#isobel ross McGonagall
bowtomycoolscissors · 4 months
I cannot stop thinking about how Minerva McGonagall could have had cousins from her mom's side (considering her mother Isobel Ross, was a pure-blood. )
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I'm getting Maimie McCoy vibes since....well, I have always headcanoned for Minerva to have been born in 1925 ( since it would make sense for her to be in her 70's during Harry's era and plus, the Fantastic Beasts addition makes no sense. )
Some parts of this may be canonical but majority are my own imagination.
Dorothea Ross
> Youngest daughter of Allison Ross (neé Travers) and Alastair Ross (Isobel's youngest brother).
> Pure-blood.
> Born on 26 July, 1927 (Leo).
> Their aunt Isobel was not to be talked about in the household since she had married a muggle ( Robert McGonagall Sr, a Presbyterian minister. ) and had 'half-blood' children which was to be frowned upon by the Ross family.
> For some reason, she already had calculated that her cousins must be much older to her (Atleast Minerva) hence she had always been curious to meet her cousins.
> She was in the same year as Malcolm McGonagall: ( 1938 - 1945 ).
> She was sorted into Ravenclaw along with Malcolm. (Yes, I also believe that Malcolm was sorted into Ravenclaw unlike Minnie.)
During one of their talks in the common room, Malcolm mentioned his mother Isobel and that's how Dottie figured out the connection.
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minerva--mcgee · 4 years
McGonagall with the Marauders #9 - In The End
She let out a deep breath and sat on the end of her bed, reaching up and rubbing her sore shoulder. Rolling out her neck, Minerva made her way closer to the headboard and laid down on her back and pulled a blanket over her. After a rather uneventful day, she felt more tired than usual.
Her eyes drifted closed and the night slipped away into darkness - until a few hours later, she heard a familiar voice whispering to her.
“Minnie,” said the voice gently, “Minnie, it’s time to go.”
Minerva opened her eyes and saw her husband Elphinstone for the first time in years. She gasped at the sight of him. The last time she remembered him, he was cold and pale, the blood having rushed out of his body. Minerva had been the one to discover him by the lake. He looked older than he ever had. But this time - this time he was young, like he was when they first met. He was wearing his best robes.
His hand reached out to hers, and she hesitated for a moment before taking it in hers. He pulled her up to him, their bodies touching. Minerva noticed that the pain that had grown to accompany movement over the years was gone.
“Phin,” she breathed, putting her forehead against his. They sat together for a moment, before he pulled back to look at her again.
“Minnie, you’ve done so well,” he used his hand to stroke the side of her face, “I’m so, so proud of you.”
“I’ve missed you so much.”
Silence. And then, “Are you ready to go?”
Minerva was confused, and looked around the room. She looked back at the bed and saw that he body was still laying, appearing to sleep peacefully under the covers. She waited to watch her chest rise and fall, but it did not. Her eyes met his again.
“Yes, Phin. I think I am.”
She caught a glimpse in the mirror behind him, and finally noticed that they both were not solid - rather, they were translucent, the clear appearance of ghosts. Like Phin, she looked like she had in her twenties, at her prime. She did not have the scars of war that not laced her body,  Something moved near the doorway of the room, and she saw the figures of her mother and brothers waiting for her. Malcolm and Robbie both had their shit-eating grins on their faces that she remembered.
“Headmistress McGonagall,” said Malcolm teasingly. “You’ve done well, sis.”
“The most feared and respected!” echoed Robbie.
Her mother, Isobel, came forward and hugged her. “You’ve had a long, full life, Minerva. You deserve rest.”
A crashing sound came from the opposite side of the room. “Oh! Sorry we’re late, Minnie!”
She snapped her head over and saw five more figures had suddenly appeared.
“Damn! We missed her reunion with Phin!”
“This is all your fault, Moony!”
“She deserves respect, Prongs - did you want to be here to watch her die!”
The suave figure of Sirius Black turned to great her. “Minnie!” he said cooly, “You look good, Minnie.”
“Oh, stop, Sirius,” said Lily, approaching Minerva. “Are you ready to go?”
Minerva felt herself truly laugh for the first time in many, many years. “Yes, I suppose I am.”
“Great!” said Nymphadora Tonks. “We don’t have much time down here - let’s go ahead and go.”
“Real smooth, Nymphadora,” said James Potter, teasing her. She turned to glare at him, but Lily stopped her. Phin turned back to her.
“Let’s go, my love.”
With one last look at her body, she finally felt safe.
The next morning, her room was found by Filius Flitwick, without the ghosts, and the peaceful body of the most renown Headmistress in the history of Hogwarts, with a small smile on her face.
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hogwartsbypictures · 4 years
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Isobel "yes, my dear, give it one more twirl and it will be perfect" McGonagall & Minerva "thank you for teaching me, mamaidh" mMcGonagall
Taken by Robert "what are my two girls working on?" McGonagall in 1940
**Young Minerva McGonagall Spam**
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thealbinoferret · 5 years
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My real name is Isabelle Ross so to say I’m ecstatic about being a canon Harry Potter character is an understatement
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persialiu · 6 years
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brunuhvielle · 2 years
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Minerva McGonagall was a Scottish half-blood witch, the only daughter of muggle Robert McGonagall and witch Isobel Ross. She also was the older sister of Malcolm and Robert Jnr. Minerva attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor House, but it took the Sorting Hat five and a half minutes to decide if she was Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, which made her a Hatstall. During her seventh year she was appointed Head Girl.
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melancholyandfrogs · 2 years
A Comprehensive Time Line of Harry Potter History
! this is all what I consider to be canon - some things might be inaccurate but I did the best research I could !
Let's start young- 993
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is founded by Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor
Chamber of Secrets is made by Salazar Slytherin
Room of Requirement is made by Helga Hufflepuff
September - Peeves the Poltergeist is brought into existence by the energy of students at Hogwarts
Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington is born
October 31st, 1492
Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington is killed in battle, and becomes Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of Gryffindor
Cuthbert Binns is born
Cuthbert Binns dies while teaching at Hogwarts, and becomes a ghost while staying the Professor of History of Magic
Albus Dumbledore is born
December 31st, 1926
Tom Marvolo Riddle is born to Thomas Riddle Senior and Merope Riddle (née Guant)
Rubeus Hagrid is born to Fridwulgfa the Giantess and Hagrid Senior
October 4th, 1935
Minerva McGonagall is born to (muggle) Robert McGonagall and Isobel Ross
Hagrid is expelled from Hogwarts after being blamed for bringing the 'monster' to Hogwarts the first time the Chamber of Secrets is opened, and becomes the groundskeeper
Tom Riddle becomes Voldemort
Jan 14th - Galahad Weasley is born Lieke Hugo and Geriant Weasley
June, 1943
Myrtle Warren is killed and becomes Moaning Myrtle
Minerva McGonagall is sorted into Gryffindor
1950 - Arthur
February 6th - Arthur Weasley is born to Cedrella Weasley (née Black) and Septimus Weasley
March 31st - Edward "Ted" Tonks is born
Andromeda Black is born to Cygnus Black and Druella Black (née Rosier)
1951 - Molly
October 30th - Molly Prewett is born to Beatrix Prewett (née Davis) and Servius Prewett
Bellatrix Black is born to Cygnus Black and Druella Black (née Rosier)
Lucius Malfoy is born to Belvina Malfoy (née Nott) and Abraxas Malfoy
The twins Gideon and Fabian Prewett are born to Beatrix Prewett (née Davis) and Servius Prewett
Minerva McGonagall graduates Hogwarts as head girl and beater
Narcissa Black is born to Cygnus Black and Druella Black (née Rosier)
Petunia Evans is born
Minerva McGonagall becomes Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts
1959 - Peter, Sirius
September 9th - Peter "Scabbers" Pettigrew is born
September 14th - Frank Longbottom is born to Augusta Longbottom (née Smethwick) and Geoffrey Longbottom
November 3rd - Sirius "Padfoot" Orion Black is born to Walburga Black (née Black-Crabbe) and Orion Black
December 19th - Pandora Lestrange is born
1960 - Snape, Lily, Remus, James
January 9th - Severus "Snivellus, Half-Blood Prince" Snape is born to Tobias Snape and (muggle) Eileen Prince
January 30th - Lily "Doe" Jade Evans is born
March 10th - Remus "Moony" John Lupin is born to Lyall and Hope Lupin
March 27th - James "Prongs" Fleamont Potter is born to Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Potter (née Greengrass)
April 2nd - Dorcas Meadowes is born
August 1st - Marlene McKinnon is born
August 16th - Alice Fortescue is born
October 31st - Aida Zabini is born
November 13th - Xenophilius Lovegood is born
Sorting Year - Pre-War 1961 - students born 1950-1951
Gryffindor: Arthur Weasley - beater, Molly Weasley
Hufflepuff: Ted Tonks
Slytherin: Andromeda Black
Lower Slytherin: Bellatrix Black - prefect
Regulus Arcturus Black is born to Walburga Black (née Black-Crabbe) and Orion Black
Minerva McGonagall and Elphinstone Urquart are married
March 7th, 1965
Remus Lupin is attacked by Fenrir Greyback and becomes a werewolf
Sorting Year - First War 1965 - students born 1954-1955
Gryffindor: Gideon and Fabian Prewett - chasers
Slytherin: Lucius Malfoy
Lower Slytherin: Narcissa Black - head girl
Bellatrix Black becomes a Death Eater, receives a dark mark
June - Arthur Weasley and Molly Prewett are married, she comes Molly Weasley
Andromeda Black is disowned by the Black family for being courted by Ted Tonks, a muggleborn
1970 - Bill
Rodolphus Lestrange and Bellatrix Black get married, she becomes Bellatrix Lestrange
November 29th - William “Bill” Arthur Weasley is born to Arthur and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
Sorting Year - Marauders 1971/1972 - students born 1959/1960/1961
Gryffindor: James Potter - chaser and head boy, Remus Lupin - prefect, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black - keeper, Lily Evans - head girl, Marlene McKinnon - chaser, Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue
Ravenclaw: Xenophilius Lovegood
Lower Ravenclaw: Pandora Lestrange
Slytherin: Severus Snape, Dorcas Meadowes - prefect, Aida Zabini
Lower Slytherin: Regulus Black - seeker, prefect
1972 - Charlie
Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter find out that Remus Lupin is a werewolf
Ted Tonks and Andromeda Black get married, she becomes Andromeda Tonks
James Potter becomes a chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team
December 12th - Charles “Charlie” Septimus Weasley is born to Arthur and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
Regulus Black becomes a seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team
The Marauder’s Map is made
Elphinstone Urquart dies of natural causes, leaving Minerva McGonagall a widow
1973 - Tonks
Nymphadora Vulpecula Tonks is born to Andromeda Tonks (née Black) and Ted Tonks
Sirius Black becomes a keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team
Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and James Potter become Animagus (Sirius a black dog, Peter a rat and James a deer) to accompany Remus Lupin during full moons safely
September - Remus Lupin, Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon are made Gryffindor prefects, Dorcas Meadowes is made a Slytherin prefect
Lily Evans and James Potter kiss for the first time in 4th year after a game of truth and dare in the Gryffindor common room
1976 - Percy
April - Viktor Krum is born
Xenophilius Lovegood and Pandora Lestrange get married, she becomes Pandora Lovegood
James Potter is made a Gryffindor prefect
August 22nd - Percival "Percy" Ignatius Weasley is born to Arthur and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
Lucius Malfoy becomes a Death Eater, receives a dark mark
November - Lily Evans finally confesses her love to James Potter in 6th year
1977 - Fleur
Fleur Delacour is born to (Veela) Apolline and Monsieur Delacour
June 30th - Delphini Naga is born to Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) and Voldemort | Tom Riddle
July - Lily Evans and James Potter officially get together
Cedric Diggory is born to Douglas Diggory and his wife
October 30th - Angelina Johnson is born
1978 - Fred/George, Lee
Severus Snape becomes a Death Eater, receives a dark mark
April 1st - the twins Fredrick Gideon and George Fabian Weasley are born to Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue get married, she becomes Alice Longbottom
Lee Jordan is born
November - Lily Evans and Alice Longbottom find out that they’re pregnant, Lily Evans and James Potter move into Godric’s Hollow
Cho Chang is born
December - Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Potter (née Greengrass) get sick with Dragon Pox
Beatrix Prewett (née Davis) and Servius Prewett die fighting in the First Wizarding War, leaving their children orphans
1979 - Hermione, Seamus, Lavender
May - Fleamont Potter and Euphemia Potter (née Greengrass) die of Dragon Pox, leaving James Potter an orphan
Regulus Black dies to destroy a Horcrux via betraying Voldemort
September 19th - Hermione Jean Granger is born
September - Seamus Finnigan is born
September 21st - the twins Parvati and Padma Patil are born
Hannah Abbott is born to Gifford Abbott and his wife
November - Susan Bones is born and often watched by her aunt, Amelia Bones
Lavender Brown is born
Fabian Prewett dies fighting in the First Wizarding War
Dudley Dursley is born to Petunia Dursley (née Evans) and Vernon Dursley
1980 - Dean, Ron, Draco, Neville, Harry
January 7th - Dean Thomas is born
March 11th - Ronald "Ron" Bilius Weasley is born to Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
Justin Finch-Fletchey is born
June 5th - Draco Lucius Malfoy is born to Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black)
June - Ernie MacMillan is born
July 1st - Theodore Tiberius Nott is born to Tiberius Nott and his wife
July 30th - Neville Longbottom is born to Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom (née Fortescue)
July 31st - Harry James Potter is born to James Potter and Lily Potter (née Evans)
August 28th - Pansy Parkinson is born
September 1st - Blaise Elias Zabini is born to Aida Zabini and Elias Knightly
1981 - Luna, Zach, Ginny
February 13th - Luna Elizabeth Lovegood is born to Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood (née Lestrange)
March - Zacharias Hepzibah Smith is born, believed to be the heir of Hufflepuff
Colin Creevey is born
July - Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes are killed fighting Death Eaters
August 11th - Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Weasley is born to Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley (née Prewett)
November - Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom (née Fortescue) are tortured to insanity via Cruciatus Curse, Neville Longbottom goes to live with his grandmother Augusta Longbottom (née Smethwick)
Elias Knightly is killed mysteriously
Gideon Prewett dies fighting in the First Wizarding War, leaving his sister Molly Weasley (née Prewett) as the sole Prewett war survivor
October 31st, 1981
James Potter and Lily Potter (née Evans) are killed by Voldemort who breaks an unbreakable vow and is ripped apart and Harry Potter is orphaned
Sirius Black is imprisoned in Azkaban for his assumed crimes, the Weasley family takes in Scabbers
aftermath on November 3rd - Harry Potter is delivered on the doorstep of Petunia Dursley (née Evans) and Vernon Dursley
Sorting Year - Double Trouble 1983 - students born 1972-1973
Gryffindor: Charlie Weasley
Hufflepuff: Nymphadora Tonks
Mateo Maximoff is born
February 14th - Christabel Zabini is born to Aida Zabini and Paul Mitchell
July 30th - Gabrielle Apolline Delacour is born to (Veela) Apolline and Monsieur Delacour
Dennis Creevey is born
December - Paul Mitchell dies mysteriously
Neville Longbottom’s uncle throws him out the window and his family confirms that he’s not a squib, due to him bouncing down the pavement
December 19th - Elaine Tyra Zabini is born to Aida Zabini and Tyson Conners
Sorting Year - Durms, Beauxs, Hogs 1987 - students born 1976-1977
H, Gryffindor: Percy Weasley - head boy, Oliver Woof - keeper and quidditch captain
B, Ombrelune: Fleur Delacour
D, Wolverine: Viktor Krum - seeker
D, Vulpelara: Athena Eliopoulos
Sorting Year - The Twins 1989 - students born 1978
Gryffindor: Fred and George Weasley - beaters, Angelina Johnson - keeper and team captain, Lee Jordan - quidditch announcer, Katie Bell - chaser, Adrian Pucey - chaser
Slytherin: Marcus Flint - team captain
Ravenclaw: Cho Chang - prefect
Hufflepuff: Cedric Diggory - prefect
Tyson Conners dies mysteriously
Pandora Lovegood (née Lestrange) is killed by her own experiment in front of her daughter, Luna
September - Neville Longbottom buys Trevor the toad
October 30th - Lacey and Sable Zabini are born to Aida Zabini and Johnathan Taylor
Harry Potter talks to a snake at a zoo (believed to be Nagini), and traps his cousin Dudley Dursley and his friend Piers Polkiss behind glass accidentally
1991 (Philosopher's Stone)
Johnathan Taylor dies mysteriously
July 31st - Harry Potter buys Hedwig the snowy owl
July - Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy meet in Diagon Alley and Draco accidentally insults him, Hagrid buys him Hedwig the owl
August - Quirinus Quirrell becomes Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and meets Harry Potter in Diagon Alley, who notes his 'stutter'. Hagrid informs Harry who Voldemort is
September - Dumbledore hides the Philosopher's Stone in Hogwarts, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter fight a Mountain Troll in a girl’s bathroom on the first floor
Harry Potter becomes a seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team
October - Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have detention in the forbidden forest for being out of bed after curfew
November - Charlie Weasley breaks into Hogwarts to take Norbert the dragon to safety, who Hagrid had hatched
December 25th - Harry Potter gets James Potter’s invisibility cloak for Christmas from Albus Dumbledore, who previously had it
Sorting Year - Golden Trio 1991 - 1980
Gryffindor: Harry Potter - seeker, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley - keeper and prefect, Hermione Granger - head girl, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan - chaser, Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown
Slytherin: Draco Malfoy - seeker and head boy, Pansy Parkinson - prefect, Blaise Zabini - chaser, Theodore Nott - keeper, Daphne Greengrass
Hufflepuff: Justin Finch-Fletchy, Ernie McMillian - prefect, Susan Bones - prefect, Zacharias Smith - chaser, Wayne Hopkins - beater, Oliver Rivers
Ravenclaw: Terry Boot - beater, Padma Patil
1992 (Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets)
The Mirror of Erised is discovered by Harry Potter
April - Harry Potter kills Quirinus Quirrell with the Philosopher's Stone, releasing Voldemort’s spirit, who knocks him out
July - Dobby the House Elf tries to stop Harry Potter from going back to Hogwarts by stealing the letters Ron and Hermione send him
It's further revealed that the Dursley's are abusive to Harry Potter
 August 3rd - Ron, Fred and George Weasley rescue Harry Potter from the Dursleys
Cedric Diggory becomes a Hufflepuff Prefect
September 1st - Harry Potter and Ron Weasley take a flying car to Hogwarts after missing the train and crash into the Whomping Willow, Ginny is given Tom Riddle’s diary by Lucius Malfoy
Gilderoy Lockhart becomes Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor
Draco Malfoy becomes a seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team
Theodore Nott becomes a keeper for the Slytherin Quidditch team
October 8th - Penelope Clearwater is petrified through her mirror
October 30th - Mrs. Norris is petrified
Hermione Granger makes a polyjuice potion with Milicent Bulstrone, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe’s hair for her, Harry and Ron but Millicent’s hair is actually her cats and Hermione’s potion goes wrong
December 18th - Nearly Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchey are petrified together
December 20th - Colin Creevey is petrified through his camera
December 23rd - Hermione Granger is petrified holding a piece of paper containing basilisk information (believed to be given to her by Draco Malfoy)
Sorting Year - Silver Trio 1992 - students born 1981
Gryffindor: Ginny Weasley - chaser, Colin Creevey - photographer
Slytherins: Astoria Greengrass - prefect
Ravenclaw: Luna Lovegood
1993 (Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban)
May - Ginny Weasley is saved from the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter kills the Basilisk
July  1st - Tiberius Nott is arrested in connection with Death Eaters while Theodore Nott is still in school
Remus Lupin is hired as Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
July - Sirius Black breaks out of Azkaban as an Animagus
Dumbledore gives Hermione Granger a time-tuner to complex more classes per semester
Buckbeak the Hippogriff attacks Draco Malfoy for accidentally insulting him
August 31st - Hermione Granger buys Crookshanks the half-Kneazle (believed to previously have been the Potter's cat
September - Remus Lupin and Harry Potter meet on the train, is saved from a Demetor attack
Sirius Black and Harry Potter meet, revealing Remus Lupin as a werewolf and Peter Pettigrew as Scabbers (the Weasley family rat) and the true traitor
Buckbeak the Hippogriff is saved by Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, who traveled back in time user her time turner, he, in turn, saves them from the transformed werewolf, Remus Lupin
Sirius Black escapes with Buckbeak the Hippogriff and keeps in touch with Harry Potter, his god-son
Remus Lupin confronts Dumbledore and quits his job
1994 (Goblet of Fire)
February 24th - The Triwizard Champions are Chosen: Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts and Hufflepuff, Fleur Delacour of Beauxbaton and Ombrelune, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang and Wolverine, and finally (incorrectly) Harry Potter of Hogwarts and Gryffindor
Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang are believed to start dating
Monsieur Delacour dies
Fleur Delacour graduates from Beauxbatons
Fleur Delacour moves in with Bill Weasley
1995 (Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix)
June 24, Battle at the Graveyard - Cedric Diggory is killed, Voldemort | Tom Riddle is revived and Peter Pettigrew looses an arm
August 18th - Harry Potter is tortured by Dolores Umbridge, gets a scar on his hand that says “I must not tell lies”
September - Dolores Umbridge becomes Headmistress of Hogwarts
October - The Room of Requirement is exposed
November - Dumbledore’s Army is created, Umbridge creates the Inquisitorial Squad
December 18th - Arthur Weasley is attacked at the Ministry of Magic by Nagini, survives and spends his recovery at St. Mungo's
Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks get together
1996 - Teddy
April 28th - "Teddy" Edward Remus Lupin is born to Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin
1996 (Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince)
February - Dolores Umbridge finds the Room of Requirement with the help of the Inquisitorial Squad via Draco Malfoy having his peers use Polyjuice potion
Divinations Professor Sybille Trelawney is fired by Dolores Umbridge, Minerva McGonagall offers her sanctuary at Hogwarts despite not having liked her in previous books
June 27th, Battle at Ministry of Magic - Sirius Black is thrown into the void, Ron Weasley is hexed and gets permanent damage on his arms
Sirius Black dies from the void
October 12 - Katie Bell is tortured under the Imperius Curse via Madam Rosmerta of Three Broomsticks, under the Imperius Curse via Draco Malfoy at the order of Death Eaters
December - Lucius Malfoy is arrested in connection with Death Eaters
Viktor Krum and Athena Eliopoulos get married, she becomes Athena Krum
Katie Bell and Evan II Rosier officially get together
August - It's believed that Draco Malfoy is bitted by Fenrir Greyback instead of receiving the dark mark as a way to punish his parents
1997 (Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows)
June 30th, Battle of the Astronomy Tower - Albus Dumbledore is killed by Severus Snape with the Death Eaters being under the impression Draco Malfoy killed him, Bill Weasley is mauled by Greyback, Harry uses Sectumsempra on Draco Malfoy, leaving him with permanent scars that Severus Snape heals alongside Madam Pomfrey
July 27th, Battle of the Seven Potters - George Weasley loses his ear via Sectumsempra cast by Severus Snape, Alistair "Mad-Eye" Moody and Hedwig are killed in battle
August 1st - Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley get married, she becomes Fleur Weasley
Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, Garrick Ollivander and Griphook kidnapped and taken to Malfoy Manor
September - Xenophilius Lovegood betrays Harry, Hermione and Ron to the Death Eaters to try and save Luna's life, they go on the run instead of going to Hogwarts
Sorting Year - Rebellion Generation 1996/1997 - students born 1985/1986
Gryffindor: Dennis Creevey
Slytherin: Elaine Zabini - chaser
Upper Slytherin: Christabel Zabini, Mateo Maximoff - seeker
March - Peter Pettigrew is killed by Voldemort
Ted Tonks dies while escaping Death Eaters who kidnap loyal followers of Dumbledore and muggleborn's
Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan get together officially
June - Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil get together officially
Katie Bell and Evan II Rosier get married, she becomes Katie Rosier
1998 (Deathly Hallows)
April - Hermione Granger is tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange at Malfoy Manor, leaving a scar on her neck (or the word mudblood on her wrist)
October 14th - Fred Weasley and Lee Jordan create and run Potterwatch, Ron Weasley abandons the hunt for Horcruxes from effect of being around the Horcruxes they've already found
November 4th - Ron Weasley comes back to the hunt
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley officially get together
May 2, 1998
Severus Snape is killed by Voldemort
Lavender Brown is mauled by Fenrir Greyback (believed to live)
During the battle there are casualties: Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Colin Creevey, Vincent Crabbe, Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black), Fenrir Greyback among fifty others
Ron Weasley breaks the silence curse cast by Voldemort at the defense of Harry Potter
Historically, Draco Malfoy throws Harry Potter back his wand
Neville Longbottom kills Nagini (the last Horcrux) and defeats Voldemort
Hannah Abbot and Neville Longbottom officially get together
November 15th - Victoire Molly Weasley is born to Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley (née Delacour)
Percy Weasley and Audrey Fairfax get married, she becomes Audrey Weasley
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley officially get together
October - Elaine Zabini becomes a chaser for the Slytherin Quidditch team
Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott get married, she becomes Hannah Longbottom
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger get married, she becomes Hermione Weasley
Susan Bones and Ernie Macmillan get married, she becomes Susan Macmillan
May 10th - Rebecca Molly Weasley is born to Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley (née Fairfax)
Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil get married, they become the Brown-Patil’s
Mateo Maximoff becomes a seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team
November 3rd - Nicolas Evan Rosier is born to Katie and Evan Rosier (née Bell)
Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbott get married, she becomes Hannah Longbottom
2002 - Fred II
George Weasley and Angelina Johnson get married, she becomes Angelina Weasley
Ginny Weasley becomes a professional Quidditch player with the Holyhead Harpies
January 3rd - Fred Angelo Weasley is born to George Weasley and Angelina Weasley (née Johnson)
April 24th - Jake Arthur Weasley is born to Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley (née Fairfax)
Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley get married, she becomes Ginny Potter
July 24th - Mavis Poppy Longbottom is born to Hannah Longbottom (née Abbott) and Neville Longbottom
November 21st - Florenz Apollo Krum is born to Viktor Krum and Athena Krum (née Eliopolous)
2003 - Dominique, James II
Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander officially get together
February 1st - Dominique Gabrielle Weasley is born to Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley (née Delacour)
Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan get married, he becomes Seamus Thomas
September 18th - James Sirius Potter is born to Harry Potter and Ginny Potter (née Weasley)
2004 - Roxanne
January 29th - Irene Hannah Macmillan is born to Susan Macmillan (née Bones) and Ernie Macmillan
February 4th - Roxanne Olivia Weasley is born to George and Angelina Weasley (née Johnson)
Dennis Creevey and Elaine Zabini officially get together
Gabrielle Delacour and Mateo Maximoff officially get together
October 25th - Lucas Karter Rosier is born to Katie Rosier (née Bell) and Evan Rosier
Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass get married, she becomes Astoria Malfoy
2005 - Rose, Albus
January 20th - Rose Minerva Granger is born to Hermione Weasley (née Granger) and Ron Weasley
February 21st - Alice Ginevra Longbottom is born to Neville Longbottom and Hannah Longbottom (née Abbott)
May 3rd - the twins Lorcan Arthur and Lysander Rowan Scamander to Rolf Scamander and Luna Lovegood
June 1st - Lee Avery is born to George Weasley and Angelina Weasley (née Johnson)
July 23rd - Cooper Ronald Thomas is born to Seamus Thomas (née Finnigan) and Dean Thomas
August 5th - Albus Severus Potter are born to Harry Potter and Ginny Potter (née Weasley)
2006 - Scorpius
Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy is born to Draco Malfoy and Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass)
July 12th - The twins Ellie Audrey and Luciana Mia Weasley are born to Percy Weasley and Audrey Weasley (née Fairfax)
Daniel Greengrass is born to Daphne Greengrass and Oliver Rivers
Melissa Goyle is born to Gregory Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode
2007 - Caliban/Ciar, Lily
February 18th - the twins Caliban Basil and Ciar Mauritius Brown-Patil are born to Lavender and Parvati Brown-Patil
April 2nd - Lily Luna Potter is born to Harry Potter and Ginny Potter (née Weasley)
Sorting Year - Next Gen 2007 - students born 1996/1997/1998
Gryffindor: Teddy Lupin - beater, Nate Riley -beater
Lower Ravenclaw: Victoire Weasley - seeker and prefect
October 21st - Justin Zacharias Macmillan is born to Susan and Ernie Macmillan (née Bones)
Lucas Goyle is born to Gregory Goyle and Millicent Bulstrode
Mateo Maximoff and Gabrielle Delacour get married, she becomes Gabrielle Maximoff
2009 - Carmen
April 13th - the twins Marcos Draco and Carmen Blair Parkinson are born to Pansy Parkinson and her partner (believed by some to be Blaise Zabini)
July 11th - Louis William Weasley is born to Bill Weasley and Fleur Weasley (née Delacour)
August 10th - Hugo Charlie Weasley is born to Hermione Weasley (née Granger) and Ron Weasley
September 3rd - the twins Mateo William II and Crystalia Fleur Maximoff are born to Gabrielle Maximoff (née Delacour) and Mateo Maximoff
Rodolphus Lestrange dies in Azkaban
October 5th - Natalia Mattea Maximoff are born to Gabrielle Maximoff (née Delacour) and Mateo Maximoff
Sorting Year - Next Gen 2012/2013 - students born 2001/2002
Upper Gryffindor: Rebecca Weasley -prefect, Nicolas Rosier
Gryffindor: Fred Weasley - team captain
Ravenclaw: Ignatius Finch-Fletchley - chaser, Olivia Moon
Upper Hufflepuff: Tyler Davis
Viktor Krum retires after a gnarly defeat
Sorting Year - Next Gen 2014/2015 - students born 2003/2004
Gryffindor: James Potter - keeper and prefect, Dominique Weasley - prefect
Lower Gryffindor: Roxanne Weasley - beater and prefect, Cassiopeia Entwhistle
Slytherin: Emmett Montague - beater
Lower Slytherin: Megara Bishopper
Lower Ravenclaw: Lucas Rosier, Emma Vane
Lower Hufflepuff: Irene Macmillan - prefect
Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley officially get together
Sorting Year - Next Gen 2016/2017 - students born 2005/2006
Gryffindor: Lee Weasley - quidditch announcer, Cooper Thomas
Lower Gryffindor: Ellie Weasley -prefect
Slytherin: Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter
Lower Slytherin: Luciana Weasley - beater, Melissa Goyle
Ravenclaw: Rose Granger - keeper and head girl
Lower Ravenclaw: Daniel Greengrass -chaser, Lysander and Rowan Scamander - beaters
Hufflepuff: Alice Longbottom -prefect
Sorting Year - Young Next Gen 2018/2019 - students born 2007/2008
Upper Gryffindor: Lily Potter - beater, Ciar Brown-Patil
Upper Ravenclaw: Caliban Brown-Patil - prefect
Hufflepuff: Justin Macmillan, Victoria Sommertime
Slytherin: Lucas Goyle
Sorting Year - New Gen 2020/2021 - students born 2009/2010
Upper Gryffindor: Hugo Granger
Upper Slytherin: Marcos and Carmen Parkinson - prefects
Ravenclaw: Mateo Maximoff II -seeker, prefect
Upper Hufflepuff: Louis Weasley
Hufflepuff: Crystalia Maximoff
Sorting Year - Young New Gen 2022/2023 - students born 2011/2012
Gryffindor: Natalia Maximoff- beater
Upper Slytherin: Colin Creevey Jr - chaser
Scorpius Potter and Rose Granger officially get together
Lucianna Weasley and Cooper Thomas officially get together
Lily Potter and Lysander Lovegood officially get together
Everything else is up to your imagination!
Let me know if you all want me to put together the most comprehensive family tree that I can for all the characters I know!
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tabbycatanimagus · 3 years
the greatest proof that there is an unwarranted hole in Minerva McGonagall's backstory is the fact that she repeated her parents' story consciously of the discomfort it caused her.
on the wikipedia page of Isobel Ross, it's reported that Minerva observed and acknowledged the lack of trust between her parents after her mother revealed she was a witch to her muggle father, after so many years of marriage and then children. the wikipedia page also reveals that, like her mother, Minerva also never felt comfortable restricting her uses of magic and blending into an essentially muggle village.
so, why would JK Rowling define that Minerva would have fallen head over heels in love with a muggle, even though she had turned down his marriage proposals several times?
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marleymckitten · 4 years
Do you have any Marlene McKinnon head-canons?
Hi lovely Anon! So I already answered this a few months ago but no surprise I’m always finding new headcanons so here: ❤︎
・Her middle name was Rose, after her Grandmother (on her dad’s side).
・Her Grandmother was also Minerva McGonagall’s aunt. (Isobel Ross’ sister)
・She was known as: Marley (by her brothers and friends) Mars Bar (by James after he found out it was the name of a muggle candy) McKitten (by Sirius) Petal (by her father) Leeny (by her mother)
・Like James, she was an Aries.
・She was impulsive. She would always act first and think second.
・She’s always over confident, has absolutely no inhibitions and that’s before she starts drinking.
・She loves her big family.
・Her mother was French and her father was Scottish, but she grew up in England so she had an English accent with a slight Scottish twang to it.
・She understood French but she rarely spoke it with anyone but her Mother.
・Her favourite colour was Gryffindor red.
・Her favourite songs were Barracuda by Heart and One Way or Another by Blondie.
・Her favourite singer was Debbie Harry from Blondie.
・She and James grew up together and were best friends.
・They made a blood pact when they were only eight years old that they would always protect one another.
・She and James were born a week apart and when they were younger they would gave joint birthday parties.
・Marlene had never known a world without James in it.
・She was a descendant of Godric Gryffindor on her dad’s side.
・She was the first female beater in Gryffindor history.
・Her lucky number was 3, which is also her quidditch number and birth date.
・Her favourite subject was defence against the dark arts and she was the best in her year.
・She had three older brothers. (For me they are: Matthew, Michael and Mason)
・Her oldest brother, Matthew, whom she was always closest to was killed when she was sixteen, he sacrificed himself to save her and she was never the same after that.
・She was much closer to her father than her mother.
・Her father’s patronus was a lion and her’s a lioness.
・She has a tattoo of a lioness on her left shoulder and one of a rose on her wrist.
・Her brother Matthew owned a ginger cat that was half-kneazle named Lion. When he died the cat belonged to Marlene. After Marlene and the rest of her family were wiped out, the cat was then given to the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley. Twelve years later, you guessed it, Lion was adopted by none other than Miss Hermione Jean Granger and would henceforth be named Crookshanks. The reason Crookshanks remembered Sirius so fondly was because he spent so much time with him. That’s also the same reason he knew Scabbers was Pettigrew.
・One time in her fifth year she punched Severus Snape in the face so hard that she broke his nose, it was never the same shape since.
・She wanted to write for the daily prophet because she strongly believed that the ministry was distorting the world’s view on what was really happening with Voldemort. She wanted to be able to report the truth about what was happening to the Wizarding world.
・She and Sirius kept their relationship a secret at the beginning because they were worried about how people (especially James) would react.
・It’s fair to say that when he did find out, he did not react well.
・When Marlene was fifteen, she lost her virginity to Bertram Aubrey who only did it so that he could brag about it to his friends later. Although Marlene would never admit it, she was crushed.
・When James found out he was fuming, so he and Sirius decided to use an illegal hex on him between classes ( Engorgio Skullus). They received a month’s detention afterwards, but both agreed that it was definitely worth it.
☞ And people, that’s why they did it. When Harry is in detention and reads about James and Sirius hexing Bertram Aubrey in the Half Blood Prince Chapter 24, they did it for Marlene McKinnon ❤︎
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marauderssequels · 4 years
time for more intense speculation of the 1970s based on dubious canon sources!
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in the first harry potter movie, three awards for the Gryffindor quidditch team are shown. james potter’s award shows him as being a seeker in 1972, so either he started as a seeker and later became a chaser, or they just changed it so harry would better relate to it on screen. either way, we know he joined the team his second year. it would’ve been mentioned to harry if his father had also been a first-year quidditch player, and since first-years aren’t allowed their own brooms, james probably held out until his second year to try out.
since this award would actually be given to him in 1973 after the season ended, we can assume the years listed in the movies referred to the year the season started. from there, we can use the years from the two other awards to figure out when M. G. McGonagall and R. J. H. King played.
King could’ve been anywhere from a second year to a seventh year in 1969. McGonagall would’ve been in the same range in 1971. using the awards system from the US Quidditch organization, we can infer that the award james most likely received in his first year of quidditch was the Rookie of the Year award. considering it’s featured on the same plaque as the other two, McGonagall and King likely received the same award in their respective years. because the year 1970 isn’t featured, this award is probably given to one player chosen out of all four teams, so the 1970 Rookie of the Year award would’ve gone to either a Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.
not every player joins in their second year, so we can’t say with certainty that King earned the award as a second-year. McGonagall, however, is related to at least two fantastic Quidditch players: their aunt, Minerva McGonagall, and their grandmother, Isobel Ross. it makes sense that they would’ve at least tried out their second year. pinning them as a second year in 1971, they likely continued their quidditch career throughout the rest of their years at hogwarts, flying alongside james until the end of their last year in 1977.
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transfguration · 5 years
MAGGIE Q? No, that’s actually MINERVA MCGONAGALL from the MARAUDERS ERA. You know, the child of ROBERT MCGONAGALL and ISOBEL ROSS? Only 40 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as a PROFESSOR and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. SHE identifies as CIS WOMAN and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be ;STRICT, COMPETITIVE, and IMPATIENT but also HONEST, BRAVE, and INTELLIGENT.
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links: pinterest
Minerva loved working at the Ministry - for a time. It provided a structure she felt her life needed. What she didn’t love, however, was the bias many coworkers felt against Muggles. Having been raised in the Muggle world, completely unaware of the one she currently found herself in, this provided an especially uncomfortable environment. Minerva loved her Muggle father and many of the people she had come to know in her time living with them. She had also come to find solace in friendships with students during her time at Hogwarts who came from similar backgrounds. While not all of her coworkers shared these views, those that did were a largely contributing factor in her decision to accept a teaching position at Hogwarts when it was offered.
Minerva didn't marry until her mid- to late-thirties, though she had been in a very committed relationship up to that point. Willa and Gilda had become her partners in every way, equally. A dragon tamer and a hit witch, respectively, who caused numerous panics and copious stress with their antics over the course of a decade or so. Given her preference for keeping certain parts of her life separate, it wasn't often that Minnie spoke of her wives while she taught. That didn't stop either from making unannounced drop-ins, disrupting her schedule, and often dropping in on classes, which in turn would lead to some students asking questions about her personal life.
While she was in school, Minerva had considered a career in Quidditch. After being knocked off her broom and suffering a ( medical/injury tw ) concussion and several broken ribs ( end of tw ), Minnie realized it wouldn’t be for her. Her competitive nature would never have lent itself well t losing in a professional capacity; it was bad enough that the incident left her with the burning desire to see Slytherin crushed on the pitch every chance given.
When Minnie woke up in 2029, it took a bit of adjusting. Things were nothing like what they had been in her proper time. The worst part, though, was the knowledge of what happened to her wives. ( death, grief tw ) Once Minerva learned that both had died - years before her, and due in part to her own actions - she’d begun thinking on what could have possibly caused her to let it happen. Started wondering what events led to it, how could she have stood idly by while her wives, the two people she loved more than anything in this world, were taken from her. As the weeks after arrival passed, Minerva began to wonder if, should she ever be able to return to her home time, she could prevent their deaths from happening. If she could make things right. ( end of tw )
basically trained her body to have a slower heart rate because of her wives
would otherwise have hypertension
took up needlework in her thirties to help relax
never really kept in touch with her family after starting her ministry career
not because she didn’t love them, but rather wanted to protect them as much as possible given the political climate
also didn’t talk about her wives while teaching, because she preferred to keep work and personal lives separate
at one time would go home on holidays but as war moved ever closer, that slowed to almost never
wound up with a house cat because she was away for too long and gilda brought in a stray not realizing it wasn’t her
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hogwartsbypictures · 4 years
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Robert, Isobel, Minerva, Malcolm & Robert McGonagall Jr.
Taken by Romina "you are such a beautiful family. Do you believe it's complete now?" McGregor in 1944"
**Young Minerva McGonagall Spam**
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howevertheories · 5 years
Professor McGonagall
In Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, there is a teacher at Hogwarts who is referred to as Professor McGonagall twice. However, it is impossible for there to be a teacher with the last name of McGonagall at that time. The first thought that people have when they hear the name McGonagall is Professor Minerva McGonagall who taught the golden trio Transfiguration and later became Headmistress of Hogwarts. However, Minerva McGonagall wasn’t even born until 1935, almost ten years after the events in The Crimes of Grindelwald. To explain the rest of our points, let’s add a bit of background.
In a Scottish village, Isobel Ross was born to a Mr. and Mrs. Ross. (Their first names are unknown at this point.) When Isobel turned eleven, she attended Hogwarts. When there, she became quidditch captain and was the top of her class in charms. At some point in that time period, she fell in love with a muggle living in her village by the name of Robert McGonagall. However, the families didn’t approve of their relationship, so when Isobel turned 18 and left Hogwarts, the two eloped. The couple loved each other dearly, but Isobel couldn’t bring herself to tell Robert about her magic. Then, in 1935, they had their first child and they named her Minerva after Isobel’s grandmother. Once Minerva began exhibiting signs of magic Isobel tried to hide it from her husband by spending days locked in her room with Minerva, but eventually, she realised it wouldn’t work and she told her husband the truth. Although Robert didn’t love her any less, the marriage was never the same, because the trust had been broken. The couple also had two other children, Malcom and Robert Jr.
Now, we’ve already explained why Minerva McGonagall could not have been working at Hogwarts in 1927, due to the fact that she was born almost ten years later. Since the year is not on Pottermore, we did confirm the date with some math. In the fifth Harry Potter book, The Order of the Phoenix, Umbridge questioned every teacher at Hogwarts during her time as High Inquisitor. When she asked Professor McGonagall how long she had been working at Hogwarts, she replied, “39 years this December”. Now, the fifth Harry Potter book took place in 1995, so if you subtract 39 from that, you get 1956. Now we know when she started working at Hogwarts. That alone tell us that she couldn’t have been working there in 1927. However, if you want her year of birth, we assumed she began working there when she was 20, which gave her time between graduating and becoming a teacher, so if you subtract 20 from 1946, you get 1936, which is only a year off from what the Harry Potter wiki claims is her year of birth. You can also verify by taking Isobel’s ear of birth and adding 18, which was her age when she gave birth to Minerva and you get 1935. Speaking of Isobel McGonagall, it could not have been her at Hogwarts either, because Isobel was born in 1918, meaning she was nine years old in 1927 and wasn’t even old enough to attend Hogwarts, much less teach there. It also couldn’t be anyone else on Isobel’s side, because their last name would be Ross. However, it also couldn’t have been anyone on Robert’s side of the family, because Robert was a muggle born to a completely muggle family. Therefore, it is not possible for there to be a Professor McGonagall working at Hogwarts in 1927.
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randomminer · 5 years
MC Basic Profile
Svari Isobel Ride
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•Nickname: Feathers
•Born March 21 1973 | Aries
•Ravenclaw | Prefect | Animagus |
•Height: 5'5"
•Wand: Pear Wood | Phoenix Tail Feather
"You were born an original, don't die a copy"
-Father: Robert Andrew McGonagall Jr. + (half blood wizard)
Job: Apprentice Curse Breaker
Personality: Selfless, humorous, charming, brave, rebellious, stubborn, adventurous, devoted, loving, loyal
Wand/Focus: Beech | Unicorn Tail Hair
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Gryffindor
-Mother: Roxanna ? (pure blood Peri)
Job: scout | ambassador
Personality: Headstrong, bold, good-hearted, inspiring, curious, manipulative, stubborn, impatient, charismatic, loving
Wand: None
School: None
Other Family Members
-Minerva (great great grandmother) +
-Robert McGonagall (grandfather) +
-Isobel McGonagall Ross (grandmother) +
-Minerva McGonagall (aunt)
~Elphinstone Urquart (uncle) +
-Malcolm McGonagall (uncle)
~Teresa McGonagall (aunt)
-Garrett McGonagall (cousin)
-Mary McGonagall (cousin)
-Jacob McGonagall ? (cousin)
-Peri flock members (kin)
(~=related through marriage)
(?=status unknown)
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brunuhvielle · 4 years
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Minerva McGonagall was a Scottish half-blood witch, the only daughter of muggle Robert McGonagall and witch Isobel Ross. She also was the older sister of Malcolm and Robert Jnr. Minerva attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was Sorted into Gryffindor House, but it took the Sorting Hat five and a half minutes to decide if she was Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, which made her a Hatstall. During her seventh year, she was appointed Head Girl.
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Minerva McGonagall - Verses
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A Scottish half-blood witch, the only daughter of Muggle Robert McGonagall and witch Isobel Ross. Registered animagus. Student, teacher and Headmistress in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Based on movies, books and personal headcanons.
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