#ism ocs
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fisheadz · 1 month ago
Y’know what I just realized?
In my daydreaming of Desmond’s backstory (since we don’t get any clues, I can have free rein here), I have inadvertently created a few OCs. And I’m only just now realizing that. Like an idiot.
Enough coherence. Now I will go forth with the rambling.
I like giving characters with no backstory a group of friends that are all sad in their own way. And Desmond is no exception.
I hc that him and Magdalena were friends way longer than they were dating (she says that they were together for 4 years, if my memory serves me right). But it took them a little while to build up to "friends", and eventually lovers. But how does he know her in the first place?
Well, that starts with a boy named… Desmond. Another boy in our Desmond’s freshman class. Let’s call him Des2. Des1, our boy, was a lonely kid, and Des2, ALSO being a lonely kid, decides that he’s gonna be besties with Des1. At first Des1 is against this, but Des2 has a way with being awesome, and they end up being really good friends, all through high school (and the following years as well, ofc).
They do the age-old trope of sitting alone together in the cafeteria for their freshman year, but when the next year rolls around, a couple other students join their class. Tabitha and Daniel, a pair of twins who keep to themselves, mostly. And so Des2 decides that, that just won’t do! Cos ofc he does. And he befriends them too. Tabitha can be a bit blunt and rude at times, without really knowing, and Daniel has his own mental demons to work through, but they all end up as good friends. Inseparable, one might say.
The next year, Orville joins their class, and this time HE’S the one who worms his way into the group with his charisma and affinity for calculus (and love for helping others with said calculus). And so now we have 5.
Until Magdalena transfers from the next town over. She’s an… acquired taste, for sure. Loud and boisterous, a million different things going on at any time, be it band or gardening or whatever she takes interest in. And the others are like “hmm idk man she seems kinda annoying frfr ngl..” and Des2 just was not having it. Magdalena liked to get in peoples faces, and she liked making friends. She and Des2 are like two peas in a classroom! And so they make quick friends.
Again, they others weren’t too sure about her, but with the combined efforts of her and Des2, they warm up to her fine enough. The only outliers are Des1 and Tabitha, for differing reasons.
Des1 has had enough changes that year (up for interpretation atm) and thinks that Magdalena is just too much right now. Tabitha has developed a feeling or two for Des2, and thinks that Magdalena is getting a bit too close to Des2, even though she and Des2 have been friends for years, and Magdalena is just some new bitch who likes the bass.
Eventually they graduate, and Orville moves away soon after for college. It’s a tearful goodbye, because he was a good friend to them all, especially Magdalena, cos he knows what it’s like to have people not like you because you’re just too fun, but it’s his dream college, and they’re not going to take this away from him. So he leaves, and it’s back to 5.
Des2 starts to withdraw a bit, worrying everyone, most of all Tabitha. Between his dad being diagnosed with a - potentially hereditary - illness that year, and Orville leaving town, he’s not doing so hot. Eventually, after everyone gets a bit too pushy (out of concern, ofc), he snaps. He HATES being a he. And he HATES being called Desmond. (“Uh, no offense Desmond”). Turns out, Des2 has been having some revelations about himself - or rather, herself. And thus, Erica was born.
Does this change how Tabitha feels? Nope. Still super down bad. Like, she’s SIMPING simping, harder than ever. Turns out this was a big year for self-discovery. Daniel, too, is beginning to have some rather gay thoughts, and for Desmond no less… who is none the wiser, because at this point in his life, Des has the emotional intelligence of a tennis racket. Magdalena decides to start exploring her own sexuality, and quickly comes to the conclusion that she’s pansexual.
And then, a couple years later, after Tabitha and Erica finally got together (without the former’s homophonic parent’s knowledge, obviously), tragedy strikes. They get a call from a friend of Orville’s. Orville died, some way or another. Break-in gone wrong, car accident maybe. Either way, it’s devastating news for them all. Especially Magdalena, who was closest to him. And so, with Tabitha trying to comfort Daniel, who’s… really not in the best headspace rn, and Erica struggling with her dad and his hospital bills, it’s up to Desmond to help her through her grief.
And surprisingly, it turns out good! Once they start hanging out together more outside of hangouts with their other friends, it turns out that they have a lot in common. They both like music, they both like stringed instruments, they both like stupid sci-fi movies, they both like… uh… music… okay they don’t have A LOT a lot of stuff they both like, but that’s okay! They still end up being better friends than ever!
(Ignore Daniel seeing them getting closer and spiraling further, thinking that Desmond would never love him, even though that’s not really true.)
And so life moves on. Even with an Orville-shaped hole in their weekly routine and their hearts, they heal and they bond even more. Once she and Erica get together, Tabitha warms up to Magdalena quickly, and they become great friends. Erica’s dad is beginning to show signs of recovery! Daniel’s mental health is better than it has been in a long time! Desmond is getting to live his life outside of his parent’s expectations! They smoke weed on weekends, they go camping every so often, they throw parties for literally every conceivable reason just because they love each other’s company! They live their lives!
Of course, the high can’t last forever. Erica’s dad’s health takes a turn for the worse, and while she’s grieving, Daniel starts spiraling again. And to top things off, Daniel and Tabitha’s parents find out about Tabitha’s relationship, and Daniel’s sexuality. It… it goes bad. Very bad. Their parent’s air everything - their sexualities, their bad history, their mental issues, all of it - out in front of god and everyone. It fucks up their reputation, and while Tabitha and Erica leave town for a couple weeks for everything to cool off, Daniel stays for work, and to try and fix the situation.
It doesn’t work. Everyone other than, like, 4 people seem to hate him, and with Desmond and Magdalena getting closer than ever, he doesn’t see any way out of this mess. And so, Daniel walks into the woods one day, and doesn’t ever walk back out.
Once Tabitha gets the news, she’s hysterical. Inconsolable. And for a while, they’re all worried that she’ll follow in her brother’s footsteps. She believes that it’s her fault, for leaving him when everything’s gone to shit, for not checking on him more often, for not bringing up her concerns for his mental state sooner, for their parent’s finding out about everything in the first place. She blames herself.
It’s a bad year for everyone. First Orville, then Erica’s dad, and now Daniel. It seems hopeless for a while. Magdalena leaves town, running off with a few others to start a band. And so, it’s just Erica, Tabitha and Desmond for a long time.
And so, in the midst of the tragedy, and after he finds out about how Daniel felt through a letter that he left him before killing himself, Desmond decides, fuck it. His parents want him to be a doctor? So be it. He applies for med school, gets accepted, and the rest is blurry. Desmond throws himself into his studies, Magdalena keeps radio silent, and Tabitha and Erica try and live a quiet life.
Until, Magdalena returns, a couple years later! She’s dyed her hair red and is delivering a note for her ex girlfriend’s family, telling them to fuck off. She’s in high spirits!… which crumbles once she sees how everyones drifted apart. And so, just like Orville so, so long ago, it’s up to her to bring everyone together again.
It could’ve gone smoother, for sure, but she eventually makes progress! With Desmond at least. Tabby and Erica just want to live their lesbian dream away from everyone, and so Magdalena respects that and lets them be. And now, it’s just Desmond and Magdalena, the former working himself to death trying to get his phd. He feels obligated to do so; for Daniel. For his friends. He refuses to lose anyone else because he missed the signs.
It’s a rough few years, after that. They’re both burdened by everything that’s happened. But Magdalena refuses to run away again. And eventually, Desmond gets his medical license, and starts working to become a therapist, something that he ends up excelling at. Magdalena turns to her old hobbies, and after some work, opens up a flower shop. Neither of them give up music, but it’s put on a back burner.
And it goes like that! After a little while longer, Desmond and Magdalena get together! And they date happily for those 4 years, until the events of the game occur. With Desmond increasingly paranoid and stressed, the town slowly falling into madness, and herself beginning to fall into the effects of agent rainbow, Magdalena runs again, skipping town like she did all those years ago. She meets back up with some old band mates, sad-fucks her ex a whole bunch, and the rest is history… for the moment, that is.
The game happens, and after that, Desmond and Lucas get together. And first a couple years, they live happily for the most part. Without the lingering effects from the chemical, the residual trauma from the events that took place, and the general EVERYTHINGness going on, it’s a good life.
And then, Desmond gets a letter. A wedding invitation, from none other than Tabby and Erica, who he hasn’t heard from in years. Lo and behold, Magdalena got a letter too.
Turns out, Erica has developed the same illness as her dad had, and while treatment is going much, much better for her, she and Tabby just don’t want to risk it. So, they’re getting married, and they’re inviting their old friends because, as much as they loved their little life of just each other, they really miss them. It’s emotional, of course.
They’ve all heard of what happened in Milton Haven, or at least what was released by the press, and they know that Desmond was involved, even though it was never said that he was, because this seems like the kind of thing that he’d be unlucky enough to get tangled up in. And they’re also very interested in his new boyfriend, who’s very much done with wearing a suit, even after just 10 minutes. So, Desmond tells them everything, and they all have a good time teasing him for the silliest things, and drinking cheap wine and smoking some weed. It’s almost just like when they were young. Even though they’re not there, they can feel Orville and Daniel right beside them.
After the wedding, Desmond and Magdalena get a moment to talk. She confesses that she regrets running again, and Desmond says that he’s glad she got away from the chaos while she could. They both screwed up, even with the chemical involved. They loved each other, but it just wasn’t going to work forever. And so, they leave on a good note, numbers exchanged and promises to attend her next show made. (She also teases him a bunch when she finds out about Lucas. Good-natured, obviously. She’s very happy for him.)
(Erica overcomes her illness and she and Tabby live happily ever after with their kid, who they name Danny.)
(Also Tabby’s parents die in a freak accident. For funsies.)
And there’s my spontaneous mini fic of a backstory + a little bit of frontstory as well. That’s a thing, right? Right.
All of this is highly self-indulgent, if you couldn’t tell. This backstory changes from time to time, as I think of increasingly stupid possibilities for whatever he’s been through that’s so bad that he, a therapist, doesn’t think a therapist could help with it, but this is the general gist of it, ig.
I have so many headcanons for Desmond and Magdalena, like that he didn’t like cats at all before Tonia, or that he’s a retired stoner, or that she hates being called by nicknames, but those can come at a later date. It’s 3am, and I’m not even going to go back and fix any grammar fuck-ups, I’m so tired.
I wanna draw these guys, especially Orville, Tabitha and Magdalena cos I have them envisioned already, but those, and more elaboration on whatever I typed in my haze of longing to get this out, can come some other time. For now, Fish retires to sleep.
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voidwritesstuff · 1 year ago
Dawn Lucien (@graceandtheidiotsquad)
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->Lets be goblins by Ratwyfe
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-> Invisible Girl by Hello Sister.
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->Whole lotta woman by Kelly Clarkson
Zoe/Z (@theallenshorefangirl)
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->Child of the stars by Fish in a Birdcage.
Tee (@gizm0-gadgetz)
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-> Identity by Grandson
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->Runaway by AURORA
Lazaro Castro
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->Labour by Paris Paloma
Jerico Castro
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->Matilda by Harry Styles.
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tunapesto · 7 months ago
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I love you, so I'll try really hard
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tacticalvulva · 7 months ago
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moonyasnow · 4 months ago
I immediately see Victor as the camera man for this but everything else I’m leaving in your hands
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May I introduce you to:
The Society Against Malleus, and their desired outcome for Book 7
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(part of my 130+ follower event)
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brutalitybunny · 11 months ago
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my sdv farmer his name is normalguy he has weird relationships with all the older men in town and is a fishing god
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challox · 4 days ago
I have a bad habit of collecting small Fandoms nobody/very little people are in
Especially when there's only content in Japanese
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 4 months ago
buck has a crush on nora 🎤🎤🎤
Nora and Maisie sat at opposite ends of the bed, bundled in layers of pyjamas and blankets, occasionally nudging one another with their feet when one encroached on the other's space. Nora's bottom lip was drawn between her teeth, frowning in concentration as she carefully applied the last coat of her favourite nail polish, oblivious as Maisie stared at her over the top of her book.
"Y'know..." the Dakotan began slowly. "I think Major Cleven likes you."
Nora blew a puff of air at the wet polished, glancing briefly up at the sudden sound of speech. It took her a moment for her to process what Maisie had said, but when she did, her gaze darted back in a double-take.
Maisie shrugged, bowing her head to continue with her book. "S'nothin'."
With the hand that had already dried, Nora reached over, snatching the book from her grip as a yelp of objection escaped her.
"No, no. Not nothin'. Spill."
"I just- I noticed he was starin' at you in the pub last night. And when you were talking to Blakely, he looked... Well, not annoyed, but-"
"Holy shit," Nora blurted, frowning slightly. She wasn't the type to blush. Maisie couldn't fathom how she managed it.
Her brow arched. "So... Is this a bad thing, or-?"
"No! No," Shaking her head, Nora paused to blow on her nails again, flailing her hand in an attempt to force them to dry. "...Not bad at all."
A smile made its way across Maisie's face. "He's nice."
"That he is," She nodded in confirmation.
"Easy on the eyes," Maisie teased. A moment of silence passed between them before their eyes met, their locked gazes triggering a bout of schoolgirl giggles.
"Alright, that settles it," Nora grinned, wet hand raised up and out of the way as she tossed off the layers of blankets that had covered her, scrambling one-handed to tug on the nearest pair of shoes she could find, flight boots sticking out from beneath pastel pink pyjama trousers.
Laughing, Maisie watched her from the end of the bed. "What're you doin'?"
Nora shrugged, shoulder pushed back as she strode towards the door. "Well, there's no use wonderin'. Gotta hear it from the horse's mouth."
Maisie's jaw fell slack. "You're insane."
"I don't believe in cowardice, Wilco Flynn!"
"You're barely dressed!"
A chuckle erupted from Nora's throat, calling over her shoulder as she reached the door. "Well if you're right, he certainly won't mind!"
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dazzelmethat · 3 months ago
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Here is my liar vampire guy wearing tights years out of style. For this Ren I tried out coattails and a more monochromatic pallet. It was kinda nostalgic for me because his original pallet was monochromatic.
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eggnogis · 4 months ago
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And the wild winds of fortune
Shall carry me onward
Oh, whithersoever they blow
Whithersoever they blow
Onward to glory I go!
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voidwritesstuff · 1 year ago
The one where Allen's swore enemy is a salmon (dont ask)
Cw: none.
Summary: Allen and Z go fishing, results are nothing short of hilarious.
->Zoe is @theallenshorefangirl oc. This is a lil gift for her.
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--Man, its a nice day today-- Commented Allen, fixing his bucket hat.
--huh,yeah-- zoe agreed, looking up at the Sky.
The waves on the sea ebb and flow calmly, it glimmers under the sunlight as if the Ocean was filled with glitter, the seagulls sing in the distance and the boat theyre on rocks Gently
--I know its not the best boat-- Allen started,looking at his sister and pulling her in a side hug
--I think its perfect-- The woman replied leaning on him. She watches as her brother smiles and nodds approvingly.
They settle on the two little seats on the small fishing boat, Allen teaches Z how  to prepare the fishing rod and the bait, hes patient and speaks very softly.
--Hey,its okay if you dont get it right the first time-- he Gently strokes her back-- Man, I didnt get it right the first time either.
--Oh-oh really?
--Yeah! I think I spent a solid fifteen minutes, you currently sit at two.
Zoes eyes go wide and she smiles a little, no longer frustrated-- Im gonna beat your time, Shore-- now,she sounds motivated.
That Next try she does is succesful,she cheers and Allen claps. Then they get to fishing, Both make lively conversation as the radio plays some 90s bop.
--Hey,whoever fishes the biggest fish doesnt make dinner today-- Allen proposed with a smirk.
--Youre on!--his sister replied with a big grin, her purple scarf swaying in the wind.
A few more minutes go by where both just sing and jam along happily, they sometimes switch to talking or just silence. Its cozy, comfortable. Two siblings spending time together.
Something tugs at zoes line,as she reels it in the thing pulls back and she has to lock her feet into place by putting them under the small space between the floor of the boat and the small Seat.
--Oh god!-- she yells.
--reel it in!--Allen encourages, to then see how the tug of the line makes his sister lean forward violently-- OH CRAP -- he grabs the fishing rod with one arm and the other goes around her torso, he helps her pull the fish to them.
Crash! Both fall on the floor of the boat and they see a Giant atlatic salmon flapping infront of them.
--Jesus!--Allen exclaims.-- you did it Z!
--Look at that!--She holds up the fish from the fishing line. The salmon is a solid 34 inches.
--Goddamn! Aint no way I can beat that!
Zoe laughed loudly-- I win! I wiiiin! In your face shore!
Allen laughs and nodds-- yes! You did. Im making dinner tonight, and youuu-- he pokes at the salmon-- are the dinner
The salmon does not take it well and its tail slaps him across the face. Its so funny zoe cant ask her brother if hes okay that she doubles over with laughter. Allen looks like a deer in headlights.
--Damn,he did not like that-- he murmurs-- put that bastard in the bucket.
Z holds up her hand to the tail of the first-- high five!--The fins of the tail slap against her palm and she giggles, then she puts it In the bucket with the other fish.
By nightfall they are back on the shore and up Allen's little house Next to the lighthouse. Zoe lays on the sofa while her brother Cooks.
--I think i found a name for the boat-- The Man says with a smile.
--Oh yeah? What is it?
--Fishing vessel Z&A-- he replied with a smile-- Z for zoe, A for Allen. You go first because you beated me to our fishing competition.
Zoe smiles,happiness ebbing in her chest, she curls up on the sofá and looks at the tv-- I like that!
Allen humms along to a mindless tune and keeps cooking, side eyeing the salmon-- youre gonna pay for it-- he grumbles.
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princesspuresarahk · 7 months ago
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Art-Trade with the amazing https://www.tumblr.com/jknerd of her versions of Chanticleer and Powerline!
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tacticalvulva · 6 months ago
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Fop oc dump
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rooksnooks · 8 months ago
My love and hugs to @anxiousotters for the tag!!
Instructions: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same
Personally I have way too many favourite characters for a 5 person poll so I've just put down a few beloveds from live-action movies that I've watched in the last few years. I might make another if I feel up to it!
Popping this off to @des8pudels8kern @multifandomworshipper@quiet-waters @flameeagleheart75 @thequeenoffishburrito and anyone else who wants to play!!!!
Pictures of each character under the cut!
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episodes-without-incident · 2 years ago
9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
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airctrl · 11 months ago
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a rough transition into my usual oc artwork lol
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