#it doesn't matter if love was there or not. They'll find a way to create the most inaccurate/boring/offensive version on earth
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 1 year ago
Despite Danny's best efforts, no matter how much time past, Amity Park refused to see Phantom as a hero.
Sure, there were pockets of support, particularly among teens, but most of the town blames Phantom for the property damage, saying if he didn't fight the ghosts then it wouldn't be so bad, to that time he got mind controlled by Freakshow and "attacked" the mayor. It wears him down. It wears Tucker and Sam down. Jazz can only try to support them all.
Then one day, a member of the Justice League visits. Someone minor, and kinda a jerk... maybe a Wonder Twin? Zan? Whatever. They don't investigate; they don't look deeper. They listen to the town folks and declare the ghost hunters, Red Huntress and the Fentons, to be the official heroes of the town.
Worse? Danny Phantom is officially considered a villain to the Justice League. Tuck hacks into the Watchtower and confirms that they have a file (a heavily inaccurate file) about how to defeat Phantom.
Danny doesn't think he can do this anymore.
A few weeks later, a young villain escapes into Amity and demands (begs) that Danny help them escape from the hero after them. No idea who, I can't find a lot of info on teen villains in DC, so let's fudge some ages and make it Kyd Wyckyd from the Teen Titans cartoon. Danny agrees, because to hell with the Justice Losers, and they defeat the hero, becoming friends in the process. Kyd confesses that they became a villain after being ostracized bc of how they look, and they've been trying to avoid villain organizations because HIVE was abusive, but it's really hard to be a villain alone bc of all the heroes.
Sam gets an idea. Tucker agrees with the idea. Jazz is just happy they'll end up making friends.
The next day, the Teen Villain Alliance is formed, ready to assist with any teenage illegal shenanigans their allies might get into.
Some notes:
It's created to be a healthier option for teen "villains" to connect with others and support each other.
It's more important that this is for Teens rather than Villains. They're tired of adult villains taking advantage of them. The TVA would rather ally with a teen vigilante than with an adult villain.
Again, no idea who the teen villains are, but Klarion is definitely here. He leaves the Light for the chaos of the TVA. Maybe Ember is there too?
Timeline wise, this is around when Tim is still Robin, but Damien has arrived at Wayne Manor.
This is because, when it comes time to try to infiltrate the TVA, they'll have a convenient child-assassin who has none of the monitors of a teen hero that Phantom immediately picks up on.
Damien, who at this point has been abandoned by his mother, dismissed and scolded by his father, and has had no success at carving his own place in the family, jumps at the chance. He is then surrounded by peers who don't insult him or try to change his behavior (too much; jazz is trying to help him find healthier methods of expressing himself). He... might not want to continue being a spy.
Danny, Sam, Tuck, and Jazz are the founding members.
Danny reinvents himself as the High Prince of the Infinite, Prince Phantom Dark. He got kingship from fighting Pariah Dark, but since he's still alive, he's only a prince. He steals the last name Dark as an intimidation tatic against those in the know; only Danny would have the balls to claim family with Pariah.
Sam works as a powerless villain, but she might no be powerless? Either way, Danny gives her a bunch of repurposed Fenton tech, and she buys the rest with her parents credit card. She does NOT care if that's traced back to the Mansons. She would choose something goth, maybe something spider related or even bat?
I love Pharaoh Tucker, so I think he should get magic powers? Since pharaohs of old were considered the balance between the real and the divine. He's still a tech guy, now he's a tech and magic guy.
Jazz isn't really a villain, more of a team mom who's planning on using everyone's psyche's as her thesis paper. You know what, that's her callsign, she's Psyche. Sometimes she flirts with Nightwing.
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astrologydayz · 1 year ago
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WHY do people say that if someone's planets falls into your 7th house, then YOU'RE THEIR IDEAL LOVER??? Bitch bye. If someone's planets falls into YOUR 7th house, then U DIG THEM OR HATE EM, AS IT'S YOUR 7TH HOUSE! Let's say that your crush planets falls into your 1st and 7th house, then obviously u like their looks (1st house) and the way they show themselves off 2 other people, (how they treat other people/people u know (7th house! Don't project.
Pluto conjunct Ascendant in synastry, is a stalker aspect🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. It kinda reminds me of Hailey running around after Justin at his interviews, when they were young and he had no idea🤨🫣😭🤣 . SO FUCKING CREEPY. Pluto is obsessed, and way 2 "fixated" on the asc person. It can get dangerous, cuz ASC person has no idea about how deeply the obsession runs with Pluto, fr💀. The worst part is that they usually know that the Pluto person can be kinda "creepy", but not about how deep it actually runs. U won't ever really know with Pluto, cuz they won't even give out 20% of their secrets - they can't help it. Unless they literally have no aspects from Pluto 2inner planets in their own natal chart.
Your Bella asteroid - 695 conjunct/trine/quintile someone’s ASC means that the ASC person finds u really beautiful, (physical attraction) 🍒🫦. With the opposition it's on & off, like sometimes yeah and other times no - It switches. With the square/quincunx - takes time, but grows into a really strong attraction, the longer you're 2gether/know each other.
Why the fuck do people think that 8th house energy is only about sex and intense connections? If a person has planets in your 8th house = that person does not like u 9/10 times. They'll talk shit about u when u ain't present/gaslight u/do things behind your back. They're usually jealous of u. Trying 2 cross your personal boundaries all the fucking time. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?? NOT ME LOVE⚠⚠.
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Why do Cap inner placements/points always get a "boring", or a "cold" rep? We just don't like u? Trust me. We'll show u a good time, if we think you're worth it.
Jupiter is not only good. It enlarges EVERYTHING. So if someone has Sado asteroid (118230) conjunct Jupiter in their natal chart = a very smart/knowledgeable Sadist. They want to know everything! Hours&hours of research. They can't get enough with Jupiter! They're into some sick shit, and can use some really AGGRESSIVE ways 2 create that "pain and suffering". "shhh, I'm here baby, it's okay"🤨. 9/10 times = addiction 2 being that Sado "teacher" with Jupiter here🔞🔞. They can even brag about it!
Nessus asteroid - 7066 in synastry can definitely cause sexual attraction. But the Nessus person will always take advantage of the other person, no matter what. It may not be as "in your face"/prominent, like it is with the conjunction/square/opposition, but it will take place. Some can like Nessus contacts in synastry, if they have Nessus aspecting their own planets - especially inner planets, or points. And they can also handle Nessus energy way more, than someone who doesn't really have any Nessus contact, as they're already used to it. It doesn't make it good tho.
WOMEN with Black Moon Lilith conjunct/square/opposite Mars can hate being touched by men. Can also have trouble regarding intimacy with men in general/bc of their experiences with them🪚🪚. I have this, and if a man touches me out of nowhere = I'll punch him back 2 the year he should have stayed in a fucking condom 🦄.
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Lilith asteroid - 1181) in 3rd house synastry can mean that the house persons siblings doesn't like Lilith if it's "poorly" aspected😮‍💨😮‍💨. Or that house persons siblings doesn't even want 2 try 2 create a relationship, because they already heard so much "shit" about Lilith🫠🫠.
💜 Pluto conjunct asteroid Valentine - 447) in a natal chart loves so fucking hard. They'll literally take a bullet 4 the person they love. They don't “create” a connection with anyone easy either. They're so intense when it comes 2 love, and with how they connect 2 another being. They transform/find themselves - Pluto, through those few people they do end up loving. Most people can't handle their intense ways of showing love🖤🔫.
Inner planets in Gemini degrees 3/15/27° in a natal chart are the real champions, when it comes to overthinking - but knowing everything beforehand. They already thought about ALL the different outcomes, 2 every fucking situation!🫰🫠😍🤭. They already know what time it is, before u tryna tell em.
Look at your Vertex persona chart 2 c what kind of fated things you're supposed2 go through in this life ✍👀. Make a synastry chart and c if your Vertex chart makes any significant aspects 2 your natal! It can show important life events/secret fated "events" that won't be seen in just natal or Vertex pc alone👽.
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Lol, I'VE SEEN A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY THAT ARIES RISING WILL HAVE RED HAIR, OR COLOR THEIR HAIR RED AT SOME POINT? I'm an Aries rising, and I would rather get shot in the face. I'm naturally blonde, and honestly? I haven't met a single Aries rising who has red hair, or would color their hair red.
Anti - Vertex persona chart shows what YOU choose2 let into your life, and what u choose 2 do without fate intervening. It also shows u how u choose 2 act, in moments where u find no "meaning", and that's where your Vertex pc comes in right after - Fate intervening 🔮🔮.
Pluto opposite ASC/conjunct DSC in synastry can show the Pluto person deciding/or trying to at least, who the house person talks 2/surrounds themselves with. They can think a person is "bad company" 4 the house person. They can be in DSC persons business, a lot! House person is alarmed/or not, depending on how Pluto is aspected in their own chart. If Pluto is afflicted = they kinda like it.
ANYONE who has benefitted/benefits from me = a planet/point/NN/Vertex/asteroid conjunct my POF. Your POF is all the things (material/or spiritual wealth/growth), u have "picked up" on/will pick up on throughout your life. U "help" others with that planet/point or asteroid in synastry💰🦉💳.
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Star asteroids - Starr - 4150), Kallisto - 204), Fama - 408), Europe - 52), actor - 12238), Lumiere - 775 - acting, Apollo - 1862), Talent - 33154), Klio - 84), Fan - 151590), Records - 30718), Varuna - 20000) Webb - 3041).
Music, writing&poetry asteroids - Polyhymnia - 33), Euterpe - 27), Apollo - 1862), Terpsichore - 81 - song and dance) Luscinia - 713 - Singing), Melpomene - 18, Harmonia - 40), Erato - 62), Kalliope - 22), Singer - 10698), Cantor - 16246 - singing), Poesia - 946), Parthenope - 11 - singing), Tone - 1266), Echo - 60), Mnemosyne - 57). 
"Lucky asteroids" - Fortuna (19), Opportunities - 39382), Paradise - 2791), Winner - 15606), Abundantia - 151), Angel - 11911), Bless - 92891), Bonus - 10028), Tyche - 258), Midas - 1981), Magion - 2696), Spirit - 37452), Nike - 307).
Please look at these asteroids in synastry. Prey - 6157), Sado - 118230), Devience - 21419), Nessus - 7066), Pain - 5188), Lie - 26955), Blink - 4425), Nemesis - 128), Swindle - 8690), Lilith - 1181), Hades - h41), wild - 1941), Fanatica - 1589), Medea - 212), Savage - 29837), Not - 2857), Pervert - 18624), Hard - 28077). 
Appreciate u, always❤️
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goquokka00 · 10 months ago
The Little Things (Minho Ver.)
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The small things he does every day that make you feel oh, so special.
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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| Cooks For You |
It's no secret that Minho can cook. And that he also enjoys cooking (at least I think he does). And so when it comes to cooking for you, he always will. It doesn't matter whether or not you know how to cook, too. He'll always be in the kitchen, making you something delicious to feed you.
I feel like there would be times where the two of you would cook together. Minho would give you a few tasks to do while he did others, and the meal created would be filled with love and would taste even better. But most of the time, if you offer help, Minho would deny it. Hell, I bet you $5 that he wouldn't even let you step foot into the kitchen, not wanting to take the risk that you might help him.
But you want water? Yeah, or you want water so you can add it to the rice cooker to get the rice started. You'd have to just ask him if you could have a glass of water from where the wooden floor met the tile of the kitchen. That way you wouldn't be threatened to have your mouth stuffed with tissues.
| Kisses the Boo-Boos Away |
I get this sneaky suspicion that Minho, who's usually a bit colder than the other members, is incredibly soft and mushy towards you. And that includes when you accidentally hurt yourself. You got a papercut, or accidentally got a rug burn somehow, or your hand is hurting from a pinched nerve, leave it to Minho.
He'll patch you up, and then kiss wherever you got hurt. Every single time without fail. If he wasn't around when you got hurt and saw you with a bandage somewhere on your body, or bruises, he'll tell you to sit down or go to him so he can kiss the area you got hurt.
Now, let's say you broke a bone or sprained something, or had to get surgery for whatever reason. Do you honestly think that would stop Minho? No. No, it wouldn't. He'd kiss wherever those stitches were, or plant plenty of kisses on the cast on your arm or leg or wherever. He just wants you to be okay, and know that he loves you.
| Holds Hands |
Whenever the two of you are out in public, Minho always wants your hand. He wants to make sure that you won't leave his side no matter what. And it doesn't matter where you are. Your hand is in his, period. You think it's letting people see you're a couple and it's a bit embarrassing to see all eyes on you? Good. They'll know who you belong to. Your hand is getting sweaty? Too bad.
I feel like Minho will also hold your hand if you're nervous. Mostly because I think that Minho is so used to dealing with Jisung when he's nervous and spiraling. He'll always give you his hand to hold onto so you can be a bit more grounded.
And if it's really bad? His fingers are intertwining with yours, baby (no because I'm actually a sucker for this shit like OMG-). He's keeping you close, squeezing your hand tighter, making sure that you know that he's here for you, and he's not letting you go until you're better.
| Spoons |
Spooning is SUCH a big thing with Minho. He loves holding you close and feeling your back up against his chest. Being your big spoon is so nice. He's fully aware that it helps you relax and makes you feel nice and safe. Though, I feel like Minho would also be the little spoon sometimes, too.
If Minho's had a tough day at work, let's say practice didn't go well, he's in your arms the moment he gets back home. He won't really talk, just hums and grunts while guiding you back to the couch. And then, the next thing you know, you're holding him to you.
It's just something about the way he can curl up against you, and feel your arms around him while you whisper kind words in his ear, kiss his head and the nape of his neck, even how your hands will go and find his, intertwining your fingers together. His cold facade just melts when you hold him to you. It's just...so easy to relax in your arms.
| Touching Foreheads |
I feel like touching foreheads with Minho isn't really something anyone would expect. But again, I stand by the whole, Minho's putting up this big guy act and then when he gets back to you he's a wittle baby, ordeal. And touching foreheads falls under that.
I think he'd do this when he's having a tough time. Like, if something happens, or if he needs to be serious about a hard topic to talk about, he keeps his forehead on yours. It helps Minho feel closer to you, and he can speak quietly and not have to worry about you not hearing him. And the same goes for you, too. He feels like it's easier to comfort you if something did happen.
But I also think that this is something he'd do if he had to apologize to you. It's more intimate and heartfelt to him. Let's say you both got into a nasty argument, and the aftermath is him going and staying at the dorms for a while. When he comes back, he's apologizing by putting his head on yours, holding you close, and speaking in such a soft but modest voice. And it warms your heart every time.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
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thehigherseekerastro · 4 months ago
Random Astrology Observations (Alternative Meanings Love Edition) 2 🤨❤️🤔
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way, shape or form a professional astrologer, modern or traditional.
I HAVE been studying astrology for a while now, and analysing charts available to me, as well as my own, and noticed a lot of the info you find online doesn't make sense in real life, because it is too reductive, stereotypical or lacks broader context. So I thought I'd share some of my personal observations to see if it resonates with anyone.
This is NOT the end all, be all. Apply it as it makes sense to you.
The 1st House 🙋‍♂️
The 1H in synastry is a tricky one, because the first house itself is related to our individual identity. It is the house of self. So, when it comes to having a love planet here, things can get really murky. You'll often hear that it indicates instant attraction, but also only surface-level. While that is not entirely wrong, it would be a disservice to reduce it to just that. Yes, first house ties back to your physical appearance and external impact. But what does that mean for someone else being impacted and impacting that? Does it even apply in synastry? The answer is: YES. And it goes much deeper than you'd think. It will talk about an immediate recognition. It talks of being mesmerized by someone's look and demeanor, but that comes accompanied with an obsessive need to know more about you, to be around you, to soak up as much of you as possible, as if to aggressively learn you. And that's because you will tickle all the boxes the person had been holding inside (and vice-versa).
(e.g.: having someone's planet(s) fall into your 1st house doesn't just mean they will be attracted to you, if it's romantic. It also means the person feels like you two share a vibe, share interests, ideas. It means they feel like you move according to their speed, and therefore, that could lead to a lot of trust and comfort on their part, because you feel like a safe place. Not in the same sense as the 4H, but in a more "this person will have my back, cause we're the same!" kind of way. It makes the person feel like you are enough, because you fit them. So even if everyone else disagrees with them or doesn't understand them, they'll sort of look over at you, and if you validate them, that will be enough for them. They'd rather have your approval – since you are someone who gets them – than to have the approval of a bunch of people who don't understand where they are coming from.)
It truly is a beautiful thing, but even positive planets with positive aspects can lead to unwanted side-effects. The house person could come to resent the planet person because of how much they like them. Depending on who the house person is – if they have a dominant or prideful personality, for example – they may come to resent and even become angry with the planet person at times, because they'll feel so strongly for the planet person that they could start acting out of character for them, and that can make them feel like they're losing control of themselves. And as human beings, what do we do when we feel out of control? Shift blame and start looking for culprits. This DOES tend to wear off, though, exactly because of how intensely the house person feels for the planet person, but it can burn hot for a minute or two, specially if they end up getting into an ugly fight and the 1H person tries to forget the planet person, but they can't bring themselves to hate them. They'll get angry at the fact that no matter how hard they try to hate the person, they still feel enchanted by them.
(this could also create an unwanted feeling of "nobody else is like them", so the 1H could panic a bit at the thought of losing the planet person because 1H synastry creates the immediate feeling of the "perfect person for me", so imagine thinking you found the perfect person for you... it can make you feel like if you lose them you'll never recover, because no one else will be like them or able to replace them as perfectly)
All in all, though, first house Synastry tends to usually show up good results, depending on the planets and aspects involved. Another aspect of this synastry that doesn't get talked about for some reason is the fact that they tend to obsess over and notice the tiny details in each other. So it creates this effect of falling for them over and over and over again, cause they'll keep finding little things about the other person that they find enchanting, and THAT'S what creates the physical attraction. It's not that the planet or house person are conventionally attractive to everyone – they might not even fit the beauty standards –, but to the house person, those little details will sort of build up the planet person's beauty step by step, and by the time they catch on, they'll be enamored with every part of them, so, to the house person, the planet person truly is the most beautiful thing ever.
(1H house synastry also brings a 1st house energy to the attraction. NO - NOT ARIES. First house. But it will sound like arian qualities because Aries does rule the first house, after all. What this means is that a big part of the attraction for the 1H person is feeling like the planet person is independent, self-sufficient, confident, self-assured and capable. Because it's taping into their 1st house of self, the house person can sort of see the best of themselves reflected on the planet person, which means they feel like all the things they are insecure to show the world, the planet person has and is not afraid to show them. So they feel like planet person not only embodies their attraction ideal, but also the ideal personality they wish they had themselves. Which they do, but they don't realize it until planet person comes along and brings it out of them.)
First house Synastry is a complex kind of Synastry that is much more psychological than it's given credit for. People often focus on superficial physical attraction and gloss over the fact that it's like somebody is literally stepping into your mind and making your inner fantasies come out. It can feel very vulnerable and intense.
The 7th House 💍
Oh, isn't this one a gem?! Perhaps one of the most sought after in synastry. But the idea here is to provide an alternative perspective, so here goes: if it's badly aspected, or there's other challenging factors involved (the person falling into your 7H is problematic themselves), you're gonna run into the issues people often attribute to 1st house synastry, such as superficiality and a "false love" because 7H Synastry, regardless if it's good or bad, creates somebody who's "perfect on paper". They say the right things, they do the right things, they seem to fit into your whole ideals. But that does not guarantee that that's who they truly are. That's just who you think they are. Remember – the 7H is the house of "other". So it's not about you. It's about the other. But it's rather how you act around said other, and also how you perceive them.
(It's tough to say this, but you gotta be real to help some people out there who might have had 7H Synastry and didn't understand why the relationship failed, since everyone online claims it's a guaranteed soulmate. It's because Synastry goes both ways. And all houses have good and bad. There is no such thing as the perfect Synastry. But in the case of the 7H, I'd say it's the real life case of "if it's good, then it will be amazing. Truly a soulmate. But if it's bad... it will be awful. Just not immediately.)
Going off of the previous comment, another grim way this Synastry can turn out is in its binding effect. And I don't mean anything spiritual or abstract here. I mean literally binding. Imagine a relationship going sideways like that AND you are also now married or share a business together. MESS! This is the house of contracts and long-term. Remember Saturn exalts in Libra, because Libra likes things that last, and Saturn is the planet of long-term, so the house of Libra will sprinkle that lasting effect over whatever it touches. And if you're in a 7H relationship, that relationship will last with you, whether good or bad. It will take A WHILE to break off from it, either mentally, emotionally, psychologically, legally or financially.
(e.g. somebody has their moon in your 7H, but it's a moon at fall, in Scorpio, and it's afflicted in their natal chart. Now, at the beginning they will seem like a gift from God directly to you, so much so that you decide to make it official... And then, one or two years in, living together, each day it gets more toxic and draining and the dark sides just oozes out of your relationship. But now you are legally married, and divorcing will take time, bureaucracy, money and emotional energy, not to mention you'll have to uproot your entire life, explain it to your social circles and families... And what seemed like your dream come true was in fact a bitter lesson to learn).
To veer away from the dark twists of the last ones, let's dissect the correlations people make with the 7th house, like "oh, your spouse will be interested in art, and beauty, and music, and sophisticated things!" Why? Are you marrying a Libra? A Libra rising? Somebody with a Libra Venus? No? Then that has nothing to do with 7H Synastry. Houses are not signs, signs are not houses. Libra is one thing, the 7H is another. Venus rules Libra, which resides in the 7H, but Venus doesn't rule the 7H. It merely influences the 7H. It would be a better guess to say you might have met your person while they (or you) were already in a relationship than it is to say you met because of beauty-related things, or art, or music, since the 7H doesn't talk of any of those things, but it DOES talk of committed relationships.
(e.g. you might have met the person right after they (or you) got divorced. They might be connected to an ex of yours. Or another possibility that isn't talked about is how the person you eventually end up with is someone you have liked for a long time, but never got the chance to be with until now. Since this is the house of long-term relationships, having placements here could indicate that the person you ultimately stay with long-term is someone you already knew prior to getting together, but you needed to experience other relationships before you united with them.)
Another final aspect of placements in this house is the fact that it doesn't just deal with your love relationships, but also the way you consciously present yourself with others. How you behave socially. But also the mirror effect of this house, speaking directly about love. This is, after all, the house directly opposing the 1st house of self. In that regard, this is similar to 1H synastry, with the exception that in this one, instead of you coming out of your shell subconsciously, you make a conscious effort to become your best for your person here. You want to live up to all of your potential.
The 2nd House 💆‍♂️
This one is a bit tricky for me, because I'm not materialistic AT ALL. I have a Taurus Lilith in the 2nd house, so, I express it on the other end of the spectrum. When you have that placement, you either put too much value on money and material things, or you are completely unattached from it, and that's me. So the whole "money this, money that!" vibe is not my scene. I don't see a price in life, I see value. With that said, let's get this going.
Yes, this is the house of money and material things. Yes, it will deal with your personal finances. But no, unless other parts of your chart/Synastry agree with it, somebody's placements falling here should not have a lasting effect. It might merely indicate you overspending on dates and gifts. The 2H is the house of YOUR money, which means that the whole "oh, they're gonna shower you in gifts!", "And this is a sugar baby aspect!", "Your person will want to spend all their money on you and buy you expensive things!" is probably not gonna happen, sorry. If it does, it will be you spending your money.
(And if you do spend your money, the whole "gifts" thing is also not that common, because normal people don't just go around buying gifts for others every other day of the week, unless they have some sort of imbalance. Such a consumerist mindset! Not everything is about paying for things or buying things. That's a VERY American culture of dating, specially for women. This nasty idea that a man has to buy you or he's not good. Which is what encourages habits like thinking the man always has to be covering your finances (how old are you, 5? Get a job and pay for your own damn self! You are an adult woman), paying for your food, buying you a house, giving you gifts all the time and affording expensive dates. You are not a product. If your biggest incentive to be with a man is because of how much he pays for you, then that's the world's oldest profession, not a relationship of love. So this should play out more like them helping you manage your own finances. Don't go around thinking a 2H love placement is gonna turn you into Cinderella.)
If you do happen to be a stay-at-home person in your relationship, which is valid, as long as it's not all about money, 2H love placements and synastry will talk more about other material aspects of things. It will talk of stability, sustainability, longevity and security.
(e.g.: it could mean that you allocate your resources towards creating a safe, stable environment for your life together to flourish, such as buying things for your home together, revising your finances to make life goals and plans together more viable, setting budgets to achieve milestones together... as well as the literal physical aspects of valuables, so using your resources towards nourishment (food, shelter, clothing and health). Things that will ensure your relationship lasts and endures through hardships and tribulations. In the 2H of values, Synastry could indicate the relationship itself becoming your prized possession that you take care of. All the Earth houses are about caring for things, just in different ways.)
Another poorly explored aspect of the 2H is values in the moral, spiritual and emotional sense. It's WORTH. Both the causes you find worthy as well as your self-worth. A 2H love placement or Synastry can and will directly affect that. Even if you do happen to be dealing with financial/material things too, that can affect your self-worth directly.
(e.g.: say you are married to someone who is constantly in debt, or say your spouse is the breadwinner of the household and you depend on them financially. That can really take a toll on your self-worth. It can bring feelings of poor self-esteem, can you make you feel undervalued, inadequate, make you feel like a burden, or make you feel incapable of caring for yourself. It can strike your self-confidence and make you VALUE yourself less. Or the opposite. Your spouse may open you up to new possibilities of making money, which in turn gets you into a new passion project that you succeed in and that can make you feel like a worthy person, make you believe in yourself, make you feel important and valuable.)
I would argue that most often, it's the 8H Synastry that will really have your partner's materials affecting you, because the 2H is the house of your PERSONAL gains, while the 8H is the house of OTHERS' gains and possessions. Most often, the biggest impact I'd say 2H love placements have will be dealing with self-worth, self-confidence, shared values and morals, feelings of belonging and acceptance.
General Things ✨
What I see most often is that positive and negative outcomes tend to happen simultaneously. It's not all doom and gloom, but it's also not all sunshine and rainbows all the time. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's not so great, and those ups and downs come and go. That's just life. Both are there to be worked with, worked for, or worked through. At the end of the day, astrology will not mandate your life events, and you have to always be learning from your life, and working on yourself and the things that matter to you. Astrology is just a guiding light to identify possible themes to be mindful of.
That's it! Thank you if you've read it this far! I might have come off a bit harsh (I hope I haven't), but I promise I'm nice lol.
My whole goal is to try to discuss astrology in as realistically as possible, but while making it clear that any possible outcome is plausible. If most times all you hear are fantastic stereotypical descriptions of placements, such as 7H, the not so great ways in which it can play out will be explored here to help people navigate them. If all you hear are bad things about a house, then I'll try to show the positive ways in which it can come out.
The whole point is to try to bring a wide range of notions to these descriptions, together with the information that is already out there and available by many other creators.
At the end of the day, remember this is all POSSIBILITIES. Your personal life has to be analysed to know what's gonna ensue. And don't be discouraged, because the truth is that positive and negative effects tend to happen together for your best.
Hope you have a good day when you find this!
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gryfflepuffinthetardis · 6 days ago
Favorite Spencer Reid Fics Rec List
Here are a list of my favorite Spencer Reid fics. I don't do reblogs on this blog because I feel that it can clutter up a blog when you're trying to find the blogger's things but I also wanted to share my favorites, so I think I'll do some rec lists. This is just some that are currently my all-time favorites at the moment. I have a lot of them so this list may not be all of them but some of them. I have a separate private blog where I have over 80 drafts of rec fics but those are just for myself, just because I have so many likes that I can't find the ones I want when I want to so I may copy some and bring them public here. Thes are mostly ones that I've liked and reliked just so they'll be a the top of my likes list (is that annoying to the bloggers?)
I purposely kept the angst and smut fics on here to a minimum on this one but I may update this list or create more. The draft lists I have are more according to the subject matter of the fic so if anyone would like that I could do that. There's also a lot of fic writers that I didn't mention on here so I think I'll do a list of my favorite Spencer Reid fic writers.
Fluff -- 🍬
Angst -- 😢
Smut -- 💦
Smut-like/Mention of smut -- 💧
Drinking -- 🍺
Drunk -- 🥴
Secret Relationship -- 🔒
Post-Prison Spencer Reid -- ⚖️
BAU!Reader -- 🕵️‍♀️
Trigger warnings/Blood/Involved in a case -- 🩸
Drugs/Spencer's drug addiction -- 💉
Slow Burn -- ❤️‍🔥
Cat Adams -- 🐈‍⬛
My Girl -- 🍬💧 -- @reidslibrarybook
Infestation -- 💧🔒🕵️‍♀️ -- @reidslibrarybook
Suspenders, Ties, Cuffs -- 💧🍺🥴 -- @reidslibrarybook *I love drunk Spencer. He's just so funny*
Rib Cage -- 😢🩸 -- @imagining-in-the-margins
Don't Go -- 😢💦💉 -- @moon-light-jukebox
Germs -- 🕵️‍♀️😢🩸💦 -- @moon-light-jukebox
Tease -- 🕵️‍♀️💧💦1️⃣0️⃣ -- @moon-light-jukebox
I've Got My Eye On You -- 💉😢💧 -- @unseededtoast
Exposed -- 🍺🥴🔒 -- @gf2bellamy
Drunk -- 🥴🍺 -- @gf2bellamy
Reid My Lips -- ⚖️😢💧 -- @fortheloveofwonderland
All I Do is Try Try Try, I'm Still Trying Everything -- ⚖️🕵️‍♀️💧 -- @pencil-n-pen
The Holiday -- ⚖️💦 -- @g4rvez-r3id (There is currently no part two)
That Wicked Love Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, They Never Will, Unconventional-- ⚖️😢👶🩸💧💦 -- @aperrywilliams
Don't You Want Me? -- 🍬💧💦 - @nereidprinc3ss (I think I was accidentally blocked (I never directly interacted with them other than liking their posts, so I have no other understanding for why I was blocked) and I have no other way of contacting the owner of this blog so I can't link the masterlist of this series and I had to type out the full blog name. This was my all time favorite series before I was blocked though.)
A Muted Shade of Green -- ❤️‍🔥🩸🐈‍⬛😢💦 -- @dalamjisung
Spencer Reid x OC (This one is not directly a fic but it's like stills-version of one. I don't think there's a masterlist so I just put the blogger's tag link for it to see the story in chronological order just scroll to the very bottom and go up from there.)
Spencer Reid and Alison Strauss -- 🍬💧😢 -- @marril96
*I haven't updated lately because I was working on Valentia (My Spencer Reid x OC fic) on my Wattpad account, but I just finished the first book (seasons one to seven) and I'll start uploading them here soon.*
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wanderingmakers · 9 months ago
Hello, Blossoms!
Let's talk a little bit about them.
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The Blossoms can be found at the end of the Garbage Grounds, an underground network that runs beneath all of Startropolis.
It's a nifty place that even Mike calls home! (He doesn't like it very much.)
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The Blossoms are very warm and polite to any and everybody, looking to find someone to love them.
Could you believe the look on their many faces when Kris appeared?
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... You know how well that went, anyway.
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But they weren't always like this! In fact, it was long after Mike took to the sewers that he began hearing wistful melodies echoing across the tunnels.
He could hear melodies faraway, almost every day, like a routine.
Usually there was only one voice, but sometimes, there were many melodies playing at once, clashing against one another.
Sometimes he couldn't hear any singing.
Sometimes, he could hear screams.
One day, the Blossoms were held by a dark embrace and were told the truth of their eternal heartbreak.
Their hatred formed a colossal body from the garbage and plant matter.
They concocted a plan, and held onto it since, for the one chance they would get to enact it.
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Now, the Blossoms aren't completely rational.
They come from far away, for the sole objective of finding a way to be loved and appreciated.
When they couldn't find it, it all came crashing down.
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And that's that! The Immortal Hydrangea was by far our most consistent character yet, although there were many doubts as to how risky it would really be to make them part of a prediction.
They look a lot like Flowey, right?
The difference in the petals was their latest change.
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To sprite the Immortal Hydrangea in the battle, @beruki learned Blender all by themselves and created an entire model — two, in fact! That background comes from a 3D animation as well — so that we could use it as reference to paint over with pixels.
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We were once really set on redesigning them sometime after their reveal, but...
In the end, we didn't find anything we could revamp on them. So for their appearance in Pantheon of the Discarded, they'll stay mostly like you've seen them already.
They've come so far...
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And that's pretty much it! We wanted to delve deeper into our one shadowboss that predated the Pantheon. As for our 2 others from the prediction, we think the game'll do a way better job at doing so :)
(Despite that, stay tuned for a HUGE concept art showcase of the two later!)
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maximumzombiecreator · 6 months ago
What's your preferred system for megadungeon play? I tried to make one in 5e and while it was fun I really had to fight 5e's rules to make it work
Yeah, I had a similar experience when I ran a 5e megadungeon, and as I've mentioned in a few posts I've run Abomination Vaults in pathfinder 2e, and I think that system isn't good for megadungeons either.
Broadly, I think for megadungeons, I want a couple things from a system:
First, I want combat to be fairly quick. I think room restocking and wandering monsters are important, and I don't want to feel like I'm bogging things down with extra combat. I want easier combats to resolve in 5-10 minutes, not 20-30.
Second, I want meaningful attrition. If there are going to be easy fights, those easy fights still need to have stakes. The party should still want to avoid them if possible. This means resource management, difficult healing, injury systems, consumables, etc. Anything that is going to create a cost that small fights can incur even when death isn't on the table.
Third, I want good timekeeping. Making dungeon time matter is important. If dungeon time doesn't matter, it takes away a lot of decision points. When you're tracking every 10 minutes, the decision to stay in a room and rest / investigate / plan becomes significant, and that is going to drive interesting choices constantly.
Fourth, I want a good balance between the players having interesting tools to interact with the dungeon and the players being able to trivialize the dungeon. I like players getting access to spells like Spider Climb or Water Breathing that are going to allow them to interact with the dungeon in interesting ways. I do not like spells like Tiny Hut that take away interesting problems like finding safe places to rest. (And yes, I know that there's all kinds of advice on the internet for "dealing with" Tiny Hut, but I find most of it very adversarial in a way that I do not like at my table.)
I think any system that ticks those boxes is going to work fairly well. Most of my megadungeon experience is in AD&D 1st and 2nd edition, as well as OSRIC, which is just AD&D but someone has taken off its glasses and puts its hair down so you can see that it was beautiful all along. But I've done some megadungeoning in other OSR systems¹, and it always went well.
One thing I am actually eager to do is try out a megadungeon in a game that ticks those boxes but isn't a fantasy OSR game. NSR games, like Troika!, try to accomplish similar things to old school D&D but from more modern design sensibilities. I'd love to give them a shot. And I've been chewing on the idea of running a cyberpunk megadungeon in Cities Without Number for a while now.
But if I wanted to play it safe, I'd probably go with OSRIC or OSE. I know they'll do what I want.
¹ Old School Revival, a set of games and table practices focused on recreating the playstyle and vibe of OD&D / AD&D.
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sgiandubh · 3 months ago
In fact I have the impression that most fans in this fandom are never satisfied no matter how SC acts, they'll always find something to say. I remember how they behaved towards each other in the early days, and a lot of fans criticized SC for acting like kids and being unprofessional when they appeared at different events and I sometimes felt the same way about certain salacious things that were said to journalists and which they were also criticized for. When SC were very demonstrative with each other, fans criticized them for selling the show, and I even read comments from angry fans on their SM at the time asking them to stop behaving like that and that S wasn't respecting his co-star. Some people tend to forget that today they're no longer in their thirties, 11 years have passed, they've evolved, they've mellowed. S no longer acts like the young boy who fell under his co-star's spell, they've both moved on in their careers and in their private lives. Their goal, I think, is to go on in Hollywood and at least get some good job opportunities, and you don't need to have done advanced math to know that if you act like a kid on the red carpet, it doesn't look serious nor professional. In addition, many fans continue to say that if SC managed to represent Jamie and Claire so well it's because it's real. I'm sorry but SC and JC are two different couples. When S says he's not Jamie and when C says she's not Claire, it's true. Is C a doctor? Is S a fighter? Is S as traditional as Jamie? Are SC as co-dependent? I don't know if you've noticed, but SC have repeatedly pigeonholed this saying that JC are so fused that Claire would even tell Jamie when she went to the bathroom because he'd be worried. S, of course said recently that it's good to play scenes with other protagonists and not necessarily Claire, to which S joked and added : I need some space ok? For me JC's spotless love doesn't represent reality and unless I'm mistaken I don't think SC's daily life is all about living on love and fresh air. I agree with you, though, that there's been a certain distance between Jamie and Claire for a few seasons now so I don't know if it's because they've grown older and wiser, so they're not going to jump on each other like they did when they were young or if it's because the distance SC set up between them for the public is unconsciously transposed to JC . In any case, I think that SC, and maybe S more than C now, have set limits and that when they take part in promotions they remain professional and it's no longer Sam and Caitriona as a couple but Sam and Caitriona as co-stars. For me, fans need to stop mixing the two, also out of respect for the actors. I don't think it does them any favors to dissect their slightest behavior, and they're perfectly aware that every move they make will be observed and commented on, hence the distance S has put up with C publicly. Sorry for my long speech but when I read certain things, I think that some fans and mostly Anons need to stop throwing their own expectations and dreams of the ideal couple onto these two people (SC). On the other hand, SC have allowed some fans to find comfort in JC's love, and we can thank them for that.
Dear Long Speech Anon,
This is, indeed, very long and given my current circumstances, I had to read it twice in a row, in order to make sense of it.
I have to 1500% agree with you when you say two very important things:
'For me JC's spotless love doesn't represent reality and unless I'm mistaken I don't think SC's daily life is all about living on love and fresh air.'
With the amendment that JC's love is not exactly spotless, either. But that is Gabaldon's narrative choice, and as much as I detest her public persona (with a passion, can you tell?) she is queen on her page and of her own creatures. When she created them out of thin air, she assumed complete mastery over their destiny, even if any good writer will tell you that characters do have a life of their own - one of the most exciting mysteries of writing, indeed. Yet, it is ultimately up to the scribe to choose the words and to weave the story as they see fit. But yeah, SC not being a postcard couple is what makes them so damn endearing to me, in the first place, too.
'I think that some fans and mostly Anons need to stop throwing their own expectations and dreams of the ideal couple onto these two people (SC).'
You know, I really try to understand why this happens. There is so much tension and ugliness in this world, that you sometimes need a secret garden of sorts, don't you agree? It is harmless, it brings you solace & comfort, it's just that kind of daydreaming torpor your brain sometimes automatically switches on, in order to cope with hardship. Where I do see a problem, however, is going very vocal and public about it. And even more so, when people start to demand or believe they are owed at least an explanation (if not vindication), when These Two do not fit what definitely is to me a terrible, syrupy scenario.
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derinthescarletpescatarian · 7 months ago
I must say: I’m genuinely impressed by how creative all your stories are. I have three questions related to your writing process, if you don’t mind.
1) How do you stay motivated to keep creating?
2) Where do you find inspiration?
3) have you ever had an idea for a scene that you struggled to execute? How did you work through that to write the scene?
I love your stories! I look forward to every chapter of Charlie McNamara.
1) Motivation to create has never been an issue for me -- there's always some new thing to write about! My issue, and the issue faced by a lot of other writers, is the motivation to stick with a project to completion. That's hard. Everyone's got a hundred "works in progress" they'll never touch again because they took a break and when they came back, their attention was on something new and shiny.
My solution to this? Money.
The reason I started Curse Words as a web serial and opened a patreon for it wasn't because I ever expected to be able to make a living as a writer. I'm as surprised as anyone that so many kind people have put their support behind me and let me keep writing these fucked up stories instead of getting a real job. I did it because I wasn't getting my projects finished. I was doing what we all do; getting three quarters of the way through any given project and then finding something more fun to work on instead. And when you risk disappointing readers by doing that, well, that'll get you back in the seat over the little bumps, maybe pull you back to a project a few times. But when people are paying you actual cash in return for consistent output, on time, to story completion? That's a way bigger motivator. Even if it's just one guy. For a long time, I had one patron! It was enough! It worked! It's not about making a lot of money, which is borderline impossible as a writer (again, I still can't believe my supporters are so generous enough that i can make this my career). But it acts as some level of both proof that your work is valued, and an active obligation on your part to keep producing it on a consistent schedule. My readers are giving me something valuable for this. I can't let them down.
Sorry, I'm sure you wanted a more uplifting kind of answer. But that's just what works for me.
2) I've never really been sure how to take this question. This is basically the age-old 'where do you get your ideas?' and it... doesn't have an answer. You think of a thing and you write about it. As you resolve the problems and inconsistencies in the thing, that fills out more and more of the world of the story.
Angel is born of a mediocre Goosebumps book called Chicken, Chicken. There's a part in the book where the protagonist, slowly shapeshifting into a chicken, rips all his feathers out every morning in an attempt to slow the transformation. The book isn't really about that but it stuck with me for a good two decades until, stuck in the house for two months at the beginning of Covid, I wrote Angel.
Void Princess and The princess in the Tower are both me musing on the old 'princess kidnapped by a dragon' trope. I get really fixated on this trope for some reason; I have four or five others swimming about in my head that aren't full stories ready for the page yet. Wasting Time is just the song Pushin' the Speed of Light, World Builder was written in a fever right after watching Jacob Geller's The Shape of Infinity, Copykate was initially going to be a SAYER fanfic but required enough alterations to the setting that it worked better as a story of its own. The inspiration is out there, the ideas are out there. It's just a matter of practice to turn them into stories.
3) I try to avoid scenes that are hard for me to depict, but this isn't always possible. I'm aphantasiac and struggle a lot with scenes that have a lot of heavy visual elements. Scenes where there's a lot going on that needs to be fairly precisely depicted are tricky, too.
One particularly difficult scene for me was a fight scene in Time to Orbit: Unknown. There's about six people in a small room fighting over the fate of a bunch of other people who are not present, and the reader needs to be kept up to date on the physical positions/activity/intentions of all the combatants, the villain explaining what he's doing and why (lying), the protagonist figuring out that he's lying, the physical condition (injuries, being restrained, et cetera) of all of the combatants, and the fate of the half of the crew not in the room, all with enough detail that the reader can understand the stakes, consequences, and enough of the moment-to-moment logic of the fight that nobody's decisions are confusing. The whole thing is very fast paced and... it's a lot. It's always a difficult balance in these scenes because you want to be detailed enough to keep the reader following everything they want to follow, but you don't want to dramatically slow down the story by describing every detail. If you're using a limited viewpoint, it's a blessing and a curse; you can avoid narrating the stuff your character can't see or isn't paying attention to, but you also have to find a way to get across information that your character might not be able to see, either by forcing them to see it or by having it conveyed in some other way in the scene. With busy scenes like this, I like to work backwards -- decide what specifically the reader needs to know, decide what is needed to get the characters to the places I want them at the end of the scene, and write a scene with as little as possible in it except for those two things. Sometimes, communicating those two things requires a bit of setup.
In Curse Words, there's an ancient magic spell passed down a family line from parent to child. It's a communication spell that allows people to see through each others' eyes and hear through their ears. Before the existence of long-distance wireless communications, this sort of information transfer was enormously powerful; wars can be turned with that power, trade networks created or conquered. It made its family enormously powerful, to the point where they're the most powerful magical family in the world even in the time of the story, with the spell long buried and its advantage lost to an age of mobile phones and cameras. It's massively influential to the worldbuilding of the story.
I introduced it for one reason and one reason alone -- I knew that eventually, I would be writing a climax to the story where a lot of people were doing a lot of things in a lot of different locations, and the protagonist was only going to be in one of those places. And I knew that I was going to need some way to tell the audience what the fuck was happening while he was running around in caves and shit.
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justporo · 2 years ago
My new bestie, I honestly would love to see you write Father!Astarion 🤤🤤
How would he react to the news? Would he want a little girl or boy? How would he react when they are born, and they look just like him, but pre vamp eyes?
(Vampires can sire babies, with the highest chance after they are fully well fed)
Hello my tadpole bestie and thanks for the request! Astarion as a father really seems to be on people's minds, hm?
I get it, I like it too, but let me put this out there (yeah yeah, I know it's all fictional, but let's be real for a second): I would much rather imagine this when Astarion has done some much needed healing. This man hasn't had autonomy in two centuries and really needs to find himself again and work through trauma - with Tav on his side of course. And children are a huge responsibility - mentally, physically, emotionally, financially - I imagine (I wouldn't know, I'm not a parent...). I'd really wish for him to be ready for something like that.
But the thought is incredibly sweet, so let's go:
Headcanons about Astarion being a father
When Tav tells him she's expecting, he's truly speechless for perhaps the first time in his life; and then he can't sit still: swinging from delusionally happy to overthinking and being worried; but Tav takes his hand and reassures him that they'll be in it together
Has he thought about having kids? Yeah sure, but he'd never thought of it being possible until it happened, although when Cazador forced him and the other spawn to behave like a family he'd sometimes thought about what could've been
He's absolutely overprotective when Tav's pregnant: "Oh no, no, darling, you are not carrying that around, think of the baby!" "Astarion, it's A MUG OF WATER!"
Also he adores her body that is creating such a miracle: "You're glowing, my heart. You are truly a goddess!"
If he was handsy before there are now no moments where his hands aren't on Tav's body and on her belly
When he feels the first movements, he cries, and then Tav cries and then there's just a fountain of happy tears and lots of "I love you"s
He's taking such good care of Tav; especially when she doesn't feel well or when she's exhausted - she'll get all the herbal teas and massages
Birth though is scary - for both of them; but I'm sure he'll have some friends by his side (because think about the adventure troupe waiting with him while he's pacing the room like a panther: Karlach's biting her nails off, Gale's just blabbering to distract himself, Shadowheart is praying for everything to go well, Wyll tries to calm Astarion down (unsuccessfully), Lae'zel is unusually silent with crossed arms hoping everything will be okay, Halsin's keeping the group fed and all because "Nature will make it all right")
Boy or girl? Doesn't matter at all, all that's important is that Tav and the baby are healthy and ready to receive all his love
First time holding his child - he can't even cry because it's such a miracle; "This... this is the best thing I've ever had and created!"
The tears come later when you're alone - just the three of you
He's absolutely a very loving father, caring so much about his kid - and also equally taking on responsibilities and care with Tav
When the kid's eyes become their real colour and it sparks a memory Astarion had long forgotten, he's too stunned to acknowledge what he's seeing: the kid has his eyes - the way they were before he was turned
Later, when the child's already a little bigger he loves to show them stuff, teach them, read to them; also inciting them to go and annoy Mom - which makes Tav want to push him off a cliff but also hug him to death - because who'd have thought it would ever be possible?
Alright alright - I've gotten almost off the rails with this one. Because honestly, there's a lot to imagine there. Also maybe I wasn't prepared for the things that would make me feel (and I don't mean baby fever).
Alright, hope you enjoyed this headcanons, time for me to go to bed!
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 1 year ago
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So I want to get into the signs, houses, and aspects that express a form of transformation that isn't recognized thru them majority of the time. Scorpio placements will be one of the energies I get into, however it isn't the only one that has this gift down pack.
All placements have different forms of healing & transformation. I'm just highlighting the observations I've been getting from each sign listed thus far.
Aries Rising/Virgo Placements - > These two energies have an ability to let go of their environments, circumstances and going deep into the mind to let things happen. What I mean is, both these placements are strictly head first in a lot of what they do and this can be a pretty tricky battle. The way they transform is through the heart, and the body and the mind follows suit after. At some point in their reality, they will have to let the mind go, in order to form the life they wish to live for themselves more openly.
For aries however, this isn't typically their issue. Their issue lies in always moving with their head, and not being strategic like their Virgo pals. Moves made first without thinking doesn't teach them anything and once they learn to allow the mind to form a new way of doing things this is where they challenge themselves and create a new persona.
Scorpio Placements deal with transformation a lot differently. It is an everyday cycle, not something they can shut up. Unlike their friends the virgos and aries, they can shut this down through their minds and can easily suppress things quicker. Scorpios, unfortunately cannot get the same. Because they feel everything. And I mean everything. And internally, they know whats the spiritual reason as to why they are the way they are so their pain/trauma is justified. The art of transformation for these cats is to look into that mirror into the void and explore the rage, warmth, the things that matter and the things that don't and letting it shape them. They have the wounds to impact others with healing methods if they just listen to themselves. The way they transform is through the psyche, the unconscious realms. Their doing shadow work without all the journaling or magic. It just comes to them.
Pisces/Neptune Placements are constantly shapeshifting. Their form of transforming is strictly from the ethereal realm, and it finds its way through physical activity or thru the imagination. Their world is constantly shifting and changing and in most cases you can find it through their clothing style, the way they express themselves and even thru their perspective. All 3 of the things I mention in conjunction all align together when something mentally changes them, since they are ruled by the subconscious/unconscious part of their brain more then their peers.
Moon/Cancer placements have a dark side that at some point of their life they shift into. Most never see this to be a real thing until well... something or someone changes them to that direction. This transformation is almost inevitable. They have to learn the darkside of their emotions or else it'll literally hurt them in the end. They must go down the dark depths of their soul to conquer the hidden array of demons that they kept under their beds so long ago. Skeletons in their closet is an understatement, its not the type that we are normally use to seeing from this group. You wouldn't believe their like that.
On the brighter side, this shows that these people are multidimensional and not just the sweet loving nurturing breed of individuals they normally keep you accustomed to. When they get to this phase, they aren't for the weak. So get use to it when the get their because they'll balance out both personalities for the better.
Libra Placements - Have a mental transformation they embark in throughout their life. Their perspectives change them in a way that forms a fair yet equal link to other humans as they're prone to be more selfish in the beginning. The heart is also where they transform, and it is through love they really can make a difference. Everything is prone to mental physics first, then the heart leads the way. Their not use to showing all their skin, but usually when they do its because something or someone made them bare their heart, for better or for worse. If it gets worse, than they'll start being the ones to play you for your heart. If best, they'll learn to share that love in all ways as their charm lights up even more. For individuals who are normally private, their vulnerabilities is what sheds away the old demons and become aware of their souls embarking on ways compassion could heal them and others around them.
Virgos have to live a little, that's simple. Normally the picture perfect group, they have to focus on the heart and the body and NOT what the mind is telling them. They can't live in those rose colored glasses they made themselves. They gotta let things around them be as it may, and they can join the circus if they like. Being more open to things outside of their comfort zone challenges their old self, while creating a new one. Something shifts inside of their body before that transformation really starts to hit. Their the rulers of the maiden-mother-crone phase. Psychological something changes them during certain points in their life weakening they old self and making new beginnings form with experience. They are connected to the kundalini and the serpent mind. More to come on this seperately.
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mcjhay · 3 months ago
If Someone Wants You in Their Life, They'll Make Room for You
If someone truly wants you in their life, they'll make room for you—no excuses, no hesitation, no hesitation in finding space for you. It's not about the time they have or the things they think are more important. If they really care, they'll prioritize you and find a way to fit you into their world. People often say they're too busy, too tired, or too caught up in their own lives, but the truth is, we always make room for the things and people that matter most. When it comes to love, connection, and meaningful relationships, it's not about having the perfect circumstances, it's about choosing to create the time and space for each other.
We all lead busy lives, filled with obligations, responsibilities, and ambitions. But there's something beautiful and powerful about making space for someone in your heart and in your daily existence. It's not a matter of convenience-it's a matter of intention. When someone values you, when they see your worth, they'll naturally make the effort to integrate you into their life, to show you that you matter to them, not as an afterthought but as an essential part of their journey. They'll create time for your conversations, make plans to spend time together, and move things around to ensure they stay connected to you.
If they want you in their life, they'll make room even when the world feels busy and chaotic. They'll find ways to include you in their day-to-day, even if it means shifting some priorities, because they recognize your importance. Relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships, are not meant to be an afterthought or something that fits into a leftover gap in someone's life. True love, friendship, and connection are built on the foundation of mutual respect, effort, and a willingness to make space, even when life doesn't seem to slow down.
It's so easy to get caught up in the idea that we are just one part of someone's busy world, but the reality is, the right people will always make room for you. They'll carve out moments in their day to check in, to see how you're doing, to show that you matter to them. They'll adjust their schedules to accommodate you because they understand that relationships are about sharing time, experiences, and a willingness to be there for each other, even when it's inconvenient.
It's important to remember that love is not something you should have to chase. If someone truly cares about you, they will find a way to make space for you, to keep you in their life despite everything else that may be going on. When someone truly wants to be with you, it's not just about words, but about actions. They will make time for you without question, because you won't be an inconvenience; you'll be a priority.
This doesn't mean that they'll always be perfect or that there won't be times when life pulls them in different directions. But even in those times, if someone truly values you, they'll let you know you're still important, they'll keep the lines of communication open, and they'll make sure to show you in their actions that they're committed to you.
They'll make room for you, and not just when it's easy, but when it matters most. You shouldn't have to fight for a place in someone's life. If they want you there, they'll make room for you without hesitation. Your presence won't feel like a burden or something to be squeezed in only when it's convenient. Instead, it will feel like a natural part of their world, something they cherish and protect.
So, remember: if they truly want you in their life, they'll make room for you. They'll show you through their actions, their effort, and their dedication that you are not just another obligation but someone they genuinely care for and are willing to make space for. The right people will never make you feel like you're an option—they'll show you that you are a priority. And when you find that, you'll know that you're with someone who truly values you.
Single soul❤️
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astrologydayz · 11 months ago
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SATURN IN PARTNERS 1ST HOUSE = house person is usually younger than the Saturn person here. Saturn person can make the house person more mature, & more responsible when it comes 2 how they approach the world/their vibe can become more serious/or more "non bullshit taker" like - they can take life more serious bc of the Saturn person/bc of their guidance<33. House person can be very grateful 2/for Saturn, bc they KNOW that they can always count on the Saturn person if they need em🔒💋 - Saturn always shows up 4 them. House person can also want 2 impress the Saturn person a lot, always making sure Saturn sees their "progress"/what they've learned! Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can be/act like a parent here - "Saturn knows best"/issues because house persons worldview can get "darker/colder", more depressing bc of the Saturn person.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 2ND HOUSE = house person can manage their finances better here bc of the Saturn person/bc of their influence💰 - Saturn could also give them a steady/stabile income. House person can get more, & more comfortable in/with themselves day 4 day - in who they are, & in what they value, bc of the Saturn person😻 - Saturn can be very set on always making sure that the house person knows how much they're worth, & that they never should settle 4 anything less than what they deserve❤️‍🔥. Saturn can also help the house person with making long term goals<33. House person feels safe, & secure with Saturn - they know if they make a mistake, Saturn will be just there 2 pick em up, & help them try again!🫶🏼 Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can try 2 control/limit the house persons finances/their self worth/&their material possessions - issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth in those areas). SATURN IN PARTNERS 3RD HOUSE = here the house person can become more serious/more mature/more mindful in the way they speak/communicate🗣️ bc of the Saturn person/bc of their influence. House person can feel really taken serious, when it comes 2 things they want 2 speak/communicate about with/2 the Saturn person, & they truly fucking LOVE THAT SHIT💋 - Saturn doesn't make fun of them, & doesn't lecture them - they give genuinely advice, & genuinely wants 2 "guide" the house person towards the "right" path 4 them<33. House person can get wiser, & also learn a ton of "necessary" information from the Saturn person, that they'll 9/10 times need/find useful later in their life<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth, when it comes 2 their mind/when it comes 2 the way they speak - communicate/issues bc house person can feel put down 4 their mind/4 the way they communicate - Saturn can feel/be2 restrictive in those areas).
SATURN IN PARTNERS 4TH HOUSE = house person can get more structured at home/or more responsible when it comes 2 home/family matters bc of the Saturn person/their influence<33. Saturn can make the house person feel truly safe, & secure with them around🥰. House person could want 2 move in/create a stabile home together with the Saturn person pretty quickly, as they give them that security, & stability they seek<33. Saturn person can be a very very stable person/source in the house persons life - Saturn is like a safe anchor 2 them🔒. Saturn person could also spend a lot of time with the house person's family/or Saturn can act/guide as a "parent" kinda here, at home sometimes, if house person never truly received that "guidance". Conflicting aspects can show issues with moving in/creating a home together/issues bc Saturn doesn't show up 4 the house person the way the house person needs em2 - stability ain't present.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 5TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more serious/more responsible when it comes 2 partying/dating/"having fun"/raising kids here❤️. Saturn can also make the house person more serious about pursuing their creative talents/hobbies, & house person can feel really taken serious, & trusted on when it comes 2 their creative pursuits - they finally found somebody who puts their all into believing in em<33. House person can feel really safe around knowing that the Saturn person can be counted on/trusted on when it comes 2 raising kids together🔒 - if they want/have any ofc<33. They know that Saturn isn't a deadbeat, but a responsible/mature parent if it gets 2 that. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder the house persons growth when it comes their self expression/offspring/creativity/fun in general/Issues bc Saturn can feel like/be a fun/happiness killer 2 the house person.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 6TH HOUSE = house person can get more structured/responsible/more clean in their daily life/take their health/work more serious - or get more dedicated2 those things because of the Saturn person/bc of their influence<33. Saturn can also show up as a boss/mentor here2, or somebody house person also works with/spends a lot of their free time with ofc - seeing each other daily/or very very often💋. House person can feel really comfortable with having Saturn person around because Saturn is always around, so when Saturn ain't around = can't feel weird, & a bit lonely 2 the house person😒. House person could also depend on the Saturn person here = Saturn could take care of them, or help them with getting their days going<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can be/feel 2 restrictive when it comes 2 house person doing/getting the daily things done here - always breathing down their neck kinda/Issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth, when it comes 2 their work/coworkers/or just their daily life in general here.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 7TH HOUSE = house person can get more serious/mature/or more responsible, when it comes 2 marriage/partnerships in their life👥 - & with how they handle em because of the Saturn person/their influence. Saturns way of showing stability, dedication, maturity, & structure is something the house person search for/need in a longterm partner/marriage partner💍<33. Saturn can also be/become the house persons business partner👥 - they can ride together in business, & in pleasure<33. Saturn can also act like a mentor here = what deals the house person should take, & what deals they should leave alone! Conflicting aspects can show issues bc they can't agree on marriage/business matters/issues bc Saturn can try 2 decide 2 much 4 the house person - Saturn can hinder house persons growth when it comes 2 partnerships/contracts.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 8TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more serious/make them rethink their choices in life when it comes 2 intimacy - sex/when it comes 2 their legacy/debt/their traumas/their transformations<33. Saturn can act as a guide/teacher 2 the house person - guiding them through their traumas/their transformations/rebirths❤️‍🔥<33. If house person got any debt = Saturn can help them with setting up a clear way/goal 2 clear it🫶🏼. House person can also feel very comfortable, & safe with the idea of sharing recourses with the Saturn person. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth when it comes 2 transformations/intimacy/debt/wealth/legacy/Issues bc Saturn can be 2 traditional, or 2 "Vanilla" in the long run 4 the house person - they can be comfortable with 2 different things, when it comes 2 sex/intimacy. SATURN IN PARTNERS 9TH HOUSE = House person can learn/become so much smarter in things revolving about different countries/cultures because of the Saturn person!🌏 Anything the Saturn person knows about these things, the house person will learn!🤟🏽 Saturn person can also push the house person 2 pursue higher learning/or 2 travel<33 - Saturn can be a very supportive source 4 the house person when it comes 2 these things!💋 Saturn could also help finance the house persons travels/education<33 - investing into the house person 4 the long run. Saturn person could also just take the house person on long trips 2 long distance countries - sometimes even bring em with them 4 work2<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues because Saturn can be/feel 2 restrictive when it comes 2 house person wanting 2 do wild/spontaneous things/pursuing a higher education/travelling/issues bc Saturn can hinder house persons growth in those areas. SATURN IN PARTNERS 10TH HOUSE = Saturn can help the house person with cleaning up/bettering their image/reputation here👥<33. Saturn can also help the house person become more responsible/more mature when it comes 2 their work/help them become more aware of how they influence others🫶🏼. House person can feel very secured knowing that they got Saturn 2 mentor/guide them the "right way" here🔒<33. House persons respect 4 the Saturn person knows no bounds! They respect them like a mf, & they have so much respect 4 all the work the Saturn person puts in 4 them2❤️‍🔥<33. Saturn can learn the house person everything they've been taught profesionally throughout their years<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn person can hinder the house persons growth when it comes 2 their public image -reputation/work/social status - issues bc Saturn can feel/be 2 restrictive in those areas.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 11TH HOUSE = Saturn can make the house person more realistic/more insightful when it comes 2 how they should go about 2 make their dreams come true🤩<33. Saturn can also help the house person with figuring out what their dreams even are/what they want 2/should fight for in life, if house person is undecided ofc. These two can fight together for some of the same causes, & be very adamant about making a change🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏽‍♂️<33. Saturn can act as a catalyst 4 change when it comes 2 house persons friendships - cleanup needed. House person can see Saturn as a true, but very mature/responsible companion<33. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc the Saturn person can hinder the house persons growth, when it comes 2 their dreams/causes they fight 4/friendships - network/Social media - issues bc Saturn can feel/be 2 restrictive in those areas.
SATURN IN PARTNERS 12TH HOUSE = Saturn can help bring the house person back down 2 earth❤️ - if house person has any addictions/reality/isolation issues = Saturn will be the catalyst 4 change/Saturn will act as a mentor/guide 2 help the house person find their "way out" again🫶🏼. House persons psychic abilities/spirituality can also get more focused on/taken more serious here because of the Saturn person. Saturn can also help the house person/or have their back, when it comes 2 situations the house person is not even aware of - like when they ain't around. House person could have seen/heard a lot about the Saturn person, before they ever truly started something/even spoke. Conflicting aspects can show issues bc Saturn can hinder the house persons growth when it comes 2 their fears/weaknesses/psychic abilities/spirituality/addictions)/isolation issues.
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moonlight-canavalia · 3 months ago
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I just wrote this and I made myself a lil sad. Hope you enjoy tho!
Sylus x Reader
*No warnings really, mention of a kiss. That’s it!*
Short reading 482 words.
If you’d like Im also on AO3 !
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Even as time bends, loops and straightens; time and time again, nothing can come between hearts that recognize each other as home.
Their story might never end happy, who's to say? The time spent together, happily is what makes it all worth it. That sliver of heaven on earth, in each others embrace dulls the inevitable heartache to come. How unfair for a love so pure and true; to be destined for doom and gloom from the start. What has been done to make such a curse be born to two people just wanting to live and love one another. Was it the Gods above? or was their paths not meant to intertwine and by challenging such a thing a fate has been written and set in stone for them.
Has their union forsaken others others in their past lives and this is the price to pay? Heartache.
The moment they first see each other makes everything feel frozen in time. As if the world itself is granting them this moment in time to breath a sigh of relief. An strange sensation comes over them, almost as if there's a pit forming in their stomach; trying to recall what is to come so they can be deterred from their paths. But the pull of this acquainted longing makes them share a smile. For how can you come in between two lovers that are made to one another, where even the stardust in their bones gravitate to one another.
A warm feeling comes over them, and simultaneously they think "finally".
This constant game of finding one another in every possible lifetime for one to perish is a price no mortal should have to carry. The cycle continues; restarting for them again and again. But it doesn't matter, they'll find each other once again. Hearts drawn to one another, no mistake in how their hearts beat for each other. A song so delicate and intimate, it's known to only them.
A ballad, where they dance under the night sky as free as the air that runs through their hair and cover their skin in goosebumps. Feeling the rapid thrum of their hearts against their ribcages as their warm lips find each other in the cold night for the first time. Creating memories filled with laughter and awkward tender moments. Their hearts will always recognize each other.
None being the wiser that this is the start of their demise.
She is cursed to always take his life.
He is cursed to always be the one have to leave her. A man considered a walking weapon, indestructible until he meets her. He recognizes it from the start, but will always welcome it.
To die by her hand and side is a heavenly way to part from this world. With the hope that the next life treats them better.
How many more lifetimes must they endure this?
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Divider by anitalenia
Thank you for reading!
Do not share on other platforms or translate my works.
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quigonswife8 · 2 years ago
Safe: Leon Kennedy x reader
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Leon finds you half-dead and gets you to safety || gif creds: @swiftsalad
Warnings: blood, injury, swearing, nearly dying, sadness.
Leon deserves so much happiness, like god I just wanna comfort him and I wanna tell him how proud I am of him.
If Capcom doesn't let him be happy, I swear to god, I will pay them a little visit.
The sun has long since disappeared, leaving the moon as it's replacement. It creates an eerier environment- as now it's harder to see those after you.
It's been ten minutes since you were severely injured. The blood only coats your clothes more, and you fear you will die in a matter of minutes.
It's hard to focus on anything. You feel woozy and damn near collapsing- that would mean being open to dying. Not that it would be your fault. It doesn't even hurt- your side, that is. All you feel is numbness, and the overwhelming feeling of wanting to fall asleep.
"No." slips from your lips. Keeping pressure on the wound which is practically useless, you try and walk faster. "...I...can't...give up."
You feel the hard ground against your knees as you fall to them. Your vision is hazy- restricting your ability to see. Your eyes droop, as you feel the need to welcome sleep. As much as you want to go on, you realise it's futile.
This is it for you. You're going to die in the middle of nowhere, your body probably set on fire like that poor cop Leon had told you about. You lift your head, only for it to drop, and for your eyes to focus on the ground.
You were strong. You got this far, at least. Now you'll be able to die knowing that you fought, though that still doesn't make things any better. As you feel yourself begin to give in- as you feel yourself begin to succumb to your wound- he comes to mind.
Then you pass out.
"Are you sure they're..."
"They're alright." the 27 year old replies softly. He looks over his shoulder a moment, to look at the young girl behind him. She smiles softly at him, and then looks forward.
It's been a long night. The day started out fine, but just went downhill from there. He had, and then lost you, in a matter of minutes. You had come up with the idea to lead a group of villagers away to protect himself and Ashley.
Leon is extremely worried for you, more than he can even show, more than he could possibly describe. You’re his partner, that he cares for so much He would do anything for you, he loves you more than he’s ever loved anyone.
"They have to be this way..." his expression is replaced with one of panic- his hand falls off the gun in his holster. Leon glances over at Ash, and then looks forward again.
Then, he runs over to the body on the ground. "(y/n)!"
There's no response, of course. "(y/n)." he kneels down in front of you, immediately noticing how you're not awake. The air suddenly becomes still- his heartbeat goes from steady, to uneven. It's like someone has taken a jackhammer and smashed it into his chest.
"Oh no..." Ashley mutters, covering her mouth with a hand. Leon is more focused on you to form some sort of response to her. "I'm sorry." he mutters, then listening to your heartbeat. It's very weak, but it's there.
You're dying, and he needs to do something before it's too late- "okay", blinking away tears, Leon begins to rip up a piece of his shirt, which he proceeds to press to the wound he'd found.
Then he lifts you into his arms, and stands. "We have to get somewhere safe." praying that he's done enough for now, he looks over at Ashley, "let's go."
He paces the room, while Ashley watches. Leon hasn't stopped pacing since getting you to this safe house, and he got you there over an hour ago.
Ashley had insisted he take a break, but he'd insisted on just pacing.
"They'll be fine Leon." she comforts, pulling her attention from him, and focusing it on you. Her heart hurts to see you this way. She considers you a close friend despite only meeting that day, and you feel the same towards her.
Though if you weren't her friend, she would still feel sympathy.
"I've seen them survive worse in these past couple of hours."
"And worse in the past." he adds on, continuing to pace. "...there was a lot of blood." he looks over at you. "...I hope I did enough."
"You did." Ashley replies, making sure to emphasize her words. "...you're the reason they’re alive, Leon."
If Ashley has learnt anything over these past couple of hours, it's that Leon would do anything for the people he cares about. She can see how much he cares for you, and that he would go to the ends of the earth for you. If that's not love, she doesn't know what is.
"Thank you Ashley." he nods to her, "...but..." though, he pauses. He doesn't want to dwell on things that may panic him more. So? he just continues to pace and push those thoughts away.
A day passes, until you finally wake. It's a little cold and the pain in your side has eased up thankfully.
Welcoming in the room as you open your eyes, you glance around. The first person you see is Ashley- she's fast asleep against the uncomfortable looking chair on the other side of the room.
Then, you look down- your eyes land on the large makeshift bandage wrapped around your torso.
Finally you look around for Leon. He comes into view straightaway, and he's pacing. How long were you out for, you wonder, and how are you even...alive?
"How long was I out...?" your throat is hoarse, and dry. Propping yourself up on the bed you realise you're on, you keep an eye on Leon. Leon who stops, and looks over at you.
The expression on his face quickly changes, and it's like he's now looking at a ghost. "(y/n)?" your name feels distant on his tongue, if that makes any sense. His lips ghost over the words, his eyes widening slightly.
"Yep." you reply, smiling over at him. "...it's me."
You're alive. After a whole day of worrying, of staying by your side and making sure that you would stay safe, here you are, finally awake. He can barely contain the tears in his eyes- he doesn't like crying in front of people, and usually hides his emotions anyway, so he does try to hide the tears.
Leon walks over to you, immediately kneeling down in front of you. His hands quickly finds yours, and then he brings them to his lips to pepper soft kisses on them. Leon's eyes have softened considerably, those same eyes seem on the verge of tears.
Leon is desperate to keep you close- he doesn't outwardly admit it, but he's too scared to let you go. To leave your side. He fears something may happen if he does, that you may simply disappear...and he just can't lose you.
"I'm here." he mutters. "I'm here, sweetheart."
Words faltering, and the tears fall from his eyes and drip onto your hands. Leon quickly looks away not wanting you to see him cry, and in all honesty, he feels pathetic. He should be strong- that's who he is. He shouldn't be weak like this, he shouldn't cry.
"Leon, it’s okay to cry..."
You glance over at Ashley a moment, noticing she's still asleep. You wouldn't want to wake her yet, she deserves this sleep. You pull your eyes away from the sleeping girl to look at Leon again.
Leon doesn't answer, but you can tell he's trying to fight back the emotions. You know how he is with his emotions, and the reason why he doesn't show them as much as he used to. Ever since the nightmare that happened in Raccoon city;
He'd confided in you, told you everything that happened when you were apart. That night, when you both returned to your apartment as you were there in the city [he’d managed to call you to tell you what was happening, and you’d left to get to him], you had just held him.
You promised to him you'd never let go. He'd clung onto you, he'd sobbed in your arms, broken down, and you had nearly cried yourself. To only be 21 and have to go through what he did would break someone, no wonder it broke him.
He had fallen asleep in your arms that night, and you had still held him. Your fingers through his hair as a soothing mechanism for him. Leon had wanted a fresh start with you after that, and god how he could have...but of course a wrench had to be thrown into his plans.
The wrench being the stupid government. Leon was forced to become an agent for them- if he didn't then the young girl he had helped save, Sherry, would be killed. This only broke your heart more when he'd returned and told you.
The months following were hard for him, training he would never forget. He was forced to endure exercises that drained him, forced him to 'harden up', though he'd already hardened up since Raccon City, if he's being honest.
It felt like a daze when he'd told you everything; how he was assigned by the president to rescue his daughter, aka Ashley, from the Los Illuminados. He'd told you he would be gone for...he didn't even know how long.
That's when you put your foot down. You'd told Leon you would be going with him- screw the government. Leon had tried to force you to stay back, but you reminded him that you had survived through raccoon city looking for him, and you had done a pretty good job at handling yourself. "I'm not letting you go alone, Leon. You should have someone with you."
By some surprise, the government had let you go.
"Leon..." you repeat. "...please look at me, sweetheart." The 27 year old doesn't, at first. You decide to put a hand on his cheek, in hopes your touch will get his attention "...please."
You smile when he turns to look at you...your smile immediately falters though, and then disappears. Leon is in tears- he looks on the verge of sobbing.
The only other time you've seen him this distraught was that night. It breaks your heart. "I nearly..." he starts, but immediately drops his head. "...I thought I was going to..." scootching slightly forward, you take one of your hands out of his to move to his hair.
Slowly you run your fingers through his messy hair;
"...but i'm here Leon. I'm here with you." he's the reason you're there in the first place. Leon buries his face into the bed, but oh how he wants to bury it in your shirt. To hear the way your heartbeat goes on- the way it's steady. The way it let's him know that you're alive.
"...and i'm not going anywhere..." you press a soft kiss to his head "...thanks to you."
Leon doesn't answer, he simply keeps his head down, as he continues to fight back the need to sob. "I love you." you mutter, as you press another kiss to his head.
His "I love you too." is so quiet, but you still hear him. His hand is still in yours, and you don't make a movement to take your hand that’s in his, away. Just wanting to give your love, and your attention, you fall silent.
Then, just like that, you're taken back to that night. When you had held him in your arms not caring how long it would be for. How you comforted him and let him know how much you loved him.
Right now you just want him to know that you're there, cause like you said: you’re not going anywhere.
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tinyowlthoughts · 3 months ago
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Been rewatching The Amazing Digital Circus and began to wonder, who helps Caine with all the assets and metadata? Well, wonder no longer! It's Biblia!
Small, loud, and possibly narcoleptic, this tiny owl is charge of the TADC Asset Library. It's her job to keep track of all the files Caine uses in his adventures, and to find them when needed. Of course, she and Caine have very different ideas of how the files should be organized...
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No matter! She's the librarian, she'll just put it all back together after Caine messes it up again. No worries. It's not like she has a million other things to do, like upgrading and updating the files while they're dormant to make sure they're not degrading in storage. Speaking of, she pulled this one crocodile - alligator? - NPC for the fast food adventure, and something is a bit off with his code...
No need to worry. It's not like he can abstract, or spontaneously gain sentience and sapience, being an NPC, right? She'll just tuck him back in the card catalog and hopefully nothing will ever come of this little quirk! Besides, she has to make sure Jax hasn't made off with all the centipedes again...
Despite being a resident of the circus, Biblia wouldn't consider herself a 'friend' of the players. She's happy to assist them and speak with them when they come to her library (barring Jax, who has a permanent ban he ignores), but is far happier in her own company, or at her weekly tea with Bubble. As a program, she doesn't feel the same need for socializing the players do. (She's terribly fond of them, but refuses to admit getting attached. It just makes the abstractions harder...)
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After first being created, she did question Caine about his choice of form - she is neither a toy nor a circus act. He waxed poetic about the long history in Western culture of owls being associate with wisdom, libraries and learning institutions. That made sense (in an odd-ball, Caine-like way). When asked about the size, Caine shrugged and called her travel-sized.
She didn't speak to him for a week.
Despite having access to her own metadata, thus the ability to change her form, Biblia has learned to be happy with her size, as it lets her be quick, quiet, and sneaky - all necessary things for the TADC Asset Librarian. Besides, Caine would be sad if she changed. And there are much more...educational things she can do with the metadata. Things that remind Jax why he needs to stay out of her library.
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Maybe one day they'll get along, but I'm not holding my breath.
(My first time drawing the TADC cast - so much fun, and such a challenge! Loved figuring out Zooble for her picture.)
For my Master's in Library Science, in one class we had to create a classification for a specific collection (I did horror novels), as well as figure out parts of the metadata that would be used in an ILS (Integrated Library System). It was my favorite project, along with my metadata classes, so when I was thinking of what a TDAC OC would look like, the asset librarian came to mind! I hope you like her - or at least think her and Jax torturing each other is a little funny.
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