moonys-tea · 5 years
Idk if anyone really remembers me but its @moonystea here. A while ago tumbrl delated my account and it made me so sad I couldnt bring myself to try and make a new one... But I missed this shithole so much i decided that enought is enought and I'm gonna try to get back what I had here!!
I'm gonna tag some people that used to follow me and the ones I talked to at some point (also so so sorry if we talked and I forgot!! My memory is shitty :(). Hope we can reconnect!
@destructive-distractions @randomslasher @desolated-space-boy, @lumosinlove @sunflower-archive @stuckonswan @logan-isthename @pippa-frost @milomeepit @treetopview @im-magical-af @onelastbreath95 @merenwentasartir @loupeaxh
I would appreciate it so so much if you reblogged this post to maybe let someone know but no pressure!!
Thanks and sorry again, love u guys x
- moony
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khlebkoshk88-blog · 6 years
long post underneath
hurricane tortilla: favourite food?
- Teriyaki chicken or Pupusas (a Salvadoran dish) 
welcome to chili’s: favourite restaurant?
- a local restaurant which my father works at (even though I hate the menu, cause it’s mostly seafood, they do serve my all time favorite sandwich)
I like beer and it likes me: favourite drink (alcoholic or non-)?
- cranberry juice or lemonade
is there anything better than pussy?: ever had sex?
- nah
adam: do you smoke?
- luckily no, although I did try it once
420 whatcha smokin’?: ever done drugs?
- illegal ones, no. anti-depressants, yes.
I can’t believe you’ve done this: what’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done?
- I called my brother out on manipulating my mother and she got mad at him.
I ain’t get no sleep: what keeps you up at night?
- nothing, usually I stay up until I pass out and don't even remember falling asleep.
69¢: if you could buy any one thing, what would it be?
- my own house or a PC set up
what up, I’m jared: what’s your favourite book?
- “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe” by Benjamin Alire Sáenz OR “Last Night I Sang to the Monster” (by the same author)
squidward dabbing: what’s your favourite meme?
- I don’t know how to describe them but the videos with the meme cats and some random ass fucking song
why you always lyin’?: what’s the last lie you told?
- that the meanest thing i’ve done was call my brother out (I’m sure i’ve done worse but i can’t remember so, i just give that instead)
that’s my opinion: what’s an unpopular opinion you have?
- Instead of the whole “blue lives don’t matter” (most of them don’t tbh but still)  there should be mass reform when it comes to all types of law enforcement as well as much reform in the government including the fixing of “revolving doors” methods that a lot of lobbyist do…. 
I also really like pineapple on pizza and no one can change my mind. 
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loganlovebeans · 3 years
Back, but not for the reason you think, and here’s why
Heyyyyy, how y’all doing. 
So, I can’t help but notice that I kinda dipped out of here rather suddenly, not that people were really coming back here to check on my page to see if I was alive. But, if you were, I am. 
I’ll be honest, I fell out of the fandom for various reasons, one of them being that the episodes obviously take a long time to produce, the work that I was putting out was not getting traction (didn’t care but it does suck regardless when you aren’t seeing the results you want oh well), and the other was that when I left the fandom was horrible. Something that early on when I entered the fandom I said to people was that this fandom is not as ‘sunshine and rainbows’ as people made it out to be, and from what I see when a video is posted is that this fandom hasn’t changed. Maybe, somehow, you have been able to weed out the people that made the fandom like that, but when I jumped back on it didn’t take long for me to see a toxic post. 
Like I said, maybe its better now but when I was here it was full of death threats over liking any of the characters, it was what I called ‘gremlin witch hunts’ which is when a bigger fandom member sends their gremlin followers to attack a smaller fandom member just because. It was fighting over what triggers should or shouldn’t be tagged, hate accounts tagging people in gore, racism, acephobia, body image issues that people didn’t want to explore, and if I was any more of a dick I would be name dropping. 
BUT, I will say that through this fandom I met amazing people. I met some of my best friends @moonystea and @stuckonswan . I met the love of  my life @unrelatednoted . I was able to commission amazing art by @justisaisfine . I fell in love with a blog series that @friendlyneighborhoodmothman made and has since gone inactive but it was amazing whilst it was active (lots of angst, it was amazing). This fandom helped me figure out who I am with the help of Joan and Talyn, it’s helped me explore and grow my writing and art skills. But, at the end of the day, it’s for the best that I stay distanced and away as I can’t risk falling back into something that also put me at my worst with people that I’d rather go back and never ever meet or interact with again. 
Everything that is fandom or non-fandom related (fandom being if I write things that are Sanders Sides, or recently it would be DreamSMP writings), it will be on the blog that is below. I want to try writing more when I have time as I really miss it and have been itching to get back into just doing random writings that I really don’t care to expand on unless I feel like it. If there are fandom posts I make they will be here, once again split across Sanders Sides or DreamSMP (some that I am going to start drafting), so stay tuned for that if you wish. 
This, and my other blog @pattonplaydate will stay up. The other blog for writing in @waveswriting , which I said are for any of the writings that I do. Also if you want to follow me on Twitch and Twitter to follow my journey there with life they are below. With university, work, and volunteering it will be hard for me to go live, but I will do what I can lol. 
https://www.twitch.tv/logansmess https://twitter.com/logansmess1 
Anyways, that is all! Bye Bye!!
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bettiesbullshit · 6 years
Please try to eat a little something bean!! Maybe u have a granola bar somewhere in your room?
💖💖 i ended up sneaking down around midnight and having some leftover pizza. but that does remind me, i have some candy and stuff in my desk, I'll try to remember that for next time love you
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sanders-sides-thuri · 7 years
🌞 🌙 ✨🌸💫💐 (aaaaa all of the emoji looks so nice together im so pleased hahaha) ily!
🌞 - i really like your blog!🌙 - you’re really cute! ✨ - i love seeing you on my dash!🌸 - you’re really sweet!💫 - you’re super talented!💐 - i wish i could take care of you when you’re sad!
N’awwww!!! Thank you! (omg, I am so unprepared for getting responses to one of these meme thingies)
And good news is I am not sad nearly as often these days as I used to be! (except about the state of the USA, but that’s not personal at least) An accurate diagnosis and the right medication are AMAZING, as is the perspective brought on by being an Old. Things really do get better, if only through familiarity. Knowing I’ve survived everything life has thrown at me in the last 37 years helps remind me I can get through the current thing, too--and probably end up happier on the other side.
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khlebkoshk88-blog · 6 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD ♡✧( ु•⌄• ) once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it in the ask box of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ( ◜◒◝ )♡
AhhHHHHHHHHHH nuuuu you’re too sweet thank you oml
Tumblr media
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violet-louie · 6 years
i was tagged by @moonystea​  thank youuu !!
rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
nickname: p or sunshine (just from my partner though lol)
zodiac: leo
height: 162cm or like 5′4″
time: 3.58pm
favorite bands/artists: dodie, young the giant, twenty one pilots, harry styles, one direction, andrew belle, lewis watson
song stuck in my head: snap out of it by the arctic monkeys
last movie i saw: pride a prejudice
last thing i googled: stem cell basics
other blogs: lmao @lace-lust-lingerie​ (nsfw)
do i get asks: every now and again but usually just from my friends
why did i choose my username: violet bc violets were given to women by other women who liked them as a quiet way of expressing female homosexuality and then harrie bc lol i love harry styles
following: like about 1700
average amount of sleep: 8 hours ?
lucky number: 4 and 21
what i’m wearing: school uniform, a beanie
dream job: uhhh idk about dream job maybe like a life coach but realistic dream job like a chiropractor
dream trip: at the moment scotland is high on my list
favorite food: bread ? thai green curry ? idk 
play any instruments: uhhhh i mean i enjoy playing the ukulele but im not overly good at it its just a hobbie
favorite song: nooope too vague
play(ed) any sports: lol no but i did play water polo for like a term back in the day and i used to do gymnastics and dance but like didnt everyone
hair color: blonde
eye color: blue
most iconic song: benny and the jets by elton john
languages you speak/learning: english, french
random fact: 
describe yourself as aesthetic/things: lukewarm tea, the electric feeling in the air when it stops raining and the earth is breathing again, lavender, smudged mascara, warm cookies, instrumental songs, oversized sweaters with stockings, the clacking of a keyboard, the sound of rain on plastic
tag list: lmao if u want idk i just end up tagging the same people and i dont want y’all to gt annoyed lmao
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khlebkoshk88-blog · 5 years
Tagged by @artificially-flavoured !!
Rules: spell out your URL using song titles and tag as many people as there are letters in your URL !
K nee Socks by Arctic Monkeys
H old on by flor
L oser by Jagwar Twin
E lectric Love by BØRNS
B itter by Chapell Roan
K inderszenen, Op. 15: 10. Fast zu ernst by Robert Schumann, Wilhelm Kempff
O n Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz
S ecret Love by Johannes Bornlöf
H appy Together by The Turtles
K ing of Hearts by Kennedy Rd.
A fraid by the neighborhood
I tag:
@estenzian @unique-trash21 @svnshynehope @brucioboy @audaw @iluvbugz @need-a-recharge @geekymooshi @moonystea @sugar-sadly @captain-star-boy
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logansmessy · 6 years
If you receive this, you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send it to ten of your followers who make you happy. If you get some back, even better! Have a lovely day! :)
Not really up for chain-mail type stuff, so I hope this suffices! Gonna tag some followers that I love for reasons I’ll list.
@milomeepit - for being such a sweet bean and just being an amazing person cause whenever I see you on my dash I just love what you post and what you have to say.
@destructive-distractions - for being such an amazing supporter of all my writing works
@haikyuupaladin - for being an amazing writer and being the first person I found on Tumblr that did anything RWBY.
@nervous-lil-accident - for being such a sweet person and someone who is amazing to talk to whenever we do chat.
@romananalogicality - for running an amazing sanders sides blog that I love with all my heart and being adorable and sweet and amazing
@moonystea - for helping me through so much and being a cute lil loof even though you won’t accept that you are one.
@treblesanders - for being an amazing writer and being part of the reason I got into writing my own things and making my day for whenever you pop into my feed.
@stuckonswan - for helping me through so much shit going and being the main reason why I started writing, also for being an adorable bean! Just accept it you are!
@leesacrakon - for being my first ever follower and being an amazing person, whenever I see you pop up into my feed it’s like a gift from God.
And just some cool people I see in my feed all of the time and make my entire week whenever I see them, being constant supporters for whenever I make a shitty post and just being here.
I hope I didn’t spell anyone’s users wrong but I hope this makes up for me not posting this in others inboxes. I apologize for that!
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stuckonswan · 6 years
America, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Kenya, New Zealand, Poland, Seborga, South Italy, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.
America: What is your favourite place to eat?
This bakery about three miles from my house called sweet dedicates. It’s a cozy atmosphere and they have reaaaally good food. 
Bulgaria: Who do you consider close to you?
Well for starters, @meepindoodle @mysterycrewton @ladyhalation are basically my sisters I love them sm. @moonystea @romananalogicality @zennyo are my tumblr squad and I love all of you with everything I got. I’ve got some other close friends but you guys are just off the top of my head. 
Canada: Favourite wintertime activity?
going to winter percussion shows lmao
China: What was the best moment of your life?
When I first started playing Marimba
Finland: What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy?
I prefer Kindness above all else
Japan: Tell us a secret about yourself.
I’ve been slowly working on a short story book. 
Kenya: What is your favourite wild animal?
New Zealand: Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard?
Fuck me up with those wizard powers. I’m gonna go hang out in the woods and just do magic for the rest of my life.
Poland: Hardest thing you have gone through?
I had mononucleosis for a summer and then the symptoms lasted through my first year of highschool. I did marching band so the physical exertion was exhausting and painful. I was dependent on tylenol for a long time after that.  
Seborga: What is your favourite beverage?
Dr. Pepper takes up roughly 50 percent of my blood. Iced tea is the other 50 percent.
South Italy: What is your favourite part of your personality?
I like the nerd in me. She makes me happy lol
Vietnam: What is something you are proud of about yourself?
I’m proud of all my accelerated reading awards.
Zimbabwe: Who is your favourite character from any folklore?
Hecate, The goddess of magic from greek mythology. She is actually my wife I love just the idea of a cave witch that helped demeter find persephone by lighting her way into hell. She’s also the goddess of pathways and I just...I love it. 
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dirtycreekwater · 6 years
82 85 87 89
82. Where do I want to live when older? maaaaaybe Lancaster, Pa but tbh im pretty happy where i am now even if it is kinda shitty85. What my greatest achievments aregraduating high school bc i was super close to fucking it all up lol 87. What I’d do if I won in a lottery put some of it in a savings account, donate to a few charities, help out my family and friends, then spend whatever’s left on shit that i want89. My closest Tumblr friendi can’t pick just one! @pirate-patton @crownprinceradio @moonystea @stuckonswan and @bloodropsblog are My People™️
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stuckonswan · 6 years
moonystea and romananalogicality
Well @romananalogicality is my lovely platonic partner and I love them with all my heart. They actually inspired me to start writing fics with their blog @pattonsfam-ily so you all should give both their blogs a looksie. I think they're cute as hell and smart and kind and an amazing writer @moonystea is my wife okay? She's my emotional wife and I will love her forever and ever. She's cute and the kindest bee I've ever met. She will drop everything to help someone and does her best and her best is THE BEST. And Ohhh myyyy goooodddd her drawings and paintings are spectacular they take my breath away she's gonna be up there in museums just you fuckin watch. I love her. So so so so much.
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