#isabella the love clown
shinygeo · 8 months
Ya know what's fun
Creating an au out of ur own au.
Been thinking about the Enchantment au if Clay and Viva had got separated.
I'd imagine Rosiepuff would have died as well.
However how they go the au is while JD, Bruce, Floyd and Branch are singing far far away Clay is singing with them to, just to Viva trying to comfort her. They all still get powers. Clay is convinced it means his brothers are alive. While JD and Floyd are convinced Clay is dead.
There would be a lot more issues tbh. JD would be more obsessed with Perfection and also drowning in guilt and probably crazy protective over his brothers.
Floyd would be torn apart.
Bruce still thinks clay is alive, he has four platonic soulmates three are his brothers the other one has to be.
Branch is rather optimistic that Clay is alive and ends up looking into the future to find out.
They'd be so much disagreements with Clay to the point JD would ban then from bringing him up again.
In this au Peppy would give the Crown to JD instead of Poppy who was rather upset by it.
JD would be so torn up about Clay being alive and would 100% break down right then.
So basically Peppy Lives, Rosiepuff Dies, Clay and Viva are separated and everyone is a bit more traumatised!
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kpopbestie96 · 2 months
Meeting with your ex- Bang Chan Part two (the end)
Hello lovelies, an amazing human requested part two for Meeting with your ex - Bang Chan. I hope that you guys like it! 🥰
18+, cussing, flirting, she/her, y/n, y/n x bang chan, fake text messages.
Italics means in thoughts
Word count: About 3,000
It's been two weeks since you sent the message that didn't deliver and you decided to give up on telling him. If it didn't go through, it must have been a sign, you kept thinking to yourself to feel better about the situation. Even though, deep down, you hated it was undelivered.
Part of you wanted to bring it up when you met up with him on Friday that same week, to play miniature golf where you laughed, joked and told each other about your day. It sat there on your mind, ready to be said but you and him talked about everything. You enjoy talking to him; the conversations you both have are so easy.
You can talk to him from something serious to completely random and time will by past so quickly you can't believe it's already over. Which is something you miss a lot with him. I don't have to think what I'm going to say next, it just comes out so easy. You thought as you were texting him at work.
You didn't want the messages to become everyday but it just happened, something your friends have been clowning on you since you've told them about meeting up with Chan again.
Especially today at work, when your friends in the group chat were placing bets on when you're going to end up with him.
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You sat back in you chair, tilting you head up to stare at the celling, contemplating life and your friends. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything or maybe I should make new friends. It's a good thing I didn't tell them about how we almost kissed. I can imagine the messages now.
You felt your smart watch buzz on your wrist, indicting a new notifcation. When you flipped your wrist over, thinking it was a new text from the friend group, you saw that it was Chan.
A smile crept onto your face as you could feel yourself become giddy seeing his name. Fuck, calm down. he's just my friend now.
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You hated that you felt butterflies in your stomach, couldn't wait to see what he had planned. I remember he use to surprise me all the time when we were together...kind of missed this. You shook your head out of the fog you were in about your ex and went back to work.
The rest of the week flew by and the closer it got to Sunday, the more nervous you became. And, the more your friends joked with you about it, making you laugh at their responses.
The second you woke up on Sunday, it felt as if you had to wait an eternity for Chan since he mentioned the surprise was at night.
The whole day you couldn't sit still, cleaning around your apartment like a mad woman, trying to distract yourself from waiting.
About two hours before Chan showed up, you showered and began to get ready for what Isabella kept calling a "date." You did your make up, curled you hair but you did keep your outfit casual like Chan said to.
You decided on denim pants, a marron long sleeve shirt that was laced at the bottom. I'll bring my jacket just in case...
As you were finishing up your make-up, you heard a knock on your front door, making you start to panic. Shit, I'm not ready!!
You ran up to the door and opened it to see Chan in your doorway, looking handsome. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest as you saw his outfift for the night; Denim pants, with a denim jacket and a white shirt underneath.
"Oh, you look great, even for being casual," you said as you let him in but closed your eyes cringing at what you said. This is going great, you sarcastically thought.
"Me, look at you? You're so gorgeous," he smiled as he turned around, while you tried to act normal but you could feel your cheeks blush from from his compliment.
"I thought you weren't going to flirt anymore..." you smirked as you let out a soft giggle.
"Flirting? I don't know what that is..." he stuck his tongue out a bit, making you want to explode in your spot.
"Anyways!" You said trying to pivot away from him flirting some more with you. "I'm almost ready. I got get my purse and we can head out," you quickly ran away to your room, leaving him in your living room checking it out.
It's been a while since he's been in your home and forgot how it smells like sweet pumpkin and cinnamon.
He was gazing over the pictures you hung up on the wall, not remembering one of them being there last time. It was with you and your friends, smiling, having a great time at the beach.
He couldn't help to smile, seeing you so happy but quickly turned away when he heard you walking back out. "Ready?" you asked.
Turning around, his heart was racing seeing you look so beautiful. But he tried to act calm, "Yup, are you? I see you take a hundred years to get ready still," He joked.
"Yeah, yeah," you waved it off as you both shared a laughed when you blew out your candle before leaving out the door with Chan.
You got into his car and drove off to a mystious place as you talked, sang and laughed along the way.
At one point when you were in the passanger seat, you turned to look at him, seeing the city and car lights cast on to his face. Wow, he's so stunning.
He could see you look at him from the corner of his eye, wanting to smile but held it back. He wanted to reach out for your hand like he use to but knew he shouldn't.
"Where are you taking me?" you cleared your throat, turning back to stare outside the windshield. You were curious where this man was taking you since you notice how far both of you were from the city.
"Just wait, I promise," his Australian accent filled your ears as you sat back wondering what this man has up his sleeve.
The drive lasted five more minutes until he pulled up to an empty area, parking behind a guardrail.
"Oh, is this where you come to kill me?" You jokingly asked turing to him. Although, a small part of you was worried why he brought you so far out.
"No, oh my gosh, you're still so silly," He smiled making one appear on you. "You'll see, c'mon."
You opened the door after he turned off the car, standing out and seeing the city lights on display in the far distance like a picture perfect moment.
But the lights were quickly towards your back as you turn around, titling your head up to see the beautiful stars that blanket about you. Seeing each one twinkle as you let out, "wow."
You love looking at stars, something you and Chan would do all the time but you'll never get over seeing them every single time.
"They look amazing, right?" Chan said, making you move your gaze over to him, seeing him set up a telescope. Where did he get that? And when did he put the blankt down??
"What's with the telescope?" Your curiosity asked.
"You'll see but in the mean time..." he went back to the trunk, closed it as he set down a picnic basket on the blanket. "We can eat, I brought your favorites."
You couldn't help but smile as you made your way over to the blanket, sitting down as Chan began to take out your favorite dish.
"Christopher, I can't believe you did all of this."
"I just thought it would be a fun time, something kind of different." He smiled, showing off his dimples as your heart melted.
You both ate and talked while he kept looking up at the sky, making you wonder what this surprise was. Are aliens going to come pick us up or something?
As you and him were arguing over who's soccer team is better, he moved his eyes up to see the surprise. "It's happening!" He stood up, turning around to help you up.
"What?" You wondered as you placed your hand into his strong grip, helping you up from the ground.
He turned you around towards the dark side, away from the city lights and pointed up. Following his movement to see something in the sky, you squinted trying and see what is was; seeing a few more specks flying.
"Are those meteors?" You questioned feeling a bit of excitement peak up.
"Yup, come look!" You and Chan walked over to the telescope he set up. He adjusted it so you could see them flying in the sky.
"Wow, it looks so cool. Here," he said moving out of the way so you could look.
"Holy shit, this is awesome. Look at that, wow!" you couldn't believe you're finally seeing a meteor shower; something you've had on your bucket list.
You and him both kept taking turns looking at the meteors until they disappeared.
"That was so cool, how did you remember?" You asked as you sat back down on the blanket.
"I remember everything you told me," He shyly admitted, making your face go warm.
You turned your attention back to the sky, hiding your face from Chan's confession. You didn't know what to say, leaving only the noise coming from the world as you both stared up at the stars.
"There's the big dipper," He pointed out breaking up the silence that sat between you two for few moments.
"And there's the little dipper," you noted.
As you were both calling out different constellations, you and him saw a star shoot across the sky.
"Did you see that??" You snap your head to him, wondering if that was a shooting star or another meteor.
"Hurry make a wish!" He said closing his eyes.
You quickly shut your eyes and made a wish. I wish Chan to be happy, healthy and to live a wonderful life...even if it's not with me.
"Did you make it?" He asked, making you open your eyes to see him smiling.
"Yup, hope it comes true." You smiled back, knowing he deserves the whole world.
"Y/n, can I be honest with you?" he said turning his whole body towards you, sitting criss-cross.
Your felt your body tense, afraid to even look at him, your eyes searching everywhere but his. Oh fuck, you thought as you turned to face him. "What's up?"
He played with his denim pants, pinching them, afraid to confess. Seeing how nervous he was, you placed your hand gently on his left leg, making him shoot his head up to lock eyes with you.
"Sorry!" You panicked, quickly retracting your hand back. "I just wanted to let you know...um...you can tell me anything."
"Your fine," he said with a smile but in the inside he didn't want your hand to leave. He missed your touch. "And well...may I hold your hands when I tell your this?"
"Um sure..." He held out his hands as you placed them into his, making goosebumps rise on your arms.
"Okay," he sighed before continuing, "I know we just became friends but I really want to be with you. When we hug, I don't want to pull away, I want to keep you in my arms forever. I know that you probably don't want to get back together but I had to be honest."
Holy shit, wasn't really expecting that. Aaaaahhh!! The yelling in your head was becoming louder but you know you had to say something to him. He patiently waited for your answer, growing afraid what words might come out. But he was trying to mentally prepare for whatever outcome may happen.
Just tell him, tell him the truth. He's being honest with you. "Well, since we're being honest...can I tell you something?"
"Fuck, you don't really like me?"
You couldn't help but giggle, "no," you shook your head smiling, making hair fall into your face.
You picked your head back up, about to move the hair away when Chan let go of your hands and pushed the strands of hair out of your sight.
"Gorgeous," your words were stuck in your throat as you and him locked eyes. Say it, tell him! "Y/n?"
You blinked your eyes to bring yourself back to reality, "Sorry, um...well...I uh...may or may not have sent you a message the night we first hung out," you gripped your hands tightly together as you were flinching from your words.
"Oh, what did it say?" he tilted his head to the left side, wondering what it could have said.
You reached in your back pocket and brought out your phone, handing it to him once you found the message.
You bit your bottom lip, nervously waiting to see what he was going to say. And secretly praying your friends don't text something stupid.
"Oh," He voiced as he handed you the phone back. You locked it and set it on the blanket, trying to figure out if that was a good oh or bad.
"Sorry, I guess it didn't occur to me that you felt that way. I assumed this was truly going to be a friendship."
"Something over came me that night. Just hanging out with for that short period remind me why I was with you for so long. I was stuipd to end it."
"You're not stuipd, you had your reason and I respected it."
You couldn't look at him because of how embarrassed you felt but as soon as you held your head down, you felt his thumb sit softly on your chin while his index finger sat under, slowing moving your head up to look at him.
Your mouth fell a bit agape, wondering what to say next. You were taken back by his smoothness. "If you wanting to...I say we give this another shot," he removed his hands and placed them on top of yours. "Because I think you're my soul mate. The person I'm met to spend the rest of my life with."
Your mind was screaming and knew if you get back together with him, it will be for good. Do I want to do this? You thought as you could feel your body lightly shake with how nervous you were.
"Okay, let's do this if you want to," you couldn't help but smile as he brought you in for a tight hug, pulling you out of your seat. He was so excited he didn't mean to pull you so hard that both of you lost balance and you landed on top of him.
"Good job," you both laughed before opening your eyes and seeing him stare up at you with hearts in his eyes.
"God, I missed you," he moved is left hand up, tucking a strand of hair out of your face and left his hand tucked in your hair behind your head.
"I missed you too," you saw his eyes glance down real quick to your lips as you did the same.
""If you want to...you can just ask," you reused his words from meeting up the first time. He couldn't help but smile as he poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
"May I kiss you?" he asked.
"Say please," you giggled as you know he use to love saying that to you.
With his hand still tucked in your hair, he brought your head forward and smashed his lips on yours. You could feel the butterflies flying around as you your lips were stuck on his.
You felt him smile against your lips, making you pull back to look at him. "Everything okay?"
"Perfect, actually. I'm happy to be with you again my beautiful girlfriend."
You buried your head into his chest, becoming shy. You could feel how toned it was, wondering if he was back in the gym again.
The two of you laid there, looking at the sky for a little bit longer until it was becoming a chilly, making you guys get in the car and drive home.
He walked you up to your apartment door and wrapped his arms around you, brining you in for another kiss, leaving you blushed.
"Goodnight beautiful, I'll text you when I get home."
"Okay," he kissed you one last time before pulling away and leaving you as you walked through the door frame, feeling his lips linger on yours.
You shut the door and freaked out, covering you face with both your hands as you threw yourself on your couch. "I can't believe we're together!" you screamed into your hands, giddy from tonight.
You felt as if there was nothing that could knock you off the cloud nine you were feeling until you felt your phone buzzing in your back pocket. There's no way that's Chan already home.
You looked down and noticed who it was, Oh no...
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You couldn't help but giggle as you saw the message coming in from your friends. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so hard because of how happy you felt.
You were about to put your phone on the charger in your room when you saw Chan message that he made it home. You decided to change his name while you were in the text.
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You came back from the bathroom, brushing your teeth and taking your makeup off to see the message didn't send. This is not happening again.
You resent the message and it actually went thought as you climbed into bed.
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You couldn't help but kick your feet, feeling as if you were back in high school again. You both said goodnight as you set your phone our phone on your nigh stand, turned off the lights and fell asleep with a huge smile on your face.
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Here is part one: Meeting with you ex - Bang Chan
My other work 🥰: Other stories I've written and Stray Kids stuff
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ash-arts-a-thing · 5 months
Chapter 6 event notes are finally here.
Sorry this took so long, it seems this was the chapter people were most excited for, but it’s finally finished. I didn’t have a beta reader this time so I hope they’re still okay.
[Character Notes] [Chapters 1-3] [Chapters 4&5]
Specter Carlo AU Chapter 6
• Upon entering Rosa Isabella Street in a lie playthrough Gemini will still have his regular dialogue, but there will also now be new dialogue with Carlo.
Carlo: “The Opera House, huh? My… friend, loved the Opera House. He was big into theatre.”
Gemini: “He was? Did you two ever go there together? What were the shows like?!”
Carlo: “We… We never got the chance to go.”
Gemini: “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Carlo: “Don’t worry about it. Please.”
• The White Lady will not be aware of Carlo.
• Upon the White Lady’s death Carlo will comment: “What a waste. She had such a beautiful voice when she was still able to sing.”
• Julien will not be aware of Carlo.
• Carlo will have different dialogue depending on whether Julien was lied to or not:
Truth: “Would it have killed you to show the guy a little compassion? Puppet or not, he seemed to really love his wife.”
Lie: “Do you think a human and a puppet can really have a relationship like that? Hmm… whatever makes them happy.”
• Carlo will be unable to comment while Pinocchio travels up the road toward the Opera House due to the over abundance of fire.
• Upon entering the Opera House, Carlo will be as active as he was at Krat Grand Central Station in the floors reflections, though the inconsistencies from Chapter 1 will be far more obvious rather than subtle
• The first thing Carlo will say, when he gets the chance to, is about the Mad Clown that Pinocchio had just defeated, “I don’t know what was going through their heads when they designed that because that is NOT child friendly.”
• Once Pinocchio is first inflicted with disrupt Carlo will comment: “Be more cautious with the puppets around here, a lot of them have ergo disrupting attacks. Getting hit with those feels… bad, to say the least.”
• After defeating the first opera spider Carlo will comment: “I think this might be my least favourite puppet design.” If it’s a truth playthrough he will add: “Hmmm… maybe my second least favourite.”
• Adelina is not aware of Carlo, her dialogue remains unchanged, thought he will comment on her both after talking to her the first time and if she is given the apple.
• After the first conversation Carlo will say “Isn’t… this who the White Lady was talking about? She thought Adelina…”
• If Adelina was given the apple Carlo will say, “Hope she enjoys that. I don’t think there’s another apple left in all of Krat at this point.”
• If Adelina is not given the apple Carlo will say, “I’m pretty sure you don’t eat so what on earth are you saving that for. Just give her the damn fruit.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options before fighting Romeo
These dialogue options are:
“Would you ever go to a show here?”
Carlo: “If that’s what my friend wanted, and we had the money to, I would’ve gone with him without hesitation.”
“How can disruption hurt so much?”
Carlo: “Something to do with you ergo, I’m not the best when it comes to explaining this stuff. I just know that whatever was disrupting you could disrupt me too and it did not feel good.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. [Truth] “Not sure what you expect me to tell you that you don’t already know because I don’t know jack about this thing.”
2. [Lies] “Your guess is as good as mine, so keep your guard up.”
3. [Truth] “It’s bigger than you, I’m sure.”
4. [Lies] “it’s probably going to try to throw you around like that giant cop puppet. Make sure your healed up before we go in.”
5. [Lies] “I wish this wasn’t the reason I was able to visit here for the first time.”
Battle dialogue for phase 1: King of Puppets:
1. “I didn’t like the look of that play. [Lies] It felt like a threat… or a warning.”
2. “That voice…”
3. “Wait- No I have to be hearing things.”
4. “No it can’t be him-!”
Battle dialogue for phase 2: Romeo:
• Note that Carlo will refuse to fight during phase 2, if Romeo targets him Carlo will only block.
1. “Romeo!”
2. “Please, you have to stop this- we’re not the enemy!”
3. “Don’t hurt him!” (Whether he’s talking to Romeo or P can be taken either way depending on the playthrough)
4. “Romeo you can’t keep this up, please I can’t lose you again!”
• Upon defeating Romeo a short in game cutscene will play, Romeo will drop to his knees and Carlo will rush to his side. They will then have the following dialogue:
Romeo: “You’re just as strong as I remember you being, my heart. A truly unstoppable force, you and your new puppet friend. I’m sorry it took me this long to come to my senses.”
Carlo: “Did you see yourself? You were quite literally on fire. (Carlo forces a laugh) Now let’s just… let’s get you back to the hotel. We can get you fixed up there.”
Romeo: “Oh Carlo, I don’t know if I can make it that far, you might have to- ugh- put me out of my misery.”
Carlo: “Don’t talk like that! As long as he helps us we’ll make it! He has to help us- I- please. He’s all I have left.”
• Pinocchio will now have the option to either spare or kill Romeo.
• This choice will have the most drastic consequences of the playthrough as it will cement the way Carlo views Pinocchio for the rest of the game.
• Depending on the choice a different cutscene will play out for both scenarios.
Pinocchio will approach the duo, blade at the ready to strike Romeo down. The tip of Pinocchio’s blade will be raised to rest upon the center of his chest, the light ‘tink’ of metal against metal could be heard for miles in the quiet of the room. Carlo will exclaim, “No! What’re you doing?! We can make it back to the Hotel, just help me get him there, please! Please!!!”
Carlo will then attempt to push Pinocchio’s blade away, but since he is the Specter his hand will harmlessly pass through the blade.
Romeo will place his hand on Carlo’s shoulder before calmly saying, “My heart, it’s okay, it’s better this way. I’ve already hurt both you and your friend, I don’t know what I’d do if I some how… killed you again.”
Carlo will then spit back, “Screw this puppet! If he kills you he’ll never be considered my ‘friend’! In fact, I’d go as far to call him a dead man!”
Romeo will get serious, his face stern as he firmly replies, “Do not hold it against him. You and I both know this is for the best.”
Carlo won’t reply, instead choosing to firmly press his lips to his boyfriends one last time. The kiss will hold for a few seconds before Romeo gasps, Pinocchio’s blade sinking into his chest far enough to pierce through his back.
Romeo will quickly go slack, sliding lifelessly off the blade before hitting the floor with a loud metallic thunk. Carlo will stare in stunned silence for a few seconds before a scream of ‘no’ will be ripped from him. If he were human, the scream would’ve caused enough strain on his vocals to draw blood. Rather than throwing himself on Romeo’s body before he vanishes, Carlo will snap to look up at Pinocchio, eyes red and waves of energy flaring off his body as he stands.
Carlo’s hands will be shaking at his sides as he hisses through clenched teeth, “You. I’ll KILL you!!”
As he lunges for Pinocchio, hands raised and aiming for the puppets neck, Carlo will vanish just as the tips of his fingers would make an attempt at contact at fair skin.
Pinocchio is then left alone as the scream of fury rings through theatre.
Pinocchio will approach the duo, blade at his side as he kneels in front of Romeo. His gaze will snap to Carlo as the Specter speaks, “Please. I don’t know if it will even mean anything to you, but I-,” Carlo will look to Romeo briefly before looking back, face certain and voice confident, “I love him more than life itself.”
At that Pinocchio will blink and tilt his head slightly before his gaze once again lands on Romeo. A beat will pass before he repositions his weapon in his hand, holding the majority of its handle out to Carlo. Carlo will look between him and blade before hesitantly taking it from Pinocchio’s hand.
Pinocchio will then position himself to help the other puppet up, using his legion arm to throw Romeo’s arm over his shoulders and positioning his human arm around the others waist to steady him.
Clenching his teeth and grunting in pain, Romeo will finally speak up, “Are you sure you can do this? I don’t want to slow you two down.”
Pinocchio will remain unfazed, having more than enough strength to flat out just carry Romeo. In response to the question he will nod.
Another hiss of pain, “Alright. Thank you.”
Carlo will release a shaky exhale, taking the lead in front of the two in order to fend off anything that might get in their way. Romeo will strain a laugh, saying, “I know he’ll say it later, but he’s very grateful, trust me. That’s the most emotion I’ve seen from in… quite some time.”
The scene will fade as they make their way out of the theatre doors.
From here notes will be more heavily separated between lie and truth playthroughs as the dialogue differences and interactions between Pinocchio and Carlo will be much more numerous.
• If Pinocchio has chosen to kill Romeo, the rest of the chapter will play out as normal. Carlo will not comment again until returning to the hotel.
• Dialogue from Gepetto, as well as everyone else in the Hotel, will remain unchanged.
• Carlo will have new, and much more hostile dialogue, when spoken to at the mirror.
These dialogue options are:
“Are you okay?“
Carlo: “Don’t you dare ask me if I’m okay. You’re lucky I can’t get my hands on you because if I could I would rip that heart right out of your chest and watch as the light leaves those glass eyes of yours.”
“I’m sorry.”
Carlo: “No. You arent. You’re programmed to think you are and even if you were actually sorry… it isn’t going to bring back the one thing that made my life worth living.”
“What are you thinking about?”
1. “Im thinking about how great it would be if you got the hell away from me.”
2. “Why do you care? Why don’t you go suck up to that bag of dust you call a ‘father’ instead of pestering me.”
3. “You’re going to get what’s coming to you. Just you wait.”
4. “I wanted it to rain again but… whatever. Leave me alone.”
•There is an optional moment where the player will play as Carlo, he will help lead Pinocchio and Romeo through Krat to reach the hotel.
• Pinocchio and Romeo will act as followers in this scenario and will have seperate walking animations depending on speed.
Walking: Romeo will walk while leaning against Pinocchio.
Jogging: Pinocchio will be stabilizing Romeo as he leans more heavily against P.
Sprinting: Pinocchio will have no choice but to just pick Romeo up and carry him to keep up.
• Since Carlo does not have a legion arm himself using the legion button will cause Pinocchio to use whatever arm he has equipped to help if needed.
• There will not be any mini bosses, but there will be more minor enemies than when passed through with Pinocchio
• Upong returning to the hotel, with Carlo and Romeo in Pinocchio’s company, the next time he talks to Gepetto will be more of a confrontation between him and Carlo
• The father and son will bicker back and forth while Romeo and Pinocchio watch
Gepetto: “Ah, my son, you’ve returned. I trust that… you…”
Carlo: “Hello, ‘father’.
Gepetto: “Carlo? How can you-“
Carlo: “The better question is: how can YOU? How can you go around calling that puppet your son? How can you suddenly act like you care even the SLIGHTEST bit about me OR him?!
Gepetto: “Just let me-“
Carlo: “No! I don’t want to hear it! All you’ve done is use him to do your dirty work and what’s worse, you tried to have him kill Romeo! You knew how much he meant to me and you STILL tried to have him killed and on top of that you… Look at what you did to him.”
Gepetto: “Destroying him would have been for the greater good-“
Carlo: “The greater good? My ass for the greater good! You only chose killing him over any other option because you knew how close we were.”
Gepetto: “You don’t know-“
Carlo: “I know enough. I’m out of here.”
Carlo will then storm off, the sound of him stomping down the hall and finishing with the sound of Pinoccchio’s bedroom door slamming shut.
• Carlo can be found in Pinocchio’s room until the next time P leaves Hotel Krat.
• Romeo will be taken to Eugénie where he will recieve repairs throughout the rest of game.
Talking to Carlo again before leaving will yield more dialogue options:
“Are you okay?”
Carlo: “… I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get over it. Shrugging off my father has become second nature to me at this point.”
“Gepetto is your father?”
Carlo: “I should’ve told you sooner, but can you blame me? You were pretty much made to be my replacement or something. All those years I was left to rot in that hole… at least two good things came from it though. Something about Sophia is… off though.”
“Will Romeo be okay?”
Carlo: “Romeo is stronger than he looks. I bet by this time tomorrow he’ll be walking around like nothing happened, heheh… At least, I hope he is.”
“What are you thinking about?”
1. “It’s… really good to have Romeo back. I wasn’t expecting to ever see him again.”
2. “Sophia is going to be surprised to see Romeo and I again, it’ll be nice to talk to her.”
3. “I wonder if can play the piano with this body, maybe I can finally give you that show I promised.”
4. “I my favourite book is still downstairs. I never get tired of reading the story of Pinocchio, you should read it sometime.”
Most of the Hotel residents will also have something to say about Romeo and Carlo:
Antonia: “It’s been so long since I’ve seen those boys. It’s good to be able to see them again, even in the states they’re currently in.”
Eugénie: “Don’t worry, Romeo is in good hands with me and Venigni, we’ll make sure he gets patched up. His friend is welcome to come oversee his repairs anytime. Carlo was his name, right?”
Gepetto: “Please, leave me be, son. You have much more work to do in Krat.”
Venigni: “Ah, so good to see young Carlo and his ‘friend’ again. He deserved so much better than what happened to him, it’s good to see he’ll have a second chance.”
Polendena: “Master Carlo has changed in many ways since we’ve last met and yet, he’s stayed the same in some ways as well. I’m sure he and Romeo will fit in nicely at the Hotel.”
Sophia: “They’ve both changed so much, but I suppose I have too. It will be nice to have a chance to talk to them again, thank you for bringing them both back.”
• Even if Carlo isn’t spoken to before P leaves he can be recruited as a follower, a prompt will ask if P wants to bring him along.
• Carlo will head back to the hotel before his health can hit zero, once he heads back he’ll have to be recruited again.
• He will act pretty much the same as he does in boss fights, but he will only attack something that is actively trying to harm P rather than running off to fight whatever he sees.
• If P doesn’t see an item Carlo has a chance to point it out to him or he will ask to get it himself to which he will either stay with P or run off the grab it.
• Carlo will have his own weapon that will change every chapter like with regular boss fights, but if he is acting as a follower it’s possible to change it through P’s inventory.
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cohen-bryer · 4 months
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Let me pause for a moment before i say these vows.. I knew Bella would be a beautiful bride, but she’s so breathtaking right now I can barely remember them. Everyone clap for my wife… Damn, what a round of applause. Okay, now I’m good.
If you had asked me a year ago where I thought my life would be at this moment, I wouldn’t even for a second believe I would be here. I had never loved anyone other than family, let alone felt so strong for someone I thought I could marry them. But then you came along. My angel. I vow to you that every day you will wake up with me by your side, ready to conquer whatever that day throws at us. I will be your rock, your safe space, your clown when you need a laugh. My love for you will never waiver, never fade, never be questioned. I know what I want in life now that I’ve met you.
With these vows come a million promises I’m making to you. And not just you, but your family too. I promise everyone I will love Bella, care for her no matter what, and always make her the happiest girl in existence. I know the customs you all live by don’t exactly include handing off your daughter, sister, cousin, whatever she is to you, off to someone who’s a stranger to you, but I promise that I won’t make you regret this. Isabella has made me the happiest man alive and your blessing for us has only added to that. I owe her my entire life, and I will use my life to make sure she has everything she needs in this world and the next. I love you, Isabella Bryer.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 month
Original Story Poll!!
Hello hello! Okay, SO! I have 2 original stories that I've been plotting and they're both finally starting to become fully fleshed out ideas instead of the deformed block of chewing gum they were when they first left my brain. But, despite the fact I want to work on both right now, I can't just because of the sheer volume of fics I have going on here, so I'm going to start with one. So, I'd like to know which one you guys would prefer to see first! Below are a brief description of the idea I have for each, it may shift and change a little over time as I'm writing it, but generally this is where we're heading! I can't wait to know what you all think and thank you so much for your input!
Three Rings - Bea is a circus performer struggling to make ends meet. With the threat of being evicted from her apartment she sees little other option than to audition for the "stage show circus spectacular" advertised by one Nico Gallerini, a mobster who definitely doesn't have the cleanest hands. Despite her less than savory new job, Bea finds herself in a world of bright and colorful people, discovering herself as a performer, and seeing whether or not love really does conquer all as she reluctantly falls for her co-star Kip, a southern gentleman who has an astounding amount of charisma for a clown.
Sacrament of The Night - Isabella is traveling to a small village in order to do research on their religious customs for her thesis. Upon arriving she is introduced to Father Christian, the pastor of the local church. Excited to share his knowledge, the two often find themselves spending long hours together, enthralled by each other's company. Over their time together, Isabella begins to realize that there may be something darker hiding behind Father Christian's charming yet awkward front. Tensions grow as she learns of the disappearances that had started occurring before her arrival.
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ravenn-darkholme · 7 months
Permanent Price chapter 2
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
word count: 1685
warnings: none that I know of
series masterlist
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After Charles introduced Raven and Isabella to CIA agent Moira MacTaggert, they traveled to Virginia to visit the CIA headquarters.
Bella sat next to raven as Charles presented his lecture to the CIA. She didn't need to be a mind reader to know the CIA agents couldn't care less about what Charles was saying. As Charles finished he moved to sit down across from the sisters.
"MacTaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientist is going to make me believe in sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just bought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over."
"Please sit down, Agent Mactaggart. I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind." Charles said to the moody CIA men.
"I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you going to ask us to think of a number between one and 10 now?" Isabella wanted to hit that man over and over again, but she couldn't blow her cover. If it wasn't mentioned before she was sitting next to raven invisible and ready to show herself on cue if Charles's plan didn't work. As if sensing her discomfort, raven put her hand on her sister's hand to calm her down. They were both sick of humans calling mutants like themselves 'freaks' or 'clowns'.
"No, agent Stryker. Although, I could ask you about your son, William, who you were thinking about, which is very nice. But I think I'd rather ask you about the Jupiter missile America is currently placing in Turkey."
"He's a goddamn spy. You brought a goddamned spy into this facility!" The CIA agent raised his voice toward Moira. Raven squeezed her sister's hand telling her it was time to show herself. Raven stood up and her blue scales fell down her body revealing herself as the CIA man she was looking at. Then Isabella made herself visible. Gold and purple specs of light cascaded down her body, exposing her to the agents in the meeting. It was as if time had stopped in that room. All the CIA agents including Moira just stared at them dumbfounded. Isabella and Raven looked toward the rude men and just smiled.
"How's that for a magic trick?" Charles smirked.
"Best I've ever seen." A man at the back of the room said with a small genuine smile on his face. Maybe some of these men weren't so bad.
"I want them out of here. And locked down until I can figure out what to do."
"My facility is off-site. I'll take them." The same man said smiling at the two sisters.
They were on their way to the parking garage when Charles spoke to Moira in his mind. He planned to meet her up there and she was going to take them to the new lead on Sebastian Shaw.
"I've always known that there were people like you out there. I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it! You are going to love my facility." The man - Belle learned was named Agent Billy Koenig.
"That's going to have to wait."
"Agent Mactaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we don't move now, apparently, we're going to lose him," Charles said as Moira pulled up in an all-black slick SUV.
"What?" Agent Koenig asked confused.
"Not only can he read minds, but he can also communicate with them as well," Bella said to the man.
"Moira and I have just had a lovely conversation."
"Yes, we did."
"That is incredible! But . . . I-I cannot take you anywhere else without permission from upstairs." He stuttered sadly.
"Like to see one more magic trick?" - "Okay." - "Get in the car." - "Good idea."
Isabella chuckled. He really was a powerful mutant. Three words and he could make ANYONE do whatever he wanted. That could come in handy one day.
as long as he doesn't lose his powers. She thought with a silent chuckle.
Oh, I would never lose them, my dear Isabella. He spoke to her mind with a smirk.
Belle got in the back with raven and Agent Koenig when he suddenly asked her.
"So what can you do? Just turn invisible or can you turn people invisible too? That's awesome-" He began to ramble on. Belle smiled and answered him.
"Well as you saw, I can turn myself invisible but also other people and objects. And I can phase through objects. But that's about it." She told sweetly.
"Wow. That is just incredible. You too." He said looking toward Raven. She just smiled sadly. At least someone liked her for her real form. Don't get me wrong she loved Charles dearly but telling her she needed to hide? Made her upset. Though she knew Isabella loved her true form.
Isabella Adored the ocean. It was probably because she and Raven's mother used to take them to the nearest beach when they were younger and they would all go swimming and have fun. That was one of the simple things she missed dearly from her childhood. Bella had tried to get Charles to go with her and raven once but he was too busy with uni stuff. Isabella also felt safe near deep dark open waters as her powers could save her or the people around her.
"I've lost Shaw," Charles spoke as he tried to read Shaw's mind from his position on the ship. "I've lo- I've lost Shaw." He repeated as he tried to find him.
"Th-There's something blocking me. This has only ever happened with Isabella, before." He informed the Agents around them. Isabella could stop Charles (or other mind readers if she came across them) from entering her mind by simply putting a forcefield around her mind, or trapping the mind reader in one would stop them from reading anyone outside of the bubble.
"I think there's someone like me on that ship."
"Like you?" Moira asked, not really understanding.
"What are you saying, there's a telepath?" Isabella asked, surprised. She knew there had to be others like Charles but it was still shocking to hear.
"Yes. This is incredible." Charles said, excitingly. "I can actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help to you tonight."
"Belle?" The two agents looked at her hopeful.
"I mean there's not much I can do from over here, and even if we were closer we don't know who is on that ship or what they can do," She informed them, watching the agent's faces drop.
"Looks like you guys are on your own, I'm sorry." She added, sad that she couldn't help.
"Get inside," Koenig told the three as they made their way to where Raven was.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop," Charles said as he curled over clutching his head in agony.
"Charles?" Isabella asked worryingly as she placed her hand on his arm, hoping to help him get through the pain. It surprised the two of them when it worked.
"There's someone else out there." He informed the three before they made their way back onto the deck.
"There." Charles pointed to something that was floating in the air. As Isabella looked closer, she saw that it was the anchor to Shaw's boat gliding through the air.
"Oh, my god." Bella gasped as she watched the anchor destroy the boat. Belle tried to search the water for the unknown person, but she couldn't see anyone. It wasn't until she saw a submarine coming towards them did she see a man following behind it.
"Let go! You have to let it go!" Charles called out to the man, knowing what he was trying to do by reading his mind.
"You have to help him. Someone has to get in the water to help him." Belle spoke to the agents while Charles called out the man. But before anyone could react Charles jumped off the ship to help him.
"Charles!" Isabella called out to the man as Moira held her back from going in after him.
"Charles!" She called out again as she tried to get out of Moira's grip. "Let go of me! Charles!"
It's fine, Belle. I'm fine. We're fine. She heard Charles' voice in her head which made her calm down a little.
Would you mind picking us up, Isabella?
And she did as she was told, using her forcefield shaped like a square, to safely pick up Charles and the unidentified man out of the water. Koenig and Moira stared at her in awe, watching her work.
"Incredible," Moira spoke, eyes wide.
She relaxed once Charles was back on the ship, with the unknown man. Bella was quick to pull Charles into a hug once she reached him, not caring about getting wet. Charles was happy to hug the girl back as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm happy you're okay." The girl said as she hugged Charles a little tighter before she let go of him.
"God, Charles if you ever do that again, I swear to god!" She said as she lightly hit him on his chest.
"I don't plan on it, belle." Charles couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the girl.
"But I would like to introduce you to our new friend." He added as he looked between Isabella and the man he found in the ocean.
"Isabella, this is Erik." He introduced the two.
"Well, Erik. It's nice to meet you." She smiled at the new man. Erik just looked the girl up and down without speaking and walking away.
be nice, he's had a hard time.
With that she poked her tongue out at her brother, childishly walking away and folding her arms, making him chuckle.
authors note
guess what... BELLA'S MEETING THE LOVE OF HER LIFE NEXT CHAPTER *cheers* and yes I made that CIA agent named billy koenig :) if you caught that hi fellow AOS fan <3
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And finally, this is little Christopher Vincent Gray!
He is my oldest (longest held in my mind) OC in the nursery.
Kit: Charlie by Joanna Kazmierczak
Artist: CamellynCreations (Facebook and Etsy)
Kit age: Newborn/Preemie
Christopher’s age: Newborn
A little about Christopher:
He’s a twin! His sister is not yet in my nursery but her name is Jennifer Gray. She and Christopher were the product of heteropaternalsuperfecundation, which is basically when two or more babies born at the same time from the same mother have different biological fathers. Christopher’s papa is Pennywise (played by Tim Curry) and Jennifer’s papa is Pennywise (played by Bill Skarsgard). Their mother is Isabella Victoria Brooks, AKA Blinky the Clown, a Deadlight who was once human. So, technically, Christopher is partially human and that nature causes him and his sister to hate the taste of people. It also enables them to eat things like sugar but their mostly-Deadlight bodies don’t process it correctly and it becomes like an addictive substance that influences their brains. Christopher has heterochromia- two different colored eyes- as a mutation from his combined human and Deadlight DNA.
Christopher is quite energetic and cares deeply about his friends, though that may sometimes be overshadowed by his excitement for something. He loves to be goofy and silly, befitting his main form’s clownlike appearance. But he can also be quite dark because of the pressure Pennywise puts on him and his sister as the eldest Nestlings- Christopher would much rather befriend humans than hurt them. So he seeks out humans that understand difference and darkness, who might need a few laughs and adventures, as friends. It’s a big middle finger to his father and he knows it.
Christopher and Jennifer’s parents:
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
Here There Be Dragons
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I was thinking about dragons, and while a SHOCKING number of my dragony books are still in tubs in my Dad's basement in Alaska, I do have a few dragony books on my shelves at the moment and I wanted to share them, who their dragons are, and why I love them.
A Natural History of Dragons follows Isabella Camehurst (the future Lady Isabella Trent) as she works to build the field of draconic studies. The dragons here skew more animalistic than intelligent, but they're very cool, and the exploration of both the natural history of dragons and Isabella absolutely obliterating pseudo-Victorian gender roles in the name of science is extremely fun.
Heart of Stone features the draconic mob boss Janx, who fully has all the energy of "class clown who grew up to use his powers for evil" and simultaneously is himself a dragon. Between his phenomenal chemistry with Margrit and his on-again off-again tempestuous relationship with Daisani, Janx is never not fun.
Guards! Guards! features the absolutely darling Errol, who frankly is a miracle of nature and everyone's sad panda dragon. I get very Tad Cooper vibes from Errol, and between him and the great dragon summoned to eat Lady Sybil, the dragon shenanagins in this book are a solid 10/10. But then, it's Terry Pratchett, what else would we expect?
Ok, full disclosure: Calling on Dragons is the third book in the Dealings with Dragons quartet, but my copies of the first, second, and fourth books are in Alaska, so we are sneaking this one in. This particular book is lighter on the actual dragons than the first book, but Kazul just going full on Quincy P. Morris on a group of wizards never gets old, and Wrede's voice is, quite simply, incomparable.
Last but never, ever least (Naomi Novik has never written a bad book in her life and the JEALOUSY and ADMIRATION I feel are intense) is His Majsesty's Dragon. Temeraire, baby, you keep doing you and dragging Lawrence to the light side because you might be young and inexperienced but you're RIGHT. And just utterly charming. Not to mention the fact that his entire formation are a treat--I would hug on Maximus forever, we really need more gentle giant himbo dragons in the word (Maximus disagrees when he meets Kulingile, but we're just going to ignore that).
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
I wrote this with the thought of he is trying make it seem like he IS Sunny Day Jack and his "friends and family" were real and not just actors.
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Jack wants three kids thats the minimum. However if you let him dick you down to his pleasure you will for sure have more then three. He doesn't mind though he loves kids.
If you only have 3 kids your eldest daught is named Jane by Jack's request. It reminds him of his "sister", and wants his daughter to have her name so he never forgets. If it wasn't for the clown makeup permanently on her face you wouldnt be able to tell she was your kid. Jack has never said, but he always gets uncomfortable if you ever bring up Jane's out of place brown hair and ruby eyes.
The second born is also a girl who's VERY much a daddy's girl. Mommy/other parent?? We don't know them sorry. Her name is Isabella (bella or belle for short), and along with her obvious attachment to her father she also got his looks. She is almost an exact carbon copy of him. Isabelle is the princess of the three, and she won't let you forget it.
The youngest is just baby boy, and his name is Danny. Because he is just a baby it's hard to tell who he will mainly take after. However, look wise he is a healthy mix of the two of you.
Stay at home dad for life. Since he can't get a job to provide for everyone he stay with children and take care of everything else. Which means is also very excited to see yoh when you get home. Him and the kids have what time you come home memorized so that can stand by the door to greet you, and give/receive kisses.
I won't lie it isn't always sunshine and roses. Due to the kids unnatural birthmarks there have been many calls from school, and doctors. It frustrated Jack to no end that he could stop the teachers from yelling at you about "letting their children wear makeup at that age" or how "their hair shouldn't be dyed at that age." . He never took the frustrations on his family. No he comforts his family, and when all is quiet at night he handles the issue.
100/10 dad material
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ladyvandaele · 12 days
My Nana is a wonderful and loving woman. She has 3 children and 6 grandchildren including me. I have just now realized that there are 3 children and 6 grandchildren in the Madrigal family as well, and actually, our families match each other almost perfectly! 👀
✨ Here’s who I would chose to represent the characters of Encanto ✨
Mirabel = Me, I can also relate to Dolores and being the oldest grandchild I was a lot like Isabella as a baby, but Mirabel is my spirit animal now. Like her I am still waiting on a miracle to help me finally get my life in order.
Antonio = Matt, my little brother. He is outgoing and always smiling! When he was younger he relied on me a lot for leadership and support but he grew up to be a very respected member of the family. He works as a grounds keeper and he loves his pet cat Kiki and his pet dog Sunny!
Camilo = Chris, the oldest cousin, he is the silly class clown type, always coming up with random ideas and funny jokes to make everyone laugh! He is also a bit of a rebel. When around strangers he can be a little awkward but personally I really admire his energy.
Isabella = Lindsey, my cousin, she has the perfect life, perfect job, perfect home, perfect husband. She is well mannered and seems to be living the perfect dream life. While I envy her a lot I know she deserves it all because she kind of had a rough childhood growing up.
Luisa = Taylor, my cousin, a bit of an over achiever. She got a lot of awards in school and is now going to university for bio chemistry. Strong ambition, she is preserving and self reliant.
Dolores = Jaycee, my youngest cousin, spiritually sensitive, as a baby she would ask curious questions like, “Do you think Jesus had mustard at the last supper?”
Julietta = My Mom. My Mom was a nurse, she enjoys healing other people. Honestly, her personality is more like Abuala’s because she is high strung and perfectionist but since my Mom was a nurse I’m calling her Julieta.
Pepa = My Aunt Christine. She is a wild and funny woman. Has curly blond hair like Pepa. She can have mood swings at times.. She now lives in Saskatchewan and is the super intendant of a school district.
Bruno = Uncle John. My Godfather. I was closest to him as a baby. A LOT of the families responsibly was placed upon him at a young age (he is the youngest child of my Nana) He ultimately failed to live up to the families expectations and now he lives far to the north, nobody talks about him at family functions.
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shinygeo · 8 months
More abt what I'm gonna call the enchantment au
JD has plant powers. He's a big part of the community and is there to give decoration and fruit to the area. He's loved to the point of worship but always has to be perfect. (He and isabella both have a perfect thing going on)
Bruce can see soulmates, romantic and platonic, he's there as a relationship counsellor and to help guide people in the right direction. He's not allowed to follow his own red string
(idea for bruces power came from the Brotherhood Au Co parented by @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache)
Clay can create illusions this is used for entertainment like dancing for kids, he basically becomes a glorified clown and he is not happy, he once tried to use his illusion to help JD plan a fruit field but rosiepuff got pisseddddd
Floyd is an empath, he's a therapist essentially, he can influence others emotions and feel them so he's typically needed for times of worry or fear
Branch can see the future, similar to Bruno in Encanto he's not well liked by people because he doesn't always see good things and it upsets trolls a loooot he does become duller in colour bc he's basically bullied by the community his brothers try and help but have their own shit to do
Rosiepuff is genuinely doing all this for power, thinking that if her eldest grandson is loved enough, she can gain more and more power.
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chocos-universe-2 · 2 months
HH (Hazbin Hotel) - S1
HB (Helluva Boss) - S1 - S2
FNaF - All Games + VR - 1-2
CupHead - OG Game + DLC + Show
Poppy Playtime - Chapters 1-3
TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Total Drama/Disventure Camp
BB (Baldis Basics)
FNF (Friday Night Funkin') - Mods Included
BATIM (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 1-2
Suction Cup Man
Sally Face
Inside Out 2
Clone High
Chikin Nuggit
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Fairly OddParents
Fairly OddParents: A New Wish
Dandy's World
★Fandom OC's★
HH (Hazbin Hotel) - Luna (Wolf)
HB (Helluva Boss) - Wynter (IMP)
FNaF - (Human/Ghost) - Roxy (Animatronic) - Ronni
CupHead - Damien (Chalice Brother/Demon)
Poppy Playtime 1-2 - Michael (Player)
Poppy Playtime 3 - QuietMouse (A smiling Critter) + Michael
TADC - Mikey (Old Doll)
Eddsworld - Harper (Normal Character)
Total Drama - Rosalina Jane (Daughter of ⬇️) and Alex Miller (Crushing on Rosalina)
DVC - Bella Jane (Mother of ⬆️)
CreepyPasta - Ella and Ethan Connor (Killer Siblings) + River (Killer Clown
Ms. V (Vacuum) - (Gotta Sweeps ex highschool sweetheart)
Play With Me <OC Mod> - Sage (Vampire Hunter) & Darla (Vampire)
Villainous - Moria (Flug simp <not like Demencia tho>)
BATIM - Candy (Dating Bendy) Lydia (Candy's mum)
AAF - Mimi the Mouse (Designer, dating Claus the Clock)
DDLC - Emiko (Apart of Literature Club)
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 2 - Emara (Child) & Ms. Sunflower (A Bee)
Suction Cup Man - Alison (Helper of SCM)
Sally Face - Eddie (17, Dead/Ghost)
Inside Out 2 - Love (Anxiety's GF)
Clone High - Agatha Christie (Clone, dating JFK)
Chikin Nuggit - Sweet Raspberry (Lion)
Cookie Run: Kingdom - SunLigjt Cookie (They/It)
Fairly OddParents + A New Wish - Alex (My preferred name, she only appears in the crossover AU)
Dandy's World - Parker the Pancake & Twisted Parker the Pancake
Trixie Isabella (Angel)
Trixie Isabella (Past - Human)
Midnight Michelle Myers (Vampire Overlord Demon)
Midnight Michelle Myers (Past - Human)
Hayden (Fish Demon)
Hayden (Past - Human)
Alec & Amelia (Midnight's Parents - Past)
Jessica (Hayden's Mom- Past)
Rudra - (Experimented to an Angel Demon - Dating a Human)
Scott - (Past Rudra)
Maggie (Born Human - Dating an experiment)
Keith (Tired Birista - Human)
Emmet - (Dating Keith - Stay at home partner)
Jackie - (Born Dark Winged Angel)
Theo - (Born White Winged/Horned Demon)
Daniel - (Human - FemBoy)
Aiden - (Human - Emo Type Style)
Hazel - (Human - Dating Emmy)
Emmy - (Human - Dating Hazel)
Sherry - (Undercover Spy - Human)
Lynn - (Angel)
Ava - (Winged Demon)
Anna - (Wolf- Little girl)
Nikki - (Human - Anna's mom)
Ace - (Wolf - Anna's dad)
Dahlia- (Cat Princess, Banisned to Earth - Little girl)
Bella - (Vampire - Dahlia's Adoptive Mom)
Sophia - (Human - Yandere)
Oliver - (Human - Senpai)
My OG Blog is @chocos-universe if you just want your OC tkls or just plain old character tkls:)
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m0chaminx · 9 months
Other Masterlist
*•.¸♡Smut= ☆
*•.¸♡Suggestive= ◇
*•.¸♡Angst= ♤
*•.¸♡Fluff= ♡
*•.¸♡Platonic= ♧
*•.¸♡Dark= ○
Eggsy Unwin Confession ☆ Eggsy's confession is surprising, but not unwelcome
Camilo Madrigal Noticed PT1 ♡ | Lovesick PT2 ♡ | Perfect PT3 ♡ | Adorable PT4 ♡ You Notice Camilo. Properly You Deserve The World ♡ ♤ Camilo needs reminding that he is special Lion ♡ Camilo meets a mystery girl in the woods Clown Camilo's imaginary friends isnt so friendly You're Still You ♡ ♤ Camilo assures you, you're still you Try ♡ ♤ You just want to do something nice for Camilo but nothing seems to go right Rapunzel, let down your hair ♡ Camilo really wants to see your long hair She doesn't love me, she's not that stupid ♡ Camilo has been in love with you for a very long time, unknown to anyone else, you've loved Camilo just as long I didn't mean to love you so much ♡ You really didn't Overthinker ♡ ♤ Camilo makes sure you're alright Comfort ♡ You comfort Camilo, always have. That's what a friend does right? A friend How Stupid Are You ♡ ♤ Today was meant to be a good day Village Singer ♡ Camilo is a nervous mess. Surprisingly, unsuprised Pot ♡ Camilo acidently breaks one of his Abuela's pots Burning Kiss ♡ Why does something so wrong, feel so right Scars ♡ ♤ Camilo always made you feel better about the scars you have from an accident when you were younger Anger ♡ ♤ Camilo is the only one to calm you down, but sometimes it's just too much Rebuild PT1 ♡ The only time Camilo will ever thank Dolores for being an eavesdrop
You dropped Food And Think You Offended Casita Headcannons ♡ ♤ Reader With A Prosthetic leg Headcannons ♡ A Cute S/O Headcannons ♡ A Sick S/O Headcannons ♡ A S/O With Powers Headcannons ♡
Isabella Madrigal She ♤ She Means Everything To Me Promise ♡ ♤ You Make A Promise
Mirabel Madrigal Mirabel Knitting Headcannons ♡
Bruno Madrigal Jealousy, Jealousy ♡ Bruno can get very jealous and protective, very quickly
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blnk338 · 2 years
Glitter Anon here. Can we learn more about the 831? Like: What kind of shenanigans would they get into? Who was baby? Their yearbook labels? Just fun things.
[I am using Nadya's name in place of Reaper's!] (Said is pronounced as Sai-ee-d)
Task Force 831, better known as Team 831 or the 831, was a group of American Special Forces soldiers led by Captain Phillip Graves. Active for roughly five years before the unfortunate death, injury, and disappearance of them, the squad handled sensitive and dangerous operations outside of the United States, mainly in the countries of Adal and Urzikstan, with minor missions within other west Asian, Eurasian, South American, and European countries.
Captain Graves enlisted several decorated forces to serve under him in the force. Lieutenant Rose Achebe, Lieutenant Marisha Gallagher, Sergeant Tahoma Johns, Sergeant Isabella Okazaki, and newly promoted sergeants Angeline Navarro, Rodrigo Cassidy, and Nadezhda Said.
Other teams and staff largely regarded them as never being anywhere without another-- the task force were at each other's hips all the time; eating together, training together, etc. Often on breaks, they'd spend plenty of time at Graves' house in Austin for get together, weekend trips, BBQs, you name it!
Rigo was largely labeled as everyone's little brother or the baby of the team. He never seemed to mind it and actually, maybe even enjoyed the pampering and babying from his friends. Rigo's callsign used to be "Teddy" considering how soft the 831 was on the guy (he's largely just called by "Rigo" now). He was obviously deemed "Class Clown" in his senior year's yearbook!
Nadya, Nads, Nadder-- the firecracker of the 831. Previously deemed [callsign recall failed, reboot system and try again later], a title well-earned for her strength in the field, she was the life of the motherfuckin' party. She was always on booze for the 831 parties and always knew the best places to get food. Smiling from ear to ear constantly, those outside of the 831 hardly saw her without the blinding grin. Known in high school as "The Emo Kid."
Angeline, Angel, Angelina-- the gentle giant of the team. Towering over plenty of the other sergeants, her 6'2 stature often scared the living shit out of those on the battlefield. Callsign "Maverick," she'd sweep through buildings in minutes, wiping out anyone who stood between her and her team. ...But she was also the 831's beauty specialist. Gentle, steady hands could do the finest eyeliner and best contouring you could ever see. Though she was quiet, the affection she had for her team was obvious-- this loving, caring woman spent her breaks from the military fostering kittens. Voted most likely to go into professional sports because of her height in high school.
Izzie was the team's gym junkie. Christ on a cracker, this girl never drank alcohol, never (sometimes) went to be late, never touched anything that could've even been deemed unhealthy (think of her as the ultimate health nerd)-- and she did what she could to keep the others on the same path. Izzie "Legs" Okazaki could power through a hot battlefield and make it out the other side like she was Secretariat, corralling the rest of the team into safe positions while she laid down cover fire. Was Prom Queen her senior year!
Homa, Johnny-- he was definitely the heart of the team. A bit of a worry wart, the firearm specialist had a heart of gold amongst the blood and guts of the field. "Birdie" had an eye out for his team at all times, firing a shot into the head of anyone who stepped too close to his armored companions. It was impossible not to like him, but damn... did he love a little gossip. This boy was pretty and popular, winning Prom King in his junior AND senior years of high school.
Mari was a bit skittish in her years as a lieutenant. Sure, she was strong, commanding, but she held a secret insecurity that was chipped away at by the support of her captain. Graves knew she had some doubts, so he did everything he could to encourage the woman, turning Marisha into the headstrong Lt. "Textbook" Gallagher for her strict regiment toward the rules and precise knowledge of military action and code. Luckily, she's largely been called "Gallagher," or "Galla," since her time as a Captain. She was captain of the Mathletes in her middle and high school years.
Rose, Rosie-- aptly given the callsign "Thorn," was probably the most lax lieutenant you could have. Pretty much owned the phrase "if I didn't see it, I don't care." With that being said, she was well respected because of her hands-off style of leadership. She was held as a responsible guide, letting the lower ranks fuck around and find out, then teaching them how to not do it again. Loved by many, the woman made sure to keep the anxious members of the 831 as chill as possible. Oddly enough, she was voted for "Teacher's Pet" in her yearbook!
Finally, Phillip Graves, the kind-hearted Captain of the 831. He collected them with the hopes to turn them into a strong, powerful team, and boy, was he not disappointed. He cared for each of them like his own children (since his actual kids ended up being taken in the divorce), making sure they always came back in one piece. It's a wonder as to why he didn't cry when he found out their helo had crashed in an untrackable location.
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𝕰𝖒𝖒𝖆 𝖁𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞
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CREDIT TO KÆM (Template credit)
Face Claim: Zendaya Coleman
Theme Song: “Running with the wolves” by AURORA
Name: Emma Maeve Vanity
-Emma: Whole, Universal
-Maeve: She who rules
-Vanity: Excessive pride
Also Known As:
Em: Used by their friends
Emy / Emie: Used mainly by Lucinda and Amelia
Van: Used mainly by everyone else
Titles: None
Birthday: August 7th, 1959
Astrological Signs:
*Sun: Leo
*Moon: Virgo
*Rising: Taurus
Nationality: British
Species/Blood-Status: Muggleborn but claimed to be Half-Blood during their Hogwarts years, only Dumbledore and teachers knew the truth.
Blood Type: A-
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them ; She/Her for friends to use only
Sexual Orientation: Biromantic demisexual
With the wizards community being more accepting, Emma didn’t hesitate to come out to any of their friends at Hogwarts or even teachers. Most purebloods like Louis were confused, as this was no big deal at first. But Sebastian, whose father worked among muggles, was well aware that muggles were much less accepting of this and explained the situation to the rest.
Despite them not knowing that Emma was a muggleborn, Emma told them that they were born and raised in a muggle neighborhood, to a witch mother who no longer had interest in magic and a muggle father. Which they all believed.
When it comes to their family, Emma only came out to their sister and father, still unsure how their mother would react and decided to leave the rest of the relatives out of this.
About Him
Personality: ESTJ
Occupation: After graduation, Emma joined the “Chudley Cannons” quidditch team
-Football and Quidditch
-Hanging out with the gang
-Being dragged into Lucinda’s never ending adventures.
-Casual practice with their quidditch friend group
-Mythology and folklore
-Cold fries
-Spicy food.
-Sour sweets.
-Positive attention.
-Corban Yaxley and his gang.
-Extreme heat.
-Alarm clocks.
-Talking during movies.
-Fairy tales when the chemistry is lacking due to the couple meeting 5 minutes before getting together.
-Quills, they are too much trouble they prefer pens.
-Golf, just golf, it annoys them.
-Sports, especially football and Quidditch.
-Reading, despite it being difficult to keep them sitting still for too long.
-People looking down on them despite all their efforts.
-They are very good at flying.
-Adapting to changes quickly
-Due to being a muggleborn, they lacked too much knowledge about magic that they tried to catch up with.
-They can get very emotion and easily irritated when under stress.
-Flying, quidditch and football.
Father: Benjamin Vanity
When they were younger, Emma was very close to their father and it is from him they got their love for football. But after finding out about their magic, the two’s relation became strained now with Ben being mostly confused about how magic works and taking time to accept that it is real and not just an absolute madness from a bearded old man in a robe. Though they would every once in a while when both are free, enjoy a quick game of football.
Ben was mostly interested in the magical things when he learned about Quidditch, a sports he never heard of and one that his child excelled in.
Mother: Isabella Wright 
Emma wasn’t exactly close to their mother, as a child things were really well but with the muggleborn’s natural magic appearing, Isabella unlike her husband was more concerned than confused. And once she learned that Emma lied about her blood status, no matter what the reason was, she got really upset and refused to let it go, constantly bringing up how their child was ashamed of who they were when this wasn’t the case.
Siblings: Ida Vanity
Emma had one sibling, a sister, Ida. Despite the two being very different, they got along really well. Ida shared a lot of interests with some of Emma’s friends so this latter always made sure to tell her stories about school. Once they even got her to meet a few of their friends on the train station including Lucinda, Amelia, Charity and Aurora whom Emma told they were muggleborn once they were sure enough they won’t expose them for this.
Emma had many cousins and relatives, whom they would meet mostly during holidays. They were close, though none of them knew about the kind of school Emma was going to nor that they were a wizard to begin with. All they were aware of is that Emma got a scholarship for a private school.
School: Hogwarts
House: Slytherin
Best Core Class: Charms
Worst Core Class: History Of Magic
Elective: Muggle studies, Apparition
Quidditch: Beater, later team captain
Extra-Curricular: Flying, Muggle music
-Length: 13 ½"
-Flexibility: Reasonably supple flexibility
-Wood: Ebony
-Core: Unicorn core
-First Reaction: Emma tried at least three wands before finding their perfect wand. The others barely reacted to them, making the kid question the existence of their own magic, until Ollivander handed them the perfect wand. The moment they held it, they could feel it, the magic flowing through it, with a swing of their hand they sent the extra boxes back in their place.
Pets: Emma didn’t have any pets, though they liked looking after their friends’ pets.
Boggart: A group of faceless people looming over (being judged and people seeing through their perfectionist act)
Animagus: No
Metamorphmagus: No
Natural Legilimens: Yes
Patronus: Black Mare
Amortentia: TBA
Hometown: London
Residence: A family house
Loyalty: Their family and friends
-When Emma’s magic started showing, Dumbledore paid the Vanity family a visit and explained the situation to them.
-When Emma’s legilimens started showing, they were afraid of telling anyone about it in fear of being told they were crazy or that they were actually hallucinating and hearing things.
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murderbirds · 1 year
Thinking about Oswald and Jerome's relationship. While I don't particularly ship these two, I can see the appeal of mister necessary evil x mister anarchy himself. For me, though, the most interesting relationship is the relationship that they could have had if Oswald had been the one to break Jerome out of Arkham or even save Jerome from Galavan, because while Jerome is chaos incarnate, he is also incredibly loyal (specially in season 2.) He is willing to do anything to make Galavan proud and, unlike Galavan, Oswald is someone who repays loyalty (see Olga, Zsasz, Edward and even Sofia.)
Personally, I like the idea that the attack on the GCPD doesn't go quite as expected, and he gets shot. His conpanions think that he will just slow them down, so they just leave him behind. The clown manages to get away and is found by Oswald's men, who bring him to their boss to decide what to do. Oswald is about to tell them to kill Jerome, when the clown reveals to know Galavan's plans and he wouldn't want to die before seeing the man who turned on him rot. He tells about what Galavan plans on doing to Oz' mom. Oswald tries to use this as an opportunity to catch the man red-handed, but things don't go exactly as planned since Butch is a traitor and spy (something even Jerome wasn't aware of). Gertrude ends up dying in the conflict, and the Penguin is forced to run away while bleeding, which is where he meets Edward.
He might shout at Jerome and even act annoyed, but he wouldn't abandon and kill him. Jerome, on the other hand, sees Oswald as someone incredibly interesting. He would laugh as Oswald kills people, mostly during his fits of rage. He loves everything Edward claims to hate in season 3, and that is what I think would be interesting.
Imagine, if you will, Oswald starts to change in season 3 as he falls in love with Ed. He gets annoyed at this, which gets worse as Edward begins dating Isabella. He hates how Oswald wastes his time in this ridiculous love triangle, so I can see him kill Isabella and frame Oswald to make him and Edward enemies and bring back the man he calls boss. Edward and Oswald fight, Oswald gets shot, Edward gets frozen, and, finally, at the end of season 3, Oswald confronts Jerome about it. The clown confesses, expecting and even hoping that Oswald will kill him in a fit of rage like he has done to so many others before, but the man refuses. He cares too much Jerome, much for Jerome's loathing, so he only freezes him, like Edward. Edward gets freed first, Sofia comes around, and Jerome only gets unfrozen by the time Oswald gets sent to Arkham. Instead of breaking him out, he comes to Arkham as well, making a plan that will get him sent there. He takes over Arkham and starts mocking Oswald, trying to get the man he followed to come out once again. At first, Oswald tries to fight, but he eventually gets violent, attacking Jerome until nearly killing him. He manages to restrain himself, which annoys Jerome, but the fact he managed to get Oswald to be the man he once was again is enough to make him happy. Just as they are making 'progress' however, Edward breaks Oswald out of Arkham.
Eventually, Jerome breaks out as well and goes back to his old boss to conquer Gotham. Oswald refuses at first. After all, he is working with Edward, but this changes when the man betrays him for the sake of Lee. This breaks Oswald's heart again, who turns to help Jerome, no matter what. Jim tries to convince Oswald to betray Jerome. After all, the man is a completely different level of evil, but Oswald refuses.
Just as they are about to enact their plan, it is Jeremiah who comes to Oswald to show him that Jerome is also aiming to attack Edward's base of operation. This is what convinces Oswald to turn on Jerome and save the city, nearly dying in the process.
While Jerome could get killed here, I would rather have him go into a coma (Sofia survived a bullet to the head after all, not dying after falling isn't as unbelievable as that.)
Some notes:
•While Oswald tries to tell Edward that he didn't kill Isabella, after all, the plan scheme was incredibly idiotic, the man doesn't believe him.
•At first, Jerome is jealous of Martin since he does feed into the "good" part of Oswald, but upon seeing how chaotic the kid is (trying to set people on fire and what not), the two of them start to really get along.
•Since Jerome is essentially Oswald's apprentice here, he becomes an immediate rival of Bruce, who is essentially Jim's apprentice. Oswald and Jim are thematic rivald through and through
•Jerome is the one who convinces Ivy to betray Oswald. This is sparked by a bit of jealousy, but mostly because he thought it would be funny.
•Oswald doesn't get sent to Arkham here, mostly because I don't think that is needed. Don't get me wrong, I love the good Oswald arc, but that is mostly just filler. We can still have Oswald meet his father after his mother's death and try to reconnect with him as a loss of a relationship that he had with his mother.
•Since Oswald is still rich in this version, his stepmom tries to get her daughter to seduce him. When that doesn't work, they decide to go to plan B, which involves Elijah's death before Oswald can be added to the will.
•Instead of being their servant, Oswald starts taking care of the family while letting them have all the money in the will and the mansion since it is what his father would have wanted. Upon finding out the truth, well, let's just say that things don't change very much.
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