#Rosemary In Sound Mind
spiralectriccz · 4 months
I made this drawing in February, finished it at the end of that same month, but I only posted it on Twitter. Which was silly of me because the ISM fandom is very VERY dead over there, LOL.
the fandom may be dead, but what the fuck!! ISM poster GO!!! I'm still quite proud of this drawing and might remake it in a few years, y'know, to hopefully revive the fandom every once in a while :]
vvvv !! drawing down here !! vvvv
reblogs are appreciated ':]
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!!Version with tape in the background down here!!
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it might be a tad hard to see, but its there!!
i love this game..a lot. its one of my absolute favorites and its so, so important to me. if you haven't played the game, I HIGHLY recommend that you get it. it's $35 on steam but its EXTREMELY worth it. :]
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
KANAYA: ":33 < so how did mew two m33t" She Messaged Me On Trollian And We Became Obsessed With Each Other Literally Immediately And Now We Are Bound By The Red String Of Fate
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sspookyspoonss · 9 months
An analysis of the depictions of the Patients shadows in In Sound Mind. Spoilers.
I finished In Sound Mind and I loved it. So I’m going to talk about something I thought was really clever after thinking it through (and something people probably caught immediately but oh well). The patients shadow forms (as I will be referring to them as).
Initially I was confused at the seeming inconsistency of how the patients shadows are characterised. The Watcher and Bull are Virginia and Max’s but with exacerbated mental health issues while The Shade and The Flash are seemingly the opposites of Allen and Lucas. Then the Empty is literally just Rosemary. So why the variation in characterisation?
Then I reflected on something Agent Rainbow said in the final tape. That he will take over Desmond’s mind. That Desmond’s patients hadn’t beaten him, so why could Desmond? Then the obvious hit me.
Agent Rainbow is what Desmond fears. That he’s killing his patients rather than saving them, that he’s actually somehow a malevolent force who makes peoples lives worse (feelings exacerbated by his partner leaving him with what Magdalena said in her note ‘I want happiness’). We know that all of the games patients are impacted by Agent Rainbow and they in some way succumb to it. Therefore, the Shadows we see are the Agent Rainbow’s the Patients would have encountered if they were the protagonists of the game. Like Desmond, they represent their fears, what they were suppressing in their subconscious that was unleashed by Agent Rainbow via connection to the ‘collective unconscious.’ However, unlike Desmond, they do not overcome their shadows and thus become them, as Agent Rainbow stated he would do to Desmond.
Individual analysis:
Virginia has severe issues with her appearance and cannot look at herself in a mirror, feeling people are always judging her. She sings she’s scared of being lonely (‘That I’m lonely’ ‘I would tell you all about it if you’d listen’ - “A Doll’s House”) something she no longer was before being exposed to Agent Rainbow, having a relationship with a guy called Dave and a routine which involves social interaction. The Watcher attacks people who look at her, driving people away, causing her shadow to be lonely, a manifestation of her fear as a result of Agent Rainbow. This is best demonstrated by her tape occurring in an abandoned supermarket with just mannequins and dolls of her family for company. Furthermore, The Watcher’s design is based on Medusa, a woman who’s face was turned inside out and is so hideous looking at her kills you. This is a blatant manifestation of perhaps her most dominant fear, that she is physically repulsive.
Allen has been plagued by nightmares of being swallowed by shadows since he was a child. He is so terrified of shadows and the dark he has centred his whole life around being near light. (My interpretation of Bottom of the Pit is he is so terrified of the nightmares getting worse, and seeing ‘the bottom of the pit,’ he would rather be dead, aka seeing ‘the dark end of a tunnel.’) He also seems to feel very connected to Desmond, and heavily relies on his guidance (‘When I’m uptight I call you on the phone’ - “Bottom of the Pit”). He also very explicitly wants to help people, shown both in the accident that puts him in a coma caused by him warning others ‘about the monsters,’ and in his song (‘All I’m doing is aiding, all I offer to give is a helping hand’ - “Bottom of the Pit”). The Shade is the dark abyss that Allen fears, he has literally become what he feared the most. He also actively attacks, again showing how Agent Rainbow has transformed Allen into his fear, he is now one of the ‘monsters’ in his nightmares who he worried would hurt him or other people. It also ties to his Icarus connection, if he strays too far from his safety, the lighthouse, he fears he will get swallowed by the ‘pit,’ like Icarus did the ocean. The Shade also states that Desmond ‘failed [him]’ perhaps showing even after willingly seeking help Allen both thinks he was beyond saving and was scared of that being true (‘I stay awake wondering if what you say is true, I am flawed but fixable’ - “Bottom of the Pit”).
Max’s actions are all motivated by getting visiting rights to see his daughter Maddison again, even what gets him killed is caused by a desire for this, so we can safely assume not seeing her again must be a massive fear of his. He seems scared to be fully consumed by his anger else he won’t be able to see Maddison (‘Is anger all consuming’ ‘Is darkness fast approaching’ - “Is It Me?”). Agent Rainbow makes this fear manifest, Max’s shadow, The Bull, cannot control his anger as he was learning to do with Desmond’s help (‘Even in a difficult case, progress was made’ - Rainbow Tape). The Bull also violently attacks people. Both of these things he had to prove to the court he would not do, but due to Agent Rainbow he cannot, thus his fear of never seeing Maddison is created since he won’t be granted visiting rights. He also represents the Minotaur, a beast who, in some tellings, specifically eats children. He has become something that is a danger to his daughter, something that his is both scared of being, and scared to admit that he was due to his unaddressed anger issues.
Lucas is a war veteran who was exposed to some primitive form of Agent Rainbow, with the resulting episode causing him to kill his friend, an event that left him with PTSD. He was evidentially close with the whole squadron of soldiers wiped out in this incident (‘We’ve got plans for what comes later’ - “Me and the Boys”) and is devastated by them all killing each other due to the Agent Rainbow (‘By a show of hands the group disbands’ ‘I’m crashing, I’m crashing down.’ - “Me and the Boys”). He can hear the voices of others impacted by Agent Rainbow and wants to unveil what the government and Mayer is doing as vengeance for what they did to him and ‘the boys.’ The Flash is an unthinking weapon, reflecting Lucas’ fear of what happened to him when exposed to Agent Rainbow, being unable to fully control himself. He also speaks very militaristically, in the Phonetic Alphabet, referring to Desmond as ‘Delta Whisky’ in his tape. This further demonstrates how Agent Rainbow has caused him in his shadow form to become the unthinking weapon of the government which he fears could occur due to his experience of exposure to the agent. It also fits in with his Cyclops connection, the most famous myth involves Odysseus blinding him to escape death. Agent Rainbow causing him to become a mindless monster means he cannot expose the government and Mayer, he is metaphorically blind, thus Mayer and the government escape death, meaning Lucas’ fear of not achieving vengeance is again manifested in his shadow form by Agent Rainbow. Rosemary also refers to the people connected to the ‘collective subconscious’ as ‘human radio towers’ (Lucas’ tape), which is reflected in the Flash’s design. Agent Rainbow has made him physically become his fear of what could be possible through Agent Rainbow.
I think what reinforces my idea is Rosemary. She is the one character with a record who is NOT impacted by Agent Rainbow, she is murdered (implied to be buried alive?) rather than be subjected to it. She sings she wants to make up for creating Agent Rainbow (‘Take all that I have to give’ ‘Payment for my crime’ - “Whatever it Takes”). The Empty acts according to this, helping you. She is still herself because the nerve agent didn’t impact her, instead she used radio waves separately to contact those affected.
In conclusion, the Patients shadows are manifestations of what the characters fear the most, whether it be internal, like Virginia and Max, or external, like Allen and Lucas. The different depiction of Rosemary, who was not impacted by Agent Rainbow helps solidify this.
Thank you for reading my little rant.
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months
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Hello In sound mind fandom. This is literally us (we're like 10 bugs under a rock)
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sirensea14 · 8 months
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My In Sound Mind fanart :>
Dayumm i managed to fit in 12 characters in there XDDD. All i can say is out of all of them, Max (the fcking bull) was the HARDEST! SKETCH, DESIGN, COLOR--AND RENDERING!! His design is sick but its a pain in the ass to draw him lol
But anyway, the torture paid off and i think he turned out great. Heh, im kinda proud of this one.
Sketch and flat👇👇👇
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So ye, there were some obvious changes from the flat color to the final, like the Flash's light, from orange to white. You may also notice some others but thats for your eyes to notice, nejehhdnjd.
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mourningmaybells · 10 months
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This game used the audio recordings of Anneliese Michel? It has a girl’s slow death under negligence because of her epilepsy and psychosis (using the brain scans to debunk it makes no sense it was the 70s and even doctors, their machines, and their medicine were ill-equipped. The "proof" was her acting strange around religious iconography, having different personalities, and eating bugs and urine. Nothing as supernatural as 'speaking in different tongues' occurred and her parents were deeply catholic so they're inclined to believe it's the devil. If you look at the dates, it coincides with the rise of the satanic panic.)
So, Airdorf mixed it into a video game boss battle. Yeah I’m not fucking with this game anymore what a sick joke.
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gizm0-gadgetz · 1 year
I did another thing :)
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Two versions
Oh and the shitty warm up under the cut
This was Made in like an hour
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qhazomb · 7 months
i really like this one theory i saw here that brought up the idea that rainbow isn't really desmond's "shadow." or at least, he wasn't originally, and isn't JUST desmond's shadow.
because when you compare rainbow to the other characters' shadows, he's VERY different from all of them. the other shadows often felt like they were one and the same as the people they represented the negative parts of. rainbow meanwhile feels entirely unique from desmond. some notable differences being his disdain for cats (whereas desmond clearly loves cats), he plays piano instead of guitar, and heck, dude also seems to be a way better artist than desmond is, when you compare the various doodles he includes on his notes to the faces desmond drew for the mannequins.
thinking about my spin on what exactly rainbow's deal is. maybe he was an entirely new consciousness that came into being as a result of so many people's minds becoming connected by the rainbow chemical. all that mental energy just kinda... coalesced into a brand new entity.
and then, for whatever reason, he found and attached himself to desmond. desmond's mind definitely influenced the way rainbow appears in the mindscape, and maybe his personality didn't fully solidify until he "settled down" in desmond's head. maybe he took on the role of desmond's "shadow" as the main thing the chemical was being used for was inducing extreme fear/mentally breaking people by bringing out their "shadows" to the forefront. he took on the role of desmond's shadow and also a representation of the psychoactive chemical that more or less created him. he did steal its name for himself, so.
basically, rather than truly being desmond's shadow, he's more like a... mental parasite, i guess you could say.
...and comparing him to a parasite feels pretty apt, imo. having him around actually helped desmond, in the end, and they do say that having parasites can actually be beneficial, as they help to calm down an over-active immune system and such. all the pushing and prodding rainbow had been giving desmond's brain finally pushed des to get his act together.
also, when considering the "not really a shadow but a mental parasite" idea, maybe a reason rainbow's so worried about mayer being stopped and the rainbow chemical being rid of, is because it might mean he'll be gone, too. if he truly was just desmond's shadow, then yeah he would still definitely be a permanent part of desmond's mind. but if he's actually something foreign, that was only able to get into desmond's head due to the chemical agent? then i could see why he'd have concerns about... being evicted, so to speak.
that said, i think des' brain has been so damn saturated in the stuff (that 'brain pulsing' comment at the end) that his brain chemistry has likely been forever changed, and rainbow might not actually have to worry about no longer getting to live rent-free in there. (especially if he continues to push the idea that oh yeah he's totally a natural part of desmond's mind, same as anybody else's shadow, don't worry about it, please put the mental de-wormer away, it's fiiiiiine.)
kinda but maybe not really?-related: i dunno if i just missed a note or failed to trigger some dialogue, but as far as i can tell, rainbow never seems to acknowledge rosemary, even once? like, not even when she completely foils his attempt at wasting desmond's time in the crypt. he never offers any reaction to that. and like, i feel like he couldda used her as further demotivation for desmond, like "if even the head researcher for this project was murdered for trying to stop it, what makes you think YOU'LL fair any better?" or something like that, but no. he never says or writes a word about rosemary.
not sure where i'm going with that bit, but i just thought it was interesting :U
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jericos-art-corner · 8 months
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"Crucified Angel"
->Rosemary James fanart
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bunny-heels · 1 year
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rose..,,..,.... and a lil doodle page of Des and Rain doing small things together
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werewolfgirl1995 · 2 years
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the-saddest-clown · 1 year
Guess who’s about to go completely fucking bonkers wild over an au I came up with after listening to the ISM soundtrack last night (again)
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cynical-sprite · 2 years
So, I'm doing a partial recast of my In Sound Mind fancast. Most of them are the same, but there are a few changes I've made since my last fancast
⬇️Rafe Spall as Dr. Desmond Wales
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(Rafe has the perfect look, expressions, mannerisms, etc. to play Desmond, you can't convince me otherwise.)
⬇️Ryan Eggold as Allen Shore
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(pretty much exactly what I picture Allen to look like)
⬇️Lucy Carless as Virginia Ruhl
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⬇️Jon Bernthal as Max Nygaard
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⬇️Jeremy Renner as Lucas Cole
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⬇️Rachel McAdams as Dr. Rosemary James
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theblacksheepcz · 8 months
The way my eyes started watering the moment I discovered Rosemary’s grave today…
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months
Savior of lost hope AU.
->chapter 5. End.
Cw: mentions of stabbing, needles,violence and guns.
Summary: after hearing the warning of his shadow form, Lucas realizes he has little time to save his best friend and those he loves.
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--Hey Rose! Im getting groceries-- Said Jerico, grabbing her Wallet.
--Kay! Be carefull kid-- said rosemary, checking to see if the solution she was working on was actually being processed by the machine.-- the serum should be done when you come back
She doesnt see jeri enter the room where the rest were,unconcious-- are you sure that Will work?
-- 99.99% sure!-- she replied.
The 00.01% that it didnt work wasnt much per se but it didnt calm jeri. When Rose turns to take a break, she sees Jerico wearing Lucas' lucky flannel. Its deep green and it smells like him.-- look I know this looks weird- I miss him okay? Its been like three days now
Rosemary smiles and shakes her head-- I dont care, im sure he would want you to have it. You look good
--Thanks-- she says meekly, shoving her hands on the pocket of the flannel, that hung Open, showing off a yellow tube top-- im gonna go now
--Go, then-- Rose leaned back and closed her eyes.
--Will do! Bye rose!-- she walks out of the cabin,leaving the scientist alone.
The chill in the air bites at her skin, leaves fall on the ground Gently with the breeze. She underestimated just how cold it was. She holds on to the flannel and sighs.
"How long Will they take to get back?" She thinks,her feet dragging across the beaten path towards the actual town. "I hope hes okay"
Once at the supermaket, she goes through the list Rose gave her. She puts the things in the shopping Cart, humming along to a l
Mindless tune. Distracted and in her own little world, its nice.
As she continues her little sidequest, her hands dig into the pocket to pull out the list again, and she notices that theres another piece of paper on one of the pockets.
Its crumpled, and it looks like a scrap piece of paper but she unfolds it just in case. Theres a short letter written there, and she recognizes the handwriting, its Lucas'.
Jerico hesitates for a moment,should she read it?was this intruding?
Curiosity picked at the back of her mind. So,with a sigh she goes somewhere quiet in the supermaket before Reading it.
"The doc always said its good to Keep a Journal of sorts,write down whats bothering you to help you Express it or 'get it out'.
Well, this is my attempt.
I met a girl the other day, she was- just so pretty, she was also very funny and sweet.
She had these big green eyes (my favorite color) and such a bright smile.
It slipped past me to ask her for a number or an email, damn my brain.
I,of course, was so awkward. Like Jesus fucking christ,Lucas cole. When was the last time I spoke to a woman?
Thank GOD she found it endearing, I dont know what I wouldve done if she looked at me weird.
But I dont think shes into me, I mean I have my looks yes but c'mon, would she really go out with me?
Christ, that sounds so cheesy. What am I, a highschooler?
Fuck this note. Im throwing it away".
Jeri giggled,her cheeks dusted pink. She folds the note carefully and puts it back in the pocket. -- dont worry Lucas, im so into you-- she murmurs before resuming what she was doing.
After dropping off the groceries, she goes by the lighthouse to check in on zoe, Allens adoptive sister. She knocks on the door as the Sky starts to cloud, the greyish light makes the world seem a little dull.
--Oh, jer. Hi-- Said Zoe,opening the door of Allen's house.
--Hey Z, how are you?
--Im uh...okay-- she replied-- just a lil paranoid.
-- did something happen?
Zoe looks around, a little afraid-- I think im seeing men in suits around- like the ones Allen saw. I think they are looking for him.
--Oh crap-- she murmurs-- wanna come over to the cabin im babysitting?
--Allen told me about the cabin yeah. He actually knows the owner I think. Lucas is it?
Jeri smiles-- yeup. Lucas
Zoe nodds-- ill - ill go get some stuff
She waits for a few minutes until her friend is done. The shore Ebbs and flows, seagulls fly past the lighthouse and out of view in the greying Sky, the wind picks up a little.
Jerico cant help but get her eyes lost on the sea, coming and going from the shore, its peacefull. Honestly,things have been a little boring, shes been doing university assigments while she waits with rosemary, on some days she sits by Lucas and just draws him, maybe its a little creepy but she meant well.
--There,all set-- Says zoe, gripping her fluffy dark blue jacket.
--Is that Allens?--Jeri asked as both walked-- I mean you have pretty similar styles but I think it looks like it fits Allen more
The other woman shrugs--We share it. But It smells like him-- both walk back to the cabin in quiet, comfortable chatter.
Meanwhile, rosemary finishes with the solution. She puts the four vials on a stand, away from the sun, she sips from her coffee and looks at the radio equipment. -- How Much of this shit do you have, cole?-- she asks to herself.
Then she hears steps, but she pays them no mind-- hey kid! Did you bring zoe along?
Crash! Comes down the wooden door, before rosemary can do anything theres at least four guys with guns come over. She barely has any time to throw one of the spare hand held radios out a nearby Window,she hoping to god it doesnt break.
--Doctor Rosemary James-- Say one of the men, tall and muscly, Brown hair and eyes hid behind thick framed sunglasses.
--Seargeant Mark White. -- she growls out, rsching for the main radio, and trying her best turn it off by flipping the on/off button without being noticed. Thankfully, she isnt noticed.
-- Thought we Killed you
--Yeah well, I got better-- she raises her hands.
--It was that hippie wasnt it? He saved your ass and helped Max escape from where we had him
--Guilty-- she replied with a smirk-- youre going to kill me now?
Mark chuckled-- im going to do something worse, im going to wait until your little troop wakes up and take 'em to a lab. You mightve found a way to explore people's subconcious.
--Using my research without credit? Typical of you mayer cunts-- she bit back.
--If it aint broke...-- Mark snarked-- now stay very still -- he takes her cup of coffee and drinks it-- hm,not bad
Rosemary wished that coffee had cyanide in it. She sits back with her hands up and growls a sigh, now they were in big fucking trouble.
--You know...-- she grinned-- for working on a pharmaceutical company you sure dont like needless
The seargeant tenses-- Rosemary...-- he warns.
--What is it? The pain or the sight of the needle in your arm?-- she leaned with malice.
--Stop that right now!-- he yelled,body stiff and hands Clammy.
--fucking idiot-- she whispers-- ill kill you with a needle one of these days.
Jerico and zoe come across some suspicious looking vehicles. -- Military vehicles -- jeri says.
--Howd you know?
-- Well..I always loved military stuff. After my date with Lucas I took an even bigger interest in it. But what the hell are they doing here? -- she asks-- I think its better if we go behind the cabin. I dont trust it
--A-Alright--zoe replied,following her friend alone as both sneak around the cabin, squatting down past any and all Windows.
They come across the radio on the floor, jeri sighs and slowly picks it up, walking back to the forest and out of sight with Z.
-- Do you see anything?-- jerico asked at Zoe, who had binoculars, originally she was supposed to use them for bird watching, not looking for goverment agents.
--Uh..yeah-- zoe replied,not too enthusiastically-- I see four guys, one of them is talking to a woman with glasses
--Rosemary -- the other woman whispered-- oh god of course,thats why the radio was where it was...
Jer turns on the radio, fiddling with the turning until she finds the frequency they were using to communicate with the Group in desmonds head.
--Radioman! Radioman do you read?!-- Came the voice from Lucas' radio, he sighs in relief.
--Ten-four Sunflower. Whats your stat?!-- he asked.
--Safe, outside the cabin. Four men are in though, they have rosemary
"Oh shit oh crap oh shit" he thinks-- Sunflower is this frequency compromised?
--Negative. Z tells me the main radio equipment is Turned off.
--Oh thank god-- Lucas exclaimed,before becoming extremely serious-- jerico, you need to hear me. Stay out of the cabin and out of sight. Do not engage.
--But Rose-- she protested.
--Rose- Angel has this covered im sure, you two need to stay safe,Mayer does not fuck around with things like this. We barely survived retriving Max from where he was locked up. Do not engage, you heard me?--She hesistates, she doesnt reply-- Sierra-Foxtrot, you hear me?
She sighs-- ten-four. Over and out
The line cuts and Lucas has to trie his best not to blow his lid off. --Goddamn motherfuckers! They have rosemary! Those mayer cunts! -- he kicks the round table at the centre of the room.
--Woah easy!-- says Allen, holding back Lucas-- we gotta concentrate on this okay? We get desmond out of here and we can help the others
The ex soldier breathes in deep, trying to calm himself before he breaks something. -- yer right, lets get this damn thing over with
The four of them walk back to the Office, bracing for the worst. That ink demon Agent Rainbow wont like this at all, too bad.
Once at the Office, Lucas steps infront of the Group and calls out-- Desmond! Where are ya buddy?
Wings flap heavily, desmond comes from behind one of the bookshelves-- oh Lucas,hello everyone. Did you make yourselves at home?-- he lands on the floor silently, he clasps his arms behind his back.
--Something like that-- the ex soldier replied-- we uh...found something, virge?
Virginia nodds and approaches desmond,showing Him the magenta key. They see a long magenta chain come from his right wrist up to the ceiling where it gets lost in the mild darkness.
--I think we can set you free with this! -- she squealed.
They see their therapist hesistate, but Tonia nuzzles his hand where the chain comes from and purrs.
--Will it hurt?-- is all he asks while approaching her.
--Ill try for it not to-- she replied as he offered his hand. The shackle starts at his wrist, it looks heavy-- alright...here it goes-- she slides the key into the keyhole and turns.
The shackle opens with a soft click and falls to the ground,shattering like glass-- I dont feel any dif-- desmond says before the eyes in his mask go wide, he stumbles and barely catches himself.
"Virginia Ruhl, 25. My patient...but- she died didnt she?" Memories come flowing to him,his sessions with her, her diagnosis.
--You were supposed to be dead-- he starts, grabbing her hands-- but how- why?
Virginia smiles-- I got rushed into the hospital and survived by the skin of my teeth. Im better now,see?-- she lowers her turtleneck where a big scar spanned across her neck.-- did it hurt?
Desmond shakes his head and takes a Seat on his desk, his wings fold and rest on the surface of the desk.-- Do you want to Keep going?-- asked Allen, key in hand.
--Alright-- says the other Man, seeing the Next shackle on the same arm the previous was on. But this New one, a deep blue, grips his bicep.
Allen Is carefull through the whole process, humming softly to try and calm his friend. The shackle falls and melts like wax under the sun.
Desmond braces himself for the memories that come flooding like a feral tide. "Allen shore- 33. He was comatose-- burnt"
--The Fire-- he says-- are you okay?
Allen shrugs with a smile-- Im fine doc, just some scars. I made a full recovery-- he shakes off his jacket and shows his scarred arm.-- kinda knargly but kinda cool.
The therapist chuckles-- Hmm, I agree.
Max feels unconfortable as it was his turn, he walks awkwardly towards the Man and takes his wrist-- uh hi doc
-- Hello Max-- he sounds very warm and happy to see him.
The shackle is an angry red, warm to the touch. Hes not very gentle but efficent, he unlocks the shackle that burns off and hits the desk but it doesnt hurt anybody.
Once again,the memories come "Max nygaard. 40s. He dissapeared- didnt he?"
--You didnt come to our last appointment-- desmond recalls.
Max sighs,scratching the back of his neck-- mayer locked me up, the hippie- Lucas broke me out with rosemary
--No scar to show for it?-- des Joked which defuses the tension a little.
--sadly, no-- he admits with a chuckle.
Then,comes Lucas who looks very on edge and anxious, desmond looks at him-- dont worry doc -- he lies-- just anxious thats all
The other Man doesnt Belive him but makes no complaints as the last shackle,a forest green, is unlocked. Its gone in a flash of light.
"Lucas Cole, 55. Ex soldier"
--What has you so nervous, Lucas?--Asked desmond.
--We gotta get you out of here, Rosemary is in danger and--He looks away.
--You can tell me anything,lucas-- Des reminded him Gently.
The ex soldier sighs audibly-- Jerico might be in danger... please try and make an effort doc. I couldndt forgive myself if anything happened to her...or Rose
Desmond looks confused-- did I miss something?
Lucas goes beet red --I took her out on a date- I have a crush on her
--Thats wonderfull. Lucas-- says the other Man.-- ill try my best for you two
--Well..I think its time for your key,doc--Says Allen-- where can it be?
They hear a crash as tonia knocks down the record player and a white key comes falling from it. The cat carries it to her owner and drops it on his lap.
--Can you do it?-- Asks Lucas.
--I-I think so
Desmond grips the key tight, around his neck is a Pristine white shackle, and with shaky hands he unlocks it. The shackle seems to break by bits, each peice falling like a feather Being shed by a bird,when the "feathers" lake contact with anything they burn and turn black,to then become dust that blows away without any breeze.
And so,the memories flod in, he remembers who he is,how he got here,the struggles and battles he had, the grief of what happened to tonia, how his wife had left him.
For a moment it overwhelms him, tears fall down his masked face. The eyes on the mask turn grey.
Virginia goes to hug desmond, but notices theres a clasp on the mask. She Gently unclasps it and sets it on the desk.
His face is just as they all remember, but stained with rainbow colored oil. Virginia hugs him as his tears wash away the stains which seem to fade out of existence.
Allen comes Next and hugs him tight, cooing and trying to calm him down. He also watches as tonia takes the white key from her owner,she opens a cabinet on the desk and she pulls it back with her snout.
--Here,doc-- said Lucas, as he grabs his iconic round glasses and hands it over.
The embrace gets broken as with a shaky sigh, desmond graba them and puts it on.
--Looking good!-- Complimented Virginia with a smile,patting her back.
Lucas nodds in agreement-- not to be insensible,doc. But do you remember how you got here? Is there anyway to get out?
--Well...-- Des starts,trying to regain his composture-- I was battling with my shadow, then-- I thought I won but my Real body was so weak I had enough strength to Keep me alive, not even fully awake. I guess at some point he-- he got a hold on me and I was so weak I couldnt fight back
Its obvious its a struggle for him to talk, his voice breaks, he stumbles over his words and his body shakes. Virginia tries to sooth him by stroking his back and encouraging him to talk.
--As to how to get out...--A gravelly voice comes from behind desmond. The great library behind the desk goes pitch black, two red eyes appear in the darkness-- theres no way out...I doubt Desmond has any strength to battle me...too bad.
Allen grips his fists and for the first time everyone sees just how angry he could get. He grabs the mask and chucks it at one of the eyes-- You GODDAMN asshole! Leave that Man alone! Hes the greatest Man ive met! Hes kind and good hearted! You have nothing on him!
The mask hits one of the eyes and the voice growls a painfull screech. Then out of the darkness two goopy hands Grab the side of a materializing face of agent rainbow. The hands hold him back as he tries to attack Allen.
--What the hell-- said agent rainbow-- How did you- youre his shadow ,dimwit! You shouldnt help him!  kill him!
Allen sees for a sliver of a moment as his shadow form simply smiles at his counterpart. Virginia seems to catch on and she steps in-- Yeah! Allen is right! Desmond has always tried his best to help us all! He didnt fail! Hes tried to help everyone! Its about time somebody helps him.
Another set of hands come from the other side of the face, purple and glimmering like broken glass, lines span across the clawy fingers and arms. Forcing Open one of Agent Rainbow's eyes.
Then,comes Max,who steps infront of his two companions and his therapist-- If theres something I know from the doc here is that he was able to help even with the toughest of cases! You May think of yourself all high n mighty! But youre not! Youre just another goverment Spook!
Fiery hands Open the other eye, they hear the rumbling of an engine. Max feels very proud of himself.
And then,theres Lucas.
With rage in his eyes, losing his calm and collected cover, he stands by Max with anger in his eyes, grief is in his heart as he remembers all the things hes lost, his best friend, himself. And then comes the happiness, New Friends, a New home and someone to love.
--desmond Will never be alone,hes one of us-- he makes a pause-- I  think its time you see what shadow you cast!-- he yells.
His own shadow grows and grows to be at eye level with Agent Rainbow. And from the centre of the head theres a Giant light that burns right into the red eyes, desmond's shadow form screams in agony,shattering the Windows.
In a flash of bright white light their enemy is gone, now Turned into feathers that are blown away with the wind.
Desmond hisses as his own wings burn off, he was back to normal.
And where Agent Rainbow was, the bookshelves turn into a Giant door with warm sunlight coming from it.
Tonia purrs as she returns to a normal sized cat. She jumps on desmonds lap and he pets her--Ill miss you,old friend.
But noticing how nervous Lucas was, he sets the cat down and they all walk to the door, led by tonia,of course.
--They do say cats were protectors-- Virginia Recalled with a smile. The cat seems to agree as it nodds and purrs.
They let desmond go into the door first, and then,they follow suit.
Jerico gasps as Mark slaps rosemary across the face, she hears him yell something about what the serum was for.
--Shit! The serum!.-- she gasps,trying to turn on the radio-- Radioman! This is sunflower. Whats your situation.--Theres a brief silence, and then garbled words--Lucas! I cant hear you!
--Savior acquired. I repeat Delta Whiskey acquired-- require- eVac--
--oh shit oh shit--She murmurs.-- we gotta wake em up
Zoe looks at the binoculars-- one of the guys is coming this way...
Jeri looks up and sees it-- he has no helmet...if I can hit him with a rock we can take him out.-- her eyes look around for any big rock. It takes her a few seconds to find one-- alright then... please please PLEASE I hope Lucas aim rubbed off on me.
She takes a deep shaky breath and chucks it at the suit before zoe can say anything. The rock flies like a missile and hits the soldier square in the forehead. He falls with a quiet thud that was probably drowned by marks screaming at rosemary.
--jesus!--zoe exclaims-- a heads up???
--Sorry...-- she says meekly-- lets see what he has-- she offers-- we cant leave rosemary there
--But Lucas said-- she starts.
--I know. Hes not gonna like it-- her eyes turn to see rosemary grabbing the serum and being forced to wake up the others. Mark screams something about how rosemary Turned off the main radio-- shit- I think they heard Lucas' evac request-- she turns to her friend-- you can stay but im going
Zoe looks at her friend and shakes her head, mustering all the courage she had-- Allens in there! If Allen went to save those in SS thanatos then I can help him!
--Atta girl--jerico says, And both sneak to the unconcious soldier. She grabs his combat Knife, its heavy and sharp.
--What about the gun?-- zoe asked.
-- you know how to Fire em?
--No clue,you?
She shakes his head-- throw it away, just in case he wakes up.
Z looks at the purple bruise in the guys forehead-- right between the eyes, I dont think hes waking up for a while-- still, she carefully grabs the gun and throws it away
Both sneak near the cabin, anotjer of the guys comes out,probably to check on his buddy. Once hes lut of the cabin, he looks around.
As quiet as she can be, jeri slashes across the back of his knee,making Him fall. Zoe muffled him with her big jacket And holds it until hes passed out.-- sorry!--both mumble.
Then, into the cabin they go. They go down the Hall to where Rose's lab was, the livingroom.
--Looks like the commander dude is outside?--jeri whispers in zoes ear.
--Maybe he doesnt like needles?
--Hurry up rosemary!--Mark yelled, looking at the radio.
--if the needle breaks they die!--Rosemary shouted.
Jerico takes a deep breath, slowly sneaking behind Mark, shes about to stab his back when the Man hears a thud from the room rosemary and the rest of the guys where.
Rosemary first injected the serum to Lucas,who "happened" to be the one closes to her. Then once she had given the serum to almost all of them, she says.
--Hey, can you illuminate here? Youre blocking the light-- she asked
The soldier noticed he was blocking the light, so he pulls out his flashlight and once Rose is done,she stabs the guy with the empty needle,right in the neck. The guy holds his neck and falls back.
The thud makes mark turn and see jerico. He grabs her with ease,disarms her and pulls her to the room with rosemary, she raises her hands with fear in her eyes. Hes about to strike when--
--if ya touch one hair on 'er purdy hair-- Lucas yells, gun in hand. Mark notices its the service weapon of the soldier that rosemary took out. He steps infront of Jerico, hes still a little woozy but his aim was impecable.
Mark steps back as the other Man stares at him with solid,unfiltered rage. -- well played-- he grumbles.
Lucas noticed zoe standing there,frozen-- Kiddo, cuff this fucker
Zoe steps to Mark and grabs his cuffs, doing her best as Rose steps in and unarms the seargeant. Only once Rose knocks Mark out does the ex soldier Lower the gun.
--Did it work?-- Rose asked before hearing desmond grumble and Allen and Max helping Him stand up-- ill go check on him-- she makes eye contact with her radioman friend. She looks serious as if she was urging him to do something.
Lucas only nodds as rosemary runs past him to help desmond. He leaves the gun on a table nearby and before jerico can say anything, he grabs her by the neck of his- her flannel and kisses her with all the strength his body allowed.
She kisses back,tugging at his tanktop and smiling. His arms go around her waist and hers around his neck.
--i told you nothing would hurt you while I was around. Awake or otherwise
Jeri smiles and presses her forehead against his, closing her eyes-- that you did. Welcome back-- he hugs her tight, stroking the shaven back of her neck.
--'m here honey. 'M here-- he whispers as she melts against him. His breath is shaky-- desmonds here too
They turn to the room and see their Friends smiling, then they cheer and Holler at them.
--Thats it hippie!--Max yelled,smugly.
--Thats It!the ship has reached shore!--Allen yelled clapping.
--Love wins! Long live the happy couple-- Virginia hollers.
Rosemary meets the ex soldiers eyes and chuckles-- guess youre right, cole. You never miss a shot
Jerico hid her face on Lucas' chest while he chuckles-- leave the young thing alone, lets make sure the docs alright
For the Next few hours they dispose of the soldiers (meaning they tie them up and throw them on the back of their vehicles for the police to find). Mark would wake up with one note on his chest"try anything and youll see what a war veteran can do. I never miss a shot".
Rosemary and Allen tend to Desmond,Max has left to see maddie and Virginia is talking with zoe,calming her down and telling her what happened.
Lucas takes jerico to the makeshift balcony on his roof. He holds her to his chest in silence, she hugs him like her life depends on it-- stay the night tonight -- he says.
--sounds good-- she agrees.
--I didnt forget about our date-- he reminds her with a smile-- im gonna getcha all the plushies ya want -- he pulls back a little and strokes her cheek.
--I look forward to it-- she admitted. Then she goes quiet and after a bit she adds-- you know theyll come for us,especially since they know Rose made an antidote
Lucas squeezed her-- I know. But were a team now, and we'll take mayer down. No harm Will come to you as Long as im around
She nodds and both enjoy the falling leaves and the breeze. Finally calm settles within them all, and that night they sit and have dinner under the stars.
Zoe and maddie make bracelets with Allen, desmond plays the guitar as Lucas accompanies him with his drums. Max simply looks at his daughter with joy and pride.
Rose has jerico laying her head on her lap-- you did great today -- the scientist said.
--Thanks. I hated it
Both laugh and rosemary adds-- you make Lucas happy, and he makes you happy. You both Will go a long way
-- I hope so. Im afraid of mayer though
Rosemary shrugs-- I think their pride is wounded. I dont think theyll make a move so fast. 'Sides we'll worry about it later -- he sees Lucas waves at her and she adds-- Lucas wants you on the vocals
Jerico nodds and stands up, walking towards Lucas and desmond, grabbing the mic the ex soldier had set up. The music starts and the others look at the source of it.
And so, she starts singing-- Don't look to me, I ain't right
And I don't know enough, but how much do I want to know?
It's perfectly clear, I'm where I should be, yeah
Off the wall and back to reality, dare I say
Oh, my thoughts are burning
And I like how warm the fire can be
Oh, oh is my body turning?
And my legs seem to move without me
Oh, here comes the savior
Who can break these thoughts away from me?
Oh, no more bad behavior
Screw my head on right for a moderate fee
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sirensea14 · 21 days
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Challenges of an entrepreneur poster for a subject but its In Sound Mind characters 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️
Lol low quality pic (my cam's blurry)
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