#it does NOT mix well with my carpal tunnel
wazzuppy · 2 years
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itsdannycragg · 2 months
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Hi Tumblr!
I logged da fuck off at some point and will continue to be very much so not on social media! Believe me when I tell you life is better on the other side.
I do want to pop in with a life update for the curious!
I'm out here in Durham, NC, and three years after moving here with Shelby and Brian, I can confidently say there isn't a place in the world I'd rather put my roots down.
I never knew what actual community looked or felt like until I came here. I'd made friends in town everywhere I'd lived, of course, and we would go out to eat or on a vacation, visit a gallery or something, but in Durham it's just different. Looking out the window during a car ride, chatting with a stranger in a grocery store, checking out a thrift shop or going to the library, I find myself declaring "I love living here..." the same compulsive way I tell my partners I love them. Durham isn't just a place I live, it's where I belong.
I've been calling myself an ex-cartoonist, and preaching the nightmare of trying to make art for infinite-profit focused megacorps. It's not that I didn't love making cartoons, it's that I did. It may not be that way for everyone, but for me, working a job I loved meant I was working every second of my life. Being an artist is a core part of my heart and soul, and near the end, I had become so burnt out I would spend hours just trying to start doing the work I used to fly out of bed excited to do.
So I did some of this and that, worked a retail job that fucked my hands up so bad that I had to have double carpal tunnel release surgery. 29 years as an artist and I get carpal tunnel from hefting around boxes in a warehouse!
Since then, I've pivoted into building a career as a graphic designer. (And I'm learning web dev too!) I'm getting involved in the local nonprofit scene, meeting so many incredible people and finding so many cool and exciting opportunities to focus my design work on community awareness, nonprofits, small businesses!! I didn't expect that to be so viable for a Graphic Designer. I had the misconception for a long time that I'd have to put my creative sensibilities aside for more dry, sensible corporate phooey. But there's so much more. Graphic design is truly a delight and a challenge! I have always enjoyed thinking critically about all forms of human creation. Why am I so drawn to this book cover? What makes that building so weird? Why do these casserole mix boxes piss me off? Why does that person's outfit look so fucking awesome?
Taking those thoughts and using them to inform how I approach design is an entirely different beast from animating and illustrating. I'm fighting for my life out there formatting text, morphing vectors and and scooting things around a comp until it works. A picture's worth a thousand words, but you don't have space for a thousand words in a graphic design. Condense! Condense! It's challenging, and a lot of fun.
Working as a cartoonist was my dream come true, and I am forever proud of and thankful for the part I have played in the history of animation and queer representation in entertainment. I had the privilege of having the life crisis I had at 21— "I never thought I'd get this far. What more could I want? What do I do now?"
Well, a decade later I confidently know what comes after having my dreams come true. I get older, and I experience new things, meet new people, struggle paying bills, endure all kinds of misfortunes and problems, and come out the other side astounded and proud to have survived it. Grow closer to my family friends and community as the years deepen our history together, and just be amazed and thankful that I made it this far, over and over.
It's funny being called old by my younger friends, because I have never felt so young in my life! I JUST cracked 30. There are so many things I haven't done yet, and so many things I don't know that I don't know yet. And I have the power to take ALL of this and to create art about it. Hopy shit!
Speaking of making art and sharing it, one of the reasons I'm excited to be learning web dev is so I can carve out places online where I can share anything and everything I want to. Media Crit, comics, essays, comics, illos, however I want to present it. I'll share it when I get the site running. Or maybe I wont and you'll have to find it by chance.
And of course, I'm still actively writing Neokosmos with Shelby and Brian, and doing other little things here and there. :) See ya when I see ya, Danny
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mostly-marvel-musings · 4 months
Birthday Boy
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A/N: A little something for our favorite birthday boy. Written for @fandom-free-bingo Happy birthday Tony Stark! Leave a heart, comment or reblog if you enjoyed the story.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger! F! Reader (our reader has Falcon-like abilities and Red Wing as well)
Warnings: 18+ smut, fluff.
Word count: 2675
Square filled: “You’re coming with me.”
Fandom Free Bingo Masterlist
“You’ve got one on your left, Y/L/N. He’s armed. And does nine o’clock work for you?”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored the last bit of Tony’s sentence and jumped into action. Disarming the Hydra soldier wasn’t a big deal for you, what was distracting was the constant commentary coming in from the snarky billionaire who was hard to push off.
It was his birthday and you were one of his closest friends, all he wanted to do was go out, party and spend time with you - meaning he wanted you to potentially hook him up with someone while he did the same for you. And then the two of you would bitch about your respective dates over breakfast the next day, laugh and get over it, like you always did.
But this time around it was different. You were finding it harder and harder to keep your feelings for the man at bay. You couldn’t remember when it all actually went from friendship to something more, maybe it was around your fifth bad date when you felt super down in the dumps, Tony had been the best listener, he always was, he just never got enough credit for it. You spoke all night, he wiped your tears and made you feel better about yourself. You felt truly seen and heard. That was when you realized what lacked in all the other boys that you had found in Tony, someone you wanted the most and someone you probably could never have.
Which is why you were avoiding spending another drunken evening with the man, you would probably end up spilling your guts and if he didn’t feel the same way, you’d be left heartbroken and you would lose a really good friend.
“Good job, Y/N. You’re a solid addition to the team, unlike Legolas over here with his carpal tunnel syndrome.”
You chuckled as you heard Clint swearing at Tony over the comms, shaking you head, you continued your way into the building to extract information. Once you were done, you stepped out and made your way over to the jet where you were met with an impatient looking Tony.
“You haven’t answered my question. Tomorrow, you and me, out on the town? It’s my birthday in case you forgot.” his big brown eyes implored you for an answer, standing in your way until you did. Sometimes you hated how persistent he could be, and more than that the fact that you fell for those gorgeous eyes every single time.
“Ugh. Fine! I’ll go. But you’re paying. And you will drop me home in case I get shitfaced.” you sighed, pushing him away and towards the bathroom to change.
Now you were kind of dreading tomorrow as much as you were looking forward to celebrating with your friend.
“How about fishnet stockings over there? She’s got a rack that would get you googly-eyed.” you tried to avoid the disdain in your voice as you nodded at the blonde who sat at the far end of the bar.
Tony was sucking on a wedge of lemon post the shots you two had downed before he turned his gaze in the direction you were pointing at. He hummed in appreciation but did nothing about it, simply went on ordering you some more drinks.
“What?” you frowned, secretly hoping he wouldn’t approach the woman because it would break your heart but Tony wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge. Especially when it came to women. He just loved showing off how much he ‘didn’t have to try’.
Tony shrugged, not answering you right away, instead he pushed a drink towards you, his knee nudging yours now that he had slid closer. The familiar smell of his cologne mixed with motor oil and coffee filled your nostrils, making you wish just for once you could snuggle closer to him and just revel in his scent. Pushing your luck a little, you laid your arm across his shoulder and angled your body towards him, to your surprise he pulled you closer and kissed your temple, making your little heart flutter hopelessly.
“Careful Stark, the ladies are gonna think we’re together and you might end up having an off night.” you teased.
“Tony Stark never has an off night, sweetheart. Never.” his breath fanned your cheek as he spoke, raising an eyebrow up at you just to make sure you understood his point. A tingle went down your spine as his fingers caressed the back of your neck, lightly grazing your skin.
This wasn’t good. No. Not since your feelings were on overdrive.
“Then why aren’t you going over to Fishnets? Come on, I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to warm your bed.”
Tony made a face at your words, one that had you frowning because it was unusual. He never answered though.
“What about you, Y/L/N? No guy worthy enough for your attention here? I thought one of those suited up, boring businessmen would be up your alley. What do you think?”
You looked over to where Tony was pointing, the guys were certainly handsome and by the looks of it seemed quite well to do. Maybe you could go up to them, strike up a conversation and eventually go home with one, in hopes of forgetting about your crush. Yeah, you certainly needed to get laid, it had been a while.
“Alright then. I will if you will.” you finished your drink and slammed it a little hard on the table than you normally would.
“What?” Tony frowned.
“You and Fishnets. Me and Mr. Suity-man over there. We’ll see which one of us hits the jackpot.” you winked, steadying yourself before giving Tony a little shove. It was a distraction you needed. Maybe watching Tony work his charm on another woman would work in helping you get over him finally.
Tony felt his blood boil at the sight of the fancy-ass suited guy wrap an arm around your waist while you giggled. The woman next to him was practically throwing herself at him, not the least bit interesting when it came to conversations and was pretty much laughing at everything he said, even if it wasn’t funny. Normally he would have her back at the penthouse already, be done with before heading down to his lab and have her sent off before he had his first cup of coffee in the morning. But it was different, he had no intentions of sleeping with that woman. Or any other woman that wasn’t Y/N.
These days, he only had eyes for her. Y/N made him feel things he didn’t think he was capable of feeling. Being with her made him feel like he was worth something, like he was finally being seen for who he really was. Her laugh made his heavy heart a little lighter, her presence felt like warm sunshine on a cold day.
And now he felt like he was blowing his chance with you by agreeing to this stupid bet. Catching her eye, he raised his eyebrows to ask how it was going, chuckling to himself when she made a disgusted face. That sent relief flooding through his system for some reason, at least she wasn’t going home with that stupid, tall guy.
A few moments later you both caught up at the bar for more drinks, letting out collective defeated sighs and shaking your heads.
“This pub is dull. I’m going home alone, aren’t I?” you huffed, feeling dejected and placing your head against your hand as you looked at the woman Tony was supposed to talk to, she had a sour expression on her face before she stormed off to where your potential date was. Maybe they would hit it off, you thought with a laugh.
“You and I both, Y/L/N. So? What was wrong with him?” Tony mirrored your position, eyes curious.
“Ugh. The guy wouldn’t stop yapping about football, he hates all animals and he thinks you’re just a big show-off.” You rolled your eyes, downing a glass of water in between to keep yourself hydrated.
“I mean, he’s not completely wrong,Y/N.” Tony shrugged. It wouldn’t be the first time someone’s called him that, hell, he had been called worse.
“Shut up. He couldn’t be more wrong.”
Something about your tone amused him though, the way you got so defensive about him kinda made him feel proud. And intrigued him to know more.
“I mean he had the balls to say you are a pompous, arrogant jerk who does things for nobody but yourself.” You scoffed.
“It’s not like he’s ever spent months in some cave in Afghanistan and escaped, turned his whole business around and bloody well succeeded, invented a frickin 'element, saved I don’t know thousands of lives? Formed the avengers? Been the most generous man I’ve ever come across and—”
Your sentence was cut short as Tony’s lips cut you off abruptly. Was it really happening? Utterly shocked at first, you didn’t respond for a few seconds which made him stop.
“Is that why you rejected him?” He murmured, now cupping your face tenderly with his hands.
“That and the fact that he wasn’t you.” You answered honestly, your heart thudding beyond control at this point as blood rushed to your ears and cheeks, turning them warm.
“You’re the only one I want too, Y/N. Always have.”
His confession turned your insides into mush, a grin forming on your face that you couldn’t control. It was just a little hard to believe that the man you wanted also wanted you in return. The kind of stuff only dreams and romantic novels are made of.
“You’re coming with me.”
Grabbing your hand Tony guided you out of the pub. And of all the people you could go home with, you were finally going with the one person you wanted the most.
There was a flurry of activity once you were back at Tony’s penthouse. Clothes strewn about, giggles echoing in the empty hallway along with fervent kisses.
Once you were down to your underwear, Tony stepped back to admire your body, his gaze darkening as he saw the lacy, red lingerie you wore. It was a happy coincidence but for him, it was enough to want you in every way.
“Is this my birthday present?” He pulled you flush against his chest, turning you around so your ass grazed against his growing erection. Lips pressed against your warm skin, his hands slid lower and lower until he cupped your clothed sex to find it damp with desire.
“Maybe this is? Hmm?” His breath was hot against your ear, fingers teasing your folds over your panties before sliding them aside to feel you.
Gently tugging on his hair, you turned around in his arms and pushed him on his back until he flopped on the bed, smirking up at you as you straddled his legs.
“Eager much?”
“Very much.”
Placing a hand on his chest, you lowered yourself on top and kissed him, smiling into it when it responded with equal if not more enthusiasm. Your tongue slipped past his mouth, earning a needy grunt from the man as you moved your hips deliberately over his, teasing his clothed cock as it eagerly twitched underneath you.
“How come it took you so long to kiss me, Stark?” your tone was light but accusatory as you nipped at his ear. The way he was kissing you first made you realize you weren’t the only one longing for this to happen.
“How come it took you so long to act upon your feelings, Y/L/N?” he inquired instead, holding your hips and sitting up with you, caressing your sides gently with a faint smile playing on his lips.
You knew he’d ask you this question, you took a deep breath and decided on going with honesty, he deserved to know the truth if this was ever going to work out. Whatever ‘this’ was.
“I didn’t know if you felt the same way, Tony. I was afraid of losing you. You’re a royal pain in my ass but you’re my friend, Anthony Stark. So whatever we’re doing here, or about to do, I don’t want it to affect our friendship, okay? I’m completely fine with the whole friends with benefits situation–”
Yet again, your little ramble was cut off by Tony’s soft lips, kissing your insecurities away delicately, allowing your heart to flutter a little.
“That’s the thing, Y/N. I don’t want to be your friend anymore–, you felt like your stomach dropped, for a second you couldn’t believe what was going on before he continued, “I want to be your boyfriend, the best and only one you’ll have. You’re my ray of sunshine and I want you all to myself. That is if you’ll have me.” he blinked up at you in all sincerity, fingers fidgeting against your skin nervously as he waited.
His confession sent a thousand butterflies fluttering in your belly.
“You need to stop cutting me off like that, Stark.” you murmured with a smile as you tugged on his hair, inching your face closer to him.
“Or what?”
You hummed, pushing him back down once more and letting your hair drape around his face as you slid a hand down his torso, down past his boxers to find his length eager for you. Your touch elicited a needy moan from the man as your fingers gripped him, giving him slow, lazy strokes.
“You’re bossy, I like it.” his mouth fell open at your ministrations, his breath coming in shallow.
You didn’t take long to undress then, kissing along his chest which was littered with scars the closer look you had. Tony hadn’t felt so vulnerable and yet safe at the same time, then again he’d never been with you.
You lined yourself up against him, watching him as you sank down on his cock, letting out a content sigh as he stretched you out completely. Slow at first, you began rolling your hips against him, feeling every last inch of him as you continued to kiss, swallowing his grunts.
“You feel so good, Y/N.” Tony sighed, digging his fingers into your hips, thrusting up into you for more.
“So do you, Tony. Fuck me, please.” your needy whisper was all he needed to flip you over so you were under him, still connected. Once he had your arms pinned above your head, he didn’t stop, didn’t stop until you were a writhing mess, crying out his name as he impaled you with his cock. His brutal pace had you clenching around him in desperation, wanting release as you clung to him.
“Come for me, Y/N. Let me hear you.”
Tony’s words undid you, making your pussy spasm around his length as you gushed, his name falling from your lips like a prayer. You were in a haze as his end approached, pulling out in time to come all over your thighs, spurts of his cum painting your skin white as he groaned in pleasure.
“I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had.” he panted, helping you clean up before cuddling you close, frowning when all you did was hum.
“I’ve had better.” you teased, his reactions always made the joke worth it. He tickled you until you begged for mercy, out of breath as you laughed with the man, feeling a sense of contentment being with him like this. His relaxed features and demeanor suggested he felt the same.
“Oh! I completely forgot!”
“Happy birthday, Tony.”
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💛Happy Birthday to our favourite ray of sunshine, Anthony Edward Stark💛
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kijosakka · 3 months
Eva headcanons. gimme
eva my girl <3 i love. her. <3
• loves scorpions
• like izzy, really enjoys rock climbing. they go like every weekend together
• at one point had a hissing cockroach as a pet
• hobbyist photographer
• while good at listening to bodily cues for things like thirst and hunger, she’s hot garbage at doing the same for injury
• ^ she got fucked up joints 😔(joking a little, though she does overexert her knees and back very often)
• had carpal tunnel when she was like thirteen
• learns how to play the drums post td as an anger management thing (though growing to genuinely enjoy it)
• very, very good at contact sports but finds it hard to find anyone willing to play with her
• post td i see her as the one most in touch with her emotions and the most willing to actually work through them
• ^ despite blowing up quite often, shes very aware of her faults and very willing to work through them (this is basically canon i think)
• hated math and found it difficult, however very good at physics
• can’t braid/do hair very well, can however, cut/shave hair well
• prefers moths over butterflys (this is a trait her and gwen share)
• hard metal fan (canon basically to me)
• prefers cold showers
• ^ uses unscented body soap and something like coconut shampoo
• in spite of being fairly emotionally grounded, she can’t be emotionally vulnerable for shit
• really good at petsitting. the same cannot be said about babysitting
• loves riding dirt bikes
• has never experienced flavor fatigue
• either wears seamless socks or wears them strictly inside out
• her guilty pleasure are childhood/kids movies and shows (izzy and noah watch them with her when they find out)
• hates when her food touches
• prefers savory over sweet/sour, genuinely likes bitter tastes
• spent her summer at 15 y/o taking odd jobs and so many of them failing is part of what influenced her to join TD the following summer
• will not hesitate to correct any bad form she sees at the gym; did that to tyler multiple times on the playa
• definitely had a mullet at some point
• izzy is the first real friend she ever makes (real perhaps italicized,,,,, perhaps something to do with her canon dislike of backstabbers,,,, and willingness to jump to conclusions about perceived betrayals towards herself,,,,,)
• i think her and lindsay could be casual friends. and by that i mean lindsay takes her motorcycle riding sometimes
• rarely gets bitten by mosquitoes, however is very prone to ant bites
• mid action and WT punched at least 30 paparazzi
• can cook pretty well; however the last time she tried to bake box cake mix it exploded
• often saddled with the most amount of work in group projects however could not present or speak in front of crowds, usually screwing her grade anyway
• has a gym in her Room. pull-up door attachments, mats, dumbbell sets, resistance bands, grip strength things, etc etc
• lost many volley/soccer/basket/etc balls during childhood bc she’d hit them over people’s fences accidentally and never work up the courage to ask for them back
• has bruxism
• ^ also somehow has insanely strong teeth. shes never chipped a tooth ever
• probably ripped her baby teeth out on her own when they came loose without a problem
• bad at knife throwing, but not at axe throwing
• struggles to understand/relate to her peers not because shes deliberately trying to be rude/obtuse about it but because she never learned to during her formative years
• likes how cough syrup tastes
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dabis-azure-songbird · 8 months
GazettE Oneshot Preview (Mostly Aoi x Reader)
Uh, wow. Um. hi. This was originally posted around Halloween for Kinktober...but it didn't turn out that way so I'm posting a snippet now. It's super hardcore...So please exercise caution. I'll mark it with #Hardtober so you all can block it and won't see the full one. I sustained an overuse/work injury in the base of my thumb that is also connected to my wrist...My thenar eminence or possibly the start of carpal tunnel. I went to the ER one Sunday and then also had physical therapy and meds...I also got officially diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder. I apologize if I've let anyone down. I know I keep disappearing and everything, so I understand if you can't support me. But to those who still enjoy my work and want to read it... this is a new preview for you. This oneshot will be fucked up and raw, so please be warned. I'm trying to come back...but I feel terrible I haven't updated my Naga Bakugo on A03 in three years... My wrist/hand is getting sore and hurting a bit now, but I hope some of you enjoy and appreciate it.
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MAJOR WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE: Violence, kidnapping, blood kinks, gore, CNC, dubcon, Kai is the bad guy (because I love it and I'm a kinky bitch dammit, so yeah), established relationship with Aoi, foul dirty talk, multiple partners. This may be triggering, so please proceed with extreme caution. And you may ask, why would you write this? It's my comfort and I'm taking back my control for all the men who touched me against my will or the one who told me not to tell them "no". If you don't want to read it, you don't have to. Block #Hardtober
Pairing: Aoi x Reader is the main pairing, but all the GazettE boys have fun with the reader in their own ways.
I will not warn you again, continue at your own risk now. This is also based off of and inspired by TCM, Mad Marble Hell Vision, No. 666. It also jumps right into the action so be ready from the get-go.
A scream echoed through the woods as the dark-haired male fought you to the ground and a punch to the side of your face left you momentarily shocked.
"STOP! Please!"
As he rolled you to face him, you continued to try to grapple and wrestle him. As he pulled the knife from his pants, your blood ran cold like ice.
"Please! Please, no!"
You were able to knock the knife away, slicing your hand a little in the fray, but he still got ropes looped around your wrists and pulled them taut. Refusing to give up, you lurched your body back with just leg power before he grabbed an ankle to draw you back and tie them as well.
You just kept screaming. At first. Kai admitted he liked it, but now you were just starting to get on his nerves.
"Shut up, bitch!" he spat, pulling a rag from his pocket to gag your mouth.
You groaned lowly around the cloth as he hoisted you onto his shoulder.
"Good girl. That's more like it."
You tried to squeal at the hand that patted your bottom.
"Wouldn't do that if I were you, little lady. If I drop you, you'll have an even prettier shiner tomorrow."
Your head began to feel hazy as you hung on him like a sack. For a second, Kai thought you passed out on him. A flick to the side of your thigh quickly resolved that when you yelped in surprise.
He grinned as he brought you into the house. Your eyes met the dark eyes of your boyfriend as he grasped the cage's bars, covered in blood and gore.
"BABY GIRL! You put her down!"
"AGH!" you choked.
"Oh? This is your boyfriend, beautiful? Does he fuck you so good you'll cry like I will?"
Hot tears began to flood down your face as he dropped you ass first on the floor.
"I have a better idea. Why don't I let my pet fuck you instead. Huh? Are you really a dirty little slut?"
You stared at him, black eye already forming and irritated by tears. A frustrated and muffled scream tore out around the cloth as he pushed you into another cage. One with a white band around his nose and blonde hair. The male grunted as his hands held you up and your terrified eyes met his. He licked his lips.
Kai smirked as Reita's hands slid over your torn clothes and bruised and dirty skin.
"Now, Reita, you don't just want to touch her, do you?"
"Reita" glanced to your pleading eyes, to Aoi's, to Kai's, and then back to yours. Slowly, tentatively, he took a step back into the corner of his cage, leaving you to balance on tied feet.
"Getting soft on her, are you?"
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azems-familiar · 2 years
another month before i can see the doctor for potential carpal tunnel issues. my hands, wrists, and elbows hurt every day and it's so frustrating because it makes it hard for me to do things like sit down and focus on writing when every press of a key makes my entire lower arm ache - i think it's nerve pain, it doesn't quite feel like the tendon pain i get in my knees, it might be a mix of both, but either way it's uncomfortable. and the random tingling/"falling asleep" feelings in my fingers are starting to happen more frequently, which isn't helpful either.
on TOP of all that, it's been 8.5 months and i'm still sick with whatever this undiagnosed GI issue is. i'm supposed to have my 6 month followup with the GI specialist later this month, but i don't expect much, since all they did was do an endoscopy, tell me nothing was wrong with me, that it'd get better in a few months, and send me on my way. well it sure hasn't done that and i really don't want to lose more than the 40 lbs i've already lost this year because i can't fucking eat anything.
all that to say.... if you've been wondering why i haven't been producing a lot of writing recently, this, on top of the unmedicated depression/ADHD/anxiety, is why. my body refuses to cooperate when my brain does.
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hishima · 2 years
i'm actually the worst person to ask about rhythm game recs because i spent years of my life playing llsif on and off and getting into mobile gacha rhythm game hell. but i mean, if you're there for the gameplay and not the gacha, they can sometimes be fun? project sekai's probably the one everyone is getting into now.
this got long so... under a read more.
i've been meaning to expand my list myself, so i'll mostly talk about those ones -- for ones you can download, there's stepmania (can be played both as a ddr-type game and with keys and the like), osu (...it's osu), arcaea (i want to try it but i'm also intimidated), voez, cytus, phigros, lanota, deemo, and plenty, plenty more. a fair amount are available on mobile devices but some can be played elsewhere too!
as for ones you can purchase, the project diva series is pretty well-known, especially within circles of people that like jp media. there's also a 3DS game, project mirai, which is different in what it does but sorta retains the diva aspects. (also why sekai is called sekai and all.) taiko no tatsujin is one i hear good things about! but also if you're trying to avoid carpal tunnel be careful since it's a lot of, well, taiko drumming. a couple others on my wishlist to try are just shapes and beats (jsab), a dance of fire and ice, and rhythm doctor! they all seem pretty rad.
summary list of things i mentioned:
The funny anime gacha music games (includes Love Live! School Idol Festival, BanG Dream! Girls Band Party, D4DJ Groovy Mix, Project Sekai Colorful Stage... etc.)
Downloadable (may have purchase options etc) - Stepmania, Osu!, Arcaea, VOEZ, Cytus, Phigros, Lanota, Deemo... and more.
Purchasable - Project Diva games, Taiko no Tatsujin, Just Shapes and Beats, A Dance of Fire and Ice, Rhythm Doctor
there are way more, including stuff like actual arcade games, but again I'm not the best person to ask so </3 if anyone who plays rhythm games regularly wants to actually list off some recs themselves please do.
stay safe, take care of your wrists, and have fun o/
WOAG THANK U SM VIOLET!! i've heard of a few of these and i'll definitely do some more research and add them to my list! :-) and of course i've been meaning to check out crypt of the necrodancer as well. tysm for all the effort you put into these recs :") ILYYYYY ❤️❤️❤️
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Survey #437
“you get what you pray for  /  you don’t get anything”
Do you tell your mom and dad everything? No. Who was the last person you talked about something that was bothering you with? Most likely my mom. What’s your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Who did you last share a taxi with? I've never been in a taxi. If you’ve ever tried drugs or alcohol, what was your reason for first trying it? I've never done drugs, but the first time I drank was actually an accident. I'd come in from a long, hot walk, and I desperately needed water, and Mom offered me what I thought was just pink lemonade. Turns out it was a Mike's Hard Lemonade and I CHUGGED it before everyone around me was like "NOOOO!" because it was alcohol lmaooo. If you were far from home and needed to sleep for the night, would you choose to rent a crappy motel room for $60 or sleep in your car for free? I'm sleeping in my car. I'm afraid of things like bed bugs. Is there a situation where you caved into peer pressure and regretted it? I don't think so? Have you ever rolled off your bed in your sleep? Pretty sure no. What is your favourite planet? Saturn! Do you enjoy Mario games? Not really, honestly. They're just not my style. Mario Kart is fun every now and again, though. What flavor fruity drink is your favorite? Strawberry, in most cases. Ever done a keg stand? No. Who is the last person you lent money to? My mom. Do you have any health problems that are unusual for your age? I have carpal tunnel in my wrists from typing so much, but I'm not sure how "unusual" that is for young adults nowadays... I feel like there's something else, but it's evading me right now. Do you bite your nails? No, I pick/peel at them. :x What’s the longest nap you’ve ever taken? Oh god, hours. To the point it no longer really qualifies as a "nap." When people ask you about school, what is your usual response? Do you enjoy talking about school? Why or why not? I get all awkward and just reply that I gave it numerous shots, but my mental health couldn't handle it. I hate talking about school because I feel like a failure. Do you know how to fill a car’s tire with air? Have you ever had to do it? No to both. Do you like your best friend’s parents? Why or why not? Omg I LOVE them. They are spectacular people with massive hearts. I especially am drawn to her dad, whom I find incredibly inspiring. Both her parents are just great. I miss 'em. What do you like in your hot cocoa - marshmallows, whipped cream, candy canes? Do you even like hot cocoa? I loooove hot chocolate. I really just prefer it plain, but you can toss a few marshmallows in there. Which do you have a problem with: over-eating or under-eating? I'm way more likely to over-eat than under-eat. A girl likes her food lmao. The last boy you kissed, good-looking? He's by no means ugly, but I wasn't physically attracted to him personally. Do you love him? Not romantically, but definitely platonically. Do you like cherry Pepsi? I like cherry Coke. I don't like Pepsi. When was the last time you were given flowers? Ummm... I want to say the last time was many years ago when Tyler visited for the first time when we started dating. What do you want to name your children? I don't want kids. But hypothetically, Alessandra and probably Damien. Would you ever write a letter to someone you haven’t met yet, like your future spouse? No. I'd probably get too emotional anyway. Do you carry a mirror in your purse? No. Do you believe that there is beauty in everything? I've always thought this was such a stupid idea that tries to make reason out of life and its tragedies. Like yeah, cancer, rape, murder, etc. are definitely "beautiful." There is absolutely no beauty in a vast plethora of things. The first time you smoked, did you cough like a fool? I've never smoked before. When you were younger, did you have a Neopets account? Oh, yes. I loooooved Neopets, but not quite as much as Webkinz. I've actually remade a Neopetz account multiple times because I'd forget my info, ha ha... Who was the last person you got in a fist fight with? I've never been in a physical fight. Did you and your mom ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? Not "move out," no. We did, however, have a fight where I stayed with Dad for I want to say a week, maybe a bit less. Do you dislike anyone? Why? Well, yes. I don't know anyone who doesn't dislike somebody. There are a few people, in my case, that I'm not going to spend time going through and pointing out what I don't like. Do you think you will be in a relationship 2 months from now? No. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? Like constantly. Does your animal sleep with you? Roman usually does, yeah. Do you have any baby pictures of yourself on your computer? No. Mom has those in photo albums. What kind was the last chip you ate? I want to say traditional Lays? It was at my nephew's bday party. Do you eat onion rings? No, I'm not a fan. What was the last thing to disgust you? I think it was some thumbnail I saw on YouTube, even though it was (weakly) blurred. Where do you see your ex in 5 years? "The" ex, I don't want to think about it. Probably somewhere great for him, but would break my heart if I knew. Do your parents swear? Dad swears big time, while Mom tries to hold it back. You won't hear her say something like "fuck" unless she is SERIOUSLY upset. Do you ever drink warm milk? Warm milk sounds literally disgusting. Would you be really upset if Facebook ceased to exist tomorrow? No. I literally just came back from my break from it, so it'd be more funny than anything. The universe's way of telling me "nah, son." Who do you know that wears the most makeup? My friend Summer, but then again she's a cosmetologist. Have you ever had bronchitis? No, thankfully. Jason had it BAD once and I will neeever forget that cough, good Lord. Do you like to wear makeup? I hate applying it more than anything. Like, I love that it can help me feel prettier, but I pretty much never wear it because it's just a pain to put on, especially by myself because I have bad tremors in my hands. How many times have you been to the ER? Way too many times for being suicidal. How often do you feel lonely? Honestly, pretty much always. When are you most uncomfortable? I dunno, man. I'm always uncomfortable about one thing or another. Has anyone ever revealed a secret about you? Not that I remember... Have you ever revealed anyone else’s secret? No, that is such a shitty thing to do. Have you ever had a family member/friend that was hospitalized? Yes. Have you ever been in trouble with the law? No. Is there anything you want to experiment with? I mean, nothing that quickly comes to mind. There are things I want to try, but nothing major. What do you hope happens to you after you die? Mixed feelings. Sometimes I hope there's some sort of nirvana-like state we experience, I think it'd be wonderful to be reunited with loved ones, but I also sometimes think it'd be best if we just... stopped existing. Consciousness just stops. I dunno. I'll find out eventually. What is the most disgusting thing you have seen in person (not on TV)? Probably a maggot-infested deer corpse that I faintly remember from where I used to live. I thought it was the sickest thing ever lmao, in both senses. What is something others make fun of you for? Always holding some sort of technology. Just don't fucking comment on it. It makes me self-conscious as hell. Is your life turning out like you pictured it would? QUITE THE FUCKING OPPOSITE. Do your initials spell out a word? No. Has anyone ever given you roses? Yeah. Last baby you held? My older sister's youngest daughter. Whose wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsman? My aforementioned sister's. What is something you would never do to your body? I mean, there's a large number of things. There are certain piercings and tattoos I wouldn't dare to get, I plan on taking care of my hair as best I can to avoid ruining it despite wanting to dye it a lot... *shrug* Stuff like that. How are you planning to decorate your house for Halloween? I don't know if we'll decorate. We haven't really for a few years now... I don't have the motivation to do it myself, and now that it's just me and her and I'm grown up (I know, I'm laughing too), Mom doesn't really bother with doing it. I know I DO want to carve pumpkins this year, though. Dunno what, but I'll figure it out. Ever lived in a trailer park? No. Do you like salsa that has fruit in it? NOOOOOOOOOOO Can you count in binary? No. Do you like hard or soft pretzels better? I'll eat both, but I have a strong preference for soft ones. When was the last time someone kissed you on the cheek? Who was it? I'm sure that was either my niece of nephew when I was leaving their house when I last visited for Ryder's birthday. What kind of ice cream did you eat last? Where’d you get it from? It was chocolate. I had a scoop at the aforementioned birthday party. Do you like flowers? What is your favorite kind to receive? I love flowers. I don't have a favorite to receive, really. Have you ever unblocked someone that you blocked before? Yes. Has anyone slapped you across the face before? If so, why? No. Do you prefer to have more or less in common with your significant other? I like to be pretty similar. Would you take a shot of heroin for a million dollars? No. I don't fuck with that, even for that much money. Why don’t you talk to your ex anymore? He wants nothing to do with me. Do you think it is okay to drive while high? Obviously not...? Do you find Halloween or Valentine’s Day more exciting? Halloween. Has anyone you know ever had serious surgery before? Yeah; my mom immediately comes to mind in both instances she had cancer. When she had kidney cancer, the tumor was larger than the kidney itself, and she lost the entire organ. When she had ovarian cancer, she had to have a complete hysterectomy because the cancer was EVERYWHERE along her reproductive system to an almost fatal degree. My mom's pretty metal. If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? No, because that's a violation of privacy? You don't do that shit. Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not, have you ever came close to? Yes. The only time that I remember was maaaany years ago, like, maybe '14. I've nearly fainted plenty of times since then for various reasons, but mostly just from low blood pressure. Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in that class or how you used to before you took the class? Yes; I believe one course was mandatory in middle school. I type the proper way, yeah. Ever cut your hair (the entire thing – not just the bangs or a little part) yourself? Noooo. Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? Well, I'd like to be a freelance photographer, but to be real, I'm starting to loosen up on that dream. It's been too long, I just don't see it happening anymore. Baby steps are one thing, but I've barely managed any of those in forever. Ever meet and talk to someone from an online dating site? No. Would you date someone you weren’t physically attracted to? Why or why not? Yes; I've done it before. I just care way more about emotional chemistry. Besides, historically, me liking someone for their heart has made each person a lot more attractive to me as a whole. Last person to hang up on you? I dunno. What’s your favorite scary movie? The Blair Witch Project. The second one is great, too, plus The Crazies. Which urban legend is your favourite? Oh man, you can't ask me this. I LOVE cryptids and conspiracies 'n shit. Are any of your fears completely irrational? Yes, like whale sharks. A whale shark ain't gonna hurt u boo but I see that mouth and am like no thnx Where is the light switch in your room? Funnily enough, I don't have a light switch; there isn't a ceiling light in this room. I instead have two table lamps that I can turn on on either side of my bed. Would you make a good lawyer? Hell no, I cry when I argue lmao. It's funny tho because I remember in TWO instances, in-depth surveys recommending jobs for you brought up me being a lawyer, and each time I was just like,,,,, no???????? Why did your family decide to live where you’re living now? It was more necessity than anything. Our old house had a LOT of issues to it, and with Mom's cancer diagnosis, she needed the cleanest environment possible, and that was NOT our old place. The house we live in now is owned by a family friend, and when the previous owner died, the timing just... kinda worked out to where that family friend I mentioned helped us pay our way into here. We really don't like this place because of the location, but it had to work. What was the best pet you've ever had? All things considered, I have to hand it to my boy Teddy. That dog was someone special. Very, very special. If you were allowed one murder without punishment, would you do it? Nah. Name one song you can play on an instrument, any instrument! I can probably still slam out "Hot Cross Buns" on a recorder. \m/ Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle? Noooo, I'm scared to. On the opposite sex, do you prefer muscles, average size, or scrawny bodies? It depends on the person, ig. I can be attracted to any of those. Just not EXTREME muscle. Not my thing at all.
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tyrantisterror · 5 years
Revenge of the ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest: ENTRY ROUNDUP!
Twenty three wonderful monsters were submitted by twenty three wonderful people to the second ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest.  Let’s give them all their due before the winners are announced, shall we?  Just as with last time, I went ahead and sketched them all, because I’m a masochist who enjoys hurting his carpal tunnel ridden hand, and because I feel like it gives every monster a fair shake.
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@bugcthulhu starts us off with Rohobaron, a hot-headed retrosaur/crocodile chimera that can superheat his body to ignite the landscape and incinerate enemies with a touch.  Despite the fairly nasty powers, Rohobaron actually has a somewhat sweet personality, being quick to make friends and staunchly loyal to his allies, though his short fuse can also make him drag his friends into danger.
Design-wise, Rohobaron’s got a very solid concept, with those dynamic fuckoff-big arms and horns  being the most obvious selling points, along with little dashes of character like the gharial lump on his nose and the heavily armored plates on his chest.  You wouldn’t confuse him with the other retrosaur kaiju in the series, that’s for sure.  The idea of a monster this burly and gnarly looking being a sweetheart is the kind of “appearances can be decieving” thing that ATOM thrives on, and giving a kaiju powers that reflect its personality (in this case, hot-headedness = heat powers) is always cool.  There are some minor continuity issues with the bio given what’s going to happen in ATOM Vol. 2, but Rohobaron doesn’t lose points for not reading a book that isn’t fully written yet.  All in all, a wonderful submission!
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@akitymh is next with Charlotte, a retrosaur of the herbivorous persuasion.  Exactly what clade of herbivorous retrosaur it belongs to is intentionally unclear, as Charlotte has a thagomizer like an armored goliath, but also shares some quirks with horned goliaths, despite lacking horns itself.  A missing link, perhaps?  She’s also unusually large for an ATOM kaiju, which suggests she’s been around for a long time - reinforced by her calm and sometimes protective nature, as the older kaiju tend to be less fight-focused than the young ones in ATOM.
Charlotte’s design is very interesting, and I like the idea of having some retrosaurs who don’t quite fit into any one given clade - it makes it more like real life taxonomy to have some oddballs here and there.  Her smattering of armor plates gives her and interesting look, and I like how her long hind legs allow her to go bipedal as well as walk on all fours.  Her neutral personality also makes her stand out among the mostly fight-happy monsters of ATOM.  All in all, a solid entry!
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We continue the prehistoric theme with @ariccio50‘s marvelous armored retrosaur, Scolosurtr!  An genetically modified armored goliath, Scolosurtr’s most prominent features, as you have no doubt noticed, are the two massive yet hollow spikes on his back, which are connected to the kaiju’s two massive hearts and occasionally shoot projectiles when he’s pissed (though this is painful for the reptile to do).  Scolosurtr can superheat his blood as a defensive mechanism, which in turn allows him to melt the ice that often clings to his body in the frosty countries he tends to roam.  The armored monster is very easily stressed out, particularly by his fellow kaiju, and will even bite his tail in an attempt to calm down.
Scolotsurtr’s design is rad as hell - I love a giant monster that looks like a mountain, and the mini-volcano shaped shoulder spikes are such a cool pokeon-esque design feature (I say that as high praise).  His icy, antisocial personality is a fun contrast with his fiery look, and the personality tick of biting his own tail to calm down is a very endearing quirk.  Also, can we appreciate how wide this fella is?  Just an absolute unit.  His powerset allows him to stand out from the mostly tooth and claw fighters of ATOM, while still being balanced thanks to the pain it causes him to use it.  A very well rounded entry!
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@scatha5 brings us our fourth entry, the enormous armadillo Rerradon!  Shy but willing to fight when backed into a corner, Rerradon is a formidable enemy when roused, with thick armor keeping him well defended and enough claws and spikes to make other monsters rethink their choice to attack him.
Mammalian kaiju are, as many have noted, very rare, and Rerradon is an excellent contribution to their small but growing ranks.  I’m a sucker for armadillos too, and Rerradon keeps all the traits I love about them while still having a unique and monstrous look to him.  My favorite detail on this fella, though, is one of his alternate names - “Dracula’s Weird Dog.”  Why?  Well, because of the fact it references some obscure monster movie trivia - both in the 30′s when the Bela Lugosi Dracula first came out, and the 50′s when it was prominently re-released, armadillos were not a particularly well known creature, and would have been considered exotic and strange by most Americans.  As a result, the film-makers of Dracula put an armadillo in the vampire’s haunted castle, banking on viewers thinking it was some sort of strange monster.  And, at the time, it works - most people who saw the film had no idea what the strange lizard rat thing was, though I imagine anyone living in the Southwest probably wondered why the hell an armadillo was in Transylvania.  Obscure references to monster movie minutia are exactly ATOM’s jam!
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Our next monster is @quinnred‘s flying saucer mimic, Mogul!  An enormous descendent of the sea cucumber, Mogul needs both Yamaneon radiation and water to survive, and causes a great deal of chaos in the process of feeding until scientists realize dehydration can drive the creature away,  While too simple in nature to exhibit much of a personality, Mogul’s mysterious nature and accidental imitation of interstellar travelers allows it to leave a mark nonetheless.
An incredibly clever design that I wasn’t quite skilled enough to capture in my sketch (you should always check out the links to the originals here, folks), Mogul is tailor made to a great 1950′s style monster story.  You have the initial mystery with an inherent red herring built into it (i.e. everyone thinking the creature is initially a UFO), the startling discovery of what we’re really dealing with, and a creative solution that scientists come upon when studying the monster’s biology.  While Mogul’s simple nature means it might have trouble in a kaiju vs. kaiju story, it’s incredibly well suited to a stand alone tale, the kind that could really flesh out ATOM’s giant monster crisis.
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@cerothenull brings us our first big arthropod, Acanpetax the enormous assassin bug!  A gnarly insect that wears the bones of kaiju its killed as armor, Acanpetax is a cruel and vicious hunter of its fellow monsters, though over time its vicious ways soften.
Kaiju bones turn to Yamaneon when they die, and Yamaneon crystals are shaped in a way that would give them a very coarse, spiky texture (if my muddied memories of Geology 101 are correct, anyway), making the insect’s armor even more evil-looking, which is great for a monster that (initially) plays a Heel role.  This guy has the makings of a great villain monster, and I like that, in ATOM fashion, he still manages to get a heroic turn over time, especially the implication in his bio that it comes from communicating with the spirit of the snake monster whose skull he currently wears as a hat.  It’s delightfully weird!  A big bug with a solid visual to work off of and a great role and character arc baked into his personality, Acanpetax is a strong contender!
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(no seriously you really need to check out the original postings, my sketch here does not do this fella justice)
@evolutionsvoid also shows ATOM’s big bugs some love by bringing the fungus infested Megaria into their ranks!  Originally a larval cicada that was parasitized (and likely to die) by a fungus, Megaria’s sudden transformation into a kaiju brought her into a more balanced symbiosis with her parasite.  Neither an attacker or a protector, Megaria is a spectator of kaiju fights, and will eagerly watch her fellow giants battle without participating herself.  She is a force to be reckoned with when backed into a corner, though, as Megaria’s fungal growths have given her a variety of sound-based abilities, many of which she is not fully in control of.
It hasn’t been touched on in ATOM much yet, but plants and fungi are affected by Yamaneon radiation in a very similar manner as animal life, and Megaria presents a fun opportunity to explore that.  The idea of a parasite and its victim becoming partners post-mutation is really interesting, and Megaria’s design is just as interesting to look at as its concept is to think about.  Her fungal symbiote also gives her a great number of unique powers and abilities to make any fight scenes she’d be in unique, while her personality as a kaiju spectator allows her to stand out (I can see her making cameos in other stories as a background monster).  Another solid contender for the contest!
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@highly-radioactive-nerd takes us back to the past with the helmeted retrosaur Tsunoking!  Technically a paleo tyrant, Tsunoking sports several defensive adaptations that are similar to those sported by many herbivorous retrosaurs as well, though perhaps his most notable adaptation is the crown of horns that gives him his name (see, he’s pointing to it in my sketch!  It’s a nice crown.).  A proud but honorable monster, Tsunoking is a powerful fighter who prefers to fight similarly powerful foes, and is also rather fastidious when it comes to personal hygiene.
I love the chimeric mix of features here - the dragon-y snout, the pachycephalosaurus dome skull, and the ankylosaurus tail club all give Tsunoking a very unique silhouette among the many carnivorous retrosaur kaiju in ATOM, and would no doubt provide some fun speculation for ATOM’s paleontologists.  The vanity gives his heroic personality a fun flaw to work with, and I likewise think his Samurai-esque honor code could be interesting to work with in a story.  A wonderful prehistoric monster to add to the roster!
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@dragonzzilla brings us a very strange and melancholic monster, the bipedal caribou Najjuk!  In addition to its striking humanoid stance, Najjuk emits a great deal of toxic gas as a byproduct of its Ice Age biology, and its inability to cope with warm temperatures results in it becoming incredibly aggressive and dangerous whenever it leaves its arctic environment.
There’s a clear (but not too heavy handed) metaphor for global warming in the threat Najjuk presents, as the warming of the earth leaves it less cool spaces to seek refuge in, and the caribou’s methane emissions actually contribute to the problem that’s destroying its home.  The monster also has a great deal of pathos built into it - a herd animal that is the last of its kind, forced to live in a habitat that’s too inhospitably cold for most other kaiju to tolerate, making it an incredibly lonely monster.  Combine the symbolism and pathos of its plight with a very striking mammalian design and you have an incredibly unique entry into ATOM’s menagerie of monsters!
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@virovac gives us a truly bizarre entry with one of the most clever descriptions I’ve read so far, the low budget monstrosity known as Nematerror!  A mutant roundworm, Nematerror is one of the monsters considered too simple in nature to have a personality, though it still seeks what it needs with enough voraciousness to be considered a threat.
The really ingenious thing about this entry lay in its description, as virovac chose to describe how the creature would look if it were an actual prop in a low budget 50′s monster movie.  Made from a garden hose, stuffed socks, and some other trash, Nematerror is the kind of cornball monster puppet idea that could only be carried out in the atomic era of creature features, the kind that Joel and the bots would have a field day with.  There’s even a description of how its hose nozzle could be turned around to represent a nematode’s malleable mouth parts!  It’s very clever, and definitely the sort of idea that suits ATOM’s love of cheesy monster movies.
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@skarmorysilver brings us the old and crusty mole monster, Gnomoran!  A sadistic curmudgeon, Gnomoran is a deeply unpleasant monster to face in battle.  With venomous spit and caustic pus secreted from its many facial sores, Gnomoran’s natural weapons give it a revolting edge, which is made all the more nasty by its mean-spirited personality.  However, Gnomoran is also in immense pain, as its healing factor has been thrown off kilter, giving it the kaiju equivalent of cancer.
The design of Gnomoran is excellent.  Like many of the previous ATOM CKC entries, it plays on the secret connection between ATOM and my Midgaheim stories, in this case using my mole-derived Gnomes/Dwarves as a starting point, and working back to show their more explicitly rodent-like roots.  The star-faced mole nose, long beard, big ol’ horn, and lumpy tumors all give him a bunch of iconic design details, and his power set of venom and caustic pus is uniquely gross.  He’s a great Heel monster, with a nasty attitude to match his equally nasty looks and power set, all while still having the ability to be sympathetic.  Figuring out how to explain why his healing factor has gotten so out of whack presents a bit of a continuity hurdle - Gnomoran has symptoms of both cancer and old age, which normally aren’t possible in an ATOM-verse kaiju, so that would need a good explanation.  But design and personality wise he’s a damn good fit!
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DA user Lediblock submitted the chicken/retrosaur hybrid Galiente!  Made by splicing DNA from Tyrantis’s blue nemesis, the Terror, with that of a chicken, Galiente is a panicky, defensive monster who is tormented by the knowledge that other kaiju find his flesh ridiculously delicious.
Galiente’s design is a freakish mix of reptile and bird that goes for body horror, with a patchwork mix of scales, feathers, and raw skin, twisted limbs, and, somewhat inexplicably considering the two animals it’s a mix of, velociraptor feet.  The result is a very tortured looking creature, which fits its nervous and tragically aggressive personality - Galiente is a monster that picks fights because it fears it will get hurt if it doesn’t make the first move.  There’s a sadness that goes along with its wretched appearance and attitude that’s very sympathetic.  The monster’s backstory would probably need some tweaks, though - the many ways it is tied to Tyrantis specifically seem a bit unnecessary, with the “people mistake it for Tyrantis” angle being a bit implausible (and somewhat redundant, given Tyrantis already has two enemies that are his twisted doppelgangers as is), and I’m not sure a monster hunting organization would recruit a chicken farmer into their ranks, no matter how good his business savvy is.  Still, a plausible backstory wasn’t one of the contest requirements, and design and personality-wise Galiente is a very solid concept.
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@protagonistprepblog submitted Gentil, an armored monster with a sweet disposition!  Gentil is designed to be something of an earth elemental, with a mix of traits from various creatures associated with that element.  He sports a healing mist/aura, a poison blast from his mouth, venomous claws, and the standard kaiju powers of strength and nigh invulnerability.  He’s also smart enough to join an organization specifically to help people.
Gentil has a very striking design, albeit one that’s (intentionally) hard to place taxonomically.  He would probably be the result of genetic modification in ATOM’s world, though the way his creator described him as the kaiju of the Earth Element makes me think the intention is for something more magical in origin.  The sweet personality suits his name very well, and as far as monsters go he’s very friend-shaped.  Most of Gentil’s information was shared with me by his creator via DMs, and he’s a very thoroughly developed concept, albeit one that seems to fit a story of protagonistprepblog’s creation a bit better than ATOM.  A wonderful submission nonetheless!
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@dinosaurana submits the nuclear gator known far and wide as One-Armed Louie!  Already a menace when he was just a big, one-armed alligator, Louie became a true menace when he survived the explosive failure of a nuclear power plant, resulting in a number of wild mutations that, among other things, allow the massive crocodilian to assume a semi-bipedal stance.  Louie’s aggressive nature and history of getting into mischief ironically make him a pretty good kaiju to have around, as he will more often than not turn those shit-starting instincts on his fellow giants and end up keeping them in line as a result.  Even Jim Madson, a gator hunter turned kaiju wrangler, can’t help but appreciate how the “rat bastard” has become something of a boon to humanity since becoming freakishly large.
One-Armed Louie brings a true crocodilian to ATOM’s cast, which warms my reptile loving heart.  One could argue that the retrosaurs are all just very weird crocodiles, of course, but while that may literally be the case, most of them don’t look like crocodiles - they don’t have that pure crocodile vibe - and Louie makes up for their deficiency by being very much a big ol’ crocodilian.  Big ol’ gators and crocs are a giant monster movie archetype just as much as big ol’ bugs, and Louie gives them their due very well.  He also looks absolutely hardcore, which fits his aggressive “rat bastard” personality to a T.  A very solid entry for the contest!
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@iamthekaijuking submitted the modified martian monster Nyergolep!  Originally from the planet Mars, Nyergolep was kidnapped by the Beyonder Alliance and experimented upon until it developed psychic powers.  Designed to be a sort of anti-Kemlasulla, Nyergolep is a nervous wreck who hates combat and desperately wants to escape the Beyonders.
Nyergolep’s design takes a lot from Kemlasulla’s, albeit with a lot of twists - fitting for the “Anti-Kemlasulla.”  Its tentacles are much more massive than its legs, with the roles of each set of limbs being reversed (i.e. using tentacles for locomotion instead of grasping, using legs for grasping instead of locomotion), and it lacks all of the armor Kemlasulla has, including the bony plates protecting the head and eye.  The result is a very fragile looking martian, the squishy mage to Kemlasulla’s rough and rowdy fighter.  I like the wiggly line of its upper jaw the best - don’t ask me why.  “Nergle’s” design is a little too closely tied to Kemlasulla’s for me to give full marks in that category, though I do love that wiggly mouth.  Its personality is pretty damn good though, fitting with the other shell-shocked war veterans in the Beyonder Kaiju army.
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@dragonseeker-rex submitted the cactus/bird hybrid Orothorn!  In a story that feels like it came from one of the more light-hearted Twilight Zone episodes, Orothorn began as a normal gilded flicker that happened to befriend an cowboy actor named Mick Auricson (specializing in playing cowboys was A Thing in the 1950′s) after Mick nursed the little bird back to health.  An ill-placed dynamite explosion near a hidden Yamaneon deposit not only supersized Orothorn, but fused it with some of the nearby cactus (violent bursts of Yamaneon radiation can do this kind of shit on occasion), creating a massive, thorny-skinned bird monster with a heart of gold and a fondness for humans in general, and Mick Auricson in particular.  The feeling is mutual, as Mick even commissioned a special kaiju-sized scarf for the bird to wear (which I forgot to illustrate, whoops!).
Birds are lacking in ATOM’s roster (we don’t even have any in the core 50 files), and Orothorn is a unique take on the concept, with cactus thorns sticking out from between his feathers.  Him being a kaiju that specifically emulates the heroic behavior of a cowboy (actor) is also adorable and so very in line with ATOM’s sensibilities, it’s genuinely cute and I love it.  It’s a giant bird with cactus thorns that wears a scarf and thinks it’s a cowboy, how can you not love that?
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Dracosaurus Rex submitted the enormous tuatara kaiju Tuatani!  Initially mistaken for being a retrosaur, this three eyed reptile can shoot energy blasts from his third eye and carries a virulent disease in his blood that infects any who encounter it.  A lonesome creature, Tuatani is very placcid during the day but will go on nightly rampages from time to time, apparently in a fit of vengeful despair at being the only one of his kind.
A clear homage to the Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, Tuatani nevertheless has a lot to set him apart from his inspiration, with a multi-eyed motiff that sports an actual third eye as well as several eyespots.  The loneliness that drives him to lash out is a nice nod to both the film and the short story that inspired it, and his status as a Tuatara descendant would make him the last modern reptile missing from ATOM’s pantheon.  The nature of the disease in his blood would need some elaboration, as the immune systems of ATOM kaiju are very strong (being able to regenerate white blood cells almost instantaneously makes it very easy for them to learn which micro-organisms need to be destroyed), but it’s an interesting power for the monster to have.  A very solid entry!
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@umbercario-sablesable gives us the giant silkworm, Munchy!  A caterpillar whose head, jaws, and true legs are covered in a metal alloy. Munchy lives to eat, and with metal jaws he can eat quite a lot of things!  While the insect will eat any non-living matter it comes across, it prefers not to eat living things, which makes it one of the few monsters who finds buildings more appetizing than the people inside them.  Though Munchy has little desire in this world outside of sating its gluttony, it isn’t a malicious creature, and so long as your house isn’t in its path you have little to fear from the monster.
Silkworms have a short but important role in kaiju history, as Mothra’s larva form is based on a type of silkworm, so making a silkworm kaiju plays into a very grand tradition.  Munchy goes for a more morally neutral route than Mothra, though, taking the voracious appetite of a caterpillar and exaggerating it to a proper kaiju scale.  The simplicity of it actually makes for a rather unique kaiju, as Munchy’s single-minded desire to eat as much non-living matter as possible makes it a very different sort of antagonist than the somewhat more complicated kaiju villains of ATOM.  Add to that the massive variety one can find in silkworms and you have a recipe for a very good monster!
(Apologies at the possible inaccuracy of my illustration - google could not find images of the  wakabayashi landrace species of silkworm that he is specified as being, so I had to just look up silkworms and hope I was somewhere in the correct ballpark - and then I missed the detail about his first pair of false legs being long enough to give him a bipedal stance so uh... well I think he’s still pretty cute, that counts for something?)
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Sir K brings us the lung/ryu kaiju Yokaigon the Incredible!  Mistaken for a retrosaur by its initial discoverer (we certainly have a lot of scientists in ATOM who are very bad at taxonomy), Yokaigon is capable of affecting the weather like some of the few psychic kaiju in ATOM’s setting, suggesting latent psychic powers on the reptile’s part.  He is also able to absorb electricity and may or may not be able to fly.  Introverted and antisocial by nature, Yokaigon isn’t driven to seek out combat like most other kaiju, and prefers to be left alone.
With a backstory inspired by an absolutely terrible dub of Varan the Unbelievable!, Yokaigon is a fun homage that winks at some of the mythic creatures that existed in ATOM’s universe long before the series takes place - a surviving Loong/Ryu, much as Kraydi is a surviving dragon and Gorgolisk a surviving basilisk.  While Loongs aren’t covered in my Midgaheim Bestiary project, I have done sketches of what they would be like before, and it’s fun to see them mixed with a suitamation look here.  I don’t think a sea monster necessarily needs to make storms to still feel appropriately mythical, but the hydrokinetic ability to summon sea storms is plausible enough in ATOM (I’ve got a Yeti who summons blizzards in roughly the same way, so who am I to judge?).  And people always want more dragons.
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@toothlessloveshiccup brings us the prehistoric arthropod Insectra!  Despite appearances, Insectra isn’t actually an insect, but actually a much older arthropod that is more closely related to horseshoe crabs.  Forged in a conflict between natives and an encroaching military force in the South Pacific, Insectra protects the local human civilization of her island home while repelling those who would destroy it.  With EMP blasts in her already powerful arsenal, she is a formidable enemy for anyone, man or kaiju, to face.
Insectra’s design has a great Hanna Barbera bug-monster vibe, the sort of thing you could see going toe to toe with the Herculoids or Space Ghost.  It’s simple in some places, but to the point, with great big spears for hands and wide, stompy feet.  Her motivation as a protector is a great nod to Mothra, while having an even more explicit anti-imperialist bent to it.  A very well rounded entry for the contest!
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Shadyserpent brings us the draconic reptile Karax!  Another mythic creature sneaking into the world of ATOM, Karax is a serpentine beast whose vestigial wings allow it to fly (Yamaneon’s ability to defy gravity doing some of its most implausible work yet).  With terrible venom and a better-than-average healing factor, Karax is a deadly opponent, the dragon-like beast is thankfully more focused on collecting shiny objects than waging war against man or kaiju, though his desire to add to his hoard sometimes causes trouble.
See?  I told you people like dragons!  Karax’s design retains the ATOM-approved level of scientific plausibility, with his wings being fairly simple/under-developed compared to the more fantastical dragons of my Midgaheim stories.  He retains the prehistoric monster vibe that other Midgaheim survivors like Gorgolisk and Kraydi have, towing the line enough to fit in with ATOM’s menagerie while still winking at the mythic side of things.  His fondness for shiny objects is both a nice nod to his draconic nature and a fun character quirk that can get him into  the kind of trouble that stories are made of, and the fact that he’s also got more than a few references to the classic giant monster movie Reptilicus is also a plus!  A very good entry.
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@titleknown brings us Neuro-Idiom, a brain monster who creates psychedelic mass hallucinations!  Formed from a bunch of aliens fusing their minds together, Neuro-Idiom conjurs other creatures out of thin air with its psychic powers, and has pretty much every other psychic power to boot!
Neuro-Idiom’s primary design, that of a big walking brain creature, fills a monster archetype that hasn’t been present in ATOM thus far - i.e. the big, ambulatory, disembodied brain, and yes, that is a SUPER popular archetype for 1950′s/60′s monster fiction.  Its psychic projections also pay homage to various monsters in fiction that were actually just the manifestations of an unsound mind - the Id monster from Forbidden Planet, the crawling brains of Fiend Without a Face, and the Crackler from Godzilla: The Series are examples of this concept.  The backstory of this monster would need to be reworked since it kind of ignores that “kaiju” in ATOM is a word with a very specific meaning (you can’t have a kaiju without Yamaneon involved), and the monster having amplified versions of EVERY psychic power makes it significantly more powerful than anything in ATOM’s canon, so that might have to be toned down a bit as well, but all in all it’s a lovely brain monster!
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@drrockso20 brings us our final entry, the massive bison Chief Wrigley!  With gorilla-like arms and enormous horns, this big bovine has the muscle he needs to protect his herd and territory from any creature that dares to challenge it!  He’s not all brawn, either, as Chief Wrigley is clever enough to use the environment to his advantage, and even makes use of simple tools from time to time.  He can telepathically communicate with others, and can sometimes generate electric blasts from his horns.
With a very unique design, power set, and personality, Chief Wrigley has the makings of an excellent protagonist/hero kaiju, the kind who could headline his own corner of ATOM’s kaiju-verse.  Bison are a really underused basis for a kaiju, too - they have very unique heads, and their bodies are build in a way that’s very good at conveying mass.  With just enough special powers to make combat scenes interesting, but not so many that he feels out of place in ATOM’s world, Chief Wrigley is a strong contender in this contest!
Those are the entries!  Who will be the top three winners, and who will get the grand prize?  You’ll have to wait a bit longer to find out, but for now, let’s appreciate how many wonderful monsters we made here!  In a way, they’re all winners in my book, even if I can’t give prizes to the whole batch!
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inwintersolitude · 5 years
- January 11th 2020 -
Do you play minesweeper or solitaire or anything to pass the time? I sometimes play solitaire, and do sudoku puzzles and nonogram puzzles.
Do you believe in life after death? No, I think we simply cease to exist.
What do you think of Oprah? I don't really have any opinions on her.
Do you write a lot of surveys or do you just take them? I just take them.
What's something you're really good at? Mathematics.
How big is your bedroom? It's somewhat large. Probably around 15x18 feet.
Do you like to go bowling? Yes, but I haven't gone bowling since I was in high school.
Do you usually remember your dreams? Sometimes.
Do you think they mean anything? No.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No.
Besides bzoink, which websites do you frequent? Reddit, mostly.
Who was the last person to come to your house? My in-laws.
What's your birthstone? Do you have anything with it? Garnet, and yes, I have a pair of garnet earrings that my Granny and Granddad gave me when I was around 15.
Have you ever had carpal tunnel? No.
Are you one of those people who is really smart but has no common sense? No, I think I'm just as sensible as I am intelligent.
Do you think fast? Usually.
What browser do you use? Firefox or Opera.
Are you clumsy? Not usually.
Paste the last thing you copied. 450 total
Have you ever eaten at Hooters? Yes.
Do you like turtles? Sure.
Do you have to have goggles when you swim? I need them if I want to see underwater. I opened my eyes underwater only once, when I was taking swimming lessons when I was around 4 or 5, and it stung SO BAD. I never did it again.
How long can you stay awake? Around 20-22 hours, maybe.
Where were you going the first time you were on a plane? Delaware to Louisiana when I was around 6 weeks old. My parents took me with them when they were going house-hunting before our move.
Do you have a good memory? Yes, I remember pretty much all of my childhood in great detail, going all the way back to 2 years and 8 months old. My dad jokes that I probably even remember being a fetus, haha.
Are you usually more blunt or polite? I'm a mix of both. I'm politely straightforward.
Does it take a long time to get to know you? It really does. I'm a private and introverted person. Although there are a few people whom I have gotten close with pretty quickly, because we connected so well. My husband, a few friends, etc. But it's rare for me to connect with a person that easily.
Is there a specific historical period that you're interested in? Medieval Europe, and also WWII.
Tell me something funny that happened today. Nothing. It's only 5:00 a.m... I woke up in the middle of the night because I'm sick with a cold and being sick always screws up my sleep.
Do you know anyone with a really obnoxious laugh? No one comes to mind.
Do you hold grudges? No.
How much was your allowance when you were a kid? I got the same amount as my age, on a weekly basis. E.g. $10 a week when I was 10 years old.
Can you do push-ups? Yes, but not as many nowadays.
I usually assume people online are girls. Do you do anything like that? I don't really assume either way, unless there's a clear indication whether they're male or female.
When you were growing up, did your family move around a lot? We moved three times when I was pretty young. Once when I was 6 months old, then when I was 3 years old, then to a different house in the same town when I was 6 years old. I didn't move again until I moved out on my own when I was 18.
Do you use public transportation? Only while traveling. Like using the tube/subway/train/etc. when visiting certain major cities.
What's your favorite punctuation mark? !
Have you ever had surgery? Yes, corrective bladder/kidney surgery as a kid.
What's something you're really proud of? Getting my commercial pilots license when I was only 21.
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thegrumpygroomer · 6 years
The New Groomer’s Guide
Hello! If you’re following this account, I’m assuming you’re either already a groomer or interested in becoming one. And for both, I’d like to say: Welcome! For today’s post, I would like to pass on the knowledge I gained and kinda wished I could’ve figured out earlier. Many of you might go “yeah, duh” to a lot of this shit. Other’s might go “haha, yeah.” Hope you get something out of this either way.
1) It’s more than just ‘playing with puppies’- In this sense, I was kinda lucky. In my interview, my boss actually leveled with me and said “look, this job isn’t glamorous. It’s not about playing with puppies and having a good time. We clean dog assholes for a living.” That always stuck with me.
I’ve met some newbies that clearly didn’t get the same talking to as me. Or they thought it was fewer dog assholes and more puppies.
Either way, you learn quickly whether or not you want this just by that.
2) You will get bit- You’ll start out being wary of some dogs. Typically, those are the ones you should worry about least. I don’t know if you’ll ever get bit bad enough to make you bleed, but I’m talking from my own first and second-hand experience. I’ve seen some of the best groomers who’ve been doing it for far longer than me, stride out of the back with a bleeding hand. Sometimes it can’t be avoided because them motherfucker’s quick.
On the bright side, you can see it as training for a zombie apocalypse. No bitch-ass dead bitch gonna get you when Fido already taught you how to stay away from teeth.
3) Get a good pair of tweezers- This is something just about everyone forgets to tell you directly. Hair splinters are a BITCH. I have about twenty little shits permanently infused into the side of my pinky finger. They get to stay put for now because they didn’t cause any pain and alert me to their presence. To me, the ones on the palm are the worst. Especially the little white ones.
You will have a very intimate relationship with tweezers. One of those tiny magnifying glasses might help too.
4) Maybe get yourself a face mask and goggles too- Hair. It’ll be everywhere. There will be days you’ll walk out from drying your dog and your hair will have a new layer to it. You’ll find it hard to breathe then blow your nose and find out that husky from a week ago is still lodged in your nasal cavity. It’ll spiderweb all over your eyes. So, protect yourself so you can breathe and see.
Also, nail dust is a thing so the mask can be used again.
5) You’ll make a dog bleed- This is a very sad reality of grooming. But, there will come a time when you’ll draw blood. Maybe it’ll be a nicked paw pad, maybe your blade caught a scab. Most likely, it’ll be cutting a nail too short. No matter what, you’ll probably have a similar reaction to both me and a few people I trained.
You’ll cry and be afraid of doing it again. You might even react more than the dog you think is bleeding to death. It’s going to be okay; you’re going to get through it. It’s probably the crappiest part of the job but it is still a thing to prepare for. But, if you want this, you’ll have to get up from the floor where you passed out and learn all the steps to take to keep this from happening again.
And a better way of reacting if it does. Can’t have groomers always passing out.
6) You’ll gain breed prejudice- Huskies and German Shepherds? Get the fuck out of here. Yorkies? Those little shits better calm down! Border collies? Dude needs to take an ambient or something. Pit bulls? Fuck yeah! Always room for a pit bull bath!
You might think it’ll be obvious. Of course, you’ll love one type of dog over another. It’s not. Not at all. I’m more wary of a Pomeranian than I’ve ever been of a dog that comes up to my hip and I was attacked by a Shepard mix when I was seven.
This one’s pretty cut and dry. Hate some breeds, love others. There’s no telling what direction it’ll go.
You’ll never wanna do a pug nail trim though. That’s pretty universal.
7) Your tolerance levels are gonna change dramatically- When you do get a puppy, it’s both the best and the worst. Because, holy hell those little shits are adorable. But also, holy fuck this dog has never done this before and is scared shitless of everything! Puppies take practice and patience. A whole shitload of it. And that’ll be where your tolerance level should skyrocket. Remember, it’s a baby. It doesn’t know any better. (this should also hold true for any first timers and older dogs. Or just straight up nervous animals)
Now let’s talk about where tolerance will have the opposite effect: people.
Many will still have the whole “customer is always right” philosophy. Unfortunately, this is one of those places where that simply is not true. If you neglect to brush your dog? He gets a shave down rather than a light trim. You wanna shave you’re golden retriever because she’s shedding? That’s not how things work, ya dumbass!
I lost count of how many times I wanted to tell someone to do their fucking research before buying an animal. I didn’t get into this job to torture dogs.
It often helps to think that maybe this owner doesn’t know better. But, when you know for a fact they should know better, then you’re just going into the back to slam your head against the wall for a little while.
Also, those are the people who will usually become your request clients. So, you’ll have plenty of time trying to explain this shit to them. Enjoy!
8) You’ll be blamed for dumb things- The other day someone called to blame a groomer for giving a dog a mole. Not nicking a mole, GIVING him a mole. As if she had some kind of lame superpower to add something that usually takes forever to develop. Another time, I was accused of not giving a dog a bath because he went home and, the next day, “smelled like a dog.”
I don’t know why some people feel the need to do this. Maybe they lost touch with what it’s like to be a person with emotions. Maybe they think these are the best ways to get free things. Maybe their lives are just so miserable they need an outlet to dump all their crap. And what better scapegoat than a person in retail/service? You know, the one you just paid to get literally shat on?
(little gross extra for you: you will clean up shit. Sometimes, you’ll find it in your pocket. Don’t wear nice clothes to work…)
9) You’ll be in pain, like, 80% of the time- That’s a low ball too. I’m not a person who likes to be touched anymore than necessary. I don’t really hug unless I know you pretty well. I really like my personal space and strangers should never be in it.
But I would kill for a good back massage right about now.
If I could look into the future when I was in high school and saw this life, I would’ve done better in P.E. to prepare for it. I’m naturally a pretty strong person. I can lift some pretty heavy dogs without much of an issue. Even so, there are times my body screams at me for it. My main reason for wanting to go back to the gym is for upper body strength.
And then there’s carpal tunnel. It’ll be a bitch and you may need surgery down the line if you’re not careful. Just something to keep in mind.
Aches and pains will be a normal part of your day. Just think of them as a reminder that you are alive, I guess.
Now, I know you’re thinking that you just heard me bitch and moan about all the terrible shit in this job. Why would you wanna stay? Ore you may be thinking “Okay, so this is the part where they say something nice and return a bit of hope to our hearts.” Well, fuck you! I’m not some kinda straw man, Buzzfeed ass bitch here for your entertainment!
10) it does have its upsides- I’ve had a lot of different jobs, most of which were a creative field. One of them paid a lot better than grooming. Many of them had their benefits like… not having to clean literal shit out of your pocket. But, it’s rare to find a job that can actually be fun.
All the bullshit I listed above is true; it’s all happened to me or around me. But most of the stuff are things that happen to everyone. That in itself brings you a certain amount of community. The people in the salon are very close-knit; it becomes almost like a family. And, like a family, we fight and bicker. But within that same hour, we’re laughing at bad puns and poop jokes. Immature? Maybe. But there’s not many other jobs where you can make these jokes without worrying about offending someone or just making things awkward.
There are days where I’m actually excited to go to work. Not many people can say that. Years ago, I couldn’t say that! So, I guess I’m lucky in a way.
This is not a job for everyone, don’t get me wrong. But when a job is geared for a certain type of person, it kinda sets up for a truly strong, supportive relationship.
Alright. Enough of this mushy sentimentality. This has been my New Groomer’s guide. Or, as it probably should’ve been titled “Ten things I wish someone told me when I became a Groomer.” But, ya know, I didn’t like that title.
Hope you enjoyed!
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pmiller1 · 5 years
Riku Voice: Fist Clench (Debunk)
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Before I debunk this. I have to ask, what do this have to do with Riku’s somewhat love for Sora? If anything the fist clench only work if you showing repress anger. Mutch like Sora greet his teeth.
Boy's gonna get carpal tunnel.
Ultimania Update: The Ultimania interview with one of the animation directors confirms two things. Firstly, that they put great consideration into the movements that highlight characters’ personalities and natures.
“Q: What do you think are "KH-esque" movements?
A: Movements that make the characters' natures prominent, and mix a serious mood and a comical feeling to pull the people watching in. Even though movements from motion capture are real, and you can feel the presence of the [motion capture] actors, all of the movements in the KH series are treated with the utmost care, so there's a lot of charm piled in that can't be pulled off from the acting of people.”
All this is confirms, that yeah, there movements match there personally. And there take great skill in it.
And secondly, that Important Fist Clenching™, is actually important. And something they do consciously. So, we’ve got confirmation that consistent habits like this are on purpose.
“BONUS! "A secret about the game only you know"
That habit Master Xehanort has of making a fist and then letting it go, you can see a little during the chess-like game the young Xehanort is playing, too. I tried making it a habit he's had since childhood.”
- KH3 Ultimania: Interview with Munenori Shinagawa (Animation Director)
And this only confirming that Xehanort had the piano and cow grabbing hand even as a kid.
So the Ultimania Update is there to show that yeah, there take grate work on movements. I mean, you would know Sora and Ven without there somewhat hand by there back, now would you.
Starting from DDD they've made sure to put a constant emphasis on Riku's clenched fists. Every time it happens it’s purposefully animated and framed to draw the audience's attention to it, as either the biggest or only thing in the frame. They’ve made you focus on it repeatedly.
Not only that, it most often has to do with—surprise! Sora.
Yen Sid: After all, light begets darkness, and darkness is drawn to light. Yen Sid: For this reason, some decided to use the Keyblade- Yen Sid: a weapon designed to conquer the light- Yen Sid: to defend the light instead. Yen Sid: These were the first heroes of the Keyblade. Riku: *Fist Clench*
Woah, Woah. Where do this have to do with Sora? There are the Keyblade Hero from the Age of fairy tail or at least that what Yen Sid is saying. This have nothing to do with Sora.
Quasimodo: byt the real walls were the ones I built around my heart. Quasimodo: You helped me see that, Riku. Riku: I was...speaking from...personal experience. *Fist Clench* Phoebus: I'd say you still keep a lot locked inside.
Yeah and that personal experience. Is being a jacked and unfriendly toward Sora. He regretted putting him and Kairi in danger because of foolishness and jackie behaving. That and well a pitching himself from his friend in sharm. He have Xehanort’s Heartless appearance.
And I think it the latter work best, do to who we talking about here Quasimodo.
Young Xehanort: Bat you succumbed to the darkness you could not control, Young Xehanort: and your prize - the keyblade (*Riku's Fist Clench*)- passed on to Sora instead. Young Xehanort: Your mistakes always end up being other people's problems. Riku: Maybe so. But I'm here to change all of that.
This it more of Xehanort more of vobuly beating Riku down. Remind him what he had done that the prize he lost. He was fool think he could control the darkness. But well. He will making it right. Just by being on light side.
Ansem: Ather all your efforts to command the darkness. Ansem: and protect those you cherish, Ansem: it is a shame you locked that power away in the end. Riku: Except...it's not over. *Fist Clench* Riku: I can still save Sora.
Can I just say, Riku is a knight, one that fallen into darkness, that soon redeem himself and become a “Knight in shining armor.”
Oh and yeah, Ansem said “protect those you cherish.” his friends.
They've established this as a clear visual cue, most often when strengthening his resolve and KH3 is no different.
Riku’s revelation prompted by Mickey, about what he’s drawing strength from, the cherished person who he wants to protect.
And one again. You missing that want to protect more them Sora.
Riku: "Strength to protect what matters" *Fist Clench*
Matters. Matterssssssssssss! Do I really have to snake it out?! There is a S on the end!
And all the other are Fist clench downware. This is more like giving a fish pump.
Or when he thinks about Aqua’s experiences paralleled to his own.
Riku: * punch the ground* Aqua: How frightening it is to have no one?
I’d think Riku just punch or at least putting his fist on the ground then clenching.
Culminating in the fist clench before his self sacrifice, right after withdrawing his hand from Sora, resolved to do what he has to.
But these aren’t the only times he’s done this in the game, they’re just the most obvious, the ones the game wants you to pay attention to first. 
I do wonder what Riku is thinking about this, His friend just lost all hope, just have a freakout, babbling how he powerless that it over, there lost. Seeing Sora just feeling utterly defined. Let face it Sora give up, right after Kairi, his light, his loved taken from the darkness.
I mean, why would Sora freakout after he saw Kairi trying to reach out to him, only to be pull into the demon tornadoes. And not toward Aqua (that Riku call out), Ven, Mickey, Donald and Goofy and Lea.
And really, Riku know Sora that well, Seeing that Sora in pain, feeling like he had lost all the Strength, saying that all of them came from them. He know that yeah Sora put his friend more then him. In fact...
Riku is a Hero and Guardian of Light because of Sora. Yeah, he wanted to Protect Sora, he wanted to protected his friends. Back them, he use to believed that Darkness was the Strength. But instead, he became the very thing that he would protected them from. He became the danger.
Yeah I will say it here. Riku didn’t just lock himself inside the door of kingdom hearts, stay with Sora when he was in his deep sleep, try to take down Xion, who is Sore’s Memory of Kairi, Give up his appearance and take down Roxas, Sore nobody, Support Sora without being seen or in the Land of the Dragon took action, join with Sora to take down Xemnas, took a lightsaber on the side, became Sora dream eater and protected Sora from the Demon Tornadoes. He didn’t all of that because he was just in love with him. And I mean it.
Guilt is one of that. He know what he did, he use a darkness, he hurt his friends and he know that he did. And what more, he did feel sorry for Xion and Roxas, he didn’t want to do it and feel guilty with that. He was ashamed with himself. He became the very monster he was sword to protected.
He wanted to Protected and he will do it, No matter the cost. If he made the sacrifice, it wasn’t out of true love, it was the redeem himself and to tell Sora that he know that he have the Strength. Because his Strength came from Sora himself.
Sure, he didn’t go well, But he would go out in his own turm. And that is why he  Clench! He will go out on his own or take the Demon head on.
And that is why Riku is Sora’s Best Friends. Call it all you want, was it out of love. Yeah. But was it Erotic Love, Romantic  love? NO! Do I ship SoRiku? As platonic. Because both Sora and Riku have that Affectionate Love to each other. Sora seem to think that Riku know the answered and Riku know that Sora is Stonged. Is that best friendship I like about the two. Heck, is why I ship the same platonic with Neku and Beat.
To put it simply. Fist Clench does not mean Romance.
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bellwitchcat · 5 years
Working on a Headache Solution
So recently I went to the doctor for my chronic wrist pain (she thinks its tendonitis but I’m pretty sure it’s carpal tunnel. Need to wait a few more weeks before I can see her again for a follow up), and she prescribed this gel to put on my wrist. It’s basically like a topical aspirin. 
Unfortunately for me, this means that I cannot take anything for migraines, which I am prone to as well. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) does not work for me, and Ibuprofen (Motrin) and Naproxen (Alieve?) don’t mix well with the topical gel. I’d most likely be fine, but I’m a smart cookie and would rather not risk it.
This is the part where I’m happy that I’m a witch!
I recently made a new protection charm jar for my partner, it’s filled with basil and rosemary and salt and lavender oil. I used a different jar to mix the components in, and ended up mixing a bit extra. I decided not to dispose of the extra, and instead sealed up the jar. Tonight the universe came through for me!
I had recently seen somewhere (may have reblogged it here, but the last few days have honestly been a bit of a blur!) that one natural remedy for headaches is to mix some lavender oil in some warm water and put a warm cloth soaked in it on your head.  Using this for inspiration, I decided to add some warm water to my little jar that held the spare protection charm components! I added a little extra lavender, then blessed the jar with my quartz pendulum (not a traditional practice, but one that I find works for me) while reciting, of all things, “Migraine migraine, go away, come again another day”
I then shook it up really well, and used my finger to massage a little bit into each temple as well as a little across my forehead, then finished it off by drawing a counter-clockwise circle on my forehead with it.
And it worked! Kind of. The migraine definitely lessened to more of a headache, and after a little while subsided for sure. It came back after a bit, but that could be due to a variety of things. I was at my laptop at the time, so that could lend to the trouble a bit. I may also try tweaking the recipe a bit when I get a chance.
I know I will keep: Basil - for peace Lavender Oil - for relaxation and peace. Fresh or dried lavender may also help this be stronger. Water - gotta dilute that oil! Although in my experience lavender oil is one of the less harsh oils, you can never be too careful.
It may also help to let the mixture sit for a little while before using it, and obviously letting my eyes rest for even 15 minutes after applying the mixture would likely help.
I don’t know that it’s good enough to put in my grimoire just yet, but I do look forward to tweaking the recipe until I have something that works without a “but” attached to it.
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tllthesundies · 6 years
wool socks, smelly candles, halloween, cozy blankets, hot tea flannel, chilly air (tell me whats so great about the cold and rain then:)), apple cider, haunted houses, fuzzy boots, thanksgiving, black friday, the color orange & windy nights🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂
i got carpal tunnel typing all this 4 u
wool socks - I look forward to rain and cloudiness. I’m sick of the sun. I want it gone 99% of the time.
smelly candles - my absolute favorite scent is....the rain. before, during, and after.
halloween - if I could dress up as anyone and pull it off flawlessly, it would be either taylor or alex. maybe a mix? I wanna be a swift and turner hybrid. 
cozy blankets - where I feel the most safe & at home.....to be determined.
hot tea - the last time I kissed someone was august of last year. I try not to remember the traumatic experiences I put myself thru
chilly air - I’ll tell u what’s good abt the cold & rain: it gifts me all my melancholic dreams summer selfishly takes away. it gives me longing nostalgia, sweaters, fur coats, calmness, tranquility, a peace of mind, the chance to give me my emotions back & feel something and be whole -- all those things that the sun takes away. summer is the rightfully hated sister, who suffocates me with her overbearing warmth and vindictive, horrific love. she’s no friend of mine. I thrive off rain & cold bc it loves my soul the way it deserves and should be loved.
apple cider - I would throw a fake party and invite harry so we can finally have a face-off. I unveil the red velvet curtains and we’re in a boxing ring. I pull out my gloves. he only has his knuckles. he’s so caught off bc he’s been avoiding this for years that I successfully get the first hit in. 
haunted houses - my biggest fear is heights
fuzzy boots - I’d live in either the 1920s or take a dip in the Georgian era. preferably ‘20s bc I love the fashion, the idea of being a flapper, the jazz, all the dancing. however I wouldn’t be into the alcohol. but I’d be running an underground place that is targeted towards wlw trans ppl but does welcome cis wlw. every era is awful for people who aren’t a cishet white male so might as well go big & get killed
thanksgiving - I’m most thankful for everyone who chooses to talk to me. I’m an enigmatic handful
black friday - I would sell my soul to own......a lovely home in Italy w/ multiple cats & the love of my life. no worries, no issues, just love & homemade pasta.
the color orange - any tom odell song. that man..................whew
windy nights - a concert I’d go to is elton john’s. i’m hoping i get to
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Survey #134
“i got detention ‘cuz i made a face; nobody believed me that it’s stuck that way.”
If you were to die today would your life be complete?  No. How good is Coca-Cola?  It's my second-favorite soda. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
  My niece Aubree <3 Do you have a bad temper? 
 No. Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
  One acquaintance, one old friend off the top of my head. Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground and carry you?  Mom when I passed out. If you were in the hospital, do you think any of your exes would come see you?  Girt probably would, and he's the only one I wouldn't have a problem with visiting. If you were kicked out of your house, would the last person you texted take you in?  I'm sure they would, but it's more realistic I'd live with my dad. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?  Skydive. What fictional place would you most like to go to?  Yo can I go to Azeroth. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  UHHHHHH.  I'm honestly not quite sure.  But Mark is like super high on the list, if not #1.  I'm not well-informed on a lot of people's accomplishments lajsfdaowe. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?  Hmmmm.  Good question. What is one thing you really want but can’t afford?  Lmao dude I want so many expensive things atm. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?  I almost snorted reading this question because like do you honestly expect something impressive of me.  I... guess I understand Sony Vegas well? What are some of the turning points in your life?  Uhhhh meeting my ex, the divorce, discovering my passion for photography, the breakup, re-uniting with Dad, r e c o v e r y. What’s your cure for hiccups?  NOTHING.  NOTHING WORKS. Don’t you think it’d be cool to see a colossal squid?  FUCKING NOPE THEY ARE SPAWNS OF THE NIGHTMARE REALM. What kind of steak do you prefer?  When I ate meat, I liked medium well. Has anyone ever cheated on their significant other with you?  Yes, allow me to (not) tell you about my stupid 12-year-old self. Are you fascinated by outer space?  *cue the Mark "Space is Cool" mix* Do you answer your phone when it’s a number you don’t recognize? Never. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first?  Put the soap on. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance?  The night of the breakup.  I had left the house to walk to Jason's, and Mom got in the car and kept driving in front of me to stop me (I was too practically catatonic to run).  Eventually gave up, she drove me home, and when she opened the door, it was my goal to run to the kitchen and slit my throat, but the moment I made the action to run, she pretty much tackled me and I sobbed my lungs out for like 30 minutes.  Fuck that entire night. Who were your last 3 Facebook messages from and what do they say?  "lol but hey thats the world we live in lol well goodnight honey and i hope to speak to u again" from Leslie, "How quaint O:" from Girt, "Its okay :)" from Amanda. Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? What does the comment say?  Sara saying "YEP" when I shared a picture of straight people dating versus lesbians and it was spot-on. Which do you use the most, smiley faces, kisses or hearts?  Faces, probs. Do you like sweet or salty popcorn? Ohhhh both.  But I've gotta side with salty. Have you ever had to put your hand over someone’s mouth to keep them quiet?  Once. Have you ever fed a wild animal?  Yes. The last time you packed, where were you going?  Sara's. Do you believe in astrology?  Definitely not. Do you have an accent?  Not really, but you can pick up a southern tone with some words.  Example, my "your" sounds more like "yer," usually. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?  No. Do you sing in the shower?  I have been a tad bit lately...  I used to never. Are you satisfied with your current camera? My phone camera is SHIT, and I need a new actual camera.  55-200mm lens is broken, the other one's automatic focus setting is and I'm not great at manual focus. Have you ever been in a choir?  In Catholic church, yes. Does it bother you to have dirt on the bottom of your bare feet?  Y E S Has anyone ever told you that you have a big butt?  I literally have the flattest ass of any female you'll ever meet. Do you often skip breakfast? Pretty much daily now, yeah.  I'm fasting and don't eat until 11, so breakfast's passed. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents)? Nicole. Who last grabbed your behind?  I'm sure it was Chelsea being her crazy self. Do you eat raw cookie dough?  Yeah dukes up salmonella. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?  No. Would you survive in prison?  No.  I would find one way or another to kill myself. Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not?  Rarely, no, no.  I drink usually in celebratory settings to loosen up some and sometimes just because I like the flavor of weak, fruity alcohol.  Smoking's gross, drugs are ew. What was the first cigarette you ever smoked?  Never smoked. Are you scared about the end of the world?  If I'mma be in it, hell yeah.  But it's not something I actively worry about because I don't think it'll happen in my lifetime. Do you prefer landmarks or street names when being given directions?  Landmarks.  I don't know street names for shit. Do you read the prologues in the beginnings of books?  Yes. Where is one place that you’d never be caught dead in?  Never be caught dead in, ever... uhhhh... nothing's coming to mind right now.  Oh wait.  Probably a strip club. Apple Jacks: yay or nay?  YAY. Do you have a favorite Scooby-Doo movie?  Yeah, but I don't remember which one. ;-;  It's that one where the girl says her name is Mary Jane and Shaggy goes, "That's, like, my favorite name."  Totally went over my head as a kid lmao. Have you ever met a guy for coffee?  No, I hate coffee anyway. Who is your pet most attached to in your family?  Teddy's most attached to me, I'm the only one who has any physical contact with Venus and she trusts me, Bentley is bonded with Mom, and Mitsu is still apprehensive of anyone. Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you?  The whole world and more. What do you normally do when you’ve had a really bad day?  Cry, have a shit attitude occasionally, a nap is common, talk to Sara, binge my favorite Markiplier videos. When is the next time you will wear a dress?  Hm.  Maybe this summer if I'm confident enough in my body by then lmao. On the main page on YouTube, what’re the three recommended videos? 8-BitGaming beating SCP: Containment Breach, a DanAndPhilGAMES video of Golf With Friends, and then an 8-BitRyan vid of the full release of Raft. Do you know anyone from Canada? Yeah, my former roommate's ex. Are thongs sexy? Yeah, but oml I know I couldn't wear one. Did you grow up in a healthy environment? I wouldn't say "healthy," no.  My dad was an alcoholic at the time, parents always fought, and our neighborhood was dangerous. Heavy rain or heatwave? Heavy rain, easily.  Fuck the heat. You have a choice to shoot your father or die, what would you do?  I hate these damn questions, but I'd rather die.  My father deserves the longest and happiest life possible without the betrayal of his daughter. If killing yourself meant saving the world, would you?  Yeah.  It's a lose-lose situation for me; if I didn't, I'd still die if the world's gonna end. Who knows your most darkest memory or secret?  Jason and Mom should know, and whoever read those specific surveys. Who was the last person you almost went out with?  Meh.  Juan.  We talked and hung out once in... late 2016 I think and I was pretty confused as to how I felt about him.  Meanwhile, he hasn't kept it a secret in the least he's liked me since freshman year.  He's always treated me like a gentleman should, but I know the dark and disgusting parts of him.  Glad I decided against it. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles?  Stones. What does your grandma call you?  Just my name. And what do you call your grandmother?  Grammy. Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?  Pool. Do you think ‘everything bagels’ are disgusting?  No, but I have to be in the mood for one. Do you find serial killers fascinating?  I wouldn't call them as a whole fascinating, but what has to be going on in their brains to create such grotesque desires and creativities. Do you have high blood pressure?  No. Have you ever pumped gas?  No.  I'm 22 btw lmao. Have your parents ever caught you drinking?  I mean Mom's seen me with a drink when she didn't know I'd gotten one, but I wouldn't call it "caught" since I'm allowed to and I made no effort to make it secretive. Do you prefer writing by hand or typing? Typing.  Writing makes my carpal tunnel act up quickly, and besides, typing's way faster. Think of one of the biggest decisions you've had to make in your life. If you made a different choice, how different would your life be now?  Panicking and telling Mom when I overdosed.  I took way more than what I should've taken of a cold medicine I can't even look at now, but I don't think it would've killed me based on how I felt, but then again, the fluids or whatever I got to purge it could've saved me; however, I feel like I would've killed myself through another method if I didn't tell her.  It all led to the psychiatric care I needed. Have you ever taken a course on CPR?  No, but I should. Do you wear a watch? No, I don't even own one. When are you at your most energetic? A little after waking up.  Just gotta get over the initial drowsiness. Do you like playing cards? If so, what's your favorite game?  I don't really enjoy card games.  I liked Magic: The Gathering tho when I was with Jason, but I wasn't that good at it considering it's got like a billion rules.  I'd still play with someone who knew how to, though.  I loooove the PS3 version that was made for it, it was much easier and I found it relaxing.  And I adore the artwork like jfc. What are your parents’ natural hair colors? What is yours?  Extremely dark brown, black, dirty blonde but turned to brown. How do you react to random strangers suddenly trying to make conversation with you?  I get nervous. Do you like Slim Jims?  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS MAMA. Have you ever been in a castle? The Disney World castle, if that counts? Would you rather write a mystery or love story? A love story. Are you afraid of getting shots?  No.  I don't like them, but. What do you currently hear?  "Pour Some Sugar On Me" cover by Ninja Sex Party. What’s one text that you saved?  Two texts from Sara that I love way too much. Have you ever cut your own hair?  No. What’s your favorite color combination? Probably orange and black bc Halloween. Did you share a locker at school? No. Have you ever sang karaoke?  No. How old were you when you went on your first date?  Huh, I dunno.  Just the guy and myself?  Probably dinner with Jason at 16? Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? Yeah. Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection?  Holy fuck, after my last ear infection?  Strep. Where was your first job?  GameStop. Have you ever been to a night club? No. Do all good things really come to an end?  No, not all. How many people do you trust with your life?  Three. Are you too kind for your own good?  Don't think so. Have you ever held a baby? Yeah. What's your favorite '90s TV show?  The Nanny. What are you favorite book series? Warriors. Favorite superheroes?  I know he's technically an anti-hero, but does Deadpool still count?  If not, uh.  Batman I guess. Would people consider you more immature or mature? Mature, probably. Would you say most of your friends are older or younger than you?  Younger. If you have a significant other, do you get jealous of people a lot? She knows I was insecure as fuck in the beginning.  Now, nope. Who was your best friend in the fifth grade?  Ummm I think Quiata? Do your parents still help you financially?  I don't have a job.  So. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Don't think so. Do you have a preferred brand of bottled water?  Essentia.  Thanks for not having it, NC. Are you more prone to overthinking things, or being too impulsive?  Hunny I overthink if I have to pee or not if it's not a massive need. How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10? Eh, maybe just a seven thanks to the pill. Have you ever thrown up from cramps?  No. List three people you had a hard time forgiving.  JASON, Dad, Mom multiple times. Who was your first celebrity crush?  Jesse McCartney. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use?  The pill.  But it's for cramps. Are you happy with your gender?  Yeah. What gender do you identify as?  Female. What gender were you born as? Female. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication?  No. Have you ever used a tampon?  Yeah. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty?  I don't think it's something we ever properly "talked" about, but rather indirectly when Mom taught me how to shave and told me when to start wearing a bra. How many people have you known who were suicidal?  Sadly, I think MOST people I know/most friends. What's your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know? My nephew is literally the cutest child I have EVER seen. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Actually yes, but most because Mom instructed me to block them when I was younger.  A few are of my own volition. What color is your razor/shaver?  Orange and white. What's your boyfriend/girlfriend's sisters name? She doesn't have any sisters. Do you like the sound of violins?  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Would you be interested in going on a blind date?  Even if I was single, no. If you formed an unhealthy habit, would it be smoking or drinking? Oh boy, idk.  I think an alcohol addiction is more dangerous, but smoking has disgusting consequences. Have you ever bought a video game expansion pack? No. Do you wish YouTube had been around when you were a kid?  Nah.  I wouldn't want the risk of an earlier technology addiction. Do you remember preschool?  Yes. What color(s) was your backpack in high school?  Browns and black.  It was a Ouija board design. What health conditions do you have?  Physically, baaad dry scalp, dry af skin in general, inactive MRSA.  I've been over my mental ones enough. Have you ever collected seashells at the beach?  Yeah. Did you ever take dance lessons?  Yeah, for many years. If you took dance lessons, what was your favorite style of dance?  Modern. Have you ever worn a tutu? No. What was your favorite vacation that you went on as a child?  Disney World. Have you ever had braces?  Yeah. What is your favorite photo editing site? (or what do you use?) I don't use editing sites.  I use Photoshop, Lightroom, or PhotoScape. How many times did you take your driver's test?  I haven't yet.
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troywbut646-blog · 4 years
How To Beginning A Cars And Truck Dealership.
In a car class that every year loses customers for the crossover sector, there are still manufacturers that invest into creating exceptionally good sedans. Among them is Cadillac. A company that built its brand on the convenience as well as reliability of previous car models, contemporary Cadillac supplies 3 of the best sedans money can purchase. We're talking about the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, the XTS and also CT6 models, a trio that reminds customers how great of a car a proper sedan can be, specifically if it's a Cadillac.
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Initially on our checklist is the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Sporting a brash exterior style with sharp, hostile lines and also a noticeable grille flanked by LED headlights on each side, the CTS is of the best-looking sedans on the market today.
On the inside, Cadillac has actually maintained their excellent track record of mixing abundant deluxe with complete convenience as a mix of wood, natural leather, and also soft-touch products collaborated to generate a remarkable feel and look. More so, if you opt for the two-toned natural leather package that will certainly bring a new dimension and also deepness to the interior's visual. Besides quality materials and also adequate leg room, which the CTS has plenty, an additional item of the challenge when it comes to modern-day comfort is modern technology. A lengthy listing of tech-features can be discovered on also the fundamental Carpal Tunnel Syndrome design, beginning with among the most effective 8.0-inch touchscreens out there that give front seat guests the ability to manage the cars and truck's infotainment system. To this, three USB northwesthills-Cadillac ports are included, alongside Bluetooth connectivity, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, a rearview cam, cruise ship control, back auto parking sensing units, as well as an 11-speakers BOSE stereo.
Three engine selections are provided, yet thinking about the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome's uncommon lightweight of a little over 3500 pounds, which does wonders for total efficiency, you'll have a blast driving the automobile despite the base powertrain mounted. A 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder comes a requirement, and also it will generate 268 horsepower and also 295 pound-feet of torque. The following available upgrade is a 3.6 naturally aimed V-6 that will certainly ramp up the horse power to 355 and also the pound-feet of torque to 285. The V-Sport trim deals one of the most effective engine though, in the form of a 3.6-liter twin turbo V-6 that generates a tremendous 420 horsepower as well as 430 pound-feet of torque. A powertrain that would make a pick-up truck owner proud, visualize what it can do on a vehicle virtually half the weight.
The center model in Cadillac's trio is the XTS. A monolith to heritage, without a trace of stale air. It's the auto equivalent of what Air Jordan footwear represent, an everlasting sign of quality, with a lot a lot more tech and also exceptionally gorgeous 19-inch alloy wheels as common though.
The XTS obtained a revamp in 2018 which led to a much more hostile outside contour provided by its brand-new sharp lines as well as grille. On the within, the model dully delivers of its historical assurance of comfort and deluxe by offering a dazzling visual experience through detailed stitching, as well as high-end, soft-touch materials.
The model is likewise more than fully equipped, also in the base version, not to mention higher trim degrees. Conventional attributes include eight-power flexible front seats, an 8.0-inch touchscreen that controls the infomercial system, both Apple CarPlay as well as Android Automobile for full smart device connectivity, OnStar assistance with 4G LTE hotspot and a BOSE audio system. Greater trim levels elevate the high-end degree by offering perks the similarity auto-dimming mirrors, automatic vehicle parking or warmed front and also back seats.
This royal residence on wheels is powered by one in 2 engines. Either the base V-6 that will certainly create 304 horsepower, or the available upgrade, a twin-turbo V-6 that will certainly put out an amazing 410 horsepower as well as 369 pound-feet of torque.
Conserving the most effective for last, we have actually currently involved talk about the CT6. An exceptionally good-looking exterior offers form to among the courses technical leaders. The sharp outside lines as well as affable curves make the CT6's price tag apparent to any observers as the cars and truck looks every bit as extravagant as it is costly, an attribute invited by all its owners.
As a member of the statement-car club, the CT6 excites not only via appearances yet additionally with interior convenience and driving experience. To information the first jaw-dropping quality, its lovely interior, one has to start by paying homage to Cadillac's exceptional workmanship as well as impressive material choices. A long listing of top-notch features adheres to, like the 10.2 touchscreen in the middle of the dash from where you can manage the cars and truck's infotainment system, or the auto-dimming rearview mirror, the natural leather upholstery, power-adjustable pole positions, the dual-zone climate control, satellite radio, wireless charging pad, the 8-speaker BOSE stereo that can be upgraded to an amazing 34-speaker system developed by the very same company. To these, the base plan includes expected modern attributes like Bluetooth connection, and also Apple CarPLay as well as Android Automobile. Tasteful luxurious layout as well as features trash the CT6, but they would be absolutely nothing with the ideal engine under the hood.
Three powertrains are offered, the base 2.0-liter four-cylinder turbocharged engine that will produce 237 horsepower and also 258 pound-feet of torque, the normally aspirated V-6 capable of generating 335 horse power as well as 284 pound-feet of torque and the top-of-the-range twin-turbocharged 3.0-liter V-6 that will certainly create a whopping 404 horse power as well as 400 pound-feet of torque. Three options, all more than with the ability of using a fantastic driving experience.
To these 3 jewels Cadillac has actually included the CTS-V collection, which they named "one of the most effective Cadillac ever built", and also I do not learn about you, but also for me, that sentence sends out enjoyment delights down my spine and the CT-6 plug-in crossbreed.
Cadillac has done an excellent task of proceeding their sedan line's heritage of building cars so excellent they've made it right into pop culture, as well as by the looks of things, they're bound to affect another generation by educating it what convenience and luxury are everything about.
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