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alyandajstyle · 1 year ago
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Aly at Hotel Il Pellicano | Porto Ercole, Italy | posted 20 October 2023
Atelier Bomba 'Lounge Suit Shirt' in Beige, €600 [available at ISSIMO]
Atelier Bomba 'Lounge Suit Trousers' in Beige, €530 [available at ISSIMO]
Hotel Splendide by Ludwig Bemelmans [Support neighborhood bookstores and buy locally or from bookshop.org!]
ISSIMO 'Il Pellicano Ashtray,' €50 [available at ISSIMO]
ISSIMO x Poldo Dog Couture 'Yellow Portofino Collar,' €99 [available at ISSIMO]
Monopoly ISSIMO, €126 [available at ISSIMO]
Stephen wears: ISSIMO 'Il Pellicano Logo Sweatshirt' in Blue, €170 [available at ISSIMO]
Follow Aly & AJ Style on Instagram!
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hitmewlucille · 1 month ago
oggi mi sn proprio viziata (come ogni giorno) ma sarebbe stato tutto piu bello con il mio ragazzo belissimo purissimo levissimo :(
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littlebigbangofocs · 1 year ago
Decided to draw @singer-saboteur-soldier-spy Issimo and Deus, cuz the two are pretty cute. She's probably telling him to try not to die.
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Also, this serves as another reminder that Deus is a lil bean. She tiny.
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3E for Issimo?
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mirmidones · 1 year ago
the teacher answered me :) now i have the homework :(
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loverboy-ish · 8 months ago
yes! this playlist is so very friends who met on a summer holiday, the cute and the melancholy (but not in a sad way)
playlist prompt: two kids becoming friends at the beach on their holidays, maybe! :3
Hope you like it boss 🫡
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I'll see you next summer
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gasstyle · 6 months ago
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#MÉTIER + ISSIMO Ease metallic leather clutch
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vadaviaaiciap · 1 year ago
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regionalpancake · 1 year ago
For the Star Trek asks:
48. Name a song or music genre you think Seven would like.
38. The La Sirena crew is thrown back in time to the Cretacious period. How do they handle it, who threatens the timeline the most, who is saddest when they have to leave, who is most knowledgeable, who stands out the most, etc.?
Send me Star Trek Asks 🖖💕✨ WHAT AN ASK! 🥳✨ Let’s start with the music one before embarking on what I can only describe as “Hey you, what if you combined your special interests? You're welcome! <3”
Name a song or music genre you think Seven would like.
If I’m being biased, I’d say Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major, because that’s what she plays on the piano for Raffi in my Saffi fic Overlap. But Seven and music is a hard one because we have so little to go on. The only time (I think) that we see her choose music for herself is in Human Error (S7E18) where the episode opens and she’s practicing the piano on the holodeck, playing Chopin's - Nocturne Op. 72 No. 1 in E minor. I’m EXTREMELY NORMAL about this choice of song. (hang on - we need visual aids…)
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Continued under the cut!
RIGHT. So this was composed in the early 1800’s when the piano was going from a concert instrument to something that you could own (if you were, like, extremely rich) so there was a shift in what composers were producing from stuff that could only be played by virtuosos, to music that could be played by someone recreationally as part of high society social life. Also, the sustain pedal was a fairly recent development in Piano Technology™️, so the piano could now sound smoother and the notes could blend into each other more. (Stay with me here - we’re getting to it)
LET’S LOOK AT THE NOTATION SHALL WE The piece (and the Voyager episode) open with only the left hand playing the bass clef. It’s in a minor key, so it sounds tragic and the instruction says this should be played ‘Sempre Legatissimo’ - which is SO EXTRA because ‘Legato’ is ‘the notes have no space between them’, and ‘Sempre Legato’ would be ‘there should ALWAYS be no space between notes’. But the ‘issimo’ suffix adds ‘VERY’ into this so ‘Sempre Legatissimo’ is ‘there should ALWAYS be no space between notes LIKE- NONE AT ALL BITCH- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED’. In practice this means each note is held for a little bit longer after pressing the next one, so there’s a high degree of overlap. Under the notes we can also see ‘Ped’ and ‘*’ for when the pedal should be depressed and lifted; it’s very regular and very mechanical.
As for the melody we can see it’s labeled ‘Expressively’ and ‘<’, so played expressively, emotionally and increasing in volume. Later on the melody also has examples of contrapuntal writing, where there's more than one ‘voice’ in the melody that weaves together. (I’m getting there, I promise!)
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LET’S PUT IT ALL TOGETHER: We have a mournful sounding bassline that arrives first; one that is by design constant and unbroken, played as smooth and connected as possible; something which is achieved through the application of new technology used in a very regimented way. THEN after we hear this on its own, the melody comes in, very quiet but expressive and gaining in confidence, and during the piece we have that melody take on different voices but that work together (sometimes even in a major key) moving the tone from tragic to uplifting.
For me this is some BEAUTIFUL Borg/xB imagery. That baseline represents the unbroken, technologically interconnected, regimented and ultimately tragic nature of The Collective, and the melody mirrors Seven’s difficult journey to individuality. It's also interesting that Seven chooses a piece written at a period of social change in terms of the use of the piano; and specifically one where the type of music was written as something to be preformed as part of the socialising rituals of the upper classes - and in this episode she uses it as the background of her fantasy romance with Chakotay.
The fact that (even though in the episode, Seven is on the holodeck with no visible Borg implants) the ‘Borg’ part of the nocturne is played with Seven’s left (augmented) hand, while the melody is played with her ‘human hand’. This make me completely feral and leaves me wanting to chew furniture.
The La Sirena crew is thrown back in time to the Cretacious period. How do they handle it, who threatens the timeline the most, who is saddest when they have to leave, who is most knowledgeable, who stands out the most, etc.?
First off, this question is everything! There are a few things we need to straighten out before it can be answered properly. Unlike PIC S2 I care about time travel consistency (pardon the shade) and while going from the 2400’s to the 2000’s is still a big jump, it’s nothing compared to going back millions of years. Our arm of the galaxy isn’t remotely in the same place it was during the cretaceous. Dr. Jessie Christiansen has a great video demonstrating this here.
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So if the Earth is at 6pm on this galaxy map, then the cretaceous period was between 3pm and 11am. To put that in Trek context:
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That's as far away as Earth is (6pm) from the Delta quadrant (12-3pm) That’s A Long Way.
So for this experiment, we’ll have to assume that the Sirena crew are traveling a considerable distance in space AS WELL as in time.
With that settled we’ve got to think about where they’ll go. Historically the Motley Crew end up either in France (La Barre specifically) or California. So we’ll check out both options.
In the cretaceous period the sea level was much higher, and so lots of Europe was underwater. So here’s La Barre:
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Aaaaaan it looks pretty underwater in the Anglo-Paris Basin. The islands around here are full of examples of island dwarfism (with ‘regular’ dinosaurs getting smaller to adapt to less resources) but the skies had FUCKEN HUGE azhdarchids, flying around between islands and eating dinosaurs, sometimes WHOLE. Behold my ultimate fear (not the giraffe):
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(Illustration: Mark Witton/www.markwitton.com) ...No thank you. So how about California?
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The same high sea levels that have La Barre underwater also split what will be the Americas into a collection of island continents. South East Canada and the North East of the US are in Appalachia. In the west the spine of the Rockies makes what will be the Pacific NorthWest, Mexico and Guatemala into the continent of Laramidia. Where Starfleet Academy will be (and most of California) is underwater, and even if Sirena landed on the western coast of Laramidia there would likely be some Very Steep Mountains and harsh weather as it's where the ocean meets the landmass. A better landing spot (if Rios can even land his ship - which is debatable) would be on the east of the continent. This coast bordered the Western Interior Seaway - a shallow sea that covers what will become the Great Plains.
With the ship landed… on to the actual questions!
How do they handle it? Knowing the Motley Crew… probably with a high degree of competence, with some utter idiocy thrown in. I’m imagining they’d need to figure out some sling-shot-round-the-sun-situation before its ASTEROID TIME. It would be fun if the replicators don't work and for them to have to hunt or forage food. Bonus if Emil gets to say “I’m a Doctor, not a paelo-botanist”
Who threatens the timeline the most? Probably Hugh. Either of the xB’s presumably have elements in their implants that are non-native to the planet, and that’s without considering if their nanoprobes are operational or not. Hugh’s reclamation results (and others at the BRP) seem a lot less sophisticated than Seven’s, so I’ll go with him. Can you accidentally transfer nanoprobes to a T-Rex? No one needs to find out. (A T-Rex with an eye laser would be amazing though, even if it did destroy the future.)
Who is saddest when they have to leave? Elnor for sure. He’s much more suited to the Very High Temperatures than the rest of the crew and I have no doubt that he would befriend a small hadrosaur and want to take it home.
Who is most knowledgeable? Gonna assume it’s Seven, Hugh or the Holos. It’s interesting to think what they would know about dinosaurs - our own understanding has come so far in only a few hundred years. We only got the WORD ‘dinosaur’ in 1841. Who knows what the average person in 2399 would know about the past. I’d love to know!
Who stands out the most? Well most of them are bipedal mammals (ish. Are Romulan’s mammals? Are synths-that-are-medically-indistinguishable-from-humans, mammals? If you can make mucus you can make milk, right?) so I guess they all stand out. The holo’s are another matter, because of their lack of matter! I wonder what the increased oxygen in the atmosphere would do to the refraction of the holo emitters - if they left Sirena’s door open for the breeze?
Thanks @song-spero for letting me ponder these things! I had a blast. Congrats if anyone makes it all the way to the end ;)
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canthandelthis · 2 years ago
new style marking from my choir director- “demonic-issimo”
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dorsalblog · 20 days ago
Questo mese andiamo da Gobetti Arredamenti, storico negozio di arredamento a pochi km da Varese, eletto da Dorsal come rivenditore del mese. A due passi dal Lago Maggiore, in una posizione strategica non lontana dal confine svizzero, Gobetti Arredamenti da oltre 40 anni è un’oasi dedicata al riposo, capace di offrire ai suoi clienti un’esperienza personalizzata per un sonno rigenerante, grazie alla vasta gamma di prodotti Dorsal.
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Un nuovo spazio dedicato al benessere
Il negozio ha recentemente inaugurato il nuovo Dorsal Experience Point, un vero e proprio viaggio sensoriale alla scoperta del comfort. In uno spazio di 50 mq interamente dedicati all’universo del sonno Dorsal, i clienti possono provare oltre 10 materassi diversi e confrontare caratteristiche, rivestimenti e materiali. “Tra i modelli più popolari in negozio - ha spiegato Roberto, titolare del negozio - ci sono la linea Elisir, Elisir Issimo e DorsalPlanet, tutti testabili in negozio provandoli e sperimentando tutto il loro comfort”. L'ambiente del DEP, caratterizzato da colori tenui e un'illuminazione soffusa, invita al relax e alla scoperta. Una cartellonistica chiara e dettagliata guida il cliente nella scelta del prodotto più adatto, trasformando la visita in un'esperienza piacevole e informativa.
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Un punto di riferimento per il sonno
Gobetti Arredamenti è un punto di riferimento per chi cerca soluzioni personalizzate per migliorare la qualità del proprio sonno. Grazie alla competenza del team, guidato da Roberto Gobetti e formato da Luciana, Marco e Valeria, ogni cliente è seguito con attenzione. “Io sono subentrato a mio padre nel 1992 alla guida di questa attività - ha dichiarato -, convinto a continuare l’impresa di famiglia. Oggi, nonostante le difficoltà, posso dire che questo negozio mi sta dando tanto, così come la collaborazione con Dorsal che è nata con mio padre oltre 40 anni fa e prosegue con me con grande entusiasmo, grazie ad un rapporto di fiducia davvero molto forte non solo con la proprietà ma anche con tutti i nostri referenti Dorsal in azienda”.
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Un successo che va oltre i confini nazionali
Tramandato da padre in figlio, il negozio, che ha saputo evolversi e adattarsi alle nuove esigenze, attrae una clientela internazionale ed è apprezzato per la sua attenzione alla sostenibilità e all’ecologia, valori che condivide con Dorsal.
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Il sonno, una priorità per tutti
Da Gobetti Arredamenti, il riposo non è solo un bisogno, ma una vera e propria arte. Sono tantissime le persone che si rivolgono al negozio alla ricerca di soluzioni per migliorare la qualità del loro sonno. "Spesso i clienti arrivano da noi con problemi specifici, come mal di schiena o difficoltà ad addormentarsi - spiega Roberto Gobetti - Il nostro compito è quello di ascoltare attentamente le loro esigenze e di trovare la soluzione più adatta. A volte lavoriamo anche in squadra con altri professionisti e siamo felici se riusciamo a trovare soluzioni”.
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Dorsal Experience Point: un’opportunità per provare e toccare con mano
Un elemento distintivo del nuovo Dorsal Experience Point  è la possibilità di provare i materassi direttamente in negozio, in assoluta tranquillità. "Il materasso va scelto con cura e va provato con calma - sottolinea Roberto Gobetti - Per questo motivo, nel DEP i nostri clienti possono rilassarsi e testare i diversi modelli. Spesso, i clienti dedicano anche mezz'ora alla prova, per essere sicuri di fare la scelta giusta."
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La formazione continua
Per offrire un servizio sempre più qualificato, il team di Gobetti Arreda partecipa regolarmente a corsi di formazione organizzati da Dorsal. "Siamo sempre aggiornati sulle ultime novità del settore e sulle nuove tecnologie - afferma Roberto Gobetti - Questo ci permette di consigliare al meglio i nostri clienti e di aiutarli a trovare la soluzione più adatta”.
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Un approccio personalizzato
L'approccio di Gobetti Arredamenti è fortemente incentrato sulla persona. "Ogni cliente è unico e ha esigenze diverse - conclude Roberto Gobetti - Per questo motivo, dedichiamo a ciascuno, il tempo necessario per comprendere le sue necessità. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di aiutare le persone a ritrovare il piacere di un buon riposo".
La proprietà Dorsal è orgogliosa della collaborazione con Gobetti Arredamenti, un partner che condivide gli stessi valori di qualità e attenzione al cliente. Il nuovo Dorsal Experience Point  è un esempio di come sia possibile creare un ambiente accogliente, dove i clienti possono toccare con mano l’eccellenza dei prodotti Dorsal. 
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Gobetti Arredamenti, in via Provinciale per Luino, 55 a Brissago Valtravaglia (VA), tel. 0332 575108, per [email protected]. Il negozio è aperto dal martedì al venerdì dalle ore 9.00 alle 12.30 e dalle 15 alle 19 e il sabato alle ore 9.00 alle 12.30 e pomeriggio su appuntamento. Chiuso la domenica e il lunedì. 
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fotomossa · 1 month ago
Che bellissimo culetto🍑
Non così -issimo 🍑 ma merci
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aliosne · 2 months ago
Man just to continue my Boob Whining i checked the brav/issimo website bc they’ve been steadily expanding their L cup selection and I’m always hoping they’ll make the sports bra i like and i see!! They have a sale on their sports bras!! Fantastic!!! Up to 50% off!!! But not for either of the two bras that come in my size🙃🙃🙃
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mchiti · 9 months ago
mi fa malissimo (issimo) leggere la notizia degli studenti musulmani esentati dallo studio de La Divina Commedia di Dante perché lo trovo inammissibile per quella che dovrebbe essere la strada verso una completa integrazione culturale. Mi fa davvero male per le implicazioni da propaganda fascia che questa storia sta già assumendo, ma chi ha preso questa decisione? È totalmente controproducente per questi ragazzi in primo luogo.
Detto questo, un'altra riflessione veloce però: penso che siate anche voi al corrente di come Dante descriva Maometto nell'Inferno. La Commedia è un'opera bellissima, e non è il baluardo della tradizione cristiana che ci hanno voluto far credere se la si studia a fondo (basta solo tutta la conversazione che Dante ha con Adamo per capirlo, ma questo l'ho imparato solo all'università). Però è chiaramente specchio di un certo mondo e visione cristiana, quel passaggio su Maometto crea difficoltà e imbarazzo a tutti i ragazzi musulmani che lo studiano (anche a me. Non per fanatismo religioso, non lo ho ora e non lo avevo a 12 anni, era solo forte imbarazzo sia alle medie che soprattutto al liceo dove i miei compagni sapevano ancora meglio chi fosse Maometto e mi sentivo un po' morire pensando a cosa pensassero. O mi vergognavo pensando "se mia madre sapesse, e fortuna che non capisce un tubo").
Ripeto sono assolutamente contraria a questa decisione, però allo stesso tempo penso sia doverosa una riflessione su come la scuola debba iniziare a dialogare più apertamente, aggiornare i propri programmi di studio in un modo che siano meno etnocentrici, cercare di essere inclusiva anche a livello di contenuti culturali e non solo a livello psico-pedagogico. La Commedia è imprescindibile ma ci vogliono anche insegnanti pronti ad affrontare un passo del genere con la sensibilità giusta, cosa che manca totalmente.
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dailygreenit · 10 months ago
Karat, l'amaro artigianale alla carruba
Dopo il successo di “Fichissimo” il liquore al fico d’India e “Allora” il liquore all’alloro, approda sul mercato “Karat”, l’amaro alla carruba. Questo prodotto nasce dalla continua ricerca dei sapori dimenticati da parte della startup italiana Issimo, attiva nella produzione di liquori artigianali e tipicamente siciliani. Il 13 e il 14 maggio, in occasione del Roma Bar Show al Palazzo dei…
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