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dailycharacteroption · 10 months ago
Prestige Class Spotlight 13: Brother of the Seal
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(art by LehisLuguer on DeviantArt)
With their devotion to order in all things and tendency to remain in one fairly remote place to train body and mind, it should be no surprise that monks are a good choice for guarding ancient secrets and the seals to dark power.
Such is the case with the Brothers and Sisters of the Seal in Kaer Maga, a city built into the remains of a giant hexagonal structure from the days of Ancient Thassilon. This Brotherhood had been tasked with guarding a powerful mystical seal deep in the depths of the city.
However, while once they knew of it’s importance, the monks that formed the organization lost the knowledge of exactly what they were guarding, only that it was important. However, so long had they done so that a schism formed in the organization between those that wished to continue protecting the seal (both out of duty and also because things that get sealed away tend to be nasty), and those that sought to break the seal, citing that holding to promises made to dead men serve only to bind the living.
Of course, all of this is a moot point due to events in the setting.
(Spoilers for Return of the Runelords and Tyrant’s Grasp)
It turns out the seal was one of the three-part seals that helped strengthen the main seal that kept Tar-Baphon, the lich known as the Whispering Tyrant, imprisoned beneath his necropolis. However, eventually all three seals were found, including the one guarded by Brotherhood, their guardians slaughtered by the Whispering Way or other forces, and the seal broken, which is what leads into the beginning of the Tyrant’s Grasp AP.
With that in mind, any game in the Lost Omens setting that includes a Brother of the Seal character will, by necessity, either have to take place before Return of the Runelords, or have said character be a survivor, perhaps a lucky member of the traditionalist faction or part of the rebel faction.
(End Spoilers)
Regardless of their status as an organization, we find ourselves with a monk capable of powerful blows to keep invaders away from certain places, as well as an intricate understanding of runes and abjuration magic, which can be quite useful and thematic beyond the Lost Omens setting.
The prerequisites for this prestige class all come directly from the monk class, so every member is going to have at least some monk training in addition to knowledge of magic.
Naturally, their skills at unarmed combat continue to grow under this path.
However, they also learn the best ways to strike hard objects to break them, either to destroy the tools of invaders or to potentially crack the seals themselves.
They also learn some basic magic to either lock an object up tight or magically hold a door closed, all the better ward locations and treasures.
Their familiarity with defensive positions means they are very skilled at noticing traps, and even more so magical symbols and runes thanks to their familiarity with magic seals.
The last thing these monks want is for enemies to gain access to that which they guard, so they learn a technique to strike a foe with such force as to knock them back, keeping them away, even if they are bigger than the monk. Later on, they do so in such a way to deal even more harm when foes are sent slamming into walls or each other.
Their familiarity with runes also means that, should they need to, and are able to undo wards, symbol traps, and the like with a touch, stripping foes of their defenses, removing wards and traps, and the like, though doing so risks exposing them to the magic’s effects if they fail.
Truly these monks can prove powerful indeed, and their strikes hit harder than other monks of the same skill level.
Normally knocking foes back with a mighty blow requires focusing all of their power into a single blow, but as they gain mastery, they can blend such strikes into their flurrying strikes, perhaps keeping multiple foes off of them, or delivering a hail of blows before sending their foe flying.
They also eventually learn to knock foes back with enough force that they send the poor fools behind a struck foe backwards as well.
The most powerful among them can unwravel protections that normally only the most powerful dispelling and disjunction arts can undo, revealing their true understanding of wards and seals.
An awesome blow-themed monk prestige class is interesting enough on it’s own, but these warriors also have some fun dispelling arts as well. Being able to disrupt enemy formations as well as crack protective spells gives these warriors some potential for not just controlling the battlefield and stripping foes of magical protections, but also some utility in magical trap removal, as long as the traps in question are of the runic variety of course.
While the current lore of Pathfinder’s core setting has robbed these monks of their purpose, that in itself is a seed for plenty of fun character and story ideas. What does a guardian monk do when they have nothing to protect? Perhaps they are seeking something in need of their guardianship, or perhaps they seek vengeance for a ward they failed to keep safe? Or maybe they seek to see the world in order to understand what they are protecting the world from before returning? All are possible both in or outside the Lost Omens setting.
Once, long ago, iruxi society ruled supreme in the marshes of Xanixal, but now they are a shadow of their former self. However, they still remember much of their oral history, and one story tells of a lizardfolk enclave of martial artists that guard the deepest chambers of a temple pyramid dedicated to one of the old gods, where they keep the wicked and curious alike away from a dark seal and the power hidden within.
Legend says that the Seal of the Split Sky lies on an isolated island in the Iron Sea. Stories of the seal range from the promises of great power and great evil hidden within, but reaching it will require contending the stormy gray sea, the isonade-haunted waters around the island proper, and a clan of ancient guardians who have swore to let none approach.
Everyone knows that the world will end if the seals of the Five Sacred Towers are ever broken. It’s a story passed around in almost every culture. However, these is one who would dare break them, a monk with strange talents and is not inclined to explain his reasonings to those outside his entourage, save only to say “We have been led astray.”
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years ago
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I really have to ask what people's deal with sharks are, I don't quite get it. What is it about the word "shark" that gets humans scrambling and screaming? I swear you get the same reaction from folks who don't even live near the ocean! To most people, sharks are vicious saw-toothed sea monsters that follow ships like omens of death and messily devour any who dare fall into their domain. True bloodthirsty killers! I will concede that they eat meat, can't deny that, but what else about them is so terrifying? Most I get when I push folk on the subject is them saying: "well, they eat people!" AND!? What about it!? Do you have any idea how many things in the ocean would eat you if given the opportunity?! I got at least a dozen other species out there in the open sea that eat flesh and are way more scary then a simple hungry fish! And I am not even counting the more unnatural denizens of the ocean! You guys do know that there are a bunch of ex-humans lurking down in the depths, right? You got massive sea serpents, great leviathans, and species you have literally called EVIL WHALES! With all that in mind, why give the sharks any grief?! From what I have heard, they seem way more reasonable then some other oceanic beasts. I have been at sea dozens of times, and I am not the least bit scared of a shark! To be fair, though, I guess a plant doesn't have much to fear from them, especially when I am more worried about the sea water itself...
There are plenty of shark species around the world that garner fear and superstition (still not fully sure why), but the one we shall focus on here is the Isonade. Like all sharks, they are fish with a whole lot more cartilage than bone, and plenty of pointy bits. Their scales are hardened and sharpened, forming denticles, which allow their bodies to cut through the water with ease. This reduces drag while they swim, and also makes them more stealthy in their movements. Isonades have their denticles more overtly spiny and pointy, making for very rough skin if you ever rub them wrong. Along their fins, these scales have gained a more blade-like edge, allowing them to slice into flesh as they swim by prey. It isn't just their scales, as almost every part of the Isonade's body is sharp and toothed. Their snouts are pointed like arrows, not exactly sharp enough to be a weapon but it does give them a wicked look. Their teeth are masses of inwards facing hooks, which makes their bite impossible to escape. They have even developed spurs near fins and on other parts of the body, to further ward off predators. However, the most notable feature on their spiny serpentine body are the trailing tendrils.
To some, it may look like the Isonade is throwing itself a one fish parade, and they brought along some streamers! Though fleshy and tendril looking, they aren't prehensile or used like limbs. Don't expect octopus-like movements from these growths. They simply flow behind the Isonade as it swims, but they aren't just meant to look pretty. If one can get a close enough look, or have the misfortune of grabbing one with their bare hands, they would find that these tendrils are lined with small nasty barbs. They are tiny and sharp, so they don't cause much drag, but they have quite the bite! Brushing against one of these growths will cause countless of these barbs to snag skin and hold tight. Depending on how deep they go, you may be able to tear yourself free, as long as you are willing to sacrifice some skin. This should probably give you a good idea for what they are used for!
As the Isonade swims through the ocean, it is following its keen senses to find prey. What they are looking for are squid, octopi and other soft bodied prey. When food is spotted, they pick up speed, their bladed form slicing straight towards prey like an arrow. Their mouth yawns open, revealing their many hooked teeth, and it moves in for a bite. Most of the time, though, this chomp comes up empty, as the prey zips out of the danger zone. Unfortunately, this bite was a weak attempt, as the real weapon is just about to arrive. As its food jets off to the side of the chomping jaws, the Isonade twists its body and whips its tail around. Its back end comes swinging around to the front, bringing a whole tangle of barbed tendrils with it. For animals with soft flesh and lots of long limbs, it is inevitable that these barbs will find something to snag. Prey will be hooked by this whipping tail, and further movements from both hunter and hunted will cause them to be further ensnared. With dinner properly caught, the shark will quickly loop itself around, its serpentine body letting its jaws reach the back fin. Now they will bite down on their food and tear them out of this trap, often leaving behind loose flesh and tendrils still caught in the barbs. The large chunks will be wolfed down, and then the hunt will resume. Sometimes they will clean the bigger pieces off of its hooked tendrils, but it is fine leaving a couple morsels behind. It will be food for the clouds of scavengers who will gladly clean off what scraps are left. This is why the big shark is often followed by countless fish, as they know this predator is a notoriously messy eater. Cephalopods are the main staple of their diet, but they do eat other things if need be. The hooked tendrils can catch on the gills of larger fish, slowing them enough for the Isonade to take out. Some believe that the shark may even feed on some of the scavengers if one gets too eager and gets caught up in the barbs. However, they don't just eat the things that live underwater! Research has found that Isonades will actually go after sea birds, targeting those that float on the surface. When schools of fish are driven upwards, the sea birds converge for a chance to feed. The slippery scales of small fish make them hard to hook, but a bird does not have this protection. As these flocks focus on finding the right fish to nab, the Isonade is prowling below, waiting to strike. When it sees a promising congregation of swimming birds, it launches forth and whips them with its tail. Barbs grab hold of feather and flesh, and they are pulled down below. The Isonade swallows them whole and goes back looking for seconds. While this hunting method is horrifying for the birds, it is incredible to see! They move so fast and silently, you don't see them coming! Then they pull off a tight turn and let their tail rip from the water and ensnare prey. This method means you very rarely see their front ends, rather you catch glimpses of a gnarly tail rising from the deep before vanishing below with its doomed prey. It is quite the spectacle, as foam and feathers fly! However, it is one best seen from afar, as their hunting method have made them a bit infamous.
With their larger size and barbed weaponry, they are already intimidating fish for most people. But as long as you stay out of the water you should be fine, right? Well, most of the time the answer would be "yes," but the Isonade can break this rule. This sea bird hunting means that their tails rise out of the surf and swing around like nasty whips. They are after birds, but they can't really control what they hit. Whatever they snag gets pulled down with them, and if it is food they will happily eat it. So if a person in a boat gets whipped by this tail and hooked, then they will be yanked off their feet and towed into the depths. The Isonade will note that it is an odd bird, but still give this morsel a taste. If blood and flesh is detected, then it will chow down. This is what I mean about giving these hunters a wide berth, as their tails have a wider range than you think and will totally snag clothes and skin. Sadly, sometimes avoidance is harder than one would imagine. While Isonades are infamous to fishermen, these sharks don't really target them. The sea birds, however, love fishermen and the easy meals their nets can provide. When these flocks follow boats to try and steal a meal, an Isonade may think it a good time to feed. Unfortunately, that means they hunt close to the boats, and thus their tails can catch an unwary fishermen and drag them to their doom. It is certainly a terrible situation, but you have to see why these accidents happen. The Isonade is not a malicious creature hungering for human flesh, they just find themselves hunting at the wrong place and the wrong time. With many of these incidents occurring over the years, the Isonade has become a feared beast of the sea. Some equate them to phantoms, as their silent speedy movements make them hard to spot, and their fins and victims vanish within moments. They are also a problem for fishing nets, as their sharp scales rip them to ribbons and they aren't above grabbing some free fish while they are at it. This has led to a rise in Isonade hunting, especially when people find uses for their hide. Isonade skin is valued for clothing, weapon handles and even graters! The sharper bits are often worked into more nefarious garments, creating hidden blades and ways to secretly draw blood from foes. In some darker corners, the barbed tendrils of the Isonade were used for punishment and torture, either being wielded like whips or force fed to prisoners to tear them apart from the inside. A horrific meal for sure, but Isonade can be properly prepared and served. Their meat is seen as a delicacy, though all the spiny bits need to be removed. The tendrils are not eaten, but often used to decorate fish markets and restaurants. This makes researchers worry for the future of the Isonade, as their man-eating encounters make them villains, and their edible flesh makes them targets. We have already seen Isonade fishing become more popular, so it is a wonder of how much higher it will go. I truly hope things stabilize and our shark friends remain a constant to the ocean ecosystem. Makes me think of that story I read about with the boy that helped free a trapped Isonade. There was a drawing on the cover that always stuck with me. You got the kid standing there with arms raised triumphantly, and the graceful Isonade leaping overhead in a wonderful watery arc. It really is a moving piece, though I think the artist failed to note the trailing barbed tendrils that come from the Isonade's tail. Not to be a downer, but that kid is kinda in trouble when that Isonade comes crashing back down. Last I recall, the story doesn't end with the boy being snared by thousands of barbs and dragged into a watery grave, but that picture kind of hints at that. I should probably stop pointing that out, as it kind of sours the mood for people who enjoy that story.     Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian
If we are making a shark, then not just any shark will do!
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skarla-eatsdrywall · 2 months ago
I WANNA QUIT FISCH ISTG MAN ( I was lizzy_12345k. )
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atrumvox · 3 months ago
Have you ever heard of Japan's scariest sea monsters? Here’s the top 3!
Do you dare to dive into the depths of Japanese mythology? Explore the most terrifying tales of sea monsters: Funayūrei, the restless spirits of sailors, Isonade, the predatory shark with deadly hooks, and Umibōzu, the silent giant. Get ready for a journey into the darkest secrets of the Japanese sea!
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ognimdo2002 · 7 months ago
Isonade (Spinopinnasqualus japonica) – Sail Struggling
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“ Living sharks were not related to modern-day sharks, like dogfish and whale sharks. However, are the Yamato and Hawaiians aware that this yacht-sized pricked shark swore revenge against the festival? ”
– Eostre
Isonade (Spinopinnasqualus japonica) is the minor tritagonist and antagonist, as well as one of the species of ancient shark introduced in Worldcraft rebooted series as part of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure sequel.
Isonade's name from Japanese: 磯撫で; even in Katakana: いそなで (isonade) means beach stroke.
Isonade is a real shark that doesn't belong to any modern-day sharks; it is actually an ancient shark called hybodonts. Isonade possessed sharp spines, blue-gray skin, navy blue lines, durable scales, and blue-colored eyes.
2022 edition: Isonade thrashes, with the large fin resembling a hand fan, to slam ocean waves into tsunamis. It commands their own minions called "Isonadette." The Isonadettes are smaller versions of Isonade that can spin in their school form to form a real whirlpool in the ocean until one isonade eats the whole thing.
2024 edition: Isonade thrashes, with the large fin resembling a hand fan, to slam ocean waves into tsunamis. It commands their own body and tailfin to spin and the form a real whirlpool in the ocean until the itself eats the whole thing after the whirlpool stops. No smaller version of itself and it was removed for being dumb.
Isonade is strange, but since humans and other mammals are not part of their natural diet, they are not harmful to us. Although they have a bad reputation, sharks don't often attack people and prefer to eat fish, birds, pterosaurs, dragons, and marine reptiles over marine mammals.
Distribution and Habitat
Isonades are found in Nihon and Hawaii as endemic species, which is included the deepest part of Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain.
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coolmika745 · 1 year ago
Ayakashi Hyakki Yagyo (あやかし百鬼夜行) Mobile Game Characters Part 3
[Character introduction] Greengrocer Oshichi (野寺八百屋おしち)
The daughter of a slightly radical greengrocer who started an arson incident and was executed at the stake because she wanted to meet the man she fell in love with again after the Great Tenwa Fire. It is said that she actually existed in the early Edo Period.In the Yokai World, she is an old staff member of the ghost snack ``Meido.'' She has a love temperament that is easy to get excited and easily flare up.
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[Character introduction] Enenra (煙々羅)
A smoked-filled yokai. The manager of the ghost snack "Meido". If you go there before they open, they will make you something like yakisoba even though you complain.
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[Character Introduction] Kokuri-san (狐狗狸さん)
It is a type of spell that is performed using 50 syllabary hiragana, a picture of a torii gate, and a piece of paper with yes and no written on it. If you call him "Kokuri-san, Kokuri-san," he will tell you what you want to know. However, information fees are not cheap. A cunning opponent who cannot be eaten.
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[Character introduction] Toshiro Kitsune (藤四郎狐)
A young and talented fox boss from Okayama Prefecture. He had a confrontation with Sabonkitsune, lost in a monster competition, and was cut down by a human. In the yokai world, he belongs to the Sanbongumi, a chivalrous organization led by Sanbonkitsune, perhaps because of past connections. He is good at change and loves deep-fried tofu.
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[Character introduction] [Sanbongumi leader (三本組組頭)] Sanbonkitsune (三本狐)
A fox boss handed down in Okayama Prefecture. He is an old fox who rules the eastern region, and he used his cunning to win in a competition with Toshiro Fox. and without getting his own hands dirty, he inflicted serious damage on Toshiro. In Ayakashi, he is the leader of the chivalrous organization ``Sanbongumi''. He has regained his lost power to transform and reappears!
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Note that this is Sabonkitsune’s human form as his initial appearance is this on the left.
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[Character introduction] Daito no Danna (大東の旦那)
A large monster fish that has been passed down in Taitosaki, Chiba Prefecture. His true identity is said to be a giant man-eating shark. In the yokai world, he forms the ``Daito Suigun'' with sea monsters and protects order and peace at sea. He is also popular among girls as an old man.
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[Character introduction] Isonade (磯撫) is a mysterious fish that has been passed down in the waters around western Japan. He approached the ship as if caressing the sea surface and attacked it with its needle-filled tail. There is also a theory that it is actually a killer whale. In the demon world, he belongs to the Daito Suigun and serves as Daito's husband's right-hand man.
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syllogical · 3 months ago
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I draw Isonade as such a sadsack. But I haven't forgotten sea's a Mind
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smoocheys · 1 year ago
Sorry but u guys are gonna have to put up with me talking about dildos until i can get my hands on a new one
anyway. HPE has a very very pretty isonade still up for sale RIGHT NOW...(Pic 1) its very cheye colors..
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idk if i should just buy it or try my chance at getting a gherkin or sylph (arrows) in this gorgeous color during tomorrows drop
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torn between the isonade bc i like when the colors are more """believable""" (the pink) but i also loveeee the pretty shimmering ones...
I bought the isonade ^_^ YIPPEEEEE
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e-adlirez · 2 years ago
In way or another, this will be a hard question: Which book do you think is the best one among the Special Editions?
Probably Secret of the Snow, by a looonnngg shot. It's a well-crafted mystery that's basically Among Us but if everyone was put in little timeout corners and someone had the braincell to ask for testimonies. Not too crazy about friendship, genuinely a good lesson and theme on building a relationship on truth rather than lies and deception, and honestly I just wish that they adhered a tiiiinnnyyyy bit more to the myth when it comes to the kitsune, specifically for her appearance.
Orochi's also cool. It was never confirmed if he did have a sword in his butt or not, but one thing we know for sure is he's vibin with some nice shamisen music on an iPod
Everybody gangsta til the iPod runs out of battery--
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aiicheerios · 1 month ago
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Thinkin bout what lies beyond 🌊
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auryborealis · 4 months ago
oc-tober 2024 | day 6 - past
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(warning: mentions of experimentation, gore, and reference to child death)
Yuna's early childhood is actually still in development. I haven't figured out yet specific details such as where she is originally from, but here are some facts about her early life:
She is the youngest child of the Chaos entity known as Eriza (and by youngest, she is baby compared to her older siblings, there being almost a 1000 year gap between herself and the 2nd youngest one Carmen).
Her conception is connected to a centuries-long experiment run by the World Government to resurrect and subjugate the ancient war deity Isonade.
This experiment involved a battle royale-esque "game" set up by the Celestial Dragons with all the contestants being young children. Yuna was the winner, surviving solely due to her regenerative healing factor. As her reward, she was fed the Pulse-Pulse fruit, making her Isonade's vessel.
At some point, she had escaped from her captors and ended up in a small village where she was found by a passing theater troupe. Soaked head to toe in blood, she was the only living being amongst bodies and gore that scattered around the village.
Because of her selective mutism and abilities, she was seen as being "creepy" by the majority of the performers, who preferred to distance themselves away from her. The troupe's pet dog Argo was her closest companion. There were however a few members of the troupe who did take care of her, as well as teaching her how to dance as a form of movement therapy.
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Bonus: the other baby Chaos sibs
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divider by @/saradika-graphics
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aeriona · 7 months ago
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AF2024 Day 12: a miserable-looking Isonade for m00nfang! I am enamoured by his pathetic wet dog vibe and tortured demeanour.
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myth-lord · 1 month ago
It's the most wonderful list of the year
It is that time of the year again, complete new list time.
Aatxe • Khalkotauroi Abaia A Bao A Qu Abuhuku Afanc Agropelter Ahool Ahuizotl Airavata Ajaju Akashita Akheilos • Isonade Alicanto Alp-Luachra Amphisbaena ANGEL • Erinyes • Erote • Valkyrie Anggitay Aniwye Ao-Ao • Babi Ngepet • Bonguru • Cuchivilu • Gloson Aproxis Asag Asanbosam Ascalaphus Aswang • Batibat • Berbalang • Kubot • Manananggal • Pugot Awd Goggie
Baku • Bulgasari Baldanders • Frittening • Gardinel Banshee Barghest • Cadejo • Cu Sith • Cwn Annwn • Garmr • Osschaert • Pesanta Barometz • Cactus Cat • Hiiden Hirvi • Otso • Rahara Basilisk Bies BOGEY • Bugbear • Ijiraq • Kaw-Kaw • Kludde • Marabbecca • Metminwi • Nachtkrapp • Stuhac • Tikbalang Boitata Bolotnik • Arzhavennik • Bagiennik • Cueyatl • Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Boobrie Brollachan • Fad Felen • Hongaek Bruch Buggane Bukavac Bunyip • Dingonek Burach Bhadi • Tlanusi Burrunjor • Kasai Rex Bushyasta Butatsch
Caballucos Diablu Cait Sith • Kasha • Nekomata Caladrius • Zhenniao Carbuncle • Arkan Sonney • Cagrino • Yamabiko Catoblepas Charybdis Chupacabra Crocotta • Kishi Cuero • Rumptifusel Cyclops • Bungisngis • Fomorian • Ojancanu • Papinijuwari
Dijiang Dipsa • Haermorrhois • Hypnalis • Seps Dobhar-Chu Domovoi • Leshy • Ovinnik • Polevik • Vodyanoi DRAKE • Aitvaras • Bauk • Jaculus • Qiuniu Dullahan
Echeneis Eintykara ELEMENTAL • Ahi At-Trab • Banaspati • Cherufe • Landvaettir • Nargun • Perico • Raiju • Salamander • Sermilik • Sylph • Undine Encantado • Fossegrim • Katsura-Otoko Eurynomos Ewah
Faun • Huay Chivo Fetch
Ga-Gorib Gargouille Gbahali • Ammut • Cipactli GIANT • Cacus • Gawigawen • Gegenees • Hrimpursar • Muldjewangk Girtablilu Goblin • Akaname • Bilwis • Bugul Noz • Curupira • Dactyl • Eloko • Grindylow • Kobold • Likho • Nuno • Pukwudgie • Redcap • Spriggan • Trenti Gold-Digging Ant GOLEM • Celedon • Invunche • Juggernaut • Pua Tu Tahi • Terra-Cotta • Tupilaq • Wulgaru Griffon • Keythong Grootslang Gu Guarana Gulon • Rompo • Taotie
HAG • Candileja • Hala • Kikimora • Mambabarang • Nocnitsa • Norn • Pesta • Poludnica • Qalupalik • Rokurokubi • Soucouyant • Utlunta • Yanagi-Baba Harpy • Alkonost • Kere • Lechuza • Siren Hippocampus Hrokkall HUMAN • Amazon • Berserker • Buckrider • Cambion • Einherjar • Moroi • Vish Kanya Hyakume Hydra • Ihuaivulu • Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Imp • Butoni • Incubus • Skrzak • Vetala Intulo Inulpamahuida Issitoq • Aghash
Jba Fofi • Djieien • Jorogumo • Tsuchigumo Jinmenju • Jubokko • Umdhlebi Jinn • Ghul • Ifrit • Redjal Marja
Kaiaimunu Kamaitachi Kamikiri Kappa Karkinos • Heikegani • Saratan Kelpie • Apaosha • Ceffyl Dwr • Each Tened • Helhest Keukegen Kilmoulis • Ashinaga • Panotti • Tenaga Kitsune • Kumiho Kodama Kongamato • Ropen Kun Peng Kurage-No-Hinotama • Muirdris
Lamia • Ajatar Lavellan • Rat King • Tesso • Ugjuknarpak Lemure Leprechaun • Amadan Dubh • Clurichaun • Far Darrig • Gancanagh LINNORM • Fafnir • Gowrow • Hodag • Nidhogg Ljosalfar • Dokkalfar Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca • A-Mi-Kuk • Iku-Turso • Migas • Rogo-Tumu-Here Ly Erg
Makhai Mandarangkal Mandragora Manticore • Nue • Piasa • Sphinx • Succarath • Tarasque Mapinguari Mara Marool Merrow • Adaro • Agloolik • Siyokoy • Yawkyawk • Zitiron Minotaur • Erchitu • Sarangay Mokele-Mbembe • Ninki Nanka Morgawr Moskitto Motelo Mama Muhuru • Mbielu-Mbielu Musca Macedda • Druj Nasu Myrmecoleon
Nadubi • Sigbin Nakshatra Meenu Nalusa Falaya • Hidebehind Namazu Nariphon • Madremonte Ngoubou • Odontotyrannus Nosoi Nuckelavee Nuppeppo NYMPH • Abere • Askafroa • Dryad • Empusa • Lampad • Leanan Sidhe • Maenad • Muse • Nereid • Oread • Rusalka • Thriae • Veela • Yuki-Onna
Olgoi-Khorkhoi • Minhocao • Skolex Olitiau • Guiafairo • Popobawa • Strigoi Omukade • Ankluz • Con Rit • Ek Chapat • Kugdlughiak Oniate • Camacrusa • Chon-Chon • Tsurube-Otoshi Onikuma • Kerit • Skeljaskrimsli
Pard • Ccoa • Mishibizhiw • Mngwa • Splintercat • Zheng Penchapechi Peuchen Phoenix • Psonen • Rarog Piskie • Attercroppe • Lunantishee • Phooka Polong Poltergeist • Dybbuk • Isogashi • Waldgeist Psoglav Pyrausta • Shinchu • Shtriga
Ratatoskr Roc Roperite
Salawa Satori Sazae-Oni Scarab • Cerambus • Jinshin Mushi Scitalis Scorpios SEA SERPENT • Gaasyendietha • Haietlik • Ikuchi • Tizheruk Shachihoko Shen Sianach • Delgeth • Wakandagi Skinwalker • Adze • Cuca • Impundulu • Nagual • Rougarou • Selkie Slide-Rock Bolter Sluagh Spartoi • Ahkiyyini • Bloody Bones • Gashadokuro • Mekurabe Squonk Stray Sod • Hungry Grass Stymphalides • Asipatra Surale • Mahaha
Tanuki Teratsutsuki Tiddalik • Chan Chu • Lapiduch Tiyanak • Acheri • Hinkir Munkur • Myling Tripodero TROLL • Aigamuxa • Berberoka • Fear Liath • Kapre • Kayeri • Munuane • Oni • Shellycoat • Yehwe Zogbanu • Yeti Trollgadda Trolual • Bakekujira • Raudkembingur TSUKUMOGAMI • Agrippa • Biwa-Bokuboku • Bubak • Caleuche • Chochin-Obake • Coiste Bodhar • Garei • Hinnagami • Ipetam • Ittan-Momen • Jenglot • Kameosa • Kasa-Obake • Nurikabe • Ungaikyo • Wanyudo • Zorigami Tuyango • Basan
Ulagu UNDEAD ELEMENTAL • Balborinho • Dorotabo • Enenra • Umibozu UNICORN • Almiraj • Karkadann • Shadhawar Utelif
Valravn Velue Vouivre • Asdeev • Caorthannach • Codrille • Cuelebre • Knucker • Snallygaster
Warg • Akhlut • Amarok • Chicheface Water Leaper Wendigo Whowie Will o Wisp • Luz Mala • Ogniki • Santelmo
Xecotcovach Xhumpedzkin
Yale Ya-Te-Veo
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey • Azi Dahaka Zumbi • Aerico • Baykok • Draugr • Gaki • Hidarugami • Lagahoo • Mokoi • Topielec • Ushabti Zuttibur
Achlys (General of Pestilence) Adephagia (Sinlord of Gluttony) Aergia (Sinlord of Sloth) Alastor (Sinlord of Wrath) Amhuluk Anansi Anhanga Ankou (General of Death) Antaeus Arachne Argus Aton Baba Yaga Bai Ze Bakunawa Balor Baxbakwalanuxsiwae Belachko Belphegor Byakko Camazotz Cerberus Cetus Chimera Chipfalamfula Deimos & Phobos (Generals of War) Egregore Fenghuang Fulad-Zereh Gaueko Genbu Graeae Gullinbursti Hela Hinqumemen Horseman of Death Horseman of Famine Horseman of Pestilence Horseman of War Hraesvelgr Hundun Itzpapalotl Jack Frost Jack-in-Irons Kampe Khepri Khodumodumo Koschei Kraken Ladon Lilith (Sinlord of Lust) Limos (General of Famine) Lotis Tree Medusa Midas (Sinlord of Greed) Naglfar Narcissus (Sinlord of Pride) Odei Pixiu Planctae Punga Qinglong Quetzalcoatl Qupqugiaq Raktabija Rawhead Saapin Scylla Sin-You Sleipnir Springheel Jack Surtur Tailypo Thunderbird Tiamat Typhon Vritra Wild Hunt Xing Tian Yamata no Orochi Ymir Zelus (Sinlord of Envy)
Bolla / Inkanyamba / Ouroboros / Shussebora / Tienlung / Suileach / Python / Cirein Croin / Echidna / Snawfus / Porotai / Huldra / Ishigaq / Bluecap / Ramidreju / Capcaun / Barbegazi / Erlkonig / Alraune / Brownie / Changeling / Danthienne / Cernunnos / Nix / Sandman / Tunche / Monoceros / Aziza / Melinoe / Krojemanchen / Jaci Jatere / Hesperid / Davy Jones / Bean Nighe / Tzitzimitl / Ziburinis / Llorona / Morko / Aoandon / Drekavac / Nachzehrer / Strix / Nosferatu / Hannya / Petsuchos / Charon / Shade / Diao Si Gui / Makalala / Jarjacha / Itqiirpak / Gremlin / Colorobetch / Vampire Pumpkin / Binaye Ahani / Tsenahale / Besta-Fera / Pishacha / Humbaba / Abaasy / Beelzebub / Bodach / Pazuzu / Ukobach / Harionago / Kawa Akago / Krampus / Tenome / Tooth Fairy / Ebajalg / Chrysaor / Stolas / Decarabia / Andrealphus / Suiko / Cmuch / Geras / Teke-Teke / Andurá / Cindaku / Teju Jagua / Rangda / Wolpertinger / Muscaliet / Ilomba / Xiao / Qinyuan / Lakuma / Peryton / Otoroshi / Mokumokuren / Mboi Tui / Nguruvilu / Snoligoster / Huallepen / Serpopard / Boggart / Centaur / Gorgon / Globster / Golem / Lorelei / Pegasus / Colossus / Snow Wasset / Dodomeki / Axex / Caliban / Tengu / Dalaketnon / Circe / Moha-Moha / Erymanthian Boar / Erumia / Cerastes / Caspilly / Teumessian Fox / Mamlambo / Drop Bear / Emela Ntouka / Chickcharney / Amphiptere / Atuikakura / Nemean Lion / Fenrir / Veo / Gambo / Tridacna / Anae-Moe-Oho / Scolopendra / Naujakuksualuk / Falajitax / Tculo / Lilyi / Melalo / Mothman / Fachen / Sagari / Geryon / Doppelganger / Hecatoncheires / Marakihau / Taka-Onna / Kigatilik / Cerynitis / Lammasu / Naga / Hrimfaxi / Skinfaxi / Barong / Cocollona / Jormungandr / Kholkikos / Vatnsandi / Nguma-Monene / Bezkost / Karnabo / Apshait / Succubus / Davalpa / Kratt
Mermaid / Hippogriff / Hupia / Elf / Dwarf / Sasquatch
From What Group of Creatures:
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Bauk / Jaculus / Qiuniu / Gargouille / Grootslang / Fafnir / Gowrow / Hodag / Nidhogg / Longgui / Scitalis / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Ikuchi / Tizheruk / Shen / Velue / Vouivre / Asdeev / Cuelebre / Knucker / Zirnitra / Zmey / Azi Dahaka / Amhuluk / Bakunawa / Kampe / Ladon / Tiamat / Typhon / Vritra / Yamata no Orochi
FEY: Anggitay / Bonguru / Awd Goggie / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Barometz / Cactus Cat / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Bugbear / Ijiraq / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Tikbalang / Boitata / Bagiennik / Brollachan / Buggane / Cait Sith / Nekomata / Carbuncle / Arkan Sonney / Cagrino / Yamabiko / Ojancanu / Dobhar-Chu / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Raiju / Sylph / Undine / Encantado / Fossegrim / Katsura-Otoko / Faun / Bilwis / Bugul Noz / Curupira / Grindylow / Kobold / Nuno / Pukwudgie / Redcap / Spriggan / Trenti / Pua Tu Tahi / Wulgaru / Guarana / Hala / Kikimora / Mambabarang / Norn / Pesta / Poludnica / Qalupalik / Soucouyant / Utlunta / Yanagi-Baba / Harpy / Lechuza / Siren / Nyuvwira / Inulpamahuida / Jorogumo / Jinmenju / Kamaitachi / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Kitsune / Kodama / Ropen / Kun Peng / Tesso / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Mandarangkal / Yawkyawk / Sarangay / Motelo Mama / Nariphon / Nuckelavee / Abere / Dryad / Lampad / Leanan Sidhe / Maenad / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Veela / Guiafairo / Ankluz / Ccoa / Mishibizhiw / Splintercat / Zheng / Peuchen / Piskie / Attercroppe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Pyrausta / Ratatoskr / Wakandagi / Adze / Stray Sod / Surale / Aigamuxa / Berberoka / Kapre / Kayeri / Munuane / Shellycoat / Yehwe Zogbanu / Yeti / Trollgadda / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Akhlut / Wendigo / Yale / Zuttibur / Anhanga / Baba Yaga / Jack Frost / Lotis Tree / Quetzalcoatl / Springheel Jack / Tailypo / Thunderbird / Wild Hunt
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Khalkotauroi / Gloson / Banshee / Osschaert / Fad Felen / Dullahan / Rompo / Candileja / Hrokkall / Djieien / Jubokko / Ghul / Helhest / Askafroa / Rusalka / Yuki-Onna / Strigoi / Oniate / Camacrusa / Chon-Chon / Tsurube-Otoshi / Mngwa / Penchapechi / Psonen / Polong / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Isogashi / Waldgeist / Sluagh / Spartoi / Ahkiyyini / Bloody Bones / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Hungry Grass / Teratsutsuki / Acheri / Myling / Fear Liath / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Bubak / Caleuche / Chochin-Obake / Coiste Bodhar / Garei / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Balborinho / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Valravn / Codrille / Will o Wisp / Luz Mala / Ogniki / Santelmo / Zumbi / Aerico / Baykok / Draugr / Gaki / Hidarugami / Lagahoo / Mokoi / Topielec / Ushabti / Ankou / Itzpapalotl / Jack-in-Irons / Koschei / Naglfar / Xing Tian
FIEND: Akashita / Isonade / Erinyes / Aniwye / Babi Ngepet / Aproxis / Asag / Asanbosam / Ascalaphus / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Garmr / Pesanta / Rahara / Bies / Metminwi / Stuhac / Arzhavennik / Hongaek / Bruch / Kasai Rex / Bushyasta / Caballucos Diablu / Kasha / Catoblepas / Kishi / Fomorian / Cherufe / Nargun / Eurynomos / Huay Chivo / Fetch / Ammut / Cipactli / Gawigawen / Likho / Juggernaut / Taotie / Nocnitsa / Kere / Ihuaivulu / Imp / Butoni / Incubus / Skrzak / Vetala / Aghash / Tsuchigumo / Umdhlebi / Ifrit / Heikegani / Apaosha / Each Tened / Kumiho / Ajatar / Lemure / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Makhai / Nue / Mara / Marool / Siyokoy / Erchitu / Ninki Nanka / Druj Nasu / Sigbin / Nalusa Falaya / Hidebehind / Madremonte / Odontotyrannus / Nosoi / Empusa / Popobawa / Ek Chapat / Onikuma / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Salawa / Sazae-Oni / Cerambus / Delgeth / Impundulu / Asipatra / Mahaha / Tiyanak / Hinkir Munkur / Oni / Raudkembingur / Agrippa / Ipetam / Jenglot / Wanyudo / Basan / Caorthannach / Chicheface / Xecotcovach / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Balor / Belphegor / Camazotz / Cerberus / Deimos & Phobos / Fulad-Zereh / Hela / Hinqumemen / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Lilith / Limos / Midas / Narcissus / Raktabija / Rawhead / Sin-You / Zelus
MAGICAL: A Bao A Qu / Abuhuku / Afanc / Ahool / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Amphisbaena / Bulgasari / Basilisk / Bolotnik / Cueyatl / Dingonek / Burach Bhadi / Tlanusi / Zhenniao / Charybdis / Bungisngis / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Hypnalis / Seps / Echeneis / Eintykara / Ahi At-Trab / Banaspati / Landvaettir / Perico / Salamander / Sermilik / Ga-Gorib / Girtablilu / Dactyl / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Terra-Cotta / Tupilaq / Griffon / Keythong / Gu / Hydra / Jinn / Kappa / Keukegen / Lamia / Ugjuknarpak / Lou Carcolh / A-Mi-Kuk / Iku-Turso / Mandragora / Manticore / Piasa / Sphinx / Succarath / Tarasque / Zitiron / Minotaur / Moskitto / Musca Macedda / Namazu / Minhocao / Kugdlughiak / Satori / Jinshin Mushi / Shachihoko / Rougarou / Squonk / Stymphalides / Kasa-Obake / Ulagu / Amarok / Water Leaper / Xhumpedzkin / Arachne / Belachko / Chimera / Egregore / Gaueko / Graeae / Medusa / Odei / Scylla /
MONSTROSITY: Abaia / Agropelter / Ajaju / Akheilos / Ao-Ao / Barghest / Boobrie / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Chupacabra / Crocotta / Gbahali / Gulon / Hippocampus / Ichneumon / Jba Fofi / Kaiaimunu / Karkinos / Saratan / Kongamato / Lavellan / Lusca / Mapinguari / Mokele-Mbembe / Morgawr / Muhuru / Myrmecoleon / Nadubi / Ngoubou / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Skolex / Olitiau / Omukade / Con Rit / Skeljaskrimsli / Pard / Roc / Scarab / Scorpios / Sianach / Tiddalik / Trolual / Tuyango / Utelif / Warg / Whowie / Ziphius / Cetus / Kraken / Qupqugiaq /
ABERRATION: Alp-Luachra / Cuchivilu / Baldanders / Frittening / Gardinel / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bukavac / Butatsch / Cuero / Rumptifusel / Papinijuwari / Dijiang / Ewah / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Hyakume / Redjal Marja / Kamikiri / Muirdris / Rat King / Migas / Mbielu-Mbielu / Nakshatra Meenu / Nuppeppo / Kerit / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Lapiduch / Tripodero / Nurikabe / Snallygaster / Ya-Te-Veo / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Chipfalamfula / Hundun / Khodumodumo / Planctae / Punga /
HUMANOID: Cyclops / Cacus / Gegenees / Hrimpursar / Muldjewangk / Goblin / Eloko / Amazon / Berserker / Buckrider / Cambion / Einherjar / Moroi / Vish Kanya / Intulo / Kilmoulis / Ashinaga / Panotti / Tenaga / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Merrow / Adaro / Skinwalker / Cuca / Nagual / Selkie / Tanuki / Antaeus / Argus / Hraesvelgr / Saapin / Surtur / Ymir
CELESTIAL: Airavata / Erote / Valkyrie / Baku / Cadejo / Caladrius / Celedon / Alkonost / Issitoq / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Agloolik / Muse / Phoenix / Shinchu / Qilin / Chan Chu / Hinnagami / Ungaikyo / Zorigami / Zlatorog / Anansi / Aton / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Gullinbursti / Khepri / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sleipnir
From which Mythology Group.
ANCIENT GREECE: Khalkotauroi / Akheilos / Ascalaphus / Erinyes / Erote / Charybdis / Cyclops / Eurynomos / Faun / Cacus / Gegenees / Dactyl / Celedon / Griffon / Harpy / Kere / Siren / Hippocampus / Amazon / Hydra / Karkinos / Lamia / Lemure / Makhai / Sphinx / Minotaur / Nosoi / Dryad / Empusa / Lampad / Maenad / Muse / Nereid / Oread / Thriae / Cerambus / Scorpios / Spartoi / Stymphalides / Achlys / Adephagia / Aergia / Alastor / Antaeus / Arachne / Argus / Cerberus / Cetus / Chimera / Deimos & Phobos / Graeae / Kampe / Ladon / Limos / Lotis Tree / Medusa / Midas / Narcissus / Planctae / Scylla / Typhon / Zelus
NORTH EUROPEAN: Valkyrie / Gloson / Baldanders / Garmr / Osschaert / Hiiden Hirvi / Otso / Kludde / Nachtkrapp / Landvaettir / Fossegrim / Hrimpursar / Bilwis / Kobold / Gulon / Norn / Pesta / Hrokkall / Berserker / Buckrider / Einherjar / Helhest / Ajatar / Rat King / Fafnir / Nidhogg / Ljosalfar / Dokkalfar / Iku-Turso / Mara / Askafroa / Skeljaskrimsli / Attercroppe / Waldgeist / Ratatoskr / Myling / Trollgadda / Trolual / Raudkembingur / Valravn / Warg / Draugr / Gullinbursti / Hela / Hraesvelgr / Kraken / Naglfar / Sleipnir / Surtur / Ymir
EAST EUROPEAN: Bies / Stuhac / Bolotnik / Arzhavennik / Bagiennik / Bukavac / Domovoi / Leshy / Ovinnik / Polevik / Vodyanoi / Aitvaras / Bauk / Likho / Hala / Kikimora / Nocnitsa / Poludnica / Alkonost / Moroi / Skrzak / Rusalka / Veela / Strigoi / Ankluz / Rarog / Psoglav / Shtriga / Surale / Lapiduch / Hinkir Munkur / Bubak / Ogniki / Zirnitra / Zlatorog / Zmey / Topielec / Zuttibur / Baba Yaga / Belachko / Koschei
SOUTH EUROPEAN: Aatxe / Pesanta / Kaw-Kaw / Marabbecca / Butatsch / Caballucos Diablu / Caladrius / Ojancanu / Perico / Gargouille / Trenti / Butoni / Lou Carcolh / Tarasque / Erchitu / Musca Macedda / Camacrusa / Pyrausta / Agrippa / Balborinho / Velue / Vouivre / Codrille / Cuelebre / Chicheface / Aerico / Ankou / Egregore / Gaueko / Odei
WEST EUROPEAN: Afanc / Alp-Luachra / Awd Goggie / Frittening / Banshee / Barghest / Cu Sith / Cwn Annwn / Bugbear / Boobrie / Brollachan / Fad Felen / Bruch / Buggane / Burach Bhadi / Cait Sith / Arkan Sonny / Fomorian / Dobhar-Chu / Dullahan / Fetch / Bugul Noz / Grindylow / Redcap / Spriggan / Kelpie / Ceffyl Dwr / Each Tened / Kilmoulis / Muirdris / Lavellan / Leprechaun / Amadan Dubh / Clurichaun / Far Darrig / Gancanagh / Ly Erg / Marool / Merrow / Morgawr / Nuckelavee / Leanan Sidhe / Lunantishee / Phooka / Sianach / Selkie / Sluagh / Bloody Bones / Stray Sod / Hungry Grass / Fear Liath / Shellycoat / Coiste Bodhar / Caorthannach / Knucker / Water Leaper / Balor / Jack-in-Irons / Rawhead / Springheel Jack / Wild Hunt
NORTH AMERICAN: Aniwye / Ijiraq / Tlanusi / Sermilik / Ewah / Pukwudgie / Tupilaq / Qalupalik / Utlunta / Issitoq / Djieien / Ugjuknarpak / A-Mi-Kuk / Piasa / Agloolik / Nalusa Falaya / Kugdlughiak / Oniate / Mishibizhiw / Psonen / Gaasyendietha / Haietlik / Tizheruk / Delgeth / Wakandagi / Skinwalker / Rougarou / Ahkiyyini / Mahaha / Ulagu / Akhlut / Amarok / Wendigo / Baykok / Amhuluk / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Hinqumemen / Qupqugiaq / Thunderbird
SOUTH/CENTRAL AMERICAN: Abuhuku / Ahuizotl / Alicanto / Ao-Ao / Cuchivilu / Cadejo / Rahara / Metminwi / Boitata / Cueyatl / Carbuncle / Chupacabra / Cuero / Eintykara / Cherufe / Encantado / Huay Chivo / Cipactli / Curupira / Invunche / Guarana / Candileja / Soucouyant / Lechuza / Ihuaivulu / Inulpamahuida / Lusca / Succarath / Mapinguari / Motelo Mama / Madremonte / Minhocao / Ek Chapat / Chon-Chon / Ccoa / Peuchen / Cuca / Nagual / Kayeri / Munuane / Caleuche / Tuyango / Luz Mala / Xecotcovach / Xhumpedzkin / Lagahoo / Anhanga / Camazotz / Itzpapalotl / Quetzalcoatl / Saapin
AFRICAN: Asanbosam / Dingonek / Kasai Rex / Kishi / Ga-Gorib / Gbahali / Eloko / Grootslang / Rompo / Nyuvwira / Intulo / Jba Fofi / Umdhlebi / Kongamato / Migas / Mokele-Mbembe / Ninki Nanka / Muhuru / Mbielu-Mbielu / Ngoubou / Olitiau / Guiafairo / Popobawa / Kerit / Mngwa / Adze / Impundulu / Aigamuxa / Yehwe Zogbanu / Ya-Te-Veo / Zumbi / Anansi / Chipfalamfula / Khodumodumo /
ARABIAN/EGYPTIAN: Asag / Bushyasta / Hypnalis / Ahi At-Trab / Ammut / Girtablilu / Aghash / Jinn / Ghul / Ifrit / Redjal Marja / Saratan / Apaosha / Druj Nasu / Roc / Salawa / Scarab / Almiraj / Karkadann / Shadhawar / Asdeev / Azi Dahaka / Ushabti / Aton / Fulad-Zereh / Khepri / Tiamat
ASIAN: Bulgasari / Hongaek / Zhenniao / Dijiang / Qiuniu / Terra-Cotta / Gu / Taotie / Jinmenju / Kumiho / Kun Peng / Longgui / Nariphon / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Zheng / Qilin / Shen / Chan Chu / Yeti / Ipetam / Gaki / Bai Ze / Byakko / Fenghuang / Genbu / Hundun / Pixiu / Qinglong / Sin-You / Xing Tian
JAPANESE: Akashita / Isonade / Baku / Kasha / Nekomata / Yamabiko / Raiju / Katsura-Otoko / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Yanagi-Baba / Hyakume / Jorogumo / Tsuchigumo / Jubokko / Kamaitachi / Kamikiri / Kappa / Heikegani / Keukegen / Ashinaga / Tenaga / Kitsune / Kodama / Kurage-no-Hinotama / Tesso / Nue / Namazu / Nuppeppo / Yuki-Onna / Omukade / Tsurube-Otoshi / Onikuma / Isogashi / Shinchu / Satori / Sazae-Oni / Jinshin Mushi / Ikuchi / Shachihoko / Gashadokuro / Mekurabe / Tanuki / Teratsutsuki / Oni / Bakekujira / Biwa-Bokuboku / Chochin-Obake / Garei / Hinnagami / Ittan-Momen / Kameosa / Kasa-Obake / Nurikabe / Ungaikyo / Wanyudo / Zorigami / Basan / Dorotabo / Enenra / Umibozu / Hidarugami / Yamata no Orochi
POLYNESIAN/HINDU: Abaia / A Bao A Qu / Ahool / Airavata / Ajaju / Anggitay / Babi Ngepet / Bonguru / Aswang / Batibat / Berbalang / Kubot / Manananggal / Pugot / Tikbalang / Bungisngis / Banaspati / Gawigawen / Nuno / Juggernaut / Pua Tu Tahi / Mambabarang / Vish Kanya / Vetala / Kaiaimunu / Ropen / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Mandarangkal / Adaro / Siyokoy / Sarangay / Sigbin / Nakshatra Meenu / Abere / Con Rit / Penchapechi / Polong / Asipatra / Tiyanak / Acheri / Berberoka / Kapre / Jenglot / Santelmo / Bakunawa / Raktabija / Vritra
AUSTRALIAN: Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Bunyip / Burrunjor / Papinijuwari / Nargun / Muldjewangk / Wulgaru / Yawkyawk / Nadubi / Tiddalik / Whowie / Mokoi / Punga
FEARSOME CRITTER: Agropelter / Gardinel / Cactus Cat / Rumptifusel / Gowrow / Hodag / Moskitto / Hidebehind / Splintercat / Roperite / Slide-Rock Bolter / Squonk / Tripodero / Snallygaster / Tailypo
MEDIEVAL BOOK: Amphisbaena / Barometz / Basilisk / Catoblepas / Crocotta / Dipsa / Haermorrhois / Seps / Jaculus / Echeneis / Gold-Digging Ant / Keythong / Ichneumon / Panotti / Manticore / Zitiron / Myrmecoleon / Odontotyrannus / Skolex / Pard / Phoenix / Scitalis / Utelif / Yale / Ziphius
OTHER: Aproxis / Cagrino / Salamander / Sylph / Undine / Goblin / Cambion / Imp / Incubus / Mandragora / Piskie / Poltergeist / Dybbuk / Will o Wisp / Belphegor / Horseman of Death / Horseman of Famine / Horseman of Pestilence / Horseman of War / Jack frost / Lilith
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soulsxng · 2 years ago
Some info about Cephlani familiars and the bonding process behind that. Also a list of Callan and Ellyas' familiars, so I can link them to their bios.
Gonna start by saying that Cephlani familiars are made from a very specific, living ink. Though they end up looking like tattoos after a little time, the ink is actually first injected into the Cephlani-- well beyond the dermal layer of skin where a tattoo is supposed to be.
Once this happens, the next time the Cephlani goes to sleep, they're whisked into a sort of dreamscape. (yes, for those of you that know Shilo, it's just a different area of the dreamscape where his Dreamers are kept.) In this dreamscape, they can convene with what are essentially a type of spirit, that takes the form of different animals and beasts. Generally, the way it works from there, is that the Cephlani and a beast choose each other outright, which results in a bond being formed, but that's not always the case. Sometimes, a Cephlani instead chooses a beast one-sidedly (Generally the more powerful ones are this way), and they then have to prove themselves in some way, to get that beast to agree to bond with them. If they succeed, the bond is completed. If it doesn't succeed, it can do some fairly major damage to the Cephlani-- if not outright kill them, depending.
Anyway, when they next awaken after that, the ink will have risen to become visible in a form more similar to a stylized tattoo version of the beast. It can move about as it pleases anywhere on the Cephlani's body, including shrinking or growing to take up more or less space. As the bond ages, the familiar will be able to leave their Cephlani partner's body as they please as well (unless they're deliberately being held back), but at first they can only leave when they're called to do so. Outside of the Cephlani's body, they maintain their more tattoo-esque appearance, albeit in a three dimensional form.
Most Cephlani have multiple familiars, with the average for an adult being between three, and six. For example, Callan and Ellyas' familiars are below!
Callan's familiars:
Thistle - A raven, and Callie's first familiar. Typically can be found sitting on his shoulder, both when he's in and outside Callan's body. It's pretty rare that he's in though; he's a sweet and social boy!
Nessie - She generally takes the form of a small, fan tailed fish, and usually sits on the inside of one of Callie's wrists. Outside of his body however, she's a massive isonade that, because she takes so much of Callan's energy, is only called out for emergencies.
Oisin - A wyvern (She looks like Legiana from m.onster hun.ter, if you want a ref) that Callan bonded to as part of his ceremony to become sworn brothers with Ellyas. Likes to stay on Callie's back.
Yula - She looks similar to a red bellied black snake, but is only about 8 inches long. She's Callie's newest familiar, and have only been together for about two years. She moves around a lot, but will commonly peek out from under the collar of Callan's shirt when he's moving around.
Ellyas' familiars:
Kiwi and Lychee - Came together, so they count as one familiar. Kiwi looks like a lesser sac-winged bat, while Lychee looks similar to a Honduran white bat. Both actually get to be five or six feet tall when outside of Ellyas' body, but remain small, otherwise. Tend to stay either around his upper shoulder blades, or around his collarbone.
Iona - Essentially a black leopard. She likes to take the form of a kitten, so she can be spoiled, and is kind of a brat. Stays outside of El's body more often than not, but hangs around on El's back otherwise.
Ham - A beast that looks somewhere between a werewolf and a grizzly bear. Has a pink nose, which is why El named him Ham. Iona pushes him around a lot, so where he stays when inside El's body tends to change fairly often.
Crem - A wyvern (He looks like Nargacuga from m.onster hu.nter, again for ref purposes) that Ellyas bonded to as part of his ceremony to become sworn brothers with Callan. Tends to stay on one of El's arms.
Bubs - Actually more of an elemental than anything, and as such, their form tends to change between different aquatic mammals. Tends to favor a tiny whale, or-- more often-- a seal or sea lion. Likes to be on El's wrist, to mimic Oisin, because she looks up to her.
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jadethest0ne · 2 years ago
You said that in TMNT:OH you were turning mutants from past incarnations into Yokai. Are the punk frogs going to be The Loveland frogmen or Ōgama or okka? Is Slash or Tokka going to be a Kappa? Is Rahzar going to be a werewolf or a hellhound like from helluva boss? Is Mondo gecko going to be a Imori? Is Leatherhead going to be a Waniguchi or Wani? Is Mona Lisa going to be a Hanzaki? Armagon going to be a Isonade or Kōjin? Is Bebop going to be a Katakirauwa? Will there be a Chimera? Just curious.
Like I said in my earlier answer, I'm basing some of TMNT's legacy characters after actual yokai, but I'm also just making some stuff up completely since there's not always a one to one comparison
This also assumes the above characters will be in the comic. But you're actually spot-on with some of the ones that are ;3
I will say here are some yokai that will indeed exist in the world of TMNT Once Human:
Just to name a few. Mostly I'm putting some of my favorite yokai in there :3
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syllogical · 9 months ago
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Womp womp double post. Shark Mind
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