#isola di tiberina
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figlidiroma · 2 months ago
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Conte Giuseppe Primoli 1890, neve sullo sterrato della zona dove sarebbe sorto il Tempio Maggiore di Roma (1904) e la zona dei cosiddetti "quattro villini" tra piazza delle Cinque Scole, via del Portico d'Ottavia, Lungotevere Cenci.
Sotto questa terra smossa su cui bruca il cavallo dovevano stendersi resti di magazzini romani, della zona indicata nella Forma Urbis Severiana come Navalia e, forse, del Tempio di Castore e Polluce, collocato sotto l'area di Monte Cenci dove furono rinvenute, tra Quattro e Cinquecento, le statue dei Dioscuri, già allora traslate al Campidoglio.
In lontananza nella foto, il campanile di San Giovanni Calibita sull'isola Tiberina e, di fronte, la Torre della Pulzella.
Risalente al 1200, essa era parte delle torri medievali di Roma, legate a famiglie della nobilità e del ceto mercantile cittadino di cui erano insieme strumento e concreta traccia sul territorio.
Questa torre, collocata sull'isola, guado fluviale tanto essenziale alla vita cittadina da aver facilitato e forse cagionato la nascita dei primi insiediamenti destinati ad evolversi nella Roma romulea, apparteneva alla famiglia dei Pierleoni.
Probabilmente ebrei e opportunamente convertiti per poter sfruttare al meglio le proprie ricchezze in una Roma medievale pur non ancora dotata di Ghetto, e forse meno ostile alla Comunità di quanto non si sarebbe più tardi dimostrata, i Pierleoni controllavano anche il tratto alla base del Campidoglio.
L'edificio medievale presso il vico Jugario è a loro intitolato, e anche loro era la torre che si nota a destra, addossata al corpo della Basilica di San Nicola in Carcere, riusata come torre campanariae contenente un'antica campana di fine Duecento, commissionata dai Savelli.
Ma, soprattutto, oltre a case medievali al vicino Velabro, ai Pierleoni apparteneva il forte costruito sulle rovine del Teatro di Marcello, e di cui ancora si vede l'affollarsi di strutture alte e strette su via del Foro Olitorio.
Passato ai Savelli e, tramite loro, agli Orsini, quel forte oggi lo conosciamo come palazzo Savelli Orsini, opera di Baldassarre Peruzzi, la malinconica e splendida residenza costruita nella cavea del Teatro.
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La torre della Pulzella, dall'enigmatica testolina che vi appare inquadrata da una finestrella cieca e che guarda intenta dalla parte del Portico d'Ottavia, passò come tutto il resto dei Pierleoni nelle mani dei Savelli, incastellati così tra l'isola e l'omonimo Monte, e i cui domini si estendevano già verso Campo de' Fiori e all'Aventino, come attestato dagli odonimi vicolo de' Savelli e Clivo di Rocca Sabella.
La pulzella, comunque, è una testa romana, ma la leggenda popolare la vuole l'impietrirsi di una bella giovane aristocratica che, murata per vincere la sua resistenza a un matrimonio di convenienza, morì lassù spiando all'orizzonte il ritorno del suo vero amore dalla guerra.
Fonti: studi di F. Coarelli e P. L. Tucci sulla topografia del Circo Flaminio e dell'area dei Calderari.
A. Carandini, Roma. Il primo giorno, Laterza 2007.
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gontapprentice · 3 months ago
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Image source:
Fondo Vedo Istituto Luce Fondo VEDO / Sinagoga di Roma Insegne di un negozio al Ghetto di Roma (Cesare Anticoli)
passanti e una donna con bambino affacciata ad una finestra - campo medio
data: 18.05.1961
luogo della ripresa: Roma
colore: b/n
materia e tecnica: gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
oggetto: negativo
codice foto: FV00189859 Luce Anticoli
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isacopraxolu · 9 months ago
Papa Francesco in ospedale per accertamenti diagnostici #tfnews #28febbraio
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
Fadoi e Arma dei Carabinieri lanciano a Milano il progetto “un albero per le salute”
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Fadoi e Arma dei Carabinieri lanciano a Milano il progetto “un albero per le salute”. Fadoi e Arma dei Carabinieri lanciano a Milano, in occasione del 28esimo Congresso Nazionale della Società scientifica della Medicina Interna, il progetto “Un Albero per la Salute”. Il progetto nazionale prevede la donazione e la messa a dimora negli Ospedali Italiani di giovani alberi da parte dei Carabinieri del Raggruppamento Biodiversità in collaborazione con la Fadoi e rientra nell’ambito del progetto “Un albero per il futuro” dei Carabinieri della Biodiversità realizzato in collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Ambiente. Ogni pianta potrà essere geolocalizzata fotografando uno speciale cartellino e sarà possibile seguirne la crescita su un sito web, apprezzando anche il risparmio di anidride carbonica (CO2). La messa a dimora degli alberi donati dai Carabinieri Raggruppamento Biodiversità per l’anno 2023 sarà effettuata in 30 Ospedali Italiani nel corso di eventi dedicati che vedranno la presenza di medici Internisti Fadoi ed esperti del Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversità appartenenti al Reparto territorialmente più prossimo. L’Ospedale di Riferimento per l’inaugurazione del progetto, che si terrà il prossimo 4 ottobre 2023, sarà l’Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina Gemelli-Isola Roma; i trenta restanti ospedali sul territorio nazionale presso cui sarà effettuata la messa a dimora in pari data sono da identificare e saranno comunicati in una seconda fase. La durata complessiva del progetto sarà di 3 anni.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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jogosmogos · 2 years ago
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17.-21.02.2023 Roma
Colonna di Marco Aurelio
Chiesa San Marcello al Corso
Piazza Venezia
Monumento Nacional a Vítor Emanuel II
Cordonata Capitolina
Musei Capitolini
Basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano
Chiesa di Sant' Ignazio di Loyola
Giolitti - parim gelato Roomas!
Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena
Chiesa San Gregorio della Divina Pietà
Ponte Fabricio
Isola Tiberina
Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere ja boheemlaslik Trastevere linnaosa
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claudio1959 · 2 years ago
Ristoranti a Roma:
Hostaria Dino e Tony Via Leone IV, 60 ( vicino Città del Vaticano), 00192 Roma RM Piatti romani casarecci serviti in locale dall'atmosfera familiare, con arredi semplici e tovaglie a quadri. Consumazione sul posto · Da asporto · Non effettua consegne a domicilio 06 3973 3284 https://g.co/kgs/r5g9a8
Il Bistrot Trevi Via di S. Vincenzo, 4/5/6, ( Fontana di trevi) 00187 Roma RM Il Bistrot è un bel locale situato a due passi dalla fontana di Trevi. Il locale, sempre molto frequentato, si presenta pulito, accogliente con un'ampia varietà di soluzioni per un pranzo veloce, informale ma sempre con prodotti di qualità. Consiglio di provare i primi piatti di pasta e le ottime pizze. Il rapporto qualità prezzo è ottimo tenendo conto anche che parliamo di un'attività posta nel centro di Roma con verosimili elevati costi di gestione. Il mio plauso va ai titolari dell'attività. Telefono  06 754611
Trevi Gourmet ( adatto ai turisti e a chi ha fretta : Primi buoni pronti, pizza da riscaldare🍕 , 🥪 panini e 🥗 insalate) Via di S. Vincenzo, 4, 00187 Roma RM
Ristorante Senza Fondo Via del Teatro Pace, 44, 00186 Roma RM 06 6869278 “”Preso posto in uno dei tavolini lungo la strada (forse troppi visto che le auto faticano a transitare) ci dedichiamo a spulciare il menu. Vasto, va detto, e contenente tutti i piatti più noti della cucina romana. Ci sono i fagioli con le cotiche, le bruschette, le immancabili polpette al sugo e di bollito, i fritti. E poi amatriciana, carbonara, cacio e pepe, e la gricia, anche nella versione ai carciofi. Stessa solfa anche per i secondi, fra cui spiccano la trippa alla romana, i saltimbocca e la coratella con i carciofi. C’è anche una sezione dedicata alla pizza mentre, oltre al vino della casa bianco e rosso, il menù delle bevande propone una ristretta selezione di bottiglie. La formula, come detto, è quella dell’all you can eat: 19,50 euro, fino alle 18 salvo i festivi, e di 25,50 euro la sera. Vini e bevande non sono compresi nel prezzo così come i piatti che non vengono consumati interamente (l’attenzione a non sprecare il cibo è sempre un merito). “””
Locanda del Tempio ( centro di Roma pantheon) Via di Pietra, 85, 00186 Roma RM  telefono 📞 06 4754 5886 ( antipasti di fritti di fiori e di zucca broccoli primi tris di vari tipi di carbonara come la carbonara al tartufo dolci: ottimo il tirami su )
Flavio al Velavevodetto Tipico Ristorante romano Cucina romana tra vetrate che mostrano i cocci delle grotte naturali adiacenti, in ambiente ampio e informale. Via di Monte Testaccio, 97, 00153 Roma RM Telefono 📞 06 574 4194
Pasta - Eat ( solo pasta fresca buona carbonara, amatriciana , Gricia e cacio e pepe ) Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 22, 00186 Roma RM Telefono 📞 06 89830 216
Fraschetteria ai tre archi Via di Santa Cornelia, 264, 00188 Roma RM(  prima porta / labaro ) Tel 06 33647 015 Ristorante classico di cucina tradizionale con arredi caratteristici, come fili per stendere la biancheria
Osteria Dar Bruttone Via Taranto, 118, 00182 Roma RM Via Taranto, 118, 00182 Roma RM 06 89024 870 ( zona Tuscolana )
La locanda del tempio ( zona pantheon) Via di Pietra, 85, 00186 Roma RM 06 47545 886
Hostaria Edmondo Circonvallazione Clodia, 90, 00195 Roma RM 06 370 1272
Ponte e Parione - Piazza Navona Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima, 62, 00186 Roma RM Chiude alle ore: 00 Menu · ponteeparione.it Prenota un tavolo 06 6819 2278
Fiumi - Piazza Navona Piazza Navona, 37-38, 00186 Roma RM Chiude alle ore: 23 Prenota 06 686 4028
Vacanze Romane Piazza Navona, 103/105, 00186 Roma RM Chiude alle ore: 02 06 6830 1164
Trattoria Sora Lella Via di Ponte Quattro capi, 16, 00186 Roma RM ( isola tiberina ) Prenota 06 6861601       https://www.trattoriasoralella.it/it/
La carbonara Piazza Campo de' Fiori, 23, 00186 Roma RM ( in pieno centro storico) prenota: 06 6864783
La Matriciana Via del Viminale, 44, 00184 Roma RM ( vicino ministero degli interni non lontano da Roma Termini FS stazione) 06 488 1775
Ristorante Cacio e Pepe Via Giuseppe Avezzana, 11, 00195 Roma  06 32 172 68 https://trattoriacacioepepeprati.com/
Antica trattoria da Giovanni Via della Lungara, 41, 00165 Roma RM ( vicino  al circolo esercito di via della Lungara e di palazzo salviati sede del centri alti studi della difesa) Prenota 06 686 15 14
Fiaschetteria Marini via Raffaele Cadorna  9 ( zona piazza fiume ) Roma  06 4745534
Trecca via Alessandro severo   9 ( zona ostiense) Roma  06 88650867
Osteria la Solfa in via Germano sommelier 19 (zona esquilino) Roma  06 702 7996
Nelle  rosticcerie romane che sono le loro gastronomie ma meno costose e dove si può mangiare seduti sono ottime per  Suppli puazza al taglio vari tipi di fritto e primi e secondi piatti come la lasagna , pasta alla Matriciana, alla carbonara,  calcio e pepe , pomodori al riso, pollo arrosto con patate , arrosto , porchetta di Ariccia.
I suppli migliori li fanno a:
La casa del suppli - re di Roma Piazza dei Re di Roma, 20, 00183 Roma RM
Suppli Roma Via di S. Francesco a Ripa, 137, 00153 Roma RM
La casa dei suppli Via Mozart, 15, 00159 Roma RM
Pizzerie a Roma :
Olio , Pizza e Fritti ( ottimo Suppli di vari tipi e pizze )   Viale Cesco Baseggio, 98/100, 00139 Roma RM telefono 📞 06 69369 445
Seu Pizza Illuminati – Roma, trastevere Lazio  06 5883384;
180g Pizzeria Romana , Via Tor de' Schiavi, 53, 00172 Roma RM Lazio 391 144 65 75;
Qvinto – Via Fornaci di Tor di Quinto, 10, 00191 Roma RM , Lazio 06 333 29 61;
IQuintili – - Via S. Biagio Platani, 320, 00133 Roma RM Lazio 06 2016003;
Antica Friggitoria Masardona Piazza dell'Oro, 6, 00186 Roma RM, Lazio 06 8698 1973;
Sbanco – Via Siria, 1, 00179 Roma RM , Lazio 06 789 318 ;
Sant'Isidoro - Pizza & Bolle Via Oslavia, 41, 00195 Roma RM –, Lazio 06 8992 2607;
La Gatta Mangiona – Via Federico Ozanam, 30-32, 00152 Roma RM  06 534 6702;
Angelo Pezzella - Pizzeria con Cucina – Via Appia Nuova, 1095, 00178 Roma RM, Lazio 06 718 8560  ;
L'Osteria di Birra del Borgo – Via Silla, 26a, 00192 Roma RM 06 8376  2316, Lazio
In Fucina – Via Giuseppe Lunati, 25/31, 00149 Roma RM 06 559 3368
Per consultare la Guida Italia 2021 Completa: https://www.50toppizza.it/guida-italia-2021
Forni a Roma
L’Antico Forno Forno di Piazza di Trevi Via delle Muratte, 8, 00187 Roma RM
Forno di Campo di Fiori Campo de' Fiori, 22, 00186 Roma RM
Forno Iannarelli, Piazza Tuscolo15/16;
Panella, Via Merulana 54;
Panificio Nazzareno, Piazzale Ponte Milvio 35;
Antico Forno del Ghetto, Piazza Costaguti 30;
Forno Boccione, Via del Portico D'Ottavia 1;
Forno Roscioli, Via dei Chiavari 34;
Pandalì, Via Largo di Torre Argentina 3.
Dolci pasticcerie
Two Sizes
Locale accogliente famoso per i suoi 5 gusti di tiramisù, in porzioni piccole o grandi, oltre a cannoli siciliani. Via del Governo Vecchio, 88, 00186 Roma RM 3275884952
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kagome-chan · 7 years ago
After so many Assassin’s Creed games, Ezio still the favorite assassin for many people (not me though, but that’s ok). When travelling to Italy, it’s difficult to not think about Assassin’s Creed 2 and Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. So, let’s talk about some of the in-game locations that you can actually visit.
Ezio is called Ezio Auditore da Firenze for a good reason, he was born in Firenze (Florence). Let’s start with that stupid building that is always in the middle of the way…
Basilica Di Santa Maria Del Fiore
Of course, is quite fun to point at the Basilica and say “I climbed that!” even if it was just in the game. Seeing it in front of you is breath-taking! It’s really tall. That quite explains why it was so annoying when it was in the middle of the way to the next mission. To earn the “High Dive” achievement, Ezio had to perform a Leap of Faith from Giotto’s Campanille (that tower on the photo), the highest spot in Firenze. It was also where one of the Medicis was killed, Giuliano.
Palazzo Vecchio – Palazzo Della Signoria
The Palazzo Vecchio was the center of the governmental power during the Italian Renaissance and also, Ezio’s brothers execution was there and he also climbed it many times. You better not climb it though, but you can visit its interior (that is really beautiful by the way) that Ezio didn’t have much time to appreciate. As far as I can remember, this was probably the location of Ezio’s first leap of faith?
Still on Assassin’s Creed 2, from Firenze, the next big city visited by Ezio was Venezia, or Venice. The city needs to introduction as it is known world-wide for its beauty and the channels.
Basilica Di San Marco
The Basilica Di San Marco is one of the most important places in Venezia. in the game,  it’s where is the sarcophagus of Amunet, from which Ezio took an Assassin Seal that was located in a tomb below the floor of the basilica, accessible by a secret staircase. Seeing this tall tower gives you the need to perform a Leap of Faith? Please, don’t do that.
And now we are at Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood. Really, I think Rome was one of the coolest cities to explore in the Assassin’s Creed franchise. In real life is even better. Everybody knows the Colosseum, let’s talk about other places.
Castel Sant’Angelo
Used as a fortress, prison and as castle, it was also once a mausoleum. Ezio infiltrated or climbed it quite some times, to rescue Caterina, kill some Borgias and retrieve the Apple of Eden. Some parts of it are a bit creepy but the view from up there is really beautiful.
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one that made Ezio fell from that hole up there (totally on purpose to see what happened). Originally, the Pantheon was used to commemorate the Roman gods and goddesses, but it was converted into a church by Pope Boniface IV in 609. Until today, it’s one of the oldest Roman Catholic Churches and one of the most well-preserved buildings from the Roman Empire. Ezio climbed the rear of the building and entered through the landmark’s oculus to assassinate a guard captain. This allowed him to disguise himself in the guard’s uniform.
Isola Tiberina
That’s definitely not a common touristic spot. The Isola Tiberina, or Tiber Island, was the headquarters for the Assassin Order in Rome. So you pretty much went there a lot of times in the game. Nowadays, there isn’t much to see there, pretty much just a church. But it’s at least good just to say that you visited the Assassin Order’s Headquarters in Rome!
  Via Ezio
To finish, that one is really stupid but I really want to mention. There is a street in Rome in the middle of the way to the Vatican that is called “Via Ezio”. There isn’t exactly much to see there, just some stores, but is fun to see a street with this name when you are walking totally distracted.
So, if you are a good Assassin’s Creed fan, if you someday visit Italy, try to visit some of the places Ezio visit. If you can’t or don’t want to visit Italy, visit other places that are in the other games! The Assassin’s Creed franchise is perfect to plan a world travel! I really hope I can someday visit all the countries shown in the game. Visited Italy already, now there is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL the rest left.
  Italy for Assassin’s Creed fans After so many Assassin's Creed games, Ezio still the favorite assassin for many people (not me though, but that's ok).
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kiatheinsomniac · 4 years ago
Unwoven Fate VI
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(Y/n) took another sip of her bitter coffee as she cast a glance into the fireplace, sitting with the Assassins.
"It doesn't make sense." She shook her head.
"That's precisely why it's so unusual." The man, who she now knew as La Volpe, replied.
"A dead child? They planted a dead child at the villa?" (Y/n) had to close her eyes and take in a deep breath. Her Aunt and Uncle were evermore being revealed as monsters to her. "Why go to that length just to take me in?"
"None of us had seen you in over three years so when we saw the child's body, we all assumed it was you," Machiavelli chimed in.
"But you had no idea that my mother had any family?" (Y/n) repeated again. Why had her mother hidden her past?
"No. She told us that she was an orphan from Vienna and moved to Forlì with her adopted father when she was young."
"She never mentioned Vienna to me as far as I can remember." (Y/n)'s brows furrowed. She could feel tears threatening her eyes but she kept them back as she took another sip of coffee, biting her inner cheek. If only Emma were there for the young woman to question her.
"What I still don't know is the connection between Emma lying about her past and why your Aunt and Uncle had her and Lorenzo killed." Volpe hummed.
"And why they killed an innocent child just to take me in. . ." (Y/n) added quietly, feeling guilt for whoever that nameless, faceless youth was. Whoever she was or would have been had died in her family's scheme.
"And, until now, the only thing you've known of the Assassins was what you found in the letter from my uncle." Claudia's brother added as he handed it back to her, having gone over his passed loved one's handwriting so many times.
"My Aunt and Uncle never mentioned it before. Originally, I thought it was because they didn't know but now I'm not so sure. . . It doesn't sit right anymore."
"There's definitely something deeper here. . ." Machiavelli pondered, walking away to the other room in order to think. (Y/n) put her cup of coffee down on the table beside her, no longer having an appetite for its bitterness. "Every time I go looking for answers, all I find is more questions." She sighed exasperatedly.
"And you will have them," Volpe spoke as he stood up, "You are Lorenzo's and he was like family to us, Emma became family in time too. We won't turn you away." She found herself smiling bittersweetly at this. On her journey, she felt that she had lost any sense of home so, while it was nice to be offered somewhere to stay, it felt painfully temporary.
"You may join our ranks." Ezio spoke up, causing some looks of surprise around the room, "Your family come from our Brotherhood and there will be a place for you here if you wish to take it. I'll give you all the time you need to make your decision."
An Assassin. He was right to give her time to make up her mind, it was a very big decision. It was a new life. Wasn't that what she wanted? Either way, she would definitely take her time on this one instead of jumping at every chance presented to her.
"Thank you," She spoke with a grateful bow of her head and she rose from her seat, "I'm aware that I've delayed your meeting, I'll let you get on." And she made her way back to the main hall where she found a bookcase and a pigeon cage with a carrier pigeon inside.
After a few times, stealing had come naturally to her but killing? Did she have it in her? She shook her head; she needed to know more about this cause before she even started on that train of thought. What about this brotherhood had stirred her mother's passion so much that she had revoked her own family? She turned to the bookshelf, seeing some scrolls tucked between the volumes here and there and decided to see if the papers held any answers for her.
Two months had passed since and she woke up to the sound of the door across her room opening, hearing footsteps go down the corridor. Emilio's heavy door was usually what woke her up in the morning. (Y/n) threw her arms upon her pillow, groaning as she stretched her back and then sat upright, reaching for her aching shoulders.
She had accepted Ezio's offer of becoming a recruit for the Brotherhood and she felt that she was making good progress. She was not yet trained enough to be called on in the field but she hoped that she would be promoted soon. Ezio was the Brotherhood's primary mentor but he was also a busy man which meant that the recruits often spent most of their training sparring against each other.
(Y/n) fought with her father's hidden blade which had been repaired with a little oil to restore its long-neglected mechanics. The training had definitely taken its physical toll on her: she had not been very athletic before so aches and pains after a long day came without fail but practise and a lot of torn muscles were making her grow more and more used to her new lifestyle. She got out of bed and tidied up the sheets behind her: it had been a skill she'd taught herself during her residence at the Assassin hideout after being raised with servants to do it for her throughout her life.
There were still aspects of (Y/n)'s life as a noblewoman that she didn't want to let go of though and makeup was one of them. It motivated her to get out of bed as soon as she awoke instead of staying curled up in the sheets and she simply didn't feel prepared for the day until it was complete. It didn't take her too long to apply the light powder across her face and neck along with the blush on her lower cheeks. She oiled her lashes, dusted her brows and dappled some lipstick to the centre of her mouth in a matter of minutes then got to weaving her hair into a braid around her head like a crown. Her previous braided style had proved impractical for training as she'd found that they would often hit her in the face if she turned quickly.
She pulled on her wine-coloured recruit robes and took a final glance at herself in the small mirror, touching her necklace to the two strings of pearls around her neck. Somehow those pearls made her feel like she had made the right decision - the pearls of her Assassin mother now being worn by her Assassin-recruit daughter.
(Y/n) had noticed that she was now the best free runner out of the other four recruits but she knew exactly why. As she made her way downstairs to raid the pantry for whatever fruit preserves were left, she reflected on her experience so far. The other recruits didn't trust her and they weren't very good at hiding it. They found her mysterious past daunting somehow and remained suspicious of her because of it. This often meant that she was excluded from sparring so she had been spending much more time running across the rooftops of Rome and (without others knowing) checking the carrier pigeons. She would often check on what sort of contracts were available so that she could grasp a better idea of what it meant to be an Assassin.
She ate her usual breakfast of a cup of coffee and a few slices of bread smeared with fruit preserve. By the time she got to the hall where the recruits would train, she found three of them already sparring, the fourth reading in the corner. She already knew that she wouldn't be included this day and decided to make her way outside instead, climbing up to the roof.
(Y/n) had made it routine to take the leap of faith from the top of the hideout now. She knew that only formally initiated Assassins were supposed to take the leap of faith but she had performed it in an escape from a rooftop archer two weeks ago and loved the thrill that came with it.
Landing in the haystack below, she left Isola Tiberina and made her way further north in the city, scaling a wall once the buildings were close enough to start running over. She liked to challenge herself too: using flag poles, tightropes, ledges and balconies to really expand her potential routes.
Once the afternoon came about and the sun was beating down from overhead, she decided to take shelter on a platform that was fairly sheltered by the taller building beside it, casting her in shadows. The coos of pigeons joined the urban ambience of chatter from the streets below. (Y/n) sat down on and leaned her back against the wall, looking at the view around her. That's when she noticed that there was an irregularity in the shadow of the wall behind her: the straight line was interrupted by a rounded figure. She silently but quickly turned around, keeping in a crouch, suspecting that it was a guard. But what she was met with instead surprised her and she got to her feet as the figure jumped down to join her.
"Mentore," She greeted as his taller figure approached her, gesturing for her to sit back down. She did and he joined her, one of his knees propped up with his arm resting over it. It had been quite a while since the recruits had seen Ezio in more than just passing.
"Recruits aren't supposed to do the leap of faith, you know." He started and (Y/n) opened her mouth to apologise so quickly that she had missed the tone of amusement in his voice, "But you did it well, fearlessly, as it should be done."
"I actually wasn't as afraid as I thought I'd be the first time I did it." She started, glancing at him as he looked across the streets of Rome, "But that probably had something to do with that fact that the guard had already shot two arrows at my feet and I doubted that he would miss a third time." This made the man beside her laugh heartily, "I do think that the first time should be more ceremonial but desperate times call for desperate measures."
"Have you been following me all day or did you happen to find me again?" She questioned, now knowing that there was the chance she had actually been observed all day.
"You'll have to find out the next time this happens." He replied and (Y/n) set her eyes back on the streets, the hot sun climbing ever higher into the sky. "You're much better at freerunning than the rest of the recruits." He praised.
"I just spend more time doing it." She bit her cheek, "They don't seem to trust me enough to let me train with them as much as I'd like." She could see him turn to face her from the corner of her eyes.
"They just have a lot of questions."
"So do I. . ." She shifted the way that she was sitting, bringing her knees up enough to rest her arms over them. "I've been at a standstill for a while in terms of looking for answers and now I'm worried that I won't be able to find anymore." She confided.
"Journys like yours can be long and they can stop and start at times," He began, "Believe me, I would know. I spent years hunting all the men involved in my family's murder: I was acting as an Assassin without knowing that my father was one, that my brother was to take over for him while I minded the bank. Now I'm the Assassin and Claudia is the one who knows how to handle our finances. Sometimes you just need to let yourself sit out for a while before you're able to keep on going."
"I heard about your family in Florence. . . People still talk about you." He hummed, a smile teasing his face then vanishing again.
"I made some irrational decisions when I was young. My first major kill was out in the open and I announced myself to the crowd after. I've been a wanted man for a long time." There was a silence. "Just promise me that you won't let this take you down a path of vain revenge. It'll only hurt you more." She could hear in his voice that he was speaking from experience still.
"I'm not entirely sure that I can promise that. My own family killed my parents, essentially kidnapped me and lied to me for years. I'm not sure if I can forgive that and I'm not sure that I can face them again. I know that the day will come when I'll have to but I just don't know if I can."
"This life will toughen you up whether you want it to or not. When the time comes, you'll be ready." He patted her shoulder as he rose to his feet. "Andiamo."
"Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked as she followed him across an archway to another roof, continuing to lead her east.
"To teach you how to better use that blade!" He called from ahead of her and a smile painted her face.
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corallorosso · 4 years ago
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I medici internisti: "La gente deve sapere che non ci sono più letti liberi negli ospedali" Sarà colpa del terrorismo mediatico? Oppure c’è in atto una pandemia che porta a morti e pazienti con sintomi gravi?
E perché c’è gente che ancora minimizza e non nega il disastro che sta accadendo in tutto il mondo? Tra pazienti Covid e non Covid siamo tutti oltre il 100% di occupazione, dobbiamo chiarirlo, se no la gente pensa che ci siano 4 letti su 10 liberi in ospedale". Lo ha detto Dario Manfellotto, primario Uoc di Medicina interna ospedale Fatebenefratelli Isola Tiberina e presidente Fadoi-Società scientifica di medicina interna. 
Oltre il 100% significa che siamo arrivati alle barelle e alle sistemazioni di fortuna. globalist
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geniuslocifestival-blog · 4 years ago
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#romageniale episodio 1: I lazzaretti di Roma. O quello che ne rimane.
Si sa che ogni città, nel passato, aveva i suoi lazzaretti, luoghi creati appositamente per impedire la circolazione delle epidemie in città: ma sapete dove si trovavano i lazzaretti di Roma?
I lazzaretti di Roma sopravvivono oggi quasi esclusivamente nella toponomastica: in via Borgo San Lazzaro, nel quartiere Vittoria, tra palazzi più o meno recenti, la piccola chiesa di San Lazzaro era un tempo affiancata al lazzaretto più grande d'Europa, dove i pellegrini della via Francigena dovevano trascorrere la loro quarantena prima di entrare in città. Oggi al suo posto sorge un parcheggio.
A Sud era posto un altro lazzaretto, presso la rocca di Ardea, in una zona ancora oggi chiamata "Casalazzara". Lo Stato Pontificio inoltre cercava di bloccare l'ingresso dei malati direttamente nei porti: in quello di Ancona sorse il lazzaretto progettato da Vanvitelli come un pentagono perfetto, a sua volta costituito da 5 pentagoni concentrici: 5, come le dita della mano, che simboleggia il potere dell'uomo di modificare la realtà (sta mano po' esse fero...)
E poi c'era il "lazzaretto brutto", nell'unica isola cittadina, l'Isola Tiberina: da sempre consacrata al dio della medicina Esculapio, sarà la meta di un nostro tour gratuito il prossimo 29 maggio alle 18.
E voi, conoscete altri ex lazzaretti a Roma?
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witch-of-letters · 6 years ago
Naples Blues (Ezio Auditore x Reader)
Ehi Viola, fatemi diventare la tua guardia del corpo grande e morbida! - Hey Viola, let me be your big and soft bodyguard!
Tenere la bocca chiusa e smettere di schiaffeggiare il mio culo! - Keep your mouth shut and stop slapping my ass!
Buona sera, mia amica - Good evening, my friend
Ahhh, cazzo di merda, Gordono! Basta aspettare finché io ti soffrivo a morte con le mie mani nude! - Ahhh, you piece of shit, Gordono! Just wait until I strangle you to death with my bare hands!
Buon giorno, amore. Com'è stata la tua giornata? - Good day, (my) love. How was your day?
Molto semplice - Very simple
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“Ehi Viola, fatemi diventare la tua guardia del corpo grande e morbida!” I could hear a guard shouting from inside the tavern. That sentence alone made me let out a very quiet noise of disgust. If only men weren’t such pigs in there…
“Tenere la bocca chiusa e smettere di schiaffeggiare il mio culo!” answered a light but stern voice of a barmaid. I was considering getting inside the tavern and lending the poor woman a hand, but unfortunately there was a job I had to do.
A week earlier, Machiavelli gave me a letter describing the details of my mission in Naples, where I had to obtain a not-so-valuable information from a local nobleman, Pietro del Fazza, and then put him to rest in order to lure out a much bigger target, his older brother Gordono. He gave me two weeks to finish it, which seemed like a bit too much for me because I was far too skilled to let that mission last for so long, but since Napoli was quite far from Monteriggioni, it took you a week - A WEEK - to get to that beautiful coastal city, and horses couldn’t run fast enough to get there in only a couple of days. Frankly, you were very frustrated because of that. You only wished that Ezio were here with you, keeping you company and sharing a warm bed with you, but fate decided otherwise, he had to go the other way to Venezia.
I stood right behind the corner, awaiting Pietro. He was supposed to come here and have a drink with an ‘old friend’ (i.e me) and have a talk about his apparently very important brother. Beforehand, I had checked his background and made sure that I had lots of escape routes if something didn’t go according to the plan. Thankfully, I had undergone such missions before, so this one shouldn't have been a problem for me. I only wanted to finish it as quickly as possible. As soon as that chain of thought finished, I saw my first target approaching you with a grim and displeased look on his face. He was wearing the usual nobleman’s clothes but his famed hat with peacock’s feathers was missing, and that meant he had been angry about something and had drunk before he went out of his house. When he saw me standing there in the shadows, he immediately sobered up and greeted me with a smile.
“Buona sera, mia amica!” I gave him a not-so-fake annoyed look.
“Where were you, Pietro? I’ve been waiting here for three hours now!” I really couldn’t hide your annoyance at this point. Normally, whenever I went on a mission with Ezio, I preferred him to do the talking because more often than not, I didn’t have the patience to hear the men saying their half-hearted apologies, and then offering me gifts to appease me somehow. This time though, I swallowed my impatience and went to tackle the ‘problem’ in front of me.
“My dear fratello couldn’t keep his mouth shut about my private affairs in front of the bankers from Firenze! They ridiculed me, and outright refused to conduct business with me!” he said venomously. As amusing as that display of anger was, I had to keep my head straight and my eyes focused.
“Want me to cut off his tongue then?” I asked him. He took a look at me and the weapons strapped on my back and waist and then shook his head.
“As much as he is a moron, I don’t want him to die by bleeding out all over the floor. Maybe he should be beaten up instead….Si, that does seem to an excellent punishment!”
“That, I can do, my friend. Just tell me where he is and I’ll deal with him. Molto semplice,” I told him with a light smirk on my face. I usually made a good judge of character but there were times when people proved to be much more cunning, and well trained to mask their true emotions. These people were usually either elite mercenaries or high-ranked Templars. I hoped that this time I would encounter neither of those, not that I couldn’t deal with them, I just didn’t want to waste time on sweet-talking them into giving me the information I needed. Just as Pietro was about to open his mouth, I felt the need to push him onto the ground, and my instincts didn’t fail me either, there was someone on the nearby building’s roof, already in the process of running away into the night. I knew that it was Gordono who sent that mysterious person to silence his brother. Guess he was expecting someone to come after him after all…
Pietro wiggled underneath me, giving me a signal to stand off him. He looked shocked but at the same time saddened because he didn’t expect an attempt on his life. I hoped he didn’t know it was his brother’s doing.
“You all right there, mio amico?” I calmly asked him.
“No. I am not ‘all right’. Someone just attempted to kill me! How can I be all right?! Ahhh, cazzo di merda, Gordono! Basta aspettare finché io ti soffrivo a morte con le mie mani nude!” said Pietro in a fit of anger. I wasted no time on getting information on his brother’s location.
“Where is he, Pietro?!” “In our mansion, on the slopes of that volcano.” I gritted my teeth at this. Why don’t people tell the full information about such things?!
“Which side of the volcano?! Be more specific!” He looked at me as if I was dumber than him.
“On the eastern side of it, of course! Don’t you know that?”
“No, Pietro, I don’t know that because I’ve never even been there before!” With that, I ran away from the tavern towards the alley nearby. I quickly scaled up the wall onto the roof and took in my surroundings. I remembered that I was in the southern part of the city, where all the best taverns and brothels were located, but I didn’t have time to ponder on those. I looked towards the volcano and spotted several medium-sized palazzos perched on the eastern slope of the volcano. That greatly narrowed the area of search, and with Moon being my only source of light, I hastily ran in the direction of the mansions.
Thankfully, I didn’t run into any guards on my way there. Since asking questions about Gordono was out of the question, I decided to use the information I had at my disposal. The heraldry of del Fazza depicted a hand holding three spears, and the colour of the banners was golden brown with a touch of green. I wandered in that district for about ten minutes, when I spotted the right house coloured in soft beige due to the numerous lanterns surrounding it. I counted all the guards patrolling the premises, and the number surprised me, only 28 them were wandering about. I supposed that Gordono used that number as bait in order to make me think that getting to him was so very easy. I was glad that I wasn’t THAT naive.
It took me no time to get past the guards and climb into an open window on the second floor. The room was barren of all things. Either someone of del Fazza family lived here and died, and his things were removed from here or it was simply unfurnished. I pressed my ear against the door, listening to the sounds on the other side. Having made sure there was no one walking around, I walked out of the room, only to spot that mysterious person shuffling some papers on a table near a huge plant. I assumed the figure was a woman because no man had such a petite body. Deciding on avoiding a fight with her, I went the other way towards Gordono’s supposed location. I repeated the same process of listening to the sounds behind the door, and then I opened it, only to find out that it was empty. I approached the desk in the center of the room. There were some papers about the management of this mansion, a few about this month’s bills, and one with a Templar cross on it. Without hesitation I took a look at it. What was written there, didn’t shock me the slightest.
 Gordono, as you well know, you have a price on your head. Since I cannot get involved in that, I can only tell you that it will be one of those Assassins that will come after you. Best be prepared for their visit because I hear that one of them is absolutely unbeatable when it comes to fighting and doing reconaissance.
 May the Father of Understanding guide you.
I heard someone clapping behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Gordono del Fazza himself.
“My, my, my, the assassino is finally here! What a surprise!” I inclined my head to the side and studied him. He was too cheery for my liking, and very arrogant by the look of his posture.
“You do realize, signore del Fazza, that you will not get out of this room alive. Your Templar friend won’t come to save you from me.” He gave out a loud laugh at this. Arrogance will get you nowhere, man.
“Then let’s fight! Show me how skilled you are!” He lunged at me with a sword in hand. I easily deflected his attacks, and with a precise strike, I stuck my hidden blade in his throat. That was one of the quickest fights I've ever been in...Ugh, men these days...
“I told you, you wouldn’t come out of this room on your own two feet. Should have listened to what I was saying.” The mysterious figure didn’t waste any time, and attacked me. I used my location to my advantage, and grabbed a hold of her collar, throwing her out of the window down on the streets below. Jumping out of the said window, I saw that the figure was gone, only black cape left in her place. Guess she didn’t die after all…
 A week later…
I was walking around Isola Tiberina to clear my head when I suddenly heard someone approaching. Without turning my head I greeted the man in question.
“Buon giorno, amore. Com'è stata la tua giornata?” He answered back in that familiar silky baritone voice of his.
“It was good, grazie. And what about you? How did your mission go?” Ezio wrapped his arm around my waist and took a look at my face. I raised an eyebrow.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Is that even a question? Of course I do!” I took a deep breath, to keep myself calm.
“I swear, if Machiavelli sends me on such a mission again, I will cut off both of his you-know-what! One, it took me a whole week to get there, two, the man I was supposed to meet with was a total idiota, and don’t even get me started on explaining what happened in del Fazza mansion!” I raised my hands in frustration, narrowly avoiding Ezio’s face. He put a hand on my face to focus my attention on him.
“Now, don’t get all fired up about beating up Niccolo. He is still very important to the Brotherhood.” I gave him a look.
“I know that Ezio. It’s just that sometimes, he really enjoys torturing me with long missions and ridiculous assignments, even though he knows that I’m a Grand Mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood and a Master Assassin. He is a cheeky ‘lil shit, I’ll give him that.” I heard my husband chuckle.
“Very true, amore, very true. You know what I suggest you do?”
“What?” There came that seductive look which my or should I say all the women’s legs weak.
“Come have a relaxing bath with me. There I can tell you all about my adventures in Venezia.”
“Oh relaxing, you say? My mind tells me not to pass up such an amazing offer.”
“Then you should listen to it.” With that, he took me into his arms and started running towards the hideout with me laughing all the way...
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amadryades · 6 years ago
Hey, have you ever been to Rome? If so, do you have any tips because I’m going this fall with my boyfriend. Have a nice day 🕊
I spent two wonderful days in Rome last month! Admire as much art and architecture as you can: visit the most famous piazzas ( Venezzia, del Popolo, Di Spagna, Navona etc) , enter Pantheon and small churches, walk via del Corso with a cup of gelato at hand, fill your bottle with water from the fountains, visit the Forum, the Constantine Arc and the Colosseum, definitely devote one entire to the Vatican museum. Trastevere and Isola Tiberina are perfect for dinner and drinks. Immerse yourselves in the history and aesthetics of Rome, I’m sure you will adore her 💛
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videogeist · 3 years ago
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overpainted prints on canvas 2022 95x145cm rome „luce luna“ La Festa di Roma 2019 Isola Tiberina/ (Insula Tiberina) #philippgeist #videogeist #rome #roma #isolatiberina #Romaeuropa #lichtkunst #hiddenplaces #painting #canvas #moleculeman #acrylicpainting #leinwand #malerei #abstractart #abstractpainting #artoninstagram #abstractartist #studioviews_daily #artoftheday #artistsoninstagram #overpaintingprint #overpainting #übermalung (hier: Isola Tiberina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGohi_sTcA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stellisonica · 3 years ago
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C’imbarcammo sul Tevere, e vi bevemmo ottimo vino di Spagna. [Goethe] ____________________________________________ 
#sky #lungotevere #roma🇮🇹 #isolatiberina #vivoroma #italia_cartoline #thehub_roma #clickfor_roma #clickfor_italia #quiriters #igpic_roma #igroma #igitaly #roma_cartoline_ #loves_united_roma #romaphotography #volgoroma #volgoitalia #italytravel #loves_united_italy #igitalia #igersitalia #scattoroma #igersroma #igerslazio #weareigersit #roma #love #instagrammersitalia #rome🇮🇹 @laziocreativo @discover.lazio @romaeternae (presso Isola Tiberina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYzBmX8N0xf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vinotv · 3 years ago
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Ci sono i #compleanni a sorpresa e poi ci sono i compleanni con sorpresa! In questo caso infatti è stata la festeggiata a stupirci invitandoci a pranzo e facendoci trovare grembiulini e mattarelli per preparare la pasta fresca!! Il tutto guidate dal bravissimo maestro chef @fabio.bongianni #fabiolouscookingday in una bellissima location nel cuore dell’ #isolatiberina a Roma! Un esperienza davvero divertente, costruttiva e soprattutto golosa perché i piatti sono riusciti alla grande!! Da un lato gli #gnocchettisardi preparati con farina di semola e acqua e poi conditi con un ragù di salsiccia, funghi, castagne e pecorino, e dall’altro una pasta fresca all’uovo con cui abbiamo fatto i #ravioli ripieni di zucca con burro, salvia e speck croccante! A voi è mai capitato di fare un compleanno così ? Cosa ne pensate? 😄 #grazie @camifili777 #bellaidea #happybirthday ❤️ ———————————————— #followmywinepassion #vinotv #chiaragiannotti #vinoitaliano #winetime #italianwine #winelover #sommelier #winetasting #tasting #feedyoursoull #winestagram (presso Isola Tiberina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWfvbUpNDT0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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david-pinto · 3 years ago
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A U T U M N // Ogni anno vi chiedo che stagione preferite. E sono arrivato alla conclusione che c’è chi ama l’estate e chi non può fare a meno dell’autunno. ✨ L’estate regala spensieratezza e gioia di vivere, l’autunno invece è uno di quei periodi dell’anno che a me serve per riflettere. La stagione perfetta che ti permette di tenere chiuse le finestre di casa e iniziare ad ascoltare se stessi, senza rumori e distrazioni. 🍁 Sarà perché l’autunno arriva così dopo il caos estivo, sarà perché coincide con quello che per me è “l’inizio dell’anno”, personalmente questa stagione mi trasmette energie positive, mi carica e mi spinge ad iniziare nuove sfide e cambiamenti. 🍂 Ma nonostante questo piccolo pensiero riflessivo sulla vita, sono certo che su una cosa possiamo essere tutti d’accordo: l’autunno regala dei colori bellissimi, nostalgici e caldi. 🧡 A Roma, proprio in questo punto della città (vedi foto), ogni volta che arriva l’autunno vengo qui e do il benvenuto alla mia stagione preferita. 👉🏻E tu hai un tuo angolo della tua città dove andare e che quando guardi ti riempie di autunno? 👉🏻Ti aspetto nei commenti e se ti va condividi il tuo pensiero. • • • • #romanascosta #autunno #italiait #wonderful_places #thatviewtho #bestplacestogo #tlpicks #earthpix #cntraveler #awesome_earthpix #beautifulitaly #italia_landscape #ig_roma #welltravelled #prettylittletrips #travelawesome #lamiaroma #noidiroma #amoviaggiare #raccontandoroma (presso Isola Tiberina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVSQrf1INn2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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