#it feels as if theres genuine passion and excitement in every book
uselessgay10101 · 2 months
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They could see the gayness coming off them in waves man
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1111jenx · 1 year
Full Moon Child☾ through the 12 signs🤍
— In celebration of the ethereal Blue Full Moon in Pisces, it's undeniable that its extremely important to acknowledge the significance of one's moon phase. Born under the Full Moon? It's as if you wear the cloak of both the sun's radiant gaze and the opposing moon's sultry embrace, weaving a tapestry of conscious will and subconscious yearnings.
Every zodiac, with its unique essence, drapes the Full Moon with a distinct allure. Imagine, a Pisces Full Moon bestowing someone with a depth of intuition, as if they're dancing on the blurred line between dreams and reality, painting their world with artistic strokes and spiritual hues. Meanwhile, the Aries Full Moon might breathe fire into the soul, igniting passion, spontaneity, and a path-blazing spirit. To recognize and immerse in the rhythm of one's Full Moon sign is like unraveling a song of strengths, challenges, and harmonies within.
With that being said, wait no further, lets dive right in💜!
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🌕 Full Moon in Aries Moon: Fiery and spontaneous but always looking for that equal. Quick to act but deeply feels the need for balance. Seems aggressive, but it's nothing but passion burning from within their heart. Wants to lead, but deeply needs that one partner-in-crime by their side. Brave and unstoppable. Prefers deep, meaningful connections over surface-level relationships. Would fight for what’s right, even if it means standing alone. A warrior with a sensitive core.
🌕 Full Moon in Taurus Moon: Grounded, but with a mysterious edge. A solid rock but don't mistake them for being mundane. Love luxury, but transformation excites them even more. These people see calm yet only they feel the storm from within. They're all about roots, but sometimes they crave to fly. Protective of their own, cross them, and watch the calm turn tempestuous. Charitable and loving, but not one to forget betrayal.
🌕 Full Moon in Gemini Moon: Forever curious, with depths people often overlook. Quick wit hidden behind a facade of playful banter. Always learning, always restless. Lover of tales, yet constantly seeking truth. Smart in crowded rooms but feels everything in solitude. Can talk for hours, yet holds back the most vital stories. An open book with some pages glued together.
🌕 Full Moon in Cancer Moon: Deeply emotional but with towering ambitions. Home is where the heart is, but success calls out loudly. Nurturer, yet constantly seeking validation in professional realms. Strongly rooted in tradition, but innovation is genuinely where they shine. Trust them to hold your secrets, but be aware that they've got vaults of their own. Feels everything intensely, yet presents a composed front. A true master of their emotions.
🌕 Full Moon in Leo Moon: Born for the spotlight, yet truly values the collective. Radiates warmth, but not without moments of icy detachment when they simply just need to be by themself to just feel. People think they know them, but there's so much beneath the surface. A cheerleader for others but their own harshest critic. Life of the party or the silent observer, there’s no in-between to be honest. Embraces individuality but deeply feels the world's pulse, every tingling seconds of it.
🌕 Full Moon in Virgo Moon: Analytical, with a dash of whimsy. Details matter, but they get lost in dreams. They'll correct your mistakes but with a twinkle in their eye. Grounded but constantly touched by the ethereal. In their eyes, theres beauty hidden in every day life. They’ll say it like it is, but only because they care deeply. Organization is their game, but occasionally they let chaos reign.
🌕 Full Moon in Libra Moon: All about balance, but swings between extremes. Charmer but secretly questions every relationship's depth. Seems calm, but the scales constantly tip inside. They could be the voice of reason or the spark of chaos. Seeks harmony but won't shy away from a duel. Gracious host but fiercely protective of their space.
🌕 Full Moon in Scorpio Moon: Magnetic, with an undercurrent of intensity. Deep waters run still, but currents are tumultuous beneath. Attracts with a gaze, but holds back many secrets. Draws you in, but sets boundaries like no other. Depth intrigues them, superficiality repels. They’re the storm you never saw coming.
🌕 Full Moon in Sagittarius Moon: Wanderer with roots. They'll tell tales of far-off lands but crave the familiar. Philosophical yet grounded in reality. Yearns for adventure, but treasures moments of stillness. They're the storyteller you can't stop listening to. Fiery passion with an old soul's wisdom.
🌕 Full Moon in Capricorn: Ambitious with a touch of nostalgia. Climbs mountains but cherishes the base camp. Seeks recognition but values genuine connections more. Strong and silent, but an emotional depth many overlook. They'll lead the way, but not without their tribe. The unsung hero with a heart of gold.
🌕 Full Moon in Aquarius Moon: Innovative, with a touch of tradition. Forward-thinking but respects the old ways. Charms effortlessly, but holds the inner circle tight. Believes in the future but honors the past. They're the genius with quirks. Dreamer with feet firmly on the ground in the most fascinating way possible.
🌕 Full Moon in Pisces Moon: Dreamy with a razor-sharp intuition. Feels the world's pulse, yet dances to their own rhythm simply because, they can. Embraces emotions, yet has an uncanny logical side. They’re the artist who sees the world in vivid colors. Deeply empathetic, yet occasionally distant. They're there, but also everywhere else in between. The poet whose words touch the soul.
saint jenx🪐
© 2023 Saintz Jenx All Rights Reserved
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shadowqnights · 9 months
idk i urge you all to please please be kinder to yourself and your brain and your interests idk. i know that in this day and age we have to be critical of our interests but you can Do that and still be able to admit that You think this thing is fun and cool. maybe its got some writing issues or maybe its got a funky fresh different format or media type, maybe its a youtube series or a podcast or whatever that isnt your typical netflix tv show or book but its still Your thing and if you love it then no amount of like . societal pressure should be allowed to rob you of that enjoyment or make you feel ashamed to have an interest that isnt a Common or Typical fandom because there is a very very broad wide world of content out there. you shouldnt have to like open every conversation about your special interest/interest with 'this is the worst piece of media alive i hate that im into it please never watch the things i enjoy because you'll fucking hate it' (in a deadly serious way not like the silly way)
idk . what happened to whimsy. what happened to sillyfun. what happened to showing people that you're excited about things. maybe its not for them, maybe it Is badly written. but thats still Your thing and the more you tell other people that its dumb and horrible the more you condition yourself that you have to feel ashamed that your brain has latched onto it and wont let go. you condition yourself that you need to isolate yourself in your passion and that no one else is ever going to share it because you like something Horrible and grueling and frustrating and you have to tell everyone that. disclaimer, you say: this is the worst thing ever even though i love it so you shouldnt put yourself through it. because i just know you're going to hate it and you're going to think im cringe and stupid for still kind of liking it. but they might love it, or at least give it a try Just for you. Thats Love.
the more you ridicule your brain for latching onto the 'dumb' stuff and being genuinely interested in it .. the more you feel ashamed that you want to infodump about it and in the same breath feel like you have to warn people to never touch your interest with a ten foot pole. maybe they Want to indulge maybe they want to understand what you talk about. maybe they will Agree with you over those Plot Holes and Writing Things and you can talk about it idk. be nicer to your brain. let yourself have a Thing that you feel ecstatic to talk about and analyse and make art about. tell your friends you're having fun. doesnt matter if its silly or theres errors. sure you might be cringe but you are free.
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lily-alphonse · 1 month
penny x sandy please? i think theyd be soo cute!! ♡ hope youre doing well
Oh man okay this seems like a tough one, there is barely even any opportunity for them to cross paths. But we'll make it work!
I think theres a new event in the desert (I cant be bothered to look it up, it doesn’t really matter anyway.) So lets say Gunther, Penny, and the kids are treating this as a bit of a field trip to learn about different biomes and fossils. Penny is full mom mode with a big old hat and continuously applying sunscreen on everyone.
Sandy is pulled into their orbit initially out of curiosity for what Gunther would have to say about the desert. But then the kids notice her and her outlandish clothes (she's giving Ms. Frizzle a bit isnt she?) and start asking her questions. She explains she lives in the desert and Gunther pulls her in to her explanations so he can get back on track with his tour, like "Isn't that right Miss Sandy?" that kind of thing until she is just walking with them next to Penny.
Penny is a little intimidated by Sandy (because who wouldn't be she's tall and older and gorgeous) but tries to just keep her focus on the kids. Sandy is intrigued by Penny initially because she's drawn in by the domestic scene. Sandy lives an exciting and sometimes dangerous life as an employee of Mr. Qi. She sometimes fantasizes about living exactly the kind of life Penny has.
They break for playtime/lunch and Sandy finally has her chance to chat up Penny. She wants to know about her, genuinely curious even about the book she is reading. It’s been a long time since anyone has shown this kind of interest in her. She’s hesitant at first, afraid to bore Sandy in case she’s just making polite conversation. But the more questions Sandy asks, the more Penny feels she can actually talk about things she’s never had the chance to talk about, and Sandy learns that Penny is actually quite passionate despite her dull appearance. She has a way with words that might just be reciting pieces of what she’s read, but it’s fascinating nonetheless how she strings it together.
Penny turns it around on her, asking Sandy questions, and suddenly Sandy feels like the lame one. She hasn’t read a book or kept up with politics or scientific discoveries in years. But hearing Penny talk about it, she almost wants to, now.
She gets Penny’s information, and they begin to write each other. It’s a small bit of routine that’s comforting, getting Penny’s letters each week. And writing her back gives Sandy the motivation to start reading some of the books and newspapers in the store. Eventually they even start reading books together, though Penny is faster, and they both love discussing them together. Every other book is a romance for Sandy’s sake. Romance, and then nonfiction for Penny.
The letters get more personal over time. Penny tells Sandy about her struggles at home. Sandy kind of wants to kill Pam, after some of her stories. Sandy finds herself wanting to take her away from that life. She fantasizes about the beautiful life they could build.
I think it’d be nice and poetic if Sandy could visit during the winter festival, and they end up kissing under mistletoe maybe. Eee that’d be cute.
Essentially I would really want it to be a case of Penny always having a crush on Sandy because she’s Cool ™️ but Sandy’s interest in Penny evolves over time. She’s initially intrigued by her boring life, only to find piece by piece that isnt really what it seems. Penny isn’t even the perfect little housewife, she can’t cook! (To Sandy’s endless amusement)
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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straykats · 3 years
ooh for that ask game: 4, 5, 11, and 30!
how did you pick the only questions i remember from when i skim read the questions the first time??? // answers utc!!
1. Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
why wish on a shooting star when u can wish on the same star every time (hello venus, the evening star. thanks for being noticeable) lmaooo but to answer this particular question, no, bc the only time i saw a shooting star i was too busy going "omg did you guys see the shooting star omgomgomgomg" and i was too amazed by the fact that i'd seen one to remember the whole wishing thing. to not answer this question but instead ramble on a related note, i've wished on the evening star before, esp when i see it early/before it's dark. while i don't have a serious "i made a wish, it better come true" kinda thing, something about finding significance in something (anything in general, be it a lucky charm or angel numbers or a coin flip or whatever) and wishing on it is so... like... humanely beautiful and makes me ARGHHH and idk where im going with this but to relate it a lot more back to the question, i'm a star lover so like while i don't think my wish will come true, something about the act of wishing on the evening star makes me feel a little calmer? uhhhh
2. Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
i get emotional so easily that i can't even name a movie i havent cried in so i am thinking very hard about this question. can't go wrong with barbie mermaidia (this scene) which i know made me laugh a lot as a kid. bibble is Too Iconic. a lot of barbie movies made me genuinely laugh as a kid (princess and the pauper bloopers, anyone?) the demon slayer movie made me laugh (ilu inosuke)???? i know theres another specific movie that ive genuinely laughed at to the point i had to pause it to collect myself but i can't remember the movie or the scene or anything????? i just remember showing my brother and telling him that this/thats my sense of humour????
11. Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
when @decembermoonskz was talking about her OCs!!! the genuine excitement she had and the love and passion for them made me so !!!!!! other than that, i think it was a month or two ago when i purchsed the second volume of the given manga..? its rarely in store + it's always the same volume(s) in store sigh
30. What do you do to feel at peace?
when im listening to music. when the weather is bright but not hot, and its sunny but like.. diffused... bc clouds in the sky.. and theres a cool breeze. when i'm alone, looking at the ocean or other scenery (in above weather conditions). when it's raining and i have a book or i'm motivated to write. when i wake up and know i've hours of sleep ahead of me (and i'm able to fall back asleep). when i'm in the car with my friend at night, and she's driving, and i'm looking out the window at the passing lights and the moon and the stars and we aren't talking but that's okay and there's music in the background and i feel safe.
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palettepainter · 4 years
Could I ask for some parent headcannons with Ectoloader? I’ve known of the ship but never seen art of them as parents. If no can I just have some headcannons of Haiya?
This ended up being mostly headcannons about Haiya and his relationship with some other students at UA and Ecto and Higari but a few at the start are Ectoloader
-Powerloader isn’t the most cleanest person. He has a little wash in the mornings, shaves if he needs too, and that’s it - off to work. With his job Powerloader often ends up a mess afterwards, even if he hasn’t used his quirk to go digging in the dirt. It gets hot in the design studio, and with Powerloader being stuck under that helmet all day he gets sweaty, and his hair becomes such a tangled mess, plus with his engineering he gets muck on his hands and trousers. Since no body really visits the design studio (besides students) Powerloader doesn’t really keep up appearances, unless of course theres some big meeting in which case he’ll clean up a little. Ectoplasm has tried to get Higari to take better care of his apperance such as taking a shower or a bath once in a while but Powerloader doesn’t really see the point in it - more times then either will admit but Ecto has had to chase Higari round the house just so he can take a damned bath. Ectoplasm may have a lot of clones but Higari has a lot of strength, plus being smaller he can find much more places to hide. Ectoplasm either gives up, manages to drag Higari to the bathroom, or compromises and joins Higari
-Based off an Ectoplasm x Powerloader story I read but Ectoplasm is ticklish. Higari discovered this accidentally when the two where cuddling and his hand brushed over Ectoplasm’s ribs making him stiffen and squeak. Ectoplasm had hoped Higari wouldn’t think too much of this, but he was wrong. Very wrong. Powerloader is a sneaky little weasel and has found through testing his theory that tickling Ectoplasm is one of the fastest ways to get him to unwind, and with Powerloaders added strength he has no issue wrestling Ectoplasm so that he can tickle him.
Higari isn’t as ticklish as Ectoplasm, but his weak points are his neck and ears. Ectoplasm had a suspicion that might be the case since his ears and neck are always covered by that scruffy mane of hair. One day the two where at home, Higari has pulled his hair into a loose ponytail that hung over one shoulder, leaving his neck open for attack. Ectoplasm watched him for a moment, before very lightly tickling his neck. Higari full on jumped at the unexpected tickling attack, actually surprising Ectoplasm, who hadn’t expected that great of a reaction. Needless to say Ectoplasm enjoyed getting his revenge    
-When Hatsume is over she becomes Powerloaders right hand in the design studio, and while she still is prone to blowing up the occasional machine every now and then Higari sees explosions and fires in the studio as just a regular start to a morning. Higari has come to just expect something to blow up when he goes into work, if sometimes doesn’t it’s a miracle. Ectoplasm doesn’t take Higari’s warnings on Hatsume’s inventions all that seriously, she’s just passionate about her work. One day, say their anniversary or something, Ectoplasm and Higari had planned to go out for the evening and thus needed someone to watch Haiya. All the other teachers where busy but in the end Ectoplasm manages to find a sitter and the two leave. While having dinner Higari casually asks who it was Ectoplasm found to watch Haiya, in which he replies Hatsume.
Cue Higari spitting out his drink - If Hatsume is watching Haiya then who’s watching Hatsume?!
They end up going home an hour early and return to find their home untouched, totally fine. Higari has a moment of stunned silence before doing a double take and looking round the home.The only problem they found was that Haiya was up a little late, that was it. Higari was still suspicious but Ectoplasm thanks Hatsume regardless. It’s only two hours later when Higari finds no hidden broken object or exploded oven does he awkwardly admit that Ectoplasm was right, and then apologizes for ruining their anniversary dinner. The two end up having a small make out on the sofa (At this point Haiya was in bed) and then counting said make out in the bedroom.
The next morning Higari lumbers to the kitchen to make a coffee..only to find the coffee pot broken. 
Powerloader made Hatsume but him a new one
-Hatsume and Iida end up having a kid, and dear old Powerloader was the very first to know, by that I mean Hatsume just showed up a work with a baby after he was born making Powerloader choke on air because ‘HATSUME  YOU BROUGHT A BABY TO THE DESIGN STUDIO?!’ - Powerloader isn’t bad with kids but he’s no Merry Poppins, but he was at least smart enough to know a baby of all things didn’t belong in a design studio. Dealing with one Hatsume was hard enough, and now he had a mini Hatsume crawling about the place. Powerloader ends up roped into babysitting becasue Powerloader was not letting Hatsume’s machines do the babysitting while she was gone somewhere. Dear little Tensai (Iida named his kid after his brother) grows up loving Powerloader and, to Powerloader’s relief, is less prone to blowing things up. Powerloader is dubbed ‘Grunkle’ by Tensai, a combo of Uncle and Grandad. Higari tried to get him to call him one or the other, and failed miserably. Ectoplasm finds the name quite sweet and can’t help but snicker at it
-Before meeting Ectoplasm Haiya was nervous about the topic of his arms, even with prosthetics he saw his lack of arms as a failure - his view on this was caused mostly by his biological parents, if they had raised him in a better way Haiya wouldn’t have grown to be as sensitive about it. Ectoplasm was called in by Eri who runs a therapy center in my NGAU. Haiya was brought to the center along with Kowai and Furu (I know I haven’t done as much stuff with Furu so to anyone who’s new she’s another MHAOC who goes on to be adopted by Bakugo and Sero) as orphans. With no biological or adoptive parents the three stayed at the center while Eri and other staff helped in their recovery. Whereas Furu was more defensive and hostile Haiya was more nervous, he didn’t (and still doesn’t) have an issue with heroes, but his low self confidence has led to him being somewhat anti social, it can be hard for him to start conversations with new people, especially adults or people he looks up too. Ectoplasm was a big help in boosting Haiya’s confidence, so much that by the time students where allowed to apply for courses at UA Haiya was given the opportunity to study there. With Eri’s parents (Aizawa and Mic adopted her) working at UA Eri is able to give kids at the center the opportunity to go to a proper school when she feels they have progressed enough to fit in with a school environment, and when their are spaces available on certain course
He was given the choice to be on the hero course, with his quirk it was likely he’d pass the entrance exam. Though Haiya himself has no issue with hereos or those who decide they want to be a hero, Haiya no longer wishes to be one, his old parents didn’t really give him much of a choice for his career, so Haiya decided instead to apply for general studies, so that he could explore his own interests.
-Haiya doesn’t like Jin. Jin is another OC who goes to UA and is in class 1B on the hero course. Jin is in short an ass, he’s coy and rude and will say whats on his mind, even if it���s impolite. Jin has a knack for hitting people where it hurts, since joining UA he’s gotten better with his attitude but he’s still got a long way to go. Haiya’s kind of scared of him to an extent so tends to avoid him. He’s disliked Jin ever since he made an arm joke
Jin: Hey Haiya
Haiya: Hm?
Jin: Mind lending me a hand?
Jin: What?
Haiya: That joke is BANNED!
-Haiya’s attitude can sometimes come off as overbearing. He’s very over the top and easily excitable, which can lead to people thinking of him as annoying or stupid. Haiya attends counselling with Hounddog to help with his anxiety, and he also writes stuff down in a book, he finds writing down his thoughts and feelings easier then talking. Haiya can be mature and chill when he wants to or if it’s needed, but that’s often rare. Haiya acts more childish then most kids his age because he didn’t really get a very fun childhood with his bio parents, he’s trying to make up for lost time
-Haiya has dyslexia, this is still something I’m learning to write about accurately so if anyone has any tips on how to write a character well with dyslexia let me know. In Haiya’s case he has difficulty reading and interpreting words and letters, and when Haiya was little and was in a public school, it deeply affected his learning. His parents thought home schooling would be better for him, but it just lead to Haiya becoming more anxious over his own intelligence. Due to this Haiya can be reluctant to try something new and sometimes needs encouragement from a friend, he also has a fear of failure so when he does pick up a new hobby he does genuinely try to give it his all. Praise gives him a lot of confidence so words of encouragement do a lot to his confidence. 
Before Haiya went to UA he along with others at the center got some school education. The center did classes for certain subjects over the weekdays and did stuff like small tests and gave out homework pieces for them to complete in their own time. Eri uses these classes to decide which kids would be better off going to a propper school, and which ones need more help then others. Haiya was one of the kids that needed some help with his work due to his dyslexia. Eri put two and two together when she brought Haiya aside to talk about his progress and he ended up admitting how he has difficulty with reading sometimes
-Before his arms where removed Haiya had both his mothers quirk, Overclock, and his fathers quirk, A quirk that allowed him to speed up or slow down the movement of an object based on touch with electricity he generated from his body - the draw backs to this quirk being that to generate the electricy he had to sacrifice his on energy. The more he generated the more tired he’d get.
With his arms gone his second quirk was also gone, so he only has Overclock now - however he can still use his second quirk, just in a different way. With his quirk Overclock Haiya can generate big amounts of electricity in seconds, I’m still planning on how Haiya discovers this as he himself isn’t aware he can do this, but the draw back to the quirk is that it’s essentially an instant knock out both for himself and his opponent. Generating large amounts of electricity all at once and so suddenly severely drains him of his energy, so it’s a guarantee when he does use this quirk that he’ll pass out shortly afterwards until he has better control over it.
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kreweleaderbuuru · 4 years
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Part 3 baybeeee i realised that the babies I use more often these days werent included. Annoying elaboration that doesnt matter under the cut
Self explainitory
Self explanatory 
Singrid: The most in-shape member of her family. She’s very enthusiastic about honing her skills with her hammer, carving canoes with her bare hands, and punching sharks in the face.
Grunt: The grunt has been working on building muscle, but her years of starvation and abuse have left her permanently stunted. 
Algor: Despite being absolutely fuckall massive, he’s not too interested in honing his physique. He’s got some scholarly chub on the way. 
Poom: Actually more muscular than you’d give him credit for- though still malnourished and spindly. His baggy clothes are in part to hide a very embarrassing hourglass figure. 
Singrid: Just a few inches shorter than her brother, much to her dismay
Grunt: Shorty due to malnutrition
Algor: Fuckall massive
Poom: Comes from a pretty tall family, but just so happens to me the shortest member of that family. He thinks he’s shorter than he actually is. 
Self explanatory
Intelligence, Scholarly:
Singrid: While Singrid was offered the same education as her brother, she struggled with even the most basic concepts. At a certain point she decided her job was just to carry heavy equipment. Living proof of nature vs. nurture. 
Grunt: Scouted by inquest recruiters as a child. The Grunt was subjected to the standard foot soldiers ‘education’ within the Inquest. It wasn’t all that great, but it wasn’t like she could leave. 
Algor: Personally tutored by his adopted asuran father- surpassing the potential of even some asuran peers in Rata Sum. Living proof of nurture vs. nature. 
Poom: Got along okay in school, enough to Graduate Dynamics with above average grades. His true passions lie in paranormal investigation, which isnt as revered in Rata Sum. People just assume he’s crazy. 
Singrid: Would look a grenade launcher down the barrel as she’s trying to figure out how to fire it. 
Grunt: What the Grunt lacks in formal education, she makes up for in sheer experience. She’s worked on just about every Inquest base the Megakrewe allows such a low-ranking agent, and tangled with more bizarre magical creatures than most norn hunters will in their lifetime. 
Algor: Algor began making supply runs in greater Tyria when he was sixteen, allowing him to come into his own as a traveller and genius. 
Poom: Easily distracted and has a nasty habit of sharing his conspiracy theories to the members of the organisations he suspects. Common sense is not amongst his strengths. 
Singrid: Technically a ‘drop out’, seeing as her father gave up on teaching her alongside her brother. However, the special attention Ruffik can give Singrid while Algor is away has convinced her to give his lessons another go.  
Grunt: Didn’t so much as ‘graduate’ as she was drafted to punishment detail. Her propensity for disaster and mayhem did not make her school days enjoyable. 
Algor: Greatly exceeded his father’s expectations. 
Poom: A decent student, but easily distracted by his true passions. 
Social Ability:
Singrid: Dreamed all her life of leaving the Far Marina Base to party all through Tyria, only to suffer from extreme social anxiety. She’s since found happiness on the peaceful ice caps, content with her few friends and family. 
Grunt: Pretty amicable, if you can get over the whining and increased likelihood of the bar burning down. 
Algor: Still relatively uncomfortable in his own skin, but growing out of it. 
Poom: A highly contagious affliction and subsequent quarantine has given an already antisocial oddball agoraphobia. Poom has slowly been taking steps to be more comfortable with people, and can at the very least venture outside without a panic attack. 
Singrid: Sensitive, painfully sensitive, so sensitive she becomes overwhelmed in large gatherings. Is one of the few people who can really understand Ruffik’s emotions at any given time and could be mistaken for a mind reader when it comes to people she’s close to. 
Grunt: Despite her attempt at an aloof bounty huntress persona, the Grunt is mostly in wilful denial. She knows whats going on, why it’s going on, and how things will probably end. She’s very bad at pretending not to care. 
Algor: His time outside the Far Marina Base has taken him from clueless hermit to what is average teenage boy. He still doesnt understand girls, though. 
Poom: Absolute dogshit at reading social signals, to the point of being near debilitating. His friends have to intervene to keep him from being beaten up half the time. 
Singrid: There are two Singrids: The one who is comfortable and knows the people in the room, and the Singrid who is in public and trying to keep from crying. You wouldnt expect the firey young norn from the FMB to wilt so easily in a crowd, and you’d be wrong. 
Grunt: Any attempts to hide her emotions are humorously in vain. Its lucky her partner, krewemate, and totally-not-boyfriend is painfully dense. 
Algor: Can put up a pretty convincing stoic front. It’s when he opens his mouth the youthful bravado comes spilling out. 
Poom: His high anxiety and odd mannerisms make him an open book. An open book in a language you cant read, but nonetheless open. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Straight
Grunt: Straight
Algor: Bisexual 
Poom: Pansexual with a male preference
Singrid: Straight, Monogamous 
Grunt: Straight, Monogamous
Algor: Biromantic, Open to Polyamory
Poom: Panromantic with a male preference, Monogamous
Singrid: Has a massive crush on her childhood friend, but he’s painfully oblivious. 
Grunt: Hopelessly in love with her partner, friend, and krewemate, Anakk. Even though they live together, work together, provide each other with emotional support, and sleep together exclusively, they insist they are not in a relationship.
Algor: Would do anything for a partner to share his intellect, but is still too insecure to ask anyone out. There’s also the size factor- none of the other apprentices so much as reach his knee. That ‘tragedy’ is a bit romantic in its own right- according to him. 
Poom: Is oblivious to romance, and hasnt had the best track record. His last relationship ended in nothing short of catastrophe, he’s still too ashamed to face his ex to stay long in Rata Sum. This has kept him rather guarded when it comes to relationships. 
Singrid: Very touchy. Will shamelessly pick up and snuggle anyone she cares about. 
Grunt: Has a pointed distaste for ‘mushy stuff’ and goes out of her way to avoid any intimacy that could be construed as romantic. 
Algor: Mostly only hugs his sister. Was more cuddly as a kid, but since the growth spurt he worries about accidentally crushing people. 
Poom: Has gone three years without touch due to his affliction. Avoids touch like the plague so as not to become overwhelmed. 
Disposition, Outwardly:
Singrid: Whether she’s in full swing or shyly hugging the wall, Singrid comes across as a friendly, if not rough around the edges- young norn. 
Grunt: Affable and friendly until things go wrong. They’re usually going wrong. 
Algor: Knows how to be polite in public. Snarks on occasion. 
Poom: Absolute bastard of a man. You know this. Why even ask. 
Disposition, Inwardly:
Singrid: Pretty neutral on people as a whole. Gets irritated easily, and doesnt have any kind words for people who make her uncomfortable. 
Grunt: Is far more effected by her past than she lets on. The grunt is generally distrustful to strangers and spiteful to those who hurt her- even a little. 
Algor: Has a healthy dollop of teen angst. 
Poom: One of the more kindly people you’ll meet, once you get past his eccentricities. Genuinely doesnt want to upset anyone, and is a die hard pacifist. 
Singrid, Grunt, Algor: All petty little drama queens. 
Poom: Will put up with a lot of bullshit, so long as you dont press one of his triggers. Can only really muster the energy to hate one thing at a time. Usually tries to solve ‘misunderstandings��� when they come up. 
Singrid: Crippling social anxiety 
Grunt: PTSD
Algor: He’s fine, honestly. 
Poom: Autism, PTSD, Depression, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia, probably more. 
Singrid: She knows who she likes, and isnt particularly eager to make new friends. 
Grunt: Finds it relatively easy to get along with people, especially if theres alcohol involved. She has a strange habit for attracting the affections of much larger and more powerful beings. Anakk, her skyscale Mr. Bastard, and the hulking inquest abomination Brukk, to name a few. 
Algor: Able to chat up strangers so long as he’s not feeling too self-important. He’s growing out of that bit, though. 
Poom: Absolutely desperate for validation. Can and will join a cult if he’s not claimed. 
Singrid: Will break pretty easily either from her anxiety or by getting too excited about a cool rock. 
Grunt: Attempts are made at stoicism. They are laughable. 
Algor: Is prone to teen melodrama. He’s growing out of it, though. 
Poom: Will go home and cry for stepping on a bug.
Singrid: Her training in the harsh Far Marina conditions have made her an adept warrior. 
Grunt: Prone to disaster.
Algor: Is actually quite a talented dancer when no one’s watching. One of the ways he tries to stay in shape between studies. 
Poom: If he’s not knocking something over, he’s putting his foot in his mouth. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Despite her issues with crowds, she’s run after icebrood twice her size with nothing but a dagger. Has wanted to cultivate an epic legend ever since she was a kid. 
Grunt: Complete snivelling coward.
Algor: Will run from conflict as easily as he runs from a spider. 
Poom: An almost destructive lack of self-preservation. 
Singrid: The few companions she has, she aims to keep. 
Grunt: Wont die for the ship, but will save her favourite pirate. 
Algor: Still has somewhat naive opinions on teamwork in a krewe. It’s almost a good thing he’ll likely never be in one. 
Poom: Not a lot of people understand him, those that try are greatly appreciated. Even people who dont try, he’ll gladly meet half way. Even if you dont even like him at all he’s got your back. Even if you’ve just spit in his mouth he’ll-
Singrid: Does what she wants. If that means breaking some heads, she’ll do it. If it means drinking tea and brushing up on her knitting, thats her glitching right!
Grunt: Rules are for people who don’t regularly get hit by lightning. 
Algor: Painfully naive. 
Poom: The rules suck, but he gets in trouble enough as it is without provoking others. 
They’re all edgy assholes lol
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SMUT --- RM and reader
Storyline: RM’s solo album, Mono, just released and you wanted to see him to congratulate him.
You texted him, “Hey, you awake?”- You, “Yes, at the studio” - RM, “Can I come see you?”- You
. “of course, see you soon” - RM You grabbed a bottle of champagne, a mini vodka, glasses to celebrate, and headed over to the Namjoon’s studio.
You knocked on the door and he let you in. “CONGRATSSS!!!!” You yell whispering, and hug him. He hugs back and rubs your back, then lets go and shuts the door behind you. He sits back down and pulls a chair next to him for you to sit in. He was looking good as ever, in his white t-shirt and gray sweatpants. He could say the same for you, in your black leggings, black sports bra, and gray quarter-zip crop top. Before beginning the conversation, you take out the champagne and vodka from your bag and pour you both some. After downing the champagne and two shots of vodka each, you break the silence and say “So how are you feeling? happy, relieved, overwhelmed?” “Very happy, Ive been up reading the fans twitter reactions all night… also very relieved, I feel like a ton of weight has been lifted off of my shoulder. Like I can finally breathe again” he says. “Yea, I bet.. You worked on it for how long, half a year?” “yeah, about 7 months, a long time, but I’m happy with what I produced, have you heard it?” he says. “Of course I have.. I listened to it as soon as it released. I’m in love with Tokyo.. ahhh so good, just so good. I’m so proud of you!” you say. “Thank you, I’m glad you like it. It seems like fans are really enjoying it” he says.
About 2 hours pass and by this time, you two had stopped watching fan reactions and were just talking. It was always so easy to talk to RM. He was the deepest out of the seven, and you liked it. Everything always felt so comfortable with him, the conversations just flowed. It was always so effortless with RM, like you could talk about anything, no matter how silly or how serious. He’s always been the one you’ve gone to to talk about life, ask for advice, vent to, or even just sit in silence. Namjoon was a safe place for you, like all your problems were left at the door when you were with him. And it always felt like there was no judgement, no questionable looks, nothing was ever off limits. After continuous talking, you remember you brought the letter you wanted to read to him. You pull it from your bag and RM is stunned. His eyes are so bright and his smile is so big. He can’t believe you wrote him a letter, but he said he was so excited to hear it. So you begin: “Namjoon, *laughing* again, congratulations on your album. I know how hard you worked on it and I’m so happy that its finally out and you can live stress free once again. I wanted to tell you how proud of you I am. Although you are only 3 years older than me, I feel like theres a lifetime of differences between us. You are so smart and curious. You continue to learn more and more every day. You like to read books and browse the internet for new knowledge. You are passionate and genuine. Your raps show the kind of person you are and who you grew to be, while also teaching ARMY how to grow into the person they want to be. You are so thoughtful and caring to the other boys, the team, and especially ARMY. I promise you that what you say to your fans leave an imprint on their lives. You are the cause of so many peoples happiness. You are the reason so many smile and laugh, and truly enjoy their lives. To some, you are the only reason they wake up in the morning **makes eye contact** Namjoon, you are such an important person and have so, so much to offer. Always remain the person you are, the one who has impacted millions of people, but also remember you are Kim Namjoon. A man in his 20s who deserves to feel so much joy and happiness. You deserved to be loved, cherished, and appreciated everyday for the person you are…….. And I didn’t write this but I want to thank you for always being someone I can come to and release my worries. You always make me feel better” Namjoon is feeling very sentimental in the moment and responds with a “thank you, y/n, that means so much. I wish there was more to say, but I’m speechless. That was so beautiful, thank you”. He then pulls you in for a hug… which lasted about 10 seconds, until he looked at you and kissed you. The drinks were flowing inside you two, so your reaction to the kiss was slow. After 5 seconds, you pull aways and look at him. Your eyes locked and it felt like your heart sank in your chest. Neither of you said anything, but you leaned in for another kiss. This time, you were standing in between his legs. His hands were around your waist and touching your skin. He pulled you in closer and you were practically in his lap, but instead of kissing your lips, he was kissing your neck. You could feel the heat rising within you and could tell where this was going. You knew that if you weren’t drunk, then this wouldn’t be happening, but you wanted it. He pick you up and laid you on the ground and started making out with you. His forearm was under your head while his fingers intertwined in your hair. You were in heaven right now. His lips were soft, and kisses were gentle and tasty. Your heart was racing but it felt right. You just let him take over, and he was ready to make a move. He replaced his arm with a small pillow and began undressing you. He took off your pull over, kissing your neck and shoulders, then pulled off your sports bra. You two kept locking eyes which made this more intimate. After  undressing your top half, he pleased you all over. From kissing your lips and neck, to gently biting your ears, to kissing your shoulders, to sucking on your tits. He could tell you were ready by your soft moans. So, he went lower. He kissed you all the way down to your pussy. He rubbed it a little before taking of your pants and underwear. But, you couldn’t handle in. Your hands were holding onto his while he played with you. After a few trembles from you, he took it all off, leaving your glorious, naked body in from off him. He broke the silence by telling you how beautiful you were. Telling you how pretty your pussy is. He was touching you, running his fingers over your arms and stomach, till clinching your fingers and holding hands with you, while lying on his stomach and began eating you. After 5 seconds, he looked up at you and said “and you taste good too�� fuck”. You gave a slight grin and rolled your eyes back to his magnificent skills. You weren’t surprised that he was good, because he’s fucking Kim Namjoon, but you didn’t know he was this good. His tongue fucking turned into a combo of finger fucking and licking your pussy and it drove you insane. He was still holding your right hand and pleasuring you with the other. Your head was laid back and eyes closed, enjoying being ate out. Your breathing start to gets a bit heavier and your moans a bitter harder to get out, which meant you were close. And 10 sections later, you came on his fingers and let out a sigh of relief. He licked you and his fingers clean before sitting up. You looked at him and said “uh hum… we’re not finished” and pulled him towards you. You started to make out again, but a bit hotter. The kisses weren’t as gentle as before and things were moving quicker. Meanwhile, you’re pulling his shirt off while he’s wrestling to take off his sweats and underwear. He does and next thing you know, he’s entering you. Like true Namjoon style, he starred into your eyes as he fucked you slowly. The heat between you two was enticing. Your bodies moved perfectly together. Every thrust into made you moan a little louder and each touch made your nails dig deeper into his back. He was panting and slightly sweating but it was hot. You started to feel his dick twitch inside you and knew he was about to cum. He kissed you one last time before pulling out and cumming on your stomach. He quickly grabbed a towel and rubbed his cum off of you, throwing it in the corner, and lying next to you. You looked at him and laughed because of his heavy breathing. He giggled with you and pulled you in for another kiss. He handed you his shirt to put on, while putting his sweats back on, and grabbing a bottle of water from his mini fridge. You put on your underwear and laid down with him on the couch. You cuddle up wtih Namjoon and fall asleep in his arms.
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sodasyrup · 5 years
I love,,,,, domestic lava au... You should do more of it. I'd love to know more about reka and monty too!
Okay as I said it’s an au with kittie (6kuro) so I’m gonna grab the things it said and I said lmao
warning its a LONG disjointed post bc im too tired to make. a good post fdhghdf
lovelypeaches08/28/2019cole and kai would settle down real late like....in their late thirties because they want to keep their children as safe as possible, being elemental masters and having enemies and all
at first wu wants them to fight longer and shit but hes OLD so who cares and theres probably conflict on thatbut kai and cole are old enough to realized they dont have to be controlled
so they get married, symbolically if anything, because they've been dating for probably a little over a decade now and known each other even longer, AND been living together for the same amount of time
theyre the first of the ninja to settle down, and they buy a small house in a village thats maybe an hour away from ninjago city
the tininess of the house is made up for by the largeness of the yard, where cole likes to garden, especially fruits and vegetables
cole works as a stay at home free lance artist, doing stuff like commissions, book covers, comics, etc for moneykai does something that puts his charisma to use, probably something in business that lets him advertise and talk a lot..he could never settle down for a stay at home job or anything, even with all his thrilling ninja stories
they have enough money from donations and awards to thrive off these jobs, and ninjago probably pays them kind of like retirement
cole cooks for kai so he always has a meal ready when hes home, so then kai cooks on the weekend
anyways, they have two kids, about 3 years aparti haven't figured them much out yet, but kai and cole cook and bake with themcoles parenting style is very protective and rather spoils them, while kai lets them do whatever as long as its not immediately dangerousthey balance each other out well, so their kids grow up loved and well rounded
lovelypeaches08/28/2019coles always buying them sweets and treats and Kai pretends to be annoyed but thinks its really cute
the kids go to a small school on the outskirts of ninjago city, and get asked about their parents a LOT. they kind of like the attention but it gets irritating
moving on to the other ninja who also start to settle down,jay doesnt really want kids, so he passes on his powers with ~science~ or something, but only when hes a lot olderhe does engineering at borg industries or something, and he messes around a lot but gets away with it bc hes the blue ninjahes like kai and coles kids Fun Uncle, since he lives in a big apartment in downtown ninjago city, with a bunch of cool techkai and coles family often take elongated road trips therejay thinks hes a cool relative but besides being super lenient hea actually kind of embarrassing lol
nya settles down a bit later than the rest of them, because she wants to live her ninja days to the fullesti could go on about my domestic samurai au but her and pixal have a kid who gets nyas water powersnya is much more eager to train her kid than cole and Kai are (they want to start properly training thwir children when theyre like 16, much to wus disappointment)nya doesn't force anyrhing on her kid but she doesnt protect her kid from the fact they'll have to train sooner or latershes determined on still changing the world, so she's a strong political leader, with innovative ideas who doesnt approve of ninjagos government and wants to change it for the betterShe also lives in downtown, but isn't as fun as jayher kid is younger than kai and coles, but kai and coles kids look up to them because they're very independent and skilled! their mom is also super cool, but not in a silly way. she rocks leather jackets and drives her kid around on a motorcycle
lovelypeaches08/28/2019zane is tricky for me...i like to imagine him sticking with lloyd to being a ninja or whatever, since hes going to be alive a lonnggg timehe also wants to respect wus wishes, so he teaches students and fights alongside lloydhe does so much less however, and finds a lot of time to visit his friends
kai and coles kids are shy around him at first, him being a nindroid whose still a ninja, but hes so much nicer and softer than expectedhe always brings them presenrs and enjoys quality time with them, so he's basically their favorite uncle
now lloyd continues his master training, to become the next master after wu dies. hed be the one to guide the next generation of elemental masters as well as their parents in training thembut don't worry, he gets a break too, since the other ninja help him out. hes much less burdened then wu was in the later years of his lifeok thats all i think
My commentary now
little boy whos like 3 and super wide eyed and excited and loves pink (when he foudn out zane at one point had a pink gi he asked if he could get one too)older girl around 6 whos a big daddys girl and loves to garden with cole and make mud piez
the little girl is the fire em - she had temper issues linked to autismz which they worked through her with early and never thought of it but she has a big passion for gardening they mistook for elemental connection when rly she just LUVS IT
little boy is em of earth - hes a natural born leader and stubborn, wide eyed and excitable. again bc they worked w both their kids about their tempers and such they never realized he was just naturally good at keeping his composure. also a lot like jay keeping morals upnaturally strong but both their kids are and i hc the super strength doesnt come in until peubertyz
shes a bit of a late bloomer with em powers but one day their little boy accidentally makes a pot hole inside the kitchen bc he was excited over zane cookingthey took too good of care of their kids and his true potential was simple bc he was a litol kid which was im going to live my best fcuking life with friends and family *rips a hole in the ground
kai and cole are the gross sappy parents that trade kisses n their kids are like thats DISGUSTING youre DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE
Kittie pointslovelypeaches08/28/2019YEAYEYAYAYYEYAYAYEoh god the little boy is part scenecorelikenot full on scene but like punk y2kwhich is a part of scenealso at first cole and kai are super concerned being a ninja will be as mentally damaging and ack as it was for them at times, but lloyd and zane are genuinely good mastersbutnot to get sadbutwhen tragedy does happen somehow, since neither Lloyd nor zane can ease that, cole and kai are so good at helping their kids e thatthey help them recover from it without downplaying their kids concerns and feelings amd give good advice and loveand make being elemental masters a lot easier for their kids than it ever was for them
me again.....
they always get so fucking scared thokai custom makes weapons for themarmor too he spends hours upon hours making sure its perfect and even prays over them to keep their kids safe
anyway when kai n cole visit w them (idk if theyr just adopted at their current age or like.... adopted as babies or surrogate or?? idk but) they visit lloyd and kai softly says "Look! its uncle lloyd" and lloyd starts SOBBING hes just fucking bawlinghis eyes out and when kai offers to for lloyd to hold him lloyds just like are you suure arre eyyuuu thherye so smsmm all kaiii are yoruur suureee thheyrey babbeises
nya is hesitant but ends up being a really good aunt, i meanshe took care of kai /j
zane is a fav uncle and hes always making sweets for them jay is. also sorta a fav bc where zane comes jay follows and jay has a sweet tooth and also makes Cool Toys + hey wanna prank your dadsalso im dramatic and likekai and cole sitting down and having a convo about master wubc he was sorta a shitty mentor and they really REALLY dont want their kids going through any self confident issues nor over stressing bc theyr KDISeventually kai and cole talk to master wu and actually has wu face his terrible practice towards kids and wu accepting he was.............................a bad 'parent' in a senseblebleblelelelelelellekai works but cole absolutely watches over any training when wu is there at first but lloyd is the master now and lloyd is like..........................i dont want kids to go through what i went through kai is like i trust you but also i will murder every single one of you in this dojo if you ever hurt my little girlim doing what i do and taking an au and running im sorry ghdghdfhJACK RAMBLES....their son refuses to wear shoes he lieks dirt on his feet they never really think much of it but its actually really comforting for him to feel the earth under his feet and feel stablethey think its just a stim thing maybe? theyr unsurebut! turns out him Element(also a fear of heights)lloyd tries to be a serious master but hes a big ol goof and can easily be manipulated
ironically.......its the lil boy who often is like HEY!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOTTA TRAIN!
kai and cole agree not to tell anyone what theyre thinking of naming their little boy until he arrives so when the day comes kais holding this tiny little boy and holds him out gentlyand lloyd is already EMOTIONAL because this is a BABY and lloyd softly asks his name n cole cuts in like "hes named after a really brave dude, montgomery. but we're thinking monty as a nickname"lloyd, choking up:(hc garmadons first name is montgomery)
the girl is Reka which means sweet in maori (a personal headcanon for cole) and shes their sweetheart
lovelypeaches09/04/2019bhrnrng this is in domestic au but col and kai teachign their kids instrumentscole and reka wud play piano duets togetherand monty doesnt like instruments much but he likes to singlike a LOT he belts out a song for everythinghe just lieks his own voice
lovelypeaches09/04/2019YEAAAHhes like the type who makes a song for everythingmonty voice we rr goinggg to the parkkkkk and the grass isss.........GREEENNNNNNN and there are LOOK THERE ARE SQUIRRRELSSSS and a playground and the skyyyyy isssssssssssss...*deep inhale* BLUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE1E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kai and cole: you are literally so talented
jay tries really hard to be the Cool Uncle at firstbut Monty just :^TReka gives him an awkward chucklewhen jay stops being Cool ™ hes goofy and thats when they start giggling and liking him more
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queen-of-hearts92 · 6 years
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Giant hands as imagery never mean anything good. The literal stage hands from episode 8 was scary enough but now theres this huge looking hand at the start of Maya's chapter of Overture. Due to this manga being a prequel to the anime I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a giant hand is featured here. Considering what hands like these usually mean, it gives quite unnerving implications, especially for Maya since this was in her chapter. Let me explain! About Maya Tendou and why I’m sad about her.
Quick note from the future: I wrote this post before episode 10 happened so while I would change somethings around I still stand by a lot of what I said here! I’ll probably do a follow up post to this one eventually! Ok thats all, enjoy the meta! owo/
Loom hands can represent danger from a powerful force, they often mean something is preying on someone else. Like a predator hunting down prey, the sharp claws add to the predator image hence the literal stage hands are also clawed. An example would be in the book/movie Coraline who is targeted by the Other Mother. Not only does Other Mother have creepy hands but on the posters and covers for the movie there is indeed a clawed hand above Coraline. 
Another thing looming hands can represent is a lack of control over yourself/your life like being directed by a puppet master. Remember when Maya was talking about the beauty of choice in episode 7? We can start to see why she views it so positively, cause she doesn’t often have that. To go with the theme of a lack of control, the controlling hand can also represent abuse of any kind. 
You see. The visual of an adult hand reaching towards a child who looks like her in the darkness has some, sad implications about Maya. I actually did wonder if that sort of thing happened during her childhood. I never put it in my write ups cause I didn't want to assume nor did I feel I had enough evidence but then this chapter happened. Now I’m suspecting abuse, physical and/or emotional most likely. I’ve said a few times in my write ups that you don’t get someone like Maya out of a happy childhood, and I know I’m right but what happened exactly we were only able to guess at for awhile but thanks to this chapter we have some idea of whats going on. 
Maya has had expectations thrown at her since she was born. Her parents it sounds like that they groomed her to be a stage girl. I’ve always been bothered that she's referred to as a thoroughbred. Yeah that word can be used at ppl but not normally, you call race horses that are born and bred to compete a thoroughbred. Maya has that word in every one of her descriptions, and that’s why. 
She was bred for the stage, nothing else was ever an option for her. Maya’s whole existence is the stage, the ghost story play in her chapter is really referring to her. She’s the ghost that gets swallowed up by the darkness. Two of the quotes from the play that stood out to me was “Aside from the heart of a stage, the position zero, there was nowhere else that I belonged.” and “The light of the spotlight is the only thing that reveals my existence at all”. To farther cement this parallel is that the ghost girl has Maya’s hair style therefore looks similar to her and only Maya is able to see her. Maya the performer is seen by others of course but Maya as a human being isn’t. That’s the invisible part, only being in the spotlight reveals her existence.
We can see this in the fact that Maya doesn’t have any close friends and while Claudine is easily the closest to Maya she’s still distant to the point that Kuro also sees Maya as a perfect embodiment of the stage. Kuro couldn’t even fathom that Tendou Maya was afraid of something silly like ghosts hence she thought Maya was acting instead. That’s a big relationship barrier here, Kuro needs to see Maya as a human being or their relationship just isn’t going to work.
Noticing that Maya has been dehumanized by everyone around her is extremely depressing honestly. From what I can tell her parents see her as a well trained prized pet, her peers see her as above them, and her crush sees her as this perfect stage girl to a point she cant recognize if Maya is acting or when she’s genuinely like scared in this case. Maya does do what she is expected to do but it seems like she’s created a coping mechanism of sorts. If her peers see her as this untouchable figure fine, she’ll be that to inspire them to progress. She wants to be the best so others do their best, this way it gives her a purpose besides just being a wind up toy on the stage. However this kind of coping won’t work forever cause at the end of the day she’s still treated like an object and not a person. Something will give, and it will hurt a lot. Like someone, please see her as a person! She needs that so so badly. God dammit...
On top of all this Maya being associated with birds has depressing implications as well. Birds can mean all sorts of shit, but one of the big ones is freedom. Ya know, caged birds still sing after all. If Maya is that bird, the one who can’t fly freely, then she’ll learn how to sing. However Maya isn’t associated with the traditional caged birds, she’s associated with swans. Swans can’t be contained like that, shouldn’t be contained like that. Just because a swan has accepted their cage doesn’t make the cage less smaller or tighter. Or feel less suffocating. Like I said in my episode 7 write up, Maya is trying hardcore to look only forward and never back but not facing the ghosts of your past can and will cause problems and eventually drag you down. Maya isn’t a lark or any kind of songbird, she’s a swan that learned how to sing and perform. And if that swan can’t or won’t break free, then its only gonna get worse from here.
All this shit ofc factors in kuromaya. I think one of the reasons why Maya has fallen for Claudine and seeks her out is while Kuro does see her as perfect, instead of backing down she fucking goes for it and thats exciting as hell for Maya. People just don’t do that around her nor succeed in truly challenge her like Kuro can. Plus unlike her, Kuro chose to go into the stage and acting. Maya must really admire that she chose this rough path and did it cause she wanted to. Hell maybe even envy her for being able to do that. She loves Kuro’s drive and passion, she loves being around her. But I do think that eventually Kuro also treating her as not human will get to Maya. And when that happens, that’s gonna hurt a lot man.
I honestly can’t imagine what it’s like to go your entire life being treated like a fancy animal at best and a thing at worst. The coping mechanism is probably the only reason why she hasn’t fucking lost her mind or her sense of self, but as I said that won’t solve anything in the long term. 
Maya is gonna break, everyone has their limits and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’ll be hitting hers soon. She, honestly needs to. You can’t bottle that shit up forever, its gonna explode. When the break happens I’m pretty sure Claudine will see it happen, cause she needs to see that Maya is human too. She’s probably the only one who can possibly understand since she also grew up in the spotlight. This will be a helpful and healing experience for both of them, Maya can finally let it all out and Kuro can learn a new way to look at her and even their rivalry over complicated lesbian mating dance. I’m hoping that’s what episode 10 will show us.
And I’m gonna cry a lot if it does go this way, ever since I noticed how everyone around her dehumanizes her I’ve been sad about it. I just want Maya to be happy god dammit. ;A;
Edit: I just gotta say, Green Finch and Linnet Bird now makes me think of Maya and now I’m sad. orz
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Is that a flower crown?
So this is for my dearest @sammyisapuppy, for her Sammy fluff challenge.
Im not the best at this fluffy stuff but I tried and I hope y'all like it or at least tolerate it.
word count: lots 
You heard the bunker door close loudly, no matter how quietly Sam tried to close it it always seemed to echo off the tile walls and wake you, announcing that Sam was back from his run.
This time the door wasn't what woke you, this morning the moment Sam left you were up and hurrying around the bunker to organise everything for Sam's birthday. Sam’s birthday was your favourite time of year, you can spoil him recklessly and theres nothing he could do about it. Last year you took him to the aquarium, before that camping and hiking God knows where and before that to Powell's city of books. This year you’d found the sweetest field of wildflowers and thought you could pack a picnic and just relax in a field all day reading and eating. You packed a little basket of sweet fruits, pastries, cupcakes and lemonade and hid it away in the back seat of your car with a few blankets.
Just as you came back into the library from the garage the door closed and you saw a sweaty Sam making his way down the bunkers metal steps. As he reached the bottom step his face lit up as he saw you, “oh hey… what are you doing up this early?” he said as he wrapped an arm around you and began walking you down the hall towards your room. “well I don't know if you've forgotten but it just happens to be someones birthday” you beamed up at him before breaking away from him just to burst a party popper above his head to rain down on him. He convulsed with laughter as you began quickly kissing every little bit of skin on his face before he trapped your head between his hands and passionately kissed your lips, as you parted you whispered “happy birthday” before you kissed him again. “Go shower you stink” you laughed as you pushed him towards the door, he laughed in response kissing your forehead as he made his way to the bathroom. It constantly amazes you how someone so rough can be so gentle and soft, he deserves a rest, he needs to relax. You looked through the little shared library sam and you had created in your room, purely for fiction, no monsters, no research. You were looking for something Sam hasn't read yet, but with how busy he's been with ugly monster research he probably hasn't had time to even look at good book. As the shower turned off you shoved a handful of books into your bag and sat cross legged on the bed waiting for Sam to come back. At this stage you think you're more excited for Sams’ birthday than Sam was.
He strolled back into the room in a towel never failing to make you drool, he looked at you again with that sweet little dimpled smirk and pulled on the classic Winchester ensemble, jeans, black tee shirt and your favourite red flannel. He flopped down onto the bed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down with him, cuddling into his side the soft flannel on your skin never failed to make you feel safe and at home. Before you both fell asleep you got up and pulled him with you “come on lets go out” you said before walking into the bathroom to shove your hair up into twin buns while he put on his shoes. You skipped out go the bathroom and grabbed both of Sams hands and lead him to your car “where are we going sweetheart?” he tried to whisper as you walked through the halls and into the garage, “oh you know thats not how this works” you chuckled as you both got into the car and started driving to the little field you found when you got lost on a case late last year. You gave Sam free reign over the radio, as you both began to talk about nothing and singing to your favourite songs.
The sun shined a gentle haze over the field and the wind swayed through the trees and the flowers as you stopped the car and began to pull the basket and blankets out of the car. As Sam stretched out, no longer cramped in the car he looked towards you and uttered “so whats your plan, kill me? rob me? were in the middle of nowhere” you laughed loudly without any ounce of emotion in your eyes at his little “joke”but this soon turned to genuine laughter as Sam began imitating you really exaggerating you “Ha Ha Ha’s”. You threw the blanket at him and he noticed the little picnic basket you had in your hand as you started walking into the field of wildflowers, but he was right behind you and before you knew it he had taken the picnic basket and wrapped his other hand around your waist as you both negotiated on where to settle down.
You'd settled down and not after long most of the food was gone and you both ended up reading, you where laying in the sun with your head resting on Sams stomach with both your noses stuck in a book. You hardly made it though a chapter before you caught yourself staring up at Sam he looked so relaxed and content in the afternoons sun “Sammy?” you asked quietly, he replied with a soft grunt  and you continued “you look like a prince” you could feel him laugh under you “thanks princess” he said with a smile, you sat up and kissed him once before packing up a little while sam went back to his book.
You sat at his feet picking flowers and weaving them together into a chain. You'd just finished the final flower as Sam sat up behind you and looked over your shoulder “is that a flower crown?” he asked. You turned with a smile and  carefully placed the flowers on his head “for you my prince” you said as you kissed his nose. He smiled in awe and pulled you into is lap as he took a deep breath and began to babble about how how lovely the day had been but then he looked straight in your eyes and said “really Y/N thank you, this has been perfect. I really do love you honey” before you could reply the rest of your plan came into action as the familiar rumble of Deans baby rolled up next to the field. “whats Dean doing here?” Sam asked almost disappointed that you now had company, “don't worry, I’ll be right back, stay here” you got up and almost ran towards Dean. You got to baby and Dean was more than eager to unload the present that you'd both agreed that Sam deserved. You reached into the car for your hands to be attacked by the tongue of the golden retriever puppy you'd adopted.  Dean waved across the field to his brother laughing at his flower crown before getting back into the impala and driving away again.
Sam was standing when you got back to the blanket and his expression almost mimicked that of the puppy, it was a pure innocent excitement “oh god you didn’t” he said in disbelief as you sat down with Sam and the puppy. “its a girl and she's all yours, whats her name?” you asked him, you played with the un named little puppy as sam thought of a name. He smiled and looked up while scratching the little dogs tummy “honey”, “yeah” you replied “no honey” he said a little more insistently “what?” you responded he chuckled a little before clarifying “the puppy, we should call her honey”. Deep down you loved the name but you couldn't help saying “I thought I was your honey” with a fake little pout “aw no you're my princess” he said in response kissing your forehead again, you laughed a little and whispered “happy birthday, my love”.
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fumi-gogo · 7 years
.. out of my fucking mind again
26 Nov 17 I wrote this like a suicide note but I’m not going to kill myself, just trying to really get everything out of my system I know this is incredibly selfish of me, but I probably deserve to do one thing for myself. I hope after this, you will be able to live a little comfortably and have the types of holidays you’ve always wanted Joyce. I know Ive never been one to celebrate anything so I’m sorry Ive wasted your time for the past 4 years. I was really happy with you and I thought we would grow old together, Im sorry I didn’t see how much I was pushing you away and making you despise me. I was so hurt when you came home from tech school, when I was crying and I would look in your eye, they were so empty and I just saw frustration and disgust for me. Im sorry I have to inconvenience everyone again one more time but hopefully this will be the last time unless I fuck this up like everything else in my life. I hate the way I see myself in the mirror, Im so gross and I hate the way people talk to me as If I am a man. Its gross and I hate when people are seeking some weird validation from me about their masculine tendencies or habits. Being transgender has already destroyed my relationship with the person I’ve loved for a long time and I don’t know if I could survive it tearing another person I love away from me. Ive tried to be ok with the direction our relationship has gone but it hurts. It might have been so much easier to just keep everything to myself and just be happy with what life gave me. It hurts every day and theres nothing I can do to fix that and it sucks and I hate myself for the way I feel. Her laugh was always my favorite, ,the last time I remember making her laugh and happy was when I teased her about how she recited her phone number over the phone. That was the laugh I would think about when I would cry myself to sleep missing her. We never really had anything in common though, I don’t know why I was so in love. The way things ended made me realize what it felt like to really not be cared about, despite everything I was struggling with and trying to fix about myself. I started talking to Debs because she talked about a lot of things I had interests in and wanted to talk about that I’ve never been able to talk about before. She always had the best recommendations for books and movies and I enjoyed everything she ever recommended. We are both very broken people but I wish I could have been there for her more, she deserves better than she has to deal with now. I hope she is truly happy someday. If you can Joyce, please try to give some of my sgli to her, I want to be able to do something more for her. I wanted to be creative and I wanted to be an artist, I never put in the work or time I needed to though I just failed and I had to drop out of school to join the Air Force. It was exciting at the beginning, but then I hated myself more and more and I was always tired and I hated waking up to put on the same uniform every day. Then somehow we got this clown on a president who doesn’t really give two shits about anyone other than himself and I really just lost all motivation, what is the point of anything when someone who will run the country into the ground somehow gets voted into office. I feel like I’m a smart person and that I understand people and I get along with them very well. People gossip to me all the time and tell me things for reasons I don’t know, maybe somehow they know I won’t tell anyone else, maybe I just give off that friendly of a vibe. I get it though, I empathize with people very strongly, when I hear other people criticize something, I get confused how they can’t see it from another point of view. Im just rambling, Im afraid I will miss saying something important while I have the chance. Im going to miss a lot of people but I’ve had people enter and leave all my life and I don’t really have any long time friends anyways so whatever I guess. Im sorry that I pushed myself back into your life again debs just to leave so suddenly like this, I should have just kept to myself. I was forced to go to church almost all of my life but I can never really remember have any interest in it at all, but won’t it be interesting to see what the other side is actually like I don’t really see a future for me here, anywhere. I’ve always been bad with money, I’m impulsive with it, I just buy what I want and Joyce had gotten any about it with me but I besides the initial guilt I don’t really feel anything. If I stop now while I’m not in too big of a hole, I won’t be a burden to anyone else for much longer and I can still do some good for the people I love. I won’t be any use to anyone in the future when I’m completely dysfunctional. I wish I could have traveled, seen places outside of the US. Japan, Korea, London, Brazil, etc… 7 billion plus people in the world and I never got to see a fraction of it To my family also, I love you all, I really do. Im sorry I didnt talk to you more, I was always scared of what I might say and how you might respond, I have always hidden most of who I am and kept secrets just to fit in and to get the things that I thought would make me happy. Gender sucks and I don’t know anything about funerals but please at least they to keep It gender neutral and don’t invite too many people, I never talked to anyone so it feels like most people who would even show up would just feel in-genuine. Being referred to as a guy has made me feel uncomfortable for a long time so I always hoped no-one noticed when I said they/their whenever I was talking about myself in the third person. Referred to as a she would be nice too but whatever. Please take care of yourself Joyce and please just find happiness with someone who could provide you with what I couldn’t, you deserve the absolute best. Im really sorry Debs, I made you uncomfortable by getting too attached to you too fast, at first I was probably just trying to fill a void in my heart but after a few weeks, i would go through the day looking forward to talking to you about your ideas and your passions, I loved how you were chasing dreams and I wanted to be there for you to cheer you on. I know you deal with a lot of your own problems but it was more important to me to help you through those that dump all my bs onto you. I wish I could have done more for you, I hope you live a long and happy life and you get to fulfill your dreams and your goals. Your voice messages always made my heart race, your voice was so cool and attractive and your selfies in your button ups made you look so badass, you are amazing. Also, no-one looks better and more awesome in a leather jacket than you ------ Im not going to kill myself Im not that selfish. It is a very curious thing though. I wondered how writing a suicide note would make me feel and I feel ok I guess. Its not ok for me to be this selfish, I have always been selfish, doing things for myself and to get things for myself. Theres things I still forgot to write though. I never knew what it was like to be angry until I felt like I knew what it was like to be cheating on. If I try to think about everything from an outside perspective, I wasn’t the only one being selfish. I don’t think I deserve to be treated the way I was, We were married and we were partners, we owe each other more than a stupid text message to end our marriage. And to hide things like going on dates behind my back while I’m in this kind of depressive and anxious state. What the fuck. But it did make it clear to me how you felt and it made it easy to accept that you don’t give a good god damn about me despite what you try to tell me. Seeing the kind of guy you're with now made it clear what type of guy was your type, and it was very clear that me as a guy was not your type, what the fuck were we even doing together Suicide is a very scary thing and for some reason you’re not allowed to admit you’ve had thoughts about it or else you get locked up and whatever, all I did was cut myself before and I was in a mental ward for 3 days. I drank and take a ton of ambient to sleep the day away, I always feel better after venting and sleeping. 
  I guess this is how I start year 26… Im going to be the person I was always supposed to be and I am going to be happy someday, and hopefully I’ll be able to share my life with someone who will actually love me
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agvbya · 7 years
To her next “forever”:
Hey, I know you’re probably so confused as to why I would ever write anything directed to you, I now what youre thinking but just hear me out. The girl you’re with was someone who I once considered to be the love of my life, I once loved the girl you are with right now and I loved her with my whole heart. It wasn’t ever just a game to me. It wasn’t a relationship to pass the time, and although it had its fair share of complications, it was everything I wanted in my life then and all I thought i’d need in the future. But life got in the way and theres was nothing either of us could do to stop it from doing so.I’ve had my time to cry and wonder if I had made the biggest mistake of my life, if I should’ve kept on fighting or if this was simply the way of the universe telling me that there’s some kind of different plan for me, I still don’t know the answer to that but ill still wait for it.I won’t lie to you, it hurts. It hurts to picture her with someone else. It hurts to wonder if she says the same things to you that she once said to me, but im sure it will  eventually stop hurting. Until then, I have some things I want you to know about her.Things you won’t know right away, things that make her happy and things that don’t, things that took one year for me to learn. I won’t say everything because I still want to keep certain things to myself. Take care of her for me, she likes warm tea, and bitter coffee drinks.. i never understood why. Her music taste is all over the place.. she'll even listen to your requests, just don't get upset when she doesn't like it, she can be brutally honest at times, learn to love it just like i did. She loves to be touched, in the most innocent ways at times. She loves compliments even through she says she hates them. tell her how beautiful her eyes are. update her on the gray ring around her pupil, tell her it looks smaller, she's always been afraid the gray will take over the beautiful shades of hazel and green. call her sweet names, she loves to be called baby, babygirl, and well everything in spanish. she thinks it sounds more genuine in spanish for some reason. She loves soup, specially " sopa de letritas" and " estrellitas" they all tasted the same to me but for some reason i started to enjoy those two the most. she doesn't have a specific favorite color, even though she says she does, she changes every month or two.. from red, to black to gray and every other one, and gets mad when you tell her that wasn't her favorite color a month ago. She loves chicken nuggets, not any kind tho.. she loves chicken nuggets from jack in the box and french fries from mcdonald's, also ask for some buffalo sauce at jack in the box.. it used to be our thing but you can make it yours because i know how much she loves it. she loves to be cold and absolutely hates to be hot. she loves the feeling of being under millions of blankets and be warm, but never hot.. if she does get hot she'll get in this whiny mood that gets fixed with the help of food and kisses. She has an obsession with puppies, it's so bad it can even make her cry. she'll steal your tshirts and hoodies, even though she might have the same one, she'll want to keep yours too. she obsesses over things she has no clue about, she loves starwars and harry potter but has never watched the movies or read the books. she loves musicals and i'm sorry to tell you you'll have to learn every song to them, don't worry though.. you'll start to enjoy them eventually. she loves disney and obviously Disnleyland, specially tomorrowland. she loves Aladdin and a Nightmare Before Christmas too, those are two of her millions of favorite movies. she knows every word to a lot of movies she'll make you watch, she'll recite almost the entire movie, do not get stressed or annoyed, you'll learn to love it, eventually you'll enjoy more to look at her than the actual movie. ask her about her favorite movies if you want an almost 2 hour rant you will for sure enjoy, not because of what she's saying but because she's just so passionate about the things she likes. she'll say your full name when she's angry. She'll hold your hand and compare the size of them, she has tiny hands and she loves it. she calls them her "baby hands" it's cute. She has an obsession with makeup, and you’ll know every brush and will know every name to each thing that goes on her face when you least expect it. She loves remembering old shows that she used to watch when she was a kid.. like Teletubbies and Rolie Polie Olie, we used to watch them late at night and for some reason we found them absolutely hilarious. She’s incredibly smart, its actually amazing how you can go from having the most stupid and pointless conversations to speaking about afterlife and the deepest things. You’ll have different opinions and perspectives, don’t let her change yours and don’t try to change hers because these differences are what make the conversations even better. She thinks a lot, like a.. lot so don’t give her too many bad  things to think about, shell think about them 3 nights in a row. She gets sad, really sad at times.. specially at around 1:40a.m, just know theres nothing wrong with you, you’re doing enough… give her lots of reassurance, tell her everything is going to be fine and that you won’t ever leave her side, and when she wakes up shell be that happy beautiful girl that you love. She doesn’t like walking alone, she absolutely hates it for reasons that she will eventually tell you. She doesn’t trust people easily so consider yourself lucky if she even dares so mention the reasons as to why she doesn’t like walking alone. She can get scared at times, hold her. Make beautiful promises. Love her. I know you’ll love her but im sorry to tell you no one will love her like I did. Make her happy. Make her laugh. She knows how to fake her laugh by the way… if she laughs for longer than 5 minutes and continues to do so every once in a while after the joke is no longer even funny, you did a good job. She’ll laugh at it whenever you bring it up, no matter if its a month after it happened. Like I said, theres things Im not going to mention like what her hand gestures mean or what her eyebrows do when she’s excited, or how to know when she’s sad, happy, mad, disappointed or excited by just the sound of her voice… those are things you’ll put effort into learning. You’ll love them, I promise you will. she isn't this crazy girl that has done millions of drugs, and gets drunk every night. Understand that people don’t know what you know,  imagine if they only knew that she spends those nights, drawing, painting, listening to music, watching movies and trying to learn every word to them. Also, get her the charcoal pencils.. she loves to draw with those, I still keep two of her drawings because I really enjoy them, but ill give them to you if you want them, although im sure shell give you some herself. she's more than a pair of pretty eyes and a nice body, i promise you she is. Im sorry to tell you I think I met the best her she has ever been...and last but not least, be careful. She can suck the life out of you in a matter of seconds. She can leave you hopeless, heartbroken and lifeless. She can hurt you as much as she can make you smile. She can make you miserable, she can make you believe as if you weren’t enough, as if you weren’t worth it. She can make people believe she is someone she’s not and make you look absolutely stupid when you try to explain it to them. between you and I, I still hope she comes back to me one day... but please take the risk, don't get too scared.. maybe you’ll change the only thing that I couldn’t. Maybe she won’t leave you like she left me, Good luck, and once again..you’re incredibly lucky.
Your girlfriend’s first love and shortest forever.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love)
1. Fall In Love With Learning
Fall in love with investigating an idea, constructing new believes, piecing together a new framework for how the world around “youre working” and what you can do with that knowledge. Croak back to institution, take a course youve “ve always wanted to” take or eventually pick up that work that youve been meaning to read for too long. Fall in love with expanding your attention in ways that you never even knew were possible.
2. Descent In Love With Traveling
Fall in love with movement. Become enamoured with altering sceneries and changing view and the seduce people who occupy each new region. Open your imagination up to cultures that differ from your own and let go of the racisms youve building up over so many years. Instead of focusing on the disarray of your internal nature, focus on the enchantment of the one that circumvents you. And allow yourself to be changed by it.
3. Tumble In Love With Your Body
Fall in love with all that your body can do for you for the mountains it is feasible proportion, the miles it can traverse, the people it is feasible charity and the residence that it gives people inside yourself. Learn to treat your figure with the proper respect it deserves with the food that nourishes it, the activity that exhilarates it and the conscientiousness that allows it to thrive. Stop neglecting “the worlds largest” permanent residence that has already been, and read to take care of it instead.
4. Drop In Love With Your Work
Fall in love with the projects you havent yet started, its own initiative you havent yet taken, the changes that youre capable of making and the impact you have the power to have. Instead of letting your work happens to you, start swarming your centre into your subsistence and watch the stunning solutions that follow.
5. Sink In Love With Art
Fall in love with the passion, the enchantment, the invention of “the worlds” that surrounds you. Immerse yourself in the aesthetic grace that is available to you in abundance and then equal that productivity with your own. Learn to channel your experience of “the worlds” into whichever art organize dress you best, and surprise yourself with your own ability to designing and invent.
6. Drop In Love With Nature
Fall in love with the overwhelming attractivenes of the natural environment that borders you. Strap on a backpack, hire a compass and canoe, and take yourself entirely off the grid. Realize how few of your problems strain beyond the hustle and flurry of your day-to-day life and take solace in that fact. Realize that nature is far extremely enchanting a beast to give inessential distractions get in the way of your experience of it.
7. Sink In Love With Helping People
Fall in love with a charity, their home communities, a population that youre capable of helping and flourishing. Realize that potential impacts you can have on other people is more significant than you could ever have imagined and glean a sense of purpose from that. Recognize that you are not the only party you exist to nurture and serve.
8. Tumble In Love With Bettering Yourself
Fall in love with objection yourself, with thriving yourself, with thrusting yourself to rise up to always one more obstruction that has been standing in your way. Read those works you have been meaning to invest in. Start that fitness routine youve been putting off. Actually get down to the core of what its going to take to establish yourself appear proud of the person you are, and then do that. Fall in love with the process of becoming more yourself.
9. Autumn In Love With Manufacturing People Laugh
Fall in love with humor. Earmark yourself to revel in the absurdity of the world that circumvents you and share your quirky receives with others. Get together with sidekicks you havent saw in years the ones who build your abs hurt with laughter and allow yourself a night to let loose. To laugh at all the things that are typically disturbance you, and realize how little superpower the government had. To realise how little anything stuffs when you have people to chuckle about it with.
10. Drop-off In Love With Literature
Fall in love with reading. Pick up the books youve been forgetting for too long and open yourself up to someone elses image to seeing how “the worlds” acts. Immerse yourself in the undertakings youll never take, the beliefs youve never entertained and the sheer think of how much more there ever is to learn and understand.
11. Sink In Love With Reflection
Fall in love with re-hashing your own legend. Instead of barreling aimlessly forward, take some time to reflect on where youve been and what you can learn from those experiences. Discover how many answers youre already deeming onto if you simply take the time to seek them out within yourself. And then move forward with a much greater awareness of where you want to go next.
12. Drop-off In Love With Movement
Fall in love with physical act. Take up a play, a physical challenge or an outdoor adventure that gets your blood pumping and your soul race. Take full advantage of the impact that endorphins have on your overall sense of wellbeing and refuse to take your form for granted again. Push its limits( safely) and surprise yourself with all that it can do.
13. Drop In Love With Mysteries
Fall in love with all that you have yet to understand. Research oddities, plunge into disorders, take it upon yourself to undertake some of the large unanswered questions in life. You may not end up with any answers, but youll discover to enjoy the process of wondering. Youll learn to tackle all future questions from every available angle.
14. Descend In Love With Healing
Fall in love with whatever it takes to manufacture you feel whole and terminated again. Take up study, practising, journaling, passing anything that brought you a little bit closer to who you know yourself to be at your core. In many directions, we will be healing and hurting our entire lives. So theres no shame in taking some time to get the process right.
15. Descent In Love With Experimentation
Fall in love with the fluidity of your own identity. Tighten your clutch on the person you know yourself to be and take up temporary residency inside the mind of who you could become instead. Try out new identities, new rehearses, new numbers and new methods of self-expression. You may find that youve been curbing certain sections of yourself for far too long.
16. Twilight In Love With Expression
Fall in love with telling your own story. Earmark yourself to write it out, run it out, describe it out, sing it out, to get it out in any way that find genuine and natural to you. Stop telling yourself that your scars are all yours to hold onto. And allow yourself the opportunity to genuinely connect with others whove “ve been through” much of what you have been through.
17. Drop-off In Love With Independence
Fall in love with your absence of limitations. Become enamored with your ability to go anywhere, do anything, become anyone you want to become, without “ve had to” taken into account in somebody else. Accept the unique opening you have to explore freely and openly, and take advantage of it while you still can.
18. Sink In Love With A Community
Fall in love with a group of beings. Learn what it means to contribute to something that is bigger than yourself and to be a part of something that you could not erect on your own. Learn to give and take from others in a way that is genuine and healthy and hear to let yourself be comfortable with that. Learn to care for a cause and a group of beings that is much, much bigger than yourself.
19. Fall In Love With Music
Fall in love with people whose themes and lyricals express what your head plainly cannot and then discover to speak their language. Fallen in love with the enchantment, with the capability, with the overwhelming connection that music allows us and incorporate the professional practice into your every day life. Allow music to bring you to neighbourhoods that your subconsciou has not been able to otherwise exit, and love the process. Appreciate all that it adds to living.
20. Autumn In Love With Questioning
Fall in love with not having answers with still having chests to tick and queries to consider and an entire life of living left to do. Read to make peace with not knowing everything yet, and to enjoy the process of detecting. Embrace this as a room of living because not knowing all of the answers will be a constant for the remainder of your life.
21. Autumn In Love With Planning
Fall in love with learning what you do have the power to change, and taking concrete measures to do so. Fall in love with the process of forever striving to achieve more for yourself, and to acknowledge all that you accomplish as you go.
22. Fall In Love With The Pursuit Of Something Bigger
Fall in love with a project or a purpose or a question that is bigger than yourself and your personal interests. Devote yourself to the furthering of whatever it is that you have thrown yourself into, and recognize the impact you are capable of having on something that is so much more significant than your own inessential problems and concerns.
23. Tumble In Love With Not Knowing What Comes Next
Fall in love with uncertainty. Learn to appreciate the facts of the case that we are rarely given all of the answers in life but that we do not need them in order has progressed. Learn to feel excitement rather than panic at the prospect of not knowing whats coming next, and allow your life to undo at the tempo that its meant to.
24. Autumn In Love With Yourself
Fall in love with the single person who has always been present to fight for you. Countenance yourself to ultimately take pride in the choices that youve realise, current challenges youve undertaken and the ways in which youre constantly working to better yourself. At the end of the day, your relationship with yourself rests at the core of every other affair youll have taken part in. So make sure youre starting from a healthy residence and fall in love with yourself first and foremost.
The post 24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love) appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love)
1. Fall In Love With Learning
Fall in love with investigating an idea, constructing new believes, piecing together a new framework for how the world around “youre working” and what you can do with that knowledge. Croak back to institution, take a course youve “ve always wanted to” take or eventually pick up that work that youve been meaning to read for too long. Fall in love with expanding your attention in ways that you never even knew were possible.
2. Descent In Love With Traveling
Fall in love with movement. Become enamoured with altering sceneries and changing view and the seduce people who occupy each new region. Open your imagination up to cultures that differ from your own and let go of the racisms youve building up over so many years. Instead of focusing on the disarray of your internal nature, focus on the enchantment of the one that circumvents you. And allow yourself to be changed by it.
3. Tumble In Love With Your Body
Fall in love with all that your body can do for you for the mountains it is feasible proportion, the miles it can traverse, the people it is feasible charity and the residence that it gives people inside yourself. Learn to treat your figure with the proper respect it deserves with the food that nourishes it, the activity that exhilarates it and the conscientiousness that allows it to thrive. Stop neglecting “the worlds largest” permanent residence that has already been, and read to take care of it instead.
4. Drop In Love With Your Work
Fall in love with the projects you havent yet started, its own initiative you havent yet taken, the changes that youre capable of making and the impact you have the power to have. Instead of letting your work happens to you, start swarming your centre into your subsistence and watch the stunning solutions that follow.
5. Sink In Love With Art
Fall in love with the passion, the enchantment, the invention of “the worlds” that surrounds you. Immerse yourself in the aesthetic grace that is available to you in abundance and then equal that productivity with your own. Learn to channel your experience of “the worlds” into whichever art organize dress you best, and surprise yourself with your own ability to designing and invent.
6. Drop In Love With Nature
Fall in love with the overwhelming attractivenes of the natural environment that borders you. Strap on a backpack, hire a compass and canoe, and take yourself entirely off the grid. Realize how few of your problems strain beyond the hustle and flurry of your day-to-day life and take solace in that fact. Realize that nature is far extremely enchanting a beast to give inessential distractions get in the way of your experience of it.
7. Sink In Love With Helping People
Fall in love with a charity, their home communities, a population that youre capable of helping and flourishing. Realize that potential impacts you can have on other people is more significant than you could ever have imagined and glean a sense of purpose from that. Recognize that you are not the only party you exist to nurture and serve.
8. Tumble In Love With Bettering Yourself
Fall in love with objection yourself, with thriving yourself, with thrusting yourself to rise up to always one more obstruction that has been standing in your way. Read those works you have been meaning to invest in. Start that fitness routine youve been putting off. Actually get down to the core of what its going to take to establish yourself appear proud of the person you are, and then do that. Fall in love with the process of becoming more yourself.
9. Autumn In Love With Manufacturing People Laugh
Fall in love with humor. Earmark yourself to revel in the absurdity of the world that circumvents you and share your quirky receives with others. Get together with sidekicks you havent saw in years the ones who build your abs hurt with laughter and allow yourself a night to let loose. To laugh at all the things that are typically disturbance you, and realize how little superpower the government had. To realise how little anything stuffs when you have people to chuckle about it with.
10. Drop-off In Love With Literature
Fall in love with reading. Pick up the books youve been forgetting for too long and open yourself up to someone elses image to seeing how “the worlds” acts. Immerse yourself in the undertakings youll never take, the beliefs youve never entertained and the sheer think of how much more there ever is to learn and understand.
11. Sink In Love With Reflection
Fall in love with re-hashing your own legend. Instead of barreling aimlessly forward, take some time to reflect on where youve been and what you can learn from those experiences. Discover how many answers youre already deeming onto if you simply take the time to seek them out within yourself. And then move forward with a much greater awareness of where you want to go next.
12. Drop-off In Love With Movement
Fall in love with physical act. Take up a play, a physical challenge or an outdoor adventure that gets your blood pumping and your soul race. Take full advantage of the impact that endorphins have on your overall sense of wellbeing and refuse to take your form for granted again. Push its limits( safely) and surprise yourself with all that it can do.
13. Drop In Love With Mysteries
Fall in love with all that you have yet to understand. Research oddities, plunge into disorders, take it upon yourself to undertake some of the large unanswered questions in life. You may not end up with any answers, but youll discover to enjoy the process of wondering. Youll learn to tackle all future questions from every available angle.
14. Descend In Love With Healing
Fall in love with whatever it takes to manufacture you feel whole and terminated again. Take up study, practising, journaling, passing anything that brought you a little bit closer to who you know yourself to be at your core. In many directions, we will be healing and hurting our entire lives. So theres no shame in taking some time to get the process right.
15. Descent In Love With Experimentation
Fall in love with the fluidity of your own identity. Tighten your clutch on the person you know yourself to be and take up temporary residency inside the mind of who you could become instead. Try out new identities, new rehearses, new numbers and new methods of self-expression. You may find that youve been curbing certain sections of yourself for far too long.
16. Twilight In Love With Expression
Fall in love with telling your own story. Earmark yourself to write it out, run it out, describe it out, sing it out, to get it out in any way that find genuine and natural to you. Stop telling yourself that your scars are all yours to hold onto. And allow yourself the opportunity to genuinely connect with others whove “ve been through” much of what you have been through.
17. Drop-off In Love With Independence
Fall in love with your absence of limitations. Become enamored with your ability to go anywhere, do anything, become anyone you want to become, without “ve had to” taken into account in somebody else. Accept the unique opening you have to explore freely and openly, and take advantage of it while you still can.
18. Sink In Love With A Community
Fall in love with a group of beings. Learn what it means to contribute to something that is bigger than yourself and to be a part of something that you could not erect on your own. Learn to give and take from others in a way that is genuine and healthy and hear to let yourself be comfortable with that. Learn to care for a cause and a group of beings that is much, much bigger than yourself.
19. Fall In Love With Music
Fall in love with people whose themes and lyricals express what your head plainly cannot and then discover to speak their language. Fallen in love with the enchantment, with the capability, with the overwhelming connection that music allows us and incorporate the professional practice into your every day life. Allow music to bring you to neighbourhoods that your subconsciou has not been able to otherwise exit, and love the process. Appreciate all that it adds to living.
20. Autumn In Love With Questioning
Fall in love with not having answers with still having chests to tick and queries to consider and an entire life of living left to do. Read to make peace with not knowing everything yet, and to enjoy the process of detecting. Embrace this as a room of living because not knowing all of the answers will be a constant for the remainder of your life.
21. Autumn In Love With Planning
Fall in love with learning what you do have the power to change, and taking concrete measures to do so. Fall in love with the process of forever striving to achieve more for yourself, and to acknowledge all that you accomplish as you go.
22. Fall In Love With The Pursuit Of Something Bigger
Fall in love with a project or a purpose or a question that is bigger than yourself and your personal interests. Devote yourself to the furthering of whatever it is that you have thrown yourself into, and recognize the impact you are capable of having on something that is so much more significant than your own inessential problems and concerns.
23. Tumble In Love With Not Knowing What Comes Next
Fall in love with uncertainty. Learn to appreciate the facts of the case that we are rarely given all of the answers in life but that we do not need them in order has progressed. Learn to feel excitement rather than panic at the prospect of not knowing whats coming next, and allow your life to undo at the tempo that its meant to.
24. Autumn In Love With Yourself
Fall in love with the single person who has always been present to fight for you. Countenance yourself to ultimately take pride in the choices that youve realise, current challenges youve undertaken and the ways in which youre constantly working to better yourself. At the end of the day, your relationship with yourself rests at the core of every other affair youll have taken part in. So make sure youre starting from a healthy residence and fall in love with yourself first and foremost.
The post 24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love) appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love)
1. Fall In Love With Learning
Fall in love with investigating an idea, constructing new believes, piecing together a new framework for how the world around “youre working” and what you can do with that knowledge. Croak back to institution, take a course youve “ve always wanted to” take or eventually pick up that work that youve been meaning to read for too long. Fall in love with expanding your attention in ways that you never even knew were possible.
2. Descent In Love With Traveling
Fall in love with movement. Become enamoured with altering sceneries and changing view and the seduce people who occupy each new region. Open your imagination up to cultures that differ from your own and let go of the racisms youve building up over so many years. Instead of focusing on the disarray of your internal nature, focus on the enchantment of the one that circumvents you. And allow yourself to be changed by it.
3. Tumble In Love With Your Body
Fall in love with all that your body can do for you for the mountains it is feasible proportion, the miles it can traverse, the people it is feasible charity and the residence that it gives people inside yourself. Learn to treat your figure with the proper respect it deserves with the food that nourishes it, the activity that exhilarates it and the conscientiousness that allows it to thrive. Stop neglecting “the worlds largest” permanent residence that has already been, and read to take care of it instead.
4. Drop In Love With Your Work
Fall in love with the projects you havent yet started, its own initiative you havent yet taken, the changes that youre capable of making and the impact you have the power to have. Instead of letting your work happens to you, start swarming your centre into your subsistence and watch the stunning solutions that follow.
5. Sink In Love With Art
Fall in love with the passion, the enchantment, the invention of “the worlds” that surrounds you. Immerse yourself in the aesthetic grace that is available to you in abundance and then equal that productivity with your own. Learn to channel your experience of “the worlds” into whichever art organize dress you best, and surprise yourself with your own ability to designing and invent.
6. Drop In Love With Nature
Fall in love with the overwhelming attractivenes of the natural environment that borders you. Strap on a backpack, hire a compass and canoe, and take yourself entirely off the grid. Realize how few of your problems strain beyond the hustle and flurry of your day-to-day life and take solace in that fact. Realize that nature is far extremely enchanting a beast to give inessential distractions get in the way of your experience of it.
7. Sink In Love With Helping People
Fall in love with a charity, their home communities, a population that youre capable of helping and flourishing. Realize that potential impacts you can have on other people is more significant than you could ever have imagined and glean a sense of purpose from that. Recognize that you are not the only party you exist to nurture and serve.
8. Tumble In Love With Bettering Yourself
Fall in love with objection yourself, with thriving yourself, with thrusting yourself to rise up to always one more obstruction that has been standing in your way. Read those works you have been meaning to invest in. Start that fitness routine youve been putting off. Actually get down to the core of what its going to take to establish yourself appear proud of the person you are, and then do that. Fall in love with the process of becoming more yourself.
9. Autumn In Love With Manufacturing People Laugh
Fall in love with humor. Earmark yourself to revel in the absurdity of the world that circumvents you and share your quirky receives with others. Get together with sidekicks you havent saw in years the ones who build your abs hurt with laughter and allow yourself a night to let loose. To laugh at all the things that are typically disturbance you, and realize how little superpower the government had. To realise how little anything stuffs when you have people to chuckle about it with.
10. Drop-off In Love With Literature
Fall in love with reading. Pick up the books youve been forgetting for too long and open yourself up to someone elses image to seeing how “the worlds” acts. Immerse yourself in the undertakings youll never take, the beliefs youve never entertained and the sheer think of how much more there ever is to learn and understand.
11. Sink In Love With Reflection
Fall in love with re-hashing your own legend. Instead of barreling aimlessly forward, take some time to reflect on where youve been and what you can learn from those experiences. Discover how many answers youre already deeming onto if you simply take the time to seek them out within yourself. And then move forward with a much greater awareness of where you want to go next.
12. Drop-off In Love With Movement
Fall in love with physical act. Take up a play, a physical challenge or an outdoor adventure that gets your blood pumping and your soul race. Take full advantage of the impact that endorphins have on your overall sense of wellbeing and refuse to take your form for granted again. Push its limits( safely) and surprise yourself with all that it can do.
13. Drop In Love With Mysteries
Fall in love with all that you have yet to understand. Research oddities, plunge into disorders, take it upon yourself to undertake some of the large unanswered questions in life. You may not end up with any answers, but youll discover to enjoy the process of wondering. Youll learn to tackle all future questions from every available angle.
14. Descend In Love With Healing
Fall in love with whatever it takes to manufacture you feel whole and terminated again. Take up study, practising, journaling, passing anything that brought you a little bit closer to who you know yourself to be at your core. In many directions, we will be healing and hurting our entire lives. So theres no shame in taking some time to get the process right.
15. Descent In Love With Experimentation
Fall in love with the fluidity of your own identity. Tighten your clutch on the person you know yourself to be and take up temporary residency inside the mind of who you could become instead. Try out new identities, new rehearses, new numbers and new methods of self-expression. You may find that youve been curbing certain sections of yourself for far too long.
16. Twilight In Love With Expression
Fall in love with telling your own story. Earmark yourself to write it out, run it out, describe it out, sing it out, to get it out in any way that find genuine and natural to you. Stop telling yourself that your scars are all yours to hold onto. And allow yourself the opportunity to genuinely connect with others whove “ve been through” much of what you have been through.
17. Drop-off In Love With Independence
Fall in love with your absence of limitations. Become enamored with your ability to go anywhere, do anything, become anyone you want to become, without “ve had to” taken into account in somebody else. Accept the unique opening you have to explore freely and openly, and take advantage of it while you still can.
18. Sink In Love With A Community
Fall in love with a group of beings. Learn what it means to contribute to something that is bigger than yourself and to be a part of something that you could not erect on your own. Learn to give and take from others in a way that is genuine and healthy and hear to let yourself be comfortable with that. Learn to care for a cause and a group of beings that is much, much bigger than yourself.
19. Fall In Love With Music
Fall in love with people whose themes and lyricals express what your head plainly cannot and then discover to speak their language. Fallen in love with the enchantment, with the capability, with the overwhelming connection that music allows us and incorporate the professional practice into your every day life. Allow music to bring you to neighbourhoods that your subconsciou has not been able to otherwise exit, and love the process. Appreciate all that it adds to living.
20. Autumn In Love With Questioning
Fall in love with not having answers with still having chests to tick and queries to consider and an entire life of living left to do. Read to make peace with not knowing everything yet, and to enjoy the process of detecting. Embrace this as a room of living because not knowing all of the answers will be a constant for the remainder of your life.
21. Autumn In Love With Planning
Fall in love with learning what you do have the power to change, and taking concrete measures to do so. Fall in love with the process of forever striving to achieve more for yourself, and to acknowledge all that you accomplish as you go.
22. Fall In Love With The Pursuit Of Something Bigger
Fall in love with a project or a purpose or a question that is bigger than yourself and your personal interests. Devote yourself to the furthering of whatever it is that you have thrown yourself into, and recognize the impact you are capable of having on something that is so much more significant than your own inessential problems and concerns.
23. Tumble In Love With Not Knowing What Comes Next
Fall in love with uncertainty. Learn to appreciate the facts of the case that we are rarely given all of the answers in life but that we do not need them in order has progressed. Learn to feel excitement rather than panic at the prospect of not knowing whats coming next, and allow your life to undo at the tempo that its meant to.
24. Autumn In Love With Yourself
Fall in love with the single person who has always been present to fight for you. Countenance yourself to ultimately take pride in the choices that youve realise, current challenges youve undertaken and the ways in which youre constantly working to better yourself. At the end of the day, your relationship with yourself rests at the core of every other affair youll have taken part in. So make sure youre starting from a healthy residence and fall in love with yourself first and foremost.
The post 24 Access To Fall In Love With The World Around You( When You Require A Break From Romantic Love) appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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