mmrmorning · 2 years
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빅원 형님이 운영하는 카페로 알려진 곳 @officialmidmorning 이즈더네임, 부산광역시 부산진구 전포동에 위치한 카페로 전포카페거리에 위치해있다, 지난 래퍼 빅원이 카페사업을 시작하여 지난 4월에 오픈했다, 커피와 디저트맛도 준수한 편이다, 나도 이곳에 두번 정도 방문했던적이 있는데 부산에 갈 일이 생기면 한번 쯤 이곳을 들려보는걸 추천한다. . #이즈더네임 #카페이즈더네임 #isthename #Cafeisthename #빅원 #BIGONE #카페 #Cafe #PPL아님 #PPL받고싶다 #그림 #Drawing #낙서 #Doodle(cafeisthename에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm0aJt2JkDs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anyhuskahucz · 2 years
Lo más 🫶🏻
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crawlinginvomits · 8 years
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Real pussy metal #acid #isthename #heavymetal #isthegame #speedmetal #maniac #enginebeast
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bleutectic · 6 years
W8 u Dutch?
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Eyes of the Soul(mate)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries / The Original Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Male!Reader Summary: Soulmates, they’re a funny thing Word Count:  901 Request: @marc-isthename “ This is the request-that-I-just-came-up-with-no-plot-whatsoever: okay so, I was kinda feeling soulmate-y vibe a couple minutes ago so this is what I came up with: M!R x Elijah where soulmates have special eye on the opposite side of each other (ex. Reader has like... bling bling eye on the left then their soulmate would have bling bling eye on the right). Elijah be like: I’ve been alive for so long and no soulmate so imma date freely while reader keeps turning people down to wait and meet him. “ A/n: I am so sorry this isn’t the best I could do.
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Ever since you were born, you were stuck with your soulmate eye and your natural eye. See, your soulmate eye would usually be on the left of your face, and your soulmate had beautiful brown eyes. But, when you were growing up, your family had started to notice that your soulmate’s eyes would turn black with red surrounding where the white of the eyes was, veins would pop up from the left side. 
There was no explanation about it, but as you grew up, you were more interested in finding out why you had this. Growing up was a whirlwind, it was stressful, to say the least. You finally figure out that you prefer men to women and you hoped, prayed if there was a God up there listening to you, that your soulmate was a man. The other part of you growing up was unlocking the supernatural side, you learnt so much stuff that you started to think that you unlocked too much.
So, you weren’t surprised to encounter vampires when you got to University. The nearby town was Mystic Falls, becoming friends with Stefan and Damon - more so Damon, who was surprised that you knew so much. 
You knew that Damon and Stefan were not your soulmates or your normal eyes would return to you. You got too busy with university that you weren’t able to meet The Salvatores new problems, the Mikaelsons. 
Klaus, the vampire who never believed in love seem to shield his soulmate’s eyes, if anything though Damon - who has more free time - will never tell you if he had noticed whether if one of the Mikaelsons’ has your eye. He doesn’t care about it, he’s busy fighting with Stefan that Elena belongs to him because they’re soulmates whether they like it or not.
The Mikaelsons were ready to give up soulmates, they’ve been alive for thousands of years, and no one they have met has seemed to return their eyes. They did what pleases them, finding people to have sex, flirt around, date people - they had the freedom, not thinking what their life might be after finding their soulmate.
After a while, Mikaelsons just believed that they were cursed with not being able to find their other half because they went against mother nature. Yet, Elijah, the most composed siblings - who has his fair share of lovers, had a change of heart.
“You want to look for your soulmate?” Rebekah asked, astounded, “He, She, They might not be alive in this life time.”
“I know that,” Elijah argued, “But, something is telling me that they are here, alive right now.”
You were determined to meet as many vampires as you could without getting yourself killed, so whilst everyone was getting an invitation in the Mikaelson Ball, Elena had actually picked you to be a plus one - not Stefan or Damon, who decided to come along. 
“Is Caroline still in denial about her soulmate?”
“Well, we’ve told you about the Mikaelsons and her soulmate just so happens to be the big bad wolf Klaus Mikaelson, even he’s denying it despite him throwing love eyes at her,” Damon commented as he helps you tie your tie.
“I hope you are aware that there will probably some violence tonight whether it is planned or not,” Stefan comes down the stairs of the Salvatore Boarding house, “That means you have to fend yourself, alright?”
“I can do that,” You hummed as the three of you start heading to the cars to get Elena and to the Mikaelson’s mansion, “So, the Mikaelsons...”
“You’re excited,” Damon muses out as you rolled your eyes, “More vampires to meet.”
“Yeah,” You nodded, “I just have a feeling they might be there and after years of pushing people away or rejecting them, maybe I get to have the pleasure of feeling loved.”
See, when you were thinking of meeting your soulmate, you thought that you would run into them, or they would catch you as you trip over your feet. But, no. Damon was a dickhead and shoulder bumps you into one handsome man, one that you have been eyeing up all night, Damon had told you that he was one of the Mikaelsons.
You aggressively bumped into his shoulders, you could feel the heat on your cheeks as you looked down, embarrassed.
“I am so sorry,” you exclaimed as you shot your head up to look at him, “I didn’t-”
You didn’t manage to finish your words because there was a throbbing pain behind your left eye, you watch his left eye return his brown eye as your colour eye drains from his to transfer back to your eye. You and he let out a shaky breath before Elijah looking at you with a smile.
“I’m Elijah Mikaelson.”
“I’m aware.” 
You blinked a few times as Elijah looked at you confused as he held his hand out to you to shake, but you were too stunned that the man you were eyeing on was your fricking soulmate. He looked so much handsome up close and looked so attractive with those big brown eyes staring at you with concern. After a while, you realised that you were being an idiot before clearing your throat and holding your hand to shake his.
“I’m (Y/n), nice to meet you. Been waiting to meet you.”
“Trust me, love, I’ve waited for years for this to happen.”
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softvvirgil · 5 years
h-hi everyone???
Okay, here's the thing. Its @softvirgil here dunno if anyone remembers me hah anyway tumbrl delated my account and even tho I really tried to get it back I couldn't and it made me so f-ing sad I didn't even try to make a new one cause it felt like it wouldnt be the same. But.. I missed this community so much I decided to try and come back if you'll have me. Sorry for being away for so long, bad things are happening rn in my life so I'm gonna try to get my safe space back in a way.
I'm honna tag some people i remember talking to or ones that used to follow me, unfortunately I couldnt make a list of all of you because I couldnt open my blog after it was delated so im really sorry If i kissed you out!
And to the people I'm tagging: it would mean so much to me if you could reblog this post to maybe let someone who used to follow me know?? Dont feel any pressure tho!! Thank you so so much and sorry again.
@whats-going-on-kiddos, @pirate-patton, @randomslasher, @novaedream, @softestvirgil, @ninja-kitty-more-like-no, @stella-scriptor, @stuckonswan, @pattonsfam-ily, @allycat31415, @loganlovebeans @logan-isthename @starlight-sanders @angsty-anxxiety @romananalogicality @holdnarrytight @milomeepit @sanders-sides-thuri @emphoenixcat
Love you all, stay safe!! xxx
- moony/ softvirgil
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twentisevenjuly · 3 years
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@fraanceeescaa @cardioversione @sombersounds @gattigioviani @blue-isthename @septemberstoriesmusic @tears-and-shivers @xximeldaxx-blog @passion-for-hippies @ti-guarderei-all-infinito @nobodylikeblack @my-mary-blog @esprimiundesiderio- @sorrisincrocepervestirtidispine @ragazza-in-fiamme-blog @itsamyposts @ilseducentecantodellamorte @chimangiafalebriciole @insanehopee @il-rumore-dell-umore @soloparolealvento @eitusorridiseibellissima-blog @perdendosestessi @selenasaveme @thedistancekillingme-blog @alessia150713 @iwillalwayswaantyou @radjoactjve @ragazzacheamaconilcuore-blog @federicabugatti96 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Mr. Rick 
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Request: Yes or No
You entered the kitchen, being greeted by water to the face. You huffed, blinked a few times. Stefan held an innocent grin, watching your reaction.
“Pancakes?” He asked, two water balloons by his side. You gave him a tight smile.
“You know me so well, babe.” You hissed lowly, grabbing a towel and wiping your face. Stefan nodded, sending you a wink. You approached him, kissing his cheek.
“Dickhead.” You mumbled. Stefan chuckled, standing to get you something to drink. You grabbed the hot sauce bottle, pouring half into his drink.
“Thanks, babe.” You grabbed the cup from him, grinning as Stefan brought the coffee cup up to his lips and took a sip. Stefan’s brows furrowed and he spat the liquid right back into his cup. 
“You sneaky fox!” You put your cup down, running off with Stefan chasing you. He finally caught you, grabbing you and pinning you to the wall. You giggled, wrapping your arms around him. Stefan rolled his eyes, pecking your nose. You two stayed in silence until Stefan spoke.
“Never gonna give you up... Never gonna let you down..” Your smile slowly dropped.
“Never gonna run around and desert you..” 
“Stefan, no.” You shook your head as he began to sing.
“Never gonna make you cry!” You pushed him back, walking away but he kept singing as he followed you. 
“Never gonna say goodbye! Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!” You grabbed a water balloon, throwing it at him. Stefan caught it, making it burst in his hand.
“Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down!” You groaned, watching him dance. 
“You know you look like him, right?”
“Never- What? No, I don’t.” Good. He was going into an identity crisis. You smirked, nodding. 
“Ask anyone and they’ll say you look like Mr. Rick.” Stefan narrowed his eyes before running off to find his brother and Elena.
aRE YOU HAPPY NOW? @marc-isthename​
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moonys-tea · 5 years
Idk if anyone really remembers me but its @moonystea here. A while ago tumbrl delated my account and it made me so sad I couldnt bring myself to try and make a new one... But I missed this shithole so much i decided that enought is enought and I'm gonna try to get back what I had here!!
I'm gonna tag some people that used to follow me and the ones I talked to at some point (also so so sorry if we talked and I forgot!! My memory is shitty :(). Hope we can reconnect!
@destructive-distractions @randomslasher @desolated-space-boy, @lumosinlove @sunflower-archive @stuckonswan @logan-isthename @pippa-frost @milomeepit @treetopview @im-magical-af @onelastbreath95 @merenwentasartir @loupeaxh
I would appreciate it so so much if you reblogged this post to maybe let someone know but no pressure!!
Thanks and sorry again, love u guys x
- moony
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mmrmorning · 2 years
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오늘 드디어 빅원 @bigoneisthename 형님이 얼마전에 부산 전포동에서 오픈하셨다는 그 카페 이즈더네임을 방문했다, 카페 내부도 깔끔하고 분위기도 좋고 심지어 지하에도 자리가 있음, 글고보니 이번 주말에 전포커피축제가 열리고 있었음, 그래선지 거리에 사람들이 꽤 많았음, 그곳에서 아이스 아메리카노 한잔 주문하고나서 서면 거리를 더 둘러 볼 생각, 카페 잘 다녀 갑니다! @cafeisthename . #부산광역시 #부산 #부산진구 #전포동 #카페이즈더네임 #이즈더네임 #CAFEISTHENAME #ISTHENAME #빅원 #BIGONE #카페 #Cafe #아메리카노 #아이스아메리카노 #아이스커피 #커피 #IceCoffee #Coffee #전포커피축제 #일상 #데일리 #Daily #일상스타그램(cafeisthename에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjcJPMFJsMp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imthederpyfox · 4 years
Me and some friends visit Beeston Weir, join us in nature (lord knows we all need it right now!)
Taglist - (let me know if you wanna be added - I KNOW IT’S BEEN A WHILE!)
@ask-may-oneil-sanderssides  @rptheturk  @ask-angel-rk800connor-57 @logan-isthename   @whats-going-on-kiddos  @sp00kygh0stp4rty  @vampirzyca13 @questionableholidayreally @jacobbathead  @datfearlessfangirl @virgil-the-virgin @clutteredecho @musical-loser @trans-king-of-slytherin @stars-in-mine-eyes 
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photoartteach · 6 years
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@lamamatheatre #suchgreatness #veryexpressive #topperformance @jimhensonfoundation #blind #isthename #oftheshow @unitedsolo #onepersonshow #fullsize #puppets #marionettes #instanyu #tlwheatman (at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqIn5YNgCW0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=159w19jnmv283
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billmclarnon · 7 years
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BOND. James Bond. 🤵🏻ACTUALLY. ❌ #MCLARNON ⚔️⚔️⚔️ #Isthename (at Los Angeles)
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Awaiting on Affection
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Male!Reader Summary: Hugs, who doesn’t crave them? Word Count: 874 Request: @marc-isthename​ “Huggy mood sooo... Reader x Elijah (or any of the bros) where reader just hugs a lot, like a lot a lot. That’s it. Just hugs.” A/n: I apologise that this is a short one
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The Mikaelsons aren’t much of an affection type of family, especially Klaus. Yet, they all crave affection and love, it was just awkward to find that in the family. Even after all the time as they grow together, there is a faint bitterness between sibling. But, recently, the family had gained a new companion in life. 
(Y/n) (L/n).
The older college friend of Caroline Forbes, who had been turned a vampire two years prior before the Salvatores had made their appearance in Mystic Falls. A pretty face with an easy going personality. You had a smile brighter than Helios and more love in your eyes than Eros. You were neutral in the situation and found yourself more friends with the Mikaelsons than fitting in with Saving Elena squad. 
Despite being a vampire, you had shown the Mikaelson another side of vampirism. You weren’t like Stefan who was a ripper and was drinking animal blood. You weren’t like Kol, Klaus or Damon who was impulsive and murderous. 
You were kind and there was no agenda towards it. You genuinely were a lovely person. You weren’t that bitter about being a vampire, in fact, you did everything in your power just to look at the bright side of stuff. Like you get to see what the future out there holds, how the world will change and evolve, you were excited for little things like new books, music and films. You had a happier outlook for life. You’ve become the little beacon of happiness for the Mikaelsons because when you’re happy they’re happy too. 
And obviously, you’re not optimistic - you’re realistic and that’s why they love you even more because you don’t try to overwhelm them with happiness and suggesting great outcomes. You know how to be serious and dampen their hopefulness with a harsh reality - you’re true to them, the world isn’t kind and you’re more than aware of that. They could trust you to be honest and have their back under one rule of yours, and that is you rather not be in the middle a quarrel between siblings.
But, the main reason why they love you so much is that you give them the affection they have been craving. You give them the best hugs, and they always come to you with puppy eyes and you always open your arms to them as they collapse into you, gripping you as if life depended on it. Klaus comes to you when he has no one else to turn to, when he feels lost and alone, feeling like the only person he can confide in is you.
Rebekah comes to you more often than not because you always feel warm and soft, she likes how you touch, it was gentle and she had control over the situation. Kol likes your hugs and often comes to you because somehow you fill the brotherly affection that Kol always wanted from his brothers. 
However, there was one Mikaelson that didn’t come to you when he needed hugs, it was always you offering him hugs. You never pushed because you know Elijah is more keeping to himself, but he enjoys your hugs a lot. In fact, he could rank your types of hugs that he has experienced. 
He favours the one that is long and warm, they’re full of love and care for him. How you would run your hand through the back of his hair, gently tugging the knots and tickling the back of his neck. 
He enjoys sinking into your arms when it’s been a tiresome day, week or month. How his shoulders sink and let you hold his weight, and how he can feel you chuckle at his tiredness. How you tenderly kiss him on the temple.
There are the quick hugs, the ones that are short, but long enough to recharge any Mikaelson. A loose hold but there is a brief squeeze before you let him go, showing him a dazzling smile that makes him feel so reassured. 
“Why don’t you ever come for me for hugs, Elijah?”
Elijah looks over to your way, sitting calmly at the piano, how you don’t stare at him. You stare in front of you, your hands hovering over the piano keys before gently placing your hand down. The key softly emitting from the piano, echoing the room. 
“I don’t really know,” Elijah responded as the music stops abruptly as you swivel around to turn to face him.
He seems to be taken aback with your deep stare as you stand up and walk straight towards him before engulfing him in a loving hug. Your cheek resting on top of his head as Elijah chuckles at your antics. You squeeze him tight as he grips your arms tight.
“You know I’m always here, Elijah,” You reassured, kissing his hair, “Don’t think I’ll be leaving any time soon. You always have me, you don’t have to wait for affection.”
“I know,” Elijah speaks sincerely, “I love you for that.”
You chuckled and Elijah feels from his shoulder that your chest rumbles with the melody of your laughter. Elijah feels at easy as he relaxes under your hug, he feels you radiating love and care.
“I love you too, Elijah.”
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adiamondsrae · 8 years
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😇So I was waiting @ the 🚍 and this dog comes up to me and it has a licensed collar #CityOfUpland . So I couldn't just leave the 🐶 to fend for itself . I took 🐶 to the #UplandAnimalShelter Come to find out the calm little sweet furball is a girl and her name is Maggie ( 🤓as in TWD Maggie jk lol ) . Her owner didn't know she got out . I waited with Maggie and George (her owner/Dad) came to pick her up at the shelter and he was very grateful to retrieve what he called "❤️the best damn dog 🐶 he ever had". ❤️Kindness:Compassion:Respect: Is what I do best so that I can look back when I'm old enough and say I'm proud of the life I lived 🙏🏽#KindnessMatters #OneActOfKindess is #Infectious in the best way ❤️it amounts to a life #ImProudOf #GodIsKind he said #BeKindToOthers besides #DogsAreMyLife #MyCalling that's why I own four beautiful blessings/fur babies 😍🐶🐶🐶🐶🙏🏽 told you I'm a #Sheroe 👸🏽😜😎 #ThisIsHowTheLordMadeMe #Diamond #IsTheName #IllLiveUpToThatName #LightWins ✨ (at Friends of Upland Animal Shelter)
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loganlovebeans · 5 years
So apparently my main blog (@logan-isthename follow me there for shitposts) was started 5 years ago. Wtf.
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