#isat reset au
llilyrose · 3 months
so!!! reset au!!!! still no name!!!!!! it stays reset au. (for now ....)
i did some sprite edits!!!
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resetfrin and his lovely resetloop.... there are no variations in loop's outfits here so i settled for just the one sprite.
(Sidenote: past this point ill be posting about this au on @slowlysoluminary .... but I'll still be reblogging it on my main !!! the joys of publicity stunts!!!!)
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slowlysoluminary · 3 months
Reset AU ... mirror room art piece and a supplemental from ghostloop's pov 🎉
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Writing under the cut! (Lots of words... oops!!!!!!!)
(Venturing through the house has been nothing short of a terror.)
(The sadnesses littering the area are NOT helping!)
(Granted, you know how to fight - you have each sadness' type memorized, each name and gimmick on lock - but your craft...)
(You're not sure what Craft type you are. You're corporeal enough for your hits to connect, but not corporeal enough for attacks to land on you. Harder still, considering the craft types are all equally as easy for you to summon.)
(Maybe "easy for you to summon" is poor phrasing. Your attacks feel wrong. Unfamiliar.)
(Your Piercing Craft likes to trail, not unlike the rest of your body. You struggle the least with Scissors-type attacks, but it feels like something fundamental is missing in each of your strikes.)
(Your Creative Craft leaves after-images. You thought you were Paper craft for a good while, but you're clumsy with it - like it wasn't made with your body in mind.)
(Your Protector's Craft sparks like energy through your fist. Something pangs at your chest each time you form the handshape.)
(Your attacks are strange. Craft personalizes itself to its user, but for such attuned craft to be so alien....)
(Thinking about it gives you a weird headache.)
(So you won't!!)
(You watch Siffrin fight. He made you sit out of battle after that time you downed yourself. Impeccable aim, Loop!!)
(... They never win, but you figure you should respect their wishes regardless.)
(You feel Experienced. Like these sadnesses would wither away if you poked them too hard. They probably would, if you could land a hit in the first place!)
(You can't help but compare the way he fights with the way you fight. Or, the way you think you should.)
(Like his name, like the House, like everything else, it's all familiar. You fight the same way as him, but your craft makes it difficult to do so comfortably.)
(You can't help but be envious. Why are you envious?)
(The style isn't even yours! You're pretty sure it's adapted from his, even!!)
(Nothing is your own. Not even your body is safe!!! Your skin prickles when you look down. Stars dance across your form naturally, yet it feels unnatural all the same.)
(Stars, are you going crazy? You think you're going crazy!)
(Siffrin shifts next to you, walking comfortably in your silence. You lead the way to the next door.)
("Why Stardust?" They asked you that, before. At least, you think they did? What did you respond with? Something about what's left...?)
(... You don't know. Just, seeing him, talking to him - he's Stardust! So, you must be Loop.)
(It found you so easily in your sea of muddled memories. It must be what the Universe willed!)
(But you still don't know. But you still can't remember. What's wrong with you?)
"Finally, third floor..."
(Siffrin turns a key. You're climbing the House. Right.)
(You smile. Is it forced? You're not sure. The gesture reminds you of something.)
>"Awh, good job, Stardust! It only took you... ehm...."
>"20 Loops! That's great! A bit worse than me, but who's keeping track, right?"
"'A bit worse than you?' Did you remember something?"
("A bit worse than you?")
>"What? I didn't say anything."
(You didn't. Did you?)
(Siffrin makes a noise. They're looking at you funny.)
(O~kay. Weird.)
(The King sobs.)
(They talk to you about him. A lot more than you want them to, if you're being honest.)
(Hearing his name, his likeness, to be spoken of so fondly - you feel rage. A deep and primal anger you're sure you've never felt before and will never feel again.)
(So, yes! Hearing the King sob the whole time like he's not actively dooming an entire blinding country has done wonders on your psyche! The reminder of his existence fills you with such joy and whimsy!)
(Your smile is pulled so taut you think it would tear at your skin, if you had any.)
(Siffrin's expression is plagued with sympathy. Something in your core stirs violently at the thought.)
>"Chin up, soldier~! One more floor to climb!"
(The sympathetic look fades, but you don't feel any better. You don't think about the implications.)
"... Right. One more floor."
>"I hope all this effort was worth it!"
"Ditto. Even if I can't snap some sense into him, I just..."
"I want to talk. I've told you about it before, but-"
(stop don't talk about him no no no no)
>"STARdust! Surely there's no need to go over everything again!"
>"You might be forgetful, but helpful Loop here already knows the ins and outs of your fool-proof plan~!!"
>"You've told me about it, you continue to tell me about it, you don't stop telling me about it — I GET IT ALREADY!"
>"Just. We'll. We'll get to it when we get to it, right? Please."
(you're not sure why)
(but the thought of talking to the king fills your entire being with sickness)
(Too bad you can't throw up! Teehee!!)
(Siffrin looks pained.)
"Right, I'll just -- I'm."
"I'm sorry..."
(His voice is so tender. So quiet.)
(You ruined it.)
(That's fine. You don't -- you don't need the ability anyway. You can make your way through the house on your own. You don't need them to get stronger. It's fine.)
(What were you thinking about? It doesn't matter.)
>"So~! That out of the way."
(This time you ignore the King wailing above you.)
>"Where do we go?"
(His face is hidden from you, beneath the brim of his hat. You have a fun time thinking about the expression under it!)
(Is it twisted in frustration? Appalled? Mortified? Betrayed?)
(You know those faces like the back of your hand, but the specifics amalgam in your head, a foggy mass of uncertainty.)
(You feel a tingle on your cheek.)
(... Yes, fun! What fun!)
(Siffrin clears their throat.)
"... You've been leading me through most of the House, Loop."
"So I thought you would know where to go?"
(You have?)
>"I have?"
>"No I haven't."
"Yes? You have??"
(He looks offended???)
"The rock trap? The key I missed in the Head Housemaiden's office?"
>"'Fraid you're not ringing any bells!!"
(Conversations are one of the only things you remember. Everything else blends together.)
(So, you should know this, shouldn't you? They must've brought it up a few times while you were walking. You weren't thinking too hard about where you were going. The paths feel wholly natural to you... But you do remember that the amount of times you had to give Siffrin a Super Sour Tonic was atrocious, really.)
(How does anyone lose to sadnesses THAT often? It's ridiculous! He should just let you fight!!!)
(Whoops!!! You should pay more attention to your surroundings...)
(No, okay, wait.)
>"When did we get to the mirror room?"
(The glare Siffrin gives you bears the striking image of absolute incredulocity.)
(That's not a word. Whatever!!! You can make up new words if you so please!!)
"You're kidding."
>"Completely serious question, Stardust!"
"...'Stardust, I am the epitome of good memory...'"
>"I am! I swear it on my mother!"
"Stars have mothers?"
(You shrug before remembering to raise a gloved hand to your mouth.)
>"I don't know!"
>"But I'm sure, if I had one, she'd be especially bright."
(An eyeroll.)
(They don't laugh.)
(Why does that bother you?)
(Eh, probably because that one was funny! No fair!)
>"You're no fun, Stardust..."
>"Whatever! I'll find a pun buddy somewhere else!!"
"And where would you go? Vaugarde's frozen in time."
("And you're practically a ghost," is what goes unsaid.)
(...mmm. No, it's fine.)
>"I'll write to them! We'll be pen pals!"
>"Or I guess we'd be pun pals, ehe."
(They snort. Mission success!!!)
"Not funny."
>"Oh, come on! You laughed!! That means I won the bet!"
"The bet was about laughing at your jokes. Puns don't count."
(Bummer! You pout.)
"Real talk. Any particular reason for bringing us here? I trust you, but..."
"... The only thing in here is that mirror."
(They point to the large mirror at the end of the corridor. You nod. There is a mirror, and nothing else.)
>"Indeed so."
"And you called it the mirror room?"
(Did you?)
>"No I didn't."
"I'm not arguing with you again..."
(Aren't they doing that already?)
"Just answer the question."
>"I wasn't aware I was being interrogated! I need a lawyer!!!"
>"Fine! I-... Um."
>"I'm not ... quite sure?"
"You're not sure."
(They sigh.)
"So you led us here... for no particular reason?"
>"Well. No, I'm sure there's some reason we're here."
>"I feel like there's something else in this room, you know?"
>"But! As far as I'm aware!! There is nothing in here!!! Save for that dazzling old mirror!!!!"
(He doesn't believe you.)
"... Let's look around, then?"
>"Sounds good to me."
(You look around.)
(Okay, you don't actually do anything. Siffrin's going at it, though!)
(He checks the pillars. And the corners. And the bricks. And the pillars again.)
(It's... really boring.)
(It's better than the Other Thing you could be doing. The Elephant In The Room. The Big Mirror In The Corridor-Room. That.)
(Hm. Hmmmmmmm.)
(You weigh your options.)
(Boredom. Or headache. Boriiing borreeedooom...... or excruciating headache.)
(Or answers? You don't know the mirror's deal! You could get something meaningful out of this!)
(Or you could get a headache.)
(Or you could lean against a pillar, bored, for the rest of eternity, waiting to be Done and Over With This.)
(You've been pointedly ignoring the existence of the mirror for quite the while now.)
(Something goads you. A whisper.)
(You follow. Siffrin watches you, curious.)
(You don't... You don't really want to look.)
(Just looking down spikes something uncomfortable under your skin.)
(So you're not sure what to expect, if you were to look in your reflection.)
(Whispers turn to spoken tongue turn to yelling turn to screaming as you approach the glass. Yet, no matter how loud they get, how heartfelt they screech, you can't make out the words.)
(Something in you hurts as you stand in front of the glass.)
(You take a breath)
(in, and out.)
(And you look up.)
(and all at once)
(everything goes quiet)
(You gaze at your reflection)
(You gaze at a star.)
(is this you?)
(you wave your hand)
(it waves back.)
(You frown. It frowns too.)
(Stars. All up its body.)
(More than you could dream of, could you still dream in the first place.)
(Flame-like spikes flicker freely from its head, immitating hair.)
(Imitating life.)
(You're looking at a ghost.)
(you're a ghost?)
(The screaming returns. You flinch back in surprise. The ghost does not flinch with you.)
(LOOP, it screams. LOOP, LOOP, LOOP, LOOP !!!)
(Its head morphs. It's something spikier, now. It's something right.)
(your head hurts)
(The ghost snickers at you. You look at it.)
(You look at it)
(you look at loop)
(LOOP, the screaming chants, in agreement. LOOP!)
(someone is shaking you?)
(this is loop)
(but you're loop?)
(are you loop?)
(The screaming rises. You didn't think it could get any louder. You cover your ears and cower. It doesn't do anything)
(loop laughs at you.)
(you forgot)
(of course you forgot! you always forget! forgetful little siffrin! sieve brain siffrin)
(you stole their role. in the play)
(you stole them)
(You blink)
(You is in front of you. Your back is leaning against cool glass.)
(if your back is to the mirror)
(how are you looking in your reflection?)
(The you in front of you sighs.)
"You were out cold there... What happened, Loop?"
(you wait for them to respond)
("Nothing, Stardust!! You should go help out your little entourage! Or, you know, you could do something more productive? Like talk to the Head Housemaiden?")
(that's what you think they would say)
(you feel a shiver)
"... I'm not... part of a party...? Oh, no, nevermind. I get it."
(your reflection releases you. you slump to the ground.
(you pull your hands up to your head)
(and stop)
(your arms)
(your arms..)
>"... Loop?"
>"Yes! I am Loop."
(Siffrin gives you That Look again.)
"What was all that?"
(All that?)
>"I'm not sure what you're talking about!"
"It was like you... um..."
"Forgot your name. Or something."
(Forgot your name? Scandalous!! You'd never forget such a thing!)
>"Nope, all good!"
>"I just... hm. Thought you were talking to someone else there, for a second?"
>"But I'm fine now!"
"If you say so."
(He doesn't take your word for this, either.)
(Oh well!)
(You bend down and flip the switch, extra careful not to look at the mirror. Or the photo that materializes in front of it.)
"How did you-?"
(They try to ask, but you're already moving for the key.)
(That's you!)
(So why does that name remind you of someone else?)
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artilite · 2 months
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fuck you *lethal companies your in stars and time*
(long) exposition under cut (spoilers for ISAT + lethal company logs)
This au takes place around the time of sigurd's logs/before them (i haven't decided if Sigurd's crew exists here or not yet)!
Siffrin was someone who used to live on the Golden Planet before it got eaten. They may not remember anything beyond being found in an escape pod, but they're still paralyzed by fear when getting close to the selling window. He's always first in the facilities, making jumps, braving traps, and heading as deep as he can for scrap.
Mirabelle and Isabeau are the medic and fighter respectively, who both came from the same moon colony. They were both pressured into taking jobs by a work-based society, and applied for the company under the impression that it was a short, high-paying internship with nebulous risks.
Odile is their resident ship manager. She keeps a watchful eye over everyone and relays information about monsters, scrap, etc. In absolutely dire situations, she may come help with scrap. Despite claiming to be a first-timer, her badge says Leader??
Nille and Bonnie ended up with the crew after taking a chance to run away from their parents. Seeing a high-paying job that provided everything and would take them far away sounded too good to pass up. Nille lied about Bonnie's age to take them with her. After seeing the reality of this job, though, she regrets not finding another way out. Bonnie is permanently on ship-duty; they mainly type in whatever numbers Odile tells them. Nille is also a fighter, though she prefers the weighty stop sign as opposed to Isabeau's shovel.
Loop, after hundreds upon thousands of quotas, dying every possible death, learning everything they could- even the real identity of The Company- realizes there was one thing they've never done before. They've never died to The Company. Desperate for a way out, and haunted by the whispers and screams beyond the wall, they give themselves up. Maybe that would finally satisfy the monster- to have devoured every last piece of the Golden Planet. Maybe their crew could finally rest easy that way. Well, they didn't loop back. But through the dark and damp, there's static on the walkie talkie. Loop picks up, and hears their own voice just beyond the wall.
(Loop's design is the most different by far, since instead of consuming a star, they themselves are slowly getting digested. They're inspired by the visual of red crying faces from the logs :D)
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arolesbianism · 1 month
I may be failing my plan to not make any isat aus. So there's this guy her name is Euphrasie right. What if I took her and combined what could be 3 separate au concepts into one. And in the process forced myself to go back and reread a bunch of shit to make sure I know how to maximally fuck over this sad wet puppy of a woman
#rat rambles#did I ever actually make a proper isat talking tag? I don't remember but erm#stars posting#anyways dont count on me committing to this au too hard since Im mostly eternal gales brained rn but I am rotating ideas in my head#shes always interested me deeply as what am I if not a sucker for women who are mostly silhouettes of a character#I was mostly just thinking abt other ppls aus where she is also looping and was thinking abt how fucked it be for her in general but also#how much more fucked it would be for her if it was Only her looping#because as far as she would know theres straight up nothing that can be done to fix this and shed be stuck in a hell of what shed be sure#is her own creation#and then I thought to myself. what if she then accidentally did a loop while trying to fix it#and then my brain also said but what if loop was also there#so I did some mental gymnastics to ignore the possible problems and decided to take an extra spin on it and just sorta add her to the main#party by having her have basically wished to be able to help them defeat the king to make things right and her getting dropped earlier#on in the adventure so I can fuck around with potential character dymamics more (cough cough siffrin)#and for the actual loops I think it'd be funny if she could remember just like loop but was fully convinced that she was looping alone#so itd be siffrin and her acting at eachother trying to hide their seperate breakdowns while meamwhile loop is just staring at her with a#whole heap of mixed emotions but mostly the confusion of who the fuck is this guy???????#and sif is just like yeah thats secret. shes a powerful craft user who's craft experiments backfired and fucked up her body. duh.#and loop just Knows that thats not true but they have no real way to bring it up properly without drawing too much suspicious#oh yeah and Im calling her secret for now. in my minds eye shes like constantly putting on different fronts in hopes that one of them will#stick but shes been able to get away with it by playing up her belief in change to a cartoonish degree#shes really trying to be strong and not raise suspicion since she does want mirabelle to be able to learn and grow from this just the same#as her own mirabelle before and just wants to be able to fix the broken wish by being there to defeat the king herself#which she had already convinced herself was the reason the wish broke since she was the one stuck remembering#I should reword it to that probably because saying shes the one looping isnt Wrong but asside from sif not remembering it still entirely#revolved around him she was just the one forced to deal with it without any real way of learning how to fix it#and while she never figured out the entirety of the sif stuff it was always him taking to her that reset the loop#so she has. complicated feelings on him. she doesn't want to be avoidant or distant or to dislike him! and as time goes on she does grow to#like him a lot! but its just. hard to look him in the eye sometimes.#and then theres the horrors of the actual main game starting and the slow but horrifying realization of how badly she fucked up
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the-bitter-ocean · 5 months
This au is mainly created by me and @coffeewolf54 / @coffeewolfart together! This is not a exact 1-1 au and will def have some unique stuff in here to better match the themes of isat and bad end theater!
I’ve talked about this Au with a lot of my friends on discord ( thank you @felikatze @daily-odile @tealgoat and everyone else who decided to draw art for /listen to me ramble about me and coffee’s au.)
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The general gist of the story and everyone’s roles are under the cut:
|Welcome one and all esteemed guests to THE BAD TIME THEATER! A place home to many tragic tales on display for the world to see.|
|I am “TRAGEDY”- (aka the Playwright and Narrator). Alongside me is “COMEDY”- (aka The Director) to help showcase what our theatre has to offer to you all. |
|The premise is simple: You can choose between one of four actors to see their stories and it is our job to show you their fates! Don’t fret if you are unsatisfied with a particular ending, my dear Stardust and I can reset the stage anew! That being said every path often leads to tragic ends..but ah, what else can you expect from a place like this? |
|Even still..even now I wonder.. if this unlucky cast can be saved…|
|…Oh well. We should move on now~!|
|Without further ado… let’s meet the main cast! |
[ISABEAU: “THE HERO”] - A human. His role is the courageous defender that was appointed by the King himself with slaying monsters and protecting people. He is good friends with the Maiden and has been over the years questioning their role that’s been given to him. The Hero is fairly certain that he has never met any demons before personally but very adamant in the belief that not all demons would want to hurt others. (Though if he were being completely truthful he’d much rather be a fashion designer then have to fight anyone. )
{ MIRABELLE: “THE MAIDEN”} - A human. Her role is the faithful maiden who’s meant to passively fulfill her destiny of being martyr lest the town supposedly be at risk from being attacked or killed by evil monsters. She is good friends with the Hero and tries her best to be a devout follower. A huge fan of stories and curious to see if demons are anything like the tales she’s read in her books. ( Though if she were being honest… she has some doubts about her role in life and wants to take action. )
< ODILE: “THE OVERLORD”> - A half demon (half human). Her role is the (seemingly) cold and pragmatic ruler of the demons, gaining the title after her father recently passed away. She is described by other people as standoffish, she seems to have taken in the Underling and their older sister under her protection. Wary of humans and tends to lean towards keeping her subjects safe by having very little interactions with them. ( Though if she were to tell the truth, she admits to wanting to have a world where demons and humans can coexist peacefully.)
( BONNIE: “THE UNDERLING”) - A demon. Their role is to serve the Overlord and was tasked to help by providing support to their people by creating food for everyone. The underling and their older sister got saved by the overlord a long time ago- so they’ve been really loyal to her ever since then. ( Though if they were being honest, they want to help protect everyone like the Overlord does and not be forced to stay on the sidelines.)
and last but not least we have…
<̶̨̬͕̬̼̼̜̋̇ͅ|̶̧̢̧̛̻̘̱̲̠̓͆̒̓ ̵̰̤̦̥̰͒̾̌͗͗͋“̷̧̼̘̼̻̂́͜ͅT̵̡̤̳̯͍͓̅͂̌̋̅͒ͅḨ̵̡̱̺͍̰̞̅̆̎̀͜Ė̸̹̜͇̬̥̇͋̾̈́ ̶̺̭̀̅̅̀̍̊T̷̹̭̝̺̝̳̊R̶̗̱̹̙̍A̴̻͇̎̀̐̾̊̆̽͑V̴͚̫̦͚̅͂̈́̎͘͝E̴̦͋̈́̿̈́̑L̸̪̼̗̀̾̒͊̍͛Ĺ̸̮Ȩ̵̹͓̻͖̹̝̍͝ͅR̷̼̬̤̖̭͉̀̈̌͊̀͜͝”̸͎̘͆͊͜͝|̵̩͙͚̱̎̅͝>̶̳̬͙̫̘͈̆͐̍̓́̇͝- [??????? ERROR 404 DATA NOT FOUND]
|Huh? Oh my. Well, it seems like there’s been a mistake there! Pay no mind to that dear audience! We hope that you grow to love our actors as much as we do~! Let’s get the show on the road Stardust, we can’t keep our dear audience waiting any longer! |
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str8rat · 20 days
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WARNING!! This post contains topics such as really bad relations with food, gore, eating disroders, cannibalism, death by stomach rupturing due to eating too much after starving oneself, extreme (deadly) allergic reactions leading to death, etc
This post is mainly dedicated to explaining Siffrin's eating habits during the loops, below you may find three unrelated situations
~ ~ ~
The party finds themselves running out of food during their journey across the country. Days away from the nearest town, and with no animals or plants to forage due to the harsh winter, tensions rise. Odile, with her usual dry humor, smugly suggests that one of them could sacrifice a limb to keep the rest alive. The joke falls flat, given Isabeau’s already missing arm, causing her to quickly backtrack and apologize. However, the grim reality remains—such desperate measures aren't beyond the realm of possibility if their situation worsens.
Fortunately, they manage to reach the next town, exhausted and starving, but intact—no limbs lost to cannibalism! Food scarcity becomes even more pressing once they reach Dormont and enter the House, with Siffrin beginning his time loop journey.
At some point, Siffrin quietly stops eating altogether, insisting his portion go to his companions to prevent them from making desperate choices. Especially since his body seems to reset each loop, aside from the scars from each death. But his hunger, paired with his deteriorating mental state, begins to wear on him.
Dark, cannibalistic urges begin to gnaw at his mind, warping his thoughts, with intrusive thoughts haunting him every time he thinks about his own hunger. Due to him burning more calories than the rest of the party, the Wish Craft eating off on him, he also gets hungry much more quickly, and yet still tries to refrain from eating and "wasting resources."
During one of the loops, those thoughts overcome him. He tackles a party member to the ground, sinking his teeth into their arm in a horrific frenzy. But before the reality of what he’s done fully sinks in, time bends—resetting to just before the incident. It leaves Siffrin shaken, aware of how low he's fallen, how disgusting he is, borderline unforgivable, unable to meet any of his party member's eyes, haunted by the thoughts that still linger.
Yet, not everything resets perfectly. Over time, Siffrin’s body begins to show signs of lasting damage from the loops, even aside from the obvious scars he recieves from each of his deaths. His stomach, weakened and shrunken from eating little to nothing, can no longer handle the amount of food his worried sick companions insist he eats during one loop.
His stomach, unable to bear the strain, ruptures, leading to a slow, agonizing death right in the middle of what was supposed to be their safe Snack Break Room.
After the loop resets again, Siffrin refuses to eat more than the bare minimum, terrified of re-living the same, agonizing experience again.
Siffrin's discovery of his allergy to pineapple happens in the worst possible way—through a deadly, firsthand experience. Despite Loop's warning, he either forgets or dismisses it in a moment of carelessness, a mistake that comes with a devastating price.
The moment the acidic sweetness of the pineapple touches his tongue, an invisible force seems to clamp down on his throat. He feels the sudden constriction, his body instinctively trying to expel the fruit, but it’s too late. Siffrin’s throat begins to close rapidly. Panic takes hold as he gags, desperately attempting to spit out the fruit.
His body jerks, muscles tense, but nothing happens. He can’t breathe. His chest heaves in a futile effort to pull in air, but all that follows is a hollow, suffocating silence. His vision blurs as he just barely makes out his party trying to somehow help him, but it's hopeless.
While Bonnie is frozen in horror, eyes wide and glassy with unshed tears, as they watch their friend slowly suffocate because of the pineapple THEY gave him, Isabeau tries to hold Siffrin up the best he can, Mirabelle pushing Healing Craft after Healing Craft into his body in desperate hopes of it working. It does not. Odile, always the snarky and knowledgable, is frozen now, shaky hands hovering over the younger's body, her mind racing as she tries to recall any spell, any remedy, but all she can do is watch as Siffrin’s face turns a sickly shade of blue.
But then, as if in some cruel twist of fate, the loop resets. Siffrin is alive again, gasping for breath as he finds himself back in time—just moments before he made the fatal mistake. His hand hovers shakily over the plate of pineapple, the memory of suffocating fresh and vivid in his mind.
As his party questions if he's okay, if something happens, he is quick to put on a dismissing smile, face pale as he brushes it off. He reaches for the madeleines this time, trying to ignore his stomach churning in protest, as he forces himself to swallow the pastry.
mmmm yummy yummy yummy
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thesunnysunsun · 2 months
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So uh.. I blinked and a new Isat au happened (Ima call it a lighthouse au cause Loop's a light that guides Sif's way :3) MER LOOP MER LOOP MER LOOP!!!! And itty bitty baby Siffrin :) Look at them their so smallll (Spoilers) The general premise is when Loop makes the wish, they wished specifically for a light to guide them home. Instead of waking up at dormont Loop wakes up in the middle of the ocean on the day the Island was wished away, and sees itty bitty Siffrin running away. Anyways au ramblings are under the cut if you want more vv
So for the Au I was thinking Loop used a very specific kind of wishcraft. They did the blowing on a leaf thing, but this time they set it in a pool of water and then submerged themselves in the water. Like a baptism but funky and wishcraft. This is Loop, so they were really just trying to drown, and ended up performing the wishcraft on instinct. They've pretty much given up at the start of the au. Loop proceeds to wake up in the middle of a raging black ocean, very confused, and sees the island with a giant red tear in the sky over it. They naturally race towards it, but as soon as soon as they get close the timeloop resets and their right back in that raging ocean. A few failed tries later they spot a small rowboat sailing away in the storm and follow it, finding none other than a young Siffrin. Loop slowly bonds with Siffrin as they try to get Sif back to the island over the span of several more loops. The first time Siffrin catches Loop they throw their big net over Loop, forcing a very stubborn loop over like their a big fish or something. They spent a lot of loops bonding, talking, catching fish and stuff. Loop knows Siffrin is suppose to go to vanguard, but that just leads to tragedy and suffering, so obviously the answer must be getting to the island.. right? Siffrin can recall the loops, though he is very young and thats a lot to process for a little kid. Their slowly forgetting about the country and history, and are very scared, but they got a pretty mermaid friend, so maybe it's not all bad? The Au is about Loop's thoughts and feelings about their home and them not wanting to move forward with their life. They know what kind life awaits Siffrin. They know all the scary, tragic things that happen to them, how alone they are. But no matter how hard they try, trying to drag Siffrin back to the island always leads to a reset. Deep down Loop knows their avoiding their own future too. They've spent a long, long time in the timeloops, an unpredictable future, one their sure will be filled with tragedy is terrifying to them. But over the span of the au they begin to realize scary things do happen, and they can't help that. But someone will always come along and light their way. In the same way Loop guides Siffrin someone will come along and guide them they just have to accept the help. and at the end Loop finally gives in and takes Siffrin to Vanguard, leaving their past behind. Loop is Sif's lighthouse now, guiding their way, and when at long last Loop lets go and returns to their own timeline, they look up and find an older version of the Siffrin they knew waiting to guide them into the unknown.
uh.. COUGH COUGH ANYWAYS! Some design notes!!
Loop -Loop's head is suppose to look deep sea creature-esq mixed with a bit of angler fish -Loop's star is shaped like a compass now :3 -Their tail is a broken star!! -The stars on Loop's skin are glowing scales now Siffrin -Siffrin wears a compass around their neck to match Loop's star (When they grow up they eventually use it to find Loop again) -His clothes like.. barely fit. To a cartoonish degree. Siffrin is SO small. -They tried to tie a rope around their cloak so it doesn't fall off. Its.. somewhat working. -The Net is an excuse to make Net puns every 10 seconds. Loop has heard "Are we there Net? >:3" Like 15 times. Mostly though Siffrin just thinks it makes them look like a proper sailor. Sif isn't a very fashionable kid. (I think Loop would ask about it once, and Sif would be like "I wanna look like my da- .. d." And just sorta, trail off.) -Sif's hair is longer and matches Loop's fins
I have more ideas for this au, I might make more for it later i'll put it under the lighthouse au if I do
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itsasterin · 4 months
Au (/ theory?) in which the Universe is actually the video game itself.
"The Universe leads, we can only follow" : the code (we can also mention how Siffrin talks about the "script", even if it is a reference to theater)
"Something's broken, failing, rotting" : the code is broken
Loop getting possessed: them trying and failing to go against programming
Everything is a part of the Universe: everything is a part of the game
The loops could also be caused by a glitch, wishing allowing someone to alter the code. (Multiple people's (Siffrin, the King and the people of Vaugarde) programming interfere with each other's and causes the glitch) (this is exactly what happens in the game but in different words) The glitch would reset the game, minus some elements (causing more glitches later (equipment))-> wish craft = programming
Plus, Loop is able to read Siffrin's profile and stuff. So it makes kinda sense. And knowing about pressing a button to zone out too.
You guys get it?? Do you understand my idea???
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One final thought before bed
I cannot
CANNOT get over how I’ve finished ISAT in march
And have been consistently drawing ever since. And having fun. And getting new ideas. And makings AUs again. And properly reading fanfic. And enjoying AUs made by other people
This game factory reset my autism and I feel like a fucking human being enjoying life again
I’m so happy about it, no joke
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bbloveseevees · 2 months
Let’s try this again (don’t spam the results button pls, I need actual votes :()
The au is gonna be called “In Stars And Minds”
“Raz is stuck in a timeloop of the worst day of his life. The loop resets whenever he’s killed, Lili is killed, or when life just feels like screwing him over. WORST OF ALL? The whole time, he’s being mocked by a damn god. He wishes he never made that STUPID WISH!”
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llilyrose · 3 months
So, you know that ISAT au I mentioned in my yass-girlboss King post??
HHHHHEEEERE WE GO .... info below keep reading!!! lots of words!!!! In Stars And Time FULL spoilers!!!!!
(Note: The Reset AU will be posted on @slowlysoluminary but i will be reblogging from my main)
There are some really interesting Siffrin-Meets-The-King-First aus that float around. I see them sometime! they're great! But I, as an adoring King fan, had to sit down and ask myself:
"So, uhh, like why?"
The King notices you're looping in Act 3. That's great! Not for Siffrin, but great narratively. If he notices it in that loop specifically, I feel like he would notice in other loops, too.
So, Act 5. The King notices how much of a formidable opponent siffrin is (among other things), acknowledges he's from the same country, recognizes wish craft, yadda yadda yadda.
He wants Siffrin to understand and resonate with his reasons for trapping an entire country in time, and while Siffrin is busy in his mind space fighting Mal Du Pays, the King makes a wish. AND HE LOOPS!!!!!??????
... Uhh, kind of? Not really. It resets the timeline all the way back to when the country was erased, but instead of the King having full memory, they're more like... vague snippets that hint at what he once was.
So, um! The first part of the AU is about the King's 10-year-long descent into madness. It's heavily condensed but it's there!! there's lore there!! I'm a king fan he needs a backstory.
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"His name is Lazare" HE HAD TO HAVE A NAME BEFORE HIS KING DAYS... it's heavily implied the King wasn't his original name, and my headcanon helpfully supplied that he underwent a Change inside the house during his rise to power. I think there's like, a Head Defender? And the King was Head Defender, with full access to all libraries inside the house, when he started going crazy.
At 22 he loses all his memory while travelling in Vaugarde. Nobody knows his name so he comes up with one! He meets Siffrin 4 years later and they both travel Vaugarde together.
He becomes a defender at 29 because we see firsthand how INVESTED this dude is in Vaugarde. He wants, NEEDS this country to be safe!! he has a lot of patriotism!!! He's not actively searching for what happened to him or his country, he's just accepted it and is building himself up as a person.
oh boy .. when he turns 31 he becomes Head Defender.... And when he starts reading higher-access books throughout the house documenting a disappearing country? He gets MORBIDLY curious. And... well... this fixation leads him down the rabbit hole that got him where he is today! Except, this time, with Siffrin on his side...?
Yup! Siffrin is here! They've been here the whole time! Siffrin watches a man he's grown to love and adore fall into the Deep End. And he would find the strength to be mad about what he's doing if it weren't for the fact he was super sympathetic!!! ugh!!! sympathy!!!
Siffrin agrees with the King... but not really? He agrees with his reasons but completely disagrees with the way he's going about it. The change from Lazare to King was gradual, but towards the end he treats Siffrin more like an object of study than a friend.
The King takes his cloak and hat to study the stitching, the King won't let him cut or dye his hair again because he wants (NEEDS) this still image of his culture, etc.
Siffrin pretends his behavior doesn't bother him (because the King goes full Mansplain Manipulate Malewife on him if he voices his dissent) and keeps sneaking away from the King using his hat-less/cloak-less disguise.
In doing so, he meets a wild Mirabelle! It becomes a habit to visit her and the villagers under this "disguise" (it's only convincing in the way that Clark Kent is convincing) and he's feeling that same friendship with them that he used to back when the King was Lazarus.
... Until the House gets frozen? And the king starts Freezing People In Time For Real? No warning? Siffrin is HORRIFIED, rightfully, and also super upset. Partly because Mirabelle "got frozen" (she did not get frozen) and partly because the king has TOTALLY LOST HIS MIND NOW. no trace or remnant of who he used to be. but siffrin wants to hold on.
and then Siffrin gets stuck in a time loop! Whoops! Honest mistake!
"How does he get stuck in a Time Loop if there's no party to stick with?" ok so. of course he's going to learn Wish Craft from the King, duh. The King tells him literally everything about rhe country as he discovers it (albeit, in incoherent rambles.). And he also has his own muscle memory to draw from!
In desperation, he makes a wish: Save Vaugarde/Sav the King.
"Which one of those two is it?" Idk! That's what he spends the timeloops finding out!
Oh, wait, now that I've talked about the time loops, I CAN TALK ABOUT LOOP!!! LOOP IS NEW AND DIFFERENT!!!
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^^ This was the initial ref sheet i made while brainstorming for this au (and also the sheet that birthed King In Magical Girl Poses)
"So what's loop's deal?" yeah, um, that's the thing? Loop doesn't know either!
Loop is not hiding their identity! Much like King, they domn't remember anything until afterthe Reset. They're Siffrin, yes, but not Siffrin from SASASA:AP. They're Siffrin from In Stars and Time. They're THE Siffrin that the King's wish Reset!
Thus, Loop looks very different!!!! And acts a little bit different!!! Siffrin is the only one who can see Loop, for the time being, and they follow him throughout the loops instead of staying stagnant under the Favor Tree.
They don't like the idea of not knowing who they are, or where they're from. Siffrin sympathizes with the star, initially thinking that they just... had the same thing happen to them that happened to the king? But the reason Loop follows Siffrin through the house is because they NEED to know who they used to be, and what in the Universe happened to them. Certain things trigger certain memories, and... it certainly doesn't help that the party enters the fray.
"So was the King's wish not important?" THE KING'S WISH WAS VERY IMPORTANT.
Not only did it CAUSE the reset, but it gave King the precise tools to get a timeline that fulfilled his wish (It's not the Universe's fault he lost himself and his only chance).
Loops are meant to reset to the day before, with no one"s memory remaining except for Siffrin's.
This loop completely Reset the timeline.
The King kept hints of his memories from the past.
The party gets dejá vū from the moment they meet to the moment they step foot in the house. They feel like something is missing.
Loop shouldn't be here. Loop should be... Loop. Loop didn't wish to be here - it's a direct violaton of his initial wish to stay with his friends, but it's a wish that technically got overwritten when the Reset happened?
Ironically, Siffrin is the only one Out Of The Loop (hehe)
"okay so what's the stuff IN the timeloop?" you see. you seeeeee. I've been worldbuilding so that I can figure that out. And I still don't know..... I'm setting it up with this post so I can elaborate on anything later (asks are appreciated)
"You should write/draw about this" I am! Ao3 is llilyrose but idk if I'll end up posting anything there. Of course, my tumblr is llilyrose, too....
"You stole this from user llilyrose on ISAT discord!" um, look at my url again. thx
"What if I have questions about the worldbuilding/characters/etc." send an ask, fool.... I'd really appreciate it .....
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slowlysoluminary · 3 months
after that wack-tastic piece of media i figured we could all!! use a break!!!!!!! so!!!!!!
(more) doodles below the cut. and some commentary! Hurray!
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^^ Post game is interesting. Most of the timeloop is about figuring the deal with the memories, some of it is about sif comng to terms with the king, and the very very end of it is about everyone regaining their memories.
so i say it again post game is REALLY interesting!!! because everyone, collectively, is trying to balance their old memories and their new memories. everyone except siffrin. who is not 1:1 old siffrin but is the closest to it, considering how much loop's been through.
loop??? becomes corporeal at some point in the end.
it's very bittersweet! i think! the whole of the party does an "i want to remember!!!" sequence, fighting with their own minds to fill the gaping holes they'd always ignored.
-- loop, after realizing the extent to which they're familiar with the party, had tried desperately to get the party to remember them throughout the loops. in hopes that something would change. they never remembered.
at the same time, siffrin is talking to the king - they're fighting with eachother physically and verbally, desperately trying to get the other understand. resetfrin is not the siffrin the king hated so earnestly, not the siffrin he tried to snuff out.
over the course of many conversations with the king, siffrin caught on. the king is the major lore dump here and is who causes most of the narrative development because i say so !!!!!!!!!!!!
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actually. about post game. do you know why their designs are like that
resetfrin hated the lack of autonomy he had over their own body so they decided to. cut their hair. it's a bit curlier now that there's not a lot weighing it down
they decided not to keep the star stuff the king gave them. yada yada character development or whatever.
they gave their cloak to loop!! who is. siffrin again. physically at least. both siffrins are siffrin but with clear differences! like hair length and hair texture! and ohhhhhhhh no what do you mean the universe gave them the wrong body?? what?????? how cruel!!! how blasphemous!!!!!!!
loop hated the idea of keeping her hair darkless (mirror pronouns for loop btw!!! remember that!!!). it reminded them of what it was like to be ghostloop. which they hated!!! but they couldn't have their hair be lightless because that was resetfrin's new thing, so... they just. kept dying the bottom parts of it lightless. it's a compromise
how does the party distinguish the two siffrins, name-wise? uhhhhhh. ask me that question later. idk.
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if.... if i have pre-game planned out. and post-game planned out.
then the inly thing I don't have planned out is the ACTUAL time loop bit
it's quite daunting because? that's like the entire point of the original game? it feels like i hve to live up to so much and like fhe loops have to have such a packed, coherent story
though, to be fair, most of what I'm writing will just be. the time loop bit. so i guess I'm figuring it out as i go
anyway, actually talking about the two sketches above, ghostloop is for SIFFRIN'S EYES ONLY!!! she can hit things but things can't hit her and all that.
after figuring out, through past loops, that the King can't see them, they realized siffrin was their only connection to the physical world. The Last Piece Left of them, physically and metaphorically. the whole time they longed for something else to acknowledge their existence. acknowledge theyre real
they also realize they can do Fuckery
the king has a Sixth Sense for loop's Fuckery,,, flipping him The Bird resulted in a rather quick death for Siffrin. whoops!!!!!
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this au is. more closely revolved around gloop than i thought. don't worry!! i have a lot of gloop content planned! but. but you need to understand the pain of resetfrin and the king. the misery snd desperation fhe king felt about his country. siffrin pleading with the king, countlessly, hoping to see some SEMBLANCE of the man he once knew. you need to know the missing pieces the party finds, a hollow feeling settling itself around their hearts. you need to know so bad.
so you'll get gloop content! i am a big fan of the little guy myself, really. but !!! this au is not ONLY about them, believe it or not! hehe. haha. giggles. ok ill stop
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mint-flavoured-coffee · 5 months
An underfell-like au for Isat called Gloomy Stars where the whole group is kinda on edge with each other until the time where Bonnie is attacked and Siffrin failed to protect them, and after Bonnie's recovery (they lost their eye) the whole group agrees to put their differences aside to protect Bonnie while traveling.
They only start to truly warm up with each other when they get to Dormont and Siffrin is forced to watch his family become closer and more vulnerable with each other as they travel the house, only to reset back to the group of meanies they were before entering the house
I think it would do tremendous things to Siffrins mental stability
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slightlytoastedbagel · 6 months
what if there was like. an undertale/isat crossover AU
I am going to take this as a "Frisk ends up in ISAT/Siffrin ends up in Undertale".
(ISAT spoilers up to Act 6 including the secret).
So, Frisk in ISAT. First of all, Frisk is a child so the party isn't going to let them fight. Not that Frisk really wants to fight anyway, they're happy taking snack duty with Bonnie. If Siffrin is still around I can definitely see Frisk as not knowing what is going on but wanting to comfort Siffrin anyway but in the way they pour water on Undyne at Hotland. Frisk has a candy in their pocket and every loop they give it to Siff on the third floor sort of thing. They do this even if they are also looping Frisk is just like that. Now, if Frisk is the one looping and Siffrin isn't there that would be... fun. Especially if Loop is still as they are in canon. They would be wondering what this Small Child came from and what their deal is. They weren't here before. Frisk doesn't know either they fell down a hole and ended up here. A fun little bonus would be Chara also coming along to narrate. Chara and Loop would be fun.
Now. Siffrin in Undertale. He is not having a good time. Let's just say they're aware of the resets and take them as loops for this. In the first few he remains neutral, they're used to fighting on the road but only fights when he can't get away per Toriel's request (let's say that maybe Siff is too used to his old combat rules... maybe they wouldn't think to spare Toriel at a certain point. At least the first time but then Papyrus spares HIM and that's when they realise. That could even be when reset 1 happens because Siffrin just can't go on knowing this). Then after countless attempts at this is when the genocide route comes into play. Genocide route Siffrin is Siffrin at his worse and the underground knows (so sort of like Act 5). Yes Siffrin struggles at Sans and they probably view the guy as similar to the King by the end as the guy he NEEDS to defeat because why else would it be this hard. Then Chara appears and the world is erased and he's back. At that point Siffrin is too tired and that's when it finally clicks that sparing everything is how the game is played down here. Idk, Siffrin is very stubborn when it comes to things, they're certain that when the adventure ends everything ends for example, they view fighting as a way to survival since they don't really remember anything else. Of course if he is going through this with Frisk it's definitely different because he has to look after a child they don't want them to see all that unless absolutely necessary. Also they keep getting upset whenever he even mentions fighting. Pacifist route probably happens first try in that case.
Oh also there's a lot to say about Siffrin and Flowey/Asriel. For Siffrin to go through all of that only to be met with a kid who basically echoes how he feels about their family (don't leave me I won't let you leave me). Yeah. Especially if this is an universe where ISAT still happens and then Siff goes to the underground. He gets it. Also Siffrin interacting with Chara would be great it would be like of Loop commentated on every single thing Siff did all of the time but instead of a star it's this ghost child that started following them when he fell down here.
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the-bitter-ocean · 6 months
(ISAT ACT 3/4 SPOILERS) I saw the latest ask answered for the in tales of time au by @tealgoat and I wanted to write something in response to the art! If you hadn’t already done so please read @wonder-of-the-stars awesome fic to understand the full context of what I am referring to in the story!
This little writing drabble I made is also a neat companion piece to this other writing I did prior. Unintentional but I like the juxtaposition of it all.
Writing of the scene is under the cut:
< Ah- >
< You flipped the page of the familytale too roughly. >
< Too rigid. Too sharp. Too fast. >
< In one clean motion the page rips into a jagged uneven edge.>
< N-NO!! >
< You didn’t mean for it to ..>
< It’s ruined. >
< Ha! >
< Your grip tightens on the book. >
< You’re trembling. >
< You ruin everything you touch don’t you? >
< You ruined this loop. >
< This had been becoming a very bad habit of yours. >
< One that you needed to learn to break sooner rather than later. >
< For some stupid shattering reason you thought- That maybe just maybe you could recover! >
< That you could “fix it” and salvage this shoddy excuse of a story somehow. >
< That you could calm down and think of something smart instead of being completely blinding useless! >
< You tear another page. >
< Your choices don’t matter here. >
< Rip rip rip rip. >
< All of your progress, for better or for worse- gets reset back to square one. >
< The only one who can remember is you and Loop. >
< Loop doesn’t wish to see you. >
< Unsurprising. >
< You have a special talent for pissing off your one and only consistent support in this situation. >
< You don’t stop until the entire book is in shreds. >
< You let the book fall to the ground. >
< You take a deep breath in and out. >
< You don’t feel any better. >
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str8rat · 21 days
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got heavily inspired on @pillowspace's Loop design cuz i love how they draw Loop's/Siffrin's hair all floaty and stuff
I genuinely can't pick between Loop's design 1 which is the one above or Loop design 2 which's hair is very puffy but shorter than siffrin aka below
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I will be giving the long hair design a try though! We'll see how that turns out ;w;
also I think that the long hair design would be more accurate when it comes to the ISAT/Fear & Hunger AU thing, since one of the many details added by mua is that Siffrin's body does not quite reset between each loop, leaving scars from each of his deaths and stuff. Sooo it would make sense that Loop's hair would grow out during their own loops right???
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