#it all fits
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withswords · 1 month ago
plaidos is the peyton beachdeath of women
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ancha-aus · 2 months ago
Gifted Oneshot - NewAgeAU - The Mountain
I have been slow cooking and scheming a little something. That stopped being little a while ago.
Also as you notice. Not just a drabble. Straight up an oneshot.
On that note. Because of this I have also decided to upload it to my AO3. In case you prefer reading it there you can by clicking Here.
This is for my friendo @spotaus and their New Age AU, or ours as I am a bit of the co-writer at this point haha.
Fair warning. This installment is far into the future and after the main story line the main story will focus on. This is about the DustedAfterDeath relationship and how they went from toxic to reasonable.
Warnings: past toxic relationship. mentions of drugs. mentions of slave collars.
Also... Euh... it is 33000 words long. Yes you are reading that right. 33K words. Which is why i am terrified to see how Tumblr will react to that many words as I never tried to upload something that long here.
Anyway! Here we go!
Nightmare frowns as he looks back at the files left on his wartable before turning back to the cabinet with many different reports. The cabinet itself is a nice dark brown and made of sturdy wood. It had served him well over the last many years he had been a king.
It was one of many that he had both in the warroom as in his own office. This one specifically he had rolled into the warroom as it had all the detailed reports from the black market dismantling.
Reaper whistles as he leans on the table “I keep forgetting that you document everything.”
Nightmare gives a tiny shrug at his fellow king “It is a habit.” Before he used to keep track of everything because he had been a control freak and perfectionist who was paranoid. The magic of The Ritual had done a number on his mental health and Nightmare sometimes still wondered how he managed to get through that for 7 years before he turned thirteen again. Ccino is honestly a miracle worker.
Nightmare finally finds the reports he had been looking for and pulls them out with a tiny triumphed smile. He lays them across the table and reaper looks at it curiously.
Nightmare speaks “This.” he points at the files “Is everything I have about the dismantling.”
Reaper nods as he looks at the five reports “On the whole black market?”
Nightmare frowns “No? Everything about that is in the cabinet. Those are just about the main drugs rings.” The smaller ones Dust had managed to do in one afternoon at that point. Even with Dust having had to wear multiple magic dampers and without much training he had been scarily efficient at shutting it down. The biggest issue had been with the main branches which required more leg work and a more stealthy approach.
Nightmare just knows that Dust and Killer had returned covered in soot and Killer had looked so excited as he spoke about Nightmare having to hire Dust fulltime. Dust had just looked bored but had felt rather content and proud of himself back then.
Nightmare is pretty sure that is when those two actually started to become friends which would eventually become the almost twin bond the two shared. And Nightmare can know as actual twin.
Reaper looks shocked “That many reports? Why?” even as he asks it he pulls the first report over as he starts scanning the information for stuff he recognises from his own drugs problem.
Nightmare takes a seat and pulls over the information that Reaper had brought with him “With the magic my mind was busy and paranoid. The reports helped. Because each time my mind would think of another detail or something that could backfire I could pull the report open again and search it. Either to help calm my mind that there was nothing to worry about. Or to give me a starting point to make sure this new idea didn’t became a problem.” After he deaged back to his normal age he just kept the habit up of making the reports. Nightmare hadn’t looked at them much in the last 3 years but it was nice to have them.
Especially in situations like this.
Nightmare opens the file that Reaper brought and frowns. It is all about how a new drug has been making the circles in Reaper’s land. In the capital city no less. The effects are mostly concentrated on giving the monster or human taking it a large magical boost. Causing them to be able to perform magic for a short while and to feel energised. The healers and scientists however had found out that the drug does this at cost of soul energy. Meaning that the very magic you gain is taken directly from your soul. And unlike magic users the average soul is unable to perform these activities without consequences.
The most likely consequence is that the one who takes it gets soulburn. A dangerous illness where the soul starts to produce more energy which can cause the soul to burn a way out of the body. An even worse option is that the soul can collapse in on itself as it gives too much of the soul energy. Causing death.
All very serious concerns. Especially if you take into consideration that the drug is addictive. The monster or human taking it will the first few times feel amazing which leads to developing a craving for it. And then it is a slippery slope down towards the worst possible results.
Nightmare can understand why Reaper came here with their treaty to get more help.
It isn’t exactly a secret that Nightmare’s land used to be swarmed with crime. Nightmare knows. Even after ten long and hard years of working on these issues the rumours still remain. Nightmare knows it will take even longer before the bad image of his land is improved. Nightmare is very happy that his brother and Blue are working on that.
Reaper is frowning as he has by now three of the five reports open and seems to switch between the different folders to study the information.
Nightmare turns back to the information offered to him and skips passed the properties and the victims. Instead Nightmare focuses on the section of where it first appeared and if it appeared anywhere before reaching the capital.
Nightmare finds a few locations and goes towards his map table. He touches the side and focusses for a moment. The map in view changes to fit the layout of Reaper’s kingdom. Nightmare walks towards the side of the capital city and touches the map. A small marker appears where Nightmare touched the map. Nightmare refers back to the other location mentions and starts putting it down on the map as he looks at the direction.
Mmh. Strange. It started near the mountains.
Nightmare makes a few careful notes of all the locations and what the layout looks like before making the table show a more detailed map of the mountains themselves.
The mountains help protect Reaper’s territory. It makes his country hard to infiltrate. Not to forget the ocean guarding him on the other side and the small area where the ocean and mountain range don’t meet being the mangrove forest.
Nightmare frowns as he stares at the map. It seems impossible for whoever did this to have smuggled the drugs in from the outside.
Nightmare speaks slowly “It seems likely that they make the drugs in your kingdom itself. Instead of importing it. If it were imported you would have noticed and caught them in either the port area or when they stubbled in through the forest or mountains.” Reaper has his guard watch those areas like hawks. Had they been importing the drugs they would have been caught already.
Reaper frowns as he looks deeply unhappy “That is what I am afraid of. That just means they have settled somewhere in my lands but I have had my guards search the cities and towns. There is no sign of them having settled anywhere, just selling.”
Nightmare frowns as he concentrates back on the map. He zooms in on the Three Lakes “The lakes?”
Reaper shakes his skull “We searched it. And unlike in our own river we couldn’t find any traces of the drugs in the water there.” He sounds relieved. Nightmare understands of course. His main food source is those lakes together with fishing in the ocean.
Nightmare frowns as he looks at the mines “Are the mines still operational?”
Reaper looks up and frowns “Not all of them. We maintain them just in case as we don’t want landslides but some have been locked up and decommissioned.”
Nightmare keeps looking at him and Reaper frowns “The mountains are dangerous. Them settling there would be too big of a risk.”
Nightmare shrugs as he speaks “I thought the same about the gang settling in the old clocktower and below in the sewers.” Dust had looked so damn amused when Nightmare had said it seemed unlikely “But these people… they don’t care about anyone’s safety. Not even their own. If they can gain power and money they will risk everything. Because to them the reward far outweighs the possible risk.”
Reaper frowns as he taps the files and stares at the map “The problem is. The mine shaft. You can’t just reach it. There is a reason we keep a careful eye on those. They are hard to reach and even harder to get the supplies needed up there.” Reaper frowns “Travel can take anywhere from 2 days on foot to 2 weeks on horseback, all depending on which mine you go to.”
Nightmare looks back at the map “Which mine is most likely to hold them?”
Reaper frowns as he taps the map and stares at the different mountains being viewed.
Nightmare takes the files back and looks at the different clues they had found so far. Nightmare frowns “They most likely make it somewhere. So it has to be a place has the ability to make the drugs.” He looks back at Reaper.
Reaper studies the map and points to one “We set this one up to be decommissioned soon. We were planning on going up there in summer to shut it down to make sure there were no accidents as can take up to a full week worth of travel on horseback. Even if you go alone.” Reaper points at the area and the long distance from the main roads “You would have to travel through the kingdom itself before moving up the mountain. The paths are traitorous. Even in summer. Much less now. With it being early spring.”
Nightmare frowns as he stares at the map “How risky is it to wait? Until it is safe to travel the mountain?”
Reaper shakes his skull “We have found multiple people dead already. Soulburns and souls just giving out. More people are looking for this drug. If it starts to spread out of the capital towards the smaller areas.” He frowns “Not to forget if more of the water gets pollinated it will affect us through the drinking water.” He sighs “I need to put a stop to this right away.”
Nightmare nods as he thinks. Dust could make it up there. Dust has more skills with horses than anyone Nightmare knows. Not to forget that even if the weather takes a turn for the worse it will just power Dust enough to maybe even redirect the storm. Dust also has experience in taking down these type of things.
However. Dust works the best either alone or with a very small crew. Most of his knights do.
Nightmare looks back at Reaper “How do you picture this mission?”
Reaper taps the map as he speaks “It would have to be a small group. The paths will be dangerous and having a large group may cause the path to become unstable. But sending someone alone is just begging them to be lost in the mountains without backup.”
Nightmare nods as he speaks “I can send one of my knights.” Dust would be by far the best. But that means sending Dust out to Reaper’s country and… well… Nightmare may trust Reaper with stuff about his country, there is a reason Nightmare no longer needs Dream’s presence for these meetings. But Nightmare still doesn’t quite trust Reaper with Dust. Things have been getting better but… Nightmare is still worried.
Reaper smiles before looking a bit more nervous himself “I appreciate the help. And I appreciate you being willing to entrust one of their safeties to me. But before you say anything or agree to help in that way. I must say. The one I would send would be someone… Very knowledgeable and skilled in magic. The drug works magically. And as you said it is most likely being produced inside those very mountains. Meaning they have some kind of power source or set up. Most likely magical that needs to be shut down.” And Reaper waits.
Nightmare doesn’t like this. His mind spins as he considers what was said. The worst part is that Reaper is right. Nightmare can see the reasoning and the conclusion that was made because of that. Even the very information they have to work with is because of Geno. Geno had been the one who figured out it was a magical drug and how it affect those around them all. Geno was the only right pick.
Nightmare thinks long and hard. Killer would be fine with the actual dismantling but he isn’t the best horse rider. Horror is strong but magically not strong enough to most likely have to battle magically skilled people who are even making this substance. Not to forget that Horror needs one of the sturdier horses. And while they are trusty steeds they are not the best for mountain paths.
Cross is out of the question. Mostly because Cross will end up making Geno go missing. Cross would be fine with the actual fighting and riding the horse all the way to the end location but Cross is also still furious at both Reaper and Geno and doesn’t make it a secret.
Dust is the only option.
Nightmare speaks slowly “I… Dust is the only fit for this mission. He is unchallenged in his horse handling and our expert when it comes to shutting down these kind of operations.”
Reaper looks shocked but then looks to the side as he frowns at the map. Clearly thinking.
Nightmare knows he will make the same conclusion that Nightmare just made. Dust is the only option to send up that mountain. Especially in these dangerous circumstances. And Geno needs to go because he is the one who knows this magic and can shut it down effectively.
Reaper frowns as he looks at Nightmare “You really think Dust can make it up that mountain? Even in early spring? While guiding other horses?”
Nightmare thinks for a moment. If it was in his own territory Nightmare would feel comfortable sending all four of his knights. Knowing that Dust could lead those horses up any area that he knows. But that is the issue. This would be uncharted territory for Dust to lead horses up and around.
Nightmare nods “If it is in your territory? I know Dust can safely lead two horses up the mountain, the only reason I say two is because Dust doesn’t know that mountain. But I would have to request they use horses from my kingdom.”
Reaper looks curious “I am not saying no and will gladly accept that but why?”
Nightmare figured it was obvious but then again Reaper wouldn’t know “Dust trains the horses. Every horse in used by my guards and knights are trained by him.” Which also means that Dust has a bond with every horse in use by those in the castle and that even if someone else is riding it they will listen to Dust’s comments, directions and orders.
Reaper looks impressed before nodding “Of course.” A moment of silence “Are you sure this will be alright?”
Nightmare frowns as he looks to the side “I am not. But this is dangerous. It needs to be stopped as soon as possible.”
Reaper nods as he sighs “I will return home. Talk with Geno. We will remain in contact by letter and whenever works for you and Dust I will gladly welcome his visit and help.”
Nightmare nods “I will ask Dust myself.” If Dust says no Nightmare will have to reconsider who he can safely send. If that ends up the case he would most likely have to send both Horror and Cross. Cross to send up the mountain with the horses and to deal with the ring while Horror would go along to deal with Cross himself.
For now he will just ask Dust.
Nightmare watches nervously as Dust looks over the mission plans. His knight had frowned when he saw the location but he had schooled his expression quickly enough to read the mission set up and goal.
Dust nods and speaks “I agree. I am the best fit.” Factual and quiet. Nightmare always thought he could read his brother no problem but turns out that Dust could still hide things from him.
Nightmare doesn’t often miss the magic the Ritual gave him. But the one thing he does miss was the connection he had had with those close to him.
Nightmare misses being able to feel their joy and excitement. He misses being able to feel that connection to their magic and souls. The way he could feel them close in a way that he could never explain.
Being able to notice when they needed help.
It is why he watches Dust closely. Trying to see any signs of distress. Nightmare had promised himself he would not miss those signs again.
Dust nods as he looks up “I can do it. Lead two horses up to the mine shaft and help the mage coming along to shut it down.”
Now the hard part.
Nightmare takes a deep breath and speaks “There is only one option for which mage could be send along to fix this mess.” He waits a moment “Geno.”
Dust’s hand twitches before forming a fist before relaxing it again. Dust nods “Okay.”
Nightmare glares “No. Seriously. Are you okay with it? We can think of something else if it is too much.”
Dust gets this tiny fond smile on his face “You really want to trust Killer to lead two horses up that mountain?”
Nightmare looks to the side and mutters “I wouldn’t have trusted him to do that to begin with. Would have send Horror and Cross together.”
Dust pulls a face “Yeah I can see why you can’t send Cross alone.”
Nightmare looks pained “What did he do?”
Dust looks slightly embarrassed “He did not enjoy the fact that Geno now feels… brave enough to wave and say hello. I am not exactly sure what he said but Cross looked rather happy after the interaction so I assume nothing good.”
Nightmare gets it of course. As Cross had said once. Dust doesn’t move to protect or defend himself so as his fellow knights it is their job. And Cross takes his job as knight, and brother, very serious.
Nightmare is a bit curious about what Cross exactly said but he can try to ask him later. For now “Are you sure?”
Dust frowns as he thinks for a moment “It will be… unpleasant. But if he continues to behave and act as is now I do not see an issue with us doing this mission.”
Nightmare frowns before nodding. Dust seems honestly okay with it. Nightmare points towards the map “We need to move out as soon as possible. I want you to prepare your pack for travel and two horses for the track up the mountain. I will send Captain Rogers with you as escort to Reaper’s kingdom. He will remain there until you return and escort you back.”
Dust looks amused “I don’t need an escort.”
Nightmare doesn’t even bother as he just stares at Dust “Please.” Please. Please just let him do this. Please let him protect him in the tiny ways he can.
Dust gets that fond little smile again before sighing but nodding “Okay. Okay. I will travel with some of the guards. Restock my packs before we leave for the mountains.”
Nightmare smiles as he hands the mission brief over to Dust.
Dust reads it and hums “You may want to keep the others in the dark for a little while. At least until I am on my way there.”
Nightmare can’t help but laugh as he nods “Probably for the best.”
Dust nods and gives the little mock bow before he turns and leaves the warroom. Most likely to go and take care of the horses and get them ready for the long track.
Nightmare really hopes he didn’t make a mistake.
Geno feels like he is going to throw up. Even as he stares at his many charged crystals and some spell scrolls.
His soul pulses fast and he feels sick and excited.
How is he going to get through this?!
A soft chuckle and a hand takes his own “My love?”
Geno blinks out of his thinking before staring at Reaper “You are trying to kill me.”
Reaper looks so amused as he tilts his skull “Really? I should have removed my gloves if that was the case.” He joins him on the bed “Are you alright my love?”
Geno laughs and stares at Reaper “Yes? No? I am not sure? I am going to be alone with Dust! For weeks on end!” he stresses the words.
Reaper gives a slow nod as he frowns “You don’t want to anymore?”
Geno groans “No I want to! That is the issue! The problem is… I am not sure… How am I supposed to make it through this week without it ending with him hating me even more?!” the only reason there was the tiny peace was because of Error’s and Fresh’s situation. Dust still avoids them a lot and Geno had only been lucky enough to manage a wave or small hello.
Not at all the small conversations he craves and wants so badly. That connection he had had but lost because of his own stupid and idiotic behaviour.
If those things are already impossible how is he ever going to be able to manage a full week of travel? One on one travel?
Reaper looks so damn gentle and Geno hates how much he still craves that look. He should be fine without it. Yet here he is still craving that look. Same as the awe Reaper would show when Geno showed off his magic.
Reaper takes his hand and rubs the back of it. Carefully, even as he wears his gloves for safety, Geno never saw the deal with that. Not when it was just them. Geno knows Reaper would never hurt him. Geno knows Reaper enough to know that, Geno knows enough about magic to know that Reaper would never kill him with his Touch of Death ability.
Sadly Reaper doesn’t believe this.
Reaper speaks carefully “I don’t think he will hate you, or more as you say it.” he continues to hold his hand and rub the back of it with careful tiny circles. Reaper stares at him with that same love written all over his face.
Geno does not deserve it. But he is selfish and a bastard and can’t let go. He would never let go of this beautiful but terrifying thing. Not as long as Reaper is willing to give it.
It is why it hurts so bad to have lost what he and Dust had had, all because Geno couldn’t stop being selfish and greedy for one moment.
Reaper smiles softly still, probably aware of the mental turmoil Geno is having, and speaks again “You are respecting his boundaries… or most of them.” Reaper shoots the Seeing Crystals a look and yes Geno deserves that jab. Reaper doesn’t dwell on it for longer “You know what you did before was wrong. You are more aware of yourself and your habits. You can use this knowledge to make it through this trip alright. In a way you can see it as your chance to truly show Dust that you learned from your past mistakes.”
Geno is still unsure as he breaks their eye contact.
Reaper speaks softer “I can still ask for someone else to go? Another mage maybe-”
“No!” Geno is slightly embarrassed by his reaction but it is justified!! Geno has gone to a school with mages! He knows how they think and the biggest issue in his old school had been the many different mages all trying to figure out either love potions or love spells. Stupid hormones driven teens.
Geno is very aware he is being a hypocrite but at least he never sunk that low. He never tried to use his magic to force anyone to feel something for him that wasn’t there. He never committed that crime of break of consent. Geno still has the opinion that those spells and potions count as rape drugs and he will not take any arguments against that.
Reaper looks amused “So you will go?”
Geno grumbles as he looks to the side “Obviously! And just because I am obviously the only correct choice for this mission.” He turns back to his many spells and sighs “I am just…” worried scared terrified paranoid anxious “I don’t want to mess it all up again.”
Reaper had worked so damn hard to fix Geno’s mistake. The very treaty had been in danger and Geno had felt terrible. The fact they still didn’t trust Geno proved once again how badly he messed this whole thing up. Just because he can’t look at people like a normal person and has the stupid habit of turning everything in his mind into some weird scorecard or game or experiment or whatever his minds decides on for the day.
Reaper says it is Geno’s own trauma from being forced to be a parent to his younger brothers while having no stable income or secure housing.
Geno just thinks he is an ass.
Reaper hums as he keeps holding his hand and rubbing the back of it “And you won’t. I trust you.”
Geno laughs as he looks to the side “That went well the last time.”
Reaper hums “The past is in the past. You are trying to improve and better yourself. Why would I keep bringing up stuff you did before that you already regret and are trying to improve?” Reaper traces Geno’s cheek with the gentlest touch “Why would I want to hurt you like that? You learned. You are changing your behaviour and working hard to do right now. I think that is beautiful and shows who you really are as person. You just need the chance and time to improve.” He kisses the hand before smiling “I will ask you once more. Please be honest. Do you feel ready to go on this journey? And do you want to? Or do you need more time to grow and feel secure in interacting with him?” and he waits.
Geno thinks for a moment. He honestly feels fine with going up the mountain. To search the mines. He is just nervous about how Dust will react to him. But moreso, he is excited. Excited about the chance to just be near the other. Hear the other speak again. Speak to him again!
Geno nods “I want to go.” there is just one tiny issue “But horses?!” he stresses the word.
Reaper looks amused “Do you want to walk up the mountain?”
Geno glares “I can’t drive a horse Reaper!”
Reaper chuckles as he smiles “It is called riding love.”
Geno groans as he ignores the comment “I prefer walking over falling on my face every time the horse makes a turn.” There is a reason Geno had wanted to use his inexperience with horses to create a moment with Dust before and oh boy now that he thinks about that he sees the very clear red flag that situation is. Geno really is just red flag after red flag isn’t he?
Reaper smiles “I mean. It should be fine. Nightmare will be sending two horses along with Dust. And Dust apparently has good control over the horses and they listen to him. I am sure the horse will behave and make sure you don’t fall off if Dust asks.”
Geno knows of course. He had spied on a few of those horse trainings before he realised he was once again ignoring every boundary and just taking what he wanted. But the fact remains he had seen Dust work with the horses before. He is an amazing rider and knows what he is doing.
Which just makes the fear of falling off the stupid horse and down a cliff even worse. Geno doesn’t want to make a fool of himself like that.
Reaper smiles “Give it a chance. I am sure you will do amazing.”
Geno sighs and nods. It isn’t like he doesn’t want to do it. He wants to do it so badly. A long time alone with Dust? Getting the chance to talk to him and maybe finally be able to at least start to apologise for his own rude behaviour? The mission itself? Finding this magical substance that reacts to the very biology of both humans and monsters? Geno is so curious how it works and how they manufacture it!
Reaper kisses his hands before he gets up “I need to go check if everything is ready for our guests. I hope you will join me in the throne room soon.” Reaper smiles and gives a tiny bow before leaving.
Geno sighs as he stares at his pack stuffed full with crystals and other tools.
He hopes he can make this work. If only for a little bit.
Geno takes a deep breath before looking at his pack with focus. He opens it removes everything he put into it before taking much more careful note of what he will need.
The basic camping equipment will be taken care of by the maids and servants. Reaper called together a bunch of people who have been on that mountain before to handle the actual camp packing. Including rations. Meaning that Geno’s personal pack will just be for what Geno needs to take along.
He takes a deep breath and picks up a few crystals. These should siphon away any large magical energy. Reaper mentioned that Nightmare thought they will be making these drugs locally. Meaning that they will have to have a large magical powersource. Best to have these along.
Next he grabs his army knife. He enchanted it obviously by embedding some of his smaller crystals into it. It should work to cut anything, including metal cables or worse. He also has some lock picking tools in there. Geno isn’t the best with it which is why he enchanted those as well. But he has seen those slave collars making their way around the areas where the drug is also active and he just wants to make sure there is a way to get those off of anyone.
Geno looks at his many spells and feels a bit embarrassed once he notices he grabbed his most complex and powerful ones. Way to be obvious Geno. Way to make it clear you are desperate to show off. Geno pushes them around and ends up grabbing the one for levitation just in case. It is always good to have that one with you when you go to high places.
Some healing crystals are also a must and one of his more complex and powerful ones is the Calm Emotions. Meant to calm down any aggression. Geno never truly had a chance to test it but if it works as he thought it would it may be useful. Next he grabs his shield crystal and checks those.
He obviously can cast spells without his crystals. Geno is a skilled mage. The difference is that the crystals area already charged and ready to cast the spell without having to still take time to cast it and use his limited mana supply. Geno would just need to activate them.
Geno steps back and nods “That will do.” After that he took some extras of the same crystals and closed his pack. Finally packed.
Geno takes a moment to look at himself in the mirror. He closes his sockets for a moment and takes a deep breath “I can do this.” he opens his sockets and stares at himself “You can do this.” He makes sure to make it an order for himself “You will be normal. You will not make him feel uncomfortable. You will remain respectful of his boundaries and you will not ask pushy questions.” Or better said. Just be a decent person.
He can do this.
Geno puts his bag on his back and leaves his room to quickly join Reaper. A small prickle along his nervous and he feels a rush of excitement come over him.
Dust is here.
Geno grins and rushes to the throne room to get there in time.
Geno gets to the entrance hall and stops there. Takes a moment to calm down. And enters the hall. A glance around shows he is still on time and Reaper smiles at him from beside his throne.
The throne is still the same from when Life was the king of this land. It is a beautiful light brown with all kinds of animals engraved into it. It is as old as the kingdom itself. Geno knows that many other kings look down on it as it isn’t that large or imposing and it isn’t made of a rare material.
Geno thinks it is beautiful. There are spells woven into the throne to make sure it remains healthy and alive. Flowers grown unto the throne to fit the season.
Geno knows that no matter what anyone else says Reaper will never do away with any marks left by Life. When asked he says it is to show respect to the original king that made the save haven that is this land. Geno knows it is because Reaper misses his old friend.
Reaper takes his face between his hands and places a gentle kiss on his skull. Geno feels bashful at the obvious affection in the simple movement. Reaper looks amused “Ready love?”
Geno takes a deep breath and nods “I am.”
Reaper smiles brightly before pulling his hands away from him. Just in time it seems as the throne room doors open. Reaper and Geno look up together.
One of the castle guards bows deeply “The cavalcade of the country of Orchard has arrived.” Geno can’t stop the small snort at the way the guard says it while Reaper just shoots him an amused look.
Geno waits for a moment and feels his soul beat speed up when the group walks in. He immediately finds Dust. Dust is dressed in his knight gear. Completely covered and his mask on. He walks side by side with an older man. Geno studies the other and quickly finds the markings that show he is the captain of the castle guard. Yeah, Geno should have expected as much seeing as Nightmare is very protective of his knights.
Geno gets it. He has his own brothers are all.
The captain bows deeply “King Reaper and royal mage Geno. It is a honour to visit and be allowed to aid you in the name of our King Nightmare.” He stands up and puts his fist on his chest, one top of the royal mark on his armour. The sword with a tree branch and the two birds on either side “I am captain Rogers! Our king send my man and I along to support your troops in the lands to help find people who are causing harm while the Knight will help your royal mage to undo the source.”
Dust just nods as he remains quiet. He is always so quiet and mysterious and Geno just now realises just how good he looks in that armour...
Reaper gives a small nod to show he heard and listened “I welcome you in my land and home. My own guard will fill you in on the developments while my maids will show you where you will be resting for your stay.” Reaper nods towards some of his help and they move forwards quickly.
Most of the guard goes while Rogers and Dust remain. Rogers nods and bows again “We appreciate it.” he glances at Dust for a moment before continuing “Will our Knight and your royal mage move out today or tomorrow?”
Dust shrugs and mutters “Today is fine.”
Geno nods his own agreement as he stares at Reaper. Reaper sees it of course and speaks “If today is fine than today the Knight and my mage will go towards the start of the path up the mountain. To enable them to have an early start tomorrow.”
Dust nods “Sounds good. I will ready the horses.” He turns and leaves the hall. Geno watches him go as Captain Rogers says his own goodbyes before following some maids to meet up with his own guard forces.
Geno turns to Reaper “I am going to go… yeah.” He points over his shoulder with his thumb.
Reaper smiles and nods. “Of course. I will join you soon. I just need to check with what has been packed for you two and I will meet you at the gate.”
Geno nods and leaves the throne room. He rushes through the halls as he ignores the beautiful décor. It isn’t that he doesn’t appreciate the beauty. He used to spend his thinking hours staring at the masterfully crafter stained glass. He rushes towards the exit of the castle as the story told in the large ceiling high windows passes him backwards.
Geno knows the story of course. The story of how Life fled her own war-controlled homelands and husband. How she took likeminded people with her and got her most trusted friend to help guide her people. How she travelled for a long time before finding this paradise. Hidden between the mountains with no one there to challenge their will to stay. How Life made a land worth living in. How she made a paradise focussed on safety and healing. Becoming the original king of this land, throwing away the title of queen as she fled her home and became a king to the people who went with her.
Geno had teased Reaper a lot when he learned that Reaper had been Life’s trusted friend. That Reaper is old as dirt. Reaper had been a bit self-conscious about it. Asking Gen if it bothered him that Reaper was that much older.
Geno didn’t really mind. It wasn’t like he looked old. Quite honestly Reaper was hot for someone who was older than the country itself. Geno does worry that Dust may mind… They may have to ease Dust into that knowledge. Geno thinks Dust already knows because it isn’t a secret that Reaper has been king for a long time but even Geno hadn’t realised just how old he had been.
Then again… It had been Geno who ruined everything… Reaper had been an adult and responsible about everything.
Geno gets outside and blinks in the harsh light. He looks around and spots Dust by a group of horses.
One of the horses near him is leaning into his light touches with its eyes closed. The horse looks smaller than Geno is used to but he doesn’t know a lot about horses. The horses is a dark grey and has black feet… hooves? Area near the hooves. Black lower legs, a black snout and black mane and tail.
Geno slowly gets closer when he notices the horse having violet eyes. Is that even possible? Geno always thought horses to have either brown or black eyes.
The horse looks up and huffs as it seems to get more nervous. Dust just pets it over the snout and it calms down. Geno can barely hear him mutter “Easy Opal. Easy.” The horse, Opal apparently, sniffs and huffs but calms down.
Dust nods and turns to look at him. Geno tries to smile but doubts it looks as relaxed as he wants it to look “Hi… How are you Dust?”
Dust hums and shrugs “Fine.” A moment of silence “You?”
Geno grins “That is good. That you feel fine. I have been busy with this whole… drugs mess. Thanks so much you even want to help.”
Dust shrugs again as he focusses on the horse “Only option. Other option was Cross.” And he pets the horse.
Geno winces. Yeah…  yikes… that is a dodged bullet. Cross is still furious with him.
Geno takes a few steps closer “These are your horses?” he likes horses… maybe that will get him to talk? About anything? Maybe?
Dust nods and pets the horse before him “Opal.” He pulls a hand away and waves towards the second horse “Basalt.” Basalt is a dark brown horse. A bit bigger and has black eyes. Geno must admit that Basalt looks exactly like how Geno would picture a horse, a massive one at that.
Dust continues “You will be on Basalt. Basalt will also carry our stuff.” Which is when the door opens and Reaper walks out with one of the survivalist advisors following him.
Reaper introduces them as Cretic and Cretic immediately starts explaining what was packed and why.
Geno feels his soul speed up at the mention of just one tent. Cretic mentions how it is just not realistic to take two tents and expect to find an area big enough to set up camp for two tents. Not to forget how it would just cost more time to set up and break down two tents every night and morning. Furthermore it would make more sense to share the small space of the tent together because that could warm up the space better for them even if they didn’t share a bedroll. They huff and mention that sharing a bedroll would be much better for surviving the cold temperatures but that their king told them that would not be an option.
Geno is very thankful for Reaper for that. Already sharing a tent space with Dust will be a lot. A bedroll?! Geno would just die. Just end up as his soul pulses so hard it would pulse out of his ribcage. And seeing as it is a stupid tiny shard it would probably hurt like hell too.
Dust looks the pack over before nodding as he grabs the packs and walks over to basalt. Then he clicks it in place and pets Basalt’s head. Basalt nuzzles the hand before standing ready again.
Dust speaks softly as he pets the neck “Basalt will carry packs and let Geno ride him.” he walks over to Opal and pats her neck “Opal. My horse.”
Reaper nods as he looks excited at the horses “It is always a treat to see one of the many horses that walk Orchard.” But he remains back and doesn’t approach even as Geno knows Reaper wants to.
Dust checks the pack before looking at Geno and waiting. Right. Shit. Horse riding. Shit. He isn’t good at this horse riding thing at all.
Geno walks over and chuckles “So… eum… I am not good at this riding thing?” Wait!! Shit?! That came out wrong! “You know! Horse riding!” shoot him now.
Dust either doesn’t notice or care as he walks over and strokes Basalt’s neck “Basalt walks by himself. He doesn’t need to be lead.”
Oh. Well… okay then… Geno walks over and puts his foot in the little foot step thing on the saddle. Okay. Okay. He can do this. He hops on and it isn’t as elegant as he wanted but he is on.
And Basalt moves around a bit but he is on it. He is riding a horse.
Dust walks over to Opal and jumps on without looking bothered in anyway. Opal stands up on her back legs for a moment but then back to normal. Shaking her head around. Dust pets her and she calms down.
Reaper looks nervous at Geno “Will you be okay?” Geno nods. Reaper turns to Dust “Do you need anything else? And will you and the horses be okay?”
Dust nods “This is fine.” He tugs lightly on the reins and Opal turns quickly and Geno is convinced the horse was on her backlegs again. How flexible and quick is that horse?
Dust lets Opal walk a few steps and Basalt just follows. No need for Geno to direct it at all. So this is what Nightmare meant with Dust being able to easily guide up to three horses up the mountain.
And they leave the castle ground. They follow the path down from the castle to the main city and Geno watches in awe as Basalt just does it himself without any needed guidance from Geno. Hell probably through any wrong directions from Geno too.
They walk through the city around the castle and Geno can see people look on in awe. Geno gets it. Dust is like a knight in shining armour trope but instead of just being in shining silver armour on a perfect white horse. He is in dark leathers and dark colours with a cloak. A hood covering his skull and a beautiful panther mask on his face. The gloves and mask to fully hide his skeleton traits. On top of a mysterious rare horse which still seems slightly wild and uncontrolled yet it listens. Yeah… Geno gets why some girls sigh and stare wishfully.
They leave the city and trod on.
Geno can’t help but just watch the other. So in his element and controlled. Geno is happy to just stare as Basalt walks just a tiny bit behind Opal and Dust. Geno smiles as he speaks “You are unbelievable good with them…” Is that enough? “It is amazing.” Is he overdoing this? “You must spend a lot of time with them.”
Dust doesn’t look around as he shrugs “Just like the last two times you asked. I still train them.”
Geno can’t help but flinch and look away. Any nerves he had before return with a  vengeance. Right. Why did he think? Geno looks down and tries to find his voice “I… I know that… I just… I thought… Nevermind.” He thought maybe a compliment would go over well… But maybe it seemed like a dig instead? Like Geno hadn’t taken him seriously when he said he worked with the horses? Like Geno hadn’t believed he worked hard? Geno isn’t sure.
Dust remains quiet as they travel.
Most of the day is silent after that as Geno just lets familiar scenes pass him by. As it is still early spring the air is still cold and crisp and the ground is covered with snow. The mountains in the distance are covered with snow as well.
Geno glances down at the snowy ground. Seems like the horses are fine as they walk on. Geno looks up and glances to the side before he mutters “This… probably is a stupid question. How are the horses going through the snow without issue?”
Dust tilts his skull slightly. Geno notices because his hood moves a bit. But then Dust answers “Generally horses are completely fine in all kinds of weather. We did make sure to get their hooves checked before the trip.” And he looks ahead again “It is just west until we need to go north correct?”
Geno nods “Yeah. We need to go where there is a path between the two large mountains. We can go up there and start navigating towards the mine.” There will eventually be some markings near the roads to show the direction. A less travelled path to lead them there.
Dust is quiet for a moment before nodding “You will need to start either leading” oh please don’t let him ride in front and show Dust how terrible he is at this “or you will need to keep the map out and tell me the directions when we get near.”
Oh thank fuck an out “I can do the second one.” Geno will just die if he knows Dust is behind him judging him for how terrible he is with riding a horse. Well, Geno knows he is bad at this thing and Dust obviously know and is probably judging him already but no need to showcase just how bad he is at it!
It is okay. It is fine. You may not be able to ride a horse or anything but you can do magic! You will be able to show off your magic and how that is your element and Dust will think you are cool!
Geno tells himself at least. Fuck. He just doesn’t want him to hate him even more.
They keep going west as they travel in silence. Geno is playing with the reins as he keeps staring at the back of Dust. Trying to think of something to say which will actually start a conversation. As the time slowly goes by Geno becomes painfully aware that he isn’t sure what to talk about. Asking about Dust will just make him uncomfortable or annoyed because Geno just knows he will be repeating questions again. Asking about how his homelife is going will also just be met with suspicion because of Geno’s stupid past mistakes. Same for his fellow knights, family or hobbies. But Geno can’t just talk about what he likes. All he really cares about for hobbies is magic and that is also part of the whole start of the mess.
Geno honestly wishes he could go back in time and punch himself in the face and shake himself. If he had just been just not such an ass! If he had just been a normal person to Dust. All Geno had had to do was be a decent person.
Reaper had asked him if Geno had been okay with Reaper liking Dust and trying to see if it could go anywhere. He had been honest about his attraction and starting affection. Had asked Geno if Geno was okay with it or if Geno preferred for them to remain exclusive and for Reaper to take more distance from the other. Geno had said he was fine with it.
Geno had felt very secure in how Reaper felt about him and about their relationship. Which is part of the reason why Geno had said sure to begin with. The other reason was much more selfish and jerkish. Geno had been curious and fascinated about Dust’s magic. He had felt that power and energy and almost static in it. Geno is unsure how it could be and had been morbidly curious about how it worked.
They both had known that Dust had had a thing for them. A crush maybe, Killer’s meddling had made it obvious.
Geno isn’t proud of the fact that he used those very feelings. Both from Dust and Reaper to enable him to unravel secrets and mysteries that weren’t Geno’s to learn. Of better said, force Dust to speak about.
It just got worse when Geno realised his own feelings had changed. When it was no longer just a simple curiosity but actual interest.
Geno is honestly happy Dust ended up stopping him. Made him back off…
The magic had felt hurt and distressed. So very hurt and panicked.
Geno had… He wasn’t even sure what his plan had been after that. He backed up and just felt worse when it turned out that Dust had also cut off any contact with Reaper. But Geno had been too prideful and too much of a coward to admit to Reaper what he had done.
At least until Error knocked it out of him that is. Or knocked some sense into him.
Dust hadn’t even wanted to look at him…
Geno snaps out of it and glances up. Dust is looking at him, from behind that mask, while being turned towards him “Is this the correct path?”
Geno turns to the way pointers and quickly grabs the map Dust mentioned before. He checks their location and is quickly able to figure out where they should be. He checks the distance and nods “This is the right spot. We go north from here. We will come by a little settlement, it isn’t on any official map but it is the settlement everyone who goes on tours to the mountains goes by.” It should be calm really. With it being early spring and so the touring season hasn’t started yet.
Dust nods and turns the way they are going. Geno can swear that Opal is looking unimpressed at him before huffing and walking the way her rider directs her.
Basalt calmly follows and Geno grabs the saddle tighter as he shakes for a moment. Okay. Okay. He is still on the horse.
They trot on.
Geno makes sure to keep the map open and folded in a way to make is easier to figure out where they are. Best do the thing he can actually help with.
With horse they make very quick time and Geno watches as they reach the settlement very quickly. Geno glances at their map before looking at the settlement “We got here very quick.”
Dust hums as he makes their horses keep moving “Not a surprise. We went straight towards this area over following the roads. We cut back on travel time.” He glances at the obvious very close by mountains before looking at him “We best try to make a start with the climb before it is time to set up camp.”
Geno nods “Indeed.” He tries not to remember what their camp includes. Sharing. A tent. Don’t think about it. Don’t.
The follow the path and soon walk through the valley between the two mountains. Geno glances down to reassure himself he still knows this part before speaking “The path will soon curve towards the right. We want to go off path there and stay left. Otherwise we will end up on the wrong side of the ravine.”
Geno glances up as he speaks and sees Dust nod “Got it. Left it is.” He tugs very lightly on Opal’s reins and Opal looks up and around as she walks.
Geno can see the curve in the path in the distance and looks around for the small markings of the other hidden path.
Reaper told him that in the past many people tried to climb the mountains without guidance and got hurt badly. To stop this Reaper got some explorers together to actually map out the mountain and find some nice trail options for the people. It started small but grew with time and became a nice and healthy income for the country and a nice economy boost.
Opal stops for a moment before making another sharp turn and walking straight through the foliage. Basalt follows without a moment of hesitation and Geno had to keep the plants out of his face as he keeps a tight hold on both the map and saddle.
It is unpleasant but they get through it and the area opens up a bit more. There are still trees and uneven ground but it is better than before.
Dust glances around and looks back at him. Geno checks the map and nods “We just need to keep going North for a while longer. Try to go up where we can. It isn’t until we are be the ravine that we need to look for another path.”
Dust hums as he turns his skull to look at that sky. He tilts his skull for a moment before nodding as he faces forwards “We can still keep going for a little. Try to make it to this ravine at least.” and they set off again.
Geno smiles as they follow. Making sure to keep a phalange on the map to mark where they are.
But in the end he can’t help but look around. Even with spring not quite having started it is gorgeous in the mountains. Geno hadn’t visited them often, completely his own fault of course, and it was great to get to experience them again.
The partly frozen dirt but the tiny tiny patches of grass peeking through. The trees all look bare with only some traces of snow but those tiny dots of green to signal the leaves are returning.
He takes a deep breath and sighs happily. The crisp clean air. It very light scent of the many plants and flowers.
“You like the mountain?”
Geno blinks before laughing “Yeah I do. You wouldn’t think it with how rarely I visit but I love it here.” He needs to visit more often. Maybe after Fresh fully moved all his animals Geno can convince him to go on a trip with him? Geno would also invite Error but Error seems very against leaving Nightmare’s side.
“Too busy?”
Geno blinks before shaking his skull “Not exactly. It is more that I keep myself too busy to go.” he laughs “Reaper wanted me to explore and get the chance to tour them the moment I set foot on land here…” Geno really need to go more often “Reaper did take me on a skiing and snowboarding trip once. To help me relax.” He can’t help but look hopeful at Dust’s back “Maybe… Once this whole thing is over… You can go on a mountain tour? See the nice parts? I am sure Reaper will be happy to get the best people for it. For you and everyone else too!” Make it less personal. Don’t single him out again.
Dust shrugs “Maybe summer.”
Geno nods as he tries to think quickly “Summer is great to visit the mountains! There will be many wild flowers and animals. I think Reaper told me there are a few species that other kingdoms thought to be extinct that live here still!” think think come on what else “Not to forget the many mountain rivers and waterfalls! There are also the Three Lakes of course but those are a bit out of the way. But there are also smaller lakes all around that create beautiful little spots where you can camp!”
Dust is quiet for a bit and Geno worries he pushed too far again. He is pushing his luck all over again isn’t he? Why can’t he just be normal when Dust is near?
Dust gives a soft hum as he speaks “The others will like that.”
Okay! Not ruined quite yet. Geno grins as he leans forwards before having to quickly right himself. Right. On a horse. Focus Geno. Don’t fall on your face “Winter is also great. Have you even been skiing or snowboarding before?”
Dust snorts for some reason as he shakes his skull “Winter and I don’t mix.”
Geno pauses and tilts his skull slightly confused “I mean. That is what winter coats and stuff are for. Don’t worry. We would make sure you are ready for the mountain and everything.” Wait! “I mean like all of you with you. Not just you. I mean if you came alone you would also be taken care of.” Which is when Geno decides now is time to just keep his mouth shut for a bit. Why is it that the only charismatic skills he has is about manipulating people and lying and not about honest feelings and basic conversations?
Dust is quiet for a bit again before speaking “Will keep that in mind.”
No. Please don’t keep Geno’s terrible conversation skills in mind.
Geno is trying to think of a distraction and sadly his mouth continues to speak instead “Then again. It is fine if winter isn’t for you. Summer is great! The sun will be warm and high and that makes it easier to go to the highest peaks without freezing quickly. People like to try to climb to the highest top in the summer but that is a few months track. They often start mid spring or late spring for those. I personally never really went further than just the main path and a few smaller paths. But the flowers are nice! They are about any colour, shape and scent you can think of! My favourite of the bunch actually grows in the winter but it will still remain in the summer in a smaller form. It is real cool. One of the scientists explained that the flower doesn’t actually use insects to pollinate but instead these very tiny mice that travel around. I know, also a shock that those aren’t in like hibernation or anything. Apparently They have very thick coats and are light enough that they hardly leave indents in the snow. Making them perfect to actually travel in the winter when things are calm without getting attention from predators.” Oh please someone shut him up. “So these mice eat like decaying stuff as well but use the living flowers as shelter when the predators are near. Camouflage and everything. And the flowers themselves mask their scent. Which in turn makes the mice covered in their pollen which they move to the next flowers and new places.”
Geno finishes his speal and is horrified to realise just how long he kept talking about stupid flowers and some random mice of which he doesn’t even remember the name. Why can’t he just?! Be normal?!
Dust hums before looking to the side “I hear water.”
Geno blinks and quickly looks at the map “I… I think it is either the water in the ravine if we are still low. Or one of the many smaller rivers and small waterfalls if we are higher.” He looks around to see if he notices any marks for either option. Geno hadn’t been paying attention to if they were climbing up or not.
Dust nods as he seems to consider their options before looking at the sky again “We need to camp.”
Geno’s soul starts to speed up. Fuck why is he such a mess? He was never this much of a mess with Reaper. Maybe it was because Reaper just makes everything easy and okay? He makes it feel safe. This is so stupid why can’t he just… Ugh!
Basalt moves and Geno is quick to grab onto the saddle to stay stable. That was a close one.
They keep moving for a bit longer. Geno must admit he is starting to feel nervous when the forest area around them starts to darken. Even with Geno knowing that they both as skeletons would be fine with their eye lights it still makes him uneasy. He doesn’t like being unprepared. And walking through the forest as it slowly gets darker without them having a set plan on where to set up camp? It makes Geno uneasy.
Still he remains quiet as he lets Dust lead them. He isn’t going to be difficult about being uncomfortable or nervous. It is nothing compared to what he put the other through. And this isn’t even with any real reason. It is just Geno being a control freak and perfectionist.
It is okay. It is okay.
The light around them is slowly changing towards a yellowish orange as it gets later and later when Dust finally stops them. It doesn’t look any different from any of the other areas they walked through but it must have something special about it.
Dust jumps off Opal and walks towards the packs by Geno and Basalt. Geno watches as Dust calmly unclicks the tent and walks towards the side. Dust doesn’t even look up at him “I will set up the tent. Can you do the fire?”
Fire. Yes! He can do the fire! Geno grins and nods “Of course!” He swings his leg over the horse as he saw Dust do and steps down. His left foot touches the ground and he grins. Easy. He moves to take his right foot out of the saddle and unto the ground only to not be able to do so. And then he loses his balance.
Ugh. That hurt. He blinks open his sockets and sees Basalt look at him with a tilted head. Clearly unsure what to do with Geno. Geno looks at his leg and sees that his boot got stuck on the footpiece of the saddle. Which is why he couldn’t pull free and why he ended up losing his balance.
“Are you hurt?”
Double great!!
“Just my pride. And my clothes probably.”
Dust hums “Should be fine. No mud in this area.”
That explains why the ground is so hard. Even so Geno manages to twist his boot free as he pushes himself up. He dusts himself off and is relieved to see that Dust was right. Just some dirt. No mud and no rips. That is good.
Geno walks over to where Dust is setting up camp as he sits on the ground. Geno draws a circle in the sand before laying a simple rock in the middle of it. He concentrates and thinks about the nature of fire. The way it can be created with flint and steel. A spark of energy created by the simple rock and metal. With that in mind his magic sparks and a red flame appears, seemingly burning form the rock itself. Not burning anything around it and remaining in the circle he drew in the sand.
Geno jumps and turns quickly. Only to find Dust right behind him. Holy shit he is quiet!
Dust ignores his jump “Why magic?”
Geno blinks. He turns back to his newly made campfire. He just wanted to show off but now feels self-conscious about it. He thinks for a moment before speaking “I mean… We are still trying to be stealthy right? This fire will function as a normal fire. Just not leave any traces or create smoke. And aside from the little light for our area it won’t be obvious from further away.” And he also really wanted to show off that he could do stuff after the horse disaster.
Dust tilts his skull before nodding “Fair enough.” He walks over towards the horses as he starts removing the packs from Basalt. He lays them by Geno’s side and Geno makes himself useful by unpacking a few of their rations. It is to make sure their mana stays filled up in case of emergency.
Geno lets the fire warm up their food as he watches Dust undo the saddles and laying those over some tree branches. He undoes the reins and grabs a brush to brush out the parts that had been covered with either the saddle or the head piece of the reins.
Geno frowns “Don’t they need to be tied to a tree or something?”
Dust shrugs “Some do. I prefer them free to run if needed.”
Geno frowns more “Aren’t you… scared something will scare them off?” and leave them horseless with all their camping gear and the long track ahead?
Dust shrugs again “Even if they do. They will return.” He finishes brushing the horses before walking towards the fire side and sitting not quite across from Geno but also not next to him.
Geno hands him his food and they eat in silence.
Geno keeps his focus on his food but it is gone rather quickly. Then he just remains close to the fire. Staring at the magical flame. Trying to not be weird or a creep by staring at the other.
Oh fuck he should have just had Reaper send another mage instead of him. He can’t do this.
Some movement to his side. Dust speaks up “We will need to get moving early tomorrow. As soon as it is light out. We best go to bed.”
Oh fuck he can’t do this.
Dust continues speaking “Can you turn off the fire? The light may attract something and the tent is insulated anyway.”
Geno nods “Sure. No problem.” He clicks his phalanges and the fire turns off. He takes his time getting up as he hears Dust disappear into their tent.
Their. Tent.
Fuck how will he be normal about this? He can’t.
He moves towards the tent and pauses by the open flap before pushing it aside.
Oh god their bedrolls are side by side and the tent is so small he has to crawl.
Dust is already rolled up in his. Seems like he only took off his boots but further sleeps with everything on. Okay. Just. Just do the same thing. Even if it will be a bit uncomfortable.
He undoes his shoes and gets into his bedroll. It is still a bit cold but Geno can hardly feel it. Not when he can feel the slight warmth from Dust beside him.
The tent is dark and silent as Geno just stares at the ceiling of it. Trying to ignore the fact that Dust is laying right next to him.
It is so quiet. Geno isn’t breathing and he is sure Dust isn’t either. There is a tension in the air and between them or maybe that is just Geno being hopeful? He isn’t sure anymore.
Geno isn’t even sure if he can sleep like this. He is too aware of the other and Dust being so close and fuck why wasn’t it like this with Reaper? Why was it so much easier with Reaper? Was it because he was focussing on Error being missing? Because he had been more focussed on the fact he was the king and Geno himself was his royal mage? Is it because he already messed everything up once and is terrified of ruining things again?
His mind keeps spiralling even as his sockets grow heavier and heavier.
Mmmh. No… he doesn’t want to wake up… The air outside of his little cocoon of blankets is cold and he does not like the cold.
Just a bit longer.
A nudge to his shoulder and Geno goes to give whatever servant is waking him the stink eye. Reaper always lets him sleep in and-
That is Dust. Looking annoyed and shit he isn’t wearing his mask yet even if he can spot it on top of his hood.
Geno stares and searching for the words “What?” Just end him.
Dust just looks neutral. Downright bored if Geno didn’t know that was just his neutral face. Dust speaks again “We need to go soon. Can you warm up food while I clean up camp?” and he waits.
Geno blinks before remembering his excuse of the day before “Right! Of course. Right away.” He searches for his boots and finds them quickly enough and oh stars he really did sleep in his travel gear.
Geno never truly cared about how he looks or how others see him. Before he just didn’t care and with time it just wasn’t important. It wasn’t until he started to live in Reaper’s castle in Sanctuary. That is when he started to notice people paying attention to him and being disapproving.
Again, at first he didn’t care. He didn’t give a fuck what some snobby rich person thought of him and still doesn’t. But he quickly realised that how he holds himself and how he looks effects how people see and think about Reaper so he started to take a bit better care of himself and his appearance.
He leaves the tent and goes to the same spot as the night before. It is still dark out but luckily Geno has reasonable good darksight. He holds his hands together and focusses on the nonburn fire he wants to summon again.
It is as easy as breathing and a moment later the fire is burning and shining before him. Glistering like perfect gems. Geno checks their packs and is happy to note that Dust already removed those from their tent which makes it possible for Geno to just grab the food and warm it up easily.
As it warms up Geno shoots some glances over his shoulder. Watching as Dust is already rolling up the tent again before walking over to the already saddled up horses. Seems like Dust had already been awake for a while.
Geno frowns as he looks at the fire “You were awake for a while already?”
Dust pauses his movements before he continues “Not for long.” He tightens the rope around the packs on the saddle.
Geno frowns as he gets the food ready to eat before undoing his fire spell “Still… I know I… haven’t been the best person.” Which is putting it mildly “And I know stuff isn’t just forgiven. But while out here I want to help. We are on this mission together after all…”
Dust turns to stare at him. His face unreadable. Geno misses when Dust at least allowed him to see something beyond his careful neutral face. Dust turns back to the horses “Don’t mind.” and he puts the reins over Opal’s head and Opal shakes his head. Dust messes with his hood and mask and the mask is on his face “Ready?”
Geno nods before actually answering “Yeah. Food is heated.” He hands Dust his warmed food before looking with dread at Basalt. Basalt at least is nice enough to stand still as Geno struggles on top of the horse.
Getting on the horse on equal ground with two free hands it one thing, trying to climb on top of one in the forest on top of a mountain with food in one hand is a whole other situation. Geno ends up managing it and didn’t even need to use magic to aid him.
Geno looks up to see Dust already on Opal’s back. The place that had been their camp is cleaned of any traces of their stay. Dust turns Opal around and the two of them set off again.
It is still very early. Dawn only just broke and there is only the very starts of sunlight making it easier to see.
They follow up the winding path up the mountain. Geno nibbles the food and knows he is pulling a face. The heat made the food a bit better but it are still rations.
Geno glances at Dust and notices he is already done eating “You like rations?”
Dust tilts his skull and shrugs “Not the best but not the worst. Healthy.”
Right. He is used to missions and having to eat rations on the go “That is fair… Must admit that ever since I moved to Sanctuary I have been enjoying the food.” He sighs “The fish is fucking amazing. Then again it is the country’s export.” He nibbles on his food “Orchard was all about like… grains and stuff right?”
Dust shrugs as he mutters “Mostly for cattle. Used to be a lot about meat. When Nightmare took over the country switched to fruits and orchards. Now it is mostly fruits and stuff like it.”
Geno gives a slow nod “Right… the weather and climate changed after Nightmare took over right? None of those weather rituals.” The rituals that country used to do fascinated Geno endlessly. The strange way they used magic to do stuff and make large changes. Larger than most simple or complex spells should be capable of. Permanent drought is very intense and very hard as it forces the unguided and wild being of nature itself to bend to it. Things that are alive are always harder to work with magically. It is why Geno prefers the more direct and unchanging nature of rocks and gems.
Dust shrugs “Nightmare doesn’t like the rituals.”
Geno nods “I get it.” blood magic and sacrifice magics are always disliked. Fascinating but very harmful ways to practise magic. Though both are very strong and have many ways to even alter reality. Necromancy is a close one after those two but not quite on the same level of power. Necromancers just have the worst rep and bad PR.
They walk in silence as Geno looks around the area. It has been so long since he was last up here, he really needs to visit it more often.
The horses stop and Geno looks forwards only to freeze. Because that is a much larger and wild river than it should be.
Dust tilts his skull slightly “Did we make a wrong turn?”
Geno shakes his skull as he double checks their map “We shouldn’t have. I checked as we walked we are right where I thought we should be…” he frowns as he focusses on the map “There should just be a small river here with only a few stepping stones to get past it. Not this large and very much not this wild.”
Dust hums as he keeps looking at the river “Other way?”
Geno frowns “There is another path… but that means we have to go back to the main path and move to the other side of the ravine and follow it along until we find a way further down and back up on another side of this mountain. Instead of going west we would need to go much further up north before climbing the mountain up into the south west side you know?” he follows the map with his phalanges as he checks the routes.
Dust hums “Over the river it is.” Only for him to get off the horse and pet Opal before nudging her. And Opal just jumps over the river before looking back smugly.
Geno stares with his mouth open.
Dust walks over to him and Basalt and stops by the side “Scoot.”
Wait what?!
Geno blinks “What?” his voice sounds much higher than it should be.
Dust tilts his skull “Scoot. A bit back.”
Geno gives a slow nod as he moves a bit back. Dust then just jumps up and over the side and oh god he is right in front of him and where does Geno leave his hands.
Dust gets the reins in his hands and shoots him a look over his shoulder “Hold on.”
Dust nudges the horse and Basalt starts to move and Geno holds unto around his waist. Especially when Dust makes Basalt speed up.
Geno tries to focus on just holding on and not on the fact of how warm Dust feels. He is thankful that Dust is wearing armour and leather as that makes it impossible to really feel the other and-
Oh shit they are jumping.
Geno holds on tightly and plasters himself against Dust’s back.
A moment later Basalt lands on the other side of the river and comes to a slow stop.
Dust hums “Up and over.”
Geno is not letting go as his whole body is tense “How did you know he would be able to make it? Why not jump over with Opal?”
Dust hums “Opal can jump alone…” and he shoots him a look.
Right, and Geno can’t. Great.
Shit he is still holding the other and following the barely there curve of his body and- Geno lets go and tries to scoot backwards. Trying to keep his emotions and magic calm when he starts to slide to the side. Dust quickly grabs his arms and tugs him back fully on Basalt as he himself gets off easily.
Geno can just fucking die. This fucking sucks. He is making stupid mistake after mistake and making blunder after blunder.
Dust doesn’t seem bothered as he is already walking over towards Opal and jumps on her back.
Geno frowns as he stares down. Not even sure what to say at this point. Sorry he is a mess? Both with anything horse related and Dust related? Geno is probably making this so much harder than it needs to be.
Geno glances back at the river and mutters “How did you know that Basalt could carry both of us and jump over?”
Dust answers easily “Is Horror’s horse. He is strong.”
Geno blinks and looks at the massive and muscled horse he is riding. Wow. That would explain as Horror is a big guy and carries large weapons. Geno looks up “And that is why you picked Basalt?”
Dust nods “Also easy to lead. I always lead Basalt.”
Geno frowns “Always? What if Horror is riding it?”
Dust sounds amused as he speaks “Horror can’t ride a horse. Worse than you.”
Geno blinks confused. Seriously? Horror is… worse somehow? Geno speaks up without thinking “I almost fell like three times already…”
Dust nods “Better than Horror. Basalt good at balance for a reason.”
Geno looks at Basalt and sees how the saddle he is on has many spots to grab on. Same for the reins now that he truly studies it. Horror having difficulty riding a horse… It would make sense to train a horse to be easy to ride for guests as they listen to someone else. Geno had notices that Basalt didn’t as much look around but just watches Opal and Dust.
Geno also only now realises that Dust messed with the reins and probably put them on like the lead setting over just for Geno to hold onto to balance. He only got them ready to lead the horse when Dust was the one riding it.
Geno can’t help but smile a bit as his soul does a little flutter “Thanks… I appreciate it…”
A long silence follows that and that is okay. Geno doesn’t truly expect an answer.
“No problem… shared mission.” Dust’s answer is quiet.
Geno grins wider as he can’t help but get the feeling that Dust is being shy. He used to be shy a lot and Geno finds it adorable all over again. Even before his interest changed from just fascination in his magic to feelings for him he always found the other cute. Which probably says  a lot about him that he found a murderer and ex-smuggler and ex-crimelord adorable but Geno is just going to not bother thinking about that specifically.
They don’t come across any other rivers as they walk along the path around the mountain. They talk a bit more about the plan. Which is finding one of the lower mine entrances and entering through those before systematically searching the mine.
Which will be the most time costly part of the mission. As the mines are complex with many tunnels. Geno got the copies of the last made maps but they may not match up perfectly anymore as the mine system is older.
They get in a rhythm after that. They travel throughout the day and when dusk starts Dust sets up camp as Geno keeps an eye on the food rations and the path they must take.
They don’t come across any rough rivers again as they move along the mountain steadily. Geno is only a little sad about it but he keeps his mouth shut. He will just have to be thankful for the chance he got to be that close to the other.
It takes them a total of three days but they finally spot it in the distance. A quarry with a large landmarker that they used to mine, mostly for granite. As they needed that for the construction of the new cities. Geno is pretty sure some of the originally made buildings are still in the capital standing tall and strong. The mine and quarry both just got too unstable to continue to mining operations safely and Reaper had to discontinue the work at this location.
Dust looks around the area “Large mine…”
Geno looks over and nods “It is the oldest and largest in the country.” Which is also why there was a lot of pushback when Reaper closed it for safety reasons.
Geno knows that Reaper took the time to search for a new place to start mining to make sure that the many people working at this location didn’t lose their jobs. Reaper had spent a long time looking for a new location and as the people had to wait Reaper used money form the treasury to make sure no one lost their income.
Geno honestly wonders how some people could say that Reaper was a bad king.
Dust nods as he looks around. Geno wishes he could see his face to figure out what he feels or thinks. Now Geno just as to wait for Dust to speak, which he doesn’t do a lot. Guy is shy and quiet.
Dust turns to him “Where is the entrance?”
Geno frowns “I mean. It should be right there.” He turns and points only to blink. Why is it collapsed?!
Dust hums “By your face. It should be open.” He gets off of Opal and walks over to the opening into the mountain. He looks at the wood and the many many rocks filling up the opening.
Dust speaks up “Wood is cut through. Support beam and all. No marks of a natural rockslide.”
Geno frowns “Sabotage…” That is rough “Well… Good news, we found the mine they are located in.”
Dust hums “Bad news… Entrance is a no.” Dust looks at the entrance before looking back at Geno “Blast open?”
Geno frowns and shakes his skull “Can’t risk it. As I said before, the mine is instable and may collapse. Not to forget the mountain is at high risk of avalanches.”
Dust continues to looks at him “Alternative?”
Geno checks the map and nods “There are more entrances all over the mountain. They are just harder to reach.” He points at some of the minecart rails going out and around the mountain “Helps with the many carts. Most of the mountain is full of tunnels.”
Dust nods and walks back to Opal as he gets on “Where to?”
Geno looks at their map “A bit down again and then we need to follow a narrow path to get to the trail leading to the next possible entrance.”
Dust nods as he turns their horses back to the entrance of the quarry. “Okay.” and they are off again.
Geno directs them back the way they came before getting to the thin ledge they carefully walk over. Dust only asks him how long the track will be once, which Geno answers with it should be about half a day.
Geno just hopes that this one is actually open for them to use.
They follow the path and by the time the sun is starting to set they come to the second entrance, one near a river which leads all the way down the mountain.
Dust stops them and stares ahead. Geno follows his line of sight and- “Those motherfuckers.”
The second entrance is also locked off.
Dust nods “Apparently.” And he jumps off his horse.
Geno blinks “What are you doing?”
Dust doesn’t answer out loud instead he gets the pack for the tent. Geno nods “Fair enough. Camping time.” He gets off Basalt and he is proud that he hasn’t fallen while getting off the horse since day one.
Geno goes about his usual routine to get the fire going and to warm their food as Dust is quick about the tent and the horses. It is nice at this point. Both doing their thing in silence. Geno hands Dust his food before going into the tent to sleep, having set a timer on the magical fire for an hour.
Geno sighs as he gets comfortable in the bedroll. Ready to sleep as he is now much warmer in it. Honestly the magic woven into the bedroll is amazing. He will need to figure out how to do this. Maybe add it to Reaper’s weighted blanket. Reaper gets cold easily and the added warmth to his comfort blanket will be great.
His mind is already slowing down with sleep when he hears very soft shuffles. That is good. That is Dust then. Getting some sleep as well.
Geno lets out another yawn before he lets sleep claim him.
The plans ends up being to keep going up the winding paths up the mountain. Which is a rather high risk at the moment as they mountain is traitorous this time of spring. But Geno figures at this point that none of the entrances will be open.
Which leaves them going with the path going straight to the highest one instead of going one up at the time.
Geno grumbles as he has to hold on tightly to the saddle “Why did those idiots even lock everything up? Don’t they need stuff?”
Dust hums “Nah. Only times they go out is when they smuggle and trade. Otherwise lock away and preparing for next trade session.”
Geno blinks as he looks at the back of Dust “Really? How do you know that?”
Dust just shoots him a look over his shoulder. Geno is still unsure how Dust can be this expressive while still wearing his mask and not showing his face. Maybe Geno is just good at figuring out Dust at this point?
He likes that idea…
Dust shakes his skull but Geno thinks he heard a small snort before Dust answers “Used to smuggle. And do crimes. Never messed with drugs however. Too high risk.”
Right… Geno knew that. Because Reaper did a background check on all the Knights before he went to even speak with Nightmare about searching his country for Error. Years and years ago.
Geno can’t help but be intrigued “What was that like? I used to spend a lot of time on the streets but never spend much time in the black markets…” Too much risk for a kid with no adults to protect them. Children got abducted from the streets very often at his old home.
Dust is silent for a bit and Geno looks to the side “Sorry… pushy again?” Why can’t he just…
Dust shakes his skull “Not pushy… surprised…” he seems to think for a while “It was easy money.” And he leaves it at that.
Huh. Well. Geno gets it. Which he makes sure to mention. Dust shoots him another look and Geno shrugs “I used to be young before. No one would hire a child for a normal job and I only had so much time with full time school to actually get money. Shadier business gives better payout.”
Dust keeps looking at him before giving a short nod.
Geno smiles as he relaxes a bit. He thinks it is going well. Maybe Reaper was right. And he just needed to start some conversations and try to be calm and mindful of the boundaries Dust sets.
Geno at this point is honestly just enjoying the track. It is relaxing to be out in the open air. Conversations are going well. They got their little routine going and Geno has managed to get the other to at least let out a few amused snorts and gotten him to look back at him. Geno thinks it is going very well!
By the fifth day Geno is almost disappointed to see the mineshafts in the distance. Meaning that his time with Dust is starting to come to an end.
Dust hums as he looks at Geno. Geno forces a smile to his face and nods “That is the one.” Dust nods and leads their horses closer to the entrance before he pauses.
Geno frowns “Something wrong?”
Dust looks back at him before looking at Opal “Don’t want them to be hurt.”
Geno blinks as he looks at the horses “I mean… We don’t have to bring them all the way up there. We can leave them at a lower spot? Out of view and free to run if need be?” Geno doubts that of course. As Geno has no doubt that Dust and him will be able to take care of those drug dealers easily.
Dust seems to relax and nods. Then he directs the horses a bit closer to start the final climb.
They get to a small patch of trees a bit away from the last entrance. Dust gets off and gets to work on making sure the saddle and reins aren’t ready to be used to ride Opal. Geno gets off himself and Dust does the same with Basalt. He spends some time to check both horses before nudging them deeper into the hiding place. Opal looks very unamused as she tries to walk back over to Dust. Dust clicks his teeth and makes a motion with his hand. Opal huffs and snorts before holding her head high as she trots into the forest.
Geno crosses his arms “Can’t believe I am saying this but that horse is a diva.”
Dust just nods and shrugs as Geno laughs. They walk towards the mine entrance and Geno frowns. It is so quiet here… It gives him the creeps. Dust starts to walk slower and slower and Geno can see him glancing around.
Geno gets to the entrance when a hand grabs his shoulder and tugs lightly. Geno looks back at Dust. Dust just shakes his skull as he continues to stare at the entrance.
Geno frowns “I know it feels… off. But it is the only entrance that is still open.” Geno makes sure to keep his voice low and just above a whisper. They are still being stealthy after all.
Dust frowns before pointing towards one of the higher up rail systems for carts. That disappear into the mountain.
Geno frowns “We can just use this entrance.”
Dust points to himself and then to the new entrance he found. Then points at Geno and waits. Geno just points towards the entrance they are in front of. Dust sighs but nods. Then he turns and starts climbing the wall to reach the new entrance he found. And he disappears inside.
Geno casts a simple light spell before going into the mine.
It is old and deserted. There is dust and dirt everywhere. Geno uses his little ball of light to shine out and get a feeling for the distance. The ground is uneven and the walls are all cut out roughly. The tunnel leads onwards with a small decline to it.
Geno follows it. As he walks he keeps looking around him and back. Having the feeling he is being watched.
Geno tries to remember the layout of the mine he studied. He never really studied the upper parts beyond the basics. If he remembers correctly it will open up to a larger area soon. The centre of the upper part where all the mined goods were collected and counted and noted down.
He feels a shiver go up his spine as he feels magic right behind him. He doesn’t think as he turns and makes the ball of light explode into a flash. A groan of someone else and Geno rushes deeper into the mine. Now running with just his natural nightvision to guide him.
Geno continues to run deeper into the mine as the footfall starts to follow him. Shit shit shit.
Dust was so right he should have gone with him. Why the hell did Geno think he knew this kinda stuff better than Dust who had actual experience with missions like this?!
Geno goes to turn a corner but feels the magic charge up and quickly dives to the side to dodge the incoming blast. Purple fire magic?
Before he can get up and continue running hands grab his shoulders and he feels something click around his neck.
“Stand up and stand still.”
His body moves without his permission as it follows the order. Shit. The slave collar. Shit shit shit shit shit.
Geno tries to force his body or magic to move and act but neither seem to be able to. He is forced to watch someone walk out of the shadows of one of the many tunnels. Human by the looks of it. A badly kept beard and very pale and thin skin. Large marks of too little sleep under those eyes. But the eyes are focussed and there is a grin on his face.
The man smirks “Well if this isn’t a treat! I know my people said I had guests wandering the mountain but I never expected it to be the royal mage himself!” he grins as he puts an arm around Geno’s shoulders.
Geno glares and tries to speak but his body just won’t move. Get your filthy limbs away from him.
The man smirks “I am Rover. The head and brains behind this operation. Come come! I will show you the whole place and give you a tour!” he looks downright excited as he moves.
Geno can’t stop his body from moving after the man. Following the order he had been given.
As soon as Geno can he is burning this man to a crisp. Serves him right for trying to control Geno.
Geno can’t even study the people behind him as he can barely move his eye lights as it is. He is stuck following Rover as Rover has a bounce in his step. Fucking freak.
They exit the tunnel into a large open space and this is the main operations of this mining outcrop he had been looking for. As expected it is the place to be. The elevators are operational as they carry boxes up and down into a lower area or up to the small office building near the top. People are walking around closing crates.
There is this strange machine that some people put some kind of powder in. At the bottom these tiny crystal shaped rocks tumble out. That is it. That is the drugs that are at large in the city.
But it isn’t just one large machine. Geno can already see seven of them all working.
Rover grins “Beautiful isn’t it? The small doses we distributed was just the test. Knowing that the drugs are as well received as they are means we can expand! It is a matter of time before everyone wants a bit of my supply!” he walks towards one of the machines and sticks his hand into a crate that is being filled up. He shows the handful off as if he is holding something precious instead of something deadly and dangerous.
Rover grins “Especially now.” he chuckles “The royal mage liking this stuff? That will boost sales so high. Especially as you will make sure the king doesn’t try to stop it anymore.”
Geno glares as he tries to make it obvious he will ever much not do that.
Rover grins “It is okay. You will just need a tiny taste test.” He drops most of it before walking over with one single piece.
Geno tries to pull free from the control keeping his body locked. He tries to blast the other. But nothing. He can’t even mentally activate one of his many crystals. All ready with potent magic to protect him.
Nothing he can do.
He slowly feels his fear increase. He has no idea how his magic and soul will react to the drug. His soul isn’t a full soul after all. Just a shard of one. Geno has a lot of magic already that his soul shard overproduces. He has no idea what will happen if he has to take this and his soul is pushed even further.
Rover holds out his hand “Take thi-AAAAH!” A knife hits his arm.
Geno feels a bit of relieve as the order doesn’t take effect. A dark shadow lands behind some of the people guarding Rover and Geno can see a sharp bone attack impale one of the guards with a crack of electricity.
The guard drops down. Rover turns and Geno can see him look panicked as he whispers “A Knight.”
Right. Rover is originally from Orchard. He would know the full meaning of the masks. Rover looks around panicked as Geno just watches Dust take out guard after guard. Moving fluent and with a grace he hadn’t had had the pleasure of seeing since that one fated training session.
Rover takes a few steps back and yells out “Hold an explosion spell to your own skull!! If he continues to attack you will shoot it!”
Geno feels his soul freeze as his magic starts to unwillingly form the spell. His arm aims at his skull and he can feel the energy behind the magic. He feels the unwillingness of his magic as he has to aim it at his own being. Dust freezes.
Rover pants as he looks around “Okay. Okay. Much better don’t we all agree?” He glares at some people “Get another collar. Now!”
One guard shakes “Boss we don’t… we don’t have more ready. We didn’t have the magical chips prepared to make more.”
Rover pants as he looks around “Then get the magic dampers!” He glares as he looks frantic “What a big show. Since when does the king of Orchard care about other countries?”
Dust just stares from behind his mask. Unbothered.
Rover glares “What?! Not going to speak?”
Dust doesn’t say a word again.
The guards rush back with some magic dampers. Rover considers it as he looks between Geno and Dust. Clearly thinking.
Rover points to Dust “Hands and arms out. Or the king of Sanctuary will have to look for a new royal mage!”
Dust frowns but gives a slow nod as he holds out his arms. Rover snaps his fingers and points at the guard holding the dampers before pointing at Dust.
No. No don’t do that.
The guard puts two dampers on Dust.
Rover sighs and grins “There isn’t that better?” he looks at Geno “Dispel that attack.” Geno’s magic does as told and Geno wants to spit in Rover’s face. Rover grins as he swagger walks over to Dust. He boldly removes the mask which he holds up proudly.
One of the guards looks nervous “Boss. Euh… You shouldn’t… the masks… The masks are important and…”
Rover shoots the guard a look “Yes I know. But I think I am owned it. After all! I outsmarted the Knight and the royal mage!”
Geno watches as Dust glares at Rover. Bloody murder so clear in those mismatched eyes. Geno feels so guilty. He should have just trusted Dust’s instincts and snuck in with him through the other entrance that he found. Why did Geno have to be stubborn? He thought he would have been able to handle this easily with his magic.
Dust snorts “Debatable.” Rover glares at him but Dust isn’t even looking at Rover anymore. He is just looking around the area. Looking bored and unimpressed. Like he has somewhere much more important to be.
Rover sputters and glares “I caught you both! I have this set up! I am on my way to be the greatest and most influential person in the world!”
Dust snorts “Country I guess… and for druggies…” and he shrugs again.
Rover glares and points at Geno “With the most powerful mage under my control it is a matter of time before I have all I deserve!”
Dust raises a brow. Glances at Geno. Then back at Rover. And shrugs again “Not as powerful as my king.”
Rover freezes for a moment as he worries the crate he is next to. Frown on his face “These drugs will get me people. Get me forces. I will be able to take all I want. Even… even Nim’s son won’t stand a chance against me.”
Geno never understood why they wouldn’t say Nightmare’s name.
Dust tilts his skull and has an unimpressed look on his face “You don’t even dare mutter his name. Why do you think you are strong enough to defeat someone with the power of a god?”
Geno frowns before connecting the dots. This man doesn’t know that Nightmare lost those powers already. Dust is counting on the fact that Rover has been out of the loop on the gossip inside of Orchard. Especially because the news that Nightmare is no longer powered by that ritual never left the inner circles until a little while ago.
Dust is counting on this man’s ignorance.
Rover shakes his skull “I will have more people. People who can end him.”
Dust tilts his skull “Only reason you caught me is because I let you.”
Rover freezes as he worries the crate. His eyes shooting between Geno and Dust. Then he gets a grin. He points to some man and snaps his fingers “Get the blockers on the mage.”
Geno blinks but soon he feels his magic be locked off. Rover than points to some guards and to Dust “Keep. Him. Still.” And he undoes the slave collar from Geno’s neck.
Geno feels his ability to move return and the first thing he does before he can even feel beyond the numb feeling is hit Rover right in his stupid ugly mug. Rover groans but guards grab Geno and hold him still as Rover rushes to Dust. And puts the collar on him.
Geno feels himself freeze as Dust just takes a deep breath. Now wearing two blockers and the collar.
Rover grins “There! Much better! Now! With you under my comment I will be unstoppable! Those fellow Knights of yours won’t want to attack you! Surely!”
Dust just stares ahead. Not a single emotion on his face. Rover turns to him and shudders as he looks around for a moment before looking back “Shit that is unnerving. Hey! Speak!”
Geno can spot it. The way that the corner of Dust’s mouth twitches slightly. Almost as if he would be grinning or smirking if he let himself. Instead Dust remains looking neutral as he stares at Rover “You don’t even know what I can do.”
Rover frowns as he worries the crate. Then he points to Dust and speaks “Do a spell and don’t aim it at any of us!”
Dust’s sockets and eye lights look so fucking amused. Geno can feel the static grow and grow and next thing that Geno knows there is a large blast of lightning originating from Dust that blasts outwards. Rover and the guards rush and dodge where they can.
Geno sees the fried circuits of the magic dampers and the slave collar drop to the ground when a hand grabs his hand and pulls him free from the guards who fell back with shock.
Dust and him are running into one of the many tunnels and Geno is trying to get the blocker off but he can’t.
Dust stops them in a tunnel and takes one of his hands “Can’t unlock yourself. It has fail safes.” He studies the bracelet and Geno can’t help but just stare at Dust. Dust must have known. Dust must have known from the start that his magic would be powerful enough to fry all of them at once.
Geno hadn’t know that Dust knows lightning spells! Those are hard to master and very powerful! That is insane to just have as a go to spell.
Geno focusses “On my hip is a knife. It should be able to cut through anything.” Dust doesn’t even check as his hand reaches the spot and finds the army knife Geno took along just in case.
A cut later and one of the blockers falls of. Geno feels his magic return to him and smiles. Dust gets to work on the match of it when they hear running. Which makes them both start to run again.
Geno follows after Dust as they get to a large cavern with an even larger drop. They run across the creaking and instable pathways as Dust glares “Why?”
Geno pants as he runs “I told you! This place is almost fully hollowed out. It is why it was closed! It is instable!”
They get to the end of the pathway only to find it a dead-end. Dust gets ready to turn only to see more of those people coming.
They spot a ledge by the cavern wall and Dust jumps from the pathway to the edge of it. He manages to land and Geno feels his nerves get even worse. What does he do? He can’t do that?
Dust turns to him and holds out a hand. Oh no. Geno looks back and sees the other people coming. He slowly climbs over the railing, having a dead grip on it still as he glances down. It is so dark and deep down there. Dropping in there would be his end. Easily.
Dust snaps his fingers and Geno looks up. Dust holds out a hand and looks calm. Everything about him says it clearly. He will catch him.
He will catch him.
He will catch him.
Geno lets go of the railing and sets off hard. His hand finds Dust’s and Dust pulls him right against the wall. Geno’s soul is pulsing wildly as he stands there. Dust tugs on his hand and starts shuffling along the ledge, away from those following them. Geno follows him even as he is starting to feel sick.
Geno never thought he had a fear of heights before but this feels different.
They are moving along the edge when Rover and his people start shooting at them. The ledge they stand on starts to crumble and suddenly they are both falling. Dust manages to grab unto the ledge with his hand and Geno can feel that Dust has a very tight grip on his hand.
Geno can see the pained look on Dust’s face and Geno is reminded of Dust’s weaker shoulder. Shit… this can’t be good for him.
They hang there and Geno can see Rover getting his guards and people to aim their magical attacks at them.
Geno looks down and the movement causes some of his crystals to be visible.
His crystals.
Oh duh!
He looks up at Dust “Dust! You need to let go!”
Dust looks at him like he is an idiot. Geno grins back “Let go of the ledge! We will be fine!” Dust is clearly unsure and Geno is trying to figure out how to explain it to him. But then… Dust lets go of the ledge.
There is no time to consider what exactly that means as suddenly they are falling.
They are falling and panic starts to fill him.
Geno pulls on Dust to make him closer and Geno pretty much warps as much around Dust as he can. Next he searches for the right crystal.
Please please please- There!
Geno grabs it and tugs it free from his hat.
He holds the crystal against both of them and prays it works as he focusses on the magic.
He feels it and tugs on it. The crystal turns to dust and Geno can feel himself, and Dust thank everything, start to slow in their descent.
They fall slowly in silence and darkness before they land on the ground without as much as a scratch.
They sit on the ground for a moment. Both breathing harshly as Geno lets the adrenaline slowly drain from his body.
That is when Geno suddenly becomes painfully aware that he is still holding unto Dust tightly and that they are pretty much in each other’s laps! Geno quickly pulls away from the other and makes room. Dust however isn’t looking at him at all as he keeps his hood pulled tightly over his face.
Dust gets up first, still not looking at him, as he rubs and rotates his fragile shoulder.
Geno frowns before getting up “Hey… It is totally okay if you don’t want to but… I do have healing magic?”
Dust is silent for a bit. He glances up for a moment before nodding “Fine.”
Geno smiles as he takes a seat. He thinks about using the crystals but decides this is better to do himself.
Dust sits before him and pauses his movements for a moment. But then he undoes his outer armour and puts it aside. Next he removes his hood from his being and Geno sees even more inner armour under the hood with an undershirt under that.
Dust removes the inner armour and frees only his hurt shoulder from the undershirt.
Geno can’t help but stare at the bones. Because he can see very tiny specks of grey on the white bones. But that can’t be what he thinks it is right? Because that is what happens to skeletons when they start dusting. Their bones turn a grey before falling apart in dust particles. Geno wants to touch those spots but he stops himself. Don’t be weird. Don’t be pushy. He hovers his hand above the shoulder and concentrates. Trying to feel what the injury is and what it needs.
Geno can feel the dull ache in his own shoulder. It seems like he overstretched the joints and that it had too much weight put on it. Geno can also feel it. The way the mana lines deep and hidden in the other still has tiny breaks in them. This must be why his shoulder is still hurt after that hit from Horror from a year ago at this point.
Geno stops himself from just pushing healing into those areas as he speaks “Your joints are overstretched and too much pressure was put on them as well. It is easy to heal… I… I also noticed that your mana lines have tiny cracks in them. I think this is what is causing you your weaker shoulder now… I can try to heal it a bit as well…” Only if he is okay with it.
Dust thinks it over before giving a short nod.
Geno feels excitement fill him as he concentrates on his magic. Help him. Heal him. Just make him feel better. Geno wants to be able to help him and make him feel better. Anything.
The soft ache he had been feeling in his own shoulder disappears with each tiny bit of magic he pushes into the old and new wounds. Dust’s shoulder easily accepts the magic. Even as Geno can feel static from Dust’s own magic. Clearly not as okay with this intruding magic as Dust’s body is.
Geno makes sure that his own magic remains calm. He just wants to help. That is all he wants. Please just let him.
The magic doesn’t cast him out luckily and the healing is finished much quicker than he thought it would. Geno pulls his hands back as he catches his breath “There… all done.” Casting spells on the fly always takes more energy than the carefully planned and crafted spells he has.
Dust rolls his shoulder and frowns as he touches it for a moment. He glances at him before quickly getting dressed again. Geno can’t help but feel anxious “Is something wrong?” he thought he had it all now. He thought he healed the other.
Dust pauses and mutters “Feels good…” and he tugs the hood on tighter, his hand reaching towards the spot he normally leaves his mask before frowning even more.
Geno grins and nudges their shoulders together “It is okay. We will get it back and show Rover he was a fucking idiot…” Talking about idiot “I am sorry… I should have listened before when you said we shouldn’t go through the main entrance… I got overconfident.” He messed up.
Dust shoots him a look and shrugs “Easy fix.” He sighs as he looks up “Don’t look forwards to the climb.”
Geno actually starts to smile as he holds up one of his crystals “Oh don’t worry. I got just the spell for that.” Dust looks intrigued at the crystal.
Geno searches the place before spotting an empty mine cart. That will do nicely. He jumps into it and looks at Dust, Dust tilts his skull but follows his lead.
Geno makes sure it isn’t stuck before he grabs the crystal that he has charged with levitation magic. He holds it near the cart and concentrates. The magic needs to be transferred to the holding place of the crystal into the cart itself. He imagines that the cart is magnetically charged and that this one matches the one around it. To make sure that the same pools push each other away.
The crystal falls apart and-
The cart rocks as it slowly starts to float. Dust remains very still as he holds unto the cart tightly. Geno grins as he looks up “Up we go!”
It is kind of like an elevator. They rise slowly up as they sit in silence. Geno sighs as he leans against the cart “What do we do?”
Dust hums as he keeps a tight hold on the cart. Clearly uncomfortable with this way of transportation. Geno blinks and gives him a softer smile “It is okay. The magic will make sure it remains stable and not swing or anything. We will be up in no time.” Dust shrugs as he keeps looking up.
Geno feels a bit bad for taking him on this ride without a warning. Geno sighs as he looks up. What do they do…
Dust speaks softly “We need to stop the production…”
Geno nods as the original plan returns “We need to stop the machines. I can stop them easily enough but the problem is Rover and his man.”
Dust shrugs “I can deal with them.” he frowns as he glances at Geno “But fighting and keeping an eye on you is… harder.”
Geno rolls his eyes. He doesn’t take it personally. “I know I know I am not a fighter. It is fine. I have a crystal to make a shield but I need time to set it up.”
Dust nods “Hiding place for you. I go in and end them. Then you lock up stuff.”
Geno laughs “Sounds a lot easier than it will probably be.” Dust doesn’t look bothered.
They get all the way back to the pathways they were on before and Geno is happy to note they see no one. Dust points further up “We can hide you there. Easy to get around.”
Geno nods and makes the cart fly even higher. They get to an upper cart rail and Dust gets out first. Geno goes after and parks the cart sideways. Just to make sure it doesn’t fall off.
Dust leads him through the upper rail system. They very quickly get back to the main area where they see Rover screaming at some of his workers. About them having to go down to make sure Geno and Dust are actually dead. The workers however clearly don’t want to as they quote the fact the whole area is unstable. Rover reminds them that he will end them if they don’t go. So they can pick taking their chances in the mines or take the certain end by Rover’s hands.
Dust hums as they watch “He is sampling his own produce.”
Geno nods “He is overcharged and his soul will implode soon enough if he keeps using it.”
Dust nods his agreement “Someone else would just take over. Best clean out the whole nest.” And he readies a sharp bone in his hand. He glances at Geno “Shield?”
Geno nods and holds up his needed crystal “Ready.” Dust gives him some space to work with and Geno has the shield up very quickly.
Dust nods before just jumping down and landing right on top of Rover who he stabs right through the chest without a second hesitation. Dust grabs his mask and puts it back on his face. The other stare in shock which Dust uses to attack.
Geno should probably be doing something other than just staring but can you blame him? Dust moves with a grace and confidence that rivals professional dancers. Dust is so comfortable and familiar with himself and his skills that he moves between the forces as if it is nothing.
It is not even a fight. It is a slaughter. A beautiful slaughter.
Dust finishes the last one and moves all the bodies into the same area before looking up at Geno. Geno grins as he undoes his shield “No worries. I got this.” some slow falling and he is on the ground without as much as a scratch.
Dust nods before looking at all the drugs and chemicals. Geno grins “Time to put everything in a crystal. Can you help me move everything into that tunnel start?” he points to one that hasn’t been dug out far yet “I will use that as the vault for now. Until we can send people up here to properly dispose of everything.”
Dust nods and the two of them set to work on moving everything into the tunnel. Aside from paperwork. All the paperwork Geno can find he puts on his person to get back to Reaper as proof.
It takes a long time to get everything to the right spot. Geno sits near the materials and machinery and can’t help but stare in wonder “This is so strange! These machines take the magic from found items and push it into smaller sugar cubes which gain those strange forms as the magic settles!” Geno can’t help but grin. “It is fascinating. So fascinating. I never even thought about taking the magical energy of non-edible stuff and binding it to sugar of all things!” The way the machine pulls the magic out, just leaving the empty husks of the minerals and plants they put in. The fact that made the sugar with chemicals to bind it easily to the magic. And then how the sugar itself almost crystalised and grew spikes to show this infused magic. The difference within the original form and the new form must make it possible for the machine to influence the intent! It is so weird that these people managed to find a way to get a machine to edit the magic as usually that is impossible because of the lack of intent or purpose.
Geno looks back with a grin but frowns at the way Dust is looking away with his arms crossed “We done?”
Geno nods “Yeah… we are done…” what… what is wrong? Maybe he is anxious to get back to his horses? Geno turns back to the small tunnel and gets to work on writing the sigils and symbols for the needed spell. Luckily he won’t need a lot for this.
He touches the stone and takes a deep breath. The rocks change shapes and forms right before his own sockets as the rock all start to grow crystals, Stalagmite and stalactites all to enclose the items hidden within. Geno infuses it with more magic and the new barrier crystalises and forms a stable seal, as Geno does this he pushes his crystal to drain magic into the barrier as well. If anyone were to open the barrier the spell will drain all the magic from everything in the tunnel. Making sure that no one can get to it unless they get a neutralising spell from Geno to stop that from happening.
Geno nods “All locked away. Let’s get out of here.” Dust nods and is already leading the way out. Huh…
Geno frowns as he goes after Dust. Feeling unsure about what went wrong.
They leave the mine but neither of them says a word. Geno is not sure what to say or what could be bothering the other. Maybe nothing is even bothering him and Geno is just assuming stuff.
The get to the horses and Dust is quick to get both ready. Geno stands by the side as he makes sure the proof they found is safely tugged away on his person.
Dust has Basalt ready first and Geno climbs up as Dust gets on Opal’s back.
Geno gets the map out of the pack and studies the route “We can take another path down. One that would be shorter than the original one we took. Mostly because we would be able to take the path straight down instead of going by every other entrance.”
Dust nods and follows the direction Geno points out.
They just get a bit down the path when a loud yell stops them.
Geno looks back confused as Dust just sighs annoyed “He doesn’t know when to die.”
Rover stands on top of the mine gate glaring. A gun in hand.
Geno hums as he toys with one of his crystals. Charging it quickly and getting the shield to activate within seconds “It is honestly quite sad.”
Dust tilts his skull curiously “How is he even alive?”
Geno rolls his eyes as he looks unbothered at Rover “You told me remember? He sampled his own supply. I can only assume it put his soul and magic into overdrive, which effected his human physic.” Geno shrugs “I am not a biologist. I am not sure.” Still, surviving a stab through the chest is impressive. Geno can see the blood covering his front form here.
Dust blinks and keeps staring at Rover “Didn’t know that was a thing.”
Geno shrugs again “Euh. It normally isn’t. It isn’t healthy for the soul.” Dust nods.
Rover glares at them and shoots the gun, the bullet hits the shield and turns to dust, “Stop ignoring me!”
Geno is about to make another comment when he hears it. A soft, very soft, rumble.
Dust noticed too as he looks around. Geno looks anxiously at Rover “No need to shout.”
Rover has a crazed smile on his face as he pulls out an explosive “That is the thing. If everything I did was for nothing. If all of it was for nothing. If this is my end.” He grins “I am taking you two fuckers with me.” And he throws the explosive back into the mine.
A loud explosion and the rumbling gets worse. Rover turns and throws out his arms “Now lets embrace the end!! A white! Cold! Embrace! Of death!”
Geno can see it on the mountain. The snow on the mountain shifting. He turns to Dust panicked “Avalanche.” Dust is already turning Opal around and pulling on Basalts reins.
Geno however yelps as he shifts and gets unstable. He holds unto the saddle but he does not feel secure at all.
Dust glances back at the snow and looks back at Geno “Shield?”
Geno shakes his skull “Not strong enough to hold off an avalanche.” At least. He doesn’t think so. They never had to test it! It is about blocking attacks! Not to withstand natural disasters.
Dust however nods as he jumps off of Opal. Next he goes to her side and cuts off the saddle and throws it off of her. Packs included. He does the same to the reins. Wait is that Geno’s knife?
Geno blinks confused as Dust just pushes him further up Basalt’s neck and out of the saddle. Doing the same with the saddle on Basalt’s back.
Next Dust pushes him back a bit and jumps on top of Basalt as well and takes the reins. He tugs on it lightly and Basalt starts to speed up, Opal following them without needing a comment.
“Hold on.”
Geno doesn’t even think as he locks his arms around Dust’s middle as he leans forwards.
Basalt is off like a bullet. Speeding down the mountain and jumping over and rushing past terrain. Geno isn’t sure what to do so all he does is lean closer to Dust and try to copy his movements. Just stay plastered against his back as he moves with him.
The snow is rushing after them as Opal runs by their side. Needing no rider to keep up and stay on course.
Basalt is a beast. And Geno means this with the upmost respect. Basalt goes over and past the terrain as if it is nothing. While Opal needs to make some small side jumps or multiple smaller jumps Basalt just sets off and clears any gap easily. They rush past the many pine trees but even with the lighter carry load Geno can still hear the snow starting to catch up.
The snow is much faster than they are. But unloading the packs and freeing up the horses to enable them more movement freedom may have bought them some precious minutes…
Opal is running ahead of them before she darts to the side. Dust doesn’t think as he leans to guide Basalt into the same direction. Geno leans with him and feels fear enter his soul as he sees why Opal changed directions. There is a huge cliff and ravine right where they had been going.
They are now not even running straight away from the coming snow anymore. Geno tugs himself closer to Dust. Feeling more panic reach him.
Dust frowns as he looks around for a moment before he just turns Basalt to be aimed at the avalanche!?
Geno looks at him panicked but he looks focussed and determined and Geno decides he will just shut up and trust the other. He pushes his face into the soft leather and scarf around Dust’s neck and shoulders and tries to keep his panic inside.
Opal is faster and jumps up and into the moving snow before she keeps trotting slowly forwards. Basalt can’t do the same as gracefully but does a similar move.
Geno feels the shock of the snow’s force and feels himself start to slide slightly. He just holds tighter unto Dust. Warm and stable Dust.
Dust keeps guiding Basalt using the reins. Managing to keep Basalt on track to not be swept away by the snow. Following the path that Opal leads them down.
Geno glances a look up away from the shoulder and spots what Dust is aiming for. A rocky outcrop. Standing out of the snow like a beacon.
Another rumble and Geno glances up to see another wave of snow start to come lose and barrel down the mountain straight towards them. His arms tighten around the other “Dust…”
“I know I know.” Dust keeps the horses on track and manages to get to the rock. Opal gets up easily and turns to bite some weird leather strap on Basalt’s reins and tugs on it. Helping Basalt up the rock.
The rumbling of rushing snow is louder than ever. Dust points towards Opal and makes a click sound. Opal gallops towards the edge of the rock and jumps!
Only to clear the ravine with ease and to turn around to wait for them.
Dust guides Basalt to look into the right direction. He pets the large horse and mutters “Just this Basalt. Then we can take a break.” Basalt lets out a huff of breathe before starting to run and gallop towards the edge.
Basalt jumps and seems to make it before the backside starts to slide off. Panic overtakes his soul again as he holds unto Dust. Fear gripping every part of his mind and soul.
Then Opal grabs the reins again and tugs as Basalt works hard to get back up the ledge.
And they are on it.
Moments later the second wave of snow comes over the ledge and falls into the ravine.
Geno remains frozen against Dust’s back as Dust pants “That… was close…” Geno just stares at the ruined landscape behind them. Trees had been pulled from the ground and are sticking out of the snow. If he had been in there he wouldn’t only have gotten buried but also risked getting hit by one of those trees or other stuff hidden in it. Only to be knocked out and to freeze under the snow.
If he wouldn’t have been dragged down that ravine for a long and painful fall only to be covered with snow if he even survived it.
“Geno?” Geno shoots Dust a look.
Dust isn’t looking at him. He is messing with the reins “You… euh… arms?”
Geno frowns as he turns to look over Dust’s shoulder that he had been pushing  his face against. He still has his arms in a dead grip around Dust.
Geno pulls away only to yelp as he starts to fall off. Dust grabs him to keep him from falling. With Dust’s help he can actually get off of Basalt without the assist of the saddle.
As soon as he is on the ground his knees go weak and he falls to the ground fully. So thankful to be on solid ground again “Oh thank the stars… That took years off my life.” His soul is still beating and pulsing wildly from the stress. He may have to visit a healer once he is home to make sure he didn’t overstress his soul with this trip.
Dust lands next to him and pets both the horses before crouching down next to him “You okay?”
Geno laughs as he still sits there shaking “How are you this calm?! It feels like my soul was trying to escape my body while we were trying to escape… How did you stay that calm?”
Dust tilts his skull a tiny bit and mutters “Trained. Taught… Prepared.”
Geno blinks. Right… Dust is a Knight. He trained and practised responses and plans and everything for these kind of missions.
Geno laughs and looks down “Makes sense…” fucking hell he must look so useless to the other. Geno is just. He is just so out of his depth. This whole trip it was surprise after surprise and Geno never did anything like this. Sure He can do magic and knows magic but he never had to… this is not him. And he truly just made stuff more complicated.
Geno continues to sit in the snow as Dust walks over to Opal and pets and checks her over. He nods to himself before walking over to Basalt. Dust puts his and Basalt’s heads together and leans against the horse for a moment as he stares at him. Then Dust checks his neck and his back before checking the legs and freezing.
Dust crouches down and lightly touches a leg, only for Basalt to step away and moving a bit around before standing still.
Dust looks so sad. Geno frowns as he searches for the right words “Is… is something wrong?”
Dust looks to the side as he tugs on his scarf and hood “Basalt’s legs got hurt…”
Geno frowns. Isn’t that like very bad news for a horse? “Can… Can it heal?”
Dust shrugs “Not here.”
Geno frowns. Okay. That is bad. Because to get somewhere safe or even close to someone to help the horse they need to get down the whole mountain. And Geno doesn’t know a lot about animals. But thanks to Fresh he knows enough to know that climbing down a mountain with a wound on a pet’s leg is a very sure way to make them unable to recover fully.
Geno feels so bad… Basalt got them through an avalanche and now what? He can’t walk anymore? Something that is very important for horses?
Geno frowns at his hands as he pauses. Wait… He looks over and speaks up “If… if you are okay with it… I never healed horses before… But I can at least see what I can do and help? Make it a bit better so he can safely make it down the mountain and towards someone who can fully help him?”
Dust stares at him before giving a tiny nod. Geno pushes himself up from his spot on the ground as he walks over. He pauses by Basalt’s side and looks nervously at Dust “Make sure he doesn’t kick me?”
Dust gives another small nod.
Geno gets to Basalt’s side and holds one hand near a leg. He could have used one of the prepared crystals with some basic healing. But he may as well do it this way. This way the healing is much more powerful and he can feel what is wrong where.
He takes a deep breath and uses the familiar spell. He can feel his soul give an unhappy ping as he tries to heal again so shortly after the last time but he will be fine. It is just to give Basalt a boost. He quickly feels what is wrong, or he thinks he does. His joints feel overstretched and stressed. He also can’t really put weight on one of his legs which puts more pressure on the other to take over. He focusses on the pain in the bad leg first. He feels along the area and gets the feeling there is a break there. He finds it and pushes healing into that area. Promoting the energy and magic in the animal to locate towards that area and promote the area to heal much quicker than it naturally would heal. Mending the wound with new bone.
That is the worst wound by far. Next he focusses on actively relaxing the stretched joints. Which is easy to do, the only thing that complicates things is the fact that the horse has four legs compared to Geno’s two and Geno has to mentally estimate where the pain in his own arms would be relatively located to relax it.
But he does it and has to pull back after a moment. He is panting lightly “That should do it… Can’t do much more as I am afraid I will heal something wrong.”
Dust is by Basalt’s side and gentle touches the hurt spots of before after which he looks at him shocked. “You healed him?”
Geno rubs his neck as he shrugs “Yeah? Told you I could do it…” he glances at Basalt “Did I get everything?” Geno really doesn’t know animals and their anatomy well at all. Maybe the very basics if he is being generous with his knowledge.
Dust seems to just stare at him before looking away, Not really giving an answer as he pets Basalt. Geno frowns as he looks at him.
He feels exhausted. It has been such a long day and Geno still feels tired.
For now he just stares at the forest around them. Letting the cold air calm his racing soul as he listens to the forest settling after the disaster of snow. He can hear some trees creaking in the distance as the snow leans against it.
Geno blinks as he finally looks away from that ravine they had almost fallen into. He looks back at Dust and sees him next to both horses with Basalt’s reins in his hands.
Dust nods towards the forest “We need to get out of the open. Nights get cold.” And he waits.
Geno nods as he gets up, he sat down again? And goes over to the other. Dust leads the way and Geno follows after, making sure to use Dust’s footsteps in the snow to easily move through it. Opal seems to track ahead as she listens and tilts her head. Looking around before looking back to see if they are following her. Basalt walks slowly through the snow. Taking careful steps. Clearly trying to not push his own body too hard.
Geno gets it. He honestly wants to lay down and not move for a while. He is exhausted.
“This will work.”
Geno blinks and focusses again. They are in a very enclosed ring of trees. It is tight but the trees give a reasonable amount of cover. Geno looks at Dust. Dust however has already removed Basalt’s reins and hung those over a branch. Dust is walking around and shoving snow aside as the two horses walk to the side and stand together. Opal digging at the ground and seems to be unearthing roots and other stuff.
Dust stops as he studies the floor. Most the snow has been pushed aside and some of the dirt hidden beneath has been revealed. Dust is now moving some rocks into a circle and cleaning that part out of snow as well. Dust looks over at him and nods to the dirt patch.
Geno moves over to the spot and just sits down. He could have died… multiple times today he got within an inch of dying… He never would have seen Fresh or Error again. Or worse… The slave collar had been on him… He hadn’t been able to move his own body, his very magic hadn’t been responding to him and had been forced to listen to that… that… that freak!
Dust curses and Geno looks up to see him frowning at some flint and steel. He reaches for it again but some magical sparks fly of his hand as soon as he gets near the tool and he pulls his hand back with a flinch.
Right… He had to overuse his magic to fry the slave collar, the dampers and to get everyone to back off…
Geno scoots close to the ring of stones and places one in the middle of the circle. He spots a stone which will work and places it in the middle. He concentrates and his soul gives an unhappy pulse about him pushing his magic a lot with the stress he experienced but it works as a fire starts.
Geno takes a deep sigh as he relaxes near the warmth it gives up. Some movement and Dust is sitting by the fire as well. Staring at the flame.
Huh… He had removed his mask. Geno wonders when he did that but doesn’t ask as he just leans close to the non-burning flame that warms him until his core.
Neither of them speaks and that is okay. He wants to rest for a moment.
They sit there for quite some time and Geno lays his skull on his legs as he lets his core recover from the magic he used. He may be skilled and powerful but in the end he still only has a shard of a soul compared to normal monsters. He is limited with his magical stamina. And it fucking sucks. He wanted… nevermind.
Dust has gotten up and seems to be searching the direct area. He comes back with some long sticks and starts putting those together to make a makeshift tent thing. A tipi he believes. It is small and in a direct circle around him and the small flame. Dust comes back inside and sighs contently.
Geno continues to lean on his knee as he stares at him “Why did you make that?”
Dust looks at the tipi around them and answers “No stuff… Need a place to stay tonight… Small area warms up quicker.”
It is even smaller than their original tent had been.
Geno frowns “Shouldn’t we rush down the mountain?”
Dust shrugs “Why? Those people couldn’t have survived that avalanche. We aren’t stealthing anymore. Basalt can’t carry anyone with his legs and Opal won’t like you riding her. Best to take it slow and walk. Today we rest and recover from what happened.”
Geno nods as he stares at the fire. He is so happy. He needs a moment “Good thing the flame won’t burn us. It will be fine to leave it on throughout the night.” Geno can know as he once rolled into the fire in his sleep. It was quite the shock to wake up inside his own fire. Not as bad as Error having once climbed into the fireplace to sleep in the flame Geno left in there to warm their home. Geno was sure he would have had an actual soul-attack over that one.
Dust nods “Neat.”
Geno watches Dust for a moment. Happy to just watch the other warm his hands on his magical fire. Content. They are okay. They are okay. Geno can’t help but really study the other’s neck. He can’t quite see it and curses the fact he didn’t think about checking it before while he had been healing Dust. What if frying the collar hurt his neck? Or frying the dampers hurt his wrists? Geno didn’t notice anything but the worry is there.
Dust stretches out as he looks at Geno “We should sleep.”
Geno nods as he lays on his side of the fire. Dust lays on the other end and Geno looks at the back of Dust’s skull.
He will probably feel better after some rest. Even if he doubts that his sleep will come easily.
Still he closes his eyes. His mind slows down as he just listens to Dust moving and breathing. The horses outside move around as well and the by now familiar sounds relax him. He is okay.
He is save.
It is late?
Geno isn’t sure how much he slept.
Or if he even truly slept.
It is cold.
He yawns and opens his sockets a little bit.
The fire is behind him now. Instead of in front. But Dust is still in front of him.
He is warm.
Geno sighs as he pushes his skull closer to the other.
He is so warm… Like on the horse earlier. Warm and stable.
Geno yawns and pushes his face into the back of his hoody. Mmh… this is nice.
So nice…
Geno feels his awareness slip away and surrenders to the darkness again.
Geno yawns as something delicious wakes him up. He sits up and rubs his eyes as he glances around confused.
He is in a wooden tent thing? He can spot his own magical flame right beside him. Giving him a nice source of heat on this cool morning.
His mind is hazy. What happened the day before?
They set camp to recover and… went to bed early?
Wait they skipped food all together? Probably why Dust is cooking.
Geno gets up and glances at his dirty clothes. Right. He slept right on top of dirt which was slightly muddy because of the snow it had been laying under before. Geno does a quick spell to clean himself up a bit. Make sure he is presentable.
The day before had been a mess but now they are free to travel home! No stress. No mission. Just getting home safely!
Geno feels a sort of excitement as he exits the small stick made tent and spots Dust outside. A normal fire by him which he is roasting some plants on. Huh.
Geno walks over and grins “What you cooking good l-” ABORT! “friend!!”
Dust doesn’t look in his direction. Seemingly very focused on what he is making “Roasting roots… nutritious.”
Geno smiles as he sits nearby “Smells good. When I cook stuff with magic it becomes edible but never quite good.”
Dust shrugs “Needs intent… Magic doesn’t give that?”
Geno nods “We make magic by infusing it with emotions. Same for intent. But magic can’t have intent. We can layer our own intent into a spell which we can feel but in the end magic can’t give intent. So… meh cooking.” He laughs and shrugs. He was always a terrible cook.
Dust nods and shoots him a glance “Always use magic? Easy stuff?” he nods towards the fire and the meal he is making.
Geno grins and shrugs “You can call it cheating. Maybe people do. I never saw it as cheating. I always liked to call it using the skills I have available to make stuff easier for my brothers and me.”
Dust nods and glances at him “Why cook if you can’t? Parents?”
Geno laughs and shakes his skull “Nah. They weren’t around.” And if he ever met his mother or any of those useless fathers ever again he would sooner hit them in the face with a fist.
Dust nods as he gets up “Food.” He hands over a stick with some slices roots and some plants and it smells delicious as he can smell some herbs he smelled before in the kitchen. He gets eating and hums happily.
“It is good.”
Dust looks amused “Basic.” Then he grins a tiny bit and mutters a bit softer “Should make basic food yourself more… taste difference between that and magical prepared food.” And he turns back to his meal.
Geno stares. Did… did Dust just… tease him? That didn’t sound mean. More of a joke? Geno grins as he eats his meal. It suddenly tasting many times sweeter.
They eat their meal before cleaning up. Dust puts the reins back on Basalt and keeps a tight hold of it as Geno uses his map to lead them down. Geno is so lucky that he had had the map on his person, some for the proof of the whole operation in the mountain.
They walk in mostly silence as they search for a path to follow.
They have to track through the forest for a while with a few near slips but they find an old path rather quickly with little difficulty.
Geno grins as he checks the map “This should be the one. We should just follow this south and we will be off this mountain eventually.” And even if they are on another path that one also just needs to be followed southwards until they get to the bottom.
Dust nods as he changes the reins on Basalt. Making it so he doesn’t need to be lead anymore. Trusting the horse to walk with them and to be able to safely make his way down now that they have a stable path to follow.
The horses walk behind them as Dust and Geno walk side by side. The forest is peaceful and beautiful. Geno thought he had seen dark clouds the day before when they were near the mine but seems like those had cleared up somewhere in the night.
Dust glances at him “Use magic a lot…”
Geno blinks and nods “Yeah. Magic is great I love using it.”
Dust nods but frowns “But got tired?”
Geno laughs and nods “That obvious?” Dust just shrugs and Geno doesn’t mind. Geno decides to tell him. Geno knows some weak spots of Dust, it is only fair he knows one of Geno “I don’t actually have a lot of mana available to me.”
Dust shoots him an disbelieving look. Geno grins and nods “It is the truth. I have horrendous magical stamina for a mage. It is why I make these.” He taps one of the crystals “I spend a few hours a day slowly infusing crystals and other rocks to make them hold my spells for me. Means I have a few always prepared and can use my mana for the actual emergencies.” There are other things that matter of course. The faster you cast a spell the more mana it takes. Same for stressful situations. It is because your soul is already stressed and your soul weaves the mana into a spell and magic to use.
Dust nods and glances back at his horses “Why… use mana instead of a crystal for healing?” he rubs his shoulder.
Geno shrugs as he feels a bit embarrassed. He doubts that because he wanted to show off is a good reason. He does for the second reason he did it “It is the same reason with the cooking. Magic can’t give intent. And some spells are depended on that. Sure I got some healing crystals but they aren’t specific or specialised. With your shoulder having already been hit before I didn’t want to risk it healing wrong with a crystal. The same implied for Basalt as I heard that a broken leg for a horse is fatale.”
Dust gives a slow nod and thinks for a moment. “Healing works better with intent?”
Geno nods “Much better! Of course I can put intent into the magic that I put in the crystal. And it will do what I want. But when I heal it directly I can kinda… sense out the injury? I feel like an echo of it in my own body, makes it easier to focus the healing into the spots that really need it instead of everything at once that the crystals do.”
Dust nods as he listens. Dust is a real good listener… Geno hadn’t really appreciated that before. Before when he just wanted information he just wanted to get Dust to start talking. But it is nice to have an active listener to talk to.
Not to forget! Dust is showing interest in magic! Geno finally can talk about all the stuff he knows about it! He will have to be careful to not try and focus on Dust’s magic to make sure Geno doesn’t overstep again but this will work! This can work!
They walk together as Dust hums “Didn’t know magic worked like that.”
Geno rubs his cheek “I mean. Magic works in many ways. It is dynamic and evolving in that way. That it changes when interacting with it. Like… I see it was crystals and minerals. Many different yet similar things that when interacting can make newer forms. When put under pressure can change from one to the other. It is something that endlessly fascinates me. I used to talk with people all the time. To learn how they saw magic. How they interacted with it.”
Dust looks at him “… You… want to understand magic.” he sounds as if he is in disbelieve.
Geno grins “Don’t you? It is everywhere around us. In the plants, in the rocks, in the earth itself, in the sky! It is in the static that fills the air. It is in the newly made technology even when it wasn’t used to make it! Magic gets everywhere and it changes to fit just fine. To belong. It is…” He had wanted to belong so badly. Fit in and belong. Get people to let him stay so he could make a stable home. “It seemed… nice.”
Dust frowns as he looks ahead. Thinking about it. “You know a lot about magic… much studying?”
Geno grins and nods “A lot. Used to be one of the things that came natural to me! Even with my weak mana the spells and magic itself? It just worked like I wanted! It made everything easier. From cooking to cleaning to actually getting jobs. Let me tell you no one will hire a teen for a full time job. Annoying as everything.”
Dust looks at him confused “Parents? Their job?”
Geno laughs and looks to the side “Well… My parents weren’t the best. Dad run out on my mom the moment she got pregnant. Honestly don’t get why she even decided to keep me. Apparently I was a very difficult pregnancy as she would not shut up about that. Maybe she thought getting me would make the guy come back? Either way. It was her and me for a while.” They had managed okay. Geno went to a local school and walked home alone. He had to help with the chores as his mom was out to search for jobs and work. And she couldn’t keep a job down for longer than a few days before switching jobs again.
“Then, when I was about 9ish, she came home with this guy. New guys she met that day, bringing he right home to her home address and young child.” Geno glares ahead.
Dust snorts “That is begging to be robbed.”
Geno waves his hands around “Right?! Anyway. That guy was a piece of work. He would glare and lock me in rooms. The joke is on him. I was already very magical and let me tell you there is no keeping someone inside when you can magically unlock doors or move furniture he placed in front of it.” He grins and laughs as he remembers the shocked look on the guys face when Geno would just appear back in the small kitchen, eating a snack just ten minutes after the guy tried to lock him out of the house. “Of course mother dear didn’t believe me at all. She just said it would take some getting used to him being my new dad and that I wanted her to be miserable and alone forever.” Geno rolls his eyes “I would have been more okay with the asshole if he wasn’t a deadbeat that couldn’t hold a job either.”
Dust hums “Charming. I can see why she liked him.”
Geno laughs at the absolute deadpan voice and unimpressed stone face. Geno nods “I know right? And then. Of course. My idiotic mother got herself pregnant. I think she was trying to baby trap the guy.”
Dust tilts his skull “Didn’t work with the first one. Why would it work with the second?”
Geno grins “Oh trust me. It gets worse. So. The guy. Obviously. Acted as if he was overjoyed. Said that he would finally have a child and a son or daughter to adore. Mom didn’t even bother to correct him when I was standing right there.” He sighs “The asshole kept up the illusion that he wanted this child and when she was in the process to actually get Fresh the guy stole the small amount of savings we had and ran off with it.” he sighs. His mother had blamed him. Said that Geno hadn’t been welcoming to her new love and his new dad. That his behaviour had been the reason why little Fresh would now grow up without a dad.
Geno shrugs “Said that Fresh would now grow up without a father because I didn’t welcome him. Which honestly. Seems more of an his issue if he couldn’t handle one sassy annoying child. Not that it mattered much as mom went back to her old habits of leaving the whole day to work or search for work while I took care of Fresh.” He looks at Dust “Let me tell you this. Catching an active baby and washing him and feeding him? A lot easier with magic and telekinesis spells.” He smiles at the memories of Fresh being the chaotic little baby he had been. Geno adores his wild brother.
Dust frowns “She made you take care of him?”
Geno shrugs “Made is a big word. She did stuff. Just not most of it. And I honestly didn’t trust her with my little brother.” Fresh was his. Same for Error. Those two are his little brothers and he will make sure people know that messing with them means messing with him. “And Fresh wasn’t hard to take care of. Bugger was chaotic and energetic but it was fun. Harder was still trying to get a side job to help with covering school costs as mom barely made enough to keep the house.”
Dust frowns “No covered education? I thought that was a thing in Sanctuary?”
Geno looks at Dust confused before grinning “I wasn’t born in Sanctuary.” Dust looks confused but waits. Geno nods “I am from Ironfields. You know. Across the water and inwards more? I was just lucky that Reaper had the funds to visit all the big magical academia to look for a royal mage. And I made the cut.” Reaper swore up and down that he had picked Geno for his skill. Yes he had liked Geno on a personal and attraction level as well but that was not what influenced his decision on making him royal mage. If Reaper had found someone more skilled he would have offered them the job and gone back to Geno to request a date with him.
Dust nods “But you did parttime stuff when younger?”
Geno nods “All the time. It helped cover the costs for school. Thought it kept me busy. Between school, work and taking care of Fresh and myself it was rather busy. It got easier when Fresh was old enough to go to school too. And Fresh was actually really good when near others so he would be quiet and behave while I worked. He just was a menace at school or at home.” He sighs “And then! My mom came home with ANOTHER guy when I was sixteen and Fresh was six!”
Dust whistles “She got some bad taste.”
Geno groans “The worst! He straight up tried to get her to abandon us. Which what a fucking jackass. She was about to do it too until I reminded her that at this point I was the one paying for the fucking house and that everyone knew she was our mom and it would be social suicide for her to abandon us and try to play happy wife with this man.” She had cursed him out. Told him that he was a fucking freak and demon and was the cause of her unhappiness. That she should have realised Geno was the problem the second the healers told her his soul wasn’t developing right. “She got annoying about it and I just reminded her that she was the one who decided to keep me. Not me. She got angrier about that little fact.” He sighs “And once again. She got a kid with this fucker as well. And as always. The guy noped out at the last moment and stole the savings she had.” Geno is sure the only reason he stayed as long as he had was because he had been looking for Geno’s savings and funds. But Geno isn’t an idiot. He hid anything he earned and only paid the people that needed paying directly. Like hell he was going to trust he deadbeat of a mother with his money. He earned that for himself and his brother, and later brother, not her.
Dust nods “Error?”
Geno nods “Error was born.” He had been seventeen and Fresh had been seven. Both of them had adored Error immediately. Geno and Fresh has both known things would get harder but little Error had been the cutest little thing. Fresh had held him and had stared at Geno with such determination when he declared he would be the best older brother. Geno had laughed and held his two little brothers. His brothers. His family.
Dust nods and crosses his arms “How long until the next guy?”
Geno sighs and shakes his head “She left. Left a whole note about how she couldn’t stay with us anymore. Something about how having three children from different man would hurt her chances at finding true love and happiness. As if we decided to be born over her being a fucking idiot and not terminating us when it turned out to be too rough.”
Dust hums “Idiot.”
Geno nods “She is the biggest idiot. But I hardly expected anything else at that point. In the end it didn’t even get harder. In matter of fact it got easier. No one wanted our old and crooked house and the bank didn’t care who lived in it as long as payments were made on time. They just changed her name to mine on the paperwork and we remained in our house. I took Error with me to class and work and Error was a quiet baby who slept a lot. It only started to get harder to take care of him when his magic developed.” Unlike Geno. Error has a very healthy soul which is very magical attuned. Error blasted their wall and made their house have an open concept kitchen instead of a room with a door. They were so lucky it wasn’t a load baring wall.
Dust nods as he stares ahead of them “Good brother.”
Geno feels flustered suddenly as he rubs his neck “Euh. It was a bit rough sometimes but all in all not that hard… I got lucky with my magic. It made everything easier and less hard. I could cheat and safe time on so many things with my skills. Not to forget that I got a full ride scholar ship to a pristine school for magic to get my actual schooling. I moved my brothers with me to be closer to that school so I could commute and be home in the evening for them.” Not to forget that the scholar ship was more than enough to cover their living costs if he didn’t use it to stay in the dorms as those are expensive.
Dust looks at him curiously “Then how did… Error end up with us?”
Geno sighs “It would take time to settle and move stuff to Reaper’s place. Get my workshop and rooms set up. Search for people to make sure that Error got the right education and Fresh got what he needed with his condition. I had just needed time to make everything perfect. The plan had been that I would go first. Get stuff ready and set up. And then Fresh and Error would both move in with me… Fresh was supposed to watch over Error on the weekends while Error stayed at the academy throughout the week.” He sighs sadly. It had all gone so wrong. And Geno hadn’t known until it was too late to fix it.
Dust frowns as he looks down. It is okay that he doesn’t know what to say, Geno doesn’t either.
They continue to walk in silence for a long time. Eventually Dust stops them saying they should set camp again.
Geno grins as he casts the right spells and copies the setup of the day before. A tent made of sticks and other stuff laying around. A fire both inside and outside of the tent. And all the snow that was on the ground pushed aside and this time the ground magically dried.
Dust looks shocked as Geno grins “See? Told you stuff gets easier with magic. I just didn’t have the mana yesterday.”
Dust looks at him with a tilted head before nodding. Huh. Seems like Dust hit his limit on socialising. That is okay.
They are quickly ready and comfortable in their now reasonably warm tent. Dust actually lays out he own coat to sleep on and Geno copies his actions. It makes the ground a bit softer to lay on.
Geno sighs and goes to sleep.
Geno doesn’t want to get up. He had been having a very nice dream. A dream where he had been on the horse with Dust. But his dream hadn’t focused on the terror of the snow following them. It had instead been focussed on the feeling of being that close to Dust. How he felt and how warm he had been. The feeling of Dust’s body against his. Even his scent had made it in.
Which now that he is awake? Holy shit he is being a creep.
Geno groans as he sits up. Finding himself in the tent laying on his coat and- oh… Dust had left his coat by him as a blanket. Geno hides his face in his hands and tries to contain his screaming. How can he deal with this? He can’t. His feelings feel like they will explode his soul and he is really trying to not overdo it or annoy Dust or worse make him feel uncomfortable again.
But… the fact that Dust is trying to make sure he is comfortable should mean that… Does that mean that Dust has forgiven him? Does this mean that they have at least a neutral standing now?
Geno joins Dust outside for another delicious breakfast, honestly how dust can find food is beyond Geno but he is thankful for it, before they continue down the mountain. Most of their morning is spend in silence as they walk together. Only a few comments about what path they should take and how to go about their descent of the mountain.
They do get turned around for a bit as the path they had been following seems to disappear for a bit. Geno and Dust consult the map and their compass to figure out how to get further down.
They make their own path through foliage and bare trees with the horses close by. Dust turns back a few times to help Basalt find his footing as Opal just walks with sidesteps past things.
Geno crosses his arms “Is Opal showing off?”
Dust nods as he doesn’t look away from Basalt “She does that.”
Geno snorts “Must have taken a lot of time to train her. She seems stubborn.”
Dust nods again as he checks that Basalt is still standing okay “She is. But she has energy and wants to learn. It was just a matter of giving her new things to learn and practise. She now knows too much.” He sighs and Geno laughs.
They have to carefully walk down a few more ledges but manage to find the path again. After consulting their map again they follow it eastwards as that should be down.
Dust starts to speak softly “I was wondering…” he glances at Geno “How do you… make your magic do all those things?”
Geno blinks and looks at Dust “I mean… intent matters a lot. But it is also what I have in mind as I craft the spell. Spell crafting, at least in my case, is about picturing what I want and how and how it relates to the parts and elements I mentally connect it to.”
Dust frowns “For you? Nightmare said… It is energy and alive.”
Geno tilts his skull as he thinks “I can see why he saw it as that… from what I know. Magic changes and shapes itself to fit whatever someone thinks about it. It gives different people the ability to do different thing.” He had mentioned the day before, Geno thinks so at least. The day before they spoke about a lot. Or well Geno spoke about it.
Dust nods “So. Alive?”
Geno rubs his neck “Kinda? I never saw it as alive. Just reactive. We push emotions and intent into it. The magic soaks it up and repeats it. In a way we give it feelings and wants. We make it want to do what we want. I think?” Geno grins at Dust “It is weird and complex because everyone thinks about it differently and interacts with it differently. Which means the magic reacts and behaves differently as well. When we first start learning magic or hearing about it people already have opinions that they tell us. It shapes how we see magic and what we think magic is capable of doing. Which sets limits.” Geno frowns “Why did you think your magic could break the collar? I didn’t think it was possible for my magic to go against it but yours did. How did it break free from the control?”
Dust seems to think for a moment. Frowning before muttering “I don’t… control it… guide at most.”
Geno blinks before gasping “The collar couldn’t make it listen… because you don’t believe anything can control it?” Dust shrugs and nods.
“Never saw it as… something I affect. It is a force of nature. It is lightning. Energy. Alive.”
Geno wants to ask so many questions. How Dust came to this conclusion. How he managed to direct it. How he manages his power to remain contained. But Geno swallows the many questions. He pushes it down. Instead he looks at Dust “And… because of that it was free to fight the collar?”
Dust shrugs before he seems to think for a while again. Then he mutters softly “I got… No real control. But I got power… When I first got… picked for being a Knight. I needed four bracelets to keep it down. Nightmare said it grew stronger.”
Four magic blockers?!
Geno wants to beg Dust to let him see the magic. See how it interacts. But he can’t because it makes Dust uncomfortable. Keep it in. Keep it in.
Geno focusses on what Dust mentioned before “That fits with how you see magic. You, and Nightmare I guess, see magic as something alive that grows and grows stronger. Something wild that can’t be contained much like a natural force. It makes sense than that this manmade collar couldn’t control it. Couldn’t keep it contained. You just… waited for your moment to act upon that…” Geno laughs and shakes his skull “Damn that is so fucking impressive. I couldn’t do that.”
Dust frowns and stares at him confused.
Geno laughs “The whole staying calm and waiting for the right moment to cast a spell. I was panicking as soon as the situation went south.”
Dust frowns and shakes his skull “Wasn’t that bad… Shield. And slow falling?”
Geno nods “That came after. After I had more time to think. Had we fallen before I had a chance to think of it? I doubt I would have been fast enough to cast the spell. It is just. I know I can do magic and it is easy to me. But doing it in moments of stress?” he shakes his skull “I never had to do that before. It showed.” He sighs.
Dust thinks for a moment “Not that bad. You thought of stuff and used magic when we needed it. I am used to missions. I am used to fighting. Before being a Knight I was used to the crime-ring and scenes. Lots of tension. Quick thinking.”
Geno nods as he pulls out a crystal “I know they work. I just. Always tested them in save areas with failsafes in mind. It was never a matter of life and death. At least not while I practised and tested them. I made sure they would work the way they were intended. Then gave the crystals to people actually going on missions…” The only reason he was on this one is because he was the only one who would have been able to magically shut down whatever this drug ring had been.
Dust nods before shrugging “Worked out okay.”
Geno stares in shock at Dust. He seems honest. Even if Geno messed up pretty much at every step but Dust seems to not think that. Or at least not having hard feelings about it.
Geno smiles a bit as he looks down “Thanks to you mostly. The way you just knew what to do and how and when, and how to move and attack. It was fucking amazing.” And that is downplaying it.
Dust looks to the side as he rubs his cheek “I guess… Just practise.”
Just practise. As if Geno hadn’t had a chance to see a bit of their usual training before. Geno laughs and shakes his skull.
They walk silently for a moment before Geno speaks “Thanks. For… being willing to talk about magic stuff… I know you don’t like it.”
Dust shrugs and mutters “Don’t mind magic… just don’t like… mine.” He shrugs again before looking at Geno “Why?”
Geno blinks and laughs “Sorry I have no idea what you are asking this time.”
Dust rolls his eyes and seems to consider his questions “Why… act like you did… before… to get answers… but back up now?”
Oh. Oh! That. That is a loaded one.
Geno looks away “Euh… The very short version of the answer? I am a bastard and asshole.” He looks at the ground in front of them “It is just. Foremost. Reaper and I knew about your… interest and crush for a while.” Dust immediately tugs the hood tighter around him. Geno looks to the side before smiling at him “It is okay! Reaper thought it was cute-” that was the wrong word as Dust lets out a long and quiet groan.
Geno shoots him a smile “If it helps… Reaper very quickly got interested? He was the one who wanted to see where it could maybe go? Lead?” he rubs his neck “Sorry I am not the best in this. Reaper is the emotionally available one honestly.”
Geno takes a deep breath “Reaper asked me if I was fine with it. Him exploring this feeling for you to see where it went. I was okay with it. I knew that Reaper would always love me and just because he started to like you it wouldn’t affect the love he held for me.” He sighs “And well… I must admit. I was fucking curious. Your magic? It is something I never seem, heard of or felt before. I wanted to know how it worked. I wanted to just understand how it could have become the way it was. And I figured… as Reaper and you grew closer I could just… Kinda… Tag along to get the answers I wanted?” He winces at the truth. “I know… I know it is bad. But I swear it was never supposed to get out of hand! I just… I just wanted some answers and figured you already liked me so maybe… just like… giving some attention and affection? Get some answers? And then once I got the answers I would be gentle about like… stopping it?” He is such a fucking asshole “And I figured it would be fine as Reaper was honest and really did like you! That maybe we could become more casual friends or acquaintances while both of us separately dated Reaper?” He sighs and looks away “I know. I am sorry. I am an asshole.”
Dust is silent. Taking it in maybe? Or maybe he is now going back to ignoring and not speaking to Geno again. He would deserve it.
“Then why… Kiss me? Or…” he isn’t looking at him “Tracing lower and stroking my leg?”
Geno feels himself grow mortified and horrified. Right! He did that! He 100% did that! Geno covers his face and chuckles “Because I am an asshole? It wasn’t… part of my plan… But I did end up really liking you. I fucking realised that while Reaper fell earlier I wasn’t far behind. I was a fucking mess. And then I figured… I had already been kinda faking courtship… What difference does it make to make it a real one? I figured… I figured it wouldn’t matter. I wasn’t planning on ever admitting that the whole thing started as a lie.” He looks away “I just… I got greedy I guess. Stuff that used to just be to keep the scheme going suddenly wasn’t enough. It felt good and I was greedy and wanted more.” Reaper never minded. Reaper had set the pace to a lot slower than Geno had wanted but Reaper had had no issue with slowing Geno down. “I figured… If I really overstepped… You would just tell me to quit it or something.”
“I hadn’t… considered the fact that there was a power disbalance between us. I never saw it as that. You were you and I was just me. I never thought of us as a Knight vs a Royal Mage. We were just two guys talking and hanging out… I know now I should have considered it. Maybe make it clear that I wouldn’t be mad or annoyed or ruin anything if you said no or asked me to back off. I hadn’t considered you felt like you couldn’t because of the whole treaty thing… I am sorry.” God. Why hadn’t Geno practised that more? Reaper had told him that if Dust ever gave him another chance to talk to him Geno would have to explain himself and apologise. Why hadn’t he considered better on what to say and how?
Dust frowns as he stares at the ground. Geno looks at him and waits but he doesn’t look up. Geno sighs as he looks away. He isn’t allowed to feel disappointed. He isn’t allowed to feel that way when he just admitted to Dust he had been right and that Geno had been lying and manipulating him to get something he wanted.
He deserves this.
The cold of the weather isn’t even as cold as the newfound tension between them.
They don’t speak as they set up camp.
They don’t interact as they both lay down to sleep for the night.
Geno feels like sleep evades him. He just stares at the top part of the tent as he listens. Dust’s breathing seems different than usual. Like he isn’t sleeping either.
Geno considers apologising again but if it before wasn’t enough what would make it now be good enough. Geno glares as he rolls up and turns towards the wooden tent, his back aimed towards Dust. Not allowing himself to look at the other.
What is done is done. He finally made good on being honest to Dust. Show him that he is a selfish asshole. Geno rolls up to safe some of the warmth as he closes his eyes. He will just have to accept that this little thing and maybe friendship is over. And Geno ruined it himself.
It seems like his sleeping mind and dreams didn’t get the memo.
Because he once again dreams about hugging Dust as they sit together. Maybe they are on one of the horses? Maybe not. Geno can’t focus on anything but how the other feels and the warmth he gives up.
Dust tries to leave in his dreams. Tries to get out of his embrace. Geno mumbles unhappily.
He can’t speak clearly in this stupid dream for some reason. Can’t explain.
“Please stay…” his mind is like cotton. He just wants to have this. Even if it is fake. “miss you…” and he snuggles his face deeper into the nice spot by his neck and shoulders.
Dust doesn’t move for a while. Then a sigh and the body returns to his embrace.
Geno sighs as he pushes close. His whole being purring as he snuggles closer. Trying to get as much out of this dream as he can.
The night goes on and his dream starts to fade out…
The next morning they are both still quiet. Geno had woken up by his magical fire with his own coat used as blanket this time. Getting outside explained why. It is freezing outside. But there are still no clouds in the sky. It is calm weather.
Which is honestly a miracle. The weather in the mountains are unpredictable and it is unheard of to have more than two days in a row with just sun. But they have been up here for a week now, the seventh day exactly, and it is still sunny with no wind!
It makes for cold nights and very cold mornings as there is no clouds in the evening either but honestly it is amazing to not have to be afraid for a sudden snowstorm.
No instead Geno can just be afraid and anxious about Dust truly hating him forever and how Geno is going to have to break it to Reaper that he ruined this a second time now and ruined his own second chance.
Geno is completely fine.
One long morning later and they are starting to see some spring flowers and some grass on the ground that the horses happily eat. Geno sighs in relieve. This should make getting down easier.
They follow the now clearly marked path and Geno finds his soul fully calm as he speaks “I think this is the path and mountain we thought it was. Meaning this one has easier paths to follow and some premade camp sites.”
Dust nods “Should make stuff easier at least.”
Geno grins but his grin falls as Dust still isn’t looking at him. Looking ahead of them. Geno puts his hands into his pockets as he kicks a rock once in a while. Feeling hurt and very rejected.
The silence makes the track long and awkward. Geno tries to keep himself distracted but he keeps looking back into Dust’s direction.
They do end up finding one of the camp sites and after considering the time they decide to make it an early night and walk the last part to the foot of the mountain the next day over trying to rush down and risking having to travel in the dark.
They find a nice cabin and set up camp there. Geno goes towards the supply box and raids it of blankets and some snacks hidden away. They are a bit expired but also these are dried snacks and Geno knows from experience they don’t truly go bad as much as go stale.
Geno returns outside to see Dust had set up their little cabin and a fire in the fire pit. Geno grins as he gives one of his found blankets to Dust before putting one down for himself and going inside to put the other two on the actual beds. Geno goes back outside and relaxes by the fire. He hands some of the snacks to Dust before getting comfy in his own blanket and snacks.
The sound of the fire is nice. The crackling gives it an extra layer of experience and Geno sighs as he just enjoys it. It feels peaceful and nice. Like the actual camping trips he had gone on with Reaper. He really needs to do this with his brothers. Enjoy the nature and mountain on his terms and peaceful environment.
“You were honest? Before?”
Geno blinks and looks over “what?”
Dust just stares at the fire “What you said before… Reaper… Reaper was really interested?”
Geno feels his soul pick up “Yes!” Wait! No! tune it down! “I mean. He still is. He honestly is. But Reaper is a lot better at this than I am and is actually able to read other people’s social cues and everything.” If Geno can’t… If Geno ruined this for himself he wants at least his mate to still get the chance for this.
Dust frowns as he keeps staring into the fire. Then he glances are Geno “You?”
Geno can’t look away. Dust’s eyes are mismatched with their colours. There is the tiniest ring of red around one and the other has the same but an even tinier ring of blue in the red ring. If you don’t stare at it the eye lights just appear white. Geno had seen both colours flash brightly when Dust used that lightning spell. So bright with energy and magic. Geno laughs as he looks away for a moment before looking back at Dust “I haven’t stopped falling if that helps? I am not good at this… whole emotion and relationship thing… Reaper did the hard work with our own relationship. But I know I like you. I like being near you and I was honestly happy to spend time with you. It… It hurts to know you hate me and that it is my own fault.” He snorts as he looks at the fire “I don’t know how to make it better… But I do like you. A lot. For a long time now.” Another thing Geno wished he had practised. Fucking hell he knew he had this mission to spend time with Dust he just… hadn’t thought they would have these conversations!
Dust hums as he stares at the fire before getting up “Going to bed.” He waits for a moment by the door and mutters “I don’t hate you. I just don’t get you…” and he goes inside.
Geno stares at the door. Unsure what just happened.
The next day travel was both better and worse. Geno felt better knowing the other didn’t hate him but there was a… tension in the air around them. Dust seems content to walk in silence as Geno just lets himself ramble without much thought.
Fuck just end him. Put him out of his misery and his failing at this.
Geno is just describing the process and thoughts behind crafting a new spell and how to balance the magic and mana properly to not make it go towards an already made spell.
“There goes so much more into it than just wishful thinking and putting mana into a spell!” Geno glares “Some mages call themselves masters of the arts when they can’t even properly manage a spell and the outwards force behind it! It is terrible! Not only is it dangerous but it also makes the reputation of actual master mages less trustworthy! And most people can’t just see the difference between an actual master mage and someone who just calls themselves that!”
Dust nods along “Ruins hard work and good name.”
Geno nods “Absolutely! It takes a long time to study magic and get familiar enough with it to craft actual well working spells that others can replicate! Just pushing some stuff together and hoping that it works with a lot of magic isn’t spell crafting!”
Dust snorts as he looks amused “What do you call my lightning? It just happens and can’t level it.”
Geno waves his hands “That is different! You are using a premade spell and editing it slightly to fit you and your magic and mana! You don’t say you crafted a new spell! You don’t act as if you have mastered magic! In matter of fact you treat it as something that makes its own decisions and works with you.” He glares ahead of him as he imagines breaking those fake mage fucker’s necks! “Those assholes however!! Acting as if they made powerful spells only to have those be instable and blasting people!” it is dangerous and a disgrace!
Dust hums and nods “Annoying.”
Geno nods “Very.” He takes a deep breath “Luckily. Reaper let me set tighter regulations for it in Sanctuary. You need an actual licence to perform as a mage there now and the mages are tested to make sure they don’t just have dangerous and instable spells.”
Dust nods “Good idea.”
Geno laughs “Thanks. I just. Magic is beautiful and fascinating but people need to stay watchful and respectful about it as it can be dangerous if used wrong.”
Dust nods along “Like the drugs and collars.”
Geno nods himself “Exactly!”
It is already early afternoon when they finally step out of the forest around the mountain and Geno stretches out “Awesome! Just a clear shot to town now.” hopefully they can send a message from there that they are fine as they get someone to get them back to the capital. Geno luckily is well known enough to be able to get a ride and promise payment once they arrived there.
Geno and Dust continue on and walk into town. Geno is already looking around to spot someone who can help them as Dust makes sure his mask is in place.
Geno spots someone with a big enough cart “Hello sir. I had a request-” Geno can’t even make his offer because as soon as the man he had been speaking against turns around he gasps and cheers.
Geno blinks confused as more people look their direction and more people cheer. Geno glances at Dust and Dust just looks at him. Geno shrugs as he looks back to the man “Is… something the matter?”
The man smiles brightly “Sir! People thought you disappeared on the mountain! And with the avalanche and as people know about the many storms and horrible weather. People feared the worst!”
Geno frowns as that information sinks in “I need to return to the castle in that case. And send a message to our king.” Reaper must be worried sick.
The man nods as he rushes to prepare the cart. Dust makes sure it works for Basalt to be carried as he gets new tools to saddle up Opal. Geno writes a message and sends it off with a carrier as Geno waits for the cart to be prepared.
People offer them food and new clothes to wear as Geno can admit they both look worse for wear. They only take some of the food and Geno can see Dust slipping gold coins and money into the pockets of the people who offered the stuff freely. It is painfully thoughtful and Geno feels his soul speed up.
How can he not be even more in love than he started as?
Geno gets in the by rider seat of the cart as Dust just climbs on top of his horse to ride Opal. Opal seems excited as she stands on her backlegs and whips her head around. She lands and starts running with Dust on her back. Dust easily makes her run in a circle to remain near the cart the whole time but Geno thinks he is having fun.
They need to actually follow the road but luckily this cart is being pulled by strong horses who don’t mind running. Making them make quick time over the calm walking pace of the journey to the mountain pace.
The man asks many questions and Geno remains vague about what he was doing up there. He keeps it as search and a study case which makes Dust snort. Geno isn’t sure why but the man buys the excuse.
Night is starting to fall when they finally reach the capital. By the gates Geno sees some of Reaper’s elite guards waiting and he thinks those are the forces of Nightmare’s kingdom.
The captain of Nightmare’s guard walks over “My Knight! I knew you would return to us safe and sound! Do you want us to take your horses to the stables?”
Dust nods as he gets off Opal before going to the cart. He opens it and carefully leads Basalt out “Watch his legs.” And he hands over the reins of both the horses to the captain, Rogers now that Geno thinks about it.
Rogers nods and leads the horses away.
Geno himself has gotten down from the cart and waves the worried guards away. Mentioning how he should discuss things with their king and rest.
Geno is quick to wave Dust with him as he escapes the spotlight.
Dust glances at him from behind his mask “Don’t like attention?”
Geno sighs “I don’t mind attention. The endless worrying however is unneeded. I am alright.” He pauses “Mostly thanks to you but we will tell Reaper about that as well.”
Dust tugs his skull deeper into the hood in a gesture that Geno by now can identify as shy and bashful. Reaper was right all that time ago. Dust is very cute.
They get to the study and find Reaper awake and looking stressed. He looks up and Geno can see the tension disappear from his form. Reaper is by his side and Geno is in his embrace within seconds. Reaper sounds thankful “You are alive. Thank you for returning to me.” He smiles at Dust “Both of you.”
Dust does the same shy and bashful reaction of tugging his skull deeper into the hood.
Geno hums as he enjoys the embrace “Mostly thanks to Dust. I will tell you everything.”
Reaper shakes his skull “Later. You both need a good meal, need to be checked in case of injuries. Time to clean up and rest. We can talk tomorrow about all you saw. For now let me just make sure you both are okay.” He glances at Dust “Please.”
Dust is quiet before giving a small nod “Message Nightmare.”
Reaper smiles and nods “I will send a message right away that you returned form the mountain.”
Dust nods again and Geno smiles. This is perfect! Now they can at least spoil and take care of him a little!
Dust is preparing his packs as the other forces of Nightmare’s guard gets ready behind him. Dust isn’t worried. Basalt is okay for the track and Opal is downright excited.
Geno is watching him getting ready to leave and seems anxious. Messing with some of those crystals of his. A nervous tick he has.
Dust nods to himself as he walks over to him and tilts his skull.
Geno rubs his neck and looks nervous. He looks much comfier in his normal clothes and cleaned up “You sure you will be fine?”
Dust nods as he crosses his arms “More stuff than I could use in four trips.” Reaper had been horrified to hear his mate had gotten collared. And had been so thankful and worried when he heard that Dust had managed to trick Rover into collaring him instead which he made backfire badly.
Dust isn’t worried. It isn’t the first time his storm decided to fry someone. Dust is more shocked that Rover survived the first and second attack he did against him.
Geno nods “Right! Euh… Reaper is just really thankful. And really worried you may have issues with the trip because of leftover injuries… That you got protecting me.” He winces and looks away.
Dust shrugs. It wasn’t that bad honestly. Sometimes it is better to take the hit yourself over letting someone more fragile or vulnerable having to take the hit. Dust may be physically weaker but he has mana to spare and magic strong enough to break most things not specifically designed to stop him.
And nothing is specifically designed to stop him.
Dust glances back “Time to go.”
Geno holds up a hand “Wait! I was… wondering… And you can say no I don’t mind. I just. Was wondering. If maybe… you could see a possibility of ever giving us a chance? For a date? Again?” he looks hopeful.
Dust thinks for a moment to consider all that happened the last two weeks. The way he actually understands Geno now. He makes sure no one is watching them before quickly leaning close. Geno freezes which is good as Dust needs him to stay still. Curse the fact that everyone is taller than him. He manages to reach him and whispers “I figured you out finally. You are a nerd.” And he kisses the cheek and pulls back as he replaces the mask “Cute one.” Geno stares in shock as Dust walks back towards the horses with a wave.
“Lets keep in contact. Next time no mountain missions though.” He gets to Opal and gets on her back with practised ease.
As he looks back he sees Geno grinning madly as he waves “You can count on it! Have a safe trip.”
Dust snorts and nods as he leads Opal to catch up with Rogers and the others.
Maybe this will end in heartbreak again but Dust thinks he got a much better read on them this time. And maybe it will be fine.
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tadaxii-i · 1 year ago
Holy fucking shit.
James and Regulus are Gomez and Morticia.
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sbd-laytall · 1 year ago
Caspeter, but in a Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement AU.
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Okay, but hear me out.
Peter takes Mia's role.
Caspian takes Nicholas' role.
Aslan takes Clarisse's role.
Miraz takes Nicholas' uncle's role.
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knightzp · 3 months ago
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Taking this as izumi bad eyesight confirmation. I know in my heart he needs glasses and wears contacts most of the time
I BELIEVE IT TOO he wouldnt wear glasses bc his model bias doesnt let him but he totally wears contacts theres no way he has a perfect eyesight
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obsidianstrawberrymilk · 1 year ago
Kenji is a shounen protagonist
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jandjsalmon · 5 months ago
Just finished the 1945 version of State Fair and wish I'd watched it 4 years ago so I could have been inspired to write a Bughead fic about it. All the tropes fit. Alas.
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ayermite · 1 year ago
Every bit of lore @sercphs and I come up with our characters always ends up retroactively fitting random details we slapped onto them years prior out of sheer coincidence or as a joke
It keeps happening and I'm scared what the fuck—
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onestormynight · 1 year ago
adding Moulin Rouge to my list of love stories/tragedies that could've been easily solved if they simply became a throuple
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noahtally-famous · 2 years ago
thanks to this one post, I’m on a jacqan (jacquan??) brainrot now and it’s amplified more so bc I’m rewatching rr
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topaz-mutiny · 2 years ago
Matt’s Lore Drop: Ludinus used to live in Issylra before leaving and ending up in Molaesmyr.
Me immediately: Oh fuck! Reasons Team AOL could be there for more lore digging!
My brain 24 hours later: Hey you know what’s a way better crack theory than Consecuted Ashton? If That Crusty Old Elf Fucked, Ludinus Could Be His Great Great Grandad Ashton.
Me: ... Goddamnit brain my mouth went sideways trying to escape my face.
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dreamlandgirlie · 2 years ago
there’s something about speak now being purple and princess-like with a song with my name in the title that really speaks with childhood me
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bombsareforbabies · 2 years ago
Was that a goddamn Bloodborne reference?! Father Gascoigne’s kid just appeared to give us a not-even-a-side-quest-no-rewards-just-pain??
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hobgoblinsandpeachfuzz · 2 years ago
its important to me that you all know the vash x wolfwood x meryl ot3 that’s happening is the ideal ot3 dynamic for me that i haven’t seen perfected since star trek
all trigun ships are amazing and great, but wow it just makes me so happy to see
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freakystrawberry · 1 month ago
hear me out. hear me out. joongdok.
Any queer man in fiction can’t have a healthy relationship. All they know is pining, divorce, cause the apocalypse, wear silly costume, fight they homo boyfriend, trauma, be disastrous, eat hot chip & lie.
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