#it doesn’t change the girl’s discomfort (me being that girl and also max in the game)
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normalgirlatron · 8 months ago
warren they could NEVER make me like you
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klausinamarink · 7 months ago
show me those pretty white jaws (what wounds you’ve got)
written for Day 13: “Please stay” of @steddieangstyaugust
Mature | 3.8k | Major Character Death, Hurt No Comfort, POV Eddie
also read on ao3
Eddie realizes there’s something wrong when Steve stops next to him and Dustin instead of following Nancy and Robin.
“Steve?” Dustin frowns, looking at Eddie as if he knows the answer.
Eddie doesn’t know. Not until he looks over to the girls and sees their determined expressions don’t even flicker into concern.
“You’ll know what to do when you get to Vecna.” Steve says, seemingly oblivious of his confused audience, “Radio us when you’re at the house, wait for the bats to fly out, then go in for the flambé.”
“No duh. I got the fire, Nancy’s got her shotgun. Boom, boom” Robin rolls her eyes. Her tone is light, but her face hardens as she says next, “Make sure you and the two twindledees get out when the bats are over your heads.”
“Wait-” Eddie says, realization dawning on him as fast as Sisyphus’s boulder rolling back to the bottom of the hill.
“You stay safe too.” Steve smiles, smiles like he had just changed the course of his plans. Like he hadn’t paved over the tiny words that’s been whispering to Eddie on the drive back to Hawkins. “Vecna might have traps in his house. I mean, he could have a demogorgon guard-”
“We can handle it, Steve.” Nancy says, chin up.
“Hold on!” Eddie shouts. It finally captures Steve’s attention. Despite the shadows underneath, his eyes hold such intensity that Eddie’s voice briefly dies in his throat.
For better or for worse, Dustin is the one who asks, “Steve, why aren’t you going with Nancy and Robin? That’s the plan.”
Steve closes his eyes for a few seconds. When they open, the spark of determination fades into something disquieting. A type of tiredness that Eddie sees in his uncle time to time when things get tough and all they can do is push through.
“I’m not going with them. I’m staying with you and Eddie to distract the bats.”
Dustin immediately shrieks with protest, “Why the hell not?! You’re the strongest, like the tank and shit! You can’t just watch our asses and pretend that Max is going to be fine-”
“Dusty,” Steve cuts through his ran with a low voice that doesn’t even sound threatening. But somehow, much to Eddie’s growing disbelief, that shuts the kid up.
“I don’t think I can really walk any further or even swing an ax. I’m feeling way too hot and uncomfortable right now. Robin says it’s definitely a fever coming.” Steve picks at his jacket, his face scrunching with discomfort with he moves his arms. There were rashes too, Eddie remembers. They were all worried about the deep bites on his sides that Eddie forgot that Steve had also received some kind of shredding on his arms and back after being dragged into the barren lake.
Eddie wants to kick himself for fucking overlooking them. They’ve must been neglected for so long that he can’t imagine how much irritation and agony is under
“So I’m staying,” Steve continues, looking between Eddie and Dustin. “It’s a last-minute change, yeah, you got a point, Henderson. But I fully believe in Nancy and Robin to take down Vecna without me. Best I could do anyway is carry the heaviest shit.” He makes a rueful smirk but drops it soon after.
Eddie just stares at Steve like an idiot. His mind is utterly blank, whether from more disbelief or admiration or whatever clouds his judgement whenever Steve Harrington looks at his direction without malice.
Steve turns to the girls and nods at them. They nod back, with Robin giving a meaningful glance at him, before the duo turn on their feee and stride across the park to the devil’s den.
When the girls disappear into the treeline, Dustin speaks with a half-defeated tone, “You can… Steve, you can still-”
But Steve claps his hands together at them. Brows furrowed, jaw carefully clenched, no weariness to be seen. Just serious business. “Come on, we’re losing daylight. Let’s set up and go.”
“But it’s already nighttime.” Eddie says and mentally kicks himself.
Steve simply nods, “Exactly. Can’t waste time with lives on the line.”
They get the trailer boarded up as much as possible. With extension cords plugged in from the Rightside Up, the amps are placed on the roof. After they get the cue from Erica, Eddie connects his guitar (he still can’t believe it exists in the Upside Down like it was destined for an interdimensional rock and roll concert) and shreds Master of Puppets.
He watches his two-man audience as he plays. Dustin is headbanging along with a big toothy grin. Steve keeps diverting his attention between the skies and Eddie. Whenever his eyes land on him, Eddie can see the sheer disbelief on Steve’s face before the man shakes his head like a disappointed father even though he too breaks out an awed smile.
It makes Eddie’s heart swell twice more than its regular size every time. He harkens that energy into his performance, playing louder and faster to match his heartbeat.
Maybe the power of one-sided queer love will kill Vecna from this distance. Guy’s from the fifties so surely he’s homophobic.
“The bats are here!” Steve cries out.
Eddie manages to get through the final chorus before he regretfully throws the guitar to the ground and jumps back inside, Steve and Dustin at his heels.
After locking themselves into temporary safety, the three of them share a brief moment of amazement. Eddie’s jumping up and down, Dustin screaming at his face about how awesome he was, and Steve has this goofy grin on his face with his hand clamped over Eddie’s shoulder.
“That was really amazing, Eds.” Steve tells him, hazel eyes crinkled at the edges.
It’s not the first time Steve is touching Eddie, but it makes his pulse quicken again. Especially with how Steve just called him Eds, like they were already friends for years and not even a week. But Steve is looking at him like Eddie just hung the stars for him.
He’s incredibly tempted to kiss Steve on the plump lips right here, the threat of the supernatural end times and a fifteen year old in their presence be damned.
But Eddie doesn’t follow his gut instinct. He is fully aware that Steve’s straight as a telephone pole and still manages to date around even after his social fall from grace. Even if Steve likes him, it’s only because they’ve managed to be compatible together instead of clashing.
Besides, even if he did kiss the other man, Eddie’s ninety-nine percent sure it would cost their teamwork and the rest of the mission.
There’s a sudden storm of bangs around the trailer. Everyone jumps back, steadying their positions with the makeshift spears in hand as they stand with their backs.
Eddie tries to keep his breathing under control as the banging intensify outside, now joined by a rustling of wings and shrieks. His eyes flick from one boarded window to another. Nothing was getting in yet.
We’re still safe. Eddie thinks.
But not even a few seconds later, the bats shriek en masse and start breaking in.
It doesn’t take as long before Steve yells, “We’re getting out now!”
Dustin climbs the rope through the gate first. Eddie brandishes his spear at the shuddering door across the hall, flinching back at every splinter of wood. Steve’s hand is on his shoulder again and the man himself is pushing Eddie to the rope, yelling him to climb.
His arms shake from the effort, but Eddie doesn’t let go until gravity shifts and he falls back to his most preferred reality.
Dustin helps him up but Eddie keeps his eyes on the gate on the ceiling. “Steve, hurry up!”
Steve stays on the ground in the Upside Down, not moving. His gaze is focused elsewhere, something in the Upside Down trailer.
For a moment, Eddie’s blood runs cold. He’s back to the night of Chrissy’s death when his entire world irreparably changed. Steve isn’t moving and Dustin is screaming for Steve to climb before the bats come-
Steve’s frozen pose breaks and Eddie almost sighs in relief.
Then Steve drops his hands on the rope and swings the spear across it, slicing it in half.
Eddie barely has time to react. The rope falls on his face so he scrambles to catch it, but his attention is diverted between the sounds of Dustin screaming again and the sight of Steve shoving the mattress away with his foot.
Steve looks up - down - at him. His mouth moves but Eddie can’t hear him because what the fuck are you thinking, Harrington is running through his head so much that it’s blocking out the sounds in his ears.
Then Steve vanishes within a blink.
It takes him a second, but Eddie reacts fast.
He forgets about the robe because he doesn’t want to waste half a minute climbing back into the stupid gate. Eddie just grabs for one of the chairs and moves it so the front faces him while perfectly positioned under the gate.
He takes a few steps back, counts down to three, and sprints towards the chair.
Eddie keeps running once his feet are on the chair. He pushes with all his weight upwards and just manages to grab onto the slimy edges of the gate. His head is upside down with his hair curtaining around his face, but the rest of his body is not, the sensation of it being still rightside up causing a new kind of vertigo that Eddie does not want to experience ever again.
“Eddie, what are you doing?” Dustin yells at him.
“Push me up!” Eddie yells back.
The kid pushes his feet up and it’s enough to fall back into the Upside Down. The re-entry is painful. Because of the missing mattress, Eddie blacks out momentarily when he lands on his back on the hardened carpet, the air knocked out of his lungs. He thinks he hears a crack somewhere in the back of his skull.
But Eddie is back on his feet, grabbing one of the discarded spears on the ground. He looks up at the gate where Dustin remains standing anxiously in the warmer light. He points at Dustin, firmly stating one word, “Stay.”
Dustin looks like he’s about to cry, “What-?”
“Stay. I’m getting Steve back.”
And he turns and dashes outside into the Upside Down again, ignoring Dustin’s cries.
Lightning greets him first, mottling the ever-present dark clouds and the too-empty grounds with its red spotlight like a diabolical lighthouse. Eddie doesn’t know where to go. He just picks a direction where he thinks Steve might’ve gone and runs that way.
He almost calls out Steve’s name. Bites down his tongue and relies on his sight instead, just in case the bats would hear Eddie and come after him.
But he doesn’t hear anything. There’s no assemble of screeches that are demanding human flesh.
Even when he glances towards the skies, Eddie just sees the clouds. Not even a mismatch that contains a hive of fleshy wings or noose of tails.
It fills his chest with dread.
He hurries his pace.
This time, Eddie calls out for Steve.
Eerie silence responds.
He turns into a road that leads out into an asphalt clearing and stops at the sight of numerous dark lumps on the ground.
For a second, Eddie freaks out and thinks that the vines are expanding, filling into the cracks and ready to burst out as a level ten trap. But when he looks down, he sees floppy wings and limp tails. There’s a few open mouths, but neither bat shrieks or pounce at Eddie’s face when he gingerly pokes one with his spear.
It’s dead.
Eddie looks around again, finally registering the scene as what appears to be every bat in Vecna’s army lay unmoving, scattered around the grounds like party confetti. They all look like they just dropped while flying.
If the bats are dead, then that means Vecna is also dead, right?
But the spark of victory fizzles out just as it’s been lit, now replaced with a heavy, horrible question.
Where is Steve?
“Steve!” Eddie’s cry echoes, cut off by another rumble of thunder that quakes the ground under his boots.
Eddie resumes his sprint, zipping his gaze around the area, careful not to step on the dead bats. The tiny bodies keep increasing, more and more in piles
He freezes in his tracks when he spots a significantly larger lump just ahead.
Jesus Christ, of course, there’s a papa bat.
But where there should be wings are instead a pair of arms with human-looking hands. Its head is too stocky, with a wave of dark hair. The skin too pale to even be-
Eddie drops his spear and he runs right over to the body.
He drops right next to the other man, scraping his knees against the rough gravel, more than ready to help Steve up and drag him back to the trailer and get back home. Except-
“Eddie?” Steve slurs, sounding more like the typical jock to drink four beers and try to sleep it off, not like someone who isn’t currently spilling blood out of his mouth.
He even blinks up at Eddie with bafflement wiping across his face, even though his right eyelid is gone and viscera streams down from the corner of the ruined socket, mixing with the blood to form a horrible mimic of a teardrop.
Eddie takes a few deep breaths as his stomach clenches and rolls, threatening to dispose the remains of his last meal. After witnessing two people break their bones beyond logic in front of him, he should have gotten used to mutilated bodies by this point.
But Chrissy and Patrick were already dead when they dropped back to the ground. Steve is still fucking alive and breathing.
“What the fuck are you thinking, Harrington?” Eddie curses at him. He doesn’t want to look at Steve in the eyes but the rest of his face doesn’t look great either. One side of his face looks like it had been through a cheese grater. The scar around his throat seems to be splitting the skin with several threads clinging it together. A heavy chunk of his upper lip is torn, exposing some of his teeth and refreshing another stream of blood from the laceration when Steve smiles up at him. It looks so dark that it could’ve been mistaken for ink.
Eddie pretends that it is ink. For his own sake, it's just ink.
His brain immediately spits out a new scene: Steve Harrington taking a swig of some liquor, only for it to be an ink potion that tears out chunks of skin, and that's why he’s on the ground. Roll for damage and health check.
Eddie barks out a laugh. It sounds too high-pitched in his ears.
"What's so funny?" Steve's smile stretches further. It rips at his already-ruined cheek. The gushing eye socket looks like it's trying to stitch itself together when his eyes crinkle around the edges.
You're actually the worst person ever because nobody is sane enough to ask what’s funny after being eaten by demobats. Why of all people I had to fall for you?
“We’re getting you out of here.” Eddie says instead, shuffling his position so his hands are underneath Steve’s armpits. He lifts Steve up but the other man gives out a pained cry. Eddie almost sets him down but they have to get out of here now.
“Stop, stop-” Steve says as he gets dragged. It comes out gurgled and he coughs wetly. “Stop, it hurts-”
Eddie already can’t take it anymore. He drops back to the ground, careful not to jolt Steve to agitate his injuries. Fuck, he had to be bitten everywhere else. But everything is so dark that Eddie can’t tell which spots are dirt and sweat or blood.
He knows he has to search Steve’s body to find them. But Eddie’s hands are already shaking and he has this very bad feeling that if he lets go to do so, Steve is going to pass away in front of him.
So Eddie readjusts his hold on Steve. Wraps his arms around Steve’s chest while Eddie lets the other man lean against his chest, bracketing his legs at Steve’s side.
His front is already getting wet.
Eddie glares up to the rumbling sky. Part of him wants to pray for a god to come down and do the hard part for him. But Eddie hasn’t prayed since sixth grade and his vision is becoming watery.
“The bats were leaving.”
Eddie looks back down to Steve. He’s still breathing but he sounds too raw and harsh. Eddie loosens his hold but Steve suddenly grabs on his wrist. His hand is warm, but the tips of his fingertips are numb. There’s something wet on his palm, sinking into Eddie’s exposed skin.
“What?” Eddie asks, managing to hold his voice together. His stupid heart is racing again. His throat is closing up like he’s the one who’s suffering.
“They were leaving.” Steve gulps. The laceration spits out a more drops. “I knew- I knew they were… going back. Nancy and Bobby… they would-”
Eddie can’t hold it in anymore. He drops his head down, pressing his mouth onto Steve’s scalp. Uncaring how he tastes the grime and copper in his stupid hair that made him so famous since it does a decent coverup of the salty liquid intruding his mouth. Even as he breathes in more nasty air, Eddie can let it slide because it’s Steve Steve Steve.
“Eddie?” He hears Steve ask with clear concern. It just makes him sob harder. Because of course he would ask if Eddie’s okay like he’s not fucking bleeding.
“Why?” Eddie spits into the dirty locks.
Steve makes a confused sound. Like they’re sitting together in class and he doesn’t understand a teacher’s question. Like he’s perfectly normal despite Eddie feeling like his soul is about to rip in half, one of the latter wanting to conjoin with Steve’s like in that one myth about soulmates.
“Why did you go? Why couldn’t you-”
Eddie stops himself. He knows now that Steve is in dire need of hearing positive feedback and not to be blamed for every time. But he doesn’t get why Steve is falling into this hero persona that Dustin hypes about him so much.
Why he charges into the danger that literally tears from the limb instead of retreating into safety.
Steve gasps softly, his breaths sounding more wheezy, “I had to… protect them. Give them time. In case…”
“What happened to protecting me? Me and Dustin? Why didn’t you stay for us?”
“You…” Steve returns his gaze on Eddie, his eye wide and imploring, “…we’re already safe.”
Steve gives him what seems to be an assuring smile, but it turns into a wince. And then Steve shivers violently and all Eddie does is hold him tighter, wandering one hand around to press on whatever feels the most bloodiest.
“Nancy and Robin are coming back right now.” Eddie says, more to himself. More of a plea than a determined possibility. “They’ll find us and help get you to a hospital. You’re going to be okay.”
“You’re going to be okay, Steve. I didn’t fall for your handsome ass just to have you die in a goddamn hell dimension.”
“…you love me?”
Eddie freezes, realizing what he’s just said. He almost expects Steve to immediately punch him. But Steve doesn’t do that because he’s fucking man down. Yet Eddie expects a colder silence or anything that Steve wants to do nothing with him as he bleeds.
When he really looks for his reaction, Steve is wide eyed. But not with fear or disgust.
He looks elevated. Like this was his birthday wish finally come true or something.
The sight loosens Eddie a bit. He sighs, “Yeah. Fuck, yeah, I do. Biggest gay crush ever since I was fourteen years old.”
“How?” Steve whispers, his tone unchanging.
Eddie shakes his head, “Doesn’t matter. You’ll get back with Nancy anyway.”
“Wha… I don’t…” Finally there’s the furrow in his brows as Steve shifts into confusion. He gives out a quick hacking cough before he says, “Don’t love her.”
“I saw you, man. You and her. You both deserve a second chance.”
“No. I don’t…” Steve swallows twice, coughs, then swallows again.
He looks back up at Eddie again, his lacerated smile growing wider with a weird glint in his eye, “Besides, I got my lover with me all along.”
Eddie stares at him while the words roll around his head. Then they screech into a halt before slamming into a wall.
He almost runs a hand over his face before remembering how stained his hands are. It doesn’t the stop exaggeration in Eddie’s voice as he mutters, “Jesus Christ, Steve. You’re telling me I should have just risk it and ask you out last summer when you still had that sailor uniform?”
“Fuckin’ hate that thing…” Steve mutters ruefully, but he’s laughing. Laughing like he’s going to live after all.
For a moment, they laugh softly together. Better to pretend they were on some cozy picnic date instead of going through one of the worst nightmares in Eddie’s life.
Steve’s skin regains just a teeny shade of color and it reignites the hope in Eddie’s chest.
Then he squeezes Steve’s hand with tight assurances. “We’re going back to the gate. Have to move you.”
“No, no, no no-” Steve moans, repeating the words as loudly as his poor throat can risk it. It breaks Eddie’s heart but he has to be committed this time. He can be the hero this time.
But when he stands up and lifts up Steve’s torso, he hears a visceral rip. It’s a small sound but when you’re one of only two humans in an empty land, it’s almost deafening.
And then Steve starts choking.
“Shit, shit, shit!”
He gets back on the ground, gently but quickly changing Steve’s position so he’s laying across Eddie’s lap, arms still wrapped around his shaking body. Eddie presses a hand on the gushing wounds on Steve’s face, but the choking dissolves into wet coughing. He feels every wheeze on his palm as Steve’s breathing weakens.
“Steve, look at me. Steve, hey, hey. Stay with me, okay. Please stay! Stay with-!”
Steve latches a hand around his wrist, pulling Eddie close enough to the growing metallic smell.
His lips are a splotchy dark. Eddie almost leans just to memorialize his first and last kiss with Steve Harrington, blood and all.
He doesn’t though.
Steve’s eye is wide, almost bulging out of his skull from the strain of his following words, “L-look- after the kids- R-Robin-”
Whatever else Steve wants to say never comes. His grip abruptly goes lax and slowly falls away. Eddie stares in horror as Steve’s eye glazes over and then there is nothing behind it at all.
Everything comes to a standstill.
An eternity passes before Eddie droops his weight onto Steve’s chest, hoping to catch any remains of his warmth.
It feels like he’s already clenching onto the dirt of a grave.
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years ago
The Law of Attraction (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Reader cannot understand how Spencer is in a relationship with someone who is his complete opposite. 
A/N: Hello Everyone!!! Here’s another story from the secret-fic-swap in the Discord server. I tried my hand at a new genre and I like how it came out. A big thank you to @imagining-in-the-margins​ for helping me make this real nice for y’all (this story was also written to her). Enjoy!
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Content Warnings: If you’re a fan of Max or Maxcer, this may not be the story for you. Sacrifices needed to be made for this story to be told. 
Word Count: 4.2K
The thought that the concept of ‘opposites attract’ was only true when it comes to physics. After all, the comparison of people to magnets doesn’t make any sense. If two people are together, there should be some similarities to build an established relationship, right? Without that foundation, the structure will surely crumble back into the fragmented pieces that created it, leaving them cracked and weaker for it.
Compatibility is necessary, yet there is none whenever I look at them. This is the fourth function that he has brought her to, and with each event, I find it harder to look their way. But when I do find them among the crowd, I can’t look away. Like a car crash or thunderstorm ripping tree roots from the ground.
It doesn’t make sense to me, why on earth would Spencer Reid be with a girl like her.
“If you keep staring at her, she might drop dead,” said a sarcastic voice, breaking me out of my reverie. I turned to see Tara with an amused smile occupying her face.
“I just don’t get it,” I mumbled, focusing my attention on the drink in my hand.
“What’s not to get?” she asked, glancing over at the couple in question. “They seem cute together.”
“They have nothing in common. He might as well be talking to some random person in this bar.”
I chugged the remainder of my beverage with desperate hope that the alcohol will somehow make things better in this situation. It didn’t.
“You sound bitter.”
“I am not bitter,” I bit back.
“I didn’t say you were, I said you sound.”
I didn’t respond to her because deep down I knew she was right. I just fiddled with the straw in my now empty glass as Tara continued, “Look, they both like coffee and going to the park, that’s something.”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped my throat at the thought.
“So do half the people on the administration floor, he might as well have a harem if those are the main qualifications.”
“So what type of person should Spencer Reid have?” she asked, an eyebrow arching up as she focused her attention on me.
“I don’t know. Someone who is family-oriented and loves kids. Someone who doesn’t judge him for his idiosyncrasies. Someone who listens to his rambles and actually responds to them. Someone who he can escape to when things get too tough. Someone who understands when to give him space but will continue to support him unconditionally. Someone who can challenge him and make each day exciting and interesting. Someone who can ke—”
“Whoa there, I didn’t think you were going to give me a whole novel.” If she thought that was a novel, then the rest of what I wanted to say would be considered an encyclopedia. The only one that Spencer would never read.  
“I just want him to be happy,” I relented.
It was the simple truth. Everyone deserves some sort of contentment in their life, but with everything that Spencer has gone through in the past, his happiness should be at the forefront. He always put others before himself. It was time that someone prioritizes his wants and needs for a change.
“And she doesn’t make him happy?”
Not in the slightest. 
But I didn’t want to say that. I was sure half of the team already thought, or knew, that I was infatuated with him. But I didn’t need to give them the satisfaction of a confirmation by talking about this any further. The looks that Tara had been giving me the past few minutes validated my belief that I didn’t need to dig myself into a deeper hole.
“Maybe,” I said, hoping to put an end to the topic.
But just then, I heard a laugh despite how noisy the place was. I knew without a doubt that was Spencer’s laugh – it was the only sound that would demand my attention that quickly. It was the one he used when he felt uncomfortable.
“Excuse me, Tara.”
I didn’t give her a chance to reply before I hopped off the barstool and made my way to where Spencer and his girl were as casually as possible. Jennifer and Penelope were also with them, and it seems as if the three ladies were doing most of the talking.
“….like kids someday?” I heard Pen say. I didn’t need to hear the beginning of the sentence to know what it was about.
“Ehh, certainly not. My nephew is a handful as is, I don’t think I need any more than that one in my life,” she laughed. She, of course, being the ever loving, ever annoying, Max. A quick glance at Spencer's face confirmed that he was bothered by the subject being discussed. If the rest of the ladies were a bit more sober, they’d probably have seen it too.
“Hey guys,” I interrupted, taking my previous seat next to JJ, “I ordered some water for us and some appetizers. Tara is going to bring it over when it is ready.”
Cheers and thank you were shouted across the small table, but there was only one face I cared to pay attention to. Spencer’s mouth was quirked in a sad smile that was meant to hide the discomfort that had already taken root in his heart like an invasive vine.
“Did you place my fries order?” Max asked, garnering my attention. As much as I wanted to ignore her, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t openly be a bitch to her, no matter how much she irked me. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Other than stealing the affections of a man I’d never actually pursued, that is. But I couldn’t really blame her for that one, right? I should’ve jumped on the opportunity before. It was my fault.
“Yup,” I answered quickly with a small fake smile before focusing on the wooden décor of the bar.
“So any plans for Halloween? Assuming we don’t get called in for a case of course,” JJ asked the table.
“There is this pop-up haunted house coming that weekend.” Spencer said, his voice laced with that childlike excitement that made my heart race, “It is near the annual fair, so I’m going to try and do both.”
“Awww, that’s a cute date idea.”
The table was silent for a moment before Max announced, “I probably won’t go. I am not a big fan of anything spooky or… horror. I’ll leave all of that to this guy.”
The table shared an awkward laugh in a poor attempt to lighten the mood.
“Anyway,” I coughed out, attempting to save this poor conversation, “you guys need to hear this terrible joke the bartender told me. So basically, this screwdriver walks into a bar….” and just like that, the topic had been changed.
Tara joined us shortly after and the conversation remained lighthearted for the remainder of the evening. We later said our farewells and readied ourselves to go back home. While I should’ve been sad to leave him, I couldn’t help but feel a bitter joy from the fact that Spencer and Max didn’t talk directly to each other for the rest of the night.
It’s been a couple of weeks since the last team outing. Rossi must’ve missed us, because he decided to host a dinner at his place to celebrate the ending of a long and tough case. No one was going to pass up the opportunity of free food and wine, especially after dealing with a bunch of cops and detectives with entire tree trunks up their asses.
I was the last to arrive, which was not surprising since I live the furthest away from Rossi. Krystall welcomed and settled me in while informing me where everyone was. What I assumed was a team gathering turned out to be a whole party. There were definitely more than two dozen people occupying the space.
Good god. 
“What’s all this?” I asked as I greeted Rossi in the, thankfully, empty kitchen. Because, of course, Rossi wouldn’t be Rossi if he didn’t take care of all the hors d'oeuvres himself.
“Krystall wanted to celebrate our anniversary,” he sighed, as if this ordeal was somehow troublesome. I had to roll my eyes; he wasn’t fooling anyone. We all knew that Rossi would move mountains for his wife.
Their love was pure and genuine, a perfect example of two people meeting again at the right time and sharing something wonderful with one another. As I reminisced on their beautiful wedding day, a thought came to my head.
“Isn’t your first anniversary coming up in a few months?”
“That’s for our second marriage, this is for the first.” Rossi simply stated with a proud smirk, as if it was standard to celebrate any and all anniversaries in life. I supposed that for him, it was.
“Why do I get the feeling that this was more your idea than Krystall’s?”
Classic. Well, I wasn’t going to tell a man what he should celebrate nor how to do so. I wasn’t going to ruin any opportunities to eat some fresh crostini.
Once I made my way back out into the main room, I was able to find my team within seconds. My eyes instantly landed on Spencer’s tall and lanky form. And I would’ve been excited for that, if it weren’t for the familiar woman standing beside him.
Max was there. Hooray.
Usually, I was able to properly prepare myself for seeing her. It actually, unfortunately, took a lot of effort to not be openly hostile to someone I dislike. It wasn’t something I was proud of, but it was true. Typically in a situation like this, I’d avoid the person all night. However, I wasn’t going to allow her presence to influence the night, much less stop me from spending time with one of my closest friends.
“Hey guys.”
“Ahh, you’re finally here,” squealed Penelope, “I already grabbed your favorite drink!” She stepped aside to make room for me in the small gathered circle before handing me the glass.
“So what did I miss?”
They all caught me up on the harmless gossip circulating around the office and the new happenings emerging in everyone’s lives. Everything was going well until I heard the next words from Max, words that felt like a bucket of ice water and lead being poured over my head.
“Well, Spencer and I are moving in together.”
Time slowed down, I was sure it had. Because I was able to gauge everything in a matter of seconds. Tara’s concerning glance my way, her hand reaching out and retreating as if to hold me. Penelope’s joyful appearance over the news, her arms rising quickly causing her wine to slightly spill on Rossi’s floor. Matt expressing congratulations as he roughly patted Spencer on the back.
And Spencer….
Spencer looked like he rather be anywhere but here. His lips were drawn in a too tight smile that I knew was far from authentic. He was tapping his heel against the floor and wringing his hands together.
If this was merry news from the two of them, why did he look like he swallowed a spiked fruit?
The loud clanging of metal against glass brought everyone’s attention to the noisy source. Time returned back to its normal pace at Rossi’s call, thanking everyone for joining in on the celebration and announcing that the food was ready in the dining room.
While everyone cheered and made their way towards the ornate display, I headed to the balcony. It was too hot, too stuffy, too loud inside the house. There was one too many people there.
As soon as I passed through the double doors, I took a deep breath of cool, refreshing air. Everything around me felt muffled. Like I had stumbled into a small pocket universe that only differed from ours by a few notches on the volume knob.
I was thinking too many things, and none of them adding up or making sense in my head. How do you move in with someone you’ve only known for such a short amount of time? What was he going to do with his apartment? With his personal belongings that were scattered and settled on crowded shelves? Why did he look so uncomfortable when she announced it? Did he not want us to know? Did he want to say it himself?
“What are you doing out here?”
As if being brought back to reality by the very same hypnotist who enchanted me in the first place, I became aware that I was not the only one on the balcony. I turned to look at Spencer, taking in his disheveled and tired appearance.
“I just needed some space. I was feeling a bit crowded.” It wasn’t a lie, but my companion and I both knew there was a lot more than just that. Trying to keep the attention off me, I asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Checking on you. I saw you come out here dressed like that and wondered what would drag you out into the freezing cold.”
Now that he mentioned it, the breeze was hitting hard. I didn’t notice my body trembling until now. It is funny how you can’t feel much when lost in your own thoughts. The pain was a welcome distraction, I supposed.
Spencer stood next to me and shrugged off the suit jacket he was wearing. I opened my mouth to refuse, but he gave me a pointed look before I could. Instead, I accepted the warm jacket over my body. The scent of cinnamon and spice immediately enveloped my form and I tried to hide the way my inhales grew deeper. Trying to keep him as close as I could for however long he would allow. He kept his hands on my arms, rubbing them up and down the sleeves of the jacket to instill some heat in me.  
“So whatever happened to taking it slow?” I asked bluntly, keeping my eyes on the interesting speck of dirt that had ended up on my shoe. I didn’t feel bad about getting to the point -- There was no way I could subtly ask him what the deal was, and I’d rather not beat around the bush.
“Well, after the whole situation that happened, sh— we decided to pick up the pace of things,” he spoke lowly, as if he was unsure of the words coming out of his mouth.
“Has she even met Diana? Or know about her?” I instantly regretted asking, the angry look he shot my way had me feeling remorseful. But it also answered my question.
Max only knew the surface level of Spencer. She wasn’t aware of all the good, bad, beautiful, and ugly layers that comes with a man like him. She wasn’t the only one to blame, but I wondered how a profiler couldn’t tell that he was hiding those parts from her because he didn’t want to share them with her. He didn’t want her to know, because the knowing made it real.
“I just want the best for you.”
His irritated expression dissolved into a defeated one as he released the breath he was holding.
“I know, I know. It’s just…”
He stopped talking, appearing scared to share his opinions and feelings with me before he remembered that, unlike Max, he never had to hide things from me. He didn’t want to.
“It’s just…” I prodded, hoping he would continue with what he was going to say.
But he just stayed stuck there, opening and closing his mouth multiple times. I could practically see the cogs in his brain whirling as he properly tried to explain. “Well, the thing is that Ma—”
We sharply turned our heads to see Max and Tara staring at us. It wasn’t until that moment that I remembered our position. With Spencer’s hands rubbing tenderness heat onto my arms, his jacket over my shoulders and our bodies pressed together to keep warm.
It would be one thing if everything was settled, but this situation was anything but. Max had every reason to be angry. This wasn’t a new thing to her. So when she turned around, she stomped away fueled by the belief that she’d nearly caught her boyfriend committing adultery. Again.
“Fuck,” I heard the man in front of me whisper as he released me back into the cold night.
Still, as he left, he looked back at me. His eyes burned into mine up until he tore them away, making his final decision and hastily running from the balcony. Away from me. Towards her.
Tara and I shared the silence, but she looked at me with those inquisitive eyes, as if I was a client seeking out therapy from her.  
“What?” I hissed, “We were just talking.” I refused to feel guilty over something that I didn’t do. If anyone had done anything, it was Spencer. But at the same time, I didn’t think he was entirely wrong, either.  
“I didn’t say anything,” she muttered, holding her hands up high as a sign of surrender.
“You didn’t have to, I can feel the judgment from here.”
“Look, I’m not judging you. But I do want you to put yourself in Max’s shoes. You guys were gone for a while and she finds you two all over each other.”
“What are you talking about, Tara? Christ, it’s not like I was fucking him on the balcony!”
Although I didn’t intend for my words to be humorous, Tara laughed. I was conflicted on whether it was at me or with me, but it ended up amounting to nothing, anyway.
“Look, the night is young and you need to relax. Come back inside, enjoy the party, and don’t let them bring you down. At least for the next few hours.”
She was right, as she usually was. It was why I usually sought her out as the voice of reason; I knew that despite everything, she would always have my best interest at heart.
“Okay,” I agreed before following her back into the chaotic fray.
I heeded her advice and avoided the couple for the remainder of the night. Shockingly, it was pretty easy, but I was sure it was because they were avoiding me too. There were times, lots of times, where Spencer and I made eye contact, but we’d just as quickly look away, as if we were ashamed of what we have done.
All we did was talk. So why did it feel like something more?
There were also times when I made eye contact with Max, but instead of shame, there was anger and contempt. If looks could kill, like Tara had suggested, I was sure my heart would have given out.
It wasn’t until later in the evening that I saw Max take a cab home while Spencer was still inside the house. No one else but me noticed that they didn’t leave the party together.
I hadn’t seen Spencer since the incident at Rossi’s a few weeks ago. He had to take his mandatory sabbatical leave and I had to take an abrupt trip back home. What used to be almost daily texts between us became nonexistent in a matter of hours. It was a terrible predicament that I was hoping to fix soon.
As I arrived, I spotted him at his desk. For a long time, I stood there staring at him. If he wasn’t nose deep in a bunch of files, I was sure he would’ve seen me, too. I contemplated on how I should go up to him, but nothing I could think of was good enough to say. 
Hey, I have your jacket, I took it to the dry cleaner’s, so it is all clean. Rid of me like you wanted to be. 
Hi, how were the lectures this time around? Still have a bunch of teens crushing on you?
What’s up, it’s been a while, do you want to get lunch during the break?
I hated that things were awkward, even though I was pretty sure that I was the only one that was making it so. I should have just gone up to him, greeted him, and acted like everything was normal, because everything was normal. Right?
Just when I was about to do so, Emily called us in for a meeting. Impeccable timing.
We had a serial killer case in Louisville, Kentucky. My situation with Spencer was going to the backburner.
During our stay in Louisville, Spencer and I barely interacted. We exchanged notes and passed long messages, but that’s pretty much it. I wasn’t surprised. Our specialties don’t really correlate when we are working on a case. Anytime I did catch some free time, I’d look his way, longing for the opportunity to speak to him. He didn’t look back.
Then, just as the case ended, another chance presented itself. After five days of hardly any proper rest, we finally found the unsub. Everyone was in their respective room catching up on some much needed sleep. Except for Spencer, whose gangly body was tucked away at the bar by himself, a glass of what appeared to be soda in front of him.
Silently, I took the seat next to him, and for a few minutes, everything was quiet. But unlike the usual, comfortable quiet, it was torturous.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
I stared at him, letting the silent communication denote the fact that I knew he was lying to me. Spencer released a sigh and looked at me with eyes more intoxicating than any whiskey that shared their color.
“Actually, no, I’m not okay.”
I was going to ask him what was wrong or if there was anything I could do to help, but before I had the chance to do so, he hastily answered the question I hadn’t asked.
“Max and I broke up.”
I stared at him, my face and mind blank as I tried to comprehend what he’d said. That Max and Spencer broke up. They were no longer together. Spencer was single.
I thought that if this ever happened, I would be happy, elated, jumping at the chance to take her place by his side. But I felt none of those things.
“What happened?” I didn’t want to appear nosy or meddlesome, but I needed to know.
“We were fighting a lot, and I couldn’t take it.”
“We were… actually fighting about you.”
I sharply turned my head at him, both intrigued and disturbed by the implication that I had anything to do with the failure of their relationship.
“What? What about me?”
“She thought I liked you,” he said while staring straight back at me, daring me to scan through each fleck of gold and green to ensure that he was telling the truth. But his hazel eyes expressed nothing but honesty as he continued, “and she was right. I do.”
“Y-you do?”
All he could do was nod his head, lifting his hand and catching a loose strand of hair before tucking it behind my ear.
“Can I try something?” Spencer shyly requested.
Once again, the universe felt different. I held my breath, trying to wake from the dream. Although he didn’t say it, I had an idea of what he wanted. If the hand on the side of my face and the staring at my lips were anything to go by, I knew what was going to happen next.
I nodded back and closed my eyes. A few seconds passed, the sweetest kind of anticipation. But then I felt the gentle pressure of his lips against my own, sweet and tender. He moved his head to get a better angle while I brought my hands up to cup his face. The roughness of his stubble against the tip of my fingers was a perfect contrast to the softness of him. I could taste the soda he was drinking on his tongue and breathed in the cinnamon scent that seemed sunken into his skin.
When we pulled away, it was full of hesitation. All it took was one look for us to know we couldn’t do this. Not now, not yet. He was still healing from the recent break up and I didn’t want to be a rebound. I didn’t want us to resent one another for jumping into a relationship so soon. We weren’t ready.
We sat there in relative silence, taking in everything that has happened.
“Maybe one day,” he paused “one day we can give it a chance.”
“Yes. I’d like that.” I beamed at him, “And I look forward to that day. Until then, we remain as friends.”
He returned my smile and I realized that it had been a while since I’ve seen his real smile. I missed it so much.
“Friends,” he confirmed.
And for the first time in a long time, I felt relief and comfort. Because I knew everything was going to be okay. I had hope that someday Spencer will get the happily ever after he deserves and he’ll get it with me by his side. One day.
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kaypeace21 · 5 years ago
ignoring the fact that they sound like a married couple arguing, mike and will are also bickering over whether or not el and mike are still together. it was written in the script, rehearsed, performed, and kept in the final cut that will OUTRIGHT SAYS “she said she dumped your ass, that doesn’t sound like a break.” and max yells “it wasn’t!” :@;$:@/&$:&:??!?! they literally said they’re not endgame. they aren’t endgame.
i KNOW right! Based on the s4 movies I think things are reversed and it’s El who can’t accept they are broken up. A lot of films said to inspire s4 have ex gfs refuse to accept the break up -one even hits on her gay ex-bf ( ‘birdcage’ ). Similar scenario in ‘clueless’ with girl hinting on gay guy who just wants to be friends.  Max in s3 having to correct El that Mike is her “ ex boyfriend” and Will saying “that doesn’t sound like a break”. And Max agreeing “it wasn’t!” is foreshadowing they never actually got back together.  IT WASN’T A BREAK! But El may not accept this.
It’s similar, to the random telemarketing joke where they had Mike say on the phone “El, sorry not interested “ and hang up . It was foreshadowing.
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In the films the exes constantly call . Mike telling El “i’ll call so often you’ll have to turn your walkie off” was also foreshadowing of what Mike will do to her in s4. Since ,he hung up on her in s3 when she called demanding to know where he was at 9:30 in the morning.  In  ‘swingers’ the guy name mike (whose friends call him ‘gay’)  hangs up on his ex gf who wants to get back together . He hangs up on her so he can talk to his new love interest (Will) . Specifically, Hangs up on his ex as she says  “I love-“. Then in ‘splash’ he breaks up with his gf on the phone and says “do I love you?well what about you?” To dodge the question (then yells at a family member ease dropping on the other line -Karen). And they break up on the phone. And he tells a friend later he never loved her. 
2 movies the ex says they’ll get back together and their new relationships are “just phases” etc ( waynes world,  high fidelity, dumb and dumber). Saying they’re still together when they aren’t  (wayne’s world). Loads of movies had the crazy ex sabotage new relationships, call constantly, stalk, and flirt despite the exes discomfort and repeatedly saying it’s over (despite the ex not loving them and just be possessive and not wanting them with other people).
The exes are cray in the films (el stalking and never apologizing for spying. And mileven dancing to the song ‘every breath you take’ a song about a stalker ex who doesn’t take no for an answer -after their ex hooks up with their friend, wasn’t a coincidence). Along with El watching ‘days of our lives’ where she mimicked erica who was in a relationship with Mike roy. And it ended messy with one of them sabotaging their new relationship, stalking them, and claiming the stalking victim still loved them. (Although, they eventually accepted that wasn’t true).  
El  stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike said he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 (like the song) she stalks him after their breakup, and when he said not to do that she just says ‘i make my own rules’. I think s4 shows just how ‘un-cute’ this behavior can get.
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 I’ve already talked about that awkward kiss scene to death. But i think it indicates Mike assumes they’re broken up and el assumes they’re back together. 
FIrst he  LIED AGAIN (the cause of the breakup)- and pretended he didn’t confess to her at the end of s3. And never said “ I love you’ back! He even tries to take the words back and  says about the prior love confession “ “Oh! Oh, yeah that.Man, that was so long ago. Um…”  and starts to scratch his head and says everything he said at the cabin was “in the heat of the moment stuff and we were arguing…”
They even frame the scene right before the kiss strangely, making El look larger and imposing, as she approaches. Mike feels cornered (you the viewer subconsciously are supposed to feel claustraphobic/trapped/cornered/stuck along with Mike).
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We see him furrow his brows (uncomfortable and confused ) when El initiates the romantic moment, saying “I love you too.”
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 And cue most awkward kiss in history- where he keeps his eyes open the whole time and doesn’t kiss back. (In Will’s room, mike in front of an open closet, as el holds Will’s s1 bear.)
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 During the kiss, the song ‘the first i love you ‘played. The only other time they played that song in s3,  was when Robin rejects Steve’s  romantic confession and she comes out as gay . Interesting choice for that awkward mileven kiss/confession shown later where El says she loves Mike (and mike keeps his eyes open, doesn’t kiss back or return the ‘I love you’). It’s foreshadowing of Mike rejecting El (in the future) cause he’s gay.
We even see El’s reaction first (happy, smiling and giddy). Assuming they’re back together. But then we blur the screen to see Mike’s opposing expression. He looks confused, bewildered and even furrows his brows again.
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Then we see El initiating all the romantic stuff outside.El seems to be the one trying to make it romantic- like Mike hugging el and lucas with one arm identically (hand on their upper back), but El caresses his chest.
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And as Mike stops the hug El shoves his head into hers (it actually looked like it hurt honestly XD)
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the byler centric ending with the Hopper monologue reinforces this theme. Mike while looking at both cars driving away was thinking of Will . They show this by having Mike be sad as Will drives away (alone) twice as Mike  sadly watches him leave- this was done to show that he’s actually upset the 2 later times where Will and El leave at the same time -because of Will. I showed it in one of my vids here, at 23:11
When we first see Mike during the Hopper monologue , it continues to pan to only Mike and Will (not El) cause what he says is mostly about them. “I’ve been feeling distant from you. Like you’re pulling away from me or something” (Will does this both figuratively/literally). I miss playing board games every night (d &d)”. Then Mike looks back at the Byers house (he just lingers there and looks back as his friends leave without him) like how Will turned to watch Mike leave and hold hands with El  (as the crew  go up the hill without Will).  “But I know you’re getting older, growing, changing. And I guess, if I’m being really honest, that’s what scares me. I don’t want things to change.”
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It pans to both of them on  “i don’t want things to change’ cause that’s how they both feel. Mike , ‘doesn’t want things things to change’. He doesn’t want their friendship to change as they ‘get older’ because he’d have to and acknowledge his feelings for Will are romantic and if he’s “being honest” that “scares” him (especially in rural 80s conservative-Indiana at the height of the aids epidemic).  Why we see Mike trying to act like a adult while dating El, and Will trying to act like a kid- they’re both trying to escape  growing up to be gay in different ways. Will reverting to childhood activities and saying he’ll ‘never fall in love’ (after his double date with lumax). And Mike trying to act like “old people’ saying “we’re not kids anymore... what did you expect that we’d never get girlfriends?” Cause he equates straight romance with being an adult and his feelings for Will as something he has to grow out of . Which he learns in the very end isn’t possible.
Right after that scene it switches from Will crying,  to Mike entering his house. His face is visibly red from crying and he looks shocked (almost as if he realized something) before he hugs his mom- to mirror the time he thought Will died in s1. 
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And the dialogue in this scene says “So I think maybe that’s why I came in here, to try and maybe stop that change. To turn back the clock. To make things go back to how they were.” He goes back to his mother for comfort, like he did the 1st time he lost Will. But also to reverse back time, to s1, before he realized his feelings for Will are romantic.  When things were simple. I think the last episode is when Mike truly realizes he’s been in love with Will this entire time and he can’t fix it and transfer his feelings for Will on to el (something he’s been trying to do all of s3). El said he loved him and he felt nothing-and he was heartbroken over Will leaving (not El). Which is why he just seems almost shocked/numb as he’s processing this fact. This whole scene only showed Mike and Will transitions- el was never there, cause Mike wasn’t upset over her.
In the last ep (in s3) Mike mirrors the scene in s1, hugging his mom, since he feels like he’s losing Will all over again. In s1 the romantic/queer coded lyric from the song ‘We can be heroes’ plays as he hugs his mom “And we kiss as though nothing could fall. And the shame.”. And during the s3 move  (‘we can be heroes’) plays again!  And David Bowie wrote this song and Jonathan even said to Will  in his ‘being a freak is the best speech’ “who would you rather be friends with David bowie (a queer singer) or Kenny Roggers?”
It’s why finn wolfhard after s3 liked this byler pic. cause s3 was all about Will and Mike denying their feelings for each other.
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Not to mention,After s1 Finn quoted the  Duffers saying Mike thought of El as a “puppy’ (dart) or “et” , and then said  Mileven was a  “first summer love thing”- foreshadowing mileven’s downfall during the Summer (aka s3). He repeats this “first summer love” phrase 2x.  Millie when he mentioned what the duffers said rightfully thought the puppy thing was “awful”, but Finn was clearly told mileven doesn’t last -very early on- and most likely the Duffers told him “it’s like a first summer love thing”.Summer love” by definition fails-as it only lasts during the summer.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 4 years ago
Sick Day (NOS4A2 Drabble)
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A/N: Holy shit! I actually wrote something?! Well, unfortunately, this is probably gonna be my only fic for a while since I’m gonna be so busy. But I hope you all enjoy some Charlie fluff! It helped to let my creative muse out amongst my stress! (Also, I own a Totoro like the toy pictured above) ;)
Sick Day
NOS4A2 Drabble
By: Bunny Louise Grimes
That Friday, the stretches of farmland rolled along beside the Wraith as we went for a leisurely drive. The clouds were grey, the spring air was cool, and dew covered the windows. We took a rest outside of a beautiful and abandoned hospital to eat our fries and crack each other up. Nearby, a park sat where Charlie pushed me on the swings. But by the time we decided to head back home and order a pizza, I noticed I was feeling a bit tired. While ordering the pizza, I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. The only interesting (and scary) thing on was a news segment discussing how a shooter at a restaurant two towns over had threatened to kill people (something like an altercation with his girlfriend who was a waitress perhaps?), and he was still at large.
“Well, that explains the helicopters we’ve been seeing and hearing,” I said.
“Indeed,” Charlie nodded. “We’ll have to be careful tonight and make sure everything is locked up so that he doesn’t try to hide here, especially since this house is the perfect place to hide. Out in the middle of nowhere, miles of forest to run, the mountains... good thing my Wraith has a mind of her own, because if he thinks about hiding there, he’ll be ran over.”
After I ordered the pizzas from my laptop, we went out for another small drive in the grey skies to retrieve them. By then, my tiredness had gotten worse, and I noticed my body had a dull ache. I wrapped myself up in my yellow sweater tighter. Besides that, I was wearing green floral leggings, green socks, and black Mary Janes. It was already a cool afternoon, but it wasn’t this freezing, so why was I so cold? I thanked the fact my hair was done in a pair of long fluffy puppytails held together by my green ribbons so that I had an extra layer of warmth.
“I’m concerned I might be coming down with something,” I told Charlie. “I’m starting to feel real tired, cold, and achy.”
“Well, we’ll see how you feel,” he said. “If you start to feel really sick, we’ll have our answer and we’ll give you medicine.”
After coming home and eating our pizza, my tiredness, alongside my full stomach, overtook me, and I fell asleep. When I woke up from a bizarre dream, I realized how cold, achy, and tired I was. Charlie felt my head and observed that I was feeling very hot. He took into consideration how cold his body temperature was and placed the tympanic thermometer from the bathroom into my ear. I was 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the dot, a definite fever.
He presented me with medicine and he carried me upstairs, where I fell asleep once more. When I woke up from even more odd dreams, my fever had increased to almost 103 degrees. I had developed a headache and chest discomfort. I went to the bathroom due to an odd sensation in my stomach, and I realized what it was once I was done.
“Charlie,” I called weakly to the hallway. “I have diarrhea too!”
“Well, all of this is most unfortunate,” Charlie sighed. “We should call the doctor and he can figure out what’s wrong.”
He got on the landline and contacted the local doctor. I ended up with an appointment that day at three. Charlie helped me change into the clothes I wore yesterday, and he helped me rebraid my hair. When we arrived 30 minutes later, there was only a few other people in the doctor’s office. I was the second person to be called. After a quick checkup and a quick talk with the nurse about my symptoms, the doctor walked in five minutes later and concluded I had the flu.
“Flu season’s in fall and winter,” he said. “It peaks between December and February, but it can run even as late as now. It happens sometimes, someone has it and you just catch it. It’s pesky influenza, you can get it at anytime.” He turned to Charlie. “That elderberry medicine was good thinking. Keep giving her that so it will help her immune system. I also recommend Vitamin C, so orange juice is a good drink idea. Here’s an antiviral prescription.” He gave the paper to Charlie. “I’ll call the pharmacy, you’ll be able to pick it up in a few hours.” He turned back to me. “In the meantime, you just take lots of rest and stay hydrated, especially with your diarrhea. Since your stomach might be upset, you should eat lighter things like crackers.” He chuckled and smiled, saying, “I assume you know all this, however, given you are in the medical field yourself.”
I nodded, laughing as best I could. “I don’t work as a nurse now since moving here, but at anytime, if I do need to work, I think this would be a good place.”
He beamed. “Absolutely! I’m glad you think so! You seem like the person we’d like on board. But you focus on your health first.”
After leaving, Charlie took me home, where I switched into my pajamas and cuddled up with some of my ponies (Razzaroo, Minty, Wysteria, Sweetberry, Cotton Candy, Sunny Daze, Sparkleworks, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Kimono), Kuchi Kopi (who glowed a comforting green), and my stuffed Totoro on the couch.
“I’ll make you some soup,” Charlie said. “You want some Progresso rice soup with Taco Bell sauce?”
“Just like when I was a kid,” I smiled. “Yes. Can you put in A Charming Birthday so I can watch something small for a little bit?”
He put in the pony VHS tape and went into the kitchen. The soup was done and I had adjusted myself on the couch. He also presented me with orange juice in a glass and ice. I ate my soup and drank my OJ carefully while Charlie turned on the news again once the twenty minute short was over. The culprit from yesterday had been caught, so there was no need to worry about him on the loose anymore. Other than that, the news became annoying, so I asked Charlie if we could watch a movie.
“Could we watch My Neighbor Totoro?” I asked.
“What is that?” He looked puzzled.
“It’s one of the movies I brought. It’s from the 80’s, animated, and from Japan.”
He looked at the clock. “Let me get your medicine. I’ll have to get it in about fifteen minutes, and you know it takes ten minutes to get to town. Finish your soup while I’m gone and I’ll make you some hot chocolate upon my return.”
I nodded, changed the channel to Two Broke Girls, and we exchanged a kiss before he left once more. I had finished my soup almost ten minutes later and my stomach felt slightly upset (not the fault of the food, it had to have just been my stomach being in the state it was in). I weakly stumbled upstairs, chills hitting my aching body without my blanket, and did my business in some discomfort. I did my best to clean myself up with painfilled muscles. I felt clean and wrapped up what I needed to do. The lilac smell of the soap and the warm water I was using to clean my hands up smelled and felt refreshingly pleasant on my ill body.
I snuggled with my toys when I returned downstairs and chuckled at Caroline and Max’s antics to get more money until Charlie returned home. I took my medicine (including the elderberry medicine he gave me yesterday) and he made me hot chocolate, alongside a plate of crackers. He put in the Totoro DVD and I anticipated seeing the serene and beautiful world associated with Studio Ghibli movies. I was snuggled up with Charlie and had my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.
“Are you feeling any better?” He asked.
“Physically, no, but emotionally, yes.”
“I’ve never seen this movie before. How good is it?”
“Very. It’s comforting, light hearted, and filled with lots of innocence and imagination.”
He smiled. “Hmm, seems like it’s right up my alley. I’m intrigued.” He picked up the case. “What is a Totoro?”
“He’s a forest spirit. He’s a mix between a cat, owl, and raccoon. You’ll like him, he’s a gentle giant.”
We watched the entire movie, the two of us making side comments every now and then, and Charlie loved every minute of it. By the time the famous ending credits serenaded, I was ready for a nap. Charlie turned it to Ghost Adventures reruns. I desperately wanted to stay awake, but I knew by then I couldn’t. I didn’t mind too much because I knew I had all of their episodes on DVD. I warned Charlie I might fall asleep.
“That’s fine,” he said, kissing my forehead. “This is just so you have something you like to lull you to sleep. I might take a nap myself.”
Within minutes, I fell asleep and had vivid dreams inspired by the movie (something about it raining and Totoro roaring and flying in the night sky while I was roaming around a gorgeous forest). When I woke up, I needed water. I went into the kitchen and downed as much as I could. Charlie woke up a few minutes later. I had to go to the bathroom again and Charlie helped me this time.
“I feel very sweaty and gross,” I sighed.
“You want a warm bubble bath?” He asked.
“You’d give me one?”
“Of course.”
I slipped my pajamas off and he filled the clawfoot bathtub with warm water and and sparkly white bubbles. He made it smell like two soaps called Cosmic RainbowBerries and Old Fashioned Flowers. Once again, my cold, achy body felt exposed, but stepping into the soapy water melted it away. The scent was amazing, and his firm and gentle hands cleaning my weak body made me sigh in pure content. He unbraided my hair and I embraced every moment of his nails and fingers working their way through my scalp. All the while, he was softly humming “Put Your Head On My Shoulder.”
Once I was all clean, he wrapped me in a soft towel as quick as he could so I would not freeze while he dealt with the tub. I picked out a long and soft nightgown with strawberries on it and thigh high flowered socks. I wandered back into the bathroom so he could blow dry my hair and rebraid it.
“Why look at you! You smell as clean as a spring flower! Perhaps the first rose in the meadow? Fitting for your name, dear!”
I laughed and hugged him. “I certainly feel like one thanks to you.”
When we returned downstairs, he began making chili for me, and I decided to play some Call of Duty Zombies. I took more medicine before I played and drank more water as I did. After eating it, talking with Charlie about various things, and snuggling up with him while playing, sleepiness took over again. By the time I went down from running out of options and being surrounded by the undead, I was about to fall asleep on Charlie’s lap, controller still in hand.
“I think, my darling, it’s time for you to find a more comfortable place for your head,” he coyly teased. “And as I would consider myself a gentleman first and foremost, I would certainly rather have my lady comfortable in a bed rather than my lap.”
I lifted up and rubbed my eyes. “Ugh, you’re right, my fever might be getting a tiny bit high again because it’s night. Sorry, baby.”
He kissed my cheek. “No, no, it’s quite alright. You are correct your fever might be higher now. Let’s head to bed.”
We turned everything off, I put my ponies (with the exception of a random three of Minty, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash) and Totoro back where they belonged, but I held onto Kuchi Kopi. He carried me to bed as I snuggled with my toys and blanket in his arms. I set my ponies and Kuchi Kopi near the lamp on my side of the bed. I brushed my teeth, went to the bathroom one more time (but not to deal with my stomach, luckily, that would maybe be saved for the morning), cleaned off my glasses, and hopped into bed. Charlie has brought up my glass of water and set it near my lamp as well. He turned off the light and left us with the comforting white hallway light and Kuchi Kopi from beside me. We snuggled into bed under the covers and I held onto him.
“Thank you for taking care of me today and helping me every step of the way,” I kissed him on the cheek.
“Of course, my dear, anything for you. I know you’d do the same for me... well, if I could get sick, but I don’t, hence why I was able to take care of you to the extent I could without fearing exposure. But even if I wasn’t a vampire and could get ill, I’d still take care of you.”
“Awww, sugarpop ,” I kissed him again. “I wouldn’t want you to get sick. I wouldn’t force you to do it. I’m not even forcing you now.”
“I would anyways, and you know this.” He rested his chin on my scalp.
“You are the sweetest man alive, you know that?”
“And you are the sweetest girl alive. Once you are feeling better, would you like to visit the children? I am sure they would love to see their stepmother all healthy and well.”
“I’d love that, and we could make pillow forts, eat cookies and oatmeal, drink hot cocoa and watch Totoro together...” My eyes fluttered just at the thought and my body sunk into his.
“They would love that deeply,” he agreed. “I admit, in some ways, those two little girls in that movie remind me of my own Millie and Lorrie. I think they’d relate to their sisterly bond.”
“Mmmhmmm...” I snuggled closer to him, about to drift off.
“Good night, mignon,” he whispered. “I love you.”
“Good night... I love you too...” I mumbled.
We both fell into deep sleep. It had been a rough two days feeling as ill as I did, and I knew the next few days would be the same, but I had Charlie by my side to help take care of me. And that would make all the difference.
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365days365movies · 4 years ago
February 17, 2021: Desert Hearts (1985) (Part 1)
You may be asking...why not Blue is the Warmest Color?
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And I know, I KNOW, I really really need to watch that one. But, honestly...I find Desert Hearts more intriguing, and you’ll have to hear me out on this one.
Desert Hearts is both SUPER goddamn slept on, and has one of the biggest increases of opinion in post-release critical reviews. It’s a part of the Criterion Collection, it’s on HBO Max, it’s considered one of the great romances (LGBT and otherwise) of all time, and it’s also, most importantly, THE FIRST major release lesbian movie ever released in the USA.
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And I 100% should’ve heard of this movie before, right? I mean, to be fair, when I was looking up KGBT movies to put on my list, I saw a HELL of a lot of prominent movies that I’d never heard of, including this one. But even then...nothing? I’d heard of Brokeback, CMbYN, Carol, BitWC. But this one? I’m interested, that’s for damn sure.
Oh, also...to be honest, BitWC is THREE HOURS LONG, and I only have so much time in the day today. SO, all of that said, shall we get into some Desert Hearts? Also, I love that name, I’m not gonna lie. Anyway, let’s bring more attention to this movie, huh? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
By the way, before we start, you might be wondering my opinion on the Criterion Collection.
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If you’ve never heard of the good old CC, it’s a company that remasters and distribute films considered to be “culturally important.” Now, granted, it’s not perfect (I genuinely think The Avengers or another similar film should be on there, but I think that’s actually a licensing issue), but the over 1,000 films on there create one complex filmography, I tell you what. And if you have HBO Max, a lot of them are on there. Here’s a list!
It’s got a hell of a collection, and while I don’t think it’s perfect, it’s definitely an interesting indicator of what’s considered important classics. But that said, here’s something CRAZY. This movie, and BitWC are both on there...Brokeback Mountain isn’t. WHAT THE FUCK, RIGHT? So, yeah, probably a little bit of bullshit there, too. Not as bad as the Oscars, though, so I’ll take it.
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In the 1950s, a train pulls into a desert station in Reno, Nevada. Out of that train steps Vivian Bell (Helen Shaver), a professor coming from New York City. Recently divorced, she’s picked up by Frances Parker (Audra Lindley), who owns a ranch that Vivian will be staying on.
As they drive to the ranch, we meet her daughter, Cay Rivers (Patricia Charbonneau), a wild girl who’s driving backwards on the road, and is FAR better at it than I’d ever be, I’ll tell you that. As she leaves, Vivian professes that she’s feeling a need for privacy, as she’s never lived outside of a city, and this is a tough time for her in general. She settles in at the ranch.
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Meanwhile, at a casino in town, Cay is working and spending time with her friend Silver (Andra Akers), who’s recently engaged and pregnant. A change attendant there, she’s been dating her boss Darrell (Dean Butler), although she doesn’t seem like a big fan of the idea. At home, she’s an aspiring sculptor.
We find out a bit more about Cay and Frances’ relationship, as she’s actually Frances’ stepdaughter, via her late husband Glen, her biological father. As she recounts her lamented past relationship (with the help of Jack Daniels), Vivian seems to comfort her a bit, and also relaxes.
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The next day, we get to see that the ranch is apparently full of recent and aspiring divorcees, who are staying here to subsist through the whole process and get away from their former husbands. Walking into the middle of an uncomfortable conversation involving sex, Vivian quickly volunteers to deliver mail to Cay’s cabin.
Once there, another fact is confirmed for us: Cay is indeed a lesbian. And suddenly...I seeeeee. It’s a reverse Carol! Instead of the older self-affirmed lesbian in love with the naive young woman still learning about herself and her desires, we’ve got the young self-affirmed with older naivete. Iiiiiiiinteresting.
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That seems somewhat confirmed through some longing glances from Cay towards Vivian. But that’s wiped away via a cross-face wipe, as Vivian’s offered a ride into town with Cay and her friend/lover Gwen (Gwen Welles), which definitely makes Vivian a bit uncomfortable. As a reminder, this is the 1950s, so her discomfort isn’t crazy.
In town, Vivian visits her divorce lawyer, and we find out that she’s...35? REALLY? Upon further inspection, the actress was actually YOUNGER, and I gotta say, the way her hair is and how she dresses...yeah, legit though she was in her 40s. That’s also based off of her VERY husky quiet voice. Just saying, it’s a surprise!
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Meanwhile, at work, Darrell tells Cay how much he loves her, and Cay isn’t interested. But despite her OBVIOUS lack of interest, Darrell doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. 
That night, both Cay and Vivian are getting a midnight snack, with Vivian being a teensy bit drunk, and considerably more lonely. As Cay offers her ear, Frances wakes up and asks Cay for a soda. While there, she reveals that the ranch is not doing well, and she may sell. She’s also quite devoted/dependent on her, and she’s, uh...FUUUUUUUCK, she’s not doin’ well.
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The next morning, Vivian and Cay go out on a horse-riding trip, where they grow a little closer. On a later hangout with Silver, Cay confirms that she’s interested in Vivian romantically, and she’s formed an adorable schoolgirl-style crush on her. But the complication involved here is that Vivian will eventually leave, and Cay is basically stuck there, with her stepmother.
Frances and Vivian are watching a movie together that night, and Frances seems to be trying to dissuade Vivian from becoming too attached. However, that definitely doesn’t stop her, as the two spend more time together, and she even meets Silver. Darrell shows up to this little excursion, and is a diiiiiiiiiick.
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That action may have had some...unintended consequences. Soon after, everybody’s eating breakfast at the ranch, when Vivian notes that she isn’t going to Silver’s engagement party, as she only has a week-and-a-half left there, and must prepare lectures (I feel that, goddamn). This makes Cay upset, and she wonders aloud if Darrell’s comments “put her off.”
THAT causes Frances to intervene, causing Cay to react angrily to her, causing her to leave, then causing Vivian to leave, and THEN causing Frances’ son Walter (Alex McArthur) to follow after to ask what’s wrong. Vivian notes as they walk together that Frances seems resentful about Cay’s friendship with Vivian. And Walter (a REALLY nice guy, by the way), admits that Frances wants Cay all to herself. The two of them also become friends by the end.
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OK, good place to pause, since we’re at the halfway point. See you in Part 2!
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staticscreenwriting · 6 years ago
All you have to be is here - Part 6
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Synopsis: Billy has fucked up and has to do 60 days of community service at a home for troubled kids and youth. Working with the kids there makes him learn a lot about himself. Also there’s a girl there his age whohas a phenomenal smile and who is way too nice to him.
I guess I should mention there’s a lot of angst in this. Talk of substance abuse later on, physical abuse, emotional abuse. All that kind of gnarly real life stuff. It deals with kids and teens struggling with a a shitty family life so be aware of that.
There is smut in this part !
Part 6 of ?
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 //
Please help a girl out by reblogging. Thank you ♥
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
I never really ever felt so adored before Never really ever felt this type of vulnerable Don’t have to hide, don’t have to fear All you have to be is here Never really ever felt so adored before And I said I wanna feel like this forever Even if forever’s just for now We’re on fire, let us burn As the outside world, it turns We are here and alive In our corner of time Forevermore
“ I’m sorry “ (Y/N)’s voice is timid, as if so much depends on those words. 
“ About what ? “ Billy asks, glancing at her from the corner of his eyes as they drive back towards her apartment. 
“ About making you sit through that group session. I didn’t — I wasn’t aware it would affect you like this. “ 
“ You don’t have to say sorry for that. You didn’t do anything “.
“ But I did, “ she persists “ I put you in a position that made you feel uncomfortable. I hurt you and that was never my intention. I would never purposely do that “ .
Billy doesn’t reply at first, too unfamiliar with the feelings cursing through him. It’s strange, to have someone care so deeply about him. To have someone who worries about his well being, about hurting him and putting him in situation he feels uncomfortable. That is so foreign it’s hard to fully grasp it all.
His own mother left him in a situation she knew full well wasn’t safe. She knew there was pain and hurt and sadness and anger. She left anyway.
And dad ? Dad is the one creating that situation, actively putting him in danger, purposely hurting him, deliberately creating a surrounding of discomfort and pain.
The two people who are supposed to love him the most, to care about him the most, don’t give a shit. And this girl ? This random girl he met just a while ago, cares so deeply, so unconditionally. She cares not only about his physical but also his emotional well being and she asks for nothing in return.
It’s a strange feeling. Though a good strange. A very good strange.
There are no words to really express what he wants to say. Words can not properly get across just how he’s feeling right now. 
So he doesn’t say anything, just takes one hand off the steering wheel to reach out and grab one of hers. Her hands feel so small and warm in his. 
Hand Holding, cuddling, affection of any kind that isn’t sexual has been absent in Billy’s life for so long. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s been held by someone. Not for any sexual reason but just for the sake of showing affection and being close. 
(Y/N) held him close earlier and she has no problem sharing her affections with him, no reservations in him holding her hands or them cuddling. Billy only now realises just how much he’s been craving physical contact like this. Soft and gentle. 
He wants to let himself soak it up and wallow in it for as long as humanly possible. It’s just so hard to let yourself enjoy a good thing when life does nothing but prove to you that good things don’t last. 
“ Do you wanna stay over again tonight ? “ 
She wants to have him around. He’s not a side note in her life. Not a burden. Not a weight on her shoulders. He’s a conscious choice, a deliberate decision. 
Billy thinks that might be the first time in his life that anyone specifically choses him. To spend time with and to care for and to — 
The first time anyone wants to keep him around, asking for nothing in return, expecting nothing from him. 
“ If you’ll have me. “ 
“ Always “.
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There’s a skip in (Y/N)’s step as her and Billy get out of the car and walk towards her apartment building. It’s like she’s constantly walking on clouds. A perpetual dance. 
She’s so light, so airy, so unbothered. Even though everything that has happened to her should’ve made her hard and bitter. It hasn’t. 
Maybe that’s what’s drawing Billy to her so badly. The way she should be so much like him and how despite it all, she isn’t. 
Maybe if she gets to come out of all the suffering and the heartache as this person full of light and sunshine and love. Maybe there’s a chance for Billy to turn out alright as well. To become someone even remotely similar. 
The air around them has a certain sting to it, there’s autumn winds coming in slowly but surely. Though Billy doesn’t feel the cold nipping at his skin. All he feels is the warmth seeping into his heart and the smile tugging at the corner of his lips just from looking at this girl dancing across the parking lot.
“ Hey Billy you fancy a pizza for di— “ (Y/N) stops her sentence as she turns to face him. Her eyes firmly focusing on something behind him. The smile that’s been there just a moment ago has vanished and there’s something in her gaze that Billy can’t really figure out. She looks — scared almost.
Billy turns around and catches sight of a run down red truck parked beneath a street light. There’s a man leaning against the car. He has a thick bushy beard and shaggy hair. The white dress shirt he’s wearing is buttoned up the wrong way and has more stains that unstained fabric. He’s a very scruffy looking dude.
“ What are you doing here ? “ Billy hears (Y/N) say as she passes him and walks towards the man.
“ Honey ! “ the man approaches her, taking a last drag from his cigarette before dropping it to the ground and holding out his arms as if expecting (Y/N) to fall right into them.
She doesn’t. Instead she stops a few steps before him, crossing her arms and creating an invisible barrier between herself and the man.
“ Nu-uh. Don’t do that. Don’t come here and pretend like we’re okay. We’re not. You’re not even supposed to be here — “ 
“ Darling — “ 
“ Shut up, dad ! “ she yells and suddenly it clicks in Billy’s head.
He immediately feels the anger rise up in him. His hands get clammy and his jaw tightens as the wrath curses through him. This man has put (Y/N) through so much. So much pain and suffering and sadness. 
Billy wishes he could just walk up and punch him. Just beat the shit out of him for all this man did. Though he knows this isn’t his fight to fight and even if it was, punching him would do nothing. The emotional scars are there already and they won’t go away anytime soon. 
But what he can do, is stand by her side and let (Y/N) know that he has her back. That she doesn’t have to go through the pain alone, not anymore. 
As Billy steps up beside (Y/N), her dad’s eyes snap up towards him.
“ And you are ? “ 
Though Billy does not have the time to answer.
“ That is none of your business. You have to leave, now. “ 
“ (Y/N), honey. Come on. I just — I’m doing better and I wanted to see you. You’re my little girl. I missed you. Did you not miss me ? “ 
She’s biting her lip, then taking a deep breath. Billy can just about make out the tears clouding her eyes. God, he just wants to wrap her in his arms and shelter her from all the bad stuff.
“ You’re doing better, yeah ? You stink, dad. I can smell the alcohol all the way here. I don’t want to see you or hear from you or have anything to do with you. I told you this before and I’ll tell you again, there’s no room in my life for you. I have a good life. I like school, I have a nice job and — “ she sighs and glances at Billy “ people who care about me. I don’t need you and I don’t want you. Leave ! ” 
As the man takes a step towards (Y/N), Billy realises this is his moment to intervene. There’s a line you don’t cross and this dude is about to cross it.
Billy steps in front of (Y/N), taking a defiant stance. He’s never really had anyone or anything he felt like protecting. Protecting Max is a necessity, something that comes with the burdens and responsibilities of being an older brother even if it isn’t a blood relation. Protecting (Y/N) is a whole different story. Something he’s doing for the first time in his life.
He’s putting himself on the line for her, willingly. Not because someone expects this from him and not because he feels obligated to. He does it because it feels right. Because sheltering her from harm is more important than saving his own ass. 
Those thoughts are scary. They’re terrifying even.
But if those thoughts and feelings are indicating a change in him, a chance towards becoming a better person. A person his mom would be proud of. A person that’s worth (Y/N)’s time, then maybe he can deal with scary and terrifying. 
“ She told you to leave. “ 
His voice is deep and threatening. He knows he can be quite intimidating if he wants to be, had years of practice while letting out his frustration on kids weaker than him. And though he’s insanely ashamed of the person he used to be, it’s moments like these where Billy is glad for the lessons he’s learned in life. Like how to look and sound intimidating.
“ (Y/N) I — “ the man keps addressing her, though Billy notices his eyes ever so often flicking up towards Billy’s. 
“ Just leave, man. I’m not gonna fucking repeat myself. “ 
The man regards Billy with an unreadable expression for a moment, almost as if he’s considering whether or not it makes sense to fight back. Eventually he raises his arms in defeat and lets out a huff of annoyance. Jesus, (Y/N) was right, he does reek of booze. 
“ Alright, alright. I want no trouble. I just wanted to see my kid. I’ll go. “ 
As if this dude hasn’t caused enough trouble for (Y/N) already. Billy watches as the man gets in his truck, then watches the car drive away until it is but a dot and turns the corner into the next street. 
It’s only when he feels a soft touch on his arm that he averts his gaze and focuses back on (Y/N). She looks so small, so scared. 
This strong, brave, wonderful woman that seems to be walking on air and dancing on clouds every moment of her life is gone and replaced by a timid little girl. Billy hates that this man still holds so much power over her. That despite getting away from him, (Y/N) will never be fully free from the pulls he has on her life. That just a few words can shake her up so badly that it turns her into a completely different person. 
Billy wants to help, so badly. To take this weight off of her and bring back the perpetual lightness she seems to carry around wherever she goes. 
The thing is, Billy has no idea what to do to make it better. He’s never had to be the one to cheer someone else up. Never has been anyone’s person to depend on, to hold onto when things get rough. He doesn’t know how to be someone’s rock. Someone’s person.
“ Pretty girl, tell me what to do to make it better. “ he says as he wraps his arm around her and wipes a few tears off her face with his thumb.
“ Just hold me “ 
And so he does. He pulls her as close as he can and holds onto her as if she’d fall apart otherwise. Maybe things can eventually turn out good for the both of them if they just hold on tightly. To each other and to what they have right now. A feeling of belonging of mutual understanding of — love ?
He holds her close all the way up to her apartment and then lets her cuddle into his side as they sit on her couch. Luke comes crawling onto her lap and with one hand brushing through his fur and the other holding tightly onto Billy’s, (Y/N) seems to let a tiny bit of that weight fall off her shoulders again.
“ You wanna know what’s the worst part ? “ (Y/N) speaks up after a moment, looking up at Billy with her big beautiful eyes, still so full of sadness it sends a metaphorical dagger straight to Billy’s heart.
“ What’s that ? “ 
“ When he asked if I miss him? I couldn’t even say no. Because I do. I miss my dad when he was still my dad. When he had his good days he was so wonderful. Like a completely different person. I miss that man so so much. Isn’t that just so ridiculous of me ? “ 
It’s not. Not at all. If anyone knows what that feels like it’s definitely Billy. Billy who gets nothing but mean words and black eyes from his dad but still so desperately wants Neil to be proud of him.
“ It’s not. “ he reassures (Y/N) and places a kiss on her head “ my dad beat the shit out of my mom and he constantly slaps me around but I still want him to be proud of me. If anyone’s ridiculous it’s me. I hate myself for it but he’s my dad and I just want him to be proud of me for once. Just once. You miss a dad that loved you, a good dad. That’s understandable. Fuck, I miss a good dad and I never had one to begin with. “ 
“ I think he should be “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
“ I think your dad should be proud of you “.
Billy tries to swallow the knot that seems to be forming in his throat “ for what ? I haven’t done shit to be proud of “.
“ You have a job you’re good at. “ 
“ I’m a fucking lifeguard at the local pool, that’s hardly a career to be proud of “.
“ You teach kids how to swim. I think that’s adorable and important. I serve people while wearing roller skates. “ 
“ That’s adorable too “ 
She smiles at those words and Billy thinks that maybe cheering her up and being the person she can depend on to hold onto isn’t all that hard. Maybe it’s something that comes naturally. Because she’s his person too.
“ You helped Alex when no one else would, a complete stranger. You are so kind, Billy. I wish everyone got to see it. I know the — circumstances have made you bitter and angry and I know that it’s hard to let go of that. But those times when you let me see what’s behind all that anger and sadness ? There’s so much kindness there and I think you should be so proud of keeping that part of you alive. Even if it’s very well hidden, it’s still there and that’s what matters. “ 
It’s then that Billy notices just how close they really are. How her breath falls onto his skin and how the tip of her nose brushes his. It’s like that time in the music room only there’s no kids barging in anytime soon. 
This is it, he thinks. The moment he’s been waiting for and yet the moment he never expected to actually experience. 
Billy Hargrove has had many kisses before. Hot, needy kisses and soft gentle kisses. Short kisses and long kisses, with lots of tongue or no tongue. 
Billy Hargrove has never kissed a person he cared for so deeply though. He always thought that songs and movies got it all wrong. That kissing wasn’t as fundamentally important and magical as they make it out to be. 
There’s a tingling in his stomach, rushing through his system all the way to his fingertips. It’s strange as if someone has poured a package of Pop Rocks into his bloodstream. His whole body is on high alert waiting for the inevitable moment when he her lips meet his and he gets to see, for the first time, what a kiss can be.
(Y/N) closes the gap between them and it’s everything the movies said it would be and yet it’s nothing like fiction portrays it. There’s no fireworks or butterflies and the earth doesn’t shift. Nothing is fundamentally changed and yet everything is different.
Because for a boy who never knew love, a kiss from a girl who’s got so much love to give, changes everything. It’s more than a kiss. It’s a silent understanding. A conscious choice. 
It’s a “you’re good enough”.
It’s a “you’re more than okay”.
It’s a “welcome home “.
(Y/N) tastes like cherry coke and warmth. Her lips are so soft. God they are so soft. Billy wants to stay in this moment forever. Just feel wanted. Wanted and safe and warm and —
“ Pretty boy, you are so wonderful, please never let me go “.
There’s no hint of uncertainty in her voice as she pulls away and says those words. Her eyes hold no more tears instead they’re full of questions neither of them are ready to ask or answer. 
“ I won't. I won't”. 
Billy Hargrove never breaks a promise. Ever.
“ I won’t, I promise. “ 
He pulls her closer and connects their lips again because when kissing was great before, this is a whole different level of bliss. One that he isn’t gonna deny himself.
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Billy thinks he’s shown a great deal of self restraint ever since he’s met (Y/N). She’s a gorgeous girl and if this was any other person, any other situation he would’ve tried getting into her pants from day one.
It’s her though and it’s different and he’s tried so hard to not think of her that way in order to not ruin their friendship. Though when he wakes up the next morning and sees her standing by the kitchen counter making pancakes, something stirs inside him.
There’s a deep longing for her and though there’s no denying it’s sexual. It’s fueled by a lust so much deeper than any physical attraction.
She’s not wearing anything revealing, in fact her pajamas make her look quite dorky. But Billy thinks the way she’s humming along to the radio while mixing what he assumes is pancake batter, is the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. 
“ Oh good m— “ Billy pulls her into a kiss before she gets the chance to finish her sentence. She tastes of sugar, entirely too much sugar, and yet he never wants to stop kissing her, ever.
“ — morning “.
“ Why do you taste so sweet ? “ 
“ Ah I’m just sweet like that “ she laughs and places another peck on Billy’s lips “ it’s the pancake batter. I wanted to make us breakfast but I think I might’ve gone a bit overboard on the sugar. “
“ You think ? “ Billy chuckles, raising his eyebrow in question.
“ Here try it “ she says, drags her finger along the side of the bowl then holds it out to him. God, does she know what she’s doing to him ? 
He licks the batter from her finger and god, there’s way too much sugar. Billy has to come to the conclusion that (Y/N) is a horrible cook. He really doesn’t give a shit though.
There’s a sizzling in the air, a palpable electricity as their eyes lock. It was never like this for Billy, slow and full of tension. Usually it’s fast and rushed and he can’t wait to get off. 
He’s enjoying this though. It’s a new kind of thrill. One that’s fueled by genuine feelings. 
(Y/N)’s hands wander into his hair, brushing through his curls and slightly pulling at them. She’s focusing solely on him, as if nothing else matters in the world. As if nothing else exists except them two and this little bubble they’re caught in right now.
The kiss that follows is different from the ones they’ve shared before, it’s faster, needier, filled with a longing for more. He needs to feel her closer. So much closer.
Her hands are wandering up and down his arms, his neck, his chest, until the grab onto his shirt and pull it over his head. As Billy stands before her, shirtless with messy hair and breathing deeply, she chuckles then bites her lip. This girl is gonna be the death of him.
“ Fuck, pretty boy. This is what the ladies at the pool get to see during your shift ? You could’ve told me, I would’ve come for a visit. “ 
Billy laughs at that. Genuinely laughs. Because just being with her, silly comments and all, makes him happy. It makes him want to laugh and it doesn’t matter that they’re about to have sex and she’s prolonging the foreplay with her stupid jokes, because just being with her is enough. She’s enough to make him want to laugh.
“ I think “ he says and pecks her lips “ you’re severely overdressed. “ 
Slowly she raises her arms and lets him pull her shirt off. Seeing her naked before him, knowing she trust him to be this intimate with him, to let him touch her, feel her, love her. It’s empowering. It’s wonderful.
And fuck, this girl is a masterpiece.
Billy wants to worship every inch of her skin, mark her in kisses and let her feel just how gorgeous she is, inside and out. To take away all the pain the past has put on her and replace it with unwavering adoration.
So he starts doing just that. His lips move down her jaw, leaving wet hot kisses. He descends down her chest, to the valley of her breasts. (Y/N)’s head is thrown back, leaning against the kitchen cabinet, eyes closed in pure and utter bliss. If this is the reaction he gets from her just by leaving kisses, he can’t wait for what’s yet to come.
He moves down her body little by little, paying special attention to her tits. They’re fucking glorious.
As he kneels before her and reaches the edge of her pajama pants he stops for a moment and looks up at her, waiting for (Y/N) to meet his gaze. He needs to know that she wants this just as much as he does.
When he does look down at him, eyes clouded over with lust, and nods her head at the silent question he’s sending her way, that’s all the confirmation he needs.
Almost agonizingly slowly he pulls down her pants and underwear and lets them pool on the floor for her to kick them to the side. Billy takes a moment to just look at her in all her naked glory. She’s an angel if he’s ever seen one. 
“ Why are you looking at me like that ? “ she asks, almost self consciously.
“ You’re just really gorgeous and I can’t wait to make you feel really good, baby. “ 
Billy has always enjoyed sex but until now it was a selfish act. One he took part in to satisfy himself and chase his own pleasure. He never truly worried about the girls. If he’s being completely honest, he only cared about making them cum to stroke his own ego.
It’s different now. He wants to make her cum. Wants to make her feel as good as she makes him feel by just being there. By letting him be a part of her life no matter how insignificant that part might be.
“ Ya know, that’s a pretty hot sight. You on your knees. Pretty boy “ she says with a smirk as Billy lifts her leg and starts kissing the inside of her thigh.
“ Yeah ? “ 
“ Mmmh “ 
“ Guess that’s what you do to me. You’re just so — “ Billy murmurs against her skin, moving up her leg and towards where she really wants to feel him.
“ — irresistible. “ he accompanies his words with a kiss against her clit. Then one more and one more and before she knows it he’s switching between fast kitten licks at soft sucking. 
Billy doesn’t usually go down on girls. It brings him no immediate pleasure so he doesn’t usually bother. Oh how wrong he was. Feeling her fingers desperately tug on his hair, hearing her moans of pleasure, tasting her, it all turns him on so much. It does bring him pleasure. So much of it. 
When his fingers join in, that’s when she completely comes undone, grabbing onto his head with both hands and slightly leaning forward, pressing his head closer to her heat in the process.
“ Fuck, Billy. You’re doing so good “.
He loves this. Hearing that he’s doing well. That he’s making her feel this bliss. He wants to hear her say it again. Praise him again.
“ Say it again “ he mumbles against her skin.
“ Baby, you’re making me feel so — uh fuck — so good. “ 
He can feel her tighten around his finger, can feel her grab onto his head harder than before. She lets out a moan that gives him goosebumps. 
Billy wipes his chin clean with the back of his hand and gets up, placing a long wet smooch on her lips. 
“ No one’s ever done that before “ she confesses in murmured words against his lips.
“ No ? “ 
“ No. Just you, baby. Just you. “ 
His ego grows and grows and there’s a stupid sense of pride filling him at the knowledge that he gets to be a part of one of her firsts.
(Y/N)’s hands fumble with his belt, then push down his jeans. As her eyes travel down his body, she can’t suppress a giggle. 
“ What? Why are you laughing ?” 
“ You’re going commando ? Why am I not surprised “ 
And when she laughs, he can’t help but laugh along. Because that’s just how contagious her laugh is. It’s warm and radiant and he never wants to forget what it sounds like. What it feels like.
Sex was never goofy before. Billy was never goofy before. He never got to be. Not even when he was a kid. Everything was always serious. He never got to be childish or silly. Never. 
It feels good to laugh. To be goofy and silly and ridiculous. Especially in such an intimate situation. The weight that’s constantly resting on his shoulders is lifted off of him. Even if it’s just for a moment it feels liberating. It feels so so good.
Maybe this is what has been missing all along. Someone to laugh with. 
Billy grabs her thighs and lifts her up so she can sit on the counter. It’s not the most comfortable position but they’re both too riled up, too needy to move this to the couch or the bed.
“ Do you want this ? “ he asks, lips moving against hers.
“ More than anything “.
There’s so much kissing that Billy soon forgets where his lips end and her’s begin. They’re one now and it feels like that’s how it was always supposed to be.
Leaving her for just a moment, Billy picks up his jeans and pulls out his wallet, frantically searching for a condom, his heart doing a little leap when he finally finds one.
“Hurry up, pretty boy. God, you are so handsome !”
He knows he’s good looking but it hits an entirely new spot coming from her. It means more. It means everything. Because he knows that it’s not all that matters to her. That (Y/N) has seen behind his looks, has seen the cracks and the scars and the ugly side of it all. And she still wants him.
They lock eyes as Billy pushes inside of her. He’s going slow, agonizingly slow. Cherishes every moment, every touch, every motion.
It takes but a blink of a second until they’re moving completely in sync, with each other, with the world, with everything. Billy feels weightless when he’s with her. Like a little of that lightness she carries around rubs of onto him.
His fingers grab tightly onto her waist as his hips move rhythmically against hers, like waves against the shore. The enchanting taste of her lips clouding his senses with sweet ecstasy.
Billy’s movements grow less controlled with each thrust. It’s getting significantly harder to keep his euphoria at bay and not let go off all these tingles that seem to be doing somersaults in the lower regions of his body.
(Y/N) is helplessly wringing and gasping, like with one last hit she would drown in joy and never recover ever again. And they are both more than okay with it.
” I love this baby ….. but I won’t be able to hold much longer “ Billy moanes into (Y/N)’s ear, his hot breath fanning against her neck, sending shivers down her spine.
They move together, faster; harder; more desperate. Desperate to get closer to one another, desperate to make the other feel just as good as one self, desperate to show just how much this means. So much more than sex.
And they succeed. They succeed in every little point. Every moan is a call of victory, every twitch and moving muscle, a dance of joy.
Love creeps up on them and swallows them whole.
As the tidal wave of pleasure crashes upon them, they cling to each other desperately, filling the room with moans and grunts of utter euphoria. Billy’s never been so satisfied.
Riding out his high, Billy leans his head against (Y/N)’s shoulder, placing soft sloppy kisses against her neck.
For a few minutes they just stay there, holding each other and soaking in the ultimate postcoital bliss.
“ Billy “ she softly whispers and motions for him to lift his head off of her shoulder. (Y/N) softly combs the hair away from his face “ how did you like the pancake batter ? Too much sugar ? “ 
He doesn’t answer, just erupts into another fit of laughter. It feels so good. So freeing. Billy never wants this moment to end. Never wants to let go of the laugher. Of the happiness. Of the girl.
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The taxidermy raccoon looks like a little burglar, Billy thinks. With his little burglar mask and his beady eyes and his tiny paws. Billy grins at that thought.
“ You look happy “ 
“ Huh ? “ 
Dr. K pushes the too-big glasses up his nose and folds his hands, resting them on his desk.
“ I said you look happy. Happier than last time. “ 
He is. It’s not because of the sex, not only because of it. It’s entirely because of (Y/N) though, there’s no doubt in Billy’s mind. He’s not gonna spill any of that to the shrink though. Nah, no way.
“ So ? “ 
“ Billy, I wish you would cooperate just a little bit. I know this is a change for you and I know that it’s hard to open up to a stranger but I think it could really benefit you “.
Billy takes a breath, his eyes falling onto the raccoon again.
“ Doc ? “ 
“ Yes ? “ 
“ What’s with the critter up there ? “ 
Dr. K chuckles and takes the glasses off, twirling them around in his hand “ That’s Georgie. He’s uh — he belonged to my mother-in-law. It’s what she left me in her will after she passed away. Why she had it, no idea. She wasn’t my biggest fan so I wonder why she gave anything to me in the first place. “ 
“ Maybe it’s her subtle way of wishing you get rabies “.
“ You know, it would not surprise me, really. “ 
Billy doesn’t want to be here and he especially doesn’t want to talk about his feeling but even so, he has to admit that Dr. K is an okay guy. 
“ Your wife okay with that ? Her mother not liking you ? “ 
“ Nicole is — “ Dr. K starts then looks wistfully around the room. There’s a tiny smile on his face. Billy wonders if he looks this dorky when he thinks about (Y/N). “ — she’s the love of my life. She has been since we were in High School. She’s gotten used to her mother’s dislike for me. She chose to be with me anyway. Now we’ve been married for over 20 years and counting “.
“ And you’re still happy ? “ 
“ I get happier and happier every time I look at her “. 
Billy looks up at the raccoon again, letting Dr. K’s words curse through his mind. Maybe relationships aren’t all doomed to crash and burn. Maybe there are exceptions. Maybe he could be one.
“ He’s still fucking creepy, not gonna lie. Giving me the heeby jeebies “.
“ Oh no doubt, he’s unsettling. But I kinda like him“. Dr. K replies.
Billy kinda likes the raccoon too.
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Neil isn’t home, that’s the first thing Billy notices when he walks through the front door. He’s more than glad about it. Not only does he not have to explain where he’s been the last 2 days, he also doesn’t have to sit through a uncomfortable family dinner.
He’s got other plans. Important plans. 
Plans that demand of him to swallow his pride and ask for help. From one specific person.
As he approaches the door of the room next to his, he can hear music coming from the other side. It sounds like Madonna. It’s probably Madonna, Max is obsessed with her.
He knocks on her door, mentally preparing himself for what is to come.
“ Go away, mom. I’m busy “ 
“ It’s me, shitbird. Open the door “.
The music cuts off and he can hear her huffing loudly before the door swings open and a visibly annoyed Max greats him with a scowl and an eyebrow raised in question.
“ What do you want ? “ 
Billy doesn’t answer right away, instead he pushes past her into her room. Max mumbles a sarcastic “oh yeah make yourself a home” before closing the door and sitting down on her bed.
“ Billy what is going on ? “ 
Talking to her like this, asking for help and being vulnerable, that’s something that still takes a lot of effort. Billy doesn’t remember the last time he’s had a proper conversation with Max that didn’t involve either of them yelling at the other. 
“ I need your help “ 
It’s scary saying those words but Billy thinks that (Y/N) might just be worth it.
“ I — You — What ? “ an utterly confused looking Max questions. 
“ Listen, if you make a big deal out of it ...“ 
“ I won’t, calm down. What do you need my help with ? “ 
“ You’re a girl “ 
“ Good observation, Sherlock “ 
“ Max, I swear to god — “ 
“ Sorry. Sorry, continue “.
“ You’re a girl. You know what girls like and I uh — I want to take a girl out “ 
“ You’ve been on a shit ton of dates before, what do you need my help for ? You take girls out every other day. “ 
Billy looks up from where his eyes had been focused on the floor, hoping that Max can see just how much this means to him.
“ It’s different. It’s different with her. She’s more than just — “ he trails off.
“ I’m 14. You can say sex. “ 
He doesn’t want to though. She’s still his little sister and that is the last topic he wants to discuss with her. 
“ Yeah but I won’t. All you gotta know is that she’s special and I want to take her somewhere special but I never did anything like that before, for anyone. So I need your help. “ 
“ Billy, I really don’t know if — “ 
“ Max, “ Billy says, eyes locking with her’s. He can see her take in his face, the wound on his lip, the bruise around his eye, the cheek still slightly swollen. “ You owe me “.
Max sighs then nods. “ Alright, alright. Sure. I’ll help you if this means so much to you”.
It does. Billy doesn’t think she can imagine just how much.
@babygal-babygal / @anxiousamandapanda / @imjusthereforsupernatural / @chhhcherybomb / @tomarisela / @noodlenerd101 / @xxcxrolinexx / @bippity-boppity-boopa / @mcrmarvelloki / @silver-winter-wolf / @thecrowclubsmanager / 
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realmadridfamily · 5 years ago
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Her fourth pregnancy was a surprise to everyone, even herself. Pilar Rubio and her husband Sergio Ramos always left the arrival of their children in the hands of nature. Already, after the first month in which she felt discomfort, Pilar is full of energy, willing to continue working on El Hormiguero and can't wait to see face of her baby. A baby, who, after three boys, doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl. How are you? I'm fine. It's true that in the first month I had difficulties because I had a lot of morning nausea and sensations that I have never experienced before. It has been a little hard, because, besides, as I still couldn't tell anyone, I suffered from the inside. In previous pregnancies I took them quite well, with good humor and energy. But well, it has already happened and I feel great, with great strength and desire to continue my life. What was your reaction when you heard about the good news? We were not "looking for" any of our children. We have always thought that if they come and we don't look for them, it will surprise you a bit, but it will be perfect. We are very happy and we are waiting for this moment! Have you thought about how it will be? Because there will be four ... If you think about something too much, it's not like that after all. It's better to let it flow. On the other hand, people told me that changing from one child to two is brutal, but I didn't notice it so much. For me, the brutal change was from two to three. When I only had Sergio, I took him everywhere. When I had both of them, I had a double stroller. But with three, the problem is that you have two in the car and only one hand for each of them. You must be careful. And you are missing hands! Now, with four, I don't even want to imagine it. We'll see how I organize myself, but nothing happens, I always go ahead. Also, you do it because you want. This fourth baby has come because you are looking for the baby girl or because you wanted another one? We have never thought of a boy or girl. It always gave us the same thing. If another boy comes, it will be perfect too. I'm very used to them. I know how to treat them, although each one is different. We always try to distinguish boys and girls, but the biggest difference is character. Personality is more important than gender: one is more attached, another more independent, another more rebellious ... I have different techniques when negotiating with them. But are you going to want to know gender? Of course. I have to buy some clothes! What do the boys say about the new brother or sister? Alejandro didn’t pay attention to this. Marco, the same. But I asked Sergio about what name we will choose. He likes Lupita, if it's a girl, and Pokémon, if it's a boy (laughs). If you listen to children, they invent crazy names! It makes it very funny, but maybe in the long run I can regret it (laughs). Do you have help? We're organizing quite well. We have a family that supports us and helps us. We are very supported. And then we adapt when he trains or I work. Have you ever dreamed about a large family? It was never in my plans, but I love being with my children. We are very happy and united. Any of the boys would like to become a footballer? They are very small. They do judo, swimming, learn to play the piano. I open the pitch and they do what they want. I try to motivate them by taking them to the theater and museums. How do you balance with such a short marriage experience? Nothing has changed. In our case, the wedding was to be a party, a celebration of love. We did the opposite because we first lived together and had children, and then we got married. Maybe it's better than the traditional way. You transmit a lot of energy, how do you do it? Our profession is today. You are here, you travel tomorrow, you leave the house for 12 hours and eat everything. But since I got pregnant with my first child, I was very aware of eating a balanced diet, daily exercise and rest. All three things are equally important. No matter how much you exercise, if you don't feed your muscles later, it doesn't make sense. Make sure Max Protein shakes come in handy, helping you increase the efficiency of your exercise. What physical exercise do you do now? I try to adapt the exercises to the moment. Now, when I'm pregnant, I do postural hygiene, stretching, breathing ... Have you modified your diet for pregnancy? I always take care of food because you don't have to eat for two, but twice as much. Now I can't just eat ham and raw products. In each new pregnancy it costs you more to return to your original weight? In the previous three I gained 14 kilos and of course, it costs a lot to get rid of them. People say "all these famous stop and then operate". But, if it's so easy, why would I go to the gym? Also, a doctor would never do that recklessness. You have to let your body return to its being and it takes months to get to stay as you were before. What you have to have is a lot of patience and perseverance. You said that you will continue the challenges in El Hormiguero. Yes, I will do everything I can. When I have doubts, I call my doctor and ask. Why should I stop working if I'm happy? Anyway, you're brave ... I'm brave when I am not pregnant, but when I'm, I'm quite aware and careful. For nine months you have to take a step back. Then I challenge it with greater desire. Pilar, will you go for the fifth? Never say Never.
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lizacstuff · 6 years ago
Liza - I really enjoyed the meta on your favorite echo scene and hope you do more. I’ll eagerly devour any that you’d care to share. If you need a prompt maybe favorite angsty scene?
It’s so hard for me to choose, because I love the final Echo scenes in ep 3, 4 and 5.  I’ve watched all of them many times; they brim with angst.  If I have to choose one, I’ll go with the confrontation at the drive-in in ep 3. A few things I loved about the scene:
The Awkward -  The initiation of this scene is so deliciously awkward. Max is in the car with Cam, trying (futilely) to move on from Liz, and then suddenly there’s his dream girl, pounding on the car. Honestly, I enjoyed the way Cam (understandably) tries to object and is just roundly dismissed. Liz just gives her a look like, “This is so much bigger than you, back off,” and it works. Admittedly, I also enjoy that Max and Cam both know that Max is going to get out of the car and follow her. Sorry Cam, you drew the short end of the stick here. (As an aside, this was the last time I felt sorry for Cam on the romantic front because this was the exact moment she should have cut her losses with Max. The writings on the wall, girl.) Once he does follow Liz, he’s so deliciously frustrated when he asks, “What is this about?“ I get the feeling that maybe he thinks it’s a jealousy thing. Think again, buddy. (It is a bit, but not about Cam)  So when watching I felt a surge of vindication on Liz’s behalf when she shoves that letter in his face. Yasss, she is completely justified interrupting his date.  
Trust & Faith - Even though Liz knows the murderer is an alien (limiting the suspects significantly) and then finds evidence that indicates that Max not only saw Rosa the night she died, but was having an affair with her, Liz still goes directly to him and confronts him BY HERSELF.  We know Kyle was trying to call her and presumably she ignored it. It never occurs to her that she might need backup or even that it might be a good idea to let Kyle know what she’s doing. She goes alone and allows herself to be in a vulnerable situation with someone she’s going to accuse of murder. Wow. And once she confronts him, she lets it rip. She comes at him verbal guns blazing, methodically leveling every charge she has at him. She hides nothing, she doesn’t back down for a second. However, at no point watching the scene do I sense any fear of him. At all. She’s angry at him, she’s suspicious of him, but she’s not scared. In her mind she may be confronting a murderer, but she just knows that she’s in no danger from him. She has faith he won’t hurt her, even if she fears he hurt her sister. It’s pretty extraordinary. 
Max’s Mortification - Nathan does such an outstanding job when Liz starts reading Max’s ye olde love letter out-loud.  With his body language and tone you can just feel that Max wants to physically climb into a hole and hide. 
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(perfect gif by @thatonekimgirl reblog the whole set here)
(much more under the cut)
He would prefer almost anything in that moment than having his 17-year-old words being flung back at him by their muse. He begs her to put an end to his humiliation, “Please just stop, come on.”  I was holding my breath waiting for him to blurt out that the letter was for her. On rewatch I love his squirming, I want to bathe in a pool of his angsty teen discomfort, but the first time I watched it was excruciating. Well done.  
Liz’s Motivation - When Max finally confesses that the note was meant for her, her reaction is swift and angry. Of course the thought had occurred to her. She’s obviously read the letter carefully with that in mind because she was able to offer an immediate rebuttal to the idea: “This isn’t about us. You and I never kissed.” I think her drive to confront him immediately that night is being driven by jealousy. When Max shows her his memories in the pilot, he convinces her that she’s special to him. Liz believes it and I don’t think suspicion being shifted to him as she starts to investigate, changes that. We know it doesn’t because she attempts to manipulate him with it: “We can get to know each other.” In narration, Liz essentially tells us she has to put aside the feelings and investigate objectively. However, here she is, full of feelings, banging on cars, furiously confronting a would-be murderer with no clear plan, and I don’t think she would be that reckless or enraged unless she was truly hurt. The letter being for Rosa means not only is he probably a murderer, but it also means what she felt from him when they connected is also probably a lie, and that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back.  
Jeanine is amazing as realization dawns on Liz and she remembers that day in April of senior year, remembers the blackout. She’s stunned, flattered, disconcerted; you can feel her anger melt away, and something much softer take its place. However, Liz must feel that too, feel her guard go down, because it only lasts a beat before she regroups and gets back on task. However, now that the jealousy has evaporated, she’s much more methodical. She’s able to catalog the evidence against him clearly and concisely. Well… she’s able to do that until Max brings out the big gun.
The Declaration - The best part of this scene is, of course, Max verbalizing his feelings for Liz. While watching I was mentally yelling, “Tell her you couldn’t have done it because you love her!!!”  AND then he did exactly that. “I have loved you my entire life, including every single day you were gone in the last decade.” Damn, son.
At the time, neither Liz nor the audience knows what happened to Rosa, and it’s obvious that Max knows more than he’s saying. However, Liz, and the viewer, are left with no doubts that when Max says he loves her, he means it. It’s not a cover, it’s not an excuse or distraction. It’s deep and real to him. It’s astonishing, really, because this scene starts with him on a date with another woman, and we know he’s hiding something, but we still give ourselves over and believe in his feelings for her. Part of that is the writing, part is the lightening-rod chemistry between the actors, and part of it is the intensity and raw emotion Nathan brings to the declaration and the sense of heart-stopping awe Jeanie brings to Liz’s reaction. Liz believes so we believe.
  In Hindsight -  Within a few episodes we find out exactly what Max is hiding, which makes rewatching this scene so fascinating. When Liz asks if he murdered Rosa, Max is genuinely shocked and wounded that she could even think he is capable of something like that. 
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(Fab gif by @wonderrbat  go here to reblog the full set)
Look at that face! He’s sincerely crushed by the accusation, which is a bit disingenuous since he thinks, you know, that his sister did it.  Still, I believe his emotional reaction.
On a similar note, this line stuck out to me at the time, but I had no idea how telling it would become: “After all we have been through, do you truly believe I’m capable of killing someone you love.”  It’s the “you love” part that got me.  Then it was notable because most people would stop before that: “Do you truly believe I am capable of killing someone?” Full stop. However, we find out later that Max is entirely capable of killing someone, has few qualms and is pretty damn stone cold about it. So it’s the “you love” part that’s significant. It’s sweet that he’s capable of murder, but he draws the line at murdering people she loves. (that’s a joke, but also kinda not)
When viewed holistically, what astonishes me about this scene is that our flawed alien boy manages to protect the secret, while still being about as emotionally open and honest as one human being can be with another. It’s rare, stunning and shockingly romantic.
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tidsoptlmist · 6 years ago
It’s a Boy-Girl Thing - E.D.
Authors Note: so i don’t want to make this too long but 1. im lowkey back 2. i’ll try to upload more consistently 3. im sorry if this is really bad 4. thank you for all the kind messages asking about this fic!! made my hear go 💙🌲🌞🌱💖🌟💫💜🌿💥✨🌙💚⚡️🧡🌸 
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Summary: Ethan and Y/N are neighbors. And although Y/N is on good terms with Ethan’s twin brother Grayson, Y/N and Ethan loathe each other and are constantly in dispute. Ethan is a popular varsity football player, who likes to be in the spotlight. Y/N prefers to stay under the radar while reading books and poetry.
Although the constant bickering between the two drives everyone around them crazy - the two live their separate lives peacefully. At least that’s how it was until they wake up one morning and everything was changed…
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4 || PART 5 || PART 6 || PART 7 || PART 8 || PART 9 || PART 10
As soon as Grayson parked his car in front of Austin’s house you wanted to leave. There was loud music playing, and not even good music. It was only 10:20pm but the driveway to the house was already filled with trash. Empty red solo cups laid in the grass and you could see old cigarette butts still smoldering.
Grayson locked the car and walked towards the front door; which was open. You let Grayson enter first. This way you could copycat his way of behaving. Grayson greeted two boys who were standing in the hallway. He swung his arms around both their shoulders and pulled their heads to his chest.
‘Max! Ryan!’ Grayson smiled happily. Max and Ryan laughed and tried to escape from Grayson’s tight grip. They greeted Grayson with big smiles and turned to you, giving you a brotherly slap on your shoulders.
‘Ethan! Good to see you man!’ Max smiled at you. You grinned at the two boys.
‘Let’s go inside, get you guys a drink!’ Ryan said, walking towards the kitchen. ‘Austin said we could take whatever we want,’ he explained while opening the fridge. Your eyes widened at the sight of the beer bottles and the big bottle of Grey Goose vodka.
To your relief, Grayson declined the beer Max handed to him.
‘Still playing the saint?’ Max joked, but you couldn’t help but notice the hint of annoyance in his voice.
‘Gotta keep a clean record so I can get that scholarship, Max,’ Grayson explained calmly while grabbing a soda can from the fridge. ‘Not all of us have rich parents who’ll pay anything to get us in a good college.’
Your eyebrows rise in surprise. Grayson’s shady comment clearly doesn’t go unnoticed by Max either but before he could reply, Grayson grabs another soda can and your arm and pulls you towards the living room.
‘Asshole,’ Grayson mutters angerly as he sips from his soda. You make a vague gesture with your shoulders as a reaction. From your place in the living room you had a great view over the driveway. You hoped Ethan would arrive soon.
He texted you earlier this night how he would be bringing Olivia, as it would have been weird if ‘you’ showed up alone at Austin’s party. He had sent you screenshots of his conversation with Olivia when he told her they were going to the party. Taking in the account that he was coming with Olivia explained the fact that he was late. Olivia was horrible at making choices when it came to clothing. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing at the idea of Olivia grabbing, what she would think was your hand, pulling Ethan into her room, and showing Ethan all the outfits she picked out for tonight. You would have paid at least 20 bucks to see Ethan's reaction to Olivia walking around in her bra and underwear, talking like there was no tomorrow.
‘Your girlfriend is here.’
You broke your staring contest with the driveway and looked at Grayson. ‘Who is here?’
Grayson nodded towards the side, your eyes followed and landed on Sophia.
‘She’s not my girlfriend!’ You told Grayson angerly and he raised his hands in defense.
‘Okay, your fuckbuddy, or whatever you wanna call it,’ he grinned and rolled your eyes, clenching your jaw in annoyance.
‘She’s not my fu-‘
Sophia’s arms wrapped themselves around your shoulders and pull you close to her.
‘Hi Sophia,’ you greet her awkwardly. She turned you around and smiled happily at you, her breath smelling like red wine. You can see Grayson walking away from the corner of your eyes. So much for brother-love, apparently.
‘Hi babe!’ Sophia started to lean in. Just in time, you realized how she’s about to kiss you. You quickly turn your head and her lips touch your cheek. You can feel your cheeks heating up, your face twisting in embarrassment.
‘Do you want a drink? I can get us something?’ You ask her before she can retry kissing you. She takes a second to think about it.
‘Actually yes. Could you get me a glass of red wine?’ She flickers her lashes at you - probably under the impression of it being ‘cute’ while it just makes her look like she has something in her eyes.
You unwrap yourself from her arms and walk toward the kitchen. You fill a glass with wine for Sophia and cruse when you spill some on the white countertop. You quickly wipe it away with a kleenex and get another soda from the fridge for yourself. It takes a second to convince yourself you really shouldn’t take a sib (or the whole bottle) of that Grey Goose vodka - just to make yourself a little more comfortable.
You walk towards the kitchen door, eyes focused on the glass on wine, trying not to spill more. Just when you want to take a look where you’re going, a body collides with yours.
A yelp leaves your mouth, scared you’ll spill wine on yourself. Luckily you only spill some wine over your hand and not on your own shirt or the person you bumped into.
‘Y/N? Why do you have wine?’
You look up and see your own face. ‘Ethan!’ You breathe, relieved seeing him.
‘The wine is for Sophia, she wanted some,’ you explained yourself, putting the glass down and washing your hands. Ethan nodded and refilled the glass while your dried your hands.
‘I’m glad you’re here. I’m already so ready to leave! Grayson snapped at Max and Sophia cornered me and tried to kiss me!’ You told Ethan.
‘I’m sorry I’m late but that’s completely Olivia’s fault! She made me choose an outfit! And she started changing in front of me! Is that normal for girls? Do you get naked in front of each other all the time?!’ Ethan's cheeks turn a light shade of pink. You chuckle at his discomfort.
‘C’mon, like you’ve never seen a girl in her bra before!’ You joke but Ethan ignores it. You two walk towards the living room to hand Sophia her drink.
‘You said Grayson scolded at Max, why was that?’ Ethan asked, his face close to your face so you could hear him over the loud music.
‘Don’t really know. Something about Gray and I not wanting a beer and Max mumbling something about Grayson playing for a saint.’ You explained to Ethan. He clenched his jaw in frustration.
‘Max is always trying to push us into drinking and doing drugs. I think we’re losers for trying to stay clean.’ Ethan said. ‘But, unlike Max, we really need a scholarship to pay for college.’ He huffed in annoyance. You notice his discomfort when mentioning the scholarships and stop walking and turn to Ethan.
‘That what Grayson said too!’ You smiled at him and you rest your hand on his. ‘And Gray also said that you shouldn’t worry too much about those scholarships because you both will be all right. He said multiple ivy leak schools already contacted the coach!’
Ethan sighs deep and you can see his shoulders relax. ‘Yea, you’re right. Thanks, wiseass.’
Before you can react to the nickname you hate a high pitch scream fills your ears.
‘Here you are!’ Sophia’s claw-like hands grab your arm and pull you away from Ethan. The wine in your hand almost spills for the third time that night. Sophia, however, grabs it from your hands: just in time. She downs the whole glass in a way she could do a fraternity proud and gives you a sly smile when she finishes.
‘Why were you talking to that girl E?’ She pouts as she wraps her arms around your shoulders and neck.
‘She’s such a nerd! And ugly too!’ Ouch, that hurts.
‘I mean have you seen what she’s wearing? Such a nun! I’d rather be a slut than such a prude!’ Sophia pushes you back towards where everyone is dancing. You quickly look at Ethan, who is talking to Olivia. He’s wearing a black turtleneck with a dark velvet green spaghetti strap top. He tucked both into high waisted jeans and combined them with boots. You know that Olivia helped him pick because you would never wear something like that yourself.
‘I think she looks nice,’ you say and Sophia gives you an annoyed look. Jealous?
‘She’s a bitch and a know-it-all! How do you even know her!?’
‘She’s my fr-’ you stop yourself before you could finish that word. Were you and Ethan friends?! You shake your head to clear your mind. You and Ethan could never be friends. You hate him!
‘She’s in my history class and my project partner.’ You correct yourself. But Sophia is too far gone to be really listening. She has her eyes closed and slowly dances to the music. She pushes herself close against you and again you are confronted by the fact how tall and broad Ethan was. You awkwardly hold her so she doesn’t fall. A smile formed around her red lips and she starts to grind against you, front to front.
‘So-Sophia what are you doing?’ You mumble, feeling the blood rush to your head, buzzing in your ears. Sophia, however, either does not hear you or does not care. She turns around and presses her ass firmly against your lower parts. You recoil your body as fast as you can, but Sophia is just as fast as she turns around again and grabs your firmer.
‘Hmm Ethan,’
You almost choke in your own saliva when you hear Sophia’s moans. This is not fucking happening. You can feel her hands and long acrylic nails run along your arms, along with the goose bumps, which are not caused by excitement but utter discomfort. Your eyes dart around the room, desperately looking for help.
‘Let’s go upstairs Eth, I’ll let you have your way with me,’ Sophia moans, slowly kissing your neck. Her hand travels lower and lower until it is at your belt. She lays her hand on Ethan’s junk and you jump away. That’s the last straw, you think. I’m not going to let myself and Ethan be sexually assaulted by a bitch like Sophia.
‘I’d rather not, actually. I’m gonna leave.’ You say and push her back on her own feet.
‘No you’re not!’ Sophia hisses and grabs your belt. ‘You can’t just deny me when I say I want to have sex with you! I’m the hottest girl in the school!’
‘Well Sophia, I know what you’re like in bed and I’m good for the night. If I wanted a groaning foaming animal I’d visit a zoo!’ You jank her hands off your arms and walk away.
‘I wouldn’t walk away if I were you Ethan Dolan. Or I’ll tell everyone you only last three seconds!’ You turn towards Sophia.
‘Everyone already knows that’s not true,’ you say calmly raising your eyebrow at the drunk girl. She looks like she’s about to cry but you don’t feel bad for her. ‘Just like how everyone already knows that you used your sister’s ID to get a boob-job.’ You thank Olivia for her love for gossip once again. You turn around and walk away to find Grayson.
‘Ethan! Ethan!’ Sophia follows you around the house, screaming for your attention. You walk outside when you can’t find Grayson and suddenly hear Sophia stumble. You turn around, just in time to see her vomit over the front lawn. Your faces twist in disgust.
‘That’s vile.’ You hear a familiar voice. You turn and see yourself.
‘Ethan!’ Your voice dripping with relief. ‘I’ve been looking for you and Grayson, I want to go home.’ Ethan nodded, still looking at Sophia, who is leaning on the side of the house while still spitting out some of her dinner.
‘Let’s get her inside and we’ll look for Grayson.’ Ethan says and the two of you bring Sophia inside. You put her on the couch while Ethan gets a cup of water. The two of you wait with her when she drinks the cub, her eyes still being vague from all the alcohol.
‘I cannot believe that you used to fuck her,’ you say when Sophia closes her eyes as she lays down flat on the couch. Ethan stays quiet and looks at Sophia with a weird expression on his face.
‘You know she tried to grab your dick when we were alone? That's sexual assault!’ You look at Ethan but he only raises his shoulders.
‘You sure you didn’t get a hard-on?’ He smirks after two seconds and you push his shoulder.
‘I could never! Not from Sophia!’
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lostinsantacarla · 6 years ago
In light of my addiction to AHS and Michael Langdon, I decided to bring him into the Lost Boys universe in our role play story, and he is going to be David’s son. His name isn’t Michael. I think that would be a horrible hell for David.  Granted, I don’t take lightly to giving the boys kids, because vampires can’t have kids, per say and, let’s face it, David doesn’t fit the father like bill. However, I felt that Cody was the perfect example of someone who might be his child. David was with a hell hound for quite some time. This little snippet I wrote shows his intro. Lylith is the resident witch and oddly enough all of the story aspects put in place have been in play with us long before AHS: apocalypse started. It’s long, but I hope you like it. Mae’s part is written by @unchainmesister
When David received an urgent message from Lylith, asking for his presence alone in her little shop on the boardwalk, it raised some suspicion. The old witch never asked anything of him and rarely did he step foot in her place of business. Unlike old times when he roused Max by hounding his employees, he preferred to stay out of this one's hair.
 His only thought was that it had to do with the angels, both inside the city and out, because after all, Lylith had been the one to summon Jax back into town. Perhaps the old woman was finally going to offer up some real help to Sant Carla's supernatural citizens.
 Regardless, David practically tip toed in his boots through the door, fretting at the heavy smell of incense, essential oils and tonics. Few magics had ever set well with him, but more and more it seemed his ever-growing family was bound to it in one way or another.
"Are you around?" he asked, bowing his head as he stepped up to the counter.
"I am." Like a ghost from the shadows, Lylith appeared, stepping out slowly from behind the curtain in the back. She had her hands folded over one another, poised in the air as if she were about to create a spell. "I'm surprised you made haste coming here. I thought for sure you would take your sweet time and put me on hold. But, now that you're here, I'm going to get right down to it. You have a situation."
"We all have a situation. Even you, Lylith. You live in this town. Don't you think it's about time you stepped up and helped out?" One gloved hand rested lightly on the counter, but he refused to lean against it. The witch made him uneasy, as most did, which meant being ready for anything was important to him.
Lylith, who rarely laughed, threw her head back as she did. The vampire had no idea what was in store. Not even the tiniest inkling. "Dear boy, open your eyes. I didn't ask you here because of that angel nonsense. I asked you here because I have something for you. Sit down!"
She snapped her fingers and a chair quickly scooted across the floor, stopping short behind David.
Yet despite her demand, David refused, looking back over his shoulder at the chair before looking ahead with a slight smirk at the witch. "Is it something big?" he mocked. "I thought you chose to get right to the point?"
"Oh, you'll want to sit down for this, David," she beamed, her smile on the verge of sadistic, as if she couldn't wait to see his discomfort. "But by all means, stand."
She waved behind her and a more cushioned chair appeared, to which she seated. "Be a dear and pour me a cup of tea, would you? This is going to take a while."
The tea kettle was on the shelf behind the counter. Steam rose from the spout, telling that it was newly made, and Lylith waited.
David didn’t want to serve the witch, knowing she was poking at his buttons on purpose, but with respect, despite his glare, he did as she asked. While he poured her tea, another bottle appeared out of thin air next to the kettle. Bourbon. It surprised him, and he glanced back at her. The look on her face was unnerving. Whatever it was she was about to divulge was bigger than anything she'd ever given before, because the luxury she now offered him was more than just a drink, it was new hospitality on her part. Regardless, he kept his poise, always cool and calm, and helped himself to the alcohol before handing her the tea.
"Thank you." She took a sip and waited for him to do the same before she started to explain and tell the story.
"A few weeks ago, I got visited by someone I never thought I would see face to face.  This someone asked a huge favor of me, and David, when I say huge, you know I mean huge. I wondered at first why they'd picked me of all things to carry this wish out, because after all, there are plenty of others out there suited for the task. Then I realized that with my experience and the circles I follow...I'm the only one left in town with the knowledge and power. Don't get me wrong. I know you have one of my own in your family. She's a lovely girl and will rise, but I digress." Another sip of tea was taken. "I decided to accept."
"What's this got to do with me? You're not telling me you sided with those assholes..."
Lylith huffed. “David. Will you stop acting so damn naïve for once!! Open your mind, won’t you? Stop thinking about the outside and think about what’s in here. That person was your beloved hell hound, and she asked me to keep it a secret from you, knowing you were busy and didn’t want to burden you with it. She loved you enough to know this but knew that the only way you might have a chance at getting to know it, would be to place it right here in the open, in the middle of Santa Carla.”
She rocked forward and pointed. “I kept my promise, and I still would, but there’s been a drastic change.” She threw something at him. It wasn’t solid, more like a cross between dust and smoke and it covered his head, placing a vision there.
 David batted at the magic, but never looked away from Lylith, until the vision hit him. Then his eyes couldn't help but wander up and down a bit as he looked it over. He saw the witch and a young boy sitting in her chair. The boy had blonde hair and a playful, loving smile. He also had blood on his hands and cheeks. 
Suddenly and unsettling feeling came over David and he shifted in his seat. His smirk faded, and a dreaded seriousness took him. "What is this?" he said under his breath, even though the doubt was lifting and pulling him into the evident truth.
"Your son," she stated, matter of fact. Not much more explanation was needed. She could see it all coming together on David's face, especially the shock, and to her surprise, his unease wasn't appealing to her anymore.
"I care for the boy. He's quite remarkable and deserves more family than what I can offer, which is why I asked you to come meet him. You see, I didn't fully understand what he is until the night I put him to bed, and when I woke the next morning, he'd aged, nearly fifteen years." She paused once more, slightly tilting her head. "Cody, come out here, won't you please?"
From behind the curtain the boy emerged, dressed in black, his hair slightly long, past his ears, blonde, and the bluest eyes his father had probably seen since his own.
He was nervous, and uncertain of how he would be perceived by the king of Santa Carla, but stood beside Lylith, placing a hand on her shoulder for support.
"Hello, father," he said directly, not a hint of falter in his voice despite his nerves.
The reality was unjust, and just enough to send David into the shock of his undead life, but it was also plausible, and he couldn't deny that he saw his own eyes when he looked at the kid. At the same time, it rendered him speechless. He'd never planned on having kids, even deemed it as impossible until the rest of his boys started having them with their mates. He was glad for that, but this was abrupt and unexpected. He was a leader, not a father. Still, was there much difference aside from letting his guard down to fluff and emotion? On the plus side, Cody wasn't a toddler and could more than likely comprehend rules and lessons. "How is this possible?" he asked of Lylith, unable to look Cody straight in the eyes at that moment.
He is a child of vampire and hell hound. To say he could rule the underworld with the power he has is an understatement..." Lylith began but was quickly interrupted by Cody.
"Forgive me, Lylith, but my mother gave me all I needed to know when I was born in the form of energy like a crystal ball. I know I have much to learn about the world, but don't underestimate me. I've seen things. Had visions. You shouldn't be surprised to see me. My mother loved you, and you left her." His unease turned to anger, and he frowned. "Now I'm here and you're all I've got."
David could feel his power already. His presence matched his own and then some and for a second, he knew he was being talked down to by his own kid. "Surprise is an understatement. And for the record, kid, I didn't just up and leave her. We went our separate ways. Your mother had a lot on her hands and my place has always been here. We both appreciated that about each other. It was a mutual understanding, so don't ever assume that I'm the one who let things go to shit. There was never an inkling given as to her being pregnant. I wouldn't have known. I need a minute to process this. No one is throwing anyone out. Not yet. So, tell me, what do you know? Cody? Besides the fact that you seem highly educated for a youngster who aged into a teen overnight."
Cody shook his head and looked down, placing his hands behind his back. "That's all I know. Like everything is coded in me and my head is spinning."  His eyes, still reddened by anger, welled with tears. It was too much all at once. He could hear everything in the small town, and everyone with their whispers about him through David's blood, but most of all, he could hear the angels plotting against them.
"Who's Mae?" he asked, throwing a cruel glance up at his father.
Lylith could see David was taken aback and she stood fast, placing a loving grip on Cody's forearm to pull him back a bit.
"He's another chosen one, David. Quite possibly another reason those higher ups want to turn back time, to keep the possibility of him being born away. I would suggest he stay here with me for a little while longer in order to adjust."
David could hear Mae out on the boardwalk wandering around, concerned about what was going on. How would he even go about explaining this one to her? 
In his defense, he'd warned her about all the crazy shit happening in Santa Carla. This was one more thing, but instead of throwing up the usual rock-solid wall, he felt compassion for his son. He was, yet another being thrown into the mix head first, right into the middle of chaos. "Care to meet her?" he asked, Cody. "She is...human," he said as delicately as possible. There was something about his kid that seemed unstable at that moment and he knew why, but he didn't want to put Mae in harm’s way. "I know you don't know much about me yet, but I trust her with everything I have. As for Lylith being your mentor for the time being, I'd consider it a good idea. Just don't take that as me pawning you off on someone else. We'll figure this out, just like everything else."
David stepped forward and put a hand on his son's shoulder, finally able to look him square in the eyes. "I keep my word. Can you feel that?"
Cody did feel relief and his hyper awareness died down. He gave David a simple nod, relaxing under his touch.
"Good. Give me a few minutes, I'll have her here in no time." He turned around to face the windows as if he were going to make a phone call. It was similar, but completely mental as he told Mae to meet him at the magic shop. The tiny details included the fact that it was hidden in plain sight, inside the carousel and that she would have to believe it was there in order to see it. The part about Cody he left out. He figured it would be better to tell her in person, once she arrived.
Mae didn't know why, but something had told her to be at the boardwalk tonight. She'd driven her new (well, newly bought) truck to the pier and spent a while wandering around, worried about what had drawn her here. Soon enough, she'd felt David nearby, his aura going from coldly annoyed to intensely shocked. His call had come just as she'd decided to call out to him and find him. 
She made her way to the carousel, following David's instructions, slowly becoming used to the strangeness of Santa Carla and its residents. Mae stood before the carousel and willed her mind to believe that the magic shop was there. Stepping inside, she quickly found her boyfriend, always drawn to him first, no matter where he was. Then she saw the others, an old woman and a young man. Mae hesitantly made her way to her David’s side, smiling politely at the strangers, even though her hand was in her pocket, curled around her switchblade. "Hello."
"Ease up, Mae," David said calmly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He didn't want to speak to her mentally for fear that Cody might hear it and be on edge again. "This is Lylith, our oldest resident witch. She owns the place. And this..." he paused, gesturing towards his son. There was no other way to say it really. "This is Cody. I've just learned that he is my blood. In the literal sense, he's my son."
"Welcome, my dear. Would you like some tea?" Lylith asked, as if the information David just gave was no problem at all.
"You two are connected," Cody stated, leaning in to study the human in front of him. He smiled at her. "I can see it. Right there." He pointed to the spot on her neck where his father had marked her. "Does that mean something? Were you connected to my mother like that?"
"Tea would be lovely, thank you..." Mae practically whispered, her eyes wide, her body trembling. 
There was very little that David could have told her that would have surprised her more. She was still unused to shielding her thoughts, and anyone could read them. Did David cheat? No, Cody was too old. He only just found out about him. Who was Cody's mother? Where was she? Was Cody like her, abandoned by his mother with a father who never knew about him? He's so young. What the hell does all this mean? "Yes, we are." She said aloud, replying to Cody as she let go of her switchblade. She held her hand out for him to shake. "My name is Mae. Mae Clayton. It's a bit of a shock to meet you, but any family of David's is my family too."
Cody took Mae's hand. It was very warm to the touch and she smelled very sweet, but she also smelled like his father. In fact, the smell almost overwhelmed her own. "Your mind is very loud," he noted. "You have a lot of questions. So do I. My mother left me here, I don't know why. I guess she felt the need, but I was before your time. Mainly. She's gone now." His head drooped.
“He's a very young soul still in an older body. Very intelligent and very powerful. Which is exactly why we must tread lightly." Lylith poured Mae's tea and added a bit of honey. "The cream is there if you need it, dear. Anyway, as I was saying, he needs all the guidance we can give him, and forgive me, Cody, for talking as if you're not in the room with us. There is a war hot on your family's heels. You need to be ready. David, he could be the one to stop all of them. You see how powerful he is already."
"I do." David didn't want to say out loud that it worried him a little. The kid was unstable. How could they turn that around? "But I'm not going to use my own son just to get the upper hand. If he's ready, he's ready, if not, we'll find another way. Seems he has a purpose here, or he wouldn't be here at all."
David bent down and kissed the top of Mae's head, thankful for her understanding before he went back over to Cody. "Your mother might be gone, but I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere. You do have a family here. How would you like to meet them?"
Mae thanked Lylith for the tea, then she rested her free hand on Cody's cheek, feeling an immediate empathy for him. This kid had been left behind by his mother with no explanation in a world full of danger. At least Mae's mom hadn't been a supernatural being. 
"No matter what happens, Cody, we'll look after you." She smiled sadly. "Kids shouldn't have to grow up alone. My mother left me behind too. David won't, and neither will I." She said with confidence. "It's okay to be angry and scared. I was too. I still am. But here you have family. It'll be okay."
Cody raised his head and his eyes lit up. They were electric blue, almost more so than his father's. He knew they were speaking the truth. He knew he could trust them. "I'm going to make you all proud," he declared. "I want to meet them. I don't care how."
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kaypeace21 · 5 years ago
Coincidences? (Or foreshadowing of  romantic endings?)
color me delusion over “ pointing out meaningless coincidences” but I still can’t get over the tv references most likely hinting about certain couples not being endgame. 
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Sorry, i just don’t think it’s a coincidence that El in s2 watches ‘all my children’ where she mimics  Erica Kane who (in the ep she is watching) rushes into a relationship/elopement with a writer named Mike Roy, after a traumatic experience ( and the 2 end up  not being endgame ). And the relationship gets messy and involves stalking .
 Then in s3, Joyce watches Cheers (”rescue me”),  and Jopper is  compared to Dianne and fraiser. Diane says as joyce is listening to the tv “He had a couple of sips of Chianti tonight and asked me to marry him.” . At dinner Hopper orders a chianti while being stood up by Joyce. And Dianne and Frasier don’t marry and are also not endgame, cause Dianne stands him up at the alter. The other ep of cheers she watches in s3 (was in the Bob/joyce flashback) , and was called “ the rebound part 2″ in reference to Fraiser (aka Hopper) being the rebound. He’s just a rebound to Bob-why she’s thinking of Bob after Hopper asked her out.
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Then Hopper in s3 also watches a magnum pi rerun from 1980-  the 2 ep pilot is called “don’t eat the snow in Hawaii”. Magnum ( solving crime with his colorful Hawaiian shirts, similar to Hopper) kisses Alice who he has a history with. Alice promises to come back so they can be together (like Joyce with Enzo’s)-but it’s a lie and she never shows up again in the series and they aren’t endgame either . Also, when Joyce in ep 8 accepts the date- Hopper says he can’t do so at a certain time because he and El watch Miami Vice. The main cop in that also has a will-they wont they relationship (for several seasons with a female detective who was also a main character (like Joyce- aka ‘detective Byers’).  AND THEY ALSO WERE NOT ENDGAME. ”Gina had an on-again, off-again relationship with Crockett, who was on the rebound after divorcing his wife, Caroline. The relationship faded out as Gina realized they mainly got together when one or both needed someone. Crockett was very protective of Gina, and had some jealousy when Gina was involved in relationships with other people …but was the first one to be there for her when things went wrong.”
-Also, In s2 Hopper angrily turns off cheers (Ep : ‘Sam turns the other cheek’). Causing  jopper to (maybe?) also be compared to Sam and Diane from cheers too. Who have a long ‘will they won’t they’ relationship for more than 5 seasons (and used to date). And are also not endgame.The ep that plays in s3 that Joyce watches - has Diane say that Sam abuses her and  mentions how they constantly argue (just like s3) but she says she can’t stay away because she loves him. A guy hearing this says “if you ever get tired of him and want a normal quiet life, think of me.” And this is also at the same time she’s reminiscing about being with such a guy- Bob (while watching the show). It pretty much reflects what Murray said about jopper. Hopper reminds her of a “bad relationship”(Lonnie)- but she can’t help wanting to hook up with Hopper.  Despite “wanting to settle down with a nice guy (like bob).” Sam even was an alcoholic ex baseball player (Like Lonnie forcing Will to play/having beer cans everywhere) and Dianne having mental health issues (like Joyce).
Glen and Les Charles (just like the Duffers were brothers who created a show -cheers) . Their explanation about why Dianne and Sam didn’t end up together despite all the seasons of ‘will they won’t they ‘ echos jopper’s dynamic to a T . And I believe the Duffers are emulating Sam/Dianne and these fellow bro-writers.“Sam & Diane were so different. Their relationship (for comic and dramatic purposes) was fraught with conflict. Most of our time was spent devising new, funny, and fresh complications for them. Projecting forward, I believe they would driven each other insane had they gone off hand-in-hand – each with the best intentions, but ending with restraining orders. “
Pretty much. the moral of sam & diane’s story according to the Charles brothers was ‘there may be someone in your life you long for but deep down in your heart of hearts you know they’re wrong for you.’ And i think the duffers are using this inspiration from a fellow brother writing team (from the 80s) in regards to Jopper.
 Then in regards to Lumax. Max and Lucas wear shirts referencing the couple from that 70s show. Max -is donna the feminist, tomboy, red-head, who doesn’t take sh*t. What’s interesting is lucas wears one of eric’s shirts from when they’re broken up and he’s fliritng with other girls- and earlier in the season Max called Lucas ‘Don juan’ (a name for a player- so it’s probably foreshadowing for s4.)
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Max is also paralleled to 2 film characters Lucas doesn’t like- Michael meyers & Winston. Lucas: “ I specifically didn’t agree to Winston…nobody wants to be Winston, man.” Mike: “what’s wrong with Winston?”Lucas: He joined the team super late.Mike: yeah , but he’s still cool.Max being cool and joining the party late probably means she’s supposed to be Winston, right? it’s like how Lucas and dustin in s1 dissed el and said she was like Michael Myers. Cue max in her Michael Myers mask
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- Also, the tv parallel of El (in s2) mimicking Erica Kane and pretending to be with a fictional Mike Roy. Also parallels Karen/ Billy. In s2, before she meets him she’s reading a romance book that has a guy that resembles Billy on the cover. The Duffers even mentioned they changed the cover to show the resemblance between Billy and the fictional book character. And we see Karen reading the sequel in s3 before Billy appears. Both El and Karen don’t/didn’t love Mike or Billy- they just projected onto them fictional characters they were infatuated with.Max also is said to do something similar- as the costume designers have Lucas dress up like “Max’s crush”- the karate kid (to impress her) and “be like him”.
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I mean maybe I am “crazy” but this seems more like overt foreshadowing about these pairings not being endgame.  I could be wrong but I really do believe the Duffers throw in details to foreshadow and allude to things occurring in the story. In a video (7:41) the Duffers mention how they had El in s2 watch Frankenstein on tv to indicate her emotionally state in the cabin feeling “cut off from the world” and “like a monster”. So I don’t think it’s a stretch-when they’ve already admitted what their character watches on tv pertains to something regarding that specific character . ( So why can’t what a character watches on tv (or read) also foreshadow them not ending up with a particular person?)
Then you have the Stalking elements...
Lumax is paralleled to mileven and jancy which have stalking elements, specifically stalking their future partner (lucas being called a ‘stalker’ for stalking Max, el spying on mike and saying “I make my own rules “ -ignoring his discomfort , Jonathan taking pics of nancy unbeknownst to her- although he apologized ) . And although, not as direct of a parallel as the first 3- Hopper spies on mileven kissing  and eavesdrops on Joyce’s move. At the snowball, Lumax and mileven danced to ‘every breath you take’- a song about a bad break up and a stalker ex . The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’ before they go to the dance floor- to emphasize this point. El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 when he said not to do that  she just says ‘i make my own rules’.
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* lumax also danced to ‘time after time’ which is also a song about a breakup. And, Max in s2 when  arguing with Lucas’ says “ you guys act like you want me to be your friend but then you just treat me like garbage” (paralleling mileven when El said mike treated her “like garbage” in s3 , before she dumps Mike.)
You can read about more of these “coincidences” or what I’d like to think are purposeful parallels HERE. Warning there’s a lot of parallels.
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bluerosesburnblue · 6 years ago
Liz Liveblogs Bravely Second: Chapter 6, Part 1/2
Well, I said I’d shoot for Halloween, not that I’d make it. I legitimately wasn’t expecting the Yōkai sidequest to be so... dense. So, because of that, we’re splitting this chapter into two parts, too. I think the finale deserves an entry all on its own
We’re in the home stretch, folks. Get ready for Bravely Second Chapter 6, Bravely Second
Hey, welcome to my liveblog of Bravely Default. So Tiz, after the destruction of Norende wakes up... wait. Hmmm. Wrong brunet boy. How did we get to the Caldisla Inn?
Karl’s soothing voice is a welcome reprieve from... that scene
“Wait! Where’s Denys?” *noises of discomfort from Tiz, Edea, Magnolia, and me*
“We defeated Diamante...” No. We were denied the ability to defeat Diamante. Now it’s Denys’s burden, assuming someone can even survive at the end of time. The self-sacrificing idiot...
Magnolia is being called to return home, as the hero of her people... and the light of her communicator is clipping through her Black Mage hat. Whoops
Weird that Karl didn’t recognize Tiz until right now. What, was Yew the only one asleep? Was his hair so bad you couldn’t be sure until you heard his voice?
Even more insane that he recognizes Edea since I have her in her Ranger getup with a full face mask
“Me and Agnes and Edea and...?” “We always counted on him when we.. When we...” Tiz. Edea. Do you not remember Ringabel or the first game? I thought we just weren’t talking about him because it was a sore subject, but...
Tiz doesn’t even remember the king of his home nation. What happened to you kids?
Diamante’s bestiary states that when it fell, it destroyed a part of the Miasma Woods and split the continent in two. I assume that refers to the separation of landmasses between the Harena and Yulyana regions, since there’s... like... a crater there where I’m pretty sure there wasn’t last game. I never mentioned it, it’s just the spot where we keep boarding the Skyhold because Denys really liked parking over it?
Karl who are these two white-haired kids? Are they yours? They can’t be grandkids since Owen is...
Caldisla’s theme is still amazing. Feels like being home after a long journey. Love it when a game can do that to me.
Tiz really had forgotten his entire home and the start of last game. Edea couldn’t remember it either
Yew says he’s read about Caldisla, but he couldn’t remember what he’d read either
I am reminded of a plot point in the Korean webtoon Kubera: One Last God. In that, a person who uses time magic too much will “forfeit their existence” for a time. They disappear and don’t age, but as long as they’re vanished from existence, nobody can remember them. If someone tries to remember events surrounding them, they freeze up and then immediately think of something else, forgetting their original train of thought. I’m getting the same vibes here
I know that tinny tone, Alternis!
“I am the one who carried you out of the Skyhold and to safety.” But how did you get to the Skyhold in the first place? I can’t imagine it was still flying after we “defeated” its power source, so it must have crashed somewhere around the Yulyana/Florem area, in which case the party should be very, very dead. Dead beyond my ability to fix
“I would go to the very ends of the earth for you if you needed me, Edea.” Okay, Clearly-Ringabel, turn the charm down a notch and exposit for us
“That bloody witch... Yōko will pay!” So Yōko sealed everyone’s memories of Caldisla? How do you figure, Dim?
Ah, she gave him the cryptic message of “Go to Caldisla, the land of endings” and he had no idea what she was talking about but went anyway and his brain freaked out
He’s still wearing Edea’s bow! So at the very least it’s the same Alternis from the Geyser Grotto
You know, I’m just now realizing that it’s been two games and we still haven’t had party members from either the Yulyana region or the Eisen region. You know, one of the four main continents? Has a major magical artifact in the form of a capital-”C”-Crystal?
I mean, Tiz is from Caldis, Agnès from Harena, Ringabel from Florem, Edea and Yew from Eternia, and Magnolia from the Moon, which somehow got representation before Eisen did
...how dare they put a hidden item next to a child you can talk to. Do you know how difficult it was to get Yew to focus on the object and not the kid!? Yeesh
Hitboxes on hidden items are so finicky in this game I swear
And there was a Phoenix Down behind Owen’s grave. Thanks
Oh... oh no. Oh no I looked at Til’s grave. Oh god Tiz I’m so sorry
God he sounds like he’s gonna cry. “Til was a lot younger than me... Even younger than you.” I don’t think it ever occurred to Yew that while he was using Tiz to replace Denys... Tiz was doing the same thing back
And the Caldisla amnesia makes it worse oh no. Could you imagine? Walking through a town and slowly realizing that it’s your hometown. And then stopping in front of a grave and it’s your brother’s grave. And it only hits you while you’re looking at it that you even have a brother... had a brother
Til doesn’t get a big grave like Owen. His is one of the small, unassuming ones. The only person he meant anything to was Tiz
And Tiz is being lauded as the hero he deserves after his untimely coma after the defeat of Ouroboros. Can’t help but notice they aren’t celebrating Edea, who was also there, but eh. She’s got the entirety of Eternia to throw her a party. Let Tiz have his exotic cheeses
Heyyyyy, Egil! How’s my favorite kid who didn’t die in a mine!? Nice armor, buddy! Looking good!
Oooooooh a Junior Captain? Nice work!
A great beast at Lontano? It couldn’t be a Ba’al, could it? The only story-based one we’ve had so far is Urchin
That’s actually the one thing I think I prefer in Default over Second. The Norende Nemesis fights weren’t necessary for completion, which was good since I mostly played that game at college where my 3DS couldn’t connect to the internet thanks to how poorly set up the login information was. My 3DS just couldn’t handle it. I barely did them, and I really didn’t miss much because of it. Here, though, if I want to 100% complete the game I have to do the Fort-Lune Ba’al fights, and which ones I get are entirely up to chance. I have been doing them, though. Get a lot of Apparati (probably people sharing it because it’s the only one with a Catmancy skill), followed by Snowcap in terms of quantity. Heck, I only got my first Redshirt the night before writing this and the only Urchin I’ve seen has been the story one. Completing those Bestiary entries is probably the last thing I’ll be able to do just out of luck
“The Youth Brigade”? What, we doing child soldiers now or is this the Caldisla version of Boy Scouts?
“Tiz, would you care to introduce us?” “Of course! This is Egil. He’s like... um... a little brother to me.” Hey, Yew, meet your new favorite little brother. Egil’s family. Mostly because Tiz has chronic Big-Bro-itis, but still. He’s a good kid
Can Egil be a party member in Bravely Third, finally giving us our Eisen representation?
Tiz no. Don’t mention the Three Cavaliers. That’s still a sore subject!
Oh damn. “You must be, like, the best of the best! So why are you hanging out with someone like Tiz here?” Egil! Harsh! Tiz killed a World-Consuming snake demon, you know!
“Yew’s a good friend of ours. I guess you could say he’s like a slightly older younger brother.” These boys cannot stop taking in new brothers! It’s adorable! I love it! (See, Denys? This is what you miss when you needlessly throw yourself into a time vortex. You miss getting adopted by Tiz and having, like, 60 younger brothers.)
An earthquake? First reaction says it’s the “beast” but we are right near the Great Chasm. I hope it was just a rock slide, but it’s never that easy
It’s the Rubadub? Why the fuck did the Rubadub cause an earthquake!?
Damn, according to Sakura we’ve been out for over a week
Sakura is best team mom! She did the laundry while we were gone, fixed the damages from the Skyhold collapse, caught a ton of fish, and is already making dinner with it!
Oh... wait what? Wait. ...is that where Caldisla is? I... hrm.
So my poor geography sense ended up making the “Caldisla disappeared” plot point work because I misremembered where the whole continent was. I thought it was in the middle of the ocean between Eternia and Florem and just wasn’t on the map because the section it would be in would be cut-off and it wasn’t going to be relevant! I thought it was farther to the right! God, see, this is what happens when you change the orientation of the map on me. I can’t navigate for shit
So, hey, I read through my old Liveblogs to catch myself up for the finale just in case, and you know what I called out and had conveniently forgotten by the time I played the last chapter? Minette Napkatti is seventeen FUCKING years old. She’s OLDER than both Yew and Janne. I wrote everything last chapter under the assumption she was, like, 10! God, her being 17 is so much worse. Now it makes people treating her like a pet even creepier! How is Minette even worse than I gave her credit for! Stop enabling this girl and get her some serious mental rehabilitation!
Now, I should really look at that urgent Beast situation... buuuuuuuuut there’s a sidequest in Gathelatio!
Actually, Yew just brought up the Crypts in a Party Chat and now I’m curious. Where did the stairwell Denys was standing near... go? Does it just exit into the city somewhere?
Party Chat says Alfred said there was a secret passage between the Crypts and the Sanctum. I’m gonna go see if that’s what’s up with those stairs
“I’d rather we didn’t go blundering around the family crypts if we don’t have to” Sorry, Yew, I’m with Edea. It’ll be five minutes, max. Besides, it looks like the sidequest is in the Sanctum. I wanna sneak up on ‘em if I can
Uhhhhh... wh...
Denys? Denys did you leave this shadow-man ghost thing here? What the fuck is that?
Why is there a nondistinct shadow man near Foundar’s grave?
All it says is “Fear the Eye of Foundar... But I suppose it’s still too early for you to understand what that means. Heh.” Hey, don’t laugh! You aren’t the first person to give me awful, vague prophecies! Sylvie beat you to it by a whole timeline!
There are some bits of... probably hair dangling at the sides of Shadowman’s face. It looks kinda like Yew’s concept art hairstyle, honestly. Huh.
That’s it that’s unsettling I’m out
And hey, that was the secret passage into the Sanctum! I hadn’t even noticed a door there in my past visits. Let’s... uh... let’s just talk to Braev and forget that unnerving shadow boy
What’s the matter, narrator? “By what strange trick of fate do your paths cross anew?” getting too much for you? Braev’s been in the story for a while, I don’t think he needed an introduction
Ah. Well, the sidequest is still Edea-focused like all the others, but at least this one I can get behind. It’s Braev testing whether Edea’s ready to succeed him
And there’s still a choice, hm? Should you desire the power to cut down all foes, the Grand Marshal’s sword is in Everlast Tower. Should you desire the power to protect your subjects, the Grand Marshal’s shield is in the Central Command basement
I don’t suppose we could do both? They say the two are opposites, but I hardly see why. A true ruler knows how to balance the two. Knows how to change their persona to match the situation. To cut down your foes is to protect your citizens. To protect your citizens is to spite your foes. There’s no reason to limit your capabilities
Regardless, if they do make us pick one, I find the sword is the better option. A shield can only hold out so long without the opposing forces thinning out
“It’s a travesty! Ketchup is for burgers and fries!” God, Yew is a boy after my own heart. I’ll try any food or food combo once, but putting ketchup on a good steak seems like sacrilege
And Tiz is also a boy after my own heart. Keep it simple with your eggs. Salt and pepper is all you really need. Though I’ve never had hollandaise, so I can’t really comment on Yew’s choice
Aw, Tiz puts soy sauce on his oysters because that’s how Agnès did it when he first had them. Cute!
And it was all a ruse to distract them from the fact that she botched dinner! Oh, Magnolia, sweetheart. I appreciate the creativity but I think bringing up favorite foods was the worst thing to do
Edea thinks getting the sword was too easy... so she wants to talk to Elder Sirius? If I go, is he just gonna tell me to grab the shield as was my plan to attempt from the start?
Braev’s location is marked... but so is the shield still. I want both
“It’s what Heinkel would’ve done.” I have no problems believing that Heinkel would use an heirloom shield to grill food. That checks out
Aaaaand that’s why you ask Yew before you use his stuff to cook with. Leave my nerd son and his collections alone!
A true leader directly defies orders and grabs both heirlooms regardless! We make our own win states in the House of Liz!
And seek shield counsel with Goodman. ...screw it, let’s talk to Sirius and Goodman. I’m curious if either of them have new dialogue
Seems like they do! Unmarked cutscenes. Sirius warns Edea to be careful of all power, as any could be used for evil. But it can also be used for good. The power is not the issue, but the intent of its wielder. To cast aside any means of defeating all who would endanger those you seek to protect is foolish
And Goodman espouses the benefits of a shield. Separate the soldiers from the civilians, and have the soldiers become an unbreakable wall to repel all threats. The shield has no chance of endangering others (KH Goofy would like to have a word, sir)
Edea mentioned Dominus Harena, so I thought I’d check him out and lo and behold! He also has a scene. Ancheim makes weapons, but uses none. They fight instead with their knowledge, using the scholars of Al-Khampis to outbuild and outsmart their foes. And they can absolutely use those weapons if they want. “Don’t brandish a big sword - but be sure to have one ready when you need it” is pretty close to my life motto
Meeting Braev at Vestment Cave is the first relevant event in the Yulyana region, huh?
Vestment Cave is the place you were blessed with a daughter? Edea was born in this cave when Sage took you in? Did I know that or is that just some trivia you felt like sharing, Braev? Because if so uhhhh...? I don’t think I can get that out of my head
Oh? “I see you have the grand marshal’s sword AND shield. ...And yet you have equipped neither.” I... have Edea as a Ranger? Equipping either of those would do nothing for her. I was not aware you wanted those equipped
...you know what? Yeah! Have the big sword (and shield) but don’t brandish it! That is our answer!
“Justice must be supported by might and authority - but when it is delivered at the point of a sword it is naught but coercion. [...] A stout shield is needed to protect the people in times of war. Yet the true goal should be a world with no need for shields. The noble course is to believe in the ideal.” This sidequest is awesome
“But you have one more trial to face - together with the friends who stand beside you!” And you know what? Those friends are the only weapon a good leader needs! They keep you from swinging the sword with abandon or allowing harm to come passively! They balance you, keep you in check! Edea Lee, go and claim the position you have earned!
(I just wish that Edea was in a different outfit in that scene. Loses a bit of impact when her face is covered with an animal mask)
Damn! He revives more times than Diamante! You fucking hear that, Denys!? Edea’s dad is a harder fight than DIAMANTE
And now Edea receives the Stave of the Grand Marshall. She is, unquestionably, the Grand Marshall of Eternia. I’m so proud of my girl!
Ah! And we’re visiting her parents at Sage Yulyana’s old place! Seems Braev and Mahzer are moving out here to retire. Good for them
‘sup Alternis? ...still mad about the Grandship escapade?
Braev is taking up needlework, huh?
Okay, I love the way John Eric Bentley said “a new tea cozy!” He’s a good replacement voice for Braev in my book
That sidequest was EXACTLY what I had hoped the others would be! It was such a good character focus to showcase Edea’s growth from the beginning of the first game, and the actual elements of it were so nuanced! There were so many permutations of events. Did you obtain the sword, shield, or both? Did you talk to Sirius, Dominus, Goodman? All of them? None? Some combination of two of them? Were the items equipped when you talked to Braev? Ultimately, the structure was simple, but the narrative you got out of it was all up to you. I’d be interested to see every permutation of the talk with Braev, but I am so happy with what I got. And I’m so proud of Edea. She’s come a long way from the self-righteous, black-and-white girl of Default’s events. Eternia is in good hands
I love that Tiz being the king of cooking with leftovers is canon
...so I can’t help but notice that there’s a Fort-Lune Ba’al icon just sort of... floating there above Lontano. That’s weird.
What on Earth was that noise it made?
“I-it’s exuding a level of power on par with... No, even exceeding Diamante’s!” YOU HEAR THAT, DENYS? You didn’t even take out the strongest Ba’al!
“We can’t let Denys’s sacrifice be in vain!” Yew, honey. You’re sweet, but it was in vain the second he made it. We’re about to prove how useless it really was
Oh, it’s just a Turtle Dove? Not even, like, a special one? Alright
Not too bad. Only got close at the end there because Yew went down and I had trouble getting him back up
Certainly harder than Diamante, at any rate
So it seems the only two mandatory Ba’al fights in the game are an Urchin and a Turtle Dove, and I’m certain those were the only two that made appearances in Default as Norende Nemesis fights. So that’s why those two were added to the BD international release
Aw, Egil doesn’t understand how pendant-call works either and thinks we shoved Agnès in the jewel
Where is she? I can’t say I recognize that room. Wooden doors with a crystal-thing in the back?
And yet another person who just couldn’t remember Caldisla
I guess she was on an Airship?
And on the Magnolia Cooks sideplot: She’s really good! Her quest for recipes has led to her becoming a master of Luxendarc cuisine
“A bath has to be sot hot you can barely stand it!” I know Edea’s opinion is meant to be an extreme... but that’s how I take my showers so...
I will say I don’t jump out and douse myself in cold water, though. That’s a little much
I guess hot-bath-cold-bath followed by freezing iced lattes is an Eternian thing? Yew’s into it, too
Alternis and Agnès are already here talking to the king? We’ve almost got the whole family in one spot! (This Alternis doesn’t have a bow, though. Guess we’ve still gotta hunt down Ringabel and Denys if we want that family meetup. Why is it always the blond ones who are a problem?)
According to the king, the people of Caldisla forgot the rest of the world in turn. That’s some nonsense that’s going on
Bow-Alternis is absolutely Ringabel. Alternis doesn’t know anything about his arm being hurt or Yōko
It’s an interesting way of doing the Alternis-Ringabel thing. Last game they made them seem like the same person, too, up until the reveal by having them get injured in similar places and never on-screen at the same time. This game we’re able to tell them apart despite Ringabel actually trying to impersonate Alternis because of their differing injuries
Where do Ba’als come from and what are they? It’s a question that’s been forced to the background thanks to the immediacy of the Kaiser’s plot, but now with that settled it and Anne’s plan are all we have left to solve
I like how Yew and Magnolia got cut off in that shot, leaving only Agnès, Alternis, Tiz, and Edea. A version of the first party
Oh, Magnolia. She’s beating herself up because she never thought to ask what the Ba’als were, but still dedicated her life to stopping them. But no one knows what they are. She would’ve been asking a question no one could answer
I appreciate Yew trying to commiserate by telling her he didn’t know anything about the Crystalguard or Denys but I don’t think those situations are really... comparable? Magnolia is talking about unknowable eldritch horrors. That’s a little bit bigger than the Crystalguard stuff
“There must be someone out there who can give us a clue!” “Do not judge a carrot by its leaves, nor a man by his words alone...” Leave it to Altair to announce his timely appearance in the most dramatically dorky way possible
“It’s a ghost!” ...I mean, yeah? Technically? But we know Altair. Edea, chill. Team dad tire-man of the vegetable proverbs is here to enlighten us
So the Ba’als are Vega’s emotions given life. Born of her memories with Altair, and I imagine the fight with Geist back in Sagitta is what tipped him off. Diamante probably only confirmed it. I can’t imagine anyone else whose memories Diamante’s background could have belonged to
Altair theorizes that something found Vega’s regrets upon being left behind and gave them form to be used as weapons
And that just leaves one place the Ba’als could be from. The last place anyone saw Vega alive: the Celestial Realm
“Let’s go to the Celestial Realm!” Yew, if travel between Luxendarc and the Celestial Realm were so easy Vega wouldn’t be trapped there, Ouroboros wouldn’t have had to create a chain of worlds just to break through, and I would travel to Luxendarc just to hug you. It’s just not that easy
And Altair agrees. It’s just not... simple. Maybe not possible
“Never say never until you’re dead!” Okay, but Altair is super dead, though? He has every right to say “never” at this point
At least he’s got a good sense of humor about it
...3DS did the going black thing again
“Of course I do not... accept it...” This game does some interesting things with the concepts of acceptance and denial. To not accept something is similar to, but not the same as, denying it. I like that they brought it up like that
He’s getting desperate. Begging the party to help Vega. Altair...
“You’re our friend, Altair.” “Your... friend? Oh, thank you, my dear children!” Altair, I nominated you for team dad. You’re not a friend now, you’re family. We live to make the impossible possible. We have (or most of us have) defeated Ouroboros. Let’s go get Vega.
So who could help? As Altair said, Anne. A fairy who can control the Ba’al and who spoke of a Master. She clearly knows something about them the rest of us don’t, and I’ve still got a bone to pick with her
I’d know that place anywhere. She’s at Norende’s Great Chasm
Norende has a path between the Celestial Realm and Luxendarc... right where the Dark Aurora was... I should’ve known Ouroboros would use the weakest point in the barrier to get through
So that’s your plan, you little shit? Use this path as an express lane to get Ba’als to Luxendarc without interference from the Moon people? And then maybe get your boss in? Not happening. Nope. I refuse. Yew, Tiz, and everyone else deserve better
Funny you’re monologuing, Anne, since I know you know I exist and can, presumably, hear you. What’s their secret if it’s not the hourglass that let them keep their memories? I think you already know
They are directly using the fact that we, the player, saw that scene and now know where to go next and the party doesn’t. Party’s got no idea. That scene was for our eyes only
And the last sidequest has opened up. Yōko Yōko Yōko Yōko Yōkaiiiiiiiii
Oh thank god the Vampire Castle’s unlocked. I would’ve cried if they made me do the dragon fights again
Why should only Magnolia dress warm, Edea? You’re wearing about as much as her!
I don’t like Alternis’s helmet sitting at the door like that. Ringabel, you’d better be okay! You were my favorite last game, don’t you die on me!
Oh! My encounter rate is locked at standard. Guess I have to fight, huh? That’s... it’s never done that before
There’s a painting no one ever noticed before. Yōko in both human and Yōkai form, with a blonde child
And there’s the girl of the hour! You gonna pull a DeRosso and give us your backstory while we climb the tower?
I have never heard Vampire Castle called the Hall of Truth? Did I forget? It’s been a while. Hall of Exposition, more like
“Tiz! Do not think you can avoid the dangers that you encounter in this place.” AKA: no. You have to fight the encounters. Also, I forgot setting the encounters was a Tiz thing
“The powers of Luxendarc’s gods will not avail you.” So it’s a Celestial power Tiz was using. Assumed as much. And according to Yōko, this is Luxendarc. We play by Luxendarc rules this time (unfortunately)
So either Ringabel or Alternis can work the pendant call. He didn’t have the bow, but he talked like he knew what we were on about. Suspicious
So Yōko slept. And slept for quite a while. Twenty years ago an ambitious man came to wake her up, and with him came a girl with the Plague. The man in the painting is wearing Crystalguard clothes, and came to plunder the offerings at Yōko‘s shrine. The man was so determined to take those treasures home that he ignored the girl’s grandfather, who asked for her to be quarantined due to her sickness and pleaded with the church to let them sail. The church sent Geist. Once she was exorcised, the fleet could move. His ritual didn’t cure her at all, though. She doesn’t need to say it. I can already tell that the man was Yew’s father, Greide
Greide Geneolgia, whose greed sparked the Great Plague
She gave us his journals.
Foundar left behind texts for his descendants, texts that Greide managed to decode and use to locate Yōko’s shrine. The girl was the granddaughter of their patron from the church, sent to help them find the shrine that the Orthodoxy wanted so badly to find.
Greide used the girl to house Yōko’s soul, so she couldn’t stop them from raiding her shrine. It was there that they found the statue of Cú Chulainn that Bella would one day animate. The girl only fell sick with the Plague after the raid on the shrine. Griede’s writing comes across as paranoid. He thinks they’re being manipulated, and that his “enemies” are behind it
Judging by his outfit, the figure in this painting seems to be Geist
Hey uhhhh. Yōko? How long have you been staying here that you managed to replace a ton of DeRosso paintings?
Geist’s report went through, despite Greide’s attempts to stop it. The girl was put under quarantine and banned from travel. But another man and Greide decided to change tactics to get their plundered loot back. They asked to bring the girl to Eternia so that she could get the best medical treatment available to her. So they let her travel. And at every port they stopped at on the way back, they spread the Plague. To many continents. When the sailors began to freak out, Greide poisoned everyone aboard, including the girl. He was the only survivor, returning home with perhaps not all of the loot he wanted, but certainly enough. And one year later, Denys was born. Right on the heels of his dad murdering a whole crew of people for some sick loot
(I wonder if the timeline actually works out)
So Norzen and Braev were the ones opposing Greide the most, besides the elders. Greide looked into their pasts to see what he could use to... convince them to come over to his side
So if this happened in 2379... Denys was probably born in 2380-ish. Which seems about right? Definitely not 2384 like the Final Fantasy Wikia says. That would make him younger than Agnès and I’m very sure she isn’t over 23, which is Denys’s canon age as confirmed in the Bestiary (What are you guys doing, FFWikia?)
And this is just a painting of a huge area of gravestones with ravens.
The first deaths were in Eternia. “A sleepy border village.” And now we hear what we know from Default. Braev begged the church to help his home, and in return they sealed off all roads. Quarantined the smaller villages and left them to die. The incident that sparked Braev and the Anticrystalists’ revolt against the Orthodoxy. Braev gave Norzen full authority to investigate the Plague, where Minette’s mother would eventually discover a cure, but not before the first wave had killed more than could ever be counted
On the timeline: Greide’s 4/11, 2379 journal entry mentions a woman bringing her son and claiming he was Greide’s. Since he recognized her, he figured yeah, sure. Kid’s probably his and he can’t prove otherwise. So he took her and their son Denys in. So at the very least we can confirm that Denys was born before April 11, 2379. Unfortunately, I have no idea what year this game takes place in and can’t do math, so... I still have no idea if that date checks out?
And Denys’s mother... “left them” by 5/25 2380, and Greide became engaged to who I assume is Yew’s mother just over a year after that. And, like, jeez, Denys’s mom died when he was 1 or 2 years old? The way people talk about her it sounded like she was around for longer than that
Greide pretended to be loyal to Braev’s Duchy, but was appalled by how... businesslike they treated him. Like the idea of people not groveling at his feet because of his family name was repulsive
“There has been no warning from the Eye of Foundar...” God, is the Eye a prophecy machine? Why did a shadow man have to tell me about it in the Geneolgia corpse basement?
Hah. When Greide met with DeRosso and Sage Yulyana they called his ancestor a “sickly man” and a “monster,” respectively. And for the first time in his life, Greide felt true fear, but only at the potential loss of his status
Bestiary Tiz described DeRosso as “the pretend vampire with the baritone voice” which is really all you’d ever need to know about DeRosso
And here’s a painting of a burning Crystalguard banner. Greide disbanded the Crystalguard after Braev’s successful uprising, since the church was no longer in power and Greide wanted to keep himself and his allies out of the way of the rebellion. Houses Geneolgia and Camlann destroyed any who wanted to keep the Crystalguard together. Their biggest opponent: Janne’s father. His dying words were giving custody of his son to his squire, Angard. And Nikolai watched it all. After that, he tried to reinstate the Crystalguard and get himself and Janne a place in it. And just as Nikolai explained, the now unemployed soldiers went and looted the few villages left with survivors. And the Geneolgia and Camlann families formed private armies to save their own asses by taking down the bandits that they caused
Yew’s so shaken he collapsed. Hey, someone help my boy up? He’s having a rough day and I only see it getting worse
According to the Journals, Yew cried the whole night the attack on Jerome Balestra happened. Empathetic beyond belief, even as a baby
Seems Greide at least entertained the notion of choosing Denys as his heir. He says it himself: Denys had all the courage and skills he could want in an heir, but Yew had the superior bloodline despite his seemingly lesser talent as a kid
And he dies with some unspecified “promise” left unfulfilled
...I don’t even need to examine that painting to know who that is on the left. That’s Denys. I’d recognize him anywhere
Ah, a symbolic painting. On one side we have a young Yew grasping the Sword of the Brave, with Denys behind him. On the other side is Yōko and Danzaburō mirroring the Geneolgia brothers. It’s so obvious now that Danzaburō was just Denys in a hat and with two real arms. And I think with a different voice actor, maybe?
Yōko is a different kind of being. They called her a Yōkai, but that confuses her as she is the only one of her kind she knows. Her goal is simply to achieve true growth and lift the world into a higher plane of existence. True growth? It’s looking at yourself in the most open sense and accepting all that you are. By doing so, you become truly and fully realized, able to be the person fate wanted you to be
Girl, you didn’t have to switch forms on me
“Brave the dark depths within their heart”? Is that what you tried to do at the Geyser Grotto? Show everyone the parts of themselves that they deny to try and get them to accept those flaws and grow?
Yeah, I think that’s it. And she remembered that she never looked at Edea’s heart. Yōko... is absolutely right. Edea says she defected in the last game because she was appalled by their actions, and to an extent I’m sure it’s true, but it was also a ploy to get her dad’s attention. Selfless and selfish in equal measures. So often are actions both, and all it takes is a different angle to see it
And her other secret is exactly what I called out last liveblog: she misses Ringabel more than anything, and it kills her to see all of her friends and family and even enemies pair off while her love is probably in an alternate reality, loving an alternate her. Her love is a version of a man she should never have had the ability to meet if the worlds had stayed intact. The version of a man who wouldn’t have existed without that universal fabric being breached
“And what hurts most of all, is that he chose to leave you.” He did. He left the Edea he’d journeyed with to go try and save the Edea he’d failed. Just like Alternis is probably dismayed that she loves an alternate him, Edea probably can’t help but fear that Ringabel only saw her as a temporary replacement for her alternate self
Yoko’s being so mean since I am fairly certain she knows Ringabel is here. She called him interesting at Geyser Grotto. I know she knows who he is
That’s my last game fav! How’s it going, ‘Bel? Good to see I correctly identified his appearances, too. Geyser Grotto, then Florem, then Caldisla
Cute hug. CUTE HUG.
I don’t know why the revelation that it’s Ringabel means anything to Yew and Magnolia. I mean, it’s basically “You thought I was Alternis, but it’s actually me, his twin who you’ve never met!” but with the added bonus of “how did you dimension hop?”
A painting of Yōko fighting unidentified warriors. Ringabel calls them the Planeswardens, the group he’s taken up working for. They... warden planes. Which is to say they defend alternate realities. According to him, Yōko only wishes to create chaos, nothing more
“Growing as a human being is about more than drudging up old fears and traumas...” God, I missed ya, Bel
And the Planeswardens have classified Yōko as an S-rank Malevolent Spirit of Concern. So she’s dangerous, though I’m willing to listen to her spiel, at least. The most she’s done so far is emotionally traumatize us, right?
She’s over 4.6 billion years old? Because that’s just how long she’s been on Luxendarc, she’s actually older than that. Do... do you people know how time works??? (Evidently not because no one in the Glanz Empire did, but still) That’s a LONG TIME, GUYS!
No. NO. Do NOT cut to Ringabel, standing alone, going “No matter what the cost, I must defeat her!” I already had one unexpected favorite dumb blond boy sacrifice himself this game, I’m not letting you do it to the other one, too!
So Ringabel and Denys for Bravely Third party when?
And according to Greide’s journals, Foundar’s dying message was basically “If you have more than one son, have them duke it out. Winner gets his inheritance, loser is either his brother’s servant or dead. That applies to every generation after me. Have fun, losers!”
“Fear the Eye of Foundar.” What IS IT. What can it DO. Do I have to worry for my boys because I’m already worrying you don’t need to make it worse
To enter Yōko’s shrine, you have to decipher Foundar’s code using the symbols carved into the walls of the crypt. And you have to do it on your own. You cannot tell anyone how. Only then can you hope to know if you are even qualified
...Greide didn’t write “Fear the Eye of Foundar.” It simply appeared in his locked journal after he deciphered Foundar’s texts
YEEEEEEEEEW I think your family’s cursed. There’s some fucked up demon magic going on here and I DON’T LIKE IT. We gotta go get Denys. Like, now. I think you’re both doomed but he’s doomed and without Celestial guidance. And also trapped with a horse
Year AO 3. I think this is from Foundar. Proposed to by the pope’s daughter, then he spoke to Yōko at her shrine, describing her as “pitiful”
The “promise” was Foundar’s to Yōko. A task he needed someone with “the vast wealth needed to support a million souls, great military strength enough to strike down a thousand political foes, and technology advanced enough to grant a hundred men hundred-year lives” for. Greide suspects that those who failed Foundar’s request for his descendants gave up on the last part, with the Eye warning them of failure
Yōko was put to sleep to contain the first Plague. If you seal her inside the girl... the Plague returns because now the girl has it
Greide what... “Well, I didn’t get an ominous demonic message on the last page, so I should be good to go on the fulfilling Foundar’s promise thing!” N... no???
So first he wanted fame. Then he wanted the “power” Yōko bestowed on Foundar that caused his meteoric good fortune and rise through the ranks. Not a single shred of selflessness, as befitting a man named “greed”
Confirmation that Yōko had the Plague sealed within her and was put to rest in the shrine to keep it from infecting Luxendarc. I see we’ve got a morally grey fox demon here. For all she tries to help, it may do more harm than good sometimes
Greide was legitimately shocked that the Origin Plague spread as the Great Plague. His decision to poison those on their ships was due to a message from the Pope claiming he wouldn’t let any potential carriers dock
The Plague had one clear physical identifier on the effected: a star-shaped pattern on the pupil. He killed anyone he saw with that mark, and apologized to both the girl and Yōko sealed within her, who Foundar had wished to save and who he had failed
God, that star mark is just... ripe for a scene of someone turning around and having it in their eye as a dramatic reveal. If it doesn’t happen in this game I feel it’ll probably happen in a potential Bravely Third
“To my sons, and my son’s sons... I leave you this message: Blame me. Hate me. And then lead the church and this world on to a path which will ultimately eradicate the Plague that the fox girl so desperately wished to contain. To my sons... To all who come after me... Fear the Eye of Foundar. But do not fear failure.” And in the end... a moment of clarity. Who is right? Yōko or Greide, two tellers with biases that are different but no less strong?
I have never felt the pull of a sequel hook so strong in my life
Oooooh hello! Tent event with Ringabel!
And after giving him coffee, Yew and Magnolia make a hasty retreat so the Default crew can get some reminiscing done
Yes. Call Agnès. Get the quartet together again
Oh fuck Alternis picked up ABORT. ABORT.
So Agnès had him take her calls while she was in the bath, and now The Dim Twins are arguing
So Ringabel saved Braev and Alternis after the Kaiser’s attack during the first timeline. Alternis, did you not recognize your own damn voice when he saved you?
“Did you say Agnès was in... the bath?” *Edea whips her head to look at Ringabel faster than I can blink* Boooooooy you’re in... hot water now
...never change, Bel. Never change.
Did Yōko eat the team’s breakfast? The monster. Now she’s done it!
I’m gonna kick her ass and become a fox demon myself!
Yōko, that’s an amazing sword. I super love it. God, the pale pink fire theme? So rad
OH HOLY SHIT. Ringabel jumps in at random points in the fight to do his special attack!? THAT’S AMAAAAAAAZING. Love’s Vagrant may as well just be the battle theme at this point and I looooooooove iiiiiiiiiit
So, hey. Game. I see you can do this? Have a guest party member during a fight? Why couldn’t you do this with Denys!? Especially during the Diamante fight! It’s like literally every boss in Chapter 6 is designed to remind you how stupid Denys’s sacrifice was!
And Yew and Yōko‘s conversation is really something. She accuses him of bearing the sins of his forefathers, and when he tries to assert that he is himself, not Foundar OR Greide, and therefore shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions, she accuses him of denying his family. And that he sounds just like all the rest of them. Full of sentiment and idealism... and ultimately just as flawed and helpless and self-serving
So, hey, first of all leave my boy alone? Yew’s doing his best and has been this whole game. He’s the sweetest kid. You are not allowed to speak to him like that. I’ll kick your ass
Second, it just really goes to show how both Yew and Denys have spent their whole lives trying to fix a problem that shouldn’t have been theirs to fix. And it goes to show what great foils they are to each other. Denys instantly took the weight of their sins on himself, accepted them as a problem he had to fix, and dedicated his life to doing so by actively denying any good that came out of their actions and trying to undo it all. Yew is the one denying that it should be his problem to fix, yet he’s the one who accepts that what happened happened and is trying to fix the problem by looking at what went wrong and what went right and trying to smooth out the rough edges. It’s an interesting dichotomy of the acceptance-denial theme present in the narrative, where you could say that Yew’s denial led to a form of acceptance, and that Denys’s initial acceptance led to a form of denial that later had to be worked back into acceptance, but a less extreme kind
God, he’s going, like, every turn! He’s using every weapon in the book! THIS MAN IS UNSTOPPABLE
Man, and a boss that doesn’t revive? I love this quest
And changing jobs back, I see we’ve unlocked something I’ve known about for a while: Job Level 11, the hidden level. 9999 JP? That’s actually not an awful requirement
The final truth. The song of Altair is playing (and his bestiary entry has him mention that Yōko is familiar). One day, two people appeared on a glimmering ship, travelers from another world. Yōko aided them, as they looked for a way back to their own world. But a disease from their world that they had been studying in their ship’s lab escaped, and mixed with a disease from Luxendarc to create the Plague. Yōko feared for the people of this world that she loved, so she sealed the Plague inside herself and then sealed herself away, so that none could get sick again. People began to worship her as a god and built her a shrine, until eventually they, too, fell (I imagine this is Wa, the nation that sank beneath the sea eons ago, mentioned in various weapon notes, most notably katanas and other Japanese weaponry. It would explain the Japanese aesthetic of Yōko). 2400 years ago, the subject of our final painting (maybe? Nice mustache either way), Foundar, found her (..heh) and promised that while he didn’t have the means to help her, one day he would have one of his descendants free her from the Plague and her self-imposed imprisonment. Greide sealed her inside the girl to transport her to Gathelatio so that they could use their medical equipment to cure her... and we all know how that ended. It all destroyed any sense of goodness and love left within Greide, the would-be savior of a doomed spirit whose overconfidence led to a Plague that destroyed half of his world’s people
Hey, somebody hug my crying boy? Somebody hug Yew for me? Please? ...please?
Yōko is grateful to both Foundar and Greide. Foundar couldn’t save her, but could inform her that an old friend of hers was safe. Greide freed her, and even though he killed her host and left them beneath the sea, he did help end the Plague as she always wanted
Yew doesn’t even have anything to say. It’s his turn to shape the future? It is. But I know he’s gonna make it a better place
And Ringabel has to go. He wasn’t even supposed to let us know it was him; his superiors forbid it. But Yōko essentially turned this castle into a pocket-dimension that she regulates, so he figured he could reveal himself without his bosses knowing
“Edea, I never left you and I never will. Wherever... whenever you are in peril, there I will be!” ...Edea has died more than anyone else in my party, to the point where she’s a full half a level down from everyone else, even in the mid-70s. You’re sweet, but you’re doing a terrible job, pal
And to Magnolia, a job: with Yōko gone, there isn’t anyone to hold her Sins back, and they have been unleashed. (Dark summons!) No one knows fighting unearthly demons like Magnolia!
And his request to Tiz: tell Agnès he says hi. She’s the only friend he never got to see again (thanks, Alternis)
Wow, way to just warp out in a flash of light. Later, ass! You couldn’t just escort us to the door? (Trash fav)
WOW that was a dense quest. Goodness. And it’s still technically not done! I’ve got Sins to snag! But holy shit, why couldn’t the other sidequests in the game be like this? I mean, there was plot relevance! Character focus! Backstory! I’m so glad the Chapter 6 quests managed to be so good, it’s just a shame there weren’t more of them!
So the Adventurer’s fox opened a high level magic shop and... taaaaalks? This isn’t Persona 4, why is there an entrepreneurial fox here?
Hey, you shadowy DICK. What’s the Eye of Foundar!? I read the notes, fess up! Do I have to start worrying for my two favorite boys or what!?
And now he says nothing. Cool. Thanks. If anything happens to Yew or Denys I’m coming after you first
(So I think the reason my 3DS screen goes black when I put it down sometimes is because I’m putting it down on on my computer, where there’s magnets to keep it closed when I fold the screen down)
Ooooooooh looking for the Sins I found the hidden village of Chompshire in the Yulyana region. That’s what that owl guy meant during the Grandship quest
I mean it’s really pretty. Seems like an easily missable area unless you’re going for completion. Not bad, just not super important
So let’s get this show on the road and see what these sins are all about, huh?
The first sin is Asmodeus, the embodiment of lust. I mean it’s freaking sick looking? Like a floating cloak with a bunch of snake heads? There’s a blood moon rising in the background. And the battle theme rocks. I mean that literally, we have wailing guitars and some riff that sound like old-school Final Fantasy songs. Which, I mean, I guess that makes sense, since I think these guys are supposed to be cameos from Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (I have a friend who played that game a lot). The Adventurer’s a cameo, too, since Bravely was originally envisioned as a spiritual sequel to that game. Neat trivia
Okay??? It can imprison people in the Infernal Realm??? Not my boy! Bring Yew back!
Hey, he did. Thanks, you demonic monstrosity!
Guys, you look winded. That fight wasn’t that bad. Bit worrying, I guess, what with the Infernal Realm nonsense, but not awful
Sin 2 is Beelzebub, the manifestation of gluttony. I honestly have no idea how Magnolia knows what these guys are and their names, but whatever. It’s a head wearing a crown with some squid tentacles. The sky is red. He’s classified as a bug? Do enough damage while it’s in Gluttony mode (all attacks heal instead of hurt) and it dies instantly. Which is what I did. Later, doofus!
Next up is Mammon, the being of avarice (aka greed for non-pretentious folks). It’s a chick with wings, fox-like ears, and four, clawed arms coming out of her back. Her Avarice attack lets her steal the whole party’s BP, so it’s a bit of a waiting game at times.
Died the first time after getting very close and then getting wiped, level grinded everything to max in between then and the second time. I don’t forsee any more combat deaths, I’ll tell you that much
Oh, it’s a “he” according to the Bestiary? Alright.
And now we have Belphegor, a creature of sloth. And... hey, I thought I recognized this guy when fighting Yōko! It’s a weird furry guy sitting in a wheelchair. I fought this guy as a Norende Nemesis last game! He was one of the few I did. How do you like us now, man?
Okay, scratch that “no combat problems” thing this asshole absorbs anything that isn’t magic of the specific element he’s weak to. Yew? Darling boy of mine? Think you can Spellcraft Summon him into oblivion?
Atta boy
Well kids, let’s go kill Satan, the manifestation of wrath. With all the ranting I do sometimes, you guys sure I’m not the manifestation of wrath? I will say, this is probably the coolest depiction of a wrath-based foe I’ve ever seen? I mean, it’s a buff guy with four arms each holding swords, a torn black cloak, and his head doubles as a helmet and a full blown furnace! No wonder we’re fighting him near the Eisen volcano, he fits right in!
I looooooooooove Meteor Raiiiiiiiiiiin
And on to Leviathan, the manifestation of envy. AKA a bunch of wiggly serpents that go offscreen. Joke’s on you, jackass. I have Yew Geneolgia, destroyer of all on my side. Boy’s a terrifying spellcaster now
See, this is what happens when you let Yew do what comes easily to him instead of trying to make him be a swordsman like his brother. He becomes THE MOST POWERFUL BOY
Guess he had a turtle shell head? I dunno, he died too fast
And for the last one, no one’s surprised by their appearances anymore. Heck, the team’s enjoying it! It’s Lucifer, the manifestation of pride. Guy took the “fallen angel” thing and ran with it. It’s a suit of armor with a double angel wing on one side and a feathery sword-wielding arm on the other. And a dog head on its belly that bites? A’ight, man, you do you
I love my powerful magic son
And it seems Yōko’s left Yew a note thanking him. Good! You’d better thank Yew, specifically, because he did all the work!
That was an interesting sidequest... related thing? I will say, the most interesting part of it is the Bestiary entries, which take the real-world stories of these demons and comes up with Luxendarc analogues for the stories. It paints a really interesting picture of their world, but other than the references to real-world religious figures I don’t have much to say about it
Okay, I know Agnès’s hint line of “Yew... where are you going!?” is supposed to be referencing the fact that he shouldn’t know where Anne is and the player does, but considering that since we left Caldisla we’ve:
Trekked down to Vampire Castle and hung out there for a long while for seemingly no reason to an outsider
Flown across the world, stopping at various points to fight high-ranking demons in no particular order
Walked around in circles in Florem Gardens for, like, 10 or 15 hours to level grind (and bounced around to various shops to blow off the excess cash)
And gone in for a few last-minute Bestiary entries that I knew the locations of
I mean... it’s a valid question. Like, from her perspective we probably look completely insane. Or, since it’s Agnès, like we’re just as directionally challenged as she is. I didn’t do anything here I didn’t do with you last game, Agnès, but I promise. Next time...
We’re gonna go save Vega.
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ladyherenya · 7 years ago
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Books read in July
Four audiobooks (two fantasy, two historical). Two graphic novels and a Webtoon (fantasy). Five fantasy novels, including an illustrated children’s novel.  A short story collection (also fantasy). One YA  book from my shelves (mostly historical). All library books were borrowed through Overdrive.
(Longer reviews and ratings are on LibraryThing. And also my Dreamwidth blog.)
Lore Olympus by Rachel Symthe: Not a book but a Webtoon released in weekly episodes. I binged 23 episodes of this in July (and have read another 5 since). A modern retelling of Hades and Persephone. Parts of it are super cute! The artwork is gorgeous, bold and vibrant; I particularly like the night-time scenes. Persephone is a utter delight; Hades owns a lot of dogs and his initial kidnapping of Persephone is accidental and short-lived, effectively sidestepping the hugely problematic basis for their relationship in the original myth. This is a story interested in respecting characters’ agency. So far, the darker episodes have been handled sensitively. I want more RIGHT NOW.
Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll (narrated by Victoria Fox): After 13 year old Olive is injured during an air raid and her older sister goes missing, Olive and her younger brother are evacuated to the Devon coast. This is poignant and eventful, about life during WWII and attempts to help refugees. It twists and ties everything together very neatly -- more than I was expecting, but this is a children’s novel. I’d have thought it perfect when I was Olive’s age! Reading it now, I was struck by how relevant this sort of story is today. I also really liked Olive’s observations, and the vividness of the coastal community.
Clocktaur War by T. Kingfisher (aka Urusla Vernon):
Clockwork Boys: I wasn’t sure if I’d like this -- criminals on a suicidal mission isn’t my thing -- but I finished it and the sequel within 24 hours. A convicted forger with allergies, an assassin, a disgraced paladin and a young scholar are sent to stop an army of clockwork boys. I loved this! It isn’t as grim and cynical as it sounds. There’s banter and teamwork -- and amusing commentary on the physical discomforts of travelling on a quest. (One of Kingfisher’s strengths is taking something typically fantasy and blending it with something prosaic.) And I cared more about the characters than I expected to.
The Wonder Engine: Slate and her companions have reached Anuket City but are still in danger. I really like this. Again, it involves humour and the teamwork and characters I cared about. I appreciate that these are characters who have made mistakes and have have work out how to move on from their failures. I like the way the romance develops. The beginning of the book meanders a bit but then things become tense and fraught, drawing together various aspects of the story in a way which is unexpectedly clever and unexpectedly heartbreaking.
Faro’s Daughter by Georgette Heyer (narrated by Laura Paton): Oh, this was so much fun! It brims with Pride and Prejudice parallels, but that doesn’t bother me because the characters’ personalities, circumstances and motives are different. When Max Ravenscar hears that his young cousin plans to marry “a wench from a gaming-house”, he sets out to intervene. Deborah doesn’t want to marry Mablethorpe, but, insulted by Ravenscar’s attempts to bribe her, she pretends otherwise to annoy him. I was delighted by their interactions. Deborah’s passionate, with a fierce sense of honour, but also sensible and kind. Ravenscar’s level-headed, has a sense of humour and knows when to apologise.
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples:
Volume Five: This deals with the aftermath of Volume Four. It is full of missions which succeed in some way... only to then fail in another way. I was relieved that nothing worse happened, but I didn’t enjoy it much. There were a couple of deaths which disappointed me -- not because I was sad but because their deaths didn’t feel necessary and they made the story less interesting and less complex. I like seeing characters grow and change, and there’s just less potential for a character to build new relationships or challenge other characters when they are dead...
Volume Six: Hazel starts attending kindergarten in a detention centre, her parents search for a way to reunite their family and their enemies continue to pursue them. I enjoyed this volume a lot more than the previous two, because it has what they lacked: Alana and Marko working together! Their relationship is one of my favourite things about this series. They are delightful -- sometimes impulsive and reckless, but also optimistic and loving. They’re the reason I’m prepared to read a story which is frequently darker than I’d prefer. I also appreciated that there was positive resolution to the Hazel-is-abducted plotline.
Granny was a Buffer Girl by Berlie Doherty: A short coming-of-age story about love and leaving home as experienced by several generations of a working class family. On Jess’s last evening at home, her grandparents and parents tells stories about growing up in the 30s and 50s, and Jess reflects on her own experiences. There are all sorts of interesting details in these stories. Telling them side-by-side shows how times changes and how people take different paths to adulthood, but I wished it had focused more on some stories than others. Some of the prose is lovely, and as a whole this book is… oddly melancholy and memorable.
Discworld books by Terry Pratchett:
Wyrd Sisters (narrated by Celia Imrie): A king is murdered by his cousin, his young son is hidden with a group of travelling thespians and three witches break with custom by meddling in politics. This has some fabulously funny Macbeth references and lots of clever descriptions. I liked the witches, especially Granny Weatherwax and Magrat. However, I found some of the witches’ cattiness and pettiness frustrating. The plot is also more predictable than some of Pratchett’s. I wonder if I’d have been more invested in the story had there been more character growth (or more personal stakes) and less parody… Anyway, I liked this enough.
Making Money (narrated by Stephen Briggs): Reread, originally read 2012. I didn’t have much to say about it at the time: “Clever, witty and satirical, like Going Postal. I enjoyed it, but it failed to impress me (or make me laugh) quite as much. Perhaps it was a bit too much more-of-the-same?” No, the problem was that I didn’t listen to the audiobook! Pratchett is more engaging and much funnier when read aloud. Moist von Lipwig is the sort to get into trouble due to boredom; he’s at his most inspired when he’s flying by the seat of his pants. This is fun to watch. I couldn’t remember much about his adventures in banking, which made this reread even more entertaining. And appearances are made by the Watch… I would very happily gobble up more.
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik: Compelling and beautifully written, a story about winter, silver and girls who make themselves cold to protect those they love. It most obviously draws upon “Rumpelstiltskin”, but I recognised elements from other fairytales. I liked how the girls’ stories fit together and how they have to work together (and would have liked it even had there been more of that!) They come from different classes and family situations, but they each have to navigate limited choices, unwelcome offers of marriage and unexpected responsibilities. Their most important, most positive relationships, are familial ones -- a source of warmth in this wintry story.
The Halcyon Fairy Book by T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon): This has two parts. The Annotated Fairy Tales is a collection of strange fairytales interrupted with amusing commentary from Kingfisher, highlighting the weird bits and speculating about explanations for the characters’ behaviour. Some fairytales are even weirder than I realised. My favourite for its wackiness was “The Golden Apple Tree and the Nine Peahens”. My favourite as a story was “The Deer Prince”. Toad Words and Other Stories is a collection of Kingfisher’s short stories and poems. I love how she blends fairytales with reality, and does so with honesty, hope and humour. I should read everything else she’s written.
Nurk: The Strange, Surprising Adventures of a (Somewhat) Brave Shrew by Ursula Vernon: Nurk the shrew receives a letter intended for his grandmother, whose whereabouts are unknown. Nurk has never left home before but, packing clean socks and his grandmother’s diary (for advice), he sets out to return the letter to sender. Short and illustrated. Cute without being twee.
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lightsandlostbells · 7 years ago
The greatest gift Skam France has given me so far is that I can’t help but see Daffy and Imane as Angela and Phyllis from The Office when Phyllis managed to take over the party planning committee from Angela.
Good: I like the girl squad.
Less good: Contrivances that come with doing a close remake.
Clip 4 (post-cabin return)
Yann saying some “not like the other girls” bullshit is aggravating but I mean … it’s very much something a teenage boy would say. I’m not really going to hold it against him. Character flaws are good. Also, if I’m being optimistic about the show, you could say they’re going to knock down all this “girls are superficial” crap with the formation of the girl squad and the power of female friendships, so potentially it’s there on purpose.
On that note, I want to give the remakes the same trust I had in Skam at its best; the thing is, I’m not sure it’s earned it yet, because it’s such a close remake that I can’t actually get a sense of this production’s own values. If the series were to write a new season about Daffy or Alex or Yann from scratch, what would it be like? The one thing Skam France has really done to build some trust on its own merit, IMO at least, is cast more POC; other than that, their choices have made me trust them less (not casting actual teenagers is the biggest one for me). Skam broke the audience’s trust in certain areas, but it also did a number of things right that created the trust in the first place. People were disappointed in S4 partly because S3 had handled so many sensitive issues well. Anyway, this will be easier to discuss later in the season as it is still early.
Emma smiling after Yann compliments her is the most I’ve liked her so far and the most natural the actress has seemed, as well as the most chemistry this couple has had.
Clip 5 (Manon and Emma in Spanish class)
I like Manon. She has a different vibe from Noora and seems a bit softer and less sure of herself, whereas Noora seemed outwardly confident and outspoken. Noora was confident enough to correct the teacher and Manon was all “I’m just trying to be nice” (although lol, mentioning that Emma didn’t do her homework is throwing her under the bus a little).
Here’s a minor example of how scene flow and motivation sometimes seem muddled, though. In the original, Noora rescued Emma by being all, “Here’s the mistake you made, teacher” and Eva was like ???? How did you know that? and Noora explained that she lived in Madrid. Whereas in this version, this is like …Manon speaking very good Spanish, from what I can tell? But not presenting herself as an authority like Noora did, but it’s still treated as this thing that needs an explanation. Like maybe Manon is just gifted at Spanish? That’s not exactly unusual. But I might be missing some other context lost in translation, I’d like to know if there’s something I didn’t notice (like IDK, Manon’s Spanish accent is different from the one typically taught in French high school Spanish classes). It’s not a huge thing, just something that seemed a bit off.
Not trying to start a ship war or anything but Noora/Eva was way way WAY gayer in this scene. Remember when Noora was talking to the teacher in defense of Eva and Eva stared at her as if she’d seen the goddess of her dreams? Remember when they looked at each other afterwards and there was a ton of eyes flitting down to each other’s lips? That was a thing that happened, very blatantly. The whole “Eva wants to be friends with Noora” thing was SO much more drawn out, over the first three episodes and ended up having a bunch of parallels to the later canon couples on the show (Eva stalking Noora’s Facebook vs. Isak checking out Even and Sana checking out Yousef). Like by all means, board that Manon/Emma ship and set sail, I can see it from Manon’s end, but nothing came close to Eva’s heart-eyes. H!
I mean this is throwing down the gay gauntlet to Skam France. Bring out yer lesbians.
This is not a substantial comment at all but I am in love with Manon’s white cardigan.
Clip 6 (girl squad UNITES)
Okay, I wanted to talk about this clip in particular, because I went back and rewatched the scene in the original, and I was really impressed at how good Julie’s directing can be. I think we know she can pull off the big showstopper moments, but she’s also great at getting the little details that you don’t even think about until you’re actually analyzing the scene. Conversely, there are parts in the remake that come across as contrived.
I was a little worried about Daphne/Daffy in the first episode, but I liked her more here. “Liked” in the sense that I felt better about the actress, not that she was at her most likeable here.
So the introduction of Imane to the group.
The original scene does something where Chris enters and is in the frame on the left and says, “This is Sana, she wants to be on the bus” (paraphrasing) and then the camera slides over the empty space to reveal … a Muslim girl. There’s kind of an element of surprise which is certainly how Vilde reacts; I don’t want to speak on behalf of Norwegians, but I wonder if it wasn’t done for the audience as well? Considering the attitudes about Muslims and russ not mixing in S4. (I mostly just want to mention this shot because I think it’s effective. The remake makes Imane immediately visible next to Alex.)
Vilde is instantly taken aback and appears to eye Sana up and down. Her first question is to ask how Sana and Chris know each other, which in this context doesn’t seem like friendly small talk, but disbelief (”how could you two possibly know each other?). Her obvious discomfort and the sudden tension is what I think makes Sana reply sarcastically about meeting at the mosque. Then we have the incredibly awkward moment of Vilde asking whether Sana can participate in russ as a Muslim. She never actually accepts Sana into the group during this scene.
In the remake, when Alex asks if Imane can join them, Daffy’s discomfort is less obvious (it’s there but it’s shorter and less pronounced from an acting perspective) and she says yes. Yes, she also says a bunch of dumb shit 10 seconds later. But the first thing she says is agreeing to have Imane on board. That should immediately set a different course for the scene, because even though Daffy is being ignorant, she is at least superficially accepting Imane into the group. Her asking how Imane and Alex know each other is therefore not quite as hostile in this context, but Imane makes the same comment about meeting in the mosque. So … did Imane manage to pick up on Daffy being uncomfortable anyway because she’s used to microaggressions? Because she figured a bunch of white girls would instantly question why a Muslim girl wanted to be involved? Or is she just making a joke by way of introduction? All of these are plausible explanations, but this is part of the problem with doing such a close remake. You end up keeping the dialogue and events the same even when the execution - the directing and acting and staging - doesn’t really flow or match. I don’t need to be force-fed explanations for why someone says or does something, but I also am not sure much thought is going into some of these interactions besides “it happened in the original.”
Just a note about the directing: In the original scene, after Sana is introduced, Julie puts the camera behind Chris, and has Vilde keep looking over to her, both for guidance (”can you help me out with this situation”) and in a “why did you bring her” sort of way. It’s a pretty interesting choice that adds an extra complexity to the scene; it’s not just this racially tense conversation between Vilde and Sana, it’s also adding the silent conversation that Vilde is trying to have with Chris and taking note of that relationship. Especially I think Vilde does feel stupid after Sana makes the comments about the mosque and the stoning. I mean, she was being ignorant and I can’t say I feel bad for her in this moment. But Chris is her best friend in the group, the only one she’s close with so far, and Chris is loudly and obviously laughing at a joke make at Vilde’s expense. Chris has taken Sana’s side, in a sense, making it a sort of betrayal to Vilde. How could you invite someone like that to be on the bus with us, how could you laugh when she’s making fun of me?
The remake doesn’t have this extra layer in its direction; it’s shot in a pretty straightforward way, the conversation between only Daffy and Imane, really. And that doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it does show how different directorial decisions can add subtext and layers in the smallest of ways.
There is a more lingering shot of Daffy toward the end, which does not bother me nearly as much as the lingering shots of Lucas, because a) Emma is sitting there anyway and b) it’s not revealing anything we couldn’t have guessed about Daffy’s state of mind from her dialogue and attitude in the rest of the scene, while the bits with Lucas hint at something that he’s hiding.
OK, I have to mention this, too. Does Imane go to parties? If so, wouldn’t it be likely one of the other girls would have seen her at some parties? Especially for Daffy who would surely see a Muslim girl and go “does not compute.” If not, then why does she want in on this one specific party all of a sudden? It made sense for Sana to want in on this specific cultural event, that has a lot to do with proving herself and tying her Norwegian/Muslim identities together, and saw the girl squad as an opportunity to be on a bus when Pepsi Max and other groups would likely reject her. It makes less sense here for Imane to … want to be popular? If she wants that, then what was she doing before to achieve that goal? Is this a new aspiration of hers and if so, what motivated that change? Does she just want to make bank on this party? But overall, it’s just murkier why Imane would want in on this random party, especially a party thrown by the school losers. Unless she just wants friends, which is fair enough!
All of this could potentially be really interesting if they explored it. Maybe they will have Imane talk about her reasons by the end of the season. And honestly, if I hadn’t seen this story already, I probably wouldn’t question it at this point. My issue is that I get the feeling they’re not going to account for this shift in motivation and just do a shallow find+replace on the situation without taking into account the different context.
That said, despite all of this, I loved Imane right off the bat. And Alex!
But like … garr, the setup of the whole hitting-on-Lucas gag is SO much more contrived than in the original, like Chris was actually standing there while Vilde was talking to Eva. Isak was sitting directly in front of her. Her flirting fit the scene while this other conversation between the girls was happening. Alex is super cute and charming and if you look at it charitably, it’s a nice establishing character moment? But less charitably, it’s an attempt to shoehorn in a moment from the original even when the blocking and directing doesn’t fit. (It reminded me of Julie’s comments in the script for 3.5 about how she changed the locker room scene because of the way the room looked, and the blocking made it difficult to film what she wrote, so they re-did the scene. I hope they feel free to do that here.)
I don’t have much to say about this clip because it felt like a bit of a non-entity compared to the original. The original clip felt very much like an establishing scene for Sana as a character more than anything. Sana had all the answers, never hesitated, spoke so confidently, and the longer it went on the more you were astonished by this girl, until she was nodding in satisfaction and essentially congratulating herself for a job well done while the other girls sit around her in stunned silence around their new queen. I do like Imane but because the clip was so much shorter, and felt kind of perfunctory, it lacked that specific punch. Even the way it ended, like YOU HAVE TO DUMP YOUR BOYFRIEND, felt more like a ooooOOO wacky cliffhanger, what will Emma do? sort moment, more than an emphasis on Imane.
There’s one little moment I like, when Alex and Imane are talking at the beginning and Manon looks over at Daffy who gives her this look and small smile, like it’s friendly but there’s also some exasperation and disappointment behind it, “this is not the way I imagined this going” kind of feeling. It’s the sort of tiny and subtle beat that I want to see more of in the show.
Maybe I’m missing something because I don’t speak French, or I’ve missed it in the social media, but when is this party supposed to be?  Because I thought the synopsis for the show said that they would be planning the party over the first two seasons?
General Thoughts:
One thing I will say is that it’s becoming clear that pacing matters. Not just the pacing of the clips as spread day by day, but the pacing within the clips themselves. I think part of the reason Skam felt really natural to us is that events took time to unfold, the show was not afraid to have long pauses or silences and to let moments breathe, to let tension build or realization dawn or slowly change the tone of a scene. With Skam France it’s apparent that the scenes are often rushed. They’re just plowing through the dialogue.  If there are time restraints that mean the show has to air within a set amount of time, then there was unnecessary stuff this episode that could have been cut to make room for more important content.
The reworking of the russebuss into a generic party is pretty contrived as many have noted, but I want to get an answer on when the damn party is supposed to take place before I comment further.
I like all of the girl squad so far except Emma. Sorry! I’m not trying to drag this actress, she’s just … not there. I can’t imagine her pulling off the vulnerable moments later in this season. I would be happy to be proven wrong.
The thing about Lucas is that I don’t necessarily think he’s a bad actor, but he seems like the most obviously “acting” and the least natural and so far he doesn’t quite fit in what’s supposed to be a hyper-realistic teen drama. I could see him doing a good job in a different type of production like a stage play where everything’s heightened and dramatic.
But I also saw some people who speak French be like nah, he’s pretty bad so (shrug). I do think you can kinda see him think “here’s my line” and “here’s where I hit my mark” in his scenes.
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theomencometh · 8 years ago
the thing that really gets me about the last skam clip is that it could very well have dismantled almost all of sana's relationships.
pepsi max girls: obviously this one is a given, as it was so rocky to begin with and she knows they're going to kick her off the bus now
girl squad: how much did they know about the plan to exclude sana? we know that at least vilde knew, since the girls said that vilde was the actual bus boss (which is such a slap in the face since sana has defended vilde so. many. times.), but we don't know if the others knew.  the one least likely to know would be noora.  speaking of...
noora: there are so many layers I could talk about but mainly I think it's important to say that noora was the one that sana seemed to trust the most, so her role will be the one that hurts the most.  first off, we have noora's resentment at sana over not telling her that william had a new girlfriend, then we have noora kissing yousef.  I don't think sana would hold any of that against her, though, as sana didn't tell noora she liked yousef and sana would probably understand why noora was upset at her.  the real thing that would cause a riff between them (besides noora being upset at sana for not telling her about william) would be how everyone seems to favor noora over sana, with their similarities.  they're both feminists who wear dark lipstick and stand up for what they believe is right, but not only is noora the one who was kissing yousef, but noora was also the one that the two pepsi max girls sana overheard said they were especially excited about getting to know better.  them citing noora rather than eva or vilde had to be intentional.  this could cause sana not only to doubt if noora had actually been on her side earlier this season, but to also harbor some resentment, even if it is subconscious.  it's hard seeing someone you have a lot in common with constantly get favored over you
yousef: this one is also a given.  sana thought they had something, but then she saw him and noora kissing, and now she will distance herself from him because she'll think she was reading into it and there wasn't actually anything there, or this will change her opinion of him
isak/even/boy squad: we don't know the specifics of the fight, but we do know that at some point isak got hit in the face and that both sides were angry.  the boy squad might be upset at sana simply because it was her brother who was involved in the fight (I can especially see this happening with jonas, magnus, and mahdi since they don't know sana as well as isak and even), but even may also be upset at sana for not warning him that the balloon squad might show up.  isak's main priority will be to ensure that even is okay, and this may cause him to distance himself from sana for the time being.  on top of that, sana is going to blame this on herself.  she works so hard to protect her friends, and she is going to feel like she just caused one of them to get hurt.  this might cause her to feel awkward around isak, or at a loss for what to do
elias: similar to the boy squad, he might be angry with her because she didn't warn the balloon squad that even was there.  it was also her friends that were involved in the fight which he might be upset about, and again sana might feel some guilt for bringing those two parties together.  sana wasn't expecting a fight: there was no apprehension when she first saw the balloon squad enter in the clip.  the discomfort that she'll feel for reading the situation so wrong could very well impact how she interacts with elias.  seeing him so angry towards a group of people that she cares about also can be jarring, especially since she wasn't expecting it.
as of now, it seems like the only person sana really has is her mom, who she can't tell all of this stuff to since she would have to explain the russ bus, reveal that the good muslim boy she was crushing on is both not muslim and the boy that her mother doesn't approve of, and she would end up ratting out elias for fighting, as well as possibly outing even (if that ends up being relevant). 
tl;dr: sana even more isolated than before and I am worried for her and just want her to be okay.
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