#ism fic
voidwritesstuff · 4 months
Cw:Mentions of alcohol,attachment issues,Scenes that discuss discrimination for ethnic/black hairstyles.
Summary: As part of his ranger duties, Lucas to train as firewatch under the wing of Mr.Eliott Kingsman, it turns out that being stuck woth a Man in a tower for 8 hours Straight makes sociabilization a rule more than a guideline.
A/n: Based,of course,on the game Firewatch:3c,as always if I made any mistake in tackling some of the themes here please lmk. Im happy to change and correct anything in here.
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With his cabin all set up, Lucas has finally finished moving in. All the radio equipment up and connected,his things left in the right place and all boxes unpacked.
He takes a deep breath,calmness taking over him now that everything is done. He rubbs his eyes and lets out a tired sigh,moving in is always such a hassle.
--I Need a coffee--He mutters,going to his coffee maker and setting a Cup down. He turns on the machine and puts in some grounded up coffee in the machine.
The coffee maker comes to life with a whirr and sets the pot on its spot. The song and dance all too known to him, practically he lives off of caffeine.
All he can hope is that the dust that hangs in the air doesnt get into his Cup,and if it did that It doesnt mess with the taste of the coffee. He knows he should clean again,but Jesus, its a pain.
Did he even have the right supplies?. Hopefully Homa-Mart can help him out.
The coffee maker lets out a dry chime,meaning the drink is ready. He pours the brownish liquid into his Cup and adds a bit of cream,stirrs it and goes to drink a sip.
He takes in the silence of the place around him, theres barely the noises of nature with chirping birds,rustling of treetops And blushes. Its..peacefull, and he hasnt lived anything like this in a while.
But his peace is disturbed as he sneezes, a loud noise that mightve startled anyone in the vecinity
"Okay yeah,i need to clean up" He thinks with a scowl, going to check his box with cleaning supplies, which is in a corner.
Setting down the cup,Lucas starts to rummage through, hoping he can find something that Will help with dust whilist he drinks his coffee.
Five minutes go by where he starts to Grab a few supplies and gets thing ready to clean up. And just when he was going to get a bucket of water for cleaning,he heard a knock on the door.
--Mr.Cole!--Comes the muffled voice of Sally Witherspoon.--Sorry for the early morning intrusion but theres something you need to know
Lucas sighs,a little annoyed but sets down the bucket and walks to the main door. He checks the peephole and sees that effectively,Miss Witherspoon was there,something under her arm.
He opens the door and smiles politely--Morning,Miss.
--Morning,Mr.Cole-- Sally smiles with politeness. Her Jheri curls falling across her forehead, her dark grey eyes a little tired but kind-- Sorry for the intrusion.
Shaking his head,he answered-- dont worry.What do you need?
-- As part of your ranger duties you'll have to take up the post of firewatch-- she explained,taking from under her arm a file and handing it over to him-- Heres the information you need. Our current firewatch,Mr.Kingsman,Will show you the ropes
--Oh uhm...--He hesitates,not Keen on spending so much time with a stranger--How Many hours exactly?
Sally thinks for a moment,wavering numbers in her brain--About eight hours per day I believe.
His lips purse but he nodds--Okay,good. Uh,i was just cleaning up. So...
The woman nodded--I understand,Have a good day Mr.Cole
--You too,miss--He nodds at her and goes back in,closing the door behind him and walks into his livingroom--fuck me,just what I need.
Just when he thinks hes going to make progress on his hunt for Rainbow, something throws a wrench in his plans. But he couldnt say no,it was his responsability and he might get the boot if he doesnt.
So,he throws the file on the table and goes to clean. Hopefully it helps with clearing his head.
In the file theres standard stuff,protocol, uniform, and a list of things that he had to do as a firewatch. Plus the date of when his training would begin , that being Next week.
At least he could take his time to make peace with the fact that hes going to be socializing and stalling his Real motive as to why hes here.
But now his house is clean, and by now midday has settled, so he better make some lunch for himself and get ready for some more work during the afternoon.
Its odd how domestic life has felt since he moved to Milton-Haven, a proper routine, a solid place to rest. It feels both so unnatural and yet so good to have a place to call home, after weeks of living in his van well...everything becomes a good upgrade.
He sits on the couch,lunch long since eaten. Its a nice warm day, summer is both a blessing and pain sometimes, but the constant sunlight and green leaves are a nice sight- Especially to someone like Lucas,who sees the peaceful Beauty in it.
And he also realizes hes getting too attached to this house,to This place. He meant to not do that,this house is has a purpose,and this place just contains something hes looking for.
Lucas hes been trying hard not to get attached to anyone,they can be leverage, and worst of all...
Because doesnt trust himself to not hurt them.
He already has a history of hurting people he cares about.
Whose to say it wont happen again.
Yet speaking of people who he cares for, the loud ringing of his telephone makes him jump from his spot on the couch. A sudden,rash movement where he grips the arm rests and feels like a cat who just got startled.
--Jesus fucking-!--He exclaims,chest drummig with his violent heartbeat. Rapid,ragged breath which barely fills his lungs-- who the hell could it be?!
With anger and a bit of shame at his own reaction, he grabs the phone and answers. --Hello?--He asked,voice a little too harsh.
--And who took a shit on your breakfast?--Comes the voice of Jane Zhao,a good friend of his from the army.
--Goodness gracious, woman!--He chided,voice breaking-- You scared me! I was thinking about stuff!
--Oh thank god I stopped you before you hurt yourself then!
He scowls, feeling like a kid who is getting messed with by an adult. Jane was like his heart aunt, and despite nearing 80,she is his biggest support and bully. A sassy old woman she was.
--What do you want,Jane?--He slump back ln the couch and setting the base of the telephone on his lap. In his voice its clear hes not in the mood for any jokes.
--Oh dont be so sour-- the old woman said with faux concern-- I just want to check in on you
--'m okay,settling in-- he answered, looking out a nearby window,his voice is just a little too heavy.
--Uh-huh-- by the sound of her voice she doesnt believe him-- are you sure theres nothing on your mind?
--The only thing on my damn mind is that you scared me shitless!--He growled,scowl deepening.
Silence. Heavy silence.
Oh shit.
--Jane i-
--Lashing out? Now thats not the Lucas I know--Jane sounds soft, genuienly concerned like the mother she was.
He sighs loudly, holding his nose bridge --Sorry. God,im so sorry. Everythin' has just been...a lot.
--C'mon, whats on your mind kiddo?
God,that stupid nickname still hits him so hard.
Its so tough to hold back his tears,but he manages-- its just- its just...I have to meet the firewatch guy. Hes going to train me and ill spend at least eight hours a day for god knows how much and i...
--Youre scared to get attached?
How does she know him so well?
--Somethin' like that--He answered,trying to act tough and like nothing bothered him
And he swears shes snickering, but he concentrates on the greenery outside his home,past his porch. The grown trees,the green Grass and the blue,blue Sky.
--Well,I understand where you come from--The old woman added,voice softening and cooing-- I understand, especially after...--She clears her throat-- you know everything.
He lets out a grunt,he knows she knows.
But she continues talking-- But take this as a fresh start.
--Im not here for a fresh start
--life doesnt always give you what you want,kiddo-- She answers with a hint of amusement in her voice. He can just picture the small,smug smile on her wrinkled face and the look of playfullness in her old ,warm eyes.--Sometimes it gives you what you need...
--And that is?
--Dont make me say it, lucas--She chided,as if he already knew her answer.
--C'mon,Say it
--Youre not going to like it--Jane answered with a sing-songy voice. Shes playfull but also trying to get her point across.
Lucas is a little tired of mind games,Jane always had a way to get on his nervers--Try me
She lets out a snort,a long snort with genuine amusement. It makes him smile a little--Friends! Friends you stupid crud muffin!
Oh,oh God.
With shame creeping up on him,his head hangs low. His face darkening with blush,well- he got this coming.
--No no,dont  "jane" me, young Man!--She chided,voice stern that made him remeber the times his own mom scolded him. It makes his back straighten at the mere memory-- you need Friends,goverment conspiracy or not. You need some Friends and fresh air. Youve got the fresh air covered and now you need-
--Who says I need Friends?--He asked,trying to play stupid. That is until the silence on the other end gives him the answer-- Okay fine,I get it. Point made
--Listen,its okay to feel scared-- The old woman cooed-- And worried,especially with everything that happened to you. But this is something good,dont let it go by
Lucas deinflates,nodding along to the words. Yes he was scared,yes hes worried, but hes acting like a child. He knows this but he doesnt want history to repeat itself,maybe he wouldnt be able to live through that a second time.
--Youre a grown ass Man,Cole. You know that--Jane added.
--I...know--He answered with a sigh--I know but I cant just- just...L-look,What happened to Wh-Wheeeler...I cant go through that again, okay?
--Who says itll be just like last time?--He keeps quiet,unsure of the answer-- its okay to feel fear,but you cant let it define you.
--i knoww-- he sighs and rubbs his eyes-- I know youve got a point
--Itll be fine,kid. I promise.
Lucas knows he can trust her words,shes important to him. She wants the best for him, and shes older so shes ought to know a thing or two. Even in his 50s,Theres still an adult to listen to- or to go for advice.
God,hes really got to catch up with growing up,huh?
--Fine. I guess ya have a Point-- the way he sounds so...deinflated is quite funny to hear. Like a kid admitting their moms right-- Any great nuggets of wisdom? And if you say to just be myself ill actually hang up.
Jane laughs,sounding extremely young in the process--Okay,okay,dont hang up. Just let it flow
--Im hangin' up--he half joked.
--Listen okay! Not much wisdom other than take it easy,just breathe--She added,trying to comfort him-- Im sure itll be fine so long as you dont force anything,hopefully your guide is going to be fun and easy going
--Youre wishing that I get adopted by an introvert?--Lucas joked with a smirk.
--If thats what it takes for you to make Friends? Then sure-- both chuckle at that,and then she continues-- I hope this is good for you.
He smiles,looking down at the floor just a little flusted-- ah,thanks Jane.
--Of course kid- Hey,what have you been up to? Tell this ol' bag of bones. I want to listen to my favorite nephew and his life
The army veteran laughs loudly, shaking his head--Im not even your nephew!
--Psht! Who cares--She giggled-- c'mon talk
--Yes ma'am--he Snickered
And for the rest few hours,they talk and catch up. It feels like a family chat,it warms up his heart and feels...at ease- maybe he just needed someone to talk to.
Eventually Next week rolled around, and by monday he goes to the firewatch tower for his first "class", he was so nervous he almost forgot to clip his ranger badge on his belt. Up the stairs he goes,cussing out the ammount of steps up the tall tower-God,he Hates it.
But he does make it up with a little bit of a ragged breath, he knocks on the door and he hears--Who is it?
--Lucas Cole? Im supposed to be trained for.. firewatch?
Under the warm morning sun he all but practically Cooks himself,so he scoots closer to the shade provided by being underneath the overhang of the cabin.
--Oh right! Yes come in--the other Man added-- I was waiting for you
He turns the handle on the door and steps into the cabin, its cold and cool and Lucas cant help but sigh in relief and close the door behind him as he steps in.
Before him,sitting at a desk, he sees a black Man, light brown warm eyes,black hair in locks that are put up in a bun, skin that is a dark taupe brown, wearing a park ranger uniform with a welcoming smile.
And hes visibly younger too,Around early 30s. Which makes Lucas feel stumped.
Oh,God has a sense of humor alright.
--Im Eliott Kingsman,Nice to meet you!--He extends his hand towards the Man,and Lucas goes to meet him with hesitant steps and shake his hand.
His grip is a little weak and he can hear his heartbeat in his ears. Palms sweaty and a tight lipped smile-- nice to meet you,Mr. Kingsman.
--Eliott Will do-- The other Man answers, voice friendly-- do you mind if I call you Lucas?
The ex soldier shakes his head--Ah no no, i dont mind.
Eliott smiled-- Alright,Lucas. Ready to get started?
--Uh...sure--He sits down with him at the desk and Eliott starts to teach him about firewatch protocol,lingo,and ways to report a Fire.
Lucas is surprised just how military it feels like, things like escape routes for hikers near a possible Fire,how to guide firefighters towards an ongoing Fire.
And also hes suddenly very aware of just how Many Fire hazards there can be, Like fireworks,dry Grass,campfires that havent been stinguished properly...
Its a lot to take in,but he figured he can manage if Eliott gives him a moment. Which he figured he'd do, his instructor has been nothing but the sweetest,most understanding Man. He'd answer any doubts or questions he has,always patient and warm.
--Oh,and You'll need to know how to operate radio equipment--Eliott adds--Do you know how?
Lucas cant help but laugh,a genuine,belly laugh which leaves his fellow Man smiling but just confused-- I sure do,I was a radioman in the war
It seems to click in the other Mans head and he nodds-- Oh,oh right well uh-- Eliott chuckles a little awkard--In retrospect my question seems a little stupid now,doesnt it?
The ex soldier laughs--No,you didnt know. Its alright.
His instructor nodds,still a little flustered--Well,its going to be a long few eight hours,so ill preface by saying this can get boring.
Lucas nodded--I can see how, I'd call it..peacefull.
Eliott chuckled,nodding along--Unless you gotta deal with shithead teens who dont care for rules--He smirks at a memory-- Ive had a few run Ins with unruly teens with firehazards
--Its a small town,im not surprised --The other Man agreed.
--You know,I think the only two teens Ive never had to tell off were the Castro kids
--Lazaro and his sister,right?--the older Man asked,recognizing the last name-- Laz tends to the bar downtown and his sister...--He makes a pause-- I actually dont know much about her
Eliott scoffs out a laugh--Hah,yeah well theyre both good kids. Jerico goes to university, you can usually find her by the lake doing homework. Theyre both good kids
--Id say as much,though I do recall seeing a carving in the old cabin before I fixed it...
--Ah im not surprised,theyre still teens--The firewatch guy added,crossing his arms over his chest and putting his feet up on the desk.--At least their worst offense is vandalism of an old cabin
--Fair enough,could defenetly be worse-- Lucas agreed,nodding along-- They do seem...quieter
--something like it--His companion answered,looking out of the Giant Window before him-- Chatterboxes the both of them,but only with the people they like.
--You sound like youve spent quite a bit of time around 'em --The old soldier puts his leg over his own knees and fiddles with his dogtags.
--Kind of? Jers more of a regular than lazaro. Laz is always working at the bar or studying,his sister comes around here quite a lot. So ive had the chance to talk to her a lot more. I'd say the kids are alright
Lucas nodds, unsure on what else to say about the subject. He turns to look to the blue horizon too, wondering if he'll ever see any smoke in these days of however long his training Will be.
So far,his company has proven to be nice.
--Can- can i uh...ask what made you ta-take this j-job?--There he goes again,that nervous stutter of his.
--Ah Well,my mom always made sure me and my sisters knew Fire safety. My old Man was an actual firewatch,and I have a lot of good memories in this cabin. So here i am,though I do have a degree in wildlife biology
Surprised,Lucas blinks a few times and turns to look at the Man beside him--And youre working here?
Eliott shrugged,a little sheepish--Heres where my soul feels at home. So here I stay
--I can respect that,I like that--He answered with a smile-- I myself always had a thing for tech,hence why I became a radioman
He sees the eyes of his instructor fill with light and awe. Clearly hes got so Many things to ask, but before he ever opens his mouth he seems to settle down as if he remembered something.
--Gonna be honest,I have a million questions but I know PTSD is a thing so I dont want to Open a wound
Lucas feels his chest warm up at his care,he chuckles a little shy and shakes his head--Ask away,I dont mind.
--Just...tell me if I ask something really personal,please?--Eliott sounds so genuienly worried,its endearing.
--I Will,dont worry man--He answered with a warm smile-- c'mon,shoot
--Was...was that a joke?
A snort leaves the old soldier and he shakes his head. His companion sounds so desilusioned and exhasperated--Hah,no. But It could be
--I...--The younger Man hesitates,before shaking his head and shrugging it off--Okay so...how long was your service?
--Around fourteen months...
--Woah,thats uh...a really short service--eliott answered-- no uhm...no offense. Can I ask what happened?
Lucas purses his lips,looking away at the floor. Which prompts his companion to ask--Do you have any buddies back in the day?
Hes met with more silence and the other Mans face of deep discomfort--Oh god,just forget about it,lets change the subject,im so Sor--
The old soldier shakes his heads,stopping him by raising a hand--No-no its alright,dont sweat it. I had my buddies,yeah.
--Oh,thats good--Eliott smiled awkwardly--Do you uh..want to talk about that?
--I uh- not now. --Lucas answered, sounding sheepish--I can say it was uh- f-fun. My- my captain wa-Was very fun to be around..
The younger Man knows better than to ask why he used past tense,so he doesnt. Instead he turns to ask about his love for radio equipment,which makes the older Man light up like a kid in christmas and absolutely infodump about radios and how they work.
Quite endearing to hear and see,so he lets him talk until the end of their shift.
Their first few days of his training is quite boring and bleak, mostly conversation and getting to know Eliott. All about his family,his two sister and his retired parents.
Lucas' favorite bit is that all of the mugs the cabin were made by Melanie, one of Eliotts sisters,and that they were a regular gift. They were comfortable to hold,and quite colorful.
And the ex soldier wonders if Eliott can ask his sister to make one for him.
Right now they sit at the cabin,the sun setting over the horizon. The Sky is purple,pinks and oranges that Mingle with beautiful swirls and whisps of clouds that seem to glow with the last few Rays of sunlight.
What a beautiful sight, with the treetops darkening as night takes its place in the Sky. Starts start to appear and they twinkle with ancient,ancient,glee
--Hey,do you see that?--Lucas asks setting down the cup with coffee. He looks out of the Window to a soft plume of smoke,slowly rising from a few miles into the forest.
--Oh fuck me--Eliott muttered,also leaving his cup on the desk and standing up--C'mon,its your first campfire busting
The veteran chuckles--You sound so annoyed!
Quickly,the firewatch grabs two torches and a set of radios--Because I am, im quite sure its one of our usual suspects. I dont know why they still try..
--Kids,Man. Theyre not that bright--Lucas takes the second pair of torch and hand held radio that his instructor is holding.
After that,they march to the source of the smoke, walking through the forest and being serenaded by the cacophony of night insects And their path being lit up by fireflies.
It reminds him of his hunting trips back home, better times he guessed.
--Who are our usual suspects?--He asked to a very annoyed Eliott who walks with authority. He was easily around 5'8, built on the bigger side and he could be quite scary if hes annoyed, the soldier almost feels bad for the kids theyre about to kick out.
He does not want to be on the receiving end of that Mans anger.
--If our luck is as shitty as I think it is,itll be the two shitheads Ethan and Reid. Theyre just stupid preetens who think they know everything
--Have you considered they come by just to piss you off?
--Oh,plenty of times.--The firewatch guy said,voice unamused and discontent-- but its still my job to kick them out
--Fair enough
Eliott turns to his apprentice and squints at him--Youre finding this very amusing and I dont like it
Lucas snorted,trying to play dumb--'M not! I just- youre gettin' so worked up over these preteens!
--Because theyre being walking firehazards!--The other Man exclaimed, turning his flashlight to a twinkling wrapper-- oh just what I needed,theyre littering..-- He picks up the wrapper and hands it over to lucas--Here,be useful.
--Hey!--The soldier exlciamed, a little insulted-- 'M not a walking trash can!
Eliott stops and stops his friend from walking by putting his arm infront of him. Before the firewatch in training can ask whats up,both Hear rustling to their right side, two sets of quiet footsteps and muttered conversation that was too low to hear properly.
--I swear if its those two shitheads...--The firewatch Man grumbled,gripping his flashlight just a little tighter.
The rustling continues to grow louder, the conversation starts to make a little more sense with phrases like "couldve been a bigger fire" and "if anyone sees us around here this late we're in deep shit"
--Okay you two! Out of the bushes now!--Eliott yelled, pointing the light to the source of the noise.
Before them stand a pair of siblings that look quite alike,both with brown hair, heart shaped face and green eyes,both look around 19/20. One is a relatively tall woman, 5'6, gold underdye and a single earring in the shape of a black circle,she wears punk clothes with patches,chains and pins all over them.
The other figure is male,greyish emerald eyes with a cobalt blue color on the underside of his hair. Covered in piercings and tattoos,hes built like a brick shithouse and easily reaches 6'1. He wears all black clothes with a few chains and a choker around his throat,he looks fresh out of an emo convention.
--Why the animosity,Eliott?--Asked the male figure, crossing his arms over his chest.
--Yeah,who took a shit on your breakfast?--Asked the woman.-- Also youre leaving us blind, do you mind?
Eliott sighs with relief and lowers the torchlight-- Sorry,sorry,I thought you were Ethan and Reid.
--Well thats an insult--The woman said with a smirk-- ouch
--As I said,sorry. You know those two get on my nerves...
Lucas stands there confused, littered wrapper still in his hand. The male figure...hes seen him before, Back at the bar downtown. But he doesnt recognize the woman with him, but its clearly his sister,they look too much alike not to be related.
--Uh,Eliott?--Asks the old soldier--Who are they?
--Right! Right...--His companion sounds so genuienly tired and just done with the whole thing-- these are the Castros, Lazaro and Jerico. Kids,this is Lucas,the New ranger
--Evening-- both siblings say, polite smiles om their faces
--Uh,evening--he replied,a little creeped out by The Shinning twins vibe theyre giving off.
--What are you two even doing here anyway?-- Eliott quickly steered the conversation towards the matter at hand.
Both see the siblings look at the floor,a bitter gaze and tight lips filled with grief,sadness and utter rage. But its Jerico who gives them the answer with such disdain in her voice--Our Biological parents called...
And not a second afterwards Lazaro continued-- it was a goddamn shitshow. We needed fresh air
--God,now I feel more like an asshole for yelling at you two-- The firewatch said, apologetic and a soft look of pity in his eyes.
Its...its a deep pity,a sadness and a grief for someone else. Lucas wonders what would make his trainer look so...sad, and the siblings looks and stances just seem bathed in anguish, theyre hunched and hold their body close. Jerico hangs her head low,tucked between her shoulders and Lazaro finds his gaze returning to the Grass.
--Not your fault--Lazaro adds, standing just a little closer to his sister--Anyway, we just saw Reid and Ethan being stupid and scared them off. We were just on our way to report the Fire so yall could take care of it
Eliott nodded--Thank you, I wouldve punted them into the sun.
Jerico snorts,suddenly a spark of joy in her eyes before they return to that sadness--Not that we wouldve blamed you
--You guys can stay around for as long as you need, you know where to find me if you happen to need something
--Thanks, we'll be going Now I think-- the woman says, turning to her brother-- Vamo'? (Shall we?)
Lazaro nodded--Da' vamo' (yeah,lets go)
Both bid their goodbyes to the pair of men and quickly leave,getting lost between the trees and bushes. Which prompts both older men to Keep their route towards the Fire.
Something about the interaction doesnt sit well with Lucas, no 19/20 Year old have any bussiness looking that sad and upset.
--were they okay?--Lucas askes-- the siblings I mean
He sees Eliott deinflate--No,not really--He answered,stepping over a Fallen log.
--You seem to know something that I dont-
The firewatch sighs, there was something in the exhale that let him know it was a heavy subject--So Laz and Jer are adopted,rescued by Raymond and Eryz castro, their previous family were pieces of shit. They still have to Keep contact because of the law, until theyre 21. When the biological parents call up its always a goddamn mess, I promise you those two are totally different when they feel good
--Ive met Lazaro at the bar--Lucas said,following his trainer as the scent of smoke started to fill the air--He seemed so full of life, its weird seeing him like that. And from what hes told me about his sister shes just as cheery as he is...
--They are--Eliott agreed, tone shifting to anger--But their biological family always brings out the worst, I swear if you knew how much of a shit their original parents are...--He sighs, looking at the campfire now merely three feet away from them-- but its not my place to talk about it, its their trauma, not mine.
Lucas understands,its out of respect-- I feel bad for them, its a really nice night and they should be enjoying it by having fun, not feeling miserable
--Yeah,agreed. --The other Man answered, his eyes settle on the flames and sees just how shitty the placement of the logs for the campfire Is. Its a miracle that the nearby Grass didnt catch on fire-- Ill have to check in on them tomorrow, hopefully the walk helps them clear their mind. Cmon,lets put this shit out
They put dirt on it and Eliott throws some water from his canteen once the Fire is merely smoldering ash. But for good measure they bury it under more soil.
Afterwards they return to the firewatch tower, Where Lucas Clocks out and bids Eliott goodbye.
Lucas could relate to the siblings,he didnt have the best relationshipp with his parents either. Especially his mom, but he felt bad for the two kids,they didnt deserve any of this and the sadness in their eyes was heartbreaking.
He also thinks about Eliott,he really liked how much of a big heart he had. He was easygoing and quite nice to be around, and he handled the situation with the siblings quite well- aside from accidentally shouting at them.
Soon hes at home and drags himself to his bed,where he lays down,barely taking off his work clothes. And deep within him hes excited for his Next work day at firewatch, he should ask eliott if he checked in on the siblings- he also wants to make sure theyre okay.
Man,Eliott May be growing on him.
And that scares him to the death.
A few days go by with more training and more hours of just talking. He feels like hes back at kindergarten, making his first ever friend- and he would like to say that he does not like that at all...
But he would be lying. God,he misses having Friends so bad. Just having someone to talk to,spend time with someone who is easy to talk to and you dont have to worry about alterior Motives.
Lucas now listens to his instructor talk about his Shenanigans in the forest. Something about how Melanie got stuck in a bush and Eliott went to rescue her.
--Her clothes Got tangled in the brush,I...i think the branches were pretty gnarled-- Eliott explains, braiding some waxed threads,all of them green in coloration in an arrow shaped pattern--And when I went to untangle her and I stumbled on a rock and cut my knee on it.
The ex soldier hisses--Jesus,fucking ouch.
--Yeah well...--He chuckled-- I wouldve done it again, I managed to get Melanie out and I ended up getting a few stitches. It broke my heart to see my little sister cry because her big brother was hurt
--That is adorable-- The Florida Man replied with a warm smile--You three sound really close. Thats super nice
Eliott nodded, tying off the wax bracelet now that it was done--Yeah, its nice. We really liked doing eachothers hair the most,We still do- But we usually do it here since I cant leave my post,not until midnight when im relieved.
--Youre the only firewatch guy?
--Until you came along? Not really,I mean theres one more guy that takes the actual nightshift-- He replied,looking at the bracelet hes spent the last three hours making.--Oh! By the way,here. Its for you
Lucas is totally floored as his hands struggle to hold the bracelet, he is silent for a few seconds with wide eyes- He tries to stutter out a response--Oh-Uhm...I..
--If-if you dont like it...
He shook his head-- no,i Love it- I dont get Many gifts...--He smiled and traced the pattern with his thumb.
--Thats sad...--Eliott admitted,gaining a slight flinch from his companion-- Okay well, since youre Severly starved from friendshipp...
Gently,the firewatch Man ties the bracelet around his apprentice's wrist. Then,he stands up and goes to Grab something.
Lucas follows him with his gaze to a box with a few hairbrushes,hair decorations like rings and beads and a few oil and haircare products
--Actually,Whens the last time someone did your hair?--Eliott asked,hauling up the box with ease. He was built strong,evidently.
--...A while...--The soldier answered,a little flustered and with a string of a voice-- You dont have to-
--C'mon dude,look 'round you-- He gestures at the big Windows all around-- what else is there to do? I mean if you dont want to, I wont...
With a sigh, the older Man undos his hairbun,letting his curly hair fall well past his face and shoulders and contrast nicely against his light brown skin.
--Nuthin' too complicated,or flashy--He answered, slouching a little in defeat and a tiny bit of embarassment.
--Yessir-- Eliot answered with a boyish grin, taking out his supplies-- side Braids it is!
The moment the younger Mans hands meet his scalp,Lucas tries his best not to melt. God,he was touchstarved wasnt he?
Whens the last time hes got a proper contact with someone, one that didnt feel threatening or malicious. He melts eventually of course,His friend is quite carefull with each twist and turn of his hair, and by the end his sidebraids look beautiful.
Its been a really good while since he had anything done to his hair- His dad would braid it for him when he was a kid,but that was about it.  He understood the appeal but with everything he went through he rarely had the strength or energy for it. 
For the past few months,hes been fueled by spite alone. Thats the only reason he got so far...
But as he looks at himself in the firewatch cabin's bathroom mirror..
He smiles,tracing over them and the little few beads of green that Eliott had added. A sense of nostalgia washes over him, isnt it so nice when someone helps you take care of yourself?
--theyre beautiful, thanks man--Lucas says,leaning on the entrance to the cabin bathroom.
--Im glad you like em--Eliott answered with a smile-- now excuse me, but I need to use the bathroom
With a spark of mischief,The soldier doesnt move. Instead he copies the other Mans movements, If eliott moves to the right,he moves to the right, and if he tried to go left he'd go right with him.
--C'mon you big dumbass--The younger Man protested,the entrance being blocked by the tall and skinny Man before him.
--I dont know what youre talking about...
This goes on for a few more seconds before Eliott grabs his shoulders and pulls him to the side. It catches him by surprise and just how easily he is moved away by a guy that was 9 inches smaller than him.
--You shithead--Eliott said with a grin,closing the door behind him as he entered the bathroom-- Nex time im throwing you off the tower!
Lucas cant help but cackle at the threat thats muffled by the door now closed. He nodds along and says--We'll see about that!
Eliott smirks to himself,Rolling his eyes with fondness.
Hes just glad Lucas is slowly opening up to him.
As that nights shift ends,both men go down the stairs to the park proper. Its around nine, and Lucas is starving hungry and just as hes about to leave for his house,he hears his companion go.
--Hey Lucas! Want to Grab dinner at Dyonysus'
Turning to meet Eliotts gaze,he asks--Huh?
--Yknow,the bar downtown--the other Man says with a grin-- They make good food,and Laz is there. Which means we get a discount
The old soldier snorts--That cant be approved by the bar...
--Its not but its not like the kid cares--Eliott shrugged,twirling his car keys on his pointer finger-- C'mon,itll be fun.
Lucas sighs,scratching the back of his neck, the night just started,and he doesnt really feel like working his ass off after such a long day.
Boredom can be tiring and he doesnt want his brain to become mush while the cicadas And grasshoppers sing away under the cloudless night.
--Ah well, fine. Whats the worse that could happen?
--Eyy thats my man--Eliott patts the Mans shoulder with fondness,then he looks at his wrist watch-- meet you there in an hour?
--Sounds good
He watches the younger Man leave with a big grin in his face,its a little contagious and he soon finds himself smiling as well.
Perhaps he can allow himself a little fun.
Eliott stepped into his home with a sigh, flipping his keys into the keyhole And turning. God,hes exhausted.
--Evening,Mr.Kingsman--Says one of his neighborgs,walking down the Hall.
--Oh! Mr.Wales,good evening--He turns to see a middle aged Man,brownish salt and pepper hair,beard, Brown eyes hid behind round glasses,he wears a dress shirt and pants, a vest a tie and dress shoes. --Youre closing up shop just now?
--Well uhm..long day-- Mr.Wales replies,a little sheepish--I had to stay behind to catch up on paperwork
Pursing his lips,The younger Man answers-- I wish you luck, your wife is not going to like it
Mr.wales chuckled--Yeah, I can just hear her scolding me for it
--Hah! Yeah. Man,Its a shame though- Me and my buddy are going to Grab dinner at downtown D's . I was going to ask if you wanted to come with
--Perhaps another time,Eliott. That does sound lovely,have fun--the older Man smiled politely and starts walking back to his home.
--Thank you,have a goodnight desmond--Eliott answered and stepped into his home to shower and get decent.
As he walks to his bathroom,he doesnt pay much attention to his house- Though he does know he needs to clean a bit more, theres a bit of dust literally everywhere, above his record shelf and record player,on the TV and coffee table...even his couch!
Its clear he isnt around often, he doesnt remember the last time he sat down and watched a movie by himself,or cooked a proper meal in his cozy kitchen.
He barely has his plants alive just because his sisters come by to water them.
--Aaaalright, lets get this over with-- He turns on the light to his bathroom, its more funcional than pretty but its not an eyesore. Just your average restroom with white tiles, shower courtains and a few haircare products.
He turns on the shower and humms under his breath,pulling off his hair bun and letting his locs fall across his shoulders. His scalp hurts a little too much and he knows he needs to start letting his hair rest- judgement be damned.
But he didnt want to risk losing his job because some white woman got freaked out by his locks. And even if Sally has his back....
Its just hair, its just a hairstyle,why the need to freak out? It doesnt make him any less good at his job,it doesnt impact his capabilities...
Why would he have to white wash himself to appease a few...?
The first few whisps of vapor from the hot water snaps him back to the Real world,His eyes settle on the hair care products he has and rolls back his shoulder. He better hurry up
Off he takes his uniform shirt and sets it aside, his eyes catching sight of his reflection in the mirror and the two curving scars undernath his pectorals.
And he feels...joy  hidden behind all the worries. Its a reminder,its his body, and its his hair- he should do as he pleased with it.
Speaking of- he better get to washing himself.
After his shower,he goes to change,he still has a few minutes before he has to leave for the bar. He hopes he can get there in time,hes not the best at time management.
He puts on a white tee with the logo of "Pablo Honey" Radiohead's album released in '93, wearing some light blue jeans,black Converse and a two necklaces: one is a bead necklace of brown and with daisy decorations,and the other one is a vynil record with an ovloid gem hanging from it.
That should be light enough so he doesnt Cook himself alive.
And so off he goes to the bar in his old green pickup truck.
Lucas got home twenty minutes after leaving the tower, he goes to shower and when hes out he goes to change.
Hes trying hard not to overthink it, its just grabbing dinner with the guy- and its not like he can back out now, it would make him look like an asshole.
But he still worries somebody Will see him with Eliott, he doesnt want to drag the poor,sweet guy into his mess- and he doesnt want to lose anyone ever again,not by anybody's hand and specially not by his.
And Jane was right,he needs some Friends. Yet its been so long since he befriended anybody,and much more less on purpose,most he got was some nice words from the passerbys he met on his trip to Milton-Haven.
Hes sure Jane would have something to say if she knew what was going on- Probably followed by a smartass remark.
Outside the night is still calm,singing insects and clear skies with dry,hot wind. He wonders if Janes suffering the heat as much as he is,and he hopes shes alright.
God,he could just call her.
Was she even awake at this hour?
Lucas picks up the phone and dials Janes number, and just as the first beep can be heard,she picks up-Well,that was fast...
--Hey,its you--Jane said with a smirk-- Good evening, whats up?
--Nuthin' just...got worried--He answered,sitting on the couch--Im going out and I just wanted to see how you've been,especially with the heat.
From the phone he can hear a soft cooing and a sweet giggle of endearment--Worried for me? Youre just the sweetest,Lucas. Im alright,ive learnt to deal with the heat- so dont worry about little ol' me
A chuckle leaves him--Fair 'nough
--But im interested in that "goin' out" bussiness...How About you tell Auntie Jane about that?
He snorts and shakes his head,nosy thing she is--My instructor invited me to Grab dinner,Hes a cool fella...
--It sounds like youve made Friends with the guy!
--Oh my GOD dontcha start
--Thats sooo sweet! Youve made a friend!
--Okay NOW youre sounding condescending!--Lucas complained,a little flustered--Jesus,Jane.
Jane laughs loudly,the sound warming up his heart and making him feel...at ease. She was one of the few he considered family,and its...nice to have someone to reach out to.
As the laughter dies down,he can feel the air shift in the conversation. As if his heart aunt knew something was off with him.
Old people or grandma intuition, he guessed.
--Whats up,Lucas?
He sighs quite loudly,hes just a little annoyed she can read him so well--I think.. I think im just gettin' in my head over It. I dont want to drag him into any of my wild shit
--A valid fear--She agreed,voice soft and thoroughly maternal with that blanket like warmth in her voice-- but Lucas,you Also need to stop thinking theyre out to get you twenty four seven.
Lucas nodds--Yeah well,easier said than done
--Fair enough-- she answered-- But if they wanted to do something to the poor guy,they wouldve already
The Man lets out a long,deinflating sigh--I....I guess ya have a point there.
--Just go,have fun--Jane concluded-- and if anyone tries anything, cave their teeth in
He snorts quite loudly-- Ah Yes, Auntie Janes good, reliable advice.
--Im here to help--the old woman snickered-- Cmon,go have fun and tell me everything tomorrow.
--Fine,I Will. Night,Jane.
He drove to downtown Milton-Haven,to the bar that looks both rustic and ripe with the architecture of the 90s. "Dyonysus Bar" read the grand neon sign of blue letters decorated with red spider lillies that shone in the warm night.
Theres music spilling past the closed Doors,he fixes the collar of his green plaid button up and steps in to be greeted with the deathly chill of the place- A nice change from the heat of the outside door.
Within the bar its crowded, people from early twenties to late seventies just enjoying food and drinks and talking over the soft jazz music in the air.
Looking around,he searches for Eliott who should be around somewhere. And he finds him sitting at the bar and talking to the barkeep,Lazaro.
--Ah!,There y'are--Eliott grinned with boyish glee,wavingh him over--Lookin' Snazzy!
The older Man snorts,feeling sheepish. Hes just wearing a green,plaid button up,black jeans and dress shoes--i dont tend to dress up-- he shook his friend's hand and sat beside Him.
--Well you should do it more often,lucas--Lazaro Chimed in, a smile on his face--What is it going to be,Gentlemen? --Both men hesitate, looking at eachother--Right,hol' on
From underneath the counter he grabs two sets of menus And hands them over.
--Well then,ill go tend to the other costumers. Call me over once you decide--Lazaro added before he left to tend the other people.
--You promise the food here is good?--Lucas half joked,looking at the menu.
Eliott snorts--Trust me,city boy. Its good--He Gently nudged him in a teasing manner--Look,if laz's sister likes the food here,then its good.
--Shes a picky eater?
The younger Man nodded--She is
--Its funny how his sister always comes into every story you tell me about 'em--Lucas said with a smirk.
With a snort,his companion answers--Siblings,you cant get one without the other. I'd know
A short pause is had between their conversation as the older Man considers his Next words.
Point of no return it is
--Wh-What uhm...Whats your family li-Like? -- the veteran asked,a little sheepish.
He sees his friend grin with such joy,he struck a nerve- in the good kind of way. And so,he listens
--Oh my family is wonderfull!--He cheered-- My mom and dad always encouraged us to be ourselves! Ever since I was a kid,they didnt care for what others thought of them, their prioroty has always been that their kids are happy
Lucas feels his chest warm up--That sounds very nice,All parents should make their kids the prioroty.
--Yeah! Even started reffering to me by he and him back when I was just a kid--Eliott answered-- I mean,i know im lucky. Not all parents have the best reaction to their kid being trans
And a sudden pause, like hes said a little too much.
The veteran blinks for a few moments of stupor,but he nodds. Eliott smiles sheepishly,if not a little too anxious. --Right,thing about me- he tried to continue,but his friend interrupts him,sincerity deep un his voice.
--No,no dont worry. I understand,I Wont judge.
--Right...uh--The younger Man hesitated,starting to giggle nervously-- uhm...yes. That,so- so you know, my family's pretty rad.
--Sorry I didnt mean to make you unconfortable--Lucas answered,a shy tone--Its your life, you do what you want. I support you
Eliott lets out a quite loud sigh, he giggles as a nervous reaction and he turns his eyes to the menu, but its clear hes not reading-- Ah thanks. So yeah,cool family
--Im glad, that nice-- the older Man added--How about your sisters uhm..whats life like as a brother,im an only Child
His companion seems happy to change the subject-- They were the best companions I could have. Other people dont get along with their siblings,but I do. I love them with all my heart, we're partners in crime ever since we were kids --He thumbs the bead necklace around his neck--Gina made these, one for the three of us. Shes the youngest and the best at these kinds of things
The veteran smiles,looking at the necklace. Its clearly old but well taken care of--Its gorgeous,its nice you have this little trinket.
--Yeah,i take care of it like gold--Eliott chuckled.
Both then see Lazaro approach,polishing a glass. He looks friendly but with a sense of urgency in his step, and when hes close to the both of them he says.
--Guys hi,sorry to interrupt the chat but please order something before I get in trouble--Theres an anxious, if not a little worried smile on his lips.
Which reminds the men that they ought to order something. They skimm through the menu and quickly order,Apologizing to the bartender that quickly regains his usual jovial energy.
And though both laugh it off and feel really bad for stressing out poor sweet lazaro,they cant help but find the situation hilarious and soon return to yapping
Conversation wavers in the realm of domesticity and pop culture, Eliott is a big fan of Slasher flicks, and Lucas is damn clueless about it but he listens intently- Its nice to just feel like pals chatting.
Feels comfortable,just to sit and get to know a person. One on one,no distraction and it reminds him of the chats under the moonlight he'd have with Alphonso and his war buddies.
Hell, Alphonso was the one to give him his first beer.
Nostalgia,thats what he feels as the memory of it lowers down his spine to his heart where it Nestles with heavy,blue joy. The softnening of his eyes clues Eliott in that his friend remembers something, and now that there was alcohol in his system and he felt quite at ease... well he opens up
Lucas talks about his time in the army,the dumb bits and the nostalgic bits. There is such a boyish youth in his eyes as he talks.
Its been proven that a person gets stuck mentally to the age you lived your trauma...
And the once old veteran now sounds so young ,big grin on his face and such a sparkle in his tired old eyes. In the body of a Man theres just a boy,talking to his friend about his life experiences
Eliott looks so delighted to see the rush of joy in the other Mans eyes, and he decides to sit and listen. Even food does nothing to stop the soldier from yapping away like a radio,he eats and talks and god isnt it endearing? The room seems lighter and brighter just by his happiness alone.
But the old soldier is sober enough to Keep the Darker dealings to himself. But the content smile doesnt leave his face and does wonders to hide his intent of obscuring the bitter moments.
And when their night comes to a close,both sober now and well into the wee hours of the morning. They bid eachother goodbye,and Lucas leaves feeling like he has finally made a good friend.
After their little Bar hangout at "Downtown Ds", as the locals called It, Lucas found his fondness for Eliott growing-Its something he knew was missing,but didnt admit it.
Humans were social creatures,he knew that well- So its no surprise he yearned for such companionship, well its no surprise to everyone except him.
Lucas feels...excited to see him, to spend time with him.
So,he wakes up bright and early to see him,even if he had just a few hours of sleep on him- he just wanted to get there in time. Hes sure that if Jane saw the smile on his face she'd describe it as "Child-like" and "Brighter than the sun".
From his excitement he almost forgets to Grab his badge,the rules said he always had to have it on him. Thank god this song and dance was routine to him at this point.
Its an endearing sight to see him speed through his routine,with his sidebraids still intact and well taken care of because he appreciates them.
The pure joy in his step as he walks down to the firewatch tower. Not even the heat can slow him down or deter his mood, he enjoys the cool breeze that blows past his locks and Gently caresses his face and the sunlight making his brown and green eyes look deep and sparkly.
Old soldier looking like a young child, excited for the day ahead.
Eventually he starts to see the looming structure of the tower,with its weathered wood,the metal steps and a few crate supplies waiting by the foot to the stairs to be hoisted up and into the cabin with its grand Windows that let him and Eliott see the beautiful forest from a birds eye view.
Speaking of Eliott,he finds him a few feet away from the tower talking to a woman,at first he didnt think too much of it, his instructor seemed friendly whilist talking to the woman,Sure the woman had some camping Gear but he didnt worry too much about it.
Until he hears the woman raise her voice,shrill and quite unpleseant.
And quite mean too
--Excuse you! Im within my rights to camp here!. Its a park isnt it not?
--Lady,please this is not a designated camping spot. And youre planning to build a Fire here,and thats a hazard! There are firepits further down the main trail!
The woman,Tiny, covered in both mosquito repellent and sunscreen, seems to scowl quite heavily at the idea of "designated Fire pits"
--Theyre ugly!--She stated in a "matter of fact" way,as if thats justification enough.
--But theyre safe-
--I want to talk to a supervisor, I want to make sure you're part of the actual firewatch!--She shrilled with entitled anger, and thats when Lucas quickly approaches the scene.
--Lady,i am wearing the unifo-
--Who in their right mind would hire someone that looks so...unkempt! When was the last time you even washed your h-
Okay,thats it.
Up until then Eliott hasnt seen his friend angry,but seeing the way his confused face settles into a deep,venomous sneer is enough to spook Him and take a step back ot of caution.
The older Man looks at the camping Gear and then at the woman,who seems to look back quite puzzled as her bright blue eyes lay their gaze on him.
--Eliott,we're allowed to confiscate posible Fire hazards,right?
--Good-- he answered,voice so devoid of that warm friendliness that its almost off putting--Then you get on with that and I go take this woman out of the park
--Wha-?!--The woman chided before he tries to scort her away,all it does though is make the woman scream and yell about it being unfair,that she didnt do anything and drawing attention to herself.
Most of the people around knew that Lucas was a ranger,or well recognized the Man that was the ranger- He didnt talk, but the badge on his belt was enough deterrent to anyone wanting to stop him.
He kicks the woman out and simply stares unmoved as she hurls all sorts of insults at him. Though as shes about to Grab a pebble to throw at him he simply raises his hand.
--Lady,im allowed to defend myself. And I am quite the sharp shooter--He is so non-chalant about the whole deal, such a threatening air laced in his words. -- And one more thing,my Friends hair doesnt make him any less good at his job. So stuff your nose in yer own bussiness from now on.
Needless to say he watches the woman leave without much fuss afterwards.
Eliott meanwhile,takes up the things belonging to the woman whilist mulling over Lucas' reaction. Hes never seen something like that come from him, he was so...calm about the whole deal, unsettlingly so.
Its also incredibly awesome.
--Hey bud!--Eliott chirps as he sees his apprentice return,his face still contorted in disgust.-- Kicked out the racist Lady?
He snorted--Ah,i spooked her right back--He patts the other Man shoulder and adds--Like hell 'm lettin' her talk down to my friend like that
Lucas grabs a few of the boxes with supplies and smiles,still a bit tired but otherwise alright-- 'nyway,lets Get these things up.
The younger Man looks like a deer in headlights, its the first time hes heard his companion call him a "Friend". As far as he could tell,the soldier was a recluse.
It warms up his heart and he nodds along with a shy smile--Ye-Yeah,yeah...Lets get these things up. Fuck that woman
--Amen to that--his friend answers with a grin.
Between the two of them they bring up all the supplies,Eliott grabs two cans of cool beer from the fridge and sits beside the older Man,who looks at the drinks whilist thumbing the wax threat bracelet around his wrist.
--Drinkin' on the job?--Lucas askes with a smirk.
--Well,I wont tell if you dont,friend.
It seems to click for Lucas that he called Eliott his Friend a few times now. His face darkens with blush and nodds--Im not the cops
The younger Man smirks-- we're not the cops.
Grabbing one of the cans,the old soldier pops it Open and his companion does the same. Eliott raises the can and smiles--To friendship
And giving in,Lucas scoffs out a chuckle and answers--To friendship.
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shushmal · 7 months
Robin has a love-hate relationship with Steve-and-Eddie. Love, because those are her best friends and her best friends are in love with each other and they never leave her out of anything. Hate, because sometimes she wishes they would because she keeps accidentally third-wheeling herself.
She doesn't hate it that much though, if she's honest. It's just fun to complain, especially because it riles the both of them up.
But right now, she's being quiet so she can witness one of her secretly-favorite Steve-and-Eddie rituals—of which there are many, but this one is silly and endearing.
It starts like this:
The waitress sets down their drinks, lemonade for Robin, coca-cola for Steve, and a cherry soda for Eddie.
"Don't you dare," Eddie says, even as Steve reaches for Eddie's drink, slipping his straw in next to Eddie's and slurping obnoxiously. Eddie doesn't even pretend to stop him anymore. "Unbelievable."
"I just want to taste it!"
"You could just get a whole glass of it! All for yourself!!"
"It's too sweet, I don't want a whole glass."
"What, so you think you can just help yourself to mine?"
Steve's grin is far too smug, even for Robin, even when Steve slides it to her so she can take a sip. Steve is right, it is really too sweet and she wrinkles her nose, but it's worth it for the offended gasp Eddie makes when she slides it back to him.
The diner is their favorite, because everyone who works there has given up on understanding their weird dynamic: Robin and Steve squished into on side of the booth while Eddie's spread out on the other, Robin making gagging noises whenever Steve brushes against her, even though they never sit in any other configuration. The staff has long since stopped asking which of them was her boyfriend, and that's perfect for her.
Besides, she knows that under the table, Steve and Eddie have their ankles locked together like the disgusting love-sick dorks that they are.
The Steve-and-Eddie show continues when their meals come out. Chicken fingers and fries for Steve because he's an actual child, and breakfast for dinner for Eddie because he likes to be contrary. And then the real performance begins.
They "fight" over the ketchup bottle, which really means that Eddie picks it up and Steve snatches it out of his hands—only for Steve to spread it over Eddie's scrambled eggs (gross) for him before he adds a disgusting amount to his own basket.
Eddie makes a game of stealing Steve's fries when he thinks he isn't looking (Steve is, he's tallying each one up in his head, Robin knows this because she's doing it too), and when he finally "catches" Eddie in the act, he steals Eddie's last piece of bacon—the one that's sat untouched for the last five minutes for this very reason.
Then, Eddie's "forcing" Steve to try his grits, like he does every time, and game eats a spoonful of it, every time, and then complains at length how much he hates it (and he actually does hate it, the texture is just not for him, Robin knows because it's the same for her too).
And then they do the worst, most disgusting thing ever: they split the pancake in half. Without fail. Without argument. Every time.
Robin, slurping on her strawberry milk shake that she will NEVER share with anyone ever, thinks that stupid pancake is like the symbol of their love or something. Sh's sure if they weren't in public, they'd be feeding it to each other.
"What?" They say it in unison, and Robin hates when they do that to her.
(Eddie complains about it right back at her, because she and Steve do the same thing to him all the time. They should blame Steve, since he's the common denominator, but he just looks so pleased about them both that they can't rag on him for it, so Eddie remains Robin's sworn enemy and vice versa.)
"What what?" she sneers at them, voice quiet. "You two are disgusting, it's like you're making out right in front of me right now."
"What are you, homophobic?" Eddie hisses back, just as quiet. "I'm in love with your best friend, Buckley. I'm making out with him in front of you for the rest of your life."
"Ugh! I hate you so much."
"Right back at you."
And then they start kicking at each other beneath the table, no doubt catching Steve's ankles in the crossfire. He doesn't tell them to stop though, and Robin can see that pleased, sappy smile on his stupid face out of the corner of her eye, so she lands an exceptionally harsh blow to Eddie's shin in retaliation for making her best friend so happy. He digs his heel into her toes in return.
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onakomiyaki · 25 days
date me to scare them! | dr3 x reader - smau
summary : you make a silly post about a cute curly haired brunette you stumble upon pinterest on twitter, hoping twitter will help you find the adorable man. only to find out who he is.
fc : lauren de graaf, pinterest, tumblr.
a/n : hello sweetiepies after two months or so having a writer block due to lack of redbull energy drink (my mother banned me after found out my heartbeat beating 10 times faster than usually is) now i am back! hope you like this LONG smau <3
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amor_redoux posted a story!
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Liked by danielricciardo, scottyjames31 and pyry.salmela 706,701 others
amor_redoux recharging 🔋⚡️⚡️⚡️
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5 August
oscarpiastri isn't it very hot down there?
amor_redoux yeah.. should've stayed in amsterdam
danielricciardo Oh
This comment has been deleted!
amor_redoux IM JOKING
user5 im afraid that one user on twitter were right
alexandrasaintmleux Don't forget my TimTams
charles_leclerc MY BOOMERANG
maxverstappen1 Just have fun ( Don't forget mine )
amor_redoux voi ragazzi siete peggio 🙄🙄
danielricciardo 🤣🤣
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Liked by charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, danielricciardo and 756,541 others
amor_redoux enchanté mon ami. ⛱️☀️
tagged : @.enchante
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17 August
enchante Enchanté, Y/N! ☀️
amor_redoux ☀️❤️
user2 she is either one of lucky fans or trully daniel's gf..
alexandrasaintmleux Belle! 🌹❤️❤️
amor_redoux NO UUUUUUUU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
danielricciardo Enchanté 🌹
amor_redoux 🌹🌹
charles_leclerc Now if i say something
amor_redoux NOW IF YOU JUST ZIP IT
charles_leclerc You seeing this? @.maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 ??????
amor_redoux hallo max emillian. dag, hoe gaat het?
maxverstappen1 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
amor_redoux ✋️😀
user6 maybe i should start posting cute pictures of cute boys and ask people of the internet to help me find him
Liked by amor_redoux and danielricciardo
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📍Amsterdam, Netherland
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Liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, f1dutchgp and 986,423 others
amor_redoux home 🩵🧡
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21 August
user8 SOFTLAUNCH? IS THIS SOFTLAUNCH @.amor_redoux ?
amor_redoux no comment.
charles_leclerc Oh its real. VERY real.
user9 CHARLES?!
landonorris orange heart for papaya?
amor_redoux no lando, orange for dutch 🙄
landonorris meh ill take it as papaya orange anyway.
maxverstappen1 Where's the stroopwaffles? 😧
amor_redoux daniel ate them all ☹️☹️
danielricciardo Sorry mate 😅
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Liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, alexandrasaintmleux and 350,423 others
f1.wags_ NEW WAGS ALERT! Y/N L/N SPOTTED AT MONZA. The 27 years old Dutch-French model spotted at Monza, Italy with [alleged] boyfriend Daniel Ricciardo arriving at Formula 1 Paddock, Friday 30th August.
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30 August
user1 OH-
user3 heh, turns out im right after all *dramatic cape swift*
user4 you did it, detective user3 fr..
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Liked by amor_redoux, maxverstappen1, visacashapprb and 650,423 others
danielricciardo Pizza. And some racing.
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30 minutes ago
amor_redoux oh so we are hardlaunching now?
danielricciardo 🥰🥰🥰 Yes 🥰🥰🥰
charles_leclerc "Thank you Charles Leclerc" would be nice mate 😤
danielricciardo Thank you Charles Leclerc 🥰
maxverstappen1 Hey, what about me? I told you about that nice restaurant! 😠
danielricciardo Thank you Max Verstappen 🥰
visacashapprb 🩵🩵🩵
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probablynotamimic · 19 days
Just said "Change" as an expletive out-loud instead of "Stars" and I think this MIGHT be a sign I've been writing too much Mirabelle
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pensbridgrton · 2 months
Diamond Dust
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Penelope raises an eyebrow. “What is it?” Michaela opens her mouth but Penelope shakes her head. “I mean - I know what it is - but like - ” “It’s a vibrator,” says Michaela, drawing back to crack open the box. She pulls out a thin manual and shows it to her. “There’s a remote setting, so if you download an app, you can control the vibration settings remotely.” Her eyes twinkle and Penelope freezes. “Perfect for couples doing long distance.”
Read on AO3 here.
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jamiesfootball · 2 months
From your gift fic (which I swear will get done one day):
At some point in the evening, Dani's aunt tapped him on the shoulder.
“Mi lindo, make sure you are not neglecting your friend.”
“You have not been speaking in ingles,” she chided him. “Also, you two should take him inside. He looks tired; I think he’s had too much sun.”
Dani blinked at her. The severe cut of her lips pursed in amusement, and she pointedly at his shoulder.
Sprawled out as they were on the patio, he’d not noticed when he’d taken the position of having his arm wrapped around the back of Jamie’s chair any more than he’d noticed the sun dipping low beyond the horizon. Both were simply part of the natural movement of the world. Similarly, he couldn’t say with any certainty when Jamie’s head had settled against his shoulder. The slack weight of his body pressed familiar and warm against his side. If Dani’s chair was to slide, his friend would likely fall to the ground.
Circling the edge of the patio, the lanterns were meant as a precaution to keep people from stumbling in the dark when the Rojas family inevitably stayed up chatting into the night. They illuminated smiles, and spilled drinks, and not much else. But Dani need only to look down to see that his aunt was right. In the warm glow of the lanterns, Jamie’s face was flushed a borrowed red from how much time they’d spent in the garden that day. He wasn’t asleep yet, but his eyes were drooping, slipping closed in long blinks as he watched Tío Luis gesticulate across the table. Balanced against his chest, his beer bottle lay completely empty, wrapped between his arms in a hug.
Dani didn’t understand how, but Jamie had somehow managed to fish his lime halfway back out of the neck of the bottle, and he was chewing absently on the end of it.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
An important statement
I'm currently dying because I just posted my WIP Wednesday and @lemonlyman-dotcom kindly let me know that Americans say 'tank top' and not 'vest'... meaning I accidentally sent Owen to bed in one of these and no pants:
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Instead of one of these:
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I shall hearby issue a retraction and correct vest to tank top but I'm proper laughing about this, lads.
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magicwhiskers29 · 7 months
Chapter 1 (of 3) of some sonadow!
Sonic finds Shadow at his house for an impromptu few-day-long stay. Alright, he can roll with that.
But with the rest of Team Dark off on a mission, Shadow experiencing strange transformations involving his Black Arms might present more of an issue for him to help his rival with.
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sighonaraa · 7 months
tagged by the absolutely lovely and brilliant @thirteenemeraldcats to post the last sentence i wrote so i, of course, have multiple sentences bc i shrimply can't stop yapping:
They both sit there for a moment in silence. Sam’s staring at his hands, and Jamie’s staring at him staring at his hands, and neither of them speak, and neither of them leave. What begins as an awkward, clumsy quiet soon shifts into something warmer, something softer. Something that’s easy for Sam to settle into, like an old coat that you thought wouldn’t fit anymore but does.
tagging anyone who hasn't been tagged who would like to participate!! i'm a bit late to this so i'm not sure who all has already gone aksjdf
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meownotgood · 22 days
mags, alrightie I have got to say I was influenced.
as I have seen 'sakamoto days' and you have mentioned I have been looking forward to it , since I have been wanting to watch more animes now.
and I saw you speaking about nagumo so I looked him up (because I trust your taste in fictional characters) and... THE TATTOOOSSS.
he has a fibonacci's spire tattoo? what a neeeeeeerd!!! (I love him, already. also the snake tattoo, I am totally not fine about this).
(also I agree that people write so little about aki, because I remember first dipping into the fanfic world after watching csm - like of course, I saw an hot guy, I am going to google fanfics about him - and I saw so little, ugh #justicefortopknot).
have a lovely day!
YESSSSSSS I'm telling you..... he's so handsome... also his personality is so cute... definitely the kind of character I'd like to chew like bubblegum. he's been my fave since I first read sakamoto days and I'm excited to see him animated soon hue hue hue
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il-predestinato · 1 year
Will you ever write any more of this is our place, we make the rules? It's my favourite series ever. I've read it so many times already!!
Thank you for saying that! It really means a lot, and brings so much joy to my heart to hear people say they enjoyed my writing! 🥰
And to answer your question, overall - I would say I consider the series to be complete. I feel like I told the story I wanted to tell. There are definitely headcanons, small details, cut scenes, etc. from that fic-verse that I've sometimes shared with people who have asked without expanding into a full fledged sequel/prequel/inter-quel(?).
That being said, never say never! I really enjoyed writing that whole series. And there is a tentative 'sequel' that I've on and off played around with, writing some scenes here and there, since finishing the series. It's called "Architectural Digest: Inside Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc's Monaco Penthouse" and is basically a celebrity home tour (AD really makes videos of these!) of our favourite retired couple showing off their weird ass home, which is filled with mementos of their time together and shit they've collected through their travels/competition years, etc. Like the poster in the guest bathroom teaching the differences between the Singapore vs. Monaco vs. Indonesia vs. Poland flags ("because Max gets confused all the time," teases Charles, while Max ducks off camera to hide his blush). And the 'bull mounting horse statue' that Lando bought for Max next to the 'bull sucking horse dick painting' Carlos bought for Charles as wedding gifts (Max: "WTF, who told you we're getting married?" Carlos: "This isn't your wedding?! Lando said -" Max: "This is our BIRTHDAY PARTY." Carlos: "Oh FFS, Lando, why am I wearing a tux?! ... Well, um, happy birthday?").
Who knows? Maybe one day I'll have enough scenes written and polished to share? 😅
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voidfragments · 1 year
ok but i actually have sm to say about qi rong's relationship with anger. i could honestly just link a fic i wrote about it here bc i think i worded it better there than i ever can again but my ao3 links to my main twt and i prefer to keep rp stuff separate from my personal stuff for reasons sooooo lemme try to write it differently
cw for mentions of domestic violence bc holy shit like 99% of his character traces back to that in some way
the key thing is, of course, that anger is a trauma response for qi rong. he has every reason to be fucking pissed at like, all times, but fundamentally, his anger is not rational. rage and violence are all he knows! his earliest childhood memories are of being abused and seeing his mother be abused! even when he got out of that, he and his mother were bullied and ostracized, and his mother was eventually murdered. violence and cruelty shape his early childhood and in turn shape who he is today (enabled in large part by the queen's reluctance to properly discipline him when he began exhibiting cruel behavior himself).
in many cases, it's about revenge--getting "even", though he usually takes it much farther than the original offense. his father was abusive? he'll delight in warring against people from the same town as him. the yong'an rebellion tore away the one good thing he had in his life--his royal status? he'll crush their entire royal & noble classes in a single night. xie lian fell off the pedestal he held him on, "failed" and "abandoned" him? unforgivable.
very often, it's simply lashing out. the world has been cruel to him, so he'll be cruel too.
mostly, though, his anger just keeps him going. if he doesn't have his anger, then what does he have? sadness, loneliness, despair, heartbreak, misery.
being a ghost adds another angle to it, too--he can't let go of his anger, even if he wants to. well, he could, but then he'd disappear, and he doesn't want that. not yet. it's his source of life. it's also his source of power! and it's easy to forget with how often the rest of the cast and the narrative itself dunks on him, but he has a lot of power. #4 in the entire ghost realm! a near-supreme, one successful furnace trip away from becoming a full-fledged ghost king!
just--imagine, for a moment, being him. an abused kid--powerless--who suddenly learns that he's actually a prince--powerful!--and then, before even reaching adulthood, his kingdom crumbles, and he eventually dies just as powerless as he started. and then all that resentment causes him to come back even more powerful than before. it's no wonder he leans into it.
idk this is getting long-winded but i guess what i'm trying to say is--his anger is both justified and overblown, it is both understandable and irrational, it is something he needs to hold onto no matter how much it hurts him. he is his anger.
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owltrifecta · 9 months
i used to weave crowns. december 1995. left alone by their families, lottie and van spend the holidays together. platonic(ish) lottievan twoshot, 3.8k words so far. van POV.
It's snowing outside, all soft and fluffy like a cartoon, and Van feels hollow. The house is empty, and clean for the first time in weeks. She spent the morning hauling bags full of beer bottles to the curb, cleaning out the fridge, and scrubbing unidentifiable stains off of the bathroom tile. Now, every trace of Vicky Palmer's self-destruction is gone. With every conceivable chore crossed off Van's list, there's nothing to do but kill time. It's Christmas Eve. Her mom’s on a bender in Jersey City, and she can’t bring herself to intrude on the Turners and their happiness. So she resigns herself to spending a quiet holiday watching Home Alone for the umpteenth time and trying not to feel achy about a mom who would do anything to come home to her kid. She’s about to plop down in front of the TV and do just that when the phone rings.
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billy-cockblock · 7 months
BEHOLD!!! A rare In Sound Mind fic! Not my best work, but I can write it now and edit it later.
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irvingcoded · 1 year
Irving/Little, firefighters
Once everyone else has been evacuated, Irving throws himself down to the ground below the smoke, coughing against his arm as he shields his face with it, crawling to the edge of where the floor has collapsed. Little was right there in the room with him only mere moments ago, helping a sobbing woman out the window onto the truck's waiting ladder, and the sudden he was gone: fallen through the floor to the blazing inferno below with a horrible, splintering roar like the Earth itself had split open to swallow him.
He should be already climbing down the ladder himself by now, as the odds that either of them will make it out intact by this point are dwindling by the second, but instead Irving readjusts his mask over his face and swings his legs over the lip of the gaping crater separating him from the fires of Hell, preparing himself to follow Little even there, because to leave him behind to perish within those flames would be, to Irving, a living Hell of its own.
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cheese-ducks · 4 months
please say someone got this reference in my fic
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