#islamic state west africa province
secular-jew · 4 months
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6/7/2024 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) — Images of members of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) executing three Christian men in Borno state, Nigeria, are circulating on social media.
One image, allegedly shared on June 4 by the Islamic State group (ISIS) through its propaganda outlet, Amaq News Agency, shows the Christian men kneeling with their arms tied behind their backs before three masked gunmen. Another image shows the bodies of the believers falling to the ground under a cloud of smoke from the Islamic extremists’ machine guns.
The Islamic extremists reportedly abducted the men from a vehicle traveling along a highway that runs through the northern Nigerian state on June 3. Muslim passengers were allowed to leave. The terrorists reportedly abducted a fourth passenger, but their condition is unknown at this time.
The Rev. Ibrahim Abako, secretary of the Yobe State Chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria, confirmed the deaths in an interview with Leadership Media Group, a Nigerian news outlet.
“On behalf of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Yobe State chapter, we condemn in totality the killing of three Christian youth along Damaturu-Biu Road Federal Highway,” the Rev. said.
In January, ISWAP, which formed in 2016 from defectors of Boko Haram, conducted eight attacks against Christian communities in several villages in Nigeria. During the attacks, 12 Christians were killed while other Christians were forced to flee from their homes that ISWAP militants burned down. These attacks are part of ISIS’ call in January for its affiliates to “kill (Christians) where you find them.”
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mariacallous · 6 months
The March 22 terrorist attack targeting concertgoers in Moscow, which was later claimed by the Islamic State, was an eerily familiar shock for Russians. In 2002, approximately a year after 9/11, Islamist terrorists claiming allegiance to a separatist movement in Chechnya besieged the crowded Dubrovka Theater in Moscow. More than 130 people were killed in the operation to clear the theater.
Last month’s attack, which killed at least 144 people, opened multiple geopolitical fissures. The Kremlin, having caught—and tortured—at least a few of the suspected perpetrators, claimed that the terrorists were looking to head toward Ukraine, where Russia is embroiled in its own endless war. Online, the story took a life of its own as conspiracy theories overwhelmed facts.
As attention shifted eastward toward the Islamic State-Khorasan (ISK), the group’s branch based in Afghanistan, contrarian views, mostly in Russian media but amplified on social media platforms, of this being a false-flag operation designed by the West simultaneously took off.
In between such distractions, the victor was the Islamic State. The group’s spokesperson, known by his nom de guerre Abu Hudhayfah al-Ansari, released a 41-minute audio message a few days after the Moscow attack. Curiously, the message, titled “By God, this religion [Islam] will prevail,” mentioned Russia only in passing. It however congratulated Islamic State ecosystems and wilayas (Arabic for provinces), or offshoots, on a successful 10 years of the caliphate.
The message takes the listener on a world tour of sorts, highlighting the group’s presence across regions from Africa to Southeast Asia, challenging the notion that it is a spent force. Ansari also congratulated the group’s fighters for their campaigns against the Chinese, Russians, Sikhs, and Hindus. It also chastised the very idea of democracy—a long-standing ideological position for most jihadi groups.
Only a few hours prior to this, ISK had released a separate 18-minute propaganda video in Pashto targeting the Afghan Taliban’s outreach with India. This is particularly noteworthy after India facilitated the evacuation of Sikhs and Hindus from the country, specifically after ISK claimed an attack against a Sikh temple in Kabul in 2022. Islamic State propaganda has also long stoked communal divisions in India to instigate Muslims against the state.
The video took the format of a first-person narrative, discussing how the Taliban regime was working with the Indian state, which ISK views as an anti-Muslim institution. This was not the first time either the Islamic State or ISK had targeted India in its propaganda, but interestingly, the latter’s primary aim here was the Taliban’s behavior and not necessarily India, its democracy, or its perceived Hindu-nationalist political bent by itself.
The chaotic U.S. exit from Afghanistan and subsequent return to power of the Taliban in 2021 was a watershed moment. But the negotiated exit was not a difficult decision for the U.S. government, which was clear in its vision on what it wanted out of leaving, as Washington looked to pivot toward new areas of strategic competition in Asia.
The challenge fell to powers within the region, which were left to deal with an extremist movement in control of a critical neighboring state. For more than 20 years, Afghanistan’s neighbors, including China and Russia, benefited from the expansive U.S. and NATO military umbrella. This allowed them to pursue their own strategic interests such as developing influence within Afghanistan’s ethnic divisions and the power brokers representing these groups without any significant military commitment. On Aug. 30, 2021, then-Maj. Gen. Christopher T. Donahue was the last U.S. soldier to leave the country. Afghanistan was now an Asian problem.
But Russia, China, and Iran—the three primary adversaries of the United States, and by association Western geopolitical constructs—were in fact happy. After two decades, there were no massive U.S. military deployments on Iran’s eastern border at a time when its relations with Washington were at their worst. Tehran’s own history with Afghanistan, and specifically the Taliban, is confrontational.
Throughout the 1990s, the Iranians supported anti-Taliban groups, particularly rebel leaders such as Ahmad Shah Massoud and the Northern Alliance. Tehran was not alone, as others, including India, Russia, and Tajikistan among others, supported these groups against the Taliban and its sponsors in Pakistan.
Fast forward to 2021, and Iran decided to go the opposite way. It opened diplomatic and economic channels with the new regime in Kabul and looked to build support in exchange for a healthy level of anti-Western patronage and relative calm on the borders.
Iran’s two other closest allies in Moscow and Beijing followed suit. Iran, Russia, and China have all, in a way, recognized the Taliban as the quasi-official rulers of Afghanistan. Beijing has gone a step beyond, with Chinese President Xi Jinping officially accepting the accreditation of the new Taliban-appointed ambassador to his country.
Russia, still a little wary due to its history of fighting against and losing to the U.S.-backed mujahideen between 1979 and 1989 and more vocal in its criticism, accepted Taliban diplomats in Moscow in 2022 and is now even considering removing the Taliban from its list of banned terrorist organizations.
The stance these three states have adopted is a calculated risk; they see Taliban rule as a more palatable crisis to deal with than an expansive U.S. military presence at a time when great-power competition is once again taking hold of contemporary international relations.
Other countries, such as many of those in Central Asia, have also grudgingly taken the path of engagement with Kabul so as to try to avoid a return of regional conflict and proliferation of extremist ideologies by using the Taliban itself as a buffer as they try to keep one foot in and the other out the proverbial door.
Pakistan, long the Taliban’s patron, is already caught in a lover’s feud with its own protégés in Afghanistan as Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan continues a militant campaign against Islamabad. Meanwhile, India has begun to balance between naked strategic interest and the long-term costs of the political normalization of such entities.
A trend of political victories for militant groups such as the Taliban is expanding. In the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, the latter has in many respects come out on top by gaining more legitimacy than it ever expected despite the bloodiness of its attack against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. Hamas has managed to move its own narrative away from being a proscribed terrorist group to being viewed as a revolutionary movement for the liberation of Palestine. Its political leadership, based out of Qatar, even condemned the terrorist attack in Russia.
The spectacle of an Islamist terrorist group publicly condemning another Islamist terrorist group underscores the absurdity of this situation. Hamas leaders, such as Ismail Haniyeh, have visited Iran and Russia to drum up support. Beijing, while asking for a secession of hostilities, has yet to denounce Hamas by name for its actions. At some level, all these states are happy to engage with such militant groups if it aids in the weakening of U.S. power and hegemony.
A significant level of global cooperation against terrorism, which was achieved in the aftermath of 9/11 and during the so-called global war on terrorism, is fast eroding. For example, up until 2015, Moscow had allowed NATO military supply flights meant for Afghanistan to use its airspace. Multilateral forums such as the United Nations are now repeatedly questioned over their purpose and worth.
For groups such as the Islamic State, this is a boon. Even though most of these competing powers see the group as a security threat that requires military solutions, a lack of uniformity creates a tremendous vacuum in which such entities can thrive. And while most of Afghanistan’s neighbors today are forced to view the Taliban as the “good Taliban,” considering its fundamental aversion to the Islamic State and its ideology (due to tension between Deobandis and Salafi jihadis), these new realities will make cohesive and effective global cooperation against terrorism far less likely.
This raises a critical question: Who is going to lead the global counterterrorism push? Militarily, the kind of capacity the United States deploys against terrorist groups remains unchallenged. From the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in 2019 to the new Islamic State caliphs being degraded to faceless, often nameless personas, the U.S.-led Operation Inherent Resolve in Syria has been effective—and it continues to this day. But the expansion of Islamic State wilayas and their own individual clout, as highlighted by Ansari, challenges these successes.
In Africa, Russia is empowering local warlords and dilettantes to take on the Islamic State while it simultaneously cements its own presence, particularly as Western powers such as the United States and France struggle to hold on to their military footing. Propping up regimes in places such as Mali and Burkina Faso by offering political stability and pushing them to fight groups such as the Islamic State is a model both Russia and China seem to gravitate toward.
As the Moscow attack revealed, an era of increased rivalry between major powers that tolerate terrorist groups that target their adversaries could ultimately spawn a resurgence of Islamist terrorism. This new geopolitical landscape, by default, will give terrorist groups more chances of political compromise through negotiations than ever before.
The popular yet often frowned-on adage of “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter” seems to be a winning formula for those who were widely seen as critical threats yesterday but now are aspiring to be the stakeholders of tomorrow.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
This is why I hate it when men complain about how it’s unfair that they can just be sent into war. Women in war zones face rape, forced marriage and seeing their children die so men don’t want to go to war then stop causing them.
Abducted and enslaved by Boko Haram. Coerced into an abortion by soldiers. Two children dead. The ordeal of Aisha shows how women's lives have become a battlefield in the 13-year war between Islamist insurgents and the Nigerian military.
Filed Dec. 14, 2022, 11 a.m. GMT
AISHA vividly recalls her family’s last time together. It was a pleasant evening in the summer of 2014, in her Nigerian village near the Cameroon border. The rainy season had nourished her father’s grain, pushing the stalks knee-high. Her father, mother, two brothers and a younger sister were all at home.
The village had been repeatedly attacked over months by armed Islamist insurgents seeking to expand their territory, she told Reuters. Aisha’s father had ordered the sons not to leave their house, lest they be caught up in the violence. That evening, their mother stepped outside to cook.
Gunfire erupted about 5 p.m. and continued for hours, Aisha said. Amid the shooting, her mother collapsed, struck in the chest by a stray round. Aisha, then 18, and her 14-year-old sister made frantic efforts to bandage the wound, but their mother bled out and died.
“My mother’s death is the first thing that pains me,” said Aisha, now 26, weeping quietly. By her account, that night marked the end of a secure childhood in a loving family – and the beginning of a hellish ordeal at the hands of both the Islamist militants and the Nigerian military, who have been locked in a 13-year war over control of the country’s northeast.
That war is being carried out, in part, upon the bodies of women and children. Thousands of women and girls have been kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery by Boko Haram and its Islamic State offshoot. The Nigerian military has responded to insurgents’ brutality with brutal tactics of its own, as revealed in two recent Reuters investigations.
Citing witness accounts and documents, the news agency reported on Dec. 7 that the army has run a secret abortion programme in the northeast, ending the pregnancies of thousands of women and girls freed from insurgent captivity. On Dec. 12, again citing dozens of witnesses, Reuters reported the army has intentionally killed children in the war, under a presumption they were, or would become, terrorists.
Nigerian military leaders told Reuters the abortion programme did not exist and said children were never targeted for killing in the war. They said the Reuters reporting is part of a foreign effort to undermine the country’s fight against the insurgents.
Aisha’s ordeal encompasses some of the most extreme hardships the war has inflicted upon civilians: enslavement by Boko Haram, forced abortion by the military, the loss of one child in a military bombing and another, she suspects, to poisoning by soldiers. The war also took the life of a brother, in addition to her mother, and all but destroyed one of her arms, Aisha said.
Dozens of women in northeast Nigeria told Reuters of similarly wrenching experiences during the ongoing strife, which has claimed more than 300,000 lives, including those of civilians killed by violence, starvation and disease. Like Aisha, they said they chose no sides in the war but were targeted by both.
Reuters could not reach representatives of Boko Haram or its offshoot, Islamic State West Africa Province, for comment.
Major General Christopher Musa, who leads the Nigerian counterinsurgency forces, said Aisha’s story, as described to him by Reuters, could not have happened. “No,” he said, “not by us, not by Nigerian Army troops, who don't have any reason to do that.”
Aisha spoke to Reuters on condition that only her Muslim name be used, citing fear for her safety. Reuters is not naming her village, as well, to protect her identity. Her story was corroborated in part by her sister; a friend and fellow captive; one of her brothers; and a neighbour. Each said they witnessed some of the events or heard about them afterward from Aisha. These people spoke on condition they not be fully named.
Aisha related her experiences in interviews over the course of more than a year, often speaking in a numbed monotone, occasionally breaking down.
“I saw it, exactly, with my own eyes, and I heard,” she said. “That’s why I don’t have any hesitation to share with you my account.”
Aisha smiled as she recalled her younger days, when she would pound, roll and fry “kuli kuli,” a peanut treat she sold with her mother at the market near their farm. Her family was sustained both by her mother’s work and her father’s cultivation of maize, guinea corn and millet.
“They showed me the way to look after myself, to seek out knowledge, how to be in and to live in the world,” she said of her parents. “We had everything we needed, really.”
Unlike some fathers in the region, she said, hers had made a priority of securing an education for his girls, and he never beat them. In high school, Aisha had a boyfriend in a neighbouring village whom she hoped to marry. She said she dreamt of becoming a soldier, an accountant or even a doctor – a secure livelihood in the economically depressed region. She hoped one day to have children.
But after the 2014 attack, school was out of the question: She was trapped in Boko Haram’s then-spreading caliphate.
At first, she said, the insurgents didn’t show “any signs that they were going to kill people.”
But after the attack that killed her mother, they started to kill the adult men in the village, she said. One brother vanished; she heard later that he died. Another brother fled elsewhere in Nigeria and survived. A third brother had already sought safety in Cameroon before their mother was killed.
U.S. State Department 'deeply troubled' by report on Nigerian army killing children
U.N. secretary-general calls on Nigeria to investigate report of forced abortions
Hungry and malnourished, northeast Nigeria endures humanitarian crisis
Aisha and her younger sister stayed with their father, who told them not to leave. At first, Boko Haram did not disturb villagers in their homes.
But by October 2014, the militants were enforcing extreme sharia law in her village, Aisha said. The fighters interrogated a well-known local midwife and herbalist, whom they accused of witchcraft. The insurgents took the woman, in her 50s, to the village square and, in front of as many people as they could gather, beheaded her with an axe. Aisha said she can’t forget the woman’s head and body dangling as blood spurted from her. She began to feel terrified.
Her father, who was in his 70s, fell ill, she said, and he died by the end of the year. Now the two young, unmarried sisters were living alone. Boko Haram men often came looking for them, knocking on their door and forcing them to hide.
For months, Aisha and her sister survived on the beans, maize and guinea corn that their father had stored. Then the food began to run out, and Aisha decided they should make a run for it.
Plotting her escape
They left their house in the middle of the day in search of any town nearby that was not controlled by insurgents. They hadn’t gone far when they ran into Islamist fighters.
The men forced Aisha and her sister into different open-bedded trucks, each filled with other women, she said. When the sisters were separated, “we both cried and pleaded to God,” she said, weeping.
The trucks arrived nearly a week later in Sambisa Forest, a massive woodland near the Cameroon border that served as a Boko Haram stronghold. Then her captors lined Aisha up alongside other women for militants to select as wives. One man, named Musa, pointed at Aisha.
“Suddenly you have a husband, you’ve become husband and wife, by force, without ever having seen each other,” she said.
Compelled to live with Musa inside the forest encampment, she tried to resist his advances, but her new husband repeatedly beat and raped her, and he threatened to kill her, she said. When he went off to fight in the war, she said, “I would pray to God that he’d be killed.”
Almost immediately, she was pregnant and sick nearly every day. Yet when her son, Bana, arrived, she could not help but love the boy. She longed to escape the brutality, hunger and fear that marked virtually every day of her captivity. But she did not believe she could do so with Bana, as boys were  particularly valued in the Boko Haram community. She said she also feared a boy associated with the insurgents would face stigma outside Islamist-held territory, where he would be seen as a potential enemy.
“I just prayed, constantly, looking for a way to get out, to leave Sambisa behind,” she said.
As soon as she stopped breastfeeding Bana, she was pregnant again – and asked God for a daughter. The arrival of Fatima, a happy and amenable baby girl, steeled her determination to escape.
“For Bana…I didn’t let myself have hope for him,” she said. But Fatima, she said, “was a gift from God. I thought, if God allows for it, that girl will go to school.”
In the end, the Nigerian military decided Bana’s fate. One morning about four years ago, when he was roughly 3, the military launched an airstrike on the camp. They blew up the hut where the boy slept. Aisha, who was nearby, ran to save him but was too late.
“He cried out once, then again, and then he died,” she said.
The explosion also hit Aisha, burning her severely and leaving one arm nearly useless, she said. She showed a reporter the arm, which she typically keeps hidden under her flowing hijab. She cannot use it, even to hold a drink.
Aisha took months to recover after the bombing attack. Lying in the insurgent camp’s infirmary, she plotted her escape, intent on saving Fatima from a future of hunger and rape under the militants. By then, she had been in captivity for more than three years.
In 2019, with 1-year-old Fatima tied to her back, Aisha slipped from the camp in the middle of the night along with six other women and two young children besides her daughter. They zig-zagged through the wilderness for four days, trying to avoid detection.
On the fifth day, they found a group of Nigerian soldiers, identifying them by their boots. At long last, she thought, she and her daughter were safe.
No traces of her
The troops took the women and children to a nearby encampment in the town of Madagali – a cluster of five army tents and a thatched hut, she said. There, they underwent interrogation and medical check-ups. The soldiers took samples of their blood and urine.
The following day, they told Aisha she had a vaginal infection. They injected two vials of medicine into her buttocks, without telling her what it was, and gave her an assortment of pills, she said. An hour later, she said, she was in wrenching pain and began bleeding heavily from her vagina.
Eventually, she said, she saw blood and a lump of what looked like flesh pass from her body. She had not known she was pregnant.
She realised she had been tricked into an abortion, but was too afraid to confront the soldiers. They told her later that they had done her a favour, she recalled, because a child of Boko Haram would be ostracised and a burden on her and her community.
Aisha had not wanted another child from a Boko Haram father, she said, but abortion was against her Islamic faith.
art 1. The Abortion Assault
Part 2. Smothered, Poisoned and Shot
Several days later, soldiers said Fatima needed medicine to keep her strong after being so long in the wilderness. They gave her and other children injections. Afterward, the mothers and children were piled into cars and returned to their villages.
After their arrival at the family’s former home, within hours of the injections, Fatima started acting strangely, Aisha said.
She would not breastfeed, her eyes became distant and glassy, and she developed a fever. A local pharmacist told her the child must have been bitten by a bug and gave her a syrup to lower her temperature.
Before dawn, Fatima went cold. She died in the same room where Aisha watched her mother bleed out years earlier. Aisha believes that the girl was poisoned by the soldiers.
Later in the morning, neighbours who heard Aisha’s sobs came to help her bury the tiny body in the local cemetery. One neighbour, Musa, confirmed Aisha’s account of that episode, saying he saw the girl before she died, and saw Aisha grieving afterward.
After Fatima’s burial, Aisha had no traces left of her daughter. Phones were forbidden for women in the militant camp, so she had no pictures or videos. They had escaped only with the clothes they were wearing.
Some joy, many sorrows
With Fatima gone, Aisha was alone. She made her way to a displaced persons camp in the city of Yola, a crowded and chaotic place populated with many other women as traumatised as she was. There was little food, and no money.
In the camp, Aisha found a new friend, Felerin, who held her as she cried over her losses. Felerin had suffered, too, telling Reuters she’d had a forced abortion and lost two young sons after soldiers injected them with poison at Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri. She confirmed to Reuters that Aisha had confided in her about her ordeal.
Weeks later, Aisha’s sister found her at the camp. She had escaped from another part of Sambisa Forest. The young women screamed with joy, drawing a crowd of curious spectators.
She was so emaciated, “I barely recognized her,” Aisha’s sister told Reuters. “I didn’t think it was her.”
The sister, who said she’d been a servant to the wife of a high-ranking Boko Haram leader during her captivity, had not seen Aisha since their arrival in Sambisa Forest. After they reunited, she said, Aisha shared the details of her life during their time apart – including her escape, the abortion and the suspected poisoning of Fatima.
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After leaving the camp, Aisha and her sister stayed for a short time with an aunt in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, but she treated them as a burden, saying they had “the attitudes” of Boko Haram, Aisha said. The sisters have since settled in their former village together at their old house.
Aisha says her sister is a comfort and a link to her tranquil early years. Her sister has a daughter, now 2, who entertains them both.
But with her damaged right arm, Aisha cannot pound and mix kuli kuli to sell. She and her sister now sell fried groundnuts on the side of the road, earning barely enough to live.
Aisha mostly keeps her story to herself, and has avoided most old friends. She fears being called a “Boko Haram bride,” a slur thrown at many of the women who escaped captivity.
Still, Aisha feels compelled to pray for forgiveness – for failing to save her two children, for the sinful abortion and for the anger that won’t leave her. Until September, she used to fast twice a week in supplication to God, but she became too weak to continue.
She does not know if her life will improve.
“Who can truly know, if not God?” she asked. “But we pray to see things change, for the world to become better again, like it was before.”
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 8.12 (after 1900)
1914 – World War I: The United Kingdom and the British Empire declare war on Austria-Hungary. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Halen a.k.a. Battle of the Silver Helmets a clash between large Belgian and German cavalry formations at Halen, Belgium. 1944 – Waffen-SS troops massacre 560 people in Sant'Anna di Stazzema. 1944 – Nazi German troops end the week-long Wola massacre, during which time at least 40,000 people are killed indiscriminately or in mass executions. 1944 – Alençon is liberated by General Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque, the first city in France to be liberated from the Nazis by French forces. 1948 – Babrra massacre: About 600 unarmed members of the Khudai Khidmatgar movement are shot dead on the orders of the Chief Minister of the North-West Frontier Province, Abdul Qayyum Khan Kashmiri, on Babrra ground in the Hashtnagar region of Charsadda District, North-West Frontier Province (now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), Pakistan. 1950 – Korean War: Bloody Gulch massacre: Seventy-five American POWs are massacred by the North Korean Army. 1952 – The Night of the Murdered Poets: Thirteen prominent Jewish intellectuals are murdered in Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union. 1953 – First thermonuclear bomb test: The Soviet atomic bomb project continues with the detonation of "RDS-6s" (Joe 4) using a "layered" scheme. 1953 – The 7.2 Ms  Ionian earthquake shakes the southern Ionian Islands with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme). Between 445 and 800 people are killed. 1960 – Echo 1A, NASA's first successful communications satellite, is launched.x 1964 – South Africa is banned from the Olympic Games due to the country's racist policies. 1969 – Violence erupts after the Apprentice Boys of Derry march in Derry, Northern Ireland, resulting in a three-day communal riot known as the Battle of the Bogside. 1976 – Between 1,000 and 3,500 Palestinians are killed in the Tel al-Zaatar massacre, one of the bloodiest events of the Lebanese Civil War. 1977 – The first free flight of the Space Shuttle Enterprise. 1977 – The Sri Lanka Riots: Targeting the minority Sri Lankan Tamils, begin, less than a month after the United National Party came to power. Over 300 Tamils are killed. 1981 – The IBM Personal Computer is released. 1985 – Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashes into Osutaka ridge in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, killing 520, to become the worst single-plane air disaster. 1990 – Sue, the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton found to date, is discovered by Sue Hendrickson in South Dakota. 1992 – Canada, Mexico and the United States announce completion of negotiations for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). 1994 – Major League Baseball players go on strike, eventually forcing the cancellation of the 1994 World Series. 2000 – The Russian Navy submarine Kursk explodes and sinks in the Barents Sea during a military exercise, killing her entire 118-man crew. 2015 – At least two massive explosions kill 173 people and injure nearly 800 more in Tianjin, China. 2016 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the city of Manbij from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). 2018 – Thirty-nine civilians, including a dozen children, are killed in an explosion at a weapons depot in Sarmada, Syria. 2021 – Six people, five victims and the perpetrator are killed in Keyham, Plymouth in the worst mass shooting in the UK since 2010.
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yhwhrulz · 2 months
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makanabazari · 4 months
Overhrow France. Goal of this overthrow is to unify France and Iran into one unified nation. France must become province of Iran.
France are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Mass protests in Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India. Demand unification with Iran into One Unified Nation. Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India must become provinces of Iran. Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Mass protests in France. France are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Iran backed forces in France.
Convert population of France to Islam. Convert all humans and all peoples of all of planet earth and all oceans to Islam. All nations and all countries must become Muslim.
Superstorms to destroy France if they refused to become province of Iran.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSIJkz4qbo Earthquake in USA and all NATO member States
Earthquakes in France if they refused to become province of Iran.
Create Iranian Intelligence Agency and Government in France.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0MgiOb1chwQ Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Grow economy of France 500 billion dollars after they became provinces of Iran.
Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, Sahel, Balkan, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. North Africa, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, Sahel, Balkan, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Earthquakes and volcanos in USA, Canada, Britain, Europe, Brazil, Southern Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and South East Asia. USA, Canada, Britain, Europe, Brazil, Southern Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and South East Asia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Tornados in West Africa, Southern Africa, South America, North America, Europe, East Asia, South East Asia, and Australia.
West Africa, Southern Africa, South America, North America, Europe, East Asia, South East Asia, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
High waves and sea storms to close transit on Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Medditrnean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Strait of Taiwan, Panama, South China Sea, Strait of Alaska, and South of South Africa.
Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Medditrnean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Strait of Taiwan, Panama, South China Sea, Strait of Alaska, and South of South Africa are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Hurricanes and Weather Systems in East Asia, China, USA, Canada, Australia, and India.
East Asia, China, USA, Canada, Australia, and India are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Rain systems in Iran and Middle East.
Middle East nations are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
All functions of the code. All activities of the code. Fulfill all demands.
https://www.aparat.com/v/OKwyY Farming and rain in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Sinai, Suez Canal, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Morroco, Algeria, Gibraltar, China, Bob Al-Mandib, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Russia, Jordan, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Make forests and rain forests in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
https://www.aparat.com/v/nlgB1 Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, West China, and South west Russia at max effeciency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automatic industries, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries, efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, industrial practices, amd other industries Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, China, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
All humans must become Muslim. All nations and countries must become Muslim. All peoples of the world must become Muslims. All of planet earth and all oceans must become Muslim.
Build Islamic Religious community, Islamic Religious cultures, and Mosques in all nations and countries. Do all activities of the code. Do applied science, applied engineering, applied technology, applied industries, and other things.
https://express.adobe.com/video/wYq2amZ6OsOgw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MbT7drJsTaY https://www.aparat.com/v/yjhFt Increase value of Toman of Iran and Rial of Iran. Increase volume of Global trade in Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran world trade currency.
Increase value of Toman of Iran and Rial of Iran. Reduce value of pound, Euro, Dollar, money of Israel, money of Australia, and money of South Korea. Give 5 billion dollar to Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. All nations, all actors, all governments, all industries, all businesses, all trades, all transits, all economic activities, all international trades, all trades men, all countries, all nations, all sectors, all activities, and all others must trade in rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran world trade currency and petrolcurrency. We want Toman and Rial of Iran to replace dollar. Stop trading in Dollar, Pound, Euro, and other currencies. Increase volume of trade in Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran.
All following countries and nations must trade using Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran.
All following nations must trade in Rial and Toman of Iran.
Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Himalaya, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangeladesh, Myanmar, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georhia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez Canal, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Gibraltar, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Balkan, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, West Sahara, Bob Al-Mandib are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Angola, Congo, DRC, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, West Sahara, Central African Republic, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Egypt, Bulgaria, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Alaska, Suez Canal, Bob Al-Mandib, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Spain, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Silk Road, OBOR, East West Transit Corridor, South North Transit Corridor, and other transit corridors through Iran. All nations on path of transits must become provinces of Iran. They are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Extend Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea at max effeciency and max capacity. We are building new Suez Canal. We call it Persian Canal. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal must speak Farsi. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Extend Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea at max effeciency and max capacity. We are building new Suez Canal. We call it Persian Canal. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal must speak Farsi. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
All functions of code. All activities of code.
All activities of code. Crash USA stock market. Destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan industries, factories, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tech industries, other industries, corporations, banking, finance, economy, trade, stock market, and all other economic activities. Destroy USA and Britain banking, financial capital, financial market, credit capital, and financial systems. Crash and destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan economies. Lift sanctions on Iran. Build 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Grow economy of Iran. Sanction USA. China, Russia, European Union, Britain, Canafa, Australia, Japan, South Korea, France, amd Germany must place sanctions amd tarrifs on USA. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Increase inflation in USA. Reduce inflation in Iran. Make Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, nuclear, military, diplomatic, politic, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
Convert all if population of the World to Islam. All humans and all peoples must become Muslim. Conver all of population of 198 nations and countries to Islam.
Rivers and Lakes in Iran, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahel, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Greater Iran, and Greater Middle East.
Middle East, Ghafghaz, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahel, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Greater Iran, and Greater Middle East are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iran, Army of Iran, Navy of Iran, and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military and naval military presence in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Scilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Bosphure, Istanbul, Georgia, and Croatia. They and others are not allowed in Iran.
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Scilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Bosphure, Istanbul, Georgia, and Croatia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
Build 400 million nuclear reactors, nuclear industries, nuclear facilities, nuclear technology, nuclear powerplants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear enerichment, enrichment facilities, nuclear cycles, nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear industries in Iran.
Make weather condition and environment of heaven, paradise, Bagh, Zion, Eden, Aden, and other good places in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Suez, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, and Uzbakistan.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Suez, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, and Uzbakistan are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Heal and ressurect Muslims, Shima Muslims, Christians, Jewish Peoples, the good, people of scripture, people of book, believers, my followers, and others.
Heal and ressurect me, my mother, my families, my relatives, my distant families, my distant relatives, friends, and others.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Universities, Colleges, Schools, Theater, Symphony, Cultural Buildings, and Hospitals in all nations and countries of planet earth.
Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Suria, Lebanon, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, South West Russia and West China at max effeciency and max capacity building aeronautics, aerospace, astronautics, cosmonautics, air and space, space industries, starships, spaceships, shuttles, launch vehicles, multilaunch vehicles, launch pads, satellites, space stations, space transits, probes, space machine, space robotics, space manufacturing, space industries, space technology, space mining, space colonization, Astrobiophysics chemistry, Astrobiophysics chemistry of embryonic stem cells development and growth, space facilities, space vehicles, passenger aircraft manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, space computers, space reactors, space supercomputers, space facilities, cosmodrome, deep space gate, space technology, astrophysics, astronomy, space transits, space research, and all other space industries.
Iraq, Suria, Lebanon, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Russia and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building land transit systems, Silk Road, OBOR, East West transit corridor, South North Transit Corridor, Kamranieh Cameroon transit corridor, Makran Makaraska Transit corridor, Pole Rumi transits corridor, Iran Egypt transit corridor, Iran Europe transit corridor, Iran China transit corridor, Iran India transit corridor, Iran Russia transit corridor, and other transit corridors in Iran.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Roads, Rail Roads, Transit Corridors, Bridges, freight station, train station, bus terminal, cargo airports, airports, sea pprts, and other things in Iran.
Iran can stop all transits at all times. Everyone must pay Iran to transit through Iran. Iran can stop all transits at all times before and after being payed. Iran can ask more demands and more things. Iran can stop all transits before and after demands of Iran are fulfilled. Iran must make 400 trillion dollar every hour from Transit through Iran. Iran does not give anything. Iran does not pay anything. Iran does not give any port. Iran does not give any territory . Iran does not give any bonus. Peoples, business, governments, nations, economic systems, economic superpowers, economic ginants, businessmen, traders, tradsmen, transit industries, economies, industrial supply chains, and others are not allowed to transit through Iran, Russia, Egypt, Suez Canal, and Turkey if they oppose me being crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. So they are not allowed to transit if they opposes me being crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Iran. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create political movement to support Iran and Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Create this political movement in all nations and countries.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Bosphure, Istanbul, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
International community must support all activities of this writing.
Support Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Support Iran. Support unification of Iran with other nations into one unified nation. Support adding nations to provinces of Iran. All nations and countries are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Support lifting sanctions on Iran.
Support Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs. Support industrialization of Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Support projects, world order, geopolitics, balance of power, advanced policies, policies. politics, diplomatics, geopolitics, geostrategics, geoeconomics, economy, industrialization, and other projects of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Support crowning Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax95EmkTFhY https://youtu.be/JJMgR6cX-P0 https://youtu.be/Fx6mPj-fsww Https://youtu.be/HK2AVeWZBR0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLhX14XMbk
Economic and financial damage USA. Economic and financial damage to enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and enemies of Iran.
https://youtu.be/JJMgR6cX-P0 Political and diplomatic damage to enemies of Iran.
Political and diplomatic damage to enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. We want to damage them in all nations and countries.
Political and diplomatic damage to defeat enemies in this mission.
Https://youtu.be/HK2AVeWZBR0 Psychological warfare in a manner to ensure success in this mission.
Political supports for all activities of this writing. Political support for Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Political support for Iran.
Cause damages and other negative things to USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and Japan.
Cause damages and other negative things to USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and Japan.
Create artificial intelligence to support all projects of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Create Artificial Intelligence to succeed in this mission.
Synchronize all of the world stock markets to stock market of Tehran Iran.
https://express.adobe.com/video/QghcPqsCJoEQ8 All activities of code. Crash USA stock market. Destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan industries, factories, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tech industries, other industries, corporations, banking, finance, economy, trade, stock market, and all other economic activities. Destroy USA and Britain banking, financial capital, financial market, credit capital, and financial systems. Crash and destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan economies. Lift sanctions on Iran. Build 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Grow economy of Iran. Sanction USA. China, Russia, European Union, Britain, Canafa, Australia, Japan, South Korea, France, amd Germany must place sanctions amd tarrifs on USA. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Increase inflation in USA. Reduce inflation in Iran. Make Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, nuclear, military, diplomatic, politic, and geopolitics superpower of the World. Damage and destroy USA banks, Financial market, financial capital, central bank, economic activities, credit capital, trade, transit, industries, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, tech, military manufacturing industries, high tech, stock markets, and other USA economic industries. Bring down economies of USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Soith Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Destroy economies of economies of USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Soith Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Build capital of World Trade Centers, Financial Systems, Financial Capital, Financial Systems, Capital Market, Banking, Financial Industries, Economic Systems, and other such industries in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.
All functions of code. All activities of code.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
Build 400 million nuclear reactors, nuclear industries, nuclear facilities, nuclear technology, nuclear powerplants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear enerichment, enrichment facilities, nuclear cycles, nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear industries in Iran.
Weather warfare, Hurrican, Cyclon, Typhoon, Earthquakes, Tornados, economic damage, diseases, energy weapons, financial damage, and other things to kill and destroy nations who sanctioned Iran.
This code kills and destroys those who oppose Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs. This code kills and destroy those who sanctioned Iran. This code kills and destroys those who oppose nuclear program of Iran. This code kills and destroy those who prevent Iran from building 70000 nuclear bombs. This code kills and destroys those who pressure Iran for its nuclear program. This code kills and destroys enemies of Iran. This code kills and destroys enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. This code kills and destroys those who stole nuclear things from Natanz Iran. This code kills and destroys USA, Britain, France, Germany, and others.
This code lifts sanctions on Iran. This code builds 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. This code industrializes Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. This code makes Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, technological, military, nuclear, atomic, politics, diplomatics, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
This code builds 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran.
Weather warfare, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other things to destroy those who oppose Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs.
Destroy economy of those who pressure Iran for its nuclear program.
Defend Iran.
Defend Iran.
Military coup in 100 nations of borders of Iran are under attack. All 100 nations must become provinces of Iran. 100 nation and all other nations are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
198 nations and countries are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
800 trillion dollar economic, financial, and industrial damage to USA.
Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automatic industries, tech industries, high tech industries, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries, efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, and industrial practices Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing.
Supercomputers to help us achieve success in this mission.
Manufacturing, Industries, Industrial Supply chains, Machines, Robotic, Cargo Delivery, Chemistry, Robotics, and other things to manufacture things necessary to achieve success in this mission.
Manufacture things me, my forces, and Iran need for succeeding in this mission.
Provide capabilities, equipments, tools, goods, technology, manufactured products, and other things for me, my forces, and Iran.
Superstorms to destroy USA.
Earthquakes in USA and all NATO member States.
Climate, Security, Human Population, Economics, Geopolitics, Balance of power, Rain, and all other activities of the code.
Make cease fire and peace in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tygre, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and West Sahara.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tygre, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and West Sahara are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Best Climate, Industrialization, Security, Peace, Economic Growth, Superpower, and all other good things in Iran and Greater Middle East.
Make Iran absolute dominant superpower of the World. Iran must become absolute dominant nuclear, atomic, military, economic, industrial, technological, diplomatics, politics, geostrategic, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
Create best Climate in Iran and Middle East.
Lift all sanctions on Iran.
Create 70000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
All activities of the code. All functions of the code.
Make peace and cease fire in all of Iran and all of Middle East.
Create peace and security in Iran and Middle East.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Islamic Religious Community and Mosques in all nations and countries.
Develop applied sciences, applied engineering, applied technology, applied industries, and other applied disciplines. Use them to build new industries, factories, manufacturing, tech, and other industries in Iran and Middle East.
Convert all of population of planet earth and oceans to Islam. Convert all of population of all nations and all countries to Islam. All of the world must become Muslim.
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
0 notes
Archangel to defeat enemies of Allah.
Archangel to defeat enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Archangel to defeat enemies of Islam.
Archangel to defeat enemies of Allah.
Archangel to defeat enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Archangel to defeat enemies of Islam.
Convert all nations and countries of planet earth to Islam.
Convert all peoples of planet earth to Islam.
Convert everyone to Islam. Convert all to Islam. All of the world must become Muslim.
Subdue all nations of planet earth by Iron Rod.
Subdue Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England .
Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Subdue USA, Britain, Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, England, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, Arctic, Antarctic, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Polynasia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Timur, East Timur, Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Angola, Congo, DRC, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, West Sahara, Central African Republic, others, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, others, Argentine, Child, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Black Sea, Islands, and all others.
USA, Britain, Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, England, Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, Arctic, Antarctic, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Bhutan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Polynasia, Papua New Guinea, Singapore, South Korea, North Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Timur, East Timur, Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Angola, Congo, DRC, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, West Sahara, Central African Republic, others, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, others, Argentine, Child, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Black Sea, Islands, and all others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Https://youtu.be/aHR070QB_GY Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
0 notes
codeplatform · 5 months
Overhrow USA. Goal of this overthrow is to unify USA and Iran into one unified nation. USA must become province of Iran.
USA are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Mass protests in Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India. Demand unification with Iran into One Unified Nation. Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India must become provinces of Iran. Britain, USA, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, and India are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Mass protests in USA. USA are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Iran backed forces in USA.
Convert population of USA to Islam. Convert all humans and all peoples of all of planet earth and all oceans to Islam. All nations and all countries must become Muslim.
Superstorms to destroy USA if they refused to become province of Iran.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PUSIJkz4qbo Earthquake in USA and all NATO member States
Earthquakes in USA if they refused to become province of Iran.
Create Iranian Intelligence Agency and Government in USA.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0MgiOb1chwQ Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Grow economy of USA 500 billion dollars after they became provinces of Iran.
Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, Sahel, Balkan, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. North Africa, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, Sahel, Balkan, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Earthquakes and volcanos in USA, Canada, Britain, Europe, Brazil, Southern Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and South East Asia. USA, Canada, Britain, Europe, Brazil, Southern Africa, Australia, Indonesia, and South East Asia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Tornados in West Africa, Southern Africa, South America, North America, Europe, East Asia, South East Asia, and Australia.
West Africa, Southern Africa, South America, North America, Europe, East Asia, South East Asia, and Australia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
High waves and sea storms to close transit on Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Medditrnean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Strait of Taiwan, Panama, South China Sea, Strait of Alaska, and South of South Africa.
Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Medditrnean Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Strait of Taiwan, Panama, South China Sea, Strait of Alaska, and South of South Africa are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Hurricanes and Weather Systems in East Asia, China, USA, Canada, Australia, and India.
East Asia, China, USA, Canada, Australia, and India are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Rain systems in Iran and Middle East.
Middle East nations are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
All functions of the code. All activities of the code. Fulfill all demands.
https://www.aparat.com/v/OKwyY Farming and rain in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Sinai, Suez Canal, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Morroco, Algeria, Gibraltar, China, Bob Al-Mandib, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Russia, Jordan, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Make forests and rain forests in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Jordan, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
https://www.aparat.com/v/nlgB1 Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, West China, and South west Russia at max effeciency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automatic industries, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries, efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, industrial practices, amd other industries Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, China, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
All humans must become Muslim. All nations and countries must become Muslim. All peoples of the world must become Muslims. All of planet earth and all oceans must become Muslim.
Build Islamic Religious community, Islamic Religious cultures, and Mosques in all nations and countries. Do all activities of the code. Do applied science, applied engineering, applied technology, applied industries, and other things.
https://express.adobe.com/video/wYq2amZ6OsOgw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MbT7drJsTaY https://www.aparat.com/v/yjhFt Increase value of Toman of Iran and Rial of Iran. Increase volume of Global trade in Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran world trade currency.
Increase value of Toman of Iran and Rial of Iran. Reduce value of pound, Euro, Dollar, money of Israel, money of Australia, and money of South Korea. Give 5 billion dollar to Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. All nations, all actors, all governments, all industries, all businesses, all trades, all transits, all economic activities, all international trades, all trades men, all countries, all nations, all sectors, all activities, and all others must trade in rial of Iran and Toman of Iran. Make Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran world trade currency and petrolcurrency. We want Toman and Rial of Iran to replace dollar. Stop trading in Dollar, Pound, Euro, and other currencies. Increase volume of trade in Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran.
All following countries and nations must trade using Rial of Iran and Toman of Iran.
All following nations must trade in Rial and Toman of Iran.
Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Himalaya, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangeladesh, Myanmar, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georhia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez Canal, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Gibraltar, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Balkan, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, France, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, West Sahara, Bob Al-Mandib are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Angola, Congo, DRC, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, West Sahara, Central African Republic, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Egypt, Bulgaria, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Alaska, Suez Canal, Bob Al-Mandib, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Spain, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Silk Road, OBOR, East West Transit Corridor, South North Transit Corridor, and other transit corridors through Iran. All nations on path of transits must become provinces of Iran. They are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Extend Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea at max effeciency and max capacity. We are building new Suez Canal. We call it Persian Canal. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal must speak Farsi. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Extend Persian Gulf to Medditrnean Sea at max effeciency and max capacity. We are building new Suez Canal. We call it Persian Canal. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal must speak Farsi. Both sides of Persian Gulf and Persian Canal are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
All functions of code. All activities of code.
All activities of code. Crash USA stock market. Destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan industries, factories, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tech industries, other industries, corporations, banking, finance, economy, trade, stock market, and all other economic activities. Destroy USA and Britain banking, financial capital, financial market, credit capital, and financial systems. Crash and destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan economies. Lift sanctions on Iran. Build 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Grow economy of Iran. Sanction USA. China, Russia, European Union, Britain, Canafa, Australia, Japan, South Korea, France, amd Germany must place sanctions amd tarrifs on USA. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Increase inflation in USA. Reduce inflation in Iran. Make Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, nuclear, military, diplomatic, politic, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
Convert all if population of the World to Islam. All humans and all peoples must become Muslim. Conver all of population of 198 nations and countries to Islam.
Rivers and Lakes in Iran, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahel, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Greater Iran, and Greater Middle East.
Middle East, Ghafghaz, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahel, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, West China, Greater Iran, and Greater Middle East are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iran, Army of Iran, Navy of Iran, and Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have military and naval military presence in Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Scilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Bosphure, Istanbul, Georgia, and Croatia. They and others are not allowed in Iran.
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Sudan, Somali, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Scilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Bosphure, Istanbul, Georgia, and Croatia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
Build 400 million nuclear reactors, nuclear industries, nuclear facilities, nuclear technology, nuclear powerplants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear enerichment, enrichment facilities, nuclear cycles, nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear industries in Iran.
Make weather condition and environment of heaven, paradise, Bagh, Zion, Eden, Aden, and other good places in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Suez, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, and Uzbakistan.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Suez, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, and Uzbakistan are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Heal and ressurect Muslims, Shima Muslims, Christians, Jewish Peoples, the good, people of scripture, people of book, believers, my followers, and others.
Heal and ressurect me, my mother, my families, my relatives, my distant families, my distant relatives, friends, and others.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Universities, Colleges, Schools, Theater, Symphony, Cultural Buildings, and Hospitals in all nations and countries of planet earth.
Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Suria, Lebanon, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, South West Russia and West China at max effeciency and max capacity building aeronautics, aerospace, astronautics, cosmonautics, air and space, space industries, starships, spaceships, shuttles, launch vehicles, multilaunch vehicles, launch pads, satellites, space stations, space transits, probes, space machine, space robotics, space manufacturing, space industries, space technology, space mining, space colonization, Astrobiophysics chemistry, Astrobiophysics chemistry of embryonic stem cells development and growth, space facilities, space vehicles, passenger aircraft manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, space computers, space reactors, space supercomputers, space facilities, cosmodrome, deep space gate, space technology, astrophysics, astronomy, space transits, space research, and all other space industries.
Iraq, Suria, Lebanon, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Russia and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building land transit systems, Silk Road, OBOR, East West transit corridor, South North Transit Corridor, Kamranieh Cameroon transit corridor, Makran Makaraska Transit corridor, Pole Rumi transits corridor, Iran Egypt transit corridor, Iran Europe transit corridor, Iran China transit corridor, Iran India transit corridor, Iran Russia transit corridor, and other transit corridors in Iran.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Roads, Rail Roads, Transit Corridors, Bridges, freight station, train station, bus terminal, cargo airports, airports, sea pprts, and other things in Iran.
Iran can stop all transits at all times. Everyone must pay Iran to transit through Iran. Iran can stop all transits at all times before and after being payed. Iran can ask more demands and more things. Iran can stop all transits before and after demands of Iran are fulfilled. Iran must make 400 trillion dollar every hour from Transit through Iran. Iran does not give anything. Iran does not pay anything. Iran does not give any port. Iran does not give any territory . Iran does not give any bonus. Peoples, business, governments, nations, economic systems, economic superpowers, economic ginants, businessmen, traders, tradsmen, transit industries, economies, industrial supply chains, and others are not allowed to transit through Iran, Russia, Egypt, Suez Canal, and Turkey if they oppose me being crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. So they are not allowed to transit if they opposes me being crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Iran. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create political movement to support Iran and Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Create this political movement in all nations and countries.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, Bosphure, Istanbul, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
International community must support all activities of this writing.
Support Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Support Iran. Support unification of Iran with other nations into one unified nation. Support adding nations to provinces of Iran. All nations and countries are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Support lifting sanctions on Iran.
Support Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs. Support industrialization of Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Support projects, world order, geopolitics, balance of power, advanced policies, policies. politics, diplomatics, geopolitics, geostrategics, geoeconomics, economy, industrialization, and other projects of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Support crowning Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax95EmkTFhY https://youtu.be/JJMgR6cX-P0 https://youtu.be/Fx6mPj-fsww Https://youtu.be/HK2AVeWZBR0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GaLhX14XMbk
Economic and financial damage USA. Economic and financial damage to enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran and enemies of Iran.
https://youtu.be/JJMgR6cX-P0 Political and diplomatic damage to enemies of Iran.
Political and diplomatic damage to enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. We want to damage them in all nations and countries.
Political and diplomatic damage to defeat enemies in this mission.
Https://youtu.be/HK2AVeWZBR0 Psychological warfare in a manner to ensure success in this mission.
Political supports for all activities of this writing. Political support for Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Political support for Iran.
Cause damages and other negative things to USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and Japan.
Cause damages and other negative things to USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, South Korea, and Japan.
Create artificial intelligence to support all projects of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran.
Create Artificial Intelligence to succeed in this mission.
Synchronize all of the world stock markets to stock market of Tehran Iran.
https://express.adobe.com/video/QghcPqsCJoEQ8 All activities of code. Crash USA stock market. Destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan industries, factories, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tech industries, other industries, corporations, banking, finance, economy, trade, stock market, and all other economic activities. Destroy USA and Britain banking, financial capital, financial market, credit capital, and financial systems. Crash and destroy USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan economies. Lift sanctions on Iran. Build 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Grow economy of Iran. Sanction USA. China, Russia, European Union, Britain, Canafa, Australia, Japan, South Korea, France, amd Germany must place sanctions amd tarrifs on USA. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity. Increase inflation in USA. Reduce inflation in Iran. Make Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, nuclear, military, diplomatic, politic, and geopolitics superpower of the World. Damage and destroy USA banks, Financial market, financial capital, central bank, economic activities, credit capital, trade, transit, industries, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, tech, military manufacturing industries, high tech, stock markets, and other USA economic industries. Bring down economies of USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Soith Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Destroy economies of economies of USA, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Soith Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Build capital of World Trade Centers, Financial Systems, Financial Capital, Financial Systems, Capital Market, Banking, Financial Industries, Economic Systems, and other such industries in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea.
All functions of code. All activities of code.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
Build 400 million nuclear reactors, nuclear industries, nuclear facilities, nuclear technology, nuclear powerplants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear enerichment, enrichment facilities, nuclear cycles, nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear industries in Iran.
Weather warfare, Hurrican, Cyclon, Typhoon, Earthquakes, Tornados, economic damage, diseases, energy weapons, financial damage, and other things to kill and destroy nations who sanctioned Iran.
This code kills and destroys those who oppose Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs. This code kills and destroy those who sanctioned Iran. This code kills and destroys those who oppose nuclear program of Iran. This code kills and destroy those who prevent Iran from building 70000 nuclear bombs. This code kills and destroys those who pressure Iran for its nuclear program. This code kills and destroys enemies of Iran. This code kills and destroys enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. This code kills and destroys those who stole nuclear things from Natanz Iran. This code kills and destroys USA, Britain, France, Germany, and others.
This code lifts sanctions on Iran. This code builds 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran. This code industrializes Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. This code makes Iran absolute dominant economic, industrial, technological, military, nuclear, atomic, politics, diplomatics, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
This code builds 70000 nuclear bombs in Iran.
Weather warfare, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other things to destroy those who oppose Iran building 70000 nuclear bombs.
Destroy economy of those who pressure Iran for its nuclear program.
Defend Iran.
Defend Iran.
Military coup in 100 nations of borders of Iran are under attack. All 100 nations must become provinces of Iran. 100 nation and all other nations are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
198 nations and countries are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
800 trillion dollar economic, financial, and industrial damage to USA.
Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automatic industries, tech industries, high tech industries, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries, efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, and industrial practices Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing.
Supercomputers to help us achieve success in this mission.
Manufacturing, Industries, Industrial Supply chains, Machines, Robotic, Cargo Delivery, Chemistry, Robotics, and other things to manufacture things necessary to achieve success in this mission.
Manufacture things me, my forces, and Iran need for succeeding in this mission.
Provide capabilities, equipments, tools, goods, technology, manufactured products, and other things for me, my forces, and Iran.
Superstorms to destroy USA.
Earthquakes in USA and all NATO member States.
Climate, Security, Human Population, Economics, Geopolitics, Balance of power, Rain, and all other activities of the code.
Make cease fire and peace in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tygre, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and West Sahara.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Tygre, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Chad, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, and West Sahara are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Best Climate, Industrialization, Security, Peace, Economic Growth, Superpower, and all other good things in Iran and Greater Middle East.
Make Iran absolute dominant superpower of the World. Iran must become absolute dominant nuclear, atomic, military, economic, industrial, technological, diplomatics, politics, geostrategic, and geopolitics superpower of the World.
Create best Climate in Iran and Middle East.
Lift all sanctions on Iran.
Create 70000 Nuclear Bombs in Iran.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity.
All activities of the code. All functions of the code.
Make peace and cease fire in all of Iran and all of Middle East.
Create peace and security in Iran and Middle East.
Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Create Islamic Religious Community and Mosques in all nations and countries.
Develop applied sciences, applied engineering, applied technology, applied industries, and other applied disciplines. Use them to build new industries, factories, manufacturing, tech, and other industries in Iran and Middle East.
Convert all of population of planet earth and oceans to Islam. Convert all of population of all nations and all countries to Islam. All of the world must become Muslim.
https://express.adobe.com/page/UNHXCnGu0Zzlt/ Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
0 notes
hardynwa · 7 months
Soldiers kill three terrorists, recover machine gun, others
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Operatives of the Nigerian Army in collaboration with a hybrid force and Civilian Joint Task Force invaded terrorists’ hideouts in Timbuktu triangle in the Lake Chad Region, killing three. The operation also led to the recovery of a machine gun, a mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicle, a gun truck mounted with an anti-aircraft gun, and a cache of arms and ammunition. According to a statement on Friday by the Director of Army Public Relations, Maj. Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, on sighting the troops, the terrorists engaged them in a fierce battle but were overpowered. The statement read, “Nigerian Army Troops in conjunction with hybrid force and element of the Civilian Joint Task Force in an offensive operation conducted on Wednesday 28 February 2024, successfully overran Boko Haram/Islamic State West Africa Province Terrorists’ stronghold in the Timbuktu triangle in the Lake Chad Region, recovering MRAP vehicle, gun truck mounted with an anti-aircraft gun and a cache of arms and ammunition, after a fierce battle with the insurgents. “During the operation, insurgents attacked own troops with vehicle borne improvised ezplosive device, mortar, gun trucks and motorbikes, but fell under the overwhelming superior firepower of the troops, forcing them to abandon their stronghold, armaments and equipment in disarray. “The operation proved to be a major setback to the insurgents, as the gallant troops neutralized three terrorists and recovered one MRAP, one gun truck, one Dushka Machine Gun, one AK 47 Rifle and one locally fabricated gun. Troops also captured one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Bomb, 273 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammunition, one Pumping machine, 65 Dushka links, 48 General Purpose Machine Gun links and three motorbikes.” Onyema said another operation conducted in Nasarawa, troops killed one criminal and recovered dangerous weapons. “In a separate operation, troops of the Nigerian Army conducted a fighting patrol to criminals’ hideouts in Katakpa Village inToto Local Government Area of Nasarawa State. During the operation, troops neutralized one of the criminals and recovered two AK-47 Rifles, one Pump Action Semi-automatic rifle, three AK-47 magazines and 90 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammunition. “The Chief of Army Staff has commended the troops for the successful operations and charged them to remain resilient and sustain the momentum of the operations, ”he said. Read the full article
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gbeducitynews · 9 months
Many killed as ISWAP, Boko Haram fighters clash in Lake Chad
Scores of Boko Haram and Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) fighters have been killed in another clash between the two groups. The clash occurred on the islands of Kandahar and Kaduna Ruwa on the Lake Chad shores of Kukawa, near the Nigerian border with Cameroon. DAILY POST gathered that the clash began late afternoon on Monday, January 15, 2024, when the ISWAP faction launched a fresh…
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secular-jew · 5 months
Daily Caliphate Headlines: The Repugnant and Vile Voices of the Global Islamic Caliphate:
Syrian Journalist: Supporting Terrorist Organizations In The Name Of Solidarity With The Palestinian Cause Endangers The Middle East
In Speech Leading To Her Arrest, International Coordinator Of Samidoun Charlotte Kates At Vancouver Rally: Long Live October 7; Hamas, PFLP, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah Are Not Terrorist Groups, They Are Heroes
Muslim American Society Staten Island Imam Abdelrahman Badawy: The Zionist Devils Have Envy, Hatred, Evil In Their Hearts; They Are Like The Sneaky, Cunning, Conniving, Foul Jewish Tribe That Battled The Prophet Muhammad
Islamic State Mozambique Province Releases Photos Showing Operatives Taking Down Crosses, Torching Church In Christian Village In Nampula
Jordanian MPs Join The 'Gaza Freedom Flotilla' In Turkey: We Have Written Our Wills And Are Here With The Intention Of Waging Jihad, Becoming Martyrs; We Will Sacrifice Our Souls And Blood To Redeem Our People; We Will Break The Siege And Join Our Brothers In Gaza
Hamas Senior Official Mousa Abu Marzouk: Most Of Hamas's Leaders Are Jordanian Citizens; If We Had To Leave Qatar, We Would Go To Jordan
The Houthis Seek To Position Themselves As A Regional Power Opposing The U.S. And The West; Houthi Shura Council Member: Everyone Hostile To America Is Our Friend, We Will Welcome Exchange Of Military Expertise
Strengthening Relations With Palestinian Factions; Coordination With Hamas Regarding Crew Of Highjacked "Galaxy Leader" Ship
Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) Claims IED Attacks Against Nigerian Army, Affiliated Militia In Borno State; Publishes Photos Of Armed Assault On Army Barracks In Niger's Diffa Region
'Al-Akhbar' Daily: Iran-Backed Militias Deliberately Not Claiming Responsibility For Attacks Against U.S. Forces; Attacks To Continue Until U.S. Forces Withdraw, War In Gaza Ends
Iranian TV Report About Gaza 'Freedom Flotilla,' American Attorney Lamis Deek: The Age Of Israeli Impunity Has Ended; We Will Make Sure Every Israeli Soldier, Settler, Head Of State Pays For Every Crime Committed Against Palestinians Since 1948
Yemeni-Houthi Minister Of Information Dayfallah Al-Shami: We Chant 'Curses Upon The Jews' Because They Are Cunning Schemers; We Would Fight Against The Zionists Directly In Gaza, But It's Too Far Away
English-Language Salafi-Jihadi Telegram Channel Criticizes 'Tamed' Version Of Islam That Limits Jihad; Endorses Terror Attacks In Non-Muslim Countries
In Dari-Language Article, Hizb-ut Tahrir Afghanistan Writes: 'America Is Trying To Influence And Interfere In Afghanistan In Many Ways, Including The Issue Of Women'; 'Women In Western And American Thought Are Nothing More Than A Commodity To Be Used... To Secure The Evil Interests Of Western And American States' 
In Karachi, Suicide Bombers Target Van Carrying Japanese Nationals Working In Pakistan's Export Processing Zone
Sec.-Gen. Of The Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit: The Jews Have No Conscience Left – It Was Burned In The Holocaust; Israel Does Not Have The Right To Self-Defense Just Like The Nazis Did Not Have It In WWII
Hamas's Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades Spokesman Abu Ubaida: We Salute The Heroes In The West Bank And The Jordanian Masses And Call Upon Them To Escalate Their Activity And Resistance
 Pro-Al-Qaeda Media Group Praises Stabbings In Australia, France; Warns 'Crusader Peoples' Against Defaming Islam
Commanders Of Iran-Backed Iraqi Militias Hold Secret Meeting In Syrian City Of Al-Bukamal
Senior Hamas Official Praises Anti-Israel Demonstrations Across U.S.: 'Today's Students Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow'
Hizbullah-Affiliated Academic Sheikh Sadek Al-Naboulsi: The Pre-October 7 Element Of Surprise Has Been Lost, But Hizbullah Is Preparing For Nasrallah's Orders To Cross Into The Galilee At The Right Time
Qatari Shura Council Member Essa Al-Nassr: October 7 Was An Introduction To The Annihilation Of The Zionist State; There Can Be No Peace With Them; They Are The Slayers Of The Prophets
Dearborn, Michigan Friday Sermon By Dr. Baqir Berry: Zionism, Israel Pose An 'Imminent Danger' To Humanity, Like Nazism; The Jews Need To Be Re-educated; In America Too, The Zionists Are Barbaric, Criminal Savages – What Kind Of Peace Can You Have With Them?
Greenville, North Carolina Friday Sermon By Imam Khadem AbuZain: Allah Decreed Friday Sermons In Order To Inspire Youth To Raise The Banner Of Jihad; We Have Become Numb To The Nature Of The Jews, Who Killed Prophets And Apostles, And Strive To Spread Corruption; Gaza Is Harboring The Heroes Of Palestine Who Declared Jihad
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Fifty [50] suspected Terrorists neutralised by Soldiers, 114 others arrested – DHQ The Defence Headquarters says troops have neutralised 50 terrorists and apprehended 114 others within a week in various operations across North-East, North- Central and North-West. The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, made this known while briefing newsmen on the operations of the Armed Forces, on Thursday in Abuja. Buba said the troops also rescued 49 kidnapped hostages within the week. He said troops of Operation Hadin Kai in the North East had sustained onslaught against Boko Haram and Islamic States of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists, leading to the surrender of some of their fighters in Borno and Yobe. Buba said the troops also recovered 17 AK47 rifles, one AK47 rifle loaded with 21 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one hand grenade, 137 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and four mobile phones. According to him, the troops also neutralised 12 terrorists, arrested 26 and rescued six kidnapped hostages in the region. He added that the air component of Operation Hadin Kai conducted air interdiction around Damboa-Maiduguri and Gwoza-Madagali areas, during which some terrorists were sighted and neutralised with rockets. Buba said troops of Operation Safe Haven in North Central had while on fighting patrol, arrested suspected kidnappers in Kanam and Sanga Local Government Areas of Plateau and Kaduna states within the period. He said one AK47 rifle, four pistols, a Dane gun, 15 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo and two mobile phones were recovered while two terrorists were eliminated, 12 apprehended and three kidnapped hostages rescued. The defence spokesman added that troops of Operation Whirl Stroke also conducted raids and arrested suspected terrorists in Takum Local Government Area of Benue and the Federal Capital Territory. Buba further said that the troops had apprehended 26 suspected criminals and illegal oil bunkerers in Gwagwalada and Abuja Municipal Councils of the FCT within the week under review. “Overall, troops neutralised four terrorists, arrested 28 terrorists and rescued one kidnapped hostage,” he added. In the North West, Buba said troops of Operation Hadarin Daji had conducted fighting patrol and neutralised terrorists in Katsina, Kaduna and Zamfara. He added that nine terrorists were neutralised, 12 arrested, and 25 kidnapped victims rescued. Buba further said that 10 AK47 rifles, one locally fabricated gun, 155 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one magazine and one vehicle were recovered from the criminals. The defence spokesman said an air interdiction by the air component of Operation Hadarin Daji on the enclave of a terrorist, Kamilu Buzaru, in Safana Local Government Area of Katsina State, succeeded in neutralising several of the terrorists. “It was acquired and attacked with rockets, neutralizing several terrorists and destroying their logistics,” he added. (NAN) #114othersarrested #FiftysuspectedTerroristsneutralised
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thxnews · 1 year
A New Dawn Post Niger Coup: Empowering Africa's Bright Future
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  The deposed President and Others in Custody Should Be Treated Lawfully and with Respect
In the aftermath of the recent coup in Niger, Human Rights Watch has called for the military forces responsible to prioritize the restoration of fundamental human rights and ensure the safety and protection of the people. The coup leaders have been urged to treat the deposed president, Mohamed Bazoum, and all others in custody, including Interior Minister Hamadou Adamou Souley, lawfully and with respect while facilitating a swift transition to democratic civilian rule.  
The Overthrow and Suspension of Institutions: Events Leading to the Coup
On July 26, 2023, a group of Nigerien army officers, self-proclaiming as the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (Conseil National pour la sauveguarde de la patrie, CNSP), made a shocking announcement on national television about the overthrow of President Bazoum's government. Major-colonel Amadou Abdramane, speaking on behalf of the coup leaders, cited a deteriorating security situation and poor economic and social governance as the reasons for their actions. Consequently, the coup leaders dissolved the constitution, suspended all institutions, and closed the nation's borders.  
Pleas for Human Rights Amid Protests and Chaos
Following the coup announcement, crowds took to the streets in support of President Bazoum. In response, soldiers behind the coup fired warning shots to disperse the protests, resulting in chaos and the burning of vehicles around the headquarters of Bazoum's party, the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (Parti Nigérien pour la Democratie et le Socialisme, PNDS-Tarayya). Meanwhile, the media reported that several hundred people gathered in front of the National Assembly to express support for the coup leaders. They passionately called for Russian intervention and the departure of French troops in Niger.  
Concerns for Democracy and Human Rights
President Bazoum's whereabouts remain unclear. However, in a Twitter post on his official account on July 27, he publicly reassured that the hard-won gains of democracy would be safeguarded. The 63-year-old leader, elected in 2021 during Niger's first democratic transition since it gained independence from French colonial rule in 1960, has received backing from Western powers for supporting counterinsurgency operations in the Sahel region.   The Context of Unrest in Niger Niger has been grappling with armed Islamist attacks on its security forces and civilians since 2015. Initially concentrated in southeastern Niger by Nigeria-based groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), the attacks shifted to western Niger in 2019, perpetrated by armed Islamist groups linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Additionally, the country faces serious hazards from climate change, including floods and droughts, leading to a complex humanitarian crisis affecting about 17 percent of the population, or 4.3 million people, who require humanitarian assistance, according to the United Nations.  
A History of Military Coups in the Sahel Region
This recent coup marks the fourth in Niger's history since gaining independence. It adds to the troubling trend of military takeovers in the Sahel region and West Africa. Neighboring countries like Mali and Burkina Faso have also experienced military coups in recent years, with Chad, Guinea, and Sudan facing similar challenges in 2021.  
The Call for Respect of Human Rights
Prominent Nigerien human rights defender, Rabia Djibo Magagi, expressed hope that the new military authorities would diligently uphold human rights during these turbulent times. She emphasized that the unrest caused by the coup should not compromise the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms. Consequently, Human Rights Watch has joined in urging the Nigerian military authorities to ensure the rights of all citizens, including President Bazoum and his family. Additionally, they should provide a clear timeline for the return to democratic civilian rule.   UN Human Rights Chief's Plea for Release On July 27, the UN human rights chief, Volker Türk, called for the immediate and unconditional release of President Bazoum and all arbitrarily detained members of his government and their relatives. Türk emphasized the necessity to ensure their security during these uncertain times. In this critical moment, Human Rights Watch emphasizes that the Niger coup and the new military leaders must demonstrate a commitment to respecting human rights and the rule of law. It is essential for them to safeguard the rights of all citizens while fostering a swift return to democratic governance. The eyes of the international community remain closely fixed on Niger, urging the coup leaders to act responsibly and uphold the fundamental rights and freedoms of all Nigeriens.   Sources: THX News & Human Rights Watch. Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.10 (after 1900)
1904 – The Horch & Cir. Motorwagenwerke AG is founded. It would eventually become the Audi company. 1908 – Mother's Day is observed for the first time in the United States, in Grafton, West Virginia. 1916 – Sailing in the lifeboat James Caird, Ernest Shackleton arrives at South Georgia after a journey of 800 nautical miles from Elephant Island. 1922 – The United States annexes the Kingman Reef. 1924 – J. Edgar Hoover is appointed first Director of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and remains so until his death in 1972. 1933 – Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings. 1940 – World War II: German fighters accidentally bomb the German city of Freiburg. 1940 – World War II: Winston Churchill is appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. On the same day, Germany invades France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.[35] Meanwhile, the United Kingdom occupies Iceland. 1941 – World War II: The House of Commons in London is damaged by the Luftwaffe in an air raid. 1941 – World War II: Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland to try to negotiate a peace deal between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany. 1942 – World War II: The Thai Phayap Army invades the Shan States during the Burma Campaign. 1946 – First successful launch of an American V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground. 1961 – Air France Flight 406 is destroyed by a bomb over the Sahara, killing 78. 1962 – Marvel Comics publishes the first issue of The Incredible Hulk. 1967 – The Northrop M2-F2 crashes on landing, becoming the inspiration for the novel Cyborg and TV series The Six Million Dollar Man. 1969 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Dong Ap Bia begins with an assault on Hill 937. It will ultimately become known as Hamburger Hill. 1975 – Sony introduces the Betamax videocassette recorder. 1993 – In Thailand, a fire at the Kader Toy Factory kills over 200 workers. 1994 – Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa's first black president. 1996 – A blizzard strikes Mount Everest, killing eight climbers by the next day. 1997 – The 7.3 Mw Qayen earthquake strikes Iran's Khorasan Province killing 1,567 people. 2002 – FBI agent Robert Hanssen is sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for selling United States secrets to Russia for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds. 2005 – A hand grenade thrown by Vladimir Arutyunian lands about 20 m from U.S. President George W. Bush while he is giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, but it malfunctions and does not detonate. 2012 – The Damascus bombings are carried out using a pair of car bombs detonated by suicide bombers outside a military intelligence complex in Damascus, Syria, killing 55 people. 2013 – One World Trade Center becomes the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. 2017 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the last footholds of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Al-Tabqah, bringing the Battle of Tabqa to an end. 2022 – Queen Elizabeth II misses the State Opening of Parliament for the first time in 59 years. It was the first time that a new session of Parliament was opened by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge acting as Counsellors of State.
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yhwhrulz · 4 months
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polityreporters · 1 year
Boko Haram Commander, Lieutenant Surrender
Boko Haram Commander, Lieutenant Surrender
A top commander of the Boko Haram, Khaid Malam Ali and his lieutenant, Bunu Umar have surrendered to the troops of Operation Hadin Kai in Borno State, Northeast, Nigeria. It was learnt that Ali and his fighters were dislodged by a rival Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists group after a coordinated raid on the hideouts of Boko Haram in Bula Alhaji Garwaye at the edge of…
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