#isha maybe also?
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spagetroach · 27 days ago
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Shading is my new favorite thing, it makes me look like I know how to draw. Anyway, redraw of Jinx, this time with decent shading and a bit more effort and confidence, I think I like drawing.
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phanfuckingtasmal · 3 months ago
im sorry but i cannot stop thinking about isha's pastel memories that play during her sacrifice scene.
look at how full of colour this beautiful fuckin shot is:
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it's been well established in episodes 4-6 how grim and dark the undercity has become under cait and ambessa's new rule. but look at how isha sees/remembers it - because of jinx.
jinx, who went through a severe childhood trauma that has carried over into her present self - she covers extremely destructive weapons and grenades in bright pinks and blues, neons, childlike doodles, graffiti. (joy and destruction, powder and jinx, a contrast so striking it becomes like a signature for her).
and then we see the world through isha's eyes. when we meet her in episode 2, she's running through sewers, from goons dressed in black; it's grimy and grim. and then all of her recent memories are done in these childlike pastel, almost crayon-y sketches. because what isha saw was jinx covering a dark and grim world in colours.
and so isha covered her world in colour, too.
because jinx made her world bright.
isha looked at jinx and saw the child in her. she saw powder and she saw jinx. she saw joy and destruction. and that's why jinx gave isha so much hope. isha knew the world was grim and dark - but then she watched jinx, and she learned that you can paint over all that grim darkness with neon blue spray paint.
that's why isha believed in hope. that's why in her final moments - in a scene that is lit dimly and dramatically - she sees nothing but a bright world coloured in pastels.
never underestimate the hope of a child.
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lynnlyrae · 3 months ago
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I was talking about Arcane finale with a friend and joked that Isha didn’t die, but went to past because of hexcore magic, grew up, became friends with two guys who kinda reminded her of her previous adoptive family… in this new life she became known as… Felicia……
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noxusstrap · 2 months ago
"I'll Get It Right This Time" An Ekko Time-Travel Fix It Fic
Ok so Hi! This is my first time ever dipping my toes into Tumblr posting besides just coming on here and reading some godly one-shots.
Im posting my fic here, as well as AO3, just in case!
Hope you guys enjoy!
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Ekko felt like he was gonna hurl.
 Heimerdinger wasn't supposed to- he wasn't supposed to sacrifice himself like that, Powder wasn't supposed to come in during the process, wasn't supposed to see the real him, and he was so sure he wasn't supposed to see the expression she made at him so full of Love and Affection; but it all happened and he didn't know what to do now. He always thought himself to be the most sensible and sane of his former friends; but, now? Now he just wants to go back to his Jinx and save his people.
But the Universe had other plans.
He felt the hairs on his neck begin to stand up and he instinctively knew. The Hex Core was acting up, and he didn't know what to do. All it took was a single glance at the Z-Drive before everything went white.
The first thing he could feel was the paved road beneath him, followed by the sounds of a bustling street and that distinct smell of Home.
It worked. 
Ekko sat up and silently cheered.
He was back! Only-
He paused and looked around, and everything was bigger than what he remembers, and that's when he noticed it; his hands were tiny. His child-like hands were just barely hanging onto the Z-Drive, or rather, what remained of it. The Hexcore glowed softly within the now shattered confinements of the Z-drive. The monkeys seemingly rusted like they've been used for decades rather than just a handful of times and all he could do was stare.
Oh Janna.
The device worked alright, but it worked too well, now; he's stuck in the past with no way back to the future.
It was supposed to only be four seconds…HOW COULD IT HAVE THROWN HIM OVER A DECADE TO THE PAST?!
“Fuck,” he sighed, just barely stopping himself from banging his head against the alley wall; he wasnt going to look a gifted horse in the mouth; he had gotten a once-in-a-lifetime chance and he was going to milk it for all it was worth. First things first, he had to figure out what day he was sent back to, and more importantly, what can he prevent from happening this time around to benefit the future?
Just as he was about to take a step out of the alley, he paused. He took a small glance at the Z-Drive; it was too big to disguise it as anything, and it would look suspicious if a small little child was carrying a device that looked like it could be worth millions even though it was severely damaged. He looked around, ducking between the dumpsters in the alley before finding a satchel, it was big enough to hold the broken Z-Drive but not big enough to arouse suspicion.
Ekko hummed, put the machine in the satchel and made his way out of the alley.
His body instinctively carried him to Benzo’s Pawn Shop though his mind was absent, stirring with thoughts and possibilities of a different future, one where Jinx, Vi, Vander, and everyone else are still alive and well; it was dangerous to hope for that future. (he wanted to hope so so so badly-)
His thoughts come to a halt when they reach Jayce and his dear friend and partner, Viktor. He knew there was a universe out there where Hextech was never invented and it was an almost perfect world; of course he would know, he lived through it.
He paused right at the entrance of the shop, everything he could hear around him quieted to a light hum.
Just because Hextech went bad in one future doesn't mean we can't have good Hextech ideas and innovations. We just have to stop whatever the fuck Viktor did with the Hexcore; whatever it was. And- maybe bring Heimerdinger into this mess he made.
Ekko smirked and pushed open the doors. The ding of the bell rang resolutely throughout the small shop, and his false bravado fades as quickly as it appeared.
What if Benzo’s already Dead?
What if I arrived so much later than I predicted?
Was Powder still Powder?
Is Vander still Alive?
What if-
“Hey little man, where have you been all day, ey?” 
Ekko slowly looked towards the back of the shop, where the noise originated from. He knew that voice; he knew it better than anyone, but he couldn't just let himself hope before seeing him for himself.
He clutched the straps of the satchel holding the Z-Drive and took a single step towards the back room, before he could take another, a hand emerged from the back. He KNEW that hand.
And then he saw him.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come back to the shop, you just ran off and it’s dan-” Benzo gets cut off by Ekko slamming into his stomach at nearly sub-human speeds for a hug. He stumbles slightly, taken aback at the sheer strength Ekko showed, and lightly chuckled. “Woah there! Almost made me fall there, when did you get so strong Little Man!” He teases. 
Ekko let out an inaudible whimper, tightened his hold just a little more before releasing Benzo.
“Always been this strong Benzo.” Ekko’s voice miraculously kept an even tone despite everything in him wanting to cry and bury his face into the arms of his pseudo-father.
Benzo knew something was bothering Ekko, and he knew it had something to do with whatever he was carrying in that satchel of his, but chose not to pry, he could tell me what's going on if he really wanted me to know, he reasoned. Instead, he nuzzled Ekko’s hair and hummed, nodding to himself before slowly making his way to the back of the store.
“Listen kid-” Benzo stops in his tracks and calls over his shoulder, “Whatever you do, just be safe.” He smiles, and with that, he leaves. Ekko tries to get his body to move, to do anything, but it refused to listen. All he could do was watch the man he admired so much go back to his work.
Calm down, you need to calm down,Ekko chided himself, trying to psych himself up.
Everything’s okay, Benzo being here means Vander hasn't died yet, that means Claggor and Mylo are still alive and Power is still Powder. Ekko looked around the various shelves of knick knacks and useful items, his eyes gliding through them before stopping on a particular piece of hardware. It looked familiar, but where had he seen it before?
He narrowed his eyes, his mind fixated on this one piece; he knew this was before the deaths of everyone he loved but why was this specific piece of scrap ringing some sort of bell in his brai-
It was the last piece Jayce bought from them to complete his work.
Ekko felt bells frantically go off in his head; this means he was sucked back two months before Jayce’s apartment got blown up, two months before Ekko told anyone about the young scholar he scammed over the last couple of mechanisms needed to complete a project, two months was all he got to work with.
He cursed silently, his mind scrambling to make a cohesive plan with the amount of time he had at his disposal. If he could fix the Z-Drive, it would make his life so much easier, but as he took a single glance into the satchel, he decided it was best to leave that particular project on the back burner for now. He wouldn't even know where to begin with the Z-Drive without Heimerdinger's help, and even then, this wasn't his Heimerdinger anymore, this wasn't the brilliant Professor casted out of the Council; this isn't the Professor who found solace and companionship within the Firelights; this isn't the professor who sacrificed everything for him to be here right now.
Speaking of the Firelights, would they even be able to form now that he’s trying to fix everything? Would he be willing to establish the Firelights again for the sake of providing a sanctuary for the people of the Lanes? Oh without a doubt. But, he muses, it would be a couple of years from now that it would happen; for now, he needed to think of what to do, and he needed to write it down fast.
He scrambled to his little hideout on top of the shop, his fingers gliding through the first piece of paper he could find at lightning speeds, his mind running a hundred miles a minute, trying to formulate a plan that's feasible in two months, or 8 weeks, or if you really want to get technical, 1,460 hours. When he stopped writing, his hand was cramping, seemingly bruised from all the back and forth on the paper, but his mind was clear and his heart was finally beginning to hope for a better future this time around.
Stop Silco from mass producing Shimmer (Stop Silco in general by ANY means necessary) ((I want whatever they had in the Other world to happen here))
DON'T LET POWDER BECOME JINX! (maybe recruit her in his plans?) ((who is this ‘Isha’ girl I keep seeing in my dreams of my reality? Was she real? Why was she with Jinx?))
Prevent Jayce from fucking things up this time around (maybe help out with his experiments? Perhaps give him a reason to not fuck up the trade with Zaun with the Hexgates?)
Never let Claggor and Mylo die this time around. (They deserve a better future than what they got)
Get Heimerdinger to help turn Zaun into a Utopia (he mentioned doing so much in such little time? Was he the one who made Zaun a better place?)
Re-Establish the Firelights in case things go awry.
Fix the Z-Drive whenever possible (I don't want it to malfunction and bring more problems with it)
He looked at the now hung plan on his wall. He had two months to do everything on his list, and if they tried to stop him, he would make it EVERYONE'S problem. He knew the first thing on his agenda was regrettably the most time-consuming; but he couldn't afford to waste more time. He had to find a way to stop Silco even if it meant killing the guy, (he knew he had some good in him; he saw it in the alternate timeline, if he could just figure out what cause him to turn good in that timeline, it would make his life so much eas-). He had everything on the line, and he wasn't going to LOSE this time.
Let the games begin. Ekko smirked.
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Am I gonna go insane writing this? Oh ABSOLUTELY!
Let me know what yall think; its my first time posting kinda nervy..
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srslylini · 3 months ago
the timeline of the Jinx finds Vi in her pit fight era to get her to Vander also kinda falls apart the more I think about it.
It works IF you let the writers get away with lazy but here is the timeline as I think the show gives us
1. The Timejump of 3-6 months between episode 3 and 4.
in this time two things happen simultaneously. Jinx and Isha grow closer and Vi is pit fighting.
2. The events of episode 4 happen.
after that Vander presumably runs from the prison and finds the mines in which the letter is, which is also a leap but I'll let that slide now.
3. The events of episode 5 happen.
Vi pit fighting happened before and during the events of episode 4.
So here comes the problem. This kind of has to imply Jinx always knew where Vi was. Because Vander ran and she followed. That also tells us she immediately had to go to Vi otherwise Vander would have just moved on, right? So if she immediately went to Vi she also just always knew where she was and hmm. You could say well yes Vi is a pit fighter its advertised but even STILL. From what the show said Jinx was hiding away the entire time, that would make no sense. Even if they showed actual advertisement for Vi. this runs on convenience.
just like potentially, Jinx taking longer to actually find Vi, so how is Vander just still in the mines?? No matter the route taken, it always lands us in the next question.
it's already a leap to assume Jinx was perfectly capable to just follow Vander around, a monster that definetly is faster than her. I know Jinx is fast but come on. It's another leap to assume Vander just conveniently decided to go into the exact mines we need to go into. And then comes the leaps with Vi's pit fighting era.
Every COULD is my own imagination and not shown in the series. It should have been.
At this point the Writers could start at the Olympics, with the leaps they are taking
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drinkinggblood · 24 days ago
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arcane furry/as animals
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drpoisonoaky · 3 months ago
i can’t write something about jinx and isha cuz i start to cry every time i try… but i need to make them happy… help me
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roots-symphony · 3 months ago
seeing a post or fic about Jinx and Isha:
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it doesn’t make them mother and daughter:
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ssaltlicker · 2 months ago
Thinking about all the on-screen character development we couldve (and shouldve) gotten from vi in s2. To actually see and hear her process things. Man
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owlheartt · 2 months ago
Guys help I can't stop being negative about Arcane season 2
I know that sounds stupid but like. I feel physically compelled to complain about it. I can't stop. I know it's unpleasant for other people and I know it's not making me any happier but I don't seem capable of engaging positively with Arcane anymore and I don't seem capable of not engaging at all
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sticcmann · 3 months ago
Fucking arcane finale tomorrow??????????? Am I ready or not idk
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sowearecleariamhere · 3 months ago
When I looked at the soundtrack before, pre act 2, I saw "Isha's song". I thought, why would Isha get a song? And a song that sounds like that? There had to be something I was missing or that was to come.
Now, post act 2:
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acesammy · 27 days ago
I just have to gush about this scene for a second. This is my favorite visual in the entire show I think. I mean how fucking devastating
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#i wish this show was 3 seasons and focused on jinx and vi's whole deal in s2#and viktors True villain arc in s3#i would've liked to see more visuals of these hallucinations as they relate to isha#frankly isha felt kinda cheap to me in general.. i dont care for her really#so i think more time to flesh it out would've been greatly appreciated#also this maybe would've given more time to mel and ambessa and the blackrose#which i /do/ find interesting bc mel is absolutely fascinating#arcane#lea speaks#anyways i'm so so deep into this fixation now and i've been trying not to bother ppl with it so#also adding on to the whole 3 seasons thing#i think there may have been a way to more coherently incorporate the class divide plot#into the viktor plot#if it had more time#the threads are THERE and it could've been so interesting#it didnt even need to be happy. like i'm still open to the same ending#with sevika on the council#essentially defanged#and no true headway made into zaunite independence and sovereignty#the cycle keeps cycling#BUT there needed to be space btwn revolutionary jinx and the zaun uprising plot that was /started/ in s2#AND piltover and zaun joining forces in the face of a bigger enemy -> viktor#maybe another violent uprising leads to insane casualties in zaun#healed then by viktor#who is becoming increasingly controlling#increasingly frustrated by the nature of humanity#his cult is increasingly uncanny valley and spooky#and then jayce coming back in the inciting incident#i am not even opposed to jayce being gone for like 2 entire acts lol#anyways i'm just noodling
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milfbrainrot · 3 months ago
ty arcane cast afterglow interview for leaving jinx's fate ambiguous which basically confirms she's fine lol.
Thinking abt it and as much as I want a happy whole family ending in an idealistic world, it's so much better for her to escape the narrative around her in zaun. Something something hard to heal in the place that broke you, even in a situation where she would've solely worked toward building something good there.
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xielianlikesbugstoo · 3 months ago
Live watching Arcane season 2 episode 4, spoilers ahead
00:20 i love Ashnikko, was so hyped when I first heard she's doing a song for arcane
01:09 the blue colour code is amazing
01:35 and with the kid. I CAN'T
03:14 is Cait sleeping with Maddie now??????!
03:58 I wanna GAWK
05:27 i dunno if this is cute or weird or both or something else. But huh? 😂
05:45 I knew this was just them playing around but the change of perspective was still funny
06:41 The kid with blue hair is so frigging cute, lol
07:35 it's also interesting to see how they involve a mute character. It's just the same as Jinx talking to her guns, but at least this one is an actual human... Keeping her company 🥺
08:23 In the name of science... Or something like this....
12:55 "why is peace always the justification for violence" Damnnn. True.
22:04 uh oh. From experience I can say. Never chase Singed 👀
22:14 and it's amazing how they implemented Warwick's W passive, lol. Smelling blood 👀
22:45 oh. Guess the kid's name is Isha x'D how did I miss this...
24:12 can confirm. This is how activating Warwick W feels like. Lol
26:08 That finger was so savage, lol
29:04 social anxiety kicking in, lol (same Jinx, same) What a bunch of touchy people
31:00 Warwick ult. Oops.
31:20 this is honestly so cute
31:46 And Singed is just staying inside 😂 doesn't want to bother with his little monster 😂
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bluecalibrifont · 3 months ago
Someone get Vi and Jinx a new therapy dog there’s been an opening in the position recently.
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