#is when kara gets on the plane then runs up and wraps her arms around his face
hammerbacks · 2 months
skipping through a bit of the living daylights to make gifs and dalton!bond is such an eye-roller, i love it
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legaciestold · 10 months
@everythingheard continued for bruce from here for beta
she’s been restless lately, all coursework completed and the student research project she’d been a team member on wrapped up and ready for the next student to take her place. kara’s never done well when she’s had too much time on her hands-- perhaps that’s part of what led to her, bruce, and lex’s debacle with the painting of salomon wayne when they were young and entirely too interested in and resourceful with science experiments. it’s why she’s already spoken with members of the board about beginning another internship at the company. (they’re eager to have at least one of the wayne siblings actively in the building.) she’s not destined for the head seat-- she doesn’t want it-- but until bruce is back for more than a visit it helps the image of the company to have one of them seen. however, the internship doesn’t begin for another few weeks, a rubbish insistence on her ‘enjoying the moment’ before thrusting herself into a new project. so, kara goes back and forth between spending time with alfred-- quite literally hovering off the ground as she helped him with the mid-year chandelier cleaning -- and visiting lex in metropolis. so it’s no surprise when kara begins spinning in her chair impatiently waiting for bruce to reply to her text. alfred’s about ready to forcibly halt the spinning when she pauses at the sound of her phone notification. 
[text: bruce] it’ll be the event of the year. *eye roll emoji*
except, really, aside from having to deal with some press and board members at wayne events, kara kind of enjoyed parties as long as lex and bruce were there. 
[text: bruce] you think i could get away with not inviting the press? 
not every wayne event had to be in the society section of the paper. yet, she’s sure at least one reporter would manage to get in if only for a picture and especially if bruce was seen to have returned to gotham-- if only temporarily. kara’s sure they’ll flood him with questions about when he’ll graduate and begin running the company. maybe they’ll ask if he agrees with the board’s latest decision. she doesn’t think it’ll be fun for either of them if the press is invited. but completely avoided? she didn’t think it was possible. 
[text: bruce] maybe just vale. [text: bruce] we can say it’s a private party, which, it is. [text: bruce] and.. at least one paper will still get a picture.
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smile crosses features at his response. he’ll be there. she’ll get to see her brother again. for how long she’s not sure. maybe she’ll be able to convince him it’s time to come back to the city for good, though she’s fairly certain that even rachel being at the party wasn’t going to discontinue whatever path he was on until he was good and ready to return. bruce never did do things half-way even if that would seem to be contradicted by his revolving door of colleges. but if one knew him, really knew him, they’d know he might not be completing things to other people’s standards but he was completing what he was setting out to learn before moving on to learn the next thing somewhere that offered it. 
[text: bruce] alfred said he’s already prepared your plane ticket. [text: bruce] he also says hi. he’s standing next to me with a smug look on his face because he knew you’d come back, even if it meant you’d have to be at a party. [text: bruce] for the record. i didn’t really doubt you would even if it sounded like i did.
she spins around in the chair one more time, this time alfred putting his hand out to halt the chair before her legs swing out and bump the table and likely break it-- sometimes she forgot about her strength. then she looks down again and smiles brightly at his last response. when she’d been sent away from krypton she’d been a year away from her first set of trials. it’d have marked the beginning of a new path for her and they’d have had a family gathering with her parents and aunt lara and uncle jor-el. baby kal-el would have been held in their arms and she’d have no doubt begun studying within the science guild soon after. but krypton was long gone and so were her adoptive parents. parents that should have been able to be at her and bruce’s elementary graduation and their high school one too, standing next to alfred who had been at every one telling the siblings how proud he was and how proud they’d have been of them. they should have been able to be there at her graduation on friday. they wouldn’t be because they to had become a ghost of the past but bruce would be and that mattered a great deal to kara. bruce being proud of her mattered more than she thinks he realizes too. 
and another thing...
[text: bruce] it doesn’t matter if it takes you another decade to actually graduate. you’re doing what’s right for you. and i’m proud of you too. [text: bruce] i’ll still tease you though.
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lynnearlington · 5 years
Prompt: Supercorp (friends to more maybe?) + Kara invites Lena to spend Christmas at Midvale for the first time.
“Do you really think it’s such a great idea to spend winter break alone with your quote “best friend” whom you’ve had a giant gay crush on for the last three years?” 
Lena shoots Sam an exasperated look and continues to throw clothes into a small weekender bag on her bed. “It’s not all of winter break.” 
“A week. Over Christmas.” 
“And what’s your game plan? Are you going to finally tell her?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Lena scoffs. 
“You guys are going to be alone, in Midvale, with her family, drinking schnapps and snuggling under blankets while it snows outside and you’re abso-fucking-lutely going to tell her.” 
Irritated at the certainty in Sam’s voice, Lena throws a sweater a tad violently into her bag and glares at her friend. “I’ve lasted three years in silence, haven’t I?” 
“Because she was dating what’s-her-name half the time and the other half you were dating Veronica.” 
“So it’s the first time you guys have both been single and alone at the same time,” Sam argues far too logically as if Lena hasn’t been thinking the same thing for the past two months since Kara invited her to Midvale. 
“We’ll be fine,” Lena dismisses, rummaging through her underwear drawer. 
“I doubt you’ll need anything in there,” Sam deadpans and Lena tries to chuck a pair of lace panties at Sam’s face, but it just floats in the air between them, buoyed by the sound of Sam’s laughter. 
Lena realizes how right Sam was about five minutes into their journey, when Kara’s talking delightedly about what she’s going to make for Christmas dinner and her cheeks are rosy from the chill in the air, her hair tumbling down beneath a thick grey beanie. It’s cute and so Kara and oh god Lena’s not going to need any schnapps to tell her. 
“Are you excited?” Kara asks, practically bouncing as they wait for their Uber to take them to the airport. 
Lena nods, warming when Kara grabs at her hand and holds it. “Very,” she says, fighting the flips in her stomach. 
They’ve kissed before. Once. 
Well, twice, really. 
They’re freshman, and really only just becoming friends. Lena is on a break with Veronica, upset and feeling vengeful at a house party one Saturday night. Kara is the consummate supportive friend, listening to Lena rant about all of Veronica’s wrongdoings and pouring her drink after drink every time she asked. 
Kara looks good. Attractive in a way Lena’d never really let herself notice before. The soft flannel shirt she has on hangs open at the sides, the grey t-shirt underneath clinging tightly against the plane of her stomach. The sleeves are rolled up to reveal strong forearms and Lena realizes she’s spent far too long staring at Kara’s belt buckle and wondering if she could undo it with just a finger. 
It doesn’t help that Kara’s body is solid and firm when Lena sags against it, the vodka swirling in her gut making her feel warm and loose. 
“You okay?” Kara asks so sweetly, eyes a perfect blue as they try to catch Lena’s. 
Lena nods, straightens a little, but licks her lips when Kara’s fingers wrap around her bicep to keep her upright. Kara’s face is so earnest and her hair is coming out of her ponytail so attractively and gosh Lena just wants to feel something. 
She’ll have her excuses in the morning - a long list of things like the vodka grapefruits she’d consumed or those butterscotch shots or being upset over Veronica. It’ll be settled and dismissed by the time her hangover is fading midafternoon tomorrow, but for now, Lena just steps up into Kara’s body and kisses her. 
Full on, lips against lips, hips against hips, kisses her. 
The drink she has in one hand sloshes a bit against her fingers when she moves and her other hand wraps soundly around Kara’s neck and everything else at the party fades out. Kara takes a beat to react, but react she does. Her arm sliding across Lena’s back and bringing them together, lips slanting easily and taking over the kiss. 
It feels good and perfect and lasts a solid thirty seconds until a loud crash interrupts them and they’re pulled away by a fight breaking out in the living room. 
When they address it the next afternoon and Lena’s head is muffled by a throbbing embarrassment, Kara accepts Lena’s excuses easily enough and offers to bring over her famous hangover remedy. 
Lena’s still, two years later, not certain if she’s grateful or disappointed. 
Midvale is small, but charming. Just like Kara’s always described it. There’s snow everywhere and lights already hanging around all the trees. The giant welcome sign is draped with garland and there are snowmen built haphazardly across every other front yard. They even pass a few children having a snowball fight as they run down the sidewalk. 
It’s idyllic in a way Lena’s never really experienced. 
“This is fun,” Kara says as they drive further into town. “I’ve never gotten to bring anyone from school home before.” 
Lena quirks a brow at that. “Really?” 
“Really,” Kara confirms, reaching across the center console of their rental car and patting Lena on the thigh. “I’m glad it’s you.” 
And that’s definitely not going to help Lena stay close-lipped about the entire thing. Nor is the way Kara is grinning at her or the warmth bleeding out from her palm up Lena’s leg. It feels significant and inevitable and Lena tries to do a mental calculation of how long she has to last before she leaves. 
It’s like she can hear Sam laughing all the way back at school. 
The second time they kiss is the end of sophomore year when Lena’s finally ended things once and for all with Veronica, and Kara decides that’s a great time to tell Lena she’s started to seriously see that little brunette floozy she shares a chem lab with. 
To this day Lena refuses to remember her name. 
Lena has this whole speech prepared about how she’s finally done being off and on again with Veronica and how it’s really always been Kara she’s wanted to date and even if it means risking their friendship Lena thinks it’s worth it to try. There’s this whole part about how she can’t stop thinking about that one time they shared a drunken kiss and sometimes when Kara holds her hand late at night, Lena thinks about doing it again. 
It’s a good speech. She practices it with Sam and everything. 
And then Kara goes and ruins it with her big dumb mouth. 
“So [redacted] said she’d be my girlfriend,” Kara tells her as they lounge about Kara’s dorm room pointedly not studying for finals. 
It halts Lena’s entire being, stuttering all functioning to a dead stop for several moments. 
This was not part of her master plan. There’s a party this Friday at Nia’s house and they’re supposed to go together and then she’ll pull Kara out onto the porch and sit her down, maybe take a few extra sips of her tequila sunrise for courage and then - in this stunning ensemble she’d bought with Sam last week - she’ll start her speech. 
Kara announcing she’s got a girlfriend a few days prior isn’t exactly on the menu. 
“She did?” 
“Yeah,” Kara replies, sounding nervous as she fiddles with the television remote, sliding the battery door open and closed over and over again. “Sorry, I’m sure you don’t really want to talk about this after everything with you and Veronica and -” 
“You’re right, I don’t,” Lena interrupts, her chest feeling icy and stomach twisted. She stands and paces to Kara’s minifridge, bending to peer inside and pulling out a bottle of beer stored there. “Do you want to get drunk?” 
“Lena, it’s Wednesday,” Kara says, but the exasperation in her voice is fond and she stands up to take the offered drink from Lena’s hand. 
They drink all the beer in Kara’s fridge and watch reruns of The Office until late that night, curled up on Kara’s tiny futon. It’s soft and warm and lets Lena forget that Kara’s officially off the market just when she’d been ready to snatch her up. 
Maybe they really are destined to be just be friends. Maybe the universe is just saving her from ruining the best friendship she’s ever had. 
She’s sure it’s that passing thought that has her staring at Kara’s lips for far too long when Kara laughs at something ridiculous on the television. There’s enough beer in her system to make her feel risky and there’s a chance she’ll never get this opportunity again. Kara’s going to have a girlfriend next year and probably won’t have any time for her anyway and Lena’s going to be alone forever and - 
Kara’s turned toward her, that furrow in her brow that always makes Lena want to kiss her, and so she does. 
It’s quick, but powerful. Lena surges forward and startles Kara back into the couch, their lips crashing together solidly enough that Kara lets out a little yelp into the kiss. 
But Kara doesn’t push her away. Not immediately and not even after Lena shifts enough that she’s almost in Kara’s lap, her fingers pulling Kara in by her cheeks. 
It ends softly, slowly, as Kara pulls Lena’s hands away from her face and looks at her quizzically, an uncertainty in her blue eyes that makes Lena’s chest go tight. “What are you doing?” 
The words are whispered between their lips, still hovered near enough that Lena’d only have to move a fraction and they’d be kissing again. She could do it too. Could press forward and straddle Kara, kiss the confusion off her face and slip down into her lap until Kara’s moaning and forgetting about anyone else except Lena. 
Kara’d let her. 
But it’s not right. And Lena’s not about to make a cheater out of her best friend. Her perfect, innocent, never does anything wrong, best friend. 
“Sorry,” Lena whispers back, her cheeks flush as she sits back on the futon, a considerable distance between her and Kara. 
“Uh -” Kara’s touching her lips gingerly like she can’t believe it’s happened again and thinks that’s about her cue to leave. 
“I should go,” Lena announces, standing up from the futon and making her exit as quickly as possibly while Kara’s still dumbfounded. 
Nothing comes of the kiss. Just like the first one. Kara dates she-who-must-not-be-named for most of the summer, but by the time they return for their junior year, there’s no girlfriend to speak of. “Didn’t work out,” is Kara’s only explanation. 
Their friendship doesn’t miss a beat. Kara seems to move past the incident just as easily as before and Lena can’t deny she’s at least somewhat grateful for Kara’s ability to just roll with the punches. Especially because Lena seems to be incapable of not throwing them. 
“We were drinking,” Kara says when they finally talk about it and Lena nods. “And you were sad.” Lena just nods again. “You do crazy stuff when that happens,” Kara whispers like it’s a secret, eyes searching Lena’s face. Lena rolls her eyes, but acknowledges the truth with another nod. Kara smiles. “Good thing I love you anyway.” 
Lena nods, but her throat gets caught just the slightest when she laughs. “Good thing.” 
Kara’s childhood home is such a contrast from the one Lena grew up in that she knows her jaw is dropped as she takes it all in. 
It’s small, but inviting. Large trees line the front covered in glistening lights and the windowboxes all have ornamental arrangements in them. The yard is coated in fresh snow just like most of the town and Kara’s adoptive mother Eliza greets them on the front porch wrapped in a warm sweater with a smile so much like Kara’s they almost look related. 
“Hey, girls,” Eliza greets, hugging them both and ushering them out from the cold. 
It’s warm inside and smells like something delicious is cooking. Kara perks up immediately, hoisting her duffel up on her shoulder and carrying Lena’s bag inside as well despite Lena’s insistence she didn’t need to. 
They settle up in Kara’s bedroom and Lena takes the time wandering around the small space inspecting everything and enjoying the way Kara blushes at Lena’s inquisitiveness. 
“You had short hair in high school?” Lena asks, picking up a picture of a younger Kara and Alex and wondering how she’d never seen it before. It’s not an unattractive style, the swoop of Kara’s blonde hair looks disheveled from the wind of the beach they’re standing on and it’s tossed atop her head in a way that makes Lena’s fingers itch to run through it. 
Kara snatches the picture out of her hand. “Alex got gum in my hair,” she grumbles, setting the picture down on her desk. “I had to chop it all off.” 
Lena laughs, strides over to the small bed against the corner and flops down onto it, testing its feel. “So this is where all the magic happened, huh?” 
Kara crosses her arms across her chest and rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, you know me. Big stud in high school,” she jokes, but as Lena looks at her leaned up against her desk and smiling at Lena, she’d believe it. 
“Ah yes,” Lena teases, leaning back on the mattress. “I can sense all the heartbreak.” 
Kara smiles at her, but doesn’t respond, just regards her for long enough that Lena sits up, feeling self conscious under the observation. “What?” 
Shrugging a shoulder, Kara looks away, standing up from where she’s leaning. “Nothing,” she says, walking over to her bag and unzipping it. “It’s just nice having you here.” 
Lena’d have a much easier time with things if Kara would just stop saying stuff like that all the time. 
Kara’s sister Alex arrives from out of town much later and though Lena’s only met her a few times, hugs Lena as if she’s family. 
They eat a home cooked meal together and catch up. It’s nice and easy and Lena can see why Kara is the way she is. There’s a familiarity and warmth that pervades every interaction and Lena sees so much of Kara in the way Eliza keeps offering her more food or drink or the way Alex tells ridiculous stories from their childhood just to make Lena laugh. 
Lena didn’t even know this was something she could miss without having ever had it, but she finds she already aches knowing it’ll be gone in just a short week. 
It’s far more difficult than Lena had ever anticipated. Kara in her family home is somehow a softer, more attractive version of the one Lena gets at school all the time. She didn’t even think that was possible. It so effectively beats past all her we’re just not meant to be justifications and complicated compartmentalizing that she’s worried she’ll just blurt something out at any moment. 
They spend their time watching trashy holiday movies in the living room with Alex, or braving the snow so Kara can show Lena her favorite watering hole on the other side of town, or baking and decorating cookies with Eliza. Simple, uninteresting activities that seem to wrap around Lena’s soul in a way she’s always associated with Kara. 
She won’t make it until Christmas, she can sense it, and all her extremely logical reasons for keeping her feelings under lock and key seem to break down every second she spends with Kara and her family. 
It’s Christmas Eve that ends up being the tipping point. Kara tugs Lena inside the tiny dive bar they’ve been frequenting and Lena knows she’s in trouble the moment Kara smiles at her as she shakes the snow off her head and shoulders like an overgrown puppy. They’re greeted enthusiastically by the bartender and a few other patrons that seem to know Kara and the worst of it all is the way Kara’s mittened-covered hand stays wrapped around Lena’s as they make their way to two empty bar stools. 
Forgoing the strong stuff, Lena lets Kara order them a pitcher of beer and sips on it slowly lest the alcohol get to her head and she pull Kara into the sketchy bathroom stall down the dark back hallway. 
“We should go sledding later,” Kara suggests as she’s draining the last of the pitcher into her glass and nodding at the bartender in some kind of silent communication for another round. 
“That sounds cold,” Lena replies, chuckling warmly at the glint in Kara’s eyes. The strings of christmas lights hung across the ceiling twinkle in the reflection of Kara’s glasses and Lena reaches for her empty glass just for something to do with her hands. 
“Nah, it’ll be fun,” Kara dismisses, murmuring a thanks when the bartender sets down their second pitcher. “Plus, that’s what beer jackets are for.” 
Lena makes a face with that, thinking she’s maybe had all the shitty local beer her stomach can handle, but doesn’t stop Kara from refilling her glass. 
“If you say so,” Lena says, nearly choking on her drink when Kara’s hand lands heavily on her knee. 
“I’ll be fun,” Kara repeats, bending slightly to make the kind of eye contact that warms Lena’s cheeks. “I promise.” 
The sledding hill is another hike through thick snow, but Kara passes the time explaining to Lena all the different hijinks she and Alex got up to on the hill when they were kids. Lena focuses on keeping her feet under her as she matches the large footsteps Kara’s leaving in the snowfall. 
“You good?” Kara asks, reaching behind her to grab for Lena’s hand. 
“Yeah,” Lena says softly, taking Kara’s hand and letting herself get tugged forward. “Are we there yet?” 
Kara laughs, a warm rich sound that drips over Lena’s chest. “Almost,” she says, pulling Lena in close. “Do you want to get on my back?” 
At the offer, Kara turns and bends a bit, but Lena shoves her playfully. “No,” she chuckles, but when she tries to keep walking, Kara moves in front of her, still offering her back and shuffling whenever Lena tries to get past. 
They dance around each other, laughing, until Lena manages to push Kara full on into a snowbank. It’d be hilarious if Kara didn’t grab at Lena on her way down until she’s falling on top of Kara bodily. 
It arrests the laughter in her throat and she feels the warmth of Kara’s length all the way up her front, their faces hovering near each other as their breath manifests in the air between them. Lena’s suddenly aware of far too many things, from the snow falling quietly over them to the way she can feel Kara’s heartbeat thud between their thick jackets. 
She hasn’t had nearly enough to drink to make her drop forward and kiss Kara, but god does she want to. 
“Sorry,” Kara says when Lena fails to say anything. Blue eyes dart across Lena’s face, drop down to her mouth and back up. “Are you okay?” 
It’s enough to shake Lena out of the sudden rush of desire and she scrambles to get up off Kara’s body as quickly and gracefully as she can. She’s only half successful, slipping on a patch of ice on the sidewalk part of the way up and relying on Kara’s quick reflexes to catch her, but then they’re standing again and Lena’s able to put some distance between them. 
“Yeah, of course,” Lena says, laughing it off and brushing snow of Kara’s shoulders. “You’re so snowy now.” 
Kara laughs again, shrugs. “We’re almost there anyway,” she says, shaking off the snow as much as she can and reaching out to grab Lena’s hand again. “Come on.” 
It’s only when they get to the hill that Lena realizes they don’t have a sled. Kara seems largely unconcerned with this reality when Lena mentions as much and she realizes why fairly quickly when Kara jogs towards a small ramshackle shed tucked away in the thicket of trees at the bottom of the hill. 
It’s quieter out here and devoid of people - Lena’s pretty surprised considering the recent snowfall has created ideal sledding conditions - but grateful there aren’t any witnesses. She can just imagine what her mother would say if she could see Lena now. 
There are a small collection of community sleds that Kara rifles through until she picks one she likes. “Perfect,” Kara says, holding it up with a triumphant smile. 
Lena thinks the entire endeavor is ridiculous, but Kara’s excitement is contagious and the snow is pretty and there are worse things Lena can imagine doing. At least out here she’s less liable to blurt her feelings out than curled up under blankets in Kara’s room watching a movie. 
Or so she thinks. 
She’s wholly unprepared for the fact that Kara intends to get on the sled together and she perhaps could have anticipated such an event, but she’d been too distracted with the way Kara looks with a beanie pulled down low and cheeks pink from the chill in the air. 
“This is a terrible idea,” Lena says, resisting the slightest when Kara scoots back on the sled and spreads her legs in indication of just where Lena’s supposed to sit. 
“I promised fun and I never break a promise,” Kara says with a cute little lift of her chin. “So come over here.” 
Lena relents, stepping over Kara’s leg to drop down between them. Her stomach swoops dramatically when Kara curls an arm across her midsection and tugs her in tightly. It puts Lena’s back up against Kara’s front and her cheek warms when Kara’s chin plants on her shoulder and her breath floats hotly across her skin. Lena licks her lips against the feeling. “If I end up in some small town hospital tonight because you crash us, I swear to -” 
Kara’s laugh interrupts her and her arm tightens around Lena enough that the words get lost in her throat. It feels so good Lena closes her eyes just a moment to enjoy it, to imagine she doesn’t have to resist the liquid heat dropping down her chest at the feeling of Kara so close. 
And then the sled is lurching forward and Lena’s eyes fly open as they crest the hill and start flying down. Cold wind and snow whip past them and Kara’s excited laughter is infectious enough that Lena joins her as they go barreling towards the bottom. Kara’s hands stay locked tightly across Lena’s stomach, keeping them locked in close together as they go flying off a makeshift jump. 
“Oh, shi-” Kara lets out as they go careening sideways, but Lena’s laughing through their crash as they slide across the snow and tumble together the rest of the way. 
“You did that on purpose,” Lena accuses, but there’s no bite in it, tempered by her smile and fond chuckle as Kara starts making a snow angel where she’s lying on the ground. 
“I didn’t,” Kara laughs, standing and jogging to where the sled is. “I swear.” 
“Sure,” Lena draws out, trudging after Kara back up the hill. 
“Come on, we won’t crash this time.” 
“I’m not going again.” 
Kara looks back at her. “Yes you are,” she says with a wink and a smirk like she knows Lena will do whatever Kara wants. 
“You’re the worst sometimes,” Lena complains, huffing as they start the long trek back up to the top. 
“I know, I know,” Kara says, pausing for Lena to catch up and wrapping her free arm around Lena’s shoulders. “But it’s Christmas Eve and you love me.” 
“Hmmm,” Lena hums, enjoying the strong way Kara pulls Lena into her side. “I suppose.” 
They get back to the top of the hill and Kara brushes snow off the sled before setting it at their feet, keeping it there with a touch of her heel
“Actually,” Kara says, not getting back on the sled like Lena expects. Instead, she looks out to the side, hands tucking into the pockets of her jacket. 
They can see a lot of town from here, Lena realizes. Not that there’s all that much to see. But the spattering of Christmas lights and homes are visible from where they stand. Lena takes it in a moment with a quiet smile for Kara’s hometown. 
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Kara says, pulling Lena’s attention back in front of her. 
It drops something heavy in Lena’s gut. She’s heard this before. It’s usually what precedes Kara telling her something devastating like [redacted] and I are back together or you’re such a good friend, Lena. And frankly, Lena doesn’t want to hear it. It’s Christmas Eve and she doesn’t have to deal with this today. If Kara wants to tell her later, fine, but right now, Lena’s going to live in her fantasy world for a little longer. 
So she does what any rational person would do when they don’t want to hear bad news from their best friend. She puts both her hands on Kara’s shoulders and shoves her hard enough that she falls onto the sled and starts careening down the hill. 
It occurs to her seconds after Kara yelps and starts flying backward what exactly she’s done. Her hands fly to her mouth in mortification, but it’s done now. No taking that one back. 
Kara tumbles gracelessly down the hill with her sled farther and farther away from where Lena’s still standing at the top and she watches as her best friend faceplants in the snow at the end. 
“Oops,” Lena thinks to murmur, allowing herself a soft laugh at the way Kara comes up from the ground with a face full of white powder. 
“What the heck?!” Kara yells up at her. 
“Sorry,” Lena calls back, feeling her cheeks heat up. 
Kara looks adorably upset, stomping through the snow towards her sled and ripping it up from the ground as she starts her ascent yet again. It’s hard to feel truly guilty with the cute way Kara swipes snow off her face. As she nears, Lena can make out the expression on her face, brow furrowed and the slightest pout of her lips. Whatever Kara’s got to tell her, maybe Lena should kiss her first one last time just in case. 
“You pushed me!” Kara says, sounding as if she can’t believe it herself. “I was just trying to tell you -” 
Kara pauses, grabs her sled with both hands and holds it in front of her like a shield. “Don’t push me again, I have to tell you something.” 
“Sorry,” Lena says again, arms crossing over her chest and biting her lip against a laugh. “I thought it’d be funny.” 
“Not when I’m trying to tell you something important.” 
“Kara, it’s Christmas Eve,” Lena sighs, thinking maybe there’s something unspoken between them that Kara will pick up and spare Lena the pain of having to hear something she doesn’t want to. 
“I know,” Kara says, dropping the sled enough that Lena can see the serious expression on her face, the red in her cheeks from more than just the cold and snow. “That’s why I want to tell you this.” 
“If you’re back together with you know who, I don’t want to hear it,” Lena says, unable to stop her defense mechanisms from ratcheting up no matter how it sounds. 
Kara drops the sled to the side, looking a bit indignant. “She has a name, you know,” Kara says, almost stomping her foot in the snow. “I don’t know what it is you have against her.” 
Against better judgement, Lena replies on instinct. “Yes you do.” 
They’re silent a moment, gazes locked on each other and Lena can barely hear the sound of falling snow over the heavy staccato of her heart. 
“Yeah,” Kara says, so softly Lena barely catches it. Then, louder, “So the thing is, I like you.” 
It’s such an absurd set up for a let down, Lena rolls her eyes. “I know you like me, Kara, don’t -” 
“No,” Kara interrupts, taking a step forward and looking more serious than Lena’s ever seen her. “I like you.” 
The significance of what Kara’s saying slams into Lena so forcefully she has to take a deep breath, her eyes widening in bewilderment. 
“No you don’t,” Lena says when she can’t think of any other way to convey her shock. Honestly, she thought that if she ever confessed to Kara, it’d take some convincing to get her best friend to see her in a romantic way, and then after that she’d reconciled with the fact that Kara would only ever see them as friends. 
Kara looks taken aback by her reply, looking around as if she’s being pranked by a hidden camera crew. “Yes, I do,” she retorts. 
“That’s not possible,” Lena says, her voice going a little shrill at the end as her brain starts to spiral into hysterics. Is Kara really saying what she thinks she’s saying? She’s regretting the alleged beer jacket Kara had foisted upon her.
“Okay, not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.” 
“But you - I mean - and when I - you can’t -” Lena scrambles for a complete sentence, but falls short, incapable of expressing three years of repressed feelings in one solitary moment, but Kara cuts through it all and takes another step forward. 
“I wanted to tell you here, in my hometown, because it’s away from all that stuff at school and because I guess you always remind me of home, so it just felt like the place to tell you that I like you and you’re my best friend and I’m not trying to ruin anything between us, but I just think about those times we kissed way too often and I think I’d be a good girlfriend for you and if maybe you’d just consider -” 
Lena finally catches up to the moment, lets herself believe in what’s happening and presses so swiftly forward into Kara’s physical space that the sled drops from her hand and goes gliding down the hill at a rapid pace. 
“Yeah, okay,” Lena breathes out, looking up into Kara’s eyes. Her heart feels heavy against her rib cage and her brain can barely understand that this is really happening, but she’s pretty sure it means she can kiss Kara and not feel guilty about it in the morning. 
“Really?” Kara’s smile is so bright and genuine that Lena wishes she had said something the moment they got in the car to the airport together. 
In lieu of answering, Lena just grips her fingers into Kara’s jacket and pulls them together until they’re kissing, soft and sweetly at first until Kara seems to get with the program, arms around Lena’s waist and deepening the kiss into something much hotter. It’s like that for long moments, the world dropping away around them, until they pull away and blink dreamily at each other. 
“Wow,” Kara says softly and Lena laughs. 
“Can I confess something?” Lena asks, feeling an unstoppable urge to even the playing field. 
“Of course.” 
“I’ve been meaning to say the same thing for a long time,” she says, feeling embarrassed by the confession regardless of circumstance. 
“How long?” Kara asks, the softness of her expression making Lena want to press back in again. 
“Too long,” Lena admits and Kara smiles. 
“I’m glad I said something then,” Kara says, the curve of her lips turning into something more teasing. “You’d have been too stubborn to ever do anything about it.” 
Lena tsks indignantly, pushing ineptly at Kara’s shoulder. Even though Lena’s pretty sure she doesn’t shove that hard, Kara stumbles back and pulls Lena with her. It’s not so bad this time; Lena ducks her head to kiss her. They stay at the top of the hill for a long while, their sled abandoned at the bottom.
Sam gives Lena the biggest I told you so when they get back on campus and stroll into the welcome back party hand in hand, but Lena just rolls her eyes at her friend and stays glued to Kara’s side, rewarding her with a kiss when she hands her a drink. 
She can’t even bring herself to mind when Sam sends her about forty texts in regards to Kara’s Instagram post - the one with her arm slung around Lena’s shoulders and her lips pressed to Lena’s cheek, with a very cheesy caption: The best Christmas gift of all. 
Sam can say as many I told you sos as she wants. Lena spends the latter half of her winter break wrapped up in Kara’s arms, plenty surprised and absurdly joyful. It was the best Christmas gift of all. 
fic tag | prompt fills | ko-fi
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
The Professor and I Season 2 (pt. 9)
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! Sorry for the wait, but here is the new part of The Professor And I!! I hope you guys enjoy!! :)
Note: Lara and Y/N get closer, the police are no help, Brainy is onto something, life gets confusing for Y/N, Dominguez... Well, you’ll see
Word Count: 1364
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A few days later, you were still in the hospital since losing an arm took a lot of time and healing before you could get released, looking up when the door opened “I heard about what happened, I’m sorry I couldn’t come sooner” Lara said, rushing over to you and wrapping you in a hug, careful to not jar anything “It’s okay, it’s been a busy few days anyways” you assured, giving her a small smile when she pulled back, she looked super worried “I feel terrible for not coming sooner, but! I brought something that might help” she said, flashing you a grin before she went and dug in her bag that she brought with her.
You watched her curiously from the bed as she dug in her bag before she pulled out a plastic bag with various things in it, setting it on your lap and watching you dig through it, seeing all your favorite snacks in it ”Lara, this is awesome, thank you” you said, giving her a small smile which she returned “Of course” she said, gently squeezing your shoulder before she sat down in the seat next to your bed “How much have I missed school wise?” You asked, looking at her and watching as she shook her head “Not much, it’s the same boring stuff… Although, my Alex managed to get himself stuck on top of the fountain in the middle of campus” she said, causing you to crack up as she recapped how it all went down.
Later, you were still hanging with Lara, although she had transitioned to holding your hand as the two of you talked and you let her, getting interrupted when your door opened, and Kara was standing there “Am I interrupting?” She asked, glancing between the two of you and seeing your guys hands locked together “No, I was just finishing up here” Lara said, giving a small smile as she stood up and pulled away from you “I’ll come see you in a few days?” She asked, looking at you and smiling when you smiled at her before nodding, you saying your goodbyes before you looked at Kara once Lara left “What?” You asked, noticing the small smirk on her face.
“Nothing” she said, laughing some before setting her bag down and sitting down in the chair previously occupied by Lara “So, I looked around the entire dorm room, I can’t find your phone anywhere… Are you sure you didn’t leave it somewhere else?” She asked, looking at you and watching your brows scrunch together in concentration as you tried to recall the night of the whole thing “I’m sure I had it with me… That means someone took it” you said, looking at her and sure that you had it with you since you remembered taking pictures for Brainy “Why would they take it?” Kara asked no one in particular, leaning back in her seat as she lost herself in thought “Any updates?” You asked, deciding to change the subject and watching as Kara shook her head solemnly “Nothing, they’ve looked around the halls, the lab you were in, everything… Nothing came back conclusive” she said, looking at you and wishing she could give you better news, but she couldn’t, resting her hand on yours when you went silent and content with sitting there with you while you laid back to process everything.
The next few days passed by pretty slowly, you had asked Kara to bring your laptop so you could work on school work to keep your mind busy, but you had also been contacting Brainy through emails since your phone was still MIA and you had yet to get a new one
I got your images; they were strange to say the least… But, the eyes and the way the creature is positioned, it made me think of an ancient myth of something called The Yaaxil, they protect the Silver Box of Ix Chel in Paititi… I need more on this, is there any way that you can do that from your hospital bed?
You stared at the email and sighed as you thought of what you could do to get more information from what was happening… Getting an idea shortly after and pulling up a new email
Hello Professor,
I was just wondering if there was any way that I could still help you guys with lab stuff from my hospital room, this is a great opportunity for me and I don’t want to miss it, please let me know either way. Thank you…
-Y/N Y/L/N
Rereading the message, you nodded to yourself before you sent it off to professor Vikander right as the door opened and Lara walked in with a smile, hearing her phone chime but she seemed to just glance at it before heading over to you “Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked, watching as you saved a few things before you shut your laptop and her helping you set it to the side before she sat on the end of your bed since you were sitting crisscross “Better… They said it’s healing well, and I should be able to get a mold here soon” you said, moving your stub slightly and wincing at the movement since it still hurt to move “That’s good!” Lara said, giving you a smile before she grabbed the plastic bag she had set on the table “I brought lunch” she said, pulling out the togo boxes “You are a lifesaver” you said, taking the box from her and opening it, seeing it was your usual order from the dinner and giving her a smile before you both dug in.
After you both finished eating, Lara set up your laptop for you guys to watch a Netflix movie before she sat down next to you on the bed when you scooted over, the two of you getting absorbed in the movie and not realizing until a particularly heated part came on just how close Lara was sitting next to you, you turning and seeing her watching the movie intently before she felt your gaze on her, causing her to turn and give you a small smile, neither of you saying anything until the next thing you knew, her lips were on yours, causing you to tense since it was different compared to Lena, but you returned the kiss anyways “Hey, Y/N-“ you heard, causing you to jump apart before looking at the door that had opened and seeing Lena standing there, a look of shock on her face “Miss Luthor?” Lara asked, now confused as to what was happening.
“Uh, I-“ Lena said, cutting herself off as she gathered herself once more “I came by to check in on you Mr./Miss Y/L/N” she said, looking at you and seeing the guilt in your eyes, sadness and heartbreak in hers, you shouldn’t feel guilty… You guys broke up, you were allowed to see other people… So, why did you feel so guilty “Thanks” you said softly, averting your gaze and picking at the blanket “I also brought you this” she said, going and setting a bag on the table by your bed before giving a quick goodbye “Lena, wait!” You shouted, standing up to go after her only to topple over since you hadn’t gotten up all that much in the past few weeks, bracing yourself for pain but only feeling strong arms wrapped around you and one on the back of your gown, looking up and locking eyes with Lena who was holding you against her while Lara held onto your gown… How did life get so damn confusing?
The lab… On campus… Current time… “She’s not answering her phone” Dominguez sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration “Our plane takes off in an hour” Mr. Smith said, looking at Dominguez as he zipped up his bag and threw it over his shoulder carelessly “Careful with that! We can’t let that jar break! It’s our only hope at getting this thing” Dominguez scolded, watching as Smith raised his hand in surrender “Lets just go… We’ll catch her up when we come back… Paititi awaits”
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​​​ / @5aftermidnight​​​ / @youngandwildx7​​​ / @stewie-castle​​​ / @hopingforbarnes​​​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @aznblossom​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @worlds-in-words​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @wlw-in-space​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ianarec​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @thelonewriter247​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @kalistory-blog​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ess0h​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
The Professor And I Taglist: @youlookterribleilookawesome​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @ironsnowstorm​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @rebornpoet​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @scottishgirl1998​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ / @lezzzbehonesthere​​​​​​​​​​​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I’m so glad that it’s back!! If you would like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
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violetintheroses · 5 years
Lena runs her hand up Kara's neck, up to her face, just barely grazing her ear with her fingertips. She doesn't know what's happening, really, but something low and silent in her doesn't want it to stop. Lena's fingertips ghost across her cheekbones coming to rest on her temple. Kara closes her eyes for a moment, letting herself find a moment of peace under her friend's touch. Then, all at once Lena pulls Karas glasses away from her face, and even her superspeed isn't enough to process what's happening until it's too late.
“Lena, I-“
“I already knew” Lena whispers “I just had to see it for myself. Up close, In person”.
Kara’s face flushes. She’s scared, not for her safety of course, even heartbroken and betrayed Lena wouldn’t hurt her. Not really. She’s scared because of the look in Lena’s eyes. Unhinged, broken... resentful. A far cry from the familiar softness they held barely a moment ago.
“I- I wanted to tell you I just couldn’t. I wanted to keep you safe I-”
“Safe?” Lena guffaws, “I’ve had hit after hit placed on me since before we’d even met! People have always wanted me dead, Supergirl. Not knowing that my supposed best friend was flying about the planet in a narcissistic cheer uniform couldn’t have changed that!”
Kara steps back, their nearness suddenly poisoned by her friend’s use of her heroic moniker. She never thought that name could sting as it just did, but the acidic way it fell from the woman’s red stained lips was as painful as her own death only a few days ago.
“I wanted to tell you. I even tried to,” Kara’s voice cracks as she turns her eyes to the floor “on the plane ride home from Kaznia. I- I just, I couldn’t stand seeing you that way. Just so- so scared for me. For my safety. I took my glasses off and I tried to- I stood there and stood there, begging you to face me. To look me in my eyes and see the truth. But you just wouldn’t, you stood there, staring at nothing when you-”
“Stop, I just,” Lena breathes shakily “I just can’t do this, right now”
“No. I won’t let you shut me out. You pretend that you need space, you pretend you just need time. I know that, you’re my best friend of course I know that”
“No.” She says urgently, grabbing Lena by her wrists, “It’s Kara. For you it’s always been Kara and it will always be Kara. Supergirl is what I do. Supergirl is a job, a symbol for the people to look to with hope or hate or whatever the hell they want. Kara Danvers- Kara Zor-El is the broken girl who made it to earth not knowing she was just waiting to find you. You, Lena Luthor, who is good and strong and smart and so so full of love. Lena Luthor who is beyond beautiful and beyond worthy of whatever I have to do to get you to trust me again. Lena Luthor who I... Lena Luthor who I...”
“Lena Luthor who you, what?”
The resentment in Lena’s eyes is gone, overtaken by a heartbroken yet curious gaze. Kara stares for a few moments, breathing deeply, trying to find the right words and when they don’t come...
Kara carefully and quickly moves her hands to Lena’s face. She gives her enough time to move from her desperate grasp, and when she doesn’t, she kisses her. Softly, questioning if it’s okay even when she knows that it’s not. She aches sadly for her in every part of her body. But then Lena moves too, wrapping her arms around the Kryptonians waist and she feels like this might be okay. Like they might be okay. She grasps tightly, almost like she’s bracing herself against the rest of the world- against what they have to face when they separate. When the kiss ends and she pulls away Kara looks back down, intently searching the other woman’s face for any sign of hurt or distress or anything at all. And when she doesn’t see any...
“Lena Luthor who I... who I love”.
Lena turns her face to look into Kara’s eyes, searching for any sign of a lie, any reason not to trust her. But she can’t bring herself to find one, even if it might be there. She’s too tired, too confused, and too scared about her own feelings suddenly becoming clear to be at all analytical about this.
"Su- Kara," she starts wearily, "Look, I... Things can’t just go back to the way they were. Especially not after all of this. My feelings are all over the place right and I can't really think anymore... We can fix things though, or at the very least we can try. But it's gonna take time. No more lies, no more deception, and no more secrets. I can't handle another heartbreak. Not like this. Not from you”.
"So this means...?"
"We'll try to be okay again. You're gonna try to fix this. A kiss isn't a one way ticket back into my good graces. You're really going to have to put forth an effort here. Not just as Supergirl either, as Kara too".
"Whatever you need me to do,"
"Good. You can start... by carrying me to my apartment, I’m a little bit drunk and I've had a very rough past couple of days".
Hey y'all, this has been in my drafts for a good while now, so I figured I'd go ahead and put her out there (ahead of S5 because... oof). It's my first piece of fanfic I've written in a good while. I've been writing a bit more often lately (original stuff, mostly) and if I can get myself to woman up then maybe it'll see the light of day sometime soon. For now, I'm down to take requests, and if you liked this feel free to ask for more, and I'll see what I can do. And if you didn't like it... Please don't tell me, I'm fragile (JK but, keep the criticism constructive please, no random hate).
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kumeko · 5 years
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Title: some walls need to be torn down
A/N: For the @superbatexchange! Unfortunately, my giftee dropped out, but I had already finished my piece so this is now for the community in general. 😊 Hope you enjoy!
Summary:  Bruce had never been good at letting down his walls, at letting others in. Even for Clark. Especially for Clark.
“How’s Friday?” Clark asked, flipping through his planner. Red circles, scribbled in appointments, and stickers decorate every month. His finger tapped on one of the few empty dates. “I’m technically on assignment, but I can always hop back for the night.”
 “How old school of you.” Bruce pinched the planner between his fingers, dangling it in front of him. “You have a phone.”
 “It’s easier when I can write it out.” Frowning, Clark swiped the planner back. He smoothened the page, clearing any wrinkles. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much good; there was a permanent crease where Bruce had gripped it too hard. “Damn. You’re lucky the year’s almost over.”
 “Or what?” Bruce asked dryly, taking a sip from his coffee. He never understood Clark’s preferences for diners, but at least this one had a decent coffee. Leaning back on his seat, he observed the restaurant from their booth. The breakfast crowd was here, a strange mix of truckers and businessmen hurrying to work.
 And of course, one journalist, who was still pouting over his agenda. Clark sighed mournfully. “Maybe I should tell Dick to pick on you.” He glared at Bruce grumpily, tapping on the Friday insistently with his pen. “So. Friday?”
Obliging, Bruce pulled out his phone and checked his own schedule. Friday, Friday, Friday—he had a single meeting in the morning, and the rest of the afternoon was clear. Thank goodness for Lucius Fox, he really knew how to minimize his “CEO and Playboy Bruce” appearances. “I should be fine.”
 “Great.” Clark beamed, pure sunshine. “It’s a date.”
 There was a familiar prick on his back, the sense that someone was watching him, and Batman pulled out his batarang. Tense, he crouched slightly. It couldn’t be another thug—he had cleared out most of Black Mask’s men from the warehouse. Whatever ones he hadn’t caught would be running away. Then who—
 A cape swished behind him and he relaxed. Of course. Superman. Standing straight, Batman turned around. His own cape curled around his legs and he crossed his arms. “Superman.”
 There was no responding smile, no exasperated sigh, and the hair on his neck stood up. Superman scanned the surroundings as he slowly floated down. His lips were a flat line, his tone distant. “I caught the runaways.”
 “Then that clears up everything.” Feeling uneasy, Batman dropped his arms to his side and took a step forward. In the dark, it was hard to see Superman’s face, to see the ridges and planes he knew intimately. “Are you angry?”
 Superman’s feet touched the ground with a quiet thud. Stiffly, he bit out. “Yes.”
 It’d been a while since he’d seen him this angry, even longer since it’d been directed at him. “I couldn’t ignore—”
 “I’m not asking you to ignore criminals or the bat signal or whatever case you’re on,” Superman growled, his jaw tight. “That’s what we do. But this isn’t the first time you’ve blown me off. Or the second or the third—you do this more often than we actually go on a date.”
 Even though he knew Superman wouldn’t talk like this if there was anyone around, he instinctively checked their surroundings for any interlopers. Coolly, he answered, “It was a time sensitive matter.”
 “They’re all time-sensitive matters. It always is,” Superman bit out bitterly, shaking his head. “But we’re not alone. Nightwing, Robin, Oracle, Batgirl—any of them could step in for a single night. They do it already for each other.”
He looked away, unable to refute the point. Feebly, he argued, “I had to handle this myself.”
 “We can’t keep doing this,” Superman said, his voice oddly soft. He started to float again, slowly rising up to the hole he’d made in the warehouse ceiling. The moonlight hit his face and all Batman could see was the weariness on his face. “Even after all this time, you still won’t let me in. And I…I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”
 That was not his ceiling. No, that wasn’t completely accurate. To be precise, it was more that something felt off about his ceiling. Like there was an extra dent in it or the paint was more chipped than it should have been. Even his bed felt strange, too soft to be his. Lying still on the bed, Bruce kept his breathing steady, listening for any intruders. There were no strange sounds or, even more worrying, the usual ones. By this point of day, Alfred would have had breakfast ready.
 Quietly, he slipped off his bed, his feet landing on a layer of dust. Bruce stared at the hardwood floor, then at the tables and dressers around him. Everything was covered in a thick grey and he had a sinking feeling this wasn’t a prank by Dick or Stephanie. No, something was wrong here.
 Without a second thought, he crept out of his bedroom. At the very least, his batcave should still be untouched and maybe he could find out something more there. The rest of the mansion was coated in dust, looking unused, and Bruce fought the urge to shiver. It looked abandoned. Forgotten. Even the old grandfather clock looked like it had seen better days. His fingers were sticky as he typed in the usual password and suddenly, a shrill alarm rang.
 Immediately, he took a step backward, his body crouching as he scanned his living room. No one swooped out of the shadows, running to see who had broken in. He’d have to find a place to hide, to observe—
 Glass twinkled behind him as a large object burst through the bay windows. Turning around, Bruce shielded his eyes as he took in the attack, a bright red and blue blur that hurtled at him. Wait, red and blue? He knew that colour, knew that ‘S’. “Clark?”
 “Bruce?” Superman halted in front of him, his eyes wide in surprise. “You…you’re alive?”
 Alive? Well, he had been right then. That wasn’t his ceiling.
 “Here, have a cup of tea. You still like two milks, right?” Clark smiled awkwardly, setting down a fragile teacup on the coaster in front of Bruce. Dressed in overalls in his family farmhouse, Clark looked more like a farmer getting ready to milk a cow than a reporter chasing a news story. Then again, maybe that was the case here. The only thing to indicate that he wasn’t purely a country boy was the gold necklace that disappeared under his collar.
 “Yes.” It seemed that at least he shared the same tastes as this world’s Bruce. Scanning the room, Bruce noted pictures of Ma and Pa Kent, of Conner and Kara Zor-el. It seemed this world wasn’t too different then. Except of course, one notable exception. “I take it I’m dead?”
 “Uh…” Clark rubbed the back of his neck. His lanky frame was too big for the couch, his knees bent uncomfortably. The furniture here hadn’t changed at all from the last time Bruce had visited the Kents. “Yes.” He paused. “Sorry.”
 “It’s not your fault, is it?” Bruce asked, picking up the tea. He had always known he’d die from his duties. It didn’t make it easier to hear, even if it was just in a different universe. “You don’t need to apologize.”
 “Yes but…” Clark frowned, running a hand through his shaggy hair. Now that Bruce was looking at it, it was peppered with white and grey hairs, a Clark that was much older than his. A Clark he might never get to see ordinarily. They’d never really confirmed if he’d age normally, if he’d live forever. “I’m sorry all the same.”
 “Always with the saviour complex.”
 Clark blinked, before breaking into a hearty guffaw. Not remember restraint (as usual), he wrapped an arm around Bruce’s back, squeezing him tight. “And you’re still a prissy cat.”
 “Luckily for you, the league’s still active.” Puffing his chest proudly, he pointed at one of the more recent photos, showing him with grown-up Conner and Kara. Their costumes had changed, Kara’s more battle-oriented, Conner’s less casual, and they were all grinning as they stood in front of the Justice Hall. A newly rebuilt Justice Hall. “We’ll find out soon enough if it was magic or science that brought you here. Or something else entirely—I feel like we keep finding things that go beyond everything we know. Guess it’s one of nature’s miracles.”
 Bruce didn’t want to think about how many times they must have built, destroyed, and rebuilt that place. The iterations of the league’s hall. “The new generation took over?”
 “Yeah. Especially some of the kids from the Justice Society. Us old-timers are taking over what Jay and Alan started there.” Clark smiled fondly as he held up a photo of him surrounded by a gaggle of masked teens. Some were easy to pick out—Liam Harper, Wally’s kids—others less so.
 And with the bittersweet tinge in Clark’s expression, Bruce knew better than to ask what had happened to Jay and Alan. “So even you retired?”
 “Even I retired,” Clark chuckled. “Though I can’t help myself if something happens nearby.”
 “No, that’s you.” Bruce scanned the other photos, the changes in his companions. Older Hal. A kingly Arthur. Diana, still going strong. And more, beyond that, and there was something reassuring about the idea that even after he was gone, the work still continued. To find a picture of Cassandra as Batman, of Dick and Damian still patrolling together, of Stephanie refusing to give up her purple abomination.
 A picture of him and Clark, sitting awkwardly next to one another. Clark grinning brightly in the camera as he snapped the selfie, this world’s Bruce trying not to smile and failing miserably at it. Another, of Bruce with a pair of champagne glasses. More and more lined the wall, it was impossible not to see them now that he’d noticed the first one. They almost seemed to glow, dragging his eyes from one to the next. A first year anniversary. A surprise dinner. A relationship that was much further than anything Bruce had at home.
 The pictures suddenly stopped and he stared at the last one, of them sitting by a river, watching the sunset. Did he die after that? Involuntarily, Bruce asked, “What happened?”
 “To what?” Clark approached him from beyond and Bruce could hear as his breathing shallowed, as his breath hitched.
 “Us,” Bruce answered bluntly, the only way he knew how.
 “Oh.” Clark stepped back, sitting down on the couch once more. He interlaced his hands, resting his chin on his knuckles. “No wonder you felt so familiar.” He smiled sadly as he looked up at Bruce. “You’re also in love.”
 “I wouldn’t use that word,” Bruce corrected reflexively.
 “You don’t have to be so defensive.” Clark lowered his eyes. His foot scuffed the floor. “You’re only hurting your Clark, you know.”
 “Like I hurt you?”
 “No, like my Bruce hurt me.” Clark closed his eyes, curling into himself even more. Again, Bruce couldn’t see his face. Again, Bruce wished he could make out his expression. “Like I hurt him. He couldn’t open up and I was tired of trying and…and then he died, before anything happened. Before anything could happen. No apologies, no understanding, just nothing.”
 Bruce stepped closer, his hand hovering over Clark’s back. “I’m sorry.”
 “Me too.” Sitting up straight, Clark pulled out the chain around his neck. On the other end was a plain silver band. “I was going to propose, you know. Thought I’d finally surprise him for once. I wonder what he would have looked like.”
 There was really only one answer to that. He squeezed Clark’s shoulder. “Happy.”
 A woman stood in front of him, her hair black as night, and Bruce could have sworn it was Zatanna. Except, it was her granddaughter, and there was something both happy and sad about that knowledge. Catching his stare, she clicked her tongue and rapped his head. “Close your eyes. It’s bad enough you’ve seen what you have, can’t have you finding out more.”
 “Your grandfather, was he—”
 “No guesses either!” The woman growled.
 Clark chuckled. “He’s probably right. He always is.”
 “Yeah, but I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of confirming it.” The woman snorted indignantly. “Alternate world or not, we’re similar enough that we could be his future. And it’s dangerous to know the future.” She rested her palms on the side of his head. “Sometimes you can make it happen.”
 Knowledge could prevent terrible futures, Bruce wanted to point out, but the magic in her hands washed over him, lulling him to sleep. He drowned in drowsiness, his eyes getting heavier and heavier, and the last thing he saw was Clark, was his wedding band on his finger. The silver glinted once, twice, and then all he saw was pitch black.
 This was his ceiling. Bruce stared at the pock-marked ceiling, the burn mark from one of Damian’s surprise training sessions. His bed was the right level of firmness. There was no dust anywhere in the room and through the vents he could hear Alfred humming, the scent of coffee wafting in the air.
  He was back. Immediately, he rolled over and picked up his cell, tapping the third speed-dial number. All Bruce would see was that Clark’s sad smile, the apology that lingered in the air unspoken.
 And maybe that was their world’s future and maybe it was just a similar alternate world, but either way, he couldn’t let that happen here. Now.
 “Clark? We need to talk.”
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lexiloann95 · 4 years
Our Story Ch.8
-The next day
Paula and Simon were getting ready for the wedding, Paula was at their house getting ready with her mom, dad, sister Wendy, and Kara, while Simon, was at the house they rented for the wedding with Randy, Ryan and his 2 brothers. They were having the wedding in the backyard of the house they had rented.
- At Paula’s house
The makeup artist had just finished Paula’s make up, and her and her hair stylist were helping paula into her dress. “Oh my god,Paula, you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress! Simon is one lucky man.” her makeup artist said. Paula smiled “Thank you Lisa. Would you help me downstairs to show my mom and Wendy?” She asked. “Of course” she answered. When they walked downstairs Paula’s parents and sister all gasped at her dress. It was a beautiful long silk a line style dress with short sleeves that fit her tiny baby bump perfectly. She saw her dad had tears in his eyes “You look so beautiful today sweetie, I’ve waited a long time to see you this happy” He said. Paula went and gave him a hug “Thank you dad, I love you. You’re going to make me cry!” She said as she tried to dry her tears before some fell, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful, baby. I remember when you were little, you dreamed of this day, and here we all are..” her mom said as tears started to fall. Paula gave her a long hug. “I know. I love you mom. Whatever happenes, I’ll always be your little girl.” Paula said as she tried to dry her tears. “Now you’ll be having one of your own” her mom said as she put her hand on Paula baby bump. “You think it’s a girl?” Paula smiled. “I know that’s what you always wanted, I love you baby” her mom wiped her tears away. “This isn’t the best idea...right before the wedding” Paula said as she wiped some tears away, and they all laughed.
-With Simon Simon was standing in front of a mirror putting his bow tie on, when his brother walked over “Hey are you almost ready? We have to walk down soon” he asked. “Yeah, I just have to fix this tie..it was Paula’s idea” Simon said. His brother smiled, and started to help him with the tie “I’ve never saw you talk about or look at someone like you do to Paula. She really is a wonderful woman. You’re lucky you have someone like her.” His brother said. “I know, she really is incredible. Everything is different with her, I’ve never felt the way I do with anyone else. I just wish dad was here to see the wedding, and mom could have made it” Simon said. “Me too, dad would have loved her. And we can visit mom soon” his brother said as he gave Simon a hug.
-At the wedding
Everyone was ready and waiting for Paula and her family to arrive when the music started playing and the door that led outside opened up. First her mom walked out then Kara and her sister Wendy. Then the music changed and Paula walked out as everyone stood up as she walked down the isle. There were white and pink roses everywhere, and it was elaborately decorated for being a small backyard wedding. Paula wanted a small wedding with only their close family and friends, and as she walked down the isle, she realized she couldn’t have made a better choice. When she reached Simon, she realized he had tears in his eyes, and she gently wiped them away. She took his hands in hers and smiled as they saw each other “You look breathtaking!” he whispered as he gave her a kiss on the forehead. “And you look handsome” she whispered back. They then started to exchanged vows as they held each other’s hands. Each giving the other a light squeez when they needed reassurence from the nerves. As they were pronounced husband and wife, they gave each other a slow, light kiss before they walked down the isle together as husband and wife.
-at the reception
The reception was almost over and Paula and Simon were talking to their friends they worked with at the show when her mom called everyone’s attention. “I just wanted to say congratulations again to daughter and her wonderful husband . I wanted to make them something special to welcome him into our family. Simon, thank you again for loving, and taking care of my daughter. this is for you guys” then the lights dimmed and a video started playing. It was a video of pictures and videos from Paula’s childhood her mom had made . It also had messages for them from family members who couldn’t make their wedding, and pictures of Simon and Paula together. When the video ended Paula had tears in her eyes, as she saw her mom walked up to her “Thanks for the video mom, I loved it, that must have taken a long time to make” she said as she gave her mom a hug. “You’re welcome baby, I’m glad you liked it, I’m so proud of both of you” her mom said. “Thank you darling, that was wonderful” Simon said as he gave her mom a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
- Later that night
Paula and Simon had just got the back from their reception, and they were back at their house. They had a few people over who had just left. Paula had changed into her pajamas and was in their room when Simon walked in. “There’s my wife, you looked beautiful today darling, it really was the happiest day of my life ” Simon said as he took off his tie, and put his watch on one of their dressers . Paula smiled. “I know, and when my mom made us that slide show...I just wish your mom was able to make it. How is she doing? Is she feeling any better” She asked as she reached over to her nightstand to grab her lotion and rubbed some on her hands . “I don’t think she’s gotten any worse, my brother and his wife are still with her. I miss her..” Simon said as he had a tear in his eye. Paula went to give him a hug, “I know you do. I’m sorry honey” she said as she caressed his face and gave him a quick kiss, but when she pulled away Simon leaned back in to continue the kiss. The kiss continued to grow as Simon took off his jacket and tossed it on the floor. Paula took his hand and led them over to their bed. Simon leaned over Paula to continued the kiss, as it grew more passionate, her fingers reaching up for the buttons on his shirt, and he eventually felt her fingers graze over his chest. “You feel good” he whispered. “So do you” she replied as she felt his hand cup her breast, and she let out a moan as he messaged it. They were in the middle of their kiss when his phone started to ring. She pulled away “Do you want to get that” she asked, catching her breath. “They’ll call back” Simon said. Paula nodded, and continued the kiss, Simon then made a trail of kisses from her jaw to her neck, she moaned, as he found a particularly sensitive spot. After a few seconds Simon’s phone started to ring again. “Just get it” she said as she tried to sit up. Simon pulled away, and helped her sit up then turned over to reach for his phone on the nightstand. “Hello” he answered as he sat up to sit off the side of the bed. “What? Is she okay? I can be there tomorrow morning” he said concerned. “No, thats okay. Call me if anything happens” he said, then hung up. “Is everything okay?” Paula asked as she sat on her legs and rubbed Simons shoulders “That was my brother. My mum’s in the hospital, she’s gotten worse. They said I should be there” he said. Paula could hear the sadness in his voice, as she wrapped her arms around him. “I’ll go with you, I’ll go pack our bags” she said as she got off the bed, and fixed her shirt . “That’s okay darling, I don’t want to stress you or the baby out. You don’t have to do that” he said “I know, I want to be there for you, I’ll get ready and get our stuff ” Paula said as she gave him a kiss on his forehead, and went to their closet.
-A few hours later Paula and Simon were on the plane to London, and the plane was taking off. Paula reached for Simons hand and squeezed it. “I hate this part” Paula said as she closed her eyes. Simon knew about the plane crash she was in and the pain she still sometimes has from it. He knew she barely survived the crash and it happened at takeoff. “It’s okay, I’m here” Simon said as he put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
When they got to London, they dropped their luggage off at their hotel and went to the hospital to see Simon’s mom. Simons older brother met them in the waiting room. They greeted each other with a hug “Well long time no see Simon” his brother said “It’s good to be back” Simon smiled. “Hi Paula, how are you, darling” his brother asked as he gave her a hug. “Hi tony, it’s good to see you” she smiled. “And how’s this little one doing” he motioned to her stomach. “Everything is still good, your niece or nephew has been moving like crazy.” She smiled. “Mom was so happy when you told her, she’s going to be so excited to meet the baby” Tony said to Simon . “How is she.” Simon asked. “She’s still in surgery , we’re waiting for the doctor to come back out” he said “I miss her, I should have been here for her..” Simon said as he started to cry. “Simon there’s nothing you could have done different, it’s not your fault” his brother said. Paula walked up to him and he went to her and cried on her shoulder as she held him. “It’s okay, you can see her soon honey, I know she will be so happy you’re here” Paula said gently. Just then the doctor walked into the room . “Hi doc, how did she do?” Tony asked. “I’m sorry, but your mother suffered a heart attack during the surgery, and we did everything we could, but we were not able to bring her back, she did not make it” he said. “Shes gone?” Simon asked as Paula saw tears run down his face again. “Yes, I’m very sorry-I” the doctor started “I- can’t be here” Simon said as he walked out the door. “Simon-“ Paula called out to him. “I’ll talk to the doctor, go ahead after him” “Tony said to Paula. “Im so sorry Tony” she said as she gave him a hug, and rubbed his back “Thank you darling, it’s going to be ok.” he said. She then followed Simon down the hallway “Simon! come here, you can talk to me.” She tried to stop him as she caught up to him. “Paula please, i don’t want to talk, I just need to be alone” Simon said as he reached the elevator “You cant leave, your brother needs you” Paula tried to stop him as he went in the elevator but it closed before she could get in. Just then Tony walked down the hall to her “Did he leave” he asked “Yes, He said he doesn’t want to talk. Has he done this before?” She asked. “He has to me. But I didn’t think he would do it to you. This is just how he handles these kind of things” Tony answered. “I’m so sorry about your mom, I know you were close” she said as she gave him a hug. “Thank you darling, do you want me to drive you to your hotel?” Tony asked. “Are you sure? I can wait here with you” she offered. “It will be fine, I have to wait for Anna, and the kids anyway . I don’t want to stress you or the baby out, you’ve had a long flight and are probably tired” Tony assured her. Paula nodded.
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Missing You
Request: Hello, could you write Lena LuthorxReader, where they have been divorced for sometime. Reader moved away to their hometown after the painful divorce and has gone back to National City for business. Reader is friends with the super friends so they invite R to a game night or dinner to catch up. Lena and R see each other for the first time in years. Some feelings may still be there, longering looks and angst. Thanks!!!
A/N: This one got long
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You and Lena had been divorced for about 2 years now. The fallout of the marriage wasn’t anything dramatic. There was no cheating or big blow up involved. Between Lena owning two companies and her side work with the DEO, and you giving everything you had into your job, there just wasn’t time for any personal life. It had gotten to the point where you were basically just roommates. You were the one to officially pull the plug, but you knew Lena was thinking it too.
Shortly after, when your job offered you the position of running the Central City branch of your company, you didn’t say no.
Ending your marriage with the love of your life was the most painful thing you ever went through. You didn’t need to be in a city that constantly reminded you of her.
Fast forward to today. Your plane was just landing at the National City International Airport. You were there for business, only planning to stay there a few days. A week if anything went wrong.
After what felt like hours, you finally got your stuff and left the airport, heading for your hotel. You were walking down the familiar streets of National City, face buried in your phone, when you collided with a very solid body. 
“Shit! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-”
You were cut off by the familiar voice. You looked up and saw your old friend, Kara. She looked different. Good, but different. She was slightly more muscular than you remember (most likely due to Supergirl work). She also cut her hair short. Something you never saw her doing, but it suits her.
“Kara! Hey! You...you look great.” You smiled. She smiled back and went to hug you. “Love the hair.”
“Thanks! It’s a lot easier, especially with, you know.” You chuckled. “I missed you! How is everything?” Kara asked.
“It’s good! I love my job, made some friends.”
Kara’s smile dropped a little. You didn’t seem too confident in your answer, but she wasn’t going to push it. She suddenly got an idea. “Hey, how long are you in town for?”
“A couple of days, a week at most. Why?”
Kara’s smile came back. “We’re having game night tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to come?”
You thought it over. You didn’t know if it was the best idea considering your ex-wife would likely be there. You didn’t need to open up any old wounds. “I don’t know...”
“Please? You’ll get to see everyone again, we all missed you. The superfriends haven’t really been the same since you left.”
It would be nice to see everyone again. Before you realized it, you were already answering. “I guess I could stop by.” As soon as you said that, Kara had that extreme excitement you remembered.
“Great! Same place. 8 O’clock.”
Tomorrow night came really fast. You were standing outside of Kara’s door, a bottle of wine in your hand. Before you got the chance to knock, Kara opened the door. 
Damn X-ray vision.
“Y/N! So glad you made it, come in!” Kara hugged you. You entered the apartment, everything pretty much looked the same. You didn’t get time to look around too much, before your eyes landed on the person you somehow wanted to see the least, but also the most.
Lena looked as beautiful as ever. Actually, she had gotten even more beautiful if that was even possible. She had her hair down, which grew to the middle of her back. She had on jeans and a T-shirt, but she made it look like Prada. You were taken out of your thoughts when a hand landed on your shoulder.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” You heard Kara say, but you didn’t take your eyes off of your ex. Speaking of whom, was walking over to you.
“Hello, Y/N.” God, you missed her voice.
“Hi, Lena.” You smiled politely. “You look amazing.” You mentally face-palmed. This is the first time you’ve spoken to this woman in years, and that’s the first thing you say?
“Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.”
“Thanks.” You smiled. A moment of awkwardness passed between you two before you spoke up again. “So, how is everything? I feel like I hear about L-corp all the time.”
“Everything’s going great with L-corp. I actually sold Catco to be able to spend more of my energy there.”
That surprised you. “Oh, you did?”
“Yeah, after...I just couldn’t focus on too many things at once anymore.” Lena’s gaze fell, but she quickly gained back her composure. “Anyway, how’s everything with you?”
“Um, pretty good. Running a branch isn’t always easy, but I find a way to make it work.”
“I know what you mean. Being in charge is definitely-”
“I missed you.” You blurted out, cutting your ex off.
“I...I’m sorry?”
“I missed you. So much, everyday. And I’m still so in love with-”
You never got to finish that sentence as Lena leaned up and kissed you. Her arms wrapped around your neck, as your hands went to her waist. Your kiss got more passionate as you fell into each other just as well as you did all those years ago. Your kiss got interrupted by a shout across the room.
“Finally!” You heard Winn shout. You broke apart and saw all your old friends, and some new faces, staring at you. Kara slapped Winn on the shoulder, which caused him to wince. “Sorry!”
“I missed you guys!” You smiled. Lena drew your focus back down to her.
“Stay with me?”
“Always.” You smiled and went in for another kiss.
You knew you had to work out the technicalities. Hopefully your company would let you transfer back to National City. All you knew was you were gonna hold on to Lena and never let her go again.
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storycharacter · 5 years
Ao3, First two chaps, Three, Four, Five
Jess closes her eyes and breathes deep, the salty air full of memories. It grounds her- the familiar scents and sounds- the shush of water breaking upon land, the piercing cry of gulls overhead.
Leaning against the crumbling stone wall tracing the top of the cliff, she almost expects to see the day’s first light breaking out along the horizon, accompanied by Grandmama’s gentle directive to close her eyes, to breathe, to greet the day.
But this is the wrong coast for that, and so she stares out at the glassy surface stretching to the horizon as the morning sky shifts from dusky grey to smoldering orange.
Jess’s ears perk at the sound of an engine, and a lone rider on a motorcycle appears in the distance, on the last visible curve of the highway. From her perch, Jess follows the rider’s progress as they climb, winding along the quiet coastal road. They disappear for a moment, hidden by the final curve, before emerging at last, slowing to pull into the dirt lot.
The rider brings the bike to a stop next to Jess’s car, one booted foot catching the ground while the other flicks the kickstand into place. They give a small wave, then pull their helmet off, gorgeous blonde tresses shaking free as they run practiced hands through it.
The leather jacket is unzipped and draped across the seat. There’s a confidence and grace to every motion, and Jess watches with no small amount of awe and interest as- not Kara Danvers, reporter, but some dizzying combination of Kara Danvers and the Girl of Steel- twists her hair into a low messy bun, the muscles of her toned arms clearly visible in the casual white tee she’s wearing.
Kara turns to retrieve some items from the saddlebag before making her way over.
Jess watches Kara approach and feels something loosen in her chest as she notes that Kara’s steps are sure, her gait normal, as if just two weeks ago Jess hadn’t watched her get shot.
“Morning.” Kara tips the thermos in her hand toward Jess in greeting, her smile soft and reassuring.
“Thanks for coming,” Jess offers as she reels her thoughts back in, focusing on the reason for the meeting.
“Of course,” Kara takes up a spot beside Jess on the wall, hip leaning into the stone as she unscrews the thermos and doles out equal portions of steaming liquid into the hand-made mugs held in her other hand.
Jess accepts the offered mug, and as she wraps her hands around the warm ceramic the comforting texture of the subtle grooves is not lost on her. When she brings the mug to her lips, she’s only half surprised to taste her favorite brew.
Thoughtful, as always.
Kara has turned to look out over the ocean and Jess joins her, elbows propped on the wall. From the corner of her eye she watches Kara drink, thumb running absently along her mug’s broad lip.
Maybe Jess isn’t the only one in need of small comforts this morning.
They stay that way for several minutes, Jess gathering her thoughts and Kara seemingly content to let Jess set the pace.
Which Jess is grateful for, given the churning inside her.
How do you ask the most powerful woman in the world if she’s the right person for Lena Luthor?
Being direct has gotten her this far.
“I know- I know this is probably not my place.” Jess begins with a shake of her head, again trying to dislodge some semblance of a clear, concise thought.  She tries again. “You’re an amazing person, and Lena clearly adores you, and I- I owe you my life, so I feel like an ass even asking this, but-”
Jess heaves a sigh before turning to look at Kara head-on. “Lena is not just anyone. She’s changing the world- will probably save it several times over.”
Kara’s proud smile peeks around her mug as she nods in agreement, and for Jess to continue.
“She’s also the most incredible person I’ve ever met, and some of the only family I have left.”
Jess tries to ignore the empathy and understanding reflected in Kara’s eyes.
She pushes on. “And you may have superpowers, but how are you going to keep her safe? Not just from Lex and stuff like London, but from everything that comes with, well...“
“Proximity to a superhero?” Kara supplies.
Jess nods, hoping she is making some sense. “How can you take care of one person when the whole world relies on you?”
Kara’s brow furrows as she looks back toward the water, considering.
Because in the end, that’s the crux of it- as much as Jess has come to care for Kara, as much as much as she yearns to see Lena happy- to see them both defy the odds and find some way to make it work-
Neither of their lives is ordinary, and Jess is all too familiar with the danger that finds them at shocking frequency.
She flashes back to that moment in the boardroom in London, hearing Lena’s voice. The ping of the elevator and the horror of seeing the last shooter draw his gun on Lena. Those split-seconds when she thought for sure she was about to watch Lena die.
No amount of loving someone can bring them back from the dead.
“I never intended to be a hero.” Kara’s statement breaks the quiet, pulls Jess back. “That first save- the plane- it was to save Alex.“
Kara swallows hard against some memory. “I thought about it giving it up- the time that Alex-“ She stops again, lips pressing tight.
Jess thinks of the tall agent who had swept into the lobby after the last attack, who had dropped to her knees beside Lena and so tenderly reassured Kara, who had all but ordered her sister to stay alive, all while commanding the hurried efforts to save her life. The clear devotion and love and a bond unlike Jess has ever seen.
Kara finds her voice, gaze still fixed on the horizon. “I thought about giving it up, once. A while ago. To protect her.”
She turns to look at Jess with eyes darkened by turmoil. “I know exactly how dangerous it is for someone to know who I am, to be associated with Supergirl. Believe me, I know.”
And Jess does.
She watches Kara’s jaw tick and wonders how many times Kara and Alex have had to save each other.
How many close calls there have been.
How many times Kara has shouldered that weight- knowing that what she does- the lives she saves, the impact she makes- comes at a terrible price.
One she doesn’t pay alone.
“It’s part of why I waited so long to tell Lena. Why the ruse is necessary, why I have to be so careful.” A sort of sorrow tints her gaze. “Why you’ll have to be too.”
A thought trips across Jess’s lips before she can stop it.
“How do you do it?”
Kara raises a brow at the abrupt question.
Jess rushes to clarify. “The dual identity- the pretending, switching from one to the other,” she decides to be brave. “The lying?”
Kara nods in understanding, forehead furrowing again as she thinks. “I don’t actually think of it as dual identities- both are me. I’m all of it- I just try to keep certain parts of who I am mostly contained to one side or the other.”
She glances over and it’s Jess’s turn to raise an eyebrow in question.
Kara gives a half-smile that holds no joy. “Take Supergirl, for example. She doesn’t get to be vulnerable- not the way other people are.” She shrugs a shoulder and looks back out over the water. “But Kara Danvers can be- she can have bad days, can decide to just stay in and curl up on the couch. She can be flawed and scared and ordinary. So I kind of just… split things. It helps sell the ruse, and helps me keep my sanity.”
She says it so casually. But Jess has always been good at reading people, and all the pieces are coming together, the things she’s read about Supergirl, the things she knows about Kara.
Of course she is both Kara and Supergirl- gentle and fierce, quiet and bold, strong and unassuming. The duality that exists in all people.
And of course she would need her identity as Kara Danvers- not just for the safety of her friends and family, but for her own well-being.
Supergirl is the last daughter of a lost planet, the champion of earth. A hero, a warrior, a refugee.
Kara Danvers gets lunch with friends, has a home address, can walk into a room without immediately garnering the expectation of everyone in it.
And maybe... maybe it’s easier for Kara Danvers to pretend she hasn’t lost her whole world, doesn’t also carry the weight of this one.
Kara breathes in deep, drawing Jess’s attention again. “I thought again about giving it up- being Supergirl. For Lena.” A slight nod, determination flickering. “I would, to keep her safe. To have a life together.” A soft smile graces her face, smoothing some of the tension that had taken up residence there. “She told me it was ‘quantifiably the dumbest idea’ she’s ever heard.”
Kara’s smile grows as she studies the cup in her hands, balancing it against the stones.
“That sounds like Lena.” Jess finds herself grinning as well, imagining the look on Lena’s face.
Kara sobers again, shoulders pulled forward. “But like you said, doing this…” she shakes her head. “There’s a cost.”
She holds her hand out, flexing. “I know it would be selfish, to give it up, but- I never expected to have these powers. And there are days- there are days I wish I were normal. Human.”
Kara drops her hand and her gaze, lost in that contemplation.
What goes unsaid in Jess’s mind is that Kara doesn’t owe this world anything- and she doesn’t.
Jess remembers the times Supergirl- Kara- nearly sacrificed everything, to save them all. And that’s just the ones Jess knows about.
How many times would they- the rest of the world- ask Kara to make that sacrifice? To put herself on the line, to break her body, to bear the mental and emotional toll- so they don’t have to? This woman who has already given so much.
And for a moment, Jess imagines it- a quiet life for Kara, with the woman she loves. One free of all of the rest of it.
The world would survive, surely.
Life would go on without Supergirl.
But Jess looks at Kara- Kara, who risks so much every day to bring hope and help and compassion to the world.
And Jess knows Kara would not be content, could not sit by when she had the capacity to help, to make a difference.
Just as Lena could never stop using her mind, her wealth, and her influence for good. No matter the risk, the sacrifices required.
It’s who they are, and Jess suspects neither of them would let the other give that up.
God, they really are meant for each other.
And with that pop of exasperated, snark-filled affection, Jess realizes she’s narrowing in on her answer.
We’re all just doing the best we can, with what we’ve been given.
Kara redirects, coming back to Jess’s main question as if following Jess’s train of thought. “In the end, I can’t guarantee anything. None of us can.”
She faces Jess head-on, earnest and honest. “But I know this: I don’t want to live a life driven by fear.
I love Lena. And choosing to forsake that in an attempt to keep her safe would be a decision made from fear. But fear makes you brittle, and eventually shatters any relationship.”
Kara smiles then, warm and full of hard-won wisdom.
“I have to believe there’s hope- hope for a life together, one where joy and love outweigh the darkness.”
She looks toward the hills and the streaks of gold painting the tips of the grasses along their crowns. “If we aren’t fighting for that light, what else is there?”
Jess follows her gaze as those words sink deep.
Kara is right.
About hope.
It’s a choice. Each day, each moment- something to be cherished and fought for.
Despite everything that seems to stand against it, hope shines through.
It is powerful, and life-giving, and worth fighting for.
And as the sun finally emerges from behind the hills, golden light chasing away the last of the night, Jess feels the last of her doubts slip away with the receding tide, replaced by the warm promise of the coming day.
Hope, indeed.
Six weeks later, Kara Danvers arrives at L-Corp fifteen minutes early for her lunch with Lena.
With just enough time to run a few designs by Jess.
Designs for a ring.
And as Jess watches Lena’s face alight as she finally steps out of the office, her fingers extending to twine with Kara’s as they head for the elevator- as Kara mouths an exaggerated thank you, complete with thumbs-up and a wink thrown from behind Lena’s back as the doors slide open-
As Jess watches two incredible people with impossible lives, chasing hope despite outlandish odds, she thinks to herself,
Maybe Mondays aren’t so bad after all.
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What do you think, though, when the building you last saw your best friend in explodes?
Your best friend, who was just in your plane, exclaiming delightedly at the food, because she always does, nervous but trusting and scared—
As you’re fighting for your life because you ran after someone you had to fight—stupid, Lena, stupid—you left her in there. You left her.
And now, she’s no Supergirl. She might as well be yours, the way she defends you. And you might as well be hers, too, the way you have her back. But you didn’t, today. You did for a while. But a while is not enough.
The fight is inconsequential and it is over. Kara is what matters. You race towards it, not knowing how you’d ever get in without cooking alive but you will, you’ll flay yourself if it means finding her, any piece of her, she’s better than you ever deserved—
Focus. Don’t think the bad thoughts. Don’t think about how she brings you burgers and she holds you when you cry and how she forgives you and loves you and apologizes to you and has never done you wrong, has never held you at arms’ length. She’s the kind of human the world needs more of. The kind of human whose hugs are a gift, whose smiles are a blessing, whose presence lifts a room.
Another superhero isn’t the solution, you think some days. More people like her are. So to lose her to a fire like this—it’s a loss for the world. To never feel her arms wrap around you again—
You run faster.
And all at once, she’s there, staggering out, coughing up smoke and waving weakly at you, reassuring you, even though you’re the one who left her, and you don’t deserve her. You don’t. But her arms wrap around you as you tug her towards you in desperate relief, and she’s whole. She’s solid and she’s a little too warm, but she’s untouched. She’s moving and she’s well.
Your guilt can wait. This is all that matters.
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fernwehbookworm · 5 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 22
April 22nd, 2018
Lena grabbed her backpack from the overhead compartment. It feels heavy on her shoulders as exits the plane, pulling the baseball cap low. She’s jostled from behind as other passengers pass her by. She doesn't regret her decision to come, no. That’s not it. She is just dreading every step she takes towards her brother. She hasn’t seen or heard from him since he was arrested. Lena makes her way through the throngs of people to baggage claim and waits next to a family of excited tourist, talking about all the sights they want to see in Metropolis. Lena smiles to herself and grabs her suitcase.
She makes her way outside to hail a taxi. Lena had been trying to avoid drawing any attention to herself. That meant flying business class and not renting a car. The only people who knew she was coming were Sam and Jess. And the prosecuting lawyer but she didn’t know Lena’s itinerary. Lena walks out into the bright daylight to look for the usual line of taxis only to be greeted by a sunny smile and bright blue eyes. She held up a paper that read ‘Elena Colby,’ joke sparking in her eyes. Lena heard herself squeal and raced into Kara’s arms for a hard hug. Kara wraps her arms tightly around Lena’s shoulders.
“Hi,” Kara sighs out.
“Hi,” Lena breaths in Kara’s familiar scent. This was just what she needed right now.
“What are you doing here?”
“Jess called. She told me you were going to the trial. She heavily implied that you might want some moral support. Then she emailed me your flight information in a not so subtle manner.”
“You always were Jess’ favorite.” Lena chuckles at her old friend's antics. Lena had kept her in the loop about Kara, not the vigilante stuff but the reconnection. Kara laughs and pushes Lena back to really look at her. Bags under her eyes speak to sleepless nights. Kara leans against the car she rented that morning when she herself got into Metropolis.
“How are you, Lena?” Kara asks. Lena shrugs.
“Tired and stressed.”
“You don’t have to do this. They have enough evidence to lock him up for good.”
“No. I have to see him. One last time.”
“Okay. Let’s get you to your hotel and we can go grab something to eat. When does the trial start?” “I have to be there at eight-thirty tomorrow morning. The trail starts at nine-thirty.”
“Okay-” Kara cuts off whatever she was saying and does a quick double take over Lena’s shoulder. Suddenly she opens the passenger side door.
“Get in,” She says almost harshly. Lena looks behind her and sees a couple of men with professional photography equipment. She gets in the car without another hesitation. Kara closes the door behind her and rushes to the driver's side. Kara starts the car a quickly peels away.
“How did they know?” Lena growls out.
“I think the witness list was released today. They must have come hoping to catch you. There is no way they knew what flight you were on.”
“You’re right. If they knew then there would be no way for me to get out of there unseen.” Lena agrees. Kara swerves through traffic.
“Geeze, Kara, slow down.” Lena cries out as Kara swerves into another lane despite the busy mid-afternoon traffic.
“Right. Sorry. I just wanted to get you away from them. I didn’t realize.” Kara immediately slows down to just above the legal speed limit.
“Thank you, but there really is no need to get pulled over too.” Lena chuckles at Kara’s red cheeks and sheepish look. The rest of the trip to the hotel is uneventful. Lena checks in under a fake name and hands over a LuthorCorp Credit card. The prosecutor's office was reimbursing everything anyway so Jess told her to put it on the card to avoid detection. In the room, Kara flops on the bed while Lena goes to shower. She felt like her skin was crawling after spending so much time in an enclosed space with so many strangers. She emerges to a gently snoring Kara and smiles, then hits her with a pillow.
“Rise and Shine!” she calls over Kara’s protests.
“Ouch, that was rude.” Kara takes the pillow and hits Lena back. Lena just laughs and sits to put on her shoes.
“Well, I was promised food.”
“Your right. I did make a promise. But I have to make a quick stop first if you don’t mind.” Kara puts back on her own shoes.
“Stop where?”
“That’s a surprise.” Kara grins and Lena rolls her eyes.
“Well, what do you think?” Kara spins around with her arms spread wide after turning on the lights.
Lena takes in the space as the fluorescent lights warm up. It's large and empty, pillars stretch down on either side of the door. The concrete floor is dusty and scattered with litter. Dust particles circle in the air in front of Lena’s nose as a breeze blows in from the door around her. Needless to say, she is confused.
“What do I think of what?” Lena asks and Kara just laughs softly.
“I want to expand the gym. Winn found this location. It’s been abandoned for a while but it's walking distance to all the downtown shopping and apartments so it should do well.” Kara explains, but Lena still looks skeptical. Kara sees that and moves to stand behind Lena, resting both hands on her shoulders before pointing.
“Look, right there. Right in the middle of the entrance will be the welcome desk, small because our main focus is bettering the body, not bringing in more members or selling product. But it will be sleek and modern; led display, I think a digital CrossFit leader board for the different groupings, even maybe displaying people as they meet their goals- weight, reps, times, stuff like that. Now, the running track would go around the outside of the pillars. Winn pulled up the architecture plans and did the math, five times around would be a mile. Off to the left and right will be stretching and warm up spaces. Right behind the desk will start the cardio machines, in the middle of the track, between the pillars. We’ll put tvs up across from them. Then at the far end, still inside the track will be the weights, machines then free weights. Finally, at the end will be The Box. I want it to be clear plexiglass, no secrets about what happens back there. I want people to want to be in that room. Now, there is also a smaller space next door, probably used to be a storefront of some kind or another. Once this is done and running, I want to buy that space too for a Kids Gym. Classes of all kinds and a space for parents to leave their children while they work out. So, Do you see it?” Kara excitedly gestures to each spot, painting a picture of what she wants Lena to see. And Lena sees it. The red and blue painting to match her other gym, maybe even putting big windows in the front to let in as much natural daylight as possible.
“Kara, it’s perfect. You will do well here.”
“Thank you! I’m really excited. I haven't bought it yet but the real estate agent gave me the key. I told him that I needed ‘to be in the space’ to really know if I wanted it. But I do. I really do.”
“So what? Are you moving to Metropolis?” Lena asks.
“No. Well, I’ll probably be here for a couple of months to get everything started. Actually, James is going to manage this one. He wants to move back to Metropolis.”
“And you trust him with that? Things seemed pretty strained the last time I saw you two together.”
“Yes. We talked and came to the conclusion that distance would be best.”
“What about the Guardian?”
“He decided it wasn’t for him. He doesn't see the point now that Cadmus is as good as gone.”
“What about Power Girl?” Lena asks, raising an eyebrow.
“She’s... unsure.” Kara turns away from Lena and stares down the center of her future gym. Her shoulders slump slightly as if the weight of the entire city was sitting on them. Lena searches for the words to say next but before she can come up with anything, Kara takes a deep breath and straightens. She turns around with a big smile but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
“But that is a problem for another day. Now, I promised you food. Let’s go.” Kara brushes past Lena to open the door and take her back outside. Lena thinks to push but knows better than to do it right now.
“Okay, but I’m picking.”
April 23rd, 2018
Lena sits in the front row behind the lawyer, Jane Ramos, trying to take deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She focuses on steading her hands while mentally reviewing all that she and Ms. Ramos covered that morning. Lena smooths her navy suit skirt just for something to do with her hands. She had to go buy the stupid suit because apparently, her closet was too ‘rock star’ to be taken seriously. Her phone buzzes in her purse.
K- Turn around.
Lena furrows her brow and turns in her sit, craning her neck to look around the crowded room. Bright blue eyes shine from behind glasses and Lena matches her smile. Kara waves a small wave before holding up her phone. And pointing to it. Lena’s buzzes again.
K- You aren’t alone. I know it feels that way, but there are people in this world who love you, not only as Lena Luthor, a woman who sings truth into the darkness and helps them through hard times in their lives because she lets them know that they are not alone. But also people who just love Lena, a woman who loves to sing in the early morning and write until even the moon goes to sleep. A woman who drives her best friends daughter to school and takes her to whatever is her new hobby. Lena, a woman who donates so much of her wealth to helping people in need, people who don’t even know she is helping them. But they love her in their own little way. So you may have lost the family that didn’t choose you, but you still have a family that did. You can do this.
Lena takes a deep breath, fighting off the tears that threaten to spill over, not of fear or sadness, but of joy. Kara was right. She had chosen Sam and Ruby, or Sam chose her. And Jess chose her. And after everything, Kara was choosing her. She chose to fly halfway across the country to support Lena. She could do this. Lena looks back at Kara and nods, smiling softly at her. Kara smiles back.
“All rise for Judge Williams.” The Bailiff announces.
Lena follows the lead of the courtroom and stands as the middle-aged man enters. His dark skin barely lighter than his robe. That will not be good for Lex’s case, a white supremacist who wants to rid the united states of different people. Who has used his money and power to conspire to kill many, the son of a man who did.
“You may be seated.” He announces in a deep voice, reverberating with the power of his position.
Creaking and muffled coughing and chatter as the room packed with people sits once more. Lena’s pulse thuds in her ears as the courtroom drama begins to unfold. She knows what’s coming. Who is coming. And he appears all to soon, Lena’s vision tunneling to block out all but her brother. His bright orange jumpsuit somehow hangs on his strong frame as if it was one of his tailored suits. His head shines from being clean shaven, matching the shine on his wrists, connecting them to each other and to his ankles. Even hindered, he manages to almost strut into the room. His eyes gleam with intelligence and his smirk expands as he sets his eyes on his sister.
Lena feels her heart stop when their eyes meet. Joy crashes into pain and distrust. For a moment she is a four-year-old girl again, clutching at a teddy bear as Lex promises to teach her chess. He towered over her but she had no doubt that he wanted to be her brother. But then there were so many times he couldn’t be bothered except to make sure she was safe from Lionel and Lillian’s arguments. Everything turns in her stomach and makes her nauseous. Lex winks at her before the burly prison guard forces him to turn and sit. Buzz. Lena checks her phone.
K- Breath. Just Breath.
Lena takes a deep breath and waits for the trial to actually begin. It all is a blur as she focuses on her breathing and what she has to say. The jury is addressed, the evidence presented. Several employees are called for character witnesses, then several professional witnesses. Lena knows her turn is approaching but the judge calls for a recess and there will be an hour and a half for lunch. Lena stands in a daze and walks out with the others in the audience. Kara waits outside the doors and pulls Lena into a tight hug.
“Meet at the dinner down the street. The windows are tinted so we can eat in peace.” Kara whispers in her ear. Lena nods and then Kara is gone, faded into the crowd.
“Ms. Luthor!” Jane calls out to her.
“Ms. Ramos,” Lena nods her head towards the lawyer.
“You will be first after lunch. Remember, Just tell your story. We must let the jury know this was part of his character, not just a bout of insanity.” Jane says.
“Yes, Ms. Ramos. We have been over countless times.”
“I know, but I can’t have you freezing on the stand.”
“I won’t. I perform in front of millions of people. I can talk in front of a room full of people.” Lena says indigently. Jane looks at her with pity.
“This will be different. Go, have something to eat, not too much. Don’t need you feeling sick or sluggish. Right after lunch, everyone will be rejuvenated but unfocused, you will have to grab their attention again. Just think about that.”
“Thank you, Ms. Ramos. I will see you soon.”
Lena heads out, her hired bodyguard joining her at the door. The burly man opens the door and the flashes are almost blinding. Photographers are everywhere. They call her name in a cacophony of noise, yelling questions at her. Lena ignores them all as the bodyguard pushes through the mass of people and gets Lena to her waiting car. The bodyguard climbing in the front seat.
“Take me to Donna’s Dinner down there, but circle the block. Don’t need to have them see me go in there.” Lena instructs the driver.
“Yes, Ms. Luthor.”
The car winds through the streets for about ten minutes before pulling up right out front of the dinner. Hector, the bodyguard, gets out and opens the door for Lena. She instructs him to wait in the car but to make sure no reporters come in after her. A bell chimes above the door and Lena is surrounded by the delicious smells of comfort food. Soft chatter and clinging of metal on porcelain. Laughter erupts from a small table in the corner. The opposite corner sits Kara, perched on the edge of her booth seat. She looked up at the sound of the bell and breaks into an enormous grin. Lena feels her heart flutter at the sight. In all the darkness of the day, here was a ray of sunshine.
“Hi,” Kara says when Lena gets to her, standing to hug Lena before taking her seat again.
“Thank you,” Lena whispers.
“For what?”
“For being here. It means a lot. We are both learning from our past and I think making a better future.” Lena reaches over and places her hand on Kara’s.
“Of course we are. Isn’t that what all that therapy was for?” Kara cocks her head to the side.
“Yes, I think it was. But also so I can ask you this: Kara Danvers, will you go on a date with me?” Lena asks. Kara chokes on her water as she was taking a sip.
“What?” she sputters.
“Please, Kara, after all this I know more than ever that you make me happy and I want to keep that in my life.” Lena pleads with her, Kara flips her hand under Lena’s and squeezes it.
“You make me happy too, Lee. And I want that too. But, I have to say no.”
“What?” Lena is in disbelief.
“Not yet.”
“Lee, this is not how I want to start again. You are emotional and distraught. This is not going to be how we start again. In a dinner, in a strange city, during your brothers trial as he is hopefully committed to several life sentences. No, this is not it.” Lena sits back and pulls away from Kara. She worries her bottom lip, considering Kara’s words.
“But, there is a way for us to start again?” Lena lifts an eyebrow
“Yes,” Kara smiles at Lena in the way that is just for her.
“How are you ladies doing today?” A plump woman in a canary yellow dress and red apron interprets them.
“Good, thank you. Can we just have a couple more minutes?”
“Of course sweetheart. Just wave me over when you're ready.” The woman waddles away and Kara turns to glance at the menu, deciding which burger and milkshake she wants.
“Are we going to talk about that further?” Lena asks over her menu.
“No, I don’t think we have to.”
“Okay. I’m thinking a grilled chicken salad, I have to take the stand next.”
“And I’ll be there, right where you can see me.” Kara waves the waitress back over to order.
“My life ended and started the day I was brought to the Luthor household. My mother had died and my new one was cold and harsh. I still remember Lillian prying my teddy bear from my arms and sneering down at me, ‘You are a Luthor now. Luthor’s don’t cry,’ she said. That was my welcoming. Then Lex took my hand and showed me how to play chess. I must have shown some promise because then it was tutoring and lessons. The house was cold, not just because it was huge and empty, but because there was no love. I am sure Lionel and Lillian loved us in their own way, but that wasn’t love.” Lena’s eyes meet Kara’s bright blue ones in the back of the room. She takes a steadying breath.
“Soon the novelty of a new sister wore off and Lex disappeared into the depths of that mansion. We would have our moments, some would even say they could be touching. Mostly though, he just made sure I was safe from our parents. Their arguments got… Intense.”
“So you grew up in hostile household?”
“You can say that. But mostly it was cold. I remember I found this room that became my safe space. It was empty, except for this ginormous dollhouse. It was in a forgotten corner in a forgotten house and it felt just right for the forgotten child. As soon as I was old enough, it was off to boarding school then college by the time I was fifteen. I got out of there as soon as I could. Lex didn’t. He was homeschooled with tutors. Constantly under mother’s vigil.”
“Would you say that’s what caused this?”
“Could be. Who knows? I was the spurned bastard daughter of a mad man. Lex was the darling child of a husband and wife. He had everything given to him and a mother that loved him.” Lena waves off the defense lawyer. She opens her mouth to continue before a familiar chuckle catches her ear. It grows slowly as the room quiets. Lex’s shoulders begin to shake as his laughter grows to a booming echo in the silent room.
“You think I was given everything? I had to earn everything! I had to fight for every ounce of love Mother would give me. I didn’t run off to fulfill some half-assed dream of singing. I stood by the Luthor name and did what needed to be done to fix this country! You are a disgrace to the Luthor name!” Lex stands, slamming his hands flat on the table as the courtroom erupted. People were shouting and the bailiff wrestled lex down to the table and the judge banged his gavel and began yelling ‘Order in the court!’ The onlookers were shouting as lawyers pointed angrily to each other. Once Lex was subdued, the judge managed to get a tentative hold back on the room.
“So maybe the lack of love was my saving grace,” Lena says, nodding to her brother whose face was still pressed into the wood of the table.
“In light of this admission, the jury should go deliberate. Everyone else will take a recess. Bailiff, please escort Mr. Luthor to his holding cell. If he has another outburst I will hold him in contempt of court.” Judge Williams bangs his gavel and stands, exiting back to his office. Lena watches from the stand as her brother is wrestled out of the courtroom. She shakily stands and Jane is there to help her down.
“You did great. With his outburst, it should be a lock. And it’s great groundwork for your mother’s trial.” Jane says. That makes Lena freeze.
“My… my… mother’s trial.” Lena feels a tightening in her chest and it feels like it's getting harder to breathe. Like the air is too dense to be inhaled. Panicked eyes search for the calm she knows is somewhere nearby. Lena grips Jane’s arm as her knees start to buckle.
“Lena! What’s wrong?” Jane asks, panic rising in her voice as she helps Lena into a chair.
“Lena!” concerned blue eyes are right in front of her and Kara is gripping her forearms then cupping her face with both hands.
“Breath Lee. Focus on me. We are right here. Breath in. And out.” Kara moves Lena’s hands, placing one on her own stomach and the other on her chest.
“In through the nose, out through the mouth. Feel your breathing, feel my hands. Breath with me.”
Kara coaches Lena through breathing until it evens out. Jane hands her a glass of water from the table and Lena takes it with a nod and sips it gratefully.
“Lena, I think that was the start of a panic attack. Are you okay? What happened?” Kara asks.
“It just hit me that my entire is either dead or going to jail. And I’ll have to do this all over again for my mother’s trial.”
“You don’t have to,” Kara says.
“It would help the case,” Jane adds.
“Not helping.” Kara glares at the lawyer. Jane holds up her hands and steps back.
“I will. I guess I just haven't processed this yet.” Lena takes a deep breath and settles herself. Lena grips Kara’s hand to stand. The courtroom had basically emptied out and the three women were left alone
“Ms. Luthor, I know this was hard, but that confession and outburst from Lex was better than I could have hoped. Your testimony locked down his sentence. My entire prosecution team appreciates it.”
“Your Welcome, Ms. Ramos,” Lena says, still gripping one of Kara’s hands for support. Jane looks towards the door and smiles.
“Deliberation shouldn’t take too long so don’t go far. Now, if you excuse me, my wife is here.” Jane waves to a blonde woman who is peeking in the door. Lena watches as they share a kiss and a laugh. It's sweet and creates a longing in Lena’s heart. Kara’s hand is heavy in hers.
“I need some air,” Lena says and Kara pulls her out of the room. The hallway and lobby are crawling with people mingling in different conversations. Kara slips through the crowd with ease, pulling Lena behind.
Kara peaks her head out the front door and ushers Lena behind some of the big marble pillars. The press and general were held far away at the bottom of the huge staircase by a large police line. They should be out of sight of prying eyes.
“Thank you, Kara.” Lena leans against the pillar, cool marble seeping through her blouse. It was refreshing of the stifling heat of the courthouse.
“Anything Lee,” Kara smiles and rubs Lena’s shoulders.
“Are you sure you are okay?”
“Yes. It just made me even more thankful that you were here.”
“Me too.”
“Can you distract me? Anything new with the gym? Or any alter ego drama?”
“Nothing back home. It’s all been fairly quiet since Lillian’s arrest. Winn though is overseeing the renovations of the top two floors of our building. We are making it into apartments for extra revenue.”
“Really? That’s very smart.”
“Yeah, I’m actually thinking I want to use some of them for people in need. Like no rent but they have to work for me a couple of times a week. Or some sort of LGBT outreach. Safehouse for those kicked out of their homes. I haven't quite figured that out yet.” Kara stared off into the distance, gears turning. All Lena could do was stare at her. Kara catches her staring.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how great you are.” Lena says softly. Kara blushes and ducks her head.
“Ms. Luthor, They jury is ready.” Jane pokes her head out the door. Lena nods and follows her back in.
Thirty-five consecutive life sentences. No chance of parole. The list of charges is long, ranging from Domestic Terrorism to murder to fraud and everything in between. Lex had kept detailed documents on all his dealings that were seized during the raids. It was all damning evidence that would carry over to her mother’s trial, but that was for another day. Lena swirls the whiskey in her glass and watches the ice cube circle the bottom. She takes a small sip and feels the burn warm her throat.
The hotel bar emptied out about three glasses ago. Kara went up to her own room after Lena promised she would be close behind, four glasses ago. She sat alone as the bartender pretended to clean the glasses and watched as time ticked closer to closing. Lena sighs and tips back the amber liquid to finish it. Finally hoping off her bar stool to go to bed, Lena has to steady herself as the room spins a bit. Then she pulls out a hundred dollar bill to pay for her tab and tip. She has to stop again to steady herself at the doorway to the lobby. Lena draws in a deep breath and closes her eyes to ready herself for the walk to the elevator.
“I leave you alone for five minutes and your smashed, again. ” A familiar voice startles Lena.
“Jess?” She stands there, arms crossed in a black dress and heels, an amused expression on her face. Jess just rolls her eyes and walks over to Lena, wrapping an arm around her waist. Jess takes most of Lena’s weight and crossing the lobby.
“W-what are you doing here?”
“Your brother was just found guilty. I’m here to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. And apparently, I was right. Wheres Kara?”
“In bed probably. I told her I was right behind her.” Lena tries to get the words out without slurring. Jess sighs and hits the button for Lena’s floor.
“I booked the room, remember?” Jess says. Lena’s eyes feel so heavy, and sleepy. She rests her head on Jess’ shoulder.
“Mmmmm, oh yeah.” Lena manages, she feels Jess laugh softly.
Jess fishes in Lena’s purse for her room key and has it before the elevator opens. Jess practically carries Lena down the hall and shoulders the door open when the lock turns green. Jess unceremoniously dumps Lena on the bed. Jess kicks off her own heels before taking off Lena’s. With practiced hands, Jess strips Lena out of clothes and replaces them with pajamas from her suitcase. Lena is only aware of hands pushing her towards the pillow and Jess shuffling about the room. Then a warm body presses next to hers.
“Do not throw up on me or in this bed. There is a trash can right next to you.” Jess strictly orders. Lena just grunts a response.
April 24th, 2018
Light shines brightly past Lena’s eyelids. She tightens them before pulling the cover over her head with a moan. A laugh filters through the down comforter and Lena pulls it away to glare at whoever it is.
“Good morning, sunshine.” Jess sits on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand and one on the coffee table. Thankfully it’s from Lena’s favorite cafe in Metropolis. Lena grumbles but gets out of bed anyway to retrieve her coffee and slouch next to Jess as she shifts through paperwork and types on her computer. Lena rests her head back on the couch and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“How’s LexCorp?”
“Slowly getting back in the black. It really helped to shut down all the government contracts for weapons production and opening those two new children's cancer research facilities.” Jess flips through a few more pages as Lena watches.
“You’ve worked very hard for this company. For my family’s name.”
“Well, I’m good at it. And someone had to or else hundreds of thousands of people would have lost their jobs.”
“Yeah?” Jess keeps typing away on an email as Lena watches.
“Would you like to buy fifty-three percent of LexCorp?” Lena asks. Jess’ fingers freeze on the keys.
“Are you serious?”
“But it’s your family’s company.” Jess finally turns to look at Lena, propping her arm up on the back of the couch and turning towards her.
“They never really were my family, you were my first family. And now Sam and Ruby are. So if you take it, the company will be staying in my family. I know you said you were just going to do it until I figured out what I needed but, this is what you should be doing. Not working as my assistant.”
“You’re sure? Like really sure?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be CEO.”
“This is fantastic!” Jess cries and leans forward to grab her laptop.
“I have been wanting to rebrand but I wanted you to figure out what you needed. I have so many ideas. Here, look.” Jess pushes the laptop over and clicks the enter button. A silver rotating logo appears on a black screen. A large L resting on a smaller CORP. It’s simple and elegant.
“L Corp. It’s time to take the Luthor out of this company.” Jess explains.
“It’s brilliant. Is that your new slogan? It’s catchy.” Lena laughs along with Jess.
“Not the advertised one.” Jess begins clicking through to show Lena more screens, the start of a presentation, number projections, future projects. Lena can barely follow but that just proves she made the right choice. About twenty minutes later there is a knock at Lena’s door. Lena gets back up and grabs her nearly cold cup of coffee before answering.
“Hey Lee, I thought you might like some coffee… ah, nevermind.” Kara looks up at her and sees the to-go cup in Lena’s hand. Kara blessedly is holding a cup carrier with two Starbucks cups and in her other and is a wonderfully grease-stained bag with red and gold.
“Are there hashbrowns in that bag?”
“Have I helped you recover from a hangover before?” Kara raises an eyebrow and holds out the bag. Lena switches out her cold coffee for the hot one before taking the McDonalds bag from Kara and moving back to sit next to Jess.
“Jess! Hi! How are you? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were here. I would have brought you some.” Kara sits in the chair after stealing the food back from Lena and pulling out her three sandwiches and four hashbrowns before handing it back. Jess steals one of each with a smirk at Kara’s pout.
“No worries, I’m all set.” Jess takes a big bite of the hashbrown to prove her point. Kara just rolls her eyes.
“So what have you two been up to this morning?” Kara asks.
“Not much, Jess is working, I’m trying to rid myself of a pounding headache, and Jess will be taking over LexCorp as CEO.”
“Really? That’s great! That’s great, right?” Kara asks, unsure, and the other two just laugh.
“It’s perfect. Now I won’t have it hanging over my head and Jess can do what she wants.”
“It will take a lot of paperwork but I can start setting some things in motion.”
“That’s great you guys. Okay, what are we sightseeing today?” Kara practically hops in her seat as she chews.
“Sightseeing?” Jess asks.
“Yeah! I’m not in Metropolis ever so I’m taking advantage of it. Come on, I know its a giant tourist trap but it is for a reason! Please…” Kara folds her fingers together and shakes them in a pleading manner. Lena just laughs and nods at her antics.
“Yes! I want to see the Daily Planet globe, and walk down Bessolo Boulevard, stroll through Centennial Park, and go shopping at Lacy’s Department Store. Then I want to…” Kara continues to list off things she wants to do and Lena just gets lost in the excitement in her eyes.
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fangzeronos · 5 years
Anger and Kryptonite
Lena sighed as she slammed the door to the penthouse in a clearly agitated state. Not bothering with the lights, she walked through the house before stopping in her bedroom, stripping and turning on the radio to a news report.
 Supergirl was barely successful this afternoon fighting off a robot that nearly killed her. Sources in the street say the robot was firing green energy from a glowing power source in its chest, one that weakened Supergirl, but National City’s hero powered through in defeating the attacker. A source with National City Police says the robot was called “Metallo”, a name used to describe robots of similar origin two years ago. We’ll have more on this at it develops.
 “Goddamn it,” Lena sighed, shaking her head. “What is Metallo doing being reused? That project and t’s schematics were scrapped…” She shut off the radio before padding barefoot across the hall to the shower. It was a long day, and it wasn’t helped by two interruptions from a blonde liar, one she wished she could wish away and never see again. She looked at herself in the mirror, noticing the bags under her eyes and the hardness they’d acquired since the Spring.
 “Could always leave National City. Not leave a forwarding address, just disappear. She’ll never find you then,” she muttered. She looked down and back up at her reflection, turning away and moving into the shower, letting the hot water cascade over tense muscles and work-related problems. Her mind wandered back to that afternoon, when Kara, the annoying little gnat that she was, burst into the office without bothering to stop.
 Lena looked up from her computer, minimizing her VR program and standing up when she heard a commotion, seeing her office doors get thrown open by Kara Danvers. The lying blonde shut the door and turned to Lena with a smile. “Get out.”
 “Not until we talk,” Kara said, holding up a bag of Big Belly Burger. “I come with a peace offering.”
 Lena rolled her eyes and sat down, pointing to the chair across the desk. “You have two minutes to tell me the truth, Ms. Danvers. Why you lied to me for so fucking long.”
 Kara bit her lip and sat down, feeling more distant from Lena then she had in a long time. She set the bag of burgers down on her bag, deciding grease stains on her own property was worse then staining anything of Lena’s and making Lena’s hate worse than it already was.
 “I didn’t want to lie for so long,” Kara said. “I wanted to tell you ten thousand times. I almost did twice. The night in the elevator when we were going to Sam’s and you said “Supergirl went behind my back and used the people I care for against me. I can never trust her again.” I wanted to tell you right then, open my damn shirt and let you see me for who I was, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want you to hate me Lena…”
 “What was the second time?”
 Kara sighed softly. “The night we were on the plane back from Kasnia. When you said the explosion could have killed me and I said it wouldn’t,” she said. “When you had your back to me, I had my glasses off and my hands on my hips like I do when I’m in my suit, and I tried to get you to turn around. But…then you said I was the only person who hadn’t lied to you and I felt horrible because I was still lying to you.” She bit her lip and took her glasses off, setting them in her pocket before looking at Lena with three years of regret in her eyes. “You have every right to hate me. Every right to use whatever you want to put me down and erase the last lying traitor from your life, Lena, and I wouldn’t stop you if you did. I couldn’t. I couldn’t fight my best friend. The tension between us and you hating me is bad enough. I’m not as effective as I used to be in the field. I’m sloppy, I’m letting things get past me. I—”
Lena held her hand up. “So, it’s my fault you’re letting people die? It’s my fault you’re not doing your job correctly? That’s a load of bullshit, Kara, and you know it.” She stood up, reaching into her desk and setting a lead box on the edge of it. “You have one minute to be out of my office, taking that bag of grease with you, and you will never return to this office. I don’t care who you think you are, you are no longer welcome here. Get out, or I will open the Kryptonite and force you out, exposing you to my entire office. Do you understand me? Get. Out.”
 Kara nodded softly, grabbing the Big Belly bag and her purse, making her way to the door. “I hope one day you’ll forgive me, Lena. If that day is the one were you put that Kryptonite into my chest or my head…I’ll fully understand. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I lied, and I’m sorry I betrayed our friendship. Even if you won’t have me, you’re still my best friend, Lena. Even if it means we have to fight.” She walked out and shut the door, making her way to the elevator before hearing her phone go off. “Figures…from one Supergirl related incident to another…”
 Lena put the Kryptonite back in her desk, going over to the minibar and pulling out a bottle before rolling her eyes. “She may be a lying bitch, but at least she knew what I drink,” she muttered, pulling the cap and taking a drink straight from the bottle.
 Lena sighed, running her hands through her hair and pushing the wet curtain down her back before shutting off the now cold shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around herself before stepping out. She cracked the bathroom door to let the steam out, running her hand over the fogged-up mirror. She looked at her reflection, cheeks red from the heat of the shower before slamming her fist into the mirror, shattering it and causing its pieces to fall into the sink. Turning and walking out, she sat at her make up table before her mind wandered back to the second time she’d seen Kara that day, just an hour before.
 Lena left the office before her receptionist for once, a feat that was mildly amusing to the CEO because she was always last out, first in. Making her way to her car, she pulled into the street to head home before seeing a blue and red blur over the car and crash into the street ahead of her. She slammed on the brakes as Kara’s head popped out of the small impact crater, blood on her face. Her eyes got wide and she gasped, despite the anger in her heart for Kara, seeing the way she looked. She looked at Kara as she climbed up, seeing her suit ripped in the abdomen and one arm, Kara still fighting. Lena felt her heart clench, seeing Kara’s determination.
 “Lena, get out of here!” Kara said, pushing the car to the side with all of her might as a green blast sailed through the air and into Kara’s chest, right where Lena’s car had been seconds before. Kara’s scream filled the air, the blonde being thrown backward. Lena looked in the mirror and saw Metallo stomping down the street before leaping forward, pinning Kara to the ground.
 Lena watched in horror and, she’d realize in disgust later, a sick sense of justice as Metallo fired point blank into Kara’s chest with its Kryptonite heart. She felt her hands clench around the wheel, throwing the car into reverse, speeding away and leaving the battle behind. One half of her brain, the half filled with ideas of vengeance on Kara, hoped Metallo killed her so she’d finally be rid of her lying former best friend. The other half, the half that knew Kara lied for a reason and didn’t want her dead, hoped Kara would win, Lena’s heart being caught in the middle of the struggle.
 Lena felt the tears in her eyes, looking at her reflection in the make-up mirror. “You don’t want her dead, Lena…you just want her to suffer like you did,” she said. “That’s all you want, isn’t it? Play the little blonde for a sucker like she did to you for three years?” She heard her phone go off, sighing as she walked over and picked it up, rolling her eyes at the name.
 “What, Alex?” she asked, putting it on speaker phone as she threw her towel on the bed, crossing the room to her big walk in closet.
 “You need to come to the DEO. Right now.”
 “Why? More lies and secrets?” Lena asked, looking at her phone with a hard stare as if she was trying to light Alex on fire from across town. She pulled her underwear on and grabbed a pair of slacks before tugging them on. “Why should I, Alex?”
 “Kara’s dying. Poisoned by Kryptonite because of Metallo. Brainy and I are running every scenario we can to purge the Kryptonite, but the sun generators aren’t doing anything. We’re running out of options, and…we need a brain bigger than ours to help.”
 Lena looked down, realizing which side of her brain had started winning. “I don’t know if I should, Alex. The way I treated her today, not to mention the last few months, I’m probably the last person she wants to see.” Tears fell down her cheeks, making no move to wipe them away.
 “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Ever since we scraped her off of the sidewalk with a dead Metallo robot, all she’s done is say your name. Just constant “Lena, I’m sorry.” for the last hour. If you’re the last person she wants to see while apologizing for lying to you because she’s dying of Kryptonite poisoning, then I’m straight and marrying Brainy.”
 Lena sobbed a laugh, shaking her head softly. “Alright…alright. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” she whispered. “Alex, please…keep her alive until then.”
 “We’ll do our best, Lena. We’ll see you soon.” With that, the line went dead, leaving Lena standing in a dark bedroom with the sounds of her own heartbeat in her ears.
 She finished dressing and took off out of the penthouse, not giving a damn that she was probably breaking more then one or two traffic laws. She skidded to a stop in the DEO parking garage, taking off for the elevator up to the top floors. Lena walked out, being met with Alex and Brainy.
 “Where is she?” she asked.
 “Medical,” Alex said. “J’onn’s with her, so is our mom. I swear, we had this same conversation last year.”
 “We did, but that was because the air was laced with Kryptonite,” Lena said, looking down as she walked into Kara’s room behind Alex. The sight on the bed made her heart stop. Kara was looking like a shell of her former self, all color gone from her face, her blonde hair dull.
 Kara lifted her head softly, a weak smile finding her lips. “Lee…you came…” She whimpered and laid her head back, closing her eyes softly. “Mmm…”
 “No, don’t you dare close your eyes,” Lena demanded, crossing the room and taking Kara’s hand. “Don’t you fucking dare. Listen to me, goddamn you. You will not die today. You don’t die until I tell you, got it?” She squeezed Kara’s hand tightly, her own heart thundering in her chest. “Kara. Kara, look at me.”
 Kara opened her eyes softly, looking up at Lena. “You came…even though…you hate me,” she whispered. “You’re still here…”
 “Of course, I’m here,” Lena whispered, rubbing Kara’s hand. “I let my anger get the better of me, Kara. I’m so sorry…” She felt the tears fill her eyes as she pressed her forehead to Kara’s hand, her shoulders shaking.
 “No…I’m sorry,” Kara said, her voice a little stronger. “I shouldn’t have lied for so long. I’m sorry, Lee. I’m sorry I put you in that position.” She sighed softly, wincing as she put her hand on her chest. “Lena….do you forgive me? I’ll understand if you don’t..”
 Lena sniffled softly, looking up at Kara. “I forgive you. I know you never meant to hurt me, sweetie. I…I’m sorry I let my anger cloud my mind. I know you only lied to protect me, and I’m sorry I let it ruin our friendship.”
 Kara nodded softly. “It’s ok, Lena,” she said.
 Lena looked at the monitors, seeing Kara’s vitals starting to rise. “What’s happening?” she asked, looking at Alex and Eliza.
 Eliza smiled, looking at the monitor. “She’s recovering. I think, and Alex will have to back me up on this, I think that Kara was letting herself die because she thought dying would make you stop hating her, Lena. She’d rather die and take your pain away then live and put you through that every single day.”
 Lena looked at Kara who just simply nodded. “You idiot,” she said, leaning down and hugging Kara tightly. “You are an absolute idiot. Why would you do that?”
 Kara hugged Lena back, biting her lip. “Because I can’t live with you being mad at me, Lena. I never wanted you to hate me. I never wanted our friendship to fall apart. You’re my best friend in the multiverse, and…if I could make up for hurting you, I would.”
 Lena shook her head softly. “You’re so stupid, Kara…” she whispered, closing her eyes. “I’m sorry I made you think like that…”
“I’m sorry I lied,” Kara said, rubbing Lena’s back. “Do you forgive me?’
 Lena looked at Kara and nodded. “I do. Soon as you’re out of here, we’ll sit and have a long talk, ok?”
 “Yes, ma’am,” Kara said with a small smile.
 Lena smiled softly, sitting beside Kara’s bed and rubbing her hand softly. Despite being angry at her less then two hours before, Lena knew she was in the place she needed to be. Kara was her best friend, and the one person she wouldn’t trade. She knew in her heart she’d made the right choice to come down to the DEO, one Lena knew she wouldn’t regret.
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neetmatsuimagines · 5 years
Hey new Osomatsu San writing blog! Nice to meet you! I love the writings you did so far! (,,> <,,)♡ ahhh so I was wondering if you would write the matsu bois taking their s/o on a date? Like where would they take them and what would they do? You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to but yeah... good luck on your writings! ˙˚ʚ⸜(* ॑ ॑* )⸝ɞ˚˙
He’s fidgeting his thumbs to himself behind his back as he waits for you to come out of the bathroom. He’s nervous, really nervous. This was the first date date that you to had after the first few months you two have been dating. He wanted to take you somewhere special for once and he worked and had slight help from his parents since this was his first relationship before so they wanted to help him actually have a chance with someone.
He jumped when you walked out of the door and his eyes widened. You laughed when you saw his reaction. “Do I look that different?” You asked. And he nodded, “y-you look amazing babe.” He said and you laughed. “Thanks sweetie, you look pretty dashing as well.” You said, laying your hand on his chest to help flatten out his suit more. “T-Thanks!” He said happily a smile forming on his face.
“So if I may ask, where are we going? Chibita’s?” You asked and he laughed rubbing his nose with his index finger. “Nah, you’ll see sweetheart.”
~~~at the restaurant~~~ He took you to the fanciest restaurant in town. Akatsuka’s restaurant. From what you know and what your grandparents told you, he was a really important man to the city and from what Osomatsu told you, he was important to his family too.
You two walked in, your arms linked around his, you saw a man behind the desk, whom had a thick unibrow and a long pointed down mustache.
“Matsuno-San it’s good to see you, your table is this way.” Said the man as he led you two to your table. “If you was wondering he’s a family friend.” Said Osomatsu and you nodded understandably.
When you two arrived there was a large vase on red roses in the center of the table. You two sat down and you looked around in awe.
“Wow, this place is beautiful.” You said and he chuckled. “Well I do want the best for you sweetheart.” He said rubbing his nose. You can tell he was nervous.
You two soon ordered and had your meals, you was laughing with him as if you had known each other for years. The light pink hue on his cheeks from the bit of alcohol he had was showing.
After you two had your meals and thanked the people working there you two left, walking slowly to what you assumed was the park. Your hands linked together.
“Man that meal was amazing” he said and sat down on the swing set, you sat on the one next to him.
“That sure was a really fancy place Oso.” You said and he laughed. “Sure was, only for the best!” He said and lightly rested his hand on your knee.
“Not to be mean or anything but, that was a surprise that you took me to such a fancy place. Don’t worry I loved it it was amazing in there, I just felt like it wasn’t really your style or anything.” You said and he looked at you. His face was unreadable, ‘crap’ you thought, ‘did I anger him?’. He got up and moved in front of you. He got down on his knees and held onto you in a tight hug.
“I wanted the best for you (y/n), I really— really like, no love you and I—I wanted to show you how much I care about you so I worked to save up a bunch of money to take you there—I—I—.” You moved lightly and that made him jump. You cupped his cheeks in your hands and kissed him. He slightly jumped but only for him to cup your cheeks in his as well and kiss you back. You leaned back but only for you to fall out of the swing set and fall, him on top of you. He looked down at you and laughed.
“Good god I love you so much (y/n).” He said and you sighed, hand coming up to cup his cheek.
“And I love you Matsuno Osomatsu.”
He rolled back and forth on the balls fo his feet looking back and forth from everything in your living room, feeling anxious as ever. He heard the small patter of you running around to know that you was hurrying as fast as you could to make it down stairs.
“I’m sorry Kara, I’m done now!” You said as you ran down the stairs into the living room.
“Hmm it’s fine my sweet Karamatsu angel! Your priorities are more important than anythi-“
His words were cut off when he saw you, you looked stunning. Beautiful.
“My sweet Angel, the apple of my eye, the sweet peach! You look as stunning as ever!” He said and you blushed. “Thank you Kara.” You said and he hummed.
“You look stunning too.” You said. Placing your hands in his chest to fix his tie. “My sweet apple you make me blush. But you look far better than I.” He said and danced around you.
“Not it interrupt your sweet words sweetie but we will be late to our date.”
“ oh by of course my sweet baby boo we shall be off!” He said picking you up bridal style and running out the door.
~~~ As you to arrive you noticed it was an outdoor restaurant right beside a lake. The stunning view of the sunset being shown between tall trees. You saw a man come up to you two and ask for your name.
“Matsuno.” Said Karamatsu.
“Of course come this way.”
You to arrived to a gazebo that was in the middle of the lake and had a single table in the middle of it.
After you two order and got your drinks you sighed out looking around watching the sun set. “It’s beautiful here Karamatsu.” You said and he sighed, lightly grasping your hand, his thumb creasing your hand. “Not as beautiful as you are (y/n)” he said.
After you two ate, he took you out on a boat, going to the middle of the lake. A small lantern, electrical of course so the boat didn’t burn down, sat right between you two.
“My sweet bean.” He said lightly grasping your hands making you blush lightly.
“This date was so amazing Karamatsu.” You said and he smiled.
“It was.” He said and leaned in to kiss you.
“I love you.” You said and he smiled, a true genuine smile.
“I love you too.”
And you two laid there watching the sun set and counting the stars as they appeared.
Choromatsu Choromatsu stood strait upwards barley moving. He looked at the wall as he heard you move around behind him. “Choro honey, are you ready? “ You asked and he jumped. Turning around like a robot. “Y-yes!” He said and looked at you only to blush more, you looked…amazing.” He thought and you giggled, cupping his cheek with your hand. “You ok honey?” You asked and his face flushed even redder. “Y-yes!”
“Well let’s get going.” You said and wrapped your arms around his and he helped. Slowly walking you out of the door.
You know he was nervous, he was fidgeting his fingers on his side and you smiled reassuringly at him.
“It’s ok honey.” You said resting your hand on his. He jumped, his legs hitting the table. He smiled, nodding bashfully. You knew he worked hard to get reservations here from his boss. Which he was grateful for. He wanted to take you somewhere special.
You lightly grasped his hand in yours, thumb rubbing it reassuringly. “Honey.” You whispered softly and he looked at you. “Breath in.” You said. And he shakily breathed in.
“And out.”
He exhaled.
“And out.”
After a few times of doing that he calmed down. “It’s ok honey I really love it here, you don’t have to worry.” You said and he relaxed. “Do you really?” He asked and you nodded kissing his hand. “Of course.” He sighed and smiled softly. “Ah, I’m glad.” He said and you smiled back. You looked behind him and saw your food being brought and smiled.
“Now let’s eat.”
~~~ After the dinner he walked you to the car. “That was so good Choro thank you for taking me there.” You said and he nodded. “You’re welcome honey.” He said and kissed your cheek.
“Ah I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ he shuddered out until you kissed him on the lips, you soon pulled away to giggle at his flushed face.
“It’s ok honey, you can kiss me anytime.”
You looked over at Ichimatsu in the corner of your eye as you drove to your destination. “This is really sweet of you honey.” You said and smiled at him. He only nodded, while briefly looking over at you. You pulled into the parking lot and went to get out only to see him right outside of the door. ‘When did he?’
He opened the door and leaned down with his arm extended. He didn’t look at you but you knew he was in a way. You smiled and grabbed his arm and stepped out of the car.
“Thank you Ichi.” You said and he blushed. “Sorry to make you drive.” He muttered and you patted his arm reassuringly. “It’s ok sweetie it doesn’t bother me. “ you said and looked up at him. He briefly looked down at you and looked away.
“…ok” He said softly and you smiled.
You two made it to the cafe he planed a date for you and sat down. You looked around seeing the opened space the cute little place had and sighed.
“It’s really nice here Ichi.” You said and he nodded, looking down at his Dr. Pepper. Fiddling with the straw with his mouth.
After you two ate you both went to the car and drove home, but right when you was about to get there on the road you two saw a kitten. You knew to pull over and let him go see it. The road was empty so you two didn’t have to worry about vehicles.
You knelt down with him as he extended his hand to let the small grey kitten lean against his hand. It purred softly and leaned into the quite mans hand.
“Is she tagged?” You asked and he shook his head.
“Want to take her home?” You asked and he nodded as well. You laughed lightly and stood up, he lightly grabbed the kitten and followed you back to the car.
“Well I guess we got another family member than huh?” You said as you got in and he made a choking noise. “—ya—I guess we do.” He muttered and you smiled softly.
“What do you want to name her?” You asked and he waited for a moment before muttering. “Shadow…” and you smiled even more. “Such a pretty name for a pretty kitten.” You said and he nodded in a agreement.
You jumped when you felt sleeve covered hands cover your eyes when you two was walking. “Jyushi what are you doing?” You asked while laughing and he laughed too.
“Just wait and see.” He giggled and lead you up to what you assumed was a hill. When you heard him say stop he removed his hands and quickly moved to stand in front of you.
“Tada!” He shouted and extended his sleeves out happily and you looked down to see a blanket and a large picnic basket laying in the center of it.
“Oh my gosh, Jyushi this is amazing!” You said smiling wide and looking up at him and kneeling down onto the blanket. He kneeled down to and giggled while extending his sleeved hand.
“Do you like it?” “I love it sweetie!” You said and he laughed. “Yay!” He cheered and you giggled.
After you two ate all of the food that was in the basket, he folded the blanket up and carried it and the basket with him. “Follow me!” He said and you did. Wondering where your energetic lover was going.
You soon was led to a large tree and he sat everything down and pushed his sleeves back and lightly grabbed your hands with his.
He hummed softly and giggled.
“Jyushimatsu…” you muttered softly and he tilted his head. “You’re so cute honey.” You said and he giggled. “Not as cute as you!” He said and you giggled.
“I love you (y/n)-chan!” He said and you blinked, you blinked again. You than smiled.
“I love you too Jyushimatsu!” You said and his smile grew even more. He laughed loudly, it booming around you two.
He grabbed you by your waist and twirled you around. “I LOVE YOU!” He shouted and you smiled while laughing.
He was smiling while looking his phone. His plan to go to the best diner in town to treat you. “You look more sly than usual honey, what’s the occasion?” You asked and he jumped. Shutting the screen of his phone off. “Ah nothing” Said Todomatsu as he smiled innocently. “I just have some plans for tonight is all.” He said and looked out the window. “With you and Atsushi?” You asked and he shook his head and leaned in.
“With you sweetheart.” He said and you blushed.
“Got a special date planned for the person in the world.” He said and walked over to you and grabbed your hands lifting you up.
“Let’s get going.” He said as he started to pull you out the door. “B-but you said tonight!” You said and he giggled. “It is night silly.” And you looked around and yes indeed it is nighttime.
~~~ You two arrived and saw it was a cute little diner and book store. He sat in front of you and held that cute little smile.
You got suspicious, and good thing you did. He was up to something. The people behind the counters were going in and out of the back room a lot more than you ever saw them do in places like this.
Soon your food was brought to you two but, on a silver plater? How can a place like this do something like that? You soon found out why when the lid was lifted and a rice omelette was presented to you. You saw him grab the ketchup and spell something on it.
”To the best person in the world”
~~~ Please forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes because this is all written on my phone and my phone hates me and loves to auto correct on me.
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wlwhc · 6 years
Almost - Alex Danvers x Reader
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(A/N): Soooooo, I have 23 requests on my inbox, BUT I had this idea running around in my head so, here you have a bit of angst and Alex :D
Warning: Blood - mention of injuries - angst - mention of loss - bitchy James (sorry) and I swear a few times, I think that’s all 
Words:  2935 
Summary: What would happen if a mission went side ways, almost taking your life in the process...how would your girlfriend react?
Red drops of blood running down your chin,  skin paler than snow,  your heart was hammering your ears,  every step you took it would repeat in your bones. Your muscles couldn’t hold you anymore,  your legs were starting to give in,  and your mind had only one goal, get to the quinjet and escape.
The holes in your body were spitting blood,  some of them chewing the remaining of the bullet. One in the shoulder, one in the arm, one in the stomach and another one had scratch your leg. The purple and blue spots could also be seen with ease,  your whole body was decorated with them, each of them weakens you further. A few cuts had also invaded your body, you’re just a huge mess,  a mess that would not hold much longer. Most of the enemies are dead,  but your team has also taken that destiny. You are the only one standing,  or at least trying to.
Your trembling hands pressing your wounds,  trying to stop the blood. You take a deep breath,  trying to get rid of that blurriness that was taking over you. Step by step you made your way to the hangar,  agents scattered through the hallway,  blood in every wall,  the smell of it was making you feel sick,  or maybe it was the smell of gunpowder mixed with burned skin from the explosion or just dizziness from the bloodloss.
The gun that your hands were trying to hold has only 3 bullets, and even if you could take the shots,  you’re just a few minutes away from passing out. You could hear people running a few floors above you, you had no time to lose.
Meanwhile, Alex was having a crisis when J’onn informed her about your situation, or at least the last info he had received from your team. The mission has been compromised, and there was no chance that you could be alive. She had tried to convince J’onn to let her go there,  to try to find you,  save you, but J’onn could not risk her life to save another, and with Supergirl currently getting her batteries recharged, there was nothing he could do. He knows how much you mean to her, but still, he couldn’t let her go.
You didn’t know how,  but you made it to the quinjet, the problem was that it wasn’t yours and you didn’t have much time left to read the manual. With the last straw of strength that your body had, you pointed the coordinates to the nearest D.E.O  base with hopes that you could make it there alive, and with the sound of the plane taking off,  you could finally close your eyes, not knowing how hard it would be to open them again.
“Alex you need to calm down,  Winn is doing everything he can to find them-” Kara was trying to calm her sister but nothing seems to work, the older Danvers was almost hysterical, and no one could blame her. 
The D.E.O had been blessed with your help, an ex-marine and well trained Navy soldier. But Alex’s was the one that really felt blessed with your presence, anyone could see her throwing you heart eyes at every chance you weren’t looking at her, love was in the air, and now you two are just one month away from the anniversary. A month away and Alex already has a big day planned, she actually planned it 3 months ago, but if you die today...you’ll never know how much she loves you, you’ll never enjoy the big day she planned, and maybe this specific issue is not what’s in Alex’s head, but is certainly one of the things that are going to weight on her back if you die, and everyone knows she’s not going to be the same.
“J’onn should have sent me!” The red-headed shouts, throwing her anger at the Martian.
“Y/n is more than capable to defend herself,  she’s one of the top agents like yourself, she’s going to make it” The Kryptonian tried to reassure her sister, but even Kara, a girl which never loses hope, knows that maybe it’s too late for you. And it hurts, not just because you’re like a sister for her, but because if you die, you’re not going to be the only one going down, you’re taking Alex with you as well...and she can’t do anything about it, no powers...no hero
“…I can’t lose her…I can’t get through this again Kara… I can’t” Alex says, her hopes crumbling down almost as fast as her patience. The blonde wraps her arms around her, trying to keep her sister's pieces together as long as she can.
“we are going to find her, and we’re going to find her alive” Kara whisper, and for a second, Alex’s hopes rise.
“Agent Danvers!” The Danver sister could hear shouts from outside
“Agent Danvers! we found her! J’onn is taking her to the medbay-” Vazquez came rushing, agitated from running almost half the base. Alex jumps out of Kara’s arms and with just two steps she was already in front of her fellow agent.
“is she alright!?” She asks, maybe too loud.
“I-I-I w-would not said that, no” Vazquez says, her eyes fixed on the ground, as if trying to avoid Alex’s desperate state for good news.
Alex’s didn’t need any other word from her, with a speed she didn’t recall to have, she reached the medbay, but a pair of strong arms stopped her from getting in. J’onn.
“hey…breath,  she’s with the Doctors okay? She’s going to be alright, we found her, Breath” J’onn, as well as Kara, tried to calm Alex down, but again, it didn’t work very well.
“I-I want to see her-” Alex says, not knowing that the surgeons were currently trying to bring you back to life. Of course J’onn knew that, and honestly, he doesn’t know if he should tell her, but he also knows that one thing that stands out from their relationship, honesty.
“we’re going to wait here-” He is going to tell her about your state, it’s not easy but she will thank him in the future for being honest with her.
Alex tried to squirm away from J’onn’s stronghold, tears blurring her view.
“no! I-”
“Alex” J’onn says, in a tone that could be easily mistaken as an order but Alex knows that..is a defeat it tone, almost as a plea
“No J’onn please-” Alex doesn’t want to hear it, the bad news, the “get ready for the worst” conversation.
“Alex...she’s not okay-” And with that, Alex crumbles down, this time she didn’t fight the J’onn’s embrace, her sobs not letting her body fight.
“Okay she’s back again, we need to do this quicky people” J’onn could hear the Doctors conversation.
“Dr. Grey are you alright?”
“y-yeah is just… this poor girl”
“someone get me more blood!”
“call Dr. Hunt!”
“how is she?” Winn asked Kara that was currently passing through the hallways, just as nervous as everyone in the base. not only Alex or Kara knows you, the entire base had at least talk to you once, and everyone had the same vibe from you, pure light. So it isn’t just one person that is going to miss you, is the entire establishment.
“she’s with J’onn right now” Kara says, her voice cracking a little, for anger? fear? sadness?, or all in between. Her eyes held tears that she didn’t dear to spill just because it would feel as if your time had come to an end, and there was still hope for you...or maybe not
“and Y/N?” Winn asked, cringing at the bad taste that the words left. Kara only raises her head up from the ground, the tears no longer being contained, and with a small sad smile, she shakes her head and takes a deep breath.
“I got my powers back...I-I can hear the doctors talk and-” She couldn’t finish the sentence, the realization that you may die today hitting her hard.
“She’ll be alright...isn’t she?” Winn asks, almost innocently, but deep down knowing what future may wait for you.
“I don’t know-” Kara says, more tears escaping.
“shh come here” Winn wrapped her in his arms, trying to give Kara as much comfort as he could give her.
“I came as fast as I could,  how is she?” Lena asked as she came rushing from work. James was currently there, watching for anything to know what happened to the mission that clearly didn’t end up well.
“Not okay, The doctors are doing everything they can but...” James didn’t know how to say it, you’re not just a friend for Lena, you’re like her sister.
“but?” Lena asked, waiting impatiently for the answer, looking at James demanding for answers. James sighs.
“don’t get your hopes high” Lena takes a deep breath, analyzing the situation, although she wanted to cry right now, she need it to be strong, to hold her hopes close to her heart, you’re one of the best agents after all..you’ll fight this, you’ll survive this. Meanwhile, maybe she could do anything to help. L-Corp had developed an interesting on medicine, and with that, it came to the result of a few upgrades in the Med-bay, perhaps they need something else to help you.
“are they using the tools I gave them? do they need any-” James sighs.
“Lena they’re using everything we have and more, believe me when I say that they’re doing everything they can” Lena huffs at this, her fear and desperation for helping you get the best of her.
“they’re certainly not-” James cuts her off.
“and you think that you could do better than them? that you can’t bring someone from the dead” James says, and a huge fire enlights inside Lena’s chest.
“Watch me”
One of the doctors finally gets out of the med-bay, Alex got up from her chair immediately, almost tackling the doctor.
“how is she?” the Doctor sighs
“she’s still in surgery, we’re going everything we can but her body has taking way too much damage, her organs are slowly failing and we are getting short on the blood supply, are the gel bandages ready for use?” The question being directed to J’onn, which he answered with a sigh.
“no, they are not ready, there’s still-” Lena interrupts the conversation, a big box in her hands.
“they are now” She says a bit agitated, running in heels is not an easy task, she gives the box to the doctor
“Lena-” Alex exclaims
“I fix them, the only change is that they are smaller but I bring as much as I could, do you guys need anything else? more hands?” Lena asks, rubbing her hands anxiously, worrisome written all over her face.
“No ma’am, we’ll bring news soon” The doctor rush into the room once again. Lena looks at Alex state, and quickly approaches her, her arms embracing the older Danvers in a much-needed hug, Alex slowly getting comfortable in Lena’s embrace and comfort.
“she’s going to be okay” Lena whispers, more to herself than to Alex
“I know”
It was late at night when the doctor appears again, a tired smile on his face.
“We manage to stabilize her vitals and remove all the bullets, her organs are functioning pretty well considering her state, she’s still in a pretty bad shape, we lost her more than once, she’ll need to stay in that bed for a long time-” Alex couldn’t help herself and interrupt the men, anxious to know if you would be okay
“but she’ll be okay?” Alex asks.
“yeah, she’ll be okay” the doctor says, and Alex could finally breathe. Her hands were shaking badly, and she could feel her soul returning to her body. Lena sighs in relief, the tears she had tried to hold back spilling without caring, you’ll be okay. J’onn nods at the doctor, and then looks at the ceiling, thanking the universe for not letting you go.
“Can I see her?” Alex asks, her body crying out in need to embrace you.
“Unfortunately no ma’am, not until tomorrow, she’s in a delicate state” Alex sighs but nods nonetheless.
“thank you Dr.Hunt” Lena says, smiling, happy to know that you’ll be okay.
“those gel bandages work Ms Luthor, that saved her life” Says before leaving, and before Lena could register, Alex was holding her as tight as she could.
“Thank you” Your girlfriend says, letting out a sob, you’ll be okay, you’re alive.
1 weeks later
You could feel your entire body crying, and burning at the same time. The beeping noise of a machine along with someone’s soft breathing. You tried to open your eyes but they had other plans. Your throat feels like a desert, and every time you swallow, you feel as if you were swallowing sand. Your nose could recognize the smell of clean bed sheets and sanitizer. A hospital, well, that explains the unbearable pain and no strength. What happened?. You tried to remember, but your mind was pretty dizzy, still, you could remember a few things. Mission, guards, ambush, dead men, blood, pain, quinjet, darkness. Well, the mission went wrong, it seems like you almost die and now you’re probably in a hospital, hopefully in the D.E.O. 
You tried to move your hand or something at least, you tried once again with your eyes, you could feel them slowly opening, the lights in the room blinding you, making the already awful headache make their presence more noticeable. After you got accustomed to the lights, you could see a ceiling, one pretty similar to the one in the D.E.O.
You move your head to the right, finding a chair with a bag, and when you move your head to the left you saw someone, red short hair... Alex.
You smile softly, somehow her presence making your pain a little bit more bearable, you tried to move your hand into hers, since she was occupying a bit of the bed to rest her head, and manage to hold it. You tried to talk but it only makes a wave of coughs settle in your chest, seems like your lungs weren’t happy with you, breathing was already hard, it felt like burning a bit, but talk? fucking hell.
You started coughing, your body begging you to stop, but you couldn’t. Alex wakes up immediately
“Oh my god Y/N” She exclaims, grabbing a bottle of water near her, she helps you sit, making you wince in the process, and you drink the whole bottle, your throat thanking you.
“Hey” You say once you started breathing normally again, your voice raspy from not being used. Alex grins, tears already threatening to spill.
“Hey” She says, holding your hand tightly. You could see the dark circle under her eyes, your girl didn’t have a nice night.
“I feel like crap” You sigh. Alex runs her fingers through your hair, making it hard not to close your eyes.
“yeah I imagine...you almost didn’t make it Y/N” She says, her voice cracking a bit, sighing deeply. You nod, as if you were used to almost dying situations.
“and still here I am” You say, smiling at her, gathering all the strength you have to raise your hand and caressing her cheek, your girlfriend leans into your touch, more tears spilling, her skin missing your warmth.
“Y/N-” You could see the speech coming, about you being reckless, or maybe about you not taking enough care.
“it’s not my fault you know?...they came out of nowhere” You say quickly, holding her hand tighter at remembering the bloodbath that was that mission. Alex kisses your temple somehow sensing what you were thinking.
“I know but...I almost lost you” She says, her voice as broken as your ribs probably are. You tried to lift her spirit, as always.
“but you didn’t, I-I’m okay” You said, wincing when you tried to sit, Alex huffs at your antics, smiling at bit, not a happy smile at all.
“you said you feel like crap” She says accusingly
“you smile a little, I feel better already” You say, making her smile for real this time. Alex sighs, leaning to locking her lips with yours, after so much time, so much suffering, she haves the chance to kiss you again. As if her lips would contain the antidote to your pain, you could feel your body floating already, this woman really is the love of your life.
“I love you” She says, smiling fondly at you
“And I love you” You say, Alex gets up from her place walking to the door
“I’ll call the doctor-” She says, remembering that you still need medical attendance
“he can wait-” You say, pointing at your lips, with your eyes closed, tiredness invading your body. sleeping for a week wasn’t enough uh?
“you had an 8 hours surgery and have been in bed not waking up for a week, I’m calling the doctor-” Alex says but stops when she sees you pout.
“one more?” She sighs and walks to your bed, leaning once again to meet your lips. You hummed in delight, just for groan when Alex walks away once again.
“I’ll be fast” She says smiling at you, feeling that warmth in her chest.
“don’t worry I’ll wait here” You say sarcastically, making her snort.
“as if you could go anywhere else”
“ha ha, good one Danvers”
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bi-angelwolf · 6 years
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Soulmates With A Lost Memory Is A Terrible Feeling. Especially For The CEO Of L-Corp And A Reporter [ Hero ] Of CatCo. Lena Luthor Had An Amazing Life, Considering What She Has Gone Through. She Has A Best Friend, Samantha Arias. She Works And Owns A Large [ Family ] Company. But She Doesn’t Have Any Memory Of One Part Of Her Life... A Soulmate. Samantha Says It’s Okay To Not Remember But Lena MUST Remember.
Kara Danvers Was National City’s Hero And CatCo’s New Reporter. She Had A Strong Mindset But She Would Get Sidetracked... Only, She Would ALWAYS Remember Her Life With A Soulmate. Alex’s Said It’s Wonderful, It Feels Amazing. She’s Met Her Soulmate, Detective Maggie Sawyer. Kara Gets Lonely On Game Nights. James And Winn Are Together, Alex And Maggie Are Together. Kara Is The Only One Who Hasn’t Found Her Memory... Yet. ———————— Kara Was Assigned To Do An Interview For The CEO Of L-Corp. Only, She Didn’t Know That Her Soulmate Would Be There... In That Building... With Her Best Friend. Kara Was Getting Ready Before Heading Over To The Building. She Kept Her Eyes Out For Anyone, To Bring Her Hidden Memory Back. Alex Had Explained It To Kara. When You Meet Your Soulmate, Your Memory Is Exposed. The Memory Of Our Past Life... Of Who We Were And Who Our Soulmate Was. Alex Had Said Maggie Was A Fine Warrior, And She Was A Knight. Kara Didn’t Know Who She Was In The Past And She Was Prepared... But She Knew She Would Be Looking Carefully... Who Knows?
Lena Was A Big Gay Mess, Sam’s Words, Not Hers. Samantha Told Lena She Was A Gay Woman Who Was Touch Starved For A Soulmate. Lena Disagreed, She Wasn’t Touch-Starved... She Just Had A Hint On Finding A Soulmate... She Had Seen Glimpse Of Her Past Life. She Was A High Priestess, Her Soulmate Was Unknown... Sam Said She Didn’t Care Who Her Soulmate Was, She Had Ruby. Ruby Arias Was Her 13-Year-Old Daughter, Took A Lot After Sam’s Personality. Ruby Depended On Her Mom And Her New Friend, Lena. Lena Said She Wasn’t A “Role Model”, Just A Close Friend And Willing To Have A Small Family. Samantha Teased Lena, But They Always Had A Strong Bond. They Were Close But Not Enough To Say “Soulmate”.
Lena Was In Her Office, She Was Doing Spreadsheets When A Knock Was Upon Her Door. Jess, Her Assistant, Came In And Told Lena A Reporter Was Outside Her Office. Lena Told Jess To Bring The Reporter In. She Was Happy For Jess, For She Had Found Her Soulmate. Lena Refocused On Her Paperwork When Soft Footsteps Entered Her Office. She Looked Up And Saw A Literal Goddess. Dirty Blond Hair In A High Ponytail, Blue Doe Eyes Stared At Lena’s Emerald Eyes. She Was Muscular, Sun-Kissed Skin. Lena’s Breath Hitched. Memories Flashed In Her Mind. It Gave The CEO A Headache... But She Pushed Through.
Kara Found Herself Standing Outside An Office. She Had Told A Lady, Jess, That She Was From CatCo. She Was Interviewing Lena Luthor. Kara Never Met The Woman In Person. Jess Had A Smug Smirk Before She Went To Tell Lena That Kara Was Waiting. The Blonde Woman Was Bouncing On The Balls Of Her Feet. She Was Nervous, But Nothing To He Nervous Right...? Wrong. Kara Had NO Idea That She Was Going To Have Her Past Memories Returned Or Even Meet Her Soulmate... Kara Was Told She Could Go In. She Walked In The Office And Stopped. She Saw A Woman Sitting At A Desk... Raven Hair Pinned Up In A Tight Bun. Plane Skin Glowed Under The Sun. A Red Dress Hugged The Woman’s Body. She Saw The Woman Lift Her Head And Saw Dark But Soft Emerald Eyes. Kara Was Hesitant, She Slowly Walked Forward And Sat In One Of The White Chairs In Front Of The Desk. Lena’s Eyes Followed, Both Women Didn’t Say Anything, Yet... Lena Coughed Slightly Before Her Red Lips Curved Into A Faint Smile, 'Hello, It’s Lovely To Meet You.’ Kara Snapped Out Of Her Daydream And Shook Lena’s Outstretched Hand. She Fidgeted With Her Glasses “Hello, Ms. Luthor. I’m Kara Danvers, Reporter From CatCo. I'm Here To Do An Interview About Some Of Your Projects" Of Course, Kara Would Be Nervous... She Was Sitting In Front Of A Goddess... She Didn’t They Were Real, Apparently They Were. She’ll Have To Tell Alex About This After Work. After She Was Done. 
Lena Nods, Of Course, Her Stomach Did Flips. She Was Staring At A Beautiful Woman. She Tilted Her Head And Arched Her Eyebrow It’s Nice To Meet You Too, Ms. Danvers. I Don’t, Ask Me Anything. I Do Hope You Write Good Things About Me. Lena’s Voice Was Soft, Sharp, And Had A Hint Of An Irish Accent. Her Eyes The Most Greenest Color Ever.
Kara Nodded Before She Started The Interview. Flashes Of Her Past Appeared In Her Mind. She Was A Knight, Lena Was A Sorceress. A High Priestess, Of A Royal Family. Kara Figured She Was Some Kind Of Knight Or Warrior. Since She Was So Strong And She Had A “Knight-Like Attitude”. The Interview Was Finished, Kara Shook Hands With Lena. She Left The Office, Heading Towards The DEO. Lena Canceled The Rest Of Her Meeting And Called Sam. She Told Sam To Meet Her At Noonan’s.
After Meeting With Sam, Lena Went Back To The Office. She Was Thinking About Kara And The Memories That Had Returned. She Was Oblivious But Sam Said That Kara Could Be Her Soulmate. Lena Had A Lot Going On And She Didn’t Want To Drag Kara In It. Maybe Sam Is Right, What If Kara Is ACTUALLY Her Soulmate... Kara Was At The DEO, Talking With Alex. She Had Told Her Sister What Happened. Alex Told Kara What To Do And Told Her Lena Was Her Soulmate. Alex Knew Her Baby Sister Was Gay, Even If Kara Didn’t Know It. Kara Would See Lena The Next Day And Tell Her What Happened... ————— [ Next Day ] Kara Went Inside L-Corp And Up To Lena’s Floor. She Saw Jess Working, She Let The Reporter In. Lena Was In Her Office, Running Her Hand Through Her Hair. It Was Down, Cascading Down Her Back And Over Her Shoulder. She Heard The Door Click Shut And Saw Kara. She Smiled Faintly, Before Standing To Greet Kara. Kara Hugged Lena, The Other Woman Hugged After She Was Startled. Kara And Lena Sat On The Sofa, She Explained What Happened The Other Day. Lena’s Eyes Widened, She Was Shocked... Because That Happened As Well. Lena Was Called By Jess, Telling Her About A Meeting She Had. Lena Stood And Excused Herself. Kara Would Return Tonight, And Possibly Tell Her About Something... If Alex Would Allow It.
Day Fell, Night Rose. Kara Flew To L-Corp, Landing On Lena’s Balcony. She Entered, Seeing Lena Look Over Spreadsheets. Kara Walked Around The Desk, Lena Looked Up And Saw National City’s Hero. She Arched Her Eyebrow, Confused To Why Supergirl Was There... 'Supergirl. What Can I Do For You?' Lena Spoke Softly, Kara Smiled And Placed Her Hands On Her Hips. “Miss Luthor, I Have Something To Tell You. And I Understand The Whole Soulmate Memory Thing On Earth. Krypton Had A Similar Thing, We Had Marks Of Our Soulmates. And This Has Nothing To Do With Your Family But...” Kara Inhaled Sharply, Hearing The Rapid Beating Of Lena’s Heart. She Exhaled Deeply, Looking Into Lena’s Emerald Eyes “I’m Kara Danvers.” Lena’s Eyes Widened More, She Pursed Her Lips. She Shook Her Head, Covering Her Face. She Laughed Hysterically, She Had A Thought But Never Pushed. She Didn’t Actually Believe It. 'I’m Sorry... I Believe You, Just I Had A Thought You Were Her. Thank You For Telling Me.'
Lena Looked At Kara, Her Eyes Were A Soft Blue. She Smiled, Kara Stepped Close And Looked Into Lena’s Intense Emerald Eyes. She Tilted Her Head, She Towered A Few Inches Taller. Lena Looked Up At The Hero Before She Looked Down At The Crest. She Had Her Mind Remember The Crest, Kara Hummed Softly. She Let Her Hearing Focus On Lena’s Steady Heartbeat. She Placed A Hand On Lena’s Cheek, Stroking It. Lena Looked At Kara Before She Closed The Gap Between Them. Kara Gasped, Feeling Soft Lips On-Hers. Lena Had Kissed Kara! It Was Gentle, But Full Of Love. Kara Kissed Lena Back, She Pulled Lena Close. They Parted, Blushing Deeply. Kara Wrapped Her Arms Around Lena Before She Took Her Into The Sky. Lena Had Her Arms Wrapped Around Kara, Feeling The Cool Breeze.
She Had Found Her Soulmate... Her Hero. She Was Happy, That She Found Her Soulmate. Kara Found Her Soulmate, Her Genius. She Promised To Protect Lena From Any Harm. They Would Both Tell San And Alex The Next Day About, What Happened That Night. This Is How A Genius And A Hero Found Each Other And Became As One... In A New Life, With A New Family And Friends. @sango-blep ( Hello Sango! I’m Bi-Angel, I’m the -A anon that asked about the Fanfic. I hope you like this AU )
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
After the Dust Settles - 1/1
A/N: My 9/11 Flash fanfiction is here. I hope you enjoy it. This day is a heavy one for me, and a couple years back I felt inspired to write a Flash fic for it because of that. It didn’t happen then, but it happened today. With some helpful assistance from my awesome beta ( @valeriemperez ) and lovely friend ( @hamaheaven ), I am satisfied with the end result.
Trigger Warning: As stated above, this does revolve almost entirely around the terrorist attack events on 9/11/01. I tried to be as sensitive as possible to all concerned.
Synopsis: September 11, 2021 - Twenty years after the terrorist attack in New York City, Barry is brought face-to-face with the life-changing events a Central City citizen still experiences as a ripple effect of that day.
The warm, autumn sun woke Barry up as it did every morning. A little groggy with some sleep dust in his eyes, but inevitably eager to make Iris breakfast as soon as he spotted her still fast asleep beside him.
But this morning when he opened his eyes, he saw she wasn’t fast asleep. She was propped up in bed, leaning back against the headboard. There was an incredibly troubling look at her face and what looked to be tears in her eyes. But she didn’t register him watching her because she was staring so intently at something on her phone.
He sat up slowly next to her, gently brushing his arm against hers so as not to startle her. She was startled anyway, but when she turned to look at him, she took one earbud out of her ear and handed it to him. Then she tilted her phone in his direction. He put the bud in his ear without question and directed his gaze at the video playing on the screen.
His heart broke as much as hers must’ve. They knew no one personally who had been at the scene of that horrendous terrorist attack, but that didn’t make it any easier to bear.
“Today marks the twentieth anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center towers in New York City. Over 2700 United States citizens died in the attack, 3500 including those from other countries, and even now there are many people that simply no remains have been found…”
The reported continued on, giving details of what had presumably led to the attack, the exact details of the morning it happened, and what happened after, including the war on terror. Amidst all this was video footage of the towers being hit and collapsing, people running in terror, the loved ones of victims crying and sharing their stories. A detailed list of where all the memorial services were being held that day followed.
Iris sighed and leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder.
“It’s so awful, isn’t it?”
He pressed the home button on her phone to exit out of the hard-to-watch videos and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Iris set her phone down on the bed between them and laced her fingers through Barry’s.
“All these years later, and it just…it was the beginning of so many terrible attacks…and then adding metas on top of that?” She sighed, overwhelmed. “If there hadn’t been so much coming together afterwards, there would probably be very little hope in the world. At least…” She glanced up at him. “Until the Flash arrived.”
His concentrated frown worried her. “What is it?”
“Sometimes I think about going back,” he admitted.
She straightened immediately. “Barry, don’t-”
“I’m not going to do it, Iris,” he said calmly, then turned to her. “It’s just something I think about.” He shrugged. “Could more lives have been saved if the Flash was there to get people out of those buildings before they collapsed? With Kid Flash and Jesse Quick and our daughter helping too?”
“Now you’re mixing the past and the future,” she tried to joke, but the train of thought still worried her.
“And what about Kara?” he added. “She can literally stop planes in mid-air. She could have prevented the attacks altogether.”
Iris smiled sadly and reached to touch his face.
“Would our world be a better place now if that event had been prevented?”
She sighed, her hand dropping to his chest.
“I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe something worse would have happened. You just don’t know the future until it happens to you.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “At least for most people,” she muttered.
He laughed a little, though it felt wrong to do so. Then he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and held her to him for a long while in silence.
Barry Allen, CSI forensic scientist was needed more than the Flash that morning. Joe had called him in while Barry and Iris were quietly eating breakfast, still dwelling on the significance of the day. Some criminal had escaped, was wanted for all sorts of petty crimes, and one really big one: murder, at a bank when he was trying to rob it. It didn’t look like a meta this time, which was a relief. This one would be routine. Hopefully they would catch the guy before he left town.
Barry and Joe returned to CCPD together after all the evidence had been gathered. They were about to go their separate ways – Barry to his lab and Joe to his desk – when a young woman tore out of Singh’s office, looking royally pissed off. Singh called after her, but since she hadn’t done anything wrong, inevitably he let her go.
“Who was that?” he asked Joe. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t place how.
“Her name’s Ayda. She’s a few years younger than you and Iris. She went to the same elementary school. Her dad owned a candy shop downtown.”
“Ol’ Papa’s, that’s right!” Barry said cheerfully. “I remember now.” He sobered up when he realized Joe was still very serious.
“Her mother worked in the Trade Center.”
Barry’s heart plummeted, along with his smile and his sudden good mood.
“Ayda’s father didn’t handle it well, and one day he just left. No one could find him. Ayda went into foster services, and no one claimed her. No foster parent wanted her because she looked like-”
Barry’s eyes widened. “No.”
Joe sighed, the memory of that time washing over him in terrible, agonizing waves.
“The police chief we had at the time was of the many in those early years who assumed that if you looked like an Arab, there was a high chance you were either a part of the 9/11 attack or would attack in the future. Since attacks kept coming, he felt justified in his vindication and tried to persuade the whole city to feel the same. Enough did that she was never adopted.”
“What about you?” he asked, horrified.
“I talked to a few other detectives, the ones that hadn’t been brainwashed, but I didn’t push the chief as much as I should have. I had two mouths at home to feed besides my own. I was working over time and still barely making ends meet. I couldn’t afford to lose my job by saying the wrong thing.”
“Oh, Joe.”
There wasn’t disappointment in Barry’s voice, but Joe was still sinking into himself more than he’d been a minute ago.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“No, it’s good you did.” He inhaled and exhaled slowly. “Eventually it was uncovered that the chief wasn’t just placing the blame on every Arab-looking citizen in Central City, he was also blackmailing the ones he hadn’t touched yet with everything he wanted of theirs that they owned – houses, cars, money, you name it.”
“Oh, my God.”
“If they didn’t comply, he added them to the list. Many ended up leaving the city in hopes of a safer place to live. I have to tell you, Barry, the early 2000s was not a good look for Central City.”
He swallowed hard. “So, what happened?”
“When I discovered the blackmail, I convinced the remaining good guys on the force to act on it with me. The chief had so many people wrapped around his finger, but we managed to overpower him by manipulating him to confess while on camera. Then those in the city who hadn’t turned a blind eye to what he was doing or agreed with it, came forward to demand he resign. He has forced out of office and left town, apparently got in a car crash not five miles out of town and died on impact.”
“That’s convenient.” Barry eyed his suspiciously.
“I try not to think about it,” Joe said. “Anyway, Ayda has come in here every year since she turned eighteen to demand an update on the search for her missing father. We never have good news to tell her, because with everything else going on, time just hasn’t allowed for us to make it a priority. Besides, it’s been twenty years.”
“But he’s her only family,” Barry said softly.
“I know,” Joe returned the softness.
“Is she doing well otherwise?” Barry asked.
Joe shrugged. “I don’t know much, but I don’t think so. People don’t reject her the way they did when she was a kid, but with finding her dad as her top priority, she doesn’t make other things her priority the way she maybe should sometimes.”
“Such as?”
“Such as keeping a job, making sure she eats, has a roof over her head.”
“Jesus, Joe.”
“I know, I know. But she refuses help. All she wants is for us to find her father. For a good month or two, Singh will probably assign a new task force to the case, as he does almost every year. But there are other, I hate to say it, more pressing matters to attend to. When nothing turns up by Thanksgiving, he’ll probably drop it until she comes in to make more demands next year. The fact of the matter is, her father probably got out of the country and is living a new life somewhere else, trying to put the past behind him-”
“Including his daughter?”
“Or he didn’t make it that far, was killed…either by someone else’s doing or his own.”
“You really think…?”
“He was in a really bad place when he disappeared. Not to mention there was a lot of shady, covered-up shit happening around the time Chief Dolan was in office. We’ve brought a lot of those victims to justice, but there are still many that haven’t gotten there yet.”
Barry shuddered. “I didn’t realize Central City had such a…dark past.”
“I tried to shield it from you kids. In fact, a lot of parents, regardless of their beliefs, tried to shield it from their children. Some didn’t. It’s how Ayda and other kids like her ended up being bullied.”
Barry had sunk so far inside himself he didn’t know if he could climb out of it.
“And I thought those videos were the only thing that was going to make this day hard to get through,” he mumbled.
Joe’s brows furrowed. “What videos?”
Barry brushed it off. “Oh, you know, the internet is recapping the events of 9/11. Everyone is sharing their story again. So many hearts are still broken, and the footage of the actual towers coming down, it’s…”
“Yeah,” Joe agreed. “I know.”
“Well,” he said after a while, clearing his throat. “I should, uh-”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ll see you later.”
Later that day, Flash was making his rounds. There hadn’t been too much crime after the robbery incident. The guy had even been caught. Memorials were taking place around the city and many people had come and gone from the cemetery. Everywhere Barry went, things felt heavy. Not as heavy as they’d felt that morning when he was with Iris and then again with Joe, but it was still so somber being in the middle of all of this.
After confirmation from Cisco that crime was essentially nonexistent, Barry was about to head home when he spotted a familiar face leaning against the leg of the bridge on the dingier side of Central City.
He ran to her and came to a stop. She glanced over at him, briefly startled but then subdued once more.
“Well, hello, Flash. What did I do to receive such an honored guest?”
She glanced at him, surprised.
“You know my name.”
“I know-”
“Oh, wait, of course you do. Unless you’re an actual alien and didn’t live here twenty years ago, it’s impossible for you not to know who I am.”
He was silent for a beat. “Ayda, I am so sorry for what happened to your family.”
She tensed. “They’re dead.” She looked away. “At least my mother is. My father…”
He took a hesitant step towards her. “I know it’s hard-”
“Hard?” Her eyes blazed. “It’s fucking devastating. You have no idea what it’s like, to be rejected for the color of your skin, for people to think you’re a terrorist at eight years old, for your dad to-” She shook her head. “Your red suit doesn’t hide how white you are. And you are praised by the city, not condemned by it.”
“I wasn’t always,” he said, though he knew a lot of what she said was true. He could relate to parental deaths. Everything else? Not so much. “Both my parents were murdered. My mom died the same year as yours. And my dad left…”
She swallowed hard. It looked like he was maybe getting through to her.
“You think my dad is dead? Is that what you’re trying to say? Well, every case does not go the way yours did, Flash.”
She turned away from him, making for her exit. He didn’t try to speed ahead of her.
“My dad came back,” he said.
That made her stop. She turned to look at him.
“We didn’t find him because he’d been murdered. We found him because he’d been set free. He was killed later…by someone else.”
She ran back to him.
“You think he’s kidnapped maybe? That he’s been held hostage this whole time? For twenty years?”
He hesitated, knowing this was both good and bad. He’d given her hope. He just didn’t want it to be the false kind. If this line of thinking didn’t lead anywhere good, she’d fall down a darker path than she was already on.
“It’s…possible.” He paused. “Anything is possible.”
She sunk into herself a little. “So it’s possible he’s dead too.”
“Ayda… A few times after my dad was…kidnapped, I was allowed to talk to him.”
“Oh, my God.”
She was clearly startled by that. He didn’t blame her. How often did someone get to have full conversations with the person being contact when it wasn’t used as a means to convince someone to give ransom? He’d just been a kid.
“He told me…that I was obsessing, that I wasn’t living, because all I cared about was saving him.”
She scoffed. “But he was kidnapped.”
His lips twisted ruefully. “I know. That’s how I felt.”
“How could he-”
“He’d accepted his fate. Or, what he thought his fate was, I guess.”
“Obviously you didn’t listen to him.”
“I didn’t give up on him.”
“So, you understand-”
“But I did try to really live in the meantime.”
Her lips thinned. She didn’t like that.
“Ayda, all I’m saying is…if your father could see you now, he probably would be proud of you for fighting for him, but…I think it would break his heart to see the way you’re living.”
Her eyebrows narrowed. “The way I’m living,” she said flatly.
“In between jobs, no roof over your head, no new clothes, scrounging for food… That’s not-” He paused. “That’s not a life.”
“It’s none of your business how I live my life, Flash. Maybe you’d better move on to the next person in need of saving, because it isn’t me.”
He hesitated, his failure unacceptable, her hurt seemingly impenetrable.
“What if I agreed to help you?” he offered, hearing Joe’s berating repeated ‘no, no, no, no’ in his head as he said it.
“What are you talking about?” she asked, annoyed.
“Your father. What if I helped to find him too?”
She gasped, and he could see the reluctant hope fill her eyes.
“You would do that? But…what if he’s not here? What if he’s overseas?”
That almost made him laugh. He allowed himself to smile.
“I’m really fast.”
Back at STAR Labs, everyone proceeded to throw him death glares.
“You did what?” barked Joe, expectedly.
Barry winced and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I know you mean well, babe, but…” Iris slowly approached him. “Are you sure she wants your help? What if you get her hopes up? What if you can’t find him? What if he’s dead?”
“What if he isn’t?” He took a breath. “Look, I know you guys think this is crazy. And it is, okay? It is. But today is just so…it’s awful. I know I save people every day, but I didn’t save anybody that day. I was just a kid. And I understand where she’s coming from. And you know, maybe I don’t find him. But in the meantime, she’s agreed to really try to keep a job. I’m going to get her a place to stay and food until she can pay for it herself, and if she makes friends, finds someone special…maybe even the worst news in the world won’t be worth risking everything that she’s found.”
The team still appeared reluctant.
“We have no Big Bad right now, guys. Can we spend some time just…trying?”
Resigned, Joe nodded. “All right, Bear. I can get you the files we have on Ayda’s dad at the precinct.”
“And I can do some digging on him from that,” Iris offered.
“I do have some pretty epic tech right now that might help with a missing person’s case,” Cisco said, not without a hint of pride.
“And we have a state-of-the-art lab here,” Caitlin concluded. “We can test anything and everything without getting the police suspicious.”
“I’m police,” Joe said flatly.
“But you’re our police,” she said sweetly, to which he snorted but agreed.
“We’re doing this then?” Barry asked excitedly.
Iris came to him and held his hands tightly. “We’re doing it.”
He grinned widely, ignoring how badly this could go if his claim to help ended up nowhere. He believed in Ayda. Deep down he knew they all did. If she could build a life for herself, that would be her doing. It would be something she could be proud of, relationships she didn’t want to lose. And if the news regarding her father was bad, she would have the support of those she’d grown to love and who loved her. And she would have the Flash.
On more than one occasion, he’d been told he couldn’t save everyone, and that he needed to accept that. But he could save some.
He could save Ayda.
“…9-11 showed us what human beings are capable of. The evil, yeah, sure, but it also brought out the goodness we forgot could exist. People taking care of each other…for no other reason than it was the right thing to do. It’s important for us to talk about that good, to remember. Because I saw a lot of it that day.”
– John McLoughlin (World Trade Center, 2006)
*Also posted on AO3 and FFnet.
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