#it feels good on my brain 🥰🥰🥰
2024skin · 2 years
what i do respect radblr about is they pushback from conservatives radblr spaces like radtwt would be like ‘we should allow conservatives cuz they have the same goal we do 🤓🤓’ um no those bitches do not
Twitter in its entirety seems like a nightmare tbh. I seriously feel like people on there just use it to be political and stalk other people 🤦‍♀️ I have always preferred tumblr and I am definitely a feminist today because the women on here have offered me so many thoughtful and nuanced and Understanding perspectives, even when I was trans-identifying and totally closed off to what they had to say 💝
also I hate conservatism in both economic and social praxis and I think marxism has a huge influence over 2nd wave feminism in America and radical feminism all over the world, and idek How ladies get into "radical feminism" without realizing that conservative goals are Directly opposed to feminist goals. The only thing modern conservatives and radical feminists have in common is believing that people are the sex that they are born with, and the resemblance ends there.
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whump-queen · 10 months
Do you have any OC’s or Whump scenarios that came along via spite? I know for me I get a lot of inspiration by eating traditional media where they imply something bad did/or is gonna happen, but then they cut right before it!! And I’m like “well I guess I’ll do it myself!!”
Is this pretty much the basis of fanfic yes yes it is but are there any specific instances you remember or want to mention?
Okok you want like specific instances??
How about when there’s a pretty servant boy but he never gets hit/hurt onscreen??
I’ve written a lot of servant whump and I really wish more media would explore the ~full potential~
Like, you’re telling me they never punish this guy??
They never just throw him down and beat the bloody shit out of him for fun?? For things that weren’t even his fault??
like.. He’s meant to take it. It’s literally what he’s there for.
You can beat him to the ground cuz it’s fun. Play mind games with your affection. Set him up to fail and then punish him anyway. Anything goes!
Don’t tell me you don’t wanna slap a pretty servant boy across the face with a couple rings on and hear him apologizing to you~
Leave a few nice bloody marks on his pretty face~ It’ll help him remember what he did.
You’re doing him a favor, really. helping him remember his place~
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speltfields · 4 months
you know how chess masters burn calories like olympic athletes when theyre competing. thats what happens to me when i have to draw something other than a fat guy
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breezere · 2 years
Tumblr media
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
heads up i finally scrambled together enough brain power and caught up with cultivate and i am not going to be normal about it and im going to make it everyone elses problem <33
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HIIII 🥰🥰🥰 helllooo <33
Took a liiitle on-and-off time but I think I should be back now <33 at least for a while :)
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wexhappyxfew · 5 days
i hope your writing is going good 💜💜💜
i *did* get to do a little bit of work with it this morning and a whole lot of writing with it last night as well which was nice!!! :) my time has been SOOOO limited recently with school but when i do have those bits and pieces of time to just sit down and let the creative side of my brain do it’s thing, it is always just so so nice!!!!!
SO THANK YOU SWEET ANON <333333 absolutely so appreciated!!!!
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weed666 · 3 months
getting praised for how i give oral >>>>>>>>
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pxrxmoore · 3 months
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Do you think Tails would like a keyblade?
Oh ho I think Tails would be fascinated with keyblades
I can honestly see in my minds eye one of those gags where someone takes a keyblade only for it to reappear in the owner's hand. Except it's like, Tails being overly excited and treating it as if he's borrowing someone's sword to look it over, only for it to disappear from his hands while he's looking at it😂
I think he'd like to study them and figure out how they work (or possibly replicate them? Make one for himself or Sonic or someone else?), their relationship to chaos energy, etc
If he ended up getting one, I think it would be a bit of a process to get used to it, but ultimately he'd learn how to use the keyblade in a way that suits him. And, of course, with one of his own, I think he'd definitely still end up gathering data and running a lot of tests😂
Although, honestly, now that you've got me thinking about Tails and keyblades, it's hard not to start playing around with the idea of Blacksmith!Tails from Satbk being a sort of keyblade expert or blacksmith of sorts...
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blujayonthewing · 7 months
Future and/or mask for Aubree and/or June? :)
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Juniper has a nasty combo of a martyr complex and a terror of loss and letting go, which could very easily lead to a Bad Ending June who is consumed with desperation to avoid or undo a terrible fate befalling someone she loves, and driven by that desperation to give up too much of herself in the process. She's spent a lot of the campaign warning others against making deals with fey, especially more obviously malicious ones, and she's been right to do so-- but it's less that she thinks sensible advice doesn't apply to her, and more that she thinks her (life, personhood, moral code, etc) is worth less than others' sacrificing to protect someone she cares about. I don't think she's... completely unaware of this. It makes her nervous. Themes of self sacrifice for a greater good have already come up in this campaign, for one thing; it's a concept she's had to confront, on some levels. Also, Fengling's backstory villains need her magical/ ceremonial tattoos to stabilize a planar portal that's going to inevitably tear the world apart if it can't be controlled, and while mostly Juniper is, of course, on team 'we have to find a way to defeat the bad guys and save the world,' she was startled by her very first impulse being 'Good. They deserve to have to live to helplessly watch the apocalypse they caused by violently driving Fengling away.' There's a tiny part of June that would rather let the world literally burn than risk those people getting their hands on Fengling again, and it scares her-- so, she's definitely aware her own moral compass can be compromised.
The thing is, mostly her plan for 'don't martyr yourself' is 'try to prevent it from being necessary', and her plan for 'don't compromise your morals' is 'well OBVIOUSLY I wouldn't ACTUALLY do anything evil,' neither of which is... extremely helpful if push ever actually came to shove 😬 TL;DR Bad Ending Juniper permanently gives up her freedom in some way, likely in the sense of actual autonomy or personhood through some supernatural means, in some kind of desperation fey bargain to save someone else.
AUBREE... it's harder to... pinpoint. I feel like a lot of Worst Possible Futures for her are kind of.... out of her hands, in ways that I don't know if they're interesting to talk or hear about? Our warlock keeps looking for excuses teetering on the brink of catastrophic angst explosion; there's definitely a darkest timeline where Lisbet self-destructs in a way that feels meaningless and tears the party apart-- timelines where all of our/ Aubree's efforts to do good in the world feel pointless to the point of inescapable despair-- timelines where she gives up on everything she believes in, the convictions that drive her forward, and ends up drinking the rest of her life away, bitter and jaded and hopeless, regressed to the lowest point of her life and unable to ever recover again. The good news is that this is all very unlikely; she's deeply stubborn and her convictions run very deep, and it would take losing everything she's fought for, which isn't the kind of story our DM is trying to tell. The bad news is that's not a very interesting answer, aaahah.
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Not that she's very good at it, but Juniper is insistent about keeping up the front that she's fine, really, of course she's fine, why wouldn't she be? She's deeply aware of how much more real everyone else's problems are than hers, and doesn't want to burden anyone else with her silly, petty problems (all of them, of course, as far as she's concerned). She's let Fengling in, a little, just once or twice, and she's cracked when pressed once or twice, but for the most part she maintains that she's perfectly fine and no one ever need worry about her, let her do the worrying please, thank you very much
Oof well... on the one hand, for the most part, Aubree is a very straightforward, heart-on-the-sleeves, staunchly only ever Herself sort of person; not wearing a figurative mask no matter what has historically gotten her in more trouble than anything else, but she couldn't be any other way even if she wanted to, which she doesn't. That.... said. She has also become, increasingly, an '... I'm fine.' sort of person as well. Some of the party are fragile to the point of dangerously unstable, some are detached to the point of harshly callous, and we're all sort of bound together by circumstances in a way that makes conflict harder to manage and irreconcilable differences harder to call the relationship quits over. Nearly any time she's voiced concerns, or fears, or grief, or (god forbid) anger, she's been either talked over or shouted down... so...... she's been keeping that shit to herself instead, as much as possible. It's new for her, and she hates it, but it beats any alternative available to her right now, so. I'm sure it's fine (:
ask about my OCs?
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theflyingfeeling · 2 years
For some reason I was thinking about BC’s Fuck marry kill and how everyone else joked around but Joel was all serious about his ”I’d fuck Olli because he’s the most handsome” -answer 😭 like yes we been knew you’re sexually attracted to him (him filming him half naked doing yoga and all that) but. really?? 😭
(and for legal reasons this is a joke)
Joeeeeeellll your bisexuality is showing agaaiiinn 🙄
I mean, I'm convinced the whole fucking band is sexually attracted to Olli (who's completely oblivious to it and think the others are just messing with him) because who woudn't be, honestly?
Tommi commenting how Olli always looks good?
Niko saying Olli is the most handsome in the band?
Joonas having a whole-ass sexual awakening watching Olli paint a broccoli shamrock on his chest? (Yes, I may have stared at a gif of this for unreasonably long yesterday)
To conlcude, they all a little gay for Olli 💕
#we're ALL gay for olli aren't we 🥰#although in joonas' defence he's a little gay for everyone#(also i don't just randomly stare at BC gifs in my freetime! i was looking for another picture and just came across that lol#hence i have a vivid image of it imprinted on my brain currently)#but WHERE is my yoga instructor!olli and beginner yoga trainee!joel fic??#he enrolled for the beginner yoga class because his therapist and his mom and porko thought it might be good for him#(he's not quite as positive and porko would literally walk him to the yoga studio to drop him off like a child at day-care)#joonas is friends with olli of course so he just passes joel to him and leaves for his porko business#abandoning joel before he can do or say anything#(joel thought they were going for a record shop haul and now he knows how dogs must feel#when their owner tells them they're going to the park but really they're going to the vet)#joel understands his loved ones only want the best for him but he's not sure how a bit of strecthing is going to help him 🙄#in fact stretching is the LAST thing he wants to be doing when he sees how thight the instructor's yoga pants are 😳#so he spents the whole 30 minutes not knowing where to look 🙈#(mostly he looks at the instructor's face because it's so devastatingly cute 😩)#and then the instructor pulls out a basket of wolly socks for the trainees to put on for the final relaxation#(well actually just for joel because apparently everyone else knew to bring their own. this is somehow porko's fault)#so joel nearly cries as he lays on the yoga mattress listening to olli's calm voice bc 1) he's actually feeling a little better already#and 2) he might have fallen in love a tiny bit 😭💞#...okay i may need to write this myself actually#if y'all up for reading it? anyone at all?? 👉👈#joelxolli#answered asks#anon asks
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
if i could be anybody, dead or alive, i would wanna be my dad in 1985
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becaexists · 2 years
Me: no I'm totally fine what makes you think somethings wrong?
Also me but the more logical bit: we binge watched a ton of old nyxrising vlogs and Julian's talk about gender identity because our parents are being mean about our gender, neurodivergency and the fact we don't have a job so we're distracting ourself with the fantasy of having a queer family that actually loves us for us, not what we can pretend to be or how quickly we can be independent
Me: oh
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mayordeas-clone · 2 months
i think i am really close to finally finishing persona 3 reload. persona games have "extend the anticipated endgame length tenfold to add tension" disease so i could be off but i should be facing off The Boss soon and i can cap off my journey. might report my scattered thoughts here when that happens
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kaustic · 10 months
see the problem with having a lot of health anxiety is not knowing if im deluding myself into thinking i have symptoms and not wanting to go to the hospital out of embarrassment that its nothing
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