#ism allen Shore
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inkcoffinz · 2 years ago
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Allen the silly
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gizm0-gadgetz · 10 months ago
Here's a sweet thought with Allen and Lucas
Allen and Lucas met through the radio signals.
Keeping an eye out for ship messages isn't something allen needs to do but it makes him feel better.
Lucas comes across the frequency on accident and they end up talking about it.
Allen refers to himself as Icarus since that's essentially his station. Icarus point.
Lucas knows better then to just tell strangers about himself so since icarus is a Greek myth he tells Allen to call him Cyclops
I'd say they probably talk once a week over the radio, never really meeting in person.
Maybe Allen put an sos message out hoping that "cyclops" would answer when the crash happened
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months ago
Long Way To The Truth
Cw:alcohol,discussions of therapy and grief.
Summary: Lucas finally reaches Washington and settled into Milton-Haven.
♡Chapter 8: Washington.
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Soon he leaves the grand beaver state of Oregon, though its mountains and forest lines accompany him, hes greeted with small homes and rudementary brick Bridges.
Above him its a cool summer morning, a few clouds dappled here and there under the blue Sky. He taps his fingers on the steeringwheel just taking the Farmland in, and hes reminded of that cabin Rosemary had mentioned.
Lucas easily saw himself as a park ranger,he had grown up in Florida, explored the forests and knew how to survive in the wild. He hopes nobody has taken the job up until now, He'd be genuinely sad about it if so.
He lowers the sun visor,eyes catching sight of the picture hes got of him and Wheeler--Hey bud,see me as a park ranger?--He asked,mostly to humor himself while on the road.
And it makes him chuckle. "Yep,lost it" he thinks with a grin, just playing along to his boredom.
Eventually he does make it to Milton-Haven, the large entrance of almost this Greek looking style with two statues holding up this large wooden sign with faded colors.
The statues are of two greek gods,one is Morpheus god of dreams, and the other one is Psyche goddess of the soul.
His eyes quickly reads the wooden sign, "Welcome to Milton-Haven, The place that Will forever live in your mind" the faded pastel magentas, purples And blues swirl together in this oil spill pattern, beautiful but oddly...forboding.
People dont pay attention to his van as he drives into the town proper. Lucas feel relief wash over him, finally he had made it.
《It doesn't hurt me (yeah, yeah, yo)
Do you wanna feel how it feels? (Yeah, yeah, yo)
Do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me? (Yeah, yeah, yo)
Do you wanna hear about the deal that I'm making? (Yeah, yeah, yo)》the radio plays, and he simply humms along. He loves this song.
He asks for directions to Elysium park and is quickly directed towards it. He drives over some Train tracks as he enters the greenery filled place, how does this small town have a train? For what purposes? Do they export something?
Or are they receiving something?
The van is left to be Parked outside the entrance of the place, before him is a large sign that reads "Elysium State Park". Its oddly charming,especially now that midday is coming up.
His eyes dont pay attention to the phone booth there either, he always saw them as very....ominous? Anyone could call one of them up and whoever picks it up could be subjected to one weird phonecall.
Lucas would rather not leave the van alone,but he cant drive into the park. So,he grabs his walkman and one of his mixtapes to listen as he walks, better to Keep his mind distracted.
And as he walks into the park, he simply takes the forest in,the crisp air and walks in silence. Few people at that hour of the day,at least for now
It's you and me
And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get Him to swap our places
Be runnin' up that road
Be runnin' up that hill
Be runnin' up that building
Say, if I only could, oh》
He walks down the beaten path,dirt crunching underneath his boot. His body feels...somewhat light, relieved.
Finally,he had arrived to the place that has been haunting him. He can let go of some the worry,of the guilty.
"I'm already here,Al' just you wait" he thinks before Spotting a big map of the park. Just what he needed,perfect.
Summer breeze blows past him,hair and his green flannel blowing in the wind. The sunlight is warm against his tan skin, he checks the route and finds a visitors center.
--Hell yeah-- He mutters with a smile, and hey look-! The ranger cabin is right on the way to the center.
Off he goes then, feeling like a Man on a mission.
As he walks,the people around him dont pay much attention to him. Its good to not feel so exposed,he blends in and allows himself to just fully admire the forest.
Sunlight spills its light past the boughs of the trees,the leaves move,Sway and fall with the gentle summer wind that caresses them and runs past the branches Freely.
People sit under the shade, eating their lunch and talking. Birds fly over him, looking for food to snatch- Hes sure he saw a pigeon steal a piece of bread from a nearby picnic basket.
It reminds him of home a little, he was a big Outdoors person-Him and his family would go out Hunting. He wonders if Milton-Haven gets deer and other hunting game, perhaps he can go out to hunt sometime soon. That would be fun,and he could practice his aim.
He walks past the broken down ranger cabin,chunks of the roof are missing,some of the wood is old and rotten,some Windows broken by teenagers probably.
Theres an odd carving on one of the walls. 《J&L were here》. Yep,this Is the work of teenagers-And poorly maintained infraestructure.
--Charlie Foxtrot--He mutters under his breath,that house was a clusterfuck indeed.
Eventually he makes it to the visitor's center. Its a large Wood and brick estructure, designed to look like a cozy cabin. The large Windows, the earthy colors- He gets that feeling of nostalgic 60s architecture and 90s modernism.
He steps in and stops the tape in the walkman,he takes off his headphones and goes to the main desk.
Before him a woman,short red hair,deep brown eyes with freckles. --'scuse me?
The woman looks up at him, eyes tired but welcoming--Hello, what can I help you with?
Okay,now hes got to talk. Not good at that one...
--Came- came here for the ranger job- I- I saw a broken down cabin on the uh...way here?--He stutters,not sure what to say or how to say it. Its not exactly a job interview...
She nodds and smiles a little,trying to reassure him--Ah yes! The groundskeeper job right? Ill go get Miss Witherspon,she works at the parks department, you see? She can help out
So off the girl leaves,he doesnt know her name or how Long itll take her. Perfect,now to stand there awkwardly until something happens.
He sits at one of the nearby Chairs,fidgeting with his dogtags and just....existing mostly. As much as he liked the great outdoors,places Like this kind of throw him off.
Luckily theres not Many people around to judge him or stare at him,which hes thankfull for because he wouldnt know how to handle it.
When the girl returns,Lucas is met with whom she guessed is Miss Witherspoon. He sees a black woman, eyes a dark grey with her brown hair in Jheri Curls,held Back with a black headband, she wears a comfy suit of a deep blue.
--This Man is here for the groundskeeper job--The girl that manned the desk said,gesturing at the ex soldier.
--Lucas Cole--He extended his hand and Miss Witherspoon shook it.
--Sally Witherspoon, nice to make your acquaintance-- The black woman answered with a polite smile-- Can I ask what interests you about the job?
Hes good at lying through his teeth, so he shrugs and gives her a coy smile.--well I like the great outdoors,the greenery- And judging by the state of the Cabin back there...it needs some love--He makes a pause--A lot.
The woman infront of him snickers--Hah,it does--She agreed-- We've been needing a groundskeeper for a while- You have experience with that kinda job?
Lucas nodds, seeing the red haired girl return the the main desk. --Yes,actually--He replied,sounding all friendly-- Im originally from Florida you see? My family used to go out hunting,camping, ive grown around forests. And im a veteran so I know a thing or two about security--He jingles his dogtags.
Sally looks impressed--Well, I mean if you can fix up that old cabin then the Jobs all yours
He blinks a little confused--That easy?
The woman scoffs--we're in need of a groundskeeper,and that cabin is an eye sore,so yes.
--Well,perfect. Ill take you up on that offer--He replied,not looking a gift horse in the mouth.
--Great,I'll talk with my sueperiors and get the materials needed. You're just going to have to..
--Do the hard work?--She nodds a little sheepish-- hah,dont worry ma'am im quite used to it
After that she hands him the number of the parks department for him to call if hes got questions. And off he goes back to his van, figuring he ought to explore the town a little better.
Though first,he better get something to eat. So,he stops at the parks dinner for some lunch-He digs the rustic vibes of the place. His ordee is taken by an older woman around his age, the tag on her shirt reads "Olive".
Milton-Haven is quite small town like-He realized as he Walked around the place post lunch. Theres safety in numbers and hes happy to blend in with the people around him, jusr admiring the simple quaintness of the place.
He makes notes of a few interesting places,restaurants, cafés,a record shop and a bar. "Dyonisus Bar" read the neon sign that shines even at this early hour of the afternoon.
Out of Curiosity and mild boredom he steps in, the place is quite rustic with fake grapevines tangling around the beanpoles and the walls. Its a mix of 90s architecture with its ornate details in the scaffolding,the decorations of the walls and that rustic feel that seems to be a trend around the town.
--Quite early for a drink huh?--A Man behins the bar asks to another costumer. The ex soldier turns to see a guy in his 20s manning the bar, dark brown hair with a cobalt blue underdye, greyish green eyes and tattoos all across his arms.
Lucas sits to see if he can strike up a conversation with the guy,get some more information on the place. He calls the attention of the barkeeper and smiles politely.
--You too huh? Its not even happy hour--the brown haired Man says with a smirk.
--Hah, kind of. Just here to ask about the town, im uh- New
--I'd say,havent seen you before--Theres a small hint of a hispanic accent to the Man, his way of speaking is sing-songy-- Whats your name,stranger?--He asked,polishing a glass.
--Lucas, n you are?-- he finds himself Charmed by the guy, a lot of charisma clearly.
--Lazaro, call me laz
--Nice to meetcha,Laz-- the radioman answers--What can you tell me about the town?
--We're small, honestly. Quite boring--He replied,setting down the polished glass--Before I say anything though, whats your poison?
He chuckled--Gotta pay for information?
The Man chuckled--All in a days work,mate. Dont wanna be greedy but you know-Gotta make a living
--Fair enough, just a beer Will do-- he replied, not minding getting hustled.
--cool, we've got Budlight,Corona,budwiser and uhhh--He thinks for a moment, turning to the small fridge behind the bar-- Heineken
Lazaro nodds and goes to Grab a bottle,hes quick to return and pocket the metal cap once the bottle is Open-- good choice,Its my sisters favorite--He pushes the beer up to the other man-- Actually,sorry to be so forward but youre exactly my sisters type
His face blooms with deep reds,he coughs a little- Jesus, hes not used to this-- uhm...thanks?
The barkeeper snorts-- ill make you a discount for the discomfort-- the soldier chuckles, easing into the conversation-- As I was saying, we're a small town. Quiet,cozy,easy going
Lucas nodds--Any interesting history to the place?
--Not sure- Theres the icarus point,the lighthouse- Oh the church of the blessed eyes, thats pretty--He lists off a few places until he adds--Oh right,it slipped my mind- Fort Sonder! Yeah the old bunker at Elysium Park!
--The whatnow?
--Yeah! Its an old world war II bunker, havent been used in ages-- Laz replied, tapping on the counter-- ive seen some people around It- security probably I mean im sure the state doesnt want kids to vandalize it
--Fair- Fair enough-- answered--Anything else?
He thinks for a brief moment,pursing his lips--Sadly no- But I guess I can ask my dad- hes ex military. Might know a thing or two
Lucas eyes widen,a little surprised--Theres veterans here?
--kinda! Me and my family moved here around...three years ago. Mostly world war two, like my dad!--He chirped-- Ah,hold on-Now you opened pandoras box I love talking about my family
--Kid, i got nuthin but time. Ramble away--He answers,seeing the younger guy pull out a photo and handing it to him.
On the picture theres obviously Laz,though hes covered in piercings and dressed like a goth. Beside him is his younger sister,brown eyes and a gold underdye, bright green eyes full of mirth, shes dressed like a punk.
His eyes turn to the taller figures behind them both, his gaze turns...puzzled-- before you say anything, we're adopted-- Laz says with a slight smile at the other Mans confusion.
--I- sorry
--Dont be
Lucas returns his gaze to the  Man behind the siblings,taller and well built,covered in scars and marks over his eye and cheek and a lot of freckles on his coppery skin. Beside him is an even taller woman, probably around his own height (6'10),she has beautiful dark brown skin,her afro covers her eyes and shes built on the bigger side, her lips have a warm grin.
--This is Raymond,my dad--Lazaro points at the Man with thay Cooper colored skin-- And this is Eryz,my mamma-- he gestures at the woman with the afro-- Aaaaand~ This is my sister --He points at the smaller woman beside his photo self. He grins at the soldier.
Its clear Laz is just messing with Lucas, he plays along because its just a 20 something being a teasing dipshit. Hes been there before,did the same dumb shit and he just decides to play along.
--nice family--Lucas answers with a smirk-- Gotta say your dad doesnt look his age-you said he was in world war two?
The barkeeper nodds--Good genes,hes like... sixty five?
He could relate to being "old" and spry, so he doesnt say anything other than--Fair --And then he remembers something, now that hes here he might as well ask about that therapist--A friend of mine June,says she knows a guy whose sister is a patient of uh..doctor Wales I believe?
--Oh no way you know June?-- Laz exclaims,happy to be reminded of his friend-- yeah,its my sister who is a patient of his
--The world really is small,huh?
--Hah! Yeah it is
Lucas chuckles a little flustered-- You dont happen to have his number do you?
--Ill ask my sister and give it to you Next time you come around--He replied, non-chalant. Not his bussiness to know why would the Man need it.
--Thats, thats really nice
He shrugs-- we all need help,come by tomorrow and I should have it- I promise you wont have to buy a beer for it
The soldier laughs loudly, nodding along with joy. Perhaps he can make a friend out of Lazaro, he could use the company--Hah, thanks for that- I dont exactly have money comin' out of my eyeballs here
Lazaro snorts at the metaphor, turning his head a little-- Pff! Fair enough!
After his beer,he pays and leaves the bar. Soon he returns to his van and decides to spend the rest of the day walking around The park, he does notice the bunker,though he keeps the visor of his cap well over his face just in case.
The bunker is old,overgrown and with a Giant radio antenna coming out of It. Theres a big chance thats where the experiments are taking place, so close yet so damn far.
He doesnt linget just in case,but he does stay nearby one of the small lakes there to Journal and relax.
"Log entry:
Finally at Milton Haven, its a relief to be here after everything. Been mingling with the locals, the town seems...quiet. I like it.
Made contact with the park people here and met a barkeeper, he told me about Fort Sonder. I suspect thats where the experiments are taking place, probably where that Dr.James is holed up.
Progress,baby steps..
Im closer and closer to finally set the record Straight."
He closes his Journal just as the sun starts to set, a sigh leaves him and he starts walking back to the van,making sure to avoid the bunker.
Luckily,he doesnt have to spend too much time living in his van. Soon enough Sally finds him and tells him he can start with the repairs.
Not a week into his little home renovation proyect,he meets Lazaro's dad,Raymond. He had offered to help him out on the repairs since its quite a lot- Lucas saw no danger in it and he accepted.
--What brings you to Milton-Haven?--Asked Raymond, helping him to set the insulation in the walls.
--Following up on an old friend--Its the best he can answer, nervously pushing back the stray hairs that dont care for being hold back by the red bandana on his head--Last I heard hes here
--Maybe i can help,whats his name?
He panicked and replied--Romeo-
--Dont know any Romeos,sadly--Ray answered,making sure to give the wall a good coat of spray foam.--havent been here long so maybe I just missed it
Okay,thank god hes not asked to elaborate--Maybe he moved,I honestly dont know
When the cabins all repaired,Raymond takes Lucas out for a beer at Dyonisus' Bar. They chat and slowly get into the talk about their service in the military.
Thats when Raymonds age start to show, he talks about world war two with a distant look in his eyes and bitter woe hid underneath his casualness.
Nothing Lucas hasnt seen before,he knows it first hand. So  return, he opens up about Vietnam,and a little bit about Wheeler.
《You don't wanna hurt me (yeah, yeah, yo)
But see how deep the bullet lies (yeah, yeah, yo)
Unaware I'm tearin' you asunder (yeah, yeah, yo)
Oh, there is thunder in our hearts (yeah, yeah, yo)
Is there so much hate for the ones we love? (Yeah, yeah, yo)
Oh, tell me, we both matter, don't we? (Yeah, yeah, yo》
Music fills the silence that forms when hes done talking about Wheeler's death. Of course he doesnt tell the full story,but its good to Open up about it somewhat.
--That sounds...rough--Ray says leaning on the bar with this look of...fatherly pity in his eyes.--im so sorry, kid.
Its that damn petname that really makes his heart squeeze and churn and hurt like hell. Yet he nodds,holding Back the tears that threaten to form and expose him.
--Its- ive been dealing with it--He replied, taking a swig from his beer-- I got to talk about it with a friend we both knew, she gave me this,actually-- He gestures at the red bandana he has tied on his left wrist.
--Talking helps-- The older Man said, figuring he shouldnt pry. Though his gaze lingers on his companions bleary-- Crying too,no shame in crying
Lucas feels a little exposed- Did his eyes betray him somehow?. He clears his throat and avoids telling Ray he sounds quite a lot like Wheeler did.
After that night,Lucas moves into the place, at least the basics like his radio equipment and his cot. But he sleeps a little easier knowing he has a place to call home for a while, its a nice upgrade from living in a van crammed with Gear.
When he gets a phoneline, he calls up Dr.Wales. he had the whole thing rehearsed,he Hated calling.
--Hello?--Says a Man, of a somewhat deep but welcoming voice.
--Morning Mr.Wales --Lucas tries his best to Keep his tone steady--Im a friend of Lazaro's, his sister is a patient of yours.. I-- he makes a pause, knowing this is the first step towards recovery. He just needs to set one foot after the other-- I wanted to schedule an appointment
--Yes, of course--Dr.Wales answers,seeminly going through his schedule given the fact that the sound of flipping paper can be heard-- I think theres a space for you Next month, sounds good? Im kind of pretty busy until the end of this one
--Yes- its uh,no Biggie.
They talk for a bit,just bureocratic things like scheduling and fee discussion. After that,Lucas sits on the one person sofá hes got and rubs his eyes.
Maybe he should call up Jane and tell her the news,Surely she'd like to know hes getting help. So,he does- And admits he misses her already.
Now that hes got a "Base of operations" he tries to Catch that frequency again, now that hes close this should make it easier to eavesdrop. And he could confirm or deny his suspicion that the bunker in the park held the lab.
The few times he catches things they sound...oddly muffled. Perhaps this Dr.James had been moved to the bunker and thats why the transmission sounds so...weak?
It leads him to create what he called a "Radio Beacon",A modified walkie talkie.Now he could tune in on the frequency from the bunker, Its just a little clearer with this. And,it gives him a good side proyect to Keep his mind occupied when hes not working as a groundskeeper.
He figures that going from soldier to Park ranger is a good change of pace. He gets to be there in the great outdoors,helps people out and its mostly left to his own devices-Great cover for when hes walking around the Park late at night.
Lazaro was right, this town is quite calm and quiet. He really likes it.
One night, as he returns from his day as a firewatch(he covered sometimes for the actual firewatch guy,Eliott) he finds a cardbord envelope in his doorstep.
Hes careful to both Grab it and Open it, within it he finds a white paper that seems to be the personal Log of Doctor...Rosemary james. Taped to the page was a simple note.
"I wont tell if you dont. -Spider"
Lucas chuckles and proceeds to read the document, nursing a cup of coffee as the radio plays.
《And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get Him to swap our places
Be runnin' up that road
Be runnin' up that hill
Be runnin' up that building (yo)
Say, if I only could, oh》
When hes done Reading,he goes to work on his board. He would like to think its not a conspiracy board but he can only lie to himself so much...
He finds humor in it though,and simply keeps working with what hes got. A few red threads here,some more notes over there...
In a sense,he finds pride in this work-In this mission he decided to embark on. A chance at vindication,right?
《Oh, come on, baby (yeah)
Oh, come on, darlin' (yo)
Let me steal this moment from you now
Oh, come on, angel
Come on, come on, darlin'
Let's exchange the experience (yo), oh, ooh, ooh》
--Lucas....Cole.... do you read?--Comes from his radio equipment. A garbled mess.
No,its not from the radio- its...
His head?
Lucas turns violently, seeing a woman behind him- or what he thinks is a woman. Shes covered in blue light and radio waves.
--Rosemary?--He asks,and just like that the visage is gone-- What the- no,cmon-- He runs to the equipment to try and tune into the frequency, though he finds no success in it.
To his credit,he really did try everything, even walking up near the bunker with his radio Beacon. But It seems that his luck had run out,for now at least.
《And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get Him to swap our places
I'd be runnin' up that road
Be runnin' up that hill
With no problems》
And that night,as he sits on his cot journaling his eyes drift to the picture hes got with Alphonso. He smiles with nostalgia and returns his gaze to his Journal.
He sighs with that same bittersweet air--Finally here Man.-- he takes the picture and plays with one of the edges of it-- Im making things right
Lucas rips out a piece of paper and writes on it for a few minutes. Then,he sets it on his nightstand, taking a few moments to read it before heading to bed.
"I pray for you,Alphonso,
As I do every night
That your soul May be at peaceful rest.
That you watch over your brothers,here amongst the living
Where you should be
If it were not for dire mistakes
And unfortunate circumstances.
I beg for your forgiveness and your help,friend.
Give me strength
To overcome those who seek to enslave our minds.
To shine a light to those in darkness
To restore faith in those who are lost.
Lucas Cole had finally reached Milton Haven.
And he would set the record Straight.
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mhbleedingheart · 10 months ago
I made this drawing in February, finished it at the end of that same month, but I only posted it on Twitter. Which was silly of me because the ISM fandom is very VERY dead over there, LOL.
the fandom may be dead, but what the fuck!! ISM poster GO!!! I'm still quite proud of this drawing and might remake it in a few years, y'know, to hopefully revive the fandom every once in a while :]
vvvv !! drawing down here !! vvvv
reblogs are appreciated ':]
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!!Version with tape in the background down here!!
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it might be a tad hard to see, but its there!!
i love this game..a lot. its one of my absolute favorites and its so, so important to me. if you haven't played the game, I HIGHLY recommend that you get it. it's $35 on steam but its EXTREMELY worth it. :]
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hendrysknight · 1 year ago
"that ship is death. it bears death’s name."
"thanatos doesn’t want you here."
"so i’m saying it to the ocean: i’m sad. there. do whatever you want with it."
"by my light, the darkness will burn."
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sirensea14 · 10 months ago
DAMN IT IM GONNA ADD THIS TO MY FILE OF ALLEN SHORE ANALYSIS (yes, i made a doc file about him, and yes he is the ism character i am most obsessed with, and yes this is weird but IT IS FOR THE SAKE OF THEOR--)
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bitcrush · 1 year ago
Speaking of In Sound Mind i figured id post this (half Finished) Timeline i started of canonical dates that I forgot about almost immediately. Lots of spoilers below
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I should honestly collect the notes again and place them in order but that’s HARRRRRD ok
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graceandtheidiotsquad · 1 month ago
Nightmares and Flare Guns
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Oh Allen, you deserved so much better…
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doubleclusterthoughts · 1 year ago
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Decided to get back into doing random scrapbook/ sketch themed things.
Both pages inspired by In Sound Mind. Mainly the characters Allen Shore, Agent Rainbow and slightly Desmond Wales.
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theallenshorefangirl · 1 year ago
OK OK OK ⚠️WARNING FAKE BURNS ⚠️ And What's this Allen Shore and Face Reveal I couldn't just share this on Insta and not show all you ISM fans on Tumbler I know it isn't good but it's ok
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gizm0-gadgetz · 10 months ago
Wanted to draw more allen
Didn't want to fight his face shape
Have some chibis instead
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months ago
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(Currently working on Long Way To The Truth chapter 6: Nevada)
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inkcoffinz · 2 years ago
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Allen Shore from ism
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the-shadow-onyx · 3 years ago
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In sound mind is such an amazing game ♥ Fanart for my boy Allen~!
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sirensea14 · 1 year ago
A cute lil allen shore doodle i made :3
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milkthetea246 · 3 years ago
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a watcher a shade a bull and a flash all walk into a therapist's office
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