#islamic dresscode
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Did you know that "hijab" (literally, "cover") rules also apply to men?
They also apply to your house.
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joanaalrawyah · 8 months ago
I am a queer transwoman. Please don't judge me based on this blog, it is mostly an expression of my kinky self 😅
I am kinda prudish irl, and my real faith is closest to sikhism, which is why I veil everyday. I did almost convert to Islam years ago.
I enjoy submission, bondage and scenarios where I am dumbed down and changed, willingly or not. Hijab dresscode is a powerfull means of bondage for me, "islam" literally means "submision", and I still hope to be a mother someday, so that's the apeal.
Not really into that entire racial thing, but will play along if you are.
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arinailma · 1 month ago
Jilbab, lagi-lagi aku mau cerita tentang ini. As muslimah, idealnya emang perwajahan ketaqwaan seorang cewe beragama islam bisa dilihat dari bagaimana ia menjaga kehormatannya dengan berusaha menutup aurat. Yah, abaikan pihak-pihak yang ga setuju. Tulisan ini ga bermaksud menghakimi pihak manapun. Rill mau cerita aja tentang revolusi hijab di kehidupanku sendiri.
Okeh wkwk keknya bakal panjang sih.
Kalau ditanya kapan pertama kali pakai jilbab, aku juga ga inget sih. Yang jelas dari kecil aku udah dijilbabin sama umi. Inget banget foto jadul yang aku usia setahun digendong sama bibi di warung kelontong umi dulu. Itu udah dijilbabin sih, warna biru, gatau mungkin karena emang ngepasi acara kali ya jadi pakai baju muslim. WKWKWK oiya dulu kita nyebutnya baju muslim yak, lucu amat kalo dipikir-pikir lagi.
Terus makin gede waktu jaman TK pas lagi centil-centilnya. Antara pengen cantik dengan rambut hitam berkilau atau jilbab yang modelnya udah macem-macem. Disitu tetep pakai jilbab ya, even bajunya dress pendek selutut wkwk. Gapapa sih orang masih TK yak. Lagian dresscode kayak gitu cuma berlaku di rumah, sekitaran rumah, main sama temen-temen rumah. Pas itu juga masi ada aa ija si. Kalau sekolah si beda perkara ya. TKIT hamdalahnya membangun kebiasaan jilbaban yang bener. Walaupun jilbab seragam biru kotak-kotak yang punya tali renda kayak bando tu kadang-kadang kalau mau masuk jam tidur siang, suka dipakai buat mainan peri-peri an. Jadi jilbabnya dilepas terus talinya di mahkotain kayak orang-orang nikah gitu lo plis bocil teka wkwk.
Terus masuk SD Alhamdulillah nya sudah ludeng dengan jilbab. Pas SD nih kerasa banget dinamika jilbabannya. Masa SD sekaligus jadi awal Arin kenal sama kemultian jamaah umat yang bisa dilihat dari gimana cara muslimah-muslimahnya jilbaban. SD kelas 1 - kelas 3 kek biasa lah anak-anak gimana sih. Karena waktu kelas ini kita masih digabung kelasnya sama cowo-cowo jadi ... sebenernya aku ga banyak inget sih wkwk. Cuma seragam-seragam sekolah waktu itu yaa dipakainya beneran rapih gitu. Kalaupun ada acara pakai baju bebas, keknya masi dengan baju2 muslimah yg banyak kulihat di majalah Ummi kapan tahun itu.
Kelas 4 masih biasa aja, temenku waktu itu yang ibunya penjahit dan akhirnya termanifestasikan lewat besti ku yang selalu cakep kalau berpakaian. Dari dia aku mulai akrab sama baju potongan. Masih baju muslimah, yang satu stel satu warna tuh akhirnya opsi baju + rok udah mulai akrab disitu. Kelas 5, kelasnya pindah gedung. Di gedung yang ada masjidnya, jadi kalau solat duhur asar tuh proper banget. Ketemu sama temen-temen dari kelas sebelah, kakel-kakel dll lah. Buset gua sejak SD udah anak masjid bgt yak.
Pokoknya di masjid itu aku jadi deket sama satu anak dari kelas sebelah. Deket yang another level of bestii paham ga si wkwk. Kita ga sedeket itu tapi tiba-tiba jadi temen yang saling support buat fastabiqul khoirot gtu. Astaga anak SD udah ngerti ya beginian. Jadi ya, misal nih solat duhur, kalau ga aku duluan yang di shaff depan, ya pasti dia. Kalau ga ya barengan di shaff depan, kalau solat kayaknya kita udah ga musim ngebut-ngebutan solat. Dari dia aku malah banyak belajar buat melanin solat dan jauh lebih tuma'ninah wkwk. Yang lebih lama solat dia yg menang wkwk. YaAllah sumpah ini lucu banget.
Nah temenku satu ini, latar belakang keluarganya tuh yang cadaran, jilbabnya sampai lutut gitu. Kan kek aku melihatnya sangat masyaallah tabarakallah dongg karena di keluargaku jarang-jarang ada pemandangan kek gitu. Terinsipirasi dari dia, jadi tetiba kelas 5 - kelas 6 itu aku kalau request jahit baju ke umi, mau nya kek yang spek ukhti-ukhti salaf yang kain + warna jilbabnya plek ketiplek sama gamis. Bahkan sempet ada di momen aku minta ke umi, boleh ga aku pakai cadar wkwkwk astaga bocil. Padahal yauda bajunya cuma tahan kepake sampe kelas 6 itu pun cadarnya kalau iseng aja kupakainya. Tapi gamis-gamisnya emang secakep dan seanggun itu sih. Tau ga si kayak gamis yang kainnya jatoh, terus kalo kena angin kek yalili yalili wkwk. Inget banget punya beberapa gamis kek gitu warna kuning kunyit, cokelat, ijo toska, ungu, apalagi ya. Oh, favoritku yang ijo toska karena modelnya kayak kimono ato hanbok gitu jadi lucu. Mana sering banget kupakai pas kelas 6 masa-masa bimbel menjelang UN wkwk.
Terus SMP, keputusan untuk mondok sejak SMP emang udah keinginan besarku pas kelas 6 awal. Tapi milih pondok sampe Tasik tu murni Allah yang ngasih jalan sih. Ga expect juga mondoknya sampe luar kota yang harus ditempuh ngebis ato keretaan kurleb 6-8 jam. Di SMP langsung berubah temennya, yang awalnya mbak-mbak Jawa manis, harus beradaptasi dengan teteh-teteh Sunda cantik campernik. Di awal-awal masa SMP aku masih sempet pakai gamis-gamis satu stel sama jilbabnya kayak pas SD kelas 6. Tapi lama-lama nggak enak jga kalau terlalu mencolok beda sama yang lain. Akhirnya keknya kebawa sih sama temen-temen yang lain juga. Aku jadi kenal merek-merek baju bagus di SMP. Karena emang temen-temen SMP ku waktu itu kalau belanja baju apa-apa langsung di matahari kan. Tau merek nevada, Cressida, dll yg banyak itu juga dari temen-temen tasik. Alhamdulillah nya ga terlalu kebawa sih, udah kedoktrin dluan sama umi kalau budaya Sunda tuh lebih hedonis dibanding sama orang-orang Jawa yang sederhana. Padahal mah karena emang aslinya gapunya uwang aja wkwkwk.
Oiya baju-bajuku di SMP kayaknya kebanyakan batik karena emang lagi musim batik di solo. Jadi malah kek ciri khas gitu, oh Arin orang solo pakainya batik. Wkwkwk ga nyambung sih. Pas di SMP juga, inget banget pertama kali aku dibilangin sama guru bahasa Indonesia ku, entah ini muji atau gimana, tapi katanya di depan masjid sekolah pas mau solat duhur atau asar gitu, beliau bilang "bersahaja banget rin", aku keknya cuma senyum sambil "apasih mihh" gitu deh. Salting nya jelek banget Rin wkwk mana kalo diinget-inget juga masi senyum-senyum sendiri.
Lanjut SMA kayaknya aku udah mulai punya gaya sendiri dan lebih nyaman dengan gaya sehari-hari. Karena pondoknya lebih eksklusif kek sekompleks cuma akhwat aja ga kayak di SMP, jadi baju kasual jadi sehari-hari aja sih. Paginya seragaman, balik asrama kaosan, sampe belel lah itu kaos-kaos wkwk. Pake baju kek gamis ato yg bagus-bagus kalo pas ada kajian sama event-event aja. Itu juga masih harus pakai jilbab khusus santri putri yg warnanya kalo ga item, ya putih. Walaupun peraturan ini emang dulu kek ditentang banget sama temen-temenku, pada akhirnya aku sadar kalau mungkin pondok pengen anak-anak ga ngerasa terkotak-kotak an karena brand. Terlepas dari tujuan kesekian pondok yang mau mengkomersilkan semua aspek kesantrian. Yaa gimana ya pondoknya isinya orang-orang elit sih. Temen-temen SMA juga macem-macem kerudungannya, ada yang kalau pakai jilbab seragam putih harus dilapisin dulu pakai jilbab lain biar ga nerawang dan dipakai nya lebar banget tuh. Ada juga yang pendek samping asal depan aja yang panjang. Yaa macem-macem lah. Kalo aku keknya ga berubah-ubah, menyesuaikan sama tinggi badan aja sih. Yang penting ga nerawang, ga keliatan auratnya udah wkwk nyaman gitu.
Terus lanjut di kuliah. Wah dinamikanya makin kerasa wkwk. Apalagi pas maba, Alhamdulillah nya PKKMB ku onlen, mungkin kalau offline udah rada bablas sih. Begitu melepaskan title santri, gatau kenapa yang ada di bayanganku adalah mbak-mbak kuliah yang well-dressed, rapi, cakep lah pokoknya. Tapi karena mode nya lagi mode covid dan kita cuma di kamar aja ngadep laptop, boro-boro kepikiran well-dressed, oncam aja mager banget wkwk. Mana temen-temen sealumni SMA juga kan banyak tuh yang naikin jilbab sampe diiket lah, atau yang biasanya pakai rok lengkap kaos kaki, pas skrang mah pakai celana longgar aja udah Alhamdulillah banget. Jadi kek, ngerasanya kalo aku agak berubah nih, keknya gaakan beda banget kok. Toh masih gini, masih pake ini, itu gapapa kali ya.
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poetessinthepit · 11 months ago
So, my friend from Yemen gave me a traditional Yemeni outfit as a Ramadan gift, which included a niqab. I sent a picture of me wearing the outfit to my mom, and my very liberal mother freaked out and said she was shocked by me wearing this outfit and she told me that "I need to be careful". The implication is that this isn't appreciation and cultural exchange between two equal parties, but that there's something insidious and malicious going on, that this arab muslim man is trying to brainwash me and control how I dress and I find it very offensive. I know my friend respects me as an equal and believes in women's rights because we've had multiple conversations about it. He's personally educated me on the women's rights issues in Yemen, and he is devastated that his daughter is currently growing up under Ansar Allah rule. But because he is a Muslim Arab, my mother, who thinks she is so open-minded, instantly casts him as a misogynist without knowing him.
As a non-muslim, it is not my job to decide whether Islam is compatible with feminism. All I know is there are muslims who see no contradiction between their faith and their progressive values, and let's not disrespect those people or deny that they even exist. It's not just lslamophobia, but a form of xenophobia to see muslims not as complex and diverse full human beings, but as caricatures, especially as nefarious infiltrators of western culture. Even people who see themselves as liberal like my mother can fall prey to this way of thinking.
Also, while wearing a niqab specifically is a practice amongst some Islamic women, and some Islamic theocracies force patriarchal dresscodes through state violence (something which I have always disagreed with and always will), both covering your face and veiling are not practices exclusive to Islam and there's nothing wrong or anti-feminist about doing either. In the context of Yemen, there are many versions of their traditional dress for both women and men that include a type of a face covering. Meanwhile, Ansar Allah has essentially banned traditional dress for women in the areas they control, forcing women to wear all black. The traditional dress is modest, but it is also colorful and has life and is an important way for Yemeni women to feel a connection to their heritage. It's so ignorant to say the traditional dress is sexism when the true sexism is women not be allowed to wear it.
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automatismoateo · 1 year ago
A new Islamic Highschool is opening in my country and I am mad as hell. via /r/atheism
A new Islamic Highschool is opening in my country and I am mad as hell. hate this. Do yall have Islamic schools too? I'm interested in your critics on it, or maybe theres good things abt it? But for this one, I have multiple complains. The named themselfs "Novum Saeculum Lyceum" Probably because naming your school something in Arabic would look worse for them, so of course they gave themselfs a Latin name to try to get people to like them more! :3 Wtf is that dresscode rule (Translated from Dutch but it is quoted): - "students dress according to the decency standards of our Islamic identity" mm.. That's fair tbh? - "no provocative or offensive clothing is worn and caps and sunglasses are not allowed" Also fair. Most schools don't allow caps nor sunglasses. - "The ladies are expected not to wear tight clothing and at least a tunic up to the knees, a headscarf is a common sense" uhuh okay so where is the part where u tell the boys very specifically what to wear? Oh wait... they don't have that! Because of course girls matter more haha! Why do u want highschool girls to cover up so bad? Do you get turned on by highschool girls? "At Novum Saeculum Lyceum, parents and students can also rest assured that they are protected against the repressive policies of certain administrators against us believers" uhuh so basically atheist = bad!! we = good!! you guys = DO NOT HANG OUT WITH ATHEISTS! That's the most AWFUL thing about this all. HELLO!!! We live in the Netherlands. Most of us are Atheist. Don't want the Dutch people to hate you? Then fucking remove this from your website. I 100% believe this school is pushing kids away from Dutch culture, while I think we should all be in ONE school. We have to learn to understand each other, not segregate!! Submitted February 08, 2024 at 11:49AM by Other_Tiger_9056 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/sCnaobJ)
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iuicmontreal · 1 year ago
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seemabhatnagar · 2 years ago
Hijaab Row
India is known in the world as a Secular Country but see day by day the Secular fabric is tearing off. You belong to a particular faith so you are free to profess your religion, practices and faith but you can't compel people belonging to other faith to profess your religious practices. This is what done in the present case which recently came before Hon'ble Jabalpur High Court where in the Ganga Jamuna Higher Secondary School Urdu is being taught as compulsory subject and students are compelled to recite prayers belonging to muslim faith in school.
On the other hand students belonging to Hindu or Jain Sect are restrained to wear Kalawa or to put Tilak on their forehead but are forced to wear Hijaab and salwar kurti.
This is a case of #HijabRow where  #Non-Muslim students studying in Ganga Jamuna Higher Secondary School, Futera Ward, Damoh, Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh were #forced to wear salwar kurti, head scarf (#Hijaab) and dupatta (#scarf) right from Nursery to Class XII and forcefully #restrained from putting #tilak on the forehead or# tying sacred thread (#kalawa) on their wrist and if #someone #wears the sacred thread (kalawa) or put tilak, she is being #forcibly #prevented, by the teachers.
A #complaint in this regard was received. Matter was inquired & Investigation was conducted & head Scarves were seized. Statement of the girl students were recorded and #FIR was #KotwaliDamoh of Damoh District for the offences punishable under Sections 295A, 506 and 120B of the IPC, Section 75 and 87 of Juvenile Justice Act (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 and Section 3/5(1) of the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act, 2021.
FIR was registered against the #Principal Asfa Sheikh, #teacher Anas Athar and Peon Rustom Ali and management of the school for commission of the aforesaid offences. They were #arrested and are in detention since 11.06.2023.
Submission of the Counsel of the Applicant
1.     It was contended by the Counsel of the detenues that they are innocent and are falsely implicated.
2.     The counsel also submitted a copy of the resolution accordingly it is the #SchoolManagement and #Director of the #School Mohd, Idris who had #prescribed #dresscode for all girl students and made it compulsory to wear scarf.
3.     The detenues were #acting as per the #instructions of the #SchoolManagement. The counsel prayed for the release as in the matter after investigation, charge sheet was submitted.
Submission of the Counsel of the State
1.     The counsel of the #State #opposed the #bail application as the statements of the girl students demonstrated that they were compelled to wear head scarf (Hijaab).
2.     whereas minority institutions cannot compel the students belonging to other religion to wear head scarf (Hijaab)
3.     and it also cannot prevent students of other religion from wearing sacred thread (kalawa) and putting tilak on the forehead.
4.     It also cannot compel them to read Urdu language necessarily and to recite the prayers belonging to Islam faith.
Observation of the Court
1.     Charge sheet has been filed against the applicants who are principal, teachers and peon.
2.     The main allegations are against management of the school.
3.     Trial of the case will take considerable time.
4.     Therefore, without expressing any opinion on the merits of the case, but having taken into consideration all the facts and circumstances of the case, I am of the view that it is a case in which applicants may be released on bail.
Bail application is allowed subject to the conditions:
1.     Applicants shall not repeat commission of offence.
2.     They shall not prevent students of other religion from wearing the essentials of their own religion.
3.     They shall not compel the students of other religion to read/study any material or language which has not been prescribed or approved by the Madhya Pradesh Education Board.
4.     They shall not provide any religious education or material belonging to Islam faith to the students of other religion and shall impart only modern education as contained in Section 53(1)(iii) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015.
5.     Girl students of other religion i.e. Hindu and Jain etc. shall not be compelled to wear head scarf anywhere in the school premises or in the class rooms.
6.     Further applicants - Asfa Sheikh, Anas Athar and Rustom Ali be released on bail on their furnishing a personal bond incorporating the aforesaid conditions, in the sum of Rs.50,000/- each with one solvent surety each in the like amount to the satisfaction of the trial Court, for their regular appearance before the trial Court during trial with a condition that they shall appear before the concerned Court on all the dates fixed by it during trial.
7.     The order is effective till the end of the trial and in case of breach of any of the conditions the order shall become ineffective.
Seema Bhatnagar
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kendrixtermina · 1 year ago
No state has a right to exist.
People do.
States are made up concepts, political organizations. The idea of Nationalism dates back to the 19th century & was one of the worst ideas ever.
Getting rid of a state =/= doing anything to the people.
Germany went through 4 and a half different state forms in the last 100 years: The Empire, the Weimar Republic, the Nazi Dictatorship, the Modern Republic, and, depending on where you were you might also have lived in a Communist Dictatorship.
I once spoke to an old granny who was born during the monarchy. She outlasted several states.
I would confidently say the two Dictatorships should never have existed & wouldn't have a right to exist, as such, if they were around now. I think North Korea shouldn't exist - but by that, I obvsly don't mean "kill all North Korans" but "put a republic instead", or maybe they can rejoin the south if they want to - it would be up to them.
how do you feel about the existence of official Christian and Muslim/Islamic states?
Super against it.
Have consistently complained about Separation of Church & State being violated both in my own country & the USA.
I'm a secular humanist; I want no religion in government anywhere, and no ethnostates. I'm against the institution of Israel for the same reason that I'm against a "whites only" country. Government shoould be for everyone & treat everyone equal, not prefer certain races & religions.
No one is entitled to a state only for people like themselves. That's a crazy, dangerous idea. (Just look at every totalitarian state or ethnic cleansing ever.)
Also, it's an infeasible idea based on 19th century bullshit. There have never truly been "pure" cultures that didn't interact with others and forever stayed in the same plot of land. For as long as humans existed, they have migrated, mixed as well as influenced & copied each other.
They actually had to run re-education campaigns to get european peasants to identify with "France", rather than associate home with just their local village.
All throughout early modernity, much blood was shed because you couldn't draw a line so that all Slavs are on one side & all Germans are on the other. In the north european plain, there was a huge area where the peasantry was slavic & was always slavic since they arrived in the dark ages from Ukraine. Meanwhile the cities were German & always were German since they were founded by traders in the middle ages. - the land is flat, so it changed hands countless times throughout the middle ages & pre-modernity. The concept of nation states, of cleanly separating everyone out, woefully failed the area. The closest it came to being separated was after WWII when the Nazis killed a bunch of slavs & the sovjets expelled all the Germans.
- but then, just 20 years later, it got all mixed up again as Poles migrated to Germany for better jobs. Humans mix & Migrate.
You can't perfectly separate populations or freeze them in some arbitrary past. It has never worked.
Also, you gotta differentiate between "a country that is majority muslim or christian" and "a country where Christians or Muslims have special rights & preferential treatment"
There are a lot of the former, but they only exist for very popular religions. Many religions aren't the majority anywhere.
But the second category is pretty rare actually: There are very few countries where special treatment for one religion is enshrined in law - Right now, I can only think of Saudi Arabia, the Vatican, and communist countries that banned or discouraged religion. (in a sense, forcing everyone to be atheist. I may be an atheist myself, but I'm a humanist before that - I value freedom of choice & opinion, so I don't want anyone forced to be atheist. )
And I think we all agree that Saudi Arabia executing unbelievers is pretty barbaric. Or even what Iran does in forcing everyone to follow religious dresscode.
There are certainly rightwing movements that seek to make the USA for Christians or India for Hindus only... and those too, are thought of as barbaric. They typically victimize religious minorities.
So what I mean when I say Israel needs to go is that there needs to be a secular, democratic state with equal rights for all. No religion or ethnicity is treated different.
The resulting democratic state probably wouldn't be called "Israel" because that's preferential treatment for one group. But I see no reason to tear down the great universities, tech companies, healthcare system etc. that exist there & expelling the present-day "israelis" is not realistic & if it were enforced would probably result in atrocities, so I wouldn't support that either.
Everyone has to have equal rights to water & land. Though probably there would be some degree of reparations so the arab population doesn't lag behind economically for generations like USA black & native ppl, black south africans & aboriginal Australians did.
Some Israelis seem to believe this will result in ya'll being murdered, but they said the same about freeing the slaves or getting rid of Apartheid, so sorry if I don't believe it & think that's kinda racist.
Most of the Palestinians I've talked to online seemed to favor "1 democratic state with equal rights".
I don't see why that's impossible - The Rwandans reconciled & built a prosperous country (and there ppl murdered their neighbors with bare hands & machetes, not with the distancing of technology); France & Germany were once considered hereditary enemies and nowadays there is not even a border between them anymore, and we're just all EU citizens. I didn't even know they considered each other enemies until I learned that in history class.
If someone tells me "Germany should be only for Germans" or "USA only for white people" I will rightfully assume they are a fucking Nazi & the scum of humanity. Same with "Japan only for Japanese" or "India only for Hindus", and yes, "Israel only for Jews".
Nationalism is cancer; Ethnostates are bullshit.
And after the dismantling of South African Apartheid, I don't think there are any other countries besides Israel left in the world where racial discrimination is enshrined in law.
Genuine question
(I'm asking all those who believe that the land of Israel isn't or shouldn't be "the Jewish state", I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm genuinely interested so please be respectful):
Do you think Jewish people are entitled to a "Jewish state" at all?
If your answer is yes:
Do you know of a place where they can go and form a new Jewish state (peacefully)?
If your answer is no:
Why do you think that they're not entitled to a Jewish state and how do you feel about the existence of official Christian and Muslim/Islamic states?
(I chose not to add a poll because people tend to forget to properly interact with posts that include polls)
Please reblog to boost! Thanks a lot!
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idohistorysometimes · 3 years ago
So what is going on in Iran right now?
I am pretty sure most of you who are either on TikTok or keep up with international news have heard about the massive protests happening in Iran right now. Its a pretty big deal. But what exactly are these protests for and why are they so important?
Hopefully, for those who dont know whats going on I can explain it all here.
Who is Mahsa Amini and what happened to her
Mahsa Amini was a 22-year-old woman traveling from Kurdistan to Tehran (the capital of Iran) to visit family and was stopped once she entered the city by something called “the morality police” (yes this is a real thing). They claimed Mahsa Amini was wearing her Hijab incorrectly and that she would be arrested to undergo “reeducation” at the police station (which would result in her being released after an hour or so). Mahsa’s brother was with her when she was arrested and waited at the station for her to be released.
It is unclear what exactly happened between when Mahsa was arrested and the events of her death (mostly because we do not have any video of these events), but the women detained along with Mahsa reported for similar offenses reported Mahsa was violently beaten by said “morality officers”. This was supposedly for resisting their insults directed toward her. This story is corroborated by her brother’s report of Mahsa having bruises all over her body and the hospital where Mahsa was staying reporting she was brain dead upon arrival along with reporting signs of skull fracture and bleeding in her brain both on social media and in leaked medical reports.
Mahsa died of her injuries 2 days after she was admitted to the hospital on September 16th of 2022. 
The official cause of death as reported by both the morality police and Iranian government has been extremely suspicious since the ‘official’ story claims she died as a result of a random heart attack/seizure combo. However, as stated before, there is plenty of evidence that Mahsa was violently attacked which includes (but is not limited to): the skull fractures found, the bruising around her body and face, the bleeding found in her brain and ears, and the fact several other witnesses have either said they witnessed the assault or have seen the previous things. Mahsa’s father also reported she was in perfect health and did not have a history of heart or seizure issues.
Why are people protesting?
For the people of Iran, instances of violence like this are not an unheard-of occurrence. Since the revolution of 1979 and the creation of this “morality police force” women were forced to wear the Hijab regardless of personal choice and had to adhere to a strict modest dress code lest they face similar treatment to Mahsa. To quote an actual penal code enacted in Iran post-revolution:
"women who appear in public without religious hijab will be sentenced to whipping up to 74 lashes"
Violence against women for this reason was now, in a way, much more normalized. Some of these dresscodes did apply to men, sure, but they were primiarly created expressly to control women with the use of fear and force by way of the Hijab. To also directly quote Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (who has been in power since 1989):  
"improperly veiled women should be made to feel unsafe"
Is this an anti-Islam protest?
The protests surrounding the death of Mahsa Amini have definitely gained international attention by what many people are doing in them. Many women are burning their hijabs in the streets, cutting off/shaving their hair, and otherwise just doing a lot of things that, traditionally, would be considered taboo under this system that's currently in place. However, this does not seem to be a direct rejection of Islam and rather a direct rejection of control over women by the use of the Hijab as an avenue for that control.
As stated before, this is not a new issue. There have been anti-hijab protests going on since the revolution in Iran back in the 70s. There were even protests pre-revolution FOR veiling since the leader at the time wanted to strictly stick to western norms. Iran shifted from one major extreme to the other. And in both these extremes choice on the part of the woman in question is completely taken out of the equation. It has been men making these choices for women in a broad universal way without giving women the ability to decide what they want for themselves. There is more than 1 way to veil in Islam. There are also many women who do not veil at all but are still active participants in their faith. There is not one specific way to do this correctly within Islam because modesty as a whole is a subjective topic. So the fact this police force exists in the first place is less about keeping morals ‘secure’ and more about exerting control through these rules via more extreme interpretations. 
It would however be unfair to say that these protests and the cultural revolution happening because of these protests do not diametrically oppose some parts of Islam and the culture surrounding it. These beliefs are incompatible by virtue of them being polar opposites of each other. These protests, like it or not, have western influence on them and this influence threatens certain parts of Islam because over time certain aspects of culture have become rooted in these controlling methods. Its pretty unclear how this will all play out. However, it is safe to say this will be shaking up things both within Iran and in the world of Islam as a whole. 
Why are Non-Iranian women also cutting their hair?
Ever since the protests have gained international attention many women outside of Iran (both ethnically Iranian and not) have also been cutting their hair to various degrees to stand in solidarity with protestors. 
This is significant symbolically for a few reasons. In many cultures, long hair is directly tied to one's femininity, attractiveness, and even in some cases where one comes from. Like it or not hair is culturally and socially important and the loss off it can be a very big deal for those living under these cultural expectations. In Iran doing something like this subjects you to harassment from the morality police. It breaks the morality code and challenges the idea of what a woman should be and look like. Outside of this context, the removal of hair can be a sign of mourning, fear, anger, and a rejection of femininity (or in this case, the control brought on by strict gendered dress codes). 
There has been a lot of controversy around this act since many people currently participating in these protests feel this act is performative activism on the part of western allies. Cutting one's hair is not really on the same level as donating money to a cause or protesting yourself. But others believe this is an important act of international solidarity. If you reading this decide to do this: do it at your own discretion and be sure your act of solidarity does not outshine the actual protests going on.
Why are people asking to blur/delete protest footage posted online?
It should go without saying that the people protesting right now are putting themselves in very real danger. What happened to Mahsa Amini is now happening to protesters who are speaking out about Iran’s harsh morality laws. Many people have died already as a result of participating in these protests and many more have gone missing. When you are dealing with an oppressive system like this they are not going to take too kindly to opposition. And if they are not afraid to beat women simply for wearing their Hijab ‘incorrectly’, they are not afraid to do much worse to political rivals. 
Out of respect for the protesters and their safety: please blur out any faces, names, and remove all metadata from any protest photos/footage you decide to share online. Because if I can find one of the protestors on Instagram simply by looking at their face and general location so can the morality police. For those around during the Black Lives Matter protests, the Russian anti-war protests, or any other media-sensitive protest use those same rules when posting footage/reporting on them
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juliablind · 4 years ago
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🙏THE MALE ISLAMIC DRESS CODE🙏 قُل لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ وَيَحْفَظُوا فُرُوجَهُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَزْكَىٰ لَهُمْ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا يَصْنَعُونَ [24:30] "Tell the believing men to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do." (Al Quran 24:30). For women, see the next verse (24:31). ▪ Islamic dress code for men: 1. Do not wear silk or gold. 2. Do not wear clothes that are see-through or thin. 3. Do not expose the 'awrah (your nakedness)(between the navel to the knee). 4. Do not dress like a woman. 5. Do not let your pants/thobe hang below the ankles. 6. Do not wear clothes for fame or vanity. 7. Cut your hair all the same length. 8. Let your beard grow and cut your mustache. May Allah help our brothers to observe the correct islamic dresscode. ▪▪▪ 🙏MANNENS KLÄDKOD INOM ISLAM🙏 "SÄG till de troende männen att de bör sänka blicken och lägga band på sin sinnlighet; det leder till större renhet i deras liv. Gud är underrättad om vad de gör." (Koranen 24:30). För kvinnor se vers 31 i samma kapitel. ▪ Mannens klädkod inom Islam: 1. Bär inte silke eller guld. 2. Bär inte kläder som är lätt att se igenom och är av tunt tyg. 3. Visa inte din 'awrah (nakenhet). (mellan naveln till knäna). 4. Klä dig inte som en kvinna. 5. Låt inte dina byxor hänga över din fotled. 6. Klä dig inte för att dra åt dig uppmärksamhet och vara fåfäng. 7. Klipp håret i samma längd. 8. Låt skägget växa och trimma mustaschen. Må Allah hjälpa våra bröder att hålla sig till den korrekta muslimska klädkoden. ▪ #islam #muslim #allah #deenoverdunya #alhamdulillah #juliasofia_writes #quran #hadith https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMUDUhAFf8PZY55jjNEPkscs9bmN2hxCrZMIs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nupati · 3 years ago
Ratusan Massa PMII Demo di Depan Gubernuran
Ratusan Massa PMII Demo di Depan Gubernuran
SEMARANG – Ratusan mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII) Komisariat UIN Walisongo Semarang, gelar aksi demo di depan kantor Gubernur Jawa Tengan, Jumat (8/4) sore. Ratusan massa tersebut berkumpul di depan kampus 3 UIN Semarang mulai pukul 13.00 WIB. Kemudian massa ber-dresscode biru tersebut bergeak menuju gubernuran. Para demonstran terzebut sampai depan…
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muslimnikah · 3 years ago
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▶️ Muslim Nikah ▶️ * MOOR FAMILY LOOKING FOR A GROOM* 90544 ***************************************************** Bride Details. ______________ ▪️Age : 31 ▪️Date of birth : 03.11.1990 ▪️Marital Status : Single ▪️Height : 5.4 ▪️Weight : 48 kg ▪️Complexion : Fair & Slim ▪️Dress Code : Shalwars & Saree(any dress adhered to Islamic dresscode) ▪️Home Town : Wattala ▪️Family Status : Upper Middle class ▪️School Attended : St. Anne's Convent ▪️Educational & Professional qualifications : O/L ,A/L , Followed English Course & Computer Course at JMC CMA Degree ▪️Other Skills : Cooking , Gardening, Sewing, Attend Ahadiya also ▪️Occupation : Work in Government Sector ▪️Father's Details : Bussiness- Hardware ▪️Mother's Details : House wife- Passed away ▪️Siblings : Sister - Studying University of Kelaniya Occupation - Teacher Brother- Studying IT Occupation- Work in IT sector ▪️Extra Info on Bride : Bride is an easy going, religious and matured girl, with a good family background. ▪️Expected Groom: Unmarried Religious, Educated, Teetotaler Caring & Understanding Partner With a Stable Job in Srilanka or Overseas below 40 years of age Height 5.5 or above *Contact :* ▪️Sister Call 0763799018 ▪️Email: suhaidhaj@gmail.com ▪️WhatsApp: 0763799018 Please send us your Nikah details to our Muslim Nikah (WhatsApp only) 💬+94762677723 https://www.facebook.com/brideswestern/ (at Wattala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWSpW5DIvDz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wtflife01 · 3 years ago
Regarding the Saudi Arabia GP. I've seen that it starts to become more and more about religion. // I think it became a religion question cause someone equaled criticizing Saudi dresscode stuff with islamophobia and then it became a discussion about if you could criticize religion and bla bla bla.
I personally am fine with it more cause in that country their religion is a big part of their identity, same as Italians and Christianity and others. (Not to say that they represent all of Islam, or all of Christianity, it's just a big thing in those countries) It's kinda difficult to separate them but it is also a very complex topic that might not be suited for this blog.
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jagungrebus · 8 years ago
Assalamualaikum mbak, 1 muharram kemarin saya sempat bertemu golongan baru yg teramat asing bagi saya. Di tempat tablik akbar itu membuat sy berpenampilan ganjil tidak seperti biasanya. Mereka menggunakan dresscode yg sangat tertutup dan gelap. Ada banyak pelajaran baru yg saya temui disana diluar dari materi kajian yg dibawakan oleh ustadznya. Bagaimana pandangan mbak dgn org2 yg terlalu fanatik dgn agama sehingga mempersempit ruang lingkup pergaulannya, terima kasih :)
Waalaikumsalam...saya menjawab sebagai pribadi yang awam baik soal agama maupun aliran ya. Jadi jangan jadikan ini sumber ilmu, hanya opini saya berdasarkan pengalaman dan pemahaman saya yang serba terbatas.
1. Dresscode yang sangat tertutup dan gelap, menurut saya syar’i, jadi masalahnya dimana? Bagi saya yang berkerudung alakadarnya, justru kagum dengan orang2 yang sudah mampu menutup aurat dengan sempurna, termasuk di media sosial. 
Menurut saya itu lebih aman baik untuk yang melihat maupun bagi kita sendiri. Bagi kita sendiri, dengan pake pakaian gelap dan tertutup perasaan ingin pamer fisik dan baju bisa ditekan, karena apa yang mau dipamerin, kain item? 
Versi pakaian syar’i buat kita kan beda2, kalau ada yang memilih begitu mungkin dia merasa itu lebih aman baginya and that’s okay. 
2. Mari kita samakan makna fanatik. Kalau mengacu dari KBBI, fanatik :   teramat kuat kepercayaan (keyakinan) terhadap ajaran (politik, agama, dan sebagainya.
Bagi saya, ‘terlalu fanatik’ itu sangat subyektif sih, tergantung pemahaman kita terhadap agama selama ini seperti apa. Kalau fanatik pada agama, menurut saya malah harus, apapun agamanya. Mau Kristen, Islam, Hindu, atau Budha, ya sebagai penganut sudah seharusnya dia fanatik. Kalo ga fanatik, berarti setengah2. 
Sekarang tergantung pemahamannya terhadap agama seperti apa, apakah yang difanatiki adalah ajaran yang memang benar sesuai ajaran agama atau melenceng dari agama itu sendiri? 
Beda dengan terlalu fanatik, mungkin maksudmu fanatik sempit kali ya. Nah tergantung juga bentuknya seperti apa, dan mengapa mereka melakukannya. Kalau itu membuat mereka menjadi sempit ruang pergaulannya dan mereka nyaman dengan itu, buat saya ga masalah asalkan dia ga mengganggu yang pemahamannya berbeda. Tapi apa yang saya pahami selama ini, lebih baik banyak membaur agar media dan lapangan dakwah semakin lebar dan smooth. Tapi itu pilihan masing2 personal. 
Ketika kita menilai apakah seseorang terlalu fanatik, lebih baik kita tahu dulu sih list2 hal yang fanatiknya itu apa saja. Benarkah dia terlalu fanatik, atau dia berbeda pemahaman dengan kita saja? Karena batasnya sangat halus hingga seringnya kita sulit membedakan.
Contoh sederhananya lah, ada yang membolehkan tahlilan orang meninggal namun ada juga yang tidak memperbolehkan karena tidak ada dalilnya. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa yang tidak memperbolehkan ini terlalu fanatik, padahal ga juga, hanya beda metode pemahaman aja. Yang penting saling menghormati, sesimple itu kalo buat saya.
Nah ketika yang kita sebut terlalu fanatik ternyata ajarannya bukan sesuai pemahaman yang benar (misalnya ada golongan yang berdzikir sampai menyiksa dan menyakiti diri sendiri - ini nyata loh), ini mah bukan terlalu fanatik, tapi salah kaprah (CMIIW). 
Jadi ya gitu, mohon maaf kalau jawaban saya panjang dan non sense. Tapi itu yang saya pahami selama ini, dimana saya sendiri orang awam dalam hal agama. Wallahualam bissawab. 
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mayangclarisa · 7 years ago
dimulai dari akhir september, aku disibukkan sama keperluan lkmm, entah kenapa pekerjaan ini menyita banyak waktuku. dari yang mondar-mandir minarik, sampai mondar-mandir kontrakan kamadita, tapi seru sih, ketemu para petinggi yang ga pernah kubayangkan bakalan sekocak itu. ya jika dilihat dari luar, petinggi-petinggi ini disegani, but for the sometime, they still human like us. dair mulai pembahasan yang ga mutu, makanan, orang, penyanyi dangdut, sampai debat dresscode selama 1 jam. yahh.. itu hal-hal lucu sebagain. 
aku kenalan sama ketua senat, wakil senat, ketua wakil kabem senat fakultas lain, wahh.. tapi cukup sekian ngerasa kagumnya
di hari-hari lkmm, emmm ceritanya lucu. 
di hari pertama, aku harus uts dulu, lalu dateng ke rektorat dan ternyata mereka belum berankat, karena aku mikirnya bakalan bisa ganti baju di hotel nanti, tenyata dengan pakaian ku yang ala2 fib itu, di cemooh sana sini, karena keliatan kusam , kusut, dan ga beraturan wwkwk.. akhirnya aku ganti baju, pergi ke salatiga, nyampe hotel, persiapan segala hal. hari pertama ga terlalu lancar, karena kamar panitia cowok udah ada, tapi panitia cewek tidak ada, dengan segala usaha akhirnya dapat 1 kamar, tapi, ternyata panitia cewek banyak, akhirnya aku mengalah dan lebih milih cari kamar sma peserta cewek, dan satu-satunya harapanku adalah kak endari, dan akhirnya dapat kamar, numpang. dengan kamar yang luas, di kmar 607, itu nyaman sekali, bahkan tiap hari aku sempat buat berendam di bath up.
di hari kedua, dimulai lah pertarungan dengan fisik. naik turun lewat lift yang bikin jetlag, pusing habis naik lift, smpai perjuangan buat makan, karena sempoyongan buat ambil nasi, di hari kedua ini lumayan ada serunya, kenalan sama bapak budi, yang dulu kenalan di lkmm tahun lalu, dan ternyata masih inget aku. ada kejadian lucu dimana beliau terus nyebut namaku buat jadi contoh, hasilnya peserta ngeliatin aku, dan aku cuman bisa nunduk/nutupin wajah pakai kertas, eit, itu bukan kejadian lucu. kejadian lucunya adalah pas aku sama pak budi, duduk bareng di meja operator, beliau tanya :
PB : kamu asal mana?
Me : wonogiri/ambarawa? *dengan sedikit penjelasan*
PB : kamu agama nya apa?
Me : islam
PB : sudah berapa lama bergama islam?
Me : tk
PB : *nulis di kertas isi nya “do you know iam chatolic?” *
Me : yes i do
PB : how?
Me : terlihat berbeda dari wajahnya menurut saya, pokoknya berbeda
PB : kamu juga, makanya saya tanya sudah berapa lama kamu beragama islam
Me : .... *dengan senyum mengerti *
yah, bukan rahasia dan ga menyinggung hati lagi kalau aku sering di salah artikan nonis. karena background keluarga ayah adalah non, dan keluarga ibu adalah islam, so, ada separuh dari kehidupanku 2 agama. but, itu bukan jadi masalah buatku. kalem aja. lucu sih, karena berapa kalipun aku ngaca, aku merasa sama seperti orang lain, tapi ternyata, aku memang sedikit berbeda, dan berbentuk seperti orang2 nonis lain. 
hari kedua itu, ada kejadian sedih, karena kakakku dan keponakanku harus pulang ke Bali, ya selama ini aku ngerasa aman, dan bersyukur, selagi aku tinggal kuliah dan sibuk dengan tugas, orang tuaku ada yang nemenin, dan rumah lumayan rame/hidup. tapi ya mau gimana lagi, mereka harus pulang, aku balik dari salatiga ke ambarawa untuk say goodbye buat mereka walaupun ngga ikut anter sampai bandara. setelah pulang, aku balik ke salatiga dan lanjut aktivitas.
di hari ketiga, dimulai dengan mager bangun, dan harus packing untuk pulang. yeeee
sebetulnya, banyak kejadian,ilmu,tragedi,harapan,bahagia, dan hal lain yang dirasakan dan dialami, tapi itu semua sulit buat diungkapkan semuanya. ya paling tidak, tulisan ini sebagai pemantik kenangan, jika aku lupa.
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ekobambangf · 8 years ago
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GEMAR 2017
“Kang, ikutan ngeramein aksi Gemar yuk di Simpang Lima” Ajak si Idop anak PW PII Jateng
Saya yang sebenarnya hari ini mengkhususkan waktu buat me time, namatin buku, jadi semangat, diajak aksi lagi barengan sama elemen Umat Islam di Semarang, kampanye kebaikan, mengajak menutup aurat, dan tentunya ada peluang bakal ketemu sama anak-anak kampus itung-itung silaturahmi, dan akhirnya hari ini saya mutusin ikutan aksi, dari jam 07.00 sampai jam 09.00 WIB… Hehe
“Iya, boleh, tapi jadi dokumentasi aja ya, ikut ngeramein”
Pikir saya aksi ini bakalan rame dengan para Ikhwan , ternyata yang dateng kebanyakan akhwat mblooo… Ngga sesuai ekspektasi (ketahuan ngga pernah ikutan aksi Gemar)… Dan kompakan lagi mereka pake dresscode jilbab ungu… Yah, tetep ada Ikhwan sih, cuman paling 30an doang… Ada dari FSLDK Semarang Raya, KAMMI Semarang, PII, ACT, PKPU, Keluarga Film Maker Semarang, Lazis, Insani Undip, UKKI Unnes dll, acaranya ada longmarch bagi para peserta akhwat dan bagi jilbab gratis untuk pengunjung CFD-an sedangkan yang Ikhwan saling sharing tentang program lembaganya dan musikalisasi puisi…
Aksinya di Simpang Lima Semarang, pas CFD-an, celingak-celinguk kok anak FSLDK sama KAMMI-nya ngga ada yang saya kenal…
“Mas… ”
Tiba-tiba ada yang bertegur sapa…
“Eh Matin”
Ternyata Matin, anak FEB Undip, dia bawa jaket KAMMI, nantinya pas aksi ini jadi oratornya KAMMI Semarang.
Ternyata ada yang masih kenal saya dan saya pun kenal dia… Haha
Lalu, ada yang manggil lagi…
“Mas Ebam…”
Setelah menoleh ke arah suara panggilan itu tiba-tiba orang yang manggil itu langsung meluk saya…
Cowok loh ya…
Dia mantan ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika Undip yang sekarang aktif di PKPU Semarang, dia angkatan 2010…
Eh ada yang nyapa lagi setelah itu…
“Ebam… Kok tambah gemukan …”
Wah kali ini rupanya senior MIPA angkatan 2008 yang pernah njumpain zaman saya kurus, beliau juga aktif di PKPU…
Haha… Akhirnya bisa silaturahim pasca kampus ditengah-tengah aksi Gerakan Menutup Aurat 2017…
Sejatinya kita menutup aurat itu untuk kebahagiaan diri kita, diperintah Allah melalui Rasul-nya. Mengambil tagline Fadwa El Guindi tentang menutup aurat -walaupun dia konteksnya adalah jilbab namun akan saya gunakan secara umum untuk semua bentuk menutup aurat baik bagi laki-laki maupun wanita- adalah wujud kesholehan seorang hamba atas titah Tuhannya, adalah wujud kesopanan atas moralitas dan tatanan sosial yang beradab, dan adalah wujud perlawanan terhadap ekploitasi dan nafsu hewani yang menjajah manusia.
“Eh itu ada yang bagi-bagi Jilbab”
Salah satu ucapan yang saya dengar pas CFD-an tadi dari lisan para ciwi-ciwi remaja yang belum berhijab yang kelihatannya tertarik dengan stand Gemar yang sedang bagi-bagi jilbab gratis. Alhamdulillah, semoga jadi jalannya menutup aurat ya dek.
Mari menutup aurat
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