#it doesn't help that consider dress THE buddie song
monachopism · 2 years
reading this buddie fic rn and a couple lines in it are making me hear taylor swift in my head and im going crazzyyyy
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piinktearxs · 1 year
my own team free will caregiver headcannons
okay so its like my first like fanfic ish thing on here, but we need, more agere spn fics cause, lets be honest, big ol comfort show
anywho the little in the dynamic is munchkin (yours truly) she's very fem-oriented, so I'm sorry if it doesn't suit you BUT I could consider becoming like a fanfic blog in the future (like taking requests and all)
quick warnings: the nicknames daddy, dada and dae are used cause Ik some ppl are uncomfy w that, small body image issues mention, small arfid mention
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okay so I'm feeling a 'three men and a little lady' vibe here because that is exactly what it is like, you got these three big guns beer and like not soft-looking guys and then you have munchkin, this 5'3, pink dresses wearing little lady and she's just vibing with them
munchkin is not a 24/7 little, like she has her essence which is very child like but her little self just comes in waves, and like she comforts and cares for the boys when they need, they take care and comfort her when her emotions get too big and she goes small
munchkin takes turns to be the "official stuffie" for the boys (or that's what they tell her so she feels wanted and needed with her cuddles, and she is to be honest) one night she sleeps cuddled between dean and cas and the other one with sam
THEY HAVE A NIGHT ROUTINE; So she brushes her teeth and does skincare with Sam, then Dean sings her one of her special songs (Little willow, angeles, city grown willow, calico skies, forever, surfer girl, hey jude, blackbird, stairway to heaven, to be honest hearing her daddies's voices is the most calming thing for her) Cas and Sam take turns to read her a story (literally anything classic fairy tales or pink and ballet vibes, munchkin adores)
THEIR CLOSET DIFFERENCES PLS- like you would have the boys's flannel and jeans and basic t-shirts and right next to those these pink dresses and vintage clothes (also munchkin's big girl clothes but it's the same vibe, vintage girly)
When munchkin is small, she wears the boys's clothes cause they smell like them and they're huge on her so they make her feel small
munckin has a lot of sensory issues with food, especially when she's small, so she and Dean work out creative ways to get her veggies in but that she doesn't hate them
When she's scared she goes to her daddies, like literally with anything, they are her heroes and the people she trusts most
It always helps her to hold one her daddies's hand when she's doing something scary (like eating a new food, or talking about her feelings, or petting a big dog!)
She's their little buddy on everything they do, cause she's just so amazed by her daddies, Dean's fixing baby? Munchkin will be next to him, handing him tools and hanging out with him, Sam's reading? She's plopped next to him reading her own book, Cas is taking a walk through nature? Pink rainboots on and coat on (sammy said so) and she's on her merry way, also, they always stay out for hours just admiring nature
She adores cooking, she's always ready to be their little helper in the kitchen (but never near hot or sharp things!! She’s much too small!! She likes cracking eggs and being the taste tester anyways)
When they're on hunts she always comes with (and ofc helps out unless she is small) and after they all go to a county fair or a petting zoo
On the bunker she has her little trunk, obviously painted white with little pink roses and it contains her little stuff, paci, teether, sippy, some tutus, coloring books, tiaras, her tea set, and a doll that looks like her that she carries around everywhere
on the impala she has a little emergency box, with a lovey, some calico critters and a teether and snacks!
She always hosts tea parties with the boys (yes, they wear crowns and drink tea with her and her dolls) at first they were a bit weird about the whole tea party thing (Dean said he hated them and now he even does a british accent when they play tea party) but got around in the end
She is a polite little one, always using her manners, because princesses use their manners
Her drawings always go up in the fridge ofc
okay now onto individual headcanons
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Dean aka Dada or Bean:
When he first met munchkin he was a little distant but then grew to love her
he gave her the nickname munchkin
their relationship is like uncle jesse and michelle in full house (fight me they’re literally the same person and my comfort characters)
He is always watching old kids shows with her (she loves vintage things and the're nostalgic to him) especially old scooby doo episodes
Pretends he is like in shock when she hugs him but honestly he feels as much comfort in her as she has in him
always gives her eskimo kisses
they once saw the scooby snacks at the store and got them and went nuts over them
she sometimes is too small to watch scooby doo so they put on bluey
dean actually quite enjoys bluey
Teaches her how to do stuff like fix things or play pool and they have a lil bonding moment
She's allowed in the dean-cave and she loves to color while watching cartoons on the big TV!
He gives her ALL the piggy back rides, and throws her in the air to catch her after
If he's drinking beer outside, alone, she always goes up to him and lays her head on his lap, and they just hang together in comfortable silence while he strokes her hair with his beer-free hand
He's super into the fighting scenes in her princess movies
They try a slice of pie of every diner they eat at, and rate it
They love cooking together
He’s honestly the more fun caregiver but also the most protective one
When she’s having a bad day he always takes her out for ice cream, if she really reallyyy wants to, he goes the extra mile to get her gelato
Munchkin sometimes has body image issues, when she does dean just picks her up and kisses her forehead
Dean teaches her all his cool rock songs!!
“You see sweetheart, bon jovi rocks, on occasion, but zeppelin? zeppelin always rocks” “what about taylor swift dada?” “she is the music industry so she always rocks too”
She is allowed to pick the music even when not driving (munchkin is a huge swiftie, and well we all know all too well dean is too)
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Sam aka Daddy or Sammy
He is the king of rules and sticker charts, and they help keep munchkin on track a lot!!
After she eats a fear food sammy always has some candy for her in the pantry!!
he makes sure she gets her protein in, she can’t get low blood sugar!!
He gives her big big biiig bear hugs all the time
Given but, munchkin is totally allowed to do sammy’s hair!!! No scissors though!!
He loves having a little hair buddy, so when she’s really small he helps her wash her hair
He brushes her hair for her, it’s a little bonding moment between the two
Can we talk about how bath-time is a whole ritual for these two? They put on her littlespace playlist and dance around while brushing their teeth
If they’re away from home he reads her a bit of the game of thrones kindle he has in his phone until she falls asleep
KING of forehead kisses
Definitely gets into the life lesson aspect of EVERYTHING, she’s watching charlie and lola? lola hates tomatoes? (munchkin does too, they’re her mortal enemy) he pauses the show to tell her the importance of eating new foods. She’s watching moana and moana goes into the deep part of the sea alone? He reminds her that she needs to go with one of her daddies when she’s small
He always helps her with stuff she’s too short for
*munchkin climbing on the counter to reach her gummies* “No pumpkin, you can’t climb on the counter to reach the high cupboard, here, let me help you”
He carries her around A LOT
When she’s really small she likes to sit on his lap and fidget with his hair
If he’s late researching and not in bed for story time she always goes up to him and lays down near until he’s finished
When she’s big they go to the gym and lift weights and running, or go in nature walks, when she’s small they go play catch in the park together or go in the swings, as long as they’re both happy and healthy he’s okay with going out for a bit more
Definitely the type to give her a time out and then talk it out
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cas aka dae or casseel
he was definitely very confused when he heard that she was a regressor, but not in a bad way, he’s just confused with most earth things!!
sammy knew about the topic (he researched a bit more because he suspected that munchkin was a regressor) and when he explained it to him, cas got it
he’s the one that’s away the most doing angel business, but he makes sure to check in on her at bedtime
when he is home, he’s her official nap buddy, she finds him so comforting and loves napping with him
they definitely go on tons of walks and, ANNNND they stop to analyze every new flower and mushroom!! (munchkin isn’t allowed to touch them though)
munchkin finds dean and cas’s relationship the most adorable thing ever, she’s a huge romantic because cmon, you are if you watch cinderella every other week, so when they kiss she’s always like “a true love’s kiss!!!”
he heals ALL the ouchies, but she still gets a fun bandaid
she asks cas if he has magic rapunzel hair when he heals her or the boys
she sometimes wears his trench coat and plays pretend in it
or when it’s cold and she wants to sleep in the impala, he lets her use it as a blanket
he’s always down to watch disney movies, since they’re new to him!!
“but little one, why must cinderella go home at 12? why are the mice horses? why a pumpkin and not an apple or a zucchini??” “dunno, magic stuff dae, but ‘ook there!!! her dress pretty!!!!!”
tells her stories from the whole existence of the world
she gives him butterfly kisses on the nose (the ones where you bat your eyelashes on the other person’s skin)
he helps her tie the ribbons on her dresses
so that is it for my personal supernatural headcanons, i quite enjoyed writing these so i’m definitely making this for my mcu au!! i know there’s not much spn agere fics (cmon we ALL go and search spn agere and check for new fics) so if you liked this feel free to send me an ask whether that be from this au or reader insert one shots typa things :D
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Some thoughts on House S1
House was one of the first shows I really got into. Even from a young age, I had a soft spot for the comedic relief character that has a tragic backstory and doesn't want to let people get close for fear of being hurt again. Always a banger, rarely misses.
I was also waaaaaay too young to be watching, but watch it, I did. It was probably in its fourth season when I got into it? So, about 2009? Maybe 2008. So, I would've been around 10. That's some formative entertainment, right there.
I don't recall watching the show after it ended, so, this recent rewatch for the past week is the first time I've touched it since 2012. Really, I gave into temptation after seeing for the dozenth time tumblr's continued enthusiasm for it.
So, Season One.
I could recall the general plots of most of the episodes, sometimes could remember how some ended, sometimes just vaguely familiar. Considering how long it's been, it's still impressive how much has stuck with me.
God, I remember when I used to think Hugh Laurie was American. It's so funny growing up with Britcoms, not realizing that's him in stuff like Blackadder. I've always found Foreman's name funny because it's literally the same as Eric Foreman from That 70s Show.
I've always enjoyed the original team's dynamic: Foreman butting heads with House constantly, but only because they're so alike. Cameron wearing her heart on her sleeve, but also not afraid to try new things (the episode where she tries to persuade her coworkers by using their first names, and the way it works). Chase being so laid back, but he can get really opinionated at times, though, and adds nice conflict and contrast with the other two.
Cuddy and Wilson help balance out House's personality and antics so well. It's also interesting watching Wilson's more passive development, where we only get occasional updates. Like how he's at first happily, though strained, married, and then he's having casual lunch with one of the nurses, insisting that's all it is, and then spending time with House instead of his wife because his buddy needs the company and she's used to him being away. Then by the end of the season, his relationship is in the toilet.
With Cuddy, it's so hard to concentrate, because she's so damn pretty. The costuming department, wherever you are now, THANK YOU. Her attire is so on point, speaks volumes about her character, and is so aesthetically pleasing, and her office?? Is so gorgeous?? And is peak academia?? How are there not tumblr blogs solely dedicated to her outfits??
Truly, Cuddy's wardrobe for me is "God, I wish I had these clothes, these accessories!" But in reality, I dress like House. Well, I wear more plaid, but you get the picture.
A couple of highlights from this season; so, I only cried twice. Once during 1X10 and then 1X21. The former, with some of the best character development for Foreman, and how he goes from dismissing this poor woman to holding her hand as she dies of rabies, god DAMN was that a gut punch. Just, exquisitely done. And Three Stories, just as the audience puts it together that these are all very similar to what happened to House, BOOM, they reveal just exactly that: he's expressing his past trauma the only way he knows how, as a teaching moment. Just, I needed a moment after the episode ended, because it just makes you feel like shit. If you or someone you love has ever been misdiagnosed, or doctors have ignored your symptoms, or inadvertently made your condition worse, you know exactly how this feels. It's just so heartbreaking.
That bookending moment, with the season opening and closing with You Can't Always Get What You Want, is so good. The way it, again, socks you in the stomach by reframing the context of the song, showing how House and Stacy were it for each other, and still want one another, but they're bad together. House may be the One, but Stacy's husband is what she needs. Jesus fucking christ, this first season is so good.
Is it perfect? No. The writers are still getting to know these characters, and that's expected. But it's a really strong start, and is really great at looking at the many different facets of these characters very early on.
Fun little side note, despite having health related anxiety, this show doesn't freak me out. Maybe it's because it can be funny, maybe it's reassuring in how, no matter what's wrong with you, there's likely someone out there that can help. They may violate your privacy while they're at it, but they'll help you. It's oddly reassuring.
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josuefbrt510 · 2 years
verano orange pound cake strain: It's Not as Difficult as You Think
The 6-Minute Rule for London Pound Cake Marijuana Strain: What There Is To Know
Table of ContentsIndicators on London Pound Cake Strain Complete Review You Should Know5 Easy Facts About London Pound Cake Weed Strain Review & Information DescribedFacts About London Pound Cake - Cannabis Strain Research RevealedLondon Pound Strain Review for Dummies
This info is sourced from our readers and also is actually not an alternative to qualified medical advice. cake face strain terpenes. Look for the advice of a health and wellness specialist just before utilizing marijuana for a clinical problem.
The Cookies Fam away from Los Angeles has actually developed yet another mouth watering strain with London Extra pound Pie - london pound cake genetics. Besides tasting like a dessert, this pressure's THC tests at 26-30% regularly! To develop this high-powered strain, they utilized Dusk Ice cream, yet regrettably, Biscuits is not willing to discuss the winning formula, as the various other moms and dad stress stays an indica-dominant enigma.
Whether it is actually taking pleasure in a song, a comedy, or a conversation, Greater london Extra pound Birthday cake is actually an excellent tasting addition that may apparently help bring a pleasant contentment to any condition - london lb cake. Numerous claim certainly not to become stunned if this mouth watering combination causes a scenario of the munchies either. Developing London Pound Birthday cake ought to be delegated the knowledgeable growers, as this hybrid develops high and also has long branches that require recurring pruning/grooming.
Circulation Kana companions with premier craftsmen planters in The Emerald Triangular who center on little batch, dress shop strains. Circulation Kana's items are actually readily available throughout the Golden Condition. London Extra pound Covered comes from a cross in between Sunset Ice cream and an additional combination stress. The nugs of the Greater london Pound Cake strain are heavy, however gentle.
I don't find a mill to be necessary along with Greater london Extra pound Birthday Cake. There's a really light cleaning of kief on the buddy, yet certainly not so considerable that I will try to keep it, unless I anticipate consuming a ton of the exact same tension. Greater london Pound Cake scents clean and also citrusy (drizzle factory vape pen ingredients).
A Biased View of London Pound Cake Marijuana Strain Information
The same holds true within this case with the Greater london Pound Birthday cake strain. The set of the Greater london Pound Cake stress that I received checked at 19. 93% THC as well as 0 - london pound cake cookies. 05% or 2mg CBD. I to begin with made an effort Greater london Extra pound Covered in a frank. It would certainly had to do with 5 hrs considering that I final smoked and I really felt the effects of the various other strain wearing off (florida cake strain leafly).
I like this strain the best as a nighttime tension due to the fact that if I happen to experience extremely sluggish or even slow-moving, I can consistently turn in as well as awaken sensation refreshed. My attention is actually not the most ideal when using this pressure (cake kush strain). Frequently I'll get stuck in the same position for unidentified spans of your time while smoking cigarettes this or after cigarette smoking this tension.
If it concerned meals, style, or even comic strips, I possessed really good capacity to focus and know. If it was actually a scientific research video or even any sort of type of meeting involving Elon Odor, I would certainly be lost within 10 mins. london og. I generally really love hearing Elon Musk talk on any topic, however the Greater london Extra pound Cake stress doesn't permit for me to comprehend his tips and presumed procedures almost along with I might sober - texas pound cake delta 8 strain.
DEVELOPING SUGGESTIONS: As a result of its long branches and above-average flowering time, London Poundcake needs to be actually taken care of. By that, we imply pruning the divisions often to avoid mold and mildew as well as mildew from creating, which the tension is incredibly prone to as it has a tough time with moisture at the same time. cake thc bars. Frequent grooming will definitely also stop the plant coming from throwing away energy on unprofitable branches. lemon cake cookies strain.
Stress and anxiety, exhaustion, as well as clinical depression can easily also be handled along with London Poundcake. Because of its terpene profile, nonetheless, the tension is actually not understood as a wonderful pain-reliever. As a mood-changer, the pressure is actually an overachiever. Look out for this set if you are actually a gardener or even consumer along with reduced adventure on each faces, London Poundcake may be actually much more than you can easily deal with.
A Biased View of Pound Cake Strain Review
Been a big follower of personal computer for over a year now, attempt to always contend minimum a cart on palm. I deal with stress and anxiety and clinical depression and also this powerful female constantly sooths the savage soul! I am secondhand to smoking cigarettes, and also this tension is strong as well as stuffs a whalop when it happens to modifying ones mood, the excellent ol' "switch that frown upsidedown" all is actually right with the planet stress, anytime of time.
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Which is actually certainly not for me. Been smoking cigarettes because '93, and also I favor indicas much more, sativas just do not not do anything for me. Thus this is a heaven sent out stress. And the preference is out of this planet (purple cake strain effects)... MMM, extra pound covered Bloom, Luvr113 evaluations - Uploaded Oct. 4, 2022, 1:20 p.
Extra pound covered goes back 200 years, yet the confection never got hold of much more than a passing thought from me. It seems like a denser model of white potato breadstuff, as well as is practically unnoticeable to any person under fifty purchasing at a grocery-store pastry shop. My expertises along with pound pie ended along with a few silly laughs in my preteen years, as well as that was actually that.
So I had not been stunned to uncover something gotten in touch with Greater london Extra pound Birthday cake, a hybrid of Sunset Ice cream and a concealed stress, on dispensary shelves. Seeing Pound Cake, an universal model of the very same stress, from in-house develops at container outlets was actually additional of a shock, nonetheless (gorilla mint cake). Possibly it was opportunity for a birthday cake stroll.
It is actually certainly not as excellent as Lemon Pound Birthday cake, either, but that's fine. Pound Pie is still a flavorful crossbreed in its very own right, as well as match right in on my evening menu however it really did not sample like pound any sort of pie, for that concern (cinnamon pound cake). If we are actually being sincere, no grass truly tastes like birthday cakes or even cakes, but Extra pound Cake's down-to-earth premiums were actually too sturdy to let me deceive myself right into just about anything here. london fog strain.
The Best Guide To How Good Is The London Pound Cake Strain?
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The higher is rejuvenating initially, eliminating my worry and elevating my inquisitiveness for a little lower than a hr just before my appetite is topped as well as prepared. Also without the munchies, I still ultimately discolor. You can easily discover Pound Covered at Cookies and also dispensaries holding Cookies pressures, yet a number of various other producers have handled the strain, too.
It's exciting, but not reminiscent of extra pound cake. pink pound cake strain. Flavor: Like a souped-up variation of Kushes as well as OGs from the early 2000s, Pound Birthday cake lugs dry, resinous tastes of yearn and also lemon cleaner along with a subtle hint of lumber. Sweeter elements with berry overtones follow the edge of my oral cavity, providing the pressure a fruity harmony - forbidden jelly strain effects.
I'm engaged and giggly for a brief opportunity and my mind is never ever unclear, but the physical relaxation sneaks in within a hr (loundon pound cake). Although those soothing effects do not turn me in to a zombie, they are actually still enough for your smartwatch to phone you out for being an immobile item of spunk.
For raisers that wish to experiment with this stress, seeds are actually quickly accessible online (lemon piund cake). Only prepare your backyard or even indoor compartments and put your purchase. The vegetation has an ordinary duration of fifty feet as well as takes about 12 full weeks to floral, with an ordinary yield of about 550 grams every vegetation.
As an alternative, you can assume strongly good vibes from an extremely cerebral high. While you might end up being a little tired, you'll likely appreciate it. This tension is all about removing anxiety. That mentioned, it isn't for the pale of center or total novices (london fog weed strain). Save Greater london Pound Cake grass for those with a little bit of endurance already.
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