#god i need to reread that . anyways. hope this is what u were thinking of !!!!
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starscelly · 18 days ago
Cel, I am sorry to bother you with a request, but there is this video where Miro and the Finn’s talk about how no one knows what Roope is ever saying? M
That he makes up words or something like that? Do you happen to have this video, or did I potentially make it up 😭?
oh my friend no bother at all!!! i actually have been compiling a doc of miro roope Lore so very easy access to me im happy to answer !!!
this video VERY MUCH exists and it contains my favorite screenshot on my phone of all time!!!!
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here is the link !! and ill rb it as well <33
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nickfowlerrr · 1 month ago
once more with feeling
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pairing: professor!bucky barnes x curvy!actress!reader (reader is not a student)
warnings: mdni. no smut. flirting. i’d label this as soft horny if that were a thing lol. edward/guy moratz makes a short appearance. not much else really but self-indulgence at its finest. reader is probably minimum twenty five but you can imagine whatever age 21 and up you'd like and it should read alright.
words: 5185
notes: this was originally going to be a professor bucky x reader fic but then i got the idea for auditioning reader and then i thought oh! what if i wrote for my latest obsession - edward/guy! so then it was gonna be guy x actress reader but then i realized i kept picturing bucky and i’ve missed writing for him so then it changed again into professor bucky but now with actress reader and that’s where i landed with it even though i think this would work so well with guy as our guy and truth be told upon rereading myself i did start to picture him instead of bucky ha but ANYWAY this is buckys fic but if you wanna picture guy that works pretty well too 🤭 writing this was a nice distraction from the craziness of life lately and i hope you enjoy it. also just to say it - if you haven’t had the chance to watch a different man yet, you absolutely should. it’s great.
pls lmk your thoughts! i’d love to hear what you think. thank you in advance for reading! as always, comments and reblogs are so appreciated and more than welcome. 🩵
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Goosebumps have risen all over your skin as you sit in the uncomfortable auditorium seat. Your legs are freezing thanks to the dress you don; despite its length, the fabric doesn’t provide much warmth and you can’t help but shake just a touch as another chill comes over you. You wrap your arms as tightly as you can around yourself but it too does little to help. The shrug cropped cardigan keeps your arms covered but the cold still chills - even inside the walls of this classroom auditorium.
This was a stupid idea, you accept far too late.
Granted, your planned outfit originally saw you in lined leggings to help fight the cold of the season, but after your little trip down the stairs on your way here - despite having held the skirt of the dress up to avoid such a fall to begin with! - you decided to toss the ripped and coffee soaked leggings and keep on instead of doing what the universe clearly was screaming at you to do: Go back to your apartment, take those god forsaken heeled shoes off, and put on something simpler. You were trying too hard.
Maybe you were. But you couldn’t care. You needed this. And when do you get to wear a dress like this on the daily? It fits the mood and works for the role without being a costume. You may feel a little uncomfortable, you don’t wear dresses out often, but you don’t think you’ve really made the wrong choice.
You were last on the audition sign in sheet so thankfully no one would be left to watch you the way you’d just studied the twelve other girls reading for this role.
They all dressed casually, had book bags with them, it was obvious they all attended this school. And here you were! A college dropout, overdressed in comparison, and clearly out of place.
Ah, you’re getting too in your head again. Always looking for a reason why something won’t go your way. But you’ve been working on that, and calling yourself out seems to help.
You take a deep breath as the last girl clears the stage and the casting table speaks amongst themselves.
You haven’t been able to see any of their faces, only the backs of their heads. You aren’t sure if there are students or faculty at the table with them but you figure it doesn’t really matter.
The casting call said all were welcome to audition - student or not. The location was only at the college because of renovations on the theatre in the city.
…It did say that, right? You’re not auditioning for a college show, right?
Your heart begins to pick up speed as you worry. Did you read it wrong? Were you making things up? You scramble for your phone and as you pull up the email the city theatre sent out last week, your name is called.
You don’t have the chance to reread it before you shut your phone off and tuck it away in your bag, placing it on your seat as you stand. You take a breath as you smile as confidently and friendly as you can and make your way down to the stage.
“That’s me,” you say as they watch you.
Finally you’re able to see their faces and as you make eye contact with each of them you can feel them sizing you up. Three people sit at the folding table before the stage and one man sits a bit further back in the second row of auditorium seats. He has yet to look up from his book and you realize you hadn’t noticed him at all earlier.
A younger man at the casting table, no more than 30 if you’d had to guess, tilts his head as he watches you ascend the few steps to the stage.
“So,” he states your name again, “do you attend classes here?”
“No,” you answer with a small shake of your head, “no I’m not a student.” You work to maintain your easy smile as you feel all eyes on you.
The man nods and turns to speak to the man still sitting and reading behind him. “Well, Mr. Barnes,” he gets his attention finally, “no pressure to stay. All the students have been seen, you’re free to go. This is the last audition for the day then we’ll be out of your hair.”
“Until tomorrow when you’ll take over my auditorium again,” he rumbles lowly as he stares at the man who is still looking at him.
You swallow hard as you do the same. His eyes are bright despite his obvious annoyance, his dark hair pushed back as he tries to keep it out of his face, only a couple silver strands shining through the dark chestnut brown; the stubble that covers his jaw adds to his air of gruffness - the spot of gray near his chin adding to his appeal. He’s tall, you gather as your eyes move down his body, his long legs. He wears dark slacks and a baby blue button up dress shirt tucked into his pants. The sleeves are rolled up his forearms and the top couple buttons of his shirt are undone, giving just a hint at his chest hair and the chain that hangs around his neck.
You realize you’re staring as you hear the voice of the younger man responding to Mr. Barnes, but you don’t hear what he’s saying as you force yourself to look away. Your eyes blink up and you’re caught. His blue eyes are on you, brows furrowed and his expression unreadable. You quickly look away and pretend you weren’t doing a thing as you wait for them to give you the go ahead.
Some more words are exchanged as they seem to try and appease the man whose classroom they are in. You’re not entirely paying attention to the conversation as you run your lines in your head for the millionth time.
You know the words. You know the part. You’re not worried, necessarily. But you haven’t booked a single thing in the past eight months and to say that hasn’t shaken your confidence in yourself even just a little bit would be a lie. But you’re getting back to your roots. You’ve missed the theatre. It was and will forever be your first love. This is your first stage audition in a while though, and your first experience with this theatre. Since moving to the city, you swore you’d audition for one of their shows but just never got around to it as your focus shifted to film. This is your time now. Is it going exactly how you’d envisioned it’d go? Well, you’re standing in a university campus auditorium instead of the stage at the Fervent Fires Theatre to audition, so, no. But that’s okay! You have a good feeling about this. And as you stand here, you feel more and more relaxed. It’s kind of bringing you back to your high school days - the annoyed teacher having to share the auditorium with the annoying theatre people. It’s funny.
And after seeing the other girls audition you really don’t feel too stressed. Most of them were late teens auditioning for Elmire. Despite the fact you played her in your late teens, too, that was simply because the production was full of other teens and young adults. You’re definitely more of the right fit even now. You’ve seen some of the theatre's productions before and who and how they tend to cast. Granted this is second day auditions and everyone else who has been seen might be in your league, but you won’t dwell on who you may be compared to - and you kind of needed the confidence boost today.
You take a breath and remind yourself you know what you’re doing. Whether you get a callback or not, just being on a stage again, acting in front of people again, you’ve needed this. It’s good.
You come back to yourself, out of your head and more at ease and hear Mr. Barnes as he speaks.
“And I appreciate being ‘free to go’ but I’m fine right where I am. Seeing as how this is my classroom, I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”
“Oh, no, of course not. I just meant that if you wanted to go, you were free to, are free to, do, ya know, whatever you want. We were under the impression you were required to be here as a faculty member during student’s auditions, but, uhm, yes, of course. We aren’t trying to push you out or anything,” he smiles before nervously clearing his throat and turning back to face the table. He shuffles around the papers before him and you see him pull your headshot and resume to the front of his stack, grabbing his notes and pen before turning his gaze to you.
“Alright, sorry about that. You can start whenever you’re ready.”
Their eyes are all on you. The casting table, and the man behind them. He’s set his book down next to him, has his hands folded in his lap as he sits back in his seat, casual and intent all at once, while his brilliant blue gaze is set right on you.
The audition is a blur, it goes by so fast. As you thank them for their time, you’re surprised when they offer you more information they hadn’t given out before.
“Callbacks will be next Tuesday and they’ll be at the actual theatre. We’ve been under construction all month but should be good to go next week. We appreciate you taking the time to come audition here, we know it’s a little out of the way in comparison.”
“Not a problem at all, it actually isn’t too far from me,” you smile.
“Good, well, keep a look out for an email with more details and…” the director on the end of the table looks up to you as if she’s catching herself from revealing a secret, then sighs, “ah, screw it, you’re definitely on the callback list,” she smiles, “we’ll see you there.”
“Amazing,” you breathe, “I’m looking forward to it. Thank you again, so much,” you can’t help your grin as you walk closer to the steps of the stage.
The casting table packs their things as you walk past them back to where you were sitting before. You’d left your bag and half drinken coffee so you make to go get it. As you pass the first few rows, you feel Barnes’ stare again, this time only fleeting as his name is called from the young man who spoke to him before.
“This table?”
“You can leave it,” he states, sounding bored.
“Okay. Thank you again for letting us use the stage, we really do appreciate it.”
You don’t hear him reply as you hear the casting team leave out the door.
The realization you’re the last one left intruding on this man has you hurrying up.
Until you hear his voice again.
“You were good.”
You turn at the compliment, wide eyed as you see him coming closer up the steps. Your heart seems to skip a beat and you wonder what he’s doing until he bends down a few rows before you and picks up an empty coffee cup someone must have left earlier.
You’re caught a bit off guard but force your mouth to work after a second, “Thank you.”
“Yeah,” he nods as he stands back up straight. You watch as he tosses it easily into the trash can at the bottom of the stairs before he turns back to look at you again.
You were right. He’s tall, and somehow even more attractive than you’d originally thought now that you’re seeing him even closer.
“I’m no director, but from what I’ve seen yesterday and today, if I was casting, you’d be it.”
“Oh,” you feel your face warm despite how cold the auditorium still is, “that’s,” you laugh a little under your breath, “that’s really nice to hear, thank you.” You have to look down as his gaze is just a little too much for you right now. You don’t need to fall down another set of stairs today and if you let yourself get lost in those ocean blue eyes of his, you’re almost certain you will.
“You seem more shy off stage than you do on,” he comments, taking another step up the stairs, another step closer to you.
“Yeah,” you titter nervously, “um, I’m an actor, ‘m pretty good at faking it when I have to.”
He raises his brow at your unintentional innuendo and immediately you catch yourself. You feel like you’re on fire and you see something in his eyes, almost like he’s working himself up to reply as he takes the last step he needs to be on the same level as you.
“You fake it a lot?”
Your lips move as if you have words to speak but nothing comes out as he stares at you and you stare back.
God, he smells good. And he’s so tall. And muscular. And pretty.
You blink as you try to break yourself free from this trance.
Is he hitting on you? You don’t even know this man’s name and yet there’s a fluttering in your tummy at the way he’s eyeing you. His gaze roves down your body, over your soft curves that are accentuated by the corset dress hugging you. His tongue darts out as he wets his lips seemingly without thought and that familiar desire that’s been plaguing you the last six months since your breakup has you fidgeting where you stand. He’s so effortlessly hot and the thought of getting on your knees right here and now for him hits you out of nowhere and only burns you further. Wow, where did that come from?
You haven’t been with anyone since you ended things with Nick, and you may be horny, but you’re not desperate… Are you?
You swallow hard and extend your hand to him, offering him your name as you do. He smiles with a deft chuckle, looking from your hand back up to your eyes before he takes your hand in his, seeming to ease some tension in him you hadn’t noticed before. Maybe not tension, maybe anxiousness? But no, that couldn’t be it. His smile is so easy there’s no way the word confident wouldn’t be in your top choices to describe him.
“James,” he supplies as you shake his hand. His big, warm hand that you can’t help but imagine the weight of if he were to place it on your waist. He squeezes you just a bit and another wave of your sudden desire rolls through you.
“Nice to meet you,” you say, sounding a lot more sultry than you ever intended. His lips quirk and he takes a second before he responds, again, you get the funny feeling he’s working himself up to say what he does.
“Can I be honest with you?” he asks bluntly, waiting for your nod before he continues. “I saw you staring at me when you were on stage.”
Okay. Ha. Wow. You’re so hot you wouldn’t be surprised if steam was coming off your cheeks. God, you could just explode from your mortification at his words. Is he really calling you out like this, right to your face? Your cheeks are burning and you don’t know what to say. You suck your lips in your nervousness as you inhale a breath through your nose, letting your lips go as you suck your teeth when you release them. You look down as your tongue runs along the edges of your teeth. A nervous habit when you’re at a loss for words as you let out a breathy titter at being caught and having it brought up.
You hear a light laugh from him before your breath is stilled when he gently touches your chin, his touch warm as he tilts your face up so you’re looking at him once again.
You’re stalled in a sort of awe as his eyes seem to twinkle at you.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed,” he assures you, his voice smooth as silk, “I was staring back.”
The soft smirk on his lips lights you up as you unthinkingly wet your own. In any imagined scenario you would never have thought you’d be so receptive to a stranger coming on this strongly - so boldly and up front. But here you are. Receptive as hell. There’s something about him, about his approach, that has you even more attracted to him than you were at first glance…er, stare. His voice, his attitude, the way he’s looking at you. As if he knows exactly what he wants, and he’s going for it. As if the very thing he wants right now, is you.
“Your eyes alone are captivating, but there’s something else about you,” he muses, “you got on stage and it was like I couldn’t look away.”
You almost have to force yourself to take a breath before you can talk. “The dress,” you quip with a small shrug.
“The dress,” he looks down at your body once more, a funny fluttering setting your core alight under his gaze, “well it definitely helped. It’s nice,” he compliments, his hand reaching to touch the fabric and grazing your hip. At his touch his eyes flick up to gauge your reaction and, seeing what you’re sure is a dreamy like haze, he goes on. “Look, I have to teach a class here in half an hour so I’m just gonna cut to the chase,” he says, a hint of an east coast accent slipping in and becoming clearer in his voice as he speaks, “I think you’re gorgeous. And I think you might think I’m not so bad myself,” he half smiles as his lips twitch. “I know this is forward,” his eyes meet yours once more, “and there’s no expectation here.”
Your brows raise despite yourself as you wait for him to go on. He licks his lips again and takes a step closer to you.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?”
You inhale sharply as you pause, your lips parting with the breath.
Weirdly some far off part of you was kind of expecting that was where this was leading, but in the very same breath, you really were not expecting him to say that. Your mouth goes dry and your mind goes blank as you try and process his words. You know your immediate, no thought involved answer. But surely, this calls for some thought, doesn’t it?... It’s not like anonymous sex isn’t a thing, it’s just never been your thing. But you do have the rest of the day free and you’re riding on a kind of confidence high at the moment, and god is this man tempting.
A small smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he stares at you, studying you and waiting for your yes or no.
“You do this a lot?” you ask instead.
He breathes a soft chuckle, “Never, actually,” he shakes his head, “but I’ve been out of the game for a while, recently been told I need to put myself out there, and I guess I don’t really know how to be anything other than direct these days.”
“Hm,” you look into his bright eyes, a sincerity there you don’t find in people often these days, “I guess I can appreciate that.”
“Is that a yes?”
Fuck it, you think. You’ve been pushing past your normal comfort zones all day. What’s a little sex with a hot stranger? …Right? You’re seconds away from saying yes, how could you not, you egg yourself on, but you figure you should make this as clear as you can. Not that his answer has much chance of changing yours.
“Is this just sex? Or…” you trail off.
“At the very present moment,” he specifies, “just sex.”
You nod in easy understanding, readily taking it for what it is, but he continues on.
“And if you wanna leave it at that, we’ll leave it at that, but if you’re interested in dinner later tonight, too, I’d be glad to buy. Pick you up and everything.”
“Oh, what a gentleman,” you simper with a titter you can’t suppress. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” he asks.
You nod with a smirk as he closes the gap between your bodies.
“Right now?” he adds again, getting the same response as you smile against his lips when he leans in closer.
He kisses you. You’re immediately lost to him as his lips touch yours, his stubble tickling your soft skin. It’s surprisingly tentative, slow and soft at first, like he’s testing the waters between you. After a long moment, he decides to pull away, not too far, only parting for a split second. You're struck by the fleeting feeling of his lips being on yours, it steals your breath as you mindlessly lean into him immediately looking for more. Your eyes meet again, there’s a glimmer of shared recognition and you know he feels the same, and then his lips are on yours even more hotly. You’ve always thought people were dramatic when they spoke about having sparks with someone, that it wasn’t a real experience, just hyperbole… exaggeration, but you’re realizing now you just hadn’t ever experienced it before. That spark, that zing, it is real. It must be, because as crazy and sudden as it is, you think you have it here.
His hand comes to hold your head, keeping you close as he leads you. You might be embarrassed by the way you melt into him if you were thinking of anything other than how good his touch is and how perfect his lips seem to meld with yours.
You’re filled with a thrilling excitement you don’t know you can compare to anything you’ve felt before. This is new and nice and as the kiss deepens, your nerves turn from jittery butterflies in your belly to a smoldering desire that burns lower and lower. His firm body is pressed to your soft one and his free hand falls to the tail of your back, holding you closer and keeping you there against him before his hand snakes to your hip, wandering up your curves as he feels as much of you as he can. Your own hands are against his stomach as you chase his kiss, fingers fisting the fabric of his button down shirt.
James nips at your bottom lip and you give him entry without a pause, his tongue slipping in your mouth as he kisses you fervently, like something out of a movie. You’ve never been in a situation like this, and you can say with certainty you’ve never been kissed like this either.
You let your hands slide up his torso until you find the first button. As if you’ve done it a million times, you easily begin the tedious task of unbuttoning each one - though you take your time, not wanting to break any as you’re still caught in his hold, still lost in his kiss.
You hate having to break away but you need a breath and despite the loss of contact with your lips, James’ continues to travel along your skin. From your cheek to your jaw and down your neck as you angle yourself to allow him more access, all the while your fingers do their work and your breathing turns heavier. Once the buttons are undone you pull the tails of his shirt from his pants. His hands are still on you, feeling you as he kisses your delicate skin.
Your hands stabilize yourself by holding his sides as he yanks you closer to him still. He’s much thicker than he looked, you realize as you touch him. Your hands wander up his back, wanting to get his undertank off as soon as humanly possible so you can really feel the muscles there.
He brings an arm around your waist and his other hand glides down your back until he gets to your bottom, groaning in your neck as he squeezes you there.
A loud voice breaks the trance the two of you have been under and causes you to jump as you hear the doors closing and footsteps coming around the side staircase, bringing a different man into view.
You’re startled, and James gallantly moves you just behind him despite your still fully clothed state. You’re still grateful though, you know you must look a little mussed, your cardigan falling down your arms and James’ undone shirt hardly producing any air of innocence about what was unfolding just moments ago.
“Oh, sorry,” the man starts with inquiring eyes, looking between the both of you. He’s just as tall as James and has eyes just as blue. He’s clean shaven, though and not as bulky. Still, they look like they could be brothers. “Professor?” he asks, “Am I interrupting something?”
“She’s not a student, Guy,” James responds, annoyance clear as day in his voice. “I’m not Drysdale.”
“Right,” Guy says on a light, breathy laugh, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. He seems uncomfortable at the mention. You see him as he eyes James’ still undone shirt.
“What do you need, Guy?” James asks firmly, getting his eyes back on him.
“It can wait,” he brushes off, “just wanted to say thanks for letting the theatre use the stage again, we appreciate it.” His eyes flick to you and he seems to make a connection. “Elmire?”
Your eyes meet his in surprise, “Um, yeah,” you nod with a small smile, shifting your weight from one leg to the other, arms crossed over your chest.
“Tartuffe,” he gestures to himself with a smile of his own. You suddenly recognize him and take a step forward.
“Wait, did I see you in Death of a Salesman the other month?”
“Yes,” he smiles even more sincerely now, “yes, it’s the year of the classics at the theatre,” he chuckles.
“Right, yeah, you were incredible. Really great performance,” you compliment him.
“Thank you very much. I heard good things just now about your audition, I’m assuming you’re -,”
James interrupts Guy by supplying your name himself, causing you both to look at him. You fight a smile at the sound of it on his lips.
“Well then,” Guy looks back toward you, clearing his throat a bit, “I will be seeing you at your callback,” he turns to James, “and I will be seeing you in the office later.”
He takes a step back, “It was nice to meet you, and thank you again, Bucky.”
The name catches your attention as Guy walks off and James turns back to face you.
He sighs as he looks at you, reaching for your hand which you allow him to take.
His touch is deceptively delicate and you can’t pretend you don’t like it.
“Bucky?” you question. He meets your gaze and gives a sheepish half smile.
You nod, “Ah. Makes sense,” you lilt, holding his eye. “Suits you.”
“You can call me Bucky if you’d like. Like the way it sounds when you say it.”
You huff a laugh, looking away. He continues on, “I’m sorry for that interruption, I uhm,” he let’s go of your hand and moves to start buttoning his shirt back up, “I think we’re gonna have to try this again later,” he pauses, glancing back to you, “if you’re still-,”
“I am,” you smile, cutting him off.
He finishes tucking in his shirt and then immediately takes another step closer to you.
His eyes are scrutinizing in the best way as he takes your face gently in his hands, your own coming to hold his wrists; his bright gaze shining into your own. It feels intimate but strangely…right.
“I guess I should be thanking Guy,” he muses. Your brows furrow in unvoiced questioning. His lips quirk at the face you make. “I was taking the advice of someone I’d never normally take advice from being so forward with you. Honestly, it’s not really me,” he admits, admiring the soft smile of your own gracing your lips at his words. “I’m more of the courting type.” You laugh brightly at his choice of words as he smirks. “Old fashioned, I know.”
“No, that’s..That’s good. More my speed. I was uh, stepping a little ways out of my comfort zone with this myself.”
The want that had been burning between you two wasn’t exactly boiling over at the moment, but despite the space between you now, it was still there... Call it a low simmer.
He pulls you closer as you wet your lips and his nose brushes yours. You’re certain he’s about to kiss you and your eyes flutter shut but instead, Bucky pulls away. He lets you go as he bites his own lip and you both hear the opening of the door again before you hear multiple footsteps follow in.
“My class is starting soon. But,” he gets his phone from his back pocket and hands it to you, “we’re still on for dinner?”
You take his phone with a demure smile, feeling somewhat grateful for the shift in direction, and send yourself a text message, saving your contact in his phone before handing it back, his fingers grazing your own. “I’d really like that.”
Students begin to file in and get seated around the auditorium as you stand with Bucky.
You turn to grab your bag and your coffee cup, then face him again. You glance around and notice you’re still relatively alone, most of the students have sat toward the middle of the auditorium, and no eyes seem to be on you, but you keep your voice low anyway.
“And I do get it if you really want to go slow here, but, if you want to…ya know, try this,” you raise your brows, hoping to communicate your meaning, “again, tonight, I’d be up for that, too.”
He nods, a schoolboy smile on his lips as he admires you.
Your lips twitch with a smile of their own, “I’ll see you later.”
You feel a renewed giddiness as you turn from him and he returns your ‘bye’. His eyes are on you as you make your way down the steps and follow you until he can’t any further. You liked the feeling.
Call you crazy, but you think you just might be developing feelings for Bucky already as it is, despite not knowing much more than he seems to be a kind man, gentle, confident, insanely attractive…. You wouldn’t be surprised if this dinner solidified those feelings and more, even further. You’re looking forward to talking with him, really getting to know him.
You may not be one for sex with a stranger, but sex after the first date doesn’t sound too out there for you... Especially not when that date is with Bucky.
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ipegchangbin · 1 year ago
UR MY SAVIOR Z‼️‼️🥹🥹🙌💕
anyways pookie keep up the good work, amazing writing as always!! <3 🥰🥰💕 (definitely not rereading it for the fifth time and getting off on it…nooooo definitely not… ☺️☺️)
OH YM GOD i just logged in and this is the first thing i see 😭 I FUCKING SEE U ANON‼️ u are very seen
ANON I LOVE U SO MUCH MORE WTF THE AMOUNT OF PRAISE THAT U POURED OVER THIS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 HAS BOYPUSSY BROKEN US BECAUSE IT SEEMS AS THOUGH IT HAS 😭😭😭 GOOD LORD and to think that this was supposedly just a private gift but mei is kind and i was able to post it … NOW IM SO GLAD I SHARED IT BC U HAVE FOOD TO EAT MY DEAREST ANON 😁
“ure my savior” yo…yo dont perceive me as messiah itll inflate the shit out of my ego /j and give me impostor syndrome /hj BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS gosh i cldnt stop giggling u made my day with these compliments like im just Some Guy but because of ur words i am now Some *Happy* Guy
and omg! URE RIGHT MAYBE SHOVING THE VIBE IN AND EATING HANNIES PRETTY BOY CLIT OUT WOULDVE BEEN SO GOOD…but then again…TEASING THE BOY JUST FEELS SATISFYING ‼️‼️ i love hannie and his clit actually i love pussy in general i wish i had boypussy especially boyclit in my mouth rn (in a non sexual casual way) (which was what reader intended) (until y/n and han both went CRAZY)
i wont lie this ask gave me massive eye strain from the emojis /pos like that brings me joy ?! its an impressive thought to know that somebody out there is losing their mind over silly words i wrote and a few lines that i drew. CRAZYYYY thats crazy?!!!
ill keep this entire ask, print it into a booklet form, and reread it as if its a mini prayer guide. i cant anon ure so silly and precious HAHAHAH hope u have the nicest day always!
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intertexts · 1 year ago
ros. oh my god ros. i've been on a frank mccourt kick lately and i need to talk to someone about it...my mom recommended angela's ashes to me a couple summers back and i'm more than halfway through 'tis....they never warn you about going crazy over authors cause there are so many instances where he'll kind of muse a little and it drives you crazy the way he writes it like this one bit in particular from angela’s ashes that made me want to pull my hair out the entire time about how even after being frustrated at st francis for not listening his prayers, he still loves him because that was the name given to him.
i also finished j.d. salinger's nine stories a while back and not to be that guy but. i would've been the most annoying blogger if blogs were a thing back then...anyway, what have you been reading?? i shouldn't be asking for recommendations cause i have sooo many more books to catch up on but it's fun hearing what others are reading
hii hi hi pip!!!! ohhhhh man ive been meaning 2 read angela's ashes for ages.............. that sounds. so fucking good oh my god. eventually im sure i will also go crazy stupid over it also. god. + jd salinger!!! man. u r reading good books lately i also should read more salinger.
ive beennnnn. reading a lot of genre fiction lately ksfksdkfkd! halfway through the archive undying by emma mieko candon, which is a lush, violent, sticky mech sf that's having tons of fun playing with selfhood & beingness & worship & language... very good read.
but!!!! other than that i'm rereading moby dick my favorite book the horror novel of all time :)) what are the comprehensible terrors of man compared withe interlinked terrors and wonders of god! etc etc. + also some joseph conrad on the side... couple months ago i started black sails which put my brain in a blender (i think u would like black sails dude... even if it's not like ur usual genre i genuinely think it's just such a meticulously constructed piece of storytelling u would appreciate it.) so i've been doing a bunch of reading re: metafiction in nautical fiction in general. so of course conrad!! + ALSO today in particular some of john donne's poetry... i adore him immensely his work is so like. incandescently emotional even 500 years later it's... really compelling 2 me hhkdkfgf. anyway. hope u r doing well n having a good weekend!!! <333
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padfootastic · 3 months ago
in honour of the new chapter of foundations of decay I decided to reread the whole thing and GOD its so good!! It'd been a while since I last read it and just!! Chef's kiss!!!
For the new chapter I had one question about "In fact, the trickiest part to navigate was getting Professor Lupin out of it unharmed. If anyone but the most sympathetic ever found out how he conducted himself that eventing... [...] Over two decades of secrecy would be brought down in one fell swoop, [...]." I was wondering what you meant because at first I thought you meant him forgetting the potion, but the last part makes me think the fact that he is a werewolf. I honestly thought that was public knowledge? Wasn't that why he quit (or was fired I can't really remember)? That Snape had spilled the secret and parents were angry about a werewolf teaching their kids? Or did you meant something else interiorly?
ANYWAY much more importantly I need to tell you what a true DELIGHT your harry is to read!! He's angry! He's hurt! He's so so so so so sincere!! He cares so deeply! Which is the whole reason he's so angry to begin with!! I'm obsessed!!!
Also Oscar is a delight! I hope we see more of him he's fantastic! And his relationship with Harry is so fun! You also simply just GET these characters it's fantastic to read! From Lupin and his relationship with Harry to Sirius and Molly and the way they clash! It's so nice to read and it all reads very in character even if the character growth happened differently! Can't wait for the next one!! (also I'm genuinely so glad you aren't experiencing writer's block any more! I've been there and done that and it sucks so much!)
oh my a fic reread 🥹🥹🥹 that makes me so soft i swearrr (also i did the same recently bc is literally forgotten my own fic which is just. sad. but hilarious. so i fully relate lol)
oh no, you’re absolutely correct. snape DID out remus at the end of PoA but as far as i remember, it only had implications for his job at the time. (and of course, if u theorise that this is what led to further anti-werewolf legislation by…umbridge? i think? we get a small mention of it somewhere). but, what i feel is missing from that entire thing (and this is almost def bc it’s not important to the plot) is the implications it had for hogwarts and remus’ time there. after all, the whole cloak and dagger secrecy around remus being there, and the debt he owes to dumbledore for making it possible, as well as the ridiculous shrieking shack full moon stay—it implies that it wasn’t entirely allowed, right. so while remus WAS outed as a werewolf, i don’t think the dots were connected (atleast explicitly) about him being allowed to study at hogwarts, alongside all the proper witches and wizards, and that he was transforming in the same space as them. if anyone did come to this conclusion, i’d assume there’d be questions. and then there’s just the larger issue of,,,,anyone finding out remus was running around unchecked that day (as he was in school lol), when there are vulnerable kids, and when he should’ve been essentially sedated and locked up in his office….well. horrific consequences, no? (or atleast that’s how i thought about it hehe)
and god dude i am SO glad u liked it!!! and that u like harry bc he’s my little bean i’m so attached to him it’s not even funny. i’ve spent an unreasonable amt of time on his characterisation and i go over each dialogue like. three times bc i’m like ‘it has to fit perfectly’ so it makes me like. insanely happy to see that’s coming thru 🥺
and truly, oscar is such a babe i love him. i even have a sirius & oscar conversation in the works bc imagine the potential 🥰 u are entirely too kind to me. i overthink my writing to the point of despair so to hear that you’ve clocked on to some of the intentional decisions i’ve made is just. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i am WEAK and GRATEFUL!!!
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