#it doesn't give the characters closure or the audience and if he's dead for real its the most bizarrely handled thing I've ever seen
eriexplosion · 2 months
In a world where people understand the difference between criticizing how a writing choice was handled and criticizing characters we would avoid so many thousands of words about how everyone else is feeling Wrong about fictional media.
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So now that the season 5 finale has aired, and Adrien still didn't get to find out anything about his father, I've been seeing people theorize that Adrien will learn everything next season, but that he'll be learning it from Lila.
While I do think that that outcome would be better than him never learning anything, I don't think it would be satisfying either, and for a few reasons.
A) If Adrien isn't going to learn about Gabriel's true nature on his own, he should at least learn it from his Marinette, Emilie (or is she Amilie now?), or Natalie.
He should be told with kindness, and I believe that the people who claim to love him have a responsibility to be honest with him. Hearing it from anyone else, Lila especially, will hurt him more. Could be good for the drama of it all, I guess, but I don't want drama for drama's sake, I want character growth.
B) Lila being the one to tell him anything could be, intentionally or unintentionally, the show continuing to frame his learning the truth as a bad thing, as it would be portrayed as an act of cruelty and manipulation from an enemy, while his family and girlfriend, the people "with his best interest at heart", would be framed as in the right for having kept secrets, because "See, see?? Look how much the truth hurt him!"
C) Adrien learning anything after his father is dead and gone denies him the chance to confront him, or stand up for himself in any meaningful capacity, which gives him, and us the audience, no real closure.
What is Adrien supposed to do once he knows? Cataclysm a statue, while he has to mull over everything he would have said to him, knowing that there's no one to say it to? Or just ignore it, pretend it doesn't matter? Just say "all's well that ends well" even though everything around him is based on a lie?
Or maybe he just never finds out.
No matter where they go from here, I honestly just won't be satisfied. To me, i think the window for Adrien's true Good End is closed.
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rahleeyah · 3 years
Tbh I’m not even disappointed by the lack of eo because I was expecting it and assume it’s scheduling shit but THE PLOT HOLES Leah that shit was messy and not the fun kind??
where is Dana
What is Angela's deal, exactly? I think they wanted to keep her sort of grey, keep the audience wondering whether she was a villain or a victim but they gave her too much of both for her to be either and the end result felt, not nuanced and complex, but sloppy (although I do think her killing Richard was the best way to end him which leads me to my next point)
I think it is cheap as hell that we don't know for sure Richard is dead. Keeping him alive bc he's a fan favorite and they might like to bring him back one day if Dylan has time is utter bullshit bc it's a decision that has nothing to do with storytelling. The point of the second arc was to put the Wheatleys to bed and leaving it open ended doesn't give Elliot closure, and does a disservice to Angela, and continuing to drag out the repercussions of Richard's actions - when we still don't know why the FUCK he was so focused on Elliot in the first place like oh Elliot was part of the team investigating him why go after just Elliot that hard?? Why not someone else on the team? Why draw his attention??? Why go after such a high profile target when you know that's just gonna bring the heat down on you??? It makes no sense?? - feels repetitive and exhausting
None of Richard's choices make any sense
I mean turning Elliot into Cersei Lannister was kinda fun but still very ?????
Why was Richard so focused on proclaiming his innocence when he literally was responsible for killing Kathy. With Angela's help sure but still. Like yeah Lewis made Liv go on TV and confess to perjury but she very much did lie under oath like he was actually seeking the truth. Richard was clinging to a lie, why?? To salvage his good name??? What does his reputation matter when he's running away?? Like it just doesn't make any sense for Richard to be such a fucking crusader about his innocence; he's a messy bitch I'd think he'd use what he did to taunt Elliot instead
Bernie was never in any real danger, although she was scared, and Elliot's soul??? Richard never even tried to take it, bc Bernie wasn't really threatened and she was so fucking easy to find. While Elliot was obviously worried for her it all went down so quickly I had almost no emotional stake in it; it felt like there was zero risk, and bc there was no risk it felt pointless. You can't threaten to take a man's soul and then underwhelm the audience you gotta at least try to live up to your own hype. There was no attempt to follow thru on any of the bullshit Richard said
What the fuck with Jet and Malachi tbh that was some heterosexual nonsense and I'm not here for it
I am disappointed bc up til now oc has been my favorite child. It has been fun and exciting and fast paced and worth screaming over but last night was just a great big huh? That should have been two episodes. There were too many things they needed to do, too many questions they needed to answer, but they pulled an svu and just chucked it all together and then threw their hands up in the air
Now that I've said all that, though, I wanna say this. I fucking loved the Albanians. We had a whole group of secondary characters who were compelling in their own right and whose stories laid the groundwork for Elliot working through his own shit. That arc was fun and satisfying for me. So while the second Wheatley arc has been like. A great big pile of ????? I am looking forward to the third arc. Let's forget about that bullshit and see what's coming up next. What do Olivia and Denis Leary have in store for us.
Maybe now that the Wheatley arc is over Elliot really can grow. Maybe we can move forward from an unsatisfying conclusion into something fun and engaging.
Basically I've still got my clown makeup on
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