sex what more could you want!!
The joy of creation by fkahersweetness - super dark mute!will post fall. I wouldn't say I think this is Actually how a post fall dynamic would be but in the universe of this fic it's so so sooo amazing. I love the surreality and implied shared visions/psychosis connection that will and Hannibal have here. Also the ending layed me tf out for days.
Radon and its daughters by @chaparral-crown - best most believable and realistic abo au ever. Nuff said.
Speaking of abo the one where Will smells like blood to hannibal, so good. I'll probably survive this by saintsavage
Pochée by ellopoppet - season 1 au! Also with a Podfic, Will's away on a case but is still getting closer to hannibal through texts and calls.
Mon chéri by sandyquinn - cracky Addams family au esque one shot. Just super cute and silly. I'm picky about my cute and silly but the Addams family morbidity fits comedy hannigram to a T.
Never let it starve by northern - another Will finds out in season 1, I truly can't get enough of these. Also bonus bug boy will!!!
Let the river rush in by several - Explores an actual psychic connection between the boys, again I'm a huge fan of this trope.
Hyacinth house by bluesyturtle - MY BELOVED!!!! One of my top top faves, season 1 au, cool cases, great relationship dynamic between the boys, and im obsessed with how this fic portrays Will's empathy and how it plays with his gender a bit. Love the story, love the ending. Also with Podfic!
Pattern break by thisbeautifuldrowning - dark Will au season 2 where he doesn't plot with Jack or go back to the fbi and deals with Hannibal himself. LOVE how this one plays out.
Bloodline by xzombiezkittenx - VAMPIRE AU MY LOVEEEEE this fic is an utter joy if you like vamp aus. The world building is great.
A consequence of consumption by ironlotus - straight up hands down my favorite fic in the fandom I think. It's still a wip, but it's one of the best characterizations, writing, plot, and just perfect outstanding everything I've seen in this fandom. It's an au where before all the events of season 1, Will is kidnapped by Eldon stamments and is kept alive and rescued eventually. It's peak "Will's milkshake brings all the serial killers to the yard" trope and the way everything is woven together, the storylines and character motivations, is just crazy good. Also one of my most favorite hannibal pov and characterizations out there.
Ok that was still a lot, I'm sorry if I missed tagging anyone, and hopefully the links all work!
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buckysmith · 2 years
Request from TikTok
How the TFP Decepticons and TFP Autobots react to y/n/ reader being sick
Includes: Megatron, Shockwave, Soundwave, Starscream, Dreadwing, Predaking, Knockout, Breakdown, ratchet and Optimus Prime.
Slight mocking words about you being a human
- He isn't used to human sicknesses so he wouldn't really notice it. I mean for sure there's plent of sicknesses for his own kind but they are quite different from human sicknesses.
- The moment he notice something is different with his little human he would look at you like YOU did something wrong.
- If you tell him your sick the first thing he would ask „are you gonna die now fleshy?" (Quite lovely isn't he)
- Another reason for him to think humans are lowly creatures
- If you just happen to have a cold he would tell you to get over it
- But if your sick sick, like fever, throwing up and other nasty stuff he would get a little worried
- He would get you to knockout and if he has no plan, well, he would use soundwave to find the best doc he can find in the USA (he would let the doc kidnap)
- It's not like he cares for you (He tells himself that everytime he's going to you check up on you if your feeling better or need smt)
- Maybe, just maybe it depends on how attached he is, he would pick you up or pet you.
- Oh, an he can reproduce heat in his chest and neck area so he would most likely put you there
- He would catch you caugh more than twice with a running nose and a cracky voice
- He would be confused.
- Are you ok? Was that normal for human?
- He would watch you a good while not sure if he could ask you what was wrong with you, or if it was inappropriate.
- After he asked you he would make sure to help you to get over whatever you have.
- He wouldn't be great at it tho, but at least he would try.
- Expect a lot of „insults" like „you humans are so weak, you could easily die" „hello my weak fleshy human, are you doing alright?"
- But in the end he would give you some blankets to hold you warm and to make you comfortable (he would sneak you into his Quaders on the nemesis and nobody would notice it, well soundwave would but he wouldn't mind he already knows that starscream has a little human friend)
- he would know your ill before even you know.
- He knows a lot of things especially do to his connection to the internet.
- He would look up the things you might have
- He would panic
- Humans can die cause of a cold!? He didn't know that( what do we learn about that? Don't google your symptoms)
- After a while and a lot of data, he would know that humans can die do to a cold but in most cases they don't unless they were ill before or old.
- Would ask you to take medicine and to take rest
- He would recommend healthy food and recipes for you to make
- Isn't quite a talker but would send you sms asking you if your feeling better
- If not he would take you to the nemesis to take care of you cause obviously you can't do that on your own
- He would give you a lot of blankets and pillows so you could rest while he's working
- Don't expect him to help you.
- Expect him to mock you
- If you mean something to him he might help you like driving you to the human doc or driving you to a shopping center so you could get groceries without taking the bus or driving by yourself
- But Don't. You. Dare. Puke. In. Him
- He would have a mental breakdown right away
- He would also make snarky comments about you being ill cause he can't take you to street races in the middle of the night and how weak you are
- If your really really ill he will take care of you. I mean he's a doc (somehow) so he can at least give you some comfort.
- The moment he notice that you don't behave like you normally do he brings you to knockout asking his mech friend what to do with you
- He wouldn't listen to you, you're human, you don't know how serious it might be (yes, he believes he knows much more about your human sicknesses than YOU a HUMAN do)
- Knockout wouldn't know what to do with you either so he would recommend his friend to take you to a human doctor.
- You would assure him that you in fact don't need a human doctor cause you just have a cold.
- He wouldn't mind and take you to a doc.
- if you insist on not going to a doctor, he wouldn't push you, but at the same time he would be very worried cause he doesn't rlly understand that you do in fact not die do to your cold
- Expect him to give you a lot of affection and blankets, he would wrap you up like a burrito
- Honestly, I don't think he would mind that much that your ill or at least if you're just ordinary human that supports the decepticons but if you're a friend of him or maybe even more he would ask you what's wrong with you cause he would notice it right away
- He would ask you to stay away from him, not cause he doesn't want you to be near him while you're ill. No he would ask you that cause he wants you to rest at your home, far away from his scientist stuff and other stuff which could possibly be negative for your „healing" process
- He would do some research to help you and to be sure you don't have something bad
- He would bring you stuff tho, like blankets, heating pads, medicine, food he thinks is good for humans that are ill and other logical stuff.
- He's a busy and most of the time emotionless mech who just thinks logical, but for you he might be a little less logical but just maybe.
- He would notice that something is wrong with his little human, but he wouldn't really understand why you were feeling unwell
- You would need to explain to him why exactly you were feeling unwell
- He would ask you what he can do for you so that you're feeling better
- Would bring you to knockout the moment you're coughing
- What you humans don't die? But it sounded like that!
- Would try to prevent you from ever getting ill again cause he doesn't like it to see you weaker than you're already are
- The moment you tell him you can't visit him cause you're ill and need rest, he's on his way to support you through your illness.
- He's your personal heater and even though he is a grumpy dude, for you he would do anything.
- He would take you with him, he's a busy mech after all but on the other hand he wants you to be as near as you can possible be
- You were weak before, but now? Oh dear prime he's all over you like your personal hellhound
- Nobody, really nobody is allowed to approach you until you're feeling better
- Oh dear Primus, he's feed up.
- It's not that he's angry at you cause you're ill. No no, he's mad that most likely some human child *cough miko cough* is guilty of making you ill do to some water prank in the middle of the fucking winter
- He would try to take care of you, while working at the base so he couldn't be there to pemper you 24/7 but he would at least try to help you get over you might have
- He would ask you a lot of questions. How do you feel? Does your stomach still hurts and stuff like that
- in his care you will recover quickly
Optimus Prime:
- He is really really busy mech, means he has a lot of stuff to do but he would notice it right away that something is clearly wrong with you
- He wouldn't wait for you to tell him what's wrong, he would just ask you
- The moment you tell him that your sick he would start a speech about how important it is for you to stay in your bed
- He would give no single fuck why you're not in your bed, he would simply drop you off at your home( if you're in the base and not at home ofc), telling you to rest and commanding the other Autobots to not take you somewhere but the doctor
- He would ask June to check up on you from time to time, but for sure he would visit you too but again, he's busy busy
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braidlottie · 6 months
chase you down until you love me.
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pairing: nat scatorccio x pervert!transmasc!reader
summary: when you catch your friend relapsing, the only thing you could do is drive to his motel to talk him out of it. hopefully he won’t mind that you’ve been spying him with a hidden camera.
tags: smut, nsfw, 18+ (minors dni), dom!nat, age gap, fwb?,,, you're basically misty in this scenario lmao, humiliation, dirty talk, fingering, nat slaps you!!, crying, handjob, no aftercare
wc: 628 >:( this is so bad forgive me (the ending especially)
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"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you exclaimed, chest heaving from running into nat's motel room and throwing the cocaine out of his hands. nat was leaning against the kitchen counter, staring blankly at the wall.
"you just wasted $300 worth of blow." he stared at you now, making you sigh and look at the white powder scattered across the carpet. "look, i'll pay you back. but i couldn't just sit there and watch you destroy your life."
nat's eyebrows furrowed, watching you look back and forth between him and the owl. "watch me?"
he takes the statue in his hands and throws it down, smashing it on the ground and startling you. he picks up the wireless camera among the debris, holding it up to his face with an agonizing look.
"you were spying on me?" he tilted his head to the side.
"is that what you were doing, you little pervert?"
"i was just trying to protect you!" you lied terribly, digging yourself a deeper grave.
"stop it. how do i- how can i trust you? you're so full of shit!"
nat took a breath, gripping the roots of his hair. "knowing how fucking weird you are, you're probably getting off on this right now."
you didn't even try to protest. nat scoffed, a playful smirk playing on his face.
"you nasty little shit. c'mere." you didn't want to, but you knew nat would make you. you were walking a little too slow for his liking, making him push you up against the counter, your head almost hitting the cabinet behind you.
"you watched me all day, didn't you? i was your own little source of entertainment. watching me and kevyn fuck? i bet you liked that. i know you did." he hissed. "i want you to admit it."
when he got no answer, you weren't expecting a giant slap across the face. "answer me."
"mm- i did like it. seeing you fuck him. i- i wanted it to be me."
there was silence between the two of you before nat spoke again. "you sick little freak."
his words filled with venom and humiliation seemed to get to you, a tear making its way down your cheek. "oh, don't cry now. i thought you wanted this." he got even closer, your noses were almost touching. his hand reached your belt, the buckle as he loosened it, his green eyes staring you down like a hawk.
he felt you squirm, making him hold you firmer in place. once your pants were unbuttoned, he was met with your boner forming a tent in your boxers.
the waistband snapped back before he pulled down, you gasping from the cold air that hit your cock. "natty…"
"god, you're so fucking pathetic." he watched your tdick twitch up every so often from his words. he spit on his hand, coating your dick in it before stroking you.
"yeah… finally getting what you've always wanted. your little cock in my hand." your moans whiny and cracky at his words, trying to rock your hips into him. you sniffed, eyes still teary as the pressure in your stomach blew up like a balloon. "natty, 'm close.."
"aww, you gonna cum for me? gonna make a big mess?" he was so condescending, smiling at the tears streaming down your face. you just nodded, looking up at him with big, glossy eyes. "poor little boy, keeping this in for so long." he pinched your nipple, kissing around the bud. he stopped all of his movements when he heard your final cry, ruining your orgasm.
"what a fucking mess you are." nat looked at your cum stain that dripped onto your boxers. "now get out. and take your fucking camera with you."
taglist:@t4tnat @jaywritessometimes @girltwinklater @kessellluvr @lotties-ashwagandha @shipmanisms
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