#it ESPECIALLY applies to the works of random people
the-punforgiven · 4 months
My brother pisses me the fuck off
#see it sucks because he's a nice kid#like he's a genuinely cool dude#but I don't think he realizes he's god's fucking specialest little boy#like the thing is that he's just fucking SHOWERED in opportunity all the time everywhere he goes#like there have been several times where we're just out on a walk and people have literally just WALKED UP to him and offered him a job#even a store that I'd applied to not even a full week before when we went in the owner asked him if he wanted to work there#this boy found a band and was playing gigs within a month of first picking up an instrument#I don't know how the fuck he does it#especially since I spent three years scouring the town for other musicians to play with and never once found enough#but the thing that sucks shit is that I don't think he understands that he's some weird supernatural anomaly#and like#the world doesn't fucking just shower everybody in career opportunities and money like it does for him#so every time he talks about us he's got this tone of condescension#like he thinks we're all lazy and incompetent#since we didn't take the job some random fucking guy on the street must have offered us sometime#and I have no idea how to explain to him that he's fucking blessed by the gods of capitalism#that he's Mr. Monopoly's fucking mary sue oc#that life doesn't fucking work like that for normal people#and he's also as mentioned prior really chill and nice so it's even harder#Boy's got capybara energy I don't want to fuck his day up#y'know?#pun's text posts
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neverendingford · 1 year
#tag talk#as much as I hate to see the social cinema grow as I get new followers. we're at a good and satisfying number. and I like that#also also also. I've introduced a friend to Hannibal (tv show) and he's loving it and I'm so happy cause none of#of my other friends have been able to stomach the body horror. so it's super cool to find someone to hype over it with#another random story that I genuinely can't remember if I said already. got told by a kid in minecraft that he's smiled a lot more around me#which. huge compliment. genuine honor to make people happy and smile and laugh#people don't laugh enough. we don't smile enough. be happy or die. and I'm too powerful to die. been there. haven't done that#cry and then laugh and then punch as hard as you can.#got to visit some of my favorite residents from the nursing home I first worked at. lotta new staff but my three favorite nurses are still#which is nice. I cried when I left that job because even though it crushed my soul I loved my coworkers and most of my residents.#I get why some healthcare workers grind themselves to the bone for the job. you're making such a huge difference in people's lives.#I tried but didn't have the fortitude for it. but it's nice to be able to go back and say hi to the friends I made and see how things are.#anyway. sorry for being weird like.. one or two weeks ago. I think things are settling out again. moving is rough but we're making it work#It's been a lot of Lear again lately. especially while being at my parents house. he doesn't mind being deadnamed as much sooo....#idk. at least one of us is capable of surviving the dmv and the state medicaid website. heaven knows I can't manage.#trying to stop using him as a crutch for getting things done has just resulted in us not being able to get things done.#but I don't want to be someone else I want to be me. I don't want to be the armor I want to be the human inside.#I don't want to live defensively. pushing everyone away. I can't do that.#anyway. we're back home! and work is on the horizon. hopefully this job works out cause I don't want to have to apply for new jobs.#the hr rep is a man at this store and I immediately got set on edge and our voice dropped as I stepped back.#then we introduced ourselves with the wrong name and he got confused and I just felt stupid about it#but how am I supposed to know which name he's been told. he didn't even use our paperwork name. Anyway that was a disaster#but we're on track and embarrassment is not a setback but a feeling about the way things progress. and it is progress we're making
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bvtchcas · 2 years
see the thing about 7x03 is that like. you can empathise with amy in the sense that like. having to choose between murdering random people and letting your kid die is a difficult situation to be in.
HOWEVER that doesnt change the fact that she DOES murder a bunch of people and there is absolutely zero reason to believe that she wouldnt do that again? like that is the choice she would make in that situation and they do not find any way to prevent that same situation from arising again.
and like yeah sure from a doyalist perspective you can talk about the way non human-murder food options affect monsters- e.g. vampires can feed off animal blood but it means they are constantly suffering, kitsune can feed off humans who have been dead for a bit, but it sucks and it makes them sick. They are punished for attempting to make the choices that the show frames as the moral ones.
but in terms of the decisions the characters make, being like 'wow that situation sucks its not fair that these are your only options' doesnt actually usually prevent them from killing those they deem monsters. there isnt actually any reason for this to be different other than that sam personally likes amy cuz he had a crush on her when they were kids.
idk idk idk i just always find it frustrating when they will have one of the brothers do something that they both do routinely and then frame it as wildly shocking and depraved. like they do this all the time? this is not worse than the other times just because sams feelings are hurt this time
(I do think the interaction between dean and the kid at the end was like. bad and also kinda ooc tho i can definitely buy that as being a symptom of dean just being utterly dead inside or whatever, but that part is basically just skimmed over and its the killing amy part that gets returned to)
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sugarsprinklesoul · 7 months
Rule 1 - Expect less from people:
The first rule to staying unbothered is to expect less from people. Not everyone is you, and you can't expect other peole to hold themselves to the high standards that you set for yourself and it isn't your job to force them to see their potential. Everyone else is going out every weekend, vaping and thinks you're uncool? They don't have your drive or your ambition. Focus on yourself.
Rule 2: Stop arguing with people:
It's not your responsibility to make stupid people recognize that they are stupid. Do not waste your time trying to convince people that you are right they have already made up their mind about you. Prove them wrong with your actions; if they aren't paying your bills, they are irrelevant.
Rule 3: If they wanted to, they would:
Self-explanatory, and especially applies to guys. If he wanted to test you, he would. I he wanted to actually plan something instead of sending a last minute "wyd," he would. Invest your time into someone wo actually cares about you
Rule 4: Log off:
Be honest with yourself when you get on social media, do you feel inspired or like you're wasting time? So much of social media is time sink designed to make you less productive. Ignore the bad takes, block out the negativity, all of means nothing I knew I matured when I realized every situation doesn't need at reaction. Sometimes you just gotta leave people to do the lame shit they do.
Rule 5: Ask "okay, and:
Being unbothered is all about knowing your worth your opinion of you is so much more valid than that random person at school or work who's jealous of you, let's be honest. When someone says something negative to you ask yourself "okay, and some random girl says she hates you, will that really affect your life? No Keep your eyes on the price, and keep perspective by focusing on things that really matter skincare and workouts, academies, investing, making money, and becoming the best version of yourself
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helslastangel · 5 days
Random Astro Placement Observations
Original individual posts combined into this single post. Based on personal interpretation. If it doesn't apply, LET IT FLY. Enjoy.
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Uranus in Aquarius in 1H
-Free-spirited and eccentric with a unique way of thinking and inspiring change
-Does not care to conform to societal norms; wants to carve their own path
-Others associate their unconventional approach with leadership potential
-Highly innovative and good at communicating their ideas to others
-May endure setbacks and unforeseen changes in their life; unpleasant surprises
-Can fall into a rut if their progress is interrupted too drastically and too often
-Can appear to be attention-seeking at times, especially in dress and mannerisms
Jupiter Sextile Neptune in Synastry
-These two dream together so well that they might as well be lost in Wonderland.
-The Jupiter person hates stagnancy and always wants to be growing, expanding outwards into who-knows-where.
-The Neptune person has a huge imagination and enjoys venturing into the unknown, even if only through the mind.
-When the Jupiter person gets stuck in a rut, unable to think of a path forward, the Neptune person floats in to whisper a little random something in their ear that revives the spark and saves the day.
-The benefits don't only go one way either, when the Neptune person gets lost in all the mist in their head, unable to act on anything, the Jupiter person can gallop in to hoist them up above the fog and carry them forward to a real destination.
-That is, assuming they both don't start having too much fun poking holes in the clouds instead.
-A risk with this aspect is that both people could end up enabling each other's inaction and being too content to build castles in the sky if they're not careful. But if they keep an eye on that, this can be an incredibly creative pair who will never grow bored with each other.
Natal Pluto Trine Ascendant
-Projects a strong outer appearance even when feeling the exact opposite inside
-Charismatic people who others find attractive or at least intriguing
-Can be blunt but are perceived by others as charming and "just being honest"
-Shares what they want to; hides their life from the public eye without trying
-Can leave others feeling left in the dark or excluded from their inner circle.
-May be the subject of many rumors; some true, some false
-Others assume this person is healthier, wealthier, or more popular than they are
Natal Sun Sextile Mars
-With Sun Sextile Mars in your natal chart, you are brave, full of energy and often look young for your age. Some of you might be into sports or some kind of intense activities (dancing, martial arts, rock climbing, HIIT, etc.).
-If you’re more of a homebody, you could be the type to engage in causes online, standing up for endangered or marginalized beings.
-People might hit on you often or even if not, you might have a little trouble with the people who DO show interest in you mainly being interested in sex. At least, at first. Depending on your personal preferences and other placements, this may or may not be a problem.
- You’re the type of person who can work equally well alone or in a group, though you may prefer solo work if the groups you end up in can’t keep up with your energy.
-You’re usually popular and make friends very easily, though your direct way of speaking can rub some people the wrong way. However, people get used to you and quickly overlook this, as your honest nature and authenticity is very refreshing for most.
-The dynamic between you and your father/father-figure may be unique or just noticeably strong in some way. Others may often describe you as a “chip off the old block,” “Daddy’s girl” or some other phrase that highlights this connection.
-This can also go either way - You may have a positive or negative relationship with the masculine parent, it will just be a strong one regardless.
Natal Neptune Trine Lilith
-Unafraid of things others find controversial, extreme or taboo
-Tend to be open (or at least comfortable) with their sexuality
-Highly expressive and does not bend to societal expectations
-Refuses to be controlled or held back by anyone but themselves
-Surprises others with their unconventional, free-spirited approach to spirituality
-Met with curiosity and acceptance rather than scorn for their views
Natal Mercury in Libra
-You're diplomatic and fair, but also take forever to make up your mind.
-People love you for the way you consider everyone's point of view, but it's okay to have your own opinion and stand on it too.
-Your partners love you because you'll never embarrass them in public.
-You believe in a united front and will stand by those you love in public and correct them in private.
-Somehow you have the best advice. Even if you don't always take it yourself.
-One thing about you, you're gonna make a list of pros and cons.
-Your voice is so smooth and sexy. People fall in love with the way you sound and you don't even know it.
-Your friends call you when they can't sleep, and not in a bad way. You're just so calming to listen to that it takes their stress away.
Natal Sun Trine Moon
-You are popular and generally likable, but may be somewhat private or secretive.
-Others see you as someone who has mastered the balance between showing humility and displaying confidence. This fact alone makes you so much more attractive to others.
-Speaking of attraction, people are often attracted to the sense of security they feel around you. You're generally easygoing, or at least you try to appear that way.
-Harmony is important to you and you'll go lengths to maintain it. It can be difficult for you to understand people who seem to be at war with themselves, because your own ideals and feelings are rarely at odds.
-If there aren't enough challenging aspects in your chart to make you more familiar with inner conflict, you could find yourself becoming avoidant and sweeping things under the rug or delaying tough conversations with others.
-People think you know what you’re talking about, even if you don’t. There’s an aura of “knowing” about you and may often be picked to lead teams or call the shots in some way. This can be either flattering or annoying, depending on whether you enjoy being in charge.
-You’re a friendly person and avoid conflict, but you can certainly defend yourself if necessary and others are sometimes surprised when a more firm side of your personality comes out. Overall though, you're most likely to live and let live whenever possible.
-You can be extremely accepting of others and yourself, but sometimes to a fault. It's a good idea to get in the habit of questioning things or seeking out perspectives on life that are different from your own.
-Family can be your Achille's heel as you’ll put up with things from loved ones that you’d never tolerate from anyone else.
-There are many things you’re good at, but you’re unlikely to brag. Your efforts may go unnoticed for a short time simply because you never bring them up and don’t point out anything you’ve done to anyone.
-You may embody the sentiment of “if it doesn’t affect me, then it doesn’t bother me." Can have an easier time achieving goals since emotions won't get in the way.
Sagittarius Sun in 11H
-Optimistic and freedom-loving; constantly seeking adventure
-May be a strong presence in their social circle, if not the leader
-Values friendship highly and wants to work/live/travel with friends
-Can be idealistic but surrounds themselves with people who think differently and can offer varying perspectives
-Could be involved in social justice matters and be a voice for change
Sun Sextile Mercury in Synastry
-Conversations between the Sun person and the Mercury person are lively and extremely enjoyable for both of them.
-These are the friends or partners who can easily spend hours on the phone or facetime, talking about anything and everything under the sun from why humans speak so many different languages to what color socks goes with what outfit.
-The Sun person brings new concepts and raw perspectives to the conversation, which the Mercury person is all too happy to process and put into the best combination of words.
-This aspect is especially sweet for pairs who have compatible hobbies or skills/professions, e.g. a singer/musician and a writer/poet, or a web/software developer and a copywriter.
Natal Ascendant Conjunct Uranus
-Original thinkers who can usually back up their ideas with actions
-Like to be around open-minded, progressive types of people
-Love to play the devil's advocate; can rebel or argue for the sake of it
-Others view them confident and creative, yet also eccentric
May sabotage themselves by constantly trying to shock people
-Looks for partners who need freedom and personal space, like them
Natal Moon Conjunct Neptune
-You are highly imaginative and creative. Possibly a great storyteller who can take the most mundane experience and recast it in an interesting and theatrical light. This can make you popular and very well-liked by others.
-You might make an exceptional actor, whether professionally or in everyday life. Though if overdone, this trait can backfire and lead to you being loved for who you are not.
-This is rarely malicious on others' part: Neptune's misty illusions, combined with the changeable nature of the moon cause you to unintentionally fool others and sometimes yourself.
-Internally, you could be quite sensitive, but whether you wear this on your sleeve or conceal it depends on your moon sign and other aspects. Regardless, you often absorb all the energies in a room and constantly process everything you see and feel.
-Sometimes, it could feel like you have no idea where you end and others begin. Struggling with emotional boundaries can be a negative theme in your life if not balanced out by other aspects.
-People who do not this (or similar) placements can find it difficult to empathize with you and might spread rumors or make your personality a frequent topic of their conversations.
Natal Venus Trine Saturn
-Extremely loyal; can be reserved and controlled in social settings
-Not obviously introverted or extroverted; quiet but not shy
-Usually attracted to older partners or people with mature energy
-Afraid of rejection but will try to hide this from others at all costs
-Highly determined when their mind is set to achieve something
-Can be creative and will usually finish the projects they start
-Blends structures with aesthetics well; may enjoy interior design
-Extremely responsible people who others look up to and rely on
Natal Juno in Scorpio
-While Venus may show how we fall in love and what traits attract us most, Juno shows what we truly need to feel safe and secure in a marriage or long-term partnership, regardless of what we're attracted to.
-In my case, I have both Venus and Juno in Scorpio, so there isn't much difference between what I need and what I desire in a partner. But some may not be so fortunate and experience a war with themselves.
-Juno in Scorpio natives like an element of mystery around their relationships. The allure of having a whole other side to their lives behind closed doors that the public knows nothing about.
-Traditionally ruled by Mars, Scorpio approaches emotion with a lot of passion and a sense of urgency. When Juno is placed in this sign, the natives can experience intense power dynamics with the object of their affection. A fear of betrayal and obsession with loyalty is also present.
-Scorpio Juno people NEED depth in their relationship, otherwise they will fall out of love. If they cannot connect deeply with their lover for any reason, they will do everything possible to reestablish the bond.
-However, if their partner makes no effort to restore the connection, they can often grow to hate their partner just as deeply as they once loved them. Depending on the rest of their chart, they may either stay in the relationship out of obligation, but entertain secret affairs, or they may sever the relationship entirely and seek another, or become celibate and closed off to relationships entirely.
-Scorpio Juno people will not be happy with anything less than a true soulmate relationship. Despite being slow to open up themselves, they desire partners who are trusting, loyal and unafraid to show vulnerability.
-The ride or die type of relationship is usually the only kind of relationship these natives feel truly satisfied in. They can often find this kind of connection in people with whom they have Juno-Mars, Juno-Venus, Juno-Sun, or Juno-Sun synastry, or people with significant/many planets in Scorpio.
Natal Ascendant Conjunct Mars
-Cares about others but does not over-identify with their emotions.
-Can spend hours trying to figure out why everyone else is so upset.
-Joyful (unless depressed) but also impulsive and easily angered
-Comes on strong, which thrills some and overwhelms others.
Natal Venus Conjunct Jupiter
-You’re a gentle peacemaker. Aggression and conflict grieve your spirit in ways that words can’t express.
-Harsh personalities can drive you to step out of character yourself, so you tend to seek out agreeable people to be friends with. This isn’t difficult as you’re generally popular in your social circles unless other placements in your chart suggest otherwise.
-Anytime there is a dispute, you’re likely to walk away or try to delay getting into the argument.
-You may be physically attractive, but the brightest aspect of your appeal is how affectionate you are to those you care for. Unless depressed or otherwise weighed down by circumstance, your presence is naturally cozy and very soothing to others, even if you don’t quite understand why.
-Others can see and feel the warm aura that surrounds you and makes them feel like anywhere with you is a safe space.
-Another thing you may notice is that people open up to you very easily, telling you all about their dreams, hopes, aspirations and other things that you wouldn’t normally discuss with a stranger.
-You also may be extremely creative, whether in the way that you think and dream, or in the things that you do (music, design, writing, dance, poetry, etc). This is one of the more promising aspects for love and relationships, and these may come relatively easily without too much effort on your part.
-Of course, for every dawn there is dusk: you may be rather lazy, self-indulgent, and greedy, if not careful to keep your desires under control. However, with a bit of self-reflection and determination to improve, you will get along in life just fine.
Moon Trine Venus in Synastry
-If your Moon trines someone's Venus (or the other way around), you could have more compassion for each other than for other people.
-There will be a strong emotional connection between you.
-Others might complain that you let each other get away with everything, lol.
-There's an unspoken "handle with care" vibe between you that's very sweet.
-It can be hard to suppress this vibe if being close with that person is wrong or taboo in some way (e.g. coworkers, boss, etc.).
Natal Mars Opposite Neptune
-May try to present an image that fits the social expectations of their environment instead of their current reality (esp. with 1H Mars).
-Tends to hide internal insecurities with external confidence that may seem unnatural or "fake"
-Depending on where Neptune is placed, certain people or places will appear to be safe, leading the native to reveal themselves more clearly, only to find out it was a trick.
-People who can see past their brave façade will either try to be safe space for then, or will study their insecurities to take advantage of them
-Can be a prime target for energy vampires, narcissists, etc., if unhealthy/unevolved
-They are a frequent topic of discussion in their social groups; can be positive in some cases or if other aspects outweigh this one, but with mars opposing neptune, these natives are usually gossiped about/slandered more than anything else
-Their morals/ethics can appear questionable to others due to Neptune's influence clouding the native's good intentions and honest motivations behind their actions.
-They may notice that people often accuse them of being sneaky or seeming "sus" without being able to give any real reason.
Natal Venus Square Jupiter
-Highly motivated to create things, but often lacks the right skill set to do so
-May try to sooth their frustration by spending large sums to own luxury goods
-Draws others in with their playful, mildly risky sense of humor
-Makes friends easily but can lose them all to long periods without contact, irreconcilable differences in religion or politics, or generally drifting apart
-Charming and fun to be around, but can be extremely selfish in connections
-Often has lonely spells because their loved ones find them too demanding
Natal Saturn in Pisces
-You may be hard on yourself and not see your talents and abilities for what they truly are. Learning to trust your intuition and nurture self-confidence will help a lot.
-You could tend to hold on to the past and have trouble letting pain go. Often paranoid or defensive as a means of self-protection
-Highly compassionate and may be extremely practical too, Can struggle to draw the line where you end and others begin.
-You are patient and will often forgo your own comfort in the present to help others or to achieve a greater good in the future
-Usually artistic, or highly appreciative of artistic traits and creations from others
-Might turn to religion or some other kind of spirituality for structure and faith in life
-Your feet can give trouble, perhaps pain in the bones or issues with walking/gait
-You're sensitive and feel vulnerable or unprotected in life, even if you don't admit it.
-Victim or martyr complexes are common if not avoided through self-reflection and overcoming negative thoughts and emotions
Mercury in Leo in 12H
-Can have a dramatic or over-confident way of speaking
-Very charismatic, enthusiastic; impossible for others to ignore
-Wants to be noticed and admired for the things they choose to say- May share their thoughts and opinions often hoping for feedback
-Sometimes aloof, reserved; struggles to express certain emotions
-Might keep part of themselves locked away from others at all times
-Tends to explore their environment more than their inner world
-Could have sporadic issues with short-term memory or comprehension
-Too much overthinking can lead to depression and self-imposed isolation
Natal Neptune Opposite Ascendant
-You might not have a set persona and will appear one way today and completely different tomorrow.
-It's possible that your appearance, mannerisms, and speech change drastically from one day to the next.
-Others may see you as a shapeshifter or even deceptive in some way. At best, you're generally unpredictable and confusing to those around you.
-Only a few can see clearly through the fog without you having to explain yourself. These people often become your best friends or even romantic partners.
-You give off varying auras at different times to different people so it's not uncommon people with this aspect to have one set of friends who know them to be one way, and others who know them to completely different.
-E.g. seeming reserved or shy in one friend group, naïve and innocent in another, mysterious and dark with a 3rd, outgoing and free-spirited with others, etc.).
-Depending on your personal tolerance for chaos, you may spend an enormous amount of time and energy keeping your friends/friend groups from ever meeting each other.
Natal Sun Conjunction Mercury
-The self is expressed in a natural, flowing way; charismatic and a great talker
-May enjoy intellectual topics but struggle to be objective about them
-Connects well with other as they easily & quickly adjust their tone and delivery
-Talks more than listens, easily distracted unless others are equally engaging
-Great public speakers, writers, etc., but can be unreliable and procrastinating
Jupiter Opposite Sun in Synastry
-This can signal a difference of opinion between you and your partner on key topics, such as religion, philosophy, politics, etc.
-This does not have to be a bad thing, but it can cause conflict between partners with strong egos who aren't so invested in making things work.
-But if both are committed to going the distance with each other, they should hear each other out and see their differences as opportunities to learn and grow together.
Natal Mars Trine Neptune
-Highly creative; can bring fantasies to life in some shape or form
-Usually cultured and can hold their own in a variety of environments
-Action-oriented, yet charming and persuasive; liked by others
-Quick to defend those who cannot defend themselves
-Has knowledge of theoretical things, but struggles in day-to-day life
-Could easily become a starving artist due to their impracticality
-May seek partnerships with people who possess life skills they lack
Natal Moon Conjunct Uranus
-Requires a lot of personal space and almost total freedom. Highly independent and hates relying on others for anything or being misjudged.
-Has a busy aura or a buzzing kind of underlying energy, even at rest, but is easily drained emotionally. People view them as unpredictable and hard to pin down.
-May be called energizer bunny or simply get lots of comments from people telling them to relax/slow down, even when they're not doing anything.
-Can inspire others easily, from the small things like getting chores/assignments done, to the big things like career changes, moving overseas, starting a business or relationship, etc.
-Lives life completely on their own terms; very unhappy if forced to submit to anyone else's agenda
-Has strong words for those who try to control or "fix" them; will only befriend the most open-minded people.
-May seem open and like the type to wear their heart on their sleeve, but are quite detached and show only what they want others to see
-Prone to conceal their true emotional state and convince themselves and others that they've said how they felt when they have. Hold things in until they inevitably explode.
-Can be stubborn or not like being told what to do, but makes up for it with their conversational charm and quick-thinking/problem-solving abilities
-Wants to be included and important to the family (biological or otherwise) but does not want to held hostage or smothered by others' emotional demands
-Can become very restless if life becomes too dull/stagnant. Needs constant stimulation and may spend a lot of time consuming media on the Internet.
-Might feel differently about things from one moment to the next. Highly impulsive
-Starts new friendships/relationships with a lot of passion and attentiveness; struggles to keep this up long-term; often accused of becoming nonchalant
Natal Mercury Conjunct Pluto
-Seeks challenges; does not like to deal with anything that is too easy
-Persuasive speakers who convince others with flawless arguments
-Can be extremely stubborn and believe that they are alright right
-May study psychology or be more interested in the topic than most
-Highly diplomatic; they would rather sway than slay their opponent
-Quick, but chaotic thinkers. Others find it hard to keep up with them
-Naturally inclined to the sciences; easily notices causes and effects
-Leaves no stone unturned; will not try to escape their problems
-Can be somewhat overzealous in communication and alienate friend
Natal Chiron in 3H
-Might talk a little too much at all the wrong times. Even if the quieter type, they can end up oversharing without realizing it, which might not be the worst thing in the world if they are generally popular and well-liked, but it can be devastating if people already don't like them before they even open their mouths.
-Regardless of social standing, they can have problems in the workplace if they reveal the wrong things to the wrong people. Either getting into hot water with HR because of the way someone interpreted the things they said, or losing opportunities for promotion because something got back to a manager and ruined their reputation.
-Often, these people had social problems in childhood that never got resolved and continue to follow them into adulthood. A lot of it has to do with not being listened to and feeling ignored or like they had to outdo themselves constantly to be noticed. This often leads to people pleasing or becoming clingy with anyone who shows (or appears to show) genuine interest in them as a person.
-People with this placement can go from being the chatterbox or trauma dumping friend to being THAT person who everyone goes to for advice or even just to listen to because of the interesting stories and thoughts you have to share.
-People with Chiron in the 3rd house can overcome the negative aspects of this placement by becoming more mindful of how quickly one gets comfortable with others. That's not to say you have to be standoffish or aloof, but just consider whether something really needs to be said before saying it. With time and practice, you can become an excellent and highly empathetic communicator who knows what to say and when to say it.
Natal Lilith Sextile Ascendant
-Often appears confident no matter how they really feel about themselves-Usually gains genuine confidence and increased self-esteem with age
- Can physically manifest in the native being extremely tall or short
-Might enjoy saying or doing things that shock or surprise others
-Attracts sexual attention without intending to, or realizing others feel this way
-Can trigger very strong reactions in other people, especially if female/feminine
-May be shunned by the majority of women, or the topic of their conversations
-Misjudged by people who have no intention of getting to know them or the truth
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How you relieve stress according to Mars
Sun and moon observations
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toast-on-dandelioms · 8 months
What if m/c had been accepted for a scholarship abroad and just ended up stayinv there becoming the resident hero ? They did keep in regular contact with Alfred tho, seeing as he was the only family member who didnt ignore them.
Ok that is interesting and for this (which is not in the storyline in part 4) I will add another hero or two instead of Superman since he's not THAT special.
Small disclaimer: I am not sure if Green Arrow lives in Central City and where I searched told me he lives there so don't come at me that it's wrong please (I changed it to Star City so if you see it changed here is the answer)
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This is based two years before you entered highschool so when you were 13 and already in Bruce's Manor.
You were there for a year and after suffering so much from Damian's tormenting you and everyone just ignoring you made you so tired and you wanted, no, needed to leave the manor and city.
You knew it was drastic but you couldn't do it anymore, you missed your mother and being sent to a home where people detest you just for existing made you feel so bad you couldn't even leave your room without a panic attack at the thought of being hurt by Damian's words or weapons or being ignored by everyone when you tried to say anything.
You applied to a few scholarship far away from Gotham to enter some prestigious schools in different cities so you could spread your choices if you got accepted.
You didn't say anything to Alfred until you received many scholarships and you chose the one in Star City, wanting to be as far away as possible from Gotham and the Waynes.
The only problem was getting Alfred to accept to send you there since he was the boss in the house, not Bruce.
You knew Bruce wouldn't care if he sent you somewhere else but you didn't want him to know where you would be going but still needed his money since you were a thirteen year old with no job or an allowance.
Thankfully Bruce just signed it without looking when Alfred showed him some random papers and off you went to your new life in Star City.
As years passed you became more social since you weren't held down by the neglect of the Waynes and you were around people who actually sought you out and didn't completely ignore you.
You kept dancing and sent all of yours training practices, plus all your small and big dance recitals to Alfred so he could see you dance since he couldn't come to every single one of them and you didn't blame him.
When you turned 15 you found a part-time job at a science company where they allowed you to work on your experiments with the supervision of an another scientist.
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you got bit by a radioactive spider that escaped from the same scientist who was supposed to supervise you and gave you the spider abilities.
Which did worry you but you learned to control your newfound superhuman strenght and also your weird sticking to surfaces and walking on walls.
Did it take a while? Yes, but it was worth it.
You also decided to become a vigilante because why not? Why not put your life in danger every night just to not receive any money compensation from it?
You're not as active as your alterego in Gotham since you actually have friends here and you're not held down by years of neglect which pushed you to help people.
You helped people whenever you could and one night, during a patrol you accidentally bumped into Green Arrow and fought with him for a while before both of you realised neither of you two were villains.
You did apologise and after a few more encounters and you pulling some pranks on Oliver because he was an easy target to prank, like come on. The man wears green and has an arrow. You can't not prank that man and call him Robin Hood.
You became his little helper, got his phone number and helped him with some villains whenever you could and especially if he let you.
You also trained your fighting with him, which got you beat up and with so many black eyes that you had to beg him to not hit your face since you couldn't keep worrying your friends and dance instructor since they were starting to ask questions and you couldn't fool them forever.
You also met Roy, aka Speedy, while on a mission with Oliver and also got along with him despite his hatred for Oliver and gained a new older brother.
After a year of helping Oliver around and training to fight decently and not only use your superhuman strenght, he finally let you come to a Justice League meeting.
You met Batman and Damian there, along with Superman and Jon to which you tried to get along with but the two of them were extremely clingy and knew a bit too much about you which creeped you out.
During the meeting you stayed very close to Oliver to avoid the two teens and also hide from Batman and Superman since they kept staring at you even while talking.
After the meeting Batman did try to approach you and you avoided him, but while walking away he just said "(Y/N)", which made you stop before walking off.
You immediately knew that he knew who you were under the mask but you didn't care that he knew.
You just ignored him and his calls, plus his sons calls. You refused to even give him a bit of attention, especially since he didn't bother you for years but now they wanted your attention?
God no, you still had dignity and self respect. Giving them attention would be like forgiving them for all those years of not even knowing you existed.
Finally the calls stopped but they started to appear everywhere you went in Central City.
You went to school? You were called in the principal office where Bruce was and scolded you lightly about putting your mother's last name when it should have been his.
Your hand started to bleed from how hard you were gripping it so you wouldn't yell at the man in front of the principal.
What you hated more was the look of love Bruce had when he scolded you, gently patting your head as he talked.
You showered at least three times before you finally felt clean after feeling Bruce touch you so lovingly.
Everywhere you went as you or as Spider, you would be met by either Bruce or one of his kids, which got even more frustrating when they would try to coax you to come back home to Gotham.
Dick would try to coax you, too into his delusional idea that you were being forced to stay here with Green Arrow even though you told him many times that it wasn't true.
He would also manipulate you by fake crying whenever you yelled at him or ignored him, making you even more frustrated because he kept on caring about himself and didn't see how you were happy in Star City.
Jason would just follow you and talk like you never left, complaining about Bruce or Damian and offered to go to a café or restaurant to catch up and see what you were up to.
Even yelling at him that he didn't care when you left didn't budge him and made him give up. No, it made him even more persistent on trying to act like you two were close and a happy family.
You also had to slam the door in Tim's face so many times whenever he would knock at the door of your apartment, you had to replace the doorknob and locks too many times to count from Tim picking the locks and you destroying the doorknob from your strenght.
Plus, arriving home to relax and seeing both Tim and Bruce in your apartment with dinner made you sick but you had to endure since you couldn't afford to change apartments since it was in the best position in the city.
Oh but Damian was the worst. He would act like he never hurt you sometimes or other times used his own past as a way to show that he had it worse than you.
Did you throw him off a building when he said that? Yes but unfortunately for you, Jon was there to catch him which made you even more frustrated.
Clark? He was decent sometimes, you met him before when he talked with Oliver and you were around but you always got a creepy vibe from him.
Especially when he kept on staring at you or gave you things like small trinkets you saw but never bought. It was so creepy that he knew what you liked, plus he kept on calling you nicknames like a father would do to his child.
Jon wasn't that bad. He did leave you alone when you asked but he also helped you. The only problem was that he acted like you were his older brother/sister and talked about times you two were together when you distinctly remember being alone when you did those things.
You did call Alfred once, he was the only one you told that you were Spider since he kept on asking why you were always full of bruises on your face and arms and you couldn't lie to him.
The call did not go well, with you yelling at Alfred that he ruined it since now Bruce knew who you were and he ruined your once happy life just because he wanted you back home.
After a while of seeing Bruce and his kids and them trying to manipulate you into going back home, plus Clark and Jon, you decided to go to the only person you trusted the most in Star City.
You went to Green Arrow and confessed to everything, you told him about your mother's death and how you were suddenly sent to a family who couldn't care less about you.
You didn't hide that you were Bruce's biological child and also showed him your scars that Damian made in the year he tormented you.
At the end of the confession you were crying, the memories of Damian hurting you with all the neglect and blatant hatred towards you made you breakdown in an ugly cry.
You kept crying even when Oliver hugged you, hugging him back with all your might as you didn't want him to leave you.
You did admit that you thought many times on going back since they kept on insisting and you weren't that strong, you couldn't resist forever with all that pressure.
By saying that, you felt Oliver freeze for a second before hugging you back and holding you close, like you hugging him with your super strength didn't faze him one bit.
What you didn't feel was the tiny prick of a needle being inserted in your neck, the only thing you last heard before collapsing in Oliver's arms were "sorry kid, can't let you leave me"
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harmoonix · 3 months
💙ᴊᴜɴᴏ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴀᴛᴇᴅ💙
Juno Asteroid (3) small observations
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《 we're all alone in our own universe 》
Aspects Applying list:
Quintile/Bi - Quintile
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💙 - Juno in Water Signs spouse will very emotionally connected to their partner, to their needs and desires
💙 - Juno aspecting Neptune is so so so beautiful! Especially in harmonious aspects because it offers you such a deep connection with your spouse, a spiritual connection
💙 - Juno aspecting Saturn can feel like your spouse may be karmic, or your relationship may be a karmic one. Same can happen if you have Juno in Capricorn, or at 10° 22°
💙 - Juno at 29° natives can feel like they're never gonna meet their partners or feel like they're never gonna be in a good relationship, I can tell you that good things take time
💙 - Juno in Taurus/Virgo/Cancer natives probably will have a very nurturing spouse, someone who can heal you
💙 - Juno aspecting Chiron natives probably fought a lot with rejection or with breaks up in this life, Juno needs proper healing here
💙 - Juno in the 8H/Scorpio/at 8° 20° can have a secret relationship. Not so many people will be aware of that, and it is like hiding it from the rest of the world
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💙 - Juno in the 3H or Gemini will give a very communicative spouse to the native (Juno at 3° 15° 27° as well)
💙 - Juno aspecting the ascendant will have the aura of 'spouse material' or 'wife material' people can see you as a role for their spouses
💙 - Juno in the 4H or in Cancer/at 4° 16° 28° can tell about a spouse who put family first but take CARE! Because it can be their own family as well, so boys with these placements can be mama's boys, and the girls can be 'daddy's girl'
in every breath I take, I'm breathing you
💙 - Juno in Virgo or the 6H is honestly a refreshing placement for Juno! Because the spouse will give you peace of mind. Mostly, if it's in the 6H
💙 - Juno aspecting Pluto can indicate your relationships or spouse will evolve a lot during the relationship years
💙 - Juno aspecting the Moon is romantic, sensual, spiritual, and peaceful! The spouse or your relationship can be peaceful
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💙 - Juno aspecting Uranus can indicate a lot of random things or unexpected things can happen while you met your spouse and when you gonna start a relationship with them
💙 - Juno aspecting Venus in harmonious aspects can indicate a lovely relationship, romantic, lots of devotion towards your spouse
Forever and ever together, we sail into infinity
💙 - Juno aspecting Venus in harsh aspects can indicate you or your partner have a hard time understanding love or to understand how it is to give love to someone. Maybe someone between you 2 was hurt before
💙 - Juno in the earth signs can make the relationship very grounding and healthy, also a hardworking spouse
💙 - Juno in the 5H/Leo at 5° 17° 29°, the 5H is heavy associated with temptation, lust, sex-hungry, even with cheating at some point. Is a very lustful relationship or spouse
💙 - Juno in the 1H usually can tell that the native will find their soulmate early in life because it talks about spending your whole life with your soulamate
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💙 - Juno aspecting Mars can bring conflicts into a relationship, fights, maybe even some tension between you and your spouse
💙 - Juno in the 10H can work in the same field as their spouse, though your relationship with them can get quite popular/known
💙 - Juno aspecting the south node can be desperate to find a partner because in a past life, they loved someone who couldn't love them back, so they are desperately looking for love
💙 - Juno aspecting the north node can mean that at some point in your life, a certain relationship or partner can have an impact on your life
💙 - Juno aspecting the Lilith can indicate a very powerful relationship or spouse, someone with a lot of influence within the relationship
💙 - Juno aspecting the Sun natives can have a spouse who resembles them, someone popular, known, powerful in the society
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Juno with good aspects shows a lot of benefits within the relationship, and the spouse, your spouse will make your life happier/better
💙 - Jupiter aspecting Juno in harsh aspects can tell about a native who can't notice the benefits their spouse or relationships brings them
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💙 - Juno between 10° and 15° can have good body language with their spouses, strong attraction towards them
💙 - Jupiter or Juno at 17° can tell about dating someone popular/known/even famous, famous relationship, famous public image
💙 - Juno in fire signs will love everything with passion in their relationship!
💙 - Juno in air signs are the best to date/to have a relationship with if you want to have someone who can understand how you feel and support you
An everlasting piece of art
A beating love within my heart
💙 - Juno in Aries/Capricorn/Taurus can be the breadwinner in the relationship, dominant spouse in the household
💙 - Juno in Sagittarius/Juno in the 9H makes the best memories with their spouses while traveling!! You'll never let it go ~
💙 - Juno in Pisces/12H create the most beautiful soul experiences with their spouses. They can be karmic soulamates (Juno at 12°, 24°)
💙 - Juno in Taurus/2H can have the spouses who will invest a lot in their relationship, and also a very wealthy relationship
💙 - Juno aspects to your CHART RULER (look for the planet rules over your rising sign) can indicate that relationships will be a big part of your life
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💙 - Juno in Aquarius/11H/11° 23° make the best friendships with their spouses, these natives are loyal to the bones, create good relationships, make good memories. They got all on the plate
💙 - Juno in Gemini/Sagittarius axis natives can have lots of love languages through texts, phonecalls
💙 - Juno in Scorpio natives can marry an attractive person/partner/spouse
💙 - Juno aspecting Groom or Briede (if you love the same gender) in good aspects can indicate love towards that
💙 - Juno in Libra/Pisces/Taurus natives will get such romantic spouses, they're a keeper
💙 - Juno in the 11H spouses can influence other people. They can have the power of influences
💙 - Juno in Aries or at 1° 13° 25° is probably one of the hottest placements for Juno to be in because of their dominant, strong aura. All I can say is that the spouse will be so ambitious for you and for your relationship! They will adore you
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💙 Juno is my fav asteroid for a reason, so of course, that means more observations for yall ♡
🦋 Isn't blue such an amazing color?? I would give my soul to be a water spirit in my next life purr
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fefern · 4 months
✧˖° their ways of showing affection. | aalto, calcharo, lingyang headcanons.
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⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ synopsis: you're in love and happily with these wonderful men! but just how do they show their affection for you?
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ characters involved (separate): aalto, calcharo, lingyang and a gender neutral reader.
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ warnings: none!
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ notes: another one! i love thinking about the little ways people show love , it makes me so happy ;v;! enjoy these little blurbs about how they'd love you! also, requests are currently open, so send them my way! also, i could not find a calcharo chibi drawing... ;;
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ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ aalto ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
knowledge is power! the more he knows about you, the more he utilizes it in showing his affection for you.
a big, BIG sweet talker. loves to flirt!
also big on compliments, find it cute when you don’t know what to say back.
a big spender in my opinion. oh, you liked that necklace but thought it was too expensive? surprise, it’s on the counter for you when you wake up the next day! you tried to win that plushie at the fair but it just didn’t work out? now you have 20 on the couch!
adores kisses, especially when you pepper them all over his face. (bonus points if you’re wearing lipstick, man is enamored to look at himself and see visually everywhere you smooched him.)
follows the sidewalk rule all the time. does not matter if it’s a safe area, he always is a bit protective in that way.
learns more about your hobbies and likes and begins to learn more about them in his free time. that way, when he sees you again, he’ll be able to engage in conversation with you about it. 
loves the way that your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about, and stares at you a lot as a result. 
likes to playfully scare you. he seems to have the ability to disappear and reappear as he pleases due to the mist, so he uses it sometimes to suddenly appear behind you and wrap his arms around your waist.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ calcharo ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
not much of a talker, and kind of new to showing affection entirely due to his past, so be patient. 
will wake up early and remind you to bring a jacket if it’s cold.
the type of person to also remind you that you forgot something, but by the time you turn around, he has the missing item in his hand.
will protect you if you’re scared of something. loud thunder? his hands are around your ears. scary part of a show? he’s using his arm to pull you closer to his chest to hide in. 
will quietly work in the same room as you, enjoying your presence entirely as you and him work. 
will sometimes ask those he knows around him for some advice about love, which is sort of strange considering who it’s coming from, but he wants to improve himself to be a better partner for you.
tries to apply the advice after, it’s a hit or miss sometimes, but always coming from a good place. 
iffy on physical touch, but he will slowly come to enjoy the feeling of holding your hand.
he also does the thumb thing where you rub the back of a person’s hand with your thumb while holding hands. his favorite.
will let you play with his hair sometimes in the morning if he’s in the mood for it. even if you do something goofy like braid his hair or put it into a random hairdo, he’ll enjoy the feeling of your hands in his hair as he slowly stirs awake. 
ruthless and cold in many other aspects of his life, he’s a gentle giant when it comes to you, and it’s endearing to see him try.
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ lingyang ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
will always love to eat with you, whether it’s going out or cooking with you. 
^ always lets you have the last bite of the meal.
immediately looks for your reaction after he tells a joke with you, wanting to make sure that you enjoy his playfulness.
during the summer heatwaves, will use his glacio powers to help keep the both of you cool.
will sit in your lap and let you play with his ears as he rambles about his day.
loves yapping, and yapping in your presence as the two of you either bounce back and forth or you just listen, he likes both options. 
loves hugs, hugs tight and for a long time, will not let go of you until you let go of him first.
will compliment your scent and comment on it if you change something up like your shampoo or perfume, usually the first to notice those small changes.
shares a blanket with you on cold days and cuddles with you for warmth.
will sometimes, after waking up, just admire your features because wow he got lucky because you’re his.
even if you wake up and your eyes are looking back at him, he does it without shame.
whenever someone talks about you, if they say something wrong, he’ll immediately interject. (ex. “they like strawberries the most.” “no no, they like peaches more!”)
does practice runs of new tricks and dance moves he learns for his lion dances, asking you about your opinion on them because it means the world to him to know you like the dance he’s so passionate about. 
gets matching lucky charms with you and carries his around everywhere. “maybe we’ll win the lottery with this!” he tells you.
(he already did. after all, you’re his partner.)
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Seeing people saying that Satoru doesn't actually care about Suguru and that the only reason Kenjaku caught him was bc he was surprised to see a person he killed alive is fucking wild, man
Like. Gojo's entire life revolves around Geto. The entire series happens because he loved Suguru too much to kill him, even though he knew he would have to do it eventually. The world literally went to shit because he wasn't over him
Geto Suguru's life would be completely unimportant to the story without Gojo Satoru, and Gojo Satoru's would be completely unimportant without Geto Suguru. They complement each other. They need each other
Two male betta fishes can't coexist. They will fight and one will die. They can't see each other — even if they're in different tanks, they won't be able to live. They'd eventually tire each other out, resulting in death. The only way for Satoru and Suguru's lives to be able to continue without the other would've been for them to never have met at all. And they can't be together. Not now, not ever again. Not while they're still alive. Not after everything that's happened
The entire story revolves around their relationship. Yuuji is a boy who ate a curse('s finger[s]), and Megumi is the prodigy who befriends him. Satoru is a prodigy, the strongest, and Suguru, the boy whose technique is eating curses, befriends him. The Jujutsu Kaisen story is all about parallels and they all connect to fucking Satosugu. It's all about them
The only reason Kenjaku's plan worked is because the body he used didn't belong to some random person Gojo killed, it worked because the body he used was Geto Suguru's, Gojo's one and only, his best friend. He must be thinking “Thank god they're gay” right now lmao
Gojo fucking hesitated. He hesitated multiple times when it came to Geto. He was supposed to kill him, yet he let him go. He has the Six Eyes, he could've easily tracked him down. He probably could tell if he was nearby (he can recognize Suguru from his scent) and just didn't go looking for him. And he could've so very easily escaped the trap that was set up for him, he was going to run away from it because we see him about to take that step but then Suguru's body shows up and says “Yo, Satoru!” with Suguru's voice and Satoru freezes and hesitates
They weren't able to let go of each other even after years of being separated (like a decade). When they meet, Suguru still greets Satoru warmly
Suguru is pretty much Satoru's moral code. He was the only person Satoru took at least mildly seriously pre-Toji (and we know Satoru just didn't do serious back then). He actually took his words to heart. He was kind, of course (especially from Suguru's PoV, since he's the person that knows him most), and not a bad person, but he wasn't nice. Suguru was always the ‘nice(r) one’, the one who actually had a moral code, while Satoru was more of an asshole to literally everyone and everything (some more, some less), thinking he and Suguru were above everyone else
When Suguru finally snaps (which, honestly. Fair) and goes genocidal (not so fair), Satoru slowly starts to be somewhat nicer and starts applying Suguru's old moral code to his own being — their roles weren't exactly reversed, but now they're not together anymore, so they might as well be. And Suguru was shown for having faith in the school and its system while it was Satoru the one who absolutely abhorred the higher-ups and all kinds of authority, but then it ended up with Suguru being the one to leave and become a cult leader with the blood of hundreds on his hands while Satoru was the one that stayed behind in the same place of the people he despises so much
(Imagine someone saying something like “Sometimes I doubt you even have a moral code” and Gojo answers with “Oh, my best friend my one and only is pretty much my moral code. He went homicidal a while back but it's okay haha” “...Actually, that explains a few things”)
Gojo doesn't have a god complex, but I wouldn't blame him if he did. I mean, he might as well be the closest thing to god human beings have ever seen. He used to put himself above everyone else, when he was a teenager. He thought that, the higher he was, the more he could do. And no one was better than him. But not Suguru. Back then, it wasn't “I'm the strongest” it was “We're the strongest and “We're the best” and “We're the ones that will beat you” and “We're the duo” and it was all about “us, us, us, us, us” instead of “me, me, me, me” like people thought it was — they were a pair. They still are
We know people thought and still think of Gojo as a weapon. As something that must be controlled, because on the moment he decides he doesn't want to be around them anymore, he could just straight up kill then without any effort (but getting rid of people in positions of power only gets other people in positions of power and it'll be a neverending story, and Gojo knows this so he's trying to do his best to fix it all through the younger generation, by letting them live). And we also know that Suguru is one of the very few people who did not believe that at all
Like their personalities and characters and stories and literally everything, their names complement each other. Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru are such similar names, I get them mixed up all the time (the amount of times I've called them “Gojo Suguru” and “Geto Satoru” is embarassing. Also, “Saturu”. “Goto”. “Gejo”. Ugh). Both of their last names start with a G, end with an O and have 4 letters. Both of their given names start with an S, end with an U and have 6 letters. They complement each other. They need each other
The only times we've seen Gojo with an expression of actual pure, raw emotion is when it's about Geto. When he finds out about what Geto did, when he realizes how thin and wrong Geto looks, when he sees him again for what we assume to be the first time in years, when he dies, when a thing wearing his corpse and using his voice greets him (“Yo, Satoru!” oh my god)
Suguru was able to fight back when in Kenjaku's control after Satoru said his name. Kenjaku himself says that had never happened before
And you don't even have to see them as romantic. You don't have to ship them if you don't want to. But you can't deny that they care about each other more than they will ever care about anyone else
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deeswrld · 1 year
Random astro observations
Some content is 18+
I’ve noticed people with Sagittarius/9H placements always seem to stand out in the field they pick or in some sort of way become pioneers. E.g. Jimi Hendrix was a Sag stellium and has a reputation of a guitar God for his innovative and crazy good guitar skills. Teena Marie (Sag moon) became a beloved non black R&B singer/artist at Motown. I just feel like Sag placements are just out here breaking barriers lol.
People with trining risings all have a certain similar look!!
E.g Most Air risings tend to have pointy chins and high cheekbones with prominent noses—I’ve noticed they always seem to have a prominent nose bridge even if it’s not that thin but it sorta gives them this Greek god/goddess look with their eyebrows slightly arching.
With water risings I’ve noticed Scorpio risings have a more reserved look in their eyes and all water risings have a somewhat oval shaped face. You can literally tell them by their eyes lol. Cancer risings have bambi eyes and Pisces risings have doll like watery eyes.
Now, I knew I started recognizing earth risings when I found Sarah Paulson to look like Adele.😭 Which further goes to prove the trining risings point I made previously.
I think I’ve stated this before but hear me out! Idk what the connection is but the moon sign also affects how you look!! I fr can’t stop guessing people’s moon signs at first glance.💀
Libra rising with 1H venus & mercury culture is constantly teasing others!! Wanting to be in a relationship yet wanting to be independent and having no problem breaking things off if they feel something’s not right.
Gemini risings with 10H suns have an INSANE bone structure/hot body!!! 😮‍💨🔥 Their arms & legs tend to be long! Legs tend to be skinny and thighs thick meanwhile their collarbones just stand out, overall they just have great bone structure! I’ve noticed this with myself & Irene Cara! 😩
I’d apply it to 10H suns in general but I haven’t looked into it as a collective thing yet.
11H Aries mercuries only speak what they think is true to them regardless of anybody’s opinion and I love how real they keep it, they’re also very humanitarian and speak up for groups/communities!
Pisces and Aquarius in the big 3 HATE boundaries. I’ve noticed this with myself and Axl Rose!😂 Ironically I’m Pisces sun-Aqua moon and he’s Aqua sun-Pisces moon.😛
I’ve noticed a pattern with people that have Aqua venus and mars and being aggressive…🥲
Taurus venus love soul/R&B music?
I’ve noticed some 10H Chiron people have trouble with work like, they might switch jobs often.
8H Chiron and having a phobia of being touched by anybody and for no reason too?
People who’s planets fall in your 9H might be the ones who you rarely see crying but are the first to try and cheer you up! You might also see them as arrogant or too blunt at times too especially if their mercury falls in your 9H!
People who’s planets fall in your 10H, you’ll see them as reserved and hardworking, they might like to give you stuff as a love language like share their food or they might like to invite you to go somewhere. Even though it might feel a little awkward at times, you both might get into deep conversations.
Not Gemini suns with Leo moons out here causing chaos then if somebody else asks them about it they’ll charmingly lie their way out of it and make it seem like it was the other person’s fault.😭😂
Scorpio mars lowkey live for toxic sex. ✋🏽 Some Scorpio mars & Aries mars I know, also secretly have a spanking kink??😛
If you have mars in somebody’s 1H they just won’t be able to contain themselves around you! You might sexually fantasize about them a LOT too. And you’ll find them hot down to the way they talk, their body language!!😮‍💨🔥
And if somebody’s mars falls in your 1H you’re prone to getting horny like 24/7 and it’ll feel like an intense and passionate connection! Sex might be like, ripping each other’s clothes off and one get thrown on the bed while the other dominates them and they both make out while grabbing each other—basically just not being able to keep your hands off of each other lmao. Also, having sex anywhere too and going for multiple rounds during the day!💀🔥
That also applies to Aries mars in composite too!⤴️⤴️
Pisces and Sagittarius suns—when they’re not at each other’s throats—actually make a good pair!❣️
Earth suns with Earth mars are so sensual and sexy😩😩😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨!!!
Having composite mars at Libra degree (7, 19) can indicate compliments and vanilla sex!😮‍💨
If somebody has their mars in your 7H, most likely they’ll be super possessive over you. 😭
If someone has their venus in your 7H then you’ll feel very comfortable with their love language or feel like you’ve found the one!💗
Sagittarius mars in composite is often grabbing thighs, giggles or soft laughter, a somewhat competitive energy and possessive aura.❣️Also, wanting to travel and explore new places together or talking about moving or including each other in future plans! Also, learning new things from each other or talking about subjects like geography/history and genealogy or about different cultures! You both could be from different backgrounds too or similar but one person is mixed, etc…
Also, when looking at appearance not only should we consider the rising but also the 7H! Say if you’re a Gemini rising; You might be able to build muscle easily or have long legs yet thick thighs because Sag falls in your 7H and Libra is also ruled by venus. Just like how Aries risings tend to have charming smiles and great bodies (7H falls in Libra), etc…
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winwintea · 17 days
winwintea's super SEXY and COOL rec-list
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author’s note ↬ i really need to start saving and liking half of the fics i read bc i end up not being able to find them again... a lot of these are smut (bc i am a whore sometimes) so mdni with those tagged with s!
last updated ↬ september 11th, 2024
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f — 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
a — 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
h — 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞/𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 
s— 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍/𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾
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𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐱𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭 by @sehunniepotwrites ↳ disneyland au | f | 11.9k words 
There are so many ways your friend group could have chosen to celebrate your graduation from university but they chose the one way that fit their childlike antics most of all–going to Disneyland. With all the screams of joy and laughter filing the atmosphere, you see why people call it The Happiest Place on Earth. It’s where magic comes alive, hearts soar to the skies, and where dreams come true. With your dream job already lined up for you once you get back from this vacation, you wonder if your last and wildest fantasy–the one that carries Mark Lee endearingly close to your heart–will take flight. (But don’t worry; your best friends, with a little help of pixie dust, are determined to make it come alive by the end of night.)
perfection like literally. i love disney. so so so much.
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 by @yojeongin ↳ husband au | s | 19.5k words 
all mark ever does is use weaponized incompetence to get out of small tasks you ask of him. when he finally realizes you resort to his close friends to do what he can’t— nothing can prepare him for what’s in your pandora box; now karma is set in motion.
toxic as hell... i didn't know what to think of myself after this. but it's extremely well written.
𝐠𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨 by @hazyhae ↳ plug + stoner au | a, f, s | 14.4k words 
a high slip up cost you mark lee years ago, and you’ve spent years burying your memories of him ever since. the universe has other plans for you when your old friend starts a new career, smoking his way back into your life.
love love their work, even has a whole post dedicated to explaining weed basics 101 which i appreciate. A LOT
𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 by @spiderm444rk↳ smau | f | ongoing
you, as the promising journalism student of NCUT, were more than willing to join the school magazine when you got offered. to your disappointment, the only section they let you have is the anonymous confessions one - which is mostly really, really boring. i mean, who even posts any cool confessions nowadays ? especially in a damn college magazine ? they only offered you the job no one else wanted. on the other hand, mark, a business student, was never more annoyed with the choice of his major. sure, business is cool and hopefully it’ll earn him money, but it’s not something he could really get into. he always wanted to do music. but after long considering, he chose business instead, to make sure he gets a real job in the future. and he doubts that choice was correct more and more every day. once the school band announces they’re looking for a new guitarist, he’s absolutely ready to apply until he reads the ‘music students only’ part. pissed off, he starts typing a message to the gc, but it ends up going to a different number - and you finally get to help some poor random stranger who confessed with something interesting.
sucker for mark lee and bands 😋😋
𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬 by @https-lvesick ↳ spiderman smau | a, f | ongoing
toronto has never been so chaotic, but things are working out since the spiders appeared to save the citizens. spiderman and silk are the city's biggest saviours and they count on them to keep them safe, even the police. but, aside from their big responsibilities, they’re just teenagers, trying to be themselves and keep their grades good, trying to have a social life and maybe a love life as successful as their superhero life. but… what’s easier to tell? that you have a crush on your best friend or that you’re a mutant superhero?
so so so so hyped for this since it started and excited for it still... a spiderman smau is just so good especially for mark <33
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𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 by @strrykais ↳ fantasy au + smau | f, a | ongoing
did you know that angels walk the earth before they get accepted into heaven, being tasked to watch over a human and complete their assignment. renjun was excited to finally have the chance to earn his wings, until he finds out his task is getting you to love life. a very depressed girl meets a very desperate boy, can they learn that maybe staying on earth isn't such a bad thing after all.
so hyped for this one actually even though it's the newest one on this list i think.
𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐭𝐰𝐨. 𝐭𝐞𝐧. by @zchl ↳ angsty little drabble | a | 1k words
(doesnt have a summary) renjun in the hospital, you're waiting for news.
literally broke me.
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 by @hwanchaesong ↳ exes to lovers | a, f | 1.1k words
[part of the after hours series] Y'all bring gravity to shame because even with its constant pull of 9.81 m/s^2, it still can't put your drunken pieces back together.
the series is so good check it out. this one is my fav though, it's just honestly a scenario i've never thought about before.
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𝐢 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 by @hazyhae ↳ fwb to lovers + plug!jeno | f, a, s | 4.7k words
jeno doesn't think he's ever felt this restless in his life. maybe he's been smoking a bad batch of flower, or maybe it's the fact that you haven't knocked on his door in over a month.
oh god. jeno isn't even one of my ults or wreckers but damn this hits the spot actually?
8 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 by @nanaxwii ↳ friends to lovers | f, a, | 1.3k words
Why do all good stories come to an end? Why don’t we try to make it work? It just takes 8 letters to fix it all, or does it…?
loving this one... it's filled with tooth rotting fluff that's so cute omg... i love them.
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𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫 by @lyvhie ↳ established relationship | f | 2k words
you just want to show your boyfriend how important he is to you.
like the title it's literally so sweet... tooth-rotting fluff
𝐩𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞 by @lqfiles ↳ smau | f | ongoing
after getting evicted out of your old place, you're left with no other choice but to look for a cheaper alternative. which is how you end up becoming neighbors with lee haechan, who has a passion for music and disturbing whatever peace and quiet there is. or in which you found yourself a very nice apartment, the only issue? your neighbor is your friend's somewhat ex-situationship who won't stop playing his guitar at 2 am in the night.
you will absolutely shit yourself reading this (in a good way dare i say?)
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐚𝐧 by @diorcities ↳ ballet au | s, h | 20.9k words
docile bodies loaded with lethal venom and betrayals are commonplace in the prestigious academy, and you happen to be their new prey when you're given the starring role with the smooth seducer with the devil's carved grin that everyone desperately desires: haechan
probably the filthiest one on this list? read the tags before reading, might be too much. it's just extremely poetic...
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𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 by @polarisjisung ↳ fighter au | a, f | 2.7k words
it's routine— you patch up his wounds and watch them heal, he salts your wounds but doesn't stick around long enough to watch them grow.
i hate you for this hua (esp part 2) but i also love to drown in angst
𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 by @markiemelon ↳ friends to lovers(?) au | f | idk lol
going over to jaem's house to crash a couple of times leads to something...
this was so sweet omg
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 by @polarisjisung ↳ enemies to lovers smau | f, a | ongoing
going ovevery college student has their struggles, but raising her younger brother has Y/N top of the list, struggling her way through college whilst balancing her academics and basketball captaincy is difficult no doubt and with Jaemin, her ex best friend and captain of the guys basketball team, and his growing one sided hatred towards her, it doesn't seem to be getting any easierer to jaem's house to crash a couple of times leads to something...
unfortunately i cannot put cherry flavored, but this is just as good. check it out!!!
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𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧 by @lowkeychenle ↳ friends to lovers(?) au | s, f, a | 9k words
Chenle is everything you want--everything you need. Somehow, the thought of him manages to pull you back in even after you were free. Messy kisses, late night trysts, and him tracing the word 'mine' on your thigh--barely anything, so how could you possibly be guilty as sin? (based on Guilty As Sin? by Taylor Swift)
fucked me over so badly.
𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭! by @wonbin-truther ↳ idol smau | f | smau
idol chenle x idol reader try to avoid dating rumors
this was SOO FUNNY
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 by @lyvhie ↳ established relationship | s | 2.5k words
a stupid little game seems to be enough to make you speak with recklessness and throw reason out of the window in the heat of the moment. but since you were unwilling to be so easily placated, chenle was decided to talk some sense into you.
i fully choked the day i read this. had to take a breather omg 😵😵
𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞 by @mins-fins ↳ royalty au | f, a | 22.7k words
where crown prince zhong chenle, forced into a marriage with a woman he doesn't like and riddled with complicated feelings, finds solace in the palace's very own medic, you.
actually such a sucker for royalty fics... and chenle is so prince coded
𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲 by @aehyei ↳ parallel universe + time traveling au | f, a | 6.4k words
After a long day of stressful practice, Chenle finds himself in deep sleep on his bed and wakes up when a strange child that came from nowhere jumped on him—scaring him in the progress. To add to everything, the young idol learns that he just traveled to the future and is able to meet his future daughter. But will Chenle be able to be that great husband and father when he doesn’t even have a single clue on what’s going on?
one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES I HAVE EVER READ. if you're gonna read any of these read this.
𝐒𝐄𝐑Á 𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐍𝐎𝐂𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 by @galacticseonghwa ↳ biker smau | f, a, s | ongoing
your friends were all you needed, they were your brothers from another mother they loved to say. but that all went to shit after ricky dragged you to one of his motorbike sprints. who are you to say no when ricky's opponent claws his way into your inner circle and present himself as your dream man?
really really good and underrated... i love chenle can you tell...
𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 by @chenlesfavorite ↳ motorcyclist smau | f, a | ongoing
working night shifts 24/7 at the convenience store while also supporting your boyfriend’s obsession with watching motorcyclists race is not easy, but little did you know that one of the bikers that he loves soon gets involved with you.
wdym this is ending soon... no way.... im gonna cry wtf
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𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐮𝐫 𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 by @aehyei ↳ high school au | f | 7.2k words
You love stories. If anyone would ask, you’d rather live in it then wake up another day in a world where everyone’s having the love story you’ve been daydreaming about. Of course falling in love with your best friend never came across your mind so it was a bit of a mess when you realized Jisung didn’t only view you as a ‘friend’. 
so so so so sos sos cute omfghsdjsah
𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐦 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 by @jirsungs ↳ college smau | f | completed
a story about a college student enjoying her life in school perfectly fine, until one of her friends drags the group along to watch their school's band perform. little did she know that day would be marked as the day her whole world turned upside down because of a particular, nonchalant, and difficult drummer boy. a drummer boy who spilled his entire drink on her brand new outfit at a party and never came back.
i actually binged this in a day bc it was so good
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝 by @babbymochiiii ↳ discord call au (if you know where this is going...) | s | ??? words
you and jisung have discord date night, where things take a turn.
sorry guys im.. a little shameless sometimes...
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 by @jaysng ↳ friends to lovers | f | idk lol
jay and mute reader both seem to like each other, just when he thinks that his confession was a pure failure the reader does something surprising.
this was just so sweet i literally fell in love with him all over again
𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐞 by @yeonzzzn ↳ zombie apocalypse au | f, h, a, s | 26.2k words
in the middle of the apocalypse, you and jay find each other in a situation of life and death, using the protection of each other to get to the next safe zone. unfortunately for the both of you, things take a turn once secrets get revealed and the fight for survival becomes greater.
probably one of my personal favorites on this list teehee. i love jay park.
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𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨 by @wheeboo ↳ dark + psychiatric facility au | f, a, h | 12.8k words
in which a new patient is assigned for treatment under your care, and you begin to put the puzzles and pieces together to a past case that you thought to have ceased away from your mind.
literally had me gripping the edge of my seat as i read this
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𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 by @wonbin-truther ↳ influencers smau | f, a | ongoing
sohee was a well known streamer, having grown his fanbase over covid with the game minecraft and slowly branched into other games along with sponsorships and modeling offers. he was also well known for being your number one twitter fanboy, never missing one of your posts even if fashion wasn't his greatest interest. what happens when a modeling gig brings him face to face with you?
this was a really sweet smau omfg... and sohee streamer just makes so much sense...
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨���𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 by @sehunniepot ↳ disneyland cast member au | f, a, h | 12.8k words
in which a new patient is assigned for treatment under your care, and you begin to put the puzzles and pieces together to a past case that you thought to have ceased away from your mind.
if y'all have anything disney related send my way cause i'll literally eat it all up. JUST LIKE THIS ONE.
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𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐝 by @slytherinshua ↳ established relationship | f | ~500 words
jealous riku over seiji from whisper of the heart
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SEND ME UR FICS SO I CAN READ THEM BTW !!!! i'll try to update this as often as i can... or maybe make more depending on the amount on here, but thank you all so much for the wonderful stories <33
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Random Astrology Observation 2
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Hello! Welcome to my second part of a random astrology observation. The first part has got pretty successful, so I'm gonna continue this type of observation as the series, 'cause why not. This observation may apply to the both Western and Vedic astrology. Take the messages as they resonate with you, please. So, let's just continue!
I've noticed that the natives with a prominent air signs placements, especially in Vedic astrology, are mostly famous on social media (Instagram, TikTok or Twitter/X). People with the air signs in their sidereal natal chart, especially in Rahu-ruled nakshatras (Ardra, Swati and Shatabhisha) can absorb other people's energy and others can relate with these natives easily. Rahu represents internet fame, social media, uncertainty, outsiders and even illusions, while the air signs is related to the collectivity and the masses of people. If you want to be famous online, you have to be relatable to others. You might also fake it 'til you make it. With Rahu ruling both social media and illusions, it makes sense why the social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, have always been considered as fake and not representing the real true life.
One thing I hate the most about the Western astrology is over generalizing when it comes to the zodiac signs. For example, the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are always described as emotional, sensitive crybabies who cry all the time, which may not always be the case. People with water risings mostly have the 10th house in fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) if we use whole sign system, which means that they might use their own individuality and authenticity to make things happen, including their career path. Fire signs usually are related to having a strong personality, so water rising natives tend to present themselves as confident and authentic. It's similar to any other rising or zodiac signs.
Natives who have the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) conjuncting their personal planets (from Sun to Mars) or Ascendant may likely to be the outsiders or the black sheep of the family and of their whole environment. They're mostly the generational curse breakers of their family and they might have a life path which is way more different than their family's life. These natives tend to be highly spiritual too, 'cause Uranus represents astrology, Neptune represents spirituality itself while Pluto might represents witchcraft.
I think that the biggest lesson from North Node and South Node (Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology) is to balance things in our life, 'cause they're forming an opposition aspect with each other nonstop. I always hear from the other astrologers that we need to let go of our South Node's placement and to embrace our North Node's placement, which is true, but I think that focusing only on North Node/Rahu and neglecting the South Node/Ketu doesn't lead us to our life mission and purpose. Yes, the North Node/Rahu represents something that scares us and what should we work on, but it doesn't mean that we should stop to tap into our South Node/Ketu energy, 'cause the South Node/Ketu doesn't represents just our comfort zone, it's also related to spirituality and seeking the truth of our lives, while the North Node/Rahu can represent material things and obsessions.
Having a stellium in someone's natal chart means that this native is going to focus on the things that are related to one particular sign or house. For example, someone who has a stellium in the 2nd house or in Taurus sign might focus on the finances and budgeting the money the most. The stellium in the 9th house or in Sagittarius sign may indicate someone being highly religious, even a fanatic in something that this native believes into.
When a particular planet is exalted in someone's natal chart, this means that a planet is mostly strong and well-placed. This is one of the best positions for every planet possible, including the planets being in domicile or in its own sign too. The Sun is exalted in Aries, the Moon is exalted in Taurus, Mercury is exalted in Virgo, Venus is exalted in Pisces, Mars is exalted in Capricorn, Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, while Saturn is exalted in Libra.
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That's could be it for today! I hope it resonated with you. Make sure to love and take care of yourself. I love you all! ❤️
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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silawastaken · 5 months
Thinking about Chuuya- specifically in reference to school aus.
Because Chuuya is SMART okay. He is one of very few people who can keep up with Dazai's chaos, from a combination of knowing him for so long and also from just being smart himself. In stormbringer, Chuuya is shown to at least accurately estimate the answer to rather complex physics equations that cannot be done in your head. He does it anyway. He has an advantage in this where he himself needs to be very concious of gravity and its affects and how it works, and he also has years of first hand experience with how it works he can apply practically to the situation to make estimates easier based on prior knowledge and experience. However, the biggest detriment to that in Chuuya has probably never seen the inside of a school in his life.
It's reasonable to assume that he receives some form of education in the PM as a teen, especially given the fact he needs to work with numbers for running the jewel market. He runs that market with the most success it's hard in years if I recall correctly, while likely not knowing his seven times table. (In chuuya's defense- I don't know my seven times table either and I have a HISTORY with physics that is actually largely sunshine and rainbows so.)
but he does physics that people who've been in school for YEARS fuck up. Mentally.
So he's far from stupid.
However- I am a firm believer in the Chuuya doesn't preform well in school. Regularly a B or C student. He doesn't fail, but he's not scoring the marks he could be.
Because things aren't explained the way he needs them to be. He questions why things work the way they do, explores other possibilities to a point where he confuses himself over the material because school only ever covers a surface level explaination of how and why things work, and expect students to just get it.
When Chuuya does understand something, he UNDERSTANDS it. It becomes common knowledge to him, he can remember it and apply it well in classes, any grades or scores on in class work about the material is scored high. But the second he's under test or exam conditions, he just blanks. It's not the stress or pressure, because he works well under both. It's the lack of practicality to it. It's question after question with no running line he can use to tie everything together and get it the way he needs too. On top of this, he doesn't understand the questions, with nuance and implications his brain isn't wired to pick up on, taking questions literally in a way that costs him marks repeatedly.
If he was in a college or university, he would do so much better, even under test and exam conditions, but while in high school I think that environment just would not work out for him.
As I can make anything about skk, the countermeasure to Chuuya not understanding the way certain things are explained is that Dazai explains them better in a way that's understandable and fills any of the gaps in his knowledge that trip Chuuya up because it should be 'common sense'.
In my head the ada and pm have a joint study group held in Fukuzawa's classroom after school onnnnn... hm. Tuesdays. Because by then the topics for the week have been established, and they each should have had at least one of each class. They all work on their school stuff until everything is covered and then they just watch a movie on the board in the class because it shuts them up (totally not because Fukuzawa has just a little bit of a soft spot for the rowdy group of teens all pressed up against each other sitting on the floor on a random tuesday in early decemeber because none of them really want to go home and it's too cold to go anywhere else. It's not like they're causing trouble or being annoying- they're watching Barbie princess and the popstar for the third time this term.) and they're not causing any harm.
Chuuya isn't the only one who struggles like this, just maybe the one who does so the most, but he would be an incredible physicist, and through support from a few of the nicer teachers and his friends, I'm sure he'd find a way to do well anyway.
I do know he'd get to college and have a realisation like 'huh? learning is actually kind of enjoyable' and that'd be it. He'd become a certified genius. A gilmore girls extra, if you will.
anyway autistic + dyslexic Chuuya who stuggles in school agenda is real.
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mybelovedwoo · 10 months
Can you do wooyoung as a boyfriend? :D
YESS! I've been waiting for this request for a long time, thank you so much <3 I hope you'll enjoy :)) I'm sorry it took a while to write this, but I got caught up with a busy schedule all of a sudden.
jung wooyoung as your boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
reader x bf!atz
wc. ~0.9k
an: i'm weak for this man you all know
you can request headcanons if you want to!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-i think we all know that wooyoung is your brat best friend type of boyfriend, who always puts you before himself and takes such good care of you, still can never stop teasing you
-he needs a lot of attention, like a lot. if your attention is not on him he will get all sulky and clingy. he would annoy you just to give him what he wants. even when you're talking to someone else he will cling to you from the back or to your arms
-but if the opposite happens, he just loves it so so much, it's one of his ways to tease you. he would play a video game or be on his phone and you would beg for his attention, he wouldn't give in so easily, but there would always be a cocky smile on his face
-gives you presents all the damn time, it's one of his love languages, he loves giving in general, especially when it comes to you. even if it's just a chocolate or a jewelry he will buy it when he thinks of you
-would even buy you pieces of clothes that he already has or buy one for himself too, so you guys could match in a cool way 
-he cooks your favorite dishes every date night. loves to experiment with food, you are his taste tester and would be the happiest when he sees you love what he made just for you
-also gives you all his food from his plate, he wants you to eat well, but you want the same for him so you always fight over it 
-late-night walk hand in hand by the river, watching all the night lights of the city, him giving you his jacket because you refused to bring yours, but now he freezes to death but loves it at the same time, stopping by a convenient store to buy snacks and ice cream, yeah that's just a casual friday night
-lots and lots of kisses. just gives you random kisses on your cheeks, doesn't care where or who is there it doesn't stop him (his members are already used to it)
-would kiss you passionately until you lose your breath, then he would smile to a final kiss because he feels proud of himself
-on facetime with you 24/7 when he's on tour
-he is basically best friends with your family and friends, in return, you are best friends with his mom
-has heart eyes for you, doesn't break eye contact, and flirts with you every given minute
-have cheeky nicknames for you like pookie, nugget, pumpkin (anything that he can think of at the moment), but your contact name is the sweetest "my one and only", also you are his wallpaper for sure
-brings you with him everywhere, literally you two are connected (at least that's what his members are saying). he brings you to work, you have to watch him dance and then review it or to a filming, you're always somewhere behind the cameras 
-would want to move in with you as soon as he can, because he doesn't want to spend any time without you
-calls you his wife in front of the members and his family, because you will be one day, he's sure about that
-if you're dating woo it means sometimes there's a plus one on your dates, san feels a little weird about it, he thinks he interrupts your special time but loves to hang out with you guys
-he hates it when san and you are allying against him, but deep down loves to see that you get along well, his two soulmates
-you have to cuddle him so he can fall asleep at night, usually you are the big spoon because this man loves to be cuddled
-his hand is constantly on your thighs or on your ass, he's shameless about it
-he is whipped for you, would literally do anything you ask him to do
nsfw +18!!!
-lots of people think he is a tease in bed too, but I think he is quite the opposite. wooyoung is a very impatient person, he cannot wait for long, especially when he wants you so bad
-I think I don't have to say it, but he is a sub in bed. likes to be taken care of and likes to be on the bottom
-there are times when he wants to take care of you tho, so he would switch and make you feel good all night long
-his hands all over your body, would touch everywhere he can reach, just can't get enough of you
-loves it when you kiss his neck, that's something he gets turned on immediately, also just compliment his body and this man is done right there
-very noisy, lots of whimpers and moans, doesn't really care if someone hears it
-i think he gets worked up pretty easily, so you guys would have sex every single time you meet or you sleep over at each other's place
-for positions, I would say cowgirl is the most common, but he likes everything where you are on the top and he can see you well
-blowjob is a must, even if you don't have sex, at a random bathroom of a restaurant or at the dance studio
-he needs cuddles after, just wants to hold you close to him and would praise you for such a good work you did, would definitely take good care of you after, brings you food and clean clothes, would feel very grateful and sentimental at these moments
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
✨Astro Observations for those who think they're stupid when they're actually smart✨
✨Mutable risings are the "funny yet depressed" friend that is always trying to make sure everyone is okay and having a good time
✨Out of all the placements Aquarius is the only one I don't have a definitive standpoint on. Not a single one has something in common with another.
✨5th house placements are obsessed with reality tv while 11th house placements are obsessed with internet drama
✨Saturn in the 6th house natives are very likely to get plastic surgery for their weight
✨I keep reading on here that people know Taurus Moons that cook? I am sorry but since when instant noodles became "cooking". I have known five and my sister is one, and let me tell you, they can't cook for shit. They're such picky and particular eaters, they barely eat too.
✨My mother being an Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon means that I know the biggest catastrophizer alive.
✨Luminaries (sun and moon) opposite the rising, in my opinion, creates the most difficult people to deal with. They're so tone deaf and oblivious to how they come off.
✨Cardinal Lilith has conflict anxiety
✨Air Mercury thinks of an answer instead of listening to what someone is saying
✨Mars in the 11th house have many frenemies
✨Moon in the 11th are very popular among women
✨Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) at 0 degrees struggles to achieve milestones or feels behind compared to others
✨Scorpio risings are always referred to as an onion. To me, an onion is something with layers of the same shit that just burn your eyes.
✨ Whichever house of yours an artist's Ceres falls in is what their work is going to help you with.
✨This also applies to planet aspects, as to whether their work will leave you challenged, intrigued, feeling empowered, motivated, seen, connected, or just simply aroused.
✨Fire Mercury says the most random shit. But we are here for that crackhead energy.
✨Fire/Mars in the 9th house is very common among dancers
✨The sign of the 6th house can show how are you with apologies. Since along with that work ethic comes responsibility and integrity.
✨Anyways, you'll never catch a Sag or Taurus in the 6th apologizing that's for sure.
✨Lilith/Juno in the 10th house are very mistreated by men/masculine people and authority
✨Lilith/Juno in the 4th house was betrayed by the family, especially the mother
✨Aquarius in the 4th house is always looking for a mommy in someone else
✨The body part/s the sign of your 8th house rule indicates which sexual act gets your toes curled.
✨Having friends of the same Mars sign are people that match your energy
✨People that have Mars Square Mars got a friendship that needed communication and patience, however, they tend to create a stronger bond
✨It's ghetto out there with all of those unevolved Earth placements
✨First house stelliums are never grateful. The entitlement is real.
✨Neptune/Pisces in the 1st house and 12th house ruler is in the 1st house depersonalize as a full time job. Existing is very draining for them, and at times painful.
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verstappentime · 9 days
i posted about this before, but let me (as a journalist irl) elaborate what's likely going on with daniel!!
when no one asked dan about his future during press day last week, we all automatically recognized this was probably the result of an embargo (we have quite a few f1 fans in the newsroom). stranger still that christian horner was in the TP conference and didn't speak on it either. we had expected that combo to make a sort of joint announcement.
so what's an embargo/how does it work?
essentially, it's when a source gives you any information ahead of time, but requests you do not publish anything on it until a certain date and time. this can be done for a lot of reasons. embargoes usually request that you refrain from sharing information from a press release or document.
usually embargoes are put in place so essentially you keep to your time table of when the information becomes "public," but news outlets aren't left scrambling because they have already written their story and have it ready to go live as soon as it's acceptable. in the case of f1 this also applies to instagram posts and things like that. that's why you'll often see the posts go live straight away when an announcement is made; everything's pre-confirmed & pre-written, they're just waiting for the green light.
if you violate an embargo in sports journalism, you'll likely have your credentials to, say, get into the press pen revoked. you/your outlet will no longer receive any privileged information. and you'll likely be asked to take it down. not for any legal reason -- you're just burning a bridge and violating trust. so this info COULD be leaked, but under the honor system, it rarely is. (especially bc if you post embargoed info & ruin your org's reputation with the source, you're probably losing your job.)
so what's going on in DR's case?
most likely, all credible sources have either A) been given the information under an embargo, or B) been told the time they can expect an embargoed press release. (i work with law enforcement, so for me this is usually just something like "you can expect the records to be sent out before dinner time friday night but it will be embargoed till 9 a.m. when they're officially public record.")
either way, everyone has probably been warned off asking those questions, but they also likely already know the answer. whatever they received, even if it doesn't reveal all the cards, most likely said daniel would not answer questions prior to the official release time and essentially, don't bother.
what's up with all the rumors?
essentially, when every credible source has their hands tied, there's no one to counter all the randoms. we see it all the time -- people yapping trading theories when we actually know what happened and can't say. unfortunately in f1 some of the randoms have some sort of name recognition -- and for some reason there are like 500 completely not credible news outlets full of untrue shit. so right now, they are the only people 1) free to bang on with theories and 2) who dont either have the info or know when the info is coming available. so that's allowing them to take up all the space.
conclusion: this isn't necessarily good or bad, but explains why we're hearing so many irrelevant people's opinions on this and not hearing anything from VCARB, daniel or his team. it was most likely done to give preferred sources the jump on announcing the news, but also to allow daniel to focus.
i'm assuming the embargo will be lifted monday morning european time, but we may hear a vague denial this weekend as theres probably some building frustration (like daniel saying yeah you'll see me in COTA or whatever).
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