#loops don’t reset with Siffrin’s death at this point
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aquamarinebling · 2 months ago
Honestly it would be hilarious if there’s like a 1-5% of Siffrin forgetting about any trap, even if they set it up, and having to deal with the consequences.
this happens. pretty frequently!!! most often it occurs because of Siffrin’s own negligence or rushed actions (such as fleeing from the party without checking their surroundings first).
here’s a comic for that :]
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The party learns what traps Siffrin falls victim to pretty quickly, so these deaths are usually a one-time occurrence! There just happens to be. A lot of them.
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cyten0 · 7 months ago
A Symphony In Crimson
Act 1: A Movement in Black
Chapter 2
You stare at this person, this otherworldly being, in slight bewilderment. You don’t know what to say to them. They seem like some kind of astral being.
✸ “… My! Struck speechless at the sight of me, aren’t you? You’re so cute, stardust!”
✦ “Um?”
✸ “Aw Siffrin, look at you! All lost and confused.”
✦ “Wait, you know me?”
Your heart stops for a second. Do they know you, or-?
✸ “Why wouldn’t I know you? And not that borrowed name and face, but the actual you! Siffrin, the friendly monster! Though, I imagine you MUST feel a little on edge after your first death”
They- they know what you are-! Your heart paces, you can’t think-
✸ “Aw of course I know, stardust! I know about you, your nature, your party, your loops, that mechanical keepsake who’s function you can’t remember, as well as your silver coin-”
✸ “Oh stars, no need to yell. Just take a deep breath in, and out, okay? Not here to hurt you. Breathe with me?”
Your stomach hurts and your whole body is shaking and your heart is pounding like it’s going to explode, so you probably should. Slowly, following the strange being's lead, you breathe in, and out.
You both exhale, relaxed.
✸ “Now then. You have questions, so I’ll let you ask away!”
✦ “Right. So, I guess first of all, who are you?”
✸ “Right. Hm. Let’s go with… Loop! Your ally, Loop, here to help with the loops! Should be easy to remember! And for pronouns, you may use they/them. I’m sure you’ll be thinking about me all the time!”
Your sure you will. Namely because they seem a little annoying. But you guess you can’t be picky if they know your nature. You guess you should introduce yourself? They already know your biggest secret, but no idea how much they actually know about you.
✦ “Well uh, mine are-”
✸ “He/They, already know. I also know your party members. So no need to worry about introductions on your end! I am well up to speed on everything about you. Little benefit of my role~”
Right, that’s a headache. Whatever, you might as well skip the pleasantries and ask about the big thing, since they seem to know everything.
✦ “Right. So, you said I’m looping?”
✸ “Straight to the point, stardust! Just like a scientist should! I like it! That said, you may want to sit down for this~ It’s going to be a lot!”
They’re probably right, this does not feel like a simple thing. You find a nice root across from them and take a seat.
✸ “So. You’re stuck in a timeloop! Fun, right? Any time you die, you loop back in time and get to try it all over again! Very good, since you're not well fed and therefore can’t regenerate as much. No need to worry though, no matter how you die, you will come back just as healthy as you were this morning!”
✦ “Even if my heart gets destroyed?”
✸ “Even then. I mean, the boulder did a good job of that, and you're still back, right?”
✦”Fair enough.”
✸ “Of course, as you could tell, it’s not the only thing reset! Pretty much everything is. Your party's memories, the items you’ve gathered, and so on! Even keys, equipment and the like, so you’ll just have to remember where things are, though I can help with that.”
✦ “That’s pretty manageable. If annoying.”
✸ “Right! You’ll learn a few tricks as you go to negate some of that, but for now that’s how it will work. What will be of far more note is the things that DON’T get reset.”
You don’t like the sound of that.
✸ “The good news is that, as you’ve observed, your memories get to stay. Mine as well, as per my role of assisting you. Your combat knowledge, learned abilities and so on are here to stay. However, there is one other thing that doesn’t reset. One glaring issue~
✸ "Your hunger.”
You freeze. Oh stars. Oh.
✦ “Oh no.”
✸ “That’s right. Your hunger stays~ Meaning the only thing’s you have to work with is what you can obtain within the loop. And we both know that’s not much.”
Most of the sadnesses are in the house, and most wildlife is frozen in time by the curse just outside the town. And that’s assuming you could even sneak out long enough to try your hand at hunting. You’re only entering the house with the party, and there’s no way you can hide you eating a whole sadness in there! Bonnie's meals aren’t nearly enough to keep you together!
✸ “Now don’t panic! I can help with that too, a little. One of my abilities is to create portals to my own little realm, and I can bring the occasional sadness to you on the odd occasion you are alone. I suppose we have a decent opening here~ I can only do it so often, but I should be able to do it once per loop!”
✦ “Oh. Ok. That… thank you.”
It’s... still not much, but it’s something. It should keep you from going insane, at least. Hopefully. At least for a while. But… That’s strange, in that case then…
✦ “Then why do I feel more full then before?”
The figure flinches. They can’t meet your eyes as they speak.
✸ “...You got a little early bonus from my appearance. A little extra energy I had left over. I won’t go into detail.”
That… You don’t know what that means, but by their expression, it’s best you don’t pry.
✦ “Alright then. In that case, what kind of sadnesses are we working with?”
✸ “Best we stick to small fry you can eat quickly and quietly~ And don’t worry about eating in front of me, I won’t judge!”
✦ “Alright. Anything else I should know?”
✸ “Hm. Well, this loop ability isn’t monster related, as far as I can tell. As such, you can tell your party about it and not worry! They might even be able to help!”
✦ “Nah. It should be fine.”
The only thing to worry about is your hunger, and Loop can keep that at bay. You don’t see a reason to worry the rest of the party, not when you can try as many times as need be. And just in case Loop’s wrong and it IS related to your monster nature, you don’t want to risk it.
✸ “Hm. Very well! In that case, your best plan of action now is to not die! Should be simple! Might take a few times, but you’ll trial and error your way to a solution eventually.”
Considering they have a lot of knowledge, might as well see if they have anything helpful.
✦ “Any advice?”
✸ “Advice, yes. Hm. Don’t eat Pineapple! It’s toxic to you!”
✦ “...Really?”
✸ “VERY. Don’t try it, you’ll regret it!”
… That’s it? NOTHING of use?
✸ “Oh fine, let me get some real advice. If your listening or doing something you already did before, you can typically zone out for it and play along. You have a lot of practice doing that, might as well use it! Unless you do something different, nothing will change! So no point paying attention. Should make things go faster.”
✦ “Fair point. That is handy. Then I just have one question left for now.”
✸ “And that is?”
✦ “Why are you helping me?”
The figure pauses. And takes a deep breath, in and out.
✸ “… Because I asked to help. You deserve help. I might not always have answers, and there’s only so much I can do. But… You shouldn’t have to do this alone.”
A strange and vague answer. But you guess that’s all your getting for now.
✸ “Anyways, if that’s everything, we might as well get on that meal I mentioned beforehand! I’ll make sure they take a bit of a fall first, so they’ll be nice and weak! Wouldn’t want you to have to alert people by fighting!”
You take a quick look around, make sure no-one is around, and then get ready. The figure waves their hand, and a red gateway appears from above. A sadness falls from it, and you lunge, quickly driving your dagger down it’s throat so it can’t scream. Your tendrils ensnare it so it won’t run, and as you feel it squirm in fear in your grasp, you open your chest into a mouth much more suited for it’s size. You bite down, feel your teeth sink into it’s flesh, digging in deeper as it struggles.
It’s not the most pleasant food, practically hardened slime with no real organs to speak of, but the moment it insides leak into your throat you feel invigorated by the taste! It’s so much more filling then anything else, and the taste is so close to that unnervingly tempting smell of human flesh. As it stops struggling, it’s motions slowing into mere twitching, you quickly shove the rest of it in, before it can dissolve into useless salty water. You sit there, feeling it break apart within your stomach, filling you with vigor.
You then turn towards Loop, who stares at you with some surprise, but not nearly as much as you would expect.
✸ “… Well that was efficient! I dare say that should tide you over for a bit, hopefully~”
✦ “...Thank you.”
✸ “Of course! Think nothing of it. Last thing we want is you wandering around town hungry~ Speaking of which, you’d best get going. You’ve been here long enough people might start worrying!”
Right! You should hurry along, don’t want that! You wave goodbye to the strange astral being, and continue on with your day.
Alright Siffrin. Back to it, you have a country to save!
✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸
So… That’s you. As your patron said, fully unaware of the loops before. And now you're not them…
It feels like your still you, doesn’t it? Maybe more then before, with how human like you are. Hard to believe this is just your patrons body. You can feel them at the back of your mind. Summoned by the sacrifice of your life. Life that shouldn’t have been yours. And now, the rest of you is walking around, blissfully unaware of what’s filling their belly. Blissfully unaware of the thousands of loops done between that memory of their first death and now. It’s sickening to see them so cheerful. You envy them. They don’t know the taste…
...Despite everything, you're glad how your patron handled this. 'Siffrin' doesn’t have to have those memories, and you can remember what’s useful from before.
You watch them wander about, talking with your- … their party. You don’t deserve to call them your party after what you did to them.
You shake the memory from your head. This realm affords you the view you need to watch over Siffrin, without interrupting the story any more then you need to. Even if it wasn’t part of your patron’s terms, you are quite happy just to watch. And rest. And never look your party in the eyes again.
You will be there for the beginning of this Siffrin’s journey, and find a path to it’s end. As befits The Fool Arcana, you suppose.
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azureblooet · 2 months ago
I mean the isat world still has color people just can’t see it right? For the Undertale characters the ISAT people are just all really colorblind.
Frisk and Chara spending like 10 minutes trying to spare a sadness because they assume it’s just a weird monster, before killing it and being very confused they don’t earn any EXP cause it’s not a person.
Chara and Frisk being suddenly absolutely cracked at combat because now all of their resets matter.
Frisk and Chara being aware of the menus and save points, meanwhile everyone else is confused.
Siffrin is mortified by Chara and Frisk talking about resets/loops so casually.
(Idk what Flowey is doing other than being a creepy flower who’s mellowed out after the true pacifist ending but Flowey)
Also the UT characters living in modern times.
Mirabelle is somewhere and having a very funny reaction to stuff, IDK to what but she’s somewhere.
Chara and Sifrin being mentally ill and making stupid jokes Together
After loops get brought up Chara being like “*eh dying to a giant rock is less embarrassing that Frisk’s first death” “they got mauled by a frog lol”
Odile is taking so many notes on how monsters work, and
Isa is getting like IMMENSELY concerning vibes from Chara’s traumatized child ass behavior.
just woke up from the weirdest dream where undertale and in stars and time had a collab and sans, chara, and grillby looked like this
i then proceeded to have sleep paralysis. what a time
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